// // Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc. // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // // Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <cctype> #include "ResourceLimits.h" namespace glslang { const TBuiltInResource DefaultTBuiltInResource = { /* .MaxLights = */ 32, /* .MaxClipPlanes = */ 6, /* .MaxTextureUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxTextureCoords = */ 32, /* .MaxVertexAttribs = */ 64, /* .MaxVertexUniformComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxVaryingFloats = */ 64, /* .MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = */ 80, /* .MaxTextureImageUnits = */ 32, /* .MaxFragmentUniformComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxDrawBuffers = */ 32, /* .MaxVertexUniformVectors = */ 128, /* .MaxVaryingVectors = */ 8, /* .MaxFragmentUniformVectors = */ 16, /* .MaxVertexOutputVectors = */ 16, /* .MaxFragmentInputVectors = */ 15, /* .MinProgramTexelOffset = */ -8, /* .MaxProgramTexelOffset = */ 7, /* .MaxClipDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountX = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountY = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupCountZ = */ 65535, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeX = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeY = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ = */ 64, /* .MaxComputeUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxComputeTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxComputeImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxVaryingComponents = */ 60, /* .MaxVertexOutputComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxGeometryInputComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxGeometryOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxFragmentInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxImageUnits = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources = */ 8, /* .MaxImageSamples = */ 0, /* .MaxVertexImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryImageUniforms = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedImageUniforms = */ 8, /* .MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxGeometryOutputVertices = */ 256, /* .MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxGeometryUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxGeometryVaryingComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxTessControlInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessControlOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxTessControlUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = */ 4096, /* .MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = */ 128, /* .MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = */ 16, /* .MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = */ 1024, /* .MaxTessPatchComponents = */ 120, /* .MaxPatchVertices = */ 32, /* .MaxTessGenLevel = */ 64, /* .MaxViewports = */ 16, /* .MaxVertexAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryAtomicCounters = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedAtomicCounters = */ 8, /* .MaxAtomicCounterBindings = */ 1, /* .MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 0, /* .MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = */ 1, /* .MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize = */ 16384, /* .MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers = */ 4, /* .MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = */ 64, /* .MaxCullDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistances = */ 8, /* .MaxSamples = */ 4, /* .maxMeshOutputVerticesNV = */ 256, /* .maxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV = */ 512, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV = */ 32, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV = */ 1, /* .maxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = */ 1, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV = */ 32, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV = */ 1, /* .maxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = */ 1, /* .maxMeshViewCountNV = */ 4, /* .maxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = */ 1, /* .limits = */ { /* .nonInductiveForLoops = */ 1, /* .whileLoops = */ 1, /* .doWhileLoops = */ 1, /* .generalUniformIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalVaryingIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalSamplerIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalVariableIndexing = */ 1, /* .generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing = */ 1, }}; std::string GetDefaultTBuiltInResourceString() { std::ostringstream ostream; ostream << "MaxLights " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxLights << "\n" << "MaxClipPlanes " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxClipPlanes << "\n" << "MaxTextureUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTextureUnits << "\n" << "MaxTextureCoords " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTextureCoords << "\n" << "MaxVertexAttribs " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexAttribs << "\n" << "MaxVertexUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxVaryingFloats " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVaryingFloats << "\n" << "MaxVertexTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxFragmentUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxDrawBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxDrawBuffers << "\n" << "MaxVertexUniformVectors " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexUniformVectors << "\n" << "MaxVaryingVectors " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVaryingVectors << "\n" << "MaxFragmentUniformVectors " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentUniformVectors << "\n" << "MaxVertexOutputVectors " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexOutputVectors << "\n" << "MaxFragmentInputVectors " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentInputVectors << "\n" << "MinProgramTexelOffset " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.minProgramTexelOffset << "\n" << "MaxProgramTexelOffset " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxProgramTexelOffset << "\n" << "MaxClipDistances " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxClipDistances << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountX " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupCountX << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountY " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupCountY << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountZ " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupCountZ << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeX " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeY " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY << "\n" << "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ << "\n" << "MaxComputeUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxComputeTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxComputeImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxComputeAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxVaryingComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVaryingComponents << "\n" << "MaxVertexOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxGeometryInputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryInputComponents << "\n" << "MaxGeometryOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxFragmentInputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentInputComponents << "\n" << "MaxImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs << "\n" << "MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedShaderOutputResources << "\n" << "MaxImageSamples " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxImageSamples << "\n" << "MaxVertexImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxTessControlImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxGeometryImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxFragmentImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxCombinedImageUniforms " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedImageUniforms << "\n" << "MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxGeometryOutputVertices " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryOutputVertices << "\n" << "MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxGeometryUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxGeometryVaryingComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryVaryingComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessControlInputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlInputComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessControlOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxTessControlUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlTotalOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationInputComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationOutputComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationUniformComponents << "\n" << "MaxTessPatchComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessPatchComponents << "\n" << "MaxPatchVertices " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxPatchVertices << "\n" << "MaxTessGenLevel " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessGenLevel << "\n" << "MaxViewports " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxViewports << "\n" << "MaxVertexAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxTessControlAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxGeometryAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxFragmentAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxCombinedAtomicCounters " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedAtomicCounters << "\n" << "MaxAtomicCounterBindings " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxAtomicCounterBindings << "\n" << "MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers << "\n" << "MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxAtomicCounterBufferSize << "\n" << "MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers << "\n" << "MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents << "\n" << "MaxCullDistances " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCullDistances << "\n" << "MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistances " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances << "\n" << "MaxSamples " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxSamples << "\n" << "MaxMeshOutputVerticesNV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshOutputVerticesNV << "\n" << "MaxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV << "\n" << "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV << "\n" << "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV << "\n" << "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV << "\n" << "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV << "\n" << "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV << "\n" << "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV << "\n" << "MaxMeshViewCountNV " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxMeshViewCountNV << "\n" << "MaxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.maxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT << "\n" << "nonInductiveForLoops " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.nonInductiveForLoops << "\n" << "whileLoops " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.whileLoops << "\n" << "doWhileLoops " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.doWhileLoops << "\n" << "generalUniformIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalUniformIndexing << "\n" << "generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing << "\n" << "generalVaryingIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalVaryingIndexing << "\n" << "generalSamplerIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalSamplerIndexing << "\n" << "generalVariableIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalVariableIndexing << "\n" << "generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing " << DefaultTBuiltInResource.limits.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing << "\n" ; return ostream.str(); } void DecodeResourceLimits(TBuiltInResource* resources, char* config) { static const char* delims = " \t\n\r"; size_t pos = 0; std::string configStr(config); while ((pos = configStr.find_first_not_of(delims, pos)) != std::string::npos) { const size_t token_s = pos; const size_t token_e = configStr.find_first_of(delims, token_s); const size_t value_s = configStr.find_first_not_of(delims, token_e); const size_t value_e = configStr.find_first_of(delims, value_s); pos = value_e; // Faster to use compare(), but prefering readability. const std::string tokenStr = configStr.substr(token_s, token_e-token_s); const std::string valueStr = configStr.substr(value_s, value_e-value_s); if (value_s == std::string::npos || ! (valueStr[0] == '-' || isdigit(valueStr[0]))) { printf("Error: '%s' bad .conf file. Each name must be followed by one number.\n", valueStr.c_str()); return; } const int value = std::atoi(valueStr.c_str()); if (tokenStr == "MaxLights") resources->maxLights = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxClipPlanes") resources->maxClipPlanes = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTextureUnits") resources->maxTextureUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTextureCoords") resources->maxTextureCoords = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexAttribs") resources->maxVertexAttribs = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexUniformComponents") resources->maxVertexUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVaryingFloats") resources->maxVaryingFloats = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexTextureImageUnits") resources->maxVertexTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits") resources->maxCombinedTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTextureImageUnits") resources->maxTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentUniformComponents") resources->maxFragmentUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxDrawBuffers") resources->maxDrawBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexUniformVectors") resources->maxVertexUniformVectors = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVaryingVectors") resources->maxVaryingVectors = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentUniformVectors") resources->maxFragmentUniformVectors = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexOutputVectors") resources->maxVertexOutputVectors = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentInputVectors") resources->maxFragmentInputVectors = value; else if (tokenStr == "MinProgramTexelOffset") resources->minProgramTexelOffset = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxProgramTexelOffset") resources->maxProgramTexelOffset = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxClipDistances") resources->maxClipDistances = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountX") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupCountX = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountY") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupCountY = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupCountZ") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupCountZ = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeX") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeY") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ") resources->maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeUniformComponents") resources->maxComputeUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeTextureImageUnits") resources->maxComputeTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeImageUniforms") resources->maxComputeImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeAtomicCounters") resources->maxComputeAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVaryingComponents") resources->maxVaryingComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexOutputComponents") resources->maxVertexOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryInputComponents") resources->maxGeometryInputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryOutputComponents") resources->maxGeometryOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentInputComponents") resources->maxFragmentInputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxImageUnits") resources->maxImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs") resources->maxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources") resources->maxCombinedShaderOutputResources = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxImageSamples") resources->maxImageSamples = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexImageUniforms") resources->maxVertexImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlImageUniforms") resources->maxTessControlImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms") resources->maxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryImageUniforms") resources->maxGeometryImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentImageUniforms") resources->maxFragmentImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedImageUniforms") resources->maxCombinedImageUniforms = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits") resources->maxGeometryTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryOutputVertices") resources->maxGeometryOutputVertices = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents") resources->maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryUniformComponents") resources->maxGeometryUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryVaryingComponents") resources->maxGeometryVaryingComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlInputComponents") resources->maxTessControlInputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlOutputComponents") resources->maxTessControlOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits") resources->maxTessControlTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlUniformComponents") resources->maxTessControlUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents") resources->maxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents") resources->maxTessEvaluationInputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents") resources->maxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits") resources->maxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents") resources->maxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessPatchComponents") resources->maxTessPatchComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxPatchVertices") resources->maxPatchVertices = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessGenLevel") resources->maxTessGenLevel = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxViewports") resources->maxViewports = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexAtomicCounters") resources->maxVertexAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlAtomicCounters") resources->maxTessControlAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters") resources->maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryAtomicCounters") resources->maxGeometryAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentAtomicCounters") resources->maxFragmentAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedAtomicCounters") resources->maxCombinedAtomicCounters = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxAtomicCounterBindings") resources->maxAtomicCounterBindings = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers") resources->maxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize") resources->maxAtomicCounterBufferSize = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers") resources->maxTransformFeedbackBuffers = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents") resources->maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCullDistances") resources->maxCullDistances = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistances") resources->maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxSamples") resources->maxSamples = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshOutputVerticesNV") resources->maxMeshOutputVerticesNV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV") resources->maxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV") resources->maxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV") resources->maxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV") resources->maxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV") resources->maxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV") resources->maxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV") resources->maxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = value; else if (tokenStr == "MaxMeshViewCountNV") resources->maxMeshViewCountNV = value; else if (tokenStr == "nonInductiveForLoops") resources->limits.nonInductiveForLoops = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "whileLoops") resources->limits.whileLoops = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "doWhileLoops") resources->limits.doWhileLoops = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalUniformIndexing") resources->limits.generalUniformIndexing = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing") resources->limits.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalVaryingIndexing") resources->limits.generalVaryingIndexing = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalSamplerIndexing") resources->limits.generalSamplerIndexing = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalVariableIndexing") resources->limits.generalVariableIndexing = (value != 0); else if (tokenStr == "generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing") resources->limits.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing = (value != 0); else printf("Warning: unrecognized limit (%s) in configuration file.\n", tokenStr.c_str()); } } } // end namespace glslang