FullscreenUI: Reorder graphics settings to match Qt

This commit is contained in:
Stenzek 2024-07-23 18:24:50 +10:00
parent 5e8870ec69
commit 861d4a5aa2
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@ -4208,6 +4208,121 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawDisplaySettingsPage()
OpenChoiceDialog(FSUI_ICONSTR(ICON_FA_TV, "GPU Adapter"), false, std::move(options), std::move(callback));
const bool true_color_enabled = (is_hardware && GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "TrueColor", false));
const bool pgxp_enabled = (is_hardware && GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "PGXPEnable", false));
const bool texture_correction_enabled =
(pgxp_enabled && GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "PGXPTextureCorrection", true));
if (is_hardware)
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Internal Resolution"),
FSUI_CSTR("Scales internal VRAM resolution by the specified multiplier. Some games require 1x VRAM resolution."),
"GPU", "ResolutionScale", 1, resolution_scales.data(), resolution_scales.size(), true, 0);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Downsampling"),
FSUI_CSTR("Downsamples the rendered image prior to displaying it. Can improve "
"overall image quality in mixed 2D/3D games."),
"GPU", "DownsampleMode", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE, &Settings::ParseDownsampleModeName,
&Settings::GetDownsampleModeName, &Settings::GetDownsampleModeDisplayName, GPUDownsampleMode::Count,
(renderer != GPURenderer::Software));
if (Settings::ParseDownsampleModeName(
GetEffectiveTinyStringSetting(bsi, "GPU", "DownsampleMode",
.value_or(Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE) == GPUDownsampleMode::Box)
DrawIntRangeSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Downsampling Display Scale"),
FSUI_CSTR("Selects the resolution scale that will be applied to the final image. 1x will "
"downsample to the original console resolution."),
"GPU", "DownsampleScale", 1, 1, GPU::MAX_RESOLUTION_SCALE, "%dx");
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Texture Filtering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out the blockiness of magnified textures on 3D objects."), "GPU",
"TextureFilter", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_TEXTURE_FILTER, &Settings::ParseTextureFilterName,
&Settings::GetTextureFilterName, &Settings::GetTextureFilterDisplayName, GPUTextureFilter::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Sprite Texture Filtering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out the blockiness of magnified textures on 2D objects."), "GPU",
"SpriteTextureFilter", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_TEXTURE_FILTER, &Settings::ParseTextureFilterName,
&Settings::GetTextureFilterName, &Settings::GetTextureFilterDisplayName, GPUTextureFilter::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Aspect Ratio"),
FSUI_CSTR("Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen."), "Display",
"AspectRatio", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ASPECT_RATIO, &Settings::ParseDisplayAspectRatio,
&Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioName, &Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioDisplayName,
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Deinterlacing Mode"),
"Determines which algorithm is used to convert interlaced frames to progressive for display on your system."),
"Display", "DeinterlacingMode", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_DEINTERLACING_MODE,
&Settings::ParseDisplayDeinterlacingMode, &Settings::GetDisplayDeinterlacingModeName,
&Settings::GetDisplayDeinterlacingModeDisplayName, DisplayDeinterlacingMode::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Crop Mode"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines how much of the area typically not visible on a consumer TV set to crop/hide."),
"Display", "CropMode", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_CROP_MODE, &Settings::ParseDisplayCropMode,
&Settings::GetDisplayCropModeName, &Settings::GetDisplayCropModeDisplayName, DisplayCropMode::Count);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Scaling"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines how the emulated console's output is upscaled or downscaled to your monitor's resolution."),
"Display", "Scaling", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALING, &Settings::ParseDisplayScaling,
&Settings::GetDisplayScalingName, &Settings::GetDisplayScalingDisplayName, DisplayScalingMode::Count);
if (is_hardware)
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("True Color Rendering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Disables dithering and uses the full 8 bits per channel of color information."), "GPU",
"TrueColor", true);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Widescreen Rendering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Increases the field of view from 4:3 to the chosen display aspect ratio in 3D games."),
"GPU", "WidescreenHack", false);
if (is_hardware)
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Geometry Correction"),
FSUI_CSTR("Reduces \"wobbly\" polygons by attempting to preserve the fractional component through memory "
"GPU", "PGXPEnable", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Depth Buffer"),
FSUI_CSTR("Reduces polygon Z-fighting through depth testing. Low compatibility with games."),
"GPU", "PGXPDepthBuffer", false, pgxp_enabled && texture_correction_enabled);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Force 4:3 For FMVs"),
FSUI_CSTR("Switches back to 4:3 display aspect ratio when displaying 24-bit content, usually FMVs."), "Display",
"Force4_3For24Bit", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("FMV Chroma Smoothing"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out blockyness between colour transitions in 24-bit content, usually FMVs."),
"GPU", "ChromaSmoothing24Bit", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable Interlacing"),
FSUI_CSTR("Disables interlaced rendering and display in the GPU. Some games can render in 480p this way, "
"but others will break."),
"GPU", "DisableInterlacing", true);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Force NTSC Timings"),
FSUI_CSTR("Forces PAL games to run at NTSC timings, i.e. 60hz. Some PAL games will run at their \"normal\" "
"speeds, while others will break."),
"GPU", "ForceNTSCTimings", false);
std::optional<SmallString> strvalue = bsi->GetOptionalSmallStringValue(
"GPU", "FullscreenMode", game_settings ? std::nullopt : std::optional<const char*>(""));
@ -4272,6 +4387,68 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawDisplaySettingsPage()
OpenChoiceDialog(FSUI_ICONSTR(ICON_FA_TV, "Fullscreen Resolution"), false, std::move(options), std::move(callback));
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screen Position"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines the position on the screen when black borders must be added."), "Display",
"Alignment", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT, &Settings::ParseDisplayAlignment,
&Settings::GetDisplayAlignmentName, &Settings::GetDisplayAlignmentDisplayName,
if (is_hardware)
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Line Detection"),
FSUI_CSTR("Attempts to detect one pixel high/wide lines that rely on non-upscaled rasterization "
"behavior, filling in gaps introduced by upscaling."),
"GPU", "LineDetectMode", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_LINE_DETECT_MODE, &Settings::ParseLineDetectModeName,
&Settings::GetLineDetectModeName, &Settings::GetLineDetectModeDisplayName, GPULineDetectMode::Count,
resolution_scale > 1);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("True Color Debanding"),
FSUI_CSTR("Applies modern dithering techniques to further smooth out gradients when true color is enabled."),
"GPU", "Debanding", false, true_color_enabled);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Scaled Dithering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Scales the dithering pattern with the internal rendering resolution, making it less noticeable. "
"Usually safe to enable."),
"GPU", "ScaledDithering", true, !true_color_enabled);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Accurate Blending"),
FSUI_CSTR("Forces blending to be done in the shader at 16-bit precision, when not using true "
"color. Non-trivial performance impact, and unnecessary for most games."),
"GPU", "AccurateBlending", false, !true_color_enabled);
const GPUTextureFilter texture_filtering =
GetEffectiveTinyStringSetting(bsi, "GPU", "TextureFilter",
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Round Upscaled Texture Coordinates"),
FSUI_CSTR("Rounds texture coordinates instead of flooring when upscaling. Can fix misaligned "
"textures in some games, but break others, and is incompatible with texture filtering."),
"GPU", "ForceRoundTextureCoordinates", false,
resolution_scale > 1 && texture_filtering == GPUTextureFilter::Nearest);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Use Software Renderer For Readbacks"),
FSUI_CSTR("Runs the software renderer in parallel for VRAM readbacks. On some systems, this may result "
"in greater performance."),
"GPU", "UseSoftwareRendererForReadbacks", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Stretch Display Vertically"),
FSUI_CSTR("Stretches the display to match the aspect ratio by multiplying vertically instead of horizontally."),
"Display", "StretchVertically", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable Mailbox Presentation"),
FSUI_CSTR("Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. "
"Usually results in worse frame pacing."),
"Display", "DisableMailboxPresentation", false);
switch (renderer)
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -4307,175 +4484,10 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawDisplaySettingsPage()
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable Mailbox Presentation"),
FSUI_CSTR("Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. "
"Usually results in worse frame pacing."),
"Display", "DisableMailboxPresentation", false);
if (renderer != GPURenderer::Software)
if (is_hardware && pgxp_enabled)
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Use Software Renderer For Readbacks"),
FSUI_CSTR("Runs the software renderer in parallel for VRAM readbacks. On some systems, this may result "
"in greater performance."),
"GPU", "UseSoftwareRendererForReadbacks", false);
if (is_hardware)
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Internal Resolution"),
FSUI_CSTR("Scales internal VRAM resolution by the specified multiplier. Some games require 1x VRAM resolution."),
"GPU", "ResolutionScale", 1, resolution_scales.data(), resolution_scales.size(), true, 0);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Texture Filtering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out the blockiness of magnified textures on 3D objects."), "GPU",
"TextureFilter", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_TEXTURE_FILTER, &Settings::ParseTextureFilterName,
&Settings::GetTextureFilterName, &Settings::GetTextureFilterDisplayName, GPUTextureFilter::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Sprite Texture Filtering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out the blockiness of magnified textures on 2D objects."), "GPU",
"SpriteTextureFilter", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_TEXTURE_FILTER, &Settings::ParseTextureFilterName,
&Settings::GetTextureFilterName, &Settings::GetTextureFilterDisplayName, GPUTextureFilter::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Line Detection"),
FSUI_CSTR("Attempts to detect one pixel high/wide lines that rely on non-upscaled rasterization "
"behavior, filling in gaps introduced by upscaling."),
"GPU", "LineDetectMode", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_LINE_DETECT_MODE, &Settings::ParseLineDetectModeName,
&Settings::GetLineDetectModeName, &Settings::GetLineDetectModeDisplayName, GPULineDetectMode::Count,
resolution_scale > 1);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("True Color Rendering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Disables dithering and uses the full 8 bits per channel of color information."), "GPU",
"TrueColor", true);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("True Color Debanding"),
FSUI_CSTR("Applies modern dithering techniques to further smooth out gradients when true color is enabled."),
"GPU", "Debanding", false, bsi->GetBoolValue("GPU", "TrueColor", false));
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Widescreen Hack"),
FSUI_CSTR("Increases the field of view from 4:3 to the chosen display aspect ratio in 3D games."),
"GPU", "WidescreenHack", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Geometry Correction"),
FSUI_CSTR("Reduces \"wobbly\" polygons by attempting to preserve the fractional component through memory "
"GPU", "PGXPEnable", false);
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("Screen Display"));
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Aspect Ratio"),
FSUI_CSTR("Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen."), "Display",
"AspectRatio", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ASPECT_RATIO, &Settings::ParseDisplayAspectRatio,
&Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioName, &Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioDisplayName,
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Deinterlacing Mode"),
"Determines which algorithm is used to convert interlaced frames to progressive for display on your system."),
"Display", "DeinterlacingMode", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_DEINTERLACING_MODE,
&Settings::ParseDisplayDeinterlacingMode, &Settings::GetDisplayDeinterlacingModeName,
&Settings::GetDisplayDeinterlacingModeDisplayName, DisplayDeinterlacingMode::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Crop Mode"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines how much of the area typically not visible on a consumer TV set to crop/hide."),
"Display", "CropMode", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_CROP_MODE, &Settings::ParseDisplayCropMode,
&Settings::GetDisplayCropModeName, &Settings::GetDisplayCropModeDisplayName, DisplayCropMode::Count);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Position"), FSUI_CSTR("Determines the position on the screen when black borders must be added."),
"Display", "Alignment", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT, &Settings::ParseDisplayAlignment,
&Settings::GetDisplayAlignmentName, &Settings::GetDisplayAlignmentDisplayName, DisplayAlignment::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Downsampling"),
FSUI_CSTR("Downsamples the rendered image prior to displaying it. Can improve "
"overall image quality in mixed 2D/3D games."),
"GPU", "DownsampleMode", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE, &Settings::ParseDownsampleModeName,
&Settings::GetDownsampleModeName, &Settings::GetDownsampleModeDisplayName, GPUDownsampleMode::Count,
(renderer != GPURenderer::Software));
if (Settings::ParseDownsampleModeName(
GetEffectiveTinyStringSetting(bsi, "GPU", "DownsampleMode",
.value_or(Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE) == GPUDownsampleMode::Box)
DrawIntRangeSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Downsampling Display Scale"),
FSUI_CSTR("Selects the resolution scale that will be applied to the final image. 1x will "
"downsample to the original console resolution."),
"GPU", "DownsampleScale", 1, 1, GPU::MAX_RESOLUTION_SCALE, "%dx");
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Scaling"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines how the emulated console's output is upscaled or downscaled to your monitor's resolution."),
"Display", "Scaling", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALING, &Settings::ParseDisplayScaling,
&Settings::GetDisplayScalingName, &Settings::GetDisplayScalingDisplayName, DisplayScalingMode::Count);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Size"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines the size of screenshots created by DuckStation."), "Display", "ScreenshotMode",
Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_MODE, &Settings::ParseDisplayScreenshotMode,
&Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotModeName, &Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotModeDisplayName,
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Format"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines the format that screenshots will be saved/compressed with."), "Display",
&Settings::ParseDisplayScreenshotFormat, &Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotFormatName,
&Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotFormatDisplayName, DisplayScreenshotFormat::Count);
DrawIntRangeSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Quality"),
FSUI_CSTR("Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed."), "Display",
"ScreenshotQuality", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_QUALITY, 1, 100, "%d%%");
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable Interlacing"),
FSUI_CSTR("Disables interlaced rendering and display in the GPU. Some games can render in 480p this way, "
"but others will break."),
"GPU", "DisableInterlacing", true);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Force NTSC Timings"),
FSUI_CSTR("Forces PAL games to run at NTSC timings, i.e. 60hz. Some PAL games will run at their \"normal\" "
"speeds, while others will break."),
"GPU", "ForceNTSCTimings", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Force 4:3 For 24-Bit Display"),
FSUI_CSTR("Switches back to 4:3 display aspect ratio when displaying 24-bit content, usually FMVs."), "Display",
"Force4_3For24Bit", false);
if (is_hardware)
const GPUTextureFilter texture_filtering =
GetEffectiveTinyStringSetting(bsi, "GPU", "TextureFilter",
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Scaled Dithering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Scales the dithering pattern with the internal rendering resolution, making it less noticeable. "
"Usually safe to enable."),
"GPU", "ScaledDithering", true, resolution_scale > 1);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Chroma Smoothing For 24-Bit Display"),
FSUI_CSTR("Smooths out blockyness between colour transitions in 24-bit content, usually FMVs."),
"GPU", "ChromaSmoothing24Bit", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Round Upscaled Texture Coordinates"),
FSUI_CSTR("Rounds texture coordinates instead of flooring when upscaling. Can fix misaligned "
"textures in some games, but break others, and is incompatible with texture filtering."),
"GPU", "ForceRoundTextureCoordinates", false,
resolution_scale > 1 && texture_filtering == GPUTextureFilter::Nearest);
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("PGXP (Precision Geometry Transform Pipeline)"));
const bool pgxp_enabled = GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "PGXPEnable", false);
const bool texture_correction_enabled = GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "PGXPTextureCorrection", true);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Perspective Correct Textures"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses perspective-correct interpolation for texture coordinates, straightening out warped textures."),
@ -4492,23 +4504,68 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawDisplaySettingsPage()
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Preserve Projection Precision"),
FSUI_CSTR("Adds additional precision to PGXP data post-projection. May improve visuals in some games."), "GPU",
"PGXPPreserveProjFP", false, pgxp_enabled);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Depth Buffer"),
FSUI_CSTR("Reduces polygon Z-fighting through depth testing. Low compatibility with games."),
"GPU", "PGXPDepthBuffer", false, pgxp_enabled && texture_correction_enabled);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("CPU Mode"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses PGXP for all instructions, not just memory operations."), "GPU", "PGXPCPU", false,
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("Texture Replacements"));
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Vertex Cache"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses screen positions to resolve PGXP data. May improve visuals in some games."),
"GPU", "PGXPVertexCache", pgxp_enabled);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Enable VRAM Write Texture Replacement"),
FSUI_CSTR("Enables the replacement of background textures in supported games."),
"TextureReplacements", "EnableVRAMWriteReplacements", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Preload Replacement Textures"),
FSUI_CSTR("Loads all replacement texture to RAM, reducing stuttering at runtime."),
"TextureReplacements", "PreloadTextures", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable on 2D Polygons"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses native resolution coordinates for 2D polygons, instead of precise coordinates. Can "
"fix misaligned UI in some games, but otherwise should be left disabled."),
"GPU", "PGXPDisableOn2DPolygons", false, pgxp_enabled);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Geometry Tolerance"),
FSUI_CSTR("Sets a threshold for discarding precise values when exceeded. May help with glitches in some games."),
"GPU", "PGXPTolerance", -1.0f, -1.0f, 10.0f, "%.1f", pgxp_enabled);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Depth Clear Threshold"),
FSUI_CSTR("Sets a threshold for discarding the emulated depth buffer. May help in some games."), "GPU",
"PGXPDepthBuffer", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_PGXP_DEPTH_THRESHOLD, 0.0f, 4096.0f, "%.1f", pgxp_enabled);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Size"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines the size of screenshots created by DuckStation."), "Display", "ScreenshotMode",
Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_MODE, &Settings::ParseDisplayScreenshotMode,
&Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotModeName, &Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotModeDisplayName,
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Format"),
FSUI_CSTR("Determines the format that screenshots will be saved/compressed with."), "Display",
&Settings::ParseDisplayScreenshotFormat, &Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotFormatName,
&Settings::GetDisplayScreenshotFormatDisplayName, DisplayScreenshotFormat::Count);
DrawIntRangeSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Screenshot Quality"),
FSUI_CSTR("Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed."), "Display",
"ScreenshotQuality", Settings::DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_QUALITY, 1, 100, "%d%%");
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("Texture Replacements"));
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Enable VRAM Write Texture Replacement"),
FSUI_CSTR("Enables the replacement of background textures in supported games."),
"TextureReplacements", "EnableVRAMWriteReplacements", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Preload Replacement Textures"),
FSUI_CSTR("Loads all replacement texture to RAM, reducing stuttering at runtime."),
"TextureReplacements", "PreloadTextures", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Use Old MDEC Routines"),
FSUI_CSTR("Enables the older, less accurate MDEC decoding routines. May be required for old "
"replacement backgrounds to match/load."),
"Hacks", "UseOldMDECRoutines", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Dump Replaceable VRAM Writes"),
FSUI_CSTR("Writes textures which can be replaced to the dump directory."), "TextureReplacements",
"DumpVRAMWrites", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Set VRAM Write Dump Alpha Channel"),
FSUI_CSTR("Clears the mask/transparency bit in VRAM write dumps."), "TextureReplacements",
"DumpVRAMWriteForceAlphaChannel", true);
@ -5140,45 +5197,12 @@ void FullscreenUI::DrawAdvancedSettingsPage()
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Show Enhancement Settings"),
FSUI_CSTR("Shows enhancement settings in the bottom-right corner of the screen."), "Display",
"ShowEnhancements", false);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Stretch Display Vertically"),
FSUI_CSTR("Stretches the display to match the aspect ratio by multiplying vertically instead of horizontally."),
"Display", "StretchVertically", false);
DrawEnumSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Wireframe Rendering"),
FSUI_CSTR("Overlays or replaces normal triangle drawing with a wireframe/line view."), "GPU",
"WireframeMode", GPUWireframeMode::Disabled, &Settings::ParseGPUWireframeMode,
&Settings::GetGPUWireframeModeName, &Settings::GetGPUWireframeModeDisplayName,
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Settings"));
const bool pgxp_enabled = GetEffectiveBoolSetting(bsi, "GPU", "PGXPEnable", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Enable PGXP Vertex Cache"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses screen positions to resolve PGXP data. May improve visuals in some games."), "GPU",
"PGXPVertexCache", pgxp_enabled);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Disable PGXP on 2D Polygons"),
FSUI_CSTR("Uses native resolution coordinates for 2D polygons, instead of precise coordinates. Can "
"fix misaligned UI in some games, but otherwise should be left disabled."),
"GPU", "PGXPDisableOn2DPolygons", false, pgxp_enabled);
bsi, FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Geometry Tolerance"),
FSUI_CSTR("Sets a threshold for discarding precise values when exceeded. May help with glitches in some games."),
"GPU", "PGXPTolerance", -1.0f, -1.0f, 10.0f, "%.1f", pgxp_enabled);
DrawFloatRangeSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("PGXP Depth Clear Threshold"),
FSUI_CSTR("Sets a threshold for discarding the emulated depth buffer. May help in some games."),
"GPU", "PGXPDepthBuffer", Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_PGXP_DEPTH_THRESHOLD, 0.0f, 4096.0f, "%.1f",
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("Texture Dumping"));
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Dump Replaceable VRAM Writes"),
FSUI_CSTR("Writes textures which can be replaced to the dump directory."), "TextureReplacements",
"DumpVRAMWrites", false);
DrawToggleSetting(bsi, FSUI_CSTR("Set VRAM Write Dump Alpha Channel"),
FSUI_CSTR("Clears the mask/transparency bit in VRAM write dumps."), "TextureReplacements",
"DumpVRAMWriteForceAlphaChannel", true);
MenuHeading(FSUI_CSTR("CPU Emulation"));
@ -7229,6 +7253,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "A resume save state created at %s was found.\n\n
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "About");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "About DuckStation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Account");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Accurate Blending");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Achievement Notifications");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Achievements");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Achievements Settings");
@ -7239,6 +7264,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds a new directory to the game search list.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds a new shader to the chain.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adds additional precision to PGXP data post-projection. May improve visuals in some games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Adjusts the emulation speed so the console's refresh rate matches the host when VSync is enabled.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Advanced");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Advanced Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "All Time: {}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Allow Booting Without SBI File");
@ -7280,6 +7306,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "CD-ROM Emulation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "CPU Emulation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "CPU Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Cancel");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Capture");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Change Disc");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Change Page");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Change Selection");
@ -7289,7 +7316,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Changes the aspect ratio used to display the con
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Cheat List");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Chooses the backend to use for rendering the console/game visuals.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Chooses the language used for UI elements.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Chroma Smoothing For 24-Bit Display");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Clean Boot");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Clear Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Clear Shaders");
@ -7340,7 +7366,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Default: Enabled");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Deinterlacing Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Delete Save");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Delete State");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Depth Buffer");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Depth Clear Threshold");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Desktop Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Details");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Details unavailable for game not scanned in game list.");
@ -7363,8 +7389,8 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Device Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable All Enhancements");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable Interlacing");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable Mailbox Presentation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable PGXP on 2D Polygons");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable Subdirectory Scanning");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disable on 2D Polygons");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disabled");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disables dithering and uses the full 8 bits per channel of color information.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Disables interlaced rendering and display in the GPU. Some games can render in 480p this way, but others will break.");
@ -7391,7 +7417,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Discord Presence");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Fast Boot");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable In-Game Overlays");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Overclocking");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable PGXP Vertex Cache");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Post Processing");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Recompiler Block Linking");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable Recompiler ICache");
@ -7404,13 +7429,14 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable TTY Logging");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable VRAM Write Texture Replacement");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable XInput Input Source");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable debugging when supported by the host's renderer API. Only for developer use.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enable/Disable the Player LED on DualSense controllers.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables alignment and bus exceptions. Not needed for any known games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables an additional 6MB of RAM to obtain a total of 2+6 = 8MB, usually present on dev consoles.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables an additional three controller slots on each port. Not supported in all games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables more precise frame pacing at the cost of battery life.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables the older, less accurate MDEC decoding routines. May be required for old replacement backgrounds to match/load.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enables the replacement of background textures in supported games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Encore Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enhancements");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Ensures every frame generated is displayed for optimal pacing. Enable for variable refresh displays, such as GSync/FreeSync. Disable if you are having speed or sound issues.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enter Value");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Enter the name of the input profile you wish to create.");
@ -7422,6 +7448,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Exit DuckStation");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Exit Without Saving");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Exits Big Picture mode, returning to the desktop interface.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Expansion Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "FMV Chroma Smoothing");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to copy text to clipboard.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to delete save state.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Failed to delete {}.");
@ -7434,10 +7461,11 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Fast Forward Volume");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "File Size");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "File Size: %.2f MB");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "File Title");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Force 4:3 For 24-Bit Display");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Force 4:3 For FMVs");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Force NTSC Timings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces PAL games to run at NTSC timings, i.e. 60hz. Some PAL games will run at their \"normal\" speeds, while others will break.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces blending to be done in the shader at 16-bit precision, when not using true color. Non-trivial performance impact, and unnecessary for most games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Forcibly mutes both CD-DA and XA audio from the CD-ROM. Can be used to disable background music in some games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Frame Time Buffer");
@ -7463,6 +7491,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Game title copied to clipboard.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Game type copied to clipboard.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Game: {} ({})");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Genre: %s");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Geometry Tolerance");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "GitHub Repository");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Global Slot {0} - {1}##global_slot_{0}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Global Slot {0}##global_slot_{0}");
@ -7568,10 +7597,8 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Output Volume");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Overclocking Percentage");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Overlays or replaces normal triangle drawing with a wireframe/line view.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP (Precision Geometry Transform Pipeline)");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Depth Clear Threshold");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Depth Buffer");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Geometry Correction");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Geometry Tolerance");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "PGXP Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Parent Directory");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Patches");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Patches the BIOS to skip the boot animation. Safe to enable.");
@ -7589,7 +7616,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Perspective Correct Colors");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Perspective Correct Textures");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Port {} Controller Type");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Position");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-Processing Settings");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-processing chain cleared.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Post-processing shaders reloaded.");
@ -7649,6 +7675,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Rounds texture coordinates instead of flooring w
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Runahead");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Runahead/Rewind");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Runs the software renderer in parallel for VRAM readbacks. On some systems, this may result in greater performance.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "SDL DualSense Player LED");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "SDL DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced Mode");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Save Profile");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Save Screenshot");
@ -7662,7 +7689,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scales the dithering pattern with the internal r
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scaling");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scan For New Games");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Scanning Subdirectories");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screen Display");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screen Position");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screenshot Format");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screenshot Quality");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Screenshot Size");
@ -7761,7 +7788,6 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Sync To Host Refresh Rate");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Synchronizes presentation of the console's frames to the host. GSync/FreeSync users should enable Optimal Frame Pacing instead.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Temporarily disables all enhancements, useful when testing.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Test Unofficial Achievements");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Texture Dumping");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Texture Filtering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Texture Replacements");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "The SDL input source supports most controllers.");
@ -7795,6 +7821,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Blit Swap Chain");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Debug GPU Device");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Global Setting");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Light Theme");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Old MDEC Routines");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Single Card For Multi-Disc Games");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Use Software Renderer For Readbacks");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Username: {}");
@ -7808,6 +7835,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses perspective-correct interpolation for color
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses perspective-correct interpolation for texture coordinates, straightening out warped textures.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Uses screen positions to resolve PGXP data. May improve visuals in some games.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Value: {} | Default: {} | Minimum: {} | Maximum: {}");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Vertex Cache");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Vertical Sync (VSync)");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "WARNING: Your game is still saving to the memory card. Continuing to {0} may IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD. We recommend resuming your game and waiting 5 seconds for it to finish saving.\n\nDo you want to {0} anyway?");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled and logged in, DuckStation will scan for achievements on startup.");
@ -7818,7 +7846,7 @@ TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, memory cards and controllers will
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When playing a multi-disc game and using per-game (title) memory cards, use a single memory card for all discs.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "When this option is chosen, the clock speed set below will be used.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Widescreen Hack");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Widescreen Rendering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Wireframe Rendering");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Writes textures which can be replaced to the dump directory.");
TRANSLATE_NOOP("FullscreenUI", "Yes, {} now and risk memory card corruption.");