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Lazorne 22dc4c1918
Fixed some stuff
2023-05-22 05:15:21 +00:00
cooker.jpg Added cooker logo 2022-04-05 00:29:22 +09:00
cooker.png Updated logo 2022-10-05 19:36:16 +02:00
cooker_old.jpg Updated logo 2022-10-05 19:36:16 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2022-04-04 19:38:31 +09:00 Update 2023-05-22 05:15:21 +00:00


RetroDECK-cooker logo

What is RetroDECK Cooker?

RetroDECK Cooker are the bleeding edge development builds of RetroDECK. These builds are only for development and testing purposes.

🛑 Warning! Backup before testing! 🛑

These builds can make you loose all data including ROMS, BIOS and Scraped Data etc.. We recomend that you don't run Cooker builds on your main gaming machine and wait for Stable Releases.

🛑 Warning! Excpect bugs and issues! 🛑

These builds contain several bugs, are volitile and unstable.

Can I help you with testing?

Yes, do the backups above and tell in Discord channel i-want-to-help that you are instrested in testing out Cooker builds. You will get some instructions from one of the mods and be promoted to a BetaTester role.

Can I contribute to the project in another way?

Yes! Everybody is welcome to contribute in any way possible if it is personal time or funds, just check out our Discord!

  • Do you know how to code and want to contribute? Please join the development team!
  • Maybe you know graphics, art or UI & UX design? Join the discussion!
  • You can just help by helping others in the support or guide people on various social media and communication platforms.
  • You can also help by just finding and testing the best configurations for the emulators and the roms.
  • Or just help us by doing bug reports on all the issues you find (please check old issues first before submitting a new one).
  • By joining the -new-helpers-start-here channel on Discord and keeping an eye on the issues tab as well as the Roadmap tab, you can be up to speed on the latest developments on RetroDECK.
  • We have a Patreon page if you want to help us keep our build servers running or just buy us a beverage