// // Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #include "D3D12MemAlloc.h" #include <combaseapi.h> #include <mutex> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdint> #include <malloc.h> // for _aligned_malloc, _aligned_free #ifndef _WIN32 #include <shared_mutex> #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Configuration Begin // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _D3D12MA_CONFIGURATION #ifdef _WIN32 #if !defined(WINVER) || WINVER < 0x0600 #error Required at least WinAPI version supporting: client = Windows Vista, server = Windows Server 2008. #endif #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_SORT #define D3D12MA_SORT(beg, end, cmp) std::sort(beg, end, cmp) #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_D3D12_HEADERS_ALREADY_INCLUDED #include <dxgi.h> #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 #include <dxgi1_4.h> #endif #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_ASSERT #include <cassert> #define D3D12MA_ASSERT(cond) assert(cond) #endif // Assert that will be called very often, like inside data structures e.g. operator[]. // Making it non-empty can make program slow. #ifndef D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT #ifdef _DEBUG #define D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr) //D3D12MA_ASSERT(expr) #else #define D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr) #endif #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT /* Minimum alignment of all allocations, in bytes. Set to more than 1 for debugging purposes only. Must be power of two. */ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT (1) #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN // Minimum margin before and after every allocation, in bytes. // Set nonzero for debugging purposes only. #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN (0) #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX /* Set this to 1 for debugging purposes only, to enable single mutex protecting all entry calls to the library. Can be useful for debugging multithreading issues. */ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX (0) #endif /* Define this macro for debugging purposes only to force specific D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER, especially to test compatibility with D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1 on modern GPUs. */ //#define D3D12MA_FORCE_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1 #ifndef D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE /// Default size of a block allocated as single ID3D12Heap. #define D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE (64ull * 1024 * 1024) #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...) /* #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...) do { \ wprintf(format, __VA_ARGS__); \ wprintf(L"\n"); \ } while(false) */ #endif #endif // _D3D12MA_CONFIGURATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Configuration End // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(ppType) __uuidof(**(ppType)), reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppType) #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define D3D12MA_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED_AVAILABLE 1 #endif namespace D3D12MA { static constexpr UINT HEAP_TYPE_COUNT = 4; static constexpr UINT STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT = 3; // Only DEFAULT, UPLOAD, READBACK. static constexpr UINT DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT = 9; static const UINT NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX = 3; // Minimum size of a free suballocation to register it in the free suballocation collection. static const UINT64 MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER = 16; static const WCHAR* const HeapTypeNames[] = { L"DEFAULT", L"UPLOAD", L"READBACK", L"CUSTOM", }; static const WCHAR* const StandardHeapTypeNames[] = { L"DEFAULT", L"UPLOAD", L"READBACK", }; static const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES; static const D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE = D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY(0); #ifndef _D3D12MA_ENUM_DECLARATIONS // Local copy of this enum, as it is provided only by <dxgi1_4.h>, so it may not be available. enum DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COPY { DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY = 0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY = 1, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT }; enum class ResourceClass { Unknown, Buffer, Non_RT_DS_Texture, RT_DS_Texture }; enum SuballocationType { SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE = 0, SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_ALLOCATION = 1, }; #endif // _D3D12MA_ENUM_DECLARATIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_FUNCTIONS static void* DefaultAllocate(size_t Size, size_t Alignment, void* /*pPrivateData*/) { #ifdef _WIN32 return _aligned_malloc(Size, Alignment); #else return aligned_alloc(Alignment, Size); #endif } static void DefaultFree(void* pMemory, void* /*pPrivateData*/) { #ifdef _WIN32 return _aligned_free(pMemory); #else return free(pMemory); #endif } static void* Malloc(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, size_t size, size_t alignment) { void* const result = (*allocs.pAllocate)(size, alignment, allocs.pPrivateData); D3D12MA_ASSERT(result); return result; } static void Free(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, void* memory) { (*allocs.pFree)(memory, allocs.pPrivateData); } template<typename T> static T* Allocate(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs) { return (T*)Malloc(allocs, sizeof(T), __alignof(T)); } template<typename T> static T* AllocateArray(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, size_t count) { return (T*)Malloc(allocs, sizeof(T) * count, __alignof(T)); } #define D3D12MA_NEW(allocs, type) new(D3D12MA::Allocate<type>(allocs))(type) #define D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(allocs, type, count) new(D3D12MA::AllocateArray<type>((allocs), (count)))(type) template<typename T> void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, T* memory) { if (memory) { memory->~T(); Free(allocs, memory); } } template<typename T> void D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, T* memory, size_t count) { if (memory) { for (size_t i = count; i--; ) { memory[i].~T(); } Free(allocs, memory); } } static void SetupAllocationCallbacks(ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& outAllocs, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks) { if (allocationCallbacks) { outAllocs = *allocationCallbacks; D3D12MA_ASSERT(outAllocs.pAllocate != NULL && outAllocs.pFree != NULL); } else { outAllocs.pAllocate = &DefaultAllocate; outAllocs.pFree = &DefaultFree; outAllocs.pPrivateData = NULL; } } #define SAFE_RELEASE(ptr) do { if(ptr) { (ptr)->Release(); (ptr) = NULL; } } while(false) #define D3D12MA_VALIDATE(cond) do { if(!(cond)) { \ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Validation failed: " #cond); \ return false; \ } } while(false) template<typename T> static T D3D12MA_MIN(const T& a, const T& b) { return a <= b ? a : b; } template<typename T> static T D3D12MA_MAX(const T& a, const T& b) { return a <= b ? b : a; } template<typename T> static void D3D12MA_SWAP(T& a, T& b) { T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } // Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Least Significant Bit (LSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX static UINT8 BitScanLSB(UINT64 mask) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64) unsigned long pos; if (_BitScanForward64(&pos, mask)) return static_cast<UINT8>(pos); return UINT8_MAX; #elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__ return static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_ffsll(mask)) - 1U; #else UINT8 pos = 0; UINT64 bit = 1; do { if (mask & bit) return pos; bit <<= 1; } while (pos++ < 63); return UINT8_MAX; #endif } // Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Least Significant Bit (LSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX static UINT8 BitScanLSB(UINT32 mask) { #ifdef _MSC_VER unsigned long pos; if (_BitScanForward(&pos, mask)) return static_cast<UINT8>(pos); return UINT8_MAX; #elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__ return static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_ffs(mask)) - 1U; #else UINT8 pos = 0; UINT32 bit = 1; do { if (mask & bit) return pos; bit <<= 1; } while (pos++ < 31); return UINT8_MAX; #endif } // Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Most Significant Bit (MSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX static UINT8 BitScanMSB(UINT64 mask) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64) unsigned long pos; if (_BitScanReverse64(&pos, mask)) return static_cast<UINT8>(pos); #elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__ if (mask) return 63 - static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_clzll(mask)); #else UINT8 pos = 63; UINT64 bit = 1ULL << 63; do { if (mask & bit) return pos; bit >>= 1; } while (pos-- > 0); #endif return UINT8_MAX; } // Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Most Significant Bit (MSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX static UINT8 BitScanMSB(UINT32 mask) { #ifdef _MSC_VER unsigned long pos; if (_BitScanReverse(&pos, mask)) return static_cast<UINT8>(pos); #elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__ if (mask) return 31 - static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_clz(mask)); #else UINT8 pos = 31; UINT32 bit = 1UL << 31; do { if (mask & bit) return pos; bit >>= 1; } while (pos-- > 0); #endif return UINT8_MAX; } /* Returns true if given number is a power of two. T must be unsigned integer number or signed integer but always nonnegative. For 0 returns true. */ template <typename T> static bool IsPow2(T x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; } // Aligns given value up to nearest multiply of align value. For example: AlignUp(11, 8) = 16. // Use types like UINT, uint64_t as T. template <typename T> static T AlignUp(T val, T alignment) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsPow2(alignment)); return (val + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1); } // Aligns given value down to nearest multiply of align value. For example: AlignUp(11, 8) = 8. // Use types like UINT, uint64_t as T. template <typename T> static T AlignDown(T val, T alignment) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsPow2(alignment)); return val & ~(alignment - 1); } // Division with mathematical rounding to nearest number. template <typename T> static T RoundDiv(T x, T y) { return (x + (y / (T)2)) / y; } template <typename T> static T DivideRoundingUp(T x, T y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; } static WCHAR HexDigitToChar(UINT8 digit) { if(digit < 10) return L'0' + digit; else return L'A' + (digit - 10); } /* Performs binary search and returns iterator to first element that is greater or equal to `key`, according to comparison `cmp`. Cmp should return true if first argument is less than second argument. Returned value is the found element, if present in the collection or place where new element with value (key) should be inserted. */ template <typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT> static IterT BinaryFindFirstNotLess(IterT beg, IterT end, const KeyT& key, const CmpLess& cmp) { size_t down = 0, up = (end - beg); while (down < up) { const size_t mid = (down + up) / 2; if (cmp(*(beg + mid), key)) { down = mid + 1; } else { up = mid; } } return beg + down; } /* Performs binary search and returns iterator to an element that is equal to `key`, according to comparison `cmp`. Cmp should return true if first argument is less than second argument. Returned value is the found element, if present in the collection or end if not found. */ template<typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT> static IterT BinaryFindSorted(const IterT& beg, const IterT& end, const KeyT& value, const CmpLess& cmp) { IterT it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess<CmpLess, IterT, KeyT>(beg, end, value, cmp); if (it == end || (!cmp(*it, value) && !cmp(value, *it))) { return it; } return end; } static UINT StandardHeapTypeToIndex(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type) { switch (type) { case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT: return 0; case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD: return 1; case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK: return 2; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return UINT_MAX; } } static D3D12_HEAP_TYPE IndexToStandardHeapType(UINT heapTypeIndex) { switch(heapTypeIndex) { case 0: return D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT; case 1: return D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD; case 2: return D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM; } } static UINT64 HeapFlagsToAlignment(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags, bool denyMsaaTextures) { /* Documentation of D3D12_HEAP_DESC structure says: - D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT defined as 64KB. - D3D12_DEFAULT_MSAA_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT defined as 4MB. An application must decide whether the heap will contain multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA), in which case, the application must choose [this flag]. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/d3d12/ns-d3d12-d3d12_heap_desc */ if (denyMsaaTextures) return D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT; const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS denyAllTexturesFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES; const bool canContainAnyTextures = (flags & denyAllTexturesFlags) != denyAllTexturesFlags; return canContainAnyTextures ? D3D12_DEFAULT_MSAA_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT : D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT; } static ResourceClass HeapFlagsToResourceClass(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags) { const bool allowBuffers = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS) == 0; const bool allowRtDsTextures = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0; const bool allowNonRtDsTextures = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0; const uint8_t allowedGroupCount = (allowBuffers ? 1 : 0) + (allowRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0) + (allowNonRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0); if (allowedGroupCount != 1) return ResourceClass::Unknown; if (allowRtDsTextures) return ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture; if (allowNonRtDsTextures) return ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture; return ResourceClass::Buffer; } static bool IsHeapTypeStandard(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type) { return type == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT || type == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD || type == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK; } static D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES StandardHeapTypeToHeapProperties(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsHeapTypeStandard(type)); D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES result = {}; result.Type = type; return result; } static bool IsFormatCompressed(DXGI_FORMAT format) { switch (format) { case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB: return true; default: return false; } } // Only some formats are supported. For others it returns 0. static UINT GetBitsPerPixel(DXGI_FORMAT format) { switch (format) { case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT: return 128; case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT: return 96; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT: return 64; case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT: return 64; case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT: return 64; case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT: return 32; case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT: return 32; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT: return 32; case DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT: return 32; case DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT: return 32; case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT: return 16; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT: case DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT: return 16; case DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT: case DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM: return 8; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB: return 4; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB: return 8; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB: return 8; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM: return 4; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM: return 8; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16: return 8; case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB: return 8; default: return 0; } } template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> static ResourceClass ResourceDescToResourceClass(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resDesc) { if (resDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) return ResourceClass::Buffer; // Else: it's surely a texture. const bool isRenderTargetOrDepthStencil = (resDesc.Flags & (D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET | D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_DEPTH_STENCIL)) != 0; return isRenderTargetOrDepthStencil ? ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture : ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture; } // This algorithm is overly conservative. template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> static bool CanUseSmallAlignment(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc) { if (resourceDesc.Dimension != D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D) return false; if ((resourceDesc.Flags & (D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET | D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_DEPTH_STENCIL)) != 0) return false; if (resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count > 1) return false; if (resourceDesc.DepthOrArraySize != 1) return false; UINT sizeX = (UINT)resourceDesc.Width; UINT sizeY = resourceDesc.Height; UINT bitsPerPixel = GetBitsPerPixel(resourceDesc.Format); if (bitsPerPixel == 0) return false; if (IsFormatCompressed(resourceDesc.Format)) { sizeX = DivideRoundingUp(sizeX, 4u); sizeY = DivideRoundingUp(sizeY, 4u); bitsPerPixel *= 16; } UINT tileSizeX = 0, tileSizeY = 0; switch (bitsPerPixel) { case 8: tileSizeX = 64; tileSizeY = 64; break; case 16: tileSizeX = 64; tileSizeY = 32; break; case 32: tileSizeX = 32; tileSizeY = 32; break; case 64: tileSizeX = 32; tileSizeY = 16; break; case 128: tileSizeX = 16; tileSizeY = 16; break; default: return false; } const UINT tileCount = DivideRoundingUp(sizeX, tileSizeX) * DivideRoundingUp(sizeY, tileSizeY); return tileCount <= 16; } static bool ValidateAllocateMemoryParameters( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO* pAllocInfo, Allocation** ppAllocation) { return pAllocDesc && pAllocInfo && ppAllocation && (pAllocInfo->Alignment == 0 || pAllocInfo->Alignment == D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT || pAllocInfo->Alignment == D3D12_DEFAULT_MSAA_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT) && pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes != 0 && pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes % (64ull * 1024) == 0; } #endif // _D3D12MA_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_STATISTICS_FUNCTIONS static void ClearStatistics(Statistics& outStats) { outStats.BlockCount = 0; outStats.AllocationCount = 0; outStats.BlockBytes = 0; outStats.AllocationBytes = 0; } static void ClearDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats) { ClearStatistics(outStats.Stats); outStats.UnusedRangeCount = 0; outStats.AllocationSizeMin = UINT64_MAX; outStats.AllocationSizeMax = 0; outStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX; outStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = 0; } static void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats, const Statistics& src) { inoutStats.BlockCount += src.BlockCount; inoutStats.AllocationCount += src.AllocationCount; inoutStats.BlockBytes += src.BlockBytes; inoutStats.AllocationBytes += src.AllocationBytes; } static void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, const DetailedStatistics& src) { AddStatistics(inoutStats.Stats, src.Stats); inoutStats.UnusedRangeCount += src.UnusedRangeCount; inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin, src.AllocationSizeMin); inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax, src.AllocationSizeMax); inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin, src.UnusedRangeSizeMin); inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax, src.UnusedRangeSizeMax); } static void AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, UINT64 size) { inoutStats.Stats.AllocationCount++; inoutStats.Stats.AllocationBytes += size; inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin, size); inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax, size); } static void AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, UINT64 size) { inoutStats.UnusedRangeCount++; inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin, size); inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax, size); } #endif // _D3D12MA_STATISTICS_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_MUTEX #ifndef D3D12MA_MUTEX class Mutex { public: void Lock() { m_Mutex.lock(); } void Unlock() { m_Mutex.unlock(); } private: std::mutex m_Mutex; }; #define D3D12MA_MUTEX Mutex #endif #ifndef D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX #ifdef _WIN32 class RWMutex { public: RWMutex() { InitializeSRWLock(&m_Lock); } void LockRead() { AcquireSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); } void UnlockRead() { ReleaseSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); } void LockWrite() { AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); } void UnlockWrite() { ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); } private: SRWLOCK m_Lock; }; #else // #ifdef _WIN32 class RWMutex { public: RWMutex() {} void LockRead() { m_Mutex.lock_shared(); } void UnlockRead() { m_Mutex.unlock_shared(); } void LockWrite() { m_Mutex.lock(); } void UnlockWrite() { m_Mutex.unlock(); } private: std::shared_timed_mutex m_Mutex; }; #endif // #ifdef _WIN32 #define D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX RWMutex #endif // #ifndef D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX // Helper RAII class to lock a mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope). struct MutexLock { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLock); public: MutexLock(D3D12MA_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex = true) : m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL) { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->Lock(); } ~MutexLock() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->Unlock(); } private: D3D12MA_MUTEX* m_pMutex; }; // Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for reading. struct MutexLockRead { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLockRead); public: MutexLockRead(D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex) : m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL) { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->LockRead(); } } ~MutexLockRead() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->UnlockRead(); } private: D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex; }; // Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for writing. struct MutexLockWrite { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLockWrite); public: MutexLockWrite(D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex) : m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL) { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->LockWrite(); } ~MutexLockWrite() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->UnlockWrite(); } private: D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex; }; #if D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX static D3D12MA_MUTEX g_DebugGlobalMutex; #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK MutexLock debugGlobalMutexLock(g_DebugGlobalMutex, true); #else #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK #endif #endif // _D3D12MA_MUTEX #ifndef _D3D12MA_VECTOR /* Dynamically resizing continuous array. Class with interface similar to std::vector. T must be POD because constructors and destructors are not called and memcpy is used for these objects. */ template<typename T> class Vector { public: using value_type = T; using iterator = T*; using const_iterator = const T*; // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object. Vector(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks); Vector(size_t count, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks); Vector(const Vector<T>& src); ~Vector(); const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_AllocationCallbacks; } bool empty() const { return m_Count == 0; } size_t size() const { return m_Count; } T* data() { return m_pArray; } const T* data() const { return m_pArray; } void clear(bool freeMemory = false) { resize(0, freeMemory); } iterator begin() { return m_pArray; } iterator end() { return m_pArray + m_Count; } const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_pArray; } const_iterator cend() const { return m_pArray + m_Count; } const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); } const_iterator end() const { return cend(); } void push_front(const T& src) { insert(0, src); } void push_back(const T& src); void pop_front(); void pop_back(); T& front(); T& back(); const T& front() const; const T& back() const; void reserve(size_t newCapacity, bool freeMemory = false); void resize(size_t newCount, bool freeMemory = false); void insert(size_t index, const T& src); void remove(size_t index); template<typename CmpLess> size_t InsertSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp); template<typename CmpLess> bool RemoveSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp); Vector& operator=(const Vector<T>& rhs); T& operator[](size_t index); const T& operator[](size_t index) const; private: const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks; T* m_pArray; size_t m_Count; size_t m_Capacity; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_VECTOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> Vector<T>::Vector(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_pArray(NULL), m_Count(0), m_Capacity(0) {} template<typename T> Vector<T>::Vector(size_t count, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_pArray(count ? AllocateArray<T>(allocationCallbacks, count) : NULL), m_Count(count), m_Capacity(count) {} template<typename T> Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector<T>& src) : m_AllocationCallbacks(src.m_AllocationCallbacks), m_pArray(src.m_Count ? AllocateArray<T>(src.m_AllocationCallbacks, src.m_Count) : NULL), m_Count(src.m_Count), m_Capacity(src.m_Count) { if (m_Count > 0) { memcpy(m_pArray, src.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T)); } } template<typename T> Vector<T>::~Vector() { Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray); } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::push_back(const T& src) { const size_t newIndex = size(); resize(newIndex + 1); m_pArray[newIndex] = src; } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::pop_front() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); remove(0); } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::pop_back() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); resize(size() - 1); } template<typename T> T& Vector<T>::front() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); return m_pArray[0]; } template<typename T> T& Vector<T>::back() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); return m_pArray[m_Count - 1]; } template<typename T> const T& Vector<T>::front() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); return m_pArray[0]; } template<typename T> const T& Vector<T>::back() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); return m_pArray[m_Count - 1]; } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::reserve(size_t newCapacity, bool freeMemory) { newCapacity = D3D12MA_MAX(newCapacity, m_Count); if ((newCapacity < m_Capacity) && !freeMemory) { newCapacity = m_Capacity; } if (newCapacity != m_Capacity) { T* const newArray = newCapacity ? AllocateArray<T>(m_AllocationCallbacks, newCapacity) : NULL; if (m_Count != 0) { memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T)); } Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray); m_Capacity = newCapacity; m_pArray = newArray; } } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::resize(size_t newCount, bool freeMemory) { size_t newCapacity = m_Capacity; if (newCount > m_Capacity) { newCapacity = D3D12MA_MAX(newCount, D3D12MA_MAX(m_Capacity * 3 / 2, (size_t)8)); } else if (freeMemory) { newCapacity = newCount; } if (newCapacity != m_Capacity) { T* const newArray = newCapacity ? AllocateArray<T>(m_AllocationCallbacks, newCapacity) : NULL; const size_t elementsToCopy = D3D12MA_MIN(m_Count, newCount); if (elementsToCopy != 0) { memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, elementsToCopy * sizeof(T)); } Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray); m_Capacity = newCapacity; m_pArray = newArray; } m_Count = newCount; } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::insert(size_t index, const T& src) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index <= m_Count); const size_t oldCount = size(); resize(oldCount + 1); if (index < oldCount) { memmove(m_pArray + (index + 1), m_pArray + index, (oldCount - index) * sizeof(T)); } m_pArray[index] = src; } template<typename T> void Vector<T>::remove(size_t index) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count); const size_t oldCount = size(); if (index < oldCount - 1) { memmove(m_pArray + index, m_pArray + (index + 1), (oldCount - index - 1) * sizeof(T)); } resize(oldCount - 1); } template<typename T> template<typename CmpLess> size_t Vector<T>::InsertSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp) { const size_t indexToInsert = BinaryFindFirstNotLess<CmpLess, iterator, T>( m_pArray, m_pArray + m_Count, value, cmp) - m_pArray; insert(indexToInsert, value); return indexToInsert; } template<typename T> template<typename CmpLess> bool Vector<T>::RemoveSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp) { const iterator it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess( m_pArray, m_pArray + m_Count, value, cmp); if ((it != end()) && !cmp(*it, value) && !cmp(value, *it)) { size_t indexToRemove = it - begin(); remove(indexToRemove); return true; } return false; } template<typename T> Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(const Vector<T>& rhs) { if (&rhs != this) { resize(rhs.m_Count); if (m_Count != 0) { memcpy(m_pArray, rhs.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T)); } } return *this; } template<typename T> T& Vector<T>::operator[](size_t index) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count); return m_pArray[index]; } template<typename T> const T& Vector<T>::operator[](size_t index) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count); return m_pArray[index]; } #endif // _D3D12MA_VECTOR_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_VECTOR #ifndef _D3D12MA_STRING_BUILDER class StringBuilder { public: StringBuilder(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_Data(allocationCallbacks) {} size_t GetLength() const { return m_Data.size(); } LPCWSTR GetData() const { return m_Data.data(); } void Add(WCHAR ch) { m_Data.push_back(ch); } void Add(LPCWSTR str); void AddNewLine() { Add(L'\n'); } void AddNumber(UINT num); void AddNumber(UINT64 num); void AddPointer(const void* ptr); private: Vector<WCHAR> m_Data; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_STRING_BUILDER_FUNCTIONS void StringBuilder::Add(LPCWSTR str) { const size_t len = wcslen(str); if (len > 0) { const size_t oldCount = m_Data.size(); m_Data.resize(oldCount + len); memcpy(m_Data.data() + oldCount, str, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } void StringBuilder::AddNumber(UINT num) { WCHAR buf[11]; buf[10] = L'\0'; WCHAR *p = &buf[10]; do { *--p = L'0' + (num % 10); num /= 10; } while (num); Add(p); } void StringBuilder::AddNumber(UINT64 num) { WCHAR buf[21]; buf[20] = L'\0'; WCHAR *p = &buf[20]; do { *--p = L'0' + (num % 10); num /= 10; } while (num); Add(p); } void StringBuilder::AddPointer(const void* ptr) { WCHAR buf[21]; uintptr_t num = (uintptr_t)ptr; buf[20] = L'\0'; WCHAR *p = &buf[20]; do { *--p = HexDigitToChar((UINT8)(num & 0xF)); num >>= 4; } while (num); Add(p); } #endif // _D3D12MA_STRING_BUILDER_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_STRING_BUILDER #ifndef _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER /* Allows to conveniently build a correct JSON document to be written to the StringBuilder passed to the constructor. */ class JsonWriter { public: // stringBuilder - string builder to write the document to. Must remain alive for the whole lifetime of this object. JsonWriter(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, StringBuilder& stringBuilder); ~JsonWriter(); // Begins object by writing "{". // Inside an object, you must call pairs of WriteString and a value, e.g.: // j.BeginObject(true); j.WriteString("A"); j.WriteNumber(1); j.WriteString("B"); j.WriteNumber(2); j.EndObject(); // Will write: { "A": 1, "B": 2 } void BeginObject(bool singleLine = false); // Ends object by writing "}". void EndObject(); // Begins array by writing "[". // Inside an array, you can write a sequence of any values. void BeginArray(bool singleLine = false); // Ends array by writing "[". void EndArray(); // Writes a string value inside "". // pStr can contain any UTF-16 characters, including '"', new line etc. - they will be properly escaped. void WriteString(LPCWSTR pStr); // Begins writing a string value. // Call BeginString, ContinueString, ContinueString, ..., EndString instead of // WriteString to conveniently build the string content incrementally, made of // parts including numbers. void BeginString(LPCWSTR pStr = NULL); // Posts next part of an open string. void ContinueString(LPCWSTR pStr); // Posts next part of an open string. The number is converted to decimal characters. void ContinueString(UINT num); void ContinueString(UINT64 num); void ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr); // Posts next part of an open string. Pointer value is converted to characters // using "%p" formatting - shown as hexadecimal number, e.g.: 000000081276Ad00 // void ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr); // Ends writing a string value by writing '"'. void EndString(LPCWSTR pStr = NULL); // Writes a number value. void WriteNumber(UINT num); void WriteNumber(UINT64 num); // Writes a boolean value - false or true. void WriteBool(bool b); // Writes a null value. void WriteNull(); void AddAllocationToObject(const Allocation& alloc); void AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(const DetailedStatistics& stats); private: static const WCHAR* const INDENT; enum CollectionType { COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT, COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY, }; struct StackItem { CollectionType type; UINT valueCount; bool singleLineMode; }; StringBuilder& m_SB; Vector<StackItem> m_Stack; bool m_InsideString; void BeginValue(bool isString); void WriteIndent(bool oneLess = false); }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER_FUNCTIONS const WCHAR* const JsonWriter::INDENT = L" "; JsonWriter::JsonWriter(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) : m_SB(stringBuilder), m_Stack(allocationCallbacks), m_InsideString(false) {} JsonWriter::~JsonWriter() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Stack.empty()); } void JsonWriter::BeginObject(bool singleLine) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); m_SB.Add(L'{'); StackItem stackItem; stackItem.type = COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT; stackItem.valueCount = 0; stackItem.singleLineMode = singleLine; m_Stack.push_back(stackItem); } void JsonWriter::EndObject() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT); D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Stack.back().valueCount % 2 == 0); WriteIndent(true); m_SB.Add(L'}'); m_Stack.pop_back(); } void JsonWriter::BeginArray(bool singleLine) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); m_SB.Add(L'['); StackItem stackItem; stackItem.type = COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY; stackItem.valueCount = 0; stackItem.singleLineMode = singleLine; m_Stack.push_back(stackItem); } void JsonWriter::EndArray() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY); WriteIndent(true); m_SB.Add(L']'); m_Stack.pop_back(); } void JsonWriter::WriteString(LPCWSTR pStr) { BeginString(pStr); EndString(); } void JsonWriter::BeginString(LPCWSTR pStr) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(true); m_InsideString = true; m_SB.Add(L'"'); if (pStr != NULL) { ContinueString(pStr); } } void JsonWriter::ContinueString(LPCWSTR pStr) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString); D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStr); for (const WCHAR *p = pStr; *p; ++p) { // the strings we encode are assumed to be in UTF-16LE format, the native // windows wide character Unicode format. In this encoding Unicode code // points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF are encoded in two bytes, // and everything else takes more than two bytes. We will reject any // multi wchar character encodings for simplicity. UINT val = (UINT)*p; D3D12MA_ASSERT(((val <= 0xD7FF) || (0xE000 <= val && val <= 0xFFFF)) && "Character not currently supported."); switch (*p) { case L'"': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'"'); break; case L'\\': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'\\'); break; case L'/': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'/'); break; case L'\b': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'b'); break; case L'\f': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'f'); break; case L'\n': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'n'); break; case L'\r': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'r'); break; case L'\t': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L't'); break; default: // conservatively use encoding \uXXXX for any Unicode character // requiring more than one byte. if (32 <= val && val < 256) m_SB.Add(*p); else { m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'u'); for (UINT i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { UINT hexDigit = (val & 0xF000) >> 12; val <<= 4; if (hexDigit < 10) m_SB.Add(L'0' + (WCHAR)hexDigit); else m_SB.Add(L'A' + (WCHAR)hexDigit); } } break; } } } void JsonWriter::ContinueString(UINT num) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString); m_SB.AddNumber(num); } void JsonWriter::ContinueString(UINT64 num) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString); m_SB.AddNumber(num); } void JsonWriter::ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString); m_SB.AddPointer(ptr); } void JsonWriter::EndString(LPCWSTR pStr) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString); if (pStr) ContinueString(pStr); m_SB.Add(L'"'); m_InsideString = false; } void JsonWriter::WriteNumber(UINT num) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); m_SB.AddNumber(num); } void JsonWriter::WriteNumber(UINT64 num) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); m_SB.AddNumber(num); } void JsonWriter::WriteBool(bool b) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); if (b) m_SB.Add(L"true"); else m_SB.Add(L"false"); } void JsonWriter::WriteNull() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString); BeginValue(false); m_SB.Add(L"null"); } void JsonWriter::AddAllocationToObject(const Allocation& alloc) { WriteString(L"Type"); switch (alloc.m_PackedData.GetResourceDimension()) { case D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_UNKNOWN: WriteString(L"UNKNOWN"); break; case D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER: WriteString(L"BUFFER"); break; case D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D: WriteString(L"TEXTURE1D"); break; case D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D: WriteString(L"TEXTURE2D"); break; case D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D: WriteString(L"TEXTURE3D"); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); break; } WriteString(L"Size"); WriteNumber(alloc.GetSize()); WriteString(L"Usage"); WriteNumber((UINT)alloc.m_PackedData.GetResourceFlags()); void* privateData = alloc.GetPrivateData(); if (privateData) { WriteString(L"CustomData"); BeginString(); ContinueString_Pointer(privateData); EndString(); } LPCWSTR name = alloc.GetName(); if (name != NULL) { WriteString(L"Name"); WriteString(name); } if (alloc.m_PackedData.GetTextureLayout()) { WriteString(L"Layout"); WriteNumber((UINT)alloc.m_PackedData.GetTextureLayout()); } } void JsonWriter::AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(const DetailedStatistics& stats) { BeginObject(); WriteString(L"BlockCount"); WriteNumber(stats.Stats.BlockCount); WriteString(L"BlockBytes"); WriteNumber(stats.Stats.BlockBytes); WriteString(L"AllocationCount"); WriteNumber(stats.Stats.AllocationCount); WriteString(L"AllocationBytes"); WriteNumber(stats.Stats.AllocationBytes); WriteString(L"UnusedRangeCount"); WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeCount); if (stats.Stats.AllocationCount > 1) { WriteString(L"AllocationSizeMin"); WriteNumber(stats.AllocationSizeMin); WriteString(L"AllocationSizeMax"); WriteNumber(stats.AllocationSizeMax); } if (stats.UnusedRangeCount > 1) { WriteString(L"UnusedRangeSizeMin"); WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeSizeMin); WriteString(L"UnusedRangeSizeMax"); WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeSizeMax); } EndObject(); } void JsonWriter::BeginValue(bool isString) { if (!m_Stack.empty()) { StackItem& currItem = m_Stack.back(); if (currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT && currItem.valueCount % 2 == 0) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(isString); } if (currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT && currItem.valueCount % 2 == 1) { m_SB.Add(L':'); m_SB.Add(L' '); } else if (currItem.valueCount > 0) { m_SB.Add(L','); m_SB.Add(L' '); WriteIndent(); } else { WriteIndent(); } ++currItem.valueCount; } } void JsonWriter::WriteIndent(bool oneLess) { if (!m_Stack.empty() && !m_Stack.back().singleLineMode) { m_SB.AddNewLine(); size_t count = m_Stack.size(); if (count > 0 && oneLess) { --count; } for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { m_SB.Add(INDENT); } } } #endif // _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER #ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_ALLOCATOR /* Allocator for objects of type T using a list of arrays (pools) to speed up allocation. Number of elements that can be allocated is not bounded because allocator can create multiple blocks. T should be POD because constructor and destructor is not called in Alloc or Free. */ template<typename T> class PoolAllocator { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(PoolAllocator) public: // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object. PoolAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, UINT firstBlockCapacity); ~PoolAllocator() { Clear(); } void Clear(); template<typename... Types> T* Alloc(Types... args); void Free(T* ptr); private: union Item { UINT NextFreeIndex; // UINT32_MAX means end of list. alignas(T) char Value[sizeof(T)]; }; struct ItemBlock { Item* pItems; UINT Capacity; UINT FirstFreeIndex; }; const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks; const UINT m_FirstBlockCapacity; Vector<ItemBlock> m_ItemBlocks; ItemBlock& CreateNewBlock(); }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> PoolAllocator<T>::PoolAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, UINT firstBlockCapacity) : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_FirstBlockCapacity(firstBlockCapacity), m_ItemBlocks(allocationCallbacks) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_FirstBlockCapacity > 1); } template<typename T> void PoolAllocator<T>::Clear() { for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; ) { D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_ItemBlocks[i].pItems, m_ItemBlocks[i].Capacity); } m_ItemBlocks.clear(true); } template<typename T> template<typename... Types> T* PoolAllocator<T>::Alloc(Types... args) { for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; ) { ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i]; // This block has some free items: Use first one. if(block.FirstFreeIndex != UINT32_MAX) { Item* const pItem = &block.pItems[block.FirstFreeIndex]; block.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex; T* result = (T*)&pItem->Value; new(result)T(std::forward<Types>(args)...); // Explicit constructor call. return result; } } // No block has free item: Create new one and use it. ItemBlock& newBlock = CreateNewBlock(); Item* const pItem = &newBlock.pItems[0]; newBlock.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex; T* result = (T*)pItem->Value; new(result)T(std::forward<Types>(args)...); // Explicit constructor call. return result; } template<typename T> void PoolAllocator<T>::Free(T* ptr) { // Search all memory blocks to find ptr. for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; ) { ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i]; Item* pItemPtr; memcpy(&pItemPtr, &ptr, sizeof(pItemPtr)); // Check if pItemPtr is in address range of this block. if((pItemPtr >= block.pItems) && (pItemPtr < block.pItems + block.Capacity)) { ptr->~T(); // Explicit destructor call. const UINT index = static_cast<UINT>(pItemPtr - block.pItems); pItemPtr->NextFreeIndex = block.FirstFreeIndex; block.FirstFreeIndex = index; return; } } D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Pointer doesn't belong to this memory pool."); } template<typename T> typename PoolAllocator<T>::ItemBlock& PoolAllocator<T>::CreateNewBlock() { const UINT newBlockCapacity = m_ItemBlocks.empty() ? m_FirstBlockCapacity : m_ItemBlocks.back().Capacity * 3 / 2; const ItemBlock newBlock = { D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_AllocationCallbacks, Item, newBlockCapacity), newBlockCapacity, 0 }; m_ItemBlocks.push_back(newBlock); // Setup singly-linked list of all free items in this block. for(UINT i = 0; i < newBlockCapacity - 1; ++i) { newBlock.pItems[i].NextFreeIndex = i + 1; } newBlock.pItems[newBlockCapacity - 1].NextFreeIndex = UINT32_MAX; return m_ItemBlocks.back(); } #endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_ALLOCATOR #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST /* Doubly linked list, with elements allocated out of PoolAllocator. Has custom interface, as well as STL-style interface, including iterator and const_iterator. */ template<typename T> class List { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(List) public: struct Item { Item* pPrev; Item* pNext; T Value; }; class reverse_iterator; class const_reverse_iterator; class iterator { friend class List<T>; friend class const_iterator; public: iterator() = default; iterator(const reverse_iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} T& operator*() const; T* operator->() const; iterator& operator++(); iterator& operator--(); iterator operator++(int); iterator operator--(int); bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const; private: List<T>* m_pList = NULL; Item* m_pItem = NULL; iterator(List<T>* pList, Item* pItem) : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {} }; class reverse_iterator { friend class List<T>; friend class const_reverse_iterator; public: reverse_iterator() = default; reverse_iterator(const iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} T& operator*() const; T* operator->() const; reverse_iterator& operator++(); reverse_iterator& operator--(); reverse_iterator operator++(int); reverse_iterator operator--(int); bool operator==(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const; private: List<T>* m_pList = NULL; Item* m_pItem = NULL; reverse_iterator(List<T>* pList, Item* pItem) : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {} }; class const_iterator { friend class List<T>; public: const_iterator() = default; const_iterator(const iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} const_iterator(const reverse_iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} const_iterator(const const_reverse_iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} iterator dropConst() const; const T& operator*() const; const T* operator->() const; const_iterator& operator++(); const_iterator& operator--(); const_iterator operator++(int); const_iterator operator--(int); bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const; private: const List<T>* m_pList = NULL; const Item* m_pItem = NULL; const_iterator(const List<T>* pList, const Item* pItem) : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {} }; class const_reverse_iterator { friend class List<T>; public: const_reverse_iterator() = default; const_reverse_iterator(const iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} const_reverse_iterator(const const_iterator& src) : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {} reverse_iterator dropConst() const; const T& operator*() const; const T* operator->() const; const_reverse_iterator& operator++(); const_reverse_iterator& operator--(); const_reverse_iterator operator++(int); const_reverse_iterator operator--(int); bool operator==(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const; private: const List<T>* m_pList = NULL; const Item* m_pItem = NULL; const_reverse_iterator(const List<T>* pList, const Item* pItem) : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {} }; // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object. List(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks); // Intentionally not calling Clear, because that would be unnecessary // computations to return all items to m_ItemAllocator as free. ~List() = default; size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; } bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Count == 0; } Item* Front() { return m_pFront; } const Item* Front() const { return m_pFront; } Item* Back() { return m_pBack; } const Item* Back() const { return m_pBack; } bool empty() const { return IsEmpty(); } size_t size() const { return GetCount(); } void push_back(const T& value) { PushBack(value); } iterator insert(iterator it, const T& value) { return iterator(this, InsertBefore(it.m_pItem, value)); } void clear() { Clear(); } void erase(iterator it) { Remove(it.m_pItem); } iterator begin() { return iterator(this, Front()); } iterator end() { return iterator(this, NULL); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(this, Back()); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(this, NULL); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(this, Front()); } const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(this, NULL); } const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); } const_iterator end() const { return cend(); } const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this, Back()); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this, NULL); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return crbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return crend(); } Item* PushBack(); Item* PushFront(); Item* PushBack(const T& value); Item* PushFront(const T& value); void PopBack(); void PopFront(); // Item can be null - it means PushBack. Item* InsertBefore(Item* pItem); // Item can be null - it means PushFront. Item* InsertAfter(Item* pItem); Item* InsertBefore(Item* pItem, const T& value); Item* InsertAfter(Item* pItem, const T& value); void Clear(); void Remove(Item* pItem); private: const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks; PoolAllocator<Item> m_ItemAllocator; Item* m_pFront; Item* m_pBack; size_t m_Count; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> T& List<T>::iterator::operator*() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> T* List<T>::iterator::operator->() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return &m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::iterator& List<T>::iterator::operator++() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext; return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::iterator& List<T>::iterator::operator--() { if (m_pItem != NULL) { m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty()); m_pItem = m_pList->Back(); } return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::iterator::operator++(int) { iterator result = *this; ++* this; return result; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::iterator::operator--(int) { iterator result = *this; --* this; return result; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::iterator::operator==(const iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::iterator::operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem; } #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST_REVERSE_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> T& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator*() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> T* List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator->() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return &m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::reverse_iterator& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator++() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev; return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::reverse_iterator& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator--() { if (m_pItem != NULL) { m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty()); m_pItem = m_pList->Front(); } return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator++(int) { reverse_iterator result = *this; ++* this; return result; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator--(int) { reverse_iterator result = *this; --* this; return result; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator==(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator!=(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem; } #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_REVERSE_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST_CONST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::const_iterator::dropConst() const { return iterator(const_cast<List<T>*>(m_pList), const_cast<Item*>(m_pItem)); } template<typename T> const T& List<T>::const_iterator::operator*() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> const T* List<T>::const_iterator::operator->() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return &m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_iterator& List<T>::const_iterator::operator++() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext; return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_iterator& List<T>::const_iterator::operator--() { if (m_pItem != NULL) { m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty()); m_pItem = m_pList->Back(); } return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::const_iterator::operator++(int) { const_iterator result = *this; ++* this; return result; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::const_iterator::operator--(int) { const_iterator result = *this; --* this; return result; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem; } #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_CONST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST_CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::dropConst() const { return reverse_iterator(const_cast<List<T>*>(m_pList), const_cast<Item*>(m_pItem)); } template<typename T> const T& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator*() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> const T* List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator->() const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); return &m_pItem->Value; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL); m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev; return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--() { if (m_pItem != NULL) { m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty()); m_pItem = m_pList->Front(); } return *this; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++(int) { const_reverse_iterator result = *this; ++* this; return result; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--(int) { const_reverse_iterator result = *this; --* this; return result; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator==(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem; } template<typename T> bool List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList); return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem; } #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST_FUNCTIONS template<typename T> List<T>::List(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_ItemAllocator(allocationCallbacks, 128), m_pFront(NULL), m_pBack(NULL), m_Count(0) {} template<typename T> void List<T>::Clear() { if(!IsEmpty()) { Item* pItem = m_pBack; while(pItem != NULL) { Item* const pPrevItem = pItem->pPrev; m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem); pItem = pPrevItem; } m_pFront = NULL; m_pBack = NULL; m_Count = 0; } } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushBack() { Item* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc(); pNewItem->pNext = NULL; if(IsEmpty()) { pNewItem->pPrev = NULL; m_pFront = pNewItem; m_pBack = pNewItem; m_Count = 1; } else { pNewItem->pPrev = m_pBack; m_pBack->pNext = pNewItem; m_pBack = pNewItem; ++m_Count; } return pNewItem; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushFront() { Item* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc(); pNewItem->pPrev = NULL; if(IsEmpty()) { pNewItem->pNext = NULL; m_pFront = pNewItem; m_pBack = pNewItem; m_Count = 1; } else { pNewItem->pNext = m_pFront; m_pFront->pPrev = pNewItem; m_pFront = pNewItem; ++m_Count; } return pNewItem; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushBack(const T& value) { Item* const pNewItem = PushBack(); pNewItem->Value = value; return pNewItem; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushFront(const T& value) { Item* const pNewItem = PushFront(); pNewItem->Value = value; return pNewItem; } template<typename T> void List<T>::PopBack() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); Item* const pBackItem = m_pBack; Item* const pPrevItem = pBackItem->pPrev; if(pPrevItem != NULL) { pPrevItem->pNext = NULL; } m_pBack = pPrevItem; m_ItemAllocator.Free(pBackItem); --m_Count; } template<typename T> void List<T>::PopFront() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); Item* const pFrontItem = m_pFront; Item* const pNextItem = pFrontItem->pNext; if(pNextItem != NULL) { pNextItem->pPrev = NULL; } m_pFront = pNextItem; m_ItemAllocator.Free(pFrontItem); --m_Count; } template<typename T> void List<T>::Remove(Item* pItem) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pItem != NULL); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); if(pItem->pPrev != NULL) { pItem->pPrev->pNext = pItem->pNext; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem); m_pFront = pItem->pNext; } if(pItem->pNext != NULL) { pItem->pNext->pPrev = pItem->pPrev; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem); m_pBack = pItem->pPrev; } m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem); --m_Count; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertBefore(Item* pItem) { if(pItem != NULL) { Item* const prevItem = pItem->pPrev; Item* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc(); newItem->pPrev = prevItem; newItem->pNext = pItem; pItem->pPrev = newItem; if(prevItem != NULL) { prevItem->pNext = newItem; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem); m_pFront = newItem; } ++m_Count; return newItem; } else { return PushBack(); } } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertAfter(Item* pItem) { if(pItem != NULL) { Item* const nextItem = pItem->pNext; Item* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc(); newItem->pNext = nextItem; newItem->pPrev = pItem; pItem->pNext = newItem; if(nextItem != NULL) { nextItem->pPrev = newItem; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem); m_pBack = newItem; } ++m_Count; return newItem; } else return PushFront(); } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertBefore(Item* pItem, const T& value) { Item* const newItem = InsertBefore(pItem); newItem->Value = value; return newItem; } template<typename T> typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertAfter(Item* pItem, const T& value) { Item* const newItem = InsertAfter(pItem); newItem->Value = value; return newItem; } #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_LIST #ifndef _D3D12MA_INTRUSIVE_LINKED_LIST /* Expected interface of ItemTypeTraits: struct MyItemTypeTraits { using ItemType = MyItem; static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return item->myPrevPtr; } static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return item->myNextPtr; } static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item) { return item->myPrevPtr; } static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item) { return item->myNextPtr; } }; */ template<typename ItemTypeTraits> class IntrusiveLinkedList { public: using ItemType = typename ItemTypeTraits::ItemType; static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item); } static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item); } // Movable, not copyable. IntrusiveLinkedList() = default; IntrusiveLinkedList(const IntrusiveLinkedList&) = delete; IntrusiveLinkedList(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src); IntrusiveLinkedList& operator=(const IntrusiveLinkedList&) = delete; IntrusiveLinkedList& operator=(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src); ~IntrusiveLinkedList() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsEmpty()); } size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; } bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Count == 0; } ItemType* Front() { return m_Front; } ItemType* Back() { return m_Back; } const ItemType* Front() const { return m_Front; } const ItemType* Back() const { return m_Back; } void PushBack(ItemType* item); void PushFront(ItemType* item); ItemType* PopBack(); ItemType* PopFront(); // MyItem can be null - it means PushBack. void InsertBefore(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem); // MyItem can be null - it means PushFront. void InsertAfter(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem); void Remove(ItemType* item); void RemoveAll(); private: ItemType* m_Front = NULL; ItemType* m_Back = NULL; size_t m_Count = 0; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_INTRUSIVE_LINKED_LIST_FUNCTIONS template<typename ItemTypeTraits> IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::IntrusiveLinkedList(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src) : m_Front(src.m_Front), m_Back(src.m_Back), m_Count(src.m_Count) { src.m_Front = src.m_Back = NULL; src.m_Count = 0; } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>& IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::operator=(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src) { if (&src != this) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsEmpty()); m_Front = src.m_Front; m_Back = src.m_Back; m_Count = src.m_Count; src.m_Front = src.m_Back = NULL; src.m_Count = 0; } return *this; } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PushBack(ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) == NULL); if (IsEmpty()) { m_Front = item; m_Back = item; m_Count = 1; } else { ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = m_Back; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(m_Back) = item; m_Back = item; ++m_Count; } } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PushFront(ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) == NULL); if (IsEmpty()) { m_Front = item; m_Back = item; m_Count = 1; } else { ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = m_Front; ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(m_Front) = item; m_Front = item; ++m_Count; } } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> typename IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::ItemType* IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PopBack() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); ItemType* const backItem = m_Back; ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(backItem); if (prevItem != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(prevItem) = NULL; } m_Back = prevItem; --m_Count; ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(backItem) = NULL; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(backItem) = NULL; return backItem; } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> typename IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::ItemType* IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PopFront() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0); ItemType* const frontItem = m_Front; ItemType* const nextItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(frontItem); if (nextItem != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(nextItem) = NULL; } m_Front = nextItem; --m_Count; ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(frontItem) = NULL; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(frontItem) = NULL; return frontItem; } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::InsertBefore(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(newItem != NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(newItem) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(newItem) == NULL); if (existingItem != NULL) { ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(existingItem); ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(newItem) = prevItem; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(newItem) = existingItem; ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(existingItem) = newItem; if (prevItem != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(prevItem) = newItem; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Front == existingItem); m_Front = newItem; } ++m_Count; } else PushBack(newItem); } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::InsertAfter(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(newItem != NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(newItem) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(newItem) == NULL); if (existingItem != NULL) { ItemType* const nextItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(existingItem); ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(newItem) = nextItem; ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(newItem) = existingItem; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(existingItem) = newItem; if (nextItem != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(nextItem) = newItem; } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Back == existingItem); m_Back = newItem; } ++m_Count; } else return PushFront(newItem); } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::Remove(ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(item != NULL && m_Count > 0); if (ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item)) = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item); } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Front == item); m_Front = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item); } if (ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) != NULL) { ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item)) = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item); } else { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Back == item); m_Back = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item); } ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = NULL; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = NULL; --m_Count; } template<typename ItemTypeTraits> void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::RemoveAll() { if (!IsEmpty()) { ItemType* item = m_Back; while (item != NULL) { ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item); ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = NULL; ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = NULL; item = prevItem; } m_Front = NULL; m_Back = NULL; m_Count = 0; } } #endif // _D3D12MA_INTRUSIVE_LINKED_LIST_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_INTRUSIVE_LINKED_LIST #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_OBJECT_ALLOCATOR /* Thread-safe wrapper over PoolAllocator free list, for allocation of Allocation objects. */ class AllocationObjectAllocator { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(AllocationObjectAllocator); public: AllocationObjectAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_Allocator(allocationCallbacks, 1024) {} template<typename... Types> Allocation* Allocate(Types... args); void Free(Allocation* alloc); private: D3D12MA_MUTEX m_Mutex; PoolAllocator<Allocation> m_Allocator; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_OBJECT_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS template<typename... Types> Allocation* AllocationObjectAllocator::Allocate(Types... args) { MutexLock mutexLock(m_Mutex); return m_Allocator.Alloc(std::forward<Types>(args)...); } void AllocationObjectAllocator::Free(Allocation* alloc) { MutexLock mutexLock(m_Mutex); m_Allocator.Free(alloc); } #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_OBJECT_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_OBJECT_ALLOCATOR #ifndef _D3D12MA_SUBALLOCATION /* Represents a region of NormalBlock that is either assigned and returned as allocated memory block or free. */ struct Suballocation { UINT64 offset; UINT64 size; void* privateData; SuballocationType type; }; using SuballocationList = List<Suballocation>; // Comparator for offsets. struct SuballocationOffsetLess { bool operator()(const Suballocation& lhs, const Suballocation& rhs) const { return lhs.offset < rhs.offset; } }; struct SuballocationOffsetGreater { bool operator()(const Suballocation& lhs, const Suballocation& rhs) const { return lhs.offset > rhs.offset; } }; struct SuballocationItemSizeLess { bool operator()(const SuballocationList::iterator lhs, const SuballocationList::iterator rhs) const { return lhs->size < rhs->size; } bool operator()(const SuballocationList::iterator lhs, UINT64 rhsSize) const { return lhs->size < rhsSize; } }; #endif // _D3D12MA_SUBALLOCATION #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_REQUEST /* Parameters of planned allocation inside a NormalBlock. */ struct AllocationRequest { AllocHandle allocHandle; UINT64 size; UINT64 algorithmData; UINT64 sumFreeSize; // Sum size of free items that overlap with proposed allocation. UINT64 sumItemSize; // Sum size of items to make lost that overlap with proposed allocation. SuballocationList::iterator item; BOOL zeroInitialized = FALSE; // TODO Implement proper handling in TLSF and Linear, using ZeroInitializedRange class. }; #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_REQUEST #ifndef _D3D12MA_ZERO_INITIALIZED_RANGE /* Keeps track of the range of bytes that are surely initialized with zeros. Everything outside of it is considered uninitialized memory that may contain garbage data. The range is left-inclusive. */ class ZeroInitializedRange { public: void Reset(UINT64 size); BOOL IsRangeZeroInitialized(UINT64 beg, UINT64 end) const; void MarkRangeAsUsed(UINT64 usedBeg, UINT64 usedEnd); private: UINT64 m_ZeroBeg = 0, m_ZeroEnd = 0; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_ZERO_INITIALIZED_RANGE_FUNCTIONS void ZeroInitializedRange::Reset(UINT64 size) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(size > 0); m_ZeroBeg = 0; m_ZeroEnd = size; } BOOL ZeroInitializedRange::IsRangeZeroInitialized(UINT64 beg, UINT64 end) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(beg < end); return m_ZeroBeg <= beg && end <= m_ZeroEnd; } void ZeroInitializedRange::MarkRangeAsUsed(UINT64 usedBeg, UINT64 usedEnd) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(usedBeg < usedEnd); // No new bytes marked. if (usedEnd <= m_ZeroBeg || m_ZeroEnd <= usedBeg) { return; } // All bytes marked. if (usedBeg <= m_ZeroBeg && m_ZeroEnd <= usedEnd) { m_ZeroBeg = m_ZeroEnd = 0; } // Some bytes marked. else { const UINT64 remainingZeroBefore = usedBeg > m_ZeroBeg ? usedBeg - m_ZeroBeg : 0; const UINT64 remainingZeroAfter = usedEnd < m_ZeroEnd ? m_ZeroEnd - usedEnd : 0; D3D12MA_ASSERT(remainingZeroBefore > 0 || remainingZeroAfter > 0); if (remainingZeroBefore > remainingZeroAfter) { m_ZeroEnd = usedBeg; } else { m_ZeroBeg = usedEnd; } } } #endif // _D3D12MA_ZERO_INITIALIZED_RANGE_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_ZERO_INITIALIZED_RANGE #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA /* Data structure used for bookkeeping of allocations and unused ranges of memory in a single ID3D12Heap memory block. */ class BlockMetadata { public: BlockMetadata(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual); virtual ~BlockMetadata() = default; virtual void Init(UINT64 size) { m_Size = size; } // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false. virtual bool Validate() const = 0; UINT64 GetSize() const { return m_Size; } bool IsVirtual() const { return m_IsVirtual; } virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const = 0; virtual size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const = 0; virtual UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const = 0; virtual UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const = 0; // Returns true if this block is empty - contains only single free suballocation. virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0; virtual void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const = 0; // Tries to find a place for suballocation with given parameters inside this block. // If succeeded, fills pAllocationRequest and returns true. // If failed, returns false. virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, UINT32 strategy, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) = 0; // Makes actual allocation based on request. Request must already be checked and valid. virtual void Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* PrivateData) = 0; virtual void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) = 0; // Frees all allocations. // Careful! Don't call it if there are Allocation objects owned by pPrivateData of of cleared allocations! virtual void Clear() = 0; virtual AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const = 0; virtual AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const = 0; virtual UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const = 0; virtual void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const = 0; virtual void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) = 0; virtual void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const = 0; virtual void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const = 0; virtual void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const = 0; virtual void DebugLogAllAllocations() const = 0; protected: const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* GetAllocs() const { return m_pAllocationCallbacks; } UINT64 GetDebugMargin() const { return IsVirtual() ? 0 : D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN; } void DebugLogAllocation(UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const; void PrintDetailedMap_Begin(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 unusedBytes, size_t allocationCount, size_t unusedRangeCount) const; void PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const; void PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 offset, UINT64 size) const; void PrintDetailedMap_End(JsonWriter& json) const; private: UINT64 m_Size; bool m_IsVirtual; const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* m_pAllocationCallbacks; D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata); }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_FUNCTIONS BlockMetadata::BlockMetadata(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual) : m_Size(0), m_IsVirtual(isVirtual), m_pAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks); } void BlockMetadata::DebugLogAllocation(UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const { if (IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(L"UNFREED VIRTUAL ALLOCATION; Offset: %llu; Size: %llu; PrivateData: %p", offset, size, privateData); } else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(privateData != NULL); Allocation* allocation = reinterpret_cast<Allocation*>(privateData); privateData = allocation->GetPrivateData(); LPCWSTR name = allocation->GetName(); D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(L"UNFREED ALLOCATION; Offset: %llu; Size: %llu; PrivateData: %p; Name: %s", offset, size, privateData, name ? name : L"D3D12MA_Empty"); } } void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Begin(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 unusedBytes, size_t allocationCount, size_t unusedRangeCount) const { json.WriteString(L"TotalBytes"); json.WriteNumber(GetSize()); json.WriteString(L"UnusedBytes"); json.WriteNumber(unusedBytes); json.WriteString(L"Allocations"); json.WriteNumber((UINT64)allocationCount); json.WriteString(L"UnusedRanges"); json.WriteNumber((UINT64)unusedRangeCount); json.WriteString(L"Suballocations"); json.BeginArray(); } void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const { json.BeginObject(true); json.WriteString(L"Offset"); json.WriteNumber(offset); if (IsVirtual()) { json.WriteString(L"Size"); json.WriteNumber(size); if (privateData) { json.WriteString(L"CustomData"); json.WriteNumber((uintptr_t)privateData); } } else { const Allocation* const alloc = (const Allocation*)privateData; D3D12MA_ASSERT(alloc); json.AddAllocationToObject(*alloc); } json.EndObject(); } void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(JsonWriter& json, UINT64 offset, UINT64 size) const { json.BeginObject(true); json.WriteString(L"Offset"); json.WriteNumber(offset); json.WriteString(L"Type"); json.WriteString(L"FREE"); json.WriteString(L"Size"); json.WriteNumber(size); json.EndObject(); } void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_End(JsonWriter& json) const { json.EndArray(); } #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA #if 0 #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_GENERIC class BlockMetadata_Generic : public BlockMetadata { public: BlockMetadata_Generic(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual); virtual ~BlockMetadata_Generic() = default; size_t GetAllocationCount() const override { return m_Suballocations.size() - m_FreeCount; } UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_SumFreeSize; } UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return (UINT64)allocHandle - 1; } void Init(UINT64 size) override; bool Validate() const override; bool IsEmpty() const override; void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override; bool CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override; void Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) override; void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override; void Clear() override; void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override; void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override; void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override; void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override; private: UINT m_FreeCount; UINT64 m_SumFreeSize; SuballocationList m_Suballocations; // Suballocations that are free and have size greater than certain threshold. // Sorted by size, ascending. Vector<SuballocationList::iterator> m_FreeSuballocationsBySize; ZeroInitializedRange m_ZeroInitializedRange; SuballocationList::const_iterator FindAtOffset(UINT64 offset) const; bool ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const; // Checks if requested suballocation with given parameters can be placed in given pFreeSuballocItem. // If yes, fills pOffset and returns true. If no, returns false. bool CheckAllocation( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, SuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem, AllocHandle* pAllocHandle, UINT64* pSumFreeSize, UINT64* pSumItemSize, BOOL *pZeroInitialized) const; // Given free suballocation, it merges it with following one, which must also be free. void MergeFreeWithNext(SuballocationList::iterator item); // Releases given suballocation, making it free. // Merges it with adjacent free suballocations if applicable. // Returns iterator to new free suballocation at this place. SuballocationList::iterator FreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem); // Given free suballocation, it inserts it into sorted list of // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable. void RegisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item); // Given free suballocation, it removes it from sorted list of // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable. void UnregisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item); D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_Generic) }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_GENERIC_FUNCTIONS BlockMetadata_Generic::BlockMetadata_Generic(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual) : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual), m_FreeCount(0), m_SumFreeSize(0), m_Suballocations(*allocationCallbacks), m_FreeSuballocationsBySize(*allocationCallbacks) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::Init(UINT64 size) { BlockMetadata::Init(size); m_ZeroInitializedRange.Reset(size); m_FreeCount = 1; m_SumFreeSize = size; Suballocation suballoc = {}; suballoc.offset = 0; suballoc.size = size; suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; suballoc.privateData = NULL; D3D12MA_ASSERT(size > MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER); m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc); SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.end(); --suballocItem; m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(suballocItem); } bool BlockMetadata_Generic::Validate() const { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!m_Suballocations.empty()); // Expected offset of new suballocation as calculated from previous ones. UINT64 calculatedOffset = 0; // Expected number of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list. UINT calculatedFreeCount = 0; // Expected sum size of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list. UINT64 calculatedSumFreeSize = 0; // Expected number of free suballocations that should be registered in // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize calculated from traversing their list. size_t freeSuballocationsToRegister = 0; // True if previous visited suballocation was free. bool prevFree = false; for (const auto& subAlloc : m_Suballocations) { // Actual offset of this suballocation doesn't match expected one. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.offset == calculatedOffset); const bool currFree = (subAlloc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); // Two adjacent free suballocations are invalid. They should be merged. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!prevFree || !currFree); const Allocation* const alloc = (Allocation*)subAlloc.privateData; if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL)); } if (currFree) { calculatedSumFreeSize += subAlloc.size; ++calculatedFreeCount; if (subAlloc.size >= MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER) { ++freeSuballocationsToRegister; } // Margin required between allocations - every free space must be at least that large. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.size >= GetDebugMargin()); } else { if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetOffset() == subAlloc.offset); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == subAlloc.size); } // Margin required between allocations - previous allocation must be free. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetDebugMargin() == 0 || prevFree); } calculatedOffset += subAlloc.size; prevFree = currFree; } // Number of free suballocations registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize doesn't // match expected one. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size() == freeSuballocationsToRegister); UINT64 lastSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); ++i) { SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i]; // Only free suballocations can be registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); // They must be sorted by size ascending. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocItem->size >= lastSize); lastSize = suballocItem->size; } // Check if totals match calculacted values. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(ValidateFreeSuballocationList()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedOffset == GetSize()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedSumFreeSize == m_SumFreeSize); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedFreeCount == m_FreeCount); return true; } bool BlockMetadata_Generic::IsEmpty() const { return (m_Suballocations.size() == 1) && (m_FreeCount == 1); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const { Suballocation& suballoc = *FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst(); outInfo.Offset = suballoc.offset; outInfo.Size = suballoc.size; outInfo.pPrivateData = suballoc.privateData; } bool BlockMetadata_Generic::CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS can be used only with linear algorithm."); D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate()); // There is not enough total free space in this block to fullfill the request: Early return. if (m_SumFreeSize < allocSize + GetDebugMargin()) { return false; } // New algorithm, efficiently searching freeSuballocationsBySize. const size_t freeSuballocCount = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); if (freeSuballocCount > 0) { // Find first free suballocation with size not less than allocSize + GetDebugMargin(). SuballocationList::iterator* const it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess( m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data(), m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data() + freeSuballocCount, allocSize + GetDebugMargin(), SuballocationItemSizeLess()); size_t index = it - m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data(); for (; index < freeSuballocCount; ++index) { if (CheckAllocation( allocSize, allocAlignment, m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index], &pAllocationRequest->allocHandle, &pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize, &pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize, &pAllocationRequest->zeroInitialized)) { pAllocationRequest->item = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index]; return true; } } } return false; } void BlockMetadata_Generic::Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(request.item != m_Suballocations.end()); Suballocation& suballoc = *request.item; // Given suballocation is a free block. D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); // Given offset is inside this suballocation. UINT64 offset = (UINT64)request.allocHandle - 1; D3D12MA_ASSERT(offset >= suballoc.offset); const UINT64 paddingBegin = offset - suballoc.offset; D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballoc.size >= paddingBegin + allocSize); const UINT64 paddingEnd = suballoc.size - paddingBegin - allocSize; // Unregister this free suballocation from m_FreeSuballocationsBySize and update // it to become used. UnregisterFreeSuballocation(request.item); suballoc.offset = offset; suballoc.size = allocSize; suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_ALLOCATION; suballoc.privateData = privateData; // If there are any free bytes remaining at the end, insert new free suballocation after current one. if (paddingEnd) { Suballocation paddingSuballoc = {}; paddingSuballoc.offset = offset + allocSize; paddingSuballoc.size = paddingEnd; paddingSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; SuballocationList::iterator next = request.item; ++next; const SuballocationList::iterator paddingEndItem = m_Suballocations.insert(next, paddingSuballoc); RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingEndItem); } // If there are any free bytes remaining at the beginning, insert new free suballocation before current one. if (paddingBegin) { Suballocation paddingSuballoc = {}; paddingSuballoc.offset = offset - paddingBegin; paddingSuballoc.size = paddingBegin; paddingSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; const SuballocationList::iterator paddingBeginItem = m_Suballocations.insert(request.item, paddingSuballoc); RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingBeginItem); } // Update totals. m_FreeCount = m_FreeCount - 1; if (paddingBegin > 0) { ++m_FreeCount; } if (paddingEnd > 0) { ++m_FreeCount; } m_SumFreeSize -= allocSize; m_ZeroInitializedRange.MarkRangeAsUsed(offset, offset + allocSize); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) { FreeSuballocation(FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst()); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::Clear() { m_FreeCount = 1; m_SumFreeSize = GetSize(); m_Suballocations.clear(); Suballocation suballoc = {}; suballoc.offset = 0; suballoc.size = GetSize(); suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc); m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.clear(); m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(m_Suballocations.begin()); } SuballocationList::const_iterator BlockMetadata_Generic::FindAtOffset(UINT64 offset) const { const UINT64 last = m_Suballocations.crbegin()->offset; if (last == offset) return m_Suballocations.crbegin(); const UINT64 first = m_Suballocations.cbegin()->offset; if (first == offset) return m_Suballocations.cbegin(); const size_t suballocCount = m_Suballocations.size(); const UINT64 step = (last - first + m_Suballocations.cbegin()->size) / suballocCount; auto findSuballocation = [&](auto begin, auto end) -> SuballocationList::const_iterator { for (auto suballocItem = begin; suballocItem != end; ++suballocItem) { const Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem; if (suballoc.offset == offset) return suballocItem; } D3D12MA_ASSERT(false && "Not found!"); return m_Suballocations.end(); }; // If requested offset is closer to the end of range, search from the end if ((offset - first) > suballocCount * step / 2) { return findSuballocation(m_Suballocations.crbegin(), m_Suballocations.crend()); } return findSuballocation(m_Suballocations.cbegin(), m_Suballocations.cend()); } bool BlockMetadata_Generic::ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const { UINT64 lastSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0, count = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); i < count; ++i) { const SuballocationList::iterator it = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i]; D3D12MA_VALIDATE(it->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(it->size >= MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(it->size >= lastSize); lastSize = it->size; } return true; } bool BlockMetadata_Generic::CheckAllocation( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, SuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem, AllocHandle* pAllocHandle, UINT64* pSumFreeSize, UINT64* pSumItemSize, BOOL* pZeroInitialized) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0); D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend()); D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocHandle != NULL && pZeroInitialized != NULL); *pSumFreeSize = 0; *pSumItemSize = 0; *pZeroInitialized = FALSE; const Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem; D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); *pSumFreeSize = suballoc.size; // Size of this suballocation is too small for this request: Early return. if (suballoc.size < allocSize) { return false; } // Start from offset equal to beginning of this suballocation and debug margin of previous allocation if present. UINT64 offset = suballoc.offset + (suballocItem == m_Suballocations.cbegin() ? 0 : GetDebugMargin()); // Apply alignment. offset = AlignUp(offset, allocAlignment); // Calculate padding at the beginning based on current offset. const UINT64 paddingBegin = offset - suballoc.offset; // Fail if requested size plus margin after is bigger than size of this suballocation. if (paddingBegin + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() > suballoc.size) { return false; } // All tests passed: Success. Offset is already filled. *pZeroInitialized = m_ZeroInitializedRange.IsRangeZeroInitialized(offset, offset + allocSize); *pAllocHandle = (AllocHandle)(offset + 1); return true; } void BlockMetadata_Generic::MergeFreeWithNext(SuballocationList::iterator item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item != m_Suballocations.end()); D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); SuballocationList::iterator nextItem = item; ++nextItem; D3D12MA_ASSERT(nextItem != m_Suballocations.end()); D3D12MA_ASSERT(nextItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); item->size += nextItem->size; --m_FreeCount; m_Suballocations.erase(nextItem); } SuballocationList::iterator BlockMetadata_Generic::FreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem) { // Change this suballocation to be marked as free. Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem; suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; suballoc.privateData = NULL; // Update totals. ++m_FreeCount; m_SumFreeSize += suballoc.size; // Merge with previous and/or next suballocation if it's also free. bool mergeWithNext = false; bool mergeWithPrev = false; SuballocationList::iterator nextItem = suballocItem; ++nextItem; if ((nextItem != m_Suballocations.end()) && (nextItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)) { mergeWithNext = true; } SuballocationList::iterator prevItem = suballocItem; if (suballocItem != m_Suballocations.begin()) { --prevItem; if (prevItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { mergeWithPrev = true; } } if (mergeWithNext) { UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem); MergeFreeWithNext(suballocItem); } if (mergeWithPrev) { UnregisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem); MergeFreeWithNext(prevItem); RegisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem); return prevItem; } else { RegisterFreeSuballocation(suballocItem); return suballocItem; } } void BlockMetadata_Generic::RegisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->size > 0); // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of // this function, depending on what do you want to check. D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList()); if (item->size >= MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER) { if (m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.empty()) { m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(item); } else { m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.InsertSorted(item, SuballocationItemSizeLess()); } } //D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList()); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::UnregisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->size > 0); // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of // this function, depending on what do you want to check. D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList()); if (item->size >= MIN_FREE_SUBALLOCATION_SIZE_TO_REGISTER) { SuballocationList::iterator* const it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess( m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data(), m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data() + m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(), item, SuballocationItemSizeLess()); for (size_t index = it - m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.data(); index < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); ++index) { if (m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index] == item) { m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.remove(index); return; } D3D12MA_ASSERT((m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index]->size == item->size) && "Not found."); } D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found."); } //D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList()); } void BlockMetadata_Generic::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) { Suballocation& suballoc = *FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst(); suballoc.privateData = privateData; } void BlockMetadata_Generic::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.AllocationCount += (UINT)m_Suballocations.size() - m_FreeCount; inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - m_SumFreeSize; } void BlockMetadata_Generic::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); for (const auto& suballoc : m_Suballocations) { if (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, suballoc.size); else AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size); } } void BlockMetadata_Generic::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const { PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, GetSumFreeSize(), GetAllocationCount(), m_FreeCount); for (const auto& suballoc : m_Suballocations) { if (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size); else PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData); } PrintDetailedMap_End(json); } #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_GENERIC_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_GENERIC #endif // #if 0 #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_LINEAR class BlockMetadata_Linear : public BlockMetadata { public: BlockMetadata_Linear(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual); virtual ~BlockMetadata_Linear() = default; UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_SumFreeSize; } bool IsEmpty() const override { return GetAllocationCount() == 0; } UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return (UINT64)allocHandle - 1; }; void Init(UINT64 size) override; bool Validate() const override; size_t GetAllocationCount() const override; size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const override; void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override; bool CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, UINT32 strategy, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override; void Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) override; void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override; void Clear() override; AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const override; AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const override; UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const override; void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override; void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override; void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override; void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override; void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override; void DebugLogAllAllocations() const override; private: /* There are two suballocation vectors, used in ping-pong way. The one with index m_1stVectorIndex is called 1st. The one with index (m_1stVectorIndex ^ 1) is called 2nd. 2nd can be non-empty only when 1st is not empty. When 2nd is not empty, m_2ndVectorMode indicates its mode of operation. */ typedef Vector<Suballocation> SuballocationVectorType; enum ALLOC_REQUEST_TYPE { ALLOC_REQUEST_UPPER_ADDRESS, ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_1ST, ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_2ND, }; enum SECOND_VECTOR_MODE { SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY, /* Suballocations in 2nd vector are created later than the ones in 1st, but they all have smaller offset. */ SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER, /* Suballocations in 2nd vector are upper side of double stack. They all have offsets higher than those in 1st vector. Top of this stack means smaller offsets, but higher indices in this vector. */ SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK, }; UINT64 m_SumFreeSize; SuballocationVectorType m_Suballocations0, m_Suballocations1; UINT32 m_1stVectorIndex; SECOND_VECTOR_MODE m_2ndVectorMode; // Number of items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null at the beginning. size_t m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; // Number of other items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null somewhere in the middle. size_t m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; // Number of items in 2nd vector with hAllocation = null. size_t m_2ndNullItemsCount; SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; } SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; } const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; } const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; } Suballocation& FindSuballocation(UINT64 offset) const; bool ShouldCompact1st() const; void CleanupAfterFree(); bool CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest); bool CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest); D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_Linear) }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_LINEAR_FUNCTIONS BlockMetadata_Linear::BlockMetadata_Linear(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual) : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual), m_SumFreeSize(0), m_Suballocations0(*allocationCallbacks), m_Suballocations1(*allocationCallbacks), m_1stVectorIndex(0), m_2ndVectorMode(SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY), m_1stNullItemsBeginCount(0), m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount(0), m_2ndNullItemsCount(0) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks); } void BlockMetadata_Linear::Init(UINT64 size) { BlockMetadata::Init(size); m_SumFreeSize = size; } bool BlockMetadata_Linear::Validate() const { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetSumFreeSize() <= GetSize()); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.empty() == (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!suballocations1st.empty() || suballocations2nd.empty() || m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER); if (!suballocations1st.empty()) { // Null item at the beginning should be accounted into m_1stNullItemsBeginCount. D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); // Null item at the end should be just pop_back(). D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st.back().type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); } if (!suballocations2nd.empty()) { // Null item at the end should be just pop_back(). D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.back().type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount <= suballocations1st.size()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_2ndNullItemsCount <= suballocations2nd.size()); UINT64 sumUsedSize = 0; const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size(); UINT64 offset = 0; if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size(); size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < suballoc2ndCount; ++i) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i]; const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData; if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL)); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset); if (!currFree) { if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size); } sumUsedSize += suballoc.size; } else { ++nullItem2ndCount; } offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin(); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; ++i) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i]; D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE && suballoc.privateData == NULL); } size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; for (size_t i = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; i < suballoc1stCount; ++i) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i]; const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData; if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL)); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(i >= m_1stNullItemsBeginCount || currFree); if (!currFree) { if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size); } sumUsedSize += suballoc.size; } else { ++nullItem1stCount; } offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin(); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem1stCount == m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount); if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size(); size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0; for (size_t i = suballoc2ndCount; i--; ) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i]; const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE); const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData; if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL)); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset); if (!currFree) { if (!IsVirtual()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size); } sumUsedSize += suballoc.size; } else { ++nullItem2ndCount; } offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin(); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount); } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(offset <= GetSize()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_SumFreeSize == GetSize() - sumUsedSize); return true; } size_t BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationCount() const { return AccessSuballocations1st().size() - m_1stNullItemsBeginCount - m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount + AccessSuballocations2nd().size() - m_2ndNullItemsCount; } size_t BlockMetadata_Linear::GetFreeRegionsCount() const { // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return SIZE_MAX; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const { const Suballocation& suballoc = FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1); outInfo.Offset = suballoc.offset; outInfo.Size = suballoc.size; outInfo.pPrivateData = suballoc.privateData; } bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, UINT32 strategy, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0 && "Cannot allocate empty block!"); D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate()); pAllocationRequest->size = allocSize; return upperAddress ? CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress( allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest) : CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress( allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest); } void BlockMetadata_Linear::Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) { UINT64 offset = (UINT64)request.allocHandle - 1; const Suballocation newSuballoc = { offset, request.size, privateData, SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_ALLOCATION }; switch (request.algorithmData) { case ALLOC_REQUEST_UPPER_ADDRESS: { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER && "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as double stack while it was already used as ring buffer."); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc); m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK; break; } case ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_1ST: { SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocations1st.empty() || offset >= suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size); // Check if it fits before the end of the block. D3D12MA_ASSERT(offset + request.size <= GetSize()); suballocations1st.push_back(newSuballoc); break; } case ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_2ND: { SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); // New allocation at the end of 2-part ring buffer, so before first allocation from 1st vector. D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations1st.empty() && offset + request.size <= suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); switch (m_2ndVectorMode) { case SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY: // First allocation from second part ring buffer. D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocations2nd.empty()); m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER; break; case SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER: // 2-part ring buffer is already started. D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations2nd.empty()); break; case SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as ring buffer while it was already used as double stack."); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc); break; } default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "CRITICAL INTERNAL ERROR."); } m_SumFreeSize -= newSuballoc.size; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) { SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); UINT64 offset = (UINT64)allocHandle - 1; if (!suballocations1st.empty()) { // First allocation: Mark it as next empty at the beginning. Suballocation& firstSuballoc = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount]; if (firstSuballoc.offset == offset) { firstSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; firstSuballoc.privateData = NULL; m_SumFreeSize += firstSuballoc.size; ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; CleanupAfterFree(); return; } } // Last allocation in 2-part ring buffer or top of upper stack (same logic). if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back(); if (lastSuballoc.offset == offset) { m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size; suballocations2nd.pop_back(); CleanupAfterFree(); return; } } // Last allocation in 1st vector. else if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY) { Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back(); if (lastSuballoc.offset == offset) { m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size; suballocations1st.pop_back(); CleanupAfterFree(); return; } } Suballocation refSuballoc; refSuballoc.offset = offset; // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance. // Item from the middle of 1st vector. { const SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = BinaryFindSorted( suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount, suballocations1st.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()); if (it != suballocations1st.end()) { it->type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; it->privateData = NULL; ++m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; m_SumFreeSize += it->size; CleanupAfterFree(); return; } } if (m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY) { // Item from the middle of 2nd vector. const SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ? BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()) : BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetGreater()); if (it != suballocations2nd.end()) { it->type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE; it->privateData = NULL; ++m_2ndNullItemsCount; m_SumFreeSize += it->size; CleanupAfterFree(); return; } } D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation to free not found in linear allocator!"); } void BlockMetadata_Linear::Clear() { m_SumFreeSize = GetSize(); m_Suballocations0.clear(); m_Suballocations1.clear(); // Leaving m_1stVectorIndex unchanged - it doesn't matter. m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY; m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0; m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0; m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0; } AllocHandle BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationListBegin() const { // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return (AllocHandle)0; } AllocHandle BlockMetadata_Linear::GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const { // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return (AllocHandle)0; } UINT64 BlockMetadata_Linear::GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const { // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return 0; } void* BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const { return FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).privateData; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) { Suballocation& suballoc = FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1); suballoc.privateData = privateData; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.AllocationCount += (UINT)GetAllocationCount(); inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - m_SumFreeSize; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); const UINT64 size = GetSize(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size(); const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size(); UINT64 lastOffset = 0; if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset; size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0; while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd. if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd; } } } size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; const UINT64 freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size; while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount && suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // We are at the end. else { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd. if (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd) { const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd; } } if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1; while (lastOffset < size) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { // There is free space from lastOffset to size. if (lastOffset < size) { const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset; AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = size; } } } } void BlockMetadata_Linear::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const { const UINT64 size = GetSize(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size(); const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size(); // FIRST PASS size_t unusedRangeCount = 0; UINT64 usedBytes = 0; UINT64 lastOffset = 0; size_t alloc2ndCount = 0; if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset; size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0; while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. ++unusedRangeCount; } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. ++alloc2ndCount; usedBytes += suballoc.size; // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd. ++unusedRangeCount; } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd; } } } size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; size_t alloc1stCount = 0; const UINT64 freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size; while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount && suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. ++unusedRangeCount; } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. ++alloc1stCount; usedBytes += suballoc.size; // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < size) { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd. ++unusedRangeCount; } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd; } } if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1; while (lastOffset < size) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. ++unusedRangeCount; } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. ++alloc2ndCount; usedBytes += suballoc.size; // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < size) { // There is free space from lastOffset to size. ++unusedRangeCount; } // End of loop. lastOffset = size; } } } const UINT64 unusedBytes = size - usedBytes; PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, unusedBytes, alloc1stCount + alloc2ndCount, unusedRangeCount); // SECOND PASS lastOffset = 0; if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset; size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0; while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd) { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd; } } } nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount && suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL) { ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; ++nextAlloc1stIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd) { // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd; } } if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1; while (lastOffset < size) { // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end. while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX && suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL) { --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // Found non-null allocation. if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX) { const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex]; // 1. Process free space before this allocation. if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset) { // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // 2. Process this allocation. // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size. PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData); // 3. Prepare for next iteration. lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size; --nextAlloc2ndIndex; } // We are at the end. else { if (lastOffset < size) { // There is free space from lastOffset to size. const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset; PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize); } // End of loop. lastOffset = size; } } } PrintDetailedMap_End(json); } void BlockMetadata_Linear::DebugLogAllAllocations() const { const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); for (auto it = suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; it != suballocations1st.end(); ++it) if (it->type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) DebugLogAllocation(it->offset, it->size, it->privateData); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); for (auto it = suballocations2nd.begin(); it != suballocations2nd.end(); ++it) if (it->type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) DebugLogAllocation(it->offset, it->size, it->privateData); } Suballocation& BlockMetadata_Linear::FindSuballocation(UINT64 offset) const { const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); Suballocation refSuballoc; refSuballoc.offset = offset; // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance. // Item from the 1st vector. { const SuballocationVectorType::const_iterator it = BinaryFindSorted( suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount, suballocations1st.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()); if (it != suballocations1st.end()) { return const_cast<Suballocation&>(*it); } } if (m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY) { // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance. const SuballocationVectorType::const_iterator it = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ? BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()) : BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetGreater()); if (it != suballocations2nd.end()) { return const_cast<Suballocation&>(*it); } } D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation not found in linear allocator!"); return const_cast<Suballocation&>(suballocations1st.back()); // Should never occur. } bool BlockMetadata_Linear::ShouldCompact1st() const { const size_t nullItemCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; const size_t suballocCount = AccessSuballocations1st().size(); return suballocCount > 32 && nullItemCount * 2 >= (suballocCount - nullItemCount) * 3; } void BlockMetadata_Linear::CleanupAfterFree() { SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); if (IsEmpty()) { suballocations1st.clear(); suballocations2nd.clear(); m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0; m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0; m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0; m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY; } else { const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size(); const size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; D3D12MA_ASSERT(nullItem1stCount <= suballoc1stCount); // Find more null items at the beginning of 1st vector. while (m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballoc1stCount && suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; } // Find more null items at the end of 1st vector. while (m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount > 0 && suballocations1st.back().type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; suballocations1st.pop_back(); } // Find more null items at the end of 2nd vector. while (m_2ndNullItemsCount > 0 && suballocations2nd.back().type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { --m_2ndNullItemsCount; suballocations2nd.pop_back(); } // Find more null items at the beginning of 2nd vector. while (m_2ndNullItemsCount > 0 && suballocations2nd[0].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { --m_2ndNullItemsCount; suballocations2nd.remove(0); } if (ShouldCompact1st()) { const size_t nonNullItemCount = suballoc1stCount - nullItem1stCount; size_t srcIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; for (size_t dstIndex = 0; dstIndex < nonNullItemCount; ++dstIndex) { while (suballocations1st[srcIndex].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { ++srcIndex; } if (dstIndex != srcIndex) { suballocations1st[dstIndex] = suballocations1st[srcIndex]; } ++srcIndex; } suballocations1st.resize(nonNullItemCount); m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0; m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0; } // 2nd vector became empty. if (suballocations2nd.empty()) { m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY; } // 1st vector became empty. if (suballocations1st.size() - m_1stNullItemsBeginCount == 0) { suballocations1st.clear(); m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0; if (!suballocations2nd.empty() && m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { // Swap 1st with 2nd. Now 2nd is empty. m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY; m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = m_2ndNullItemsCount; while (m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballocations2nd.size() && suballocations2nd[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE) { ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount; } m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0; m_1stVectorIndex ^= 1; } } } D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate()); } bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { const UINT64 blockSize = GetSize(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK) { // Try to allocate at the end of 1st vector. UINT64 resultBaseOffset = 0; if (!suballocations1st.empty()) { const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back(); resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size + GetDebugMargin(); } // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space. UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset; // Apply alignment. resultOffset = AlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment); const UINT64 freeSpaceEnd = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : blockSize; // There is enough free space at the end after alignment. if (resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= freeSpaceEnd) { // All tests passed: Success. pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1); // pAllocationRequest->item, customData unused. pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_1ST; return true; } } // Wrap-around to end of 2nd vector. Try to allocate there, watching for the // beginning of 1st vector as the end of free space. if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations1st.empty()); UINT64 resultBaseOffset = 0; if (!suballocations2nd.empty()) { const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back(); resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size + GetDebugMargin(); } // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space. UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset; // Apply alignment. resultOffset = AlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment); size_t index1st = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; // There is enough free space at the end after alignment. if ((index1st == suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= blockSize) || (index1st < suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= suballocations1st[index1st].offset)) { // All tests passed: Success. pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1); pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_2ND; // pAllocationRequest->item, customData unused. return true; } } return false; } bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { const UINT64 blockSize = GetSize(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st(); SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd(); if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Trying to use pool with linear algorithm as double stack, while it is already being used as ring buffer."); return false; } // Try to allocate before 2nd.back(), or end of block if 2nd.empty(). if (allocSize > blockSize) { return false; } UINT64 resultBaseOffset = blockSize - allocSize; if (!suballocations2nd.empty()) { const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back(); resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset - allocSize; if (allocSize > lastSuballoc.offset) { return false; } } // Start from offset equal to end of free space. UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset; // Apply debugMargin at the end. if (GetDebugMargin() > 0) { if (resultOffset < GetDebugMargin()) { return false; } resultOffset -= GetDebugMargin(); } // Apply alignment. resultOffset = AlignDown(resultOffset, allocAlignment); // There is enough free space. const UINT64 endOf1st = !suballocations1st.empty() ? suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size : 0; if (endOf1st + GetDebugMargin() <= resultOffset) { // All tests passed: Success. pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1); // pAllocationRequest->item unused. pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_UPPER_ADDRESS; return true; } return false; } #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_LINEAR_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_LINEAR #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_TLSF class BlockMetadata_TLSF : public BlockMetadata { public: BlockMetadata_TLSF(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual); virtual ~BlockMetadata_TLSF(); size_t GetAllocationCount() const override { return m_AllocCount; } size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const override { return m_BlocksFreeCount + 1; } UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_BlocksFreeSize + m_NullBlock->size; } bool IsEmpty() const override { return m_NullBlock->offset == 0; } UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return ((Block*)allocHandle)->offset; }; void Init(UINT64 size) override; bool Validate() const override; void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override; bool CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, UINT32 strategy, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override; void Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) override; void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override; void Clear() override; AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const override; AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const override; UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const override; void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override; void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override; void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override; void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override; void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override; void DebugLogAllAllocations() const override; private: // According to original paper it should be preferable 4 or 5: // M. Masmano, I. Ripoll, A. Crespo, and J. Real "TLSF: a New Dynamic Memory Allocator for Real-Time Systems" // http://www.gii.upv.es/tlsf/files/ecrts04_tlsf.pdf static const UINT8 SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX = 5; static const UINT16 SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 256; static const UINT INITIAL_BLOCK_ALLOC_COUNT = 16; static const UINT8 MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT = 7; static const UINT8 MAX_MEMORY_CLASSES = 65 - MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT; class Block { public: UINT64 offset; UINT64 size; Block* prevPhysical; Block* nextPhysical; void MarkFree() { prevFree = NULL; } void MarkTaken() { prevFree = this; } bool IsFree() const { return prevFree != this; } void*& PrivateData() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!IsFree()); return privateData; } Block*& PrevFree() { return prevFree; } Block*& NextFree() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsFree()); return nextFree; } private: Block* prevFree; // Address of the same block here indicates that block is taken union { Block* nextFree; void* privateData; }; }; size_t m_AllocCount = 0; // Total number of free blocks besides null block size_t m_BlocksFreeCount = 0; // Total size of free blocks excluding null block UINT64 m_BlocksFreeSize = 0; UINT32 m_IsFreeBitmap = 0; UINT8 m_MemoryClasses = 0; UINT32 m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[MAX_MEMORY_CLASSES]; UINT32 m_ListsCount = 0; /* * 0: 0-3 lists for small buffers * 1+: 0-(2^SLI-1) lists for normal buffers */ Block** m_FreeList = NULL; PoolAllocator<Block> m_BlockAllocator; Block* m_NullBlock = NULL; UINT8 SizeToMemoryClass(UINT64 size) const; UINT16 SizeToSecondIndex(UINT64 size, UINT8 memoryClass) const; UINT32 GetListIndex(UINT8 memoryClass, UINT16 secondIndex) const; UINT32 GetListIndex(UINT64 size) const; void RemoveFreeBlock(Block* block); void InsertFreeBlock(Block* block); void MergeBlock(Block* block, Block* prev); Block* FindFreeBlock(UINT64 size, UINT32& listIndex) const; bool CheckBlock( Block& block, UINT32 listIndex, UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest); D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_TLSF) }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_TLSF_FUNCTIONS BlockMetadata_TLSF::BlockMetadata_TLSF(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual) : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual), m_BlockAllocator(*allocationCallbacks, INITIAL_BLOCK_ALLOC_COUNT) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks); } BlockMetadata_TLSF::~BlockMetadata_TLSF() { D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(*GetAllocs(), m_FreeList, m_ListsCount); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Init(UINT64 size) { BlockMetadata::Init(size); m_NullBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc(); m_NullBlock->size = size; m_NullBlock->offset = 0; m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = NULL; m_NullBlock->nextPhysical = NULL; m_NullBlock->MarkFree(); m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL; m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL; UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size); UINT16 sli = SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass); m_ListsCount = (memoryClass == 0 ? 0 : (memoryClass - 1) * (1UL << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX) + sli) + 1; if (IsVirtual()) m_ListsCount += 1UL << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX; else m_ListsCount += 4; m_MemoryClasses = memoryClass + 2; memset(m_InnerIsFreeBitmap, 0, MAX_MEMORY_CLASSES * sizeof(UINT32)); m_FreeList = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(*GetAllocs(), Block*, m_ListsCount); memset(m_FreeList, 0, m_ListsCount * sizeof(Block*)); } bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::Validate() const { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetSumFreeSize() <= GetSize()); UINT64 calculatedSize = m_NullBlock->size; UINT64 calculatedFreeSize = m_NullBlock->size; size_t allocCount = 0; size_t freeCount = 0; // Check integrity of free lists for (UINT32 list = 0; list < m_ListsCount; ++list) { Block* block = m_FreeList[list]; if (block != NULL) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->IsFree()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->PrevFree() == NULL); while (block->NextFree()) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->NextFree()->IsFree()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->NextFree()->PrevFree() == block); block = block->NextFree(); } } } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_NullBlock->nextPhysical == NULL); if (m_NullBlock->prevPhysical) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_NullBlock->prevPhysical->nextPhysical == m_NullBlock); } // Check all blocks UINT64 nextOffset = m_NullBlock->offset; for (Block* prev = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; prev != NULL; prev = prev->prevPhysical) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(prev->offset + prev->size == nextOffset); nextOffset = prev->offset; calculatedSize += prev->size; UINT32 listIndex = GetListIndex(prev->size); if (prev->IsFree()) { ++freeCount; // Check if free block belongs to free list Block* freeBlock = m_FreeList[listIndex]; D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeBlock != NULL); bool found = false; do { if (freeBlock == prev) found = true; freeBlock = freeBlock->NextFree(); } while (!found && freeBlock != NULL); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(found); calculatedFreeSize += prev->size; } else { ++allocCount; // Check if taken block is not on a free list Block* freeBlock = m_FreeList[listIndex]; while (freeBlock) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeBlock != prev); freeBlock = freeBlock->NextFree(); } } if (prev->prevPhysical) { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(prev->prevPhysical->nextPhysical == prev); } } D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nextOffset == 0); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedSize == GetSize()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedFreeSize == GetSumFreeSize()); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(allocCount == m_AllocCount); D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeCount == m_BlocksFreeCount); return true; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const { Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot get allocation info for free block!"); outInfo.Offset = block->offset; outInfo.Size = block->size; outInfo.pPrivateData = block->PrivateData(); } bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::CreateAllocationRequest( UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, bool upperAddress, UINT32 strategy, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0 && "Cannot allocate empty block!"); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS can be used only with linear algorithm."); D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate()); allocSize += GetDebugMargin(); // Quick check for too small pool if (allocSize > GetSumFreeSize()) return false; // If no free blocks in pool then check only null block if (m_BlocksFreeCount == 0) return CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest); // Round up to the next block UINT64 sizeForNextList = allocSize; UINT16 smallSizeStep = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE / (IsVirtual() ? 1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX : 4); if (allocSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE) { sizeForNextList += (1ULL << (BitScanMSB(allocSize) - SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX)); } else if (allocSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE - smallSizeStep) sizeForNextList = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1; else sizeForNextList += smallSizeStep; UINT32 nextListIndex = 0; UINT32 prevListIndex = 0; Block* nextListBlock = NULL; Block* prevListBlock = NULL; // Check blocks according to strategies if (strategy & ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME) { // Quick check for larger block first nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex); if (nextListBlock != NULL && CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; // If not fitted then null block if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; // Null block failed, search larger bucket while (nextListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree(); } // Failed again, check best fit bucket prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex); while (prevListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree(); } } else if (strategy & ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY) { // Check best fit bucket prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex); while (prevListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree(); } // If failed check null block if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; // Check larger bucket nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex); while (nextListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree(); } } else if (strategy & ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET) { // Perform search from the start Vector<Block*> blockList(m_BlocksFreeCount, *GetAllocs()); size_t i = m_BlocksFreeCount; for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical) { if (block->IsFree() && block->size >= allocSize) blockList[--i] = block; } for (; i < m_BlocksFreeCount; ++i) { Block& block = *blockList[i]; if (CheckBlock(block, GetListIndex(block.size), allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; } // If failed check null block if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; // Whole range searched, no more memory return false; } else { // Check larger bucket nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex); while (nextListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree(); } // If failed check null block if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; // Check best fit bucket prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex); while (prevListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree(); } } // Worst case, full search has to be done while (++nextListIndex < m_ListsCount) { nextListBlock = m_FreeList[nextListIndex]; while (nextListBlock) { if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest)) return true; nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree(); } } // No more memory sadly return false; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Alloc( const AllocationRequest& request, UINT64 allocSize, void* privateData) { // Get block and pop it from the free list Block* currentBlock = (Block*)request.allocHandle; UINT64 offset = request.algorithmData; D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock != NULL); D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock->offset <= offset); if (currentBlock != m_NullBlock) RemoveFreeBlock(currentBlock); // Append missing alignment to prev block or create new one UINT64 misssingAlignment = offset - currentBlock->offset; if (misssingAlignment) { Block* prevBlock = currentBlock->prevPhysical; D3D12MA_ASSERT(prevBlock != NULL && "There should be no missing alignment at offset 0!"); if (prevBlock->IsFree() && prevBlock->size != GetDebugMargin()) { UINT32 oldList = GetListIndex(prevBlock->size); prevBlock->size += misssingAlignment; // Check if new size crosses list bucket if (oldList != GetListIndex(prevBlock->size)) { prevBlock->size -= misssingAlignment; RemoveFreeBlock(prevBlock); prevBlock->size += misssingAlignment; InsertFreeBlock(prevBlock); } else m_BlocksFreeSize += misssingAlignment; } else { Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc(); currentBlock->prevPhysical = newBlock; prevBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock; newBlock->prevPhysical = prevBlock; newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock; newBlock->size = misssingAlignment; newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset; newBlock->MarkTaken(); InsertFreeBlock(newBlock); } currentBlock->size -= misssingAlignment; currentBlock->offset += misssingAlignment; } UINT64 size = request.size + GetDebugMargin(); if (currentBlock->size == size) { if (currentBlock == m_NullBlock) { // Setup new null block m_NullBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc(); m_NullBlock->size = 0; m_NullBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + size; m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock; m_NullBlock->nextPhysical = NULL; m_NullBlock->MarkFree(); m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL; m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL; currentBlock->nextPhysical = m_NullBlock; currentBlock->MarkTaken(); } } else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock->size > size && "Proper block already found, shouldn't find smaller one!"); // Create new free block Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc(); newBlock->size = currentBlock->size - size; newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + size; newBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock; newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock->nextPhysical; currentBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock; currentBlock->size = size; if (currentBlock == m_NullBlock) { m_NullBlock = newBlock; m_NullBlock->MarkFree(); m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL; m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL; currentBlock->MarkTaken(); } else { newBlock->nextPhysical->prevPhysical = newBlock; newBlock->MarkTaken(); InsertFreeBlock(newBlock); } } currentBlock->PrivateData() = privateData; if (GetDebugMargin() > 0) { currentBlock->size -= GetDebugMargin(); Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc(); newBlock->size = GetDebugMargin(); newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + currentBlock->size; newBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock; newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock->nextPhysical; newBlock->MarkTaken(); currentBlock->nextPhysical->prevPhysical = newBlock; currentBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock; InsertFreeBlock(newBlock); } ++m_AllocCount; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) { Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle; Block* next = block->nextPhysical; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Block is already free!"); --m_AllocCount; if (GetDebugMargin() > 0) { RemoveFreeBlock(next); MergeBlock(next, block); block = next; next = next->nextPhysical; } // Try merging Block* prev = block->prevPhysical; if (prev != NULL && prev->IsFree() && prev->size != GetDebugMargin()) { RemoveFreeBlock(prev); MergeBlock(block, prev); } if (!next->IsFree()) InsertFreeBlock(block); else if (next == m_NullBlock) MergeBlock(m_NullBlock, block); else { RemoveFreeBlock(next); MergeBlock(next, block); InsertFreeBlock(next); } } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Clear() { m_AllocCount = 0; m_BlocksFreeCount = 0; m_BlocksFreeSize = 0; m_IsFreeBitmap = 0; m_NullBlock->offset = 0; m_NullBlock->size = GetSize(); Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = NULL; while (block) { Block* prev = block->prevPhysical; m_BlockAllocator.Free(block); block = prev; } memset(m_FreeList, 0, m_ListsCount * sizeof(Block*)); memset(m_InnerIsFreeBitmap, 0, m_MemoryClasses * sizeof(UINT32)); } AllocHandle BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationListBegin() const { if (m_AllocCount == 0) return (AllocHandle)0; for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block; block = block->prevPhysical) { if (!block->IsFree()) return (AllocHandle)block; } D3D12MA_ASSERT(false && "If m_AllocCount > 0 then should find any allocation!"); return (AllocHandle)0; } AllocHandle BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const { Block* startBlock = (Block*)prevAlloc; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!startBlock->IsFree() && "Incorrect block!"); for (Block* block = startBlock->prevPhysical; block; block = block->prevPhysical) { if (!block->IsFree()) return (AllocHandle)block; } return (AllocHandle)0; } UINT64 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const { Block* block = (Block*)alloc; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Incorrect block!"); if (block->prevPhysical) return block->prevPhysical->IsFree() ? block->prevPhysical->size : 0; return 0; } void* BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const { Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot get user data for free block!"); return block->PrivateData(); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) { Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle; D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Trying to set user data for not allocated block!"); block->PrivateData() = privateData; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.AllocationCount += static_cast<UINT>(m_AllocCount); inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - GetSumFreeSize(); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const { inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize(); for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical) { if (block->IsFree()) AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, block->size); else AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, block->size); } if (m_NullBlock->size > 0) AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, m_NullBlock->size); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const { size_t blockCount = m_AllocCount + m_BlocksFreeCount; Vector<Block*> blockList(blockCount, *GetAllocs()); size_t i = blockCount; if (m_NullBlock->size > 0) { ++blockCount; blockList.push_back(m_NullBlock); } for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical) { blockList[--i] = block; } D3D12MA_ASSERT(i == 0); PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, GetSumFreeSize(), GetAllocationCount(), m_BlocksFreeCount + static_cast<bool>(m_NullBlock->size)); for (; i < blockCount; ++i) { Block* block = blockList[i]; if (block->IsFree()) PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, block->offset, block->size); else PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, block->offset, block->size, block->PrivateData()); } PrintDetailedMap_End(json); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::DebugLogAllAllocations() const { for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical) { if (!block->IsFree()) { DebugLogAllocation(block->offset, block->size, block->PrivateData()); } } } UINT8 BlockMetadata_TLSF::SizeToMemoryClass(UINT64 size) const { if (size > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE) return BitScanMSB(size) - MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT; return 0; } UINT16 BlockMetadata_TLSF::SizeToSecondIndex(UINT64 size, UINT8 memoryClass) const { if (memoryClass == 0) { if (IsVirtual()) return static_cast<UINT16>((size - 1) / 8); else return static_cast<UINT16>((size - 1) / 64); } return static_cast<UINT16>((size >> (memoryClass + MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT - SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX)) ^ (1U << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX)); } UINT32 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetListIndex(UINT8 memoryClass, UINT16 secondIndex) const { if (memoryClass == 0) return secondIndex; const UINT32 index = static_cast<UINT32>(memoryClass - 1) * (1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX) + secondIndex; if (IsVirtual()) return index + (1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX); else return index + 4; } UINT32 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetListIndex(UINT64 size) const { UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size); return GetListIndex(memoryClass, SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass)); } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::RemoveFreeBlock(Block* block) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(block != m_NullBlock); D3D12MA_ASSERT(block->IsFree()); if (block->NextFree() != NULL) block->NextFree()->PrevFree() = block->PrevFree(); if (block->PrevFree() != NULL) block->PrevFree()->NextFree() = block->NextFree(); else { UINT8 memClass = SizeToMemoryClass(block->size); UINT16 secondIndex = SizeToSecondIndex(block->size, memClass); UINT32 index = GetListIndex(memClass, secondIndex); m_FreeList[index] = block->NextFree(); if (block->NextFree() == NULL) { m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] &= ~(1U << secondIndex); if (m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] == 0) m_IsFreeBitmap &= ~(1UL << memClass); } } block->MarkTaken(); block->PrivateData() = NULL; --m_BlocksFreeCount; m_BlocksFreeSize -= block->size; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::InsertFreeBlock(Block* block) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(block != m_NullBlock); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot insert block twice!"); UINT8 memClass = SizeToMemoryClass(block->size); UINT16 secondIndex = SizeToSecondIndex(block->size, memClass); UINT32 index = GetListIndex(memClass, secondIndex); block->PrevFree() = NULL; block->NextFree() = m_FreeList[index]; m_FreeList[index] = block; if (block->NextFree() != NULL) block->NextFree()->PrevFree() = block; else { m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] |= 1U << secondIndex; m_IsFreeBitmap |= 1UL << memClass; } ++m_BlocksFreeCount; m_BlocksFreeSize += block->size; } void BlockMetadata_TLSF::MergeBlock(Block* block, Block* prev) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(block->prevPhysical == prev && "Cannot merge seperate physical regions!"); D3D12MA_ASSERT(!prev->IsFree() && "Cannot merge block that belongs to free list!"); block->offset = prev->offset; block->size += prev->size; block->prevPhysical = prev->prevPhysical; if (block->prevPhysical) block->prevPhysical->nextPhysical = block; m_BlockAllocator.Free(prev); } BlockMetadata_TLSF::Block* BlockMetadata_TLSF::FindFreeBlock(UINT64 size, UINT32& listIndex) const { UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size); UINT32 innerFreeMap = m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memoryClass] & (~0U << SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass)); if (!innerFreeMap) { // Check higher levels for avaiable blocks UINT32 freeMap = m_IsFreeBitmap & (~0UL << (memoryClass + 1)); if (!freeMap) return NULL; // No more memory avaible // Find lowest free region memoryClass = BitScanLSB(freeMap); innerFreeMap = m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memoryClass]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(innerFreeMap != 0); } // Find lowest free subregion listIndex = GetListIndex(memoryClass, BitScanLSB(innerFreeMap)); return m_FreeList[listIndex]; } bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::CheckBlock( Block& block, UINT32 listIndex, UINT64 allocSize, UINT64 allocAlignment, AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(block.IsFree() && "Block is already taken!"); UINT64 alignedOffset = AlignUp(block.offset, allocAlignment); if (block.size < allocSize + alignedOffset - block.offset) return false; // Alloc successful pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)█ pAllocationRequest->size = allocSize - GetDebugMargin(); pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = alignedOffset; // Place block at the start of list if it's normal block if (listIndex != m_ListsCount && block.PrevFree()) { block.PrevFree()->NextFree() = block.NextFree(); if (block.NextFree()) block.NextFree()->PrevFree() = block.PrevFree(); block.PrevFree() = NULL; block.NextFree() = m_FreeList[listIndex]; m_FreeList[listIndex] = █ if (block.NextFree()) block.NextFree()->PrevFree() = █ } return true; } #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_TLSF_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA_TLSF #ifndef _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK /* Represents a single block of device memory (heap). Base class for inheritance. Thread-safety: This class must be externally synchronized. */ class MemoryBlock { public: // Creates the ID3D12Heap. MemoryBlock( AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 size, UINT id); virtual ~MemoryBlock(); const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& GetHeapProperties() const { return m_HeapProps; } D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS GetHeapFlags() const { return m_HeapFlags; } UINT64 GetSize() const { return m_Size; } UINT GetId() const { return m_Id; } ID3D12Heap* GetHeap() const { return m_Heap; } protected: AllocatorPimpl* const m_Allocator; const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProps; const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags; const UINT64 m_Size; const UINT m_Id; HRESULT Init(ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures); private: ID3D12Heap* m_Heap = NULL; D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MemoryBlock) }; #endif // _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK #ifndef _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK /* Represents a single block of device memory (heap) with all the data about its regions (aka suballocations, Allocation), assigned and free. Thread-safety: This class must be externally synchronized. */ class NormalBlock : public MemoryBlock { public: BlockMetadata* m_pMetadata; NormalBlock( AllocatorPimpl* allocator, BlockVector* blockVector, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 size, UINT id); virtual ~NormalBlock(); BlockVector* GetBlockVector() const { return m_BlockVector; } // 'algorithm' should be one of the *_ALGORITHM_* flags in enums POOL_FLAGS or VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAGS HRESULT Init(UINT32 algorithm, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures); // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false. bool Validate() const; private: BlockVector* m_BlockVector; D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(NormalBlock) }; #endif // _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK #ifndef _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST_ITEM_TRAITS struct CommittedAllocationListItemTraits { using ItemType = Allocation; static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP); return item->m_Committed.prev; } static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP); return item->m_Committed.next; } static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP); return item->m_Committed.prev; } static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP); return item->m_Committed.next; } }; #endif // _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST_ITEM_TRAITS #ifndef _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST /* Stores linked list of Allocation objects that are of TYPE_COMMITTED or TYPE_HEAP. Thread-safe, synchronized internally. */ class CommittedAllocationList { public: CommittedAllocationList() = default; void Init(bool useMutex, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, PoolPimpl* pool); ~CommittedAllocationList(); D3D12_HEAP_TYPE GetHeapType() const { return m_HeapType; } PoolPimpl* GetPool() const { return m_Pool; } UINT GetMemorySegmentGroup(AllocatorPimpl* allocator) const; void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats); void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats); // Writes JSON array with the list of allocations. void BuildStatsString(JsonWriter& json); void Register(Allocation* alloc); void Unregister(Allocation* alloc); private: using CommittedAllocationLinkedList = IntrusiveLinkedList<CommittedAllocationListItemTraits>; bool m_UseMutex = true; D3D12_HEAP_TYPE m_HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM; PoolPimpl* m_Pool = NULL; D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_Mutex; CommittedAllocationLinkedList m_AllocationList; }; #endif // _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST #ifndef _D3D12M_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_PARAMETERS struct CommittedAllocationParameters { CommittedAllocationList* m_List = NULL; D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProperties = {}; D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE; ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* m_ProtectedSession = NULL; bool m_CanAlias = false; D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY m_ResidencyPriority = D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE; bool IsValid() const { return m_List != NULL; } }; #endif // _D3D12M_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_PARAMETERS // Simple variant data structure to hold all possible variations of ID3D12Device*::CreateCommittedResource* and ID3D12Device*::CreatePlacedResource* arguments struct CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS { CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS() = delete; CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS( const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue) : Variant(VARIANT_WITH_STATE) , pResourceDesc(pResourceDesc) , InitialResourceState(InitialResourceState) , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue) { } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS( const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue) : Variant(VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) , pResourceDesc1(pResourceDesc) , InitialResourceState(InitialResourceState) , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue) { } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS( const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, UINT32 NumCastableFormats, DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats) : Variant(VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT) , pResourceDesc1(pResourceDesc) , InitialLayout(InitialLayout) , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue) , NumCastableFormats(NumCastableFormats) , pCastableFormats(pCastableFormats) { } #endif enum VARIANT { VARIANT_INVALID = 0, VARIANT_WITH_STATE, VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1, VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT }; VARIANT Variant = VARIANT_INVALID; const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* GetResourceDesc() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant == VARIANT_WITH_STATE); return pResourceDesc; } const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC*& AccessResourceDesc() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant == VARIANT_WITH_STATE); return pResourceDesc; } const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* GetBaseResourceDesc() const { // D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 can be cast to D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC by discarding the new members at the end. return pResourceDesc; } D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES GetInitialResourceState() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant < VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT); return InitialResourceState; } const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* GetOptimizedClearValue() const { return pOptimizedClearValue; } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* GetResourceDesc1() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant >= VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1); return pResourceDesc1; } const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1*& AccessResourceDesc1() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant >= VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1); return pResourceDesc1; } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT GetInitialLayout() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant >= VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT); return InitialLayout; } UINT32 GetNumCastableFormats() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant >= VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT); return NumCastableFormats; } DXGI_FORMAT* GetCastableFormats() const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(Variant >= VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT); return pCastableFormats; } #endif private: union { const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc; #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc1; #endif }; union { D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState; #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout; #endif }; const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue; #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ UINT32 NumCastableFormats; DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats; #endif }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR /* Sequence of NormalBlock. Represents memory blocks allocated for a specific heap type and possibly resource type (if only Tier 1 is supported). Synchronized internally with a mutex. */ class BlockVector { friend class DefragmentationContextPimpl; D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockVector) public: BlockVector( AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 preferredBlockSize, size_t minBlockCount, size_t maxBlockCount, bool explicitBlockSize, UINT64 minAllocationAlignment, UINT32 algorithm, bool denyMsaaTextures, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY residencyPriority); ~BlockVector(); D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY GetResidencyPriority() const { return m_ResidencyPriority; } const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& GetHeapProperties() const { return m_HeapProps; } D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS GetHeapFlags() const { return m_HeapFlags; } UINT64 GetPreferredBlockSize() const { return m_PreferredBlockSize; } UINT32 GetAlgorithm() const { return m_Algorithm; } bool DeniesMsaaTextures() const { return m_DenyMsaaTextures; } // To be used only while the m_Mutex is locked. Used during defragmentation. size_t GetBlockCount() const { return m_Blocks.size(); } // To be used only while the m_Mutex is locked. Used during defragmentation. NormalBlock* GetBlock(size_t index) const { return m_Blocks[index]; } D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& GetMutex() { return m_Mutex; } HRESULT CreateMinBlocks(); bool IsEmpty(); HRESULT Allocate( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, size_t allocationCount, Allocation** pAllocations); void Free(Allocation* hAllocation); HRESULT CreateResource( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource); void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats); void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats); void WriteBlockInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json); private: AllocatorPimpl* const m_hAllocator; const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProps; const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags; const UINT64 m_PreferredBlockSize; const size_t m_MinBlockCount; const size_t m_MaxBlockCount; const bool m_ExplicitBlockSize; const UINT64 m_MinAllocationAlignment; const UINT32 m_Algorithm; const bool m_DenyMsaaTextures; ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* const m_ProtectedSession; const D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY m_ResidencyPriority; /* There can be at most one allocation that is completely empty - a hysteresis to avoid pessimistic case of alternating creation and destruction of a ID3D12Heap. */ bool m_HasEmptyBlock; D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_Mutex; // Incrementally sorted by sumFreeSize, ascending. Vector<NormalBlock*> m_Blocks; UINT m_NextBlockId; bool m_IncrementalSort = true; // Disable incremental sorting when freeing allocations void SetIncrementalSort(bool val) { m_IncrementalSort = val; } UINT64 CalcSumBlockSize() const; UINT64 CalcMaxBlockSize() const; // Finds and removes given block from vector. void Remove(NormalBlock* pBlock); // Performs single step in sorting m_Blocks. They may not be fully sorted // after this call. void IncrementallySortBlocks(); void SortByFreeSize(); HRESULT AllocatePage( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, Allocation** pAllocation); HRESULT AllocateFromBlock( NormalBlock* pBlock, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, ALLOCATION_FLAGS allocFlags, void* pPrivateData, UINT32 strategy, Allocation** pAllocation); HRESULT CommitAllocationRequest( AllocationRequest& allocRequest, NormalBlock* pBlock, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, void* pPrivateData, Allocation** pAllocation); HRESULT CreateBlock( UINT64 blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex); }; #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR #ifndef _D3D12MA_CURRENT_BUDGET_DATA class CurrentBudgetData { public: bool ShouldUpdateBudget() const { return m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch >= 30; } void GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats, UINT group) const; void GetBudget(bool useMutex, UINT64* outLocalUsage, UINT64* outLocalBudget, UINT64* outNonLocalUsage, UINT64* outNonLocalBudget); #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 HRESULT UpdateBudget(IDXGIAdapter3* adapter3, bool useMutex); #endif void AddAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes); void RemoveAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes); void AddBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes); void RemoveBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes); private: D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_BlockCount[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_AllocationCount[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT64 m_BlockBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT64 m_AllocationBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch = {0}; D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_BudgetMutex; UINT64 m_D3D12Usage[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; UINT64 m_D3D12Budget[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; UINT64 m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT] = {}; }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_CURRENT_BUDGET_DATA_FUNCTIONS void CurrentBudgetData::GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats, UINT group) const { outStats.BlockCount = m_BlockCount[group]; outStats.AllocationCount = m_AllocationCount[group]; outStats.BlockBytes = m_BlockBytes[group]; outStats.AllocationBytes = m_AllocationBytes[group]; } void CurrentBudgetData::GetBudget(bool useMutex, UINT64* outLocalUsage, UINT64* outLocalBudget, UINT64* outNonLocalUsage, UINT64* outNonLocalBudget) { MutexLockRead lockRead(m_BudgetMutex, useMutex); if (outLocalUsage) { const UINT64 D3D12Usage = m_D3D12Usage[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY]; const UINT64 blockBytes = m_BlockBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY]; const UINT64 blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch = m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY]; *outLocalUsage = D3D12Usage + blockBytes > blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch ? D3D12Usage + blockBytes - blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch : 0; } if (outLocalBudget) *outLocalBudget = m_D3D12Budget[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY]; if (outNonLocalUsage) { const UINT64 D3D12Usage = m_D3D12Usage[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY]; const UINT64 blockBytes = m_BlockBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY]; const UINT64 blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch = m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY]; *outNonLocalUsage = D3D12Usage + blockBytes > blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch ? D3D12Usage + blockBytes - blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch : 0; } if (outNonLocalBudget) *outNonLocalBudget = m_D3D12Budget[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY]; } #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 HRESULT CurrentBudgetData::UpdateBudget(IDXGIAdapter3* adapter3, bool useMutex) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(adapter3); DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO infoLocal = {}; DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO infoNonLocal = {}; const HRESULT hrLocal = adapter3->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL, &infoLocal); const HRESULT hrNonLocal = adapter3->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL, &infoNonLocal); if (SUCCEEDED(hrLocal) || SUCCEEDED(hrNonLocal)) { MutexLockWrite lockWrite(m_BudgetMutex, useMutex); if (SUCCEEDED(hrLocal)) { m_D3D12Usage[0] = infoLocal.CurrentUsage; m_D3D12Budget[0] = infoLocal.Budget; } if (SUCCEEDED(hrNonLocal)) { m_D3D12Usage[1] = infoNonLocal.CurrentUsage; m_D3D12Budget[1] = infoNonLocal.Budget; } m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[0] = m_BlockBytes[0]; m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[1] = m_BlockBytes[1]; m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch = 0; } return FAILED(hrLocal) ? hrLocal : hrNonLocal; } #endif // #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 void CurrentBudgetData::AddAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes) { ++m_AllocationCount[group]; m_AllocationBytes[group] += allocationBytes; ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch; } void CurrentBudgetData::RemoveAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AllocationBytes[group] >= allocationBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AllocationCount[group] > 0); m_AllocationBytes[group] -= allocationBytes; --m_AllocationCount[group]; ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch; } void CurrentBudgetData::AddBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes) { ++m_BlockCount[group]; m_BlockBytes[group] += blockBytes; ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch; } void CurrentBudgetData::RemoveBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_BlockBytes[group] >= blockBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_BlockCount[group] > 0); m_BlockBytes[group] -= blockBytes; --m_BlockCount[group]; ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch; } #endif // _D3D12MA_CURRENT_BUDGET_DATA_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_CURRENT_BUDGET_DATA #ifndef _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_PIMPL class DefragmentationContextPimpl { D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(DefragmentationContextPimpl) public: DefragmentationContextPimpl( AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator, const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC& desc, BlockVector* poolVector); ~DefragmentationContextPimpl(); void GetStats(DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS& outStats) { outStats = m_GlobalStats; } const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_Moves.GetAllocs(); } HRESULT DefragmentPassBegin(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo); HRESULT DefragmentPassEnd(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo); private: // Max number of allocations to ignore due to size constraints before ending single pass static const UINT8 MAX_ALLOCS_TO_IGNORE = 16; enum class CounterStatus { Pass, Ignore, End }; struct FragmentedBlock { UINT32 data; NormalBlock* block; }; struct StateBalanced { UINT64 avgFreeSize = 0; UINT64 avgAllocSize = UINT64_MAX; }; struct MoveAllocationData { UINT64 size; UINT64 alignment; ALLOCATION_FLAGS flags; DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE move = {}; }; const UINT64 m_MaxPassBytes; const UINT32 m_MaxPassAllocations; Vector<DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE> m_Moves; UINT8 m_IgnoredAllocs = 0; UINT32 m_Algorithm; UINT32 m_BlockVectorCount; BlockVector* m_PoolBlockVector; BlockVector** m_pBlockVectors; size_t m_ImmovableBlockCount = 0; DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS m_GlobalStats = { 0 }; DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS m_PassStats = { 0 }; void* m_AlgorithmState = NULL; static MoveAllocationData GetMoveData(AllocHandle handle, BlockMetadata* metadata); CounterStatus CheckCounters(UINT64 bytes); bool IncrementCounters(UINT64 bytes); bool ReallocWithinBlock(BlockVector& vector, NormalBlock* block); bool AllocInOtherBlock(size_t start, size_t end, MoveAllocationData& data, BlockVector& vector); bool ComputeDefragmentation(BlockVector& vector, size_t index); bool ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(BlockVector& vector); bool ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(BlockVector& vector, size_t index, bool update); bool ComputeDefragmentation_Full(BlockVector& vector); void UpdateVectorStatistics(BlockVector& vector, StateBalanced& state); }; #endif // _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_PIMPL #ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL class PoolPimpl { friend class Allocator; friend struct PoolListItemTraits; public: PoolPimpl(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc); ~PoolPimpl(); AllocatorPimpl* GetAllocator() const { return m_Allocator; } const POOL_DESC& GetDesc() const { return m_Desc; } bool SupportsCommittedAllocations() const { return m_Desc.BlockSize == 0; } LPCWSTR GetName() const { return m_Name; } BlockVector* GetBlockVector() { return m_BlockVector; } CommittedAllocationList* GetCommittedAllocationList() { return SupportsCommittedAllocations() ? &m_CommittedAllocations : NULL; } HRESULT Init(); void GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats); void CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats); void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats); void SetName(LPCWSTR Name); private: AllocatorPimpl* m_Allocator; // Externally owned object. POOL_DESC m_Desc; BlockVector* m_BlockVector; // Owned object. CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations; wchar_t* m_Name; PoolPimpl* m_PrevPool = NULL; PoolPimpl* m_NextPool = NULL; void FreeName(); }; struct PoolListItemTraits { using ItemType = PoolPimpl; static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return item->m_PrevPool; } static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return item->m_NextPool; } static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item) { return item->m_PrevPool; } static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item) { return item->m_NextPool; } }; #endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_PIMPL class AllocatorPimpl { friend class Allocator; friend class Pool; public: std::atomic_uint32_t m_RefCount = {1}; CurrentBudgetData m_Budget; AllocatorPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc); ~AllocatorPimpl(); ID3D12Device* GetDevice() const { return m_Device; } #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device1* GetDevice1() const { return m_Device1; } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device4* GetDevice4() const { return m_Device4; } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device8* GetDevice8() const { return m_Device8; } #endif // Shortcut for "Allocation Callbacks", because this function is called so often. const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_AllocationCallbacks; } const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& GetD3D12Options() const { return m_D3D12Options; } BOOL IsUMA() const { return m_D3D12Architecture.UMA; } BOOL IsCacheCoherentUMA() const { return m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA; } bool SupportsResourceHeapTier2() const { return m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier >= D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2; } bool UseMutex() const { return m_UseMutex; } AllocationObjectAllocator& GetAllocationObjectAllocator() { return m_AllocationObjectAllocator; } UINT GetCurrentFrameIndex() const { return m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(); } /* If SupportsResourceHeapTier2(): 0: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT 1: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD 2: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK else: 0: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + buffer 1: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + texture 2: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + texture RT or DS 3: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + buffer 4: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + texture 5: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + texture RT or DS 6: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + buffer 7: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + texture 8: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + texture RT or DS */ UINT GetDefaultPoolCount() const { return SupportsResourceHeapTier2() ? 3 : 9; } BlockVector** GetDefaultPools() { return m_BlockVectors; } HRESULT Init(const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc); bool HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags) const; UINT StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) const; UINT HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps) const; UINT64 GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const; HRESULT CreatePlacedResourceWrap( ID3D12Heap *pHeap, UINT64 HeapOffset, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource); HRESULT CreateResource( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource); HRESULT CreateAliasingResource( Allocation* pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource); HRESULT AllocateMemory( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO* pAllocInfo, Allocation** ppAllocation); // Unregisters allocation from the collection of dedicated allocations. // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards. void FreeCommittedMemory(Allocation* allocation); // Unregisters allocation from the collection of placed allocations. // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards. void FreePlacedMemory(Allocation* allocation); // Unregisters allocation from the collection of dedicated allocations and destroys associated heap. // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards. void FreeHeapMemory(Allocation* allocation); void SetResidencyPriority(ID3D12Pageable* obj, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY priority) const; void SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex); // For more deailed stats use outCustomHeaps to access statistics divided into L0 and L1 group void CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics& outStats, DetailedStatistics outCustomHeaps[2] = NULL); void GetBudget(Budget* outLocalBudget, Budget* outNonLocalBudget); void GetBudgetForHeapType(Budget& outBudget, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType); void BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL detailedMap); void FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString); private: using PoolList = IntrusiveLinkedList<PoolListItemTraits>; const bool m_UseMutex; const bool m_AlwaysCommitted; const bool m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted; bool m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed = false; ID3D12Device* m_Device; // AddRef #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device1* m_Device1 = NULL; // AddRef, optional #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device4* m_Device4 = NULL; // AddRef, optional #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device8* m_Device8 = NULL; // AddRef, optional #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device10* m_Device10 = NULL; // AddRef, optional #endif IDXGIAdapter* m_Adapter; // AddRef #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 IDXGIAdapter3* m_Adapter3 = NULL; // AddRef, optional #endif UINT64 m_PreferredBlockSize; ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS m_AllocationCallbacks; D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_CurrentFrameIndex; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC m_AdapterDesc; D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS m_D3D12Options; D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE m_D3D12Architecture; AllocationObjectAllocator m_AllocationObjectAllocator; D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_PoolsMutex[HEAP_TYPE_COUNT]; PoolList m_Pools[HEAP_TYPE_COUNT]; // Default pools. BlockVector* m_BlockVectors[DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT]; CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations[STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT]; /* Heuristics that decides whether a resource should better be placed in its own, dedicated allocation (committed resource rather than placed resource). */ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> static bool PrefersCommittedAllocation(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc); // Allocates and registers new committed resource with implicit heap, as dedicated allocation. // Creates and returns Allocation object and optionally D3D12 resource. HRESULT AllocateCommittedResource( const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams, UINT64 resourceSize, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource); // Allocates and registers new heap without any resources placed in it, as dedicated allocation. // Creates and returns Allocation object. HRESULT AllocateHeap( const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData, Allocation** ppAllocation); template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> HRESULT CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc, // Optional BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationParameters& outCommittedAllocationParams, bool& outPreferCommitted); // Returns UINT32_MAX if index cannot be calculcated. UINT CalcDefaultPoolIndex(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, ResourceClass resourceClass) const; void CalcDefaultPoolParams(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE& outHeapType, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS& outHeapFlags, UINT index) const; // Registers Pool object in m_Pools. void RegisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType); // Unregisters Pool object from m_Pools. void UnregisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType); HRESULT UpdateD3D12Budget(); D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC& resourceDesc) const; #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1& resourceDesc) const; #endif template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfo(D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& inOutResourceDesc) const; bool NewAllocationWithinBudget(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, UINT64 size); // Writes object { } with data of given budget. static void WriteBudgetToJson(JsonWriter& json, const Budget& budget); }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_PIMPL_FUNCTINOS AllocatorPimpl::AllocatorPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc) : m_UseMutex((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_SINGLETHREADED) == 0), m_AlwaysCommitted((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_ALWAYS_COMMITTED) != 0), m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_MSAA_TEXTURES_ALWAYS_COMMITTED) != 0), m_Device(desc.pDevice), m_Adapter(desc.pAdapter), m_PreferredBlockSize(desc.PreferredBlockSize != 0 ? desc.PreferredBlockSize : D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE), m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_CurrentFrameIndex(0), // Below this line don't use allocationCallbacks but m_AllocationCallbacks!!! m_AllocationObjectAllocator(m_AllocationCallbacks) { // desc.pAllocationCallbacks intentionally ignored here, preprocessed by CreateAllocator. ZeroMemory(&m_D3D12Options, sizeof(m_D3D12Options)); ZeroMemory(&m_D3D12Architecture, sizeof(m_D3D12Architecture)); ZeroMemory(m_BlockVectors, sizeof(m_BlockVectors)); for (UINT i = 0; i < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { m_CommittedAllocations[i].Init( m_UseMutex, IndexToStandardHeapType(i), NULL); // pool } m_Device->AddRef(); m_Adapter->AddRef(); } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::Init(const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc) { #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 desc.pAdapter->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Adapter3)); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device1)); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device4)); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device8)); if((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_DEFAULT_POOLS_NOT_ZEROED) != 0) { D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS7 options7 = {}; if(SUCCEEDED(m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS7, &options7, sizeof(options7)))) { // DEFAULT_POOLS_NOT_ZEROED both supported and enabled by the user. m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed = true; } } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device10)); #endif HRESULT hr = m_Adapter->GetDesc(&m_AdapterDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS, &m_D3D12Options, sizeof(m_D3D12Options)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } #ifdef D3D12MA_FORCE_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier = (D3D12MA_FORCE_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER); #endif hr = m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_ARCHITECTURE, &m_D3D12Architecture, sizeof(m_D3D12Architecture)); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_D3D12Architecture.UMA = FALSE; m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA = FALSE; } D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES heapProps = {}; const UINT defaultPoolCount = GetDefaultPoolCount(); for (UINT i = 0; i < defaultPoolCount; ++i) { D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags; CalcDefaultPoolParams(heapProps.Type, heapFlags, i); #if D3D12MA_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED_AVAILABLE if(m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed) { heapFlags |= D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED; } #endif m_BlockVectors[i] = D3D12MA_NEW(GetAllocs(), BlockVector)( this, // hAllocator heapProps, // heapType heapFlags, // heapFlags m_PreferredBlockSize, 0, // minBlockCount SIZE_MAX, // maxBlockCount false, // explicitBlockSize D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT, // minAllocationAlignment 0, // Default algorithm, m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted, NULL, // pProtectedSession D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE); // residencyPriority // No need to call m_pBlockVectors[i]->CreateMinBlocks here, becase minBlockCount is 0. } #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 UpdateD3D12Budget(); #endif return S_OK; } AllocatorPimpl::~AllocatorPimpl() { #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device10); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device8); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device4); #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device1); #endif #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 SAFE_RELEASE(m_Adapter3); #endif SAFE_RELEASE(m_Adapter); SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device); for (UINT i = DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT; i--; ) { D3D12MA_DELETE(GetAllocs(), m_BlockVectors[i]); } for (UINT i = HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; i--; ) { if (!m_Pools[i].IsEmpty()) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Unfreed pools found!"); } } } bool AllocatorPimpl::HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags) const { if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2()) { return true; } else { const bool allowBuffers = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS) == 0; const bool allowRtDsTextures = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0; const bool allowNonRtDsTextures = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0; const uint8_t allowedGroupCount = (allowBuffers ? 1 : 0) + (allowRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0) + (allowNonRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0); return allowedGroupCount == 1; } } UINT AllocatorPimpl::StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsHeapTypeStandard(heapType)); if (IsUMA()) return DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY; return heapType == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT ? DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY : DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY; } UINT AllocatorPimpl::HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps) const { if (IsUMA()) return DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY; if (heapProps.MemoryPoolPreference == D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN) return StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(heapProps.Type); return heapProps.MemoryPoolPreference == D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L1 ? DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY : DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY; } UINT64 AllocatorPimpl::GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const { switch (memorySegmentGroup) { case DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY: return IsUMA() ? m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory + m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory : m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory; case DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY: return IsUMA() ? 0 : m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return UINT64_MAX; } } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreatePlacedResourceWrap( ID3D12Heap *pHeap, UINT64 HeapOffset, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT) { if (!m_Device10) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } return m_Device10->CreatePlacedResource2(pHeap, HeapOffset, createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialLayout(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), createParams.GetNumCastableFormats(), createParams.GetCastableFormats(), riidResource, ppvResource); } else #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) { if (!m_Device8) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } return m_Device8->CreatePlacedResource1(pHeap, HeapOffset, createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), riidResource, ppvResource); } else #endif if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE) { return m_Device->CreatePlacedResource(pHeap, HeapOffset, createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), riidResource, ppvResource); } else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return E_INVALIDARG; } } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreateResource( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocDesc && createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc() && ppAllocation); *ppAllocation = NULL; if (ppvResource) { *ppvResource = NULL; } CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS finalCreateParams = createParams; D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC finalResourceDesc; #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 finalResourceDesc1; #endif D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO resAllocInfo; if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE) { finalResourceDesc = *createParams.GetResourceDesc(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc() = &finalResourceDesc; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc); } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) { if (!m_Device8) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1); } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT) { if (!m_Device10) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1); } #endif else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsPow2(resAllocInfo.Alignment)); D3D12MA_ASSERT(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > 0); BlockVector* blockVector = NULL; CommittedAllocationParameters committedAllocationParams = {}; bool preferCommitted = false; HRESULT hr; #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (createParams.Variant >= CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) { hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1>(*pAllocDesc, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted); } else #endif { hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC>(*pAllocDesc, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, createParams.GetResourceDesc(), blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted); } if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; const bool withinBudget = (pAllocDesc->Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_WITHIN_BUDGET) != 0; hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && preferCommitted) { hr = AllocateCommittedResource(committedAllocationParams, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, finalCreateParams, ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } if (blockVector != NULL) { hr = blockVector->CreateResource(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, resAllocInfo.Alignment, *pAllocDesc, finalCreateParams, ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && !preferCommitted) { hr = AllocateCommittedResource(committedAllocationParams, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, finalCreateParams, ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateMemory( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO* pAllocInfo, Allocation** ppAllocation) { *ppAllocation = NULL; BlockVector* blockVector = NULL; CommittedAllocationParameters committedAllocationParams = {}; bool preferCommitted = false; HRESULT hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC>(*pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes, NULL, // pResDesc blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; const bool withinBudget = (pAllocDesc->Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_WITHIN_BUDGET) != 0; hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && preferCommitted) { hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocationParams, *pAllocInfo, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, ppAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } if (blockVector != NULL) { hr = blockVector->Allocate(pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes, pAllocInfo->Alignment, *pAllocDesc, 1, (Allocation**)ppAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && !preferCommitted) { hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocationParams, *pAllocInfo, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, ppAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreateAliasingResource( Allocation* pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { *ppvResource = NULL; CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS finalCreateParams = createParams; D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC finalResourceDesc; #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 finalResourceDesc1; #endif D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO resAllocInfo; if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE) { finalResourceDesc = *createParams.GetResourceDesc(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc() = &finalResourceDesc; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc); } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) { if (!m_Device8) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1); } #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT) { if (!m_Device10) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1(); finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1; resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1); } #endif else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsPow2(resAllocInfo.Alignment)); D3D12MA_ASSERT(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > 0); ID3D12Heap* const existingHeap = pAllocation->GetHeap(); const UINT64 existingOffset = pAllocation->GetOffset(); const UINT64 existingSize = pAllocation->GetSize(); const UINT64 newOffset = existingOffset + AllocationLocalOffset; if (existingHeap == NULL || AllocationLocalOffset + resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > existingSize || newOffset % resAllocInfo.Alignment != 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; } return CreatePlacedResourceWrap(existingHeap, newOffset, finalCreateParams, riidResource, ppvResource); } void AllocatorPimpl::FreeCommittedMemory(Allocation* allocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED); CommittedAllocationList* const allocList = allocation->m_Committed.list; allocList->Unregister(allocation); const UINT memSegmentGroup = allocList->GetMemorySegmentGroup(this); const UINT64 allocSize = allocation->GetSize(); m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocSize); m_Budget.RemoveBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocSize); } void AllocatorPimpl::FreePlacedMemory(Allocation* allocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_PLACED); NormalBlock* const block = allocation->m_Placed.block; D3D12MA_ASSERT(block); BlockVector* const blockVector = block->GetBlockVector(); D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector); m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(block->GetHeapProperties()), allocation->GetSize()); blockVector->Free(allocation); } void AllocatorPimpl::FreeHeapMemory(Allocation* allocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP); CommittedAllocationList* const allocList = allocation->m_Committed.list; allocList->Unregister(allocation); SAFE_RELEASE(allocation->m_Heap.heap); const UINT memSegmentGroup = allocList->GetMemorySegmentGroup(this); const UINT64 allocSize = allocation->GetSize(); m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocSize); m_Budget.RemoveBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocSize); } void AllocatorPimpl::SetResidencyPriority(ID3D12Pageable* obj, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY priority) const { #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (priority != D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE && m_Device1) { // Intentionally ignoring the result. m_Device1->SetResidencyPriority(1, &obj, &priority); } #endif } void AllocatorPimpl::SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex) { m_CurrentFrameIndex.store(frameIndex); #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 UpdateD3D12Budget(); #endif } void AllocatorPimpl::CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics& outStats, DetailedStatistics outCustomHeaps[2]) { // Init stats for (size_t i = 0; i < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; i++) ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT; i++) ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[i]); ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total); if (outCustomHeaps) { ClearDetailedStatistics(outCustomHeaps[0]); ClearDetailedStatistics(outCustomHeaps[1]); } // Process default pools. 3 standard heap types only. Add them to outStats.HeapType[i]. if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2()) { // DEFAULT, UPLOAD, READBACK. for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex) { BlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[heapTypeIndex]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlockVector); pBlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex]); } } else { // DEFAULT, UPLOAD, READBACK. for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex) { for (size_t heapSubType = 0; heapSubType < 3; ++heapSubType) { BlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[heapTypeIndex * 3 + heapSubType]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlockVector); pBlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex]); } } } // Sum them up to memory segment groups. AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT)], outStats.HeapType[0]); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD)], outStats.HeapType[1]); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK)], outStats.HeapType[2]); // Process custom pools. DetailedStatistics tmpStats; for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex) { MutexLockRead lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex); PoolList& poolList = m_Pools[heapTypeIndex]; for (PoolPimpl* pool = poolList.Front(); pool != NULL; pool = poolList.GetNext(pool)) { const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& poolHeapProps = pool->GetDesc().HeapProperties; ClearDetailedStatistics(tmpStats); pool->AddDetailedStatistics(tmpStats); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex], tmpStats); UINT memorySegment = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(poolHeapProps); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[memorySegment], tmpStats); if (outCustomHeaps) AddDetailedStatistics(outCustomHeaps[memorySegment], tmpStats); } } // Process committed allocations. 3 standard heap types only. for (UINT heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex) { ClearDetailedStatistics(tmpStats); m_CommittedAllocations[heapTypeIndex].AddDetailedStatistics(tmpStats); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex], tmpStats); AddDetailedStatistics( outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(IndexToStandardHeapType(heapTypeIndex))], tmpStats); } // Sum up memory segment groups to totals. AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total, outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0]); AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total, outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1]); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockCount == outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.BlockCount); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationCount == outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.AllocationCount); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockBytes == outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.BlockBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationBytes == outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.AllocationBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.UnusedRangeCount == outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].UnusedRangeCount); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockCount == outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.BlockCount); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationCount == outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.AllocationCount); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockBytes == outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.BlockBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationBytes == outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.AllocationBytes); D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.UnusedRangeCount == outStats.HeapType[0].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.HeapType[1].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.HeapType[2].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.HeapType[3].UnusedRangeCount); } void AllocatorPimpl::GetBudget(Budget* outLocalBudget, Budget* outNonLocalBudget) { if (outLocalBudget) m_Budget.GetStatistics(outLocalBudget->Stats, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY); if (outNonLocalBudget) m_Budget.GetStatistics(outNonLocalBudget->Stats, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY); #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 if (m_Adapter3) { if (!m_Budget.ShouldUpdateBudget()) { m_Budget.GetBudget(m_UseMutex, outLocalBudget ? &outLocalBudget->UsageBytes : NULL, outLocalBudget ? &outLocalBudget->BudgetBytes : NULL, outNonLocalBudget ? &outNonLocalBudget->UsageBytes : NULL, outNonLocalBudget ? &outNonLocalBudget->BudgetBytes : NULL); } else { UpdateD3D12Budget(); GetBudget(outLocalBudget, outNonLocalBudget); // Recursion } } else #endif { if (outLocalBudget) { outLocalBudget->UsageBytes = outLocalBudget->Stats.BlockBytes; outLocalBudget->BudgetBytes = GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY) * 8 / 10; // 80% heuristics. } if (outNonLocalBudget) { outNonLocalBudget->UsageBytes = outNonLocalBudget->Stats.BlockBytes; outNonLocalBudget->BudgetBytes = GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY) * 8 / 10; // 80% heuristics. } } } void AllocatorPimpl::GetBudgetForHeapType(Budget& outBudget, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) { switch (heapType) { case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT: GetBudget(&outBudget, NULL); break; case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD: case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK: GetBudget(NULL, &outBudget); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } } void AllocatorPimpl::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL detailedMap) { StringBuilder sb(GetAllocs()); { Budget localBudget = {}, nonLocalBudget = {}; GetBudget(&localBudget, &nonLocalBudget); TotalStatistics stats; DetailedStatistics customHeaps[2]; CalculateStatistics(stats, customHeaps); JsonWriter json(GetAllocs(), sb); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"General"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"API"); json.WriteString(L"Direct3D 12"); json.WriteString(L"GPU"); json.WriteString(m_AdapterDesc.Description); json.WriteString(L"DedicatedVideoMemory"); json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory); json.WriteString(L"DedicatedSystemMemory"); json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory); json.WriteString(L"SharedSystemMemory"); json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory); json.WriteString(L"ResourceHeapTier"); json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier)); json.WriteString(L"ResourceBindingTier"); json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.ResourceBindingTier)); json.WriteString(L"TiledResourcesTier"); json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.TiledResourcesTier)); json.WriteString(L"TileBasedRenderer"); json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.TileBasedRenderer); json.WriteString(L"UMA"); json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.UMA); json.WriteString(L"CacheCoherentUMA"); json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA); } json.EndObject(); } { json.WriteString(L"Total"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.Total); } { json.WriteString(L"MemoryInfo"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"L0"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Budget"); WriteBudgetToJson(json, IsUMA() ? localBudget : nonLocalBudget); // When UMA device only L0 present as local json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.MemorySegmentGroup[!IsUMA()]); json.WriteString(L"MemoryPools"); json.BeginObject(); { if (IsUMA()) { json.WriteString(L"DEFAULT"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[0]); } json.EndObject(); } json.WriteString(L"UPLOAD"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[1]); } json.EndObject(); json.WriteString(L"READBACK"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[2]); } json.EndObject(); json.WriteString(L"CUSTOM"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(customHeaps[!IsUMA()]); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); if (!IsUMA()) { json.WriteString(L"L1"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Budget"); WriteBudgetToJson(json, localBudget); json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.MemorySegmentGroup[0]); json.WriteString(L"MemoryPools"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"DEFAULT"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[0]); } json.EndObject(); json.WriteString(L"CUSTOM"); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"Stats"); json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(customHeaps[0]); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); } } json.EndObject(); } if (detailedMap) { const auto writeHeapInfo = [&](BlockVector* blockVector, CommittedAllocationList* committedAllocs, bool customHeap) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector); D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags = blockVector->GetHeapFlags(); json.WriteString(L"Flags"); json.BeginArray(true); { if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_SHARED"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_DISPLAY) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_DISPLAY"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED_CROSS_ADAPTER) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_CROSS_ADAPTER"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_HARDWARE_PROTECTED) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_HARDWARE_PROTECTED"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_WRITE_WATCH) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_WRITE_WATCH"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_SHADER_ATOMICS) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_SHADER_ATOMICS"); #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_RESIDENT) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_RESIDENT"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED"); #endif if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES"); if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES) json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES"); flags &= ~(D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_DISPLAY | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED_CROSS_ADAPTER | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_HARDWARE_PROTECTED | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_WRITE_WATCH | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_SHADER_ATOMICS); #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ flags &= ~(D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_RESIDENT | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED); #endif if (flags != 0) json.WriteNumber((UINT)flags); if (customHeap) { const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& properties = blockVector->GetHeapProperties(); switch (properties.MemoryPoolPreference) { default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN: json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN"); break; case D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L0: json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_L0"); break; case D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L1: json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_L1"); break; } switch (properties.CPUPageProperty) { default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN: json.WriteString(L"CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN"); break; case D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_NOT_AVAILABLE: json.WriteString(L"CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_NOT_AVAILABLE"); break; case D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_WRITE_COMBINE: json.WriteString(L"CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_WRITE_COMBINE"); break; case D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_WRITE_BACK: json.WriteString(L"CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_WRITE_BACK"); break; } } } json.EndArray(); json.WriteString(L"PreferredBlockSize"); json.WriteNumber(blockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize()); json.WriteString(L"Blocks"); blockVector->WriteBlockInfoToJson(json); json.WriteString(L"DedicatedAllocations"); json.BeginArray(); if (committedAllocs) committedAllocs->BuildStatsString(json); json.EndArray(); }; json.WriteString(L"DefaultPools"); json.BeginObject(); { if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2()) { for (uint8_t heapType = 0; heapType < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapType) { json.WriteString(StandardHeapTypeNames[heapType]); json.BeginObject(); writeHeapInfo(m_BlockVectors[heapType], m_CommittedAllocations + heapType, false); json.EndObject(); } } else { for (uint8_t heapType = 0; heapType < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapType) { for (uint8_t heapSubType = 0; heapSubType < 3; ++heapSubType) { static const WCHAR* const heapSubTypeName[] = { L" - Buffers", L" - Textures", L" - Textures RT/DS", }; json.BeginString(StandardHeapTypeNames[heapType]); json.EndString(heapSubTypeName[heapSubType]); json.BeginObject(); writeHeapInfo(m_BlockVectors[heapType * 3 + heapSubType], m_CommittedAllocations + heapType, false); json.EndObject(); } } } } json.EndObject(); json.WriteString(L"CustomPools"); json.BeginObject(); for (uint8_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex) { MutexLockRead mutex(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex); auto* item = m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].Front(); if (item != NULL) { size_t index = 0; json.WriteString(HeapTypeNames[heapTypeIndex]); json.BeginArray(); do { json.BeginObject(); json.WriteString(L"Name"); json.BeginString(); json.ContinueString(index++); if (item->GetName()) { json.ContinueString(L" - "); json.ContinueString(item->GetName()); } json.EndString(); writeHeapInfo(item->GetBlockVector(), item->GetCommittedAllocationList(), heapTypeIndex == 3); json.EndObject(); } while ((item = PoolList::GetNext(item)) != NULL); json.EndArray(); } } json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); } const size_t length = sb.GetLength(); WCHAR* result = AllocateArray<WCHAR>(GetAllocs(), length + 2); result[0] = 0xFEFF; memcpy(result + 1, sb.GetData(), length * sizeof(WCHAR)); result[length + 1] = L'\0'; *ppStatsString = result; } void AllocatorPimpl::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStatsString); Free(GetAllocs(), pStatsString); } template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> bool AllocatorPimpl::PrefersCommittedAllocation(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc) { // Intentional. It may change in the future. return false; } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateCommittedResource( const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams, UINT64 resourceSize, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(committedAllocParams.IsValid()); HRESULT hr; ID3D12Resource* res = NULL; // Allocate aliasing memory with explicit heap if (committedAllocParams.m_CanAlias) { D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO heapAllocInfo = {}; heapAllocInfo.SizeInBytes = resourceSize; heapAllocInfo.Alignment = HeapFlagsToAlignment(committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags, m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted); hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocParams, heapAllocInfo, withinBudget, pPrivateData, ppAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreatePlacedResourceWrap((*ppAllocation)->GetHeap(), 0, createParams, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (ppvResource != NULL) hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (*ppAllocation)->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc()); return hr; } res->Release(); } FreeHeapMemory(*ppAllocation); } return hr; } if (withinBudget && !NewAllocationWithinBudget(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties.Type, resourceSize)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* D3D12 ERROR: * ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource: * When creating a committed resource, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS must not have either * D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES, * D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES, * nor D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS set. * These flags will be set automatically to correspond with the committed resource type. * * [ STATE_CREATION ERROR #640: CREATERESOURCEANDHEAP_INVALIDHEAPMISCFLAGS] */ #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT) { if (!m_Device10) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } hr = m_Device10->CreateCommittedResource3( &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties, committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS, createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialLayout(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession, createParams.GetNumCastableFormats(), createParams.GetCastableFormats(), D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); } else #endif #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE_AND_DESC1) { if (!m_Device8) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } hr = m_Device8->CreateCommittedResource2( &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties, committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS, createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); } else #endif if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_STATE) { #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (m_Device4) { hr = m_Device4->CreateCommittedResource1( &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties, committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS, createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); } else #endif { if (committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession == NULL) { hr = m_Device->CreateCommittedResource( &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties, committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS, createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(), createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); } else hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } else { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SetResidencyPriority(res, committedAllocParams.m_ResidencyPriority); if (ppvResource != NULL) { hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL wasZeroInitialized = TRUE; #if D3D12MA_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED_AVAILABLE if((committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED) != 0) { wasZeroInitialized = FALSE; } #endif Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationObjectAllocator.Allocate( this, resourceSize, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc()->Alignment, wasZeroInitialized); alloc->InitCommitted(committedAllocParams.m_List); alloc->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc()); alloc->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData); *ppAllocation = alloc; committedAllocParams.m_List->Register(alloc); const UINT memSegmentGroup = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties); m_Budget.AddBlock(memSegmentGroup, resourceSize); m_Budget.AddAllocation(memSegmentGroup, resourceSize); } else { res->Release(); } } return hr; } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateHeap( const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData, Allocation** ppAllocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(committedAllocParams.IsValid()); *ppAllocation = nullptr; if (withinBudget && !NewAllocationWithinBudget(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties.Type, allocInfo.SizeInBytes)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = {}; heapDesc.SizeInBytes = allocInfo.SizeInBytes; heapDesc.Properties = committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties; heapDesc.Alignment = allocInfo.Alignment; heapDesc.Flags = committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags; HRESULT hr; ID3D12Heap* heap = nullptr; #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (m_Device4) hr = m_Device4->CreateHeap1(&heapDesc, committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&heap)); else #endif { if (committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession == NULL) hr = m_Device->CreateHeap(&heapDesc, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&heap)); else hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SetResidencyPriority(heap, committedAllocParams.m_ResidencyPriority); BOOL wasZeroInitialized = TRUE; #if D3D12MA_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED_AVAILABLE if((heapDesc.Flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED) != 0) { wasZeroInitialized = FALSE; } #endif (*ppAllocation) = m_AllocationObjectAllocator.Allocate(this, allocInfo.SizeInBytes, allocInfo.Alignment, wasZeroInitialized); (*ppAllocation)->InitHeap(committedAllocParams.m_List, heap); (*ppAllocation)->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData); committedAllocParams.m_List->Register(*ppAllocation); const UINT memSegmentGroup = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties); m_Budget.AddBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocInfo.SizeInBytes); m_Budget.AddAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocInfo.SizeInBytes); } return hr; } template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc, BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationParameters& outCommittedAllocationParams, bool& outPreferCommitted) { outBlockVector = NULL; outCommittedAllocationParams = CommittedAllocationParameters(); outPreferCommitted = false; bool msaaAlwaysCommitted; if (allocDesc.CustomPool != NULL) { PoolPimpl* const pool = allocDesc.CustomPool->m_Pimpl; msaaAlwaysCommitted = pool->GetBlockVector()->DeniesMsaaTextures(); outBlockVector = pool->GetBlockVector(); const auto& desc = pool->GetDesc(); outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ProtectedSession = desc.pProtectedSession; outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapProperties = desc.HeapProperties; outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapFlags = desc.HeapFlags; outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = pool->GetCommittedAllocationList(); outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ResidencyPriority = pool->GetDesc().ResidencyPriority; } else { if (!IsHeapTypeStandard(allocDesc.HeapType)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } msaaAlwaysCommitted = m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted; outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapProperties = StandardHeapTypeToHeapProperties(allocDesc.HeapType); outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags; outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = &m_CommittedAllocations[StandardHeapTypeToIndex(allocDesc.HeapType)]; // outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ResidencyPriority intentionally left with default value. const ResourceClass resourceClass = (resDesc != NULL) ? ResourceDescToResourceClass(*resDesc) : HeapFlagsToResourceClass(allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags); const UINT defaultPoolIndex = CalcDefaultPoolIndex(allocDesc, resourceClass); if (defaultPoolIndex != UINT32_MAX) { outBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[defaultPoolIndex]; const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = outBlockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize(); if (allocSize > preferredBlockSize) { outBlockVector = NULL; } else if (allocSize > preferredBlockSize / 2) { // Heuristics: Allocate committed memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size. outPreferCommitted = true; } } const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS extraHeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS; if (outBlockVector != NULL && extraHeapFlags != 0) { outBlockVector = NULL; } } if ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) != 0 || m_AlwaysCommitted) { outBlockVector = NULL; } if ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) != 0) { outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = NULL; } outCommittedAllocationParams.m_CanAlias = allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_CAN_ALIAS; if (resDesc != NULL) { if (resDesc->SampleDesc.Count > 1 && msaaAlwaysCommitted) outBlockVector = NULL; if (!outPreferCommitted && PrefersCommittedAllocation(*resDesc)) outPreferCommitted = true; } return (outBlockVector != NULL || outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List != NULL) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; } UINT AllocatorPimpl::CalcDefaultPoolIndex(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, ResourceClass resourceClass) const { D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS extraHeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS; #if D3D12MA_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED_AVAILABLE // If allocator was created with ALLOCATOR_FLAG_DEFAULT_POOLS_NOT_ZEROED, also ignore // D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED. if(m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed) { extraHeapFlags &= ~D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED; } #endif if (extraHeapFlags != 0) { return UINT32_MAX; } UINT poolIndex = UINT_MAX; switch (allocDesc.HeapType) { case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT: poolIndex = 0; break; case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD: poolIndex = 1; break; case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK: poolIndex = 2; break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2()) return poolIndex; else { switch (resourceClass) { case ResourceClass::Buffer: return poolIndex * 3; case ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture: return poolIndex * 3 + 1; case ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture: return poolIndex * 3 + 2; default: return UINT32_MAX; } } } void AllocatorPimpl::CalcDefaultPoolParams(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE& outHeapType, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS& outHeapFlags, UINT index) const { outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT; outHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE; if (!SupportsResourceHeapTier2()) { switch (index % 3) { case 0: outHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES; break; case 1: outHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES; break; case 2: outHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS | D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES; break; } index /= 3; } switch (index) { case 0: outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT; break; case 1: outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD; break; case 2: outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK; break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } } void AllocatorPimpl::RegisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) { const UINT heapTypeIndex = (UINT)heapType - 1; MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex); m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].PushBack(pool->m_Pimpl); } void AllocatorPimpl::UnregisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) { const UINT heapTypeIndex = (UINT)heapType - 1; MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex); m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].Remove(pool->m_Pimpl); } HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::UpdateD3D12Budget() { #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 if (m_Adapter3) return m_Budget.UpdateBudget(m_Adapter3, m_UseMutex); else return E_NOINTERFACE; #else return S_OK; #endif } D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC& resourceDesc) const { return m_Device->GetResourceAllocationInfo(0, 1, &resourceDesc); } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1& resourceDesc) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Device8 != NULL); D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO1 info1Unused; return m_Device8->GetResourceAllocationInfo2(0, 1, &resourceDesc, &info1Unused); } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfo(D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& inOutResourceDesc) const { #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* Optional optimization: Microsoft documentation says: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d12/nf-d3d12-id3d12device-getresourceallocationinfo Your application can forgo using GetResourceAllocationInfo for buffer resources (D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER). Buffers have the same size on all adapters, which is merely the smallest multiple of 64KB that's greater or equal to D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC::Width. */ if (inOutResourceDesc.Alignment == 0 && inOutResourceDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) { return { AlignUp<UINT64>(inOutResourceDesc.Width, D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT), // SizeInBytes D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT }; // Alignment } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #if D3D12MA_USE_SMALL_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT if (inOutResourceDesc.Alignment == 0 && inOutResourceDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D && (inOutResourceDesc.Flags & (D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET | D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_DEPTH_STENCIL)) == 0 #if D3D12MA_USE_SMALL_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT == 1 && CanUseSmallAlignment(inOutResourceDesc) #endif ) { /* The algorithm here is based on Microsoft sample: "Small Resources Sample" https://github.com/microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples/tree/master/Samples/Desktop/D3D12SmallResources */ const UINT64 smallAlignmentToTry = inOutResourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count > 1 ? D3D12_SMALL_MSAA_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT : D3D12_SMALL_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT; inOutResourceDesc.Alignment = smallAlignmentToTry; const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO smallAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(inOutResourceDesc); // Check if alignment requested has been granted. if (smallAllocInfo.Alignment == smallAlignmentToTry) { return smallAllocInfo; } inOutResourceDesc.Alignment = 0; // Restore original } #endif // #if D3D12MA_USE_SMALL_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT return GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(inOutResourceDesc); } bool AllocatorPimpl::NewAllocationWithinBudget(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, UINT64 size) { Budget budget = {}; GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, heapType); return budget.UsageBytes + size <= budget.BudgetBytes; } void AllocatorPimpl::WriteBudgetToJson(JsonWriter& json, const Budget& budget) { json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteString(L"BudgetBytes"); json.WriteNumber(budget.BudgetBytes); json.WriteString(L"UsageBytes"); json.WriteNumber(budget.UsageBytes); } json.EndObject(); } #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_PIMPL #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_PIMPL #ifndef _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_PIMPL class VirtualBlockPimpl { public: const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS m_AllocationCallbacks; const UINT64 m_Size; BlockMetadata* m_Metadata; VirtualBlockPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc); ~VirtualBlockPimpl(); }; #ifndef _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS VirtualBlockPimpl::VirtualBlockPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc) : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_Size(desc.Size) { switch (desc.Flags & VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAG_ALGORITHM_MASK) { case VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR: m_Metadata = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, BlockMetadata_Linear)(&m_AllocationCallbacks, true); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case 0: m_Metadata = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, BlockMetadata_TLSF)(&m_AllocationCallbacks, true); break; } m_Metadata->Init(m_Size); } VirtualBlockPimpl::~VirtualBlockPimpl() { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_Metadata); } #endif // _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_PIMPL #ifndef _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS MemoryBlock::MemoryBlock( AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 size, UINT id) : m_Allocator(allocator), m_HeapProps(heapProps), m_HeapFlags(heapFlags), m_Size(size), m_Id(id) {} MemoryBlock::~MemoryBlock() { if (m_Heap) { m_Heap->Release(); m_Allocator->m_Budget.RemoveBlock( m_Allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), m_Size); } } HRESULT MemoryBlock::Init(ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Heap == NULL && m_Size > 0); D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = {}; heapDesc.SizeInBytes = m_Size; heapDesc.Properties = m_HeapProps; heapDesc.Alignment = HeapFlagsToAlignment(m_HeapFlags, denyMsaaTextures); heapDesc.Flags = m_HeapFlags; HRESULT hr; #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ ID3D12Device4* const device4 = m_Allocator->GetDevice4(); if (device4) hr = m_Allocator->GetDevice4()->CreateHeap1(&heapDesc, pProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Heap)); else #endif { if (pProtectedSession == NULL) hr = m_Allocator->GetDevice()->CreateHeap(&heapDesc, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Heap)); else hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_Allocator->m_Budget.AddBlock( m_Allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), m_Size); } return hr; } #endif // _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS NormalBlock::NormalBlock( AllocatorPimpl* allocator, BlockVector* blockVector, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 size, UINT id) : MemoryBlock(allocator, heapProps, heapFlags, size, id), m_pMetadata(NULL), m_BlockVector(blockVector) {} NormalBlock::~NormalBlock() { if (m_pMetadata != NULL) { // Define macro D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG to receive the list of the unfreed allocations. if (!m_pMetadata->IsEmpty()) m_pMetadata->DebugLogAllAllocations(); // THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASSERT IN THE ENTIRE LIBRARY! // Hitting it means you have some memory leak - unreleased Allocation objects. D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_pMetadata->IsEmpty() && "Some allocations were not freed before destruction of this memory block!"); D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_pMetadata); } } HRESULT NormalBlock::Init(UINT32 algorithm, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures) { HRESULT hr = MemoryBlock::Init(pProtectedSession, denyMsaaTextures); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } switch (algorithm) { case POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR: m_pMetadata = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockMetadata_Linear)(&m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), false); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case 0: m_pMetadata = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockMetadata_TLSF)(&m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), false); break; } m_pMetadata->Init(m_Size); return hr; } bool NormalBlock::Validate() const { D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetHeap() && m_pMetadata && m_pMetadata->GetSize() != 0 && m_pMetadata->GetSize() == GetSize()); return m_pMetadata->Validate(); } #endif // _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST_FUNCTIONS void CommittedAllocationList::Init(bool useMutex, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, PoolPimpl* pool) { m_UseMutex = useMutex; m_HeapType = heapType; m_Pool = pool; } CommittedAllocationList::~CommittedAllocationList() { if (!m_AllocationList.IsEmpty()) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Unfreed committed allocations found!"); } } UINT CommittedAllocationList::GetMemorySegmentGroup(AllocatorPimpl* allocator) const { if (m_Pool) return allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_Pool->GetDesc().HeapProperties); else return allocator->StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapType); } void CommittedAllocationList::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex); for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front(); alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc)) { const UINT64 size = alloc->GetSize(); inoutStats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.AllocationCount++; inoutStats.BlockBytes += size; inoutStats.AllocationBytes += size; } } void CommittedAllocationList::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex); for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front(); alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc)) { const UINT64 size = alloc->GetSize(); inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++; inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += size; AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, size); } } void CommittedAllocationList::BuildStatsString(JsonWriter& json) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex); for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front(); alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc)) { json.BeginObject(true); json.AddAllocationToObject(*alloc); json.EndObject(); } } void CommittedAllocationList::Register(Allocation* alloc) { MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex); m_AllocationList.PushBack(alloc); } void CommittedAllocationList::Unregister(Allocation* alloc) { MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex); m_AllocationList.Remove(alloc); } #endif // _D3D12MA_COMMITTED_ALLOCATION_LIST_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR_FUNCTIONS BlockVector::BlockVector( AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator, const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags, UINT64 preferredBlockSize, size_t minBlockCount, size_t maxBlockCount, bool explicitBlockSize, UINT64 minAllocationAlignment, UINT32 algorithm, bool denyMsaaTextures, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY residencyPriority) : m_hAllocator(hAllocator), m_HeapProps(heapProps), m_HeapFlags(heapFlags), m_PreferredBlockSize(preferredBlockSize), m_MinBlockCount(minBlockCount), m_MaxBlockCount(maxBlockCount), m_ExplicitBlockSize(explicitBlockSize), m_MinAllocationAlignment(minAllocationAlignment), m_Algorithm(algorithm), m_DenyMsaaTextures(denyMsaaTextures), m_ProtectedSession(pProtectedSession), m_ResidencyPriority(residencyPriority), m_HasEmptyBlock(false), m_Blocks(hAllocator->GetAllocs()), m_NextBlockId(0) {} BlockVector::~BlockVector() { for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; ) { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), m_Blocks[i]); } } HRESULT BlockVector::CreateMinBlocks() { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_MinBlockCount; ++i) { HRESULT hr = CreateBlock(m_PreferredBlockSize, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } return S_OK; } bool BlockVector::IsEmpty() { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); return m_Blocks.empty(); } HRESULT BlockVector::Allocate( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, size_t allocationCount, Allocation** pAllocations) { size_t allocIndex; HRESULT hr = S_OK; { MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); for (allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex) { hr = AllocatePage( size, alignment, allocDesc, pAllocations + allocIndex); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { // Free all already created allocations. while (allocIndex--) { Free(pAllocations[allocIndex]); } ZeroMemory(pAllocations, sizeof(Allocation*) * allocationCount); } return hr; } void BlockVector::Free(Allocation* hAllocation) { NormalBlock* pBlockToDelete = NULL; bool budgetExceeded = false; if (IsHeapTypeStandard(m_HeapProps.Type)) { Budget budget = {}; m_hAllocator->GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, m_HeapProps.Type); budgetExceeded = budget.UsageBytes >= budget.BudgetBytes; } // Scope for lock. { MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); NormalBlock* pBlock = hAllocation->m_Placed.block; pBlock->m_pMetadata->Free(hAllocation->GetAllocHandle()); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate()); const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size(); // pBlock became empty after this deallocation. if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty()) { // Already has empty Allocation. We don't want to have two, so delete this one. if ((m_HasEmptyBlock || budgetExceeded) && blockCount > m_MinBlockCount) { pBlockToDelete = pBlock; Remove(pBlock); } // We now have first empty block. else { m_HasEmptyBlock = true; } } // pBlock didn't become empty, but we have another empty block - find and free that one. // (This is optional, heuristics.) else if (m_HasEmptyBlock && blockCount > m_MinBlockCount) { NormalBlock* pLastBlock = m_Blocks.back(); if (pLastBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty()) { pBlockToDelete = pLastBlock; m_Blocks.pop_back(); m_HasEmptyBlock = false; } } IncrementallySortBlocks(); } // Destruction of a free Allocation. Deferred until this point, outside of mutex // lock, for performance reason. if (pBlockToDelete != NULL) { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), pBlockToDelete); } } HRESULT BlockVector::CreateResource( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { HRESULT hr = Allocate(size, alignment, allocDesc, 1, ppAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ID3D12Resource* res = NULL; hr = m_hAllocator->CreatePlacedResourceWrap( (*ppAllocation)->m_Placed.block->GetHeap(), (*ppAllocation)->GetOffset(), createParams, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (ppvResource != NULL) { hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (*ppAllocation)->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc()); } else { res->Release(); SAFE_RELEASE(*ppAllocation); } } else { SAFE_RELEASE(*ppAllocation); } } return hr; } void BlockVector::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i) { const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate()); pBlock->m_pMetadata->AddStatistics(inoutStats); } } void BlockVector::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i) { const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate()); pBlock->m_pMetadata->AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats); } } void BlockVector::WriteBlockInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) { MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); json.BeginObject(); for (size_t i = 0, count = m_Blocks.size(); i < count; ++i) { const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate()); json.BeginString(); json.ContinueString(pBlock->GetId()); json.EndString(); json.BeginObject(); pBlock->m_pMetadata->WriteAllocationInfoToJson(json); json.EndObject(); } json.EndObject(); } UINT64 BlockVector::CalcSumBlockSize() const { UINT64 result = 0; for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; ) { result += m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSize(); } return result; } UINT64 BlockVector::CalcMaxBlockSize() const { UINT64 result = 0; for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; ) { result = D3D12MA_MAX(result, m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSize()); if (result >= m_PreferredBlockSize) { break; } } return result; } void BlockVector::Remove(NormalBlock* pBlock) { for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex) { if (m_Blocks[blockIndex] == pBlock) { m_Blocks.remove(blockIndex); return; } } D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } void BlockVector::IncrementallySortBlocks() { if (!m_IncrementalSort) return; // Bubble sort only until first swap. for (size_t i = 1; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i) { if (m_Blocks[i - 1]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() > m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize()) { D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Blocks[i - 1], m_Blocks[i]); return; } } } void BlockVector::SortByFreeSize() { D3D12MA_SORT(m_Blocks.begin(), m_Blocks.end(), [](auto* b1, auto* b2) { return b1->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() < b2->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize(); }); } HRESULT BlockVector::AllocatePage( UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, Allocation** pAllocation) { // Early reject: requested allocation size is larger that maximum block size for this block vector. if (size + D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN > m_PreferredBlockSize) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } UINT64 freeMemory = UINT64_MAX; if (IsHeapTypeStandard(m_HeapProps.Type)) { Budget budget = {}; m_hAllocator->GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, m_HeapProps.Type); freeMemory = (budget.UsageBytes < budget.BudgetBytes) ? (budget.BudgetBytes - budget.UsageBytes) : 0; } const bool canCreateNewBlock = ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) == 0) && (m_Blocks.size() < m_MaxBlockCount) && // Even if we don't have to stay within budget with this allocation, when the // budget would be exceeded, we don't want to allocate new blocks, but always // create resources as committed. freeMemory >= size; // 1. Search existing allocations { // Forward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with smallest amount of free space. for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex) { NormalBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock); HRESULT hr = AllocateFromBlock( pCurrBlock, size, alignment, allocDesc.Flags, allocDesc.pPrivateData, allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MASK, pAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return hr; } } } // 2. Try to create new block. if (canCreateNewBlock) { // Calculate optimal size for new block. UINT64 newBlockSize = m_PreferredBlockSize; UINT newBlockSizeShift = 0; if (!m_ExplicitBlockSize) { // Allocate 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 as first blocks. const UINT64 maxExistingBlockSize = CalcMaxBlockSize(); for (UINT i = 0; i < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; ++i) { const UINT64 smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2; if (smallerNewBlockSize > maxExistingBlockSize && smallerNewBlockSize >= size * 2) { newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize; ++newBlockSizeShift; } else { break; } } } size_t newBlockIndex = 0; HRESULT hr = newBlockSize <= freeMemory ? CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex) : E_OUTOFMEMORY; // Allocation of this size failed? Try 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 of m_PreferredBlockSize. if (!m_ExplicitBlockSize) { while (FAILED(hr) && newBlockSizeShift < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX) { const UINT64 smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2; if (smallerNewBlockSize >= size) { newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize; ++newBlockSizeShift; hr = newBlockSize <= freeMemory ? CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex) : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { break; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[newBlockIndex]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() >= size); hr = AllocateFromBlock( pBlock, size, alignment, allocDesc.Flags, allocDesc.pPrivateData, allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MASK, pAllocation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return hr; } else { // Allocation from new block failed, possibly due to D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN or alignment. return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } HRESULT BlockVector::AllocateFromBlock( NormalBlock* pBlock, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, ALLOCATION_FLAGS allocFlags, void* pPrivateData, UINT32 strategy, Allocation** pAllocation) { alignment = D3D12MA_MAX(alignment, m_MinAllocationAlignment); AllocationRequest currRequest = {}; if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest( size, alignment, allocFlags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS, strategy, &currRequest)) { return CommitAllocationRequest(currRequest, pBlock, size, alignment, pPrivateData, pAllocation); } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } HRESULT BlockVector::CommitAllocationRequest( AllocationRequest& allocRequest, NormalBlock* pBlock, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, void* pPrivateData, Allocation** pAllocation) { // We no longer have an empty Allocation. if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty()) m_HasEmptyBlock = false; *pAllocation = m_hAllocator->GetAllocationObjectAllocator().Allocate(m_hAllocator, size, alignment, allocRequest.zeroInitialized); pBlock->m_pMetadata->Alloc(allocRequest, size, *pAllocation); (*pAllocation)->InitPlaced(allocRequest.allocHandle, pBlock); (*pAllocation)->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate()); m_hAllocator->m_Budget.AddAllocation(m_hAllocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), size); return S_OK; } HRESULT BlockVector::CreateBlock( UINT64 blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex) { NormalBlock* const pBlock = D3D12MA_NEW(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), NormalBlock)( m_hAllocator, this, m_HeapProps, m_HeapFlags, blockSize, m_NextBlockId++); HRESULT hr = pBlock->Init(m_Algorithm, m_ProtectedSession, m_DenyMsaaTextures); if (FAILED(hr)) { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), pBlock); return hr; } m_hAllocator->SetResidencyPriority(pBlock->GetHeap(), m_ResidencyPriority); m_Blocks.push_back(pBlock); if (pNewBlockIndex != NULL) { *pNewBlockIndex = m_Blocks.size() - 1; } return hr; } #endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS DefragmentationContextPimpl::DefragmentationContextPimpl( AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator, const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC& desc, BlockVector* poolVector) : m_MaxPassBytes(desc.MaxBytesPerPass == 0 ? UINT64_MAX : desc.MaxBytesPerPass), m_MaxPassAllocations(desc.MaxAllocationsPerPass == 0 ? UINT32_MAX : desc.MaxAllocationsPerPass), m_Moves(hAllocator->GetAllocs()) { m_Algorithm = desc.Flags & DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_MASK; if (poolVector != NULL) { m_BlockVectorCount = 1; m_PoolBlockVector = poolVector; m_pBlockVectors = &m_PoolBlockVector; m_PoolBlockVector->SetIncrementalSort(false); m_PoolBlockVector->SortByFreeSize(); } else { m_BlockVectorCount = hAllocator->GetDefaultPoolCount(); m_PoolBlockVector = NULL; m_pBlockVectors = hAllocator->GetDefaultPools(); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i) { BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[i]; if (vector != NULL) { vector->SetIncrementalSort(false); vector->SortByFreeSize(); } } } switch (m_Algorithm) { case 0: // Default algorithm m_Algorithm = DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_BALANCED; case DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_BALANCED: { m_AlgorithmState = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(hAllocator->GetAllocs(), StateBalanced, m_BlockVectorCount); break; } } } DefragmentationContextPimpl::~DefragmentationContextPimpl() { if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL) m_PoolBlockVector->SetIncrementalSort(true); else { for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i) { BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[i]; if (vector != NULL) vector->SetIncrementalSort(true); } } if (m_AlgorithmState) { switch (m_Algorithm) { case DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_BALANCED: D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Moves.GetAllocs(), reinterpret_cast<StateBalanced*>(m_AlgorithmState), m_BlockVectorCount); break; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } } } HRESULT DefragmentationContextPimpl::DefragmentPassBegin(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo) { if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL) { MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolBlockVector->GetMutex(), m_PoolBlockVector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); if (m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlockCount() > 1) ComputeDefragmentation(*m_PoolBlockVector, 0); else if (m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlockCount() == 1) ReallocWithinBlock(*m_PoolBlockVector, m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlock(0)); // Setup index into block vector for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Moves.size(); ++i) m_Moves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->SetPrivateData(0); } else { for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i) { if (m_pBlockVectors[i] != NULL) { MutexLockWrite lock(m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetMutex(), m_pBlockVectors[i]->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); bool end = false; size_t movesOffset = m_Moves.size(); if (m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlockCount() > 1) { end = ComputeDefragmentation(*m_pBlockVectors[i], i); } else if (m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlockCount() == 1) { end = ReallocWithinBlock(*m_pBlockVectors[i], m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlock(0)); } // Setup index into block vector for (; movesOffset < m_Moves.size(); ++movesOffset) m_Moves[movesOffset].pDstTmpAllocation->SetPrivateData(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(i))); if (end) break; } } } moveInfo.MoveCount = static_cast<UINT32>(m_Moves.size()); if (moveInfo.MoveCount > 0) { moveInfo.pMoves = m_Moves.data(); return S_FALSE; } moveInfo.pMoves = NULL; return S_OK; } HRESULT DefragmentationContextPimpl::DefragmentPassEnd(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(moveInfo.MoveCount > 0 ? moveInfo.pMoves != NULL : true); HRESULT result = S_OK; Vector<FragmentedBlock> immovableBlocks(m_Moves.GetAllocs()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < moveInfo.MoveCount; ++i) { DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE& move = moveInfo.pMoves[i]; size_t prevCount = 0, currentCount = 0; UINT64 freedBlockSize = 0; UINT32 vectorIndex; BlockVector* vector; if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL) { vectorIndex = 0; vector = m_PoolBlockVector; } else { vectorIndex = static_cast<UINT32>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetPrivateData())); vector = m_pBlockVectors[vectorIndex]; D3D12MA_ASSERT(vector != NULL); } switch (move.Operation) { case DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY: { move.pSrcAllocation->SwapBlockAllocation(move.pDstTmpAllocation); // Scope for locks, Free have it's own lock { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); prevCount = vector->GetBlockCount(); freedBlockSize = move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize(); } move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release(); { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount(); } result = S_FALSE; break; } case DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE: { m_PassStats.BytesMoved -= move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize(); --m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved; move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release(); NormalBlock* newBlock = move.pSrcAllocation->GetBlock(); bool notPresent = true; for (const FragmentedBlock& block : immovableBlocks) { if (block.block == newBlock) { notPresent = false; break; } } if (notPresent) immovableBlocks.push_back({ vectorIndex, newBlock }); break; } case DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY: { m_PassStats.BytesMoved -= move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize(); --m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved; // Scope for locks, Free have it's own lock { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); prevCount = vector->GetBlockCount(); freedBlockSize = move.pSrcAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize(); } move.pSrcAllocation->Release(); { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount(); } freedBlockSize *= prevCount - currentCount; UINT64 dstBlockSize; { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); dstBlockSize = move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize(); } move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release(); { MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); freedBlockSize += dstBlockSize * (currentCount - vector->GetBlockCount()); currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount(); } result = S_FALSE; break; } default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); } if (prevCount > currentCount) { size_t freedBlocks = prevCount - currentCount; m_PassStats.HeapsFreed += static_cast<UINT32>(freedBlocks); m_PassStats.BytesFreed += freedBlockSize; } } moveInfo.MoveCount = 0; moveInfo.pMoves = NULL; m_Moves.clear(); // Update stats m_GlobalStats.AllocationsMoved += m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved; m_GlobalStats.BytesFreed += m_PassStats.BytesFreed; m_GlobalStats.BytesMoved += m_PassStats.BytesMoved; m_GlobalStats.HeapsFreed += m_PassStats.HeapsFreed; m_PassStats = { 0 }; // Move blocks with immovable allocations according to algorithm if (immovableBlocks.size() > 0) { // Move to the begining for (const FragmentedBlock& block : immovableBlocks) { BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[block.data]; MutexLockWrite lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex()); for (size_t i = m_ImmovableBlockCount; i < vector->GetBlockCount(); ++i) { if (vector->GetBlock(i) == block.block) { D3D12MA_SWAP(vector->m_Blocks[i], vector->m_Blocks[m_ImmovableBlockCount++]); break; } } } } return result; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation(BlockVector& vector, size_t index) { switch (m_Algorithm) { case DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_FAST: return ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(vector); default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_BALANCED: return ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(vector, index, true); case DEFRAGMENTATION_FLAG_ALGORITHM_FULL: return ComputeDefragmentation_Full(vector); } } DefragmentationContextPimpl::MoveAllocationData DefragmentationContextPimpl::GetMoveData( AllocHandle handle, BlockMetadata* metadata) { MoveAllocationData moveData; moveData.move.pSrcAllocation = (Allocation*)metadata->GetAllocationPrivateData(handle); moveData.size = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize(); moveData.alignment = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetAlignment(); moveData.flags = ALLOCATION_FLAG_NONE; return moveData; } DefragmentationContextPimpl::CounterStatus DefragmentationContextPimpl::CheckCounters(UINT64 bytes) { // Ignore allocation if will exceed max size for copy if (m_PassStats.BytesMoved + bytes > m_MaxPassBytes) { if (++m_IgnoredAllocs < MAX_ALLOCS_TO_IGNORE) return CounterStatus::Ignore; else return CounterStatus::End; } return CounterStatus::Pass; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::IncrementCounters(UINT64 bytes) { m_PassStats.BytesMoved += bytes; // Early return when max found if (++m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved >= m_MaxPassAllocations || m_PassStats.BytesMoved >= m_MaxPassBytes) { D3D12MA_ASSERT((m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved == m_MaxPassAllocations || m_PassStats.BytesMoved == m_MaxPassBytes) && "Exceeded maximal pass threshold!"); return true; } return false; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ReallocWithinBlock(BlockVector& vector, NormalBlock* block) { BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata; for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin(); handle != (AllocHandle)0; handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle)) { MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata); // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this) continue; switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize())) { case CounterStatus::Ignore: continue; case CounterStatus::End: return true; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case CounterStatus::Pass: break; } UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset(); if (offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size) { AllocationRequest request = {}; if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest( moveData.size, moveData.alignment, false, ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET, &request)) { if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset) { if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest( request, block, moveData.size, moveData.alignment, this, &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation))) { m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move); if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size)) return true; } } } } } return false; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::AllocInOtherBlock(size_t start, size_t end, MoveAllocationData& data, BlockVector& vector) { for (; start < end; ++start) { NormalBlock* dstBlock = vector.GetBlock(start); if (dstBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= data.size) { if (SUCCEEDED(vector.AllocateFromBlock(dstBlock, data.size, data.alignment, data.flags, this, 0, &data.move.pDstTmpAllocation))) { m_Moves.push_back(data.move); if (IncrementCounters(data.size)) return true; break; } } } return false; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(BlockVector& vector) { // Move only between blocks // Go through allocations in last blocks and try to fit them inside first ones for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i) { BlockMetadata* metadata = vector.GetBlock(i)->m_pMetadata; for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin(); handle != (AllocHandle)0; handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle)) { MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata); // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this) continue; switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize())) { case CounterStatus::Ignore: continue; case CounterStatus::End: return true; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case CounterStatus::Pass: break; } // Check all previous blocks for free space if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector)) return true; } } return false; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(BlockVector& vector, size_t index, bool update) { // Go over every allocation and try to fit it in previous blocks at lowest offsets, // if not possible: realloc within single block to minimize offset (exclude offset == 0), // but only if there are noticable gaps between them (some heuristic, ex. average size of allocation in block) D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AlgorithmState != NULL); StateBalanced& vectorState = reinterpret_cast<StateBalanced*>(m_AlgorithmState)[index]; if (update && vectorState.avgAllocSize == UINT64_MAX) UpdateVectorStatistics(vector, vectorState); const size_t startMoveCount = m_Moves.size(); UINT64 minimalFreeRegion = vectorState.avgFreeSize / 2; for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i) { NormalBlock* block = vector.GetBlock(i); BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata; UINT64 prevFreeRegionSize = 0; for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin(); handle != (AllocHandle)0; handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle)) { MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata); // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this) continue; switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize())) { case CounterStatus::Ignore: continue; case CounterStatus::End: return true; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case CounterStatus::Pass: break; } // Check all previous blocks for free space const size_t prevMoveCount = m_Moves.size(); if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector)) return true; UINT64 nextFreeRegionSize = metadata->GetNextFreeRegionSize(handle); // If no room found then realloc within block for lower offset UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset(); if (prevMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size) { // Check if realloc will make sense if (prevFreeRegionSize >= minimalFreeRegion || nextFreeRegionSize >= minimalFreeRegion || moveData.size <= vectorState.avgFreeSize || moveData.size <= vectorState.avgAllocSize) { AllocationRequest request = {}; if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest( moveData.size, moveData.alignment, false, ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET, &request)) { if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset) { if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest( request, block, moveData.size, moveData.alignment, this, &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation))) { m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move); if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size)) return true; } } } } } prevFreeRegionSize = nextFreeRegionSize; } } // No moves perfomed, update statistics to current vector state if (startMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && !update) { vectorState.avgAllocSize = UINT64_MAX; return ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(vector, index, false); } return false; } bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Full(BlockVector& vector) { // Go over every allocation and try to fit it in previous blocks at lowest offsets, // if not possible: realloc within single block to minimize offset (exclude offset == 0) for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i) { NormalBlock* block = vector.GetBlock(i); BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata; for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin(); handle != (AllocHandle)0; handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle)) { MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata); // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this) continue; switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize())) { case CounterStatus::Ignore: continue; case CounterStatus::End: return true; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); case CounterStatus::Pass: break; } // Check all previous blocks for free space const size_t prevMoveCount = m_Moves.size(); if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector)) return true; // If no room found then realloc within block for lower offset UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset(); if (prevMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size) { AllocationRequest request = {}; if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest( moveData.size, moveData.alignment, false, ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET, &request)) { if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset) { if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest( request, block, moveData.size, moveData.alignment, this, &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation))) { m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move); if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size)) return true; } } } } } } return false; } void DefragmentationContextPimpl::UpdateVectorStatistics(BlockVector& vector, StateBalanced& state) { size_t allocCount = 0; size_t freeCount = 0; state.avgFreeSize = 0; state.avgAllocSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < vector.GetBlockCount(); ++i) { BlockMetadata* metadata = vector.GetBlock(i)->m_pMetadata; allocCount += metadata->GetAllocationCount(); freeCount += metadata->GetFreeRegionsCount(); state.avgFreeSize += metadata->GetSumFreeSize(); state.avgAllocSize += metadata->GetSize(); } state.avgAllocSize = (state.avgAllocSize - state.avgFreeSize) / allocCount; state.avgFreeSize /= freeCount; } #endif // _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS PoolPimpl::PoolPimpl(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc) : m_Allocator(allocator), m_Desc(desc), m_BlockVector(NULL), m_Name(NULL) { const bool explicitBlockSize = desc.BlockSize != 0; const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = explicitBlockSize ? desc.BlockSize : D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; UINT maxBlockCount = desc.MaxBlockCount != 0 ? desc.MaxBlockCount : UINT_MAX; #ifndef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Desc.pProtectedSession == NULL); #endif m_BlockVector = D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockVector)( allocator, desc.HeapProperties, desc.HeapFlags, preferredBlockSize, desc.MinBlockCount, maxBlockCount, explicitBlockSize, D3D12MA_MAX(desc.MinAllocationAlignment, (UINT64)D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT), (desc.Flags & POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_MASK) != 0, (desc.Flags & POOL_FLAG_MSAA_TEXTURES_ALWAYS_COMMITTED) != 0, desc.pProtectedSession, desc.ResidencyPriority); } PoolPimpl::~PoolPimpl() { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_PrevPool == NULL && m_NextPool == NULL); FreeName(); D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_BlockVector); } HRESULT PoolPimpl::Init() { m_CommittedAllocations.Init(m_Allocator->UseMutex(), m_Desc.HeapProperties.Type, this); return m_BlockVector->CreateMinBlocks(); } void PoolPimpl::GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats) { ClearStatistics(outStats); m_BlockVector->AddStatistics(outStats); m_CommittedAllocations.AddStatistics(outStats); } void PoolPimpl::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats) { ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats); AddDetailedStatistics(outStats); } void PoolPimpl::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) { m_BlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats); m_CommittedAllocations.AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats); } void PoolPimpl::SetName(LPCWSTR Name) { FreeName(); if (Name) { const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(Name) + 1; m_Name = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), WCHAR, nameCharCount); memcpy(m_Name, Name, nameCharCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } void PoolPimpl::FreeName() { if (m_Name) { const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(m_Name) + 1; D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_Name, nameCharCount); m_Name = NULL; } } #endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_PUBLIC_INTERFACE HRESULT CreateAllocator(const ALLOCATOR_DESC* pDesc, Allocator** ppAllocator) { if (!pDesc || !ppAllocator || !pDesc->pDevice || !pDesc->pAdapter || !(pDesc->PreferredBlockSize == 0 || (pDesc->PreferredBlockSize >= 16 && pDesc->PreferredBlockSize < 0x10000000000ull))) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to CreateAllocator."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacks; SetupAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks, pDesc->pAllocationCallbacks); *ppAllocator = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, Allocator)(allocationCallbacks, *pDesc); HRESULT hr = (*ppAllocator)->m_Pimpl->Init(*pDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacks, *ppAllocator); *ppAllocator = NULL; } return hr; } HRESULT CreateVirtualBlock(const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC* pDesc, VirtualBlock** ppVirtualBlock) { if (!pDesc || !ppVirtualBlock) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to CreateVirtualBlock."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacks; SetupAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks, pDesc->pAllocationCallbacks); *ppVirtualBlock = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, VirtualBlock)(allocationCallbacks, *pDesc); return S_OK; } #ifndef _D3D12MA_IUNKNOWN_IMPL_FUNCTIONS HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknownImpl::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { if (ppvObject == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { ++m_RefCount; *ppvObject = this; return S_OK; } *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknownImpl::AddRef() { return ++m_RefCount; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknownImpl::Release() { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK const uint32_t newRefCount = --m_RefCount; if (newRefCount == 0) ReleaseThis(); return newRefCount; } #endif // _D3D12MA_IUNKNOWN_IMPL_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_FUNCTIONS void Allocation::PackedData::SetType(Type type) { const UINT u = (UINT)type; D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 2)); m_Type = u; } void Allocation::PackedData::SetResourceDimension(D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDimension) { const UINT u = (UINT)resourceDimension; D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 3)); m_ResourceDimension = u; } void Allocation::PackedData::SetResourceFlags(D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS resourceFlags) { const UINT u = (UINT)resourceFlags; D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 24)); m_ResourceFlags = u; } void Allocation::PackedData::SetTextureLayout(D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT textureLayout) { const UINT u = (UINT)textureLayout; D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 9)); m_TextureLayout = u; } UINT64 Allocation::GetOffset() const { switch (m_PackedData.GetType()) { case TYPE_COMMITTED: case TYPE_HEAP: return 0; case TYPE_PLACED: return m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->GetAllocationOffset(m_Placed.allocHandle); default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return 0; } } void Allocation::SetResource(ID3D12Resource* pResource) { if (pResource != m_Resource) { if (m_Resource) m_Resource->Release(); m_Resource = pResource; if (m_Resource) m_Resource->AddRef(); } } ID3D12Heap* Allocation::GetHeap() const { switch (m_PackedData.GetType()) { case TYPE_COMMITTED: return NULL; case TYPE_PLACED: return m_Placed.block->GetHeap(); case TYPE_HEAP: return m_Heap.heap; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return 0; } } void Allocation::SetName(LPCWSTR Name) { FreeName(); if (Name) { const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(Name) + 1; m_Name = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), WCHAR, nameCharCount); memcpy(m_Name, Name, nameCharCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } void Allocation::ReleaseThis() { if (this == NULL) { return; } SAFE_RELEASE(m_Resource); switch (m_PackedData.GetType()) { case TYPE_COMMITTED: m_Allocator->FreeCommittedMemory(this); break; case TYPE_PLACED: m_Allocator->FreePlacedMemory(this); break; case TYPE_HEAP: m_Allocator->FreeHeapMemory(this); break; } FreeName(); m_Allocator->GetAllocationObjectAllocator().Free(this); } Allocation::Allocation(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, BOOL wasZeroInitialized) : m_Allocator{ allocator }, m_Size{ size }, m_Alignment{ alignment }, m_Resource{ NULL }, m_pPrivateData{ NULL }, m_Name{ NULL } { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocator); m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_COUNT); m_PackedData.SetResourceDimension(D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_UNKNOWN); m_PackedData.SetResourceFlags(D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE); m_PackedData.SetTextureLayout(D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN); m_PackedData.SetWasZeroInitialized(wasZeroInitialized); } void Allocation::InitCommitted(CommittedAllocationList* list) { m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_COMMITTED); m_Committed.list = list; m_Committed.prev = NULL; m_Committed.next = NULL; } void Allocation::InitPlaced(AllocHandle allocHandle, NormalBlock* block) { m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_PLACED); m_Placed.allocHandle = allocHandle; m_Placed.block = block; } void Allocation::InitHeap(CommittedAllocationList* list, ID3D12Heap* heap) { m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_HEAP); m_Heap.list = list; m_Committed.prev = NULL; m_Committed.next = NULL; m_Heap.heap = heap; } void Allocation::SwapBlockAllocation(Allocation* allocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation != NULL); D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_PackedData.GetType() == TYPE_PLACED); D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == TYPE_PLACED); D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Resource, allocation->m_Resource); m_PackedData.SetWasZeroInitialized(allocation->m_PackedData.WasZeroInitialized()); m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(m_Placed.allocHandle, allocation); D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Placed, allocation->m_Placed); m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(m_Placed.allocHandle, this); } AllocHandle Allocation::GetAllocHandle() const { switch (m_PackedData.GetType()) { case TYPE_COMMITTED: case TYPE_HEAP: return (AllocHandle)0; case TYPE_PLACED: return m_Placed.allocHandle; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return (AllocHandle)0; } } NormalBlock* Allocation::GetBlock() { switch (m_PackedData.GetType()) { case TYPE_COMMITTED: case TYPE_HEAP: return NULL; case TYPE_PLACED: return m_Placed.block; default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return NULL; } } template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T> void Allocation::SetResourcePointer(ID3D12Resource* resource, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* pResourceDesc) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Resource == NULL && pResourceDesc); m_Resource = resource; m_PackedData.SetResourceDimension(pResourceDesc->Dimension); m_PackedData.SetResourceFlags(pResourceDesc->Flags); m_PackedData.SetTextureLayout(pResourceDesc->Layout); } void Allocation::FreeName() { if (m_Name) { const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(m_Name) + 1; D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_Name, nameCharCount); m_Name = NULL; } } #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS HRESULT DefragmentationContext::BeginPass(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO* pPassInfo) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pPassInfo); return m_Pimpl->DefragmentPassBegin(*pPassInfo); } HRESULT DefragmentationContext::EndPass(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO* pPassInfo) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pPassInfo); return m_Pimpl->DefragmentPassEnd(*pPassInfo); } void DefragmentationContext::GetStats(DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS* pStats) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); m_Pimpl->GetStats(*pStats); } void DefragmentationContext::ReleaseThis() { if (this == NULL) { return; } D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), this); } DefragmentationContext::DefragmentationContext(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC& desc, BlockVector* poolVector) : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContextPimpl)(allocator, desc, poolVector)) {} DefragmentationContext::~DefragmentationContext() { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl); } #endif // _D3D12MA_DEFRAGMENTATION_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_FUNCTIONS POOL_DESC Pool::GetDesc() const { return m_Pimpl->GetDesc(); } void Pool::GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->GetStatistics(*pStats); } void Pool::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->CalculateStatistics(*pStats); } void Pool::SetName(LPCWSTR Name) { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->SetName(Name); } LPCWSTR Pool::GetName() const { return m_Pimpl->GetName(); } HRESULT Pool::BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pDesc && ppContext); // Check for support if (m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector()->GetAlgorithm() & POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR) return E_NOINTERFACE; AllocatorPimpl* allocator = m_Pimpl->GetAllocator(); *ppContext = D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContext)(allocator, *pDesc, m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector()); return S_OK; } void Pool::ReleaseThis() { if (this == NULL) { return; } D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->GetAllocs(), this); } Pool::Pool(Allocator* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc) : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), PoolPimpl)(allocator->m_Pimpl, desc)) {} Pool::~Pool() { m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->UnregisterPool(this, m_Pimpl->GetDesc().HeapProperties.Type); D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl); } #endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& Allocator::GetD3D12Options() const { return m_Pimpl->GetD3D12Options(); } BOOL Allocator::IsUMA() const { return m_Pimpl->IsUMA(); } BOOL Allocator::IsCacheCoherentUMA() const { return m_Pimpl->IsCacheCoherentUMA(); } UINT64 Allocator::GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const { return m_Pimpl->GetMemoryCapacity(memorySegmentGroup); } HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateResource( pAllocDesc, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue), ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource2( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource2."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateResource( pAllocDesc, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue), ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource3( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, UINT32 NumCastableFormats, DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats, Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource3."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateResource( pAllocDesc, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialLayout, pOptimizedClearValue, NumCastableFormats, pCastableFormats), ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource); } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::AllocateMemory( const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO* pAllocInfo, Allocation** ppAllocation) { if (!ValidateAllocateMemoryParameters(pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo, ppAllocation)) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::AllocateMemory."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->AllocateMemory(pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo, ppAllocation); } HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource( Allocation* pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource( pAllocation, AllocationLocalOffset, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue), riidResource, ppvResource); } #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource1( Allocation* pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource( pAllocation, AllocationLocalOffset, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue), riidResource, ppvResource); } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource2( Allocation* pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc, D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue, UINT32 NumCastableFormats, DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource) { if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource( pAllocation, AllocationLocalOffset, CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialLayout, pOptimizedClearValue, NumCastableFormats, pCastableFormats), riidResource, ppvResource); } #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT Allocator::CreatePool( const POOL_DESC* pPoolDesc, Pool** ppPool) { if (!pPoolDesc || !ppPool || (pPoolDesc->MaxBlockCount > 0 && pPoolDesc->MaxBlockCount < pPoolDesc->MinBlockCount) || (pPoolDesc->MinAllocationAlignment > 0 && !IsPow2(pPoolDesc->MinAllocationAlignment))) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreatePool."); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!m_Pimpl->HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(pPoolDesc->HeapFlags)) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid pPoolDesc->HeapFlags passed to Allocator::CreatePool. Did you forget to handle ResourceHeapTier=1?"); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK * ppPool = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), Pool)(this, *pPoolDesc); HRESULT hr = (*ppPool)->m_Pimpl->Init(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_Pimpl->RegisterPool(*ppPool, pPoolDesc->HeapProperties.Type); } else { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), *ppPool); *ppPool = NULL; } return hr; } void Allocator::SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex) { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->SetCurrentFrameIndex(frameIndex); } void Allocator::GetBudget(Budget* pLocalBudget, Budget* pNonLocalBudget) { if (pLocalBudget == NULL && pNonLocalBudget == NULL) { return; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->GetBudget(pLocalBudget, pNonLocalBudget); } void Allocator::CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics* pStats) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->CalculateStatistics(*pStats); } void Allocator::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL DetailedMap) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(ppStatsString); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->BuildStatsString(ppStatsString, DetailedMap); } void Allocator::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const { if (pStatsString != NULL) { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->FreeStatsString(pStatsString); } } void Allocator::BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pDesc && ppContext); *ppContext = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContext)(m_Pimpl, *pDesc, NULL); } void Allocator::ReleaseThis() { // Copy is needed because otherwise we would call destructor and invalidate the structure with callbacks before using it to free memory. const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacksCopy = m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(); D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacksCopy, this); } Allocator::Allocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc) : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, AllocatorPimpl)(allocationCallbacks, desc)) {} Allocator::~Allocator() { D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl); } #endif // _D3D12MA_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONS #ifndef _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS BOOL VirtualBlock::IsEmpty() const { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK return m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->IsEmpty() ? TRUE : FALSE; } void VirtualBlock::GetAllocationInfo(VirtualAllocation allocation, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO* pInfo) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation.AllocHandle != (AllocHandle)0 && pInfo); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->GetAllocationInfo(allocation.AllocHandle, *pInfo); } HRESULT VirtualBlock::Allocate(const VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC* pDesc, VirtualAllocation* pAllocation, UINT64* pOffset) { if (!pDesc || !pAllocation || pDesc->Size == 0 || !IsPow2(pDesc->Alignment)) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to VirtualBlock::Allocate."); return E_INVALIDARG; } D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK const UINT64 alignment = pDesc->Alignment != 0 ? pDesc->Alignment : 1; AllocationRequest allocRequest = {}; if (m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->CreateAllocationRequest( pDesc->Size, alignment, pDesc->Flags & VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS, pDesc->Flags & VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_FLAG_STRATEGY_MASK, &allocRequest)) { m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Alloc(allocRequest, pDesc->Size, pDesc->pPrivateData); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); pAllocation->AllocHandle = allocRequest.allocHandle; if (pOffset) *pOffset = m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->GetAllocationOffset(allocRequest.allocHandle); return S_OK; } pAllocation->AllocHandle = (AllocHandle)0; if (pOffset) *pOffset = UINT64_MAX; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } void VirtualBlock::FreeAllocation(VirtualAllocation allocation) { if (allocation.AllocHandle == (AllocHandle)0) return; D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Free(allocation.AllocHandle); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); } void VirtualBlock::Clear() { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Clear(); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); } void VirtualBlock::SetAllocationPrivateData(VirtualAllocation allocation, void* pPrivateData) { D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation.AllocHandle != (AllocHandle)0); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(allocation.AllocHandle, pPrivateData); } void VirtualBlock::GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); ClearStatistics(*pStats); m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->AddStatistics(*pStats); } void VirtualBlock::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); ClearDetailedStatistics(*pStats); m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->AddDetailedStatistics(*pStats); } void VirtualBlock::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString) const { D3D12MA_ASSERT(ppStatsString); D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK StringBuilder sb(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks); { JsonWriter json(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, sb); D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate()); json.BeginObject(); m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->WriteAllocationInfoToJson(json); json.EndObject(); } // Scope for JsonWriter const size_t length = sb.GetLength(); WCHAR* result = AllocateArray<WCHAR>(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, length + 1); memcpy(result, sb.GetData(), length * sizeof(WCHAR)); result[length] = L'\0'; *ppStatsString = result; } void VirtualBlock::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const { if (pStatsString != NULL) { D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK D3D12MA::Free(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, pStatsString); } } void VirtualBlock::ReleaseThis() { // Copy is needed because otherwise we would call destructor and invalidate the structure with callbacks before using it to free memory. const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacksCopy = m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks; D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacksCopy, this); } VirtualBlock::VirtualBlock(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc) : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, VirtualBlockPimpl)(allocationCallbacks, desc)) {} VirtualBlock::~VirtualBlock() { // THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ASSERT! // Hitting it means you have some memory leak - unreleased allocations in this virtual block. D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->IsEmpty() && "Some allocations were not freed before destruction of this virtual block!"); D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, m_Pimpl); } #endif // _D3D12MA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FUNCTIONS #endif // _D3D12MA_PUBLIC_INTERFACE } // namespace D3D12MA