
265 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include "core/host.h"
#include "core/host_display.h"
#include "core/host_settings.h"
#include "core/system.h"
#include "core/types.h"
#include "frontend-common/common_host.h"
#include "frontend-common/game_list.h"
#include "frontend-common/input_manager.h"
#include "qtutils.h"
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QMetaType>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QSemaphore>
#include <QtCore/QSettings>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
class ByteStream;
class QActionGroup;
class QEventLoop;
class QMenu;
class QWidget;
class QTimer;
class QTranslator;
class INISettingsInterface;
class HostDisplay;
class MainWindow;
class DisplayWidget;
// These cause errors when compiling with gcc, implicitly defined?
// Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::function<void()>);
// Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(InputBindingKey);
class EmuThread : public QThread
/// This class is a scoped lock on the system, which prevents it from running while
/// the object exists. Its purpose is to be used for blocking/modal popup boxes,
/// where the VM needs to exit fullscreen temporarily.
class SystemLock
SystemLock(SystemLock&& lock);
SystemLock(const SystemLock&) = delete;
/// Cancels any pending unpause/fullscreen transition.
/// Call when you're going to destroy the system anyway.
void cancelResume();
SystemLock(bool was_paused, bool was_fullscreen);
friend EmuThread;
bool m_was_paused;
bool m_was_fullscreen;
explicit EmuThread(QThread* ui_thread);
static void start();
static void stop();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isOnThread() const { return QThread::currentThread() == this; }
ALWAYS_INLINE QEventLoop* getEventLoop() const { return m_event_loop; }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isFullscreen() const { return m_is_fullscreen; }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isRenderingToMain() const { return m_is_rendering_to_main; }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isSurfaceless() const { return m_is_surfaceless; }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isRunningFullscreenUI() const { return m_run_fullscreen_ui; }
bool acquireHostDisplay(HostDisplay::RenderAPI api);
void connectDisplaySignals(DisplayWidget* widget);
void releaseHostDisplay();
void renderDisplay();
void startBackgroundControllerPollTimer();
void stopBackgroundControllerPollTimer();
void wakeThread();
bool shouldRenderToMain() const;
void loadSettings(SettingsInterface& si);
void setInitialState();
void checkForSettingsChanges(const Settings& old_settings);
void bootOrLoadState(std::string path);
void updatePerformanceCounters();
void resetPerformanceCounters();
/// Locks the system by pausing it, while a popup dialog is displayed.
/// This version is **only** for the system thread. UI thread should use the MainWindow variant.
SystemLock pauseAndLockSystem();
void errorReported(const QString& title, const QString& message);
bool messageConfirmed(const QString& title, const QString& message);
void debuggerMessageReported(const QString& message);
void settingsResetToDefault();
void onInputDevicesEnumerated(const QList<QPair<QString, QString>>& devices);
void onInputDeviceConnected(const QString& identifier, const QString& device_name);
void onInputDeviceDisconnected(const QString& identifier);
void onVibrationMotorsEnumerated(const QList<InputBindingKey>& motors);
void systemStarting();
void systemStarted();
void systemDestroyed();
void systemPaused();
void systemResumed();
void gameListRefreshed();
bool createDisplayRequested(bool fullscreen, bool render_to_main);
bool updateDisplayRequested(bool fullscreen, bool render_to_main, bool surfaceless);
void displaySizeRequested(qint32 width, qint32 height);
void focusDisplayWidgetRequested();
void destroyDisplayRequested();
void runningGameChanged(const QString& filename, const QString& game_code, const QString& game_title);
void inputProfileLoaded();
void mouseModeRequested(bool relative, bool hide_cursor);
void achievementsRefreshed(quint32 id, const QString& game_info_string, quint32 total, quint32 points);
void achievementsChallengeModeChanged();
void cheatEnabled(quint32 index, bool enabled);
public Q_SLOTS:
void setDefaultSettings(bool system = true, bool controller = true);
void applySettings(bool display_osd_messages = false);
void reloadGameSettings(bool display_osd_messages = false);
void reloadInputSources();
void reloadInputBindings();
void enumerateInputDevices();
void enumerateVibrationMotors();
void startFullscreenUI();
void stopFullscreenUI();
void bootSystem(std::shared_ptr<SystemBootParameters> params);
void resumeSystemFromMostRecentState();
void shutdownSystem(bool save_state = true);
void resetSystem();
void setSystemPaused(bool paused, bool wait_until_paused = false);
void changeDisc(const QString& new_disc_filename);
void changeDiscFromPlaylist(quint32 index);
void loadState(const QString& filename);
void loadState(bool global, qint32 slot);
void saveState(const QString& filename, bool block_until_done = false);
void saveState(bool global, qint32 slot, bool block_until_done = false);
void undoLoadState();
void setAudioOutputVolume(int volume, int fast_forward_volume);
void setAudioOutputMuted(bool muted);
void startDumpingAudio();
void stopDumpingAudio();
void singleStepCPU();
void dumpRAM(const QString& filename);
void dumpVRAM(const QString& filename);
void dumpSPURAM(const QString& filename);
void saveScreenshot();
void redrawDisplayWindow();
void toggleFullscreen();
void setFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
void setSurfaceless(bool surfaceless);
void requestDisplaySize(float scale);
void loadCheatList(const QString& filename);
void setCheatEnabled(quint32 index, bool enabled);
void applyCheat(quint32 index);
void reloadPostProcessingShaders();
private Q_SLOTS:
void stopInThread();
void onDisplayWindowMouseMoveEvent(bool relative, float x, float y);
void onDisplayWindowMouseButtonEvent(int button, bool pressed);
void onDisplayWindowMouseWheelEvent(const QPoint& delta_angle);
void onDisplayWindowResized(int width, int height);
void onDisplayWindowKeyEvent(int key, bool pressed);
void doBackgroundControllerPoll();
void runOnEmuThread(std::function<void()> callback);
void run() override;
using InputButtonHandler = std::function<void(bool)>;
using InputAxisHandler = std::function<void(float)>;
void createBackgroundControllerPollTimer();
void destroyBackgroundControllerPollTimer();
void updateDisplayState();
QThread* m_ui_thread;
QSemaphore m_started_semaphore;
QEventLoop* m_event_loop = nullptr;
QTimer* m_background_controller_polling_timer = nullptr;
std::atomic_bool m_shutdown_flag{false};
bool m_run_fullscreen_ui = false;
bool m_is_rendering_to_main = false;
bool m_is_fullscreen = false;
bool m_is_exclusive_fullscreen = false;
bool m_lost_exclusive_fullscreen = false;
bool m_is_surfaceless = false;
bool m_save_state_on_shutdown = false;
bool m_was_paused_by_focus_loss = false;
float m_last_speed = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float m_last_game_fps = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float m_last_video_fps = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
u32 m_last_render_width = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
u32 m_last_render_height = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
GPURenderer m_last_renderer = GPURenderer::Count;
extern EmuThread* g_emu_thread;
namespace QtHost {
/// Sets batch mode (exit after game shutdown).
bool InBatchMode();
/// Sets NoGUI mode (implys batch mode, does not display main window, exits on shutdown).
bool InNoGUIMode();
/// Executes a function on the UI thread.
void RunOnUIThread(const std::function<void()>& func, bool block = false);
/// Returns a list of supported languages and codes (suffixes for translation files).
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> GetAvailableLanguageList();
/// Call when the language changes.
void ReinstallTranslator();
/// Returns the application name and version, optionally including debug/devel config indicator.
QString GetAppNameAndVersion();
/// Returns the debug/devel config indicator.
QString GetAppConfigSuffix();
/// Returns the base path for resources. This may be : prefixed, if we're using embedded resources.
QString GetResourcesBasePath();
/// Thread-safe settings access.
void QueueSettingsSave();
/// VM state, safe to access on UI thread.
bool IsSystemValid();
bool IsSystemPaused();
} // namespace QtHost