diff --git a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
index 6abbea5a2..513445c76 100644
--- a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
+++ b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
@@ -551,138 +551,138 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Controller %u switched to analog mode.控制器%u切换为模拟模式。
+ Controller %u switched to digital mode.控制器%u切换为数字模式。
+ Controller %u is locked to analog mode by the game.控制器%u被游戏锁定为模拟模式。
+ Controller %u is locked to digital mode by the game.控制器%u被游戏锁定为数字模式。
+ LeftX左摇杆X轴
+ LeftY左摇杆Y轴
+ RightX右摇杆X轴
+ RightY右摇杆Y轴
+ Up上
+ Down下
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Select选择
+ Start开始
+ Triangle三角
+ Cross叉叉
+ Circle圆圈
+ Square方块
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ L3L3
+ R3R3
+ Analog模拟量
+ Force Analog Mode on Reset重启时强制进入模拟模式
+ Forces the controller to analog mode when the console is reset/powered on. May cause issues with games, so it is recommended to leave this option off.当操纵台重启/开机时,强制控制器进入模拟模式。可能会导致游戏问题,所以建议关闭此选项。
@@ -695,32 +695,32 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Use Analog Sticks for D-Pad in Digital ModeD-Pad在数字模式下使用模拟摇杆
+ Allows you to use the analog sticks to control the d-pad in digital mode, as well as the buttons.允许您在数字模式下使用模拟摇杆去控制d-pad,同样还有按钮。
+ Analog Axis Scale模拟轴缩放
+ Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 1.30 and 1.40 is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.设置模拟杆轴灵敏度。使用较新的控制器 (如DualShock 4、Xbox One控制器) 时,建议使用1.30到1.40之间的值。
+ Vibration Bias震动力
+ Sets the rumble bias value. If rumble in some games is too weak or not functioning, try increasing this value.设置震动力的值。如果震动在某些游戏中太弱或不起作用,尝试增大这个值。
@@ -729,128 +729,128 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Controller %u switched to analog mode.控制器%u切换为模拟模式。
+ Controller %u switched to digital mode.控制器%u切换为数字模式。
+ LeftX左操纵杆X轴
+ LeftY左操纵杆Y轴
+ RightX右操纵杆X轴
+ RightY右操纵杆Y轴
+ Up上
+ Down下
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Select选择
+ Start开始
+ Triangle三角
+ Cross叉叉
+ Circle圆圈
+ Square方块
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ L3L3
+ R3R3
+ Analog模拟量
+ Analog Axis Scale模拟轴缩放
+ Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 1.30 and 1.40 is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.设置模拟杆轴灵敏度。使用较新的控制器 (如DualShock 4、Xbox One控制器) 时,建议使用1.30到1.40之间的值。
@@ -1885,27 +1885,27 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Logging in to RetroAchivements...登录到RetroAchivements...
+ Downloading achievement resources...下载成就资源...
+ (Hardcore Mode) (硬核模式)
+ You have earned %u of %u achievements, and %u of %u points.你已经获得了%u中的%u成就,%u中的%u点数。
+ This game has no achievements.这个游戏没有成就。
@@ -1913,17 +1913,17 @@ Login token generated on %2.
+ Are you sure you want to stop emulation?确定要停止模拟吗?
+ The current state will be saved.当前进度将会保存。
+ Invalid version %u (%s version %u)无效版本%u (%s版本%u)
@@ -2915,82 +2915,82 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Up上
+ Down下
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Select选择
+ Start开始
+ Triangle三角
+ Cross叉叉
+ Circle圆圈
+ Square方块
+ L1L1
+ L2L2
+ R1R1
+ R2R2
+ Force Pop'n Controller Mode强制Pop'n控制器模式
+ Forces the Digital Controller to act as a Pop'n Controller.强制数字控制器作为Pop'n控制器。
@@ -3077,19 +3077,19 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Threaded Rendering线程渲染
+ Threaded Presentation线程显示
+ Optimal Frame Pacing优化帧距
@@ -3115,31 +3115,49 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Stretch To Fill拉伸以填充
+ Linear Upscaling线性放大
+ Show Game Frame Rate
+ 显示游戏帧率
+ Show Display FPS
+ 显示显示帧
+ Show Controller Input
+ 显示控制器输入
+ Integer Upscaling整数放大
+ VSync垂直同步
+ Internal Resolution Screenshots内置分辨率截图
@@ -3153,67 +3171,63 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
- Show FPS
- 显示FPS
+ 显示FPS
+ Show Emulation Speed显示模拟速度
- Show VPS
- 显示VPS
+ 显示VPS
+ Show Resolution显示分辨率
+ Renderer渲染器
+ Chooses the backend to use for rendering the console/game visuals. <br>Depending on your system and hardware, Direct3D 11 and OpenGL hardware backends may be available. <br>The software renderer offers the best compatibility, but is the slowest and does not offer any enhancements.选择用来渲染操纵台/游戏画面的后端。<br>Direct3D 11和OpenGL硬件后端是否可用将取决于您的系统和硬件。<br>软件渲染器提供了最好的兼容性,但速度最慢,并且不提供任何增强功能。
+ Adapter适配器
+ (Default)(默认)
+ If your system contains multiple GPUs or adapters, you can select which GPU you wish to use for the hardware renderers. <br>This option is only supported in Direct3D and Vulkan. OpenGL will always use the default device.如果系统包含多个GPU或适配器,则可以选择要将哪个GPU用于硬件渲染器。<br>此选项仅在Direct3D和Vulkan中受支持,OpenGL将始终使用默认设备。
+ Fullscreen Mode全屏模式
+ Chooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency.选择全屏分辨率和频率。
+ Aspect Ratio高宽比
@@ -3222,12 +3236,12 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto (Game Native) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.更改用于在屏幕上显示操纵台输出的纵横比。默认是自动 (游戏原设),它将自动调整显示纵横比,使呈现的画面匹配那个年代的典型电视机。
+ Crop Mode裁剪模式
@@ -3236,105 +3250,106 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Determines how much of the area typically not visible on a consumer TV set to crop/hide. <br>Some games display content in the overscan area, or use it for screen effects. <br>May not display correctly with the "All Borders" setting. "Only Overscan" offers a good compromise between stability and hiding black borders.确定用户电视机上通常不可见的区域有多少要裁剪/隐藏。<br>有些游戏在“过扫描”区域显示内容,或将其用于屏幕效果。<br>在“所有边框”设置下可能无法正确显示。只有过度扫描才能在稳定和隐藏黑边界之间提供一个很好的折衷方案。
+ Downsampling缩减采样
+ Disabled禁用
+ Downsamples the rendered image prior to displaying it. Can improve overall image quality in mixed 2D/3D games, but should be disabled for pure 3D games. Only applies to the hardware renderers.在显示之前先对渲染的图像进行缩减采样。可以提高2D/3D混合游戏的整体图像质量,但对于纯3D游戏应该禁用。仅适用于硬件渲染器。
+ Checked勾选
+ Uses bilinear texture filtering when displaying the console's framebuffer to the screen. <br>Disabling filtering will producer a sharper, blockier/pixelated image. Enabling will smooth out the image. <br>The option will be less noticable the higher the resolution scale.在将操纵台的帧缓冲显示到屏幕时使用双线性纹理过滤。<br>禁用过滤将生成更锐利、更块状/像素化的图像。启用将使图像平滑。<br>分辨率缩放越高越不明显。
+ Unchecked不勾选
+ Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. <br>May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.向显示区域添加填充,以确保主机上的像素与操纵台中的像素之间的比率是一个整数。<br>在一些2D游戏中可能导致图像过于锐化。
+ Fills the window with the active display area, regardless of the aspect ratio.以活动显示区域来填充窗口,而不管纵横比如何。
+ Saves screenshots at internal render resolution and without postprocessing. If this option is disabled, the screenshots will be taken at the window's resolution. Internal resolution screenshots can be very large at high rendering scales.保存截图使用不带后处理的内置渲染分辨率。如果禁用此选项,屏幕截图将按照窗口的分辨率进行截取。在高渲染缩放下,内置分辨率截图会非常大。
+ Enable this option to match DuckStation's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (e.g. running at non-100% speed).启用此选项可使DuckStation的刷新率与当前监视器或屏幕相匹配。当无法匹配时,垂直同步将自动禁用 (例如以非100%速度运行)。
+ Enable this option will ensure every frame the console renders is displayed to the screen, for optimal frame pacing. If you are having difficulties maintaining full speed, or are getting audio glitches, try disabling this option.启用此选项将确保操纵台渲染的每一帧都显示在屏幕上,以使帧之间获得最理想的间距。如果您难以保持全速运行,或者出现音频故障,尝试禁用这个选项。
+ Presents frames on a background thread when fast forwarding or vsync is disabled. This can measurably improve performance in the Vulkan renderer.当快进或垂直同步被禁用时,在后台线程上显示帧。这可以显著提高Vulkan渲染器的性能。
+ Uses a second thread for drawing graphics. Currently only available for the software renderer, but can provide a significant speed improvement, and is safe to use.使用第二个线程绘制图形。目前仅限软件渲染器可用,但可以在速度上提供显著的改进,并且安全使用。
+ Show OSD Messages显示屏幕消息
+ Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.在发生事件,如正在创建/读取存档、正在抓取屏幕截图等…情况时,在屏幕上显示事件消息。
+ Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.在显示屏的右上角显示游戏的内部帧速率。
+ Shows the number of frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.在显示屏的右上角显示系统每秒显示的帧数 (或垂直同步)。
@@ -3343,29 +3358,34 @@ This file can be several gigabytes, so be aware of SSD wear.
+ Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.在显示屏的右上角以百分比显示系统的当前模拟速度。
+ Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.在显示器的右上角显示游戏的分辨率。
+ Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.
+ 在显示屏左下角显示系统当前控制器状态。
+ Use Blit Swap Chain使用位块传输交换链
+ Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems.当Direct3D 11渲染器运行时使用一个位块展示模型进行替代翻转。这通常会导致性能下降,但可能需要一些流应用程序,或者在某些系统上打开帧率上限。
+ Borderless Fullscreen无边界全屏
@@ -5183,12 +5203,12 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Failed to load configured BIOS file '%s'无法加载配置的BIOS文件'%s'
+ No BIOS image found for %s region未发现适用%s区域的BIOS文件
@@ -5196,382 +5216,382 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ General常规
+ Open Quick Menu打开快捷菜单
+ Fast Forward快进
+ Toggle Fast Forward快进开关
+ Turbo涡轮
+ Toggle Turbo涡轮开关
+ Toggle Fullscreen全屏开关
+ Toggle Pause暂停开关
+ Toggle Cheats金手指开关
+ Power Off System关机
+ Toggle Patch Codes补丁代码开关
+ Reset System重启系统
+ Save Screenshot保存截图
+ Frame Step帧进
+ Rewind回退
+ Graphics图像
+ Toggle Software Rendering软件渲染开关
+ Toggle PGXPPGXP开关
+ Toggle PGXP Depth BufferPGXP深度缓冲开关
+ Increase Resolution Scale提高分辨率缩放
+ Decrease Resolution Scale降低分辨率缩放
+ Toggle Post-Processing后处理开关
+ Reload Post Processing Shaders重新加载后处理着色器
+ Reload Texture Replacements重新加载纹理替换
+ Save States读档/存档
+ Load From Selected Slot从所选档位读取
+ Save To Selected Slot保存到所选档位
+ Select Previous Save Slot选择前一个档位
+ Select Next Save Slot选择后一个档位
+ Load Game State 1读取游戏档1
+ Load Game State 2读取游戏档2
+ Load Game State 3读取游戏档3
+ Load Game State 4读取游戏档4
+ Load Game State 5读取游戏档5
+ Load Game State 6读取游戏档6
+ Load Game State 7读取游戏档7
+ Load Game State 8读取游戏档8
+ Load Game State 9读取游戏档9
+ Load Game State 10读取游戏档10
+ Save Game State 1保存游戏档1
+ Save Game State 2保存游戏档2
+ Save Game State 3保存游戏档3
+ Save Game State 4保存游戏档4
+ Save Game State 5保存游戏档5
+ Save Game State 6保存游戏档6
+ Save Game State 7保存游戏档7
+ Save Game State 8保存游戏档8
+ Save Game State 9保存游戏档9
+ Save Game State 10保存游戏档10
+ Load Global State 1读取全局档1
+ Load Global State 2读取全局档2
+ Load Global State 3读取全局档3
+ Load Global State 4读取全局档4
+ Load Global State 5读取全局档5
+ Load Global State 6读取全局档6
+ Load Global State 7读取全局档7
+ Load Global State 8读取全局档8
+ Load Global State 9读取全局档9
+ Load Global State 10读取全局档10
+ Save Global State 1保存全局档1
+ Save Global State 2保存全局档2
+ Save Global State 3保存全局档3
+ Save Global State 4保存全局档4
+ Save Global State 5保存全局档5
+ Save Global State 6保存全局档6
+ Save Global State 7保存全局档7
+ Save Global State 8保存全局档8
+ Save Global State 9保存全局档9
+ Save Global State 10保存全局档10
+ Audio声音
@@ -5592,22 +5612,22 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
保存全局状态 %u
+ Toggle Mute声音开关
+ Toggle CD Audio MuteCD音轨开关
+ Volume Up音量增大
+ Volume Down音量减小
@@ -5739,7 +5759,7 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ DuckStationDuckStation
@@ -5749,7 +5769,7 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Change Disc换碟
@@ -6284,137 +6304,137 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Select Disc Image选择光盘镜像
+ Cheat Manager金手指管理器
+ Properties...属性...
+ Open Containing Directory...打开所在目录...
+ Set Cover Image...设置封面图片…
+ Default Boot默认启动
+ Fast Boot快速启动
+ Full Boot完全启动
+ Boot and Debug启动和调试
+ Add Search Directory...添加搜索目录...
+ Select Cover Image选择封面图片
+ All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)所有封面图片类型 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)
+ Cover Already Exists封面已存在
+ A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?该游戏的封面图片已经存在,您要替换它吗?
+ Copy Error复制错误
+ Failed to remove existing cover '%1'无法移除现有封面'%1'
+ Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'无法复制'%1'到'%2'
+ Language changed. Please restart the application to apply.语言已更改,请重新启动应用程序以应用。
+ %1x Scale%1x缩放
+ Destination File目标文件
+ Binary Files (*.bin)二进制文件 (*.bin)
+ Binary Files (*.bin);;PNG Images (*.png)二进制文件 (*.bin);;PNG图片 (*.png)
+ Default默认
+ Fusion炼金
+ Dark Fusion (Gray)黑炼金 (灰色)
+ Dark Fusion (Blue)黑炼金 (蓝色)
@@ -6423,34 +6443,34 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ QDarkStyle暗夜
+ Memory Card Not Found无法找到记忆卡
+ Memory card '%1' could not be found. Try starting the game and saving to create it.无法找到记忆卡'%1'。尝试开始游戏并保存创建它。
+ Updater Error更新程序错误
+ <p>Sorry, you are trying to update a DuckStation version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please follow the instructions under "Downloading and Running" at the link below:</p><p><a href="https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/">https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/</a></p><p>抱歉,您正在尝试更新非GitHub官方版本的DuckStation版本。为防止不兼容,自动更新程序仅在正式版本上启用。</p><p>要获取正式版本,请按照下面链接中的"下载并运行"下的说明进行操作:</p><p><a href="https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/">https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/</a>lt;/p>
+ Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.当前平台不支持自动更新。
@@ -6839,52 +6859,52 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Trigger扳机
+ ShootOffscreen击中屏幕
+ AA
+ BB
+ Crosshair Image Path十字准星图像路径
+ Path to an image to use as a crosshair/cursor.十字准星/光标图像路径。
+ Crosshair Image Scale十字准星图像缩放
+ Scale of crosshair image on screen.缩放屏幕十字准星图像
+ X Scale缩放X坐标
+ Scales X coordinates relative to the center of the screen.缩放相对于屏幕中心的X坐标。
@@ -6892,72 +6912,72 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Steering转向盘
+ II
+ LL
+ Up上
+ Down下
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ AA
+ BB
+ RR
+ Start开始
+ Steering Axis Deadzone转向轴盲区
+ Sets deadzone size for steering axis.设置转向轴盲区大小。
@@ -6965,32 +6985,32 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ System reset.系统重启。
+ Loading state from '%s'...从'%s'读档...
+ Loading state from '%s' failed. Resetting.从'%s'读档失败,重启中。
+ Saving state to '%s' failed.存档到'%s'失败。
+ State saved to '%s'.存档到'%s'。
+ PGXP is incompatible with the software renderer, disabling PGXP.PGXP与软件呈现程序不兼容,禁用PGXP。
@@ -7003,59 +7023,59 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Switching to %s%s GPU renderer.切换到%s%sGPU渲染器。
+ Switching to %s audio backend.切换到%s音频后端。
+ Switching to %s CPU execution mode.切换到%sCPU执行模式。
+ CPU memory exceptions enabled, flushing all blocks.启用CPU内存异常,刷新所有区块。
+ CPU memory exceptions disabled, flushing all blocks.禁用CPU内存异常,刷新所有区块。
+ CPU ICache enabled, flushing all blocks.启用CPU的ICache,刷新所有区块。
+ CPU ICache disabled, flushing all blocks.禁用CPU的ICache,刷新所有区块。
+ PGXP enabled, recompiling all blocks.启用PGXP,重编译所有区块。
+ PGXP disabled, recompiling all blocks.禁用PGXP,重编译所有区块。
+ Switching to %s renderer...切换到%s渲染器...
+ Failed to load post processing shader chain.无法加载后处理着色器链。
@@ -7068,113 +7088,113 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ %n cheats are now active.%n金手指当前已激活。
+ %n cheats are now inactive.%n金手指当前未激活。
+ PGXP is now enabled.现在启用PGXP。
+ PGXP is now disabled.现在禁用PGXP。
+ PGXP Depth Buffer is now enabled.PGXP深度缓冲已启用。
+ PGXP Depth Buffer is now disabled.PGXP深度缓冲已禁用。
+ Texture replacements reloaded.纹理替换重新加载。
+ Volume: Muted音量: 静音
+ Volume: %d%%音量: %d%%
+ CD Audio Muted.CD音频已静音。
+ CD Audio Unmuted.CD音频已解除静音。
+ Loaded input profile from '%s'从'%s'读取输入配置
+ Started dumping audio to '%s'.开始转储音频到'%s'。
+ Failed to start dumping audio to '%s'.无法开始转储音频到'%s'。
+ Stopped dumping audio.停止转储音频。
+ Screenshot file '%s' already exists.截图文件'%s'已经存在。
+ Failed to save screenshot to '%s'无法保存截图到'%s'
+ Screenshot saved to '%s'.截图已保存到'%s'.
+ Input profile '%s' cannot be found.无法找到输入配置文件'%s'。
+ Using input profile '%s'.使用输入配置'%s'。
+ Failed to load cheats from '%s'.无法从'%s'加载金手指。
@@ -7191,27 +7211,27 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Deleted cheat list '%s'.删除金手指列表'%s。
+ Cheat '%s' enabled.金手指'%s'已启用。
+ Cheat '%s' disabled.金手指'%s'已禁用。
+ Failed to save cheat list to '%s'无法保存金手指列表到'%s'
+ No cheats are loaded.没有载入金手指。
@@ -7224,95 +7244,95 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Fast forwarding...快进...
+ Stopped fast forwarding.停止快进。
+ Turboing...涡轮...
+ Stopped turboing.停止涡轮...
+ Hotkey unavailable because achievements hardcore mode is active.无法使用热键因为成就硬核模式是激活的。
+ Rewinding...回退...
+ Stopped rewinding.停止回退。
+ Loaded %n cheats from list.从列表载入%n金手指。
+ %n cheats are enabled.%n金手指已启用。
+ Loaded %n cheats from database.从数据库载入%n金手指。
+ Saved %n cheats to '%s'.保存%n金手指到'%s'。
+ Applied cheat '%s'.应用金手指'%s'。
+ Cheat '%s' is already enabled.金手指'%s'已启用。
+ Post-processing is now enabled.后处理现在已启用。
+ Post-processing is now disabled.后处理现在已禁用。
+ Failed to load post-processing shader chain.无法加载后处理着色器链。
+ Post-processing shaders reloaded.重新加载后处理着色器。
@@ -7404,27 +7424,27 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Ignoring mismatched controller type %s in port %u.忽略端口%u中不匹配的控制器类型%s。
+ Memory card %u from save state does match current card data. Simulating replugging.记忆卡%u从存档匹配了当前卡数据。重新仿真插入。
+ Memory card %u present in save state but not in system. Ignoring card.记忆卡%u当前接入存档中,没有接入系统。忽略记忆卡。
+ Memory card %u present in save state but not in system. Creating temporary card.记忆卡%u当前接入存档中,没有接入系统。创建临时记忆卡。
+ Memory card %u present in system but not in save state. Removing card.记忆卡%u当前接入系统中,没有接入存档。移除记忆卡。
@@ -7482,12 +7502,12 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
已插入光盘'%s' (%s)。
+ %ux MSAA is not supported, using %ux instead.不支持%ux MSAA,使用%ux代替。
+ SSAA is not supported, using MSAA instead.不支持SSAA,使用MSAA代替。
@@ -7496,27 +7516,27 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Texture filter '%s' is not supported with the current renderer.当前渲染器不支持纹理过滤器 '%s' 。
+ Adaptive downsampling is not supported with the current renderer, using box filter instead.当前渲染器不支持自适应缩减采样,改用盒式滤波器。
+ Resolution scale set to %ux (display %ux%u, VRAM %ux%u)分辨率缩放设置为%ux (显示%ux%u,显存%ux%u)
+ Multisample anti-aliasing set to %ux (SSAA).多重采样反锯齿设置为%ux (SSAA)。
+ Multisample anti-aliasing set to %ux.多重采样反锯齿设置为%ux。
@@ -7546,12 +7566,12 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Lost exclusive fullscreen.丢失独占式全屏。
+ OpenGL renderer unavailable, your driver or hardware is not recent enough. OpenGL 3.1 or OpenGL ES 3.0 is required.OpenGL渲染器不可用,您的驱动程序或硬件不够新。需要OpenGL 3.1或OpenGL ES 3.0。
@@ -7561,7 +7581,7 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Failed to read executable from disc. Achievements disabled.无法从光盘读取可执行文件。成就已禁用。
@@ -7569,22 +7589,22 @@ This will download approximately 4 megabytes over your current internet connecti
+ Left左
+ Right右
+ Relative Mouse Mode相对鼠标模式
+ Locks the mouse cursor to the window, use for FPS games.锁定鼠标光标到窗口,用于FPS游戏。
@@ -7782,43 +7802,43 @@ URL: %1
+ Game Save %1 (%2)游戏档%1 (%2)
+ Game Save %1 (Empty)游戏档%1 (空)
+ Global Save %1 (%2)全局档%1 (%2)
+ Global Save %1 (Empty)全局档%1 (空)
+ Resume恢复
+ Load State读档
+ Resume (%1)恢复 (%1)
+ Game ID: %1
Game Title: %2
Game Developer: %3
@@ -7835,7 +7855,7 @@ Achievements: %5 (%6)
+ %n points%n点
@@ -7858,12 +7878,12 @@ Achievements: %5 (%6 points)
+ Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Rich Presence不活跃或不支持。
+ Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.游戏未加载或RetroAchievements不可用。
@@ -7880,27 +7900,27 @@ Achievements: %5 (%6 points)
+ No resume save state found.没有发现可恢复的存档。
+ Edit Memory Cards...管理记忆卡...
+ Delete Save States...删除存档...
+ Confirm Save State Deletion确认存档删除
+ Are you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.
@@ -7929,12 +7949,12 @@ The saves will not be recoverable.
PCSXR金手指文件 (*.cht);;所有文件 (*.*)
+ &Enabled Cheats启用金手指(&H)
+ &Apply Cheats应用金手指(&A)
@@ -8278,12 +8298,12 @@ Please check the README for instructions on how to add a SBI file.
+ Failed to acquire host display.无法获取主机显示。
+ System failed to boot. The log may contain more information.系统启动失败。日志可能包含更多信息。