diff --git a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
index 1d16e9020..402a62ed8 100644
--- a/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
+++ b/src/duckstation-qt/translations/duckstation-qt_zh-cn.ts
@@ -1327,6 +1327,14 @@
Force NTSC Timings (60hz-on-PAL)强制NTSC制式 (60hz-PAL)
+ Force 4:3 For 24-bit Display
+ 24位色显示中强制4比3
+ Force 4:3 For 24-Bit Display (disable widescreen for FMVs)
+ 24位色显示中强制4比3 (动画中禁用宽屏)
@@ -1399,6 +1407,10 @@
Uses NTSC frame timings when the console is in PAL mode, forcing PAL games to run at 60hz. <br>For most games which have a speed tied to the framerate, this will result in the game running approximately 17% faster. <br>For variable frame rate games, it may not affect the speed.当游戏机处于PAL模式时使用NTSC帧计时, 强制PAL游戏以60hz运行。<br>对于大多数速度与帧速率相关的游戏, 这将导致游戏运行速度大约快17%。<br>对于可变帧速率游戏, 它可能不会影响速度。
+ Switches back to 4:3 display aspect ratio when displaying 24-bit content, usually FMVs.
+ 当显示24位色内容(通常为动画)时,纵横比切换回4比3显示。
+ Scales vertex positions in screen-space to a widescreen aspect ratio, essentially increasing the field of view from 4:3 to 16:9 in 3D games. <br>For 2D games, or games which use pre-rendered backgrounds, this enhancement will not work as expected. <br><b><u>May not be compatible with all games.</u></b>