#ifndef RC_CLIENT_H #define RC_CLIENT_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "rc_api_request.h" #include "rc_error.h" #include #include #include /* implementation abstracted in rc_client_internal.h */ typedef struct rc_client_t rc_client_t; typedef struct rc_client_async_handle_t rc_client_async_handle_t; /*****************************************************************************\ | Callbacks | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Callback used to read num_bytes bytes from memory starting at address into buffer. * Returns the number of bytes read. A return value of 0 indicates the address was invalid. */ typedef uint32_t (*rc_client_read_memory_func_t)(uint32_t address, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t num_bytes, rc_client_t* client); /** * Internal method passed to rc_client_server_call_t to process the server response. */ typedef void (*rc_client_server_callback_t)(const rc_api_server_response_t* server_response, void* callback_data); /** * Callback used to issue a request to the server. */ typedef void (*rc_client_server_call_t)(const rc_api_request_t* request, rc_client_server_callback_t callback, void* callback_data, rc_client_t* client); /** * Generic callback for asynchronous eventing. */ typedef void (*rc_client_callback_t)(int result, const char* error_message, rc_client_t* client, void* userdata); /** * Callback for logging or displaying a message. */ typedef void (*rc_client_message_callback_t)(const char* message, const rc_client_t* client); /** * Marks an async process as aborted. The associated callback will not be called. */ void rc_client_abort_async(rc_client_t* client, rc_client_async_handle_t* async_handle); /*****************************************************************************\ | Runtime | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Creates a new rc_client_t object. */ rc_client_t* rc_client_create(rc_client_read_memory_func_t read_memory_function, rc_client_server_call_t server_call_function); /** * Releases resources associated to a rc_client_t object. * Pointer will no longer be valid after making this call. */ void rc_client_destroy(rc_client_t* client); /** * Sets whether hardcore is enabled (on by default). * Can be called with a game loaded. * Enabling hardcore with a game loaded will raise an RC_CLIENT_EVENT_RESET * event. Processing will be disabled until rc_client_reset is called. */ void rc_client_set_hardcore_enabled(rc_client_t* client, int enabled); /** * Gets whether hardcore is enabled (on by default). */ int rc_client_get_hardcore_enabled(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Sets whether encore mode is enabled (off by default). * Evaluated when loading a game. Has no effect while a game is loaded. */ void rc_client_set_encore_mode_enabled(rc_client_t* client, int enabled); /** * Gets whether encore mode is enabled (off by default). */ int rc_client_get_encore_mode_enabled(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Sets whether unofficial achievements should be loaded. * Evaluated when loading a game. Has no effect while a game is loaded. */ void rc_client_set_unofficial_enabled(rc_client_t* client, int enabled); /** * Gets whether unofficial achievements should be loaded. */ int rc_client_get_unofficial_enabled(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Sets whether spectator mode is enabled (off by default). * If enabled, events for achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions will be * raised, but server calls to actually perform the unlock/submit will not occur. * Can be modified while a game is loaded. Evaluated at unlock/submit time. * Cannot be modified if disabled before a game is loaded. */ void rc_client_set_spectator_mode_enabled(rc_client_t* client, int enabled); /** * Gets whether spectator mode is enabled (off by default). */ int rc_client_get_spectator_mode_enabled(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Attaches client-specific data to the runtime. */ void rc_client_set_userdata(rc_client_t* client, void* userdata); /** * Gets the client-specific data attached to the runtime. */ void* rc_client_get_userdata(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Sets the name of the server to use. */ void rc_client_set_host(const rc_client_t* client, const char* hostname); /*****************************************************************************\ | Logging | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Sets the logging level and provides a callback to be called to do the logging. */ void rc_client_enable_logging(rc_client_t* client, int level, rc_client_message_callback_t callback); enum { RC_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 0, RC_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 1, RC_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 2, RC_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 3, RC_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE = 4 }; /*****************************************************************************\ | User | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Attempt to login a user. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_login_with_password(rc_client_t* client, const char* username, const char* password, rc_client_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Attempt to login a user. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_login_with_token(rc_client_t* client, const char* username, const char* token, rc_client_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Logout the user. */ void rc_client_logout(rc_client_t* client); typedef struct rc_client_user_t { const char* display_name; const char* username; const char* token; uint32_t score; uint32_t score_softcore; uint32_t num_unread_messages; } rc_client_user_t; /** * Gets information about the logged in user. Will return NULL if the user is not logged in. */ const rc_client_user_t* rc_client_get_user_info(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Gets the URL for the user's profile picture. * Returns RC_OK on success. */ int rc_client_user_get_image_url(const rc_client_user_t* user, char buffer[], size_t buffer_size); typedef struct rc_client_user_game_summary_t { uint32_t num_core_achievements; uint32_t num_unofficial_achievements; uint32_t num_unlocked_achievements; uint32_t num_unsupported_achievements; uint32_t points_core; uint32_t points_unlocked; } rc_client_user_game_summary_t; /** * Gets a breakdown of the number of achievements in the game, and how many the user has unlocked. * Used for the "You have unlocked X of Y achievements" message shown when the game starts. */ void rc_client_get_user_game_summary(const rc_client_t* client, rc_client_user_game_summary_t* summary); /*****************************************************************************\ | Game | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Start loading an unidentified game. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_identify_and_load_game(rc_client_t* client, uint32_t console_id, const char* file_path, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, rc_client_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Start loading a game. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_load_game(rc_client_t* client, const char* hash, rc_client_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Unloads the current game. */ void rc_client_unload_game(rc_client_t* client); typedef struct rc_client_game_t { uint32_t id; uint32_t console_id; const char* title; const char* hash; const char* badge_name; } rc_client_game_t; /** * Get information about the current game. Returns NULL if no game is loaded. */ const rc_client_game_t* rc_client_get_game_info(const rc_client_t* client); /** * Gets the URL for the game image. * Returns RC_OK on success. */ int rc_client_game_get_image_url(const rc_client_game_t* game, char buffer[], size_t buffer_size); /** * Changes the active disc in a multi-disc game. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_change_media(rc_client_t* client, const char* file_path, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, rc_client_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /*****************************************************************************\ | Subsets | \*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct rc_client_subset_t { uint32_t id; const char* title; char badge_name[16]; uint32_t num_achievements; uint32_t num_leaderboards; } rc_client_subset_t; const rc_client_subset_t* rc_client_get_subset_info(rc_client_t* client, uint32_t subset_id); /*****************************************************************************\ | Achievements | \*****************************************************************************/ enum { RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_STATE_INACTIVE = 0, /* unprocessed */ RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_STATE_ACTIVE = 1, /* eligible to trigger */ RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_STATE_UNLOCKED = 2, /* earned by user */ RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_STATE_DISABLED = 3 /* not supported by this version of the runtime */ }; enum { RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_NONE = 0, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_CORE = (1 << 0), RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_UNOFFICIAL = (1 << 1), RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_CORE_AND_UNOFFICIAL = RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_CORE | RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_UNOFFICIAL }; enum { RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_UNKNOWN = 0, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_LOCKED = 1, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_UNLOCKED = 2, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_UNSUPPORTED = 3, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_UNOFFICIAL = 4, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_RECENTLY_UNLOCKED = 5, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_ACTIVE_CHALLENGE = 6, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_BUCKET_ALMOST_THERE = 7 }; enum { RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_NONE = 0, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_SOFTCORE = (1 << 0), RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_HARDCORE = (1 << 1), RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_BOTH = RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_SOFTCORE | RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_HARDCORE }; typedef struct rc_client_achievement_t { const char* title; const char* description; char badge_name[8]; char measured_progress[24]; float measured_percent; uint32_t id; uint32_t points; time_t unlock_time; uint8_t state; uint8_t category; uint8_t bucket; uint8_t unlocked; } rc_client_achievement_t; /** * Get information about an achievement. Returns NULL if not found. */ const rc_client_achievement_t* rc_client_get_achievement_info(rc_client_t* client, uint32_t id); /** * Gets the URL for the achievement image. * Returns RC_OK on success. */ int rc_client_achievement_get_image_url(const rc_client_achievement_t* achievement, int state, char buffer[], size_t buffer_size); typedef struct rc_client_achievement_bucket_t { rc_client_achievement_t** achievements; uint32_t num_achievements; const char* label; uint32_t subset_id; uint8_t bucket_type; } rc_client_achievement_bucket_t; typedef struct rc_client_achievement_list_t { rc_client_achievement_bucket_t* buckets; uint32_t num_buckets; } rc_client_achievement_list_t; enum { RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_LIST_GROUPING_LOCK_STATE = 0, RC_CLIENT_ACHIEVEMENT_LIST_GROUPING_PROGRESS = 1 }; /** * Creates a list of achievements matching the specified category and grouping. * Returns an allocated list that must be free'd by calling rc_client_destroy_achievement_list. */ rc_client_achievement_list_t* rc_client_create_achievement_list(rc_client_t* client, int category, int grouping); /** * Destroys a list allocated by rc_client_get_achievement_list. */ void rc_client_destroy_achievement_list(rc_client_achievement_list_t* list); /*****************************************************************************\ | Leaderboards | \*****************************************************************************/ enum { RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_STATE_INACTIVE = 0, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_STATE_ACTIVE = 1, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_STATE_TRACKING = 2, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_STATE_DISABLED = 3 }; typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_t { const char* title; const char* description; const char* tracker_value; uint32_t id; uint8_t state; uint8_t lower_is_better; } rc_client_leaderboard_t; /** * Get information about a leaderboard. Returns NULL if not found. */ const rc_client_leaderboard_t* rc_client_get_leaderboard_info(const rc_client_t* client, uint32_t id); typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_tracker_t { char display[24]; uint32_t id; } rc_client_leaderboard_tracker_t; typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_bucket_t { rc_client_leaderboard_t** leaderboards; uint32_t num_leaderboards; const char* label; uint32_t subset_id; uint8_t bucket_type; } rc_client_leaderboard_bucket_t; typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_list_t { rc_client_leaderboard_bucket_t* buckets; uint32_t num_buckets; } rc_client_leaderboard_list_t; enum { RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_BUCKET_UNKNOWN = 0, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_BUCKET_INACTIVE = 1, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_BUCKET_ACTIVE = 2, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_BUCKET_UNSUPPORTED = 3, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_BUCKET_ALL = 4 }; enum { RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_LIST_GROUPING_NONE = 0, RC_CLIENT_LEADERBOARD_LIST_GROUPING_TRACKING = 1 }; /** * Creates a list of leaderboards matching the specified grouping. * Returns an allocated list that must be free'd by calling rc_client_destroy_leaderboard_list. */ rc_client_leaderboard_list_t* rc_client_create_leaderboard_list(rc_client_t* client, int grouping); /** * Destroys a list allocated by rc_client_get_leaderboard_list. */ void rc_client_destroy_leaderboard_list(rc_client_leaderboard_list_t* list); typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_entry_t { const char* user; char display[24]; time_t submitted; uint32_t rank; uint32_t index; } rc_client_leaderboard_entry_t; typedef struct rc_client_leaderboard_entry_list_t { rc_client_leaderboard_entry_t* entries; uint32_t num_entries; int32_t user_index; } rc_client_leaderboard_entry_list_t; typedef void (*rc_client_fetch_leaderboard_entries_callback_t)(int result, const char* error_message, rc_client_leaderboard_entry_list_t* list, rc_client_t* client, void* callback_userdata); /** * Fetches a list of leaderboard entries from the server. * Callback receives an allocated list that must be free'd by calling rc_client_destroy_leaderboard_entry_list. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_fetch_leaderboard_entries(rc_client_t* client, uint32_t leaderboard_id, uint32_t first_entry, uint32_t count, rc_client_fetch_leaderboard_entries_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Fetches a list of leaderboard entries from the server containing the logged-in user. * Callback receives an allocated list that must be free'd by calling rc_client_destroy_leaderboard_entry_list. */ rc_client_async_handle_t* rc_client_begin_fetch_leaderboard_entries_around_user(rc_client_t* client, uint32_t leaderboard_id, uint32_t count, rc_client_fetch_leaderboard_entries_callback_t callback, void* callback_userdata); /** * Gets the URL for the profile picture of the user associated to a leaderboard entry. * Returns RC_OK on success. */ int rc_client_leaderboard_entry_get_user_image_url(const rc_client_leaderboard_entry_t* entry, char buffer[], size_t buffer_size); /** * Destroys a list allocated by rc_client_begin_fetch_leaderboard_entries or rc_client_begin_fetch_leaderboard_entries_around_user. */ void rc_client_destroy_leaderboard_entry_list(rc_client_leaderboard_entry_list_t* list); /*****************************************************************************\ | Rich Presence | \*****************************************************************************/ /** * Gets the current rich presence message. * Returns the number of characters written to buffer. */ size_t rc_client_get_rich_presence_message(rc_client_t* client, char buffer[], size_t buffer_size); /*****************************************************************************\ | Processing | \*****************************************************************************/ enum { RC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE_NONE = 0, RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_TRIGGERED = 1, /* [achievement] was earned by the player */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_STARTED = 2, /* [leaderboard] attempt has started */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_FAILED = 3, /* [leaderboard] attempt failed */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_SUBMITTED = 4, /* [leaderboard] attempt submitted */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CHALLENGE_INDICATOR_SHOW = 5, /* [achievement] challenge indicator should be shown */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_CHALLENGE_INDICATOR_HIDE = 6, /* [achievement] challenge indicator should be hidden */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SHOW = 7, /* progress indicator should be shown for [achievement] */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_HIDE = 8, /* progress indicator should be hidden */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_UPDATE = 9, /* progress indicator should be updated to reflect new badge/progress for [achievement] */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_TRACKER_SHOW = 10, /* [leaderboard_tracker] should be shown */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_TRACKER_HIDE = 11, /* [leaderboard_tracker] should be hidden */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_LEADERBOARD_TRACKER_UPDATE = 12, /* [leaderboard_tracker] updated */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_RESET = 13, /* emulated system should be reset (as the result of enabling hardcore) */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_GAME_COMPLETED = 14, /* all achievements for the game have been earned */ RC_CLIENT_EVENT_SERVER_ERROR = 15 /* an API response returned a [server_error] and will not be retried */ }; typedef struct rc_client_server_error_t { const char* error_message; const char* api; } rc_client_server_error_t; typedef struct rc_client_event_t { uint32_t type; rc_client_achievement_t* achievement; rc_client_leaderboard_t* leaderboard; rc_client_leaderboard_tracker_t* leaderboard_tracker; rc_client_server_error_t* server_error; } rc_client_event_t; /** * Callback used to notify the client when certain events occur. */ typedef void (*rc_client_event_handler_t)(const rc_client_event_t* event, rc_client_t* client); /** * Provides a callback for event handling. */ void rc_client_set_event_handler(rc_client_t* client, rc_client_event_handler_t handler); /** * Provides a callback for reading memory. */ void rc_client_set_read_memory_function(rc_client_t* client, rc_client_read_memory_func_t handler); /** * Determines if there are any active achievements/leaderboards/rich presence that need processing. */ int rc_client_is_processing_required(rc_client_t* client); /** * Processes achievements for the current frame. */ void rc_client_do_frame(rc_client_t* client); /** * Processes the periodic queue. * Called internally by rc_client_do_frame. * Should be explicitly called if rc_client_do_frame is not being called because emulation is paused. */ void rc_client_idle(rc_client_t* client); /** * Informs the runtime that the emulator has been reset. Will reset all achievements and leaderboards * to their initial state (includes hiding indicators/trackers). */ void rc_client_reset(rc_client_t* client); /** * Gets the number of bytes needed to serialized the runtime state. */ size_t rc_client_progress_size(rc_client_t* client); /** * Serializes the runtime state into a buffer. * Returns RC_OK on success, or an error indicator. */ int rc_client_serialize_progress(rc_client_t* client, uint8_t* buffer); /** * Deserializes the runtime state from a buffer. * Returns RC_OK on success, or an error indicator. */ int rc_client_deserialize_progress(rc_client_t* client, const uint8_t* serialized); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* RC_RUNTIME_H */