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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
FullscreenUI: Tag some missing translation strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -2752,7 +2752,7 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawInterfaceSettingsPage()
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_ICONSTR(ICON_FA_MOUSE, "Double-Click Toggles Fullscreen"),
FSUI_CSTR("Switches between full screen and windowed when the window is double-clicked."), "Main",
"DoubleClickTogglesFullscreen", true);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, ICON_FA_MOUSE_POINTER "Hide Cursor In Fullscreen",
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_ICONSTR(ICON_FA_MOUSE_POINTER, "Hide Cursor In Fullscreen"),
FSUI_CSTR("Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode."), "Main",
"HideCursorInFullscreen", true);
@ -7643,7 +7643,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Add Shader");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds a new directory to the game search list.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds a new shader to the chain.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds additional precision to PGXP data post-projection. May improve visuals in some games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds padding to ensure pixels are a whole number in size.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adjusts the emulation speed so the console's refresh rate matches the host when VSync and Audio Resampling are enabled.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Advanced Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "All Time: {}");
@ -7741,6 +7740,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines how large the on-screen messages and
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines how much latency there is between the audio being picked up by the host API, and played through speakers.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines how much of the area typically not visible on a consumer TV set to crop/hide.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines how the emulated CPU executes instructions.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines how the emulated console's output is upscaled or downscaled to your monitor's resolution.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines quality of audio when not running at 100% speed.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines the amount of audio buffered before being pulled by the host API.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Determines the emulated hardware type.");
@ -7762,6 +7762,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Download Covers");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Downloads covers from a user-specified URL template.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Downsamples the rendered image prior to displaying it. Can improve overall image quality in mixed 2D/3D games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Downsampling");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Downsampling Display Scale");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Duck icon by icons8 (https://icons8.com/icon/74847/platforms.undefined.short-title)");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "DuckStation can automatically download covers for games which do not currently have a cover set. We do not host any cover images, the user must provide their own source for images.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "DuckStation is a free and open-source simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability.");
@ -7783,7 +7784,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Rewinding");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable SDL Input Source");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Sound Effects");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Subdirectory Scanning");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable TTY Output");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable TTY Logging");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable VRAM Write Texture Replacement");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable VSync");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable XInput Input Source");
@ -7809,18 +7810,18 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to create memory card '{}'.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to delete save state.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to delete {}.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to load '{}'.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to load shader {}. It may be invalid.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to load shader {}. It may be invalid.\nError was:");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to save input profile '{}'.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fast Boot");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fast Forward Speed");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fast Forward Volume");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "File Title");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fills the window with the active display area, regardless of the aspect ratio.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Force 4:3 For 24-Bit Display");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Force NTSC Timings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces PAL games to run at NTSC timings, i.e. 60hz. Some PAL games will run at their \"normal\" speeds, while others will break.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forcibly mutes both CD-DA and XA audio from the CD-ROM. Can be used to disable background music in some games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "From File...");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fullscreen Resolution");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "GPU Adapter");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "GPU Renderer");
@ -7847,6 +7848,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "GitHub Repository");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Global Slot {0} - {1}##global_slot_{0}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Global Slot {0}##global_slot_{0}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Hardcore Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Hide Cursor In Fullscreen");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Hotkey Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "How many saves will be kept for rewinding. Higher values have greater memory requirements.");
@ -7861,7 +7863,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Infinite/Instantaneous");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Inhibit Screensaver");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Input profile '{}' loaded.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Input profile '{}' saved.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Integer Upscaling");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Integration");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Interface Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Internal Resolution Scale");
@ -7873,7 +7874,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Launch a game by selecting a file/disc image.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Launch a game from images scanned from your game directories.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Leaderboards");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Limits how many frames are displayed to the screen. These frames are still rendered.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Linear Upscaling");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Load Devices From Save States");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Load Profile");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Load Resume State");
@ -7891,6 +7891,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logging Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Login");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Login token generated on {}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logout");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logs BIOS calls to printf(). Not all games contain debugging messages.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logs in to RetroAchievements.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logs messages to duckstation.log in the user directory.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Logs messages to the console window.");
@ -7937,13 +7938,13 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Options");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Output Latency");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Output Volume");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Overclocking Percentage");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Overlays or replaces normal triangle drawing with a wireframe/line view.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Depth Clear Threshold");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Geometry Correction");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Geometry Tolerance");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Password: ");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Patches");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Patches the BIOS to log calls to printf(). Only use when debugging, can break games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Patches the BIOS to skip the boot animation. Safe to enable.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Path");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Pause On Focus Loss");
@ -7963,7 +7964,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Port {} Controller Type");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Position");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-Processing Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-processing chain cleared.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-processing chain is empty.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-processing shaders reloaded.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Preload Images to RAM");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Preload Replacement Textures");
@ -8022,6 +8022,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Saves state periodically so you can rewind any m
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scaled Dithering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scales internal VRAM resolution by the specified multiplier. Some games require 1x VRAM resolution.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scales the dithering pattern with the internal rendering resolution, making it less noticeable. Usually safe to enable.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scaling");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scan For New Games");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scanning Subdirectories");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screen Display");
@ -8032,6 +8033,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Select Disc Image");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Select Macro {} Binds");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Selects the GPU to use for rendering.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Selects the percentage of the normal clock speed the emulated hardware will run at.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Selects the resolution scale that will be applied to the final image. 1x will downsample to the original console resolution.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Selects the resolution to use in fullscreen modes.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Serial");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Session: {}");
@ -8094,7 +8096,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Starts the console from where it was before it w
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Stores the current settings to an input profile.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Stretch Display Vertically");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Stretch Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Stretch To Fit");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Stretches the display to match the aspect ratio by multiplying vertically instead of horizontally.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Summary");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Switches back to 4:3 display aspect ratio when displaying 24-bit content, usually FMVs.");
@ -8116,7 +8117,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Threaded Presentation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Threaded Rendering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Time Played");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Time Played: %s");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Timing out in %.0f seconds...");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Timing out in {:.0f} seconds...");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Title");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Toggle Analog");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Toggle Fast Forward");
@ -8133,12 +8134,11 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Debug GPU Device");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Global Setting");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Light Theme");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Serial File Names");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Single Card For Sub-Images");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Single Card For Multi-Disc Games");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Software Renderer For Readbacks");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "User Name: ");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Username: {}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses PGXP for all instructions, not just memory operations.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses a bilinear filter when upscaling to display, smoothing out the image.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping. This may be needed on some systems.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses a light coloured theme instead of the default dark theme.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses a second thread for drawing graphics. Speed boost, and safe to use.");
@ -8154,8 +8154,9 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, memory cards and controllers will
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, per-game settings will be applied, and incompatible enhancements will be disabled.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, rich presence information will be collected and sent to the server where supported.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When playing a multi-disc game and using per-game (title) memory cards, use a single memory card for all discs.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When this option is chosen, the clock speed set below will be used.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When using a multi-disc image (m3u/pbp) and per-game (title) memory cards, use a single memory card for all discs.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Wireframe Rendering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Writes textures which can be replaced to the dump directory.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "XXX points");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Yes");
Reference in a new issue