mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
GPU/SW: Port triangle/line rasterizer from Mednafen
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,22 +231,22 @@ void GPU_SW::DispatchRenderCommand()
SWVertex& vert = vertices[i];
const u32 color_rgb = (shaded && i > 0) ? (FifoPop() & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF)) : first_color;
vert.color_r = Truncate8(color_rgb);
vert.color_g = Truncate8(color_rgb >> 8);
vert.color_b = Truncate8(color_rgb >> 16);
vert.r = Truncate8(color_rgb);
vert.g = Truncate8(color_rgb >> 8);
vert.b = Truncate8(color_rgb >> 16);
const VertexPosition vp{FifoPop()};
vert.x = vp.x;
vert.y = vp.y;
vert.x = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.x + vp.x);
vert.y = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.y + vp.y);
if (textured)
std::tie(vert.texcoord_x, vert.texcoord_y) = UnpackTexcoord(Truncate16(FifoPop()));
std::tie(vert.u, vert.v) = UnpackTexcoord(Truncate16(FifoPop()));
vert.texcoord_x = 0;
vert.texcoord_y = 0;
vert.u = 0;
vert.v = 0;
@ -324,7 +324,8 @@ void GPU_SW::DispatchRenderCommand()
// first vertex
SWVertex* p0 = &vertices[0];
SWVertex* p1 = &vertices[1];
p0->SetPosition(VertexPosition{rc.polyline ? m_blit_buffer[buffer_pos++] : Truncate32(FifoPop())});
p0->SetPosition(VertexPosition{rc.polyline ? m_blit_buffer[buffer_pos++] : Truncate32(FifoPop())},
m_drawing_offset.x, m_drawing_offset.y);
// remaining vertices in line strip
@ -334,12 +335,12 @@ void GPU_SW::DispatchRenderCommand()
if (rc.polyline)
p1->SetColorRGB24(shaded ? (m_blit_buffer[buffer_pos++] & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF)) : first_color);
p1->SetPosition(VertexPosition{m_blit_buffer[buffer_pos++]}, m_drawing_offset.x, m_drawing_offset.y);
p1->SetColorRGB24(shaded ? (FifoPop() & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF)) : first_color);
p1->SetPosition(VertexPosition{Truncate32(FifoPop())}, m_drawing_offset.x, m_drawing_offset.y);
// down here because of the FIFO pops
@ -358,222 +359,6 @@ void GPU_SW::DispatchRenderCommand()
enum : u32
using FixedPointCoord = u64;
constexpr FixedPointCoord IntToFixedCoord(s32 x)
return (ZeroExtend64(static_cast<u32>(x)) << COORD_FRAC_BITS) | (ZeroExtend64(1u) << (COORD_FRAC_BITS - 1));
using FixedPointColor = u32;
constexpr FixedPointColor IntToFixedColor(u8 r)
return ZeroExtend32(r) << COLOR_FRAC_BITS | (1u << (COLOR_FRAC_BITS - 1));
constexpr u8 FixedColorToInt(FixedPointColor r)
return Truncate8(r >> 12);
bool GPU_SW::IsClockwiseWinding(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2)
const s32 abx = v1->x - v0->x;
const s32 aby = v1->y - v0->y;
const s32 acx = v2->x - v0->x;
const s32 acy = v2->y - v0->y;
return ((abx * acy) - (aby * acx) < 0);
static constexpr bool IsTopLeftEdge(s32 ex, s32 ey)
return (ey < 0 || (ey == 0 && ex < 0));
static constexpr u8 Interpolate(u8 v0, u8 v1, u8 v2, s32 w0, s32 w1, s32 w2, s32 ws, s32 half_ws)
const s32 v = w0 * static_cast<s32>(static_cast<u32>(v0)) + w1 * static_cast<s32>(static_cast<u32>(v1)) +
w2 * static_cast<s32>(static_cast<u32>(v2));
const s32 vd = (v + half_ws) / ws;
return (vd < 0) ? 0 : ((vd > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : static_cast<u8>(vd));
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawTriangle(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2)
#define orient2d(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) ((bx - ax) * (cy - ay) - (by - ay) * (cx - ax))
// ensure the vertices follow a counter-clockwise order
if (IsClockwiseWinding(v0, v1, v2))
std::swap(v1, v2);
const s32 px0 = v0->x + m_drawing_offset.x;
const s32 py0 = v0->y + m_drawing_offset.y;
const s32 px1 = v1->x + m_drawing_offset.x;
const s32 py1 = v1->y + m_drawing_offset.y;
const s32 px2 = v2->x + m_drawing_offset.x;
const s32 py2 = v2->y + m_drawing_offset.y;
// Barycentric coordinates at minX/minY corner
const s32 ws = orient2d(px0, py0, px1, py1, px2, py2);
const s32 half_ws = std::max<s32>((ws / 2) - 1, 0);
if (ws == 0)
// compute bounding box of triangle
s32 min_x = std::min(px0, std::min(px1, px2));
s32 max_x = std::max(px0, std::max(px1, px2));
s32 min_y = std::min(py0, std::min(py1, py2));
s32 max_y = std::max(py0, std::max(py1, py2));
// reject triangles which cover the whole vram area
if (static_cast<u32>(max_x - min_x) > MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH || static_cast<u32>(max_y - min_y) > MAX_PRIMITIVE_HEIGHT)
// clip to drawing area
min_x = std::clamp(min_x, static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right));
max_x = std::clamp(max_x, static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right));
min_y = std::clamp(min_y, static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom));
max_y = std::clamp(max_y, static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom));
AddDrawTriangleTicks(max_x - min_x + 1, max_y - min_y + 1, shading_enable, texture_enable, transparency_enable);
// compute per-pixel increments
const s32 a01 = py0 - py1, b01 = px1 - px0;
const s32 a12 = py1 - py2, b12 = px2 - px1;
const s32 a20 = py2 - py0, b20 = px0 - px2;
// top-left edge rule
const s32 w0_bias = 0 - s32(IsTopLeftEdge(b12, a12));
const s32 w1_bias = 0 - s32(IsTopLeftEdge(b20, a20));
const s32 w2_bias = 0 - s32(IsTopLeftEdge(b01, a01));
// compute base barycentric coordinates
s32 w0 = orient2d(px1, py1, px2, py2, min_x, min_y);
s32 w1 = orient2d(px2, py2, px0, py0, min_x, min_y);
s32 w2 = orient2d(px0, py0, px1, py1, min_x, min_y);
// *exclusive* of max coordinate in PSX
for (s32 y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++)
s32 row_w0 = w0;
s32 row_w1 = w1;
s32 row_w2 = w2;
for (s32 x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++)
if (((row_w0 + w0_bias) | (row_w1 + w1_bias) | (row_w2 + w2_bias)) >= 0)
const s32 b0 = row_w0;
const s32 b1 = row_w1;
const s32 b2 = row_w2;
const u8 r =
shading_enable ? Interpolate(v0->color_r, v1->color_r, v2->color_r, b0, b1, b2, ws, half_ws) : v0->color_r;
const u8 g =
shading_enable ? Interpolate(v0->color_g, v1->color_g, v2->color_g, b0, b1, b2, ws, half_ws) : v0->color_g;
const u8 b =
shading_enable ? Interpolate(v0->color_b, v1->color_b, v2->color_b, b0, b1, b2, ws, half_ws) : v0->color_b;
const u8 texcoord_x = Interpolate(v0->texcoord_x, v1->texcoord_x, v2->texcoord_x, b0, b1, b2, ws, half_ws);
const u8 texcoord_y = Interpolate(v0->texcoord_y, v1->texcoord_y, v2->texcoord_y, b0, b1, b2, ws, half_ws);
ShadePixel<texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(
static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), r, g, b, texcoord_x, texcoord_y);
row_w0 += a12;
row_w1 += a20;
row_w2 += a01;
w0 += b12;
w1 += b20;
w2 += b01;
#undef orient2d
GPU_SW::DrawTriangleFunction GPU_SW::GetDrawTriangleFunction(bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable,
bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable)
static constexpr DrawTriangleFunction funcs[2][2][2][2][2] = {
{{{{F(false, false, false, false, false), F(false, false, false, false, true)},
{F(false, false, false, true, false), F(false, false, false, true, true)}},
{{F(false, false, true, false, false), F(false, false, true, false, true)},
{F(false, false, true, true, false), F(false, false, true, true, true)}}},
{{{F(false, true, false, false, false), F(false, true, false, false, true)},
{F(false, true, false, true, false), F(false, true, false, true, true)}},
{{F(false, true, true, false, false), F(false, true, true, false, true)},
{F(false, true, true, true, false), F(false, true, true, true, true)}}}},
{{{{F(true, false, false, false, false), F(true, false, false, false, true)},
{F(true, false, false, true, false), F(true, false, false, true, true)}},
{{F(true, false, true, false, false), F(true, false, true, false, true)},
{F(true, false, true, true, false), F(true, false, true, true, true)}}},
{{{F(true, true, false, false, false), F(true, true, false, false, true)},
{F(true, true, false, true, false), F(true, true, false, true, true)}},
{{F(true, true, true, false, false), F(true, true, true, false, true)},
{F(true, true, true, true, false), F(true, true, true, true, true)}}}}};
#undef F
return funcs[u8(shading_enable)][u8(texture_enable)][u8(raw_texture_enable)][u8(transparency_enable)]
template<bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawRectangle(s32 origin_x, s32 origin_y, u32 width, u32 height, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 origin_texcoord_x,
u8 origin_texcoord_y)
const s32 start_x = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.x + origin_x);
const s32 start_y = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.y + origin_y);
const u32 clip_left = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_x, m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right));
const u32 clip_right =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_x + static_cast<s32>(width), m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right)) +
const u32 clip_top = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_y, m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom));
const u32 clip_bottom =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_y + static_cast<s32>(height), m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom)) +
AddDrawRectangleTicks(clip_right - clip_left, clip_bottom - clip_top, texture_enable, transparency_enable);
for (u32 offset_y = 0; offset_y < height; offset_y++)
const s32 y = start_y + static_cast<s32>(offset_y);
if (y < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top) || y > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom))
const u8 texcoord_y = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_y) + offset_y);
for (u32 offset_x = 0; offset_x < width; offset_x++)
const s32 x = start_x + static_cast<s32>(offset_x);
if (x < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left) || x > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right))
const u8 texcoord_x = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_x) + offset_x);
ShadePixel<texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, false>(
static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), r, g, b, texcoord_x, texcoord_y);
constexpr GPU_SW::DitherLUT GPU_SW::ComputeDitherLUT()
DitherLUT lut = {};
@ -594,7 +379,7 @@ constexpr GPU_SW::DitherLUT GPU_SW::ComputeDitherLUT()
static constexpr GPU_SW::DitherLUT s_dither_lut = GPU_SW::ComputeDitherLUT();
template<bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable>
void GPU_SW::ShadePixel(u32 x, u32 y, u8 color_r, u8 color_g, u8 color_b, u8 texcoord_x, u8 texcoord_y)
void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW::ShadePixel(u32 x, u32 y, u8 color_r, u8 color_g, u8 color_b, u8 texcoord_x, u8 texcoord_y)
VRAMPixel color;
bool transparent;
@ -717,118 +502,570 @@ void GPU_SW::ShadePixel(u32 x, u32 y, u8 color_r, u8 color_g, u8 color_b, u8 tex
if ((bg_color.bits & mask_and) != 0)
if (IsInterlacedRenderingEnabled() && GetActiveLineLSB() == (static_cast<u32>(y) & 1u))
SetPixel(static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), color.bits | m_GPUSTAT.GetMaskOR());
constexpr FixedPointCoord GetLineCoordStep(s32 delta, s32 k)
template<bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawRectangle(s32 origin_x, s32 origin_y, u32 width, u32 height, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 origin_texcoord_x,
u8 origin_texcoord_y)
s64 delta_fp = static_cast<s64>(ZeroExtend64(static_cast<u32>(delta)) << 32);
if (delta_fp < 0)
delta_fp -= s64(k - 1);
if (delta_fp > 0)
delta_fp += s64(k - 1);
const s32 start_x = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.x + origin_x);
const s32 start_y = TruncateVertexPosition(m_drawing_offset.y + origin_y);
return static_cast<FixedPointCoord>(delta_fp / k);
const u32 clip_left = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_x, m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right));
const u32 clip_right =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_x + static_cast<s32>(width), m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right)) +
const u32 clip_top = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_y, m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom));
const u32 clip_bottom =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(start_y + static_cast<s32>(height), m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom)) +
AddDrawRectangleTicks(clip_right - clip_left, clip_bottom - clip_top, texture_enable, transparency_enable);
for (u32 offset_y = 0; offset_y < height; offset_y++)
const s32 y = start_y + static_cast<s32>(offset_y);
if (y < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top) || y > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom) ||
(IsInterlacedRenderingEnabled() && GetActiveLineLSB() == (static_cast<u32>(y) & 1u)))
const u8 texcoord_y = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_y) + offset_y);
for (u32 offset_x = 0; offset_x < width; offset_x++)
const s32 x = start_x + static_cast<s32>(offset_x);
if (x < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left) || x > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right))
const u8 texcoord_x = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_x) + offset_x);
ShadePixel<texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, false>(
static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), r, g, b, texcoord_x, texcoord_y);
constexpr s32 FixedToIntCoord(FixedPointCoord x)
std::unique_ptr<GPU> GPU::CreateSoftwareRenderer()
return static_cast<s32>(Truncate32(x >> COORD_FRAC_BITS));
return std::make_unique<GPU_SW>();
constexpr FixedPointColor GetLineColorStep(s32 delta, s32 k)
// Polygon and line rasterization ported from Mednafen
#define COORD_FBS 12
#define COORD_MF_INT(n) ((n) << COORD_FBS)
static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 MakePolyXFP(s32 x)
return static_cast<s32>(static_cast<u32>(delta) << COLOR_FRAC_BITS) / k;
return ((u64)x << 32) + ((1ULL << 32) - (1 << 11));
static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 MakePolyXFPStep(s32 dx, s32 dy)
s64 ret;
s64 dx_ex = (u64)dx << 32;
if (dx_ex < 0)
dx_ex -= dy - 1;
if (dx_ex > 0)
dx_ex += dy - 1;
ret = dx_ex / dy;
return (ret);
static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s32 GetPolyXFP_Int(s64 xfp)
return (xfp >> 32);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
bool ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW::CalcIDeltas(i_deltas& idl, const SWVertex* A, const SWVertex* B, const SWVertex* C)
#define CALCIS(x, y) (((B->x - A->x) * (C->y - B->y)) - ((C->x - B->x) * (B->y - A->y)))
s32 denom = CALCIS(x, y);
if (!denom)
return false;
if constexpr (shading_enable)
idl.dr_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(r, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.dr_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, r) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.dg_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(g, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.dg_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, g) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.db_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(b, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.db_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, b) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
if constexpr (texture_enable)
idl.du_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(u, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.du_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, u) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.dv_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(v, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
idl.dv_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, v) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
return true;
#undef CALCIS
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW::AddIDeltas_DX(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count /*= 1*/)
if constexpr (shading_enable)
ig.r += idl.dr_dx * count;
ig.g += idl.dg_dx * count;
ig.b += idl.db_dx * count;
if constexpr (texture_enable)
ig.u += idl.du_dx * count;
ig.v += idl.dv_dx * count;
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW::AddIDeltas_DY(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count /*= 1*/)
if constexpr (shading_enable)
ig.r += idl.dr_dy * count;
ig.g += idl.dg_dy * count;
ig.b += idl.db_dy * count;
if constexpr (texture_enable)
ig.u += idl.du_dy * count;
ig.v += idl.dv_dy * count;
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawSpan(s32 y, s32 x_start, s32 x_bound, i_group ig, const i_deltas& idl)
if (IsInterlacedRenderingEnabled() && GetActiveLineLSB() == (static_cast<u32>(y) & 1u))
s32 x_ig_adjust = x_start;
s32 w = x_bound - x_start;
s32 x = TruncateVertexPosition(x_start);
if (x < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left))
s32 delta = static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left) - x;
x_ig_adjust += delta;
x += delta;
w -= delta;
if ((x + w) > (static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right) + 1))
w = static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right) + 1 - x;
if (w <= 0)
AddIDeltas_DX<shading_enable, texture_enable>(ig, idl, x_ig_adjust);
AddIDeltas_DY<shading_enable, texture_enable>(ig, idl, y);
const u32 r = ig.r >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING);
const u32 g = ig.g >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING);
const u32 b = ig.b >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING);
const u32 u = ig.u >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING);
const u32 v = ig.v >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING);
ShadePixel<texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(
static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), Truncate8(r), Truncate8(g), Truncate8(b), Truncate8(u), Truncate8(v));
AddIDeltas_DX<shading_enable, texture_enable>(ig, idl);
} while (--w > 0);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawTriangle(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2)
u32 core_vertex;
u32 cvtemp = 0;
if (v1->x <= v0->x)
if (v2->x <= v1->x)
cvtemp = (1 << 2);
cvtemp = (1 << 1);
else if (v2->x < v0->x)
cvtemp = (1 << 2);
cvtemp = (1 << 0);
if (v2->y < v1->y)
std::swap(v2, v1);
cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x2) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x4) | (cvtemp & 0x1);
if (v1->y < v0->y)
std::swap(v1, v0);
cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x1) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x2) | (cvtemp & 0x4);
if (v2->y < v1->y)
std::swap(v2, v1);
cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x2) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x4) | (cvtemp & 0x1);
core_vertex = cvtemp >> 1;
if (v0->y == v2->y)
if (static_cast<u32>(std::abs(v2->x - v0->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH ||
static_cast<u32>(std::abs(v2->x - v1->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH ||
static_cast<u32>(std::abs(v1->x - v0->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH ||
static_cast<u32>(v2->y - v0->y) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_HEIGHT)
const s32 min_x = std::clamp(std::min(v0->x, std::min(v1->x, v2->x)), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left),
const s32 max_x = std::clamp(std::max(v0->x, std::max(v1->x, v2->x)), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left),
const s32 min_y = std::clamp(std::min(v0->y, std::min(v1->y, v2->y)), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top),
const s32 max_y = std::clamp(std::max(v0->y, std::max(v1->y, v2->y)), static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top),
AddDrawTriangleTicks(static_cast<u32>(max_x - min_x + 1), static_cast<u32>(max_y - min_y + 1), shading_enable,
texture_enable, transparency_enable);
s64 base_coord = MakePolyXFP(v0->x);
s64 base_step = MakePolyXFPStep((v2->x - v0->x), (v2->y - v0->y));
s64 bound_coord_us;
s64 bound_coord_ls;
bool right_facing;
if (v1->y == v0->y)
bound_coord_us = 0;
right_facing = (bool)(v1->x > v0->x);
bound_coord_us = MakePolyXFPStep((v1->x - v0->x), (v1->y - v0->y));
right_facing = (bool)(bound_coord_us > base_step);
if (v2->y == v1->y)
bound_coord_ls = 0;
bound_coord_ls = MakePolyXFPStep((v2->x - v1->x), (v2->y - v1->y));
i_deltas idl;
if (!CalcIDeltas<shading_enable, texture_enable>(idl, v0, v1, v2))
const SWVertex* vertices[3] = {v0, v1, v2};
i_group ig;
if constexpr (texture_enable)
ig.u = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->u) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
ig.v = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->v) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
ig.r = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->r) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
ig.g = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->g) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
ig.b = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->b) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING;
AddIDeltas_DX<shading_enable, texture_enable>(ig, idl, -vertices[core_vertex]->x);
AddIDeltas_DY<shading_enable, texture_enable>(ig, idl, -vertices[core_vertex]->y);
struct TriangleHalf
u64 x_coord[2];
u64 x_step[2];
s32 y_coord;
s32 y_bound;
bool dec_mode;
} tripart[2];
u32 vo = 0;
u32 vp = 0;
if (core_vertex != 0)
vo = 1;
if (core_vertex == 2)
vp = 3;
TriangleHalf* tp = &tripart[vo];
tp->y_coord = vertices[0 ^ vo]->y;
tp->y_bound = vertices[1 ^ vo]->y;
tp->x_coord[right_facing] = MakePolyXFP(vertices[0 ^ vo]->x);
tp->x_step[right_facing] = bound_coord_us;
tp->x_coord[!right_facing] = base_coord + ((vertices[vo]->y - vertices[0]->y) * base_step);
tp->x_step[!right_facing] = base_step;
tp->dec_mode = vo;
TriangleHalf* tp = &tripart[vo ^ 1];
tp->y_coord = vertices[1 ^ vp]->y;
tp->y_bound = vertices[2 ^ vp]->y;
tp->x_coord[right_facing] = MakePolyXFP(vertices[1 ^ vp]->x);
tp->x_step[right_facing] = bound_coord_ls;
tp->x_coord[!right_facing] =
base_coord + ((vertices[1 ^ vp]->y - vertices[0]->y) *
base_step); // base_coord + ((vertices[1].y - vertices[0].y) * base_step);
tp->x_step[!right_facing] = base_step;
tp->dec_mode = vp;
for (u32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
s32 yi = tripart[i].y_coord;
s32 yb = tripart[i].y_bound;
u64 lc = tripart[i].x_coord[0];
u64 ls = tripart[i].x_step[0];
u64 rc = tripart[i].x_coord[1];
u64 rs = tripart[i].x_step[1];
if (tripart[i].dec_mode)
while (yi > yb)
lc -= ls;
rc -= rs;
s32 y = TruncateVertexPosition(yi);
if (y < static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top))
if (y > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom))
DrawSpan<shading_enable, texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(
yi, GetPolyXFP_Int(lc), GetPolyXFP_Int(rc), ig, idl);
while (yi < yb)
s32 y = TruncateVertexPosition(yi);
if (y > static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom))
if (y >= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top))
DrawSpan<shading_enable, texture_enable, raw_texture_enable, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(
yi, GetPolyXFP_Int(lc), GetPolyXFP_Int(rc), ig, idl);
lc += ls;
rc += rs;
GPU_SW::DrawTriangleFunction GPU_SW::GetDrawTriangleFunction(bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable,
bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable)
static constexpr DrawTriangleFunction funcs[2][2][2][2][2] = {
{{{{F(false, false, false, false, false), F(false, false, false, false, true)},
{F(false, false, false, true, false), F(false, false, false, true, true)}},
{{F(false, false, true, false, false), F(false, false, true, false, true)},
{F(false, false, true, true, false), F(false, false, true, true, true)}}},
{{{F(false, true, false, false, false), F(false, true, false, false, true)},
{F(false, true, false, true, false), F(false, true, false, true, true)}},
{{F(false, true, true, false, false), F(false, true, true, false, true)},
{F(false, true, true, true, false), F(false, true, true, true, true)}}}},
{{{{F(true, false, false, false, false), F(true, false, false, false, true)},
{F(true, false, false, true, false), F(true, false, false, true, true)}},
{{F(true, false, true, false, false), F(true, false, true, false, true)},
{F(true, false, true, true, false), F(true, false, true, true, true)}}},
{{{F(true, true, false, false, false), F(true, true, false, false, true)},
{F(true, true, false, true, false), F(true, true, false, true, true)}},
{{F(true, true, true, false, false), F(true, true, true, false, true)},
{F(true, true, true, true, false), F(true, true, true, true, true)}}}}};
#undef F
return funcs[u8(shading_enable)][u8(texture_enable)][u8(raw_texture_enable)][u8(transparency_enable)]
Line_XY_FractBits = 32
Line_RGB_FractBits = 12
struct line_fxp_coord
u64 x, y;
u32 r, g, b;
struct line_fxp_step
s64 dx_dk, dy_dk;
s32 dr_dk, dg_dk, db_dk;
static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 LineDivide(s64 delta, s32 dk)
delta = (u64)delta << Line_XY_FractBits;
if (delta < 0)
delta -= dk - 1;
if (delta > 0)
delta += dk - 1;
return (delta / dk);
template<bool shading_enable, bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable>
void GPU_SW::DrawLine(const SWVertex* p0, const SWVertex* p1)
// Algorithm based on Mednafen.
if (p0->x > p1->x)
std::swap(p0, p1);
const s32 dx = p1->x - p0->x;
const s32 dy = p1->y - p0->y;
const s32 k = std::max(std::abs(dx), std::abs(dy));
const s32 i_dx = std::abs(p1->x - p0->x);
const s32 i_dy = std::abs(p1->y - p0->y);
const s32 k = (i_dx > i_dy) ? i_dx : i_dy;
// TODO: Move to base class
const s32 min_x = std::min(p0->x, p1->x);
const s32 max_x = std::max(p0->x, p1->x);
const s32 min_y = std::min(p0->y, p1->y);
const s32 max_y = std::max(p0->y, p1->y);
const u32 clip_left = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(min_x, m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.left));
const u32 clip_right = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(max_x, m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right)) + 1u;
const u32 clip_top = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(min_y, m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom));
const u32 clip_bottom = static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(max_y, m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom)) + 1u;
const u32 clip_left =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(std::min(p0->x, p1->x), m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.left));
const u32 clip_right =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(std::max(p0->x, p1->x), m_drawing_area.left, m_drawing_area.right)) + 1u;
const u32 clip_top =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(std::min(p0->y, p1->y), m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom));
const u32 clip_bottom =
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp<s32>(std::max(p0->y, p1->y), m_drawing_area.top, m_drawing_area.bottom)) + 1u;
AddDrawLineTicks(clip_right - clip_left, clip_bottom - clip_top, shading_enable);
FixedPointCoord step_x, step_y;
FixedPointColor step_r, step_g, step_b;
if (k > 0)
if (p0->x >= p1->x && k > 0)
std::swap(p0, p1);
line_fxp_step step;
if (k == 0)
step_x = GetLineCoordStep(dx, k);
step_y = GetLineCoordStep(dy, k);
step.dx_dk = 0;
step.dy_dk = 0;
if constexpr (shading_enable)
step_r = GetLineColorStep(s32(ZeroExtend32(p1->color_r)) - s32(ZeroExtend32(p0->color_r)), k);
step_g = GetLineColorStep(s32(ZeroExtend32(p1->color_g)) - s32(ZeroExtend32(p0->color_g)), k);
step_b = GetLineColorStep(s32(ZeroExtend32(p1->color_b)) - s32(ZeroExtend32(p0->color_b)), k);
step_r = 0;
step_g = 0;
step_b = 0;
step.dr_dk = 0;
step.dg_dk = 0;
step.db_dk = 0;
step_x = 0;
step_y = 0;
step_r = 0;
step_g = 0;
step_b = 0;
FixedPointCoord current_x = IntToFixedCoord(p0->x);
FixedPointCoord current_y = IntToFixedCoord(p0->y);
FixedPointColor current_r = IntToFixedColor(p0->color_r);
FixedPointColor current_g = IntToFixedColor(p0->color_g);
FixedPointColor current_b = IntToFixedColor(p0->color_b);
for (s32 i = 0; i <= k; i++)
const s32 x = m_drawing_offset.x + FixedToIntCoord(current_x);
const s32 y = m_drawing_offset.y + FixedToIntCoord(current_y);
const u8 r = shading_enable ? FixedColorToInt(current_r) : p0->color_r;
const u8 g = shading_enable ? FixedColorToInt(current_g) : p0->color_g;
const u8 b = shading_enable ? FixedColorToInt(current_b) : p0->color_b;
if (x >= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left) && x <= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right) &&
y >= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top) && y <= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom))
ShadePixel<false, false, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), r, g, b,
0, 0);
current_x += step_x;
current_y += step_y;
step.dx_dk = LineDivide(p1->x - p0->x, k);
step.dy_dk = LineDivide(p1->y - p0->y, k);
if constexpr (shading_enable)
current_r += step_r;
current_g += step_g;
current_b += step_b;
step.dr_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->r - p0->r) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k;
step.dg_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->g - p0->g) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k;
step.db_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->b - p0->b) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k;
line_fxp_coord cur_point;
cur_point.x = ((u64)p0->x << Line_XY_FractBits) | (1ULL << (Line_XY_FractBits - 1));
cur_point.y = ((u64)p0->y << Line_XY_FractBits) | (1ULL << (Line_XY_FractBits - 1));
cur_point.x -= 1024;
if (step.dy_dk < 0)
cur_point.y -= 1024;
if constexpr (shading_enable)
cur_point.r = (p0->r << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1));
cur_point.g = (p0->g << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1));
cur_point.b = (p0->b << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1));
for (s32 i = 0; i <= k; i++)
// Sign extension is not necessary here for x and y, due to the maximum values that ClipX1 and ClipY1 can contain.
const s32 x = (cur_point.x >> Line_XY_FractBits) & 2047;
const s32 y = (cur_point.y >> Line_XY_FractBits) & 2047;
if (!IsInterlacedRenderingEnabled() || GetActiveLineLSB() != (static_cast<u32>(y) & 1u))
const u8 r = shading_enable ? static_cast<u8>(cur_point.r >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->r;
const u8 g = shading_enable ? static_cast<u8>(cur_point.g >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->g;
const u8 b = shading_enable ? static_cast<u8>(cur_point.b >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->b;
if (x >= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.left) && x <= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.right) &&
y >= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.top) && y <= static_cast<s32>(m_drawing_area.bottom))
ShadePixel<false, false, transparency_enable, dithering_enable>(static_cast<u32>(x), static_cast<u32>(y), r, g,
b, 0, 0);
cur_point.x += step.dx_dk;
cur_point.y += step.dy_dk;
if constexpr (shading_enable)
cur_point.r += step.dr_dk;
cur_point.g += step.dg_dk;
cur_point.b += step.db_dk;
@ -860,8 +1097,3 @@ GPU_SW::DrawRectangleFunction GPU_SW::GetDrawRectangleFunction(bool texture_enab
return funcs[u8(texture_enable)][u8(raw_texture_enable)][u8(transparency_enable)];
std::unique_ptr<GPU> GPU::CreateSoftwareRenderer()
return std::make_unique<GPU_SW>();
@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ protected:
struct SWVertex
s32 x, y;
u8 color_r, color_g, color_b;
u8 texcoord_x, texcoord_y;
u8 r, g, b;
u8 u, v;
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetPosition(VertexPosition p)
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetPosition(VertexPosition p, s32 offset_x, s32 offset_y)
x = p.x;
y = p.y;
x = TruncateVertexPosition(offset_x + p.x);
y = TruncateVertexPosition(offset_y + p.y);
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetColorRGB24(u32 color) { std::tie(color_r, color_g, color_b) = UnpackColorRGB24(color); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetTexcoord(u16 value) { std::tie(texcoord_x, texcoord_y) = UnpackTexcoord(value); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetColorRGB24(u32 color) { std::tie(r, g, b) = UnpackColorRGB24(color); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetTexcoord(u16 value) { std::tie(u, v) = UnpackTexcoord(value); }
@ -60,19 +60,9 @@ protected:
void DispatchRenderCommand() override;
static bool IsClockwiseWinding(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2);
template<bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable>
void ShadePixel(u32 x, u32 y, u8 color_r, u8 color_g, u8 color_b, u8 texcoord_x, u8 texcoord_y);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void DrawTriangle(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2);
using DrawTriangleFunction = void (GPU_SW::*)(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2);
DrawTriangleFunction GetDrawTriangleFunction(bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable,
bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable);
template<bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable>
void DrawRectangle(s32 origin_x, s32 origin_y, u32 width, u32 height, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 origin_texcoord_x,
u8 origin_texcoord_y);
@ -82,6 +72,45 @@ protected:
DrawRectangleFunction GetDrawRectangleFunction(bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable,
bool transparency_enable);
// Polygon and line rasterization ported from Mednafen
struct i_deltas
u32 du_dx, dv_dx;
u32 dr_dx, dg_dx, db_dx;
u32 du_dy, dv_dy;
u32 dr_dy, dg_dy, db_dy;
struct i_group
u32 u, v;
u32 r, g, b;
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
bool CalcIDeltas(i_deltas& idl, const SWVertex* A, const SWVertex* B, const SWVertex* C);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
void AddIDeltas_DX(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count = 1);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable>
void AddIDeltas_DY(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count = 1);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void DrawSpan(s32 y, s32 x_start, s32 x_bound, i_group ig, const i_deltas& idl);
template<bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable, bool transparency_enable,
bool dithering_enable>
void DrawTriangle(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2);
using DrawTriangleFunction = void (GPU_SW::*)(const SWVertex* v0, const SWVertex* v1, const SWVertex* v2);
DrawTriangleFunction GetDrawTriangleFunction(bool shading_enable, bool texture_enable, bool raw_texture_enable,
bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable);
template<bool shading_enable, bool transparency_enable, bool dithering_enable>
void DrawLine(const SWVertex* p0, const SWVertex* p1);
Reference in a new issue