2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin <stenzek@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:03:45 +00:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)
2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
#include "d3d12_stream_buffer.h"
#include "d3d12_device.h"
#include "common/align.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include "D3D12MemAlloc.h"
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#include <algorithm>
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D3D12StreamBuffer::D3D12StreamBuffer() = default;
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bool D3D12StreamBuffer::Create(u32 size)
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const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resource_desc = {
2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC allocationDesc = {};
allocationDesc.Flags = D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED;
allocationDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD;
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2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> buffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<D3D12MA::Allocation> allocation;
HRESULT hr = D3D12Device::GetInstance().GetAllocator()->CreateResource(
&allocationDesc, &resource_desc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_GENERIC_READ, nullptr, allocation.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf(),
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if (FAILED(hr)) [[unlikely]]
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2024-05-23 10:55:28 +00:00
ERROR_LOG("CreateResource() failed: {:08X}", static_cast<unsigned>(hr));
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return false;
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2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
static const D3D12_RANGE read_range = {};
u8* host_pointer;
hr = buffer->Map(0, &read_range, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&host_pointer));
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if (FAILED(hr)) [[unlikely]]
2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
2024-05-23 10:55:28 +00:00
ERROR_LOG("Map() failed: {:08X}", static_cast<unsigned>(hr));
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return false;
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2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
m_buffer = std::move(buffer);
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m_allocation = std::move(allocation);
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m_host_pointer = host_pointer;
m_size = size;
m_gpu_pointer = m_buffer->GetGPUVirtualAddress();
return true;
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bool D3D12StreamBuffer::ReserveMemory(u32 num_bytes, u32 alignment)
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const u32 required_bytes = num_bytes + alignment;
// Check for sane allocations
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if (num_bytes > m_size) [[unlikely]]
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2024-05-23 10:55:28 +00:00
ERROR_LOG("Attempting to allocate {} bytes from a {} byte stream buffer", static_cast<u32>(num_bytes),
2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
Panic("Stream buffer overflow");
// Is the GPU behind or up to date with our current offset?
if (m_current_offset >= m_current_gpu_position)
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const u32 aligned_required_bytes = (m_current_offset > 0) ? required_bytes : num_bytes;
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const u32 remaining_bytes = m_size - m_current_offset;
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if (aligned_required_bytes <= remaining_bytes)
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// Place at the current position, after the GPU position.
m_current_offset = Common::AlignUp(m_current_offset, alignment);
m_current_space = m_size - m_current_offset;
return true;
// Check for space at the start of the buffer
// We use < here because we don't want to have the case of m_current_offset ==
// m_current_gpu_position. That would mean the code above would assume the
// GPU has caught up to us, which it hasn't.
if (required_bytes < m_current_gpu_position)
// Reset offset to zero, since we're allocating behind the gpu now
m_current_offset = 0;
m_current_space = m_current_gpu_position;
return true;
// Is the GPU ahead of our current offset?
if (m_current_offset < m_current_gpu_position)
// We have from m_current_offset..m_current_gpu_position space to use.
const u32 remaining_bytes = m_current_gpu_position - m_current_offset;
if (required_bytes < remaining_bytes)
// Place at the current position, since this is still behind the GPU.
m_current_offset = Common::AlignUp(m_current_offset, alignment);
m_current_space = m_current_gpu_position - m_current_offset;
return true;
// Can we find a fence to wait on that will give us enough memory?
if (WaitForClearSpace(required_bytes))
const u32 align_diff = Common::AlignUp(m_current_offset, alignment) - m_current_offset;
m_current_offset += align_diff;
m_current_space -= align_diff;
return true;
// We tried everything we could, and still couldn't get anything. This means that too much space
// in the buffer is being used by the command buffer currently being recorded. Therefore, the
// only option is to execute it, and wait until it's done.
return false;
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void D3D12StreamBuffer::CommitMemory(u32 final_num_bytes)
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2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
DebugAssert((m_current_offset + final_num_bytes) <= m_size);
DebugAssert(final_num_bytes <= m_current_space);
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m_current_offset += final_num_bytes;
m_current_space -= final_num_bytes;
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void D3D12StreamBuffer::Destroy(bool defer)
2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
if (m_host_pointer)
const D3D12_RANGE written_range = {0, m_size};
m_buffer->Unmap(0, &written_range);
m_host_pointer = nullptr;
if (m_buffer && defer)
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D3D12Device::GetInstance().DeferResourceDestruction(std::move(m_allocation), std::move(m_buffer));
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2023-08-13 03:42:02 +00:00
2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
m_current_offset = 0;
m_current_space = 0;
m_current_gpu_position = 0;
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void D3D12StreamBuffer::UpdateCurrentFencePosition()
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// Don't create a tracking entry if the GPU is caught up with the buffer.
if (m_current_offset == m_current_gpu_position)
// Has the offset changed since the last fence?
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const u64 fence = D3D12Device::GetInstance().GetCurrentFenceValue();
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if (!m_tracked_fences.empty() && m_tracked_fences.back().first == fence)
// Still haven't executed a command buffer, so just update the offset.
m_tracked_fences.back().second = m_current_offset;
m_tracked_fences.emplace_back(fence, m_current_offset);
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void D3D12StreamBuffer::UpdateGPUPosition()
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auto start = m_tracked_fences.begin();
auto end = start;
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const u64 completed_counter = D3D12Device::GetInstance().GetCompletedFenceValue();
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while (end != m_tracked_fences.end() && completed_counter >= end->first)
m_current_gpu_position = end->second;
if (start != end)
m_tracked_fences.erase(start, end);
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bool D3D12StreamBuffer::WaitForClearSpace(u32 num_bytes)
2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
u32 new_offset = 0;
u32 new_space = 0;
u32 new_gpu_position = 0;
auto iter = m_tracked_fences.begin();
for (; iter != m_tracked_fences.end(); ++iter)
// Would this fence bring us in line with the GPU?
// This is the "last resort" case, where a command buffer execution has been forced
// after no additional data has been written to it, so we can assume that after the
// fence has been signaled the entire buffer is now consumed.
u32 gpu_position = iter->second;
if (m_current_offset == gpu_position)
new_offset = 0;
new_space = m_size;
new_gpu_position = 0;
// Assuming that we wait for this fence, are we allocating in front of the GPU?
if (m_current_offset > gpu_position)
// This would suggest the GPU has now followed us and wrapped around, so we have from
// m_current_position..m_size free, as well as and 0..gpu_position.
const u32 remaining_space_after_offset = m_size - m_current_offset;
if (remaining_space_after_offset >= num_bytes)
// Switch to allocating in front of the GPU, using the remainder of the buffer.
new_offset = m_current_offset;
new_space = m_size - m_current_offset;
new_gpu_position = gpu_position;
// We can wrap around to the start, behind the GPU, if there is enough space.
// We use > here because otherwise we'd end up lining up with the GPU, and then the
// allocator would assume that the GPU has consumed what we just wrote.
if (gpu_position > num_bytes)
new_offset = 0;
new_space = gpu_position;
new_gpu_position = gpu_position;
// We're currently allocating behind the GPU. This would give us between the current
// offset and the GPU position worth of space to work with. Again, > because we can't
// align the GPU position with the buffer offset.
u32 available_space_inbetween = gpu_position - m_current_offset;
if (available_space_inbetween > num_bytes)
// Leave the offset as-is, but update the GPU position.
new_offset = m_current_offset;
new_space = gpu_position - m_current_offset;
new_gpu_position = gpu_position;
// Did any fences satisfy this condition?
// Has the command buffer been executed yet? If not, the caller should execute it.
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if (iter == m_tracked_fences.end() || iter->first == D3D12Device::GetInstance().GetCurrentFenceValue())
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return false;
// Wait until this fence is signaled. This will fire the callback, updating the GPU position.
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2021-07-10 11:37:08 +00:00
m_tracked_fences.erase(m_tracked_fences.begin(), m_current_offset == iter->second ? m_tracked_fences.end() : ++iter);
m_current_offset = new_offset;
m_current_space = new_space;
m_current_gpu_position = new_gpu_position;
return true;