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Spanish translation overhaul + Addition of es-ES alternative In its current state, the Spanish translations for Duckstation are a mess of different dialects, multiple translations for the same terms, mistranslations or excessively literal translations, and typos. It's a shame, because you could feel that the initial translations were done with care, but were muddled with future revisions. This commit tries to solve all of these and also change the initial decision of the first translator to have an "universal" "neutral" Spanish, as time has proven it's not possible without a dedicated translator who actually wants to have one Spanish language for all Spanish-speakers across the globe. I'm not going to be that one, so the next option would be to duplicate the Spanish translations into two: one for the Spanish-speaking American people (called "Latin American Spanish", "español de Hispanoamérica", code es-419") and one for the European Spanish speakers (called "Spanish (Spain)", "español de España", code es-ES). This distinction is used in multiple software applications that managed to have translators for different languages, and should also funnel any future Latin American Spanish and European Spanish translators to the corresponding file. I have tried to follow as many existing terms and constructions as possible, restoring and/or rewording any phrasal constructions that were disunified by the multiple translators. Since I have a limited experience with Latin American Spanish, this commit should be sent as a draft for additional revisions. I'm open to stick to having a single Spanish language, but it has to be done RIGHT. This is an overview of changes across the board: - Added missing translations for QT and Android builds. - Unified translations between those. - Updated the QT file with the latest string values. - Massive removal of Title Uppercasing inherited from English in menu strings (the rules set by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, or RAE, limit the areas where Title Uppercasing is considered correct in Spanish. Menu names and window header texts are not within those areas). - Unified the treatment of users in the Latin American version to formal "ustedeo". This treatment could be modified with additional input. - Removed any gendering assumptions from any string directed towards the user (Are you sure...?, changed ¿Está/s seguro...? with ¿Seguro que...?) - Naturalization rewrites. - Typo corrections. - Gender corrections over definitive terms. - Adding missing NBSPs after required mathemathical characters or units. - Mass replacement of double/single quotes with angled quotes (the ones approved for Spanish). - Quoted non-Spanish, non-proper noun English words as dictated by RAE. - Removal of unwanted hyphens to join words (Auto-detectar with Detección automática, post-procesamiento with posprocesamiento). In Spanish, hyphens tend to separate, rather than join. - Revision of the compound forms, unified depending on Latin American Spanish or European Spanish. - Lowercased the first word of a text between parenthesis (Spanish rules dictate that they should be considered a continuation of the phrase, and thus, they should start with lowercase unless it's a proper noun or a word that must be uppercased) and corrected the positions between periods and parentheses. - Unified the accentuation rules for the adverb solo/sólo and the demostrative pronouns (este/ese/aquel) by removing all accents in European Spanish (following the RAE's 2010 suggestions) or keeping/adding them for Latin American Spanish (the 2010 rule ended up being a suggestion because while Spain has mostly deprecated those accents, it appears that the Latin American countries have not). To discuss? - Tweaked the key shortcuts for the QT menu to minimize duplicates. - Terms unified (this list doesn't represent the entirety of the changes): - Failed to (Fallo al/Error al): Fallo al - Hardcore Mode (Modo Hardcore/Modo Difícil): «hardcore» mode (Foreign non-proper nouns should be quoted, RetroAchievements does not have an official Spanish translation, so the term should be kept in English) - Enable/Disable (habilitado/deshabilitado/activado/desactivado/activo/inactivo): habilitado/deshabilitado - host (host/anfitrión/sistema): sistema, TO BE DETERMINED AND UNIFIED - Signed (numbers; firmados): (números) con signo - scan (verb and noun; escanear): buscar/búsqueda - Clear (something, like bindings or codes; despejar, limpiar): borrar/quitar - requirement (of a system, requisito/requerimento): requisito - input (of a controller, control): entrada - Threaded X (hilo de X): X multihilo - Frame Pacing (frame pacing): duración de fotogramas - XX-bit (XX-bit): XX bits (proper form) - Widescreen (screens, widescreen hacks; pantalla ancha, pantalla panorámica): pantalla panorámica - Antialiasing (anti-aliasing): Antialiasing (considered a proper noun by NVidia, doesn't need that hyphen) - hash: «hash» (could be discussed as "sumas de verificación", like on Dolphin) - Focus Loss (perder el foco): ir/entrar en segundo plano - toggle (verb for hotkeys, activar): alternar (as the key alternates between enabling and disabling the function, while "activate" might sound like it's just the enable part) - Rewind (function; retrocediendo, retrocedimiento): rebobinado (to discuss on LATAM Spanish) - shader (shader/sombreado): sombreador - resume (resumir): reanudar, continuar (resumir is a false friend) - Check (verb; chequear/revisar/comprobar): chequear (LATAM Spanish), comprobar (European Spanish) - Add (something; añadir/agregar): agregar (LATAM Spanish, to discuss) or añadir (European Spanish) - Enter/Input (ingrese, inserte): ingresar (LATAM Spanish) or introducir (European Spanish) - mouse (device; mouse/ratón): mouse (LATAM Spanish), ratón (European Spanish) - Auto-Detect (Auto-detectar): Detección automática - Controller (control): mando (for European Spanish only) - run (a game, the emulator; correr): ejecutar, funcionar (for European Spanish only)
2022-03-28 13:01:08 +00:00
<string-array name="settings_console_region_entries">
<item>Detección automática</item>
<item>NTSC-J (Japón)</item>
<item>NTSC-U (EE. UU.)</item>
<item>PAL (Europa, Australia)</item>
<string-array name="settings_cpu_execution_mode_entries">
<item>Intérprete (lo más lento)</item>
<item>Intérprete en caché (rápido)</item>
<item>Recompilador (más rápido)</item>
<string-array name="settings_cpu_fastmem_mode_entries">
<item>Deshabilitado (lo más lento)</item>
<item>MMap (por hardware, el más rápido, sólo para 64 bits)</item>
<item>LUT (más rápido)</item>
<string-array name="gpu_renderer_entries">
<item>Hardware (OpenGL)</item>
<item>Hardware (Vulkan)</item>
<string-array name="settings_gpu_resolution_scale_entries">
<item>3x (para 720p)</item>
<item>5x (para 1080p)</item>
<item>6x (para 1440p)</item>
<item>9x (para 4K)</item>
<string-array name="settings_display_crop_mode_entries">
<item>No recortar</item>
<item>Solo el área de sobrescaneo</item>
<item>Todos los bordes</item>
<string-array name="settings_display_aspect_ratio_names">
<item>Automática (nativa del juego)</item>
<item>Automática (ajustada a la ventana)</item>
<item>PAR 1:1</item>
<string-array name="settings_gpu_texture_filter_names">
<item>Vecino más cercano</item>
<item>Bilineal (sin unión de bordes)</item>
<item>JINC2 (sin unión de bordes)</item>
<item>xBR (sin unión de bordes)</item>
<string-array name="settings_controller_type_entries">
<item>Mando digital (Mando)</item>
<item>Mando analógico (DualShock)</item>
<item>Joystick analógico</item>
<string-array name="settings_memory_card_mode_entries">
<item>Sin tarjeta de memoria</item>
<item>Compartida entre todos los juegos</item>
<item>Tarjeta individual para cada juego (por código de juego)</item>
<item>Tarjeta individual para cada juego (por título de juego)</item>
<item>Tarjeta individual para cada juego (por nombre de archivo)</item>
<item>Tarjeta no persistente (no guardar)</item>
<string-array name="emulation_touchscreen_menu">
<item>Cambiar tipo</item>
<item>Cambiar opacidad</item>
<item>Añadir/Quitar botones</item>
<item>Mover botones</item>
<item>Escalar botones</item>
<string-array name="touchscreen_layout_menu">
<item>Cambiar opacidad</item>
<item>Añadir/Quitar botones</item>
<item>Mover botones</item>
<item>Escalar botones</item>
<item>Reiniciar disposición</item>
<item>Salir del editor</item>
<string-array name="settings_cdrom_read_speedup_entries">
<item>Nula (velocidad doble)</item>
<item>2x (velocidad x4)</item>
<item>3x (velocidad 6x)</item>
<item>4x (velocidad 8x)</item>
<item>5x (velocidad 10x)</item>
<item>6x (velocidad 12x)</item>
<item>7x (velocidad 14x)</item>
<item>8x (velocidad 16x)</item>
<item>9x (velocidad 18x)</item>
<item>10x (velocidad 20x)</item>
<string-array name="settings_touchscreen_controller_view_entries">
<item>Mando digital</item>
<item>Mando con un stick analógico</item>
<item>Mando con dos sticks analógicos</item>
<item>Pistola de luz</item>
<string-array name="settings_audio_backend_entries">
<item>Nulo (sin salida)</item>
<item>OpenSL ES (recomendado)</item>
<string-array name="settings_audio_buffer_size_entries">
<item>1024 fotogramas (23,22ms)</item>
<item>2048 fotogramas (46,44ms, recomendado)</item>
<item>3072 fotogramas (69,66ms)</item>
<item>4096 fotogramas (92,88ms)</item>
<string-array name="settings_log_level_entries">
<item>Alertas de rendimiento</item>
<string-array name="settings_tabs">
<string-array name="settings_gpu_msaa_entries">
<item>MSAA 2x</item>
<item>MSAA 4x</item>
<item>MSAA 8x</item>
<item>SSAA 2x</item>
<item>SSAA 4x</item>
<item>SSAA 8x</item>
<string-array name="settings_advanced_display_fps_limit_entries">
<item>Sin límite (mostrar todos los fotogramas)</item>
<item>10 FPS</item>
<item>15 FPS</item>
<item>30 FPS</item>
<item>45 FPS</item>
<item>60 FPS</item>
<item>75 FPS</item>
<item>90 FPS</item>
<string-array name="settings_emulation_speed_entries">
<item>Sin límite</item>
<item>10 % [6 FPS (NTSC) / 5 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>20 % [12 FPS (NTSC) / 10 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>30 % [18 FPS (NTSC) / 15 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>40 % [24 FPS (NTSC) / 20 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>50 % [30 FPS (NTSC) / 25 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>60 % [36 FPS (NTSC) / 30 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>70 % [42 FPS (NTSC) / 35 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>80 % [48 FPS (NTSC) / 40 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>90 % [54 FPS (NTSC) / 45 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>100 % [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50 FPS (PAL), predeterminada]</item>
<item>125 % [75 FPS (NTSC) / 62 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>150 % [90 FPS (NTSC) / 75 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>175 % [105 FPS (NTSC) / 87 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>200 % [120 FPS (NTSC) / 100 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>250 % [150 FPS (NTSC) / 125 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>300 % [180 FPS (NTSC) / 150 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>350 % [210 FPS (NTSC) / 175 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>400 % [240 FPS (NTSC) / 200 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>450 % [270 FPS (NTSC) / 225 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>500 % [300 FPS (NTSC) / 250 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>600 % [360 FPS (NTSC) / 300 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>700 % [420 FPS (NTSC) / 350 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>800 % [480 FPS (NTSC) / 400 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>900 % [540 FPS (NTSC) / 450 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<item>1000 % [600 FPS (NTSC) / 500 FPS (PAL)]</item>
<string-array name="settings_advanced_cpu_overclock_entries">
<item>25 % (8 MHz)</item>
<item>50 % (16 MHz)</item>
<item>75 % (24 MHz)</item>
<item>100 % (33 MHz, predeterminada)</item>
<item>125 % (41 MHz)</item>
<item>150 % (49 MHz)</item>
<item>175 % (57 MHz)</item>
<item>200 % (66 MHz)</item>
<item>225 % (74 MHz)</item>
<item>250 % (82 MHz)</item>
<item>275 % (90 MHz)</item>
<item>300 % (99 MHz)</item>
<item>350 % (115 MHz)</item>
<item>400 % (132 MHz)</item>
<item>450 % (148 MHz)</item>
<item>500 % (165 MHz)</item>
<item>500 % (165 MHz)</item>
<item>600 % (198 MHz)</item>
<item>700 % (231 MHz)</item>
<item>800 % (264 MHz)</item>
<item>900 % (297 MHz)</item>
<item>1000 % (330 MHz)</item>
<string-array name="settings_emulation_screen_orientation_entries">
<item>Usar configuración del dispositivo</item>
<item>Según dicte el sensor</item>
<string-array name="settings_theme_entries">
<item>Usar configuración del sistema</item>
<string-array name="settings_downsample_mode_entries">
<item>Cuadro (reducir resolución 3D/suavizar todo)</item>
<item>Adaptable (preservar 3D/suavizar 2D)</item>
<string-array name="settings_boolean_entries">