mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
GTE: Cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -354,26 +354,6 @@ void Core::SetIR(u32 index, s32 value, bool lm)
m_regs.dr32[8 + index] = value;
void Core::SetIR0(s32 value)
if (value < 0)
m_regs.dr32[8] = 0;
if (value > 0x1000)
m_regs.dr32[8] = UINT32_C(0x1000);
// store the sign extension in the padding bits
m_regs.dr32[8] = static_cast<u32>(value);
void Core::SetOTZ(s32 value)
if (value < 0)
@ -446,64 +426,16 @@ void Core::PushRGB(u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 c)
m_regs.RGB2 = ZeroExtend32(r) | (ZeroExtend32(g) << 8) | (ZeroExtend32(b) << 16) | (ZeroExtend32(c) << 24);
s32 Core::Divide(s32 dividend, s32 divisor)
void Core::RTPS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm)
DebugAssert(divisor != 0);
const s32 res = dividend / divisor;
if (res > 0x1FFFF)
m_regs.FLAG.divide_overflow = true;
return 0x1FFFF;
return res;
s32 Core::SaturateDivide(s32 result)
if (result > 0x1FFFF)
m_regs.FLAG.divide_overflow = true;
return 0x1FFFF;
return result;
void Core::RTPS(const s16 V[3], bool sf)
const u8 shift = sf ? 12 : 0;
// IR1 = MAC1 = (TRX*1000h + RT11*VX0 + RT12*VY0 + RT13*VZ0) SAR (sf*12)
// IR2 = MAC2 = (TRY*1000h + RT21*VX0 + RT22*VY0 + RT23*VZ0) SAR (sf*12)
// IR3 = MAC3 = (TRZ*1000h + RT31*VX0 + RT32*VY0 + RT33*VZ0) SAR (sf*12)
#define T(i) \
(((s64(m_regs.TR[i]) * 0x1000) + (s64(m_regs.RT[i][0]) * V[0]) + (s64(m_regs.RT[i][1]) * V[1]) + \
(s64(m_regs.RT[i][2]) * V[2])) >> \
const s64 Rx = T(0);
const s64 Ry = T(1);
const s64 Rz = T(2);
#undef T
SetMAC(1, Rx);
SetMAC(2, Ry);
SetMAC(3, Rz);
SetIR(1, m_regs.MAC1, false);
SetIR(2, m_regs.MAC2, false);
SetIR(3, m_regs.MAC3, false);
MulMatVec(m_regs.RT, m_regs.TR, V[0], V[1], V[2], sf ? 12 : 0, lm);
// SZ3 = MAC3 SAR ((1-sf)*12) ;ScreenZ FIFO 0..+FFFFh
const s32 SZ3 = sf ? m_regs.MAC3 : (m_regs.MAC3 >> 12);
PushSZ(sf ? m_regs.MAC3 : (m_regs.MAC3 >> 12));
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*IR1+OFX, SX2=MAC0/10000h ;ScrX FIFO -400h..+3FFh
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*IR2+OFY, SY2=MAC0/10000h ;ScrY FIFO -400h..+3FFh
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*DQA+DQB, IR0=MAC0/1000h ;Depth cueing 0..+1000h
s32 result;
if (m_regs.SZ3 == 0)
@ -512,21 +444,28 @@ void Core::RTPS(const s16 V[3], bool sf)
result = SaturateDivide(Truncate32(((ZeroExtend64(m_regs.H) * 0x20000) / SZ3) + 1) / 2);
result = s32(((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.H) * 0x20000) / s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.SZ3))) + 1) / 2);
if (result > 0x1FFFF)
m_regs.FLAG.divide_overflow = true;
result = 0x1FFFF;
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*IR1+OFX, SX2=MAC0/10000h ;ScrX FIFO -400h..+3FFh
const s32 MAC0_x = result * m_regs.IR1 + m_regs.OFX;
const s32 MAC0_y = result * m_regs.IR2 + m_regs.OFY;
const s32 MAC0_z = result * m_regs.DQA + m_regs.DQB;
PushSXY(MAC0_x / 0x10000, MAC0_y / 0x10000);
SetIR0(MAC0_z / 0x1000);
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*IR2+OFY, SY2=MAC0/10000h ;ScrY FIFO -400h..+3FFh
// MAC0=(((H*20000h/SZ3)+1)/2)*DQA+DQB, IR0=MAC0/1000h ;Depth cueing 0..+1000h
const s32 Sx = TruncateAndSetMAC<0>(s64(result) * s64(m_regs.IR1) + s64(m_regs.OFX), 16);
const s32 Sy = TruncateAndSetMAC<0>(s64(result) * s64(m_regs.IR2) + s64(m_regs.OFY), 16);
const s32 Sz = TruncateAndSetMAC<0>(s64(result) * s64(m_regs.DQA) + s64(m_regs.DQB), 12);
PushSXY(Sx, Sy);
TruncateAndSetIR<0>(Sz, true);
void Core::Execute_RTPS(Instruction inst)
RTPS(m_regs.V0, inst.sf);
RTPS(m_regs.V0, inst.sf, inst.lm);
@ -535,9 +474,9 @@ void Core::Execute_RTPT(Instruction inst)
const bool sf = inst.sf;
RTPS(m_regs.V0, sf);
RTPS(m_regs.V1, sf);
RTPS(m_regs.V2, sf);
RTPS(m_regs.V0, sf, inst.lm);
RTPS(m_regs.V1, sf, inst.lm);
RTPS(m_regs.V2, sf, inst.lm);
@ -608,13 +547,13 @@ s64 Core::VecDot(const s16 A[3], s16 B_x, s16 B_y, s16 B_z)
return s64(s32(A[0]) * s32(B_x)) + s64(s32(A[1]) * s32(B_y)) + s64(s32(A[2]) * s32(B_z));
void Core::MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, bool sf, bool lm)
void Core::MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, u8 shift, bool lm)
#define dot3(i) \
TruncateAndSetMAC<i + 1>( \
TruncateMAC<i + 1>(TruncateMAC<i + 1>(s64(s32(M[i][0]) * s32(Vx))) + s64(s32(M[i][1]) * s32(Vy))) + \
s64(s32(M[i][2]) * s32(Vz)), \
@ -627,14 +566,14 @@ void Core::MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz
TruncateAndSetIR<3>(m_regs.MAC3, lm);
void Core::MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s32 T[3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, bool sf, bool lm)
void Core::MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s32 T[3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, u8 shift, bool lm)
#define dot3(i) \
TruncateAndSetMAC<i + 1>(s64(T[i] << 12) + \
TruncateAndSetMAC<i + 1>((s64(T[i]) << 12) + \
TruncateMAC<i + 1>(TruncateMAC<i + 1>(TruncateMAC<i + 1>(s64(s32(M[i][0]) * s32(Vx))) + \
s64(s32(M[i][1]) * s32(Vy))) + \
s64(s32(M[i][2]) * s32(Vz))), \
@ -652,16 +591,16 @@ void Core::NCCS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm)
const u8 shift = sf ? 12 : 0;
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (LLM*V0) SAR (sf*12)
MulMatVec(m_regs.LLM, V[0], V[1], V[2], sf, lm);
MulMatVec(m_regs.LLM, V[0], V[1], V[2], shift, lm);
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (BK*1000h + LCM*IR) SAR (sf*12)
MulMatVec(m_regs.LCM, m_regs.BK, m_regs.IR1, m_regs.IR2, m_regs.IR3, sf, lm);
MulMatVec(m_regs.LCM, m_regs.BK, m_regs.IR1, m_regs.IR2, m_regs.IR3, shift, lm);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [R*IR1,G*IR2,B*IR3] SHL 4 ;<--- for NCDx/NCCx
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] SAR (sf*12) ;<--- for NCDx/NCCx
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC1), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC2), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC3), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC1), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC2), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC3), shift);
// Color FIFO = [MAC1/16,MAC2/16,MAC3/16,CODE], [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3]
PushRGB(TruncateRGB<0>(m_regs.MAC1 / 16), TruncateRGB<1>(m_regs.MAC2 / 16), TruncateRGB<2>(m_regs.MAC3 / 16),
@ -696,27 +635,27 @@ void Core::NCDS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm)
const u8 shift = sf ? 12 : 0;
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (LLM*V0) SAR (sf*12)
MulMatVec(m_regs.LLM, V[0], V[1], V[2], sf, lm);
MulMatVec(m_regs.LLM, V[0], V[1], V[2], shift, lm);
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (BK*1000h + LCM*IR) SAR (sf*12)
MulMatVec(m_regs.LCM, m_regs.BK, m_regs.IR1, m_regs.IR2, m_regs.IR3, sf, lm);
MulMatVec(m_regs.LCM, m_regs.BK, m_regs.IR1, m_regs.IR2, m_regs.IR3, shift, lm);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [R*IR1,G*IR2,B*IR3] SHL 4 ;<--- for NCDx/NCCx
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC1), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC2), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC3), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC1), 0);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC2), 0);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 4) * s64(m_regs.MAC3), 0);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = MAC+(FC-MAC)*IR0 ;<--- for NCDx only
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = (([RFC,GFC,BFC] SHL 12) - [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3]) SAR (sf*12)
TruncateAndSetIR<1>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[0]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC1)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<2>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[1]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC2)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<3>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[2]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC3)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<1>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[0]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC1)) >> shift, false);
TruncateAndSetIR<2>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[1]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC2)) >> shift, false);
TruncateAndSetIR<3>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[2]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC3)) >> shift, false);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (([IR1,IR2,IR3] * IR0) + [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3])
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] SAR (sf*12) ;<--- for NCDx/NCCx
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR1) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC1), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR2) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC2), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR3) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC3), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR1) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC1), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR2) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC2), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR3) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC3), shift);
// Color FIFO = [MAC1/16,MAC2/16,MAC3/16,CODE], [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3]
PushRGB(TruncateRGB<0>(m_regs.MAC1 / 16), TruncateRGB<1>(m_regs.MAC2 / 16), TruncateRGB<2>(m_regs.MAC3 / 16),
@ -813,31 +752,31 @@ void Core::Execute_MVMVA(Instruction inst)
MulMatVec(M, T, Vx, Vy, Vz, inst.sf, inst.lm);
MulMatVec(M, T, Vx, Vy, Vz, inst.GetShift(), inst.lm);
void Core::Execute_DPCS(Instruction inst)
const bool sf = inst.sf;
const u8 shift = inst.GetShift();
const bool lm = inst.lm;
// In: [IR1,IR2,IR3]=Vector, FC=Far Color, IR0=Interpolation value, CODE=MSB of RGBC
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [R,G,B] SHL 16 ;<--- for DPCS/DPCT
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 16), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 16), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 16), false);
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[0])) << 16), 0);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[1])) << 16), 0);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>((s64(ZeroExtend64(m_regs.RGBC[2])) << 16), 0);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = MAC+(FC-MAC)*IR0
// [IR1,IR2,IR3] = (([RFC,GFC,BFC] SHL 12) - [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3]) SAR (sf*12)
TruncateAndSetIR<1>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[0]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC1)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<2>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[1]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC2)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<3>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[2]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC3)) >> (sf ? 12 : 0), false);
TruncateAndSetIR<1>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[0]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC1)) >> shift, false);
TruncateAndSetIR<2>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[1]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC2)) >> shift, false);
TruncateAndSetIR<3>(s32((s64(m_regs.FC[2]) << 12) - s64(m_regs.MAC3)) >> shift, false);
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = (([IR1,IR2,IR3] * IR0) + [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3])
// [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3] SAR (sf*12)
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR1) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC1), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR2) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC2), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR3) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC3), sf);
TruncateAndSetMAC<1>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR1) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC1), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<2>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR2) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC2), shift);
TruncateAndSetMAC<3>(s64(s32(m_regs.IR3) * s32(m_regs.IR0)) + s64(m_regs.MAC3), shift);
// Color FIFO = [MAC1/16,MAC2/16,MAC3/16,CODE], [IR1,IR2,IR3] = [MAC1,MAC2,MAC3]
PushRGB(TruncateRGB<0>(m_regs.MAC1 / 16), TruncateRGB<1>(m_regs.MAC2 / 16), TruncateRGB<2>(m_regs.MAC3 / 16),
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ private:
s64 TruncateMAC(s64 value);
template<u32 index>
s32 TruncateAndSetMAC(s64 value, bool sf);
s32 TruncateAndSetMAC(s64 value, u8 shift);
template<u32 index>
u8 TruncateRGB(s32 value);
@ -49,24 +49,21 @@ private:
void SetMAC(u32 index, s64 value);
void SetIR(u32 index, s32 value, bool lm);
void SetIR0(s32 value);
void SetOTZ(s32 value);
void PushSXY(s32 x, s32 y);
void PushSZ(s32 value);
void PushRGB(u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 c);
s32 Divide(s32 dividend, s32 divisor);
s32 SaturateDivide(s32 result);
s64 VecDot(const s16 A[3], const s16 B[3]);
s64 VecDot(const s16 A[3], s16 B_x, s16 B_y, s16 B_z);
// 3x3 matrix * 3x1 vector, updates MAC[1-3] and IR[1-3]
void MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, bool sf, bool lm);
void MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, u8 shift, bool lm);
// 3x3 matrix * 3x1 vector with translation, updates MAC[1-3] and IR[1-3]
void MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s32 T[3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, bool sf, bool lm);
void MulMatVec(const s16 M[3][3], const s32 T[3], const s16 Vx, const s16 Vy, const s16 Vz, u8 shift, bool lm);
void RTPS(const s16 V[3], bool sf);
void RTPS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm);
void NCCS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm);
void NCDS(const s16 V[3], bool sf, bool lm);
@ -56,13 +56,12 @@ s64 GTE::Core::TruncateMAC(s64 value)
template<u32 index>
s32 GTE::Core::TruncateAndSetMAC(s64 value, bool sf)
s32 GTE::Core::TruncateAndSetMAC(s64 value, u8 shift)
value = TruncateMAC<index>(value);
// shift should be done before storing to avoid losing precision
if (sf)
value >>= 12;
value >>= shift;
const s32 value32 = static_cast<s32>(value);
m_regs.dr32[24 + index] = value32;
@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ union Instruction
BitField<u32, u8, 13, 2> mvmva_translation_vector;
BitField<u32, bool, 10, 1> lm; // saturate IR1, IR2, IR3 result
BitField<u32, u8, 0, 6> command;
u8 GetShift() const { return sf ? 12 : 0; }
} // namespace GTE
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