<stringname="settings_summary_save_state_on_exit">Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_load_patch_codes"><![CDATA[Loads patch codes from cheats/<game name>.cht in PCSXR format. Codes can be toggled while ingame.]]></string>
<stringname="settings_summary_apply_compatibility_settings">Automatically disable enhancements when they are not supported by games.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_video_sync">Enable this option to match DuckStation\'s refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (e.g. running at non-100% speed).</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cdrom_region_check">Prevents discs from incorrect regions being read by the emulator. Usually safe to disable.</string>
<stringname="settings_cdrom_preload_image_to_ram">Preload Image to RAM</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_preload_image_to_ram">Loads the game image into RAM. Useful for network paths that may become unreliable during gameplay. In some cases also eliminates stutter when games initiate audio track playback.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_vertex_cache">Uses screen coordinates as a fallback when tracking vertices through memory fails. May improve PGXP compatibility.</string>
<stringname="settings_pgxp_cpu_mode">PGXP CPU Mode</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_cpu_mode">Tries to track vertex manipulation through the CPU. Some games require this option for PGXP to be effective. Very high performance penalty.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cpu_recompiler_icache">Determines whether the CPU\'s instruction cache is simulated in the recompiler. Improves accuracy at a small cost to performance. If games are running too fast, try enabling this option.</string>
<stringname="settings_cpu_recompiler_fastmem">CPU Recompiler Fast Memory Access</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cpu_recompiler_fastmem">Makes guest memory access more efficient by using page faults and backpatching. Disable if it is unstable on your device.</string>
<stringname="settings_log_to_file">Log To File</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_log_to_file">Writes log messages to duckstation.log in your user directory. Only use for debugging as it slows down emulation.</string>
<stringname="settings_log_to_logcat">Log To Logcat</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_log_to_logcat">Writes log messages to the Android message logger. Only useful when attached to a computer with adb.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_volume">Controls the volume of the emulator\'s sound output.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_fast_forward_volume">Controls the volume of the emulator\'s sound output when fast forwarding.</string>
<stringname="settings_mute_all_sound">Mute All Sound</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_mute_all_sound">Prevents the emulator from emitting any sound.</string>
<stringname="settings_mute_cd_audio">Mute CD Audio</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_mute_cd_audio">Forcibly mutes both CD-DA and XA audio from the CD-ROM. Can be used to disable background music in some games.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_audio_buffer_size">Determines the latency between audio being generated and output to speakers. Smaller values reduce latency, but variations in emulation speed will cause hitches.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_audio_sync">Throttles the emulation speed based on the audio backend pulling audio frames. This helps to remove noises or crackling if emulation is too fast. Sync will automatically be disabled if not running at 100% speed.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_auto_hide_touchscreen_controller">Hides the touchscreen controller when an external controller is detected.</string>
<stringname="settings_vibrate_on_press">Vibrate On Press</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_vibrate_on_press">Enables a short vibration when a touchscreen button is pressed. Requires \"Vibrate on Touch\" to be enabled on your device.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_linear_upscaling">Smooths out the image when upscaling the console to the screen.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_integer_upscaling">Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_osd_show_messages">Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_osd_show_speed">Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_osd_show_fps">Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_osd_show_vps">Shows the number of frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cdrom_read_speedup">Speeds up CD-ROM reads by the specified factor. Only applies to double-speed reads, and is ignored when audio is playing. May improve loading speeds in some games, at the cost of breaking others.</string>
<stringname="settings_true_color">True Color Rendering (24-bit, disables dithering)</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_true_color">This produces nicer looking gradients at the cost of making some colours look slightly different. Disabling the option also enables dithering. Most games are compatible with this option.</string>
<stringname="settings_scaled_dithering">Scaled Dithering (scale dither pattern to resolution)</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_scaled_dithering">Scales the dither pattern to the resolution scale of the emulated GPU. This makes the dither pattern much less obvious at higher resolutions. Usually safe to enable, and only supported by the hardware renderers.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_disable_interlacing">Forces the rendering and display of frames to progressive mode. This removes the \"combing\" effect seen in 480i games by rendering them in 480p. Usually safe to enable.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_widescreen_hack">Scales vertex positions in screen-space to a widescreen aspect ratio, essentially increasing the field of view from 4:3 to 16:9 in 3D games. May not be compatible with all games.</string>
<stringname="settings_force_4_3_for_24bit">Force 4:3 For 24-Bit Display</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_force_4_3_for_24bit">Switches back to 4:3 display aspect ratio when displaying 24-bit content, usually FMVs.</string>
<stringname="settings_chroma_smoothing_24bit">Chroma Smoothing For 24-Bit Display</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_chrome_smoothing_24bit">Smooths out blockyness between colour transitions in 24-bit content, usually FMVs. Only applies to the hardware renderers.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_geometry_correction"><![CDATA[Reduces \"wobbly\" polygons and \"warping\" textures that are common in PS1 games. >Only works with the hardware renderers. May not be compatible with all games.]]></string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_culling_correction">Increases the precision of polygon culling, reducing the number of holes in geometry. Requires geometry correction enabled.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_preserve_projection_precision">Enables additional precision for PGXP. May improve visuals in some games but break others.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_pgxp_depth_buffer">Attempts to reduce polygon Z-fighting by testing pixels against the depth values from PGXP. Low compatibility, but can work well in some games.</string>
<stringname="menu_main_resume_last_session">Resume Last Session</string>
<stringname="emulation_activity_failed_to_import_patch_codes">Failed to import patch codes. Make sure you selected a PCSXR or Libretro format file.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_get_path_from_file_error">Failed to get path for the selected file. Please make sure the file is in internal/external storage.\n\nTap the overflow button in the directory selector.\nSelect "Show Internal Storage".\nTap the menu button and select your device name or SD card.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_get_path_from_directory_error">Failed to get path for the selected directory. Please make sure the directory is in internal/external storage.\n\nTap the overflow button in the directory selector.\nSelect \"Show Internal Storage\".\nTap the menu button and select your device name or SD card.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_external_storage_permissions_error">External storage permissions are required to use DuckStation.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_missing_bios_image_prompt">No BIOS image was found in DuckStation\'s bios directory. Do you wish to locate and import a BIOS image now?</string>
<stringname="main_activity_failed_to_open_bios_image">Failed to open BIOS image.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_failed_to_read_bios_image_prefix">\"Failed to read BIOS image: \"</string>
<stringname="main_activity_bios_image_too_large">BIOS image is too large. You must select a BIOS image, not a game, and it should be 512KB in size.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_invalid_error">This BIOS image is invalid, or has already been imported.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_gpu_thread">Uses a second thread for drawing graphics. Currently only available for the software renderer, but can provide a significant speed improvement, and is safe to use.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_gpu_threaded_presentation">Presents frames on a background thread when fast forwarding or vsync is disabled. This can measurably improve performance in the Vulkan renderer.</string>
<stringname="settings_language">Language (restart to apply)</string>
<stringname="settings_use_analog_sticks_for_dpad">Use Analog Sticks for D-Pad in Digital Mode</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_enable_analog_mode_on_reset">Forces the controller to analog mode when the console is reset/powered on.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_use_analog_sticks_for_dpad">Allows you to use the analog sticks to control the d-pad in digital mode, as well as the buttons.</string>
<stringname="settings_disable_all_enhancements">Disable All Enhancements</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_disable_all_enhancements">Temporarily disables all enhancements, which can be useful when debugging issues.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_audio_resampling">When running outside of 100% speed, resamples audio from the target speed instead of dropping frames. Produces much nicer fast forward/slowdown audio at a small cost to performance.</string>
<stringname="settings_general_sync_to_host_refresh_rate">Sync To Host Refresh Rate</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_general_sync_to_host_refresh_rate">Adjusts the emulation speed so the console\'s refresh rate matches the host\'s refresh rate, when VSync and Audio Resampling is enabled. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_sustained_performance_mode">Enables Android\'s sustained performance mode. May result in more consistent framerates for long sessions on some devices.</string>
<stringname="title_activity_game_directories">Edit Game Directories</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_display_all_frames">Enable this option will ensure every frame the console renders is displayed to the screen, for optimal frame pacing. If you are having difficulties maintaining full speed, or are getting audio glitches, try disabling this option.</string>
<stringname="edit_game_directories_add_path_summary">Enter the full path to the directory with games.\n\nYou can get this from a file manager app.\n\nExample: /storage/emulated/0/games</string>
<stringname="save_state_info_slot_is_empty">Slot Is Empty</string>
<stringname="save_state_info_game_save_n">Game Save %d</string>
<stringname="save_state_info_global_save_n">Global Save %d</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_achievements_challenge_mode">Challenge mode. Disables save states, patch code, and slowdown functions, but you receive double the achievement points. Cannot be toggled while ingame.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_achievements_view_profile">Opens a link to your profile.</string>
<stringname="settings_achievements_test_mode">Enable Test Mode</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_achievements_test_mode">When enabled, DuckStation will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.</string>
<stringname="settings_achievements_use_first_disc_from_playlist">Use First Disc From Playlist</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_achievements_use_first_disc_from_playlist">When enabled, the first disc in a playlist will be used for achievements, regardless of which disc is active.</string>
<stringname="achievement_settings_login_help">Please enter user name and password for retroachievements.org below. Your password will not be saved in DuckStation, an access token will be generated and used instead.</string>
<stringname="settings_achievements_disclaimer">DuckStation uses RetroAchievements (retroachievements.org) as an achievement database and for tracking progress.</string>
<stringname="settings_achievements_confirm_logout_message">After logging out, no more achievements will be unlocked until you log back in again. Achievements already unlocked will not be lost.</string>
<stringname="controller_binding_device_for_vibration">Device for Vibration</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_copy_insufficient_blocks">This file requires %1$d blocks, but only %2$d blocks are free.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_copy_already_exists">File \'%s\' already exists on destination card.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_copy_read_failed">Failed to read file \'%s\' from source card.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_copy_write_failed">Failed to write file \'%s\' to destination card.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_copy_success">Copied \'%1$s\' to \'%2$s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_delete_confirm">Are you sure you want to delete the save \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_delete_success">Deleted save \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_delete_failed">Failed to delete file \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_no_card_selected">No card is selected.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_import_failed">Failed to import card. It may not be a supported format.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_delete_card_confirm_message">Memory card \'%s\' will be deleted, and cannot be recovered. Are you sure you want to delete this card?</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_delete_card_failed">Failed to delete \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_format_card_confirm_message">Memory card \'%s\' will be formatted, clearing all saves. Are you sure you want to format this card?</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_format_card_failed">Failed to format \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="controller_settings_summary_clear_controller_bindings">Unbinds all buttons/axes for this controller.</string>
<stringname="controller_settings_clear_controller_bindings_confirm">Are you sure you want to clear all bindings? This cannot be reversed.</string>
<stringname="controller_settings_clear_controller_bindings_done">All bindings cleared for Controller %d.</string>
<stringname="controller_auto_mapping_no_devices">No suitable devices found. Automatic binding only supports gamepad devices, but you can still bind other device types manually.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_empty_game_list_title">No games were found. Please add a directory with games to begin.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_empty_game_list_supported_formats">Supported formats are:\n\n%s\n\nGames in bin format require a cuesheet (.cue) to start.</string>
<stringname="main_activity_empty_game_list_add_directory">Add Game Directory</string>
<stringname="update_notes_message_version_controller_update">This DuckStation update includes support for multiple controllers with vibration, and binding devices such as keyboards/volume buttons.\n\nYou must re-bind your controllers, otherwise they will no longer function. Do you want to do this now?</string>
<stringname="settings_use_software_renderer_for_readbacks">Use Software Renderer For Readbacks</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_use_software_renderer_for_readbacks">Runs the software renderer in parallel for VRAM readbacks. On some devices, this may result in greater performance when using graphical enhancements with the hardware renderer.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cdrom_seek_speedup">Speeds up CD-ROM seeks by the specified factor. May improve loading speeds in some games, at the cost of breaking others.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_load_image_patches">Automatically applies patches to disc images when they are present, currently only PPF is supported.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_success">Undeleted save \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_failed">Failed to undelete save \'%s\'. The save may already be partially overwritten.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_permanently_delete_confirm">Are you sure you want to permanently delete the save \'%s\'? You cannot recover the save afterwards.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_rewind_enable">Enables rewinding via touchscreen button/hotkey. Very high hardware requirements, do not use on low end devices.</string>
<stringname="emulation_activity_patch_code_warning">Using patch codes can have unpredictable effects on games, causing crashes, graphical glitches, and corrupted saves. By using patch codes, you agree that it is an unsupported configuration, and we will not provide you with any assistance when games break.\n\nSome codes persist through save states even after being disabled, please remember to reset/reboot the game after turning off any codes.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="add_patch_code_failure">Failed to add patch code, there may already be a code with this name, or the code is invalid.</string>
<stringname="add_patch_code_help_text">Enter the patch code (usually a series of numbers) in Gameshark format below, or choose a file to import codes from.</string>