
391 lines
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2023-05-29 14:11:06 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace biscuit {
// Control and Status Register
enum class CSR : uint32_t {
// clang-format off
// User-level CSRs
UStatus = 0x000, // User status register
UIE = 0x004, // User interrupt-enable register
UTVEC = 0x005, // User trap handler base address
UScratch = 0x040, // Scratch register for user trap handlers
UEPC = 0x041, // User exception program counter
UCause = 0x042, // User trap cause
UTVal = 0x043, // User bad address or instruction
UIP = 0x044, // User interrupt pending
FFlags = 0x001, // Floating-point Accrued Exceptions
FRM = 0x002, // Floating-point Dynamic Rounding Mode
FCSR = 0x003, // Floating-point Control and Status Register (frm + fflags)
Cycle = 0xC00, // Cycle counter for RDCYCLE instruction.
Time = 0xC01, // Timer for RDTIME instruction.
InstRet = 0xC02, // Instructions retired counter for RDINSTRET instruction.
HPMCounter3 = 0xC03, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter4 = 0xC04, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter5 = 0xC05, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter6 = 0xC06, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter7 = 0xC07, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter8 = 0xC08, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter9 = 0xC09, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter10 = 0xC0A, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter11 = 0xC0B, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter12 = 0xC0C, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter13 = 0xC0D, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter14 = 0xC0E, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter15 = 0xC0F, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter16 = 0xC10, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter17 = 0xC11, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter18 = 0xC12, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter19 = 0xC13, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter20 = 0xC14, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter21 = 0xC15, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter22 = 0xC16, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter23 = 0xC17, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter24 = 0xC18, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter25 = 0xC19, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter26 = 0xC1A, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter27 = 0xC1B, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter28 = 0xC1C, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter29 = 0xC1D, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter30 = 0xC1E, // Performance-monitoring counter.
HPMCounter31 = 0xC1F, // Performance-monitoring counter.
CycleH = 0xC80, // Upper 32 bits of cycle, RV32I only.
TimeH = 0xC81, // Upper 32 bits of time, RV32I only.
InstRetH = 0xC82, // Upper 32 bits of instret, RV32I only.
HPMCounter3H = 0xC83, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter3, RV32I only.
HPMCounter4H = 0xC84, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter4, RV32I only.
HPMCounter5H = 0xC85, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter5, RV32I only.
HPMCounter6H = 0xC86, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter6, RV32I only.
HPMCounter7H = 0xC87, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter7, RV32I only.
HPMCounter8H = 0xC88, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter8, RV32I only.
HPMCounter9H = 0xC89, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter9, RV32I only.
HPMCounter10H = 0xC8A, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter10, RV32I only.
HPMCounter11H = 0xC8B, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter11, RV32I only.
HPMCounter12H = 0xC8C, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter12, RV32I only.
HPMCounter13H = 0xC8D, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter13, RV32I only.
HPMCounter14H = 0xC8E, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter14, RV32I only.
HPMCounter15H = 0xC8F, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter15, RV32I only.
HPMCounter16H = 0xC90, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter16, RV32I only.
HPMCounter17H = 0xC91, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter17, RV32I only.
HPMCounter18H = 0xC92, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter18, RV32I only.
HPMCounter19H = 0xC93, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter19, RV32I only.
HPMCounter20H = 0xC94, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter20, RV32I only.
HPMCounter21H = 0xC95, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter21, RV32I only.
HPMCounter22H = 0xC96, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter22, RV32I only.
HPMCounter23H = 0xC97, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter23, RV32I only.
HPMCounter24H = 0xC98, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter24, RV32I only.
HPMCounter25H = 0xC99, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter25, RV32I only.
HPMCounter26H = 0xC9A, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter26, RV32I only.
HPMCounter27H = 0xC9B, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter27, RV32I only.
HPMCounter28H = 0xC9C, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter28, RV32I only.
HPMCounter29H = 0xC9D, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter29, RV32I only.
HPMCounter30H = 0xC9E, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter30, RV32I only.
HPMCounter31H = 0xC9F, // Upper 32 bits of HPMCounter31, RV32I only.
// Supervisor-level CSRs
SStatus = 0x100, // Supervisor status register
SEDeleg = 0x102, // Supervisor exception delegation register
SIDeleg = 0x103, // Supervisor interrupt delegation register
SIE = 0x104, // Supervisor interrupt-enable register
STVec = 0x105, // Supervisor trap handler base address
SCounterEn = 0x106, // Supervisor counter enable
SEnvCfg = 0x10A, // Supervisor environment configuration register
SScratch = 0x140, // Scratch register for supervisor trap handlers
SEPC = 0x141, // Supervisor exception program counter
SCause = 0x142, // Supervisor trap cause
STVal = 0x143, // Supervisor bad address or instruction
SIP = 0x144, // Supervisor interrupt pending.
STimeCmp = 0x14D, // Supervisor timer register
STimeCmpH = 0x15D, // Supervisor timer register, RV32 only
SATP = 0x180, // Supervisor address translation and protection
SContext = 0x5A8, // Supervisor-mode context register
// Hypervisor-level CSRs
HStatus = 0x600, // Hypervisor status register
HEDeleg = 0x602, // Hypervisor exception delegation register
HIDeleg = 0x603, // Hypervisor interrupt delegation register
HIE = 0x604, // Hypervisor interrupt-enable register
HCounterEn = 0x606, // Hypervisor counter enable
HGEIE = 0x607, // Hypervisor guest external interrupt-enable register
HTVal = 0x643, // Hypervisor bad guest physical address
HIP = 0x644, // Hypervisor interrupt pending
HVIP = 0x645, // Hypervisor virtual interrupt pending
HTInst = 0x64A, // Hypervisor trap instruction (transformed)
HGEIP = 0xE12, // Hypervisor guest external interrupt pending
HEnvCfg = 0x60A, // Hypervisor environment configuration register
HEnvCfgH = 0x61A, // Additional hypervisor environment configuration register, RV32 only
HGATP = 0x680, // Hypervisor guest address translation and protection
HContext = 0x6A8, // Hypervisor-mode context register
HTimeDelta = 0x605, // Delta for VS/VU-mode timer
HTimeDeltaH = 0x615, // Upper 32 bits of HTimeDelta, HSXLEN=32 only
VSStatus = 0x200, // Virtual supervisor status register
VSIE = 0x204, // Virtual supervisor interrupt-enable register
VSTVec = 0x205, // Virtual supervisor trap handler base address
VSScratch = 0x240, // Virtual supervisor scratch register
VSEPC = 0x241, // Virtual supervisor exception program register
VSCause = 0x242, // Virtual supervisor trap cause
VSTVal = 0x243, // Virtual supervisor bad address or instruction
VSIP = 0x244, // Virtual supervisor interrupt pending
VSTimeCmp = 0x24D, // Virtual supervisor timer register
VSTimeCmpH = 0x25D, // Virtual supervisor timer register, RV32 only
VSATP = 0x280, // Virtual supervisor address translation and protection
// Machine-level CSRs
MVendorID = 0xF11, // Vendor ID
MArchID = 0xF12, // Architecture ID
MImpID = 0xF13, // Implementation ID
MHartID = 0xF14, // Hardware Thread ID
MConfigPtr = 0xF15, // Pointer to configuration data structure
MStatus = 0x300, // Machine status register
MISA = 0x301, // ISA and extensions
MEDeleg = 0x302, // Machine exception delegation register
MIDeleg = 0x303, // Machine interrupt delegation register
MIE = 0x304, // Machine interrupt-enable register
MRVec = 0x305, // Machine trap-handler base address
MCounterEn = 0x306, // Machine counter enable
MStatusH = 0x310, // Additional machine status register, RV32 only
MScratch = 0x340, // Scratch register for machine trap handlers
MEPC = 0x341, // Machine exception program counter
MCause = 0x342, // Machine trap cause
MTVal = 0x343, // Machine bad address or instruction
MIP = 0x344, // Machine interrupt pending
MTInst = 0x34A, // Machine trap instruction (transformed)
MTVal2 = 0x34B, // Machine bad guest physical address
MEnvCfg = 0x30A, // Machine environment configuration register
MEnvCfgH = 0x31A, // Additional machine environment configuration register, RV32 only
MSecCfg = 0x747, // Machine security configuration register
MSecCfgH = 0x757, // Additional machine security configuration register, RV32 only
PMPCfg0 = 0x3A0, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg1 = 0x3A1, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg2 = 0x3A2, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg3 = 0x3A3, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg4 = 0x3A4, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg5 = 0x3A5, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg6 = 0x3A6, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg7 = 0x3A7, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg8 = 0x3A8, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg9 = 0x3A9, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg10 = 0x3AA, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg11 = 0x3AB, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg12 = 0x3AC, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg13 = 0x3AD, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPCfg14 = 0x3AE, // Physical memory protection configuration
PMPCfg15 = 0x3AF, // Physical memory protection configuration, RV32 only
PMPAddr0 = 0x3B0, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr1 = 0x3B1, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr2 = 0x3B2, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr3 = 0x3B3, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr4 = 0x3B4, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr5 = 0x3B5, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr6 = 0x3B6, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr7 = 0x3B7, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr8 = 0x3B8, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr9 = 0x3B9, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr10 = 0x3BA, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr11 = 0x3BB, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr12 = 0x3BC, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr13 = 0x3BD, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr14 = 0x3BE, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr15 = 0x3BF, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr16 = 0x3C0, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr17 = 0x3C1, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr18 = 0x3C2, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr19 = 0x3C3, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr20 = 0x3C4, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr21 = 0x3C5, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr22 = 0x3C6, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr23 = 0x3C7, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr24 = 0x3C8, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr25 = 0x3C9, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr26 = 0x3CA, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr27 = 0x3CB, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr28 = 0x3CC, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr29 = 0x3CD, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr30 = 0x3CE, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr31 = 0x3CF, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr32 = 0x3D0, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr33 = 0x3D1, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr34 = 0x3D2, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr35 = 0x3D3, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr36 = 0x3D4, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr37 = 0x3D5, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr38 = 0x3D6, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr39 = 0x3D7, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr40 = 0x3D8, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr41 = 0x3D9, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr42 = 0x3DA, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr43 = 0x3DB, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr44 = 0x3DC, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr45 = 0x3DD, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr46 = 0x3DE, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr47 = 0x3DF, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr48 = 0x3E0, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr49 = 0x3E1, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr50 = 0x3E2, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr51 = 0x3E3, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr52 = 0x3E4, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr53 = 0x3E5, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr54 = 0x3E6, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr55 = 0x3E7, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr56 = 0x3E8, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr57 = 0x3E9, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr58 = 0x3EA, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr59 = 0x3EB, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr60 = 0x3EC, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr61 = 0x3ED, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr62 = 0x3EE, // Physical memory protection address register
PMPAddr63 = 0x3EF, // Physical memory protection address register
MCycle = 0xB00, // Machine cycle counter
MInstRet = 0xB02, // Machine instructions-retired counter
MHPMCounter3 = 0xB03, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter4 = 0xB04, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter5 = 0xB05, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter6 = 0xB06, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter7 = 0xB07, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter8 = 0xB08, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter9 = 0xB09, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter10 = 0xB0A, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter11 = 0xB0B, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter12 = 0xB0C, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter13 = 0xB0D, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter14 = 0xB0E, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter15 = 0xB0F, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter16 = 0xB10, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter17 = 0xB11, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter18 = 0xB12, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter19 = 0xB13, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter20 = 0xB14, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter21 = 0xB15, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter22 = 0xB16, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter23 = 0xB17, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter24 = 0xB18, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter25 = 0xB19, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter26 = 0xB1A, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter27 = 0xB1B, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter28 = 0xB1C, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter29 = 0xB1D, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter30 = 0xB1E, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MHPMCounter31 = 0xB1F, // Machine performance-monitoring counter
MCycleH = 0xB80, // Upper 32 bits ofmcycle, RV32I only
MInstRetH = 0xB82, // Upper 32 bits ofminstret, RV32I only
MHPMCounter3H = 0xB83, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter3, RV32I only
MHPMCounter4H = 0xB84, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter4, RV32I only
MHPMCounter5H = 0xB85, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter5, RV32I only
MHPMCounter6H = 0xB86, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter6, RV32I only
MHPMCounter7H = 0xB87, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter7, RV32I only
MHPMCounter8H = 0xB88, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter8, RV32I only
MHPMCounter9H = 0xB89, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter9, RV32I only
MHPMCounter10H = 0xB8A, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter10, RV32I only
MHPMCounter11H = 0xB8B, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter11, RV32I only
MHPMCounter12H = 0xB8C, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter12, RV32I only
MHPMCounter13H = 0xB8D, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter13, RV32I only
MHPMCounter14H = 0xB8E, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter14, RV32I only
MHPMCounter15H = 0xB8F, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter15, RV32I only
MHPMCounter16H = 0xB90, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter16, RV32I only
MHPMCounter17H = 0xB91, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter17, RV32I only
MHPMCounter18H = 0xB92, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter18, RV32I only
MHPMCounter19H = 0xB93, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter19, RV32I only
MHPMCounter20H = 0xB94, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter20, RV32I only
MHPMCounter21H = 0xB95, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter21, RV32I only
MHPMCounter22H = 0xB96, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter22, RV32I only
MHPMCounter23H = 0xB97, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter23, RV32I only
MHPMCounter24H = 0xB98, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter24, RV32I only
MHPMCounter25H = 0xB99, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter25, RV32I only
MHPMCounter26H = 0xB9A, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter26, RV32I only
MHPMCounter27H = 0xB9B, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter27, RV32I only
MHPMCounter28H = 0xB9C, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter28, RV32I only
MHPMCounter29H = 0xB9D, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter29, RV32I only
MHPMCounter30H = 0xB9E, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter30, RV32I only
MHPMCounter31H = 0xB9F, // Upper 32 bits of MHPMCounter31, RV32I only
MCountInhibit = 0x320, // Machine counter-inhibit register
MHPMEvent3 = 0x323, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent4 = 0x324, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent5 = 0x325, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent6 = 0x326, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent7 = 0x327, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent8 = 0x328, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent9 = 0x329, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent10 = 0x32A, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent11 = 0x32B, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent12 = 0x32C, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent13 = 0x32D, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent14 = 0x32E, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent15 = 0x32F, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent16 = 0x330, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent17 = 0x331, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent18 = 0x332, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent19 = 0x333, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent20 = 0x334, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent21 = 0x335, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent22 = 0x336, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent23 = 0x337, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent24 = 0x338, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent25 = 0x339, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent26 = 0x33A, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent27 = 0x33B, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent28 = 0x33C, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent29 = 0x33D, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent30 = 0x33E, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
MHPMEvent31 = 0x33F, // Machine performance-monitoring event selector
TSelect = 0x7A0, // Debug/Trace trigger register select
TData1 = 0x7A1, // First Debug/Trace trigger data register
TData2 = 0x7A2, // Second Debug/Trace trigger data register
TData3 = 0x7A3, // Third Debug/Trace trigger data register
MContext = 0x7A8, // Machine-mode context register
DCSR = 0x7B0, // Debug control and status register
DPC = 0x7B1, // Debug PC
DScratch0 = 0x7B2, // Debug scratch register 0
DScratch1 = 0x7B3, // Debug scratch register 1
// Scalar Cryptography Entropy Source Extension CSRs
Seed = 0x015, // Entropy bit provider (up to 16 bits)
// Vector Extension CSRs
VStart = 0x008, // Vector start position
VXSat = 0x009, // Fixed-Point Saturate Flag
VXRM = 0x00A, // Fixed-Point Rounding Mode
VCSR = 0x00F, // Vector control and status register
VL = 0xC20, // Vector length
VType = 0xC21, // Vector data type register
VLenb = 0xC22, // Vector register length in bytes
// clang-format on
} // namespace biscuit