/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Patrick Mours * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace reshadefx { /// /// Structure which keeps track of a code location. /// struct location { location() : line(1), column(1) {} explicit location(uint32_t line, uint32_t column = 1) : line(line), column(column) {} explicit location(std::string source, uint32_t line, uint32_t column = 1) : source(std::move(source)), line(line), column(column) {} std::string source; uint32_t line, column; }; /// /// A collection of identifiers for various possible tokens. /// enum class tokenid { unknown = -1, end_of_file = 0, end_of_line = '\n', // operators space = ' ', exclaim = '!', hash = '#', dollar = '$', percent = '%', ampersand = '&', parenthesis_open = '(', parenthesis_close = ')', star = '*', plus = '+', comma = ',', minus = '-', dot = '.', slash = '/', colon = ':', semicolon = ';', less = '<', equal = '=', greater = '>', question = '?', at = '@', bracket_open = '[', backslash = '\\', bracket_close = ']', caret = '^', brace_open = '{', pipe = '|', brace_close = '}', tilde = '~', exclaim_equal = 256 /* != */, percent_equal /* %= */, ampersand_ampersand /* && */, ampersand_equal /* &= */, star_equal /* *= */, plus_plus /* ++*/, plus_equal /* += */, minus_minus /* -- */, minus_equal /* -= */, arrow /* -> */, ellipsis /* ... */, slash_equal /* /= */, colon_colon /* :: */, less_less_equal /* <<= */, less_less /* << */, less_equal /* <= */, equal_equal /* == */, greater_greater_equal /* >>= */, greater_greater /* >> */, greater_equal /* >= */, caret_equal /* ^= */, pipe_equal /* |= */, pipe_pipe /* || */, // identifiers reserved, identifier, // literals true_literal, false_literal, int_literal, uint_literal, float_literal, double_literal, string_literal, // keywords namespace_, struct_, technique, pass, for_, while_, do_, if_, else_, switch_, case_, default_, break_, continue_, return_, discard_, extern_, static_, uniform_, volatile_, precise, groupshared, in, out, inout, const_, linear, noperspective, centroid, nointerpolation, void_, bool_, bool2, bool3, bool4, bool2x2, bool2x3, bool2x4, bool3x2, bool3x3, bool3x4, bool4x2, bool4x3, bool4x4, int_, int2, int3, int4, int2x2, int2x3, int2x4, int3x2, int3x3, int3x4, int4x2, int4x3, int4x4, min16int, min16int2, min16int3, min16int4, uint_, uint2, uint3, uint4, uint2x2, uint2x3, uint2x4, uint3x2, uint3x3, uint3x4, uint4x2, uint4x3, uint4x4, min16uint, min16uint2, min16uint3, min16uint4, float_, float2, float3, float4, float2x2, float2x3, float2x4, float3x2, float3x3, float3x4, float4x2, float4x3, float4x4, min16float, min16float2, min16float3, min16float4, vector, matrix, string_, texture1d, texture2d, texture3d, sampler1d, sampler2d, sampler3d, storage1d, storage2d, storage3d, // preprocessor directives hash_def, hash_undef, hash_if, hash_ifdef, hash_ifndef, hash_else, hash_elif, hash_endif, hash_error, hash_warning, hash_pragma, hash_include, hash_unknown, single_line_comment, multi_line_comment, }; /// /// A structure describing a single token in the input string. /// struct token { tokenid id; reshadefx::location location; size_t offset, length; union { int literal_as_int; unsigned int literal_as_uint; float literal_as_float; double literal_as_double; }; std::string literal_as_string; operator tokenid() const { return id; } static std::string id_to_name(tokenid id); }; }