mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
CDImageDevice: Implement disc reading for MacOS
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/error.h"
#include "common/error.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include "common/path.h"
#include "common/small_string.h"
#include "common/small_string.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
@ -1143,6 +1144,487 @@ bool CDImage::IsDeviceName(const char* filename)
return is_cdrom;
return is_cdrom;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOCDMedia.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOCDMediaBSDClient.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IODVDMedia.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IODVDMediaBSDClient.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace {
class CDImageDeviceMacOS : public CDImage
~CDImageDeviceMacOS() override;
bool Open(const char* filename, Error* error);
bool ReadSubChannelQ(SubChannelQ* subq, const Index& index, LBA lba_in_index) override;
bool HasNonStandardSubchannel() const override;
bool ReadSectorFromIndex(void* buffer, const Index& index, LBA lba_in_index) override;
// Raw reads should subtract 00:02:00.
static constexpr u32 RAW_READ_OFFSET = 2 * FRAMES_PER_SECOND;
bool ReadSectorToBuffer(LBA lba);
bool DetermineReadMode(Error* error);
bool DoSetSpeed(u32 speed_multiplier);
int m_fd = -1;
LBA m_current_lba = ~static_cast<LBA>(0);
SCSIReadMode m_read_mode = SCSIReadMode::None;
std::array<u8, RAW_SECTOR_SIZE + ALL_SUBCODE_SIZE> m_buffer;
} // namespace
static io_service_t GetDeviceMediaService(std::string_view devname)
std::string_view filename = Path::GetFileName(devname);
if (filename.starts_with("r"))
filename = filename.substr(1);
if (filename.empty())
return 0;
TinyString rdevname(filename);
io_iterator_t iterator;
kern_return_t ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(0, IOBSDNameMatching(0, 0, rdevname.c_str()), &iterator);
if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
Log_ErrorFmt("IOServiceGetMatchingService() returned {}", ret);
return 0;
// search up the heirarchy
for (;;)
io_service_t service = IOIteratorNext(iterator);
if (IOObjectConformsTo(service, kIOCDMediaClass) || IOObjectConformsTo(service, kIODVDMediaClass))
return service;
ret = IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator(service, kIOServicePlane, &iterator);
if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
return 0;
CDImageDeviceMacOS::CDImageDeviceMacOS() = default;
if (m_fd >= 0)
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::Open(const char* filename, Error* error)
m_filename = filename;
m_fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (m_fd < 0)
Error::SetErrno(error, "Failed to open device: ", errno);
return false;
constexpr int read_speed = 8;
// Read ToC
static constexpr u32 TOC_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
std::unique_ptr<CDTOC, void (*)(void*)> toc(static_cast<CDTOC*>(std::malloc(TOC_BUFFER_SIZE)), std::free);
dk_cd_read_toc_t toc_read = {};
toc_read.format = kCDTOCFormatTOC;
toc_read.formatAsTime = true;
toc_read.buffer = toc.get();
toc_read.bufferLength = TOC_BUFFER_SIZE;
if (ioctl(m_fd, DKIOCCDREADTOC, &toc_read) != 0)
Error::SetErrno(error, "ioctl(DKIOCCDREADTOC) failed: ", errno);
return false;
const u32 desc_count = CDTOCGetDescriptorCount(toc.get());
Log_DevFmt("sessionFirst={}, sessionLast={}, count={}", toc->sessionFirst, toc->sessionLast, desc_count);
if (toc->sessionLast < toc->sessionFirst)
Error::SetStringFmt(error, "Last track {} is before first track {}", toc->sessionLast, toc->sessionFirst);
return false;
// find track range
u32 leadout_index = desc_count;
u32 first_track = MAX_TRACK_NUMBER;
u32 last_track = 1;
for (u32 i = 0; i < desc_count; i++)
const CDTOCDescriptor& desc = toc->descriptors[i];
Log_DevFmt(" [{}]: Num={}, Point=0x{:02X} ADR={} MSF={}:{}:{}", i, desc.tno, desc.point, desc.adr, desc.p.minute,
desc.p.second, desc.p.frame);
// Why does MacOS use 0xA2 instead of 0xAA for leadout??
if (desc.point == 0xA2)
leadout_index = i;
else if (desc.point >= 1 && desc.point <= MAX_TRACK_NUMBER)
first_track = std::min<u32>(first_track, desc.point);
last_track = std::max<u32>(last_track, desc.point);
if (leadout_index == desc_count)
Error::SetStringView(error, "Lead-out track not found.");
return false;
LBA disc_lba = 0;
LBA last_track_lba = 0;
for (u32 track_num = first_track; track_num <= last_track; track_num++)
u32 toc_index;
for (toc_index = 0; toc_index < desc_count; toc_index++)
const CDTOCDescriptor& desc = toc->descriptors[toc_index];
if (desc.point == track_num)
if (toc_index == desc_count)
Error::SetStringFmt(error, "Track {} not found in TOC", track_num);
return false;
const CDTOCDescriptor& desc = toc->descriptors[toc_index];
const u32 track_lba = Position{desc.p.minute, desc.p.second, desc.p.frame}.ToLBA();
// fill in the previous track's length
if (!m_tracks.empty())
const LBA previous_track_length = track_lba - last_track_lba;
m_tracks.back().length += previous_track_length;
m_indices.back().length += previous_track_length;
disc_lba += previous_track_length;
last_track_lba = track_lba;
// precompute subchannel q flags for the whole track
SubChannelQ::Control control{};
control.bits = desc.adr | (desc.control << 4);
const TrackMode track_mode = control.data ? CDImage::TrackMode::Mode2Raw : CDImage::TrackMode::Audio;
// TODO: How the hell do we handle pregaps here?
const u32 pregap_frames = (track_num == 1) ? 150 : 0;
if (pregap_frames > 0)
Index pregap_index = {};
pregap_index.start_lba_on_disc = disc_lba;
pregap_index.start_lba_in_track = static_cast<LBA>(-static_cast<s32>(pregap_frames));
pregap_index.length = pregap_frames;
pregap_index.track_number = track_num;
pregap_index.index_number = 0;
pregap_index.mode = track_mode;
pregap_index.submode = CDImage::SubchannelMode::None;
pregap_index.control.bits = control.bits;
pregap_index.is_pregap = true;
disc_lba += pregap_frames;
// index 1, will be filled in next iteration
if (track_num <= MAX_TRACK_NUMBER)
// add the track itself
Track{track_num, disc_lba, static_cast<u32>(m_indices.size()), 0, track_mode, SubchannelMode::None, control});
Index index1;
index1.start_lba_on_disc = disc_lba;
index1.start_lba_in_track = 0;
index1.length = 0;
index1.track_number = track_num;
index1.index_number = 1;
index1.file_index = 0;
index1.file_sector_size = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE;
index1.file_offset = static_cast<u64>(track_lba);
index1.mode = track_mode;
index1.submode = CDImage::SubchannelMode::None;
index1.control.bits = control.bits;
index1.is_pregap = false;
if (m_tracks.empty())
Log_ErrorPrintf("File '%s' contains no tracks", filename);
Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("File '{}' contains no tracks", filename));
return false;
// Fill last track length from lead-out.
const CDTOCDescriptor& leadout_desc = toc->descriptors[leadout_index];
const u32 leadout_lba = Position{leadout_desc.p.minute, leadout_desc.p.second, leadout_desc.p.frame}.ToLBA();
const LBA previous_track_length = static_cast<LBA>(leadout_lba - last_track_lba);
m_tracks.back().length += previous_track_length;
m_indices.back().length += previous_track_length;
disc_lba += previous_track_length;
// And add the lead-out itself.
m_lba_count = disc_lba;
Log_DevPrintf("%u tracks, %u indices, %u lbas", static_cast<u32>(m_tracks.size()), static_cast<u32>(m_indices.size()),
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_tracks.size(); i++)
Log_DevPrintf(" Track %u: Start %u, length %u, mode %u, control 0x%02X", static_cast<u32>(m_tracks[i].track_number),
static_cast<u32>(m_tracks[i].start_lba), static_cast<u32>(m_tracks[i].length),
static_cast<u32>(m_tracks[i].mode), static_cast<u32>(m_tracks[i].control.bits));
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_indices.size(); i++)
Log_DevPrintf(" Index %u: Track %u, Index %u, Start %u, length %u, file sector size %u, file offset %" PRIu64, i,
static_cast<u32>(m_indices[i].track_number), static_cast<u32>(m_indices[i].index_number),
static_cast<u32>(m_indices[i].start_lba_on_disc), static_cast<u32>(m_indices[i].length),
static_cast<u32>(m_indices[i].file_sector_size), m_indices[i].file_offset);
if (!DetermineReadMode(error))
return false;
return Seek(1, Position{0, 0, 0});
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::ReadSubChannelQ(SubChannelQ* subq, const Index& index, LBA lba_in_index)
if (index.file_sector_size == 0 || m_read_mode < SCSIReadMode::Full)
return CDImage::ReadSubChannelQ(subq, index, lba_in_index);
const LBA disc_lba = static_cast<LBA>(index.file_offset) + lba_in_index;
if (m_current_lba != disc_lba && !ReadSectorToBuffer(disc_lba))
return false;
if (m_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::SubQOnly)
// copy out subq
std::memcpy(subq->data.data(), m_buffer.data() + RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, SUBCHANNEL_BYTES_PER_FRAME);
return true;
else // if (m_scsi_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::Full)
// need to deinterleave the subcode
u8 deinterleaved_subcode[ALL_SUBCODE_SIZE];
DeinterleaveSubcode(m_buffer.data() + RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, deinterleaved_subcode);
// P, Q, ...
std::memcpy(subq->data.data(), deinterleaved_subcode + SUBCHANNEL_BYTES_PER_FRAME, SUBCHANNEL_BYTES_PER_FRAME);
return true;
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::HasNonStandardSubchannel() const
// Can only read subchannel through SPTD.
return m_read_mode >= SCSIReadMode::Full;
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::ReadSectorFromIndex(void* buffer, const Index& index, LBA lba_in_index)
if (index.file_sector_size == 0)
return false;
const LBA disc_lba = static_cast<LBA>(index.file_offset) + lba_in_index;
if (m_current_lba != disc_lba && !ReadSectorToBuffer(disc_lba))
return false;
std::memcpy(buffer, m_buffer.data(), RAW_SECTOR_SIZE);
return true;
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::DoSetSpeed(u32 speed_multiplier)
const u16 speed = static_cast<u16>((FRAMES_PER_SECOND * RAW_SECTOR_SIZE * speed_multiplier) / 1024);
if (ioctl(m_fd, DKIOCCDSETSPEED, &speed) != 0)
Log_ErrorFmt("DKIOCCDSETSPEED for speed {} failed: {}", speed, errno);
return false;
return true;
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::ReadSectorToBuffer(LBA lba)
if (lba < RAW_READ_OFFSET)
Log_ErrorFmt("Out of bounds LBA {}", lba);
return false;
const u32 sector_size =
RAW_SECTOR_SIZE + ((m_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::Full) ?
((m_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::SubQOnly) ? SUBCHANNEL_BYTES_PER_FRAME : 0));
dk_cd_read_t desc = {};
desc.sectorArea =
kCDSectorAreaSync | kCDSectorAreaHeader | kCDSectorAreaSubHeader | kCDSectorAreaUser | kCDSectorAreaAuxiliary |
((m_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::Full) ? kCDSectorAreaSubChannel :
((m_read_mode == SCSIReadMode::SubQOnly) ? kCDSectorAreaSubChannelQ : 0));
desc.sectorType = kCDSectorTypeUnknown;
desc.offset = static_cast<u64>(lba - RAW_READ_OFFSET) * sector_size;
desc.buffer = m_buffer.data();
desc.bufferLength = sector_size;
if (ioctl(m_fd, DKIOCCDREAD, &desc) != 0)
const Position msf = Position::FromLBA(lba);
Log_ErrorFmt("DKIOCCDREAD for LBA {} (MSF {}:{}:{}) failed: {}", lba, msf.minute, msf.second, msf.frame, errno);
return false;
m_current_lba = lba;
return true;
bool CDImageDeviceMacOS::DetermineReadMode(Error* error)
const LBA track_1_lba = static_cast<LBA>(m_indices[m_tracks[0].first_index].file_offset);
const bool check_subcode = ShouldTryReadingSubcode();
Log_DevPrint("Trying read with full subcode...");
m_read_mode = SCSIReadMode::Full;
m_current_lba = m_lba_count;
if (check_subcode && ReadSectorToBuffer(track_1_lba))
if (VerifySCSIReadData(std::span<u8>(m_buffer.data(), RAW_SECTOR_SIZE + ALL_SUBCODE_SIZE), SCSIReadMode::Full,
Log_VerbosePrint("Using reads with subcode");
return true;
#if 0
// This seems to lock up on my drive... :/
Log_WarningPrint("Full subcode failed, trying SCSI read with only subq...");
m_read_mode = SCSIReadMode::SubQOnly;
m_current_lba = m_lba_count;
if (check_subcode && ReadSectorToBuffer(track_1_lba))
if (VerifySCSIReadData(std::span<u8>(m_buffer.data(), RAW_SECTOR_SIZE + SUBCHANNEL_BYTES_PER_FRAME),
SCSIReadMode::SubQOnly, track_1_lba))
Log_VerbosePrint("Using reads with subq only");
return true;
Log_WarningPrint("SCSI reads failed, trying without subcode...");
m_read_mode = SCSIReadMode::Raw;
m_current_lba = m_lba_count;
if (ReadSectorToBuffer(track_1_lba))
Log_WarningPrint("Using non-subcode reads, libcrypt games will not run correctly");
return true;
Log_ErrorPrint("No read modes were successful, cannot use device.");
return false;
std::unique_ptr<CDImage> CDImage::OpenDeviceImage(const char* filename, Error* error)
std::unique_ptr<CDImageDeviceMacOS> image = std::make_unique<CDImageDeviceMacOS>();
if (!image->Open(filename, error))
return {};
return image;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> CDImage::GetDeviceList()
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ret;
// borrowed from PCSX2
auto append_list = [&ret](const char* classes_name) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef classes = IOServiceMatching(kIOCDMediaClass);
if (!classes)
CFDictionarySetValue(classes, CFSTR(kIOMediaEjectableKey), kCFBooleanTrue);
io_iterator_t iter;
kern_return_t result = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(0, classes, &iter);
if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
while (io_object_t media = IOIteratorNext(iter))
CFTypeRef path = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(media, CFSTR(kIOBSDNameKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if (path)
char buf[PATH_MAX];
if (CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)path, buf, sizeof(buf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
if (std::none_of(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [&buf](const auto& it) { return it.second == buf; }))
ret.emplace_back(fmt::format("/dev/r{}", buf), buf);
return ret;
bool CDImage::IsDeviceName(const char* filename)
if (!std::string_view(filename).starts_with("/dev"))
return false;
io_service_t service = GetDeviceMediaService(filename);
const bool valid = (service != 0);
if (valid)
return valid;
std::unique_ptr<CDImage> CDImage::OpenDeviceImage(const char* filename, Error* error)
std::unique_ptr<CDImage> CDImage::OpenDeviceImage(const char* filename, Error* error)
Reference in a new issue