mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
Common: Force inlining of BitField/SignExtend/ZeroExtend functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include <type_traits>
// Disable MSVC warnings that we actually handle
@ -10,105 +11,107 @@
template<typename BackingDataType, typename DataType, unsigned BitIndex, unsigned BitCount>
struct BitField
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<DataType, bool> || BitCount == 1, "Boolean bitfields should only be 1 bit");
// We have to delete the copy assignment operator otherwise we can't use this class in anonymous structs/unions.
BitField& operator=(const BitField& rhs) = delete;
constexpr BackingDataType GetMask() const
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr BackingDataType GetMask() const
return ((static_cast<BackingDataType>(~0)) >> (8 * sizeof(BackingDataType) - BitCount)) << BitIndex;
operator DataType() const { return GetValue(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE operator DataType() const { return GetValue(); }
BitField& operator=(DataType value)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator=(DataType value)
return *this;
DataType operator++()
ALWAYS_INLINE DataType operator++()
DataType value = GetValue() + 1;
return GetValue();
DataType operator++(int)
ALWAYS_INLINE DataType operator++(int)
DataType value = GetValue();
SetValue(value + 1);
return value;
DataType operator--()
ALWAYS_INLINE DataType operator--()
DataType value = GetValue() - 1;
return GetValue();
DataType operator--(int)
ALWAYS_INLINE DataType operator--(int)
DataType value = GetValue();
SetValue(value - 1);
return value;
BitField& operator+=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator+=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() + rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator-=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator-=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() - rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator*=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator*=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() * rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator/=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator/=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() / rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator&=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator&=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() & rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator|=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator|=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() | rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator^=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator^=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() ^ rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator<<=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator<<=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() << rhs);
return *this;
BitField& operator>>=(DataType rhs)
ALWAYS_INLINE BitField& operator>>=(DataType rhs)
SetValue(GetValue() >> rhs);
return *this;
DataType GetValue() const
ALWAYS_INLINE DataType GetValue() const
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<DataType, bool>)
@ -125,10 +128,9 @@ struct BitField
void SetValue(DataType value)
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetValue(DataType value)
data &= ~GetMask();
data |= (static_cast<BackingDataType>(value) << BitIndex) & GetMask();
data = (data & ~GetMask()) | (static_cast<BackingDataType>(value) << BitIndex) & GetMask();
BackingDataType data;
@ -42,33 +42,33 @@ using CycleCount = int64_t;
using SimulationTime = int64_t;
// Helpers for simulation time.
constexpr SimulationTime SecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime s)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime SecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime s)
return s * INT64_C(1000000000);
constexpr SimulationTime MillisecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime ms)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime MillisecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime ms)
return ms * INT64_C(1000000);
constexpr SimulationTime MicrosecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime us)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime MicrosecondsToSimulationTime(SimulationTime us)
return us * INT64_C(1000);
constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToSeconds(SimulationTime s)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToSeconds(SimulationTime s)
return s / INT64_C(1000000000);
constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToMilliseconds(SimulationTime ms)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToMilliseconds(SimulationTime ms)
return ms / INT64_C(1000000);
constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToMicroseconds(SimulationTime us)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime SimulationTimeToMicroseconds(SimulationTime us)
return us / INT64_C(1000);
// Calculates the difference between the specified timestamps, accounting for signed overflow.
constexpr SimulationTime GetSimulationTimeDifference(SimulationTime prev, SimulationTime now)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr SimulationTime GetSimulationTimeDifference(SimulationTime prev, SimulationTime now)
if (prev <= now)
return now - prev;
@ -78,111 +78,105 @@ constexpr SimulationTime GetSimulationTimeDifference(SimulationTime prev, Simula
// Zero-extending helper
template<typename TReturn, typename TValue>
constexpr TReturn ZeroExtend(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr TReturn ZeroExtend(TValue value)
// auto unsigned_val = static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<TValue>::type>(value);
// auto extended_val = static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<TReturn>::type>(unsigned_val);
// return static_cast<TReturn>(extended_val);
return static_cast<TReturn>(static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<TReturn>::type>(
static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<TValue>::type>(value)));
// Sign-extending helper
template<typename TReturn, typename TValue>
constexpr TReturn SignExtend(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr TReturn SignExtend(TValue value)
// auto signed_val = static_cast<typename std::make_signed<TValue>::type>(value);
// auto extended_val = static_cast<typename std::make_signed<TReturn>::type>(signed_val);
// return static_cast<TReturn>(extended_val);
return static_cast<TReturn>(
static_cast<typename std::make_signed<TReturn>::type>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<TValue>::type>(value)));
// Type-specific helpers
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u16 ZeroExtend16(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u16 ZeroExtend16(TValue value)
return ZeroExtend<u16, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u32 ZeroExtend32(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u32 ZeroExtend32(TValue value)
return ZeroExtend<u32, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u64 ZeroExtend64(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u64 ZeroExtend64(TValue value)
return ZeroExtend<u64, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u16 SignExtend16(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u16 SignExtend16(TValue value)
return SignExtend<u16, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u32 SignExtend32(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u32 SignExtend32(TValue value)
return SignExtend<u32, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u64 SignExtend64(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u64 SignExtend64(TValue value)
return SignExtend<u64, TValue>(value);
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u8 Truncate8(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u8 Truncate8(TValue value)
return static_cast<u8>(static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<decltype(value)>::type>(value));
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u16 Truncate16(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u16 Truncate16(TValue value)
return static_cast<u16>(static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<decltype(value)>::type>(value));
template<typename TValue>
constexpr u32 Truncate32(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u32 Truncate32(TValue value)
return static_cast<u32>(static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<decltype(value)>::type>(value));
// BCD helpers
constexpr u8 DecimalToBCD(u8 value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u8 DecimalToBCD(u8 value)
return ((value / 10) << 4) + (value % 10);
constexpr u8 BCDToDecimal(u8 value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u8 BCDToDecimal(u8 value)
return ((value >> 4) * 10) + (value % 16);
// Boolean to integer
constexpr u8 BoolToUInt8(bool value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u8 BoolToUInt8(bool value)
return static_cast<u8>(value);
constexpr u16 BoolToUInt16(bool value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u16 BoolToUInt16(bool value)
return static_cast<u16>(value);
constexpr u32 BoolToUInt32(bool value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u32 BoolToUInt32(bool value)
return static_cast<u32>(value);
constexpr u64 BoolToUInt64(bool value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr u64 BoolToUInt64(bool value)
return static_cast<u64>(value);
// Integer to boolean
template<typename TValue>
constexpr bool ConvertToBool(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr bool ConvertToBool(TValue value)
return static_cast<bool>(value);
// Unsafe integer to boolean
template<typename TValue>
constexpr bool ConvertToBoolUnchecked(TValue value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr bool ConvertToBoolUnchecked(TValue value)
// static_assert(sizeof(uint8) == sizeof(bool));
bool ret;
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ constexpr bool ConvertToBoolUnchecked(TValue value)
// Generic sign extension
template<int NBITS, typename T>
constexpr T SignExtendN(T value)
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr T SignExtendN(T value)
// http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#VariableSignExtend
constexpr int shift = 8 * sizeof(T) - NBITS;
@ -201,38 +195,38 @@ constexpr T SignExtendN(T value)
// Enum class bitwise operators
inline constexpr type_ operator&(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_ operator&(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
return static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) & \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
} \
inline constexpr type_ operator|(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_ operator|(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
return static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) | \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
} \
inline constexpr type_ operator^(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_ operator^(type_ lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
return static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) ^ \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
} \
inline constexpr type_ operator~(type_ val) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_ operator~(type_ val) \
{ \
return static_cast<type_>(~static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(val)); \
} \
inline constexpr type_& operator&=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_& operator&=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
lhs = static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) & \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
return lhs; \
} \
inline constexpr type_& operator|=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_& operator|=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
lhs = static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) | \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
return lhs; \
} \
inline constexpr type_& operator^=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr type_& operator^=(type_& lhs, type_ rhs) \
{ \
lhs = static_cast<type_>(static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(lhs) ^ \
static_cast<std::underlying_type<type_>::type>(rhs)); \
Reference in a new issue