;******************************************************************************* ;Duckstation Cheat File ;********************** ; ; To edit this file I recommend Notepad++ and set up a user defined language ; for the cheat File as it helps readability. ; ;1. Start any comment lines with a semi-colon, this can be useful to split up ; sections of cheats to improve readability as well as adding comments to ; aid in understanding of the cheats. These comments do not appear in ; Duckstation so remember to keep explanations in cheats for users. Try to ; keep comment lines under 80 characters ; ;2. Cheat Naming conventions for multiplayer games is 'Px Cheat Description' ; where x is the player number. Eg. P1 Infinite Lives. If the cheat is for all ; players or you have only tested it for P1 then don't mention P1 eg ; 'Infinite Lives' ; ;3. Try to order cheats in a logical order if possible, like so: ; * Cheats for all Players for all levels ; * Cheats for P1 for all levels ; * Cheats for P2 for all levels ; * Cheats for P3 for all levels ; * Cheats for P4 for all levels ; * Cheats for all Players for level 1 ; * Cheats for P1 for level 1 ; * Cheats for P2 for level 1 ; * Cheats for P3 for level 1 ; * Cheats for P4 for level 1 ; * Cheats for all Players for level 2 ; * Cheats for P1 for level 2 ; * Cheats for P2 for level 2 ; * Cheats for P3 for level 2 ; * Cheats for P4 for level 2 ; repeat for other levels ; * Cheats that you don't want to appear in the above list, I think this ; should be kept for Debug Mode Cheats, 60FPS Cheats and the like. ; ;4. Cheats should be grouped if possible and worthwhile using the backslash '\' ; character. Especially true for cheats that poke the same address(es) with ; different value(s). This will make the cheat menus easier to skip long ; option lists when you only need to enable one option. ; ;5. Header format: ; ; [ Game Name (Region) (Year) (Publisher) {GAME_ID Numbers} ] ; :GAME_ID1 ; :GAME_ID2 <--repeat as necessary ; ; Well that's the plan anyway....let's see how it tracks out Pugsy, 04 DEC 2020 ; ; ; CODE FORMAT INFORMATION ; *********************** ; ; (address) = the current value stored in the address ; ; 8 Char by 8 Char Code Types (includes 32 bit codes) ; *************************************************** ;* 90XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Constant Write, Poke $80XXXXXX with 0xYYYYYYYY ;* 91XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Constant Bit Set, OR ($80XXXXXX) with 0xYYYYYYYY and Poke ;* 92XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Constant Bit Clear, AND ($80XXXXXX) with !0xYYYYYYYY and Poke ;* A0XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit If Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)==0xYYYYYYYY ;* A1XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit If Not Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)!=0xYYYYYYYY ;* A2XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit If Less Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)<0xYYYYYYYY ;* A3XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit If Greater Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)>0xYYYYYYYY ;* 60XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Increment Once, Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)+0xYYYYYYYY ;* 61XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Decrement Once, Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)-0xYYYYYYYY ;* A5000XXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Scratchpad Constant Write, Poke $1F800XXX with ; YYYYYYYY, where XXX is between 000 & 3FF. ;* A4XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Master Code, if ($XXXXXX) contains 0xYYYYYYYY poke ; 00000000 FFFF all following codes for rest of cheat or until it reaches ; the 00000000 FFFF line. ;* A5000XXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Scratchpad Constant Write, Poke $1F800XXX with ; YYYYYYYY, where XXX is between 000 & 3FF. ;* A4XXXXXX YYYYYYYY - 32-Bit Master Code, if ($XXXXXX) contains 0xYYYYYYYY poke ; 00000000 FFFF all following codes for rest of cheat or until it reaches ; the 00000000 FFFF line. ;* A6XXXXXX YYYYZZZZ - 16-Bit If Equal To Write, if (80XXXXXX)==0xYYYY, Poke ; $80XXXXXX with 0xZZZZ. Single line alternative to a D0,80 ; code which use the same address. ;* A7XXXXXX YYYYZZZZ - 16-Bit If Equal To Write with Restore, if ; (80XXXXXX)==0xYYYY, Poke $80XXXXXX with 0xZZZZ. On ; disabling the cheat if (80XXXXXX)==0xZZZZ, Poke $80YYYYYY ; with 0xYYYY. This can be used for a ASM cheat that has ; poked dynamic memory with less danger of crashing the ; game ;* F0XXXXXX HHSSULLL - 8-Bit Force Range, if (80XXXXXX)<0xLL, Poke $80YYYYYY with ; 0xSS. If (80XXXXXX)>0xUL, Poke $80YYYYYY with 0xHH. ;* F1XXXXXX ULULLLLL - 16-Bit Force Range to Limit, if (80XXXXXX)<0xLLLL, Poke ; $80YYYYYY with 0xLLLL. If (80XXXXXX)>0xULUL, Poke ; $80YYYYYY with 0xULUL. ;* F2XXXXXX ULULLLLL - 16-Bit Force Range to Opposite Limit, if ; (80XXXXXX)<0xLLLL, Poke $80YYYYYY with 0xULUL. If ; (80XXXXXX)>0xULUL, Poke $80YYYYYY with 0xLLLL. ;* F3XXXXXX ULULLLLL - 16-Bit Force Range, if (80XXXXXX)<0xLLLL, Poke $80YYYYYY ; F3000000 HHHHSSSS with 0xSSSS. If (80XXXXXX)>0xULUL, Poke $80YYYYYY with ; 0xHHHH. ; ; ; 16 Bit Code Types ; ***************** ;* 80XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Constant Write, Poke $80XXXXXX with 0xYYYY **COMMON** ;* 81XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Constant Bit Set, OR ($80XXXXXX) with 0xYYYY and Poke ;* 82XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Constant Bit Clear, AND ($80XXXXXX) with !0xYYYY and Poke ;* D0XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit If Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)==0xYYYY ;* D1XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit If Not Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)!=0xYYYY ;* D2XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit If Less Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)<0xYYYY ;* D3XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit If Greater Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)>0xYYYY ;* D4000000 YYYY - 16-Bit Universal Joker, add up the hex values to combine into ; a multi-button joker. ; 0000 Nothing ; 0001 L2 Button ; 0002 R2 Button ; 0004 L1 Button ; 0008 R1 Button ; 0010 Triangle Button ; 0020 Circle Button ; 0040 X Button ; 0080 Square Button ; 0100 Select Button ; 0200 L3 Button ; 0400 R3 Button ; 0800 Start Button ; 1000 Up Direction ; 2000 Right Direction ; 4000 Down Direction ; 8000 Left Direction ;* 10XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Increment Once, Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)+0xYYYY ;* 11XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Decrement Once, Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)-0xYYYY ;* 1F000XXX YYYY - 16-Bit Scratchpad Constant Write, Poke $1F800XXX with YYYY, ; where XXX is between 000 & 3FF. ;* C0XXXXXX YYYY - 16-Bit Master Code, if ($XXXXXX) contains 0xYYYY poke all ; 00000000 FFFF following codes for rest of cheat or until it reaches the ; 00000000 FFFF line. ; ; 8 Bit Code Types ; **************** ;* 30XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit Constant Write, Poke $80XXXXXX with 0xYY **COMMON** ;* 31XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit Constant Bit Set, OR ($80XXXXXX) with 0xYY and Poke ;* 32XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit Constant Bit Clear, AND ($80XXXXXX) with !0xYY and Poke ;* E0XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit If Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)==0xYY ;* E1XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit If Not Equal To, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)!=0xYY ;* E2XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit If Less Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)<0xYY ;* E3XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit If Greater Than, activate next code if (80XXXXXX)>0xYY ;* 20XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit Increment Once, Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)+0xYY ;* 21XXXXXX 00YY - 8-Bit Decrement Once ,Poke $80XXXXXX with ($80XXXXXX)-0xYY ; ; Copy Data Code Types ; ******************** ;* C2XXXXXX YYYY - Copy Memory, copy memory between $80XXXXXX and $80XXXXXX+0xYYYY ;* 80ZZZZZZ 0000 to $80ZZZZZZ ;* 5000PPQQ TTTT - Serial Repeater/Slide, pokes multiple serially increasing ; X0YYYYYY ZZZZ addresses with a possible increasing value. ; poke_size = X0 (30 for byte or 80 for word) ; start_address = YYYYYY ; start_value = ZZZZ ; number_of_addresses = PP (needs to be >02 to be worthwhile) ; address_step = QQ (commonly 01 for type 30, 02 for type 80) ; value_step = TTTT (most commonly 0000) ; ; Other Code Types ; **************** ; These are only needed on hardware when you can't enable & disable codes after ; the game has started without the use of delays or global jokers. They are ; supported by Duckstation but ideally dont use them if you can help it. ;* C1XXXXXX YYYY - Activate Codes On Delay ;* D5000000 YYYY - 16-Bit All Codes On ;* D6000000 YYYY - 16-Bit All Codes Off ; ;******************************************************************************* ; [ 007 Racing (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01300, SLUS-01300CE} <007rcng> ] :SLUS-01300 :SLUS-01300CE #Play game at 60 FPS E006ABB0 0003 3006ABB0 0001 #Infinite Health 8005DF0A 0000 #Stop Timer D00CFDEA AC85 800CFDEA 2400 #Unlock All Missions + Movies 8003DA7E 0101 8003DA80 0101 8003DA82 0101 8003DA84 0101 8003DA86 0101 8003DA88 0101 #Infinite Ammo (On Pickup) D00C1C7A ACC2 800C1C7A 2400 #Infinite Shields (On Pickup) D00C1C12 AC82 800C1C12 2400 #Max Score 8005E240 E0FF 8005E242 05F5 #Press R1 For All Weapons C003C1FA F7FF 8005E9CC 03E8 8005E9D0 000A 8005E9D4 0005 8005E9D8 0078 8005E9DC 000A 8005E9E0 1000 8005E9F0 0064 8005E9F4 0001 8005E9F8 000A 8005E9FC 0064 8005EA00 0001 8005EA08 0001 8005EA0C 00B4 00000000 FFFF ; [ 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00975, SLUS-00975CE, SLUS-00975GH} <007tnd> ] :SLUS-00975 :SLUS-00975CE :SLUS-00975GH #Infinite Lives 8001E096 0063 #Infinite Pk7 Ammo 800EA846 000F #Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo 800EA8B2 000F #Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 800EA916 000F #Infinite Medikits 800EA9DC 0007 #Invincibility (All Missions):With this cheat, you need to die once first to activate it D0025882 A020 80025882 2400 #Unlock All Missions 50000A01 0000 3001E240 0001 #Unlock All Movies 50000A01 0000 3001E07F 0001 #Level 1 Infinite Energy 80118079 0258 801F7A2D 0258 #Level 2 Infinite Energy 801008AD 0258 #Level 3 Infinite Energy 801F2835 0258 #Level 4 Infinite Energy 801F30DD 0258 #Level 5 Infinite Energy 801F484D 0258 #Level 6 Infinite Energy 801F4AA5 0258 #Level 7 Infinite Energy 801F6575 0258 #Level 8 Infinite Energy 801F3705 0249 #Level 9 Infinite Energy 801F3555 0258 #Level 10 Infinite Energy 801F30DD 0266 ; [ 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01272, SLUS-01272GH} <007twine> ] :SLUS-01272 :SLUS-01272GH #Infinite Ammo 30073D3D 0001 #Invincibility 80073A04 0001 30073D3A 0001 #All Cheats Unlocked 8001F16A FFFF #All Weapons 30073D38 0001 #Unlock All Missions + Movies 50001A01 0000 3001F2D2 0001 #Unlock Secret Win Game Movie 8001F28E 0002 ; [ Thousand Arms (USA) (1999) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-00845 / SLUS-00858} <1000arms> ] :SLUS-00845 :SLUS-00858 #Infinite Energy In Battle Character 1 800BE024 270F 800BE026 270F #Infinite EP In Battle Character 1 800BE028 03E7 800BE02A 03E7 #Infinite Energy In Battle Character 2 800BE034 270F 800BE036 270F #Infinite EP In Battle Character 2 800BE038 03E7 800BE03A 03E7 #Infinite Energy In Battle Character 3 800BE044 270F 800BE046 270F #Infinite EP In Battle Character 3 800BE048 03E7 800BE04A 03E7 #Infinite Gg 8005FA50 FFFF #Max MP 8005F8A8 EA60 #All Items 5000C614 0000 300510B6 0063 #Call Save Damashi Anytime C005B1C8 0F00 8009B124 0001 8009B126 0000 8005FA1C 000D 00000000 FFFF ; [ Disney's 101 Dalmatians II - Patch's London Adventure (USA) (2003) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01574} <101dalm2> ] :SLUS-01574 #Infinite Health 80092E4C 0064 #Start With 100 Lives D0092E50 0003 80092E50 0064 #Have 99 bones 80093318 0063 #Have rescued 99 puppies (0-99) 80093320 0063 ; [ Disney's 102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01152} <102dalm> ] :SLUS-01152 #Infinite Lives 8001DB40 2400 #Infinite Health 8001DF94 2400 #Have All Puppies Found 8007E1AC 0006 #Have All Bones Found 8007E23C 0064 #Unlock All Levels + Mini-Games 8007E5F8 001F #6 Puppies Rescued 8007CB1C 0006 8007E1AC 0006 #Press L2+R2 To Save Anywhere D00B29B2 FCFF 8007E678 0005 #Unlock All Stickers 8007E22C FFFF 8007E22E FFFF 8007E230 FFFF 8007E232 FFFF 8007E234 FFFF 8007E236 FFFF 8007E238 FFFF 8007E23A FFFF #Perfect Minigolf 80169BAC 0001 80169C10 0001 8016A104 0001 8016ABC4 0001 ; [ Ten Pin Alley (USA) (1996) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00377} <10pin> ] :SLUS-00377 #Always Aim For The Middle Of The Lane 800AF080 00D0 800AF370 00D0 #Always In 1st Frame 8012DB6A 0000 #Angle Always In The Middle 80124828 0009 ;The following cheats made by Phil the Hammer ;With these cheats, use these cheats ONLY ;in player-creation mode or the game will ;freeze. Give all created players max ;height, weight.etc. to create supermen. ;This does not ruin the game, but it ;DOES make your team quite superior. #Player-Creation\Max Acc 8015FF5C 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Agi 8015FF58 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Awr 8015FF5E 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Btk 8015FF6C 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Car 8015FF62 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Cth 8015FF60 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Imp 8015FF70 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Kac 8015FF6A 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Kpw 8015FF68 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Pbk 8015FF72 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Rbk 8015FF74 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Spd 8015FF5A 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Str 8015FF56 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Tak 8015FF6E 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Tha 8015FF66 0064 #Player-Creation\Max Thp 8015FF64 0064 ; [ 1Xtreme (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94503} <1xtreme> ] :SCUS-94503 #Always Come In 1st Place 8007B1D0 0000 #All cars gets 100 mph 8007AB6A 0086 #All cars with higher accelerations 8007AB4C 0250 #Always 60 mph 8007B1A2 0050 #Infinite Energy 8007A270 0500 8007AB50 0500 #Infinite Money 801E9014 09D8 #Stop Timer 80043C3C 0000 ; [ 2Xtreme (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94508} <2xtreme> ] :SCUS-94508 #P1 1st Place After Race 8007D4CC 0000 #2 P1's Speed is Always Max 8007D490 00FF #Race Time is 0.000:DON'T fall off of your skateboard! 80043E3C 0000 #Character Creation Cheats\Max Muscle 80130004 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Endurance 8012FE2C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Speed 8012FC54 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Reflexes 8012FA7C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Tricks 8012F8A4 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Skateboarding 8012F6CC 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Inlineskating 8012F4F4 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Snowboarding 8012F31C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Mountainbiking 8012F144 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Handling (Skate Board) 8012EF6C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Acceleration (Skate Board) 8012ED94 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Top Speed (Skate Board) 8012EBBC 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Handling (Inline Skates) 8012E9E4 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Acceleration (Inline Skates) 8012E80C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Top Speed (Inline Skates) 8012E634 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Handling (Snow Board) 8012E45C 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Acceleration (Snow Board) 8012E284 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Top Speed (Snow Board) 8012E0AC 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Handling (Mountain Bike) 8012DED4 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Acceleration (Mountain Bike) 8012DCFC 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Max Top Speed (Mountain Bike) 8012DB24 00FF #Character Creation Cheats\Can Max Out All Character Creation Attributes 8002B4EE 2400 ; [ 3D Baseball (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00066} <3dbball> ] :SLUS-00066 #Infinite Strikes 300B5924 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D00B5924 0000 300B5924 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D00B5924 0000 300B5924 0001 #Infinite Balls 300B5923 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk D00B5922 0000 300B5923 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk D00B5922 0000 300B5923 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk D00B5922 0000 300B5923 0001 #Infinite Outs 300B5925 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out D00B5924 0000 300B5925 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D00B5924 0000 300B5925 0001 #Select Home Team Score\99 800B592C 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800B592C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800B592E 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800B592E 0000 ; [ 3D Lemmings (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94601} <3dlemmin> ] :SCUS-94601 #Infinite Blockers 30113794 0005 #Infinite Turners 30113795 0005 #Infinite Bombers 30113796 0005 #Infinite Builders 30113797 0005 #Infinite Bashers 30113798 0005 #Infinite Miners 30113799 0005 #Infinite Diggers 3011379A 0005 #Infinite Climbers 3011379B 0005 #Infinite Floaters 3011379C 0005 #Select Perm. Release Rate\99 80089F14 0063 #Select Perm. Release Rate\50 80089F14 0032 #Select Perm. Release Rate\10 80089F14 000A #Select Perm. Release Rate\1 80089F14 0001 #Select Perm. Minimum Release Rate\99 80107336 0063 #Select Perm. Minimum Release Rate\50 80107336 0032 #Select Perm. Minimum Release Rate\10 80107336 000A #Select Perm. Minimum Release Rate\1 80107336 0001 #All Lemmings Accounted For 8010733A 0000 #Rescued Lemmings Modifier Beat levels by entering the amounts of Lemmings you need to rescue(Selected 5) 80089F34 0005 ; [ The Three Stooges (USA) (2003) (Metro3D) {SLUS-01486} <3stooges> ] :SLUS-01486 #Infinite Money 8013EAC4 FFFF ; [ 3Xtreme (USA) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94231} <3xtreme> ] :SCUS-94231 #P1 Infinite Freestyle Time 80143BD0 2400 #P2 Infinite Freestyle Time 801430B8 2400 #Fake Always First 8014E0B8 0001 #Max Tournament/Race Points 300104E0 0063 30010224 00FF #Max Points To Buy Equipment:Do not activate cheat 'Max Points to Buy Equipment' together with cheats 'Have all characters' and 'Have all equipments for all characters', because they don't work together. First activate the #have all characters and their equipments#, save the game, then activate the #infinite points to buy equipment# cheat and then buy all the equipment. And then there you go! 8001010A 00FF #Have All Characters:Do not activate cheat 'Max Points to Buy Equipment' together with cheats 'Have all characters' and 'Have all equipments for all characters', because they don't work together. First activate the #have all characters and their equipments#, save the game, then activate the #infinite points to buy equipment# cheat and then buy all the equipment. And then there you go! 50001401 0000 30010072 0001 #Have All Equipments For All Characters:Do not activate cheat 'Max Points to Buy Equipment' together with cheats 'Have all characters' and 'Have all equipments for all characters', because they don't work together. First activate the #have all characters and their equipments#, save the game, then activate the #infinite points to buy equipment# cheat and then buy all the equipment. And then there you go! 50005701 0000 300100A6 0001 ; [ 40 Winks (USA) (1999) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00874} <40winks> ] :SLUS-00874 #Infinite Lives 80013352 2400 #Infinite Zzzs 8001326E 2400 #Infinite Air 8002B8CE 2400 #Infinite Moons 8003280E 2400 #Max Cogs 800B06AA 0064 #Have All Dreamkeys 50000C02 0000 8009059C FFFF #All Levels Unlocked 50000202 0000 80090596 FFFF #Have All Winks 50000302 0000 8009058C FFFF ; [ The Fifth Element (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00711} <5element> ] :SLUS-00711 #Timer Zero 8000D554 0000 8000D556 0000 #Infinite Lives 801FFF46 0009 #Infinite Health D0060B2C 8385 80060B2C 8387 D0060B60 8385 80060B60 8387 D00526AA 0C01 800526AA 2400 #Infinite Shield 800DD54C 00FF 801FFF96 0001 #All Films On 300320FD 0001 #All Objects On 300320FC 0001 #All Weapons On 3003211F 0001 #Always Have Cheat Menu 301FFF56 007F #100% Items Found 800E44F0 FFFF 800E44F2 FFFF #100% Secrets Found C00A6EB2 FCFF 301184DD 0082 301184DE 0084 00000000 FFFF ; [ Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (USA, v1.1) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00190} ] :SLUS-00190 #Have 99 Escapes 80082240 0063 #Zero Casualties 8008223E 0000 #Instant Takeover 8008220C FFFF #Bullet Proof Abe This cheat allows you to take over a guards body the instant you start chanting, no delay. Also with this cheat turn the game shark off when you come to a bird portal. After you send you escapees through the portal turn the shark back on. D0028868 00F4 80028868 0000 #Invincibility 80082256 0001 #Press L1+Triangle to Save Mudokons On The Spot 8004DED8 1D80 8004DEDA 0C00 80007600 0000 80007602 80A2 80007604 004B 80007606 3403 80007608 0007 8000760A 1443 8000760C 00F4 8000760E 80A2 80007610 0004 80007612 3403 80007614 0004 80007616 1443 80007618 0001 8000761A 3403 8000761C 00AC 8000761E ACA3 80007620 002C 80007622 3403 80007624 00F4 80007626 A0A3 80007628 000C 8000762A 8CA2 8000762C 0014 8000762E 8C42 80007630 0008 80007632 03E0 ; [ Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (USA, v1.0) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00190} ] :SLUS-00190 #Have 99 Escapes 80082170 0063 #Zero Casualties 8008216E 0000 #Instant Takeover 8008213C FFFF #Bullet Proof Abe This cheat allows you to take over a guards body the instant you start chanting, no delay. Also with this cheat turn the game shark off when you come to a bird portal. After you send you escapees through the portal turn the shark back on. D0028868 00F4 80028868 0000 #Invincibility 80082186 0001 #Press L1+Triangle to Save Mudokons On The Spot 8004DED8 1D80 8004DEDA 0C00 80007600 0000 80007602 80A2 80007604 004B 80007606 3403 80007608 0007 8000760A 1443 8000760C 00F4 8000760E 80A2 80007610 0004 80007612 3403 80007614 0004 80007616 1443 80007618 0001 8000761A 3403 8000761C 00AC 8000761E ACA3 80007620 002C 80007622 3403 80007624 00F4 80007626 A0A3 80007628 000C 8000762A 8CA2 8000762C 0014 8000762E 8C42 80007630 0008 80007632 03E0 ; [ Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00710 / SLUS-00731} ] :SLUS-00710 :SLUS-00731 #All 300 Modokons Saved 8007E43A 012C #Instant Possession Press L1+L2 D007E4B0 0005 8007E3F8 FFFF #Have Zero Casualties 8007E438 0000 #Immune To Fleeches And Gunfire 801F3618 00B3 #Always Invisible 801F3604 00A0 #Extra Escapees 800B2D38 0005 #No Casualties 800B4784 0000 #Invincibility 8007E452 0001 ; [ Ace Combat 2 (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00404} ] :SLUS-00404 #Have A-4 Plane 30010C44 0001 #Have F-4 Plane 30010C45 0001 #Have Cf-C7 Plane 30010C46 0001 #Have A-6 Plane 30010C47 0001 #Have F-16 Plane 30010C48 0001 #Have X-29 Plane 30010C49 0001 #Have A-10 Plane 30010C4A 0001 #Have Mig-29 Plane 30010C4B 0001 #Have F-14 Plane 30010C4C 0001 #Have F-117A Plane 30010C4D 0001 #Have R-Mo1 Plane 30010C4E 0001 #Have Ef-2000 Plane 30010C4F 0001 #Have F/A-18E Plane 30010C50 0001 #Have Su-35 Plane 30010C51 0001 #Have Yf-23A Plane 30010C52 0001 #Have F-22 Plane 30010C53 0001 #Infinite Money 80010C1C 9676 80010C1E 0098 #Rapid Fire For Missiles 8002C464 0000 8002C466 0000 80032BAC 0000 80032BAE 0000 #Can't Die From Hitting The Ground 8002F748 0000 8002F74A 0000 #Infinite Missiles Alternate 8002CAA8 0000 8002CAAA 0000 #Infinite Health 8002C334 000F 8002C336 3241 8002C33A 2400 8002C33C 001A 8002C33E 1020 #Infinite Fuel 8003936C 2400 8003936E 82AC #Infinite Missiles 8018887C 0063 #Extra Planes 50000802 0000 80010C44 0101 ; [ Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (USA) (1999) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00972} ] :SLUS-00972 #Plane Never Takes Damage 800710BA 2400 80071016 2400 80070E36 2400 #Infinite Normal (Ground Range) Missiles 800705CA 2400 #Rapid Fire Missiles 800704D4 0001 #Unlock Music Player 800BE624 0007 #Infinite M.R.I.V. Missiles 80070872 2400 #Infinite Short Range Missiles 8007072A 2400 #Have All Planes + Weapons 50000A02 0000 800BE66C 0101 50000A02 0000 800BE62C 0101 50000702 0000 800BE6A8 0101 #Stop Regular Timer 80052F06 2400 ; [ Aces of the Air (USA) (2002) (A1 Games) {SLUS-01470} ] :SLUS-01470 #Invincibility 800E0078 0DEF #Unlock All Missions 800E0018 000A #Unlock All Missions Alt (Press L1,L2,R1,R2) D00C8DF2 F0FF 800E0018 000A #Infinite Rockets 800E02D2 0900 ; [ Action Bass (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01248} ] :SLUS-01248 #Stop/Start Timer (Press Select+R1/Select+R2 D00677E0 0108 80093AF2 2400 D00677E0 0102 80093AF2 AC43 #Press Select+L2 To Have A Fish On The Hook C00677E0 0101 800C9198 0003 800C9D00 9D14 800C9D02 8015 00000000 FFFF #Open All Areas And The Extra Option 3006F463 0001 #Infinite Time 800CFDE0 2955 #Lure Action Always At Lowest 800C9190 0000 #Line Tension Always At Lowest 800C9200 0000 #Max Weight Total 800CFDF8 FFFF 800CFDFA 0FFF #Debug Menu (press Select) C009564C 0100 80088130 0100 30088144 0000 00000000 FFFF #Enable Aquarium 3006F454 0001 #Unlock Buzz Bait Lure 3006F45F 0001 #Unlock Crank Bait Lure 3006F45E 0001 #Unlock Lucky Usachan Lure 3006F462 0001 #Unlock Noisy Lure 3006F461 0001 #Unlock Rubber Jig Lure 3006F460 0001 ; [ Action Man - Operation Extreme (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00887} ] :SLUS-00887 #Have All Points And Unlock Everything 50009002 0000 800B3000 FFFF #City Streets\Infinite Health 8011698C 03E8 #Desert Base\Infinite Health 801C12FC 03E8 #City Skies\Infinite Health 8010206E 03E8 #Island Base\Infinite Health 801C0CF0 03E8 #Ice Flow\Infinite Health 801338FA 03E8 #Ice Base\Infinite Health 801C1570 03E8 ; [ Activision Classics (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00777GH} ] :SLUS-00777 :SLUS-00777GH #Hero - Infinite Lives, Bombs, and power:L2- on R2- off turn on at the start of the level turn off to go to the next level C008F96C FEFF 800362FC 0074 800362FE 0800 00000000 FFFF C008F96C FDFF 800362FC 0008 800362FE 03E0 00000000 FFFF 800001D0 0406 800001D2 3407 800001D4 0032 800001D6 A707 800001D8 0051 800001DA 3407 800001DC 0008 800001DE 03E0 800001E0 002B 800001E2 A307 #Keystone Capers - Infinite Time:L2- on R2- off turn on at the start of the level turn off to go to the next level C008F96C FEFF 800357F4 0068 800357F6 0800 00000000 FFFF C008F96C FDFF 800357F4 0008 800357F6 03E0 00000000 FFFF 800001A0 0080 800001A2 3407 800001A4 0008 800001A6 03E0 800001A8 001D 800001AA A307 ; [ Adidas Power Soccer (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94502} ] :SCUS-94502 #Select Home Team Score\9 Goals 800DAC4E 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 Goals 800DAC4E 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 Goals 800DAC50 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 Goals 800DAC50 0000 ; [ Adidas Power Soccer 98 (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00547} ] ;:SLUS-00547 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Air Combat (USA) (1995) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00001} ] :SLUS-00001 #Infinite Money 8001013C FFFF #Max Money 8001013C 967F 8001013E 0098 #Infinite Ammo/Missiles 800EEB0C 0040 #Infinite Guns 300EEB10 0027 #Infinite Fuel 800EEB00 8FFF #Invincibility 800EEA2C 00C8 #Invincibility Alternate 800EEA2C 0190 ; [ Air Hockey (USA) (2002) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01467} ] :SLUS-01467 #Player score = 99 8009CF00 0063 #Opponent score = 0 8009CF06 0000 ; [ Akuji the Heartless (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00715} ] :SLUS-00715 #Play game at 60 FPS D0055FBA 1440 80055FBA 1400 #Invincibility 800BA746 06CA #Infinite Spells On Pick-Up 800BA744 0010 #Infinite Health D006981E A4C2 8006981E 2400 #Extra Spell Ammo 80091C24 0001 #Enable All Levels 800C4704 000F #Infinite Lives 80080346 2400 #Have Debug Option In Pause Menu 300BA742 000C ; [ Alien Resurrection (USA) (2000) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00633} ] :SLUS-00633 #Infinite Health 8010D620 2400 #Infinite Large Medipacks 8011BCE8 0009 #Timer Stopped 8005C356 0000 #Have All Keycards 8011BCEA 0001 8011BCEC 0001 8011BCEE 0001 8011BCF0 0001 8011BCF2 0001 8011BCF4 0001 8011BCF6 0001 #Cheat Menu Enabled 30096BE0 0001 #Research Enabled 3009BBDF 0001 ; [ Alien Trilogy (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00007} ] :SLUS-00007 #Infinite Energy 8009A040 03E7 #Infinite Armor 8009A042 03E7 #Infinite Charge Grenades 8009A058 03E7 #Infinite Handgun Bullets 8009A046 03E7 #Infinite Shotgun Bullets 8009A04A 03E7 #Infinite Flame Thrower Rounds 8009A052 03E7 #Infinite Pulse Riffle Rounds 8009A04C 03E7 #Infinite Pulse Rifle Grenades 8009A050 03E7 #Infinite Smart Gun Rounds 8009A054 03E7 #Infinite Batteries 8009A05A 03E7 #Infinite Boots 8009A044 03E7 #Have Shotgun 8008F33E 0029 #Have Flame Thrower 8008F34A 0029 #Have Pulse Rifle 8008F342 0029 #Have Smart Gun 8008F346 0029 #Have Auto Mapper 8009A03C 03E7 #Rapid Firer 8009A024 0001 #Infinite Shoulder Lights 8009A05C 0014 #Infinite Night Vision 8009A060 0014 #Have Cheat Option (Main Menu) 8008CDA8 0380 ; [ Allied General (USA) (1996) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00303} ] :SLUS-00303 #Infinite Prestige 800F0ACC FFFF #Infinite Turns (Both Sides) 8008C15C 090A ; [ Alone in the Dark - One-Eyed Jack's Revenge (USA) (1996) (Kokopeli Digital Studios) {SLUS-00239} ] :SLUS-00239 #Infinite Energy Level 1 801E65BC 0032 #Infinite Revolver Ammo 80110AD6 0006 #Infinite Thompson Ammo 80110AD8 001E #Infinite Thompson Ammo (Alt) 801EA39C 03E7 #Infinite Pistol Ammo (Alt) 801EA3AE 03E7 ; [ Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01201 / SLUS-01377} ] :SLUS-01201 :SLUS-01377 #Infinite Health(Both Players) 801450D8 0064 #Infinite Ammo-Revolver 801452C8 000A #Infinite Ammo-Grenade Launcher 80145300 0005 #Infinite Ammo-Rocket Launcher 801452E8 0003 #Enable Cheat Mode:Press Triangle to access your inventory to use the Cheat Mode option. If you want to save or load your game at any time, press Select. To view the build information for the game, pause and hold L2 300C3404 0002 #God Mode 800BA64C 0004 #Infinite Ammo 800BA64C 0080 #All Item 800BA64C 0020 #Infinite Medikits 800BA64C 0040 ; [ Alundra (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00553G, SLUS-00553H} ] :SLUS-00553 :SLUS-00553G :SLUS-00553H #Infinite Health With Max Health 801AC4AC 0032 801AC4B0 0032 #Moon Jump:The longer you hold down the X button the higher you will go. Tap the D pad in mid air to change direction. E01DD7E8 0040 801AC552 0003 #Invincibility 801AC664 004E #Infinite Money (Gilder) 801DD5C4 270F #Have All Keys 801DD6C4 0063 801DD6F4 0001 801DD6FC 0001 #Infinite Magic 801DD5C0 0004 801DD5C2 0004 #Have The Bow 801DD5E8 0001 #Have The Spirit Wand 801DD5EC 0001 #Have The Legendary Sword 801DD5F0 0001 #Have The Iron Flail 801DD5F4 0001 #Have The Steel Flail 801DD5F8 0001 #Have The Ice Wand 801DD608 0001 #Have The Fire Wand 801DD610 0001 #Have 99 Gilded Falcons 801DD5CA 0063 #Have Bomb 801DD65C 0001 #Infinite Herbs 801DD660 0009 #Get Strength Elixir Now! 801DD664 0001 #Get Magic Elixir Now! 801DD668 0001 #Get Wonder Essence Now! 801DD66C 0001 #Get Aqua Cape Now! 801DD670 0001 #Get Earth Scroll Now! 801DD67C 0001 #Get Earth Book Now! 801DD680 0001 #Get Water Scroll Now! 801DD684 0001 #Get Water Book Now! 801DD688 0001 #Get Fire Scroll Now! 801DD68C 0001 #Get Fire Book Now! 801DD690 0001 #Get Wind Scroll Now! 801DD694 0001 #Get Wind Book Now! 801DD698 0001 #Get Olga's Ring Now! 801DD69C 0001 #Get Oak's Ring Now! 801DD6A0 0001 #Get Silver Armlet Now! 801DD6A4 0001 #Get Nava's Charm Now! 801DD6A8 0001 #Get Recover Ring Now! 801DD6AC 0001 #Get Refresher Now! 801DD6B0 0001 #Get Secret Pass Now! 801DD6B4 0001 #Get Power Glove Now! 801DD6BC 0001 #Get Elevator Key Now! 801DD6C0 0001 #Get Ruby Crest Now! 801DD6C8 0001 #Get Sapphire Crest Now! 801DD6CC 0001 #Get Topaz Crest Now! 801DD6D0 0001 #Get Agate Crest Now! 801DD6D4 0001 #Get Garnet Crest Now! 801DD6D8 0001 #Get Emerald Crest Now! 801DD6DC 0001 #Get Bouquet Now! 801DD6F8 0001 #Get Leather Armor Now! 801DD618 0001 #Get Ancient Armor Now! 801DD61C 0001 #Get Silver Armor Now! 801DD620 0001 #Get Long Boots Now! 801DD638 0001 #Get Merman Boots Now! 801DD63C 0001 #Get Charm Boots Now! 801DD640 0001 #Get Spring Bean Now! 801DD64C 0001 #Get Sand Cape Now! 801DD650 0001 #Get Broken Armor Now! 801DD654 0001 #Mega Jump D01DD7E8 0040 801AC5B6 0400 #Opens Three Doors At Imp Temple 801DD16C 0400 801DD16E 0011 #6/8 Warp Gates Open 801DD186 00FF ; [ Alundra 2 - A New Legend Begins (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01017} ] :SLUS-01017 #Infinite Health With Max Health 80067710 03E7 80067712 03E7 #Infinite Money 80067704 FFFF #Moon Jump E0081BFA 00BF 8011D64C 8BA8 E0081BFA 00BD 8011D64C 8BA8 #Max Money 80067704 423F 80067706 000F #All Shops Have Infinite Items In Stock 50000E20 0000 300674E5 00FF 50000E20 0000 800674E6 FFFF 50000E20 0000 800674E8 FFFF 50000E20 0000 800674EA FFFF 50000E20 0000 800674EC FFFF 50000E20 0000 800674EE FFFF 50000E20 0000 800674F0 FFFF 50000E20 0000 300674F2 00FF #Infinite Wonder Orb 3006743F 0009 #Infinite Herbs 30067440 0009 #Infinite Compass 30067441 0009 #Infinite Tonic 30067442 0009 #Infinite Elixir 30067443 0009 #Infinite Panacea 30067444 0009 #Infinite Lorien Nuts 30067445 0009 #Infinite Grapes Of Eru 30067446 0009 #Infinite Round Key (Special Item) 30067447 0009 #Infinite Triangle Key (Special Item) 30067448 0009 #Infinite Ticket (Special Item) 30067449 0009 #Infinite Bone Dart (Special Item) 3006744C 0009 #Infinite Goo Goo Bird (Special Item) 3006744D 0009 #Infinite Puzzle Piece 30067450 0009 #Infinite Elf Ring 30067452 0009 #Infinite SP Elf Ring 30067453 0009 #Infinite Guard Ring 30067454 0009 #Infinite SP Guard Ring 30067455 0009 #Infinite Amulet 30067456 0009 #Infinite Elemental Ring 30067458 0009 #Infinite Elemental Charm 30067459 0009 #Infinite Crimson Cape (Special Item) 3006745A 0009 #All Items 50001B01 0000 3006743F 0009 #Infinite Gray Coins (The Races Vs Bull) 801C72C0 0063 #Infinite Tonic (The Races Vs Bull) 801C72BC 0009 #Infinite Gold Coins (The Races Vs Bull) 801C72B8 0063 #Infinite Dungeon Keys (The Races Vs Bull) 3006744F 0009 ; [ Alundra (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00553} ] :SLUS-00553 #Infinite Health With Max Health 801AC4AC 0032 801AC4B0 0032 #Moon Jump:The longer you hold down the X button the higher you will go. Tap the D pad in mid air to change direction. E01DD7E8 0040 801AC552 0003 #Invincibility 801AC664 004E #Infinite Money (Gilder) 801DD5C4 270F #Have All Keys 801DD6C4 0063 801DD6F4 0001 801DD6FC 0001 #Infinite Magic 801DD5C0 0004 801DD5C2 0004 #Have The Bow 801DD5E8 0001 #Have The Spirit Wand 801DD5EC 0001 #Have The Legendary Sword 801DD5F0 0001 #Have The Iron Flail 801DD5F4 0001 #Have The Steel Flail 801DD5F8 0001 #Have The Ice Wand 801DD608 0001 #Have The Fire Wand 801DD610 0001 #Have 99 Gilded Falcons 801DD5CA 0063 #Have Bomb 801DD65C 0001 #Infinite Herbs 801DD660 0009 #Get Strength Elixir Now! 801DD664 0001 #Get Magic Elixir Now! 801DD668 0001 #Get Wonder Essence Now! 801DD66C 0001 #Get Aqua Cape Now! 801DD670 0001 #Get Earth Scroll Now! 801DD67C 0001 #Get Earth Book Now! 801DD680 0001 #Get Water Scroll Now! 801DD684 0001 #Get Water Book Now! 801DD688 0001 #Get Fire Scroll Now! 801DD68C 0001 #Get Fire Book Now! 801DD690 0001 #Get Wind Scroll Now! 801DD694 0001 #Get Wind Book Now! 801DD698 0001 #Get Olga's Ring Now! 801DD69C 0001 #Get Oak's Ring Now! 801DD6A0 0001 #Get Silver Armlet Now! 801DD6A4 0001 #Get Nava's Charm Now! 801DD6A8 0001 #Get Recover Ring Now! 801DD6AC 0001 #Get Refresher Now! 801DD6B0 0001 #Get Secret Pass Now! 801DD6B4 0001 #Get Power Glove Now! 801DD6BC 0001 #Get Elevator Key Now! 801DD6C0 0001 #Get Ruby Crest Now! 801DD6C8 0001 #Get Sapphire Crest Now! 801DD6CC 0001 #Get Topaz Crest Now! 801DD6D0 0001 #Get Agate Crest Now! 801DD6D4 0001 #Get Garnet Crest Now! 801DD6D8 0001 #Get Emerald Crest Now! 801DD6DC 0001 #Get Bouquet Now! 801DD6F8 0001 #Get Leather Armor Now! 801DD618 0001 #Get Ancient Armor Now! 801DD61C 0001 #Get Silver Armor Now! 801DD620 0001 #Get Long Boots Now! 801DD638 0001 #Get Merman Boots Now! 801DD63C 0001 #Get Charm Boots Now! 801DD640 0001 #Get Spring Bean Now! 801DD64C 0001 #Get Sand Cape Now! 801DD650 0001 #Get Broken Armor Now! 801DD654 0001 #Mega Jump D01DD7E8 0040 801AC5B6 0400 #Opens Three Doors At Imp Temple 801DD16C 0400 801DD16E 0011 #6/8 Warp Gates Open 801DD186 00FF ; [ Army Men - Air Attack (USA) (1999) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00913, SLUS-00913CE} ] :SLUS-00913 :SLUS-00913CE #Open All The Copters E00EB1D3 0001 300EB1D3 0004 #Open All The Copilots E00EB1D4 0003 300EB1D4 0005 #Open All Missions E00EB1D2 0001 300EB1D2 0010 #Infinite Health P1 + 2 8003BA66 2400 #Infinite Health P1 Only 8003BA50 0100 8003BA52 3221 8003BA5C 0002 8003BA5E 1020 #Infinite Health P2 Only 8003BA50 0100 8003BA52 3221 8003BA5C 0002 8003BA5E 1420 #nfinite Ammo All Weapons 80050642 2400 ; [ Army Men - Air Attack 2 (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01132} ] :SLUS-01132 #Extra Health Level 1 D01C6752 0011 801C6752 00FF #Extra Health Level 2 D01CB586 0011 801CB586 00FF #Extra Health Level 3 D01CC05A 0011 801CC05A 00FF #Extra Health Level 4 D01CB452 0011 801CB452 00FF #Extra Health Level 5 + 6 D01CC65E 0011 801CC65E 00FF ; [ Army Men - World War - Final Front (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01327} ] :SLUS-01327 #Always have Bazooka 300F0958 0063 #Always have Binoculars 300F095F 0001 #Always have Dynamite 300F095B 0063 #Always have Flamethrower 300F0959 0063 #Always have Grenades 300F0956 0063 #Always have Land Mine 300F095C 0063 #Always have Machine Gun 300F095A 0063 #Always have Medpaks 300F095D 0063 #Always have Mine Detector 300F095E 0001 #Always have Rocket Launcher 300F0957 0063 #Infinite Health (Enemies Too) D0058AE8 0040 80058AEE 2400 D00591DC 6480 800591E2 2400 ; [ Army Men - Green Rogue (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01330} ] :SLUS-01330 #Infinite Lives 800EDDEC 0063 #Unlock All Levels 800EDB4E 0001 #Infinite Health D005BF94 6FED 8005BF9A 2400 D005C604 718A 8005C60A 2400 #Max Weapon 300EE110 0003 #Max Grenades 300EE111 0003 ; [ Army Men - World War - Land, Sea, Air (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01203} ] :SLUS-01203 #Infinite Health Incuded Enemies 8005B9FE 2400 #Infinite Health Kits 300EF2B8 0064 #Boot Camp\Infinite Health 801983C0 0210 #Mission One\Infinite Health 80193FCC 0210 #Mission 2\Infinite Health 80195C14 0210 #Mission 2 Jeep\Infinite Health 80195D84 2410 #Mission 3\Infinite Health 80199D68 0210 #Have All Weapons + Items 50000901 0000 300EF2B1 0064 ; [ Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01202} ] :SLUS-01202 #Infinite Health 80127ACC 0001 #All Levels Unlocked 80127B28 0002 80127B2C 0004 #Have All Weapons + Ammo 50001002 0000 8013672A FFFF 50000D04 0000 80136750 0001 80136788 0001 8013678C 0001 ; [ Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00914} ] :SLUS-00914 #Infinite Health E006DBA8 0028 30107814 00FF #Infinite Health (Partner) E006D3AC 0028 3010CEB4 00FF #Unlock All Missions E00F85B0 0000 300F85B0 0002 E00F85B4 0000 300F85B4 0005 #Infinite Timer (Boot Camp) D00DF6B8 0373 800DF6B8 0367 #All Weapons + Infinite Ammo 80120430 5230 80120432 8014 80120434 52E0 80120436 8014 80120438 5390 8012043A 8014 8012043C 5440 8012043E 8014 80120440 54F0 80120442 8014 8012045C 55A0 8012045E 8014 80120460 5650 80120462 8014 80144D62 FFFF 80145230 0001 80145232 FFFF 8014523C 0002 8014524C 76EC 8014524E 8010 801452E0 0001 801452E2 FFFF 801452EC 0003 801452FC 76EC 801452FE 8010 80145390 0001 80145392 FFFF 8014539C 0004 801453AC 76EC 801453AE 8010 80145440 0001 80145442 FFFF 8014544C 0005 8014545C 76EC 8014545E 8010 801454F0 0001 801454F2 FFFF 801454FC 0006 8014550C 76EC 8014550E 8010 801455A0 0001 801455A2 FFFF 801455AC 000D 801455BC 76EC 801455BE 8010 80145650 0001 80145652 FFFF 8014565C 000E 8014566C 76EC 8014566E 8010 ; [ Army Men - World War - Team Assault (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01435} ] :SLUS-01435 #Infinite Health-Character 1 80072B64 CC9E 80072B66 0801 #Infinite Health-Character 2 80072B80 CC9E 80072B82 0801 #Infinite Rifle 30110A4C 00C8 #Infinite Grenades 30110A4D 000A #Infinite Mortar 30110A4E 000A #Infinite Rockets 30110A4F 000A #Infinite Ammo Assualt Rifle 30110A50 00C8 #Infinite FlameThrower 30110A51 00C8 #Infinite Dynamite 30110A52 0009 #Infinite Mines 30110A53 0009 ; [ Army Men - World War (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01079} ] :SLUS-01079 #Invincibility 800FEB7C 0490 #Small Soldiers 800FEB7C 00A8 #Reallly Small Soldiers 800FEB7C 0044 #Infinite Health 800FEB7C 0310 #Have Grenades + Infinite Ammo 300F8999 0005 #Have Mortar + Infinite Shells 300F899A 000A #Have Bazooka + Infinite Shells 300F899B 000A #Have Flame Thrower + Infinite Fuel 300F899C 0064 #Have Auto Rifle + Infinite Rounds 300F899D 00FA #Have Explosives + Infinte Ammo 300F899E 0005 #Have Infinite Medpacks 300F89A0 0003 #Have Mine Detector 300F89A1 00FF #All Levels Unlocked (At main menu go to the options and select audio. Instead of going into the audio menu you will go into the level select menu.) 800F7AD8 0002 800F7ADC 0006 D0156410 FF74 800F87C4 F52C #Infinite Time D00586D0 D5C0 800586D2 2400 #Infinite Armor - PT Boat 800FECA0 17F0 #Infinite Armor - Jeep 800FF808 14B0 #Infinite Armor - Tank 800FFA50 EAD0 #Infinite Armor - Train 80100C90 1FF0 ; [ American Pool (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01488} ] :SLUS-01488 #P1 8-Ball, 9-Ball + Matches Max Points 8008847C 0064 #P2 8-Ball, 9-Ball + Matches Max Points 800884B4 0064 #P1 8-Ball, 9-Ball + Matches No Points 8008847C 0000 #P2 8-Ball, 9-Ball + Matches No Points 800884B4 0000 #Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball Always P1's Turn 800494A0 0000 #Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball Always P2's Turn 800494A0 0002 #P1 Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball Max Points 8008847A 0009 8008847C 0009 #P2 Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball Max Points 800884B2 0009 800884B4 0009 #P1 Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball No Points 8008847A 0000 8008847C 0000 #P2 Basic, Rotation + 14-1 Ball No Points 800884B2 0000 800884B4 0000 ; [ Andretti Racing (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00264} ] :SLUS-00264 #Play game at 60 FPS D0184972 0C08 80184972 1400 #Infinite Fuel 801EB3A8 3D60 801ECA8C 3732 801E0194 0040 801E019C 0040 #Always Have 1st Place 801EB318 0001 #Gives You 1st Place Without Racing 801EB2D8 0063 #Qualify In 1st 801EB35C A36D 801EB360 C9AE 801EB374 0111 #Unlock Stock Cars In Career Mode 80082114 4F47 80082116 4220 80082118 4145 8008211A 5352 8008211C 0021 #Unlock Formula 1 Cars In Career Mode 80082114 4F47 80082116 4220 80082118 5552 8008211A 4E49 8008211C 2153 ; [ Animaniacs - Ten Pin Alley (USA) (1998) (American Softworks) {SLUS-00784} ] ;:SLUS-00784 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Animorphs - Shattered Reality (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01010} ] :SLUS-01010 #Infinite Lives 801EBFCC 0064 #Infinite Health 801EE8F4 0005 #All Levels Unlocked 801EBFD0 0008 ; [ Ape Escape (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94423} ] :SCUS-94423 #Infinite Health 800EC2C8 0005 #Infinite Lives 800F448C 0064 #Infinite Air 800F4DC8 0258 #Catch 1 Monkey to End Level 800F44B6 00CE #Max Gold Triangle 800F44B8 0063 #Timer is 0:00:00 800F4490 0000 #Have All Gadgets D00F51C4 0003 300F51C4 00FF #Have All Spectar Coins 800F44BA 003C #Moon Jump (Press R1 for Moon Jump, and R2 for a Normal Jump.) D00E5478 0008 800EC23E 0008 #Complete Monkey Book 5000FF02 0000 800DF828 0202 50005502 0000 800DFA26 0202 50001002 0000 800DFC70 0202 ; [ Apocalypse (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00373} ] :SLUS-00373 #All Weapons 80018BD2 2400 80018BE4 03E8 80018BE6 2402 #Infinite Ammo 80022B46 2400 #Infinite Health 8005DF06 2400 #Infinite Lives 800FF874 0005 #Infinite Smart Bombs 8005D45E 2400 #Invincibility 800FF31C 0001 #Have Debug Screen Open 800FF33C 0001 #Stage Select 800FF338 0001 ; [ Austin Powers Pinball (USA) (2002) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01456} ] :SLUS-01456 #Infinite Balls 801F4370 0000 #Max Score 801F444A E0FF 801F444C 05F5 #Quick Score Gain 801F444A FFFF ; [ Aquanaut's Holiday (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94603} ] ;:SCUS-94603 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2 (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00449} ] :SLUS-00449 #Crystal Castles\Infinite Lives 80170F8A 0003 #Crystal Castles\Invincibility 80170F90 0800 #Gauntlet\Infinite Health Wizard 801D7DD0 07CC #Gauntlet\Infinite Health Elf 801D7DD4 07CC #Gauntlet\Infinite Health Warrior 801D7DC8 07CC #Gauntlet\Infinite Health Valkyrie 801D7DCC 07CC #Marble Madness\Infinite Time 80133C7C 0063 #Paperboy\Infinite Lives 801E2388 0004 #Paperboy\Infinite Papers 801E2540 000A #Millipede\Infinite Lives 8016782A 0203 #Roadblaster\Invincibility 8014F4C4 0041 #Roadblaster\Infinite Fuel 8014FA10 00DB ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 (USA) (1996) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00399} ] :SLUS-00399 #Asteroids\P1 Infinite Lives 300F595B 0006 #Asteroids\P2 Infinite Lives 300F595C 0006 #Battlezone\P1 Infinite Lives 80132E4C 0004 #Centipede\P1 Infinite Lives 3011A93D 0005 #Centipede\P2 Infinite Lives 3011A93E 0005 #Missile Command\P1 Infinite Cities 3012438C 0006 #P2 Missile Command\Infinite Cities 3012438D 0006 #Missile Command\Infinite Shots (Alpha Fire) 3012436C 000A #Missile Command\Infinite Shots (DeltaFire) 3012436D 000A #Missile Command\Infinite Shots (Omega Fire) 3012436E 000A #Super Breakkout\P1 Score Modifier 300FC314 0063 #Super Breakkout\P1 Infinite Turns 800FC2F8 0001 #Tempest\P1 Infinite Lives 30125080 0003 ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Midway Collection 2 (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00450} ] :SLUS-00450 #Blaster\Infinite Lives 8006BD26 0003 #Burger Time\Infinite Lives 801E20E8 0002 #Burger Time\Infinite Pepper 801E311C 0006 801E20EA 0502 #Joust 2\Infinite Lives 8005A058 0700 #Moon Patrol\Infinite Time 80128B00 0000 #Moon Patrol\Infinite Lives 80128B04 0404 #Rootbear Tapper\Infinite Lives 8012624E 0300 #Splat\Infinite Lives 80069910 0300 #Spy Hunter\Infinite Timer 801115E4 0303 ; [ Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (USA) (1996) (Williams Entertainment) {SLUS-00201} ] :SLUS-00201 #Defender 1\P1 Infinite Lives 801BA1C8 0200 #Defender 1\P1 Infinite Smart Bombs 801BA1CA 0301 #Defender 1\P2 Infinite Smart Bombs 801BAC08 0A03 #Defender 1\P2 Infinite Lives 801BA206 0103 #Defender 2\P1 Infinite Lives 801BBDDE 0120 #Defender 2\P2 Infinite Lives 801BBE1C 0300 #Defender 2\P1 Infinite Smart Bombs 801BBDE0 0301 #Defender 2\P1 Invincibility 801BBDE0 1E00 #Defender 2\P2 Infinite Smart Bombs 801BBE1E 0301 #Defender 2\P2 Invincibility 801BBE20 0A1E #Joust\P1 Infinite Lives 801BA050 0400 801BA052 0005 #Joust\P2 Infinite Lives 801BA05A 0400 801BA05C 0005 #Robotron 2084\P1 Infinite Lives 801BBDEC 0102 #Robotron 2084\P2 Infinite Lives 801BBE28 0103 #Sinistar\P1 Infinite Sinibombs 801BA012 0900 #Sinistar\P1 Infinite Lives 801B9FFC 0003 ; [ Arcade Party Pak (USA) (1999) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00952} ] :SLUS-00952 #720\Max Score D01E3DE0 0000 801E3DE0 FFFF #720\Infinite Cash 801E3E08 0064 #720\Infinite Timer 801E40FC 007F #Klax\P1 Max Score 80189E60 FFFF #Klax\P1 Quick Win (When Counting Klax) 80189FD8 0000 #Klax\P1 Infinite Drop Meter 80189E94 0000 #Rampage\Infinite Health (All Players) 800A4E86 2400 #Smash TV\P1 Infinite Lives 801A8C64 0009 #Smash TV\P2 Infinite Lives 801A8C9C 0009 #Smash TV\Infinite Lives (Both Players) 80089E8E 2400 #Toobin\P1 Max Score D00F9B20 0000 800F9B20 FFFF #Toobin\P1 Infinite Cans 300F944A 0006 #Toobin\P2 Infinite Cans 300F944B 0006 #Toobin\P1 Infinite Patches 300F9732 0003 #Toobin\P2 Infinite Patches 300F9733 0003 ; [ Arc the Lad Collection - Arc Arena - Monster Tournament (USA) (2002) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01255} ] ;:SLUS-01255 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Arc the Lad Collection - Arc the Lad (USA) (2002) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01224, SLUS-01224B} ] :SLUS-01224 :SLUS-01224B #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Tosh 80119D0E 03E7 80119D0C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Rai-Jin 8011A00E 03E7 8011A00C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Poco 80119D6E 03E7 80119D6C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Odon 8011A06E 03E7 8011A06C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Mofly 80119F4E 03E7 80119F4C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Kukuru 80119CAE 03E7 80119CAC 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Keleck 80119EEE 03E7 80119EEC 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Iga 80119E2E 03E7 80119E2C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Hemo-Ji 8011A0CE 03E7 8011A0CC 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Gogen 80119DCE 03E7 80119DCC 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Fu-Jin 80119FAE 03E7 80119FAC 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Chongara 80119E8E 03E7 80119E8C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Choko 8011A12E 03E7 8011A12C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Arc 80119C4E 03E7 80119C4C 03E7 #Blue Orbs/Power 801A89FE 0006 #Max Level And Max Status 801A89FA 000F 80119C40 EFFF 80119D00 FEFF 80119CA0 FFEE 80119CA0 FFEF 8011A120 EFFF 80119E20 FFEF 80119DC0 FEEE 8011A0C0 EFFF 80119F40 FEFE 80119EE0 FEFF 80119E80 FFEE 8011A000 EFFE 8011A060 FEFF 80119FA0 FEFF #All Items 99 50003002 0000 80119810 6363 #Monster Guide fully opened 80119978 FFFF 8011997A FFFF 8011997C FFFF 8011997E FFFF 80119980 FFFF 30119982 00FF 8011998A FFC0 ; [ Arc the Lad Collection - Arc the Lad II (USA) (2002) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01252, SLUS-01252B} ] :SLUS-01252 :SLUS-01252B #Arc Max HP 800BD426 03E7 #Arc Infinite HP 800BD428 03E7 #Arc Max MP 800BD42A 03E7 #Arc Infinite MP 800BD42C 03E7 #Choko Max HP 800BE772 03E7 #Choko Infinite HP 800BE774 03E7 #Choko Max MP 800BE776 03E7 #Choko Infinite MP 800BE778 03E7 #Arc the Lad 2 Have 99999 Gold 800BD3EC 869F 800BD3EE 0001 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Tosh 800BD62E 03E7 800BD630 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Shu 800BDC46 03E7 800BDC48 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Shante 800BDB42 03E7 800BDB44 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Sania 800BDE4E 03E7 800BDE50 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Rai-Jin 800BE466 03E7 800BE468 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Poco 800BD52A 03E7 800BD52C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Paundit 800BE876 03E7 800BE878 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Odon 800BE56A 03E7 800BE56C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Mofly 800BE15A 03E7 800BE15C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Lieza 800BDA3E 03E7 800BDA40 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Kukuru 800BE66E 03E7 800BE670 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Kelack 800BE056 03E7 800BE058 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Iga 800BD732 03E7 800BD734 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Hemo-Ji 800BE25E 03E7 800BE260 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Gruga 800BDF52 03E7 800BDF54 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Gogen 800BD836 03E7 800BD838 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Fu-Jin 800BE362 03E7 800BE364 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Elc 800BD93A 03E7 800BD93C 03E7 #Arc The Lad 2 Infinite HP Diekbeck 800BDD4A 03E7 800BDD4C 03E7 ; [ Arc the Lad Collection - Arc the Lad III (USA) (2002) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01253, SLUS-01253B / SLUS-01254, SLUS-01254B} ] :SLUS-01253 :SLUS-01253B :SLUS-01254 :SLUS-01254B #Have 99999 money 8009F5C8 869F 8009F5CA 0001 #Alec Infinite HP 80080C20 270F #Alec Max HP 80080C22 270F #Alec Infinite MP 80080C26 270F #Alec Max MP 80080C28 270F #Aneritta Infinite HP 80080EF0 270F #Aneritta Max HP 80080EF2 270F #Aneritta Infinite MP 80080EF6 270F #Aneritta Max MP 80080EF8 270F #Cheryl Infinite HP 80080D10 270F #Cheryl Max HP 80080D12 270F #Cheryl Infinite MP 80080D16 270F #Cheryl Max MP 80080D18 270F #Elc Infinite HP 80080E00 270F #Elc Max HP 80080E02 270F #Elc Infinite MP 80080E06 270F #Elc Max MP 80080E08 270F #Lutz Infinite HP 80080C70 270F #Lutz Max HP 80080C72 270F #Lutz Infinite MP 80080C76 270F #Lutz Max MP 80080C78 270F #Marisa Infinite HP 80080D60 270F #Marisa Max HP 80080D62 270F #Marisa Infinite MP 80080D66 270F #Marisa Max MP 80080D68 270F #Shu Infinite HP 80080EA0 270F #Shu Max HP 80080EA2 270F #Shu Infinite MP 80080EA6 270F #Shu Max MP 80080EA8 270F #Theo Infinite HP 80080CC0 270F #Theo Max HP 80080CC2 270F #Theo Infinite MP 80080CC6 270F #Theo Max MP 80080CC8 270F #Tosh Infinite HP 80080E50 270F #Tosh Max HP 80080E52 270F #Tosh Infinite MP 80080E56 270F #Tosh Max MP 80080E58 270F #Velhart Infinite HP 80080DB0 270F #Velhart Max HP 80080DB2 270F #Velhart Infinite MP 80080DB6 270F #Velhart Max MP 80080DB8 270F ; [ Arc the Lad Collection - The Making of Arc the Lad (USA) (2002) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01256} ] ;:SLUS-01256 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Area 51 (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Atari Interactive) {SLUS-00164} ] :SLUS-00164 #P1 Infinite Ammo 8006D034 0008 #P1 Always Healthy 8006D058 000A #P1 Infinite Lives 8006D060 0005 #P1 Infinite Grenades 8006D038 0001 #P1 Infinite Credits 80069124 0009 #P1 Always Have Auto Shot Gun 8006D044 0003 #P2 Always Have Auto Shot Gun 8006D0F0 0003 #P2 Infinite Ammo 8006D0E0 0008 #P2 Always Healthy 8006D104 000A #P2 Infinite Lives 8006D10C 0005 #P2 Infinite Grenades 8006D0E4 0001 #P2 Infinite Credits 80069126 0009 #P1 9 Lives 8006CF62 0009 #P1 9 Credits 8006CFC6 0009 #P2 9 Lives 8006CF64 0009 #P2 9 Credits 8006CFC8 0009 #Game Looping is On 3006CFCA 0001 #Gore is On 8006CFCC 0101 #Secret Rooms Are On 3006CFCB 0000 ; [ Area 51 (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Atari Interactive) {SLUS-00164} ] :SLUS-00164 #P1 Infinite Ammo 8006D034 0008 #P1 Always Healthy 8006D058 000A #P1 Infinite Lives 8006D060 0005 #P1 Infinite Grenades 8006D038 0001 #P1 Infinite Credits 80069124 0009 #P1 Always Have Auto Shot Gun 8006D044 0003 #P2 Always Have Auto Shot Gun 8006D0F0 0003 #P2 Infinite Ammo 8006D0E0 0008 #P2 Always Healthy 8006D104 000A #P2 Infinite Lives 8006D10C 0005 #P2 Infinite Grenades 8006D0E4 0001 #P2 Infinite Credits 80069126 0009 #P1 9 Lives 8006CF62 0009 #P1 9 Credits 8006CFC6 0009 #P2 9 Lives 8006CF64 0009 #P2 9 Credits 8006CFC8 0009 #Game Looping is On 3006CFCA 0001 #Gore is On 8006CFCC 0101 #Secret Rooms Are On 3006CFCB 0000 ; [ Armored Core - Master of Arena (USA) (2000) (Agetec) {SLUS-01030 / SLUS-01081} ] :SLUS-01030 :SLUS-01081 #Infinite AP D007B7CA 1040 801E73B0 9C3B #Max Credits 8003EA74 E0FF 8003EA76 05F5 #Infinite + Max Ammo (All Weapons) 8004547E 03E8 80045480 03E8 800454BC 03E8 800454BE 03E8 800454FA 03E8 800454FC 03E8 #Infinite Booster 800451AE EA60 #Arena-Infinite AP D007BBAE 1040 801D8D70 9C3B #Arena-Quick Kill Enemy D007BBAE 1040 801D8EE8 0000 #Have All Head Parts 50000702 0000 80036FEC 0101 30036FFA 0001 #Have All Core Parts 50000202 0000 80036FFE 0101 30037002 0001 #Have Hd-01-Srut (Head) 30036FEC 0001 #Have Hd-2002 (Head) 30036FED 0001 #Have Hd-X1487 (Head) 30036FEE 0001 #Have Hd-Redeye (Head) 30036FEF 0001 #Have Hd-D-9066 (Head) 30036FF0 0001 #Have Hd-Gry-Nx (Head) 30036FF1 0001 #Have Hd-06-Radar (Head) 30036FF2 0001 #Have Hd-One (Head) 30036FF3 0001 #Have Hd-08-Dish (Head) 30036FF4 0001 #Have Hd-Zero (Head) 30036FF5 0001 #Have Hd-6780 (Head) 30036FF6 0001 #Have Hd-12-Radar (Head) 30036FF7 0001 #Have Hd-Helm (Head) 30036FF8 0001 #Have Hd-H10 (Head) 30036FF9 0001 #Have Hd-4004 (Head) 30036FFA 0001 #Have Xca-00 (Core) 30036FFE 0001 #Have Xcl-01 (Core) 30036FFF 0001 #Have Xch-01 (Core) 30037000 0001 #Have Xxa-50 (Core) 30037001 0001 #Have Xxl-D0 (Core) 30037002 0001 #Enable Champion Arena (Ex Arena) 3003EAC9 0001 #Enable Guest Arena (Ex Arena) 3003EACB 0001 #All Humanoid Legs Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B67E 0001 50000901 0000 3004B608 0001 #All Four Legs Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B67F 0001 50000901 0000 3004B612 0001 #All Reverse Joint Legs Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B680 0001 50000901 0000 3004B61C 0001 #All Caterpillars Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B681 0001 50000901 0000 3004B626 0001 #All Champions Finished (Ex Arena) 50000802 0000 8004B630 0101 #All Guests Finished (Ex Arena) 50000F02 0000 8004B640 0101 #All Fromsofts Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B684 0001 50000901 0000 3004B65F 0001 #All Masters Finished (Ex Arena) 3004B685 0001 50000A02 0000 8004B668 0101 #Unlock An-101 (Arm) 30070009 0001 #Unlock An-201 (Arm) 3007000A 0001 #Unlock An-K1 (Arm) 3007000B 0001 #Unlock An-D-7001 (Arm) 3007000C 0001 #Unlock An-3001 (Arm) 3007000D 0001 #Unlock Anks-1A46J (Arm) 3007000E 0001 #Unlock An-863-B (Arm) 3007000F 0001 #Unlock An-25 (Arm) 30070010 0001 #Unlock An-891-S (Arm) 30070011 0001 #Unlock Aw-M625/2 (Arm) 30070015 0001 #Unlock Aw-Gt2000 (Arm) 30070016 0001 #Unlock Aw-Rf105 (Arm) 30070017 0001 #Unlock Aw-30/3 (Arm) 30070018 0001 #Unlock Aw-Rf120 (Arm) 30070019 0001 #Unlock Aw-S60/2 (Arm) 3007001A 0001 #Unlock Aw-Xc5500 (Arm) 3007001B 0001 #Unlock Aw-Xc65 (Arm) 3007001C 0001 #Unlock Aw-Dc/2 (Arm) 3007001D 0001 #Unlock All Arms (Arm) 30070009 0001 50000402 0000 8007000A 0101 30070015 0001 50000402 0000 80070016 0101 #Unlock Gps-Vva (Generator) 30037049 0001 #Unlock Gps-V6 (Generator) 3003704A 0001 #Unlock Gad-Rx5 (Generator) 3003704B 0001 #Unlock Gad-Rx6 (Generator) 3003704C 0001 #Unlock Gad-Rx7 (Generator) 3003704D 0001 #Unlock 6B6-10000 (Generator) 3003704E 0001 #Unlock 6B6-Xr (Generator) 3003704F 0001 #Unlock Gbx-Tl (Generator) 30037050 0001 #Unlock Gbx-Xl (Generator) 30037051 0001 #Unlock All Generators (Generator) 30037049 0001 50000402 0000 8003704A 0101 #Unlock Comdex-C7 (Fcs) 30037058 0001 #Unlock Comdex-60 (Fcs) 30037059 0001 #Unlock Comdex-68 (Fcs) 3003705A 0001 #Unlock Qx-21 (Fcs) 3003705B 0001 #Unlock Qx-Af (Fcs) 3003705C 0001 #Unlock Tryx-Boxer (Fcs) 3003705D 0001 #Unlock Tryx-Quad (Fcs) 3003705E 0001 #Unlock Qx-9009 (Fcs) 3003705F 0001 #Unlock Fbmb-18X (Fcs) 30037060 0001 #Unlock Rator (Fcs) 30037061 0001 #Unlock All Fcs Parts (Fcs) 50000502 0000 80037058 0101 #Unlock B-P320 (Booster) 3003707B 0001 #Unlock B-P350 (Booster) 3003707C 0001 #Unlock B-T001 (Booster) 3003707D 0001 #Unlock B-T2 (Booster) 3003707E 0001 #Unlock B-P351 (Booster) 3003707F 0001 #Unlock B-Ur-33 (Booster) 30037080 0001 #Unlock B-Hp25 (Booster) 30037081 0001 #Unlock All Boosters (Booster) 3003707B 0001 50000302 0000 8003707C 0101 #All Optional Parts Equipped (Optional Parts) 8003EA70 FFFF #Unlock Sp-Maw (Optional Parts) 30037068 0001 #Unlock Sp-Jam (Optional Parts) 30037069 0001 #Unlock Sp-M/Auto (Optional Parts) 3003706A 0001 #Unlock Sp-Abs (Optional Parts) 3003706B 0001 #Unlock Sp-Sap (Optional Parts) 3003706C 0001 #Unlock Sp-Cnd-K (Optional Parts) 3003706D 0001 #Unlock Sp-Axl (Optional Parts) 3003706E 0001 #Unlock Sp-S/Scr (Optional Parts) 3003706F 0001 #Unlock Sp-E/Scr (Optional Parts) 30037070 0001 #Unlock Sp-Eh (Optional Parts) 30037071 0001 #Unlock Sp-E+ (Optional Parts) 30037072 0001 #Unlock Sp-Detq (Optional Parts) 30037073 0001 #Unlock All Optional Parts (Optional Parts) 50000602 0000 80037068 0101 #Unlock Ls-2001 (Left Arm Weapon) 300370DF 0001 #Unlock Ls-2006 (Left Arm Weapon) 300370E0 0001 #Unlock Ls-3303 (Left Arm Weapon) 300370E1 0001 #Unlock Ls-99-Moonlight (Left Arm Weapon) 300370E2 0001 #Unlock All Left Arm Weapons (Left Arm Weapon) 300370DF 0001 800370E0 0101 300370E2 0001 #Unlock Wg-Rf35 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370C6 0001 #Unlock Wg-Mga1 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370C7 0001 #Unlock Wg-M6500 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370C8 0001 #Unlock Wg-Ar1000 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370C9 0001 #Unlock Wg-Hg235 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CA 0001 #Unlock Wg-Rf/5 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CB 0001 #Unlock Wg-Rf/P (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CC 0001 #Unlock Wg-Hg512 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CD 0001 #Unlock Wg-F699 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CE 0001 #Unlock Wg-B2120 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370CF 0001 #Unlock Wg-B2180 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D0 0001 #Unlock Wg-Xp1000 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D1 0001 #Unlock Wg-Xp2000 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D2 0001 #Unlock Wg-Xc4 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D3 0001 #Unlock Wg-1-Karasawa (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D4 0001 #Unlock Wg-Rfm118 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D5 0001 #Unlock Wg-Xf Ppk (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D6 0001 #Unlock Wg-Hg1 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D7 0001 #Unlock Wg-Pb26 (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D8 0001 #Unlock Wa-Finger (Right Arm Weapon) 300370D9 0001 #Unlock All Right Arm Weapons (Right Arm Weapon) 50000A02 0000 800370C6 0101 #Unlock Wm-S40/1 (Back Weapon) 30037089 0002 #Unlock Wm-Sa0/2 (Back Weapon) 3003708A 0002 #Unlock Wm-S60/4 (Back Weapon) 3003708B 0002 #Unlock Wm-S60/6 (Back Weapon) 3003708C 0002 #Unlock Wm-Mvg404 (Back Weapon) 3003708D 0002 #Unlock Wm-Mvg802 (Back Weapon) 3003708E 0002 #Unlock Wm-L201 (Back Weapon) 3003708F 0002 #Unlock Wm-X201 (Back Weapon) 30037090 0002 #Unlock Wm-X5-Aa (Back Weapon) 30037091 0002 #Unlock Wm-X10 (Back Weapon) 30037092 0002 #Unlock Wm-94001 (Back Weapon) 30037093 0002 #Unlock Wm-Ps-2 (Back Weapon) 30037094 0002 #Unlock Wm-At (Back Weapon) 30037095 0002 #Unlock Wm-T0100 (Back Weapon) 30037096 0002 #Unlock Wm-Smss24 (Back Weapon) 30037097 0002 #Unlock M118-Td (Back Weapon) 30037098 0002 #Unlock Wr-550 (Back Weapon) 3003709B 0002 #Unlock Wr-S100 (Back Weapon) 3003709C 0002 #Unlock Wr-M50 (Back Weapon) 3003709D 0002 #Unlock Wr-M70 (Back Weapon) 3003709E 0002 #Unlock Wr-L24 (Back Weapon) 3003709F 0002 #Unlock Wc-Cm35 (Back Weapon) 300370A5 0002 #Unlock Wc-St120 (Back Weapon) 300370A6 0002 #Unlock Wc-Ln350 (Back Weapon) 300370A7 0002 #Unlock Wc-Gn230 (Back Weapon) 300370A8 0002 #Unlock Wc-X94000 (Back Weapon) 300370A9 0002 #Unlock Wc-Xc8000 (Back Weapon) 300370AA 0002 #Unlock Wc-01Ql (Back Weapon) 300370AB 0002 #Unlock Wc-Spgun (Back Weapon) 300370AC 0002 #Unlock Wc-Ir24 (Back Weapon) 300370AD 0002 #Unlock Rxa-01We (Back Weapon) 300370B1 0002 #Unlock Rz-A0 (Back Weapon) 300370B2 0002 #Unlock Rxa-99 (Back Weapon) 300370B3 0002 #Unlock Rxa-77 (Back Weapon) 300370B4 0002 #Unlock Rz-A1 (Back Weapon) 300370B5 0002 #Unlock Rzt-333 (Back Weapon) 300370B6 0002 #Unlock Rz-Bbp (Back Weapon) 300370B7 0002 #Unlock Rz-Fw2 (Back Weapon) 300370B8 0002 #Unlock Wx-S800/2 (Back Weapon) 300370BD 0001 #Unlock Wx-S800-Gf (Back Weapon) 300370BE 0001 #Unlock Xcs-9900 (Back Weapon) 300370BF 0001 #Have All Back Weapons (Back Weapon) 30037089 0002 50000702 0000 8003708A 0202 30037098 0002 3003709B 0002 8003709C 0202 8003709E 0202 300370A5 0002 50000402 0000 800370A6 0202 300370B1 0002 50000302 0000 800370B2 0202 300370B8 0002 300370BD 0001 800370BE 0101 #Unlock Ln-1001 (Leg) 30037021 0001 #Unlock Ln-Ssvt (Leg) 30037022 0001 #Unlock Ln-3001 (Leg) 30037023 0001 #Unlock Ln-1001-Px-0 (Leg) 30037024 0001 #Unlock Ln-501 (Leg) 30037025 0001 #Unlock Ln-Ssvr (Leg) 30037026 0001 #Unlock Ln-1001B (Leg) 30037027 0001 #Unlock Ln-3001C (Leg) 30037029 0001 #Unlock Ln-502 (Leg) 3003702B 0001 #Unlock Ln-D-8000R (Leg) 3003702C 0001 #Unlock Ln-2Kz-Sp (Leg) 3003702D 0001 #Unlock Lnks-1B46J (Leg) 3003702E 0001 #Unlock Lb-4400 (Leg) 3003702F 0001 #Unlock Lb-4401 (Leg) 30037031 0001 #Unlock Lb-4303 (Leg) 30037032 0001 #Unlock Lb-1000-P (Leg) 30037033 0001 #Unlock Lbks-2B45A (Leg) 30037034 0001 #Unlock Lf-205-Sf (Leg) 30037036 0001 #Unlock Lfh-X3 (Leg) 30037037 0001 #Unlock Lf-Dex-1 (Leg) 30037038 0001 #Unlock Lfh-X5X (Leg) 3003703B 0001 #Unlock Lc-Mos18 (Leg) 3003703C 0001 #Unlock Lc-Uki60 (Leg) 3003703D 0001 #Unlock Lc-Htp-Aaa (Leg) 3003703F 0001 #Unlock Lc-Mos4545 (Leg) 30037040 0001 #Have All Leg Parts (Leg) 30037021 0001 50000302 0000 80037022 0101 30037029 0001 3003702B 0001 50000202 0000 8003702C 0101 30037031 0001 80037032 0101 30037034 0001 80037036 0101 30037038 0001 3003703B 0001 8003703C 0101 3003703F 0001 30037040 0001 ; [ Armored Core - Project Phantasma (USA) (1998) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00670} ] :SLUS-00670 #Infinite Cash 8003BCD2 0020 #Infinite Energy 80042506 CB20 #Infinite Armor (Arena Mode Only) D0041578 0001 800734F0 CD5A #Right Arm\Infinite Ammo 800427D8 03E7 #Back Weapon\Infinite Ammo 80042816 0064 80042854 0064 #Have All Heads 800342F0 0101 800342F2 0101 800342F4 0101 800342F6 0101 800342F8 0101 #Have All Cores 80034302 0101 80034304 0502 #Have All Arms 3003430D 0001 8003430E 0101 80034310 0101 80034312 0101 30034314 0001 30034319 0001 8003431A 0101 8003431C 0101 8003431E 0101 80034320 0101 #Have All Legs 30034325 0001 80034328 0101 8003432A 0101 3003432D 0001 3003432F 0001 80034330 0101 80034332 0101 30034335 0001 80034336 0101 30034338 0001 8003433A 0101 3003433C 0001 80034340 0101 30034343 0001 #Have All Generators 3003434D 0001 8003434E 0101 80034350 0101 80034352 0101 80034354 0101 #Have All Fcs 8003435C 0101 8003435E 0101 80034360 0101 80034362 0101 80034364 0101 #Have All Optional Parts 8003436C 0101 8003436E 0101 80034370 0101 80034372 0101 80034374 0101 80034376 0101 #Have All Boosters 3003437F 0001 80034380 0101 80034382 0101 80034384 0101 #Back\Have All Weapons 3003438D 0001 8003438E 0101 80034390 0101 80034392 0101 80034394 0101 80034396 0101 80034398 0101 8003439A 0101 8003439E 0101 800343A0 0101 800343A8 0101 800343AA 0101 800343AC 0101 800343AE 0101 300343B0 0001 800343B4 0101 800343B6 0101 800343B8 0101 800343BA 0101 800343C0 0101 300343C2 0001 #Right Arm\Have All Weapons 300343C9 0001 800343CA 0101 800343CC 0101 800343CE 0101 800343D0 0101 800343D2 0101 800343D4 0101 800343D6 0101 800343D8 0101 800343DA 0101 #Left Arm\Have All Weapons 800343DC 0101 800343DE 0101 300343E0 0001 #Infinite Armor (Missions Only) 801E2F40 8000 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-01-Srvt 300342F0 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-2002 300342F1 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-X1487 300342F2 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-Redeye 300342F3 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-D-9066 300342F4 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-Gry-Nx 300342F5 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-06-Radar 300342F6 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-One 300342F7 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-08-Dish 300342F8 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-Zero 300342F9 0001 #Head Pieces\Have Hd-G780 300342FA 0001 #Core Parts\Have Xca-00 30034302 0001 #Core Parts\Have Xcl-01 30034303 0001 #Core Parts\Have Xch-01 30034304 0001 #Core Parts\Have Xxa_So 30034305 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-201 3003430D 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-K1 3003430E 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-D-7001 3003430F 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-3001 30034310 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Anks-1A46J 30034311 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-863-B 30034312 0001 #Arm Parts\Have An-25 30034313 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Mg25/2 30034319 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Gt2000 3003431A 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Rf105 3003431B 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-30/3 3003431C 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Rf120 3003431D 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-S60/2 3003431E 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Xc5500 3003431F 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Xc65 30034320 0001 #Arm Parts\Have Aw-Dc/2 30034321 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-1001 30034325 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-1001-Px-0 30034328 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-501 30034329 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-Ssvr 3003432A 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-1001B 3003432B 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-3001C 3003432D 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-502 3003432F 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-D-8000R 30034330 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Ln-2Kz-Sp 30034331 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lnks-1B46J 30034332 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lb-4400 30034333 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lb-4401 30034335 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lb-4303 30034336 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lb-1000-P 30034337 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lbks-2B45A 30034338 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lf-205-Sf 3003433A 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lfh-X3 3003433B 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lf-Dex-1 3003433C 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lc-Mos18 30034340 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lc-Uki60 30034341 0001 #Leg Parts\Have Lc-Htp-Aaa 30034343 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gps-Vva 3003434D 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gps-V6 3003434E 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Grd-Rx5 3003434F 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Grd-Rx6 30034350 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Grd-Rx7 30034351 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gbg-10000 30034352 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gbg-Xr 30034353 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gbx-Tl 30034354 0001 #Generator Parts\Have Gbx-Xl 30034355 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Comdex-C7 3003435C 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Comdex-Go 3003435D 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Comdex-G8 3003435E 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Qx-21 3003435F 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Qx-Af 30034360 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Tryx-Boxer 30034361 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Tryx-Quad 30034362 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Qx-9009 30034363 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Fbmb-18X 30034364 0001 #Fcs Parts\Have Rator 30034365 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-M/Auto 3003436C 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Abs 3003436D 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Sap 3003436E 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Cnd-K 3003436F 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Axl 30034370 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-S/Scr 30034371 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-E/Scr 30034372 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Eh 30034373 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-E+ 30034374 0001 #Optional Parts\Have Sp-Dehf 30034375 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-P320 3003437F 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-P350 30034380 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-Too1 30034381 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-72 30034382 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-P351 30034383 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-Vr-33 30034384 0001 #Booster Parts\Have B-Hp25 30034335 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-S40/1 3003438D 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-S40/2 3003438E 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-S60/4 3003438F 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-S60/6 30034390 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-Mvg404 30034391 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-Mvg802 30034392 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-L201 30034393 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-X201 30034394 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-X5-Aa 30034395 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-X10 30034396 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-P4001 30034397 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-Ps-2 30034398 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-At 30034399 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-T0100 3003439A 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-Smss24 3003439B 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wm-S50 3003439E 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wr-S100 3003439F 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wr-M50 300343A0 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Cn35 300343A1 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-St120 300343A8 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Ln350 300343A9 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Gn230 300343AA 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Xp4000 300343AB 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Xc8000 300343AC 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-01Ql 300343AD 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Spgun 300343AE 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wc-Ir24 300343AF 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rxa-01We 300343B0 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rz-A0 300343B4 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rxa-99 300343B5 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rxa-77 300343B6 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rz-A1 300343B7 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rzt-333 300343B8 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rz-Bbp 300343B9 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Rz-Fw2 300343BA 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wx-S800/2 300343BB 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Wx-S800-Gf 300343C0 0001 #All Back Weapons\Have Xcs-9900 300343C1 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Rf35 300343C9 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Mga1 300343CA 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Mg500 300343CB 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Ar1000 300343CC 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Hg235 300343CD 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Rf/5 300343CE 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wf-Rf/P 300343CF 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Hg512 300343D0 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Fg99 300343D1 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-B2120 300343D2 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-B218 300343D3 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Xp1000 300343D4 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Xp2000 300343D5 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Xc4 300343D6 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-1-Karasawa 300343D7 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Rfm118 300343D8 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Xfwppk 300343D9 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Hg1 300343DA 0001 #Right Arm Weapons\Have Wg-Pb26 300343DB 0001 #Left Arm Weapons\Have Ls-2001 300343DC 0001 #Left Arm Weapons\Have Ls-200G 300343DD 0001 #Left Arm Weapons\Have Ls-3303 300343DE 0001 #Left Arm Weapons\Have Ls-99-Moonlight 300343DF 0001 ; [ Armored Core (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SLUS-01323} ] ;:SLUS-01323 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Armored Core (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94182} ] :SCUS-94182 #Infinite Energy 80040FBE 6D60 #Infinite Weapon 1 8004128A 00C8 #Infinite Weapon 2 800412C6 00C8 #Infinite Armor 801A2818 7000 #Infinite Time 8019F52C FFFF ; [ Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01022} ] :SLUS-01022 #Infinite Health D00466EC 1023 800466F2 2400 #Infinite Ammo (Upon Pickup) D0046A60 1023 80046A66 2400 #Infinite Heatlh (Transport) D005BA88 0008 8005BA8E 2400 ; [ Army Men 3D (USA) (1999) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00491, SLUS-00491CE} ] :SLUS-00491 :SLUS-00491CE #Infinite Health 800432A0 2400 #Infinite Ammo 80057FD2 2400 #Infinite Flamethrower Fuel 80058E3E 2400 ; [ Arthur! Ready to Race (USA) (2000) (The Learning Company) {SLUS-01090} ] :SLUS-01090 #Infinite Cards 8009345C 0063 #Infinite Coins 80093468 0063 #Time Always 00:00:00 800191B0 0000 ; [ All-Star Baseball 97 featuring Frank Thomas (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00392} ] :SLUS-00392 #Infinite Balls 80044084 0000 #Select No. of Balls to Walk\1 D0044084 0000 80044084 0003 #Select No. of Balls to Walk\2 D0044084 0000 80044084 0002 #Select No. of Balls to Walk\3 D0044084 0000 80044084 0001 #Infinite Strikes 8004353E 0000 #Select No. of Balls to Walk\1 D004353E 0000 8004353E 0002 #Select No. of Balls to Walk\2 D004353E 0000 8004353E 0001 #Infinite Outs 80043BA6 0000 #Select No. of Outs and you are Out\1 D0043BA6 0000 80043BA6 0002 #Select No. of Outs and you are Out\2 D0043BA6 0000 80043BA6 0001 #Select Away Team Score\99 30043969 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 30043969 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 30043698 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 30043698 0000 ; [ All-Star Slammin' D-Ball (USA) (2002) (Agetec) {SLUS-01431} ] :SLUS-01431 #Infinite Time 8008B8F0 0F00 #Unlock Elements 80073AFA FFFF ; [ All Star Racing 2 (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01510} ] :SLUS-01510 #Always First Place 301E8D64 0000 #Low Lap Times 801E8EE8 0001 #Turbo Boost (Press Circle For Boost) D015CF8A DFFF 301E8508 00FF ; [ All Star Racing (USA) (2002) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01460} ] :SLUS-01460 #Start on Lap 3 301C33A4 0003 ; [ Assault - Retribution (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00713} ] :SLUS-00713 #Infinite Health 8004D458 C000 8004D45A 0C07 801F0000 8009 801F0002 3C01 801F0004 3288 801F0006 3421 801F0008 0002 801F000A 1430 801F000C 00C0 801F000E 27FF 801F0010 0010 801F0012 27FF 801F0014 0008 801F0016 03E0 801F001A 2400 #P1 Infinite Lives 800936BC 0005 ; [ Assault Rigs (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94405} ] :SCUS-94405 #Infinite Time 801CFEBC 00CB #Infinite Energy 801C9850 00B4 801C9848 00B4 801C984C 00B4 801C9854 00B4 #Orbs Collected 801C9880 00FF ; [ Asteroids (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00773} ] :SLUS-00773 #Stage Select+Invincibility:With this cheat, when playing hold Select and Press Start to goto the menu, and then use L1 to select a stage. 801104B4 0001 #P1 Infinite Lives 8011013C 0009 #P1 Select Ship\Dagger 800DF7C4 0000 #P1 Select Ship\Rapier 800DF7C4 0001 #P1 Select Ship\Long Sword 800DF7C4 0002 #P1 Select Ship\Excalibur 800DF7C4 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 80110140 0063 #P2 Select Ship\Dagger 800DF7C8 0000 #P2 Select Ship\Rapier 800DF7C8 0001 #P2 Select Ship\Long Sword 800DF7C8 0002 #P2 Select Ship\Excalibur 800DF7C8 0003 #Enable Classic Asteroids 80110428 0001 #P1 Infinite Lives (Classic Asteroids) 80111848 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives (Classic Asteroids) 8011184C 0003 ; [ Atari Anniversary Edition Redux (USA) (2002) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01427} ] :SLUS-01427 #Asteroids\P1 Infinite Lives 3016FD8F 0003 #Asteroids\P2 Infinite Lives 3016FD90 0003 #Asteroids Deluxe\P1 Infinite Lives 3016DB7F 0003 #Asteroids Deluxe\P2 Infinite Lives 3016DB80 0003 #Battlezone\Infinite Lives 301AFBA4 0006 #Black Widow\P1 Infinite Lives 30178E15 0002 #Black Widow\P2 Infinite Lives 30178E4A 0002 #Centipede\P1 Infinite Lives 301BD5A5 0003 #Centipede\P2 Infinite Lives 301BD5A6 0003 #Gravitar\P1 Infinite Lives 3014062A 0003 #Missile Command\L1 For More Missiles C01C41AA FBFF 801B6298 0B0B 301B629A 000B 00000000 FFFF #Pong\P1 Instant Win 8017A254 000F #Pong\P2 Instant Win 8017A250 000F #Pong\P1 Never Win 8017A254 0000 #Pong\P2 Never Win 8017A250 0000 #Space Duel\P1 Infinite Lives 3016D0B7 0003 #Space Duel\P2 Infinite Lives 3016D0B8 0003 #Super Breakout\Infinite Lives 301A0614 0001 #Super Breakout\Keep Big Paddle Size 301A0626 0011 #Tempest\Infinite Lives 8018C1B0 0006 ; [ Disney's Atlantis - The Lost Empire (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94636} ] :SCUS-94636 #Infinite Lives 80096760 0063 #Infinite HP 80096762 0064 #Unlock All Levels (Must Load A Saved Game) 80098F3C FFFF 80098F3E FFFF #All Movies 80098F3E FFFF 50000702 0000 80098F5C FFFF #Max Green Crystals + Unlock Extra Stuff:You must start a game then quit to have the "Concept Art" and "Model Viewer" unlocked 8009676C 0032 ; [ A-Train - Trains, Power, Money (USA) (1996) (Maxis) {SLUS-00003} ] :SLUS-00003 #Infinite Money 800A6230 9400 800A6232 7735 ; [ ATV Mania (USA) (2003) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01545} ] :SLUS-01545 #Time Always 0:00 8007704C 0000 #Infinite Health 800C7AF4 0ED7 #Infinite Grenades 800C7B0C 03E7 #Infinite Mini Gun 800C7B10 03E7 #Infinite Missiles 800C7B14 03E7 #Infinite Bombs 800C7B18 03E7 #Infinite Mines 800C7B1C 03E7 ; [ ATV - Quad Power Racing (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01137} ] :SLUS-01137 #Unlock Everything 50000601 0000 3004E255 0004 #Time Always 0:00:00 8005E676 2400 #start Lap 3 301FD2F8 0003 #start Lap 4 301FD2F8 0004 #start Lap 5 301FD2F8 0005 #start Lap 6 301FD2F8 0006 ; [ ATV Racers (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01572} ] :SLUS-01572 #Enable Chloe 30076A78 0001 #Enable Picasso 30076AF0 0001 ; [ Auto Destruct (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00522} ] :SLUS-00522 #Infinite Money 800A7C6C FFFF #Infinite Fuel 800A7E10 0064 #Infinite Damage 800A86A0 0800 #Infinite Lives 800A84A0 0004 #Infinite Nitro 800A5EF8 0003 #Level Modifier (0-A) 800A854C 000A ; [ Agile Warrior - F-111X (USA) (1995) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00023} ] :SLUS-00023 #Play game at 60 FPS 300F9764 003C #Infinite Armor 800D43DC 0064 800EB550 86A0 #Infinite Napalm 80060F2C 0064 #Infinite Rockets 80060F28 0064 #Infinite Mavericks 80060F2E 0064 #Infinite Fuel Air Explosives 80060F32 0064 #Infinite Bunkerbusters 80060F2A 0064 #Infinite B61Sram 80060F34 0064 #Infinite Sidewinders 80060F26 0064 #Infinite Amraam 80060F36 0064 #Infinite Cluster Bombs 80060F30 0064 #Infinite Armor (Uses Built-In Cheat) 800D432E 0101 ; [ Azure Dreams (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00614} ] :SLUS-00614 #Infinite Money 80012D5C FFFF 80012D5E 05FF #Invincibility in battle 800834EA 031D #Infinite Health in Battle 800834E0 03E7 ; [ Backyard Soccer (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01094} ] ;:SLUS-01094 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bust A Groove (USA) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94263} ] :SCUS-94263 #P1 Max Dance Points 80068740 FFFF #P1 Infinite Attacks 80068766 0002 #P1 Max Enthusiasm 80068738 FFFF #Enable Capoeira 30051AC0 0001 #Enable Robo-Z 30051AC1 0001 #Enable Burger Dog 30051AC3 0001 #Enable Columbo 30051AC2 0001 #Press Select To End Game:With this cheat, when you start your match press select. DO NOT do it before then or the game might lock up. After you win your match it will show you your ending D0068790 0100 8006870A 0C01 #Start On Stage 12 8006870A 0B01 #Play Against Whomever You Wish For All 12 Stages 8006871C 0004 ; [ Bust A Groove 2 (USA) (2000) (Enix America) {SLUS-01159} ] :SLUS-01159 #P1 Max Dance Score 8005FBE8 FFFF #P1 Infinite Specials 3005FC33 0002 #P2 No Dance Score 8005FBEC 0000 #P2 No Specials 3005FC65 0000 #Unlock All Characters 50000801 0000 3004F667 0001 #Start On Last Stage E005FC7C 0000 3005FC7C 0007 #Unlock Dance View Mode 30191C30 0001 #Unlock All Dance View Players 50001201 0000 3004F66F 0001 ; [ Baldies (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01567} ] :SLUS-01567 #Unlock/Beat Level 1 300C61B8 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 2 300C61E5 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 3 300C6212 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 4 300C623F 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 5 300C626C 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 6 300C6299 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 7 300C62C6 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 8 300C6320 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 9 300C634D 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 10 300C637A 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 11 300C63A7 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 12 300C63D4 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 13 300C6401 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 14 300C642E 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 15 300C645B 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 16 300C6488 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 17 300C650F 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 18 300C653C 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 19 300C6569 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 20 300C6596 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 21 300C65C3 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 22 300C65F0 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 23 300C661D 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 24 300C664A 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 25 300C6677 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 26 300C66A4 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 27 300C66D1 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 28 300C66FE 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 29 300C6785 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 30 300C67B2 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 31 300C67DF 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 32 300C680C 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 33 300C6839 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 34 300C6866 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 35 300C68C0 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 36 300C68ED 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 37 300C691A 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 38 300C6947 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 39 300C6974 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 40 300C69A1 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 41 300C69CE 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 42 300C69FB 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 43 300C6A28 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 44 300C6A55 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 45 300C6A82 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 46 300C6AAF 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 47 300C6ADC 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 48 300C6B09 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 49 300C6B90 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 50 300C6BEA 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 51 300C6C17 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 52 300C6C44 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 53 300C6C9E 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 54 300C6CCB 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 55 300C6CF8 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 56 300C6D52 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 57 300C6D7F 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 58 300C6DAC 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 59 300C6DD9 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 60 300C6E06 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 61 300C6E33 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 62 300C6E8D 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 63 300C6EBA 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 64 300C6EE7 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 65 300C6F14 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 66 300C6F41 001E #Unlock/Beat Level 67 300C6F9B 001E ; [ BallBlazer Champions (USA) (1997) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00068} ] :SLUS-00068 #Rapid Fire D007CB76 EFFF 8009F5DE 0001 #Always Have Turbo D007CB76 DFFF 8009F47E 0D00 #Infinite Ammo C007CB76 EFFF 800C6D9C 0032 800C6DA0 0004 800C6DA0 0032 00000000 FFFF ; [ Ball Breakers (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01249} ] :SLUS-01249 #Surviving The Y\Infinite Health 801C54D4 0064 #First Blood\Infinite Health 801C64E4 0064 #Parklife\Infinite Health 801C85AC 0064 #Speedway\Infinite Health 801C591C 0064 #Trial By Fire\Infinite Health 801C508C 0064 #Super Bowl\Infinite Health 801C8114 0064 #Pit Area\Infinite Health 801C5404 0064 #Downtown\Infinite Health 801C8744 0064 #Eightway\Infinite Health 801C4C64 0064 #Pits Of Fury\Infinite Health 801C122C 0064 #Operating Table\Infinite Health 801C7A1C 0064 #High And Mighty\Infinite Health 801C352C 0064 #Laser Maze\Infinite Health 801C95CC 0064 #Swamp Wave\Infinite Health 801C6CD4 0064 #Highpass Loop\Infinite Health 801C3A0C 0064 #Tabletop\Infinite Health 801C346C 0064 #Ground Zero\Infinite Health 801C795C 0064 #Fortress\Infinite Health 801C39B4 0064 #Hill Of Jeopardy\Infinite Health 801C2984 0064 #Showtime\Infinite Health 801C851C 0064 #Laser Run\Infinite Health 801C8D4C 0064 #Fireball\Infinite Health 801C9A7C 0064 #The Elbow\Infinite Health 801C8984 0064 #Channel Run\Infinite Health 801C1DBC 0064 #Marsh Rally\Infinite Health 801C44CC 0064 #Surfing 101\Infinite Health 801C4B34 0064 #Mudskipper\Infinite Health 801C918C 0064 #Focal Point\Infinite Health 801C4674 0064 #Apex Twin\Infinite Health 801C85F4 0064 #Circuitous\Infinite Health 801C7B54 0064 #The Pit\Infinite Health 801C1E1C 0064 #Gateway\Infinite Health 801C38E4 0064 #Crossfire\Infinite Health 801C5D6C 0064 #The Waste Dump\Infinite Health 801C821C 0064 #T Junction\Infinite Health 801C3FE4 0064 #Double Whammy\Infinite Health 801C5354 0064 #Wave Hill\Infinite Health 801C2D04 0064 #The Borehole\Infinite Health 801C9CA4 0064 #Fire Ridge\Infinite Health 801C3AD4 0064 #Racers Leap\Infinite Health 801C47DC 0064 #Swamp Hopper\Infinite Health 801C8A84 0064 #Switch Hitter\Infinite Health 801C9724 0064 #Shellshock\Infinite Health 801C575C 0064 #The 5 Chambers\Infinite Health 801C23BC 0064 #Plateau Of Peril\Infinite Health 801C2D04 0064 #Pipe Ruins\Infinite Health 801C8AF4 0064 #X-Up\Infinite Health 801C9B44 0064 #Carvers Delight\Infinite Health 801C52EC 0064 #Razorblade Kisses\Infinite Health 801C4B2C 0064 #Under Pressure\Infinite Health 801C6AEC 0064 #Island Of Hurt\Infinite Health 801C45FC 0064 #Crossbowl\Infinite Health 801C89CC 0064 #The Snake\Infinite Health 801C9964 0064 #Gridiron\Infinite Health 801C30E4 0064 #Slider\Infinite Health 801C9B3C 0064 #Gillams Island\Infinite Health 801C33A4 0064 #The Canyon\Infinite Health 801C2B9C 0064 #Showdown\Infinite Health 801C7CA4 0064 #Cannon Bowl\Infinite Health 801C8524 0064 #Bombshell\Infinite Health 801C8D24 0064 #Gun Alley\Infinite Health 801C478C 0064 #Switchback\Infinite Health 801C8DAC 0064 #Dos Dedos\Infinite Health 801C997C 0064 #Straight Up\Infinite Health 801C4354 0064 #Under Fire\Infinite Health 801C984C 0064 #Prize Fighter\Infinite Health 801C1864 0064 #Bennys Pit\Infinite Health 801C7ADC 0064 #Angels Arena\Infinite Health 801C66DC 0064 #Sophies Gauntlet\Infinite Health 801C470C 0064 #Apostles Temple\Infinite Health 801C6E7C 0064 #Lockdowns Lair\Infinite Health 801C4A24 0064 #Final Conflict\Infinite Health 801C2D24 0064 ; [ Ballerburg - Castle Chaos (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01568} ] :SLUS-01568 #Player Who Goes First Has 9,999,999 Gold:For one player mode use player goes first cheat. For the missions which it does not work, use the player who goes second's cheat. 800E6C88 967F 800E6C8A 0098 #Player Who Goes Second Has 9,999,999 Gold 800EAEAC 967F 800EAEAE 0098 ; [ Ballistic (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00966} ] :SLUS-00966 #Max Score 800CAEB8 FFFF #Enable All Stages 800D7FCC 0100 800D7FCE 002C ; [ Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00233} ] :SLUS-00233 #Infinite Continues 800F3C2C 0008 80143BAE 00C0 80143BC8 0008 #Arrow Aimer Is Always On 80152DBC 0001 #Stop Timer 8014209C 0000 #Last Level 80142014 001E ; [ Bust-A-Move 4 (USA) (1998) (Natsume) {SLUS-00754} ] :SLUS-00754 #Always Have Guide 80192EFC 0080 #Elapsed Time Is Always 0 80167BC0 0000 #P1 Always Gets Bubbles 80192F76 0007 #P1 Never Gets Bubbles 80192F76 0000 #P2 Always Gets Bubbles 80192E32 0007 #P2 Never Gets Bubbles 80192E32 0000 #New Tarot Reading Menu (Options) 80167A70 0101 #Ura Puzzle Mode (Different Set Of Games) 80167A96 0001 #Talk Demo (Options):Must Have All Characters + Tarot Reading Cheats In For It To Work 80167A48 0001 #Bub (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D2C 0001 #Al Kanet (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D2D 0001 #Marino (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D2E 0001 #Kurol (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D2F 0001 #Tamtam (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D30 0001 #Cleon (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D31 0001 #G (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D32 0001 #Bramb (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D33 0001 #Develon (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D34 0001 #Gigant (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D35 0001 #Madam Luna (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D36 0001 #Dreg (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D37 0001 #Woolen (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D38 0001 #Packy (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D39 0001 #Monsta (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D3A 0001 #Maita (Enable Character Modifier) 30187D3B 0001 ; [ Bust-A-Move '99 (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00725} ] :SLUS-00725 #P1 Always Have Guide D0056B88 0002 80056B88 0082 #P2 Always Have Guide D0056B8C 0002 80056B8C 0082 #Infinite Continue Time 80056E4C 0009 #P1 Max Score 8009D790 9999 #P2 Max Score 8009D87C 9999 #P1 Select Character\Bub 800AC440 0000 #P1 Select Character\Musashi 800AC440 0001 #P1 Select Character\Pulichio 800AC440 0002 #P1 Select Character\Malissa 800AC440 0003 #P1 Select Character\Chinkula 800AC440 0004 #P1 Select Character\Luna Luna 800AC440 0005 #P1 Select Character\Jack 800AC440 0006 #P1 Select Character\Sonic Blast Man 800AC440 0007 #P1 Select Character\Little Boy in Dragon Costume 800AC440 0008 #P1 Select Character\Giant Green Dragon 800AC440 0009 #P1 Select Character\Monkey 800AC440 000A #P1 Select Character\The Furbee's 800AC440 000B #P2 Select Character\Bub 800AC442 0000 #P2 Select Character\Musashi 800AC442 0001 #P2 Select Character\Pulichio 800AC442 0002 #P2 Select Character\Malissa 800AC442 0003 #P2 Select Character\Chinkula 800AC442 0004 #P2 Select Character\Luna Luna 800AC442 0005 #P2 Select Character\Jack 800AC442 0006 #P2 Select Character\Sonic Blast Man 800AC442 0007 #P2 Select Character\Little Boy in Dragon Costume 800AC442 0008 #P2 Select Character\Giant Green Dragon 800AC442 0009 #P2 Select Character\Monkey 800AC442 000A #P2 Select Character\The Furbee's 800AC442 000B #Extra Worlds 80056CE8 0001 #Infinite Time 80056E46 0009 ; [ Barbie - Explorer (USA) (2001) (Vivendi Universal Games) {SLUS-01361} ] :SLUS-01361 #Infinite Gems 8008CD40 0064 #Infinite Lives 8008DB8A 000F #Unlock Babylon 8008C8FA 0001 #Enable All Locations 50001802 0000 8008E0B6 6363 ; [ Barbie - Gotta Have Games (USA) (2003) (Vivendi Universal Games) {SLUS-01569} ] ;:SLUS-01569 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Detective Barbie - The Mystery Cruise (USA) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01221} ] :SLUS-01221 #Have All Clues + Gadgets 80010144 FFFF 80010146 FFFF #Have All Fingerprints 80010148 FFFF ; [ Barbie - Race & Ride (USA) (1999) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-00981} ] :SLUS-00981 #Training Complete/Unlock Lvls 800B2AEC 0100 #1st Place Beach 300B2AEF 0001 #1st Place Meadow 300B2AEE 0001 #1st Place Forest 300B2AF0 0001 #1st Place Secret Ranch 300B2AF1 0001 #Unlock Beach At Night 300B2ADF 0001 #Unlock Meadows At Night 300B2AE0 0001 #Unlock Forest At Night 300B2AE1 0001 #Unlock Mountains At Night 300B2AE2 0001 #Unlock Secret Ranch/All Stars 50000401 0000 300B2ADB 0001 #Infinite Time 800132F6 2400 ; [ Barbie - Super Sports (USA) (1999) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-00946} ] :SLUS-00946 #Tons of Points D001840C 8005 800576C2 0FFF #Max Money:With this cheat, you need to go play a game, quit, then go back to snowboard/in-line skate shop to have lots of money D00183F0 8006 80058D74 0FFF #Time Is 0:00:00 8002031E 2400 ; [ Bases Loaded '96 - Double Header (USA) (1995) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00086} ] :SLUS-00086 #P1 Score 99 800C6684 0063 #P1 Score 0 800C6684 0000 #P2 Score 99 800C6696 0063 #P2 Score 0 800C6696 0000 #Infinite Strikes 800CB5A8 0000 #Infinite Balls 800C971C 0100 #Infinite Outs 800CB564 FF00 ; [ Bass Landing (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00873} ] :SLUS-00873 #Max Caught Fish Weight 800B1464 B18D 800B0E00 B18D #Max Caught Fish Length 800AF618 6428 800B0E02 6428 #Always Catch Fish on First Throw (With this cheat, use the max weight and length cheats to give the fish stats.) 800C0870 0004 800C0874 0014 800C08AC 0500 #Always Catch Fish D0079414 0001 80079414 0004 #Unlock All Locations 80078A5C FFFF #Unlock All Lures 50002402 0000 80078930 FFFF ; [ Bass Rise (USA) (1999) (Bandai America) {SLUS-00905} ] :SLUS-00905 #Always Catch Fish D0079414 0001 80079414 0004 #Unlock All Locations 80078A5C FFFF #Unlock All Lures 50002402 0000 80078930 FFFF ; [ Batman Forever - The Arcade Game (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00387} ] :SLUS-00387 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C2B64 03C9 800E2EDC 0014 #P2 Infinite Energy 800E3A88 0014 ; [ Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01207} ] :SLUS-01207 #Infinite Health 8001A276 2400 #Stop Timer 8006CF1C 0000 ; [ Batman & Robin (USA) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00393} ] :SLUS-00393 #Infinite Health All Characters 8009A9F8 0000 #Infinite Coins 300D291A 0064 #Infinite Batteries 300D291B 0064 #Invincibility 80069D7C 0001 #First Person view 80069D7C 0001 #Give clues 80069D7C 0004 #Level Select:Pause game for it; X and Triangle to toggle it; press Start to load level; L1 to increase milliseconds; L2 to increase seconds 80069D7C 0008 ; [ Big Bass Fishing (USA) (2002) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01442} ] :SLUS-01442 #1 Challenge Wins Level:Complete the first challenge to advance to next level 80114898 0101 3011489B 0001 3011489C 0001 8011489E 0101 301148A1 0001 301148A2 0001 801148A4 0101 301148A7 0001 301148A8 0001 801148AA 0101 301148AD 0001 301148AE 0001 801148B0 0101 301148B3 0001 301148B4 0001 801148B6 0101 301148B9 0001 301148BA 0001 801148BC 0101 301148BF 0001 301148C0 0001 ; [ Bushido Blade (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94180} ] :SCUS-94180 #Instantly Win Fights 8013D524 0013 #P1 Never Dies 8004D534 0078 8004D536 0C00 8004D538 102A 8004D53A 0131 800001E0 0002 800001E2 1440 800001E6 2400 800001E8 35B7 800001EA 0801 800001EE 2400 800001F0 0008 800001F2 03E0 800001F4 006E 800001F6 8622 #Enable Katze 800A1004 0001 #Enable All Movies 800A10D8 FFFF #Level 10 800A11F4 0009 #98 Kills 800A10B0 0008 ; [ Bushido Blade 2 (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00663} ] :SLUS-00663 #All Enemies Die Instantly (Story Mode) 801023AA 0001 #Have Utsusemi 3009BC7F 0003 #Have Red Shadow 3009BC80 0003 #Have Tsubame 3009BC81 0003 #Have Sazanka 3009BC82 0003 #Have Suminasashi 3009BC83 0003 #Have Nightstalker 3009BC84 0003 #Have Matsu Mushi 3009BC85 0003 #Have Hongou 3009BC89 0003 #Have Katze 3009BC8A 0003 #Have Highway Man 3009BC8B 0003 #Have Chihiro 3009BC8C 0003 #Have Utamaru 3009BC8D 0003 #Have Tonu Umeda 3009BC8E 0003 #Have Iso Hachi 3009BC8F 0003 #Have Extra Character 1 3009BC90 0003 #Have Extra Character 2 3009BC91 0003 #Extra Characters 50001301 0000 3009BC7F 0003 #Kill 1 Ninja To Beat Slash Mode (99 Kills):This cheat will start you with 99 kills. Kill the opponent you're facing and you win. This helps you get the four secret characters that require you to beat Slash Mode under 15 minutes and without dying 800A38E2 0064 ; [ Buster Bros. Collection (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00208} ] :SLUS-00208 #Buster Bros P1 Infinite Lives 800C5940 0003 #Buster Bros P2 Infinite Lives 800C59C0 0003 #Buster Bros Infinite Credits:Both Players 800C7012 0403 #Super Buster Bros P1 Infinite Lives 800A4A10 0403 #Super Buster Bros P2 Infinite Lives 800A4A90 0403 #Super Buster Bros Infinite Time 800A4970 9900 #Super Buster Bros Infinite Credits:Both Players 800A6492 0304 #Buster Buddies P1 Infinite Lives 30171226 0003 #Buster Buddies P2 Infinite Lives 30171227 0003 ; [ Bugs Bunny & Taz - Time Busters (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01144} ] :SLUS-01144 #Infinite Health 8001696E 2400 #Infinite Clipboards 800100A0 0003 #Infinite Carrots 80010058 0064 #Have All Gears Found 8001005C 01F4 8001005E 01F4 80010060 00C8 80010062 012C 80010064 01F4 80010066 012C 80010068 00C8 8001006A 01F4 8001006C 01F4 8001006E 0190 80010070 012C 80010072 012C 80010074 01F4 80010076 01F4 80010078 012C 8001007A 00C8 #All Characters Found 800100E6 0202 800100E8 0201 800100EA 0102 800100EC 0202 800100EE 0201 800100F0 0102 #Have All Acme Boxes 50001001 0000 300100BE 0005 #Have All Boss Tokens 50000901 0000 300100D2 0001 #Cheat Modifier - Level Select:pause game and select Load Level,100 Carrots,All Moves and All Boss Tokens 3001008C 001F ; [ Big Bass World Championship (USA) (1997) (HOT-B USA) {SLUS-00228} ] :SLUS-00228 #Infinite Time 800977B8 0000 #No Tension On Line 8007B9D0 0000 8007B9D2 0000 #Infinite Bright Lures 8004D278 0000 8004D27A 0000 #Infinite Natural Lures 8004D264 0000 8004D266 0000 ; [ Brain Dead 13 (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00083 / SLUS-00171} ] :SLUS-00083 :SLUS-00171 #Infinite Lives 30065E66 0009 ; [ Beast Wars - Transformers (USA) (1997) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00508} ] :SLUS-00508 #Infinite Health 800D33DC 1518 #Infinite Energon 800D357A 0000 #Unlock All Missions Set 1:Press Select before you start a game. C00D4E3C 0040 800B2C14 0100 800B2C18 0005 800B2C20 0100 800B2C24 0005 800B2C2A 0005 00000000 FFFF #Unlock All Missions Set 2:Press Select before you start a game. C00D4E3C 0040 800B2C2C 0100 800B2C30 0005 800B2C36 0005 800B2C38 0100 800B2C3C 0005 00000000 FFFF #Mission Complete (press L1+L2+R1+R2 in-game) C00D8882 F0FF 300CC738 0028 800D7D98 FFFF 800D7D9A FFFF 00000000 FFFF ; [ David Beckham Soccer (USA) (2002) (Majesco Sales) {SLUS-01455} ] ;:SLUS-01455 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Flintstones - Bedrock Bowling (USA) (2000) (SouthPeak Interactive) {SLUS-00931} ] :SLUS-00931 #P1 Have All Pins Collected 3007AF9A 000A #P1 Have All Gems Collected C207AF9C 0001 3009A29C 0000 #P1 Have All Dodo Birds Collected 3007AF9B 0003 #P1 Quick Max Score 8007AF80 FFFF #P1 Infinite Gutter Ball Tries 3007AF98 0001 #P1 Add Time In Bonus Rounds .Press Select D00A5B44 0100 8009A314 03E7 #P2 Quick Max Score 8007AFD0 FFFF #P2 Infinite Gutter Ball Tries 3007AFE8 0001 #P2 Have All Pins Collected 3007AFEA 000A #P2 Have All Dodo Birds Collected 3007AFEB 0003 #P2 Have All Gems Collected C207AFEC 0001 3009A29C 0000 #P3 Quick Max Score 8007B020 FFFF #P3 Infinite Gutter Ball Tries 3007B038 0001 #P3 Have All Pins Collected 3007B03A 000A #P3 Have All Dodo Birds Collected 3007B03B 0003 #P3 Have All Gems Collected C207B03C 0001 3009A29C 0000 #P4 Quick Max Score 8007B070 FFFF #P4 Infinite Gutter Ball Tries 3007B088 0001 #P4 Have All Pins Collected 3007B08A 000A #P4 Have All Dodo Birds Collected 3007B08B 0003 #P4 Have All Gems Collected C207B08C 0001 3009A29C 0000 #Select Level\Gravel Factory 8007B668 0000 #Select Level\Quarry 8007B668 0001 #Select Level\Flooded Quarry 8007B668 0002 #Select Level\Tar Pits 8007B668 0003 #Select Level\Bonus Level - The Rubbles Backyard Pool 8007B668 0004 #Select Level\Bedrock Freeway 8007B668 0005 #Select Level\Crystal Mine 8007B668 0006 #Select Level\Lava 8007B668 0007 #Select Level\Rockzilla 8007B668 0008 #Select Level\Bonus Lane - Water Buffalo Lodge 8007B668 0009 #Select Level\Zetox 8007B668 000A #Select Level\Hidden Lane - Gazoo's Asteroid 8007B668 000B ; [ Beyblade (USA) (2002) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01489} ] :SLUS-01489 #Infinite BP 8007B3B2 270F #Max Losses 8009374E 270F #Max Wins 8009374C 270F #No Losses 8009374E 0000 #No Wins 8009374C 0000 #P1 Infinite HP 800BD2A8 03E7 #P1 Max LP 800BD2AC 0064 ; [ Beyond the Beyond (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94702} ] :SCUS-94702 #P1 Beyond The Beyond Infinite HP 801149D4 03E7 801149D6 03E7 #Beyond The Beyond Tont Infinite HP 80114C7C 03E7 80114C7E 03E7 #Beyond The Beyond Samson Infinite HP 80114B6C 03E7 80114B6E 03E7 #Beyond The Beyond Percy Infinite HP 80114AE4 03E7 80114AE6 03E7 #Beyond The Beyond Annie Infinite HP 80114A5C 03E7 80114A5E 03E7 #Infinite Money 80103884 FFFF #No Random Enemy Encounters 801FFE02 0100 ; [ Big Air (USA) (1999) (Accolade) {SLUS-00645} ] :SLUS-00645 #Max Score 8007BC1C FFFF #Track USA 800A07D8 0000 #Track Switzerland 800A07D8 0001 #Track Japan 800A07D8 0002 #Track Scotland 800A07D8 0003 #Track Germany 800A07D8 0004 #Track France 800A07D8 0005 #Time Is Always 0:00:00 8006AB94 0000 ; [ Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00010} ] :SLUS-00010 #P1 Always Wins 80073BD8 000F #Infinite Strikes 80170908 0000 #Infinite Balls 80179A10 0000 #Infinite Outs 80173E30 0000 #Away Team Always Scores 9 30173BD9 0009 #Away Team Always Scores 0 30173BD9 0000 #Visiting Team Always Scores 9 30173BD8 0009 #Visiting Temm Always Scores 0 30173BD8 0000 ; [ Big Ol' Bass 2 (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01259} ] ;:SLUS-01259 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Big Strike Bowling (USA) (2003) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01478} ] :SLUS-01478 #Unlock All Characters 800C563E FFFF #Press Select For Infinite Money D00E2C6A FFFE 800C566A FFFF ; [ Billiards (USA) (2001) (A1 Games) {SLUS-01289} ] :SLUS-01289 #Everyone Unlocked And Beaten 800B595E FF03 #Always P1 Turn 800D9678 0000 #All Trick Shots Complete 800B5958 FFFF 800B595A FFFF ; [ Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00502} ] :SLUS-00502 #P1 Extra Health 8009A038 6400 #P1 Infinite Shields 8009A03C 6400 #P1 Shields Always Active 8009A048 0022 ; [ Black Dawn (USA) (1996) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00321} ] :SLUS-00321 #Infinite Time 80054C54 0000 80054C64 0000 8005772C 0000 8005FC60 0000 8005FC64 0000 #Infinite Msc's 8005FCF0 0063 #Infinite Rkt's 8005FCF2 03E7 #Infinite Nap's 8005FCF4 0063 #Infinite Tac's 8005FCF6 0063 #Always Play Level\Urban Strike 800F23DC 0000 #Always Play Level\Black Out 800F23DC 0001 #Always Play Level\Ice Storm 800F23DC 0002 #Always Play Level\Desert Fury 800F23DC 0003 #Always Play Level\Riger Trap 800F23DC 0004 #Always Play Level\Crack Down 800F23DC 0005 #Always Play Level\Hurricane 800F23DC 0005 #Select Starting Level\Urban Strike D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0000 #Select Starting Level\Black Out D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0001 #Select Starting Level\Ice Storm D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0002 #Select Starting Level\Desert Fury D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0003 #Select Starting Level\Riger Trap D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0004 #Select Starting Level\Crack Down D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0005 #Select Starting Level\Hurricane D00F23DC 0000 800F23DC 0005 #Msc's Fully Powered Up 3005FCFA 0003 #Rkt's Fully Powered Up 3005FCFB 0003 #Nap's Fully Powered Up 3005FCFC 0003 #Tac's Fully Powered Up 3005FCFD 0003 #Gun Fully Powered Up 3005FCFE 0003 #'Perfect' Pause Enabled 8005EF78 0001 ; [ Blast Lacrosse (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01380} ] :SLUS-01380 #Select Home Team Score\99 80094FC0 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80094FC0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80095060 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80095060 0000 #Home Infinite Turbo 800C2C14 00FF #Away Infinite Turbo 800C2C18 00FF ; [ Blade (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01215} ] :SLUS-01215 #Infinite Energy 800C7328 0600 #Always have Full Power 800C3914 45E2 #Infinite Money 800C3998 03E7 #Always have Shotgun 300C38CE 0001 #Always have Machine Pistol 300C38D0 0001 #Always have UV Laser Cannon 300C38D2 0001 #Always have Multi-Launcher 300C38D4 0001 #Always have Sword 300C38D6 0001 #Infinite Standard Handgun Bullets 300C38D8 0064 #Infinite Carbon Handgun Bullets 300C38DA 0064 #Infinite Standard Machine Pistol Bullets 300C38DC 0064 #Infinite Carbon Machine Pistol Bullets 300C38DE 0064 #Infinite Silver Machine Pistol Bullets 300C38E0 0064 #Infinite Standard Shotgun Shells 300C38E2 0064 #Infinite Explosive Shotgun Shells 300C38E4 0064 #Infinite Silver Nitrate Shotgun Shells 300C38E6 0064 #Infinite Multi-Launcher Bolts 300C38E8 0064 #Infinite Explosive Multi-Launcher Bolts 300C38EA 0064 #Infinite Multi-Launcher Blades 300C38EC 0064 #Infinite Silver Multi-Launcher Blades 300C38EE 0064 #Infinite Grenades 300C38F0 0064 #Infinite UV Grenades 300C38F2 0064 #Infinite Large Serum 300C38F6 0064 #Infinite Med-Kit 300C38F8 0064 #Infinite Small Serum 300C38FA 0064 #Infinite Health Booster 300C38FC 0064 #Infinite Coagulant 300C38FE 0064 #Infinite Energy Drink 300C3900 0064 #Always have All Keys + Keycards 300C3908 00FF #Enable Cheat Menu 800BB772 7000 #Always have All Files 800B7010 FFFF 800B7012 FFFF 300B7014 00FF ; [ NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00825} ] ;:SLUS-00825 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Blast Chamber (USA) (1996) (Activision) {SLUS-00219} ] :SLUS-00219 #Infinite Lives 800B438C 0009 ; [ Blasto (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94412} ] :SCUS-94412 #Infinite Lives 801F1972 0005 #Infinite Health 801F04D4 1770 #Moon Jump D00CDC08 0040 801F0318 FFA6 #Weapon Mega Blast 800CD432 0008 #Infinite Ammo (Bpc) D00CDC08 0020 8008BD68 0000 #Invincibility 301F1970 0001 #Max Power Blaster D00CDC08 0080 800CD434 0003 #Super Jump 801F0484 0003 #Climbing Blasto:Press triangle and then up D00CDC08 0010 801F1520 0005 #Unlock 'Return To Hub' Menu-Option 300100B6 0001 #Unlock 'View Babes' Menu Option 300100AC 0001 #Unlock Cheat Menu 300100B4 0001 #Evil Blasto 300100B4 0001 300100B9 0002 #All Cheats 300100B4 0001 800100B8 FFFF 300100BA 000F #Blasto Costume Underwear 301F1910 0001 ; [ Blazing Dragons (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00100} ] ;:SLUS-00100 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bloody Roar (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94199} ] :SCUS-94199 #P1 Infinite Energy arcade mode 801C1504 0072 801C1514 0072 801C18EC 0072 801C18FC 0072 #Open Bonus Options + Art Gallery 801C4520 FFFF #Slow Motion 801B0178 6308 #Quick Select\P1 Infinite Health 301C4508 0002 #Quick Select\P2 Infinite Health 301C4509 0002 #Quick Select\P1 Infinite Health, Beast And Rave 301C4508 0003 #Quick Select\P2 Infinite Health, Beast And Rave 301C4509 0003 #Quick Select\P1 Big Arm Mode 301C4508 0010 #Quick Select\P2 Big Arm Mode 301C4509 0010 #Quick Select\P1 Infinite Health And Big Arm Mode 301C4508 0012 #Quick Select\P2 Infinite Health And Big Arm Mode 301C4509 0012 #Quick Select\P1 Infinite Health, Beast, Rave And Big Arm Mode 301C4508 0013 #Quick Select\P2 Infinite Health, Beast, Rave And Big Arm Mode 301C4509 0013 #Quick Select\P2 Can't Move, Always Connect Combo The Whole Match:With this cheat, first do a throw move on P2 then start hitting for chain combos! 801F5BAA 0197 ; [ Bloody Roar II (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94424} ] :SCUS-94424 #P1 Infinite Health (Only) 80178A5C 0100 80178A5E 3221 80178A64 000D 80178A66 1020 #P1+P2 Infinite Health 80178A9A 2400 #Infinite Time To Choose Character 801FFE1C 1760 #Have All Characters 801C0FF4 FFFF #Have All Movies 801C0FD0 FFFF #Get All Pictures 801C0FFC FFFF 801C0FFE FFFF 801C1000 FFFF 801C1002 FFFF 801C1004 FFFF #Have All Custom 801C0FEC FFFF 801C0FEE FFFF #Only 1 Fight to Win Game 801529EC 0007 801529EE 2402 #1-Hit K. O. 800530D8 0000 800530DA 0000 ; [ NFL Blitz (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00617} ] :SLUS-00617 #Home Team Always Gains A Extra Point 30150745 0001 #Home Team Never Gains A Extra Point 30150745 0000 #Away Team Always Gains A Extra Point 30150744 0001 #Away Team Never Gains A Extra Point 30150744 0000 #10 Points Gained Per Td 800435E0 000A #0 Points Gained Per Td 800435E0 0000 #1st Quarter 0 Points (Home Team Score Modifier) 80171F24 0000 #2nd Quarter 0 Points (Home Team Score Modifier) 80171F28 0000 #3rd Quarter 0 Points (Home Team Score Modifier) 80171F2C 0000 #4th Quarter 100 Points (Home Team Score Modifier) 80171F30 0064 #4th Quarter 0 Points (Home Team Score Modifier) 80171F30 0000 #1st Quarter 0 Points (Away Team Score Modifier) 80171F40 0000 #2nd Quarter 0 Points (Away Team Score Modifier) 80171F44 0000 #3rd Quarter 0 Points (Away Team Score Modifier) 80171F48 0000 #4th Quarter 100 Points (Away Team Score Modifier) 80171F4C 0064 #4th Quarter 0 Points (Away Team Score Modifier) 80171F4C 0000 ; [ NFL Blitz 2000 (USA) (1999) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00861} ] :SLUS-00861 #Home Team Score 0\1st Quarter 801AC554 0000 #Home Team Score 0\2nd Quarter 801AC558 0000 #Home Team Score 0\3rd Quarter 801AC55C 0000 #Home Team Score 0\4th Quarter 801AC560 0000 #Away Team Score 0\1st Quarter 801AC56C 0000 #Away Team Score 0\2nd Quarter 801AC570 0000 #Away Team Score 0\3rd Quarter 801AC574 0000 #Away Team Score 0\4th Quarter 801AC578 0000 #Home Team Score 99\1st Quarter 801AC554 0063 #Home Team Score 99\2nd Quarter 801AC558 0063 #Home Team Score 99\3rd Quarter 801AC55C 0063 #Home Team Score 99\4th Quarter 801AC560 0063 #Away Team Score 99\1st Quarter 801AC56C 0063 #Away Team Score 99\2nd Quarter 801AC570 0063 #Away Team Score 99\3rd Quarter 801AC574 0063 #Away Team Score 99\4th Quarter 801AC578 0063 ; [ NFL Blitz 2001 (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01146} ] :SLUS-01146 #Home Team Score 0\1st Quarter 801682A4 0000 #Home Team Score 0\2nd Quarter 801682A8 0000 #Home Team Score 0\3rd Quarter 801682AC 0000 #Home Team Score 0\4th Quarter 801682B0 0000 #Away Team Score 0\1st Quarter 801682B4 0000 #Away Team Score 0\2nd Quarter 801682B8 0000 #Away Team Score 0\3rd Quarter 801682BC 0000 #Away Team Score 0\4th Quarter 801682C0 0000 #Home Team Score 99\1st Quarter 801682A4 0063 #Home Team Score 99\2nd Quarter 801682A8 0063 #Home Team Score 99\3rd Quarter 801682AC 0063 #Home Team Score 99\4th Quarter 801682B0 0063 #Away Team Score 99\1st Quarter 801682B4 0063 #Away Team Score 99\2nd Quarter 801682B8 0063 #Away Team Score 99\3rd Quarter 801682BC 0063 #Away Team Score 99\4th Quarter 801682C0 0063 ; [ Blockids (USA) (2003) (Natsume) {SLUS-01496} ] :SLUS-01496 #Infinite Credits 80179840 0002 #Infinite Lives (Adventure Mode) 801798A2 0008 ; [ Big League Slugger Baseball (USA) (2003) (Agetec) {SLUS-01527} ] :SLUS-01527 #Infinite Strikes 80084D64 0000 #Infinite Balls 80084B9A 0000 #Infinite Outs 80084B4C 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D0084D64 0000 80084D64 0002 #1 Ball And You Walk D0084B9A 0000 80084B9A 0300 #1 Out And You Are Out D0084B4C 0000 80084B4C 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D0084D64 0000 80084D64 0001 #2 Balls And You Walk D0084B9A 0000 80084B9A 0200 #2 Outs And You Are Out D0084B4C 0000 80084B4C 0001 #3 Balls And You Walk D0084B9A 0000 80084B9A 0100 ; [ Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01524} ] ;:SLUS-01524 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Black Bass with Blue Marlin (USA) (1999) (HOT-B USA) {SLUS-00648} ] :SLUS-00648 #Infinite Lures 8003C4C2 2400 #Stop Time 800141E6 2400 #No Line Tension 80099252 0000 ; [ Blue's Clues - Blue's Big Musical (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01198} ] ;:SLUS-01198 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Blaster Master - Blasting Again (USA) (2001) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01031} ] :SLUS-01031 #Infinite HP 800F83A4 0000 800F83A6 0010 #Infinite SP 800F83B0 0000 800F83B2 0002 #Infinite LP 800F83E8 0000 800F83EA 0010 #Infinite GP 800F83F0 5000 #Infinite HP (Alternate Version) D007A7A4 0170 8007A7A6 2400 #Infinite LP (Alternate Version) D003F3DC 01B4 8003F3DE 2400 #Infinite Blaster 800F83B2 000F #Infinite Homing 800F83B6 000F #Infinite Thunder 800F83BE 000F #Infinite Field Guard 800F83BA 000F #Sophia III Mode (Press 'X' at the Main Menu) 80098CA8 0003 80098CAA 0004 80098CB6 0003 #Infinite Hover:Turn off before a Boss battle, or the game will freeze during the battle 300F83AA 0010 #Grasshopper Mode 800F8330 04FF ; [ Bob the Builder - Can We Fix It? (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01407} ] :SLUS-01407 #Infinite Time 80023608 2400 #Fix The Leaks\Infinite Time 8002360A 2400 #Scary Spud\Infinite Time 8003702E 2400 #Bubble Trouble\Infinite Time 8003984E 2400 ; [ Breath of Fire III (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00422} ] :SLUS-00422 #Other\Misc.\No Random Battles 80143F22 0000 #Other\Misc.\5 Million Zenny 80144F50 F08E 80144F52 02FA #Other\Misc.\Time Always 00:00 80144FC0 0000 #Other\Misc.\Have All Dragon Genes 80145548 FFFF 8014554A FFFF #In-Battle 1st Character Cheats\Infinite HP 30145F18 03E7 #In-Battle 2nd Character Cheats\Infinite HP 30146058 03E7 #In-Battle 3rd Character Cheats\Infinite HP 30146198 03E7 #In-Battle 1st Character Cheats\Infinite MP 30145F1A 03E7 #In-Battle 2nd Character Cheats\Infinite MP 3014605A 03E7 #In-Battle 3rd Character Cheats\Infinite MP 3014619A 03E7 #In-Battle 1st Character Cheats\Immune To Status Changes 30145F10 0000 #In-Battle 2nd Character Cheats\Immune To Status Changes 30146050 0000 #In-Battle 3rd Character Cheats\Immune To Status Changes 30146190 0000 #In-Battle All Spells Cost 0 AP Cheats\Immune To Status Changes 301463C8 0000 #In-Battle Extra Items Cheats\Immune To Status Changes D0099094 FFFF 80099096 0001 #In-Battle Infinite Items Cheats\Immune To Status Changes D009909E A082 8009909E 2400 #Garr Character Cheats\Max HP 80144AC4 03E7 80144ACC 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max AP 80144AC6 03E7 80144ACE 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max Power 80144AD0 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144AD2 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144AD4 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144AD6 03E7 #Garr Character Cheats\Max Level 80144AB6 0063 #Garr Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144AB8 FFFF #Garr Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144ABA 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Master Modifier 80144CB6 ??00 #Momo Character Cheats\Max HP 80144CB0 03E7 80144CB8 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max AP 80144CB2 03E7 80144CBA 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max Power 80144CBC 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144CBE 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144CC0 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144CC2 03E7 #Momo Character Cheats\Max Level 80144CA2 0063 #Momo Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144CA4 FFFF #Momo Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144CA6 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max HP 80144A20 03E7 80144A28 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max AP 80144A22 03E7 80144A2A 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Power 80144A2C 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144A2E 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144A30 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144A32 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Level 80144A12 0063 #Nina Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144A14 FFFF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144A16 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max HP 80144D54 03E7 80144D5C 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max AP 80144D56 03E7 80144D5E 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max Power 80144D60 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144D62 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144D64 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144D66 03E7 #Peco Character Cheats\Max Level 80144D46 0063 #Peco Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144D48 FFFF #Peco Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144D4A 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Master Modifier 80144C12 ??00 #Rei Character Cheats\Max HP 80144C0C 03E7 80144C14 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max AP 80144C0E 03E7 80144C16 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max Power 80144C18 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144C1A 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144C1C 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144C1E 03E7 #Rei Character Cheats\Max Level 80144BFE 0063 #Rei Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144C00 FFFF #Rei Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144C02 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max HP 8014497C 03E7 80144984 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max AP 8014497E 03E7 80144986 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Power 80144988 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Defense 8014498A 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Agility 8014498C 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 8014498E 03E7 #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Level 8014496E 0063 #Ryu Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144970 FFFF #Ryu Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144972 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max HP 80144B68 03E7 80144B70 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max AP 80144B6A 03E7 80144B72 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Power 80144B74 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Defense 80144B76 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Agility 80144B78 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Intelligence 80144B7A 03E7 #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Level 80144B5A 0063 #Teepo Character Cheats\65535 Experience 80144B5C FFFF #Teepo Character Cheats\Max Experience 80144B5E 03E7 #Other\Misc.\Max Fish Casting Power 801440BC 0100 #Other\Misc.\Turn Camp Button Into Warp To Last Save Point 8014504A 0001 #Other\Misc.\Have Wooden Rod 801451DE 2E0E #Other\Misc.\Have Bamboo Rod 801451F0 2F0E #Other\Misc.\Have Deluxe Rod 801451F2 300E #Other\Misc.\Have Angling Rod 801451F4 310E #Other\Misc.\Have Spanner 801451F6 320E #Other\Misc.\Have Master's Rod 801451F8 330E #Other\Misc.\Ship Engine Never Overheats 80145E9A 0000 #Other\Misc.\Electric Gate In Front Entrance Of Factory Turned Off 80144F32 3E10 #Other\Misc.\Infinite Tidal Time 80144370 1800 80144372 461E #Other\Misc.\Enable All Fairy Songs:With this cheat, it allows you to select more songs than actually exist; however, DO NOT choose any song after Castle in the Sky! D01D0EC6 A420 801D0EC6 2400 #Other\Misc.\Infinite Items D01D44CE A262 801D44CE 2400 D01D3666 A262 801D3666 2400 #Other\Misc.\Have All Items 50004301 0000 3014534C 0014 50005B01 0000 3014524C 0014 50003301 0000 301453CC 0014 50005201 0000 301452CC 0014 50004301 0001 3014514C 0000 50005B01 0001 3014504C 0000 50003301 0001 301451CC 0000 50005201 0001 301450CC 0000 #Other\Misc.\Infinite Health For Beyd (Battle Against Zig) 801EB6C4 004B #Other\Misc.\One Hit Death For Zig 801EB7DC 0000 ; [ Breath of Fire IV (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01324} ] :SLUS-01324 #Slot 1-Max Infinite HP 801C7A68 270F 801C7B08 270F #Slot 2-Max Infinite HP 801C7C0C 270F 801C7CAC 270F #Slot 3-Max Infinite HP 801C7DB0 270F 801C7E50 270F #nfinite Zenny 8011AD80 FFFF #Max Zenny 8011AD80 967F 8011AD82 0098 #Time 0:00 8011AD90 0000 8011AD92 0000 8011AD94 0000 #Have All Skills In Camp List 8011B5C8 FFFF 8011B5CA FFFF 8011B5CC FFFF 8011B5CE FFFF 8011B5D0 FFFF #Max Stamp Cards 801ABA36 2400 #No Random Battles:With this cheat, turn off during boss battles, in Ludia when rescuing Cray, and while on the Golden Plain or the game could crash. 801172A6 1702 #All Faries Have Full Heart And Work Diligentlly 50001428 0000 8011B9FE 6400 #Have All Items 50007602 0001 8011AD98 6301 #Have All Weapons 50005702 0001 8011AF98 6301 #Have All Dragon Forms 50000C06 0000 8011B8D8 0001 ; [ Bogey - Dead 6 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94307} ] :SCUS-94307 #Infinite Mission Time 80080B24 0253 #Infinite Chaff Loads 800816C2 000A #Infinite Amraam Missiles 800BC686 0063 #Infinite Sidewinder Missiles 800BC684 0063 #Infinite Harm Anit-Radiation Missiles 800BC688 0063 #Infinite Maverick Missiles 800BC68A 0063 #Infinite Vulcan 20Mm Cannon 800BC68E 03E7 #Infinite Armor 801B9FDC 0A6E #High Engine Thrust 800816A4 0064 #Infinite Fuel 801C2170 31A5 80081712 2F61 #Infinite Continues 801C29C2 0005 #Infinite Misiles 50000602 0000 800BC684 0064 #Have All Fighters Unlocked 801C2A36 0001 #Have All Missions Unlocked 801C2A34 0001 ; [ Bomberman Fantasy Race (USA) (1999) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00823} ] :SLUS-00823 #Money Code 8014873C FFFF #Full Stamina 800100EA 077F #P1 Has All Animals 80148736 FFFF #Infinite Time Bonus Round 8014AB20 0C69 #Max GB in Bonus Round 80148894 03E7 #Lap 1 is 0:00:00 8014AB20 0000 #Lap 2 is 0:00:00 8014AB24 0000 #Lap 3 is 0:00:00 8014AB28 0000 ; [ The Bombing Islands (USA) (2001) (Kemco U.S.A.) {SLUS-01292} ] :SLUS-01292 #Infinite Time 80072E08 10FD #Always 1 Step 80072E96 0001 ; [ Bomberman - Party Edition (USA) (2000) (Vatical Entertainment) {SLUS-01189} ] :SLUS-01189 #Stop Timer 80061DC2 2400 #Infinite Lives D00934A0 0003 800934A0 0004 #Max Score 800934A4 E0FF 800934A6 05F5 #Max Flame 801D8C08 0009 #Max Bomb 801D8C0C 0063 ; [ Bomberman World (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00680} ] :SLUS-00680 #Indestructible Bomberman D00CCAE2 0000 800CCAE2 2000 #Infinite Lives: 800CCB50 0009 #Stop Timer: 80077B82 003B #Have All Needed Crystals: D0077BD2 0004 80077BD0 0004 D0077BD2 0006 80077BD0 0006 D0077BD2 0005 80077BD0 0005 #Invincibility 800CCAE2 2000 #Infinite Time 80078BF8 4000 #Infinite Lives 8007F038 0009 800CDB70 0009 #Invincibility (Alt) 800CDB32 0101 #First Four Worlds Open 80078A72 FFFF 30078A84 00FF #All Bosses Standing On Worlds Are Crystals And Last Level Open 30078A7C 0004 #Have All Crystals + Door Open:May Not Work In First 2 Areas Of Level 1 80078BF0 0006 #Text Language English 80078A94 0000 #Text Language German 80078A94 0001 #Text Language French 80078A94 0002 #Text Language Italian 80078A94 0003 #Text Language Spanish 80078A94 0004 ; [ BoomBots (USA) (1999) (SouthPeak Interactive) {SLUS-00968} ] :SLUS-00968 #Enable All Characters 8009F820 FFFF #Enable All Levels 8009F822 FFFF #P1 Infinite Health 8009F7A0 0400 #P1 No Health 8009F7A0 0000 #P1 Max Power Bar 8009F7A4 0400 #P1 No Power Bar 8009F7A4 0000 #P1 1 Hit Kill D009F7A0 0400 8009F7A0 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 8009F7A2 0400 #P2 No Health 8009F7A2 0000 #P2 Max Power Bar 8009F7A6 0400 #P2 No Power Bar 8009F7A6 0000 #P2 1 Hit Kill D009F7A2 0400 8009F7A2 0001 ; [ Bottom of the 9th '97 (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00296} ] :SLUS-00296 #Slow-Motion Mode 80045130 0001 ; [ Bottom of the 9th '99 (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00678} ] :SLUS-00678 #Select Away Team Score\0 801330AE 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 801330AE 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 801330B8 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 801330B8 6300 #Select For 0 Balls + 2 Strikes D007684A 0100 801330BE 0120 #Select For 3 Balls + 0 Strikes D007684A 0008 801330BE 0103 ; [ Bottom of the 9th (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00049} ] ;:SLUS-00049 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bowling (USA) (2000) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01288} ] :SLUS-01288 #Infinite Balls Quest Mode 801A2B28 0063 ; [ Boxing (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01309} ] :SLUS-01309 #Extra Points 801FE850 FFFF #Unlock All Characters 50000702 0000 801FE6D0 0101 #Infinite Health 801FEDD8 0AF0 801FEDDC 0AF0 #Infinite Stamina 801FEDE0 0AF0 #Infinite Rush 801FEDD0 0032 ; [ Blast Radius (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00642} ] :SLUS-00642 #Infinite Energy 800EF16A 0060 #Infinite Fuel 800EDA7E 0064 #Infinite Shields 800EF168 00C8 #Infinite Infinite Secondary Weapon Ammo 800EF172 03E8 #Max Credits 800AB724 967F 800AB726 0098 #Activate All Cheat 300AB4C0 001F ; [ Brahma Force - The Assault on Beltlogger 9 (USA) (1997) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00444} ] :SLUS-00444 #Infinite Durability 800E0C64 03E8 #Max Durabilty 800E0C66 03E8 #Max Shield Rifle 800E0C6A 0064 #Max Shield Laser 800E0C6C 0064 #Max Shield Missiles 800E0C6E 0064 #Max Shield Physical 800E0C70 0064 #Infinite Rifle Ammo 800E0C74 03E8 #Infinite Missiles 800E0C78 03E8 #Infinite Launchers 800E0C7A 03E8 #Infinite Bombs 800E0C7C 0063 #Infinite Rp200 300E0C7E 0063 #Infinite Rp500 300E0C7F 0063 #Infinite Ec200 300E0C80 0063 #Infinite Ec500 300E0C81 0063 #Infinite Repair Modules 300E0C82 0063 #Infinite High Repair Modules 300E0C83 0063 #Infinite Max Repair Modules 300E0C84 0063 #Infinite Energy Modules 300E0C85 0063 #Infinite High Energy Modules 300E0C86 0063 #Infinite Max Energy Modules 300E0C87 0063 #Infinite Full Recovery Modules 300E0C88 0063 #Infinite Star Shells 300E0C89 0063 #Infinite Bangers 300E0C8A 0063 #Infinite System Packs 300E0C8B 0063 #Infinite Beacons 300E0C8C 0063 #Infinite Shield Bits 300E0C8D 0063 #Infinite Sapu's 300E0C8E 0063 #Infinite Upr's 300E0C8F 0063 #Have Stinger Rifle At Max 300E0C97 00FF #Have Gh-1000 Rifle At Max 300E0C98 00FF #Have Gh-3000 Rifle At Max 300E0C99 00FF #Triple Barrel Rifle At Max 300E0C9A 00FF #Hensolt Shooter Rifle At Max 300E0C9B 00FF #Have Rapid Fire Rifle At Max 300E0C9C 00FF #Have Quarker Laser At Max 300E0C9D 00FF #Have Prokion Laser At Max 300E0C9E 00FF #Have Hadron Laser At Max 300E0C9F 00FF #Have Syn Wave Laser At Max 300E0CA0 00FF #Have Polar Ray Laser At Max 300E0CA1 00FF #Have Hydra Laser At Max 300E0CA2 00FF #Have Detector Missile At Max 300E0CA3 00FF #Dual Buster Missiles At Max 300E0CA4 00FF #Have Mobs Missiles At Max 300E0CA5 00FF #Trench Mortal Launcher At Max 300E0CA6 00FF #Have Breaker Launcher At Max 300E0CA7 00FF #Have Miu Launcher At Max 300E0CA8 00FF #Have Enemy Analizer 300E0CB1 000B #Have Pivot Stabilizer 300E0CB3 0006 #Have Middle Range Unit 300E0CB5 0007 #Have Long Range Unit 300E0CB6 0003 #Have Quick Charger 300E0CB7 0008 #Have We-Thyristor 300E0CB8 0004 #Have Power Thyristor 300E0CB9 0009 #Have Solid Gear 300E0CBA 0005 #Have Dash Booster 300E0CBB 000A #Infinite Energy + Laser Shots 800E0D2A 03E8 #Never Overheat 800E0A6E 0000 #Infinite Armor 8005C918 0064 ; [ Bratz - Dress Up, Get Down and Be a Bratz Superstar! (USA) (2003) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01508} ] :SLUS-01508 #Quick Point Gain 801F9D50 FFFF #Max Points 801F9D50 E0FF 801F9D52 05F5 #Max Dance Bar 801F9D64 0089 #Unlock All Extras Unlocks all dance moves + stages. 3007148C 000D 80071492 03ED ; [ Bravo Air Race (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00488} ] :SLUS-00488 #Always Come In First 801E8FE8 0001 #Infinite Checkpoint Time 801DE69C 1693 #Infinite Lap Time 801D8FE4 0000 801D8FE8 0000 801D8FEC 0000 #Quick Race Finish 801E8FEE 0003 ; [ Break Out (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01170} ] :SLUS-01170 #Infinite Balls D01F4520 0002 801F4520 0003 #Open Continue + Challenge Mode (Single Player) 800F4E88 0003 #Overall Ranking Superstar (Map) 801EA230 0000 #Unlock All Areas On Map (Map) 801EA224 0006 #Start At Final Area Point (Map) 801EA22C 0005 #Unlock All Levels On Map + Art Viewer (Prison Area) 801EA238 0005 #All Levels Completed (Prison Area) 801EA240 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Prison Area) 801EA25C 0001 801EA268 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Prison Area) 801EA270 0001 801EA27C 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Prison Area) 801EA284 0001 801EA290 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Prison Area) 801EA298 0001 801EA2A4 0000 #Unlock All Levels On Map (Pyramid Area) 801EA2D4 0004 #Activate Area Icon (Pyramid Area) 801EA2D8 0001 #All Levels Completed + Unlock Area Character (Pyramid Area) 801EA2DC 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Pyramid Area) 801EA2F8 0001 801EA304 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Pyramid Area) 801EA30C 0001 801EA318 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Pyramid Area) 801EA320 0001 801EA32C 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Pyramid Area) 801EA334 0001 801EA340 0000 #Unlock All Levels On Map (Farm Area) 801EA370 0004 #Activate Area Icon (Farm Area) 801EA374 0001 #All Levels Completed + Unlock Area Character (Farm Area) 801EA378 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Farm Area) 801EA394 0001 801EA3A0 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Farm Area) 801EA3A8 0001 801EA3B4 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Farm Area) 801EA3BC 0001 801EA3C8 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Farm Area) 801EA3D0 0001 801EA3DC 0000 #Unlock All Levels On Map (Castle Area) 801EA40C 0004 #Activate Area Icon (Castle Area) 801EA410 0001 #All Levels Completed + Unlock Area Character (Castle Area) 801EA414 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Castle Area) 801EA430 0001 801EA43C 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Castle Area) 801EA444 0001 801EA450 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Castle Area) 801EA458 0001 801EA464 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Castle Area) 801EA46C 0001 801EA478 0000 #Unlock All Levels On Map (Factory Area) 801EA4A8 0004 #Activate Area Icon (Factory Area) 801EA4AC 0001 #All Levels Completed + Unlock Area Character (Factory Area) 801EA4B0 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Factory Area) 801EA4CC 0001 801EA4D8 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Factory Area) 801EA4E0 0001 801EA4EC 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Factory Area) 801EA4F4 0001 801EA500 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Factory Area) 801EA508 0001 801EA514 0000 #Unlock All Levels On Map (Space Area) 801EA544 0004 #Activate Area Icon (Space Area) 801EA548 0001 #All Levels Completed + Unlock Area Character (Space Area) 801EA54C 0001 #Level 1 Ranking Superstar (Space Area) 801EA568 0001 801EA574 0000 #Level 2 Ranking Superstar (Space Area) 801EA57C 0001 801EA588 0000 #Level 3 Ranking Superstar (Space Area) 801EA590 0001 801EA59C 0000 #Level 4 Ranking Superstar (Space Area) 801EA5A4 0001 801EA5B0 0000 ; [ Brigandine - The Legend of Forsena (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00687} ] :SLUS-00687 #Max HP Brangien 80091E34 03E7 #Max HP Vanyard 80091C8E 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Vaynard 80076E78 03E7 80091C8E 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Lyonesse 80076E50 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Lance 80076E28 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Kiloph 80077008 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Dryst 80076EF0 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Cai 80076EA0 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Brangien 80077C38 03E7 80091E34 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Iria 80076F90 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Hula 800776E8 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Camden 80077800 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Asmit 80077210 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Merriot 80076F68 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Meleagant 80076FE0 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Gereint 80076FB8 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Dinadant 80077058 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Coel 80077148 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Carlota 80077418 03E7 #Brigandine Infinite HP Beauarte 800777B0 03E7 #Max Mana 800C4AB8 E49F 800C4ABA 0098 #Quick Exp Gain Attacking 80080760 03E7 80088DF0 03E7 #Quic Exp Gain Attack Upon 80088DE4 03E7 #All Monsters 50001D16 0202 800C47D8 0100 ; [ Broken Helix (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00289} ] :SLUS-00289 #Infinite Ammo 8005C908 0190 #Infinite Time 8005C958 04B0 #Infinite Energy 8005C918 0032 #Extra Items 50002502 0001 8006FE2E 0101 ; [ Burning Road (USA) (1996) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00324} ] :SLUS-00324 #Infinite Time 8005A930 0032 #Always Have 1st Place 8005A84C 0001 8005A850 0001 800CDDAA 0001 ; [ Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-00856} ] :SLUS-00856 #Max Accuracy 80132A54 0006 #Max Power 80132A68 0006 #Max Spin 80132A7C 0006 ; [ Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00571} ] :SLUS-00571 #Always Win Tourney 8010AEA8 270F #Max Number Of Pins Downed 8010ADA6 270F ; [ Backstreet Billiards (USA) (1998) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00659} ] :SLUS-00659 #Cpu Always Loses Turn 800E1544 0000 #Have Maximum Cue Shot Power 800BA54C 000B #Have Maximum Player's Technique 800BA550 000C #Have Maximum Player's Mentality 800BA554 000B ; [ Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00484} ] :SLUS-00484 #Always have Twig of Hazel 800662E4 0001 #Always have Rectangle of Towel 800662E8 0001 #Always have Hotel Ubu Keyring 800662EC 0001 #Always have Red Ball 800662F0 0001 #Always have Newspaper 800662E0 0001 #Always have Statuette 800662F4 0001 #Always have Plastic Nose 800662F8 0001 #Always have Chalice 800662FC 0001 #Always have Fifty Bucks 80066300 0001 #Always have Nico's Photograph 80066304 0001 #Always have Flashlight 80066308 0001 #Always have Wire 8006630C 0001 #Always have Blue Gemstone 80066310 0001 #Always have Painted Statuette 80066314 0001 #Always have Stick 80066318 0001 #Always have Excavation Key 8006631C 0001 #Always have Gruber Card 80066320 0001 #Always have Metal Bar 80066324 0001 #Always have Anciet Manuscript 80066328 0001 #Always have Matchbook 8006632C 0001 #Always have Scrap of cloth 80066330 0001 #Always have Stick-Towel 80066334 0001 #Always have Plaster 80066338 0001 #Always have Blood Pressure Cuff 8006633C 0001 #Always have Plane tickets 80066340 0001 #Always have Shake + Shock Buzzer 80066344 0001 #Always have Rasso Card 80066348 0001 #Always have Club Toilet Key 8006634C 0001 #Always have Soap 80066350 0001 #Always have Carved Stone 80066354 0001 #Always have Mausoleum Chalice 80066358 0001 #Always have Soggy Tissue 8006635C 0001 #Always have Short Bursh 80066360 0001 #Always have Short Chain 80066364 0001 #Always have Gray Toweling 80066368 0001 #Always have Tripod 8006636C 0001 #Always have Lens 80066370 0001 #Always have Mirror 80066374 0001 #Always have Cut Towel Roller 80066378 0001 #Always have Spanish Bible 8006637C 0001 #Always have Burned Tissue 80066380 0001 #Always have Plaster Key 80066384 0001 #Always have Painted Plaster Key 80066388 0001 #Always have Excavation Keyring 8006638C 0001 #Always have Imprinted Soap 80066390 0001 #Always have Filled Imprint 80066394 0001 #Always have Cog and Spindle 80066398 0001 #Always have Old Coin 800663A4 0001 #Always have Pen Top 800663A8 0001 #Always have Pipe 800663AC 0001 ; [ Broken Sword II - The Smoking Mirror (USA) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-00812} ] :SLUS-00812 #Have File Cabinet (Guy) 3007FA3C 0001 #Have Flint Statue (Guy) 3007FA48 0001 #Have Letter (Guy) 3007FA58 0001 #Have Pot (Guy) 3007FA60 0001 #Have Box Of Biscuits (Guy) 3007FADC 0001 #Have Short Wooden Handled Boat Hook (Guy) 3007FAE8 0001 #Have Beer Bottle (Guy) 3007FAF0 0001 #Have Metal Cone (Guy) 3007FAF8 0001 #Have Darts (Guy) 3007FB00 0001 #Have Flask Of Absense (Guy) 3007FB04 0001 #Have Lipstick (Guy) 3007FB0C 0001 #Have Newspaper Clippings (Guy) 3007FB1C 0001 #Have Bank Statement (Guy) 3007FB28 0001 #Have Lucky Piece Of Coal (Guy) 3007FB70 0001 #Have Worm (Guy) 3007FC84 0001 #Have Label (Guy) 3007FD08 0001 #Have Cone 2 (Guy) 3007FE00 0001 #Have Screw Housing (Guy) 3007FEF8 0001 #Have Stone (Guy) 30080144 0001 #Have Binoculars (Guy) 30080118 0001 #Have Candy Bar (Guy) 30080124 0001 #Have Obsidian Dagger (Guy) 30080130 0001 #Have Hair Clip (Guy) 30080138 0001 #Have Bag (Guy) 3008013C 0001 #Have Museum Display Cabinet (Guy) 30080148 0001 #Have English Coin (Guy) 30080158 0001 #Have Ammunition Round (Guy) 300807D4 0001 #Have Sunglasses (Guy) 3008099C 0001 #Have Underpants (Guy) 800809AC 0001 ; [ Battle Hunter (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01335} ] :SLUS-01335 #Infinite HP 300CFA0E 0063 #Max HP 300CFA0F 0063 ; [ BattleSport (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00389} ] :SLUS-00389 #P1 Infinite Energy 801FCA42 0064 #P2 Infinite Energy 801FCAD6 0064 ; [ Battle Stations (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00456} ] :SLUS-00456 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C368C 0064 ; [ BattleTanx - Global Assault (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01044} ] :SLUS-01044 #Infinite Ammo (All Special Weapons On Pick Up) D0042E48 FFFF 30042E4C 0064 #Infinite Tank Bucks 800E3DC0 0063 #Infinite Ammo (Normal Weapon) D0042D8C FFFF 80042D90 0064 #P1 Infinite Health (Deathmatch Modes) 800AAF64 0030 #P1 Infinite Health (Frenzy + Family Modes) 800DE54C 007D #P1 Infinite Health (Battlelord, Hold-Em, Tank Wars + Campaign Modes) 800DEAE4 007D #P2 Infinite Health (Battlelord, Frenzy, Hold Em, Family, Tank Wars + Deathmatch Modes) 800DF614 007D #P2 Infinite Health (Campaign Modes) 800DF07C 007D #Unlock All Levels 800A60D8 0005 ; [ Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00370} ] :SLUS-00370 #Bubble Bobble\Infinite Credits 80176B30 0009 #Bubble Bobble\P1 Infinite Lives 80176AC8 0005 80176ACC 0100 30176AE0 0000 #Bubble Bobble\P2 Infinite Lives 80176A98 0003 80176A9C 0100 30176AB0 0000 #Rainbow Islands\Infinite Lives 8005DC3A 0003 #Rainbow Islands\Infinite Credits 8005D3E6 0009 ; [ Bubsy 3D - Furbitten Planet (USA) (1996) (Accolade) {SLUS-00110} ] :SLUS-00110 #Infinite Lives 8002DDC6 2400 #Extra Health 8002E23E 2400 ; [ Bugriders - The Race of Kings (USA) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00354} ] :SLUS-00354 #Bug Stress (Exterminate Game) 800BFF50 0BA9 800C84DA 0038 #Bugs Killed (Exterminate Game) 800C0408 0060 #Rings (Time Trial Game):After activating this cheat turn it off. When you get to the race turn it on and off in the game otherwise you'll lose a life 800C03E2 0049 #Quick Win (Campaign):After activating this cheat turn it off. When you get to the race turn it on and off in the game otherwise you'll lose a life 800C03C4 0003 ; [ Bugs Bunny - Lost in Time (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00838} ] :SLUS-00838 #Infinite Health 30010042 0006 #Maximum Normal Carrots 30010043 0063 #Maximum Golden Carrots 30010047 00FF #Maximum Clocks 30010045 00FF #Moon Jump D001000C 0040 800BCC18 0009 ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life (USA, v1.1) (2003) (Global Star Software) {SLUS-01538CE} ] ;:SLUS-01538CE ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94288} ] :SCUS-94288 #9 Lives And 50 Grain 800A65A0 3209 #Flik 300A65A2 000F #Infinite Health 800A6594 0004 #Have All Movies Unlocked 80082284 000F 8009B878 0707 8009B87A 0707 8009B87C 0707 8009B87E 0707 8009B880 0707 8009B882 0707 8009B884 0707 8009B886 0707 8009B888 0707 #Have All Levels Unlocked 80082284 000F #Infinite Lives 300A65A0 0009 #Infinite Grain 300A65A1 0063 ; [ Builder's Block (USA) (2000) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-01086} ] :SLUS-01086 #Unlock All Levels 80068DA6 FFFF #Have All Levels Completed 80068DA8 FFFF #Max Score/Population 801FBF0E 01FF #Never Record Retries 800CF864 0000 #Infinite Time to Shoot 801FBDC4 0004 801FBE20 0000 #Max Population Maroon Forest 80068DB2 01FF #Max Population Good Luck Field 80068DB6 01FF #Max Population Hillside Village 80068DBA 01FF #Max Population Mount Base 80068DBE 01FF #Max Population Gechtmogiv 80068DC2 01FF #Max Population Plus Wisteria 80068DC6 01FF #Max Population Riverfront 80068DCA 01FF #Max Population Shach 80068DCE 01FF #Max Population Bang-Cheng 80068DD2 01FF #Max Population Blackwood 80068DD6 01FF #Max Population Shing-Shee 80068DDA 01FF #Max Population Le Hikat 80068DDE 01FF #Max Population All Levels 50000C04 0000 80068DB2 01FF #Arcade Mode Cheats\P1 Max Score 801DCC46 01FF #Arcade Mode Cheats\P2 Max Score 801DBF56 01FF ; [ BursTrick - Wake Boarding!! (USA) (2000) (Natsume) {SLUS-01317} ] :SLUS-01317 #Stop Timer 801E333E 0DA1 #Start On Last Lap Obstacle Only D01E33C6 0000 801E33C6 0002 #Infinite Bt 800A5212 0009 #Max Points 801E33A4 423F 801E33A6 000F 801E33A8 423F 801E33AA 000F 801E33B8 423F 801E33BA 000F #Infinite Tries 300A4620 0002 #Add Time (Press L1 + R1) D00A46EC 000C 801E333E 0A57 #Super Boat Speed (Press R2) E00A46EC 0002 801D76BC FFFF #Unlock Ten 801E6A56 0001 #Unlock All Boards 801E6A58 0101 ; [ Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01192} ] :SLUS-01192 #Infinite Health 800B57DE 0190 #Max Gold Triangles 800B57E6 03E7 #Infinite Fuel 800AA4E0 0900 #Have All Green People 800A9ED4 0005 800A9F38 0005 #All Levels + Missions Unlocked 50000D01 0000 300D48A2 007F #Infinite Ammo-All Weapons 50000802 0000 800B8A14 0640 #Infinite Fuel 800AA4E0 0900 #Press L2 To Start Timer + Press R2 To Stop Timer D00A9FBC 0100 80086E06 AF82 D00A9FBC 0200 80086E06 2400 ; [ Transformers - Beast Wars Transmetals (USA) (2000) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01160} ] :SLUS-01160 #P1 Infinite Health 800D9B1A 00A8 #P1 Quick Win 800D981A 0000 #P1 Only Needs 1 Win E00D9B3D 0000 300D9B3D 0001 #Unlock All Movies 800D9924 FFFF 800D9928 FFFF #Unlock All CG 50000F02 0000 800D992A 0103 #Unlock All CG 800D992A 0103 800D992C 0103 800D992E 0103 800D9930 0103 800D9932 0103 800D9934 0103 800D9936 0103 800D9938 0103 800D993A 0103 800D993C 0103 800D993E 0103 800D9940 0103 800D9942 0103 800D9944 0103 800D9946 0103 ; [ C-12 - Final Resistance (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94666} ] :SCUS-94666 #Infinite Health 800F38D8 03E8 #Have Shields 800F3900 0004 #Infinite Shield 800F38E4 03E8 #Select Level\Test Level 300F1520 0000 #Select Level\CC (doesn't load) 300F1520 0001 #Select Level\TI 300F1520 0002 #Select Level\1A 300F1520 0003 #Select Level\2A 300F1520 0004 #Select Level\2B 300F1520 0005 #Select Level\2C 300F1520 0006 #Select Level\2D 300F1520 0007 #Select Level\3A 300F1520 0008 #Select Level\3B 300F1520 0009 #Select Level\3C 300F1520 000A #Select Level\3D 300F1520 000B #Select Level\3E 300F1520 000C #Select Level\3F 300F1520 000D #Select Level\3G 300F1520 000E #Select Level\4A 300F1520 000F #Select Level\4B 300F1520 0010 #Select Level\4C 300F1520 0011 #Select Level\4D 300F1520 0012 #Select Level\4E 300F1520 0013 #Select Level\5A 300F1520 0014 #Select Level\6A 300F1520 0015 #Select Level\6B 300F1520 0016 #Select Level\6C (final level) 300F1520 0017 #Have All Items 800F3900 0063 800F3904 0063 800F3908 0063 800F390C 0063 800F3910 0063 800F3914 0063 800F3918 0063 800F391C 0063 800F3920 0063 800F3924 0063 800F3928 0063 800F392C 0063 800F3930 0063 800F3968 0063 800F396C 0063 800F3970 0063 800F3994 0063 800F3998 0063 800F399C 0063 800F39A0 0063 800F39A8 0063 800F39AC 0063 800F39A0 0063 800F39A4 0063 800F39A8 0063 800F39AC 0063 800F39B0 0063 800F39B8 0063 800F39BC 0063 800F39B0 0063 800F39B4 0063 800F39B8 0063 800F39BC 0063 800F39C0 0063 800F39C4 0063 800F39C8 0063 800F39D4 0063 800F39DC 0063 800F39E0 0063 800F39E4 0063 800F39E8 0063 800F39E4 0063 800F39EC 0063 800F3A00 0063 800F3A04 0063 800F3A08 0063 800F3A0C 0063 800F3A10 0063 800F3A14 0063 800F3A18 0063 800F3A40 0063 800F3A48 0063 #Have All Coms 800F3A4C FF00 800F3A50 FF00 800F3A54 FF00 800F3A58 FF00 800F3A5C FF00 800F3A60 FF00 800F3A64 FF00 800F3A68 FF00 800F3A6C FF00 800F3A6E FF00 800F3A70 FF00 800F3A74 FF00 800F3A78 FF00 800F3A7C FF00 800F3A7E FF00 800F3AB0 FF00 800F3AB4 FF00 800F3AB8 FF00 800F3ABC FF00 800F3ABE FF00 800F3AC0 FF00 800F3AC4 FF00 800F3AC8 FF00 800F3ACC FF00 800F3ACE FF00 800F3AD0 FF00 800F3AD4 FF00 800F3AD8 FF00 800F3ADC FF00 800F3ADE FF00 800F3AE0 FF00 800F3AE4 FF00 800F3AE8 FF00 800F3AEC FF00 800F3AEE FF00 800F3AF0 FF00 800F3AF4 FF00 800F3AF8 FF00 800F3AFC FF00 800F3A7E FF00 #Have All Missions Complete 800F3B3C 00FF 800F3B40 00FF 800F3B44 00FF 800F3B48 00FF 800F3B4C 00FF 800F3B50 00FF 800F3B54 00FF 800F3B58 00FF 800F3B5C 00FF 800F3B60 00FF 800F3B64 00FF 800F3B68 00FF 800F3B6C 00FF 800F3B70 00FF 800F3B74 00FF 800F3B78 00FF 800F3B7C 00FF 800F3B80 00FF 800F3B84 00FF 800F3B88 00FF 800F3B8C 00FF 800F3B90 00FF 800F3B94 00FF 800F3B98 00FF 800F3B9C 00FF 800F3BA0 00FF 800F3BA4 00FF 800F3BA8 00FF 800F3BAC 00FF 800F3BB0 00FF 800F3BB4 00FF 800F3BB8 00FF 800F3BBC 00FF 800F3BC0 00FF 800F3BC4 00FF 800F3BD8 00FF 800F3BDC 00FF 800F3BE0 00FF 800F3BE4 00FF 800F3BE8 00FF 800F3BEC 00FF 800F3BF0 00FF 800F3BF4 00FF 800F3BF8 00FF 800F3BFC 00FF 800F3C00 00FF 800F3C04 00FF 800F3C08 00FF 800F3C0C 00FF 800F3C3C 00FF 800F3C40 00FF ; [ Cabela's Big Game Hunter - Ultimate Challenge (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01391} ] :SLUS-01391 #Infinite Money 8013A83C 869F 8013A83E 0001 #Never Reload 8006985A 0005 #Infinite Health 800E2F2C 0024 #Infinite Health (Alternate) 300FBF54 0024 #Max Money 80146158 423F 8014615A 000F #Ride Your Vehicle And Use Your Weapons And Items:It makes the game think you're walking 800A2708 BEF4 #All Levels Unlocked 50000F02 0000 8007EE3C 0101 ; [ Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunt - Open Season (USA) (2002) (Activision) {SLUS-01474} ] :SLUS-01474 #Quick Money Gain 80129E08 FFFF #Max Money 80129E08 E0FF 80129E0A 05F5 #Never Reload 8012025C 0500 #Infinite Health 800D6AAC 0024 ; [ Caesars Palace 2000 - Millennium Gold Edition (USA) (2000) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-01089} ] :SLUS-01089 #P1 Max Infinite Cash 800C7254 FFFF 800C7256 FFFF ; [ Caesars Palace (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00285} ] :SLUS-00285 #P1 Infinite Money 800BB868 423F 800BB86A 000F #P2 Infinite Money 800BB8FC 423F 800BB8FE 000F #P3 Infinite Money 800BB990 FFFF #P1 No Money 800BB868 0000 #P2 No Money 800BB8FC 0000 #P3 No Money 800BB990 0000 ; [ Caesars Palace II (USA) (1998) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00780} ] :SLUS-00780 #Infinite Money 801D5CC6 6554 ; [ Card Games (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01379} ] :SLUS-01379 #Have 999999999 credit in store 800AA828 C9FF 800AA82A 3B9A #Have 99.999.999 money in blackjack 801179AC E0FF 801179AE 05F5 ; [ Carnage Heart (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94604 / SCUS-94964} ] :SCUS-94604 :SCUS-94964 #Infinite Funds 800DF38C 86A0 #Always On Turn 1 800DF37C 0001 800DF380 0001 #Unit 1 Ammo Modifier 80134B7E 0063 #Unit 1 Fuel Modifier 80134B80 009B ; [ CART World Series (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94416} ] :SCUS-94416 #Maximum Speed 800BB094 03E0 #Always Place First 800BB134 0001 #Always Start On Lap 4:Turn the cheats off until the race then flip it on then back off, before the computer says GO!!!. This will put you four laps ahead and more then likely you should come in first 800B5F42 0003 #Max Points 800B918C 03E7 ; [ Casper (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00162} ] :SLUS-00162 #Infinite Healvh 8007F01C 0064 8007F02C 0064 800FBD80 0064 #Brass Key 8007EA28 0001 #Iron Key 8007EA2C 0001 #Infinite Fools Gold 8007EA30 FFFF ; [ Casper - Friends Around the World (USA) (2000) (Sound Source Interactive) {SLUS-01245} ] :SLUS-01245 #Infinite Health 800DCAE0 000A #Infinite Floating Power 80097C5C 0078 #Infinite Lives 300DCAB1 0003 #Max Crystals 300DCAB2 00FF #Infinite Continues 300DCADE 0003 #All Levels Unlocked 300DCAAD 000A ; [ The Cat in the Hat (USA) (2004) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01579} ] ;:SLUS-01579 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Chrono Cross (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01041, SLUS-01041GH / SLUS-01080, SLUS-01080GH} ] :SLUS-01041 :SLUS-01041GH :SLUS-01080 :SLUS-01080GH #Have All Key Items 50000302 0000 800712D8 FFFF 800712DE 701F #Max Str All Characters 50002CCC 0000 3006EBE0 0063 #99.999.999 Gold 800719A8 E0FF 800719AA 05F5 #Max Acc All Characters 50002CCC 0000 8006EBE2 0063 #Max Agl All Characters 50002CCC 0000 8006EBE3 0063 #Max Mag All Characters 50002CCC 0000 8006EBE3 0063 #Max M.Res All Characters 50002CCC 0000 8006EBE5 0063 #Max Stamina Recovery All Characters 50002CCC 0000 8006EBE7 0063 #Max Stats - Kid 50000302 0000 8006ECAC 6363 8006ECAA 03E7 8006ED4C 03E7 8006ECB2 FFFF #Have All Elements:While this cheat is in use, do not rearrange the elements 50007E02 0001 80071760 0001 50003802 0001 8007185C 0088 50006002 0000 800718E0 6363 #Infinite Gold 800719A8 E0FF 800719AA 05F5 #Max / Infinite Stars 80071C74 0063 80071C76 0063 #Save Anywhere D00E21F8 0001 800E21F8 0000 #Max Stats - Serge 50000302 0000 8006EBE0 6363 8006EBDE 03E7 8006EC80 03E7 8006EBE6 FFFF #Easy Win Dragon Feed (Manor Stable) D00E5BEA 0001 800E5BEA 000A D00E5BEA 000B 800E5BEA 0014 D00E5BEA 0015 800E5BEA 001E D00E5BEA 001F 800E5BEA 0028 D00E5BEA 0029 800E5BEA 0064 #Instant Death To Enemies (In Battle) 800DBDD8 0000 800DC648 0000 800DCA80 0000 800DCEB8 0000 800DD2F0 0000 800DD728 0000 D10DC210 0031 800DC210 0000 D00DC210 0000 D10DC210 0031 ; [ MTV Celebrity Deathmatch (USA) (2003) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01453} ] :SLUS-01453 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006766C 01F4 ; [ Centipede (USA) (1999) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00807} ] :SLUS-00807 #Adventure Mode\Infinite Lives 800B99F8 0004 #Adventure Mode\Max Score D0114FE8 0000 80114FE8 FFFF #Adventure Mode\Enable The Crack Of Doom Level 800569B0 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Four Score Level 800569EC 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable City Wall Level 80056A28 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Ant May Level 80056A64 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Trapped Under Ice Level 80056AA0 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable A Glacier Runs Through It Level 80056B18 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Iceburg Let Us Level 80056B54 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Celtic Frost Level 80056B90 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Motel Of Lost Champions Level 80056BCC 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Huckleberry Friend Level 80056C08 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Jump In The Fire Level 80056C44 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable A Bridge Over Molten Magma Level 80056C80 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Schmokenden Level 80056CBC 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Furnace Of Fools Level 80056CF8 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable But It's A Dry Heat Level 80056D34 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Born Of Fire Level 80056D70 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable A Hero's Reckoning Level 80056DAC 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable This Mad Machinery Level 80056F50 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Curiosity Caught The Wee Level 80056F8C 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Things Crawl In The Darkness Level 80056FC8 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Your Back's Against No Wall Level 80057004 0001 #Adventure Mode\Enable Her Dead Power, The Queen Pede Level 80057040 0001 #Adventure Mode\Have Last Level Completed 8005707C 0001 #Adventure Mode\When Paused Press Right To Gain Extra Lives 800B96CC 0001 #Arcade Mode\P1 Infinite Lives 80095DCC 0003 #Arcade Mode\P2 Infinite Lives 80095DD0 0002 ; [ Championship Bass (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01084} ] :SLUS-01084 #Stop Timer (Challenge Mode) 800E798E 2400 #Unlock Topwater Jerkbait 800C4DE0 0001 #Unlock Deep Diving Crankbait Lure 800C4DF0 0001 #Unlock Curly Tail Worm Lure 800C4DFC 0001 #Unlock Grub Lure 800C4E00 0001 #Unlock Tube Bait Lure 800C4E04 0001 #Unlock Popper Lure 800C4E10 0001 #Unlock Prop Lure 800C4E18 0001 #Start On Last Challenge Level D00C4D92 0000 800C4D92 000E #Start/Stop Timer - Tournament:Press L1+L2 To Activate + R1+R2 To De-Activate C00BB544 0005 800E7A12 2400 800E7A2E 2400 00000000 FFFF C00BB544 000A 800E7A10 45D8 800E7A12 ACC2 800E7A2C 45D8 800E7A2E ACC2 00000000 FFFF #Line Never Breaks 801148B6 03EB #Rick or Mituki Infinite HP 800A9390 0034 800A93A4 0034 #Rick or Mituki Infinite Energy 800E7408 1FFF #Rick or Mituki Infinite Lnf 800E740A 0FFF ; [ Chess (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01400} ] :SLUS-01400 #Always Low Time 80079BFC 1856 #Enable all boards 3004DDD6 0006 #Enable all peices 3004DDD7 0006 ; [ The Chessmaster 3-D (USA) (1995) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00052} ] ;:SLUS-00052 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Chessmaster II (USA) (1999) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00886} ] :SLUS-00886 #Always Black's Turn 8009B19C 0020 #Always White's Turn 8009B19C 0010 #Time Always 00:00:00 For Black 8009B1F4 0000 #Time Always 00:00:00 For White 8009B1F0 0000 ; [ Chicken Run (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01304} ] :SLUS-01304 #Max Eggs 800AA1D0 0063 #Have All Levels 50000D01 0000 300AA18D 0001 #Have All Medals 50000701 0000 300AA19A 0003 #Have All Movies 50000A01 0000 300AA183 0001 #Have All Map Pieces 50000901 0000 300AA1F1 0001 ; [ Championship Surfer (USA) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01216} ] :SLUS-01216 #Max Points 800B1BCC FFFF #Infinite Waves D00B1B58 0001 800B1B58 0000 #Heat 1 Max Rating D00B1B88 0000 800B1B88 270F #Heat 2 Max Rating D00B1B8C 0000 800B1B8C 270F #Heat 3 Max Rating D00B1B90 0000 800B1B90 270F #Max Score D00B1B5C 0000 800B1B5C FFFF #Unlock Gnarly Point 8009733C 0001 #Unlock Rock Piles 800973E4 0001 #Unlock Boiling Point 8009748C 0001 #Unlock Snapper Break 80097534 0001 #Unlock Fiddle Sticks 800975DC 0001 #Unlock Sharp's Reef 80097684 0001 #Unlock Fool's Gold 8009772C 0001 #Unlock Dead Man's 800977D4 0001 #Unlock Time Attack 800A72D8 0001 #Unlock Bonus Level 800A72DC 0001 ; [ Chocobo's Dungeon 2 (USA) (1999) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00814} ] :SLUS-00814 #Infinite Money 80103FA8 270F #Infinite HP Partner 80102844 03E7 #Infinite HP Choco 801026B8 03E7 #Choco Max Level and All Spells 50000302 0000 8010401C 6262 #Kill Dungeon 1 Boss D00B8718 000C 801029D0 0000 ; [ Chocobo Racing (USA) (1999) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00844} ] :SLUS-00844 #Max Stats In Edit Mode:Press Select C007B120 0100 8008D75A 6363 8008D75C 6363 3008D75E 0063 00000000 FFFF #Have All Crowns + Classes 801E9290 FFFF 801E9292 FFFF #Enable All Music 800E9294 FFFF 800E9296 FFFF #Enable All Movies 801E9298 FFFF #Enable All Characters + Tracks 801E929C FFFF 300AF04F 0008 #Time is 0:00:00 80030338 2400 #99 Points-Grand Prix Mode 8008C028 0063 #Quick Finish:Storybook Mode-Press Select To Finish The Race C007B120 0100 30105848 0004 30103578 0004 300FEAD8 0004 300FBC68 0004 300FE560 0004 300E3C80 0004 300DF9C0 0004 300DD028 0004 300E5AB8 0004 300E9DD8 0004 300EA510 0004 300E0568 0004 300EB2F8 0004 300E0470 0004 00000000 FFFF ; [ Circuit Breakers (USA) (1998) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00697} ] :SLUS-00697 #Night Time Mode 800A6D0C 0001 #Race Upside Down 800A6E28 0001 #P1 Always 1st 801F76F8 0001 #Access To Groups 5,6,7,+ 8 801D809C 0101 801D809E 0101 801D80A0 0101 801D80A2 0101 #Group 2 Arctic 1 801D803C 0101 801D803E 0101 801D8040 0101 801D8042 0101 #Group 2 Jungle 2 801D8024 0101 801D8026 0101 801D8028 0101 801D802A 0101 #Group 2 Swamp 2 801D8034 0101 801D8036 0101 801D8038 0101 801D803A 0101 #Group 2 Venice 801D802C 0101 801D802E 0101 801D8030 0101 801D8032 0101 #Group 3 Arctic 2 801D805C 0101 801D805E 0101 801D8060 0101 801D8062 0101 #Group 3 Canyon 801D8044 0101 801D8046 0101 801D8048 0101 801D804A 0101 #Group 3 Subaoua 1 801D8054 0101 801D8056 0101 801D8058 0101 801D805A 0101 #Group 3 Venice 2 801D804C 0101 801D804E 0101 801D8050 0101 801D8052 0101 #Group 4 Canyon 2 801D8064 0101 801D8066 0101 801D8068 0101 801D806A 0101 #Group 4 Egypt 2 801D807C 0101 801D807E 0101 801D8080 0101 801D8082 0101 801D8084 0101 801D8086 0101 801D8088 0101 801D808A 0101 801D808C 0101 801D808E 0101 801D8090 0101 801D8092 0101 801D8094 0101 801D8096 0101 801D8098 0101 801D809A 0101 #Group 4 Highway 2 801D806C 0101 801D806E 0101 801D8070 0101 801D8072 0101 #Group 4 Subaoua 2 801D8074 0101 801D8076 0101 801D8078 0101 801D807A 0101 ; [ The City of Lost Children (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94150} ] ;:SCUS-94150 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Civilization II (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00792} ] :SLUS-00792 #Celts, Romans, Russians\Infinite Money 80117C0C FFFF #Babylonians, Japanese, Zulus\Infinite Money 80118184 FFFF #French, Germans, Vikings\Infinite Money 801186FC FFFF #Aztecs, Egyptians, Spanish\Infinite Money 80118C74 FFFF #Americans, Chinese, Persians\Infinite Money 801191EC FFFF #Carthaginians, Greeks, English\Infinite Money 80119764 FFFF #Indians, Mongols, Sioux\Infinite Money 80119CDC FFFF ; [ Cleopatra's Fortune (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01491} ] :SLUS-01491 #Quick Score Gain 80140C64 FFFF #Max Score 80140C64 E0FF 80140C66 05F5 #Max Blocks 80140C6C 270F #Max Level 80113FA4 0063 ; [ Clock Tower (USA) (1997) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00539} ] :SLUS-00539 #Have Office Key 80095900 0100 #Enable All Hints 800959EA 0100 800959EC 0101 800959EE 0101 800959F0 0101 800959F2 0101 800959F4 0101 #Enable All Endings Jennifer 800959F4 0101 800959F6 0101 800959F8 0101 #Enable All Endings Helen 800959FA 0101 800959FC 0101 800959FE 0101 #Rio \Office Door Open 80095900 0200 #Rio \Ladder Door Open 80095854 0001 # Scenerios Excep\Invincibility 8009580E 0000 #Jennifer Scenario 1 Ladder Door Open 80095854 0001 #Jennifer Scenario 1 Office Door Open 80095900 0200 ; [ Clock Tower II - The Struggle Within (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00695} ] :SLUS-00695 #Infinite HP 80070A18 0003 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons 80070954 0063 #Play Time And Time Attack Mode Time 00:00:00 80070A48 0000 80070A54 0000 #Have All Endings + Extra Mode 8006F048 FFFF #Have All Hints 8006F04A FFFF #Turn Back To Alyssa 80070A20 0000 #Turn Into Bates 80070A20 0020 #Time Attack Mode Infinite Gun Ammo 800709CC 0063 #Time Attack ModeI nfinite Machine Gun Ammo 800709D4 0063 #Time Attack Mode Infinite Shotgun Ammo 800709D0 0063 ; [ Command & Conquer (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00379 / SLUS-00410} ] :SLUS-00379 :SLUS-00410 #Infinite Money (GDI Disc Only) 8011B964 FFFF ; [ Command & Conquer - Red Alert (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00431 / SLUS-00485} ] :SLUS-00431 :SLUS-00485 #Infinite Energy (Soviet Disc Only) 8011E6F0 C000 8011E6F2 0C07 801F0000 007C 801F0002 9201 801F0006 2400 801F0008 FF88 801F000A 2421 801F000C 0002 801F000E 1420 801F0012 2400 801F0014 0004 801F0016 27FF 801F0018 0008 801F001A 03E0 801F001E 2400 #Infinite Power (Allied) D002A3F8 FFFF 3002A3F1 00FF #Infinite Money (Allied) D002A3F8 FFFF 3002A3D1 00FF ; [ Command & Conquer - Red Alert - Retaliation (USA) (1998) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00665 / SLUS-00667} ] :SLUS-00665 :SLUS-00667 #Infinite Money (Allies) 8002A3D4 FFFF #Infinite Power (Allies) 8002A3F0 FFFF #Infinite Money (Soviet) 8002A798 FFFF #Infinite Power (Soviet) 8002A7B4 FFFF #Infinite Funds 801046D0 0000 801046D2 0000 #Infinite Money (Skirmish Mode) 8002CD40 FFFF #Infinite Power (Skirmish Mode) 8002CD5C FFFF ; [ Codename - Tenka (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94409} ] :SCUS-94409 #Infinite Ammo 80059A6C 0063 80059A78 0063 #Infinite Armor 80019DDA 00C8 #Infinite Energy 80019DD8 0064 #Have Red Key 800519C8 0001 #Have Green Key 800519CA 0001 #Have Blue Key 800519CC 0001 #Have Yellow Key 800519CE 0001 #Have Purple Key 800519D0 0001 #Have Light Blue Key 800519D2 0001 #Infinite Grenades 80019DEE 0001 #Have Double Shot 80019DE2 0001 #Have Rapid Fire 80019DE4 0001 #Have Burst Laser 80019DEA 0001 #Infinite Laser Power 80059A70 0014 #Have All Weapons Option (Pause Menu) 800662CE 0001 #Have Level Warp Option (Pause Menu) 800662D0 0001 #Infinite Ammo 300662D2 0001 #Infinite HPS (Health) 300662D6 0001 ; [ Codename - Tenka (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94409} ] :SCUS-94409 #Infinite Ammo 80059A6C 0063 80059A78 0063 #Infinite Armor 80019DDA 00C8 #Infinite Energy 80019DD8 0064 #Have Red Key 800519C8 0001 #Have Green Key 800519CA 0001 #Have Blue Key 800519CC 0001 #Have Yellow Key 800519CE 0001 #Have Purple Key 800519D0 0001 #Have Light Blue Key 800519D2 0001 #Infinite Grenades 80019DEE 0001 #Have Double Shot 80019DE2 0001 #Have Rapid Fire 80019DE4 0001 #Have Burst Laser 80019DEA 0001 #Infinite Laser Power 80059A70 0014 #Have All Weapons Option (Pause Menu) 800662CE 0001 #Have Level Warp Option (Pause Menu) 800662D0 0001 #Infinite Ammo 300662D2 0001 #Infinite HPS (Health) 300662D6 0001 ; [ In Cold Blood (USA) (2001) (DreamCatcher Interactive) {SLUS-01294 / SLUS-01314} ] :SLUS-01294 :SLUS-01314 #Infinite Health 8004B104 2400 #Infinite Ammo 80021AB2 2400 #Extra Ammo 80021AA8 1021 #Can Play All Movies D007D1FC 0023 8007D1FE 2400 ; [ College Slam (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00196} ] :SLUS-00196 #Team 1 Gets 999 Points 80065510 03E7 #Team 1 gets 0 points 80065510 0000 #Team 2 Gets 0 Points 80065520 0000 #Team 2 gets 99 Points 80065520 0063 #Team 1 Infinite Boost 80078208 002F #Team 2 Infinite Boost 80078528 002F ; [ Contender 2 (USA) (2000) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01305} ] :SLUS-01305 #Unlock All Characters 50000902 0000 800AE958 0101 #Julio\Infinite Energy 80128EF0 0076 #Gabrielle\Infinite Energy 8012CDB4 0076 #Sergio\Infinite Energy 80124A98 0076 #Mabutu\Infinite Energy 8012EB00 0076 #Greta\Infinite Energy 80124A3C 0076 #Bruno\Infinite Energy 80128FC0 0076 #Alex\Infinite Energy 801226F0 0076 #Damien\Infinite Energy 8012C820 0076 #Butcher\Infinite Energy 8011D7C0 0076 #Shark\Infinite Energy 80120114 0076 #Sam\Infinite Energy 8011F464 0076 #Jet\Infinite Energy 801226A0 0076 #Dragon\Infinite Energy 80125CF4 0082 #Kai\Infinite Energy 8011FF9C 0076 #Clarice\Infinite Energy 80133CB4 0076 #Spike\Infinite Energy 8011F6AC 0076 #Jackal\Infinite Energy 8011FC94 0076 #Cyclops\Infinite Energy 80125E10 0090 ; [ Contender (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94294} ] :SCUS-94294 #P1 Infinite Health + Stamina D00669D4 0000 800669D4 0050 D00669D6 0000 800669D6 3241 D0066A1C 0000 80066A1C 000E D0066A1E 0000 80066A1E 1420 ; [ C - The Contra Adventure (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00499} ] :SLUS-00499 #Infinite Lives All Levels D00EB518 0005 800EB518 0006 #Invincibility Side Scroll Levels Only 80118AD4 0055 #Infinite Smart Bombs Side Scroll Levels Only 8008F104 0009 #Invincibility 3D And Overhead Levels 800B8100 0025 #Infinite Smart Bombs On Pick-Up 3D And Overhead Levels D00EB51A 0001 800EB51A 0002 ; [ Contra - Legacy of War (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00288} ] :SLUS-00288 #P1 Infinite Lives 800DC784 0009 #P1 is Invisible 8008C9D4 0065 #P1 is Immune To All Bullets 8008C9D4 0066 #P2 Infinite Lives 800DC7AC 0009 #P2 is Invisible 8008CA9C 0065 #P2 is Immune To All Bullets 8008CA9C 0066 #Infinite Continues 800DEC92 0009 #Infinite Bamboo:This Cheat is for the cheat mode in the game - press L2, L1, DOWN, UP, R1, R2 to access 8008C950 0005 #2nd Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has Flame Gun 3008BC15 0004 #2nd Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has Flame Gun 3008BC19 0004 #3rd Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has Red Laser 3008BC16 0009 #3rd Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has 1-Shot To Spread 3008BC16 0008 #3rd Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has Spread 3008BC16 0003 #3rd Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has Blue Pulse 3008BC16 0000 #3rd Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has Red Laser 3008BC1A 0009 #3rd Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has 1-Shot To Spread 3008BC1A 0008 #3rd Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has Spread 3008BC1A 0003 #3rd Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has Blue Pulse 3008BC1A 0000 #4th Weapon Slot\P1 Alw. Has Homing Missiles 3008BC17 0007 #4th Weapon Slot\P1 Alw. Homing Blue Missiles 3008BC17 0006 #4th Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has 3-Shot Spread 3008BC17 0005 #4th Weapon Slot\P1 Always Has Homing Laser 3008BC17 0001 #4th Weapon Slot\P2 Alw Has Homing Missiles 3008BC1B 0007 #4th Weapon Slot\P2 Alw Homing Blue Missiles 3008BC1B 0006 #4th Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has 3-Shot Spread 3008BC1B 0005 #4th Weapon Slot\P2 Always Has Homing Laser 3008BC1B 0001 ; [ Cool Boarders 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94597} ] :SCUS-94597 #Infinite Time 800A7F4C 03B8 #Infinite Misses 80077864 0000 #Unlock All Levels 8006BE34 FFFF 8006BE36 FFFF 8006BE38 FFFF 3006BE3A 00FF #Unlock All Characters 8006C2FC FFFF #Unlock All Boards 3006BF0C 00FF #Have All Medals 8006BE3C FFFF 8006BE3E FFFF #Always 1st Place 800A6892 0000 ; [ Cool Boarders 2 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94358} ] :SCUS-94358 #Infinite Checkpoint Time 8009103C 0000 #Always Place First 80130994 0001 #Perfect Score In Half Pipe 8009A868 5555 8009A87C 5555 8009A882 5555 8009A880 5555 #Extra Boards 80057102 0007 #Extra Tracks 800570FC 000A #Enable Extra Characters 80057100 FFFF #Mirror Mode 80057104 0001 ; [ Cool Boarders 3 (USA) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94251} ] :SCUS-94251 #Have 50000 Points 8009AD9C C350 #Always Place First + Infinite Time 8009C694 0000 #Have All Mountains 80069078 0005 #Have Extra Characters 800BD7CC 0015 #Have Extra Free Style Boards 800BDDE0 000A #Have Extra Free Ride Boards 800BDEF8 000A #Have Extra Alpine Boards 800BE010 0003 ; [ Cool Boarders 4 (USA) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94559} ] :SCUS-94559 #Max Score 800A1FC8 FFFF 800A1FCA 000E #Perfect Time 8004D32A 2400 #Unlock All Mountains 3006757C 00FF #Everything Unlocked 50000402 0000 8006757C FFFF 30067584 00FF 30067587 00FF 50000202 0000 80067588 FFFF ; [ Cool Boarders (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94356} ] :SCUS-94356 #Track Advanced 801E35E8 0001 #Track Advanced 801E35E8 0001 #Track Expert 801E35E8 0002 #Track Extra 801E35E8 0003 #Infinite Check Point Time + Stop Total Timer 8018B44C 67A4 801FFEE0 044B #Extra Boards 801EF82E 0007 #Extra Tracks 801EF82A 0005 #High Stability 801827A4 0000 #Always Be Snowman Boarder 801EF82E 0017 #High Scoring 80016210 0000 80016212 0000 #Have Score Sheet 8005D0C6 FFFF 8005D1D2 FFFF #Tiny Boarder 8018EF28 0F00 #All Awards 801EF97C 000F 801EFAB8 000F 801EFBF4 000F 801EFD30 000F 801EFE6C 000F #Camera Angle 1 8018EF30 01A0 ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94700 / SCUS-94701} ] ;:SCUS-94700 ;:SCUS-94701 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Countdown Vampires (USA) (2000) (Bandai America) {SLUS-00898 / SLUS-01199} ] :SLUS-00898 :SLUS-01199 #Infinite Health 800B3F2E 0064 #Stop Timer 800CEB98 0017 #Lots Of Cash 800B3F38 270F #Infinite Stunt ammo 800B3F52 000C #100 Rescues:Needed For Ranking S 800B3F34 0064 800B3F36 0064 #Makes The Game Think You Never Saved 800B3EFA 0000 ; [ Courier Crisis - The Saga of the Modern Fatalist (USA) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00442} ] :SLUS-00442 #Infinite Time 800A0E24 0000 800A1218 0000 800A1478 0000 800A158C 0000 800A183A 0000 #Infinite Time (Alternative) 800A1674 0000 800A16A4 0000 800A183A 0000 800A9EEC 0000 800AA6D8 0000 800AA738 0000 800AA73C 0000 #Infinite Bike Damage 800A17A6 0000 #Infinite Health 800A17A4 0000 800A17A6 0000 800A1220 0000 800A14E8 0000 #Max Pedricide 800A1870 FFFF #Max Cash Collected 800A13D4 E0FF 800A13D6 05F5 #All Bikers Cost Nothing D0086334 800A 50000F4C 0000 80098A52 0000 #Infinite Money 800AD1B4 FFFF #Cheat Mode Modifier Test Mode D0086334 800A 300A1230 0001 #Cheat Mode Modifier Contest Mode D0086334 800A 300A1230 0002 #Cheat Mode Modifier E3 Mode D0086334 800A 300A1230 0003 #Cheat Mode Modifier Free Mode D0086334 800A 300A1230 0004 ; [ Covert Ops - Nuclear Dawn (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01151 / SLUS-01157} ] :SLUS-01151 :SLUS-01157 #Infinite Health 80010402 1000 #Infinite Ammo/Items (All Weapons/Items) D007D718 0000 8007D71A 2400 #Always Low Timer 800103F0 0000 800103F2 0000 #All Maps Complete 50000704 0000 30010A80 0080 50000804 0000 30010AA0 0080 50000404 0000 30010AD0 0080 50000204 0000 30010AE4 0080 50000604 0000 30010B14 0080 #Have All Memos 50003901 0001 3001088C 0000 ; [ Crash Bandicoot (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94900} ] :SCUS-94900 #Infinite Time (Aku Aku Invincibility) 3001ED5A 0003 #Infinite Lives 80024038 1D86 8002403A 0800 80007618 8006 8000761A 3C01 8000761C 0DEC 8000761E 8C21 80007620 6300 80007622 2403 80007624 0164 80007626 A423 80007628 0008 8000762A 03E0 #Instant Save Menu 800A264C 0004 #Level Select:Upto 0040 30061948 ???? #Always have All Gems + Keys 80061988 F7BE 8006198A 2FBD 800619AC 0500 800619AE 0014 80061A1C F7BE 80061A1E 2FBD 80061A20 0500 80061A22 0014 #Infinite Aku Aku Masks (On Pickup) 8001EEA0 1D80 8001EEA2 0800 80007600 8006 80007602 3C01 80007604 18CC 80007606 8C21 80007608 0200 8000760A 2403 8000760C 0188 8000760E A423 80007610 0008 80007612 03E0 #Invincibility:You can open boxes, collect items, and kill enemies 800242EC 0004 800242EE 2403 #Infinite Jumps + Walk in Mid-Air:L1-Enable, R1-Disable D005E72C 0004 8001DD0C 0000 D005E72C 0008 8001DD0C 00C8 #Super Jump 8001FB18 1D92 8001FB1A 0800 80007648 8006 8000764A 3C01 8000764C 0DEC 8000764E 8C21 80007650 FFFF 80007652 2403 80007654 00A8 80007656 A423 80007658 0008 8000765A 03E0 #Moon Jump 8001FB18 1D98 8001FB1A 0800 80007660 8006 80007662 3C01 80007664 0DEC 80007666 8C21 8000766C 00AA 8000766E A423 80007670 0008 80007672 03E0 C005E72C 0000 80007668 FFFA 8000766A 2403 00000000 FFFF C005E72C 0040 80007668 0008 8000766A 2403 00000000 FFFF #Walk Through Everything:Select+L2-Enable, Select+R2-Disable C005E72C 0101 8002E02A 2400 8002E03E 2400 00000000 FFFF C005E72C 0102 8002E02A 0C00 8002E03E 0C00 00000000 FFFF #Enemies/Objects Size Modifier (Values- 0100 - 1000) 8001CC7C ???? #Neon Crash:L1+R1-Enable, L2+R2-Disable D005E72C 0003 80027F9A 2400 D005E72C 000C 80027F9A 0C00 #Draw Level:Select+Up-No, Select+Down-Yes D005E72C 1100 80019276 2400 D005E72C 4100 80019276 0C00 #Crash Size Modifier (Values 0100 - 1E00):Press Select+L1 to enable, Select+R1 to disable. Only use in levels. Disable before entering the exit warp at the end of a level so you can progress to the next screen. C005E72C 0104 8001D5E4 1D9E 8001D5E6 0800 00000000 FFFF C005E72C 0108 8001D5E4 0008 8001D5E6 03E0 00000000 FFFF 80007678 8006 8000767A 3C01 8000767C 0DEC 8000767E 8C21 80007680 ???? 80007682 2402 80007684 0098 80007686 AC22 80007688 009C 8000768A AC22 8000768C 00A0 8000768E AC22 80007690 0008 80007692 03E0 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94154} ] :SCUS-94154 #Have All Silver and Colored Gems 8006CC28 FFFF 8006CC2A FFFF 8006CC2C FFFF 8006CC2E FFFF #Have All Crystals:Combine the 'Have all Crystals' code with the 'Have all Silver and Colored Gems' to access the real ending wherein you destroy the Cortex Vortex. The 'Have all Crystals' code still requires you to defeat each boss in order for you to enter the Warp Rooms. Combine the 'Have all Crystals' cheat with the 'Have all Silver and Colored Gems' to access the real ending wherein you destroy the Cortex Vortex. The 'Have all Crystals' cheat still requires you to def each boss in order for you to enter the Warp Rooms 8006CDA4 FFFF 8006CDA6 FFFF 8006CDA8 FFFF #Always Have Aku Aku Mask (Warp Room) 8006CBD4 0200 #L2 for Invincibility Enabled, R2 for Invincibility Disabled D0069922 FEFF 8001CE8E 2400 D0069922 FDFF 8001CE8E 0C00 #L2 Enable Invincibility. R2 Disable Invincibility (Version 2) D0069922 FEFF 8003944A 2400 D0069922 FDFF 8003944A 0C00 ; [ Crash Bandicoot - Warped (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94244, SCUS-94244CE} ] :SCUS-94244 :SCUS-94244CE #99 Lives C005BEEC F64C 800B5D4C 6300 80068F58 6300 00000000 FFFF #Enable All Powers 80069178 003F #Have All Gems 80068FB0 FFFF 80068FB2 FFFF 80068FB4 FFFF 80068FB6 FF00 #Have All Sapphires 800691B4 FFFF 800691B6 FFFF 800691B8 FFFF #Have All Crystals 8006912C FFFF 8006912E FFFF 80069130 FFFF #Time Trial Timer 80068EEC 0973 #Select+Up Enable Invincibility. Select+Down Disable Invincibility (Version 2) D0065BCE FFEE 80038016 2400 D0065BCE FFBE 80038016 0C00 #Select+Up for Invincibility Enabled, Select+Down for Invincibility Disabled D0065BCE FFEE 8001DDAA 2400 D0065BCE FFBE 8001DDAA 0C00 #Infinite Time D303AE8D 0030 8003AE8D 0000 ; [ Crash Bash (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94570} ] :SCUS-94570 #Only Need 1 Trophy To Win D005A6E0 0000 8005A6E0 0002 #Infinite Ball Points 8009D57C 000F #Infinite Health 8009D562 0014 #Infinite Tank Health 800CAD50 0006 #Have All Treasures 50004302 0000 8005A6F8 0202 #Warp Room 2 Unlocked 3005A780 0001 #Warp Room 3 Unlocked 3005A792 0001 #Warp Room 4 Unlocked 3005A785 0001 #Warp Room 5 Unlocked 3005A79B 0001 #P1 Infinite Points 8009D57C 000F ; [ Cardinal Syn (USA) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94156} ] :SCUS-94156 #Infinite Health All Stages 801946E4 0008 801946E6 3201 801946EC 0002 801946EE 1420 #Extra Characters 50000D02 0000 801E7B2A 0100 ; [ Creatures - Raised in Space (USA) (2003) (Conspiracy Entertainment) {SLUS-01553} ] :SLUS-01553 #Enable Debug Options 300227B8 0000 #Enable DNA 3002280C 0000 #Enable Exp 30022828 0000 #Enable Reset All 30022844 0000 #Enable Status 300227F0 0000 #Enable Watches 300227D4 0000 #Item Info 300F4D60 0001 ; [ Creatures (USA) (2001) (Conspiracy Entertainment) {SLUS-01438} ] :SLUS-01438 #Creature 1 All Max 3008C6C6 00FF 3008C6BA 00FF 3008C6BB 0000 8008C6BC 0000 8008C6C0 0000 #Creature 2 All Max 3008C766 00FF 3008C75A 00FF 3008C75B 0000 8008C75C 0000 8008C760 0000 #Boulder Norn Infinite Time 80104EF4 0300 #Boulder Norn Infinite Lives 801063A4 0007 #Boulder Norn Level Mod 8010641C 00?? #Debug options menu D00926A6 FEFF 80092634 010D #Enable Dbg Options (Alternate) 3002CF34 0000 #Enable DNA Option 3002CF88 0000 #Enable Exp Option 3002CFA4 0000 #Enable Reset All Option 3002CFDC 0000 #Enable Reset World Option 3002CFC0 0000 #Enable Status Option 3002CF6C 0000 #Enable Watches Option 3002CF50 0000 #Pac Norn Infinite Lives 8010B8C8 000A #Pac Norn max score 8010B8E0 FFFF #Item Info 3010B2B4 0001 ; [ Crime Killer (USA) (1998) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00576} ] :SLUS-00576 #Level Modifier Code (16 Levels 0-F) 80120630 000? #Hitting The Streets More Time 80159D62 0000 80159D64 0000 #Hitting The Streets Infinite Ammo 8015AB0C 00FF #Hitting The Streets Infinite Shields 8015AB10 00FF #Suburbia More Time 8017B4D2 0000 8017B4D4 0000 #Suburbia Infinite Ammo 8017C284 00FF #Suburbia Infinite Shields 8017C288 00FF #The Break In More Time 801A991A 0000 801A991C 0000 #The Break In Infinite Ammo 801AA784 00FF #The Break In Infinite Shields 801AA788 00FF #Rapid Responce More Time 8019C06A 0000 8019C06C 0000 #Rapid Responce Infinite Ammo 8019CE4C 00FF #Rapid Responce Infinite Shields 8019CE50 00FF #Cult Moves More Time 8019F702 0000 8019F704 0000 #Cult Moves Infinite Ammo 801A053C 00FF #Cult Moves Infinite Shields 801A0540 00FF #The Kidnap More Time 801AB0AA 0000 801AB0AC 0000 #The Kidnap Infinite Ammo 801ABED4 00FF #The Kidnap Infinite Shields 801ABED8 00FF #Family More Time 801A80DC 0000 801A80E0 0000 #Family Infinite Ammo 801A8EFC 00FF #Family Infinite Shields 801A8F00 00FF #Police Hijack More Time 8019CCFE 0000 8019CD00 0000 #Police Hijack Infinite Ammo 8019DAEC 00FF #Police Hijack Infinite Shields 8019DAF0 00FF #The Rescue More Time 801994EE 0000 801994F0 0000 #The Rescue Infinite Ammo 8019A33C 00FF #The Rescue Infinite Shields 8019A340 00FF #Static More Time 801A6B8A 0000 801A6B8C 0000 #Static Infinite Ammo 801A7A3C 00FF #Static Infinite Shields 801A7A40 00FF #Use Of Force More Time 801A06E6 0000 801A06E8 0000 #Use Of Force Infinite Ammo 801A14BC 00FF #Use Of Force Infinite Health 801A14C0 00FF #The Deadline More Time 801A2062 0000 801A2064 0000 #The Deadline Infinite Health 801A2E08 00FF #M.E. More Time 801AB1F6 0000 801AB1F8 0000 #M.E. Infinite Health 801AC068 00FF #Freeway Racers More Time 8015486E 0000 80154870 0000 #Freeway Racers Infinite Health 801555F0 00FF #Revelation More Time 801A3FC6 0000 801A3FC8 0000 #Revelation Infinite Health 801A4E30 00FF ; [ Criticom (USA) (1995) (Vic Tokai) {SLUS-00046} ] :SLUS-00046 #P1 Invincibility 80059DE8 0300 80059F58 0320 8005A0C8 0320 #P2 Invincibility 80059C78 0320 80059B08 0320 80059DE8 0300 ; [ Croc - Legend of the Gobbos (USA) (1997) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00530} ] :SLUS-00530 #Infinite Lives 80074FDC 0003 #Always have 100 crystals 80074964 0064 #Always have saved 6 Gobbos 8007496C 0006 #Have all 5 colored crystals 80074AC8 001F #Always have gold key 80074AC0 0001 #Always have silver key 80074AC4 0001 #Have all 8 jigsaw pieces 80074E6C 0008 #Lava Will Not Kill You 80074964 FFFF 8007C0DE 0000 #Have Level Unlocked (88-DE Next level is 2 more (88-90) 8007BFDE 8000 #Unlock Shoutin Lava Lava Lava 8007BF8A 8006 #Level 1 Teleport (L3 store location, R3 to warp) C007BF42 FFFD C20D8B2E 0002 8000C000 0000 C20D8B38 0002 8000C002 0000 C20D8B3C 0002 8000C004 0000 C20D8B84 0002 8000C006 0000 00000000 FFFF C007BF42 FFFB C200C000 0002 800D8B2E 0000 C200C002 0002 800D8B38 0000 C200C004 0002 800D8B3C 0000 C200C006 0002 800D8B84 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Croc 2 (USA) (1999) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00634} ] :SLUS-00634 #Infinite Lives 800765E4 0003 #Crystals O' Plenty 80076660 00FF #Infinite Simple Jump Gummy 80076670 0002 #Infinite Double Jump Gummy 80076674 0002 #Infinite Long Jump Gummy 8007666C 0002 #Infinite Clockwork Gobbos 8007667C 0002 #Always Have Key 80076B54 0001 #Enable Cheat Menu (Press L2 + R2) 8006FF88 0001 ; [ Crossroad Crisis (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01342} ] :SLUS-01342 #Infinite Lives 8011EFF8 0003 #Extra Lives 80055614 0001 #Infinite Time:Assembler 800272E6 2400 #Infinite Time 801C02DE 0177 801C01E6 0177 801AF17E 0177 801DE85E 0177 #Expert mode 801C4A54 0002 801BEDA4 0002 801EE9AC 0002 801B5424 0002 801C4B4C 0002 #Expert Mode (Complete) 801C4A54 0002 801BEDA4 0002 801EE9AC 0002 801B5424 0002 801C4B4C 0002 #Goal Appears Immediately 80023610 0000 80023612 2402 80023614 4330 80023616 AE02 #Level Modifier last stage (10 STAGES 0-A) 8011EFEC 000? #Play Last Stage 8011EFEC 000A ; [ The Crow - City of Angels (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00242} ] :SLUS-00242 #Infinite Energy 80087862 007F 8008313A B712 #Infinite Crow 8007E810 0780 ; [ Critical Depth (USA) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00428} ] :SLUS-00428 #P1 Infinite Health 801DF15E 007C #Have All Weapons + Infinite Ammo 801DF5D0 6363 801DF5D2 6363 801DF5D4 6363 801DF5D6 6363 801DF5CE 0632 #Character Abbadon 801D0094 000E #Character Agent 326 801D0094 000C #Character Mr. Phatt 801D0094 000D #Character Overseer 801D0094 000F ; [ Crusader - No Remorse (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00268} ] :SLUS-00268 #Infinite Health 801457D0 0078 #Infinite Batteries + Energy Cells 80145776 000A #Infinite Datalinks:Useless,only need one 80145766 000A #Infinite Money 801457D8 FFFF #Infintie Medi Kits 80145772 000A #Infinite Landmines 8014576A 000A ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00799} ] :SLUS-00799 #Infinite Health 800F1D0C 03E7 #Max Health 800F4E28 03E7 #Infinite Mana 801051E0 03E7 #Max Mana 801051E4 03E7 #Infinite Gold 801051D0 FFFF #Next Level Always 1 Away 80105134 0001 ; [ Crypt Killer (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00335} ] :SLUS-00335 #P1 Infinite Health 800FC174 0003 #P2 Infinite Health 800FC1D0 0003 #P1 Infinite Bombs 800FC17A 0003 #P2 Infinite Bombs 800FC1D6 0003 #P1 Weapon Automatic 800FC178 0004 #P2 Weapon Automatic 800FC1D4 0004 #Infinite Credits 8002278E 0601 #P1 Never Reload 300FC185 0006 #P2 Never Reload 300FC1E1 0006 #P1 Max No. Of Hits 800FC1B4 FFFF #P2 Max No. Of Hits 800FC210 FFFF ; [ CTR - Crash Team Racing (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94426} ] :SCUS-94426 #Adventure Mode All Tracks\Infinite Time 80035416 3C00 #Adventure Mode All Tracks\Complete adventure mode quickly after visiting one race 50000D02 0000 8008FF58 FFFF #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Turbo D31EFC26 0000 801EFC26 0300 D31D3522 0000 801D3522 0300 D31F3D06 0000 801F3D06 0300 D31DC496 0000 801DC496 0300 D31BD90A 0000 801BD90A 0300 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Explosive Crate D31EFC26 0003 801EFC26 0303 D31D3522 0003 801D3522 0303 D31F3D06 0003 801F3D06 0303 D31DC496 0003 801DC496 0303 D31BD90A 0003 801BD90A 0303 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Brio’s Beaker D31EFC26 0004 801EFC26 0304 D31D3522 0004 801D3522 0304 D31F3D06 0004 801F3D06 0304 D31DC496 0004 801DC496 0304 D31BD90A 0004 801BD90A 0304 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Power Shield D31EFC26 0006 801EFC26 0306 D31D3522 0006 801D3522 0306 D31F3D06 0006 801F3D06 0306 D31DC496 0006 801DC496 0306 D31BD90A 0006 801BD90A 0306 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Aku Aku Mask D31EFC26 0007 801EFC26 0307 D31D3522 0007 801D3522 0307 D31F3D06 0007 801F3D06 0307 D31DC496 0007 801DC496 0307 D31BD90A 0007 801BD90A 0307 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Tropy Clock D31EFC26 0008 801EFC26 0308 D31D3522 0008 801D3522 0308 D31F3D06 0008 801F3D06 0308 D31DC496 0008 801DC496 0308 D31BD90A 0008 801BD90A 0308 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Warp Orb D31EFC26 0009 801EFC26 0309 D31D3522 0009 801D3522 0309 D31F3D06 0009 801F3D06 0309 D31DC496 0009 801DC496 0309 D31BD90A 0009 801BD90A 0309 #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Bomb D31EFC26 000A 801EFC26 030A D31D3522 000A 801D3522 030A D31F3D06 000A 801F3D06 030A D31DC496 000A 801DC496 030A D31BD90A 000A 801BD90A 030A #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Rocket D31EFC26 000B 801EFC26 030B D31D3522 000B 801D3522 030B D31F3D06 000B 801F3D06 030B D31DC496 000B 801DC496 030B D31BD90A 000B 801BD90A 030B #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Invisible D31EFC26 000C 801EFC26 030C D31D3522 000C 801D3522 030C D31F3D06 000C 801F3D06 030C D31DC496 000C 801DC496 030C D31BD90A 000C 801BD90A 030C #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Super Engine D31EFC26 000D 801EFC26 030D D31D3522 000D 801D3522 030D D31F3D06 000D 801F3D06 030D D31DC496 000D 801DC496 030D D31BD90A 000D 801BD90A 030D #Adventure Mode N. Sanity Beach Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Nothing D31EFC26 000E 801EFC26 030E D31D3522 000E 801D3522 030E D31F3D06 000E 801F3D06 030E D31DC496 000E 801DC496 030E D31BD90A 000E 801BD90A 030E #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Turbo D31F2212 0000 801F2212 0300 D31C1032 0000 801C1032 0300 D31EB192 0000 801EB192 0300 D31D562E 0000 801D562E 0300 D31BE7F2 0000 801BE7F2 0300 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Explosive Crate D31F2212 0003 801F2212 0303 D31C1032 0003 801C1032 0303 D31EB192 0003 801EB192 0303 D31D562E 0003 801D562E 0303 D31BE7F2 0003 801BE7F2 0303 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Brio’s Beaker D31F2212 0004 801F2212 0304 D31C1032 0004 801C1032 0304 D31EB192 0004 801EB192 0304 D31D562E 0004 801D562E 0304 D31BE7F2 0004 801BE7F2 0304 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Power Shield D31F2212 0006 801F2212 0306 D31C1032 0006 801C1032 0306 D31EB192 0006 801EB192 0306 D31D562E 0006 801D562E 0306 D31BE7F2 0006 801BE7F2 0306 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Aku Aku Mask D31F2212 0007 801F2212 0307 D31C1032 0007 801C1032 0307 D31EB192 0007 801EB192 0307 D31D562E 0007 801D562E 0307 D31BE7F2 0007 801BE7F2 0307 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Tropy Clock D31F2212 0008 801F2212 0308 D31C1032 0008 801C1032 0308 D31EB192 0008 801EB192 0308 D31D562E 0008 801D562E 0308 D31BE7F2 0008 801BE7F2 0308 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Warp Orb D31F2212 0009 801F2212 0309 D31C1032 0009 801C1032 0309 D31EB192 0009 801EB192 0309 D31D562E 0009 801D562E 0309 D31BE7F2 0009 801BE7F2 0309 #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Bomb D31F2212 000A 801F2212 030A D31C1032 000A 801C1032 030A D31EB192 000A 801EB192 030A D31D562E 000A 801D562E 030A D31BE7F2 000A 801BE7F2 030A #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Rocket D31F2212 000B 801F2212 030B D31C1032 000B 801C1032 030B D31EB192 000B 801EB192 030B D31D562E 000B 801D562E 030B D31BE7F2 000B 801BE7F2 030B #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Invisible D31F2212 000C 801F2212 030C D31C1032 000C 801C1032 030C D31EB192 000C 801EB192 030C D31D562E 000C 801D562E 030C D31BE7F2 000C 801BE7F2 030C #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Super Engine D31F2212 000D 801F2212 030D D31C1032 000D 801C1032 030D D31EB192 000D 801EB192 030D D31D562E 000D 801D562E 030D D31BE7F2 000D 801BE7F2 030D #Adventure Mode The Lost Ruins Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Nothing D31F2212 000E 801F2212 030E D31C1032 000E 801C1032 030E D31EB192 000E 801EB192 030E D31D562E 000E 801D562E 030E D31BE7F2 000E 801BE7F2 030E #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Turbo D31F398E 0000 801F398E 0300 D31D3616 0000 801D3616 0300 D31EEF7E 0000 801EEF7E 0300 D31E7AC2 0000 801E7AC2 0300 D31EB25E 0000 801EB25E 0300 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Explosive Crate D31F398E 0003 801F398E 0303 D31D3616 0003 801D3616 0303 D31EEF7E 0003 801EEF7E 0303 D31E7AC2 0003 801E7AC2 0303 D31EB25E 0003 801EB25E 0303 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Brio’s Beaker D31F398E 0004 801F398E 0304 D31D3616 0004 801D3616 0304 D31EEF7E 0004 801EEF7E 0304 D31E7AC2 0004 801E7AC2 0304 D31EB25E 0004 801EB25E 0304 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Power Shield D31F398E 0006 801F398E 0306 D31D3616 0006 801D3616 0306 D31EEF7E 0006 801EEF7E 0306 D31E7AC2 0006 801E7AC2 0306 D31EB25E 0006 801EB25E 0306 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Aku Aku Mask D31F398E 0007 801F398E 0307 D31D3616 0007 801D3616 0307 D31EEF7E 0007 801EEF7E 0307 D31E7AC2 0007 801E7AC2 0307 D31EB25E 0007 801EB25E 0307 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Tropy Clock D31F398E 0008 801F398E 0308 D31D3616 0008 801D3616 0308 D31EEF7E 0008 801EEF7E 0308 D31E7AC2 0008 801E7AC2 0308 D31EB25E 0008 801EB25E 0308 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Warp Orb D31F398E 0009 801F398E 0309 D31D3616 0009 801D3616 0309 D31EEF7E 0009 801EEF7E 0309 D31E7AC2 0009 801E7AC2 0309 D31EB25E 0009 801EB25E 0309 #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Bomb D31F398E 000A 801F398E 030A D31D3616 000A 801D3616 030A D31EEF7E 000A 801EEF7E 030A D31E7AC2 000A 801E7AC2 030A D31EB25E 000A 801EB25E 030A #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Rocket D31F398E 000B 801F398E 030B D31D3616 000B 801D3616 030B D31EEF7E 000B 801EEF7E 030B D31E7AC2 000B 801E7AC2 030B D31EB25E 000B 801EB25E 030B #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Invisible D31F398E 000C 801F398E 030C D31D3616 000C 801D3616 030C D31EEF7E 000C 801EEF7E 030C D31E7AC2 000C 801E7AC2 030C D31EB25E 000C 801EB25E 030C #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Super Engine D31F398E 000D 801F398E 030D D31D3616 000D 801D3616 030D D31EEF7E 000D 801EEF7E 030D D31E7AC2 000D 801E7AC2 030D D31EB25E 000D 801EB25E 030D #Adventure Mode Glacier Park Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Nothing D31F398E 000E 801F398E 030E D31D3616 000E 801D3616 030E D31EEF7E 000E 801EEF7E 030E D31E7AC2 000E 801E7AC2 030E D31EB25E 000E 801EB25E 030E #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Turbo D31D7D32 0000 801D7D32 0300 D31F2ACA 0000 801F2ACA 0300 D31F340A 0000 801F340A 0300 D31DDDAE 0000 801DDDAE 0300 D31F2B8A 0000 801F2B8A 0300 D31F2C0A 0000 801F2C0A 0300 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Explosive Crate D31D7D32 0003 801D7D32 0303 D31F2ACA 0003 801F2ACA 0303 D31F340A 0003 801F340A 0303 D31DDDAE 0003 801DDDAE 0303 D31F2B8A 0003 801F2B8A 0303 D31F2C0A 0003 801F2C0A 0303 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Brio’s Beaker D31D7D32 0004 801D7D32 0304 D31F2ACA 0004 801F2ACA 0304 D31F340A 0004 801F340A 0304 D31DDDAE 0004 801DDDAE 0304 D31F2B8A 0004 801F2B8A 0304 D31F2C0A 0004 801F2C0A 0304 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Power Shield D31D7D32 0006 801D7D32 0306 D31F2ACA 0006 801F2ACA 0306 D31F340A 0006 801F340A 0306 D31DDDAE 0006 801DDDAE 0306 D31F2B8A 0006 801F2B8A 0306 D31F2C0A 0006 801F2C0A 0306 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Aku Aku Mas D31D7D32 0007 801D7D32 0307 D31F2ACA 0007 801F2ACA 0307 D31F340A 0007 801F340A 0307 D31DDDAE 0007 801DDDAE 0307 D31F2B8A 0007 801F2B8A 0307 D31F2C0A 0007 801F2C0A 0307 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\N. Tropy Clock D31D7D32 0008 801D7D32 0308 D31F2ACA 0008 801F2ACA 0308 D31F340A 0008 801F340A 0308 D31DDDAE 0008 801DDDAE 0308 D31F2B8A 0008 801F2B8A 0308 D31F2C0A 0008 801F2C0A 0308 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Warp Orb D31D7D32 0009 801D7D32 0309 D31F2ACA 0009 801F2ACA 0309 D31F340A 0009 801F340A 0309 D31DDDAE 0009 801DDDAE 0309 D31F2B8A 0009 801F2B8A 0309 D31F2C0A 0009 801F2C0A 0309 #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Bomb D31D7D32 000A 801D7D32 030A D31F2ACA 000A 801F2ACA 030A D31F340A 000A 801F340A 030A D31DDDAE 000A 801DDDAE 030A D31F2B8A 000A 801F2B8A 030A D31F2C0A 000A 801F2C0A 030A #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Rocket D31D7D32 000B 801D7D32 030B D31F2ACA 000B 801F2ACA 030B D31F340A 000B 801F340A 030B D31DDDAE 000B 801DDDAE 030B D31F2B8A 000B 801F2B8A 030B D31F2C0A 000B 801F2C0A 030B #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Invisible D31D7D32 000C 801D7D32 030C D31F2ACA 000C 801F2ACA 030C D31F340A 000C 801F340A 030C D31DDDAE 000C 801DDDAE 030C D31F2B8A 000C 801F2B8A 030C D31F2C0A 000C 801F2C0A 030C #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Super Engine D31D7D32 000D 801D7D32 030D D31F2ACA 000D 801F2ACA 030D D31F340A 000D 801F340A 030D D31DDDAE 000D 801DDDAE 030D D31F2B8A 000D 801F2B8A 030D D31F2C0A 000D 801F2C0A 030D #Adventure Mode Citadel City Track - Infinite Part (Choose 1)\Nothing D31D7D32 000E 801D7D32 030E D31F2ACA 000E 801F2ACA 030E D31F340A 000E 801F340A 030E D31DDDAE 000E 801DDDAE 030E D31F2B8A 000E 801F2B8A 030E D31F2C0A 000E 801F2C0A 030E #Unlock Everything (Characters And Tracks) 50000302 0000 8008E6EC FFFF #Freezes Clock In All Timed Races/Prevents Bosses From Using Power-Ups 80098830 0000 #Have All Awards 8008FBA4 FFFF 8008FBA6 FFFF 8008FBA8 FFFF 8008FBAA FFFF 8008FBAC FFFF 8008FBAE FFFF 8008FBB0 FFFF 8008FBB2 FFFF #P1\Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks last forever 8018245A 0200 #P1\Max apples 801863BC 0064 #P1\P1 has total 99 points (CUP Racing) 30098980 0063 #P2\Max apples 80186A2C 0064 #P2\P2 has total 99 points (CUP Racing) 30098984 0063 #P3\P3 has total 99 points (CUP Racing) 30098988 0063 #P4\P4 has total 99 points (CUP Racing) 3009898C 0063 #CUPS\Blue Gem-Cup won 3008FF65 0010 #CUPS\Green Gem-Cup won 3008FF65 0008 #CUPS\Purple Gem-Cup won 3008FF65 0040 #CUPS\Red Gem-Cup won 3008FF65 0004 #CUPS\Yellow Gem-Cup won 3008FF65 0020 #Blizzard Bluff\All time-crates 301DBB32 0028 #Blizzard Bluff\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301EC366 0007 #Blizzard Bluff\Have CTR-chip 3008FF61 0040 #Blizzard Bluff\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0004 #Blizzard Bluff\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301EC366 0004 #Blizzard Bluff\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301EC366 0008 #Blizzard Bluff\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0010 #Blizzard Bluff\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0001 #Blizzard Bluff\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301EC366 0003 #Blizzard Bluff\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301EC366 0001 #Blizzard Bluff\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301EC366 0005 #Blizzard Bluff\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301EC366 0002 #Blizzard Bluff\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301EC366 0006 #Blizzard Bluff\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301EC366 0000 #Blizzard Bluff\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301EC366 0009 #Blizzard Bluff\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01EC360 0000 301EC360 000A #Blizzard Bluff\Infinite pickups D01EC367 0000 301EC367 000A #Blizzard Bluff\Race won 3008FF59 0001 #Blizzard Bluff\Start on 3rd lap D01DBB44 0000 301DBB44 0002 #Blizzard Bluff\Start on 3rd lap D01EC374 0000 301EC374 0002 #Coco Park\All time-crates 301AFCAE 0028 #Coco Park\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301BF8FA 0007 #Coco Park\Have CTR-chip 3008FF63 0004 #Coco Park\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0040 #Coco Park\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301BF8FA 0004 #Coco Park\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301BF8FA 0008 #Coco Park\Have Platin-relict 3008FF61 0001 #Coco Park\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0010 #Coco Park\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301BF8FA 0003 #Coco Park\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301BF8FA 0001 #Coco Park\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301BF8FA 0005 #Coco Park\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301BF8FA 0002 #Coco Park\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301BF8FA 0006 #Coco Park\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301BF8FA 0000 #Coco Park\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301BF8FA 0009 #Coco Park\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01BF8F4 0000 301BF8F4 000A #Coco Park\Infinite pickups D01BF8FB 0000 301BF8FB 000A #Coco Park\Race won 3008FF5A 0010 #Coco Park\Start on 3rd lap D01AFCC0 0000 301AFCC0 0002 #Coco Park\Start on 3rd lap D01BF908 0000 301BF908 0002 #Cortex Castle\All time-crates 301E3DB2 003E #Cortex Castle\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F4512 0007 #Cortex Castle\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0040 #Cortex Castle\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0004 #Cortex Castle\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F4512 0004 #Cortex Castle\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F4512 0008 #Cortex Castle\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0010 #Cortex Castle\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0001 #Cortex Castle\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F4512 0003 #Cortex Castle\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F4512 0001 #Cortex Castle\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F4512 0005 #Cortex Castle\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F4512 0002 #Cortex Castle\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F4512 0006 #Cortex Castle\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F4512 0000 #Cortex Castle\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F4512 0009 #Cortex Castle\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F450C 0000 301F450C 000A #Cortex Castle\Infinite pickups D01F4513 0000 301F4513 000A #Cortex Castle\Race won 3008FF5A 0001 #Cortex Castle\Start on 3rd lap D01E3DC4 0000 301E3DC4 0002 #Cortex Castle\Start on 3rd lap D01F4520 0000 301F4520 0002 #Crash Cove\All time-crates 301E0072 0020 #Crash Cove\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F0D2E 0007 #Crash Cove\Have CTR-chip 3008FF61 0080 #Crash Cove\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0008 #Crash Cove\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F0D2E 0004 #Crash Cove\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F0D2E 0008 #Crash Cove\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0020 #Crash Cove\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0002 #Crash Cove\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F0D2E 0003 #Crash Cove\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F0D2E 0001 #Crash Cove\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F0D2E 0005 #Crash Cove\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F0D2E 0002 #Crash Cove\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F0D2E 0006 #Crash Cove\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F0D2E 0000 #Crash Cove\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F0D2E 0009 #Crash Cove\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F0D28 0000 301F0D28 000A #Crash Cove\Infinite pickups D01F0D2F 0000 301F0D2F 000A #Crash Cove\Race won 3008FF59 0002 #Crash Cove\Start on 3rd lap D01E0084 0000 301E0084 0002 #Crash Cove\Start on 3rd lap D01F0D3C 0000 301F0D3C 0002 #Dingo Canyon\All time-crates 301B1716 0026 #Dingo Canyon\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301C213A 0007 D0096E8A DEFF 301E9122 0007 D0096E8C DEFF 301B5166 0007 D0096E94 DEFF 301B57D6 0007 D0096E9C DEFF 301B5E46 0007 D0096EA4 DEFF 301B64B6 0007 D0096EAC DEFF 301E9792 0007 #Dingo Canyon\Have CTR-chip 3008FF61 0010 #Dingo Canyon\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0001 #Dingo Canyon\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301C213A 0004 D0096E8A DFBF 301E9122 0004 D0096E8C DFBF 301B5166 0004 D0096E94 DFBF 301B57D6 0004 D0096E9C DFBF 301B5E46 0004 D0096EA4 DFBF 301B64B6 0004 D0096EAC DFBF 301E9792 0004 #Dingo Canyon\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301C213A 0008 D0096E8A DCFF 301E9122 0008 D0096E8C DCFF 301B5166 0008 D0096E94 DCFF 301B57D6 0008 D0096E9C DCFF 301B5E46 0008 D0096EA4 DCFF 301B64B6 0008 D0096EAC DCFF 301E9792 0008 #Dingo Canyon\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0004 #Dingo Canyon\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5A 0040 #Dingo Canyon\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301C213A 0003 D0096E8A DAFF 301E9122 0003 D0096E8C DAFF 301B5166 0003 D0096E94 DAFF 301B57D6 0003 D0096E9C DAFF 301B5E46 0003 D0096EA4 DAFF 301B64B6 0003 D0096EAC DAFF 301E9792 0003 #Dingo Canyon\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301C213A 0001 D0096E8A DFDF 301E9122 0001 D0096E8C DFDF 301B5166 0001 D0096E94 DFDF 301B57D6 0001 D0096E9C DFDF 301B5E46 0001 D0096EA4 DFDF 301B64B6 0001 D0096EAC DFDF 301E9792 0001 #Dingo Canyon\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301C213A 0005 D0096E8A F3FF 301E9122 0005 D0096E8C F3FF 301B5166 0005 D0096E94 F3FF 301B57D6 0005 D0096E9C F3FF 301B5E46 0005 D0096EA4 F3FF 301B64B6 0005 D0096EAC F3FF 301E9792 0005 #Dingo Canyon\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301C213A 0002 D0096E8A DFEF 301E9122 0002 D0096E8C DFEF 301B5166 0002 D0096E94 DFEF 301B57D6 0002 D0096E9C DFEF 301B5E46 0002 D0096EA4 DFEF 301B64B6 0002 D0096EAC DFEF 301E9792 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301C213A 0006 D0096E8A D5FF 301E9122 0006 D0096E8C D5FF 301B5166 0006 D0096E94 D5FF 301B57D6 0006 D0096E9C D5FF 301B5E46 0006 D0096EA4 D5FF 301B64B6 0006 D0096EAC D5FF 301E9792 0006 #Dingo Canyon\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301C213A 0000 D0096E8A 9FFF 301E9122 0000 D0096E8C 9FFF 301B5166 0000 D0096E94 9FFF 301B57D6 0000 D0096E9C 9FFF 301B5E46 0000 D0096EA4 9FFF 301B64B6 0000 D0096EAC 9FFF 301E9792 0000 #Dingo Canyon\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301C213A 0009 D0096E8A DF7F 301E9122 0009 D0096E8C DF7F 301B5166 0009 D0096E94 DF7F 301B57D6 0009 D0096E9C DF7F 301B5E46 0009 D0096EA4 DF7F 301B64B6 0009 D0096EAC DF7F 301E9792 0009 #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01B5160 0000 301B5160 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01B57D0 0000 301B57D0 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01B5E40 0000 301B5E40 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01B64B0 0000 301B64B0 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01C2134 0000 301C2134 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01E911C 0000 301E911C 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01E978C 0000 301E978C 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01B5167 0000 301B5167 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01B57D7 0000 301B57D7 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01B5E47 0000 301B5E47 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01B64B7 0000 301B64B7 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01C213B 0000 301C213B 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01E9123 0000 301E9123 000A #Dingo Canyon\Infinite pickups D01E9793 0000 301E9793 000A #Dingo Canyon\Race won 3008FF58 0040 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01B1728 0000 301B1728 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01B5174 0000 301B5174 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01B57E4 0000 301B57E4 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01B5E54 0000 301B5E54 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01B64C4 0000 301B64C4 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01C2148 0000 301C2148 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01E9130 0000 301E9130 0002 #Dingo Canyon\Start on 3rd lap D01E97A0 0000 301E97A0 0002 #Dragon Mines\All time-crates 301D77FA 0027 #Dragon Mines\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301E8BCA 0007 #Dragon Mines\Have CTR-chip 3008FF61 0020 #Dragon Mines\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0002 #Dragon Mines\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301E8BCA 0004 #Dragon Mines\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301E8BCA 0008 #Dragon Mines\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0008 #Dragon Mines\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5A 0080 #Dragon Mines\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301E8BCA 0003 #Dragon Mines\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301E8BCA 0001 #Dragon Mines\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301E8BCA 0005 #Dragon Mines\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301E8BCA 0002 #Dragon Mines\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301E8BCA 0006 #Dragon Mines\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301E8BCA 0000 #Dragon Mines\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301E8BCA 0009 #Dragon Mines\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01E8BC4 0000 301E8BC4 000A #Dragon Mines\Infinite pickups D01E8BCB 0000 301E8BCB 000A #Dragon Mines\Race won 3008FF58 0080 #Dragon Mines\Start on 3rd lap D01D780C 0000 301D780C 0002 #Dragon Mines\Start on 3rd lap D01E8BD8 0000 301E8BD8 0002 #Freezes Clock In All Timed Races 80098830 0000 #Have All Awards 8008FBA4 FFFF 8008FBA6 FFFF 8008FBA8 FFFF 8008FBAA FFFF 8008FBAC FFFF 8008FBAE FFFF 8008FBB0 FFFF 8008FBB2 FFFF #Have All Awards 8008FBA4 FFFF 8008FBA6 FFFF 8008FBA8 FFFF 8008FBAA FFFF 8008FBAC FFFF 8008FBAE FFFF 8008FBB0 FFFF 8008FBB2 FFFF #Hot Air Skyway\All time-crates 301E09EE 0038 #Hot Air Skyway\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F3C92 0007 #Hot Air Skyway\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0008 #Hot Air Skyway\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0080 #Hot Air Skyway\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F3C92 0004 #Hot Air Skyway\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F3C92 0008 #Hot Air Skyway\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0002 D01E0A00 0000 301E0A00 0002 #Hot Air Skyway\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0020 #Hot Air Skyway\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F3C92 0003 #Hot Air Skyway\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F3C92 0001 #Hot Air Skyway\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F3C92 0005 #Hot Air Skyway\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F3C92 0002 #Hot Air Skyway\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F3C92 0006 #Hot Air Skyway\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F3C92 0000 #Hot Air Skyway\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F3C92 0009 #Hot Air Skyway\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F3C8C 0000 301F3C8C 000A #Hot Air Skyway\Infinite pickups D01F3C93 0000 301F3C93 000A #Hot Air Skyway\Race won 3008FF59 0020 #Hot Air Skyway\Start on 3rd lap D01F3CA0 0000 301F3CA0 0002 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301D471E 0007 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301D471E 0004 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301D471E 0008 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301D471E 0003 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have boss-key 3008FF64 0001 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301D471E 0001 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301D471E 0005 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301D471E 0002 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301D471E 0006 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301D471E 0000 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301D471E 0009 #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01D4718 0000 301D4718 000A #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Infinite pickups D01D471F 0000 301D471F 000A #Komodo Joe's Challenge\Start on 3rd lap D01D472C 0000 301D472C 0002 #Mystery Caves\All time-crates 301E388A 0041 #Mystery Caves\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F4E0E 0007 #Mystery Caves\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0020 #Mystery Caves\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0002 #Mystery Caves\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F4E0E 0004 #Mystery Caves\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F4E0E 0008 #Mystery Caves\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0008 #Mystery Caves\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0080 #Mystery Caves\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F4E0E 0003 #Mystery Caves\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F4E0E 0001 #Mystery Caves\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F4E0E 0005 #Mystery Caves\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F4E0E 0002 #Mystery Caves\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F4E0E 0006 #Mystery Caves\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F4E0E 0000 #Mystery Caves\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F4E0E 0009 #Mystery Caves\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F4E08 0000 301F4E08 000A #Mystery Caves\Infinite pickups D01F4E0F 0000 301F4E0F 000A #Mystery Caves\Race won 3008FF59 0080 #Mystery Caves\Start on 3rd lap D01E389C 0000 301E389C 0002 #Mystery Caves\Start on 3rd lap D01F4E1C 0000 301F4E1C 0002 #N.Gin Laboratory\All time-crates 301E45DA 0046 #N.Gin Laboratory\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0008 #N.Gin Laboratory\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0020 #N.Gin Laboratory\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0002 #N.Gin Laboratory\Start on 3rd lap D01E45EC 0000 301E45EC 0002 #N.Gin Labs\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F3BD2 0007 #N.Gin Labs\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0080 #N.Gin Labs\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F3BD2 0004 #N.Gin Labs\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F3BD2 0008 #N.Gin Labs\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F3BD2 0003 #N.Gin Labs\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F3BD2 0001 #N.Gin Labs\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F3BD2 0005 #N.Gin Labs\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F3BD2 0002 #N.Gin Labs\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F3BD2 0006 #N.Gin Labs\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F3BD2 0000 #N.Gin Labs\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F3BD2 0009 #N.Gin Labs\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F3BCC 0000 301F3BCC 000A #N.Gin Labs\Infinite pickups D01F3BD3 0000 301F3BD3 000A #N.Gin Labs\Race won 3008FF5A 0002 #N.Gin Labs\Start on 3rd lap D01F3BE0 0000 301F3BE0 0002 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301D8E3A 0007 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301D8E3A 0004 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301D8E3A 0008 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301D8E3A 0003 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301D8E3A 0001 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301D8E3A 0005 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301D8E3A 0002 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301D8E3A 0006 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301D8E3A 0000 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301D8E3A 0009 #N.Oxid's Challenge\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01D8E34 0000 301D8E34 000A #N.Oxid's Challenge\Infinite pickups D01D8E3B 0000 301D8E3B 000A #N.Oxid's Challenge\Start on 3rd lap D01D8E48 0000 301D8E48 0002 #Nitro Court\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 3019A3D2 0007 #Nitro Court\Have CTR-chip 3008FF66 00C4 #Nitro Court\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 3019A3D2 0004 #Nitro Court\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 3019A3D2 0008 #Nitro Court\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 3019A3D2 0003 #Nitro Court\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 3019A3D2 0001 #Nitro Court\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 3019A3D2 0005 #Nitro Court\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 3019A3D2 0002 #Nitro Court\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 3019A3D2 0006 #Nitro Court\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 3019A3D2 0000 #Nitro Court\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 3019A3D2 0009 #Nitro Court\Infinite pickups 8000D019 A3D3 80000000 3019A3D3 8000000A 0000 #Nitro Court\Only 1 gem to collect 8000D019 A3CD 80000000 3019A3CD 80000013 0000 #Oxide Station\All time-crates 301E3B02 0031 #Oxide Station\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F3D12 0007 #Oxide Station\Have CTR-chip 3008FF63 0002 #Oxide Station\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0020 #Oxide Station\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F3D12 0004 #Oxide Station\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F3D12 0008 #Oxide Station\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0080 #Oxide Station\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0008 #Oxide Station\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F3D12 0003 #Oxide Station\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F3D12 0001 #Oxide Station\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F3D12 0005 #Oxide Station\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F3D12 0002 #Oxide Station\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F3D12 0006 #Oxide Station\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F3D12 0000 #Oxide Station\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F3D12 0009 #Oxide Station\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F3D0C 0000 301F3D0C 000A #Oxide Station\Infinite pickups D01F3D13 0000 301F3D13 000A #Oxide Station\Race won 3008FF5A 0008 #Oxide Station\Start on 3rd lap D01E3B14 0000 301E3B14 0002 #Oxide Station\Start on 3rd lap D01F3D20 0000 301F3D20 0002 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301D6736 0007 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301D6736 0004 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301D6736 0008 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301D6736 0003 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have boss-key 3008FF63 0080 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301D6736 0001 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301D6736 0005 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301D6736 0002 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301D6736 0006 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301D6736 0000 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301D6736 0009 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits 8000D01D 6730 80000000 301D6730 8000000A 0000 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Infinite pickups 8000D01D 6737 80000000 301D6737 8000000A 0000 #Papu Papu's Challenge\Start on 3rd lap 8000D01D 6744 80000000 301D6744 80000002 0000 #Papu's Pyramid\All time-crates 301DDDDE 0030 #Papu's Pyramid\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301EC29A 0007 #Papu's Pyramid\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0002 #Papu's Pyramid\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0020 #Papu's Pyramid\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301EC29A 0004 #Papu's Pyramid\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301EC29A 0008 #Papu's Pyramid\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0080 #Papu's Pyramid\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0008 #Papu's Pyramid\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301EC29A 0003 #Papu's Pyramid\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301EC29A 0001 #Papu's Pyramid\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301EC29A 0005 #Papu's Pyramid\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301EC29A 0002 #Papu's Pyramid\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301EC29A 0006 #Papu's Pyramid\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301EC29A 0000 #Papu's Pyramid\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301EC29A 0009 #Papu's Pyramid\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01EC294 0000 301EC294 000A #Papu's Pyramid\Infinite pickups D01EC29B 0000 301EC29B 000A #Papu's Pyramid\Race won 3008FF59 0008 #Papu's Pyramid\Start on 3rd lap D01DDDF0 0000 301DDDF0 0002 #Papu's Pyramid\Start on 3rd lap D01EC2A8 0000 301EC2A8 0002 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301DEEB6 0007 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301DEEB6 0004 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301DEEB6 0008 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301DEEB6 0003 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have boss-key 3008FF64 0002 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301DEEB6 0001 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301DEEB6 0005 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301DEEB6 0002 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301DEEB6 0006 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301DEEB6 0000 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301DEEB6 0009 #Pinstripe's Challenge\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01DEEB0 0000 301DEEB0 000A #Pinstripe's Challenge\Infinite pickups D01DEEB7 0000 301DEEB7 000A #Pinstripe's Challenge\Start on 3rd lap D01DEEC4 0000 301DEEC4 0002 #Polar Pass\All time-crates 301E1D12 0026 #Polar Pass\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F3296 0007 #Polar Pass\Have CTR-chip 3008FF63 0001 #Polar Pass\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0010 #Polar Pass\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F3296 0004 #Polar Pass\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F3296 0008 #Polar Pass\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0040 #Polar Pass\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0004 #Polar Pass\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F3296 0003 #Polar Pass\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F3296 0001 #Polar Pass\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F3296 0005 #Polar Pass\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F3296 0002 #Polar Pass\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F3296 0006 #Polar Pass\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F3296 0000 #Polar Pass\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F3296 0009 #Polar Pass\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F3290 0000 301F3290 000A #Polar Pass\Infinite pickups D01F3297 0000 301F3297 000A #Polar Pass\Race won 3008FF5A 0004 #Polar Pass\Start on 3rd lap D01E1D24 0000 301E1D24 0002 #Polar Pass\Start on 3rd lap D01F32A4 0000 301F32A4 0002 #Rampage Ruins\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 3018D9DE 0007 #Rampage Ruins\Have CTR-chip 3008FF66 00C1 #Rampage Ruins\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 3018D9DE 0004 #Rampage Ruins\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 3018D9DE 0008 #Rampage Ruins\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 3018D9DE 0003 #Rampage Ruins\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 3018D9DE 0001 #Rampage Ruins\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 3018D9DE 0005 #Rampage Ruins\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 3018D9DE 0002 #Rampage Ruins\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 3018D9DE 0006 #Rampage Ruins\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 3018D9DE 0000 #Rampage Ruins\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 3018D9DE 0009 #Rampage Ruins\Infinite pickups 8000D018 D9DF 80000000 3018D9DF 8000000A 0000 #Rampage Ruins\Only 1 gem to collect 8000D018 D9D9 80000000 3018D9D9 80000013 0000 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301BEA12 0007 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301BEA12 0004 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301BEA12 0008 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301BEA12 0003 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have boss-key 3008FF63 0040 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301BEA12 0001 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301BEA12 0005 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301BEA12 0002 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301BEA12 0006 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301BEA12 0000 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301BEA12 0009 #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01BEA0C 0000 301BEA0C 000A #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Infinite pickups D01BEA13 0000 301BEA13 000A #Ripper Roo's Challenge\Start on 3rd lap D01BEA20 0000 301BEA20 0002 #Rocky Road\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301825FA 0007 #Rocky Road\Have CTR-chip 3008FF66 00C2 #Rocky Road\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301825FA 0004 #Rocky Road\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301825FA 0008 #Rocky Road\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301825FA 0003 #Rocky Road\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301825FA 0001 #Rocky Road\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301825FA 0005 #Rocky Road\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301825FA 0002 #Rocky Road\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301825FA 0006 #Rocky Road\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301825FA 0000 #Rocky Road\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301825FA 0009 #Rocky Road\Infinite pickups 8000D018 25FB 80000000 301825FB 8000000A 0000 #Rocky Road\Only 1 gem to collect 8000D018 25F4 80000000 301825F5 80000013 0000 #Roo's Tubes\All time-crates 301C3062 0020 #Roo's Tubes\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301D462A 0007 #Roo's Tubes\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0004 #Roo's Tubes\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0040 #Roo's Tubes\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301D462A 0004 #Roo's Tubes\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301D462A 0008 #Roo's Tubes\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0001 #Roo's Tubes\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0010 #Roo's Tubes\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301D462A 0003 #Roo's Tubes\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301D462A 0001 #Roo's Tubes\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301D462A 0005 #Roo's Tubes\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301D462A 0002 #Roo's Tubes\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301D462A 0006 #Roo's Tubes\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301D462A 0000 #Roo's Tubes\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301D462A 0009 #Roo's Tubes\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01D4624 0000 301D4624 000A #Roo's Tubes\Infinite pickups D01D462B 0000 301D462B 000A #Roo's Tubes\Race won 3008FF59 0010 #Roo's Tubes\Start on 3rd lap D01C3074 0000 301C3074 0002 #Roo's Tubes\Start on 3rd lap D01D4638 0000 301D4638 0002 #Sewer Speeding\All time-crates 301CEFD6 0041 #Sewer Speeding\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301DD59E 0007 #Sewer Speeding\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0010 #Sewer Speeding\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0001 #Sewer Speeding\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301DD59E 0004 #Sewer Speeding\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301DD59E 0008 #Sewer Speeding\Have Platin-relict 3008FF60 0004 #Sewer Speeding\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0040 #Sewer Speeding\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301DD59E 0003 #Sewer Speeding\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301DD59E 0001 #Sewer Speeding\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301DD59E 0005 #Sewer Speeding\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301DD59E 0002 #Sewer Speeding\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301DD59E 0006 #Sewer Speeding\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301DD59E 0000 #Sewer Speeding\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301DD59E 0009 #Sewer Speeding\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01DD598 0000 301DD598 000A #Sewer Speeding\Infinite pickups D01DD59F 0000 301DD59F 000A #Sewer Speeding\Race won 3008FF59 0040 #Sewer Speeding\Start on 3rd lap D01CEFE8 0000 301CEFE8 0002 #Sewer Speeding\Start on 3rd lap D01DD5AC 0000 301DD5AC 0002 #Skull Rock\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 3018B85A 0007 #Skull Rock\Have CTR-chip 3008FF65 0080 #Skull Rock\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 3018B85A 0004 #Skull Rock\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 3018B85A 0008 #Skull Rock\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 3018B85A 0003 #Skull Rock\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 3018B85A 0001 #Skull Rock\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 3018B85A 0005 #Skull Rock\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 3018B85A 0002 #Skull Rock\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 3018B85A 0006 #Skull Rock\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 3018B85A 0000 #Skull Rock\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 3018B85A 0009 #Skull Rock\Infinite pickups D018B85B 0000 3018B85B 000A #Skull Rock\Only 1 gem to collect D018B854 0000 3018B855 0013 #Slide Coliseum\All time-crates 301D366A 002D #Slide Coliseum\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5F 0001 #Slide Coliseum\Have Platin-relict 3008FF61 0004 #Slide Coliseum\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0040 #Slide Coliseum\Start on 3rd lap D01D367C 0000 301D367C 0002 #Tiger Temple\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F331A 0007 #Tiger Temple\Have CTR-chip 3008FF62 0001 #Tiger Temple\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F331A 0004 #Tiger Temple\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F331A 0008 #Tiger Temple\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F331A 0003 #Tiger Temple\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F331A 0001 #Tiger Temple\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F331A 0005 #Tiger Temple\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F331A 0002 #Tiger Temple\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F331A 0006 #Tiger Temple\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F331A 0000 #Tiger Temple\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F331A 0009 #Tiger Temple\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F3314 0000 301F3314 000A #Tiger Temple\Infinite pickups D01F331B 0000 301F331B 000A #Tiger Temple\Race won 3008FF59 0004 #Tiger Temple\Start on 3rd lap D01F3328 0000 301F3328 0002 #Tiger-Temple\All time-crates 301E4406 0034 #Tiger-Temple\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5D 0010 #Tiger-Temple\Have Platin-relict 3008FF5F 0040 #Tiger-Temple\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5B 0004 #Tiger-Temple\Start on 3rd lap D01E4418 0000 301E4418 0002 #Time Always 0:00:00 80035012 2400 #Tiny Arena\All time-crates 301E37CA 003C #Tiny Arena\Have Aku-Aku-/Uka-Uka-masks (Press L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DEFF 301F0086 0007 #Tiny Arena\Have CTR-chip 3008FF63 0008 #Tiny Arena\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5E 0080 #Tiny Arena\Have M.Brios cup (Press Down + Circle) D0096E8A DFBF 301F0086 0004 #Tiny Arena\Have N.-Trophy-clocks (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A DCFF 301F0086 0008 #Tiny Arena\Have Platin-relict 3008FF61 0002 #Tiny Arena\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0020 #Tiny Arena\Have TNT-crates (Press L1 + L2 + Circle) D0096E8A DAFF 301F0086 0003 #Tiny Arena\Have bowling-bombs (Press Right + Circle) D0096E8A DFDF 301F0086 0001 #Tiny Arena\Have elastic springs (Press L1 + R1) D0096E8A F3FF 301F0086 0005 #Tiny Arena\Have homing missiles (Press Up + Circle) D0096E8A DFEF 301F0086 0002 #Tiny Arena\Have powershields (Press R1 + R2 + Circle) D0096E8A D5FF 301F0086 0006 #Tiny Arena\Have turbos (Press X + Circle) D0096E8A 9FFF 301F0086 0000 #Tiny Arena\Have warp-balls (Press Left + Circle) D0096E8A DF7F 301F0086 0009 #Tiny Arena\Infinite Wumpa-Fruits D01F0080 0000 301F0080 000A #Tiny Arena\Infinite pickups D01F0087 0000 301F0087 000A #Tiny Arena\Race won 3008FF5A 0020 #Tiny Arena\Start on 3rd lap D01E37DC 0000 301E37DC 0002 #Tiny Arena\Start on 3rd lap D01F0094 0000 301F0094 0002 #Turbo Track\All time-crates 301E6A3E 0034 #Turbo Track\Have Gold-relict 3008FF5F 0002 #Turbo Track\Have Platin-relict 3008FF61 0008 #Turbo Track\Have Sapphire-relict 3008FF5C 0080 #Turbo Track\Start on 3rd lap D01E6A50 0000 301E6A50 0002 #Widescreen 8002305C 0C00 8002305E 2404 800230C6 000E 800230A0 7300 800230A2 0003 80022608 2080 8002260A 0800 8002260C 0000 8002260E 8451 80008200 0003 80008202 241B 80008204 0019 80008206 0371 80008208 8812 8000820A 0000 8000820C 8883 8000820E 0011 80008210 8984 80008212 0800 80008214 003A 80008216 2442 8006C2F8 0C00 80043168 0400 8004316A 2404 ;#P1 Use Nitros Oxide:Press L2 after selecting your character. May not work at all in VS mode for player 1. For Adventure mode, press L1 before entering a portal/challenge. Press L2 before returning to the map. Freezes on some tracks. ? is the character you want to be in Adventure Mode map. ;D0096AD6 FEFF ;80086E84 000F ;D0096AD6 FBFF ;80086E84 000? ; [ Final Fantasy Chronicles - Chrono Trigger (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01363GH} ] :SLUS-01363 :SLUS-01363GH #P1 Infinite HP 80023E30 03E7 #P2 Infinite HP 80023EB0 03E7 #P3 Infinite HP 80023F30 03E7 #Have All Items 5000FF01 0001 30020400 0001 #Infinite Gold 80020C52 7F00 80020C54 9896 #Max Damage:Does 9999 Damage Per Hit C00DC390 8015 80028DA8 270F 80029334 270F 80028DAC 270F 80029338 270F 80028DB0 270F 8002933C 270F 80028DB4 270F 80029340 270F 80028DB8 270F 80029344 270F 80028DBC 270F 80029348 270F 80028DC0 270F 8002934C 270F 80028DC4 270F 80029350 270F 00000000 FFFF #Save Anywhere 300101CF 0080 #Unlock All Extra Modes 800DD70A FFFF #Unlock All Extras 800DD6DA 1FFF ; [ Final Fantasy Chronicles - Chrono Trigger (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01363} ] :SLUS-01363 #P1 Infinite HP 80023E30 03E7 #P2 Infinite HP 80023EB0 03E7 #P3 Infinite HP 80023F30 03E7 #Have All Items 5000FF01 0001 30020400 0001 #Infinite Gold 80020C52 7F00 80020C54 9896 #Max Damage:Does 9999 Damage Per Hit C00DC390 8015 80028DA8 270F 80029334 270F 80028DAC 270F 80029338 270F 80028DB0 270F 8002933C 270F 80028DB4 270F 80029340 270F 80028DB8 270F 80029344 270F 80028DBC 270F 80029348 270F 80028DC0 270F 8002934C 270F 80028DC4 270F 80029350 270F 00000000 FFFF #Save Anywhere 300101CF 0080 #Unlock All Extra Modes 800DD70A FFFF #Unlock All Extras 800DD6DA 1FFF ; [ Cubix Robots for Everyone - Race 'n Robots (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01422} ] :SLUS-01422 #Have 9999 credits in story mode 8009572E 270F #P1 Have Speed Boost Only One Weapon Cheat Can Be Used At A Time Per Character. 30095724 0001 #P1 Have Mega Horn Only One Weapon Cheat Can Be Used At A Time Per Character. 30095724 0002 #P1 Have Shield Only One Weapon Cheat Can Be Used At A Time Per Character. 30095724 0003 #P1 Have Missles Only One Weapon Cheat Can Be Used At A Time Per Character. 30095724 0004 #P1 Have Mines Only One Weapon Cheat Can Be Used At A Time Per Character. 30095724 0005 #P1 99 Coins Coin Race Mode 8009572C 0063 #99 Coins Player 2 Coin Race Mode 8009579C 0063 #99 Coins Player 3 Coin Race Mode 8009580C 0063 #99 Coins Player 4 Coin Race Mode 8009587C 0063 #Never Lose Pts. P1 Versus Race Mode 3007EDF2 0004 #Never Lose Pts. P2 Versus Race Mode 3007EF7A 0004 #Never Lose Pts. P3 Versus Race Mode 3007F102 0004 #Never Lose Pts. P4 Versus Race Mode 3007F28A 0004 #Unlock Picture Gallery 80095740 0001 80095742 0001 80095744 0001 80095746 0001 80095748 0001 8009574A 0001 8009574C 0001 8009574E 0001 80095750 0001 ; [ Castlevania Chronicles (USA) (2001) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01384} ] :SLUS-01384 #Infinite Lives 80059292 0063 #Infinite HP 8005A822 0010 #Invincibility 8005A828 006B #Start game at level 1 - Castle Entrance 800592C4 0000 #Start game at level 2 - Cave 800592C4 0001 #Start game at level 3 - Courtyard 800592C4 0002 #Start game at level 4 - Royal Chapel 800592C4 0003 #Start game at level 5 - Clock Tower 800592C4 0004 #Start game at level 6 - Floating Corridor 800592C4 0005 #Start game at level 7 - Prison 800592C4 0006 #Start game at level 8 - Final Level - Chronicles 800592C4 0007 #Watch endings / FMVs in Original + Arranged Modes 8010564C 001B #Enable All Modes In Arrange Mode 3006E464 0001 #Enable Photo Gallery 3006E461 001A #Enter Special Option Screen D0059270 000F 80059286 001C ; [ Capcom vs. SNK Pro (USA) (2002) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01476} ] :SLUS-01476 #P1 Infinite Health 8006E650 4EC0 8006E652 4EC0 8006E654 4EC0 #P1 Max Special Gauge 8006E704 9000 #Enable All Hidden Characters 8006E300 FFFF 8006E302 FFFF ; [ Colony Wars (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00543 / SLUS-00554} ] :SLUS-00543 :SLUS-00554 #Infinite Shield 800463B4 00EE #Infinite Missiles 80119CC0 0006 #Infinite Anti-Shield Lasers 80119C4C 0000 #Infinite Secondary Weapon 80119D28 0005 80119D5C 0005 800FE472 0005 80119CF4 0005 #Energy Weapon Never Overheats 80119C4C 0000 80119C80 0000 80119CB4 0000 80119CE8 0000 80119D1C 0000 #Fast Fire As Laser 80119C50 0000 #Laser 80119C84 0000 #Emp Gun 80119CB8 0000 #Scatter Gun 80119CEC 0000 #Max Throttle 80040F26 FFFF #Infinite Secondaries 80119CC0 0002 80119CF4 0002 80119D28 0002 80119D5C 0002 #Infinite Energy 30011934 0001 #Stage Select Open 30011935 0001 #Infinite Secondary Weapon 30011936 0001 #Super Cooled Weapons 30011937 0001 ; [ Colony Wars - Red Sun (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00866} ] :SLUS-00866 #Enable Complete Mission Cheat 30041B2D 0001 #Infinite Shields 8004D478 FFFF #Enable All Weapons During Battle 30041B28 0001 #Infinite Ammo D0114108 000C 8011410A 2400 #Max Infinite Money 8004261C C9FF 8004261E 3B9A #Unlock All Ships 30041B29 0001 #Unlock All Stations 30041B2A 0001 #Unlock All Weapons 30041B2B 0001 ; [ Colony Wars - Vengeance (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00722} ] :SLUS-00722 #Infinite Assign Power Points 800C4D04 0008 #Infinite Shields 80045FB4 0064 #Anti Shield Lasers Never Overheat 8012E21C 0000 #Lasers Never Overheat 8012E274 0000 #Seismic Lance Never Overheat 8012E2CC 0000 #Infinite Time 8011E400 230C #Infinite As Missles 8012E388 0005 #Infinite Plasma Missles 8012E3E0 0005 #Enable Wraith Ship 8005513C 0100 #Enable Diablo Ship 80055142 0001 #Enable Voodoo Ship 80055146 0100 #Have Stage Select Open 300A9ECA 0030 ; [ Cyberia (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00053} ] :SLUS-00053 #Infinite Energy Skeet Shoot 80067C10 0007 #Infinite Shooting Skeet Shoot:Enter the #NEMROSIM# as your name.Then while playing the game, pause and select#Load# to view the passwords for any level and to start at that point. The master cheat will also allow difficulty level 1 to be chosen for both Arcade and Puzzle modes. The master cheat will also allow the game to be uncensored. This is most notable in level 22 (SLICEOMATIC). 80067C0C FF64 #Infinite Energy And Shooting All Flying 80068334 0190 #Kill All Viruses:With this cheat, the percent still changes, but it will kill the virus when you go all the way through it! 8006832C 0009 #Open All Levels 80052DB4 0101 80052DB6 0101 30052DC1 0001 80052DC2 0101 80052DC4 0101 80052DC8 0101 80052DCA 0101 80052DCC 0101 #Enable Easy Arcade + Easy Puzzle Levels 80067E14 0000 80067E16 0000 ; [ CyberSled (USA) (1995) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00008} ] :SLUS-00008 #Infinite Missiles 8014A648 0005 #Infinite Shields 8014A662 1000 ; [ CyberSpeed (USA, v1.1) (1995) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00116} ] :SLUS-00116 #Infinite Turbo 80097CB0 0009 #Always Place 1st 80097CE8 0001 #Infinite Ammo 80097CC4 0000 #Infinite Energy 80097CA4 2B3A 80097CA6 0000 #Freeze Cpu 80096FD0 0000 80097180 0020 80097330 0040 800974E0 0060 80097690 0080 80097840 00A0 800979F0 00C0 ; [ CyberSpeed (USA, v1.0) (1995) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00116} ] :SLUS-00116 #Infinite Turbo 80097CB0 0009 #Always Place 1st 80097CE8 0001 #Infinite Ammo 80097CC4 0000 #Infinite Energy 80097CA4 2B3A 80097CA6 0000 #Freeze Cpu 80096FD0 0000 80097180 0020 80097330 0040 800974E0 0060 80097690 0080 80097840 00A0 800979F0 00C0 ; [ CyberTiger (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01004} ] :SLUS-01004 #Enable All Courses + Characters 8008D824 FFFF #P1 Only Record One Shot 800C0E44 0000 #P1 Infinite Super Balls 300CCD40 0063 #P1 Infinite Eye Balls 300CCD41 0063 #P1 Infinite Mulligan Balls 300CCD42 0063 #P1 Infinite Gum Balls 300CCD43 0063 #P1 Infinite Power Balls 300CCD44 0063 #P1 Infinite Ghost Balls 300CCD45 0063 #P1 Infinite Mystery Balls 300CCD46 0063 #P1 Infinite Spin Balls 300CCD47 0063 #P1 Have All Power-Up Balls 50000402 0000 800CCD40 6363 ; [ D (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00128 / SLUS-00173 / SLUS-00174} ] :SLUS-00128 :SLUS-00173 :SLUS-00174 #Infinite Time 80053AE0 BEDE 80053B24 BEDE 800689B8 BFCE 80071120 044E 8010C484 020C #Infinite Oracle 800718E4 0303 801324B4 0001 ; [ Danger Girl (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-00881} ] :SLUS-00881 #Infinite HP 80061B40 2400 #Have All Cheats 800E8B04 0FFF ; [ Dragon Ball GT - Final Bout (USA) (1997) (Bandai America) {SLUS-00493} ] :SLUS-00493 #P1 Infinite Health 80072840 0880 #P1 Infinite Power Meter 80072842 00C4 #P1 No Power Meter 80072842 0000 #P2 Infinite Life Meter 800728BC 0880 #P2 Infinite Power Meter 800728BE 00C4 #P2 No Power Meter 800728BE 0000 #Enable All Blocks (Build-Up Mode) 8003BC7C 0107 #All Secret Characters:For access to Super Baby hold Select while pushing Square 8003BCC4 FFFF 8003BCC6 FFFF C005686C 0180 8003BCA4 0011 8003BCA6 0011 00000000 FFFF #Quick Level Up 8003B860 0001 8003B864 0400 ; [ Dragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22 (USA) (2003) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01550} ] :SLUS-01550 #P1 Infinite HP 800A9EF8 0190 #Level 999 (All Characters) 800106F6 03E7 #P2 No HP 800AA268 0000 ; [ Dare Devil Derby 3D (USA) (1996) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00300} ] :SLUS-00300 #Stop Timer 800C06EC 0000 #One Lap To Race 801FC758 0001 #Always Win 1st Place 801FC7B0 0001 ; [ Destruction Derby (USA) (1995) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94302} ] :SCUS-94302 #Always Finish First:Also It Will Gives You 255 Every Time A Race is Finished, Even If You Quit 301E7763 00FF #Infinite Damage 801E773C 0000 801E773A 0000 801E773E 0000 801E7740 0000 801E7742 0000 801E7744 0000 #95 Points Per Race:You get 95 `Race Points' with this cheat. Turn off and you get 99 points and invinciblity. 801E7762 FF00 #Ruined Monastery Stage Open 300BBD7E 0001 ; [ Destruction Derby 2 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94350, SCUS-94350-C} ] :SCUS-94350 :SCUS-94350-C #Always place 1st 8009568E 0001 #Have 999 Race Points 80095692 03E7 #No Damage Left Door 8008A368 0000 #No Damage Left Front 8008A344 0000 #No Damage Left Rear 8008A360 0000 #No Damage Right Door 8008A354 0000 #No Damage Right Front 8008A34C 0000 #No Damage Right Rear 8008A358 0000 #Select Track\Pine Hills Raceway 8007974C 0000 #Select Track\Chalk Canyon 8007974C 0001 #Select Track\SCA Motorplex 8007974C 0002 #Select Track\Caprio County Speedway 8007974C 0003 #Select Track\Black Sail Valley 8007974C 0004 #Select Track\Liberty City 8007974C 0005 #Select Track\Ultimate Destruction Speedway 8007974C 0006 #Select Track\Red Pike Arena 8007974C 0007 #Select Track\The Colosseum 8007974C 0008 #Select Track\The Pit 8007974C 0009 #Select Track\Death Bowl (Do not press right on the track select screen or the game will crash) 8007974C 000A #Select Track\FROZE 8007974C 000B #Unlock 4 bowl tracks 8007975C 0004 #Unlock 7 racing tracks 80079758 0007 ; [ Destruction Derby Raw (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00912} ] :SLUS-00912 #Alway Start On Last Lap (Assault Battle Mode) D00BF120 FFFF C20AA40C 0004 800BF120 0000 #Infinite Time To Pass Da Bomb (Pass Da Bomb Battle Mode) 800BFDCC 00FF #Infinite Damege Left Front 300E0154 0000 #Infinite Damage Left Middle 300E0156 0000 #Infinite Damage Left Rear 300E0158 0000 #Infinite Damage Right Middle 300E0157 0000 #Infin ite Damage Right Rear 300E0159 0000 #Infinite Damage Right Right 300E0155 0000 #Max Points (Assault Battle Mode) 800BF07C 270F #Max Points (Wreckin Racin Mode, Destruction Derby Battle Mode, Skyscraper Battle + Pass Da Bomb Mode) 800BEA78 270F #Unlock Path To Avalanche 300C0DCB 0000 #Unlock Path To Avalanche 2 300C0EBB 0000 #Unlock Path To Axe Head 300C0C8D 0000 #Unlock Path To Axe Head 2 300C0F35 0000 #Unlock Path To Carpark 300C0E6B 0000 #Unlock Path To Cyclone 300C0FD5 0000 #Unlock Path To Dragonfly 2 300C0EE5 0000 #Unlock Path To Fall Out 300C0CB5 0000 #Unlock Path To Fall Out 2 300C0D7B 0000 #Unlock Path To Four 300C0FAB 0000 #Unlock Path To Jagged Edge 300C0E45 0000 #Unlock Path To Jagged Edge 2 300C0E95 0000 #Unlock Path To Karsutra 300C0D55 0000 #Unlock Path To Leap Of Faith 300C0F85 0000 #Unlock Path To Loops Of Fury 300C0E1B 0000 #Unlock Path To Loops Of Fury 2 300C0F5B 0000 #Unlock Path To Oilslick 300C0C65 0000 #Unlock Path To Overflow 300C0CDB 0000 #Unlock Path To Overflow 2 300C0DA5 0000 #Unlock Path To Sidewinder 300C0D2B 0000 #Unlock Path To Slammer 300C0FFB 0000 #Unlock Path To Stadium 300C0F0D 0000 #Unlock Path To Up N Over 300C0D05 0000 #Unlock Path To Up N Over 2 300C0DF5 0000 #Press X for No Overall Damage C00AA5C0 4000 800AA722 0000 800AA724 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Dance Dance Revolution (USA) (2001) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01280} ] :SLUS-01280 #1 Max Score 800CC13C E0FF 800CC13E 05F5 #P1 Infinite Groove 800CC136 07FF #P1 Max Kcal 800CC148 E0FF 800CC14A 05F5 #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800E9C28 0202 ; [ Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Mix (USA) (2001) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01281} ] :SLUS-01281 #P1 Infinite Dance Meter 8008180C 03E8 #P1 No Meter 8008180C 0000 #P1 Max Combo 8007D184 03E7 #P1 Max Perfect 800832C2 270F #P1 No Combo 8007D184 0000 #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 80010E5C 0101 #P1 Max Power Dance Magic Mode 800E42EC 0002 800E42EE 00FF #P2 Max Power Dance Magic Mode 800E42F8 0002 800E42FA 00FF #Unlock All Extras 80010E5A 1000 ; [ Dance Dance Revolution Konamix (USA) (2002) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01446, SLUS-01446GH} ] :SLUS-01446 :SLUS-01446GH #Dance Meter Full 800C23EA 03FF #Max Score 800C23F4 C9FF 800C23F6 3B9A #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800E5628 0202 #Unlock All Songs + Modes 800E4108 FFFF 300E410A 000F ; [ DBZ - Dead Ball Zone (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00658} ] :SLUS-00658 #Infinite Guns 800AF990 00FF #Infinite Bombs 800AF994 00FF #Infinite Chainsaws 800AF998 00FF #Tussle Mode (Have All Teams) 8001952C 0003 #Select Team 1 Score\99 800AF998 0063 #Select Team 1 Score\0 800AF998 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\99 800AF99C 0063 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800AF99C 0000 ; [ Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00566} ] :SLUS-00566 #Infinite HP Male Character Level 2 801BCB95 1900 #Level Select (Load Game Menu) 300556D4 0008 #Infinite Fireballs 800C6CA0 FFFF #Infinite Razor Spell 800C6CA4 FFFF #Infinite Jetspell 800C6CA8 FFFF #Infinite Greater Razorspell 800C6CAC FFFF #Infinite Arc Of Power 800C6CB0 FFFF #Infinite War Pig 800C6CB4 FFFF #Infinite Firefly 800C6C98 FFFF #Infinite Starspell 800C6C9C FFFF #Have Silver Key 800C6CF0 018E #Have Red Key 800C6CF4 018E #Have Gold Key 800C6CEC 018E #Infinite Health Potion 800C6CC4 FFFF #Infinite Antidote 800C6CC8 FFFF #Infinite Strength 800C6CCC FFFF #Infinite Speed 800C6CD0 FFFF #Infinite Charm Of Icy Cool 800C6CD4 FFFF #Infinite Warding 800C6CD8 FFFF #Infinite Magic Charm 800C6CDC FFFF #Infinite Invincibility 800C6CE0 FFFF #Infinite Flame Lance 800C6C80 FFFF #Infinite Bombs 800C6C7C FFFF #Infinite Firethrower 800C6C78 FFFF #Infinite Grenade Launcher 800C6C84 FFFF #Infinite Blunderbuss 800C6C88 FFFF #Infinite Infernal Device 800C6C8C FFFF #Have Magic Warhammer 800C6C68 0106 #Have Venom Sword 800C6C64 0106 #Have Silver Sword 800C6C60 0106 #Have Black Spirit Sword 800C6C5C 0106 #Have Red Sword 800C6C58 0106 #Have Warhammer 800C6C50 0106 #Infinite Gold 801AFEFA FF1B #Male Health 8019AB9E 0018 #Female Health 8019B3A2 0018 ; [ Deception III - Dark Delusion (USA) (2000) (Tecmo) {SLUS-01067} ] :SLUS-01067 #Infinite Energy 800C3386 0190 #All Free Training Maps 800C35B4 01FF #Arc Level Modifier 300C5738 0063 #Enemy Attacks Don't Slow You Down 800C338E 0019 #Press L1 + L2 For No Enemy Health (Top Left Meter) D00C054A 0005 800BB152 0000 #Press L1 + L2 For No Enemy Health (Top Right Meter) D00C054A 0005 800BB21A 0000 #Enemy Spell's Cast Against You Only Last A Second 800C32F2 0001 #Have All Emblems 800BAD2E 03FF #Have All Rings 800BAD30 007F #Hyper Mode ON 80090014 0000 #Hyper Mode OFF 80090014 0005 #Infinite Dreak 800B8DA4 E0FF 800B8DA6 05F5 #Infinite Health 800C3386 0190 #Infinite Mission Ark 800B8DB0 270F #Infinite Total Ark 800B8DAC FFFF #No Load Time For Traps 50003794 0000 800C0D54 0000 #Player Damage Always 0 800C57C4 0000 #Traps Dont Affect You:You can still lose health,but traps won't pull,push or knock you down,you can walk right through them. 800C32E8 0000 #Expert Mode\Infinite Time 801ACF78 0630 #Expert Mode\Unlock All Stages 50000702 0000 800C35A0 FFFF #Trap License\Infinite Time 801AA890 0630 #Trap License\Have All Levels 300B8DB7 0006 ; [ Defcon 5 - Peace Has a Price (USA) (1995) (Data East USA) {SLUS-00009} ] :SLUS-00009 #Infinite Health 83F783CF 0064 #Infinite Ammo 83F2AC53 0074 #Infinite Energy In Turret 1 800E80D8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 2 800E80E0 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 3 800E80E8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 4 800E80F0 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 5 800E80F8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 6 800E8100 0000 ; [ Demolition Racer (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00969} ] :SLUS-00969 #P1 Infinite Damage 80066E54 0000 #Enable Redneck Raceway Track 300596CD 0000 #Enable Lyon Stadium Track 300596D2 0000 #Enable Meltdown Track 300596D3 0000 #Enable Hunters Quarry Track 300596D5 0000 #Enable Chemical Plant Track 300596D7 0000 #Enable Scrap Heap Track 300596D8 0000 #Enable Go Cart Carnage Track 300596D9 0000 #Enable Pelton Stadium Track 300596DA 0000 #Enable Reverse Tracks 300596DC 0000 #Enable Predator Car 300596EF 0000 #Enable Renegade Car 300596F0 0000 #Enable Mantis Car 300596F1 0000 #Enable Widowmaker Car 300596F2 0000 #Enable Vandal Car 300596F3 0000 #Enable Chase Mode 300596F5 0000 #Enable Chicken Mode 300596F6 0000 #Enable Suicide Mode 300596F8 0000 #Enable Semi Pro League 30064B30 0000 #Enable Pro League League 30064B34 0000 #Enable Endurance League 30064B38 0000 ; [ Descent (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00037} ] :SLUS-00037 #Infinite Shield 800D10A6 0064 #Infinite Energy 800D10A2 0064 #Infinite Homing Missiles 800D10BC 0009 #Infinite Lives 800D10A8 000A #Have All Weapons 800D10AE FFFF #Have All Keys (All Levels) 800D109C 000E #Have All Keys (All Levels), Invincibility + Cloaking Device 800D109C 0F0F ; [ Descent Maximum (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00460} ] :SLUS-00460 #Have All Key Cards (All Levels) 800E92F8 00FE #Have All Key Cards, Headlight Booster, Auto-Map (All Levels) 800E92F8 F7FE #Infinite Energy 800E9302 0064 #Infinite Lives 800E9304 0109 #Infinite Time To Escape Mine 800AA4B8 003C 800AA4B6 000A #Have All Primary Weapons 800E930C FFFF #Have All Secondary Weapons 800E9310 FFFF #Have Earth Shakers 800E933A 0063 800F8668 0009 #Have Level 5 Laser 800E9306 0404 #Infinite Earth Shakers 800E933A 0063 #Infinite Lasers 800E92FE 0064 #Infinite Concussion Missiles 800E9328 0063 #Infinite Flash Missiles 800E9332 0063 #Infinite Guided Missiles 800E9334 0063 #Infinite Homing Missiles 800E932A 0063 #Infinite Mega Missiles 800E9330 0063 #Infinite Mercury Missiles 800E9338 0063 #Infinite Proximity Bombs 800E932C 0063 #Infinite Short Missiles 800E932E 0063 #Infinite Smart-Bombs 800E9336 0063 #Infinite Vulcan + Gauss Ammo 800E9316 0063 #Max FX Volume 800AA6A8 0006 #Max Music Volume 800AA6A4 0006 ; [ Destrega (USA) (1998) (Koei) {SLUS-00732} ] :SLUS-00732 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C9944 00C8 #Have All Characters 800E34B4 0010 800E34F4 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D00C9B20 00C8 800C9B20 0001 ; [ Devil Dice (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00672} ] :SLUS-00672 #Move One Dice to Clear Level 800CAE4E 1000 800CAEAE 2400 800CA40E 2400 800CA452 2400 #P1 Infinite Energy (War Mode) 8017E500 0063 #P1 Maxed Out Score (Trial Mode) 8017E504 FFFF ; [ Dexter's Laboratory - Mandark's Lab? (USA) (2002) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01421} ] :SLUS-01421 #Maximum Spray 83ECFF9B FFFF #Maximum Spray (PRESS R1 AND R2) 700927C6 F5FF 83ECFF9B FFFF #Maximum Health 83ECFF7B FFFF #Maximum Health (PRESS L1 AND L2) 700927C6 FAFF 83ECFF7B FFFF #Infinite Lives Atom Blaster Game 30178629 0002 #Cooties Game Press L1+L2 To Refill Health D00921C6 FAFF 80130084 FFFF #Cookies Game Press R1+R2 To Refill Spray D00921C6 F5FF 80130064 FFFF #Cooties Game Infinitel Health 80130084 FFFF #Cookies Game Infinite Spray 80130064 FFFF #Infinite Lives DeeDee's Dance Game 801951D0 0002 ; [ Delta Force Urban Warfare (USA) (2002) (NovaLogic) {SLUS-01429} ] :SLUS-01429 #Infinite Health 80049206 2400 #Infinite Explosives 80082F86 2400 #Enable Cheat Menu:Press and hold the select button after selecting your language option D00D1742 FFFE 800DDDE0 0001 ; [ DragonHeart - Fire & Steel (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00226} ] :SLUS-00226 #Infinite Lives 800858AC 0900 #Infinite Energy All Levels 80024010 0000 80024012 0000 #Infinite Endurance 8001EE44 0000 8001EE46 0000 #Have Max Energy 300858BB 00C8 #Always Play Last Level 800B6694 0012 #Press Select For Level Select (main menu) 8003DF86 8421 8003DF8C 2000 8003DF8E 2402 8003DFB0 0001 ; [ Dragon Tales - Dragonseek (USA) (2000) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01176} ] :SLUS-01176 #Have All Dragon Berries 30057CB4 0063 ; [ Diablo (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00619} ] :SLUS-00619 #P2 Infinite Life 800DAD3C FFFF 800DAD3E 0001 #P1 Infinite Life 800D9354 FFFF 800D9356 0001 #P1 Active + Max Levels For All Spells 800D92AA 0F0F 800D92AC 0F0F 800D92AE 0F0F 800D92B0 0F0F 800D92B2 0F0F 800D92B4 0F0F 800D92B6 0F0F 800D92B8 0F0F 800D92BA 0F0F 800D92BC 0F0F 800D92BE 0F0F 800D92C0 0F0F 800D92C6 0F0F 800D92C8 0F0F 800D92CA 0F0F #Active + Max Levels For All Spells Player2 800DAC92 0F0F 800DAC94 0F0F 800DAC96 0F0F 800DAC98 0F0F 800DAC9A 0F0F 800DAC9C 0F0F 800DAC9E 0F0F 800DACA0 0F0F 800DACA2 0F0F 800DACA4 0F0F 800DACA6 0F0F 800DACA8 0F0F 800DACAE 0F0F 800DACB0 0F0F 800DACB2 0F0F ; [ Die Hard Trilogy 2 - Viva Las Vegas (USA) (2000) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-01015} ] :SLUS-01015 #3rd Person Action/Adventure Infinite Health 80101C94 01F4 #3rd Person Action/Adventure Invincibility E008C5AD 0001 800F4804 0001 #3rd Person Action/Adventure First Person Mode Enabled E008C5AD 0001 80101BB2 000C E008C5AD 0001 80101BEE 000C #3rd Person Action/Adventure Have All Weapons E008C5AD 0001 80101D70 00FF #3rd Person Action/Adventure Infinite Ammo (All Weapons) D00DD9D4 0144 800DD9D6 2400 #Extreme Driving Infinite Health 800FA284 01F4 #Extreme Driving Infinite Nitro E008C5AD 0003 800FA290 1388 #Extreme Driving Infinite Time 800FC038 647C #Extreme Driving Invincibility E008C5AD 0003 800FA2D4 0001 #Extreme Driving 1-Hit To Destroy Cars 800DA5EE 2400 #Extreme Driving 1-Hit To Destroy Cars In Highway 2 E008C5AD 0003 800FB08C 0000 E008C5AD 0003 800FB470 0000 #Extreme Driving Enable Rainy Weather E008C5AD 0003 8008D910 0001 #Extreme Driving Have Nitro E008C5AD 0003 800FA292 0000 #Sharp Shooting Infinite Health 800FA870 01F4 #Sharp Shooting Invincibility E008C5AD 0002 800EC4B4 0001 #Sharp Shooting Enable Auto Reload E008C5AD 0002 800FA964 0001 #Sharp Shooting Have All Weapons E008C5AD 0002 800FA880 00FF #Sharp Shooting Infinite Ammo (All Weapons) D00EA7B8 0050 800EA7BA 2400 #Debug Menu D008C682 FAFF 800CCF90 0000 D008C682 EFFF 800CCF90 0001 D008C682 FAFF 8008CFAC 0004 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00119} ] :SLUS-00119 #Die Hard Infinite Energy 801C9A8E 000C #Die Hard Infinite Lives 801D0878 0009 #Die Hard 2 Infinite Lives:Turn off the effects swith until after the FOX LOGO screen! D00B4AB0 0004 800B4AB0 0005 #Die Hard 2 Infinite Ammo 801F6DDA 000E #Die Hard 3 Infinite Turbo's 800B6FA8 0005 #Die Hard 3 Infinite Time (All Levels) 800B71F8 5638 801D313E 0A17 801D72E0 4840 801D73E0 4840 801D74E0 4840 801D75E0 4840 #Die Hard 3 Infinite Lives 800B6D50 0005 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00119} ] :SLUS-00119 #Die Hard Infinite Energy 801C9A8E 000C #Die Hard Infinite Lives 801D0878 0009 #Die Hard 2 Infinite Lives:Turn off the effects swith until after the FOX LOGO screen! D00B4AB0 0004 800B4AB0 0005 #Die Hard 2 Infinite Ammo 801F6DDA 000E #Die Hard 3 Infinite Turbo's 800B6FA8 0005 #Die Hard 3 Infinite Time (All Levels) 800B71F8 5638 801D313E 0A17 801D72E0 4840 801D73E0 4840 801D74E0 4840 801D75E0 4840 #Die Hard 3 Infinite Lives 800B6D50 0005 ; [ Digimon Digital Card Battle (USA) (2001) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01328} ] :SLUS-01328 #P1 Max HP (Deactivate after sending it) 800B3E84 270F #P1 Max Circle Attack Battle (Press L1+L2) D008D310 0005 800B3EC4 270F #P1 Max Circle Attack Overall (Press L1+L2) D008D310 0005 800B3E86 270F ; [ Digimon Rumble Arena (USA) (2002) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01404} ] :SLUS-01404 #P1 Infinite Health 8007F36C 0800 8007F36E 3121 8007F3A0 0005 8007F3A2 1020 #All Characters 50001804 0000 8012AB34 0001 ; [ Digimon World (USA) (1999) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01032} ] :SLUS-01032 #Max Offense 801557E0 03E7 #Max Defense 801557E2 03E7 #Max Speed 801557E4 03E7 #Max Brains 801557E6 03E7 #Max HP 801557F0 270F #Max MP 801557F2 270F #Infinite HP 801557F4 270F #Infinite MP 801557F6 270F #Max Bits 80134EB8 E0FF 80134EBA 05F5 #Best Happiness 8013848A 0064 #Best Discipline 80138488 0000 #Max Item in Slot 1 3013D492 0063 #Max Item in Slot 2 3013D493 0063 #Max Item in Slot 3 3013D494 0063 #Max Item in Slot 4 3013D495 0063 #Max Item in Slot 5 3013D496 0063 #Max Item in Slot 6 3013D497 0063 #Max Item in Slot 7 3013D498 0063 #Max Item in Slot 8 3013D499 0063 #Max Item in Slot 9 3013D49A 0063 #Max Item in Slot 10 3013D49B 0063 #Press O To Beat The Game D0135450 FFDF 80134EB4 0003 #Auto-Kill Most Enemies 80155874 0000 801559AC 0000 80155A14 0000 80155944 0000 801558DC 0000 #Infinite Lives 80155824 0003 #Always Have Finish 8013D65A 0AF1 #Have All Attacks 80155800 FFFF 80155802 FFFF 80155804 FFFF 80155806 FFFF #Have All Medals 801BDFFA FFFF 801BDFFC FFFF #Press Square To Lay A Pile Of Poop D0135450 FF7F 80138460 FFFF #Max Storage Item\Digimushrm 301BDF58 0063 #Max Storage Item\Icemushrm 301BDF59 0063 #Max Storage Item\Deluxmushrm 301BDF5A 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digipine 301BDF5B 0063 #Max Storage Item\Blue Apple 301BDF5C 0063 #Max Storage Item\Red Berry 301BDF5D 0063 #Max Storage Item\Gold Acorn 301BDF5E 0063 #Max Storage Item\Big Berry 301BDF5F 0063 #Max Storage Item\Sweet Nut 301BDF60 0063 #Max Storage Item\Super Veggy 301BDF61 0063 #Max Storage Item\Pricklypear 301BDF62 0063 #Max Storage Item\Orange Bana 301BDF63 0063 #Max Storage Item\Power Fruit 301BDF64 0063 #Max Storage Item\Power Ice 301BDF65 0063 #Max Storage Item\Speed Leaf 301BDF66 0063 #Max Storage Item\Sage Fruit 301BDF67 0063 #Max Storage Item\Muscle Yam 301BDF68 0063 #Max Storage Item\Calm Berry 301BDF69 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digianchovy 301BDF6A 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digisnapper 301BDF6B 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digitrout 301BDF6C 0063 #Max Storage Item\Black Trout 301BDF6D 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digi Catfish 301BDF6E 0063 #Max Storage Item\Digiseabass 301BDF6F 0063 #Max Storage Item\Moldy Meat 301BDF70 0063 #Max Storage Item\Happymuahrm 301BDF71 0063 #Max Storage Item\Chain Melon 301BDF72 0063 #Max Storage Item\Grey Claws 301BDF73 0063 #Max Storage Item\Fireball 301BDF74 0063 #Max Storage Item\Flamingwing 301BDF75 0063 #Max Storage Item\Iron Hoof 301BDF76 0063 #Max Storage Item\Mono Stone 301BDF77 0063 #Max Storage Item\Steel Drill 301BDF78 0063 #Max Storage Item\White Fang 301BDF79 0063 #Max Storage Item\Black Wing 301BDF7A 0063 #Max Storage Item\Spike Club 301BDF7B 0063 #Max Storage Item\Flamingmane 301BDF7C 0063 #Max Storage Item\White Wing 301BDF7D 0063 #Max Storage Item\Torn Tatter 301BDF7E 0063 #Max Storage Item\Electo Ring 301BDF7F 0063 #Max Storage Item\Rainbowhorn 301BDF80 0063 #Max Storage Item\Rooster 301BDF81 0063 #Max Storage Item\Unihorn 301BDF82 0063 #Max Storage Item\Horn Helmet 301BDF83 0063 #Max Storage Item\Scissor Jaw 301BDF84 0063 #Max Storage Item\Fertilizer 301BDF85 0063 #Max Storage Item\Koga Laws 301BDF86 0063 #Max Storage Item\Waterbottle 301BDF87 0063 #Max Storage Item\North Star 301BDF88 0063 #Max Storage Item\Red Shell 301BDF89 0063 #Max Storage Item\Hard Scale 301BDF8A 0063 #Max Storage Item\Blue Crystal 301BDF8B 0063 #Max Storage Item\Ice Crystal 301BDF8C 0063 #Max Storage Item\Hair Grower 301BDF8D 0063 #Max Storage Item\Sunglasses 301BDF8E 0063 #Max Storage Item\Metal Part 301BDF8F 0063 #Max Storage Item\Fatal Bone 301BDF90 0063 #Max Storage Item\Cyber Part 301BDF91 0063 #Max Storage Item\Mega Hand 301BDF92 0063 #Max Storage Item\Silver Ball 301BDF93 0063 #Max Storage Item\Metal Armor 301BDF94 0063 #Max Storage Item\Chainsaw 301BDF95 0063 #Max Storage Item\Small Spear 301BDF96 0063 #Max Storage Item\X Bandage 301BDF97 0063 #Max Storage Item\Ray Gun 301BDF98 0063 #Max Storage Item\Gold Banana 301BDF99 0063 #Max Storage Item\Mysty Egg 301BDF9A 0063 #Max Storage Item\Red Ruby 301BDF9B 0063 #Max Storage Item\Beetlepearl 301BDF9C 0063 #Max Storage Item\Coral Charm 301BDF9D 0063 #Max Storage Item\Moon Mirror 301BDF9E 0063 #Max Storage Item\Blue Flute 301BDF9F 0063 #Max Storage Item\Old Fishrod 301BDFA0 0063 #Max Storage Item\Amazing Fishrod 301BDFA1 0063 #Max Storage Item\Leomon Stone 301BDFA2 0063 #Max Storage Item\Mansion Key 301BDFA3 0063 #Max Storage Item\Gear 301BDFA4 0063 #Max Storage Item\Rain Plant 301BDFA5 0063 #Max Storage Item\Steak 301BDFA6 0063 #Max Storage Item\Frig Key 301BDFA7 0063 #Max Storage Item\As Decoder 301BDFA8 0063 #Max Storage Item\Giga Hand 301BDFA9 0063 #Max Storage Item\Noble Mane 301BDFAA 0063 #Max Storage Item\Metal Banana 301BDFAB 0063 #More Misc.\Have Card No 0+1 301BDFAC 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 2+3 301BDFAD 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 4+5 301BDFAE 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 6+7 301BDFAF 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 8+9 301BDFB0 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 10+11 301BDFB1 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 12+13 301BDFB2 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 14+15 301BDFB3 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 16+17 301BDFB4 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 18+19 301BDFB5 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 20+21 301BDFB6 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 22+23 301BDFB7 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 24+25 301BDFB8 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 26+27 301BDFB9 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 28+29 301BDFBA 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 30+31 301BDFBB 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 32+33 301BDFBC 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 34+35 301BDFBD 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 36+37 301BDFBE 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 38+39 301BDFBF 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 40+41 301BDFC0 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 42+43 301BDFC1 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 44+45 301BDFC2 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 46+47 301BDFC3 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 48+49 301BDFC4 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 50+51 301BDFC5 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 52+53 301BDFC6 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 54+55 301BDFC7 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 56+57 301BDFC8 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 58+59 301BDFC9 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 60+61 301BDFCA 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 62+63 301BDFCB 00FF #More Misc.\Have Card No 64+65 301BDFCC 00FF #More Misc.\Have All Digimon On The Chart/All Evolved 301BE00D 00FF 801BE00E FFFF 801BE010 FFFF 801BE012 FFFF 301BE014 00FF #More Misc.\All Digimon In City 301557C5 0037 801557C6 0037 #More Misc.\Have Key Items 801BDFD2 FFFF #More Misc.\Have All Cards 50002001 0000 301BDFAC 00FF #More Misc.\All Digimon Raised 50000801 0000 301BE00D 00FF ; [ Digimon World 2 (USA) (2001) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01193} ] :SLUS-01193 #1st Digimon\Max HP 8005E718 03E7 #1st Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E71A 03E7 #1st Digimon\Max MP 8005E71C 03E7 #1st Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E71E 03E7 #1st Digimon\Max Attack 8005E720 03E7 #1st Digimon\Max Defense 8005E722 03E7 #1st Digimon\Max Speed 8005E724 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Max Exp 8005E770 967F 8005E772 0098 #2nd Digimon\Max HP 8005E774 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E776 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Max MP 8005E778 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E77A 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Max Attack 8005E77C 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Max Defense 8005E77E 03E7 #2nd Digimon\Max Speed 8005E780 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Max Exp 8005E7CC 967F 8005E7CE 0098 #3rd Digimon\Max HP 8005E7D0 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E7D2 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Max MP 8005E7D4 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E7D6 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Max Attack 8005E7D8 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Max Defense 8005E7DA 03E7 #3rd Digimon\Max Speed 8005E7DC 03E7 #4th Digimon\Max Exp 8005E828 967F 8005E82A 0098 #4th Digimon\Max HP 8005E82C 03E7 #4th Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E82E 03E7 #4th Digimon\Max MP 8005E830 03E7 #4th Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E832 03E7 #4th Digimon\Max Attack 8005E834 03E7 #4th Digimon\Max Defense 8005E836 03E7 #4th Digimon\Max Speed 8005E838 03E7 #5th Digimon\Max Exp 8005E884 967F 8005E886 0098 #5th Digimon\Max HP 8005E888 03E7 #5th Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E88A 03E7 #5th Digimon\Max MP 8005E88C 03E7 #5th Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E88E 03E7 #5th Digimon\Max Attack 8005E890 03E7 #5th Digimon\Max Defense 8005E892 03E7 #5th Digimon\Max Speed 8005E894 03E7 #6th Digimon\Max Exp 8005E8E0 967F 8005E8E2 0098 #6th Digimon\Max HP 8005E8E4 03E7 #6th Digimon\Infinite HP 8005E8E6 03E7 #6th Digimon\Max MP 8005E8E8 03E7 #6th Digimon\Infinite MP 8005E8EA 03E7 #6th Digimon\Max Attack 8005E8EC 03E7 #6th Digimon\Max Defense 8005E8EE 03E7 #6th Digimon\Max Speed 8005E8F0 03E7 #Have Important Item\Tamer-Lic. 3005F5CE 0001 #Have Important Item\Db-Browser 3005F5D0 0001 #Have Important Item\Goldh-Mark 3005F5D2 0001 #Have Important Item\Bluef-Mark 3005F5D4 0001 #Have Important Item\Blacksmark 3005F5D6 0001 #Have Important Item\Dynamopart 3005F5D8 0001 #Have Important Item\Entry Pass 3005F5DA 0001 #Have Important Item\Converter 3005F5DC 0001 #Have Important Item\Titanium Core 3005F5DE 0001 #Have Important Item\Red Orders 3005F5E0 0001 #Have Important Item\Message-1 3005F5E2 0001 #Have Important Item\Vac. Patch 3005F5E4 0001 #Have Important Item\Data Patch 3005F5E6 0001 #Have Important Item\Viruspatch 3005F5E8 0001 #Have Important Item\Wild Code 3005F5EA 0001 #Have Important Item\Gyro Radar 3005F5EC 0001 #Have Important Item\Message-3 3005F5EE 0001 #Have Important Item\X-Mechpart 3005F5F0 0001 #Have Important Item\Message-2 3005F5F2 0001 #Have Important Item\Old Map 3005F5F4 0001 #Have Important Item\Navi-Disk 3005F5F6 0001 #Have Important Item\Ship Key 3005F5F8 0001 #Have Important Item\Message-3 3005F5FA 0001 #Have Important Item\Electroder 3005F5FC 0001 #Have Important Item\Adamantium Core 3005F5FE 0001 #Have Important Item\Piedring 3005F600 0001 #Have Important Item\W.Greyring 3005F602 0001 #Have Important Item\Seadraring 3005F604 0001 #Misc.\Infinite Bits 8005E628 FFFF #Misc.\Max Bits 8005E628 E0FF 8005E62A 05F5 #Misc.\Infinite HP 8005E644 270F #Misc.\Max HP 8005E646 270F #Misc.\Infinite EP 8005E648 270F #Misc.\Max EP 8005E64A 270F ; [ Digimon World 3 (USA) (2002) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01436GH} ] :SLUS-01436 :SLUS-01436GH #Max/Infinite Bit 80048554 E0FF 80048556 05F5 #Kotemon Max Health 80048C70 270F 80048C72 270F #Kotemon Max MP 80048C74 270F 80048C76 270F #Kotemon Max Level 80048C6C 0063 #Kotemon Max Exp 80048C68 E0FF 80048C6A 05F5 #Kotemon Max Stats 80048C78 03E7 80048C7A 03E7 80048C7C 03E7 80048C7E 03E7 80048C80 03E7 80048C82 03E7 80048C84 03E7 80048C86 03E7 80048C88 03E7 80048C8A 03E7 80048C8C 03E7 80048C8E 03E7 80048C90 03E7 #Kumamaon Max Health 8004904C 270F 8004904E 270F #Kumamaon Max MP 80049050 270F 80049052 270F #Kumamaon Max Level 80049048 0063 #Kumamaon Max Exp 80049044 E0FF 80049046 05F5 #Kumamaon Max Stats 80049054 03E7 80049056 03E7 80049058 03E7 8004905A 03E7 8004905C 03E7 8004905E 03E7 80049060 03E7 80049062 03E7 80049064 03E7 80049066 03E7 80049068 03E7 8004906A 03E7 8004906C 03E7 #Monmon Max Health 80049428 270F 8004942A 270F #Monmon Max MP 8004942C 270F 8004942E 270F #Monmon Max Level 80049424 0063 #Monmon Max Exp 80049420 E0FF 80049422 05F5 #Monmon Max Stats 80049430 03E7 80049432 03E7 80049434 03E7 80049436 03E7 80049438 03E7 8004943A 03E7 8004943C 03E7 8004943E 03E7 80049440 03E7 80049442 03E7 80049444 03E7 80049446 03E7 80049448 03E7 #Agumon Max Health 80049804 270F 80049806 270F #Agumon Max MP 80049808 270F 8004980A 270F #Agumon Max Level 80049800 0063 #Agumon Max Exp 800497FC E0FF 800497FE 05F5 #Agumon Max Stats 8004980C 03E7 8004980C 03E7 80049810 03E7 80049812 03E7 80049814 03E7 80049816 03E7 80049818 03E7 8004981A 03E7 8004981C 03E7 8004981E 03E7 80049820 03E7 80049822 03E7 80049824 03E7 #Guilmon Max Health 80049FBC 270F 80049FBE 270F #Guilmon Max MP 80049FC0 270F 80049FC2 270F #Guilmon Max Level 80049FB8 0063 #Guilmon Max Exp 80049FB4 E0FF 80049FB6 05F5 #Guilmon Max Stats 80049FC4 03E7 80049FC6 03E7 80049FC8 03E7 80049FCA 03E7 80049FCC 03E7 80049FCE 03E7 80049FD0 03E7 80049FD2 03E7 80049FD4 03E7 80049FD6 03E7 80049FD8 03E7 80049FDA 03E7 80049FDC 03E7 #Renamon Max Health 8004A398 270F 8004A39A 270F #Renamon Max MP 8004A39C 270F 8004A39E 270F #Renamon Max Level 8004A394 0063 #Renamon Max Exp 8004A390 E0FF 8004A392 05F5 #Renamon Max Stats 8004A3A0 03E7 8004A3A2 03E7 8004A3A4 03E7 8004A3A6 03E7 8004A3A8 03E7 8004A3AA 03E7 8004A3AC 03E7 8004A3AE 03E7 8004A3B0 03E7 8004A3B2 03E7 8004A3B4 03E7 8004A3B6 03E7 8004A3B8 03E7 #Patamon Max Health 8004A774 270F 8004A776 270F #Patamon Max MP 8004A778 270F 8004A77A 270F #Patamon Max Level 8004A770 0063 #Patamon Max Exp 8004A76C E0FF 8004A76E 05F5 #Patamon Max Stats 8004A77C 03E7 8004A77E 03E7 8004A780 03E7 8004A782 03E7 8004A784 03E7 8004A786 03E7 8004A788 03E7 8004A78A 03E7 8004A78C 03E7 8004A78E 03E7 8004A790 03E7 8004A792 03E7 8004A794 03E7 ; [ Dino Crisis (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00922} ] :SLUS-00922 #Infinite Health 800B9574 04B0 #Have All Maps 800C15D0 FFFF 800C15D2 FFFF 800C15D4 FFFF 800C15D6 FFFF 800C15D8 FFFF 800C15DA FFFF #All Weapons (Regina) 800C15A8 FFFF #Have All Items (Regina) 800C15A4 FFFF 800C15A6 FFFF 800C15AC FFFF 800C15AE FFFF 800C15B0 FFFF 800C15B2 FFFF 800C15B4 FFFF 800C15B6 FFFF 800C15B8 FFFF 800C15BA FFFF 800C15BC FFFF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 1 300C18CD 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 2 300C18D1 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 3 300C18D5 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 4 300C18D9 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 5 300C18DD 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 6 300C18E1 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 7 300C18E5 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 8 300C18E9 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 9 300C18ED 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 10 300C18F1 00FF #View First Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0000 00000000 FFFF #View Second Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0001 00000000 FFFF #View Third Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0002 00000000 FFFF #Turbo Boost (Press X) D00B1418 0040 800B94A0 0100 #Save Anywhere:Press L1 + L2 D00B1418 0005 800B7A48 0007 #Mini Me (Regina) 800B9500 0500 800B9504 0500 800B9508 0600 #Giant (Regina) 800B9500 1F00 800B9504 1F00 800B9508 1F00 #Infinite Ammo + Items 8006AC06 2400 #Enable Costume Change D00C1CF4 0001 800C1CF4 000F D00C7C42 0003 800C7C42 0503 #Enable Extra Missions 800C7C42 0403 #Enable Extra Missions (Press R1+R2 At Main Menu) D00B1418 000A 800C7C42 0403 #Infinite Time-Wipeout Missions 800480CA 2400 #Clear Time Is 0:00:00 800C14C4 0000 800C14C6 0000 #Used 0 Continues 300C14CA 0005 #Haven't Saved 300C14C3 0000 #Have A Lot Of Plugs On Pickup 800C1B00 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 1 300C1745 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 2 300C1749 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 3 300C174D 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 4 300C1751 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 5 300C1755 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 6 300C1759 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 7 300C175D 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 8 300C1761 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 9 300C1765 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 10 300C1769 00FF #Invisible Regina 800B9472 FFFF #Turbo Shooting + No Reload D00B949A 0102 800B949A 0101 300B96A0 0063 300B96A2 0063 300B96A4 0063 #Change Size Regina Anywhere (Press L1 For Smaller + R2 For Bigger) D00B1418 0001 D30B9500 0500 110B9500 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9500 1F00 100B9500 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B9504 0500 110B9504 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9504 1F00 100B9504 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B9508 0500 110B9508 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9508 1F00 100B9508 0010 #Infinite Time-Wipeout Missions 800C1D04 1EC8 800C1D08 184F 800C1D0C 10D1 #Walk Thru Walls 80080916 2400 8008093A 2400 #Slow Motion 800ABF28 A803 #Transform Size Of Dinosaur's Anytime (Press L2 For Smaller + L1 For Bigger) D00B1418 0001 D30B7D40 0200 110B7D40 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B7D44 0200 110B7D44 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B7D48 0200 110B7D48 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D48 3500 100B7D48 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D44 3500 100B7D44 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D40 3500 100B7D40 0010 ; [ Dino Crisis (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00922} ] :SLUS-00922 #Infinite Health 800B9574 04B0 #Have All Maps 800C15D0 FFFF 800C15D2 FFFF 800C15D4 FFFF 800C15D6 FFFF 800C15D8 FFFF 800C15DA FFFF #All Weapons (Regina) 800C15A8 FFFF #Have All Items (Regina) 800C15A4 FFFF 800C15A6 FFFF 800C15AC FFFF 800C15AE FFFF 800C15B0 FFFF 800C15B2 FFFF 800C15B4 FFFF 800C15B6 FFFF 800C15B8 FFFF 800C15BA FFFF 800C15BC FFFF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 1 300C18CD 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 2 300C18D1 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 3 300C18D5 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 4 300C18D9 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 5 300C18DD 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 6 300C18E1 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 7 300C18E5 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 8 300C18E9 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 9 300C18ED 00FF #Max Supplies (Regina)\Slot 10 300C18F1 00FF #View First Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0000 00000000 FFFF #View Second Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0001 00000000 FFFF #View Third Ending:Press Select with this cheat, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene C00B1418 0100 800B7A48 000A 300B7A5B 0002 00000000 FFFF #Turbo Boost (Press X) D00B1418 0040 800B94A0 0100 #Save Anywhere:Press L1 + L2 D00B1418 0005 800B7A48 0007 #Mini Me (Regina) 800B9500 0500 800B9504 0500 800B9508 0600 #Giant (Regina) 800B9500 1F00 800B9504 1F00 800B9508 1F00 #Infinite Ammo + Items 8006AC06 2400 #Enable Costume Change D00C1CF4 0001 800C1CF4 000F D00C7C42 0003 800C7C42 0503 #Enable Extra Missions 800C7C42 0403 #Enable Extra Missions (Press R1+R2 At Main Menu) D00B1418 000A 800C7C42 0403 #Infinite Time-Wipeout Missions 800480CA 2400 #Clear Time Is 0:00:00 800C14C4 0000 800C14C6 0000 #Used 0 Continues 300C14CA 0005 #Haven't Saved 300C14C3 0000 #Have A Lot Of Plugs On Pickup 800C1B00 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 1 300C1745 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 2 300C1749 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 3 300C174D 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 4 300C1751 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 5 300C1755 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 6 300C1759 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 7 300C175D 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 8 300C1761 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 9 300C1765 00FF #Max Item Box\Slot 10 300C1769 00FF #Invisible Regina 800B9472 FFFF #Turbo Shooting + No Reload D00B949A 0102 800B949A 0101 300B96A0 0063 300B96A2 0063 300B96A4 0063 #Change Size Regina Anywhere (Press L1 For Smaller + R2 For Bigger) D00B1418 0001 D30B9500 0500 110B9500 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9500 1F00 100B9500 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B9504 0500 110B9504 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9504 1F00 100B9504 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B9508 0500 110B9508 0010 D00B1418 0002 D20B9508 1F00 100B9508 0010 #Infinite Time-Wipeout Missions 800C1D04 1EC8 800C1D08 184F 800C1D0C 10D1 #Walk Thru Walls 80080916 2400 8008093A 2400 #Slow Motion 800ABF28 A803 #Transform Size Of Dinosaur's Anytime (Press L2 For Smaller + L1 For Bigger) D00B1418 0001 D30B7D40 0200 110B7D40 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B7D44 0200 110B7D44 0010 D00B1418 0001 D30B7D48 0200 110B7D48 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D48 3500 100B7D48 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D44 3500 100B7D44 0010 D00B1418 0004 D20B7D40 3500 100B7D40 0010 ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01279} ] :SLUS-01279 #Infinite Health D0038CC8 0108 80038CCA 2400 D0039594 0108 80039596 2400 D0039744 0108 80039746 2400 D00D2348 0108 800D234A 2400 D00D24A0 0108 800D24A2 2400 D00D25B0 0108 800D25B2 2400 D00D26FC 0108 800D26FE 2400 D00D38BC 0108 800D38BE 2400 #All Weapons Available In Shop floydfan D01CE5C0 0074 801CE5C0 0001 D01CE5C8 0074 801CE5C8 0001 D01CE5D0 000A 801CE5D0 0001 D01CE5D8 0012 801CE5D8 0001 D01CE5E0 0012 801CE5E0 0001 D01CE5E8 0014 801CE5E8 0001 D01CE5F0 0016 801CE5F0 0001 D01CE5F8 0016 801CE5F8 0001 D01CE600 0017 801CE600 0001 #Character Modifier (Regular Game) Dylan 300AECAB 0001 #Max Extinct Points 800AEE10 967F 800AEE12 0098 #Have Extra Crisis Mode:With this cheat, go into Options, then exit and the new menu will appear 800AECA8 0100 800AECAA 0101 800AECAC 0101 #Unlock All Characters (Extra Crisis Mode) 800AECAE 0FFF #Walk Thru Walls D0032DCC 000F 80032DCE 1000 D00330C8 0161 800330CA 1000 D003365C 0013 8003365E 1000 #Dinos Can't Hit You 80048814 0000 #Have All Files 800AEEE0 FD77 800AEEE2 FFF3 800AEA80 FD77 800AEA82 FFF3 #Have All Key Items 800AEED8 FFFF 800AEEDA 03FF #Have all three EPS cards, Inner Suit and Light-Weight Armor 800AEEDA 0278 #Have Infinite Extinction Points At Character Buying Screen (At end of the game) 800AEE28 967F 800AEE2A 0098 800D84E8 967F 800D84EA 0098 #Infinite Health for Paula(When you have to protect her) 800AE36A 06F4 800AE548 06F4 #Infinite Item Usage D00560AC FFFF 800560AE 2400 #Save + Shop Anywhere (Press Triangle + R2) D00AF130 0012 800AE73E 0002 ; [ Disney's Dinosaur (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01167} ] :SLUS-01167 #Aladar Infinite Health 8006118C 03E7 #Zini Infinite Health 80061150 03E7 #Flia Infinite Health 800611C8 03E7 ; [ Dirt Jockey - Heavy Equipment Operator (USA) (2003) (Mastiff) {SLUS-01552} ] :SLUS-01552 #Hydraulic Excavation\Licence Stage 1 801A4B40 0064 #Hydraulic Excavation\Licence Stage 2 801A4B44 0064 #Hydraulic Excavation\Licence Stage 3 801A4B48 0064 #Hydraulic Excavation\Licence Stage 4 801A4B4C 0064 #Dump Truck\Licence Stage 1 801A4B50 0064 #Dump Truck\Licence Stage 2 801A4B54 0064 #Dump Truck\Licence Test 801A4B58 0064 #Wheel Loader\Licence Stage 1 801A4B60 0064 #Wheel Loader\Licence Stage 2 801A4B64 0064 #Bulldozer Stage 1 801A4B70 0064 #Bulldozer Stage 2 801A4B74 0064 #Bulldozer Test 801A4B78 0064 #License Mission Unlock Levels 801A0CFC 0001 #Crane Training Test 801A4B6C 0064 ; [ Discworld II - Mortality Bytes! (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94605} ] :SCUS-94605 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Nothing 8007155C 0000 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Key to Death's Door 8007155C 002E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Answer 8007155C 0030 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rite of AshkEnt 8007155C 0031 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\a Babe 8007155C 0032 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Fishing Rod Baited with Black Honey 8007155C 0033 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\a Band 8007155C 0034 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bandages 8007155C 0035 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Wooden Arm 8007155C 0036 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bandaged wooden Arm 8007155C 0037 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Boomerang Attached to rope 8007155C 0038 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Beeswax 8007155C 0039 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Dribbly Beeswax 8007155C 003A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bellows 8007155C 003B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bent Stick 8007155C 003C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rope 8007155C 003D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Boomerang 8007155C 003E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Brick 8007155C 003F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Haunted Brick 8007155C 0040 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Brochure 8007155C 0041 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Candy Rock 8007155C 0042 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Scissors 8007155C 0043 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Canteen 8007155C 0044 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bladders (empty) 8007155C 0045 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bladders (full) 8007155C 0046 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Canteen (water from foutain) 8007155C 0047 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Chili Pepper 8007155C 0048 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pot 8007155C 0049 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Honey Pot 8007155C 004A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hooter 8007155C 004B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Horse Suit 8007155C 004C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Horse Suit (w/librarian) 8007155C 004D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Glue 8007155C 004E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\hooter (w/glue) 8007155C 004F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Unicorn Suit 8007155C 0050 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Unicorn Suit (w/ Librarian) 8007155C 0051 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Cork 8007155C 0052 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Corn 8007155C 0053 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard 8007155C 0054 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Corn (w/ alcohol) 8007155C 0055 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Teeth 8007155C 0056 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Knife 8007155C 0057 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hoops 8007155C 0058 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mallet 8007155C 0059 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mallets (two) 8007155C 005A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mallets (three) 8007155C 005B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Curtains 8007155C 005C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ink Well 8007155C 005D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Beeswax (Black) 8007155C 005E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rope (Short) 8007155C 005F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\String 8007155C 0060 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Candle (black) 8007155C 0061 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Matches 8007155C 0062 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Lit Candle (black) 8007155C 0063 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Death Certificate 8007155C 0064 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hour Glass 8007155C 0065 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sugar Pot 8007155C 0066 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Honey Pot (black) 8007155C 0067 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Fishing Rod 8007155C 0068 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tooth 8007155C 0069 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Dribbly Candles 8007155C 006A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rooster (sober) 8007155C 006B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rooster (plastered) 8007155C 006C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ectoplasm 8007155C 006D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bunny 8007155C 006E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pyjamas 8007155C 006F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bunny (w/ Pyjamas) 8007155C 0070 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Reel 8007155C 0071 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Reel (spliced) 8007155C 0072 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sugar 8007155C 0073 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mouse 8007155C 0074 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Genie Bottle 8007155C 0075 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Boots 8007155C 0076 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Genie Bottle (W/ Boots) 8007155C 0077 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Vile smell 8007155C 0078 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Glitter Dust 8007155C 0079 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Surfboard 8007155C 007A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Surfboard (w/glue) 8007155C 007B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Shark 8007155C 007C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Stuffed Fish 8007155C 007D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Librarian 8007155C 007E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Suffrajester 8007155C 007F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ice 8007155C 0080 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Imp 8007155C 0081 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Camera 8007155C 0082 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Camera (w/ Imp) 8007155C 0083 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Incense 8007155C 0084 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Incense (burning) 8007155C 0085 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ironing Board 8007155C 0086 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Saw 8007155C 0087 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Jingle 8007155C 0088 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ladder 8007155C 0089 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Book 8007155C 008A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tablet 8007155C 008B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Magnet 8007155C 008C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Weight 8007155C 008D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pyramid 8007155C 008E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Wires 8007155C 008F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ten Ton Weight 8007155C 0090 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Trailer Key 8007155C 0091 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rag 8007155C 0092 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rag (Burning) 8007155C 0093 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mirror (fogged) 8007155C 0094 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mirror 8007155C 0095 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Money Pouch 8007155C 0096 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mousie!!! 8007155C 0097 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Test Tube 8007155C 0098 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Teeth (w/blood) 8007155C 0099 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sticker 8007155C 009A 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Petticoat 8007155C 009B 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pick 8007155C 009C 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picnic Basket 8007155C 009D 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picnic Basket (/w Food + Ants) 8007155C 009E 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picnic Basket (/w Food) 8007155C 009F 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ant Souls 8007155C 00A0 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Plans 8007155C 00A1 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Film 8007155C 00A2 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Film (leftover) 8007155C 00A3 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Reaper 8007155C 00A4 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Robe 8007155C 00A6 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rotten Arm 8007155C 00A7 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rotten Arm (w/ Ring) 8007155C 00A8 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Scythe 8007155C 00A9 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Toy Cart 8007155C 00AA 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Film (sheep) 8007155C 00AB 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Snow Storms 8007155C 00AC 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Stake 8007155C 00AD 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Flamingo 8007155C 00AE 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Test Tube (w/ Blood) 8007155C 00AF 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Wading Bird 8007155C 00B0 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Broom 8007155C 00B1 8007155E 0001 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ring 8007155C 00C6 8007155E 0000 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Nothing 80071560 0000 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Key to Death's Door 80071560 002E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Answer 80071560 0030 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rite of AshkEnt 80071560 0031 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\a Babe 80071560 0032 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Fishing Rod Baited with Black Honey 80071560 0033 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\a Band 80071560 0034 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bandages 80071560 0035 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Wooden Arm 80071560 0036 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bandaged wooden Arm 80071560 0037 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Boomerang Attached to rope 80071560 0038 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Beeswax 80071560 0039 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Dribbly Beeswax 80071560 003A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bellows 80071560 003B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bent Stick 80071560 003C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rope 80071560 003D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Boomerang 80071560 003E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Brick 80071560 003F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Haunted Brick 80071560 0040 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Brochure 80071560 0041 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Candy Rock 80071560 0042 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Scissors 80071560 0043 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Canteen 80071560 0044 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bladders (empty) 80071560 0045 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bladders (full) 80071560 0046 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Canteen (water from foutain) 80071560 0047 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Chili Pepper 80071560 0048 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pot 80071560 0049 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Honey Pot 80071560 004A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hooter 80071560 004B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Horse Suit 80071560 004C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Horse Suit (w/librarian) 80071560 004D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Glue 80071560 004E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\hooter (w/glue) 80071560 004F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Unicorn Suit 80071560 0050 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Unicorn Suit (w/ Librarian) 80071560 0051 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Cork 80071560 0052 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Corn 80071560 0053 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard 80071560 0054 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Corn (w/ alcohol) 80071560 0055 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Teeth 80071560 0056 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Knife 80071560 0057 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hoops 80071560 0058 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mallet 80071560 0059 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mallets (two) 80071560 005A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mallets (three) 80071560 005B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Curtains 80071560 005C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ink Well 80071560 005D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Beeswax (Black) 80071560 005E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rope (Short) 80071560 005F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\String 80071560 0060 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Candle (black) 80071560 0061 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Matches 80071560 0062 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Lit Candle (black) 80071560 0063 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Death Certificate 80071560 0064 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hour Glass 80071560 0065 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sugar Pot 80071560 0066 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Honey Pot (black) 80071560 0067 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Fishing Rod 80071560 0068 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tooth 80071560 0069 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Dribbly Candles 80071560 006A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rooster (sober) 80071560 006B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rooster (plastered) 80071560 006C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ectoplasm 80071560 006D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bunny 80071560 006E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pyjamas 80071560 006F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bunny (w/ Pyjamas) 80071560 0070 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Reel 80071560 0071 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Reel (spliced) 80071560 0072 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sugar 80071560 0073 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mouse 80071560 0074 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Genie Bottle 80071560 0075 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Boots 80071560 0076 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Genie Bottle (W/ Boots) 80071560 0077 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Vile smell 80071560 0078 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Glitter Dust 80071560 0079 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Surfboard 80071560 007A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Surfboard (w/glue) 80071560 007B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Shark 80071560 007C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Stuffed Fish 80071560 007D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Librarian 80071560 007E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Suffrajester 80071560 007F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ice 80071560 0080 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Imp 80071560 0081 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Camera 80071560 0082 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Camera (w/ Imp) 80071560 0083 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Incense 80071560 0084 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Incense (burning) 80071560 0085 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ironing Board 80071560 0086 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Saw 80071560 0087 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Jingle 80071560 0088 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ladder 80071560 0089 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Book 80071560 008A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tablet 80071560 008B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Magnet 80071560 008C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Weight 80071560 008D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pyramid 80071560 008E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Wires 80071560 008F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ten Ton Weight 80071560 0090 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Trailer Key 80071560 0091 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rag 80071560 0092 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rag (Burning) 80071560 0093 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mirror (fogged) 80071560 0094 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mirror 80071560 0095 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Money Pouch 80071560 0096 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mousie!!! 80071560 0097 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Test Tube 80071560 0098 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Teeth (w/blood) 80071560 0099 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sticker 80071560 009A 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Petticoat 80071560 009B 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pick 80071560 009C 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picnic Basket 80071560 009D 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picnic Basket (/w Food + Ants) 80071560 009E 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picnic Basket (/w Food) 80071560 009F 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ant Souls 80071560 00A0 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Plans 80071560 00A1 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Film 80071560 00A2 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Film (leftover) 80071560 00A3 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Reaper 80071560 00A4 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Robe 80071560 00A6 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rotten Arm 80071560 00A7 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rotten Arm (w/ Ring) 80071560 00A8 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Scythe 80071560 00A9 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Toy Cart 80071560 00AA 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Film (sheep) 80071560 00AB 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Snow Storms 80071560 00AC 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Stake 80071560 00AD 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Flamingo 80071560 00AE 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Test Tube (w/ Blood) 80071560 00AF 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Wading Bird 80071560 00B0 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Broom 80071560 00B1 80071562 0001 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ring 80071560 00C6 80071562 0000 ; [ Terry Pratchett's Discworld (USA) (1995) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94600} ] :SCUS-94600 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Appointment Book 8005C924 00BD #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Appointment Book (Autographed) 8005C924 00BE #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Banana 8005C924 00BF #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Belt 8005C924 00C0 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Birthmark 8005C924 00C1 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Blindfold 8005C924 00C2 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bloomers (yellow) 8005C924 00C3 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bloomers (pink) 8005C924 00C4 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bone 8005C924 00C5 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bone (Glued) 8005C924 00C6 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Book 8005C924 00C7 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bra 8005C924 00C8 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Broom 8005C924 00C9 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Broom Handle 8005C924 00CA #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Brush (golden chimey) 8005C924 00CB #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Brush (Scrubbing) 8005C924 00CD #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Brush (scrubbing soapy) 8005C924 00CE #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Bubble Bath 8005C924 00CF #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Butterfly 8005C924 00D0 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Butt4rfly Net 8005C924 00D1 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Butterfly Net(extended Handle) 8005C924 00D2 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Cap 8005C924 00D3 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Carpet 8005C924 00D4 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Coconut 8005C924 00D5 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Coins 8005C924 00D6 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Corn 8005C924 00D7 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\CornFlour 8005C924 00D8 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Crank 8005C924 00D9 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Custard Book 8005C924 00DA #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Custard Tart 8005C924 00DB #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Dinosaur 8005C924 00DC #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Doll 8005C924 00DD #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Donkey 8005C924 00DE #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Donut 8005C924 00DF #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Dragon Book 8005C924 00E0 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Dragon's Breath 8005C924 00E1 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Drumstick 8005C924 00E2 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Egg (small) 8005C924 00E3 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Egg (large) 8005C924 00E4 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Eye of Offler 8005C924 00E5 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Feather 8005C924 00E6 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Fertiliser 8005C924 00E7 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Fireworks 8005C924 00E8 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Firecrackers 8005C924 00E9 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Firecrackers(lit) 8005C924 00EA #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Frog 8005C924 00EB #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Frying Pan 8005C924 00EC #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Garbage Can 8005C924 00ED #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Glass 8005C924 00EF #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Gold Banana 8005C924 00F0 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hair Roller 8005C924 00F1 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hand Shake 8005C924 00F2 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hat 8005C924 00F3 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Hat(with rabbit) 8005C924 00F4 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Imp 8005C924 00F5 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Imp(drunk) 8005C924 00F6 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Impstamatic 8005C924 00F7 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Impstamatic(imp inside) 8005C924 00F8 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ink Blot 1 8005C924 00F9 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ink Blot 2 8005C924 00FA #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Keg 8005C924 00FC #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Key 8005C924 00FD #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Knife 8005C924 00FE #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ladder 8005C924 00FF #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Leash 8005C924 0101 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Leeches 8005C924 0102 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\M16 8005C924 0103 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\M16(improved) 8005C924 0105 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mallet 8005C924 0106 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Matches 8005C924 0107 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mirror 8005C924 0108 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Mouustache 8005C924 0109 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Ladder(Muffled) 8005C924 010A #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Nail 8005C924 010B #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Note 8005C924 010C #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Octopus 8005C924 010D #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Coconut(open) 8005C924 010E #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Paper Bag 8005C924 010F #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Paper Bag (with Leeches) 8005C924 0110 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Parrot 8005C924 0111 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pass 8005C924 0112 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pickpocket 8005C924 0113 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picture(Octopus) 8005C924 0114 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picture 8005C924 0115 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picture (framed) 8005C924 0116 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picture 8005C924 0117 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Picture (framed) 8005C924 0118 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pot 8005C924 0119 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pot (filled with custard) 8005C924 011A #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pot (filled with fothy Water) 8005C924 011B #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pot (filled with Water) 8005C924 011C #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pouch 8005C924 011D #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Pouch (full) 8005C924 011E #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Prunes 8005C924 011F #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rat 8005C924 0120 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Robe 8005C924 0121 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rosette 8005C924 0122 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Rubber Belt 8005C924 0123 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Scissors 8005C924 0124 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Screwdriver 8005C924 0125 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sheet 8005C924 0126 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Skeleton Key 8005C924 0127 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Snake 8005C924 0128 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Snake (long + stiff) 8005C924 0129 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Snake (long) 8005C924 012A #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Snake (Stiff) 8005C924 012B #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Soot 8005C924 012C #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Soot (pile) 8005C924 012D #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Spatula 8005C924 012E #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Spell 8005C924 012F #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Staff 8005C924 0130 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Starch 8005C924 0131 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\String 8005C924 0132 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sword (ploink) 8005C924 0133 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Sword (Ting) 8005C924 0134 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard 8005C924 0135 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard (beer) 8005C924 0136 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard (truth potion) 8005C924 0137 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard (wine) 8005C924 0138 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard (2 with beer) 8005C924 0139 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tankard (2 with beer) 8005C924 013A #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tomato 8005C924 013B #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Tooth 8005C924 013C #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Treasure 8005C924 013D #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Treasure (booty) 8005C924 013E #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Treasure (Bullion) 8005C924 013F #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Treasure (Valuables) 8005C924 0140 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Trowel 8005C924 0141 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Truth potion 8005C924 0142 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Whistle 8005C924 0143 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Worm 8005C924 0144 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Worm (drunk) 8005C924 0145 #Select Rincewind's 1st Item\Worm (w/string) 8005C924 0146 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Appointment Book 8005C928 00BD #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Appointment Book (Autographed) 8005C928 00BE #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Banana 8005C928 00BF #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Belt 8005C928 00C0 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Birthmark 8005C928 00C1 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Blindfold 8005C928 00C2 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bloomers (yellow) 8005C928 00C3 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bloomers (pink) 8005C928 00C4 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bone 8005C928 00C5 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bone (Glued) 8005C928 00C6 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Book 8005C928 00C7 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bra 8005C928 00C8 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Broom 8005C928 00C9 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Broom Handle 8005C928 00CA #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Brush (golden chimey) 8005C928 00CB #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Brush (Scrubbing) 8005C928 00CD #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Brush (scrubbing soapy) 8005C928 00CE #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Bubble Bath 8005C928 00CF #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Butterfly 8005C928 00D0 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Butt4rfly Net 8005C928 00D1 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Butterfly Net(extended Handle) 8005C928 00D2 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Cap 8005C928 00D3 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Carpet 8005C928 00D4 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Coconut 8005C928 00D5 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Coins 8005C928 00D6 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Corn 8005C928 00D7 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\CornFlour 8005C928 00D8 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Crank 8005C928 00D9 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Custard Book 8005C928 00DA #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Custard Tart 8005C928 00DB #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Dinosaur 8005C928 00DC #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Doll 8005C928 00DD #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Donkey 8005C928 00DE #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Donut 8005C928 00DF #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Dragon Book 8005C928 00E0 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Dragon's Breath 8005C928 00E1 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Drumstick 8005C928 00E2 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Egg (small) 8005C928 00E3 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Egg (large) 8005C928 00E4 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Eye of Offler 8005C928 00E5 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Feather 8005C928 00E6 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Fertiliser 8005C928 00E7 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Fireworks 8005C928 00E8 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Firecrackers 8005C928 00E9 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Firecrackers(lit) 8005C928 00EA #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Frog 8005C928 00EB #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Frying Pan 8005C928 00EC #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Garbage Can 8005C928 00ED #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Glass 8005C928 00EF #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Gold Banana 8005C928 00F0 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hair Roller 8005C928 00F1 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hand Shake 8005C928 00F2 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hat 8005C928 00F3 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Hat(with rabbit) 8005C928 00F4 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Imp 8005C928 00F5 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Imp(drunk) 8005C928 00F6 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Impstamatic 8005C928 00F7 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Impstamatic(imp inside) 8005C928 00F8 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ink Blot 1 8005C928 00F9 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ink Blot 2 8005C928 00FA #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Keg 8005C928 00FC #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Key 8005C928 00FD #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Knife 8005C928 00FE #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ladder 8005C928 00FF #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Leash 8005C928 0101 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Leeches 8005C928 0102 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\M16 8005C928 0103 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\M16(improved) 8005C928 0105 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mallet 8005C928 0106 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Matches 8005C928 0107 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mirror 8005C928 0108 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Mouustache 8005C928 0109 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Ladder(Muffled) 8005C928 010A #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Nail 8005C928 010B #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Note 8005C928 010C #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Octopus 8005C928 010D #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Coconut(open) 8005C928 010E #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Paper Bag 8005C928 010F #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Paper Bag (with Leeches) 8005C928 0110 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Parrot 8005C928 0111 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pass 8005C928 0112 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pickpocket 8005C928 0113 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picture(Octopus) 8005C928 0114 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picture 8005C928 0115 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picture (framed) 8005C928 0116 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picture 8005C928 0117 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Picture (framed) 8005C928 0118 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pot 8005C928 0119 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pot (filled with custard) 8005C928 011A #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pot (filled with fothy Water) 8005C928 011B #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pot (filled with Water) 8005C928 011C #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pouch 8005C928 011D #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Pouch (full) 8005C928 011E #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Prunes 8005C928 011F #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rat 8005C928 0120 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Robe 8005C928 0121 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rosette 8005C928 0122 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Rubber Belt 8005C928 0123 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Scissors 8005C928 0124 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Screwdriver 8005C928 0125 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sheet 8005C928 0126 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Skeleton Key 8005C928 0127 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Snake 8005C928 0128 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Snake (long + stiff) 8005C928 0129 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Snake (long) 8005C928 012A #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Snake (Stiff) 8005C928 012B #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Soot 8005C928 012C #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Soot (pile) 8005C928 012D #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Spatula 8005C928 012E #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Spell 8005C928 012F #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Staff 8005C928 0130 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Starch 8005C928 0131 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\String 8005C928 0132 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sword (ploink) 8005C928 0133 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Sword (Ting) 8005C928 0134 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard 8005C928 0135 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard (beer) 8005C928 0136 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard (truth potion) 8005C928 0137 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard (wine) 8005C928 0138 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard (2 with beer) 8005C928 0139 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tankard (2 with beer) 8005C928 013A #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tomato 8005C928 013B #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Tooth 8005C928 013C #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Treasure 8005C928 013D #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Treasure (booty) 8005C928 013E #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Treasure (Bullion) 8005C928 013F #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Treasure (Valuables) 8005C928 0140 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Trowel 8005C928 0141 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Truth potion 8005C928 0142 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Whistle 8005C928 0143 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Worm 8005C928 0144 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Worm (drunk) 8005C928 0145 #Select Rincewind's 2nd Item\Worm (w/string) 8005C928 0146 ; [ My Disney Kitchen (USA) (2003) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01512} ] ;:SLUS-01512 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disruptor (USA) (1996) (Universal Interactive) {SLUS-00224} ] :SLUS-00224 #Invincibility 80077660 03E7 #Infinite Psionic 80077668 0064 #Infinite Ammo 18MM Guns 80056A94 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Phase Guns 80056A98 03E7 #Infinite HiFreq Ammo Phase Guns 80056A9C 03E7 #Infinite Ammo AM Blaster Guns 80056AA8 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Lock On Gun 80056AA0 03E7 #Enable 18mm Automatic 800770FC 0001 #Always Play Level 1 Training Mission 80071518 0001 #Always Play Level 2 Chemical Factory 80071518 0002 #Always Play Level 3 Rooftops 80071518 0003 #Always Play Level 4 Jupiter Station 80071518 0004 #Always Play Level 5 Triton 80071518 0005 #Always Play Level 6 Mars 80071518 0006 #Always Play Level 7 Antarctica 80071518 0007 #Always Play Level 8 IO 80071518 0008 #Always Play Level 9 Reactor 0A 80071518 0009 #Always Play Level 10 Orbiting Habitat 80071518 000A #Always Play Level 11 Dream 80071518 000B #Always Play Level 12 Prison 80071518 000C ; [ Dead in the Water (USA) (1999) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00693} ] :SLUS-00693 #P1 Infinite Health 80113264 FFFF #Battle Mode\Infinite Armor 80113264 00F9 #Battle Mode\Infinite Ghosts 80113210 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Mossles 801131E8 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Mines 80113204 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Grenades 801131F4 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Skip Disk 80113124 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Shockwave 801131FC 0003 #Battle Mode\Infinite Flamethrower 801131F8 000A #Battle Mode\Infinite Torpedoes 801131E4 0003 #Enable Big Wave Mode 8010D828 0005 #Enable Chicken Mode 800AB018 0001 #Enable Flipped Tracks 800B3598 0001 #Enable Hong Kong Level 800A86C0 0001 #Enable Loch Ness Level 800A86C6 0001 #Enable RC Boat Mode 800AB010 0001 #Enable The Amazon Level 800A86CC 0001 #Enable The Bayou Level 800A86C2 0001 #Enable The Bermuda Triangle Level 800A86D0 0001 #Enable The Log Ride Level 800A86CE 0001 ; [ The Divide - Enemies Within (USA) (1996) (Viacom New Media) {SLUS-00317} ] :SLUS-00317 #Infinite HP 801297F5 0630 #Infinite Grenades (Upon Pickup) 801299D0 0003 #Infinite Ammo--Gattling Gun (Upon Pickup):Turn the cheats on at the first game screen 80129954 005E #Have All Powerups Maps And Armor 80127694 FFFF ; [ Darklight Conflict (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00457} ] :SLUS-00457 #Infinite On Board Energy 80087028 1F00 #Always Play Last Level 8010CF28 0031 #Enable Extra Menu 80069DB4 0004 #High Durability 8010E564 0000 ; [ Dead or Alive (USA) (1998) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00606} ] :SLUS-00606 #P1 Infinite Health 80093C30 00A0 #Enable Raidou + Ayane 80092CC8 0101 #Enable Extra Config 80092CDA 7F40 #Enable Extra Config alt 80092CE2 7F40 #Enable extra voices 80092FAC 0001 80092FAA 0001 80092FA8 0001 80092FA6 0001 80092FA4 0001 80092FA2 0001 80092FA0 0001 80092F9E 0001 80092F9A 0001 80092F98 0001 #Enable extra costumes 80092F84 0F0F 80092F86 0F0F 80092F88 0F0F 80092F8A 0F0F 80092F8C 0F0F 30092F8E 000F ; [ Doom (USA) (1995) (Williams Entertainment) {SLUS-00077} ] :SLUS-00077 #Invincibility v.1.0 800A85FC 0001 800A85F4 00C7 800A85F0 0064 #Invincibility v.1.1 800A881C 0001 800A8814 0001 800A8810 0064 #God Mode 800A868C 0002 #Infinite Ammo 50000404 0000 800A8664 0064 ; [ Dora the Explorer - Barnyard Buddies (USA) (2003) (Global Star Software) {SLUS-01576} ] ;:SLUS-01576 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dracula - The Resurrection (USA) (2001) (DreamCatcher Interactive) {SLUS-01284 / SLUS-01316} ] :SLUS-01284 :SLUS-01316 #Disc 1\Always have Lantern 800A9BEC 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Slingshot 800A9BF0 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Dragon Ring 800A9BF4 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Evil Flute 800A9BF8 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Pick Axe 800A9BFC 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Bat 800A9C00 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Knife 800A9C04 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Telescope 800A9C0C 0001 800A9C2C 0000 #Disc 1\Always have Well Key 800A9C10 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Lake House Key 800A9C14 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Lighter 800A9C18 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Grappling Hook 800A9C1C 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Cabinet Key 800A9C20 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Large Barrel Key 800A9C24 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Crowbar 800A9C28 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Plank 800A9C0C 0001 800A9C2C 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Skeleton Arm 800A9C30 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Yolk 800A9C34 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Mine Lever Hook 800A9C38 0001 #Disc 1\Always have Oil Lamp 800A9C3C 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Gauntlet 800A5200 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Brown Orb 800A5204 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Blue Orb 800A5208 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Electric Bulb 800A520C 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Square Painting 800A5210 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Dragon Painting 800A5214 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Iron Cross 800A5218 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Jeweled Key 800A521C 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Scratched Plate 800A5220 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Sword 800A5228 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Blue Diamond 800A5230 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Crank Key 800A522C 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Angel Plate 800A5234 0001 #Disc 2\Always have TCNCT Cross 800A5238 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Poison 800A523C 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Brown Sack 800A5240 0001 #Disc 2\Always have Handle 800A5244 0001 #Disc 2\Always have All Items 50000904 0000 800A5200 0001 50000804 0000 800A5228 0001 ; [ Dracula - The Last Sanctuary (USA) (2002) (DreamCatcher Interactive) {SLUS-01440 / SLUS-01443} ] ;:SLUS-01440 ;:SLUS-01443 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dragon Seeds (USA) (1998) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00734} ] :SLUS-00734 #Infinite Gold 80084574 FFFF #Infinite HP 800EEDF8 03E7 800846AA 03E7 #Infinite Special Attacks 800EE5BC 0009 #Max Attack Strength 800846D0 0063 ; [ Driver - You Are the Wheelman (USA, v1.1) (1999) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00842, SLUS-00842GH} ] :SLUS-00842 :SLUS-00842GH #Car Park Test\No Damage:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E35B8 0000 #Car Park Test\Infinite Time:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E4278 0000 #Car Park Test\Have Burnout Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A0 003C #Car Park Test\Have Handbrake Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A1 003C #Car Park Test\Have Slalom Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A2 003C #Car Park Test\Have 180 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A3 003C #Car Park Test\Have 360 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A4 003C #Car Park Test\Have Reverse 180 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A5 003C #Car Park Test\Have Speed Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A6 003C #Car Park Test\Have Brake Test Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A7 003C #Car Park Test\Have Lap Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A8 003C #Regular Game\No Damage 8009AEE0 0000 #Regular Game\Felony Bar Is Empty 800973C8 0000 #Regular Game\Stop Timer 800C6E62 D600 800C6E64 0F28 #Regular Game\Enemy Cars Are Dead 8009D274 5050 #Regular Game\Nitro Boost:With this cheat, hold down L1 + X for the Nitro Boost D0096DB4 0044 8009AE54 FFFF #Regular Game\Scare Meter Maxed 800C6EA0 06A4 #Regular Game\Bomb Never Blows Up 80097428 0000 #Regular Game\Flip Mode:With this cheat, press L1 + R1 to flip your car in the air till you land back on all four wheels D0096DB4 000C 8009AD96 012C #Misc.\Have All Flags 800C6C94 0064 #Misc.\Enable All Tracks 800964A0 0004 #Misc.\Enable View Credits Cheat 800863DC FFFE #Misc.\Dirt Track - Start On Last Lap D00C6CA8 0000 800C6CA8 0002 #Misc.\Cross Town Checkpoint - Only Need 1 Checkpoint D00C6C94 0000 800C6C94 0004 #Misc.\Invincibility Cheat On 800964DC 0001 #Misc.\Immunity Cheat On 800964E0 0001 #Misc.\Rear Wheel Cheat On 8009D59C 0001 #Misc.\Mini Cheat On 8009D5A0 0001 #Misc.\Stilts Cheat On 8009D5A4 0001 #Misc.\Low Gravity Mode On 8009D5A8 0001 #Misc.\Upside Down Cheat On 8009D5AC 0001 #Misc.\Skeleton Mode/Opposite Steer On 8009D5B0 0001 #Misc.\Low-Rider Mode 8009ADAA FFFF #No Damage (Greatest Hits) 8009B220 0000 #Stop Timer (Greatest Hits) 800C6E62 D600 800C71A4 0F28 #All Tracks Beat (Greatest Hits) 801E38E0 3C3C 301E38E2 003C #Enable All Tracks (Greatest Hits) 800967E0 0004 #Enable Invincibility Cheat (Greatest Hits) 80086754 FFFE 80086756 FFFF #Enable No Police/Immunity Cheat (Greatest Hits) 8008678C FFFE 8008678E FFFF #Have All Flags (Greatest Hits) 800C6FD4 0064 #Immunity Cheat On (Greatest Hits) 80096820 0001 #Low Felony Meter (Greatest Hits) 80097708 0000 #Unlock All 4 Cities (Greatest Hits) 800967E0 0004 800967F8 0046 80096814 0001 ; [ Driver 2 (USA, v1.1) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01161GH / SLUS-01318, SLUS-01318GH} ] :SLUS-01161 :SLUS-01161GH :SLUS-01318 :SLUS-01318GH #Infinite Mass/Remote Controlled Car D00D9382 BBFF D10D9382 BBFF 800D1500 0700 800D1500 0100 #Time Change Night 800AA7D8 0003 #Live in Flipping/Fully Damaged car D0063878 0058 8006387A 1000 #Unlock All Cities, Extra Tracks, Vehicles and Secrets 800AA624 0028 800AAF8C FFFF #Law Enforcement Nightmare 800AACE8 0001 #All cars are Cop Cars 800AB0FE 0000 #Mission-Complete All Levels (press L3+R3) D00D9382-FFF9 80138488-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801384C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138508-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138548-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138588-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801385C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138608-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138648-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138688-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801386C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138708-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138748-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138788-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801387C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138808-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138848-0002 ; [ Driver 2 (USA, v1.0) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01161 / SLUS-01318} ] :SLUS-01161 :SLUS-01318 #Infinite Mass/Remote Controlled Car D00D9382 BBFF D10D9382 BBFF 800D1500 0700 800D1500 0100 #Time Change Night 800AA7D8 0003 #Live in Flipping/Fully Damaged car D0063878 0058 8006387A 1000 #Unlock All Cities, Extra Tracks, Vehicles and Secrets 800AA624 0028 800AAF8C FFFF #Law Enforcement Nightmare 800AACE8 0001 #All cars are Cop Cars 800AB0FE 0000 #Mission-Complete All Levels (press L3+R3) D00D9382-FFF9 80138488-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801384C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138508-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138548-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138588-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801385C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138608-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138648-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138688-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801386C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138708-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138748-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138788-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 801387C8-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138808-0002 D00D9382-FFF9 80138848-0002 ; [ Driver - You Are the Wheelman (USA, v1.0) (1999) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00842} ] :SLUS-00842 #Car Park Test\No Damage:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E35B8 0000 #Car Park Test\Infinite Time:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E4278 0000 #Car Park Test\Have Burnout Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A0 003C #Car Park Test\Have Handbrake Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A1 003C #Car Park Test\Have Slalom Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A2 003C #Car Park Test\Have 180 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A3 003C #Car Park Test\Have 360 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A4 003C #Car Park Test\Have Reverse 180 Degree Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A5 003C #Car Park Test\Have Speed Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A6 003C #Car Park Test\Have Brake Test Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A7 003C #Car Park Test\Have Lap Complete:Only use this cheat in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A8 003C #Regular Game\No Damage 8009AEE0 0000 #Regular Game\Felony Bar Is Empty 800973C8 0000 #Regular Game\Stop Timer 800C6E62 D600 800C6E64 0F28 #Regular Game\Enemy Cars Are Dead 8009D274 5050 #Regular Game\Nitro Boost (With this cheat, hold down L1 + X for the Nitro Boost) D0096DB4 0044 8009AE54 FFFF #Regular Game\Scare Meter Maxed 800C6EA0 06A4 #Regular Game\Bomb Never Blows Up 80097428 0000 #Regular Game\Flip Mode (With this cheat, press L1 + R1 to flip your car in the air till you land back on all four wheels) D0096DB4 000C 8009AD96 012C #Misc.\Have All Flags 800C6C94 0064 #Misc.\Enable All Tracks 800964A0 0004 #Misc.\Enable View Credits Cheat 800863DC FFFE #Misc.\Dirt Track - Start On Last Lap D00C6CA8 0000 800C6CA8 0002 #Misc.\Cross Town Checkpoint - Only Need 1 Checkpoint D00C6C94 0000 800C6C94 0004 #Misc.\Invincibility Cheat On 800964DC 0001 #Misc.\Immunity Cheat On 800964E0 0001 #Misc.\Rear Wheel Cheat On 8009D59C 0001 #Misc.\Mini Cheat On 8009D5A0 0001 #Misc.\Stilts Cheat On 8009D5A4 0001 #Misc.\Low Gravity Mode On 8009D5A8 0001 #Misc.\Upside Down Cheat On 8009D5AC 0001 #Misc.\Skeleton Mode/Opposite Steer On 8009D5B0 0001 #Misc.\Low-Rider Mode 8009ADAA FFFF ; [ Darkstone (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01182} ] :SLUS-01182 #Infinite Money 800EB878 FFFF #Infinite HP 800EB8C0 0064 800EB8C4 03E7 #Infinite Mana 800EB8C2 03E7 800EB8C6 03E7 #Have All Spells-Max Level D00EBB24 6F63 50001010 0000 300EB90C 0008 D00EBB24 6F63 50001010 0000 300EB90E 0008 D00EBB24 6F63 50001010 0000 300EB914 0008 D00EBB24 6F63 50001010 0000 300EB916 0008 #Have All Skills-Max Level D00EBB24 6F63 50000B10 0000 300EBA0C 000A D00EBB24 6F63 50000B10 0000 300EBA0E 000A D00EBB24 6F63 50000B10 0000 300EBA14 000A D00EBB24 6F63 50000B10 0000 300EBA16 000A ; [ Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00036} ] :SLUS-00036 #P1 Infinite Energy 800BDB00 0090 800CD1A0 0090 800CD1A2 0090 #P1 Only Needs to Win 1 Round 800CD49E 0200 800CD4A6 0002 #P1 Plays Huitzil 800CD140 0B00 #P1 Plays Pyron 800CD140 0C00 ; [ Darkstalkers 3 (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00745} ] :SLUS-00745 #P1 Infinite Health 801C0E54 0120 801C0E56 0120 #P2 Infinite Health 801C1228 0120 801C122A 0120 #P1 Super Power Bar Full 801C0ECA FFFF #P1 Super Power Bar Empty 801C0ECA 0000 #P2 Super Power Bar Full 801C129E FFFF #P2 Super Power Bar Empty 801C129E 0000 #P1 Infinite Time In Demension 801C0F2C 0070 #P2 Infinite Time In Demension 801C1300 0070 #Max Level Up For Original Character Mode 801C1768 FFFF 801C176A FFFF 801C176C FFFF #Have All Collection 801C1D74 FFFF 801C1D76 FFFF #Enable Dx + Ex Option Modes 801C1D78 0003 ; [ Ducati World - Racing Challenge (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01025} ] :SLUS-01025 #Infinite Money 801B6FCC 423F 801B6FCE 000F #Freeze Time 80092958 012C #All Tests + Licenses Passed D01732E8 02E4 50001804 0000 801B6F6C 0001 #Quick Win E0011F32 0005 30011F32 0003 E00A9524 0000 300A9524 0003 E00A9526 0000 300A9526 0003 #Unlock Everything-Quick Race D01732E8 02E4 50000404 0000 801B70E4 FFFF D01732E8 02E4 50000C04 0000 801B70F4 0101 #Unlock Full License D01732E8 02E4 801B6FC4 0001 ; [ Duke Nukem - Land of the Babes (USA) (2000) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-01002} ] :SLUS-01002 #Infinite Health 800E9D32 4E20 #Infinite Armor 800E9F50 4E20 #Infinite Air 800E9F52 2F10 #Have Throwing Knife 800EA008 0001 #Infinite Throwing Knife Ammo 800EA00A 03E7 #Have Handgun 800EA010 0001 #Have Super Handgun 800EA010 0009 #Infinite Handgun/Super Handgun Ammo 800EA012 03E7 #Have Shotgun 800EA018 0001 #Have Super Shotgun 800EA018 0009 #Infinite Shotgun/Super Shotgun Ammo 800EA01A 03E7 #Have Laser Blaster 800EA020 0001 #Infinite Laser Blaster Ammo 800EA022 03E7 #Have Torpedo Launcher 800EA028 0001 #Infinite Torpedo Launcher Ammo 800EA02A 03E7 #Have Grenade Launcher 800EA030 0001 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 800EA032 03E7 #Have Laser Gatling Gun 800EA038 0001 #Infinite Laser Gatling Gun Ammo 800EA03A 03E7 #Have Flame Thrower 800EA040 0001 #Have Hi-Temp Flame Thrower 800EA040 0009 #Infinite Flame Thrower Ammo 800EA042 03E7 #Have Rpg 800EA048 0001 #Have Incendiary Rpg 800EA048 0009 #Infinite Rpg/Incendiary Rpg Ammo 800EA04A 03E7 #Have Energy Weapon 800EA050 0001 #Have Super Zapper 800EA050 0009 #Infinite Energy Weapon/Super Zapper Ammo 800EA052 03E7 #Have Mini-Laser Gatling Gun 800EA058 0001 #Infinite Mini-Laser Gatling Gun Ammo 800EA05A 03E7 #Have Freezer 800EA060 0001 #Infinite Freezer Ammo 800EA062 03E7 #Have Dynamite 800EA068 0001 #Infinite Dynamite Ammo 800EA06A 03E7 #Have Pipebomb 800EA070 0001 #Infinite Pipebomb Ammo 800EA072 03E7 #Have Sniper Rifle 800EA078 0001 #Have Super Shotgun? 800EA078 0009 #Infinite Sniper Rifle/Super Shotgun? Ammo 800EA07A 03E7 #Have Shrinker 800EA080 0001 #Infinite Shrinker Ammo 800EA082 03E7 #Have Stealth Generator 800EA088 0001 #Infinite Stealth Generator Ammo 800EA08A 03E7 #Have All Weapons 50001708 0000 800EA008 0009 #Max Ammo-All Weapons 50001708 0000 800EA00A 03E7 #Have Jetpack 800EA124 0001 #Infinite Jetpack 800EA126 7FFF #Have Biomask 800EA128 0001 #Infinite Biomask 800EA12A 7FFF #Have Goggles 800EA12C 0001 #Infinite Goggles 800EA12E 7FFF #Have Steroids 800EA130 0001 #Infinite Steroids 800EA132 7FFF #Have Duke's Bio 800EA134 0001 #Infinite Duke's Bio 800EA136 7FFF #Have Detonator 800EA138 0001 #Infinite Detonators 800EA13A 7FFF #Load Game On Final Level 800FE808 000E #All Levels Unlocked On Load 800FE80A 000E #Enable All Cheats 8006FF20 FFFF ; [ Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00583, SLUS-00583GH} ] :SLUS-00583 :SLUS-00583GH #Infinite Health 800D71CA 4E20 #Infinite Armor 800D73CC 4E20 #Infinite Air 800D73CE 2EC0 #All Keys All Levels 800D7504 0001 800D7508 0001 800D750C 0001 800D7510 0001 800D7514 0001 800D7518 0001 800D751C 0001 800D7520 0001 800D7524 0001 800D7528 0001 800D752C 0001 #Select Level\Level 2 800BE570 0001 #Select Level\Level 3 800BE570 0002 #Select Level\Level 4 800BE570 0003 #Select Level\Level 5 800BE570 0004 #Select Level\Level 6 800BE570 0005 #Select Level\Level 7 800BE570 0006 #Select Level\Level 8 800BE570 0007 #Select Level\Level 9 800BE570 0008 #Select Level\Level 10 800BE570 0009 #Select Level\Level 11 800BE570 000A #Select Level\Level 12 800BE570 000B #Select Level\Level 13 800BE570 000C #Select Level\Level 14 800BE570 000D #Select Level\Level 15 800BE570 000E #Select Level\Level 16 800BE570 000F #Select Level\Level 17 800BE570 0010 #Select Level\Level 18 800BE570 0011 #Select Level\Level 19 800BE570 0012 #Select Level\Level 20 800BE570 0003 #Select Level\Level 21 800BE570 0014 #Select Level\Level 22 800BE570 0015 #Select Level\Level 23 800BE570 0016 #Select Level\Level 24 800BE570 0017 #Select Level\Level 25 800BE570 0018 #Select Level\Level 26 800BE570 0019 #Select Level\Level 27 800BE570 001A #Select Level\Level 28 800BE570 001B #Select Level\Level 29 800BE570 001C #Select Level\Level 30 800BE570 001D #Infinite Ammo + Items 800C3CC4 0001 #Kill Last Boss in 1 Hit 8018EFC2 0000 ; [ Duke Nukem - Total Meltdown (USA) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00355} ] :SLUS-00355 #Infinite Ammo 800EC93C 00C8 800EC93E 0032 800EC940 00C8 800EC942 0032 800EC944 0032 800EC946 0032 800EC948 0063 800EC94A 0010 800EC94C 0063 #Have All Keys 800EC97C 000F #Have All Weapons 800ECA1A 0101 800ECA1C 0101 800ECA1E 0101 800ECA20 0101 800ECA22 0001 #Infinite Armor 800EC9D2 0064 #Life Refill (All Levels) (Press Triangle) D00EC9C4 0001 800EC996 FF00 D00EC9C4 0000 800EC996 0000 #Complete Level (Press L1+L2) D00B61AE 0005 800EC98E 0001 #No Damage When You Fall 800ECA18 0001 #Infinite Medikits 800EC980 00FF ; [ Dune 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts / Westwood Studios) {SLUS-00973} ] :SLUS-00973 #Harkonnoe\Infinite Money 800E15C8 1500 #Ordos\Infinite Money 800E2274 1500 #Atreides\Instant Upgrade D20E06E2 59D0 800E06E2 59D0 #Harkonnen\Instant Upgrade D20E138E 59D0 800E138E 59D0 #Ordos\Instant Upgrade D20E203A 59D0 800E203A 59D0 #Max Spice 800E091C 967F 800E091E 0098 #Atreides\All Building Options Instantly Available 800E1048 0001 800E104C 0100 800E1050 0100 800E1054 0001 800E1058 0001 800E105A 0001 800E105E 0001 800E1060 0001 800E1062 0100 800E1066 0001 800E1068 0100 800E106E 0001 800E1072 0001 800E1076 0001 800E1078 0001 #Harkonnen\All Building Options Instantly Available 800E1CF4 0001 800E1CFA 0001 800E1CFE 0001 800E1D00 0001 800E1D04 0001 800E1D06 0001 800E1D0A 0001 800E1D0C 0001 800E1D10 0001 800E1D12 0001 800E1D16 0001 800E1D1A 0001 800E1D1E 0001 800E1D22 0001 800E1D26 0001 #Harkonnen\All Building Upgrades Instantly Available 800E1C88 0001 800E1C8C 0001 800E1C94 0101 800E1C96 0100 #Start On Last Mission D0019F54 0112 80019F56 1000 E016860D 0001 3016860D 0009 #Extra Money Cheat:Press R3 with analog on to get 10,000 more money (R3 is the second Dual Analog Stick when you press down on it so it clicks) D0176E18 6425 30176E1B 0001 ; [ Dragon Valor (USA) (2000) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01092 / SLUS-01164} ] :SLUS-01092 :SLUS-01164 #Infinite HP 8008A5AE 03E7 #Max HP 8008A5B0 03E7 #Infinite MP 8008A5B2 03E7 #Max MP 8008A5B4 03E7 #Max Str 8008A5B6 03E7 #Max Def 8008A5B8 03E7 #Infinite Val 800A2DD0 270F #Max Gems 800A2DB8 03E7 #Max Chalices 800A2DBA 03E7 #Max Scrolls 800A2DBC 03E7 #Max Pendants 800A2DD4 03E7 #Max Lithographs 800A2DD6 03E7 #Max Rings 800A2DD8 03E7 #Max Talismans 800A2DDA 03E7 #Max Bracelets 800A2DDC 03E7 #Max Earrings 800A2DDE 03E7 #Max Pepper 800A2DF0 03E7 #Max Wine 800A2DF2 03E7 #Max Horn 800A2DF4 03E7 #Max Perfume 800A2DF6 03E7 #Max Tea 800A2DF8 03E7 #Max Mask 800A2DFA 03E7 #Max Tiara 800A2DFC 03E7 #Max Harp 800A2DFE 03E7 #Max Golden Keys 800A2E00 03E7 #Max Silver Keys 800A2E02 03E7 #Max Copper Keys 800A2E04 03E7 #Have Heal Magic/Max Level 300A2E06 0003 #Have Defense Magic/Max Level 300A2E07 0003 #Have Fire Magic/Max Level 300A2E08 0003 #Have Ice Magic/Max Level 300A2E09 0003 #Have Thunder Magic/Max Level 300A2E0A 0003 #Have Mine Magic/Max Level 300A2E0B 0003 #Have Stealth Magic/Max Level 300A2E0C 0003 #Have Vortex Magic/Max Level 300A2E0D 0003 #Have All Magic/Max Level 50000801 0000 300A2E06 0003 ; [ Dragon Warrior VII (USA) (2001) (Enix America) {SLUS-01206 / SLUS-01346} ] :SLUS-01206 :SLUS-01346 #Infinite + Max Gold 80011368 967F 8001136A 0098 #Game Timer Dont Decrease 8001003C 0000 #Infinite Magic In Battle D0133014 0070 80133016 2400 #Infinite HP MP Character 2 80011246 9FE7 80011248 3E7F #Infinite HP MP Character 1 80011126 9FE7 80011128 3E7F #Infinite HP MP Gabo 80011006 9FE7 80011008 3E7F #Infinite HP MP Maribel 80010EE6 9FE7 80010EE8 3E7F #Infinite HP MP Kiefer 80010DC6 9FE7 80010DC8 3E7F #Infinite HP MP Hero 80010CA6 9FE7 80010CA8 3E7F #All Items 5000FF04 0001 80010424 0001 5000FF04 0000 80010426 0063 5000FF04 0001 80010820 0100 5000FF04 0000 80010822 0063 50000404 0001 80010C1C 01FF 50000404 0000 80010C1E 0063 #Have All Monsters In Monster Park:Enable these cheats, and talk to the person inside the house, and all monsters will be available. Exit the house, re-enter, and talk to them again, and they'll confirm that it's all the monsters possible, and you'll get an item from him for the effort 50001102 0000 80011712 FFFF 80011734 01FF #Have Complete Monster Book:This gives you 900 of all monsters killed, which allows you to view all the moves the book can show, and shows you the complete set of stats. This also makes the book give you a Gospel Ring the next time you exit it 5000FF02 0000 80011388 0E13 5000AE02 0000 80011586 0E13 #Debug Menu press Select while in control of your character to access the menu 800F2518 0100 ; [ Dynasty Warriors (USA) (1997) (Koei) {SLUS-00438} ] :SLUS-00438 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B2CDC 00C8 #P1 1-Hit Death D00B2CDC 00C8 800B2CDC 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D00B364C 00C8 800B364C 0001 #P1 Select Character\Zhao Yun 800B81C6 0000 #P1 Select Character\Zhao Yun (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0001 #P1 Select Character\Guan Yu 800B81C6 0002 #P1 Select Character\Guan Yu (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0003 #P1 Select Character\Zhang Fei 800B81C6 0004 #P1 Select Character\Zhang Fei (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0005 #P1 Select Character\Xia Hou Dun 800B81C6 0006 #P1 Select Character\Xia Hou Dun (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0007 #P1 Select Character\Dian Wei 800B81C6 0008 #P1 Select Character\Dian Wei (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0009 #P1 Select Character\Xu Zhu 800B81C6 000A #P1 Select Character\Xu Zhu (alternate costume) 800B81C6 000B #P1 Select Character\Zhou Yu 800B81C6 000C #P1 Select Character\Zhou Yu (alternate costume) 800B81C6 000D #P1 Select Character\Luxun 800B81C6 000E #P1 Select Character\Luxun (alternate costume) 800B81C6 000F #P1 Select Character\Taishi Ci 800B81C6 0010 #P1 Select Character\Taishi Ci (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0011 #P1 Select Character\Dia Chan 800B81C6 0012 #P1 Select Character\Dia Chan (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0013 #P1 Select Character\Zhuge Liang 800B81C6 0014 #P1 Select Character\Zhuge Liang (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0015 #P1 Select Character\Cao Cao 800B81C6 0016 #P1 Select Character\Cao Cao (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0017 #P1 Select Character\Lu Bu 800B81C6 0018 #P1 Select Character\Lu Bu (alternate costume) 800B81C6 0019 #P1 Select Character\Sun Shang Xiang 800B81C6 001A #P1 Select Character\Sun Shang Xiang (alternate costume) 800B81C6 001B #P1 Select Character\Nobunaga 800B81C6 001C #P1 Select Character\Nobunaga (alternate costume) 800B81C6 001D #P1 Select Character\Toukichi 800B81C6 001E #P1 Select Character\Toukichi (alternate costume) 800B81C6 001F ; [ Eagle One - Harrier Attack (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00943} ] :SLUS-00943 #Infinite Armor 80038A4E 2400 #Infinite Missiles 80018962 2400 #Infinite Rockets 8003D40A 2400 #All missions done 30111C30 0005 30111CB0 0005 30111D30 0005 30111DB0 0005 30111E30 0005 #All missions unlocked 30112130 0005 #Have all medals 80111C22 FF00 80111C24 00FF 80111C2A FF00 80111C2C 00FF #Invincibility cheat on 800DBE4C 0001 #Secret mission open 80111E34 0003 ; [ EA Sports Superbike 2000 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01052} ] ;:SLUS-01052 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Easter Bunny's Big Day (USA) (2003) (Mastiff) {SLUS-01551} ] :SLUS-01551 #0 Eggs Left (Eggs Game) 80078046 0000 #Infinite Time 80078042 0C63 #Eggs Worth 2 80031CE4 FFFE #Eggs Worth 3 80031CE4 FFFD #Eggs Worth 4 80031CE4 FFFC #Eggs Worth 5 80031CE4 FFFB #Eggs Worth 6 80031CE4 FFFA #Eggs Worth 7 80031CE4 FFF9 #Eggs Worth 8 80031CE4 FFF8 #Infinite Time Puzzle Game 8018ABE0 3700 #Infinite Time Match Game 80077E44 198C ; [ EA Sports Supercross (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01319} ] :SLUS-01319 #Unlock All Tracks 50000302 0000 800C2FDA 0101 300C304D 0001 300C304E 0001 300C304A 0001 #Unlock All Characters 50001C01 0000 300C3005 0001 50000302 0000 800C2FFA 0101 ; [ EA Sports Supercross 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01005} ] :SLUS-01005 #Start On Last Lap/Always First E00A1FAA 0000 300A1FAA 0004 #Max Season Points 800FCA24 FFFF #Time is 0:00:00 8009DFC8 9CA6 8009DFCA 0001 #Enable All Cheats .Press R1 On Quick Race Option 800A1AC0 FFFF 800A1AC2 FFFF ; [ Echo Night (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00820} ] :SLUS-00820 #Stop Timer 8009F904 FFFF 8009F9C4 FFFF #Always In Best Condition 801A6B50 0005 ; [ ECW Anarchy Rulz (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01169} ] :SLUS-01169 #Infinite Creation Points 30080248 0000 #Unlock Belt Mode 300BFE28 000F #Everything Unlocked 800B85C0 FFFF 800B85C2 F7FF 800B85C4 FFFF 800B85C6 FFFF 800B85CC FFFF 800B85CE FFFF #P1 Only Super Code:With this cheat The give Infinite Health to the player, and the rest of the characters have 1-Hit Deaths C0034720 004D 80034728 1D80 8003472A 0C00 8003472C 0120 8003472E 8E22 00000000 FFFF 80007600 8008 80007602 3C01 80007604 1378 80007606 8C21 8000760A 2400 8000760C 0002 8000760E 1431 80007612 2400 80007614 0024 80007616 27FF 80007618 0008 8000761A 03E0 8000761E 2400 C0034720 004D 8003474C 00FF 8003474E 3C02 00000000 FFFF ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01045} ] :SLUS-01045 #Infinite Creation Points 800680D0 0000 #P1 Infinite Health D00E0EC2 8006 800E10B2 0000 #Enable All Cheats 800B18A0 00FF 800B18A2 1000 ; [ Eggs of Steel - Charlie's Eggcellent Adventure (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00751} ] :SLUS-00751 #Infinite Bolts 80078B20 0025 #Infinite Health 80122FA8 000C #Infinite Lives 80078B14 000A #Low Temperature Gauge 80078B18 0170 ; [ Ehrgeiz - God Bless the Ring (USA) (1999) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00809} ] :SLUS-00809 #RPG Mode Infinite Health 801E84D0 0080 #RPG MOde Infinite Money 801F37D0 FFFF #P1 Infinite Health 8011EADE 00B8 #P1 Infinite Special Energy 8011F7D6 00D0 #Time is Always 0:00:01 800F6C30 0000 #Enable All Characters 801F19FC FFFF 801F19FE FFFF #Enable All Endings 801F1A00 FFFF #Infinite Time To Choose Character 800F69EE 0EB2 #Infinite Battle Time 800F6C94 0930 #P1 No Special Energy 8011F7D6 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 801228F2 00B8 #P2 1 Hit Death D01228F2 00B8 801228F2 0000 #P2 Infinite Special Energy 801235EA 00D0 #P2 No Special Energy 801235EA 0000 #Box Always On 800F7FD4 0001 #Box Always Off 800F7FD4 0000 #P1 Select Character\Rio 800F69FC 0000 #P1 Select Character\Han Daehan 800F69FC 0001 #P1 Select Character\Godhand 800F69FC 0002 #P1 Select Character\Lee Shuwen 800F69FC 0003 #P1 Select Character\Dasher Inoba 800F69FC 0004 #P1 Select Character\? 800F69FC 0005 #P1 Select Character\Sasuke 800F69FC 0006 #P1 Select Character\Prince Naseem 800F69FC 0007 #P1 Select Character\YoYo Yoko 800F69FC 0008 #P1 Select Character\Jo 800F69FC 0009 #P1 Select Character\Cloud Strife 800F69FC 000A #P1 Select Character\Tifa Lockhart 800F69FC 000B #P1 Select Character\Django 800F69FC 000C #P1 Select Character\Sephiroth 800F69FC 000D #P1 Select Character\Koji Masuda 800F69FC 000E #P1 Select Character\Clair Andrews 800F69FC 000F #P1 Select Character\Yuffie Kisaragi 800F69FC 0010 #P1 Select Character\Vincent Valentine 800F69FC 0011 #P1 Select Character\Zax 800F69FC 0013 ; [ Einhänder (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94243} ] :SCUS-94243 #Infinite Lives 800813C4 0003 #Invincibility 80085718 00A5 #Infinite Special Weapon Ammo 80084832 000F 80084834 000F #Score Multiplier Always At 40 80081326 0028 #Endymion Mk. Ii\Push Triangle Button To Get Weapon (1-D) D0083E2C 0010 80085734 0D00 #Astrea\Push Triangle Button To Get Weapon (1-D) D0083E2C 0010 80085734 0C0D #Astrea\Infinite Top Pod Ammo 80084982 000F #Astrea\Have Unknown Fighter Type i:Push the triangle button at the fighter select screen D0083E2C 0010 80081434 0003 #Astrea\Have Unknown Fighter Type II:Push the triangle button at the fighter select screen D0083E2C 0010 80081434 0004 #Other\Press Triangle To Refill Ammo To 9999 D0083E2C 0010 80084832 9999 80084834 9999 #Other\Enable Gallery With All Pictures 801FEC9C FFFF 801FEC9E FFFF #255 Hits 30085710 00FF #255x Multiplier 80081326 00FF #Debug Option:Go to config, file or gallery menu first. Then press Select. D0083E2E 0100 800ADA40 0007 #Enable Stage Select and also makes you play in Free Difficuly which was disabled from the US release 800ADAA6 0001 80085960 FFFF 8008593C 0000 #Go To Gallery From Configuration:Press L2 D00ADA52 0100 D0083E2E 0001 300ADA53 0005 #Hyper Mode 30085709 00FF #Stage Select From Configuration:Press Select, Then X D00ADA52 0100 D0083E2E 0100 300ADA53 0004 ; [ Gold and Glory - The Road to El Dorado (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01312} ] :SLUS-01312 #Infinite Pesetas 8009FE10 E0FF 8009FE12 05F5 ; [ Elemental Gearbolt (USA) (1998) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00654} ] :SLUS-00654 #P1 Infinite Energy 80095D52 0200 #P2 Infinite Energy 80095D64 0200 #P1 999 Hit 80073830 03E7 #P1 999 Combo 800736F4 03E7 #P1 Max Level Up 800961B8 0900 #P2 999 Hit 80073832 03E7 #P2 999 Combo 800736F6 03E7 #P2 Max Level Up 800961F4 0900 #Have All Options Unlocked 8000E2E0 0003 #Infinite Credits 800529C0 0003 ; [ Eliminator (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00699} ] :SLUS-00699 #P1 Infinite Health 80114272 0258 #Infinite Time 800F43B4 4649 #Invincibility 300F3B94 0063 ; [ Sesame Street - Elmo's Letter Adventure (USA) (1999) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-00621TP} ] :SLUS-00621 :SLUS-00621TP #Have All Letters 800719C8 000C #Infinite Strikes 800719CC 0000 #Have No Letters 800719C8 0000 ; [ Sesame Street - Elmo's Number Journey (USA) (1999) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-00622, SLUS-00622TP} ] :SLUS-00622 :SLUS-00622TP #Have All Numbers 8007409C 000C #Infinite Strikes 800740A0 0000 #Have No Numbers 8007409C 0000 ; [ Disney's The Emperor's New Groove (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94571} ] :SCUS-94571 #Infinite Health 800745D0 5000 #Infinite Grapes 80074754 F000 #Unlock All Levels 80074778 0808 ; [ Epidemic (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94152} ] :SCUS-94152 #Infinite EP 800A7E54 00C8 #Infinite SP 800A7E56 03E8 #Infinite HP 800A7E52 03E8 #Infinite Laser 800A7E94 00C8 #Infinite Zax Ammo 800A7EA6 01F4 #Infinite Veda Missiles 800A7EAC 0028 #Infinite Splash Arrow Missiles 800A7EAE 0028 #Infinite Napalm Launcher Missiles 800A7EB0 0028 #Infinite Erosion Missiles 800A7EB2 0028 #Infinite Brain Destructor Missiles 800A7EB4 0028 #Infinite Float Mine Missiles 800A7EB6 0028 #Energy Tank Always Full 80017E98 0020 #Elapsed Time is Always 00:00 800D6364 0000 800DBF88 0000 ; [ Equestrian Showcase (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01462} ] :SLUS-01462 #No Refusals Cross Country 800554D8 0000 800554DA 2401 800554E0 0024 800554E2 AE01 #Infinite Falls Cross Country 800510D2 2400 #Max Last Score Dressing C01FC286 001F 801FC344 A000 801FC346 0000 00000000 FFFF #No Falls Show Jumping D01FB7AE 001F 801FB7C0 0000 #No Refusals Show Jumping D01FB7AE 001F 801FB7C8 0000 #No Penalties Show Jumping C01FB7AE 001F 801FB948 0000 801FB94A 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ ESPN MLS Gamenight (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01186} ] :SLUS-01186 #Select Away Team Score\00 E0070E84 0001 30070E84 0000 E0070E89 0001 30070E89 0000 E0070E8A 0001 30070E8A 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 E0070E84 0000 30070E84 0099 E0070E89 0000 30070E89 0032 E0070E8A 0000 30070E8A 0031 #Select Home Team Score\00 E0070E83 0001 30070E83 0000 30070E85 0001 30070E85 0000 30070E86 0001 30070E86 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 E0070E83 0000 30070E83 0063 E0070E85 0000 30070E85 0032 E0070E86 0000 30070E86 0031 ; [ ESPN Extreme Games (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94503} ] :SCUS-94503 #Always Come In 1st Place 8007B1D0 0000 #All cars gets 100 mph 8007AB6A 0086 #All cars with higher accelerations 8007AB4C 0250 #Always 60 mph 8007B1A2 0050 #Infinite Energy 8007A270 0500 8007AB50 0500 #Infinite Money 801E9014 09D8 #Stop Timer 80043C3C 0000 ; [ Eternal Eyes (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01034} ] :SLUS-01034 #Infinite Health Luke 80090F4E 0400 #Infinite Money 800908F0 270F #Players Invincibility C00F91DC 0000 800EC5D4 0000 800EC5D6 0000 800EBF88 0000 800EBF8A 0000 800EC5D4 0006 800EC5D6 A455 00000000 FFFF C00F91DC 0001 800EBF88 0006 800EBF8A A48B 00000000 FFFF ; [ E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial - Interplanetary Mission (USA) (2001) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01385} ] :SLUS-01385 #Infinite Lives 30077234 0063 #Infinite Health 300776D8 0063 #Max Flowers 300776D4 0063 #Press L1 For Matrix Mode E008F26B 00FB 8007CEB0 0002 E008F26B 00F9 8007CEB0 0002 ; [ Evil Dead - Hail to the King (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01072 / SLUS-01326} ] :SLUS-01072 :SLUS-01326 #Infinite Save tapes 80076FD8 0063 #Infinite Ammo Knowby's Pistol 80077768 03E7 #Infinite Fuel Chainsaw 80077870 00FF #Infinite Health Disc 1 80076C14 0064 #Infinite Health Disc 2 80076D5C 0064 #Invinicble Disc 1 3007720C 0064 #Invinicble Disc 2 30077354 0064 #Save Anywhere:With this cheat, save only works if you have a Save Tape D01310A4 0000 801310A4 0001 #Save Anywhere Disc 2 (Press L2 + R2):Activate this cheat while in inventory screen) D01DF872 FCFF 8012FA68 0001 ; [ Evil Zone (USA) (1999) (Titus Software Corporation) {SLUS-00855} ] :SLUS-00855 #Unlock Everything 800A83DE FFFF 800A83E0 FFFF 800A83E2 FFFF 800A83E4 FFFF #Infinite HP 1 80046890 0002 80046892 1080 ; [ Excalibur 2555 A.D. (USA) (1997) (Telstar Electronic Studios) {SLUS-00541} ] :SLUS-00541 #Level 1 Infinite Health 801222E8 1000 #Level 2 Infinite Health 80132688 1000 #Level 3 Infinite Health 80125B98 1000 #Level 4 Infinite Health 80125250 1000 #Level 5 Infinite Health 80111578 1000 #Level 6 Infinite Health 80125450 1000 #Level 7 Infinite Health 80123A08 1000 #Level 8 Infinite Health 801160B8 1000 #Level 9 Infinite Health 80110ABC 1000 #Level 10 Infinite Health 8012D944 1000 #Level 11 Infinite Health 801323EC 1000 #Level 12 Infinite Health 80120F5C 1000 #Level 13 Infinite Health 800E1F80 1000 #Invincibility 8002853A 2400 800286DA 2400 800289FA 2400 80030F16 2400 #Complete Level (press L1+L2+R1+R2 in-game) D0072E74 0F00 3007305C 0003 #Stage Select 2 3008F4C8 0002 #Stage Select 3 3008F4C8 0003 #Stage Select 4 3008F4C8 0004 #Stage Select 5 3008F4C8 0005 #Stage Select 6 3008F4C8 0006 #Stage Select 7 3008F4C8 0007 #Stage Select 8 3008F4C8 0008 #Stage Select 9 3008F4C8 0009 #Stage Select 10 3008F4C8 000A #Stage Select 11 3008F4C8 000B #Stage Select 12 3008F4C8 000C #Stage Select 13 3008F4C8 000D ; [ Extreme Go-Kart Racing (USA) (2003) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01530} ] :SLUS-01530 #ALways Place First 800B95F6 0000 #Infinite Turbo 800B9618 0009 800B961A 00FF #Start On Last Lap 800B962A 0003 #Enable Loop 30010040 0000 #Enable Karo 30010041 0000 #Enable Woot 30010042 0000 #Enable Buzz 30010043 0000 #Enable Valley Course 3001002D 0000 #Enable Artic Course 3001002E 0000 #Enable Bridge Course 3001002F 0000 #Enable Ocean Course 30010034 0000 #Enable Desert Course 30010035 0000 #Enable Space Course 30010037 0000 ; [ Expendable (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01075} ] :SLUS-01075 #P1 Infinite Lives 300A6364 0063 #P1 Infinite Energy 800A6396 03E6 #P2 Infinite Lives 300A69BC 0063 #P2 Infinite Energy 800A69EE 03E6 #Infinite Time 800A0834 03E7 #Infinite Credits 300A0618 0009 #Have All Keys 800B6BAC 0500 #Have All Passcards 800B6B84 0101 800B6B82 0100 800B6B86 0001 #P1+P2 Infinite Ammo Shotgun D0034FD8 0614 80034FDA 2400 #P1+P2 All Grenades Needs No Ammo To Fire + Get Hella Ammo D0039D30 0022 80039D32 2400 ; [ Extreme Pinball (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00200} ] :SLUS-00200 #Medieval Knights\Infinite Balls 80049EDC 0000 8004C934 0000 #Monkey Mayhem\Infinite Balls 80055B3C 0000 800583FC 0000 #Rock Fantasy\Infinite Balls 80046840 0000 800490E8 0000 #Urban Chaos\Infinite Balls 80048368 0000 8004B070 0000 ; [ Formula 1 (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94353} ] :SCUS-94353 #Infinite Time 800CE750 1896 #Bike Mode 8009DC02 0100 #Gibberish Mode 8009DC04 0100 #Lava Mode 8009DC04 0001 #Roving Camera 8009DC0C 0001 #Bonus Track 8009DC06 0001 #Buggy Mode 8009DC02 0001 #Enable English Commentary 8009DC06 0100 #Enable French Commentary 8009DC08 0001 #Enable German Commentary 8009DC08 0100 #Enable Italian Commentary 8009DC0A 0100 #Enable Spanish Commentary 8009DC0A 0001 ; [ Formula 1 (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94353} ] :SCUS-94353 #Infinite Time 800CE750 1896 #Bike Mode 8009DC02 0100 #Gibberish Mode 8009DC04 0100 #Lava Mode 8009DC04 0001 #Roving Camera 8009DC0C 0001 #Bonus Track 8009DC06 0001 #Buggy Mode 8009DC02 0001 #Enable English Commentary 8009DC06 0100 #Enable French Commentary 8009DC08 0001 #Enable German Commentary 8009DC08 0100 #Enable Italian Commentary 8009DC0A 0100 #Enable Spanish Commentary 8009DC0A 0001 ; [ F1 2000 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01120} ] :SLUS-01120 #Time Always Under A Second 80034E20 0000 #Start On Lap 4 E0034E2D 0000 30034E2D 0004 #Always On Lap 4 30034E2D 0004 #Always On Lap 8 30034E2D 0008 #Always On Lap 16 30034E2D 0010 #Difficulty Modifier Expert 8014657C 0003 #Damage Off 80146578 0000 ; [ Formula 1 98 (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00744} ] :SLUS-00744 #P1 Infinite Health 800A1E5C B400 #Unlock Everything 50000402 0000 800BE56C FFFF #P1 Only Needs 1 Win D00A1F28 0000 800A1F28 0001 #P2 No Health 800A2430 1400 #View Ending After First Battle E009F0AC 0000 3009F0AC 0009 #Infinite Round Time 3009EB44 0063 ; [ Formula 1 Championship Edition (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00546} ] :SLUS-00546 #Infinite Time 800B3440 0E10 #Maximum Speed 800C6F50 7750 #Bonus Tracks Open 8001421C 0016 ; [ F1 Championship Season 2000 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01290} ] ;:SLUS-01290 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ F1 Racing Championship (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01088} ] ;:SLUS-01088 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ F1 World Grand Prix (USA) (2001) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01344} ] :SLUS-01344 #Have 100% On All Tests Championship Mode 50000502 0000 800294B4 0064 #Press R1 For 9,999,999 Dollars C00313A2 F7FF 800293FC 967F 800293FE 0098 00000000 FFFF ; [ F1 World Grand Prix - 1999 Season (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01036} ] :SLUS-01036 #Always Race 5 Laps (Must Be On) 800A6666 0005 #Team Ferrari Start On Last Lap - Driver 1 D00ABB72 0100 800ABB72 0504 #Team Ferrari Start On Last Lap - Driver 2 D00ABCC2 0100 800ABCC2 0504 ; [ Fade to Black (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00236} ] :SLUS-00236 #Level 1 Infinite Health 801C0830 07D0 #Level 2 Infinite Health 801B37DC 07D0 #Level 3 Infinite Health 801B4AE4 07D0 #Level 4 Infinite Health 801B59C0 07D0 #Level 5 Infinite Health 801C7F68 07D0 #Level 6 Infinite Health 801AAD9C 07D0 #Level 7 Infinite Health 801B6BAC 07D0 #Level 8 Infinite Health 801B50BC 07D0 #Level 9 Infinite Health 801B6F64 07D0 #Level 10 Infinite Health 801B5C84 07D0 #Level 11 Infinite Health 801B0960 07D0 #Level 12 Infinite Health 801B85CC 07D0 #Level 13 Infinite Health 801B3280 07D0 #Level 1 Infinite Weapon normal 801CFCE8 0009 #Infinite Ammo all weapons 8005DCFE 2400 #Invincibility 80010028 0083 #Infinite Time (Watch) 800ACACC 0000 800AF9A4 0000 ; [ Family Card Games Fun Pack (USA) (2002) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01454} ] ;:SLUS-01454 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Family Feud (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01171} ] :SLUS-01171 #Team 1 Max Score 800A3A88 03E7 #Team 1 No Score 800A3A88 0000 #Team 2 Max Score 800A3AAC 03E7 #Team 2 No Score 800A3AAC 0000 #Team 1 Infinite Strikes D00A3A70 0000 800A3634 0000 #Team 2 Infinite Strikes D00A3A70 0001 800A3634 0000 #Infinite Time To Answer 800A361C 0032 ; [ Family Game Pack (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01049} ] :SLUS-01049 #Max Money (Casino Games) 801C3894 0090 #Max Score (Money) 801C3894 FFFF 801C3896 3400 #Max Credits (Slots) 801C387C E0FF ; [ Fantastic Four (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00395} ] :SLUS-00395 #P1 Infinite Lives 300BA170 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 300BA171 0003 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E038C 0040 800E038E 0040 #P2 Infinite Energy 800E058C 0040 800E058E 0040 #P3 Infinite Energy 800E078E 0040 #P4 Infinite Energy 800E098E 0040 #Infinite Credits 800B9E98 0005 #Level Skip (Press L1+L2+R1+R2 while in game to go to the Level Skip screen. Press X to skip a level or Triangle to go back a level) 80091072 0001 ; [ Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition (USA) (1999) (SNK of America) {SLUS-01001} ] :SLUS-01001 #P1 Infinite Health 800ACE9A 0170 #P1 Infinite Powerbar 800ABF30 0060 800ACECC 0030 #P1 No Health 800ACE9A 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 800AE6BA 0170 #P2 Infinite Powerbar 800ABF50 0060 800AE6EC 0030 #P2 No Health 800AE6BA 0000 #Infinite Fight Time 800AC040 1154 #Freeze Total Time 800A5E38 0000 #1 Stage Fight In Arcade Mode 800AC03A 0803 #Access All Original Characters In Data:This cheat will also enable Team Battle Mode 800AC134 FFFF #P1 Only Throws Hurt 8002F67E 3C00 #P2 Only Throws Hurt 8002F636 3C00 #Unlock All Characters 800AC12A FFFF #Unlock All Commands, Open Team Battle + Data Menu 800AC134 FFFF #Unlock All Movies 800AC130 FFFF 800AC132 00FF ; [ Fisherman's Bait - A Bass Challenge (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00802} ] :SLUS-00802 #Access All Levels 800648EA 00FF #Disable Timer 800B0F54 76A8 #Infinite Credits 800B060A 0009 #Always Catch Larger Fish 800A84CE 00FF #Have Total Count List (Options - Press Select To View) 801F9058 0008 ; [ Fisherman's Bait 2 - Big Ol' Bass (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00999} ] :SLUS-00999 #Have All Fish In Livewell-Monster 5000EF02 0000 800A6C4E 2A2C #Press Select For Super Reel D0144CBA FFFE 8012B3C8 0000 #Infinite Time 800C1124 2710 #Infinite Credits 800C0F68 0009 ; [ Fear Effect (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00920 / SLUS-01056 / SLUS-01057 / SLUS-01058} ] :SLUS-00920 :SLUS-01056 :SLUS-01057 :SLUS-01058 #Infinite Ammo Smg 80081820 03E7 8008DF16 03E7 #Infinite Ammo .90 Pistol 8008DF96 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 8008DF1E 03E7 #Infinite Ammo D003DCE0 0002 8003DCE2 2400 #Stop Time D0028508 0008 8002850A 2400 #No Fear D0047D88 0068 80047D8A 2400 #Stop Countdown Timer D00AFA2C 18F0 800AFA2E 2400 #Hana Weapon\Have Duel .90 Pistols 8008DF10 0002 8008DF12 6363 #Hana Weapon\Have Smg 8008DF14 0002 8008DF16 6363 #Hana Weapon\Have Shot Pistol 8008DF18 0002 8008DF1A 6363 #Hana Weapon\Have Assault Rifle 8008DF1C 0001 8008DF1E 0063 #Hana Weapon\Have Shotgun 8008DF24 0001 8008DF26 0063 #Hana Weapon\Have Hk v Assault Rifle 8008DF28 0001 8008DF2A 0063 #Royce Weapon\Have .90 Pistol 8008DF94 0002 8008DF96 6363 #Royce Weapon\Have Smg 8008DF98 0002 8008DF9A 6363 #Royce Weapon\Have Shot Pistol 8008DF9C 0002 8008DF9E 6363 #Royce Weapon\Have Assault Rifle 8008DFA0 0001 8008DFA2 0063 #Royce Weapon\Have Shotgun 8008DFA8 0001 8008DFAA 0063 #Royce Weapon\Have Mk v Assault Rifle 8008DFAC 0001 8008DFAE 0063 #Deke Weapon\Have .90 Pistol 8008E018 0002 8008E01A 6363 #Deke Weapon\Have Smg 8008E01C 0002 8008E01E 6363 #Deke Weapon\Have Shot Pistol 8008E020 0002 8008E022 6363 #Deke Weapon\Have Assault Rifle 8008E024 0001 8008E026 0063 #Deke Weapon\Have Shotgun 8008E02C 0001 8008E02E 0063 #Deke Weapon\Have Mk v Assault Rifle 8008E030 0001 8008E032 0063 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000 3008DF5A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000 3008DF5B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000 3008DF5C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Flash Disc E008DF64 0000 3008DF64 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Gate Key E008DF65 0000 3008DF65 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Sign Key E008DF66 0000 3008DF66 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Red Keycard E008DF67 0000 3008DF67 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Blue Keycard E008DF68 0000 3008DF68 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Locker Key E008DF69 0000 3008DF69 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Fuse E008DF6A 0000 3008DF6A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Pipe E008DF6B 0000 3008DF6B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Wire Cutters E008DF6C 0000 3008DF6C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 1\Have Explosives E008DF6D 0000 3008DF6D 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000 3008DFDE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000 3008DFDF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000 3008DFE0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Flash Disc E008DFE8 0000 3008DFE8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Gate Key E008DFE9 0000 3008DFE9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Sign Key E008DFEA 0000 3008DFEA 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Red Keycard E008DFEB 0000 3008DFEB 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Blue Keycard E008DFEC 0000 3008DFEC 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Locker Key E008DFED 0000 3008DFED 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Fuse E008DFEE 0000 3008DFEE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Pipe E008DFEF 0000 3008DFEF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Wire Cutters E008DFF0 0000 3008DFF0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 1\Have Explosives E008DFE1 0000 3008DFF1 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000 3008DF5A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000 3008DF5B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000 3008DF5C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Wet Towel E008DF64 0000 3008DF64 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Flask Of Water E008DF65 0000 3008DF65 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Train Key E008DF66 0000 3008DF66 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Po Mon Key E008DF69 0000 3008DF69 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Truck Key E008DF6A 0000 3008DF6A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have Ladder Access Card E008DF6B 0000 3008DF6B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 2\Have X1 Mon Key E008DF6C 0000 3008DF6C 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000 3008DFDE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000 3008DFDF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000 3008DFE0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Wet Towel E008DFE8 0000 3008DFE8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Flask Of Water E008DFE9 0000 3008DFE9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Train Key E008DFEA 0000 3008DFEA 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Po Mon Key E008DFED 0000 3008DFED 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Truck Key E008DFEE 0000 3008DFEE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have Ladder Access Card E008DFEF 0000 3008DFEF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 2\Have X1 Mon Key E008DFF0 0000 3008DFF0 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Stone Scroll E008E062 0000 3008E062 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Stone Willow E008E063 0000 3008E063 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Stone Eye E008E064 0000 3008E064 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Wet Towel E008E06C 0000 3008E06C 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Flask Of Water E008E06D 0000 3008E06D 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Train Key E008E06E 0000 3008E06E 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Po Mon Key E008E071 0000 3008E071 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Truck Key E008E072 0000 3008E072 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have Ladder Access Card E008E073 0000 3008E073 0001 #Deke Item Disc 2\Have X1 Mon Key E008E074 0000 3008E074 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000 3008DFDE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000 3008DFDF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000 3008DFE0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Coin E008DFE8 0000 3008DFE8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Sunflower E008DFE9 0000 3008DFE9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Mach Gun 'o Love E008DFEA 0000 3008DFEA 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Pistol Whipper E008DFEB 0000 3008DFEB 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Flowers E008DFEC 0000 3008DFEC 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Cooking Oil E008DFED 0000 3008DFED 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Office Key E008DFEE 0000 3008DFEE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Lounge Key E008DFEF 0000 3008DFEF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Wire Cutters E008DFF0 0000 3008DFF0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Elevator Key E008DFE1 0000 3008DFF1 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Storeroom Key E008DFF2 0000 3008DFF2 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have A New Desire E008DFF3 0000 3008DFF3 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Wrench E008DFF4 0000 3008DFF4 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Meat Locker Key E008DFF5 0000 3008DFF5 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have White Vase E008DFF6 0000 3008DFF6 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Black Vase E008DFF7 0000 3008DFF7 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Red Vase E008DFF8 0000 3008DFF8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Paper Madam Chen E008DFF9 0000 3008DFF9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 3\Have Madam Room Key E008DFFA 0000 3008DFFA 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000 3008DF5A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000 3008DF5B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000 3008DF5C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Coin E008DF64 0000 3008DF64 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Sunflower E008DF65 0000 3008DF65 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Mach Gun 'o Love E008DF66 0000 3008DF67 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Pistol Whipper E008DF68 0000 3008DF68 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Flowers E008DF69 0000 3008DF69 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Cooking Oil E008DF6A 0000 3008DF6A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Office Key E008DF6B 0000 3008DF6B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Lounge Key E008DF6C 0000 3008DF6C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Wire Cutters E008DF6D 0000 3008DF6D 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Elevator Key E008DF6E 0000 3008DF6E 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Storeroom Key E008DF6F 0000 3008DF6F 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have A New Desire E008DF70 0000 3008DF70 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Wrench E008DF71 0000 3008DF71 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Meat Locker Key E008DF72 0000 3008DF72 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have White Vase E008DF73 0000 3008DF73 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Black Vase E008DF74 0000 3008DF74 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Red Vase E008DF75 0000 3008DF75 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Paper Madam Chen E008DF76 0000 3008DF76 0001 #Hana Item Disc 3\Have Madam Room Key E008DF77 0000 3008DF77 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Stone Scroll E008E062 0000 3008E062 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Stone Willow E008E063 0000 3008E063 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Stone Eye E008E064 0000 3008E064 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Coin E008DF6C 0000 3008DF6C 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Sunflower E008DF6D 0000 3008DF6D 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Mach Gun 'o Love E008DF6E 0000 3008DF6E 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Pistol Whipper E008DF6F 0000 3008DF6F 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Flowers E008DF70 0000 3008DF70 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Cooking Oil E008DF71 0000 3008DF71 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Office Key E008DF72 0000 3008DF72 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Lounge Key E008DF73 0000 3008DF73 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Wire Cutters E008DF74 0000 3008DF74 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Elevator Key E008DF75 0000 3008DF75 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Storeroom Key E008DF76 0000 3008DF76 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have A New Desire E008DF77 0000 3008DF77 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Wrench E008DF78 0000 3008DF78 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Meat Locker Key E008DF79 0000 3008DF79 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have White Vase E008DF7A 0000 3008DF7A 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Black Vase E008DF7B 0000 3008DF7B 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Red Vase E008DF7C 0000 3008DF7C 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Paper Madam Chen E008DF7D 0000 3008DF7D 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Have Madam Room Key E008DF7E 0000 3008DF7E 0001 #Deke Item Disc 3\Activate Cheat Infinite Ammo, No Fear + Infinite Health 80077810 000F #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000 3008DF5A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000 3008DF5B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000 3008DF5C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Gate E008DF64 0000 3008DF64 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Gate Key E008DF65 0000 3008DF65 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Tree Branch E008DF66 0000 3008DF66 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Pistol E008DF67 0000 3008DF67 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Shotgun E008DF68 0000 3008DF68 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Smg E008DF69 0000 3008DF69 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Paper Assault Rifle E008DF6A 0000 3008DF6A 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Pistol Ammo E008DF6B 0000 3008DF6B 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Shotgun Ammo E008DF6C 0000 3008DF6C 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Smg Ammo E008DF6D 0000 3008DF6D 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Assault Rifle Ammo E008DF6E 0000 3008DF6E 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Doll E008DF6F 0000 3008DF6F 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Scroll E008DF70 0000 3008DF70 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Tree Branch E008DF71 0000 3008DF71 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Gate Key E008DF72 0000 3008DF72 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Eye E008DF73 0000 3008DF73 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Tree Half E008DF74 0000 3008DF74 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Stone Tree Whole E008DF75 0000 3008DF75 0001 #Hana Item Disc 4\Have Crank E008DF76 0000 3008DF76 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000 3008DFDE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000 3008DFDF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000 3008DFE0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Gate E008DFE8 0000 3008DFE8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Gate Key E008DFE9 0000 3008DFE9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Tree Branch E008DFEA 0000 3008DFEA 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Pistol E008DFEB 0000 3008DFEB 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Shotgun E008DFEC 0000 3008DFEC 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Smg E008DFED 0000 3008DFED 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Paper Assault Rifle E008DFEE 0000 3008DFEE 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Pistol Ammo E008DFEF 0000 3008DFEF 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Shotgun Ammo E008DFF0 0000 3008DFF0 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Smg Ammo E008DFF1 0000 3008DFF1 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Assault Rifle Ammo E008DFF2 0000 3008DFF2 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Doll E008DFF3 0000 3008DFF3 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Scroll E008DFF4 0000 3008DFF4 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Tree Branch E008DFF5 0000 3008DFF5 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Gate Key E008DFF6 0000 3008DFF6 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Eye E008DFF7 0000 3008DFF7 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Tree Half E008DFF8 0000 3008DFF8 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Stone Tree Whole E008DFF9 0000 3008DFF9 0001 #Royce Item Disc 4\Have Crank E008DFFA 0000 3008DFFA 0001 ; [ Fear Effect 2 - Retro Helix (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01266 / SLUS-01275 / SLUS-01276 / SLUS-01277} ] :SLUS-01266 :SLUS-01275 :SLUS-01276 :SLUS-01277 #Infinite Health 80087780 0002 #No Fear D00495EC 0068 800495EE 2400 #Infinite Ammo No Fear All Weapons 8007B4F8 0103 #Access Art Gallery (All Discs) 800BC4DC 0001 #All Weapons 3007B4F9 0001 #Game Time (00:00:00) 8007B4F4 0000 8007B4F6 0000 ; [ Fear Effect 2 - Retro Helix (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01266 / SLUS-01275 / SLUS-01276 / SLUS-01277} ] :SLUS-01266 :SLUS-01275 :SLUS-01276 :SLUS-01277 #Infinite Health 80087780 0002 #No Fear D00495EC 0068 800495EE 2400 #Infinite Ammo No Fear All Weapons 8007B4F8 0103 #Access Art Gallery (All Discs) 800BC4DC 0001 #All Weapons 3007B4F9 0001 #Game Time (00:00:00) 8007B4F4 0000 8007B4F6 0000 ; [ Felony 11-79 (USA) (1997) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00533} ] :SLUS-00533 #No Damage 8009AE64 0000 #Infinite Time 800B707E 012C #Infinite Fuel 800B52A2 0019 #Infinite Money 8009AE08 FFFF 8009AE0A 00FF #Access All Cars + Tracks 8009A6D4 0001 ; [ Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy IV (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01360GH} ] :SLUS-01360 :SLUS-01360GH #Infinite HP character 1 800D4408 E703 #Char1-Infinite HP 300D1007 000F 300D1008 0027 #Char1-Max HP 300D1009 000F 300D100A 0027 #Char1-Infinite MP 300D100B 000F 300D100C 0027 #Char1-Max MP 300D100D 000F 300D100E 0027 #Char2-Infinite HP 300D1047 000F 300D1048 0027 #Char2-Max HP 300D1049 000F 300D104A 0027 #Char2-Infinite MP 300D104B 000F 300D104C 0027 #Char2-Max MP 300D104D 000F 300D104E 0027 #Char3-Infinite HP 300D1087 000F 300D1088 0027 #Char3-Max HP 300D1089 000F 300D108A 0027 #Char3-Infinite MP 300D108B 000F 300D108C 0027 #Char3-Max MP 300D108D 000F 300D108E 0027 #Char4-Infinite HP 300D10C7 000F 300D10C8 0027 #Char4-Max HP 300D10C9 000F 300D10CA 0027 #Char4-Infinite MP 300D10CB 000F 300D10CC 0027 #Char4-Max MP 300D10CD 000F 300D10CE 0027 #Char5-Infinite HP 300D1107 000F 300D1108 0027 #Char5-Max HP 300D1109 000F 300D110A 0027 #Char5-Infinite MP 300D110B 000F 300D110C 0027 #Char5-Max MP 300D110D 000F 300D110E 0027 #No Random Battles 800D0686 0231 ; [ Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy IV (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01360} ] :SLUS-01360 #Infinite HP character 1 800D4408 E703 #Char1-Infinite HP 300D1007 000F 300D1008 0027 #Char1-Max HP 300D1009 000F 300D100A 0027 #Char1-Infinite MP 300D100B 000F 300D100C 0027 #Char1-Max MP 300D100D 000F 300D100E 0027 #Char2-Infinite HP 300D1047 000F 300D1048 0027 #Char2-Max HP 300D1049 000F 300D104A 0027 #Char2-Infinite MP 300D104B 000F 300D104C 0027 #Char2-Max MP 300D104D 000F 300D104E 0027 #Char3-Infinite HP 300D1087 000F 300D1088 0027 #Char3-Max HP 300D1089 000F 300D108A 0027 #Char3-Infinite MP 300D108B 000F 300D108C 0027 #Char3-Max MP 300D108D 000F 300D108E 0027 #Char4-Infinite HP 300D10C7 000F 300D10C8 0027 #Char4-Max HP 300D10C9 000F 300D10CA 0027 #Char4-Infinite MP 300D10CB 000F 300D10CC 0027 #Char4-Max MP 300D10CD 000F 300D10CE 0027 #Char5-Infinite HP 300D1107 000F 300D1108 0027 #Char5-Max HP 300D1109 000F 300D110A 0027 #Char5-Infinite MP 300D110B 000F 300D110C 0027 #Char5-Max MP 300D110D 000F 300D110E 0027 #No Random Battles 800D0686 0231 ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy V (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00879GH} ] :SLUS-00879 :SLUS-00879GH #Character 1 Infinite Health in battle 8002182C 270F #Character 2 Infinite Health in battle 80021834 270F #Character 3 Infinite Health in battle 8002183C 270F #Character 4 Infinite Health in battle 80021844 270F #Max GP 8002E946 CFFF 8002E948 0FFF #No Random Battles 8002F6A8 0000 #Save Anywhere 8002E144 0080 ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy V (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00879} ] :SLUS-00879 #Character 1 Infinite Health in battle 8002182C 270F #Character 2 Infinite Health in battle 80021834 270F #Character 3 Infinite Health in battle 8002183C 270F #Character 4 Infinite Health in battle 80021844 270F #Max GP 8002E946 CFFF 8002E948 0FFF #No Random Battles 8002F6A8 0000 #Save Anywhere 8002E144 0080 ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy VI (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00900GH} ] :SLUS-00900 :SLUS-00900GH #Character 1 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E78 03E7 #Character 2 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7A 03E7 #Character 3 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7C 03E7 #Character 4 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7E 03E7 #Save Anywhere E003220C 0000 3002FEB7 0080 #No Random Battles 8002FF6E 0000 ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy VI (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00900} ] :SLUS-00900 #Character 1 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E78 03E7 #Character 2 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7A 03E7 #Character 3 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7C 03E7 #Character 4 In battle\Infinite HP 80020E7E 03E7 #Save Anywhere E003220C 0000 3002FEB7 0080 #No Random Battles 8002FF6E 0000 ; [ Final Fantasy VII (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94163 / SCUS-94163 / SCUS-94163} ] :SCUS-94163 :SCUS-94163 :SCUS-94163 #In Battle Only\Infinite HP Slot 1:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F840C FFFF #In Battle Only\Infinite HP Slot 2:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F8474 FFFF #In Battle Only\Infinite HP Slot 3:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F84DC FFFF #In Battle Only\Infinite MP Slot 1:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F8408 03E7 #In Battle Only\Infinite MP Slot 2:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F8470 03E7 #In Battle Only\Infinite MP Slot 3:Turn Off When Out of Battle 800F84D8 03E7 #Save Anywhere 8009D2A6 0000 #Infinite Gil 8009D260 FFFF #No Random Battles (World Map) 8011627C 0000 #No Random Battle (Elsewhere) 8007173C 0000 #Turn Any Growing Chocobo Into A Gold Chocobo 8009BC4E 0400 #Chocobo in first stable is gold 3009D4B7 0004 #Every Chocobo You Ride Has Gold Abilities 300E5674 0004 D00A0038 17C8 800A0038 184C #Learn Enemy Specials 8009B5F8 FF2C 8009B5FA FFFF #Cloud\All Limit Attacks 8009C75A 0FFF #Cloud\Level Modifier 3009C739 0063 #Cloud\Max Strength 3009C73A 00FF #Cloud\Max Vitality 3009C73B 00FF #Cloud\Max Magic 3009C73C 00FF #Cloud\Max Spirit 3009C73D 00FF #Cloud\Max Dexterity 3009C73E 00FF #Cloud\Max Luck 3009C73F 00FF #Cloud\Infinite HP 8009C764 270F #Cloud\Max HP 8009C766 270F #Cloud\Infinite MP 8009C768 03E7 #Cloud\Max MP 8009C76A 03E7 #Cloud\Enable All Limits 8009AEF2 02DB #Cloud\Lucky 7777 Fever 8009D85C 1E61 8009D85E 1E61 #Cloud\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009AEDE FF01 #Tifa\All Limit Attacks 8009C862 0FFF #Tifa\Enable All Limits 8009AFFA 02DB #Tifa\Lucky 7777 Fever 8009DC9C 1E61 8009DC9E 1E61 #Tifa\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009AFE6 FF01 #Barret\All Limit Attacks 8009C7DE 0FFF #Barret\Enable All Limits 8009AF76 02DB #Barret\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009AF62 FF01 #Yuffie\All Limit Attacks 8009C9EE 0FFF #Yuffie\Enable All Limits 8009B186 02DB #Yuffie\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B172 FF01 #Red XII\All Limit Attacks 8009C96A 0FFF #Red XII\Enable All Limits 8009B102 02DB #Red XII\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B0EE FF01 #Aerith\All Limit Attacks 8009C8E6 0FFF #Aerith\Enable All Limits 8009B07E 02DB #Aerith\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B06A FF01 #Cid\All Limit Attacks 8009CB7A 0FFF #Cid\Enable All Limits 8009B312 02DB #Cid\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B2FE FF01 #Vincent\All Limit Attacks 8009CAF6 0FFF #Vincent\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B27A FF01 #Cait Sith\All Limit Attacks 8009CA72 0FFF #Cait Sith\Enable All Limits 8009B20A 02DB #Cait Sith\When Starting A Battle, Limit Bar is Full 8009B1F6 FF01 ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (USA) (1999) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00892, SLUS-00892GH / SLUS-00908, SLUS-00908GH / SLUS-00909, SLUS-00909GH / SLUS-00910, SLUS-00910GH} ] :SLUS-00892 :SLUS-00892GH :SLUS-00908 :SLUS-00908GH :SLUS-00909 :SLUS-00909GH :SLUS-00910 :SLUS-00910GH #Save Anywhere 80070652 0100 #Max Gil 80077E84 967F 80077E86 0098 #No Random Battles 80078DF8 000C #In-Battle 1st Position Infinite Health 80078892 270F #In-Battle 2nd Position Infinite Health 80078A62 270F #In-Battle 3rd Position Infinite Health 80078C32 270F #In-Battle Infinite Magic (All Characters) 800AF486 2400 #In-Battle 1st Position Infinite Health Gf 80078738 270F #In-Battle 2nd Position Infinite Health Gf 80078908 270F #In-Battle 3rd Position Infinite Health Gf 80078AD8 270F #Guardian Forces\Alexander\Unlock It 30077681 0001 #Guardian Forces\Alexander\Infinite HP 80078DB0 270F #Guardian Forces\Alexander\Max HP 80078DB2 270F #Guardian Forces\Alexander\Max Exp 80078DB4 E0FF 80078DB6 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Alexander\Level 99 80078DB8 0063 #Guardian Forces\Bahamut\Unlock It 30077709 0001 #Guardian Forces\Bahamut\Infinite HP 80078DC8 270F #Guardian Forces\Bahamut\Max HP 80078DCA 270F #Guardian Forces\Bahamut\Max Exp 80078DCC E0FF 80078DCE 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Bahamut\Level 99 80078DD0 0063 #Guardian Forces\Brothers\Unlock It 300774E9 0001 #Guardian Forces\Brothers\Infinite HP 80078D68 270F #Guardian Forces\Brothers\Max HP 80078D6A 270F #Guardian Forces\Brothers\Max Exp 80078D6C E0FF 80078D6E 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Brothers\Level 99 80078D70 0063 #Guardian Forces\Cactuar\Unlock It 3007774D 0001 #Guardian Forces\Cactuar\Infinite HP 80078DD4 270F #Guardian Forces\Cactuar\Max HP 80078DD6 270F #Guardian Forces\Cactuar\Max Exp 80078DD8 E0FF 80078DDA 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Cactuar\Level 99 80078DDC 0063 #Guardian Forces\Carbuncle\Unlock It 30077571 0001 #Guardian Forces\Carbuncle\Infinite HP 80078D80 270F #Guardian Forces\Carbuncle\Max HP 80078D82 270F #Guardian Forces\Carbuncle\Max Exp 80078D84 E0FF 80078D86 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Carbuncle\Level 99 80078D88 0063 #Guardian Forces\Cerberus\Unlock It 3007763D 0001 #Guardian Forces\Cerberus\Infinite HP 80078DA4 270F #Guardian Forces\Cerberus\Max HP 80078DA6 270F #Guardian Forces\Cerberus\Max Exp 80078DA8 E0FF 80078DAA 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Cerberus\Level 99 80078DAC 0063 #Guardian Forces\Diablos\Unlock It 3007752D 0001 #Guardian Forces\Diablos\Infinite HP 80078D74 270F #Guardian Forces\Diablos\Max HP 80078D76 270F #Guardian Forces\Diablos\Max Exp 80078D78 E0FF 80078D7A 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Diablos\Level 99 80078D7C 0063 #Guardian Forces\Doomtrain\Unlock It 300776C5 0001 #Guardian Forces\Doomtrain\Infinite HP 80078DBC 270F #Guardian Forces\Doomtrain\Max HP 80078DBE 270F #Guardian Forces\Doomtrain\Max Exp 80078DC0 E0FF 80078DC2 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Doomtrain\Level 99 80078DC4 0063 #Guardian Forces\Eden\Unlock It 300777D5 0001 #Guardian Forces\Eden\Infinite HP 80078DEC 270F #Guardian Forces\Eden\Max HP 80078DEE 270F #Guardian Forces\Eden\Max Exp 80078DF0 E0FF 80078DF2 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Eden\Level 99 80078DF4 0063 #Guardian Forces\Ifrit\Unlock It 30077461 0001 #Guardian Forces\Ifrit\Infinite HP 80078D50 270F #Guardian Forces\Ifrit\Max HP 80078D52 270F #Guardian Forces\Ifrit\Mgx Exp 80078D54 E0FF 80078D56 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Ifrit\Level 99 80078D58 0063 #Guardian Forces\Leviathan\Unlock It 300775B5 0001 #Guardian Forces\Leviathan\Infinite HP 80078D8C 270F #Guardian Forces\Leviathan\Max HP 80078D8E 270F #Guardian Forces\Leviathan\Max Exp 80078D90 E0FF 80078D92 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Leviathan\Level 99 80078D94 0063 #Guardian Forces\Pandemona\Unlock It 300775F9 0001 #Guardian Forces\Pandemona\Infinite HP 80078D98 270F #Guardian Forces\Pandemona\Max HP 80078D9A 270F #Guardian Forces\Pandemona\Max Exp 80078D9C E0FF 80078D9E 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Pandemona\Level 99 80078DA0 0063 #Guardian Forces\Quezacotl\Unlock It 300773D9 0001 #Guardian Forces\Quezacotl\Infinite HP 80078D38 270F #Guardian Forces\Quezacotl\Max HP 80078D3A 270F #Guardian Forces\Quezacotl\Max Exp 80078D3C E0FF 80078D3E 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Quezacotl\Level 99 80078D40 0063 #Guardian Forces\Shiva\Unlock It 3007741D 0001 #Guardian Forces\Shiva\Infinite HP 80078D44 270F #Guardian Forces\Shiva\Max HP 80078D46 270F #Guardian Forces\Shiva\Max Exp 80078D48 E0FF 80078D4A 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Shiva\Level 99 80078D4C 0063 #Guardian Forces\Siren\Unlock It 300774A5 0001 #Guardian Forces\Siren\Infinite HP 80078D5C 270F #Guardian Forces\Siren\Max HP 80078D5E 270F #Guardian Forces\Siren\Max Exp 80078D60 E0FF 80078D62 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Siren\Level 99 80078D64 0063 #Guardian Forces\Tonberry\Unlock It 30077791 0001 #Guardian Forces\Tonberry\Infinite HP 80078DE0 270F #Guardian Forces\Tonberry\Max HP 80078DE2 270F #Guardian Forces\Tonberry\Max Exp 80078DE4 E0FF 80078DE6 05F5 #Guardian Forces\Tonberry\Level 99 80078DE8 0063 #All Level 1-7 Cards 300786A0 FFFF 300786A1 FFFF 300786A2 FFFF 300786A3 FFFF 300786A4 FFFF 30078658 FFFF 30078659 FFFF 3007865A FFFF 3007865B FFFF 3007865C FFFF 3007865D FFFF 3007865E FFFF 3007865F FFFF 30078660 FFFF 30078661 FFFF 30078662 FFFF 30078663 FFFF 30078664 FFFF 30078665 FFFF 30078666 FFFF 30078667 FFFF 30078668 FFFF 30078669 FFFF 3007866A FFFF 3007866B FFFF 3007866C FFFF 3007866D FFFF 3007866E FFFF 3007866F FFFF 30078670 FFFF 30078671 FFFF 30078672 FFFF 30078673 FFFF 30078674 FFFF 30078675 FFFF 30078676 FFFF 30078677 FFFF 30078678 FFFF 30078679 FFFF 3007867A FFFF 3007867B FFFF 3007867C FFFF 3007867D FFFF 3007867E FFFF 3007867F FFFF 30078680 FFFF 30078681 FFFF 30078682 FFFF 30078683 FFFF 30078684 FFFF 30078685 FFFF 30078686 FFFF 30078687 FFFF 30078688 FFFF 30078689 FFFF 3007868A FFFF 3007868B FFFF 3007868C FFFF 3007868D FFFF 3007868E FFFF 3007868F FFFF 30078690 FFFF 30078691 FFFF 30078692 FFFF 30078693 FFFF 30078694 FFFF 30078695 FFFF 30078696 FFFF 30078697 FFFF 30078698 FFFF 30078699 FFFF 3007869A FFFF 3007869B FFFF 3007869C FFFF 3007869D FFFF 3007869E FFFF 3007869F FFFF #All Level 8-10 Cards 800786C6 FFFF 800786C8 FFFF 300786CA 0001 300786A5 00F0 800786A6 F0F0 800786A8 F0F0 800786AA F0F0 800786AC F0F0 800786AE F0F0 800786B0 F0F0 800786B2 F0F0 800786B4 F0F0 800786B6 F0F0 800786B8 F0F0 800786BA F0F0 800786BC F0F0 800786BE F0F0 800786C0 F0F0 800786C2 F0F0 800786C4 F0F0 ; [ Final Fantasy IX (USA, v1.1) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01251GH / SLUS-01295GH / SLUS-01296GH / SLUS-01297GH} ] :SLUS-01251 :SLUS-01295 :SLUS-01296 :SLUS-01297 :SLUS-01251GH :SLUS-01295GH :SLUS-01296GH :SLUS-01297GH #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 80108F38 4000 80108F74 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 80108F36 20EC 80108F38 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80108F24 270F 80098668 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80108F26 270F 8009866E 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 80109008 4000 80109044 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 80109006 20EC 80109008 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80108FF4 270F 80098B10 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80108FF6 270F 80098B16 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Ats Meter Always Full D01044B8 0100 80108FF8 1400 #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 801090D8 4000 80109114 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 801090D6 20EC 801090D8 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 801090C4 270F 80098FB8 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 801090C6 270F 80098FBE 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Ats Meter Always Full D01044B8 0100 801090C8 1540 #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 801091A8 4000 801091E4 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 801091A6 20EC 801091A8 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80109194 270F 80099460 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80109196 270F 80099466 270F 00000000 FFFF #Other\Save Anywhere:This cheat may cause problems when trying to access the memory card, deactivate it when you see the Slot 1/Slot 2 option while saving or loading. Also, don't use it on the world map C0036490 E510 8003648C 3E00 8003648E 0C00 00000000 FFFF C0036094 F809 8003607C 3E06 8003607E 0C00 80036160 3E06 80036162 0C00 80036230 3E0D 80036232 0C00 00000000 FFFF C00CB618 2D95 800CB614 0007 800CB640 0007 00000000 FFFF C00C832C B188 800C8304 0007 800C8330 0007 00000000 FFFF D0035F2C 2821 80035F34 0009 D006E530 93D4 8006E50E 0084 D0036380 D8EC 8003637C 0084 8000F800 0007 8000F802 9202 8000F804 0008 8000F806 2405 8000F808 0002 8000F80A 14A2 8000F80C 0039 8000F80E 2405 8000F810 000C 8000F812 27FF 8000F814 0008 8000F816 03E0 8000F818 0008 8000F81A 2401 8000F81C 0002 8000F81E 9202 8000F820 8006 8000F822 3C04 8000F824 FFFB 8000F826 1422 8000F828 0000 8000F82A 0000 8000F82C 0008 8000F82E 03E0 8000F830 C984 8000F832 3483 8000F834 001C 8000F836 8E03 8000F838 FFFC 8000F83A 27FF 8000F83C 0000 8000F83E 2622 8000F840 FFF7 8000F842 1000 8000F844 0008 8000F846 2401 ; [ Final Fantasy IX (USA, v1.0) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01251, SLUS-01251GH / SLUS-01295, SLUS-01295GH / SLUS-01296, SLUS-01296GH / SLUS-01297, SLUS-01297GH} ] :SLUS-01251 :SLUS-01251GH :SLUS-01295 :SLUS-01295GH :SLUS-01296 :SLUS-01296GH :SLUS-01297 :SLUS-01297GH #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 80108F38 4000 80108F74 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 80108F36 20EC 80108F38 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80108F24 270F 80098668 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80108F26 270F 8009866E 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 80109008 4000 80109044 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 80109006 20EC 80109008 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80108FF4 270F 80098B10 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80108FF6 270F 80098B16 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Ats Meter Always Full D01044B8 0100 80108FF8 1400 #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 801090D8 4000 80109114 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 801090D6 20EC 801090D8 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 801090C4 270F 80098FB8 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 801090C6 270F 80098FBE 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Ats Meter Always Full D01044B8 0100 801090C8 1540 #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Always In Trance Mode C01044B8 0100 801091A8 4000 801091E4 21FF 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Super Status C01044B8 0100 801091A6 20EC 801091A8 4000 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite HP C01044B8 0100 80109194 270F 80099460 270F 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite MP C01044B8 0100 80109196 270F 80099466 270F 00000000 FFFF #Other\Save Anywhere:This cheat may cause problems when trying to access the memory card, deactivate it when you see the Slot 1/Slot 2 option while saving or loading. Also, don't use it on the world map C0036490 E510 8003648C 3E00 8003648E 0C00 00000000 FFFF C0036094 F809 8003607C 3E06 8003607E 0C00 80036160 3E06 80036162 0C00 80036230 3E0D 80036232 0C00 00000000 FFFF C00CB618 2D95 800CB614 0007 800CB640 0007 00000000 FFFF C00C832C B188 800C8304 0007 800C8330 0007 00000000 FFFF D0035F2C 2821 80035F34 0009 D006E530 93D4 8006E50E 0084 D0036380 D8EC 8003637C 0084 8000F800 0007 8000F802 9202 8000F804 0008 8000F806 2405 8000F808 0002 8000F80A 14A2 8000F80C 0039 8000F80E 2405 8000F810 000C 8000F812 27FF 8000F814 0008 8000F816 03E0 8000F818 0008 8000F81A 2401 8000F81C 0002 8000F81E 9202 8000F820 8006 8000F822 3C04 8000F824 FFFB 8000F826 1422 8000F828 0000 8000F82A 0000 8000F82C 0008 8000F82E 03E0 8000F830 C984 8000F832 3483 8000F834 001C 8000F836 8E03 8000F838 FFFC 8000F83A 27FF 8000F83C 0000 8000F83E 2622 8000F840 FFF7 8000F842 1000 8000F844 0008 8000F846 2401 ; [ Final Fantasy Tactics (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94221} ] :SCUS-94221 #Ff Tactics Infinite HP Character 1 801924F4 03E7 801924F6 03E7 #Ff Tactics Infinite HP Character 2 801926B4 03E7 801926B6 03E7 #Ff Tactics Infinite HP Character 3 80192874 03E7 80192876 03E7 #Ff Tactics Infinite HP Character 4 80192A34 03E7 80192A36 03E7 #Ff Tactics Infinite HP Character 5 80192BF4 03E7 80192BF6 03E7 #65535 Gil 800577CC FFFF #Infinite Gil 800577CE 0FFF #Infinite Move And Attack (In Battle) 1st Position 30192653 0000 30192654 0000 #All Places Visited 80057958 FFFF 8005795A FFFF 8005795C FFFF 8005795E FFFF #Have All Items 800597D0 6363 800597D2 6363 800597D4 6363 800597D6 6363 800597D8 6363 800597DA 6363 800597DC 6363 8005975A 6363 8005975C 6363 8005975E 6363 #Have All Records 80057942 FFFF 80057944 FFFF 80057946 FFFF 80057948 FFFF 8005794A FFFF #Have Cloud 80058874 0932 80058876 0032 8005888A 0F0F 8005889E FFFF 80058932 2F0C 80058934 3832 80058936 FF27 #Open Map 8005794C FFFF 8005794E FFFF 80057950 FFFF 80057952 FFFF 80057954 FFFF 80057956 FFFF ; [ Fighting Force (USA, v1.2) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00433} ] :SLUS-00433 #Lot Of Special Attacks D0093A16 FFFF 80024F3C 0000 80024F3E 0000 #P1 Infinite Health 800B435A 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B444E 017C #Infinite Credits 80093D50 0009 #Infinite Missile (Stage1) 8009A56A 0009 #1 Hit Death All Enemies 800B4542 0001 800B4636 0001 800B472A 0001 800B481E 0001 800B4912 0001 #Cheat Mode 80093D63 0002 #Stage Skip and More X+L1 When In Game D0093A10 4400 800B4318 CC6C ; [ Fighting Force 2 (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00934} ] :SLUS-00934 #Infinite Health 80117244 03FC #Infinite Credits 800CDC40 FFFF #Have Door Cards 800CE284 0101 800CE286 0101 #360 Degree Head Turn 800D0A7E 8016 #Level Steel Mill 800CBBBC 0001 #Level Research Lab 800CBBBC 0006 #Level Tank Factory 800CBBBC 000A #Level Polar Research Base 800CBBBC 000F #Level Jungle Temple 800CBBBC 0012 #Level Chemical Plant 800CBBBC 0016 #Level Prison Island 800CBBBC 001A #Level Undersea Base 800CBBBC 001F #Level Skyscraper HQ 800CBBBC 0023 #Level Credits 800CBBBC 0028 ; [ Fighting Force (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00433} ] :SLUS-00433 #Lot Of Special Attacks D0093A16 FFFF 80024F3C 0000 80024F3E 0000 #P1 Infinite Health 800B435A 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B444E 017C #Infinite Credits 80093D50 0009 #Infinite Missile (Stage1) 8009A56A 0009 #1 Hit Death All Enemies 800B4542 0001 800B4636 0001 800B472A 0001 800B481E 0001 800B4912 0001 #Cheat Mode 80093D63 0002 #Stage Skip and More X+L1 When In Game D0093A10 4400 800B4318 CC6C ; [ Fighting Force (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00433} ] :SLUS-00433 #Lot Of Special Attacks D0093A16 FFFF 80024F3C 0000 80024F3E 0000 #P1 Infinite Health 800B435A 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B444E 017C #Infinite Credits 80093D50 0009 #Infinite Missile (Stage1) 8009A56A 0009 #1 Hit Death All Enemies 800B4542 0001 800B4636 0001 800B472A 0001 800B481E 0001 800B4912 0001 #Cheat Mode 80093D63 0002 #Stage Skip and More X+L1 When In Game D0093A10 4400 800B4318 CC6C ; [ Final Fantasy Origins (USA, v1.1) (2003) (Square Enix U.S.A.) {SLUS-01541, SLUS-01541GH} ] :SLUS-01541 :SLUS-01541GH #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite Health Character 1 800BDE64 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 1 800BDE66 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 2 800BDEB4 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 2 800BDEB6 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 3 800BDF04 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 3 800BDF06 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 4 800BDF54 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 4 800BDF56 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 1 801F6ACA 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 2 801F6C96 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 3 801F6E62 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 4 801F702E 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Max Gil 800BE070 423F 800BE072 000F #FINAL FANTASY I No Random Battles D00B8A24 005A 800B8A26 1000 #FINAL FANTASY II Infinite Gil 800AF7C4 FFFF #FINAL FANTASY II P1 Infinite Health 801F6ACA 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P2 Infinite Health 801F6C96 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P3 Infinite Health 801F6E62 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P1 Infinite MP 801F6ACC 0063 #FINAL FANTASY II P2 Infinite MP 801F6C98 0063 #FINAL FANTASY II P3 Infinite MP 801F6E64 0063 ; [ Final Fantasy Origins (USA, v1.0) (2003) (Square Enix U.S.A.) {SLUS-01541} ] :SLUS-01541 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite Health Character 1 800BDE64 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 1 800BDE66 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 2 800BDEB4 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 2 800BDEB6 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 3 800BDF04 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 3 800BDF06 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP Character 4 800BDF54 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Max HP Character 4 800BDF56 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 1 801F6ACA 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 2 801F6C96 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 3 801F6E62 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Infinite HP in Battle Character 4 801F702E 270F #FINAL FANTASY I Max Gil 800BE070 423F 800BE072 000F #FINAL FANTASY I No Random Battles D00B8A24 005A 800B8A26 1000 #FINAL FANTASY II Infinite Gil 800AF7C4 FFFF #FINAL FANTASY II P1 Infinite Health 801F6ACA 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P2 Infinite Health 801F6C96 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P3 Infinite Health 801F6E62 03E7 #FINAL FANTASY II P1 Infinite MP 801F6ACC 0063 #FINAL FANTASY II P2 Infinite MP 801F6C98 0063 #FINAL FANTASY II P3 Infinite MP 801F6E64 0063 ; [ FIFA 2000 - Major League Soccer (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00994} ] ;:SLUS-00994 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01262} ] ;:SLUS-01262 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA Soccer 2002 (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01408} ] :SLUS-01408 "Away Team Score 9 8003A59C 0009 "Away Team Score 0 8003A59C 0000 "Home Team Score 9 8003A598 0009 "Home Team Score 0 8003A598 0000 ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01449} ] ;:SLUS-01449 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA Soccer 2003 (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01504} ] ;:SLUS-01504 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA Soccer 2004 (USA) (2003) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01578} ] ;:SLUS-01578 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA Soccer 2005 (USA) (2004) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01585} ] ;:SLUS-01585 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ FIFA Soccer 96 (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00038} ] :SLUS-00038 #P2 Goals Always 0 80016CD4 0000 #P1 Goals Always 1 80016CD2 000A #Infinite Time 80016CC0 0000 ; [ FIFA Soccer 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00269} ] :SLUS-00269 #Infinite Time 800DE5DC 0000 800DF6FC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800125CC 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800125CC 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800125C8 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800125C8 0000 #Always In 1st Period 800DF73C 0001 800DF740 0001 #Start In 2nd Period D00DF73C 0001 800DF73C 0002 800DF740 0002 #Start In 3rd Period D00DF73C 0001 800DF73C 0003 800DF740 0003 ; [ FIFA - Road to World Cup 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00520} ] :SLUS-00520 #Select Away Team Score\9 8004F7BC 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 8004F7BC 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 8004F7B8 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8004F7B8 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 800B1940 0000 800B1942 0000 #P1 Can't Lose (Press Select) C012DD22 0001 8004F7B8 0063 8004F7BC 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ FIFA 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00782} ] :SLUS-00782 #Select Away Team Score\9 80034D44 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80034D44 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 80034D40 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 80034D40 0000 ; [ Fighter Maker (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00641} ] :SLUS-00641 #P1 Infinite Energy 301E1041 00C8 #P1 75% Energy D01E1040 0000 301E1041 0096 #P1 50% Energy D01E1040 0000 301E1041 0064 #P1 25% Energy D01E1040 0000 301E1041 0032 #P1 1-Hit Death D01E1040 0000 301E1041 0001 #P1 No Energy 301E1045 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy D01E1044 0000 301E1045 00C8 #P2 75% Energy D01E1044 0000 301E1045 0096 #P2 50% Energy D01E1044 0000 301E1045 0064 #P2 25% Energy D01E1044 0000 301E1045 0032 #P2 1-Hit Death D01E1044 0000 301E1045 0001 #P2 No Energy 301E1045 0000 #P1 Never Wins 301E0BA0 0000 #P2 Never Wins 301E0BA1 0000 #P1 Has 1 Win Advantage E01E0BA0 0000 301E0BA0 0001 #P2 Has 1 Win Advantage E01E0BA1 0000 301E0BA1 0001 ; [ The Final Round (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00064} ] :SLUS-00064 #Only One Shot Recorded D00982F4 0024 801FFE44 0001 ; [ Final Doom (USA) (1996) (Williams Entertainment) {SLUS-00331} ] :SLUS-00331 #Infinite Health 800AB330 0064 800AB33C 0001 80127C58 0064 #Infinite Armor 800AB334 0064 #Infinite Bullets 800AB3A4 0063 #Infinite Shotgun Shells 800AB3A8 0063 #Infinite Plasma 800AB3AC 0063 #Infinite Rockets 800AB3B0 0063 #Have Shotgun 800AB388 0001 #Have Double Barrel-Shotgun 800AB38C 0001 #Have Chain Gun 800AB390 0001 #Have Rocket Launcher 800AB394 0001 #Have Plasma Rifle 800AB398 0001 #Have B.F.G. 9000 800AB39C 0001 #Have Chainsaw 800AB3A0 0001 #Always Have Red Key 800AB354 0001 #Always Have Blue Key 800AB358 0001 #Always Have Yellow Key 800AB35C 0001 #Mega Rapid Fire 800AB3F8 0001 #Always Have Map 800AB34C 0001 #Select Starting Level\01 Attack D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0000 #Select Starting Level\02 Virgil D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0001 #Select Starting Level\03 Canyon D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0002 #Select Starting Level\04 Combine D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0003 #Select Starting Level\05 Catwalk D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0004 #Select Starting Level\06 Fistula D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0005 #Select Starting Level\07 Geryon D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0006 #Select Starting Level\08 Minos D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0007 #Select Starting Level\09 Nessus D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0008 #Select Starting Level\10 Paradox D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0009 #Select Starting Level\11 Subspace D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000A #Select Starting Level\12 Subterra D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000B #Select Starting Level\13 Vesperas D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000C #Select Starting Level\14 System Control D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000D #Select Starting Level\15 Human Barbecue D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000E #Select Starting Level\16 Wormhole D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 000F #Select Starting Level\17 Crater D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0010 #Select Starting Level\18 Nukage Proccesing D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0011 #Select Starting Level\19 Deepest Reaches D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0012 #Select Starting Level\20 Processing Area D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0013 #Select Starting Level\21 Lunar Mining Project D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0014 #Select Starting Level\22 Quarry D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0015 #Select Starting Level\23 Ballistyx D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0016 #Select Starting Level\24 Heck D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0017 #Select Starting Level\25 Congo D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0018 #Select Starting Level\26 Aztec D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 0019 #Select Starting Level\27 Ghost Town D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 001A #Select Starting Level\28 Baron's Lair D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 001B #Select Starting Level\29 The Death Domain D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 001C #Select Starting Level\30 Onslaught D007AB68 0001 8007AB68 001D ; [ Floating Runner - Quest for the 7 Crystals (USA) (1996) (THQ) {SLUS-00231} ] :SLUS-00231 #Infinite Gems 80146B44 03E7 #Infinite Time 80146C10 FFFF #Infinite Energy 80158564 0008 ; [ Formula One 2000 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SLUS-01134} ] :SLUS-01134 #Have 160 points in Grand Prix mode M. Schumacher 80019E2E 00A0 ; [ Formula One 99 (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00870} ] ;:SLUS-00870 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ford Racing (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01301} ] :SLUS-01301 #Start On Lap 2 - Press x + Up Until Crossing The Starting Line D00E4A1E BFEF 80081338 0001 #Unlocked All Tracks - Arcade Mode 80017012 6600 #Unlocked All Cars - Arcade Mode 80017014 0009 #Max Cash 800170BE 00FF #999 Pts 800170E8 03E7 #Always Place 1st 80081594 0000 ; [ Ford Truck Mania (USA) (2003) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01540} ] :SLUS-01540 #Always 0:00 Time 8005F5FC 0000 #Always 1st Place 800710EC 0001 #Always On Lap 4 8005F5F2 0104 #Infinite Space In Track Editor 800D5010 03E8 ; [ Forsaken (USA) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00458} ] :SLUS-00458 #Have Cheat Menu 800CCA3C 011F #Infinite Pulsar 8008628C 8000 #Infinite Mug 800862D6 0507 #Infinite Mfrl And Graviton 800862DC 2A01 #Infinite Purge 800862DE 0009 #Infinite Solaris Missiles 800862D8 0009 #Infinite Shields 80086284 1000 #Infinite Hull 80086286 1000 #Infinite Titan + Scatter Missiles 800862DA 0507 #Infinite Quantum + Pine Mines 800862E0 0507 #Infinite Suss Gun Energy 80086290 8000 #Infinite Transpulsar, Beam Laser + Trojax Energy 8008628C 8000 #Infinite Pyrolite Rifle Energy 8008628E 8000 #Infinite Lives 800CCA40 0005 #Have Max Power Pods 800862B0 0003 #Have Choas Shield 800862A0 05B1 #Have Infinite Nitro 80086294 0800 #Have Golden Powerpod 800862B8 04AB #Have Stealth Mantle 80086288 0696 #Primary Weapon Suss Gun 800862A4 0500 #Select Starting Stage\1 Volcano 300CCA3E 0000 #Select Starting Stage\2 Abandoned Subway 300CCA3E 0001 #Select Starting Stage\3 Nuclear Power Facility 300CCA3E 0002 #Select Starting Stage\4 Thermal Power Station 300CCA3E 0003 #Select Starting Stage\5 Federal Bank Vault 300CCA3E 0004 #Select Starting Stage\6 Prison Ship 300CCA3E 0005 #Select Starting Stage\7 Asteroid Base 300CCA3E 0006 #Select Starting Stage\8 Biosphere 300CCA3E 0007 #Select Starting Stage\9 Sub Terran Decontamination Unit 300CCA3E 0008 #Select Starting Stage\10 Capsized Ship 300CCA3E 0009 #Select Starting Stage\11 Orbital Space Station 300CCA3E 000A #Select Starting Stage\12 Military Research Base 300CCA3E 000B #Select Starting Stage\13 Temple of Tloloc 300CCA3E 000C #Select Starting Stage\14 Ancient Temple 300CCA3E 000D #Select Starting Stage\15 Death Match - Pandora's Box 300CCA3E 000E #Select Starting Stage\16 Death Match - Ship 300CCA3E 000F #Select Starting Stage\17 Death Match - Alpha 300CCA3E 0010 #Select Starting Stage\18 Death Match - Arena 300CCA3E 0011 #Select Starting Stage\19 Death Match - Nuke 300CCA3E 0012 ; [ FOX Sports Golf '99 (USA) (1998) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00636} ] ;:SLUS-00636 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Fox Hunt (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00101 / SLUS-00175 / SLUS-00176} ] :SLUS-00101 :SLUS-00175 :SLUS-00176 #Disc One\Always Have Vidbook 801EDA24 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Kitchen Knife 801EEE24 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Taco 801EE564 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Cia Card 801EF004 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Knife 801EF1E4 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Bullet 801EEC44 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Skis 801EC544 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Feather 801EE294 0001 #Disc One\Always Have Medal 801EEB54 0001 ; [ FOX Sports Soccer '99 (USA) (1998) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00635} ] ;:SLUS-00635 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Freestyle Boardin' '99 (USA) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00767} ] :SLUS-00767 #Maximum Trick Points 800B6924 FFFF #Infinite Attribute Points 800DE5E8 0009 #Time is 0:00:00 800B65C8 0000 #Never Miss Any Flags 800B65F8 0000 ; [ Freestyle Motocross - McGrath vs. Pastrana (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00122} ] ;:SLUS-00122 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Frogger (USA) (1997) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00506} ] :SLUS-00506 #Infinite Time D0012630 077C 800B3DF8 0000 D0012632 AF82 800B3DF8 0000 #Infinite Lives 800B6C50 0009 #Unlock Dark Dark Cavern 300A4BEC 0006 300A4C48 0004 300A4CA4 0004 #Unlock Looney Ballons 300A4D00 0006 300A4D5C 0004 300A4DB8 0004 300A4E14 0004 #Unlock Bang Bang Barrel 300A4E70 0006 300A4ECC 0004 300A4F28 0004 300A4F84 0004 300A4FE0 0004 #Unlock Cactus Point 300A503C 0006 300A5098 0004 300A50F4 0004 300A5150 0004 300A51AC 0004 #Unlock Tropical Trouble 300A5208 0006 #Invincibility 800B3690 FFFF 800B3692 FFFF #Doom Mode 800BD3D6 FF20 800BD3D8 FF20 #Have All Gold Frogs 800B3950 0FFF #Unlock All Stages 5000205C 0000 800A4688 0007 300A5208 0006 #Press L1 To Complete Stage E00BCAF7 0001 800B3AC0 001F ; [ Frogger 2 - Swampy's Revenge (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01172GH} ] :SLUS-01172 :SLUS-01172GH #Infinite Lives 800908EC 0063 #Unlock All Levels 8008384C 0009 #Press L2 To All Coins D00A16E6 FEFF 800908EA 0019 #Press L1 For Quick Level Win D00A16E6 FBFF 8007C530 0005 ; [ Front Mission 3 (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01011} ] :SLUS-01011 #Other\Misc.\Instantly Win The Target Mission (In Battle) (Press Select+L1+L2) D0124890 0105 801248D2 0001 #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite Pilot HP (All Allies) 801184F6 270F 8011866A 270F 801187DE 270F 80118952 270F 80118AC6 270F 80118C3A 270F 80118DAE 270F 80118F22 270F 80119096 270F 8011920A 270F 8011937E 270F 801194F2 270F 80119666 270F 801197DA 270F 8011994E 270F 80119AC2 270F 80119C36 270F #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite AP (All Allies) 3011850C 0063 30118680 0063 301187F4 0063 30118968 0063 30118ADC 0063 30118C50 0063 30118DC4 0063 30118F38 0063 301190AC 0063 30119220 0063 30119394 0063 30119508 0063 3011967C 0063 301197F0 0063 30119964 0063 30119AD8 0063 30119C4C 0063 #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Allies Can Always Move 3011851A 0000 3011868E 0000 30118802 0000 30118976 0000 30118AEA 0000 30118C5E 0000 30118DD2 0000 30118F46 0000 301190BA 0000 3011922E 0000 301193A2 0000 30119516 0000 3011968A 0000 301197FE 0000 30119972 0000 30119AE6 0000 30119C5A 0000 #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite Body HP (All Allies) 8011A016 270F 8011A282 270F 8011A4EE 270F 8011A75A 270F 8011A9C6 270F 8011AC32 270F 8011AE9E 270F 8011B10A 270F 8011B376 270F 8011B5E2 270F 8011B84E 270F 8011BABA 270F 8011BD26 270F 8011BF92 270F 8011C1FE 270F 8011C46A 270F 8011C6D6 270F #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite Leg HP (All Allies) 8011A046 270F 8011A2B2 270F 8011A51E 270F 8011A78A 270F 8011A9F6 270F 8011AC62 270F 8011AECE 270F 8011B13A 270F 8011B3A6 270F 8011B612 270F 8011B87E 270F 8011BAEA 270F 8011BD56 270F 8011BFC2 270F 8011C22E 270F 8011C49A 270F 8011C706 270F #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite L Arm HP (All Allies) 8011A076 270F 8011A2E2 270F 8011A54E 270F 8011A7BA 270F 8011AA26 270F 8011AC92 270F 8011AEFE 270F 8011B16A 270F 8011B3D6 270F 8011B642 270F 8011B8AE 270F 8011BB1A 270F 8011BD86 270F 8011BFF2 270F 8011C25E 270F 8011C4CA 270F 8011C736 270F #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Infinite R Arm HP (All Allies) 8011A0A6 270F 8011A312 270F 8011A57E 270F 8011A7EA 270F 8011AA56 270F 8011ACC2 270F 8011AF2E 270F 8011B19A 270F 8011B406 270F 8011B672 270F 8011B8DE 270F 8011BB4A 270F 8011BDB6 270F 8011C022 270F 8011C28E 270F 8011C4FA 270F 8011C766 270F #Other\All Characters + Enemies\Enemies About To Surrender 301E3D28 00FF 301E3E9C 00FF 301E4010 00FF 301E4184 00FF 301E42F8 00FF 301E446C 00FF 301E45E0 00FF 301E4754 00FF 301E48C8 00FF 301E4A3C 00FF 301E4BB0 00FF 301E4D24 00FF 301E4E98 00FF #Other\Misc.\Max Money 8011E958 967F 8011E95A 0098 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 8011920A 270F #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Max Pilot HP 8011920C 270F #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Max Ace Rank 8011920E 0190 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Infinite AP 30119220 0063 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Max AP 30119221 0063 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Can Always Move 3011922E 0000 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 801191E6 3390 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80119254 6565 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Never Stunned 30119245 0000 #Pilot\Alisa Takemura Pilot\Never Confused 30119246 0000 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80118952 270F #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80118954 270F #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80118956 0190 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Infinite AP 30118968 0063 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Max AP 30118969 0063 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Can Always Move 30118976 0000 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 8011892E 3390 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 8011899C 6565 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Never Stunned 3011898D 0000 #Pilot\Dennis Mcarth Pilot\Never Confused 3011898E 0000 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 8011866A 270F #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Max Pilot HP 8011866C 270F #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Max Ace Rank 8011866E 0190 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Infinite AP 30118680 0063 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Max AP 30118681 0063 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Can Always Move 3011868E 0000 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80118646 3390 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Never Stunned 301186A5 0000 #Pilot\Emma Klamsky Pilot\Never Confused 301186A6 0000 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 8011937E 270F #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80119380 270F #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80119382 0190 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Infinite AP 30119394 0063 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Max AP 30119395 0063 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Can Always Move 301193A2 0000 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 8011935A 3390 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 801193C8 6565 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Never Stunned 301193B9 0000 #Pilot\Hei Fong Liu Pilot\Never Confused 301193BA 0000 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80119AC2 270F #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80119AC4 270F #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80119AC6 0190 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Infinite AP 30119AD8 0063 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Max AP 30119AD9 0063 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Can Always Move 30119AE6 0000 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80119A9E 3390 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80119B0C 6565 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Never Stunned 30119AFD 0000 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Always Stunned 30119AFD 00FF #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Never Confused 30119AFE 0000 #Pilot\Isao Takemura Pilot\Always Confused 30119AFE 00FF #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80118C3A 270F #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80118C3C 270F #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80118C3E 0190 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Infinite AP 30118C50 0063 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Max AP 30118C51 0063 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Can Always Move 30118C5E 0000 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80118C16 3390 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118C84 6565 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Never Stunned 30118C75 0000 #Pilot\Jose Astrada Pilot\Never Confused 30118C76 0000 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 801184F6 270F #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Max Pilot HP 801184F8 270F #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Max Ace Rank 801184FA 0190 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Infinite AP 3011850C 0063 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Max AP 3011850D 0063 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Can Always Move 3011851A 0000 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 801184D2 3390 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118540 6565 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Never Stunned 30118531 0000 #Pilot\Kazuki Takemura Pilot\Never Confused 30118532 0000 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80118F22 270F #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80118F24 270F #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80118F26 0190 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Infinite AP 30118F38 0063 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Max AP 30118F39 0063 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Can Always Move 30118F46 0000 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80118EFE 3390 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118F6C 6565 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Never Stunned 30118F5D 0000 #Pilot\Linny Barilar Pilot\Never Confused 30118F5E 0000 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80119096 270F #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80119098 270F #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Max Ace Rank 8011909A 0190 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Infinite AP 301190AC 0063 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Max AP 301190AD 0063 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Can Always Move 301190BA 0000 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80119072 3390 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 801190E0 6565 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Never Stunned 301190D1 0000 #Pilot\Marcus Armstrong Pilot\Never Confused 301190D2 0000 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 8011994E 270F #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80119950 270F #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80119952 0190 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Infinite AP 30119964 0063 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Max AP 30119965 0063 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Can Always Move 30119972 0000 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 8011992A 3390 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80119998 6565 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Never Stunned 30119989 0000 #Pilot\Mayor Edward Pilot\Never Confused 3011998A 0000 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 801194F2 270F #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Max Pilot HP 801194F4 270F #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Max Ace Rank 801194F6 0190 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Infinite AP 30119508 0063 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Max AP 30119509 0063 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Can Always Move 30119516 0000 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 801194CE 3390 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 8011953C 6565 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Never Stunned 3011952D 0000 #Pilot\Mijo Shinjo Pilot\Never Confused 3011952E 0000 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80119666 270F #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80119668 270F #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Max Ace Rank 8011966A 0190 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Infinite AP 3011967C 0063 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Max AP 3011967D 0063 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Can Always Move 3011968A 0000 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80119642 3390 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 801196B0 6565 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Never Stunned 301196A1 0000 #Pilot\Pham Luis Pilot\Never Confused 301196A2 0000 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 801187DE 270F #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Max Pilot HP 801187E0 270F #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Max Ace Rank 801187E2 0190 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Infinite AP 301187F4 0063 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Max AP 301187F5 0063 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Can Always Move 30118802 0000 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 801187BA 3390 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118828 6565 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Never Stunned 30118819 0000 #Pilot\Ryogo Kusama Pilot\Never Confused 3011881A 0000 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80118DAE 270F #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80118DB0 270F #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80118DB2 0190 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Infinite AP 30118DC4 0063 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Max AP 30118DC5 0063 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Can Always Move 30118DD2 0000 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80118D8A 3390 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118DF8 6565 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Never Stunned 30118DE9 0000 #Pilot\Xiang Mei Lu Pilot\Never Confused 30118DEA 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 801197DA 270F #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Max Pilot HP 801197DC 270F #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Max Ace Rank 801197DE 0190 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Infinite AP 301197F0 0063 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Max AP 301197F1 0063 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Can Always Move 301197FE 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 801197B6 3390 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80119824 6565 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Never Stunned 30119815 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Never Confused 30119816 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Infinite Pilot HP 80118AC6 270F #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Max Pilot HP 80118AC8 270F #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Max Ace Rank 80118ACA 0190 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Infinite AP 30118ADC 0063 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Max AP 30118ADD 0063 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Can Always Move 30118AEA 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\All Skill Levels Max 50000D02 0000 80118AA2 3390 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Have 100 Of Every Battle Skill 50003002 0000 80118B10 6565 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Never Stunned 30118B01 0000 #Pilot\Xiao Hua Lan Pilot\Yun Lai Fa Pilot\Never Confused 30118B02 0000 ; [ Future Cop - L.A.P.D. (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00739} ] :SLUS-00739 #All Weapons 8009C0B2 0004 8009C0B6 0004 8009C0DA 0004 #Infinite Armor 80058270 2400 #Unlock All Zones 8009F882 0050 #Infinite Ammo 8006BC78 2400 ; [ Inspector Gadget - Gadget's Crazy Maze (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01267} ] :SLUS-01267 #Infinite Lives 801A3E14 0063 #Unlock All Levels 80064A24 FFFF ; [ Galaga - Destination Earth (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01258} ] :SLUS-01258 #Infinite Lives 8008C054 0063 #Infinite Shield 8008C07E 0008 #Always Have Smart Bomb 8008C0B0 0001 #Rapid Fire 800EBE98 0000 #Have all 22 escape pods 800E1BF2 0016 #Cheats Option Unlocked (main menu) 3008CC44 0001 ; [ Galerians (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-00986 / SLUS-01098 / SLUS-01099} ] :SLUS-00986 :SLUS-01098 :SLUS-01099 #Infinite HP 801C2F9C 00C8 #Always Empty AP 801AF96C 0000 #Infinite Nalcon Ppec Gauge 801AF978 00C8 #Infinite Red Ppec Gauge 801AF97C 00C8 #Infinite D-Felon Ppec Gauge 801AF980 00C8 #Psychic Power Level Maxed 301AF994 0003 #Have D-Felon Ability 801AF9AE FFFF #Overall Time Is 0:00:00 801AFDEC 0000 #Have Max Item Slots 801AFAFE 0028 #Have All Movies 801FD004 FFFF 801FD006 FFFF ; [ Gauntlet Legends (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00624} ] :SLUS-00624 #P1 Infinite Health 80096DBC 270F #P2 Infinite Health 80097638 270F #P1 Infinite Keys 80096DF8 0063 #Have Falconess 80096FF0 0000 #Have Jackal 80096FF8 0001 #Have Minotaur 80097000 0001 #Have Tigress 80097008 0001 ; [ Guardian's Crusade (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00811} ] :SLUS-00811 #Infinite + maximum HP 801CD79C 03E7 801CD7A0 03E7 #Pp Infinite 801CD79E 03E7 801CD7A2 03E7 #Have 99999 rubies 801B5518 869F 801B551A 0001 #Infinite + maximum HP Baby 801CD7C4 03E7 801CD7C8 03E7 #Have All Living Toys 801B551A FFFF 801B551C FFFF 801B551E FFFF 801B5520 FFFF 801B5522 FFFF 801B5524 FFFF #Have All Items 50000E02 0001 301B53F1 0004 #Have All Junk 50001E02 0001 301B5419 00B8 ; [ G. Darius (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00690} ] :SLUS-00690 #Infinite Credits 800ABD80 0003 #P1 Infinite Lives 800BA69E 0003 #P1 Invincibility 800BA6A2 00E2 #P2 Infinite Lives 800BADAA 0003 #P2 Invincibility 800BADAE 00E2 #Have All Movies (Movie Option) 800D5D18 001F ; [ Gekido - Urban Fighters (USA) (2000) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00970} ] :SLUS-00970 #Stop Timer D001DB90 6AE6 8001DB92 2400 #P1 Refill Energy (Press R1) D00AED32 F7FF 800BE146 0906 #P2 Refill Health (Press R1) D00B6C74 F7FF 800BE2E6 0906 #P3 Refill Health (Press R1) D00BEBB6 F7FF 800BE486 0906 #P4 Refill Health (Press R1) D00C6AF8 F7FF 800BE626 0906 #P1 Infinite Lives 800BE164 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 800BE304 0003 #Unlock All Arenas 800B717C FFFF #Unlock All Characters 800B7170 FFFF #Invincibility (All Characters) 801FEE34 0005 ; [ Gekioh - Shooting King (USA) (2002) (Natsume) {SLUS-01498} ] :SLUS-01498 #P1 Infinite Lives 80185520 0009 #P1 Infinite Bombs 8018550C 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 80185522 0009 #P2 Infinite Bombs 8018550E 0063 #Infinite Credits 801F6748 0009 #Infinite Lives In Bonus Mode 801849F8 0009 #P1 Invincibility 801CE85C 0001 ; [ Gex (USA) (1995) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00042} ] :SLUS-00042 #Infinite Lives 80097B2C 0064 #Invincibility 80097B1C 0003 #Infinite Gold Flies 80097AF8 0063 #Infinite Energy 80097B1C 0003 ; [ Gex - Enter the Gecko (USA) (1998) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00598} ] :SLUS-00598 #Infinite Lives 80095310 0009 #Infinite Health 80095314 0004 #Invincibility 800A039C 001D #Infinite Time 80140C88 1388 #Have All Collectables 80095318 0063 8009531C 0062 80095320 0062 #MEGA CHEAT! 800975DC 00FF ; [ Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00806} ] :SLUS-00806 #Infinite Health 80072E7E 2400 #Infinite Air 8007ADB6 2400 #99 Lives 800A8E10 0063 #Infinite Powerup Time 8008137E 2400 #Total 99 Flies 800A8E18 0063 #Total 99 Green Palms 800A8E1C 0063 #Total 99 Gold Coins 800A8E20 0063 #Total 99 Remotes 800A8E24 0063 #Have All Special Remotes 800AA5EC FFFF 800AA5EE FFFF #Have All Remotes\Totally Scrooged 300A8DF0 000F #Have All Remotes\Clueless In Seattle 300A8DF1 000F #Have All Remotes\Holy Moses! 300A8DF2 000F #Have All Remotes\War Is Heck 300A8DF3 000F #Have All Remotes\The Organ Trail 300A8DF4 000F #Have All Remotes\Cut Cheese Island 300A8DF5 000F #Have All Remotes\Unsolved Mythstories 300A8DF6 000F #Have All Remotes\Red Riding In The Hood 300A8DF7 000F #Have All Remotes\When Sushi Goes Bad 300A8DF8 000F #Have All Remotes\My Three Goons 300A8DF9 000F #Have All Remotes\Superzeroes 300A8DFA 000F #Have All Remotes\Mission Control 300A8E07 000A #Have All Remotes\Lake Flaccid 300A8E08 0002 #Have All Remotes\Slappy Valley 300A8E09 0002 #Have All Remotes\Funky Town 300A8E0A 0002 #Have All Gold Coins\Totally Scrooged 800A8E6C 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Clueless In Seattle 800A8E6E 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Holy Moses! 800A8E70 000E #Have All Gold Coins\War Is Heck 800A8E72 000E #Have All Gold Coins\The Organ Trail 800A8E74 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Cut Cheese Island 800A8E76 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Unsolved Mythstories 800A8E78 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Red Riding In The Hood 800A8E7A 000E #Have All Gold Coins\When Sushi Goes Bad 800A8E7C 000E #Have All Gold Coins\My Three Goons 800A8E7E 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Superzeroes 800A8E80 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Mission Control 800A8E9A 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Lake Flaccid 800A8E9C 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Slappy Valley 800A8E9E 000E #Have All Gold Coins\Funky Town 800A8EA0 000E #Clueless In Seattle\Infinite Health 800A8E14 0004 #Clueless In Seattle\Infinite Air 800B212E 03E7 #Clueless In Seattle\Infinite Bonus Time 801A417A 2400 #Gextreme Sports\Infinite Time 801207AC 0078 #Dial 'A' For Arson\Infinite Time 80129ED4 1532 #Dial 'A' For Arson\Have 50 Flies 800A8E18 0032 #Marsupial Madness\Infinite Time 80125804 0078 #Brave Heartless\Infinite Time 801605BC 1064 ; [ Geom Cube (USA) (1995) (American Technos) {SLUS-00024} ] :SLUS-00024 #Max Score 80096F38 FFFF #Puzzle Modifier = (0-63) 80096F50 0063 ; [ Guilty Gear (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00772} ] :SLUS-00772 #P1 Infinite HP 8007CB98 00BC #P2 Infinite HP 8007CB68 00BC #P2 Sudden death 8007CB68 0001 #Character Modifier P1 Potemkin 80139048 0000 #Character Modifier P1 Zato-1 80139048 0001 #Character Modifier P1 Sol-Badguy 80139048 0002 #Character Modifier P1 Ky Kiske 80139048 0003 #Character Modifier P1 Chipp Zanuee 80139048 0004 #Character Modifier P1 May 80139048 0005 #Character Modifier P1 Axl Low 80139048 0006 #Character Modifier P1 M 80139048 0007 #Character Modifier P1 Kliff Undersn 80139048 0008 #Character Modifier P1 Dr.Baldhead 80139048 0009 #Character Modifier P1 Testament 80139048 000A #Character Modifier P1 Justice 80139048 000B #Character Modifier P1 Baiken 80139048 000C ; [ Ghost in the Shell (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00552} ] :SLUS-00552 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 12 Infinite HP 8012BD50 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 11 Infinite HP 80122F84 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 10 Infinite HP 80125084 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 9 Freezer Timer 801249C8 0DF7 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 9 Infinite HP 801249D4 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 8 Infinite HP 801204A8 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 7 Infinite HP 80125D04 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 6 Freezer Timer 801276D8 0DF7 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 6 Infinite HP 801276E4 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 5 Infinite HP 8011FD4C 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 4 Freeze Timer 80122798 0DF7 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 4 Infinite HP 801227A4 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 3 Freeze Timer 80120C24 0DF7 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 3 Infinite HP 80120C30 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 2 Infinite HP 8011F390 00C8 #Ghost In The Shell Mis 1 Infinite HP 80120258 00C8 ; [ Glover (USA) (1999) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00890} ] :SLUS-00890 #Infinite Lives 300D1BDD 0001 #Infinite Health 800D1BDE 0303 #Infinite Health (Alternate) 8004B78A 2400 #Invincibility 800D1BE4 3900 #Enable All Cheats 8009564A 2400 #Have All Cards 300C29D0 0001 300C29F4 0001 ; [ Gallop Racer (USA) (1999) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00942} ] :SLUS-00942 #Infinite Jockey Points 801FA288 FFFF #Infinite Stamina 1S Position 800EAD76 00FF #Jockey Points Never Decrease D0134EB2 AC43 80134EB2 2400 #Infinite Stamina All Positions D00B5AE2 ACC4 800B5AE2 2400 ; [ Goal Storm (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00055} ] :SLUS-00055 #Select Team 1 Score\9 goals 30161730 0009 #Select Team 1 Score\0 goals 30161730 0009 #Select Team 2 Score\9 goals 30161731 0009 #Select Team 2 Score\0 goals 30161731 0000 ; [ Goal Storm '97 (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00295} ] :SLUS-00295 #P1 Score 9 goals 800A57DE 0009 #P1 Score 0 goals 800A57DE 0000 #P2 Score 9 goals 800A5802 0009 #P2 Score 0 goals 800A5802 0000 ; [ Disney's Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01242} ] :SLUS-01242 #Forest Edge Infinite Lives 800A7F18 0009 #Dangerous Cliffs Infinite Lives 8009F5F4 0009 #Hueys Track Infinite Lives 800A01F8 0009 #The Gorge Infinite Lives 800A029C 0009 #Bernadettes Peak Infinite Lives 8009AC40 0009 #First Avenue Infinite Lives 800A4A24 0009 #The Roofs Infinite Lives 800A3610 0009 #Deweys Rooftops Infinite Lives 800A093C 0009 #Urban High Rises Infinite Lives 800A18B0 0009 #Beagle Boys Tower Infinite Lives 80099504 0009 #Haunted Hall Infinite Lives 800A2A38 0009 #Earie Alley Infinite Lives 800A179C 0009 #Louies Creepy Corridor Infinite Lives 800A3158 0009 #Ghostly Path Infinite Lives 800A3590 0009 #Magicas Devilish Dome Infinite Lives 80098DB0 0009 #Temples Entrance Infinite Lives 800A2FA8 0009 #Artifact Way Infinite Lives 800A2388 0009 #The Nephews Murky Way Infinite Lives 800A1C20 0009 #Ancient Fate Infinite Lives 800A3AC0 0009 #Ceremonial Room Infinite Lives 800A1168 0009 ; [ The Game of Life (USA) (1998) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00769} ] :SLUS-00769 #Press R1 For Tons O' Cash D00B0088 0008 800A156A 0FFF #Have $268,379,000 800A156A 0FFF ; [ Peter Jacobsen's Golden Tee Golf (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01130} ] :SLUS-01130 #P1 Only One Shot Recorded 3008A05E 0000 #P2 Only One Shot Recorded 3008A0C6 0000 #P3 Only One Shot Recorded 3008A12E 0000 #P4 Only One Shot Recorded 3008A196 0000 ; [ Golden Nugget (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00319 / SLUS-00555} ] :SLUS-00319 :SLUS-00555 #Infinite Money D000857C 00FF 801E26A2 FFFF #Infinite Markers 801E26B8 0009 ; [ Disney's Goofy's Fun House (USA) (2001) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01209} ] :SLUS-01209 #All Cams 50001E02 0000 801F5C04 0505 #Have Bonus Movie 801F5C58 0001 #Always Right Answer Telephone Quiz 800CC458 0001 #Autowin - Worm Challenge 801EE570 000A #Only Catch one worm to win - Worm Challenge 801EE570 0009 #Worm Challenge\Infinite Time 801EF2CC 1800 #Car Race (Disable before entering gym)\Infinite Time 801EB780 0784 #Infinite Time Tug-o-war 801F46C8 FFFF ; [ Batman - Gotham City Racer (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01141} ] :SLUS-01141 #No Wall Damage D0044274 00F8 80044276 2400 #Infinite Turbo D00473D0 0190 800473D2 2400 #Stop Timer D0042ABC 00D0 80042ABE 2400 #Unlock All Levels:You have to enter a game then exit. Then all the levels will be unlocked 80066236 0033 ; [ G-Police (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00544 / SLUS-00556} ] :SLUS-00544 :SLUS-00556 #Infinite 6000 Epp 800F5CDA 0063 #Infinite 6000 Rockets 800F5CBA 0063 #Infinite Rockets 800F5CB8 0063 #Infinite Hyper Missiles 800F5CAC 0063 #Infinite Starburst Missiles 800F5CB4 0063 #Infinite Cluster Bombs 800F5CBC 0063 #Infinite Firestreak Missiles 800F5CB0 0063 #Infinite Lasers 800F5CD4 0063 #Infinite Plasma Beam 800F5CD2 0063 #Infinite Epp 800F5CD8 0063 #Infinite Drop Bombs 800F5CE2 0063 #Infinite Supplies 800F5CE4 0063 #Infinite Shield (Disc 1 Only):With this cheat, it at least the first two missions. Causes FMV glitches. Leave off until in the city. It does not work on disc 2. 801EEE4C 1389 #Invincibility 8008DBDC 0001 #All Weapons + Infinite Ammo 8008F1E0 0001 #Bonus Camera Angle 800921CC 0001 #Enable Sirens 80093038 0001 #Fast Traffic 800988C0 0001 #Open Secret Training Missions 80093990 003F #Level Modifier (0-23) 8008F178 0022 800936EC 0022 ; [ G-Police - Weapons of Justice (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00798} ] :SLUS-00798 #Unlock All Missions 800402A4 1F1F 300402A6 001F #All Database Features Opened 50002002 0000 8004025C FFFF #Infinite Health 83F72423 0007 #Infinite Ammo And Weapons 83F70E7F 0007 ; [ Grandia (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94457 / SCUS-94465} ] :SCUS-94457 :SCUS-94465 #Character 1 - Infinite HP 800C0980 03E7 #Character 1-Max HP 800C0982 03E7 #Character 2 - Infinite HP 800C0B6C 03E7 #Character 2 - Max HP 800C0B6E 03E7 #Character 3 - Infinite HP 800C0D58 03E7 #Character 3 - Max HP 800C0D5A 03E7 #Character 4 - Infinite HP 800C0F44 03E7 #Character 4 - Max HP 800C0F46 03E7 #Have All Magic (All Characters) 50003201 0000 3001066C 00FF 800106CE FFFF #Infinite Money 80010164 FFFF ; [ Grand Slam (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00127} ] :SLUS-00127 #Select Away Team Score\9 800F5C50 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800F5C50 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800F58F8 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800F58F8 0000 #Infinite Balls 300F6027 0000 #Infinite Outs 300F6029 0000 #Infinite Strikes 300F6028 0000 ; [ The Granstream Saga (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00597} ] :SLUS-00597 #Infinite GP 801C915C 869F 801C915E 0001 #Have Wind Orb 301C9100 0001 #Have Moon Stone 301C9101 0001 #Have Star Stone 301C9102 0001 #Have Tea Set 301C9103 0001 #Have Broken Sword 301C9104 0001 #Have Ocarina Book 301C9105 0001 #Have Amulet 301C9106 0001 #Have Magic Rock 301C9107 0001 #Have Wedding Ring 301C9108 0001 #Have Youth Troop Emblem 301C9109 0001 #Have Prison Key 301C910A 0001 #Have Ziruas's Potion 301C910B 0001 #Have Geinta's Stones 301C910C 0001 #Have Neutralizing Solution 301C910D 0001 #Have Acid Solution 301C910E 0001 #Have Gandor's Dagger 301C910F 0001 #Have Stone Tablet 301C9110 0001 #Have Fishing Equipment 301C9111 0001 #Have Gold Piece 301C9112 0001 #Have Silver Piece 301C9113 0001 #Have Bronze Piece 301C9114 0001 #Have Coral Necklace 301C9115 0001 #Have Level 1 Id Card 301C9116 0001 #Have Level 2 Id Card 301C9117 0001 #Have Sulfuric Acid 301C9118 0001 #Have Fake Treasure 301C9119 0001 #Have Card Of Wind God 301C911A 0001 #Have Card Of Water God 301C911B 0001 #Have Card Of Fire God 301C911C 0001 #Have Card Of Earth God 301C911D 0001 #Have Card Of Giant God 301C911E 0001 #Have Card Of Dragon God 301C911F 0001 #Have Soldier's Diary 301C9120 0001 #Have Key Card 301C9121 0001 #Have System Card 301C9122 0001 #Have Cell Key 301C9123 0001 #Have Piece Of Metal 301C9124 0001 #Have Silver Comb 301C9125 0001 #Have Decayed Crest 301C9126 0001 #Have Burnt Sword 301C912A 0001 #Have Gem 301C912C 0001 #Have Source Of Power 301C912D 0001 #Have 99 Elixirs 301C912E 0063 #Have 99 Anicent Mystery Stones 301C912F 0063 #Have 99 Dried Herbs 301C9130 0063 #Have 99 Fresh Herbs 301C9131 0063 #Have 99 Special Herbs 301C9132 0063 #Have 99 Low Potions 301C9133 0063 #Have 99 High Potions 301C9134 0063 #Have 99 Rare Potions 301C9135 0063 #Have 99 Life Elements 301C9136 0063 #Have 99 Miracle Fruits 301C9137 0063 #Have 99 Life Stones 301C9138 0063 #Have 99 Angel Feathers 301C9139 0063 #Have 99 Panther Eyes 301C913A 0063 #Have 99 Fruit Of Venatawas 301C913B 0063 #Have 99 White Crystals 301C913C 0063 #Have 99 Black Crystals 301C913D 0063 #Have All Weapons 801C9140 FFFF #Have All Shields 801C9144 FFFF #Have All Armor 801C9148 FFFF #Have All Magic 801C914C FFFF 801C914E FFFF 801C9150 FFFF #Have All Scepters 801C9154 FFFF 801C9156 FFFF #Infinite Health In Battle 800C0F04 001E ; [ Grid Runner (USA) (1996) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00323} ] :SLUS-00323 #P1 Easy Win 3009D4A2 000F E009D4A2 000F 3009D3DF 000E #First Person To A Flag Wins 3009D4A2 0001 #Infinite Bonus Level Time 800912B8 FFFF #Infinite Magic 8009D3D2 000F ; [ The Grinch (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01197} ] :SLUS-01197 #Infinite Health 800E03FC 0078 #Infinite Rotten Eggs 80010058 00C8 #Have All 3000 Presents 8001005A 0BB8 #All Missions Completed 800100BE FFFF 300100C5 000A 800100C6 0A0A 800100C8 0A0A 800100CA 0A0A 800100CC 0A0A 300100E5 000A 800100E6 050A 300100EE 000A 300100FE 000A #Unlock All Levels 800100AA 00FF #Have All Blueprints 800100F4 0404 800100F6 1009 800100F8 0909 800100FA 0010 #Stop Timer 8008F6CA 002B #Cheat - Level Select (all regular levels open),200 Eggs + All Gadgets 3001008C 0007 ; [ Grind Session (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94568} ] :SCUS-94568 #Max Score 800A3F38 E0FF 800A3F3A 05F5 #Da Banks (Nyc)\Have All Points 8009F618 2710 #Da Banks (Nyc)\Have All Pro Points 8009F658 4E20 #Da Banks (Nyc)\Have All Boom Boxes 3009F698 000A #Da Banks (Nyc)\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6D8 000A #S.F. Mission\Have All Points 8009F61C 2710 #S.F. Mission\Have All Pro Points 8009F65C 7530 #S.F. Mission\Have All Trash Cans 3009F69C 000A #S.F. Mission\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6DC 000A #Burnside\Have All Points 8009F620 2EE0 #Burnside\Have All Pro Points 8009F660 9C40 #Burnside\Have All Pigeons 3009F6A0 000A #Burnside\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6E0 000A #Slam City Jam\Highest Rank 8009F624 0001 #Slam City Jam\Have All Tech Lines 3009DD2C 000A #Atlanta\Have All Points 8009F628 4E20 #Atlanta\Have All Pro Points 8009F668 EA60 #Atlanta\Have All Roadblocks 3009F6A8 000A #Atlanta\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6E8 000A #Playstation Park London\Have All Points 8009F62C 7530 #Playstation Park London\Have All Pro Points 8009F66C 1170 8009F66E 0001 #Playstation Park London\Have All Bottles 3009F6AC 000A #Playstation Park London\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6EC 000A #Detroit\Have All Points 8009F630 9C40 #Detroit\Have All Pro Points 8009F670 3880 8009F672 0001 #Detroit\Have All Values 3009F6B0 000A #Detroit\Have All Tech Lines 3009F6F0 000A #Huntington\Highest Rank 8009F634 0001 #Huntington\Have All Tech Lines 3009DD2C 000A ; [ Grudge Warriors (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01150} ] :SLUS-01150 #Infinite Power + Ammo 8002CA9E 2400 #All Tokens Found 800B2DBC 0000 #All Generators Destroyed 800B2DC0 0000 #Max Total Tokens 800B2DC4 FFFF ; [ Gran Turismo (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94194} ] :SCUS-94194 #Always Place 1st (Arcade Mode) D00B6F18 0600 800B6F18 0100 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\A 300816D8 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\B 300816D9 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\C 300816DA 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\A 300816DC 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\B 300816DD 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\C 300816DE 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\A 300816E0 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\B 300816E1 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\C 300816E2 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\A 300816E4 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\B 300816E5 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\C 300816E6 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\A 300816E8 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\B 300816E9 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\C 300816EA 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\A 300816EC 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\B 300816ED 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\C 300816EE 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\A 300816F0 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\B 300816F1 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\C 300816F2 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\A 300816F4 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\B 300816F5 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\C 300816F6 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Simulation Mode\1 Billion Dollars 8009B864 CA00 8009B866 3B9A #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3B4 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3B5 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3B6 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3B7 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3B8 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3B9 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3BA 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3BB 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3BC 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3BD 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3BE 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3BF 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3C0 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3C1 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3C2 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3C3 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3C4 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3C5 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3C6 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3C7 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3C8 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3C9 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3CA 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3CB 0003 #Garage - Have 100 Cars Of Your Choice!\Set 1 - Do Not Change Must Be Used! 8007DA48 0064 8009B87A 0064 #P1 Press R3 For Nitrous Boost:R3 is the second Dual Analog Stick when you press down on it so it clicks C00BC1C6 0004 800B6F3E 0006 800B6F42 0006 00000000 FFFF #P2 Press R3 For Nitrous Boost:R3 is the second Dual Analog Stick when you press down on it so it clicks C00BC286 0004 800B7C72 0006 800B7C76 0006 00000000 FFFF #Cruise Control D00D6F18 0600 300B6F18 0001 D00B6F18 0100 300B6F18 0001 #Simulation Mode A license in garage 80058634 007C #Simulation Mode B license in garage 80058634 007D #Simulation Mode IA license in garage 80058634 007E #All Manufacturers Unlocked (Single Race + Time Trial)Greatest Hits D004E204 0006 3004E204 000A #Autumn Ring Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E294 0042 3004E294 0002 #Deep Forest Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2A0 0042 3004E2A0 0002 #Grand Valley Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2B8 0042 3004E2B8 0002 #Special Stage Route 5 Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2AC 0042 3004E2AC 0002 #Simulation Mode 1 Billion Dollars 8009B8F4 CA00 8009B8F6 3B9A #Drive through Background 800243A2 1000 ; [ Gran Turismo (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94194} ] :SCUS-94194 #Always Place 1st (Arcade Mode) D00B6F18 0600 800B6F18 0100 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\A 300816D8 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\B 300816D9 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\High Speed Ring\C 300816DA 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\A 300816DC 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\B 300816DD 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Trial Mountain\C 300816DE 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\A 300816E0 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\B 300816E1 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley\C 300816E2 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\A 300816E4 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\B 300816E5 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Clubman Stage 5\C 300816E6 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\A 300816E8 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\B 300816E9 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Autumn Ring\C 300816EA 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\A 300816EC 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\B 300816ED 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Deep Forest\C 300816EE 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\A 300816F0 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\B 300816F1 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Ss R5\C 300816F2 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\A 300816F4 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\B 300816F5 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Grand Valley Speedway\C 300816F6 0004 #Unlock Bonus Items\Simulation Mode\1 Billion Dollars 8009B864 CA00 8009B866 3B9A #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3B4 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3B5 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3B6 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3B7 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3B8 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3B9 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3BA 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\B-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3BB 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3BC 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3BD 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3BE 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3BF 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3C0 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3C1 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3C2 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\A-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3C3 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 1 3009E3C4 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 2 3009E3C5 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 3 3009E3C6 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 4 3009E3C7 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 5 3009E3C8 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 6 3009E3C9 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 7 3009E3CA 0003 #Unlock Bonus Items\International A-Class License Gold\Test 8 3009E3CB 0003 #Garage - Have 100 Cars Of Your Choice!\Set 1 - Do Not Change Must Be Used! 8007DA48 0064 8009B87A 0064 #P1 Press R3 For Nitrous Boost:R3 is the second Dual Analog Stick when you press down on it so it clicks C00BC1C6 0004 800B6F3E 0006 800B6F42 0006 00000000 FFFF #P2 Press R3 For Nitrous Boost:R3 is the second Dual Analog Stick when you press down on it so it clicks C00BC286 0004 800B7C72 0006 800B7C76 0006 00000000 FFFF #Cruise Control D00D6F18 0600 300B6F18 0001 D00B6F18 0100 300B6F18 0001 #Simulation Mode A license in garage 80058634 007C #Simulation Mode B license in garage 80058634 007D #Simulation Mode IA license in garage 80058634 007E #All Manufacturers Unlocked (Single Race + Time Trial)Greatest Hits D004E204 0006 3004E204 000A #Autumn Ring Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E294 0042 3004E294 0002 #Deep Forest Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2A0 0042 3004E2A0 0002 #Grand Valley Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2B8 0042 3004E2B8 0002 #Special Stage Route 5 Unlocked Greatest Hits D004E2AC 0042 3004E2AC 0002 #Simulation Mode 1 Billion Dollars 8009B8F4 CA00 8009B8F6 3B9A ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (USA, v1.2) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94488} ] :SCUS-94488 #Simulation Disc\A Ton Of Cash 801D0FC8 E0FF 801D0FCA 05F5 #Simulation Disc\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Disc\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit:With this cheat, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For ExampleYou can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Disc\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Disc\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Disc\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Simulation Disc\Start With $99,000,000+ 800107A0 05F5 800107A2 3C02 #Simulation Disc\Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) 8005DDBA A270 #In-Battle, go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 #Arcade Disc\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc\Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen) C01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 80052594 0001 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\Quick Win D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 #Both Discs\P1 Nitrous Boost C00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 800A99DA 0020 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\P1 Auto-Pilot Press L1+R1/L2+R2 D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 #Both Discs\P2 Auto-Pilot Press R1+R2/L1+L2 D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 #Both Discs\2-Player View Toggle D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 #Both Discs\Solid Ghost In Rally D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc) D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc) D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94455} ] :SCUS-94455 #Simulation Disc\A Ton Of Cash 801D0FC8 E0FF 801D0FCA 05F5 #Simulation Disc\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Disc\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit:With this cheat, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example - You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Disc\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Disc\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Disc\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Simulation Disc\Start With $99,000,000+ 800107A0 05F5 800107A2 3C02 #Simulation Disc\Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) 8005DDBA A270 #Simulation Disc\All Races Completed/Sim Credits Unlocked:With this cheat, go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc) 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 #Arcade Disc\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc\Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen) C01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 80052594 0001 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\Quick Win D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 #Both Discs\P1 Nitrous Boost C00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 800A99DA 0020 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\P1 Auto-Pilot Press L1+R1/L2+R2 D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 #Both Discs\P2 Auto-Pilot Press R1+R2/L1+L2 D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 #Both Discs\2-Player View Toggle D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 #Both Discs\Solid Ghost In Rally D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc) D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc) D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94455} ] :SCUS-94455 #Simulation Disc\A Ton Of Cash 801D0FC8 E0FF 801D0FCA 05F5 #Simulation Disc\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Disc\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit:With this cheat, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example- You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Disc\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Disc\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Disc\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Simulation Disc\Start With $99,000,000+ 800107A0 05F5 800107A2 3C02 #Simulation Disc\Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) 8005DDBA A270 #Simulation Disc\All Races Completed/Sim Credits Unlocked (With this cheat, go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc) 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 #Arcade Disc\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc\Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen) C01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 80052594 0001 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\Quick Win D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 #Both Discs\P1 Nitrous Boost C00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 800A99DA 0020 00000000 FFFF #Both Discs\P1 Auto-Pilot Press L1+R1/L2+R2 D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 #Both Discs\P2 Auto-Pilot Press R1+R2/L1+L2 D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 #Both Discs\2-Player View Toggle D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 #Both Discs\Solid Ghost In Rally D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc) D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 #More Misc.\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc) D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 - Music at the Speed of Sound - The Album (USA, Bonus PlayStation Disc) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94588} ] ;:SCUS-94588 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Grand Theft Auto (USA) (1998) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-00106, SLUS-00106GH, SLUS-00106CE} ] :SLUS-00106 :SLUS-00106GH :SLUS-00106CE #Infinite Lives 8002C446 0009 #Get Out Of Jail Free Key 8002C45E 0001 #Infinite Armor 8002C438 0063 #Auto-Driving Enable 8002C448 05BD #Auto-Rapid Firing For All Weapons (Press O) 8001A0DB 0000 #No Cops 80026D84 2000 #Unlock Liberty City Part 2 80026D20 0001 #Unlock San Andreas Part 1 80026D24 0001 #Unlock San Andreas Part 2 80026D28 0001 #Unlock Vice City Part 1 80026D2C 0001 #Unlock Vice City Part 2 80026D30 0001 ; [ Grand Theft Auto 2 (USA) (1999) (Rockstar Games) {SLUS-00789, SLUS-00789GH, SLUS-00789CE} ] :SLUS-00789 :SLUS-00789GH :SLUS-00789CE #Infinite Health 80145A9A 0064 8012007E 000A #Infinite Lives 80120008 0063 #Max Money 8011FD0C 967F 8011FD0E 0098 #Infinite Bonus + Kill Frenzy Time 800A419A 2400 #No Cops 80145A8E 0000 #Lots Of Cops 80145A8E 2EE0 #No Kills 8012A870 0000 #Max Number Of Kills 8012A870 FFFF #Have Weapon\Pistol Max Ammo D0164D6C 0000 80164D6C 03E7 #Have Weapon\Pistol (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164D6C 0000 80164D6C FFFF #Have Weapon\S-Uzi Machine Gun Max Ammo D0164D94 0000 80164D94 03E7 #Have Weapon\S-Uzi Machine Gun (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164D94 0000 80164D94 FFFF #Have Weapon\Rocket Launcher Max Ammo D0164DBC 0000 80164DBC 03E7 #Have Weapon\Rocket Launcher (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164DBC 0000 80164DBC FFFF #Have Weapon\Zapper Max Ammo D0164DE4 0000 80164DE4 03E7 #Have Weapon\Zapper (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164DE4 0000 80164DE4 FFFF #Have Weapon\Molotav Cocktail Max Ammo D0164E0C 0000 80164E0C 03E7 #Have Weapon\Molotav Cocktail (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164E0C 0000 80164E0C FFFF #Have Weapon\Grenades Max Ammo D0164E34 0000 80164E34 03E7 #Have Weapon\Grenades (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164E34 0000 80164E34 FFFF #Have Weapon\Shotgun Max Ammo D0164E5C 0000 80164E5C 03E7 #Have Weapon\Shotgun (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164E5C 0000 80164E5C FFFF #Have Weapon\Tazer Max Ammo D0164E84 0000 80164E84 03E7 #Have Weapon\Tazer (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164E84 0000 80164E84 FFFF #Have Weapon\Flame Thrower Max Ammo D0164EAC 0000 80164EAC 03E7 #Have Weapon\Flame Thrower (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164EAC 0000 80164EAC FFFF #Have Weapon\All Weapons (Normal Max Ammo) D0164D6C 0000 50000B28 0000 80164D6C 03E7 #Have Weapon\All Weapons (Kill Frenzy Ammo) D0164D6C 0000 50000B28 0000 80164D6C FFFF #Have Weapon\Open All Normal Areas 80024F24 0003 #Have Weapon\Open All Bonus Areas D0024F1C 0000 80024F1C 0001 80024F28 0009 #In-Game\Invincibility 30026348 0001 #In-Game\All Areas Unlocked 30026349 0001 #In-Game\No Cops 3002634A 0001 #In-Game\5X Multiplier 3002634B 0001 #In-Game\10 Million Points 3002634C 0001 #In-Game\All Weapons 3002634E 0001 #In-Game\Most Wanted 3002634F 0001 #In-Game\Bonus Multiplier X99 80120040 0063 #In-Game\Respect From All Gangs 801789E4 7530 801788B4 7530 80178784 7530 ; [ Grand Theft Auto - Mission Pack #1 - London 1969 (USA) (1999) (Rockstar Games) {SLUS-00846, SLUS-00846CE} ] :SLUS-00846 :SLUS-00846CE #Infinite Lives 8002BF72 0004 #Infinite Pistol Ammo 3002BF7D 0063 #Infinite Machine Gun Ammo 3002BF7E 0063 #Infinite Rocket Ammo 3002BF7F 0063 #Infinite Flame Thrower Fuel 3002BF80 0063 #Have Get Out Of Jail Free Card 8002BF8A 0001 #Max Bonus Multiplier 8002BF6E 0063 #Enable Mods + Sods Level 80026748 0001 #Enable Chelsea Smile Level 8002674C 0001 #Enable Dead Certainity Level 80026750 0001 #Wanted Level Maxed Out 80019C44 0004 #No Cops 8002BE08 0000 #Disable The Need For Double Swap D0180C94 033F 80180C96 2400 ; [ Car and Driver Presents - Grand Tour Racing '98 (USA) (1997) (Activision) {SLUS-00494} ] :SLUS-00494 #All Levels Complete 50003002 0000 80026934 0007 ; [ Gubble (USA) (2002) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01466} ] :SLUS-01466 #Time Always 0.0 80077DD0 0000 #Infinite Health 8007DD28 0064 #Quick Score Gain 80077D70 FFFF #Max Score 80077D70 E0FF 80077D72 05F5 ; [ Gundam Battle Assault 2 (USA) (2002) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01418} ] :SLUS-01418 #Infinite HP P1 don't enable it until you're in battle 8017B554 6000 #Infinite Time 80186F18 0063 80186F1C 003C #P1 Infinite Ammo 8017B566 01F4 #Everything Unlocked 50001C02 0000 800DF37E 0101 ; [ Gundam Battle Assault (USA) (2000) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01226} ] :SLUS-01226 #P1 Infinite Health 80157F3A 0002 80157F3C 0000 #P1 Infinite Ammo 80157F4A 01F4 #P1 One Hit Kill 80157F3A 0000 80157F3C 7000 #P2 One Hit Kill 80185ED6 0000 80185ED8 7000 #Unlock Ball 800E1410 0000 #Unlock Big Zam 800E13DC 0000 #Unlock Char's Zaku 800E1414 0000 #Unlock Gundam 800E13F0 0000 #Unlock Hydra 800E140C 0000 #Unlock Neueziel 800E13E4 0000 #Unlock New Gundam 800E13E8 0000 #Unlock Psycho 800E13EC 0000 ; [ Gunfighter - The Legend of Jesse James (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01398} ] :SLUS-01398 #Infinite Time 8007D14E 003B 8007D14A 003B #Infinite Health (All Levels) 8009840A 2400 #Never Reload (All Levels) 800982D6 2400 #Infinite Bullets (Target Take Down) 80184CD4 0063 #Infinite Bullets (Rolling Rampage) 80184914 0063 ; [ Gunship (USA) (1996) (MicroProse Software) {SLUS-00313} ] :SLUS-00313 #Infinite Inner Stores 800A429A 0014 #Infinite Outer Stores 800A429C 0014 #Infinite Wing-Tip Stores 800A429E 0014 #Infinite Chaff 800A42A8 001E #Inifinite Flares 800A42AA 001E #Infinite Cannon Rounds 800A4288 07D0 #Infinite Fuel 800A42A6 0064 800A42A8 0064 #Infinite Ammo 800A4298 0014 ; [ HardBall 5 (USA) (1996) (Accolade) {SLUS-00108} ] :SLUS-00108 #P1 Score 9 300E593D 0009 #P1 Score 0 300E593D 0000 #P2 Score 9 300E593C 0009 #P2 Score 0 300E593C 0000 ; [ HardBall '99 (USA) (1998) (Accolade) {SLUS-00651} ] :SLUS-00651 #Select Home Team Score\0 300E3EE9 0000 #Select Home Team Score\50 300E3EE9 0032 #Select Away Team Score\0 300E3EE8 0000 #Select Away Team Score\50 300E3EE8 0032 ; [ Harvest Moon - Back to Nature (USA) (2000) (Natsume) {SLUS-01115} ] :SLUS-01115 #Infinite Money 800573F0 FFFF 80071A5C FFFF #All Item Shipped 800711C4 03E7 800711C6 03E7 800711C8 03E7 800711CA 03E7 800711CC 03E7 800711CE 03E7 800711D0 03E7 800711D2 03E7 800711D4 03E7 800711D6 03E7 800711D8 03E7 800711DA 03E7 800711DC 03E7 800711DE 03E7 800711E0 03E7 800711E2 03E7 800711E4 03E7 800711E6 03E7 800711E8 03E7 800711EA 03E7 800711EC 03E7 #Chicken Feed boxs alway full 8007130E 0101 80071310 0101 80071312 0101 80071314 0101 80071316 0101 #Cow And Sheep Feedboxs Always Full 800712F8 0101 800712FA 0101 800712FC 0101 800712FE 0101 80071300 0101 80071302 0101 80071304 0101 80071306 0101 80071308 0101 8007130A 0101 8007130C 0101 #Have A Horse 80075AD4 015F #Have A Horse (Alt) 8004FA88 14AF #Have All Utensils 30070D04 00FF #Have Infinite Stone 80071F5C 003A #Infinite Lumber 80070D38 03E7 #Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF #Red Heart Ann 80076EF0 FFFF #Red Heart Elli 80077298 FFFF #Red Heart Karen 800767A0 FFFF #Red Heart Mary 80077BBC FFFF #Red Heart Popuri 800786B4 FFFF ; [ The Dukes of Hazzard - Racing for Home (USA) (1999) (SouthPeak Interactive) {SLUS-00859} ] :SLUS-00859 #Infinite Body Damage D0057014 0630 80057016 2400 #Infinite Tire Damage D0056F8C 0074 80056F8E 2400 #Infinite Items On Pickup D00563B0 06F4 800563B2 2400 #Infinite Time D0066CCC 0414 80066CCE 2400 #Have All Levels 8001921A FFFF #1 Part Needed To Fix The General LEE 80089FB2 0505 #1-Hit Destroys The 2 Bad Guys 80176788 0451 80177E08 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over Black Jack 8010C284 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over Boss Hog 8010E404 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over The Stolen General Lee 8010C804 0451 ; [ The Dukes of Hazzard II - Daisy Dukes It Out (USA) (2000) (SouthPeak Interactive) {SLUS-01243} ] :SLUS-01243 #No Car Damage D003E446 A482 8003E446 2400 D003E46A A482 8003E46A 2400 D003E49E A482 8003E49E 2400 D003E4BE A482 8003E4BE 2400 #Stop Timer D003B5DE A462 8003B5DE 2400 #Infinite Turbos E00C1CA0 0000 300C1CA0 0009 #Infinite Wrenches E00C1CA2 0000 300C1CA2 0009 #Infinite Oil E00C1CA6 0000 300C1CA6 0009 #Infinite Arrows E00C1CA8 0000 300C1CA8 0009 #Only Need 1 Flag E00C18A9 0005 300C18A9 0001 #Only Have 1 Letter Left E00C18A9 000A 300C18A9 0001 #Only Need 1 Trophies E00C18A9 0008 300C18A9 0001 #Have All Levels:With this cheat, you need to either have a save game or go start a game then exit the level so you have a personal file created 8005BB9E 0012 ; [ The Dukes of Hazzard - Racing for Home (USA, Alt) (1999) (SouthPeak Interactive) {SLUS-00859GH} ] :SLUS-00859 :SLUS-00859GH #Infinite Body Damage D0057014 0630 80057016 2400 #Infinite Tire Damage D0056F8C 0074 80056F8E 2400 #Infinite Items On Pickup D00563B0 06F4 800563B2 2400 #Infinite Time D0066CCC 0414 80066CCE 2400 #Have All Levels 8001921A FFFF #1 Part Needed To Fix The General LEE 80089FB2 0505 #1-Hit Destroys The 2 Bad Guys 80176788 0451 80177E08 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over Black Jack 8010C284 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over Boss Hog 8010E404 0451 #1-Hit Pulls Over The Stolen General Lee 8010C804 0451 ; [ HBO Boxing (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01027} ] :SLUS-01027 #Infinite Promoter Points 8009CB00 270F #P1 Infinite Health 8008D962 03E7 #P1 Quick Knockdown 8008D962 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 8008DBB6 03E7 #P2 Quick Knockdown 8008DBB6 0000 ; [ Heart of Darkness (USA) (1998) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00696 / SLUS-00741} ] :SLUS-00696 :SLUS-00741 #Invincibility (Almost Complete) 800885CA C000 #P1 Open All Cinematics 800A02BC FFFF 800A02BE FFFF #P1 Open All Levels 800A02BA 0007 ; [ Hellboy - Asylum Seeker (USA) (2003) (DreamCatcher Interactive) {SLUS-01414} ] :SLUS-01414 #Infinite Health 800284BC 0064 800284BE 2403 800284C0 003C 800284C2 AC43 #Infinite Ammo 801291B0 0063 80111AE4 0063 ; [ Herc's Adventures (USA) (1997) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00298} ] :SLUS-00298 #P1 Infinite Health 800C4AE0 0032 #P1 Infinite A Keys 800C4B3A 0009 #P2 Infinite Health 800C4B4A 0032 #P2 Infinite Strengh 800C4B4E 0046 #P1 Have All Items (Set One) 800C4AF0 0063 800C4AF2 0063 800C4AF4 0063 800C4AF6 0063 800C4AF8 0063 800C4AFC 0063 800C4AFE 0063 800C4B00 0063 800C4B02 0063 800C4B04 0063 800C4B06 0063 800C4B08 0063 800C4B0A 0063 800C4B0C 0063 800C4B0E 0063 #P1 Have All Items (Set Two) 800C4B1A 0063 800C4B1C 0063 800C4B1E 0063 800C4B20 0063 800C4B22 0063 800C4B24 0063 800C4B26 0063 800C4B28 0063 800C4B2A 0063 800C4B2C 0063 800C4B2E 0063 800C4B30 0063 800C4B32 0063 800C4B34 0063 800C4B36 0063 ; [ Disney's Hercules Action Game (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Disney Interactive) {SLUS-01029} ] ;:SLUS-01029 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disney's Hercules Action Game (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Disney Interactive) {SLUS-00529} ] :SLUS-00529 #Infinite Lives 30034DA4 0009 #Infinite Energy 80034DBC 0080 #100% Coins 80034DAC 00FF #Have All Letters 80034DB4 00FF #Helmet of Invincibilty 80034DC4 00C8 ; [ Hexen (USA) (1997) (id Software) {SLUS-00348} ] :SLUS-00348 #Infinite Health 800C7F90 0064 800C7F9C 0001 #Infinite Blue Mana 800E7DC0 00C8 #Infinite Green Mana 800E7DC4 00C8 #High Armor Class:With this cheat, it gives you virtual invincibility. It puts your armor high enough that at the rate it depletes it can count for invincibility. The effect is different for each character. Poisonous gas and some other things will still hurt you 800E7C7E 01E0 #All Keys 800E7DA0 FFFF ; [ High Heat Baseball 2000 (USA) (1999) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00830} ] :SLUS-00830 #Select Away Team Score\9 800A252C 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800A252C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800A2528 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800A2528 0000 ; [ Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01063} ] :SLUS-01063 #Select Home Team Score\9 800AFF54 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800AFF54 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800AFF58 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800AFF58 0000 #Infinite Strikes 300AFF4C 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out E00AFF4C 0000 300AFF4C 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out E00AFF4C 0000 300AFF4C 0002 #Infinite Outs 300AFF44 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out E00AFF44 0000 300AFF44 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out E00AFF44 0000 300AFF44 0001 #Infinite Balls 300AFF48 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk E00AFF48 0000 300AFF48 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk E00AFF48 0000 300AFF48 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk E00AFF48 0000 300AFF48 0001 #P1 0 Outs, 0 Strikes, + 3 Balls Press L1+L2 C00CBE86 0050 300AFF44 0000 300AFF48 0003 300AFF4C 0000 00000000 FFFF #P1 2 Outs, 2 Strikes, + 0 Balls Press R1+R2 C00CBE86 00A0 300AFF44 0002 300AFF48 0000 300AFF4C 0002 00000000 FFFF #P2 0 Outs, 0 Strikes, + 3 Balls Press L1+L2 C00CBF06 0050 300AFF44 0000 300AFF48 0003 300AFF4C 0000 00000000 FFFF #P2 2 Outs, 2 Strikes, + 0 Balls Press R1+R2 C00CBF06 00A0 300AFF44 0002 300AFF48 0000 300AFF4C 0002 00000000 FFFF ; [ High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01244} ] :SLUS-01244 #Select Away Team Score\9 800AE590 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800AE590 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800AE58C 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800AE58C 0000 ; [ Hi-Octane - The Track Fights Back! (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00157} ] :SLUS-00157 #Infinite Shield 80160EEE 27FF 801614BE 27FF 801616AE 27FF 801610DE 27FF 80160CFE 27FF #Infinite Fuel 80160EEA 27FF 801614BA 27FF 801616AA 27FF 801610DA 27FF 80160CFA 27FF #Infinite Ammo 80160EEC 27FF 801614BC 27FF 801616AC 27FF 801610DC 27FF 80160CFC 27FF #Max MiniGun 8015CDCE 0003 80158FB2 0003 8015958E 0003 8015719E 0003 8015790A 0003 80158B02 0003 801596BA 0003 #Max Missiles 8015CD6A 0003 80158F4E 0003 8015952A 0003 8015713A 0003 801578A6 0003 80158A9E 0003 80159656 0003 801590DE 0003 #Max Boost 8015CD06 0003 80158EEA 0003 801594C6 0003 801570D6 0003 80157842 0003 80158A3A 0003 801595F2 0003 8015807A 0003 #No On-Screen Damage 80160EA0 0000 80161470 0000 80161660 0000 80161090 0000 80160CB0 0000 #Mini-Gun Coolant 8015CDAE 0000 80159F92 0000 8015956E 0000 8015717E 0000 801578EA 0000 80158AE2 0000 8015969A 0000 80159122 0000 ; [ The Hive (USA) (1997) (Trimark Interactive) {SLUS-00120 / SLUS-00182} ] :SLUS-00120 :SLUS-00182 #Infinite Thrust 800685FC 00FF #Infinite Shield 8006B5DC 1612 ; [ Hello Kitty - Cube Frenzy (USA) (1999) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-00778} ] :SLUS-00778 #Infinite Time 80154EF4 007A #P1 Infinite Lives 800522C0 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800522D8 0005 #Enable Everything 800632F0 FFFF 800632F4 FFFF 800632F6 07FF #Infinite Kitty's 8011C49E 0003 ; [ Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01113} ] :SLUS-01113 #Mat Hoffman Extra Covers 800609C0 00FF #Mat Hoffman Unlock All Bikes 800609EE 00FF #Mat Hoffman All Comps Completed 800609CA FFFF #Mat Hoffman All Objectives Completed 800609C4 FFFF 800609C6 FFFF 800609C8 FFFF 800609CC FFFF #Mat Hoffman Max Stats 800609F0 0A0A 800609F2 0A0A 800609F4 0A0A 800609F6 0A0A #Mike Escamilla Extra Covers 800609F8 00FF #Mike Escamilla Unlock All Bikes 80060A26 00FF #Mike Escamilla All Comps Completed 80060A02 FFFF #Mike Escamilla All Objectives Completed 800609FC FFFF 800609FE FFFF 80060A00 FFFF 80060A04 FFFF #Mike Escamilla Max Stats 80060A28 0A0A 80060A2A 0A0A 80060A2C 0A0A 80060A2E 0A0A #Cory Nastazio Extra Covers 80060A30 00FF #Cory Nastazio Unlock All Bikes 80060A5E 00FF #Cory Nastazio All Comps Completed 80060A3A FFFF #Cory Nastazio All Objectives Completed 80060A34 FFFF 80060A36 FFFF 80060A38 FFFF 80060A3C FFFF #Cory Nastazio Max Stats 80060A60 0A0A 80060A62 0A0A 80060A64 0A0A 80060A66 0A0A #Joe Butcher Kowalski Extra Covers 80060A68 00FF #Joe Butcher Kowalski Unlock All Bikes 80060A96 00FF #Joe Butcher Kowalski All Comps Completed 80060A72 FFFF #Joe Butcher Kowalski All Objectives Completed 80060A6C FFFF 80060A6E FFFF 80060A70 FFFF 80060A74 FFFF #Joe Butcher Kowalski Max Stats 80060A98 0A0A 80060A9A 0A0A 80060A9C 0A0A 80060A9E 0A0A #Rick Thorne Extra Covers 80060AA0 00FF #Rick Thorne Unlock All Bikes 80060ACE 00FF #Rick Thorne All Comps Completed 80060AAA FFFF #Rick Thorne All Objectives Completed 80060AA4 FFFF 80060AA6 FFFF 80060AA8 FFFF 80060AAC FFFF #Rick Thorne Max Stats 80060AD0 0A0A 80060AD2 0A0A 80060AD4 0A0A 80060AD6 0A0A #Dennis Mccoy Extra Covers 80060AD8 00FF #Dennis Mccoy Unlock All Bikes 80060B06 00FF #Dennis Mccoy All Comps Completed 80060AE2 FFFF #Dennis Mccoy All Objectives Completed 80060ADC FFFF 80060ADE FFFF 80060AE0 FFFF 80060AE4 FFFF #Dennis Mccoy Max Stats 80060B08 0A0A 80060B0A 0A0A 80060B0C 0A0A 80060B0E 0A0A #Kevin Robinson Extra Covers 80060B10 00FF #Kevin Robinson Unlock All Bikes 80060B3E 00FF #Kevin Robinson All Comps Completed 80060B1A FFFF #Kevin Robinson All Objectives Completed 80060B14 FFFF 80060B16 FFFF 80060B18 FFFF 80060B1C FFFF #Kevin Robinson Max Stats 80060B40 0A0A 80060B42 0A0A 80060B44 0A0A 80060B46 0A0A #Simon Tabron Extra Covers 80060B48 00FF #Simon Tabron Unlock All Bikes 80060B76 00FF #Simon Tabron All Comps Completed 80060B52 FFFF #Simon Tabron All Objectives Completed 80060B4C FFFF 80060B4E FFFF 80060B50 FFFF 80060B54 FFFF #Simon Tabron Max Stats 80060B78 0A0A 80060B7A 0A0A 80060B7C 0A0A 80060B7E 0A0A #Tony Hawk Extra Covers 80060BB8 00FF #Tony Hawk Unlock All Bikes 80060BE6 00FF #Tony Hawk All Comps Completed 80060BC2 FFFF #Tony Hawk All Objectives Completed 80060BBC FFFF 80060BBE FFFF 80060BC0 FFFF 80060BC4 FFFF #Tony Hawk Max Stats 80060BE8 0A0A 80060BEA 0A0A 80060BEC 0A0A 80060BEE 0A0A ; [ Hogs of War (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01195} ] :SLUS-01195 #Infinite Promotion Points 8002B1F6 00FF #Mission Modifier (00-19) 3002B1F9 0019 ; [ Castrol Honda Superbike Racing (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00882} ] :SLUS-00882 #Lap Time Is 0:00:00 8002BB8A 2400 #Start On 3rd Lap 80026234 C000 80026236 0C07 801F0000 0002 801F0002 1E40 801F0004 0000 801F0006 2401 801F0008 0003 801F000A 2421 801F000C 0008 801F000E 03E0 801F0010 0144 801F0012 A201 #Max Points In Season D009DEA6 0000 8009DEA6 01F4 #Start On Last Race In Season 8009DDA4 000E ; [ Hooters Road Trip (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01394} ] :SLUS-01394 #Unlock All Vehicles - Road Trip - Press L1,L2,R1,R2 at the car selection screen. To enable all vehicles in License Car mode you need at least one car in your garage. Press the same buttons as above. Sometimes the game freeze if you quit Road Trip and re enter License Car mode C0086822 F0FF 800865A6 FFFF 800865A8 FFFF 00000000 FFFF #Unlock All Cars 50000402 0000 800865B0 FFFF 800865F8 0004 ; [ Hoshigami - Ruining Blue Earth (USA) (2001) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-01375} ] :SLUS-01375 #Infinite HP Character 1-Hero 80097630 270F 8009763C 270F #Infinite HP Romleth 80097B88 0134 #Infinite HP Character 2 800976C8 270F #Infinite HP Character 3 80097760 270F #Infinite HP Character 4 800977F8 270F #Infinite HP Character 5 80097890 270F #Infinite HP Character 6 80097928 270F #Infinite HP Character 7 800979C0 270F #Infinite HP Character 8 80097A58 270F #Infinite HP Character 9 80097AF0 270F #Infinite HP Character 10 800C4B4E 0046 #Infinite HP Character 11 80097C20 270F 80097C2C 270F #Infinite HP Character 12 80097CB8 270F #Infinite HP Character 13 80097D50 270F #Infinite HP Character 14 80097DE8 270F #Infinite HP Character 15 80097E80 270F #Infinite HP Character 16 80097F18 270F #Infinite Money 800988D0 EA60 #Press Select To Kill 11 Enemies (DO NOT use during battles where you must #rescue# someone) C00DA1B2 FFFE 80097C20 0000 80097CB8 0000 80097D50 0000 80097DE8 0000 80097E80 0000 80097F18 0000 80097FB0 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Hot Shots Golf 2 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94476} ] :SCUS-94476 #Misc.\Unlock All Characters D2046B98 FFFF 80046B98 FFFF D2046B9A FFFF 80046B9A FFFF #Misc.\Unlock All Goodies D2046BA0 FFFF 80046BA0 FFFF D2046BA2 FFFF 80046BA2 FFFF E2046BA4 0063 30046BA4 0063 #Misc.\Unlock All Courses E2046BAA 0005 30046BAA 0005 E204757C 00FF 3004757C 00FF #Misc.\Press L2 + R2 To Finish 18 Hole Game Quickly D004AC04 0003 8004666C 0012 #Misc.\Unlock All Tournaments Difficulties D20D364E 0004 800D364E 0004 #Misc.\No Wind 800F9FDC 0000 #Misc.\Easy Shot Mode 800466CA 0001 #Misc.\2-Player Battle (Vs. Mode) 80046780 0000 #Misc.\Play As Cpu (Vs. Mode) 80046780 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 1 D3046A66 0001 80046A66 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 2 D3046A68 0001 80046A68 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 3 D3046A6A 0001 80046A6A 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 4 D3046A6C 0001 80046A6C 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 5 D3046A6E 0001 80046A6E 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 6 D3046A70 0001 80046A70 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 7 D3046A72 0001 80046A72 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 8 D3046A74 0001 80046A74 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 9 D3046A76 0001 80046A76 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 10 D3046A78 0001 80046A78 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 11 D3046A7A 0001 80046A7A 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 12 D3046A7C 0001 80046A7C 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 13 D3046A7E 0001 80046A7E 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 14 D3046A80 0001 80046A80 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 15 D3046A82 0001 80046A82 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 16 D3046A84 0001 80046A84 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 17 D3046A86 0001 80046A86 0001 #P1 Always Win\Hole 18 D3046A88 0001 80046A88 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 1 D3046A8A 0001 80046A8A 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 2 D3046A8C 0001 80046A8C 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 3 D3046A8E 0001 80046A8E 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 4 D3046A90 0001 80046A90 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 5 D3046A92 0001 80046A92 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 6 D3046A94 0001 80046A94 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 7 D3046A96 0001 80046A96 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 8 D3046A98 0001 80046A98 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 9 D3046A9A 0001 80046A9A 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 10 D3046A9C 0001 80046A9C 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 11 D3046A9E 0001 80046A9E 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 12 D3046AA0 0001 80046AA0 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 13 D3046AA2 0001 80046AA2 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 14 D3046AA4 0001 80046AA4 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 15 D3046AA6 0001 80046AA6 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 16 D3046AA8 0001 80046AA8 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 17 D3046AAA 0001 80046AAA 0001 #P2 Always Win\Hole 18 D3046AAC 0001 80046AAC 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 1 D3046AAE 0001 80046AAE 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 2 D3046AB0 0001 80046AB0 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 3 D3046AB2 0001 80046AB2 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 4 D3046AB4 0001 80046AB4 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 5 D3046AB6 0001 80046AB6 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 6 D3046AB8 0001 80046AB8 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 7 D3046ABA 0001 80046ABA 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 8 D3046ABC 0001 80046ABC 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 9 D3046ABE 0001 80046ABE 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 10 D3046AC0 0001 80046AC0 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 11 D3046AC2 0001 80046AC2 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 12 D3046AC4 0001 80046AC4 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 13 D3046AC6 0001 80046AC6 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 14 D3046AC8 0001 80046AC8 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 15 D3046ACA 0001 80046ACA 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 16 D3046ACC 0001 80046ACC 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 17 D3046ACE 0001 80046ACE 0001 #P3 Always Win\Hole 18 D3046AD0 0001 80046AD0 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 1 D3046AD2 0001 80046AD2 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 2 D3046AD4 0001 80046AD4 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 3 D3046AD6 0001 80046AD6 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 4 D3046AD8 0001 80046AD8 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 5 D3046ADA 0001 80046ADA 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 6 D3046ADC 0001 80046ADC 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 7 D3046ADE 0001 80046ADE 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 8 D3046AE0 0001 80046AE0 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 9 D3046AE2 0001 80046AE2 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 10 D3046AE4 0001 80046AE4 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 11 D3046AE6 0001 80046AE6 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 12 D3046AE8 0001 80046AE8 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 13 D3046AEA 0001 80046AEA 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 14 D3046AEC 0001 80046AEC 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 15 D3046AEE 0001 80046AEE 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 16 D3046AF0 0001 80046AF0 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 17 D3046AF2 0001 80046AF2 0001 #P4 Always Win\Hole 18 D3046AF4 0001 80046AF4 0001 #Unlock Trophy\Dandelion Tour 30046BB4 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Waterfront Open 30046BB5 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Pacific Cup 30046BB6 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Amateur Cup 30046BB7 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Royal Garden Open 30046BB8 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Summer Open 30046BB9 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Brownleaf Invitational 30046BBA 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Blizzard Falls Cup 30046BBB 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Blue Skies Tour 30046BBC 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Woodbury Open 30046BBD 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Fall Open 30046BBE 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Frozen Lakes Championship 30046BBF 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Spring Open 30046BC0 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Atlantic Open 30046BC1 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Lakeview Championship 30046BC2 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Winter Open 30046BC3 0000 #Unlock Trophy\National Invitational 30046BC4 0000 #Unlock Trophy\International Cup 30046BC5 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Tour Championship 30046BC6 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Hot Shots Open 30046BC7 0000 #Unlock Trophy\Unlock All Trophys 50000A02 0000 80046BB4 0000 #Max Tournament Point\Spring-Amateur + Top Pro 80046BD0 270F #Max Tournament Point\Summer-Amateur + Top Pro 80046BD2 270F #Max Tournament Point\Fall-Amateur + Top Pro 80046BD4 270F #Max Tournament Point\Winter-Amateur + Top Pro 80046BD6 270F #Max Tournament Point\Spring-Semi Pro 80046BD8 270F #Max Tournament Point\Summer-Semi Pro 80046BDA 270F #Max Tournament Point\Fall-Semi Pro 80046BDC 270F #Max Tournament Point\Winter-Semi Pro 80046BDE 270F #Max Tournament Point\Spring-Pro 80046BE0 270F #Max Tournament Point\Summer-Pro 80046BE2 270F #Max Tournament Point\Fall-Pro 80046BE4 270F #Max Tournament Point\Winter-Pro 80046BE6 270F #Max Tournament Point\Spring-Tour Pro 80046BE8 270F #Max Tournament Point\Summer-Tour Pro 80046BEA 270F #Max Tournament Point\Fall-Tour Pro 80046BEC 270F #Max Tournament Point\Winter-Tour Pro 80046BEE 270F #Max Tournament Point\Overall Max Points For The Year 80046BAC 2710 #Max Tournament Point\Max Tournament Points 50001002 0000 80046BD0 270F ; [ Hot Shots Golf (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94188} ] :SCUS-94188 #Quick Level Up 80101F44 FFFF #P1 Infinite Power Hits 30101D97 000C #P2 Infinite Power Hits 30101D98 000C #P3 Infinite Power Hits 30101D99 000C #P4 Infinite Power Hits 30101D9A 000C #Press L2 To Play As The Hidden Characters C0103864 0001 80101DB4 0909 80101DB6 0909 00000000 FFFF #Have All Characters 50000502 0000 80101EF0 0101 #Have All Curses 80101F48 0005 ; [ Hot Wheels - Turbo Racing (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00964} ] :SLUS-00964 #Infinite Turbos 30129840 0009 #Add Turbos 8003FD90 0001 #Max Tournament Points 801397C8 00FF #Max Points 801295F0 FFFF 801295F2 000F #Start On Lap 4 D01295AC 0000 301295AC 0003 #P1 Unlock All Cars + Cups 801397B8 FFFF 801397BA FFFF 801397BC FFFF #P2 Unlock All Car + Cups 80139878 FFFF 8013987A FFFF 8013987C FFFF #Unlock All Tracks 801397C0 FFFF #Time Is Always 0:00:00 Press Select right before you cross the line to go into next lap and it will reset timer to 0:00:00 C011B38A FFFE 800D0E34 0000 800D0E36 0000 00000000 FFFF #Car Is Invisible 801298F0 FFFF #Crazy Whack Driving 801292DA FFFF 80129292 FFFF 8012931A FFFF 801293A2 FFFF #Have Towjam Car 801397BC 0129 #Activate Cheat Big Cars 801397E0 0002 #Activate Cheat Tiny Cars 801397E0 0004 #Activate Cheat Big Wheels 801397E0 0020 #Activate Cheat Shadow Car 801397E0 0080 ; [ Hot Wheels - Extreme Racing (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01293} ] :SLUS-01293 #Unlock All Cups + Tracks 800B3010 0006 #Unlock All Cars 800B3014 0008 #P1 Infinite Health 800E6324 1000 #P1 Instant Win 800E66E4 0002 ; [ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01503} ] :SLUS-01503 #15 Beans Every Pickup 80084860 F000 #Infinite Health 80084A7C 8000 #Unlock All Folio Magi 80084728 FFFF 80084726 FFFF 80084724 FFFF 80084500 0300 80084862 0063 Unlock All Report Card - Quidditch Training 800844F0 FFFF ; [ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01415} ] :SLUS-01415 #Infinite Health 80082964 8000 #Infinite Time 8007B538 0FFF #Max House Points 300827DD 0070 300827DE 003E #Have All Cheats Unlocked 801223F4 FFFF #Fill Coin Meter On Mine Cart Ride At Gringotts Mare 8007C9EA 0063 #Have All Blue Beans 800827F2 000F #Have All Green Beans 800827F6 0100 #Have All Red Beans 800827FA 0100 #Have All Yellow Beans 800827EE 000F #Have All Folios 80082480 0011 #Have All Spells 30082685 00F0 #4 Eyeballs in Dungeon Defeated 3008248A 000F #All Folio Cards 8008268E FFFF 30082690 00FF #All Bean Challenges Complete 3008268B 00FF 3008268C 00FF #Total Time = 00:00 80082970 0000 80082972 0000 #Invincibility 3007C9F9 00FF ; [ Hugo - The Evil Mirror (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01559} ] :SLUS-01559 #Infinite Energy Trollerut 80164FBC 000A #100 Diamonds Trollerut 80164FC0 0064 #100 Diamonds Trollerit 80163790 0064 801C5B18 0064 #Infinite Energy Trollerat 80165E44 0005 #100 Diamonds Trollerat 80165E48 0064 ; [ The Incredible Hulk - The Pantheon Saga (USA) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00150} ] :SLUS-00150 #Infinite Health 80087D6C 0039 #Infinite Gamma Energy 80088404 0039 #Always Inflict Double Damage 800880EC 00C6 #Infinite Energy 30087DC8 0001 #Infinite Gamma 30087DC8 0002 #Infinite Continues 30087DC8 0004 #Infinite Calling Cards 30087DC8 0008 #Press Select Skips Level 30087DC8 0010 #Start at Position 2 30087DC8 0020 ; [ Hydro Thunder (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00847} ] :SLUS-00847 #Unlock All Curses And Boats 50000602 0000 800A223C 0000 300A2248 0000 #Max Cash 800966B4 FFFF #Always First Place 8009DD58 0001 #Unlock Bonus Levels + Boats 300A223C 0000 300A223E 0000 300A2241 0000 300A2242 0000 800A2246 0000 300A2248 0000 ; [ IHRA Drag Racing (USA) (2001) (Bethesda Softworks) {SLUS-01097} ] :SLUS-01097 #P1 Infinite Money 8006A210 C350 #P2 Infinite Money 8006A288 C350 #P1 After Race Mph Modifier 800E72BC FFFF #P1 Damage 0 800EB524 0000 #P2 Damage 0 800EB59C 0000 ; [ Impact Racing (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00225} ] :SLUS-00225 #Infinite Time 8013824C 0625 #Infinite Laser 8013E554 0000 #Infinite Front Armor 800B9E8C 0064 #Infinite Rear Armor 800B9E90 0064 #Infinite Mines (On Pickup) 800B9E80 0063 #Infinite Missiles (On Pickup) 800B9E78 0063 #Infinite Energy 8013E524 0320 ; [ Incredible Crisis (USA) (2000) (Titus Software Corporation) {SLUS-01225} ] :SLUS-01225 #Infinite Continues 801AFCF8 000A #Have All Minigames 801AFD04 0000 801AFD06 0000 801AFD08 0000 801AFD0A 0000 301AFD0C 0000 801AFD10 0000 801AFD12 0000 801AFD14 0000 801AFD1C 0000 801AFD1E 0000 801AFD28 0000 801AFD2A 0000 301AFD2C 0000 ; [ Independence Day (USA) (1997) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00221} ] :SLUS-00221 #Mega Cheat:This will give you Invinciblity, Infinite Weapons Ammo, Fast Reload, One Hit Kill, and No Timer 800BDC8C 0492 #Alternate Mega Cheat:This will give you Invinciblity, Infinite Weapons Ammo, Fast Reload, One Hit Kill, and No Timer 800BDC8C 0192 ; [ In the Hunt (USA) (1996) (Kokopeli Digital Studios) {SLUS-00172} ] :SLUS-00172 #P1 Infinite Lives 800DCD48 0005 #P1 Infinite Continues 8007DA68 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800DCD4A 0005 #P2 Infinite Continues 8007DA6A 0005 #Infinite Time 8007D96E 0086 #P1 Invincibility 8009714A 0101 #P2 Invincibility 80097006 0201 ; [ Intellivision Classic Games (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00906} ] :SLUS-00906 #Astrosmash\Quick Score Gain 800C1CC4 270F #Astrosmash\Slowest Speed 800C1610 0000 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Blue 800C172C 0001 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Red 800C172C 0002 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Tan 800C172C 0003 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Dark Green 800C172C 0004 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Yellow 800C172C 0006 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\White 800C172C 0007 #Boxing\P1 Select Boxer\Black 800C172C 0008 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Blue 800C01F0 0001 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Red 800C01F0 0002 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Tan 800C01F0 0003 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Dark Green 800C01F0 0004 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Yellow 800C01F0 0006 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\White 800C01F0 0007 #Boxing\P2 Select Boxer\Black 800C01F0 0008 #Hover Force\Infinite Fuel 800C162C 012C #Hover Force\Infinite Laser 800C1634 012C #Hover Force\Infinite H20 800C163C 012C #Hover Force\Max Enemies Killed 800C164C 00FF #Star Strike\Score does not decrease 800C1606 1F42 ; [ Inuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale (USA, v1.1) (2003) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01534} ] :SLUS-01534 #P1 Infinite Health 800AA288 CA00 800AA28A 0003 #P2 No Health 800AA2E0 0000 800AA2E2 0000 #P1 Infinite Special 800AA298 6400 #P2 Infinite Special 800AA2F0 6400 #Unlock All Extras 800A9F2C FFFF 800A9F32 FFFF 50000C04 0000 800A9F5C 0001 50000D10 0000 800A9FAC FFFF 50000D10 0000 800A9FAE FFFF 300A9FF0 00FF ; [ Inuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale (USA, v1.0) (2003) (Bandai America) {SLUS-01534} ] :SLUS-01534 #P1 Infinite Health 800AA288 CA00 800AA28A 0003 #P2 No Health 800AA2E0 0000 800AA2E2 0000 #P1 Infinite Special 800AA298 6400 #P2 Infinite Special 800AA2F0 6400 #Unlock All Extras 800A9F2C FFFF 800A9F32 FFFF 50000C04 0000 800A9F5C 0001 50000D10 0000 800A9FAC FFFF 50000D10 0000 800A9FAE FFFF 300A9FF0 00FF ; [ Invasion from Beyond (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00709} ] :SLUS-00709 #Infinite Scientists 800856C8 0063 #Infinite Component 1 800856CC 0063 #Infinite Component 2 800856D0 0063 #Infinite Component 3 800856D4 0063 #Infinite Health 80076D70 0400 #Infinite Power 80076D74 FFFF #Level Select With these, start a new game and then abort it, and the cheats will work 30070E95 0001 #All Ships + Weapons With these, start a new game and then abort it, and the cheats will work 30070E96 0001 #Infinite Shields 80016174 0000 8001634C 0000 ; [ I.Q - Intelligent Qube (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94181} ] :SCUS-94181 #Takes Zero Moves to Get Rid Of Blocks 8006C804 0000 #Start Near The End Of Each Level 3006C70C 0003 #Enable Everything 8006C810 FFFF 8006C6F0 FFFF #Level 1 8006C738 0001 #Level 2 8006C738 0002 #Level 3 8006C738 0003 #Level 4 8006C738 0004 #Level 5 8006C738 0005 #Level 6 8006C738 0006 #Level 7 8006C738 0007 #Level 8 8006C738 0008 ; [ Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Iron & Blood - Warriors of Ravenloft (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00378} ] :SLUS-00378 #Infinite Health P1 Ardrus 80033930 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Balok 80033962 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Balthazaar 8003394E 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Darius 800338F4 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Erland 800338EA 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Ignatius Max 80033908 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Kaurik 80033958 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Lord of Chaos 8003398A 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Luthor 800338E0 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Minion of Chaos 80033976 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Minion of Order 80033980 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Nym Pymplee 80033944 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Red Cloud 8003391C 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Sasha 8003393A 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Shinesta 80033912 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Stellerex 8003396C 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Strahd 80033994 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Torgo 800338D6 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Urgo 80033926 00C8 #Infinite Health P1 Xenobia 800338FE 00C8 ; [ Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00235} ] :SLUS-00235 #Iron Man Can't Float 80092076 0100 #Iron Man Infinite Armor 800920A8 001E #Iron Man Infinite Boost 8001D66C 0000 8001D66E 0000 #Iron Man Infinite Lives (Both Players) 8001D990 0000 8001D992 0000 #Iron Man Once Hit Become Invincibility (Flashes) 8001D770 0000 8001D772 0000 #X-O Manowar Can't Float 800922F2 0100 #X-O Manowar Infinite Armor 80092324 0023 #X-O Manowar Infinite Boost 8002583C 0000 8002583E 0000 #X-O Manowar Once Hit Become Invincibility (Flashes) 8002593C 0000 8002593E 0000 ; [ Iron Soldier 3 (USA) (2000) (Telegames / Vatical Entertainment) {SLUS-01061} ] :SLUS-01061 #Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo 800A83C4 03E7 #Infinite Grenades 800A83BC 001F #Infinite Rockets 800A83B4 0019 #Infinite Rail Gun Ammo 800A83B8 0032 #Full Shields 800A830C 270F #Unlock and Complete All Missions 80033204 FFFF 80033206 FFFF ; [ Irritating Stick (USA) (1998) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00775} ] :SLUS-00775 #Infinite Lives 8004EF60 0003 #Infinite Time 8004F068 0905 ; [ Interplay Sports Baseball 2000 (USA) (1999) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00850} ] :SLUS-00850 #Select Away Team Score\9 800798A6 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800798A6 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800798A4 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800798A4 0000 ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00674} ] ;:SLUS-00674 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ ISS Pro Evolution (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01014} ] :SLUS-01014 #Select Away Team Score\9 30073E04 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 30073E04 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 30073E03 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 30073E03 0000 #Infinite Points (Master League) 3011757D 00FF ; [ The Italian Job (USA) (2002) (Rockstar Games) {SLUS-01457} ] :SLUS-01457 #Infinite Time The Ambassador's Car 800F6188 0000 #Infinite Time Meet Camp Freddie Mission 800F4F88 0000 #Infinite Time Peaches For Peaches Mission 800F70B8 0000 #Infinite Time Special Delivery Mission 800F3C94 0000 #Infinite Time Prison Pals Mission 800F1B20 0000 #Infinite Time Keeping It Up Mission 800F0C08 0000 #Infinite Time Big William's Ride Mission 800F6184 0000 #Infinite Time Torino Tours Mission 800E7B84 0000 #Infinite Time Mafia Mania Mission 800F674C 0000 #Infinite Time Traffic Tape Caper Mission 800EFA18 0000 #Infinite Time Interference Mission 800F18D0 0000 #Infinite Time Convoy Mission 800F8208 0000 #Infinite Time The Getaway Mission 800F632C 0000 #Infinite Time Red, White + Blue Mission 800E8188 0000 #Infinite Time Home Free Mission 800DAA2C 0000 #Unlock All Challenges 800A9078 0001 50000A20 0000 8009D7D0 0001 #Unlock All Checkpoints 50001320 0000 8009F850 0001 #Unlock All Destructors 50001320 0000 800A0270 0001 #Unlock All Free Ride Cars 50000920 0000 800A93D0 0001 #Unlock All Missions 50001020 0000 800A9908 0001 #Unlock Challenges-Party Play 50000A20 0000 800A4D00 0001 #Unlock Checkpoints-Party Play 50001320 0000 800A4820 0001 #Unlock Destructors-Party Play 50001320 0000 800A4AA0 0001 #Unlock Turin In Free Ride 8009D9C0 0001 ; [ International Track & Field (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00238} ] :SLUS-00238 #Full Power-100m Sprint,100m Swim, Pole Vault, Hurdles 801024AA 417F #Full Power-High Jump, Hammer, Discus, Shot Put 8010256E 42FF #Perfect Angle Hammer 800B1288 0200 #Full Power-Javelin 800B1F5E 416F #Perfect Angle Javelin 80103EE4 002D #Full Speed Long Jump + Triple Jump 800B1B96 471F ; [ International Track & Field 2000 (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00987} ] :SLUS-00987 #Arcade Mode Events Always Unlocked 800A6DF4 0000 #Arcade Mode P1 Max Score T 800A699C FFFF #Hammer Throw P1 Always Throw for Max Distance 800C8DC8 967F 800C8DCA 0098 800C8DE4 0001 #Long Jump P1 Always First Attempt D00A6828 0001 800A6828 0000 #P1 Max Weight On First Attempt 800C4964 967F 800C4966 0098 ; [ Jade Cocoon - Story of the Tamamayu (USA) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-00854} ] :SLUS-00854 #Infinite HP 8008BD40 0064 #Infinite Money 8008B594 FFFF #Infinite HP In Battle 8008BD40 03E7 #All enemies At 0 HP - 1st PosItion 800B1314 0000 #Infinite Items all positions 800AD1A8 0063 800AD1AA 2402 800AD1AE A042 ; [ Um Jammer Lammy (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94448} ] :SCUS-94448 #Enable All Stages 301A58F9 0001 801A58FA 3F3F 801A58FC 3F3F 801A58FE 3F3F #P1 Max Score (1 Player Mode) 80078D12 270F ; [ Johnny Bazookatone (USA) (1996) (U.S. Gold) {SLUS-00194} ] :SLUS-00194 #Infinite Lives 800B5A94 0009 #Infinite Energy 800B5A98 0003 #Invincibility 80094AA4 003C ; [ Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00684} ] :SLUS-00684 #Infinite Lives 80129230 000A #Infinite Health 80128FB4 00C8 #All Reds And Gold Dragons 50000F10 0000 300E70E1 000A #Unlock All Paths 50000E10 0000 800E70E4 FFFF #Enable Bonus Movie Cheat 8004FCAA 2400 #Enable Level + Dragon Unlock Cheat 8004FD02 2400 #Enable Level Select Cheat 8004FCCE 2400 ; [ Judge Dredd (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00630} ] :SLUS-00630 #P1 Ininite Health 800DA992 03E8 #P1 Infinite Ammo 800DA9A0 0803 #P1 Have Score Of 1 Million 800DA974 CA00 800DA976 3B9A #P2 Infinite Health 800DA9DA 03E8 #P2 Infinite Ammo 800DA9E8 0803 #Both\Infinite Credits 801E33E6 0004 #Both\Deformed Characters 3001BCA8 0001 #Both\Invincibility 3001BCA7 0001 ; [ Jeopardy! 2nd Edition (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01173} ] :SLUS-01173 #P1 Max Money 800ACFAC E0FF 800ACFAE 05F5 #P2 Max Money 800B1250 E0FF 800B1252 05F5 #P3 Max Money 800B1274 E0FF 800B1276 05F5 #Infinite Time To Answer 800AD098 0000 ; [ Jeopardy! (USA) (1998) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00682} ] :SLUS-00682 #Have Max Money Points 8009C300 FFFF ; [ Jersey Devil (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94907} ] :SCUS-94907 #Push Triangle To Have All 5 Letters D001000C 0010 8005AE70 0020 #Invincibility 80053E08 004B #Infinite Health 80010044 1950 #Push Triangle For 99 Pumpkins D001000C 0010 80010040 0063 #Infinite Lives 80010042 0900 ; [ Jet Moto 2 - Championship Edition (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94167} ] :SCUS-94167 #Have All Tracks, Main Trophy + Insane Difficulty Level 8016AF06 0401 8016B0F0 0401 8016B0F2 0401 8016B0F4 0401 8016B0F6 0401 #Put The Riders Names On The Trophey 8016B0F8 0401 8016B0DC 0401 8016B0DE 0401 8016B0E2 0401 8016B0E4 0401 8016B0E6 0401 8016B0E8 0401 8016B0E0 0401 8016B0EA 0401 8016B0EC 0401 #Have All Code Medals + Stunt Key 8016B0EE 0401 8016B0FA 0101 8016B0FC 0101 8016B0FE 0101 8016B100 0101 8016B102 0101 #Have The Original 10 Jet Moto Tracks 8016B104 0101 #Always Come In 1st 8017D730 0001 8016FCA8 0003 #Infinite Turbo (Li'l Dave) 8016BDEC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Li'l Dave) 8016C11A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Wild Ride) 8016CD54 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Wild Ride) 8016D082 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Blade) 8016DCBC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Blade) 8016DFEA 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Technician) 8016EC24 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Technician) 8016EF52 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Max) 8016FB8C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Max) 8016FEBA 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Vampeera) 80170AF4 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Vampeera) 80170E22 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Gadget) 80171A5C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Gadget) 80171D8A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Steele) 801729C4 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Steele) 80172CF2 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Hun) 8017392C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Hun) 80173C5A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Bomber) 80174894 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Bomber) 80174BC2 0006 #Infinite Turbo(Enigma) 801757FC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Enigma) 80175B2A 0006 #Race All Tracks In Wire-Frame Mode 8016B114 0101 ; [ Jet Moto (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94309} ] :SCUS-94309 #Enable All Tracks 80176664 0003 #Infinite Turbos 80176700 0004 80188B48 0004 #Infinite Grapple 80188B50 0064 801792BE 0019 8017963A 0019 801799B6 0019 80179D32 0019 8017A0AE 0019 8017A42A 0019 8017A7A6 0019 8017AB22 0019 8017AE9E 0019 8017B21A 0019 8017B596 0019 8017B912 0019 8017BC8E 0019 8017C00A 0019 8017C386 0019 8017C702 0019 8017CA7E 0019 8017CDFA 0019 8017D176 0019 8017D4F2 0019 #Race Only 1 Lap (Place 1St) 80188988 0003 8017CB5C 0002 #Always Come In First Place 80186D10 0000 80188194 0000 #Turbo is Enabled 80016F06 0102 8001679E 0102 #Turbo is Disabled 80016F06 0002 80016FBE 0002 #Grapple is Enabled 80017166 0102 8001721E 0102 #Grapple is Disabled 80017166 0002 8001721E 0002 #Trophy Presenter is Rider's Choice 80017416 0003 80017522 0003 #Trophy Presenter is Female 80017416 0103 80017522 0003 #Trophy Presenter is Male 80017416 0203 80017522 0203 #Bike Hud is On 800176CE 0102 80017786 0102 #Bike Hud is Off 800176CE 0002 80017786 0002 #Cinematic Camera is On 8001792E 0102 800179E6 0102 #Cinematic Camera is Off 8001792E 0002 800179E6 0002 #Stunt Race is On 80017C06 0102 80017CBE 0102 #Stunt Race is Off 80017C06 0002 80017CBE 0002 ; [ Jet Moto 2 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94167} ] :SCUS-94167 #Have All Tracks, Main Trophy + Insane Difficulty Level 8016AF06 0401 8016B0F0 0401 8016B0F2 0401 8016B0F4 0401 8016B0F6 0401 #Put The Riders Names On The Trophey 8016B0F8 0401 8016B0DC 0401 8016B0DE 0401 8016B0E2 0401 8016B0E4 0401 8016B0E6 0401 8016B0E8 0401 8016B0E0 0401 8016B0EA 0401 8016B0EC 0401 #Have All Code Medals + Stunt Key 8016B0EE 0401 8016B0FA 0101 8016B0FC 0101 8016B0FE 0101 8016B100 0101 8016B102 0101 #Have The Original 10 Jet Moto Tracks 8016B104 0101 #Always Come In 1st 8017D730 0001 8016FCA8 0003 #Infinite Turbo (Li'l Dave) 8016BDEC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Li'l Dave) 8016C11A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Wild Ride) 8016CD54 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Wild Ride) 8016D082 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Blade) 8016DCBC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Blade) 8016DFEA 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Technician) 8016EC24 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Technician) 8016EF52 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Max) 8016FB8C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Max) 8016FEBA 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Vampeera) 80170AF4 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Vampeera) 80170E22 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Gadget) 80171A5C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Gadget) 80171D8A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Steele) 801729C4 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Steele) 80172CF2 0006 #Infinite Turbo (The Hun) 8017392C 4000 #Infinite Grapple (The Hun) 80173C5A 0006 #Infinite Turbo (Bomber) 80174894 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Bomber) 80174BC2 0006 #Infinite Turbo(Enigma) 801757FC 4000 #Infinite Grapple (Enigma) 80175B2A 0006 #Race All Tracks In Wire-Frame Mode 8016B114 0101 ; [ Jet Moto 3 (USA) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94555} ] :SCUS-94555 #Always Place 1st:Do not use this cheat with Lap Modifier or Quick Win. 8005F49E 2400 800BBC6E 0000 800BBC76 0100 800BBC7E 0200 800BBC86 0300 800BBC8E 0400 800BBC96 0500 #Quick Win + Place 1st 8005F49E 2400 30010F6F 0000 800BBC6E 0000 800BBC76 0100 800BBC7E 0200 800BBC86 0300 800BBC8E 0400 800BBC96 0500 #Lap Time 0:00.00 8005F49E 2400 #Select Starting Lap\NO LAPS 30010F6F 0000 #Select Starting Lap\Final Lap 30010F6F 0001 #Select Starting Lap\2 Laps 30010F6F 0002 #Select Starting Lap\3 Laps 30010F6F 0003 #Select Starting Lap\4 Laps 30010F6F 0004 #Select Starting Lap\5 Laps 30010F6F 0005 #Select Starting Lap\6 Laps 30010F6F 0006 #Select Starting Lap\7 Laps 30010F6F 0007 #P1 Select Character\Spirit 30010000 0000 #P1 Select Character\Wild Ride 30010000 0001 #P1 Select Character\Tetsujin 30010000 0002 #P1 Select Character\Vampeera 30010000 0003 #P1 Select Character\The Max 30010000 0004 #P1 Select Character\Raven 30010000 0005 #P1 Select Character\Bomber 30010000 0006 #P1 Select Character\Convict 30010000 0007 #P1 Select Character\Angel 30010000 0008 #P1 Select Character\Technician 30010000 0009 #P1 Select Character\Granny 30010000 000A #P1 Select Character\Capt. Ballard 30010000 000B #P1 Infinite Turbo 800CCF1A 0240 #P1 Hard To Kill 800CCF26 00FF #P1 Super Jump 300CCF24 007F #P2 Select Character\Spirit 30010001 0000 #P2 Select Character\Wild Ride 30010001 0001 #P2 Select Character\Tetsujin 30010001 0002 #P2 Select Character\Vampeera 30010001 0003 #P2 Select Character\The Max 30010001 0004 #P2 Select Character\Raven 30010001 0005 #P2 Select Character\Bomber 30010001 0006 #P2 Select Character\Convict 30010001 0007 #P2 Select Character\Angel 30010001 0008 #P2 Select Character\Technician 30010001 0009 #P2 Select Character\Granny 30010001 000A #P2 Select Character\Capt. Ballard 30010001 000B #P2 Infinite Turbo 800CD3C2 0240 #P2 Hard To Kill 800CD3CE 00FF #P2 Super Jump 300CD30C 007F #Unlock Cheats\Unlock ShipWreck Cove 8008F5CC 0003 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Urban Subway 8008F50C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Catacombs 8008F56C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Sequoia Forest 8008F62C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Machu Picchu 8008F5FC 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock SkyPark 8008F59C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Ytic Tsol 8008F68C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Uhccip Uhcam 8008F6BC 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Krapyks 8008F6EC 0002 #Unlock Cheats\Unlock Planet X 8008F65C 0002 #Unlock Cheats\All Seasons Completed 80010F68 0F0F #Unlock Cheats\Unlock All Characters + Trophies 80010F66 FFFF #Unlock Cheats\Unlock All Medals + Pins 80010F64 FFFF #Unlock Cheats\Unlock All Coins + Stunt Mode 80010F62 FFFF #Infinite Stunt Mode Time 8005F43E 2400 #Activate All In-Game Cheats 80010F60 FFFF #Max Championship Points 30010F36 00FF ; [ Jigsaw Madness (USA) (2002) (XS Games) {SLUS-01509} ] :SLUS-01509 #Infinite Time 800DAC58 0000 #Story Mode/Opponent Select D0098518 0001 800C0014 0003 #Enable Debug Menu 30098156 0000 D0098518 0100 300984F8 0000 #Infinite Items 800E72AC 7464 #Infinite Power 800E7270 6B10 ; [ Jarrett & Labonte Stock Car Racing (USA) (2000) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-01139} ] :SLUS-01139 #Start On Last Lap E00F9D58 0001 300F9D58 00FF #Max Championship Points D00598A4 0000 800598A4 0FFF #Car Takes No Damage D0088B44 03EF 80088B46 2400 D0088D0C 03F0 80088D0E 2400 D00ECE58 03F2 800ECE5A 2400 #Start/Stop Timer:Select to Stop + L2/R2 to Start D0054138 0001 8002D326 2400 D0054138 1301 8002D326 AC62 #Unlock All Cars 50001001 0000 30058710 0001 #All Cheats Enabled 8008C7E0 FFFF #Can Enter Bonus Menu, Without Entering A Password First 300A2D9C 0001 ; [ Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00832} ] :SLUS-00832 #P1 Always 1st 800925D4 0000 #P1 Max Points 80093A80 0378 #Start On Lap 5 800925DC 0004 #Unlock Table Top 8009410C 0001 #Unlock Chasm 80094110 0001 #Unlock Jim Jam 80094114 0001 #Unlock Moon 80094118 0001 #Unlock All Stunt Tracks 50000404 0000 8009410C 0001 #Unlock All Series 80094138 0005 #Crazy Bikers Press L1 C0096FA8 0400 800B58CC 0008 800B5C28 0008 800B5F84 0008 800B62E0 0008 800B663C 0008 00000000 FFFF #P1 Quick Win 800925D4 0000 D00925DC 0000 800925DC 0004 ; [ Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98 (USA) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00479} ] :SLUS-00479 #Unlock All Tracks 80077068 0009 #Enable Reverse Mode 80077062 0100 #Press L2 For Hidden 80Cc Blue Bike D0088402 0100 80076F18 0000 #Press L1 To Make Your Curent Lap Your Last\3 Lap Races D0088402 0001 80088A28 0102 #Press L1 To Make Your Curent Lap Your Last\4 Lap Races D0088402 0001 80088A28 0103 #Press L1 To Make Your Curent Lap Your Last\5 Lap Races D0088402 0001 80088A28 0104 #Press L1 To Make Your Curent Lap Your Last\Enable Cheat Menu 80076C1A 0001 ; [ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01060} ] :SLUS-01060 #P1 Infinite Health 800CDEBA 00C8 #Eveything Unlocked 50000602 0000 80066730 FFFF #Infinite Health Adventure Mode D30B27E0 2801 800B27E0 6405 #Max Hearts Score In Adventure Mode D3066CC2 0001 80066CC2 000A ; [ Juggernaut (USA) (1999) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00894 / SLUS-00988 / SLUS-00989} ] :SLUS-00894 :SLUS-00988 :SLUS-00989 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Nothing 801DE28A 0000 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 1 801DE28A 0001 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Painting 801DE28A 0002 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Record 801DE28A 0003 #Select Slot 1 Contents\God Card 801DE28A 0004 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Dog Card 801DE28A 0005 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Live Card 801DE28A 0006 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Evil Card 801DE28A 0007 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 2 801DE28A 001C #Select Slot 1 Contents\Piece of Iron 801DE28A 001D #Select Slot 1 Contents\Iron Crank 801DE28A 001E #Select Slot 1 Contents\Iron Key 801DE28A 001F #Select Slot 1 Contents\Round Mirror 801DE28A 0020 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Mirror 801DE28A 0021 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Coin 801DE28A 0022 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Knife 801DE28A 0023 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Ax 801DE28A 0024 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Red Pastel 801DE28A 0025 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Picture 801DE28A 0026 #Select Slot 1 Contents\XXXX 801DE28A 0027 #Select Slot 1 Contents\XXXX 801DE28A 0028 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Film 801DE28A 0029 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Film "H" 801DE28A 002A #Select Slot 1 Contents\Film "E" 801DE28A 002B #Select Slot 1 Contents\Film "L" 801DE28A 002C #Select Slot 1 Contents\Film "P" 801DE28A 002D #Select Slot 1 Contents\Blue Paint 801DE28A 002E #Select Slot 1 Contents\Yellow Paint 801DE28A 002F #Select Slot 1 Contents\Green Paint 801DE28A 0030 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Chess Piece 801DE28A 0031 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 3 801DE28A 0037 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Old Gun 801DE28A 0038 #Select Slot 1 Contents\ID Card 801DE28A 0042 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Gun 801DE28A 0043 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Tranquilizer Dart 801DE28A 0044 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Dart Gun 801DE28A 0045 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Gas Mask 801DE28A 0046 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Black Memo Pad 801DE28A 0047 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Red Memo Pad 801DE28A 0048 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Tranquilizer Gas Gun 801DE28A 0049 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 4 801DE28A 004B #Select Slot 1 Contents\Fake ID Card 801DE28A 004C #Select Slot 1 Contents\White Uniform 801DE28A 004D #Select Slot 1 Contents\Electronic Key 801DE28A 004E #Select Slot 1 Contents\Guard Uniform 801DE28A 004F #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 5 801DE28A 0055 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Doctor's Address 801DE28A 0056 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Police Password 801DE28A 0057 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Information Password 801DE28A 0058 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Mimi Version 6.2 801DE28A 0059 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 6 801DE28A 005F #Select Slot 1 Contents\Greek Cross Hospital Address 801DE28A 0060 #Select Slot 1 Contents\L.Planning Address 801DE28A 0061 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Address of N.Atas 801DE28A 0062 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Hacking Program 801DE28A 0063 #Select Slot 1 Contents\List of Murdered Patients 801DE28A 0064 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Search Engine 801DE28A 0065 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 7 801DE28A 0069 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Key 801DE28A 006A #Select Slot 1 Contents\Pendant 8 801DE28A 0073 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Cross 801DE28A 0074 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Garlic 801DE28A 0075 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Coin 801DE28A 0076 #Select Slot 1 Contents\Sword 801DE28A 0077 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Nothing 801DE28C 0000 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 1 801DE28C 0001 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Painting 801DE28C 0002 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Record 801DE28C 0003 #Select Slot 2 Contents\God Card 801DE28C 0004 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Dog Card 801DE28C 0005 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Live Card 801DE28C 0006 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Evil Card 801DE28C 0007 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 2 801DE28C 001C #Select Slot 2 Contents\Piece of Iron 801DE28C 001D #Select Slot 2 Contents\Iron Crank 801DE28C 001E #Select Slot 2 Contents\Iron Key 801DE28C 001F #Select Slot 2 Contents\Round Mirror 801DE28C 0020 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Mirror 801DE28C 0021 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Coin 801DE28C 0022 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Knife 801DE28C 0023 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Ax 801DE28C 0024 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Red Pastel 801DE28C 0025 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Picture 801DE28C 0026 #Select Slot 2 Contents\XXXX 801DE28C 0027 #Select Slot 2 Contents\XXXX 801DE28C 0028 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Film 801DE28C 0029 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Film "H" 801DE28C 002A #Select Slot 2 Contents\Film "E" 801DE28C 002B #Select Slot 2 Contents\Film "L" 801DE28C 002C #Select Slot 2 Contents\Film "P" 801DE28C 002D #Select Slot 2 Contents\Blue Paint 801DE28C 002E #Select Slot 2 Contents\Yellow Paint 801DE28C 002F #Select Slot 2 Contents\Green Paint 801DE28C 0030 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Chess Piece 801DE28C 0031 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 3 801DE28C 0037 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Old Gun 801DE28C 0038 #Select Slot 2 Contents\ID Card 801DE28C 0042 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Gun 801DE28C 0043 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Tranquilizer Dart 801DE28C 0044 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Dart Gun 801DE28C 0045 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Gas Mask 801DE28C 0046 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Black Memo Pad 801DE28C 0047 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Red Memo Pad 801DE28C 0048 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Tranquilizer Gas Gun 801DE28C 0049 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 4 801DE28C 004B #Select Slot 2 Contents\Fake ID Card 801DE28C 004C #Select Slot 2 Contents\White Uniform 801DE28C 004D #Select Slot 2 Contents\Electronic Key 801DE28C 004E #Select Slot 2 Contents\Guard Uniform 801DE28C 004F #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 5 801DE28C 0055 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Doctor's Address 801DE28C 0056 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Police Password 801DE28C 0057 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Information Password 801DE28C 0058 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Mimi Version 6.2 801DE28C 0059 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 6 801DE28C 005F #Select Slot 2 Contents\Greek Cross Hospital Address 801DE28C 0060 #Select Slot 2 Contents\L.Planning Address 801DE28C 0061 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Address of N.Atas 801DE28C 0062 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Hacking Program 801DE28C 0063 #Select Slot 2 Contents\List of Murdered Patients 801DE28C 0064 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Search Engine 801DE28C 0065 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 7 801DE28C 0069 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Key 801DE28C 006A #Select Slot 2 Contents\Pendant 8 801DE28C 0073 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Cross 801DE28C 0074 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Garlic 801DE28C 0075 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Coin 801DE28C 0076 #Select Slot 2 Contents\Sword 801DE28C 0077 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Nothing 801DE28E 0000 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 1 801DE28E 0001 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Painting 801DE28E 0002 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Record 801DE28E 0003 #Select Slot 3 Contents\God Card 801DE28E 0004 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Dog Card 801DE28E 0005 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Live Card 801DE28E 0006 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Evil Card 801DE28E 0007 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 2 801DE28E 001C #Select Slot 3 Contents\Piece of Iron 801DE28E 001D #Select Slot 3 Contents\Iron Crank 801DE28E 001E #Select Slot 3 Contents\Iron Key 801DE28E 001F #Select Slot 3 Contents\Round Mirror 801DE28E 0020 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Mirror 801DE28E 0021 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Coin 801DE28E 0022 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Knife 801DE28E 0023 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Ax 801DE28E 0024 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Red Pastel 801DE28E 0025 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Picture 801DE28E 0026 #Select Slot 3 Contents\XXXX 801DE28E 0027 #Select Slot 3 Contents\XXXX 801DE28E 0028 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Film 801DE28E 0029 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Film "H" 801DE28E 002A #Select Slot 3 Contents\Film "E" 801DE28E 002B #Select Slot 3 Contents\Film "L" 801DE28E 002C #Select Slot 3 Contents\Film "P" 801DE28E 002D #Select Slot 3 Contents\Blue Paint 801DE28E 002E #Select Slot 3 Contents\Yellow Paint 801DE28E 002F #Select Slot 3 Contents\Green Paint 801DE28E 0030 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Chess Piece 801DE28E 0031 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 3 801DE28E 0037 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Old Gun 801DE28E 0038 #Select Slot 3 Contents\ID Card 801DE28E 0042 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Gun 801DE28E 0043 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Tranquilizer Dart 801DE28E 0044 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Dart Gun 801DE28E 0045 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Gas Mask 801DE28E 0046 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Black Memo Pad 801DE28E 0047 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Red Memo Pad 801DE28E 0048 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Tranquilizer Gas Gun 801DE28E 0049 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 4 801DE28E 004B #Select Slot 3 Contents\Fake ID Card 801DE28E 004C #Select Slot 3 Contents\White Uniform 801DE28E 004D #Select Slot 3 Contents\Electronic Key 801DE28E 004E #Select Slot 3 Contents\Guard Uniform 801DE28E 004F #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 5 801DE28E 0055 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Doctor's Address 801DE28E 0056 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Police Password 801DE28E 0057 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Information Password 801DE28E 0058 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Mimi Version 6.2 801DE28E 0059 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 6 801DE28E 005F #Select Slot 3 Contents\Greek Cross Hospital Address 801DE28E 0060 #Select Slot 3 Contents\L.Planning Address 801DE28E 0061 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Address of N.Atas 801DE28E 0062 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Hacking Program 801DE28E 0063 #Select Slot 3 Contents\List of Murdered Patients 801DE28E 0064 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Search Engine 801DE28E 0065 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 7 801DE28E 0069 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Key 801DE28E 006A #Select Slot 3 Contents\Pendant 8 801DE28E 0073 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Cross 801DE28E 0074 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Garlic 801DE28E 0075 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Coin 801DE28E 0076 #Select Slot 3 Contents\Sword 801DE28E 0077 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Nothing 801DE290 0000 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 1 801DE290 0001 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Painting 801DE290 0002 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Record 801DE290 0003 #Select Slot 4 Contents\God Card 801DE290 0004 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Dog Card 801DE290 0005 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Live Card 801DE290 0006 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Evil Card 801DE290 0007 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 2 801DE290 001C #Select Slot 4 Contents\Piece of Iron 801DE290 001D #Select Slot 4 Contents\Iron Crank 801DE290 001E #Select Slot 4 Contents\Iron Key 801DE290 001F #Select Slot 4 Contents\Round Mirror 801DE290 0020 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Mirror 801DE290 0021 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Coin 801DE290 0022 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Knife 801DE290 0023 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Ax 801DE290 0024 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Red Pastel 801DE290 0025 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Picture 801DE290 0026 #Select Slot 4 Contents\XXXX 801DE290 0027 #Select Slot 4 Contents\XXXX 801DE290 0028 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Film 801DE290 0029 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Film "H" 801DE290 002A #Select Slot 4 Contents\Film "E" 801DE290 002B #Select Slot 4 Contents\Film "L" 801DE290 002C #Select Slot 4 Contents\Film "P" 801DE290 002D #Select Slot 4 Contents\Blue Paint 801DE290 002E #Select Slot 4 Contents\Yellow Paint 801DE290 002F #Select Slot 4 Contents\Green Paint 801DE290 0030 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Chess Piece 801DE290 0031 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 3 801DE290 0037 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Old Gun 801DE290 0038 #Select Slot 4 Contents\ID Card 801DE290 0042 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Gun 801DE290 0043 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Tranquilizer Dart 801DE290 0044 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Dart Gun 801DE290 0045 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Gas Mask 801DE290 0046 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Black Memo Pad 801DE290 0047 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Red Memo Pad 801DE290 0048 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Tranquilizer Gas Gun 801DE290 0049 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 4 801DE290 004B #Select Slot 4 Contents\Fake ID Card 801DE290 004C #Select Slot 4 Contents\White Uniform 801DE290 004D #Select Slot 4 Contents\Electronic Key 801DE290 004E #Select Slot 4 Contents\Guard Uniform 801DE290 004F #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 5 801DE290 0055 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Doctor's Address 801DE290 0056 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Police Password 801DE290 0057 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Information Password 801DE290 0058 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Mimi Version 6.2 801DE290 0059 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 6 801DE290 005F #Select Slot 4 Contents\Greek Cross Hospital Address 801DE290 0060 #Select Slot 4 Contents\L.Planning Address 801DE290 0061 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Address of N.Atas 801DE290 0062 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Hacking Program 801DE290 0063 #Select Slot 4 Contents\List of Murdered Patients 801DE290 0064 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Search Engine 801DE290 0065 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 7 801DE290 0069 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Key 801DE290 006A #Select Slot 4 Contents\Pendant 8 801DE290 0073 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Cross 801DE290 0074 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Garlic 801DE290 0075 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Coin 801DE290 0076 #Select Slot 4 Contents\Sword 801DE290 0077 ; [ Jumping Flash! 2 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94108} ] :SCUS-94108 #Level 1 Infinite Time 80104094 6E4F #Level 1 Infinite Lives 80105098 0003 #Level 1 Stop Time 801050A0 0001 #Level 1 Infinite Energy 80136DE4 0085 #Level 1jumping Bar Full 8010520C 1000 80105210 1000 #Level 1 Jump Infinitely 801051C0 0001 #Level 1 Have All Muu's 801050D4 000F #Level 2 Infinite Time 801060A8 8C4D #Level 2 Infinite Lives 801070A0 0005 #Level 2 Stop Time 801070A8 0001 #Level 2 Infinite Energy 80138E48 0085 #Level 2 Jumping Bar Full 80107214 1000 80107218 1000 #Level 2 Jump Infinitely 801071C8 0001 #Level 2 Have All Muu's 80107064 000F #Level 3 Infinite Time 8010B5D0 8C8C #Level 3infinite Lives 8010C604 0005 #Level 3stop Time 8010C60C 0001 #Level 3Infinite Energy 8013D9CC 0085 #Level 3 Jumping Bar Full 8010C778 1000 8010C77C 1000 #Level 3 Jump Infinitely 8010C72C 0001 #Level 3 Have All Muu's 8010C5C8 000F #Level 4 Infinite Time 8010BE04 8C8C #Level 4 Infinite Lives 8010CE00 0005 #Level 4 Stop Time 8010CE08 0001 #Level 4 Infinite Energy 8013FE30 0085 #Level 4 Jumping Bar Full 8010CF74 1000 8010CF78 1000 #Level 4 Jump Infinitely 8010CF28 0001 #Level 4 Have All Muu's 8010CDC4 000F #Level 5 Infinite Time 801145AC 8C8C #Level 5 Infinite Lives 801155B8 0005 #Level 5 Stop Time 801155C0 0001 #Level 5 Infinite Energy 80147870 0085 #Level 5 Jumping Bar Full 8011572C 1000 80115730 1000 #Level 5 Jump Infinitely 801156E0 0001 #Level 5 Have All Muu's 8011557C 000F #Level 6 Infinite Time 80114CFC 8C8C #Level 6 Infinite Lives 80115D34 0005 #Level 6 Stop Time 80115D3C 0001 #Level 6 Infinite Energy 80149FCC 0085 #Level 6 Jumping Bar Full 80115EA8 1000 80115EAC 1000 #Level 6 Jump Infinitely 80115E5C 0001 #Level 6have All Muu's 80115CF8 000F #Select Starting Level\1-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0000 #Select Starting Level\1-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0001 #Select Starting Level\1-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0002 #Select Starting Level\2-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0003 #Select Starting Level\2-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0004 #Select Starting Level\2-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0005 #Select Starting Level\3-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0006 #Select Starting Level\3-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0007 #Select Starting Level\3-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0008 #Select Starting Level\4-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0009 #Select Starting Level\4-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000A #Select Starting Level\4-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000B #Select Starting Level\5-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000C #Select Starting Level\5-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000D #Select Starting Level\5-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000E #Select Starting Level\6-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000F #Select Starting Level\6-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0010 #Select Starting Level\6-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0011 #Unlock All Extras all stages, bonuses, and medals:Enable this after the game has booted 80014498 FFFF 800144A6 FFFF 800144C2 FFFF 800144C6 0100 ; [ Jumping Flash! (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94103} ] :SCUS-94103 #Infinite Lives D00B0000 0D18 80102EF4 0003 D00B0000 1658 80103308 0003 D00B0000 0DEC 800FFA0C 0003 D00B0000 0DF0 80101EEC 0003 D00B0000 1664 80108210 0003 D00B0000 1504 800FD144 0003 #Infinite Time D00B0000 0D18 80102830 8C80 D00B0000 1658 80102C4C 8C80 D00B0000 0DEC 800FF380 8C80 D00B0000 0DF0 80101820 8C80 D00B0000 1664 80107AF4 8C80 D00B0000 1504 800FCA88 8C80 #Infinite Energy D00B0000 0D18 80138114 00C8 D00B0000 1658 80139840 00C8 D00B0000 0DEC 8013495C 00C8 D00B0000 0DF0 8013AF44 00C8 D00B0000 1664 8013D328 00C8 D00B0000 1504 801321FC 00C8 #2X Jumping 30102740 0001 #All Worlds Unlocked 30014519 0001 #Free Time 80102F04 0001 #Super/Hyper And All Other Modes Enable (Beat a stage and exit to the main menu with the All Worlds Unlocked code also on to fully enable.) 300140E4 0000 ; [ Walt Disney's The Jungle Book - Rhythm n' Groove (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01278} ] :SLUS-01278 #Level 1 Infinite Tries E008E534 0002 3008E534 0003 #Level 1 Max Combo D008E520 0000 8008E520 7FFF #Level 1 Quick Max Score D008E4D8 0000 8008E4D8 FFFF #Level 2 Infinite Tries E008EEB8 0002 3008EEB8 0003 #Level 2 Max Combo D008EEA4 0000 8008EEA4 7FFF #Level 2 Quick Max Score D008EE5C 0000 8008EE5C FFFF #Level 3 Infinite Tries E008DAC8 0002 3008DAC8 0003 #Level 3 Max Combo D008DAB4 0000 8008DAB4 7FFF #Level 3 Quick Max Score D008DA6C 0000 8008DA6C FFFF #Level 4 Infinite Tries E008E658 0002 3008E658 0003 #Level 4 Max Combo D008E644 0000 8008E644 7FFF #Level 4 Quick Max Score D008E5FC 0000 8008E5FC FFFF #Level 5 Infinite Tries E008E118 0002 3008E118 0003 #Level 5 Max Combo D008E104 0000 8008E104 7FFF #Level 5 Quick Max Score D008E0BC 0000 8008E0BC FFFF #Level 6 Infinite Tries E008DE7C 0002 3008DE7C 0003 #Level 6 Max Combo D008DE68 0000 8008DE68 7FFF #Level 6 Quick Max Score D008DE20 0000 8008DE20 FFFF #Level 7 Infinite Tries E008D910 0002 3008D910 0003 #Level 7 Max Combo D008D8FC 0000 8008D8FC 7FFF #Level 7 Quick Max Score D008D8B4 0000 8008D8B4 FFFF #Level 8 Infinite Tries E008EAFC 0002 3008EAFC 0003 #Level 8 Max Combo D008EAE8 0000 8008EAE8 7FFF #Level 8 Quick Max Score D008EAA0 0000 8008EAA0 FFFF #Level 9 Infinite Tries E0090FD0 0002 30090FD0 0003 #Max Combo D0090FBC 0000 80090FBC 7FFF #Quick Max Score D0090F74 0000 80090F74 FFFF #Lou Bega Challenge Infinite Tries E008B518 0002 3008B518 0003 #Lou Bega Challenge Max Combo D008B504 0000 8008B504 7FFF #Lou Bega Challenge Quick Max Score D008B4BC 0000 8008B4BC FFFF #Lou Bega Challenge Unlock Crazy Difficulty 80057D0E FFFF #Lou Bega Challenge Unlock Dancing Stage 80056780 0000 80056784 0000 80056788 0000 8005678C 0000 80056790 0000 800567AC 0000 800567B0 0000 800567B4 0000 800567B8 0000 800567BC 0000 #Lou Bega Challenge Unlock Jungle Theater 80056768 000A 8005676C 0902 #Lou Bega Challenge Unlock Lou Bega Video 80057CE0 8000 ; [ Jupiter Strike (USA) (1995) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00177} ] :SLUS-00177 #Infinite Shield 800BB3D4 0064 800BB818 0064 #Laser Always Cool 800BB950 0064 #Infinite Lives 800C38A4 0003 ; [ Jimmy White's 2 - Cueball (USA) (2000) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01313} ] ;:SLUS-01313 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K-1 The Arena Fighters (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00414} ] :SLUS-00414 #P1 Infinite Stamina 800B44B4 01F4 #P2 Infinite Stamina 800B44B8 01F4 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B44BC 03E8 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B44C0 03E8 #P1 Always Have 0 Knock-Downs 800B44D4 0000 #P2 Always Have 0 Knock-Downs 800B44D4 0000 #Infinite Time In Round 800B45E0 0000 #P1 Start With 1 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000 800B44D4 0001 #P2 Start With 1 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000 800B44D4 0001 #P1 Start With 2 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000 800B44D4 0002 #P2 Start With 2 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000 800B44D4 0002 #P1 25% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44C4 03E7 800B44BC 00FA #P1 50% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44C4 03E7 800B44BC 01F4 #P1 50% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44C4 03E7 800B44BC 02EE #P2 25% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C8 03E7 800B44C0 00FA #P2 50% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C8 03E7 800B44C0 01F4 #P2 50% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C8 03E7 800B44C0 02EE #P1 No Energy 800B44BC 0000 #P2 No Energy 800B44C0 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D00B44BC 03E8 800B44C4 0001 800B44BC 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C8 0001 800B44C0 0001 #P1 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 25% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44BC 00FA #P1 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 50% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44BC 01F4 #P1 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 75% Energy D00B44BC 03E8 800B44BC 02EE #P2 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 25% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C0 00FA #P2 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 50% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C0 01F4 #P2 When Energy is Full, It Goes To 75% Energy D00B44C0 03E8 800B44C0 02EE #Infinite Credits 800B49D4 0003 ; [ K-1 Grand Prix (USA) (2000) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00941} ] :SLUS-00941 #P1 Infinite Health 800DC434 0002 800DC436 16A0 800DC444 0008 800DC446 16A0 #P1 Infinite Rush 800E5EE6 0128 #P2 No health 800E61BC 0000 800E61BE 0000 ; [ K-1 Revenge (USA) (1999) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00766} ] :SLUS-00766 #P1 Infinite HP 800BB2C8 03FF 800BB2D0 03FF #Extra Characters 800BB2B4 000F #P2 No Health 800BB2CC 0000 800BB2D4 0000 ; [ Kagero - Deception II (USA) (1998) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00677} ] :SLUS-00677 #Infinite Health 800E7C4E 0196 #Infinite Ark 800E7C5C 2710 #Mission Modifier (00-2C) ENABLED LAST LEVEL D00DB4C2 0001 800DB4C2 002C #No Charge Time For Traps\1Th Room 800E5FEA 0000 800E6066 0000 800E60E2 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\2nd Room 800E615E 0000 800E61DA 0000 800E6256 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\3rd Room 800E62D2 0000 800E634E 0000 800E63CA 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\4th Room 800E6446 0000 800E64C2 0000 800E653E 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\5th Room 800E65BA 0000 800E6636 0000 800E66B2 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\6th Room 800E672E 0000 800E67AA 0000 800E6826 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\7th Room 800E68A2 0000 800E691E 0000 800E699A 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\8th Room 800E6A16 0000 800E6A92 0000 800E6B0E 0000 #No Charge Time For Traps\9th Room 800E6B8A 0000 800E6C06 0000 800E6C82 0000 ; [ Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00027, SLUS-00027CE} ] :SLUS-00027 :SLUS-00027CE #Max Blood Line 801CAA76 0190 #Lok Invincibility (Almost Complete) 800A7EA4 0001 #Save Anywhere:Press O+X C00A83C4 0060 801CAAF8 2C00 801CAB04 0001 00000000 FFFF #Lok Infinite Blood (With this code, you have to switch the effects down to die at the beginning and any other time you are supposed to die!! and you have to turn them downwhen you drink from a fountain.. otherwise there will be an infinite loop started until you shut the effects off!) 801CAA74 0190 801CAA76 0190 #Lok Infinite Magic 801CAA7A 0059 #Have All Blood Fountain Power-Up Enhancements 801CAB28 0303 801CAB2A 0101 300A7D85 0001 #Almost All Enemies Will Die or Be In Submission After One Hit 500017A4 0000 800B8728 FFFE 500013A4 0000 800B95E6 FFFE ; [ Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00708} ] :SLUS-00708 #Select Weapon\Sword fighting style 800D5664 000A #Select Weapon\Spear 800D5664 0001 #Select Weapon\Torch 800D5664 0002 #Select Weapon\Boulder (cant open doors) 800D5664 0003 #Select Weapon\Soul Reaver w/Blue Swipe 800D5664 0004 #Select Weapon\Soul Reaver no swipe 800D5664 0005 #Select Weapon\Never Lose Material Reaver 800D5664 1000 800D567C 0000 801A7FFC 0101 #Enemies Dont Attack You 800D567E 0001 #Select Reaver\Spectral(Cant shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0000 #Select Reaver\Spectral(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0001 #Select Reaver\Material(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0002 #Select Reaver\Aerial(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0003 #Select Reaver\Material(Cant shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0004 #Select Reaver\Light?(Cant shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0005 #Select Reaver\Fire(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0006 #Select Reaver\Kain(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0007 #Select Reaver\Water?(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0008 #Select Reaver\Bright Green?(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 0009 #Select Reaver\Light?(Can shoot force projectile) 801A8000 000A #Select Reaver\Bright Green w/Dark Green Arm Electricity 801A8000 000B #Gate Walking:L1+L2=On R1+R2=Off C00D1058 0500 800D5284 87BC 800D5286 800A 00000000 FFFF C00D1058 0A00 800D1960 0000 800D1964 0000 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Health (Spirit Plain Only) 800D5674 86A0 800D5676 0001 #Infinite Health (Material Plain Only) 800D5674 A120 800D5676 0007 #Infinite Health (Works With Max Stamina Level Code) C00D56B0 0002 800D5674 86A0 800D5676 0001 00000000 FFFF C00D56B0 0001 800D5674 A120 800D5676 0007 00000000 FFFF #Always High Jump 800D55D8 0020 #Have All Forged + Special Abilities 800D5680 FFBF #Have All Glyph Abilities 800CFDBE 03FF 800D5682 03FF #All 5 Emblem Pieces 800D492A 0005 800D492C 0005 #Infinite Glyph Power 800D5688 0063 800D568A 0063 #Max Stamina Level 800D5670 0004 #Shift Almost Anywhere 800A5A7E 2400 800B00C4 FFD0 800B00C6 1000 #Hyper Mode 800D123E 0021 #Skips Start Game Intro 800CDD88 0000 800D10E0 000A 800D1150 0000 800D1154 0000 800D1156 0000 800D2A78 0000 #Walk Through Walls 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E #Walk Through Walls:When L3 Is Pressed - In Any Direction C00D1080 1001 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1002 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1004 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1005 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1006 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1008 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 1009 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF C00D1080 100A 801A8190 762E 801A8198 762E 00000000 FFFF #In-Game Cheats\Have All Abilities (Including Shift Anywhere) 800CFDBC FFFF #In-Game Cheats\Have All Glyphs 800CFDC6 03FF #In-Game Cheats\Have Kain Reaver 800CFDC2 0001 #In-Game Cheats\Have Unknown Purple Reaver 800CFDC2 0002 #In-Game Cheats\Have Spectral Reaver 800CFDC0 0400 #In-Game Cheats\Have Material Reaver 800CFDC0 0800 #In-Game Cheats\Have Aerial Reaver 800CFDC0 1000 #In-Game Cheats\Have Fire Reaver 800CFDC0 8000 #In-Game Cheats\Moon Jump D00D1080 0080 801F418C 0090 #In-Game Cheats\All Portals Open 800D198A 0009 800D1A0A 0009 800D1A4A 0009 ; [ Kartia - The Word of Fate (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00631} ] :SLUS-00631 #Have All Letter Text 8005CCD8 FFFF 8005CCDA FFFF 8005CCDC FFFF 8005CCDE FFFF 8005CCE0 FFFF 8005CCE2 FFFF 8005CCE4 FFFF 8005CCE6 FFFF 8005CCE8 FFFF 8005CCEA FFFF #Infinite HP 1st Character 8005AFDA 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd Character 8005B026 03E7 #Infinite HP 3rd Character 8005B072 03E7 #Infinite HP 4th Character 8005B0BE 03E7 #Infinite HP 5th Character 8005B10A 03E7 ; [ Virtual Kasparov (USA) (2001) (Titus Software Corporation) {SLUS-01341} ] :SLUS-01341 #P1 No Move Time 800969F0 0000 #P2 No Move Time 800969F4 0000 ; [ Kensei - Sacred Fist (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00600} ] :SLUS-00600 #P1 Infinite Health 800C4D70 0090 800CE25C 00C0 #P2 Infinite Health 800C4D86 0090 800CF5F8 00C0 #Extra Characters 80010588 FFFF 8001058A 003F ; [ Kickboxing (USA) (2002) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01412} ] :SLUS-01412 #Infinite Time 800F73D0 0180 #P1 Infinite Health 801FEBD0 0AF0 #P2 No Health 801FEC10 0000 ; [ Kileak - The DNA Imperative (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94102} ] :SCUS-94102 #Infinite Energy 800B6294 03DE #Infinite Armor 800B6298 03E8 #Infinite Wales Ammo 800B62C8 01EF #Infinite Erosion Ammo 800B62E0 0003 #Infinite Zax Ammo 800B6204 0058 #Infinite Iritro Crion Ammo 800B62D0 000A ; [ Killer Loop (USA) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-00938} ] :SLUS-00938 #Unlock All Killer Loop Modes D0010116 6C68 80064A82 FFFF #Unlock All Ships And Tracks D0010116 6C68 50000602 0000 80064818 0101 ; [ Killing Zone (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00369} ] :SLUS-00369 #P1 Infinite Energy 8008F9EC 0200 #P1 No Energy 8008F9EC 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 8008F9F0 0200 #P2 No Energy 8008F9F0 0000 #P1 25% Energy D008F9EC 0200 8008F9EC 0080 #P1 50% Energy D008F9EC 0200 8008F9EC 0100 #P1 75% Energy D008F9EC 0200 8008F9EC 0180 #P1 No Energy 8008F9EC 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D008F9EC 0200 8008F9EC 0001 #P2 25% Energy D008F9F0 0200 8008F9F0 0080 #P2 50% Energy D008F9F0 0200 8008F9F0 0100 #P2 75% Energy D008F9F0 0200 8008F9F0 0180 #P2 No Energy 8008F9F0 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D008F9F0 0200 8008F9F0 0001 ; [ Kingsley's Adventure (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00801} ] ;:SLUS-00801 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ King's Field II (USA) (1996) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00255} ] :SLUS-00255 #Infinite HP 801B24FA 270F 801B24FC 270F #Infinite MP 801B24FE 270F 801B2500 270F #50000 OF GOLD 801B2534 C350 ; [ King's Field (USA) (1995) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00158} ] :SLUS-00158 #Infinite TP 80199426 00FA 80199428 00FA #Infinite MP 8019942A 00FA 8019942C 00FA #Quick Weapon Access 8019942E 1388 #Quick Magic Access 80199432 1388 #Much Gold 50000 80199440 C350 #High Power 80199438 0064 #High Magicpower 8019943E 0064 #Mega Offensive 80199444 0064 80199446 0064 80199448 0064 8019944A 0064 8019944C 0064 8019944E 0064 80199450 0064 80199452 0064 #Mega Defensive 80199456 0064 80199458 0064 8019945A 0064 8019945C 0064 8019945E 0064 80199460 0064 80199462 0064 80199464 0064 80199466 0064 ; [ KISS Pinball (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01366} ] :SLUS-01366 #Infinite Balls (Netherworld) D004435C 0008 80044358 0000 D004435C 0024 80044358 255C #Infinite Balls (Oblivion) D0045A04 0008 80045A00 0000 D0045A04 08B5 80045A00 08B4 ; [ Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (USA) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00585} ] :SLUS-00585 #Infinite Health 8010E5D0 0006 #Infinite Lives 8010E5CA 0009 #Invincibility 800BF074 000F #Fly High the longer you hold down the X button the higher you will fly. Pushing X will also stop falls. C00BEE22 4000 800BF07E 000F 800BF072 0000 00000000 FFFF C00BEE22 4080 800BF07E 000F 800BF072 0000 00000000 FFFF C00BEE22 4020 800BF07E 000F 800BF072 0000 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Keys 800BE328 0001 #Hold Jump To Fly 800BF072 0000 #Have All 6 Blocks 8010E5CE 0006 ; [ The King of Fighters '95 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94205} ] :SCUS-94205 #P1 Infinite Energy 800BCFA0 00CF #P1 Needs 1 Round To Win D00B41E0 0000 300B41E1 0001 #P2 No Energy 800BCFA2 0000 ; [ The King of Fighters '99 (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01332} ] :SLUS-01332 #Infinite Time 300B8D42 0099 #P1 Infinite Health 300B7EB4 0065 #P1 No Energy 300B7EB4 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death E00B7EB4 0065 300B7EB4 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 300B808C 0065 #P2 1-Hit Death E00B808C 0065 300B808C 0001 #P1 Max Special 300B7E71 0090 #P1 No Special 300B7E71 0000 #P2 Max Special 300B8049 0090 #P2 No Special 300B8049 0000 #P1 Never Wins 300B8D5E 0000 #P1 Needs 1 Round To Win E00B8D5E 0000 300B8D5E 0001 #P2 Never Wins 300B8D78 0000 #P2 Needs 1 Round To Win E00B8D78 0000 300B8D78 0001 #P1 Play As Boss .With this code, highlight highlight Lori or Kyo and press L1+X and choose the shadowy image to play as the boss. This will work in all modes including normal 1-player Teamplay. C00BBCA0 0400 800B15CE 0001 800B121E 0001 00000000 FFFF #Krizalid Enabled 8008C8AE 0703 ; [ Knockout Kings (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00737, SLUS-00737A} ] :SLUS-00737 :SLUS-00737A #P1 Infinite Stamina 801DA5DE 002D 801DA606 002D #P1 Max Power 801DA60C 0BB2 #P2 No Power 801DAF98 0000 #P2 No Stamina 801DAF6A 0000 801DAF92 0000 ; [ Knockout Kings 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01269} ] :SLUS-01269 #Infinite Health P1 Only 80030CE0 082B 80030CE2 0276 80030CE6 1420 #Infinite Stamina P1 Only 80022B64 0001 80022B66 2401 80022B6A 102B #Infinite Creation Points 800ED0EE 03E7 ; [ Knockout Kings 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00993} ] :SLUS-00993 #Infinite Health P1 ONLY 8001DABC 082B 8001DABE 0277 8001DAC6 1420 #Infinite Stamina P1 ONLY 8002184C 1000 8002184E 3221 80021852 1020 #Infinite Creation Points 800C5698 00FF #Unlock Mills Lane 800F43F0 0001 ; [ Konami Arcade Classics (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00945} ] :SLUS-00945 #Circus Charlie\P1 Infinite Lives 800EDCE8 0003 #Circus Charlie\Infinite Timer 800EDD64 0705 #Gyruss\P1 Infinite Lives 800F50E8 2403 #Gyruss\P2 Infinite Lives 800F5108 2403 #Pooyan\P1 Infinite Lives 800F43F0 0503 #Pooyan\Kill 1 Guy A Level (Both Players) 800F43E8 0100 #Road Fighter\P1 Cars Passed Modifier 800EEB9A 00FF #Road Fighter\Infinite Fuel (Both Players) 800EEB96 FFFF #Roc 'n Rope\P1 Infinite Lives 800F0BA8 0002 #Roc 'n Rope\P1 Invincibility 800F0CA8 0002 #Scramble\P1 Infinite Lives 800EFBF0 0002 #Scramble\Infinite Fuel 800EFBEC F500 #Shao Lin's Road\P1 Infinite Lives 800EE560 0003 #Shao Lin's Road\Infinite Damage (Both Players) 800EEBE8 0000 #Shao Lin's Road\Kill 1 Guy A Level (Both Players) 800EE56E 0194 #Super Cobra\P1 Infinite Fuel 800F3BEC EC00 #Super Cobra\P1 Infinite Lives 800F3BF0 0003 #Time Pilot\P1 Infinite Lives 800F67E8 0103 #Time Pilot\P2 Infinite Lives 800F67F8 0103 #Time Pilot\Kill Main Guy Only To Win 800F67EA 0000 #Time Pilot\P1 + P2 Invincibility 300F62E8 00FF #Yie Ar Kung-Fu\P1 Infinite Lives 800F0F18 020B #Yie Ar Kung-Fu\P2 Infinite Lives 800F0F48 020B #Yie Ar Kung-Fu\Infinite Health (Both Players) D30F0B72 0000 800F0B74 0008 #Yie Ar Kung-Fu\Opponents Health At No Hits (Both Players) 800F0C7A 0000 ; [ Koudelka (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01051 / SLUS-01100 / SLUS-01101 / SLUS-01102} ] :SLUS-01051 :SLUS-01100 :SLUS-01101 :SLUS-01102 #No Random Battles 801D11D0 0821 #Koudelka Infinite Hit Points 801D13C8 7FFF #Koudelka Infinite Magic Points 801D13D8 7FFF #Edward Infinite Hit Points 801CF9D0 7FFF #Edward Infinite Magic Points 801CF9E0 7FFF #James Infinite Hit Points 801CDFD8 7FFF #James Infinite Magic Points 801CDFE8 7FFF ; [ Krazy Ivan (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94303} ] :SCUS-94303 #Infinite Missiles 8008D1D4 0063 #Infinite Shields 1st mission 800C4D0C 0064 #Infinite Shields ALTERNATE 800C4CD0 0064 800C4CD4 0064 800C4CD8 0032 800C4CDC 0032 800C4CE0 0032 800C4CE4 0032 800C4CE8 0032 800C4CEC 0064 #Freeze Timer 800C4CF2 0009 #Never Overheat 800D1CB8 0000 #Full Cheat Mode 800BB078 00FF #Select Level\Japan (JAPTEX) 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0DFC #Select Level\North America (USA) 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0E0C #Select Level\France (EUROPE) 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0E18 #Select Level\Saudi Arabia (MIDDLE) 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0E28 #Select Level\Russia (RUSSIA) 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0E38 #Select Level\Secret 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0DEC #Select Level\fIN 50000704 0000 8008D5D8 0DE0 ; [ Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01125} ] :SLUS-01125 #Team 1-Score 9 801C8DC0 0009 #Team 1-Score 0 801C8DC0 0000 #Team 2-Score 9 801C8DDC 0009 #Team 2-Score 0 801C8DDC 0000 #Always On 1st Down 801C8E1C 0001 #Always On 4th Down 801C8E1C 0004 ; [ Alexi Lalas International Soccer (USA) (1999) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-00872} ] :SLUS-00872 #Select Home Team Score\9 8011FF54 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8011FF54 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 80120178 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80120178 0000 ; [ The Land Before Time - Big Water Adventure (USA) (2002) (TDK Mediactive) {SLUS-01481} ] ;:SLUS-01481 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Land Before Time - Return to the Great Valley (USA) (2000) (Universal Interactive) {SLUS-01043} ] :SLUS-01043 #Infinite Lives (Everyone) 80037B9E 2400 #Little Foot\Infinite Lives 300D7811 0005 #Little Foot\Have 98 Leaves E20D7813 0062 300D7813 0062 #Ducky\Infinite Lives 300D7814 0005 #Ducky\Have 98 Leaves E20D7816 0062 300D7816 0062 #Cera\Infinite Lives 300D7817 0005 #Cera\Have 98 Leaves E20D7819 0062 300D7819 0062 #Spike\Infinite Lives 300D781A 0005 #Spike\Have 98 Leaves E20D781C 0062 300D781C 0062 ; [ The Land Before Time - Great Valley Racing Adventure (USA) (2001) (TDK Mediactive) {SLUS-01213} ] :SLUS-01213 #Start On Lap 3 D005D8D0 0000 8005D8D0 0002 #Max Points 8004D71C FFFF #Freeze Timer 8004D724 0000 #Unlock All Obstacle Courses 8005D8EE 000F #Have Speed Burst 8004D6F0 0001 ; [ Largo Winch - Commando SAR (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01441} ] :SLUS-01441 #Infinite Health 800DFECE 0064 #Infinite Health (ASM) 8004389A 2400 #Infinite Bomb Timer 800E3F2A 003B ; [ The Legend of Dragoon (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94491 / SCUS-94584 / SCUS-94585 / SCUS-94586} ] :SCUS-94491 :SCUS-94584 :SCUS-94585 :SCUS-94586 #In-Battle\Infinite HP (All Characters) C00CCDEC 1021 800CCDE0 0002 800CCDE2 2401 800CCDE4 0005 800CCDE6 1027 800CCDEE 2400 00000000 FFFF #In-Battle\Infinite MP (All Characters) D00F5484 000C 800F5486 2400 #In-Battle\Infinite SP (All Characters) D00F45D4 000A 800F45D6 2400 D00F45E4 000A 800F45E6 2400 #In-Battle\1 Hit Death (All Enemies) C00CCDEC 1021 800CCDE0 0002 800CCDE2 2401 800CCDE4 0005 800CCDE6 1027 800CCDEE 2400 00000000 FFFF D00CCDF8 0004 800CCDFA A440 #Max Gold 800BAC5C E0FF 800BAC5E 05F5 #Infinite Gold 800BAC5C FFFF #Max Star Dust Disc 1 300BAC60 0014 #Max Star Dust Disc 2 300BAC60 0023 #Max Star Dust Disc 3 300BAC60 002E #Max Star Dust Disc 4 300BAC60 0032 #Infinite Items (All Slots) 80023346 2400 8002336E 2400 80023372 2400 #Save Anywhere 8005A368 0001 #Have All Dragoon Spirits 300BAD64 00FF #No Random Battles 800C6AE8 0000 #Albert Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAFD8 270F #Albert Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAFDA 03E7 #Albert Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAFDC 03E7 #Albert Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAFE2 003C #Albert Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAFE3 0005 #Albert Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAFD0 FFFF #Albert Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE97E 270F #Dart Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAEFC 270F #Dart Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAEFE 03E7 #Dart Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAF00 03E7 #Dart Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAF06 003C #Dart Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAF07 0005 #Dart Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAEF4 FFFF #Dart Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE65E 270F #Haschel Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAFAC 270F #Haschel Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAFAE 03E7 #Haschel Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAFB0 03E7 #Haschel Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAFB6 003C #Haschel Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAFB7 0005 #Haschel Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAFA4 FFFF #Haschel Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE8DE 270F #Kongol Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BB030 270F #Kongol Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BB032 03E7 #Kongol Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BB034 03E7 #Kongol Character Cheats\Max Level 300BB03A 003C #Kongol Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BB03B 0005 #Kongol Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BB028 FFFF #Kongol Character Cheats\Max HP 800BEABE 270F #Lavitz Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAF28 270F #Lavitz Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAF2A 03E7 #Lavitz Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAF2C 03E7 #Lavitz Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAF32 003C #Lavitz Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAF33 0005 #Lavitz Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAF20 FFFF #Lavitz Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE6FE 270F #Meru Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BB004 270F #Meru Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BB006 03E7 #Meru Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BB008 03E7 #Meru Character Cheats\Max Level 300BB00E 003C #Meru Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BB00F 0005 #Meru Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAFFC FFFF #Meru Character Cheats\Max HP 800BEA1E 270F #Miranda Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BB05C 270F #Miranda Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BB05E 03E7 #Miranda Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BB060 03E7 #Miranda Character Cheats\Max Level 300BB066 003C #Miranda Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BB067 0005 #Miranda Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BB054 FFFF #Miranda Character Cheats\Max HP 800BEB5E 270F #Rose Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAF80 270F #Rose Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAF82 03E7 #Rose Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAF84 03E7 #Rose Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAF8A 003C #Rose Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAF8B 0005 #Rose Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAF78 FFFF #Rose Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE38E 270F #Shana Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800BAF54 270F #Shana Character Cheats\Infinite MP 800BAF56 03E7 #Shana Character Cheats\Infinite SP 800BAF58 03E7 #Shana Character Cheats\Max Level 300BAF5E 003C #Shana Character Cheats\Max Dragoon Level 300BAF5F 0005 #Shana Character Cheats\Quick Level Gain 800BAF4C FFFF #Shana Character Cheats\Max HP 800BE79E 270F #Other\After Battle\Max Exp 800BC95C 967F 800BC95E 0098 #Other\After Battle\Max Gold 800BC920 967F 800BC922 0098 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite HP 5000092C 0000 800BAEFC 270F #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite MP 5000092C 0000 800BAEFE 03E7 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite SP 5000092C 0000 800BAF00 03E7 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Level 5000092C 0000 300BAF06 003C #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Dragoon 5000092C 0000 300BAF07 0005 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Quick Level Gain 5000092C 0000 800BAEF4 FFFF #Cheats for All Other Characters\All Characters In Party 5000092C 0000 300BAEF8 0003 ; [ Lode Runner (USA) (1998) (Natsume) {SLUS-00557} ] :SLUS-00557 #P1 Infinite Lives 800CB384 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800CB398 0005 ; [ Legend of Legaia (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94254} ] :SCUS-94254 #Infinite MP (Vahn) In Battle 8007A6BC 03E7 80084812 03E7 800ECB38 03E7 800ECB5C 03E7 #Infinite HP (Vahn) In Battle 8007A6BC 270F 8008480E 270F 800ECB34 270F 800ECB5A 270F #Infinite HP (Gala)In Battle 8007A6BC 270F 80085036 270F 800ED0DC 270F 800ED102 270F #Infinite MP (Gala)In Battle 8007A6BC 03E7 8008503A 03E7 800ED0E0 03E7 800ED104 03E7 #Infinite HP (Noa)In Battle 8007A6BC 270F 80084C22 270F 800ECE08 270F 800ECE2E 270F #Infinite MP (Noa)In Battle 8007A6BC 03E7 80084C26 03E7 800ECE0C 03E7 800ECE30 03E7 #Save Anywhere (Press Select+X) D007B7C0 0140 8007B6A8 0001 #Infinite Gold 8008459C FFFF ; [ LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge (USA) (2001) (LEGO Media International) {SLUS-01246} ] :SLUS-01246 #Have All Pizzas 80076318 0000 8007631A 0000 #Have All Bricks 80076194 0000 80076196 0000 #Infinite Time D009BAFC 0004 8009BAFE 2400 #Max Score (Upon 1st Trick) 8009BBF8 7FFF 8009BBFA 3C03 8009BC00 FFFF 8009BC02 2463 #Enable Secret Menu 300A2BD0 0005 ; [ LEGO Racers (USA) (1999) (LEGO Media International) {SLUS-00581} ] :SLUS-00581 #Time is 0:00:00 800B026E 2400 #Unlock Everything D00687B0 4003 8016ACE8 FFFF #Enable Maintain Speed Off Track 8006BB08 0001 #Enable Rocket Cars 8006BB08 0002 #Enable Turbo Mode 8006BB08 0100 ; [ LEGO Rock Raiders (USA) (2000) (LEGO Media International) {SLUS-00937} ] :SLUS-00937 #Timer Frozen 80061D1C 0000 #Pusher Beam Ammo 8011E424 0014 #Laser Beam Ammo 8011E454 0018 #Lego Ore 800C1C88 FFFF #Green Crystals 00-FF Replace the ?? with the number needed to complete mission 800C1C90 00FF #Red Crystals 00-FF Replace the ?? with the number needed to complete mission. 800C1C8C 00FF ; [ Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00760} ] :SLUS-00760 #1 Lemming To Complete Level 8005B1B4 0001 #Infinite Time 3008321F 0012 #Minimum Release Rate of 1 8005B1B0 0001 #Unlock All Levels 5000D001 0000 3004A5B2 0001 #Infinite Time 3008321F 0012 #Infinite Climbers 8005B1E0 0010 #Infinite Floaters 8005B1E4 0010 #Infinite Bombers 8005B1E8 0010 #Infinite Blockers 8005B1EC 0010 #Infinite Builders 8005B1F0 0010 #Infinite Bashers 8005B1F4 0010 #Infinite Miner 8005B1F8 0010 #Infinite Diggers 8005B1FC 0010 ; [ Lethal Enforcers I & II (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00293} ] :SLUS-00293 #P1 Infinite Lives 80078C3C 0009 #P1 Infinite Bullets 80078C38 0016 #P2 Infinite Lives 80078C70 0009 #P2 Infinite Bullets 80078C6C 0016 #Infinite Credits 80078C2C 001D #Last Stage Lethal Enforcers 8006C21C 0014 #Last Stage Lethal Enforcers II 8006C21C 0017 ; [ Disney's Lilo & Stitch (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94646} ] :SCUS-94646 #Infinite Health 800CCF5C 0003 #Infinite Lives 800CCF62 0009 #Have All Pictures 800CCF64 0004 #Max Flowers 800CCF5E 0064 #US English Cheats Menu (press L2 on the main menu/room the main function of this menu is a level select which is divided into world 1 world 2 the only other function is a memory card formatter/un formatter) D00D54CA 0100 800CC9E0 0005 ; [ Disney's The Lion King II - Simba's Mighty Adventure (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01282} ] :SLUS-01282 #Infinite Lives 30074FB4 0006 #Infinite Health 80074FB0 03FC #Infinite Time Matching D016DA20 00B3 8016DA20 00B4 #Have All Coins Points 8007992C 01F4 #Have Simba 300799B1 009F #All Levels Unlocked 50000901 0000 8007995E 0001 #Cheats + Thanks Options Unlocked (Options) 3009567D 0065 3009567F 0008 #Cheats Option Unlocked (Options) 3009567D 0075 3009567F 0007 #Unlock All Mini Games 50000301 0000 30079968 0001 #Have All Movies 50000901 0000 300799CA 0001 ; [ Loaded (USA) (1995) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00076} ] :SLUS-00076 #Master Code D002A9A8 000D #P1 Infinite Lives 800CDF42 001E #P1 Infinite Ammo 800CDF3E 03E8 #P2 Infinite Lives D004B138 0002 800CDFCA 001E #P2 Infinite Ammo D004B138 0002 800CDFC6 03E8 #Have All Keys 80107AC4 000F #All pause menu cheats activated (press select after you start level 1) D00FC970 0100 300A1484 003F #Level Select Cheat Activated (press select after you have started level 1 then quit) D00FC970 0100 300A1486 0001 ; [ The Adventures of Lomax (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94906} ] :SCUS-94906 #Infinite Lives 8006B854 0003 #Always Have Helmet 8006B714 FFFF 8006B71C FFFF #Infinite Bridges 8006B660 0009 #Infinite Digging 8006B8B4 0009 #Infinite Flames 8006B8C8 0009 #Infinite Credits 8006B7E0 0009 ; [ Looney Tunes Racing (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01145} ] :SLUS-01145 #Always Finish First 300D64E5 0000 #Infinite Maximun Special 800D6554 0006 #Unlock All Cups And Tracks 800986E8 FFFF 800986F4 FFFF 800986F8 FFFF #Unlock All Characters 800986F0 FFFF 800986F2 FFFF #Unlock All Movies 800986FC FFFF #All Chalenges Completed 800986EC FFFF 800986EE FFFF ; [ Norse by Norsewest - The Return of the Lost Vikings (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00466} ] :SLUS-00466 #Viking Left Infinite Energy 800B9204 0003 #Viking Middle Infinite Energy 800B9220 0003 #Viking Right Infinite Energy 800B923C 0003 #Invincibility 30095190 0001 #Infinite Flying 30095190 0002 #Invincibility + Infinite Flying 30095190 0003 #Infinite Skip Level (X+Square+Triangle) 30095190 0004 ; [ The Lost World - Jurassic Park (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00515} ] :SLUS-00515 #Infinite Lives 80050CAA 0701 #Infinite Lives (Bpc) 80015FE4 0000 80015FE6 0000 #Compy Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 80050CD4 0004 #Compy Level Infinite Breath (Beneath The Surface) 8008A684 03E8 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Aisle of Giants) 800D0C7E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Beneath The Surface) 80088ACE 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Beneath The Surface) 8008A664 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Creek Bed) 800AB90E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (High Ridge) 800B3A7E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Plains) 8009886E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Plains) 8009A404 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Rain Forest) 800AA1FE 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (River's Edge) 800A4F6E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (River's Edge) 800A6B04 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Sleeping Titan) 800A441E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Sleeping Titan) 800A5FB4 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Tidal Cavern) 800DF66E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Tidal Cavern) 800E1204 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Aisle of Giants) 800D2814 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Creek Bed) 800AD4A4 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (High Ridge) 800B5614 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Rain Forest) 800ABD94 0063 #Compy Level Level Modifier High Ridge 80050CD0 0001 #Compy Level Level Modifier Rain Forest 80050CD0 0002 #Compy Level Level Modifier Creek Bed 80050CD0 0003 #Compy Level Level Modifier Aisle of Giants 80050CD0 0004 #Compy Level Level Modifier Sleeping Titan 80050CD0 000F #Compy Level Level Modifier Plains 80050CD0 0005 #Compy Level Level River's Edge 80050CD0 0006 #Compy Level Level Modifier Beneath The Surface 80050CD0 0007 #Compy Level Level Modifier Tidal Cavern 80050CD0 0010 #Hunter Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 800582D4 0004 #Hunter Level Infinite Cannon Gun 30064BD1 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Arid Canyon) 800B032E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Enter Carefully) 800C0D5E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Geothermal Center) 800B635E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Heart of The Island) 800B6B2E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Ingen Complex) 800C73BE 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Underground) 800BBB5E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Flame Gun 30064BD0 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lighting Gun 30064BD6 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Arid Canyon) 800B1EC4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Enter Carefully) 800C28F4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Geothermal Center) 800B7EF4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Heart of The Island) 800B86C4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Ingen Complex) 800C8F54 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Underground) 800BD6F4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Machine Gun 30064BD4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Smoke Gun 30064BD2 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Timer Bomb 30064BD3 0063 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Enter Carefully 800582D0 0001 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Arid Canyon 800582D0 0003 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Heart of The Island 800582D0 0004 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Underground 800582D0 0005 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Geothermal Center 800582D0 0006 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Ingen Complex 800582D0 0007 #Raptor Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 8005733C 0004 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Eve of Chaos) 801279EE 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Into The Fire) 800C365E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Raptor Ravine) 800B2D7E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (The Burn Zone) 800D8ECE 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (The Way Out) 800CDC1E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Eve of Chaos) 80129584 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Into The Fire) 800C51F4 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Raptor Ravine) 800B4914 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (The Burn Zone) 800DAA64 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (The Way Out) 800CF7B4 0063 #Raptor Level Level The Way Out 80057338 0001 #Raptor Level Level Raptor Ravine 80057338 0003 #Raptor Level Level The Burn Zone 80057338 0005 #Raptor Level Level Into The Fire 80057338 0007 #Raptor Level Level Eve of Chaos 80057338 0008 #T-Rex Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 80059C74 0004 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Aftermath) 800B49CE 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Dinosaur Lairs) 8009792E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Force of Nature) 8009785E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Hunter Camp) 800AEE6E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Predator's Ball) 80091F6E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Sulphure Fields) 800B035E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (The Hunters Regroup) 800AD63E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Aftermath) 800B6564 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Dinosaur Lairs) 800994C4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Force of Nature) 800993F4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Hunter Camp) 800B0A04 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Predator's Ball) 80093B04 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Sulphure Fields) 800B1EF4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (The Hunters Regroup) 800AF1D4 0063 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Aftermath 80059C70 000A #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Force of Nature 80059C70 0014 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Sulphure Fields 80059C70 001E #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Dinosaur Lairs 80059C70 0032 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Predator's Ball 80059C70 003C #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Hunter Camp 80059C70 0046 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier The Hunters Regroup 80059C70 0050 #Enter Level Select Password Only Once With this code, goto the password screen and enter, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triable, Circle, X Square! 8002EEF8 0002 #Infinite Lives (Special Edition) D0009E10 0003 80015B3E 2400 D0009E10 0004 80015B56 2400 D0009E10 0005 80015B0E 2400 D0009E10 0006 80015D5A 2400 D0009E10 0007 80015B4E 2400 ; [ The Lost World - Jurassic Park - Special Edition (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00515} ] :SLUS-00515 #Infinite Lives 80050CAA 0701 #Infinite Lives (Bpc) 80015FE4 0000 80015FE6 0000 #Compy Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 80050CD4 0004 #Compy Level Infinite Breath (Beneath The Surface) 8008A684 03E8 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Aisle of Giants) 800D0C7E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Beneath The Surface) 80088ACE 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Beneath The Surface) 8008A664 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Creek Bed) 800AB90E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (High Ridge) 800B3A7E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Plains) 8009886E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Plains) 8009A404 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Rain Forest) 800AA1FE 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (River's Edge) 800A4F6E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (River's Edge) 800A6B04 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Sleeping Titan) 800A441E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Sleeping Titan) 800A5FB4 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Tidal Cavern) 800DF66E 0064 #Compy Level Infinite Energy (Tidal Cavern) 800E1204 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Aisle of Giants) 800D2814 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Creek Bed) 800AD4A4 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (High Ridge) 800B5614 0063 #Compy Level Infinite Lives (Rain Forest) 800ABD94 0063 #Compy Level Level Modifier High Ridge 80050CD0 0001 #Compy Level Level Modifier Rain Forest 80050CD0 0002 #Compy Level Level Modifier Creek Bed 80050CD0 0003 #Compy Level Level Modifier Aisle of Giants 80050CD0 0004 #Compy Level Level Modifier Sleeping Titan 80050CD0 000F #Compy Level Level Modifier Plains 80050CD0 0005 #Compy Level Level River's Edge 80050CD0 0006 #Compy Level Level Modifier Beneath The Surface 80050CD0 0007 #Compy Level Level Modifier Tidal Cavern 80050CD0 0010 #Hunter Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 800582D4 0004 #Hunter Level Infinite Cannon Gun 30064BD1 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Arid Canyon) 800B032E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Enter Carefully) 800C0D5E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Geothermal Center) 800B635E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Heart of The Island) 800B6B2E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Ingen Complex) 800C73BE 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Energy (Underground) 800BBB5E 0064 #Hunter Level Infinite Flame Gun 30064BD0 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lighting Gun 30064BD6 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Arid Canyon) 800B1EC4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Enter Carefully) 800C28F4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Geothermal Center) 800B7EF4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Heart of The Island) 800B86C4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Ingen Complex) 800C8F54 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Lives (Underground) 800BD6F4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Machine Gun 30064BD4 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Smoke Gun 30064BD2 0063 #Hunter Level Infinite Timer Bomb 30064BD3 0063 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Enter Carefully 800582D0 0001 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Arid Canyon 800582D0 0003 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Heart of The Island 800582D0 0004 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Underground 800582D0 0005 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Geothermal Center 800582D0 0006 #Hunter Level Level Modifier Ingen Complex 800582D0 0007 #Raptor Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 8005733C 0004 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Eve of Chaos) 801279EE 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Into The Fire) 800C365E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (Raptor Ravine) 800B2D7E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (The Burn Zone) 800D8ECE 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Energy (The Way Out) 800CDC1E 0064 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Eve of Chaos) 80129584 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Into The Fire) 800C51F4 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (Raptor Ravine) 800B4914 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (The Burn Zone) 800DAA64 0063 #Raptor Level Infinite Lives (The Way Out) 800CF7B4 0063 #Raptor Level Level The Way Out 80057338 0001 #Raptor Level Level Raptor Ravine 80057338 0003 #Raptor Level Level The Burn Zone 80057338 0005 #Raptor Level Level Into The Fire 80057338 0007 #Raptor Level Level Eve of Chaos 80057338 0008 #T-Rex Level Beat Levels At Touch Of A Button D000857C 0001 80059C74 0004 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Aftermath) 800B49CE 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Dinosaur Lairs) 8009792E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Force of Nature) 8009785E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Hunter Camp) 800AEE6E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Predator's Ball) 80091F6E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (Sulphure Fields) 800B035E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Energy (The Hunters Regroup) 800AD63E 0064 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Aftermath) 800B6564 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Dinosaur Lairs) 800994C4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Force of Nature) 800993F4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Hunter Camp) 800B0A04 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Predator's Ball) 80093B04 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (Sulphure Fields) 800B1EF4 0063 #T-Rex Level Infinite Lives (The Hunters Regroup) 800AF1D4 0063 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Aftermath 80059C70 000A #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Force of Nature 80059C70 0014 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Sulphure Fields 80059C70 001E #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Dinosaur Lairs 80059C70 0032 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Predator's Ball 80059C70 003C #T-Rex Level Level Modifier Hunter Camp 80059C70 0046 #T-Rex Level Level Modifier The Hunters Regroup 80059C70 0050 #Enter Level Select Password Only Once With this code, goto the password screen and enter, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triable, Circle, X Square! 8002EEF8 0002 #Infinite Lives (Special Edition) D0009E10 0003 80015B3E 2400 D0009E10 0004 80015B56 2400 D0009E10 0005 80015B0E 2400 D0009E10 0006 80015D5A 2400 D0009E10 0007 80015B4E 2400 ; [ Lucky Luke (USA) (1998) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00719} ] :SLUS-00719 #Infinite Money 800A1A64 03E8 #Dynamite 800A1A66 0009 #Infinite Lives 800A1A60 0009 #Infinite B's 300A1A68 0063 #Manga Cheat 30098884 0001 ; [ Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (USA) (1999) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00628 / SLUS-00899 / SLUS-00921} ] :SLUS-00628 :SLUS-00899 :SLUS-00921 #Alex (Main Character)\Infinite HP 801DBFC0 03E7 #Alex (Main Character)\Max HP 801DBFC2 03E7 #Alex (Main Character)\Infinite MP 801DBFC4 03E7 #Alex (Main Character)\Max MP 801DBFC6 03E7 #Infinite MP In Battle (All Characters) 8002E7E6 2400 #Infinite HP In Battle (All Characters) 80030660 0055 #Infinite Money 801DC37C FFFF #No random battles 800B8C1A 0003 #All Movies Open In Rememberizer 801DC3AC FFFF 801DC3AE FFFF #Secret Pictures (Press L2+Start) C00B8854 0801 801DC300 9291 801DC302 9493 801DC304 9695 801DC306 9897 801DC308 9A99 801DC30A A59B 801DC30C B5A7 00000000 FFFF ; [ Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete (USA) (2000) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01071, SLUS-01071A / SLUS-01239, SLUS-01239A / SLUS-01240, SLUS-01240A / SLUS-01257} ] :SLUS-01071 :SLUS-01071A :SLUS-01239 :SLUS-01239A :SLUS-01240 :SLUS-01240A :SLUS-01257 #Max HP Hiro 8008423E 03E7 #Infinite HP Hiro 8008423C 03E7 #Max MP Hiro 80084242 03E7 #Infinite MP Hiro 80084240 03E7 #Infinite HP Gwyn 80084610 03E7 #Infinite MP Gwyn 80084614 03E7 #Max HP Ronfar 80084302 03E7 #Infinite HP Ronfar 80084300 03E7 #Max MP Ronfar 80084306 03E7 #Infinite MP Ronfar 80084304 03E7 #Max HP Jean 800843C6 03E7 #Infinite HP Jean 800843C4 03E7 #Max MP Jean 800843CA 03E7 #Infinite MP Jean 800843C8 03E7 #Mah HP Lemina 8008454E 03E7 #Infinite HP Lemina 8008454C 03E7 #Max MP Lemina 80084552 03E7 #Infinite MP Lemina 80084550 03E7 #Max HP Leo/Mystere 8008448A 03E7 #Infinite HP Leo/Mystere 80084488 03E7 #Max MP Leo/Mystere 8008448E 03E7 #Infinite MP Leo/Mystere 8008448C 03E7 #Mah HP Lucia 800846D6 03E7 #Infinite HP Lucia 800846D4 03E7 #Max MP Lucia 800846DA 03E7 #Infinite MP Lucia 800846D8 03E7 #Infinite Money 8008A7BC FFFF #No Random Battles D008B1B8 0102 80007800 0000 D008B1B8 0108 80007800 4D43 D0007800 4D43 8008B288 000C #Rememerizer Crystal Has All Events (Epilogue) 80175BC0 FFFF 80175BC2 FFFF 80175BC4 FFFF 80175BC6 FFFF ; [ South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00997} ] :SLUS-00997 #P1 has 999999 points 801052C8 423F 801052CA 000F ; [ Machine Head (USA) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00383} ] :SLUS-00383 #Infinite Missiles 800C2178 0064 #Infinite Energy 800BF660 00FD #Infinite Flame Thrower 800C2174 00FA #Infinite Grenades 800C2184 000A #Infinite Disruptor 800C2188 0064 #Infinite Homing Missiles 800C217C 0064 #Infinite Io-Storm 800C218C 0064 #Infinite Photons 800C2180 0064 ; [ Machine Hunter (USA) (1997) (MGM Interactive) {SLUS-00470} ] :SLUS-00470 #P1 Infinite Energy 800BFB98 005C #P2 Infinite Energy 800BFDB0 005C #P1 Invincibility 800BFB94 00AA #P2 Invincibility 800BFDAC 00AA #P1 Infinite Power 80121594 1000 80121598 1000 #P2 Infinite Power 801215FC 1000 80121600 1000 #Infinite Land Mines 801215B4 0063 #Infinite Proximity Bombs 801215B0 0063 ; [ Madden NFL 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00961} ] :SLUS-00961 #Select Home Team Score\9 80071FA2 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 80071FA2 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 80074DA2 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80074DA2 0000 #2000+ Madden Points/All Cheats Enabled D00616C6 801D 50000F02 0000 80156FF0 9999 #2000+ Madden Points/All Cheats Enabled Alternate C00616C6 801D 80156FF0 9999 80156FF2 9999 80156FF4 9999 80156FF6 9999 80156FF8 9999 80156FFA 9999 80156FFC 9999 80156FFE 9999 80157000 9999 80157002 9999 80157004 9999 80157006 9999 80157008 9999 8015700A 9999 8015700C 9999 8015700E 9999 00000000 FFFF #Unlock Team\All 60's 30065030 00FF #Unlock Team\All 70's 30065031 00FF #Unlock Team\All 80's 30065032 00FF #Unlock Team\All 90's 30065033 00FF #Unlock Team\Madden 1999 30065034 00FF #Unlock Team\Madden Millenium 30065035 00FF #Unlock Team\Nfl Millenium 30065036 00FF #Unlock Team\Ea Sports 30065037 00FF #Unlock Team\Tiburon 30065038 00FF #Unlock Team\Marshells 30065039 00FF #Unlock Team\Tomahawks 3006503A 00FF #Unlock Team\Clowns 3006503B 00FF #Unlock Team\Praetorians 3006503C 00FF #Unlock Team\Junkyard Dogs 3006503D 00FF #Unlock Team\Industrials 3006503E 00FF #Unlock Team\Sugarbuzz 3006503F 00FF #Unlock Team\Mummies 30065040 00FF #Unlock Team\Viper 30065041 00FF #Unlock Team\Monsters 30065042 00FF #Unlock Team\Comets 30065043 00FF #Unlock Team\81 Dolphins 30065044 00FF #Unlock Team\81 Chargers 30065045 00FF #Unlock Team\76 Raiders 30065046 00FF #Unlock Team\78 Patriots 30065047 00FF #Unlock Team\97 Packers 30065048 00FF #Unlock Team\97 Broncos 30065049 00FF #Unlock Team\85 Dolphins 3006504A 00FF #Unlock Team\85 Bears 3006504B 00FF #Unlock Team\90 Giants 3006504C 00FF #Unlock Team\90 Bills 3006504D 00FF #Unlock Team\86 Browns 3006504E 00FF #Unlock Team\86 Broncos 3006504F 00FF #Unlock Team\88 49Ers 30065050 00FF #Unlock Team\88 Bengals 30065051 00FF #Unlock Team\72 Steelers 30065052 00FF #Unlock Team\72 Raiders 30065053 00FF #Unlock Team\95 Steelers 30065054 00FF #Unlock Team\95 Colts 30065055 00FF #Unlock Team\92 Bills 30065056 00FF #Unlock Team\92 Oilers 30065057 00FF #Unlock Team\All Teams 50001402 0000 80065030 FFFF ; [ Madden NFL 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01241} ] :SLUS-01241 #Select Home Team Score\99 3006EFF0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 300710D0 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 3006EFF0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 300710D0 0000 ; [ Madden NFL 2002 (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01402} ] :SLUS-01402 #Select Home Team Score\99 80070310 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 800723F0 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80070310 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 800723F0 0000 ; [ Madden NFL 2003 (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01482} ] :SLUS-01482 #Select Home Team Score\99 8006F3D4 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 800714B4 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 8006F3D4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 800714B4 0000 ; [ Madden NFL 2004 (USA) (2003) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01570} ] :SLUS-01570 #Select Home Team Score\99 8006F3D4 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 8006F3D4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800714B4 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800714B4 0000 ; [ Madden NFL 2005 (USA) (2004) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01584} ] :SLUS-01584 Select Home Team Score\0 8006F3C0 0000 Select Home Team Score\10 8006F3C0 000A Select Away Team Score\0 800714A0 0000 Select Away Team Score\10 800714A0 000A ; [ Madden NFL 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00018} ] :SLUS-00018 #Select Away Team Score\9 80088680 0009 8008D1E4 0009 8008A9D4 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80088680 0000 8008D1E4 0000 8008A9D4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 8008A640 0009 8008D1E8 0009 8008A9DC 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8008A640 0000 8008D1E8 0000 8008A9DC 0000 #Have All Teams D01FFF30 0063 801FFF30 006B ; [ Madden NFL 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00516} ] :SLUS-00516 #Select Home Team Score\99 80087CBC 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 80089E28 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80087CBC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 80089E28 0000 #Max Agility 30163674 0063 #Max Speed 30163675 0063 #Max Awareness 30163676 0063 #Max Throw Power 30163677 0063 #Max Throw Accuracy 30163678 0063 #Infinite Points In Pool 80163660 00C8 #Home Team Plays As '60 Eagles 8007DD56 001F #Home Team Plays As '60 Afl 8007DD56 001E #Home Team Plays As '61 Oilers 8007DD56 0020 #Home Team Plays As '61 Packers 8007DD56 0021 #Home Team Plays As '62 Giants 8007DD56 0023 #Home Team Plays As '62 Lions 8007DD56 0022 #Home Team Plays As '62 Packers 8007DD56 0024 #Home Team Plays As '62 Texans 8007DD56 0025 #Home Team Plays As '63 Bears 8007DD56 0026 #Home Team Plays As '63 Chargers 8007DD56 0027 #Home Team Plays As '64 Bills 8007DD56 0029 #Home Team Plays As '64 Browns 8007DD56 002A #Home Team Plays As '64 Colts 8007DD56 0028 #Home Team Plays As '65 Bears 8007DD56 002C #Home Team Plays As '65 Packers 8007DD56 002B #Home Team Plays As '66 Chiefs 8007DD56 002E #Home Team Plays As '66 Packers 8007DD56 002D #Home Team Plays As '66 Rams 8007DD56 002F #Home Team Plays As '67 Packers 8007DD56 0030 #Home Team Plays As '67 Raiders 8007DD56 0031 #Home Team Plays As '68 Jets 8007DD56 0032 #Home Team Plays As '69 Chiefs 8007DD56 0033 #Home Team Plays As '69 Vikings 8007DD56 0034 #Home Team Plays As '70 Colts 8007DD56 0035 #Home Team Plays As '71 Cowboys 8007DD56 0036 #Home Team Plays As '72 Dolphins 8007DD56 0037 #Home Team Plays As '73 Bills 8007DD56 0038 #Home Team Plays As '73 Dolphins 8007DD56 0039 #Home Team Plays As '74 Steelers 8007DD56 003A #Home Team Plays As '75 Cardinals 8007DD56 003C #Home Team Plays As '75 Steelers 8007DD56 003B #Home Team Plays As '76 Raiders 8007DD56 003D #Home Team Plays As '76 Redskins 8007DD56 003E #Home Team Plays As '76 Vikings 8007DD56 003F #Home Team Plays As '77 Bears 8007DD56 0040 #Home Team Plays As '77 Cowboys 8007DD56 0041 #Home Team Plays As '78 Broncos 8007DD56 0042 #Home Team Plays As '78 Steelers 8007DD56 0043 #Home Team Plays As '79 Buccaneers 8007DD56 0047 #Home Team Plays As '79 Rams 8007DD56 0046 #Home Team Plays As '79 Saints 8007DD56 0045 #Home Team Plays As '79 Steelers 8007DD56 0044 #Home Team Plays As '80 Eagles 8007DD56 004B #Home Team Plays As '80 Falcons 8007DD56 0048 #Home Team Plays As '80 Oilers 8007DD56 0049 #Home Team Plays As '80 Raiders 8007DD56 004A #Home Team Plays As '81 49Ers 8007DD56 004E #Home Team Plays As '81 Bengals 8007DD56 004C #Home Team Plays As '81 Chargers 8007DD56 004D #Home Team Plays As '82 Redskins 8007DD56 004F #Home Team Plays As '83 Raiders 8007DD56 0050 #Home Team Plays As '83 Seahawks 8007DD56 0051 #Home Team Plays As '84 49Ers 8007DD56 0053 #Home Team Plays As '84 Cardinals 8007DD56 0055 #Home Team Plays As '84 Dolphins 8007DD56 0052 #Home Team Plays As '84 Rams 8007DD56 0054 #Home Team Plays As '85 Bears 8007DD56 0056 #Home Team Plays As '85 Browns 8007DD56 0057 #Home Team Plays As '85 Jets 8007DD56 0058 #Home Team Plays As '85 Patriots 8007DD56 0059 #Home Team Plays As '86 Broncos 8007DD56 005A #Home Team Plays As '86 Giants 8007DD56 005B #Home Team Plays As '87 Redskins 8007DD56 005D #Home Team Plays As '87 Saints 8007DD56 005C #Home Team Plays As '88 49Ers 8007DD56 005F #Home Team Plays As '88 Bengals 8007DD56 005E #Home Team Plays As '89 49Ers 8007DD56 0061 #Home Team Plays As '89 Broncos 8007DD56 0060 #Home Team Plays As '90 Bills 8007DD56 0063 #Home Team Plays As '90 Chiefs 8007DD56 0062 #Home Team Plays As '90 Eagles 8007DD56 0066 #Home Team Plays As '90 Giants 8007DD56 0065 #Home Team Plays As '90 Raiders 8007DD56 0064 #Home Team Plays As '91 Redskins 8007DD56 0067 #Home Team Plays As '92 Cowboys 8007DD56 0068 #Home Team Plays As '93 Chiefs 8007DD56 0069 #Home Team Plays As '93 Cowboys 8007DD56 006A #Home Team Plays As '94 49Ers 8007DD56 006D #Home Team Plays As '94 Dolphins 8007DD56 006B #Home Team Plays As '94 Lions 8007DD56 006C #Home Team Plays As '95 Cowboys 8007DD56 006E #Home Team Plays As '95 Steelers 8007DD56 006F #Home Team Plays As '96 Packers 8007DD56 0071 #Home Team Plays As '96 Panthers 8007DD56 0070 #Home Team Plays As '96 Patriots 8007DD56 0072 ; [ Madden NFL 98 (USA, Alt) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00516} ] :SLUS-00516 #Select Home Team Score\99 80087CBC 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 80089E28 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80087CBC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 80089E28 0000 #Max Agility 30163674 0063 #Max Speed 30163675 0063 #Max Awareness 30163676 0063 #Max Throw Power 30163677 0063 #Max Throw Accuracy 30163678 0063 #Infinite Points In Pool 80163660 00C8 #Home Team Plays As '60 Eagles 8007DD56 001F #Home Team Plays As '60 Afl 8007DD56 001E #Home Team Plays As '61 Oilers 8007DD56 0020 #Home Team Plays As '61 Packers 8007DD56 0021 #Home Team Plays As '62 Giants 8007DD56 0023 #Home Team Plays As '62 Lions 8007DD56 0022 #Home Team Plays As '62 Packers 8007DD56 0024 #Home Team Plays As '62 Texans 8007DD56 0025 #Home Team Plays As '63 Bears 8007DD56 0026 #Home Team Plays As '63 Chargers 8007DD56 0027 #Home Team Plays As '64 Bills 8007DD56 0029 #Home Team Plays As '64 Browns 8007DD56 002A #Home Team Plays As '64 Colts 8007DD56 0028 #Home Team Plays As '65 Bears 8007DD56 002C #Home Team Plays As '65 Packers 8007DD56 002B #Home Team Plays As '66 Chiefs 8007DD56 002E #Home Team Plays As '66 Packers 8007DD56 002D #Home Team Plays As '66 Rams 8007DD56 002F #Home Team Plays As '67 Packers 8007DD56 0030 #Home Team Plays As '67 Raiders 8007DD56 0031 #Home Team Plays As '68 Jets 8007DD56 0032 #Home Team Plays As '69 Chiefs 8007DD56 0033 #Home Team Plays As '69 Vikings 8007DD56 0034 #Home Team Plays As '70 Colts 8007DD56 0035 #Home Team Plays As '71 Cowboys 8007DD56 0036 #Home Team Plays As '72 Dolphins 8007DD56 0037 #Home Team Plays As '73 Bills 8007DD56 0038 #Home Team Plays As '73 Dolphins 8007DD56 0039 #Home Team Plays As '74 Steelers 8007DD56 003A #Home Team Plays As '75 Cardinals 8007DD56 003C #Home Team Plays As '75 Steelers 8007DD56 003B #Home Team Plays As '76 Raiders 8007DD56 003D #Home Team Plays As '76 Redskins 8007DD56 003E #Home Team Plays As '76 Vikings 8007DD56 003F #Home Team Plays As '77 Bears 8007DD56 0040 #Home Team Plays As '77 Cowboys 8007DD56 0041 #Home Team Plays As '78 Broncos 8007DD56 0042 #Home Team Plays As '78 Steelers 8007DD56 0043 #Home Team Plays As '79 Buccaneers 8007DD56 0047 #Home Team Plays As '79 Rams 8007DD56 0046 #Home Team Plays As '79 Saints 8007DD56 0045 #Home Team Plays As '79 Steelers 8007DD56 0044 #Home Team Plays As '80 Eagles 8007DD56 004B #Home Team Plays As '80 Falcons 8007DD56 0048 #Home Team Plays As '80 Oilers 8007DD56 0049 #Home Team Plays As '80 Raiders 8007DD56 004A #Home Team Plays As '81 49Ers 8007DD56 004E #Home Team Plays As '81 Bengals 8007DD56 004C #Home Team Plays As '81 Chargers 8007DD56 004D #Home Team Plays As '82 Redskins 8007DD56 004F #Home Team Plays As '83 Raiders 8007DD56 0050 #Home Team Plays As '83 Seahawks 8007DD56 0051 #Home Team Plays As '84 49Ers 8007DD56 0053 #Home Team Plays As '84 Cardinals 8007DD56 0055 #Home Team Plays As '84 Dolphins 8007DD56 0052 #Home Team Plays As '84 Rams 8007DD56 0054 #Home Team Plays As '85 Bears 8007DD56 0056 #Home Team Plays As '85 Browns 8007DD56 0057 #Home Team Plays As '85 Jets 8007DD56 0058 #Home Team Plays As '85 Patriots 8007DD56 0059 #Home Team Plays As '86 Broncos 8007DD56 005A #Home Team Plays As '86 Giants 8007DD56 005B #Home Team Plays As '87 Redskins 8007DD56 005D #Home Team Plays As '87 Saints 8007DD56 005C #Home Team Plays As '88 49Ers 8007DD56 005F #Home Team Plays As '88 Bengals 8007DD56 005E #Home Team Plays As '89 49Ers 8007DD56 0061 #Home Team Plays As '89 Broncos 8007DD56 0060 #Home Team Plays As '90 Bills 8007DD56 0063 #Home Team Plays As '90 Chiefs 8007DD56 0062 #Home Team Plays As '90 Eagles 8007DD56 0066 #Home Team Plays As '90 Giants 8007DD56 0065 #Home Team Plays As '90 Raiders 8007DD56 0064 #Home Team Plays As '91 Redskins 8007DD56 0067 #Home Team Plays As '92 Cowboys 8007DD56 0068 #Home Team Plays As '93 Chiefs 8007DD56 0069 #Home Team Plays As '93 Cowboys 8007DD56 006A #Home Team Plays As '94 49Ers 8007DD56 006D #Home Team Plays As '94 Dolphins 8007DD56 006B #Home Team Plays As '94 Lions 8007DD56 006C #Home Team Plays As '95 Cowboys 8007DD56 006E #Home Team Plays As '95 Steelers 8007DD56 006F #Home Team Plays As '96 Packers 8007DD56 0071 #Home Team Plays As '96 Panthers 8007DD56 0070 #Home Team Plays As '96 Patriots 8007DD56 0072 ; [ Madden NFL 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00729} ] :SLUS-00729 #Select Home Team Score\0 8006A32E 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 8006CDEE 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8006A32E 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 8006CDEE 0063 #Infinite Creation Points 80095CAA 2400 #Max Agility 8015FF3E 0064 #Max Speed 8015FF40 0064 #Max Awareness 8015FF42 0064 #Max Thrw Power 8015FF44 0064 #Max Thrw Accuracy 8015FF46 0064 ; [ Magic - The Gathering - BattleMage (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00247} ] :SLUS-00247 #Infinite Black Mana 800A1A34 0009 #Infinite Blue Mana 800A1A20 0009 #Infinite Red Mana 800A1A48 0009 #Infinite Green Mana 800A1A5C 0009 #Infinite White Mana 800A1A0C 0009 #P1 Infinite Health 800A18A8 0098 ; [ Magic Carpet (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00029} ] :SLUS-00029 #Infinite Health Sometimes these work and sometimes they don't. If they don't work reset the game and try them again. 80141D58 2710 #Infinite Spell Mana Sometimes these work and sometimes they don't. If they don't work reset the game and try them again. 8014E168 62F8 #Infinite Health For Castle Sometimes these work and sometimes they don't. If they don't work reset the game and try them again. 80147228 FFFF ; [ Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01106} ] :SLUS-01106 #Start On Last Lap/Always First D00912F4 0000 800912F4 0003 #Stop Timer 8008D1F4 0000 #Max Lucky Fairies 80083278 0008 #Infinite Gold Speed Coins (On Pickup) 80064CD6 2400 #Have Max Coins 80064D10 001E #Have Max Trophies 8005F9E4 0008 8005F9E6 2415 #Adventure Mode\Unlock All Levels 8008344C 1FBF #Adventure Mode\Unlock Everything 50000D20 0000 80083450 0303 50000D20 0000 80083452 0800 #Adventure Mode\Infinite Gold Speed Coins 80083270 FFFF #Adventure Mode\Infinite Lucky Fairies 80083278 FFFF #Adventure Mode\Trophy Collection Challenge Max 80083270 000F ; [ Legend of Mana (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01013} ] :SLUS-01013 #Unlock Items, Equipment + World History Encyclopedias 30043145 0007 #All Characters In Encyclopedia 50000702 0000 800460B8 FFFF #All Lands In Encyclopedia 50000302 0000 800460EC FFFF #All Artifacts In Encyclopedia 50000302 0000 800460F4 FFFF #All Techniques In Encyclopedia 50001802 0000 80046100 FFFF #Main Character Always At 100% In Battle (Hp) 80105AE4 004D #Main Character Infinite Special Meter In Battle (St) 80105B28 00FF #Second Character Always At 100% HP (In-Battle) 80105D20 004D #Second Character Infinite Special Meter St (In-Battle) 80105D64 00FF #Max Lucre 80043004 9680 80043006 0098 ; [ March Madness '98 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00526} ] :SLUS-00526 #Select Away Team Score\100 80016580 0064 #Select Away Team Score\100 80016580 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 80015120 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 80015120 0000 #Stat\Infinite Player Points Remaining 800CB438 00C8 ; [ Martian Gothic - Unification (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01148} ] :SLUS-01148 #Infinite Health Karne 8010F624 0064 #Infinite Health Kenzo 8010F72C 0064 #Infinite Health Matlock 8010F834 0064 #Infinite Ammo 800A11AA 2400 800A0E62 2400 #One hit kills (ASM) 800991F4 1023 800991F6 0042 #Open Doors without having Tags (ASM) 800D5076 1400 #Don't wake the monster behind the mine lift (ASM):You can just walk through it 800C0DE2 1400 8009440E 1000 #Zombies respawn less often 80096C92 1000 #Zombies respawn more often 80096C92 1400 ; [ Mass Destruction (USA) (1997) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00462} ] :SLUS-00462 #Infinite Energy 800AC370 0FA0 #Infinite Time 800791B4 0000 #Infinite Hi-Explosive Shells 800A8018 270F 800A801A 0001 #Infinite Mortar Shells 800A801E 270F 800A8020 0001 #Infinite Mines 800A8024 270F 800A8026 0001 #Infinite Torus Bombs 800A802A 270F 800A802C 0001 #Infinite Flame Thrower 800A8030 270F 800A8032 270F #Infinite Guided Missiles 800A8036 270F 800A8038 0001 ; [ Maximum Force (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00503} ] :SLUS-00503 #P1 Infinite Lives 8006E7F0 0007 #P2 Infinite Lives 8006E880 0007 #P1 Infinite Ammo 8006E844 0008 #P2 Infinite Ammo 8006E8D4 0008 #All Mission Available 80069CFC 0001 80069D00 0001 8006A0A8 0001 8006E898 0001 #Have Special Weapons 8006E840 0001 8006E840 0002 8006E8D0 0001 8006E8D0 0002 ; [ Rosco McQueen Firefighter Extreme (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00750} ] :SLUS-00750 #Invincibility 80030BA0 0064 #Infinite Water 80030C24 0820 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94474} ] :SCUS-94474 #Infinite Repair Set Up Time D0075648 0714 800C64A4 003C #Stop Lap Timer Always Win D007B414 07B8 800C6548 0000 #Unlock All Tracks Cars Difficulties 80010098 FFFF #Perfect Score/Always Pass Rally School Mode 80010358 AAAA 8001035A AAAA ; [ Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SLUS-01222} ] :SLUS-01222 #Instant Win-Rally D00E2BEC 0000 800E2BEC 0FFF #Unlock All Tracks + Cars 8004D9E4 FFFF #Unlock All Cheats 3004C66C 00FF #Max Championship Points 80050722 0064 #Infinite Repair Time D0067554 0000 80067556 2400 ; [ MDK (USA) (1997) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00426} ] :SLUS-00426 #Infinite Energy 800CB740 03E7 #Infinite Chain Gun 800CB80C 00C8 #Infinite Sniper Weapon 2 800CB810 0063 #Infinite Sniper Grenade 800CB814 0063 #Infinite Sniper Weapon 4 800CB818 0063 #Infinite Motar Shots 800CB81C 0063 #Infinite Sniper Weapon 6 800CB820 0063 ; [ MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat - Arcade Combat Edition (USA) (1997) (Activision) {SLUS-00401} ] :SLUS-00401 #All CheatS 80076CE4 FFFF #Infinite Energy 80034B7A 2400 #Infinite Weapon 1 800D12DE 0064 #Weapon 1 Rapid Fire 800D12E0 0001 #Infinite Weapon 2 800D12FA 03E7 #Weapon 2 Rapid Fire 800D12FC 0001 #Infinite Weapon 3 800D1316 03E7 #Weapon 3 Rapid Fire 800D1318 0001 #Infinite Weapon 4 800D1332 03E7 #Weapon 4 Rapid Fire 800D1334 0001 #Infinite Weapon 5 800D134E 03E7 #Weapon 5 Rapid Fire 800D1350 0001 #Infinite Weapon 6 800D136A 03E7 #Weapon 6 Rapid Fire 800D136C 0001 #Infinite Weapon 7 800D1386 03E7 #Weapon 7 Rapid Fire 800D1388 0001 #Infinite Weapon 8 800D13A2 03E7 #Weapon 8 Rapid Fire 800D13A4 0001 #Infinite Jump Jets 800D164C 000A #Jumps Jets Always Activated (Always In Air) 800D1648 0001 #Never Overheat 800D1268 0000 800D126C 0000 #Speed Increase 800D163C 0343 ; [ MediEvil (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94227} ] :SCUS-94227 #Infinite Lives D00F8178 0000 800F8178 012C #Start With Chalice At 100 800EE97C 0064 #Infinite Health 800F8174 012C #Press L2+R2 Health Restore D00F192C 0A00 800F8174 012C #Extended Cheat Mode Pause the game to have access to View FMV, Sound Test, Camera, Cheats and Debug. 300EEE3E 0003 #Invulnerability 801C05D0 FFFF #Unlock All Levels 300F81C7 0001 50001401 0000 300F81DE 0001 ; [ MediEvil II (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94564} ] :SCUS-94564 #Infinite Health 800F152C 012C #Max Infinite Gold 800F15B4 270F #Chalice Of Souls Full 800EFE88 0064 #Infinite Potions 300F1533 0010 300F1536 0001 #Enable Danhand Ability 300F1694 0001 #Always Have Chalice Of Souls 300EFE90 0001 #Enable Cheat Menu E00D36BD 0001 300D36BD 0000 #God Code (Invincibility) 800F152C 012C 800F3860 012C 800F3864 012C 800F3868 012C #Enable Big Head Dan E00EFF1E 0000 300EFF1E 0004 #Enable Matrixcam 300EFF29 0002 #Infinite Time D00795FC FFFF 80079602 2400 #Max Infinite Antidote 800F1648 1004 #Infinite Health-Danenstein 801C9C9E 00C8 #Infinite Health for the Boxing Match 801C9C9E 00C8 #Have All 12 Lost Souls 800F15F4 000C #Have Small Sword 800F155C 0000 #Have Broad Sword 800F1560 1000 #Have Magic Sword 800F1564 0000 #Have Cane Stick 800F1568 0000 #Have Pistol + Infinite Ammo 800F156C 00C8 #Have Hammer 800F1570 0001 #Have Crossbow + Infinite Ammo 800F1574 00C8 #Have Flaming Crossbow + Infinite Ammo 800F1578 00C8 #Have Axe 800F157C 0001 #Have Gatling Gun + Infinite Ammo 800F1580 03E7 #Have Infinite Lightning 800F1588 1000 #Have Blunderbuss + Infinite Ammo 800F1590 00C8 #Have Infinite Bombs 800F1594 001E #Have Infinite Drumsticks 800F1598 0064 #Have Torch 800F159C 0001 #Have Cooper Shield 800F15A0 0096 #Have Silver Shield 800F15A4 00FA #Have Gold Shield 800F15A8 0190 #The Museum-Unlocked + Completed 800E1734 0019 #Kensington-Unlocked + Completed 800E1754 0019 #The Freakshow-Unlocked + Completed 800E1774 0019 #Greenwich Observatory-Unlocked + Completed 800E1784 0019 #Kew Gardens-Unlocked + Completed 800E17A4 0019 #Dankenstein-Unlocked + Completed 800E17B4 0019 #Iron Slugger-Unlocked + Completed 800E17C4 0021 #Wulfrun Hall-Unlocked + Completed 800E17D4 0019 #The Count-Unlocked + Completed 800E17E4 0021 #Whitechapel-Unlocked + Completed 800E17F4 0019 #The Sewers-Unlocked + Completed 800E1804 0019 #The Time Machine-Unlocked + Completed 800E1814 0019 #Cathedral Spires-Unlocked + Completed 800E1844 0021 #The Demon-Unlocked + Completed 800E1864 0021 #Have Cannonball 800F165C 0001 #Have Museum Key 800F166C 0001 #Have Dinosaur Key 800F1670 0001 #Have Scroll Of Sekhmet 800F1630 0001 #Have Staff Of Anubis 800F1634 0001 #Have Tablet Of Horus 800F1638 0001 #Have Pocketwatch 800F163C 0001 #Have Town House Key 800F1640 0001 #Have Depot Key 800F1668 0001 #Have Snakeman Keys 800F15D4 0064 #Have Elephant Key 1 800F1618 0001 #Have Elephant Key 2 800F161C 0001 #Have Bellows 800F15F0 0001 #Have Pond Room Valve 800F164C 0001 #Have Hothouse Valve 800F1650 0001 #Have Water Tank Valve 800F1654 0001 #Have Potting Shed Key 800F1660 0001 #Have Front Door Key 801F1664 0001 #Have Poster 800F15B0 0001 #Have Time Machine Piece 1 800F1620 0001 #Have Time Machine Piece 2 800F1624 0001 #Have Time Machine Piece 3 800F1628 0001 #Have Time Stone 800F1644 0001 #Have Library Key 800F1610 0001 #Have Club Membership Card 800F1614 0001 #Have Griffin Shield 800F1600 0001 #Have Unicorn Shield 800F1604 0001 #Have Beard 800F160C 0001 ; [ Mega Man 8 (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00453, SLUS-00453GH} ] :SLUS-00453 :SLUS-00453GH #Infinite Energy 8015E282 2800 #Invincibility 8015E2AA 2D00 #1-Hit Death To Bosses 8015B1BA 0100 #One Hit Kills 801074BE 2400 #Warp To Last Stage C00FFC8C 0840 800FFC98 000A 800FFC9A 2403 800FFCC0 0000 800FFCC2 2402 00000000 FFFF #Wily's Stage Level Select Intro Stage 00 Intro Stage 301C336D 0000 #Wily's Stage Level Select Frost Man 301C336D 0001 #Wily's Stage Level Select Clown Man Stage 301C336D 0002 #Wily's Stage Level Select Tengu Man Stage 301C336D 0003 #Wily's Stage Level Select Grenade Stage 301C336D 0004 #Wily's Stage Level Select Sword Man Stage 301C336D 0005 #Wily's Stage Level Select Aqua Man Stage 301C336D 0006 #Wily's Stage Level Select Astro Man Stage 301C336D 0007 #Wily's Stage Level Select Search Man Stage 301C336D 0008 #Wily's Stage Level Select Duo Stage 301C336D 0009 #Wily's Stage Level Select Wily Tower 1 Stage 301C336D 000A #Wily's Stage Level Select Wily Tower 2 Stage 301C336D 000B #Wily's Stage Level Select Wily Tower 3 Stage 301C336D 000C #Wily's Stage Level Select Wily Tower 4 Stage 301C336D 000D #Always Have Mega Ball 801B1EB0 0001 #Infinite Mega Balls 801B1EB2 2D00 #Always Have Flash Bomb 801B1EB4 0001 #Infinite Flash Bombs 801B1EB6 2D00 #Always Have Thunder Claw 801B1EB8 0001 #Infinite Thunder Claws 801B1EBA 2D00 #Always Have Ice Wave 801B1EBC 0001 #Infinite Ice Waves 801B1EBE 2D00 #Always Have Tornado Hold 801B1EC0 0001 #Infinite Tornado Holds 801B1EC2 2D00 #Always Have Water Balloon 801B1EC4 0001 #Infinite Water Balloons 801B1EC6 2D00 #Always Have Flame Sword 801B1EC8 0001 #Infinite Flame Swords 801B1ECA 2D00 #Always Have Homing Sniper 801B1ECC 0001 #Infinite Homing Snipers 801B1ECE 2D00 #Always Have Astro Crush 801B1ED0 0001 #Infinite Astro Crushes 801B1ED2 2D00 #Infinite Lives 801C3370 0005 #Infinite Bolts 8016D2F0 0009 #Infinite Rush Energy 801B2990 0027 ; [ Mega Man X4 (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00561} ] :SLUS-00561 #Infinite Energy 80141924 3023 80172206 3030 #Infinite Lives 80172204 0909 #Invincibility 80141928 0100 #Infinite Weapons 50000502 0000 80141970 3030 #Hit Select For 'Suicide' To go with the Infinite Energy code, for when you fall in pits and get stuck. D0166C08 0100 301418CC 0003 #All Subtanks + L2 To Fill 8017221A F000 C0166C08 0001 8017221C 2020 8017221E 0020 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Lightning Web, Nova Strike + Rakuhouha 80141970 3030 #Infinite Leg Jets:With this cheat, Press 'X' to turn jets off 8014199C 9D00 #Death Touch (sets the energy of your opponent to zero whenever you use the square (fire) button) D0166C08 0080 8013BF2C 0000 #Death Touch 2 (sets the energy of Magma Dragoon to zero whenever you use the square (fire) button) D0166C08 0080 8013C19C 0000 #Death Touch 3 (sets the energy of Iris + Double to zero whenever you use the square (fire) button) D0166C08 0080 8013BFC8 0000 #Costume Change\Special Costume 801721F6 0100 #Costume Change\Old Costume 801721F6 0000 #Floater Code D0166C08 0040 801418EE 0000 #Air x Code 801418EC 6E00 #Sky Masters 8014194E 0000 #Lethal Ordinance X's weapon is permanently set to four stored charge 3014196E 0404 #Super Jump For Mega (Air x Variation) D0166C08 0040 801418EC 9000 D0166C08 2040 801418EC 9000 #Infinite Frost Tower + Infinite Soul Body 80141972 3030 #Infinite Rising Fire + Infinite Ground Hunter 80141974 3030 #Infinite Aiming Laser + Infinite Double Cyclone 80141976 3030 #Infinite Twin Slasher 80141978 3030 #Have All Weapons (Can't Advace To Spaceport) 30141981 00FF #Have All Enhancement Parts 3014196F 00FF #X-Buster With Weapon Always Charged 30141963 0002 #X-Buster Always Charged (Other Fire Button) 30141964 0002 #Arm Enhancement Type 1, Plasma Blast (Other Fire Button) 30141980 0002 30141964 0002 #Arm Enhancemen Type 2, Quadra Blast 30141980 0001 3014196E 0004 #Infinite Leg Jets Press X Button To Turn Jets Off 8014199C 9D00 #Always Have Shadows 80141954 0001 #Infinite Dash (No Dash Jump) 8014194C 0000 #Infinite Dash (Easy Dash Jump) 8014194C 0001 ; [ Mega Man X5 (USA) (2001) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01334} ] :SLUS-01334 #Infinite Health 8009A0FC 2020 #Ultra Buster Shot 8009A13C FFFF #Infinite C-Shot 8009A14A 0121 #Infinite Lives 300D1C45 0004 #Have All Weapons 3009A169 00FF #Allow You To Walk On Spikes D0074634 72E8 80074634 5F90 D0038B9C 0012 80038B9E 1000 D0038BF0 0018 80038BF2 1000 #Infinite C-Shot/Dark Hold (Xero) 8009A14A 0120 #Infinite Dark Hold/Cflasher (Xero) 8009A14C 0120 #Infinite Goo Shaver/Twin Dream (Xero) 8009A14E 0120 #Infinite Ground Fire 8009A150 0120 #Infinite Tri-Thunder 8009A152 0120 #Infinite F-Laser 8009A154 0120 #Infinite Spike Ball 8009A156 0120 #Infinite Wing Spiral 8009A158 0120 #Infinite All Ammo D003F82C 1823 8003F832 2400 #Infinite Hours To Collision 800D1CAE 0040 #Enable X-Buster 300D4F56 0001 #Enable Wing Spiral 300D4F57 0001 #Enable C-Shot 300D4F58 0001 #Enable Spike Ball 300D4F59 0001 #Enable Tri-Thunder 300D4F5A 0001 #Enable Dark Hold 300D4F5B 0001 #Enable F-Laser 300D4F5C 0001 #Enable Ground Fire 300D4F5D 0001 #Enable Goo Shaver 300D4F5E 0001 #Enable Giga Attack 300D4F5F 0001 #Enable Restore Life Gauge 300D4F60 0001 #Enable Life Gauge 300D4F61 0001 #Enable Restore Weapon Energy Gauge 300D4F62 0001 #Enable Exit A Level 300D4F63 0001 #Enable Change Button Configuration 300D4F64 0001 #Enable Return To The Game 300D4F65 0001 #Enable Change Screen Configuration 300D4F66 0001 #Enable Ex 300D4F67 0001 #Infinite All Ammo (Zero) D0041D8C 00AC 80041D8E 2400 D0043C44 00AE 80043C46 2400 D0046E84 2023 80046E8A 2400 #Have All Energy Orbs In Ride Chaser Level D00D51A2 7FFF 800D1C26 0008 #Level Intro Level select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0000 #Level Grizzly Slash select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0001 #Level Dark Dizzy select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0002 #Level Duff McWhalen select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0003 #Level MattRex select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0004 #Level Squid Adler select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0005 #Level Izzy Glowr select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0006 #Level AxleTheRed select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0007 #Level The Skiver select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0008 #Level 1st Fight With Dynamo select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0009 #Level 2nd Fight With Dynamo select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 000A #Level 1st Section of Sigma Level select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0010 #Level 2nd Section of Sigma Level select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0011 #Level 3rd Section of Sigma Level select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 0012 #Level Last Section of Sigma Level select Training from main title screen and you will be taken to the level D00D1C0C 0016 300D1C0C 000C ; [ Mega Man X6 (USA, v1.1) (2001) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01395} ] :SLUS-01395 #Infinite Health 800970FC 2020 #Hp Gauge Full 300CCF2B 0040 #Infinite Lives 800CCF08 0900 #Have All Weapons 30097169 00FF #No Level Time 800CCF60 0000 #Infinite All Weapons 50000802 0000 8009714A 0168 #Have All Souls (HU Ranking) 800CCFA2 270F #Have All Arrmor Parts 800CCF38 FF01 #All Reploids Rescued 50002002 0000 800CCFA8 2222 #Have All Armors + Enable Zero In Black Armor 300CCF2F 003F #Level Sky Lagoon select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0000 #Level Jungle select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0001 #Level Snow Base select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0002 #Level Bio Laboratory select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0003 #Level Volcano select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0004 #Level Marine Base select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0005 #Level Cyber Space select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0006 #Level Air Force select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0007 #Level Military Train select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0008 #Level Memorial Hall select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0009 #Level Spaceport select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000A #Level Final Weapon select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000B #Level Final Weapon:2nd Section select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000C ; [ Mega Man X6 (USA, v1.0) (2001) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01395} ] :SLUS-01395 #Infinite Health 800970FC 2020 #Hp Gauge Full 300CCF2B 0040 #Infinite Lives 800CCF08 0900 #Have All Weapons 30097169 00FF #No Level Time 800CCF60 0000 #Infinite All Weapons 50000802 0000 8009714A 0168 #Have All Souls (HU Ranking) 800CCFA2 270F #Have All Arrmor Parts 800CCF38 FF01 #All Reploids Rescued 50002002 0000 800CCFA8 2222 #Have All Armors + Enable Zero In Black Armor 300CCF2F 003F #Level Sky Lagoon select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0000 #Level Jungle select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0001 #Level Snow Base select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0002 #Level Bio Laboratory select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0003 #Level Volcano select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0004 #Level Marine Base select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0005 #Level Cyber Space select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0006 #Level Air Force select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0007 #Level Military Train select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0008 #Level Memorial Hall select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 0009 #Level Spaceport select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000A #Level Final Weapon select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000B #Level Final Weapon:2nd Section select Game Start at main title screen,after the intro scenes instead of going to the Intro Level(Sky Lagoon) you will be taken to the leve 301721CC 000C ; [ Disney's The Little Mermaid II (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01286} ] :SLUS-01286 #Infinite Health Air 800E7D88 0064 #Have All 50 Coins 800E90FE 0032 #Have All Pearls 800E9116 0005 #Press R1+R2 For Cheat Options (main menu) 80077456 1000 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00594, SLUS-00594P3 / SLUS-00776, SLUS-00776P3} ] :SLUS-00594 :SLUS-00594P3 :SLUS-00776 :SLUS-00776P3 #Infinite Health On Disk 1,With this code, it will help you thru the torture scene but you still have to press the button repeatedly to keep from dying what the health code does is make sure your health doesn't get sucked down! 800B7526 03E7 #Infinite Air 800AE1AC 03E7 #Never Reload 800AE164 000D #Infinite Time In Jeep Chase 800E1258 FFFF #Invulnerability This code makes it so that Snake can't be hit by anything 800AE1CA 0080 #Never Reload 800AE164 000D #Max Life 800B7528 0600 #Ghost Mode 800AE188 0000 800AE18A 0000 #Never Get A Cold 800B752A 0000 #Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800AE178 0000 #Ocelot Has 0 Bullets 80167CA8 0000 #Infinite 3:00 Fight Time 800E72BC 1475 #Infinite Time-Jeep Chase 800E1258 FFFF #Liquid-No Health Final Fight 8017997C 0000 #Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against Ninja D00B2D58 0008 8015B59C 0000 #Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against Mantis .With this code, keep tapping R1 'til Mantis has Meryl try to blow her brains out. Tap R1 once more at this point, then swap controller ports and finish him off! D00B2D58 0008 801B8CB6 0000 #Press R1 For Meryil+Health S.Wolf D00B2D58 0008 80174A50 0080 #Press R1 For A Quick Battle With Hind d With this code, tap R1 and the hind D will fire at you, dodge it's fire and tap R1 again. Fight complete. D00B2D58 0008 80154AB4 0000 #Press R1 For Quick S.Wolf Snow Fight With this code, tap R1 then run up to her D00B2D58 0008 8016FE78 0000 #Press R1 For A Quick Metal Gear Battle D00B2D58 0008 800B8EF6 0000 #Press R1 For Quick Battle With Raven D00B2D58 0008 80157408 0000 #99 Diazepam 800B7580 0063 #Have Access To Special Modes (SELECT+R2+L2) D00AC240 0103 3011C804 0003 #Have All Vr Training Stages + Tech Demo 300B499B 0020 #All Modes VR Training 800B672B 0020 #Have Socom Pistol 800B7532 03E7 800B7546 03E7 #Have Famas 800B7534 03E7 800B7548 03E7 #Have Grenades 800B7536 03E7 800B754A 03E7 #Have Nikita 800B7538 03E7 800B754C 03E7 #Have Stinger 800B753A 03E7 800B754E 03E7 #Have Claymore Mines 800B753C 03E7 800B7550 03E7 #Have C4 800B753E 03E7 800B7552 03E7 #Have Stun Grenades 800B7540 03E7 800B7554 03E7 #Have Chaff Grenades 800B7542 03E7 800B7556 03E7 #Have Sniper Rifle 800B7544 03E7 800B7558 03E7 #Havecigs 800B755A 0001 #Have Scope 800B755C 0001 #Have C.Box A 800B755E 0001 #Have C.Box B 800B7560 0001 #Have C.Box c 800B7562 0001 #Have N.V.G. 800B7564 0001 #Have Therm.G 800B7566 0001 #Have Gas Mask 800B7568 0001 #Have B.Armor 800B756A 0001 #Have Ketchup 800B756C 0001 #Have Stealth 800B756E 0001 #Have Bandana 800B7570 0001 #Have Camera 800B7572 0001 #Have 255 Rations 800B7574 03E7 800B758A 03E7 #Have 255 Medicine 800B7576 03E7 800B758C 03E7 #Have 255 Diazepam 800B7578 03E7 800B758E 03E7 #Have Pal Key 800B757A 0001 #Have Level 10 Key Card 800B757C 0064 #Never Have Time Bomb 800B757E 0000 #Have Mine Detector 800B7580 0001 #Have Mo Disc 800B7582 0001 #Have Rope 800B7584 0001 #Have Handker 800B7586 0001 #Have Suppressor Active 800B7588 0000 #Press R1 For Normal Pal Key D00B2D58 0008 800B7592 0000 #Press R2 For Hot Pal Key D00B2D58 0002 800B7592 0001 #Press L1 For Cold Pal Key D00B2D58 0004 800B7592 0002 #Play In First Person Viewmode activate this code press L1+L2+R1+R2 and after that the triangle-button. To deactivate simply press triangle again. D00AE0C8 001F 300AE1C8 0000 #Never Reload 800AE16C 000D #Infinite Air 800AE1B4 03E8 #Infinite Health:It will help you thru the torture scene but you still have to press the button repeatedly to keep from dying what the health cheat does is make sure your health doesn't get sucked down! 800B752E 03E8 #Have SOCOM Pistol and Ammo 800B753A 0019 #Have FAMAS Rifle and Ammo 800B753C 0065 #Have Grenade 800B753E 0008 #Have Nikita and Ammo 800B7540 0004 #Have Stinger and Ammo 800B7542 0004 #Have Claymore 800B7544 0006 #Have C-4 800B7546 0004 #Have Stun Grenade 800B7548 0003 #Have Chaff Grenade 800B754A 0003 #Have PSG1 Rifle and Ammo 800B754C 0005 #Have Cigarettes 800B7562 0001 #Have Scope 800B7564 0001 #Have Cardboard Box A 800B7566 0001 #Have Cardboard Box B 800B7568 0001 #Have Cardboard Box C 800B756A 0001 #Have Night Vision Goggles 800B756C 0001 #Have Thermal Goggles 800B756E 0001 #Have Gasmask 800B7570 0001 #Have Body Armor 800B7572 0001 #Have Ketchup 800B7574 0001 #Have Stealth Suit 800B7576 0001 #Have Bandana 800B7578 0001 #Have Camera 800B757A 0001 #Have Rations 800B757C 0002 #Have Medicine 800B757E 0002 #Have Diazepam 800B7580 0002 #Have PAL Key 800B7582 0001 #Have Level 10 Key 800B7584 000A #Have Never Have Time Bomb 800B7586 0000 #Have Extra Ammo SOCOM Pistol 80067CD8 0001 #Have Extra Ammo FAMAS Rifle 800682F4 0001 #Have Extra Ammo Stinger 80069524 0001 #Have Extra Ammo Claymore 800698D8 0001 #Have Extra Ammo C-4 80069C24 0001 #Have Extra Ammo PSG1 Rifle 8006A378 0001 #Have Extra Ammo Nikita 80068FE0 0001 #Have Mine Detector 800B7588 0001 #Have MO Disk 800B758A 0001 #Have Rope 800B758C 0001 #Have Hankerchief 800B758E 0001 #Have Suppressor 800B7590 0000 #R1 = Normal PAL Key D00B2D60 0008 800B759A 0000 #R2 = Hot PAL Key D00B2D60 0002 800B759A 0001 #L1 = Cold PAL Key D00B2D60 0004 800B759A 0002 #Radar not jammed when spotted 800AE180 0000 #Ocelot has 0 bullets 80167CB0 0000 #Infinite 3:00 Fight Time 800E72C4 1475 #Infinite Time Jeep Chase 800E1260 FFFF #Liquid No health Final Fight 80179984 0000 #R1 = Quick battle with Raven D00B2D60 0008 80157592 0002 #R1 = Quick Metal Gear Battle D00B2D60 0008 800B8EFE 0000 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00594 / SLUS-00776} ] :SLUS-00594 :SLUS-00776 #Infinite Health On Disk 1:With this cheat, it will help you thru the torture scene but you still have to press the button repeatedly to keep from dying what the health cheat does is make sure your health doesn't get sucked down! 800B7526 03E7 #Infinite Air 800AE1AC 03E7 #Never Reload 800AE164 000D #Infinite Time In Jeep Chase 800E1258 FFFF #Invulnerability This code makes it so that Snake can't be hit by anything 800AE1CA 0080 #Never Reload 800AE164 000D #Max Life 800B7528 0600 #Ghost Mode 800AE188 0000 800AE18A 0000 #Never Get A Cold 800B752A 0000 #Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800AE178 0000 #Ocelot Has 0 Bullets 80167CA8 0000 #Infinite 3:00 Fight Time 800E72BC 1475 #Infinite Time-Jeep Chase 800E1258 FFFF #Liquid-No Health Final Fight 8017997C 0000 #Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against Ninja D00B2D58 0008 8015B59C 0000 #Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against Mantis .With this code, keep tapping R1 'til Mantis has Meryl try to blow her brains out. Tap R1 once more at this point, then swap controller ports and finish him off! D00B2D58 0008 801B8CB6 0000 #Press R1 For Meryil+Health S.Wolf D00B2D58 0008 80174A50 0080 #Press R1 For A Quick Battle With Hind d With this code, tap R1 and the hind D will fire at you, dodge it's fire and tap R1 again. Fight complete. D00B2D58 0008 80154AB4 0000 #Press R1 For Quick S.Wolf Snow Fight With this code, tap R1 then run up to her D00B2D58 0008 8016FE78 0000 #Press R1 For A Quick Metal Gear Battle D00B2D58 0008 800B8EF6 0000 #Press R1 For Quick Battle With Raven D00B2D58 0008 80157408 0000 #99 Diazepam 800B7580 0063 #Have Access To Special Modes (SELECT+R2+L2) D00AC240 0103 3011C804 0003 #Have All Vr Training Stages + Tech Demo 300B499B 0020 #All Modes VR Training 800B672B 0020 #Have Socom Pistol 800B7532 03E7 800B7546 03E7 #Have Famas 800B7534 03E7 800B7548 03E7 #Have Grenades 800B7536 03E7 800B754A 03E7 #Have Nikita 800B7538 03E7 800B754C 03E7 #Have Stinger 800B753A 03E7 800B754E 03E7 #Have Claymore Mines 800B753C 03E7 800B7550 03E7 #Have C4 800B753E 03E7 800B7552 03E7 #Have Stun Grenades 800B7540 03E7 800B7554 03E7 #Have Chaff Grenades 800B7542 03E7 800B7556 03E7 #Have Sniper Rifle 800B7544 03E7 800B7558 03E7 #Havecigs 800B755A 0001 #Have Scope 800B755C 0001 #Have C.Box A 800B755E 0001 #Have C.Box B 800B7560 0001 #Have C.Box c 800B7562 0001 #Have N.V.G. 800B7564 0001 #Have Therm.G 800B7566 0001 #Have Gas Mask 800B7568 0001 #Have B.Armor 800B756A 0001 #Have Ketchup 800B756C 0001 #Have Stealth 800B756E 0001 #Have Bandana 800B7570 0001 #Have Camera 800B7572 0001 #Have 255 Rations 800B7574 03E7 800B758A 03E7 #Have 255 Medicine 800B7576 03E7 800B758C 03E7 #Have 255 Diazepam 800B7578 03E7 800B758E 03E7 #Have Pal Key 800B757A 0001 #Have Level 10 Key Card 800B757C 0064 #Never Have Time Bomb 800B757E 0000 #Have Mine Detector 800B7580 0001 #Have Mo Disc 800B7582 0001 #Have Rope 800B7584 0001 #Have Handker 800B7586 0001 #Have Suppressor Active 800B7588 0000 #Press R1 For Normal Pal Key D00B2D58 0008 800B7592 0000 #Press R2 For Hot Pal Key D00B2D58 0002 800B7592 0001 #Press L1 For Cold Pal Key D00B2D58 0004 800B7592 0002 #Play In First Person Viewmode activate this code press L1+L2+R1+R2 and after that the triangle-button. To deactivate simply press triangle again. D00AE0C8 001F 300AE1C8 0000 ; [ Metal Gear Solid - VR Missions (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00957} ] :SLUS-00957 #Infinite Health Snake\Ninja 800B7316 0600 800B7318 0600 #Infinite Air 800AC844 03E7 #Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800AC810 0000 #Never Get A Cold 800B731A 0000 #Ghost Mode 800AC820 0000 800AC822 0000 #Never Reload 800AC7FC 0019 #Have Socom Pistol 800B5BCA 03E7 800B5BDE 03E7 #Have Fa-Mas 800B5BCC 03E7 800B5BE0 03E7 #Have Grenades 800B5BCE 03E7 800B5BE2 03E7 #Have Nikita 800B5BD0 03E7 800B5BE4 03E7 #Have Stinger 800B5BD2 03E7 800B5BE6 03E7 #Have Claymore Mines 800B5BD4 03E7 800B5BE8 03E7 #Have C4 800B5BD6 03E7 800B5BEA 03E7 #Have Stun Grenades 800B5BD8 03E7 800B5BEC 03E7 #Have Chaff Grenades 800B5BDA 03E7 800B5BEE 03E7 #Have Sniper Rifle 800B5BDC 03E7 800B5BF0 03E7 #Have Cigs 800B5BF2 0001 #Have Scope 800B5BF4 0001 #Have C.Box A 800B5BF6 0001 #Have C.Box B 800B5BF8 0001 #Have C.Box c 800B5BFA 0001 #Have N.V.G. 800B5BFC 0001 #Have Therm.G 800B5BFE 0001 #Have Gas Mask 800B5C00 0001 #Have B.Armor 800B5C02 0001 #Have Ketchup 800B5C04 0001 #Have Stealth 800B5C06 0001 #Have Bandana 800B5C08 0001 #Have Camera 800B5C0A 0001 #Have 255 Rations 800B5C0C 03E7 800B5C22 03E7 #Have 255 Medicine 800B5C0E 03E7 800B5C24 03E7 #Have 255 Diazepam 800B5C10 03E7 800B5C26 03E7 #Have Pal Key 800B5C12 0001 #Have Level 100 Key Card 800B5C14 0064 #Never Have Time Bomb 800B5C16 0000 #Have Mine Detector 800B5C18 0001 #Have Mo Disc 800B5C1A 0001 #Have Rope 800B5C1C 0001 #Have Handker 800B5C1E 0001 #Have Suppressor Active 800B5C20 0000 #Special Mode\All Missions Open 800E5538 FFFF #Special Mode\Vs. 12 Battle All Levels Open + Complete 800E553A FFFF 800E553C FFFF #Special Mode\Ninja All Levels Open + Complete 800E54D8 FFFF 800E54DA FFFF #Special Mode\Ng Selection All Levels Open + Complete 800E54BA FFFF 800E54BC FFFF #Special Mode\Variety All Levels Open + Complete 800E5556 FFFF 800E5558 FFFF #Special Mode\Puzzle All Levels Open + Complete 800E550E FFFF 800E5510 FFFF #Special Mode\Mystery All Levels Open + Complete 800E5522 FFFF 800E5524 FFFF #Special Mode\Vr Mission Complete 800E556C 1000 #1 Min. Battle\Vs.Target All Levels Open + Complete 800E54C0 FFFF 800E54C2 FFFF #1 Min. Battle\Vs.Enemy All Levels Open + Complete 800E54A8 FFFF 800E54AA FFFF #Sneak Mode\No Weapon\51 Practice All Levels Opened 800E546C FFFE #Sneak Mode\No Weapon\Time Attack All Levels Opened 800E5484 FFFE #Sneak Mode\Socom\Practice All Levels Open 800E543C FFFE #Sneak Mode\Socom\Time Attack All Levels Open 800E5454 FFFE #Weapon Mode\Time Attack\All Weapons All Levels Open 800E5456 8FE0 800E5458 3E0F 800E545A F0F8 800E545C 0F8F 800E545E F83E #Weapon Mode\Practice\All Weapons All Levels Open 800E543E 8FE0 800E5440 3E0F 800E5442 F0F8 800E5444 0F8F 800E5446 F83E #Advanced Mode\Time Attack\All Weapons All Levels Open 800E5486 8FE0 800E5488 3E0F 800E548A F0F8 800E548C 0F8F 800E548C F83E #Advanced Mode\Practice\All Weapons All Levels Open 800E546E 8FE0 800E5470 3E0F 800E5472 F0F8 800E5474 0F8F 800E5476 F83E #More Misc.\All Extra Movies Opened 800B75CA FFFF #More Misc.\First Person View (Press Triangle) C00AC760 0010 800AC254 0001 800AC860 0040 00000000 FFFF #More Misc.\Ninja's Mask is Open 800DDD0C 0032 ; [ Medal of Honor (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00974, SLUS-00974CE, SLUS-00974GH} ] :SLUS-00974 :SLUS-00974CE :SLUS-00974GH #Invinciblity Everyone (All Levels) 8004ACBA 2400 #One-Hit Death Everyone (All Levels) 8004ACBE 2400 #Infinite Health Everyone (All Levels) 8004ACC2 2400 #Unlock All Secret 800386A0 00FF ; [ Medal of Honor - Underground (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01270} ] :SLUS-01270 #Enable All Cheats 80039D0C 01FF #Have All Mementos 80039D08 FFFF #Infinite Rounds All Weapons D0049580 005E 80049582 2400 #Never Reload All Weapons D008D404 006E 8008D406 2400 #Mission 1 Level 1\Infinite Health 800F0CEA 0080 #Mission 1 Level 2\Unlock Level 80039E2C 0001 #Mission 1 Level 2\Infinite Health 800E2DDA 0080 #Mission 1Have Level 3\Unlocked 80039E5C 0001 #Mission 1 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E6E2A 0080 #Mission 1 Have Level 4\Unlocked 80039E8C 0001 #Mission 1 Level 4\Infinite Health 800E689A 0080 #Mission 2 Level 1\Unlock Level 80039EC4 0001 #Mission 2 Level 1\Infinite Health 800E550A 0080 #Mission 2 Level 2\Unlock Level 80039EF4 0001 #Mission 2 Level 2\Infinite Health 800D9C8A 0080 #Mission 2 Level 3\Unlock Level 80039F24 0001 #Mission 2 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E57DA 0080 #Mission 2 Level 4\Unlock Level 80039F54 0001 #Mission 2 Level 4\Infinite Health 800E74CA 0080 #Mission 3 Level 1\Unlock Level 80039F8C 0001 #Mission 3 Level 1\Infinite Health 800EC48A 0080 #Mission 3 Level 2\Unlock Level 80039FBC 0001 #Mission 3 Infintie Health Level 2 800DCDEA 0080 #Mission 3 Level 3\Unlock Level 80039FEC 0001 #Mission 3 Level 3\Infinite Health 800F147A 0080 #Mission 4 Level 1\Unlock Level 8003A054 0001 #Mission 4 Level 1\Infinite Health 800D71AA 0080 #Mission 4 Level 2\Unlock Level 8003A084 0001 #Mission 4 Level 2\Infinite Health 800DDCCA 0080 #Mission 4 Level 3\Unlock Level 8003A0B4 0001 #Mission 4 Level 3\Infinite Health 800DE6BA 0080 #Mission 5 Level 1\Unlock Level 8003A11C 0001 #Mission 5 Level 1\Infinite Health 800E48AA 0080 #Mission 5 Level 2\Unlock Level 8003A14C 0001 #Mission 5 Level 2\Infinite Health 800E190A 0080 #Mission 5 Level 3\Unlock Level 8003A17C 0001 #Mission 5 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E455A 0080 #Mission 6 Level 1\Unlock Level 8003A1E4 0001 #Mission 6 Level 1\Infinite Health 800E264A 0080 #Mission 6 Level 2\Unlock Level 8003A214 0001 #Mission 6 Level 2\Infinite Health 800FA97A 0080 #Mission 6 Level 3\Unlock Level 8003A244 0001 #Mission 6 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E82EA 0080 #Mission 7 Level 1\Unlock Level 8003A2AC 0001 #Mission 7 Level 1\Infinite Health 800DD80A 0080 #Mission 7 Level 2\Unlock Level 800392DC 0001 #Mission 7 Level 2\Infinite Health 800DC5EA 0080 #Mission 7 Level 3\Unlock Level 8003930C 0001 #Mission 7 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E4F9A 0080 #Mission 7 Level 4\Unlock Level 8003933C 0001 #Mission 7 Level 4\Infinite Health 800DF53A 0080 #Mission 8 Level 1\Unlock Level 8003A374 0001 #Mission 8 Level 1\Infinite Health 800E860A 0080 #Mission 8 Level 2\Unlock Level 8003A3A4 0001 #Mission 8 Level 2\Infinite Health 800DFBCA 0080 #Mission 8 Level 3\Unlock Level 8003A3D4 0001 #Mission 8 Level 3\Infinite Health 800E426A 0080 ; [ Men in Black - The Series - Crashdown (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01387} ] :SLUS-01387 #Infinite Health 800EFF5C 0064 #Unlock All Levels 800955EC FFFF 800955EE FFFF #Infinite Ammo 80044886 2400 #Have All Weapons 801327EF 2401 #Infinite Health For Godfather On Protect The Godfather Stage 801F5F2C 012D ; [ Michelin Rally Masters - Race of Champions (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01229} ] :SLUS-01229 #Max Score D009D90C 0000 8009D90C 03E7 E009D913 0000 3009D913 00FF ; [ FoxKids.com - Micro Maniacs Racing (USA) (2000) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-01129} ] :SLUS-01129 #Infinite Lives 3006640A 0003 #All Levels Unlocked 50002202 0000 80066974 FFFF #All Secret Options Unlocked 80066A18 FFFF #Soap Dodgers Unlocked 80066974 FFFF #Jet Set Go Unlocked 80066976 FFFF #Photo Finish Unlocked 80066978 FFFF #Straight N Marrow Unlocked 8006697A FFFF #Bedsit Blues Unlocked 8006697C FFFF #Apiary Japery Unlocked 8006697E FFFF #Handyman Hurdles Unlocked 80066980 FFFF #Hoops A Daisy Unlocked 80066982 FFFF #Blade Runners Unlocked 80066984 FFFF #All Over The Shop Unlocked 80066986 FFFF #Party Poopers Unlocked 80066988 FFFF #Blueprint Sprint Unlocked 8006698A FFFF #Retro Boost Unlocked 8006698C FFFF #Half Pipe Dreams Unlocked 8006698E FFFF #Car N Edge Unlocked 80066990 FFFF #Domestic Blisters Unlocked 80066992 FFFF #Heart Bypass Unlocked 80066994 FFFF #Ice To See You Unlocked 80066996 FFFF #Greasy Garage Unlocked 80066998 FFFF #Rush N Flush Unlocked 8006699A FFFF #With Snail And Pie Unlocked 8006699C FFFF #Prism Riot Unlocked 8006699E FFFF #Full Steam Ahead Unlocked 800669A0 FFFF #Totally Guttered Unlocked 800669A2 FFFF #Planks A Lot Unlocked 800669A4 FFFF #Problem Attic Unlocked 800669A6 FFFF #On The Warpath Unlocked 800669A8 FFFF #Spaghetti Junction Unlocked 800669AA FFFF #Creche Course Unlocked 800669AC FFFF #Bunk Bed Burnout Unlocked 800669AE FFFF #Construction Derby Unlocked 800669B0 FFFF #The Steaks Are High Unlocked 800669B2 FFFF #Mice N Easy Unlocked 800669B4 FFFF ; [ Micro Machines V3 (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00559} ] :SLUS-00559 #Always Come In First 8013A93E 0000 8013ABC2 0000 8013AE46 0000 8013B0CA 0000 ; [ Miracle Space Race (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01556} ] :SLUS-01556 #Always On Lap 3 8006B764 0003 #Always On Lap 4 8006B764 0004 #Always On Lap 5 8006B764 0005 #Always On Lap 6 8006B764 0006 #Max Points 800812B4 001B #Open All Cups 80081134 00FF #Unlock Chloe 800755C0 0001 #Unlock Picasso 80075638 0001 ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01026} ] :SLUS-01026 #Timer Frozen 8009567C 0DFE #Enable All Locations (Press Select) D00C6016 FFFE 800945CC 000C #Enable All Bikes (Press Select) D00C6016 FFFE 800945BE 0004 #Enable All Styles (Press Select) D00C6016 FFFE 800945DC 0005 #Unlock All Outfits 300B601D 0005 300B6121 0005 300B6225 0005 300B6329 0005 300B642D 0005 300B6531 0005 300B6635 0005 300B6739 0005 300B683D 0005 300B6941 0005 300B6A45 0005 300B6B49 0005 ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX - Maximum Remix (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01347} ] :SLUS-01347 #Dave Mirra Unlock All Levels 300832F8 0015 #Dave Mirra Unlock All Outfits 300832F9 0005 #Dave Mirra Unlock All Bikes 300832FA 0005 #Ryan Nyquist Unlock All Levels 30083558 0015 #Ryan Nyquist Unlock All Outfits 30083559 0005 #Ryan Nyquist Unlock All Bikes 3008355A 0005 #Troy Mcmurry Unlock All Levels 300837B8 0015 #Troy Mcmurry Unlock All Outfits 300837B9 0005 #Troy Mcmurry Unlock All Bikes 300837BA 0005 #Mike Laird Unlock All Levels 30083A18 0015 #Mike Laird Unlock All Outfits 30083A19 0005 #Mike Laird Unlock All Bikes 30083A1A 0005 #Chad Kagy Unlock All Levels 30083C78 0015 #Chad Kagy Unlock All Outfits 30083C79 0005 #Chad Kagy Unlock All Bikes 30083C7A 0005 #Tim Mirra Unlock All Levels 30083ED8 0015 #Tim Mirra Unlock All Outfits 30083ED9 0005 #Tim Mirra Unlock All Bikes 30083EDA 0005 #Kenan Harkin Unlock All Levels 30084138 0015 #Kenan Harkin Unlock All Outfits 30084139 0005 #Kenan Harkin Unlock All Bikes 3008413A 0005 #Shaun Butler Unlock All Levels 30084398 0015 #Shaun Butler Unlock All Outfits 30084399 0005 #Shaun Butler Unlock All Bikes 3008439A 0005 #Leigh Ramsdell Unlock All Levels 300845F8 0015 #Leigh Ramsdell Unlock All Outfits 300845F9 0005 #Leigh Ramsdell Unlock All Bikes 300845FA 0005 #Joey Garcia Unlock All Levels 30084858 0015 #Joey Garcia Unlock All Outfits 30084859 0005 #Joey Garcia Unlock All Bikes 3008485A 0005 ; [ Missile Command (USA) (1999) (Atari Interactive) {SLUS-00992} ] :SLUS-00992 #Ultimate Mode\Infinite Missles (All Pods) 8004B39A 2400 80059932 2400 #Ultimate Mode\Max Score 800C1CD0 FFFF 800C1CD2 000F #Ultimate Mode\Max Money 800C1CDC FFFF 800C1CDE 000F #Ultimate Mode\Max Credits 800C3364 FFFF #Ultimate Mode\Center Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800AE790 000A #Ultimate Mode\Left Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800AE800 000A #Ultimate Mode\Right Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800AE870 000A #Ultimate Mode\Indestructable City 1 800AE468 0001 #Ultimate Mode\Indestructable City 2 800AE4AC 0001 #Ultimate Mode\Indestructible City 3 800AE4F0 0001 #Ultimate Mode\Indestructible City 4 800AE534 0001 #Ultimate Mode\Indestructible City 5 800AE578 0001 #Boss Battle\Center Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800C1378 000A #Boss Battle\Left Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800C13E8 000A #Boss Battle\Right Gun (Infinite Ammo) 800C1458 000A #Boss Battle\Indestructible Left Gun 800C1374 0001 #Boss Battle\Indestructible Center Gun 800C13E4 0001 #Boss Battle\Indestructible Right Gun 800C1454 0001 #Classic Mode\Right Gun (Infinite Ammo) 8009DC78 000A #Classic Mode\Left Gun (Infinite Ammo) 8009DBF8 000A #Classic Mode\Center Gun (Infinite Ammo) 8009DC38 000A #Classic Mode\Never Reload 8009C1E0 0000 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 1 8009DCB8 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 2 8009DCD8 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 3 8009DCF8 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 4 8009DD18 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 5 8009DD38 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible City 6 8009DD58 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible Left Gun 8009DBFC 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible Center Gun 8009DC3C 0001 #Classic Mode\Indestructible Right Gun 8009DC7C 0001 #Classic Mode\Infinite Missiles (All Pods) 80032302 2400 #Classic Mode\Max Points 8009C1A8 FFFF 8009C1AA 000F ; [ Mission - Impossible (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01016} ] :SLUS-01016 #Infinite Ammo (All Weapons) 800454AA 2400 #Infinite Health 8008FE04 00FF #Unlock All Missions 8008FA8C 00FF 8008FB10 FFFF #DIRECTORSCUT Password 3008FA94 0001 ; [ Miss Spider's Tea Party (USA) (2000) (Simon & Schuster Interactive) {SLUS-01123} ] :SLUS-01123 #All Invitations Received 8003BFCC 0001 8003BFD0 0001 8003BFD4 0001 8003BFD8 0001 8003BFDC 0001 8003BFE0 0001 8003BFE4 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94201} ] ;:SCUS-94201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mortal Kombat 4 (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00605} ] :SLUS-00605 #P1 Infinite Health 800AABA8 0000 800AABAA 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00824} ] :SLUS-00824 #Unlock Cheats 800B489E 0001 #Infinite Lives 800B547C 0063 #Infinite Health Level 1 Disconnect before entering boss battle 8013E61E 1388 #Infinite Health boss battle level 1 8016B62E 1388 #Infinite Health Level 2 8017707E 1388 #Infinite Sniper Ammo 80118380 270F #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 8011837A 270F #Infinite Grenade Ammo 8011837C 270F #Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 8011837E 270F #No Health Enemy Bar (Instant Kill) 80166916 0000 #Max Experience 800B543C 270F 800B5430 270F #Have All Combos/Max Level 800B5438 0063 #Infinite Special Power 800B4718 00A3 #Last Boss No Health Press L1 + L2 D00B4C54 0005 8014AED6 0000 #Infinite Health When Facing Last Boss Press R1 + R2 D00B4C54 000A 8013E61E 1388 ; [ Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00330} ] :SLUS-00330 #P1 Infinite Energy 8003219E 00A6 #P1 Always Has Full Aggressor 80032698 00CC #All Treasure Open No Matter What Destiny You Pick 8003363C 000B #P2 No Energy 80032316 0000 #Stage Select is ON 8003C940 0001 #Infinite Health P1 (Version 1.1) 80032146 00A6 #P1 Always Has Full Aggressor (Version 1.1) 80032646 00CC ; [ Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00330} ] :SLUS-00330 #P1 Infinite Energy 8003219E 00A6 #P1 Always Has Full Aggressor 80032698 00CC #All Treasure Open No Matter What Destiny You Pick 8003363C 000B #P2 No Energy 80032316 0000 #Stage Select is ON 8003C940 0001 #Infinite Health P1 (Version 1.1) 80032146 00A6 #P1 Always Has Full Aggressor (Version 1.1) 80032646 00CC ; [ MLB 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94359} ] :SCUS-94359 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001D416 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 3001D416 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001D458 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 3001D458 0063 ; [ MLB 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94478} ] :SCUS-94478 #Select Away Team Score\9 3001D49B 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001D49B 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 3001D458 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001D458 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 801DCC48 00FF #Infinite Outs 800B9270 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out D00B9270 0000 800B9270 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D00B9270 0000 800B9270 0001 #Infinite Strikes 800B9272 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D00B9272 0000 800B9272 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D00B9272 0000 800B9272 0001 #Infinite Balls 800B9274 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk D00B9274 0000 800B9274 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk D00B9274 0000 800B9724 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk D00B9724 0000 800B9724 0001 ; [ MLB 2002 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94638} ] :SCUS-94638 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001D453 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 3001D453 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001D494 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 3001D494 0063 ; [ MLB 2003 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94653} ] :SCUS-94653 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001D495 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 3001D495 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001D453 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 3001D453 0063 ; [ MLB 2004 (USA) (2003) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94689} ] :SCUS-94689 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001D452 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 3001D452 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001D494 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 3001D494 0063 #Infinite Creation Points 801E535C 03E7 ; [ MLB 2005 (USA) (2004) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94692} ] :SCUS-94692 #Select Home Team Score\0 8001D495 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8001D495 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8001D453 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 8001D453 0063 ; [ MLB 98 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94170} ] :SCUS-94170 #Select Away Score\9 300121F7 0009 #Select Away Score\0 300121F7 0000 #Select Home Score\9 300121B5 0009 #Select Home Score\0 300121B5 0000 #Infinite Strikes 800B34D2 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D00B34D2 0000 800B34D2 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D00B34D2 0000 800B34D2 0001 #Infinite Balls 800B34D4 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk D00B34D4 0000 800B34D4 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk D00B34D4 0000 800B34D4 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk D00B34D4 0000 800B34D4 0001 #Infinite Outs 800B34D0 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out D00B34D0 0000 800B34D0 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D00B34D0 0000 800B34D0 0001 #Fake Infinite Stamina Home Team Pitcher 800B34AC 0064 #Fake Infinite Stamina Away Team Pitcher 800B34AE 0064 #Infinite Stamina Home Team Pitcher 800B34C2 0064 #Infinite Stamina Away Team Pitcher 800B34C6 0064 #Player Creation\Max Power 301C89CA 0064 #Player Creation\Max Average 301C89CB 0064 #Player Creation\Max Speed 301C89CF 0064 #Player Creation\Max Arm 301C89D0 0064 #Player Creation\Max Fielding 301C89D1 0064 #Player Creation\Max Jumping 301C89D2 0064 #Player Creation\Infinite Points In Pool To Create 8018F292 00C8 #Pitcher Creation\Max Speed 301C9287 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Max Arm 301C9288 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Max Accuracy 301C9289 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Max Break 301C928A 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Max Fielding 301C928B 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Max Jumping 301C928C 0064 #Pitcher Creation\Infinite Points In Pool To Create 8018F1C2 00C8 ; [ MLB 99 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94233} ] :SCUS-94233 #Select Away Team Score\0 80019208 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80019208 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800191C6 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800191C6 0063 ; [ MLB Pennant Race (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94507} ] :SCUS-94507 #Select Home Team Score\0 300121DC 0000 300121E2 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 300121DC 0063 300121DC 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001221E 0000 30012224 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 3001221E 0063 30012224 0063 ; [ Mobile Light Force (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01525} ] :SLUS-01525 #Infinite Bombs 801A221C 0009 #Infinite Lives 801A2218 0009 #Invincibility 801A2236 0010 ; [ Mega Man Legends (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00603, SLUS-00603GH} ] :SLUS-00603 :SLUS-00603GH #Infinite Life 800B521E 00C4 #Time 00 800C1B1C 0000 800C1B1E 0000 #Invincibility Megaman 300B52C0 0001 #Stop Clock In Minigames 800BF520 007F #Infinite Money zenny 999999 800C1B2C 869F 800C1B2E 0001 #Have All Special Weapons 800BE410 FFFF #Have All Normal Items 800BE420 FFFF 800BE422 FFFF 800BE424 FFFF 800BE426 FFFF #Have All Special Items 800BE41C FFFF 800BE41E FFFF #Infinite Health Boat + Airship 80100E02 2400 #Unlock All Extra Modes 800C1B28 0001 800C1B2A 0001 ; [ Mega Man Legends 2 (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01140} ] :SLUS-01140 #Infinite Health 8008C120 0200 #Invincibility 3008C19C 00FF #Max Zenny 8009C820 967F 8009C822 0098 #Time 0:00:00 8009C818 0000 8009C81A 0000 #Max Upgrade-All Special Weapons 50006E01 0000 3008C2BC 0003 #Have All Items 800985C8 7F1F 800985CA FFF0 800985CC FFFF 800985CE F03F 800985D0 FFFF #Have All Key Items 800985C2 07FF 800985C4 FFF2 800985C6 0F8F #Unlock All Extra Modes 8009C814 0003 ; [ Master of Monsters - Disciples of Gaia (USA) (1998) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00595} ] :SLUS-00595 #Infinite + Max HP - Main Unit (Law) 800BC67E 03E7 800BC680 03E7 #Infinite Summon points 800C6DC0 0000 ; [ M&M's - Shell Shocked (USA) (2001) (Simon & Schuster Interactive) {SLUS-01306} ] :SLUS-01306 #Infinite Lives 8006873C 0009 #Maximum M+M 80068742 0063 #Max Minis Rescued 80068742 03E7 80068744 03E7 #Max Worth 8003FDDC 0063 #All Levels Unlocked 30068748 001B #Cheat God Mode:Triangle=Reset M+M, L2=VRAM Viewer, R1=Add Life, R2=Skip Level 80068820 0004 ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley - Winners Circle (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01362} ] :SLUS-01362 #Maximum Ribbons 8009A870 270F #One Flag Needed To Victory D009A42A 0001 8009A42A 0012 #One Horseshoe Needed To Have All D01FC9C4 0001 801FC9C4 001A ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01386} ] :SLUS-01386 #Always Win Carnival Games 3017CAFC 00FF 3017CCFE 00FF 3017CB08 00FF #Hit Select For Instant Win (Mb) D009A8FA FFFE 800C1B78 0000 #Infinite Exposures (Journalism) 300C179C 000C #Infinite Time (Journalism + Marine Biology) 30091F01 00D0 #Max Stars (Beach Tryouts) 30151AD6 0080 #Max Stars (Field Tryout) 301972C2 0080 #Always 1 Strokeall Holes 50000602 0000 8009357C 0101 #Atom Smasher 3009357F 0001 #Fun Factory 30093581 0001 #Get Connected! 3009357D 0001 #Great Pyramids 30093582 0001 #Great Wall 30093584 0001 #Mayan Temple 30093585 0001 #Pinball 3009357E 0001 #Refrigerator 30093580 0001 #Stone Henge 30093583 0001 #The Capitol 30093587 0001 #The New World 30093586 0001 #Time Lapse 3009357C 0001 ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01121} ] :SLUS-01121 #Maximum Tokens 800C85C8 0039 #Have All Jewels D00A686A 0000 800A686A 0005 #All Gems 800A686A 0005 #Everything Open/Completed 800A688C FFFF 800A688E FFFF #Max $ 800A6866 03E7 #Infinite Time (Lizzie's Lunch) 800DAE04 5000 #Press L1 For Max Tips (Lizzie's Lunch) D00CDEB2 FBFF 800DB75C FFFF #Press L2 For Max Sales (Lizzie's Lunch) D00CDEB2 FEFF 800DADFC FFFF #Max Exposures Of Film (Photo Shoot) 300C85C9 0036 #Press R2 For More Picture Time (Photo Shoot) D00CDEB2 FDFF 800A5154 5641 ; [ Mobil 1 Rally Championship (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01103} ] :SLUS-01103 #Have All Cars D009CF7C 0006 8009CF80 0018 D009CF38 73EA 8009CF3E 0017 #Max Points 3001B20D 00FF #Stop Timer/Always Place 1st You need to turn off the code to let the time goes up a little bit before the race ends as the champ mode does not accept 00:00:00 as your time 800F6FB4 06EC #Select Difficulty\Hard 3001AFDC 0000 #Select Difficulty\Medium 3001AFDC 0001 #Select Difficulty\Easy 3001AFDC 0002 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Clocaenag 8006AB0E 0000 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Penmachno 8006AB0E 0001 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Myherin 8006AB0E 0002 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Hafren 8006AB0E 0003 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Dyfi 8006AB0E 0004 #Select Track\Vauxhall Rally Of Wales - Gartheiniog 8006AB0E 0005 #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Chirdonhead 8006AB0E 0006 #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Falstone 8006AB0E 0007 #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Kershope 8006AB0E 0008 #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Pundershaw 8006AB0E 0009 #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Riccarton 8006AB0E 000A #Select Track\Pirelli International Rally - Newcastleton 8006AB0E 000B #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Twiglees 8006AB0E 000C #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Yair 8006AB0E 000D #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Cardrona 8006AB0E 000E #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Black Lock 8006AB0E 000F #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Glentrool 8006AB0E 0010 #Select Track\Scottish Rally - Ae 8006AB0E 0011 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Moons And Stars 8006AB0E 0012 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Bothwell 8006AB0E 0013 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Whitchester 8006AB0E 0014 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Eccles 8006AB0E 0015 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Langton 8006AB0E 0016 #Select Track\The Seat Jim Clark Memorial Rally - Fogo 8006AB0E 0017 #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Hamiltons Fally 8006AB0E 0018 #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Tyrones Ditches 8006AB0E 0019 #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Feeny 8006AB0E 001A #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Parkanaur 8006AB0E 001B #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Lisnamuck 8006AB0E 001C #Select Track\Stena Line Ulster Rally - Tardree 8006AB0E 001D #Select Track\Manx International - Port Saderick 8006AB0E 001E #Select Track\Manx International - Ballagyr 8006AB0E 001F #Select Track\Manx International - Curraghs 8006AB0E 0020 #Select Track\Manx International - Tholt-Y-Will 8006AB0E 0021 #Select Track\Manx International - Injerbreck 8006AB0E 0022 #Select Track\Manx International - Cringle 8006AB0E 0023 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Foresters Creek 8006AB0E 0024 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Frozen Forest 8006AB0E 0025 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Sundown 8006AB0E 0026 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Farmers Hazard 8006AB0E 0027 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Palm Beach 8006AB0E 0028 #Select Track\2-Player Game - Settlers 8006AB0E 0029 ; [ Mobile Armor (USA) (2002) (Tommo) {SLUS-01469} ] :SLUS-01469 #Infinite HP 8018E45B 270F 8018E45D 270F 8018E45C 270F 8018E45E 270F 8018E45F 270F 8018E461 270F 8018E463 270F 8018E465 270F #Infinite Shooting Power 8018E4D8 251C ; [ Monaco Grand Prix (USA) (1999) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00834} ] :SLUS-00834 #Start On Lap 5 D00DC120 0001 800DC120 0005 #Max Pts Team 1 801DA630 03E7 #Max Pts Team 2 801DA632 03E7 #Max Pts Team 3 801DA634 03E7 #Max Pts Team 4 801DA636 03E7 #Max Pts Team 5 801DA638 03E7 #Max Pts Team 6 801DA63A 03E7 #Max Pts Team 7 801DA63C 03E7 #Max Pts Team 8 801DA63E 03E7 #Max Pts Team 9 801DA640 03E7 #Max Pts Team 10 801DA642 03E7 #Max Pts Team 11 801DA644 03E7 ; [ Monkey Magic (USA) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLUS-00930} ] :SLUS-00930 #Infinite Lives 8006EF38 0004 #Infinite Health 80085CA4 012C #Infinite Magic Spells (All Upon Pick-Up) 8006EF30 0064 ; [ Monkey Hero (USA) (1999) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-00765} ] :SLUS-00765 #Infinite Health 8008E0F8 04FF #Infinite Coins 8008E0FA DF9E #Infinite Golden keys 3008E0A6 0090 #Infinite Silver keys 3008E0A1 0090 ; [ Monopoly (USA) (1997) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00507} ] :SLUS-00507 #P1 Infinite Money 800DA694 FFFF #P2 Infinite Money 800DA6C4 FFFF #P3 Infinite Money 800DA6F4 FFFF #P4 Infinite Money 800DB724 FFFF #P1 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA696 3B9B #P2 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA6C6 3B9B #P3 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA6F6 3B9B #P4 1 Trillion Dollars 800DB726 3B9B ; [ Monster Bass (USA) (2002) (XS Games) {SLUS-01490} ] :SLUS-01490 #Increase Time - Press L1,L2,R1 +R2 C008E6FA F0FF 800F03D8 1E00 800F03DA 1E00 00000000 FFFF #No Line Stress 800F03C0 0000 #Max Fish + Weight 800EF19C 0FFF #Fast Reel - Press X + R2 (You need to press a few times for it to work) D008E6FA BDFF 800F03D0 0000 #99 Fish Caught With All Lure 50001B01 0000 3007CBD7 0063 ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc. - Scream Team (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94635} ] :SCUS-94635 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Infinite Health (Mike) Level 1 800F4EBC 0005 #Infinite Health (Sulley) Level 1 800E525C 0005 #Movie theater Fully Open 80010118 FFFF 8001011A FFFF #All Medals 800100C8 6363 800100CA 6363 800100CC 6363 800100CE 6363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 800100D4 FFFF 800100D6 FFFF 800100D8 FFFF 800100DA FFFF 800100DC FFFF 800100DE FFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 800100F8 FFFF 800100FA FFFF 800100FC FFFF 800100F6 FFFF 800100F4 FFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ MonsterSeed (USA) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLUS-00743} ] :SLUS-00743 #Infinite Money 801AD79E 0F9F #Infinite Items 801405C6 2400 #Daniel\Max Life Force 301ACA39 00FF 301ACA3A 00FF #Daniel\Max Spiritual Strength 301ACA3B 00FF 301ACA3C 00FF #Daniel\Max Battling Defence 301ACA3D 00FF #Daniel\Max Spiritual Defence 301ACA3E 00FF #Daniel\Max Agility 301ACA3F 00FF #Daniel\Max Power Of Action 301ACA40 00FF #Daniel\Unlock Ending Option (Main Menu) 801E7678 000D #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 1 301AD8A3 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 2 301AD8A4 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 3 301AD8A5 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 4 301AD8A6 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 5 301AD8A7 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 6 301AD8A8 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 7 301AD8A9 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 8 301AD8AA 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 9 301AD8AB 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 10 301AD8AC 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 11 301AD8AD 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 12 301AD8AE 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 13 301AD8B0 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 14 301AD8B1 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 15 301AD8B2 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 16 301AD8B3 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 17 301AD8B4 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 18 301AD8B5 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 19 301AD8B6 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 20 301AD8B7 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 21 301AD8B8 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 22 301AD8B9 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 23 301AD8BA 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 24 301AD8BB 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 25 301AD8BC 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 26 301AD8BD 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 27 301AD8BE 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 28 301AD8BF 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 29 301AD8C0 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 30 301AD8C1 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 31 301AD8C2 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 32 301AD8C3 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 33 301AD8C4 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 34 301AD8C5 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 35 301AD8C6 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 36 301AD8C7 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 37 301AD8C8 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 38 301AD8C9 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 39 301AD8CA 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 40 301AD8CB 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 41 301AD8CC 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 42 301AD8CD 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 43 301AD8CE 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 44 301AD8CF 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 45 301AD8D0 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 46 301AD8D1 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 47 301AD8D2 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 48 301AD8D3 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 49 301AD8D4 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 50 301AD8D5 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 51 301AD8D6 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 52 301AD8D7 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 53 301AD8D8 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 54 301AD8D9 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 55 301AD8DA 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 56 301AD8DB 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 57 301AD8DC 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 58 301AD8DD 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 59 301AD8DE 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 60 301AD8DF 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 61 301AD8E0 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 62 301AD8E1 0063 #Have 99 Of That Item - Slot 63 301AD8E2 0063 ; [ Mort the Chicken (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01021} ] :SLUS-01021 #Infinite Health 800BD544 0064 #Unlock All Levels 8009AD3E 0012 #Have All Chicks After Saving One 8004F14C 0032 #Have All Coins On Pick-Up 800B53E6 0064 ; [ Moto Racer (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00498} ] :SLUS-00498 #Always Place 1st when the races starts turn the code on then flip it back off 800A5516 0701 8008F4CC F9F1 #Max Speed 800A558E 4300 800A5596 4300 #Lap Time is 0:00:00 8008ED6C 0000 #Infinite Time 8008F6D8 A000 ; [ Moto Racer 2 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00738} ] :SLUS-00738 #Start On 2nd Lap D00CF826 0000 800CF826 0001 #Have 100 Points In Championship Modes 80102CA8 C80C #Infinite Checkpoint Time 800C0E24 AB3E #Have Mirror, Reverse +Reversed Mirror Options Unlocked 80010040 0163 #Unlock Ultimate Challenge 800C97C8 0001 #Start On Last Track In Superbike Championship 80012398 0007 #Start On Last Track In Moto x Championship 80013068 0007 #Start On Last Track In Dual Sport Championship 80013D38 0007 #Start On Last Track In Custom Championship 8001011C 0007 #Start On Last Track In Ultimate Championship 80014A08 0007 ; [ Moto Racer World Tour (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01321} ] :SLUS-01321 #Infinite Arcade Timer 80110E6C FFFF #Infinite Trial Time 80108A00 FFFF #Freestyle-Max Score 80108AE8 7FFF 80108AEA 0000 #Unlock Reygades 8012F2EC 0001 #Unlock Belo Horizonte 8012F2E8 0001 #Unlock Stade De France 8012F2DC 0001 #Unlock Eastern Creek 8012F2F8 0001 #Unlock Isle of Man-Hills 8012F2FC 0001 #Unlock Isle of Man-Town 8012F300 0001 #Unlock Isle of Man-Road 8012F304 0001 #Unlock Traffic 8012F314 0001 #Unlock Dragster 8012F31C 0001 #Unlock Freestyle 8012F310 0001 #Unlock Trial 8012F308 0001 #Unlock Cross Championship 8012F2D8 0001 #Last Lap Sachsenring D010F3A4 FFFF 8010F3A4 FF02 D010F370 FFFF 8010F370 FF02 #Last Lap Suzuka D01128F8 FFFF 801128F8 FF02 D01128C4 FFFF 801128C4 FF02 #Last Lap Isle of Man (Road) D010E968 FFFF 8010E968 FF03 D010E920 FFFF 8010E920 FF03 #Last Lap Eastern Creek D010FA80 FFFF 8010FA80 FF03 D010FA48 FFFF 8010FA48 FF03 #Last Lap Isle of Man (Hills) D010CC90 FFFF 8010CC90 FF02 D010CC48 FFFF 8010CC48 FF02 #Last Lap Barcelona D0108808 FF00 80108808 FF06 D01085E0 FF00 801085E0 FF05 #Last Lap USA Park D0114C18 FFFF 80114C18 FF02 D0114BB8 FFFF 80114BB8 FF02 #Last Lap Stade de France D0109590 FF00 80109590 FF03 D010937C FF00 8010937C FF03 #Last Lap Reygades D0112168 FFFF 80112168 FF01 D0112120 FFFF 80112120 FF01 #Last Lap Belo Horizonte D0107E1C FF00 80107E1C FF04 D0107C08 FF00 80107C08 FF04 #Last Lap Isle of Man (Town) D010E00C FFFF 8010E00C FF03 #Last Lap Speed Ring 8010B5B4 FFFF 8010B5B4 FF06 #Last Lap Rive Gauchie D010F414 FFFF 8010F414 FF01 ; [ Motorhead (USA) (1998) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00717} ] :SLUS-00717 #All Cars Unlocked 801AAA04 0001 801AAA1C 0001 801AAA34 0001 801AAA4C 0001 801AAA64 0001 801AAA94 0001 801AAAAC 0001 #All Tracks Unlocked 1 8003D0C0 000F #All Tracks Unlocked 2 801AAAC8 0001 801AAAE0 0001 801AAAF0 0001 801AAFC8 0001 801AAB08 0001 801AAB14 0001 801AAB20 0001 801AAB2C 0001 801AAB38 0001 801AAB44 0001 801AAB5C 0001 801AAB68 0001 801AAB74 0001 ; [ Championship Motocross featuring Ricky Carmichael (USA) (1999) (THQ) {SLUS-00790} ] :SLUS-00790 #Unlock All Classes 80086E68 000F #Unlock All Tracks 80086E6C 0FFF #Unlock Mirror Mode 80086E70 0001 #Unlock View Fox Movie 80086E7C 0001 #Huge Head + Tires 80086E36 0001 #Total Point Modifier + Always Place First 1 800D4F1C 0063 #Select Starting Lap\2 80086E38 0002 #Select Starting Lap\3 80086E38 0003 #Select Starting Lap\4 80086E38 0004 #Big Head + Tire Mode 30086E34 0001 ; [ Championship Motocross 2001 featuring Ricky Carmichael (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01230} ] :SLUS-01230 #Unlock All Classses 80086E68 000F #Unlock All Tracks 80086E6C 0FFF #Max Money 800DCF84 03E8 #Lap Timer Always 00:00:00 8006F22C 0041 #Freeze Cpu 8004D27E 2400 ; [ Monster Rancher Battle Card - Episode II (USA) (2000) (Tecmo) {SLUS-01178} ] :SLUS-01178 #P1 Infinite Guts 801199C2 0063 #P1 No Guts 801199C2 0000 #P1 Infinite Cards 801199C0 0063 #P1 No Cards 801199C0 0000 #P1 Infinite HP All 3 Cards 801199DE 0063 80119A1E 0063 80119A5E 0063 #P1 Press L1 For Quick Win C0083472 FEFF 80119C30 0000 80119C70 0000 80119CB0 0000 00000000 FFFF #P2 Infinite Guts 80119C14 0063 #P2 No Guts 80119C14 0000 #P2 Infinite Cards 80119C12 0063 #P2 No Cards 80119C12 0000 #P2 Infinite HP All 3 Cards 80119CB0 0063 80119C30 0063 80119C70 0063 ; [ Monster Rancher (USA) (1997) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00568} ] :SLUS-00568 #Infinite Health In Battle 800DDE72 03E7 #Infinite Money 800E8540 FFFF ; [ Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (USA) (2000) (Tecmo) {SLUS-01325} ] :SLUS-01325 #Infinite Lives 30141451 0005 #Infinite Time 801413CA 0B8F #Max Score 8014893C 270F ; [ Monster Rancher 2 (USA) (1999) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00917} ] :SLUS-00917 #Max Funds 80098FBC E0FF 80098FBE 05F5 #All Monster Cards 5000CC02 0000 8009908C 0101 #Full Zooming In View Mode C001C3CC 2821 8001C3D0 0000 8001C3D2 0000 00000000 FFFF #Max Monster Health (In-Battle) 801FFCDC 03E7 #100% Loyalty + 'Even' Status 80097A3C 00F3 #Wild Monster Life Drain (Press L2) D00938AE 0001 801FFC74 0000 #Unlock All CD's 50002601 0000 30099386 0001 #Infinite Dig Time 800D55BC 03E7 #Activation Code For All Techniques (Must Be On) 80097BD0 0600 80097BD2 120C #Approach (All Techniques Acquired) 80097B98 0001 80097B9A 0001 80097B9C 0001 80097B9E 0001 80097BA0 0001 80097BA2 0001 #Short Attacks (All Techniques Acquired) 80097BA4 0001 80097BA6 0001 80097BA8 0001 80097BAA 0001 80097BAC 0001 80097BAE 0001 #Medium Range (All Techniques Acquired) 80097BB0 0001 80097BB2 0001 80097BB4 0001 80097BB6 0001 80097BB8 0001 80097BBA 0001 #Long Range (All Techniques Acquired) 80097BBC 0001 80097BBE 0001 80097BC0 0001 80097BC2 0001 80097BC4 0001 80097BC6 0001 ; [ Marble Master (USA) (2002) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01471} ] ;:SLUS-01471 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ No One Can Stop Mr. Domino (USA) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00804} ] :SLUS-00804 #Infinite Continues 800B6BAC 0005 #Max Score 8008CEE0 E0FF 8008CEE2 05F5 #Infinite Time 800B2D54 0A50 #Infinite Health 8008CC04 0015 800B76B6 7BDE #Bruce Unlocked 300B3764 0001 #Always Play Level Phat Tony's Casino 800B2D98 0001 #Always Play Level Shop Til' You Drop 800B2D98 0002 #Always Play Level Grandpa's In The House 800B2D98 0003 #Always Play Level Tripping In The Park 800B2D98 0004 #Always Play Level Fun Park Massive 800B2D98 0005 #Always Play Level No One Can Stop Mr.Domino 800B2D98 0006 ; [ Mr. Driller (USA) (2000) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01111} ] :SLUS-01111 #Infinite Air 801F0701 0249 #Max Score 801F06C8 FFFF #Infinite Lives 8019A598 0003 #Stop Timer 800D2CFE 2400 #Quick Win C219849C 0002 801F069C 0000 #Unlock All Levels 801983E0 FFFF 801983E2 000F #All Levels Completed + Extra Outfit Unlocked 80198458 FFFF 8019845A 000F #Invincibility 801F06C0 0000 ; [ Marvel Super Heroes (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00257} ] :SLUS-00257 #P1 Infinite Health 800919E4 0080 800921E4 0090 #P2 Infinite Health 80091A1C 0080 80092414 0090 #P2 1-Hit Death D0092414 0090 80092414 0001 #Hidden Characters Code D0078F86 0400 800B7BB2 0014 D0078FE8 1000 800B7BB2 0016 D0078FE8 2000 800B7BB2 0018 ; [ Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (USA) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00793} ] :SLUS-00793 #P1 Infinite Health 800707B2 0090 80070DA4 0090 #Enable All Illustrations 80025082 FFFF #Enable All Endings 80025076 FFFF 80025080 FFFF #P2 No Health 800707B6 0000 80071164 0000 #P1 Wins Modifier 2 800707D6 0002 ; [ Metal Slug X (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01212} ] :SLUS-01212 #Infinite Lives 800475AE 2400 #Infinite Bombs 800398BE 2400 #Unlock Another Mission 300D4213 00FF #Invincibility 8003273E 2400 80032764 00C8 80032766 2405 ; [ Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (USA, v1.1) (2000) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01018} ] :SLUS-01018 #Have Cherry 80109510 0001 #Have Stawberry 80109512 0001 #Have Peach 80109514 0001 #Have Pretzel 80109516 0001 #Have Apple 80109518 0001 #Have Pear 8010951A 0001 #Have Banana 8010951C 0001 #Have Gold Key 8010951E 0001 #Have Red Key 80109520 0001 #Have Blue Key 80109522 0001 #Have Green Key 80109524 0001 #Have Purple Key 80109526 0001 #Ms. Pac-Skate Mode 8010961A 0001 #Plenty Of Pac-Dots D01F81CA 0001 801F81CA 03E7 #Have All Fruit And Keys 50000C02 0000 80109510 0001 #Infinite Lives-Classic Mode D00F5800 0002 800F5800 0063 ; [ Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (USA, v1.0) (2000) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01018} ] :SLUS-01018 #Have Cherry 80109510 0001 #Have Stawberry 80109512 0001 #Have Peach 80109514 0001 #Have Pretzel 80109516 0001 #Have Apple 80109518 0001 #Have Pear 8010951A 0001 #Have Banana 8010951C 0001 #Have Gold Key 8010951E 0001 #Have Red Key 80109520 0001 #Have Blue Key 80109522 0001 #Have Green Key 80109524 0001 #Have Purple Key 80109526 0001 #Ms. Pac-Skate Mode 8010961A 0001 #Plenty Of Pac-Dots D01F81CA 0001 801F81CA 03E7 #Have All Fruit And Keys 50000C02 0000 80109510 0001 #Infinite Lives-Classic Mode D00F5800 0002 800F5800 0063 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94355} ] :SCUS-94355 #Infinite Continues 800DD21C 0003 #Infinite Coins 800DC3C6 0900 #Infinite Of Current Item 800E38EC 0007 #Turn On Extra Character Goodie 300E4574 0001 #Turn On Extra Track Goodie 300E4575 000A #Turn On Tank Combat Goodie 300E4576 0001 #Turn On Submarine x Goodie 800E4577 0001 #Turn On Motortoon Gpr Goodie 300E4578 0001 #Always In Big, Bigger, Biggest Mode 800DC3D6 0114 #Always In Super Shield Mode 800DC3D8 0114 #Always Have 32T On You 800DC3DA 0114 #Always In Pandora's Box Confusion 800DC3DE 0114 #Always Hit By Crazy Mushroom 800DC3D2 0114 #Fireballs Freeze On The Screen 800E3148 02FF #Grand Prix:Always Get 1st Place 800B59BC 0001 #Grand Prix 1P Modes - Always Super Toon 300B59C1 0001 #P1 Press L2 To Select Zako E01FFC30 0001 80057534 0005 #Always Have 1st Place 300DC21E 0001 #Time Never Goes Past 2 800DD73A 0000 #Select Starting Lap\2 D00DC21E 0108 300DC21F 0002 300DC3FB 0002 300DC5D7 0002 #Select Starting Lap\3 D00DC21E 0108 300DC21F 0003 300DC3FB 0003 300DC5D7 0003 #Select Stealth Field\Doesn't Flash 800DC3D4 0114 #Select Stealth Field\Invisible 800DC3D4 0112 #Select One Perm Item\Bomb 800DC3CA 0000 #Select One Perm Item\Fireball 800DC3CA 0100 #Select One Perm Item\Missile 800DC3CA 0200 #Select One Perm Item\Turbo 800DC3CA 0300 #Select One Perm Item\Jump 800DC3CA 0400 #Select One Perm Item\Crazy Mushroom 800DC3CA 0500 #Select One Perm Item\Stealth Field 800DC3CA 0600 #Select One Perm Item\Big, Bigger, Biggest 800DC3CA 0700 #Select One Perm Item\Tiny, Tiny, Tiny 800DC3CA 0800 #Select One Perm Item\Oil Can 800DC3CA 0900 #Select One Perm Item\Pandora's Box 800DC3CA 0A00 #Select One Perm Item\Dynamite 800DC3CA 0B00 #Select One Perm Item\Super Shield 800DC3CA 0C00 #Select One Perm Item\Magic Hand 800DC3CA 0D00 #Select One Perm Item\Wonder Clock 800DC3CA 0E00 #Select One Perm Item\32T Weight 800DC3CA 0F00 #Select One Perm Item\Power up 800DC3CA 1000 #P1 Select Car\Captain Rock 8008C7AC 0001 #P1 Select Car\Princess Jean 8008C7AC 0002 #P1 Select Car\Bolbox 8008C7AC 0003 #P1 Select Car\Penguin Bros 8008C7AC 0004 #P1 Select Car\Raptor + Raptor 8008C7AC 0005 #P1 Select Car\Vanity 8008C7AC 0006 #P1 Select Car\Billy The Tough 8008C7AC 0007 #P1 Select Car\Ching Tong Shang 8008C7AC 0008 ; [ MTV Sports - T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01233} ] :SLUS-01233 #Toggle Timer (Press L1 + L2 To Start And Press R1 + R2 To Stop) D00AD930 0500 80052C22 AF82 D00AD930 0A00 80052C22 2400 #Mike Ardelean Max Gold Things 800AC5C0 0063 #Mike Ardelean All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC5B3 00FF #Matt Beringer Max Gold Things 800AC518 0063 #Matt Beringer All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC50B 00FF #T.J. Lavin Max Gold Things 800AC41C 0063 #T.J. Lavin All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC40F 00FF #Chris Doyle Max Gold Things 800AC4C4 0063 #Chris Doyle All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC4B7 00FF #Collin Winkelmann Max Gold Things 800AC56C 0063 #Collin Winkelmann All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC55F 00FF #Chris Duncan Max Gold Things 800AC614 0063 #Chis Duncan All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC607 00FF #Brian Foster Max Gold Things 800AC668 0063 #Brian Foster All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC65B 00FF #Dave Freimuth Max Gold Things 800AC6BC 0063 #Dave Freimuth All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC6AF 00FF #Jamie Bestwick Codea Max Gold Things 800AC710 0063 #Jamie Bestwick Codea All Stages Unlocked 50000701 0000 300AC703 00FF #Fuzzy Hall Max Gold Things 800AC470 0063 #Fuzzy Hall Unlock All Levels 50000701 0000 300AC463 00FF ; [ MTV Music Generator (USA) (1999) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-01006} ] ;:SLUS-01006 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ MTV Sports - Pure Ride (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01231} ] :SLUS-01231 #Unlock Everything C01D7736 8003 801D76E0 FFFF 801D76E2 00FF 00000000 FFFF C014CDEA 8003 8014CD94 FFFF 8014CD96 00FF 00000000 FFFF #Nate\Score Max 800D6A4C E0FF 800D6A4E 05F5 #Miko\Score Max 800D6AB4 E0FF 800D6AB6 05F5 #Damian\Score Max 800D69F4 E0FF 800D69F6 05F5 #Shayla\Score Max 800D6B50 E0FF 800D6B52 05F5 #J.P.\Score Max 800D6AE8 E0FF 800D6AEA 05F5 #Brad Scheuffele\Score Max 800D6A18 E0FF 800D6A1A 05F5 #Marc Montoya\Score Max 800D6A80 E0FF 800D6A82 05F5 #Blaise Rosenthal\Score Max 800D6B1C E0FF 800D6B1E 05F5 #Michele Taggart\Score Max 800D6B84 E0FF 800D6B86 05F5 #Bones\Score Max 800D726C E0FF 800D726E 05F5 #Pecker\Score Max 800D7328 E0FF 800D732A 05F5 #Oakey\Score Max 800D72A0 E0FF 800D72A2 05F5 #Summer\Score Max 800D7204 E0FF 800D7206 05F5 #Invisible Man\Score Max 800D72D4 E0FF 800D72D6 05F5 ; [ MTV Sports - Skateboarding featuring Andy Macdonald (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01232} ] ;:SLUS-01232 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ MTV Sports - Snowboarding (USA) (1999) (THQ) {SLUS-00990} ] :SLUS-00990 #All Characters Qualified 50000714 0000 80082904 FFFF #Anna Qualified 80082904 FFFF #Mitch Qualified 80082918 FFFF #Karl Qualified 8008292C FFFF #Sakura Qualified 80082940 FFFF #Calvin Qualified 80082954 FFFF #Hendy Qualified 80082968 FFFF #Tsering Qualified 8008297C FFFF #Have 99999 points in qualify 8007F760 869F 8007F762 0001 #Unlocks Tsering 8007E444 0000 #Unlocks Alaska Mountain 8007E440 0001 #Max Overall Challenge Points 8007E3A0 FFFF #Start Countdown With -10 30011974 00F5 #Start Immediately 800121AA 3C00 ; [ Mike Tyson Boxing (USA) (2000) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-01162} ] :SLUS-01162 #Infinite Rest (Gym) 80145290 0064 #Infinite Time 80102D54 003B #Press L2 To End Round D01226D6 FEFF 80102D54 0000 #Press Select For 1-Hit Ko (Showcase) C01226D6 FFFE 8019CA38 FFFF 8019D238 FFFF 8019DA38 FFFF 8019F238 FFFF 8019FA38 FFFF 801A0238 FFFF 801A0A38 FFFF 801A1238 FFFF 00000000 FFFF #Press Select For 1-Hit Ko (World) C01226D6 FFFE 8019E5C8 FFFF 8019EDC8 FFFF 8019F5C8 FFFF 8019FDC8 FFFF 801A05C8 FFFF 801A0DC8 FFFF 801A15C8 FFFF 801A1DC8 FFFF 801A25C8 FFFF 801A2DC8 FFFF 801A35C8 FFFF 801A3DC8 FFFF 801A4558 FFFF 801A4D58 FFFF 00000000 FFFF #Tyson Ko Always Full 8017A344 0000 #Unlock Fabian Van Hilten 8010042C 0001 #Unlock Frankie Zamboni 80100444 0001 #Unlock Jimmy Silk 80100450 0001 #Unlock Johnny Roberts 80100448 0001 #Unlock Mick Oshea 8010044C 0001 #Unlock Patrice Demanger 80100430 0001 #Unlock Samuel Jefferson 80100428 0001 #Unlock Tao Zhu 80100424 0001 #Quick Count D1119320 0000 80119320 000A ; [ Disney's Story Studio - Mulan (USA) (1999) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01038} ] :SLUS-01038 #Infinite Rope D0033FC6 8FB1 301AA970 0019 #P1 Majhong Score 99 3003756C 0063 ; [ The Mummy (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01187} ] :SLUS-01187 #Infinite Health D00C3E84 0124 800C3E86 2400 #Infinite Ammo D0039AC4 0024 80039AC6 2400 #Infinite Lives D0039B98 0014 80039B9A 2400 #Have All Weapons 50000804 0000 3009E97F 0081 #Infinite Lives (Alternate) 8009E968 0009 #Have Amulett 3009E997 0081 #Have Double Pistols 3009E987 0081 #Have Dynamite 3009E993 0081 #Have Golden Sword 3009E99B 0081 #Have Machete 3009E983 0081 #Have Machine Gun 3009E98F 0081 #Have Shotgun 3009E98B 0081 #Have Torch 3009E97F 0081 ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01238} ] :SLUS-01238 #Infinite Lives 300B8908 0009 #Infinite Health 300B8909 0003 #Unlock Bonus Level 1 300CCB86 00FF #All Bosses Defeated 300B8904 0005 #Always Have Access To Hub (Pause Menu) C0060FA8 1021 80060FBC 0100 80060FBE 3484 80060FC2 1000 80060FC4 0008 80060FC6 AC64 00000000 FFFF C0060E80 1021 80060E94 0100 80060E96 3484 80060E9A 1000 80060E9C 0008 80060E9E AC64 00000000 FFFF #Unlock All Levels 800B88FE 270F 300B8906 00FF 300B8904 0005 ; [ Muppet RaceMania (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01237} ] :SLUS-01237 #Infinite Boost 800C3532 01A4 #Always First E10C3572 0000 300C3572 0001 #Point Modifier E00C1E00 0000 300C1E00 0064 #Unlock All Characters 800E02BC FFFF 800E02BE FFFF #Unlock All Cars 50006402 0000 800E02C0 FFFF 800E0FF6 FFFF #Unlock All Tracks 300E0256 0061 300E025E 0061 300E0266 0061 300E026E 0061 #Unlock Studio Track 300E0256 0061 #Unlock Arches Track 300E025E 0061 #Unlock Fraggle Rock Track 300E0266 0061 #Unlock Disco Track 300E026E 0061 #Unlock Credits/Overhead Tracks 300E02B9 0003 #Unlock Random Race League 300E02B6 0001 #Stop Timer 800B0A94 0000 800C3404 0000 800C3408 0000 800C340C 0000 #Infinite Health - Battle Mode 800C34E6 0000 800C34E8 0000 ; [ Brave Fencer Musashi (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00726} ] :SLUS-00726 #Infinite HP 80078EB2 0212 80078EB4 0212 #Infinite BP 80078EB6 0212 80078EB8 0212 #Infinite Cash 80078E8E 0001 #Quick Level Gain 80078F08 FFFF #All Rescues Complete 800BA1F8 0101 800BA1FA 0101 800BA1FC 0101 800BA1FE 0101 800BA200 0101 800BA202 0101 800BA204 0101 800BA206 0101 800BA208 0101 800BA20A 0101 800BA20C 0101 800BA20E 0101 800BA210 0101 800BA212 0101 800BA214 0101 800BA216 0101 800BA218 0101 300BA21A 0001 #Time 00:00:00 80078E7C 0000 80078E7E 0000 #Tired At 0% 80078EA6 00A0 #Stop Village Rescue Timer 80078E90 BE2A 80078E92 041B #Stop Valve Reset Timer 801204A8 0700 #All Legendary Armor Peices 300AE64B 00FF 300AE64C 00FF #Have All Techs 800AE658 FFFF #Invincibility 30126C00 4115 #Moon Jump D0078DCA 0040 80126B8E FFF1 #Infinite Mid-Air Jumps:With this cheat, you must have the Legendary Belt for this cheat to work 80126D98 0000 #All Rescues Complete 50001102 0000 800BA1F8 0101 300BA21A 0001 #Max Body 80078EE4 031B #Max Mind 80078EEC 031B #Max Fus 80078EF4 031B #Never Lose A Log (Raft Stage) 800BA286 0400 ;With these Toys Cheats, all toys will show up ;in your room, but only series 1, 2 + special ;will show up in the toy shop. #Always have Musashi Toy 800BA21A C1C2 #Always have Bee Plant + Soldier1 Toy 800BA21C C1C2 #Always have Soldier2 + Rootrick Toy 800BA21E C1C2 #Always have St-Knight + Soldier3 Toy 800BA220 C1C2 #Always have Herbplant + Kmaneater Toy 800BA222 C1C2 #Always have Magician + Sleepie Toy 800BA224 C1C2 #Always have Skullpion + R-Vambee Toy 800BA226 C1C2 #Always have V-Soldier + Bowler Toy 800BA228 C1C2 #Always have Cure Worm + Bubbles Toy 800BA22A C1C2 #Always have R-Keeper + Penguin Toy 800BA22C C1C2 #Always have Hayawolf + Slowguy Toy 800BA22E C1C2 #Always have S-Golem + Ginger-E Toy 800BA230 C1C2 #Always have F-Dragon + Giant Toy 800BA232 C1C2 #Always have Toadstool + Ed + Ben Toy 800BA234 C1C2 #Always have Topo + Col-Capri Toy 800BA236 C1C2 #Always have Queen Ant + Soldier H1 Toy 800BA238 C1C2 #Always have Soldier2H + Soldier3H Toy 800BA23A C1C2 #Always have Bigwalker + Flatski Toy 800BA23C C1C2 #Always have T.O.D + Fillet Toy 800BA23E C1C2 #Always have Jon+Leno + Momminku Toy 800BA240 C1C2 #Always have Kojiro + Dlumina1 Toy 800BA242 C1C2 #Always have Dlumina2 + Dlumina3 Toy 800BA244 C1C2 ; [ Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01059} ] :SLUS-01059 #P1 Infinite Health 8007C124 0090 #P1 1 Hit Kill D007C124 0090 8007C124 0001 #P1 Instant Death 8007C124 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 8007C534 0090 #P2 1 Hit Kill D007C534 0090 8007C534 0001 #P2 Instant Death 8007C534 0000 #Unlock Everything 50000302 0000 8007B72C FFFF #Unlock Hidden Characters + Gallery Options 8007B72C FFFF 8007B72E FFFF 8007B730 FFFF #Infinite Round Timer 8007B832 6363 #P1 Select Hyper Combo Gauge\Full 8007C126 0090 #P1 Select Hyper Combo Gauge\Empty 8007C126 0000 #P2 Select Hyper Combo Gauge\Full 8007C536 0090 #P2 Select Hyper Combo Gauge\Empty 8007C536 0000 #P1 Select Hyper Combo\Level 0 8007C128 0000 #P1 Select Hyper Combo\Level 1 8007C128 0001 #P1 Select Hyper Combo\Level 2 8007C128 0002 #P1 Select Hyper Combo\Level 3 8007C128 0003 #P2 Select Hyper Combo\Level 0 8007C538 0000 #P2 Select Hyper Combo\Level 1 8007C538 0001 #P2 Select Hyper Combo\Level 2 8007C538 0002 #P2 Select Hyper Combo\Level 3 8007C538 0003 #P1 Partner Infinite Health 8007C984 0090 #P1 Partner 1 Hit Kill D007C984 0090 8007C984 0001 #P1 Partner Instant Death 8007C984 0000 #P2 Partner Infinite Health 8007CD8C 0090 #P2 Partner 1 Hit Kill D007CD8C 0090 8007CD8C 0001 #P2 Partner Instant Death 8007CD8C 0000 #P1 Infinite Special Partner Attacks 8007C17A 0005 #P1 No Special Partner Attacks 8007C17A 0000 #P2 Infinite Special Partner Attacks 8007CDE2 0005 #P2 No Special Partner Attacks 8007CDE2 0000 #P1 Max Wins 8007B896 03E7 #P2 Max Wins 8007B898 03E7 #P1 Quick Max Score 8007C168 FFFF #P2 Quick Max Score 8007C578 FFFF #Start On Last Stage E007B888 0000 3007B888 0007 #P1 Only Needs One Win E007B82A 0000 3007B82A 0001 #P1 Never Wins 3007B82A 0000 #P2 Only Needs One Win E007B82B 0000 3007B82B 0001 #P2 Never Wins 3007B82B 0000 #P1 Ryu With Ken Moves 3007B8E4 0002 #P1 Ryu With Akuma Moves 3007B8E4 0004 #P1 Infinite Duo Team Attack D007B862 0230 8007B862 0240 #P1 Infinite Wolverine Berserk Mode 8007C222 01FF #P2 Infinite Duo Team Attack D007B864 0230 8007B864 0240 #P2 Infinite Wolverine Berserk Mode 8007C632 01FF #P2 Ryu With Ken Moves 3007B8E5 0002 #P2 Ryu With Akuma Moves 3007B8E5 0004 #P1 Infinite Time For Mega Man Specials 8007C236 0010 #P2 Infinite Time For Mega Man Specials 8007C646 0010 #Enter Ex Mode (L1/R1/Select) D0028808 0C01 8007B6E8 0108 #P1 Jin Has Super Armor 8007C258 00FF #P1 Rapid Attack 8007BF76 0000 #P1 Mega Man Has Magnetic Shockwave 8007C24E 0001 #P1 Mega Man's Mega Buster At Max 8007C238 00FF #P2 Jin Has Super Armor 8007C668 00FF #P2 Rapid Attack 8007CBFE 0000 #P2 Mega Man Has Magnetic Shockwave 8007C65E 0001 #P2 Mega Man's Mega Buster At Max 8007C648 00FF #P1 Super Hyper Attack Mode 8007BF2C 0000 #P2 Super Hyper Attack Mode 8007C33C 0000 #P1 All Attacks Hurt 800489CE 8E13 80048A02 0260 80048A1A 2400 #P2 All Attacks Hurt 8004889E 8E13 800488D2 0260 800488EA 2400 #P1 Invinciblity-Hit Anywhere Only! 80048888 C2A0 800497F2 2400 #Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\Hyper Combo Gauge Full 3007B6FB 0001 #Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\Hyper Combo Gauge Normal 3007B6FB 0000 #Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\P1 Rapid Kill (Press Select) D00287B0 0100 8004AD26 2400 D00287B0 0000 8004AD26 A0A0 #Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\P2 Rapid Kill (Press Select) D00287B2 0100 8004AD26 2400 D00287B2 0000 8004AD26 A0A0 #Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\Immune To Throws (Both Players) 800536FE 2400 #P2 Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\Invincibility P1 + Immune To Throws 80048902 2400 800536FE 2400 #P1 Ex Menu Cheat Modifier\Vs. Mode\Invincibility P2 + Immune To Throws 80048A32 2400 800536FE 2400 ; [ Motocross Mania (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01357} ] :SLUS-01357 #Always Place 1st 800A8C58 0001 #Always Low Time 80079ED8 0000 #Select Perm Lap\Lap 2 800A8C5C 0002 #Select Perm Lap\Lap 3 800A8C5C 0003 #Select Perm Lap\Lap 4 800A8C5C 0004 #Select Perm Lap\Lap 5 800A8C5C 0005 #Always Place 1st 800A8C58 0001 #Max Money (Profile) 800AD584 E0FF 800AD586 05F5 #Max Stunt Points (In-Game) 800A8BF4 E0FF 800A8BF6 05F5 #Max Stunt Points (Profile) 800AD580 E0FF 800AD582 05F5 #Play Any Track (Motocross + Supercross Modes) D005F8E8 0030 8005F8EA 1000 #Rider Modifier (00-0F) 800746BC 00?? #Use Any Bike or Rider C0052E88 0024 80052E8C 000F 80052E8E 2403 00000000 FFFF #Game Speed Max 80079C74 000F ; [ Motocross Mania 2 (USA) (2003) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01531} ] :SLUS-01531 #Infinite Restarts 80050662 0003 #Dont come off bike on Jumps 80025A0E 1000 #Dont come off bike on Barriers 80028246 1000 ; [ Myst (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94602} ] ;:SCUS-94602 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ N2O - Nitrous Oxide (USA) (1998) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00637} ] :SLUS-00637 #P1 Infinite Lives 8011B354 0103 #P2 Infinite Lives 8011B36C 0103 #Driller Counter 8011B488 0E60 #P1 Infinite Special Weapon Ammo + Firewalls 8011B212 0A63 #P1 Infinite Shields 8011B1FC 1117 #P2 Infinite Shields 8011B27C 0FFA #Have All Missions Unlocked This takes you to the last level. All you have to do is beat it, then goto options and save setup. Then you can on any level anytime. 80091250 001D 80091254 001D #Bonus Level Access 3011B473 0001 #Have Speedcore Ship Unlocked 8011B4DC 0005 #Unlock All Levels 3011B477 0001 ; [ Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (USA) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00591} ] :SLUS-00591 #P1 Speed Skates 8009EBF6 4280 #No Disqualifications In Ski/Snowboard Events 800B1638 0000 #Different View Angle Bob Sled Event 800B9F24 E3D7 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 1 (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00215} ] :SLUS-00215 #Bosconian\Infinite Lives 8015728C 0002 #Bosconian\Infinite Credits 80157290 0063 #Galaga\Infinite Lives 801A3E40 0102 #Galaga\First Boss Galaga From The Left Will Freeze When Shot Twice. 801A3850 0103 #Galaga\Only 3 Boss Galagas Will Come Out Instead Of Four 801A3850 FFFF #New Rally X\Infinite Fuel 800BEF04 3BC8 #New Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BEECC 0004 #New Rally X\Opponents Cars Don't Move!! 800BEE6C 0060 #Pacman\P1 Infinite Lives 801177EC 0004 #Pacman\Eat All Ghosts All The Time 801669DC 0000 801669DE 0000 80166A08 0000 80166A0A 0000 80166A34 0000 80166A36 0000 80166A60 0000 80166A62 0000 #Pacman\Infinite Credits 801176D0 0063 #Pacman\P2 Infinite Lives 801177F0 0003 #Pacman\Strange Ghost Behaviour 801177E6 0005 #Pole Position\Infinite Race Time 80131552 6300 #Pole Position\Max Speed 8012EEC0 FF00 #Rally X\Infinite Fuel 800BDE80 3825 #Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BDE44 0004 #Rally X\Opponents Cars Don't Move!! 800BDDE4 0060 #Rally X\Infinite Credits 800C31C0 8058 800D3238 8058 #Toy Pop\Infinite Time 800C5B40 003B #Toy Pop\Infinite Lives 800FD270 0004 #Toy Pop\Infinite Energy 800FD214 0002 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 1 (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00215} ] :SLUS-00215 #Bosconian\Infinite Lives 8015728C 0002 #Bosconian\Infinite Credits 80157290 0063 #Galaga\Infinite Lives 801A3E40 0102 #Galaga\First Boss Galaga From The Left Will Freeze When Shot Twice. 801A3850 0103 #Galaga\Only 3 Boss Galagas Will Come Out Instead Of Four 801A3850 FFFF #New Rally X\Infinite Fuel 800BEF04 3BC8 #New Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BEECC 0004 #New Rally X\Opponents Cars Don't Move!! 800BEE6C 0060 #Pacman\P1 Infinite Lives 801177EC 0004 #Pacman\Eat All Ghosts All The Time 801669DC 0000 801669DE 0000 80166A08 0000 80166A0A 0000 80166A34 0000 80166A36 0000 80166A60 0000 80166A62 0000 #Pacman\Infinite Credits 801176D0 0063 #Pacman\P2 Infinite Lives 801177F0 0003 #Pacman\Strange Ghost Behaviour 801177E6 0005 #Pole Position\Infinite Race Time 80131552 6300 #Pole Position\Max Speed 8012EEC0 FF00 #Rally X\Infinite Fuel 800BDE80 3825 #Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BDE44 0004 #Rally X\Opponents Cars Don't Move!! 800BDDE4 0060 #Rally X\Infinite Credits 800C31C0 8058 800D3238 8058 #Toy Pop\Infinite Time 800C5B40 003B #Toy Pop\Infinite Lives 800FD270 0004 #Toy Pop\Infinite Energy 800FD214 0002 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 2 (USA) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00216} ] :SLUS-00216 #Dragon Buster Infinite Credits 800C97D8 0005 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Fireballs 800C9918 0002 80143738 0101 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Vitality 800C9978 0080 #Gaplus Infinite Credits 80102B84 0005 #Galus P1 Infinite Lives 30151104 0004 #Grabda Infinite Credits 800E9EAC 0005 #Grabda Infinite Shield (Both Players) 80100764 2800 #Grabda P1 Infinite Lives 800CAD64 0002 #Mappy Infinite Credits 80179CE8 0005 #Mappy Infinite Lives (Both Players) 801DE864 0400 #Super Pacman Infinite Lives (Both Players) 801E1006 0300 #Super Pacman Always #SUPER# Pacman (Both Players) 801E1626 0001 801E1630 6700 #Super Pacman Infinite Time In Bonus Levels 801E108E 6019 801E10FE 0507 #Xevious Infinite Lives (Both Players) 80196E48 0003 801DE8BC FF63 #Xevious Infinite Credits 80178580 0005 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 3 (USA) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00398} ] :SLUS-00398 #Dig Dug P1 Infinite Lives 80125418 0004 #Galaxian Infinite Lives (Both Players) 8010EC04 0005 #Ms. Pacman P1 Infinite Lives 80135960 0004 #Ms. Pacman P2 Infinite Lives 80135964 0004 #Pozon P1 Infinite Lives 30168D4C 0005 #Pozon P2 Infinite Lives 30168D4D 0005 #Pole Position 2Infinite Time 8013551E 7000 #Pole Position 2 Lap Time Always Below 0.01 80135532 0000 80135530 0000 8013552E 0000 8013552C 0000 #Tower of Druaga P1 Infinite Lives 8016664A 0004 #Tower of Druaga P2 Infinite Lives 80166696 0004 #Tower of Druaga Infinite Time (Both Players) 8015F464 4E20 #Tower of Druaga Infinite Keys (Both Players) 8015F530 0001 #Tower of Druaga Enable Level Select 3016664B 003B #Tower of Druaga Enable Secret Message In Druaga Room 800FFA14 0003 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 4 (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00416} ] :SLUS-00416 #Assault Infinite Lives (Both Players) 801DCA3A 0005 #Assault Infinite Time (Both Players) 801DCA5A 0063 #Ordyne Infinite Infinite Credits 800C5664 0009 #Ordyne P1 Infinite Lives 800C55C8 0005 #Ordyne P2 Infinite Lives 800C55CA 0005 #The Return of Ishtar Infinite Credits 8015A7B8 0009 #The Return of Ishtar Infinite Guys 8015A3C0 000F #Pacland Infinite Credits 80057F46 0009 #Pacland Infinite Lives (Both Players) 30058055 0005 #Pacland Infinite Time (Both Players) 800580BC 0909 #Infinite Credits 800A05EC 0009 #The Genji and the Heike Clans Infinite Energy (Both Players) 300A01B0 0032 #The Genji and the Heike Clans Infinite Money (Both Players) 300A01C1 0063 #The Genji and the Heike Clans Infinite Sword (Both Players) 300A01C9 0063 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 5 (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00417} ] :SLUS-00417 #Baraduke\Infinite Shields 801600D6 0002 #Baraduke\Infinite Lives 801600C0 0005 #Dragon Spirit\Infinite Health 801E91B0 0002 #Dragon Spirit\Infinite Lives 801E9006 0300 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Infinite Health 80190740 0080 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Infinite Magic 8019073E 0080 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Infinite Money 80190742 FFFF #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Infinite Health 80190844 0080 #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Infinite Magic 80190842 0080 #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Infinite Money 80190846 FFFF #Metro Cross\Infinite Time 801E1442 0308 #Pac-Mania\P1 Infinite Lives 801E0620 030A #Pac-Mania\P2 Infinite Lives 801E0622 0103 ; [ NanoTek Warrior (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00325} ] :SLUS-00325 #Infinite Lives 800CAC7C 0003 #Infinite Energy/Shield 800CAC80 1000 ; [ NASCAR 98 Collector's Edition (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00647} ] :SLUS-00647 #Lap Time is 00:00:000 800C2A24 0000 #One Lap Needed To Finish Race 800C29A2 0009 #Always First Place 800C29CF 0101 ; [ NASCAR 99 Legacy (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00883} ] :SLUS-00883 #9999 Points With Jeff Gordon 80103DE2 270F ; [ NASCAR 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00962} ] :SLUS-00962 #Quick Win 800BF9B8 0001 D00F3046 0000 800F3046 0001 #Instant Finish First Turn off code at end of race to advance to the next race. 800F3046 000B #All Cars Unlocked 800BEF7A FFFF #Have Montana Track Unlocked 800BEF5C 03FF #Have Race Against the King Complete 800BEF5C FFFF #Infinite Fuel 8006B842 2400 #No Damage - Everyone 80047906 2400 ; [ NASCAR 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00521} ] :SLUS-00521 #Lap Time is 00:00:000 800BF2FC 0000 #One Lap Needed To Finish Race 800BF27A 0009 #Always Place First 800BF2A8 0101 ; [ NASCAR 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00740} ] :SLUS-00740 #Have All Driver's Unlocked 800EE332 FFFF #One Lap To Race / Finish 1st 800EDE48 0009 D0110EFC 0000 80110EFC 0008 ; [ NASCAR Racing (USA) (1996) (Sierra On-Line) {SLUS-00374} ] :SLUS-00374 #Infinite Fuel 800F02EC 00DC #Always Have Good Left Rear Tire 8009D83E 0275 #Always Have Good Right Rear Tire 8009D842 0275 #Always Have Good Left Front Tire 8009D846 0275 #Always Have Good Right Front Tire 8009D84A 0275 #Always Have 1st 800EFD78 0000 800EFED0 0000 80145664 0000 ; [ NASCAR Rumble (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01068, SLUS-01068CE} ] :SLUS-01068 :SLUS-01068CE #Enable All Difficulty Levels 300B7135 0002 #Enable All Secret Cars 50000A02 0000 300B714E 0001 #Enable Normal Tracks, Locales + Legend Drivers 300B7136 0002 50000B02 0000 800B713A 0202 #Unlock Bonus Tracks 300B7137 0001 800B7138 0001 ; [ NASCAR Heat (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01166} ] :SLUS-01166 #Lap Modifier 6 (0000-FFFF) D0083B48 0001 80083B48 0006 ; [ NASCAR 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01263} ] :SLUS-01263 #Select Win\Quick Win D001C774 0001 8001C774 0032 D001A640 0001 8001A640 0032 D00209DC 0001 800209DC 0032 #Select Win\Automatic Win D001A640 0000 8001A640 FFFF D001C774 0000 8001C774 FFFF D00209DC 0000 800209DC FFFF #Enable All Cars 800B6960 0101 800B6962 0101 #Enable Black Box Classic Car 300B6963 0001 #Enable EA Sports Car 300B6960 0001 #Enable EA.COM Car 300B6961 0001 #Enable Treasure Island 300B6965 0001 #Select Max Season Points Character\Steve Park 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0001 #Select Max Season Points Character\Rusty Wallace 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0002 #Select Max Season Points Character\Dale Earnhardt 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0003 #Select Max Season Points Character\Bobby Hamilton 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0004 #Select Max Season Points Character\Terry Labonte 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0005 #Select Max Season Points Character\Mark Martin 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0006 #Select Max Season Points Character\Michael Waltrip 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0007 #Select Max Season Points Character\Dale Earnhardt, Jr 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0008 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jeremy Mayfield 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 000C #Select Max Season Points Character\Kevin LePage 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0010 #Select Max Season Points Character\Matt Kenseth 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0011 #Select Max Season Points Character\Bobby LeBonte 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0012 #Select Max Season Points Character\Tony Stewart 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0014 #Select Max Season Points Character\Elliot Sadler 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0015 #Select Max Season Points Character\Wade Burton 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0016 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jeff Gordon 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0018 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jeremy Nadeau 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0019 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jimmy Spencer 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 001A #Select Max Season Points Character\Ricky Rudd 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 001C #Select Max Season Points Character\Mike Skinner 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 001F #Select Max Season Points Character\Scott Pruett 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0020 #Select Max Season Points Character\Joe Nemechek 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0021 #Select Max Season Points Character\Ken Schrader 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0024 #Select Max Season Points Character\Sterling Martin 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0028 #Select Max Season Points Character\Kenny Irwin, Jr 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 002A #Select Max Season Points Character\John Andretti 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 002B #Select Max Season Points Character\Kyle Petty 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 002C #Select Max Season Points Character\Adam Perry 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 002D #Select Max Season Points Character\Kenny Wallace 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0037 #Select Max Season Points Character\Geoffrey Bodine 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 003C #Select Max Season Points Character\Darrell Waltrip 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0042 #Select Max Season Points Character\Wally Dallenbach 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 004B #Select Max Season Points Character\Dale Jarrett 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0058 #Select Max Season Points Character\Bill Elliot 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 005E #Select Max Season Points Character\Chad Little 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0061 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jeff Burton 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0063 #Select Max Season Points Character\Shorty Leung 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0064 #Select Max Season Points Character\KC Monoxide 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0065 #Select Max Season Points Character\Richard Petty 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 008F #Select Max Season Points Character\Daniel Seiberling 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0092 #Select Max Season Points Character\Asher Boldt 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 0099 #Select Max Season Points Character\Jocko Michaels 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 00A7 #Select Max Season Points Character\Goopy Gough 800B4272 FFFF 800B4270 00AF #Select Driver/Car\Steve Park 800C0FE0 0001 #Select Driver/Car\Rusty Wallace 800C0FE0 0002 #Select Driver/Car\Dale Earnhardt 800C0FE0 0003 #Select Driver/Car\Bobby Hamilton 800C0FE0 0004 #Select Driver/Car\Terry Labonte 800C0FE0 0005 #Select Driver/Car\Mark Martin 800C0FE0 0006 #Select Driver/Car\Micheal Waltrip 800C0FE0 0007 #Select Driver/Car\Dale Earnhardt Jr. 800C0FE0 0008 #Select Driver/Car\Jeremy Mayfield 800C0FE0 000C #Select Driver/Car\Kevin Lepage 800C0FE0 0010 #Select Driver/Car\Matt Kenseth 800C0FE0 0011 #Select Driver/Car\Bobby Labonte 800C0FE0 0012 #Select Driver/Car\Tony Stewert 800C0FE0 0014 #Select Driver/Car\Elliott Sadler 800C0FE0 0015 #Select Driver/Car\Ward Burton 800C0FE0 0016 #Select Driver/Car\Jeff Gordon 800C0FE0 0018 #Select Driver/Car\Jerry Nadeau 800C0FE0 0019 #Select Driver/Car\Jimmy Spencer 800C0FE0 001A #Select Driver/Car\Ricky Rudd 800C0FE0 001C #Select Driver/Car\Mike Skinner 800C0FE0 001F #Select Driver/Car\Scott Pruett 800C0FE0 0020 #Select Driver/Car\Joe Nemechek 800C0FE0 0021 #Select Driver/Car\Ken Schrader 800C0FE0 0024 #Select Driver/Car\Sterling Marlin 800C0FE0 0028 #Select Driver/Car\Kenny Irwin Jr. 800C0FE0 002A #Select Driver/Car\John Andretti (STP) 800C0FE0 002B #Select Driver/Car\Kyle Petty 800C0FE0 002C #Select Driver/Car\Adam Petty 800C0FE0 002D #Select Driver/Car\Kenny Wallace 800C0FE0 0037 #Select Driver/Car\Geoffrey Bodine 800C0FE0 003C #Select Driver/Car\Darrell Waltrip 800C0FE0 0042 #Select Driver/Car\Wally Dallenbach 800C0FE0 004B #Select Driver/Car\Dale Jarrrett 800C0FE0 0058 #Select Driver/Car\Bill Elliott 800C0FE0 005E #Select Driver/Car\Chad Little 800C0FE0 0061 #Select Driver/Car\Jeff Burton 800C0FE0 0063 #Select Driver/Car\'Shorty' Leung 800C0FE0 0064 #Select Driver/Car\KC Monoxide 800C0FE0 0065 #Select Driver/Car\Richard Petty 800C0FE0 008F #Select Driver/Car\John Andretti (cheerios) 800C0FE0 0090 #Select Driver/Car\Dan seiberling 800C0FE0 0092 #Select Driver/Car\Asher Boldt 800C0FE0 0099 #Select Driver/Car\Jacko Michaels 800C0FE0 00A7 #Select Driver/Car\Goopy Gough 800C0FE0 00AF #Select Track\Bristol (Day) 800C13E4 0000 #Select Track\Bridtol (Day) 800C13E4 0001 #Select Track\Talladega 800C13E4 0002 #Select Track\Watkins Glen 800C13E4 0003 #Select Track\California 800C13E4 0004 #Select Track\Lowe's 800C13E4 0005 #Select Track\Atlanta 800C13E4 0006 #Select Track\Darlington 800C13E4 0007 #Select Track\Texas 800C13E4 0008 #Select Track\Las Vegas 800C13E4 0009 #Select Track\Indianapolis 800C13E4 000A #Select Track\Michigan 800C13E4 000B #Select Track\North Carolina 800C13E4 000C #Select Track\Sears Point 800C13E4 000D #Select Track\Martinsville 800C13E4 000E #Select Track\Phoenix 800C13E4 000F #Select Track\Richmond 800C13E4 0010 #Select Track\Homestead-Miami 800C13E4 0011 #Select Track\Pocono 800C13E4 0012 #Select Track\New York 800C13E4 0013 #Select Track\Mile High 800C13E4 0014 #Select Track\Hawaii 800C13E4 0015 #Select Track\Dustbowl 800C13E4 0016 #Select Track\Southern 800C13E4 0017 #Select Track\Proving Grounds 800C13E4 0019 #Select Track\Bristol(Night) 800C13E4 001C #Select Track\Daytona (Day) 800C13E4 001D #Select Track\Treasure Island 800C13E4 001E #Select Track\Daytona (Night) 800C13E4 001F #Select Track\4th From the Sun 800C13E4 0020 ; [ NASCAR Thunder 2002 (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01403} ] :SLUS-01403 #No Car Damage 800449E6 2400 #Quick Win 80085974 01F4 80085976 2402 8008597A A602 #All Cards 50004804 0000 300C1005 0063 ; [ NASCAR Thunder 2003 (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01502} ] ;:SLUS-01502 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NASCAR Thunder 2004 (USA) (2003) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01571} ] :SLUS-01571 #Always 1st Place 8002F5BC 0001 ; [ Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94569} ] :SCUS-94569 #Infinite Lives 80087C9C 3000 #Infinite Health 80087CA2 0008 #Infinite Coins 8007F9B8 0064 #Infinite Apples 80082B14 1000 8007F9CA 000A #999 Red Gems 8007F9A8 03E7 #No Magic Lamp Interruptions 80083228 0000 800834B0 0001 #Extra Slot Machine Tokens 80087C98 000A #Out of Body Experience 801860BC FFFF ; [ NBA Basketball 2000 (USA) (1999) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00926} ] :SLUS-00926 #Select Away Team Score\0 80010FCE 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 80010FCE 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800105C2 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 800105C2 0064 ; [ NBA Fastbreak '98 (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00492} ] :SLUS-00492 #Select Home Team Score\0 800EB230 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 800EB230 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800EB234 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800EB234 0064 #Max Agility 80168810 0063 #Max Speed 80168814 0063 #Max Shooting 8016881C 0063 #Max Endurance 80168820 0063 #Max Rebounding 80168824 0063 #Max Jumping 80168828 0063 #Max Blocking 8016882C 0063 #Max Stealing 80168830 0063 #Max Free Throws 80168834 0063 #Max 3 Points 80168838 0063 #Max Ball Handling 8016883C 0063 #Max Passing 80168840 0063 #Max Driving 80168844 0063 #Max Aggresiveness 80168848 0063 #Max Dunking 8016884C 0063 #Max Strength 80168818 0063 #Infinite Player Builder Points 8016880C 01C2 ; [ NBA Hangtime (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00329} ] :SLUS-00329 #Select Home Team Score\0 8007323C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 8007323C 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8007323E 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8007323E 0064 ; [ NBA Hoopz (USA) (2001) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01331} ] :SLUS-01331 #Select Away Team Score\0 8009D4D0 0000 8009D4D4 0000 8009D4DA 0000 8009D4DE 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8009D4D0 0019 8009D4D4 0019 8009D4DA 0019 8009D4DE 0019 #Select Home Team Score\0 8009D4B4 0000 8009D4B8 0000 8009D4BC 0000 8009D4C0 0000 #Select Home Team Score\200 8009D4B4 0019 8009D4B8 0019 8009D4BC 0019 8009D4C0 0019 #ABA Ball 8008422C 0001 #Away Uniform 80084218 0001 #Beach Court 800841EC 0001 #Big Head Mode 80084228 0003 #Granny Shots 800841E8 0001 #Home Uniform 80084214 0001 #Infinite Shot Clock 3009D4A9 0009 #Street Court 800841F0 0001 #Tiny Heads 800841D8 0003 #Tiny Players 800841DC 0001 ; [ NBA Jam Extreme (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00388} ] :SLUS-00388 #Select Team 1 Score\00 800A227C 0064 #Select Team 1 Score\0 800A227C 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\100 800A2280 0064 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800A2280 0000 #P1 Infinite Turbo 800B2124 00FF #P2 Infinite Turbo 800B2208 00FF #P3 Infinite Turbo 800B22EC 00FF #P4 Infinite Turbo 800B23D0 00FF ; [ NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (USA) (1995) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00002} ] :SLUS-00002 #P1 Score 100 8007D098 0064 #P1 Score 0 8007D098 0000 #P2 Score 100 8007D09C 0064 #P2 Score 0 8007D09C 0000 #Infinite Time 8007D048 3000 #P1 Infinite Turbo 80084500 002F #P2 Infinite Turbo 80084684 002F #P3 Infinite Turbo 80084808 002F #Infinite Shot Clock Time 8007D034 0012 ; [ NBA Live 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00998} ] :SLUS-00998 #Select Home Team Score\100 800AE118 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800AE118 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800AE768 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800AE768 0000 #Unlock All Legends 50000402 0000 8008267C FFFF #Home Team Infinite Timeouts 800AE120 0007 #Home Team No Timeouts 800AE120 0000 #Away Team Infinite Timeouts 800AE770 0007 #Away Team No Timeouts 800AE770 0000 #Max Stats D008235A 0BB8 50000902 0000 801FFD84 6464 #Infinite Shot Clock Time 800B5930 0330 800B9FF2 0107 800BA006 00D9 8013874E 0231 ; [ NBA Live 96 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00060} ] :SLUS-00060 #Select Home Team Score\100 8001A49E 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8001A49E 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8001A55A 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8001A55A 0000 #Stops The Clock 800E0400 296B #Infinite Shot Clock 800E34D4 04DB ; [ NBA Live 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00267} ] :SLUS-00267 #Select Home Team Score\100 8001EE22 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8001EE22 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8001EEE6 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8001EEE6 0000 ; [ NBA Live 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00523} ] :SLUS-00523 #Select Home Team Score\100 8007E114 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8007E114 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8007F578 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8007F578 0000 #Enable Secrets Menu + All Cheats Enabled 80087FBE 0FFF ; [ NBA Live 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00736} ] :SLUS-00736 #Select Home Team Score\100 8008FD5C 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8008FD5C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800911BC 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800911BC 0000 ; [ NBA Live 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01271} ] :SLUS-01271 #Infinite Creation Points 301386EC 0064 #Select Home Team Score\100 800A8810 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800A8810 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800A8E64 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800A8E64 0000 #Home Team Infinite Time-Outs 300A8818 0006 #Away Team Infinite Time-Outs 300A8E6C 0006 #Home Team No Time-Outs 300A8818 0000 #Away Team No Time-Outs 300A8E6C 0000 ; [ NBA Live 2002 (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01416} ] :SLUS-01416 #HaveABA Ball 300AE4DD 0001 #Have West Coast Court 300AE4F8 0001 #Have New 1-On-1 Uniform 300AE4F9 0001 #Have Rewards Expansion 300AE4FA 0001 #Have Michael Jordan 300AE4F1 0001 #Have New Music Track 300AE4FB 0001 #Select Home Team Score\100 800A8A10 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800A8A10 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800A9064 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800A9064 0000 ; [ NBA Live 2003 (USA) (2002) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01483} ] :SLUS-01483 #Select Home Team Score\100 800A8AB0 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800A8AB0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800A9104 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800A9104 0000 ; [ NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC (USA) (1999) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00948} ] :SLUS-00948 #Select Team 1 Score\100 800B5160 0064 #Select Team 1 Score\100 800B5160 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\100 800B517C 0064 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800B517C 0000 #Enable Tournament Mode 8009D00C 0001 #Enable ABA Ball 8009D040 0001 #Enable Tiny Players 8009D000 0001 ; [ NBA Shoot Out (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94500} ] :SCUS-94500 #P1 Score 100 80096ED0 0064 #P1 Score 0 80096ED0 0000 #P2 Scoere 100 80096ED4 0064 #P2 Scoere 0 80096ED4 0000 ; [ NBA ShootOut 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94561} ] :SCUS-94561 #Select Away Team Score\0 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0000 80017728 0000 8001772A 0000 8001772C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0063 80017728 0000 8001772A 0000 8001772C 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0000 800176E8 0000 800176EA 0000 800176EC 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0063 800176E8 0000 800176EA 0000 800176EC 0063 ; [ NBA ShootOut 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94581} ] :SCUS-94581 #Select Home Team Score\0 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\150 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0096 #Select Away Team Score\150 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0096 #Select Away Team Score\0 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0000 ; [ NBA ShootOut 2002 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94641} ] :SCUS-94641 #Select Home Team Score\150 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0096 #Select Home Team Score\0 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\150 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0096 #Select Away Team Score\0 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0000 ; [ NBA ShootOut 2003 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94673} ] :SCUS-94673 #Select Home Team Score\150 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0096 #Select Home Team Score\0 800176E0 0000 800176E2 0000 800176E4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\150 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0096 #Select Away Team Score\0 80017720 0000 80017722 0000 80017724 0000 ; [ NBA ShootOut 2004 (USA) (2003) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94691} ] ;:SCUS-94691 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NBA Shoot Out '97 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94552} ] :SCUS-94552 #Select Home Team Score\100 800B3E38 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800B3E38 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800B3E3C 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800B3E3C 0000 #Home Team Infinite Turbo 8010DE3A 0006 8010DE72 0006 8010DEAA 0006 8010DEE2 0006 8010DE1A 0006 #Away Team Infinite Turbo 8010DF52 0006 8010DF8A 0006 8010DFC2 0006 8010DFFA 0006 8010E032 0006 ; [ NBA ShootOut 98 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94171} ] :SCUS-94171 #Infinite Player Creation Points 8001057C 02D0 #Select Away Team Score\0 800C63F8 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800C63F8 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800C63F4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800C63F4 0063 ; [ NBA in the Zone 2000 (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01028} ] :SLUS-01028 #Infinite Time 8009206C 3333 #Select Home Team Score\100 80092228 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 80092228 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8009245C 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8009245C 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 80101180 0032 ; [ NBA in the Zone '98 (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00445} ] :SLUS-00445 #Home Team Always Scores 0 80065178 0000 #Home Team Always Scores 200 80065178 00C8 #Away Team Always Scores 0 800651BC 0000 #Away Team Always Scores 200 800651BC 00C8 #Infinite Power Home Team 800BE760 03E8 800BE762 03E8 800BE764 03E8 800BE766 03E8 800BE768 03E8 800BE76A 03E8 800BE76C 03E8 800BE76E 03E8 800BE770 03E8 800BE772 03E8 800BE774 03E8 800BE776 03E8 #Infinite Power Away Team 800BF1F4 03E8 800BF1F6 03E8 800BF1F8 03E8 800BF1FA 03E8 800BF1FC 03E8 800BF1FE 03E8 800BF200 03E8 800BF202 03E8 800BF204 03E8 800BF206 03E8 800BF208 03E8 800BF20A 03E8 #Stop Shot Clock 8006BA46 05A0 ; [ NBA in the Zone '98 (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00445} ] :SLUS-00445 #Home Team Always Scores 0 80065178 0000 #Home Team Always Scores 200 80065178 00C8 #Away Team Always Scores 0 800651BC 0000 #Away Team Always Scores 200 800651BC 00C8 #Infinite Power Home Team 800BE760 03E8 800BE762 03E8 800BE764 03E8 800BE766 03E8 800BE768 03E8 800BE76A 03E8 800BE76C 03E8 800BE76E 03E8 800BE770 03E8 800BE772 03E8 800BE774 03E8 800BE776 03E8 #Infinite Power Away Team 800BF1F4 03E8 800BF1F6 03E8 800BF1F8 03E8 800BF1FA 03E8 800BF1FC 03E8 800BF1FE 03E8 800BF200 03E8 800BF202 03E8 800BF204 03E8 800BF206 03E8 800BF208 03E8 800BF20A 03E8 #Stop Shot Clock 8006BA46 05A0 ; [ NBA in the Zone '99 (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00791} ] :SLUS-00791 #Select Away Team Score\0 80091A7C 0000 80091B00 0000 80091BDC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80091A7C 0063 80091B00 0063 80091BDC 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 8009197C 0000 800918CC 0000 80091848 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8009197C 0063 800918CC 0063 80091848 0063 ; [ NBA in the Zone (USA) (1995) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00048} ] :SLUS-00048 #P1 Score 100 800DEA50 0064 #P1 Score 0 800DEA50 0000 #P2 Scores 100 800DEAE4 0064 #P2 Scores 0 800DEAE4 0000 #Stop The Clock 800DEA0C A8C0 #Stop The Shot Clock 800DEA10 05A1 ; [ NBA in the Zone 2 (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00294} ] :SLUS-00294 #Select Home Team Score\100 8007126C 0064 8006EBF0 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8007126C 0000 8006EBF0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8006ED84 0064 8006ED7E 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8006ED84 0000 8006ED7E 0000 ; [ NCAA Football 2000 (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00932} ] :SLUS-00932 #Select Home Team Score\0 8008594E 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8008594E 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80087BC2 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80087BC2 0063 ; [ NCAA Football 2000 (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00932} ] :SLUS-00932 #Select Home Team Score\0 8008594E 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8008594E 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80087BC2 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80087BC2 0063 ; [ NCAA Football 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01219} ] :SLUS-01219 #Select Home Team Score\0 800896D6 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800896D6 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8008B94A 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 8008B94A 0063 ; [ NCAA Football 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00514} ] :SLUS-00514 #Select Home Team Score\0 800A5E1C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800A5E1C 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800A7FDC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800A7FDC 0063 ; [ NCAA Football 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00688} ] :SLUS-00688 #Select Away Team Score\0 80084F34 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80084F34 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80082D04 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80082D04 0063 ; [ NCAA Final Four 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94579} ] :SCUS-94579 #Select Home Team Score\0 80062674 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80062674 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8006318C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 8006318C 0063 ; [ NCAA Final Four 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94562} ] :SCUS-94562 #Select Home Team Score\99 80067E7C 0063 800DE42C 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80067E7C 0000 800DE42C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80068994 0063 800DE430 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80068994 0000 800DE430 0000 ; [ NCAA Basketball Final Four 97 (USA) (1997) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00142} ] :SLUS-00142 #Select Home Team Score\100 801EE9DC 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 801EE9DC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 801EF50C 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 801EF50C 0000 #Stop Shot Clock 801743DC 5FB6 801A5D98 5FB6 801B6BDC 5FB6 801D8844 5FB6 #Stop Timer 801A6264 2710 801D8840 2710 ; [ NCAA Final Four 99 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94264} ] :SCUS-94264 #Select Home Team Score\100 800B7054 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800B7054 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800B7518 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800B7518 0000 #Infinite Shot Clock 800B6F74 0014 ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94573} ] :SCUS-94573 #Select Home Team Score\99 D009CAB0 8010 800FC0C0 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 D009CAB0 8010 800FC0C0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 D009CAB0 8010 800FC0C4 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 D009CAB0 8010 800FC0C4 0000 ; [ NCAA Football GameBreaker (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94509} ] :SCUS-94509 #Select Home Team Score\100 800B1740 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800B1740 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 800B1744 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800B1744 0000 #P1 Infinite Time-Outs 800B174A 0004 #Infinite Time To Choose Play 800B1832 0016 #P2 Infinite Time-Outs 800B1748 0004 ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94557} ] :SCUS-94557 #Select Home Team Score\99 80109CDC 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80109CDC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80109CE0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80109CE0 0000 ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 98 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94172} ] :SCUS-94172 #Select Home Team Score\100 80102068 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 80102068 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 8010206C 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8010206C 0000 ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 99 (USA) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94246} ] :SCUS-94246 #Select Home Team Score\99 80113624 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 80113624 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80113628 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80113628 0000 ; [ NCAA March Madness 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01320} ] :SLUS-01320 #Select Away Team Score\100 800115DE 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 800115DE 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 8001018E 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8001018E 0000 ; [ NCAA March Madness 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01023} ] :SLUS-01023 #Select Home Team Score\100 800153EC 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800153EC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 80016828 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 80016828 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 8014B904 0258 #Home Team Infinite Time-Outs 300153F0 0007 #Home Team No Time-Outs 300153F0 0000 #Home Team Infinite 20 Sec Time-Outs 300153F1 0007 #Home Team No 20 Sec Time-Outs 300153F1 0000 #Away Team Infinite Time-Outs 3001682C 0007 #Away Team No Time-Outs 3001682C 0000 #Away Team Infinite 20 Sec Time-Outs 3001682D 0007 #Away Team No 20 Sec Time-Outs 3001682D 0000 #Infinite Shot Clock 801613A8 0609 ; [ NCAA March Madness 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00805} ] :SLUS-00805 #Select Home Team Score\100 800152C4 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 800152C4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 80016700 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 80016700 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 8013E148 0259 #Full Momentum Home Team 80122B90 0063 #Full Momentum Away Team 80122B90 0000 #Home Team Infinite Full Time Outs 30016704 0004 #Home Team No Full Time Outs 30016704 0000 #Home Team Infinite 20 Sec Time Outs 30016705 0002 #Home Team No 20 Sec Time Outs 30016705 0000 #Away Team Infinite Full Time Outs 300152C8 0004 #Away Team No Full Time Outs 300152C8 0000 #Away Team Infinite 20 Sec Time Outs 300152C9 0002 #Away Team No 20 Sec Time Outs 300152C9 0000 #No Shot Clock 800E8A54 0000 ; [ Nightmare Creatures II (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01112} ] :SLUS-01112 #Infinite Energy 80071A20 0000 80071A22 0000 #Have Silver Key 300AA848 0001 #Have Silver Key 2 300AA849 0001 #Have Small Silver Key 300AA84A 0001 #Have Keys On A Ring 300AA84B 0001 #Have Dynamite 300AA84C 0001 #Have Clippers 300AA84D 0001 #Have Silver Key 3 300AA84E 0001 #Walk Thru Walls D007C220 0059 8007C222 1000 #Debug Info 300B92F0 0001 #Level Select+Streamzone 300B9300 0001 8002639C 0001 8002639E 2415 #Infinite Health\Level 1 D01ABCD8 0000 8018E518 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 2 D01ABCD8 0001 8018DF58 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 3 D01ABCD8 0002 8018CFB0 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 4 D01ABCD8 0003 8018EEE8 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 5 D01ABCD8 0004 8018DF98 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 6 D01ABCD8 0005 8018EC30 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 7 D01ABCD8 0006 8018D448 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 8 D01ABCD8 0007 8018E178 0064 #Infinite Health\Level 9 D01ABCD8 0008 8018D998 0064 ; [ Nightmare Creatures (USA) (1997) (Activision) {SLUS-00582} ] :SLUS-00582 #Infinite Heals 800CC06E 0009 #Infinite All Items 50000C02 0000 800CC05C 0009 #Infinite Credits 83F33FF9 0009 ; [ Nectaris - Military Madness (USA) (1999) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00764} ] :SLUS-00764 #Instant Win 50003801 0000 30148B10 0014 #Unlock All Scenarios 8013EE80 FFFF 8013EE82 FFFF 8013EE84 FFFF 8013EE86 FFFF ; [ Newman Haas Racing (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00602} ] :SLUS-00602 #A. Luyendyk Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6FC 7FFF #A. Ribeiro Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE704 7FFF #A. Zanardi Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6FA 7FFF #B. Herta Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE70E 7FFF #C. Fittipaldi Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6F2 7FFF #G. De Ferran Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE700 7FFF #J. Vasser Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE706 7FFF #M. Andretti Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6F0 7FFF #M. Blundell Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE70C 7FFF #M. Gugelmin Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE70A 7FFF #P. Carpentier Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE708 7FFF #R. Boesel Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6F8 7FFF #R. Gordon Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6F6 7FFF #R. Moreno Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6F4 7FFF #S. Pruett Max Championship Points D00DE6EC FFF6 800DE6FE 7FFF #Select Track\Milwaukee Mile D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0000 #Select Track\Toronto D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0001 #Select Track\Midohio 200 D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0002 #Select Track\Long Beach D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0003 #Select Track\Laguna Seca Raceway D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0004 #Select Track\Portland Raceway D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0005 #Select Track\Surfers Paradise D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0006 #Select Track\Road America D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0007 #Select Track\Emmerson Fittipaldi Speedway D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0008 #Select Track\Houston Grand Prix D007B48C 0000 3007B674 0009 #Select Track\Kahoona Massive D007B48C 0000 3007B674 000A #Select Track\Pennsylvania Speedway D007B48C 0000 3007B674 000B #Select Track\Woodshole 200 D007B48C 0000 3007B674 000C #Select Track\Hill Fields 200 D007B48C 0000 3007B674 000D #Infinite Turbo 800D3C80 E04C ; [ NFL Full Contact (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00047} ] :SLUS-00047 #Select Away Team Score\100 8008AB36 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 8008AB36 0000 #Select Home Team Score\100 8008AB34 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 8008AB34 0000 ; [ NFL GameDay 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94556} ] :SCUS-94556 #Select Home Team Score\0 800FCED4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800FCED4 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800FCED8 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800FCED8 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94575} ] :SCUS-94575 #Select Home Team Score\0 80101064 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80101064 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80101068 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80101068 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 2002 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94639} ] :SCUS-94639 #Select Home Team Score\0 80100918 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80100918 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8010091C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 8010091C 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 2003 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94665} ] :SCUS-94665 #Select Home Team Score\100 80100434 0064 #Select Home Team Score\0 80100434 0000 #Select Away Team Score\100 80100438 0064 #Select Away Team Score\0 80100438 0000 ; [ NFL GameDay 2004 (USA) (2003) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94690} ] :SCUS-94690 #Select Home Team Score\0 80102530 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80102530 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8010252C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 8010252C 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 2005 (USA) (2004) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94695} ] ;:SCUS-94695 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NFL GameDay 97 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94510} ] :SCUS-94510 #Select Home Team Score\0 800CA04C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800CA04C 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800CA050 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800CA050 0063 #Cannot Be Tackled (Hold L1) 8005A80C 1D80 8005A80E 0C00 80007600 F510 80007602 8425 80007604 0004 80007606 30A5 80007608 0002 8000760A 10A0 8000760C 00D0 8000760E 8662 80007610 137C 80007612 23FF 80007614 0008 80007616 03E0 ; [ NFL GameDay 98 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94173} ] :SCUS-94173 #Select Home Team Score\0 800F47C4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800F47C4 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800F47C8 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800F47C8 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 99 (USA, v1.1) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94234} ] :SCUS-94234 #Select Home Team Score\0 80108456 0000 801088F0 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80108456 0063 801088F0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80108458 0000 801088F4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80108458 0063 801088F4 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay 99 (USA, v1.0) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94234} ] :SCUS-94234 #Select Home Team Score\0 80108456 0000 801088F0 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80108456 0063 801088F0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 80108458 0000 801088F4 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 80108458 0063 801088F4 0063 ; [ NFL GameDay (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94505} ] :SCUS-94505 #P1 Score 100 800AFE56 0064 #P1 Score 0 800AFE56 0000 #P2 Score 100 800AFE56 0000 800AFFF0 0064 #P2 Score 0 800AFE56 0000 800AFFF0 0000 #Infinite Time To Choose Your Play 800B00CE 0027 #P1 Infinite Time-Outs 800AFFFA 0003 #P2 Infinite Time-Outs 800AFFF8 0003 #Computer Always Throws Incomplete Passes 800B0170 0020 ; [ NFL Quarterback Club 97 (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00011} ] :SLUS-00011 #Select Home Team Score\99 800D14C6 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800D14C6 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800D3ACA 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800D3ACA 0000 ; [ NFL Xtreme (USA) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94245} ] :SCUS-94245 #Select Home Team Score\99 800AF41C 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 800AF41C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\99 800AF41E 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800AF41E 0000 #Home Infinite Time Outs 300AF67C 0003 #Away Infinite Time Outs 300AF67D 0003 #Home No Time Outs 300AF67C 0000 #Away No Time Outs 300AF67D 0000 #Have Max Stats In Speed 80060D38 0063 #Have Max Stats In Stamina 80060D40 0063 #Have Max Stats In Quickness 80060D48 0063 #Have Max Stats In Arm Strength 80060D50 0063 #Have Max Stats In Accuracy 80060D58 0063 #Have Max Stats In Intelligence 80060D60 0063 #Have Max Stats In Tackling/Cover 80060D68 0063 ; [ NFL Xtreme 2 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94420} ] :SCUS-94420 #Select Away Team Score\99 800CEF22 0063 #Select Home Team Score\99 800CEF20 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 800CEF22 0000 #Select Home Team Score\0 800CEF20 0000 ; [ Road & Track Presents - The Need for Speed (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00204} ] :SLUS-00204 #P1 Speed Always Max 8011AB56 00FF ; [ Need for Speed II (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00276} ] :SLUS-00276 #Super Engine 80035B80 0001 #Extra Car And Track 800E292A 0803 ; [ Need for Speed III - Hot Pursuit (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00620} ] :SLUS-00620 #Select Starting Lap\4 (Tournament) D011DD30 0000 8011DD30 0003 #Select Starting Lap\2 (Knock-Out) D011DD30 0000 8011DD30 0001 #Enable Empire City And El Nino 800FA9E0 003D #Enable Nazda C2 8004392E 0101 #Enable Ferrari 550 + Diablo 80043930 0101 #Enable Jaguar Xjr-15 + Mercedes 80043932 0101 #Unlock All Cars + All Bonus + Hidden Tracks 80125F10 01FF #Enables Ferrari 355 F1 (Hot Pursuit Mode) 8004392C 0101 #German Language For Police In Hot Pursuit Mode 800F9F7C 0020 #French Language For Police In Hot Pursuit Mode 800F9F7C 0040 #Spanish Language For Police In Hot Pursuit Mode 800F9F7C 0080 #Italian Language For Police In Hot Pursuit Mode 800F9F7C 0100 ; [ Need for Speed - High Stakes (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00826, SLUS-00826GH} ] :SLUS-00826 :SLUS-00826GH #255 Race Points 80115EB4 00FF #$0.00 Repair Bill 80180E28 0000 #Light Car 801144DC 0004 #No Opponents 80114870 0001 80115DA0 0001 801187F0 0001 8013DAF0 0001 8013DAF8 0001 #Unlock Mercedes Clk-Gtr + Mclaren F1 Gtr 80115742 0101 #Have Porsche 911 (Racer) 30115744 0001 30115774 0001 #Have Corvette (Racer) 30115746 0001 30115776 0001 #Have Phantom Car 30115747 0001 30115777 0001 #Have Titan Car 30115748 0001 30115778 0001 #Have Corvette (Cop Car) 8011574C 0101 8011577C 0101 #Have Porsche 911 (Cop Car) 3011574E 0001 3011577E 0001 #Have Diablo Sv (Cop Car) 3011574F 0001 3011577F 0001 #Have Police Helicopter 30115750 0001 30115780 0001 #Unlock Durham Road Track (England) 80115D2C 0001 #Unlock Celtic Ruins Track (Scotland) 80115D24 0001 #Unlock Dolphin Cove Track (Usa) 80115D18 0001 #Unlock Snowy Ridge Track (Usa) 80115D10 0001 #Unlock Raceway Track (Italy) 80115D34 0001 #Unlock Raceway 2 Track (Usa) 80115D30 0001 #Unlock Raceway 3 Track (Spain) 80115D38 0001 #Tournament + Special Events Mode\Place 1st 80110E8C 0001 80113A3C 0001 80115EB6 0001 #Tournament + Special Events Mode\Always Have Max Wins P1 (High Stakes Mode) 30115900 000F #Tournament + Special Events Mode\Always Have Max Wins P2 (High Stakes Mode) 30115901 000F #Tournament + Special Events Mode\255 Points 80115EB4 00FF #Tournament + Special Events Mode\Infinite Cash In Account 80115DA6 0FFF #Tournament + Special Events Mode\Infinite Pursuit Time 8005E1EE 2400 #Have Gold Trophies\Worldwide Roadster Classic 30115F81 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Regional Club Circuit 30115F82 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Super Sedan Challenge 30115F83 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Grand Touring Competition 30115F84 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\International Supercar Series 30115F85 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Gt Racing Championship 30115F86 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Weekend Road Racing Classic 30115F87 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Twilight Open Series 30115F88 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\International Open Road Tour 30115F89 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Knockout Challenge 30115F8A 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Corvette Pro Cup 30115F8B 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Porsche Pro Cup 30115F8C 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Endurance Racing Competition 30115F8D 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Open Road Knockout Challenge 30115F8F 0001 #Have Gold Trophies\Have All Gold Trophies 50000D01 0000 30115F81 0001 #Semi-Drunk Mode 8013E6AC 002F #Drunk Mode 8013E6AC 001F #Dash View 8011491C 0001 #Heavy Car 801144DC 0002 ; [ Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01104} ] :SLUS-01104 #Max Credits 800BDC94 68B1 800BDC96 3ADE #Reset Time Press Select D00C62D0 0001 800C1CE8 0000 #99 Pts 800BDC9A 0063 #Always 1st Switch it off after the race 800D2608 0100 #Select Starting Lap\2 - Quick Race Only Press L1 D00C62D0 0400 800BD9DC 0002 #Select Starting Lap\3 - Quick Race Only Press L1 D00C62D0 0400 800BD9DC 0001 #Select Starting Lap\4 - Quick Race Only Press L1 D00C62D0 0400 800BD9DC 0000 #Stop Timer 800C1CE8 0000 #Disable Timer 800C1CC8 0100 #99 Points - Tournament Mode 800BDC9A 0063 #Have All Cars - Quick Race Modes 800BD658 0007 #Automatic Win - Chase Mode 800C1CE8 FFFF #Enable Cheat Mode 800BF9DC 0001 #All Tournament Trophies 50000402 0000 800BDFE8 0101 300BDFF0 0001 #All Weekend Trophies 50000502 0000 800BE158 0101 ; [ N-Gen Racing (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01155} ] :SLUS-01155 #Max Infinite Credits 80072478 FFFF 8007247A FFFF #All Permits Passed 30072458 0001 30072461 0001 3007246A 0001 30072473 0001 #Max Championship Points 800844C4 0FFF #P1 Start/Stop Timer:L1+L2 To Start + R1+R2 To Stop D0073A3C 0500 800DCD56 ACA3 D0073A3C 0A00 800DCD56 2400 #Infinite Health D00BB11C 0028 800BB11E 2400 #Menu Modifier 02-Language Select:Not all text present 80127A4C 0002 #Menu Modifier 05- Debug Start (debug menu) 80127A4C 0005 ; [ NHL 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00965} ] :SLUS-00965 #Select Home Team Score\0 80047C72 0000 80117BA0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 80047CCE 0000 80117C3C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 80047C72 0063 80117BA0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 80047CCE 0063 80117C3C 0063 ; [ NHL 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01264} ] :SLUS-01264 #Infinite Skill Points D0098658 AC43 8009865A 2400 #Select Home Team Score\9 3004868E 0009 30121678 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3004868E 0000 30121678 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 300486EE 0009 30121714 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 300486EE 0000 30121714 0000 ; [ NHL Open Ice - 2 on 2 Challenge (USA) (1996) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00327} ] :SLUS-00327 #Select Home Team Score\9 8005E6FE 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8005E6FE 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 8005E706 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 8005E706 0000 ; [ NHL 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00030} ] :SLUS-00030 #Select Away Team Score\9 801C98AC 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 801C98AC 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 801C99C0 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 801C99C0 0000 #Infinite Time Outs Away Team 801C98C4 0001 #Infinite Time Outs Home Team 801C99D8 0001 ; [ NHL 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00519} ] :SLUS-00519 #Select Home Team Score\9 8004771A 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8004771A 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 80047754 0009 #Select Away Team Score\9 80047754 0009 #More Creation Points 8012D298 00AF #Infinite Skill Remaining Points:Turn the off before playing a game or the game might freeze. 800DFEA0 00BE #Infinite Creation Points 800A2BCA 2400 800ABBC6 2400 ; [ NHL 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00735} ] :SLUS-00735 #Infinite Creation Points D00B8434 0013 800B8434 E121 D00B8436 0441 800B8436 0802 #Select Home Team Score\9 80042656 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 80042656 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 80042690 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80042690 0000 #Home Team Goals Scores 9 80074930 0009 #Home Team Goals Scores 0 80074930 0000 #Away Team Goals Scores 9 8007496C 0009 #Away Team Goals Scores 0 8007496C 0000 #No Fatigue D00B8DA4 001A 800B8DA6 2400 D00B8FCC 001A 800B8FCE 2400 #Activate Cheat Big Heads 30042650 0002 #Activate Cheat Big Heads And Big Players 30042650 0004 #Activate Cheat Small Players 30042650 0008 #Activate Cheat Speedy 30042650 0100 ; [ NHL Breakaway 98 (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00391} ] :SLUS-00391 #Select Home Team Score\9 800FF898 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800FF898 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 300FF899 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 300FF899 0000 #Max Stick Handling 301A6984 0063 #Max Shooting 301A6985 0063 #Max Acceleration 301A6987 0063 #Max Toughness 301A6988 0063 #Max Endurance 301A697A 0063 #Max Speed 301A697B 0063 #Max Skating 301A697C 0063 #Max Passing 301A697D 0063 #Max Shot Power 301A697E 0063 #Max Offensive Awareness 301A697F 0063 #Max Defensive Awareness 301A6980 0063 #Max Checking 301A6981 0063 #Max Aggression 301A6982 0063 #Infinite Time 800FF85C 012C #Select Home Team Score\9 800FF898 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800FF898 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 300FF899 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 300FF899 0000 ; [ NHL Championship 2000 (USA) (1999) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00925} ] ;:SLUS-00925 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NHL Face Off (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94504} ] :SCUS-94504 #Select Home Team Score\9 800E7820 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800E7820 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800E77BC 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800E77BC 0000 #Infinite Time 800F6956 3B09 #Infinite Powerplay Time (Home Team) 800AAC1E 00FF #Infinite Powerplay Time (Away Team) 800AAC12 00FF ; [ NHL FaceOff 2001 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94577} ] :SCUS-94577 #Home Team Scores 0 - 1st period 300BC242 0000 #Home Team Scores 99 - 1st period 300BC242 0063 #Away Team Scores 0 - 1st period 300BC244 0000 #Away Team Scores 99 - 1st period 300BC244 0063 #Home Team Scores 0 - 2nd period 300BC2A2 0000 #Home Team Scores 99 - 2nd period 300BC2A2 0063 #Away Team Scores 0 - 2nd period 300BC2A4 0000 #Away Team Scores 99 - 2nd period 300BC2A4 0063 #Home Team Scores 0 - 3rd period 300BC302 0000 #Home Team Scores 99 - 3rd period 300BC302 0063 #Away Team Scores 0 - 3rd period 300BC304 0000 #Away Team Scores 99 - 3rd period 300BC304 0063 ; [ NHL FaceOff 2000 (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94558} ] :SCUS-94558 #Select Home Team Score\9 800CCFD6 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800CCFD6 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800CCFD8 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800CCFD8 0000 #Infinite Creation Points 80159578 008E 8015BFB0 01C2 ; [ NHL Face Off '97 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94550} ] :SCUS-94550 #Select Home Team Score\0 800EB1A0 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 800EB1A2 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800EB1A0 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 800EB1A2 0063 ; [ NHL FaceOff 98 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94174} ] :SCUS-94174 #Select Home Team Score\9 800D09BE 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800D09BE 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800D09C0 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800D09C0 0000 #All Goals For Home Team 80055298 0000 8005529A 2484 #All Goals For Away Team 80055298 0002 8005529A 2484 #Character Creation\Max Skating 8012F098 0063 #Character Creation\Max Speed 8012F144 0063 #Character Creation\Max Shot Power 8012F1F0 0063 #Character Creation\Max Shooting Accuracy 8012F29C 0063 #Character Creation\Max Passing Ability 8012F348 0063 #Character Creation\Max Puck Handling 8012F3F4 0063 #Character Creation\Max Endurance 8012F4A0 0063 #Character Creation\Max Aggression 8012F54C 0063 #Character Creation\Max Checking 8012F5F8 0063 #Character Creation\Max Offensive Awareness 8012F6A4 0063 #Character Creation\Max Defensive Awareness 8012F750 0063 ; [ NHL FaceOff 99 (USA) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94235} ] :SCUS-94235 #Select Home Team Score\0 800D4926 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 800D4928 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 800D4926 0063 #Select Away Team Score\99 800D4928 0063 ; [ NHL Powerplay '96 (USA) (1996) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00227} ] ;:SLUS-00227 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NHL Powerplay 98 (USA) (1997) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00528} ] :SLUS-00528 #Home Team Goal's Score 9 D0072FA4 00D8 80072FAC 0009 #Home Team Goal's Score 0 D0072FA4 00D8 80072FAC 0000 #Away Team Goal's Score 9 D0072FB8 00DC 80072FC0 0009 #Away Team Goal's Score 0 D0072FB8 00DC 80072FC0 0000 ; [ NHL Rock the Rink (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01085} ] :SLUS-01085 #Unlock All Sound Effects 3008323C 00FF #Unlock All Gameplay 3008323E 00FF #Unlock All Puck 30083240 00FF #Unlock All Boards 30083242 00FF #Unlock All Nets 30083244 00FF #Unlock All Players 30083246 00FF #Unlock All Arena 30083248 00FF #Unlock All Rewards 50000702 0000 3008323C 00FF #Blue Player Score 9 800900E8 0009 #Blue Player Score 0 800900E8 0000 #Red Player Score 9 8009009C 0009 #Red Player Score 0 8009009C 0000 ; [ Nicktoons Racing (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01047} ] :SLUS-01047 #Press Select To Start In Last Lap C00A879E FFFE 80061F58 0002 80061F5C 0003 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Turbo Easy Mode 80061EC6 0004 ; [ Ninja - Shadow of Darkness (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00435} ] :SLUS-00435 #Infinite Lives 8006D030 0009 #Infinite Magic 8006D0A0 0009 #Max Score 8006D014 967F 8006D016 0098 #Max Magic 8006D018 0004 #Have Silver Key 8006D01C 0001 #Have Gold Key 8006D034 0001 #Infinite Gold 8006D044 967F 8006D046 0098 #Full Screen View 8006D058 0032 #Infinite Smoke Bombs 8006D07C 0009 #Level Select 3006BA9C 0001 #Infinite Health 8006D05E 0050 8006D09E 0050 #No Boss Energy 8006C28A 0000 ; [ No Fear Downhill Mountain Bike Racing (USA) (1999) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-01000} ] :SLUS-01000 #Time Is 0:00:00 8001CC62 2400 #Unlock All Difficulties, Levels, + Videos 300D1616 0002 #Unlock All Character 300D1617 0007 #Unlock Trick Trail 300D161D 0001 #Unlock All Tires Upgrades 300D162B 0003 #Unlock All Gear Ratio Upgrades 300D162C 0003 #Unlock All Brake Upgrades 300D162D 0003 #Unlock All Front Suspension Upgrades 300D162E 0002 #Unlock All Rear Suspension Upgrades 300D162F 0003 #Unlock All Frame Upgrades 300D1630 0003 #Unlock All Wheel Upgrades 300D1631 0003 #Unlock All Bike Upgrades 50000701 0000 300D162B 0003 #Infinite Energy 8007D0D6 2400 #Max Trick Points 800CC6C8 FFFF #Stop Trick Timer 8001CCCA 2400 ; [ Novastorm (USA) (1995) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94404 / SCUS-94407} ] :SCUS-94404 :SCUS-94407 #Enable Level Select 801FDFFC 0001 #Infinite Lives 1F800130 0007 #Infinite Bombs 1F80014C 0009 ; [ Nuclear Strike (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00518} ] :SLUS-00518 #Infinite Armor + Lives 80081A94 000F #Infinite Fuel (BPC) 80039998 0000 8003999A 0000 #Mission Island Mission 80081A88 0102 #Mission Peace Mission Part 1 80081A88 0202 #Mission Peace Mission Part 2 80081A88 0302 #Mission Dmz Mission 80081A88 0402 #Mission Fortress Mission 80081A88 0502 #Mission Lightning Mission 80081A88 0602 #Delta Apache\Infinite Fuel 800F5982 3B20 #Delta Apache\Infinite Armor 800F5900 05DC #Delta Apache\Infinite Wing Tips 800EF454 0008 #Delta Apache\Infinite Missiles 800EF438 0008 #Delta Apache\Infinite Rockets 800EF41C 0026 #Delta Apache\Infinite Chain Gun 800EF400 049A #Delta Huey\Infinite Fuel 800F5AF0 04A6 #Delta Huey\Infinite Armor 800F5B72 767E #Delta Huey\Infinite Wing Tips 800EF3E4 0008 #Delta Huey\Infinite Rockets 800EF3AC 0026 #Island Apache\Infinite Fuel 800F3DCA 638B #Island Apache\Infinite Armor 800F3D48 05DC #Island Apache\Infinite Wing Tips 800EF13C 0004 #Island Apache\Infinite Missiles 800EF120 000C #Island Apache\Infinite Rockets 800EF104 0026 #Island Apache\Infinite Chain Gun 800EF0E8 049A #Peace Chopper\Infinite Fuel 800F2EA2 6107 #Peace Chopper\Infinite Armor 800F2E20 03E8 #Peace Chopper\Infinite Tgas 800EE0BC 0008 #Dmz Apache\Infinite Fuel 800F65CA 62F5 #Dmz Apache\Infinite Armor 800F6548 07D0 #Dmz Apache\Infinite Wing Tips 800EF00C 0008 #Dmz Apache\Infinite Guns 800EEFB8 05DC #Dmz Tank\Infinite Fuel 8008203C 3939 #Dmz Tank\Infinite Armor 800F5B70 0FA0 #Dmz Tank\Infinite Cannon 800EEEBC 0064 #Delta Hovercraft\Infinite Fuel 800F57E2 C742 #Delta Hovercraft\Infinite Armor 800F5760 0BB8 #Delta Hovercraft\Infinite Guns 800EF374 2710 #Delta Hovercraft\Infinite Cannon 800EF33C 0064 #Delta Hovercraft\Infinite Rockets 800EF358 0018 #Dmz Bradley\Infinite Fuel 800F60B2 602F #Dmz Bradley\Infinite Armor 800F6030 07D0 #Dmz Bradley\Infinite Guns 800EEF64 04B0 #Dmz Bradley\Infinite Missiles 800EEF80 000A #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Fuel 800F63F2 62F2 #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Armor 800F6370 1B58 #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Wing Tips 800EEEA0 0008 #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Rockets 800EEE68 0190 #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Missiles 800EEE84 0030 #Dmz A10X Warthog\Infinite Cannon 800EEE4C 1B58 ; [ The Next Tetris (USA) (1999) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00862} ] :SLUS-00862 #Infinite Timer 801187F0 0078 #Maximum Score With this code, it works for both P1 + P2. 8018E420 FFFF ; [ O.D.T. (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00698} ] :SLUS-00698 #P1 Infinite Ammo 300AA04A 0064 300AA052 0064 300AA05A 0064 300AA062 0064 #P1 Infinite Health 800A9EC0 0064 #Level 1 800A963C 0000 #Level 2 800A963C 0001 #Level 3 800A963C 0002 #Level 4 800A963C 0003 #Level 5 800A963C 0004 #Level 6 800A963C 0005 #Level 7 800A963C 0006 #Level 8 800A963C 0007 #Infinite Experience 800AA09C FFFF #Infinite Armor 800AA0A0 6666 #Infinite Weapon 800AA0A2 6666 #Infinite Spirit 800AA0A4 6666 ; [ Off-World Interceptor Extreme (USA) (1995) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00020} ] :SLUS-00020 #Infinite Money 800CD878 C6C0 800CD87A 002D #Infinite Missiles used only one at a time 800CD872 1E0A #Infinite Nitros used only one at a time 800CD870 1E01 #Infinite Clones 800CD876 0163 ; [ Ogre Battle - Limited Edition (USA) (1997) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00467} ] :SLUS-00467 #Infinite Money 801C9EA4 FFFF 801C9EA6 FFFF #Max Reputation 801C9E54 0064 #Infinite + Max HP Main character 801C62DC 03E7 801C7FF8 03E7 #Infinite + Max Second character 801C62E0 03E7 801C7FFC 03E7 #Infinite + Max Third character 801C62E2 03E7 801C7FFE 03E7 #Infinite + Max Fourth character 801C62E4 03E7 801C8000 03E7 #Infinite + Max Fifth character 801C62DE 03E7 801C7FFA 03E7 ; [ Olympic Soccer (USA) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00156} ] :SLUS-00156 #Select Team 1 Score\9 801A7D8C 0009 #Select Team 1 Score\0 801A7D8C 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\0 801B0BA4 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\9 801B0BA4 0009 ; [ Olympic Summer Games (USA) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00148} ] :SLUS-00148 #One-Hundred Metres\Red Bar Always Full 801B9EE0 364C #Four-Hundred Metres\Red Bar Always Full 801B9EE0 364C #Four-Hundred Metres\Blue Bar Always Full 801AF88C 364C ; [ Omega Boost (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94449} ] :SCUS-94449 #Infinite Health 800A7EBC 04B0 #Infinite Health (2nd Version) 80030F72 2400 #Time 00 800A7E90 0000 800A7E92 0000 #Infinite Missiles 800A7ED0 0014 #1st Zone Unlocked 300A7E20 0001 #2nd Zone Unlocked 300A7E21 0001 #3rd Zone Unlocked 300A7E22 0001 #4th Zone Unlocked 300A7E23 0001 #5th Zone Unlocked 300A7E24 0001 #6th Zone Unlocked 300A7E25 0001 #7th Zone Unlocked 300A7E26 0001 #8th Zone Unlocked 300A7E27 0001 ; [ One (USA) (1997) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00469} ] :SLUS-00469 #Infinite Lives 8010BA8C 0005 #Infinite Rage Meter 8010B690 00C0 #Mid Air Jumps Press the X button repeatedly and quickly to do the mid air jump. 8010B6C0 0002 #Infinite Ammo 8010AC3C FFFF #Infinite Special Weapon Energy 8010B6D8 FFFF #Have Missile Launcher 8010B6D4 0001 #Have Homing Missiles 8010B6D4 0002 #Have Flame Thrower 8010B6D4 0003 #Have Pulse Laser 8010B6D4 0004 #Have Grenade Launcher 8010B6D4 0005 #Weapon Select Push Select+Up for Missile Launcher Push Select+Left for Homing Missile Push Select+Right for Flame Thrower Push Select+Down for Pulse Laser Push Select+L1 for Grenade Launcher D010B85C 0401 8010B6D4 0001 D010B85C 0404 8010B6D4 0002 D010B85C 0408 8010B6D4 0003 D010B85C 0402 8010B6D4 0004 D010B85C 0500 8010B6D4 0005 ; [ One Piece Mansion (USA) (2001) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01406} ] :SLUS-01406 #Infinite Money 8012FED8 FFFF #Max Money 8012FED8 FFFF 8012FEDA 7FFF #Always Month 1 3012FEE5 0000 #Have Pitica 30114F65 0001 #Stop Clock 8012FEE2 01C8 ; [ OverBlood (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00464} ] :SLUS-00464 #Infinite Energy 800CF8F4 0064 #Have Jacket 800EF4DC 0001 #Have Memory Chip 800EF4E0 0001 #Have Silver Key Card 800EF4E4 0001 #Have Memo 800EF4E8 0001 #Have Laser Knife 800EF4EC 0001 #Have Anti Gravity Device 800EF4F0 0001 #Have Simple Case 800EF4F4 0001 #Have Oil Container 800EF4F8 0001 #Have Broke Thermostat 800EF4FC 0001 #Have Chemical Bottle 800EF500 0001 #Have Capsule 800EF504 0001 #Have Hand Gun 800EF508 0001 #Have Silver Key 800EF50C 0001 #Have Voice Recorder 800EF510 0001 #Have Iron Rods 800EF514 0001 #Have Stun Gun 800EF518 0001 #Have Metal Grate 800EF51C 0001 #Have Burner 800EF520 0001 #Have Clip 800EF524 0001 #Have Red Key Card 800EF528 0001 #Have Compact Data Disc 800EF52C 0001 #Have Gold Card Key 800EF530 0001 #Have Emergency Spray 800EF534 0001 #Have Allen Wrench 800EF538 0001 #Have Cord 800EF53C 0001 #Have Bare Cord 800EF540 0001 #Have Dead Battery 800EF544 0001 #Have Charged Batter 800EF548 0001 #Have Identification Card 800EF54C 0001 #Have Ice Box 800EF550 0001 #Have Small Bombe 800EF554 0001 #Have Sample Case 800EF558 0001 #Have Portable Food 800EF55C 0001 ; [ Pac-Man World (USA) (1999) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00439, SLUS-00439GH} ] :SLUS-00439 :SLUS-00439GH #Quest Infinite Lives 80153C64 0063 #Quest Infinite Health 80153C58 0004 #Quest Invincibility 80153C58 0004 #Quest Max Pac Dots 80153C68 00FF #Quest Max Score 80153C60 FFFF 80153C62 0FFF #Quest 100 Cherries On Pick-Up 80153E16 0063 #Quest 100 Strawberries On Pick-Up 80153E18 0063 #Quest 100 Oranges On Pick-Up 80153E1A 0063 #Quest 100 Apples On Pick-Up 80153E1E 0063 #Quest 100 Bananas On Pick-Up 80153E20 0063 #Quest Have Pacman (Press Select) D014790A 0001 50000602 0000 80153E58 0001 #Classic Infinite Lives 801A9468 0063 #Classic Max Points 801BD678 FFFF #Maze Unlock Outtakes 80111BAC 0001 #Maze Max Score D0153C60 0000 80153C60 FFFF #Maze 100 Melons On Pick-Up 80153E22 0063 #Maze 100 Lemons On Pick-Up 80153E24 0063 #Maze 100 Peaches On Pick-Up 80153E1C 0063 #Maze 100 Bells On Pick-Up 80153E28 0063 #Maze 100 Galaxians On Pick-Up 80153E26 0063 #Maze 100 Keys On Pick-Up 80153E2E 0063 #Unlock Pirate Level 1 80153E84 00FF #Pirate Level 1 Completed 80153DA2 00FF #Unlock Pirate Level 2 80153E78 00FF #Pirate Level 2 Completed 80153DA4 00FF #Unlock Pirate Level 3 80153E7C 00FF #Pirate Level 3 Completed 80153DA6 00FF #Unlock Pirate Level 4 80153E80 00FF #Pirate Level 4 Completed 80153DA8 00FF #Pirate Level 5 Completed 80153DAA 00FF #Pirate Level 6 Completed 80153DAC 00FF #Unlock Ruins Level 1 80153E68 00FF #Ruins Level 1 Completed 80153DAE 00FF #Unlock Ruins Level 2 80153E6C 00FF #Ruins Level 2 Completed 80153DB0 00FF #Unlock Ruins Level 3 80153E74 00FF #Ruins Level 3 Completed 80153DB2 00FF #Ruins Level 4 Completed 80153DB4 00FF #Ruins Level 5 Completed 80153DB6 00FF #Ruins Level 6 Completed 80153DB8 00FF #Unlock Space Level 1 80153CE8 00FF #Space Level 1 Completed 80153DBA 00FF #Unlock Space Level 2 80153CEC 00FF #Space Level 2 Completed 80153DBC 00FF #Unlock Space Level 3 80153CF0 00FF #Space Level 3 Completed 80153DBE 00FF #Unlock Space Level 4 80153CF4 00FF #Space Level 4 Completed 80153DC0 00FF #Space Level 5 Completed 80153DC2 00FF #Space Level 6 Completed 80153DC4 00FF #Unlock Funhouse Level 1 80153CF8 00FF #Funhouse Level 1 Completed 80153DC6 00FF #Unlock Funhouse Level 2 80153CFC 00FF #Funhouse Level 2 Completed 80153DC8 00FF #Unlock Funhouse Level 3 80153D00 00FF #Funhouse Level 3 Completed 80153DCA 00FF #Unlock Funhouse Level 4 80153D04 00FF #Funhouse Level 4 Completed 80153DCC 00FF #Funhouse Level 5 Completed 80153DCE 00FF #Funhouse Level 6 Completed 80153DD0 00FF #Unlock Factory Level 1 80153D14 00FF #Factory Level 1 Completed 80153DD2 00FF #Unlock Factory Level 2 80153D18 00FF #Factory Level 2 Completed 80153DD4 00FF #Unlock Factory Level 3 80153D1C 00FF #Factory Level 3 Completed 80153DD6 00FF #Unlock Factory Level 4 80153D20 00FF #Factory Level 4 Completed 80153DD8 00FF #Factory Level 5 Completed 80153D26 00FF #Factory Level 6 Completed 80153D28 00FF #Unlock Mansion Level 1 80153D08 00FF #Mansion Level 1 Completed 80153D2A 00FF #Unlock Mansion Level 2 80153D0C 00FF #Mansion Level 2 Completed 80153D2C 00FF #Unlock Mansion Level 3 80153D10 00FF #Mansion Level 3 Completed 80153D2E 00FF #Mansion Level 4 Completed 80153D30 00FF #Mansion Level 5 Completed 80153D32 00FF #Mansion Level 6 Completed 80153D34 00FF #Unlock Gallery + All Mazes Completed 50000802 0000 80153D26 00FF 50001C02 0000 80153DA2 00FF ; [ Pandemonium 2 (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00578} ] :SLUS-00578 #Infinite Lives 800ABD74 0403 #Infinite Energy 800ABD76 0004 #Infinite Coins 8008B70C 03E7 #Infinite Coins (ALT) 800ABD78 01F8 #Invincibility:When using these cheats with this Invincibility code, turn off the shark to fire the Weapons 800EA79A 0200 #Always have Fireball 800ABD7C 0100 #Level Modifier (OO-FF) 8008A43C 00?? ; [ Pandemonium! (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00232} ] :SLUS-00232 #Have Access To All Levels (Except Bonus Levels) 8007202C 0014 #Infinite Energy 8009311A 0010 30093119 0010 #1 Coin To Get An Extra Life 8009311C 012B #Infinite Lives 30093118 0005 #Once Hit Become Invincibility 8009313E 0020 #Always Invincibility 8009313E 0020 801AE60A 0208 #Fireball Always On 80093120 0100 ; [ PaRappa the Rapper (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94183} ] :SCUS-94183 #Always Be Rappin Cool 801C368E 0000 #Aways Score 999 Points 801C3670 03E7 #KT + The Sunny Funny Band Unlocked 30087B92 0001 #All Stages Unlocked 30087B92 0001 50000602 0000 30087B86 0003 ; [ Parasite Eve II (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01042 / SLUS-01055} ] :SLUS-01042 :SLUS-01055 #Infinite HP 80073BA0 03E7 #Max HP 80073BA2 03E7 #Infinite MP 80073BA4 03E7 #Max MP 80073BA6 03E7 #Have All Key Items 80072714 FFFF 80072716 FFFF 80072718 FFFF #Have All Modes Available At Start Of A New Game 30072176 0001 80185040 0404 #Infinite Ammo For All Primary Weapons D00B6E1A 9205 800B6E1C 2400 #Infinite Ammo For All Secondary Attachment Weapons D00B6E7A 9205 800B6E7C 2400 #Infinite BP 80073B94 FFFF #Max BP 80073B94 967F 80073B96 0098 #Max Exp 80073B90 967F 80073B92 0098 ; [ Parasite Eve (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00662 / SLUS-00668} ] :SLUS-00662 :SLUS-00668 #Infinite Health 800B8A2C 03E7 800B8A3C 03E7 #Infinite Parasite Energy 800B8A2A 270F 800B8A4E 270F #Max At Points 800B8A30 FFFF #Quick Level Gain 8009CFE8 FFFF #Start With SMG D00A76BC 03E8 800C0E50 0067 #Max Item Slots 800C0E0C 0032 #Level 99 800C0E0A 0063 #Max Bonus Points 800C0E10 FFFF #Infinite Bonus Points (Bpc) 8004AAAC 0000 #Infinite Ammo Everything (Bpc) 80056BE0 0000 #Time 00:00:00 800A76BC 0000 800A76BE 0000 #Activate Tools + BP Menu 8009CEF0 FFFF #Have All Parasite Spells 800C0E24 1FFF #Have Lots Of Experience 800C0E00 FFFF #Max Offense 800C0E2A 03E0 #Max Defense 800C0E2C 03E0 #Max Penergy 800C0E2E 03E0 #Max Status Recover 800C0E30 03E0 #Max Active Time 800C0E32 03E0 #Max Item Capacity 800C0E34 03E0 #Access Hidden Option 1 (L1+L2) D009D0F0 0005 3009CEA0 0005 #Access Hidden Option 2 (L1+R2) D009D0F0 0006 3009CEA0 0006 #No Random Battles 800A781A 8000 #Debug Room C009D0F0 0003 8009D280 6048 3009D282 0006 00000000 FFFF #Select All Ammo In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1F1E 0001 800C1F20 0002 800C1F22 0003 800C1F24 0004 800C1F26 0005 00000000 FFFF #Select All Cards In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1EFA 00DD 800C1EFC 00DE 800C1EFE 00DF 800C1F00 00E0 800C1F02 00E1 800C1F04 00E2 800C1F06 00E3 800C1F08 00E4 800C1F0A 00E5 800C1F0C 00E6 00000000 FFFF #Select All Cards In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1F0E 00E7 800C1F10 00E8 800C1F12 00E9 800C1F14 00EA 800C1F16 00EB 00000000 FFFF #Select All Charms In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1EF4 00CB 800C1EF6 00CC 800C1EF8 00CD 00000000 FFFF #Select All C Keys In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1ECA 0038 800C1ECC 0039 800C1ECE 003A 800C1ED0 003B 800C1ED2 003C 800C1ED4 003D 800C1ED6 003E 00000000 FFFF #Select All Crates In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1F18 001A 800C1F1A 001B 800C1F1C 001C 00000000 FFFF #Select All Cures In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1EB8 000D 800C1EBA 000E 800C1EBC 000F 800C1EBE 0010 800C1EC0 0011 00000000 FFFF #Select All Fuses In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1EEE 00CE 800C1EF0 00CF 800C1EF2 00D0 00000000 FFFF #Select All Keys In Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1ED8 00CA 800C1EDA 00D1 800C1EDC 00D2 800C1EDE 00D3 800C1EE0 00D4 800C1EE2 00D5 800C1EE4 00D6 800C1EE6 00D7 800C1EE8 00DA 800C1EEA 00DB 800C1EEC 00DC 00000000 FFFF #Select All Med Wayne's Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1F28 0006 800C1F2A 0007 800C1F2C 0008 800C1F2E 0009 800C1F30 000A 00000000 FFFF #Select All Tools Wayne's Storage C009D0F0 0100 800C1EC2 0016 800C1EC4 0017 800C1EC6 0035 800C1EC8 0036 00000000 FFFF ; [ Peak Performance (USA) (1997) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00400} ] :SLUS-00400 #Always Place 1st 8009CA0C 0000 800A1FF2 0000 #Slow Motion 8009C468 F550 #Stop Timer 8009CA18 0000 8009CA14 0000 #Max Speed 8009C632 000F #Always On Lap 1 8009CA10 0000 #Always On Lap 2 8009CA10 0001 #Start On Lap 2 D009CA10 0000 8009CA10 0001 #Accelerate Faster Than Normal 8009C552 FFFF ; [ Perfect Weapon (USA) (1996) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00341} ] :SLUS-00341 #Infinite Health Recovery's (On Pickup) 8008D8E8 0500 #Infinite Energy 8011ADAC 1000 ; [ Persona (USA) (1996) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00339} ] :SLUS-00339 #Infinite HP Main character in battle 8005ED38 03E7 #Infinite SP Main character in battle 8005ED40 03E7 #Infinite HP Nate in battle 8005EE24 03E7 #Infinite SP Nate in battle 8005EE2C 03E7 #Infinite HP Mark in battle 8005EF10 03E7 #Infinite SP Mark in battle 8005EF18 03E7 #Infinite HP Yuki in battle 8005EFFC 03E7 #Infinite SP Yuki in battle 8005F004 03E7 #Infinite HP Ellen in battle 8005F0E8 03E7 #Infinite SP Ellen in battle 8005F0F0 03E7 #Infinite Money 99999 801F2674 869F 801F2676 0001 #No Random Battles (Tested In Hospital) 801F15BC 0000 ; [ Persona 2 - Eternal Punishment (USA) (2000) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-01158, SLUS-01339} ] :SLUS-01158 :SLUS-01339 #Infinite Money 800833A8 FFFF #Baofu Infinite HP 800846A0 03E7 #Baofu Max HP 800846A2 03E7 #Baofu Infinite SP 800846A4 03E7 #Baofu Max SP 800846A6 03E7 #Ellen Infinite HP 80084748 03E7 #Ellen Max HP 8008474A 03E7 #Ellen Infinite SP 8008474C 03E7 #Ellen Max SP 8008474E 03E7 #Katsuya Infinite HP 8008464C 03E7 #Katsuya Max HP 8008464E 03E7 #Katsuya Infinite SP 80084650 03E7 #Katsuya Max SP 80084652 03E7 #Maya Infinite HP 800845A4 03E7 #Maya Max HP 800845A6 03E7 #Maya Infinite SP 800845A8 03E7 #Maya Max SP 800845AA 03E7 #Nanjo Infinite HP 800846F4 03E7 #Nanjo Max HP 800846F6 03E7 #Nanjo Infinite SP 800846F8 03E7 #Nanjo Max SP 800846FA 03E7 #Tatsuya Infinite HP 8008479C 03E7 #Tatsuya Max HP 8008479E 03E7 #Tatsuya Infinite SP 800847A0 03E7 #Tatsuya Max SP 800847A2 03E7 #Urara Infinite HP 800845F8 03E7 #Urara Max HP 800845FA 03E7 #Urara Infinite SP 800845FC 03E7 #Urara Max SP 800845FE 03E7 #Have All Persona Arcanums 8008392C FFFF 8008392E FFFF 80083930 FFFF 80083932 FFFF 80083934 FFFF 80083936 FFFF 80083938 FFFF 8008393A FFFF 8008393C FFFF 8008393E FFFF 80083940 FFFF #Have All Tarot Cards 50001602 0000 800835E6 03E7 ; [ Peter Pan in Disney's Return to Never Land (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94643} ] :SCUS-94643 #All Movies Open 800F32C6 001F #Have All Skills 800F32B2 000F #Infinite Feathers 800F32AE 270F #Infinite Health 800F32AA 000A #Infinite Pixie Dust 800F32AC 0006 #Max Hearts 800F32B0 000A ; [ Pocket Fighter (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00653} ] :SLUS-00653 #P1 Infinite Energy 801E1DF8 0090 #P1 Infinite Strength 801E2B3C 0090 #P2 No Energy 801E20E0 0000 #P2 No Strength 801E2B3E 0000 ; [ Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01054} ] :SLUS-01054 #Only One Shot Recorded Single pLayer Mode 80041BEA 2400 #P1 Only One Shot Recorded 8008E0D0 0000 #Shot's Recorded Score 1 80041BE4 0001 ; [ PGA Tour 96 (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00016} ] :SLUS-00016 #Always Hole in One 800B11D8 0001 ; [ PGA Tour 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00261} ] :SLUS-00261 #Only One Shot Recorded 800AD890 0001 ; [ PGA Tour 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00517} ] :SLUS-00517 #Only One Shot Recorded 800906C8 0001 800907AC 0001 800BAE38 0100 ; [ Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00785} ] :SLUS-00785 #Only One Shot Recorded 8007A0BC 0000 8007A238 0000 800A83FC 0000 800A97BC 0000 ; [ Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00785} ] :SLUS-00785 #Only One Shot Recorded 8007A0BC 0000 8007A238 0000 800A83FC 0000 800A97BC 0000 ; [ Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01273} ] :SLUS-01273 #Only One Shot Recorded 8004AFF6 0001 ; [ Philosoma (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94403} ] :SCUS-94403 #Infinite Lives 800E7CA4 0002 #Infinite Credits 800E7D28 0003 #Invunerability 800E7F60 0004 #Infinite Buster Grenades 800E7F5C 0003 #Max Vulcan 800E7D0C 0002 #Max Laser 800E7D0E 0002 #Max A-Break 800E7D10 0002 #Max Rav-B 800E7D12 0002 #Infinite Srm Missiles 800E8004 0002 #Infinite Mrm Missiles 800E8004 0001 #Invincibility 800ED7C6 0003 ; [ Phix - The Adventure (USA) (2003) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01523} ] :SLUS-01523 #Infinite Time 800E7778 FFFF #Infinite Health 800E7784 0003 #Infinite Lives 800E7786 0064 #99 Crystals 800E7780 0063 #Infinite Shield 800E8484 0074 ; [ Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit (USA) (2002) (DreamCatcher Interactive / Wanadoo Edition) {SLUS-01451} ] ;:SLUS-01451 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pinobee (USA) (2003) (Hudson Soft Company) {SLUS-01494} ] :SLUS-01494 #Infinite Time 8004A68A 2400 #Infinite Health 8004DE4E 2400 #Quick Ending 801E689A 001B ; [ Pipe Dreams 3D (USA) (2001) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01409} ] :SLUS-01409 #Infinite Lives 8010D210 0009 #Extra Lives 800174C8 0001 #L1 For Extra Lives C00D2DCE FBFF 8010D210 0010 8010D1E0 0010 8011A6C8 0010 00000000 FFFF #Select Starting Level\Level 1 300D5510 0000 #Select Starting Level\Level 2 300D5510 0001 #Select Starting Level\Level 3 300D5510 0002 #Select Starting Level\Level 4 300D5510 0003 #Select Starting Level\Level 5 300D5510 0004 #Select Starting Level\Level 6 300D5510 0005 #Select Starting Level\Level 7 300D5510 0006 #Select Starting Level\Level 8 300D5510 0007 ; [ Pitball (USA) (1996) (Accolade) {SLUS-00146} ] :SLUS-00146 #Select Team 1 Score\9 800980CC 0009 #Select Team 1 Score\0 800980CC 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\9 800980D0 0009 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800980D0 0000 ; [ Pitfall 3D - Beyond the Jungle (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00254} ] :SLUS-00254 #Arcade Mode\Infinite Lives 8007C348 0005 #Arcade Mode\Infinite Health 8007C388 00FF #Level 1 Infinite Lives 8007C348 0005 #Level 1 Infinite Health 8007C388 00FF #Level 2\Have 10 Gold Bars 8007D308 000A #Level 2\Infinite Lives 8007D208 0005 #Level 2\Infinite Health 8007D248 00FF #Level 2\Infinite Flash Bombs 800D315C 0009 #Level 2\Infinite Time Bombs 800D3160 0009 #Level 3\Infinite Lives 80082530 0005 #Level 3\Infinite Health 80082570 00FF #Level 3\Infinite Time Bomb 800DA7C4 0009 #Level 3\Infinite Lightning 800DA7C0 0009 #Level 3\Have 10 Gold Bars 8008262C 000A #Level 4\Infinite Lives 80080E24 0005 #Level 4\Infinite Health 80080E64 00FF #Level 4\Infinite Lightning 800F1208 0009 #Level 4\Infinite It 800F120C 0009 #Level 4\Have 10 Gold Bars 80080F24 000A #Level 4\Super Jump D0081384 0040 80080D64 0005 #Gladiator Boss Level\Infinite Lives 8005A500 0005 #Gladiator Boss Level\Infinite Health 8005A540 00FF #Level 5\Infinite Lives 8008BCE4 0005 #Level 5\Infinite Health 8008BD24 00FF #Level 5\Infinite Lava 800E288C 0009 #Level 5\Infinite Power Boost 800E2890 0009 #Level 5\Have 10 Gold Bars 8008BDD8 000A #Level 6 Infinite Lives 80081520 0005 #Level 6 Infinite Health 80081560 00FF #Level 7 Infinite Health 80083960 00FF #Level 7 Infinite Lives 80083920 0005 #Level 7 Have 10 Gold Bars 80083A1C 000A #Boss 2 Infinite Lives 80067B98 0008 #Boss 2 Infinite Health 80067B94 0040 #Level 8 Infinite Lives 8007DC48 0005 #Level 8 Infinite Health 8007DC88 00FF #Level 8 Infinite Time Bombs 800D4250 0009 #Level 8 Infinite Boomerangs 800D4254 0009 #Level 8 Have 10 Gold Bars 8007DD4C 000A #Level 9 Infinite Lives 8007DD58 0005 #Level 9 Infinite Health 8007DD94 00FF #Level 9 Infinite Boomerangs 800D7884 0009 #Level 9 Infinite Power Boosts 800D7888 0009 #Level 9 Have 10 Gold Bars 8007DE50 000A #Level 10 Infinite Lives 8007986C 0005 #Level 10 Infinite Health 800798AC 00FF #Level 10 Have 10 Gold Bars 80079968 000A #Level 11 Infinite Lives 80077A50 0005 #Level 11 Infinite Health 80077A90 00FF #Level 11 Have 10 Gold Bars 80077B50 000A #Level 11 Infinite Lightning 800D0040 0009 #Scourge Boss Infinite Lives 8005C9D0 0005 #Scourge Boss Infinite Health 8005C9CC 0040 #Original 2600 game Infinite Lives D0030FA8 0001 80030FA8 0002 #Original 2600 game Infinite Time D0030FB0 0013 80030FB0 0014 ; [ Project - Horned Owl (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94408} ] :SCUS-94408 #P1 Infinite Grenades 800B94C6 0F18 #P1 Infinite Shield 800B94BE 0064 #P1 Infinite Continues 800BA954 0005 #P2 Infinite Grenades 800B94D6 0F18 #P2 Infinite Shield 800B94CE 0064 #P2 Infinite Continues 800BA984 0005 #Use only one of these options\Power-Shot Deactivated 800B94BC 7200 #Use only one of these options\Power-Shot Deactivated 800B94CC 7200 #Use only one of these options\Power-Shot Activated 300B94BD 0072 #Use only one of these options\Power-Shot Activated 300B94CD 0079 #Use only one of these options\P1 Always Power-Shooting 800B94C4 7200 #Use only one of these options\P2 Always Power-Shooting 800B94D4 7200 #No Damage P1 + P2 (Training) 8008B240 0000 #All Enemies Broken P1 (Training) D008B360 0007 800BA958 C350 #All Enemies Broken P2 (Training) D008B360 0007 800BA988 C350 #P1 Start With High Score D008B360 0001 800BA95A 000F #P2 Start With High Score D008B360 0001 800BA98A 000F #P1 All Enemies Broken 800BA968 FFFF #P2 All Enemies Broken 800BA998 FFFF #Operation Select An Overture D008B360 0001 8008B360 0001 #Operation Select Uninvited Guests D008B360 0001 8008B360 0002 #Operation Select A Counter Attack D008B360 0001 8008B360 0003 #Operation Select To Machine Grove D008B360 0001 8008B360 0004 #Operation Select Falling Ark D008B360 0001 8008B360 0005 #Operation Select Inside The Ark D008B360 0001 8008B360 0006 #Operation Select Training D008B360 0001 8008B360 0007 #Access Polygon Test 8008AC88 0002 #Access Movie Test 8008AC88 0004 #Access Audio Test 8008AC88 0005 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B8462 03E8 800B8462 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 041A 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 02BC 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0604 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 079A 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B8552 02BC 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B84DA 02BC 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 0898 800B8462 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B8462 05DC 800B8462 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 0627 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 041A 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0906 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 0B67 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B8552 041A 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B84DA 041A 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Easy\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 0CE4 800B8462 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 0514 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 04B0 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 0320 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 06E0 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 08B0 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B84DA 0384 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B8552 0384 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 0AF0 800B8462 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 079E 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 0708 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 04B0 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0A50 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 0D08 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B84DA 0546 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B8552 0546 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Normal\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 1068 800B8462 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 05DC 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 0546 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 0384 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 07BC 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 09C6 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B84DA 044C 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B8552 044C 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 0C80 800B8462 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 08CA 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 07E9 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 0546 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0B9A 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 0EA9 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B84DA 0672 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B8552 0672 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Hard\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 12C0 800B8462 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 0708 800B84DA 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 05DC 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 03E8 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0898 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Ultross D008B258 0ADC 8008B258 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B8552 0514 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Power Source D008B360 0006 800B8552 0001 #P1 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 1130 800B8462 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 1 Boss D00B84DA 0A8C 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Antales 1 D008B258 08CA 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Antales 2 D008B258 05DC 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Low Energy #The Face# D008B360 0003 800B49E0 0000 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Gigas D008B258 0CE4 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 4 Boss D008B258 104A 8008B258 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss A D00B84DA 0866 800B84DA 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Level 5 Boss B D00B8552 0866 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Power Source D00B8552 04B0 800B8552 0001 #P2 Mode Difficulty Very Hard\Sudden Death Metalica D00B8462 1900 800B8462 0001 ; [ Pajama Sam - You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01389} ] :SLUS-01389 #Press L1+L2+R1+R2 For Cheat Menu D00A8FC4 000F 300A96B8 0001 ; [ Project Overkill (USA) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00045} ] :SLUS-00045 #Infinite 9Mm Shells 800997DA 0063 #Infinite Health 800997B6 0164 #Secret Characters 800682A8 9A98 800682AC 9ACC 800682B0 9B00 80068330 A930 80068340 A920 80068350 A910 80068360 A900 80069B38 9994 80069B3C 99C8 80069B40 99FC 80069B44 9A30 80069B98 9A64 ; [ Planet of the Apes (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01468} ] :SLUS-01468 #Infinite Health Level Mediacal Center Part 3 801E61F4 0100 #Infinite Medikits 801E7630 0009 #Language Select Enabled 301070FE 0005 #Select Level\Mediacal Center Part 2 801F6BC8 0006 #Select Level\Mediacal Center Part 3 801F6BC8 0007 #Select Level\Mediacal Center Part End Sequence 801F6BC8 0008 #Select Level\Monastery Part 1 801F6BC8 0009 #Select Level\Monastery Part 2 801F6BC8 000A #Select Level\Monastery Part 3 801F6BC8 000B #Select Level\Monastery Part 4 801F6BC8 000C #Select Level\Monastery End Sequence 801F6BC8 000D #Select Level\Mines Part 1 801F6BC8 000E #Select Level\Mines Part 2 801F6BC8 000F #Select Level\Mines Part 3 801F6BC8 0010 #Select Level\Mines End Sequence 801F6BC8 0011 #Select Level\Entering Ruined City 801F6BC8 0012 #Select Level\Ruined City 2 801F6BC8 0013 #Select Level\Ruined City 3 801F6BC8 0014 #Select Level\Ruined City End Seququenxe 801F6BC8 0015 #Select Level\Human Village Part 1 801F6BC8 0016 #Select Level\Human Village Part 2 801F6BC8 0017 #Select Level\Human Village Part 3 801F6BC8 0018 #Select Level\The Canyon Sequence 801F6BC8 0019 #Select Level\Human Village End Sequence 801F6BC8 001A #Select Level\University Part 1 801F6BC8 001B #Select Level\University Part 2 801F6BC8 001C #Select Level\Meeting Mathias 1 Sequence 801F6BC8 001D #Select Level\Entering Prison Sequence 801F6BC8 001E #Select Level\Prison 4 801F6BC8 001F #Select Level\Prison End Sequence 801F6BC8 0020 #Select Level\Military Base 801F6BC8 0021 #Select Level\Meeting Mathias 2 Sequence 801F6BC8 0022 #Select Level\Factory Underground 801F6BC8 0023 #Select Level\Factory Underground End Cutscene 801F6BC8 0024 #Select Level\Archives Part 1 801F6BC8 0025 #Select Level\Archives Part 2 801F6BC8 0026 #Select Level\Archives Part 3 801F6BC8 0027 #Select Level\Archives End Sequence 801F6BC8 0028 #Select Level\Meeting Mathias 3 Sequence 801F6BC8 0029 #Select Level\The Statue 801F6BC8 002A #Select Level\The Statue Sequence 2 801F6BC8 002B #Select Level\The Statue or Pentagon 1 801F6BC8 002C #Select Level\Pentagon Part 2 801F6BC8 002D #Select Level\Pentagon Part 3 801F6BC8 002E #Select Level\The Encounter Sequence 801F6BC8 002F #Select Level\Monastery 5 Sequence 801F6BC8 0030 #Select Level\Ape Palace Sequence 801F6BC8 0031 #Select Level\Ape Palace 801F6BC8 0032 #Select Level\Ape Palace End Sequence 801F6BC8 0033 ; [ Power Move Pro Wrestling (USA) (1996) (Activision) {SLUS-00408} ] :SLUS-00408 #Infinite Time 80075524 0001 #Infinite Time Outside Ring 8007AD90 0001 #Infinite Crowd P2 (Name Flashes) 80081300 0018 #Infinite Crowd P1 (Name Flashes) 80080D7C 0018 #P1 Infinite Stamina 80080D5C 86A0 80080D5E 0001 80080D60 3880 80080D62 0001 #P1 Very Low Stamina 80080D5C 0000 80080D5E 0000 80080D60 0000 80080D62 0000 #P2 Infinite Stamina 800812D0 86A0 800812D2 0001 800812D4 3880 800812D6 0001 #P2 Very Low Stamina 800812D0 0000 800812D2 0000 800812D4 0000 800812D6 0000 #Hit Anywhere (Both Players Delay) D0026E1C 00C8 80026E1E 2400 ; [ Panzer Front (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01399} ] :SLUS-01399 #Never Reload Cannon 801B0D58 0000 ; [ Panzer General (USA) (1996) (Strategic Simulations) {SLUS-00132} ] :SLUS-00132 #P1 Infinite Prestige 800EDB84 07D0 #Infinite Turns Remaining 80089A90 0A00 ; [ PO'ed (USA) (1996) (Accolade) {SLUS-00097} ] :SLUS-00097 #Infinite Energy 8009ABA0 0066 #Have Jetpack 8009AC70 0100 #Have Knife 8009ABB8 0101 #Have Drill 8009ABBA 0101 #Have Missile Cam 8009ABC2 0001 #Have Bfd + Flame Thrower 8009ABBC 0101 #Have Wailer + Rocket Launcher 8009ABBE 0101 #Have Pulsegun + Meatseeker 8009ABC0 0101 #Infinite Flamer Ammo 8009ABA8 03E7 #Infinite Ammo For Bfd/Pulse 8009ABA4 03E7 #Infinite Rockets 8009ABB4 03E7 #Infinite Wailer Ammo 8009ABAC 03E7 #Infinite Meatseeker Ammo 8009ABB0 03E7 #Infinite Jetpack Fuel 8009ABA8 0032 ; [ Polaris SnoCross (USA) (2000) (Vatical Entertainment) {SLUS-01033} ] :SLUS-01033 #Stop Timer D0038A74 0001 800AB5E4 0000 #Max Tournament Points D0038A74 0001 80061958 0FFF #Unlock All Classes D0038A74 0001 800619D8 0004 #Unlock All Tracks D0038A74 0001 800619E4 03FF #Unlock All Sleds D0038A74 0001 800619E0 01FF #Infinite Wrenches All Sleds C0038A74 0001 800618A4 FFFF 800618A6 FFFF 800618A8 FFFF 800618AA FFFF 800618AC FFFF 800618AE FFFF 300618B3 00FF 300618B4 00FF 300618B8 00FF 300618BE 00FF 300618C2 00FF 300618C8 00FF 800618CC FFFF 300618CE 00FF 00000000 FFFF ; [ World's Scariest Police Chases (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01165} ] :SLUS-01165 #Unlock Missions (Pursuit Mode) 800FC0BA 0014 #Unlock Locations (Free Patrol Mode) 800FC340 FFFF #Unlock Missions (Single Mission Mode) 800FC342 0014 #Unlock All Bonus Items 800FC344 FFFF #Infinite Time 800465C6 2400 #Infinite Ammo 8006B454 2400 #Mission 2 - Police Academy Basic Pursuit Infinite Health 8016C9F2 0000 #Mission 3 - Police Academy Advanced Pursuit Infinite Health 8016D1D6 0000 #Mission 4 - Police Academy Expert Pursuit 8017533A 0000 #Mission 5 - Dui Dummy Infinite Health 801704FE 0000 #Mission 6 - The Crazed Car Thief 801721F2 0000 #Mission 7 - Gangbanger Deathmatch 801718CE 0000 #Mission 8 - Bus Driver Gone Bad 80172D52 0000 #Mission 9 - Drug Smuggling Scum 8017408E 0000 #Mission 10 - Race Against Death 80172B2E 0000 #Mission 11 - Sentence Of Fire 80173DD2 0000 #Mission 12 - Nosey News Van 801736BE 0000 #Mission 13 - The Stool Pigeon 80171906 0000 #Mission 14 - Tank Rush 801720E6 0000 #Mission 15 - Nothing Is Ever Routine 8017330A 0000 #Mission 16 - Jacked Up Jailbird 801722EA 0000 #Mission 17 - Lou Ferris Returns 8017492A 0000 #Mission 18 - Brazen Bank Bandits 80175446 0000 #Mission 19 - 30 Minutes Or Less 80172402 0000 #Mission 20 - Final Showdown 80172BCA 0000 ; [ Pong - The Next Level (USA) (1999) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00889} ] :SLUS-00889 #P1 All Power Ups 50000E02 0001 301F5020 0001 #Unlock Zone 2 801F1CD0 0100 #Unlock Zone 3 801F1D10 0100 #Unlock Zone 4 801F1D50 0100 #Unlock Zone 5 801F1D90 0100 #Unlock Zone 6 801F1DD0 0100 #Unlock Zone 7 801F1E10 0100 #Unlock Zone 8/Old School Pong 801F1E50 0100 #Golden Atari Sign 801F1E90 0015 801F1E94 0015 801F1E98 0015 #Have All The Gold Bars you need this code on when using the 'All Levels Unlocked' 801F1C84 0063 #All Penguin Pong Levels Unlocked 801F1C94 0105 801F1C96 0101 #All Soccer Stars Levels Unlocked 801F1CA0 0105 801F1CA2 0101 #All Log Jam Level Unlocked 801F1CAC 0105 801F1CAE 0101 #All Clown Around Levels Unlocked 801F1CB8 0105 801F1CBA 0101 #All Beach Party Levels Unlocked 801F1CD4 0105 801F1CD6 0101 #All Rock N Roll Levels Unlocked 801F1CE0 0105 801F1CE2 0101 #All Seal Jungle Levels Unlocked 801F1CEC 0101 801F1CEE 0101 #All In A Spin Levels Unlocked 801F1D14 0105 801F1D16 0101 #All Puck Pong Levels Unlocked 801F1D20 0105 801F1D22 0101 #All Fishing Frenzy Levels Unlocked 801F1D2C 0101 801F1D2E 0101 #All Jungle Japes Levels Unlocked 801F1D54 0105 801F1D56 0101 #All Balloon Circus Levels Unlocked 801F1D60 0101 801F1D62 0101 #All Flock Fiasco Levels Unlocked 801F1D6C 0101 801F1D6E 0101 #All Dervish Danger Levels Unlocked 801F1D94 0501 801F1D96 0101 #All Pongball Wizard Levels Unlocked 801F1DA0 0101 801F1DA2 0101 #All Frog Follies Levels Unlocked 801F1DAC 0101 801F1DAE 0101 #All Henhouse Surprise Levels Unlocked 801F1DD4 0501 801F1DD6 0101 #All Polar Pivot Levels Unlocked 801F1DE0 0101 801F1DE2 0101 #All Zone 7 Levels Unlocked 801F1E14 0101 801F1E16 0101 ; [ Disney's Pooh's Party Game - In Search of the Treasure (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01437} ] :SLUS-01437 #Max Hunny's 800CCD90 03E7 #Press L1 For Complete One Lap To Win Rabbits Roller Races D00C9202 FBFF 800CCD94 0001 #Press L2 For Auto Win Owl's Fruit N Hoot D00C9202 FEFF 800CCD94 0037 #Press R1 To Refill Health Health (Tigger's Thunder And Frightening) D00C9202 F7FF 800CCD94 0002 #Score One Point To Win Pooh's Pinball Party D00C9202 FDFF 800CCD94 00C7 ; [ Pool Hustler (USA) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00758} ] :SLUS-00758 #Always Your Turn 80078238 0000 #Max Cash (Press L1 To Activate) C0078230 0004 800BD00C 967F 800BD00E 0098 00000000 FFFF #Unlock Stages (Press L1 To Activate) D0078230 0004 800A3F50 FFFF #Infinite Cash 800BD00C FFFF #Have All Cue Sticks (Press L1 To Activate) D0078230 0004 800A3F38 000F #All Trick Shots Completed 300A3F63 001F 800A3F64 1F1F 800A3F66 1F1F 800A3F68 1F1F 800A3F6A 1F1F 800A3F6C 1F1F 800A3F6E 1F1F 800A3F70 1F1F 800A3F72 1F1F 800A3F74 1F1F 800A3F76 1F1F 800A3F78 1F1F 800A3F7A 1F1F 800A3F7C 1F1F 800A3F7E 1F1F 800A3F80 1F1F 300A3F82 001F #Have Bowlliards Mode Open 800A3F22 0C01 #Always Have Ball In Hand (Press R2) D0078230 0002 80078234 0013 #Perfect Score On Each Trick Shot 50001E01 0000 300A3F65 000A #Only Have To Make 1st Trick Shot To See #Trick Shot FMV# + Get The Star Magician Pool Cue 300A3F63 001E 300A3F64 001F #Have All Tables Availible In Two Player Game 50000602 0000 300A425E 0001 ; [ Populous - The Beginning (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00277} ] :SLUS-00277 #Have All Shamen Spells 801DC2C2 FFFF 801DC2C4 FFFF 801DC2C6 FFFF 801DC2C8 FFFF 801DC2CA FFFF 801DC2CC FFFF 801DC2CE FFFF 801DC2D0 FFFF 801DC2D2 FFFF #Max Spell Charge Rate 801DC2AC 0000 #Have All Build Options 801DC2B0 FFFF #Infinite Time 801E5F70 0384 #Select Level\The Journey Begins 800D8BA4 0000 #Select Level\Night Falls 800D8BA4 0001 #Select Level\Crisis of Faith 800D8BA4 0002 #Select Level\Combined Forces 800D8BA4 0003 #Select Level\Death From Above 800D8BA4 0004 #Select Level\Building Bridges 800D8BA4 0005 #Select Level\Unseen Enemy 800D8BA4 0006 #Select Level\Continental Divide 800D8BA4 0007 #Select Level\Fire In The Mists 800D8BA4 0008 #Select Level\From The Depth's 800D8BA4 0009 #Select Level\Treachrous Souls 800D8BA4 000A #Select Level\An Easy Target 800D8BA4 000B #Select Level\Aerial Bombardment 800D8BA4 000C #Select Level\Attacked On All Sides 800D8BA4 000D #Select Level\Incarcerated 800D8BA4 000E #Select Level\Bloodlust 800D8BA4 000F #Select Level\Middle Ground 800D8BA4 0010 #Select Level\Head Hunter 800D8BA4 0011 #Select Level\Unlikely Allies 800D8BA4 0012 #Select Level\Archipelago 800D8BA4 0013 #Select Level\Fractured Earth 800D8BA4 0014 #Select Level\Solo 800D8BA4 0015 #Select Level\Inferno 800D8BA4 0016 #Select Level\Journey's End 800D8BA4 0017 #Select Level\Journey's End 2 800D8BA4 0018 #All levels selectable 800D8BA4 0019 ; [ Porsche Challenge (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94187} ] :SCUS-94187 #Infinite Time 800DAAF0 0708 #Total Time is 0'00 800DAAF4 0000 #Infinite Restarts 800D49B2 0002 #Always In 1st Place 800DAADA 0001 #Always Be Hidden Car D009393C 48ED 80093036 0006 #All Cars Jump 800CA5BA 0001 #Hyper Car And Invisible Car 800CA5BE 0101 #Have Secret Modes (Main Menu) 300CA5B9 0001 ; [ The Powerpuff Girls - Chemical X-Traction (USA) (2001) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01423} ] :SLUS-01423 #P1 Infinite Health 83F67047 0080 #Infinite Time 8007C532 0078 #P1 Max Chemical X 8009E2BA 0003 #P2 Infinite Health 8009E2E0 0080 #P2 Max Chemical 8009E2E2 0003 #P1 Needs 1 Win To Win D009E2B0 0000 8009E2B0 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D009E2E0 0080 8009E2E0 0001 #P2 No Health 8009E2E0 0000 ; [ Powerslave (USA) (1997) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00102} ] :SLUS-00102 #Infinite Energy 80084BBA 00C8 #Have Hand Gun + Infinite Ammo 80084BDE 003A #Have Chain Gun + Infinite Ammo 80084BE0 003A #Have Gold Grenades + Infinite Ammo 80084BE2 003A #Have Flame Gun + Infinite Ammo 80084BE4 003A #Have Green Myst Gun + Infinite Ammo 80084BE6 003A #Have Demon Stars + Infinite Ammo 80084BE8 003A #Have Mystical Balls + Infinite Ammo 80084BEA 003A #Have All Keys 80084C02 FFFF #Have All Artifacts 80084C00 FFFF #Have Transmitter 80084C06 FFFF #Have Map 80084C0C FFFF ; [ Poy Poy (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00486} ] :SLUS-00486 #P1 Infinite Health 800DCB68 00C8 800DCB6A 00C8 #P1 Lots Of Points 800DCCF0 0099 #Infinite Time 800DB0D8 088E #P2 Lots Of Points 800DCCF2 0099 #Infinite Money 800DCCFC 045F #P1 Infinite Glove Power 800DCB70 4CEA 800DCB72 4CEA #Win Lots Of Money (Battle Mode) 800DCCF0 0110 #P1 Have All Gloves 800DCD04 FFFF 800DCD06 FFFF 800DCD08 FFFF 800DCD0A FFFF 800DCD0C 001F #Stage Pratice 800DB0E0 0000 #Stage Flatland 800DB0E0 0001 #Stage Moi Island 800DB0E0 0002 #Stage Park 800DB0E0 0003 #Stage Robots 800DB0E0 0004 #Stage Desert 800DB0E0 0005 #Stage Iceberg 800DB0E0 0006 #Stage Stage Infinity 800DB0E0 0007 #Stage Technical Bonus 800DB0E0 0008 ; [ Pro Pinball - Big Race USA (USA) (2000) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01260} ] :SLUS-01260 #P1 Infinite Balls 300AAAB0 0001 ; [ Pro Pinball - Fantastic Journey (USA) (2000) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01261} ] ;:SLUS-01261 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pro Pinball - Timeshock! (USA) (1998) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00639} ] :SLUS-00639 #P1 Infinite Balls 800BC934 0001 ; [ Primal Rage (USA) (1995) (Time Warner Interactive) {SLUS-00126} ] :SLUS-00126 #P1 Infinite Health 8009A804 0000 800A7DEA 0000 #P1 Invincibility 300A7E05 0003 #P1 Needs 1 Round to Win D00A7E0F 0000 300A7E0F 0002 #Auto Enable Cheat Options D005BB24 000C 8005BB26 1000 #P2 Infinite Health 800A7E7E 0000 8009A80C 0000 #Infinite Time 8009A1EC 0064 #P1 Infinite Brain Stem Bar (But Still Can Be Stunned) 8009A66C 0000 #P2 Infinite Brain Stem Bar (But Still Can Be Stunned) 8009ABFC 0000 ; [ Saban's Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01114} ] :SLUS-01114 #Enable Infinite Lives 800B3940 0001 #Enable Level Skip 800B3978 0001 #Enable Titanium Ranger 800B3994 0001 #Enable Blind Enemies 800B39B0 0001 #Enable Continue Modifier 800B39CC 0001 #Enable Infinite Rpe 800B39E8 0001 #Enable ??? Cheat 800B3A04 0001 #Enable Galleries Open 800B3A20 0001 #Enable All Cheats 5000081C 0000 800B3940 0001 #Endless Health 801574FC 00FF ; [ Pro 18 - World Tour Golf (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00817} ] :SLUS-00817 #P1 Only Record One Swing 80060CAC 0001 #P2 Only Record One Swing 80060D3C 0001 #P3 Only Record One Swing 80060DCC 0001 #P4 Only Record One Swing 80065E5C 0001 #P5 Only Record One Swing 80060EEC 0001 #P6 Only Record One Swing 80060F7C 0001 #P7 Only Record One Swing 8006100C 0001 #P8 Only Record One Swing 8006109C 0001 ; [ Pro-Pinball (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00371} ] :SLUS-00371 #Infinite Balls 800631D8 0001 #Infinite Balls Alternate 800633D8 0001 #Maximum Bonus 80063308 000A #Ball Saver Always On 800AFC08 0852 #Ball Saver Always Off 800AFC08 0068 #P1 Infinite Balls 800BC934 0001 #P1 Infinite Buy-Ins 800BC938 0001 ; [ Professional Underground League of Pain (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94551} ] :SCUS-94551 #Infinite Time 1 800BCBD2 0905 #Infinite Time 2 800BCBD4 0006 #Select Team 1 Score\9 800BCBA0 0009 800BCBA4 0009 800BCBAA 0009 #Select Team 1 Score\0 800BCBA0 0000 800BCBA4 0000 800BCBAA 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\9 800BCBBC 0009 800BCBC0 0009 800BCBC6 0009 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800BCBBC 0000 800BCBC0 0000 800BCBC6 0000 ; [ Saban's Power Rangers - Time Force (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01351} ] :SLUS-01351 #Extra Lives 80091960 0001 #Infinite Health 80095AD0 00FF 80095AD2 2402 80095AD4 00BC 80095AD6 A482 #Infinite Lives 800919C6 2400 #Infinite Special 8009C616 2400 #Infinite Time 800C9B1E 0FFF ; [ Saban's Power Rangers Zeo - Full Tilt Battle Pinball (USA) (1996) (Bandai America) {SLUS-00256} ] :SLUS-00256 #Infinite Balls 800884F0 0009 #Always Play Level USA Level 2 80076C74 0001 #Always Play Level USA Level 3 80076C74 0002 #Always Play Level Asia Level 1 80076C74 0003 #Always Play Level Asia Level 2 80076C74 0004 #Always Play Level Africa Level 1 80076C74 0005 #Always Play Level Africa Level 2 80076C74 0006 #Always Play Level Europe Level 1 80076C74 0007 #Always Play Level Europe Level 2 80076C74 0008 #Always Play Level North Pole Level 1 80076C74 0009 #Always Play Level North Pole Level 2 80076C74 000A #Always Play Level North Pole Level 3 80076C74 000B ; [ Power Serve 3D Tennis (USA) (1995) (Ocean of America) {SLUS-00105} ] ;:SLUS-00105 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Power Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01196} ] :SLUS-01196 #All Levels Unlocked 30097BBB 00FF #Max Attack 300B3294 0064 #Max Block 300B3291 0064 #Max Creation Stats 50000601 0000 300B328F 0064 #Max Pass 300B3292 0064 #Max Serve 300B3290 0064 #Max Set 300B3293 0064 #Max Strength 300B328F 0064 #Points Score 15 8004AA84 000F #Points Score 21 8004AA84 0015 #Team 1 Never Scores E00B2980 0001 300B2980 0000 #Team 1 On Match Point E00B2980 0000 300B2980 000E #Team 2 Never Scores E00B2985 0001 300B2985 0000 #Team 2 On Match Point E00B2985 0000 300B2985 000E ; [ Psybadek (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00730} ] :SLUS-00730 #Infinite Lives 800AA698 6300 #Infinite Stars 800B05E4 03E7 #Infinite Penguins (Level 2) 800920CC 003C #Activate Cheat Invincibility 8009AEC4 0400 #Activate Cheat Enable Level Select 8009AEC4 0004 #Activate Cheat Upside Down Mode 8009AEC4 0100 #Activate Cheat Jelly Mode 8009AEC4 0800 ; [ Psychic Detective (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00165 / SLUS-00166 / SLUS-00167} ] ;:SLUS-00165 ;:SLUS-00166 ;:SLUS-00167 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Psychic Force (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00419} ] :SLUS-00419 #Infinite Time 800D68C8 0063 #P1 Infinite Energy 80101E54 03E8 #Infinite Auto Guards P1 (When You Select Auto Guard) 80101F24 000A #P2 1-Hit Death D0101F98 03E8 80101F98 0001 #P1 Needs 1 Win to Win D0101E6E 0001 80101E6E 0101 ; [ Point Blank (USA) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00481} ] :SLUS-00481 #Arcade Mode\P1 Infinite Lives 800B732C 0005 #Arcade Mode\P1 Infinite Bullets 800AD1A8 7FFF #Infinite Health quest mode 800C2528 03E7 #Quest Mode\P1 Quick Level Gain 800B76A8 FFFF #Quest Mode\Infinite Cash 800A3E64 FFFF #All Mode\Infinite Bullets 800AD1A8 0010 800AD1C4 0010 #All Mode\Infinite Hits This code works for most games but some games require you to protect characters. 800B4318 0060 ; [ Point Blank 2 (USA) (1999) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00796} ] :SLUS-00796 #Infinite Bullets All Modes 800B29F4 0010 #Point Blank Castle Mode\P1 Infinite Lives 800BD4E8 0009 #Point Blank Castle Mode\P2 Infinite Lives 800BD4EA 0009 #Theme Park Mode\Infinite Lives 800A8D48 0009 #Theme Park Mode\Super Bullet Train - Max Targets Hit D00B30BC 0000 800B30BC 0FFF #Theme Park Mode\Cosmic Drive - Max Targets Hit D00B3248 0000 800B3248 0063 #Theme Park Mode\Abyss Tours - Max Targets Hit D00A8F12 0000 800A8F12 0063 #Theme Park Mode\Haunted House - Infinite Time 800B263C 012C ; [ Point Blank 3 (USA) (2001) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01354} ] :SLUS-01354 #P1 Infinite Lives 800AD990 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 800AD992 0003 ; [ Patriotic Pinball (USA) (2003) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01539} ] :SLUS-01539 #Max Score 801240FC D4A4 801240FE 5368 #Infinite Balls 80124024 0001 ; [ Punky Skunk (USA) (1998) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00579} ] :SLUS-00579 #Infinite Health 80172D4C 0003 #Invincibility 80172CCE 2403 #Moon Jump 8018064A 0004 #Have 99 Stars 80172CD0 0063 ; [ Putter Golf (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01371} ] :SLUS-01371 #Always One Shot Plater One 300C6CBA 0001 ; [ Puzzle Star Sweep (USA) (2000) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01307} ] :SLUS-01307 #Have 9999 Of Stardust 80091C8C 270F #Max Score 800923A8 F423 800923AA 000F ; [ Puzznic (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01492} ] :SLUS-01492 #Time Always 00:00 8009B418 0000 #Max Score 8009B408 270F #Infinite Continues 8009B410 0003 ; [ Power Shovel (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01343} ] :SLUS-01343 #Infinite Time 800F360C 0FFF #Infinite Money 800D0468 FFFF #Infinite Credits 800CB988 0003 #Press Select To Complete Level C00CC620 0100 800CB980 0001 800C80B8 0001 00000000 FFFF #Press Select To Complete In License Test C00CC620 0100 800CB980 0001 800C7E20 0001 00000000 FFFF #Always Perfect Score Overall 8013D444 0064 #Max Money 800D0468 C9FF 800D046A 3B9A #Have All Items 800D046C FFFF 800D046E FFFF #Max Accumulated Wages 800CBC10 C9FF 800CBC12 3B9A #License test Press Select To Complete Level C00CC620 0100 800CB980 0001 800C7E20 0001 00000000 FFFF #License test Levels Don't End When You Hit Too Many Things 800C7E48 0064 #License test No Demerit Marks 8013D438 0000 #License test No Other Demerit Marks 8013D43C 0000 #License test Always Perfect Overall Score 8013D444 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Knocking Down Poles 300CFB98 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Parking 300CFB99 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Driving Parking 300CFB9A 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Scooping Sand 300CFB9B 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Scooping Certain Volume Sand 300CFB9C 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Digging Deep Hole 300CFB9D 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Flat A Sand Mountain 300CFB9E 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Bury A Long Hole 300CFB9F 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Breaking Rocks 300CFBA0 0064 #Finish License Test For Perfect Score Carrying Goods 300CFBA1 0064 ; [ Q*bert (USA) (1999) (Atari Interactive) {SLUS-00904} ] :SLUS-00904 #Adventure Mode\Max Score 80146A28 FFFF #Adventure Mode\Infinite Lives 30146A35 0003 #Adventure Mode\Invincibility 800C7A3C 0000 #Adventure Mode\Unlock All Levels + Max Score 50003504 0000 80145D9C FFFF #Classic Mode\Infinite Lives 301131B0 0003 ; [ Qix Neo (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01561} ] :SLUS-01561 #Original + Arranged mode Infinite Lives 80087E38 0005 #Original + Arranged mode Infinite Shield 800BC814 26AC #Always 99'9% completed 800A3A78 03E7 800A3A7C 03E7 ; [ Quake II (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00757} ] :SLUS-00757 #P1 Infinite Health 800CBDA0 0064 #P1 Have All Weapons it works, but you can not use the weapons till you get some ammo for them. 800C7F38 0FFF #P1 Infinite Armor 800C7F1E 0064 #P1 Infinite Shotgun + Super Shotgun Ammo 800C7F3C 0064 #P1 Infinite Machine Gun + Chaingun Ammo 800C7F3E 0064 #P1 Infinite Grenades + Grenade Launcher Ammo 800C7F40 0064 #P1 Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 800C7F42 0064 #P1 Infinite Hyper Blaster + Bfg Ammo 800C7F44 0064 #P1 Infinite Rail Gun Ammo 800C7F46 0064 #P1 Super Jump Press Square D00C7DD0 8000 800CBD86 FEC7 #P1 Refresh Health In Level 3 Press Select+R2 D00C7DD0 0201 800CC3A0 0064 ; [ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2 (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01147} ] :SLUS-01147 #P1 Infinite Health 800B0D30 0064 #P1 Infinite Stamina 800B0D34 0064 #Start On Last Match (Arcade Mode) D00A101C 0000 800A101C 000B #Max Money 800B3418 423F 800B341A 000F #You Da Champ 800B3408 0000 #Start At Championship Fight D00B3408 000C 800B3408 0001 #Unlock Michael Jackson 800B5748 0003 #Unlock G.C. Thunder 800B574C 0003 #Unlock Shaq 800B5750 0003 #Unlock Rocket Samchav 800B5754 0003 #Unlock Robox Ressea 800B5758 0003 #Unlock First Lady 800B575C 0003 #Unlock Mr President 800B5760 0003 #Unlock Rumbleman 800B5764 0003 #Unlock Random Select 800B5768 0003 ; [ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (USA) (1999) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00857, SLUS-00857GH} ] :SLUS-00857 :SLUS-00857GH #P1 Infinite Health 80095BD8 0064 #P1 Have RUMBLE 80095BE4 0030 #P1 Infinite Health (Alternate Version) 800317B0 0004 800317B2 1080 #Max Cash 80097AD8 FFFF 80097ADA 00FF #Class Champ/Unlocked 5011004C 0000 80097ADE 0003 ; [ Racing (USA) (2000) (A1 Games) {SLUS-01291} ] ;:SLUS-01291 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rageball (USA) (2002) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01461} ] :SLUS-01461 #P1 Max Points 800D6990 0063 #P1 No Points 800D6990 0000 #P1 Max Coins 800E08D8 270F #P2 No Points 800D6992 0000 #P2 No Coins 800E0A24 0000 #P2 Max Points 800D6992 0063 ; [ Rage Racer (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00403} ] :SLUS-00403 #Max Money 8019C610 C9FF 8019C612 3B9A #Infinite Race Tries 801E3FFA 0005 #Always Place 1st 8009E53C 0001 #Infinite Time 8009ACA4 06C5 #Nitro Boost With this code, Release Gas and Press O button for Nitro Boost. D01E4072 0020 8009E52E 0FFF #Extra GP Have Erriso 8019C620 0100 #Have Abeille 8019C628 0100 #Have Pegase 8019C630 0100 #Have Acceron 8019C640 0100 #Have Bayonet 8019C648 0100 #Have Hijack 8019C650 0100 #Have Fatalita 8019C658 0100 #Have Istante 8019C660 0100 #Have Ghepardo 8019C668 0100 #Have Vainqure 8019C670 0100 #Have Bulldog 8019C678 0100 #Have Squaldon 8019C680 0100 #Darwin Awards' Jato Car 8009E480 0AAF #Custom Logo Colors (Team Logo Design Screen Under Paint) 3007F638 0001 ; [ The Raiden Project (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94402} ] :SCUS-94402 #Raiden\P1 Infinite Lives 8012F7F4 0003 #Raiden\P1 Max. Vulcan 8012F7FA 0008 #Raiden\P1 Max. Lasers 8012F7FC 0008 #Raiden\P1 Max. Ammo 8012F7FE 0004 #Raiden\P1 Max. Searchrockets 8012F800 0004 #Raiden\P1 Infinite Thermobombs 8012F802 0003 #Raiden\P2 Infinite Lives 8012F824 0003 #Raiden\P2 Max. Vulcan 8012F82A 0008 #Raiden\P2 Max. Lasers 8012F82C 0008 #Raiden\P2 Max. Ammo 8012F82E 0004 #Raiden\P2 Max. Searchrockets 8012F830 0004 #Raiden\P2 Infinite Thermobombs 8012F832 0003 #Raiden\Infinite Credits 8004D5DA 0003 #Raiden Ii\P1 Max. Vulcan 800ECF28 0008 #Raiden Ii\P1 Max. Laser 800ECF2A 0008 #Raiden Ii\P1 Max. Plasma 800ECF2C 0008 #Raiden Ii\P1 Max. Ammo 800ECF30 0004 #Raiden Ii\P1 Max. Searhrockets 800ECF32 0004 #Raiden Ii\P1 Infinite Thermobombs 800ECF38 0101 #Raiden Ii\P1 Infinite Splatterbombs 800ECF38 0202 #Raiden Ii\P1 Infinite Nuke Bombs 800ECF3C 0003 #Raiden Ii\P1 Infinite Lives 800ECF40 0003 #Raiden Ii\P2 Max. Vulcan 800ECF68 0008 #Raiden Ii\P2 Max. Lasers 800ECF6A 0008 #Raiden Ii\P2 Max. Plasma 800ECF6C 0008 #Raiden Ii\P2 Max. Ammo 800ECF70 0004 #Raiden Ii\P2 Max. Searchrockets 800ECF72 0004 #Raiden Ii\P2 Infinite Thermobombs 800ECF78 0101 #Raiden Ii\P2 Infinite Splatterbombs 800ECF78 0202 #Raiden Ii\P2 Infinite Nuke Bombs 800ECF7C 0003 #Raiden Ii\P2 Infinite Lives 800ECF80 0003 #Raiden Ii\Infinite Credits 800FFC24 0003 ; [ Railroad Tycoon II (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-00808} ] :SLUS-00808 #Infinite MoneyThe Iron Seed 8015A8F8 0000 8015A8FA 7FFF #Infinite Money Handle On The Breadbasket 8017F66C 0000 8017F66E 7FFF #Infinite Money Bridging A Nation 8017F2A4 0000 8017F2A6 7FFF #Infinite Money Silver Boons + The Market Busts 8017B054 0000 8017B056 7FFF #Infinite Money Crossing The Great Divide 801934E4 0000 801934E6 7FFF #Infinite Money Birth On The Iron Horse 8017F694 0000 8017F696 7FFF #Infinite Money Excess On The Orient Express 8018DC5C 0000 8018DC5E 7FFF #Infinite Money Knitting With Iron 801854EC 0000 801854EE 7FFF #Infinite Money Next Stop The 20th Century 80194D60 0000 80194D62 7FFF #Infinite Money The Brenner Pass 8016FB04 0000 8016FB06 7FFF #Infinite Money When Walls Come Down 80198054 0000 80198056 7FFF #Infinite Money Croissants Or Crumpets 80195C0C 0000 80195C0E 7FFF #Infinite Money The Samurai Rides An Iron Horse 80169518 0000 8016951A 7FFF #Infinite Money Which Way To The Coast ? 80183890 0000 80183892 7FFF #Infinite Money The People's Train 80187668 0000 8018766A 7FFF #Infinite Money Dilemma Down Under 8017740C 0000 8017740E 7FFF #Infinite Money Cape To Cairo 8019128C 0000 8019128E 7FFF ; [ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lone Wolf (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01473} ] ;:SLUS-01473 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear (USA) (2001) (Red Storm Entertainment) {SLUS-01108} ] :SLUS-01108 #Infinite Health D00A2958 09F9 800A295A 2400 D00A2974 09F9 800A2976 2400 D00A298C 09F9 800A298E 2400 #Infinite Ammo D00A9C80 0049 800A9C82 2400 #Unlock All Levels (Save Game) 8009340E 0011 ; [ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (USA) (1999) (Red Storm Entertainment) {SLUS-00947, SLUS-00947GH} ] :SLUS-00947 :SLUS-00947GH #Infinite Health 8005518A 2400 #Infinite Ammo 80052BAE 2400 800AE5B6 0063 800AE8EA 0063 800AEC1E 0063 #Have All Levels Unlocked 8007E7E0 0001 80080B68 000D #Infinite Time 800CBAF2 2400 #Never Fail 80076074 0017 80076094 0000 800760BC 0000 8007F49C 0000 80080B9C 0000 #Entire Team Invincibility 8007D430 0001 #All Levels Unlocked 8007D434 0001 #Display Cordinates 8007D43C 0001 #Show Credits 8007D444 0001 #Hostages Can't Die 8007D448 0001 #No Terrorists 8007D44C 0001 #All Doors Unlocked 8007D458 0001 #Maxed Out Attributes 800810EC 0001 #Victory Conditions Off 8007D450 0000 ; [ Rally Cross (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94308} ] :SCUS-94308 #Unlock All Courses, Course Variations, Difficulty Levels, And 20 Vehicles 80056456 0114 #Freeze Timer 800659C0 0000 #Freeze Lap Timer 800659C4 0000 #Always Place 1 800B43CA 0001 #Select Starting Lap\2 D00659BA 0001 800659BA 0002 #Select Starting Lap\3 D00659BA 0001 800659BA 0003 #Select Starting Lap\4 D00659BA 0001 800659BA 0004 #Select Starting Lap\5 D00659BA 0001 800659BA 0005 #Extra Cars 80055278 0014 ; [ Rally Cross 2 (USA) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94247} ] :SCUS-94247 #Extra Tracks And Cars 80059BFE 0003 #Always Place 1st 800721C0 0001 #One Lap To Race 800606BE 0104 ; [ Rampage - World Tour (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00549} ] :SLUS-00549 #Infinite Health (George) 800D6786 0063 #Infinite Health (Lizzy) 800D6952 0063 #Infinite Health (Ralph) 800D6B1E 0063 #Fake Infinite Health 80065760 0000 80065762 0000 #Invinciblity (George) 800D686E 0239 #Invinciblity (Lizzy) 800D6A3A 0239 #Invinciblity (Ralph) 800D6C06 0239 #Super Strength (George) 800D6870 0181 800D68B8 0000 #Super Strength (Lizzy) 800D6A3C 0181 800D6A84 0000 #Super Strength (Ralph) 800D6C08 0181 800D6C50 0000 ; [ Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (USA) (1999) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00742} ] :SLUS-00742 #Curtis Infinite Health 801E0DA2 0044 #Curtis Infinite Lives 801E0D9C 0005 #Curtis Always Have Super Move 801E0DAA 0044 #Curtis Invincibility 801E0ED8 0001 #Boris Infinite Health 801E0FC2 0044 #Boris Infinite Lives 801E0FBC 0005 #Boris Always Have Super Move 801E0FCA 0044 #Boris Invincibility 801E10F8 0001 #Ruby Infinite Health 801E11E2 0044 #Ruby Infinite Lives 801E11DC 0005 #Ruby Always Have Super Move 801E11EA 0044 #Ruby Invincibility 801E1318 0001 #George Infinite Health 801E1402 0044 #George Infinite Lives 801E13FC 0005 #George Always Have Super Move 801E140A 0044 #George Invincibility 801E1538 0001 #Lizzie Infinite Health 801E1622 0044 #Lizzie Infinite Lives 801E161C 0005 #Lizzie Always Have Super Move 801E162A 0044 #Lizzie Invincibility 801E1758 0001 #Ralph Infinite Health 801E1842 0044 #Ralph Infinite Lives 801E183C 0005 #Ralph Always Have Super Move 801E184A 0044 #Ralph Invincibility 801E1978 0001 #Myukus Infinite Health 801E1A62 0044 #Myukus Infinite Lives 801E1A5C 0005 #Myukus Always Have Super Move 801E1A6A 0044 #Myukus Invincibility 801E1B98 0001 #Enable George 801F9A4A 0000 #Enable Lizzie 801F9A4C 0000 #Enable Ralph 801F9A4E 0000 #Enable Myukus 801F9A50 0000 #Infinite Time (Bonus Round) 8007BD8C 002E ; [ Rampage - Through Time (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-01065} ] :SLUS-01065 #Curtis - Infinite Health 801F6A56 0044 #Curtis - Infinite Special 801F6A5A 0044 #Boris - Infinite Health 801F6BDA 0044 #Boris - Infinite Special 801F6BDE 0044 #Ruby - Infinite Health 801F6D5E 0044 #Ruby - Infinite Special 801F6D62 0044 #George - Infinite Health 801F6EE2 0044 #George - Infinite Special 801F6EE6 0044 #Lizzie - Infinite Health 801F7066 0044 #Lizzie - Infinite Special 801F706A 0044 #Ralph - Infinite Health 801F71EA 0044 #Ralph - Infinite Special 801F71EE 0044 #Myukus - Infinite Health 801F736E 0044 #Myukus - Infinite Special 801F7372 0044 #Harley - Infinite Health 801F74F2 0044 #Harley - Infinite Special 801F74F6 0044 #P1 Have All 9 Stars 801F8268 0009 #Round Test Unlocked (Start Game menu) 3009F7D4 0004 ; [ Rascal (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00542} ] :SLUS-00542 #Infinite Health 8009B162 001F #Infinite Lives 8009AEB4 0003 #Invincibility 8011CD1E 0092 #Infinite Green Weapon Energy 8009AF0E 0024 #Always Have Red Homing Gun With Infinite Ammo 8009AC0C 0006 #Moon Jump For the moon jump use the default controller settings only. Hold X down to rise higher D009B150 0001 800C16C4 0100 #Infinite Oxygen 8009B030 0EF3 #Have All Keys 801BE972 0001 #Have All Keys 801BE95A 0001 #Have All Keys 801BE98A 0001 #Room + Stage Skip Press R1 and R2 buttons to scroll forward for each and hold the buttons to warp there 3009B334 0001 ; [ Rascal Racers (USA) (2004) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01575} ] :SLUS-01575 #All Racers Enabled 8008156C 03FF #All Tracks Enabled 80081570 01FF #All Cups Enabled 80081574 0007 ; [ Rat Attack! (USA) (1999) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00656} ] :SLUS-00656 #Infinite Lives 80112A50 0009 #Quick Win 8010F598 0032 #Max Score D010F468 0000 8010F468 FFFF #Unlock Garden 800CFC00 00FF #Unlock Funhouse 800CFC10 00FF #Unlock Haunted House 800CFC20 00FF #Unlock Museum 800CFC30 00FF #Unlock Art Gallery 800CFC40 00FF #Unlock Factory 800CFC50 00FF #Unlock Space 800CFC60 00FF #Unlock Banubis 800CFB50 00FF #Unlock Pearl 800CFB60 00FF ; [ RayCrisis - Series Termination (USA) (2000) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01217} ] :SLUS-01217 #Infinite Lives 300DBAAF 0002 #Max Score 800D9C8C C9FF 800D9C8E 3B9A #Always Have Round Divider 800D9C96 0010 #Have Max Lock-Ons 800DBAB8 001A #Unlock Art Gallery 800B26BA 0001 #Unlock all art gallery 800BDDE0 000B #100% Enchroachment 800D7306 0064 800D730C 0064 ; [ Rayman (USA) (1995) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00005} ] :SLUS-00005 #Infinite Lives 801E4D50 0060 #Infinite Health 801F6200 0002 #Mega Glove-Power 800AE9C8 0D0D #1-Hit Death Bosses/Enemies 801491BC 0001 801491BE 2402 8019AB68 0000 8019AB6A 2403 801763A0 0000 801763A2 2402 8017DC88 0000 8017DC8A 2402 8014D500 0000 8014D502 2402 801927E8 0000 801927EA 2402 #All Levels Unlocked/Electoons Freed 301C3365 0006 50001014 0000 801C3378 0601 50000714 0000 301C34B8 0001 #Invincibility 301F61E2 004D D01F7EDA FFFE 301F61E2 00FF #Pause For Max Health + Lives 8013519A 2400 #Skip Level (Triangle+Circle) D01F7EDA CFFF 301F7A48 0001 #Power Press Select+Circle For All Powers (Reverse Mode/O is Run) D01F7EDA DFFE 801F43D0 028F #Power Press Select+Left For All Powers (Super Helicopter/O is Run) D01F7EDA FF7E 801F43D0 018F #Power Press Select+Right For All Powers (Helicopter/O is Magic Seed) D01F7EDA FFDE 801F43D0 01C7 ; [ Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01235} ] :SLUS-01235 #Infinite Health The Clearing 800BCC7A 00A0 #Infinite Health The Fairy Glade 800B9BD6 00A0 #Infinite Health The Marshes of Awakening 800C5A48 00A0 #Infinite Health The Bayou 800BA838 00A0 #Infinite Time The Walk of Life 800B39FC 0063 #Infinite Health Whale Bay 800B5F70 00A0 #Infinite Health The Menhir Hills 800C43DA 00A0 #Infinite Health The Cave of Bad Dreams 800BCE76 00A0 #Infinite Health the Canopy 800B136A 00A0 #Infinite Health The Sanctuary of Stone and Fire 800B96C8 00A0 #Infinite Health the Echoing Caves 800C1450 00A0 #Infinite Health the Precipice 800BDA14 00A0 800BDD00 00A0 #Infinite Health The Sanctuary of Rock and Lava 800B6CB0 00A0 #Infinite Time The Walk of Power 800B2BEC 0063 #Infinite Health Beneath The Sanctuary of Rock and Lava 800BE55A 00A0 #Infinite Health Tomb of the Ancients 800B3C58 00A0 #Infinite Health the Gloomy Island 800B7688 00A0 #Infinite Health the Prision Ship 800B6BC0 00A0 #Infinite Health the Crow's Nest 800BCFFC 00A0 #Infinite Air D00669E2 A604 800669E2 A600 #Have level complete The Clearing D00100D4 4465 300A6BB0 000A #Have level complete The Fairy Glade C00100D4 4465 300A6BB1 003C 300A6BED 0004 300A6C05 0002 00000000 FFFF #Have level complete The Marshes Of Awakening 300A6BB3 0023 300A6C1F 0002 #Have level complete The Bayou 300A6BB4 002D 300A6C20 0004 #Have level complete The Walk Of Life D00100D4 4465 300A6BB5 001E #Have Level Complete Whale Bay C00100D4 4465 300A6BB6 0023 300A6C0A 0002 00000000 FFFF #Have level complete The Menhir Hills C00100D4 4465 300A6BB8 0037 300A6BF4 0002 300A6C0C 0003 00000000 FFFF #Have level complete The Cave Of Bad Dreams D00100D4 4465 300A6BB9 0041 #Have level complete The Canopy C00100D4 4465 300A6BBA 0041 300A6BF6 0002 300A6C26 0004 00000000 FFFF #Have level complete The Sanctuary Of Stone + Fire C00100D4 4465 300A6BBB 0055 300A6C0F 0006 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete The Echoing Caves C00100D4 4465 300A6BBD 003C 300A6BF9 0002 300A6C29 0005 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete The Precipice C00100D4 4465 300A6BBF 0041 300A6C13 0004 300A6C2B 0001 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete The Sanctuary Of Rock + Lava C00100D4 4465 300A6BC0 002D 300A6C2C 0005 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete The Walk Of Power D00100D4 4465 300A6BC1 0028 #Have levels complete Beneath The Sanctuary Of Rock + Lava C00100D4 4465 300A6BC2 0032 300A6C2E 0004 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete Tomb Of The Ancients C00100D4 4465 300A6BC4 0014 300A6C18 0004 00000000 FFFF #Have levels complete The Gloomy Island C00100D4 4465 300A6BC5 0023 300A6C00 0002 300A6C19 0002 00000000 FFFF ; [ Rayman Brain Games (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01265} ] :SLUS-01265 #Infinite Lives 80095218 0009 #Max Blue Balls 8009521E 0031 #Press L1+L2+R1+R2 To Skip Timed Levels D009443C 000F 8009533C FFFF #Infinite Health 30095221 0004 #Invincibility (Press L2+Select To Activate, R2+Select To Deactivate) D009443C 0101 80007800 4D43 D009443C 0102 80007800 0000 D0007800 4D43 800C2CCC 0000 ; [ Rayman Rush (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01458} ] ;:SLUS-01458 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ RayStorm (USA) (1997) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00482} ] :SLUS-00482 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D784C 0009 #P1 Infinite Missiles 800D7878 0000 #P1 Infinite SP Attacks 800D787A 1000 #P1 Points Max 80101144 FFFF #P2 Points Max 8010114C FFFF #P1 Invincibility 800D9C08 0095 #Have Credit Limit Access Configuration Option Menu-Infinite Credits When Off 300DC3E8 000C #Max Lock Ons 300D7858 0010 ; [ Ray Tracers (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00534} ] :SLUS-00534 #Infinite Time Chase Mode 80058E88 06D6 #Infinite Nitro Chase Mode 80058A40 03B6 #Unlock All Secret Players 8005F7CC 007F #Time Attack Lap 2 Time 00'00'00 8005EC54 0000 #Time Attack Lap 3 Time 00'00'00 8005EC58 0000 ; [ Razor Freestyle Scooter (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01322} ] :SLUS-01322 #Max Wheels 80097DE8 03E7 #Max Score 8009784C FFFF #Infinite Time 80097DC4 8168 #Character Modifier DARY - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0002 #Character Modifier DARY - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0002 #Character Modifier HECTOR - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0003 #Character Modifier BRITTANY - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0004 #Character Modifier TITO ORTIZ - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0005 #Character Modifier CHIPPIE - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0006 #Character Modifier TIKIMAN - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0007 #Character Modifier NORTON - Press L1 At The Character Select Screen D00A5CB6 FBFF 801FFF8C 0008 #All Levels Unlocked/Completed 50000404 0000 8009537C 0001 50000404 0000 800953BC 0001 50000404 0000 800953FC 0001 50000404 0000 8009543C 0001 50000404 0000 8009547C 0001 50000404 0000 800954BC 0001 #Have All Wheels C20921A8 0002 80097DE8 0000 #Unlock All Levels 8009537C 0001 80095380 0001 80095384 0001 800953BC 0001 800953C0 0001 800953C4 0001 800953FC 0001 80095400 0001 80095404 0001 8009543C 0001 80095440 0001 80095444 0001 8009547C 0001 80095480 0001 80095484 0001 800954BC 0001 800954C0 0001 800954C4 0001 #Unlock Brittany 80095408 0001 #Unlock Chippie 80095488 0001 #Unlock Daryl 80095388 0001 #Unlock Hector 800953C8 0001 #Unlock Norton 80095508 0001 #Unlock Tikiman 800954C8 0001 #Unlock Tito Ortiz 80095448 0001 ; [ RC de Go! (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01285} ] :SLUS-01285 #Always Finish 1st 800AB926 0801 #Infinite Money 800B9B2C FFFF ; [ RC Helicopter (USA) (2002) (Agetec) {SLUS-01376} ] :SLUS-01376 #Infinite Health 8014C194 0005 8014C19E 0200 #Time Always 0 (Enable when you start the level) 80101CD4 0000 #Infinite Money 80101C0C 423F 80101C0E 000F ; [ Nickelodeon Rocket Power - Team Rocket Rescue (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01353} ] :SLUS-01353 #Infinite Time 800AC770 FF00 #Max Score 800B0A84 E0FF 800B0A86 05F5 #Press L2 For Max Special Meter D00B6952 FEFF 800B106C FFFF #Always Turbo Speed 800B10C8 2811 #Only 1 Shell To Find - Tito's Challenge D008AA48 0000 8008AA48 0005 D008AAA8 0000 8008AAA8 0005 D008AB08 0000 8008AB08 0005 D008AB68 0000 8008AB68 0005 #Unlock Stage 2 80087A04 0000 #Unlock Stage 3 800872AC 0000 #Unlock Stage 4 80086F00 0000 ; [ RC Revenge (USA) (2000) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01168} ] :SLUS-01168 #Unlock All Normal Tracks 50000F01 0000 300BDD70 0001 #Unlock Bronze Reverse Cup D01A0074 0060 801A0074 0000 #Unlock Gold Cup D01A0130 0060 801A0130 0000 #Unlock Gold Reverse Cup D019FF74 0060 8019FF74 0000 #Unlock Platinum Cup D01A00D8 0060 801A00D8 0000 #Unlock Platinum Reverse Cup D019FEF8 0060 8019FEF8 0000 #Unlock Silver Cup D01A0190 0060 801A0190 0000 #Unlock Silver Reverse Cup D019FFF4 0060 8019FFF4 0000 #Select Starting Lap P1 (Single Player Mode-Affects Place As Well)\1 C0016A68 0008 80016A6C 1D80 80016A6E 0C00 00000000 FFFF 80007600 0002 80007602 1445 80007604 FFFF 80007606 2402 80007608 0000 8000760A 2402 8000760C 0008 8000760E 03E0 80007612 2400 #Select Starting Lap P1 (Single Player Mode-Affects Place As Well)\2 C0016A68 0008 80016A6C 1D80 80016A6E 0C00 00000000 FFFF 80007600 0002 80007602 1445 80007604 FFFF 80007606 2402 80007608 0001 8000760A 2402 8000760C 0008 8000760E 03E0 80007612 2400 #Select Starting Lap P1 (Single Player Mode-Affects Place As Well)\3 C0016A68 0008 80016A6C 1D80 80016A6E 0C00 00000000 FFFF 80007600 0002 80007602 1445 80007604 FFFF 80007606 2402 80007608 0002 8000760A 2402 8000760C 0008 8000760E 03E0 80007612 2400 ; [ RC Stunt Copter (USA) (1999) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00954} ] :SLUS-00954 #Enable All Stages 800CD43C FFFF 800CD43E FFFF 800CD440 FFFF 800CD442 FFFF 800CD444 FFFF 800CD446 FFFF 800CD448 FFFF 800CD44A FFFF 800CD44C FFFF 800CD44E FFFF #Max Score 800CD468 FFFF 800CD46A 000F ; [ Red Asphalt (USA) (1998) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00282} ] :SLUS-00282 #Enable Next World D0098DFA 0800 80056274 000C #Have 65 Million Dollars Code Press Select at the main menu screen Use the money code alone D0098DFA 0100 80099954 FFFF #Infinite Nitro 800845B8 0000 800845BA 0000 #Infinite Armor 80065B30 0000 80065B32 0000 #Infinite Offensive Weapon Energy 8005981A 6464 #4000 Experience Points After Your First Race 80099956 0FFF ; [ ReBoot (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00274} ] :SLUS-00274 #Family First\Infinite Health 8009DB60 0000 8009DB62 0000 #Family First\Infinite Weapon Energy 8011319C 00FF #Family First\Infinite Time 801131D8 13AF #Family First\Infinite Lives 80112F50 000F #Ready The Troops\Infinite Health 801061E6 03E8 #Ready The Troops\Infinite Weapon Energy 8011230C 0064 #Ready The Troops\Infinite Time 80112348 152A #Ready The Troops\Infinite Lives 801120C0 000F #Scenerio 3\Infinite Lives 80113014 000F #Scenerio 3\Infinite Weapon Energy 80113260 0064 #Scenerio 3\Infinite Health 80106D7E 03E8 #Scenerio 3\Infinite Time 8011329C 152A #Scenerio 4\Infinite Lives 801149FC 000F #Scenerio 4\Infinite Weapon Energy 80114C48 0064 #Scenerio 4\Infinite Health 80108A0E 03E8 #Scenerio 4\Infinite Time 80114C80 152A #Scenerio 5\Infinite Lives 801120A4 000F #Scenerio 5\Infinite Weapon Energy 801122F0 0064 #Scenerio 5\Infinite Health 80105542 03E8 #Scenerio 5\Infinite Time 8011232C 152A #Scenerio 6\Infinite Lives 8011941C 000F #Scenerio 6\Infinite Weapon Energy 80119668 0064 #Scenerio 6\Infinite Health 8010CE4A 03E8 #Scenerio 6\Infinite Time 801196A0 152A #Scenerio 7\Infinite Lives 80106CBC 000F #Scenerio 7\Infinite Weapon Energy 80106F08 0064 #Scenerio 7\Infinite Health 800FB32A 03E8 #Misc\Weapon Pistol 1 80113194 0000 #Misc\Weapon Pistol 2 80113194 0001 #Misc\Weapon Pistol 3 80113194 0002 #Misc\Weapon Blaster 1 80113194 0003 #Misc\Weapon Blaster 2 80113194 0004 #Misc\Weapon Blaster 3 80113194 0005 #Misc\Weapon Rocket 1 80113194 0006 #Misc\Weapon Rocket 2 80113194 0007 #Misc\Weapon Rocket 3 80113194 0008 #Misc\Glitch Tool Mend 80113190 0009 #Misc\Glitch Tool Mortar 80113190 000A #Misc\Glitch Tool FlameThrower 80113190 000B #Misc\Glitch Tool Box Gun 80113190 000E #Misc\Glitch Tool Vampire 80113190 000F #Misc\Glitch Tool Anti-Virus 80113190 0011 #Misc\Play As Dot Matrix 30045ED0 0001 #Misc\Play As Enzo 30045ED0 0002 ; [ Reel Fishing (USA) (1997) (Natsume) {SLUS-00440} ] :SLUS-00440 #Catch + Release 100 Fish 800C662A 0064 #Have 100 Brook Trout 800C6690 0064 #Have 100 Char 800C66A8 0064 #Have 100 Bitterling 800C66C0 0064 #Have 100 Carp 800C66D8 0064 #Have 100 Black Bass 800C66F0 0064 #Fish Size to complete Level 1 and 2 800FE8BE 000A #Fish Size to complete Level 3 and 4 800FE8BE 0014 ; [ Reel Fishing II (USA) (2000) (Natsume) {SLUS-00843} ] :SLUS-00843 #Unlock All Rods 800656A8 FFFF 800656AA FFFF 300656AC 00FF #Unlock All Reels 800656B0 FFFF 300656B2 00FF #Unlock All Rigs 800656B4 FFFF 800656B6 FFFF 300656B8 00FF #Unlock All Bait 800656BC FFFF 800656BE FFFF 800656C0 FFFF #Unlock All Flys 800656C4 FFFF 800656C6 FFFF 800656C8 00FF #Enable All Fishing Spots 80065190 FFFF 80065192 FFFF 30065194 0012 80065196 0315 80065198 0504 8006519A 0706 8006519C 0908 8006519E 0B0A 800651A0 0D0C 800651A2 1310 800651A4 1614 800651A6 0017 #Have All Fish Caught 3006517C 0046 #Start With 99 Fish E0069EA8 0000 30069EA8 0063 ; [ Re-Loaded - The Hardcore Sequel (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00382} ] :SLUS-00382 #Infinite Continues 800EEC08 0009 #Infinite Ammo 80081D9C 0000 80081D9E 0000 #Infinite Bombs 80081780 0000 80081782 0000 #Infinite Lives 80081500 0000 80081502 0000 #Always Play Level Gettin' Started 80056538 0001 #Always Play Level Smashing Pacifists 80056538 0002 #Always Play Level Goin' Underground 80056538 0003 #Always Play Level Keep Cool 80056538 0004 #Always Play Level Gettin' Hot 80056538 0005 #Always Play Level Make Some Noize 80056538 0006 #Always Play Level Hear No Evil 80056538 0007 #Always Play Level Saving Clones 80056538 0008 #Always Play Level Cheb's Island 80056538 0009 #Always Play Level The House On The Hill 80056538 000A #Always Play Level Bunsen And The Labs 80056538 000B #Always Play Level Kickin' Some Ass 80056538 000C #Always Play Level Happy?End 80056538 000D #Cheat Modifier All Cheats 800A57F4 003F #Fwank Unlocked 3005659C 0080 ; [ Renegade Racers (USA) (2000) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-01012} ] :SLUS-01012 #Infinite Time 800C4BA0 8700 #Infinite Health 800AA642 0800 #Jump Distance Complete 800AB80A 2F00 #Start On 3rd Lap C00AB554 0001 800AB554 0003 800AB556 0003 00000000 FFFF #Always Have Missiles In First Slot 800ABAF8 0004 800ABAF4 0003 #1000 Pts Collected 800AB81C 03E8 #1000 Items Collected 800AB83C 03E8 #Enable Franklin Stein 80091AB8 01FF #Enable Mastov Kartnov 80091ABC FF01 #Enable Sparks 80091ABE 01FF #Enable Chase Rainbow 80091AC2 FF01 #Enable The Mummy 80091AC4 01FF #Enable Buck Billionaire 80091AC8 FF01 ; [ Rescue Copter (USA) (2002) (SVG Distribution) {SLUS-01507} ] :SLUS-01507 #Invincibility 801F4290 0000 #Infinite Time 801DC9CC 2710 #Mission 1-3 301F447C 0001 #Mission 1-4 301F447D 0001 #Mission 1-5 301F447E 0001 #Mission 2-1 301F447F 0001 #Mission 2-2 301F4480 0001 #Mission 2-3 301F4481 0001 #Mission 2-4 301F4482 0001 #Mission 2-5 301F4483 0001 #Mission 3-1 301F4484 0001 #Mission 3-2 301F4485 0001 #Mission 3-3 301F4486 0001 #Mission 3-4 301F4487 0001 #Mission 3-5 301F4488 0001 ; [ Return Fire (USA) (1996) (Time Warner Interactive) {SLUS-00184} ] :SLUS-00184 #Infinite Fuel 80082016 013F 800EC21A 002C #Infinite Ammo 80082030 0095 800EC236 0026 80082040 0032 #Infinite Energy 80082022 8000 #Infinite Lives 800A3CDC 0303 800A3CDE 0303 #Drive In Water 80082044 67DC ; [ Resident Evil (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00170} ] :SLUS-00170 #Infinite Health Chris 800C51AC 008C #Infinite Health Jill 800C51AC 008C #Infinite Health Rebecca 800C51AC 0058 #Playing Time 0 800C867C 0000 #Triangle Button Restores Health D00CF844 0010 800C51AC 00C8 #L1 + X Button For Save Anywhere D00CF844 0044 800C8456 0002 800343F2 2400 8003446E 2400 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) Chris D00418F8 FFFF 800418F8 0000 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) 8003F574 2400 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) dual shock version ? 800418FC 2400 #Infinity flamethrower 800407BC 0100 #Number of belongings and ammunition is bigger 8003FD30 0001 #Have All Maps and Files 300C8714 003F 800C871C 0FFF 800C871E FFFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Most Doors Open 800C86B4 BFDF 800C86B6 CF7E #Stop 3 Minute Timer In Lab (This one starts after you put the battery in the elevator) 800C867A 117A 800C867C 0000 #Double Ammo For Clips (Advanced Mode Only-Resident Evil-Directors Cut) 800E16CA 0000 #Press L2+Circle For Quick Chest Access C00CF844 0021 800C8456 0300 300C8459 0001 00000000 FFFF #All Weapons, Key Items, Keys, F.-Aid Spray In Chest 50000902 0001 800C8724 FF02 50000102 0001 800C8736 0F1B 50000D02 0001 800C8738 0F1D 50000302 0001 800C8752 0F2C 50001302 0001 800C8758 0F30 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00421 / SLUS-00592} ] :SLUS-00421 :SLUS-00592 #Infinite Health Leon 800C7E7A 00C8 #Have All Events Done 50007D02 0000 800CC95A FFFF #Save anywhere press L1 and X and have 1 ink ribbon C00C646C 0044 800CC5C8 E5B0 800CC5CA 8004 00000000 FFFF ; [ Resident Evil 2 - Dual Shock Ver. (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00748 / SLUS-00756} ] :SLUS-00748 :SLUS-00756 #Infinite Ammo Hand Gun Leon 800D4A3D 0063 #Infinite Ammo Shotgun Leon 800D4A49 0063 #Infinite Ink Ribbons Leon 800D4A51 0063 #The 4th Survivor Mode Main Menu 800CFB74 0048 #The Tofu Survivor Mode Main Menu 800CFB74 0049 #Play Bio Hazard 2 Mode D000E3A4 0000 300CFB74 0000 #Infinite Health Leon 800CFD4E 00C8 #Super Mega Rapid Fire (All Weapons)press R1 and 'X' D00CE2FC 0048 800CFD44 000B #Stop Clock When Fighting Lass Boss Of The Game 800D4832 012C #Extreme Battle Mode Main Menu D00CFB76 0000 300CFB77 0001 #All Characters + Levels (Extreme Battle Mode) 800CFB98 0200 ; [ Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (USA) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00923D, SLUS-00923GH} ] :SLUS-00923 :SLUS-00923D :SLUS-00923GH #Infinite Health 800CCC90 00C8 #Condition Fine 300CCC97 0004 #Save Anywhere Press L1+Triangle C00CC830 0014 800D1D18 13CC 800D1D1A 8005 00000000 FFFF #Have 10 Slots 800D225E 000A #Have All Maps 300D2127 00FE 300D212B 00FE #Have All Files 800D212C FFFF 800D212E FFFF #Access Item Box Anytime Press L1+Square C00CC830 0084 800D1F2C 0200 800E01C4 0002 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Item Usage (All Slots) 8006D0CA 2400 #Almost All Doors Open 50000502 0000 800D20CC FFFF #Character Modifier Carlos 800D1F86 0008 #Character Modifier Mikhall 800D1F86 0009 #Character Modifier Nichotai 800D1F86 000A #Character Modifier Tofu 800D1F86 000F #Have All Pics In Epilogue 800D1F3E 0008 #Infinite Time 800C79BA 0000 #Total Time (Get Grade S) 800D1F28 0000 800D1F2A 0000 #Quick Ending Press L1+L2+R1+R2 C00CC830 000F 800CC858 C000 800CC85A 0001 00000000 FFFF #Rapid Fire Press R1+R2+X D00CC830 004A 800CCC8C 1E02 #Enhanced Extra Ammo 800D2260 01F4 800D2262 01F4 800D2266 01F4 800D2268 01F4 800D226A 01F4 800D226C 01F4 #Chest True Infinite Item 50004004 0000 800D215E 0017 #Makes Game Think You Never Saved 800D1F40 0000 #One-Hit Death D0044E18 0006 80044E18 0001 #Hyper Mode 800D454C 0002 #Secret Mode With this code, it starts a new game with new weapons in chest and ALL weapons and infinite ink ribbons and a key to Boutique with all costumes! 800D1F32 FFE0 #Walk Thru Walls 800339FE 1000 8004B2A2 1000 #More Blood 800BD8DE FFFF #Mercenaries Mode Get Reward 800CC852 FFFF #Mercenaries Mode Max Reward Total 800D25EC 967F 800D25EE 0098 #Mercenaries Mode Infinite Time 800D1F98 0078 ; [ Resident Evil - Director's Cut (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00551} ] ;:SLUS-00551 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Resident Evil - Director's Cut - Dual Shock Ver. (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00747} ] :SLUS-00747 #Infinite Health Chris 800C51AC 008C #Infinite Health Jill 800C51AC 008C #Infinite Health Rebecca 800C51AC 0058 #Playing Time 0 800C867C 0000 #Triangle Button Restores Health D00CF844 0010 800C51AC 00C8 #L1 + X Button For Save Anywhere D00CF844 0044 800C8456 0002 800343F2 2400 8003446E 2400 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) Chris D00418F8 FFFF 800418F8 0000 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) 8003F574 2400 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons (Except FlameThrower) dual shock version? 800418FC 2400 #Infinity flamethrower 800407BC 0100 #Number of belongings and ammunition is bigger 8003FD30 0001 #Have All Maps and Files 300C8714 003F 800C871C 0FFF 800C871E FFFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Most Doors Open 800C86B4 BFDF 800C86B6 CF7E #Stop 3 Minute Timer In Lab (This one starts after you put the battery in the elevator) 800C867A 117A 800C867C 0000 #Double Ammo For Clips (Advanced Mode Only-Resident Evil-Directors Cut) 800E16CA 0000 #Press L2+Circle For Quick Chest Access C00CF844 0021 800C8456 0300 300C8459 0001 00000000 FFFF #All Weapons, Key Items, Keys, F.-Aid Spray In Chest 50000902 0001 800C8724 FF02 50000102 0001 800C8736 0F1B 50000D02 0001 800C8738 0F1D 50000302 0001 800C8752 0F2C 50001302 0001 800C8758 0F30 ; [ Resident Evil - Survivor (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01087} ] :SLUS-01087 #Infinite Health 800A8584 00C8 #Infinite Continues D00B608C 0001 800B608C 0004 #Infinite Ammo gun A 800AF802 0063 #Infinite Ammo gun B 800AF812 0063 #Infinite Ammo gun C 800AF822 0063 #Infinite Ammo gun D 800AF832 0063 ; [ Re-Volt (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00851} ] :SLUS-00851 #Start On Lap 3 D00B9318 0000 800B9318 0002 #One Stage To Race In Championship Mode D00BE36C 0000 800BE36C 0003 #One Stage To Race In Championship Mode Platinum Cup D00BE36C 0000 800BE36C 0005 #Time is 0:00:00 800B11B0 0000 800B11B2 0000 #Max Points in Championship Mode 800BE37C 0063 #Infinite Tries 800BE370 0003 #Time Trial - Time is 0:00:00 8006AD32 2400 #Add A Retry 8002DA40 0001 #Have Progress Table Complete + All Trophies Complete 80111EFC FFFF 80111F00 FFFF 80111F04 FFFF 80111F08 FFFF 80111F0C FFFF 80111F10 FFFF 80111F14 FFFF 80111F18 FFFF 80111F1C FFFF 80111F20 FFFF 80111F24 FFFF 80111F28 FFFF 80111F2C FFFF #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800B931C 0000 #Start With Infinite Missiles 800B9A0C FFFF #Infinite Retries 800BE370 0003 #Have All Stunt Arena Stars + Enable Clockwork Carnage 800BE644 0014 #Unlock Dynamo San 801EE49C 0100 #Unlock Candy Pebbles 801EE848 0100 #Unlock Genghis Kar 801EEBF4 0100 #Unlock Aquasoni 801EEFA0 0100 #Unlock Mouse 801EF34C 0100 #Unlock Evil Weasel 801EF6F8 0100 #Unlock Panga TC 801EFAA4 0100 #Unlock R6 Turbo 801EFE50 0100 #Unlock NY54 801F01FC 0100 #Unlock Bertha Ballistics 801F05A8 0100 #Unlock Pest Control 801F0954 0100 #Unlock Adeon 801F0D00 0100 #Unlock Pole Poz 801F10AC 0100 #Unlock Zipper 801F1458 0100 #Unlock Rotar 801F1804 0100 #Unlock Cougar 801F1BB0 0100 #Unlock Humma 801F1F5C 0100 #Unlock Toyeca 801F2308 0100 #Unlock AMW 801F26B4 0100 #Unlock Panga 801F2A60 0100 #Unlock Trolley they do not save to memory card. 801F2E0C 0100 #Unlock Clockwork 801F31B8 0100 #Unlock Clockwork 2 801F3564 0100 #Unlock Clockwork 3 801F3910 0100 #Unlock Clockwork 801F3CBC 0100 #Unlock Probe UFO 801F4068 0100 #Unlock RC 801F4414 0100 #Unlock LA54 801F47C0 0100 #Unlock MT XL 801F4B6C 0100 #Unlock Shocker 801F4F18 0100 #Unlock JG 2 801F52C4 0100 #Unlock Groovster 801F5670 0100 #Unlock JG-7 801F5A1C 0100 #Unlock RG1 801F5DC8 0100 #Unlock RV Loco 801F6174 0100 #Unlock SNW 35 801F6520 0100 #Unlock Purp XL 801F68CC 0100 #Unlock Fulon X 801F6C78 0100 #Unlock Toys In The Hood 1 8009DDEC 001F #Unlock Supermarket 2 8009DE1C 001F #Unlock Museum 2 8009DE4C 001F #Unlock Botanical Gardens 8009DE7C 001F #Unlock Toy World 1 8009DEAC 001F #Unlock Ghost Town 1 8009DEDC 001F #Unlock Toy World 2 With this code, it doesn't unlock this in 2 Player mode. 8009DF0C 001F #Unlock Toys In The Hood 2 8009DF3C 001F #Unlock Toytanic 1 8009DF6C 001F #Unlock Museum 1 8009DF9C 001F #Unlock Supermarket 1 8009DFCC 001F #Unlock Ghost Town 2 8009DFFC 001F #Unlock Toytanic 2 8009E02C 001F ; [ Revolution X - Music Is the Weapon (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00012} ] :SLUS-00012 #P1 Infinite Health 800FF0BC 3200 #P1 Infinite Cd's 800FEF44 0019 #P1 Has All Wings 800FEB00 0005 #P1 Infinite Laserdiscs 800FEE04 000A #P2 Infinite Health 800FF0C4 3200 #P2 Infinite Cd's 800FEF48 0019 #P2 Infinite Lasediscs 800FEE08 000A #P2 Has All Wings 800FEB04 0005 #Infinite Credits 800FF1E4 000E ; [ Rhapsody - A Musical Adventure (USA) (2000) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-01073} ] :SLUS-01073 #Cornet infinite HP in battle 800DFE48 03E7 #Sharte infinite HP in battle 800DFE46 03E7 #Max Inotium 8004BBE8 E0FF 8004BBEA 05F5 #Character 1 Infinite HP 8004BFFC 03E7 #Character 1 Infinite MP 8004BFFE 03E7 #Character 1 Max HP 8004C000 03E7 #Character 1 Max MP 8004C002 03E7 #Character 2 Infinite HP 8004C020 03E7 #Character 2 Infinite MP 8004C022 03E7 #Character 3 Infinite HP 8004C044 03E7 #Character 3 Infinite MP 8004C046 03E7 #Character 4 Infinite HP 8004C068 03E7 #Character 4 Infinite MP 8004C06A 03E7 #Character 5 Infinite HP 8004C08C 03E7 #Character 5 Infinite MP 8004C08E 03E7 #Character 6 Infinite HP 8004C0B0 03E7 #Character 6 Infinite MP 8004C0B2 03E7 #Have All/Infinite Items 50001601 0000 3004BBEC 6363 50003001 0000 3004BC02 6363 #Enable All Rewards 8004BCAE 001E ; [ Ridge Racer (USA) (1995) (Namco Hometek) {SCUS-94300, SLUS-00540} ] :SCUS-94300 :SLUS-00540 #Infinite Check point time 80130C5C 270F #Infinite Time 80139C5C 06C5 #Always have Black Car 80080196 000C #Always Come In 1st Place 80080260 0001 #Go Really Fast And Sometimes Spin Around 80080234 07FF #Infinite Lap Time 80080270 0000 80080274 0000 80080278 0000 #Have All Cars 801D6DFC 0001 801DB008 0001 #Have All Tracks 80176C00 00FF #Super Handling 8008022C 08FF #Super Speed 80080246 0120 #Super Traction 8008022A 08FF #Play On Extra Track (Beginner Level) 80080148 0005 80139C5C 06C5 #Play On Extra Track (Mid-Level) 80080148 0006 80139C5C 06C5 #Play On Extra Track (High-Level) 80080148 0007 80139C5C 06C5 #Play On Extra Track (Time Trial-Level) 80080148 0008 80139C5C 06C5 #Car Doesn't Jump 80080252 05FF #Invisible Car 80080196 000F #Have All Cars 80176AD8 000D #Custom Logo Colors(Team Logo Design Screen Under Paint) 3007F638 0001 #Darwin Awards' Jato Car 8009E480 0AAF #Test Mode D01D6D28 0003 801D6D28 0013 ; [ Rise 2 - Resurrection (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00186} ] :SLUS-00186 #Infinite Time 800672EC 0D00 #P1 Select Health\Infinite Health 8007D3C6 0078 #P1 Select Health\No Health 8007D3C6 0000 #P2 Select Health\Infinite Health 8007D462 0078 #P2 Select Health\No Health 8007D462 0000 ; [ Rising Zan - The Samurai Gunman (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00829} ] :SLUS-00829 #Infinite Health 1st Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F3278 0064 #Infinite Health 2nd Impact D00895CA FFFF 80116038 0064 #Infinite Health 3rd Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F14F8 0064 #Infinite Health 4th Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F1468 0064 #Infinite Health 5th Impact D00895CA FFFF 800FD308 0064 #Infinite Health 6th Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F45A8 0064 #Infinite Health 7th Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F9B08 0064 #Infinite Health 8th Impact D00895CA FFFF 800F8A98 0064 #Infinite Health Final Impact D00895CA FFFF 800EA048 0064 #Infinite Hustle Time 800908A0 0003 #Zan Enable All Impacts (Normal Mode) 80090726 00FF #Zan Enable All Impacts (Hard Mode) 80090728 00FF #Zan Enable All Impacts (Expert Mode) 8009072A 00FF #Zan 2nd Impact-Infinite Time D00895CA FFFF 800BC932 2400 #Zan 4th Impact-Infinite Time D00895CA FFFF 80030006 2400 #Sapphire Enable All Impacts (Normal Mode) 8009072E 00FF #Sapphire Enable All Impacts (Hard Mode) 80090730 00FF #Sapphire Enable All Impacts (Expert Mode) 80090732 00FF #Sapphire 2nd + 4th Impact'S-Infinite Time D00895CA FFFF 800BC37A 2400 ; [ Risk - The Game of Global Domination (USA) (1997) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00616} ] :SLUS-00616 #100 Men Press Start + Select D00A4688 0900 800A4674 0064 #Always Blue's Turn 800A46CC 0001 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 #Always Green's Turn 800A46CC 0003 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 #Always Purple's Turn 800A46CC 0004 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 #Always Red's Turn 800A46CC 0002 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 #Always White's Turn 800A46CC 0006 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 #Always Yellow's Turn 800A46CC 0005 D003E4B8 000F 8003E4BA 1000 ; [ Riven - The Sequel to Myst (USA) (1997) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00535 / SLUS-00563 / SLUS-00564 / SLUS-00565 / SLUS-00580} ] ;:SLUS-00535 ;:SLUS-00563 ;:SLUS-00564 ;:SLUS-00565 ;:SLUS-00580 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Runabout 2 (USA) (2000) (HOT-B USA) {SLUS-01135} ] :SLUS-01135 #No Damage Taken D00F6410 1021 800F6416 2400 #Max Cash 80086A80 C9FF 80086A82 3B9A #All Cars Unlocked 50001F0C 0000 30041F8C 0001 #Stop Countdown Timer D00EF224 FFF6 800EF22A 2400 #Stop Running Timer D00EF1B4 001B 800EF1BE 2400 #Infinite Fuel D00C8B1C 0000 800C8B22 2400 #Unlock Time Trial Mode 30041C68 0001 #Unlock All Missions 50000D01 0000 30041C91 00FF #Have All E-Mails 50001501 0000 30041CA0 0005 #Unlock All Items 50004601 0000 30042217 0001 #Unlock All Endings + Movies 50001301 0000 30041D0D 0005 #Unlock 1500 30041F8C 0001 #Unlock A156 30041F98 0001 #Unlock Revu 30041FA4 0001 #Unlock Revu II 30041FB0 0001 #Unlock Scooter 30041FBC 0001 #Unlock Delivery 30041FC8 0001 #Unlock Roadster 30041FD4 0001 #Unlock Nsr 30041FE0 0001 #Unlock Bz-Van 30041FEC 0001 #Unlock Miur 30041FF8 0001 #Unlock Tractor 30042004 0001 #Unlock Tractor II 30042010 0001 #Unlock Fire Eng. 3004201C 0001 #Unlock Halli 30042028 0001 #Unlock Halli II 30042034 0001 #Unlock Y800 30042040 0001 #Unlock Y800-Gt1 3004204C 0001 #Unlock Ft500 30042058 0001 #Unlock Ft500 S 30042064 0001 #Unlock Corvy74 30042070 0001 #Unlock Cb427 3004207C 0001 #Unlock Fery250 30042088 0001 #Unlock Wrc 30042094 0001 #Unlock N390 300420A0 0001 #Unlock N390 Road 300420AC 0001 #Unlock Ranger 300420B8 0001 #Unlock Lunch Van 300420C4 0001 #Unlock Missile 300420D0 0001 #Unlock Dragster 300420DC 0001 #Unlock G-Tank 300420E8 0001 #Unlock Panda 300420F4 0001 #Unlock Mission 1 30041C91 00FF #Unlock Mission 2 30041C92 00FF #Unlock Mission 3 30041C93 00FF #Unlock Mission 4 30041C94 00FF #Unlock Mission 5 30041C95 00FF #Unlock Mission 6 30041C96 00FF #Unlock Mission 7 30041C97 00FF #Unlock Mission 8 30041C98 00FF #Unlock Mission 9 30041C99 00FF #Unlock Mission 10 30041C9A 00FF #Unlock Mission 11 30041C9B 00FF #Unlock Mission 12 30041C9C 00FF #Unlock Mission 13 30041C9D 00FF #Unlock Car Wax 30042218 0001 #Unlock Extra Gas Tank 30042219 0001 #Unlock Fire Extinguisher 3004221A 0001 #Unlock Nitro Tank 3004221B 0001 #Unlock Cat Charm 3004221C 0001 #Unlock Protective Boots 3004221E 0001 #Unlock Rocket Glove 30042226 0001 #Unlock Self Destruct 30042227 0001 #Unlock Drink Holder-A 30042228 0001 #Unlock Drink Holder-B 30042229 0001 #Unlock Drink Holder-C 3004222A 0001 #Unlock Reading Light-A 3004222B 0001 #Unlock Reading Light-B 3004222C 0001 #Unlock Tissue Holder 3004222D 0001 #Unlock Cow-Like Holder 3004222E 0001 #Unlock Rain Guard-A 3004222F 0001 #Unlock Rain Guard-B 30042230 0001 #Unlock Coin Holder-A 30042231 0001 #Unlock Coin Holder-B 30042232 0001 #Unlock Hawaiian Lei 30042236 0001 #Unlock Disco Ball Light 30042237 0001 #Unlock Planet Light 30042238 0001 #Unlock Dream Catcher-A 30042239 0001 #Unlock Dream Catcher-B 3004223A 0001 #Unlock Vanilla Scent 3004223B 0001 #Unlock Berry Scent 3004223C 0001 #Unlock Chocolate Scent 3004223D 0001 #Unlock Snake Trash Can 3004223E 0001 #Unlock Hazard Trash Can 3004223F 0001 #Unlock Walkie-Talkie-M 30042240 0001 #Unlock Walkie-Talkie-C 30042241 0001 #Unlock Mini Palm Tree-A 30042242 0001 #Unlock Mini Palm Tree-B 30042243 0001 #Unlock Glass Coating-A 30042244 0001 #Unlock Glass Coating-B 30042245 0001 #Unlock Speed Flasher-A 30042246 0001 #Unlock Speed Flasher-B 30042247 0001 #Unlock Remote Strater 30042248 0001 #Unlock Vanity Mirror-A 30042249 0001 #Unlock Vanity Mirror-B 3004224A 0001 #Unlock Steering Wheel 3004224B 0001 #Unlock Jumper Cables 3004224C 0001 #Unlock Emergency Tool 3004224D 0001 #Unlock Feather Duster-A 3004224E 0001 #Unlock Feather Duster-B 3004224F 0001 #Unlock Seat Covers-A 30042250 0001 #Unlock Seat Covers-B 30042251 0001 #Unlock Clear Ending W/ Lisa 30041D0D 0005 #Unlock Clear Ending Alone 30041D0E 0005 #Unlock Failure Ending 1 30041D0F 0005 #Unlock Failure Ending 2 30041D10 0005 #Unlock Failure Ending 3 30041D11 0005 #Unlock Power Up Missile 30041D12 0005 #Unlock Power Up G.Tank 30041D13 0005 #Unlock Scoot + Lisa 30041D14 0005 #Unlock Del. + Lisa 30041D15 0005 #Unlock Halli + Lisa 30041D16 0005 #Unlock Panda + Lisa 30041D17 0005 #Unlock Erasable Panel 30041D18 0005 #Unlock Changable Bgm 30041D19 0005 #Unlock Adjustable Viewpoint 30041D1A 0005 #Unlock Movie 1 30041D1B 0005 #Unlock Movie 2 30041D1C 0005 #Unlock Movie 3 30041D1D 0005 #Unlock Production Staff 1 30041D1E 0005 #Unlock Production Staff 2 30041D1F 0005 ; [ Road Rash (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00035} ] :SLUS-00035 #Infinite Nitro's 800837EC 000A #Infinite Bike Energy 801DD048 0080 #Infinite Energy For Yourself 800831C0 0BB0 #All Tracks Qualified 800DAD3C 001F #Invincibility 80023180 0000 80023182 0000 800231C4 0000 800231C6 0000 800231C8 0000 800231CA 0000 #Infinite Money 800DAD40 967F 800DAD42 0098 #Select Starting Level\1 D00DAD3A 0000 800DAD3A 0000 #Select Starting Level\2 D00DAD3A 0000 800DAD3A 0100 #Select Starting Level\3 D00DAD3A 0000 800DAD3A 0200 #Select Starting Level\4 D00DAD3A 0000 800DAD3A 0300 #Select Starting Level\5 D00DAD3A 0000 800DAD3A 0400 ; [ Roadsters (USA) (2000) (Titus Software Corporation) {SLUS-01024} ] :SLUS-01024 #Computer Racers Can't Drive 80160AE0 0064 80160B94 006C 80160C48 00A7 80160CFC 002C 80160DB8 00A0 80160E64 0057 80160F18 01F2 #Quick Win E015FF80 0000 3015FF80 0006 #Stop Time 8004655A 2400 #Infinite Money 800101E0 FFFF 800101E2 0FFF #Max Points - 1st Division-Angelica 800101F2 00FF #Have 1st Division Trophy 30010202 0001 #Have 2nd Division Trophy 3001020A 0001 #Have 3rd Division Trophy 3001020C 0001 #Enable Catagory A Race 30010204 0001 #Enable Catagory B Race 30010206 0001 ; [ Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena (USA) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01124} ] :SLUS-01124 #P1 Infinite Health 8007187C 0000 8007187E 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 80071C58 0000 80071C5A 0001 #P1 Quick Kill 8007187C 0000 8007187E 0000 #P2 Quick Kill 80071C58 0000 80071C5A 0000 #Go Straight To The Champ (Career) 800B4290 0001 #Max Money 800B4294 E0FF 800B4296 05F5 #Have All Right Arms 50000902 0000 800B4364 6363 300B4375 0063 #Have All Left Arms 50000902 0000 800B4340 6363 #Have All Legs 50000902 0000 800B4380 6363 #Have All Parts 50002802 0000 800B45B8 6464 ; [ Robo Pit (USA) (1996) (Kokopeli Digital Studios) {SLUS-00316} ] :SLUS-00316 #Stop Battle Timer 800A8208 2A00 #Stage Select Enabled 800A80F8 0001 #P1 Infinite Energy 800A7E0C 0096 #P1 No Energy 800A7E0C 0000 #P1 1 Hit Death D00A7E0C 0096 800A7E0C 0001 #P1 Infinite Special Moves 800A83AC 0020 #P1 No Specials 800A83AC 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800A7E0E 0096 #P2 No Energy 800A7E0E 0000 #P2 1 Hit Death D00A7E0E 0096 800A7E0E 0001 #P2 Infinite Special Moves 800A83B0 0020 #P2 No Specials 800A83B0 0000 ; [ Robo Pit 2 (USA) (2003) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01563} ] :SLUS-01563 #Infinite HP 800C86EC 042E ; [ Robotron X (USA) (1996) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00252} ] :SLUS-00252 #P1 Infinite Lives 800264A4 0000 800264A6 0000 #P1 Infinite Lives (Alt) 800933F8 0005 #P1 Score Max 800933F4 FFFF #P2 Infinite Lives 80094204 0005 #P2 Score Max 80094200 FFFF ; [ Roll Away (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00724} ] :SLUS-00724 #Infinite Time 800A33F8 1250 800A573C 1250 #Have All Fruit 800A5664 00FF #Max Score 800A53C8 967F 800A53CA 0098 #Quick Score Gain 800A53C8 FFFF #Start At Level 151 800A3454 0001 ; [ Rollcage Stage II (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00867} ] :SLUS-00867 #Quick Win E00D23F8 0000 300D23F8 0003 #Quick Max Score 80019ADC FFFF #99 League Points 30019A0C 0063 #Lap Time Is 0:00:00 800B2D04 0000 #Unlock Everything 80019DEC 2000 80019DF0 005A 80019DF2 0000 80019DF4 0000 80019DF6 0000 80019DF8 0000 ; [ Rollcage (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00800, SLUS-00800LE} ] :SLUS-00800 :SLUS-00800LE #Press Select To Start On Last Lap D0011CA6 0100 3009CB60 0003 #Enable Everything 80010D30 FFFF #Weapons On 30011096 0001 #Weapons Off 30011096 0000 #Catch Up On 30011097 0001 #Catch Up Off 30011097 0000 #Weather Good 30011099 0000 #Weather Bad 30011099 0001 #Motron Blur On 3001109B 0001 #Motron Blur Off 3001109B 0000 #Mirror Mode On 80010B9A 0100 #Mirror Mode Off 80010B9A 0000 #Mega Time Attack On 80011094 0130 #Mega Time Attack Off 80011094 0030 ; [ Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire (USA) (1996) (Koei) {SLUS-00195} ] :SLUS-00195 #Infinite Soldiers For The 1st Ruler You Make! 8011F5AE FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 2nd Ruler You Make! 8011F5CA FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 3rd Ruler You Make! 8011F5E6 FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 4th Ruler You Make! 8011F602 FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 5th Ruler You Make! 8011F61C FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 1st General You Make! 8011F68E FFFF #Infinite Soldiers For The 2nd General You Make! 8011F6AA FFFF #Max Training + Spirit For The 1st General You Make! 8011F690 FFFF #Max Training + Spirit For The 2nd General You Make! 8011F6AC FFFF ; [ Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI - Awakening of the Dragon (USA) (2000) (Koei) {SLUS-00918} ] :SLUS-00918 #Infinite Remaining Creation Points 801FFDD8 0067 #Infinite Money 5000128C 0000 801498AC 869F 5000128C 0000 801498AE 0001 5000128C 0000 801498B0 869F 5000128C 0000 801498B2 0001 #Infinite Days (In-Battle) 30162FA4 0000 #Infinite Morale (In-Battle) 30162FBC 0064 #No Max Morale (In-Battle) (Quick Win In-Battle) 30162FC0 0000 #No Morale (In-Battle) (Quick Win In-Battle) 30162FBC 0000 ; [ Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01062} ] :SLUS-01062 #Infinite Ammo 800EAF1C 000A #Infinite Health The Beginning 800EA55A 0064 #Infinite Health The Dye Factory 800E145A 0064 #Infinite Health Underground Resistance 800E4B76 0064 #Infinite Health - Ruck 800D9CEE 0064 #Infinite Health The Beach 800F2846 0064 #Infinite Health Precious Elements 800E626A 0064 #Infinite Health Crystal Chambers 800E289E 0064 #Infinite Health Khan Mort 800DF42A 0064 #Infinite Health The Bay 800F0752 0064 #Infinite Health The Rock 800E015A 0064 #Infinite Health Baron Samedi 800DCD4E 0064 #Infinite Health Crash Site 800E7CC2 0064 #Infinite Health Powerup 800F392E 0064 #Infinite Health Descent 800E9CAE 0064 #Infinite Health The Shadoen 800D9D16 0064 #No Enemy Health 800E9B98 0000 #Unlock All Levels - Press L1,L2,R1,R2 At The Main Screen D009A0F4 000F 8009DB40 0010 #Unlock All Levels 8009DB40 0010 ; [ RPG Maker (USA) (2000) (Agetec) {SLUS-00640} ] :SLUS-00640 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite HP (All Characters) 8012A46C 082B 8012A46E 0230 8012A474 0014 8012A476 1420 D0128578 0022 8012857A 2400 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite MP (All Characters) 8011E4C4 FFE8 8011E4C8 0004 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite Money 801E84B4 E0FF 801E84B6 05F5 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite Red Berries 301E8317 0063 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite Blue Berry 301E8318 0063 #Goblis Adventure\Infinite Forest Herb 301E831B 0063 ; [ R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 (USA) (1999) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00797, SLUS-90049} ] :SLUS-00797 :SLUS-90049 #Unlock Extra Trial 800F3B24 0001 #Complete Extra Trial 800F3B2C 0101 800F3B2E 0101 #Unlock All Team DRT Cars 800F3AE0 FFFF 800F3AE2 FFFF 800F3AE4 FFFF 800F3AE6 FFFF 800F3AE8 FFFF 800F3AEA FFFF 800F3AEC FFFF 800F3AEE FFFF #Unlock All Team MMM Cars 800F3AF0 FFFF 800F3AF2 FFFF 800F3AF4 FFFF 800F3AF6 FFFF 800F3AF8 FFFF 800F3AFA FFFF 800F3AFC FFFF 800F3AFE FFFF #Unlock All Team PRC Cars 800F3B00 FFFF 800F3B02 FFFF 800F3B04 FFFF 800F3B06 FFFF 800F3B08 FFFF 800F3B0A FFFF 800F3B0C FFFF 800F3B0E FFFF #Unlock All Team Solvalou Cars 800F3B10 FFFF 800F3B12 FFFF 800F3B14 FFFF 800F3B16 FFFF 800F3B18 FFFF 800F3B1A FFFF 800F3B1C FFFF 800F3B1E FFFF #All Tracks Unlocked 800F3ADC FFFF 300F3B24 0001 800F3B28 0101 800F3B2C 0101 #Infinite Tries 800AD698 0303 #Speed Max D00F3BEA 0100 800AC288 0E47 #Have All Cars 50002002 0000 800F3AE0 FFFF #Lap 1 is 0:00:00 800F4D58 0000 #Lap 2 is 0:00:00 800F4D5C 0000 #Lap 3 is 0:00:00 800F4D60 0000 #Lap 4 is 0:00:00 800F4D64 0000 #Lap 5 is 0:00:00 800F4D68 0000 #Lap 6 is 0:00:00 800F4D6C 0000 #Unlock All Decals 800F3B28 0101 800F3B2A 0101 #Start On Last Race Of Season With this code, press L1 at the yellow screen that tells you the heat. You will still race on first track but the code tricks the game into thinking you are on the last race so just come in first + win the Season. D00F3BEA 0004 800AD6A6 0700 #Cpu Difficulty Easy 300AD6D8 0001 #Use Older Analog (Non-Dual Shock) Analog Controllers In Analog Mode 8004C276 2400 8004C282 2400 8009A738 C000 8009A73A 0C07 801F0000 8011 801F0002 3C01 801F0004 0020 801F0006 3066 801F0008 0002 801F000A 10C0 801F000E 2400 801F0010 0028 801F0012 2421 801F0014 C2D7 801F0016 9024 801F001A 2400 801F001C 000C 801F001E 1080 801F0020 00E3 801F0022 2406 801F0024 C2D6 801F0026 9024 801F0028 C2D1 801F002A A026 801F002C 0086 801F002E 2C86 801F0030 0005 801F0032 10C0 801F0034 FF80 801F0036 2484 801F0038 FFF9 801F003A 2886 801F003C 0002 801F003E 14C0 801F0042 2400 801F0044 0000 801F0046 2404 801F0048 FFFF 801F004A 3084 801F004C C2D4 801F004E AC24 801F0050 0008 801F0052 03E0 #Always 1st/Drive Thru Cars (Press Select) You will only race for half a lap or so and you must activate it before the cars in front of you ent... D00F3BEA 0100 800AC236 0003 ; [ Road Rash 3D (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00524} ] :SLUS-00524 #All In Trash Mode Unlocked 50002101 0000 800B68AD 0001 #1 Billion Dollars 800B6F7C CA00 800B6F7E 3B9A #Trade-In Value 1 Billion Dollars 800B6F88 CA00 800B6F8A 3B9A #Infinite Bike Durability 8010EEAA 7F7F #Infinite Biker Health 8010EE72 8080 #Infinite Nitro Speed For Any Bike 800D677C 0000 ; [ Road Rash - Jailbreak (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01053} ] :SLUS-01053 #Infinite Biker's Health 800D5766 5A5A #Infinite Bike Durability 800D577C 4040 #Finish The Race 1st 800D577E 0102 #Start Racing Before The Cpu Racers 8005B2A8 006A #Max Tko 800D81F0 FF00 #Use Super Weapon Press up E00D6DE5 0010 800D5786 FFFF #Quit Race + Have All Weapons Press L1+L2 C00D6DE4 0005 800D5782 FFFF 800D5784 FFFF 00000000 FFFF #Only 1 Race To Complete In Grunt Stage D00D81C8 0000 800D81C8 03F6 #Only 1 Race To Complete In Captain Stage D00D81CA 0000 800D81CA 37FF #Max Hits 800D81F2 00FF #Always Win 300D577F 0001 #Infinite Nitro 300D81EC 000A ; [ Ridge Racer Revolution (USA) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00214} ] :SLUS-00214 #Always Place First 8007C508 0001 #Course Select 801DC9C8 0707 #Select Car\Black Lamborghini 8007C43A 000C #Select Car\Black Lamborghini Kid 8007C43A 000D #Select Car\White Angel 8007C43A 000E #Extra Cars 1 Works by giving you a perfect score in the Galaga game. You have to wait all 4 rounds to activate the code!! 801DE318 0028 #Extra Cars 2 801DD208 0001 #Car Stuck 8007C368 761E 8007C448 761E #Always Hear The Checkpoint Chim Noise 8007C368 761E 8007C3F8 01E6 ; [ Rescue Heroes - Molten Menace (USA) (2001) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01373} ] ;:SLUS-01373 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ R-Type Delta (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00877} ] :SLUS-00877 #Infinite Lives 8001014E 0003 #Infinite Continues 80065C12 2400 #Enable Ships + Level Select 80013A4C FFFF 80013A4E 00FF #Enable All Gallery With these, you must register a pilot first for them to work. 80013A44 FFFF #Level Lethal Weapon 80010142 0001 #Level Deformation 80010142 0002 #Level Gigantic Attack 80010142 0003 #Level Invasion 80010142 0004 #Level Evil 80010142 0005 #Level Awakening 80010142 0006 #Level Life 80010142 0007 #R9 - Never Blow Up D0010142 0001 800D145A 2400 D0010142 0002 800B8C4E 2400 D0010142 0003 80090D42 2400 D0010142 0004 800BC58E 2400 D0010142 0005 800A6236 2400 D0010142 0006 800A2642 2400 D0010142 0007 800B7B16 2400 #RX - Never Blow Up D0010142 0001 800D5C22 2400 D0010142 0002 800BD8C2 2400 D0010142 0003 8009550A 2400 D0010142 0004 800C0D56 2400 D0010142 0005 800AAACA 2400 D0010142 0006 800A6E0A 2400 D0010142 0007 800BC74A 2400 #R13 - Never Blow Up D0010142 0001 800D5C52 2400 D0010142 0002 800BF422 2400 D0010142 0003 80096CB2 2400 D0010142 0004 800C0D86 2400 D0010142 0005 800AC272 2400 D0010142 0006 800A85B2 2400 D0010142 0007 800BE01A 2400 #POW Armor - Never Blow Up D0010142 0001 800D5C92 2400 D0010142 0002 800C10BE 2400 D0010142 0003 80098496 2400 D0010142 0004 800C0DC6 2400 D0010142 0005 800ADA56 2400 D0010142 0006 800A9D96 2400 D0010142 0007 800BF926 2400 ; [ R-Types (USA) (1998) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00753} ] :SLUS-00753 #Level Select (Pause Menu) 30075C90 0020 #R-Type 1\Have Missiles 301355C1 0001 #R-Type 1\Max Force Sidekick 301355CA 0003 #R-Type 1\Weapon Power Up 801355C8 8000 #R-Type 1\Invincibility 801385B4 0001 #R-Type 1\P1 Infinite Lives 80138520 0003 #R-Type 1\P2 Infinite Lives 80138528 0003 #R-Type 2\Have Missiles 300F8445 0001 #R-Type 2\Max Force Sidekick 300F844E 0003 #R-Type 2\Weapon Power Up 800F8452 010C #R-Type 2\Invincibility 300FBCEE 0001 #R-Type 2\P1 Infinite Lives 300FBC4B 0003 #R-Type 2\P2 Infinite Lives 300FBC53 0003 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats in Paris - The Movie (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01116} ] :SLUS-01116 #Max Gold Tickets 8008591C 03E7 #Max Red Tickets 8008591A 03E7 #Have All Prizes 80085910 1FFF #Infinite Time 80085394 0013 #Infinite Sleep Chucky Chan 80077BC8 0005 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats - Search for Reptar (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00650} ] :SLUS-00650 #Infinite Health 800E2CBC 00FF #Infinite Time 800C4404 C503 #Infinite Battery Energy 800F4D74 7800 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats - Studio Tour (USA) (1999) (THQ) {SLUS-00880} ] :SLUS-00880 #Max Reptor Bars 800C92FE 00FF #Have Max Keys 800C92F8 00FF #Infinite Time (Zero Gees) 80090262 2400 #Infinite Battery Power 80080AA6 2400 #Infinite Booster Jumps 300E75B3 0063 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats - Totally Angelica (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01364} ] :SLUS-01364 #Infinite Time In Fluffy's Maze 80136DE0 4500 #Extra Points 801DC3CE 1388 #Unlock All Floors (Go To 6th Floor To See Ending) 801DC3CA 0006 #Unlock All Fashion Items 50000304 0000 801DC3D4 FFFF 50000804 0000 801DC3E0 FFFF ; [ Running Wild (USA) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94272} ] :SCUS-94272 #Always Place 1st 8002864A 2402 #Have All Secrets 800CC69C FFFF #Extra Tracks-Play Expert 800C8F20 0004 #Always Play Medium Difficulty 800CC698 0001 #Always Play Hard Difficulty 800CC698 0004 #Always Play Expert Difficulty 800CC698 000F ; [ Rushdown (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00828} ] :SLUS-00828 #Infinite Time 801F4744 13AA #Always Place 1st 801F4740 1000 801F473A 0000 #Unlock Europe-Snowboarding 30010088 0001 #Unlock Europe-Kayaking 30010094 0001 #Unlock Europe-Mt. Bike 300100A0 0001 #Unlock America-Snowboarding 300100AC 0001 #Unlock America-Kayaking 300100B8 0001 #Unlock America-Mt. Bike 300100C4 0001 #Unlock Asia-Snowboarding 300100D0 0001 #Unlock Asia-Kayaking 300100DC 0001 #Unlock Asia-Mt. Bike 300100E8 0001 #Unlock Japan-Snowboarding 300100F4 0001 #Unlock Japan-Kayaking 30010100 0001 #Unlock Japan-Mt. Bike 3001010C 0001 ; [ Rush Hour (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94417} ] :SCUS-94417 #Infinite Time 801042BC 0063 #Have Extra Vehicles 801074D4 FFFF #Have Super Championship Mode 801074D8 FFFF #Have Reverse Mode 801074D6 FFFF #P1 Always On Lap 1 801022AC 0000 #P1 Starts On Lap 2 D01022AC 0000 801022AC 0001 #P1 Lap Time Always Under 0'01'00 80101F10 0000 #P1 Select Car\Europa Tourer/Ranger 801CBD4C 0000 #P1 Select Car\Yellow Thunder/Dune Buggy 801CBD4C 0001 #P1 Select Car\Red Flash/Jeepste 801CBD4C 0002 #P1 Select Car\Silver Bullet/Dallas Pick-up 801CBD4C 0003 #P1 Select Car\Super Blue/HGV 801CBD4C 0004 #P1 Select Car\Stock Car/Monster Truck 801CBD4C 0005 #P1 Select Car\Hot Hatch/Trooper 801CBD4C 0006 #P1 Select Car\My Saloon/Badger 801CBD4C 0007 #Select Track\Atlantic Trail 8000E254 0000 #Select Track\Country Valley 8000E254 0001 #Select Track\Yukon Pass 8000E254 0002 #Select Track\Downtown 8000E254 0003 #Select Track\Tuscan Gorge 8000E254 0004 #Select Track\Cub Raceway 8000E254 0005 #Select Track\Pacific Dream 8000E254 0006 #Select Track\Golden Sand 8000E254 0007 #Select Track\Sunken City 8000E254 0008 ; [ Rival Schools - United by Fate (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00681 / SLUS-00771} ] :SLUS-00681 :SLUS-00771 #P1 Infinite Health 801EFA02 00C8 #Unlock Characters, Modes + Extras 801F65D0 FFFF 801F65D4 FFFF 801F65D8 FFFF 801F65DA FFFF 801F65DC FFFF 801F65DE FFFF #Unlock All 50000802 0000 801F65D0 FFFF #Always Get Good Ending 801F64C0 0007 #P2 1 Hit Kill 801EFE02 0000 ; [ Razor Racing (USA) (2001) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01410} ] :SLUS-01410 #Unlock City Thrashers 8009E3A4 FFFF 8009E3A6 FFFF 8009E3A8 FFFF 8009E3AA FFFF 8009E3AC FFFF 8009E3AE FFFF 8009E3B0 FFFF 8009E3B2 FFFF #Unlock East. Lightning 8009E394 FFFF 8009E396 FFFF 8009E398 FFFF 8009E39A FFFF 8009E39C FFFF 8009E39E FFFF 8009E3A0 FFFF 8009E3A2 FFFF #Unlock Front Runners 8009E384 FFFF 8009E386 FFFF 8009E388 FFFF 8009E38A FFFF 8009E38C FFFF 8009E38E FFFF 8009E390 FFFF 8009E392 FFFF #Infinite Time 800A0A0C DB83 #Max Score 800A0594 E0FF 800A0596 05F5 #Unlock Melissa 3009E388 00FF #Unlock Tank 3009E38C 00FF #Unlock Ref 3009E390 00FF #Unlock Claudida 3009E398 00FF #Unlock Chippy 3009E39C 00FF #Unlock Professor Otto Von Thrash 3009E3A0 00FF #Unlock Mikey 3009E3A8 00FF #Unlock Streak 3009E3AC 00FF #Unlock Granny 3009E3B0 00FF #Unlock All Scooters of Front Runners 3009E384 00FF #Unlock All Scooters of East. Lightning 3009E394 00FF #Unlock All Scooters City Thrashers 3009E3A4 00FF ; [ Strikers 1945 (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01337} ] :SLUS-01337 #P1 Infinite Lives 800996B4 0003 #P1 Max Infinite Special 8009970A 7FFF #P2 Infinite Lives 80099750 0003 #P2 Max Infinite Special 800997A6 7FFF ; [ Sabrina the Teenage Witch - A Twitch in Time! (USA) (2000) (Simon & Schuster Interactive) {SLUS-01208} ] :SLUS-01208 #Infinite Lives 800C8518 0005 #Infinite Health 8008B210 0014 #Max Eggs 800C857A 0009 #Max Gems 800C8556 03E7 #Have All Powers Infinite 8007C8B0 0505 8007C8B2 0505 8007C8B4 0505 8007C8B6 0505 ; [ SaGa Frontier 2 (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00933} ] :SLUS-00933 #Max Chips (Money) 800103D4 423F 800103D6 000F #Scenario Access Modifier Enable All Scenarios 50002202 0000 800101EC 0202 #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite HP 801F6990 03E7 #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite LP 301F6998 00FF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite WP 301F69A0 00FF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Infinite SP 301F69AC 00FF #In-Battle Character 1 Cheats\Immune To Status Ailments 801F69B8 0000 #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite HP 801F6B80 03E7 #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite LP 301F6B88 00FF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite WP 301F6B90 00FF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Infinite SP 301F6B9C 00FF #In-Battle Character 2 Cheats\Immune To Status Ailments 801F6BA8 0000 #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite HP 801F6D70 03E7 #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite LP 301F6D78 00FF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite WP 301F6D80 00FF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Infinite SP 301F6D8C 00FF #In-Battle Character 3 Cheats\Immune To Status Ailments 801F6D98 0000 #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite HP 801F6F60 03E7 #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite LP 301F6F68 00FF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite WP 301F6F70 00FF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Infinite SP 301F6F7C 00FF #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\Immune To Status Ailments 801F6F88 0000 #In-Battle Character 4 Cheats\1-Hit Kill Enemies 801F7150 0000 801F7340 0000 801F7530 0000 801F7720 0000 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite HP 50001F70 0000 8001040C 03E7 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max HP 50001F70 0000 8001040E 03E7 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite LP 50001F70 0000 30010410 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max LP 50001F70 0000 30010411 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite WP 50001F70 0000 30010414 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max WP 50001F70 0000 30010415 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max WP Recovery Rate 50001F70 0000 30010417 0063 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Infinite SP 50001F70 0000 30010418 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max SP 50001F70 0000 30010419 00FF #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max SP Recovery Rate 50001F70 0000 3001041B 0063 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Crowns (Cr) 50001F70 0000 80010408 423F 50001F70 0000 8001040A 000F #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Martial Arts Level 50001F70 0000 3001041D 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Sword Arts Level 50001F70 0000 3001041E 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Axe Arts Level 50001F70 0000 3001041F 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Staff Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010420 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Spear Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010421 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Bow Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010422 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Tree Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010424 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Stone Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010425 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Fire Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010426 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Water Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010427 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Tone Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010428 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Max Beast Arts Level 50001F70 0000 30010429 00E3 #Cheats for All Other Characters\Equipped Items Never Break 50001F70 0000 3001043D 00FF 50001F70 0000 3001043F 00FF 50001F70 0000 30010441 00FF 50001F70 0000 30010443 00FF 50001F70 0000 30010445 00FF 50001F70 0000 30010447 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001047C 03E7 #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max HP 8001047E 03E7 #Cielmer Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010480 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max LP 30010481 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010484 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max WP 30010485 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Wp() 30010487 0063 #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001048D 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001048E 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001048F 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010490 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010491 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010492 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010494 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010495 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010496 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Water 30010497 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010498 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010499 00FF #Cielmer Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201048D 007F 2001048D 0080 E201048E 007F 2001048E 0080 E201048F 007F 2001048F 0080 E2010490 007F 20010490 0080 E2010491 007F 20010491 0080 E2010492 007F 20010492 0080 E2010494 007F 20010494 0080 E2010495 007F 20010495 0080 E2010496 007F 20010496 0080 E2010497 007F 20010497 0080 E2010498 007F 20010498 0080 E2010499 007F 20010499 0080 #Cordelia Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001078C 03E7 #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max HP 8001078E 03E7 #Cordelia Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010790 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max LP 30010791 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010794 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max WP 30010795 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Wp() 30010797 0063 #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001079D 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001079E 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001079F 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Staff 300107A0 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Spear 300107A1 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Bow 300107A2 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Tree 300107A4 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Stone 300107A5 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Flame 300107A6 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Water 300107A7 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Tone 300107A8 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Max Beast 300107A9 00FF #Cordelia Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201079D 007F 2001079D 0080 E201079E 007F 2001079E 0080 E201079F 007F 2001079F 0080 E20107A0 007F 200107A0 0080 E20107A1 007F 200107A1 0080 E20107A2 007F 200107A2 0080 E20107A4 007F 200107A4 0080 E20107A5 007F 200107A5 0080 E20107A6 007F 200107A6 0080 E20107A7 007F 200107A7 0080 E20107A8 007F 200107A8 0080 E20107A9 007F 200107A9 0080 #Diana Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001086C 03E7 #Diana Character Cheats\Max HP 8001086E 03E7 #Diana Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010870 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max LP 30010871 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010874 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max WP 30010875 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Wp() 30010877 0063 #Diana Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001087D 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001087E 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001087F 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010880 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010881 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010882 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010884 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010885 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010886 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Water 30010887 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010888 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010889 00FF #Diana Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201087D 007F 2001087D 0080 E201087E 007F 2001087E 0080 E201087F 007F 2001087F 0080 E2010880 007F 20010880 0080 E2010881 007F 20010881 0080 E2010882 007F 20010882 0080 E2010884 007F 20010884 0080 E2010885 007F 20010885 0080 E2010886 007F 20010886 0080 E2010887 007F 20010887 0080 E2010888 007F 20010888 0080 E2010889 007F 20010889 0080 #Eleanor Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010A2C 03E7 #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max HP 80010A2E 03E7 #Eleanor Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010A30 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max LP 30010A31 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010A34 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max WP 30010A35 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Wp() 30010A37 0063 #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010A3D 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010A3E 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010A3F 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010A40 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010A41 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010A42 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010A44 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010A45 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010A46 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Water 30010A47 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010A48 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010A49 00FF #Eleanor Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010A3D 007F 20010A3D 0080 E2010A3E 007F 20010A3E 0080 E2010A3F 007F 20010A3F 0080 E2010A40 007F 20010A40 0080 E2010A41 007F 20010A41 0080 E2010A42 007F 20010A42 0080 E2010A44 007F 20010A44 0080 E2010A45 007F 20010A45 0080 E2010A46 007F 20010A46 0080 E2010A47 007F 20010A47 0080 E2010A48 007F 20010A48 0080 E2010A49 007F 20010A49 0080 #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010E1C 03E7 #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max HP 80010E1E 03E7 #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010E20 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max LP 30010E21 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010E24 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max WP 30010E25 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Wp() 30010E27 0063 #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010E2D 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010E2E 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010E2F 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010E30 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010E31 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010E32 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010E34 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010E35 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010E36 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Water 30010E37 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010E38 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010E39 00FF #Ginny Knights Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010E2D 007F 20010E2D 0080 E2010E2E 007F 20010E2E 0080 E2010E2F 007F 20010E2F 0080 E2010E30 007F 20010E30 0080 E2010E31 007F 20010E31 0080 E2010E32 007F 20010E32 0080 E2010E34 007F 20010E34 0080 E2010E35 007F 20010E35 0080 E2010E36 007F 20010E36 0080 E2010E37 007F 20010E37 0080 E2010E38 007F 20010E38 0080 E2010E39 007F 20010E39 0080 #Gustaf Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010C5C 03E7 #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max HP 80010C5E 03E7 #Gustaf Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010C60 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max LP 30010C61 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010C64 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max WP 30010C65 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Wp() 30010C67 0063 #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010C6D 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010C6E 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010C6F 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010C70 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010C71 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010C72 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010C74 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010C75 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010C76 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Water 30010C77 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010C78 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010C79 00FF #Gustaf Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010C6D 007F 20010C6D 0080 E2010C6E 007F 20010C6E 0080 E2010C6F 007F 20010C6F 0080 E2010C70 007F 20010C70 0080 E2010C71 007F 20010C71 0080 E2010C72 007F 20010C72 0080 E2010C74 007F 20010C74 0080 E2010C75 007F 20010C75 0080 E2010C76 007F 20010C76 0080 E2010C77 007F 20010C77 0080 E2010C78 007F 20010C78 0080 E2010C79 007F 20010C79 0080 #Gustave Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001063C 03E7 #Gustave Character Cheats\Max HP 8001063E 03E7 #Gustave Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010640 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max LP 30010641 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010644 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max WP 30010645 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Wp () 30010647 0063 #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001064D 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001064E 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001064F 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010650 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010651 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010652 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010654 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010655 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010656 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Water 30010657 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010658 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010659 00FF #Gustave Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201064D 007F 2001064D 0080 E201064E 007F 2001064E 0080 E201064F 007F 2001064F 0080 E2010650 007F 20010650 0080 E2010651 007F 20010651 0080 E2010652 007F 20010652 0080 E2010654 007F 20010654 0080 E2010655 007F 20010655 0080 E2010656 007F 20010656 0080 E2010657 007F 20010657 0080 E2010658 007F 20010658 0080 E2010659 007F 20010659 0080 #Johan Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800108DC 03E7 #Johan Character Cheats\Max HP 800108DE 03E7 #Johan Character Cheats\Infinite LP 300108E0 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max LP 300108E1 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Infinite WP 300108E4 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max WP 300108E5 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Wp() 300108E7 0063 #Johan Character Cheats\Max Martial 300108ED 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Sword 300108EE 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Axe 300108EF 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Staff 300108F0 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Spear 300108F1 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Bow 300108F2 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Tree 300108F4 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Stone 300108F5 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Flame 300108F6 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Water 300108F7 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Tone 300108F8 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Max Beast 300108F9 00FF #Johan Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E20108ED 007F 200108ED 0080 E20108EE 007F 200108EE 0080 E20108EF 007F 200108EF 0080 E20108E0 007F 200108F0 0080 E20108F1 007F 200108F1 0080 E20108F2 007F 200108F2 0080 E20108F4 007F 200108F4 0080 E20108F5 007F 200108F5 0080 E20108F6 007F 200108F6 0080 E20108F7 007F 200108F7 0080 E20108F8 007F 200108F8 0080 E20108F9 007F 200108F9 0080 #Julia Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800109BC 03E7 #Julia Character Cheats\Max HP 800109BE 03E7 #Julia Character Cheats\Infinite LP 300109C0 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max LP 300109C1 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Infinite WP 300109C4 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max WP 300109C5 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Wp() 300109C7 0063 #Julia Character Cheats\Max Martial 300109CD 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Sword 300109CE 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Axe 300109CF 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Staff 300109D0 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Spear 300109D1 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Bow 300109D2 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Tree 300109D4 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Stone 300109D5 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Flame 300109D6 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Water 300109D7 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Tone 300109D8 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Max Beast 300109D9 00FF #Julia Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E20109CD 007F 200109CD 0080 E20109CE 007F 200109CE 0080 E20109CF 007F 200109CF 0080 E20109D0 007F 200109D0 0080 E20109D1 007F 200109D1 0080 E20109D2 007F 200109D2 0080 E20109D4 007F 200109D4 0080 E20109D5 007F 200109D5 0080 E20109D6 007F 200109D6 0080 E20109D7 007F 200109D7 0080 E20109D8 007F 200109D8 0080 E20109D9 007F 200109D9 0080 #Kelvin Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800106AC 03E7 #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max HP 800106AE 03E7 #Kelvin Character Cheats\Infinite LP 300106B0 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max LP 300106B1 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Infinite WP 300106B4 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max WP 300106B5 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Wp() 300106B7 0063 #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Martial 300106BD 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Sword 300106BE 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Axe 300106BF 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Staff 300106C0 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Spear 300106C1 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Bow 300106C2 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Tree 300106C4 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Stone 300106C5 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Flame 300106C6 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Water 300106C7 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Tone 300106C8 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Max Beast 300106C9 00FF #Kelvin Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E20106BD 007F 200106BD 0080 E20106BE 007F 200106BE 0080 E20106BF 007F 200106BF 0080 E20106C0 007F 200106C0 0080 E20106C1 007F 200106C1 0080 E20106C2 007F 200106C2 0080 E20106C4 007F 200106C4 0080 E20106C5 007F 200106C5 0080 E20106C6 007F 200106C6 0080 E20106C7 007F 200106C7 0080 E20106C8 007F 200106C8 0080 E20106C9 007F 200106C9 0080 #Labelle Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800105CC 03E7 #Labelle Character Cheats\Max HP 800105CE 03E7 #Labelle Character Cheats\Infinite LP 300105D0 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max LP 300105D1 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Infinite WP 300105D4 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max WP 300105D5 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Wp() 300105D7 0063 #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Martial 300105DD 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Sword 300105DE 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Axe 300105DF 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Staff 300105E0 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Spear 300105E1 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Bow 300105E2 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Tree 300105E4 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Stone 300105E5 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Flame 300105E6 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Water 300105E7 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Tone 300105E8 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Max Beast 300105E9 00FF #Labelle Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E20105DD 007F 200105DD 0080 E20105DE 007F 200105DE 0080 E20105DF 007F 200105DF 0080 E20105E0 007F 200105E0 0080 E20105E1 007F 200105E1 0080 E20105E2 007F 200105E2 0080 E20105E4 007F 200105E4 0080 E20105E5 007F 200105E5 0080 E20105E6 007F 200105E6 0080 E20105E7 007F 200105E7 0080 E20105E8 007F 200105E8 0080 E20105E9 007F 200105E9 0080 #Meythia Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010CCC 03E7 #Meythia Character Cheats\Max HP 80010CCE 03E7 #Meythia Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010CD0 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max LP 30010CD1 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010CD4 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max WP 30010CD5 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Wp() 30010CD7 0063 #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010CDD 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010CDE 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010CDF 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010CE0 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010CE1 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010CE2 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010CE4 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010CE5 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010CE6 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Water 30010CE7 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010CE8 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010CE9 00FF #Meythia Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010CDD 007F 20010CDD 0080 E2010CDE 007F 20010CDE 0080 E2010CDF 007F 20010CDF 0080 E2010CE0 007F 20010CE0 0080 E2010CE1 007F 20010CE1 0080 E2010CE2 007F 20010CE2 0080 E2010CE4 007F 20010CE4 0080 E2010CE5 007F 20010CE5 0080 E2010CE6 007F 20010CE6 0080 E2010CE7 007F 20010CE7 0080 E2010CE8 007F 20010CE8 0080 E2010CE9 007F 20010CE9 0080 #Narcisse Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800104EC 03E7 #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max HP 800104EE 03E7 #Narcisse Character Cheats\Infinite LP 300104F0 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max LP 300104F1 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Infinite WP 300104F4 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max WP 300104F5 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Wp() 300104F7 0063 #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Martial 300104FD 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Sword 300104FE 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Axe 300104FF 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010500 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010501 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010502 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010504 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010505 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010506 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Water 30010507 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010508 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010509 00FF #Narcisse Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E20104FD 007F 200104FD 0080 E20104FE 007F 200104FE 0080 E20104FF 007F 200104FF 0080 E2010500 007F 20010500 0080 E2010501 007F 20010501 0080 E2010502 007F 20010502 0080 E2010504 007F 20010504 0080 E2010505 007F 20010505 0080 E2010506 007F 20010506 0080 E2010507 007F 20010507 0080 E2010508 007F 20010508 0080 E2010509 007F 20010509 0080 #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001040C 03E7 #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max HP 8001040E 03E7 #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010410 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max LP 30010411 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010414 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max WP 30010415 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Wp() 30010417 0063 #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001041D 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001041E 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001041F 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010420 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010421 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010422 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010424 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010425 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010426 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Water 30010427 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010428 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010429 00FF #Nebelsterm Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201041D 007F 2001041D 0080 E201041E 007F 2001041E 0080 E201041F 007F 2001041F 0080 E2010420 007F 20010420 0080 E2010421 007F 20010421 0080 E2010422 007F 20010422 0080 E2010424 007F 20010424 0080 E2010425 007F 20010425 0080 E2010426 007F 20010426 0080 E2010427 007F 20010427 0080 E2010428 007F 20010428 0080 E2010429 007F 20010429 0080 #Nina Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001055C 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Max HP 8001055E 03E7 #Nina Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010560 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max LP 30010561 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010564 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max WP 30010565 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Wp() 30010567 0063 #Nina Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001056D 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001056E 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001056F 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010570 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010571 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010572 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010574 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010575 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010576 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Water 30010577 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010578 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010579 00FF #Nina Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201056D 007F 2001056D 0080 E201056E 007F 2001056E 0080 E201056F 007F 2001056F 0080 E2010570 007F 20010570 0080 E2010571 007F 20010571 0080 E2010572 007F 20010572 0080 E2010574 007F 20010574 0080 E2010575 007F 20010575 0080 E2010576 007F 20010576 0080 E2010577 007F 20010577 0080 E2010578 007F 20010578 0080 E2010579 007F 20010579 0080 #Patrick Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010BEC 03E7 #Patrick Character Cheats\Max HP 80010BEE 03E7 #Patrick Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010BF0 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max LP 30010BF1 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010BF4 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max WP 30010BF5 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Wp() 30010BF7 0063 #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010BFD 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010BFE 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010BFF 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010C00 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010C01 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010C02 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010C04 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010C05 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010C06 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Water 30010C07 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010C08 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010C09 00FF #Patrick Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010BFD 007F 20010BFD 0080 E2010BFE 007F 20010BFE 0080 E2010BFF 007F 20010BFF 0080 E2010C00 007F 20010C00 0080 E2010C01 007F 20010C01 0080 E2010C02 007F 20010C02 0080 E2010C04 007F 20010C04 0080 E2010C05 007F 20010C05 0080 E2010C06 007F 20010C06 0080 E2010C07 007F 20010C07 0080 E2010C08 007F 20010C08 0080 E2010C09 007F 20010C09 0080 #Primiera Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010DAC 03E7 #Primiera Character Cheats\Max HP 80010DAE 03E7 #Primiera Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010DB0 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max LP 30010DB1 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010DB4 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max WP 30010DB5 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Wp() 30010DB7 0063 #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010DBD 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010DBE 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010DBF 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010DC0 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010DC1 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010DC2 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010DC4 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010DC5 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010DC6 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Water 30010DC7 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010DC8 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010DC9 00FF #Primiera Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010DBD 007F 20010DBD 0080 E2010DBE 007F 20010DBE 0080 E2010DBF 007F 20010DBF 0080 E2010DC0 007F 20010DC0 0080 E2010DC1 007F 20010DC1 0080 E2010DC2 007F 20010DC2 0080 E2010DC4 007F 20010DC4 0080 E2010DC5 007F 20010DC5 0080 E2010DC6 007F 20010DC6 0080 E2010DC7 007F 20010DC7 0080 E2010DC8 007F 20010DC8 0080 E2010DC9 007F 20010DC9 0080 #Raymond Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010A9C 03E7 #Raymond Character Cheats\Max HP 80010A9E 03E7 #Raymond Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010AA0 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max LP 30010AA1 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010AA4 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max WP 30010AA5 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Wp() 30010AA7 0063 #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010AAD 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010AAE 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010AAF 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010AB0 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010AB1 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010AB2 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010AB4 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010AB5 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010AB6 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Water 30010AB7 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010AB8 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010AB9 00FF #Raymond Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010AAD 007F 20010AAD 0080 E2010AAE 007F 20010AAE 0080 E2010AAF 007F 20010AAF 0080 E2010AB0 007F 20010AB0 0080 E2010AB1 007F 20010AB1 0080 E2010AB2 007F 20010AB2 0080 E2010AB4 007F 20010AB4 0080 E2010AB5 007F 20010AB5 0080 E2010AB6 007F 20010AB6 0080 E2010AB7 007F 20010AB7 0080 E2010AB8 007F 20010AB8 0080 E2010AB9 007F 20010AB9 0080 #Rich Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010B7C 03E7 #Rich Character Cheats\Max HP 80010B7E 03E7 #Rich Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010B80 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max LP 30010B81 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010B84 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max WP 30010B85 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Wp() 30010B87 0063 #Rich Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010B8D 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010B8E 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010B8F 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010B90 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010B91 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010B92 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010B94 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010B95 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010B96 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Water 30010B97 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010B98 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010B99 00FF #Rich Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010B8D 007F 20010B8D 0080 E2010B8E 007F 20010B8E 0080 E2010B8F 007F 20010B8F 0080 E2010B90 007F 20010B90 0080 E2010B91 007F 20010B91 0080 E2010B92 007F 20010B92 0080 E2010B94 007F 20010B94 0080 E2010B95 007F 20010B95 0080 E2010B96 007F 20010B96 0080 E2010B97 007F 20010B97 0080 E2010B98 007F 20010B98 0080 E2010B99 007F 20010B99 0080 #Roberto Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010D3C 03E7 #Roberto Character Cheats\Max HP 80010D3E 03E7 #Roberto Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010D40 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max LP 30010D41 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010D44 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max WP 30010D45 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Wp() 30010D47 0063 #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010D4D 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010D4E 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010D4F 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010D50 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010D51 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010D52 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010D54 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010D55 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010D56 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Water 30010D57 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010D58 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010D59 00FF #Roberto Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010D4D 007F 20010D4D 0080 E2010D4E 007F 20010D4E 0080 E2010D4F 007F 20010D4F 0080 E2010D50 007F 20010D50 0080 E2010D51 007F 20010D51 0080 E2010D52 007F 20010D52 0080 E2010D54 007F 20010D54 0080 E2010D55 007F 20010D55 0080 E2010D56 007F 20010D56 0080 E2010D57 007F 20010D57 0080 E2010D58 007F 20010D58 0080 E2010D59 007F 20010D59 0080 #Sargon Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010B0C 03E7 #Sargon Character Cheats\Max HP 80010B0E 03E7 #Sargon Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010B10 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max LP 30010B11 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010B14 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max WP 30010B15 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Wp() 30010B17 0063 #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010B1D 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010B1E 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010B1F 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010B20 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010B21 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010B22 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010B24 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010B25 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010B26 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Water 30010B27 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010B28 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010B29 00FF #Sargon Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010B1D 007F 20010B1D 0080 E2010B1E 007F 20010B1E 0080 E2010B1F 007F 20010B1F 0080 E2010B20 007F 20010B20 0080 E2010B21 007F 20010B21 0080 E2010B22 007F 20010B22 0080 E2010B24 007F 20010B24 0080 E2010B25 007F 20010B25 0080 E2010B26 007F 20010B26 0080 E2010B27 007F 20010B27 0080 E2010B28 007F 20010B28 0080 E2010B29 007F 20010B29 0080 #Tyler Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001071C 03E7 #Tyler Character Cheats\Max HP 8001071E 03E7 #Tyler Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010720 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max LP 30010721 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010724 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max WP 30010725 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Wp() 30010727 0063 #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001072D 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001072E 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001072F 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010730 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010731 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010732 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010734 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010735 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010736 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Water 30010737 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010738 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010739 00FF #Tyler Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201072D 007F 2001072D 0080 E201072E 007F 2001072E 0080 E201072F 007F 2001072F 0080 E2010730 007F 20010730 0080 E2010731 007F 20010731 0080 E2010732 007F 20010732 0080 E2010734 007F 20010734 0080 E2010735 007F 20010735 0080 E2010736 007F 20010736 0080 E2010737 007F 20010737 0080 E2010738 007F 20010738 0080 E2010739 007F 20010739 0080 #Ventabre Character Cheats\Infinite HP 8001094C 03E7 #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max HP 8001094E 03E7 #Ventabre Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010950 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max LP 30010951 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010954 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max WP 30010955 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Wp() 30010957 0063 #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001095D 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001095E 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001095F 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010960 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010961 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010962 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010964 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010965 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010966 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Water 30010967 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010968 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010969 00FF #Ventabre Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201095D 007F 2001095D 0080 E201095E 007F 2001095E 0080 E201095F 007F 2001095F 0080 E2010960 007F 20010960 0080 E2010961 007F 20010961 0080 E2010962 007F 20010962 0080 E2010964 007F 20010964 0080 E2010965 007F 20010965 0080 E2010966 007F 20010966 0080 E2010967 007F 20010967 0080 E2010968 007F 20010968 0080 E2010969 007F 20010969 0080 #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Infinite HP 800107FC 03E7 #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max HP 800107FE 03E7 #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010800 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max LP 30010801 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010804 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max WP 30010805 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Wp() 30010807 0063 #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Martial 3001080D 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Sword 3001080E 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Axe 3001080F 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010810 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010811 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010812 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010814 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010815 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010816 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Water 30010817 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010818 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010819 00FF #Wil Knights Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E201080D 007F 2001080D 0080 E201080E 007F 2001080E 0080 E201080F 007F 2001080F 0080 E2010810 007F 20010810 0080 E2010811 007F 20010811 0080 E2010812 007F 20010812 0080 E2010814 007F 20010814 0080 E2010815 007F 20010815 0080 E2010816 007F 20010816 0080 E2010817 007F 20010817 0080 E2010818 007F 20010818 0080 E2010819 007F 20010819 0080 #William Character Cheats\Infinite HP 80010E8C 03E7 #William Character Cheats\Max HP 80010E8E 03E7 #William Character Cheats\Infinite LP 30010E90 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max LP 30010E91 00FF #William Character Cheats\Infinite WP 30010E94 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max WP 30010E95 00FF #William Character Cheats\Wp() 30010E97 0063 #William Character Cheats\Max Martial 30010E9D 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Sword 30010E9E 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Axe 30010E9F 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Staff 30010EA0 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Spear 30010EA1 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Bow 30010EA2 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Tree 30010EA4 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Stone 30010EA5 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Flame 30010EA6 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Water 30010EA7 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Tone 30010EA8 00FF #William Character Cheats\Max Beast 30010EA9 00FF #William Character Cheats\Easier Time Learning Art + On Arts E2010E9D 007F 20010E9D 0080 E2010E9E 007F 20010E9E 0080 E2010E9F 007F 20010E9F 0080 E2010EA0 007F 20010EA0 0080 E2010EA1 007F 20010EA1 0080 E2010EA2 007F 20010EA2 0080 E2010EA4 007F 20010EA4 0080 E2010EA5 007F 20010EA5 0080 E2010EA6 007F 20010EA6 0080 E2010EA7 007F 20010EA7 0080 E2010EA8 007F 20010EA8 0080 E2010EA9 007F 20010EA9 0080 ; [ SaGa Frontier (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94230} ] :SCUS-94230 #Infinite HP in battle 1st character 8001D824 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 2nd character 8001DA28 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 3rd character 8001DC2C 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 4th character 8001DE30 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 5th character 8001DE34 03E7 #Infinite Magic In Battle 83FE27C7 03E7 #Infinite Attack Points In Battle 83FE27CB 03E7 #Infinite LP In Battle 83FE27CF 0063 #Infinite Credits 80012808 967F 8001280A 0098 #ALL Regions Selectable On Region Map 80012B7E 0000 80012B80 0000 #Have All Items 5000FF02 0001 8001288C 6300 #Hold L1+L2+R1+R2, Then Attack Virgil (The Ring Lord) In Riki's Scenario To Win The Fight D012C008 000F 3012C7EE 000A ; [ Saiyuki - Journey West (USA) (2001) (Koei) {SLUS-01381} ] :SLUS-01381 #All Characters Max HP 50000D38 0000 80136F70 03E7 #All Characters Infinite HP 50000D38 0000 80136F8A 03E7 #All Characters Max MP 50000D38 0000 80136F72 03E7 #All Characters Infinite MP 50000D38 0000 80136F8C 03E7 #Have All Guardians 30137721 00FF 30137722 00FF #Have all Items 50007D02 0000 8013A720 6363 #Infinite Gold 80137714 FFFF #Infinite Medals 80137718 FFFF #Infinite Were Points 300EBE44 0020 ; [ Saltwater Sportfishing (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01397} ] :SLUS-01397 #Freeze Timer 3013E4D0 57F7 #Unlock All Locations 8013E66C FFFF #All Challenges Completed 50002401 0000 301327C7 0001 ; [ Samurai Shodown III - Blades of Blood (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94206} ] :SCUS-94206 #P1 Infinite Energy 800185B4 0080 #P2 1-Hit Death D00186B4 0080 800186B4 0001 #P1 POW Always Full 800185BE 4000 #P1 Needs 1 Win to Win D00185D4 0000 800185D4 0001 ; [ Samurai Shodown - Warriors Rage (USA) (2000) (SNK of America) {SLUS-01039} ] :SLUS-01039 #P1 Infinite Health 800DD284 0000 #Infinite Health P1 Alternatte 800DD258 0100 #P2 1-Hit Death D00DD290 0100 800DD290 0001 #Enable All Characters 50000902 0000 8007E53A FFFF #Enable All Movies 50000702 0000 8007E5CA 0101 #Enable Gallery Mode 8007E54C 0001 #Enable All Artwork In Gallery Mode Press L1, L2, R1, R2 at the gallery mode artwork screen. D009C32A F0FF 50000C02 0000 800B9F36 FFFF #Infinite Ability Points (Attack Mode) 300B4AA4 00FF #Infinite Trading Cards (Gallery Mode) 800BA050 0063 ; [ Super Bubble Pop (USA) (2002) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-01528} ] :SLUS-01528 #Max Score 800F3054 E0FF 800F3056 05F5 #Press L1+Select For More Time D0080EE0 0104 800F314A 1C00 #Quick Score Gain 800F3054 FFFF ; [ S.C.A.R.S. (USA) (1998) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00692} ] :SLUS-00692 #Enable Crystal Cup 801295D0 0001 #Enable Diamond Cup 801295D2 0001 #Enable Zenith Cup + Mirror Mode 801295D4 0001 #Enable All Tracks 801295D6 0001 #Enable Challenge Mode 801F58D4 0001 #Enable Cobra Challenge 801F58D6 0001 #Enable Cheetah Challenge 801F58D8 0001 #Enable Panther Challenge 801F58DA 0001 #Enable Super Challenge 801F58DC 0001 #Enable Scorpion Car 801F72FA 0001 #Enable Cobra Car 801F72FC 0001 #Enable Cheetah Car 801F72FE 0001 #Enable Panther Car 801F7300 0001 ; [ SuperCross Circuit (USA) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94453} ] :SCUS-94453 #Infinite Cash - Career Mode 800522D8 FFFF #1st Place Freezer E005D1AD 0001 80031DD2 2400 E005D1AD 0000 80031DD2 A043 #Unlock All Series 800522E0 0105 #Stop Race Timer 80042072 2400 #Max Season Points 80052318 FFFF #Have All Bonus Game Options Open 300520FC 00FF ; [ Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01396, SLUS-01396GH} ] :SLUS-01396 :SLUS-01396GH #Infinite Health 3014E0F0 0005 #Max Pies 3014E0F2 0033 #Infinite Lives 3014E0F3 0063 #All Levels 50000C02 0000 8014E112 0101 ; [ Scrabble (USA) (1999) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00903} ] :SLUS-00903 #P1 Max Score 8008978E 7FFF #P1 No Score 8008978E 0000 #P1 Always Have An Any Letter Tile 30092979 005B #P1 Never Has An Any Letter Tile 30092979 0000 #P2 Max Score 800897A4 7FFF #P2 No Score 800897A4 0000 #P2 Always Have An Any Letter Tile 30092980 005B #P2 Never Has An Any Letter Tile 30092980 0000 #P3 Max Score 800897BA 7FFF #P3 No Score 800897BA 0000 #P3 Always Have An Any Letter Tile 30092987 005B #P3 Never Has An Any Letter Tile 30092987 0000 #P4 Max Score 800897D0 7FFF #P4 No Score 800897D0 0000 #P4 Always Have An Any Letter Tile 3009298E 005B #P4 Never Has An Any Letter Tile 3009298E 0000 ; [ Sea-Doo Hydro Cross (USA) (2001) (Vatical Entertainment) {SLUS-01149} ] :SLUS-01149 #99999 Points 80099424 869F 80099426 0001 ; [ The Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkeys (USA) (2002) (Conspiracy Entertainment) {SLUS-01475} ] :SLUS-01475 #Infinite Attemps 8014E030 0009 #Infinite Time 8014A984 001E #No Blue Balls 3014E029 0000 #No Goldfish 3014E028 0000 ; [ Sentient (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94110} ] ;:SCUS-94110 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sesame Steet Sports (USA) (2001) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01180} ] ;:SLUS-01180 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00197} ] :SLUS-00197 #P1 Infinite Health 8018710C 0090 #P2 No Energy 801873D4 0000 #P1 Select Character\Ryu 80187162 0000 #P1 Select Character\Ken 80187162 0001 #P1 Select Character\Akuma 80187162 0002 #P1 Select Character\Charlie 80187162 0003 #P1 Select Character\Chun Li 80187162 0004 #P1 Select Character\Adon 80187162 0005 #P1 Select Character\Sodom 80187162 0006 #P1 Select Character\Guy 80187162 0007 #P1 Select Character\Birdie 80187162 0008 #P1 Select Character\Rose 80187162 0009 #P1 Select Character\M.Bison 80187162 000A #P1 Select Character\Sagat 80187162 000B #P1 Select Character\Dan 80187162 000C ; [ Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00258} ] :SLUS-00258 #Infinite Time 80190324 6302 #P1 Infinite Energy 801981F0 0090 #P2 1-Hit Death D0198584 0090 80198584 0001 #P1 Super Always Powered at Level 3 8019825A 0090 #P1 Select Character\Ryu (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0000 #P1 Select Character\Ken (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0100 #P1 Select Character\Akuma (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0200 #P1 Select Character\Charlie (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0300 #P1 Select Character\Chun Li (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0400 #P1 Select Character\Adon (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0500 #P1 Select Character\Sodom (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0600 #P1 Select Character\Guy (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0700 #P1 Select Character\Birdie (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0800 #P1 Select Character\Rose (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0900 #P1 Select Character\M.Bison (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0A00 #P1 Select Character\Sagat (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0B00 #P1 Select Character\Dan (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0C00 #P1 Select Character\Sakura (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0D00 #P1 Select Character\Rolento (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0E00 #P1 Select Character\Dhalsim (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 0F00 #P1 Select Character\Zangief (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1000 #P1 Select Character\Gen (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1100 #P1 Select Character\Chun Li (SSF2 Turbo) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1200 #P1 Select Character\Gen (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1300 #P1 Select Character\Akuma (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1400 #P1 Select Character\Ryu (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1500 #P1 Select Character\Akuma (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1600 #P1 Select Character\Rose (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1700 #P1 Select Character\Rolento (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1800 #P1 Select Character\Gen (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1900 #P1 Select Character\Ken (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1A00 #P1 Select Character\Ryu (New) (Arcade Mode) 8019823A 1B00 ; [ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00821, SLUS-00821GH} ] :SLUS-00821 :SLUS-00821GH #P1 Infinite Health 80194310 0090 #P1 One Hit Kill D0194310 0090 80194310 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 80194758 0090 #P2 One Hit Kill D0194758 0090 80194758 0001 #P2 No Health 80194758 0000 #Enable Everything 8017E05E FFFF #Start On Last Stage 80198C8C 0009 #P1 Can Do Specials In Air 301942E9 0000 #P2 Can Do Specials In Air 30194731 0000 #P1 Can't Do Specials 301942E9 0001 #P2 Can't Do Specials 30194731 0001 #Only 2 Opponents To Fight In Survival Mode Per Match 80198CE4 0005 #Refill Your Drama Partners/ Single Opponents Energy With Pressing R2 D0198862 0002 80194758 00B8 #Press L2 To Bring Survival And Drama Opponents To One Hit .Press Select to bring opponent down to one hit may kill if taunt hits opponent. C0198862 0001 8019E990 0000 8019E548 0000 00000000 FFFF #P1 Infinite Taunts 801943A2 0001 #World Tour Mode\Max Exp For Character 80194160 967F 80194162 0098 #World Tour Mode\Max Exp For Xism8 80194164 967F 80194166 0098 #World Tour Mode\Max Exp For Aism 80194168 967F 8019416A 0098 #World Tour Mode\Max Exp For Vism 8019416C 967F 8019416E 0098 #Complete 1 Stage to See Ending (Both Players) D0198CC0 0009 30198CC0 0000 #Rounds to Fight 1 (All Modes) 30198C80 0001 ; [ Street Fighter Collection (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00423, SLUS-00584} ] :SLUS-00423 :SLUS-00584 #P1 Infinite HP Super Street Fighter II 80175118 0090 #No Health P2 Super Street Fighter II 80175484 0000 #P1 Infinite HP Super Street Fighter II Turbo 80175118 0090 #No Health P2 Super Street Fighter II Turbo 80175484 0000 #Play as Akuma Super Street Fighter II Turbo D01753CE 0100 801753FC 0100 ; [ Street Fighter Collection (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00423, SLUS-00584} ] :SLUS-00423 :SLUS-00584 #P1 Infinite HP Super Street Fighter II 80175118 0090 #No Health P2 Super Street Fighter II 80175484 0000 #P1 Infinite HP Super Street Fighter II Turbo 80175118 0090 #No Health P2 Super Street Fighter II Turbo 80175484 0000 #Play as Akuma Super Street Fighter II Turbo D01753CE 0100 801753FC 0100 ; [ Street Fighter Collection 2 (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00746} ] :SLUS-00746 #P1 Infinite Health 8016BEA8 0090 8016BEAA 0090 #P2 Infinite Health 8016C1B0 0090 8016C1B2 0090 #P2 No Health 8016C1B0 0000 8016C1B2 0000 #Enable Sfii Secrets 80148292 0001 #Enable Sfii-Ce Secrets 801482C6 0001 #Enable Sfii-Thf Sound Test 801482FA 0001 #Enable Deluxe Versus 80149824 0101 #Enable Sound Remix 8014825E 0001 #Enable Cpu Battle 80148262 0001 #P1 Can Do Most Moves In Mid-Air 3016BF85 0000 #P2 Can Do Most Moves In Mid-Air 3016C28D 0000 ; [ Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01105} ] :SLUS-01105 #P1 Infinite Health 301E977C 00C8 #P1 Only Needs 1 Win E01E667E 0000 301E667E 0001 #P2 No Health 301EAFF8 0000 #Unlock Everything 801F4F0E FFFF 801F4F10 FFFF 801F4F14 FFFF ; [ Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (USA) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00548} ] :SLUS-00548 #P1 Infinite Energy 301D63B5 0096 #P1 1-Hit Death D01D63B4 9600 301D63B5 0001 #P1 Max Power 301D63B4 00C8 #P2 Infinite Energy 301D78DD 0096 #P2 No Energy 301D78DD 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D01D78DC 9600 301D78DD 0001 #P2 Max Power 301D78DC 00C8 #Expert Training Point Modifier .When you activate this code, go to the Expert Practice room then leave. Cut the GS off then. You should now have the four hidden characters. 801EBCC0 FFFF #Stop Timer 801D39C4 2D63 #Unlock All Endings and can be saved to memory card 801D39EC FFFF 801D39EE FFFF #Unlock Bonus Game and can be saved to memory card 801E98BE 6101 #Unlock 7 Secret Characters without expert points and can be saved to memory card 801E960A 77FD #Expert Mode Complete 50001302 0000 801E95D8 FFFF #P1 Infinite Health + Super 801D63B4 96C8 #P1 No Health + Super 801D63B4 0000 #P2 Infinite Health + Super 801D78DC 96C8 #P2 No Health + Super 801D78DC 0000 #P1 Wins Modifier (Survival Mode) 801DC9F6 FFFF #P1 Low Overall Time (Time Attack Mode) 801DC9D8 0000 ; [ Street Fighter - The Movie (USA) (1995) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00041} ] :SLUS-00041 #P1 Infinite Energy 801B759A 0070 #P1 Infinite Super 801B76B2 3030 #P2 No Energy 801B793A 0000 #P1's Character Ryu 801B789E 0000 #P1's Character E. Honda 801B789E 0101 #P1's Character Blanka 801B789E 0202 #P1's Character Guile 801B789E 0303 #P1's Character Ken 801B789E 0404 #P1's Character Chun Li 801B789E 0505 #P1's Character Zangief 801B789E 0606 #P1's Character Akuma 801B789E 0707 #P1's Character M.Bison 801B789E 0808 #P1's Character Sagat 801B789E 0909 #P1's Character Balrog 801B789E 0A0A #P1's Character Vega 801B789E 0B0B #P1's Character Cammy 801B789E 0C0C #P1's Character Sawada 801B789E 0D0D #P1's Character Dee Jay 801B789E 0E0E #Unlock Video Clip Select 'Back-Up' from main menu, then 'Video Clip' to see Chage + Aska's 'Something There' video. 301B8AE6 0001 ; [ San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (USA) (1998) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00505} ] :SLUS-00505 #Infinite Time 800B2814 001E #Always Place First 800B3388 0000 #Max Speed 80101218 0329 #Car Modifier Beginner Car 800B2738 0000 #Car Modifier Advanced Car 800B2738 0001 #Car Modifier Expert Car 800B2738 0002 #Car Modifier Extreme Car 800B2738 0003 #Car Modifier Secret Car A (Bus) 800B2738 0004 #Car Modifier Secret Car B 800B2738 0005 #Car Modifier Secret Car C (Beetle) 800B2738 0006 #Car Modifier Secret Car D 800B2738 0007 ; [ Space Griffon VF-9 (USA) (1995) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00153} ] :SLUS-00153 #Increased Amount Of Credits 80075898 000F #Infinite Energy 801E0058 1F40 #Infinite Body 801E005A 1F40 #Infinite Flamethrower 801E0032 0190 801E0036 000C #Infinite Rocket Launcher 801E0032 0190 801E0036 000C ; [ Shadow Man (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00895} ] :SLUS-00895 #Time is 0:00:00 800B5588 0000 800B558A 0000 #Infinite Health 800C13C4 2710 800C13C6 0000 #Infinite Air 800C13C8 2710 800C13CA 0000 #Max Shadow Level 800C13CC 2710 800C13CE 0000 #Max Shadow Power 800C13D0 2710 800C13D2 0000 #Infinite Voodoo 800C13D4 2710 800C13D6 0000 #Enable Asylum - Cageways 300BC0B7 0001 #Enable Asylum - Cathedral of Pain 300BC0B4 0001 #Enable Asylum - Engine Block 300BC0B5 0001 #Enable Asylum - Gateway 300BC0B3 0001 #Enable Asylum - Lavaducts 300BC0BA 0001 #Enable Asylum - Playrooms 300BC0B8 0001 #Enable Asylum - Undercity 300BC0BC 0001 #Enable Boyou Paradis, Louisiana 300BC0AC 0001 #Enable Deadside - Marrow Gates 300BC0B0 0001 #Enable Down Street Station, London 300BC0AF 0001 #Enable Gordelle County Jail, Texas 300BC0AE 0001 #Enable Mordant Street, Queens, NY 300BC0AD 0001 #Enable Paths of Shadow Prophecy Chamber 300BC0B1 0001 #Enable Temple of Blood (Nager) 300BC0BB 0001 #Enable Temple of Fire (Toucher) 300BC0B6 0001 #Enable Temple of Prophecy (Marcher) 300BC0B9 0001 #Enable Wasteland - Temple of Life 300BC0B2 0001 ; [ Shadow Madness (USA) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-00468 / SLUS-00718} ] :SLUS-00468 :SLUS-00718 #Clementt Infinite HP 8010B602 03E7 #Clementt Max HP 8010B604 03E7 #Clementt Infinite MP 8010B606 03E7 #Clementt Max MP 8010B608 03E7 #Harv-5Infinite HP 8010B5C4 03E7 #Harv-5 Max HP 8010B5C6 03E7 #Harv-5 Infinite MP 8010B5C8 03E7 #Harv-5 Max MP 8010B5CA 03E7 #Jirinainfinite HP 8010B50A 03E7 #Jirina Max HP 8010B50C 03E7 #Jirina Infinite MP 8010B50E 03E7 #Jirina Max MP 8010B510 03E7 #Stinger Infinite HP 8010B586 03E7 #Stinger Max HP 8010B588 03E7 #Stinger Infinite MP 8010B58A 03E7 #Stinger Max MP 8010B58C 03E7 #Windleaf Infinite HP 8010B4CC 03E7 #Windleaf Max HP 8010B4CE 03E7 #Windleaf Infinite MP 8010B4D0 03E7 #Windleaf Max MP 8010B4D2 03E7 #Xero Infinite HP 8010B548 03E7 #Xero Max HP 8010B54A 03E7 #Xero Infinite MP 8010B54C 03E7 #Xero Max MP 8010B54E 03E7 ; [ Shadow Master (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00545} ] :SLUS-00545 #Infinite Energy 80083238 FF00 #Infinite Primary + Secondary Weapons + Level Select 8007AB5C 0616 ; [ Shadow Tower (USA) (1999) (Agetec) {SLUS-00863} ] :SLUS-00863 #Infinite Duration All Equipped Items 8003D262 2400 #Status Always Normal 80198F54 0000 #Max HP 80198F28 2AED #Infinite HP 80198F2A 2AED #Max MP 80198F2C 2AED #Infinite MP 80198F2E 2AED #Infinite SP 80198F30 2AED ; [ Shanghai - True Valor (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00795} ] :SLUS-00795 #Arcade Shanghai\Infinite Time To Choose 800E1228 2AF8 #Arcade Shanghai\Infinite Helps 80067542 0009 #Arcade Shanghai\Infinite Backs 80089EE4 0003 ; [ Sheep (USA) (2000) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01298} ] :SLUS-01298 #Polygon Farm Stop Timer 800B589C 22E2 #Polygon Farm Have All Sheep D00B58A4 0000 800B58A4 001E #Polygon Farm Max Bonus D00B58A8 0000 800B58A8 FFFF #Village Fete Stop Timer 800B797C 22E2 #Village Fete Have All Sheep D00B7984 0000 800B7984 001E #Village Fete Max Bonus D00B7988 0000 800B7988 FFFF #Lost In Space Timer 800BC054 22A8 #Lost In Space Have All Sheep D00BC05C 001E 800BC05C 001E #Lost In Space Max Bonus D00BC05E 0000 800BC05E FFFF #Jurassic Level Stop Timer 800B5F1C 30A3 #Jurassic Level Ave All Sheeps D00B5F24 0000 800B5F24 001E #Jurassic Level Max Bonus D00B5F28 0000 800B5F28 FFFF ; [ Looney Tunes - Sheep Raider (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01369} ] :SLUS-01369 #Enable Code (Must Be On) D007ED28 E180 8007ED28 E080 D0117B10 5EE4 80117B1A 1000 D011F048 7C33 8011F052 1000 D007DF5C EEE4 8007DF66 1000 D00B8DDC D42F 800B8DE6 1000 D008B488 2358 8008B492 1000 D0085928 0908 80085932 1000 D00A4218 822A 800A4222 1000 #Infinite Battery (1st Level) 801DDBF4 C000 801DDBF6 0012 #Infinite Rocket Damage (1st Level) 801DDBFC 2000 #Infinite Battery (Alternate Version) D007111C 0084 8007111E 2400 #Have All Levels Completed 80010060 FFFF #Have All Bonus Pictures 30010064 00FF #Have Max Bonus Points 80010068 03E7 #Have All Sheep 8001006A 0000 ; [ Shellshock (USA) (1996) (U.S. Gold) {SLUS-00031} ] :SLUS-00031 #Invincibility 80087C1E 0300 #Infinite SAMS 800855AE 0004 #Infinite Cash 800855C0 FFFF #Upgrade Target Computer 800855BC 0004 #Upgrade Engine 800855B6 0004 #Upgrade Track 800855B8 0004 #Upgrade Coolant 800855BE 0004 #Upgrade Reloader 800855BA 0004 #Upgrade Armor 800855AC 0004 #Infinite Air Support 800855B4 0004 #Enemy Targets to Kill = 0 800887D4 0000 ; [ Shockwave Assault (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00028 / SLUS-00137} ] :SLUS-00028 :SLUS-00137 #Infinite Laser 8006EBDC 2C2B #Infinite Missiles 8006E7DC 000F 8006EBE0 000F #Infinite Fuel 8006B550 017B 8006B554 002B #Infinite Health 8006B5A8 0168 ; [ Shipwreckers! (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00558} ] :SLUS-00558 #Infinite Ammo 800B862C 0000 #Infinite Ships 8001ABAC 0000 #Invincibility 3008B57A 0001 #Level 1-1 Infinite Energy 800CDE9F 003F #Level 1-2 Infinite Energy 800D0A17 003F #Level 1-3 Infinite Energy 800D0C87 003F #Level 1-4 Infinite Energy 800CCDF7 003F #Level 2-1 Infinite Energy 800D2827 003F #Level 2-2 Infinite Energy 800D2277 003F #Level 2-3 Infinite Energy 800D0D57 003F #Level 2-4 Infinite Energy 800CD40F 003F #Level 3-1 Infinite Energy 800D01F7 003F #Level 3-2 Infinite Energy 800CE9FF 003F #Level 3-3 Infinite Energy 800D14A7 003F #Level 3-4 Infinite Energy 800CD8EF 003F #Level 4-1 Infinite Energy 800D1E67 003F #Level 4-2 Infinite Energy 800D0D57 003F #Level 4-3 Infinite Energy 800D37FF 003F #Level 4-4 Infinite Energy 800CD40F 003F #Level 5-1 Infinite Energy 800D0B4F 003F #Level 5-2 Infinite Energy 800D23AF 003F #Level 5-3 Infinite Energy 800D1647 003F #Level 5-4 Infinite Energy 800CD40F 003F ; [ Shrek Treasure Hunt (USA) (2002) (TDK Mediactive) {SLUS-01463} ] :SLUS-01463 #Infinite Cheese Wedges 801B20D6 0A00 #Infinite Shields 80070058 0086 ; [ Silent Hill (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00707} ] :SLUS-00707 #Infinite Health 300BA0BD 0040 800BA0BE 0006 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons/No Reload 800BA008 0001 #Have Map 800BCB98 0002 #Have Max Slots 300BCADF 0028 #Save Anywhere (Press L1+Circle) D00BC76C 2400 800B9FC8 0009 #Always First Save 800BCADA 0000 #Maxium Brightness In Options 300BC74B 001F #Roller Skate Mode 800BA132 3800 #Infinite All Items 1 50002804 0000 300BCA35 00FF #Game Time 0:0:0 800BCC84 0000 800BCC86 0000 #Radio Always On 800BCAE0 0001 #Completed Map 800BCC08 FFFF 800BCC0A FFFF 800BCC0C FFFF 800BCC0E FFFF 800BCC10 FFFF #Flashlight Always On 800BC35C 0100 #All Weapons This will overwrite other items unless you start a new game!! 50000404 0001 300BCA34 00A0 50000304 0001 300BCA44 0080 50000404 0001 300BCA50 0084 300BCA60 00E2 #Have A Ten Star Ranking At End Of Game 300C48B5 0064 #How Many Games Cleared Max 300BCC7E 00FF ; [ Silhouette Mirage (USA) (1999) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00728B, SLUS-00728C} ] :SLUS-00728 :SLUS-00728B :SLUS-00728C #Infinite Credits 8013FDA4 03E7 #Infinite Health Stage 1-1 8013FD94 012C #Infinite Health Stage 1-2 8013BFAC 012C #Infinite Health Stage 1-3 80136F1C 012C #No Health Boss 8013749C 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 2-1 8014F514 012C #Infinite Health Stage 2-2 8015466C 012C #No Health Boss 80154BEC 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 3-1 801325D4 012C #Infinite Health Stage 3-2 801277FC 012C #Infinite Health Stage 3-3 8013033C 012C #No Health Boss 801308BC 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 3-4 8013A1EC 012C #No Health Boss 8013A76C 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 3-5 8012F574 012C #No Health Boss 8012FBF4 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 4-1 801324E4 012C #No Health Boss 80132964 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 4-2 8011DFDC 012C #No Health Boss 8011E45C 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 4-3 8012A74C 012C #No Health Boss 8012ABCC 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 4-4 80125674 012C #No Health Boss 80125AF4 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 5-2-A 8012623C 012C #No Health Spider Mini-Boss 801271BC 0000 #No Health Boss 801266BC 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 5-2-B 8012C874 012C #No Health Boss 8012CCF4 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 5-3 8011C12C 012C #No Health Boss 8011C5AC 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 6-2 8013807C 012C #Infinite Health Stage 6-3 801446C4 012C #No Health Boss 80144B44 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 6-4 8012AB5C 012C #No Health Boss 8012AFDC 0000 #Stop Time Before Core Blows 80128AA0 1C2F #Infinite Health Stage 7-1 801578CC 012C #No Health Boss 7-1 8015814C 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 7-3 80128ADC 012C #No Health Boss 80128F5C 0000 #Infinite Health Stage 7-4 801578CC 012C #No Health Boss 7-4 80157F4C 0000 #Infinite Health Restore World Boss Stage 801484E4 012C #No Health Boss Restore World Boss Stage 80148964 0000 #Full Physical Gauge 8013FD94 012C #Full Spirit Gauge 8013FD98 012C #All Options + Secret Mode Enabled 8001002A FFFF ; [ Silverload (USA) (1996) (Vic Tokai) {SLUS-00050} ] ;:SLUS-00050 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sim City 2000 (USA) (1996) (Maxis) {SLUS-00113} ] :SLUS-00113 #Infinite Money 800EA8B0 FFFF #Max Population 800E7000 FFFF #Always Good Education (Graphs Menu) 8014588C 0084 #Always Good Crime (Graphs Menu) 8014554C 0000 #Always Good Polution (Graphs Menu) 801453AC 0000 #Always Good Traffic (Graphs Menu) 801452DC 0000 #Always Good Unemployment (Graphs Menu) 801452DC 0000 #Always Good Health (Graphs Menu) 801457BC 0000 ; [ The Simpsons Wrestling (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01227} ] :SLUS-01227 #Infinite Health 8002EFC8 0DEC 8002EFCA 2699 8002EFD0 0004 8002EFD2 1724 #P2 Infinite Health P1 + 1-Hit Death 8002EFA0 0DEC 8002EFA2 2699 8002EFA8 0004 8002EFAA 1724 8002EFBA AC60 #All Characters Selectable And Players Can Select The Same Character 8002852E 2400 #Have Champion Circuit 80072BF2 0001 #Have Defender Circuit 80072BF0 0001 #Have Bonus Match Up 80072BD0 0001 #Big Ape Arena Enabled 80072940 0001 #Big Ape Mode enabled 8007317C 0001 ; [ Sim Theme Park (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01069} ] :SLUS-01069 #Start/Stop Date Press L1+R2 To Start + L1+R1 To Stop C0109C36 F9FF 80066E78 000C 80066E7A AE04 00000000 FFFF D0109C36 F3FF 80066E7A 2400 #Money Never Decreases 80088D62 2400 #Max Gold Tickets 80103358 0032 #Infinite Stock-Rides 8005EA72 2400 #Infinite Stock-Shops 8005E4DE 2400 #Infinite Stock-Sideshows 8005E20E 2400 #Infinite Stock-Features 8005E376 2400 #Infinite Stock-Track Rides 8005E7A2 2400 #Infinite Stock-Roller Coasters 8005E646 2400 #Infinite Stock-Guards 8005D87E 2400 #Infinite Stock-Mechanics 8005D722 2400 #Infinite Stock-Janitors 8005D5C6 2400 #Infinite Stock-Researchers 8005D46A 2400 #Infinite Stock-Entertainers 8005D30E 2400 #Max/Infinite Money (Practice Park) 801D565C FFFF 801D565E 0FFF #Prehistoric Park\Max/Infinite Money 801D56B8 FFFF 801D56BA 0FFF #Prehistoric Park\Quick Research-Rides D01D561E 0000 801D561E 00FF #Prehistoric Park\Quick Research-Shops D01D563A 0000 801D563A 00FF #Prehistoric Park\Quick Research-Sideshows D01D5656 0000 801D5656 00FF #Prehistoric Park\Quick Research-Features D01D5672 0000 801D5672 00FF #Prehistoric Park\Quick Research-Upgrades D01D568E 0000 801D568E 00FF ; [ Skeleton Warriors (USA) (1996) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00209} ] :SLUS-00209 #Infinite Lives 801DB768 0004 #Infinite Crystals 801DB774 0020 #Infinite Energy 801DB760 0064 #Invincibility 801DB752 0001 ; [ Skullmonkeys (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00601} ] :SLUS-00601 #Infinite Lives 800A06CD 0009 #Infinite Monkeys 3009B250 0009 #Have All 3 Green Swirls 3009B24E 0003 #Have 3 Bonus Swirls 3009B246 0063 #Have All 3 1970's 3009B24D 0003 #Have 100 Clay Balls 3009B246 0064 #Infinite Green Bullets 3009B247 0001 ; [ Skydiving Extreme (USA) (2001) (Natsume) {SLUS-01392} ] :SLUS-01392 #P1 Height At Top 800807CA 00D8 #P1 Height At Bottom 800807CA 0000 #P2 Height At Top 8008087E 00D8 #P2 Height At Bottom 8008087E 0000 #Infinite Time For Evolution hold R2 button in evolution time or on all game time and make one air combination for a stage D008538A 0002 300807DE 0032 ; [ Slam 'n Jam '96 featuring Magic & Kareem (USA) (1996) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00022} ] ;:SLUS-00022 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Slamscape (USA) (1996) (Viacom New Media) {SLUS-00080} ] :SLUS-00080 #Inifnite Mine Traps 801842C8 0064 #Infinite Fast Blasters 801842C0 0280 #Infinite Energy 801842A8 0100 801842B0 0100 #Infinite Ripstars 801842C4 0064 #Infinite Torps 801842CC 0064 ; [ Sled Storm (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00955, SLUS-00955GH} ] :SLUS-00955 :SLUS-00955GH #Infinite Money 800BFFA0 FFFF #Freeze Timer 800D8AD0 0000 #Points Multiplier 800D8AB8 FFFF #Instant 1st Place 800D8AC4 0004 #Enable All Open Mountain Tracks 800D4432 0E02 800D4438 0305 #Enable All Sleds 50003701 0000 300D4D71 0002 #Enable All Super Snocross Tracks 800D4446 0A0C #Enable Fog Mode 800C0808 0001 #Enable Jackal 800C0812 0001 #Enable Night Mode 800C080A 0001 #Enable Sergei 800C0810 0001 #Gio Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D86 0002 #Gio Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D88 0002 #Gio Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D87 0002 #Gio Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D8A 0002 #Gio Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D89 0002 #Gio Enable Storm Sled 300D4D8B 0002 #Infinite Tries 800C18A0 0003 #Jackal Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D78 0002 #Jackal Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D7A 0002 #Jackal Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D79 0002 #Jackal Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D7C 0002 #Jackal Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D7B 0002 #Jackal Enable Storm Sled 300D4D7D 0002 #Jay Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D9B 0002 #Jay Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D9D 0002 #Jay Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D9C 0002 #Jay Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D9F 0002 #Jay Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D9E 0002 #Jay Enable Storm Sled 300D4DA0 0002 #Nadia Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D94 0002 #Nadia Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D96 0002 #Nadia Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D95 0002 #Nadia Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D98 0002 #Nadia Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D97 0002 #Nadia Enable Storm Sled 300D4D99 0002 #Ryan Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D71 0002 #Ryan Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D73 0002 #Ryan Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D72 0002 #Ryan Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D75 0002 #Ryan Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D74 0002 #Ryan Enable Storm Sled 300D4D76 0002 #Sergei Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4DA2 0002 #Sergei Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4DA4 0002 #Sergei Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4DA3 0002 #Sergei Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4DA6 0002 #Sergei Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4DA5 0002 #Sergei Enable Storm Sled 300D4DA7 0002 #Start on Last Lap/Always First (Press Select) D00C1CE4 0001 800D8AC4 0003 #Start with 65,535 Points 800D8AB8 FFFF #Tracey Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D7F 0002 #Tracey Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D81 0002 #Tracey Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D80 0002 #Tracey Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D83 0002 #Tracey Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D82 0002 #Tracey Enable Storm Sled 300D4D84 0002 #Travis Enable 400 CC Custom Sled 300D4D8D 0002 #Travis Enable 600 CC Custom Sled 300D4D8F 0002 #Travis Enable 600 CC Stock Sled 300D4D8E 0002 #Travis Enable 800 CC Custom Sled 300D4D91 0002 #Travis Enable 800 CC Stock Sled 300D4D90 0002 #Travis Enable Storm Sled 300D4D92 0002 ; [ Silent Bomber (USA) (1999) (Bandai America) {SLUS-00902} ] :SLUS-00902 #Infinite Health 800D73BC 4000 800D73BE 0006 #Invincibility 800D73F8 0000 #Infinite Napalm Liquid 300D7E2A 0063 #Infinite Paralysis Liquid 300D7E2B 0063 #Infinite Gravity Liquid 300D7E2C 0063 #Infinite E-Chips 300D7E2D 0063 #Max Set Bombs 8019147C 0006 #Max Lock-On Range 80191E00 0006 #Max Defense Field Power 80192784 0006 #Max Score 800D7E84 FFFF 800D7E86 0FFF #Have All Characters 800D7D28 FFFF #Overall Time is 0:00:00 800D7D18 0000 #All Targets Destroyed C20D7E3E 0001 800D734E 0000 #Infinite Shields (Rescue Ship - Mission 5) 8019E92E 000F #Infinite Shields (Rescue Ship - Mission 12) 80179BB6 0019 ; [ Slots (USA) (2003) (Activision) {SLUS-01555} ] :SLUS-01555 #Max Credits 8005EDD0 0063 #Max Total Bankroll 80058C94 3B9A 80058C96 C9FF #Max Money Spent 80058C98 3B9A 80058C9A C9FF #Max Money Won 80058C9C 3B9A 80058C9E C9FF #Max Points Earned 80058CA6 FFFF #Max Points Spent 80058CA8 FFFF 80058CAA FFFF ; [ Small Soldiers (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00781} ] :SLUS-00781 #Infinite Ammo (All Levels) D007BC46 A462 8007BC46 2400 #Infinite Lives (All Levels) D0048A7A AC62 80048A7A 2400 #Infinite Health (All Levels) C0052B7A 8E22 80052B7C 0C03 80052B7E 0003 80052B84 0144 80052B86 2408 80052BF0 006B 80052BF2 1028 00000000 FFFF #Have All + Infinite Special Weapons (Level 1) 800E14BC 0064 800E14BE 0064 800E14C0 0019 ; [ Smurf Racer! (USA) (2001) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01359} ] :SLUS-01359 #Always First Place 30094419 0001 #Open Circuits Int The Stage 8009446B 0003 #Enable Level 4 80094467 0004 800F5772 0004 801A4378 0004 #Open Next Stage 801B73DA 0003 #Infinite Missles 80094408 0001 #Everything Unlocked 800100EA FFFF ; [ The Smurfs (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01008} ] :SLUS-01008 #Infinite Lives 800A2C9A 0003 #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Start Of The Adventure 801E24B4 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Night Ride 80195CB0 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Underground Exploration 801D2D6C 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Snowbound 801DB87C 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) On the Mountain Top 801BB3D0 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Alone in the Dark 801E17BC 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Ice Cave 801BE5C0 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) The Diamond Mine 801EAB60 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Splish Splash 80183BF4 000A #Infinite Health in Story Mode (It's No Picnic) Gargamel's Castle 801DDAA0 000A #99 Bonus Points 800A2C92 0063 #Have 30 Quarter Moons 800A2C96 001E #Infinite Rattles 8009C66C 0063 #Infinite Baby Bottles 8009C664 0063 #Unlock All Levels 50000918 0000 800A221C FFFF ; [ SnoCross Championship Racing (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01093} ] :SLUS-01093 #Max Cash 801FB776 00FF #Max Championship Points 301FB770 00FF #Start On Last Lap/Place 1st E012DCFA 0000 3012DCFA 0002 E012DCFA 0000 3012DCFB 0000 #Unlock Everything 301FB1FC 0007 ; [ Snowboarding (USA) (2000) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01287} ] :SLUS-01287 #All Numbers 50001B7C 0000 80053350 003F #Race Mode - Infinite Time 80052724 0724 #Trick Mode - Max Points 8005272C 270F #Trick Mode - Point Limit Always 1 80052728 0001 #Play As A Guy With A Mohawk 30054299 0003 ; [ Sentinel Returns (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00604} ] :SLUS-00604 #Infinite Energy D21A5A38 0008 801A5A38 00FF D01A5A38 000F 801A5A38 00FF ; [ Sol Divide (USA) (2002) (XS Games) {SLUS-01519} ] :SLUS-01519 #P1 Infinite Health 800A7116 0320 #P2 Infinite Health 800A71CE 0380 #P1 Invincibility 800A7160 0003 #P2 Invincibility 800A7218 0003 #P1 Have All Special Attacks 800A716A 01FF 50000402 0000 800A716E 0606 #P2 Have All Special Attacks 800A7222 01FF 50000402 0000 800A7226 0606 ; [ Sorcerer's Maze (USA) (2002) (XS Games) {SLUS-01495} ] :SLUS-01495 #Infinite Lives 801C363C 0009 #Infinite MP 801C363E 015F #Automatically Finish Levels 8011322E 0000 #Max Score 8011315E FFFF 80113160 FFFF ; [ Sammy Sosa Softball Slam (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01064} ] :SLUS-01064 #Select Team 1 Score\9 800AFD50 0009 800B21B0 0009 #Select Team 1 Score\0 800AFD50 0000 800B21B0 0000 #Select Team 2 Score\9 800AFD4C 0009 800AFDB0 0009 #Select Team 2 Score\0 800AFD4C 0000 800AFDB0 0000 #Infinite Strikes 800AFD44 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D00AFD44 0000 800AFD44 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D00AFD44 0000 800AFD44 0001 ; [ Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00067} ] :SLUS-00067 #Player Level V99 80097BEE 0FFF #Infinite MP 80097BB0 00FF #Infinite Gold 80097BF2 0FFF #Infinite Hearts 80097BA8 00FF #Infinite Health 80097BA0 270F 80097BA4 270F #Max Attack 800F4BF6 1400 #Max Guard 800F504E 1400 #Max Str 80097BB8 03E7 #Max Con 80097BBC 03E7 #Max Int 80097BC0 03E7 #Max Lck 80097BC4 03E7 #Max Exp 80097BEC 423F 80097BEE 000F #All Special Item (Set One) 80097982 8180 80097984 8382 80097986 8584 80097988 8786 80097964 0303 80097966 0303 80097968 0303 8009796A 0303 8009796C 0303 8009796E 0303 80097970 0303 80097972 0303 80097974 0303 80097976 0303 #All Special Items (Set Two) 80097978 0303 8009797A 0303 8009797C 0303 8009797E 0303 80097980 0303 #Have Knight Shield 30097990 0010 #Have Iron Shield 30097991 0010 #Have Axelord Shield 30097992 0010 #Have Dark Shield 30097994 0010 #Have Shaman Shield 30097996 0010 #Have Skull Shield 30097998 0010 #Have Alucard Shield 3009799A 0010 #Have Basilard 3009799C 0010 #Have Short Sword 3009799D 0010 #Have Combat Knife 3009799E 0010 #Have Nunchaku 3009799F 0010 #Have Were Bane 300979A0 0010 #Have Rapier 300979A1 0010 #Have Karma Coin 300979A2 0010 #Have Magic Missile 300979A3 0010 #Have Takemitsu 300979A5 0010 #Have Shotel 300979A6 0010 #Have Orange 300979A7 0010 #Have Banana 300979A9 0010 #Have Shiitake 300979AF 0010 #Have Parfait 300979B3 0010 #Have Spaghetti 300979C1 0010 #Have Meal Ticket 300979D0 0010 #Have Power Of Sire 300979D2 0010 #Have Pentagram 300979D3 0010 #Have Bat Pentagram 300979D4 0010 #Have Shuriken 300979D5 0010 #Have Cross Shuriken 300979D6 0010 #Have Buffalo Star 300979D7 0010 #Have Flame Star 300979D8 0010 #Have Tnt 300979D9 0010 #Have Bwaka Knife 300979DA 0010 #Have Boomerang 300979DB 0010 #Have Javelin 300979DC 0010 #Have Tyrfing 300979DD 0010 #Have Namakura 300979DE 0010 #Have Knuckle Duster 300979DF 0010 #Have Sword Of Hador 300979F0 0010 #Have Zwei Hander 300979F1 0010 #Have Luminus 300979F3 0010 #Have Harper 300979F4 0010 #Have Obsidian Sword 300979F5 0010 #Have Gram 300979F6 0010 #Have Jewel Sword 300979F7 0010 #Have Mormagil 300979F8 0010 #Have Fire Brand 300979F9 0010 #Have Thunderbrand 300979FA 0010 #Have Ice Brand 300979FB 0010 #Have Stone Sword 300979FC 0010 #Have Holy Sword 300979FD 0010 #Have Terminus Est 300979FE 0010 #Have Dark Blade 30097A00 0010 #Have Fist Of Tulkas 30097A02 0010 #Have Gurthang 30097A03 0010 #Have Mourneblade 30097A04 0010 #Have Alucard Sword 30097A05 0010 #Have Mablung Sword 30097A06 0010 #Have Badelaire 30097A07 0010 #Have Equipable Sword Familiar 30097A08 0010 #Have Great Sword 30097A09 0010 #Have Mace 30097A0A 0010 #Have Morning Star 30097A0B 0010 #Have Star Flail 30097A0D 0010 #Have Moon Rod 30097A0E 0010 #Have Chakram 30097A0F 0010 #Have Fire Boomerang 30097A10 0010 #Have Iron Ball 30097A11 0010 #Have Holbein Dagger 30097A12 0010 #Have Blue Knuckles 30097A13 0010 #Have Dynamite 30097A14 0010 #Have Osafune Katana 30097A15 0010 #Have Masasume 30097A16 0010 #Have Muramasa 30097A17 0010 #Have Heart Refresh 30097A18 0010 #Have Rune Sword 30097A19 0010 #Have Uncurse 30097A1B 0010 #Have Strength Potion 30097A1E 0010 #Have Luck Potion 30097A1F 0010 #Have Smart Potion 30097A20 0010 #Have Attack Potion 30097A21 0010 #Have Shield Potion 30097A22 0010 #Have Resist Fire 30097A23 0010 #Have Resist Thunder 30097A24 0010 #Have Resist Stone 30097A26 0010 #Have Resist Holy 30097A27 0010 #Have Resist Dark 30097A28 0010 #Have Elixir 30097A2B 0010 #Have Vorpal Blade 30097A2D 0010 #Have Yasutsuna 30097A2F 0010 #Have Library Card 30097A30 0010 #Have Alucard Shield 30097A31 0010 #Have Silver Plate 30097A39 0010 #Have Platinum Mail 30097A3B 0010 #Have Fire Mail 30097A3D 0010 #Have Ice Mail 30097A3F 0010 #Have Spike Breaker 30097A41 0010 #Have Dark Armor 30097A43 0010 #Have Holy Mail 30097A45 0010 #Have Brilliant Mail 30097A47 0010 #Have Fury Plate 30097A49 0010 #Have God's Garb 30097A4B 0010 #Have Ballroom Mask 30097A4F 0010 #Have Felt Hat 30097A51 0010 #Have Goggles 30097A53 0010 #Have Holy Glasses 30097A55 0010 #Have Stone Mask 30097A57 0010 #Have Gold Circlet 30097A59 0010 #Have Opal Circlet 30097A5B 0010 #Have Beryl Circlet 30097A5D 0010 #Have Coral Circlet 30097A5F 0010 #Have Slver Crown 30097A61 0010 #Have Reverse Cloak 30097A65 0010 #Have Elven Cloak 30097A66 0010 #Have Crystal Cloak 30097A67 0010 #Have Royal Cloak 30097A68 0010 #Have Blood Cloak 30097A69 0010 #Have Joseph's Cloak 30097A6A 0010 #Have Twilight Cloak 30097A6B 0010 #Have Moonstone 30097A6D 0010 #Have Sunstone 30097A6E 0010 #Have Bloodstone 30097A6F 0010 #Have Staurolite 30097A70 0010 #Have Ring Of Pales 30097A71 0010 #Have Zircon 30097A72 0010 #Have Aquamarine 30097A73 0010 #Have Turquoise Ring 30097A74 0010 #Have Onyx 30097A75 0010 #Have Garnet Ring 30097A76 0010 #Have Opal 30097A77 0010 #Have Diamond Ring 30097A78 0010 #Have Lapis Lazuli 30097A79 0010 #Have Ring Of Ares 30097A7A 0010 #Have Gold Ring 30097A7B 0010 #Have Silver Ring 30097A7C 0010 #Have Ring Of Varda 30097A7D 0010 #Have Ring Of Arcana 30097A7E 0010 #Have Mystic Pendant 30097A7F 0010 #Have Heart Broach 30097A80 0010 #Have Necklace Of J 30097A81 0010 #Have Gauntlet 30097A82 0010 #Have Ankh Of Life 30097A83 0010 #Have Ring Of Feanor 30097A84 0010 #Have Medal 30097A85 0010 #Have Talisman 30097A86 0010 #Have Duplicator 30097A87 0010 #Have King's Stone 30097A88 0010 #Have Covenant Stone 30097A89 0010 #Have Nauglamir 30097A8A 0010 #Have Secret Boots 30097A8B 0010 #Weapon Agunea 80097BFC 0009 #Have Over 200% Completion Value 8003C760 0787 #Super Jump 80097448 0090 #Sword Familiar Max Level 80097C74 FFFF #Faerie 1 Familiar Max Level 80097C5C C3FF #Bat Familiar Max Level 80097C44 C3FF #Ghost Familiar Max Level 80097C50 C3FF #Slow Motion 8002D374 3275 #Have Heaven Sword 30097A01 0010 #Have Crissaegrim 30097A2E 0010 #Have Wizard Hat 30097A62 0010 #Devil 2 Familiar Max Level 80097C8C 03E7 #Faerie 2 Familiar Max Level 80097C80 03E7 #Quick Level Up Bat Familer 80097C48 FFFF #Quick Level Up Demon Familer 80097C6C FFFF #Quick Level Up Fairie Familer 80097C60 FFFF #Quick Level Up Ghost Familer 80097C54 FFFF #Quick Level Up Sword Familer 80097C78 FFFF #Money Bag You Collect Is 65535 Gold 80097BF0 FFFF #Increase Kills By 65535 80097BF4 FFFF #Every Room You Enter Increases Total 65535 8003C760 FFFF #Game Time 00:00:00 80097C38 0000 #Hyper Hydrostorm (Richter Only):With this cheat, to use it, use the Holy Water Item Crash. After the FX are over, the Hydrostorm will keep doing damage! This little rain of death will continue until you go through a 'CD Load' hallway or cause disc access. 80074CFC FFFF #Character Alucard 3003C9A0 0000 #Character Richter 3003C9A0 0001 #Demon Familiar Max Level 80097C68 0063 #Invincibility 80072F2E 1001 #Save Almost Anywhere (Press And Hold Triangle) D0097490 0010 3003C708 0020 ; [ Soul Blade (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00240} ] :SLUS-00240 #P1 Infinite HP 800BFFBA 00F0 #P1 Infinite Sword Power 800C0116 0060 #P1 One-Hit Death D00BFFBA 00F0 800BFFBA 0001 #P2 One-Hit Death D00C2EF2 00F0 800C2EF2 0001 #P1 Wins All Battles 800BFFBA 0FFF 800C2EF2 FFFF #P2 No Energy 800C2EF2 0000 #Unlock SoulEdge + Han Myong 8009AB4E 1107 #All Weapons Cervantes 800EA352 FFFF 800EA368 FFFF #All Weapons Hwang 800EA350 FFFF 800EA366 FFFF #All Weapons Li Long 800EA346 FFFF 800EA35C FFFF #All Weapons Mitsurugi 800EA340 FFFF 800EA356 FFFF #All Weapons Rock 800EA34E FFFF 800EA364 FFFF #All Weapons Seigfried 800EA34C FFFF 800EA362 FFFF #All Weapons Seung Mina 800EA342 FFFF 800EA358 FFFF #All Weapons Sophitia 800EA34A FFFF 800EA360 FFFF #All Weapons Taki 800EA344 FFFF 800EA35A FFFF #All Weapons Voldo 800EA348 FFFF 800EA35E FFFF #Enable 13 secret charecters that cannot normally be unlocked 800EA64C 0018 800EA650 0018 300A23B5 0019 300A23B6 0011 300A23B7 0012 300A23B8 0018 300A23B9 000E 300A23BA 0016 300A23BD 0015 300A23BE 0014 300A23BF 0010 300A23BB 0013 300A23BC 0017 300A23C0 000F ; [ Soul Blade (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00240} ] :SLUS-00240 #P1 Infinite HP 800BFFBA 00F0 #P1 Infinite Sword Power 800C0116 0060 #P1 One-Hit Death D00BFFBA 00F0 800BFFBA 0001 #P2 One-Hit Death D00C2EF2 00F0 800C2EF2 0001 #P1 Wins All Battles 800BFFBA 0FFF 800C2EF2 FFFF #P2 No Energy 800C2EF2 0000 #Unlock SoulEdge + Han Myong 8009AB4E 1107 #All Weapons Cervantes 800EA352 FFFF 800EA368 FFFF #All Weapons Hwang 800EA350 FFFF 800EA366 FFFF #All Weapons Li Long 800EA346 FFFF 800EA35C FFFF #All Weapons Mitsurugi 800EA340 FFFF 800EA356 FFFF #All Weapons Rock 800EA34E FFFF 800EA364 FFFF #All Weapons Seigfried 800EA34C FFFF 800EA362 FFFF #All Weapons Seung Mina 800EA342 FFFF 800EA358 FFFF #All Weapons Sophitia 800EA34A FFFF 800EA360 FFFF #All Weapons Taki 800EA344 FFFF 800EA35A FFFF #All Weapons Voldo 800EA348 FFFF 800EA35E FFFF #Enable 13 secret charecters that cannot normally be unlocked 800EA64C 0018 800EA650 0018 300A23B5 0019 300A23B6 0011 300A23B7 0012 300A23B8 0018 300A23B9 000E 300A23BA 0016 300A23BD 0015 300A23BE 0014 300A23BF 0010 300A23BB 0013 300A23BC 0017 300A23C0 000F ; [ Soul of the Samurai (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00822} ] :SLUS-00822 #Infinite HP 80098110 00FA #Infinite MP 30098115 00FA #Infinite Health Kurenai 8009853C 0064 #Always Have Normal Status 800BCE04 0000 #Infinite All Items 80059106 2400 ; [ South Park (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00936} ] :SLUS-00936 #Open Cheat Menu 8008EE40 0000 #Activate Multiplayer Characters 80098264 FFFF 80098266 FFFF #Have All Weapons + Infinite Ammo 800989C8 0107 80098C10 001A 80098C14 000A #Invincibility 8008F994 0001 #Select Level\Episode 1 Stage 1 80098C1C 00E0 #Select Level\Episode 1 Stage 2 80098C1C 00E1 #Select Level\Episode 1 Stage 3 80098C1C 00E2 #Select Level\Episode 1 Stage 4 80098C1C 00E3 #Select Level\Episode 2 Stage 1 80098C1C 00E4 #Select Level\Episode 2 Stage 2 80098C1C 00E5 #Select Level\Episode 2 Stage 3 80098C1C 00E6 #Select Level\Episode 3 Stage 1 80098C1C 00E7 #Select Level\Episode 3 Stage 2 80098C1C 00E8 #Select Level\Episode 3 Stage 3 80098C1C 00E9 #Select Level\Episode 4 Stage 1 80098C1C 00EA #Select Level\Episode 4 Stage 2 80098C1C 00EB #Select Level\Episode 5 Stage 1 80098C1C 00EC #Select Level\Episode 5 Stage 2 80098C1C 00ED #Select Level\Episode 5 Stage 3 80098C1C 00EE ; [ Space Invaders (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00928} ] :SLUS-00928 #P1 Max Score D00EF6CC 0000 800EF6CC FFFF #P1 Infinite Lives 800EF6C8 FF63 #P1 Invincibility 800EF6C0 004A #P2 Max Score D00EF798 0000 800EF798 FFFF #P2 Infinite Lives 800EF794 FF63 #P2 Invincibility 800EF78C 004A #Add A Life (Both Players) 8005DB30 0001 #Infinite Lives (Both Players) 8005DB3A 2400 #Infinite Continue Time 8003DF36 2400 #Enable Classic Mode 800A3A96 0100 ; [ Space Jam (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00243} ] :SLUS-00243 #Tune Squad Score 99 80078A44 0063 #Tune Squad Score 0 80078A44 0000 #Monstars Score 99 80078A48 0063 #Monstars Score 0 80078A48 0000 ; [ Space Shot (USA) (2001) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01308} ] :SLUS-01308 #Infinite Shields 800B5648 0005 #Max Score 800B564C E3FF 800B564E 540B #Infinite Lives 800B564A 0003 #Invisible + Infinite Special 800BCCD4 0080 ; [ South Park Rally (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00984} ] :SLUS-00984 #Unlock All Characters + Extra Cheats 800A338C FFFF 800A338E FFFF #Unlock All Races 800A3390 FFFF #Unlock All Tracks 800A3394 FFFF #Infinite Credits 8009C33C 0005 ; [ Spawn - The Eternal (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94204} ] :SCUS-94204 #Infinite Energy 8007F050 0800 #Infinite Magic Level 8007F052 270F #Start New game On Level(00-18) Enabled Last 8007F01A 0018 ; [ Sports Car GT (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00655} ] :SLUS-00655 #Have 500 Million Money Credits 800A139C 1FFF 800A139E 1FFF #Always Have 3 Retries 300A1399 0003 #Start On 3rd Lap In Season Mode 8009F714 0002 #Start On 5th Lap In Season Mode 8009F714 0004 #Have All Classes 300A1398 0004 ; [ Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00205} ] :SLUS-00205 #Infinite Freeze Time 800C5910 003D ; [ Speedball 2100 (USA) (2000) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01218} ] :SLUS-01218 #Have 999 Score 8006912A 03E7 80067F1A 03E7 8006837E 03E7 80067AB6 03E7 #Infinite Money 8004DA84 03E7 ; [ Speed Punks (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94563} ] :SCUS-94563 #Stop Clock D00940B0 0034 800940B2 2400 D0094160 0028 80094162 2400 #Infinite Speed Boost (On Pickup) D008F91C 1150 8008F91E 2400 #Infinite Retries 300F0C38 0002 #Everything Unlocked 800F0520 FFFF 800F0B80 FFFF #Select Starting Lap\3 D0093F34 00A4 30093F38 0003 #Select Starting Lap\4 D0093F34 00A4 30093F38 0004 ; [ Speed Racer (USA) (1998) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00613} ] :SLUS-00613 #All Cars Unlocked 300A2220 000C #Low Time 800A06D8 0000 800EC64C 0000 #Place 1st 8010180C 0001 #Have More Views 3007F94C 0004 ; [ Spec Ops - Airborne Commando (USA) (2002) (Gotham Games) {SLUS-01447} ] :SLUS-01447 #Infinite Health 80087F54 0004 #Infinite Run Power 80087F62 0064 ; [ Spec Ops - Covert Assault (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01420} ] ;:SLUS-01420 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Spec Ops - Ranger Elite (USA) (2001) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01299} ] :SLUS-01299 #Infinite Health (Both Rangers) 8001C2C4 2400 #Infinite Time 8002A2E8 2400 #Main Weapon - Extra Ammo 8001B1C4 0001 #Main Weapon - Infinite Ammo 8001B1C8 2400 #Secondary Weapon - Extra Ammo 800200E4 0001 #Secondary Weapon - Infinite Ammo 800200E8 2400 ; [ Spec Ops - Stealth Patrol (USA) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01131} ] :SLUS-01131 #Infinite Time (All Missions) 80065EBC DDF8 #Infinite Health (All Missions) D00254C0 0039 800254C6 2400 #Infinite Ammo-All Guns (All Missions) D002676C 0000 8002676E 2400 #Infinite Supply-Plastic (All Missions) D0032FB8 013A 80032FBA 2400 #Infinite Grenades (All Missions) D0032F08 0000 80032F0A 2400 #Start/Stop Timer:Press L1 + L2 to start the timer + press R1 + R2 to stop it. C0065CDE 0005 80015ED4 9CDC 80015ED6 AF83 00000000 FFFF D0065CDE 000A 80015ED6 2400 ; [ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00418} ] :SLUS-00418 #P1 Score Modifier 801AE550 FFFF #P2 P1 Drops 99 Blocks on 801AE72A 0064 #P2 Never Wins 801AE81C 0000 #P1 Needs 1 Win to Win D01AE570 0000 801AE570 0100 #P1 Select Character\Morrigan 801D4F10 0000 #P1 Select Character\Chun-Li 801D4F10 0001 #P1 Select Character\Ryu 801D4F10 0002 #P1 Select Character\Ken 801D4F10 0003 #P1 Select Character\Asien-Ko 801D4F10 0004 #P1 Select Character\Donovan 801D4F10 0005 #P1 Select Character\Felicia 801D4F10 0006 #P1 Select Character\Sakura 801D4F10 0007 #P1 Select Character\Devilot 801D4F10 0008 #P1 Select Character\Akuma 801D4F10 0009 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Morrigan 301BAAC5 0000 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Chun-Li 301BAAC5 0001 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Ryu 301BAAC5 0002 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Ken 301BAAC5 0003 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Asien-Ko 301BAAC5 0004 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Donovan 301BAAC5 0005 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Felicia 301BAAC5 0006 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Sakura 301BAAC5 0007 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Devilot 301BAAC5 0008 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Akuma 301BAAC5 0009 #Super puzzle mode P1 Character Dan 301BAAC5 000A #Super puzzle mode Open All Prizes 8016CAE4 FFFF 8016CAE8 FFFF 8016CAEC FFFF 8016CAF0 FFFF 8016CAF4 FFFF 8016CAF8 FFFF 8016CAFA FFFF 8016CAFC FFFF 8016CAFE FFFF #Super puzzle mode Press Square To Get A Diamond D01BF09A 0080 301AE5F0 0005 ; [ Spice World (USA) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00723} ] :SLUS-00723 #Giant Ginger Spice 8007629C 2710 800762A0 1450 800762A4 2710 #Giant Scary Spice 80076664 2710 80076668 1450 8007666C 2710 #Giant Posh Spice 80076848 2710 8007684C 1450 80076850 2710 #Giant Baby Spice 800760B8 2710 800760BC 1450 800760C0 2710 #Giant Sporty Spice 80076480 2710 80076484 1450 80076488 2710 #Have Naked Spice Title Screen Enabled 8008D220 0001 #Have Handbag Mode Enabled 8008D218 0001 ; [ Spider - The Video Game (USA) (1997) (BMG Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00230} ] :SLUS-00230 #Infinite Energy 3001642A 0002 #Infinite Lives 30016428 0005 #Always Have 99 DNA 30016429 0063 #Infinite Missiles (On Pickup) 3001642B 0004 #Infinite Flame (On Pickup) 30016431 00FF #Infinite Electro (On Pickup) 30016433 00FF #Infinite Poison (On Pickup) 30016435 00FF ; [ Spider-Man (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-00875} ] :SLUS-00875 #Infinite Health D004B1BE A622 8004B1BE 2400 #Infinite Webbing D0048C42 AE03 80048C42 2400 #Enable All Costumes 800A5708 FFFF 800A570A FFFF #Enable All Characters in Viewer 800A570C FFFF 800A570E FFFF #Enable All Movies 800A5710 FFFF 800A5712 FFFF #Enable All Comic Collections 800A5714 FFFF 800A5716 FFFF #Enable Game Covers 800A5718 FFFF 800A571A FFFF #Enable Everything 50000A02 0000 800A5708 FFFF #Unlock Story Boards 800A56DC 0102 #Enable Level Select 800B4F80 0001 #Invincibility Cheat Enabled 800B4F6C 0001 #Enable What If Contest? 800B4F5C 0001 ; [ Spider-Man 2 - Enter - Electro (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01378, SLUS-01378GH} ] :SLUS-01378 :SLUS-01378GH #Infinite Health 301DB7F6 0064 #Infinite Web Cartriges 301DBD40 0007 #All Training Complete 800B322C FFFF #Infinite Health (Level 1) 301DEB4E 0064 #Infinite Web Cartriges (Level 1) 301DF098 0007 #All Costumes Unlocked 800B31F8 FFFF 800B31FA FFFF #All Levels Unlocked 300C1FD8 0001 #All Powers in Create A Spider 800B3210 FFFF #All Gallery Items 50000A02 0000 800B31FC FFFF ; [ Spin Jam (USA) (2000) (Empire Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-01250} ] :SLUS-01250 #Infinite Credits 8007307E 040B #Unlock All Levels 50000802 0000 8005F110 0101 #Unlock All Levels Alt 8005F110 0101 8005F112 0101 8005F114 0101 8005F116 0101 8005F118 0101 8005F11A 0101 8005F11C 0101 8005F11E 0101 #Unlock All Galleries 50000B0C 0000 8006B3FA 0A04 #Start on Last Level (Arcade) D0073240 0000 80073240 0063 #Baby Bot-Gallery Completed 8006B3FA 0A04 #Lemon-Gallery Completed 8006B412 0A04 #Nips-Gallery Completed 8006B41E 0A04 #Booger-Gallery Completed 8006B42A 0A04 #Gilly-Gallery Completed 8006B436 0A04 #Poppy-Gallery Completed 8006B442 0A04 #Wigsey-Gallery Completed 8006B44E 0A04 #Aqualad-Gallery Completed 8006B45A 0A04 #Innit - Gallery Completed 8006B466 0A04 #Baby - Gallery Completed 8006B470 0A04 #Moolamb - Gallery Completed 8006B406 0A04 #Unlock All Characters 3006DF45 0001 3006DF4D 0001 3006DF4E 0001 ; [ Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge (USA) (2001) (THQ) {SLUS-01352, SLUS-01352GH} ] :SLUS-01352 :SLUS-01352GH #Max Shell 300A624C 0002 #Infinite Time 800A2348 0680 #Infinite Lives 300A24D5 0009 #Infinite Tokens 300A253C 0063 #Air Pockets Invincibility 301B5930 005C #Canyon Invincibility 301C4BC0 005C #Downton Invincibility 30192AF4 005C #Fish Park Invincibility 3019D874 005C #Graveyard Invincibility 301850E8 005C #In Whale Invincibility 801A2018 005C #Jelly Fields Invincibility 30191C88 005C #K. Jungle Invincibility 301ABF88 005C #Last Stop Invincibility 301BC92C 005C #Lava Fields Invincibility 801B5F48 005C #Lost Souls Invincibility 301AF8A8 005C #P. Canyon Invincibility 301AAF60 005C #Rock Bottom Invincibility 30186718 005C #Sandys Dome Infinite Water 80191188 1F00 #Sandys Dome Invincibility 3019116C 005C #Tunnels Invincibility 301C7110 005C #Wasteland Invincibility 301B1978 005C ; [ Power Play - Sports Trivia (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01445} ] :SLUS-01445 #Infinite Time 80073CA0 0242 #Quick Point Gain 8005D86C FFFF #Max Points 8005D86C E0FF 8005D86E 05F5 ; [ Spot Goes to Hollywood (USA) (1996) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00014} ] :SLUS-00014 #Infinite Energy 8005E2B8 0003 80062724 0003 800628CC 0003 #Infinite Lives 80062ADC 0009 #All 5 Stars Collected 8006297C 001F #99 Spots Collected 300629EF 0099 #Have Cool Option Open 300626FC 0001 #Have All Levels Open In Cool Option 3004DBAA 0001 ; [ Spyro the Dragon (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94228, SCUS-94228CE} ] :SCUS-94228 :SCUS-94228CE #Infinite Time 8007C110 0A00 #Infinite Lives 8007C100 000F #Infinite Health 8007F54C 0003 #Fly Instead of Glide:Off (Press R1 + Triangle), On (Press L1 + Triangle) D007F032 E7FF 8007F634 0000 D007F032 EBFF 8007F634 0001 #Air Dash Glides 80011028 2870 #Always Have Key 80075830 0001 #Always Have Super Flame Breath 80078768 02DA #Bad At Jumping 80010FEC 16B0 #Bouncy Ledges 800110C4 7248 #Dodge Left For Lift 800110B4 7248 #Dodge Right For Lift 800110B8 7248 #Get Gems From Anywhere D007C77C 059A 8007C780 0016 D007CA30 059A 8007CA34 0016 D007CAB0 059A 8007CAB4 0016 D007CAF4 059A 8007CAF8 0016 D007CB64 059A 8007CB68 0016 D007CBA8 059A 8007CBAC 0016 D007CF70 059A 8007CF74 0016 D007CFB4 059A 8007CFB8 0016 D007D0E4 059A 8007D0E8 0016 D007D174 059A 8007D178 0016 D007D3D8 059A 8007D3DC 0016 D007D940 059A 8007D944 0016 D007DA94 059A 8007DA98 0016 D007DD00 059A 8007DD04 0016 D007EBC4 059A 8007EBC8 0016 D007F384 059A 8007F388 0016 D007F528 059A 8007F52C 0016 D007F9E4 059A 8007F9E8 0016 D007FA50 059A 8007FA54 0016 D007FC80 059A 8007FC84 0016 D007FD0C 059A 8007FD10 0016 D007FF40 059A 8007FF44 0016 D0081564 059A 80081568 0016 D0081820 059A 80081824 0016 D0081C3C 059A 80081C40 0016 D0081C8C 059A 80081C90 0016 D0081CE4 059A 80081CE8 0016 D0081FD8 059A 80081FDC 0016 D00821BC 059A 800821C0 0016 D0082734 059A 80082738 0016 #Get One of Each to Complete Flight Levels 8003CAE4 0008 8003CAE6 2402 #Glide Bonk Or Fall For Lift 800110A8 7248 #Glide To Fly 800110CC 5294 #Have All 8 Arches in Flight 80078638 0008 #Have All 8 Chests in Flight 80078634 0008 #Have All 8 Lights in Flight 8007863C 0008 #Have All 8 Rings in Flight 80078630 0008 #Have All Dragon Eggs 80075810 000C #Have Over 65,000 Jewels 80075860 FFFF #Infinite Health 80078BBC 0003 #Infinite Lives 8007582C 0009 #Infinite Time On Flying Levels 80075840 053C 80075908 053C #Invincibility:First line makes you invulnerable against enemies or electric floors, second line enables you to walk on hazardous water. Nothing can hurt you. 30078BB8 0005 80011380 7064 #Moon Jump D0077380 0040 80078AD8 0000 #Overall Have Freed All Dragons 80075750 0045 #PAL2NTSC D0063D28 0008 30063D26 0040 #Red Spyro:Press L2 + Triangle D007F032 EEFF 8007F0F8 0600 #Replace Firebreath with Fairy Breath 30078764 0001 #Sixty Frames BETA 80012238 0001 8001223A 2402 80012244 0001 8001A374 0001 8001A3A8 0001 8001D684 0001 8001D6B8 0001 8001E1A8 0001 8001E1DC 0001 8001E624 0001 8001E658 0001 8001F0C4 0001 8001F0F8 0001 #Skidding Spyro 8007F484 00E5 8007F500 1E9B #Smack Wall For Lift 800110C0 7248 #Spyro color changing codes 'RGB' (Check note, important!) 30078A80 00?? 30078A81 00?? 30078A82 00?? 30078A83 00?? #Spyro's Ultimate God Mode:L1/R1+Triangle On/Off D0077380 0014 80000002 4D43 D0077380 0018 80000002 0001 C0000002 4D43 30078764 0001 30078CA4 0001 00000000 FFFF D0000002 0001 30078CA4 0000 E00757D8 0001 30078CA4 0000 E00757D8 0001 80000002 0001 E00757D8 0001 30078764 0000 C0000002 4D43 800758C0 FFFF 300758C2 00FF 30078BBC 0003 80011380 7064 00000000 FFFF D0000002 0001 80011380 6FB8 D0000002 4D43 30078BB8 0005 E00757D8 0001 80011380 6FB8 D0075964 0005 80000002 4D43 D0075964 000B 80000002 4D43 D0075964 0011 80000002 4D43 D0075964 0017 80000002 4D43 D0075964 001D 80000002 4D43 D0075964 0022 80000002 4D43 C0000002 4D43 80078A80 AAC8 80078A82 B4FF 00000000 FFFF C0000002 0001 80078A80 0000 80078A82 0000 00000000 FFFF #Stiff Animations Spyro 80010E28 CDF8 #Super High Jump 800110A4 7248 #Super Snappy High Jumps E0078AD0 0005 20078BB1 0001 #Super Speed (Not all levels) 8007F52E 0001 #Walk On Hazardous Water 80011380 7064 #Y-Fix D00655D0 0010 800655D0 0000 #Alpine Ridge\Have all dragons freed 8007DC9C 0004 #Alpine Ridge\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDE4 01F4 #Artisans World\Dark Hallow Have All Dragons Free 800772E0 0003 #Artisans World\Dark Hollow Have All Stolen Treasures 80077428 0064 #Artisans World\Home Have All Dragons Free 800772D8 0004 #Artisans World\Home Have All Stolen Treasures 80077420 0064 #Artisans World\Stone Hill Have All Dragons Free 800772DC 0004 #Artisans World\Stone Hill Have All Stolen Treasures 80077424 00C8 #Artisans World\Town Square Have All Dragons Free 800772E4 0004 #Artisans World\Town Square Have All Stolen Treasures 8007742C 00C8 #Beast Makers World\Home Have All Dragons Free 80077320 0002 #Beast Makers World\Home Have All Stolen Treasures 80077468 012C #Beast Makers World\Metalhead Have All Dragons Free 80077330 0001 #Beast Makers World\Metalhead Have All Stolen Treasures 80077478 01F4 #Beast Makers World\Misty Bog Have All Dragons Free 80077328 0004 #Beast Makers World\Misty Bog Have All Stolen Treasures 80077470 01F4 #Beast Makers World\Terrace Village Have All Dragons Free 80077324 0002 #Beast Makers World\Terrace Village Have All Stolen Treasures 8007746C 0190 #Beast Makers World\Tree Tops Have All Stolen Treasures 80077474 01F4 #Beast Makers World\Tree Tops Home Have All Dragons Free 8007732C 0003 #Beast Makers World\Wild Flight Have All Stolen Treasures 8007747C 012C #Blowhard\Have all dragons freed 8007DCA8 0001 #Blowhard\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDF0 0190 #Cliff Town\Have all dragons freed 8007DC88 0003 #Cliff Town\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDD0 0190 #Crash Bandicoot Warped Demo\Infinite Lives 800AAEB0 0400 #Crystal Flight\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDF4 012C #Dark Hollow\Have all dragons freed 8007DC70 0003 #Dark Hollow\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDB8 0064 #Dark Passage\Have all dragons freed 8007DCCC 0005 #Dark Passage\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE14 01F4 #Doctor Shemp\Have all dragons freed 8007DC90 0001 #Doctor Shemp\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDD8 012C #Dream Weavers World\Dark Passage Have All Dragons Free 8007733C 0005 #Dream Weavers World\Dark Passage Have All Stolen Treasures 80077484 01F4 #Dream Weavers World\Fly Instead Of Glide D0077380 0014 80078CA4 0001 D0077380 0018 80078CA4 0000 #Dream Weavers World\Haunted Towers Have All Dragons Free 80077344 0003 #Dream Weavers World\Haunted Towers Have All Stolen Treasures 8007748C 01F4 #Dream Weavers World\Home Have All Dragons Free 80077338 0003 #Dream Weavers World\Home Have All Stolen Treasures 80077480 012C #Dream Weavers World\Icy Flight All Stolen Treasures 80077494 012C #Dream Weavers World\Invincibility 80078BC0 0001 80078BC2 0001 #Dream Weavers World\Jacques Have All Dragons Free 80077348 0002 #Dream Weavers World\Jacques Have All Stolen Treasures 80077490 01F4 #Dream Weavers World\Lofty Castle Have All Dragons Free 80077340 0003 #Dream Weavers World\Lofty Castle Have All Stolen Treasures 80077488 0190 #Dream Weavers World\Super Jump 80078BB0 33E7 #Dream Weavers World\Super Speed 80078B9E 0001 #Dry Canyon\Have all dragons freed 8007DC84 0004 #Dry Canyon\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDCC 0190 #Gnorc Cove\Have all dragons freed 8007DCE4 0002 #Gnorc Cove\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE2C 0190 #Gnorc Gnexus\Have all dragons freed 8007DCE0 0002 #Gnorc Gnexus\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE28 00C8 #Haunted Towers\Have all dragons freed 8007DCD4 0003 #Haunted Towers\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE1C 01F4 #Always have\14.000 jewels 8007C130 36B0 #Always have\All 8 arches collected 8007EFC4 0008 #Always have\All 8 chests found 8007EFCC 0008 #Always have\All 8 planes collected 8007EFC8 0008 #Always have\All 8 rings collected 8007EFC0 0008 #Always have\All dragoneggs found 8007C0E4 000C #Always have\All dragons freed 8007C01C 0050 #Always have\All found 50000404 0000 8007EFC0 0008 #Always have\Key 8007C104 0001 #High Caves\Have all dragons freed 8007DCA0 0003 #High Caves\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDE8 01F4 #Home\Have all dragons freed 8007DC68 0004 #Home\Have all dragons freed 8007DC80 0003 #Home\Have all dragons freed 8007DC98 0003 #Home\Have all dragons freed 8007DCB0 0002 #Home\Have all dragons freede 8007DCC8 0003 #Home\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDB0 0064 #Home\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDC8 00C8 #Home\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDE0 012C #Home\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDF8 012C #Home\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE10 012C #Ice Cavern\Have all dragons freed 8007DC8C 0005 #Ice Cavern\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDD4 0190 #Icy Flight\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE24 012C #Jacques\Have all dragons freed 8007DCD8 0002 #Jacques\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE20 01F4 #Lofty Castle\Have all dragons freed 8007DCD0 0003 #Lofty Castle\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE18 0190 #Magic Crafters World\Alpine Ridge Have All Dragons Free 8007730C 0004 #Magic Crafters World\Alpine Ridge Have All Stolen Treasures 80077454 01F4 #Magic Crafters World\Blowhard Have All Dragons Free 80077318 0001 #Magic Crafters World\Blowhard Have All Stolen Treasures 80077460 0190 #Magic Crafters World\Crystal Flight Have All Stolen Treasures 80077464 012C #Magic Crafters World\High Caves Have All Dragons Free 80077310 0003 #Magic Crafters World\High Caves Have All Stolen Treasures 80077458 01F4 #Magic Crafters World\Home Have All Dragons Free 80077308 0003 #Magic Crafters World\Home Have All Stolen Treasures 80077450 012C #Magic Crafters World\Wizard Peak Have All Dragons Free 80077314 0003 #Magic Crafters World\Wizard Peak Have All Stolen Treasures 8007745C 01F4 #Metalhead\Have all dragons freed 8007DCC0 0001 #Metalhead\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE08 01F4 #Misty Bog\Have all dragons freed 8007DCB8 0004 #Misty Bog\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE00 01F4 #Night Flight\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDDC 012C #Peace Keepers World\Cliff Town Have All Dragons Free 800772F8 0003 #Peace Keepers World\Cliff Town Have All Stolen Treasures 80077440 0190 #Peace Keepers World\Doctor Shemp Have All Dragons Free 80077300 0001 #Peace Keepers World\Doctor Shemp Have All Stolen Treasures 80077448 012C #Peace Keepers World\Dry Canyon Have All Dragons Free 800772F4 0004 #Peace Keepers World\Dry Canyon Have All Stolen Treasures 8007743C 0190 #Peace Keepers World\Home Have All Dragons Free 800772F0 0003 #Peace Keepers World\Home Have All Stolen Treasures 80077438 00C8 #Peace Keepers World\Ice Cavern Have All Dragons Free 800772FC 0005 #Peace Keepers World\Ice Cavern Have All Stolen Treasures 80077444 0190 #Peace Keepers World\Night Flight Have All Stolen Treasures in Flight 8007744C 012C #Stone Hill\Have all dragons freed 8007DC6C 0004 #Stone Hill\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDB4 00C8 #Terrace Village\Have all dragons freed 8007DCB4 0002 #Terrace Village\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDFC 0190 #Town Square\Have all dragons freed 8007DC74 0004 #Town Square\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDBC 00C8 #Tree Tops\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE04 01F4 #Tree Tops\Home Have all dragons freed 8007DCBC 0003 #Wild Flight\Have all stolen treasures 8007DE0C 012C #Wizard Peak\Have all dragons freed 8007DCA4 0003 #Wizard Peak\Have all stolen treasures 8007DDEC 01F4 ;;******PUGSY NOTE, WTW Info - on the first level you hit a BP on 800442A8 when you touch the wall ; [ Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage! (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94425, SCUS-94425CE} ] :SCUS-94425 :SCUS-94425CE #Infinite Health 8006A248 0003 #Infinite Lives 8006712C 0004 #Have Swim/Dive Learned 80064682 0001 #Have Climb Learned 80064686 0001 #Have Headbash Learned 8006468A 0001 #Max Gems 800670CC FFFF #Max Orbs 3006702C 00FF #Flying Spyro .Press Up+X D00683A0 1040 3006A08D 000F #Have Spit Fire Breath D00683A0 0020 3006A1C9 000F #Enable Summer Forest 3006B084 0001 #Enable Glimmer 3006B085 0001 #Enable Idol Springs 3006B086 0001 #Enable Clossus 3006B087 0001 #Enable Hurricos 3006B088 0001 #Enable Aquaria Towers 3006B089 0001 #Enable Sunny Beach 3006B08A 0001 #Enable Ocean Speedway 3006B08B 0001 #Enable Crush's Dungeon 3006B08C 0001 #Enable Autumn Plains 3006B08D 0001 #Enable Skelos Badlands 3006B08E 0001 #Enable Crystal Glacier 3006B08F 0001 #Enable Breeze Harbor 3006B090 0001 #Enable Zephyr 3006B091 0001 #Enable Metro Speedway 3006B092 0001 #Enable Scorch 3006B093 0001 #Enable Shaddy Oasis 3006B094 0001 #Enable Magma Cone 3006B095 0001 #Enable Fracture Hills 3006B096 0001 #Enable Icy Speedway 3006B097 0001 #Enable Gulp's Overlook 3006B098 0001 #Enable Winter Tundra 3006B099 0001 #Enable Mystic Marsh 3006B09A 0001 #Enable Cloud Temples 3006B09B 0001 #Enable Canyon Speedway 3006B09C 0001 #Enable Robotica Farms 3006B09D 0001 #Enable Metropolis 3006B09E 0001 #Enable Riptor's Arena 3006B0A0 0001 #Unlock All Levels 50000F02 0000 8006B084 0101 #Teleport (L3 to store location, R3 to warp) C00683A0 0200 C2069FF0 0002 80067438 0000 C2069FF2 0002 8006743A 0000 C2069FF4 0002 8006743C 0000 C2069FF6 0002 8006743E 0000 C2069FF8 0002 80067440 0000 C2069FFA 0002 80067442 0000 C206A05C 0002 80067444 0000 C206A05E 0002 80067446 0000 00000000 FFFF C00683A0 0400 C2067438 0002 80069FF0 0000 C206743A 0002 80069FF2 0000 C206743C 0002 80069FF4 0000 C206743E 0002 80069FF6 0000 C2067440 0002 80069FF8 0000 C2067442 0002 80069FFA 0000 C2067444 0002 8006A05C 0000 C2067446 0002 8006A05E 0000 00000000 FFFF #World 1-Have All Gems 50000804 0000 8006AC04 0190 #World 1-Have All Orbs 50000402 0000 80069FD0 0F0F #World 1-Have All Tailsman 50000402 0000 8006B264 0101 #World 2-Have All Gems 50000B04 0000 8006AC28 0190 #World 2-Have All Orbs 50000602 0000 80069FD8 0F0F #World 2-Have All Tailsman 50000502 0000 8006B26E 0101 #World 3-Have All Gems 50000604 0000 8006AC58 0190 #World 3-Have All Orbs 50000402 0000 80069FE4 0F0F #World 1\Summer Forest\Have All Gems 8006AC04 0190 #World 1\Summer Forest\Have All Orbs 30069FD0 000F #World 1\Glimmer\Have All Gems 8006AC08 0190 #World 1\Glimmer\Have All Orbs 30069FD1 000F #World 1\Glimmer\Have Magic Pick Tailsman 3006B265 0001 #World 1\Idol Springs\Have All Gems 3006AC0C 0190 #World 1\Idol Springs\Have All Orbs 30069FD2 000F #World 1\Idol Springs\Have Jade Idol Tailsman 3006B266 0001 #World 1\Colossus\Have All Gems 8006AC10 0190 #World 1\Colossus\Have All Orbs 30069FD3 000F #World 1\Colossus\Have Golden Statue Tailsman 3006B267 0001 #World 1\Hurricos\Have All Gems 8006AC14 0190 #World 1\Hurricos\Have All Orbs 30069FD4 000F #World 1\Hurricos\Have Gear Of Power Tailsman 3006B268 0001 #World 1\Aquaria Towers\Have All Gems 8006AC18 0190 #World 1\Aquaria Towers\Have All Orbs 30069FD5 000F #World 1\Aquaria Towers\Have Enchanted Shell Tailsman 3006B269 0001 #World 1\Sunny Beach\Have All Gems 8006AC1C 0190 #World 1\Sunny Beach\Have All Orbs 30069FD6 000F #World 1\Sunny Beach\Have Turtle Medallion Tailsman 3006B26A 0001 #World 1\Ocean Speedway\Have All Gems 8006AC20 0190 #World 1\Ocean Speedway\Have All Orbs 30069FD7 000F #World 2\Autumn Plains\Have All Gems 8006AC28 0190 #World 2\Autumn Plains\Have All Orbs 30069FD9 000F #World 2\Skelos Badlands\Have All Gems 8006AC2C 0190 #World 2\Skelos Badlands\Have All Orbs 30069FDA 000F #World 2\Skelos Badlands\Have Ancient Bone Tailsman 3006B26E 0001 #World 2\Crystal Glacier\Have All Gems 8006AC30 0190 #World 2\Crystal Glacier\Have All Orbs 30069FDB 000F #World 2\Crystal Glacier\Have Ice Crystal Tailsman 3006B26F 0001 #World 2\Breeze Harbor\Have All Gems 8006AC34 0190 #World 2\Breeze Harbor\Have All Orbs 30069FDC 000F #World 2\Breeze Harbor\Have Glass Anchor Tailsman 3006B270 0001 #World 2\Zephyr\Have All Gems 8006AC38 0190 #World 2\Zephyr\Have All Orbs 30069FDD 000F #World 2\Zephyr\Have Bomb Tailsman 3006B271 0001 #World 2\Metro Speedway\Have All Gems 8006AC3C 0190 #World 2\Metro Speedway\Have All Orbs 30069FDE 000F #World 2\Scorch\Have All Gems 8006AC40 0190 #World 2\Scorch\Have All Orbs 30069FDF 000F #World 2\Scorch\Have Emerald Scarab Tailsman 30069273 0001 #World 2\Shaddy Oasis\Have All Gems 8006AC44 0190 #World 2\Shaddy Oasis\Have All Orbs 30069FE0 000F #World 2\Shaddy Oasis\Have Mystic Lamp Tailsman 3006B274 0001 #World 2\Magma Cone\Have All Gems 8006AC48 0190 #World 2\Magma Cone\Have All Orbs 30069FE1 000F #World 2\Magma Cone\Have Volcano Idol Tailsman 3006B275 0001 #World 2\Fracture Hills\Have All Gems 8006AC4C 0190 #World 2\Fracture Hills\Have All Orbs 30069FE2 000F #World 2\Fracture Hills\Have Bronze Flute Tailsman 3006B276 0001 #World 2\Icy Speedway\Have All Gems 8006AC50 0190 #World 2\Icy Speedway\Have All Orbs 30069FE3 000F #World 3\Winter Tundra\Have All Gems 8006AC58 0190 #World 3\Winter Tundra\Have All Orbs 30069FE5 000F #World 3\Mystic Marsh\Have All Gems 8006AC5C 0190 #World 3\Mystic Marsh\Have All Orbs 30069FE6 000F #World 3\Cloud Temples\Have All Gems 8006AC60 0190 #World 3\Cloud Temples\Have All Orbs 30069FE7 000F #World 3\Canyon Speedway\Have All Gems 8006AC64 0190 #World 3\Canyon Speedway\Have All Orbs 30069FE8 000F #World 3\Robotica Farms\Have All Gems 8006AC68 0190 #World 3\Robotica Farms\Have All Orbs 30069FE9 000F #World 3\Metropolis\Have All Gems 8006AC6C 0190 #World 3\Metropolis\Have All Orbs 30069FEA 000F #World 3\More Misc.\Big Head 300698BE 0001 #World 3\More Misc.\Flat Mode 300698BF 0001 #World 3\More Misc.\All Abilities 300698B0 0001 ; [ Spyro - Year of the Dragon (USA, v1.1) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94467} ] :SCUS-94467 #Infinite Health 800705A8 0003 #Infinite Lives 8006C784 0004 #Gem's Worth Max C0036EC0 C71C 80036EB4 00FF 80036EB6 2442 80036EB8 00FF 80036EBA 2463 00000000 FFFF #Press L1 For Moon Jump D007143A FBFF 11070330 0100 #Have All Eggs\Sunrise Spring Home 30070300 001F #Have All Eggs\Sunny Villa 30070301 003F #Have All Eggs\Cloud Spires 30070302 003F #Have All Eggs\Molten Crater 30070303 003F #Have All Eggs\Seashell Shore 30070304 003F #Have All Eggs\Mushroom Speedway 30070305 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sheila's Alp 30070306 0007 #Have All Eggs\Buzz's Dungeon 30070307 0001 #Have All Eggs\Midday Garden Home 30070309 001F #Have All Eggs\Icy Peak 3007030A 003F #Have All Eggs\Enchanted Towers 3007030B 003F #Have All Eggs\Spooky Swamp 3007030C 003F #Have All Eggs\Bamboo Terrace 3007030D 003F #Have All Eggs\Country Speedway 3007030E 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sgt. Byrd's Base 3007030F 0007 #Have All Eggs\Spike's Arena 30070310 0001 #Have All Eggs\Crawdad Farm 30070308 0001 #Have All Eggs\Spider Town 30070311 0001 #Have All Eggs\Starfish Reef 3007031A 0001 #Have All Eggs\Bugbot Factory 30070323 0001 #Have All Eggs\Evening Lake Home 30070312 001F #Have All Eggs\Frozen Altars 30070313 003F #Have All Eggs\Last Fleet 30070314 003F #Have All Eggs\Firewords Factory 30070315 003F #Have All Eggs\Charmed Ridge 30070316 003F #Have All Eggs\Honey Speedway 30070317 0007 #Have All Eggs\Bentley's Outpost 30070318 0007 #Have All Eggs\Scorch's Pit 30070319 0001 #Have All Eggs\Midnight Mountain Home 3007031B 001F #Have All Eggs\Crystal Islands 3007031C 003F #Have All Eggs\Desert Ruins 3007031D 003F #Have All Eggs\Haunted Tomb 3007031E 003F #Have All Eggs\Dino Mines 3007031F 003F #Have All Eggs\Harbor Speedway 30070320 0007 #Have All Eggs\Agent 9's Lab 30070321 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sorceress' Lair 30070322 0001 #Max Gems\Sunrise Spring Home 80071A10 0190 #Max Gems\Sunny Villa 80071A14 0190 #Max Gems\Cloud Spires 80071A18 0190 #Max Gems\Molten Crater 80071A1C 0190 #Max Gems\Seashell Shore 80071A20 0190 #Max Gems\Mushroom Speedway 80071A24 0190 #Max Gems\Sheila's Alp 80071A28 0190 #Max Gems\Buzz's Dungeon 80071A2C 0190 #Max Gems\Midday Garden Home 80071A34 0190 #Max Gems\Icy Peak 80071A38 01F4 #Max Gems\Enchanted Towers 80071A3C 01F4 #Max Gems\Spooky Swamp 80071A40 01F4 #Max Gems\Bamboo Terrace 80071A44 01F4 #Max Gems\Country Speedway 80071A48 0190 #Max Gems\Sgt. Byrd's Base 80071A4C 01F4 #Max Gems\Spike's Arena 80071A50 0190 #Max Gems\Crawdad Farm 80071A30 00C8 #Max Gems\Spider Town 80071A54 00C8 #Max Gems\Starfish Reef 80071A78 00C8 #Max Gems\Bugbot Factory 80071A9C 00C8 #Max Gems\Evening Lake Home 80071A58 0190 #Max Gems\Frozen Altars 80071A5C 0258 #Max Gems\Last Fleet 80071A60 0258 #Max Gems\Firewords Factory 80071A64 0258 #Max Gems\Charmed Ridge 80071A68 0258 #Max Gems\Honey Speedway 80071A6C 0190 #Max Gems\Bentley's Outpost 80071A70 0258 #Max Gems\Scorch's Pit 80071A74 0190 #Max Gems\Midnight Mountain Home 80071A7C 0190 #Max Gems\Crystal Islands 80071A80 02BC #Max Gems\Desert Ruins 80071A84 02BC #Max Gems\Haunted Tomb 80071A88 02BC #Max Gems\Dino Mines 80071A8C 02BC #Max Gems\Harbor Speedway 80071A90 0190 #Max Gems\Agent 9's Lab 80071A94 02BC #Max Gems\Sorceress' Lair 80071A98 0190 #Unlock Level\Sunrise Spring Worlds + Sunrise Spring Home 30071FB0 0001 #Unlock Level\Sunny Villa 30071FB1 0001 #Unlock Level\Cloud Spires 30071FB2 0001 #Unlock Level\Molten Crater 30071FB3 0001 #Unlock Level\Seashell Shore 30071FB4 0001 #Unlock Level\Mushroom Speedway 30071FB5 0001 #Unlock Level\Sheila's Alp 30071FB6 0001 #Unlock Level\Buzz's Dungeon 30071FB7 0001 #Unlock Level\Midday Gardens Worlds + Midday Garden Home 30071FB9 0001 #Unlock Level\Icy Peak 30071FBA 0001 #Unlock Level\Enchanted Towers 30071FBB 0001 #Unlock Level\Spooky Swamp 30071FBC 0001 #Unlock Level\Bamboo Terrace 30071FBD 0001 #Unlock Level\Country Speedway 30071FBE 0001 #Unlock Level\Sgt. Byrd's Base 30071FBF 0001 #Unlock Level\Spike's Arena 30071FC0 0001 #Unlock Level\Sparx Worlds + Crawdad Farm 30071FB8 0001 #Unlock Level\Spider Town 30071FC1 0001 #Unlock Level\Starfish Reef 30071FCA 0001 #Unlock Level\Bugbot Factory 30071FD3 0001 #Unlock Level\Evening Lake Worlds + Evening Lake Home 30071FC2 0001 #Unlock Level\Frozen Altars 30071FC3 0001 #Unlock Level\Last Fleet 30071FC4 0001 #Unlock Level\Firewords Factory 30071FC5 0001 #Unlock Level\Charmed Ridge 30071FC6 0001 #Unlock Level\Honey Speedway 30071FC7 0001 #Unlock Level\Bentley's Outpost 30071FC8 0001 #Unlock Level\Scorch's Pit 30071FC9 0001 #Unlock Level\Midnight Mountain Worlds + Midnight Mountain Home 30071FCB 0001 #Unlock Level\Crystal Islands 30071FCC 0001 #Unlock Level\Desert Ruins 30071FCD 0001 #Unlock Level\Haunted Tomb 30071FCE 0001 #Unlock Level\Dino Mines 30071FCF 0001 #Unlock Level\Harbor Speedway 30071FD0 0001 #Unlock Level\Agent 9's Lab 30071FD1 0001 #Unlock Level\Sorceress' Lair 30071FD2 0001 ; [ Spyro - Year of the Dragon (USA, v1.0) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94467} ] :SCUS-94467 #Infinite Health 800705A8 0003 #Infinite Lives 8006C784 0004 #Gem's Worth Max C0036EC0 C71C 80036EB4 00FF 80036EB6 2442 80036EB8 00FF 80036EBA 2463 00000000 FFFF #Press L1 For Moon Jump D007143A FBFF 11070330 0100 #Have All Eggs\Sunrise Spring Home 30070300 001F #Have All Eggs\Sunny Villa 30070301 003F #Have All Eggs\Cloud Spires 30070302 003F #Have All Eggs\Molten Crater 30070303 003F #Have All Eggs\Seashell Shore 30070304 003F #Have All Eggs\Mushroom Speedway 30070305 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sheila's Alp 30070306 0007 #Have All Eggs\Buzz's Dungeon 30070307 0001 #Have All Eggs\Midday Garden Home 30070309 001F #Have All Eggs\Icy Peak 3007030A 003F #Have All Eggs\Enchanted Towers 3007030B 003F #Have All Eggs\Spooky Swamp 3007030C 003F #Have All Eggs\Bamboo Terrace 3007030D 003F #Have All Eggs\Country Speedway 3007030E 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sgt. Byrd's Base 3007030F 0007 #Have All Eggs\Spike's Arena 30070310 0001 #Have All Eggs\Crawdad Farm 30070308 0001 #Have All Eggs\Spider Town 30070311 0001 #Have All Eggs\Starfish Reef 3007031A 0001 #Have All Eggs\Bugbot Factory 30070323 0001 #Have All Eggs\Evening Lake Home 30070312 001F #Have All Eggs\Frozen Altars 30070313 003F #Have All Eggs\Last Fleet 30070314 003F #Have All Eggs\Firewords Factory 30070315 003F #Have All Eggs\Charmed Ridge 30070316 003F #Have All Eggs\Honey Speedway 30070317 0007 #Have All Eggs\Bentley's Outpost 30070318 0007 #Have All Eggs\Scorch's Pit 30070319 0001 #Have All Eggs\Midnight Mountain Home 3007031B 001F #Have All Eggs\Crystal Islands 3007031C 003F #Have All Eggs\Desert Ruins 3007031D 003F #Have All Eggs\Haunted Tomb 3007031E 003F #Have All Eggs\Dino Mines 3007031F 003F #Have All Eggs\Harbor Speedway 30070320 0007 #Have All Eggs\Agent 9's Lab 30070321 0007 #Have All Eggs\Sorceress' Lair 30070322 0001 #Max Gems\Sunrise Spring Home 80071A10 0190 #Max Gems\Sunny Villa 80071A14 0190 #Max Gems\Cloud Spires 80071A18 0190 #Max Gems\Molten Crater 80071A1C 0190 #Max Gems\Seashell Shore 80071A20 0190 #Max Gems\Mushroom Speedway 80071A24 0190 #Max Gems\Sheila's Alp 80071A28 0190 #Max Gems\Buzz's Dungeon 80071A2C 0190 #Max Gems\Midday Garden Home 80071A34 0190 #Max Gems\Icy Peak 80071A38 01F4 #Max Gems\Enchanted Towers 80071A3C 01F4 #Max Gems\Spooky Swamp 80071A40 01F4 #Max Gems\Bamboo Terrace 80071A44 01F4 #Max Gems\Country Speedway 80071A48 0190 #Max Gems\Sgt. Byrd's Base 80071A4C 01F4 #Max Gems\Spike's Arena 80071A50 0190 #Max Gems\Crawdad Farm 80071A30 00C8 #Max Gems\Spider Town 80071A54 00C8 #Max Gems\Starfish Reef 80071A78 00C8 #Max Gems\Bugbot Factory 80071A9C 00C8 #Max Gems\Evening Lake Home 80071A58 0190 #Max Gems\Frozen Altars 80071A5C 0258 #Max Gems\Last Fleet 80071A60 0258 #Max Gems\Firewords Factory 80071A64 0258 #Max Gems\Charmed Ridge 80071A68 0258 #Max Gems\Honey Speedway 80071A6C 0190 #Max Gems\Bentley's Outpost 80071A70 0258 #Max Gems\Scorch's Pit 80071A74 0190 #Max Gems\Midnight Mountain Home 80071A7C 0190 #Max Gems\Crystal Islands 80071A80 02BC #Max Gems\Desert Ruins 80071A84 02BC #Max Gems\Haunted Tomb 80071A88 02BC #Max Gems\Dino Mines 80071A8C 02BC #Max Gems\Harbor Speedway 80071A90 0190 #Max Gems\Agent 9's Lab 80071A94 02BC #Max Gems\Sorceress' Lair 80071A98 0190 #Unlock Level\Sunrise Spring Worlds + Sunrise Spring Home 30071FB0 0001 #Unlock Level\Sunny Villa 30071FB1 0001 #Unlock Level\Cloud Spires 30071FB2 0001 #Unlock Level\Molten Crater 30071FB3 0001 #Unlock Level\Seashell Shore 30071FB4 0001 #Unlock Level\Mushroom Speedway 30071FB5 0001 #Unlock Level\Sheila's Alp 30071FB6 0001 #Unlock Level\Buzz's Dungeon 30071FB7 0001 #Unlock Level\Midday Gardens Worlds + Midday Garden Home 30071FB9 0001 #Unlock Level\Icy Peak 30071FBA 0001 #Unlock Level\Enchanted Towers 30071FBB 0001 #Unlock Level\Spooky Swamp 30071FBC 0001 #Unlock Level\Bamboo Terrace 30071FBD 0001 #Unlock Level\Country Speedway 30071FBE 0001 #Unlock Level\Sgt. Byrd's Base 30071FBF 0001 #Unlock Level\Spike's Arena 30071FC0 0001 #Unlock Level\Sparx Worlds + Crawdad Farm 30071FB8 0001 #Unlock Level\Spider Town 30071FC1 0001 #Unlock Level\Starfish Reef 30071FCA 0001 #Unlock Level\Bugbot Factory 30071FD3 0001 #Unlock Level\Evening Lake Worlds + Evening Lake Home 30071FC2 0001 #Unlock Level\Frozen Altars 30071FC3 0001 #Unlock Level\Last Fleet 30071FC4 0001 #Unlock Level\Firewords Factory 30071FC5 0001 #Unlock Level\Charmed Ridge 30071FC6 0001 #Unlock Level\Honey Speedway 30071FC7 0001 #Unlock Level\Bentley's Outpost 30071FC8 0001 #Unlock Level\Scorch's Pit 30071FC9 0001 #Unlock Level\Midnight Mountain Worlds + Midnight Mountain Home 30071FCB 0001 #Unlock Level\Crystal Islands 30071FCC 0001 #Unlock Level\Desert Ruins 30071FCD 0001 #Unlock Level\Haunted Tomb 30071FCE 0001 #Unlock Level\Dino Mines 30071FCF 0001 #Unlock Level\Harbor Speedway 30071FD0 0001 #Unlock Level\Agent 9's Lab 30071FD1 0001 #Unlock Level\Sorceress' Lair 30071FD2 0001 ; [ Street Racer (USA) (1996) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00099} ] ;:SLUS-00099 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Street Racquetball (USA) (2002) (Agetec) {SLUS-01450} ] :SLUS-01450 #Time Always 00:00 8007DBEC 0000 #P1 Max Score 800BDEB8 000F #P1 No Score 800BDEB8 0000 #P2 Max Score 800BE870 000F #P2 No Score 800BE870 0000 ; [ Starfighter Sanvein (USA) (2000) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01302} ] :SLUS-01302 #Infinite Time 801F02C4 270F #Enemy boss energy 0 80102018 0000 #Stop Timer Countdown D015844A A602 8015844A 2400 #Damage Doesn't Reduce Time D0158D7A A4A2 80158D7A 2400 #Max Attack Power 801F4CC6 0060 #Unlock Options 8005E012 0018 #Start Time 999.9 8005DEF4 270F #Extend Time Value 999.9 8005DEF6 270F #Infinite Selection Time D0144426 A602 80144426 2400 #Infinite Special Bar 80102E50 0200 ; [ Sports Superbike 2 (USA) (2002) (Mud Duck Productions) {SLUS-01459} ] ;:SLUS-01459 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Superstar Dance Club - #1 Hits!!! (USA) (2002) (XS Games) {SLUS-01493} ] :SLUS-01493 #Max Player Tricks 801D8FE2 0FFF #Quick Chip Gain 801D8C24 FFFF #Max Chips Total 801D8C24 E0FF 801D8C26 05F5 #Unlock All Stages 50000802 0000 801BF200 2222 ; [ Super Shot Soccer (USA) (2002) (Tecmo) {SLUS-01464} ] :SLUS-01464 #Select Away Team Score\0 800F0E92 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800F0E92 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800F0E90 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800F0E90 0009 ; [ Soviet Strike (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00061} ] :SLUS-00061 #Infinite Armor (All Levels) 80083680 05DC #Infinite Attempts (All Levels) 30074E60 0005 #Select Level\1 30074E61 0000 #Select Level\2 30074E61 0001 #Select Level\3 30074E61 0002 #Select Level\4 30074E61 0003 #Select Level\5 30074E61 0004 #Enemies Won't Attack You 80083776 0006 #Infinite Fuel 8002D83E 3C00 #Infinite Ammo 8004C1F2 3C00 ; [ Starblade α (USA) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00057} ] :SLUS-00057 #Infinite Credits 80075898 000F ; [ Star Fighter (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00241} ] :SLUS-00241 #Infinite Energy 80166B78 000A #Infinite Armor 801051DC 0080 ; [ Star Gladiator - Episode I - Final Crusade (USA) (1996) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00372} ] :SLUS-00372 #P1 Select Character\Blistein 301D867A 000A #P1 Select Character\Kappah 301D867A 000B #P1 Select Character\Blood 301D867A 000C #P1 Select Character\Real Blistein 301D867A 000D #P2 Select Character\Blistein 301D867B 000A #P2 Select Character\Kappah 301D867B 000B #P2 Select Character\Blood 301D867B 000C #P2 Select Character\Real Blistein 301D867B 000D #P1 Infinite Health 801D7CA0 00C8 #P2 Infinite Health 801D8218 00C8 #P2 No Health 801D8218 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D01D8218 00C8 801D8218 0001 #P1 Make Hayato's Sword Long 801D7E14 01C0 #P2 Make Hayato's Sword Long 801D838C 01C0 #Have All Characters 801EA8E4 0101 801EA8E6 0001 #Infinite Time (Seconds) 801CF41A 3200 #Infinite Time (Micro Seconds) 801CF41C 0000 #Stage Modifier Bilstien's stage 301D867C 0009 #Stage Modifier Real Bilstien's stage 301D867C 000A #Stage Modifier Training stage 301D867C 000B #P2 Color 1 301D8680 0000 #P2 Color 2 301D8680 0001 #Wall Mode Always On 801CF3FE 0101 #P1 Infinite Plasma Strikes 801D7EEC FFFF #P2 Infinite Plasma Strikes 801D8464 FFFF #P1 Low Damage Mode 801D7CC8 FFFF #P2 Low Damage Mode 801D8240 FFFF #P1 Low Gravity 801D7C8E 0001 801D7CC0 FFFF #P2 Low Gravity 801D8206 0001 801D8238 FFFF ; [ Star Ocean - The Second Story (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94421 / SCUS-94421} ] :SCUS-94421 :SCUS-94421 #Infinite MP (In Battle-All Characters/Positions) 8003737A 2400 #Infinite SP Usage All 8007EA96 2400 #Save Anywhere 80074628 0001 #No Random Battles C002B54C 0001 8009C440 0000 8009C442 0000 00000000 FFFF #Max Fol 8009BFB0 C9FF 8009BFB2 3B9A #Infinite Fol 8009BFB0 FFFF #Fol Never Decreases 8003C64E 2400 #Misc.\Have All Voices Enabled 8009C138 FFFF 8009C13A FFFF 8009C13C FFFF 8009C13E FFFF 8009C140 FFFF 8009C142 FFFF 8009C144 FFFF 8009C146 FFFF 8009C148 FFFF 8009C14A FFFF 8009C14C FFFF 8009C14E FFFF 8009C150 FFFF 8009C152 FFFF 8009C154 FFFF 8009C156 FFFF 8009C158 FFFF 8009C15A FFFF 8009C15C FFFF 8009C15E FFFF 8009C160 FFFF 8009C162 FFFF 8009C164 FFFF 8009C166 FFFF 8009C168 FFFF 8009C16A FFFF 8009C16C FFFF 8009C16E FFFF 8009C170 FFFF 8009C172 FFFF 8009C174 FFFF 8009C176 FFFF 8009C178 FFFF 8009C17A FFFF 8009C17C FFFF 8009C17E FFFF 8009C180 FFFF 8009C182 FFFF 8009C184 FFFF 8009C186 FFFF 8009C188 FFFF 8009C18A FFFF 8009C18C FFFF 8009C18E FFFF 8009C190 FFFF 8009C192 FFFF 8009C194 FFFF 8009C196 FFFF 8009C198 FFFF 8009C19A FFFF 8009C19C FFFF 8009C19E FFFF 8009C1A0 FFFF 8009C1A2 FFFF 8009C1A4 FFFF 8009C1A6 FFFF 8009C1A8 FFFF 8009C1AA FFFF 8009C1AC FFFF 8009C1AE FFFF 8009C1B0 FFFF 8009C1B2 FFFF 8009C1B4 FFFF 8009C1B6 FFFF 8009C1B8 FFFF 8009C1BA FFFF 8009C1BC FFFF 8009C1BE FFFF 8009C1C0 FFFF 8009C1C2 FFFF 8009C1C4 FFFF 8009C1C6 FFFF 8009C1C8 FFFF 8009C1CA FFFF 8009C1CC FFFF 8009C1CE FFFF 8009C1D0 FFFF 8009C1D2 FFFF 8009C1D4 FFFF 8009C1D6 FFFF #Misc.\Have All Voices Enabled 50004F02 0000 8009C138 FFFF #Misc.\Have All Items 5000FF02 0001 8009ACD0 5001 5000FF02 0001 8009AECE 5100 5000FF02 0001 8009B0CC 51FF 5000FF02 0001 8009B2CA 52FE 50000302 0001 8009B4C8 53FD #Misc.\Extra Menu Options/Debug With this code, when you got into your menus and such, you will be able to move past the end of the lists. If you highlight the very top option and press up, it will take you to the very bottom, which is a Debug type of menu. Press X on it, and then it will take y ou to a blank screen, Press X one more time, and the options will popup. C00D3898 FFE8 800D38AC 000C 800D38AE 240C 00000000 FFFF ; [ Starwinder - The Ultimate Space Race (USA) (1996) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00094} ] :SLUS-00094 #Infinite Standard Missiles 8016BE7C 0032 #Infinite Stun Missiles 80154406 000A #Infinite Heat Seeker Missiles 80154408 0009 #Infinite Trench Missiles 8015440A 0009 #Time Always 00:00:00 (Can't Lose With This Cheat) 800AB4CC 0000 #Ship Modifier Explorer, Kitty Hawk Class 800AB4F0 0000 #Ship Modifier Viking, Sea Eagle Class 800AB4F0 0001 #Ship Modifier Ranger, Clipper Class 800AB4F0 0002 #Ship Modifier Pioneer, Trieme Class 800AB4F0 0003 #Ship Modifier Mariner, Canaveral Class 800AB4F0 0004 ; [ Steel Harbinger (USA) (1996) (Mindscape) {SLUS-00093} ] :SLUS-00093 #Infinite Energy 8009A07C 03E8 #Infinite Money 8003A0C0 270F #Infinite Weapon 80124576 03E7 #Infinite Machine Gun Ammo 80124576 00C8 #Infinite Heatseeker Ammo 8012457A 00C8 #Infinite Peterson Ammo 8012457E 00C8 #Infinite Plasma Ammo 80124582 00C8 #Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 80124586 00C8 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8012458A 00C8 #Infinite Flare Gun Ammo 8012458E 00C8 #Infinite Shockwave Pulse Grenade Ammo 80124592 00C8 #Infinite Icarus Ammo 80124596 00C8 #Have Heatseeker 80124578 0001 #Have Peterson Rifle 8012457C 0101 #Have Plasma Rifle 80124580 0201 #Have Rocket Launcher 80124584 0401 #Have Gx-10 Grenade Launcher 80124588 0501 #Have Flare Gun 8012458C 0601 #Have Shockwave Pulse Grenade 80124590 0701 #Have Icarus Beam 80124594 0801 ; [ Steel Reign (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94902} ] :SCUS-94902 #Infinite Shield 801F8554 0001 #Have All Tanks Unlocked + Infinite Weapons 801F8550 0001 #Enable Auto Lock On 8010A4EC 0000 #Arena Modifier Hidden Desert Base 801FFD18 0001 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Occupied City 801FFD18 0002 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Enemy Air Base 801FFD18 0003 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Canyon Run 801FFD18 0004 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Wastelands 801FFD18 0005 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Fortified City 801FFD18 0006 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Forest War 801FFD18 0007 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Mountain Run 801FFD18 0008 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Citadel 801FFD18 0009 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Underground Stronghold 801FFD18 000A 801FFD1A 0000 #Arena Modifier Martian Surface 801FFD18 000B 801FFD1A 0000 ; [ Striker Pro 2000 (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01078} ] :SLUS-01078 #Select Away Team Score\9 800C89A8 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800C89A8 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800C89A4 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 800C89A4 0000 #Have Ability To Change Body Looks At Enter Code Screen 300B91C0 0001 #Pass All Certifications 800B9074 000A #Unlock Hidden Stadiums 30016C38 0001 ; [ Streak Hoverboard Racing (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00629} ] :SLUS-00629 #Infinite Turbo 801B5B84 4000 #Confidence Meter At Above Maximum 801B5C20 FFFF #Confidence Meter At Full 801B5C20 0FFF ; [ Star Trek - Invasion (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-00924} ] :SLUS-00924 #Unlock All Levels 8005BD68 FFFF 8005BD6A FFFF #Infinite Time 80061BB0 18CC #Infinite Photon Torpedoes 8011AC38 0063 #Infinite Quantum Torpedoes 8011AC64 0063 #Infinite Protomater Missles 8011AC90 0063 #Infinite Shields 8005FDB8 02BC #Infinite Hull 8005FDBC 00F5 #Have All Dual Levels Completed 8005BD70 FFFF #Have All Levels Completed 8005BD6C FFFF 8005BD6E FFFF ; [ Strider (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01142} ] :SLUS-01142 #Infinite Time 8006308A 0064 #P1 Max Infinite Health 30062F53 0005 80062F54 8181 80062F56 8181 30062F58 0081 300630B2 0000 #Unlock Level Select (Options Menu) D004D824 0000 8004D824 0001 #Unlock Alternate Costumes (Options Menu) D004D8B6 0000 8004D8B6 0001 #Enable Robot Helper 80062F86 0100 ; [ Strider 2 (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-01163} ] :SLUS-01163 #Infinite Boost 800ABB28 012F 800ABB38 0004 300ABB3D 0001 #Enable Boost Option 800A8D58 0001 #Enable Hien Mode 800A8D5A 0001 #Infinite Health 800ABA32 0006 800ABA34 0006 #Infinite Time 300D9E03 0063 #Unlock All Levels 300D9E03 0006 #Unlock Stage '00' 300A8D59 0001 #Press L2+R2 To Skip Current Sub-Level D009FD4C 0003 800D9DE0 0001 #Invincibility 800AB838 0002 800AB83E 2400 ; [ Striker 96 (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00210} ] ;:SLUS-00210 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Strike Point (USA) (1996) (American Technos) {SLUS-00139} ] :SLUS-00139 #P1 Infinite Atg Missiles 3011D0BA 0063 #P1 Infinite Ata Missiles 3011D0BB 0063 #P1 Infinite Bombs 3011D0BC 0063 #P1 Infinite Turbos 3011D0BD 0063 #P1 Infinite Lives 8011D0F6 0004 #P1 Infinite Energy 8011CFDC 1F00 8011CFDE 1F00 #P2 Infinite Atg Missiles 3011D29A 0063 #P2 Infinite Ata Missiles 3011D29B 0063 #P2 Infinite Bombs 3011D29C 0063 #P2 Infinite Turbos 3011D29D 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 8011D2D6 0004 #P2 Infinite Energy 8011D1BC 1F00 8011D1BE 1F00 #Infinite Time (Both Players) 800B1014 001F ; [ Street Sk8er (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00818} ] :SLUS-00818 #Enable Levels 80094230 3F00 #Extra Characters 80094138 FFFF #Extra Points 8007B19C 8800 #Infinite Checkpoint Time 8007B19A 04A9 #Total Time is 0'00'03' 8007B192 0000 #Max Skill Bonus Points .For this code, press select to refill your skill bonus with 2 more points. D00D27E2 0100 800A3230 0200 #Character TJ 800A31C4 0000 #Character Jerry 800A31C4 0001 #Character Ginger 800A31C4 0002 #Character Frankie 800A31C4 0003 #Character Sarah 800A31C4 0004 #Character Mick 800A31C4 0005 #Character Bonobo 800A31C4 0006 #Character Shao 800A31C4 0007 #Time Limit On 800A98E8 0001 #Time Limit Off 800A98E8 0000 #Have All Levels 80094230 3F3F #Enable Mirror Mode 80094110 2BE0 80094112 0009 80094114 A3A0 80094116 000D 80094118 A5B0 8009411A 000D 80094128 3E7E 8009412A 000D 80094134 00FF 80094136 0301 #Have All Skate Boards 8009413C FFFF 8009413E 3FFF #Stage Modifier L.A. 800A315C 0000 #Stage Modifier N.Y. 800A315C 0001 #Stage Modifier Tokyo 800A315C 0002 #Stage Modifier Half Pipe 800A315C 0003 #Stage Modifier Big Air 800A315C 0004 #Stage Modifier Bowl 800A315C 0005 #Max Points 8007B19C FFFF 8007B19E 00FF #Speed Modifier MAX 8007B298 0FFF ; [ Street Sk8er 2 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01083} ] :SLUS-01083 #All Characters 8008B530 FFFF #All Levels 8008B528 FFFF #Alll Boards 8008B534 FFFF 8008B536 FFFF #Additional Score 8003852C FFFF #Maxi-Speed 80038612 0FFF #Infinite Bonus Points 801FAAC0 0064 #Infinite Time 80038524 11EA #Loose 0 Points when you Fall 80090794 0000 ; [ Stuart Little 2 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94669} ] :SCUS-94669 #Infinite Energy 800CA09A 0303 #Infinite Fruit 800C7728 0063 #Level 1 - All Fish/Blocks 800C773E 5006 #Level 1 - All Rings 800C773C 00FF #Level 2 - All Fish/Blocks 800C7742 5006 #Level 2 - All Rings 800C7740 00FF #Level 3 - All Fish/Blocks 800C7746 5006 #Level 3 - All Rings 800C7744 00FF #Level 4 - All Fish/Blocks 800C774A 5006 #Level 4 - All Rings 800C7748 00FF #Level 5 - All Fish/Blocks 800C774E 5006 #Level 5 - All Rings 800C774C 00FF #Level 6 - All Fish/Blocks 800C7752 5006 #Level 6 - All Rings 800C7750 00FF #Unlock Infinite Lives 300EAD4C 0001 #Unlock Infinite Energy 300EAD84 0001 #Unlock Full Ammo 300EAD68 0001 #Unlock All Levels 300EAD30 0001 #Unlock Gallery Movies 300EAE10 0001 #Unlock Display Debug Info 300EADA0 0001 #Unlock Flycam:On Select Menu 300EADF4 0001 #Unlock ???1:Unlocks something maybe but not sure what 300EADBC 0001 #Unlock ???2:Unlocks something maybe but not sure what 300EADD8 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00476} ] :SLUS-00476 #Infinite Lives 800D7D48 0009 #Max EXP Modifier 800AD200 270F #EXP Modifier 800D7DC4 270F #Have All Spells 800AD200 0F00 800D7DC4 0F00 #Infinite Energy With Infinite Energy + Infinite MP, they only work from boot up, once you die, they won't work anymore! 800F9FBC 00A6 #Infinite MP 800F9FBE 00A6 #Infinite MP (All Levels + After Dying) 80073764 0000 80073766 0000 80073784 0000 80073786 0000 #Infinite Credits 800D784C 0009 ; [ Suikoden (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00292} ] :SLUS-00292 #Position 1 Infinite HP in Battle 80197774 03E7 80197776 03E7 #Position 2 Infinite HP in Battle 801977C8 03E7 801977CA 03E7 #Position 3 Infinite HP in Battle 8019781C 03E7 8019781E 03E7 #Position 4 Infinite HP in Battle 80197870 03E7 80197872 03E7 #Position 5 Infinite HP in Battle 801978C4 03E7 801978C6 03E7 #Position 6 Infinite HP in Battle 80197918 03E7 8019791A 03E7 #Have All Items 301B8091 0063 50005602 0000 801B8092 6363 301B813E 0063 301B8141 0063 301B8142 0063 #Max Money (On Status Screen) 801B801C 967F 801B801E 0098 #No Random Battles (Everywhere Else) 80199B40 0000 #No Random Battles (Overhead Map) 8017D5F4 0000 ; [ Suikoden (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00292} ] :SLUS-00292 #Position 1 Infinite HP in Battle 80197774 03E7 80197776 03E7 #Position 2 Infinite HP in Battle 801977C8 03E7 801977CA 03E7 #Position 3 Infinite HP in Battle 8019781C 03E7 8019781E 03E7 #Position 4 Infinite HP in Battle 80197870 03E7 80197872 03E7 #Position 5 Infinite HP in Battle 801978C4 03E7 801978C6 03E7 #Position 6 Infinite HP in Battle 80197918 03E7 8019791A 03E7 #Have All Items 301B8091 0063 50005602 0000 801B8092 6363 301B813E 0063 301B8141 0063 301B8142 0063 #Max Money (On Status Screen) 801B801C 967F 801B801E 0098 #No Random Battles (Everywhere Else) 80199B40 0000 #No Random Battles (Overhead Map) 8017D5F4 0000 ; [ Suikoden II (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00958} ] :SLUS-00958 #Instant Level Up To Level 99 In 1 Fight (All Positions-After Battle) D002BF60 000F 8002BF62 1000 D002BFB0 001F 8002BFB2 2400 #Infinite Health (1st Position) in Battle 80145BB6 03E7 #Infinite Health (2nd Position) in Battle 80145C32 03E7 #Infinite Health (3rd Position) in Battle 80145CAE 03E7 #Infinite Health (4th Position) in Battle 80145D2A 03E7 #Infinite Health (5th Position) in Battle 80145DA6 03E7 #Infinite Health (6th Position) in Battle 80145E22 03E7 #Infinite HP All Positions + 1-Hit Enemy Death in Battle C0041610 0012 80041614 0033 80041616 1500 80041620 0000 80041612 2402 00000000 FFFF C0040DD0 0012 80040DD4 0033 80040DD6 1500 80040DE0 0000 80040DE2 2402 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Rune MP All Positions in Battle D0073B68 1821 80073B6E 2400 #Activate McDohl Plotline Without Suikoden 1 Data 3006AF6D 0023 #Always Catch Fish 80023FF6 1964 80024242 19C8 #Always Climb In Rope Game 80024AD8 0006 #Always Roll A 6 80023F62 0006 #Always Score Triple In Dice Game 80023F62 000A #Grow All Vegetable And Have All Livestock 8006A91C FFFF 8006A91E FFFF #Have All + Infinite Ingredient For Hai Yo To Cook 8016E8F0 0909 8016E8F2 0909 8016E8F4 0909 8016E8F6 0909 8016E8F8 0909 #Have All Blue Print For Guardian Deity 8006AA3A FFFF #Have All Books In The Library 8006AA38 FFFF #Have All Recipe 8006AA24 FFFF 8006AA26 FFFF 8006AA28 FFFF 8006AA2A FFFF #Infinite Items All Slots D0071660 14AF 80071662 2400 D0071728 0009 8007172A 1000 D00716B0 088A 800716B2 2400 #No Random Battles D002566C 0000 8002566E 0000 #Put McDohl In 6th Position D006A486 801F 3006A46A 0052 #Infinite Money 8006A4F8 FFFF #Max Money 8006A4F8 423F 8006A4FA 000F ; [ Surf Riders (USA) (2000) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01190} ] :SLUS-01190 #Add or Subtract Time (L2 For More/R2 For None) D0055A68 0001 800AC450 0076 D0055A68 0002 800AC450 0000 #Max Points - Heat 1 E007AFBA 00FF 3007AFBA 00FE #Max Points - Heat 2 E007AFBB 00FF 3007AFBB 00FE #Max Points - Heat 3 E007AFBC 00FF 3007AFBC 00FE #Unlock All Rounds 80055B50 001F #Max Season Points 80055B58 1770 #Start On Last Round D0055B54 0000 80055B54 0400 ; [ Swagman (USA) (1997) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00151} ] :SLUS-00151 #Infinite Energy 80109008 0005 #Moon Jump D010906E 007F 800CDE3C 5000 #Invincibility 800CDFB0 0028 #Push Triangle For 99 Scarabs D0109080 007F 80108D96 0063 #Push R2 For 99 Bombs D0108DA4 7F00 80108D00 0063 ; [ Star Wars - Dark Forces (USA) (1996) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00297} ] :SLUS-00297 #Infinite Ammo (Pistol + Storm Trooper Laser Rifle) 80095108 03E7 #Infinite Shield 80095128 0064 #Infinite Health 8009512C 0064 #Infinite Lives 80095024 0003 #Enable All Levels 80010018 000E ; [ Star Wars - Demolition (USA) (2000) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-01183} ] :SLUS-01183 #Max Cash 8006BAB0 423F 8006BAB2 000F #All Characters Unlocked 50000402 0000 800D8796 0101 #Tamtel Skreej Unlocked 300D8797 0001 #Pugwis Unlocked 300D8798 0001 #Wittin Unlocked 300D8799 0001 #Malakiki Unlocked 300D879A 0001 #Lobot Unlocked 300D879B 0001 #Boushh Unlocked 300D879C 0001 #Darth Maul Unlocked 300D879D 0001 ; [ Star Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace (USA) (1999) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00884} ] :SLUS-00884 #Open Cheat Menu (Press Select At Title Screen) D0086268 0100 800B3A50 0004 #Invincibility (All Characters) 800B6944 0001 #Infinite Ammo (All Characters) 8004E036 2400 #Max Force 800B829C 1000 #Have All Items 800B7B72 FFFF 800B7B74 FFFF 800B7B76 FFFF #Stop Game Timer 800B4096 0000 ; [ Star Wars - Episode I - Jedi Power Battles (USA) (2000) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-01046} ] :SLUS-01046 #P1 Max Score 800B2408 423F 800B240A 000F #P1 Infinite Health 800B240C 0064 #P1 Infinite Force 800B2414 0064 #P1 Infinite Bombs 800B241A 0005 #P2 Max Score 800B2424 423F 800B2426 000F #P2 Infinite Health 800B2428 0064 #P2 Infinite Force 800B2430 0064 #P2 Infinite Bombs 800B2436 0005 #All Levels Unlocked + Skill Maxed Out\Plo Koon 300B2675 0001 50000402 0000 800B2676 0101 300B267E 0001 3008C9F7 0004 50000402 0000 8008C9F8 0404 3008CA00 0004 #All Levels Unlocked + Skill Maxed Out\Qui-Gon Jinn 300B2619 0001 50000402 0000 800B261A 0101 300B2622 0001 3008C9C1 0004 50000402 0000 8008C9C2 0404 3008C9CA 0004 #All Levels Unlocked + Skill Maxed Out\Mace Windu 300B2637 0001 50000402 0000 800B2638 0101 300B2640 0001 3008C9D3 0004 50000402 0000 8008C9D4 0404 3008C9DB 0004 #All Levels Unlocked + Skill Maxed Out\Obi-Wan Kenobi 300B25F9 0001 50000402 0000 800B25FA 0101 300B2602 0001 3008C9AF 0004 50000402 0000 8008C9B0 0404 3008C9B8 0004 #All Levels Unlocked + Skill Maxed Out\Ad Gallia 3008C9E5 0004 50000402 0000 8008C9E6 0404 3008C9EE 0004 50000502 0000 800B2656 0101 ; [ Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire (USA) (1996) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00381 / SLUS-00386} ] :SLUS-00381 :SLUS-00386 #Infinite Shield 800C07C8 1000 800C07CC 1000 #Infinite Lives 800E5AF0 000A #Enables All Levels 800C6C48 0010 ; [ Star Wars - Masters of Teräs Käsi (USA) (1997) (LucasArts Entertainment Company) {SLUS-00562} ] :SLUS-00562 #P1 Infinite Energy 800AC274 1000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800AC2BC 1000 #P1 Full Super Bar 800AC278 FFFF #P2 Full Super Bar 800AC290 FFFF #P1 25% Energy D00AC274 1000 800AC274 4000 #P1 50% Energy D00AC274 1000 800AC274 8000 #P1 75% Energy D00AC274 1000 800AC274 C000 #P1 No Energy 800AC274 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D00AC274 1000 800AC274 0100 #P2 25% Energy D00AC2BC 1000 800AC2BC 4000 #P2 50% Energy D00AC2BC 1000 800AC2BC 8000 #P2 75% Energy D00AC2BC 1000 800AC2BC C000 #P2 No Energy 800AC2BC 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D00AC2BC 1000 800AC2BC 0100 #P1 No Super Bar 800AC278 0000 #P2 No Super Bar 800AC290 0000 #Have All Hidden Characters .With this code, enable the characters then turn off the code, save them to memory card 800BEF5E 00FF 800C310E 0001 800C3112 0001 800C3114 0001 800C3118 0001 800C311C 0001 #P2 Always Computer Controled 800AC288 0100 #Jedi Mind Trick .Press Select D00802C4 0100 800AC28C 0000 ; [ Sydney 2000 (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01177} ] :SLUS-01177 #All Event Stages Unlocked 50000C04 0000 800165B8 0003 #All Events-Gold Medal 50000C04 0000 80016D64 0006 #All Training Completed 50007E02 0000 800165E8 6464 #Unlock Arcade Legend Difficulty 300A0ADC 0003 ; [ Syndicate Wars (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00262} ] :SLUS-00262 #Infinite Money 800E39AC C9FF 800E39AE 3B9A #Infinite Shield (Mission 1) 8016474E 0400 #Infinite Shield (Mission 2) 80167492 0400 #Infinite Shield (Mission 3) 8016ED42 0400 ; [ Syphon Filter (USA, v1.1) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94240} ] :SCUS-94240 #Infinite Ammo On Pickup All 800467C6 2400 #Infinite Timer All Levels 80116690 FFFF #Invincibility 80115FEC 0000 80116820 FFBC #Have All Levels In Level Select Screen 801462AA 0B14 #Georgia Street\Infinite Armor 801A8BDA 0258 #Georgia Street\Infinite Health 801A8BDC 0096 #Destroyed Subway\Infinite Armor 801A2EE2 0258 #Destroyed Subway\Infinite Health 801A2EE4 0096 #Main Subway Line\Infinite Armor 801C6CCA 0258 #Main Subway Line\Infinite Health 801C6CCC 0096 #Washington Park\Infinite Armor 801AA442 0258 #Washington Park\Infinite Health 801AA444 0096 #Freedom Memorial\Infinite Armor 801C0496 0258 #Freedom Memorial\Infinite Health 801C0498 0096 #Expo Center Reception\Infinite Armor 801AC26E 0258 #Expo Center Reception\Infinite Health 801AC270 0096 #Expo Center Dinorama\Infinite Armor 801A9ABA 0258 #Expo Center Dinorama\Infinite Health 801A9ABC 0096 #Rhoemer's Base\Infinite Armor 801A9292 0258 #Rhoemer's Base\Infinite Health 801A9294 0096 #Base Bunker\Infinite Armor 801B381E 0258 #Base Bunker\Infinite Health 801B3820 0096 #Base Tower\Infinite Armor 801C5A5A 0258 #Base Tower\Infinite Health 801C5A5C 0096 #Base Escape\Infinite Armor 801AE44E 0258 #Base Escape\Infinite Health 801AE450 0096 #Rhoemer's Stronghold\Infinite Armor 801AD592 0258 #Rhoemer's Stronghold\Infinite Health 801AD594 0096 #Stronghold Lower Level\Infinite Armor 801AB066 0258 #Stronghold Lower Level\Infinite Health 801AB068 0096 #Stronghold Catacombs\Infinite Armor 801ACE96 0258 #Stronghold Catacombs\Infinite Health 801ACE98 0096 #Pharcom Warehouses\Infinite Armor 801AACF2 0258 #Pharcom Warehouses\Infinite Health 801AACF4 0096 #Pharcom Elite Guards\Infinite Armor 801A4566 0258 #Pharcom Elite Guards\Infinite Health 801A4568 0096 #Warehouse 76\Infinite Armor 801B725E 0258 #Warehouse 76\Infinite Health 801B7260 0096 #Silo Access Tunnels\Infinite Armor 801A2092 0258 #Silo Access Tunnels\Infinite Health 801A2094 0096 #Tunnel Blackout\Infinite Armor 801B0A62 0258 #Tunnel Blackout\Infinite Health 801B0A64 0096 #Missile Silo\Infinite Armor 801AD5D2 0258 #Missile Silo\Infinite Health 801AD5D4 0096 #Missile Silo\Stop Countdown Timer 80116BAC 008A #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Silenced 9Mm 8012F0B4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Silenced 9Mm 8012F0B6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload .45 8012F0C0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo .45 8012F0C2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload G-18 8012F0C4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo G-18 8012F0C6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Combat Shotgun 8012F0C8 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Combat Shotgun 8012F0CA 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Shotgun 8012F0CC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8012F0CE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Pk-102 8012F0D0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Pk-102 8012F0D2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload M-16 8012F0D4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo M-16 8012F0D6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Eiz-2 8012F0D8 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Eiz-2 8012F0DA 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Hk-5 8012F0DC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Hk-5 8012F0DE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Nightvision Rifle 8012F0E0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Nightvision Rifle 8012F0E2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Sniper Rifle 8012F0E4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 8012F0E6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload M-79 8012F0F0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo M-79 8012F0F2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload K3G4 8012F0F4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo K3G4 8012F0F6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Grenade 8012F0FC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Grenade 8012F0FE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Gas Grenade 8012F100 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Gas Grenade 8012F102 0063 #More Misc.\Immune To Most Explosions/Fire 80069FB0 FFFF 80069FB2 2401 80069FD0 0008 80069FD2 1029 #More Misc.\Immune To Most Bullets 80068974 0000 80068976 2401 80068B94 0016 80068B96 1420 #More Misc.\1 Shot Kills Enemy 301168D1 0001 #More Misc.\Hard Mode (Press x When Mission Starts) 301168D0 0001 #More Misc.\Stop Countdown Timer (Missile Silo Level) 80116690 0BB8 ; [ Syphon Filter 2 (USA) (2000) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94451 / SCUS-94451, SCUS-94492} ] :SCUS-94451 :SCUS-94451 :SCUS-94492 #Infinite Armor D0089E68 0006 80089E6A 2400 #Have All Weapons + Items 8012A5B0 FFFF 8012A5B2 FFFF #Unlock All Missions 8014AF3C 0015 #Countdown Timer Manipulator Press (L2+R2) To Start + Press (L1+R1) To Stop C0122FF0 0003 8005C9FC 0C48 8005C9FE AE02 00000000 FFFF D0122FF0 000C 8005C9FE 2400 #Colorado Mountains\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801ACA7A 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AC556 0258 #Colorado Mountains\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801ACA7C 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AC558 0096 #Mckenzie Airbase Interior\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B08A6 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B0536 0258 #Mckenzie Airbase Interior\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B08A8 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B0538 0096 #Colorado Interstate 70\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801A938E 0258 D011EC70 0003 801A91EE 0258 #Colorado Interstate 70\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801A9390 0096 D011EC70 0003 801A91F0 0096 #1-70 Mountain Bridge\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801ADB12 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AD7EE 0258 #1-70 Mountain Bridge\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801ADB14 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AD7F0 0096 #Mckenzie Airbase Exterior\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B9E16 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B9A32 0258 #Mckenzie Airbase Exterior\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B9E18 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B9A34 0096 #Colorado Train Ride\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801AC48A 0258 D011EC70 0003 801ABD06 0258 #Colorado Train Ride\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801AC48C 0096 D011EC70 0003 801ABD08 0096 #Colorado Train Race\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801ABA4E 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AB6DA 0258 #Colorado Train Race\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801ABA50 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AB6DC 0096 #C-130 Wreck Site\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B0DF2 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B085E 0258 #C-130 Wreck Site\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B0DF4 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B0D60 0096 #Pharcon Expo Center\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B6222 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B5FEA 0258 #Pharcon Expo Center\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B6224 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B5FEC 0096 #Morgan\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B6292 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B6166 0258 #Morgan\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B6294 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B6168 0096 #Moscow Club 32\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B62F2 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B60CA 0258 #Moscow Club 32\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B62F4 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B60CC 0096 #Moscow Streets\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801ACC16 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AC632 0258 #Moscow Streets\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801ACC18 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AC634 0096 #Volkov Park\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801A77A6 0258 D011EC70 0003 801A731E 0258 #Volkov Park\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801A77A8 0096 D011EC70 0003 801A7320 0096 #Gregorov\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801C8B02 0258 D011EC70 0003 801C8942 0258 #Gregorov\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801C8B04 0096 D011EC70 0003 801C8944 0096 #Aljir Prison Break-In\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801AFB16 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AF48A 0258 #Aljir Prison Break-In\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801AFB18 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AF48C 0096 #Aljir Prison Escape\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801AD48E 0258 D011EC70 0003 801ACFB2 0258 #Aljir Prison Escape\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801AD490 0096 D011EC70 0003 801ACFB4 0096 #Agency Bio-Lab\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801BE96E 0258 D011EC70 0003 801BE74A 0258 #Agency Bio-Lab\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801BE970 0096 D011EC70 0003 801BE74C 0096 #Agency Bio-Lab Escape\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801AC2A6 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AC092 0258 #Agency Bio-Lab Escape\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801AC2A8 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AC094 0096 #New York Slums\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801AD98A 0258 D011EC70 0003 801AD1AE 0258 #New York Slums\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801AD98C 0096 D011EC70 0003 801AD1B0 0096 #New York Sewer\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B20F6 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B1E06 0258 #New York Sewer\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B20F8 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B1E08 0096 #Finale\Infinite Armor D011EC70 0004 801B37EA 0258 D011EC70 0003 801B3756 0258 #Finale\Infinite Health D011EC70 0004 801B37EC 0096 D011EC70 0003 801B3758 0096 #Finale\Unlock All Cheats + Multi-Player Stuff 8011F6A4 FFFF 8011F6A6 FFFF #Finale\Infinite Ammo (All Weapons) 50001104 0000 3012A5BE 0063 3012A60E 0063 50000304 0000 3012A612 0063 3012A62A 0063 #Max Ammo-Silenced 9Mm 3012A5BC 0063 #Max Ammo-9Mm 3012A5C0 0063 #Max Ammo-.45 3012A5C4 0063 #Max Ammo-M-16 3012A5C8 0063 #Max Ammo-Silenced Hk-5 3012A5CC 0063 #Max Ammo-Hk-5 3012A5D0 0063 #Max Ammo-Pk-102 3012A5D4 0063 #Max Ammo-Shotgun 3012A5D8 0063 #Max Ammo-Uas-12 3012A5DC 0063 #Max Ammo-G-18 3012A5E0 0063 #Max Ammo-Biz-2 3012A5E4 0063 #Max Ammo-K3G4 3012A5E8 0063 #Max Ammo-H11 3012A5EC 0063 #Max Ammo-Silent Sniper Rifle 3012A5F0 0063 #Max Ammo-Sniper Rifle 3012A5F4 0063 #Max Ammo-Nightvision Rifle 3012A5F8 0063 #Max Ammo-Incendiary Grenade 3012A610 0063 #Max Ammo-Nerve Gas Grenade 3012A614 0063 #Max Ammo-M-79 3012A60C 0063 #Max Ammo-Tear Gas Launcher 3012A628 0063 #Max Ammo-Crossbow 3012A5FC 0063 #Max Ammo-C4 3012A618 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Silenced 9Mm 3012A5BE 0063 #Infinite Ammo-9Mm 3012A5C2 0063 #Infinite Ammo-.45 3012A5C6 0063 #Infinite Ammo-M-16 3012A5CA 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Silenced Hk-5 3012A5CE 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Hk-5 3012A5D2 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Pk-102 3012A5D6 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Shotgun 3012A5DA 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Uas-12 3012A5DE 0063 #Infinite Ammo-G-18 3012A5E2 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Biz-2 3012A5E6 0063 #Infinite Ammo-K3G4 3012A5EA 0063 #Infinite Ammo-H11 3012A5EE 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Silent Sniper Rifle 3012A5F2 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Sniper Rifle 3012A5F6 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Nightvision Rifle 3012A5FA 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Incendiary Grenade 3012A612 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Nerve Gas Grenade 3012A616 0063 #Infinite Ammo-M-79 3012A60E 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Tear Gas Launcher 3012A62A 0063 #Infinite Ammo-Crossbow 3012A5FE 0063 #Infinite Ammo-C4 3012A61A 0063 #Invincibility 8011FC80 FFFF #Invisibility Code If you press and hold the L1 button, you can turn invisibility off to turn it on again, just release the L1 button 8011F860 FFFF ; [ Syphon Filter 3 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94640} ] :SCUS-94640 #Unlock All Missions 8014F9C4 0013 #Extra Ammo (Most Weapons) 80066B68 0001 #Infinite Ammo (Most Weapons) 80066B6E 2400 #Infinite Health (All Levels) C005AEFC AAAB 8005AEF4 0258 8005AEF6 2404 8005AEFA A4C4 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Health Australian Outback D01A5B0A 8019 801A5B12 0258 D01A5972 8019 801A597A 0258 #Infinite Health Aztec Ruins D01B2F8A 801A 801B2F92 0258 D01B290E 801A 801B2916 0258 #Infinite Health C-5 Galaxy Transport D01B2C4E 801A 801B2C56 0258 D01B2AC6 801A 801B2ACE 0258 #Infinite Health Convoy D01A8F16 8019 801A8F1E 0258 D01A8D36 8019 801A8D3E 0258 #Infinite Health Costa Rican Plantation D01B409E 801A 801B40A6 0258 D01B3CB6 801A 801B3CBE 0258 #Infinite Health DC Subway D01B56D2 801A 801B56DA 0258 D01B51B2 801A 801B51BA 0258 #Infinite Health Docks Final Assault D01A3CDA 8019 801A3CE2 0258 D01A36B2 8019 801A36BA 0258 #Infinite Health Hotel Fukushima D01BB5FA 801B 801BB602 0258 D01BAF8E 801A 801BAF96 0258 #Infinite Health Kabul. Afghanistan D01B0076 801A 801B007E 0258 D01AFE52 801A 801AFE5A 0258 #Infinite Health Militia Compound D01B7D22 801A 801B7D2A 0258 D01B7B42 801A 801B7B4A 0258 #Infinite Health Paradise Ridge D01B39AA 801A 801B39B2 0258 D01B3462 801A 801B346A 0258 #Infinite Health Pugari Complex D01AAB96 801A 801AAB9E 0258 D01AA44A 801A 801AA452 0258 #Infinite Health Pugari Gold Mine D01B4462 801A 801B446A 0258 D01B3FFE 801A 801B4006 0258 #Infinite Health S.S.Lorelei D01BD3C2 801A 801BD3CA 0258 D01BD3B6 801A 801BD3BE 0258 #Infinite Health Senate Building D01AE42E 801A 801AE436 0258 D01ADD6A 801A 801ADD72 0258 #Infinite Health St George Australia D01AF0FE 801A 801AF106 0258 D01AEC26 801A 801AEC2E 0258 #Infinite Health The Beast D01AABBA 801A 801AABC2 0258 D01AA862 801A 801AA86A 0258 #Infinite HealthUnderground Bunker 801B15DE 801A 801B15E6 0258 D01B1416 801A 801B141E 0258 #Infinite Health Waterfront D01B402E 801A 801B4036 0258 D01B39AE 801A 801B39B6 0258 #Have All Cheats + Mini Game Mode 801223F4 FFFF #Infinite Time (Mini Game Mode) 8005E016 2400 #Have All Weapons And Items 8012D7D8 FFFF 8012D7DA F9FF 8012D7DC 005F ; [ Syphon Filter (USA, v1.0) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94240} ] :SCUS-94240 #Infinite Ammo On Pickup All 800467C6 2400 #Infinite Timer All Levels 80116690 FFFF #Invincibility 80115FEC 0000 80116820 FFBC #Have All Levels In Level Select Screen 801462AA 0B14 #Georgia Street\Infinite Armor 801A8BDA 0258 #Georgia Street\Infinite Health 801A8BDC 0096 #Destroyed Subway\Infinite Armor 801A2EE2 0258 #Destroyed Subway\Infinite Health 801A2EE4 0096 #Main Subway Line\Infinite Armor 801C6CCA 0258 #Main Subway Line\Infinite Health 801C6CCC 0096 #Washington Park\Infinite Armor 801AA442 0258 #Washington Park\Infinite Health 801AA444 0096 #Freedom Memorial\Infinite Armor 801C0496 0258 #Freedom Memorial\Infinite Health 801C0498 0096 #Expo Center Reception\Infinite Armor 801AC26E 0258 #Expo Center Reception\Infinite Health 801AC270 0096 #Expo Center Dinorama\Infinite Armor 801A9ABA 0258 #Expo Center Dinorama\Infinite Health 801A9ABC 0096 #Rhoemer's Base\Infinite Armor 801A9292 0258 #Rhoemer's Base\Infinite Health 801A9294 0096 #Base Bunker\Infinite Armor 801B381E 0258 #Base Bunker\Infinite Health 801B3820 0096 #Base Tower\Infinite Armor 801C5A5A 0258 #Base Tower\Infinite Health 801C5A5C 0096 #Base Escape\Infinite Armor 801AE44E 0258 #Base Escape\Infinite Health 801AE450 0096 #Rhoemer's Stronghold\Infinite Armor 801AD592 0258 #Rhoemer's Stronghold\Infinite Health 801AD594 0096 #Stronghold Lower Level\Infinite Armor 801AB066 0258 #Stronghold Lower Level\Infinite Health 801AB068 0096 #Stronghold Catacombs\Infinite Armor 801ACE96 0258 #Stronghold Catacombs\Infinite Health 801ACE98 0096 #Pharcom Warehouses\Infinite Armor 801AACF2 0258 #Pharcom Warehouses\Infinite Health 801AACF4 0096 #Pharcom Elite Guards\Infinite Armor 801A4566 0258 #Pharcom Elite Guards\Infinite Health 801A4568 0096 #Warehouse 76\Infinite Armor 801B725E 0258 #Warehouse 76\Infinite Health 801B7260 0096 #Silo Access Tunnels\Infinite Armor 801A2092 0258 #Silo Access Tunnels\Infinite Health 801A2094 0096 #Tunnel Blackout\Infinite Armor 801B0A62 0258 #Tunnel Blackout\Infinite Health 801B0A64 0096 #Missile Silo\Infinite Armor 801AD5D2 0258 #Missile Silo\Infinite Health 801AD5D4 0096 #Missile Silo\Stop Countdown Timer 80116BAC 008A #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Silenced 9Mm 8012F0B4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Silenced 9Mm 8012F0B6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload .45 8012F0C0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo .45 8012F0C2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload G-18 8012F0C4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo G-18 8012F0C6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Combat Shotgun 8012F0C8 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Combat Shotgun 8012F0CA 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Shotgun 8012F0CC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8012F0CE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Pk-102 8012F0D0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Pk-102 8012F0D2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload M-16 8012F0D4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo M-16 8012F0D6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Eiz-2 8012F0D8 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Eiz-2 8012F0DA 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Hk-5 8012F0DC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Hk-5 8012F0DE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Nightvision Rifle 8012F0E0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Nightvision Rifle 8012F0E2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Sniper Rifle 8012F0E4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 8012F0E6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload M-79 8012F0F0 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo M-79 8012F0F2 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload K3G4 8012F0F4 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo K3G4 8012F0F6 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Grenade 8012F0FC 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Grenade 8012F0FE 0063 #More Misc.\Maxed Ammo Reload Gas Grenade 8012F100 03E7 #More Misc.\Infinite Ammo Gas Grenade 8012F102 0063 #More Misc.\Immune To Most Explosions/Fire 80069FB0 FFFF 80069FB2 2401 80069FD0 0008 80069FD2 1029 #More Misc.\Immune To Most Bullets 80068974 0000 80068976 2401 80068B94 0016 80068B96 1420 #More Misc.\1 Shot Kills Enemy 301168D1 0001 #More Misc.\Hard Mode (Press x When Mission Starts) 301168D0 0001 #More Misc.\Stop Countdown Timer (Missile Silo Level) 80116690 0BB8 ; [ Tactics Ogre (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00560} ] :SLUS-00560 #In-Battle Can Always Move Cheats\Position 1 800B6184 0000 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 1 If you don't have 10 characters in battle then the enemy's level goes up!. 30139430 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 2 30139431 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 3 30139432 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 4 30139433 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 5 30139434 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 6 30139435 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 7 30139436 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 8 30139437 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 9 30139438 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Position 10 30139439 0064 #In-Battle Quick Level Up Cheats\Invincibility Use Only in your turn 800B61FC 0001 #Other\Misc.\Infinite Goth 800B61C0 FFFF #Other\Misc.\Max Goth 800B61C0 E0FF 800B61C2 05F5 #Hold L2 To Stay Active (In-Battle) D011F338 0001 800B6184 0000 #Have All Items 80124C24 00F0 5000F001 0000 3013F8C8 0062 5000F001 0001 30146B80 0001 ; [ T'ai Fu - Wrath of the Tiger (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00787} ] :SLUS-00787 #Select Level\Bamboo Forest 8004B3E4 0000 #Select Level\Bamboo Hill 8004B3E4 0001 #Select Level\Tiger Ruins 8004B3E4 0002 #Select Level\Leopard Jungle 8004B3E4 0003 #Select Level\Leopard Fortress 8004B3E4 0004 #Select Level\Leopard Lookout 8004B3E4 0005 #Select Level\Temple Bridge 8004B3E4 0006 #Select Level\Mantis Caves 8004B3E4 0007 #Select Level\Mantis Lair 8004B3E4 0008 #Select Level\Cavern of Spirits 8004B3E4 0009 #Select Level\Cross Roads 8004B3E4 000A #Select Level\Monkey Treetops 8004B3E4 000B #Select Level\Monkey Skyboy 8004B3E4 000C #Select Level\Crane Harbor 8004B3E4 000D #Select Level\Pirate's Junk 8004B3E4 000E #Select Level\Cross Roads 2 8004B3E4 000F #Select Level\Great Wall 8004B3E4 0010 #Select Level\Tiger Mountains 8004B3E4 0011 #Select Level\Mountain Pass 8004B3E4 0012 #Select Level\Shadow Gauntlet 8004B3E4 0013 #Select Level\Forbidden Palace 8004B3E4 0014 #Map Cheats Enabled 8004B4E8 0001 #Infinite Health (Panda Temple) 8014639E 0064 #Infinite Health (Bamboo Forest) 8012F3DE 0064 #Infinite Health (Bamboo Hill) 8012B0EE 0064 #Infinite Health (Tiger Ruins) 8013CBFE 0064 #Infinite Health (Leopard Jungle) 8012D12E 0078 #Infinite Health (Leopard Fortress) 801238CE 0078 #Infinite Health (Leopard Lookout) 8015D29E 0078 #Infinite Health (Temple Bridges) 80129E2E 008C #Infinite Health (Mantis Caves) 8013508E 008C #Infinite Health (Mantis Lair) 8013EA7E 008C #Infinite Health (Cavern Of Spirits) 8014CADE 008C #Infinite Health (Cross Roads) 801362BE 008C #Infinite Health (Monkey Treetops) 8012351E 008C #Infinite Health (Monkey Skyboy) 8013EABE 008C #Infinite Health (Crane Harbor) 8012A62E 00A0 #Infinite Health (Pirate's Junk) 8013CA7E 009E #Infinite Health (Cross Roads 2) 801330DE 00B4 #Infinite Health (Great Wall) 8012550E 00B4 #Infinite Health (Tiger Mountains) 8013C29E 00B4 #Infinite Health (Mountain Pass) 8012DABE 00B4 #Infinite Health (Shadow Gauntlet) 80131ABE 00C8 #Infinite Health (Forbidden Palace) 8012924E 00C8 ; [ Tail Concerto (USA) (1999) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-00660} ] :SLUS-00660 #Infinite Energy Robo 800CD742 012C #Infinite Health 800CD744 0064 #Invincibility 800CD756 0025 #Stop Timer 800D42E8 0000 #Time 00:00:00 800D42E8 0000 800D42EA 0000 #Max Whistles 300D42CB 0063 #Infinite Jet Pack Fuel With Black Smoke 800CD742 FFFF #Open All Pictures 50000F01 0000 300D4288 000F #Open Bonus Pictures/Movies/+ Be At The End Of The Game! 50003301 0000 300D4297 00FF ; [ Tail of the Sun (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94607} ] :SCUS-94607 #Have Spear 1 800C5528 0009 #Have Spear 2 800CA08C 0009 #Tower Finished 800CA0A0 00FF ; [ Tall - Infinity (USA) (2002) (Agetec / A1 Games) {SLUS-01547} ] :SLUS-01547 #Infinite Time 800C76FC 9514 ; [ Disney's Tarzan (USA, v1.1) (2003) (Global Star Software) {SLUS-01537CE} ] ;:SLUS-01537CE ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disney's Tarzan (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94456} ] :SCUS-94456 #Infinite Coins 80059D6C 03E7 #Infinite Health 8008E03C 0160 8008E03E 2402 #Max Health 8008D10C 0160 8008D10E 2405 #Infinite Lives 80093572 2400 #Have All Sketch Pieces/Tarzan Letters 80059D3C FFFF #Always Have Weapon 800A5218 0010 #Infinite Time Bonus Level 800A3470 1910 #Have All Levels/Movies 50000D02 0000 30059D73 00FF #Have All Levels 100% Complete 50000D02 0000 30059D74 0064 #Infinite Purple Fruit (With these, the amounts must be zero when the code is to be activated) D005B150 0001 800A567A 0063 #Infinite Red Fruit (With these, the amounts must be zero when the code is to be activated) D005B150 0001 800A5678 0063 #Infinite Blue Fruit (With these, the amounts must be zero when the code is to be activated) D005B150 0001 800A5676 0063 #Infinite Fruit On Pick Up 8009781C 0001 8009781E 2442 ; [ Test Drive 4 (USA) (1997) (Accolade) {SLUS-00487} ] :SLUS-00487 #Infinite Time 80079956 783B #Always Place First 80079972 0001 #Secret Car Select .With this code, hold L1+UP For Secret Car 1, hold L2+UP For Secret Car 2, hold R1+UP For Secret Car 3,hold R2+UP For Secret Car 4, then Select Any Car! D006F264 0410 8006EDA8 000A D006F264 0110 8006EDA8 000B D006F264 0810 8006EDA8 000C D006F264 0210 8006EDA8 000D #Unlock Secret Cars 80064712 0B0A 80064714 0D0C #Unlock Secret Tracks 80064748 0604 8006474A 0807 8006474C 0A09 #Points Max 8007F1C2 FFFF #Unlock Slime (Hidden) 30064717 000F #Unlock Hovercraft (Hidden) 30064716 000E #Nitro Boost (press R1) 30067385 0001 ; [ Test Drive 5 (USA) (1998) (Accolade) {SLUS-00610} ] :SLUS-00610 #Always Place First 300987FB 0000 #Have 99 Points In Cup Race 3009DA24 0063 #Enable All Tracks 8009DB72 0202 8009DB74 0202 8009DB76 0202 8009DB78 0202 8009DB7A 0202 8009DB7C 0202 8009DB7E 0202 8009DB80 0202 8009DB82 0202 8009DB84 0202 8009DB86 0202 8009DB88 0202 8009DB8A 0202 8009DB96 0202 8009DB98 0202 #Enable All Cars 8009DB56 0202 8009DB58 0202 8009DB5A 0202 8009DB5C 0202 8009DB5E 0202 8009DB60 0202 8009DB62 0202 8009DB64 0202 8009DB66 0202 8009DB68 0202 ; [ Test Drive 6 (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00839} ] :SLUS-00839 #Max Credits 800AC628 C9FF 800AC62A 3B9A #Total Time 00:00:00/Always 1st 800A80EC 0000 #Infinite Check Point 800A80F0 0AA9 #Stop Bomber Mode Hong Kong Completed 300ACD4C 0001 #Stop Bomber Mode London Completed 300ACD4D 0001 #Stop Bomber Mode New York Completed 300ACD4A 0001 #Stop Bomber Mode Paris Completed 300ACD49 0001 #Stop Bomber Mode Rome Completed 300ACD4B 0001 #Stop Bomber Mode Spike 8011A7B8 1543 #Stop Bomber Mode Unlock Hidden Levels 800AE28E 0101 800AE290 0101 800AE292 0101 #Stop Racers Mode Hong Kong Completed 300ACD40 0005 #Stop Racers Mode London Completed 300ACD41 0005 #Stop Racers Mode New York Completed 300ACD3E 0005 #Stop Racers Mode Paris Completed 300ACD3D 0005 #Stop Racers Mode Rome Completed 300ACD3F 0005 #Tournament Race Class 1 Tour 1 Finished 1st 800AC6F0 0000 #Tournament Race Class 1 Tour 2 Finished 1st 800AC740 0000 #Tournament Race Class 2 Tour 1 Finished 1st 800AC888 0000 #Tournament Race Class 2 Tour 2 Finished 1st 800AC8D8 0000 #Tournament Race Class 3 Tour 1 Finished 1st 800ACA20 0000 #Tournament Race Class 3 Tour 2 Finished 1st 800ACA70 0000 #Tournament Race Class 4 Tour 1 Finished 1st 800ACBB8 0000 #Tournament Race Class 4 Tour 2 Finished 1st 800ACC08 0000 ; [ Test Drive Le Mans (USA) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS-01077} ] :SLUS-01077 #Car Never Overheats D0087204 0440 8008720A 2400 D0087228 0006 8008722E 2400 D008725C 1021 80087262 2400 #Amateur Championship GT1 Complete 3002794C 0001 #Amateur Championship GT1 Complete 3002794E 0001 #Amateur Championship Prototype Complete 3002794D 0001 #Amatuer Lemans LM GT1 Winner Complete 30027951 0001 #Amatuer Lemans LM GT2 Winner Complete 3002794F 0001 #Amatuer Lemans LM Prototype Winner Complete 30027950 0001 #Amatuer Lemans LM Winner Complete 30027952 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Amateur Cup GT1 Complete 3002793C 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Amateur Cup GT2 Complete 3002793A 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Amateur Cup Prototype Complete 3002793B 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup GT1 Complete 3002793F 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup GT2 Complete 3002793D 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup Prototype Complete 3002793E 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup Reverse GT1 Complete 30027942 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup Reverse GT2 Complete 30027940 0001 #Arcade Challenge-Pro Cup Reverse Prototype Complete 30027941 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Amateur Cup GT1 Complete 30027945 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Amateur Cup GT2 Complete 30027943 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Amateur Cup Proto Complete 30027944 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup GT1 Complete 30027948 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup GT2 Complete 30027946 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup Prototype Complete 30027947 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup Reverse GT1 Complete 3002794B 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup Reverse GT2 Complete 30027949 0001 #Arcade Time Attack-Pro Cup Reverse Prototype Complete 3002794A 0001 #Pro Championship GT1 Complete 30027955 0001 #Pro Championship GT2 Complete 30027953 0001 #Pro Championship Prototype Complete 30027954 0001 #Pro Lemans All Races Complete 50002001 0000 3002793A 0001 #Pro Lemans Amatuer Challenge GT1-Unlock All Cars 80027ABE 002F #Pro Lemans Amatuer Challenge GT2-Unlock All Cars 80027ABA 000F #Pro Lemans Amatuer Challenge Prototype-Unlock All Cars 80027ABC 001F #Pro Lemans Amatuer Time Attack GT1-Unlock All Cars 80027ACA 002F #Pro Lemans Amatuer Time Attack GT2-Unlock All Cars 80027AC6 000F #Pro Lemans Amatuer Time Attack Prototype-Unlock All Cars 80027AC8 001F #Pro Lemans Infinite Fuel 80088736 2400 #Pro Lemans LM GT1 Winner Complete 30027958 0001 #Pro Lemans LM GT2 Winner Complete 30027956 0001 #Pro Lemans LM Prototype Winner Complete 30027957 0001 #Pro Lemans LM Winner Complete 30027959 0001 #Pro Lemans Professional Challenge GT1-Unlock All Cars 80027AC4 002F #Pro Lemans Professional Challenge GT2-Unlock All Cars 80027AC0 000F #Pro Lemans Professional Challenge Prototype-Unlock All Cars 80027AC2 001F #Pro Lemans Professional Time Attack GT1-Unlock All Cars 80027AD0 002F #Pro Lemans Professional Time Attack GT2-Unlock All Cars 80027ACC 000F #Pro Lemans Professional Time Attack Prototype-Unlock All Cars 80027ACE 001F #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Chamberlain Viper, Philippe Gache Motorsport, + JB Giesse Team (GT1) 300281CA 0003 E0046CA4 0000 30046CA4 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Chrysler Viper Oreca, Joest Racing, + Nissan Motorsports 300281CA 0003 E0049C34 0000 30049C34 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Cirtek, Courage Competition, + GTC Competition 300281CA 0003 E004846C 0000 3004846C 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Konrad Motorsport, La Filier, + Panoz Motorsports (Gray Car) 300281CA 0003 E0047888 0000 30047888 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Larbre Competition, BMW Motorsport, + Toyota Motorsports 300281CA 0003 E004A818 0000 3004A818 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Roock Racing (GT2), JB Giesse Team (Proto), + Panoz Motorsports (Purple Car) 300281CA 0003 E0049050 0000 30049050 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Team Agusta Racing, Pilot Racing, + Roock Racing (GT1) 300281CA 0003 E00460C0 0000 300460C0 0003 #Pro Lemans Quick Win-Team Marcos, Kremer Racing, + Lister Cars 300281CA 0003 E00454DC 0000 300454DC 0003 #Pro Lemans Stop Checkpoint Timer D00757E8 FFFF 800757F2 2400 #Pro Lemans Stop Lap Timer D0068614 0001 8006861A 2400 #Pro Lemans Stop Total Time Timer D0075728 0001 8007572E 2400 #Pro Lemans Unlock All Cars (Arcade Mode) 50000406 0000 80027ABA 000F 50000406 0000 80027ABC 001F 50000406 0000 80027ABE 002F #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Chamberlain Viper, Philippe Gache Motorsport, + JB Giesse Team (GT1) E0046CA4 0000 30046CA4 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Chrysler Viper Oreca, Joest Racing, + Nissan Motorsports E0049C34 0000 30049C34 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Cirtek, Courage Competition, + GTC Competition E004846C 0000 3004846C 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Konrad Motorsport, La Filier, + Panoz Motorsports (Gray Car) E0047888 0000 30047888 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Larbre Competition, BMW Motorsport, + Toyota Motorsports E004A818 0000 3004A818 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Roock Racing (GT2), JB Giesse Team (Proto), + Panoz Motorsports (Purple Car) E0049050 0000 30049050 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Team Agusta Racing, Pilot Racing, + Roock Racing (GT1) E00460C0 0000 300460C0 00C8 #Pro Lemans Win in LaMans Mode Easily-Team Marcos, Kremer Racing, + Lister Cars E00454DC 0000 300454DC 00C8 #Max Championship Points Chamberlin Viper-55 800279DE 00FF #Max Championship Points Chamberlin Viper-56 800279E0 00FF #Max Championship Points Cirtek-48 800279E8 00FF #Max Championship Points Cirtek-49 800279E6 00FF #Max Championship Points Courage Competition-13 80027A08 00FF #Max Championship Points Courage Competition-14 80027A06 00FF #Max Championship Points GTC Competition-40 80027A16 00FF #Max Championship Points GTC Competition-41 80027A18 00FF #Max Championship Points JB Giesse Team-25 80027A0E 00FF #Max Championship Points JB Giesse Team-26 80027A10 00FF #Max Championship Points JB Giesse Team-5 80027A0A 00FF #Max Championship Points JB Giesse Team-6 80027A0C 00FF #Max Championship Points Konrad Motorsport-70 800279E2 00FF #Max Championship Points Konrad Motorsport-73 800279E4 00FF #Max Championship Points Kremer Racing-16 800279F6 00FF #Max Championship Points Kremer Racing-17 800279F8 00FF #Max Championship Points La Filiere-15 80027A02 00FF #Max Championship Points La Filiere-19 80027A04 00FF #Max Championship Points Panoz Motorsports-44 80027A14 00FF #Max Championship Points Panoz Motorsports-45 80027A12 00FF #Max Championship Points Panoz Motorsports-46 80027A1C 00FF #Max Championship Points Panoz Motorsports-47 80027A1A 00FF #Max Championship Points Phillippe Gache Racing-20 800279FE 00FF #Max Championship Points Phillippe Gache Racing-21 80027A00 00FF #Max Championship Points Pilot Racing-10 800279FA 00FF #Max Championship Points Pilot Racing-11 800279FC 00FF #Max Championship Points Roock Racing-64 800279EC 00FF #Max Championship Points Roock Racing-65 800279EA 00FF #Max Championship Points Team Agusta Racing-59 800279DC 00FF #Max Championship Points Team Agusta Racing-60 800279DA 00FF #Max Championship Points Team Marcos-52 800279D8 00FF #Max Championship Points Team Marcos-53 800279D6 00FF ; [ Test Drive Off-Road (USA) (1997) (Accolade) {SLUS-00396} ] :SLUS-00396 #Have Stockcar 300B4A88 0001 #Have Hotrod 300B4A8A 0001 #Have Monster Truck 300B4A8B 0001 #Have 4X4 Buggy 300B4A8C 0001 #Enable Stock Car 2 300B4A8D 0001 #Enable Blue VW Bug 300B4A89 0001 #Open All Tracks 800B1978 000C ; [ Test Drive Off-Road 2 (USA) (1998) (Accolade) {SLUS-00609} ] :SLUS-00609 #High Player Credits 8006A7CC FFFF 8006A7CE 0FFF #Infinite Time 800890A0 4800 #Car Modifier Hummer 80064294 0000 #Car Modifier Ram 80064294 0001 #Car Modifier Wrangler 80064294 0002 #Car Modifier Defender 90 80064294 0003 #Car Modifier Explorer 80064294 0004 #Car Modifier Chenowth Dr2 80064294 0005 #Car Modifier F-150 80064294 0006 #Car Modifier Cherokee 80064294 0007 #Car Modifier Hummer Turbo Diesel 80064294 0008 #Car Modifier Ram V 10 80064294 0009 #Car Modifier Wrangler Sportr 80064294 000A #Car Modifier Defender 90 Upgrade 80064294 000B #Car Modifier Explorer V8 80064294 000C #Car Modifier Chenowth Dr2 Upgrade 80064294 000D #Car Modifier F-150 V8 80064294 000E #Car Modifier Grand Cherokee 80064294 000F #Car Modifier Military Hummer 80064294 0010 #Car Modifier T-Rex 80064294 0011 #Car Modifier Saleen Explorer 80064294 0012 #Car Modifier Fast Attack Vehicle 80064294 0013 #Car Modifier Range Rover 80064294 0014 #Car Modifier School Bus (Hidden Vehicle) 80064294 0015 #Car Modifier Black And Red Grand Cherokee (Hidden Vehicle) 80064294 0016 #Car Modifier Ice.Cream Truck (Hidden Vehicle) 80064294 0017 ; [ Test Drive Off-Road 3 (USA) (1999) (Infogrames) {SLUS-00840} ] :SLUS-00840 #Activate All Cheats 8009BCE8 FFFF #Unlock All Cheats 8009BCE4 FFFF #Always Place First 80012BB6 2400 #Infinite Time 8007EB34 6E35 #Start on Final Lap 8007ED5E 0101 #World Tour - All Trucks in Garage 8013D9A4 FFFF 8013D9A6 FFFF #World Tour - Have Gold Cups All Divisions 8013DA34 0000 8013DA36 0000 8013DA38 0000 8013DA3A 0000 8013DA3C 0000 #World Tour - Have Gold Cups All Divisions 50000502 0000 8013DA34 0000 #World Tour - Max Credits 8013DA24 967F 8013DA26 0098 #World Tour - Open All Divisions 8013D998 001F 8013DA6C 0001 ; [ Team Buddies (USA) (2000) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00869} ] :SLUS-00869 #Cheats Option Unlocked 3004B3D3 0010 #Extra Ammo 80075630 1021 #Infinite Ammo (Everyone) 8007563A 2400 #Infinite Ammo Character 1 (Blue Team) 80110110 0096 #Infinite Ammo Character 2 (Blue Team) 801104B4 0096 #Infinite Health Character 1 (Blue Team) 8011010A 0000 #Infinite Health Character 2 (Blue Team) 801104AE 0000 #Infinite Time Sage 8004B3B4 44EC #Max Health Character 1 (Blue Team) 80110108 270F #Max Health Character 1 (Blue Team) 801104AC 270F ; [ Team Losi RC Racer (USA) (1998) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00666} ] :SLUS-00666 #Chupacabra Car Always Place 1st 800843DA 0000 #Chupacabra Car Invincibility 8008425C 0800 #Dirt Dog Car Always Place 1st 80082AAE 0000 #Dirt Dog Car Invincibility 80082930 0800 #Flame Dragon Car Always Place 1st 8007E78E 0000 #Flame Dragon Car Invincibility 8007E610 0800 #Graphite Plus Car Always Place 1st 8008091E 0000 #Graphite Plus Car Invincibility 800807A0 0800 #Hard Corps Car Always Place 1st 80084C3E 0000 #Hard Corps Car Invincibility 80084AC0 0800 #Krush Car Always Place 1st 8007D6C6 0000 #Krush Car Invincibility 8007D6C6 0800 #Land Shark Car Always Place 1st 8008224A 0000 #Land Shark Car Invincibility 800820CC 0800 #Mook-808 Car Always Place 1st 80083312 0000 #Mook-808 Car Invincibility 80083194 0800 #Outlaw Car Always Place 1st 800819E6 0000 #Outlaw Car Invincibility 80081868 0800 #Reaper Car Always Place 1st 80083B76 0000 #Reaper Car Invincibility 800839F8 0800 #Road Ninja Car Always Place 1st 800800BA 0000 #Road Ninja Car Invincibility 8007FF3C 0800 #Scorpion Car Always Place 1st 8007EFF2 0000 #Scorpion Car Invincibility 8007EFF2 0800 #Venom Car Always Place 1st 8007F856 0000 #Venom Car Invincibility 8007F6D8 0800 #Vixxen Car Always Place 1st 8007DF2A 0000 #Vixxen Car Invincibility 8007DF2A 0800 #XX4 Car Always Place 1st 80081182 0000 #XX4 Car Invincibility 80081004 0800 ; [ Tecmo's Deception - Invitation to Darkness (USA) (1996) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00340} ] :SLUS-00340 #Infinite HP 800A37E2 6464 #Infinite Gold 800A3868 FFFF #Infinite MP 800A3860 FFFF #Always Have Amulet + Evil Crown 8009F67E 0101 #Always Have Antidotes + Savepoints 8009F65C 0101 #Always Have Black Orb + Map2 8009F684 0101 #Always Have Boots 8009F668 0001 #Always Have Contract + Last Key 8009F676 0101 #Always Have Cure 8009F670 0001 #Always Have Earring + Mantle 8009F67A 0101 #Always Have Evil Jewel + Sword 8009F672 0101 #Always Have Herbs 8009F666 0101 #Always Have Iron Key 8009F65E 0001 #Always Have Letter + Dardstone 8009F67C 0101 #Always Have Mask + Hourglass 8009F680 0101 #Always Have MP Gain + Sanity 8009F664 0101 #Always Have Skill Gem + Necklace 8009F662 0101 #Always Have Skull Key + Map 8009F682 0101 #Always Have Speed + Armor Gems 8009F660 0101 #Always Have Tiara 8009F678 0001 ; [ Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) (1996) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00070} ] :SLUS-00070 #Infinite Time 8005CE6A 012C #Select Away Team Score\99 8005CE82 0063 #Select Away Team Score\0 8005CE82 0000 #Select Home Team Score\99 8005CE76 0063 #Select Home Team Score\0 8005CE76 0000 #P2 Infinite Time Outs 8005CDF0 0004 #Infinite Time Outs (Both Players) 8011966C 0004 ; [ Tecmo Stackers (USA) (1997) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00315} ] ;:SLUS-00315 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tecmo World Golf - Japan (USA) (1996) (Tecmo) {SLUS-00299} ] :SLUS-00299 #Only One Shot Recorded 800DEC44 0001 #Shot's Score 2 80028764 0002 ; [ Tekken (USA) (1995) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00006} ] :SLUS-00006 #P1 Infinite Health 801232DE 0080 #Infinite Time 80125180 090E #P2 No Health 80124312 0000 #Select All Extra Players 801273D0 FFFF ; [ Tekken 2 (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00213} ] :SLUS-00213 #P1 Infinite Health 800D09EA 006E #P1 No Health 800D09E8 0000 #P1 1 Hit Death D00D09EA 006E 800D09EA 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 800D1BF2 006E #P2 No Health 800D1BF2 0000 #P2 1 Hit Death D00D1BF2 006E 800D1BF2 0001 #Have All 26 Players 800A3630 FFFF 800A3632 00FF #Infinite Time 800CAC4A 0036 800CAE12 0036 800CC072 0036 800CC09A 0036 800CC262 0036 800D2C1C 090E #Infinite Time To Pick Character 801ED1C0 0449 #P1 Set 2 Win 800D083C 0002 #P2 Set 2 Win 800D1A44 0002 #Elapsed Timer Always 00'00'01 800D644C 0000 #Extra Characters 801ED1D4 1A20 801ED1D6 142A 801ED1D8 1E22 801ED1DA 1816 801ED1DC 281C 801ED1E8 0016 801ED250 0016 ; [ Tekken 2 (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00213} ] :SLUS-00213 #P1 Infinite Health 800D09EA 006E #P1 No Health 800D09E8 0000 #P1 1 Hit Death D00D09EA 006E 800D09EA 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 800D1BF2 006E #P2 No Health 800D1BF2 0000 #P2 1 Hit Death D00D1BF2 006E 800D1BF2 0001 #Have All 26 Players 800A3630 FFFF 800A3632 00FF #Infinite Time 800CAC4A 0036 800CAE12 0036 800CC072 0036 800CC09A 0036 800CC262 0036 800D2C1C 090E #Infinite Time To Pick Character 801ED1C0 0449 #P1 Set 2 Win 800D083C 0002 #P2 Set 2 Win 800D1A44 0002 #Elapsed Timer Always 00'00'01 800D644C 0000 #Extra Characters 801ED1D4 1A20 801ED1D6 142A 801ED1D8 1E22 801ED1DA 1816 801ED1DC 281C 801ED1E8 0016 801ED250 0016 ; [ Tekken 3 (USA) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00402} ] :SLUS-00402 #P1 Infinite Health 300A961E 008C #P2 Infinite Health 300AAEAA 008C #P1 No Health 300A961E 0000 #P2 No Health 300AAEAA 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D00A961E 008C 800A961E 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D00AAEAA 008C 800AAEAA 0001 #Absolutely Everything Unlocked 80097EF0 FFFF 30097EF2 001F 80097EF4 0382 30097EF6 0005 80097EF8 FFFF 30097EFA 001F 30097EFD 0009 30097EFE 0001 80097F26 0101 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 1 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0000 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 2 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0001 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 3 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0002 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 4 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0003 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 5 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0004 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 6 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0005 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 7 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0006 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 8 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0007 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 9 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0008 #Arcade Mode Stage Select 10 D00AFAAC 0000 300AFAAC 0009 #Replace The Force Mode Enemies' Moves With Better Ones\No Black Bgs (For True Ogre Fights) 300AFAA0 0000 #Super Ultra Top-Secret Code!\Set 1 C00A8F6C 10AC 800B8E94 4556 800B8E96 5352 800B8E98 5355 800B8E9A 4220 800B8E9C 4F4F 800B8E9E 534B 800B8EA0 0000 00000000 FFFF #Super Ultra Top-Secret Code!\Set 2 C00A8F6C 10AC 800B8F0C 0000 800B8F20 4B53 800B8F22 4C49 800B8F24 214C 800B8F26 0021 800B8F28 4F52 800B8F2A 4B43 00000000 FFFF #Super Ultra Top-Secret Code!\Set 3 C00A8F6C 10AC 800B8F2C 2053 800B8F2E 4957 800B8F30 4854 800B8F32 0020 00000000 FFFF #P1 Grip Of Death 800A9282 0017 #P1 Infinite Supercharge 800A934A 006F 800A9286 00FF #Infinite Force Mode Time 800ADBCC FFFF #Tekken Force Stage Skip D00A8C48 4100 800B6C04 0001 #Neon Glow 8009E5EC FFFF #Play 5 Stages In Force Mode Instead Of 4 .With this code, it will only work if Dr. Boskonovitch has NOT been enabled. 80097F18 0103 #P1 Is Dr. Boskonovitch 300ADD5C 0013 #P2 Is Always Computer Controled 300AAB79 0001 #P1 P1 Press L1 To Gain Power D00A9130 0004 200A961E 0001 #P1 P1 Press L2 To Lose Power D00A9130 0001 210A961E 0001 #P2 P1 Press R1 To Gain Power D00A9130 0008 200AAEAA 0001 #P2 P1 Press R2 To Lose Power D00A9130 0002 210AAEAA 0001 #P2 Infinite Supercharge 800AABD6 006F 800AAB12 00FF ; [ Play with the Teletubbies (USA) (2000) (Knowledge Adventure) {SLUS-00959} ] ;:SLUS-00959 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tempest X3 (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00283} ] :SLUS-00283 #Infinite Lives 8009931A 0003 #Infinite Zaps 80099348 0001 #Always Have Power Up (Tempest X Mode Only) 80099316 0005 ; [ Tenchu - Stealth Assassins (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00706} ] :SLUS-00706 #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012A3D4 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Shuriken 3012A3D5 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Caltraps 3012A3D6 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012A3D7 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Grenade 3012A3D8 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012A3D9 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Mines 3012A3DA 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012A3DB 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012A3DC 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012A3DD 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012A3DE 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012A3DF 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012A3E0 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012A3E1 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012A3E2 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012A3E3 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012A3E4 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012A3E5 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012A3E6 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012A3E7 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012A3E8 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Arrows 3012A3E9 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Lightning 3012A3EB 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Transporter 3012A3EC 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012A328 0064 #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012A3CE 0000 8012A3CE 000B #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012F4AC 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Shuriken 3012F4AD 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Caltraps 3012F4AE 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012F4AF 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Grenade 3012F4B0 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012F4B1 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Mines 3012F4B2 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012F4B3 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012F4B4 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012F4B5 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012F4B6 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012F4B7 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012F4B8 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012F4B9 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012F4BA 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012F4BB 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012F4BC 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012F4BD 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012F4BE 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012F4BF 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012F4C0 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Arrows 3012F4C1 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Lightning 3012F4C3 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Transporter 3012F4C4 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012F400 0064 #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012F4A6 0000 8012F4A6 000B #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012FE40 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Shuriken 3012FE41 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Caltraps 3012FE42 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012FE43 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Grenade 3012FE44 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012FE45 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Mines 3012FE46 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012FE47 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012FE48 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012FE49 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012FE4A 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012FE4B 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012FE4C 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012FE4D 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012FE4E 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012FE4F 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012FE50 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012FE51 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012FE52 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012FE53 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012FE54 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Arrows 3012FE55 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Lightning 3012FE57 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Transporter 3012FE58 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012FD94 0064 #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012FE3A 0000 8012FE3A 000B #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30129018 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Shuriken 30129019 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Caltraps 3012901A 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012901B 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Grenade 3012901C 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012901D 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Mines 3012901E 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012901F 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Colored Rice 30129020 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30129021 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30129022 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30129023 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30129024 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30129025 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30129026 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30129027 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Dog Bone 30129028 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30129029 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012902A 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012902B 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012902C 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Arrows 3012902D 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Lightning 3012902F 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Transporter 30129030 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80128F6C 0064 #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0129012 0000 80129012 000B #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301262E0 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Shuriken 301262E1 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Caltraps 301262E2 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Healing Potion 301262E3 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Grenade 301262E4 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301262E5 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Mines 301262E6 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Poison Rice 301262E7 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Colored Rice 301262E8 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301262E9 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301262EA 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301262EB 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301262EC 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301262ED 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301262EE 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301262EF 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Dog Bone 301262F0 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301262F1 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301262F2 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301262F3 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301262F4 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Arrows 301262F5 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Lightning 301262F7 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Transporter 301262F8 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80126234 0064 #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01262DA 0000 801262DA 000B #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012EE68 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Shuriken 3012EE69 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Caltraps 3012EE6A 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012EE6B 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Grenade 3012EE6C 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012EE6D 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Mines 3012EE6E 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012EE6F 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012EE70 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012EE71 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012EE72 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012EE73 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012EE74 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012EE75 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012EE76 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012EE77 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012EE78 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012EE79 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012EE7A 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012EE7B 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012EE7C 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Arrows 3012EE7D 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Lightning 3012EE7F 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Transporter 3012EE80 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012EDBC 0064 #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012EE62 0000 8012EE62 000B #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301287C4 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Shuriken 301287C5 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Caltraps 301287C6 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Healing Potion 301287C7 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Grenade 301287C8 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301287C9 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Mines 301287CA 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Poison Rice 301287CB 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Colored Rice 301287CC 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301287CD 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301287CE 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301287CF 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301287D0 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301287D1 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301287D2 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301287D3 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Dog Bone 301287D4 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301287D5 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301287D6 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301287D7 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301287D8 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Arrows 301287D9 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Lightning 301287DB 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Transporter 301287DC 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80128718 0064 #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01287BE 0000 801287BE 000B #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30122E70 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Shuriken 30122E71 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Caltraps 30122E72 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Healing Potion 30122E73 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Grenade 30122E74 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30122E75 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Mines 30122E76 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Poison Rice 30122E77 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Colored Rice 30122E78 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30122E79 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30122E7A 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30122E7B 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30122E7C 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30122E7D 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30122E7E 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30122E7F 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Dog Bone 30122E80 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30122E81 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30122E82 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30122E83 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30122E84 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Arrows 30122E85 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Lightning 30122E87 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Transporter 30122E88 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80122DC4 0064 #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0122E6A 0000 80122E6A 000B #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012DFF0 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Shuriken 3012DFF1 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Caltraps 3012DFF2 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012DFF3 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Grenade 3012DFF4 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012DFF5 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Mines 3012DFF6 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012DFF7 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012DFF8 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012DFF9 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012DFFA 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012DFFB 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012DFFC 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012DFFD 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012DFFE 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012DFFF 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E000 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E001 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E002 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E003 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E004 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Arrows 3012E005 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Lightning 3012E007 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Transporter 3012E008 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DF44 0064 #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012DFEA 0000 8012DFEA 000B #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012DF94 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Shuriken 3012DF95 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Caltraps 3012DF96 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012DF97 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Grenade 3012DF98 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012DF99 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Mines 3012DF9A 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012DF9B 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012DF9C 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012DF9D 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012DF9E 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012DF9F 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012DFA0 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012DFA1 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012DFA2 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012DFA3 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012DFA4 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012DFA5 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012DFA6 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012DFA7 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012DFA8 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Arrows 3012DFA9 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Lightning 3012DFAB 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Transporter 3012DFAC 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DEE8 0064 #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012DF8E 0000 8012DF8E 000B #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shuriken 3001042D 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Caltraps 3001042E 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Health Potions 3001042F 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Grenade 30010430 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Smoke Bomb 30010431 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Mines 30010432 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Poison Rice 30010433 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Colored Rice 30010434 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Sleeping Gas 30010435 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Resurrection Leaf 30010436 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Chameleon Spell 30010437 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Protection Amulet 30010438 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Lightfoot Scroll 30010439 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shadow Decoy 3001043A 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Super-Shurikens 3001043B 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Dog Bones 3001043C 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Fire Eater Scroll 3001043D 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Decoy Whistle 3001043E 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Ninja Armor 3001043F 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Have All Levels 30010061 000F #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout A 80010238 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout B 80010244 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout c 80010250 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout A 8001025C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout B 80010268 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout c 80010274 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout A 80010280 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout B 8001028C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout c 80010298 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout A 8001037C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout B 80010388 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout c 80010394 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout A 800103A0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout B 800103AC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout c 800103B8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout A 800102A4 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout B 800102B0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout c 800102BC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout A 800102C8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout B 800102D4 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout c 800102E0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout A 800102EC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout B 800102F8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout c 80010304 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout A 80010310 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout B 8001031C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout c 80010328 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout A 80010334 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout B 80010340 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout c 8001034C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Training 80010358 1300 #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\00:00 Time 80095358 0000 8009535A 0000 #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30125140 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Shuriken 30125141 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Caltraps 30125142 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Healing Potion 30125143 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Grenade 30125144 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30125145 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Mines 30125146 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Poison Rice 30125147 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Colored Rice 30125148 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30125149 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012514A 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012514B 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012514C 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012514D 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012514E 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012514F 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Dog Bone 30125150 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30125151 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30125152 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30125153 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30125154 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Arrows 30125155 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Lightning 30125157 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Transporter 30125158 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Record Time 0 8009268C 0000 #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012A4D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Shuriken 3012A4D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Caltraps 3012A4DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012A4DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Grenade 3012A4DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012A4DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Mines 3012A4DE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012A4DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012A4E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012A4E1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012A4E2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012A4E3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012A4E4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012A4E5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012A4E6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012A4E7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012A4E8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012A4E9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012A4EA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012A4EB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012A4EC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Arrows 3012A4ED 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Lightning 3012A4EF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Transporter 3012A4F0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012A42C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012A4D2 0000 8012A4D2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012F5B0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Shuriken 3012F5B1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Caltraps 3012F5B2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012F5B3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Grenade 3012F5B4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012F5B5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Mines 3012F5B6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012F5B7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012F5B8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012F5B9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012F5BA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012F5BB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012F5BC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012F5BD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012F5BE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012F5BF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012F5C0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012F5C1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012F5C2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012F5C3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012F5C4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Arrows 3012F5C5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Lightning 3012F5C7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Transporter 3012F5C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Infintie Health D000E226 800B 8012F504 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012F5AA 0000 8012F5AA 000B #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012FF44 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Shuriken 3012FF45 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Caltraps 3012FF46 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012FF47 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Grenade 3012FF48 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012FF49 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Mines 3012FF4A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012FF4B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012FF4C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012FF4D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012FF4E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012FF4F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012FF50 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012FF51 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012FF52 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012FF53 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012FF54 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012FF55 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012FF56 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012FF57 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012FF58 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Arrows 3012FF59 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Lightning 3012FF5B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Transporter 3012FF5C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012FE98 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012FF3E 0000 8012FF3E 000B #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012911C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Shuriken 3012911D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Caltraps 3012911E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012911F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Grenade 30129120 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30129121 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Mines 30129122 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Poison Rice 30129123 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Colored Rice 30129124 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30129125 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30129126 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30129127 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30129128 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30129129 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012912A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012912B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012912C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012912D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012912E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012912F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30129130 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Arrows 30129131 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Lightning 30129133 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Transporter 30129134 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80129070 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0129116 0000 80129116 000B #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301263E4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Shuriken 301263E5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Caltraps 301263E6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Healing Potion 301263E7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Grenade 301263E8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301263E9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Mines 301263EA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Poison Rice 301263EB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Colored Rice 301263EC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301263ED 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301263EE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301263EF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301263F0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301263F1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301263F2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301263F3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Dog Bone 301263F4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301263F5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301263F6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301263F7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301263F8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Arrows 301263F9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Lightning 301263FB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Transporter 301263FC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80126338 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01263DE 0000 801263DE 000B #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012EF6C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Shuriken 3012EF6D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Caltraps 3012EF6E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012EF6F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Grenade 3012EF70 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012EF71 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Mines 3012EF72 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012EF73 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012EF74 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012EF75 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012EF76 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012EF77 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012EF78 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012EF79 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012EF7A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012EF7B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012EF7C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012EF7D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012EF7E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012EF7F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012EF80 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Arrows 3012EF81 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Lightning 3012EF83 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Transporter 3012EF84 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012EEC0 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012EF66 0000 8012EF66 000B #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301288C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Shuriken 301288C9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Caltraps 301288CA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Healing Potion 301288CB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Grenade 301288CC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301288CD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Mines 301288CE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Poison Rice 301288CF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Colored Rice 301288D0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301288D1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301288D2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301288D3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301288D4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301288D5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301288D6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301288D7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Dog Bone 301288D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301288D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301288DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301288DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301288DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Arrows 301288DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Lightning 301288DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Transporter 301288E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012881C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01288C2 0000 801288C2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301288C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Shuriken 301288C9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Caltraps 301288CA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Healing Potion 301288CB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Grenade 301288CC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301288CD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Mines 301288CE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Poison Rice 301288CF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Colored Rice 301288D0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301288D1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301288D2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301288D3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301288D4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301288D5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301288D6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301288D7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Dog Bone 301288D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301288D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301288DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301288DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301288DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Arrows 301288DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Lightning 301288DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Transporter 301288E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012881C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01288C2 0000 801288C2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012E0F4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Shuriken 3012E0F5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Caltraps 3012E0F6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012E0F7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Grenade 3012E0F8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012E0F9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Mines 3012E0FA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012E0FB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012E0FC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012E0FD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012E0FE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012E0FF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012E100 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012E101 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012E102 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012E103 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E104 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E105 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E106 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E107 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E108 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Arrows 3012E109 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Lightning 3012E10B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Transporter 3012E10C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012E048 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012E0EE 0000 8012E0EE 000B #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012E098 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Shuriken 3012E099 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Caltraps 3012E09A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012E09B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Grenade 3012E09C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012E09D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Mines 3012E09E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012E09F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012E0A0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012E0A1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012E0A2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012E0A3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012E0A4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012E0A5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012E0A6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012E0A7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E0A8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E0A9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E0AA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E0AB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E0AC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Arrows 3012E0AD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Lightning 3012E0AF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Transporter 3012E0B0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DFEC 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012E092 0000 8012E092 000B #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shuriken 3001040D 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Caltraps 3001040E 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Health Potions 3001040F 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Grenade 30010410 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Smoke Bomb 30010411 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Mines 30010412 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Poison Rice 30010413 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Colored Rice 30010414 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Sleeping Gas 30010415 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Resurrection Leaf 30010416 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Chameleon Spell 30010417 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Protection Amulet 30010418 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Lightfoot Scroll 30010419 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shadow Decoy 3001041A 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Super-Shurikens 3001041B 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Dog Bones 3001041C 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Fire Eater Scroll 3001041D 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Decoy Whistle 3001041E 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Ninja Armor 3001041F 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Have All Levels 30010060 000F #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout A 80010064 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout B 80010070 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout c 8001007C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout A 80010088 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout B 80010094 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout c 800100A0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout A 800100AC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout B 800100B8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout c 800100C4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout A 800101A8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout B 800101B4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout c 800101C0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout A 800101CC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout B 800101D8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout c 800101E4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout A 800100D0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout B 800100DC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout c 800100E8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout A 800100F4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout B 80010100 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout c 8001010C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout A 80010118 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout B 80010124 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout c 80010130 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout A 8001013C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout B 80010148 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout c 80010154 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout A 80010160 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout B 8001016C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout c 80010178 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Training 80010184 1300 #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\00:00 Time 80095358 0000 8009535A 0000 #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30125244 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Shuriken 30125245 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Caltraps 30125246 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Healing Potion 30125247 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Grenade 30125248 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30125249 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Mines 3012524A 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012524B 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012524C 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012524D 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012524E 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012524F 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30125250 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30125251 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30125252 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30125253 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Dog Bone 30125254 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30125255 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30125256 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30125257 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30125258 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Arrows 30125259 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Lightning 3012525B 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Transporter 3012525C 00FF #Both Characters\Ultimate Code .With this code, infinite items equipped on the weapon select screen plus you can remove the items to add to shelves...that way you have a large supply....also it increases the amount of items you carry as well! 80050D8C 0008 #Both Characters\No Remaining Limit D01FFDF8 0001 801FFDF8 0000 #Both Characters\Infinite Items 80047F42 2400 #Both Characters\Infinite Health C000E226 800B 8001D2D6 2411 8001DCC2 2411 00000000 FFFF #Both Characters\Have All Items 50001301 0000 3001040D 0063 50001301 0000 3001042D 0063 #Both Characters\Debug Menu Activator .With this code, press L2 + R2 while in the game to goto the Debug Menu! 80095AC8 000A #Both Characters\Expert Mode Complete 50001302 0000 801E95D8 FFFF #Both Characters\Grand Master Status-Records Screen (Level 1-10 - Layout A-C) 50001E0C 0000 80010064 1300 80010184 1300 50001E0C 0000 80010238 1300 80010358 1300 #Both Characters\Secret Customes 8001001A 00FF #Both Characters\Japanese Voices In Most Levels + Levels Layout Open 80010048 00FF #Both Characters\Grand Master Status-Records Screen (Level 1-10 - Layout A-C) 80010238 1300 80010244 1300 80010250 1300 8001025C 1300 80010268 1300 80010274 1300 80010280 1300 8001028C 1300 80010298 1300 8001037C 1300 80010388 1300 80010394 1300 800103A0 1300 800103AC 1300 800103B8 1300 800102A4 1300 800102B0 1300 800102BC 1300 800102C8 1300 800102D4 1300 800102E0 1300 800102EC 1300 800102F8 1300 80010304 1300 80010310 1300 8001031C 1300 80010328 1300 80010334 1300 80010340 1300 8001034C 1300 80010358 1300 80010064 1300 80010070 1300 8001007C 1300 80010088 1300 80010094 1300 800100A0 1300 800100AC 1300 800100B8 1300 800100C4 1300 800101A8 1300 800101B4 1300 800101C0 1300 800101CC 1300 800101D8 1300 800101E4 1300 800100D0 1300 800100DC 1300 800100E8 1300 800100F4 1300 80010100 1300 8001010C 1300 80010118 1300 80010124 1300 80010130 1300 8001013C 1300 80010148 1300 80010154 1300 80010160 1300 8001016C 1300 80010178 1300 80010184 1300 ; [ Tenchu 2 - Birth of the Stealth Assassins (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-00939, SLUS-00939GH} ] :SLUS-00939 :SLUS-00939GH #Rikimaru\Record\The Training Course\Grand Master Status 30010074 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Training Course\Max Kills 30010075 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Training Course\Max Score 80010076 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Training Course\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010078 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Gang Of Thieves\Grand Master Status 3001007C 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Gang Of Thieves\Max Kills 3001007D 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Gang Of Thieves\Max Score 8001007E 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Gang Of Thieves\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010080 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\Treason At Gohde Castle\Grand Master Status 30010084 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\Treason At Gohde Castle\Max Kills 30010085 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\Treason At Gohde Castle\Max Score 80010086 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\Treason At Gohde Castle\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010088 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\Lord Toda's War Camp\Grand Master Status 3001008C 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\Lord Toda's War Camp\Max Kills 3001008D 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\Lord Toda's War Camp\Max Score 8001008E 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\Lord Toda's War Camp\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010090 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\Demon Mountain\Grand Master Status 30010094 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\Demon Mountain\Max Kills 30010095 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\Demon Mountain\Max Score 80010096 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\Demon Mountain\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010098 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Secret Harbor\Grand Master Status 3001009C 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Secret Harbor\Max Kills 3001009D 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Secret Harbor\Max Score 8001009E 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Secret Harbor\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100A0 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Temple Of Dreams\Grand Master Status 300100A4 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Temple Of Dreams\Max Kills 300100A5 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Temple Of Dreams\Max Score 800100A6 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Temple Of Dreams\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100A8 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\Ninja Village Under Attack\Grand Master Status 300100AC 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\Ninja Village Under Attack\Max Kills 300100AD 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\Ninja Village Under Attack\Max Score 800100AE 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\Ninja Village Under Attack\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100B0 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Grand Master Status 300100B4 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Max Kills 300100B5 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Max Score 800100B6 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100B8 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Grand Master Status 300100BC 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Max Kills 300100BD 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Max Score 800100BE 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100C0 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Sea Battle\Grand Master Status 300100C4 0006 #Rikimaru\Record\The Sea Battle\Max Kills 300100C5 00FF #Rikimaru\Record\The Sea Battle\Max Score 800100C6 7FFF #Rikimaru\Record\The Sea Battle\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100C8 EA5F #Rikimaru\Record\The Sea Battle\Have All Items 50001401 0000 30010019 0063 #Ayame\Record\The Training Course\Grand Master Status 300100CC 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Training Course\Max Kills 300100CD 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Training Course\Max Score 800100CE 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Training Course\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100D0 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Mountain Bandits\Grand Master Status 300100D4 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Mountain Bandits\Max Kills 300100D5 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Mountain Bandits\Max Score 800100D6 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Mountain Bandits\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100D8 EA5F #Ayame\Record\Lady Kei In Danger\Grand Master Status 300100DC 0006 #Ayame\Record\Lady Kei In Danger\Max Kills 300100DD 00FF #Ayame\Record\Lady Kei In Danger\Max Score 800100DE 7FFF #Ayame\Record\Lady Kei In Danger\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100E0 EA5F #Ayame\Record\To Save A Princess\Grand Master Status 300100E4 0006 #Ayame\Record\To Save A Princess\Max Kills 300100E5 00FF #Ayame\Record\To Save A Princess\Max Score 800100E6 7FFF #Ayame\Record\To Save A Princess\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100E8 EA5F #Ayame\Record\Kuban Island\Grand Master Status 300100EC 0006 #Ayame\Record\Kuban Island\Max Kills 300100ED 00FF #Ayame\Record\Kuban Island\Max Score 800100EE 7FFF #Ayame\Record\Kuban Island\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100F0 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Island Fort\Grand Master Status 300100F4 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Island Fort\Max Kills 300100F5 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Island Fort\Max Score 800100F6 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Island Fort\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 800100F8 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Quarantine Village\Grand Master Status 300100FC 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Quarantine Village\Max Kills 300100FD 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Quarantine Village\Max Score 800100FE 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Quarantine Village\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010100 EA5F #Ayame\Record\Cherry Tree Hill\Grand Master Status 30010104 0006 #Ayame\Record\Cherry Tree Hill\Max Kills 30010105 00FF #Ayame\Record\Cherry Tree Hill\Max Score 80010106 7FFF #Ayame\Record\Cherry Tree Hill\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010108 EA5F #Ayame\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Grand Master Status 3001010C 0006 #Ayame\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Max Kills 3001010D 00FF #Ayame\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Max Score 8001010E 7FFF #Ayame\Record\In Pursuit Of Tatsumaru\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010110 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Grand Master Status 30010114 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Max Kills 30010115 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Max Score 80010116 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Kansen Caverns\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010118 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Fire Demon\Grand Master Status 3001011C 0006 #Ayame\Record\The Fire Demon\Max Kills 3001011D 00FF #Ayame\Record\The Fire Demon\Max Score 8001011E 7FFF #Ayame\Record\The Fire Demon\Time 0:00.0/Enables Mission 80010120 EA5F #Ayame\Record\The Fire Demon\Have All Items 50001401 0000 30010037 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 1 D00856E2 0100 801FFDBA 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 2 D00856E2 0100 801FFDBE 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 3 D00856E2 0100 801FFDC2 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 4 D00856E2 0100 801FFDC6 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 5 D00856E2 0100 801FFDCA 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Slot 6 D00856E2 0100 801FFDCE 0063 #All Character\Max Item\Infinite Remaining Items D01FFE40 000B 801FFE40 000C #All Character\Max Item\Infinite Health D10104B0 0000 8013F010 0064 #All Character\Max Item\All Items (In-Battle) D00104B0 0001 50001401 0000 3013F159 0063 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Emancipation 30010481 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Into The Enemy's Lair 30010482 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\The Demon Encampment 30010483 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\The Floating Temple 30010484 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\The Howling Wind 30010485 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\A Moonless Night 30010486 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Silent Forest 30010487 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\The Depths Of Despair 30010488 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Washed Ashore 30010489 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\A Brand New Evil 3001048A 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Tenchu, Inc 3001048B 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Unlock All Mission Editor Levels 50000B01 0000 30010481 0001 #All Character\Unlock Mission Editor Level\Unlock Tatsumaru 80010008 FFFF #Tatsumaru\Record\A Shadow\Grand Master Status 30010124 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\A Shadow\Max Kills 30010125 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\A Shadow\Max Score 80010126 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\A Shadow\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010128 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\The Head Of Lord Toda\Grand Master Status 3001012C 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\The Head Of Lord Toda\Max Kills 3001012D 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\The Head Of Lord Toda\Max Score 8001012E 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\The Head Of Lord Toda\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010130 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\Labor Shortage\Grand Master Status 30010134 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\Labor Shortage\Max Kills 30010135 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\Labor Shortage\Max Score 80010136 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\Labor Shortage\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010138 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\Guarding The Secret Harbor\Grand Master Status 3001013C 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\Guarding The Secret Harbor\Max Kills 3001013D 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\Guarding The Secret Harbor\Max Score 8001013E 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\Guarding The Secret Harbor\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010140 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\No Mercy Unlocked\Grand Master Status 30010144 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\No Mercy Unlocked\Max Kills 30010145 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\No Mercy Unlocked\Max Score 80010146 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\No Mercy Unlocked\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010148 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\Assault On The Ninja Village\Grand Master Status 3001014C 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\Assault On The Ninja Village\Max Kills 3001014D 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\Assault On The Ninja Village\Max Score 8001014E 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\Assault On The Ninja Village\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010150 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Grand Master Status 30010154 0006 #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Max Kills 30010155 00FF #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Max Score 80010156 7FFF #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Time 0:00:00/Enable Mission 80010158 EA5F #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Have All Items 50001401 0000 30010055 0063 #Tatsumaru\Record\The Final Dawn\Tatsumaru-Everything Perfect 50000708 0000 80010124 FF06 50000708 0000 80010126 7FFF 50000708 0000 80010128 EA5F ; [ Tenchu - Stealth Assassins (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00706} ] :SLUS-00706 #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012A3D4 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Shuriken 3012A3D5 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Caltraps 3012A3D6 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012A3D7 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Grenade 3012A3D8 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012A3D9 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Mines 3012A3DA 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012A3DB 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012A3DC 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012A3DD 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012A3DE 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012A3DF 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012A3E0 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012A3E1 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012A3E2 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012A3E3 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012A3E4 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012A3E5 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012A3E6 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012A3E7 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012A3E8 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Arrows 3012A3E9 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Lightning 3012A3EB 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Transporter 3012A3EC 00FF #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012A328 0064 #Ayame\Level 1-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012A3CE 0000 8012A3CE 000B #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012F4AC 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Shuriken 3012F4AD 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Caltraps 3012F4AE 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012F4AF 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Grenade 3012F4B0 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012F4B1 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Mines 3012F4B2 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012F4B3 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012F4B4 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012F4B5 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012F4B6 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012F4B7 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012F4B8 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012F4B9 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012F4BA 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012F4BB 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012F4BC 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012F4BD 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012F4BE 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012F4BF 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012F4C0 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Arrows 3012F4C1 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Lightning 3012F4C3 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Transporter 3012F4C4 00FF #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012F400 0064 #Ayame\Level 2-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012F4A6 0000 8012F4A6 000B #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012FE40 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Shuriken 3012FE41 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Caltraps 3012FE42 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012FE43 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Grenade 3012FE44 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012FE45 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Mines 3012FE46 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012FE47 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012FE48 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012FE49 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012FE4A 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012FE4B 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012FE4C 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012FE4D 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012FE4E 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012FE4F 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012FE50 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012FE51 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012FE52 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012FE53 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012FE54 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Arrows 3012FE55 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Lightning 3012FE57 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Transporter 3012FE58 00FF #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012FD94 0064 #Ayame\Level 3-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012FE3A 0000 8012FE3A 000B #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30129018 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Shuriken 30129019 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Caltraps 3012901A 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012901B 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Grenade 3012901C 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012901D 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Mines 3012901E 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012901F 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Colored Rice 30129020 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30129021 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30129022 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30129023 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30129024 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30129025 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30129026 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30129027 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Dog Bone 30129028 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30129029 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012902A 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012902B 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012902C 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Arrows 3012902D 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Lightning 3012902F 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Transporter 30129030 00FF #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80128F6C 0064 #Ayame\Level 4-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0129012 0000 80129012 000B #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301262E0 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Shuriken 301262E1 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Caltraps 301262E2 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Healing Potion 301262E3 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Grenade 301262E4 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301262E5 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Mines 301262E6 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Poison Rice 301262E7 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Colored Rice 301262E8 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301262E9 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301262EA 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301262EB 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301262EC 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301262ED 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301262EE 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301262EF 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Dog Bone 301262F0 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301262F1 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301262F2 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301262F3 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301262F4 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Arrows 301262F5 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Lightning 301262F7 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Transporter 301262F8 00FF #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80126234 0064 #Ayame\Level 5-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01262DA 0000 801262DA 000B #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012EE68 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Shuriken 3012EE69 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Caltraps 3012EE6A 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012EE6B 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Grenade 3012EE6C 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012EE6D 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Mines 3012EE6E 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012EE6F 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012EE70 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012EE71 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012EE72 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012EE73 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012EE74 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012EE75 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012EE76 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012EE77 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012EE78 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012EE79 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012EE7A 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012EE7B 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012EE7C 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Arrows 3012EE7D 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Lightning 3012EE7F 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Transporter 3012EE80 00FF #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012EDBC 0064 #Ayame\Level 6-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012EE62 0000 8012EE62 000B #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301287C4 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Shuriken 301287C5 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Caltraps 301287C6 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Healing Potion 301287C7 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Grenade 301287C8 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301287C9 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Mines 301287CA 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Poison Rice 301287CB 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Colored Rice 301287CC 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301287CD 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301287CE 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301287CF 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301287D0 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301287D1 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301287D2 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301287D3 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Dog Bone 301287D4 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301287D5 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301287D6 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301287D7 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301287D8 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Arrows 301287D9 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Lightning 301287DB 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Transporter 301287DC 00FF #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80128718 0064 #Ayame\Level 7-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01287BE 0000 801287BE 000B #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30122E70 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Shuriken 30122E71 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Caltraps 30122E72 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Healing Potion 30122E73 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Grenade 30122E74 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30122E75 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Mines 30122E76 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Poison Rice 30122E77 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Colored Rice 30122E78 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30122E79 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30122E7A 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30122E7B 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30122E7C 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30122E7D 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30122E7E 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30122E7F 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Dog Bone 30122E80 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30122E81 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30122E82 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30122E83 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30122E84 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Arrows 30122E85 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Lightning 30122E87 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Transporter 30122E88 00FF #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80122DC4 0064 #Ayame\Level 8-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0122E6A 0000 80122E6A 000B #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012DFF0 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Shuriken 3012DFF1 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Caltraps 3012DFF2 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012DFF3 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Grenade 3012DFF4 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012DFF5 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Mines 3012DFF6 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012DFF7 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012DFF8 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012DFF9 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012DFFA 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012DFFB 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012DFFC 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012DFFD 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012DFFE 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012DFFF 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E000 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E001 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E002 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E003 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E004 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Arrows 3012E005 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Lightning 3012E007 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Transporter 3012E008 00FF #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DF44 0064 #Ayame\Level 9-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012DFEA 0000 8012DFEA 000B #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012DF94 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Shuriken 3012DF95 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Caltraps 3012DF96 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012DF97 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Grenade 3012DF98 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012DF99 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Mines 3012DF9A 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012DF9B 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012DF9C 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012DF9D 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012DF9E 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012DF9F 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012DFA0 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012DFA1 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012DFA2 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012DFA3 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012DFA4 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012DFA5 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012DFA6 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012DFA7 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012DFA8 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Arrows 3012DFA9 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Lightning 3012DFAB 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Transporter 3012DFAC 00FF #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DEE8 0064 #Ayame\Level 10-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012DF8E 0000 8012DF8E 000B #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shuriken 3001042D 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Caltraps 3001042E 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Health Potions 3001042F 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Grenade 30010430 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Smoke Bomb 30010431 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Mines 30010432 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Poison Rice 30010433 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Colored Rice 30010434 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Sleeping Gas 30010435 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Resurrection Leaf 30010436 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Chameleon Spell 30010437 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Protection Amulet 30010438 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Lightfoot Scroll 30010439 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shadow Decoy 3001043A 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Super-Shurikens 3001043B 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Dog Bones 3001043C 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Fire Eater Scroll 3001043D 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Decoy Whistle 3001043E 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Ninja Armor 3001043F 00FD #Ayame\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Have All Levels 30010061 000F #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout A 80010238 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout B 80010244 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 1 - Layout c 80010250 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout A 8001025C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout B 80010268 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 2 - Layout c 80010274 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout A 80010280 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout B 8001028C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 3 - Layout c 80010298 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout A 8001037C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout B 80010388 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 4 - Layout c 80010394 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout A 800103A0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout B 800103AC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 5 - Layout c 800103B8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout A 800102A4 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout B 800102B0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 6 - Layout c 800102BC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout A 800102C8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout B 800102D4 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 7 - Layout c 800102E0 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout A 800102EC 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout B 800102F8 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 8 - Layout c 80010304 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout A 80010310 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout B 8001031C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 9 - Layout c 80010328 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout A 80010334 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout B 80010340 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Level 10 - Layout c 8001034C 1300 #Ayame\Misc.\Grand Master Status - Records Screen\Training 80010358 1300 #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\00:00 Time 80095358 0000 8009535A 0000 #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30125140 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Shuriken 30125141 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Caltraps 30125142 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Healing Potion 30125143 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Grenade 30125144 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30125145 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Mines 30125146 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Poison Rice 30125147 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Colored Rice 30125148 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30125149 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012514A 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012514B 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012514C 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012514D 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012514E 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012514F 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Dog Bone 30125150 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30125151 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30125152 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30125153 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30125154 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Arrows 30125155 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Lightning 30125157 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Transporter 30125158 00FF #Ayame\Training Level-In Battle\Record Time 0 8009268C 0000 #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012A4D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Shuriken 3012A4D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Caltraps 3012A4DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012A4DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Grenade 3012A4DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012A4DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Mines 3012A4DE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012A4DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012A4E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012A4E1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012A4E2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012A4E3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012A4E4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012A4E5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012A4E6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012A4E7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012A4E8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012A4E9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012A4EA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012A4EB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012A4EC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Arrows 3012A4ED 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Lightning 3012A4EF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Transporter 3012A4F0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012A42C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 1-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012A4D2 0000 8012A4D2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012F5B0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Shuriken 3012F5B1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Caltraps 3012F5B2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012F5B3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Grenade 3012F5B4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012F5B5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Mines 3012F5B6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012F5B7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012F5B8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012F5B9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012F5BA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012F5BB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012F5BC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012F5BD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012F5BE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012F5BF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012F5C0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012F5C1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012F5C2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012F5C3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012F5C4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Arrows 3012F5C5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Lightning 3012F5C7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Transporter 3012F5C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Infintie Health D000E226 800B 8012F504 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 2-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012F5AA 0000 8012F5AA 000B #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012FF44 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Shuriken 3012FF45 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Caltraps 3012FF46 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012FF47 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Grenade 3012FF48 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012FF49 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Mines 3012FF4A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012FF4B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012FF4C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012FF4D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012FF4E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012FF4F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012FF50 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012FF51 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012FF52 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012FF53 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012FF54 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012FF55 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012FF56 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012FF57 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012FF58 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Arrows 3012FF59 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Lightning 3012FF5B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Transporter 3012FF5C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012FE98 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 3-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012FF3E 0000 8012FF3E 000B #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012911C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Shuriken 3012911D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Caltraps 3012911E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012911F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Grenade 30129120 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30129121 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Mines 30129122 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Poison Rice 30129123 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Colored Rice 30129124 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 30129125 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 30129126 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 30129127 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30129128 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30129129 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012912A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012912B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012912C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012912D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012912E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012912F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30129130 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Arrows 30129131 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Lightning 30129133 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Transporter 30129134 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80129070 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 4-In Battle\Stealth Mode D0129116 0000 80129116 000B #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301263E4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Shuriken 301263E5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Caltraps 301263E6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Healing Potion 301263E7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Grenade 301263E8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301263E9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Mines 301263EA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Poison Rice 301263EB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Colored Rice 301263EC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301263ED 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301263EE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301263EF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301263F0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301263F1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301263F2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301263F3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Dog Bone 301263F4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301263F5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301263F6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301263F7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301263F8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Arrows 301263F9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Lightning 301263FB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Transporter 301263FC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 80126338 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 5-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01263DE 0000 801263DE 000B #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012EF6C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Shuriken 3012EF6D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Caltraps 3012EF6E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012EF6F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Grenade 3012EF70 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012EF71 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Mines 3012EF72 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012EF73 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012EF74 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012EF75 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012EF76 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012EF77 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012EF78 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012EF79 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012EF7A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012EF7B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012EF7C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012EF7D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012EF7E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012EF7F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012EF80 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Arrows 3012EF81 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Lightning 3012EF83 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Transporter 3012EF84 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012EEC0 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 6-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012EF66 0000 8012EF66 000B #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301288C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Shuriken 301288C9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Caltraps 301288CA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Healing Potion 301288CB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Grenade 301288CC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301288CD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Mines 301288CE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Poison Rice 301288CF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Colored Rice 301288D0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301288D1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301288D2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301288D3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301288D4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301288D5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301288D6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301288D7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Dog Bone 301288D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301288D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301288DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301288DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301288DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Arrows 301288DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Lightning 301288DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Transporter 301288E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012881C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 7-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01288C2 0000 801288C2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Grapling Hook 301288C8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Shuriken 301288C9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Caltraps 301288CA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Healing Potion 301288CB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Grenade 301288CC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 301288CD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Mines 301288CE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Poison Rice 301288CF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Colored Rice 301288D0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 301288D1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 301288D2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 301288D3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Protection Amulet 301288D4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 301288D5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 301288D6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 301288D7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Dog Bone 301288D8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 301288D9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 301288DA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Ninja Armor 301288DB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Fire Bullets 301288DC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Arrows 301288DD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Lightning 301288DF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Transporter 301288E0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012881C 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 8-In Battle\Stealth Mode D01288C2 0000 801288C2 000B #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012E0F4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Shuriken 3012E0F5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Caltraps 3012E0F6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012E0F7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Grenade 3012E0F8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012E0F9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Mines 3012E0FA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012E0FB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012E0FC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012E0FD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012E0FE 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012E0FF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012E100 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012E101 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012E102 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012E103 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E104 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E105 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E106 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E107 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E108 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Arrows 3012E109 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Lightning 3012E10B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Transporter 3012E10C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012E048 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 9-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012E0EE 0000 8012E0EE 000B #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Grapling Hook 3012E098 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Shuriken 3012E099 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Caltraps 3012E09A 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Healing Potion 3012E09B 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Grenade 3012E09C 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 3012E09D 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Mines 3012E09E 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012E09F 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012E0A0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012E0A1 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012E0A2 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012E0A3 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Protection Amulet 3012E0A4 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 3012E0A5 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 3012E0A6 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 3012E0A7 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Dog Bone 3012E0A8 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 3012E0A9 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 3012E0AA 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Ninja Armor 3012E0AB 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Fire Bullets 3012E0AC 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Arrows 3012E0AD 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Lightning 3012E0AF 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Transporter 3012E0B0 00FF #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Infinite Health D000E226 800B 8012DFEC 0064 #Rikimaru\Level 10-In Battle\Stealth Mode D012E092 0000 8012E092 000B #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shuriken 3001040D 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Caltraps 3001040E 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Health Potions 3001040F 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Grenade 30010410 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Smoke Bomb 30010411 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Mines 30010412 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Poison Rice 30010413 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Colored Rice 30010414 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Sleeping Gas 30010415 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Resurrection Leaf 30010416 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Chameleon Spell 30010417 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Protection Amulet 30010418 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Lightfoot Scroll 30010419 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Shadow Decoy 3001041A 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Super-Shurikens 3001041B 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Dog Bones 3001041C 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Fire Eater Scroll 3001041D 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Decoy Whistle 3001041E 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Infinite Ninja Armor 3001041F 00FD #Rikimaru\Misc.\Weapon Select Screen\Have All Levels 30010060 000F #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout A 80010064 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout B 80010070 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 1-Layout c 8001007C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout A 80010088 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout B 80010094 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 2-Layout c 800100A0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout A 800100AC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout B 800100B8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 3-Layout c 800100C4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout A 800101A8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout B 800101B4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 4-Layout c 800101C0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout A 800101CC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout B 800101D8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 5-Layout c 800101E4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout A 800100D0 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout B 800100DC 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 6-Layout c 800100E8 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout A 800100F4 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout B 80010100 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 7-Layout c 8001010C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout A 80010118 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout B 80010124 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 8-Layout c 80010130 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout A 8001013C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout B 80010148 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 9-Layout c 80010154 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout A 80010160 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout B 8001016C 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Level 10-Layout c 80010178 1300 #Rikimaru\Misc.\Grand Master Status-Records Screen\Training 80010184 1300 #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\00:00 Time 80095358 0000 8009535A 0000 #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Grapling Hook 30125244 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Shuriken 30125245 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Caltraps 30125246 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Healing Potion 30125247 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Grenade 30125248 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Smoke Bomb 30125249 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Mines 3012524A 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Poison Rice 3012524B 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Colored Rice 3012524C 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Sleeping Gas 3012524D 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Resurrection Leaf 3012524E 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Chameleon Spell 3012524F 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Protection Amulet 30125250 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Lightfoot Scroll 30125251 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Shadow Decoy 30125252 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Super-Shuriken 30125253 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Dog Bone 30125254 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Eater Scroll 30125255 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Decoy Whistle 30125256 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Ninja Armor 30125257 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Fire Bullets 30125258 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Arrows 30125259 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Lightning 3012525B 00FF #Rikimaru\Training Level-In Battle\Transporter 3012525C 00FF #Both Characters\Ultimate Code .With this code, infinite items equipped on the weapon select screen plus you can remove the items to add to shelves...that way you have a large supply....also it increases the amount of items you carry as well! 80050D8C 0008 #Both Characters\No Remaining Limit D01FFDF8 0001 801FFDF8 0000 #Both Characters\Infinite Items 80047F42 2400 #Both Characters\Infinite Health C000E226 800B 8001D2D6 2411 8001DCC2 2411 00000000 FFFF #Both Characters\Have All Items 50001301 0000 3001040D 0063 50001301 0000 3001042D 0063 #Both Characters\Debug Menu Activator .With this code, press L2 + R2 while in the game to goto the Debug Menu! 80095AC8 000A #Both Characters\Expert Mode Complete 50001302 0000 801E95D8 FFFF #Both Characters\Grand Master Status-Records Screen (Level 1-10 - Layout A-C) 50001E0C 0000 80010064 1300 80010184 1300 50001E0C 0000 80010238 1300 80010358 1300 #Both Characters\Secret Customes 8001001A 00FF #Both Characters\Japanese Voices In Most Levels + Levels Layout Open 80010048 00FF #Both Characters\Grand Master Status-Records Screen (Level 1-10 - Layout A-C) 80010238 1300 80010244 1300 80010250 1300 8001025C 1300 80010268 1300 80010274 1300 80010280 1300 8001028C 1300 80010298 1300 8001037C 1300 80010388 1300 80010394 1300 800103A0 1300 800103AC 1300 800103B8 1300 800102A4 1300 800102B0 1300 800102BC 1300 800102C8 1300 800102D4 1300 800102E0 1300 800102EC 1300 800102F8 1300 80010304 1300 80010310 1300 8001031C 1300 80010328 1300 80010334 1300 80010340 1300 8001034C 1300 80010358 1300 80010064 1300 80010070 1300 8001007C 1300 80010088 1300 80010094 1300 800100A0 1300 800100AC 1300 800100B8 1300 800100C4 1300 800101A8 1300 800101B4 1300 800101C0 1300 800101CC 1300 800101D8 1300 800101E4 1300 800100D0 1300 800100DC 1300 800100E8 1300 800100F4 1300 80010100 1300 8001010C 1300 80010118 1300 80010124 1300 80010130 1300 8001013C 1300 80010148 1300 80010154 1300 80010160 1300 8001016C 1300 80010178 1300 80010184 1300 ; [ Tennis (USA) (2001) (Agetec) {SLUS-01348} ] :SLUS-01348 #P1 Max Wins 8017D88E 0003 #P2 Never Wins 8017D892 0000 ; [ Tennis Arena (USA) (1997) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-00596} ] :SLUS-00596 #P1 Starts Off With A Scores 40 D01CBF60 0000 301CBF60 4040 #P1 Always Scores 00 301CBF60 4000 #P2 Always Has Super Special Shot 801CBDFC 000A #P1 Needs to Win Just One Match To Win The Set 301FDF40 0008 #Cpu or P2 Scores 00 301FDF41 0000 ; [ Tetris Plus (USA) (1996) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00338} ] :SLUS-00338 #Ceiling Never Falls 800455B6 000A 80045D76 FFFA 800EE39C 0000 800EE916 000A #No Timer 800EE580 0001 #City Modifier Puzzle Mode - Egypt 800EEBB0 0000 #City Modifier Puzzle Mode - Ankor Wat 800EEBB0 0001 #City Modifier Puzzle Mode - Maya 800EEBB0 0002 #City Modifier Puzzle Mode - Knossos 800EEBB0 0003 #City Modifier Puzzle Mode - Uknown 800EEBB0 0004 #Have Stage Select (Pause Menu-Puzzle Game Only) D00EE964 0001 300F35C8 001F #Puse (Pause?) 800F2CEC 000F 800F35C0 660E #Classic Mode Drop Pieces On Left Side To Clear Lines D00A2EB8 8BA0 800A2E88 0013 #Puzzle Mode Drop Pieces On Left Side To Clear Lines D00ADA88 B6AB 800ADA58 0013 ; [ Thunder Force V - Perfect System (USA) (1998) (Working Designs) {SLUS-00727A} ] :SLUS-00727 :SLUS-00727A #Infinite Lives 80094D3E 0004 #Have All Weapons 80094D4A 001F #Have Max Weapon Level 80094CE6 0003 #Weapons Never Overheat 80094CF8 3000 #Invincibility 80094D6E 0099 ; [ Thunder Truck Rally (USA) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94352} ] :SCUS-94352 #Truck Modifier Enzo 8003A620 0000 #Truck Modifier Nadia 8003A620 0001 #Truck Modifier Karl 8003A620 0002 #Truck Modifier Lean 8003A620 0003 #Truck Modifier Aaron 8003A620 0004 #Truck Modifier Miyuki 8003A620 0005 #Truck Modifier Nail 8003A620 0006 #Truck Modifier Bear 8003A620 0007 #Truck Modifier Michelle 8003A620 0008 #Time Below 00'01'00 801DDA8C 0000 #Infinite Energy 801DBE10 0000 #P1 Car Crush Point Mas 800BB0C0 FFFF #P2 Car Crush Point Max 800BB0C2 FFFF ; [ Theme Hospital (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00275} ] :SLUS-00275 #Infinite Money 8013B338 FFFF #High Reputation 8013C060 0400 #Always Play Level 1 300F4B34 0001 #Always Play Level 2 300F4B34 0002 #Always Play Level 3 300F4B34 0003 #Always Play Level 4 300F4B34 0004 #Always Play Level 5 300F4B34 0005 #Always Play Level 6 300F4B34 0006 #Always Play Level 7 300F4B34 0007 #Always Play Level 8 300F4B34 0008 #Always Play Level 9 300F4B34 0009 #Always Play Level 10 300F4B34 000A #Always Play Level 11 300F4B34 000B #Always Play Level 12 300F4B34 000C ; [ Theme Park (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00017} ] :SLUS-00017 #Infinite Money 801AF850 7840 801AF852 017D #Time Doesn't Progress (Always 1st of The Month) 800BE604 0001 #Infinite Research Juice 800BE264 0054 800D6A58 270F ; [ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00860, SLUS-00860GH} ] :SLUS-00860 :SLUS-00860GH #Infinite Time 80025556 2400 #Max Score 8006CECC FFFF 8006CECE 2402 8006E880 FFFF 8006E882 2402 #Max Special Bar 8002F6E4 0FFF 8002F6E6 2402 8002F6E8 AE02 8002F7CE 2400 8002F7D2 2400 8003BA5E 2400 8003C0EA 2400 #Trick is Worth Lots Of Points 8006E876 2400 8006E9A0 0FFF 8006E9A2 2463 #More Misc.\Level Select .With this code, even though the level looks locked, you can still access 800D1708 0001 #Paper Thin Skaters 8008B6A2 2400 #Skate Upside Down 80085182 2400 #Tony Hawk\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A684C 0063 #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A6850 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-School 300A6851 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-Mall 300A6852 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A6853 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-Downtown 300A6854 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A6855 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A6856 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Tapes-Streets 300A6857 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A6858 00FF #Bob Burnquist\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A685A 0063 #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A685E 00FF #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-School 300A685F 00FF #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-Mall 300A6860 00FF #Bob Burnquist\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A6861 00FF #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-Downtown 300A6862 00FF #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A6863 00FF #Bob Burnquist\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A6864 00FF #Bob Burnquist\All Tapes-Streets 300A6865 00FF #Bob Burnquist\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A6866 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A6868 0063 #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A686C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-School 300A686D 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-Mall 300A686E 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A686F 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-Downtown 300A6870 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A6871 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A6872 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Tapes-Streets 300A6873 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A6874 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A6876 0063 #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A687A 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-School 300A687B 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-Mall 300A687C 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A687D 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-Downtown 300A687E 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A687F 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A6880 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Tapes-Streets 300A6881 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A6882 00FF #Chad Muska\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A6884 0063 #Chad Muska\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A6888 00FF #Chad Muska\All Tapes-School 300A6889 00FF #Chad Muska\All Tapes-Mall 300A688A 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A688B 00FF #Chad Muska\All Tapes-Downtown 300A688C 00FF #Chad Muska\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A688D 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A688E 00FF #Chad Muska\All Tapes-Streets 300A688F 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A6890 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A6892 0063 #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A6896 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-School 300A6897 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-Mall 300A6898 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A6899 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-Downtown 300A689A 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A689B 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A689C 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Tapes-Streets 300A689D 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A689E 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A68A0 0063 #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A68A4 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-School 300A68A5 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-Mall 300A68A6 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A68A7 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-Downtown 300A68A8 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A68A9 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A68AA 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Tapes-Streets 300A68AB 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A68AC 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A68AE 0063 #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A68B2 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-School 300A68B3 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-Mall 300A68B4 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A68B5 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-Downtown 300A68B6 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A68B7 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A68B8 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Tapes-Streets 300A68B9 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A68BA 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A68BC 0063 #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A68C0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-School 300A68C1 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-Mall 300A68C2 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A68C3 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-Downtown 300A68C4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A68C5 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A68C6 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Tapes-Streets 300A68C7 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A68C8 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A68CA 0063 #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A68CE 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-School 300A68CF 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-Mall 300A68D0 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A68D1 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-Downtown 300A68D2 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A68D3 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A68D4 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Tapes-Streets 300A68D5 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A68D6 00FF #Officer Dick\Have 99 Video Tapes 800A68D8 0063 #Officer Dick\All Tapes-Warehouse 300A68DC 00FF #Officer Dick\All Tapes-School 300A68DD 00FF #Officer Dick\All Tapes-Mall 300A68DE 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Gold Medal-Skate Park 300A68DF 00FF #Officer Dick\All Tapes-Downtown 300A68E0 00FF #Officer Dick\All Tapes-Downhill Jam 300A68E1 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Gold Medal-Portland 300A68E2 00FF #Officer Dick\All Tapes-Streets 300A68E3 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Gold Medal-Roswell 300A68E4 00FF #More Misc.\Big Head Mode 800D1724 0001 #More Misc.\Ether Mode 800D1722 0001 #More Misc.\Full Speciometer 800D172C 0001 #More Misc.\Nothing Dead Kennedys (Annoying, Isn't It) 800D1648 0005 #More Misc.\Have 99 Video Tapes 50000B0E 0000 800A684C 0063 #More Misc.\Tony Hawk-All Tapes 50000402 0000 300A6850 00FF #More Misc.\Bob Burnquist-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A685E 00FF #More Misc.\Geoff Rowley-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A686C 00FF #More Misc.\Bucky Lasek-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A687A 00FF #More Misc.\Chad Muska-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A6888 00FF #More Misc.\Kareem Campbell-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A6896 00FF #More Misc.\Andrew Reynolds-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A68A4 00FF #More Misc.\Rune Glifberg-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A68B2 00FF #More Misc.\Jamie Thomas-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A68C0 00FF #More Misc.\Elissa Steamer-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A68CE 00FF #More Misc.\Officer Dick-All Tapes 50000901 0000 300A68DC 00FF #More Misc.\Random Start Locations 800D1710 0001 #More Misc.\Slow Motion 800D1720 0001 #More Misc.\Max Stats 800D1924 000D #More Misc.\P1 Super Max Balance 300A8243 00FF #More Misc.\P1 Super Max Ollie 300A8240 00FF #More Misc.\P1 Super Max Speed 300A8241 00FF #More Misc.\P1 Super Max Air 300A8242 00FF #More Misc.\P1 Super Max Turning 300A8244 00FF #More Misc.\P2 Super Max Ollie 300A8245 00FF #More Misc.\P2 Super Max Speed 300A8246 00FF #More Misc.\P2 Super Max Air 300A8247 00FF #More Misc.\P2 Super Max Balance 300A8248 00FF #More Misc.\P2 Super Max Turning 300A8249 00FF ; [ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-01066, SLUS-01066GH} ] :SLUS-01066 :SLUS-01066GH #Perfect Balance 800BBD44 0001 800BBD46 0001 #Moon Physics 800BBD68 0001 800BBD6A 0001 #Enable All Videos 301F583C 0001 301F5898 0001 301F58F4 0001 301F5950 0001 301F59AC 0001 301F5A08 0001 301F5A64 0001 301F5AC0 0001 301F5B1C 0001 301F5B78 0001 301F5BD4 0001 301F5C30 0001 301F5C8C 0001 301F5CE8 0001 301F5D44 0001 #All Levels-Andrew Reynolds 50000802 0000 800BAF9C FFFF #All Levels-Bob Burnquist 50000802 0000 800BA87C FFFF #All Levels-Bucky Lasek 50000802 0000 800BACF0 FFFF #All Levels-Chad Muska 50000802 0000 800BAEB8 FFFF #All Levels-Custom Skater 1 50000802 0000 800BB32C FFFF #All Levels-Custom Skater 2 50000802 0000 800BB410 FFFF #All Levels-Custom Skater 3 50000802 0000 800BB4F4 FFFF #All Levels-Custom Skater 4 50000802 0000 800BB5D8 FFFF #All Levels-Elissa Steamer 50000802 0000 800BB164 FFFF #All Levels-Eric Koston 50000802 0000 800BAC0C FFFF #All Levels-Geoff Rowley 50000802 0000 800BB080 FFFF #All Levels-Jamie Thomas 50000802 0000 800BB248 FFFF #All Levels-Kareem Cambell 50000802 0000 800BAA44 FFFF #All Levels-Rodney Mullen 50000802 0000 800BADD4 FFFF #All Levels-Rune Glifberg 50000802 0000 800BAB28 FFFF #All Levels-Steve Caballero 50000802 0000 800BA960 FFFF #All Levels-Tony Hawk 50000802 0000 800BA798 FFFF #Infinite Time 800D6562 0000 #Max Career Cash 800BB5D0 FFFF 800BB5D2 7530 #Max Cash 800BB5D4 FFFF 800BB5D6 7530 ; [ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01419} ] :SLUS-01419 #Andrew Reynolds\Max Level Goals 300BBDF0 0032 #Andrew Reynolds\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBDF1 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBE00 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBE2C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBE00 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBE02 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBE06 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBE08 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBE0C FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBE04 FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBE0A FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBE0E FFFF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBE2C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBE34 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBE3C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBE44 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBE4C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBE54 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBE5C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBE64 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBE2C 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBE30 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBE38 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBE40 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBE48 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Airport 300BBE50 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBE58 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\Canada 300BBE60 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBE30 00FF #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Air 300BBE20 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBE21 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBE22 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Speed 300BBE23 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Spin 300BBE24 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Landing 300BBE25 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Switch 300BBE26 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBE27 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBE28 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBE29 000A #Andrew Reynolds\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBE20 0A0A #Bam Margera\Max Level Goals 300BC160 0032 #Bam Margera\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC161 00FF #Bam Margera\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC170 FFFF #Bam Margera\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC19C 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC170 FFFF #Bam Margera\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC172 FFFF #Bam Margera\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC176 FFFF #Bam Margera\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC178 FFFF #Bam Margera\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC17C FFFF #Bam Margera\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC174 FFFF #Bam Margera\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC17A FFFF #Bam Margera\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC17E FFFF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC19C 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC1A4 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC1AC 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC1B4 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC1BC 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC1C4 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC1CC 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC1D4 00FF #Bam Margera\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC19C 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC1A0 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC1A8 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC1B0 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC1B8 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Airport 300BC1C0 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC1C8 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\Canada 300BC1D0 00FF #Bam Margera\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC1A0 00FF #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Air 300BC190 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC191 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC192 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Speed 300BC193 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Spin 300BC194 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Landing 300BC195 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Switch 300BC196 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC197 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC198 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC199 000A #Bam Margera\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC190 0A0A #Bucky Lasek\Max Level Goals 300BBB5C 0032 #Bucky Lasek\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBB5D 00FF #Bucky Lasek\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBB6C FFFF #Bucky Lasek\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBB98 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBB6C FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBB6E FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBB72 FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBB74 FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBB78 FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBB70 FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBB76 FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBB7A FFFF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBB98 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBBA0 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBBA8 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBBB0 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBBB8 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBBC0 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBBC8 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBBD0 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBB98 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBB9C 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBBA4 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBBAC 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBBB4 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Airport 300BBBBC 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBBC4 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\Canada 300BBBCC 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBB9C 00FF #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Air 300BBB8C 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBB8D 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBB8E 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Speed 300BBB8F 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Spin 300BBB90 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Landing 300BBB91 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Switch 300BBB92 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBB93 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBB94 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBB95 000A #Bucky Lasek\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBB8C 0A0A #Chad Muska\Max Level Goals 300BBD14 0032 #Chad Muska\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBD15 00FF #Chad Muska\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBD24 FFFF #Chad Muska\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBD50 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBD24 FFFF #Chad Muska\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBD26 FFFF #Chad Muska\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBD2A FFFF #Chad Muska\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBD2C FFFF #Chad Muska\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBD30 FFFF #Chad Muska\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBD28 FFFF #Chad Muska\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBD2E FFFF #Chad Muska\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBD32 FFFF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBD50 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBD58 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBD60 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBD68 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBD70 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBD78 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBD80 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBD88 00FF #Chad Muska\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBD50 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBD54 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBD5C 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBD64 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBD6C 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Airport 300BBD74 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBD7C 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\Canada 300BBD84 00FF #Chad Muska\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBD54 00FF #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Air 300BBD44 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBD45 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBD46 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Speed 300BBD47 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Spin 300BBD48 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Landing 300BBD49 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Switch 300BBD4A 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBD4B 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBD4C 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBD4D 000A #Chad Muska\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBD44 0A0A #Custom Skater 1\Max Level Goals 300BC23C 0032 #Custom Skater 1\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC23D 00FF #Custom Skater 1\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC24C FFFF #Custom Skater 1\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC278 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC24C FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC24E FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC252 FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC254 FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC258 FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC250 FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC256 FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC25A FFFF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC278 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC280 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC288 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC290 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC298 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC2A0 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC2A8 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC2B0 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC278 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC27C 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC284 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC28C 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC294 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Airport 300BC29C 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC2A4 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\Canada 300BC2AC 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC27C 00FF #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Air 300BC26C 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC26D 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC26E 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Speed 300BC26F 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Spin 300BC270 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Landing 300BC271 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Switch 300BC272 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC273 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC274 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC275 000A #Custom Skater 1\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC26C 0A0A #Custom Skater 2\Max Level Goals 300BC318 0032 #Custom Skater 2\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC319 00FF #Custom Skater 2\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC328 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC354 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC328 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC32A FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC32E FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC330 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC334 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC32C FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC332 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC336 FFFF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC354 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC35C 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC364 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC36C 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC374 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC37C 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC384 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC38C 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC354 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC358 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC360 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC368 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC370 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Airport 300BC378 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC380 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\Canada 300BC388 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC358 00FF #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Air 300BC348 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC349 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC34A 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Speed 300BC34B 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Spin 300BC34C 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Landing 300BC34D 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Switch 300BC34E 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC34F 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC350 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC351 000A #Custom Skater 2\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC348 0A0A #Custom Skater 3\Max Level Goals 300BC3F4 0032 #Custom Skater 3\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC3F5 00FF #Custom Skater 3\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC404 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC430 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC404 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC406 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC40A FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC40C FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC410 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC408 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC40E FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC412 FFFF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC430 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC438 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC440 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC448 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC450 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC458 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC460 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC468 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC430 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC434 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC43C 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC444 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC44C 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Airport 300BC454 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC45C 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\Canada 300BC464 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC434 00FF #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Air 300BC424 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC425 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC426 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Speed 300BC427 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Spin 300BC428 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Landing 300BC429 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Switch 300BC42A 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC42B 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC42C 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC42D 000A #Custom Skater 3\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC424 0A0A #Elissa Steamer\Max Level Goals 300BBFA8 0032 #Elissa Steamer\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBFA9 00FF #Elissa Steamer\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBFB8 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBFE4 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBFB8 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBFBA FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBFBE FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBFC0 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBFC4 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBFBC FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBFC2 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBFC6 FFFF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBFE4 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBFEC 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBFF4 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBFFC 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC004 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC00C 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC014 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC01C 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBFE4 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBFE8 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBFF0 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBFF8 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC000 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Airport 300BC008 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC010 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\Canada 300BC018 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBFE8 00FF #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Air 300BBFD8 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBFD9 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBFDA 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Speed 300BBFDB 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Spin 300BBFDC 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Landing 300BBFDD 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Switch 300BBFDE 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBFDF 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBFE0 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBFE1 000A #Elissa Steamer\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBFD8 0A0A #Eric Koston\Max Level Goals 300BBA80 0032 #Eric Koston\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBA81 00FF #Eric Koston\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBA90 FFFF #Eric Koston\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBABC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBA90 FFFF #Eric Koston\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBA92 FFFF #Eric Koston\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBA96 FFFF #Eric Koston\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBA98 FFFF #Eric Koston\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBA9C FFFF #Eric Koston\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBA94 FFFF #Eric Koston\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBA9A FFFF #Eric Koston\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBA9E FFFF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBABC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBAC4 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBACC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBAD4 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBADC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBAE4 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBAEC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBAF4 00FF #Eric Koston\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBABC 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBAC0 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBAC8 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBAD0 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBAD8 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Airport 300BBAE0 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBAE8 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\Canada 300BBAF0 00FF #Eric Koston\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBAC0 00FF #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Air 300BBAB0 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBAB1 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBAB2 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Speed 300BBAB3 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Spin 300BBAB4 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Landing 300BBAB5 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Switch 300BBAB6 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBAB7 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBAB8 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBAB9 000A #Eric Koston\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBAB0 0A0A #Geoff Rowley\Max Level Goals 300BBECC 0032 #Geoff Rowley\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBECD 00FF #Geoff Rowley\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBEDC FFFF #Geoff Rowley\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBF08 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Level Goal Foundry 800BBEDC FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Level Goal Los Angeles 800BBEDE FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Level Goal Suburbia 800BBEE2 FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Level Goal Airport 800BBEE4 FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Level Goal Canada 800BBEE8 FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have Highest Medal Rio De Janeiro 800BBEE0 FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have Highest Medal Skater Island 800BBEE6 FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have Highest Medal Tokyo 800BBEEA FFFF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBF08 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBF10 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBF18 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBF20 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBF28 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBF30 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBF38 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBF40 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBF08 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBF0C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBF14 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBF1C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBF24 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Airport 300BBF2C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBF34 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\Canada 300BBF3C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBF0C 00FF #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Air 300BBEFC 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBEFD 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBEFE 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Speed 300BBEFF 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Spin 300BBF00 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Landing 300BBF01 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Switch 300BBF02 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBF03 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBF04 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBF05 000A #Geoff Rowley\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBEFC 0A0A #Kareem Campbell\Max Level Goals 300BB8C8 0032 #Kareem Campbell\Max Overall Stat Points 300BB8C9 00FF #Kareem Campbell\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BB8D8 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BB904 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BB8D8 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BB8DA FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BB8DE FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BB8E0 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BB8E4 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BB8DC FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BB8E2 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BB8E6 FFFF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BB904 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BB90C 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BB914 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BB91C 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BB924 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BB92C 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BB934 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BB93C 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BB904 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Foundry 300BB908 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BB910 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BB918 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BB920 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Airport 300BB928 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BB930 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\Canada 300BB938 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BB908 00FF #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Air 300BB8F8 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BB8F9 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Ollie 300BB8FA 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Speed 300BB8FB 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Spin 300BB8FC 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Landing 300BB8FD 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Switch 300BB8FE 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BB8FF 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BB900 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\Manuals 300BB901 000A #Kareem Campbell\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BB8F8 0A0A #Jamie Thomas\Max Level Goals 300BC084 0032 #Jamie Thomas\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC085 00FF #Jamie Thomas\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC094 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC0C0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC094 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC096 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC09A FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC09C FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC0A0 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC098 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC09E FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC0A2 FFFF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC0C0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC0C8 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC0D0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC0D8 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC0E0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC0E8 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC0F0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC0F8 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC0C0 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC0C4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC0CC 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC0D4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC0DC 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Airport 300BC0E4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC0EC 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\Canada 300BC0F4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC0C4 00FF #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Air 300BC0B4 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC0B5 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC0B6 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Speed 300BC0B7 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Spin 300BC0B8 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Landing 300BC0B9 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Switch 300BC0BA 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC0BB 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC0BC 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC0BD 000A #Jamie Thomas\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC0B4 0A0A #Officer Dick\Max Level Goals 300BC4D0 0032 #Officer Dick\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC4D1 00FF #Officer Dick\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC4E0 FFFF #Officer Dick\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC50C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC4E0 FFFF #Officer Dick\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC4E2 FFFF #Officer Dick\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC4E6 FFFF #Officer Dick\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC4E8 FFFF #Officer Dick\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC4EC FFFF #Officer Dick\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC4E4 FFFF #Officer Dick\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC4EA FFFF #Officer Dick\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC4EE FFFF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC50C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC514 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC51C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC524 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC52C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC534 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC53C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC544 00FF #Officer Dick\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC50C 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC510 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC518 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC520 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC528 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Airport 300BC530 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC538 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\Canada 300BC540 00FF #Officer Dick\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC510 00FF #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Air 300BC500 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC501 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC502 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Speed 300BC503 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Spin 300BC504 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Landing 300BC505 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Switch 300BC506 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC507 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC508 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC509 000A #Officer Dick\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC500 0A0A #Rodney Mullen\Max Level Goals 300BBC38 0032 #Rodney Mullen\Max Overall Stat Points 300BBC39 00FF #Rodney Mullen\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BBC48 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BBC74 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BBC48 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BBC4A FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BBC4E FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BBC50 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BBC54 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BBC4C FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BBC52 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BBC56 FFFF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BBC74 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BBC7C 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BBC84 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BBC8C 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBC94 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBC9C 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBCA4 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBCAC 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BBC74 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Foundry 300BBC78 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BBC80 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BBC88 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BBC90 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Airport 300BBC98 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBCA0 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\Canada 300BBCA8 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BBC78 00FF #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Air 300BBC68 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BBC69 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Ollie 300BBC6A 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Speed 300BBC6B 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Spin 300BBC6C 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Landing 300BBC6D 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Switch 300BBC6E 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BBC6F 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BBC70 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\Manuals 300BBC71 000A #Rodney Mullen\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BBC68 0A0A #Rune Glifberg\Max Level Goals 300BB9A4 0032 #Rune Glifberg\Max Overall Stat Points 300BB9A5 00FF #Rune Glifberg\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BB9B4 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BB9E0 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BB9B4 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BB9B6 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BB9BA FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BB9BC FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BB9C0 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BB9B8 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BB9BE FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BB9C2 FFFF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BB9E0 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BB9E8 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BB9F0 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BB9F8 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BBA00 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BBA08 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BBA10 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BBA18 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BB9E0 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Foundry 300BB9E4 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BB9EC 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BB9F4 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BB9FC 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Airport 300BBA04 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BBA0C 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\Canada 300BBA14 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BB9E4 00FF #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Air 300BB9D4 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BB9D5 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Ollie 300BB9D6 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Speed 300BB9D7 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Spin 300BB9D8 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Landing 300BB9D9 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Switch 300BB9DA 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BB9DB 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BB9DC 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\Manuals 300BB9DD 000A #Rune Glifberg\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BB9D4 0A0A #Steve Caballero\Max Level Goals 300BB7EC 0032 #Steve Caballero\Max Overall Stat Points 300BB7ED 00FF #Steve Caballero\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BB7FC FFFF #Steve Caballero\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BB828 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BB7FC FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BB7FE FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BB802 FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BB804 FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BB808 FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BB800 FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BB806 FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BB80A FFFF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BB828 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BB830 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BB838 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BB840 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BB848 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BB850 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BB858 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BB860 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BB828 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Foundry 300BB82C 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BB834 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BB83C 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BB844 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Airport 300BB84C 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BB854 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\Canada 300BB85C 00FF #Steve Caballero\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BB82C 00FF #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Air 300BB81C 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BB81D 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Ollie 300BB81E 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Speed 300BB81F 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Spin 300BB820 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Landing 300BB821 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Switch 300BB822 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BB823 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BB824 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\Manuals 300BB825 000A #Steve Caballero\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BB81C 0A0A #Tony Hawk\Max Level Goals 300BB710 0032 #Tony Hawk\Max Overall Stat Points 300BB711 00FF #Tony Hawk\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BB720 FFFF #Tony Hawk\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BB74C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BB720 FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BB722 FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BB726 FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BB728 FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BB72C FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BB724 FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BB72A FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BB72E FFFF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BB74C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BB754 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BB75C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BB764 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BB76C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BB774 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BB77C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BB784 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BB74C 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Foundry 300BB750 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BB758 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BB760 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BB768 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Airport 300BB770 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BB778 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\Canada 300BB780 00FF #Tony Hawk\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BB750 00FF #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Air 300BB740 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BB741 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Ollie 300BB742 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Speed 300BB743 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Spin 300BB744 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Landing 300BB745 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Switch 300BB746 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BB747 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BB748 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\Manuals 300BB749 000A #Tony Hawk\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BB740 0A0A #Wolverine\Max Level Goals 300BC5AC 0032 #Wolverine\Max Overall Stat Points 300BC5AD 00FF #Wolverine\All Level Goals + Medals 50000802 0000 800BC5BC FFFF #Wolverine\All Decks + Stat Points 50000F04 0000 300BC5E8 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Level Goal\Foundry 800BC5BC FFFF #Wolverine\Have All Level Goal\Los Angeles 800BC5BE FFFF #Wolverine\Have All Level Goal\Suburbia 800BC5C2 FFFF #Wolverine\Have All Level Goal\Airport 800BC5C4 FFFF #Wolverine\Have All Level Goal\Canada 800BC5C8 FFFF #Wolverine\Have Highest Medal\Rio De Janeiro 800BC5C0 FFFF #Wolverine\Have Highest Medal\Skater Island 800BC5C6 FFFF #Wolverine\Have Highest Medal\Tokyo 800BC5CA FFFF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Foundry 300BC5E8 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Los Angeles 300BC5F0 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Rio De Janeiro 300BC5F8 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Suburbia 300BC600 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Airport 300BC608 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Skater Island 300BC610 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Canada 300BC618 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\Tokyo 300BC620 00FF #Wolverine\Have All Stat Points\All Levels 50000808 0000 300BC5E8 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Foundry 300BC5EC 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Los Angeles 300BC5F4 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Rio De Janeiro 300BC5FC 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Suburbia 300BC604 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Airport 300BC60C 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Skater Island 300BC614 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\Canada 300BC61C 00FF #Wolverine\Have Deck\All Levels 50000708 0000 300BC5EC 00FF #Wolverine\Max Stat\Air 300BC5DC 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Hang Time 300BC5DD 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Ollie 300BC5DE 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Speed 300BC5DF 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Spin 300BC5E0 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Landing 300BC5E1 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Switch 300BC5E2 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Rail Bal 300BC5E3 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Lip Bal 300BC5E4 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\Manuals 300BC5E5 000A #Wolverine\Max Stat\All Stats 50000502 0000 800BC5DC 0A0A #Other\Have All Gaps\Foundry 800BC908 FFFF 800BC90A FFFF 800BC90C FFFF 800BC90E FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Los Angeles 800BC914 FFFF 800BC916 FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Rio De Janeiro 800BC920 FFFF 800BC922 FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Suburbia 800BC92C FFFF 300BC92E FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Airport 800BC938 FFFF 800BC93A FFFF 800BC93C FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Skater Island 800BC944 FFFF 800BC946 FFFF 800BC948 FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Canada 800BC950 FFFF #Other\Have All Gaps\Tokyo 800BC95C FFFF 800BC95E FFFF #Other\Have Cheat\Officer Dick 300BCA1C 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Skip To Restart 300BCA20 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Kid Mode 300BCA24 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Perfect Balance 300BCA28 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Always Special 300BCA2C 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Stud 300BCA30 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Weight 300BCA34 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Wireframe 300BCA38 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Slow-Nic 300BCA3C 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Big Head 300BCA40 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Sim Mode 300BCA44 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Smooth 300BCA48 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Super Revert 300BCA4C 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Moon Physics 300BCA50 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Disco Mode 300BCA54 00FF #Other\Have Cheat\Level Flip 300BCA58 00FF #Other\Misc.\Hella Points Per Trick C0067754 1414 80067758 7FFF 8006775A 2442 00000000 FFFF #Other\Misc.\Infinite Time D003BA00 3974 8003BA02 2400 #Other\Misc.\Have Officer Dick 800B9118 0001 #Other\Misc.\Have Wolverine 800B926C 0001 #Other\Misc.\Unlock Downhill D0026318 0003 8002631A 2400 #Other\Misc.\Always Win Gold Medal 800C2752 270F 800C2758 270F ; [ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (USA) (2002) (Activision) {SLUS-01485} ] :SLUS-01485 #Unlock Slow Nic 800BF8E4 FFFF #Unlock Kid Mode 800BF8E8 FFFF #Unlock Always Special 800BF8EC FFFF #Unlock Perfect Balance 800BF8F0 FFFF #Unlock All Fmv + Pro Career 800BEEE0 FFFF 800BFCAC FFFF 800BE396 FFFF 800BE3AE FFFF #Tony Hawk Infinite Stats Points 800BE388 FF00 #Skater 1 Create Infinite Points 800BFA04 7F20 #Skater 2 800BFA84 7F20 #Skater 3 800BFB04 7F20 #Hella Score Gain 801E1708 E0FF 801E170A 05F5 #Quick Score Gain 801E1708 FFFF ; [ Thrasher - Skate and Destroy (USA) (1999) (Rockstar Games) {SLUS-00935} ] :SLUS-00935 #Infinite Time 800C3EA2 2400 #Max Score 800B2434 FFFF #Infinite Energy 800DD6C2 2400 #0 Points Inflicted To Overall Status 8008C94E 0000 #Unlock All Levels 800B248C 0B03 ; [ Threads of Fate (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01019} ] :SLUS-01019 #Level 1 Forest Infinite MP Mint 8012586E 03E7 #Level 1 Forest Infinite HP Mint 8012586C 03E7 #Level 2 Cliffs Infinite MP Mint 8011B982 03E7 #Level 2 Cliffs Infinite HP Mint 8011B980 03E7 #Level 3 Gargoyles Infinite MP Mint 8012E03E 03E7 #Level 3 Gargoyles Infinite HP Mint 8012E03C 03E7 #Level 4 Guard Dog Infinite MP Mint 801569FE 03E7 #Level 4 Guard Dog Infinite HP Mint 801569FC 03E7 #Infinite HP Mint Underground Ruins 80128840 03E7 #Max Money 8009B2D8 967F 8009B2DA 0098 #Time Always 00:00:00 800A7AA0 0000 #Infinite + Max HP 8009B368 03E7 8009B36C 03E7 #Infinite + Max MP 8009B36A 03E7 8009B36E 03E7 #All Items 50000902 0000 8009B3A0 6363 #Start In Final Area 8009B2F0 00FF ; [ Tigershark (USA) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00346} ] :SLUS-00346 #Infinite Lives 80084798 0003 #Infinite Armor 800BFEF4 00F0 800BFEF6 00F0 #Laser Never Overheats 800BFF3A 07D0 ; [ Disney Presents Tigger's Honey Hunt (USA, v1.1) (2003) (Global Star Software) {SLUS-01536CE} ] ;:SLUS-01536CE ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disney Presents Tigger's Honey Hunt (USA, v1.0) (2000) (Take-Two Interactive Software) {SLUS-01210} ] :SLUS-01210 #Infinite Life 300C7094 0003 #Have Hella Honey Pots 800C7098 03E7 #Have All Pictures 800C7074 FFFF 800C7076 FFFF 800C7078 FFFF ; [ Time Commando (USA) (1996) (Activision) {SLUS-00342} ] :SLUS-00342 #Infinite Energy 80097982 001F #Always Have 4 Batteries 800979A0 0004 #Infinite Blue Chips 800A43BC 0063 #Infinite Virus Energy 80091C84 57E4 #Infinite Lives 800979A0 0302 #Have All Weapons 80097890 0000 8009789C 0001 800978A8 0002 800978B4 0003 800978C0 0004 #Infinite Ammo 80097894 0064 800978A0 0064 800978AC 0064 800978B8 0064 800978C4 0064 ; [ Time Crisis (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00405} ] :SLUS-00405 #Infinite Lives 800B20C0 0005 #Infinite Time 800B1DF8 0000 800B1D64 0352 #Infinite Bullets 800B1DDC 0006 #Infinite Credits 800B1D5C 0009 #Auto Reload On 30109ED3 0001 #Cheat Menu (Press Select) D010C426 FFFE 800C37C8 0004 ; [ Time Crisis - Project Titan (USA) (2001) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01336} ] :SLUS-01336 #Infinite Ammo 8007D47C 0006 #Infinite Credits 8007D408 0004 #Infinite Health 8007D484 0003 #Stop Timer 80022F06 2400 #Total Time Stopped 80022FA2 2400 ; [ Tiny Tank (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94427} ] :SCUS-94427 #Infinite Health 800A802E 2400 #Infinite Energy 8009F832 2400 #Infinite Lives 8009F31A 2400 #Infinite Health Underground Recycling Plant (Body Split Battle Only!) 8010B126 000C D00716E8 1020 800ACDBE AE42 D00716E8 4020 800ACDBE 2400 #Infinite Teeny Weeny 800A39CA 2400 #Select Level\Dead River Canyon 800714FE 0000 #Select Level\Mortar-Villa Airfield 800714FE 0001 #Select Level\Underground Recycling Plant 800714FE 0002 #Select Level\Raw Material Nano Mine 800714FE 0003 #Select Level\Desert Robo-Train 800714FE 0004 #Select Level\Nanometal Curing + Cooling Center 800714FE 0005 #Select Level\The Nanometal Mountain 800714FE 0006 #Select Level\Steel-Earth Plains 800714FE 0007 #Select Level\Atmospheric Reduction Center 800714FE 0008 #Select Level\Magneto Synchrotron Transporter 800714FE 0009 #Select Level\Underground Recycling Plant 800714FE 000A #Select Level\The Frozen Lake 800714FE 000B #Select Level\Mount Mutank 800714FE 000C #Select Level\The Rail Gun Launcher 800714FE 000D #Select Level\Unknown 800714FE 000E #Select Level\The Maze (Final Mission) 800714FE 000F #Select Level\Mutank Slide 800714FE 0010 ; [ TNN Motor Sports HardCore 4X4 (USA) (1996) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00089} ] :SLUS-00089 #Track Select Dynamite Pass 800B2628 0000 #Track Select Ground Zero Gulch 800B2628 0001 #Track Select Devil's Kitchen 800B2628 0002 #Track Select Mercurial Forest 800B2628 0003 #Track Select Hades Highway 800B2628 0004 #Track Select Arctic Inferno 800B2628 0005 #Total Time = 00:00:00 801F3ACC 0000 #Car Select Tree Killer 800B2614 0000 #Car Select Fire Witch 800B2614 0001 #Car Select Snow Spider 800B2614 0002 #Car Select Canyon Snake 800B2614 0003 #Car Select Sand Blaster 800B2614 0004 #Car Select Shasta Cyclone 800B2614 0005 #Car Select Mother 800B2614 0006 #Start on Lap 3 D01F53B4 0000 801F53B4 0002 801F52B8 0002 ; [ TNN Motorsports HardCore TR (USA) (1999) (ASC Games) {SLUS-00980} ] :SLUS-00980 #Stop Race Timer 800790B2 2400 #Have All Trucks (Arcade Mode) 30022D10 000C 30022D12 000C #Unlock 4x4 Amateur 30022D66 0001 #Unlock 4x4 Pro 30022D67 0001 #Unlock HotRod Amateur 30022D68 0001 #Unlock HotRod Pro 30022D69 0001 #Start With Season Complete D0022CFE 0000 80022D00 0005 D0022CFE 0100 80022D00 000A D0022CFE 0200 80022D00 0005 D0022CFE 0300 80022D00 000A 80022D04 0000 50000602 0000 80022CF0 0000 #Enable All Seasons 80022D66 0101 80022D68 0101 #Enable All Vehicles 80022D18 FFFF 80022D1A FFFF #Have All 3 Tracks (Arizona) 800228EC 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks (Florida) 800228E8 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks (New Mexico) 800228E6 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks (Northern California) 800228EA 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks (Texas) 800228E2 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks (Washington) 800228E4 0003 #Have All 3 Tracks+Circuit Track (Colorado) 800228DE 0004 #Have All 3 Tracks+Circuit Track (Louisiana) 800228DA 0004 #Have All 3 Tracks+Circuit Track (Oregon) 800228E0 0004 #Have All 3 Tracks+Circuit Track (Southern California) 800228DC 0004 ; [ Tobal No. 1 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94208} ] :SCUS-94208 #P1 Infinite Energy (Both Modes) 801F0116 0100 #Infinite Time 800CC480 07C0 #Infinite Time (Quest Mode) 801F1BAC 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D01F1F5E 0100 801F1F5E 0001 #P1 Select Character\Chuji 801F3D24 0000 #P1 Select Character\Oliem 801F3D24 0100 #P1 Select Character\Epon 801F3D24 0200 #P1 Select Character\Hom 801F3D24 0300 #P1 Select Character\Fei 801F3D24 0400 #P1 Select Character\Mary 801F3D24 0500 #P1 Select Character\Illgoga 801F3D24 0600 #P1 Select Character\Gren 801F3D24 0700 #P1 Select Character\Mufu 801F3D24 0800 #P1 Select Character\Emperor Upan 801F3D24 0900 #P1 Select Character\Super Nork 801F3D24 0A00 #P1 Select Character\Tori 801F3D24 0B00 ; [ TOCA Championship Racing (USA) (1998) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00611} ] :SLUS-00611 #1 Lap To Win (Single Race Mode) 800B6D6C 0040 #1 Lap To Win (Championship Mode) 800B68BC 0040 #500 Race Points 80010494 01F4 #Access All Levels 300100B8 0009 #Enable Tank 300100B5 0001 #Turn Off Collision Detection 300100C4 0001 #Disco Fog Mode 300100C8 0001 #Low Gravity Mode 300100C1 0001 #Rain Up Mode 300100C2 0001 #Double Speed Mode 300100CD 0001 #Enable Trackside View 300100C9 0001 #Mean Driver Mode 300100C0 0001 #Big Hands Mode 300100C6 0001 #1 Lap To Win (Both Modes) 800B627C 0003 ; [ TOCA 2 Touring Car Challenge (USA) (1999) (The Codemasters Software Company) {SLUS-00996} ] :SLUS-00996 #Season- Always First/Start on Last Lap 800E7B1C 000F #Support- Always First/Start on Last Lap 800E7A8C 000F #Unlock All Tracks 3001016D 0001 #Unlock All Cars 3001016E 0001 #Disable Championship Disqualification Cheat 3001016F 0001 #Unlock Mini Car Mode Cheat 30010170 0001 ; [ Tales of Destiny (USA) (1998) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00626} ] :SLUS-00626 #Character 1 Infinite HP 801E5FD8 752F #Character 2 Infinite HP 801E61AC 752F #Character 3 Infinite HP 801E6380 752F #Character 4 Infinite HP 801E6554 752F #Character 1 Infinite TP 801E5FDE 752F #Character 2 Infinite TP 801E61B2 752F #Character 3 Infinite TP 801E6386 752F #Character 4 Infinite TP 801E655A 752F #Have All Items 301CE781 0001 301CE948 0001 5000E202 0000 801CE782 0101 #Infinite Gold 801CE76C 967F 801CE76E 0098 #Infinite Lens 801CE77C 967F 801CE77E 0098 #No Random Battles 801CE982 00FF #Debug Mode:Enabling this cheat will make the cursor at the title screen select an invisible option. Selecting it will take you to the debug room. Some key combinations will have debugging options 801B3B28 0004 ; [ Tales of Destiny II (USA) (2001) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-01355 / SLUS-01367 / SLUS-01368} ] :SLUS-01355 :SLUS-01367 :SLUS-01368 #Infinite HP In Battle Reid 80100184 270F #Infinite HP In Battle Farah 80100384 270F #Infinite HP In Battle Meredy 80100584 270F #Max Gold 80134FD0 E0FF 80134FD2 05F5 #No Random Battles 80135242 0500 #Chat Infinite HP 80134AEC 270F #Chat Infinite TP 80134AF2 03E7 #Eggbear Infinite HP 80134C8C 270F #Eggbear Infinite TP 80134C92 03E7 #Farah Infinite HP 801347AC 270F #Farah Infinite TP 801347B2 03E7 #Keele Infinite HP 8013487C 270F #Keele Infinite TP 80134882 03E7 #Keele 2 Infinite HP 80134D5C 270F #Keele 2 Infinite TP 80134D62 03E7 #Max Infinite HP 80134BBC 270F #Max Infinite TP 80134BC2 03E7 #Meredy Infinite HP 8013494C 270F #Meredy Infinite TP 80134952 03E7 #Meredy 2 Infinite HP 80134E2C 270F #Meredy 2 Infinite TP 80134E32 03E7 #Ras Infinite HP 80134A1C 270F #Ras Infinite TP 80134A22 03E7 #Reid Infinite HP 801346DC 270F #Reid Infinite TP 801346E2 03E7 #Shizel Infinite HP 80134EFC 270F #Shizel Infinite TP 80134F02 03E7 ; [ Tokyo Highway Battle (USA) (1996) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-00229} ] :SLUS-00229 #Infinite Funds 8006DEBC FFFF #Triangle Button Turbo Boost D006E2C0 0010 800C3FEA 000F #Laptime 0.00.00 + always first 3006DF28 0000 #Infinite Lap Time 8004CF34 0CBA 8004CF48 0CBA 8004D560 0DAA 8006752C 7124 80060A04 0E9A 8006DF2C 05CE 8006DF30 05CE 8006DF34 05CE #Select Car Type 1 30184AA4 0001 #Select Car Type 2 30184AA4 0002 #Select Car Type 3 30184AA4 0003 #Select Car Type 4 30184AA4 0004 #Select Car Type 5 30184AA4 0005 #Select Car Type 6 30184AA4 0006 #Select Car Type 7 30184AA4 0007 #Select Car Type 8 30184AA4 0008 #Select Car Type 9 30184AA4 0009 #Select Car Type 10 30184AA4 000A #Select Car Type 11 30184AA4 000B #Select Car Type 12 30184AA4 000C #Select Car Type 13 30184AA4 000D #Select Car Type 14 30184AA4 000E #Select Car Type 15 30184AA4 000F #Select Car Type 16 30184AA4 0010 #Select Car Type 17 30184AA4 0011 #Select Car Type 18 30184AA4 0012 #Select Car Type 19 30184AA4 0013 #Select Car Type 20 30184AA4 0014 #Select Car Type 21 30184AA4 0015 #Select Car Type 22 30184AA4 0016 #Select Car Type 23 30184AA4 0017 #Select Car Type 24 30184AA4 0018 #More Speed .Press Brake-Button 30184AA5 0040 ; [ Tomba! (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94236} ] :SCUS-94236 #Infinite Health D00A5430 0003 800A5430 0004 #Infinite Lives D009BCE8 0102 8009BCE8 0103 #Infinite AP 8009BCD4 FFFF #Moon Jump D009C9D8 4000 800A54B0 0005 #Hit Sort To Possess All Items 8009C60C 00FF 5000F801 0000 3009C410 0030 5000A001 0001 3009C50C 0000 #Infinite Time And Fuel For Gocart Race 800A60E0 0004 800A60E2 0083 ; [ Tomba! 2 - The Evil Swine Return (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94454} ] :SCUS-94454 #Infinite Health 800E7FEE 0010 #Max AP 800BF874 E0FF 800BF876 05F5 #Overall Time is 0:00:00 800BF878 0000 #Have All 137 Events in Clear 300BF8AA 0089 #Have All 137 Events in Occur 300BF8A8 0089 #Have All Events Complete 300BF8A8 0087 300BF8AA 0087 50003E01 0000 300BF8B5 00FF 50004B01 0000 300BF8F4 00FF #Infinite Magic 800BF87E 7070 #Infinite Time On The Trolley 800E7EC0 0157 ; [ Tom and Jerry in House Trap (USA) (2000) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-01191} ] :SLUS-01191 #Infinite Health-Jerry 8006BAFC 03E8 #Quick Kill-Tom 8006BF24 0000 #Have All Levels 80032610 000E #Cheat Mode All levels will be unlocked, you can modify the player health (pause menu), and warp to any level (pause menu). 300325FC 0001 ; [ Tonka Space Station (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01007} ] :SLUS-01007 #Infinite Health - Housing 800A4778 0064 ; [ Top Gun - Fire at Will! (USA) (1996) (Spectrum Holobyte) {SLUS-00032} ] :SLUS-00032 #Infinite Standerd Missiles 801CFECA 0032 #Infinite U238 Missiles 801CFEBE 0007 #Infinite Mirv Missiles 801CFEC0 0007 #Infinite Surefire Missiles 801CFEBC 0032 #Infinite Agms 801CFECC 0032 #Infinite Nuke Missiles 801CFEC8 0032 #Infinite Lame Missiles 801CFEC2 0032 #Infinite Hard Missiles 801CFEC4 0032 #Infinite Boss Misiles 801CFEC6 0032 #Infinite Null Missiles 801CFECE 0032 ; [ Board Game - Top Shop (USA) (2001) (A1 Games) {SLUS-01333} ] :SLUS-01333 #P1 Infinite Money 80113D50 FFFF 80113D54 FFFF ; [ World of Dragon Warrior - Torneko - The Last Hope (USA) (2000) (Enix America) {SLUS-01181} ] :SLUS-01181 #Infinite Health 800F66D4 03E7 #Infinite Belly 300F66A5 00FF #Infinite Money 800F66B0 E0FF 800F66B2 05F5 ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94003, SCUS-94200} ] :SCUS-94003 :SCUS-94200 #P1 Infinite Health (Code 1) 801B82D0 00FE #P1 Infinite Health:Use this cheat or cheat 2 801BC188 0000 #Infinite Time 801CA6E8 0B3A #Choose Gaia 801BC11A 0008 #Choose Sho 801BC11A 0009 ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA) (1996) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00220} ] :SLUS-00220 #P1 Infinite Health 80161474 0008 80161476 3201 8016147C 0002 8016147E 1020 ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (USA) (1997) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00483} ] :SLUS-00483 #P1 Infinite Health 80120DE0 0008 80120DE2 3201 80120DE8 0002 80120DEA 1420 #Extra Characters 801B27B0 0001 801B27AA 0001 ; [ Total Eclipse Turbo (USA) (1995) (Crystal Dynamics) {SLUS-00021} ] :SLUS-00021 #Infinite Shields 80079048 FB50 #Infinite Lives 800766A0 0005 #Infinite Plasma-Bombs 80078DD4 0003 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00893CE} ] :SLUS-00893 :SLUS-00893CE #Infinite Health 800B221E 000F #Infinite Lives 800B2222 0009 #Have 99 Coins 800B2226 0063 #Invincibility 800B21C8 0009 800B221C 002A #Infinite Comic Shield 800B2220 0287 #Slinky Challenges - All Levels - Infinite Time 800A1360 0096 800A1370 01C8 #Slinky Challenges - All Objects - All Levels 800A1104 0005 #All 5 Things- Every Level 800A11F8 0005 #All Pizza Planet Tokens Start a new game get back to menu and continue game All Levels Completed and unlocked 800C1618 1F1F 800C161A 1F1F 800C161C 1F1F 800C161E 1F1F 800C1620 1F1F 800C1622 1F1F 800C1624 1F1F #Bombs Away - Boss - No Health 800C2F14 E72F 800C3F1A 0001 #Final Shodown - Bosses - No Health 800C2FB2 0001 800C2EAE 0000 #Toy Barn Encounter - Boss - No Health 800C2F1A 0001 800C32A4 0000 #The Evil Emperor Zurg - Boss - No Health 800C251A 0000 800CE5BC 0000 #Infinite Disk Launcher Ammo 800A15C4 0008 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00893} ] :SLUS-00893 #Infinite Health 800B221E 000F #Infinite Lives 800B2222 0009 #Have 99 Coins 800B2226 0063 #Invincibility 800B21C8 0009 800B221C 002A #Infinite Comic Shield 800B2220 0287 #Slinky Challenges - All Levels - Infinite Time 800A1360 0096 800A1370 01C8 #Slinky Challenges - All Objects - All Levels 800A1104 0005 #All 5 Things- Every Level 800A11F8 0005 #All Pizza Planet Tokens Start a new game get back to menu and continue game All Levels Completed and unlocked 800C1618 1F1F 800C161A 1F1F 800C161C 1F1F 800C161E 1F1F 800C1620 1F1F 800C1622 1F1F 800C1624 1F1F #Bombs Away - Boss - No Health 800C2F14 E72F 800C3F1A 0001 #Final Shodown - Bosses - No Health 800C2FB2 0001 800C2EAE 0000 #Toy Barn Encounter - Boss - No Health 800C2F1A 0001 800C32A4 0000 #The Evil Emperor Zurg - Boss - No Health 800C251A 0000 800CE5BC 0000 #Infinite Disk Launcher Ammo 800A15C4 0008 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01214} ] :SLUS-01214 #Unlock All Characters 50000C0C 0000 800D7994 0001 #Unlock All Levels 800D79F4 00C8 #Always Boosted Car 1 800C0D26 3C01 #Start On Last Lap Car 1 E00C0D2B 0000 300C0D2B 0002 #99 Tournament Points Car 1 300BD690 0063 ; [ Triple Play Baseball (USA) (2001) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01345} ] :SLUS-01345 #Infinite Strikes 3005FF58 0000 #Infinite Balls 3005FF59 0000 #Infinite Outs 3005FF5A 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 3005FC4D 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 3005FC4D 0009 #Select Home Team Score\9 3005FC41 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3005FC41 0000 ; [ Triple Play 2000 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00827} ] :SLUS-00827 #Select Away Team Score\9 30058111 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 30058111 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 3005810D 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3005810D 0000 #Always Hits A Homerun .With this code, press select before you hit the ball. Do this everytime a batter comes up to the plate that you want to hit a home run. If you hit 'select' while computer is batting then they will also hit a homerun D0058262 0100 80058234 0003 #Infinite Strikes 300583E1 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D00583E0 0000 300583E1 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D00583E0 0000 300583E1 0001 #Infinite Balls 300583E2 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk D00583E2 0000 300583E2 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk D00583E2 0000 300583E2 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk D00583E2 0000 300583E2 0001 #Infinite Outs 300583E3 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out D00583E2 0000 300583E3 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D00583E2 0000 300583E3 0002 #0 Outs, 0 Strikes + 3 Balls .Press L1 + L2 C0052F7E 1200 300583E3 0000 300583E1 0000 300583E2 0003 00000000 FFFF #2 Outs, 2 Strikes + 0 Balls .Press R1 + R2 C0052F7E 2400 300583E3 0002 300583E1 0002 300583E2 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Triple Play 2001 (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01082} ] :SLUS-01082 #Infinite Strikes 30060740 0000 #1 Strike And You Are Out D0060740 0000 80060740 0002 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D0060740 0000 80060740 0001 #Infinite Balls 30060741 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk E0060741 0000 30060741 0003 #2 Balls And You Walk E0060741 0000 30060741 0002 #3 Balls And You Walk E0060741 0000 30060741 0001 #Infinite Outs 30060742 0000 #1 Out And You Are Out D0060742 0000 30060742 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D0060742 0000 30060742 0001 #Select Away Team Score\9 30060449 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 30060449 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 3006043D 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3006043D 0000 #Character Creation\Max Contact Chance 300F98E0 0064 #Character Creation\Max Battling Power 300F9960 0064 #Character Creation\Max Battling Eye 300F99E0 0064 #Character Creation\Max Clutch Ability 300F9A60 0064 #Character Creation\Max Running Speed 300F9AE0 0064 #Character Creation\Max Reaction Time 300F9B60 0064 #Character Creation\Max Fielding Accuracy 300F9BE0 0064 #Character Creation\Max Arm Strength 300F9C60 0064 #Character Creation\Run's Score Modifier 801206E8 0064 #Character Creation\Infinite Draft Points 8009F7C2 2400 #Max Store Points\Anaheim Angels 80198D5C FFFF 80198D5E 0FFF #Max Store Points\Oakland Athletics 80198D60 FFFF 80198D62 0FFF #Max Store Points\Seattle Mariners 80198D64 FFFF 80198D66 0FFF #Max Store Points\Texas Rangers 80198D68 FFFF 80198D6A 0FFF #Max Store Points\Chicago White Sox 80198D6C FFFF 80198D6E 0FFF #Max Store Points\Cleveland Indians 80198D70 FFFF 80198D72 0FFF #Max Store Points\Detroit Tigers 80198D74 FFFF 80198D76 0FFF #Max Store Points\Kanas City Royals 80198D78 FFFF 80198D7A 0FFF #Max Store Points\Minnesota Twins 80198D7C FFFF 80198D7E 0FFF #Max Store Points\Baltimore Orioles 80198D80 FFFF 80198D82 0FFF #Max Store Points\Boston Red Sox 80198D84 FFFF 80198D86 0FFF #Max Store Points\New York Yankees 80198D88 FFFF 80198D8A 0FFF #Max Store Points\Tampa Bay Devil Rays 80198D8C FFFF 80198D8E 0FFF #Max Store Points\Toronto Blue Jays 80198D90 FFFF 80198D92 0FFF #Max Store Points\Arizona Diamondbacks 80198D94 FFFF 80198D96 0FFF #Max Store Points\Colorado Rockies 80198D98 FFFF 80198D9A 0FFF #Max Store Points\Los Angeles Dodgers 80198D9C FFFF 80198D9E 0FFF #Max Store Points\San Diego Padres 80198DA0 FFFF 80198DA2 0FFF #Max Store Points\San Francisco Giants 80198DA4 FFFF 80198DA6 0FFF #Max Store Points\Chicago Cubs 80198DA8 FFFF 80198DAA 0FFF #Max Store Points\Cincinnati Reds 80198DAC FFFF 80198DAE 0FFF #Max Store Points\Houston Astros 80198DB0 FFFF 80198DB2 0FFF #Max Store Points\Milwaukee Brewers 80198DB4 FFFF 80198DB6 0FFF #Max Store Points\Pittsburgh Pirates 80198DB8 FFFF 80198DBA 0FFF #Max Store Points\St. Louis Cardinals 80198DBC FFFF 80198DBE 0FFF #Max Store Points\Atlanta Braves 80198DC0 FFFF 80198DC2 0FFF #Max Store Points\Florida Marlins 80198DC4 FFFF 80198DC6 0FFF #Max Store Points\Montreal Expos 80198DC8 FFFF 80198DCA 0FFF #Max Store Points\New York Mets 80198DCC FFFF 80198DCE 0FFF #Max Store Points\Philadelphia Phillies 80198DD0 FFFF 80198DD2 0FFF #Enable All Rewards 80054D08 FFFF 80054D0A FFFF #Enable All Legendary Players 80054D0C FFFF 80054D0E FFFF #Enable Extra Stadiums 80054D10 FFFF #All Teams 800E54A0 FFFF #P1 Press L1+Select For 0 Strikes D00687EC 0401 30060740 0000 #P1 Press L2+Select For 3 Balls D00687EC 0101 30060741 0003 #P1 Press L1+L2+Select For 0 Outs D00687EC 0501 30060742 0000 #P1 Press R1+Select For 2 Strikes D00687EC 0801 30060740 0002 #P1 Press R2+Select For 0 Balls D00687EC 0201 30060741 0000 #P1 Press R1+R2+Select For 2 Outs D00687EC 0A01 30060742 0002 ; [ Triple Play 97 (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00237} ] :SLUS-00237 #Infinite Balls 3001E7D0 0000 #Infinite Strikes 3001E7D1 0000 #Infinite Outs 3001E7D2 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 3001E56C 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 3001E56C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 3001E560 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3001E561 0000 ; [ Triple Play 98 (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00465} ] :SLUS-00465 #Infinite Balls 30026CAB 0000 #Infinite Strikes 30026CAA 0000 #Infinite Outs 30026CAC 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 300269C8 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 300269C8 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 300269C4 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 300269C4 0000 ; [ Triple Play 99 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00618} ] :SLUS-00618 #Infinite Balls 8008ECB0 0000 #Infinite Strikes 3008ECAF 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 3008E9C5 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 3008E9C5 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 3008E9C1 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 3008E9C1 0000 ; [ Turbo Prop Racing (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94229} ] :SCUS-94229 #P1 Always Place 1st 800FD190 0100 #P1 Infinite Turbos 800FD3D0 0003 #Have All Boats Unlocked 800E76FA 0101 800E76FC 0101 800E76FE 0101 #Track Master Code .This code must be on when activating the Unlock Track. 800E76AC 0303 #Have All Day Tracks Unlocked + Completed 800E76E0 0606 800E76E2 0606 800E76E4 0606 #Have All Night Tracks Unlocked + Completed 800E76E6 0606 800E76E8 0606 800E76EA 0606 #Have Fractral Tracks Unlocked + Completed 800E76F2 0606 800E76F4 0606 800E76F6 0606 #Have All Mirror Tracks Unlocked + Completed 800E76EC 0606 800E76EE 0606 800E76F0 0606 #Duck Cheat On Don't use the Duck Cheat with any of the Boat or Track. 800E7548 0004 #Hurracane Boat Cheat On 800E7AF8 0001 #P1 All Yellow Bouys 800FD3C6 0005 ; [ T.R.A.G. - Mission of Mercy (USA) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLUS-00813} ] :SLUS-00813 #Burns (Infinite Health) 800F3EDE 03E7 #Burns (Max Health) 800F3EE6 03E7 #Alex (Infinite Health) 800F36DA 03E7 #Alex (Max Health) 800F36E2 03E7 #Alex (Infinite He Bullets) 800981AA 0064 #Alex (Infinite AP Bullets) 800981A8 012C #Michelle (Infinite Health) 800F26D8 03E7 #Michelle (Max Health) 800F26E0 03E7 #Rachel (Infinite Health) 800F3EDC 03E7 #Rachel (Max Health) 800F3EE4 03E7 #Enable All Arms For Everyone 8013A45A FFFF 8013A45C FFFF 8013A45E FFFF 8013A460 FFFF 8013A464 FFFF #Have Accident Report 300B9B27 0002 #Have Admin. Log 300B9B2B 0002 #Have Byford Bomb 300B9B0D 0002 #Have Device #1 300B9B1A 0002 #Have Device #2 300B9B1B 0002 #Have Device #3 300B9B1C 0002 #Have Disengagment 300B9B2A 0002 #Have Internal Report 1 300B9B31 0002 #Have Internal Report 2 300B9B32 0002 #Have Internal Report 3 300B9B33 0002 #Have Internet E-Mail 300B9B24 0002 #Have Journal 300B9B26 0002 #Have Keycard A 300B9B19 0002 #Have Keycard B 300B9B09 0002 #Have Letter 300B9B25 0002 #Have Locker Key 300B9B0B 0002 #Have Medal 1 300B9B17 0002 #Have Medal 2 300B9B1E 0002 #Have News Cutting 1 300B9B22 0002 #Have News Cutting 2 300B9B23 0002 #Have Pass Card 300B9B18 0002 #Have Power Handle 300B9B13 0002 #Have Roulette Ball 300B9B14 0002 #Have Secret Code Card 300B9B16 0002 #Have Steel Wire 300B9B0A 0002 #Have System Disk 300B9B15 0002 #Have Unknown Data 1 300B9B28 0002 #Have Unknown Data 2 300B9B2D 0002 #Have Unknown Data 3 300B9B2E 0002 #Have Unknown Data 4 300B9B2F 0002 #Have Unknown Data 5 300B9B30 0002 #Have Vault Key 300B9B0C 0002 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.6) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152CE, SLUS-00152GH} ] :SLUS-00152 :SLUS-00152CE :SLUS-00152GH #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Starting Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Starting Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Starting Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Starting Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Starting Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Starting Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Starting Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Starting Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Starting Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Starting Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Starting Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Starting Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider II - Starring Lara Croft (USA, v1.3) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00437CE, SLUS-00437GH} ] :SLUS-00437 :SLUS-00437CE :SLUS-00437GH #Barkhang Monastery\Infinite Health 801E31C6 03E8 #Bartoli's Hideout\Infinite Health 801D0CBE 03E8 #Catacombs of The Talion\Infinite Health 801C5852 03E8 #Diving Area\Infinite Health 801BDDA2 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Infinite Health 801A2A5E 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\#Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801A31CA 0000 #Fathoms\Infinite Health 801BB482 03E8 #Floating Islands\Infinite Health 801D1E42 03E8 #Great Wall\Infinite Health 8019CF52 03E8 #Home Sweet Home\Infinite Health 801B2CCE 03E8 #Ice Palace\Infinite Health 801C8456 03E8 #Ice Palace\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801C9F0E 0000 #Living Quarters\Infinite Health 801B6916 03E8 #Offshore Rig\Infinite Health 801BEC86 03E8 #Opera House\Infinite Health 801CF2F6 03E7 #Temple of Xian\Infinite Health 801DB426 03E8 #The Deck\Infinite Health 801DCD1A 03E8 #Tibetan Foothills\Infinite Health 801DB6F2 03E8 #Venice\Infinite Health 801C19E6 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Infinite Health 801CFE86 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Have All 3 Circuit Breakers 80088B48 0003 #Lara's Home Secret Door Open 8017D04A 0001 8010BA08 1672 #Infinite Oxygen 8008C4FE 0708 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80088AB8 03E7 #Have All Special Items 80088B34 0009 #Have All Weapons 80088AA0 000B #Infinite Automatic Pistols Ammo 8008C5AC 0028 #Infinite Flares 80088AAA 03E7 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8008C5BC 0008 #Infinite M-16 Ammo 8008C5C0 0050 #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 8008C5B4 0012 #Infinite Uzis Ammo 8008C5B0 00A0 #Have All Levels (You Must Load A Saved Game) C006E678 0821 8006E67C 0013 8006E67E 2402 00000000 FFFF ; [ Tomb Raider II - Starring Lara Croft (USA, v1.2) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00437} ] :SLUS-00437 #Barkhang Monastery\Infinite Health 801E31C6 03E8 #Bartoli's Hideout\Infinite Health 801D0CBE 03E8 #Catacombs of The Talion\Infinite Health 801C5852 03E8 #Diving Area\Infinite Health 801BDDA2 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Infinite Health 801A2A5E 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801A31CA 0000 #Fathoms\Infinite Health 801BB482 03E8 #Floating Islands\Infinite Health 801D1E42 03E8 #Great Wall\Infinite Health 8019CF52 03E8 #Home Sweet Home\Infinite Health 801B2CCE 03E8 #Ice Palace\Infinite Health 801C8456 03E8 #Ice Palace\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801C9F0E 0000 #Living Quarters\Infinite Health 801B6916 03E8 #Offshore Rig\Infinite Health 801BEC86 03E8 #Opera House\Infinite Health 801CF2F6 03E7 #Temple of Xian\Infinite Health 801DB426 03E8 #The Deck\Infinite Health 801DCD1A 03E8 #Tibetan Foothills\Infinite Health 801DB6F2 03E8 #Venice\Infinite Health 801C19E6 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Infinite Health 801CFE86 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Have All 3 Circuit Breakers 80088B48 0003 #Lara's Home Secret Door Open 8017D04A 0001 8010BA08 1672 #Infinite Oxygen 8008C4FE 0708 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80088AB8 03E7 #Have All Special Items 80088B34 0009 #Have All Weapons 80088AA0 000B #Infinite Automatic Pistols Ammo 8008C5AC 0028 #Infinite Flares 80088AAA 03E7 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8008C5BC 0008 #Infinite M-16 Ammo 8008C5C0 0050 #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 8008C5B4 0012 #Infinite Uzis Ammo 8008C5B0 00A0 #Have All Levels (You Must Load A Saved Game) C006E678 0821 8006E67C 0013 8006E67E 2402 00000000 FFFF ; [ Tomb Raider II - Starring Lara Croft (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00437} ] :SLUS-00437 #Barkhang Monastery\Infinite Health 801E31C6 03E8 #Bartoli's Hideout\Infinite Health 801D0CBE 03E8 #Catacombs of The Talion\Infinite Health 801C5852 03E8 #Diving Area\Infinite Health 801BDDA2 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Infinite Health 801A2A5E 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801A31CA 0000 #Fathoms\Infinite Health 801BB482 03E8 #Floating Islands\Infinite Health 801D1E42 03E8 #Great Wall\Infinite Health 8019CF52 03E8 #Home Sweet Home\Infinite Health 801B2CCE 03E8 #Ice Palace\Infinite Health 801C8456 03E8 #Ice Palace\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801C9F0E 0000 #Living Quarters\Infinite Health 801B6916 03E8 #Offshore Rig\Infinite Health 801BEC86 03E8 #Opera House\Infinite Health 801CF2F6 03E8 #Temple of Xian\Infinite Health 801DB426 03E8 #The Deck\Infinite Health 801DCD1A 03E8 #Tibetan Foothills\Infinite Health 801DB6F2 03E8 #Venice\Infinite Health 801C19E6 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Infinite Health 801CFE86 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria Have All 3 Circuit Breakers 80088B48 0003 #Lara's Home Secret Door Open 8017D04A 0001 8010BA08 1672 #Infinite Oxygen 8008C4FE 0708 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80088AB8 03E7 #Have All Special Items 80088B34 0009 #Have All Weapons 80088AA0 000B #Infinite Automatic Pistols Ammo 8008C5AC 0028 #Infinite Flares 80088AAA 03E7 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8008C5BC 0008 #Infinite M-16 Ammo 8008C5C0 0050 #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 8008C5B4 0012 #Infinite Uzis Ammo 8008C5B0 00A0 #Have All Levels (You Must Load A Saved Game) C006E678 0821 8006E67C 0013 8006E67E 2402 00000000 FFFF ; [ Tomb Raider II - Starring Lara Croft (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00437, SLUS-00437A} ] :SLUS-00437 :SLUS-00437A #Barkhang Monastery\Infinite Health 801E31C6 03E8 #Bartoli's Hideout\Infinite Health 801D0CBE 03E8 #Catacombs of The Talion\Infinite Health 801C5852 03E8 #Diving Area\Infinite Health 801BDDA2 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Infinite Health 801A2A5E 03E8 #Dragon's Lair\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801A31CA 0000 #Fathoms\Infinite Health 801BB482 03E8 #Floating Islands\Infinite Health 801D1E42 03E8 #Great Wall\Infinite Health 8019CF52 03E8 #Home Sweet Home\Infinite Health 801B2CCE 03E8 #Ice Palace\Infinite Health 801C8456 03E8 #Ice Palace\Kill Boss With One Shot D008AAD4 0040 801C9F0E 0000 #Living Quarters\Infinite Health 801B6916 03E8 #Offshore Rig\Infinite Health 801BEC86 03E8 #Opera House\Infinite Health 801CF2F6 03E8 #Temple of Xian\Infinite Health 801DB426 03E8 #The Deck\Infinite Health 801DCD1A 03E8 #Tibetan Foothills\Infinite Health 801DB6F2 03E8 #Venice\Infinite Health 801C19E6 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Infinite Health 801CFE86 03E8 #Wreck of The Maria Doria\Have All 3 Circuit Breakers 80088B48 0003 #Lara's Home Secret Door Open 8017D04A 0001 8010BA08 1672 #Infinite Oxygen 8008C4FE 0708 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80088AB8 03E7 #Have All Special Items 80088B34 0009 #Have All Weapons 80088AA0 000B #Infinite Automatic Pistols Ammo 8008C5AC 0028 #Infinite Flares 80088AAA 03E7 #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8008C5BC 0008 #Infinite M-16 Ammo 8008C5C0 0050 #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 8008C5B4 0012 #Infinite Uzis Ammo 8008C5B0 00A0 #Have All Levels (You Must Load A Saved Game) C006E678 0821 8006E67C 0013 8006E67E 2402 00000000 FFFF ; [ Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (USA, v1.2) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00691CE} ] :SLUS-00691 :SLUS-00691CE #Infinite Oxygen 8009914E 0708 #Jungle\Infinite Energy 801D301A 03E8 #Temple Ruins\Infinite Energy 80097AD0 0002 #The River Ganges\Infinite Energy 801D3C8A 03E8 #Caves of Kaliya\Infinite Energy 8017B7AE 03E8 #Coastal Village\Infinite Energy 801D6E9E 03E8 #Crash Site\Infinite Energy 801DC7DE 03E8 #Madubu Gorge\Infinite Energy 801DABFA 03E8 #Temple of Puna\Infinite Energy 8018E152 03E8 #Thames Wharf\Infinite Energy 801E1FE2 03E8 #Aldwych\Infinite Energy 801D6A12 03E8 #Lud's Gate\Infinite Energy 801E26D6 03E8 #City\Infinite Energy 801927C2 03E8 #Nevada Desert\Infinite Energy 801D65F6 03E8 #High Security Compound\Infinite Energy 801DF996 03E8 #Area 51\Infinite Energy 801DF6C2 03E8 #Antarctica\Infinite Energy 801D9866 03E8 #Heat In Water Antarctica\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Energy 801DCBA2 03E8 #Heat In Water Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Lost City of Tinnos\Infinite Energy 801D8A32 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\Infinite Energy 801A5BDA 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\One Hit Knockdown Boss 801A5CEA 0000 #All Hollows\Infinite Energy 80196EC2 03E8 #Have All Special Items 8009758C 000C #Infinite Desert Eagle Ammo 80099208 00FF #Infinite Flares 80097504 7FFF #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8009921C 967F 8009921E 0098 #Infinite Harpoon Ammo 80099214 967F 80099216 0098 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80097506 7FFF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 00FF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 967F 80099222 0098 #Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 80099218 00FF #Infinite Savegame Crystals 8009750A 7FFF #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 80099210 00FF #Infinite Small Medi Packs 80097508 7FFF #Infinite Sprint 80099228 0078 #Infinite Uzi Ammo 8009920C 00FF #Select Level\Jungle 80097AD0 0001 #Select Level\Temple Ruins 80097AD0 0002 #Select Level\The River Ganges 80097AD0 0003 #Select Level\Caves of Kaliya 80097AD0 0004 #Select Level\Coastal Village 80097AD0 0005 #Select Level\Crash Site 80097AD0 0006 #Select Level\Madubu Gorge 80097AD0 0007 #Select Level\Temple of Puna 80097AD0 0008 #Select Level\Thames Wharf 80097AD0 0009 #Select Level\Aldwych 80097AD0 000A #Select Level\Lud's Gate 80097AD0 000B #Select Level\City 80097AD0 000C #Select Level\Nevada Desert 80097AD0 000D #Select Level\High Security Compound 80097AD0 000E #Select Level\Area 51 80097AD0 000F #Select Level\Antarctica 80097AD0 0010 #Select Level\Rx-Tech Mines 80097AD0 0011 #Select Level\Lost City of Tinnos 80097AD0 0012 #Select Level\Meteorite Cavern 80097AD0 0013 #Select Level\All Hollows 80097AD0 0014 ; [ Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00691} ] :SLUS-00691 #Infinite Oxygen 8009914E 0708 #Jungle\Infinite Energy 801D301A 03E8 #Temple Ruins\Infinite Energy 80097AD0 0002 #The River Ganges\Infinite Energy 801D3C8A 03E8 #Caves of Kaliya\Infinite Energy 8017B7AE 03E8 #Coastal Village\Infinite Energy 801D6E9E 03E8 #Crash Site\Infinite Energy 801DC7DE 03E8 #Madubu Gorge\Infinite Energy 801DABFA 03E8 #Temple of Puna\Infinite Energy 8018E152 03E8 #Thames Wharf\Infinite Energy 801E1FE2 03E8 #Aldwych\Infinite Energy 801D6A12 03E8 #Lud's Gate\Infinite Energy 801E26D6 03E8 #City\Infinite Energy 801927C2 03E8 #Nevada Desert\Infinite Energy 801D65F6 03E8 #High Security Compound\Infinite Energy 801DF996 03E8 #Area 51\Infinite Energy 801DF6C2 03E8 #Antarctica\Infinite Energy 801D9866 03E8 #Heat In Water Antarctica\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Energy 801DCBA2 03E8 #Heat In Water Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Lost City of Tinnos\Infinite Energy 801D8A32 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\Infinite Energy 801A5BDA 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\One Hit Knockdown Boss 801A5CEA 0000 #All Hollows\Infinite Energy 80196EC2 03E8 #Have All Special Items 8009758C 000C #Infinite Desert Eagle Ammo 80099208 00FF #Infinite Flares 80097504 7FFF #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8009921C 967F 8009921E 0098 #Infinite Harpoon Ammo 80099214 967F 80099216 0098 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80097506 7FFF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 00FF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 967F 80099222 0098 #Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 80099218 00FF #Infinite Savegame Crystals 8009750A 7FFF #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 80099210 00FF #Infinite Small Medi Packs 80097508 7FFF #Infinite Sprint 80099228 0078 #Infinite Uzi Ammo 8009920C 00FF #Select Level\Jungle 80097AD0 0001 #Select Level\Temple Ruins 80097AD0 0002 #Select Level\The River Ganges 80097AD0 0003 #Select Level\Caves of Kaliya 80097AD0 0004 #Select Level\Coastal Village 80097AD0 0005 #Select Level\Crash Site 80097AD0 0006 #Select Level\Madubu Gorge 80097AD0 0007 #Select Level\Temple of Puna 80097AD0 0008 #Select Level\Thames Wharf 80097AD0 0009 #Select Level\Aldwych 80097AD0 000A #Select Level\Lud's Gate 80097AD0 000B #Select Level\City 80097AD0 000C #Select Level\Nevada Desert 80097AD0 000D #Select Level\High Security Compound 80097AD0 000E #Select Level\Area 51 80097AD0 000F #Select Level\Antarctica 80097AD0 0010 #Select Level\Rx-Tech Mines 80097AD0 0011 #Select Level\Lost City of Tinnos 80097AD0 0012 #Select Level\Meteorite Cavern 80097AD0 0013 #Select Level\All Hollows 80097AD0 0014 ; [ Tomb Raider III - Adventures of Lara Croft (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00691} ] :SLUS-00691 #Infinite Oxygen 8009914E 0708 #Jungle\Infinite Energy 801D301A 03E8 #Temple Ruins\Infinite Energy 80097AD0 0002 #The River Ganges\Infinite Energy 801D3C8A 03E8 #Caves of Kaliya\Infinite Energy 8017B7AE 03E8 #Coastal Village\Infinite Energy 801D6E9E 03E8 #Crash Site\Infinite Energy 801DC7DE 03E8 #Madubu Gorge\Infinite Energy 801DABFA 03E8 #Temple of Puna\Infinite Energy 8018E152 03E8 #Thames Wharf\Infinite Energy 801E1FE2 03E8 #Aldwych\Infinite Energy 801D6A12 03E8 #Lud's Gate\Infinite Energy 801E26D6 03E8 #City\Infinite Energy 801927C2 03E8 #Nevada Desert\Infinite Energy 801D65F6 03E8 #High Security Compound\Infinite Energy 801DF996 03E8 #Area 51\Infinite Energy 801DF6C2 03E8 #Antarctica\Infinite Energy 801D9866 03E8 #Heat In Water Antarctica\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Energy 801DCBA2 03E8 #Heat In Water Rx-Tech Mines\Infinite Body 8009B044 0258 #Lost City of Tinnos\Infinite Energy 801D8A32 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\Infinite Energy 801A5BDA 03E8 #Meteorite Cavern\One Hit Knockdown Boss 801A5CEA 0000 #All Hollows\Infinite Energy 80196EC2 03E8 #Have All Special Items 8009758C 000C #Infinite Desert Eagle Ammo 80099208 00FF #Infinite Flares 80097504 7FFF #Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo 8009921C 967F 8009921E 0098 #Infinite Harpoon Ammo 80099214 967F 80099216 0098 #Infinite Large Medi Packs 80097506 7FFF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 00FF #Infinite MP5 Ammo 80099220 967F 80099222 0098 #Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 80099218 00FF #Infinite Savegame Crystals 8009750A 7FFF #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 80099210 00FF #Infinite Small Medi Packs 80097508 7FFF #Infinite Sprint 80099228 0078 #Infinite Uzi Ammo 8009920C 00FF #Select Level\Jungle 80097AD0 0001 #Select Level\Temple Ruins 80097AD0 0002 #Select Level\The River Ganges 80097AD0 0003 #Select Level\Caves of Kaliya 80097AD0 0004 #Select Level\Coastal Village 80097AD0 0005 #Select Level\Crash Site 80097AD0 0006 #Select Level\Madubu Gorge 80097AD0 0007 #Select Level\Temple of Puna 80097AD0 0008 #Select Level\Thames Wharf 80097AD0 0009 #Select Level\Aldwych 80097AD0 000A #Select Level\Lud's Gate 80097AD0 000B #Select Level\City 80097AD0 000C #Select Level\Nevada Desert 80097AD0 000D #Select Level\High Security Compound 80097AD0 000E #Select Level\Area 51 80097AD0 000F #Select Level\Antarctica 80097AD0 0010 #Select Level\Rx-Tech Mines 80097AD0 0011 #Select Level\Lost City of Tinnos 80097AD0 0012 #Select Level\Meteorite Cavern 80097AD0 0013 #Select Level\All Hollows 80097AD0 0014 ; [ Tomb Raider - The Last Revelation (USA, v1.1) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00885, SLUS-00885GH} ] :SLUS-00885 :SLUS-00885GH #Stage Select With this code, at the title screen press L1+L2+R1+R2 D00AB146 F0FF 800A7B6E 0200 #Infinite Air 800AC30E 0708 #Infinite Large Medipacks 800AC43E FFFF #Alexandria\Infinite Energy 801B94C6 03E8 #Angkor Wat\Infinite Energy 801BB8B6 03E8 #Burial Chambers\Infinite Energy 801C339E 03E8 #Catacombs\Infinite Energy 801CAA66 03E8 #Chambers Of Tulun\Infinite Energy 801D147E 03E8 #Citadel\Infinite Energy 801D94BE 03E8 #Citadel Gate\Infinite Energy 801CFCCE 03E8 #City Of The Dead\Infinite Energy 801CBAB2 03E8 #Cleopatra's Palaces\Infinite Energy 801C5252 03E8 #Coastal Ruins\Infinite Energy 801CF556 03E8 #Desert Railroad\Infinite Energy 801BBDF2 03E8 #Guardian Of Semerkhet\Infinite Energy 801AC86A 03E8 #Hall Of Demetrius\Infinite Energy 801B683E 03E8 #Inside Menkaure's Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801D5FD6 03E8 #Inside The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801C9482 03E8 #Khufu's Queens Pyramids\Infinite Energy 801D531A 03E8 #KV5\Infinite Energy 801C25E2 03E8 #Menkaure's Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801BDCBE 03E8 #Pharos, Temple Of Isis\Infinite Energy 801C865A 03E8 #Race For The Iris\Infinite Energy 801C6012 03E8 #Race For The Iris\Infinite Time 800B3418 0000 #Sacred Lake\Infinite Energy 801B3AD2 03E8 #Street Bazaar\Infinite Energy 801C2B62 03E8 #Temple Of Horus\Infinite Energy 801CE72A 03E8 #Temple Of Horus (Final Battle)\Infinite Energy 801C52CE 03E8 #Temple Of Karnak\Infinite Energy 801D1E9E 03E8 #Temple Of Poseidon\Infinite Energy 801C0A4A 03E8 #The Great Hypostyle Hall\Infinite Energy 801CF552 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801C557E 03E8 #The Lost Library\Infinite Energy 801DDCB2 03E8 #The Mastabas\Infinite Energy 801D291A 03E8 #The Sphinx Complex\Infinite Energy 801C1EAE 03E8 #The Tomb Of Seth\Infinite Energy 801C8DAE 03E8 #Infinite Flares 800AC440 FFFF #Always Use Flare .With this code, press the flare button or R2, + it gives you infinite flares. D00AB146 FDFF 800AC2FC 0007 #Have Crossbow + LaserSight 300AC417 00FF #Have Grenade Gun 300AC418 00FF #Have LaserSight 300AC41A 0001 #Have Pistols 300AC414 00FF #Have Revolver + LaserSight 300AC419 00FF #Have Shotgun 300AC416 00FF #Have Uzi 300AC415 00FF #Infinite Revolver Ammo 800AC446 FFFF #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 800AA322 FFFF #Infinite Super Grenade Ammo 800AC44E FFFF #Infinite Uzi Ammo 800AC444 FFFF #Stage Select With this code, at the title screen press L1+L2+R1+R2 V.1.1 D00AA3BA F0FF 800A6DD2 0200 #Infinite Air v1.1 800AB5B2 0708 #Infinite Air (Alternate) v1.1 800A7FFC 0708 #Infinite Health (All Levels) v1.1 80007600 000B 80007602 3C01 80007604 8000 80007606 8C21 80007608 03E8 8000760A 3402 8000760C D96E 8000760E 0801 80007610 0022 80007612 A422 C006D4CC FC4A 8006D4C8 1D80 8006D4CA 0C00 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Energy Alexandria v1.1 801B8EDA 03E8 #Infinite Large Medipack v1.1 800AB6E2 FFFF #lways Use Flare .With this code, press the flare button or R2, + it gives you infinite flares V1.1 D00AA3BA FDFF 800AB5A0 0007 #Infinite Health (Distant Attacks)V1.1 D00395C4 0022 800395C6 2400 ; [ Tomb Raider - The Last Revelation (USA, v1.0) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00885} ] :SLUS-00885 #Stage Select With this code, at the title screen press L1+L2+R1+R2 D00AB146 F0FF 800A7B6E 0200 #Infinite Air 800AC30E 0708 #Infinite Large Medipacks 800AC43E FFFF #Alexandria\Infinite Energy 801B94C6 03E8 #Angkor Wat\Infinite Energy 801BB8B6 03E8 #Burial Chambers\Infinite Energy 801C339E 03E8 #Catacombs\Infinite Energy 801CAA66 03E8 #Chambers Of Tulun\Infinite Energy 801D147E 03E8 #Citadel\Infinite Energy 801D94BE 03E8 #Citadel Gate\Infinite Energy 801CFCCE 03E8 #City Of The Dead\Infinite Energy 801CBAB2 03E8 #Cleopatra's Palaces\Infinite Energy 801C5252 03E8 #Coastal Ruins\Infinite Energy 801CF556 03E8 #Desert Railroad\Infinite Energy 801BBDF2 03E8 #Guardian Of Semerkhet\Infinite Energy 801AC86A 03E8 #Hall Of Demetrius\Infinite Energy 801B683E 03E8 #Inside Menkaure's Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801D5FD6 03E8 #Inside The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801C9482 03E8 #Khufu's Queens Pyramids\Infinite Energy 801D531A 03E8 #KV5\Infinite Energy 801C25E2 03E8 #Menkaure's Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801BDCBE 03E8 #Pharos, Temple Of Isis\Infinite Energy 801C865A 03E8 #Race For The Iris\Infinite Energy 801C6012 03E8 #Race For The Iris\Infinite Time 800B3418 0000 #Sacred Lake\Infinite Energy 801B3AD2 03E8 #Street Bazaar\Infinite Energy 801C2B62 03E8 #Temple Of Horus\Infinite Energy 801CE72A 03E8 #Temple Of Horus (Final Battle)\Infinite Energy 801C52CE 03E8 #Temple Of Karnak\Infinite Energy 801D1E9E 03E8 #Temple Of Poseidon\Infinite Energy 801C0A4A 03E8 #The Great Hypostyle Hall\Infinite Energy 801CF552 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801C557E 03E8 #The Lost Library\Infinite Energy 801DDCB2 03E8 #The Mastabas\Infinite Energy 801D291A 03E8 #The Sphinx Complex\Infinite Energy 801C1EAE 03E8 #The Tomb Of Seth\Infinite Energy 801C8DAE 03E8 #Infinite Flares 800AC440 FFFF #Always Use Flare .With this code, press the flare button or R2, + it gives you infinite flares. D00AB146 FDFF 800AC2FC 0007 #Have Crossbow + LaserSight 300AC417 00FF #Have Grenade Gun 300AC418 00FF #Have LaserSight 300AC41A 0001 #Have Pistols 300AC414 00FF #Have Revolver + LaserSight 300AC419 00FF #Have Shotgun 300AC416 00FF #Have Uzi 300AC415 00FF #Infinite Revolver Ammo 800AC446 FFFF #Infinite Shotgun Ammo 800AA322 FFFF #Infinite Super Grenade Ammo 800AC44E FFFF #Infinite Uzi Ammo 800AC444 FFFF #Stage Select With this code, at the title screen press L1+L2+R1+R2 V.1.1 D00AA3BA F0FF 800A6DD2 0200 #Infinite Air v1.1 800AB5B2 0708 #Infinite Air (Alternate) v1.1 800A7FFC 0708 #Infinite Health (All Levels) v1.1 80007600 000B 80007602 3C01 80007604 8000 80007606 8C21 80007608 03E8 8000760A 3402 8000760C D96E 8000760E 0801 80007610 0022 80007612 A422 C006D4CC FC4A 8006D4C8 1D80 8006D4CA 0C00 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Energy Alexandria v1.1 801B8EDA 03E8 #Infinite Large Medipack v1.1 800AB6E2 FFFF #lways Use Flare .With this code, press the flare button or R2, + it gives you infinite flares V1.1 D00AA3BA FDFF 800AB5A0 0007 #Infinite Health (Distant Attacks)V1.1 D00395C4 0022 800395C6 2400 ; [ Tomb Raider Chronicles (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01311} ] :SLUS-01311 #Infinite Bottles Of Chloroform 300A7313 0009 #Infinite Oxygen 800A71FE 0708 #Level Access Menu Press L1+L2 at the title screen that says 'New Game'. Pressing the Triangle button will exit back to 'New Game'. D00A603A F5FF 800A2826 0002 #Cutscene Access Menu D00A603A FAFF 800A2822 0002 #Infinite Health (All Levels) 80007600 3AA4 80007602 8C21 80007604 03E8 80007606 3402 80007608 AAA4 8000760A 0801 8000760C 0022 8000760E A422 C006A7CC BB42 8006A7C8 1D80 8006A7CA 0C00 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Large Medipacks 800A732C FFFF #Colloseum\Infinite Health 801BB992 03E8 #Deapsea Dive\Infinite Health 80184CC2 03E8 #Escape With The Iris\Infinite Health 801CC196 03E8 #Gallows Tree\Infinite Health 801C3A56 03E8 #Labyrinth\Infinite Health 801D2BE6 03E8 #Red Alert + Security Breach\Infinite Health 801C4D7E 03E8 #Sinkinig Submarine\Infinite Health 801D8B6E 03E8 #Streets Of Rome\Infinite Health 801CB7B2 03E8 #The 13th Floor\Infinite Health 801CDE22 03E8 #The Base\Infinite Health 801D2FFE 03E8 #The Old Mill\Infinite Health 801C7E2A 03E8 #The Submarine\Infinite Health 801D3152 03E8 #Trajans Markets\Infinite Health 801D2126 03E8 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.5) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.4) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Infinite Energy Caves 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.3) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Starting Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Starting Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Starting Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Starting Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Starting Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Starting Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Starting Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Starting Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Starting Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Starting Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Starting Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Starting Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.2) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Starting Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Starting Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Starting Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Starting Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Starting Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Starting Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Starting Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Starting Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Starting Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Starting Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Starting Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Starting Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Starting Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Starting Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Starting Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Starting Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Starting Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Starting Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Starting Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Starting Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Starting Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Starting Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Starting Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Starting Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Tomb Raider (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00152} ] :SLUS-00152 #Caves\Infinite Energy 80176736 03E8 #City of Vicabama\Infinite Energy 80181306 03E8 #Lost Valley\Infinite Energy 801947AA 03E8 #Tomb of Qualopec\Infinite Energy 801765DE 03E8 #St. Francis' Folly\Infinite Energy 8018830A 03E8 #Colosseum\Infinite Energy 8018EB3A 03E8 #Palace Midas\Infinite Energy 8019D32A 03E8 #The Cistern\Infinite Energy 801AB7A6 03E8 #Tomb of Tihocan\Infinite Energy 801A0282 03E8 #City of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80181E6E 03E8 #Obelisk of Khamoon\Infinite Energy 80189526 03E8 #Sanctuary of The Scion\Infinite Energy 8018EFDE 03E8 #Natla Mines\Infinite Energy 8019ED7E 03E8 #Atlantis\Infinite Energy 8019C38A 03E8 #The Great Pyramid\Infinite Energy 801A2FCE 03E8 #Select Starting Level\City of Vicabama D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0002 #Select Starting Level\Lost Valley D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0003 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Qualopec D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0004 #Select Starting Level\St. Francis' Folly D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0005 #Select Starting Level\Colosseum D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0006 #Select Starting Level\Palace Midas D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0007 #Select Starting Level\The Cistern D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0008 #Select Starting Level\Tomb of Tihocan D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 0009 #Select Starting Level\City of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000A #Select Starting Level\Obelisk of Khamoon D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000B #Select Starting Level\Sanctuary of The Scion D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000C #Select Starting Level\Natla Mines D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000D #Select Starting Level\Atlantis D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000E #Select Starting Level\The Great Pyramid D01FFF90 0001 801FFF90 000F #Infinite Oxygen Under Water 801DDF02 0708 #Always Have All Items 80088644 0008 #Always Have All Guns 80088644 0005 #Infinite Oxygen Under Water V.1.1. 801DE002 0708 #Always Have All Items V.1.1. 8008872C 0008 #Always Have All Guns V.1.1 8008872C 0005 ; [ Trap Gunner (USA) (1998) (Atlus Software) {SLUS-00679} ] :SLUS-00679 #Infinite Time 801093D8 2328 #P1 Infinite Health 8012583A 03E8 8012583C 03E8 #P1 Infinite Bullets 8012587C 0F00 #Have All Levels Unlocked 80124B12 0100 #Have All Characters Unlocked 80124B06 0101 80124B08 0101 ; [ Disney's Treasure Planet (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94647} ] :SCUS-94647 #Infinite Lives 800EB68E 0063 #Infinite Health 800C766E 0003 #Max Drubloons 800C4980 03E7 #Max Crystals 800EB6BC 0063 #Max Special 800C766E 0803 #Infinite Time 800EEA04 7000 ; [ Treasures of the Deep (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00430} ] :SLUS-00430 #Infinite Money 800406C0 FFFF 800406C2 7FFF #Infinite Nets 8004094C 0014 #Infinite Torpedos 8004094E 0014 #Infinite Mines 80040950 000E #Infinite Smart Missiles 80040952 000B #Infinite Seeker Mines 80040954 000A #Infinite Sonic Torpedos 80040956 000D #Infinite Plasma Bombs 80040958 0002 #Infinite Medical Kits 80040962 0005 #Infinite Pony Tanks 80040964 0002 #Infinite Damage 800B97D0 EA60 #Infinite Energy 800B9700 EA60 #Infinite Oxygen 80116BEC 0164 #Unlock Mission Atlantis 300324B3 0001 #Unlock Mission Bermuda Triangle 300324AE 0001 #Unlock Mission Bottom of the Earth 300324AC 0001 #Unlock Mission Deep Freeze 300324B1 0001 #Unlock Mission Diver Straits 300324A9 0001 #Unlock Mission Great Barrier Reef 300324AB 0001 #Unlock Mission Hitler's Lost Gold 300324B2 0001 #Unlock Mission Maru Rescue 300324AF 0001 #Unlock Mission Montezuma's Revenge 300324AD 0001 #Unlock Mission Safe Passage 300324B0 0001 #Unlock Mission Shark Attack 300324B4 0001 #Unlock Mission Sub-Traficante 300324AA 0001 #Have All Subs 8004400C 00FF ; [ Trick'n Snowboarder (USA) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00979} ] :SLUS-00979 #Max Points 800C135C FFFF #Time is 0:00:00 800AAEB8 0000 #Unlock All Characters 50000502 0000 800E3F8C 0101 #Unlock Daichi 300E3F8C 0001 #Unlock Ashley 300E3F8D 0001 #Unlock Jack 300E3F8E 0001 #Unlock Lila 300E3F8F 0001 #Unlock Majagh 300E3F90 0001 #Unlock Gale 300E3F91 0001 #Unlock Leon 300E3F92 0001 #Unlock Claire 300E3F93 0001 #Unlock Zombie 300E3F94 0001 ; [ Turnabout (USA) (2002) (Natsume) {SLUS-01499} ] :SLUS-01499 #Enable All Levels 8015C188 0009 #Puzzle Modifier 00-63 Enabled Last 8015C1B8 0063 #Always No Steps 8015C1E4 0000 ; [ The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (USA) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00896} ] :SLUS-00896 #Infinite Health 800C8620 10F0 #Max Health 800C8622 10F0 #Time is 0:00:00 800C85C0 0000 #Max Zenny/Money 800C85CC 967F 800C85CE 0098 #All Missions Complete 50000601 0000 300A6095 0003 #Missions 1-2\1-Hit Defeats Cop D00C9346 0060 800C9346 0000 #Missions 3-1\1-Hit Defeats BIG Reaverbot D00C9346 0040 800C9346 0000 #Missions 3-2\1-Hit Defeats Reaverbot Nest D009F78E 0018 8009F78E 0000 #Mission 3\1-Hit Defeats Last Gaurdian D00C9346 00A0 800C9346 0000 #Intro Mission\1-Hit Defeats Glyde D00C9346 0180 800C9346 0000 #Final Mission\1-Hit Defeats Glyde D00C990E 0400 800C990E 0001 #Last Battle\1-Hit Defeats Colossus D00C9346 1200 800C9346 0000 #Missions 5-2\Infinite Cows + Truck Energy D009F78E 0021 8009F78E 0030 D009F78E 0012 8009F78E 0030 D009F78E 0003 8009F78E 0030 #Enable Serve Bot 41 800F2142 0029 D00C8148 0100 800F2184 0028 #Max Attack-ServBots 50002808 0000 300CB540 00FF #Max Brains-ServBots 50002808 0000 300CB541 00FF #Unlock Teisel's Room 300A60AE 0001 #Unlock Torture Room 300A60AC 0001 #Unlock Tron's Room 300A60AD 0001 #Mission 1\Infinite Time 800C85E4 0000 #Infinite Green Apple 300C880C 0063 #Infinite E. Bottle 1 300C880D 0063 #Infinite E. Bottle 2 300C880E 0063 #Infinite E. Bottle 3 300C880F 0063 #Infinite E. Bottle 4 300C8810 0063 #Infinite Pork 300C881B 0063 #Infinite Fish 300C881C 0063 #Infinite Apple 300C881D 0063 #Infinite Curry 300C881E 0063 #Infinite Hamburger 300C881F 0063 #Infinite Juice 300C8820 0063 #Infinite Cake 300C8821 0063 #Infinite Tire 300C8822 0063 #Infinite Police Lights 300C8823 0063 #Infinite Riot Shield 300C8824 0063 #Infinite Comic 300C8825 0063 #Infinite Hat 300C8826 0063 #Infinite Chicken 300C8827 0063 #Infinite Letter 300C8828 0063 #Infinite Scallop 300C8829 0063 #Infinite Ring 300C882A 0063 #Infinite Shell 300C882B 0063 #Infinite Lunchbox 300C882C 0063 #Infinite Steak 300C8832 0063 #Infinite Pig 300C8833 0063 #Infinite Rabbit 300C8834 0063 #Infinite Cow 300C8835 0063 #Infinite Black Stallion 300C8837 0063 #Infinite Horse 300C8838 0063 #Infinite Birdbot 300C8839 0063 #Infinite Milk 300C883A 0063 #Infinite Cheese 300C883B 0063 #Infinite Yogurt 300C883C 0063 #Infinite Ice Cream 300C883D 0063 #Infinite Horseshoe 300C883E 0063 #Infinite Beef 300C883F 0063 #Infinite Pipe 300C8845 0063 #Infinite Fireworks 300C8846 0063 #Infinite Iron Plate 300C8847 0063 #Infinite Litnium 300C8848 0063 #Infinite Hi-Density Tank 300C8849 0063 #Infinite Bottle Notes 300C884A 0063 #Infinite Rusted Tank 300C884B 0063 #Infinite Attack Cube 300C884C 0063 #Infinite Brain Cube 300C884D 0063 #Infinite Speed Cube 300C884E 0063 #Infinite Energy Cube 300C884F 0063 #Infinite Card Key 300C8850 0063 #Infinite Gate Key 300C8851 0063 #Infinite Room Key 300C8852 0063 #Infinite Blue Crystal 300C8853 0063 #Infinite Green Crystal 300C8854 0063 #Infinite Pink Crystal 300C8855 0063 #Infinite Super Drill 300C8856 0063 #Infinite Hyper Drill 300C8857 0063 #Infinite Refractor Ore 300C8858 0063 #Infinite Finance Book 300C8859 0063 #Infinite Beauty Book 300C885A 0063 #Infinite Cannon 300C885B 0063 #Infinite Paint Set 300C885C 0063 #Infinite Poetry Book 300C885D 0063 #Infinite Strategy Notes 300C885E 0063 #Infinite Design Magazine 300C885F 0063 #Infinite Red Head Parts 300C8861 0063 #Infinite Old Instrument 300C886A 0063 #Infinite Loader Parts 300C886B 0063 #Infinite Memento 300C886C 0063 #Infinite Bon Parts 300C886D 0063 #Infinite Filer 300C886E 0063 #Infinite Contact Lenses 300C886F 0063 #Infinite Handkerchief 300C8870 0063 #Infinite Ancient Pistol 300C8871 0063 #Infinite Tank Parts 300C8879 0063 #Infinite Bazooka Parts 300C887A 0063 #Infinite Gatling Parts 300C887B 0063 #Infinite Armor Parts 300C887C 0063 #Infinite Search Cannon 300C887D 0063 #Infinite Bonne Bazooka 300C887E 0063 #Infinite Gatling Gun 300C887F 0063 #Infinite Armor 300C8880 0063 #Infinite Hard Armor 300C8881 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 1 300C8882 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 2 300C8883 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 3 300C8884 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 4 300C8885 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 5 300C8886 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 6 300C8887 0063 #Infinite E. Tank 7 300C8888 0063 #Infinite E. Tank P 300C8889 0063 #Have All Items 50000502 0000 300C880C 0063 50001202 0000 300C881B 0063 50000402 0000 300C8832 0063 50000902 0000 300C8837 0063 50001B02 0000 300C8845 0063 300C8861 0063 50000802 0000 300C886A 0063 50001102 0000 300C8879 0063 #Max Score In Training Press Select D00C8146 0001 300F2A9A 0063 ; [ True Pinball (USA) (1996) (Ocean of America) {SLUS-00337} ] :SLUS-00337 #Infinite Balls 800441D4 0001 ; [ Thunderstrike 2 (USA) (1996) (U.S. Gold) {SLUS-00191} ] :SLUS-00191 #Invincibility 80074D04 00DF #Infinite Agm 214 Firestorm Homing Missiles 80074E7C 000C #Infinite Ffar Rocket Pod 80074E7E 0014 #Infinite Rcs 233 Runray Cratering System 80074E7A 0010 #Infinite 30 Mm Chain Gun 800CF9BE 9DA7 #Infinite Big Boy Mk-85 500-Lb Bombs 80074E7C 0004 #Infinite Mac 874A Cluster Bombs 80074E7A 000A #Infinite Mk-3 Penguin Anti-Shipping Missiles 80074E7A 0008 #Receive No Demerits 80074B00 0000 #Rapid Fire 80073414 0000 ; [ Tiny Toon Adventures - Toonenstein - Dare to Scare! (USA) (1999) (Vatical Entertainment) {SLUS-00967} ] :SLUS-00967 #Only Need 1 Activator To Turn On Elevator E003F6D8 0000 3003F6D8 0005 ; [ Tiny Toon Adventures - Plucky's Big Adventure (USA) (2001) (Conspiracy Entertainment) {SLUS-01393} ] :SLUS-01393 #Plucky\Infinite Energy 8007E152 03E8 8007E154 03E8 #Hampton\Infinite Energy 8007D8FA 03E8 8007D8FC 03E8 #Babs Bunny\Infinite Energy 8007CB12 03E8 8007CB14 03E8 #Enter Any Combination To Enter Any Locker 8006B754 050C ; [ Tiny Toon Adventures - The Great Beanstalk (USA) (1998) (NewKidCo) {SLUS-00638} ] ;:SLUS-00638 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tunnel B1 (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00188} ] :SLUS-00188 #Infinite Lives 80046158 0000 #Infinite Shield 800C4040 0320 #Infinite Missiles 800C4094 0404 800C4088 6363 #Infinite Neon Lasers 800C4096 0004 800C408A 0063 #Infinite Mines + Flares 800C408C 6363 800C4098 0101 #Infinite Smart Bombs 800C408E 6363 800C409A 0101 #Have Triple Machine Gun 800C4092 0300 #Infinite Super Thrusters 800C4044 0003 #Stop Timer 800C40B6 0039 #Stop Enemy Repair Clocks 800B08E2 001F 800B08E4 001F 800B08E6 001F 800B08E8 001F ; [ Twisted Metal - Small Brawl (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94642} ] :SCUS-94642 #Endless Health 801504A0 04FB #Endless Lives 80160F8C 0003 #Endless Battery Attack Power 80151E88 2A30 #Endless Environment Weapon 80151EBC 0003 #Unlock All Characters 50000504 0000 301D1E3C 0001 #Stage Modifier Buster's Lanes 80189BA0 0000 #Stage Modifier Holiday Havoc 80189BA0 0001 #Stage Modifier Gridiron Gore 80189BA0 0002 #Stage Modifier Carn-O-Maul 80189BA0 0003 #Stage Modifier Minigolf Mayhem 80189BA0 0004 #Stage Modifier Easy Death Oven 80189BA0 0005 #Stage Modifier Shock Therapy 80189BA0 0006 #Stage Modifier Meat Your Maker 80189BA0 0000 #Stage Modifier Now Slaying 80189BA0 0000 #Stage Modifier Playground Peril 80189BA0 0000 #Stage Modifier Treetop Rumble 80189BA0 0000 ; [ Twisted Metal 2 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94306} ] :SCUS-94306 #Infinite Energy 80187D00 006E ; [ Twisted Metal III (USA, v1.1) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94249} ] :SCUS-94249 #Ammo Never Decrease (All Players) 80033ED6 2400 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D300C 0002 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D309C 0002 #Select Character\Minion 800D28D0 0007 #Select Character\Sweettooth 800D28D0 000B #Infinite Turbo All Players 800201B2 2400 #Infinite Special Meter All Players 8001975E 2400 #Start With All Weapons, Specials + Infinite Ammo 8007EBFC 0001 #God Mode 8007EC84 0001 #Enable Sweet Tooth 8007EBDC 0001 #Enable Minion 8007EBE4 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Club Kids House 8007EBCC 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Warehouse 1 8007EBC4 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Warehouse 2 8007EBD4 0001 #Enable High Napalms 8007EC14 0001 #Enable Homing Rain 8007EC2C 0001 #Enable Giant Richochet Bombs 8007EC34 0001 #Cpu Cars Ignore Ammo When Low 8007EC9C 0001 ; [ Twisted Metal III (USA, v1.0) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94249} ] :SCUS-94249 #Ammo Never Decrease (All Players) 80033ED6 2400 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D300C 0002 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D309C 0002 #Select Character\Minion 800D28D0 0007 #Select Character\Sweettooth 800D28D0 000B #Infinite Turbo All Players 800201B2 2400 #Infinite Special Meter All Players 8001975E 2400 #Start With All Weapons, Specials + Infinite Ammo 8007EBFC 0001 #God Mode 8007EC84 0001 #Enable Sweet Tooth 8007EBDC 0001 #Enable Minion 8007EBE4 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Club Kids House 8007EBCC 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Warehouse 1 8007EBC4 0001 #Start Deathmatch In Warehouse 2 8007EBD4 0001 #Enable High Napalms 8007EC14 0001 #Enable Homing Rain 8007EC2C 0001 #Enable Giant Richochet Bombs 8007EC34 0001 #Cpu Cars Ignore Ammo When Low 8007EC9C 0001 ; [ Twisted Metal 4 (USA) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94560} ] :SCUS-94560 #Access All Characters D005D810 0134 8007D458 1000 #P1 Has Infinite Lives 8005A3C8 0004 #Enable God Mode 8004ECF8 0001 #Enable King of The Kill Level 80062700 0001 #Enable Nowhere To Hide Level 800625C8 0001 #Enable Octa-Gone Level 80062660 0001 #Enable Son of A Ditch Level 800628C8 0001 #Enable The Citadel Level 80062530 0001 #Enable The Islands Level 80062830 0001 #Enable The Pits Level 80062498 0001 #Enable Tic-Tac-Toast Level 80062798 0001 ; [ Twisted Metal (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94304} ] :SCUS-94304 #Unbeatable 801A1914 0080 #Infinite Lives 8018EFD0 0003 #Infinite Fire-Guns 801A1C00 0002 #Infinite Ice-Guns 801A1C02 0002 #Infinite Search-Guns 801A1C04 0002 #Infinite Power-Guns 801A1C06 0002 #Infinite Tag-Guns 801A1C08 0002 #Infinite Rear-Guns 801A1C0A 0002 #Infinite Catapults 801A1C0C 0002 #Infinite Rear Flame 801A1C0E 0002 #Infinite Mines 801A1C10 0002 #Infinite Oil 801A1C12 0002 #Infinite Spikes 801A1C14 0002 #Infinite Specials 801A1C16 0014 #Always Play Level Arena Duel 8018ED04 0000 #Always Play Level Warehouse 8018ED04 0001 #Always Play Level Freeway 8018ED04 0002 #Always Play Level Park 8018ED04 0003 #Always Play Level Cyburbia (1P Mode Only) 8018ED04 0004 #Always Play Level Rooftop 8018ED04 0005 #Always Play Level Arena 8018ED04 0006 ; [ Tyco R/C - Assault with a Battery (USA) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01074} ] :SLUS-01074 #Infinite Energy 800DE67C 03FF #Start On Last Lap D00D5AEC 0000 800D5AEC 0002 #Unlock All Modes 800E567C 00FF #Unlock Speed Wrench 300E5668 0001 #Unlock Tantrum 300E5669 0001 #Unlock Nitro Dozer 300E566A 0001 #Unlock Super Rebound 300E566F 0001 ; [ Ultimate 8 Ball (USA) (1999) (THQ) {SLUS-00864} ] :SLUS-00864 #Sight Line On 80153C06 0001 #P1 Max Score 8011DD3C 0063 #P1 No Score 8011DD3C 0000 #P2 Max Score 8012F042 0063 #P2 No Score 8012F042 0000 #P1 Infinite Lives 8011DD3C 0003 #P1 Have 99 Games Won 3011DBF8 0063 #P1 Have 0 Games Won 3011DBF8 0000 #P2 Have 99 Games Won 3011DBF9 0063 #P2 Have 0 Games Won 3011DBF9 0000 #P1 Have No Fouls 3011DC42 0000 #P1 Have 3 Fouls 3011DC42 0002 #P2 Have No Fouls 3011DC52 0000 #P2 Have 3 Fouls 3011DC52 0002 #Time is 0:00:00 80015916 2400 #P2 Infinite Lives 8011DD3E 0003 #P2 No Lives 8011DD3E 0000 #Unlock Everything 80153AC2 FFFF 80153AC4 FFFF 80153AC6 FFFF 80153AC8 FFFF 80153ACA FFFF 80153ACC FFFF 80153ACE FFFF #Maximum Credits 8011DC2C 0063 ; [ Ultimate Brain Games (USA) (2003) (Telegames) {SLUS-01577} ] ;:SLUS-01577 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ultimate Fighting Championship (USA) (2000) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01143} ] :SLUS-01143 #Infinite Ability Points D0155538 0000 80155538 01F4 ; [ The Unholy War (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00676} ] :SLUS-00676 #P1 Infinite Aur 8011C5B8 FFFF #All Maps (Strategy Mode) 800DE9B8 0001 #P1 Quicksilver Infinite Health 801AF610 0258 #P1 Quicksilver Infinite Energy 801AF614 01F4 #P1 Telsa Infinite Health 801AFA48 0258 #P1 Telsa Infinite Energy 801AFA4C 0640 #P1 Killcycle Infinite Health 801AF9D0 01F4 #P1 Killcycle Infinite Energy 801AF9D4 0258 #P1 Jaeger Infinite Health 801AF710 03E8 #P1 Jaegar Infinite Energy 801AF714 0640 #P1 Mantis Infinite Health 801AF7A8 02EE #P1 Mantis Infinite Energy 801AF7AC 03E8 #P1 Razorfane Infinite Health 801AF610 0320 #P1 Razorfane Infinite Energy 801AF614 01F4 #P1 Wasp Infinite Health 801AF7B0 0190 #P1 Wasp Infinite Energy 801AF7B4 0258 #P1 Ecton Infinite Health 801AF938 01F4 #P1 Ecton Infinite Energy 801AF93C 0640 #P1 Prana Infinite Health 801AF688 0258 #P1 Prana Infinite Energy 801AF68C 03E8 #P1 Magnus Infinite Health 801AF7A8 03E8 #P1 Magnus Infinite Energy 801AF7AC 01F4 #P1 Brontu Infinite Health 801AF540 03E8 #P1 Brontu Infinite Energy 801AF544 05DC #P1 Firewitch Infinite Health 801AFA00 01F4 #P1 Firewitch Infinite Energy 801AFA04 01F4 #P1 Angel Infinite Health 801AF710 0315 #P1 Angel Infinite Energy 801AF714 03E8 #P1 Mogalin Infinite Health 801AF7F0 01F4 #P1 Mogalin Infinite Energy 801AF7F4 0384 ; [ Uprising X (USA) (1998) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00686} ] :SLUS-00686 #All Weapons + Ammo 801907F6 0063 801907F8 0063 801907FA 0063 801907FC 0063 801907FE 0063 #Level 1 Infinite Armor 8011062A 0FFF #Level 2 Infinite Armor 801085FA 0FFF #Level 3 Infinite Armor 80103B16 0FFF #Level 4 Infinite Armor 800FE5DA 0FFF #Level 5 Infinite Armor 801006EA 0FFF #Level 6 Infinite Armor 800F81A6 0FFF #Level 7 Infinite Armor 8011977E 0FFF #Level 8 Infinite Armor 800F8E0E 0FFF #Level 9 Infinite Armor 800FD5C2 0FFF #Level 10 Infinite Armor 800FD926 0FFF #Level 11 Infinite Armor 80100EEE 0FFF #Level 12 Infinite Armor 800F657A 0FFF #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 2 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0001 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 3 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0002 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 4 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0003 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 5 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0004 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 6 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0005 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 7 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0006 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 8 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0007 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 9 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0008 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 10 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 0009 #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 11 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 000A #Mission Cheat Modifier Mission 12 D0020A10 6E45 30121D67 000B ; [ Urban Chaos (USA) (2000) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-01091} ] :SLUS-01091 #Combat-Tutorial\Infinite Health 80198F04 00C8 #Physical Training\Infinite Time 80197184 2F00 #Physical Training\Infinite Health 80197E80 00C8 #Driving Bronze\Infinite Time 801970DC 2F00 #Driving Bronze\Infinite Car Damage 80197886 012C #Combat Silver\Infinite Time 801977B8 2F00 #Combat Silver\Infinite Health 80198994 00C8 #Rta\Infinite Health 80194F44 00C8 #Rta\Infinite Car Damage 8019439E 012C #Rta\Always have Pistol 30194F43 0001 #Rta\Infinite Ammo Pistol 30194F42 0063 #Driving Silver\Infinite Time 80196A5C 2F00 #Driving Silver\No Car Damage 8019735E 012C #Combat Gold\Infinite Health 80198C18 00C8 #Combat Gold\Infinite Time 80197814 2F00 #The Jump\Infinite Health 80194F6C 00C8 #Driving Gold\Infinite Time 80196F68 3682 #Driving Gold\No Car Damage 8019771E 012C #Nitro Car\Infinite Health 80197AA4 00C8 #Nitro Car\Infinite Car Damage 801970FE 012C #Nitro Car\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80197AA2 0163 #Nitro Car\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8019A260 0063 #Gun Hunt\Infinite Health 80195618 00C8 #Rat Catch\Infinite Health 80197820 00C8 #Rat Catch\Infinite Ammo Pistol 3019781E 0063 #Rat Catch\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8019A13C 0063 #Rat Catch\Always have Shotgun 8019782C 003C #Trouble In The Park\Infinite Health 80194A34 00C8 #Gatecrusher\Infinite Health 801914C4 00C8 #Gatecrusher\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801914C2 0163 #Gatecrusher\Infinite Ammo Rifle 80196834 0063 #Arms Breaker\Infinite Health 80194C04 00C8 #Arms Breaker\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80194C02 0163 #Media Trouble\Infinite Health 801955AC 00C8 #Media Trouble\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801955AE 0163 #Media Trouble\Infinite Ammo Rifle 801990D4 0063 #Urban Shakedown\Infinite Health 80195A20 00C8 #Urban Shakedown\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80195A22 0163 #Urban Shakedown\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 801987E4 0063 #Urban Shakedown\Infinite Time 8019329C 2F00 #Auto-Destruct\Infinite Health 80196824 00C8 #Auto-Destruct\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80196826 0163 #Auto-Destruct\Infinite Time 80192E24 2F00 #Grim Gardens\Infinite Health 801954D4 00C8 #Grim Gardens\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801954D6 0163 #Semtex\Infinite Health 80194DD4 00C8 #Semtex\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80194DD6 0163 #Cop Rescue\Infinite Health 8019146C 00C8 #Cop Rescue\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8019146E 0163 #Cop Rescue\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 801954B4 0063 #Southside Offensive\Infinite Health 8019495C 00C8 #Southside Offensive\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8019495E 0163 #Southside Offensive\Infinite Grenades 8019932C 0063 #Southside Offensive\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 801990FC 0063 #Psycho Park\Infinite Health 80194874 00C8 #Psycho Park\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80194876 0163 #Psycho Park\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8019970C 0063 #Psycho Park\Infinite Ammo Rifle 80199720 0063 #The Fallen\Infinite Health 801955E4 00C8 #The Fallen\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801955E6 0163 #Stern Revenge\Infinite Health 8019283C 00C8 #Stern Revenge\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8019283E 0163 #Stern Revenge\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 80198358 0063 #Stern Revenge\Infinite Ammo Rifle 801984AC 0063 #Transmission Terminated\Infinite Health 801925F8 00C8 #Transmission Terminated\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801925FA 0163 #Transmission Terminated\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 80197068 0063 #Estate Of Emergency\Infinite Health 80192314 00C8 #Estate Of Emergency\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80192314 0163 #Estate Of Emergency\Infinite Ammo Rifle 80197528 0063 #Estate Of Emergency\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8019735C 0063 #Seek, Sneak + Seize\Infinite Health 80198544 00C8 #Seek, Sneak + Seize\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80198546 0163 #Seek, Sneak + Seize\Infinite Ammo Rifle 8019AC60 0063 #Target Uc\Infinite Health 80196758 00C8 #Target Uc\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8019675A 0163 #Target Uc\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 80199C8C 0063 #Target Uc\Infinite Explosives 80199C64 0063 #Target Uc\Infinite Time 80194CE4 2F00 #Headline Hostage\Infinite Health 8019550C 00C8 #Headline Hostage\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8019550E 0163 #Headline Hostage\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 801992DC 0063 #Headline Hostage\Infinite Grenades 8019937C 0063 #Headline Hostage\Infinite Time 8019237C 2F00 #Insane Assault\Infinite Health 801919C0 00C8 #Insane Assault\Infinite Ammo Pistol 801919C2 0163 #Day Of Reckoning\Infinite Health 8018AB24 0190 #Day Of Reckoning\Infinite Ammo Pistol 8018AB26 0163 #Day Of Reckoning\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 8018D97C 0063 #Day Of Reckoning\Infinite Time 80189390 2F00 #Assassin\Infinite Health 80196C1C 00C8 #Assassin\Infinite Ammo Pistol 80196C1E 0163 #Assassin\Infinite Ammo Shotgun 80199DB8 0063 #Combat Tutorial = COMPLETED 300EB479 0001 #Physical Training = COMPLETED 300EB47A 0001 #Driving Bronze = COMPLETED 300EB47B 0001 #Combat Silver = COMPLETED 300EB47C 0001 #Rta = COMPLETED 300EB47D 0001 #Driving Silver = COMPLETED 300EB47E 0001 #Combat Gold = COMPLETED 300EB47F 0001 #The Jump = COMPLETED 300EB480 0001 #Driving Gold = COMPLETED 300EB481 0001 #Nitro Car = COMPLETED 300EB482 0001 #Gun Hunt = COMPLETED 300EB483 0001 #Rat Catch = COMPLETED 300EB484 0001 #Trouble In The Park = COMPLETED 300EB485 0001 #Gatecrusher = COMPLETED 300EB486 0001 #Arms Breaker = COMPLETED 300EB487 0001 #Media Trouble = COMPLETED 300EB488 0001 #Urban Shakedown = COMPLETED 300EB489 0001 #Auto-Destruct = COMPLETED 300EB48A 0001 #Grim Gardens = COMPLETED 300EB48B 0001 #Semtex = COMPLETED 300EB48C 0001 #Cop Rescue = COMPLETED 300EB48D 0001 #Southside Offensive = COMPLETED 300EB48E 0001 #Psycho Park = COMPLETED 300EB48F 0001 #The Fallen = COMPLETED 300EB490 0001 #Stern Revenge = COMPLETED 300EB491 0001 #Transmission Terminated = COMPLETED 300EB492 0001 #Estate Of Emergency = COMPLETED 300EB493 0001 #Seek, Sneak + Seize = COMPLETED 300EB494 0001 #Target Uc = COMPLETED 300EB495 0001 #Headline Hostage = COMPLETED 300EB496 0001 #Insane Assault = COMPLETED 300EB498 0001 #Day Of Reckoning = COMPLETED 300EB499 0001 #Assassin = COMPLETED 300EB49A 0001 #All Levels = COMPLETED 50002101 0000 300EB479 0001 #Access El Cossa Isle Level D0110F30 0013 30110F40 001E D0110F30 0019 301F3AF0 0001 D0110F48 0000 30110F48 0001 ; [ Rogue Trip - Vacation 2012 (USA) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-00643} ] :SLUS-00643 #P1 Infinite Armor 801D80B4 014A #P1 Infinite Specials 301D824F 0063 #P1 Infinite Stingers 301D8250 0063 #P1 Infinite Blasters 301D8251 0063 #P1 Infinite Stalkers 301D8252 0063 #P1 Infinite Scorches 301D8253 0063 #P1 Infinite Meteors 301D8254 0063 #P1 Infinite Ejects 301D8255 0063 #P1 Infinite Rlbs 301D8256 0063 #P1 Infinite Prowlers 301D8257 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Stingers 301D8259 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Blasters 301D825A 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Stalkers 301D825B 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Scorches 301D825C 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Meteors 301D825D 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Ejects 301D825E 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Rlbs 301D825F 0063 #P1 Infinite Upgraded Prowlers 301D8260 0063 #P1 Infinite Cash 801D8784 FFFF #P2 Infinite Armor 801D896C 00B4 #P2 Infinite Specials 301D8B07 0063 #P2 Infinite Stingers 301D8B08 0063 #P2 Infinite Blasters 301D8B09 0063 #P2 Infinite Stalkers 301D8B0A 0063 #P2 Infinite Scorches 301D8B0B 0063 #P2 Infinite Meteors 301D8B0C 0063 #P2 Infinite Ejects 301D8B0D 0063 #P2 Infinite Rlbs 301D8B0E 0063 #P2 Infinite Prowlers 301D8B0F 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Stingers 301D8B11 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Blasters 301D8B12 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Stalkers 301D8B13 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Scorches 301D8B14 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Meteors 301D8B15 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Ejects 301D8B16 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Rlbs 301D8B17 0063 #P2 Infinite Upgraded Prowlers 301D8B18 0063 #P2 Infinite Cash 801D903C FFFF #Enable Goliath 301B39A8 0001 #Enable Nightshade 301B39A9 0001 #Enable Alien Saucer 301B39AB 0001 #Enable Helicopter 301B39AC 0001 #Drive Through Walls (All Players) 8010E53A 2400 #P1 Extra Weapons 50001201 0000 301D824F 0063 #P2 Extra Weapons 50001201 0000 301D8B07 0063 #Enable Big Daddy (Only Available Challenge Mode On Nuke York Stage) 301B39AA 0001 #Enable Funtopia 301B39A6 0001 #Enable Gulch 301B39A7 0001 #P1 Infinite Turbo 801D8234 0327 ; [ Vagrant Story (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01040} ] :SLUS-01040 #Infinite HP 8011FA5A 03E7 8011FA58 03E7 #Infinite MP 8011FA5C 03E7 8011FA5E 03E7 #Have All Normal + Key Items 50002004 0001 80060F68 0145 50002004 0000 80060F6A 0064 50002004 0001 80060FE8 01CA 50002004 0000 80060FEA 0001 #One Combo Learn All Battle Abilities 80060062 FFFF #Save Anywhere .With this code, when you save at places other than a save point, the saved file will say Corrupted file. The file is NOT corrupt, and will load/save properly. D0109FBC 4E6B 80109FC6 2400 #Have All Magic 50003334 0000 8004C4E0 9000 50001B34 0000 8004CF70 8000 #Have All Battle Abilities 50002034 0000 8004BE60 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Heavy Shot 8004BE60 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Gain Life 8004BE94 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Mind Assault 8004BEC8 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Gain Magic 8004BEFC 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Raging Ache 8004BF30 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Mind Ache 8004BF64 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Temper 8004BF98 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Crimson Pain 8004BFCC 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Instill 8004C000 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Phantom Pain 8004C034 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Paralysis Pulse 8004C068 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Numbing Claw 8004C0D0 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Dulling Impact 8004C104 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Chain Abilities\Snake Venom 8004C16C 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Ward 8004C208 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Siphon Soul 8004C23C 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Reflect Magic 8004C270 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Reflect Damage 8004C2A4 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Absorb Magic 8004C2D8 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Absorb Damage 8004C30C 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Impact Guard 8004C340 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Wind Break 8004C374 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Fire Proof 8004C3A8 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Terra Ward 8004C3DC 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Aqua Ward 8004C410 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Shadow Guard 8004C444 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Demonscale 8004C478 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Phantom Shield 8004C4AC 9000 #Character\Battle Abilities\Defense Abilities\Have All Battle Abilities 50002034 0000 8004BE60 9000 #Character\Break Art\Dagger\Whistle Sting 8004DF48 C000 #Character\Break Art\Dagger\Shadoweave 8004DF7C C000 #Character\Break Art\Dagger\Double Fang 8004DFB0 C000 #Character\Break Art\Dagger\Wyrm Scorn 8004DFE4 C000 #Character\Break Art\Sword\Rending Gale 8004E018 C000 #Character\Break Art\Sword\Vile Scar 8004E04C C000 #Character\Break Art\Sword\Cherry Ronde 8004E080 C000 #Character\Break Art\Sword\Papillon Reel 8004E0B4 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Sword\Sunder 8004E0E8 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Sword\Thunderwave 8004E11C C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Sword\Swallow Slash 8004E150 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Sword\Advent Sign 8004E184 C000 #Character\Break Art\Axe + Mace\Mistral Edge 8004E1B8 C000 #Character\Break Art\Axe + Mace\Glacial Gale 8004E1EC C000 #Character\Break Art\Axe + Mace\Killer Mantis 8004E220 C000 #Character\Break Art\Axe + Mace\Black Nebula 8004E254 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Axe\Bear Claw 8004E288 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Axe\Accursed Umbra 8004E2BC C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Axe\Iron Ripper 8004E2F0 C000 #Character\Break Art\Great Axe\Emetic Bomb 8004E324 C000 #Character\Break Art\Staff\Sirocco 8004E358 C000 #Character\Break Art\Staff\Riskbreak 8004E38C C000 #Character\Break Art\Staff\Gravis Aether 8004E3C0 C000 #Character\Break Art\Staff\Trinity Pulse 8004E3F4 C000 #Character\Break Art\Heavy Mace\Bonecrusher 8004E428 C000 #Character\Break Art\Heavy Mace\Quickshock 8004E45C C000 #Character\Break Art\Heavy Mace\Ignis Wheel 8004E490 C000 #Character\Break Art\Heavy Mace\Hex Flux 8004E4C4 C000 #Character\Break Art\Polearm\Ruination 8004E4F8 C000 #Character\Break Art\Polearm\Scythe Wind 8004E52C C000 #Character\Break Art\Polearm\Giga Tempest 8004E560 C000 #Character\Break Art\Polearm\Spiral Scourge 8004E594 C000 #Character\Break Art\Crossbow\Brimstone Hail 8004E5C8 C000 #Character\Break Art\Crossbow\Heaven's Scorn 8004E5FC C000 #Character\Break Art\Crossbow\Death Wail 8004E630 C000 #Character\Break Art\Crossbow\Sanctus Flare 8004E664 C000 #Character\Break Art\Bare Hands\Lotus Palm 8004E698 C000 #Character\Break Art\Bare Hands\Vertigo 8004E6CC C000 #Character\Break Art\Bare Hands\Vermillion Aura 8004E700 C000 #Character\Break Art\Bare Hands\Retribution 8004E734 C000 #Character\Break Art\Bare Hands\Have All Break Arts 50002834 0000 8004DF48 C000 #Character\Character Misc.\Infinite HP D011FA2E 8011 8011FA58 03E7 8006006C 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Max HP 8006006E 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Infinite MP D011FA2E 8011 8011FA5C 03E7 80060070 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Max MP 80060072 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Risk Always At Zero 3011FA60 0000 #Character\Character Misc.\Body Always Excellent 3012006C 00C8 #Character\Character Misc.\Right Arm Always Excellent 3011FEB4 00C8 #Character\Character Misc.\Left Arm Always Excellent 3011FDD8 00C8 #Character\Character Misc.\Head Always Excellent 3011FF90 00C8 #Character\Character Misc.\Legs Always Excellent 30120148 00C8 #Character\Character Misc.\Permanent Quicken x2 E011FA73 0012 3011FA73 001C #Character\Character Misc.\Ludicrous Speed E011FA73 0012 3011FA73 007F #Character\Character Misc.\Super Strength D011FA2E 8011 8011FA62 2690 #Character\Character Misc.\Max Strength D011FA2E 8011 8011FA64 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Super Intelligence D011FA2E 8011 8011FA66 2690 #Character\Character Misc.\Max Intelligence D011FA2E 8011 8011FA68 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\Super Agility D011FA2E 8011 8011FA6A 2690 #Character\Character Misc.\Max Agility D011FA2E 8011 8011FA6C 03E7 #Character\Character Misc.\When Attacking Hold Circle To Take Off 999 Damage D005E1C0 0020 801FBC84 03E7 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Drain Heart 8004CD00 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Drain Mind 8004CD34 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Solid Shock 8004CD9C 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Lightning Bolt 8004CDD0 C000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Fireball 8004CE04 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Vulcan Lance 8004CE38 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Aqua Blast 8004CE6C 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Spirit Surge 8004CEA0 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Dark Chant 8004CED4 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Exorcism 8004CF08 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Banish 8004CF3C 9000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Explosion Level 1 8004CF70 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Explosion Level 2 8004CFA4 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Explosion Level 3 8004CFD8 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Explosion Level 4 8004D00C 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Thunderburst Level 1 8004D040 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Thunderburst Level 2 8004D074 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Thunderburst Level 3 8004D0A8 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Thunderburst Level 4 8004D0DC 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Flame Sphere Level 1 8004D110 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Flame Sphere Level 2 8004D144 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Flame Sphere Level 3 8004D178 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Flame Sphere Level 4 8004D1AC 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Gaea Strike Level 1 8004D1E0 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Gaea Strike Level 2 8004D214 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Gaea Strike Level 3 8004D248 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Gaea Strike Level 4 8004D27C 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Avalanche Level 1 8004D2B0 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Avalanche Level 2 8004D2E4 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Avalanche Level 3 8004D318 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Avalanche Level 4 8004D34C 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Radial Surge Level 1 8004D380 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Radial Surge Level 2 8004D3B4 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Radial Surge Level 3 8004D3E8 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Radial Surge Level 4 8004D41C 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Meteor Level 1 8004D450 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Meteor Level 2 8004D484 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Meteor Level 3 8004D4B8 8000 #Character\Magic\Warlock\Meteor Level 4 8004D4EC 8000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Surging Balm 8004C98C 9000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Restoration 8004CB94 9000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Antidote 8004CBC8 9000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Blessing 8004CC30 9000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Clearance 8004CC64 9000 #Character\Magic\Shaman\Heal 8004CD68 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Degenerate 8004C4E0 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Psychodrain 8004C514 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Leadbones 8004C548 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Tarnish 8004C57C 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Analyze 8004C5B0 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Herakles 8004C618 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Enlighten 8004C64C 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Invigorate 8004C680 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Prostasia 8004C6B4 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Silence 8004C924 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Magic Ward 8004C958 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Fixate 8004C9F4 B000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Dispel 8004CA28 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Stun Cloud 8004CA90 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Poison Mist 8004CAC4 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Curse 8004CB2C 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Unlock 8004CC98 9000 #Character\Magic\Sorcerer\Eureka 8004CCCC B000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Luft Fusion 8004C750 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Spark Fusion 8004C784 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Soil Fusion 8004C7B8 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Frost Fusion 8004C7EC 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Aero Guard 8004C820 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Pyro Guard 8004C854 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Terra Guard 8004C888 9000 #Character\Magic\Enchanter\Aero Guard 8004C8BC 9000 #Character\Score Menu\All Titles 8005FEA0 FFFF 8005FEA2 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Have All Monsters In Encyclopaedia 50001602 0000 8005FF3C FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Gazette\Max Score 8010A460 E0FF 8010A462 05F5 #Character\Score Menu\Gazette\Max Games Completed 80061598 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Gazette\Chest Count Highscore 100% 8005FF38 0034 #Character\Score Menu\Gazette\Map Completion Highscore 100% 8005FF34 016C #Character\Score Menu\Gazette\Max Chain Ability Highscore 8005FF28 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Human Kills 8005FEA4 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Beast Kills 8005FEA6 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Undead Kills 8005FEA8 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Phantom Kills 8005FEAA FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Dragon Kills 8005FEAC FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Kill List\Max Evil Kills 8005FEAE FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Unarmed 8005FEB4 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Dagger 8005FEB6 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Sword 8005FEB8 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Great Sword 8005FEBA FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Axe + Mace 8005FEBC FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Great Axe 8005FEBE FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Staff 8005FEC0 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Heavy Mace 8005FEC2 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Polearm 8005FEC4 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Weapon Usage\Crossbow 8005FEC6 FFFF #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Minotaur\1st Time 8005FEC8 0032 8005FECA 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Minotaur\2nd Time 8005FECC 0032 8005FECE 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Minotaur\3rd Time 8005FED0 0032 8005FED2 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Dragon\1st Time 8005FED4 0032 8005FED6 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Dragon\2nd Time 8005FED8 0032 8005FEDA 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Dragon\3rd Time 8005FEDC 0032 8005FEDE 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Earth Dragon\1st Time 8005FEE0 0032 8005FEE2 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Earth Dragon\2nd Time 8005FEE4 0032 8005FEE6 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Earth Dragon\3rd Time 8005FEE8 0032 8005FEEA 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Snow Dragon\1st Time 8005FEEC 0032 8005FEEE 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Snow Dragon\2nd Time 8005FEF0 0032 8005FEF2 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Snow Dragon\3rd Time 8005FEF4 0032 8005FEF6 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Golem\1st Time 8005FEF8 0032 8005FEFA 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Golem\2nd Time 8005FEFC 0032 8005FEFE 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Golem\3rd Time 8005FF00 0032 8005FF02 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Crab\1st Time 8005FF04 0032 8005FF06 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Crab\2nd Time 8005FF08 0032 8005FF0A 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Damascus Crab\3rd Time 8005FF0C 0032 8005FF0E 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Death + Ogre Zombie\1st Time 8005FF10 0032 8005FF12 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Death + Ogre Zombie\2nd Time 8005FF14 0032 8005FF16 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Death + Ogre Zombie\3rd Time 8005FF18 0032 8005FF1A 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Asura\1st Time 8005FF1C 0032 8005FF1E 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Asura\2nd Time 8005FF20 0032 8005FF22 8000 #Character\Score Menu\Record Time\Asura\3rd Time 8005FF24 0032 8005FF26 8000 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Worker's Breakroom 300616EE 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Wine Guild Hall 300616EF 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Black Market 300616F0 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Hall Of Revenge 300616F1 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Withered Spring 300616F2 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Work Of Art Workshop 300616F3 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Advent Ground 300616F4 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Rue Vermillion 300616F5 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Magic Hammer Workshop 300616F6 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Crossing 300616F7 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Dark Tunnel 300616F8 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Rue Bouquet 300616F9 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Sunless Way 300616FA 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Faerie Circle 300616FB 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Forest River 300616FC 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Wood Gate 300616FD 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Valdiman Gates 300616FE 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Warrior's Rest 300616FF 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Keane's Workshop 30061700 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Sinner's Corner 30061701 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Crumbling Market 30061702 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Treaty Room 30061703 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Bandits' Hollow 30061704 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Ore Road 30061705 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Auction Block 30061706 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Way Down 30061707 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Rue Lejour 30061708 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Kesch Bridge 30061709 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Metal Works Workshop 3006170A 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Junction Point Workshop 3006170B 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Dark Coast 3006170C 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Plateia Lumitar 3006170D 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Sin And Punishment 3006170E 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\The Atrium 3006170F 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Gods Hands Workshop 30061710 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Debug Area Must Use Moon Jump To Get Out Of Wall! 30061711 0001 #Misc.\Unlock Teleport Location\Unlock All Teleport Locations 50002401 0000 300616EE 0001 ; [ Valkyrie Profile (USA) (2000) (Enix America) {SLUS-01156 / SLUS-01179} ] :SLUS-01156 :SLUS-01179 #In Battle Infinite HP (Position 1-Front) C00EDD70 FE9C 800EDD74 E0FF 800EDD76 05F5 00000000 FFFF #In Battle Infinite HP (Position 2-Top) C00EE42C 09AC 800EE430 E0FF 800EE432 05F5 00000000 FFFF #In Battle Infinite HP (Position 3-Bottom) C00EEAE8 0074 800EEAEC E0FF 800EEAEE 05F5 00000000 FFFF #In Battle Infinite HP (Position 4-Back) C00EF1A4 0160 800EF1A8 E0FF 800EF1AA 05F5 00000000 FFFF #Save Anywhere 301F6274 0011 #Max Evaluation Points 801F6264 270F #Max Materialize Points 801F5F80 FFFF 801F5F82 7FFF #Voice Collection 100% 50005F02 0000 80060A04 FFFF #Open Seraphic Gate (Main Menu) 8005E422 0011 #Infinite Time (Brahm Castle) 801E5C4C 3B03 ; [ Vanark (USA) (2000) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-01035} ] :SLUS-01035 #Stage Select Mode 30015C4D 0001 #Infinite Continues 80015C60 0009 #Infinite Time 80015C22 00B3 #Mission 1\Infinite Boost D01D7DCC 6BFF 301D7DD0 00C8 #Mission 1\Infinite Health 301F141E 00C8 #Mission 1\No Health Enemy D01EF980 0000 301EF984 0000 #Mission 2\Infinite Boost D01DA26C 77DC 301DA270 00C8 #Mission 2\Infinite Health 301F38B6 00C8 #Mission 2\No Health Enemy D01F1E18 0000 301F1E1C 0000 #Mission 3\Infinite Boost D01DA2AC 3EDF 301DA2B0 00C8 #Mission 3\Infinite Health 301F3A9E 00C8 #Mission 3\No Health Enemy D01F2000 0000 801F2004 0000 #Mission 4\Infinite Boost D01D6A44 FFFF 301D6A48 00C8 #Mission 4\Infinite Health 301F008E 00C8 #Mission 4\No Health Enemy D01EE5F0 0000 801EE5F4 0000 #Mission 5\Infinite Boost D00DBE4C 8000 300DBE50 00C8 #Mission 5\Infinite Health 300F6B46 00C8 #Mission 5\No Health Enemy D00F4870 0000 800F4874 0000 #Mission 6\Infinite Boost D00C812C 0000 300C8130 00C8 #Mission 6\Infinite Health 300E2E2E 00C8 #Mission 7\Infinite Boost D00CB17C 0000 300CB180 00C8 #Mission 7\Infinite Health 300E4DCE 00C8 #Mission 7\No Health Enemy D00E3330 0000 800E3334 0000 #Training Mission\Infinite Boost D01DBA2C FFFF 301DBA30 00C8 #Training Mission\Infinite Health 301F6C7E 00C8 #Full Shields 801F141E 00C8 ; [ Vandal Hearts (USA) (1997) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00447} ] :SLUS-00447 #Infinite Money 80140700 FFFF #Level Up All Characters 8002AAB0 0000 #Quickly Win A Battle With this code, Quick Press and release L1+L2+R1+R2 to win the battle instantly! D0122E48 000F 801405A8 0002 #Have All Items 50005402 0000 801405D6 0001 ; [ Vandal Hearts II (USA) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-00940} ] :SLUS-00940 #Infinite Money 801CF3B0 FFFF #Enemies Can Only Move Once C001CBE8 5110 8001CBF8 0014 8001CBFA 2C41 8001CBFC 0002 8001CBFE 1020 8001CC04 0010 8001CC06 A080 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP 50001480 0000 801DD4E6 03E7 #Infinite MP 50001480 0000 801DD4EE 03E7 #Young Hero\Infinite + Max HP 801DD4E4 03E7 801DD4E6 03E7 #Young Hero\Infinite + Max MP 801DD4EC 03E7 801DD4EE 03E7 #Yuri\Infinite + Max HP 801DD5E4 03E7 801DD5E6 03E7 #Yuri\Infinite + Max HP 801DD5EC 03E7 801DD5EE 03E7 #Clive\Infinite + Max HP 801DD564 03E7 801DD566 03E7 #Clive\Infinite + Max MP 801DD56C 03E7 801DD56E 03E7 #Rosaly\Infinite + Max HP 801DDC64 03E7 801DDC66 03E7 #Rosaly\Infinite + Max MP 801DDC6C 03E7 801DDC6E 03E7 #Adult Hero\Infinite + Max HP 801DD664 03E7 801DD666 03E7 #Adult Hero\Infinite + Max MP 801DD66C 03E7 801DD66E 03E7 #Vlad\Infinite + Max HP 801DD764 03E7 801DD766 03E7 #Vlad\Infinite + Max MP 801DD76C 03E7 801DD76E 03E7 #Pike\Infinite + Max HP 801DD6E4 03E7 801DD6E6 03E7 #Pike\Infinite + Max MP 801DD6EC 03E7 801DD6EE 03E7 #Pratau\Infinite + Max HP 801DD864 03E7 801DD866 03E7 #Pratau\Infinite + Max MP 801DD86C 03E7 801DD86E 03E7 #Lira\Infinite + Max HP 801DD7E4 03E7 801DD7E6 03E7 #Lira\Infinite + Max MP 801DD7EC 03E7 801DD7EE 03E7 ; [ Vanishing Point (USA) (2001) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-01109} ] :SLUS-01109 #All Cars Unlocked 8003CBDC FFFF #All Movies/Slideshows Unlocked 8003CBF6 FFFF #All Secrets Unlocked 8003CBF2 FFFF #Have All Table Top Ballons 80047A16 0000 #All Forward Tracks Unlocked 8003CBE4 FFFF #All Backward Tracks Unlocked 8003CBE6 FFFF #Unlock All Time Trial Stages 8003CBE8 FFFF #Unlock All Secret Vehicles 8003CBDE FFFF #Unlock All Reverse Time Trial Stages 8003CBEA FFFF #Unlock All Time Trial Mirrored FWD Stages 8003CBEC FFFF #Unlock All Time Trial Mirrored RWD Stages 8003CBEE FFFF #Unlock Tune Up Shop 8003CBF4 FFFF ; [ Vanguard Bandits (USA) (2000) (Working Designs) {SLUS-01070A} ] :SLUS-01070 :SLUS-01070A #Infinite Health (In-Battle) 80007600 0002 80007602 1000 80007604 1570 80007606 9602 80007608 155C 8000760A 9602 8000760C 0020 8000760E 9081 80007612 2400 80007614 0002 80007616 1420 8000761A 2400 8000761C 0004 8000761E 27FF 80007620 0008 80007622 03E0 80007626 2400 80007680 0002 80007682 1000 80007684 1570 80007686 8662 80007688 155C 8000768A 8662 8000768C 0020 8000768E 9141 80007690 0008 80007692 03E0 80007696 2400 8002143C 1D80 8002143E 0C00 80021554 1D82 80021556 0C00 8008D694 1DA0 8008D696 0C00 8008D69C 0029 8008D69E 1020 8008D76C 1DA2 8008D76E 0C00 8008D774 0031 8008D776 1020 #Infinite AP (In-Battle) 8001E792 2400 8001E9A6 2400 80021026 2400 8002102A 2400 8002102E 2400 8008E4BE 0040 #All Attacks Cost 0 FP (In-Battle) 8008BB7A 2400 8008BB80 0000 8008C548 0000 8008C594 0000 8008E4D2 0040 #Max Level + HP (All Positions) 50000C38 0000 300B7965 00FF 50000C38 0000 800B7966 01F4 #Max Money 800B78EC 423F 800B78EE 000F #Chapters Completed 1 300B78F2 0001 #Chapters Completed 2 300B78F2 0002 #Chapters Completed 3 300B78F2 0003 #Chapters Completed 4 300B78F2 0004 #Chapters Completed 5 300B78F2 0005 #Chapters Completed 6 300B78F2 0006 #Chapters Completed 7 300B78F2 0007 #Chapters Completed 8 300B78F2 0008 #Chapters Completed 9 300B78F2 0009 #Chapters Completed 10 300B78F2 000A #Chapters Completed 11 300B78F2 000B #Chapters Completed 12 300B78F2 000C #Chapters Completed 13 300B78F2 000D #Chapters Completed 14 300B78F2 000E #Chapters Completed 15 300B78F2 000F #Chapters Completed 16 300B78F2 0010 #Chapters Completed 17 300B78F2 0011 #Chapters Completed 18 300B78F2 0012 #Chapters Completed 19 300B78F2 0013 #Chapters Completed 20 300B78F2 0014 ; [ Vegas Games 2000 (USA) (1999) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-00836} ] :SLUS-00836 #P1 Max Cash 800A3768 E0FF 800A376A 05F5 #P1 No Cash 800A3768 0000 800A376A 0000 #P2 Max Cash 800A3794 E0FF 800A3796 05F5 #P2 No Cash 800A3794 0000 800A3796 0000 #P3 Max Cash 800A37C0 E0FF 800A37C2 05F5 #P3 No Cash 800A37C0 0000 800A37C2 0000 #P4 Max Cash 800A37EC E0FF 800A37EE 05F5 #P4 No Cash 800A37EC 0000 800A37EE 0000 #P5 Max Cash 800A3818 E0FF 800A381A 05F5 #P5 No Cash 800A3818 0000 800A381A 0000 #P6 Max Cash 800A3844 E0FF 800A3846 05F5 #P6 No Cash 800A3844 0000 800A3846 0000 #P7 Max Cash 800A3870 E0FF 800A3872 05F5 #P7 No Cash 800A3870 0000 800A3872 0000 #P8 Max Cash 800A389C E0FF 800A389E 05F5 #P8 No Cash 800A389C 0000 800A389E 0000 ; [ Vampire Hunter D (USA) (2000) (Jaleco USA) {SLUS-01138} ] :SLUS-01138 #Infinite HP 800A2904 00C8 #Infinite VP 800A291C 0019 #Infinite Left Hand Power 800A2920 0047 #Always Have Left Hand 300A2D28 0001 #Have All Items 50002401 0000 300A2D28 0063 #Have Vampeal Powers 800A294E 0000 #Have Map B1 300A2D33 0001 #Have Map B2 300A2D32 0001 #Have Map Level 1 300A2D30 0001 #Have Map Level 2 300A2D31 0001 #Have Map Level 3 300A2D34 0001 #Have Map Level 4 300A2D35 0001 #Have Map Moon Tower 300A2D37 0001 #Have Map Sun Tower 300A2D36 0001 #Have Blue Key 300A2D45 0001 #Have Gold Plate 300A2D3B 0001 #Have Green Gem 300A2D43 0001 #Have Leila's Gun 300A2D47 0001 #Have Mirror Room Key 300A2D40 0001 #Have Moon Tower Key 300A2D42 0001 #Have Music Box Key 300A2D4B 0001 #Have No Vampeal Powers 800A294E 0001 #Have Plate of Earth 300A2D3F 0001 #Have Plate of Fire 300A2D3C 0001 #Have Plate of Water 300A2D3D 0001 #Have Plate of Wind 300A2D3E 0001 #Have Power Plug 300A2D38 0001 #Have Purple Gem 300A2D44 0001 #Have Red Key 300A2D46 0001 #Have Silver Plate 300A2D3A 0001 #Have Sun Tower Key 300A2D41 0001 #Have Wrench 300A2D4A 0001 #Have 99 Antidotes 300A2D2E 0063 #Have 99 Blood Pills 300A2D2D 0063 #Have 99 Elemental Stones 300A2D2F 0063 #Have 99 Flash Bombs 300A2D2B 0063 #Have 99 Hand Grenades 300A2D2A 0063 #Have 99 Potions 300A2D2C 0063 #Have 99 Wooden Darts 300A2D29 0063 ; [ Viewpoint (USA) (1995) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00033} ] :SLUS-00033 #Infinite Shields In Novice 801C1FAE 0003 #Infinite Lives 801C2922 0006 #Infinite Continues 801FFFA8 0006 #Sideguns Equipped 801C243C 0001 801C243E 0001 801C2560 0001 801C2562 0001 801C24A2 0180 801C24A4 0180 801C25C6 0180 801C25C8 0180 ; [ Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00868} ] :SLUS-00868 #P1 Unlock All Characters/Quest Mode Complete With Everyone 5000120A 0000 8006B9E8 01FF #P1 Maxed Out Stats All Characters 5000120A 0000 8006B9EE 6464 5000120A 0000 8006B9F0 6464 #Open All Original V8 Levels + Wacky Mode 8006A832 001F #Invincibility 8006A830 0008 #View All Endings 8006A830 0010 ; [ Vigilante 8 (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00510} ] :SLUS-00510 #Unlock Everything 80065950 1F1F 80065952 1F1F 80065954 1F1F 80065956 1F1F 80065958 1F1F 8006595A 1F1F #Basic Weapons\Infinite Landmine Ammo 300356DC 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Heat Seeker Ammo 30032FF4 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Tube Cannon Ammo 300349B0 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Cannon Ammo 300336BC 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Missile Ammo 30032010 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Lightning Ammo 3003893C 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Grid Lock Ammo 3003B7D4 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Dual Cannon Ammo 3003AFC0 0000 #Special Weapons\Invincibility, Big Wheel, + Deadly Missile Mode 80065908 0F0F ; [ Vigilante 8 (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-00510} ] :SLUS-00510 #Unlock Everything 80065950 1F1F 80065952 1F1F 80065954 1F1F 80065956 1F1F 80065958 1F1F 8006595A 1F1F #Basic Weapons\Infinite Landmine Ammo 300356DC 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Heat Seeker Ammo 30032FF4 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Tube Cannon Ammo 300349B0 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Cannon Ammo 300336BC 0000 #Basic Weapons\Infinite Missile Ammo 30032010 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Lightning Ammo 3003893C 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Grid Lock Ammo 3003B7D4 0000 #Special Weapons\Infinite Dual Cannon Ammo 3003AFC0 0000 #Special Weapons\Invincibility, Big Wheel, + Deadly Missle Mode 80065908 0F0F ; [ V.I.P. (USA) (2001) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01228} ] :SLUS-01228 #No Reloading 8008167C 0008 #Infinite Health 80081574 0018 #Unlock All Photos/Movies .You'll need to have one game save 50004A08 0000 30075438 0002 #Have Lots Of Points/Cash - Press L1,L2,R1,R2 .It's advisable to start from the first stage as the changed per stage C0094DEE F0FF 80081716 00FF 800888A2 00FF 00000000 FFFF ; [ Viva Soccer (USA) (1999) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00953} ] ;:SLUS-00953 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ VMX Racing (USA) (1997) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-00123} ] :SLUS-00123 #Points Cooper 80162350 00FF #Points Becker 80164260 00FF #Points Duncan 801632D8 00FF #Points Emitt 801613C8 00FF ; [ Virtual Pool (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00034} ] :SLUS-00034 #Always Player A's Turn 800DAA64 0000 #Always Player B's Turn 800DAA64 0001 #Always Use Tracking Lines 800A645C 0001 #Player A Always Scratches D00DAA64 0000 800A65D4 0001 #Player B Always Scratches D00DAA64 0001 800A65D4 0001 ; [ Virtual Pool 3 (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01374} ] ;:SLUS-01374 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Need for Speed - V-Rally (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00590} ] :SLUS-00590 #Infinite Credits 800BACA4 0009 #Stop Lap Timer 800208EC 0010 800208EE 3C01 800208F4 0824 800208F6 0023 800208FC 0002 800208FE 1020 #Infinite Time 80020982 2400 ; [ Need for Speed - V-Rally 2 (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01003} ] :SLUS-01003 #Infinite Checkpoint + Lap Time 800C52E8 0F0F #Unlock All Cars 800C6A1C FFFF #Unlock All Tracks + Modes 800C6A1E FFFF #Infinite Credits D00C5314 2F18 30017C7F 0003 #Max Points (Championship Mode) 300C6910 00FF #Infinite Repair Time D00B8540 7EF4 8001077A 2400 ; [ VR Baseball '97 (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00281} ] :SLUS-00281 #Select Away Team Score\9 8005BEF0 0009 800B021C 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 8005BEF0 0000 800B021C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 8005BEEC 0009 800B0218 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8005BEEC 0000 800B0218 0000 #Field of Dreams Field 8005B09A 0001 #Infinite Balls 8005B100 0000 #Infinite Outs 8005B114 0000 #Infinite Strikes 8005B0FC 0000 #1 Ball And You Walk D005B100 0000 8005B100 0003 #1 Out And You Are Out D005B114 0000 8005B114 0002 #1 Strike And You Are Out D005B0FC 0000 8005B0FC 0002 #2 Balls And You Walk D005B100 0000 8005B100 0002 #2 Outs And You Are Out D005B114 0000 8005B114 0001 #2 Strikes And You Are Out D005B0FC 0000 8005B0FC 0001 #3 Balls And You Walk D005B100 0000 8005B100 0001 ; [ VR Baseball 99 (USA) (1998) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00632} ] :SLUS-00632 #Select Away Team Score\9 8007990C 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 8007990C 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 80079908 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 80079908 0000 ; [ Jimmy Johnson's VR Football '98 (USA) (1997) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00500} ] :SLUS-00500 #Rival always score 0 800C6F2A 0000 ; [ VR Golf '97 (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00198} ] :SLUS-00198 #Only One Shot Recorded 8019BD90 0000 #Shot's Score 9 801D928C 0000 ; [ VR Sports Powerboat Racing (USA) (1998) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00625} ] :SLUS-00625 #Enable Catamaran 8009DE10 0101 8009DE12 0101 #Enable Hidden Boats 8009DE28 0001 #Enable Mines 8009DE24 0001 #Enable Slalom 8009DE1C 0001 #Start On Lap 5 D00A30F8 0000 800A30F8 0005 #Always Place First 800A3106 0000 #Enable Load Championship Mode 8009DE20 0001 #Enable Big Head Mode 300BD310 0001 #Enable Big Engine Mode 300BD311 0001 #Enable Faster Boats Mode 800BD314 0101 #Enable Tiny Boats Mode 800BD312 0001 ; [ VR Soccer '96 (USA) (1996) (Interplay Productions) {SLUS-00199} ] :SLUS-00199 #P1 Score 9 8011B974 0009 #P1 Score 0 8011B974 0000 #P1 Goal's Score 9 800AB66C 0009 #P1 Goal's Score 0 800AB66C 0000 #P2 Score 9 8011B978 0009 #P2 Score 0 8011B978 0000 #P2 Goal's Score 9 800AB0BC 0009 #P2 Goal's Score 0 800AB0BC 0000 ; [ Vs. (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00513} ] :SLUS-00513 #P1 Infinite Health 801435A4 012C #P2 Infinite Health 80144A1C 012C #Freeze Timer 8014F688 0DFA #P1 No Health 801435A4 0000 #P2 No Health 80144A1C 0000 #Bosses Menu Activator Code ! 801F1C08 0005 #P1 Bosses Activator\Eric O 801FCC94 0000 #P1 Bosses Activator\Joel 801FCC96 0000 #P1 Bosses Activator\Neige 801FCC98 0000 #P1 Bosses Activator\Hendrickson 801FCC9A 0000 #P2 Bosses Activator\Eric O 801FCCBC 0000 #P2 Bosses Activator\Joel 801FCCBE 0000 #P2 Bosses Activator\Neige 801FCCC0 0000 #P2 Bosses Activator\Hendrickson 801FCCC2 0000 ; [ V-Tennis (USA) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00218} ] ;:SLUS-00218 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ WarCraft II - The Dark Saga (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00480} ] :SLUS-00480 #Cheat Selector .Press L1+SELECT for quick build and upgrade Press L2+SELECT for invincible units and buildings.Press R1+SELECT for full upgrades.Press R2+SELECT for show map D01619C8 0104 80160314 0002 D01619C8 0101 80160314 0006 D01619C8 0108 80160314 0017 D01619C8 0102 80160314 0007 #Tides Of Darkness\Infinite Money 800101C4 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Infinite Wood 80010184 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Infinite Oil 80010124 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Infinite Food 800995B4 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Production Modifier Lumber +25 80099454 0001 #Human Alliance\Infinite Money 80010188 FFFF #Human Alliance\Infinite Wood 800101C8 FFFF #Human Alliance\Infinite Oil 80010208 FFFF #Human Alliance\Infinite Food 800995B6 FFFF #Human Alliance\Production Modifier Lumber +25 80099456 0001 #Beyond The Dark Portal\Infinite Money 800101D8 FFFF #Beyond The Dark Portal\Infinite Wood 80010198 FFFF #Beyond The Dark Portal\Infinite Oil 80010218 FFFF ; [ War Gods (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00328} ] :SLUS-00328 #Level 1\P1 Infinite Health 801C8FA0 1000 #Level 1\P2 No Health 801CB9A0 0000 ; [ Warhawk - The Red Mercury Missions (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94305} ] :SCUS-94305 #Infinite Front Shield 801A2B3C 012C #Infinite Left Shield 801A2B3E 012C #Infinite Right Shield 801A2B40 012C #Infinite Rear Shield 801A2B42 012C #Infinite Rockets 801B8A42 0064 #Infinite Lock-Ons 801B8A44 0008 #Infinite Swarmers 801B8A46 0008 #Infinite Plasma Cannon Charges 801B8A48 2003 #Infinite Flash Bombs 801B8A4E 270E #Infinite Doomsday Bombs 801B8A4A 0001 #Machine Gun Never Overheats 801B8A40 0000 #Missiles Automatically Fire Rapidly 801B8A4C 0001 #Rapid Fire 801B8A56 0000 #Invincibility 8013A51C 0000 ; [ Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat (USA) (1996) (Strategic Simulations) {SLUS-00117} ] :SLUS-00117 #Amber Wizard Infinite + Max Troops 800DCD4E 2000 800DCD4C 2000 #Black Avengers Infinite + Max Troops 800DBDA0 2000 800DBDA2 2000 #Bright Wizard Infinite + Max Troops 800DCCA6 2000 800DCCA4 2000 #Cannon Crew Infinite + Max Troops 800DCE9C 2000 800DCE9E 2000 #Carroburg Greatswords Infinite + Max Troops 800DBE34 2000 800DBE36 2000 #Celestial Wizard Infinite + Max Troops 800DCBFC 2000 800DCBFE 2000 #Ceridan Infinite + Max Troops 800DC56C 2000 800DC56E 2000 #Dannhiem's 75th Infinite + Max Troops 800DBAEC 2000 800DBAEE 2000 #Dwarf Crossbowmen Infinite + Max Troops 800DCB54 2000 800DCB56 2000 #Dwarf Envoy Infinite + Max Troops 800DC614 2000 800DC616 2000 #Dwarf Hammers Infinite + Max Troops 800DBEDC 2000 800DBEDE 2000 #First Carlsson Guard Infinite + Max Troops 800DC17C 2000 800DC17E 2000 #First Dwarf Iron Breakers Infinite + Max Troops 800DC02C 2000 800DC02E 2000 #First Dwarf Warrior Infinite + Max Troops 800DC374 2000 800DC376 2000 #First Mortal Crew Infinite + Max Troops 800DCF44 2000 800DCF46 2000 #Gnarl Fist Infinite + Max Troops 800DC80C 2000 800DC80E 2000 #Gotrek Gurnisson Infinite + Max Troops 800DC6BC 2000 800DC6BE 2000 #Grudgebringer Cavalry Infinite + Max Troops 800DBA44 2000 800DBA46 2000 #Grudgebringer Infantry Infinite + Max Troops 800DBCE4 2000 800DBCE6 2000 #Hellblaster Crew Infinite + Max Troops 800DD094 2000 800DD096 2000 #Imperial Great Cannon Crew Infinite + Max Troops 800DCDF4 2000 800DCDF6 2000 #Keeler's Longbows Infinite + Max Troops 800DCAAC 2000 800DCAAE 2000 #Lietdorf 9th Crossbows Infinite + Max Troops 800DC8B4 2000 800DC8B6 2000 #Mercenary Xbowmen Infinite + Max Troops 800DCA04 2000 800DCA06 2000 #Nuln Halberdiers Infinite + Max Troops 800DC4C4 2000 800DC4C6 2000 #Ragnar's Wolves Infinite + Max Troops 800DBB94 2000 800DBB96 2000 #Reiksguard Knights Infinite + Max Troops 800DBC3C 2000 800DBC3E 2000 #Second Carlsson Guard Infinite + Max Troops 800DC224 2000 800DC226 2000 #Second Dwarf Iron Breakers Infinite + Max Troops 800DC0D4 2000 800DC0D6 2000 #Second Dwarf Warriors Infinite + Max Troops 800DC41C 2000 800DC41E 2000 #Second Mortal Crew Infinite + Max Troops 800DCFEC 2000 800DCFEE 2000 #Third Carlsson Guard 800DC2CC 2000 800DC2CE 2000 #Third Dwarf Warriors 800DC764 2000 800DC766 2000 #Wood Elf Archers 800DC95C 2000 800DC95E 2000 #Cheat Modifier Disable Active Cheats 800DB9A2 0000 #Cheat Modifier What's the Big Secret (magic related) 800DB9A2 0001 #Cheat Modifier No Charge (free troops) 800DB9A2 0002 #Cheat Modifier Hand of GOD (1-hit kills) 800DB9A2 0004 #Cheat Modifier Gimme the Works (all unit types for troops) 800DB9A2 0008 #Cheat Modifier ...and that's magic (Infinite Magic) 800DB9A2 0010 #Cheat Modifier At the Movies (all movies) 800DB9A2 0020 #Cheat Modifier Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere (access any mission in training) 800DB9A2 0040 #Cheat Modifier Me no want fight (auto-complete mission) 800DB9A2 0080 ; [ Warhammer - Dark Omen (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00550} ] :SLUS-00550 #Works For All\Infinite Cash 800C4AA4 FFFF #Works For All\Infinite Magic (Battle Screen) 800B48E4 0008 #Grudgebringer Crossbows\Have Max Armor 8014CA9E 0104 #Grudgebringer Crossbows\Have Max Exp 8014CAF0 5AED #Grudgebringer Cannon\Have Max Armor 8014CB5A 0104 #Grudgebringer Cannon\Have Max Exp 8014CBAC 5AED #Grudgebringer Calvalry\Have Max Armor 8014C926 0114 #Grudgebringer Calvalry\Have Max Exp 8014C978 5AED #Grudgebringer Infantry\Have Max Armor 8014C9E2 0104 #Grudgebringer Infantry\Have Max Exp 8014CA34 5AED #Carlsson's Cavalry\Have Max Armor 8014CC16 0114 #Countess' Guard\Have Max Armor 8014CE4A 0304 #Helmgart Bowmen\Have Max Armor 8014CD8E 0104 ; [ Warpath - Jurassic Park (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00976} ] :SLUS-00976 #Level 1 P1 Infinite Energy 800A53FE 0063 #Level 2 P1 Infinite Energy 800A425E 0063 #Level 3 P1 Infinite Energy 800A954E 0063 #Energy Enemy is 0 800A31EE 0001 #Unlock All Extra Modes 30030F4F 0001 #Infinite Health (Both Players) 80060F4A 2400 #Infinite Timer 8007714C 003C #Infinite Timer (Alternative) 80045B7A 2400 #Start On Final Stage 80030EC6 0008 #Unlock All Characters 50000601 0000 30030EDD 0001 #Unlock All Levels 50000401 0000 30030F09 0001 #P1 Only Needs 1 Win E0030EB7 0000 30030EB7 0001 #P1 Quick Win 80060F3C 0003 80060F3E 1480 80060F4A 2400 ; [ World Cup 98 (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00644} ] :SLUS-00644 #Select Home Team Score\0 801F7F50 0000 #Select Away Team Score\0 801F7F54 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 801F7F50 0009 #Select Away Team Score\9 801F7F54 0009 #Always End Of Half 80130F70 00FF ; [ World Cup Golf - Professional Edition (USA) (1995) (U.S. Gold) {SLUS-00063} ] ;:SLUS-00063 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ WCW Backstage Assault (USA) (2000) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-01274} ] :SLUS-01274 #Unlock Everything 50000F02 0000 800934C8 0000 #Infinite Creation Points D01FFEB0 0001 801FFEB0 0063 ; [ WCW Mayhem (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00963} ] :SLUS-00963 #Unlock All Wrestlers 8009ADD8 FFFF 8009ADDA FFFF #Left Player Instant Win C009E988 0001 800F9BF0 0001 800F9BF4 0200 00000000 FFFF #Left Player Full Meter C008AB3C 0001 800F9A82 005D 800F9A84 005C 00000000 FFFF #Left Player Full Strength D008AB3C 0001 800F9A80 0575 #Right Player Low Strength D008AB3C 0001 800F9C20 0000 #Enable all cheats 3009CFB5 00FF ; [ WCW Nitro (USA) (1998) (THQ) {SLUS-00397} ] :SLUS-00397 #P1 Infinte Health 801EF64C 03E8 #No Power P2 (Push Select To Lose Power) D008B190 0100 801EFBAC 0000 #P2 Always No Power 801EFBAC 0000 #Extra Characters 50003004 0000 80063320 0001 ; [ WCW/nWo Thunder (USA) (1999) (THQ) {SLUS-00779} ] :SLUS-00779 #P1 Infinite Health 801FB6B4 03E8 #P2 Loses Power 801FBC3C 0000 #All Wrestlers 50008001 0000 30079F71 0001 #Enable Might Meters All Wrestlers 50007F02 0000 8007A070 5741 ; [ WCW vs. The World (USA) (1997) (THQ) {SLUS-00455} ] :SLUS-00455 #Enable All Characters 8009EDFC FFFF #P1 Always Have Normal Spirit 800CEFC4 0032 #P2 Always Have Normal Spirit 800CF270 0032 #P1 Have Weak Spirit (Black) 800CEFC4 0000 #P2 Have Weak Spirit (Black) 800CF270 0000 #P1 Have Tired Spirit (White) 800CEFC4 0064 #P2 Have Tired Spirt (White) 800CEFC4 0064 #Time Always At 00:00 80075332 0000 #Infinite Time To Fight Outside Ring 800752EE 0000 80075300 0000 #P1 When At Normal Spirit, It Goes To Weak Spirit (Black) D00CEFC4 0032 800CEFC4 0000 #P1 When At Normal Spirit, It Goes To Tired Spirt (White) D00CEFC4 0034 800CEFC4 0064 #P2 When At Normal Spirit, It Goes To Weak Spirit (Black) D00CF270 0032 800CF270 0000 #P2 When At Normal Spirit, It Goes To Tired Spirit (White) D00CF270 0034 800CF270 0064 #P1 Health 300CEFC2 0063 #P2 No Health 300CF26E 0000 ; [ World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01175} ] :SLUS-01175 #Infinite Health 800DF654 0208 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Minneapolis 800A96FC 0000 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Cape Canaveral 800A96FC 0001 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Ginza(Glitch) 800A96FC 0002 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Sicily 800A96FC 0003 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Detroit 800A96FC 0004 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Greece 800A96FC 0005 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Monaco 800A96FC 0006 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Red Square 800A96FC 0007 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\St Petersburg 800A96FC 0008 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Rome 800A96FC 0009 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Castle Menhdhiem 800A96FC 000A #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Atlantis 800A96FC 000B #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\NY Sewers 800A96FC 000C #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Tokyo Harbor 800A96FC 000D #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Fort Knox 800A96FC 000E #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Pisa 800A96FC 000F #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Pittsburg 800A96FC 0010 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Leningrad 800A96FC 0011 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Kyoto 800A96FC 0012 #Select Level Non Tournament Modes\Osaka 800A96FC 0013 #Infinite 3 Way Missile (On Pickup) 800DF67C 0009 #Infinite Lightning (On Pickup) 800DF67E 0009 #Infinite Guided Missile (On Pickup) 800DF680 0009 #Infinite Regeneration (On Pickup) 800DF682 0009 #Infinite Mines (On Pickup) 800DF684 0009 #Infinite Nukes (On Pickup) 800DF686 0009 #Infinite The Spectre i Teleporter (On Pickup) 800DF688 0009 #Infinite Plasma Bolts (On Pickup) 800DF68A 0009 #Infinite Turbo (On Pickup) 800DF68C 0009 #Infinite Health Packages (On Pickup) 800DF68E 0009 #Infinite Flamethrower (On Pickup) 800DF690 0009 #Infinite Cloak (On Pickup) 800DF692 0009 #Infinite Grenades (On Pickup) 800DF694 0009 #Infinite Auto Cannons (On Pickup) 800DF696 0009 #Infinite Death Blossom (On Pickup) 800DF69A 0009 #Infinite K+H Wolverine Grenade Launcher (On Pickup) 800DF69C 0009 #Infinite Shock Ring (On Pickup) 800DF69E 0009 #Infinite Laser Cannon (On Pickup) 800DF6A0 0009 ; [ World Destruction League - WarJetz (USA) (2001) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01247} ] :SLUS-01247 #All Cheats On 50001002 0000 800CCFD4 0505 #Infinite Health 800F72CC 0074 #Level Select 300C2B6C 0005 #Max Bux 800FBAC0 270F ; [ The Weakest Link (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01413} ] :SLUS-01413 #Infinite Time 80079B80 2316 #Max Money 80079110 0007 ; [ Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 (USA) (1997) (Midway Home Entertainment) {SLUS-00147} ] :SLUS-00147 #Select Home Team Score\0 800D72B4 0000 #Select Home Team Score\9 800D72B4 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 800D7358 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 800D7358 0009 #Infinite Burst 800D47A0 078B #Stop Clock 800AE174 0001 ; [ WarGames - Defcon 1 (USA) (1998) (MGM Interactive) {SLUS-00599} ] :SLUS-00599 #Infinite Energy Jeep 800EF9D4 0500 #Infinite Energy Dragoon Tank 800EFA84 1180 #Infinite Time 800A9780 2F00 #Infinite Ammo 800EFAEC 0064 800EFB9C 0064 800EFC4C 0064 800EFA3C 0064 #Infinite Armor 800EF9D4 1400 800EFB34 1400 800EFBE4 1400 800EFA84 1400 #All Levels (Norad) 800AA814 0101 800AA816 0101 800AA818 0101 800AA81A 0101 800AA81C 0101 800AA81E 0101 800AA820 0101 #All Levels (Wopr) 800AA844 0101 800AA846 0101 800AA848 0101 800AA84A 0101 800AA84C 0101 800AA84E 0101 800AA850 0101 #Infinite Energy For Vehicles 800EF37C 0500 800EF42C 1180 800EF4DC 1180 800EF58C 1680 800EF63C 1400 800EF6A4 0063 800EF494 0063 800EF544 0130 800EF5F4 0063 800EF754 0063 800EF6EC 1680 800EF3E4 0063 800EF79C 2580 800EF804 00C8 800EF84C 1680 ; [ Wheel of Fortune - 2nd Edition (USA) (2000) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-01174} ] :SLUS-01174 #P1 Max Cash 800B7DF8 869F 800B7DFA 0001 #P1 No Cash 800B7DF8 0000 #P2 Max Cash 800B7E18 869F 800B7E1A 0001 #P2 No Cash 800B7E18 0000 #P3 Max Cash 800B7E38 869F 800B7E3A 0001 #P3 No Cash 800B7E38 0000 #Infinite Time 800B7B50 002E 800B7B54 002E 800B7B58 002E #Infinite Exam Time 800781AE 2400 ; [ Wheel of Fortune (USA) (1998) (Hasbro Interactive) {SLUS-00683, SLUS-00683GH} ] :SLUS-00683 :SLUS-00683GH #P1 Lots Of Money 800C6704 FFFF 800C670A 0FFF #P1 Infinite Free Spins 800C6700 0001 ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94567} ] :SCUS-94567 #Start At Million $ Question E01FFE74 0000 301FFE74 000E #Infinite 50/50 E01FFED0 0000 301FFED0 0001 #Infinite Ask The Audience E01FFED2 0000 301FFED2 0001 #Infinite Lifelines E01FFE78 0002 301FFE78 0003 #Infinite Phone A Friend E01FFED1 0000 301FFED1 0001 #Add Time-Controller 1 (Press Select) D0044C6E FFFE 300475D0 0000 ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 3rd Edition (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94644} ] :SCUS-94644 #Start At Million $ Question E01FFE6C 0000 301FFE6C 000E #Infinite 50/50 E01FFECC 0000 301FFECC 0001 #Infinite Ask The Audience E01FFECE 0000 301FFECE 0001 #Infinite Lifelines E01FFE70 0002 301FFE70 0003 #Infinite Phone A Friend E01FFECD 0000 301FFECD 0001 #Add Time-Controller 1 (Press Select) D0048062 FFFE 3004A9C1 0000 ; [ Wild 9 (USA) (1998) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-00425} ] :SLUS-00425 #Infinite Lives D007B35C 0002 8007B35C 0003 #Infinite Health D0084466 000F 80084466 0010 #Infinite Missiles On Pick-Up D007B444 0002 8007B444 0003 #Moon Jump D007C788 0040 80084492 FFF0 #Infinite Health Drench Level D0084786 0010 80084786 0011 #Moon Jump Drench Level D007C788 0040 800847B2 FFF0 #All Levels Selectables 80085404 000E ; [ Wild Arms 2 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94484 / SCUS-94498} ] :SCUS-94484 :SCUS-94498 #Max Money 8011AEEC 967F 8011AEEE 0098 #Infinite HP (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 8011A72C 270F #Max HP (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 8011A730 270F 5000087C 0000 8011A734 270F #Save Anywhere (Press L2+X) D00F5F9C 0001 3011AB28 0080 8011A4DC 5390 8011A4DE 8014 8011A4E8 5000 8011A4EC BC00 8011A4EE FFFF 8011A4F0 F000 8011A4FA 0003 8011A502 1400 8011A504 1428 8011A510 0006 8011A512 FFFF 8011A524 004F 8011A526 0006 8011A52C 8000 #No Random Battles 8011E010 0000 #Max Luck (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 3011A77E 0004 #100 PS Points (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 3011A795 0064 #All Items 5000FF02 0001 8011ABE8 FE00 50008102 0001 8011ADE8 FEFF #Have All Force Abilities (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 3011A79F 00F0 #Have All Personal Skills (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 8011A798 FFFF 5000087C 0000 8011A79A FFFF 5000087C 0000 8011A79C FFFF 5000087C 0000 3011A79E 00FF #Infinite ARMS Bullets 8009AD3E 0040 #Infinite FP (All Allies) 5000087C 0000 8011A73A 03EE 5000087C 0000 8011A73C 03EE #Infinite Gimel Coin (Continues) 30125688 00FF #Infinite PS Points D017A22C 1823 8017A22E 0060 #Max Damage All Allies 80114588 423F 8011458A 000F 80114D90 423F 80114D92 000F 80115598 423F 8011559A 000F #One Hit Kill (All Enemies) D31256CC 0001 801256CC 0001 D31256CE 0000 801256CE 0000 D312574C 0001 8012574C 0001 D312574E 0000 8012574E 0000 D31257CC 0001 801257CC 0001 D31257CE 0000 801257CE 0000 D312584C 0001 8012584C 0001 D312584E 0000 8012584E 0000 D31258CC 0001 801258CC 0001 D31258CE 0000 801258CE 0000 #Infinite ARMS Bullets 8009AD3E 0040 #Always Have Pooka In Battle 801027D0 0CCC #Can Always Upgrade ARMS 8009AA30 0000 #Ashley Infinite HP 8011A72C 270F #Ashley Infinite FP 8011A73A 03EE 8011A73C 03EE #Anastasia Infinite HP 8011AA14 270F #Anastasia Infinite FP 8011AA22 03EE 8011AA24 03EE #Brad Infinite HP 8011A7A8 270F #Brad Infinite FP 8011A7B6 03EE 8011A7B8 03EE #Kanon Infinite HP 8011A91C 270F #Kanon Nfinite FP 8011A92A 03EE 8011A92C 03EE #Lilka Infinite HP 8011A824 270F #Lilka Infinite FP 8011A832 03EE 8011A834 03EE #Lucied Infinite HP 8011AA90 270F #Lucied Infinite FP 8011AA9E 03EE 8011AAA0 03EE #Marivel Infinite HP 8011A998 270F #Marivel Infinite FP 8011A9A6 03EE 8011A9A8 03EE #Tim Infinite HP 8011A8A0 270F #Tim Infinite FP 8011A8AE 03EE 8011A8B0 03EE ; [ Wild Arms (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94608} ] :SCUS-94608 #Cecilia Infinite HP 80133E58 270F #Cecilia Infinite MP 80133E5C 270F #Jack Infinite HP 80133E24 270F #Jack Infinite MP 80133E28 270F #Rudy Infinite HP 80133DF0 270F #Rudy Infinite MP 80133DF4 270F #Cecilia Infinite HP In Battle 8016623C 270F #Jack Infinite HP In Battle 80166064 270F #Rudy Infinite HP In Battle 80165E8C 270F #Infinite Money 801341DC 967F 801341DE 0098 #No Random Battles 800E1100 0000 800E1104 0000 #Enable 'Map' Option Under Config D00600F0 2C4E D00600FC 0002 300600FC 0001 #Have All Items 5000FB01 0001 30133F4C 0000 5000FB01 0000 3013404C 00FF #Infinite Bullets (All Arms - Rudy) 8009D93A 2400 #Infinite Crest Graphs D013405E 0000 8013405E 3232 ; [ Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger (USA) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00019 / SLUS-00134 / SLUS-00135 / SLUS-00136} ] :SLUS-00019 :SLUS-00134 :SLUS-00135 :SLUS-00136 #Infinite Lasers 801DE548 02A8 #Infinite Energy 801DF02C 00A4 801DF030 00A4 801DF034 00A4 801DF038 00A4 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801DE6C0 0003 801DE6F0 0003 #Infinite Decoys 801DE558 0018 ; [ Wing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom (USA) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00270 / SLUS-00271 / SLUS-00272 / SLUS-00273} ] :SLUS-00270 :SLUS-00271 :SLUS-00272 :SLUS-00273 #Infinite Lasers 801E6A8C 03FC #Infinite Energy--Break Point Code 80107F50 0000 80107F52 0000 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801E6C08 0009 #Infinite Decoys 801E6AA0 0018 #Infinite Fuel 801E5A3C EE00 ; [ Disney's Winnie the Pooh - Kindergarten (USA) (2003) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01513} ] ;:SLUS-01513 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Disney's Winnie the Pooh - Preschool (USA) (2003) (BAM! Entertainment) {SLUS-01514} ] ;:SLUS-01514 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ WipEout (USA) (1995) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94301} ] :SCUS-94301 #Enable Rapier Mode D01F701A 0001 801F701A 0101 #Enable Rapier Levels D01F701A 0101 801F7046 0101 #Infinite Race Re-Starts:Only at these settings - 1 Player, Weaponclass,Championship, AB System, John Dekka. D01F7014 0802 801F7014 0803 #Infinite Race Re-Starts 8003AD54 0000 #Infinite Rockets (On Pickup) 80028B0C 0000 #Infinite Turbo's (On Pickup) 80028D7C 0000 #Infinite Shields (On Pickup) 80028CA0 0000 #Infinite Mines (On Pickup) 80028BC0 0000 #Infinite Missiles (On Pickup) 80028B58 0000 #Infinite Shockwaves (On Pickup) 80028C18 0000 ; [ WipEout 3 (USA) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-00865} ] :SLUS-00865 #Play game at 2x Speed 801784D0 0001 #P1 Infinite Checkpoint Time 8018D1C8 1347 8018D1CA 0000 #P2 Infinite Checkpoint Time 8018D558 1356 8018D55A 0000 #P1 Always First 3018CEE5 0001 #P2 Always First 3018D275 0001 #P1 Max Points In Tournament 80186B80 0FFF #P2 Max Points In Tournament 80186B84 0FFF #P1 Overall Time is 0:00:00 801F60B4 0000 801F60B6 0000 #P2 Overall Time is 0:00:00 801F6220 0000 801F6222 0000 #P1 Lap Time is 0:00:00 801F60D0 0000 801F60D2 0000 #P2 Lap Time is 0:00:00 801F623C 0000 801F623E 0000 #P1 Infinite Shield Energy 801E4D70 0000 801E4DAC 0000 801E4E54 0000 #P2 Infinite Shield Energy 801E4D74 0000 801E4DB0 0000 801E4E58 0000 #Enable All Tracks + Teams 30186845 0001 80186846 0101 30186848 0001 30186855 0001 80186856 0101 30186858 0001 8018685E 0101 80186860 0101 8018686E 0101 80186870 0101 30186877 0001 80186878 0101 3018687A 0001 30186887 0001 80186888 0101 3018688A 0101 80186890 0101 80186892 0101 801868A0 0101 801868A2 0101 #Enable Phantom Class 3018688B 0001 #Enable Rapier Class 301869FA 0001 #Enable Venom Class 301869F1 0001 ; [ JumpStart Wildlife Safari - Field Trip (USA) (2001) (Knowledge Adventure) {SLUS-01383} ] :SLUS-01383 #Have All Keys 800ADB48 0101 300ADB4B 0001 300ADB4C 0001 800ADB4E 0101 300ADB51 0001 300ADB52 0001 800ADB54 0101 #Have All Stars 5000FF01 0000 300ADB57 0001 5000FF01 0000 300ADC56 0001 #Unlock Casey 300ADB4A 0001 300ADB4D 0001 300ADB50 0001 300ADB53 0001 300ADB56 0001 ; [ Warriors of Might and Magic (USA) (2000) (The 3DO Company) {SLUS-01204} ] :SLUS-01204 #Infinite Health 801AD3CC 0200 #Infinite Magic 801B5138 0200 #Select Level\EXODUS You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card with any of these and then choose load game 800DC6A8 0005 #Select Level\CANYON 800DC6A8 000A #Select Level\STRONGHOLD 800DC6A8 000F #Select Level\ENROTHS 800DC6A8 0014 #Select Level\BURIED CITY 800DC6A8 0019 #Select Level\FORGOTTEN WAY 800DC6A8 001E #Select Level\WESTERN DISTRICT 800DC6A8 0023 #Select Level\EASTERN DISTRICT 800DC6A8 0028 #Select Level\THE MONASTERY 800DC6A8 002D #Select Level\DAGLATHOR 800DC6A8 0032 #Select Level\LAST FIGHT WITH THE BOSS 800DC6A8 0036 ; [ Woody Woodpecker Racing (USA) (2000) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01188} ] :SLUS-01188 #P1 Always 1st Place 800305A4 0000 #P1 Always Low Timer 800860AC 0000 #P2 Always 1st Place 8015F598 0000 ; [ Worms (USA) (1996) (Ocean of America) {SLUS-00336} ] :SLUS-00336 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 1 8014A54C 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 2 8014A5F8 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 3 8014A6A4 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 4 8014A750 0064 #Infinite Turn Timer 8014B7FC 0E11 #Random Movie Player.Press the Select button as soon as the game is on and enjoy while it plays different movies in the game. D0079EB4 0100 8007A074 0001 #Always Your Turn D0079EB4 0002 8014B1EC 0001 #Infinite Airstrikes P1 (All Worms) 8014B1C8 0002 #Infinite Cluster Bombs P1 (All Worms) 8014B1AC 0005 #Infinite Dynamite P1 (All Worms) 8014B1C0 0001 #Infinite Teleport P1 (All Worms) 8014B1CC 0002 ; [ Worms Armageddon (USA) (1999) (MicroProse Software) {SLUS-00888} ] :SLUS-00888 #Infinite Round Time 8019B440 7740 8019B442 001B #P1 Indestructable Team 8014AAA8 0064 8014AB44 0064 8014ABE0 0064 8014AC7C 0064 #Infinite Time in Practice mode 8019AA08 E678 #Basic training - The Gods Medal Modifier 301E2408 0003 #Unlock The Next Level (The Gods) 301E238C 0001 #Have All Weapons 50003E04 0000 8014B4EC 0001 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons 50003E04 0000 8014B4EE 0001 #P1 Indestructable Worm 1 8014AAA8 0064 #P1 Indestructable Worm 2 8014AB44 0064 #P1 Indestructable Worm 3 8014ABE0 0064 #P1 Indestructable Worm 4 8014AC7C 0064 ; [ Worms World Party (USA) (2002) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-01448} ] :SLUS-01448 #P1 Infinite Health - Worm 1 801A4F8E 0064 #P1 Infinite Health - Worm 2 801A69B6 0064 #P1 Infinite Health - Worm 3 801A3566 0064 #P1 Infinite Health - Worm 4 801A83FE 0064 #Infinite Turn Time 301A039D 00FF ; [ Wipeout XL (USA) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94351} ] :SCUS-94351 #Infinite Time To Checkpoint 80094CE8 0BA6 #Infinite Shield 8009FD90 0000 #Always Have Weapon Machine Gun 80111246 0F0F #Enable Team Piranha 801FE4AC 0100 #Enable Phantom Class 801FE4D2 0100 #Enable Challenge 1 801FE4A8 0100 #Enable Challenge 2 801FE4AA 0001 #Race All Tracks (Any Level) 801FE4D2 0001 #Enable Mini-Gun 8009452C 0001 #Infinite Time 8009452A 0101 #Infinite Weapons 30094528 0001 #Infinite Energy 30094529 0001 ; [ Wipeout XL (USA, Prototype) (1996) (Psygnosis) {SCUS-94351} ] :SCUS-94351 #Infinite Time To Checkpoint 80094CE8 0BA6 #Infinite Shield 8009FD90 0000 #Always Have Weapon Machine Gun 80111246 0F0F #Enable Team Piranha 801FE4AC 0100 #Enable Phantom Class 801FE4D2 0100 #Enable Challenge 1 801FE4A8 0100 #Enable Challenge 2 801FE4AA 0001 #Race All Tracks (Any Level) 801FE4D2 0001 #Enable Mini-Gun 8009452C 0001 #Infinite Time 8009452A 0101 #Infinite Weapons 30094528 0001 #Infinite Energy 30094529 0001 ; [ Wreckin Crew - Drive Dangerously (USA) (1998) (Telstar Electronic Studios) {SLUS-00587} ] :SLUS-00587 #Enable All Characters 800A6960 000A #Enable All Movies 800A6542 03FF #Enable All Tracks Settings + Cups 800A6962 0004 #Lap Modifer 3 800A18A0 0201 #Lap Modifer 5 800A18A0 0501 #Lap Modifer 16 800A18A0 0F01 #Weapons On 800A18A2 0001 #Weapons Off 800A18A2 0000 #Lap Times is 0:00:00 800BB750 0000 800BB760 0000 800BB770 0000 #Infinite Turbos 3010E2EF 0005 #Max Stars 3010E2EF 0063 #Press Select To Start In First Place D00A6A1C 0002 8010E2F6 0300 #Max Points 800B5EA0 00FF ; [ The Wild Thornberrys - Animal Adventures (USA) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-01128} ] :SLUS-01128 #Infinite Strokes (Iceland Golf) 8008D8FC 0009 #All Postcards/All Levels Unlocked 8008DA5A FFFF 8008DA58 FFFF ; [ Wu-Tang - Shaolin Style (USA) (1999) (Activision) {SLUS-00929} ] :SLUS-00929 #Blood On 301EA22C 0001 #Fatalities On 301EA232 0001 #Have All Chambers 50001702 0000 801EA458 FFFF #Have All Characters 801EA1DC FFFF 801EA1DE 001F #Have All Levels 801EA1E0 FFFF #Have All Secrets 301EA4C4 00FF #P1 Infinite Health 800A5498 A000 #P1 Always Max Power 800A5E9E 0001 #P1 Infinite Lives 800A5E9C 0404 #P1 Power Meter Full 800A549A A000 #P1 50% Health D00A5498 A000 800A5498 5000 #P1 No Health 800A5498 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 800A5808 A000 #P2 50% Health D00A5808 A000 800A5808 5000 #P2 No Health 800A5808 0000 #P2 Infinite Lives 800A580C 0404 #P2 Power Meter Full 800A580A A000 #P3 Infinite Health 800A5B78 A000 #P3 No Health 800A5B78 0000 #P3 50% Health D00A5B78 A000 800A5B78 5000 #P3 Infinite Lives 800A5B7C 0404 #P3 Power Meter Full 800A5B7A A000 #P4 Infinite Health 800A5EE8 A000 #P4 No Health 800A5EE8 0000 #P4 50% Health D00A5EE8 A000 800A5EE8 5000 #P4 Infinite Lives 800A5EEC 0404 #P4 Power Meter Full 800A5EEA A000 #Infinite Time 800A3FC8 0000 ; [ WWF Attitude (USA) (1999) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00831} ] :SLUS-00831 #Infinite Attribute Points 80069950 0000 #0% In Move List 800626FC 0000 #P1 Infinite Energy C0038C04 1021 800EC2A4 0000 800EC2A6 0000 00000000 FFFF #P2 Infinite Energy C0038C04 1021 800EE910 0000 800EE912 0000 00000000 FFFF #P3 Infinite Energy C0038C04 1021 800F0708 0000 800F070A 0000 00000000 FFFF #P4 Infinite Energy C0038C04 1021 800F2500 0000 800F2502 0000 00000000 FFFF #P1 No Energy C0038C04 1021 800EC2A4 00FF 800EC2A6 00FF 00000000 FFFF #P2 No Energy C0038C04 1021 800EE910 00FF 800EE912 00FF 00000000 FFFF #P3 No Energy C0038C04 1021 800F0708 00FF 800F070A 00FF 00000000 FFFF #P4 No Energy C0038C04 1021 800F2500 00FF 800F2502 00FF 00000000 FFFF #Enable Everything 800CB338 09FF 800CB33A F000 800CB33C AF5C 800CB33E FFFF #Infinite Time Out Of Ring D0038C04 1021 800EC1A0 0359 #P1 Tie Up Meter Full 800EE890 FFFF #P1 Tie Up Meter Empty 800EE890 0000 #P2 Tie Up Meter Full 800EC224 FFFF #P2 Tie Up Meter Empty 800EC224 0000 ; [ WWF In Your House (USA, v1.1) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00246} ] :SLUS-00246 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006F4A0 0078 #P2 No Energy 8006F4A8 0000 #P1 Needs 1 Match to Win D0076E94 0000 30076E94 0001 #P1 Select Character\Shawn Michaels 301B2F90 0000 #P1 Select Character\Brett Hart 301B2F90 0001 #P1 Select Character\Ahmed Johnson 301B2F90 0002 #P1 Select Character\Undertaker 301B2F90 0003 #P1 Select Character\Ultimate Warrior 301B2F90 0004 #P1 Select Character\Vader 301B2F90 0005 #P1 Select Character\Owen Hart 301B2F90 0006 #P1 Select Character\British Bulldog 301B2F90 0007 #P1 Select Character\Goldust 301B2F90 0008 #P1 Select Character\Hunter H.H. 301B2F90 0009 ; [ WWF In Your House (USA, v1.0) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00246} ] :SLUS-00246 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006F4A0 0078 #P2 No Energy 8006F4A8 0000 #P1 Needs 1 Match to Win D0076E94 0000 30076E94 0001 #P1 Select Character\Shawn Michaels 301B2F90 0000 #P1 Select Character\Brett Hart 301B2F90 0001 #P1 Select Character\Ahmed Johnson 301B2F90 0002 #P1 Select Character\Undertaker 301B2F90 0003 #P1 Select Character\Ultimate Warrior 301B2F90 0004 #P1 Select Character\Vader 301B2F90 0005 #P1 Select Character\Owen Hart 301B2F90 0006 #P1 Select Character\British Bulldog 301B2F90 0007 #P1 Select Character\Goldust 301B2F90 0008 #P1 Select Character\Hunter H.H. 301B2F90 0009 ; [ WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA) (1995) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00013} ] :SLUS-00013 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006E860 00A0 #P1 No Energy 8006E860 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 8006E870 00A0 #P2 No Energy 8006E860 0000 #P1 Infinite Combo Meter 8006E866 0010 #P2 Infinite Combo Meter 8006E86E 0010 #P1 No Combo Meter 8006E866 0000 #P2 No Combo Meter 8006E86E 0000 ; [ WWF SmackDown! 2 - Know Your Role (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-01234} ] :SLUS-01234 #Human Players Infinite Specials D00BA4A8 0101 800BA5A0 0005 D00C68A8 0101 800C69A0 0005 D00D2CA8 0101 800D2DA0 0005 D00DF0A8 0101 800DF1A0 0005 #Computer Players No Specials D00BA4A8 0000 800BA5A0 0000 D00C68A8 0000 800C69A0 0000 D00D2CA8 0000 800D2DA0 0000 D00DF0A8 0000 800DF1A0 0000 #Infinite Ability Points D00EB21A AC82 800EB21A 2400 D00EB2DA AC82 800EB2DA 2400 D00EB39A AC82 800EB39A 2400 D00EAB82 AE50 800EAB82 2400 #Characters Unlocked 80093878 FFFF 8009387E FFFF #Match Options Unlocked 80093886 FFFF #Entrance Music Unlocked 80093D28 FFFF 80093D2C FFFF #Top Left Infinite Specials 800BA5A0 0005 #Top Right Infinite Specials 800C69A0 0005 #Bottom Left Infinite Specials 800D2DA0 0005 #Bottom Right Infinite Specials 800DF1A0 0005 #All Caw Parts Unlocked 80092000 FFFF 80092002 FFFF 80092004 FFFF 80092006 FFFF 80092008 FFFF 8009200A FFFF 8009200C FFFF 8009200E FFFF #All Caw Parts Unlocked 50000802 0000 80092000 FFFF #Unlock All Wrestlers 80093878 FFFF 8009387E FFFF 80093880 FFFF #Advanced Enable All Wrestlers\Part 1 (Must Always Be On) D00A08F8 2000 800A08F8 6942 D00A0B2C 2000 800A0B2C 6942 D00A119C 2000 800A119C 6942 D00A25C4 2000 800A25C4 6942 D00A3C48 2000 800A3C48 6942 D00A6A08 2000 800A6A08 6942 #Advanced Enable All Wrestlers\Part 2 (Must Always Be On) D00A0BE8 2000 800A0BE8 654B D00A0E1C 2000 800A0E1C 654B D00A148C 2000 800A148C 654B D00A28B4 2000 800A28B4 654B D00A3F38 2000 800A3F38 654B D00A6CF8 2000 800A6CF8 654B #Advanced Enable All Wrestlers\Part 3 (Must Always Be On) 50000402 0000 80093878 FFFF 30093880 000F E0096318 0007 30096366 0000 E0096324 0007 30096366 0000 E0096330 0007 30096366 0000 E009633C 0007 30096366 0000 #Advanced Enable All Wrestlers\Part 4 (This Code Only Required Once) 50000302 0000 80093D48 0B0B 30093D43 000C 50004402 0001 8009D350 0000 50000A02 0001 80093DD8 00C8 ; [ WWF SmackDown! (USA) (2000) (THQ) {SLUS-00927GH} ] :SLUS-00927 :SLUS-00927GH #Unlock All Characteristics 50000C02 0000 80090700 FFFF #Unlock All Match Options E0149F90 0001 21149F90 0001 E0149F91 0001 21149F91 0001 E0149F92 0001 21149F92 0001 E0149F93 0001 21149F93 0001 E0149F94 0001 21149F94 0001 E0149F95 0001 21149F95 0001 #P1 Start With 5 Specials 8007AC5E 0005 #P2 Start With 5 Specials 8007AC76 0005 #P3 Start With 5 Specials 8007AC8E 0005 #P4 Start With 5 Specials 8007ACA6 0005 #Never Add A Special (All Players) 800497FE 2400 #Never Lose A Special (All Players) 80047ACA 2400 #P1 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0000 #P2 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0000 #P3/Ref Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0000 #P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0005 #P1/P2 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0000 #P1/P3/Ref Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0000 #P1/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0005 #P1/P2/P3/Ref Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0000 #P1/P3/Ref/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0005 #P1/P2/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0005 #P2/P3/Ref Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0000 #P2/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0000 8007ACA6 0005 #P2/P3/Ref/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0005 #P3/Ref/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0000 8007AC76 0000 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0005 #P1/P2/P3/Ref/P4 Infinite Special 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 8007AC5E 0005 8007AC76 0005 8007AC8E 0005 8007ACA6 0005 #No Power Meter (All Players) 800497DA 2400 #Enable Extra Heads 80090F7C 00FF 80090F7E 00FF #Enable Extra Tops 80090F90 00FF 80090F92 00FF #Enable Extra Bottoms 80090FA4 00FF 80090FA6 00FF #Infinite Creation Points D00ED41A 0000 100ED41A 00FF #Super Smackdown Code NEEDS MULTITAP AND CONTROL ALL CHARACTERS 8007AC58 0000 8007AC70 0000 8007AC88 0000 8007ACA0 0000 #Season Mode-Infinite Special:With this cheat, this makes whoever is a human controlled player have 5 specials and their infinite. Plus the non-human players never get specials. 80047ACA 2400 800497FE 2400 D007AC58 0000 8007AC5E 0005 D007AC70 0000 8007AC76 0005 D007AC88 0000 8007AC8E 0005 D007ACA0 0000 8007ACA6 0005 D007AC88 0100 8007AC8E 0005 ; [ WWF War Zone (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00495} ] :SLUS-00495 #Infinite Outer Ring Time 800B59A6 2400 #Unlock All Features:Simply press R1+L1 repeatedly at the menu select screen to load cheat menu! This Cheat unlocks all secret characters in the game.plus more! 8007B6C0 07FF 8007B6C2 1000 #Unlock All Modes:Simply press R1+L1 repeatedly at the menu select screen to load cheat menu! This Cheat unlocks all secret characters in the game.plus more! 8007B6C4 3FFF 8007B6C6 2000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Infinite Attributes Points 800B7B14 0000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\All Never Stunned 800B5F6E 2400 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P1 Invincibility 800BDBA0 0000 800BDBA2 240D 800BD32C 0008 800BD32E 11B0 800BD332 2400 800B7198 0000 800B719A 240D 800B71A0 0008 800B71A2 11B3 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P2 Invincibility 800BDBA0 0001 800BDBA2 240D 800BD32C 0008 800BD32E 11B0 800BD332 2400 800B7198 0001 800B719A 240D 800B71A0 0008 800B71A2 11B3 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P3 Invincibility 800BDBA0 0002 800BDBA2 240D 800BD32C 0008 800BD32E 11B0 800BD332 2400 800B7198 0002 800B719A 240D 800B71A0 0008 800B71A2 11B3 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P4 Invincibility 800BDBA0 0003 800BDBA2 240D 800BD32C 0008 800BD32E 11B0 800BD332 2400 800B7198 0003 800B719A 240D 800B71A0 0008 800B71A2 11B3 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\All Invincibility 800BD332 2400 800B5D5C 004C 800B5D5E 1000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P1 Can't Be Pinned 800B71E8 0000 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0004 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P2 Can't Be Pinned 800B71E8 0001 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0004 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P3 Can't Be Pinned 800B71E8 0002 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0004 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P4 Can't Be Pinned 800B71E8 0003 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0004 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\All Can't Be Pinned 800B6064 0004 800B6066 1000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P1 Pinned Quickly 800B71E8 0000 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0005 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P2 Pinned Quickly 800B71E8 0001 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0005 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P3 Pinned Quickly 800B71E8 0002 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0005 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\P4 Pinned Quickly 800B71E8 0003 800B71EA 2419 800B6064 0005 800B6066 1279 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\All Pinned Quickly 800B6064 0005 800B6066 1000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Create Topless Female Wrestler (Parental Advisory-17+) 800B60F8 0001 800B60FA 0F06 800B7638 0005 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Invisible Cage In Cage Matches 800790C8 0000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Fake Cage In Other Matches 800790C8 0001 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Super Ridiculous Code:Use Steve Austin In Training And Press L2 D007D9A2 FEFF 80105B64 0001 ; [ WWF War Zone (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00495} ] :SLUS-00495 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Unlock All Features Simply press R1+L1 repeatedly at the menu select screen to load cheat menu! This Code unlocks all secret characters in the game.plus more! 8007A0F0 07FF 8007A0F2 1000 #Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu\Unlock All Modes Simply press R1+L1 repeatedly at the menu select screen to load cheat menu! This Code unlocks all secret characters in the game.plus more! 8007A0F4 3FFF 8007A0F6 2000 #Player Creation\Infinite Attributes Points 800B64F4 0000 #Player Creation\Max Strength 800B6280 0032 #Player Creation\Max Toughness 800B6282 0032 #Player Creation\Max Speed 800B6284 0032 #Player Creation\Max Recovery 800B6286 0032 #Player Creation\Max Charisma 800B6288 0032 #Player Creation\Create Topless Female Wrestler (Parental Advisory-17+) 800B4AD8 0001 800B4ADA 0F06 800B6018 0005 #Player Creation\All Never Stunned 800B498A 2400 #Player Creation\P1 Invincibility 800BC5B8 0000 800BC5BA 240D 800BBD44 0008 800BBD46 11B0 800BBD4A 2400 800B5BB4 0000 800B5BB6 240D 800B5BBC 0008 800B5BBE 11B3 #Player Creation\P2 Invincibility 800BC5B8 0001 800BC5BA 240D 800BBD44 0008 800BBD46 11B0 800BBD4A 2400 800B5BB4 0001 800B5BB6 240D 800B5BBC 0008 800B5BBE 11B3 #Player Creation\P3 Invincibility 800BC5B8 0002 800BC5BA 240D 800BBD44 0008 800BBD46 11B0 800BBD4A 2400 800B5BB4 0002 800B5BB6 240D 800B5BBC 0008 800B5BBE 11B3 #Player Creation\P4 Invincibility 800BC5B8 0003 800BC5BA 240D 800BBD44 0008 800BBD46 11B0 800BBD4A 2400 800B5BB4 0003 800B5BB6 240D 800B5BBC 0008 800B5BBE 11B3 #Player Creation\All Invincibility 800BBD4A 2400 800B4778 004C 800B477A 1000 #Player Creation\P1 Can't Be Pinned 800B5C04 0000 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0004 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P2 Can't Be Pinned 800B5C04 0001 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0004 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P3 Can't Be Pinned 800B5C04 0002 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0004 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P4 Can't Be Pinned 800B5C04 0003 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0004 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\All Can't Be Pinned 800B4A80 0004 800B4A82 1000 #Player Creation\P1 Pinned Quickly 800B5C04 0000 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0005 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P2 Pinned Quickly 800B5C04 0001 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0005 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P3 Pinned Quickly 800B5C04 0002 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0005 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\P4 Pinned Quickly 800B5C04 0003 800B5C06 2419 800B4A80 0005 800B4A82 1279 #Player Creation\All Pinned Quickly 800B4A80 0005 800B4A82 1000 #Slow Motion 8005F2B4 F23C #Hyper Mode 800610F8 F32C #Bootup Increase 800612A0 0000 #Infinite Match Time 80077C24 0A80 #Infinite Outer Ring Time 800B43C2 2400 ; [ Warzone 2100 (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-00819} ] :SLUS-00819 #All Tanks Blink 800DDABC 6E6E #Cheat Activator 800DAA40 0001 #Instant Research 800DBB4C 0040 #Make Everything Visible On Radar 800D9764 0001 #Super Units All Campaigns 800DCB38 F000 #True Infinite Power 800DC7A0 0000 #Campaign 1 800DAD04 0001 #Campaign 2 800DAD04 0002 #Campaign 3 800DAD04 0003 #Campaign 4 800DAD04 0004 #Campaign 5 800DAD04 0005 #Campaign 6 800DAD04 0006 #Campaign 7 800DAD04 0007 #Have Almost All Un-Researched Base Tech 50008101 0000 3012F4A0 0080 #Infinite Build Units 800DC350 0000 #Infinite Power 8014CE94 967F 8014CE96 0098 #Power Never Decreases 8006FE0E 2400 ; [ X-Bladez - Inline Skater (USA) (2002) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-01444} ] :SLUS-01444 #All Levels 50000902 0000 80051348 0101 #All Levels Alternate 80051348 0101 8005134A 0101 8005134C 0101 8005134E 0101 80051350 0101 80051352 0101 80051354 0101 80051354 0101 80051356 0101 #Always 2X Trick 30051326 0079 #Maximum Points 8005131C 6D60 #Kevin 30051340 0001 #Stephanie 30051341 0001 #Flapjax 30051345 0001 #Gage 30051343 0001 #Harlie 30051344 0001 #Robot 30051346 0001 #Tyler 30051342 0001 ; [ X-COM - UFO Defense (USA) (1995) (MicroProse Software) {SLUS-00141} ] :SLUS-00141 #Infinite Cash D000E110 2000 800CEE36 0FFF #1st Soldier\Infinite Time 80019A12 2240 #1st Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019A14 4000 #1st Soldier\Infinite Shots 800146CC 0014 #2nd Soldier\Infinite Time 80019A8E 243A #2nd Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019A90 4400 #2nd Soldier\Infinite Shots 800146DC 0012 #3rd Soldier\Infinite Time 80019B0A 283C #3rd Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019B0C 3B00 #3rd Soldier\Infinite Shots 800146EC 0014 #4th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019B86 2432 #4th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019B88 3A00 #4th Soldier\Infinite Shots 800146FC 0014 #5th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019C02 1B33 #5th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019C04 2E00 #5th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001470C 0014 #6th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019C7E 1D32 #6th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019C80 4300 #6th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001471C 0014 #7th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019CFA 1C34 #7th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019CFC 3500 #7th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001479C 0006 #8th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019D76 283C #8th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019D78 4400 #8th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001461C 000C #9th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019DF2 2135 #9th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019DF4 2E00 #9th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001471C 000E #10th Soldier\Infinite Time 80019E6E 1B38 #10th Soldier\Infinite Stamina 80019E70 2900 #10th Soldier\Infinite Shots 8001472C 000E #Infinite Elerium 115 80010DE4 00DC #Infinite Time (All Soldiers) 800516FC 0000 8004C5B0 0000 800493A8 0000 #Infinite Stamina (All Soldiers) 80051704 0000 #Super Stats\1st Position 80019A12 FFFF 80019A14 FF00 80019A16 FFFF 80019A18 FFFF 80019A1A FFFF 30019A1C 00FF 80019A2A FF00 80019A3E FF00 80019A40 00FF #Super Stats\2nd Position 80019A8E FFFF 80019A90 FF00 80019A92 FFFF 80019A94 FFFF 80019A96 FFFF 30019A98 00FF 80019AA6 FF00 80019ABA FF00 80019ABC 00FF #Super Stats\3rd Position 80019B0A FFFF 80019B0C FF00 80019B0E FFFF 80019B10 FFFF 80019B12 FFFF 30019B14 00FF 80019B22 FF00 80019B36 FF00 80019B38 00FF #Super Stats\4th Position 80019B86 FFFF 80019B88 FF00 80019B8A FFFF 80019B8C FFFF 80019B8E FFFF 30019B90 00FF 80019B9E FF00 80019BB2 FF00 80019BB4 00FF #Super Stats\5th Position 80019C02 FFFF 80019C04 FF00 80019C06 FFFF 80019C08 FFFF 80019C0A FFFF 30019C0C 00FF 80019C1A FF00 80019C2E FF00 80019C30 00FF #Super Stats\6th Position 80019C7E FFFF 80019C80 FF00 80019C82 FFFF 80019C84 FFFF 80019C86 FFFF 30019C88 00FF 80019C96 FF00 80019CAA FF00 80019CAC 00FF #Super Stats\7th Position 80019CFA FFFF 80019CFC FF00 80019CFE FFFF 80019D00 FFFF 80019D02 FFFF 30019D04 00FF 80019D12 FF00 80019D26 FF00 80019D28 00FF #Super Stats\8th Position 80019D76 FFFF 80019D78 FF00 80019D7A FFFF 80019D7C FFFF 80019D7E FFFF 30019D80 00FF 80019D8E FF00 80019DA2 FF00 80019DA4 00FF #Super Stats\9th Position 80019DF2 FFFF 80019DF4 FF00 80019DF6 FFFF 80019DF8 FFFF 80019DFA FFFF 30019DFC 00FF 80019E0A FF00 80019E1E FF00 80019E20 00FF #Super Stats\10th Position 80019E6E FFFF 80019E70 FF00 80019E72 FFFF 80019E74 FFFF 80019E76 FFFF 30019E78 00FF 80019E86 FF00 80019E9A FF00 80019E9C 00FF #Super Stats\11Th Position 80019EEA FFFF 80019EEC FF00 80019EEE FFFF 80019EF0 FFFF 80019EF2 FFFF 30019EF4 00FF 80019F02 FF00 80019F16 FF00 80019F18 00FF #Super Stats\12Th Position 80019F66 FFFF 80019F68 FF00 80019F6A FFFF 80019F6C FFFF 80019F6E FFFF 30019F70 00FF 80019F7E FF00 80019F92 FF00 80019F94 00FF ; [ Xena - Warrior Princess (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00977} ] :SLUS-00977 #Unlock All Levels Save the game with this code enabled to unlock all levels 800F123C 0009 #Invincibility 800F0CC2 016F 800F0CDC 0001 #Super Xena 800F1136 02F5 #Max Chakram 300F1135 0064 #Have Max Armor Upgrades 300F2785 0063 #Have Max Sword Upgrades 300F2786 0063 #Have Max Scrolls 300F277A 0063 #Have Max Lightning Weapon Item 300F277F 00FF #Have Life Potion 800FC0A8 0001 #Have Max Life Potions 300F277E 00FF #Have Homing Chakram Item 800FC0F0 0001 #Have Max Homing Chakram Item 300F2780 00FF #Have Fire Weapon Item 800FC114 0001 #Have Max Fire Weapon Item 300F2781 00FF #Have Invincibility Item 800FC138 0001 #Have Max Invincibility Item 300F2782 00FF #Have Ice Weapon Item 800FC15C 0001 #Have Max Ice Weapon Item 300F2783 00FF #Have Harp Item 800FC180 0001 #Have Max Harp Item 300F2784 00FF #Have Resurrection Jewel 300F277C 0001 #Have Unlock Key 300F277D 0001 ; [ Xenogears (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00664 / SLUS-00669} ] :SLUS-00664 :SLUS-00669 #In Battle Infinite Health All Character + Gears D0085762 A420 80085762 2400 D00858AA AC22 800858AA 2400 #In Battle Infinite EP All Character + Geats D008B416 A422 8008B416 2400 #In Battle Infinite Fuel All Gears D0083F56 A425 80083F56 2400 D00859FA A422 800859FA 2400 D008CF56 A422 8008CF56 2400 #In Battle\Battling Arena\Infinite Health 800987E0 012C #In Battle\Battling Arena\Never Overheat 800987E2 0000 #Infinite Items All Slots D01DBC32 A2E2 801DBC32 2400 #Infinite Gold 8006EF58 967F 8006EF5A 0098 #Time Always 000:00:00 80059488 0000 8005948A 0000 #Save Anywhere 80059170 0100 #Bart\Max HP 8006DAD8 03E7 8006DADA 03E7 #Bart\Max EP 8006DADC 03E7 8006DADE 03E7 #Billy\Max HP 8006DB7C 03E7 8006DB7E 03E7 #Billy\Max EP 8006DB80 03E7 8006DB82 03E7 #Chu-Chu\Max HP 8006DD68 03E7 8006DD6A 03E7 #Chu-Chu\Max EP 8006DD6C 03E7 8006DD6E 03E7 #Citan\Infinite HP 8006DA34 03E7 8006DA36 03E7 #Citan\Infinite EP 8006DA38 03E7 8006DA3A 03E7 #Elly\Infinite HP 8006D990 03E7 8006D992 03E7 #Elly\Infinite EP 8006D994 03E7 8006D996 03E7 #Fei\Infinite HP 8006D8EC 03E7 8006D8EE 03E7 #Fei\Infinite EP 8006D8F0 03E7 8006D8F2 03E7 #Maria\Max HP 8006DE0C 03E7 8006DE0E 03E7 #Maria\Max EP 8006DE10 03E7 8006DE12 03E7 #Rico\Max HP 8006DC20 03E7 8006DC22 03E7 #Rico\Max EP 8006DC24 03E7 8006DC26 03E7 #Vierge\Max HP 8006E154 967F 8006E156 0098 8006E158 967F 8006E15A 0098 #Vierge\Max Fuel 8006E12C 270F 8006E12E 270F #Weltall\Max HP 8006E00C 967F 8006E00E 0098 8006E010 967F 8006E012 0098 #Weltall\Max Fuel 8006DFE4 270F 8006DFE6 270F #Weltall-2\Max HP 8006E0B0 967F 8006E0B2 0098 8006E0B4 967F 8006E0B6 0098 #Weltall-2\Max Fuel 8006E088 270F 8006E08A 270F #In Battle\Character 1\Infinite Health:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CCD34 03E7 #In Battle\Character 1\Infinite Ep:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CCD38 0063 #In Battle\Character 1\Infinite Ap:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800D32A0 0020 #In Battle\Character 2\Infinite Health:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CCEA4 03E7 #In Battle\Character 2\Infinite Ep:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CCEA8 0063 #In Battle\Character 2\Infinite Ap:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800D32A8 0020 #In Battle\Character 3\Infinite Health:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CD014 03E7 #In Battle\Character 3\Infinite Ep:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800CD018 0063 #In Battle\Character 3\Infinite Ap:Human Only! Don't use when you are a gear! 800D32B0 0020 #In Battle\Gear 1\Infinite Health:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCDEC FFFF #In Battle\Gear 1\Infinite Fuel:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCDC4 FFFF #In Battle\Gear 1\Max Attack Level:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCE30 0204 #In Battle\Gear 2\Infinite Health:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCF5C FFFF #In Battle\Gear 2\Infinite Fuel:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCF34 FFFF #In Battle\Gear 2\Max Attack Level:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CCFA0 0204 #In Battle\Gear 3\Infinite Health:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CD0CC FFFF #In Battle\Gear 3\Infinite Fuel:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CD0A4 FFFF #In Battle\Gear 3\Max Attack Level:Gear Only! Don't use when you are a human! 800CD110 0204 ; [ Xevious 3D/G+ (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-00461} ] :SLUS-00461 #Xevious+Super Xevious\Infinite Lives D0022BBC 0038 80022BBC 0000 D0022BBE AE03 80022BBE 0000 #Xevious Arrangement\Infinite Lives D00417C8 0038 800417C8 0000 D00417CA AE02 800417CA 0000 #Xevious 3D\P1 Infinite Lives 8012DD58 0009 #Xevious 3D\P1 Invincibility 80146A18 0002 #Xevious 3D\P1 Weapon Power Up 80131EA4 0002 #Xevious 3D\P2 Infinite Lives 8012DD5C 0009 ##Xevious 3D\P2 Invincibility 801468D4 0002 ; [ The X-Files (USA) (1999) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-00915 / SLUS-00949 / SLUS-00950 / SLUS-00951} ] :SLUS-00915 :SLUS-00949 :SLUS-00950 :SLUS-00951 #Have All Items:This cheat might mess up events in the game, like certain things you won't be able to do, etc. 80128D84 FFFF 80128D86 FFFF 80128D88 FFFF ; [ X-Men - Children of the Atom (USA) (1998) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00044} ] :SLUS-00044 #P1 Infinite Energy 8003B6E8 008F #P1 No Energy 8003B6E8 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D003B6E8 008F 8003B6E8 0001 #P1 Super Bar Always Full 8003B6EC 008E #P1 Start With One Win D003BD58 0000 3003BD58 0001 #P1 Select Character\Storm 8003BE58 0100 #P1 Select Character\Cyclops 8003BE58 0101 #P1 Select Character\Wolverine 8003BE58 0102 #P1 Select Character\Omega Red 8003BE58 0103 #P1 Select Character\Sentinel 8003BE58 0104 #P1 Select Character\Iceman 8003BE58 0105 #P1 Select Character\Colussus 8003BE58 0106 #P1 Select Character\Psylocke 8003BE58 0107 #P1 Select Character\Silver Samurai 8003BE58 0108 #P1 Select Character\Spiral 8003BE58 0109 #P1 Select Character\Juggernaut 8003BE58 010A #P1 Select Character\Magneto 8003BE58 010B #P1 Select Character\Akuma 8003BE58 010C #P2 Infinite Energy 8003BAE8 008F #P2 No Energy 8003BAE8 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D003BAE8 008F 8003BAE8 0001 #P2 Super Bar Always Full 8003BAEC 008E #P2 Start With One Win D003BD58 0000 3003BD58 0002 #P2 Never Wins 3003BD59 0000 ; [ X-Men - Mutant Academy (USA) (2000) (Activision) {SLUS-00774} ] ;:SLUS-00774 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ X-Men - Mutant Academy 2 (USA) (2001) (Activision) {SLUS-01382} ] :SLUS-01382 #P1 Infinite Health 800ADE94 B400 800ADE96 B400 #P2 Infinite Health 800AE4E8 B400 800AE4EA B400 #P2 No Health 800AE4E8 0000 800AE4EA 0000 #P1 Needs 1 Win To Win D00ADF60 0000 800ADF60 0001 #P2 1-Hit Death D00AE4E8 B400 800AE4E8 0100 D00AE4EA B400 800AE4EA 0100 #Unlock Cerebor Items All Characters (Non-Saveable) D01F760C 8011 50000902 0000 801F75E0 0000 ; [ X-Men vs. Street Fighter (USA) (1998) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-00627} ] :SLUS-00627 #Press Select To Open Ex Menu At Main Menu D00420D0 0100 80042180 0107 #Hit Your Opponent Anywhere 8003346E 2400 800334EE 2400 #P1 Infinite Energy 80042C34 0090 80042C3C 0090 #P1 No Energy 80042C34 0000 80042C3C 0000 #P1 Max Power Bar 30042C38 0203 #P1 Sudden Death Mode C0097D56 000A 80042C34 0001 80042C3C 0001 00000000 FFFF #P1 Play As Apocalypse 80042A64 0010 #P2 Infinite Energy 80042F7C 0090 80042F84 0090 #P2 No Energy 80042F7C 0000 80042F84 0000 #P2 Sudden Death Mode C0097D56 000A 80042F7C 0001 80042F84 0001 00000000 FFFF ; [ X Games Pro Boarder (USA) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-00704} ] :SLUS-00704 #Have 99999 points in Half Pipe 8010F228 869F 8010F22A 0001 #Enable All Events 800BA194 0009 #Enable Circuit Mode 800E68EC 0F74 #Enable Circuit Mode 800E68EC 0F74 #Enable Ollie-B 800BA11C 0009 #Enable Super Circuit Mode 800BA0C8 0004 ; [ XS Airboat Racing (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01566} ] :SLUS-01566 #Start always on lap 3 8006CFF0 0003 ; [ XS Junior League Dodgeball (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01560} ] :SLUS-01560 #P1 Infinite Energy Lead Player 80067EF0 0030 #P1 Infinite Energy Helper 1 80067F5C 001C #P1 Infinite Energy Helper 2 80067FC8 0023 #P1 Infinite Energy Helper 3 80068034 001C #Infinite Magic 80066E12 0055 #Start of Final Round 80067028 0006 ; [ XS Junior League Football (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01554} ] ;:SLUS-01554 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ XS Moto (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01506} ] :SLUS-01506 #Infinite Time 800F04D8 759C #Time Always 0:00 800F0484 0000 #Always Place First 301BEF05 0001 #Select Starting Lap\3 D01BEF02 0000 801BEF02 0003 #Select Starting Lap\5 D01BEF02 0000 801BEF02 0005 #Select Starting Lap\7 D01BEF02 0000 801BEF02 0007 #Select Starting Lap\9 D01BEF02 0000 801BEF02 0009 #Select Starting Lap\10 D01BEF02 0000 801BEF02 000A ; [ XS Junior League Soccer (USA) (2003) (XS Games) {SLUS-01520} ] ;:SLUS-01520 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ You Don't Know Jack (USA) (1999) (Sierra On-Line) {SLUS-00716 / SLUS-00762} ] :SLUS-00716 :SLUS-00762 #Infinite Time D00919F4 0200 800919F4 023A #P1 Max Score 800AB440 967F 800AB442 0098 #P2 Max Score 800AB448 967F 800AB44A 0098 #P3 Max Score 800AB450 967F 800AB452 0098 #P1 Can Always Screw 800AB444 0001 #P2 Can Always Screw 800AB44C 0001 #P3 Can Always Screw 800AB454 0001 #Start On Last Round D00A993C 0000 800A993C 0016 ; [ You Don't Know Jack - Mock 2 (USA) (2000) (Sierra On-Line) {SLUS-01194} ] :SLUS-01194 #P1 Infinite Screws 8008B010 0001 #P1 Max Money 8008B00C 423F 8008B00E 000F #P1 No Money 8008B00C 0000 #P1 No Screws 8008B010 0000 #P2 Infinite Screws 8008B018 0001 #P2 Max Money 8008B014 423F 8008B016 000F #P2 No Money 8008B014 0000 #P2 No Screws 8008B018 0000 #P3 Infinite Screws 8008B020 0001 #P3 Max Money 8008B01C 423F 8008B01E 000F #P3 No Money 8008B01C 0000 #P3 No Screws 8008B020 0000 ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (USA) (2002) (Konami of America) {SLUS-01411} ] :SLUS-01411 #P1 Infinite LP 800EA004 270F #P1 No LP 800EA004 0000 #P2 Infinite LP 800EA004 270F #P2 No LP 800EA024 0000 #Infinite Starchips 801D07E0 423F 801D07E2 000F #Have All Cards 5000FF02 0000 801D0250 C8C8 50006A02 0000 80105F96 C8C8 ; [ Zoboomafoo - Leapin' Lemurs! (USA) (2001) (Encore Software) {SLUS-01401} ] :SLUS-01401 #Unlock All Levels 8006791C FFFF #Max Score 800679D8 7FFF #Infinite Food 800679D0 0032 #Always Max Food C20679D4 0001 800679D0 0000 #Invincibility From Water 80070DE6 0001 ; [ Zero Divide (USA) (1995) (Time Warner Interactive) {SLUS-00183} ] :SLUS-00183 #Infinite Energy Zero .Use only in battle when finnish deactivate and activate again in the next fight 80110764 00D0 #P1 Unbeatable 80110B3C 00D0 #P2 Unbeatable 801118C0 00D0 #Time Stays At 59 Seconds 800E8968 0700 800B0566 015C #P1 No Health 80110B3C 0000 #P2 No Health 801118C0 0000 #When Timer Reaches 0 - Reset 800E896A 0700 #Auto-Switch View Enabled 800E8960 0004 #One Of Xtal's Claws Twitches Violently 80110C52 023A #Overall Playing Time is .01 Seconds 800E811C 0020 #Overall Playing Time is .00 Seconds 800E811A 0021 #X-Tal is Selectable 800E811A 0021 #Select Starting Level\Level 1, Room A D00EEC24 0000 800EEC24 0000 #Select Starting Level\Level 1, Room B D00EEC24 0000 800EEC24 0100 #Select Starting Level\Level 1, Room C D00EEC24 0000 800EEC24 0200 #Tiny Phalanx Infinite Lives .Tiny Phalanx is an entire hidden game within Zero Divide. To access it, turn the PlayStation on, and hold Select and Start on controller 2 until you see the Tiny Phalanx title screen. 800ACD34 0063 #Tiny Phalanx Infinite Bombs 800ACA54 0063 ; [ Zoop - America's Largest Killer of Time! (USA) (1995) (Viacom New Media) {SLUS-00078} ] :SLUS-00078 #Start with 9,999,999 points D01B40B4 0000 801B40B4 967F D01B40B6 0000 801B40B6 0098 #Each piece shot levels you up 801BF32C 0001 ; [ Action Replay for PSX & PSone (USA) (2000) () {DUS0005-I} ] ;:DUS0005-I ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cheats 'N Volume 1 (USA) (2000) () {G-22811} ] ;:G-22811 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ 16 Tales 2 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-990122, LSP-99012201} <16tales2> ] ;:LSP-990122 ;:LSP-99012201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Three Decoders 1 - Riddle of the Ring (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903174, LSP-90317401} <3dec1> ] ;:LSP-903174 ;:LSP-90317401 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Three Decoders 2 - Key to the Carousel (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903181, LSP-90318101} <3dec2> ] ;:LSP-903181 ;:LSP-90318101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Calamity 1 - The Natural World (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-200110, LSP-20011001} ] ;:LSP-200110 ;:LSP-20011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Calamity 2 - People and Traditions (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-200220, LSP-20022001} ] ;:LSP-200220 ;:LSP-20022001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Calamity 3 - Around the World (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-200330, LSP-20033001} ] ;:LSP-200330 ;:LSP-20033001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cali's Geo Tools (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020190, LSP-02019001} ] ;:LSP-020190 ;:LSP-02019001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cosmic Cookoff - Language Arts (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-080230, LSP-08023001} ] ;:LSP-080230 ;:LSP-08023001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cosmic Cookoff - Mathematics (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-080240, LSP-08024001} ] ;:LSP-080240 ;:LSP-08024001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Creative Camp (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-130110, LSP-13011001} ] ;:LSP-130110 ;:LSP-13011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Creative Isle (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-130120, LSP-13012001} ] ;:LSP-130120 ;:LSP-13012001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Creative Journey 1 (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-905109, LSP-90510901} ] ;:LSP-905109 ;:LSP-90510901 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Creative Voyage (USA) (1999) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907097, LSP-90709701} ] ;:LSP-907097 ;:LSP-90709701 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 1 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019101} ] ;:LSP-99019101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 2 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019201} ] ;:LSP-99019201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 3 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019301} ] ;:LSP-99019301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 4 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019401} ] ;:LSP-99019401 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 5 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019501} ] ;:LSP-99019501 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 7 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99019701} ] ;:LSP-99019701 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Faire Games - Language Arts (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-080130, LSP-08013001} ] ;:LSP-080130 ;:LSP-08013001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Faire Games - Mathematics (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-080140, LSP-08014001} ] ;:LSP-080140 ;:LSP-08014001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Family Connection - A Guide to Lightspan (USA) (1995) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-150200-0.1} ] ;:LSP-150200-0.1 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 1a - Reshaping Googol - The Submarine (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020160, LSP-02016001} ] ;:LSP-020160 ;:LSP-02016001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 1b - Reshaping Googol - The Tower (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020150, LSP-02015001} ] ;:LSP-020150 ;:LSP-02015001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 2a - Reshaping Googol - The Castle (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020180, LSP-02018001} ] ;:LSP-020180 ;:LSP-02018001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 2b - Reshaping Googol - Under the Ocean (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020170, LSP-02017001} ] ;:LSP-020170 ;:LSP-02017001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 3 - The Googol Counting Fair - Midways (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020260, LSP-02026001} ] ;:LSP-020260 ;:LSP-02026001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 4 - The Googol Counting Fair - Corral - Fun House (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020280, LSP-02028001} ] ;:LSP-020280 ;:LSP-02028001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 5 - Googolfest - Party Isle - Toy Isle (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903372, LSP-020450, LSP-02045001} ] ;:LSP-903372 ;:LSP-020450 ;:LSP-02045001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 6 - Googolfest - Arcade Isle - Moon Feast Isle (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903389, LSP-020570, LSP-02057001} ] ;:LSP-903389 ;:LSP-020570 ;:LSP-02057001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 7 - Eggs All Around - Egg Trek - Balloon Picnic (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020650, LSP-02065001} ] ;:LSP-020650 ;:LSP-02065001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Secret of Googol 8 - Googol Gulch - General Store - Math Arcade (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-020780, LSP-020780-0.1} ] ;:LSP-020780 ;:LSP-020780-0.1 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Jade Trade (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907387, LSP-90738701} ] ;:LSP-907387 ;:LSP-90738701 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K9.5 1 - Live in Airedale (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-090110, LSP-09011002} ] ;:LSP-090110 ;:LSP-09011002 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K9.5 2 - We Are the Dogs! (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-090220, LSP-09022001} ] ;:LSP-090220 ;:LSP-09022001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K9.5 3 - Webtunes (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-090330, LSP-09033001} ] ;:LSP-090330 ;:LSP-09033001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K9.5 4 - The Tail-Wag Tour (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-090440, LSP-09044001} ] ;:LSP-090440 ;:LSP-09044001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ K9.5 5 - The Howlywood Premiere (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907103, LSP-90710301} ] ;:LSP-907103 ;:LSP-90710301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kazmania 1 - Trail of Gems (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-070110, LSP-07011001} ] ;:LSP-070110 ;:LSP-07011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kazmania 2 - Chaos in Kazmania (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-905130, LSP-90513001} ] ;:LSP-905130 ;:LSP-90513001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 1 - Lety's Favorite Stories (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010150, LSP-01015001} ] ;:LSP-010150 ;:LSP-01015001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 2 - Amrita's Trees and Cerdito and the Coyote (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010250, LSP-01025001} ] ;:LSP-010250 ;:LSP-01025001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 3 - Far-Fetched Frontier Tales (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903129, LSP-010350, LSP-01035001} ] ;:LSP-903129 ;:LSP-010350 ;:LSP-01035001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 4 - The Adventures of Adelita and Bo (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903136, LSP-010355, LSP-01035501} ] ;:LSP-903136 ;:LSP-010355 ;:LSP-01035501 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 5 - Pop-Out Prose (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903143, LSP-90314301} ] ;:LSP-903143 ;:LSP-90314301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 6 - The Wandering Path (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-905147, LSP-90514700} ] ;:LSP-905147 ;:LSP-90514700 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math Gallery - Collection 1 (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903433, LSP-90343301} ] ;:LSP-903433 ;:LSP-90343301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math Gallery - Collection 2 (USA) (1999) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903440, LSP-90344001} ] ;:LSP-903440 ;:LSP-90344001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math on the Move! 1 - Addition & Subtraction - Advanced (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-100112, LSP-10011201} ] ;:LSP-100112 ;:LSP-10011201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math on the Move! 1 - Addition & Subtraction - Intermediate (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-100110, LSP-10011001} ] ;:LSP-100110 ;:LSP-10011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math on the Move! 2 - Multiplication & Division - Advanced (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-100113, LSP-10011301} ] ;:LSP-100113 ;:LSP-10011301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Math on the Move! 2 - Multiplication & Division - Intermediate (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-100111, LSP-10011101} ] ;:LSP-100111 ;:LSP-10011101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Cosmic Quest 1 - City Sights (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010170, LSP-01017001} ] ;:LSP-010170 ;:LSP-01017001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Cosmic Quest 2 - Fairy Tale Island (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010270, LSP-01027001} ] ;:LSP-010270 ;:LSP-01027001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Cosmic Quest 3 - Race Through France (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010370, LSP-01037001} ] ;:LSP-010370 ;:LSP-01037001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Stay and Play 1 - In the Clubhouse (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903044, LSP-010160, LSP-01016001} ] ;:LSP-903044 ;:LSP-010160 ;:LSP-01016001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Stay and Play 2 - In Mars' Bedroom (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-903051, LSP-010260, LSP-01026001} ] ;:LSP-903051 ;:LSP-010260 ;:LSP-01026001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Stay and Play 3 - In Lonnie's Classroom (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010360, LSP-01036001} ] ;:LSP-010360 ;:LSP-01036001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 1 - The Natural History Museum (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010180, LSP-01018001} ] ;:LSP-010180 ;:LSP-01018001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 2 - The Shakespeare Festival (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010280, LSP-01028001} ] ;:LSP-010280 ;:LSP-01028001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mars Moose Adventure - Walkabout 3 - World Sports Day (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-010380, LSP-01038001} ] ;:LSP-010380 ;:LSP-01038001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mona & Moki 1 - Drive Me Wild! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-050101, LSP-05010101} ] ;:LSP-050101 ;:LSP-05010101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mona & Moki 2 - Drive Me Wilder! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-050102, LSP-05010201} ] ;:LSP-050102 ;:LSP-05010201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ P.K.'s Math Studio 1 (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-060190, LSP-06019001} ] ;:LSP-060190 ;:LSP-06019001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ P.K.'s Place 1 - Party on the Patio! (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-060310, LSP-06031001} ] ;:LSP-060310 ;:LSP-06031001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ P.K.'s Place 2 - Hoopo at Sea! (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-180210, LSP-18021001} ] ;:LSP-180210 ;:LSP-18021001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ P.K.'s Place 3 - Carlos at the Races! (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-180310, LSP-18031001} ] ;:LSP-180310 ;:LSP-18031001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ P.K.'s Place 4 - Daphne and the Seventh Wonder (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-180410, LSP-18041001} ] ;:LSP-180410 ;:LSP-18041001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Quaddle Family Mysteries 1 - The Case of the Scarce Scarab - Lobby - Kitchen (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-060101, LSP-06010101} ] ;:LSP-060101 ;:LSP-06010101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Quaddle Family Mysteries 2 - The Case of the Scarce Scarab - Garden (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-060102, LSP-06010201} ] ;:LSP-060102 ;:LSP-06010201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Quaddle Family Mysteries 3 - The Case of the Scarce Scarab - Parlor - Family Room (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-060103, LSP-06010301} ] ;:LSP-060103 ;:LSP-06010301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Road Writer (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907127, LSP-907127001} ] ;:LSP-907127 ;:LSP-907127001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 1 - Match-A-Batch (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030101, LSP-03010101} ] ;:LSP-030101 ;:LSP-03010101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 2 - Matchamania! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030102, LSP-03010201} ] ;:LSP-030102 ;:LSP-03010201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 3 - Title This! Title That! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030103, LSP-03010301} ] ;:LSP-030103 ;:LSP-03010301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 4 - Titlerama! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030104, LSP-03010401} ] ;:LSP-030104 ;:LSP-03010401 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 5 - Parallel Lives! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030105, LSP-03010501} ] ;:LSP-030105 ;:LSP-03010501 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 6 - Analogy-ology! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030106, LSP-03010601} ] ;:LSP-030106 ;:LSP-03010601 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 7 - Riddle Roundup! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030107, LSP-03010701} ] ;:LSP-030107 ;:LSP-03010701 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Str.at.e.s. 8 - Riddle Wrangler! (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-030108, LSP-03010801} ] ;:LSP-030108 ;:LSP-03010801 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 1 - Maya, Search and Rescue (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-040110, LSP-04011001} ] ;:LSP-040110 ;:LSP-04011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 2 - Maya, Observatory (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-040130, LSP-04013001} ] ;:LSP-040130 ;:LSP-04013001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 3 - Maya, King Jaguar's Village (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-040120, LSP-04012001} ] ;:LSP-040120 ;:LSP-04012001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 4 - Lunar Base (USA) (1997) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-040410, LSP-04041001} ] ;:LSP-040410 ;:LSP-04041001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 5 - Space Flight Rescue (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-040510, LSP-04051001} ] ;:LSP-040510 ;:LSP-04051001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 6 - Brainswarm (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907363, LSP-90736300} ] ;:LSP-907363 ;:LSP-90736300 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Timeless Math 7 - Rover Recovery (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-907370, LSP-90737001} ] ;:LSP-907370 ;:LSP-90737001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Unknown Variable 2 - Raven's Ridge (USA) (1998) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-909022} ] ;:LSP-909022 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 10 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99011901} ] ;:LSP-99011901 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 1 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-17011001} ] ;:LSP-17011001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 2 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-17011101} ] ;:LSP-17011101 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 3 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-17011201} ] ;:LSP-17011201 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 4 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-17011301} ] ;:LSP-17011301 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 5 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99011401} ] ;:LSP-99011401 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 6 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99011501} ] ;:LSP-99011501 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 7 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99011601} ] ;:LSP-99011601 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Write Away 9 (USA) (1996) (The Lightspan Partnership) {LSP-99011801} ] ;:LSP-99011801 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Thousand Arms (USA, Demo) (1999) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-90059} <1000armsd> ] ;:SLUS-90059 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (USA, Demo) (1997) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-90004} ] ;:SLUS-90004 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ape Escape (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94489} ] ;:SCUS-94489 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bust A Groove (USA, Demo) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94376} ] ;:SCUS-94376 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Burning Road (USA, Demo) (1996) (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) {SLUS-90002} ] ;:SLUS-90002 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Crash Bash & Spyro - Year of the Dragon (USA, Demo) (2001) (Universal Interactive) {SCUS-94654} ] ;:SCUS-94654 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Contender (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94380} ] ;:SCUS-94380 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cool Boarders 2001 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94625} ] ;:SCUS-94625 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cool Boarders 4 (USA, Demo) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94388} ] ;:SCUS-94388 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Crime Killer (USA, Demo) (1998) (Interplay Entertainment) {SLUS-90020} ] ;:SLUS-90020 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Croc 2 (USA, Demo) (1999) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-90056} ] ;:SLUS-90056 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Colony Wars - Vengeance (USA, Demo) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90037A} ] ;:SLUS-90037A ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dino Crisis (USA, Demo) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-90066} ] ;:SLUS-90066 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Driver 2 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Infogrames) {SLUS 90094} ] ;:SLUS-90094 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Driver - You Are the Wheelman (USA, Demo) (1999) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-90053} ] ;:SLUS-90053 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (USA, Demo) (1998) (GT Interactive Software) {SLUS-90036} ] ;:SLUS-90036 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94961} ] ;:SCUS-94961 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Future Cop - L.A.P.D. (USA, Demo) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-90034} ] ;:SLUS-90034 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Grind Session (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94598} ] ;:SCUS-94598 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Gran Turismo (USA, Demo) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94257} ] ;:SCUS-94257 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hot Shots Golf 2 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94495} ] ;:SCUS-94495 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Iron & Blood - Warriors of Ravenloft (USA, Demo) (1996) (Acclaim Entertainment) {SLUS-00212} ] ;:SLUS-00212 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jade Cocoon - Story of the Tamamayu (USA, Demo) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-90054} ] ;:SLUS-90054 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Um Jammer Lammy (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94398} ] ;:SCUS-94398 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jet Moto 3 (USA, Demo) (1999) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94384} ] ;:SCUS-94384 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kagero - Deception II (USA, Demo) (1998) (Tecmo) {SLUS-90041} ] ;:SLUS-90041 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Legend of Legaia (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94366} ] ;:SCUS-94366 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete (USA, Demo) (2000) (Working Designs) {SLUS-90083} ] ;:SLUS-90083 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (USA, Demo) (1999) (Working Designs) {SLUS-90055} ] ;:SLUS-90055 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ MediEvil (USA, Demo) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94291} ] ;:SCUS-94291 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ MLB 2001 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94479} ] ;:SCUS-94479 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ MLB 2002 (USA, Demo) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94648} ] ;:SCUS-94648 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mega Man Legends 2 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-90078} ] ;:SLUS-90078 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Metal Gear Solid (USA, Demo) (1998) (Konami of America) {SLUS-90035} ] ;:SLUS-90035 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Metal Gear Solid - VR Missions (USA, Demo) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-90062} ] ;:SLUS-90062 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Monster Rancher 2 (USA, Demo) (1999) (Tecmo) {SLUS-90071} ] ;:SLUS-90071 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (USA, Demo) (2000) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-90080} ] ;:SLUS-90080 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NBA ShootOut 2001 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94582} ] ;:SCUS-94582 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NBA ShootOut 2002 (USA, Demo) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94660} ] ;:SCUS-94660 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 2001 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94574} ] ;:SCUS-94574 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NFL GameDay 99 (USA, Demo) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94285} ] ;:SCUS-94285 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NFL Xtreme (USA, Demo) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94271} ] ;:SCUS-94271 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NHL FaceOff 2001 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94578} ] ;:SCUS-94578 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NHL FaceOff 99 (USA, Demo) (1998) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94372} ] ;:SCUS-94372 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Nuclear Strike - The Lost Missions (USA, Demo) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS 90006} ] ;:SLUS-90006 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ O.D.T. (USA, Demo) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90043} ] ;:SLUS-90043 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pac-Man World (USA, Demo, v1.1) (1999) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-90057} ] ;:SLUS-90057 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PaRappa the Rapper (USA, Demo) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS 94195} ] ;:SCUS-94195 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pitfall 3D - Beyond the Jungle (USA, Demo) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-90017} ] ;:SLUS-90017 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rascal (USA, Demo) (1998) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90015} ] ;:SLUS-90015 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rayman (USA, Playable Game Preview) (1995) (Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) {SLUS-90001} ] ;:SLUS-90001 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Resident Evil 2 (USA, Demo) (1997) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-90009} ] ;:SLUS-90009 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (USA, Demo) (1999) (Capcom Entertainment) {SLUS-90064} ] ;:SLUS-90064 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rollcage (USA, Demo) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90052} ] ;:SLUS-90052 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Running Wild (USA, Demo) (1998) (989 Studios) {SCUS-94373} ] ;:SCUS-94373 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ SuperCross Circuit (USA, Demo) (1999) (989 Sports) {SCUS-94396} ] ;:SCUS-94396 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shadow Madness (USA, Demo) (1999) (Crave Entertainment) {SLUS-90031} ] ;:SLUS-90031 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shipwreckers! (USA, Demo) (1997) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90013} ] ;:SLUS-90013 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Speed Punks (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94572} ] ;:SCUS-94572 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage! (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94460} ] ;:SCUS-94460 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Spyro the Dragon (USA, Demo 1) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94290} ] ;:SCUS-94290 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Spyro the Dragon (USA, Demo 2) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94439} ] ;:SCUS-94439 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sled Storm & Medal of Honor Demo CD (USA) (1999) (Electronic Arts) {SLUS-90072} ] ;:SLUS-90072 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tail Concerto (USA, Demo) (1999) (Atlus U.S.A.) {SLUS-90060} ] ;:SLUS-90060 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Thrasher - Skate and Destroy (USA, Demo) (1999) (Rockstar Games) {SLUS-90067} ] ;:SLUS-90067 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Titan A.E. (USA, Demo) (2000) (Fox Interactive) {SLUS-90082} ] ;:SLUS-90082 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tomba! (USA, Demo) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94255} ] ;:SCUS-94255 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tomba! 2 - The Evil Swine Return (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94464} ] ;:SCUS-94464 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tyco R/C - Assault with a Battery (USA, Demo) (2000) (Mattel Interactive) {SLUS-90085} ] ;:SLUS-90085 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Vigilante 8 (USA, Demo) (1998) (Activision) {SLUS-90022} ] ;:SLUS-90022 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Wild Arms 2 (USA, Demo) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94592} ] ;:SCUS-94592 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ WipEout 3 (USA, Demo) (1999) (Psygnosis) {SLUS-90063} ] ;:SLUS-90063 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ You Don't Know Jack (USA, Demo) (1999) (Sierra On-Line) {SLUS-90061} ] ;:SLUS-90061 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ ASCII Entertainment Demo CD (USA) (1997) (ASCII Entertainment Software) {SLUS-90010} ] ;:SLUS-90010 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Best Buy Demo CD (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94286} ] ;:SCUS-94286 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Eidos Demo CD Volume 3 (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-90047} ] ;:SLUS-90047 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Eidos Demo CD Volume 4 (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-90051} ] ;:SLUS-90051 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Eidos Demo CD Volume 6 (USA) (1999) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-90074} ] ;:SLUS-90074 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Eidos Demo CD (USA) (1998) (Eidos Interactive) {SLUS-90040} ] ;:SLUS-90040 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Volume 1 (USA) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS 94955} ] ;:SCUS-94955 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Vol. 10 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95011} ] ;:PBPX-95011 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Vol. 11 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94463} ] ;:SCUS-94463 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 2 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94957} ] ;:SCUS-94957 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 3 (USA) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94959} ] ;:SCUS-94959 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 3.5 (USA, SCUS-94177) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94177, SCUS-94966} ] ;:SCUS-94177 ;:SCUS-94966 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 3.5 (USA, SCUS-94966) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94966} ] ;:SCUS-94966 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 4 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX 95002, SCUS-94418} ] ;:PBPX-95002 ;:SCUS-94418 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disk Volume 5 (USA, v1.1) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94232} ] ;:SCUS-94232 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disk Volume 5 (USA, v1.0) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94232} ] ;:SCUS-94232 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc 6 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95004, SCUS-94242} ] ;:PBPX-95004 ;:SCUS-94242 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 7 (USA, v1.1) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94262} ] ;:SCUS-94262 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 7 (USA, v1.0) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95006, SCUS-94258} ] ;:PBPX-95006 ;:SCUS-94258 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 8 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95009, SCUS-94268} ] ;:PBPX-95009 ;:SCUS-94268 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Vol. 9 (USA, SCUS-94295) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94295} ] ;:SCUS-94295 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Vol. 9 (USA, PBPX-95010) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95010} ] ;:PBPX-95010 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jampack Vol. 1 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94176} ] ;:SCUS-94176 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jampack Vol. 2 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94197} ] ;:SCUS-94197 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Namco Demo CD (USA) (1997) (Namco Hometek) {SLUS-90008} ] ;:SLUS-90008 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pizza Hut Demo CD (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94292} ] ;:SCUS-94292 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pizza Hut Disc 1 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94480} ] ;:SCUS-94480 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pizza Hut Disc 2 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94481} ] ;:SCUS-94481 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc Version 1.3 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94618} ] ;:SCUS-94618 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc Version 1.4 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94650} ] ;:SCUS-94650 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc Version 1.5 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94674} ] ;:SCUS-94674 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc - Spring 2000 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94595} ] ;:SCUS-94595 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Developer's Demo Disc (USA, SCUS-94954) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94954} ] ;:SCUS-94954 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Developer's Demo Disc (USA, SCUS-94950) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94950} ] ;:SCUS-94950 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc Version 1.16 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94651} ] ;:SCUS-94651 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc Version 1.17 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94663} ] ;:SCUS-94663 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc Version 1.18 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94667} ] ;:SCUS-94667 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PSone - Wherever, Whenever, Forever. (USA, No EDC) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94799} ] ;:SCUS-94799 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PSone - Wherever, Whenever, Forever. (USA, EDC) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94799} ] ;:SCUS-94799 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Picks (USA, SCUS-94952) (1995) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94952, SPUS-94951} ] ;:SCUS-94952 ;:SPUS-94951 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Picks (USA, SCUS-94960) (1996) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94960} ] ;:SCUS-94960 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc - Shock Your System! (USA, SCUS-94496) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94496} ] ;:SCUS-94496 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc - Shock Your System! (USA, SCUS-94483) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94483} ] ;:SCUS-94483 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc - Shock Your System! (USA, SCUS-94482) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94482} ] ;:SCUS-94482 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Squaresoft on PlayStation 2000 Collector's CD Vol. 3 (USA) (2000) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-90075} ] ;:SLUS-90075 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Squaresoft on PlayStation 1998 Collector's CD Vol. 1 (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-90028} ] ;:SLUS-90028 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Squaresoft on PlayStation 1998 Collector's CD Vol. 2 (USA, Final Fantasy VIII Demo) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SLUS-90029} ] ;:SLUS-90029 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Squaresoft on PlayStation Collector's CD (USA) (1998) (Square Electronic Arts) {SCUS-94256} ] ;:SCUS-94256 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Toys "R" Us - Attack of the Killer Demos! (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94397} ] ;:SCUS-94397 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Toys "R" Us Demo Disc (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94266} ] ;:SCUS-94266 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Toys "R" Us - Interactive CD Sampler Disc (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94371} ] ;:SCUS-94371 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 01 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94189} ] ;:SCUS-94189 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 02 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94198} ] ;:SCUS-94198 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 03 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94210} ] ;:SCUS-94210 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 04 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94211} ] ;:SCUS-94211 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 05 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94212} ] ;:SCUS-94212 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 06 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94213} ] ;:SCUS-94213 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 07 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94214} ] ;:SCUS-94214 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 08 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94215} ] ;:SCUS-94215 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 09 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94216} ] ;:SCUS-94216 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 10 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94217} ] ;:SCUS-94217 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 11 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94218} ] ;:SCUS-94218 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 12 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94219} ] ;:SCUS-94219 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 13 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94275} ] ;:SCUS-94275 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 14 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94276} ] ;:SCUS-94276 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 15 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94277} ] ;:SCUS-94277 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 16 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94278} ] ;:SCUS-94278 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 17 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94279} ] ;:SCUS-94279 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 18 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94280} ] ;:SCUS-94280 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 19 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94281} ] ;:SCUS-94281 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 20 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94282} ] ;:SCUS-94282 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 21 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94429} ] ;:SCUS-94429 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 22 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94430} ] ;:SCUS-94430 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 23 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94431} ] ;:SCUS-94431 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 24 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94432} ] ;:SCUS-94432 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 25 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94433} ] ;:SCUS-94433 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 26 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94434} ] ;:SCUS-94434 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 27 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94435} ] ;:SCUS-94435 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 28 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94436} ] ;:SCUS-94436 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 29 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94437} ] ;:SCUS-94437 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 30 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94438} ] ;:SCUS-94438 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 31 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94499} ] ;:SCUS-94499 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 32 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94583} ] ;:SCUS-94583 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 33 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94591} ] ;:SCUS-94591 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 34 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94593} ] ;:SCUS-94593 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 35 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94596} ] ;:SCUS-94596 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 36 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94599} ] ;:SCUS-94599 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 37 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94614} ] ;:SCUS-94614 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 38 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94617} ] ;:SCUS-94617 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 39 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94622} ] ;:SCUS-94622 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 40 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94628} ] ;:SCUS-94628 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 41 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94630} ] ;:SCUS-94630 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 42 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94631} ] ;:SCUS-94631 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 43 (USA, No EDC) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94634} ] ;:SCUS-94634 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 43 (USA, EDC) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94634} ] ;:SCUS-94634 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 44 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94637} ] ;:SCUS-94637 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 45 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94645} ] ;:SCUS-94645 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 46 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94649} ] ;:SCUS-94649 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 47 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94652} ] ;:SCUS-94652 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 48 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94655} ] ;:SCUS-94655 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 50 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94658} ] ;:SCUS-94658 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 52 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94662} ] ;:SCUS-94662 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 54 (USA) (2002) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94664} ] ;:SCUS-94664 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Number 1 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94161 / SCUS-94161} ] ;:SCUS-94161 ;:SCUS-94161 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Number 2 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94178 / SCUS-94179} ] ;:SCUS-94178 ;:SCUS-94179 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Volume 2 Issue 1 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94237 / SCUS-94238} ] ;:SCUS-94237 ;:SCUS-94238 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Volume 2 Issue 2 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94259 / SCUS-94260} ] ;:SCUS-94259 ;:SCUS-94260 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Volume 2.3 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94269 / SCUS-94270} ] ;:SCUS-94269 ;:SCUS-94270 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Volume 2 Issue 4 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94298 / SCUS-94299} ] ;:SCUS-94298 ;:SCUS-94299 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Number 3 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94191 / SCUS-94192} ] ;:SCUS-94191 ;:SCUS-94192 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 3.1 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94440 / SCUS-94441} ] ;:SCUS-94440 ;:SCUS-94441 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 3.2 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94442 / SCUS-94443} ] ;:SCUS-94442 ;:SCUS-94443 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 3.3 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94444 / SCUS-94445} ] ;:SCUS-94444 ;:SCUS-94445 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 3.4 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94446 / SCUS-94447} ] ;:SCUS-94446 ;:SCUS-94447 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Number 4 (USA) (1997) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94225 / SCUS-94226} ] ;:SCUS-94225 ;:SCUS-94226 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 4.1 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94565 / SCUS-94566} ] ;:SCUS-94565 ;:SCUS-94566 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 4.2 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94612 / SCUS-94613} ] ;:SCUS-94612 ;:SCUS-94613 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 4.3 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94620 / SCUS-94621} ] ;:SCUS-94620 ;:SCUS-94621 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground 4.4 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-97120} ] ;:SCUS-97120 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94267, SCUS-94287} ] ;:SCUS-94267 ;:SCUS-94287 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Fall 2001 (USA) (2001) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94657} ] ;:SCUS-94657 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Summer 2K (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94587} ] ;:SCUS-94587 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Summer '99 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94428} ] ;:SCUS-94428 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Winter 2000 (USA) (2000) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94624} ] ;:SCUS-94624 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Winter '98 (USA) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94293} ] ;:SCUS-94293 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ PlayStation Underground Jampack - Winter '99 (USA) (1999) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {SCUS-94475} ] ;:SCUS-94475 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Front Mission 1st (Jpn) (2003) (Square Enix) {SLPM-87317} ] :SLPM-87317 #Main unit infinite Body HP 80022D99 03E7 80022D9B 03E7 #2nd unit (Sakata) infinite Body HP 80022E24 03E7 80022E26 03E7 #3rd unit (Natalie) infinite Body HP 80022EAF 03E7 80022EB1 03E7 #Infinite Money 8002EA99 967F 8002EA9B 0098 #Select all Parts D015D1C8 74CD 8015D0C8 0001 #Select all items D01610FC 2B9E 80160F54 0001 #Infinite Behavior D014B930 327E 8014B95E 3300 ; [ Leading Jockey Highbred (Jpn) (1996) (Harvest One) {SLPS-00348} ] ;:SLPS-00348 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Raiden DX (Jpn, Major Wave Series) (2000) (Hamster) {SLPM-86656} ] ;:SLPM-86656 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Raiden DX (Jpn) (1997) (Nihon System) {SLPS-00728} ] :SLPS-00728 #P1 Infinite Ships:Maybe need to disable at the end of stage 801E55B2 0008 #P1 Full Power:Maybe need to disable at the end of stage 801E55BC 0008 801E55C6 0008 #P1 Invincibility:Maybe need to disable at the end of stage 800445A6 1400 #P2 Invincibility:Maybe need to disable at the end of stage 8004463A 1400 #Invincibility:Maybe need to disable at the end of stage 801E8830 0D01 801E88EC 2224 ; [ Raiden Project (Jpn) (1995) (Nihon System) {SLPS-00013, SLPS-91002 (Playstation the Best)} ] :SLPS-00013 :SLPS-91002 #Raiden I\P1 Infinite Lives 8012CA80 0003 #Raiden I\P1 Invincibility 300F7658 0000 #Raiden I\P2 Infinite Lives 8012CAB0 0003 #Raiden I\P1 Infinite Bombs 8012CA8E 0003 #Raiden I\P2 Infinite Bombs 8012CABE 0003 #Raiden I Invincibility D001ADE0 0078 8001ADE2 1000 D001B098 005C 8001B094 1000 #Raiden II\P1 Infinite Lives 800EEA2C 0003 #Raiden II\P1 Infinite Nuke Bombs 800EEA24 0101 #Raiden II\P1 Infinite Thunder Bombs 800EEA24 0202 #Raiden II\P2 Infinite Lives 800EEA6C 0003 #Raiden II\P2 Infinite Nuke Bombs 800EEA64 0101 #Raiden II Invincibility C00460EC 0005 800460EE 0801 800460EC 1853 00000000 FFFF ; [ Side by Side Special 2000 (Jpn) (1999) (Taito) {SLPM-86344 (TCPS10011)} ] :SLPM-86344 #Infinite Checkpoint Time 8008B38C 08CA #Freeze Laptime 8008B3C0 0000 #Total Time 00:00:00/1st 8008B418 0000 ; [ World Neverland - Olerud Oukoku Monogatari (Jpn) (1997) (Riverhill Soft) {SLPS-01037, SLPS-91086 (Playstation the Best)} ] :SLPS-01037 :SLPS-91086 #Have 99999 money 80184D4C 869F 80184D4E 0001 ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc 6 (USA, EDC) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment America) {PBPX-95004} ] ;:PBPX-95004 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Jpn) (2000) (Electronic Arts Square) {SLPS-02604} <007tndj> ] :SLPS-02604 #Infinite Lives 8001E07A 0063 #Can Select All Mission 8001E224 0101 8001E226 0101 8001E228 0101 8001E22A 0101 8001E22C 0101 ; [ 10101 - "Will" the Starship (Jpn) (1997) (Sound Technology Japan) {SLPS-01054} <10101wil> ] :SLPS-01054 #Infinite Energy 8016C34C 270F #Infinite VP (99999) 8016C358 869F 8016C35A 0001 #Infinite Fuel While Traveling (99999) 8016C348 869F 8016C34A 0001 ; [ 19-ji 03-pun Ueno Hatsu Yakou Ressha (Jpn) (1999) (Visit) {SLPS-01865} <1903ueno> ] ;:SLPS-01865 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ 1-on-1 - Single Basketball (Jpn) (1998) (Jorudan) {SLPS-01706} <1on1> ] :SLPS-01706 #P1 Easy Scores 8019BBA4 000A #P2 Scores Nothing 8019BBA2 0000 #Freeze Timer At 60.0:Switch Off code As Necessary 8019BB90 0E11 #Have Gallery And All Pictures 8019BC6A 07FF #Have All Hidden Players 8019BC68 0007 ; [ First Kiss Monogatari (Jpn) (1998) (HuneX) {SLPS-01708~SLPS-01709} <1stkiss> ] :SLPS-01708 :SLPS-01709 #All Unlock C01C50A4 0603 801C5008 0016 801C500C 0000 8009E380 0500 00000000 FFFF ; [ 20 Seiki Striker Retsuden - The 20th Century's Real Strikers (Jpn) (2000) (DaZZ) {SLPS-02348 (PS-0014)} <20sretsu> ] :SLPS-02348 #Select Home Team Score\9 8007733C 0009 #Select Home Team Score\0 8007733C 0000 #Select Away Team Score\9 80077340 0009 #Select Away Team Score\0 80077340 0000 #Match's Length Only 1 Min 80063700 0001 ; [ Abe a GoGo (Jpn) (1997) (GameBank) {SLPS-01118} ] :SLPS-01118 #The Fugitives 99 800825BC 0063 #Injured 0 800825BA 0000 #Invincibility 800825D2 0001 ; [ Acid (Jpn) (1999) (Taki) {SLPS-02119} ] :SLPS-02119 #Infinite Shots 800A24B2 000A #Time = 00'00'00 800A28E2 0000 800A28E4 0000 #Infinite Spreed Shots 800A25B0 0009 ; [ Aconcagua (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-10131~SCPS-10132} ] :SCPS-10131 :SCPS-10132 #Infinite Energy Pachamama 80164742 1000 801692CA 1000 #Infinite Energy Katoh 8016470A 1000 80169292 1000 #Infinite Energy Steve 801647B2 1000 8016933A 1000 8014E1E2 1000 #Infinite Energy Julia 8016477A 1000 80169302 1000 #Infinite Energy Lopez 80169372 1000 80169372 1000 #Infinite Time 80170B9C 0DEA ; [ Ad Lib Ouji ...to Fuyukai na Nakamatachi!? (Jpn) (2002) (Nihon Telenet) {SLPS-03510} ] :SLPS-03510 #Have 999999 money 800526A8 423F 800526AA 000F #Have 100 AP 800531EE 0064 ; [ Advan Racing (Jpn) (1998) (Atlus) {SLPS-01689} ] :SLPS-01689 #Infinite Money 80010290 FFFF 80010292 0FFF #Infinite Fuel And Tire Brake 301E1D36 0010 301E1D39 00FF 301E1D3D 00FF #Speed Boost Code 801E1CAC 0FFF #Max Points 800E7AF0 0063 #Start in Lap 3 Lap /1st D01B4054 0000 801B4054 0003 #Start in Lap 4 Lap /1st D01B4054 0000 801B4054 0003 #Start in Lap 5 Lap /1st D01B4054 0000 801B4054 0003 #Freeze Timer 801C56A6 0000 ; [ Afraid Gear Another (Jpn) (2001) (Office Create) {SLPM-86834} ] :SLPM-86834 #Infinite Money (99000000) 80079648 9EC0 8007964A 05E6 #Infinite Body Energy 800CD1C0 0FA0 #P2 out of fuel Press Select D00703A8 0100 800C7656 0000 #Mortal blow D0095732 0046 80095732 0000 #P1 BODY 9999 800C74E6 270F #P1 LARM 9999 800C74E8 270F #P1 RARM 9999 800C74EA 270F #P1 LEG 9999 800C74EC 270F #P1 FUEL 9999 800C74EE 270F #P1 HEAT 0 800C74F6 0000 ; [ Afraid Gear (Jpn) (1998) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-00995} ] :SLPS-00995 #Infinite Money 80080B44 C9FF 80080B46 3B9A #Infinite Bonus For Tunning 800D5224 270F #P2 out of fuel (Press Select) D00703A8 0100 800C7656 0000 #Deadly blow D0095732 0046 80095732 0000 #Status Perfect 800C74E6 270F 800C74E8 270F 800C74EA 270F 800C74EC 270F 800C74EE C350 800C7A1E 270F 800C7A20 270F 800C7A22 270F 800C7A24 270F ; [ Airgrave (Jpn) (1996) (Santos) {SLPS-00559} ] :SLPS-00559 #Invincibility 800B4F9C 0006 ; [ The Airs (Jpn) (1999) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01916} ] :SLPS-01916 #Infinite + Max HP Main character (boy) 800E26B8 0063 800E2658 0063 #Infinite + Max HP 2nd character (girl) 800E26BA 0063 800E265A 0063 #Infinite + Max HP 3rd character (pet) 800E26BC 0063 800E265C 0063 ; [ Aitakute... Your Smiles in My Heart (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86254~SLPM-86257 (VX058-J1)} ] :SLPM-86254 :SLPM-86255 :SLPM-86256 :SLPM-86257 #Infinite Money (60000) 800CFEF8 EA60 #Status MAX National language 800CFD16 03E7 #Status MAX Mathematics 800CFD1A 03E7 #Status MAX English 800CFD1E 03E7 #Status MAX Rika 800CFD22 03E7 #Status MAX Society 800CFD26 03E7 #Status MAX Music 800CFD2E 03E7 #Status MAX Art 800CFD32 03E7 #Status MAX General knowledge 800CFD46 03E7 #Status MAX Courtesy 800CFD4A 03E7 #Status MAX Endurance 800CFD3A 03E7 #Status MAX Instantaneous force 800CFD3E 03E7 #Status MAX Style 800CFD52 03E7 #Status MAX Sense 800CFD56 03E7 #Status MAX Physical fitness 800CFD66 03E7 800CFD6A 03E7 #Status MAX Spirit 800CFD5A 03E7 #Status MAX Luck 800CFD5E 03E7 800CFD62 03E7 ; [ Aizouban Houshin Engi (Jpn) (1999) (Koei) {SLPM-86209} ] :SLPM-86209 #Infinite + Max HP Character 1 80134DA4 03E7 80134D58 03E7 #Infinite + Max TP Character 1 80134DA6 03E7 80134D5A 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Character 2 80134DB0 03E7 80134DFC 03E7 #Infinite + Max TP Character 2 80134DFE 03E7 80134DB2 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Character 3 80134EAC 03E7 80134E60 03E7 #Infinite + Max TP Character 3 80134EAE 03E7 80134E62 03E7 #Infinite Money 80135B88 FFFF #Mortal blow mode .OFF ON, Press Select + R2 or Press Select + L2. D00E0A34 0101 80030CD6 0000 D00E0A34 0102 80030CD6 00A0 ; [ Akagawa Jirou Majo-tachi no Nemuri - Fukkatsu Matsuri (Jpn) (1999) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01863} ] ;:SLPS-01863 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Akagawa Jirou - Yasoukyoku 2 (Jpn) (2001) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-03213} ] ;:SLPS-03213 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pop de Cute na Shinri Test - Alabama (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPS-02961} ] :SLPS-02961 #Find all Dr Willy in Dr Willy Mini Game 800BAC48 0000 ; [ Albalea no Otome - Uruwashi no Seishikitachi (Jpn) (1998) (Masaya) {SLPS-01578} ] ;:SLPS-01578 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Alice in Cyberland (Jpn) (1996) (Glams) {SLPS-00636} ] :SLPS-00636 #HP does not decrease 801CFE1C 270F #HP enemy 0 801A6918 0000 #I win at rock-paper-scissors 3 8009A838 0003 ; [ Alive (Jpn) (1998) (General Entertainment) {SLPS-01527~SLPS-01529} ] ;:SLPS-01527 ;:SLPS-01528 ;:SLPS-01529 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Gensou no Altemis - Actress School Mystery Adventure (Jpn) (2000) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-02563} ] :SLPS-02563 #Special mode ON and fully opened 800AEE72 0001 800AEE74 0001 800AEE76 0001 800AEE78 0001 800AEE7A 0001 ; [ Alundra 2 - Mashinka no Nazo (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10115} ] :SCPS-10115 #All Items 30063C00 0009 30063C02 0009 30063C04 0009 30063C06 0009 30063C12 0001 30063C14 0001 30063C16 0001 30063C18 0001 #All Key Items 30063C08 0001 30063C0A 0001 30063C0C 0063 30063C0E 0063 30063C10 0063 30063C1A 0001 #Max Ep 80063ED4 03E7 80063ED6 03E7 #Max HP 80063ED0 03E7 80063ED2 03E7 #Max Money 80063EC4 423F 80063EC6 000F #Time 00:00 800626FE 0000 8006338E 0000 ; [ Another Memories (Jpn) (1998) (Hearty Robin) {SLPS-01431} ] :SLPS-01431 #Max Status 80099658 6363 8009965C 869F 8009965E 0001 80099664 03E7 80099666 03E7 80099668 03E7 8009966A 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP In Battle 800A13F0 03E7 800A13EC 03E7 #Enemy HP in combat 0 800A1598 0000 #Title screen DATA BASE appearance 3008BFAC 0004 #Album 30099A60 0001 #All appearance 30099A6E 00FF ; [ A Nanjarin (Jpn) (1998) (To One) {SLPS-01424} ] ;:SLPS-01424 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ancient Roman - Power of the Dark Side (Jpn) (1998) (Nihon Systems) {SLPS-01108~SLPS-01109} ] :SLPS-01108 :SLPS-01109 #Infinite GP 80122028 FFFF 8012202A 00FF #After One Battle 1st Character Level 99 + Exp 801573D4 967F 801573D6 0060 #2nd Character Level 99 + Exp 80157448 967F 8015744A 0060 #3rd Character Level 99 + Exp 801574BC 967F 801574BE 0060 #4th Character Level 99 + Exp 80157530 967F 80157532 0060 #5th Character Level 99 + Exp 801575A4 967F 801575A6 0060 #6th Character Level 99 + Exp 80157618 967F 8015761A 0060 ; [ Angelique Duet (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01337} ] :SLPS-01337 #Heroine Infinite + Max HP 800FF224 0808 #Rival Infinite + Max HP 800FF28A 0808 #All Pictures 30101015 00FF ; [ Angel Blade (Jpn) (1997) (On DiMand) {SLPS-00894} ] :SLPS-00894 #Infinite AP 800B85E0 0009 800B85E6 0009 800B861C 0009 800B8622 0009 800B86D0 0009 800B86D6 0009 800B8658 0009 800B865E 0009 800B8694 0009 800B869A 0009 #Infinite HP 800B85E2 03E7 800B85E4 03E7 800B861E 03E7 800B8620 03E7 800B86D2 03E7 800B86D4 03E7 800B865A 03E7 800B865C 03E7 800B8696 03E7 800B8698 03E7 #Max At 800B85E8 03E7 800B8624 03E7 800B86D6 03E7 800B8660 03E7 800B869C 03E7 #Max Df 800B85EA 03E7 800B8626 03E7 800B86DA 03E7 800B8662 03E7 800B869E 03E7 #Max Hit Rate 800B85EC 03E7 800B8628 03E7 800B86DC 03E7 800B8664 03E7 800B86A0 03E7 #Max Esc Rate 800B85EE 03E7 800B862A 03E7 800B86DE 03E7 800B8666 03E7 800B86A2 03E7 #Scenario 2 300B8EAE 0002 #Scenario 2 300B8EAE 0003 #Scenario 4 300B8EAE 0004 #Scenario 5 300B8EAE 0005 #Scenario 6 300B8EAE 0006 #Scenario 7 300B8EAE 0007 #Scenario 8 300B8EAE 0008 #Scenario 9 300B8EAE 0009 ; [ Angel Graffiti - Anata e no Profile (Jpn) (1996) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-00163} ] :SLPS-00163 #Character stats max 800FE418 03E7 800FE41A 03E7 800FE41C 03E7 800FE41E 03E7 800FE420 03E7 800FE422 03E7 #Player have lots of money 800FE424 423F 800FE426 000F ; [ Angolmois '99 (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (1999) (Success) {SLPM-86278} ] :SLPM-86278 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 801006B2 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8010069E 0000 #Player has 9999 points 800FFAB4 270F ; [ Angelique Special (Jpn) (1996) (Koei) {SLPS-00320} ] :SLPS-00320 #Infinite + Max Power 300BC680 0063 300BC67F 0063 #Intimacy 200 hero and Rosalia 30099965 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Julius 30099972 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Kravis 3009997F 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Randy 3009998C 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Lumiere 30099999 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Oscar 300999A6 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Marcel 30099983 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Zeferu 300999C0 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Olivier 300999CD 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and Levallois 300999DA 00C8 #Intimacy 200 hero and High Priest 300999E7 00C8 #100 affinity with the hero Rosalia 30099959 0064 #100 affinity with the hero Julius 3009995A 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Kravis 3009995B 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Randy 3009995C 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Lumiere 3009995D 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Oscar 3009995E 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Marcel 3009995F 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Zeferu 30099960 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Olivier 30099961 0063 #100 affinity with the hero Levallois 30099962 0063 #100 affinity with the hero High Priest 30099963 0063 ; [ Angelique Special 2 (Jpn) (1997) (Koei) {SLPS-00805} ] :SLPS-00805 #Max Force 300D8CEF 0008 #Infinite Force 300D8CF0 0008 #Mental Max 300D8CEB 0063 #Max Sensibility 300D8CEC 0063 #Max Grade 300D8CED 0063 #Max Stability 300D8CEE 0063 #Intimacy MAX Rachel 300D8B65 00FF #Intimacy MAX Julius 300D8B66 00FF #Intimacy MAX Kravis 300D8B67 00FF #Intimacy MAX Randy 300D8B68 00FF #Intimacy MAX Lumiere 300D8B69 00FF #Intimacy MAX Oscar 300D8B6A 00FF #Intimacy MAX Marcel 300D8B6B 00FF #Intimacy MAX Seferu 300D8B6C 00FF #Intimacy MAX Olivier 300D8B6D 00FF #Intimacy MAX Levallois 300D8B6E 00FF #Intimacy MAX Victor 300D8B6F 00FF #Intimacy MAX Ceylan 300D8B70 00FF #Intimacy MAX Timuka 300D8B71 00FF #Intimacy MAX Holy Beast 300D8B75 00FF #Affinity MAX Rachel 300D8B77 00FF #Affinity MAX Julius 300D8B8A 00FF #Affinity MAX Kravis 300D8B9D 00FF #Affinity MAX Randy 300D8BB0 00FF #Affinity MAX Lumiere 300D8BC3 00FF #Affinity MAX Oscar 300D8BD6 00FF #Affinity MAX Marcel 300D8BE9 00FF #Affinity MAX Seferu 300D8BFC 00FF #Affinity MAX Olivier 300D8C0F 00FF #Affinity MAX Levallois 300D8C22 00FF #Affinity MAX Victor 300D8C35 00FF #Affinity MAX Ceylan 300D8C48 00FF #Affinity MAX Timuka 300D8C5B 00FF #Affinity MAX Holy Beast 300D8CA7 00FF ; [ Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem (Jpn) (1999) (Koei) {SLPM-86165} ] :SLPM-86165 #Infinite + Max HP Angelique 801170E8 270F 801170EC 270F #Infinite + Max HP Second character 801172F0 270F 801172F4 270F #Infinite + Max HP Third character 801173C0 270F 801173C4 270F #Infinite + Max HP Fourth character 80117358 270F 8011735C 270F #Infinite + Max HP Fifth character 80117428 270F 8011742C 270F #Have 99999 money 800E3BE8 869F 800E3BEA 0001 #Angelique Max 301174E8 00FF #Angelique Max MP 301174E9 00FF #Angelique Max Attack Force 301174EA 00FF #Angelique Max Defenses 301174EB 00FF #Angelique Max Magic Power 301174EC 00FF #Angelique Max Anti-Magic 301174ED 00FF #Angelique Max Rapidity 301174EE 00FF ; [ Ayakashi Ninden Kunoichiban (Jpn) (1997) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-00946~SLPS-00947} ] :SLPS-00946 :SLPS-00947 #Language Max 800C7700 03E7 #Arithmetic Max 800C7702 03E7 #Pharmaceutical Max 800C7704 03E7 #Medicine Max 800C7706 03E7 #Body surgery Max 800C7708 03E7 #Etiquette Max 800C770A 03E7 #Ninjutsu Max 800C770C 03E7 #Ninjutsu practical Max 800C770E 03E7 #CG Gallery 300C0AAD 00FF 300C0ABD 00FF #all theater replay 300C0AFF 00FF ; [ Kids Station - Soreike! Anpanman 2 - Anpanman to Daibouken! (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03197} ] ;:SLPS-03197 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ao no Roku-gou - Antarctica (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02940~SLPS-02941} ] :SLPS-02940 :SLPS-02941 #Infinite Energy Mayumi Kino (Grampus) 80092FC8 012C #Infinite Energy Estelar Bloom (Orcea) 80093084 015E #Deadly blow Switching + friend or foe common and regular deadly blow at 1 SEL + L2 / R2 D00D1BC8 0101 80015F66 A420 D00D1BC8 0102 80015F66 A423 #Mission Clear To Clear suddenly at Select 2 times + L1 C00D1BC8 0104 8008A350 0001 801B2F1C 0001 801C13F4 0001 00000000 FFFF #Mission Clear 8008A350 0001 801B2F1C 0001 801C13F4 0001 ; [ Ao Zora to Nakama Tachi - Yume No Bouken (Jpn) (2003) (MTO) {SLPS-03564} ] :SLPS-03564 #Max Apples 8018014C 00E7 #Max And Infinite Energy 80180149 0006 ; [ Saru! Get You! (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10091} ] :SCPS-10091 #Main Character\Infinite HP 800EC268 0005 #Main Character\Infinite Lives 300F442C 0005 #Main Character\Get 1Up From Each Coin 300F4456 0063 #Main Character\Infinite Oxygen 800F4D68 0258 #Main Character\Super Jump:Press R2 to activate , L2 for normal jump D00E5418 0002 300EC1DE 0008 #Main Character\All Items D00F5164 0003 300F5164 00FF #Stage appearance 1 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF801 0000 #Stage appearance 2 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF802 0000 #Stage appearance 3 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF803 0000 #Stage appearance 4 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF804 0000 #Stage appearance 5 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF805 0000 #Stage appearance 6 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF806 0000 #Stage appearance 7 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF807 0000 #Stage appearance 23 00 = Not Clear 01 = Clear 02 = Clear full 300DF817 0000 #Specter Coin / Hiroki Attack Part 1 300DFA40 0019 #Specter Coin / Hiroki Attack Part 2 300DFA41 0019 #It does not hit the enemy attacks 300F4A3E 00FF ; [ Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-02141} ] ;:SLPS-02141 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Aqua Paradise - Boku no Suizokukan (Jpn) (2000) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-03095} ] :SLPS-03095 #Lots of Money 80154728 869F 8015472A 0001 ; [ Aquarian Age - Tokyo Wars (Jpn) (2000) (ESP Software) {SLPS-02731} ] :SLPS-02731 #Infinite HP 1st character 800FEA76 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd character 800FEABE 03E7 #Infinite HP 3rd character 800FEB06 03E7 #Infinite HP 4th character 800FEB4E 03E7 #Blow down deathblow 800B6C98 1021 800B6C9A 0000 ; [ A5 - A Ressha de Ikou 5 (Jpn, Playstation the Best) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-91124 (Playstation the Best)} ] ;:SLPS-91124 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ A Ressha de Ikou Z - Mezase! Tairiku Oudan (Jpn) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-02050} ] :SLPS-02050 #Have 3000000000 Money 80092ED8 5E00 80092EDA B2D0 ; [ Arkana Senki Ludo (Jpn) (1998) (Pai) {SLPS-01438} ] ;:SLPS-01438 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Arkanoid R 2000 (Jpn) (1999) (Taito) {SLPM-86262 (TCPS10006)} ] :SLPM-86262 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D0C10 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D0C68 0063 ; [ Armed Fighter (Jpn) (1999) (Banpresto) {SLPS-01598} ] :SLPS-01598 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Dominura - Level 1 80156AA2 00B4 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Faye - Level 1 801352A6 00B4 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Faye - Level 2 801362A6 00B4 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Faye - Level 3 + 6 8015AAA6 00B4 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Faye - Level 4 80158AA6 00B4 #Infinite HP Story Mode - Faye - Level 5 + 7 8015B2A6 00B4 ; [ Agent Armstrong - Himitsu Shirei Daisakusen (Jpn) (1997) (WENet) {SLPS-01073 (WG 0005)} ] ;:SLPS-01073 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Art Camion - Geijutsuden (Jpn, Re-release 2002) (2002) (TYO) {SLPM-87186} ] ;:SLPM-87186 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Art Camion - Geijutsuden (Jpn) (1999) (TYO) {SLPS-02405} ] :SLPS-02405 #Infinite Money 800BC478 E0FF 800BC47A 05F5 #Damage 100 8006EB04 03E8 ; [ Astronoka (Jpn) (1998) (Enix) {SLPM-86088~SLPM-86089} ] :SLPM-86088 :SLPM-86089 #Infinite Money 80166F00 270F 80166F02 270F #Power-Up Pete 30166F0A 0000 #Power-Up Pete Early 30166F0A 0000 #Power-Up Second Pete 30166F0A 0001 #Power-Up Third Pete 30166F0A 0002 #Power-Up Pete Super 30166F0A 0003 #Power-Up Pete Final 30166F0A 0004 #Go to the city Sombrero 30166F0C 0003 ; [ Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Excellent (Jpn) (1997) (Family Soft) {SLPS-00849} ] :SLPS-00849 #P1 Infinite HP 801ED97C 00C0 #p2 No HP 801ED97E 0000 #Stort Mode Buhi 8008D69C C9FF 8008D69E 3B9A #Stort Mode Acquisition budget 8008D4AC C9FF 8008D4AE 3B9A #Stort Mode 0 degree of fatigue 8008D4BC 0000 8008D4BE 0000 #Stort Mode 0 degree hunger 8008D4CC 0000 8008D4CE 0000 #Stort Mode Training degree 8008D4FC 270F #Stort Mode Yell 8008D4DC 270F #Stort Mode Moving infinite 801FFCA8 001E 8008D6AC 001E ; [ Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Final (Jpn) (1999) (Family Soft) {SLPS-02074} ] :SLPS-02074 #P1 Infinite HP 8005B00C 4B00 #P2 No energy 8005B270 0000 #Unlock All Characters 8005A42C 0007 ; [ Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Special (Jpn) (1996) (Family Soft) {SLPS-00231} ] :SLPS-00231 #P1 Infinite HP 800C271C 00C0 801E07F4 00C0 #P1 Meter Always At 120 801E053C 0063 #P1 Meter Always At 100 801E053E 0044 ; [ Asuncia - Matsue no Jubaku (Jpn, XING Maru-yasu Series) (2000) (Xing) {SLPS-03075} ] ;:SLPS-03075 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Athena - Awakening from the Ordinary Life (Jpn, Koei the Best) (1999) (SNK) {SLPM-86185~SLPM-86187} ] :SLPM-86185 :SLPM-86186 :SLPM-86187 #Esp Gauge Max 800A1368 0400 #Key / Documents system all items 50003102 0000 800A0CA4 0101 #99 food items all 50001202 0000 800A0C80 6363 #Food Item All 99 (Set 1/2) 800A0C80 6363 800A0C82 6363 800A0C84 6363 800A0C86 6363 800A0C88 6363 800A0C8A 6363 800A0C8C 6363 800A0C8E 6363 800A0C90 6363 800A0C92 6363 800A0C94 6363 800A0C96 6363 800A0C98 6363 #Food Item All 99 (Set 2/2) 800A0C9A 6363 800A0C9C 6363 800A0C9E 6363 800A0CA0 6363 800A0CA2 6363 #Key / Documents System Item All (Set 1/4) 800A0CA4 0101 800A0CA6 0101 800A0CA8 0101 800A0CAA 0101 800A0CAC 0101 800A0CAE 0101 800A0CB0 0101 800A0CB2 0101 800A0CB4 0101 800A0CB6 0101 800A0CB8 0101 800A0CBA 0101 800A0CBC 0101 #Key / Documents System Item All (Set 2/4) 800A0CBE 0101 800A0CC0 0101 800A0CC2 0101 800A0CC4 0101 800A0CC6 0101 800A0CC8 0101 800A0CCA 0101 800A0CCC 0101 800A0CCE 0101 800A0CD0 0101 800A0CD2 0101 800A0CD4 0101 800A0CD6 0101 #Key / Documents System Item All (Set 3/4) 800A0CD8 0101 800A0CDA 0101 800A0CDC 0101 800A0CDE 0101 800A0CE0 0101 800A0CE2 0101 800A0CE4 0101 800A0CE6 0101 800A0CE8 0101 800A0CEA 0101 800A0CEC 0101 800A0CEE 0101 800A0CF0 0101 #Key / Documents System Item All (Set 4/4) 800A0CF2 0101 800A0CF4 0101 800A0CF6 0101 800A0CF8 0101 800A0CFA 0101 800A0CFC 0101 800A0CFE 0101 800A0D00 0101 800A0D02 0101 800A0D04 0101 #Food Item It Doesn't Decrease D0042EE8 00FF 80042EE8 0000 #Esp It Doesn't Decrease D0017706 0043 80017706 0040 D0017656 00A2 80017656 00A0 D0020E3E 0044 80020E3E 0040 #Supplement\New Japanese Plan 800A12A0 5690 800A12A2 FA93 800A12A4 7B96 800A12A6 E98A 800A12A8 E689 #Supplement\Asamiya 800A12B0 8396 800A12B2 7B8B #Supplement\Mr. Queen 8009FF70 978F 8009FF72 A489 8009FF74 6C97 ; [ Advanced V.G. (Jpn) (1996) (TGL) {SLPS-00208} ] :SLPS-00208 #P1 Infinite Live In Adventure 800CB44E 00FF 800CB450 00FF 800CB452 00FF #P1 Infinite Life 80022704 0000 #Infinite Time 800140A4 0000 #P1 Select Character\K-1 801AD948 000A #P1 Select Character\K-2 801AD948 000B ; [ Advanced V.G. 2 (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2003) (TGL) {SLPM-87226 (SuperLite 1500 Series)} ] ;:SLPM-87226 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Azito (Jpn) (1997) (Astec21) {SLPS-00683} ] :SLPS-00683 #Infinite Money 800D2618 FFFF 800D261A 0FFF ; [ Azito 3 (Jpn) (2000) (Banpresto) {SLPS-02496} ] :SLPS-02496 #Largest Money 800860E4 C9FF 800860E6 3B9A #No development time D01429BA 0441 801429BA 0440 #Justice All Dr. employment 50001924 0000 3014A9FC 0002 #Justice All workers employment 50000F24 0000 3014AD80 0002 #Justice All operator Ph.D. workers employment 50002B24 0000 3014A9D8 0002 #Justice All Hero already developed 50004624 0000 3014CA10 0006 #Justice All huge hero already developed 50000824 0000 3014D430 0006 #Justice All robot already developed 50000A24 0000 3014D550 0006 #Justice All combat vehicle development already 50000524 0000 3014D6B8 0006 #Justice All fighter already developed 50000524 0000 3014D76C 0006 #Justice All battleship already developed 50000324 0000 3014D820 0006 #Justice All weapons already developed 50006724 0000 3014CA10 0006 #Justice All products and food already developed 50000C28 0000 30150090 0006 #Justice All ammunition already developed 50000428 0000 30150748 0006 #Evil All Dr. employment 50001924 0000 3014B0BC 0002 #Evil All workers employment 50000F24 0000 3014B440 0002 #Evil All operator Ph.D. workers employment 50002B24 0000 3014B098 0002 #Evil All Phantom already developed 50004E24 0000 3014D988 0006 #Evil All monster already developed 50000824 0000 3014E4C8 0006 #Evil All robot already developed 50000A24 0000 3014E5E8 0006 #Evil All combat vehicle development already 50000524 0000 3014E750 0006 #Evil All fighter already developed 50000524 0000 3014E804 0006 #Evil All battleship already developed 50000324 0000 3014E8B8 0006 #Evil All weapons already developed 50006F24 0000 3014D988 0006 #Evil All products and food already developed 50000C28 0000 301509F0 0006 #Evil All ammunition already developed 50000428 0000 301510A8 0006 ; [ Azumanga Donjara Daiou (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03424} ] :SLPS-03424 #Player has 999 points 800B192E 03E7 #Opponent has 0 points 800B1982 0000 #Clear flag ON ED graphics, available character Voice system is filled AND OPEN 301C036D 00FF 301C036E 00FF #A debug mode 80051492 1040 #Filled Photographics Character that was referenced in the album only remain in the save data. 8005A4F4 0003 8005A4F6 2402 8005A4F8 0050 8005A4FA A482 #I Agareru in the Great It becomes Chiyo all Pressing L2 + R2 at the time of your turn D0072B94 0003 8007D90A A200 D0072B94 000C 8007D90A A202 #A debug mode 80051492 1040 ; [ BackGuiner - Yomigaeru Yuusha-tachi - Hishou-hen 'Uragiri no Senjou' (Jpn) (1998) (Ving) {SLPS-01446~SLPS-01448} ] :SLPS-01446 :SLPS-01447 :SLPS-01448 #Infinite HP First character 800950CE 024E #Infinite HP Second character 800950FA 01FE #Infinite HP Third character 80095126 0212 #Infinite HP Fourth character 8009517E 023A #Infinite HP Fifth character 800951AA 01E0 #Infinite HP Sixth character 800951D6 01F4 #Infinite HP Seventh character 80095202 01E0 #Infinite HP Eighth character 8009522E 0226 #Main Character Max Exp 800950D4 0063 #Main Character Max Weapon 800CED5C 03E7 800CED60 1001 #2nd Character Max Exp 80095100 0063 #2ND Character Max Weapon 800CED9C 03E7 800CEDA0 1001 #3rd Character Max Exp 80095158 0063 #3RD Character Max Weapon 800CEDDC 03E7 800CEDE0 1001 #4th Character Max Exp 80095184 0063 #4Rd Character Max Weapon 800CED7C 03E7 800CED80 1001 #5th Character Max Exp 800951B0 0063 #5TH Character Max Weapon 800CEDBC 03E7 800CEDC0 1001 #6th Character Max Exp 80095208 0063 #6TH Character Max Weapon 800CEDFC 03E7 800CEE00 1001 #7th Character Max Exp 800951DC 0063 #7TH Character Max Weapon 800CF21C 03E7 800CF220 1001 #8th Character Max Exp 80095234 0063 #8TH Character Max Weapon 800CF23C 03E7 800CF240 1001 #9th Character Max Exp 8009512C 0063 #9TH Character Max Weapon 800CF1FC 03E7 800CF200 1001 ; [ Bakuretsu Hunter - Mahjong Special (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00541} ] :SLPS-00541 #999900 Money 80169C88 270F ; [ Uchuu Goushou-den - Bakuretsu Akindo (Jpn) (1996) (Astec21) {SLPS-00236} ] :SLPS-00236 #P1 Infinite Money 800FF59C 869F 800FF59E 0001 ; [ Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (Jpn) (1999) (SNK) {SLPM-86118} ] :SLPM-86118 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 1 8007D32C 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 2 80079BDC 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 3 80079A04 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 4 8007BEE4 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 5 8007B784 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 8 8007D154 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 9 80079DB4 0100 #P1 Infinite HP Stage 10 8007C294 0100 #Hidden characters added bonus fully open 80071906 FFFF 80075B96 00FF #Defeat the enemy with a single blow 8002C7F0 0001 ; [ Bakuryu (Jpn) (2000) (Fujimic) {SLPS-02429} ] :SLPS-02429 #Time 00.00.000 / 1st Place 80067E0C 0000 80067E0E 0000 #character PEROKUN 800102A0 3F04 800102A2 BE7C ; [ Barbapapa (Jpn) (2001) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03301} ] :SLPS-03301 #Infinite Hearts apple minigame (yellow charcter) 8019AF74 0003 ; [ Bardysh (Jpn) (1999) (Imadio) {SLPS-02187} ] :SLPS-02187 #Gold 99999 8010ED04 869F 8010ED06 0001 #99999 Enemy Killed 8010ED08 869F 8010ED0A 0001 #Hp 9999 8010EE50 270F 8010EE54 270F #Sp 999 8010EE58 03E7 8010EE5C 03E7 #Stats 999 8010EE60 03E7 8010EE62 03E7 8010EE64 03E7 8010EE66 03E7 8010EE68 03E7 8010EE6E 39FF #Level 99 8010ED00 0063 #Invincibility 3010EE81 00FF #Monster Encyclopedia 301111FF 00FF ; [ Baroque Syndrome (Jpn) (2000) (Sting) {SLPM-86540} ] ;:SLPM-86540 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Baroque - Yuganda Mousou (Jpn) (1999) (Sting) {SLPM-86341} ] :SLPM-86341 #Infinite + Max HP 800BFE80 03E7 800BFE82 03E7 #Infinite + Max VT 800BFE84 03E7 800BFE86 03E7 #Level 99 300BFE74 0063 #Empirical value 800BFE78 967F 300BFE7A 0098 #ATK 99 300BFE88 0063 300BFE8A 0063 #DEF 99 300BFE8E 0063 300BFE90 0063 #I will determine the props unknown automatically 5000142C 0000 300BEFA5 0080 #No. 1 item 800BFEA8 0201 800BFEAA 0063 800BFEA4 8001 #Second item 800BFED4 0801 800BFED0 8000 #Invincibility 300C0600 00FF #Scene list 8010BEE8 FFFF 3010BEEA 00FF 3010BEFE 00FF #Movie List All 8010BF08 FFFF #Item list All 3010C7FF 00FF ; [ Fishing Freaks - BassRise (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-01931} ] :SLPS-01931 #All Lure 50002102 0000 8007666C FFFF #All Stages 80076794 FFFF #Fish Length 999.9 cm Can be Caught D0073F2C 0080 8009A81A 270F D0073F2C 0180 8009A81A 0000 #Fish Weight 9999 g Can be Caught D0073F2C 0080 8009A81C 270F #No Tension on Line Mode D0073F2C 0080 800773B8 0000 ; [ Battle Master (Jpn, Major Wave Series) (2000) (Hamster) {SLPM-86519} ] ;:SLPM-86519 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Battle "Sugoroku" - The Hunter - A.R.0062 (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (1999) (Success) {SLPM-86400} ] ;:SLPM-86400 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bealphareth (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-10138} ] :SCPS-10138 #Infinite HP Main Character 800C3BF2 270F #Infinite HP Main Character (Girl) 800C3D36 270F #Infinite HP Third Character 800C3E7A 270F #Infinite HP Fourth Character (Archer) 800C3FBE 270F #Infinite HP Fiith Character (Mage Girlr) 800C4102 270F #Gold 999999 80177E4C 967F 80177E4E 0098 #Mp Infinite D00444C6 0083 800444C6 0080 #??? Hpmax 80177E2C 03E7 #??? Mpmax 80177E2E 03E7 #???? Hpmax 80177E54 03E7 #???? Mpmax 80177E56 03E7 #???? Hpmax 80177E7C 03E7 #???? Mpmax 80177E7E 03E7 #??? Hpmax 80177EA4 03E7 #??? Mpmax 80177EA6 03E7 #?????? Hpmax 80177ECC 03E7 #?????? Mpmax 80177ECE 03E7 #??? Hpmax 80177EF4 03E7 #??? Mpmax 80177EF6 03E7 #???? Hpmax 80177F6C 03E7 #???? Mpmax 80177F6E 03E7 ; [ Beat Planet Music (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-18013} ] :SCPS-18013 #Have 0 Lost Packet 800F883C 0000 ; [ MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity (Jpn) (1998) (B-Factory) {SLPS-01219} ] ;:SLPS-01219 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Susume! Kaizoku - Be Pirates! (Jpn) (1998) (Artdink) {SLPS-01737} ] :SLPS-01737 #Hero Max Physical fitness 80113E04 03E7 80113E06 03E7 #Hero Max Attack 80113E08 03E7 80113E0A 03E7 #Hero Max Courage 80113E0C 03E7 80113E0E 03E7 #Hero Max Velocity 80113E10 03E7 80113E12 03E7 #Hero Max Hit rate 80113E14 03E7 80113E16 03E7 #Infinite Durability of the ship in artillery duel D0058584 0034 80058586 1400 #Infinite Damage 8019C6BC 010E #Infinite Damage second ship 8019C6BC 0078 ; [ Soukou Kihei Votoms Gaiden - Ao no Kishi Berserga Monogatari (Jpn) (1997) (Takara) {SLPS-00982} ] :SLPS-00982 #P1 Infinite HP 80191264 01C2 #P2 Infinite Energy 80191266 03E7 #Money MAX 801CCCC4 270F #Infinite Turbo available 801E5FD0 0009 ; [ Bass Fisherman - Texas (Jpn) (1998) (Sammy) {SLPS-01304} ] ;:SLPS-01304 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bishi Bashi Special (Jpn, Konami the Best) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86825 (VX096-J2)} ] ;:SLPM-86825 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bishi Bashi Special 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86267 (VX149-J1)} ] :SLPM-86267 #P1 Infinite Lives 80065300 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 80065524 0003 ; [ Bishi Bashi Special 3 - Step Champ (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86539 (VX182-J1)} ] :SLPM-86539 #P1 Infinite Lives 8005926A 0003 ; [ Break Volley (Jpn) (1999) (Aqua Rouge) {SLPS-02375} ] :SLPS-02375 #P1 Score 15 8019CFF0 000F #TP (training points) 999 801F02D8 03E7 ; [ Black Jack vs. Matsuda Jun (Jpn) (2000) (Pony Canyon) {SLPS-01983} ] :SLPS-01983 #Infinite 99999 Money 801D3974 869F 801D3976 0001 #Have 9999 Money In Black Jack Game 801C7ED8 270F #Max Jackpot 801C3F88 967F 801C3F8A 0098 ; [ Black Matrix Zero OO (Jpn, Shokai Genteiban) (2004) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-03571~SLPS-03572} ] :SLPS-03571 :SLPS-03572 #Infinite HP Cain (main character) Stage 1 8006FC50 03E7 8006FC46 03E7 #Infinite PP Cain (main character) Stage 1 8006FC52 03E7 8006FC48 03E7 #Infinite HP character 2 Stage 1 8006FCCC 03E7 8006FCC2 03E7 #Infinite PP character 2 Stage 1 8006FCCE 03E7 8006FCC4 03E7 #Infinite HP Main Character Stage 2 8006F490 03E7 8006F486 03E7 #Infinite PP Main Character Stage 2 8006F488 03E7 8006F492 03E7 #Money 999999 801C05D4 869F 801C05D6 0001 #Item 99 50000B02 0000 8006F3B0 6363 50001302 0000 8006F448 6363 50001B02 0000 8006F2A8 6363 #Infinite Action possible C016F578 005B 8016F560 001A 8016F562 849A 8016F570 F090 8016F572 375A 8016F574 001A 8016F576 A49A 00000000 FFFF #Save possible before the battle menu, even save command no lit D01588F0 0048 8015892A 1000 #Circus mini-games 99 pieces game, at one time success distribute leaflets C016F1FC 0FB4 8016F204 0063 8016F206 2402 00000000 FFFF #Circus mini-games 50 times achieved game, once success throwing knife C0172C0C 0B86 80172C04 0032 80172C06 2402 00000000 FFFF #Circus mini-games Success juggler game, on the command button ? roll C01751EC 0056 80175226 A600 8017522E 2404 00000000 FFFF #Circus mini-games Tightrope game, not collapse balance D01785F8 0063 80178A56 A600 #Circus mini-games 99 performance tightrope game, once success D01785F8 0063 80178600 0063 #Circus mini-games Lion game, Invincibility D017CA20 0028 8017CA22 1000 #Circus mini-games Spotlight game, once 40 points C01801A8 053A 80180198 0028 8018019A 2403 00000000 FFFF #Circus mini-games Trapeze game, once 40 points C018297C 053A 80182978 0028 8018297A 2402 00000000 FFFF ; [ Black Matrix Cross (Jpn) (2000) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-02962~SLPS-02963 (NIPS-4011)} ] :SLPS-02962 :SLPS-02963 #Infinite HP Char 1 800B3F64 03E7 #Infinite HP Char 2 800B3FB4 03E7 #Infinite HP Char 3 800B4054 03E7 #Infinite HP Char 4 800B4004 03E7 #Infinite HP Char 5 800B40A4 03E7 #Infinite HP Char 6 800B40F4 03E7 #Money 999999 8008774C 869F 8008774E 0001 #BP/Blood 9999999 80087748 869F 8008774A 0001 #T 999 801307C2 03E7 #Turn 1 801307C0 0001 #Exp 999999 80087750 869F 80087752 0001 #P1 HP / BP 999 800B3F64 03E7 800B3F66 03E7 800B3F68 03E7 800B3F6A 03E7 800B3F6C 03E7 800B3F6E 03E7 #P1 STR / INT / VIT / DEX 999 800B3F70 03E7 800B3F72 03E7 800B3F76 03E7 800B3F78 03E7 800B3F7C 03E7 800B3F7E 03E7 800B3F82 03E7 800B3F84 03E7 #P2 HP / BP 999 800B3FB4 03E7 800B3FB6 03E7 800B3FB8 03E7 800B3FBA 03E7 800B3FBC 03E7 800B3FBE 03E7 #P3 HP / BP 999 800B4004 03E7 800B4006 03E7 800B4008 03E7 800B400A 03E7 800B400C 03E7 800B400E 03E7 #P4 HP / BP 999 800B4054 03E7 800B4056 03E7 800B4058 03E7 800B405A 03E7 800B405C 03E7 800B405E 03E7 ; [ Blade Arts - Tasogare no Miyako R'lyeh (Jpn) (2000) (Enix) {SLPM-86602} ] :SLPM-86602 #Infinite Energy 300D3F94 00C8 #Infinite Sphere nerves (99999) 8015DA44 869F 8015DA46 0001 ; [ BladeMaker (Jpn) (1999) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-01795} ] :SLPS-01795 #Infinite Money 80093790 FFFF #Infinite HP in battle 800B9818 0040 #Use One Day To Produce Item 300CC846 0000 #Infinite Resources For Produce Item 300CC854 0000 300CC856 0000 300CC858 0000 300CC85A 0000 ; [ Blam! -MachineHead (Jpn) (1997) (Virgin Interactive) {SLPS-00798} ] :SLPS-00798 #Infinite Energy 800BAAD4 00FF #Infinite Weapons Invincibility all becomes available. 800BAE66 0101 #Stage Select In the title screen, press R1 800BAE6C 0101 #All Weapons 800BD5E8 00FA 800BD5F0 000A 800BD5EC 0014 800BD5F8 0001 800BD5F4 0001 800BD5FC 0001 800BD600 0001 ; [ Blend x Brand - Odekake Gousei RPG (Jpn) (2000) (Tonkin House) {SLPS-02818} ] ;:SLPS-02818 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Block Kuzushi - Kowashite Help! (Jpn) (2000) (Media Gallop) {SLPS-03042} ] :SLPS-03042 #P2 Infinite Continues 80060BD8 0009 #P1 Infinite Continues 80060B4C 0009 #Infinite Time 80060A84 176F ; [ Block Kuzushi 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Marvelous Entertaiment) {SLPS-02578} ] :SLPS-02578 #Infinite Balls 801CE73C 0004 ; [ Blood Factory (Jpn) (1996) (Interplay) {SLPS-00235} ] :SLPS-00235 #P1 Infinite Ammo D00D15E8 FFFF 800D15EE 03E7 #P2 Infinite Ammo D00D1670 FFFF 800D1676 03E7 #P1 Infinite Bombs D00D15E8 FFFF 800D15F0 0005 #P2 Infinite Bombs D00D1670 FFFF 800D1678 0005 #P1 Max Weapon D00D15E8 FFFF 800D15EC 7FFF #P2 Max Weapon D00D1670 FFFF 800D1674 7FFF #All Keys D0108B3A 0000 80108B38 000F #Invincibility When the icon appears, press the SELECT button D0050E6E FFFE 300D1607 00FF ; [ b.l.u.e. - Legend of Water (Jpn) (1998) (Hudson) {SLPS-01459} ] :SLPS-01459 #Save Everywhere D00BBC02 FFFF 800BBC48 0100 D00CEE72 FFFF 800CEEB8 0100 D00D8006 FFFF 800D804C 0100 D00D27D6 FFFF 800D281C 0100 D00D5F32 FFFF 800D5F78 0100 D00D8006 FFFF 800D804C 0100 D00CA4A6 FFFF 800CA4EC 0100 D00D25BA FFFF 800D2600 0100 #Extra Bonus In Maia Note D00809F2 FFFF 800809F2 0000 #All Puzzles 80010266 0400 #All Movies 80010238 FFFF 8001023A FFFF 8001023C FFFF 8001023E FFFF 80010240 FFFF 80010242 FFFF 80010244 FFFF 80010246 FFFF 80010248 FFFF 3001024A 00FF #Intro Chapter\Infinite Air And HP D00BBC02 FFFF 800BBC08 4660 D00BBC48 0000 800BBC48 0100 #Chapter 1\Infinite Air And HP D00CEE72 FFFF 800CEE78 4660 D00CEEB8 0000 800CEEB8 0100 #Chapter 2 (Part 1)\Infinite Air And HP D00D8006 FFFF 800D800C 4660 D00D804C 0000 800C804C 0100 #Chapter 2 (Part 2)\Infinite Air And HP D00D27D6 FFFF 800D27DC 4660 D00D281C 0000 800C281C 0100 #Chapter 3\Infinite Air And HP And Gun D00D5F32 FFFF 800D5F38 5DBD D00D5F78 0000 800D5F78 0100 #Chapter 4\Infinite Air And HP And Gun C00D8006 FFFF 800D800C 5DBD 800101CC 176F 00000000 FFFF D00D804C 0000 800C804C 0100 #Chapter 5\Infinite Air And HP And Gun D00CA4A6 FFFF 800CA4AC 5DBD D00CA4EC 0000 800CA4EC 0100 #Last Chapter-Shrine\Infinite Air And HP And Gun D00D25BA FFFF 800D25C0 5DBD D00D2600 0000 800D2600 0100 ; [ Blue Breaker Burst - Egao no Asuni (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01580} ] :SLPS-01580 #P1 Infinite Health 800ECE54 00A0 #Secret Characters Modifier - Original Mode Inar 800D16A6 000C #Secret Characters Modifier - Original Mode Sasurai 800D16A6 000D #Secret Characters Modifier - Original Mode Mamano 800D16A6 000E #Secret Characters Modifier - Original Mode Seiken 800D16A6 000F #Secret Characters Modifier - Original Mode Chimena 800D16A6 0010 #Secret Characters Modifier -Story Mode Wise 800D16A6 0005 #Secret Characters Modifier -Story Mode Lamille 800D16A6 0005 #Secret Characters Modifier -Story Mode Rekka 800D16A6 0007 ; [ The Blue Marlin (Jpn) (2000) (Starfish) {SLPS-02752} ] ;:SLPS-02752 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - Append 3rd Mix Mini (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86156 (KICA7921)} ] ;:SLPM-86156 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - Append 5th Mix - Time to Get Down (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86322 (VX179-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86322 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania Append 6th Mix + Core Remix (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87012 (VX255-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-87012 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - Best Hits (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86596 (VX195-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86596 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - Append Club Mix (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86692 (VX225-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86692 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - featuring Dreams Come True (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86597 (VX198-J1)} ] :SLPM-86597 #P1 Max Groove Gauge 8009F9DC 15F0 #P2 Max Groove Gauge 8009F9DE 15F0 #Unlock All Songs + Modes 50000302 0000 80094044 0000 ; [ Beatmania Append Gottamix 2 - Going Global (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86574 (VX197-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86574 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Beatmania - The Sound of Tokyo! - Produced by Konishi Yasuharu (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86769 (VX238-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86769 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Blaze & Blade - Busters (Jpn) (1998) (T&E Soft) {SLPS-01576} ] :SLPS-01576 #Infinite Money 800F426C 423F 800F426E 000F #Infinite Bonus 80054772 0001 #First Character Infinite HP 800F4148 270F 800F414C 270F #1ST Character Infinite Magic 800F414A 270F 800F414E 270F #1ST Character Max Level 800F4144 0063 #1ST Character Max Exp 800F4158 03E7 #Second Character Infinite HP 800F6148 270F 800F614C 270F #2ND Character Infinite Magic 800F614A 270F 800F614E 270F #2ND Character Max Level 800F6144 0063 #2ND Character Max Exp 800F6158 03E7 #Third Character Infinite HP 800F8148 270F 800F814C 270F #3RD Character Infinite Magic 800F814A 270F 800F814E 270F #3RD Character Max Level 800F8144 0063 #3RD Character Max Exp 800F8158 03E7 #Fourth Character Infinite HP 800FA148 270F 800FA14C 270F #4Rd Character Infinite Magic 800FA14A 270F 800FA14E 270F #4Rd Character Max Level 800FA144 0063 #4Rd Character Max Exp 800FA158 03E7 #Fifth Character Infinite HP 800FC148 270F 800FC14C 270F #5TH Character Infinite Magic 800FC14A 270F 800FC14E 270F #5TH Character Max Level 800FC144 0063 #5TH Character Max Exp 800FC158 03E7 ; [ Blaze & Blade - Eternal Quest (Jpn) (1998) (T&E Soft) {SLPS-01209} ] :SLPS-01209 #P1 Exp 255 80053F3A 00FF 800F0158 00FF #P1 Infinite HP 800F0148 03E7 800F014C 03E7 #P1 Infinite MP 800F014A 03E7 800F014E 03E7 #P1 Level 99 800F0144 FFFF #Money $99999 800F026C 896F 800F026E 0001 #Infinite Bonus 80054772 0001 #Bonus mAX 30053F3A 00FF ; [ Breath of Fire III (Jpn) (1997) (Capcom) {SLPS-00990} ] :SLPS-00990 #Fast Level Up 80146328 FFFF #Infinite Money 80144F4C FFFF 80144F4E 000F #No Enemy In Battle Field 80143F22 0000 #Infinite HP in battle 1 person 80145F14 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 2 person 80146054 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 3 person 80146194 03E7 #Infinite AP in battle 1 person 80145F16 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 2 person 80146056 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 3 person 80146196 03E7 #All Gene Available 80145544 FFFF 80145546 FFFF #Hero Max Status 8014496C FFFF 80144978 03E7 8014497A 03E7 50000602 0000 80144980 03E7 #Momo Max Status 80144CAC 03E7 80144CAE 03E7 50000602 0000 80144CB4 03E7 #Lei Max Status 80144C08 03E7 80144C0A 03E7 50000602 0000 80144C10 03E7 #Nina Max Status 80144A1C 03E7 80144A1E 03E7 50000602 0000 80144A24 03E7 #Deepo Max Status 80144B64 03E7 80144B66 03E7 50000602 0000 80144B6C 03E7 #Picolos Max Status 80144D50 03E7 80144D52 03E7 50000602 0000 80144D58 03E7 #Kaland Max Status 80144AC0 03E7 80144AC2 03E7 50000602 0000 80144AC8 03E7 #Bright Max Status 80144DFC 03E7 50000402 0000 80144E00 03E7 #All Fish Available 50000C02 0000 80144FE0 FFFF #Infinite Skill Ink 3014529F 0063 #Not Abnormal state 30144970 0000 ; [ Boku no Choro-Q (Jpn) (2002) (Takara) {SLPM-87024} ] ;:SLPM-87024 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan (Jpn) (1999) (Syscom) {SLPS-02514} ] :SLPS-02514 #Have 30000 points 8009B79C 7530 ; [ Bonogurashi (Jpn) (1996) (Amuse) {SLPS-00333} ] ;:SLPS-00333 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Boundary Gate - Daughter of Kingdom (Jpn) (1997) (Pack-In-Soft) {SLPS-00907} ] :SLPS-00907 #Infinite Money (99999) 80126B84 869F 80126B86 0001 #Infinite HP 80126C16 0063 ; [ Brave Prove (Jpn) (1998) (Data West) {SLPS-01316} ] :SLPS-01316 #Infinite Money 80099218 869F 8009921A 0001 #Exp 8009921C FFFF 8009921E 00FF #Have 4 spirits 800903B4 0007 #Main Character\Infinite HP 8009920A 03E7 8009920C 03E7 #Main Character\Infinite MP 80099210 03E7 80099212 03E7 #Main Character\Level = 99 80099214 0063 #Main Character\Exp 8009921C FFFF #Main Character\Max Attack 80099220 03E7 80099224 03E7 #Main Character\Max Defence 80099222 03E7 80099226 03E7 #Main Character\Infinite Items D005636C 1A99 8005636C 0000 D005636E A022 8005636E 0000 #Main Character\Infinite HP 80091A80 03E8 #Pg Main Character\Infinite 80099212 03E7 #Invincibility 300919AB 0080 30091AA2 0000 ; [ Shin Sedai Robot Senki - Brave Saga (Jpn) (1998) (Takara) {SLPS-01756} ] :SLPS-01756 #Infinite + Max HP main character 80199EF0 03E7 80199EF2 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP 2nd character 8019A440 03E7 8019A442 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP 3rd character 8019A3F0 03E7 8019A3F2 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP 4th character 80199F40 03E7 80199F42 03E7 #CP 65535 80037F8E FFFF #All Max Exp 800335A8 FFFF 800335E0 FFFF 80033618 FFFF 80033650 FFFF 80033688 FFFF 800336C0 FFFF 80033768 FFFF 800337D8 FFFF 80033B20 FFFF 80033B58 FFFF 80033C38 FFFF 80033C70 FFFF 80033CA8 FFFF 80033FB0 FFFF 80034098 FFFF #Mortal blow D00565A6 FEFE 8004B88A 0100 D00565A6 FDFE 8004B88A 0000 D00565A6 FCFE 8004B88A 0109 D00565A6 FEFE 8004B9B2 0100 D00565A6 FDFE 8004B9B2 0000 D00565A6 FCFE 8004B9B2 0109 #All Items 80037FC0 6363 80037FC2 6363 80037FC4 6363 80037FC6 6363 80037FC8 6363 80037FCA 6363 80037FCC 6363 80037FCE 6363 80037FD0 6363 80037FD2 6363 80037FD4 6363 80037FD6 6363 80037FD8 6363 80037FDA 6363 80037FDC 6363 80037FDE 6363 #Unit list 80197BB4 FFFF 80197BB6 FFFF 80197BB8 FFFF 80197BBA FFFF 80197BBC FFFF 80197BC0 FFFF 80197BC2 FFFF 80197BC4 FFFF 80197BC6 FFFF #Movie 80197BF4 FFFF 80197BF6 FFFF 80197BF8 FFFF 80197BFA FFFF 80197BFC FFFF ; [ Brave Saga 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Takara) {SLPS-02580~SLPS-02581} ] :SLPS-02580 :SLPS-02581 #Infinite + Max HP Main character:Deactivate after defeat enemy 801D40F4 03E7 801D40F6 03E7 #Infinite + Max EP Main character:Deactivate after defeat enemy 801D40FA 03E7 #Clear the stage after defeating 1 enemy only D001D34E 0521 8001D34E 1400 #Holding CP 65535 80019C16 FFFF #Mortal blow / Invincibility .Press Selct+R1 D007C152 FEFE 8003C776 0100 D007C152 FDFE 8003C776 0000 D007C152 FFFE 8003C776 0109 #Library fully open 50003102 0000 801F7C44 FFFF ; [ Brave Sword (Jpn) (2000) (Sammy) {SLPS-02889} ] :SLPS-02889 #Have 9999999 gold 800D8014 967F 800D8016 0098 #Infinite HP in battle main character 800EC064 03E7 800EC068 03E7 #Infinite SP in battle main character 800EC075 03E7 800EC079 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 2nd character - Mary 800EC810 03E7 800EC814 03E7 #Infinite HP in battle 3rd character - Los 800ECFBC 03E7 800ECFC0 03E7 ; [ Burning Road (Jpn) (1997) (Vic Tokai) {SLPS-00518} ] :SLPS-00518 #Max Speed 800CF402 05BC #Infinite Time 8005BF98 0032 #Infinite Time 80052EF8 0063 #Always Finish 1st 80052E3C 0001 80052E40 0001 800C734A 0001 #Zero Lap Time 800530BC 0000 #Go to last lap 800CF416 0004 #LAST LAP Press SELECT D005C006 FFFE 800CF416 0004 ; [ Buckle Up! (Jpn) (1998) (Shangri-La) {SLPS-01105} ] ;:SLPS-01105 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Bugi (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86133 (VX084-J1)} ] :SLPM-86133 #P1 Infinite Life 800D0B24 00C8 #P2 Infinite Life 800D1EC0 00C8 #P1 1-Hit Death 800D0B24 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death 800D1EC0 0000 ; [ Burn Out (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2000) (Success) {SLPM-86598} ] ;:SLPM-86598 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Buttsubushi (Jpn) (2001) (Selen) {SLPS-03162 (SLSA-0001)} ] ;:SLPS-03162 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ C1 Circuit (Jpn) (1996) (Invex) {SLPS-00279} ] :SLPS-00279 #Have 9999 points 8003653C 270F #Speed Max 300 Km/h 800D19FA 001F 800D19EE 001F #Timer Freezes At Zero 8006CC48 0000 8006CC4C 0000 ; [ Calcolo! - Ochimo no Shooting (Jpn) (1997) (Clef Inventor) {SLPS-01071} ] ;:SLPS-01071 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Captain Commando (Jpn) (1998) (Capcom) {SLPS-01567} ] :SLPS-01567 #P1 Infinite Health 80197D44 0048 #P2 Infinite Health 80197E2C 0048 #P1 Infinite Lives 801980CC 000A #P2 Infinite Lives 80198104 000A #Infinite Time 8019DD6A 0100 #Select Stage 2 80011800 0002 #Select Stage 3 80011800 0003 #Select Stage 4 80011800 0004 #Select Stage 5 80011800 0005 #Select Stage 6 80011800 0006 #Select Stage 7 80011800 0007 #Final Stage 8 80011800 0008 #P1 Hold L1 to Run E019EA38 0004 80197DC2 0C00 #P2 Hold L1 to Run E019EA3A 0004 80197EAA 0C00 #P1 Infinite Weapon Use 30197DCD 0004 #P2 Infinite Weapon Use 30197EB5 0004 #Unlock Extras Unlocks 4-player mode + stage select. 800112D4 0004 D01A1BEC 0002 801A1BEE 0001 ; [ Carnage Heart EZ - Easy Zapping (Jpn) (1997) (Artdink) {SLPS-00919} ] :SLPS-00919 #Infinite Money 800CC708 967F 800CC70A 0098 ; [ Carom Shot 2 (Jpn) (1998) (Argent) {SLPS-01486} ] :SLPS-01486 #No change player turn in story mode 800D527C 0000 #Does not increase speed mode time 800D52C0 0000 800D52C2 0000 #Pocket Game All Characters Unlocked 800B13F0 000A 800B13F4 0009 800B1400 0009 #Pocket Game Hidden table Unlock 800B1358 0007 800B135C 0006 800B1368 0006 ; [ Carton-kun (Jpn) (2000) (Irem) {SLPS-02935} ] ;:SLPS-02935 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Crazy Climber 2000 (Jpn) (2000) (Nihon Bussan) {SLPS-02582} ] :SLPS-02582 #Infinite Lives 80075648 0003 #Infinite Credits 80078158 0009 #Max Score 8007813C FFFF #Infinite Fall 8007815C 0009 #Stage 1 80078134 0000 #Stage 2 80078134 0001 #Stage 3 80078134 0002 #Stage 4 80078134 0003 #Original Mode\Max Score 8004B700 FFFF #Original Mode\Infinite Lives 8004B720 0005 ; [ Arcade Hits - Crazy Climber (Jpn, Major Wave Series) (2002) (Hamster) {SLPM-87067} ] :SLPM-87067 #Crazy Climber\Infinite Lives 800458B0 0005 #Crazy Climber '85\Infinite Lives 80048730 0005 ; [ Chaos Control (Jpn) (1996) (Virgin Interactive) {SLPS-00168} ] :SLPS-00168 #Infinite Energy 80043190 00FF 800ADB38 00FF 800ADB48 00FF ; [ Chou Aniki - Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (Jpn) (1995) (NCS) {SLPS-00183} ] :SLPS-00183 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D6A98 0004 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D6A9A 0004 #P1 Invincibility 800D2B34 000E #P2 Invincibility 800D2B98 000E #P1 special attacks all 300D6E08 002D 300D6E0A 001A 300D6E0C 001A #P2 special attacks all 300D6E0E 002D 300D6E10 001A 300D6E12 001A ; [ Chocolate Kiss (Jpn) (2002) (DigiCube) {SLPS-03400} ] ;:SLPS-03400 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Choro-Q (Jpn) (1996) (Takara) {SLPS-00242} ] :SLPS-00242 #Infinite Money 801E9EC0 FFFF ; [ Choro-Q Wonderful! (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-02205} ] :SLPS-02205 #Speed Turbo = 300Km 801E3E24 4580 #Speed Turbo = 300Km (Presss L1+R1+X) D01E4EEA B3FF 801E3E24 4580 #Super Dise Brake (Press Square) D01E4EEA 7FFF 801E3E24 0000 #All Parts 301F7DB8 00FF 801F7DBC 03FF 301F7DC0 000F 301F7DC4 000F 301F7DC8 003F 301F7DCC 001F #All Items 801F7DD0 0FFF #All Stamps 801F7CBC FFFF 801F7CBE FFFF 801F7CC0 FFFF 801F7CC2 FFFF 801F7CC4 FFFF 801F7CC6 FFFF 301F7CC8 000F #All Memos 801F7F48 FFFF 801F7F4A FFFF #Max Km. 801F7DD8 E0FF 801F7DDA 05F5 ; [ Kuroi Hitomi no Noir - Cielgris Fantasm (Jpn) (1999) (Gust) {SLPS-01450} ] :SLPS-01450 #Infinite + Max HP Noire 8012B4C2 03E7 8012B4C6 03E7 #Infinite + Max MP Noire 8012B4C4 03E7 8012B4C8 03E7 #LV 99 Noire 3012B4AF 0063 #Infinite HP warrior 8012B4EE 0080 #Infinite MP warrior 8012B4F0 0053 #Max silver 8012A664 423F 8012A666 000F #Max victory points 8012A844 7FFF #All Magic available 8012B864 FFFF 8012B866 FFFF 8012B868 FFFF 8012B86A FFFF #Genie Advent 3012B4AE 8D00 8012B4B0 7D83 8012B4B2 5683 8012B4B4 9383 3012B4AF 00FF 8012B4C2 03E7 8012B4C4 03E7 8012B4C6 03E7 8012B4C8 03E7 8012B4CA 03E7 8012B4CC 03E7 8012B4CE 03E7 8012B4D0 270F 8012B864 FFFF 8012B866 FFFF 8012B868 FFFF 8012B86A FFFF #Rank all the advent of arena 8012A668 0F0F #None Encounter in dungeon 80009010 0000 80009012 0000 ; [ Circuit Beat (Jpn) (1996) (Prism Arts) {SLPS-00311} ] :SLPS-00311 #Infinite Time 801FFE94 02F9 #Maximum Points 8003653C 969F ; [ Chiisana Kyojin Microman (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-01926} ] :SLPS-01926 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B9F40 03E7 80195198 03E7 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B9F40 03E7 80195B4C 03E7 #Existence flag Selected 300B9F28 0001 #Base ERA 301A916C 0064 ; [ Cleopatra's Fortune (Jpn) (2001) (Altron) {SLPS-03187} ] ;:SLPS-03187 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Clock Tower - Ghost Head (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01290} ] :SLPS-01290 #Infinite HP 800730F8 0003 #Invincibility 8001CAAE 1000 #Have All Hints 8007172A 00FF #Have All Endings + Extra Mode 80071728 FFFF #Infinite Time 80073128 0FB8 80073134 0000 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons 80073034 0009 #Turn Back To Alyssa 80070A20 0000 #Turn Into Bates 80070A20 0020 #Sound test mode can be used immediately 30071770 00FE #Prop machine gun 800731FC 0004 #I want to limit the GATE EXTRA mode Infinite Time 800DA50A 0700 ; [ Click Manga - Dynamic Robot Taisen 1 (Jpn) (1999) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-02131} ] ;:SLPS-02131 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Click Manga - Dynamic Robot Taisen 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-02407} ] ;:SLPS-02407 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Click Manga - Click Nohi (Jpn) (1999) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-02354} ] ;:SLPS-02354 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Colorful Logic 3 - Fushigi na Henkei Logic (Jpn) (2001) (Altron) {SLPS-03239} ] ;:SLPS-03239 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Community Pom (Jpn) (1997) (Fill-In Café) {SLPS-00817} ] :SLPS-00817 #Infinite Energy 8012C3DC 0008 8017085D 0008 #Max Energy 8012C3DC 03E7 8017085D 03E7 #Level 99 8012C028 0063 8012C294 0063 #Invincibility 3012C430 00FF #Invincibility Alt 3012A7E4 00FF #Infinite + Max LIFE 301F57E0 00FF 301F57E2 00FF #Infinite Energy 9999 8012C3DC 270F 8012C020 270F #LEVEL 999 8012C028 03E7 ; [ Community Pom - Omoide o Dakishimete (Jpn) (1999) (Family Soft) {SLPS-02116} ] :SLPS-02116 #Infinite Energy 8012C3DC 0008 8017085D 0008 #Infinite % Max HP 301E215C 00FF 301E215E 00FF #Infinite + Max Life 8012A57A 270F 8012A7A4 270F #LEVEL 999 8012A57E 03E7 #Max Energy 8012C3DC 03E7 8017085D 03E7 #Level 99 8012C028 0063 8012C294 0063 #Invincibility Alt 3012C430 00FF #Invincibility 3012A7E4 00FF ; [ The Conveni Special - 3-tsu no Sekai o Dokusen Seyo (Jpn) (1998) (Ardink) {SLPS-01301} ] :SLPS-01301 #Infinite Money 80195F18 FFFF 80195F1A 00FF #1 shop Popularity Max 30195D98 0064 #1 shop Cleaning Max 30196850 0064 #1 shop Security Max 30196854 0064 #1 shop Correspondence Max 30196858 0064 #Second shop Popularity Max 3019E1E0 0064 #Second shop Cleaning Max 3019EC98 0064 #Second shop Security Max 3019EC9C 0064 #Second shop Correspondence Max 3019ECA0 0064 ; [ Honoo no Ryourinin - Cooking Fighter Tao (Jpn) (1998) (Nippon Ichi Software) {SLPS-01382} ] :SLPS-01382 #Infinite HP 8008435A 0064 #0 stamina opponent 30084386 0000 ; [ Cosmic Race (Jpn) (1995) (Neorex) {SLPS-00009} ] :SLPS-00009 #Always 90 seconds course out 801B3D0C 0708 #Time is always 0 801B3D8C 0000 ; [ Cosmowarrior Zero (Jpn) (2000) (Taito) {SLPM-86484 (TCPS10022)} ] :SLPM-86484 #Infinite Energy Zero 80088B70 05DC 800BD5B4 05DC 801BF754 05DC 801BF794 2E88 #Infinite Bombs Zero 801BF782 0063 #Infinite Special Attack Zero 801BF77F 0063 #Infinite Energy Captain Harlock 80088B70 05DC 800BD5B4 05DC 801BDF4C 05DC #Infinite Bombs Captain Harlock 801BDF7A 0063 #Infinite Special Attack Captain Harlock 801BDF77 0063 ; [ Märchen Adventure Cotton 100% (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2003) (Success) {SLPM-87211} ] :SLPM-87211 #Infinite Lives 800CA284 0008 ; [ Crime Crackers 2 (Jpn) (1997) (SCEI) {SCPS-10037} ] :SCPS-10037 #Infinite + Max HP Blonde Girl 800F4774 03E7 800F4776 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Pink Hair Girl 800F4834 03E7 800F4836 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Blue Hair Girl 800F47A4 03E7 800F47A6 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Animal Character 800F47D4 03E7 800F47D6 03E7 #Infinite En Blonde Girl 800F4778 03E7 800F477A 03E7 #Infinite En Animal Character 800F47D8 03E7 800F47DA 03E7 #Infinite En Blue Hair Girl 800F47A8 03E7 800F47AA 03E7 #Infinite En Pink Hair Girl 800F4738 03E7 800F473A 03E7 #Infinite Money 800F5900 967F 800F5902 0098 #Infinite Level Up Apple 300F59E5 0063 #Infinite Countdown time 800B6C30 003B #ROUTE / Stage Clear 300EFE6F 00FF #ROUTE / SHERIFF STAR 300EFE7F 00FF ; [ Croc Adventure (Jpn) (1999) (Koei) {SLPM-86310} ] :SLPM-86310 #99 Continue 80076E10 0063 80076E14 0063 #100 Crystal 80076EA0 0064 ; [ Creature Shock (Jpn) (1996) (Data East) {SLPS-00120~SLPS-00121} ] :SLPS-00120 :SLPS-00121 #Infinite Energy Ship 80081C88 0077 80089BC1 0770 800A43BA 01C1 800A43BE 01C1 800A43D2 00D1 800A43D6 00D1 800F4AD1 0770 #Infinite Energy 1st Person 800BBA64 005A ; [ Cross Tantei Monogatari 1 - Kouhen (Jpn, Major Wave Series) (2000) (WorkJam) {SLPM-86639} ] ;:SLPM-86639 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ CRW - Counter Revolution War (Jpn) (1996) (Acclaim) {SLPS-00220} ] :SLPS-00220 #Infinite Energy Character 1 80086A4C 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 2 80086AE0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 3 80086C9C 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 4 80086DC4 03E7 ; [ Captain Tsubasa - Aratanaru Densetsu Joshou (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87060 (VX260-J1)} ] :SLPM-87060 #Player team always score 9 800E75F1 0009 #Enemy team always score 0 300E75F2 0000 #Card album fully open 800C9380 FFFF 800C9382 FFFF 800C9384 FFFF 800C9386 FFFF 800C9388 FFFF 800C938A FFFF 800C938C FFFF 800C938E FFFF 800C9390 FFFF 800C9392 FFFF 800C9394 0003 #Movie album fully open 800C93A0 FFFF 800C93A2 FFFF 800C93A4 FFFF 800C93A6 000F #Character File fully open 800C93B0 FFFF 800C93B2 FFFF 800C93B4 FFFF 800C93B6 FFFF #Sound Test fully open 800C9356 FFFF 800C9358 FFFF ; [ Captain Tsubasa J - Get in the Tomorrow (Jpn) (1996) (Bandai) {SLPS-00310} ] :SLPS-00310 #Score 99 800DB4E8 0063 #Time 800B4AFC 0050 ; [ Cu-On-Pa (Jpn) (1997) (T&E Soft) {SLPS-01026} ] ;:SLPS-01026 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Cyber Daisenryaku - Shutsugeki! Harukatai (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2000) (Success) {SLPM-86580} ] :SLPM-86580 #Infinite HP First Unit (Tank) In battle 800E5F96 00C8 #Infinite HP Second Unit (Plane) In battle 800E5F8A 0064 ; [ Cybernetic Empire (Jpn) (1999) (Telenet) {SLPS-01912~SLPS-01913} ] :SLPS-01912 :SLPS-01913 #Infinite HP 800DD780 0100 800DD7C0 0100 #Invincibility D004CDBA 0045 8004CDBA 0040 #Have All Weapons 800E5BE8 0201 800E5BEA 0102 800E5BEC 0101 800E5BEE 0101 800E5BF0 0101 800E5BF2 0101 800E5BF4 0101 800E5BF8 0101 800E5BFA 0101 #Infinite Ammo D004DD22 0082 8004DD22 0080 #Stop Time 800DD47C 0000 #Infinite Oxygen D004C070 FFFF 8004C070 0000 #999 consumption items 50000502 0000 800E5EC4 03E7 #All Items possession 50000A02 0000 800E5ECE 0001 #All weapons possession 50000802 0000 800E5BEA 0101 #All weapons bullets number 999 50000F02 0000 800E5CBC 03E7 #SUPER JUMP Press Triangle E00DD534 0010 800E6134 8000 E00DD534 0010 800E6136 FFFF #Boss killer blow D0116CB8 FFFF 80116CB8 0000 D0116CBA 2442 80116CBA 2402 D011582E 0043 8011582E 0000 D010E476 0046 8010E476 0000 ; [ Cyber War (Jpn) (1995) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-00055~SLPS-00057} ] ;:SLPS-00055 ;:SLPS-00056 ;:SLPS-00057 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Daibouken Deluxe - Harukanaru Umi (Jpn) (1997) (Soft Office) {SLPS-00813} ] :SLPS-00813 #Infinite HP Ship In Battle 801EAF58 270F #Infinite Ship Cannon Balls 801EC87C 270F #Infinite Money (60000) 8005027C EA60 #Infinite Energy In Battle Character 1 800F1952 270F #Infinite Energy In Battle Character 2 800F1954 270F #Level 99 30050295 0063 #Infinite + Maximum HP 80050298 03E7 8005029A 03E7 #Equipment / cannon carmine 300503E5 0005 #Equipment / cannon battle cannon 300503E5 0001 #Equipment / armor steel 300503E6 0001 #Durability Msx Ship 800503E8 270F #Sailor Max Ship 800503EC 270F #Water Max Ship 800503EE 270F #Food Max Ship 800503F0 270F #Ammunition Max Ship 800503F2 270F #Materials Max Ship 800503F4 270F #Propulsion Max Ship 801E7A34 270F #Battle force Max Ship 801EA6A4 270F #Porthole number Max Ship 801EA960 270F #Voyage force Max Ship 801EA980 270F #Endurance Max Ship 801EAF58 270F #Armor Max Ship 801EC590 270F #The strength of the cannon Max Ship 801EC89C 270F #A sailor Max Ship 801EFE6C 270F #Secret Stone 30050201 0006 #The number of parties 30050284 0009 #Ship number 300503D0 0008 ; [ Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden (Jpn) (1997) (Koei) {SLPS-01021} ] :SLPS-01021 #Have 9999 money 80100318 270F ; [ Daikoukai Jidai II (Jpn) (1996) (Koei) {SLPS-00656} ] :SLPS-00656 #Have 9999 money 8011BB74 270F #Joan Ferrero Ability ALL 100 800E2228 6464 800E222A 6464 800E222C 6464 800E222E 6464 #Joan Ferrero Voyage + combat Lv mAX 800E2262 6363 #Joan Ferrero All skills 800E226E 611F #Otto Spinola Ability ALL 100 800E228C 6464 800E228E 6464 800E2290 6464 800E2292 6464 #Otto Spinola Voyage + combat LV Max 800E2294 6363 #Otto Spinola All skills 800E22A0 631F #Ernesto Lopez Ability ALL 100 800E22BE 6464 800E22C0 6464 800E22C2 6464 800E22C4 6464 #Ernesto Lopez Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E22C6 6363 #Ernesto Lopez All skills 800E22D2 651F #Ernesto Lopez The degree of friendship Max 800E21E8 C8C8 800E21EA C8C8 800E21EC C8C8 800E21EE 00C8 #Pietro Konti Ability ALL 100 800E22F0 6464 800E22F2 6464 800E22F4 6464 800E22F6 6464 #Pietro Konti Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E22F8 6363 #Pietro Konti All skills 800E2304 641F #Al-Vu~ezasu Ability ALL 100 800E2322 6464 800E2324 6464 800E2326 6464 800E2328 6464 #Al-Vu~ezasu Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E232A 6363 #Al-Vu~ezasu All skills 800E2336 621F #Rocco Aremukeru Ability ALL 100 800E2FA2 6464 800E2FA4 6464 800E2FA6 6464 800E2FA8 6464 #Rocco Aremukeru Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E2FAA 6363 #Rocco Aremukeru All skills 800E2FB6 601F #Enrico Maryoni Ability ALL 100 800E2FD4 6464 800E2FD6 6464 800E2FD8 6464 800E2FDA 6464 #Enrico Maryoni Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E2FDC 6363 #Enrico Maryoni All skills 800E2FE8 601F #Domingo Manyana Ability ALL 100 800E3006 6464 800E3008 6464 800E300A 6464 800E300C 6464 #Domingo Manyana Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E300E 6363 #Domingo Manyana All skills 800E301A 601F #Franco Sanudo Ability ALL 100 800E3038 6464 800E303A 6464 800E303C 6464 800E303E 6464 #Franco Sanudo Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E3040 6363 #Franco Sanudo All skills 800E304C 611F #Andrea Giji Ability ALL 100 800E306A 6464 800E306C 6464 800E306E 6464 800E3070 6464 #Andrea Giji Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E3072 6363 #Andrea Giji All skills 800E307E 611F #Matthew Roy Ability ALL 100 800E30CE 6464 800E30D0 6464 800E30D2 6464 800E30D4 6464 #Matthew Roy Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E30D6 6363 #Matthew Roy All skills 800E30E2 631F #Camillo-Stefano Ability ALL 100 800E3100 6464 800E3102 6464 800E3104 6464 800E3106 6464 #Camillo-Stefano Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E3108 6363 #Camillo-Stefano All skills 800E3114 641F #Lloyd Staten Ability ALL 100 800E3132 6464 800E3134 6464 800E3136 6464 800E3138 6464 #Lloyd Staten Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E313A 6363 #Lloyd Staten All skills 800E3146 651F #Jahan Salim Ability ALL 100 800E3164 6464 800E3166 6464 800E3168 6464 800E316A 6464 #Jahan Salim Voyage + combat Lv Max 800E316C 6363 #Jahan Salim All skills 800E3178 621F ; [ Dakar '97 (Jpn) (1997) (Virgin Interactive) {SLPS-00634} ] :SLPS-00634 #Time is 00#00'00 8009A068 0000 ; [ Dancing Blade - Katteni Momotenshi! (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86100~SLPM-86102 (VX124-J1)} ] :SLPM-86100 :SLPM-86101 :SLPM-86102 #All Omake + Wath the Movie Open and bonus open 8008A358 FFFF 8008A35A FFFF 8008A35C FFFF 8008A35E FFFF 3008A360 00FF ; [ Dancing Blade - Katteni Momotenshi II - Tears of Eden (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86210~SLPM-86212 (VX129-J1)} ] :SLPM-86210 :SLPM-86211 :SLPM-86212 #Movie Mode Open 8015D000 FFFF 8015D002 FFFF 8015D004 FFFF 8015D006 FFFF 8015D008 FFFF 8015D00A 00FF 8015D020 00FF ; [ Dangan (Jpn) (2000) (KSS) {SLPS-02609} ] :SLPS-02609 #Infinite Energy 8013E540 01F4 #Refill Energy (Press L1+L2) D0007572 FAFF 8013E540 01F4 #Infinite Bullets D001B150 FFFF 8001B150 0000 #Infinite Anmo on pick up of machine gun 8013E566 03E7 #Laser gun 8013E564 03E7 #Flame gun 8013E568 03E7 #Grenade launcher 8013E56A 03E7 #Final boss low health (Press select) C014C074 0100 8013F658 0001 80140770 0001 00000000 FFFF #Level 2 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 0300 #Level 3 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 0800 #Level 4 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 0D00 #Level 5A (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 1100 #Level 5B (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 1300 #Level 6 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 1700 #Level 7 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 1C00 #Level 8 (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 2000 #Level 8B (Do not change weapon if you use the level modifier code as this will freeze the game) 8014C1C6 2300 #Move Fast L1 + select D0007572 FBFE 80038760 0001 #Move Normal L2 + select D0007572 FEFE 80038760 FFE9 ; [ Darkseed II (Jpn) (1997) (B-Factory) {SLPS-00938} ] ;:SLPS-00938 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dark Tales from the Lost Soul (Jpn) (1999) (Sammy) {SLPS-02316} ] ;:SLPS-02316 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dynamite Boxing (Jpn) (1998) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01387} ] :SLPS-01387 #Refill Energy P1 (Press Select) 800528AC 6666 D0053408 0100 80052C28 6666 #P1 Infinite Energy 800528AC 6666 80052C28 6666 #P1 Max Stamina 800528AE 6666 80052C2A 6666 #Quick Finish 80052D5C 0010 #Restart Count Down (Press L2 + R2) D0053408 0003 300792AC 0000 #Instant Count (Press L1 + R1) D0053408 000C 300792AC 0000 #P1 Never Knock Down 80050B88 1FE9 #P1 Infinite HP 80050B8A 1FE9 #P2 Never Knock Down 8005100C 1FE9 #P2 Infinite HP 8005100E 1FE9 ; [ Dragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22 (Jpn) (1995) (Bandai) {SLPS-00073} ] :SLPS-00073 #P1 Infinite Health 800BE388 0190 #P1 Infinite Power 800BE38A 0200 #P2 Infinite HP 800BE6F8 0190 #P2 No HP 800BE6F8 0000 #Unlock Ultimate Battle 27 D0010120 0000 80010120 0010 ; [ Destruction Derby 2 (Jpn) (1997) (SCEI) {SIPS-60012} ] :SIPS-60012 #Clear all Stage 8007A010 0007 8007A014 0004 #Maximum score point 8009452E 01F4 #Invincibility 800891E8 0000 800891F0 0000 80089204 0000 800891E0 0000 800891FC 0000 800891F4 0000 ; [ Dance Dance Revolution - 2nd Remix Append Club Version Vol. 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86399 (VX175-J1)} ] :SLPM-86399 #P1 Max Guard 800891CE 03E8 #P1 Max Point 800891D8 C9FF 800891DA 3B9A #All Hidden SonCheat Device 3008894D 0000 D001004C 0100 3008894B 0000 #All Infomation 30010B80 001F 30010B85 00FF 30010B86 00FF 30010BB0 001F 30010BB1 00FF 30010BB2 00FF #All SonCheat Device In Endless Mode 30010B80 00FF 30010B83 00FF 30010BB0 00FF 30010BB3 00FF ; [ Dance Dance Revolution - 5th Mix (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86897 (VX246-J1)} ] :SLPM-86897 #Always Perfect 800F2936 03E8 800F3B90 03E8 #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 80117C30 0202 ; [ Dance Dance Revolution - Best Hits (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86693 (VX224-J1)} ] :SLPM-86693 #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800ED618 0202 #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800D3A6C 03E8 #P2 Max Dance Gauge 800D920E 03E8 #P1 Max Score 800D3078 C9FF 800D307A 3B9A #P2 Max Score 800D9218 C9FF 800D921A 3B9A #P1 Perfect Stage Results 800D30C4 270F 50000404 0000 800D30C8 0000 800D30E0 270F #P2 Perfect Stage Results 800D9264 270F 50000404 0000 800D9268 0000 800D9280 270F ; [ Dance Dance Revolution - Extra Mix (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86831 (VX244-J1)} ] :SLPM-86831 #P1 Score Modifier 800C234C 270F #P1 Maximum Score 800C234C C9FF 800C234E 3B9A #P1 Full Dance Bar 800C2342 07FF #P2 Full Dance Bar 800C35A6 07FF #P1 Max Kcal 800C2358 C9FF 800C235A 3B9A #All Challenges Clear 50000802 0000 800E65D0 FFFF #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800E6350 0202 #Unlock All Extras 800E4E30 01FF 300E4E34 0003 300E4E9C 003F 50001E04 0000 800E6370 FFFF #Emi Has No Hat 800B3E34 0001 ; [ Deadly Skies (Jpn) (1997) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-01036} ] :SLPS-01036 #P1 Infinite Energy 8013D630 0050 #P2 Infinite Energy 8013FEC0 0050 ; [ Death Wing (Jpn) (1996) (Cybertech Designs) {SLPS-00489} ] :SLPS-00489 #Infinite Shield 800A1198 270F ; [ Defeat Lightning (Jpn) (1997) (D Cruise) {SLPS-00853} ] :SLPS-00853 #Infinite Time 800D6F50 2329 #Infinite Roost 80047C00 0000 #9999 POINTS 800D6FC8 270F #TIME 0:00 (L2 + R2) D01ACE00 FFFC 800D6F50 0000 ; [ Densha Daisuki - Play Rail ga Ippai (Jpn) (1998) (Tomy) {SLPS-01753} ] :SLPS-01753 #Always 100 points 80035548 0064 ; [ Densha de Go! Nagoya Railroad (Jpn) (2000) (Taito) {SLPM-86424 (TCPS10015)} ] :SLPM-86424 #Always 255 Points 8008C704 00FF #Max People 800535D0 03E7 #Autostop On Stopping Point D00531D8 0000 800692A6 0000 #Infinite Time When You Can't Stop At A Station 8001E9DE 8C22 #Infinite Time When You Stop 800276BA 8C22 #Speed 0km / h Press the SELECT button C008D598 0100 8008C768 0000 8008C76A 0000 00000000 FFFF #Speed 30km / h Press the L1 button C008D598 0004 8008C768 8400 8008C76A 0000 00000000 FFFF #Speed 60km / h press the L2 button C008D598 0001 8008C768 0800 8008C76A 0001 00000000 FFFF #Speed 90km / h Press the R1 button C008D598 0008 8008C768 8C00 8008C76A 0001 00000000 FFFF #Maximum speed Press the R2 button C008D598 0002 8008C768 E000 8008C76A 0010 00000000 FFFF #All available routes 8008C1B4 FFFF 8008C1B6 FFFF #All Movie viewables 80069B64 FFFF 80069B66 FFFF 80069B68 FFFF 80069B6A FFFF ; [ Gear Fighter Dendoh (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03189} ] :SLPS-03189 #Unlock All Weapons/Stage - Vs Mode 50000802 0000 800CC5E0 0001 #2D Stages Invincibility D00DF806 1040 800DF806 1400 #All data Weapon 800CC622 0001 800CC624 0001 800CC626 0001 800CC628 0001 800CC62A 0001 800CC62C 0001 800CC62E 0001 #Weapon all data (fighting) 800CC5E2 0001 800CC5E4 0001 800CC5E6 0001 800CC5E8 0001 800CC5EA 0001 800CC5EC 0001 800CC5EE 0001 #Infinite Health - Stage 1.1 (Use only the code of the stage) 801D155C 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 1.2 801D9A1C 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 1.3 801D8BB4 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 1.4 8018A5CC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 2.1 801DFDE0 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 2.2 801DBF00 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 2.3 801D21C8 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 2.4 8018A2E4 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 3.1 801E13F0 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 3.2 801DDBD0 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 3.3 801D78FC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 3.4 80189A5C 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 4.1 801DC2EC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 4.2 801DCBF8 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 4.3 801DC4C4 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 4.4 80189D74 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 5.1 801D0D50 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 5.2 801D7A0C 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 5.3 801D22C0 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 5.4 8018A790 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 6.1 801B8D00 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 6.2 801B6FFC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 6.3 80189BA0 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 7.1 801B28FC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 7.2 801B6324 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 7.3 801B6848 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 7.4 8018A47C 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 8.1 801DFBF8 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 8.2 801DD4BC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 8.3 801DEF10 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 8.4 801DD604 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 8.5 801DD4CC 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 9.1 801CF300 0A00 #Infinite Health - Stage 9.2 801CB764 0A00 ; [ Denpa Shounenteki Game (Jpn) (1998) (Hudson) {SLPS-01287} ] ;:SLPS-01287 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Derby Jockey 2001 (Jpn) (2001) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-03131} ] ;:SLPS-03131 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Descent (Jpn) (1996) (Interplay) {SLPS-00212} ] :SLPS-00212 #Infinite Rockets 800D045A 0006 #Infinite Ammo 800D0442 0062 #Infinite Shields 800D0446 0064 ; [ Devicereign (Jpn) (1999) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-01889} ] :SLPS-01889 #Infinite + Max HP Character 1 800BECAE 03E7 800BECB2 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Character 2 800BEED6 03E7 800BEEDA 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Character 3 800BF0FE 03E7 800BF102 03E7 ; [ Dezaemon Kids! (Jpn) (1998) (Athena) {SLPS-01503~SLPS-01504} ] :SLPS-01503 :SLPS-01504 #Invincibility Disc One Games D012BD16 2462 8012BD14 0000 #Infinite Lives Disc One Games D0129E4A 2442 80129E48 0000 #Bomb MAX Disc One Games D0129E4A 2442 8016EF12 6363 ; [ Dezaemon Plus (Jpn) (1996) (Athena) {SLPS-00335} ] :SLPS-00335 #Bombs Remain Active After Launching D00EA03A 0001 8016F940 00FF #Infinite Lives 8014E62C 0002 #Infinite Bombs 8014E99C 0003 #Always At Full Speed 8014E7B0 0003 #Always Have Shields 8014E9C4 0001 #Always Have Fully Powered Weapons 8014E1E8 0003 #Invincibility D002FE2A 2442 30112A55 0001 ; [ Dark Hunter - Ge Youma No Mori (Jpn) (1997) (Koei) {SLPS-00789} ] :SLPS-00789 #Infinite Energy 8007428C 0014 ; [ Digical League (Jpn) (1997) (Squaresoft) {SLPM-86038} ] ;:SLPM-86038 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kids Station - Digimon Park (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03248} ] ;:SLPS-03248 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Digimon Tamers - Battle Evolution (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03357} ] ;:SLPS-03357 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Digimon World (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-01797} ] :SLPS-01797 #Infinite Money 8013E294 967F 8013E296 0098 #Max Power 80141D40 0064 80141D42 0064 8016B0BC 03E7 8016B0BE 03E7 8016B0C0 03E7 8016B0C2 03E7 #Infiite + max HP 8016C900 270F 8016C904 270F #Infiite + max MP 8016C902 270F 8016C906 270F #Infinite Energy 80141130 0008 #All sales of bytes 8013E174 FFFF #Digimon / Maximum HP 8016B0CC 270F 8016B0D0 270F #Digimon / Maximum MP 8016B0CE 270F 8016B0D2 270F #Possible to sleep at any time 3012FE3E 0000 #Get gold 8013E26C 423F 8013E26E 000F ; [ Dragon Knight 4 (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00664} ] :SLPS-00664 #P1 HP 99 800ED59A 0063 800ED59C 0063 800ED59E FFFF 800ED588 0063 800ED58A 0063 800ED5C8 0063 800ED5B4 0063 800ED5B6 0063 800ED5E0 0063 800ED5E2 0063 800ED5F4 0063 #Level 99 8006C88C 6329 #Exp 999 8006C880 03E7 #At/Def 8006C882 03E7 8006C884 03E7 #Ra/Mv 8006C88A 9900 #Level Gain 800EE2FA 03E7 #Intimacy Max Nereid 300731E0 000A #Intimacy Max Natasha 300731E6 000A #Intimacy Max Neptune 300731EC 000A #Intimacy Max Mayfair 300731F2 000A #Intimacy Max Clarice 300731F8 000A #Intimacy Max Pandora 300731FE 000A #Intimacy Max Bianca 30073204 000A #Intimacy Max Sara 3007320A 000A #Intimacy Max Rosalind 30073210 000A #Intimacy Max Gina 30073216 000A #Intimacy Max Rare 3007321C 000A #Intimacy Max Tanyan 30073222 000A #Intimacy Max Sarah 30073228 000A #Intimacy Max Beiritto 3007322E 000A #Intimacy Max Marlene 30073234 000A #Intimacy Max Helen 3007323A 000A ; [ Dragon Knights Glorious (Jpn) (1999) (Pandora) {SLPS-02391} ] :SLPS-02391 #All Gallery / Mini Games 3008A249 00D0 8008A24A 01EF 3008A24D 00F0 8008A24E FFFF 3008A250 001F #Infinite HP Dyke 8008A7D4 270F #Max HP Dyke 8008A7D6 270F #Infinite TP Dyke 8008A7D8 270F #Max TP Dyke 8008A7DA 270F #Pat Infinite and Max HP 8008A83E 03E7 8008A840 03E7 #Pat Infinite and Max MP 8008A842 03E7 8008A844 03E7 #Lilith Infinite + Max HP 8008A884 03E7 8008A886 03E7 #Lilith Infinite + Max TP 8008A888 03E7 8008A88A 03E7 #No Random Battles 80083A00 0000 #Max Money 80089EEE 967F 80089EF0 0098 #Hp/Mp 999 80086704 03E7 80086708 03E7 8008670C 03E7 80086710 03E7 #Alt. Hp/Mp 999 80083FE0 03E7 80083FE4 03E7 80083FE8 03E7 #Level 99 80083FF0 0063 #Alt. Level 99 800866FC 0063 #Exp 99999 80083FFC 869F 80083FFE 0001 #Money Max 80089EEE 967F 80089EF0 0098 #I would like hear for free the poet Museum 3008A205 00FF 3008A207 00FF #The presence of the painter far from / picture 3008A24F 00FF #Bonus / achievement rate + 01h 3008A24D 00FF 3008A250 00FF ; [ Docchi Mecha! (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-10129} ] ;:SCPS-10129 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dodge de Ball! (Jpn) (1998) (Yumedia) {SLPS-01362} ] :SLPS-01362 #P1 Invincibility 80085318 0030 80085384 0030 800853F0 0030 8008545C 0030 #P1 Infinite Special Attack 80063562 0057 80077A30 0084 80077A40 0084 80077CD8 0084 80077CE8 0084 800793C8 0084 800793D8 0084 #P2 Can't Use Special Attack 80063560 0000 #Enable Special Game 800635B2 0100 ; [ The Dog Master (Jpn) (2003) (Visit) {SLPM-87175} ] ;:SLPM-87175 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Doki Doki Shutter Chance - Koi no Puzzle o Kumitatete (Jpn) (1997) (Nippon Ichi Software) {SLPS-01038} ] :SLPS-01038 "Have All Pieces Of The Puzzle 800E018A 0024 800F7944 0024 ; [ Dokomademo Aoku... (Jpn, Limited Edition) (2002) (KID) {SLPS-03388} ] :SLPS-03388 #Time ?00:00? 800660E0 0000 300660E2 0000 ; [ Doukyuusei Mahjong (Jpn) (1997) (Yumedia) {SLPS-00673} ] :SLPS-00673 #Infinite Money 800A4A58 03E7 #Rivals money = 0 800A4A5C 0000 800A4A60 0000 800A4A64 0000 #Cg Galleries Mai 800A12EA 0101 800A12EC 0101 300A12EE 0001 #Cg Galleries Misa 300A12EF 0001 800A12F0 0101 800A12F2 0101 #Cg Galleries Satomi 800A12F4 0101 300A12F6 0001 #Cg Galleries Natsuko 300A12F9 0001 800A12FA 0101 800A12FC 0101 #Cg Galleries Ako 800A12FE 0101 800A1300 0101 #Cg Galleries Miho 300A1303 0001 800A1304 0101 800A1306 0101 #Cg Galleries Mako 800A1308 0101 800A130A 0101 #Cg Galleries Walnut 300A130D 0001 800A130E 0101 300A1310 0001 #Cg Galleries Hiromi 800A1312 0101 300A1314 0001 #Cg Galleries Yoshi 300A1317 0001 800A1318 0101 300A131A 0001 #Cg Galleries Chiharu 800A131C 0101 800A131E 0101 #Cg Galleries Reiko 300A1321 0001 800A1322 0101 300A1324 0001 #Cg Galleries Spring 800A1326 0101 800A1328 0101 300A132A 0001 #Cg Galleries Odor 300A132B 0001 800A132C 0101 800A132E 0101 ; [ Doukyuusei 2 (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00691} ] :SLPS-00691 #Infinite Money 801BDE6A EA60 #All Gallery Unlocked 800A87C4 1110 800A87C6 1110 800A87C8 1111 800A87CA 1111 300A89F3 0010 300A8A25 0010 #All Menu Select possible 800A83E4 1111 ; [ Dolphin's Dream (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86122 (VX071-J1)} ] :SLPM-86122 #Max HP 800C064A 0384 #Max LP 800F83A8 967F 800F83AA 0098 #Max Oxygen 800C0644 1C20 #Max Weapon 800C0654 03E7 #Treasure 50000A02 0000 800C05D0 FFFF ; [ Domino-kun o Tomenaide. (Jpn) (1998) (Artdink) {SLPS-01095} ] :SLPS-01095 #Infinite Time 800AEF6C 096C #Infinite Domino 800A205C 03E7 #Invincibility 80088E7C 0015 800987E0 05F3 800AEF6C 05F2 800B34BE 7BDE #All characters can be selected D00C452C 0003 800C452C 001F #Infinite Health 80015146 1000 ; [ DonPachi (Jpn) (1996) (SPS) {SLPS-00548 (PS-052)} ] :SLPS-00548 #P1 Infinite Lives 80087884 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 80087910 0005 #P1 Infinite Bombs:Deactivate after complete mission 800B7F1E 0003 #P2 Infinite Bombs:Deactivate after complete mission 800B7F5E 0003 ; [ Doraemon - Nobita to Fukkatsu no Hoshi (Jpn) (1996) (Epoch) {SLPS-00233} ] :SLPS-00233 #Infinite Energy 800C9B9C 000A ; [ Doraemon 2 - SOS! Otogi no Kuni (Jpn) (1997) (Epoch) {SLPS-00628} ] :SLPS-00628 #Infinite Lives 800C5D88 0004 #Invincibility 800C60C0 022C ; [ Double Dragon (Jpn) (1996) (Technos Japan) {SLPS-00191} ] :SLPS-00191 #P1 Infinite HP 8008CFD8 0000 #P1 Infinite HP (Tiny 3D mode only) 8008B4C8 0000 #P1 Infinite POW 8008CFE0 6800 #P1 Infinite POW (Tiny 3D mode only) 8008B4D0 6800 #P2 No HP 8008CFDA 6800 #P2 No HP (Tiny 3D mode only) 8008B4CA 6800 ; [ Dragon Drive Tactics Break (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03470} ] :SLPS-03470 #P1 Infinite Energy 801DEDD4 03E7 801DEDD8 03E7 #P1 Infinite EP 801DEDD6 03E7 801DEDDA 03E7 #Infinite Energy Dragon 801DEF70 03E7 801DEF74 03E7 #Infinite EP Dragon 801DEF72 03E7 801DEF76 03E7 #Opponent has only 1 HP (Deactivate after sending it) 801DF10C 0001 #PTS 99999 800893DC 869F 800893DE 0001 ; [ Dragon Money (Jpn) (1999) (Micro Cabin) {SLPS-02037} ] :SLPS-02037 #1st Character Max Status 800B9CBE 03E7 800B9CC0 03E7 800B9CC2 03E7 800B9CC4 03E7 800B9CCC 0063 #2nd Character Max Status 800B9D1E 03E7 800B9D20 03E7 800B9D22 03E7 800B9D24 03E7 800B9D2C 0063 #3rd Character Max Status 800B9D7E 03E7 800B9D80 03E7 800B9D82 03E7 800B9D84 03E7 800B9D8C 0063 #Infinite Days 800C7C74 03E7 ; [ Dr. Slump (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-01934} ] :SLPS-01934 #Max Exp (Press Select) D01FC418 0100 801FC4E6 0050 #Max Exp 801FC4E6 0050 ; [ The Drug Store - Matsumoto Kiyoshi de Okaimono! (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01516} ] :SLPS-01516 #Infinite Money 80093EA0 C9FF 80093EA2 3B9A ; [ Druid - Yamie no Tsuisekisha (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01246} ] :SLPS-01246 #Infinite HP in battle 8008C812 0064 ; [ Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86505 (VX186-J1)} ] :SLPM-86505 #P1 Gauge Max 800853D4 03E8 #All Styles Available 80010EB4 FFFF #Unlock All Extras 80010EB4 FFFF 8008A5C8 000D 8008A5FC 0005 #P1 Perfect Stage Results 800853DE 03E7 80086CEC 03E7 50000402 0000 80086CEE 0000 ; [ Dancing Stage featuring TRUE KiSS DESTiNATiON (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86411 (VX174-J1)} ] :SLPM-86411 #P1 Max Point 800D6EC4 03E8 #P2 Max Point 800D7890 03E8 #P1 Perfect Stage Results 800D6ECE 03E7 800D77C2 03E7 50000402 0000 800D77C4 0000 #Unlock All Extras 800110D4 0007 ; [ Dynamite Soccer 2002 (Jpn) (2002) (A-Max) {SLPS-03436} ] ;:SLPS-03436 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Dynamite Soccer 2004 Final (Jpn) (2004) (A-Max) {SLPS-03575} ] ;:SLPS-03575 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Aura Battler Dunbine - Seisenshi Densetsu (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02390} ] :SLPS-02390 #Infinite Energy Main Character 80110D5E 03E7 80110D60 03E7 #Infinite Energy Blonde Character 80110DEA 03E7 80110DEC 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character Beard 80110D18 03E7 80110D1A 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character With Grey Hair 80110DA4 03E7 80110DA6 03E7 #Max Money 8010E110 967F 8010E112 0098 #Getting High Speed D0044688 FFE9 80044688 0001 ; [ Dragon Valor (Jpn) (1999) (Namco) {SLPS-02190~SLPS-02191} ] :SLPS-02190 :SLPS-02191 #Can't Be Hit (Invincibility) (With this code, Only The Poison Could Hurt You!) D0089A34 FFFF 80089A34 0000 D0089BF4 FFFF 80089BF4 0000 #Infinite + Max HP Main Character 80089A6E 03E7 80089A70 03E7 #Infinite + Max MP Main Character 80089A72 03E7 80089A74 03E7 #mAX STR 800857E4 03E7 80089A76 03E7 #Max DEF 800857E6 03E7 80089A78 03E7 #Invincibility not to POISON 80089A34 7FFF ; [ DX Jinsei Game IV - The Game of Life (Jpn) (2001) (Takara) {SLPM-86963} ] ;:SLPM-86963 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ DX Jinsei Game V - The Game of Life (Jpn) (2002) (Takara) {SLPM-87187} ] :SLPM-87187 #Infinite Money (6000) 8004EF0C EA60 ; [ DX Monopoly (Jpn) (2000) (Takara) {SLPS-02943} ] :SLPS-02943 #P1 Infinite Money 800E3BBC 270F ; [ DX Okuman Chouja Game II - The Money Battle (Jpn) (1998) (Takara) {SLPS-01586} ] ;:SLPS-01586 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ DX Shachou Game (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-02105} ] :SLPS-02105 #+98 Economy 800B70A4 0062 #Have 99999 money 8011D358 270F ; [ Eikan ha Kimini 4 (Jpn) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-02173} ] :SLPS-02173 #10 million budget 8001068C 9680 3001068E 0098 #Other items Grand 80010686 0303 80010688 7F7F 3001068A 007F #Director status MAX 30010015 0064 80010016 6464 80010018 6464 ; [ Eisei Meijin (Jpn) (1995) (Konami) {SLPS-00090} ] ;:SLPS-00090 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ élan (Jpn) (1999) (Visco) {SLPS-01925} ] :SLPS-01925 #No Stress 8004C9D4 0000 #Running 999 8004C9B4 03E7 #Strenght 999 8004C9B8 03E7 #Computer 999 8004C9BC 03E7 #Communications 999 8004C9C0 03E7 #Pilot Mecha 999 8004C9C4 03E7 #Virtual Reality 999 8004C9C8 03E7 #Flight Simulator 999 8004C9CC 03E7 #Gravity Simulator 999 8004C9D0 03E7 #Overall ranking 3004C992 0063 #Clear the number of events 3004C99D 0063 #POINTS 99 3004C99E 0063 #Bonus / voice actor interview Age 80046D58 0001 #Bonus / voice actor interview iodide 80046D58 0002 #Bonus / voice actor interview nautical miles 80046D58 0004 #Bonus / voice actor interview unbiased 80046D58 0008 #Bonus / voice actor interview Natsuno 80046D58 0010 #Bonus / voice actor interview Tomoe 80046D58 0020 #Bonus / voice actor interview Rico 80046D58 0040 #Bonus / voice actor interview Kaname 80046D58 0080 #Bonus / voice actor interview Narisawa 80046D58 0100 #Bonus / voice actor interview Sakaki 80046D58 0200 #Bonus / voice actor interview Ray 80046D58 0400 #Bonus / voice actor interview Sarai 80046D58 0800 #Sub character ending flag Narisawa 8004C8E0 0080 #Sub character ending flag Sakaki 8004C8E0 0100 #Sub character ending flag Ray 8004C8E0 0200 #Sub character ending flag Sarai 8004C8E0 0400 ; [ élan plus (Jpn) (2000) (Visco) {SLPS-02759} ] :SLPS-02759 #No stress 80051164 0000 #Running 999 80051144 03E7 #Strengh 999 80051148 03E7 #Computer 999 8005114C 03E7 #Communications 999 80051150 03E7 #Pilot mecha 999 80051154 03E7 #Virtual Reality 999 80051158 03E7 #Flight Simulator 999 8005115C 03E7 #Gravity simulator 999 80051160 03E7 #Overall ranking 30051122 0063 #Event clear number of times 3005112D 0063 #POINTS 99 3005112E 0063 #Clear state All characters becomes clear state 300527AF 00FF #Male version Gallery / Age 300527FF 00FF #Female version Gallery / Age 300527BF 00FF ; [ Elder Gate (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86494 (VX160-J1)} ] :SLPM-86494 #Time 00.00.00 80082204 0000 #Gp 99999 80082200 9F86 80082202 0001 #Exp Next 1 8008324C 0001 #Infinite + Max HP 1st character 80083250 03E7 80083254 03E7 #Infinite + Max MP 1st character 80083258 03E7 8008325C 03E7 #Level 99 1st character 80083248 0063 #Att 999 1st character 80083278 03E7 #Def 999 1st character 8008327A 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd character 80083410 03E7 80083414 03E7 #Infinite MP 2nd character 80083418 03E7 8008341C 03E7 #Level 99 2nd character 80083408 0063 #Infinite HP 3rd character (girl) 80083330 03E7 80083334 03E7 #Infinite MP 3rd character (girl) 80083338 03E7 8008333C 03E7 #Global LV 99 300828EC 0063 #No Random Battles 80082980 0000 #Save Anywhere 300861DC 0001 ; [ Elf wo Karu Mono-tachi II (Jpn) (1998) (Altron) {SLPS-01456~SLPS-01458} ] :SLPS-01456 :SLPS-01457 :SLPS-01458 #Infinite Energy in battles 80068E80 0064 ; [ Emmyrea (Jpn) (2001) (KID) {SLPS-03216} ] ;:SLPS-03216 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ End Sector (Jpn) (1998) (ASCII) {SLPS-01584} ] :SLPS-01584 #Infinite HP Main character:Deactivate after battle 8012EB14 07D0 #Max Money 800FDF3C FFFF #Max Money (Press L2+Up) D0050C50 1001 800FDF3C FFFF "VICTORY PRESS Triangle + L1 D0050DD8 0014 8012EBC4 0000 ; [ Engacho! (Jpn) (1999) (Nihon Application) {SLPS-02263} ] :SLPS-02263 #Always 1 step in story mode 80060DC8 0001 #Stage Clear Press Select Button D0076252 FFFE 30060DEC 000B ; [ Enigma (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01351~SLPS-01352} ] :SLPS-01351 :SLPS-01352 #Infinite HP 801FE5B8 00FF #Infinite Bullet 801FE5CE 0063 #Infinite Secret stone Gauge 801FBEDC 0064 801FE63A 2EE0 ; [ EOS - Edge of Skyhigh (Jpn) (1997) (Micronet) {SLPS-00820} ] :SLPS-00820 #Infinite Energy 800F4E90 0050 #Infinite Bombs 800CD3C8 2000 ; [ Epica Stella (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01465} ] :SLPS-01465 #Funds 99999 800CE11C 869F 800CE11E 0001 #Scenario SELECT Scenary 1-14 01-0E sELECTED THE LAST 300CE120 000E #Infinite number of attacks D001B650 FFFF 8001B650 0000 #Does not increase TP D007DBDA 0043 8007DBDA 0040 #Does not decrease AP D007DBC6 0043 8007DBC6 0040 D001B1F4 004A 8001B1F4 0000 D001B1F6 A483 8001B1F6 0000 D001B408 004C 8001B408 0000 D001B40A A602 8001B40A 0000 D007EA92 0043 8007EA92 0040 #Mortal blow attack mode Press L2 D0053570 0001 80080506 0000 #No damage mode Press R2 D0053570 0002 80080506 0080 #Level 99 Main Character 300CE194 0063 #Fast Level Up Main Character 800CE196 0001 #Max Magic Point Main Character 800CE19A 03E7 #Max Bas + Max Pow Main Character 800CE19C 2020 #Max Dex + Max Agl Main Character 800CE19E 2020 #Max Def + Max Wep Main Character 800CE1A0 2020 #Level 99 2ND Character 300CE1CD 0063 #Fast Level Up 2ND Character 800CE1CE 0001 #Max Magic Point 2ND Character 800CE1D2 03E7 #Max Bas + Max Pow 2ND Character 800CE1D4 2020 #Max Dex + Max Agl 2ND Character 800CE1D6 2020 #Max Def + Max Wep 2ND Character 800CE1D8 2020 #Level 99 3RD Character 300CE205 0063 #Fast Level Up 3RD Character 800CE206 0001 #Max Magic Point 3RD Character 800CE20A 03E7 #Max Bas + Max Pow 3RD Character 800CE20C 2020 #Max Dex + Max Agl 3RD Character 800CE20E 2020 #Max Def + Max Wep 3RD Character 800CE210 2020 #Level 99 4Rd Character 300CE23D 0063 #Fast Level Up 4Rd Character 800CE23E 0001 #Max Magic Point 4Rd Character 800CE242 03E7 #Max Bas + Max Pow 4Rd Character 800CE244 2020 #Max Dex + Max Agl 4Rd Character 800CE246 2020 #Max Def + Max Wep 4Rd Character 800CE248 2020 #Level 99 5TH Character 300CE275 0063 #Fast Level Up 5TH Character 800CE276 0001 #Max Magic Point 5TH Character 800CE27A 03E7 #Max Bas + Max Pow 5TH Character 800CE27C 2020 #Max Dex + Max Agl 5TH Character 800CE27E 2020 #Max Def + Max Wep 5TH Character 800CE280 2020 #LV55 + HP maximum (all positions) 50000C38 0000 300CE195 00FF 50000C38 0000 800CE196 01F4 #Maximum Spirit (all positions) 50000C38 0000 800CE19A 03E7 #Maximum BAS + POW (all positions) 50000C38 0000 800CE19C 2020 #Maximum DEX + AGL (all positions) 50000C38 0000 800CE19E 2020 #Maximum DEF + WEP (all positions) 50000C38 0000 800CE1A0 2020 #All 99 weapons 50002003 0001 300CE4C4 0000 50002003 0000 300CE4C5 0063 #Alll 99 ornaments 50001303 0001 300CE524 0001 50001303 0000 300CE525 0063 #All 99 seal stones 50001C03 0001 300CE584 0000 50001C03 0000 300CE585 0063 ; [ Fuujin Ryouiki Eretzvaju (Jpn) (1999) (Yuke's) {SLPS-01790} ] :SLPS-01790 #All Characters 800A83E0 FFFF #Extra Option 800A83E2 FFFF 800A83E4 FFFF 800A83E6 FFFF #Main Character (Danizaver) Recover HP Press Square C00A6064 0080 800E19CA 0100 800E47D2 0100 800D396E 0100 800D313A 0100 800D9D46 0100 800D9D32 0100 800D9B0A 0100 800DCCB6 0100 800D9D0A 0100 800D9AD6 0100 00000000 FFFF #One Hit Kill 80045B74 0000 80045B76 0000 80045B7C 0002 80045B7E 0441 C00A6064 0008 80045B7C 0000 80045B7E 0000 00000000 FFFF #P1 Infinite Health 80045B6C 0002 80045B6E 1080 ; [ Chiisana Oukoku Erutoria (Jpn) (2000) (KSS) {SLPS-02750} ] :SLPS-02750 #Have 999999G 8009EEDC 423F 8009EEDE 000F #Have 60000 population 800D4138 EA60 #Infinite Energy in battle main character 8009DE54 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 2 8009DFB4 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 3 8009E114 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 4 8009E274 03E7 ; [ The Vision of Escaflowne (Jpn, Limited Edition) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPS-01014} ] :SLPS-01014 #Infinite HP in battle 800ADEFA 000C ; [ Weltorv Estleia (Jpn) (1999) (Hudson) {SLPS-01887} ] :SLPS-01887 #Infinite Money (60000) 800A59C4 EA60 #Infinite Energy 800A5952 03E7 800A5926 03E7 #Max 2nd Stats 800A5940 03E7 800A5914 03E7 #Max 3rd Stats 800A5942 03E7 800A5916 03E7 ; [ Yuukyuu no Eden - The Eternal Eden (Jpn) (1999) (ASCII) {SLPS-01928} ] :SLPS-01928 #Infinite Energy boy 80085872 03E7 80085874 03E7 #Stats Max Boy 80085864 03E7 80085866 03E7 80085868 03E7 8008586A 03E7 #Infinite Energy cat girl 800859BC 03E7 #Important item all 301831FF 00FF #Profile Lodi Light 801834A2 0002 #Profile Daisy Light 801834A2 0004 #Profile Hazel nut Albero 801834A2 0008 #Profile Violet Meer 801834A2 0010 #Profile root Pisutiru 801834A2 0000 #Profile R-7 801834A2 0040 #Profile Orchid Grace 801834A2 0080 #Profile anemone 801834A2 0100 #Profile Mantis root 801834A2 0200 #Profile Lady Bird Rouge 801834A2 0400 ; [ EVE Zero (Jpn) (2000) (Game Village) {SLPM-86478~SLPM-86480} ] :SLPM-86478 :SLPM-86479 :SLPM-86480 #EXTRA100% 3009C8AF 00FF 8009C8B0 FFFF 8009C8B2 FFFF 8009C8B4 FFFF 8009C8B6 FFFF 8009C8B8 FFFF 8009C8BA FFFF 8009C8BC FFFF 8009C8BE FFFF 8009C8C0 FFFF 8009C8C2 FFFF 8009C8C4 FFFF 3009C8C6 00FF 8009C8C8 07FF 3009C8CA 0010 ; [ Evergreen Avenue (Jpn) (2001) (MediaWorks / Datam Polystar) {SLPS-03278} ] :SLPS-03278 #All Gallery Illustrations 80056C48 FFFF 80056C4A FFFF 80056C4C FFFF 80056C4E FFFF 30056C50 00FF #Flash] All Stats at Max 800568FA FFFF 80056BFC 0063 80056BFE 03E7 80056BD8 FFFF 80056BE8 0000 #Ash All Stats at Max 80056C02 FFFF 80056C04 0063 80056C06 03E7 80056BDA FFFF 80056BEA 0000 #Rushieru] All Stats at Max 80056C0A FFFF 80056C0C 0063 80056C0E 03E7 80056BDC FFFF 80056BEC 0000 #Peer All Stats at Max 80056C12 FFFF 80056C14 0063 80056C16 03E7 80056BDE FFFF 80056BEE 0000 #Merrill] All Stats at Max 80056C1A FFFF 80056C1C 0063 80056C1E 03E7 80056BE0 FFFF 80056BF0 0000 #Illumina All Stats at Max 80056C22 FFFF 80056C24 0063 80056C26 03E7 80056BE2 FFFF 80056BF2 0000 #Faye All Stats at Max 80056C2A FFFF 80056C2C 0063 80056C2E 03E7 80056BE4 FFFF 80056BF4 0000 ; [ EVE - The Fatal Attraction (Jpn) (2001) (Game Village) {SLPM-86826~SLPM-86828} ] ;:SLPM-86826 ;:SLPM-86827 ;:SLPM-86828 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Exciting Bass (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86124 (VX099-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86124 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Exciting Bass 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86295 (VX154-J1)} ] :SLPM-86295 #Enable Code D00177BA 1040 800177BA 1000 D0017A6C 60A7 80017A6C 5EBC D0017EF6 1040 80017EF6 1000 #Infinite Continues 800BDDF8 0009 #Press Select To Have Extra Time D011D778 0100 800BDF94 7800 #Large Fish/Monster 80121332 270F 80128C90 22B8 80128C92 270F #Quick Fish Pull-Up (Press L2) D011D778 0001 80127740 0000 ; [ Expert (Jpn) (1996) (Nihon Bussan) {SLPS-00342} ] :SLPS-00342 #Infinite Health 800620F4 0064 #Infinite Life 800E798C 0000 #Infinite Ammo 800FC656 0000 #Infinite Ammos/Grenades 800D8252 001E 800D8254 001E 800D8250 0004 800D824A 001E 800D824E 012C #Weapons TYPE-C / TYPE-D Bazooka 80061FE0 0003 #Weapons TYPE-C / TYPE-D Rocket Launcher 80061FE0 0004 ; [ Family Diamond (Jpn) (2002) (Magnolia) {SLPS-03348} ] ;:SLPS-03348 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Family Restaurant - Shijou Saikyou no Menu (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01763} ] :SLPS-01763 #Infinite Money 8014C848 EA60 #Kim 8014C848 E0FF 8014C84A 05F5 #Manager (Next To The Clerk +40 H)Coping Max 3014C8AC 0063 #Max Service 3014C8B4 0063 #Checkout Max 3014C8BC 0063 #Max Customer Service 3014C8C4 0063 #Clerk 1 (Next To The Clerk +40 H)Max Service 3014C8F4 0063 #Checkout Max 3014C8FC 0063 #Max Customer Service 3014C904 0063 #Max Cumulative number of visitors 8014E870 C9FF 8014E872 3B9A #Max Sales of the head office 8014C9E8 CA00 8014C9EA 3B9A #5 star level Head office 3014CA07 0005 #5 star level second shop 3014CD03 0005 #Plate Length (Assistant To +40 H)Coping Max 3014C96C 0063 #Cooking 3014C98C 0063 ; [ Farland Story - Yottsu no Fuuin (Jpn) (1997) (TGL) {SLPS-00797} ] :SLPS-00797 #Infinite HP Boy 800DD99C 03E7 800DD99E 03E7 #Infinite HP Man With Helmet 800DD9B8 03E7 800DD9BA 03E7 #Infinite HP Girl 800DD9D4 03E7 800DD9D6 03E7 ; [ Farland Saga - Toki no Michishirube (Jpn) (1999) (TGL) {SLPS-01903} ] :SLPS-01903 #All Members Infinite Money 801CBEE4 423F 801CBEE6 000F #Main Character Infinite HP 801EB334 03E7 801EB336 03E7 #Main Character Infinite MP 801EB338 03E7 801EB33A 03E7 #Second Character Infinite HP 801EB3B0 03E7 801EB3B2 03E7 #Second Character Infinite MP 801EB3B4 03E7 801EB3B6 03E7 ; [ Favorite Dear - Enkan no Monogatari (Jpn) (2001) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-03286 (NIPS-4014)} ] :SLPS-03286 #999 AP Main Character 8018C580 03E7 #999 HP First Female Warrior 8018C984 03E7 #999 HP Second Female Warrior (Long Hair) 8018CB34 03E7 #999 HP Second Female Warrior (Short Hair) 8018CA5C 03E7 #999 HP Fourth Female warrior 8018CAC8 03E7 8018CACA 03E7 #999 HP Fifth Female warrior 8018C9F0 03E7 8018C9F2 03E7 ; [ Favorite Dear - Junpaku no Yogenmono (Jpn) (2000) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-02754 (NIPS-4008)} ] :SLPS-02754 #Infinite HP in battles 800D32F4 00BE ; [ Formula Circus (Jpn) (1997) (Nichibutsu) {SLPS-00358} ] :SLPS-00358 #Only one lap 800A0558 0001 ; [ Feda 2 - White Surge - the Platoon (Jpn) (1997) (Yanoman Games) {SLPS-00723} ] :SLPS-00723 #Infinite HP Character 1 800E7A70 00FE #Infinite HP Character 2 800E7A74 00DF #Infinite HP Character 3 800E7A7C 00F4 #Infinite HP Character 4 800E7A78 00CE #Infinite HP Character 5 800E7A80 00EB #Infinite Opm 800ADE38 03E8 #Fatal Strike 800391FA 0063 #Infinite MP 800397E4 0000 800397E6 0000 ; [ Final Fantasy (Jpn) (2002) (Squaresoft) {SLPS-03430} ] :SLPS-03430 #Max Gill 800BF2D8 E0FF 800BF2DA 05F5 #All Crystals 800BF30A F0FF 800BF30C 000F #P1 Maximum HP 800BF0D8 03E7 800BF0DA 03E7 #P2 Maximum HP 800BF124 03E7 800BF126 03E7 #P3 Maximum HP 800BF170 03E7 800BF172 03E7 #P4 Maximum HP 800BF1BC 03E7 800BF1BE 03E7 #Empirical value 800BF0D4 FFFF #Status Max 300BF0EC 0063 300BF0EC 0063 300BF0EC 0063 300BF0EC 0063 300BF0EC 0063 800BF0EC 03E7 800BF0EC 03E7 #No Random Battles 300851AC 0000 D00DDFC4 0001 300DDFC4 0000 D00DDFE4 0003 300DDFE4 0000 D00DDFEC 77FE 800DDFEC 7816 #100% bonus 50008002 0000 800BF360 0001 50001002 0000 800BF470 FFFF 800BF0C8 0100 800BF460 0001 800BF490 0001 800BF49C 0101 #Item you want to open all 50002802 0001 800BF20A 0140 50002802 0001 800BF25A 0170 50000602 0001 800BF2AA 6320 #Critical time, all characters attack power tremendous 8001C962 24A5 8001C960 7F00 #The ship + Airship ship appeared to Cornelia in the SELECT + START C00C7DBA FFF6 300BF308 0020 300BF203 0091 300BF204 00A2 300BF30A 0020 300BF205 0091 300BF206 00A0 00000000 FFFF #Last Boss before you use teleportation in the inn of Cornelia Use since the beginning twice inn 700BF1FE 003B 800E6A1A 2404 700BF1FE 003B 800E6A18 0027 #Not increase time of 15 puzzle D00C9CE4 0001 300C9CE4 0000 #All events end state in SELECT + START button C00C7DBA FFF6 800BF308 FFFE 800BF30A FFFF 800BF30C 07BF 00000000 FFFF ; [ Final Fantasy II (Jpn) (2002) (Squaresoft) {SLPS-03502} ] :SLPS-03502 #Max money 800AFA7C 869F 800AFA7E 0001 #999 HP 800AF892 03E7 800AF894 03E7 #Save Anywhere D013EC60 0024 8013EC7E 1000 #100% Monster Encyclopedia C0141F08 1040 80141F14 83E7 80141F16 2402 80141F1A A462 00000000 FFFF #100% item collection rate does not go out and see the effect once 800149CE A060 800149DC 0000 #Complementary Art Gallery 300AFB2B 00FF #None Encounter with SELECT + ?:It will be canceled without the encounter with ? + x. When set to ON without the encounter end of combat after you encounter one every step. D011CA7A DFFE 8003FAD0 0000 D011CA7A 9FFF 8003FAD0 FFFF #Mini-games anywhere D011CA7A FFFE 800B0174 FE0B ; [ Formula Grand Prix 1997 - Team Unei Simulation 2 (Jpn) (1997) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-01154} ] :SLPS-01154 #Infinite Money 80010004 7F96 80010006 0098 ; [ Forget me not - Palette (Jpn) (2001) (Enterbrain) {SLPS-03191} ] :SLPS-03191 "Infinite Moves in memories world (Can Freeze the game) 800F8738 0009 ; [ Final Doom (Jpn) (1997) (Soft Bank) {SLPS-00727} ] :SLPS-00727 #Infinite Armour 300AB3AC 0064 #Max Physical fitness 800AB3A8 0064 800AB3B4 0001 801E5E08 0064 #Stage selection (PAUSE game, L1) Invincibility (R1) D00990CA FBFF 800AB444 0020 D00990CA F7FF 800AB444 0002 #All weapons possession D00AB3FC 0000 800AB3FC 0001 D00AB400 0000 800AB400 0001 D00AB404 0000 800AB404 0001 D00AB408 0000 800AB408 0001 D00AB40C 0000 800AB40C 0001 D00AB410 0000 800AB410 0001 D00AB414 0000 800AB414 0001 D00AB41C 0000 800AB41C 0001 D00AB420 0000 800AB420 0002 D00AB424 0000 800AB424 0028 D00AB428 0000 800AB428 0001 #Infinite Ammo (HBP) D0020F90 FFFF 80020F90 0000 D0020FF4 FFD8 80020FF4 0000 D0021064 FFFF 80021064 0000 D00212BC FFFF 800212BC 0000 D0021450 FFFF 80021450 0000 D0021608 FFFE 80021608 0000 D0021848 FFFF 80021848 0000 ; [ The Firemen 2 - Pete & Danny (Jpn) (1995) (Human) {SLPS-00148} ] :SLPS-00148 #Infinite Time 800ADDA2 003B #Pete\Infinite Lives 800ADDD4 0002 #Pete\Infinite Energy 800ADDCC 000C #Pete\Infinite Bombs 800ADDD6 0002 #Danny\Infinite Lives 800ADE30 0002 #Danny\Infinite Energy 800ADE28 000C #Danny\Infinite Bombs 800ADE32 0002 ; [ Fire Woman Matoigumi (Jpn) (1998) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-01315} ] :SLPS-01315 #Infinite HP in battles 80092200 03E7 ; [ Fish Eyes II (Jpn) (2000) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-02383} ] ;:SLPS-02383 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Fisher's Road (Jpn) (1999) (BPS) {SLPS-01943} ] :SLPS-01943 #Have 999999 money 80125B88 423F 80125B8A 000F ; [ Fist (Jpn) (1996) (Imageneer) {SLPS-00538} ] :SLPS-00538 #P1 Infinite Health 8015053E 0100 #P2 Infinite Health 80150AFA 0100 ; [ Formula Nippon '99 (Jpn) (1999) (TYO) {SLPS-02259} ] :SLPS-02259 #Always 1st When Finished 800FB6E0 0001 #Freeze Timer 800FB6D8 0000 #Speed Boost:Press X+R2 800E97DA 3E47 #Instant Brake 800E97DA FF47 ; [ Fox Junction (Jpn) (1998) (Trips) {SLPS-01355} ] :SLPS-01355 #Infinite + Max HP 8009184C 270F 80091850 270F #Infinite + Max ZP 80091858 270F 8009185A 270F #Skill 65535 80091860 FFFF ; [ First Queen IV - Varcia Senki (Jpn) (1996) (KSK) {SLPS-00604} ] :SLPS-00604 #Infinite HP Main Character 801564D8 00FF ; [ Free Talk Studio - Mari no Kimama na Oshaberi (Jpn, Best of the Best) (2000) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02655} ] ;:SLPS-02655 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Arcade Hits - Frisky Tom (Jpn, Major Wave Serie) (2002) (Hamster) {SLPM-87118} ] :SLPM-87118 #Frisky Tom\Infinite Lives 8008456E 0005 #Tom's Strike Back\Infinite Lives 80085196 0005 ; [ Final Round (Jpn) (1998) (Atlus) {SLPS-01266} ] :SLPS-01266 #Max All Status 800CCA36 2706 800CCA38 2706 800CCA3A 2706 800CCA3E 2706 800CCA40 2706 800CCA46 2706 800CCA4A 2706 #Infinite Stimate 800CCA4E 0000 ; [ Fighters' Impact (Jpn) (1997) (Taito) {SLPS-00822} ] :SLPS-00822 #P1 Infinite Energy 8016C674 00C8 #P1 No Energy 8016C674 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 8016D130 00C8 #P2 No Energy 8016D130 0000 #Infinite Time 8016F7F4 00DE ; [ Fun! Fun! Pingu - *Youkoso! Nankyoku e* (Jpn, Limited Edition) (1999) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-02306} ] :SLPS-02306 #Infinite Lure For The Fishing Mini Game 800EBC49 0009 ; [ Fushigi Keiji (Jpn) (2000) (Capcom) {SLPM-86642} ] ;:SLPM-86642 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Fuuraiki (Jpn) (2001) (FOG) {SLPS-03094} ] :SLPS-03094 #Infinite Strenght D001EC80 1284 8001EC88 0000 C002B6FC 0005 8002B6FE 1000 8002B6FC 001B 00000000 FFFF #Infinite + Max Stamina 8009ABD4 00FF 8009ABD8 00FF #Bonus mode Open 801FBCC8 0003 #Bonus mode fully open 801FBCCC 0004 #Japanese playing cards Hanafuda free competition All characters 801FBF20 0003 #Japanese playing cards Hanafuda free competition Player 99 points 801FBA70 0063 #Japanese playing cards Hanafuda free competition Rival 0 points 801FBA74 0000 ; [ Gaia Seed - Project Seed Trap (Jpn) (1996) (Techno Soleil) {SLPS-00624} ] :SLPS-00624 #Infinite Shield 800CA9DD 0050 #Infinite Lives 800D284C 0009 #Infinite Intense fire 800CA9ED 0050 #Infinite Credits 800CA908 0009 #Infinite Boss time 800CA8EA 6666 ; [ Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi S (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00404} ] ;:SLPS-00404 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa - Hanako-san ga Kita!! (Jpn) (1995) (Capcom) {SLPS-00078} ] :SLPS-00078 #Infinite Time 800A368E 0000 ; [ Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! 2 (Jpn) (1998) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01660} ] :SLPS-01660 #Infinite Money 99999 80157D94 0001 80157D94 869F #Students Participants maximum 80157B12 0190 #All facilities can be installed 80157B40 FFFF #Level 99 club and level up C007095A 1440 80070958 0000 8007095A 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! Koushou Sensei Monogatari (Jpn) (2000) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-02998} ] :SLPS-02998 #Infinite Money 801C386C 05F5 801C386C E0FF 801CEDE0 05F5 801CEDE0 E0FF #Infinite Heart 801C3866 0064 801CF78C 0064 #Favorability MAX 801CF78C 0064 #Principal power MAX 801CF78E 0064 #School operating funds MAX 801CEDE0 E0FF 801CEDE2 05F5 #All Scenario 301CF792 FFFF #All items 801CF798 FFFF 801CF79A FFFF #Refuse collection maximum amount 801CF790 0064 ; [ Hoshi no Oka Gakuen Monogatari - Gakuensai (Jpn) (1998) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-01638} ] :SLPS-01638 #Reiko Koizumi mood and favorability Fine 800A2A00 0005 800A2A02 0005 #Terumi Hinata mood and favorability Fine 800A2A2A 0005 800A2A24 0005 #Saori Fujino mood and favorability Fine 800A2A54 0005 800A2A56 0005 #New Ayanokoji mood and favorability Fine 800A2A7E 0005 800A2A80 0005 #Naoki Hashimoto mood and favorability Fine 800A2AA8 0005 800A2AAA 0005 #Ibuki Akizuki mood and favorability Fine 800A2AD2 0005 800A2AD4 0005 #Mako Uchida mood and favorability Fine 800A2AFC 0005 800A2AFE 0005 #Yoko Sakurai mood and favorability Fine 800A2B26 0005 800A2B28 0005 #Shindo love mood and favorability Fine 800A2B50 0005 800A2B52 0005 #Narumi mood and favorability Fine 800A2B7A 0005 800A2B7C 0005 #Shoko Mizusawa mood and favorability Fine 800A2BA4 0005 800A2BA6 0005 #Nazuna Spiraea mood and favorability Fine 800A2BCE 0005 800A2BD0 0005 #Eye mood and favorability Fine 800A2BF8 0005 800A2BFA 0005 #Kasumi mood and favorability Fine 800A2C22 0005 800A2C24 0005 #Erika Natori mood and favorability Fine 800A2C4C 0005 800A2C4E 0005 #Shizuka Hanabishi mood and favorability Fine 800A2C76 0005 800A2C78 0005 #Gaya Shinozaki mood and favorability Fine 800A2CA0 0005 800A2CA2 0005 #Aster Shirakawa mood and favorability Fine 800A2CCA 0005 800A2CCC 0005 #Misako Yamada mood and favorability Fine 800A2CF4 0005 800A2CF6 0005 ; [ Matsumoto Leiji - Story of Galaxy Express 999 (Jpn) (2001) (Banpresto) {SLPS-03220~SLPS-03221} ] :SLPS-03220 :SLPS-03221 #Infinite HP Tetsuro Hoshino (Main character) 800A5B99 000F #Infinite Time in Canyon sequence 800A73A6 003B ; [ Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (Jpn) (1996) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-00138} ] :SLPS-00138 #P1 Infinite Energy 8019F5A6 FFFF #P2 Infinite Energy 8019F77E FFFF #Infinite Time 8018D430 99D4 ; [ ΓΑΛΕΟΖ (Jpn) (1996) (Atlus) {SLPS-00621} ] :SLPS-00621 #Infinite Bullets 801B5B36 000A #Infinite Energy 801B5AD2 03E8 #Invincibility 301B5B3D 00FF #After pressing Triangle Shoot mega bomb D01AA794 FFEF 801B5B3E FFFF ; [ Gambler Jikochuushinha Ippatsu Shoubu! (Jpn) (2000) (Game Arts) {SLPS-02509} ] :SLPS-02509 #Have 99999 points 800898E4 869F 800898E6 0001 ; [ The Game Maker (Jpn) (1998) (Axela) {SLPS-01583} ] :SLPS-01583 #Maximum Money 8015F64C E0FF 8015F64E 05F5 ; [ Gamera 2000 (Jpn) (1997) (Virgin Interactive) {SLPS-00833} ] :SLPS-00833 #Infinite Energy/Shield 8019BA38 0064 #All Levels All Invincibility 8003ACFA 0000 8003ACF8 0000 ; [ Gunbare! Game Tengoku - The Game Paradise 2 (Jpn) (1998) (Jaleco) {SLPS-01322} ] :SLPS-01322 #Level 8 All Characters 800422E4 0707 800422E6 0707 800422E8 0707 800422EA 0707 #Lives 99 All Characters 800422EC 6363 800422EE 6363 800422F0 6363 800422F2 6363 #All Sold Out 8004236C 00FF #Gold 8004235C FFFF #Infinite Lives 800C6970 6363 #Infinite Bomb 800C696E 0300 #Max Level 800C6972 0007 800C696E 0909 #Invincibility 800C6980 6300 ; [ Gamesoft wo Tsukurou - Let's Be a Super Game Creator (Jpn) (1999) (Imageneer) {SLPS-01607} ] :SLPS-01607 #Game creator mode money MAX longing 800DCACA 0063 #100 million of money MAX mode of dream Aim funds MAX Press L2 button D0163538 0001 301649AE 00FF ; [ Gangway Monsters (Jpn) (1998) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-01468} ] :SLPS-01468 #Infinite Money 80075B90 423F 80075B92 000F #All Engines 80075BB0 0606 80075BB2 0506 80075BB4 0505 80075BB6 0404 80075BB8 0304 80075BBA 0303 80075BBC 0202 80075BBE 0102 80075BC0 0101 #All Rings 30075BC5 0006 80075BC6 0606 80075BC8 0505 80075BCA 0405 80075BCC 0404 80075BCE 0303 80075BD0 0203 80075BD2 0202 80075BD4 0101 30075BD6 0001 #All Chillos 80075BDA 0606 80075BDC 0506 80075BDE 0505 80075BE0 0404 80075BE2 0304 80075BE4 0303 80075BE6 0202 80075BE8 0102 80075BEA 0101 #All Items 30075BEF 0063 80075BF0 6363 80075BF2 6363 80075BF4 6363 80075BF6 6363 80075BF8 6363 80075BFA 6363 80075BFC 6363 80075BFE 6363 80075C00 6363 80075C02 6363 80075C04 6363 80075C06 6363 80075C08 6363 #All Monster Note 80075C2E 0002 80075C56 0002 80075C7E 0002 80075CA6 0002 80075CCE 0002 80075CF6 0002 80075D1E 0002 80075D46 0002 80075D6E 0002 80075D96 0002 80075DBE 0002 80075DE6 0002 80075E0E 0002 80075E36 0002 80075E5E 0002 80075E86 0002 80075EAE 0002 80075ED6 0002 80075EFE 0002 80075F26 0002 80075F4E 0002 ; [ Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar - Blockaded Numbers (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-01980} ] :SLPS-01980 #No Mistakes On Rollercoaster Mini Game 800ABF2C 0000 #Infinite Energy Gaogaigar 800AB672 0003 #Infinite Special Attacks Gaogaigar 800AB670 0003 #All Minigames 801F4000 0101 801F4002 0101 801F4004 0101 801F4006 0101 801F4008 0101 301F400A 0001 #Database Fully open 801F4018 FFFF 801F401A FFFF 801F401C FFFF 801F401E FFFF 801F4020 FFFF 801F4022 FFFF 801F402C FFFF ; [ Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03353} ] :SLPS-03353 #Infinite Energy 8009EC2E 09F6 #Infinite Energy robot 80153940 09C4 ; [ Tactical Armor Custom Gasaraki (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02181} ] :SLPS-02181 #All Thinking chips 30082105 00FF 80082106 FFFF 80082108 FFFF 8008210A FFFF 8008210C FFFF 8008210E FFFF 80082110 FFFF #Infinite Shield (99) 30082118 0063 #Not decrease execution time strategy D0082B34 0001 80082B34 0000 ; [ Gate Keepers (Jpn) (1999) (Kadokawa Shoten) {SLPS-02246~SLPS-02247} ] :SLPS-02246 :SLPS-02247 #Infinite HP In Battle Main Character 801AB36C 03E7 801AB36E 03E7 #Infinite HP In Battle Second Character 801AB714 03E7 801AB716 03E7 #Infinite HP In Battle Third Character 801ABABC 03E7 801ABABE 03E7 #Not decrease the number of gates used technique D0028FCC 0008 80029048 0000 D002F808 0008 8002F9A2 0060 #Unlock all album pictures C008B470 0010 8008B4E0 0001 8008B4E2 2402 8008B54C 0001 8008B54E 2402 00000000 FFFF #All Movies C008B470 0010 8008B2DC 0001 8008B2DE 2403 00000000 FFFF #All Songs Unlocked C008B470 0010 8008B3C0 0001 8008B3C2 2402 00000000 FFFF #kusawa Ruriko favorability rating Max 801F1F4E 03E7 #Konoe Kaoru favorability rating Max 801F1F52 03E7 #Sakimori Misao favorability rating Max 801F1F56 03E7 #Asagiri Reiko favorability rating Max 801F1F5A 03E7 #Jun Sanders favorability rating Max 801F1F5E 03E7 #Feng Feirin favorability rating Max 801F1F62 03E7 #Hojo Yukino favorability rating Max 801F1F66 03E7 #Francine Aryu Maju favorability rating Max 801F1F6A 03E7 ; [ The Great Battle VI (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00719} ] :SLPS-00719 #Infinite HP 800E256C 000A #Infinite Time 800E2654 638A #Infinite Life 800E26C0 000A #Infinite Power 800E26E8 0009 ; [ GeGeGe no Kitarou (Jpn) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPS-00644} ] ;:SLPS-00644 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ GeGeGe no Kitarou - Gyakushuu! Youkai Daikessen (Jpn) (2003) (Konami) {SLPM-87286 (VX278-J1)} ] :SLPM-87286 #Infinite Health 300E93F0 000A #Views exhaustion 300E942C 0063 #Invincibility 300E97A4 0001 300E97A8 0000 ; [ Geki-Oh Shienryu (Jpn) (1999) (Warashi) {SLPS-02056} ] :SLPS-02056 #P1 Infinite Bombs 80188290 0063 #P1 Infinite Ships 801882B0 0005 #P2 Infinite Bombs 80188292 0063 #P2 Infinite Ships 801882B2 0005 #P1 Max Weapons Level 801880B8 0003 80188348 0003 #P2 Max Weapons Level 801880BC 0003 8018834C 0003 #Invincibility P1 + P2 (Version 1) 800FE586 0000 #Invincibility P1 + P2 (Version 2) 801C10B4 0064 801C1120 0064 #Infinite Continues 801FDAD0 0009 #Press L1/R1/R2+Fire Buttons For Maruchi Buke Mode 8.Toggles Multi Weapons + Multi Bullets) D01881D0 0004 80187FE0 0000 D01F08CA 0008 80187FE0 0001 D01F08CA 0002 80187FE0 0002 #Infinite Lives Bonus Mode 80187844 03E7 #Infinite Energy Bonus Mode 8018800E 0040 #Invincibility Bonus Mode D01B3940 0001 801A9098 0090 ; [ Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01579} ] ;:SLPS-01579 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Genei Tougi - Shadow Struggle (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00491} ] :SLPS-00491 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E63E2 0075 #P2 No energy 300E724A 0000 #99999 CR in Arena Mode 800E9974 869F 800E9976 0001 #All of the skills in Arena Mode 800E9970 270F #Special Power Always On 800E625A 4C00 #All Hidden characters availables 300D4124 0002 ; [ 70's Robot Anime - Geppy-X - The Super Boosted Armor (Jpn) (1999) (Aroma) {SLPS-01995~SLPS-01998} ] :SLPS-01995 :SLPS-01996 :SLPS-01997 :SLPS-01998 #Infinite Life 30078704 0063 #Max Main Weapons 30197866 0003 #Max Sub Weapons 30197868 0003 #X-Power Max 3019786A 005A #Armor 80197874 012C #Invincibility 30197803 0010 #All Extra selectable 800787E4 001F #All Movies selectable 800787CC 0001 #Boss killer blow 1-1 D01EBE8A 0043 801EBE8A 0000 #Boss killer blow 1-2 D01EAE32 0043 801EAE32 0000 #Boss killer blow 2-1 D01EB66E 0043 801EB66E 0000 #Boss killer blow 3-1A D01E5586 0043 801E5586 0000 #Boss killer blow 3-1 D01EC192 0043 801EC192 0000 #Boss killer blow 3-2 D01EBC96 0043 801EBC96 0000 #Boss killer blow 4-2 D01E9B8E 0043 801E9B8E 0000 #Boss killer blow 5-1 D01E95E2 0043 801E95E2 0000 #Boss killer blow 5-2 D01E328A 0043 801E328A 0000 #Boss killer blow 6-1 D01E9A2A 0043 801E9A2A 0000 #Boss killer blow 7-1 D01E9672 0043 801E9672 0000 #Boss killer blow 7-2 D01EC2B6 0043 801EC2B6 0000 #Boss killer blow 8-1 D01EA826 0043 801EA826 0000 #Boss killer blow 8-2 D01ECBD2 0043 801ECBD2 0000 ; [ GetBackers Dakkanya (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86848 (VX240-J1)} ] :SLPM-86848 #Infinite Energy 8008EDBC 0096 ; [ Guilty Gear (Jpn) (1998) (Arc System Works) {SLPS-01357} ] :SLPS-01357 #P1 Infinite HP 80075EA0 00C8 #P1 Infinite MP 80075EC0 0040 #P2 Infinite HP 8007616C 00C8 #P2 Infinite MP 8007618C 0040 ; [ Ganbare Goemon - Ooedo Daikaiten (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86774 (VX239-J1)} ] :SLPM-86774 #P1 Infinite Energy 80063AC6 0006 #P1 Infinite Lives 800468D2 0009 #P1 Infinite Coins 800468C6 03E7 #P2 Infinite Energy 80063B6E 0006 #P2 Infinite Lives 800530FA 0009 #P2 Infinite Coins 800530EE 03E7 #Infinite Time 80045E58 0063 #Infinite Health robot 800A9CAC 03E7 #Infinite Weapon robot 800A9CAA 03E7 #One-Hit Kill Bosses 800642A6 0000 #P1 Invincibility 80063B18 0010 #P2 Invincibility 80063BC0 0010 #All Stages Open 50000C02 0000 80045D88 FFFF #Have All Passes 50000501 0000 30045D44 000B ; [ Ganbare Goemon - Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu (Jpn) (1996) (Konami) {SLPS-00217 (VX011-J1)} ] :SLPS-00217 #Invincibility E0072760 0000 30072760 0008 E0072760 0001 30072760 0009 E0072760 0002 30072760 000A E0072760 0003 30072760 000B E0072760 0020 30072760 0028 #Infinite HP / Maximum HP Level 800AA45E 7FFF 800AA460 7FFF #Infinite Lives 300AA450 0064 #Infinite Ryou 800AA484 270F #Maximum Experience 800AA464 C34F #Have All Characters Goroku + Baban In Party 800AA454 0101 300AA458 0003 #2D Impact Stages Maximum HP 8008FB88 0020 #2D Impact Stages Maximum Money 8008FB8A 0064 #3D Impact Stages (Robot) For Maximum Oil HP 800951C0 03E7 #3D impact Stages (Robot) Max Special Gauge 800951C4 0063 #3D impact Stages (Robot) Max MP 8008FFDA 0060 #3D Impact Stages - Press L2+Up For Boss HP = 0 D00A255C 1001 8009CABC 0000 #Have always 4 parts of the doll 800AA477 0004 #Have Best Armor 300AA46E 0005 #Have Best Helmet 300AA46B 0005 #Have Best Riceball 300AA468 0002 #Level select can be accessed by using the code and then going anywhere in the game that switches to another screen, 80075174 005F ; [ GI Jockey 2000 (Jpn) (2000) (Koei) {SLPM-86413} ] :SLPM-86413 #Infinite RP (Money) 8007CBB0 270F ; [ Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Jpn) (1998) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-01358} ] :SLPS-01358 #Infinite Money 999999 Empire Ally Common) 800A1958 423F 800A195A 000F #Infinite Money 999999 Empire Ally Common 800A195C 423F 800A195E 000F #Infinite HP ship on battle (9999) 800DA97E 270F #Total fleet number 20000 801046C4 4E20 #Fleet number 20000 currently 801046C6 4E20 #Fatigue 0 301046FC 0064 #Operations 120 301046FF 0078 #Attack 120 30104701 0078 #Defense 120 30104702 0078 #Mobile 120 30104703 0078 #Occupation 120 30104704 0078 #60 days of supply 30104706 003A ; [ Glint Glitters (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86200 (VX226-J1)} ] :SLPM-86200 #Infinite Money (20000) / win the 1st game 8008CA78 4E20 #Infinite Money (30000) / win the 2nd game 8008CA78 7530 #Infinite Money (40000) / win the 3rd game 8008CA78 9C40 ; [ Gallop Racer 2000 (Jpn) (2000) (Tecmo) {SLPS-02623} ] :SLPS-02623 #99999 Jockey Points 801FA288 869F 801FA28A 0001 #Infinite Stamina in first race 800EA486 0019 ; [ Gensou Maden Saiyuuki - Harukanaru Nishi e (Jpn) (2002) (J-Wing) {SLPM-86986} ] :SLPM-86986 #Infinite Hearts in chapter 2 8005B740 0003 #Enemy energy is only 1 in chapter 3 battle (Deactivate after sending it) 80070AAE 0001 #Infinite Bullets in chapter 3 battle 2 (Deactivate after defeating enemy) 8005C990 000C #Infinite Energy in chapter 3 battle 2 (Deactivate after defeating enemy) 8005C994 0004 #Character Scroll Faster D0058B94 6FFA 80058B88 0001 #Extra edition selectable from the beginning C0058778 61F2 80058794 0001 800587D4 0001 00000000 FFFF #From The First Album (1 To 6) D005A244 68B4 8005A260 0001 #From The First Album (Ending) D005A244 68B4 8005A2DC 0001 D005AA60 610B 8005AA3C 0001 D005A7EC 6A7A 8005A84C 0001 #Chapter 1 Maze Infinite Time D005E558 0009 8005E59C 0000 #Chapter 1Sure Spread Range D0058F78 001F 80058FB0 0001 #Chapter 2 Avoid Chapter 2 Bombs Always Bomb On The Roof D0059C3C 53B8 80059C56 1000 #Chapter 2 Once A Bomb Jump And Disabled C0058A00 61DC 80058A88 0008 800589FC 0008 00000000 FFFF #Chapter 3 Battle Games (Each Chapter Common)Infinite HP Gauge D0059C70 67B6 80059CB4 0000 #Chapter 3 Infinite Power Gauge D0057E00 7505 80057E2E 0040 #Chapter 4 Bullets Hit Infinite HP Gauge D0057D30 505D 80057D8C 0000 #Chapter 4 Not Decrease The Number Of Bomb Residue D0058268 53B8 80058258 0000 #Chapter 4 The Bullet Almost Hit The Enemy C00582EC 6AAE 800582DC 0001 8005833C 0001 8005839C 0001 800583FC 0001 00000000 FFFF #Chapter 4 Aiming Move Faster C0057E2C 6DEA 80057E28 4080 80057E90 4080 80057F00 4080 80057F68 4080 00000000 FFFF #Chapter 5 Maze Infinite Time D005A5F0 5BC1 8005A648 0000 D005E1EC 7430 8005E218 0000 #Chapter 5 Sure Spread Range D0057890 001F 800578C8 0001 # Chapter 6 Maze Infinite Time D005B0D8 6C64 8005B19C 0000 D005F918 7E88 8005F8F0 0000 D0060C68 7520 80060C78 0000 #Chapter 6 Sure Spread Range D0057730 5E71 80057800 0001 #Chapter 6 Maze Fall To The Floor, Ignored D005ADF0 6BF2 8005ADC2 1000 ; [ Goemon - Shin Sedai Shuumei (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86997 (VX251-J1)} ] :SLPM-86997 #Infinite HP 3007A536 000A #Infinite Time 3005C420 0063 #Money Max 8005D2D6 7530 #Infinite Lives 3005D2EC 0063 #Infinite Gas (Robot) 800D3418 270F #Max Power (Robot) 800D3428 012C #Infinite Time 8005C420 0063 #Invincibility 8007A590 0010 #Maxed-Out Weapons 8005D2E2 0303 8005D2E4 0303 #All Arrests Complete 50000402 0000 8005C2D2 0B0B #All Stages Open 50000D02 0000 8005C34E FFFF #Have All Characters 3005C34D 000F #Have Best Armor 8005D2D2 6312 #Have Best Helmet 8005D2D4 6316 #Have Best Riceball 8005D2D0 010E #Press L2+CIRCLE to Play as Yoshitsune D005A5A4 0002 E005A503 0021 8005D2F4 0404 ; [ Goo! Goo! Soundy (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86250 (VX097-J1)} ] :SLPM-86250 #Max Exp From Lesson C0025A58 1021 80025A5A 2442 80025A58 7FFF 00000000 FFFF #JUDGEMENT SCORE 999999 800BA304 423F 800BA306 000F #TRANSFORM form all 800A6214 0002 800A6218 0002 800A621C 0002 800A6220 0002 800A6224 0002 800A6228 0002 #TRANSFORM form all (PAR2 only) 50000604 0000 800A6214 0002 #EFFECT all (PAR2 only) 50002402 0000 800A9D84 0101 #Gauge MAX 800CB394 03E7 #Does not fall gauge D00353FE 1040 800353EA 1400 #Gauge MAX GOOD, in PERFECT D0035342 2442 80035340 03E7 #9999 times combo 800CB2B8 270F 800CB3C8 270F #All Saundi Level 7 50001228 0000 800A6250 0007 #All Saundi Exp MAX 50001228 0000 800A625C FFFF 50001228 0000 800A625E 70FF ; [ Googootrops (Jpn) (1999) (Enix) {SLPM-86148} ] :SLPM-86148 #Infinite + max energy main character 801CA028 00E7 801CA029 00E7 #Infinite + max energy 2nd character 801CA1CC 00E7 801CA1CD 00E7 ; [ Gokuu Densetsu - Magic Beast Warriors (Jpn) (1995) (Allumer) {SLPS-00048} ] :SLPS-00048 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E1940 0070 #Infinite Time 800D0C70 0063 ; [ Fuuun Gokuu Ninden (Jpn) (1996) (AiCOM) {SLPS-00441} ] :SLPS-00441 #Invincibility All Characters 80060E48 004F #Infinite Energy 80060D7C 0060 80072A64 0060 #Have 99 blue power gems (used for special attack) 80060E88 0063 ; [ Goiken Muyou II (Jpn) (1998) (KSS) {SLPS-01542} ] :SLPS-01542 #P1 Infinite Energy 801281E4 0101 #P2 Life 0 Press SELECT D013F5FA FFFE 80128EEC FFFF ; [ Golgo 13 (1) - Karairu no Yabou (Jpn) (1998) (Daiki) {SLPS-01712} ] ;:SLPS-01712 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer (Jpn) (1997) (Urban Plant) {SLPS-00527} ] :SLPS-00527 #P1 Infinite Energy 8001200C 0140 #Infinite Time 80012002 0063 ; [ G-Police (Jpn) (1998) (SCEI) {SCPS-10065~SCPS-10066} ] :SCPS-10065 :SCPS-10066 #All weapons available 800F8DD4 0063 800F8DC0 0063 800F8DC4 0063 800F8DC8 0063 800F8DCC 0063 800F8DD0 0063 800F8DD8 0063 800F8DDC 0063 800F8DE0 0063 800F8DE4 0063 800F8DE8 0063 800F8DEC 0063 800F8DF4 0063 #Practice All stages 8009683C 003F ; [ Chou-Kousoku Grandoll (Jpn) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPS-00935} ] :SLPS-00935 #Infinite Health 800B4D64 0060 #All 5 Change Roll 300B4D6A 0005 #Infinite Keys 800A282C 0101 #Infinite Bombs 800B4D66 0101 #Invincibility 300A266C 0001 #Completely Invincibility 800A262E 0001 #Deathblow 800B4D66 0003 #All movies open 800A29EE FFFF #Card 800A282C 0001 #I can transform all 800B4D6A 0005 ; [ Gritz - The Pyramid Adventure (Jpn) (1997) (Sanyo) {SLPS-00615} ] ;:SLPS-00615 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Groove Jigoku V - Sweepstation Version (Jpn) (1998) (Kioon Sony Records) {SLPS-01205} ] ;:SLPS-01205 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Growlanser (Jpn) (1999) (Atlus) {SLPS-02380~SLPS-02381} ] :SLPS-02380 :SLPS-02381 #Hp 999 801929FC 03E7 801929FE 03E7 #Mp 999 80192A00 03E7 80192A02 03E7 #Elm 9999 80194304 270F #Stats 999 801929E8 03E7 801929E6 03E7 #Stats 255 801929EC 00FF 801929EA FFFF #Level 99 801929E4 6300 #Level Up 801929F0 0001 ; [ Guitar Freaks Append 2nd Mix (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86446 (VX183-J1)} ] :SLPM-86446 #Can Select All Songs 50000802 0000 8011C04C FFFF #P1 Gauge Max 801270A0 2710 #P2 Gauge Max 801270A4 2710 #Total Score Max 801219DC C9FF 801219DE 3B9A ; [ Gunbird (Jpn) (1995) (Atlus) {SLPS-00157} ] :SLPS-00157 #P1 Infinite Lives 801783C8 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 80178448 0003 #P1 Infinite Bombs 801783CC 0002 #P2 Infinite Bombs 8017844C 0002 #P1 Invincibility 801783E6 0078 #P2 Invincibility 80178466 0078 ; [ Gung-Ho Brigade (Jpn) (2000) (Tomy) {SLPS-01902} ] :SLPS-01902 #Infinite HP Main character (boy) 80010130 0BB8 #Infinite HP Second character (girl) 800101A6 08FC ; [ Kou Kidou Gensou - Gunparade March (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-10136} ] :SCPS-10136 #Infiite + Max hp 80104604 270F 80104608 270F #Infinite + Max mp 80104614 270F 80104618 270F #Infinite Money 80104628 869F 8010462A 0001 #Kinetic force 9999 8010460C 270F #Intelligence 9999 80104610 270F #Charm 9999 8010461C 270F #Morale 9999 80104620 270F #Say 99999 80104624 869F 80104626 0001 #Each skill in level 3 801045C8 0303 801045CA 0303 801045CC 0303 801045CE 0303 801045D0 0303 801045D2 0303 801045D4 0303 801045D6 0303 801045D8 0303 801045DA 0303 801045DC 0303 801045DE 0303 #Medal awarded 801045E4 0101 801045E6 0101 801045E8 0101 801045EA 0101 801045EC 0101 801045EE 0101 801045F0 0101 801045F2 0101 #Infinite Ammo D00DBA36 0083 800DBA63 0080 ; [ Ridegear Guybrave II (Jpn) (1998) (Axela) {SLPS-01643~SLPS-01644} ] :SLPS-01643 :SLPS-01644 #Hp 99999 80117B50 869F 30117B52 0001 #Hp Max 99999 80117B54 869F 30117B56 0001 #First Weapon Max. 8009D518 2006 #Second Weapon Max. 8009D51C 3018 #Max Level For Robot 80095BF4 FFFF #Mec 999999999 80095BC8 C9FF 80095BCA 3B9A #Get All 102 Robot In Simulation Mode 3009F27C 003F B0030004 0000 9009F270 FFFF #En-S1 9999 80117B58 270F #En-S1 Max 9999 80117B5E 270F #En-S2 9999 80117B5A 270F #En-S2 Max 9999 80117B60 270F #En-S3 9999 80117B5C 270F #En-S3 Max 9999 80117B62 270F ; [ Hai-Shin-2 (Jpn) (1998) (Aques) {SLPM-86066} ] :SLPM-86066 #Player has 99999 points 801C71B0 869F 801C71B2 0001 #Up enemy has 0 points 801C71B8 0000 #Left enemy has 0 points 801C71BC 0000 #Right enemy has 0 points 801C71B4 0000 ; [ Hanabi Fantast (Jpn) (1998) (Magical) {SLPS-01439} ] ;:SLPS-01439 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Happy Hotel (Jpn) (1997) (Tohoku Shinsha) {SLPS-01110} ] :SLPS-01110 #Infinite Money 8001000A 05F5 80010008 E0FF #Occupation Ranking 8001000E 3F3F 80010010 3F3F 3001023B 0014 ; [ Happy Salvage (Jpn, Disc 1 Only) (2000) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-02821} ] :SLPS-02821 #Infinity Air 800F2D12 03E7 #Infinite Money 800DCDC8 967F 800DCDCA 0098 ; [ Hard Boiled (Jpn) (1998) (Sieg) {SLPS-01484} ] :SLPS-01484 #Infinite HP 8005E5B4 001E #Infinite SP 8005E708 03E7 #Infinite Missiles 8005E5BC 0028 ; [ Ninpu Sentai Harikenger (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03493} ] :SLPS-03493 #P1 Infinite Health 80092AC0 0B00 #P1 Max Special Attack 80092AC3 0030 #Infinite Health mecha stages 801C1908 0AF0 #P2 Infinite Health 80092AD2 0B00 #P2 Max Gauge 80092AD4 3000 #Unlock Extras 50000F02 0000 80092CB4 0101 ; [ Harmful Park (Jpn) (1997) (Sky Think Systems) {SLPS-00498} ] :SLPS-00498 #Invincibility (No Hit) 800A033A 1400 800A0342 1000 #P1 Infinite HP 8018005A 0005 #P1 Infinite Bomb 80148E30 0003 #P2 Infinite Bomb 80148FF8 0003 #P2 Infinite HP 8018005C 0005 ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Banjou Yuugi (Jpn, Premium Box) (2003) (Koei) {SLPM-87241} ] :SLPM-87241 #P1 Has 999 points with all characters 800A6978 03E7 800A697A 03E7 800A697C 03E7 800A697E 03E7 800A6980 03E7 800A6982 03E7 800A6984 03E7 800A6986 03E7 #P1 has 9999 star energy 800A6988 270F ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (Jpn) (2000) (Koei) {SLPM-86466} ] :SLPM-86466 #Infinite Energy Green Hair Character 80141BC0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Main Character 80141B80 03E7 #Infinite Energy Blue Hair Character 80141BA0 03E7 #Enemy energy is always 0 80141BE2 0000 #Picture scroll All 800C1670 FFFF 800C1672 FFFF 800C1674 FFFF 800C1676 FFFF 800C1678 FFFF 300C167A 00FF #Beans Dictionary All 300C16FF 00FF #Ghost level Max 300C1538 0063 #State ghost appearance 300C1539 0040 #State ghost sealed 300C1539 0080 #Ghost gauge Max 300C153A 000F #PIECE OF MY HEART 300C15D3 007F #heart to believe Max 800C1488 03E8 ; [ Hashiriya - Ookamitachi no Densetsu (Jpn) (1997) (Nichibutsu) {SLPS-00704} ] :SLPS-00704 #Infinite Time Applicable To All Stories 800BFBA6 0000 ; [ Hatsukoi Valentine (Jpn) (1997) (Family Soft) {SLPS-00831} ] :SLPS-00831 #Max Stats (60000) 800AEDBC EA60 800AEDC4 EA60 800AEDC0 EA60 800AEDC8 EA60 800AEDB8 EA60 #Max Money 800AEDCC 270F ; [ Haunted Junction - Seitokai Batch o Oe! (Jpn) (1997) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-00668} ] ;:SLPS-00668 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro Dolphin Ring Special (Jpn) (2000) (Nihon Telenet) {SLPS-02689} ] ;:SLPS-02689 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro Lupin Sansei Special (Jpn) (2000) (Nihon Telenet) {SLPS-02541} ] :SLPS-02541 #Issued 999999 8003D178 967F 8003D17A 0098 #Time 8003D180 FFFF #Time 2 8003D182 FFFF ; [ The Heiwa Otenki Studio (Jpn) (2001) (Aqua Rouge) {SLPS-03178} ] ;:SLPS-03178 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Heiwa Pachinko Graffiti Vol.1 (Jpn) (1999) (Aqua Rouge) {SLPS-02374} ] ;:SLPS-02374 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro Tsunatori Monogatari Special (Jpn) (2002) (Nihon Telenet) {SLPS-03370} ] ;:SLPS-03370 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hello Charlie!! (Jpn) (1998) (Enix) {SLPM-86083} ] :SLPM-86083 #Infinite Screws 1 80078618 0063 #Infinite Screws 2 8007861C 0063 #Infinite HP 8007860C 000A #Max Point 80078608 C9FF 8007860A 3B9A #Temperature rise 0 80078610 0000 #100 coins 8007861C 0064 #Game speed 800403C0 0001 ; [ Hello Kitty's Cube De Cute (Jpn) (1998) (Culture Publishing) {SLPS-01427} ] ;:SLPS-01427 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hello Kitty - White Present (Jpn) (1998) (Hudson) {SLPS-01766} ] ;:SLPS-01766 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Henry Explorers (Jpn) (1997) (Konami) {SLPM-86021 (VX044-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86021 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hermie Hopperhead - Scrap Panic (Jpn, Playstation the Best) (1996) (Sony) {SCPS-91016} ] :SCPS-91016 #Infinite Time 80017FCC 0000 #Invincibility 80032F42 3402 ; [ Houma Hunter Lime - Special Collection Vol.1 (Jpn) (1994) (Asmik) {SLPS-00020} ] ;:SLPS-00020 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hikari no Shima - Seven Lithographs in Shining Island (Jpn) (1999) (Affect) {SLPS-02305} ] :SLPS-02305 #Infinite Energy 800C90BE 001E 800DB18C 001E 800E2E8C 001E 800F72D8 001E ; [ Hikaru no Go - Heian Gensou Ibunroku (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87059 (VX262-J1)} ] :SLPM-87059 #Fujiwara Gyoyo-ha Balls 0 Maybe deactivate after using 300A7764 0000 #Fujiwara Gyoyo-ha Balls 20 300A7764 0014 #Zama Nagafusa school Balls 0 300A7765 0000 #Zama Nagafusa school Balls 20 300A7765 0014 #Kiryoku of Light Balls 0 300A7763 0000 #Kiryoku of Light Balls 20 300A7763 0014 #Free Mode all characters selectables C005A020 0125 8005A042 A064 8005A04A 1000 00000000 FFFF #It can be viewed without picture scroll clear data. save data is required you can view all CG. C005E9D8 0046 800496E4 0001 800496E6 2402 8005E9DA 1000 00000000 FFFF #99 copies get your check marks all Gough 50001002 0000 800A776A 6363 300A778A 0063 #Picture scroll fully open Maybe save game needed 50001F02 0000 800A8EB2 0101 300A8EB1 0001 300A8EF0 0001 ; [ Hikaru no Go - Insei Choujou Kessen (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87199 (VX270-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-87199 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Himiko-Den (Jpn) (1999) (Hakuhodo) {SLPS-01890~SLPS-01892} ] :SLPS-01890 :SLPS-01891 :SLPS-01892 #Infinite HP Himiko Himejima in battle 800C6C94 0064 #Infinite HP other character in battle 800CB99C 0064 #Infinite Bill 800609F2 000C #All bonus 800609D8 0080 800609EC FFFF #All Gift availables 50001802 0000 80085DA0 6363 30085DD0 0063 #All Tools availables 50000A02 0000 80087322 FFFF 50000A02 0000 80087340 FFFF 30087354 00FF ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-02355} ] ;:SLPS-02355 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 4 (Jpn) (2000) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-02799} ] ;:SLPS-02799 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 5 (Jpn) (2000) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03030} ] ;:SLPS-03030 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station SP (Jpn) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-02494} ] ;:SLPS-02494 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hit Back (Jpn) (1999) (Tomy) {SLPS-01361} ] :SLPS-01361 #Infinite Lives 8018B2F4 0009 #P1 Max Score 801677BC E0FF 801677BE 05F5 #P2 Max Score 801677C0 E0FF 801677C2 05F5 ; [ Hiza no Ue no Partner - Kitty On Your Lap (Jpn) (1998) (Culture Publishers) {SLPS-01302} ] :SLPS-01302 #All Kitty Stats At Max 800B0D9C 03E7 800B0D9E 03E7 800B0DA0 03E7 800B0DA2 03E7 800B0DA4 03E7 800B0DA6 0001 800C3ED0 03E7 800C3ED2 03E7 800C3ED4 03E7 800C3ED6 03E7 800C3ED8 0000 ; [ Hokuto no Ken (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00369} ] :SLPS-00369 #P1 Infinite Energy (If the game freezes deactivate code and send it after being hit) 8008C73C 0064 #Life enemy 0 8008C7B0 0000 #Trick enemy OFF 8008C7E0 FFFF 8008C7E2 FFFF 8008C7E4 FFFF 8008C7E6 FFFF 8008C7E8 FFFF #P1 Life / yell PRESS (Select) C0073FF8 0100 8008C73C 0060 8008C744 0060 00000000 FFFF ; [ Hooockey!! (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2000) (Success) {SLPM-86488} ] ;:SLPM-86488 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hoshigami - Shizumiyuku Aoki Daichi (Jpn) (2002) (MaxFive) {SLPS-02904} ] :SLPS-02904 #MAX money 800AAE60 967F 800AAE62 0098 #Infinite + Max HP 800A9BC0 270F 800A9BCC 270F #Mortal blow D00A72AC 0101 800FB822 0000 D00A72AC 0102 800FB822 0043 #All items max 800673C4 0063 800673C6 241A 800673CC 0004 800673CE A05A #Pick-your-own skills temple 80042EE4 0063 80042EE6 241A 80042F0E A05A 80042F26 AFBA #One level up in a single battle C00FC434 002C 800FC41C 0018 800FC41E 8E62 800FC422 1400 800FC424 0010 800FC426 3042 800FC428 0003 800FC42A 1040 800FC42C 0064 800FC42E 2402 800FC436 AE62 00000000 FFFF ; [ High School of Blitz (Jpn) (1999) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-02351} ] :SLPS-02351 #Album All Unlock 800E17DC FFFF 800E17DE FFFF 800E17E0 FFFF 800E17E2 FFFF 800E17E4 FFFF 300E17E6 00FF #Album fully open 800E17DC FFFF 800E17DE FFFF 800E17E0 FFFF 800E17E2 FFFF 800E17E4 FFFF 800E17E6 000F #All The Card Holder 5000AF01 0000 301D8DA8 0009 ; [ Heaven's Gate (Jpn) (1996) (Atlus) {SLPS-00667} ] :SLPS-00667 #P1 Infinite Energy 800F7964 0091 80100786 0091 801010EA 00FA 801044CA 0091 80104E2E 00FA #P1 Infinite Sol Power Guage - 80104E30 00F0 #Freeze Total Time 8002C91C 0000 ; [ Hunter X Hunter - Maboroshi no Greed Island (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86651 (VX214-J1)} ] :SLPM-86651 #Kaini Infinite HP in combar 80164CC0 03E7 80164CC2 03E7 #Kain Infinite AP in combar 80164CC4 03E7 80164CC6 03E7 #Kain Energy Bar Always Full 80164C70 000A #Kain Level 99 80164C5A 0063 #Uingu Infinite Hp:The character first join his max HP is 66 80164E26 0042 #Uingu Infinite Hp:When Gon + Kirua join, his HP is 100 80164E26 0064 #Uingu Infinite Ap:When the character first join his max AP is 102 80164E2A 0066 #Uingu Infinite Ap:When Gon + Kirua join, his AP is 100 80164E2A 0063 #Uingu Level 99 80164DBE 0063 #Uingu Exp Bar Always Full 80164DD4 000A #Gon Infinite HP 80164F8A 0028 #Gon Infinite AP 80164F8E 0050 #Gon Level 99 80164F22 0063 #Gon Experience Bar Always Full 80164F38 000A #Kiruan Infinite HP 801650EE 0023 #Kirua Infinite AP 801650F2 003C #Kirua Exp Bar Always Full 8016509C 000A #Kirua Level 99 80165086 0063 #999999 Gold 800A7E24 423F 800A7E26 000F #MAP all 300A7E3D 0001 300A7E57 0001 300A7E65 0001 300A7E7F 0001 300A7EA1 0001 300A7E8D 0001 #Kain Infinite + Max HP (AP in combat) 80164CC0 03E7 80164CC2 03E7 80164CC4 03E7 80164CC6 03E7 #World map appearance 800A7EFF 0001 #Clades mansion explosion time limit 3016B7EA 0063 ; [ Hunter X Hunter - Ubawareta Aura Stone (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86895 (VX249-J1)} ] :SLPM-86895 #P1 HP 999 80098734 03E7 80098736 03E7 #Level 99 8009873A FF63 #Stats 99 80098744 6363 80098746 0063 80098740 6363 80098742 0063 #Exp 99999 80098748 869F 8009874A 0001 #P2 HP 999/999 8009877C 03E7 8009877E 03E7 #P3 HP 999/999 800987C4 03E7 800987C6 03E7 #P4 HP 999 8009880C 03E7 8009880E 03E7 #P5 HP 999 80098854 03E7 80098856 03E7 #99999 J 80098CAC 869F 80098CAE 0001 #Hp Enemy 0 8009D28C 0000 #Hp 999 (Battle) 8009D27C 03E7 #Bonus Point 99 (For Level Up) 3009D92A 0063 ; [ Hyouryuu Ki - The Reportage Beyond the Sea (Jpn) (1999) (KSS) {SLPS-02358} ] :SLPS-02358 #Boy (Toru) Has Infinite HP 8007A766 2710 #Explorer (Man With Hat) Shinichiro Infinite HP 8007AEE6 2710 #Hostess Girl Koyanagi Erina Infinite HP 8007AD66 2710 #Short Blue Hair Girl Kurashima Saori Infinite HP 8007AA66 2710 #Brown Long Hair Girl Nakajima Rika Infinite HP 8007ABE6 2710 #Ayase Suzune Infinite HP 8007A8E6 2710 #Main Character Pow=100 8007A768 2710 #Main Character Atn=100 8007A76A 2710 #Main Character Int=100 8007A76C 2710 #Main Character Vit=100 8007A76E 2710 #Main Character Ofe=100 8007A770 2710 #Main Character Def=100 8007A772 2710 #Have 99 Of Each Peice Picked Up (I think you build stuff with these. You hit start during gameplay and go to last option in menue and hit circle) 8007CC2E 6363 8007CC30 6363 8007CC32 6363 3007CC34 0063 #9999 Water 8007B75A 270F #9999 Food 8007B75C 270F #9999 Fuel 8007B75E 027F #Hero status Max 8007A766 7F00 8007A768 7F00 8007A76A 7F00 8007A76C 7F00 8007A76E 7F00 8007A770 7F00 8007A772 7F00 #Reina status Max 8007A8E6 7F00 8007A8E8 7F00 8007A8EA 7F00 8007A8EC 7F00 8007A8EE 7F00 8007A8F0 7F00 8007A8F2 7F00 #Erina status Max 8007AD66 7F00 8007AD68 7F00 8007AD6A 7F00 8007AD6C 7F00 8007AD6E 7F00 8007AD70 7F00 8007AD72 7F00 #Professor status Max 8007AEE6 7F00 8007AEE8 7F00 8007AEEA 7F00 8007AEEC 7F00 8007AEEE 7F00 8007AEF0 7F00 8007AEF2 7F00 #Saori status Max 8007AA66 7F00 8007AA68 7F00 8007AA6A 7F00 8007AA6C 7F00 8007AA6E 7F00 8007AA70 7F00 8007AA72 7F00 #Rika status Max 8007ABE6 7F00 8007ABE8 7F00 8007ABEA 7F00 8007ABEC 7F00 8007ABEE 7F00 8007ABF0 7F00 8007ABF2 7F00 ; [ Hyper Crazy Climber (Jpn) (1996) (Nichibutsu) {SLPS-00248} ] :SLPS-00248 #Infinite Lives 80108E24 0009 #Score is 9,999,999 80108B38 967F 80108B3A 0098 #Always Have Power-Up (If You Don't See It, It Still is There) 80108DA4 0002 #Infinite Coins 80108F88 0063 #Infinite Time In Bonus Rounds 80108C48 003C ; [ Hyper Securities 2 (Jpn) (1998) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01417} ] :SLPS-01417 #Have 999 energy in battle 801E7A2A 03E7 ; [ Hyper Rally (Jpn) (1996) (Harvest One) {SLPS-00462} ] :SLPS-00462 #Infinite Time 800D3688 270F #Stop Order 800D3688 2396 #Stop Time 800D36EA 0000 ; [ Ichigeki - Hagane no Hito (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-02199} ] :SLPS-02199 #Total player appearance 3007A2CA 000F #Quotations fully open 8007A2C4 FFFF #Training mode parameter MAX 80045460 0001 #CPU fight without D00BBE70 0003 800BBE72 1000 #One-shot KO D009F2D0 0002 8009F2D0 0001 ; [ Ide Yousuke no Mahjong Kyoshitsu (Jpn) (1999) (Athena) {SLPS-02272} ] :SLPS-02272 #Player has 99999 points 801B009C 869F 801B009E 0001 #Up enemy has 0 points 801B0164 0000 #Left enemy has 0 points 801B01C8 0000 #Right enemy has 0 points 801B0100 0000 ; [ Baseball Simulation - ID Pro Yakyuu (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86650 (VX189-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86650 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Minna Atsumore! Igo Kyoushitsu (Jpn) (2003) (I.Magic.) {SLPS-03554} ] ;:SLPS-03554 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Arcade Gears - Image Fight & X-Multiply (Jpn) (1998) (Xing) {SLPS-01267} ] :SLPS-01267 #Infinite 1P Lives-Imagefight 80145014 0003 #Infinite 1P Lives-Xmultiply 800C7B72 0003 ; [ Inagawa Junji - Kyoufu no Yashiki (Jpn) (1999) (Visit) {SLPS-02142} ] ;:SLPS-02142 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Indy 500 (Jpn) (1997) (Tomy) {SLPS-00860} ] :SLPS-00860 #Infinite Fuel 800E631E 0041 ; [ Inuyasha (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03374} ] :SLPS-03374 #Infinite + Max Health Inuyasha 998 800D0426 03E7 800D0446 03E7 #Infinite Magic Inuyasha 999 800D0428 03E7 800D0448 03E7 #Infinite HP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF4 03E7 800CCF14 03E7 #Infinite + Max HP Kagome in battle 800CCFF0 03E7 800CD010 03E7 #Infinite MP Kagome in battle 800CCFF2 0063 #Infinite + Max MP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF6 0063 800CCF16 0063 #Fragments of Four Souls 800B64E4 006C #Enemy does not come out 300B65D0 0000 #Homeless anywhere 300B660C 0001 #Mica possible at any time 300D2750 00C2 ; [ Inuyasha - Sengoku Otogi Kassen (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03504} ] :SLPS-03504 #P1 Infinite HP 800AC3C6 03E7 #Unlock Extras 800ABEC0 FFFF 800ABEC6 FFFF 50000C04 0000 800ABEF0 0001 50000D10 0000 800ABF40 FFFF 50000D10 0000 800ABF42 FFFF 300ABF84 00FF 800BFB32 FFFF 800BFB34 FFFF ; [ Ucchannanchan no Honoo no Challenger - Denryu Iraira-Bou Returns (Jpn) (1998) (Saurus) {SLPS-01317} ] ;:SLPS-01317 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Irem Arcade Classics (Jpn) (1996) (I'Max) {SLPS-00341} ] :SLPS-00341 #Kung-Fu Master\Infinite Energy 8006695E 0280 #Kung-Fu Master\Infinite Time 8005E250 1F1A #Kung-Fu Master\Infinite Lives 80066964 0003 #Zippy Race\Infinite Fuel 80096644 3F2C ; [ Itadaki Street - Gorgeous King (Jpn) (1998) (Enix) {SLPM-86120} ] :SLPM-86120 #Has 99999999 money in story mode 80173910 E0FF 80173912 05F5 #P1 Trump mark 80015594 0101 80015596 1010 #Hidden stage Unlock 30184295 0001 #Hidden characters can be used 30184294 0000 301842CE 0000 30184370 0000 #All cards collected sugoroku Town 300101F7 0009 800101F8 0909 800101FA 0909 #Card Illustrated 100% 3017E921 0009 8017E922 0909 8017E924 0909 8017E926 0909 8017E928 0909 8017E92A 0909 8017E92C 0909 8017E92E 0909 8017E930 0909 8017E932 0909 8017E934 0909 8017E936 0909 8017E938 0909 8017E93A 0909 8017E93C 0909 8017E93E 0909 8017E940 0909 8017E942 0909 8017E944 0909 8017E946 0909 8017E948 0909 8017E94A 0909 8017E94C 0909 8017E94E 0909 8017E950 0909 8017E952 0909 8017E954 0909 8017E956 0909 8017E958 0909 8017E95A 0909 8017E95C 0909 8017E95E 0909 3017E960 0009 ; [ JailBreaker (Jpn) (1999) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-02076~SLPS-02077 (NIPS 4004)} ] ;:SLPS-02076 ;:SLPS-02077 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jaleco Collection Vol.1 (Jpn) (2003) (PCCW) {SLPS-03562} ] ;:SLPS-03562 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jellyfish - The Healing Friend (Jpn) (2000) (Visit) {SLPS-02892} ] ;:SLPS-02892 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shiritsu Justice Gakuen - Legion of Heroes (Jpn) (1998) (Capcom) {SLPS-01240~SLPS-01241} ] :SLPS-01240 :SLPS-01241 #All Classmate Become Friendly (Press up + triangle) Evolution Disk C01F60A0 1010 801F18A8 1F1F 801F18AA 1F1F 801F18AC 1F1F 801F18AE 1F1F 801F18B0 1F1F 801F18B2 1F1F 801F18B4 1F1F 801F18B6 1F1F 801F18B8 1F1F 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Time For Practice + Exam Evolution Disk D01F1F54 0001 801F1F54 0000 #Max All Status in School Life (Press Select) Evolution Disk C01F60A0 0100 801F181E 0200 801F1820 0200 801F1824 0200 801F1826 0200 801F182A 0200 801F182C 0200 801F1830 0200 801F1832 0200 801F1836 0200 801F1838 0200 801F183C 0200 801F183E 0200 801F1842 0200 801F1848 0200 00000000 FFFF #Only Play One Part Can Finish Exam Evolution Disk 801F1F14 0A00 #Evolution DISC for When you open the use status in the hot-blooded youth diary Friendship degree of all MAX C00A4D44 0018 800A4E30 001F 800A4E32 2403 800A4E38 18A8 800A4E3A A023 800A4E3C 000B 00000000 FFFF ; [ Shiritsu Justice Gakuen - Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Capcom) {SLPS-02120} ] :SLPS-02120 #P1 Infinite HP 801EFA02 00C8 #P1 Infinite SP 801EFC18 0900 #All Omake Options B00E0002 0000 801F5B08 FFFF #P2 No Energy 801EFE02 0000 #Option character hidden + buried 801F65D0 00FF 801F65D4 00FF 801F65D8 FFFF 801F65DA FFFF 801F65DC FFFF 301F65DE 00FF #Illustrations all:Nekketsu video Flag of the card, poster CD illustrations Pokesute 801F5B08 FFFF 801F5B22 FFFF 801F5B0A FFFF 801F5B0C FFFF 801F5B0E FFFF 801F65D8 FFFF 801F65DA FFFF 801F5B10 FFFF 801F65DC FFFF 801F5B12 FFFF 801F65DE FFFF 801F5B14 FFFF 801F5B16 FFFF 801F5B18 FFFF 801F5B1A FFFF #Evolution DISC:For when you open the use status in the hot-blooded youth diary Friendship degree of all MAX C00A4D44 0018 800A4E30 001F 800A4E32 2403 800A4E38 18A8 800A4E3A A023 800A4E3C 000B 00000000 FFFF ; [ Jigsaw World (Jpn, Honkakuha de 1300Yen Series) (1999) (Hect) {SLPS-02251} ] ;:SLPS-02251 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Jounetsu Nekketsu Athletes - Nakimushi Coach no Nikki (Jpn) (1997) (Asmik) {SLPS-00936} ] :SLPS-00936 #999999 money in adventure 800103D0 423F 800103D2 000F ; [ Jungle Park (Jpn) (1998) (Digitalogue) {SLPS-01086} ] ;:SLPS-01086 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Fighting Illusion - K-1 Grand Prix '98 (Jpn) (1998) (Xing) {SLPS-01696} ] :SLPS-01696 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E5738 0C1C 800E573A 0C1C #P1 Cannot K.O 800E5748 0000 #P1 Infinite Punch Power 800E573E 012F #Infinite TP Points At K1 Challenge 800A80FE 0299 ; [ Kaeru no Ehon - Nakushita Kioku o Motomete (Jpn) (1999) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-02332} ] :SLPS-02332 #Infinite + Max HP 999 800F227A 03E7 800F229E 03E7 #Infinite + Max SP 999 800F227C 03E7 800F22A0 03E7 #Mortal blow-invincible Press L2 D00F1318 0001 80087916 0000 D00F1318 0000 80087916 0060 #Normally all picture book 8010881E FFFF #Infinite Money (60000) 801087C4 EA60 #Infinite HP in battle 800F227A 03E7 800F2682 03E7 #Infinite SP in battle 800F227C 03E7 800F2684 03E7 #Experience value Max 801087C0 869F 801087C2 0001 #Fame value Max 801087CC 2710 #100 degrees of friendship Alter 30108E03 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Marlo 30108E07 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Lou 30108E0B 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Sheriku 30108E0F 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Honoka 30108E13 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Karin 30108E17 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Resources 30108E1B 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Dewey 30108E1F 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Retiru 30108E23 0064 #100 degrees of friendship These 30108E27 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Miyu 30108E2B 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Rod 30108E2F 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Ryutta 30108E33 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Rachel 30108E37 0064 #100 degrees of friendship Yoong 30108E3B 0064 #No Random Encounter 800F2F24 0000 #NPC this all complete (on DATA) I can be viewed in the Library. Half-hearted story is also complete. 8010881E FFFF 80108826 0000 #Ability value 250 level up in the inn, at one time up C005426E 2462 8005426C 00FA 8005426E 2402 00000000 FFFF #99 Roditaito blacksmith, armor in exchange C008A1DC 3023 8008A1DE 2406 8008A1DC 0063 00000000 FFFF #Race of the luxury saloon moment clear D0056686 1460 80056686 1400 #All special features and bonus game Open C005244E 1082 301087B9 0001 80108826 0000 00000000 FFFF #Bonus game Invincibility D00E24AA 2442 800E24A8 0000 #Picture book / page number 30109232 0064 #Sequence of picture book + 01h 301087E8 001F 30108807 001F #Debug mode Procedure You press L2 + R2 when you open the special features in their room C00F1318 0003 800AF7FA 000D 800AF7FE 000D 00000000 FFFF ; [ Kain the Vampire (Jpn) (1997) (BMG Japan) {SLPS-00743} ] :SLPS-00743 #Infinite Health 801CB598 0078 #Infinite Magic 801CB59E 0190 801CB5A0 0190 #Infinite Items 80042FAE 3C00 #Walk through the wall 80029B82 3C00 80029B90 3C00 80029B9A 3C00 80029BAA 3C00 #Dark Diary All Open - New game ---> Dark diary All Open 300A87BC 0001 ; [ Kaikan Phrase - Datenshi Kourin (Jpn) (2000) (Enix) {SLPM-86438} ] ;:SLPM-86438 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kaitohranma Miyabi (Jpn) (1999) (Imageneer) {SLPS-01825} ] :SLPS-01825 #Infinite Money (9999) 8009EA64 4204 8009EA66 000F ; [ Kakugo no Susume (Jpn) (1997) (Tomy) {SLPS-00799} ] ;:SLPS-00799 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kids Station - Kamen Rider Heroes (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03403} ] :SLPS-03403 #Infinite Lives Destroy Objects 8003E7C6 0003 #Infinite Health 8003E768 03E8 #Infinite Lives obstacle race 8003E7C2 0003 ; [ Kamen Rider Agito (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03344} ] :SLPS-03344 #P1 infinite health alternate 80085510 00E6 #P1 Infinite Health 8008564C FFFF #P1 One Hits Wins 8008564A 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 8008564A FFFF #P2 One Hits Wins 8008564C 03E7 #65535 Infinite Bullets 80089B5A FFFF #P2 strength 0 Press Select + circle D0089C3A 0120 800855F8 0000 #P2 strength 0 800855F8 0000 #Unlock All Characters 800DF054 000F #Unlock G3+Green Rider Mode 80089B62 FFFF #Unlock G3Bus+Battle Mode 80089B64 FFFF #Unlock All Gallery 50008014 0000 80109D94 03E7 #Unlock All Gallery (Alternate) B0800014 0000 80109D94 03E7 #Card fully open 50008014 0000 80109D94 00FF #Hidden fully open D0013C72 1440 80013C72 1400 D00150EE 1040 800150EE 1000 D00147A2 1040 800147A2 1400 ; [ Kamen Rider (Jpn) (1998) (Bandai) {SLPS-01570} ] :SLPS-01570 #P1 Infinite Health 801057A8 0190 #P2 Infinite Health 80105830 0190 #P2 strength 0 80105830 0000 #Hidden characters available 300736DC 0003 #Select all Hidden option possible 80091344 FFFF #Does not decrease the number of times the card get 800915E8 0063 #Get all albums 50000902 0000 30091A9C 0063 #All acquisition card 50006402 0000 30091AB2 0063 ; [ Kamen Rider Kuuga (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-03090} ] :SLPS-03090 #P1 Infinite Health 8009A23E 00C8 #P1 One Hit Kill D009A23E 00C8 8009A23E 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 8009A326 00C8 #P2 One Hit Kill D009A326 00C8 8009A326 0001 #Does not decrease time 8008CAE8 070B #999 Points 800A854C 03E7 #Unlock Everything 800A8548 FFFF ; [ Kamen Rider Ryuki (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03495} ] :SLPS-03495 #P1 Infinite Health 801F1568 2710 #Unlock all characters 80193260 FFFF 80193262 FFFF #999 points 80193274 03E7 #Unlock all gallery B0200002 0000 80193220 03E7 ; [ Kanako Enomoto - Junk Brain Diagnosis (Jpn) (1999) (Oracion) {SLPS-01937} ] ;:SLPS-01937 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan - Hirameki Wonderland (Jpn) (1999) (Taito) {SLPM-86299 (TCPS10009)} ] :SLPM-86299 #Infinite Energy robot in battle 801ADB42 0096 #Infinite Bombs (Special attack) 801ADB38 0007 ; [ Kattobi Tune (Jpn) (1998) (Genki) {SLPS-01253} ] :SLPS-01253 #Infinite Money 80064ACC FFFF ; [ Kaze no Notam - Notam of Wind (Jpn) (1997) (Artdink) {SLPS-00912} ] ;:SLPS-00912 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Keiba Eight '98 Akifuyu (Jpn) (1998) (Shangri-La) {SLPS-01640} ] ;:SLPS-01640 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Keiba Eight '98 Haru Natsu (Jpn) (1998) (Shangri-La) {SLPS-01372} ] ;:SLPS-01372 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '95 (Jpn) (1995) (Copya System) {SLPS-00063} ] ;:SLPS-00063 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rami-Chan no Ooedo Surogoku - Keiou Yuugekitai Gaiden (Jpn) (1998) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01546} ] :SLPS-01546 #P1 (in order) Infinite Money 800670DC EA60 #P2 (in order) Infinite Money 80067130 EA60 #P3 (in order) Infinite Money 80067184 EA60 #P4 (in order) Infinite Money 800671D8 EA60 #P1 (in order) No money 800670DC 0000 #P2 (in order) No money 80067130 0000 #P3 (in order) No money 80067184 0000 #P4 (in order) No money 800671D8 0000 ; [ Kenki Ippatsu! Crane Master ni Narou! (Jpn) (2000) (FAB Communication) {SLPS-02831} ] :SLPS-02831 #0 Penalty Points On Tests 800F5000 0000 801A49C8 0000 801A49B0 0000 801A49B8 0000 801A49C0 0000 801A49D0 0000 800EDFA8 0000 #0 Penalty Points Crane Test 801A49B0 0000 #100 Points In Test 1 801A4A38 0064 #100 Points In Test 2 801A4A3C 0064 #100 Points In Test 3 801A4A40 0064 #100 Points In Test 4 801A4A44 0064 #Infinite Time 801A0BD5 9C40 #Infinite Time alt D0015B00 8888 80015B08 0000 #No Penalty Pts (Driving Tests) alt 801A4AB4 0000 #Infinite Time alt 800EC9D0 0000 ; [ Kero Kero King (Jpn) (2000) (Media Factory) {SLPM-86621} ] :SLPM-86621 #P1 has 9999999 money 80082D80 967F 80082D82 0098 #Item (Pawaesa-bait, B Kerochin) 80082D5C 0063 80082D5E 0063 80082D62 0063 #Battle (number of holes) 1 800843CA 0001 #Battle (number of holes) 10 800843CA 000A ; [ Khamrai (Jpn) (2000) (Namco) {SLPS-02640} ] :SLPS-02640 #Infinite Energy Character 2 800BE56C 270F #Infinite Energy Character 3 800BE400 270F 800BE404 270F #Infinite Energy Character 4 800BE5E0 270F 800BE5E4 270F #Infinite Energy Character 5 800BE4F0 270F 800BE4F4 270F #Gold 100.000 800BE7B4 86A0 800BE7B6 0001 #All Stats 9999 50000E02 0000 800BE37C 270F #Level 99 800BE372 6300 #Exp. 100.000 800BE378 86A0 800BE37A 0001 #Debug Menu (Battle Test) 800397E8 0001 #Infinite Bar (Hbp) D0031BF2 0065 80031BF2 0060 #Items Not Decrease (Hbp) D0015500 FFFF 80015500 0000 #Not Decrease (Hbp) D00698E2 00C3 800698E2 00C0 D0052F32 0047 80052F32 0040 #Save Anywhere C00CB82E 0003 300C6D1A 0001 300C6D29 0000 00000000 FFFF D00C6D1A 0000 300C6D29 0001 #Infinite Tool D00154F0 1821 80015500 0000 #Enemy does not come out 800E0420 0000 #No Random Battles Adversary is normal Press SELECT + r2 button ,does not appear press SELECT + L2 button D00CB82C 0101 800334FE 1000 D00CB82C 0102 800334FE 1200 ; [ Killer Bass (Jpn) (2000) (Magical) {SLPS-02747} ] ;:SLPS-02747 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo 3 - Seiryuu Densetsu Satsujin Jiken (Jpn) (1999) (Kodansha) {SLPS-02223~SLPS-02224} ] ;:SLPS-02223 ;:SLPS-02224 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ King of Bowling 2 - Professional-Hen (Jpn) (1998) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-01541} ] ;:SLPS-01541 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Hakaioh - King of Crusher (Jpn) (1998) (FAB Communications) {SLPS-01677} ] :SLPS-01677 #Infinite Energy 801B5810 0BB8 801B582C 0BB8 #Achievement rate of destruction 801806CC 000B ; [ Muscle Ranking - Kinniku Banzuke Vol.2 - Aratanaru Genkai e no Chousen! (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86457 (VX177-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86457 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kisya de Go! (Jpn) (2000) (Taito) {SLPM-86449 (TCPS10020)} ] :SLPM-86449 #Infinite Points 8005CCF8 0064 ; [ Kitchen Panic (Jpn) (1998) (Panther Software) {SLPS-01395} ] :SLPS-01395 #Infinite Life 801500FC 0030 8015016C 0030 #Slow Motion 800C6A14 0E57 ; [ Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenzen Hashutsujo - High Tech Building Shinkou Soshi Sakusen! no Ma (Jpn) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPS-00922} ] ;:SLPS-00922 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Knight & Baby (Jpn) (1998) (Tamsoft) {SLPS-01531} ] ;:SLPS-01531 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The King of Fighters '95 (Jpn) (1996) (SNK) {SLPS-00351} ] :SLPS-00351 #P1 Infinite Health 8008B454 00CF #P2 Infinite Health 800BB456 00CF #P2 No Health 800BB456 0000 ; [ The King of Fighters '96 (Jpn) (1997) (SNK) {SLPS-00834} ] :SLPS-00834 #P1 Infinite Energy 8005F08C 0067 #P2 Infinite Energy 8005F26C 0067 #P2 No Energy 8005F26C 0000 #P1 Full Power 8005F04A 3F40 #P2 Full Power 8005F22A 3F40 #Infinite Time 80087984 0060 ; [ The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Jpn) (1999) (SNK) {SLPM-86201} ] :SLPM-86201 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C2748 0067 800C2762 0067 #Power always invoked in (1P) 800C2706 3E60 #Infinite Time 800C35AA 5900 #Secret Ending Demo 8009DA24 0102 #P2 Infinite Energy 800C2910 0067 800C292A 0067 #P2 No Energy 800C2910 0000 800C292A 0000 ; [ The King of Fighters '99 (Jpn) (2000) (SNK) {SLPM-86462} ] :SLPM-86462 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B9174 0065 #P1 No Energy 800B9174 0000 #P1 Max Power Bar 800B9130 9000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B934C 0065 #P2 No Energy 800B934C 0000 #P2 Max Bar=20 800B9308 9000 #P2 No Power Bar 800B9308 0000 #Infinite Fight Time 800BA002 2060 #Art Gallery all unlocked 8008DC82 FFFF #DEMO Gallery All Unlocked 8008DC80 FFFF ; [ The King of Fighters Kyo (Jpn) (1998) (SNK) {SLPM-86095} ] :SLPM-86095 #Story Mode Infinite 1P HP 8015A0AC 0080 #Story Mode Max 1P Power 8015A0A8 0080 8015A0AA 0080 #Story Mode Fast Kill Computer 8015A1AC 0000 #Story Mode Computer No Power 8015A1A8 0000 #Vs Mode Max 1P Power 80131088 0080 #Vs Mode Infinite 1P HP 8013108C 0080 #Vs Mode Max 2P Power 80131188 0080 #Vs Mode Infinite 2P HP 8013118C 0080 #All Characters 800AAD9C FFFF 800AAD9E FFFF 800AADA0 FFFF ; [ Kohni Shogun (Jpn) (2000) (ASK) {SLPS-02955} ] ;:SLPS-02955 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kojin Kyouju - La Leçon Particulière (Jpn) (1998) (MyCom) {SLPS-01354} ] :SLPS-01354 #Hero academic achievement 50000504 0000 80165378 07D1 #Strength hero currently 80165360 0001 #Hero maximum strength 801653D0 0001 #Haruka parameters / lovey degree 80165DD8 07D1 #Haruka parameters / friendship degree 80165DDC 07D1 #Haruka parameters / reliability 80165DE0 07D1 #Haruka parameters / guardian reliability 80165E38 07D1 #Haruka academic achievement 50000504 0000 80165DE4 07D1 #Haruka school of choice Faculty of Letters 80165DF8 50C8 #Haruka school of choice Sawa Science Department 80165DF8 50A0 #Nanako parameters / lovey degree 80165F04 07D1 #Nanako parameters / friendship degree 80165F08 07D1 #Nanako parameters / reliability 80165F0C 07D1 #Nanako parameters / guardian reliability 80165F64 07D1 #Nanako academic achievement 50000504 0000 80165F10 07D1 #Nanako school of choice is Keio Faculty of Science 80165F24 9D38 #Nanako school of choice is Tojo Faculty of Science 80165F24 5160 #Yuki parameters / lovey degree 80166434 07D1 #Yuki parameters / friendship degree 80166438 07D1 #Yuki parameters / reliability 8016643C 07D1 #Yuki parameters / guardian reliability 80166494 07D1 #Yuki academic achievement 50000504 0000 80166440 07D1 #Yuki school of choice Nichiyo Collegiate Athletic Department 80166454 5230 #Yuki school of choice University 80166454 51F8 #Sae parameters / lovey degree 80166740 07D1 #Sae parameters / friendship degree 80166744 07D1 #Sae parameters / reliability 80166748 07D1 #Sae parameters / guardian reliability 801667A0 07D1 #Sae academic achievement 50000504 0000 8016674C 07D1 #Sae school of choice is Faculty of Letters 80166760 5328 #Sae school of choice is Yoshitomo University 80166760 52F0 #Reimi parameters / lovey degree 801669A0 07D1 #Reimi parameters / friendship degree 801669A4 07D1 #Reimi parameters / reliability 801669A8 07D1 #Reimi parameters / guardian reliability 80166A00 07D1 #Reimi academic achievement 50000504 0000 801669AC 07D1 #Reimi school of choice Tsunami University Department of Economics 801669C0 5400 #Reimi school of choice Sawa University Department of Education 801669C0 53D0 #Chihiro parameters / lovey degree 80166DD0 07D1 #Chihiro parameters / friendship degree 80166DD4 07D1 #Chihiro parameters / reliability 80166DD8 07D1 #Chihiro parameters / guardian reliability 80166E30 07D1 #Chihiro academic achievement 50000504 0000 80166DDC 07D1 #Chihiro school of choice is Tsunami Law 80166DF0 54D0 #Chihiro school of choice is Tojo Law 80166DF0 54A8 #Infinite Money 8016538E 00FF ; [ Komotchi (Jpn) (2001) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-03121} ] ;:SLPS-03121 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Konami 80's Arcade Gallery (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86228 (VX144-J1)} ] :SLPM-86228 #Circus Charlie\P1 Infinite Lives 300C7590 0005 #Circus Charlie\P2 Infinite Lives 300C7610 0005 #Gyruss\Infinite Lives 300CE930 0004 #Kung-fu\Infinite Health 800CA39C 0008 #Pooyan\Infinite Lives 300CDC18 0005 #Rock'n Rope\Infinite Lives 800CA3D0 0005 #Scramble\Infinite Fuel 300C9415 00FF #Scramble\P1 Infinite Lives 800C9458 0005 #Scramble\P2 Infinite Lives 800C9498 0005 #Shao-lin's Road\Infinite Lives 800C7D88 0005 #Super Contra\Infinite Fuel 300CD415 00FF #Super Contra\P1 Infinite Lives 800CD458 0005 #Super Contra\P2 Infinite Lives 800CD498 0005 #Time Pilot\P1 Infinite Lives 300D0020 0005 #Time Pilot\P2 Infinite Lives 300D0030 0005 ; [ Korokoro Post Nin (Jpn) (2002) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03479} ] :SLPS-03479 #Infinite Time 800FA156 0BB8 #Max Pts 800FA160 FFFF #Infinite Lives 800FA154 0064 ; [ Kouryuuki (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01338} ] ;:SLPS-01338 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Koukλoθεαtρo - Yuukyuu no Hitomi (Jpn) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-02385} ] :SLPS-02385 #Infinite Health Luke Maximum HP 8008F50A 03E7 #Infinite MP Luke 8008F50C 03E7 #Luke LV 99 3008F506 0063 #Infinite Health Magic Puppet first 8008F554 03E7 #Infinite MP Magic Puppet first 8008F556 03E7 #Infinite Health Magic Puppet Second 8008F59E 03E7 #Infinite MP Magic Puppet Second 8008F5A0 03E7 #Infinite Money 800C1926 270F #Ma Bae Mont picture book 5000B801 0000 3008F9A8 0001 #infinite HP during combat hero 8008FA7E 03E7 #infinite MP during combat hero 8008FA80 03E7 #When you attack directly 1LVUP HBP C00EB276 9462 800EB27C 0064 800EB27E 2402 00000000 FFFF #HP does not decrease even if the attack directly D00EB084 2021 800EB086 0000 #Not decrease HP Both are also magic attack D00EB6E8 1021 800EB6EA 0000 #Move map All Clear 3008F9A4 00FF #Original character appearance 3008F9A5 0001 #Mapemon picture book display 3008FFFF 0001 ; [ Koyasai - A Sherd of Youthful Memories (Jpn) (1999) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-01775} ] :SLPS-01775 #Special FX job at 999 8004F848 2706 #Scissors job at 999 8004F84A 2706 #Music job at 999 8004F84C 2706 #Graves job at 999 8004F84E 2706 #Sounds job at 999 8004F850 2706 #Movie job at 999 8004F852 2706 #Sayuri Katayama Love degree Max 3004F371 0003 3004F371 0003 #Sayuri Katayama Friends degree Max 8004F388 270F 8004F388 270F #Ikumi Hosokawa Love degree Max 3004F3BD 0003 3004F3BD 0003 #Ikumi Hosokawa Friends degree Max 8004F3D4 270F 8004F3D4 270F #Hashimoto Love degree Max 3004F409 0003 3004F409 0003 #Hashimoto Friends degree Max 8004F420 270F 8004F420 270F #Ito Sha Love degree Max 3004F455 0003 3004F455 0003 #Ito Sha Friends degree Max 8004F46C 270F 8004F46C 270F #Eriko Ikeda Love degree Max 3004F4ED 0003 3004F4ED 0003 #Eriko Ikeda Friends degree Max 8004F504 270F 8004F504 270F #Hutoshi Hiroshi Tanaka Friends degree Max 8004F550 270F 8004F550 270F #Satoshi Suzuki Friends degree Max 8004F59C 270F 8004F59C 270F #Takeshita Xiang Friends degree Max 8004F5E8 270F 8004F5E8 270F #It does not increase fatigue 8001683E A460 #All preparatory work is in progress to 100 D00736C4 660E D00736C4 660E 800736C8 03E8 800736C8 03E8 D00736C4 660E D00736C4 660E 800736CA 2402 800736CA 2402 ; [ Kuubo Senki (Jpn) (1999) (Unbalance) {SLPS-01854} ] ;:SLPS-01854 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kunoichi Torimonocho (Jpn) (1999) (GMF) {SLPS-01773} ] :SLPS-01773 #Infinite + Max hp Kunoichi 80010190 03E7 80010192 03E7 #Infinite + Max Vigor Kunoichi 80010194 03E7 80010196 03E7 #Infinite Money 9999 80030834 270F #Bonus appearance 3001015C 0001 #Memories of bonus / Travel 30010101 0001 #Game hall small bonus 30010171 0001 #Favorability rating Max 800304D0 03E7 #Chemistry Sasuke Max 800304DC 03E7 #Compatibility Taichi Max 800304E0 03E7 #Chemistry swordsman Max 800304E4 03E7 #Shooting times 800304EC 03E7 #Possession Vita Max 80030834 967F 80030836 0098 #Number of mini-games / shooting / Ball Max 30125478 0014 #Cat mini game / shooting / White 301254B0 000C #Cats big and mini games / shooting 301254B1 000C #Cat mini game / shooting / gold 301254B2 000C #Cat small mini-games / shooting 301254B3 000C #Mini-games / stamped / remaining time 80153AE4 0C30 #Mini-games / stamped / Otetsuki number of times 30153AFC 0003 #Mini-games / dice / possession Vita 801598A4 869F 801598A6 0001 #Mini-games / Sarumawashi / Otetsuki number of times 30159938 0003 #The number of times you hit mini-games / Sarumawashi 30159958 0032 #Mini-games / Kabuki / remaining time 8015A204 03FD #Mini-games / Kabuki / rotation speed 3015A21C 0063 #Mini-games / moth / Otetsuki number of times 3015DE2C 0003 #Mini-games / moth / remaining time 8015DE74 0709 ; [ Kuro no Ken - Blade of the Darkness (Jpn) (1997) (CD Bros.) {SLPS-01030} ] :SLPS-01030 #99999 Gold 80094418 869F 8009441A 0001 #99999 Exp 800946E0 869F 800946E2 0001 #Hp 9999/Mp 999 800946E8 270F 800946EC 270F 800946F0 03E7 800946F4 03E7 #Level 99 800946DE 6320 #All ITEMS 99 50003B02 0000 80094422 6363 80094420 6301 ; [ Ku-Ron Jo - Fukyuu Ban (Jpn) (2000) (Media Rings) {SLPS-03063} ] ;:SLPS-03063 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kurumi Miracle (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00786} ] ;:SLPS-00786 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kururin Pa! (Jpn) (1995) (Sky Think System) {SLPS-00066} ] ;:SLPS-00066 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kyorochan no Purikura Daisakusen (Jpn) (1999) (Tomy) {SLPS-01692} ] :SLPS-01692 #Infinite Peanuts (100) 80095500 0064 #Max Number Of Photographs 300964D8 0063 #Infinite Balloon Attacks 80095AA0 0063 #Maximum strength 300965B0 00C8 #Invincibility / Heart 300965B5 00FF #Kyoro coin 30095AA4 0005 #Item / remaining number 30095AA0 0063 #Infinite Flight duration of flap jump 3007D1B2 0050 #Tamauke / TIME 3007C90E 0063 #Slot / TIME 3007C918 0063 #Number of rock-paper-scissors hammer / Kyoro chan 3007C918 0003 #Number of rock-paper-scissors hammer / partner 3007C919 0003 #Tamauke / scores 8007C91E 03E7 #Slot / number 3007C920 0063 #Infinite Number of flap jump 3007D1A9 0000 #Invincibility don't touch enemy 3007D1AA 00FF #Photo booth notebook / presence + 01h 30095A20 00FF 30095A83 00FF #Photo booth number 300964D8 0014 ; [ Kyuin (Jpn) (1996) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-00214 (100010)} ] :SLPS-00214 #P1 Infinite Lives 801F3F10 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 801F400C 0003 #P1 Infinite Laser 801F3F18 0003 #P2 Infinite Laser 801F4014 0003 ; [ Lagnacure Legend (Jpn) (2000) (Artdink) {SLPS-02832} ] :SLPS-02832 #Infinite HP Eran 801726C0 005A ; [ Lagnacure (Jpn) (1997) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-01009} ] :SLPS-01009 #Infinite Energy Character 1 (Main Character) 800E9178 03E7 8015DC21 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 2 800E9174 03E7 8015DE2D 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 3 (Girl) 800E916C 03E7 8015DE2D 03E7 #Infinite Money 801589A6 0F00 #Invincibility in battle 800E916C 03E7 800E9170 03E7 800E9174 03E7 800E9178 03E7 800E9180 03E7 800E9184 03E7 800E9188 03E7 800E918C 03E7 #No random battles 800378E4 0000 #None Encounter 80142B40 0100 #Rapid escalation of the hero and companion 8015DC1E 0FFF 8015DE2A 0FFF 8015E036 0FFF 8015E242 0FFF #Companion to learn the magic of hero and all 8015DC94 FFFF 8015DEA0 FFFF 8015E0AC FFFF 8015E2B8 FFFF #The instant death between both friends and enemies as you hold down the R2 80054D98 000F D010D654 0002 80054D98 0001 ; [ Lake Masters Pro - Nihon Juudan Kuro Masu Kikou (Jpn) (1999) (DaZZ) {SLPS-02177 (PS-0012)} ] :SLPS-02177 #All Lures 8006B590 FFFF 8006B592 FFFF 8006B594 FFFF 8006B596 FFFF 8006B598 FFFF 8006B59A FFFF 8006B59C FFFF 8006B59E FFFF ; [ Langrisser I & II (Jpn) (1997) (Masaya) {SLPS-00897} ] :SLPS-00897 #Langrisser 1 Have Large Power 800B81EA 1463 800B8242 1463 800B82F2 1463 800B828A 1463 800B834A 1463 800B83A2 1463 800B83FA 1463 #Langrisser 1 Infinite Money 800A8EDE 2700 #Langrisser 1 Infinite MP 8002B106 A983 #Langrisser 1 Max EXP 800B81EA 03FF #Langrisser 1 Max Status 800B81E2 6300 800B81E4 6363 800B81E6 6363 800B81E8 0163 #Langrisser 2 - Infinite HP main character 800B393B 000A #Langrisser 2 - Infinite HP second character 800B3993 000A #Langrisser 2 - Have Large Power 800B3982 1463 800B39DA 1463 800B3A32 1463 800B3A8A 1463 800B3AE2 1463 800B3B3A 1463 800B3B92 1463 800B3BEA 1463 #Langrisser 2 - Infinite Money 800A47CE 7FFF #Langrisser 2 - Infinite MP 80029C26 A983 ; [ Langrisser IV & V Final Edition (Jpn) (1999) (Masaya) {SLPS-01818~SLPS-01819} ] :SLPS-01818 :SLPS-01819 #1 Fight For Level Up 50000AE4 0000 3011856D 0001 #Infinite Money 800DC380 FFFF #Hero\Level 3011856C 000A #Hero\Max Exp 8011856E FFFF #Hero\Status 30118570 00FF 30118574 0063 #Hero\At 3011862D 0063 #Hero\Df 30118630 0063 #Hero\A+ 30118571 0063 #Hero\D+ 30118572 0063 #Hero\Mp 30118575 0063 30118576 0063 #Hero\M+ 30118573 0063 #Hero\Move 30118633 0063 30118634 0063 #Hero\Attack Status 80118598 6363 8011859A 6363 8011859C 6363 8011859E 6363 #Hero\Unit Hero Invincibility 80118610 0A0A 80118612 0A0A 80118614 0A0A 30118616 000A #Secondary\Level 30118650 000A #Secondary\Max Exp 80118652 FFFF #Secondary\Status 30118654 00FF 30118658 0063 #Secondary\At 30118711 0063 #Secondary\Df 30118714 0063 #Secondary\A+ 30118655 0063 #Secondary\D+ 30118656 0063 #Secondary\Mp 30118659 0063 3011865A 0063 #Secondary\M+ 30118657 0063 #Secondary\Move 30118717 0063 30118718 0063 #Secondary\Attack Status 8011867C 6363 8011867E 6363 80118680 6363 80118682 6363 #Secondary\Unit Hero Invincibility 801186F4 0A0A 801186F6 0A0A 801186F8 0A0A 301186FA 000A #Secondary\Item 50006002 0001 80114698 FF01 #Added bonus It is (does not affect the save data) and press L2 + R2 button on the menu screen from the title screen, From the voice actor is added to the configuration in the house D00DC328 0003 800DC1C0 0100 ; [ Libero Grande 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Namco) {SLPS-02950} ] ;:SLPS-02950 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Legend of Dragoon (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10119~SCPS-10122} ] :SCPS-10119 :SCPS-10120 :SCPS-10121 :SCPS-10122 #Max Gold 800B995C 967F 800B995E 0098 #Tickets MAX 300B993C 0063 #Stardust number MAX 300B9964 0063 #1 Fight For Max Gold 800BB620 FFFF #1 Fight For Max Exp. 800BB65C 423F 800BB65E 000F #Play Time 00:00 800B9968 0000 800B996A 0000 #Save Anywhere 30059068 0001 #Dragoon MAX level after one battle D010B7D4 7001 8010B7D8 0001 #Experience value MAX in combat once D010B5F0 423E 8010B5F8 0001 #MAX level in the implementation of Adishonaru once D00CBEF8 0002 800CBEF8 0001 #No Random Battles D00E23F0 5808 800E23F2 AC20 D00E3E74 5808 800E3E76 AC80 #Have all weapons 800B9AAC 009E 300B9B4E 00FF 50009B01 0001 300B9AB0 0000 #Enemies weakened beat with a single blow almost. C00EDD00 0028 800EDD1C 0001 800EDD1E 2408 800ED022 A4A8 800EDD2E A4A8 800EDD3A A4A8 800EDD46 A4A8 800EDD56 A4A8 00000000 FFFF #SP500 at the start of battle C00F2FFC 0007 800F300C 0001 800F2FFC 0001 00000000 FFFF #All characters can be selected Save data and Turn OFF code 800B9954 0008 800B9956 0000 800B9958 0001 800B995A 0000 300B9CA8 0003 300B9CD4 0003 300B9D00 0003 300B9D2C 0003 300B9C7C 0003 300B9C50 0003 ; [ Lode Runner 2 (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2000) (Success) {SLPM-86460} ] ;:SLPM-86460 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Lode Runner Extra (Jpn) (1997) (Patra) {SLPS-00641} ] ;:SLPS-00641 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Little Princess +1 - Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Nippon Ichi Software) {SLPS-03012~SLPS-03013} ] :SLPS-03012 :SLPS-03013 #Inochiumu 800867C0 967F 800867C2 0098 #Possession Inochiumu 80085F70 E100 80085F72 05F5 #Thanks gauge MAX 3010D7B4 001E #No random batles 8005E2B4 0000 #HP currently 80085F7C 03E7 #LV 99 300863F2 0063 #Less likely to encounter 80009010 0000 80009012 0000 #All Krull diary / Musicals 300870FF 00FF #All Mini-game apPear 300870C1 0020 #Totokarucho Issue appearance 300870D4 0002 #All Observation notes 300870FF 00FF #The number of dolls 30087172 00C0 #The number of dolls 30087172 00C0 #Number of party 30087173 0005 #Thanks gauge 3010D7B4 001E #Nyanko slip / Invincibility 301CB37E 0010 #Nyanko slip / TIME 801CBE04 12FB #Infinite Money 800CA1DC 423F 800CA1DE 000F ; [ Little Princess - Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Nippon Ichi Software) {SLPS-02376} ] :SLPS-02376 #Cheat to boot 8001299C 0000 #Inochiumu 800867C0 967F 800867C2 0098 #Possession Inochiumu 80085F70 E100 80085F72 05F5 #Thanks gauge MAX 3010D7B4 001E #No random batles 8005E2B4 0000 #HP currently 80085F7C 03E7 #LV 99 300863F2 0063 #Less likely to encounter 80009010 0000 80009012 0000 #All Krull diary / Musicals 300870FF 00FF #All Mini-game apPear 300870C1 0020 #Totokarucho Issue appearance 300870D4 0002 #All Observation notes 300870FF 00FF #The number of dolls 30087172 00C0 #The number of dolls 30087172 00C0 #Number of party 30087173 0005 #Thanks gauge 3010D7B4 001E #Nyanko slip / Invincibility 301CB37E 0010 #Nyanko slip / TIME 801CBE04 12FB #Infinite Money 800CA1DC 423F 800CA1DE 000F ; [ Linda³ Again (Jpn) (1997) (Sony) {SCPS-10039} ] :SCPS-10039 #Have 99999 gold 800B9374 869F 800B9376 0001 #Infinite HP Ken 800BC5C0 03E7 #Infinite BP Ken 800BC54C 03E7 #Infinite HP Linda 800BC5C2 03E7 #Infinite BP Linda 800BC54E 03E7 #Infinite HP Sachiko 800BC5C4 03E7 #Infinite HP Dog 800BC5C6 03E7 #I do not go through a seasonal 800B9210 0000 #All Combat available 801EBDA0 0F0F 801EBDA2 0F0F 801EBDA4 0F0F 801EBDA6 0F0F 801EBDA8 0F0F 801EBDAA 0F0F 801EBDAC 0F0F 801EBDAE 3F0F 801E9EF6 7FC3 #All Ability to move available 801FBEFC 0301 801FBEFE 0103 801FBF00 0303 801FBF02 0202 801FBF04 0201 801FBF06 0201 801FBF08 0201 300B9030 003F #Defense 999 80196FDC 03E7 #Fast Level Up 800C20E0 FFFF #Offense 999 800C213C 03E7 ; [ Ling Rise (Jpn) (1999) (Epoch) {SLPS-01769} ] :SLPS-01769 #Infinite Energy Link 1 8002D446 00FF #Infinite Energy Link 2 8002D462 00FF #Infinite Energy Link 3 8002D47E 00FF #Infinite Money (9999) 8002D42E 270F #Infinite Energy Ginball 8002BBB0 03E7 ; [ Lone Soldier (Jpn) (1996) (Virgin Interactive Entertainment) {SLPS-00322} ] :SLPS-00322 #Infinite Health 800B7EC4 FFFF #Infinite Bazooka Ammo 800841A6 0005 #Infinite Grenades 801F1BCC 000F #Infinite Flamethrower Fuel 800841A8 0096 #Infinite M60 Ammo 800841AA 0096 ; [ Lord of Fist (Jpn) (1999) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-02168} ] :SLPS-02168 #RPG Mode All Items (Obi) 800BA006 FFFF 800BA008 FFFF 800BA00A FFFF #RPG Mode Infinite Vitality 8019155C 0090 8019156C 0090 #RPG Mode Max Copper 80188CF6 03E7 #RPG Mode Max HP 80188D04 03E7 #RPG Mode All Items 800BA006 FFFF 800BA008 FFFF 800BA00A FFFF #P1 Infinite Health 8016E998 0200 #1 Hit Killed (Up To 4 Players Mode) 8016F918 0000 80170898 0000 80171818 0000 #Max Copper 80188CF6 03E7 #Max HP 80188D04 03E7 ; [ Love & Destroy (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10124} ] :SCPS-10124 #No Damage D0073828 6400 80073826 6400 D0074670 6400 8007466E 6400 D0077210 6400 8007720E 6400 D0079680 6400 8007967E 6400 D007D5A0 6400 8007D59E 6400 D007D270 6400 8007D26E 6400 #All Movies 8017A8C0 FFFF 8017A8C2 FFFF 8017A8C4 FFFF 8017A8C6 FFFF 8017A8C8 FFFF 8017A8CA 0001 #Infinite Time 801765F4 0000 #Present appearance 3015F56F 0080 #ViVi ROOM fully open 8015F560 FFFF 8015F562 FFFF 8015F564 FFFF 8015F566 FFFF 8015F568 FFFF 8015F56A FFFF 8015F56C 000F #LuLu ROOM fully open 8015F570 FFFF 8015F572 FFFF 8015F574 FFFF 8015F576 FFFF 8015F578 FFFF 8015F57A FFFF 8015F57C 000F #KiKi ROOM fully open 8015F580 FFFF 8015F582 FFFF 8015F584 FFFF 8015F586 FFFF 8015F588 FFFF 8015F58A FFFF 8015F58C 000F #ViVi love degree 8015F6C8 03E7 #ViVi selection frequency 8015F6D4 0003 #LuLu love degree 8015F6C8 03E7 #LuLu selection frequency 8015F6D4 0003 #KiKi love degree 8015F6C8 03E7 #KiKi selection frequency 8015F6D4 0003 #Invincibility and boss killer blow D0178056 A487 80178056 A480 D005A1E6 A662 8005A1E6 A660 D017773A 0043 8017773A 0040 D0073826 0000 80073826 6400 D007466E 0000 8007466E 6400 D007720E 0000 8007720E 6400 D007967E 0000 8007967E 6400 D007D59E 0000 8007D59E 6400 D007D26E 0000 8007D26E 6400 #Mortal blow .Presss Select+Triangle D015B74A 0110 80177752 1400 D015B74A 0180 80177752 1C80 ; [ Love Love Truck (Jpn) (1999) (TYO) {SLPS-02112} ] :SLPS-02112 #Infinite Energy (Love) 800B0FB8 03E7 ; [ LSD - Dream Emulator (Jpn, Limited Edition) (1998) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-01556} ] ;:SLPS-01556 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Lucifer Ring (Jpn) (1998) (Toshiba EMI) {SLPS-01784} ] :SLPS-01784 #Infinite HP 8007F296 03E7 8007F29A 03E7 #Infinite SP 8007F29C 03E7 #Infinite Lives 8012F0CE 0009 ; [ Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue (Jpn) (1999) (Kadokawa Shoten) {SLPS-02081~SLPS-02083} ] :SLPS-02081 :SLPS-02082 :SLPS-02083 #Infinite Money 80088544 967F 80088546 0098 #All Character Infinite HP B00700C4 0000 80081DFC 03E7 B00700C4 0000 80081DFE 03E7 #All Character Infinite MP B00700C4 0000 80081E00 03E7 B00700C4 0000 80081E02 03E7 #HP / 1 person in combat 8015401C 03E7 #HP / 2 person in combat 80154218 03E7 #HP / 3 person in combat 80154414 03E7 #Not encounter 30088FD0 00FF #(L2 + Select Press) ON without random encounter (R2 + Select Press) OFF No random encounter D0088F00 1001 80000700 0001 D0088F00 1002 80000700 0000 C0000700 0001 80088FD0 0063 80088FA0 0063 00000000 FFFF #All Items 50010024 0000 80198224 0063 #Level MAX in a single battle 800592D4 0001 #Destination of the Medallion of Lucia's All 30173B9F 00FF #Crystal Memories All Movies 30173BCF 00FF ; [ Lunar Wing - Toki o Koeta Seisen (Jpn) (2001) (Shoeisha) {SLPM-86777} ] :SLPM-86777 #Character 1 HP 999/999 8009208A 03E7 800920B8 03E7 #Character 1 MP 999/999 8009208C 03E7 800920BA 03E7 #Character 2 infinite and max HP 80092172 03E7 800921A0 03E7 #Character 3 infinite and max HP 800921E6 03E7 80092214 03E7 #Character 1 Stats 999 80092090 03E7 80092092 03E7 80092094 03E7 80092096 03E7 80092096 03E7 80092098 03E7 8009209A 03E7 #All Items 99 50000902 0000 80092042 6363 #MAX money 80010598 869F 8001059A 0001 #Level up in combat, and act D003A314 0064 8003A318 0001 #Love degree MAX Shirufana 8001059E 00FF #Love degree MAX Cecil 800105A0 00FF #Love degree MAX Patty 800105A2 00FF #Love degree MAX Lulu 800105A4 00FF #Love degree MAX Alicia 800105A6 00FF #Love degree MAX Tyrol 800105A8 00FF #Love degree MAX Nelly 800105B0 03E7 #Love degree MAX Milka 800105B4 03E7 #All Item 50007802 0000 800104A8 6363 ; [ Lunatic Dawn III (Jpn) (1998) (Artdink) {SLPS-01749} ] :SLPS-01749 #Infinite + Max HP 65535 800ED31C FFFF 800ED320 FFFF #Infinite + Max MP 65535 800ED31E FFFF 800ED322 FFFF #Attack Lv255 300ED324 00FF #Defense Lv255 300ED325 00FF #Magic Lv255 300ED326 00FF #Agility Lv255 300ED327 00FF #Money 999999G 800ED36C 423F 800ED36E 000F #(No effect, reflected in when it is down the stairs at the time of entering the dungeon) Number of stories in the ring gate Dungeon current Home World 800E3058 03E6 #Imperial Calvi favorite meal 800ED338 C193 800ED33A E38F 800ED33C 4A83 800ED33E 8B83 800ED340 7283 800ED342 E892 800ED344 4890 800ED346 448D 800ED348 AB82 800ED34A 82CC 300ED34C 0000 ; [ Lunatic Dawn Odyssey (Jpn) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-02420} ] :SLPS-02420 #Infinite HP Main character 800F1E26 03E7 #Infinite MP Main character 800F1E28 270F #A Lot Of Money 800EEA5C 967F 800EEA5E 0098 #Degree of friendship Max 300E6830 0064 #All Album Item 300F18FF 00FF #All Album Monster 300F18FF 00FF #Graphics hero 800F1DF4 FFFF #All Poetry album minstrel 301DED35 0007 ; [ Lup Salad - Lupupu Cube (Jpn) (1996) (Datam Polystar) {SLPS-00416} ] :SLPS-00416 #Be solved automatically 8004EE36 3C01 8004EE3A 9423 8004EE3C 0001 8004EE3E 3408 8004EE42 9024 8004EE4A AC28 8004EE54 0EB8 8004EE56 AC28 8004FF08 0000 8004FEC6 1400 ; [ Mad Panic Coaster (Jpn) (1997) (Hakuhodo) {SLPS-00880} ] :SLPS-00880 #Infinite Energy 801E5884 0000 801E5886 0000 #Bonus Points (SELECT) C01B5E16 FFFE 801E6178 967F 801E617A 0098 00000000 FFFF #LUCKY (R1 + R2) D01B5E16 F5FF 301A5B18 0003 ; [ Mad Stalker - Full Metal Force (Jpn) (1997) (Family Soft) {SLPS-00734} ] :SLPS-00734 #Infinite HP 801BA250 00C0 #Over Drive 801BA260 00C0 #Infinite Time 80074368 0063 801B719C 0243 ; [ Magical Drop F - Daibouken mo Rakujanai! (Jpn) (1999) (Data East) {SLPS-02337} ] ;:SLPS-02337 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Magical Medical (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86099 (VX081-J1)} ] :SLPM-86099 #Infinite + Max Energy 8004D6C6 03E7 8004D6CC 03E7 #Time (Minutes) 3004D956 0000 #Time (Hours) 3004D956 00FF #Infinite Time? D00578D8 0001 800578D8 0000 #Dfup Items Dfmax C007A5C8 03E8 8007A5CC 0001 8007A5E4 0001 00000000 FFFF #Atup Items Atmax C007A4F0 03E8 8007A4F4 0001 8007A50C 0001 00000000 FFFF #Hpup Items Hpmax C007A3D0 03E8 8007A3D4 0001 8007A3EC 0001 00000000 FFFF #Tryptophan's Effect Up C007A584 000E 8007A59C 00FF 8007A5A4 0000 00000000 FFFF #Prevent Abnormal Status C005FAFC 0011 8005FB64 004C 8005FB66 A640 00000000 FFFF D00605E0 004C 800605E2 A500 ; [ Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou (Jpn) (1999) (TGL) {SLPS-01754} ] :SLPS-01754 #Infinite Energy 800C39E0 0064 #Infinite Magic 800C39F4 0064 #Invincibility 300C3A5E 00FF #It is not a lack of sleep 800C3B3C 0000 800C3B3E 0000 #Rank Clear purpose and title also changes 300F66B9 000A #Infinite Money 800F7068 4240 800F706A 000F #Success rate 300F7070 0009 ; [ Majokko Daisakusen - Little Witching Mischiefs (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-01850} ] :SLPS-01850 #Max Mana 800FDCB4 270F #Max Flying Gauge D004C536 A622 8004C536 2402 ; [ Makeruna! Makendo 2 (Jpn) (1995) (Datam Polystar) {SLPS-00128} ] :SLPS-00128 #Infinite Energy 801D4FE0 00C0 #Max Level 8009E054 0063 #Max Exp 801D4D90 9698 801D4D92 007F #Death blow mode Press SELECT D009EA70 FEFF 801D4FE2 FFFE ; [ Rikujou Boueitai Mao-chan (Jpn, Deluxe Pack) (2003) (Marvelous) {SLPM-87198} ] ;:SLPM-87198 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Marionette Company (Jpn) (1999) (Micro Cabin) {SLPS-02058} ] :SLPS-02058 #Infinite Money (60000) 800AFD38 EA60 #KIZUNA 999 800B0A7A 03E7 800B0A7C 03E7 #Engineering LV 100 800AFEE8 0064 #Part created in 10 minutes D0021BB6 1040 80021BB6 1000 ; [ Marionette Company 2 Chu! (Jpn) (2000) (Micro Cabin) {SLPS-02743} ] :SLPS-02743 #Money 100000 Yen 8006F364 86A0 8006F366 0001 #Cara All Clear 8006F0A8 07FF #CG Album 100% Unlock 8006F0AA 007F 8006F0B4 FC06 8006F0B6 FFFF 8006F0B8 FFFF 8006F0BA FFFF 8006F0BC FFFF 8006F0BE FFFF 8006F0C0 C07F 8006F0C2 FE0F 8006F0C4 007F ; [ Marl Jong!! (Jpn, Limited Edition) (2003) (Nippon Ichi Software) {SLPS-03537} ] :SLPS-03537 #Infinite Ic (60000) 801E7A34 EA60 ; [ The Master's Fighter (Jpn) (1997) (Cinema Supply) {SLPS-00722} ] :SLPS-00722 #P1 Infinite Energy 800F8782 00CF #P2 Infinite Energy 800F8862 00CF #P2 No Energy 800F8862 0000 ; [ Masumon Kids - The Another World of The Master of Monsters (Jpn) (1998) (Toshiba EMI) {SLPS-01426} ] :SLPS-01426 "Infinite Energy Character 1 80020B94 03E7 80020B96 03E7 "Infinite Energy Character 2 80020C60 03E7 80020C62 03E7 "Infinite Energy Character 3 80020D2C 03E7 80020D2E 03E7 "Infinite Money (999999) 801E05BC 423F 801E05BE 000F ; [ MaxRacer (Jpn) (1997) (PD) {SLPS-00795} ] :SLPS-00795 #Always first 3016EFED 0001 #Infinite Time 801FFF78 0456 ; [ Maze Heroes - Meikyuu Densetsu (Jpn) (2002) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03490} ] :SLPS-03490 #Infinite HP Main Character 800D0632 0064 800D0648 0064 #Status Max Main Character 300D0642 00FF 300D0644 00FF 300D0646 00FF 300D063E 00FF #Second character Maximum HP 300D06EC 0064 #Second characte Status Max 300D06EA 00FF 300D06E8 00FF 300D06E6 00FF 300D06E2 00FF #Third character Maximum HP 300D0790 0064 #Third character Status Max 300D078E 00FF 300D078C 00FF 300D078A 00FF 300D0786 00FF #Fourth character Maximum HP 300D0834 0064 #Fourth characterStatus Max 300D0830 00FF 300D082A 00FF 300D082E 00FF 300D0832 00FF ; [ Meitantei Conan - Saikou no Aibou (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03425} ] :SLPS-03425 #Infinite Detective Points 800949FC 0064 #AP 100% 800949F8 0015 800949E4 0015 ; [ Meitantei Conan - Trick Trick Vol.1 (Jpn) (2003) (Bandai) {SLPS-03548} ] :SLPS-03548 #Time 00.00.00 8007498C 0000 ; [ Medarot R - Parts Collection (Jpn) (2000) (Imageneer) {SLPS-02635} ] :SLPS-02635 #Max Point 8007C2B0 270F #Max Point Inf.Missile 80078784 03E7 #Max HP Head 80078788 03E7 80078798 03E7 #Max HP Right-Hand 80078790 03E7 800787A0 03E7 #Max HP Left-Hand 80078794 03E7 800787A4 03E7 #Max HP Leg 8007878C 03E7 8007879C 03E7 #All Head Parts 5000FF01 0000 30079B40 0050 #All Left-Hand Parts 5000FF01 0000 30079C40 0050 #All Right-Hand Parts 5000FF01 0000 30079D40 0050 #All Leg Parts 5000FF01 0000 30079E40 0050 ; [ Medarot R (Jpn) (1999) (Imageneer) {SLPS-02414} ] :SLPS-02414 #Infinite Energy 80075E80 0032 80075E88 0028 80075E8C 0028 80075E84 003C #Infinite Money 99999 80076724 869F 80076726 0001 #Point 1000 8007C2B0 03E8 #Get experience value 9999 800DE6F8 270F #Speeding up D003A7B8 FFE9 8003A7B8 0001 #We attack the head parts always 80075E50 0000 #Immediate action 80075E64 0000 80075E68 0000 #Head parts remaining number MAX 80075E6C 03E7 #Damage MAX 80075F14 7FFF #Head parts fully open 5000FF01 0000 30077220 0063 #Left arm parts fully open 5000FF01 0000 30077320 0063 #Right arm parts fully open 5000FF01 0000 30077420 0063 #Leg parts fully open 5000FF01 0000 30077520 0063 ; [ Shinseiden Megaseed Fukkatsu-Hen (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00925} ] :SLPS-00925 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C9058 005A #P1 Infinite MP 800C905A 002D #P2 Infinite Energy 800C9928 0064 #P2 Infinite MP 800C9924 0028 #Infiniye GP 8009FFA0 270F ; [ Megatudo 2096 (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00435} ] :SLPS-00435 #P1 Infinite Energy 800AD948 03E8 #P2 Infinite Energy 800ADC4C 03E8 #P1 Special Energy 800AD950 03E8 #P2 Special Energy 800ADC54 03E8 ; [ Ikuzawa Touru Kanshuu - Meisha Retsuden - Greatest 70's (Jpn) (1997) (Epoch) {SLPS-01153} ] :SLPS-01153 #Maximum Speed 80138220 21CC #Money 801164AC FFFF 801164AE FFFF ; [ MeltyLancer - The 3rd Planet (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86231~SLPM-86232 (VX126-J1)} ] :SLPM-86231 :SLPM-86232 #CG Gallery Fully Open 800C9F18 FFFF 800C9F1A FFFF 800C9F1C FFFF 800C9F1E FFFF 800C9F20 FFFF 800C9F22 FFFF 800C9F24 FFFF 800C9F26 FFFF #Movie Gallery Fully Open 800C9F28 FFFF #Combat level 300C9F73 0001 #Investigation level 300C9F74 0001 ; [ Menkyo o Torou (Jpn) (2000) (Twilight Express) {SLPS-02685} ] :SLPS-02685 #Practical Instruction To 100 Points Training Campus 801A9CBC 0064 801AF280 0064 #Training On The Road 801AA84C 0064 801ADF08 0064 #100-point performance department (first / second stage Common)(100 points practical results) 301921E0 0064 ; [ Meremanoid (Jpn) (1999) (Xing) {SLPS-01664} ] :SLPS-01664 #Infinite + Maximum HP 800C2D50 03E7 800C2D52 03E7 #Infinite + Maximum Magic 800C2D54 03E7 800C2D56 03E7 #99999 Gold 800C4BF0 869F 800C4BF2 0001 #Infinite HP In battles 80119FB0 03E7 80119FB2 03E7 #Infinite MP In battles 80119FB4 03E7 80119FB6 03E7 #Level 99 300C2D90 0063 #Menu screen / deathblow appearance 300C2D7D 0001 #Menu screen / magic appearance 300C2D7E 0001 ; [ Mermaid no Kisetsu - The Season of Mermaid (Jpn) (2001) (GameVillage) {SLPM-86934~SLPM-86936} ] ;:SLPM-86934 ;:SLPM-86935 ;:SLPM-86936 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Metal Angel 3 (Jpn) (1997) (Pack-in-Soft) {SLPS-00867~SLPS-00868} ] :SLPS-00867 :SLPS-00868 #1st Character Max Stats 8006561C 03E7 80065628 03E7 80065634 03E7 80065640 03E7 8006564C 03E7 80065658 03E7 80065664 03E7 800655EC 03E7 800655F8 03E7 80065604 03E7 #Infinite Point To Upgrade Armor Suit disconnect this code when you assigned the points that you want 800655EC 03E7 #Other Points disconnect this code when you assigned the points that you want 80043568 0063 ; [ Metal Fist (Jpn) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLPS-01164} ] :SLPS-01164 #P1 Infinite HP 800B2BA2 017C #P2 Infinite HP 800B2C92 017C #Infinite Hand Gun 800995D2 0007 ; [ Himitsu Sentai Metamor V Deluxe (Jpn, Disc 1 Only) (1998) (Mycom) {SLPS-01626} ] :SLPS-01626 #Have all 5 hearts with brown hair girl 801F7002 03E7 #Have all 5 hearts with green hair girl 801F7004 03E7 #Have all 5 hearts with pink hair girl 801F7006 03E7 #Have all 5 hearts with blue hair girl 801F7000 03E7 #Have 900 energy in battle 80073F72 0384 #All Keyword 801F7018 0101 801F701A 0101 801F701C 0101 801F701E 0101 801F7020 0101 801F7022 0101 #All Metamorphosis Book 801F7206 0101 801F7208 0101 801F720A 0101 801F720C 0101 801F720E 0101 801F7210 0101 801F7212 0101 801F7214 0101 801F7216 0101 801F7218 0101 #All Endings 801F7200 0101 801F7202 0101 801F7204 0101 #Mortal blow D003566E 0043 8003566E 0000 ; [ Meta-Ph-List μ.χ.2297 (Jpn) (1997) (A.D.M) {SLPS-00680~SLPS-00681} ] :SLPS-00680 :SLPS-00681 #Infinite Shield 801A1F86 003F 801A1ECA 003F ; [ Mezase! Senkyuuou (Jpn) (1996) (Seibu Kaihatsu) {SLPS-00313} ] :SLPS-00313 #P1 Instant Win 800737C0 0000 #P1 Win Press Select D006F2D6 FFFE 800737C0 0000 #P2 Instant Win 80073704 0000 #P2 Win Press L1 + L2 D006F2D6 FFFA 80073704 0000 #Score 999999 80073710 967F 80073712 0098 #P1 No Ojama Balls 80073758 0000 #P2 No Ojama Balls 80073814 0000 #Unlock All Extras 80073694 000C 800736B0 0014 ; [ Monster Farm - Battle Card Professional (Jpn) (2000) (Tecmo) {SLPS-02653} ] :SLPS-02653 #HP 99 1 monster 80118CAE 0063 #HP 99 2 monster 80118CE6 0063 #HP 99 3 monster 80118D1E 0063 #99 deck 80118C90 0063 #Guts 99 80118C92 0063 #All Business card It is set by looking at the command information 800DF454 0001 800DF456 2403 800DF458 1111 800DF45A A043 800DF45C 0001 800DF45E 2402 #50 sheets get a new card I get 50 sheets at a time only card that newly acquired 800F8064 0001 800F7F30 0032 800F7F32 2402 #50 pieces of all cards other than the monster card It is set by looking at the Card Management and all possession card 80093FF0 0032 80093FF2 2403 80093FF4 0000 80093FF6 A663 #I want to disable the CD check in the disk stone Institute D00F66F4 2821 300F66F6 0000 #All cardholder 50001602 0000 800FC1F4 6363 5000FF02 0000 800FC220 0063 50001F02 0000 800FC41E 0063 ; [ Michinoku Hitou Koi Monogatari - Bishoujo Hanafuda Kikou (Jpn) (1997) (FOG) {SLPS-00941} ] :SLPS-00941 #Player has 99 points in hanafuda game 8010001E 0063 #Enemy has always 0 points in hanafuda game 80100020 0000 ; [ Michinoku Hitou Koi Monogatari Kai (Jpn) (1999) (FOG) {SLPS-02502} ] :SLPS-02502 #Player has 99 points in hanafuda game disconnect after winning the hanafuda game 8010401E 0063 #Enemy has always 0 points in hanafuda game disconnect after winning the hanafuda game 80104020 0000 #6 time wins/ partner won the L1 + L2 buttons Koi Koi D0096156 0005 80104024 0006 #24 pieces of shooting rights in all press triangle button C0096156 0010 8007E1EA 1818 8007E1EC 1818 00000000 FFFF ; [ Money Idol Exchanger (Jpn) (1998) (Athena) {SLPS-00963} ] ;:SLPS-00963 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mini Moni. - Step Pyon Pyon Pyon (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87195 (VX272-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-87195 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mini Moni. Shaker & Tambourine! Dapyon! (Jpn) (2002) (Sega) {SLPM-87132} ] ;:SLPM-87132 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mini-Yonku Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! - WGP Hyper Heat (Jpn) (1997) (Jaleco) {SLPS-01078} ] :SLPS-01078 #Max Speed 800E85F0 0050 800E8610 0050 800E8630 0050 800E8650 0050 80101868 0050 80101888 0050 801018A8 0050 801018C8 0050 801184A8 5000 801184AA 5000 801184AC 5000 801184AE 5000 #Infinite Power 80178620 0065 #Special Move power gauge MAX press L2 button D004DBBC 0001 80178620 0064 ; [ Misaki Aggressive! (Jpn) (1998) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-01474} ] :SLPS-01474 #Infinite + Max Health Misaki 800E597E 03E7 800E5980 03E7 #999 Power Misaki 800E5982 03E7 #999 Defense Misaki 800E5984 03E7 #Misaki 999 Death Blow 800E5992 03E7 800E5994 03E7 #Infinite + Max Health Character 2 (Pink Hair Girl) 800E5B8A 03E7 800E5B8C 03E7 #999 Power Character 2 (Pink Hair Girl) 800E5B8E 03E7 #999 Defense Character 2 (Pink Hair Girl) 800E5B90 03E7 #999 Loyalty Character 2 (Pink Hair Girl) 800E5B92 03E7 #Character 2 (Pink Hair Girl) 999 Death Blow 800E5B9E 03E7 800E5BA0 03E7 #Bonus mode appearance 300DFAE6 0080 #Character View All 300DFB1F 00FF #Bonus / EVENT All 300DFBFF 00FF #Many people can persuade 300E5562 0031 #Date 300E55AA 0096 ; [ Rock Climbing - Mitouhou e no Chousen - Alps-Hen (Jpn) (1997) (WENet) {SLPS-00662 (WG0004)} ] :SLPS-00662 #Infinite Time 80060175 0096 ; [ Mizzurna Falls (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01783} ] :SLPS-01783 #SPEED Always 120km / h Press R1 D009AAFE 0008 800A367A 4140 #SPEED Always 120km / h 800A367A 4140 #Full Tank of Gasoloine 300A3658 0078 #Not reduce gasoline D0108718 FFFF 80108718 0000 #It does not advance even more time sleeping D0025110 0321 80025110 0000 D0025112 A385 80025110 0000 #All Map 300A34EF 00FF #Organizer / characters 300A350F 00FF #Organizer / phone number 300A350F 00FF #Infinite Combat strength Player 300A3774 0078 #Combat strength Enemy 0 300A3776 0000 #Damage number of times in combat / enemies and bear 30107854 0009 #Combat / physical fitness of the bear 30107857 0064 #Combat / stamina gauge and bear 30107858 0064 #Combat / No physical fitness of the bear 30107857 0000 #Combat / No stamina gauge and bear 30107858 0000 #The number of combat / bullet and bear 300A36D8 0007 #DaY 7 END OF GAME 300A373C 0007 ; [ Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus (Jpn) (1996) (Athena) {SLPS-00402} ] :SLPS-00402 #Player has 99999 points 801F5A24 869F 801F5A26 0001 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 801F5D04 0000 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 801F5E74 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 801F5B94 0000 ; [ Pro Mahjong Kiwame Tengensenhen (Jpn) (1999) (Athena) {SLPS-02347} ] :SLPS-02347 #Player has 99999 points 800C65FC 869F 800C65FE 0001 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800C660C 0000 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800C661C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800C662C 0000 ; [ Mahjong Yarouze! (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86173 (VX088-J1)} ] :SLPM-86173 #P1 Infinite Money (60000) 80151AB0 EA60 #0 points A opponent score 80151AB4 0000 80151AB6 0000 #0 points B opponent score 80151AB8 0000 80151ABA 0000 #0 points C opponent score 80151ABC 0000 80151ABE 0000 ; [ Kosodate Quiz Motto My Angel (Jpn) (1999) (Namco) {SLPS-01885} ] :SLPS-01885 #P1 Infinite Hearts 8014BF36 0007 #P1 Infinite Heart Tries 8014BE0A 0005 #Quota 0 in L1, R1 simultaneous press D007C698 000C 8014C142 0000 ; [ Momotarou Densetsu (Jpn) (1998) (Hudson) {SLPS-01785} ] :SLPS-01785 #Infinite Energy 800849D8 03E7 80091252 03E7 800FE300 03E7 800FEE30 03E7 #Maximum Energy 800849F8 03E7 8009125A 03E7 #Money and Ichi-ya Max 800912E4 E0FF 800912E6 05F5 #Enemy is less likely to appear 80009010 0000 80009012 0000 30091930 00FF #Stage 8009124A 0063 #Current body 80091252 03E7 #Maximum body 8009125A 03E7 #Heart Max 800912E8 FFFF 800912EA 7FFF #Card album fully open 8004295C 0001 #Art of pre-acquisition Skanda heaven 300918D8 0002 #Number of Oni that punish 80091958 FFFF 8009195A 7FFF ; [ Momotarou Matsuri (Jpn) (2001) (Hudson) {SLPM-86888} ] :SLPM-86888 #Infinite Money (60000) 8008C504 EA60 ; [ Monster Collection - Kamen no Madoushi (Jpn) (1999) (Kadokawa Shoten) {SLPS-02245} ] :SLPS-02245 #Infinite HP main character in RPG dungeon 80089923 0063 #Gold 999999 8008996C 869F 8008996E 0001 #Level 99 / HP 50 / Exp 999999 80089922 3263 #Summons point 99 80089920 0063 ; [ Hole of the Legend Monster - Densetsu Kemono no Ana - Monster Complete World Ver.2 (Jpn) (1999) (Idea Factory) {SLPS-02297} ] :SLPS-02297 #Infinite Money 80129BCC 869F 80129BCE 0001 #Infinite Energy Pet 1 801EF52E 03E7 80130C88 03E7 #All illustrations 5000B401 0000 30170641 0002 #Command of the into a friend can be selected Infinite Times 30152D70 0000 30153358 0000 #Star Stone 99 30129BD4 0063 ; [ Mouri Motonari - Chikai no Sanshi (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01285} ] :SLPS-01285 #Have 9999 money 800F45DC 270F #Infinite HP Main unit 800FE078 03E7 800E43D0 03E7 ; [ Mori no Oukoku - Kingdom of Forest (Jpn) (1999) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-01861} ] :SLPS-01861 #Infinite + Max Energy Character 1 800F17F4 03E7 800F17F6 03E7 #Infinite + Max Energy Character 2 800F188C 03E7 800F188E 03E7 #Infinite + Max LP (Energy) Character 3 800F1924 03E7 800F1926 03E7 #Infinite + Max LP (Energy) Character 4 (Girl) 800F19BC 03E7 800F19BE 03E7 #Infinite + Max LP (Energy) Character 5 (Archer Man) 800F1A54 03E7 800F1A56 03E7 #9999999 Gold 800DEE28 967F 800DEE2A 0098 ; [ Mr. Driller G (Jpn) (2001) (Namco) {SLPS-03336} ] :SLPS-03336 #Infinite Air 801CB3F1 0258 #Infinite Lives 801CB300 0003 #P2 air 0 801CB5A5 0000 #Driller dedicated Hidden Character selection alone Hidden in the R1 button Chara rabbit D00C8B20 000B D0198F14 0800 300C8B32 0006 D00C8B20 003F D0198F14 0800 300C8B32 0006 ; [ Marvel Super Heroes (Jpn) (1997) (Capcom) {SLPS-00763} ] :SLPS-00763 #P1 Infinite Energy 80091FE4 0090 #P1 Force gauge infinite 30091FEA 0003 #P2 No Energy 80092214 0000 ; [ Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter - EX Edition (Jpn) (1999) (Capcom) {SLPS-01915} ] :SLPS-01915 #P1 Infinite Health 800725D0 0090 #P1 Max Power Bar 800725D2 0090 #P1 Special partners number of uses MAX 3007C122 0009 #P2 No Health 80072988 0000 ; [ The Maestro Music (Jpn, with Baton Stick) (2000) (Global A) {SLPM-86585} ] ;:SLPM-86585 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Maestro Music - Merry Christmas - Append Disc (Jpn) (2000) (Global A) {SLPM-86684} ] ;:SLPM-86684 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Konami Antiques - MSX Collection Vol.1 (Jpn) (1997) (Konami) {SLPM-86052 (VX120-J1)} ] :SLPM-86052 #Boxing\Infinite Health 8001E217 0000 #Ping-Pong\CPU points are always 0 8001E133 0000 #Yie-ar-Kung-Fu\Infinite Energy 8001E12F 2400 #Mopinger\Infinite Lives 8001E050 0606 #Road Fighter\Infinite Fuel 8001E082 D800 #Sky Jaguar\Infinite Lives 8001E050 0203 8001E3D0 0303 #Gradius\Infinite Lives 8001E060 0102 #Gradius 2\Infinite Lives 8001E360 0102 ; [ Konami Antiques - MSX Collection Vol.2 (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86062 (VX121-J1)} ] :SLPM-86062 #Athletic Land\Infinite Time 3001E055 0039 #Athletic Land\Infinite Lives 3001E050 0004 #Magical Tree\Infinite Lives 3001E050 0006 #Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah\Infinite Lives 3001E055 000A #Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah\Infinite Health 8001E100 2424 #Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah\Invincibility only boss battles 3001E29E 00FF #Knightmare\Infinite Lives 3001E060 000A #Super Cobra\Infinite Lives 3001E050 0006 #Super Cobra\Infinite Fuel D01BEAC6 0049 8001E51C 011F #Super Cobra\Invincibility 8001E50E 0000 #Twinbee\Completely Invincibility (shared) C01BEAC6 0053 8001E078 0000 3001E08D 0001 3001E08E 0001 00000000 FFFF #Twinbee\P1 Infinite Lives D01BEAC6 0053 3001E070 0099 #Twinbee\P1 Invincibility:You die if you take the black bell. D01BEAC6 0053 3001E097 00FF #Twinbee\P2 Infinite Lives D01BEAC6 0053 3001E073 0099 #Twinbee\P2 Invincibility:You die if you take the black bell. D01BEAC6 0053 3001E098 00FF #Gradius 2\Infinite Lives 3008FAE4 000A #Gradius 2\Invincibility D01BEAC6 0065 3001E400 0001 ; [ Magical Tetris Challenge featuring Mickey Mouse (Jpn) (1999) (Capcom) {SLPS-01786} ] ;:SLPS-01786 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Yagami Hiroki no Game-Taste - Munasawagi no Yokan (Jpn) (1999) (Kodansha) {SLPS-02064} ] :SLPS-02064 #Always have 999 points 801C88AC 03E7 #Date manipulation D018A0AC 0101 E31AE8CC 0001 211AE8CC 0001 D018A0AC 0102 E21AE8CC 008C 201AE8CC 0001 #Bonus ON 801AE820 0001 #All CG viewable 5000B704 0000 801CAF50 0001 #Favorability rating - Fumika (+4 h) 801C88D0 03E8 #Favorability rating - dream together 801C88D4 03E8 ; [ Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes - EX Edition (Jpn) (1999) (Capcom) {SLPS-02368} ] :SLPS-02368 #P1 Infinite Health 8007C0CC 0090 #Unlock All Illustrations + Endings 8007B6D4 FFFF 8007B6D6 FFFF #Unlock Special Partners 8007B6D8 FFFF ; [ My Home Dream 2 - Niwatsuki Ikkodate De, Ikou! (Jpn) (1999) (Victor) {SLPS-02470} ] ;:SLPS-02470 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Mystic Ark - Maboroshi Gekijou (Jpn) (1999) (Enix) {SLPM-86147} ] :SLPM-86147 #Infinite Energy 800C4A18 000A 8018C5F8 000A 801B8243 000A #All the highest trust wizard 50000708 0000 300C578C 0063 #Infinite Cards 50000804 0010 300C5909 0007 50000804 0000 300C590A 0001 ; [ The Mystic Dragoons (Jpn) (1999) (Xing) {SLPS-02103} ] :SLPS-02103 #Main Character Exp 800E3AA8 03E7 #1 Character Max HP 800E3AE0 270F #1 Character Max MP 800E3AE2 270F #1 Character Atc 800E3AE4 03E7 #1 Character Def 800E3AE6 03E7 #1 Character Mgc 800E3AE8 03E7 #1 Character Spd 800E3AEA 03E7 #1 Character Mdf 800E3AEC 03E7 #1 Character Luk 800E3AEE 03E7 #2nd Character Exp 800E3B54 03E7 #Second Character Max HP 800E3B8C 270F #Second Character Max MP 800E3B8E 270F #Second Character Atc 800E3B90 03E7 #Second Character Def 800E3B92 03E7 #Second Character Mgc 800E3B94 03E7 #Second Character Spd 800E3B96 03E7 #Second Character Mdf 800E3B98 03E7 #Second Character Luk 800E3B9A 03E7 #Debug Menu 80112F60 0003 #Gold 100.000 800E5A3C 860A 800E3AAA FFFF #Perso. 1 Stats 999/ Hp-Mp 9999 800E3AE0 270F 800E3AE2 270F 800E3AE4 03E7 800E3AE6 03E7 800E3AE8 03E7 800E3AEA 03E7 800E3AEC 03E7 800E3AEE 03E7 #P1 Stats 999 / HP-MP 9999 800E3AA8 423F 300E3AAA 000F 800E3AE0 270F 800E3AE2 270F 800E3AE4 03E7 800E3AE6 03E7 800E3AE8 03E7 800E3AEA 03E7 800E3AEC 03E7 800E3AEE 03E7 800E3B1C 270F 800E3B1E 270F 300E3B28 00FF 300E3B2A 00FF 300E3B2C 00FF 300E3B2E 00FF 300E3B30 00FF 300E3B32 00FF #P2 Stats 999/ HP-MP 9999 800E3B54 423F 300E3B56 000F 800E3B8C 270F 800E3B8E 270F 800E3B90 03E7 800E3B92 03E7 800E3B94 03E7 800E3B96 03E7 800E3B98 03E7 800E3B9A 03E7 800E3BC8 270F 800E3BCA 270F 300E3BD4 00FF 300E3BD6 00FF 300E3BD8 00FF 300E3BDA 00FF 300E3BDC 00FF 300E3BDE 00FF #P3 Stats 999/ HP-MP 9999 800E3C00 423F 300E3C02 000F 800E3C38 270F 800E3C3A 270F 800E3C3C 03E7 800E3C3E 03E7 800E3C40 03E7 800E3C42 03E7 800E3C44 03E7 800E3C46 03E7 800E3C74 270F 800E3C76 270F 300E3C80 00FF 300E3C82 00FF 300E3C84 00FF 300E3C86 00FF 300E3C88 00FF 300E3C8A 00FF #P4 Stats 999/ HP-MP 9999 800E3CAC 423F 300E3CAE 000F 800E3CE4 270F 800E3CE6 270F 800E3CE8 03E7 800E3CEA 03E7 800E3CEC 03E7 800E3CEE 03E7 800E3CF0 03E7 800E3CF2 03E7 800E3D20 270F 800E3D22 270F 300E3D2C 00FF 300E3D2E 00FF 300E3D30 00FF 300E3D32 00FF 300E3D34 00FF 300E3D36 00FF #P5 Stats 999/ HP-MP 9999 800E3D58 423F 300E3D5A 000F 800E3D90 270F 800E3D92 270F 800E3D94 03E7 800E3D96 03E7 800E3D98 03E7 800E3D9A 03E7 800E3D9C 03E7 800E3D9E 03E7 800E3DCC 270F 800E3DCE 270F 300E3DD8 00FF 300E3DDA 00FF 300E3DDC 00FF 300E3DDE 00FF 300E3DE0 00FF 300E3DE2 00FF #P6 Stats 999/ HP-MP 9999 800E3E3C 270F 800E3E3E 270F 800E3E78 270F 800E3E7A 270F 800E3E04 FFFF 800E3E06 FFFF 800E3E40 03E7 800E3E42 03E7 800E3E44 03E7 800E3E46 03E7 800E3E48 03E7 800E3E4A 03E7 #Character 1 Level 99/ Exp. Max 800E3AA8 FFFF 800E3AAA FFFF #Time 00.00.00 800E5A38 0000 800E5A3A 0000 #Learn all the magic after one 801173A0 FFFF 801173A2 2403 #Learn all the special moves in combat after 1 fight 8010B4CC 0001 #No Random Battles .Enemy will appear when you move it while holding down the L2 + R2 buttons, and is not valid if you are riding in a vehicle. 8011D86C 0001 8011D7E6 8682 D00CE928 0003 800E5ED2 1E00 ; [ Nage Libre - Rasen No Soukoku (1997) (Varie) {SLPS-00692} ] :SLPS-00692 #Infinite HP Makoto 800B3820 03E7 800B3822 03E7 #Infinite HP Ann 800B3780 03E7 800B3782 03E7 #Infinite HP Mio 800B38C0 03E7 800B38C2 03E7 #Infinite HP Sinobu 800B3870 03E7 800B3872 03E7 #Infinite HP Ituki 800B37D0 03E7 800B37D2 03E7 ; [ Najavu no Daibouken - My Favorite Namjatown (Jpn) (2000) (Namco) {SLPM-86601} ] :SLPM-86601 #99 Diamonds On Imatation Game: 80072A60 0063 #99 Diamonds On Jumping Over Cliffs Game: 80072A60 0063 #Have 9999 Diamonds 800747AC 270F ; [ Nanatsu no Hikan (Jpn) (1996) (Koei) {SLPS-00410~SLPS-00412} ] :SLPS-00410 :SLPS-00411 :SLPS-00412 #Infinite Health (Deactivate after sending it) 800C3DD7 6400 800C3DD8 0064 ; [ Naniwa no Akindo - Futte Nanbo no Saikoro Jinsei (Jpn) (1997) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-00768} ] :SLPS-00768 #Have 99999 money 8001424C 869F 8001424E 0001 ; [ Nankuro (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (1999) (Success) {SLPS-02067} ] ;:SLPS-02067 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi (Jpn, Limited Edition, Disc 1 Only) (2000) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-02665 (NIPS-4005)} ] ;:SLPS-02665 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Navit (Jpn) (1998) (Artdink) {SLPS-01530} ] :SLPS-01530 #Funds 999,990,000 80150D94 423F 30150D96 000F #Press L1L2R1R2 to clear the stage D0106848 000F 80150D9C FFFF #Stress 0 80150DA0 0000 #Number 0 with accident 80150DA4 0000 #Do not reduce TIME D008DC5C FFFF 8008DC5C 0000 ; [ Arthur to Astaroth no Nazo Maikamura - Incredible Toons (Jpn) (1996) (Capcom) {SLPS-00363} ] ;:SLPS-00363 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ NBA Power Dunkers 4 (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86176 (VX087-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-86176 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Nemuru Mayu - Sleeping Cocoon (Jpn) (2000) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-02597} ] :SLPS-02597 #Infinite + Max HP 8012AB06 03E7 8012A498 03E7 #Infinite Image points (9999) 8012AB08 270F #Max Status 8012A48A 03E7 8012A48C 03E7 8012A48E 03E7 8012A490 03E7 ; [ Neorude (Jpn) (1997) (TechnoSoft) {SLPS-00823~SLPS-00824} ] :SLPS-00823 :SLPS-00824 #Infinite HP Character Til 801C7FE4 03E7 801C7FE6 03E7 801C9180 03E7 801C9182 03E7 801C9184 03E7 801C9186 03E7 #Infinite HP In Battle Til 801CCFC4 03E7 #LV 301C917C 0063 #Infinite HP Character 2 Aria 80138EF4 03E7 8019FF40 03E7 801C8034 03E7 801C91A0 03E7 801C91A2 03E7 801C91A4 03E7 801C91A6 03E7 #Infinite HP In Battle Aria 801CD0C4 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 3 Rufrain 801C8084 03E7 801C91C4 03E7 801C91C6 03E7 #Infinite HP In Battle Character 3 Rufrain 801CD1C4 03E7 ; [ Neorude 2 (Jpn) (1997) (TechnoSoft) {SLPS-01112} ] :SLPS-01112 #Infinite HP Til 801BB770 03E7 801BB772 03E7 801BBCEE 03E7 801BBCF0 03E7 #Infinite HP Aria Highland 801BB7C0 03E7 801BB7C2 03E7 801BC3EE 03E7 801BC3F0 03E7 #Infinite HP Rufrain Love 801BB810 03E7 801BB812 03E7 801BCAAE 03E7 801BCAF0 03E7 ; [ Next King - Koi no Sennen Oukoku (Jpn) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPS-00859} ] :SLPS-00859 #Infinite HP in battle 80101788 000F #The strength of the enemy 0 80101814 0000 #Degree of women of goodwill 8007C91E 00FF ; [ Nichibutsu Arcade Classics (Jpn) (1995) (Nichibutsu) {SLPS-00184} ] ;:SLPS-00184 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Night Raid (Jpn) (2002) (Takumi) {SLPM-87048} ] :SLPM-87048 #Infinite Lives 8011426C 0006 #Infinite Bombs 80114264 000A #Invincibility (No Hit) 80047D5A 1000 #Unlock All Stages In Score Attack Mode 80095074 0006 #Max Firepower 80114260 0003 #Max (100) Triangles On Left Bar 8010C412 0064 #Always Have Super Gun 8010D50A 0008 ; [ Nijiiro Dodgeball - Otometachi no Seishun (Jpn) (2002) (Atlus) {SLPM-87039} ] :SLPM-87039 #Infinite Energy Girl With Blonde Hair And 2 Tails 801C603D 0019 #Infinite Energy Girl With Brown Hair (Team Captain) 801C5DCD 0019 #Infinite Energy Girl With Short Black Hair 801C6175 0019 #Infinite Energy Girl With Short Red Hair 801C5F05 0019 ; [ Ningyo no Rakuin (Jpn) (2000) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-02854 (NIPS-4010)} ] :SLPS-02854 #Main Character Exp 99 80192D3A 0063 #Main Character AP 99 80192D2E 03E8 #Main Character HP/MP 999 80192D26 03E7 80192D28 03E7 80192D2A 03E7 80192D2C 03E7 #Second Character Exp 99 801932D2 0063 #Second Character AP 99 801932C6 03E8 #Second Character HP/MP 999 801932BE 03E7 801932C0 03E7 801932C2 03E7 801932C4 03E7 #Third Character HP 999 80193856 03E7 80193858 03E7 #Third Character MP 999 8019385A 03E7 8019385C 03E7 #Fourth character HP 990 80193DEE 03E7 80193DF2 03E7 #Fourth character MP 990 80193DF0 03E7 80193DF4 03E7 #Full accessoires 99 50007101 0000 3003BB70 0063 #Scenario 3003BC00 0015 #Scenario display 3003BC02 0015 ; [ Ninja Jajamaru-kun - Onigiri Ninpouchou (Jpn) (1997) (Jaleco) {SLPS-00494} ] :SLPS-00494 #Infinite Time 800B5400 4640 #Invincibility 800B55B0 005C #Infinite Lives 800B5648 0003 #Infinite Magic 800B5650 0003 ; [ Ninku (Jpn) (1995) (Tomy) {SLPS-00172} ] :SLPS-00172 #Fusuke,Aicho + Toji Infinite Health 80010310 0058 80010C14 0058 800B10DC 0058 ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou - Retsuupuden (Jpn) (1999) (Koei) {SLPM-86300} ] :SLPM-86300 #Have 9999 Gold 8012ACC8 270F #Have 9999 Food 8012ACCA 270F ; [ NOëL 3 - Mission on the Line (Jpn) (1999) (Pioneer LDC) {SLPS-01895~SLPS-01897} ] ;:SLPS-01895 ;:SLPS-01896 ;:SLPS-01897 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Not Treasure Hunter (Jpn) (1996) (Acti-Art) {SLPS-00274} ] :SLPS-00274 #Infinite Health 800B9B8C 003C #Infinite Bullets 800CB75E 0063 ; [ Novastorm (Jpn) (1996) (Victor Entertainment) {SLPS-00314~SLPS-00315} ] :SLPS-00314 :SLPS-00315 #Level selector 801FDFFC 0001 ; [ The Next Tetris (Jpn) (1999) (Bullet Proof) {SLPS-01774} ] ;:SLPS-01774 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ The Next Tetris - Deluxe DLX (Jpn) (1999) (BPS) {SLPS-02507} ] ;:SLPS-02507 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Nya Nyan ga Nyan - Light Fantasy Gaiden (Jpn) (1999) (Tonkin House) {SLPS-02336} ] :SLPS-02336 #Infinite Healing Gold items 800C2178 0063 #Infinite Money 60000 800C1E18 EA60 #P1 Infinite Energy 8013F83C 0D48 #Encounter rate decrease 80099754 0000 800B4EC8 0000 800B4ECA 0000 ; [ Oasis Road (Jpn) (1999) (Idea Factory) {SLPS-01899} ] :SLPS-01899 #Infinite Energy Character 1 In Battle 80129972 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 2 In Battle 801299A2 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 3 In Battle 801299D2 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 4 In Battle 80129A02 0063 #Food 301EDFF0 0064 #Fuel 301EDFF4 0064 #Fame 801EDFF8 03E7 #Gold Coins 801EDFFC 03E7 #Infinite Fuel D00B3E20 0004 800B3E22 1000 #Infinite Food 800B4294 000E 800B4296 1000 #Code For Combatcara Until Next +30 Hhp's High-1 30129972 00FF #1 Eye-Gauge Power 30129973 0009 #Second Power Gauge 301299A3 0009 ; [ Oda Nobunaga Den (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01595} ] :SLPS-01595 #Infinite + max energy main character in battle 800B2140 03E7 800B20E0 03E7 #Infinite Money 99999 800C8E70 869F 800C8E72 0001 ; [ Odo Odo Oddity (Jpn) (1997) (I.D.C.) {SLPS-00754} ] :SLPS-00754 #Infinite Magic + Life 800A8978 0063 #Infinite Energy 800C358C 0003 #Invincibility 80017ADA 1000 #Infinite Player 8001521C 0000 #Infinite Bookmark 8001A862 0040 #Infinite Balloon 80017BDC 0000 ; [ Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! Nijiiro Para-Dice (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03497} ] :SLPS-03497 #Have 999 teardrops (always win board) 80091644 03E7 ; [ Ojousama Express (Jpn) (1998) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-01495~SLPS-01496} ] :SLPS-01495 :SLPS-01496 #Have 999999 medals 800B4A70 423F 800B4A72 000F #All Alarm possession 8004AAB4 3FFF #Bonus Available 8004AAB0 0001 #All Bonus mini-games selectables 8004AA6C 00FF #All-selectable bonus within one monument-Mi 8004AAB2 0001 80072230 0101 80072232 0101 80072234 0101 80072236 0101 80072238 0101 8007223A 0101 8007223C 0101 8007223E 0101 80072240 0101 #MAX intimacy with everyone 50000D02 0000 8004CDF4 00FF #Do not get angry and Nobody is jealous 50000D02 0000 8004CE0C 0000 #MAX intimacy Yamaguchi Sena 8004CDF4 00FF #MAX intimacy Ito wheat 8004CDF6 00FF #MAX intimacy Elena Yuri Nodisu 8004CDF8 00FF #MAX intimacy Nanao Tsubasa 8004CDFA 00FF #MAX intimacy Sakurai Mami 8004CDFC 00FF #MAX intimacy Chitose Satomi 8004CDFE 00FF #MAX intimacy Kakogawa Akiko 8004CE00 00FF #MAX intimacy Matsuura love 8004CE02 00FF #MAX intimacy North green 8004CE04 00FF #MAX intimacy Tsuyama Nanako 8004CE06 00FF #MAX intimacy Kashima Hana 8004CE08 00FF #MAX intimacy Iwaizumi 8004CE0A 00FF #MAX intimacy Iiyama Future 8004CE0C 00FF #Do not get angry and Yamaguchi Sena is not jealous 8004CDD0 0000 #Do not get angry and Ito wheat is not jealous 8004CDD2 0000 #Do not get angry and Elena Yuri Nodisu is not jealous 8004CDD4 0000 #Do not get angry and Nanao Tsubasa is not jealous 8004CDD6 0000 #Do not get angry and Sakurai Mami is not jealous 8004CDD8 0000 #Do not get angry and Chitose Satomi is not jealous 8004CDDA 0000 #Do not get angry and Kakogawa Akiko is not jealous 8004CDDC 0000 #Do not get angry and Matsuura love is not jealous 8004CDDE 0000 #Do not get angry and North green is not jealous 8004CDE0 0000 #Do not get angry and Tsuyama Nanako is not jealous 8004CDE2 0000 #Do not get angry and Kashima Hana is not jealous 8004CDE4 0000 #Do not get angry and Iwaizumi is not jealous 8004CDE6 0000 #Do not get angry and Iiyama Future is not jealous 8004CDE8 0000 ; [ Omiai Commando - Bakappuru ni Tsukkomi o (Jpn) (2000) (Enix) {SLPM-86439} ] :SLPM-86439 #Couple affinity = 100 Mission 1 800BC584 0064 #Have 99000000 Money 801F481C 9EC0 801F481E 05E6 ; [ Omise de Tensyu (Jpn) (1999) (TechnoSoft) {SLPS-01876} ] :SLPS-01876 #Infinite Energy Character 1 In Battle 800E5504 03E7 #Infinite Money 50000 801C9B54 C350 #Have 1000 Exp points in fighter job 801CBD18 03E8 #LV 301CA6E1 0002 #No Random Battles 8005C7A0 0000 8005C7A2 0000 #During combat maximum Genki 800E5506 03E7 #Combat stress 300E5508 0064 #During combat tension Max 300E550A 0064 #During combat balloon Max 300E5518 00FF #During combat opponent gauge 0 800E55D0 0000 ; [ One (Jpn) (1999) (Capcom) {SLPS-01812} ] :SLPS-01812 #Infinite Lives 80111F1C 0009 #Invincibility 80111B38 0001 #All weapons 80111B3C 0001 80111B60 FFFF ; [ Ongaku Tsukuru Kanadeeru 2 (Jpn) (1998) (ASCII) {SLPS-00903} ] ;:SLPS-00903 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ongaku Tsukuru 3 (Jpn) (2001) (EnterBrain) {SLPS-03161} ] ;:SLPS-03161 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Option Tuning Car Battle Spec-R (Jpn) (2000) (MTO) {SLPS-02587} ] :SLPS-02587 #Infinite Tuning Coupon 800BA764 03E7 #Unlock All Arcade Cars - Unable To Save To Memory Card. 800BA758 FFFF 800BA75A FFFF #Unlock All Arcade Cars/Tracks 50001C02 0000 800BA77E FFFF ; [ Ore no Ryouri (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10099} ] :SCPS-10099 #Instant Clear 12000 points 801D3244 2EE0 #Press R1, Instant Clear 12000 points D0089E24 0001 801D3244 2EE0 #Press R1, Instant Clear 06000 points D0089E24 0001 801D3244 1770 #Infinite Time 50000658 0000 801D339A 09C4 #No Ojamas 50000658 0000 801D3380 0006 #Press L2 to Clear Stage E0089E24 0001 801D3244 1770 #Unlock All Stages 80093AE8 01FF ; [ Sougaku Toshi - Osaka (Jpn) (1999) (King Records) {SLPS-01722~SLPS-01723} ] :SLPS-01722 :SLPS-01723 #Infinite HP Genji 8012DA00 03E7 8012D490 03E7 #Infinite MP Genji 8012D748 03E7 8012D1D8 03E7 #Infinite HP Gleun 80132068 03E7 801327F8 03E7 #Infinite MP Gleun 80132AB0 03E7 80132540 03E7 #Infinite HP Kugiri 80109C50 03E7 801096E0 03E7 #Infinite MP Kugiri 80109998 03E7 80109428 03E7 #Infinite Money (60000) 800C2F08 EA60 ; [ Oshigotoshiki Jinsei Game - Mezase Shokugyou-oh (Jpn) (2000) (Takara) {SLPS-03056} ] :SLPS-03056 "Player has 999999 money 800C2214 423F 800C2216 000F ; [ One Two Smash - Tanoshii Tennis (Jpn, Honkakuha de 1300Yen Series) (2000) (Hect) {SLPS-02585} ] ;:SLPS-02585 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ouji-sama LV1 (Jpn) (2002) (KID) {SLPS-03412} ] :SLPS-03412 #Infinite HP Character 1 8010D26A 03E7 8010D264 03E7 #Infinite MP Character 1 8010D270 03E7 8010D274 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 2 8010D266 03E7 8010D26C 03E7 #Infinite MP Character 2 8010D272 03E7 8010D276 03E7 #Infinite Gold 8010D260 270F #Infinite Time 8010DEE8 0063 #Character shop appearance 3010DF46 000C #LV 99 3010E168 0063 #Recollection mode 3010EDFF 00FF #CG mode + 01h 3010ED86 00FF 3010ED8F 00FF ; [ Oumagatoki (Jpn) (2001) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-03235} ] ;:SLPS-03235 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Out Live - Be Eliminate Yesterday (Jpn) (1997) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-00746} ] :SLPS-00746 #GP 100% always 8002C044 0064 #L2 Weapon ammo 9999 8002C112 270F #Infinite EP 8002C026 00C8 #The Largest Fund, 8002C0B8 FFFF 8002C0BA FFFF ; [ Paca Paca Passion (Jpn) (1999) (Produce!) {SLPS-02122} ] :SLPS-02122 #Max Score 800ABF50 FFFF #Win Percentages 800CE24A FFFF #All Song 800AEAA0 FFFF 800AEAA2 FFFF 800AEAA4 FFFF 800AEAA6 FFFF 800AEAA8 FFFF 800AEAAA FFFF 800AEAAC FFFF 800AEAAE FFFF 800AEAB4 FFFF 800AEAB6 FFFF ; [ Paca Paca Passion 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Produce!) {SLPS-02720} ] ;:SLPS-02720 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Palm Town (Jpn) (1999) (MyCom) {SLPS-01820} ] :SLPS-01820 #Infinite Money (99999) 800AC428 869F 800AC42A 0001 ; [ Panzer Bandit (Jpn) (1997) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00899} ] :SLPS-00899 #P1 Infinite Energy 801DDDA0 00C0 #P1 Full Power 801DDDA8 00C0 #P2 Infinite Energy 801DE3E8 00C0 #P2 Full Power 801DE3F0 00C0 #All characters 801FFF4C 000C #Secret character 801FFF48 000C 801FFF4C 000C ; [ Panzer Front bis. (Jpn) (2001) (Enterbrain) {SLPS-03111} ] ;:SLPS-03111 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shin Masoukishin - Panzer Warfare (Jpn) (1999) (Banpresto) {SLPS-02319} ] :SLPS-02319 #Infinite Energy Main Character 801785FA 270F 8017868A 270F #Level 99 Main Character 301786C0 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 2 (Girl) 801786EA 270F 8017877A 270F #Mortal blow D0178528 0101 800CA1B6 1400 D0178528 0102 800CA1B6 1400 #Infinite Behavior D00DC356 A062 800DC356 A060 D00BD61A A045 800BD61A A040 D0178528 0104 800C2AFE A080 D0178528 0108 800C2AFE A082 #Rest point 99 801784D6 0063 #Scenario 2 801775E4 0002 #Scenario 3 801775E4 0003 #Scenario 4 801775E4 0004 #Scenario 5 801775E4 0005 #Scenario 6 801775E4 0006 #Scenario 7 801775E4 0007 #Scenario 8 801775E4 0008 #Scenario 9 801775E4 0009 ; [ Kaibutsu Para-Dice (Jpn) (1997) (Make Software) {SLPS-00915} ] :SLPS-00915 #P1 Have always 999 energy 800C05AC 03E7 ; [ Paranoia Scape (Jpn) (1998) (Mathilda) {SLPS-01375} ] :SLPS-01375 #Infinite Balls 800B6E3A 0063 #Infinite HP 800B6E7E 0320 ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Collection (Jpn) (2000) (Nihon Telenet) {SLPS-02781} ] ;:SLPS-02781 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Paro Wars (Jpn) (1997) (Konami) {SLPM-86016 (VX038-J1)} ] :SLPM-86016 #One Fight For Level Up 800E0960 03E7 #P1 Infinite Money 8013BE20 0098 #P2 Infinite Money 8013BE72 0098 #99999 Military Spending 8013BE20 869F 8013BE22 0001 #9999 Scientific Capabillity 8013BE24 270F #Fuel 9999 8013BE26 270F ; [ Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor - Mobile Police Patlabor - Game Edition (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02239} ] :SLPS-02239 #Level 1 Infinite Energy 800D23EE 0082 #Level 2 Infinite Energy 800D137E 012C #Level 2 Infinite Energy 800D137E 012C #Level 3 Infinite Energy 300D4E2E 012C #Level 4 Infinite Energy 300D1C26 012C #Level 5 Infinite Energy 300D220E 012C #Level 6 Infinite Energy 300D12FE 012C #Level 7 Infinite Energy 300CF35F 012C #Level 8 Infinite Energy 300D1C76 012C #Level 9 Infinite Energy 300D63C6 012C #Level 10 Infinite Energy 300D1676 012C #Level 11 Infinite Energy 300D3FAE 012C #Level 12 Infinite Energy 300D508E 012C #Level 1 Infinite Bullets 800D2400 0006 #Level 2 Infinite Bullets 800D1390 0006 #Level 3 Infinite Bullets 800D4E40 0006 #Level 4 Infinite Bullets 300D1C38 0006 #Level 5 Infinite Bullets 300D2220 0006 #Level 6 Infinite Bullets 300D1310 0006 #Level 7 Infinite Bullets 300CF370 0006 #Level 8 Infinite Bullets 300D1C88 0006 #Level 9 Infinite Bullets 300D63D8 0006 #Level 10 Infinite Bullets 300D1688 0006 #Level 11 Infinite Bullets 300D3FC0 0006 #Level 12 Infinite Bullets 300D4E90 0006 #Unlock All data , + Special Movie + Stage Select 3005AA4C 0001 ; [ Puzzle Bobble 3 DX (Jpn) (1997) (Taito) {SLPS-01065} ] :SLPS-01065 #Always Have Pointer D0053208 0002 80053208 0082 ; [ Puzzle Bobble 4 (Jpn) (1998) (Taito) {SLPS-01492} ] :SLPS-01492 #Always Have Pointer 80178798 01A0 ; [ PD Ultraman Invader (Jpn) (1995) (Bandai) {SLPS-00195} ] ;:SLPS-00195 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pepsiman (Jpn) (1999) (KID) {SLPS-01762} ] :SLPS-01762 #Free Play 800958A4 0100 #Expert Mode 800957D4 0100 #All Pepsimen 800958C8 000F #Infinite Time 80095988 7530 #Total Time 8009585C 0001 80095980 0000 #99 People 80095770 0063 #Infinite Energy 300958A8 0003 #Pepsi Can 100 300958E8 0064 #Invincibility D002447E 2442 8009EF40 00FF #Floating In Air Press Triangle Button C0095848 0010 8009EF06 0100 8009EF08 0001 00000000 FFFF #No Down On Reverse Running Stage C00F0272 2442 800F80B0 00FE 800F4AD8 00FE 00000000 FFFF D00F0236 2442 800F8004 00FE D00F029A 2442 800F57DC 00FE #Dash Stage R1 D0095848 0008 8009EB7C 3900 #All Pepsiman 800958C8 000F ; [ Pocket Fighter (Jpn) (1998) (Capcom) {SLPS-01360} ] :SLPS-01360 #P1 Infinite Hp 801E2150 0090 #P1 Max Special Attack 801E2272 0065 #P2 Infinite Hp 801E2438 0090 #P2 Max Special Attack 801E255A 0065 #Computer Knock Down by One Attack 801E2438 0000 #Computer Lose Diamond press L1 D01E08A8 0001 801E23EE 0101 #P1 All Gems Full After Getting Just One 801E2288 0060 801E228A 0060 801E228C 0060 #P2 All Gems Full After Getting Just One 801E2570 0060 801E2572 0060 801E2524 0060 #P2 strength 0 801E2438 0000 #Make the fighter character select when press L2 button Dan selectable D01E08A8 0001 301FE524 000A #Make the fighter character select when press L2 button Akuma selectable D01E08A8 0002 301FE524 000B #All The Fighter aligned card made 801FE55A 0101 801FE55C 0101 801FE55E 0101 801FE560 0101 801FE562 0101 801FE564 0101 801FE566 0101 801FE568 0101 801FE56A 0101 801FE56C 0101 801FE56E 0101 801FE570 0101 801FE572 0101 801FE574 0101 801FE576 0101 801FE578 0101 ; [ Pikinya! Excellent (Jpn) (1998) (ASCII) {SLPS-01345} ] :SLPS-01345 #Infinite Time 80096729 270F #Have 999 Laps 8009670C 03E7 ; [ Pinball Fantasies Deluxe (Jpn) (1996) (VAP) {SLPS-00482} ] :SLPS-00482 #Extra table appearance 8007F128 0043 #One pitch in the first 1P 8008705C 0000 #One pitch in the first 1P Press Square button D01C24BA 7FFF 8008705C 0000 ; [ Pitfall 3D - Beyond the Jungle (Jpn) (1998) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-01669} ] ;:SLPS-01669 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Planet Dob (Jpn) (1999) (Hudson) {SLPS-02111} ] ;:SLPS-02111 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Planet Laika (Jpn) (1999) (Enix) {SLPM-86264} ] :SLPM-86264 #One Hit To Defeat The Enemy 801F24F0 0001 ; [ Pocket Digimon World (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02800} ] ;:SLPS-02800 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pocket Digimon World - Wind Battle Disc (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02992} ] ;:SLPS-02992 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pocket Digimon World - Cool & Nature Battle Disc (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03146} ] ;:SLPS-03146 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pocket MuuMuu (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10076} ] :SCPS-10076 #Infinite Money 999999 80010814 423F 80010816 000F #Unlock Code 8001F7B4 576D 8001F7B6 106F #All Games 50003302 0000 8001083A 0101 #Moon Jump Push L2; only works in the Amusement Park! D00C5FD8 0001 800C5F4E FED3 ; [ Poitter's Point 2 - Sodom no Inbou (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86061 (VX091-J1)} ] :SLPM-86061 #P1 Infinite HP 800A880C 00AA #P1 Also Max Speed 800A8810 00FF #Infinite Money 800A58F0 967F 800A58F2 0098 #P1 Infinite Energy Press Select to Refresh D00A5504 0100 800A880C 03E7 #P2 Infinite Energy Press Select to Refresh D00A5584 0100 800A8824 03E7 #P1 Infinite Glove Energy 800A8816 4268 #P2 Infinite Glove Energy 800A882E 4268 ; [ Policenauts - Private Collection (Jpn) (1996) (Konami) {SLPS-00228} ] ;:SLPS-00228 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pop'n Music - Disney Tunes (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86670 (VX222-J1)} ] :SLPM-86670 #Unlock Extras 800BDA18 3FFF ; [ Pop'n Pop (Jpn) (1998) (Taito) {SLPS-01636} ] ;:SLPS-01636 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pop'n Tanks! (Jpn) (1999) (Enix) {SLPM-86146} ] :SLPM-86146 #Infinite HP 80184288 03E7 #Infinite Power 8013B908 0005 #Infinite Bullet 8018428A 0005 ; [ Potestas (Jpn) (1996) (Nexus) {SLPS-00324 (PS-0001)} ] ;:SLPS-00324 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi Pachi Saga (Jpn) (1996) (TEN Institute) {SLPS-00288} ] :SLPS-00288 #Infinite Money 60000 80047CC0 EA60 #Infinite Energy Character 1 800E0078 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 2 800E00F4 03E7 #Infinite Energy Character 3 800E0170 03E7 ; [ Princess Maker - Go! Go! Princess (Jpn) (1999) (NineLives) {SLPS-01505} ] :SLPS-01505 #Infinite Money 801397C0 423F 801397C2 000F #Infinite HP in battle 801396B4 00CB ; [ Prism Court (Jpn) (1998) (FPS) {SLPS-01226} ] :SLPS-01226 #First girl all stats Max 800CADE6 03E7 800CADE8 03E7 800CADEA 03E7 800CADEC 03E7 800CADEE 03E7 800CADF2 03E7 800CADF4 03E7 800CADF6 03E7 #Second girl all stats Max 800CAE1A 03E7 800CAE1C 03E7 800CAE1E 03E7 800CAE20 03E7 800CAE22 03E7 800CAE26 03E7 800CAE28 03E7 800CAE2A 03E7 #Third girl all stats Max 800CAE4E 03E7 800CAE50 03E7 800CAE52 03E7 800CAE54 03E7 800CAE56 03E7 800CAE5A 03E7 800CAE5C 03E7 800CAE5E 03E7 #Fourth girl all stats Max 800CAE82 03E7 800CAE84 03E7 800CAE86 03E7 800CAE88 03E7 800CAE8A 03E7 800CAE8E 03E7 800CAE90 03E7 800CAE92 03E7 #Fifth girl all stats Max 800CAEB6 03E7 800CAEB8 03E7 800CAEBA 03E7 800CAEBC 03E7 800CAEBE 03E7 800CAEC2 03E7 800CAEC4 03E7 800CAEC6 03E7 #Sixth girl all stats Max 800CAEEA 03E7 800CAEEC 03E7 800CAEEE 03E7 800CAEF0 03E7 800CAEF2 03E7 800CAEF6 03E7 800CAEF8 03E7 800CAEFA 03E7 ; [ Action Puzzle - Prism Land (Jpn, Honkakuha de 1300Yen Series) (2000) (HECT) {SLPS-02586} ] ;:SLPS-02586 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Prisoner (Jpn) (1999) (Mainichi) {SLPS-02387} ] :SLPS-02387 #Infinite HP 80165954 0064 #9999 of machine gun ammo 80165938 270F #9999 Laser ammo 8016593A 270F #9999 Flame thrower ammo 8016593C 270F #9999 Rocket Launcher ammo 8016593E 270F ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 5 (Jpn) (2001) (Aruze) {SLPS-03280} ] ;:SLPS-03280 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou - Battle Knight & Atlantis Doom (Jpn) (2000) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03108} ] ;:SLPS-03108 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou - Maker Suishou Manual 3 - I'm Angel White 2 & I'm Angel Blue 2 (Jpn) (2001) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03130} ] ;:SLPS-03130 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou - Maker Suishou Manual 5 - Race Queen 2 & Tomcat (Jpn) (2001) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03245} ] ;:SLPS-03245 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 6 - Takarabune (Jpn) (2001) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03329} ] ;:SLPS-03329 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou - Maker Suishou Manual 7 - Trick Monster 2 (Jpn) (2002) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03391} ] ;:SLPS-03391 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou Mini - Dr. A7 (Jpn) (1999) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02114} ] ;:SLPS-02114 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 2 - Kagetsu & 2 Pair & Beaver X (Jpn) (1999) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02217} ] ;:SLPS-02217 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 3 - Sea Master X & Epsilon R & Wai Wai Pulsar 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02413} ] ;:SLPS-02413 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 6 - Kung Fu Lady & BangBang & Prelude 2 (Jpn) (2000) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02657} ] ;:SLPS-02657 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 7 - Maker Suishou Manual 1 - Beat the Dragon 2 & Lupin Sansei & Hot Rod Queen (Jpn) (2000) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-02991} ] ;:SLPS-02991 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou - Twist & Shimauta & Nankoku Monogatari (Jpn) (2002) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03442} ] ;:SLPS-03442 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Power Stakes (Jpn) (1997) (Aques) {SLPM-86032} ] ;:SLPM-86032 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Power Stakes Grade 1 (Jpn) (1997) (Aques) {SLPM-86050} ] ;:SLPM-86050 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Pro Logic Mahjong Hai-Shin (Jpn) (1997) (Aques) {SLPM-86018} ] :SLPM-86018 #Player has 99900 points 800FB168 03E7 ; [ Puchi Carat (Jpn) (1998) (Taito) {SLPS-01435} ] :SLPS-01435 #All Stages Open 80067250 0202 80067252 0002 ; [ Pukunpa - Joshikousei no Houkago... (Jpn) (1996) (Athena) {SLPS-00409} ] :SLPS-00409 #P1 score 999999 800B72B8 967F 800B72BA 0098 #P1 score 999999 (SELECT) C00B78A6 FFFE 800B72B8 967F 800B72BA 0098 00000000 FFFF #P2 score 0 800B72BC 0000 800B72BE 0000 #P2 score 0 (L1 + R1) C00B78A6 FFF3 800B72BC 0000 800B72BE 0000 00000000 FFFF #P1 stop ball:Press L1 + L2 D00B78A6 FFFA 300B72D2 0001 #P2 stop ball:Press R1 + R2 D00B78A6 FFF5 300B72D6 0001 ; [ Puyo Puyo Box (Jpn) (2000) (Compile) {SLPS-03114} ] :SLPS-03114 #Gochamaze Puyo Puyo 1P Final Stage D00BE0F0 0000 800BE0F4 0009 D00BE0F0 0001 800BE0F4 0013 D00BE0F0 0002 800BE0F4 001D #Gochamaze Puyo Puyo 1P Infinite Specials (Player) 300D2DFE 0005 #Gochamaze Puyo Puyo 1P Massive Ojama Puyos (CPU) 800D427C 001E #Gochamaze Puyo Puyo 1P No Ojama Puyos (Player) 800D2E64 0000 #Gochamaze Puyo Puyo 1P Slow Speed (Player) 300D2E1D 0000 #Puyo Puyo Tsuu 1P Final Stage 800B6C58 0008 #Puyo Puyo Tsuu 1P Max Exp. 800B6C5C 423F 800B6C5E 000F #P1 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Can't Pop Puyos 300CBDF4 007F #P2 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Can't Pop Puyos 300CD190 007F #P1 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Massive Ojama Puyos 800CBE64 001E #P2 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Massive Ojama Puyos 800CD200 001E #P1 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Max Score 800CBE74 E0FF 800CBE76 05F5 #P2 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Max Score 800CD210 E0FF 800CD212 05F5 #P1 Puyo Puyo Tsuu No Ojama Puyos 800CBE64 0000 #P2 Puyo Puyo Tsuu No Ojama Puyos 800CD200 0000 #P1 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Slow Speed 300CBE1D 0000 #P2 Puyo Puyo Tsuu Slow Speed 300CD1B9 0000 #P1 Puyo Puyo Can't Pop Puyos 300CB0A4 007F #P2 Puyo Puyo Can't Pop Puyos 300CC440 007F #Puyo Puyo Final Stage 800B46EC 000F #P1 Puyo Puyo Massive Ojama Puyos 800CB114 001E #P2 Puyo Puyo Massive Ojama Puyos 800CC4B0 001E #P1 Puyo Puyo Max Score 800CB124 E0FF 800CB126 05F5 #P2 Puyo Puyo Max Score 800CC4C0 E0FF 800CC4C2 05F5 #P1 Puyo Puyo No Ojama Puyos 800CB114 0000 #P2 Puyo Puyo No Ojama Puyos 800CC4B0 0000 #P1 Puyo Puyo Slow Speed 300CB0CD 0000 #P2 Puyo Puyo Slow Speed 300CC469 0000 #Puyo Puyo Unlock Sound Test 80095C90 0001 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Have All Keys 300FBF52 001E 300FBF60 0003 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Have All Medals 300FBF65 003F #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Infinite HP / Max HP 300FBF49 0008 300FBF4A 0008 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Invisible 300FBF64 0001 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Max $ 800FBF5C E0FF 800FBF5E 05F5 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Max All Stats 50000302 0000 800FBF4C 00FF #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Max Exp. 800FBF54 E0FF 800FBF56 05F5 #Puyo Puyo Quest Mode Max Level 300FBF48 0063 ; [ Puyo Puyo 4 - Car-kun to Issho (Jpn) (1999) (Compile) {SLPS-02412} ] :SLPS-02412 #P1 bubble does not turn on 80136780 0000 80136788 0000 #Always fall 2P bubble 801473C8 FFFF 801473D0 FFFF #There is no magic 2P 30145C10 0000 #P1 Infinite Special Attacks 80134FC8 0003 #P2 Infinite Special Attacks 80145C10 0003 #P1 Massive Ojama Puyos 80136780 001E 80136788 001E 8013678C 001E #P2 Massive Ojama Puyos 801473C8 001E 801473D0 001E 801473D4 001E #Total Time = 00:00 8016E000 0000 8016E002 0000 #Unlock All Extras 80125838 0001 8012583C 0001 50001D04 0000 80125918 0001 ; [ Puzzle Arena Toshinden (Jpn) (1997) (Takara) {SLPS-00879} ] :SLPS-00879 #P1 Full Power 800A9FAE 0018 #Easiest Difficulty 800C7098 0000 #P1 Empty Overdrive Gauge 800A9FAE 0000 #P2 Empty Overdrive Gauge 800AA042 0000 #P1 Instant 99-Step Combo E30A9F8E 0000 300A9F8E 0063 #P2 Instant 99-Step Combo E30AA022 0000 300AA022 0063 #P1 Max Combo Bonus 300A9F8F 0063 #P2 Max Combo Bonus 300AA023 0063 #P1 Max Score 800A9FD0 E0FF 800A9FD2 05F5 #P2 Max Score 800AA064 E0FF 800AA066 05F5 #P1 Press L1 for Level 3 Gauge E00CB32C 0004 800A9FAE 0018 #P2 Press L1 for Level 3 Gauge E00CB336 0004 800AA042 0018 #P1 Press L2 for Level 1 Gauge E00CB32C 0001 800A9FAE 000D #P2 Press L2 for Level 1 Gauge E00CB336 0001 800AA042 000D #P1 Press R1 for Soul Bomb Attack E00CB32C 0008 300AA027 0001 #P2 Press R1 for Soul Bomb Attack E00CB336 0008 300A9F93 0001 #P1 Press R2 for Level 2 Gauge E00CB32C 0002 800A9FAE 0013 #P2 Press R2 for Level 2 Gauge E00CB336 0002 800AA042 0013 #P1 Slow Speed 300A9F8D 0000 #P2 Slow Speed 300AA021 0000 #Unlock All Extras 50000702 0000 80058A0C 8787 80058A1A 0204 ; [ Pro Wrestling Sengokuden - Hyper Tag Match (Jpn) (1997) (KSS) {SLPS-01006} ] ;:SLPS-01006 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Power Shovel ni Norou!! (Jpn) (2000) (Taito) {SLPM-86629 (TCPS10031)} ] :SLPM-86629 #Max money 800CB6A8 FFFF 800CB6AA FF04 #Money in hand 800CBDF0 C9FF 800CBDF2 3B9A #Infinite Time 800EED94 0BB0 #Max Point 800C3810 0064 #Contact deduction 0 8013CED0 0000 #Other deductions 0 8013CED4 0000 #Total score Max 8013CEDC 0064 ; [ Qix 2000 (Jpn, SuperLite 1500 Series) (2000) (Success) {SLPM-86659} ] :SLPM-86659 #P1 Infinite Lives 80083FA8 0063 ; [ Quantum Gate I - Akumu no Joshou (Jpn) (1997) (Gaga) {SLPS-00399} ] ;:SLPS-00399 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Quiz Charaokedon! Toei Tokusatsu Hero Part 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Banpresto) {SLPS-02310} ] ;:SLPS-02310 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Quiz Darake no Jinsei Game - Un to Atama de Daifuugou!? (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-02282} ] :SLPS-02282 #P1 has 99999 money 8004CDE4 869F 8004CDE6 0001 ; [ Quiz$Millionaire (Jpn) (2001) (Eidos) {SLPS-03364} ] ;:SLPS-03364 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Quo Vadis - Iberukatsu Seneki (Jpn) (1997) (Glams) {SLPS-00733} ] :SLPS-00733 #Infinite Energy main space ship 800AC420 270F #Infinite Energy second space ship 800AC5F8 270F #Infinite Energy third space ship 800AC50C 270F #Undeal Master Ship 800E6A92 270F #Undeal Other Ship 800E6AA6 270F 800E6ABA 270F 800E6ACE 270F 800E6AE2 270F 800E6AF6 270F 800E6B0A 270F ; [ Race Drivin' A Go! Go! (Jpn) (1996) (Time Warner) {SLPS-00167} ] :SLPS-00167 #Infinite Time And Fuel 801CD520 0A8C #Infinite Off-Road Time 8012FF68 013E ; [ Rakugaki Showtime (Jpn) (1999) (Enix) {SLPM-86272} ] :SLPM-86272 #Infinite Health Sasami stage 1, 4, 8. 9 + 10 800D60FC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 2 800D6BFC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 3 + 5 800D64FC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 6 800D66FC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 7 800DAE7C 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 11 800D667C 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 12 800D65FC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 13 800D6BFC 091D #Infinite Health Sasami stage 14 800D63FC 091D ; [ Rally de Africa (Jpn) (1998) (Prism Arts) {SLPS-01601} ] :SLPS-01601 #Max points in championship mode SG360X car 800CBC30 03E7 #Enable All Secret Racing Paths 50000302 0000 300EF9B0 0001 #Enable All Cars In Racing Path K 50000602 0000 300EFB2A 0001 #Enable All Cars In Racing Path A 50000602 0000 300EFB42 0001 #Enable All Cars In Racing Path S 50000602 0000 300EFB5A 0001 #Max Speed 80015688 0000 8001568A 0000 8001568C 0FFF 8001568E 2402 #Max Points In Championship Mode 800C8360 004E ; [ Rally de Europe (Jpn) (2000) (Prism Arts) {SLPS-02679} ] :SLPS-02679 #Unlock Rally De Africa 801114B0 0001 #Unlock All Tracks In Spot Races 8011096C 0001 8011096E 0001 #Unlock All Classes Championship Mode 80110960 0001 80110962 0001 80110964 0001 #Rossini-Codes Time 00:00:00 (1St) 800C51EC 0000 #Tylor-Codes Time 00:00:00 (1St) 800C5B70 0000 #Verlaine-Codes Time 00:00:00 (1St) 800C64F4 0000 #Verlaine cars Time 0 800C6E79-0001 ; [ Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken - The Adventure of Little Ralph (Jpn) (1999) (New) {SLPS-01853} ] :SLPS-01853 #Infinite Lives 800B9C18 0009 #Infinite Time 1 800B9BF8 9999 #Infiinite Time 2 D00CF3A6 2462 800CF3A4 0000 #Infinite HP 1 801F94DA 0320 #Infinite HP 2 800B9C08 0005 #Infinite Energy - Desert Level 8017D74E 0005 #Infinite Energy - Pyramid Level 801DFE4E 0005 #Infinite Energy - Dolan Highlands 80197D4E 0005 #1-Hit Death 8018874E 0001 #Walk Through Enemies 8018874E FFFF ; [ Ranma ½ - Battle Renaissance (Jpn) (1996) (Shogakukan) {SLPS-00522} ] :SLPS-00522 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C7A5C 00C0 #P1 No Energy 800C7A5C 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800C7A5E 00C0 #P2 No Energy 800C7A5E 0000 #P1 Max Power Gauge 800C8318 00BE #P2 Max Power Gauge 800C831A 00BE ; [ Kaisoku Tenshi - The Rapid Angel (Jpn) (1998) (Techno Soleil) {SLPS-01553} ] :SLPS-01553 #Infinite Health 801D83A0 8000 #Infinite % Max HP 801D83A0 0078 801D83A8 0078 #Invincibility 801D84C8 002A #Infinite Bombs 801D84F6 0003 ; [ Groove Adventure Rave - Mikan no Hiseki (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87138 (VX265-J1)} ] :SLPM-87138 #Infinite Energy in battle Haru Glory 80115A16 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle Shuda 8011595E 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle Elie 80115ACE 03E7 #Infinite Gold 800F1628 967F 800F162A 0098 #Recovey HP After Battle D0062294 0124 800622B0 0001 #No Random Battles 800F1A56 0000 #Password Busting Judge D00B5E00 1C94 800B5EC2 1000 #No Decrease Gauge D00674B0 1023 800674B2 0060 #Equipment / Weapons 00-36 300F165A 0036 #Nakajima warp destination All 300F1A6F 00FF ; [ Groove Adventure Rave - Yuukyuu no Kizuna (Jpn) (2002) (Konami) {SLPM-87011 (VX253-J1)} ] :SLPM-87011 #Infinite HP 1st Character in battle 80151E94 03E7 80151E96 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd Character in battle 80151F98 03E7 80151F9A 03E7 #Infinite HP 3rd Character in battle 8015209C 03E7 8015209E 03E7 #Have 99999 money 80159620 869F 80159622 0001 #No Random Battle 800F1A56 0000 ; [ Rayman (Jpn) (1995) (Ubisoft) {SLPS-00026} ] :SLPS-00026 #1-Hit Death Bosses/Enemies 8014CB1C 0001 8014CB1E 2402 801A0CCC 0000 801A0CCE 2403 80178D5C 0000 80178D5E 2402 80180BE4 0000 80180BE6 2402 80150E18 0000 80150E1A 2402 80198994 0000 80198996 2402 #All Levels Unlocked/Electoons Freed 301C03D9 0006 50001014 0000 801C03EC 0601 50000714 0000 301C052C 0001 #Invincibility 301EAAE6 004D D01EBAEE FFFE 301EAAE6 00FF #Pause For Max Health + Lives 8013859A 2400 #Press Select For 99 Tings D01EBAEE FFFE 301D5BBA 0063 #Skip Level (Triangle+Circle) D01EBAEE CFFF 301EB5BC 0001 #Power Press Select+Circle For All Powers (Reverse Mode/O is Run) D01EBAEE DFFE 801E9444 028F #Power Press Select+Left For All Powers (Super Helicopter/O is Run) D01EBAEE FF7E 801E9444 018F #Power Press Select+Right For All Powers (Helicopter/O is Magic Seed) 801E9444 01C7 ; [ Ray Tracers (Jpn) (1997) (Taito) {SLPS-00098} ] :SLPS-00098 #Infinite Nitro 80057CB4 03B6 #Infinite Time 80058088 06B8 #Max Speed 80058088 05F5 80057CB4 03B6 ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special - Dominated Mind (Jpn, Limited Edition) (1998) (SNK) {SLPM-86090~SLPM-86091} ] :SLPM-86090 :SLPM-86091 #Infinite Time 801A12E6 2A3B #P1 Infinite HP 8019B5BC C000 #P1 Max SP 8019B5EE 3A3A #P2 1-Hit Death 8019B6F4 0001 #1-Round Only 801A12B4 0002 #Omake Option Mode 3019AD82 0007 #All Ending Movie 8019AD84 FFFF 3019AD86 001F #All Ending Script 8019AD88 FFFF 3019AD8A 001F #Special Attack Config 8019AD8C FFFF 3019ADBE 001F #Secret Character (Press L2 + R2) C019AD30 0A00 801A1252 0016 801A1256 0016 00000000 FFFF C019AD3C 0A00 801A1254 0016 801A1258 0016 00000000 FFFF ; [ Recipro Heat 5000 (Jpn) (1997) (Xing) {SLPS-00744} ] :SLPS-00744 #P1 Always First 801E8534 0001 #P2 Always First 801E8664 0001 #Infinite Time 801DDBE8 2800 ; [ Ready Maid (Jpn) (2002) (Princess) {SLPM-87157} ] ;:SLPM-87157 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Real Robots - Final Attack (Jpn) (1998) (Banpresto) {SLPS-01125} ] :SLPS-01125 #P1 Infinite HP 800A756C 0080 #P2 Infinite HP 800A7618 0080 #Infinite Time 800606A8 0984 #P1 Infinite Charge 800A7576 0360 #P2 Infinite Charge 800A7622 0360 ; [ Return to Zork (Jpn) (1996) (Bandai) {SLPS-00192~SLPS-00193} ] ;:SLPS-00192 ;:SLPS-00193 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Riot Stars (Jpn) (1997) (Hect) {SLPS-00829} ] :SLPS-00829 #Infinite Energy Character 1 8015A23C 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 2 (Group 1 Leader) 8015A05C 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 3 8015A2B4 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 4 8015A32C 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 5 (Group 2 Leader) 8015A0D4 0063 #Infinite Energy Character 6 8015A3A4 0063 ; [ Rise of Robots 2 - Resurrection (Jpn) (1996) (Acclaim) {SLPS-00259} ] ;:SLPS-00259 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rising Zan - The Samurai Gunman (Jpn) (1999) (UEP) {SLPS-01691} ] :SLPS-01691 #Infinite Life D00B002A 0043 800B002A 0040 D00AFFB2 0043 800AFFB2 0040 D00AFFD2 0043 800AFFD2 0040 D00B0142 0043 800B0142 0040 D00B02CE 0043 800B02CE 0040 D00B0076 0043 800B0076 0040 D00B0072 0043 800B0072 0040 D00B00BE 0043 800B00BE 0040 D00B0022 0043 800B0022 0040 #Infinite Hustling Time D00AC29C FFFF 800AC29C 0000 D00AC228 FFFF 800AC228 0000 D00AC248 FFFF 800AC248 0000 D00AC390 FFFF 800AC390 0000 D00AC484 FFFF 800AC484 0000 D00AC2EC FFFF 800AC2EC 0000 D00AC2A0 FFFF 800AC2A0 0000 D00AC330 FFFF 800AC330 0000 D00AC298 FFFF 800AC298 0000 #Spirits Infinite + Max 80092674 00C8 80092676 00C8 #Hustling Number of Times Infinite 80092698 0003 #Rapid To Dome Final Eight Times D003EAB0 0001 8003EAB0 0008 #Hero Meter Full Once D00AB5B8 3021 800AB5B8 0064 D00AB5BA 0044 800AB5BA 2446 ; [ Roommate - Inoue Ryoko (Jpn) (1999) (Datam Polystar) {SLPS-02140} ] ;:SLPS-02140 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Robin Lloyd no Daibouken (Jpn) (2000) (Gust) {SLPS-02501} ] :SLPS-02501 #Infinite Energy Crocodiles 800AC8D0 00B8 800AC8E4 00B8 800AC930 00B8 #Infinite Energy Rocks In Pyramid 80071FE4 00C8 80071FF8 00C8 800C0AFE 00C8 #Infinite Energy shooting in pyramid 800AC0B4 00C8 #Infinite Energy in fight with the tank 800B114C 00C8 #different #Bonus appearance 300A8B4A 0001 #The invincible! / Defeat the enemy attacked 800ABDB0 00FF #The invincible! / Hirake its way to defeat the robot 300AC7E4 00FF #The invincible! / Hirake its way to defeat the enemy 300ACAF8 00FF #The physical fitness! / Hirake its way to defeat the robot 300AD1EC 00B8 #Hirake its way to defeat the robot! / Strength of the enemy 0 300AD1EE 0000 #The physical fitness! / Crush the submarine 300AE81C 00B8 #Crush the submarine! / Strength of the enemy 0 300AE81E 0000 #Destroy the tanks! / Strength of the enemy 0 300B114E 0000 #The invincible! / Case forward to shade the megalithic 800C0AF8 0102 800C0AFA 0020 #The physical fitness! / Case forward to shade the megalithic 300C0AFE 00C8 ; [ Robot X Robot (Jpn) (1999) (Nemesys) {SLPS-02331} ] ;:SLPS-02331 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Perfect Fishing - Rock Fishing (Jpn) (2000) (Seta) {SLPS-02410} ] ;:SLPS-02410 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Running High (Jpn) (1997) (REX Entertainment) {SLPS-00751} ] :SLPS-00751 #Max Speed 8006E8DA AFFF #Infinite Check Point Time 800E47A8 0046 #Always First 8006E910 0000 #Finish The Race Immediately - Press Select D00E50A0 0100 800803AC 0003 #Unlock All Characters 800800A0 000A #Unlock All Courses 8008009C 0007 ; [ Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Super S - Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen (Jpn, Genteiban) (1996) (Angel) {SLPS-00260} ] :SLPS-00260 #P1 Infinite Health 80093210 016C ; [ Kids Station - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon World - Chibiusa to Tanoshii Mainichi (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03318} ] ;:SLPS-03318 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sakkyoku Surundamon - Dance Remix (Jpn) (2000) (Ving) {SLPS-02808} ] ;:SLPS-02808 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sakuma Shiki Jinsei Game (Jpn) (1998) (Takara) {SLPS-01740} ] :SLPS-01740 #Infinite Money (9999) 80071BAA 270F ; [ Salary Man Champ - Tatakau Salary Man (Jpn) (2001) (Success) {SLPM-86820} ] ;:SLPM-86820 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Salary Man Kintarou - The Game (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02806} ] ;:SLPS-02806 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Salary Man Settai Mahjong (Jpn) (2001) (Visit) {SLPS-03175} ] :SLPS-03175 #Player has 99999 points 800688E8 869F 800688EA 0001 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800697F4 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800692F0 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 80068DEC 0000 ; [ Samurai Deeper Kyo (Jpn, Limited Edition) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03505} ] :SLPS-03505 #P1 Infinite HP 80060968 2710 #P1 Infinite Gauge technology secrets 8006096C 03E8 #P2 Infinite HP 80060AA4 2710 #P2 No HP 80060AA4 0000 #Enable all characters 8005BAC8 0FFF 8005BACA 0018 ; [ Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (Jpn, PlayStation the Best) (1997) (SNK) {SLPS-91024} ] ;:SLPS-91024 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Samurai Spirits - Kenkaku Yubinan Pack (Jpn) (1998) (SNK) {SLPS-00647} ] :SLPS-00647 #P1 Samurai Spirits 1 - Infinite HP 8018A758 0080 #Samurai Spirits 1 - 2P Life 0 8018A870 0000 #Samurai Spirits 1 - Infinite Time 80161402 9227 #Samurai Spirits 1 Staff Roll' Cheat is ON 8002ED3C 0001 #Samurai Spirits 1 'Tiny Select' Cheat is ON 8002ED40 0001 #P1 Samurai Spirits 2 - Infinite HP 801087AA 0080 #Samurai Spirits 2 - 2P Life 0 8010846E 0000 #Samurai Spirits 2 - Infinite Time 801064D8 9277 ; [ Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits - Bushidou Retsuden (Jpn) (1997) (SNK) {SLPS-00814} ] :SLPS-00814 #Infinite HP 1st Character in battle 801255B2 03E7 #Infinite Morale 1st Character in battle 801255B6 270F #Infinite MP 1st Character in battle 801255B6 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd Character in battle 80125656 03E7 #Infinite MP 2nd Character in battle 8012565A 03E7 #Infinite HP 3rd Character in battle 801256FA 03E7 #Infinite MP 3rd Character in battle 801256FE 03E7 #Quick Level Up 800F63BC FFFF #Infinite Money 800FD700 FFFF #Max Money 800FD700 967F 800FD702 0098 #All Mystery 300FD4FF 00FF #I remember all mystery 800FD4FC FFFF 300FD4FE 00FF #No random battles 301280DC 0000 ; [ Sangokushi - Eiketsuden (Jpn) (1996) (Koei) {SLPS-00309} ] :SLPS-00309 #Have Infinite Energy in battle main character 8010C8E8 00C8 #Max Money 8010AE3C FFFF #?? level 99 3010C6DC 0063 #?? level 99 3010C708 0063 #?? level 99 3010C734 0063 #?? level 99 3010D4F4 0063 #?? level 99 3010ECAC 0063 #?? level 99 3010D0D4 0063 #?? level 99 3010D0A8 0063 #?? level 99 3010F0F8 0063 #?? level 99 3010F0CC 0063 #?? level 99 3010CFF8 0063 #?? level 99 3010D4C9 0063 #?? level 99 3010D1B1 0063 ; [ Sangokushi - Koumeiden (Jpn) (1997) (Koei) {SLPS-00688} ] :SLPS-00688 #Infinite Energy in battle main character 801490B4 0096 #Infinite Money 80103F30 FFFF ; [ Sangokushi II (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPS-01596} ] ;:SLPS-01596 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sangokushi III (Jpn) (2001) (Koei) {SLPM-86747} ] ;:SLPM-86747 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sangokushi V (Asia) (1997?) (Koei) {SCPS-45128} ] ;:SCPS-45128 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sangokushi VI (Jpn) (1998) (Koei) {SLPM-86129} ] ;:SLPM-86129 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sangokushi Returns (Jpn) (1997) (Koei) {SLPS-00474} ] :SLPS-00474 #Have 99900 Money 800C6838 03E7 ; [ Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 2 - Umi Monogatari Special (Jpn) (1999) (Irem) {SLPS-02389} ] :SLPS-02389 #Have 99000000 money 800363D4 9EC0 800363D6 05E6 ; [ Super Adventure Rockman (Jpn) (1998) (Capcom) {SLPS-01051~SLPS-01053} ] :SLPS-01051 :SLPS-01052 :SLPS-01053 #Infinite Energy Episode 1 800C8AE0 0063 ; [ SatelliTV (Jpn) (1998) (Nippon Ichi) {SLPS-01203} ] :SLPS-01203 #Max Money 80110002 7FFF #Max Member 80110006 5FFF #Subscriber total of 20 million people 80110004 9400 80110006 7735 ; [ Satomi no Nazo (Jpn) (1996) (Sound Technology Japan) {SLPS-00613} ] :SLPS-00613 #Infinite And Max HP Main Character 801B5DAE 270F 801B5DB2 270F #Infinite And Max MP Main Character 801B5DB0 270F 801B5DB4 270F #Max Money 80092610 869F 80092612 0001 #Saya Max HP 801B5E6E 270F 801B5E72 270F #Saya Max MP 801B5E70 270F 801B5E74 270F #Izumi Max HP 801B5E9E 270F 801B5EA2 270F #Izumi Max MP 801B5EA0 270F 801B5EA4 270F #Lovelyy Max HP 801B5ECE 270F 801B5ED2 270F #Lovely Max MP 801B5ED0 270F 801B5ED4 270F #Haeckel Max HP 801B5EFE 270F 801B5E02 270F #Haeckel Max MP 801B5E00 270F 801B5E04 270F #Enemy does not come out 30079C8C 0000 ; [ Schrödinger no Neko - Die Katze von Schrödinger (Jpn) (1997) (Takara) {SLPS-00780} ] :SLPS-00780 #Infinite Energy 80154A04 0063 #Maximum HP 80154A04 00FF 80154A06 00FF #Max Gold 80154A0C 00FF #Max Silver 80154A0E 00FF #Max Copper 80154A10 00FF #Status Ok 80154A08 0000 #Map fully open key 100% 50003B02 0000 80154A44 FFFF #All Keys 50002004 0001 80156C9C 0041 50002004 0000 80156C9E 0001 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.02 - Afro Ken - The Puzzle (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03307} ] ;:SLPS-03307 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.03 - Kamen Rider - The Bike Race (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03308} ] :SLPS-03308 #Quick Win - Press L1 Wait till you're in first position only then press L1 to finish the race. D0197D4A FBFF 80196F18 0004 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.04 - Jarinko Chie - The Hanafuda (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03350} ] :SLPS-03350 #Have 9999 points in story mode 8009C088 270F ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series vol.05 - Highschool Kimengumi - The Table Hockey (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03362} ] :SLPS-03362 #P1 Always Score 7 (Always Win) 800AEA20 0007 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.06 - Dokonjou Gaeru - The Mahjong (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03363} ] :SLPS-03363 #Player has 99999 points 800A89CC 869F 800A89CE 0001 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800A8F54 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800A8BA4 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800A8D7C 0000 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series vol.07 - Ikkyuu-san - The Quiz (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03418} ] ;:SLPS-03418 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.09 - Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - The Tsuri (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03445} ] ;:SLPS-03445 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.10 - Sakigake!! Otojo Juku - The Dodgeball (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03457} ] ;:SLPS-03457 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.12 - Kidou Butouden G Gundam - The Battle (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03471} ] :SLPS-03471 #P1 Infinite Energy 8017B555 0063 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series vol.13 - Kidou Senki Gundam W - The Battle (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03472} ] :SLPS-03472 #P1 Infinite Energy 8017B555 0063 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.14 - Nante Tantei Idol - The Jigsaw Puzzle (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03473} ] :SLPS-03473 #Infinite Time in time attack mode 80173ED8 A604 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series vol.15 - Cyborg 009 - The Block Kuzushi (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03474} ] :SLPS-03474 #Gallery 001 All Open 800AFD4C FFFF 800AFD4E 0FFF 800AFD50 01FF #Infinite Lives (balls) Deactivate after use 800AFD36 2328 #Always 100% Power Deactivate after use 800AFD1C 0064 #Speed Games 80037BC6 1400 ; [ Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.16 - Ganba no Bouken - The Puzzle Action (Jpn) (2003) (Bandai / D3) {SLPS-03546} ] ;:SLPS-03546 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ SD Gundam G Generation-F.I.F (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03195} ] :SLPS-03195 #Infinite + Max HP 1st unit out of battle 800DDFB0 869F 800DDFB2 0001 800DDFB4 869F 800DDFB6 0001 #Infinite HP in battle 1st unit 800ACDA0 869F 800ACDA2 0001 #Infinite EN 1st unit out of battle 800DDFBA 0064 #Money 9,999,999 8017F5F0 967F 8017F5F2 0098 #Infinite Behavior D013613E 1040 8013613E 1000 #Mortal blow D0028D9A 1C40 80028D9A 1400 #Special-purpose machine production for free D015A08E 1060 8015A08E 1000 D015A5AA 1040 8015A5AA 1000 D015A81E AE04 8015A81E AE00 #Technical rise for free D01611B2 AE04 801611B2 AE00 #Rental for free D0164C26 AE02 80164C26 AE00 #Strengthening human for free D01500D2 AE44 801500D2 AE40 #All aircraft development and retrofittable D013599A 1443 8013599A 1400 D01359CA 1440 801359CA 1000 D0135A66 1440 80135A66 1400 D0135A7E 1043 80135A7E 1000 D0135A8E 1040 80135A8E 1000 #Debug mode 800A6FD0 0001 ; [ SD Gundam G - Generation-0 (Jpn) (1999) (Bandai) {SLPS-02200~SLPS-02202} ] :SLPS-02200 :SLPS-02201 :SLPS-02202 #Infinite Money 80180360 9676 80180362 0098 #Ship 1\Now HP 65535 801365C8 FFFF #Ship 1\Max HP 65535 800D6E30 FFFF #Ship 1\Now En 999 801365CA 07CE #Ship 1\Max En 999 800D6E2E 07CE #Ship 1\Max Act 300D6E34 0063 #Ship 1\Max Def 300D6E35 0031 #Ship 2\Now HP 65535 801365D0 FFFF #Ship 2\Max HP 65535 800D6DB0 FFFF #Ship 2\Now En 999 801365D2 07CE #Ship 2\Max En 999 800D6EAE 07CE #Ship 2\Max Act 300D6EB4 0063 #Ship 2\Max Def 300D6EB5 0031 ; [ SD Gundam G Generation-F (Jpn, Limited Edition) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02900~SLPS-02902} ] :SLPS-02900 :SLPS-02901 :SLPS-02902 #Profile 100% 50003502 0000 800BE0B8 FFFF 800BE122 01FF #Infinite EN D0030F64 3823 80030F66 00E0 #Infinite HP Shiro Hamada unit in battle 800B0F38 189C #Infinite HP Shiro Hamada Gundam unit in battle 800B0F28 1DB0 #Infinite Movement D0137676 1040 80137676 1000 #Mortal blow D00307E6 1C40 800307E6 1400 #MS UNIT fully open D003E59A 1440 8003E59A 1000 #WS UNIT fully open D003E65E 1440 8003E65E 1000 #SUPPORT UNIT fully open D003E6BA 1440 8003E6BA 1400 D003E6D6 1040 8003E6D6 1000 #CHARACTER fully open D003E766 1440 8003E766 1000 ; [ SD Gundam Eiyuu Den Daikessen!! - Kishi vs. Musha (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03145} ] :SLPS-03145 #Enemy energy = 0 (Always Win) 8011F86C 0000 #9999 Gold 80095ABC 270F #Parts of all types D00B5FD0 0005 800B5FD0 0000 D00B5FD2 146B 800B5FD2 A04B #All types of weapons D00C0204 0005 800C0204 0000 D00C0206 1469 800C0206 A049 D00C0324 0005 800C0324 0000 D00C0326 1469 800C0326 A049 #Items of all types D00C04C0 0005 800C04C0 0000 D00C04C2 1469 800C04C2 A049 #All characters and bonus selection 80095E38 0101 80095E3A 0101 80095E3C 0101 80095E3E 0101 80095E40 0101 80095E42 0101 80095E44 0101 80095E46 0101 #Mortal blow D00C0488 A642 800C0488 A640 #Other items fully open PAR 50000802 0000 80095AAA 0101 #All characters can be selected + bonus PAR 50000802 0000 80095E38 0101 ; [ SeaBass Fishing 2 (Jpn) (1997) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-00992} ] ;:SLPS-00992 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Seikai no Monshou (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02323} ] :SLPS-02323 #Infinite Energy First player unit 801A5860 003C ; [ Seirei Shoukan - Princess of Darkness (Jpn) (1998) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-01271} ] :SLPS-01271 #Infinite HP Girl 8006E94C 03E7 #Infinite MP Girl 8006E950 03E7 #Infinite HP Boy 8006E8E0 03E7 #Infinite MP Boy 8006E8E4 03E7 #Infinite HP Red Hair Girl 8006E9B8 03E7 #Infinite MP Red Hair Girl 8006E9BC 03E7 #Infinite HP Blue Hair Girl 8006EA24 03E7 #Infinite MP Blue Hair Girl 8006EA28 03E7 #Infinite HP Green Hair Girl 8006EA90 03E7 #Infinite MP Green Hair Girl 8006EA94 03E7 #Max Str 8006E8F8 00FF #Max Def 8006E8FC 00FF #Max Agi 8006E900 00FF #Max Int 8006E904 00FF #Max Luk 8006E908 00FF #Blow deadly attack D002E4FA 0043 8002E4FA 0000 #Mortal blow magic D002F4D2 0043 8002F4D2 0000 #Story number select scenario 1 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0001 #Story number select scenario 2 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0002 #Story number select scenario 3 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0003 #Story number select scenario 4 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0004 #Story number select scenario 5 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0005 #Story number select scenario 6 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0006 #Story number select scenario 7 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0007 #Story number select scenario 8 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0008 #Story number select scenario 9 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 0009 #Story number select scenario 10 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 000A #Story number select scenario 11 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 000B #Story number select scenario 12 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 000C #Story number select scenario 13 by Press Select at Camp D0041F42 FFFE 30010000 000D #99 Equipment 30010154 0063 30010158 0063 3001015C 0063 30010160 0063 30010164 0063 30010168 0063 3001016C 0063 30010170 0063 30010174 0063 30010178 0063 #99 items 3001017C 0063 30010180 0063 30010184 0063 30010188 0063 3001018C 0063 30010190 0063 30010194 0063 30010198 0063 3001019C 0063 300101A0 0063 300101A4 0063 300101A8 0063 #Favorability Max / Prim 30010140 0063 #Favorability Max / Shura 30010144 0063 #Favorability Max / ma'am 30010148 0063 #Favorability Max / Silk 3001014C 0063 #Favorability Max / Gaia 30010150 0063 ; [ Sengoku Mugen (Jpn) (2001) (Banpresto) {SLPS-03151} ] :SLPS-03151 #Infinite HP in Fortress attack 80161F1E 0064 ; [ Senkai Taisen - TV Animation Senkaiden Houshin Engi Yori (Jpn) (2000) (Bandai) {SLPS-02736} ] :SLPS-02736 #Infinite HP Character 1 8010527C 270F #Infinite Magic Character 1 80105284 270F #Infinite Health 3D Level ACTIVATE ONLY WHEN PLAYING THE STAGE 80144918 0005 8014491C 0005 ; [ Senryaku Shidan - Tora! Tora! Tora! Rikusen-hen (Jpn) (2000) (DaZZ) {SLPS-02631 (PS-0014)} ] :SLPS-02631 #Have 999999 points 801FFE44 423F 801FFE46 000F #Infinite Energy 1st unit in mission 1 800B1D80 0064 #Infinite Energy 2nd unit in mission 1 800B2158 0064 ; [ Sentimental Graffiti (Jpn) (2001) (NEC Interchannel) {SLPS-03184 (NIPS-4013)} ] :SLPS-03184 #Have 999999 money 80095E50 423F 80095E52 000F #Have 999/999p 80095E54 03E7 80095E56 03E7 #All possible phone C0025E8E 8C63 80025E8C 0001 80025E8E 2403 00000000 FFFF #Phone at any time D00251A6 1040 800251A6 1000 #Phone Anywhere D002C676 1043 8002C676 1000 #All possible confession D00274DA 1040 800274DA 1400 #Everyone confession success D0024142 1040 80024142 1400 D002317A 1040 8002317A 1400 D002318E 1440 8002318E 1400 ; [ Sentou Kokka Kai - Improved (Jpn) (1997) (SCEI) {SCPS-10034} ] ;:SCPS-10034 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Super Football Champ (Jpn) (1996) (Taito) {SLPS-00569} ] :SLPS-00569 #P1 goals 9 800590BC 0009 #CPU 0 goals 80059640 0000 #P1 goals 9 in the select + left D005A90C 8100 800590BC 0009 #CPU 0 goals in the select + right D005A90C 2100 80059640 0000 #Injury time in the L1 + R1 D005A90C 000C 80171E9C 7E90 #The large head of the players 80053598 0001 #Big shoes of the players 8005359A 0001 ; [ Street Fighter Collection (Jpn) (1997) (Capcom) {SLPS-00800~SLPS-00801} ] :SLPS-00800 :SLPS-00801 #Street Fighter II\P1 Infinite Energy 80175458 0090 #Street Fighter II\P2 Infinite Energy 801757C4 0090 #Street Fighter II\P2 No Energy 801757C4 0000 #Street Fighter IIX\P1 Infinite Energy 80175458 0090 #Street Fighter IIX\P2 Infinite Energy 801757C4 0090 #Street Fighter IIX\P2 No Energy 801757C4 0000 #Street Fighter IIX\P1 Maximum Super Bar 80175666 3000 80175668 0030 #Street Fighter IIX\P2 Maximum Super Bar 801759D2 3000 801759D4 0030 ; [ Shachou Eiyuuden - The Eagle Shooting Heroes (Asia) (2000?) (SCEI) {SCPS-45510} ] ;:SCPS-45510 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shibas 1-2-3 - Destiny! Unmei O Kaerusha! (Jpn) (2000) (Jaleco) {SLPS-01893} ] :SLPS-01893 #Infinite Energy In Battle 800CD49C 00C8 #SP gauge MAX 800CD4A4 012C #No more frustrating gauge 800CD468 0000 #All Gallery open 80094482 FFFF ; [ Shin Megami Tensei (Jpn) (2001) (Atlus) {SLPS-03170} ] :SLPS-03170 #HP currently 8010BEE6 03E7 #Max HP 8010BEE8 03E7 #MP Currently 8010BEEA 03E7 #Max MP 8010BEEC 03E7 #HP 999 C004C968 1140 8004C920 03E7 8004C922 2402 8004C928 0016 8004C92A A462 8004C940 03E7 8004C942 2402 8004C948 0018 8004C94A A462 00000000 FFFF #MP 999 C004C9C4 1140 8004C97C 03E7 8004C97E 2402 8004C984 001A 8004C986 A462 8004C9B8 03E7 8004C9BA 2402 8004C9C0 001C 8004C9C2 A462 00000000 FFFF #HP Auto-Recovery (except during combat) 8004C924 350B 8004C926 0801 8004C928 0001 8004C92A 2405 D0120008 0005 8004C928 0000 #All Stats MAX 8004D1C8 0001 #Maximum HP +100 8004D8AC 0070 8004D8B0 0072 #Maximum MP +100 8004D940 0068 #Treasure 100% rate available D011A9C0 0189 8011A9C0 0001 #Get Jewel rate 100% D011AD44 0007 8011AD4A 1000 #Infinite Money 8010CA70 423F 8010CA72 000F #Infinite MAG 8010CA74 869F 8010CA76 0001 #MAX level in the battle of once D011AEA6 1060 8011AEA6 1460 #Devil analyze all C004C380 0650 8004C34C 00FF 8004C34E 240C 8004C356 A04C 00000000 FFFF #Devil analyze all PAR 2 50002001 0000 3010CD1E 00FF #Less likely to be random encounter 8010CCFA 0000 #Deadly blow press the L1 button only when their own attacks 8011CC46 A462 D00B97FA 0400 8011CC46 A460 #All Items 5000F002 0000 3010CAD9 0063 #LV99 C004D900 3659 8004D8C0 0063 8004D8C2 2403 8004D8C4 001E 8004D8C6 A263 00000000 FFFF #Not the devil appeared 3010D15C 0080 ; [ The Shinri Game (Jpn) (1996) (Visit) {SLPS-00169} ] ;:SLPS-00169 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shin SD Sengokuden - Kidou Musha Taisen (Jpn, Limited Edition) (1996) (Bandai) {SLPS-00576} ] :SLPS-00576 #Fast Level UP 80075A60 270F 80075A9C 270F 80075A7E 270F #Hero to upgrade immediately 80075A60 270F #Grain of soldiers decrease 8007351C 03E7 #Rapid escalation of stubborn fighting vehicles 80075A9C 270F #Stubborn cannon to upgrade immediately 80075A7E 270F ; [ Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty vol.01 - Hello Kitty Bowling (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86866} ] :SLPM-86866 #P1 Always Bowls 300 80195E1C 012C #Infinite Tries In Story Mode 80195E28 0002 ; [ Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol.02 - Hello Kitty Illust Puzzle (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86867} ] ;:SLPM-86867 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty vol.03 - Hello Kitty Block Kuzushi (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86911} ] :SLPM-86911 #Infinite Lives (balls) 801BB208 0009 ; [ Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol.04 - Hello Kitty Trump (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86910} ] ;:SLPM-86910 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Kato Hifumi Kudan - Shogi Club (Jpn, Honkakuha de 1300Yen Series) (1999) (Hect) {SLPS-02078} ] ;:SLPS-02078 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shouryuu Sangoku Engi (Jpn) (1996) (Imageneer) {SLPS-00253} ] ;:SLPS-00253 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Shura no Mon (Jpn) (1998) (Kodansha) {SLPS-01202} ] :SLPS-01202 #P1 Infinite HP 80059B50 1A0A #P2 Infinite HP 80059B54 1A0A ; [ Side Pocket 3 - 3D Polygon Billiard Game (Jpn) (1998) (Data East) {SLPS-01079} ] ;:SLPS-01079 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Sidewinder (Jpn) (1996) (Asmik) {SLPS-00156} ] :SLPS-00156 #Infinite Gun 80074CF6 3165 800AE3A2 03E7 #Infinite Rocket 800AC398 0020 800AE39A 0010 #Infinite Shield It is not valid if you hit the ground 80074CA6 000A 80139CAC 0A6E #Infinite Time 80082280 03E7 #Infinite Bullet + missile 50000402 0000 800BC01C 03E7 800BC026 03E7 #Invincibility 801B9968 FFFF ; [ Silent Möbius - Genei no Datenshi (Jpn, Disc 1 Only) (1998) (Bandai) {SLPS-01803} ] :SLPS-01803 #Katsumi Infinite HP In Battle 801EBA9C 00B4 801BF5E0 00B4 #Kiddy Infinite HP In Battle 801EBBF4 00C8 801BF738 00C8 #Nami Infinite HP In Battle 801EBD4C 0096 801BF890 0096 ; [ Silhouette Mirage - Reprogrammed Hope (Jpn) (1998) (ESP) {SLPS-01449} ] :SLPS-01449 #Infinite Money 80138784 270F #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 1 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 8013CCB4 012C 8013CCB8 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 2 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 8014BB74 012C 8014BB78 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 3 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 8012F47C 012C 8012F480 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 2 C0136C2A 0004 8012B79C 012C 8012B7A0 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 3 C0136C2A 0004 8012CB7C 012C 8012CB80 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 4 C0136C2A 0004 8013604C 012C 80136050 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 5 C0136C2A 0004 8012B2DC 012C 8012B2E0 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage four (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 8012CE9C 012C 8012CEA0 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 2 C0136C2A 0004 8012514C 012C 80125150 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 3 C0136C2A 0004 8012050C 012C 80120510 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 4 C0136C2A 0004 8012514C 012C 80125150 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 5 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 80121B5C 012C 80121B60 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 2 C0136C2A 0004 801214EC 012C 801214F0 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 3 C0136C2A 0004 80128D6C 012C 80128D70 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 4 C0136C2A 0004 80115084 012C 80115088 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 6 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 80134D34 012C 80134D38 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 2 C0136C2A 0004 80140B0C 012C 80140B10 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 3 C0136C2A 0004 80127164 012C 80127168 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite HP + MP-Stage 7 (Press L1) Area 1 C0136C2A 0004 801539F4 012C 801539F8 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 2 C0136C2A 0004 8012356C 012C 80123570 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 3 C0136C2A 0004 8012356C 012C 80123570 012C 00000000 FFFF #Area 4 C0136C2A 0004 8018556C 012C 80185570 012C 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Credits Press L1 3001006F 0009 ; [ Silhouette Stories (Jpn) (1996) (Kaneko) {SLPS-00374} ] :SLPS-00374 #Infinite Continues 80121844 0009 ; [ Simulation Zoo - Sekaiichi no Doubutsuen o Tsukurou (Jpn) (1996) (SoftBank) {SLPS-00458} ] :SLPS-00458 #Max funds 800E2500 C9FF 800E2502 3B9A ; [ Sister Princess - Pure Stories (Jpn) (2001) (MediaWorks) {SLPS-03360} ] ;:SLPS-03360 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.01 - Norikae Annai -2000 Edition- (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPS-02842} ] ;:SLPS-02842 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.03 - Seimei Handan (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPS-02841} ] ;:SLPS-02841 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.04 - Ryouri (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPS-02839} ] ;:SLPS-02839 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.05 - Kusuri no Jiten - Pill Book 2001 Edition (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86706} ] ;:SLPM-86706 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.06 - Cocktail no Recipe (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86707} ] ;:SLPM-86707 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.07 - Tanoshiku Manabu Unten Menkyo (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86797} ] ;:SLPM-86797 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.08 - 1-Jikan de Wakaru Kabushiki Toushi (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86708} ] ;:SLPM-86708 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.09 - Watashi Style no Aromatherapy (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86843} ] ;:SLPM-86843 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.10 - Tarot Uranai (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86913} ] ;:SLPM-86913 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.11 - Katei de Dekiru Tsubo Shiatsu (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86968} ] ;:SLPM-86968 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.12 - Katei no Igaku (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86969} ] ;:SLPM-86969 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.13 - Shinri Game - Soreike X Kokoroji (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87016} ] ;:SLPM-87016 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.14 - Kurashi no Manner (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87022} ] :SLPM-87022 #Have always 5 hearts in quiz game 800AE514 0005 ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.15 - Inu no Kaikata - Sekai no Inu Catalog (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87051} ] ;:SLPM-87051 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.16 - Neko no Kaikata - Sekai no Neko Catalo (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87052} ] ;:SLPM-87052 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.17 - Planetarium (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87049} ] :SLPM-87049 #Have always 4 hearts in quiz mode 800CAE40 0004 ; [ Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol.18 - Kanji Quiz - Kanji Keitei ni Challenge (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87072} ] ;:SLPM-87072 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Slap Happy Rhythm Busters (Jpn) (2000) (ASK) {SLPS-02789} ] :SLPS-02789 #All Characters 50000C02 0000 8007A1A0 FFFF #Increase Time - Press Select D0088D72 FFFE 8008501A 0063 #P2 Can't Fight 80085022 0001 #Always Perfect In Dj Practice 8008416A 0063 80084142 0000 8008414A 0000 80084146 0000 80084168 0000 #Completed All Dj Practice - This code will also unlock all comics. Go to option menu. 50001502 0000 8007A214 0202 #Unlock All Extras 50000C02 0000 8007A1A0 FFFF 50001502 0000 8007A214 0202 ; [ Super Live Stadium (Jpn) (1998) (Aques) {SLPM-86019} ] :SLPM-86019 #Strike 2, 0 ball, 2 out in the select + left button C009DC68 7EFF 8009D08C 0002 8009C924 0000 8009C798 0002 00000000 FFFF #Strike 0, 3 ball, 0 out in the select + right button C009DC68 DEFF 8009D08C 0000 8009C924 0003 8009C798 0000 00000000 FFFF ; [ Kids Station - Motto! Oja Majo Dorami - MAHO-dou Smile Party (Jpn) (2001) (Bandai) {SLPS-03247} ] ;:SLPS-03247 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Snatcher (Jpn) (1996) (Konami) {SLPS-00154} ] ;:SLPS-00154 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ S.Q. - Sound Qube (Jpn) (1998) (Human) {SLPS-01309} ] :SLPS-01309 #Infinite Energy 80118F2D 0064 #Infinite Time 80118F2D 0064 ; [ Snobow Kids Plus (Jpn) (1999) (ASCII) {SLPS-01823} ] :SLPS-01823 #Start Race With 9999 Coins 80120EAC 270F #Infinite Weapons (Not Special Attacks) 801217D0 0003 ; [ Soukyugurentai - Oubushustugeki (Jpn) (1997) (Data East) {SLPS-01172} ] :SLPS-01172 #P1 Infinite Lives 8004DF68 0002 #P2 Infinite Lives 8004DF6C 0002 #Infinite Bombs 8004DFB4 0303 #Infinite Credits 8004DF80 0009 ; [ Gakuen Sentai Solblast (Jpn) (1999) (Creative Heads) {SLPS-01852} ] :SLPS-01852 #Infinite HP Character Red 801948A0 03E7 #Infinite BP Character Red 801948A4 03E7 #Infinite HP Character Blue 801948D4 03E7 #Infinite HP Character Yellow 80194908 03E7 #Infinite HP Character Green 8019493C 03E7 #Infinite HP Character Pink 80194970 03E7 ; [ Sonata (Jpn) (1999) (T&E Soft) {SLPS-01843~SLPS-01844} ] :SLPS-01843 :SLPS-01844 #Infinite Energy + maximum energy Main character 800C82B0 03E7 800C82B2 03E7 #Infinite Energy + maximum max Main character 800C82B4 03E7 800C82B6 03E7 #Infinite Energy + maximum FP Main character 800C82B8 03E7 800C82BA 03E7 #Infinite Energy + maximum energy AOI 800C82E4 03E7 800C82E6 03E7 #Infinite Energy + maximum energy IZUMI 800C841C 03E7 800C841E 03E7 #All love gauge MAX 800C82F2 270F 800C8326 270F 800C835A 270F 800C838E 270F 800C83C2 270F 800C83F6 270F 800C842A 270F 800C845E 270F #Invincible attack Press Select + L2 D0088518 0101 800E3486 0060 #Blow deadly attack PRESS Select + R2 D0088518 0102 800E3486 0000 #Save anywhere 300C82AB 0001 #All Items 9999 5000FF04 0001 800C84AC 0000 50008E04 0001 800C88A8 0100 5000FF04 0000 800C84AE 270F 50008E04 0000 800C88AA 270F #All CG Gallery Album Unlock 50004618 0000 80180048 0000 #Hydride Special HP 100 30100036 0064 3010003F 0064 #Hydride Special MP 100 30100039 0064 30100040 0064 #No Random Battles 300E3C39 0000 ; [ Sotsugyou Crossworld (Jpn) (1996) (Hearty Robin) {SLPS-00273} ] ;:SLPS-00273 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Space Invaders X (Jpn) (2000) (Taito) {SLPM-86419 (TCPS10014)} ] ;:SLPM-86419 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Spectral Blade (Jpn) (1999) (Idea Factory) {SLPS-02526} ] :SLPS-02526 #Gold 99999 800C249C 869F 800C249E 0001 #Charactere 1 HP 999 801C6FB6 03E7 801C6FB8 03E7 #Character 1 Level 99 801C6FB4 0063 #Character 1 Stats 255 801C6FBA FFFF 801C6FBC FFFF #Charactere 2 HP 999 801C6FF2 03E7 801C6FF4 03E7 #Character 2 Level 99 801C6FF0 0063 #Character 2 Stats 255 801C6FF6 FFFF 801C6FF8 FFFF #Charactere 3 HP 999 801C702E 03E7 801C7030 03E7 #Charactere 3 Stats 255 801C7032 FFFF 801C7034 FFFF #All items 99 50003F02 0000 80142976 6363 80142974 6300 #Charactere 1 Infinite + Max HP in combat 801C5B9E 03E7 801C5BA0 03E7 #No Random Battles 800F8FDC 0000 #None Encounter 800F9188 0001 ; [ Speed King (Jpn) (1996) (Konami) {SLPM-86013 (VX025-J1)} ] :SLPM-86013 #Always Place First 800CF698 0001 #Infinite Time 800CF6EC 0063 #Max Speed 800CD4A6 00EF ; [ Speed Power Gunbike (Jpn) (1998) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-01066} ] :SLPS-01066 #Infinite Time 801C32A8 86A0 #Infinite G-Power 801AE1E4 00FF 801AE1DE 0003 #Infinite Power Boost 801AE1E0 0000 #STAGE 1 boss anergy 0 D00D0940 00E4 300D0940 0000 #STAGE 2 boss anergy 0 D00CD908 00DC 300CD908 0000 #STAGE 3 boss anergy 0 D00D1A0C 00D8 300D1A0C 0000 #STAGE 4 boss anergy 0 D00C9AA8 0064 300C9AA8 0000 #STAGE 5A boss anergy 0 D00D4028 00F8 300D4028 0000 #STAGE 5B boss anergy 0 D00D3EB8 00F8 300D3EB8 0000 #STAGE 5C boss anergy 0 D00D357C 00F0 300D357C 0000 #STAGE 6 boss anergy 0 D00D61B4 0200 800D61B4 0000 #STAGE 7 boss anergy 0 D00C321C 00B8 300C321C 0000 #Select STAGE 0 Practice 301C32A2 0000 #Select STAGE 1 301C32A2 0001 #Select STAGE 2 301C32A2 0002 #Select STAGE 3 301C32A2 0003 #Select STAGE 4 301C32A2 0004 #Select STAGE 5 301C32A2 0005 #Select STAGE 6 301C32A2 0006 #Select STAGE 7 301C32A2 0007 #Select STAGE 8 301C32A2 0008 #Select STAGE 9 301C32A2 0009 ; [ Spider-Man (Jpn) (2001) (Success) {SLPM-86739} ] :SLPM-86739 #Infinite Health 800706B8 0064 800706BA 3402 800706C0 00DE 800706C2 A682 #Infinite Web gauge 8005101E 1400 #Infinite Web cartridge 80051054 2400 #Infinite TIME 8006E64A 1400 #Unabated spider silk D0051018 1023 3005101A 0060 #Small enemy one hit kill 80046234 1820 80046236 0000 #Enable (LEVEL SELECT) special options B0210001 0000 300ADEA2 0001 #All bonus ,All images,costumes, animation of all, GALLRY option, all modes 300ADEA1 0001 800ADECC FFFF 800ADED0 FFFF 800ADED2 FFFF 800ADED4 FFFF 800ADED6 FFFF 800ADED8 FFFF 800ADEDA FFFF 300ADEDC 00FF #Physical strength is reduced D00535CC 1023 300535CC 0023 #Infinite Time 8006E64A 1400 ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.37 - The Illustration Puzzle & Slide Puzzle (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPS-02958} ] ;:SLPS-02958 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.51 - The Jigsaw Puzzle (Jpn) (2000) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86700} ] ;:SLPM-86700 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.63 - The Gun Shooting 2 (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86816} ] :SLPM-86816 #Have 999999 coins 80056EBC 423F 80056EBE 000F #P1 has 99 hits in story mode Level 1 8014E72C 0063 #P2 has 99 hits in story mode Level 1 8014E730 0063 ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.67 - The Soccer - Dynamite Soccer 1500 (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86864} ] ;:SLPM-86864 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.71 - The Renai Simulation 2 (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86870} ] :SLPM-86870 #Friendship point Max 8007F182 00FF #Bonus fully open 8007F178 FFFF 8007F17A FFFF #Image fully open D003CC4E 1080 8003CC4E 1400 D003C3C6 1060 8003C3C6 1400 #Music fully open D003E20E 1040 8003E20E 1400 #Sentences Skip accessible D001C89E 1040 8001C89E 1400 #Automatic random selection D002955E 1040 8002955E 1400 D002960E 1040 8002960E 1400 ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.72 - The Beach Volley (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86871} ] :SLPM-86871 #Opponent always score 0 800CE724 0000 ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.73 - The Invaders - Space Invaders 1500 (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86900} ] :SLPM-86900 #Infinite Lives classic mode with background artwork 801311C8 0005 #Infinite Lives Space Invaders 3D 801FFF84 0006 ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.76 - The Dodgeball (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86914} ] :SLPM-86914 #P1 Team 1st Member Infinite Health 80069CD0 0006 #P1 Team 2nd Member Infinite Health 80069DA8 0006 #P1 Team 3rd Member Infinite Health 80069E80 0006 #P1 Team 4th Member Infinite Health 80069F58 0006 #Enemy wiped out Press L2 button C008BCB0 0001 8006A1F6 FFFF 8006A2CE FFFF 8006A3A6 FFFF 8006A47E FFFF 00000000 FFFF ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.83 - The Wakeboard - BursTrick Wake Boarding!! (Jpn) (2001) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-86998} ] ;:SLPM-86998 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.85 - The Sengoku Bushou - Tenka Touitsu no Yabou (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87008} ] ;:SLPM-87008 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.88 - The Gal Mahjong - Love Songs - Idol wa High Rate (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87023} ] :SLPM-87023 #Have 99999 points 800BB4F0 869F 800BB4F2 0001 ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.89 - The Power Shovel - Power Shovel ni Norou! (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87035} ] ;:SLPM-87035 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.90 - The Sensha (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87044} ] ;:SLPM-87044 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.93 - The Puzzle Bobble 4 (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87057} ] ;:SLPM-87057 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series vol.97 - The Squash (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87088} ] ;:SLPM-87088 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.99 - The Kendo - Ken no Hanamichi (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87140} ] :SLPM-87140 #P1 score = 2 80125398 0002 #P2/CPU always score 0 80125399 0000 ; [ Simple 1500 series vol.101 - The Sentou (Jpn) (2003) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87142} ] ;:SLPM-87142 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.102 - The Densha Untensha - Densha de Go! - Nagoya Tetsudou-hen (Jpn) (2002) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87144} ] :SLPM-87144 #Infinite Lives 800D8DB4 0009 #Life Bar 800D8D84 00C7 #One Hit To Kill The Final Boss 800E30DC 0000 #Unlock One Extra Character 800D8ECC 0001 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D8DB6 0009 #P2 Life Bar 800D8D86 00C7 ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.103 - The Ganso Densha Utenshi - Densha De Go! (Jpn) (2003) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87212} ] ;:SLPM-87212 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Simple 1500 Series Vol.104 - The Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit (Jpn) (2003) (D3 Publisher) {SLPM-87215} ] ;:SLPM-87215 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Stahlfeder - Tetsukou Hikuudan (Jpn) (1996) (Santos) {SLPS-00162} ] :SLPS-00162 #Infinite Energy 80020414 0005 #Infinite Bombs 8002041C 0004 #Gun Power = 5 80020410 0005 #Second Gun Power = 5 800204DC 0005 #Ship Type = 1 80020408 0001 #Ship Type = 2 80020408 0002 #Ship Type = 3 80020408 0003 #Ship Type = 4 80020408 0004 #Max Shots Level 5 8002040C 0005 #Infinite Credits 8002050C 0005 ; [ Startling Odyssey 1 - Blue Evolution (Jpn) (1999) (RayForce) {SLPS-02043} ] :SLPS-02043 #Infinite Money 800A3348 E0FF 800A334A 05F5 #Max Money 800A3348 967F 800A334A 0098 #1ST Character Infinite HP 800A2BA8 869F 800A2BAA 0001 #After Combat And Money To The Full Value Of Experience 800F780C 967F 800F780E 0098 800F74D8 967F 800F74DA 0098 #All Arms and armor items 50007602 0000 800A2F18 6363 800A3010 6363 800A3012 6363 #No random battles 800A0820 0009 800A0830 0009 #Leon HP + SP Max 800A2BA8 FFFF 800A2BE0 FFFF 800A2BAC FFFF 800A2BE4 FFFF #Sofia HP + SP Max 800A2C58 FFFF 800A2C90 FFFF 800A2C5C FFFF 800A2C94 FFFF #Perun HP + SP Max 800A2DB8 FFFF 800A2DF0 FFFF 800A2DBC FFFF 800A2DF4 FFFF #Rosetta HP + SP Max 800A2D08 FFFF 800A2D40 FFFF 800A2D0C FFFF 800A2D44 FFFF #Level 99 300A2BD6 0063 #Max Exp 800A2C44 967F 800A2C46 0098 #Next (Exp) 800A2C48 0000 800A2C4A 0000 #Fast Level Up After One Battle 800F780C FFFF D00E001C 182A 300E0010 00A0 #Now HP 800A2BA8 869F 800A2BAA 0001 #Max HP 800A2BE0 869F 800A2BE2 0001 #Now SP 800A2BAC 869F 800A2BAE 0001 #Max SP 800A2BE4 869F 800A2BE6 0001 #MAX experience after 1 battle 800F780C E0FF 800F780E 05F5 #MAX always gauge impact in combat D00F9BB6 1040 800F9BA2 1400 #No random battles 800A0820 0009 800A0830 0009 #All Weapons and armor items 50007602 0000 800A2F18 6363 800A3010 6363 800A3012 6363 ; [ Kotetsu Reiki - Steel Dom (Jpn) (1996) (TecnoSoft) {SLPS-00431} ] :SLPS-00431 #Infinite HP Reiki stage 1 8016B494 0721 #Infinite HP Reiki stage 2 8016B8E4 0721 #Infinite HP Reiki stage 3 8016BD34 0721 ; [ Shin Theme Park (Jpn) (1997) (Electronic Arts Victor) {SLPS-00810} ] :SLPS-00810 #Have 999000000 money 8016B574 87C0 8016B576 3B8B ; [ Suchie-Pai Adventure - Doki Doki Nightmare (Jpn, Disc 2 Only) (1998) (Jaleco) {SLPS-01265} ] ;:SLPS-01265 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II Limited (Jpn) (1996) (Jaleco) {SLPS-00290~SLPS-00292} ] :SLPS-00290 :SLPS-00291 :SLPS-00292 #Have 99999 Points 800AD118 869F 800AD11A 0001 #Enemy Have 0 Points 800AD0A4 0000 #Stage Select appearance Suchiyuki 300B7210 000F #Special Summon 300AD150 0009 #Hyper Eye 300AD13C 0009 #Fire chastisement 300AD140 0009 #Deadly! Suu Kyi stick 300AD148 0009 #Helper 300AD14C 0009 #Special Summon 300AD150 0009 #Number of remaining panel match 300BB34C 0009 #Transformation point 300B694C 0063 #Have 99999 Points In Vs Mode (Bonus Disc) 80091770 869F 80091772 0001 #Enemy Have 0 Points In Vs Mode (Bonus Disc) 80091774 0000 #Suu Kyi Ai (Bonus Disc) 30091C9C 0001 #Hyper chastisement (Bonus Disc) 30091CA0 0001 #Suu Kyi stick (Bonus Disc) 30091CA8 0001 #Room of Miyuri All Unlock Select the free play mode before selecting the Room of Miyui (Bonus Disc) 80012600 7FFF ; [ Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Limited (Jpn) (1995) (Jaleco) {SLPS-00029} ] :SLPS-00029 #Infinite Money 800EFDB8 EA60 #Opponent Money is Always 0 800C41A0 0000 #Infinite Item Suu Kyi eye 800F1258 0009 #nfinite Item Hyper chastisement 800F1260 0009 #nfinite Item Suu Kyi stick 800F1270 0009 #MAX point have their own 800EFDB8 869F 800EFDBA 0001 #Minus point has the other 800C41AD FFFF 800C41A2 FFFF #Infinite Panel match remaining count 800C0A48 0007 #Point level MAX 800C4330 0004 800C6838 0018 #Everyone clear suddenly free play mode 800F1E68 0000 800F1E6A 0000 800F1E6C 0000 800F1E6E 0000 800F1E70 0000 800F1E72 0000 800F1E74 0000 800F1E76 0000 ; [ Suiko Enbu - Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (Jpn) (1996) (Data East) {SLPS-00137} ] :SLPS-00137 #P1 Infinite Health 80099EA0 007D #P2 Infinite Health 8009A014 007D #Enemy has no energy(one hit to defeat) 8009A014 0000 ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.1 - Ikki & Super Arabian (Jpn) (2001) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03135} ] :SLPS-03135 #Infinite Lives Super Arabian 80081008 0002 #Infinite Lives Ikki 80081795 0002 ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.2 - Route-16 Turbo & Atlantis no Nazo (Jpn) (2001) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03181} ] ;:SLPS-03181 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.3 - Madoola no Tsubasa & Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi (Jpn) (2001) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03366} ] :SLPS-03366 #Infinite Lives - Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi (Deactivate after complete a level) 8009BD80 0009 #Infinite HP - The Wing of Madoola 8009DD39 1000 ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.4 - Chou Wakusei Senki Metafight & Ripple Island (Jpn) (2002) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03382} ] :SLPS-03382 #Infinite Lives Chou wakusei senki metafight 800C2C3D 0003 #Infinite Energy Chou wakusei senki metafight 800C2F6C FF00 800C2F6D 00FF ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.5 - Raf World & Hebereke (Jpn) (2002) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03397} ] :SLPS-03397 #Infinite Lives RAF world 800BA4BB 0005 #Infinite Energy RAF world 800BA517 0FF6 #Infinite Energy Herebeke 800C06E5 0008 ; [ Memorial Star Series - Sunsoft Vol.6 - Battle Formula & Gimmick! (Jpn) (2002) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-03486} ] :SLPS-03486 #Infinite Lives Battle formula 800D36FC 0005 #Infinite Energy Battle formula 800D3703 0040 #Infinite Lives Gimmick 800F32F4 0003 #Infinite Energy Gimmick 800F3536 0002 ; [ Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together (Jpn) (1997) (Artdink) {SLPS-00767} ] :SLPS-00767 #War Funds 9999999 Goth 800B3ED0 E0FF 800B3ED2 05F5 #Infinite Money 8013BE20 FFFF 8013BE22 0FFF #Charactere 1 HP/MP 999 Stats max. 80143AD8 0063 80137120 00FF 80143B80 03E7 80143C60 03E7 801372D4 03E7 80137208 03E7 801370C0 03E7 80136C58 03E7 80135EF4 03E7 80136EE8 03E7 #Others Characteres HP/MP 999 Stats max. 80143BB8 03E7 80143C98 03E7 80143BBA 03E7 80143BBE 03E7 80143BBC 03E7 80143BC0 03E7 80143BC2 03E7 80143BC4 03E7 80143C9A 03E7 80143C9C 03E7 80143C9E 03E7 80143CA0 03E7 80143CA2 03E7 80143CA4 03E7 #All Map 30140FFF 00FF ; [ Tatsunoko Fight (Jpn) (2000) (Takara) {SLPS-02939} ] :SLPS-02939 #P1 Infinite Energy 8008FDA5 0069 8009844E 0075 #P1 stamina 8008FDA4 6900 #P2 stamina 8008FEF0 6900 #Gallery Mode Fully Open 800CB8F2 0001 800CB8F6 0001 800CB8FA 0001 800CB8FE 0001 800CB902 0001 800CB904 0001 800CB906 0001 800CB908 0001 800CB90A 0001 800CB90C 0001 800CB90E 0001 800CB910 0001 800CB912 0001 #All Unlock (Final story mode, gallery and character) 8008D848 FFFF 50001304 0000 800CB8EE 0001 #P1 Select character\Ken 30097B08 0000 #P1 Select character\Swan Jun 30097B08 0001 #P1 Select character\Berukukatsutse 30097B08 0002 #P1 Select character\Casshern 30097B08 0003 #P1 Select character\Luna Kozuki 30097B08 0004 #P1 Select character\Buraikingubosu 30097B08 0005 #P1 Select character\Polymer 30097B08 0006 #P1 Select character\Motel 30097B08 0007 #P1 Select character\Asutorarukamereon 30097B08 0008 #P1 Select character\Tekkaman 30097B08 0009 #P1 Select character\Umeta 30097B08 000A #P1 Select character\Doburai 30097B08 000B #P1 Select character\Wolter 0C 30097B08 000C #P1 Select character\Neon 0D 30097B08 000D #P1 Select character\Karochi 30097B08 000E #P1 Select character\Rosuraisen 30097B08 000F ; [ Tenant Wars (Jpn) (1998) (KID) {SLPS-01243} ] ;:SLPS-01243 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tenchi Muyou! Toukou Muyou (Jpn) (1996) (Xing) {SLPS-00451~SLPS-00452} ] ;:SLPS-00451 ;:SLPS-00452 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (Jpn) (1996) (Capcom) {SLPS-00203} ] :SLPS-00203 #Credit MAX 801E8214 0063 #Freeze Timer 801E8F6E 0002 801E8F70 3C00 #Freeze Timer (Boss) 801E8F9E 6400 #P1 Infinite Lives 301E8EF7 000F #P1 Infinite Health 801E8FDE 0068 801EE276 0068 #P2 Infinite Lives 301E8EF8 000F #P2 Infinite Health 801E8FFE 0068 801EE366 0068 ; [ Ten Made Jack - Odoroki Manenoki Daitoubou!! (Jpn) (2000) (Enix) {SLPM-86368} ] ;:SLPM-86368 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tennis Arena (Jpn) (1998) (Ubi Soft) {SLPS-01303} ] ;:SLPS-01303 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tensen Nyannyan - Gekijou-ban (Jpn) (1998) (Time Point) {SLPS-01278} ] :SLPS-01278 #Infinite Money Player 800C8E60 423F 800C8E62 000F #Opponent score 0 800C931C 0000 #Always Win 800C8C40 0001 800C8C44 0009 800C8C48 0011 800C8C4C 0019 800C8C50 0021 800C8C54 0029 800C8C58 0031 800C8C5C 0032 800C8C60 0033 800C8C64 0034 800C8C68 0041 800C8C6C 0042 800C8C70 0043 ; [ Oukyuu no Hihou - Tension (Jpn) (1996) (VAP) {SLPS-00438} ] :SLPS-00438 #Infinite + Max energy 8018B0CC 0063 8018B168 0063 #Infinite + Max MP 8018B0D0 00C8 8018B16C 00C8 #Infinite Money 8018B0EC 869F 8018B0EE 0001 #It is not poisoned 8018B102 0000 #It is not applied to sleep 8018B104 0000 #Not be confused 8018B106 0000 #It does not become invisible eyes 8018B170 0000 #Empirical value 8018B0D8 0D40 8018B0DA 0003 #Movement is not dull 3018B0E3 0002 ; [ Tetris X (Jpn) (1996) (BPS) {SLPS-00321} ] :SLPS-00321 #Have 999 Lines Made 8007A4A0 03E7 ; [ Thunder Force V - Perfect System (Jpn) (1998) (TechnoSoft) {SLPS-01406} ] :SLPS-01406 #Infinite Life 800978AE 0003 #Infinite Credits 800949E2 0063 #Infinite Weapons 800978BA 001F #Craww 80097856 0003 #Invincibility 800978DE 0091 #CRAW energy MAX 80097868 3000 #I can use all weapons 300978BA 00FF #The possible + Time Attack watch digital viewer 80097720 FFFF 80097722 FFFF 80097724 FFFF 80097726 FFFF 80097728 FFFF 3009772A 00FF #You can free Kontini MASTER difficulty can be selected I use booster machine in Time Attack 80097746 FFFF 80097764 FFFF 8009776C FFFE #Time Attack mode Remaining time (0000 ~ FFFF) 80083BF0 FFFF #TOTAL ATTACK TIME 00:00:00 80083C4C 0000 80083C4E 0000 ; [ TFX - Tactical Fighter Experiment (Jpn) (1996) (Imageneer) {SLPS-00511} ] :SLPS-00511 #Infinite Fuel 80085EB4 3373 #Infinite Bullets 80086244 270F ; [ Time Gal & Ninja Hayate (Jpn) (1996) (Taito) {SLPS-00383~SLPS-00384} ] :SLPS-00383 :SLPS-00384 #Infinite Life 8015C95C 0005 ; [ That's QT (Jpn) (2000) (Koei) {SLPM-86340} ] :SLPM-86340 #Infinite Money (60000) 80170BDC EA60 #All colors 80171560 FFFF 80171562 FFFF 80171564 FFFF 80171566 007F #All clothes catalog 80170B94 FFFF 80170BD0 FFFF 80170BD2 1FFF ; [ Theme Hospital (Jpn) (1998) (Electronic Arts) {SLPS-01405} ] :SLPS-01405 #Infinite Money 8013B338 E0FF 8013B33A 05F5 ; [ Tiny Bullets (Jpn) (2000) (SCEI) {SCPS-10130} ] :SCPS-10130 #Have 99 antidotes 800100C3 0063 #Have 99 bombs 800100C2 0063 #Infinite Catapult 800100BE 000A #Infinite Health 80089BB2 03E8 ; [ Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Early Collection (Jpn) (1999) (Data East) {SLPS-02157} ] ;:SLPS-02157 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Mikan no Rupo (Jpn, Popular Edition) (2000) (Data East) {SLPS-03016} ] :SLPS-03016 #100 sheets bar chip 80052604 0064 ; [ Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Tomoshibi ga Kienumani (Jpn) (1999) (Data East) {SLPS-02427} ] :SLPS-02427 #Have 9999 coins in card game 8008B850 270F ; [ Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Yume no Owari ni (Jpn) (1998) (Data East) {SLPS-01356} ] ;:SLPS-01356 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ T Kara Hajimaru Monogatari (Jpn) (1998) (Jaleco) {SLPS-01350} ] :SLPS-01350 #Infinite HP 800B63D6 0064 800B63DA 0064 #Multi-channel fully open 30096742 00FF 3009677B 00FF 300967B1 00FF 300967FC 00FF 3009682A 00FF 30096843 00FF 30096857 00FF 30096859 00FF 30096867 00FF 300968D7 00FF 30096938 00FF 3009694D 00FF 300969A2 00FF 300969CA 00FF 300969F8 00FF 30096A2B 00FF 30096A6C 00FF #Infinite Money 80089274 423F 80089276 000F #Max Status Hero 800894F8 03E7 80089A54 0063 80089A1C 03E7 80089A1E 03E7 80089A3C 6363 80089A3E 6363 30089A40 0063 80089A54 0063 800894F8 0063 #All Key Item 800894FC FFFF 800894FE FFFF 80089500 003F ; [ Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (Jpn) (1997) (Tecmo) {SLPS-01168} ] :SLPS-01168 #P1 Infinite Energy 30097428 007F #P2 Infinite Energy 30097540 007F #P1 Emotion 80097448 5F5F #P2 Emotion 80097560 5F5F #Stop Character Select Timer D01FFF68 0013 801FFF68 0014 #Enable All Secret Characters In Vs. Mode 80081A68 FFFF 80081A6A 00FF #stage jump 1P 300973FF 0000 #P2 strength zero Press L2 D00821D0 0001 30097540 0000 #P2 strength zero 30097540 0000 ; [ Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama (Jpn) (1996) (Konami) {SLPM-86005 (VX036-J1)} ] :SLPM-86005 #P1 Instant Max Combo E009D85E 0001 3009D85E 0014 #P2 Instant Max Combo E009D85F 0001 3009D85F 0014 #P1 Massive Kougekidamas 3009D85B 00FF #P2 Massive Kougekidamas 3009D85A 00FF #P1 Max Score 8009D554 E0FF 8009D556 05F5 #P2 Max Score 8009D558 E0FF 8009D55A 05F5 #P1 No Kougekidamas 3009D85B 0000 #P2 No Kougekidamas 3009D85A 0000 #P1 Press L2 for Zendamas E008C9A0 0001 8009D550 0808 #P2 Press L2 for Zendamas E008C9F0 0001 8009D552 0808 #Unlock All Extras 8008CB72 FFFB 8009D34C FFFF ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 EVS Append Disc 1 (Kotoko - Miyuki - Kaedeko) (Jpn) (2000) (Aspect) {SLPM-80527} ] ;:SLPM-80527 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 EVS Append Disc 2 (Homura - Akane - Kaori) (Jpn) (2000) (Aspect) {SLPM-80544} ] ;:SLPM-80544 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 EVS Append Disc 3 (Miho - Mei - Sumire) (Jpn) (2000) (Enterbrain) {SLPM-80550} ] ;:SLPM-80550 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Vol.1 - Dancing Summer Vacation (Jpn) (2000) (Konami) {SLPM-86549~SLPM-86550 (VX200-J1)} ] :SLPM-86549 :SLPM-86550 #Autoplay (pear cherry blossoms) D00BC8F6 0040 80153028 4912 #Autoplay D00BC8F6 0040 80153028 9212 #Infinite DANCE GAUGE D00BC8F6 0040 80153038 FFFF #MAX combo continues D00BC8F4 0008 800BC8F4 0000 #MAX SCORE D00BD274 0002 800BD274 0001 #Dance RevolutionTokimeki MIX related gauge MAX D008D67E 1440 800BD67C 1400 #It is normal at first but PERFECT arrow will step MAX zone after passing through 8010ADFC FFFF #All Bonus D001D72E 1040 8001D72C 0001 #All Album viewable D002B6CE 1440 8002B6CE 1000 D002B38A 1440 8002B38A 1000 ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Vol.2 - Leaping School Festival (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86775~SLPM-86776 (VX232-J1)} ] :SLPM-86775 :SLPM-86776 #Bonus selectable 80012800 0001 #Mini-games can be selected 80012806 0101 80012808 0001 #Album fully open D003F906 1060 8003F906 1400 #Album fully open aLT 80012834 0101 800128CA 0001 ; [ Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Vol.3 - Memories Ringing On (Jpn) (2001) (Konami) {SLPM-86881~SLPM-86882 (VX247-J1)} ] :SLPM-86881 :SLPM-86882 #Bonus selectable 80010870 0001 #Mini-games can be selected 30010875 0001 30010876 0001 #Album fully open D0053B12 1060 80053B12 1400 #Album fully open Alt 800108A8 0101 80010988 0001 ; [ Tenshi no Shippo (Jpn) (2003) (Bandai) {SLPS-03531} ] ;:SLPS-03531 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tales of Fandom Vol.1 (Jpn, Cless Version) (2002) (Namco) {SLPS-03375} ] :SLPS-03375 #All Gallery/All Modes/All Characteres 80137978 FFFF 80097CE0 FFFF 80097CE2 2012 8013797A 007F #Timer Stop 80079340 0000 #State Normality 801685B6 0004 #State Darkness 801685B6 2104 ; [ To Heart (Jpn) (1999) (Aqua Plus) {SLPS-01919~SLPS-01920} ] :SLPS-01919 :SLPS-01920 #All Album of Memories CG Open 301E3694 0096 #Select all possible bonus 30077A72 0001 30077A78 00FF #Mini game Heart by Heart 1P Invincibility Alt 301EBB92 0005 300C7E9D 000E #Mini game Heart by Heart 1P Invincibility 300C7E9D 000E #Mini game Heart by Heart 2P Invincibility 300C8159 000E #Mini game Heart by Heart Infinite Time 301EBBA2 0064 #Mini game Heart by Heart Infinite Credit 301EBB96 00FF #Mini game Heart by Heart All characters available 301EBB95 0007 #Mini-games princess witch Infinite People 300E8752 0008 #Mini-games princess witch Infinite Bomb 301114D6 0008 #Mini-games princess witch Shoot red level MAX 300D479C 0004 #Mini-games princess witch Shoot blue level MAX 300D479E 0004 #Mini-games princess witch Shoot green level MAX 300D47A0 0004 #Mini-games princess witch Invincibility 801114E6 00FF #Mini-games Water Survival Infinite Life 301DEB9B 0004 #Mini-games O,Triangl , X , Square All characters available 801C8490 FFFF #Lighting 301E3695 0018 #Seri Shang 301E3696 0011 #Tomoko 301E3697 000D #Shiho 301E3698 0017 #Aoi 301E3699 000E #Multi 301E369A 0010 #Kotone 301E369B 000B #Remyi 301E369C 000C #Rio 301E369D 0009 #Kaoru Aya 301E369E 0007 #Other 301E369F 0004 #CG achievement rate All 100% 801E36B0 FFFC 801E36B2 FBFF 801E36B4 EFFF 801E36B6 FBFF 801E36B8 FFFF 801E36BA FFFB 801E36BC FFFD 801E36BE BFFB 801E36C0 F7FF 801E36C2 DFDF 301E36C4 0003 ; [ Toaplan Shooting Battle 1 (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00436} ] :SLPS-00436 #Tiger Heli\P1 Infinite Bombs 8008CD70 02FF #Tiger Heli\P1 Infinite Helis 8008CD7A 010F #Kyukyoku Tiger\P1 Maximum Shot 800917A2 0028 #Kyukyoku Tiger\P1 Infinite Bombs 800917A4 0007 #Kyukyoku Tiger\P1 Shotgun Only 800917B2 0058 #Kyukyoku Tiger\P1 Infinite Helis 800D8D00 000A #Twin Cobra\P1 Maximum Shot 80093A42 0028 #Twin Cobra\P1 Infinite Bombs 80093A44 0007 #Twin Cobra\P1 Shotgun Only 80093A52 0058 #Twin Cobra\P1 Infinite Helis 800DB448 000A #Twin Cobra\P2 Maximum Shot 8009030A 0028 #Twin Cobra\P2 Infinite Bombs 8009030C 0007 #Twin Cobra\P2 Shotgun Only 8009031A 0058 #Twin Cobra\P2 Infinite Helis 80098F18 000A ; [ Toca Touring Car Championship (Jpn) (1998) (Upstar) {SLPS-01410} ] :SLPS-01410 #Time 00:00 800A62DA 0000 ; [ Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol.1 - Nijiiro No Seishun (Jpn, Konami the Best) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86360 (VX069-J2)} ] ;:SLPM-86360 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tokyo Majin Gakuen Gehouchou (Jpn) (2002) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-03333~SLPS-03335} ] :SLPS-03333 :SLPS-03334 :SLPS-03335 #Main character Infinite + Max HP 8014CB02 03E7 8014CB0C 03E7 #Second character Infinite + Max HP 8014CE4A 03E7 8014CE54 03E7 #Third Character Infinite + Max HP 8014D192 03E7 8014D19C 03E7 #Money 99999999 801FE9D4 E0FF 801FE9D6 0FF5 #Items all possession 50007602 0000 801FE8BE 6363 ; [ Gekitotsu Toma L'Arc - Tomarunner vs. L'Arc~en~Ciel (Jpn) (2000) (Sony) {SCPS-10134} ] :SCPS-10134 #Enable All Stages 800CBF48 0006 #Max Points 800C75F4 03E7 800C7604 03E7 #Finish The Race 1st Whenever You Want (Press L2) D00D3592 FEFF 800C73B8 0003 #P1 power gauge MAX 800C760A 0FA0 #P1 Speed ??MAX 800C7524 FFFF #P1 Always Dash 800C750E 0014 #P1 Victory in an instant 800B2A32 0000 #All Tomarun Hell Clear 800CBF48 0006 50000702 0000 800CBF72 00FF #Unlock Extras 800CBCE2 0200 50000802 0000 800CBCEA 9F9F 50000402 0000 800CBD00 0606 50000502 0000 800CBD0A 0606 800CBD28 0101 800CBD2A 0101 300CBD30 00FF 50001514 0000 800CBD8E FF04 #Movie fully open 800CBD30 000E ; [ Gekisou Tomarunner (Jpn) (1999) (SCEI) {SCPS-10087} ] :SCPS-10087 #P1 Have All Items 50000402 0000 800C3488 6363 #P2 Have All Items 50000402 0000 800C3498 6363 #P1 Max Power Gauge 800C0B8A 1000 #P2 Max Power Gauge 800C330A 1000 #Unlock All Extras 800C511A 0200 50000902 0000 800C5122 9F9F 50000A02 0000 800C5138 0606 800C514C 0808 800C514E 0808 800C5152 0200 800C5154 0808 50000602 0000 800C5158 0101 800C5168 FFFF 800C516A FFFF ; [ Ore! Tomba (Jpn) (1997) (Whoopee Camp) {SLPS-01144} ] :SLPS-01144 #Infinite HP 800A7C10 0004 #Infinite AP 8009E514 FFFF #Invinicible 800A7C48 00FE #Infinite Lives 8009E528 0103 #Can jump Continuous 300A7BE1 0001 ; [ Tomba! The Wild Adventures (Jpn) (1999) (Whoopee Camp) {SLPS-02350} ] :SLPS-02350 #Infinite Lives D009E528 0102 8009E528 0103 #Infinite Vitality D00A7C10 0003 800A7C10 0004 #Moon Jump D009F200 0040 800A7C80 000B #Maximum AP 800C175C E0FF 800C175E 05F5 #Infinite Life 800E9EB6 0008 #Time 800C1760 0000 #All Weapon 800C199C 0101 800C199E 0101 800C19A0 0101 800C19A2 0101 800C19A4 0101 800C19A6 0101 #Help 800C1D1C FFFF ; [ Tomica Town o Tsukurou! (Jpn) (1999) (Tomy) {SLPS-01935} ] ;:SLPS-01935 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ ToPoLo (Jpn) (1996) (Artdink) {SLPS-00620} ] :SLPS-00620 #P1 Infinite Energy In Battles 8013E821 0061 ; [ Toshinden Card Quest (Jpn) (1998) (Takara) {SLPS-01113} ] :SLPS-01113 #P1 Infinite Energy Story Mode 8004B140 0063 8004B000 0063 #P1 Infinite Energy Card Battle 800DCF78 0014 #No Energy COM1 Card Battle 800DCF74 0000 #No Energy COM2 Card Battle 800DCF7C 0000 #No Energy COM3 Card Battle 800DCF80 0000 ; [ Touge Max G (Jpn) (2000) (Atlus) {SLPS-02361} ] :SLPS-02361 #All Races Only 1 Lap To Race/ 1ST 8006E060 0902 #Max Drifting Points 8006E25E FFFF #Always 1st 8006E25A 0001 #Stop Timer 8007D41C 0001 ; [ Toyota Netz Racing (Jpn) (1999) (Atlus) {SLPM-80429} ] ;:SLPM-80429 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Toys Dream (Jpn) (1998) (KSS) {SLPS-01704} ] :SLPS-01704 #Infinite Money 8007910C EA60 #Infinite Stamina Mia 8007721C 0050 #Max Weight 8007714A 03E7 ; [ Tripuzz (Jpn) (1997) (Santos) {SLPS-00911} ] ;:SLPS-00911 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Trump Shiyouyo! (Jpn) (1998) (Bottom Up) {SLPS-01440} ] ;:SLPS-01440 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tsun Tsun Kumi 2 - Moji Moji Bakkun (Jpn) (1998) (Kodansha) {SLPS-01694} ] ;:SLPS-01694 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tsun Tsun Kumi 3 - Kanji Vader (Jpn) (1999) (Kodansha) {SLPS-01839} ] :SLPS-01839 #Infinite Health 800D8AFE 0006 ; [ Tsuri Baka Nisshi (Jpn) (1996) (Shogakukan) {SLPS-00440} ] :SLPS-00440 #Have 999 points 800A6B10 03E7 ; [ Twinbee Taisen Puzzle-Dama (Jpn) (1994) (Konami) {SLPS-00015} ] :SLPS-00015 #Automatic Win:You win even if you do not do anything 800B4E1A 03EF #P1 Max Score 800B4BB4 E0FF 800B4BB6 05F5 #P2 Max Score 800B4BB8 E0FF 800B4BBA 05F5 #P1 Send No Kougeki Bells 800B4E1E 0000 #P2 Send No Kougeki Bells 800B4E20 0000 #P1 Send Max Kougeki Bells 800B4E1E 00FF #P2 Send Max Kougeki Bells 800B4E20 00FF #P1 Select One Character - Robo Saku 30099F7F 0000 #P1 Select One Character - Penkurou 30099F7F 0001 #P1 Select One Character - Yumi-chan 30099F7F 0002 #P1 Select One Character - Dr. Nakasugi 30099F7F 0003 #P1 Select One Character - Ryou 30099F7F 0004 #P1 Select One Character - John Wantarou 30099F7F 0005 #P1 Select One Character - Mayu Sawada 30099F7F 0006 #P1 Select One Character - Makorin 30099F7F 0007 ; [ TwinBee RPG (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86077 (VX060-J1)} ] :SLPM-86077 #Twinbee Infinite + Max HP 801BED62 03E7 801BED64 03E7 #Twinbee Infinite + Max BP 801BED66 03E7 801BED68 03E7 #Guinb Infinite + Max HP 801BEDA2 03E7 801BEDA4 03E7 #Guinb Infinite + Max HP 801BEDA6 03E7 801BEDA8 03E7 #BT-01 Infinite + Max HP 801BEDC2 03E7 801BEDC4 03E7 #BT-01 Infinite + Max HP 801BEDC6 03E7 801BEDC8 03E7 #BT-02 Infinite + Max HP 801BEDE2 03E7 801BEDE4 03E7 #BT-02 Infinite + Max HP 801BEDE6 03E7 801BEDE8 03E7 #Morte Infinite + Max HP 801BEE02 03E7 801BEE04 03E7 #Morte Infinite + Max HP 801BEE06 03E7 801BEE08 03E7 #Firen Infinite + Max HP 801BEE22 03E7 801BEE24 03E7 #Firen Infinite + Max HP 801BEE26 03E7 801BEE28 03E7 #Main Character Level 801BED56 0099 #Infinite Money 801BEF4A 0098 #Infinite BP 801C2D56 03E7 #Infinite HP 801C2D1E 03E7 #Max Status 801BED58 03E7 801BED5A 03E7 801BED5C 03E7 801BED5E 03E7 801BED60 03E7 801BED62 03E7 801BED64 03E7 801BED66 03E7 801BED68 03E7 #Fast Level Up 8019BD2C 270F 8019BD40 270F ; [ Twin Goddesses (Jpn) (1994) (PolyGram) {SLPS-00018} ] :SLPS-00018 #Lots Of Money 80083EDC 0000 80083EDE 2000 #Infinite Lightning 80083F48 0009 #P1 Infinite Health 80083EB8 00B4 80083EC0 00B4 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Carmilla 8014BB94 0002 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Goldrush 8014BB94 0003 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Ghom 8014BB94 0004 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Jinny 8014BB94 0005 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Fatman 8014BB94 0006 #Select Legendary Mode Character\Red Dawn 8014BB94 0007 ; [ Twins Story - Kimi ni Tsutaetakute... (Jpn) (1999) (Panther) {SLPS-02126} ] ;:SLPS-02126 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Two-Tenkaku (Jpn) (1995) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-00131} ] :SLPS-00131 #P1 Infinite Credits 800E6C78 0004 #P1 Infinite Lives 801BDE8C 0500 #P1 Power UP 801BDE8A 0203 #P1 Invincibility 801BDE80 00FF #P1 Infinite Blue Smartbombs 801BDE92 0101 801BDE94 0101 801BDE96 0101 #P1 Infinite Red Smartbombs 801BDE92 0202 801BDE94 0202 801BDE96 0202 #P2 Infinite Lives 801BDEF4 0500 #P2 Power UP 801BDEF2 0203 #P2 Invincibility 801BDEE8 00FF #P1 Infinite Blue Smartbombs 801BDEFA 0101 801BDEFC 0101 801BDEFE 0101 #P2 Infinite Red Smartbombs 801BDEFA 0202 801BDEFC 0202 801BDEFE 0202 ; [ UFO - A Day in the Life (Jpn) (1999) (ASCII) {SLPS-02032} ] ;:SLPS-02032 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ugetsu Kitan (Jpn) (1996) (Tonkin House) {SLPS-00391} ] ;:SLPS-00391 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ UkiUki Tsuri Tengoku - Uogami Densetsu wo Oe (Jpn) (2000) (Teichiku) {SLPS-02579} ] ;:SLPS-02579 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (Jpn) (1997) (Electronic Arts) {SLPS-00742} ] :SLPS-00742 #Level Max 301E84D1 00FF #Strenght Max 300AE623 00FF #Dextery Max 300AE624 00FF #Intelligence Max 300AE625 00FF #Vitality Max 30111F7C 00FF 300AE622 00FF #Mana Max 301E84CB 00FF 301E84CC 00FF #Experience Max 801E84E4 9676 801E84E6 0098 #Value Skills Max 301E84B5 0063 801E84B6 6363 801E84B8 6363 801E84BA 6363 801E84BC 6363 801E84BE 6363 801E84C0 6363 801E84C2 6363 801E84C4 6363 801E84C6 6363 301E84C8 0063 ; [ Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna Fighting Evolution - New Generations (Jpn) (1998) (Bandai) {SLPS-01455} ] :SLPS-01455 #Infinite HP 800CB774 00C8 800D0048 00C8 800CE974 00C8 800CBB7C 00C8 800CA8A0 00C8 #Infinite Time 800C9BBE 150D 800CE492 150D 800CCDBE 150D 800C9FC6 150D 800C8CEA 150D #Infinite Credits 800C9B2C 0063 800100E4 6300 ; [ Ultraman Zearth (Jpn) (1996) (Tohoku Shinsha) {SLPS-00652} ] :SLPS-00652 #9999 P 800E7AE4 0F27 #P1 Status Max 800E7AD6 00FF 800E7AD8 00FF 800E7ADA 00FF #P1 Maximum HP 800E7ADC 03E7 800E7AE0 03E7 ; [ Bokujyou Keieiteki Board Game Umapoly (Jpn) (1999) (Konami) {SLPM-86403 (VX167-J1)} ] :SLPM-86403 #P1 Infinite Money (999990) 8015539C 869F 8015539E 0001 ; [ Umi no Nushi Tsuri - Takarajimi ni Mukatte (Jpn) (1999) (Pack-in-Soft) {SLPS-02172} ] :SLPS-02172 #Infinite Money (60000) 80174210 EA60 #Infinite Energy (999) 8017420A 03E7 8017420C 03E7 #Always 100 Possible Fishing Tries? 8017420E 0064 #Present location breakwater 30174204 0001 #Present location sandy 30174204 0002 #Present location rocky fishing spot 30174204 0003 #Present location coast 30174204 0004 #Present location Okishima 30174204 0005 #Present location open ocean 30174204 0006 #Present location remote island 30174204 0007 #Present location ghost ship 30174204 0008 #Present location Treasure Island 30174204 0009 #Present location fishing pond 30174204 000A #Story mode / character 00 = Koichi 301741E4 0000 #Story mode / character 01 = Sachiko 301741E4 0001 #Story mode / Kenichi appearance 301741E5 0001 #Fishing mode appeared unrestrained 30174203 0001 ; [ Umihara Kawase Shun - Second Edition (Jpn, Maruan Series 1) (2000) (Xing) {SLPS-02549} ] :SLPS-02549 #Infinite Lives 800815DC 0005 #Infinite Time 8007F366 0009 ; [ Taiho Shichauzo! - You're Under Arrest (Jpn) (2001) (Pioneer) {SLPM-86782~SLPM-86783} ] ;:SLPM-86782 ;:SLPM-86783 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ungra Walker (Jpn) (2002) (Success) {SLPM-87055} ] :SLPM-87055 #P1 Infinite Energy 80057E9C 03E7 80057E98 03E7 #P1 Infinite Special Attack 80057E90 0032 #P2 Infinite Energy 80057F84 03E7 80057F80 03E7 #P2 Infinite Special Attack 80057F86 0032 #P1 Infinite Money 80057E90 EA60 #P2 Infinite Money 800E7F78 EA60 ; [ Urawaza Mahjong - Korette Tenhoutte Yatsukai (Jpn) (2000) (Spike) {SLPS-02807} ] :SLPS-02807 #Have 99999 points 80095598 869F 8009559A 0001 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800955B8 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800955D8 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800955F8 0000 #Opponent In The Gaming Room And All Available Mah-Jongg Parlor 8002EA96 FFFF #Select Stage The first story, Hen OKERA (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0001 #Select Stage The second story,Dan Mahjong Hen BEE debauchery (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0002 #Select Stage The third story, Temple Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0003 #Select Stage The Fourth Partly cloudy GENROKUKONBI Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0004 #Select Stage The Fifth The secret membership Mahjong Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0005 #Select Stage The sixth The hen house (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0006 #Select Stage The Seventh Katsura Bar Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0007 #Select Stage The Eight Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0008 #Select Stage The Ninth Hen Cottage (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0009 #Select Stage The final story, Hen firelight (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 000A #Select Stage Chidori Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 000B ; [ Assault Suits Valken 2 - Juusou Kihei Valken 2 (Jpn) (1999) (Masaya) {SLPS-00854} ] :SLPS-00854 #Infinite + Max Energy Character 1 800D23F2 03E7 800D23F4 03E7 ; [ Vampir Kyuuketsuki Densetsu (Jpn) (1999) (Artdink) {SLPS-01932} ] :SLPS-01932 #Infinite Power Bar 80096868 0032 #Does not decrease blood flow during blood-sucking 800243FA 2402 #Nosferatu of blood-sucking in the once 8002405C 0063 8002405E 240F 800240EA A64F #Infinite Power transformation 8002EF3C 0000 #Infinite Summoning power D00D2140 005C 800D2142 1400 #All Status 50000802 0000 30096868 0063 #All Status Alternate 50000802 0063 80096868 0000 #Christopher Max (critical physical fitness, blood volume) 800BCE90 00FF 80096870 00FF #Duran Max (critical physical fitness, blood volume) 800BCE90 00FF 800967D0 00FF ; [ Vehicle Cavalier (Jpn) (1996) (Vanguard Works) {SLPS-00232} ] :SLPS-00232 #Infinite Credits 80011EC8 EA60 #Infinite Energy On Battle 8018F33A 0190 ; [ Vermin Kids (Jpn) (1996) (Electronic Arts) {SLPS-00558} ] :SLPS-00558 #Have 1 Alien Only To Clear Stage 800C9D34 0001 #Stage Always Cleared 800C9D34 0000 ; [ Virtual Hiryuu no Ken (Jpn) (1997) (Culture Brain) {SLPS-00338} ] :SLPS-00338 #P1 Full Energy 80098610 00C8 #P2 Full Energy 8009878C 00C8 #P2 No Energy 8009878C 0000 #One-shot deal 8003CD36 0000 8004768A 0000 #Judo mode KO in one shot throwing techniques. Blow technique is invalid. 8003CD36 0060 8004768A 0000 #P1 Dragon devil available to determine the character while holding down the R2 and L2 which character ANYTHING. 80098FC8 0001 ; [ Victory Zone - Real Pachinko Simulator (Jpn) (1995) (SCEI) {SCPS-10002} ] ;:SCPS-10002 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Virus - The Battle Field (Jpn) (1999) (PolyGram) {SLPS-02008} ] :SLPS-02008 #Erika maximum HP .You must deactivate the code when you are attack and send it again when you need to restore the health 800809E4 0053 #Serge Character\Vit .You must deactivate the code when you are attack and send it again when you need to restore the health 8007D8E8 0063 8007D8F4 0063 #Main Character\Attack 8007D8F8 0063 8007D8EC 0063 #Main Character\Def 8007D8F0 0063 8007D8FC 0063 #Main Character\Charge 8007D900 0063 #P2 (Cpu) HP 800808F8 0063 80080A28 0063 #P2(Cpu) Atack 2P (Cpu) Attack 800808FC 0063 80809A2C 0063 #P2(Cpu) Deffence 2P (Cpu) Deffence 80080900 0063 80080A30 0063 #P2(Cpu) Charge 2P (Cpu) Charge 80080904 0063 80080A34 0063 #All Special Cg Filled C0024E74 0012 3004ECB8 0001 3004ECBC 0001 3004ECC0 0001 3004ECC4 0001 3004ECC8 0001 3004ECCC 0001 3004ECD0 0001 3004ECD4 0001 00000000 FFFF ; [ Virtual Kyoutei '98 (Jpn) (1998) (Nihon Bussan) {SLPS-01396} ] ;:SLPS-01396 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Volfoss (Jpn) (2001) (Namco) {SLPS-03140} ] :SLPS-03140 #Infinite HP 1st Character(Shalvas) 800FF28E 270F #Infinite SP 1st Character(Shalvas) 800FF290 0063 #Infinite HP 2nd Character 800FF55E 270F #Money 999,999 800F9314 423F 800F9316 000F #Infinite Skill Points 8018BEF2 0060 80158096 1400 80158146 0060 #All ITEM 99 pieces D0157104 1400 80157104 0063 D0157106 9042 80157106 2403 D0157100 1021 80157108 1400 D0157102 0044 8015710A A043 #Not move infinite action / enemy SEL + L2:Infinite Behavior Not move enemy = SEL + R2. SEL + L2 + R2 = Normal D0035518 0101 80154A92 1400 D0035518 0102 80154A92 1000 D0035518 0103 80154A92 1440 ; [ Soukou Kihei Votoms - Lightning Slash (Jpn) (1999) (Takara) {SLPS-01961} ] :SLPS-01961 #Infinite At 800E700C 02EE #Pt Infinite 800E700E 0258 #99,999,999 G Money 800803D8 E0FF 800803DA 05F5 #P1 victory Press L2 + R2 C007B340 0003 800E727C 0000 800E7144 0000 800E73B4 0000 00000000 FFFF #Infinite Roller dash D00A18CC 0002 800A18CC 0000 #Infinite Bullets D00A3992 A462 800A3992 0000 D00B649C FFFF 800B649C 0000 D00B6474 FFFF 800B6474 FFFF #Infinite Bombs D00B64BC FFFF 800B64BC 0000 #Unbreakable communication equipment D00973C4 FFFF 800973C4 0000 #Examination pass in two straight wins D009775A A482 8009775A A480 ; [ Olympia Yamasa - Virtua Pachi-Slot II - Jissen! Bishoujo Kouryaku Hou (Jpn) (1997) (Map Japan) {SLPS-00714} ] ;:SLPS-00714 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Virtual Pro Wrestling (Jpn) (1996) (Asmik Ace) {SLPS-00449} ] :SLPS-00449 #Infinite Match Time 50000302 0000 80074DBC 0000 #P1 Max Spirit D00CEA0E 0305 800CEA0C 0064 #P2 Max Spirit D00CECBA 0305 800CECB8 0064 #P1 No Spirit D00CEA0E 0305 800CEA0C 0000 #P2 No Spirit D00CECBA 0305 800CECB8 0000 #Unlock Extras 800A3974 FFFF ; [ Victory Spike (Jpn) (1996) (Imagineer) {SLPS-00372} ] ;:SLPS-00372 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ V-Tennis 2 (Jpn) (1996) (Tonkin House) {SLPS-00469} ] ;:SLPS-00469 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race - Wacky Races (Jpn) (2001) (Infogrames Hudson) {SLPM-86845} ] ;:SLPM-86845 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Mirumo no Mahou Gakkou Monogatari (Jpn) (2003) (Konami) {SLPM-87220 (VX275-J1)} ] ;:SLPM-87220 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Wangan Trial (Jpn) (1998) (Pack-in-Soft) {SLPS-01213~SLPS-01214} ] :SLPS-01213 :SLPS-01214 #Infinite Time 800527B8 0621 #Infinite Lap Time + Total Time 800524C0 0000 #Top Speed 80078CF4 2AFF #Use Formula-1 To Race 800E7E0A 0137 #Unlock All Cars And Courses 50000A02 0000 8005F6B0 0001 ; [ Warera Mitsubayashi Tankentai!! (Jpn) (2000) (Victor Interactive Software) {SLPS-02658} ] :SLPS-02658 #Have 60000 Food 800FE710 EA60 #Have 60000 Wood 800FE70C EA60 #Max Funds 800FE6D8 FFFF 800FE708 FFFF #Elapsed time and date 800FE704 0001 800FEA20 0000 #Max physical fitness (Possibly invalid by character) 8018DEF8 005F 8018DF24 005F 8018E0E0 005F 8018E0B4 005F 8018E088 005F 8018E10C 005F 8018E138 005F 8018E164 005F 8018E190 005F 8018E3A8 005F 8018E3D4 005F 8018E400 005F 8018E42C 005F 8018E458 005F 8018E484 005F 8018E4B0 005F ; [ Water Summer (Jpn, Limited Edition) (2002) (Princess Soft) {SLPM-87085} ] ;:SLPM-87085 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Wedding Peach - Doki Doki Oironaoshi Fashion Daisakusen (Jpn) (1996) (KSS) {SLPS-00368} ] ;:SLPS-00368 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Welcome House (Jpn) (1996) (Gust) {SLPS-00190} ] :SLPS-00190 #Unlock All Doors 800B1BEC FFFF #Close All Windows 800B1C30 FFFF #All Items in Inventory 800B1C18 FFFF 800B1C1A FFFF 300B1C1C 0007 #3rd Floor Staircase Down 801FFFC4 0001 #Bedroom Passage Open 801FFFD6 0001 #Kitchen Passage Open 801FFFC2 0001 #Library Passage Open 801FFFD2 007E #No Staircase Booby-Trap 800B1BA0 0001 #Press L2 in Jukebox Room to Select Song E00B1BCC 0001 D00B1BCA 0000 100B1C84 0001 E00B1BCC 0001 D00B1BCA 0000 800B1BCA 0001 E00B1BCC 0000 800B1BCA 0000 D30B1C84 0007 800B1C84 0002 ; [ White Diamond (Jpn) (1999) (Escot) {SLPS-02352} ] :SLPS-02352 #99999 G 800DE194 869F 800DE196 0001 #Infinite + Max HP + mp 800DE138 03E7 800DE13C 03E7 800DE140 03E7 800DE144 03E7 #Level 99 800DE158 0063 800DE15C 0063 800DE160 0063 800DE164 0063 #All Weapons / Jewel 800DE1EE FFFF 800DE1F0 FFFF 800DE1F2 FFFF #Favorability Max Artina 800DE1AC FFFF #Favorability Max Elle 800DE1AE FFFF #Favorability Max Lyra 800DE1B0 FFFF #Favorability Max The main dish 800DE1B2 FFFF #Favorability Max Miu 800DE1B4 FFFF #Favorability Max Claire 800DE1B6 FFFF #Favorability Max Mel 800DE1B8 FFFF #Favorability Max The Risutin 800DE1BA FFFF ; [ Wing Over (Jpn) (1997) (Pack-In Soft) {SLPS-00598} ] :SLPS-00598 #Infinite Missiles 800A159A 0008 #Infinite Gun 800A1598 03E8 #Infinite Money 80096014 FFF0 80096016 0F00 #All aircraft available 80048BF2 1000 80048C8A 1000 #No damage 800A15A4 0000 ; [ Wizard's Harmony R (Jpn) (1998) (Arc System Works) {SLPS-01716} ] ;:SLPS-01716 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ World League Soccer - Challenge Nippon! (Jpn, Family Price 1500) (2000) (Coconuts Japan) {SLPS-02687} ] ;:SLPS-02687 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Wolf Fang Kuuga 2001 (Jpn) (1996) (Xing) {SLPS-00254} ] :SLPS-00254 #P1 Infinite Shield Energy 800D1694 0006 #P1 Max Shots Level 3 800D16B6 0200 #P1 Infinite Sub-Weapon Energy 800D16C6 0003 #P2 Infinite Shield Energy 800D1850 0006 #P2 Max Shots Level 3 800D1872 0200 #P2 Infinite Sub-Weapon Energy 800D1882 0003 ; [ Wonder B-Cruise - Dogiborn Daisakusen (Jpn) (1999) (Sunsoft) {SLPS-02322} ] :SLPS-02322 #Infinite Money 999999 80177538 423F 8017753A 000F #Infinite Time 800A04D8 4650 ; [ Arcade Gears - Wonder 3 (Jpn) (1998) (Xing) {SLPS-00927} ] :SLPS-00927 #Roosters\Infinite Time 8009931C 0257 #Roosters\P1 Invincibility 300992D0 00FF #Roosters\P1 Infinite Lives 300992CC 0009 #Roosters\P1 Infinite Hearts 300992C4 0063 #Roosters\P2 Invincibility 300992D2 00FF #Roosters\P2 Infinite Lives 300992CE 0009 #Roosters\P2 Infinite Hearts 300992C6 0063 #Chariot\P1 Invincibility 300886B0 00FF #Chariot\P1 Infinite Lives 300886AC 0009 #Chariot\P2 Invincibility 300886B2 00FF #Chariot\P2 Infinite Lives 300886AE 0009 #Don't Pull\P1 Infinite Lives 300D00B7 0063 #Don't Pull\P2 Infinite Lives 300D00B8 0063 ; [ Wonder Trek (Jpn) (1998) (SCEI) {SCPS-10072} ] :SCPS-10072 #Infinite Energy 800AFA34 0082 800AFA36 0082 800C0892 0082 ; [ Hiroki Matsukata Presents - World Fishing (Jpn, BPS The Choice) (1999) (BPS) {SLPS-02041} ] ;:SLPS-02041 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ World Pro Tennis '98 (Jpn) (1998) (I.Magic) {SLPS-01379} ] :SLPS-01379 #Player win 6 games 80168030 0006 80168031 0006 80168032 0006 #Computer never win a game 80168035 0000 ; [ WWF Wrestlemania - The Arcade Game (Jpn) (1996) (Acclaim) {SLPS-00223} ] ;:SLPS-00223 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ X2 - No Relief (Jpn) (1997) (Capcom) {SLPS-00766} ] :SLPS-00766 #Invincibility 80017FE6 1000 #P1 Infinite Energy 801E997E 008C #P2 Infinite Energy 801E9B1E 008C #P1 Infinite Bombs 801EBC8C 0003 #P2 Infinite Bombs 801EC32C 0003 ; [ Extra Bright (Jpn) (1996) (ASCII) {SLPS-00625} ] :SLPS-00625 #Invincibility 8009FF40 0100 ; [ X. Racing (Jpn) (1998) (Nichibutsu) {SLPS-01063} ] :SLPS-01063 #Always Position 1 800E5B60 0001 #Infinite Time 80073824 0063 ; [ TV Animation X - Unmei no Tatakai (Jpn) (2002) (Bandai) {SLPS-03459} ] :SLPS-03459 #Have 60000 Points To Unlocks Galleries 800C5F30 EA60 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E6340 03E8 #P1 Max Psy Power 800E6342 07D0 #Enemy Energy = 0 800E6354 0000 #Unlock All Extras 8002855A 07FF 80028564 0001 80028568 0101 8002856C 0002 5000FF02 0000 800289D0 0101 50002D02 0000 80028BCE 0101 ; [ Yakiniku Bugyou (Jpn) (2001) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03209} ] :SLPS-03209 #100 % Perfect - Left Eater 8012AB6C 1E61 #100 % Perfect - Center Eater 8012ABA4 1E61 #100 % Perfect - Right Eater 8012ABDC 1E61 #Max Satisfaction 80015F24 2000 80015F26 2402 #Instant baked and not burnt 80014538 1000 8001453A 3403 800145EC 1000 800145EE 3402 #I rejoice to eat anything 80014538 0001 8001CD38 0001 8001CD40 0001 8001CED8 0100 8001CEDA 2405 8001CEDE 1000 ; [ Yakitori Musume - Sugo Ude Hanjouki (Jpn) (2002) (Media Entertainment) {SLPS-03435} ] :SLPS-03435 #Client Always Perfect 800FFCF5 004E ; [ Yamagata Digital Museum (Jpn) (1999) (Imagineer) {SLPS-02393~SLPS-02396} ] :SLPS-02393 :SLPS-02394 :SLPS-02395 :SLPS-02396 #Have Special Arrows 8011989C 0001 #All Ending 801198AC 001F 801198EC 000F 801198B4 FFFF 801198B6 0003 ; [ Youkai Hana Asobi (Jpn) (2001) (Unbalance) {SLPM-86857} ] :SLPM-86857 #Enemy Points = 0 800DFD6A 0000 #Have 99 Points 800DFD68 0063 ; [ Yoshimoto Muchicco Daikessen - Minami no Umi no Gorongo Shima (Jpn) (1999) (Sony Music Entertainment) {SLPS-02308} ] ;:SLPS-02308 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Yuugen Kaisha Chikyuu Boueitai - Guard of Earth Organization (Jpn) (1999) (Media Rings) {SLPS-02024} ] :SLPS-02024 #Infinite Money 800BA31C 270F 800BA31E 270F #Health status of first person 300B9F00 00FF #Energy first person 300B9F01 00FF #All MAX status in a week 8003B5C8 0001 8003B5E0 0001 8003B5F8 0001 8003B610 0001 8003B628 0001 8003B640 0001 8003B658 0001 8003B670 0001 8003B688 0001 8003B6B0 0001 #First person Energy Max 300B9F00 00FF #First plane Infinite And Max Energy 800C66C8 6363 ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! - Monster Capsule Breed & Battle (Jpn) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-86096 (VX210-J1)} ] :SLPM-86096 #All Max Status 50000702 00FF 800916F2 0000 ; [ Yukinko Burning (Jpn) (2002) (Princess Soft) {SLPM-87013} ] ;:SLPM-87013 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Yume Iroiro - Yumemigaoka Gakuen Koutou Gakkou Dai 33-Kisei (Jpn) (1998) (Feathered) {SLPS-01401} ] ;:SLPS-01401 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Yume no Tsubasa (Jpn) (2000) (KID) {SLPS-02954} ] ;:SLPS-02954 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna - Final Edition (Jpn) (1998) (Hudson) {SLPS-01451} ] :SLPS-01451 #Infinite HP 9999 Yuna 800845B6 03E7 800845B8 03E7 #Infinite HP 9999 Pink Hair Girl 80084016 03E7 80084018 03E7 #Infinite HP 9999 Blonde Girl 80084076 03E7 80084078 03E7 #Infinite HP Red Hair Girl 9999 800840D6 03E7 800840D8 03E7 #Infinite HP 9999 Brown Hair Girl 80084136 03E7 80084138 03E7 #Bonus mode Press Select Bonus mode, without moving the cursor Put it to pick the START D01CCAD4 0100 3010D516 0005 #Infinite Movement and attack 301CD3B8 0000 301CD360 0000 #Yuna MAX Stats 801AA84C 0063 801AA850 270F 801AA856 270F 801AA85C 270F 801AA862 270F 801AA868 270F 801AA86E 270F 801AA874 270F 801AA878 6363 801AA87C 0000 #Yuryi MAX Stats 801AA8AC 0063 801AA8B0 270F 801AA8B6 270F 801AA8BC 270F 801AA8C2 270F 801AA8C8 270F 801AA8CE 270F 801AA8D4 270F 801AA8D8 6363 801AA8DC 0000 #Gold 999999 801CC658 423F 301CC65A 000F #I aligned all Cards 50003701 0000 301CDBE9 0009 #99 ITEM 50001A04 0000 801F858C 0063 ; [ Yuuyami Douri Tankentai (Jpn) (1999) (Spike) {SLPS-02274} ] ;:SLPS-02274 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Zap! Snowboarding Trix '98 (Jpn) (1997) (Pony Canyon) {SLPS-00909} ] :SLPS-00909 #Total Points 8010FEA0 0888 #Boarder Ability 80103A30 0005 ; [ Zeiramzone (Jpn) (1996) (Banpresto) {SLPS-00575} ] :SLPS-00575 #Infinite Time 800B1308 2E19 #Infinite Energy 800B0568 015C 800B0566 015C ; [ Zeitgeist (Jpn) (1995) (Taito) {SLPS-00034} ] :SLPS-00034 #Infinite Shields 800BB450 0062 800BB894 0062 #Infinite Shield Alt 800BB894 0064 #Infinite Laser Gauge 800BB9CC 012C ; [ Zero4 Champ DooZy-J (Jpn) (1997) (Media Rings) {SLPS-00755} ] :SLPS-00755 #Infinite Money 800F3CAA 03E7 800F3CAC 270F #Time always 0 8009CBC8 0000 #Super Speed 8009CB6A 0001 ; [ Kidou Senshi Z-Gundam (Jpn, Demo) (1997) (Bandai) {SLPM-80139} ] ;:SLPM-80139 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Zig Zag Ball (Jpn) (1998) (Upstar) {SLPS-01483} ] :SLPS-01483 #Infinite Strokes .Only enable the code at the end of hole or when you need to recover the strokes or the game won't use the vibration 800DF0D4 0010 800DF114 0010 #99 Stars 800DF110 0063 ; [ Zipangujima - Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru! (Jpn) (1999) (Human) {SLPS-02260} ] ;:SLPS-02260 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Zen-Nihon Joshi Pro Wrestling - Joou Densetsu Yume no Taikousen (Jpn) (1998) (TEN) {SLPS-01475} ] :SLPS-01475 #Max Stamina 3003E5D6 00FF #Max Bump 3003E5D7 00FF #Max Resist 3003E5D8 00FF #Max Technical 3003E5D9 00FF #Max Finish 3003E5DA 00FF #Slow Motion 8003F72C 785F #Stop Time 800870D4 0000 #P1 Always Play As Akira Hokuto 8004724C 000D ; [ Zen-Nihon Pro Wrestling - Ouja no Kon (Jpn) (1999) (Human) {SLPS-01849} ] :SLPS-01849 #Stop Time 800870D4 0000 #Max Stamina 3003E5D6 00FF #Max Bump 3003E5D7 00FF #Max Resist 3003E5D8 00FF #Max Technical 3003E5D9 00FF #Max Finish 3003E5DA 00FF #Slow Motion 8003F72C 785F #Infinite Practice Point in 5 Winner Mode 8004F898 0000 #P1 Infinite SP 800A7090 0400 #P1 Always Play as Akira Hokuto 8004724C 000D #P2 Infinite SP 800A713C 0400 ; [ Zoids - Teikoku vs Kyouwakoku - Meka Seitai no Idenshi (Jpn) (2000) (Tomy) {SLPS-02982} ] :SLPS-02982 #Infinite HP first unit Mission 1 801ED13C 270F 801ED13E 270F #Infinite HP second unit Mission 1 801ED238 270F 801ED23A 270F #Infinite HP third unit Mission 1 801ED1E4 270F 801ED1E6 270F #Infinite HP fourth unit Mission 1 801ED190 270F 801ED192 270F #Have lot of gold 801EC010 423F 801EC012 000F #Infinite HP first unit Mission 2 801ED28C 270F 801ED28E 270F #Infinite HP second unit Mission 2 801ED388 270F 801ED38A 270F #Full repair kit 301EC04E 0063 #Charge Kit 50 301EC04F 0063 #Charge Kit 100 301EC050 0063 #Charge Kit 150 301EC051 0063 #Charge Kit 200 301EC052 0063 #Charge Kit 301EC053 0063 #Full Charge Kit 301EC054 0063 ; [ Zoids 2 - Helic Kyouwakoku vs Guylos Teikoku (Jpn) (2002) (Tomy) {SLPS-03389} ] :SLPS-03389 #Infinite HP Main character Mission 1 801F0232 270F 801F0234 270F #Infinite HP Main character Mission 2 801F037C 270F 801F037E 270F #Infinite HP Main character Mission 3 801F067E 270F 801F0680 270F #Infinite EP Main Character Mission 2 801F0308 00F0 #Have lots of money 801EE988 869F 801EE98A 0001 ; [ Zoids - Battle Card Game - Seihou Tairiku Senki (Jpn) (2001) (Tomy) {SLPS-03255} ] :SLPS-03255 #Infinite Card Points (50000) 8014BD40 C350 #Infinite + Max HP Main Unit 8014BDBC 270F 8014A1D0 270F ; [ Zoku Hatsukoi Monogatari - Shuugaku Ryokou (Jpn) (1998) (Tokuma Shoten) {SLPS-01326~SLPS-01329} ] ;:SLPS-01326 ;:SLPS-01327 ;:SLPS-01328 ;:SLPS-01329 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (Jpn) (1996) (Shoeisha) {SLPS-00271} ] ;:SLPS-00271 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Zutto Issho - With Me Everytime... (Jpn, Major Wave Series) (2000) (Hamster) {SLPM-86523} ] :SLPM-86523 #Max stats 800C8AB0 000A 800C8AB4 000A 800C8AB8 000A 800C8ABC 000A 800C8B18 0014 ; [ ZXE-D - Legend of Plasmatlite (Jpn) (1996) (Bandai) {SLPS-00424} ] ;:SLPS-00424 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Final Fantasy Extra Collection (Jpn) (199?) (Squaresoft) {SLPM-80073} ] ;:SLPM-80073 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Squaresoft Memory Card Data CD (Jpn) (199?) (Squaresoft) {SLPM-80556} ] ;:SLPM-80556 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Lalala PlayStation Trial Disk 1998 Summer (Jpn, Demo) (199?) () {PAPX-90052} ] ;:PAPX-90052 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Armored Core (Jpn, Demo) (1997) (From Software) {SLPM-80118} ] ;:SLPM-80118 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Clock Tower 2 (Jpn, Taikenban) (1996) (Human) {SLPM-80063} ] ;:SLPM-80063 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Granstream Denki (Jpn, Demo) (1997) () {PCPX-96087} ] ;:PCPX-96087 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Koudelka (Jpn, Demo) (199?) (SNK) {SLPM-80490} ] ;:SLPM-80490 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Legaia Densetsu (Jpn, Demo) (1998) (SCEI) {PAPX-90055} ] ;:PAPX-90055 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rescue Shot Bubibo & BioHazard - Gun Survivor (Jpn, Demo) (200?) (SCEI) {SLPM-80522} ] ;:SLPM-80522 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Square's Preview 5 (Jpn, Seiken Densetsu Demo) (1999) (Squaresoft) {SCPS-45417} ] ;:SCPS-45417 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Tamamayu Monogatari - Dennou Bijutsukan (Jpn, Demo) (199?) (Genki) {SLPM-80325} ] ;:SLPM-80325 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Firebugs (Euro) (2002) (Sony) {SCES-03884} ] :SCES-03884 #Quick Win - Press L1,L2,R1 + R2 (Pressing the above buttons before crossing the starting line will give you immediate win. By pressing those buttons after crossing the starting line will let you race for one lap only. The code works in qualifier round and racing against four other opponents only. By activating this code it'll give you max points and does not matter if you loose the one two race) D00C3460 F0FF 300D3BE0 0005 #Unlock Aurora And Sonic League:Save those to your memory card and discard. Failing to do so will freeze up the game before the race starts 301EF2F7 0101 301EF2F8 0101 #Unlock Extra Firebugs Pilots/Vehicles (Save those to your memory card and discard the. Failing to do so will freeze up the game before the race starts) 50000501 0000 301EF164 0202 #Unlock Extra Firebugs Pilots/Vehicles (Save those to your memory card and discard the. Failing to do so will freeze up the game before the race starts) B0050001 0000 301EF164 0202 ; [ Terracon (Euro) (2000) (Sony) {SCES-02836} ] :SCES-02836 #Infinite Health (Green Energy) 800DDB3C 0064 #Infinite Red Energy 800DDAB2 2328 #Infinite Yellow Energy 800DDAB4 2710 #Infinite Blue energy (Build) 800DDAB0 2710 #Infinite Money (For Duplications) 8001001C 03E7 #T.O.P.S. All 80010014 01F6 #Collected LCC's All movies open 80010096 FFFF ; [ Baldur's Gate (USA, Prototype) (19??) (Interplay) {SLUS-01037} ] :SLUS-01037 #Infinite Abilities points 800A79E4 0009 #Infinite Proficiency slots 800A7A04 0009 #Infinite Gold 8010DF80 270F #Infinite Energy 800AFFA0 000A ; [ MediEvil (Euro, Prototype) (1998) (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) {SCES-03311?} ] ;:SCES-03311? ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Pilot Disk) (1998) (Konami) {SLPM-80254} ] ;:SLPM-80254 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Rockman Dash (Capcom Friendly Club Demo) (1997) (Capcom) {SLPM-80158} ] ;:SLPM-80158 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Thrill Kill (Euro, Prototype) (1998) (Virgin Interactive) {SLES-01337?} ] ;:SLES-01337? ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Thrill Kill (USA, Prototype) (1998) (Virgin Interactive) {SLUS-00752?} ] ;:SLUS-00752? ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Resident Evil 2 Preview (Euro, CD Consoles No.38) (1997) (Capcom) {SLED-00977} ] ;:SLED-00977 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Resident Evil 3 (Euro, Demo) (1999) (Capcom) {SLED-02541} ] ;:SLED-02541 ;This game currently has no cheats ; [ Silent Hill (USA, Trade Demo) (1999) (Konami of America) {SLUS-80707} ] ;:SLUS-80707 ;This game currently has no cheats ;******************************************************************************* ;* The following cheats for games not in the MAME software list, they are * ;* predominantly PAL games. I've done several clean up runs on these cheats, * ;* but errors may still exist with them. * ;******************************************************************************* ; [ '98 Koushien (Japan) Demo {SLPM-80238} ] ; [ '98 Koushien: Koukou Yakyuu Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-01204} ] ; [ '99 Koushien (Japan) Demo {SLP-80421} ] ; [ '99 Koushien (Japan) {SLPS-02110} ] ; [ 'Butagee' de Iinja Nai? (Japan) {SLPS-01169} ] :SLPS-01169 #Infinite Money 99999 900C3468 0001869F #Max all status 800C3076 270F 900C3078 270F6400 900C307C 270F270F 900C3080 270F270F ; [ ...Iru! (Japan) {SLPS-00965} ] ; [ 0 kara no Mahjong: Mahjong Youchien Tamago-gumi (Japan) {SLPS-01311} ] ; [ 0 kara no Shougi: Shougi Youchien Ayumi-gumi (Japan) (Genteiban, Renkaban) {SLPS-01986} ] ; [ 007 Racing (Europe) {SLES-03355} ] ; [ 007 Racing (France) {SLES-03356} ] ; [ 007 Racing (Germany) {SLES-03357} ] :SLES-03357 #Unendlich Gesundheit D105DEF6 0000 8005DEF6 0000 #Unendlich Munition D00C1CA6 0004 300C1CA6 0000 #Unendlich Schild D00C1C3E AC82 300C1C3C 0000 #Unendlich Laser D005E9C4 0077 3005E9C4 0078 #Alle Missionen und Videos freigeschaltet 50000B01 0000 3003DA8F 0001 #Starte mit hoher Punktzahl D005E224 0000 8005E224 8760 D005E226 0000 3005E226 0003 ; [ 007: Demain ne Meurt Jamais (France) {SLES-02375} ] ; [ 007: Der Morgen Stirbt Nie (Germany) {SLES-02376} ] :SLES-02376 #Y-Bildschirm Justieren Mit Select+Hoch/Runter E00C954C 1100 20061340 0001 E00C954C 4100 21061340 0001 #Alle Missionen Freischalten 50000502 0000 8001E284 0101 #Alle Filme Freischalten 50000602 0000 8001E0C2 0101 #Jeden Level AnwäHlen (Mit Hilfe Des Cheats) 3006D5A4 0001 #Unendlich Leben 3001E0DA 0063 #Unverwundbar Nach Einmal Gestorben Sein 8002585C 0000 #Mission 1-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800EAD14 0063 #Mission 1-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800EAD34 0000 #Mission 1-Codes\Habe ScharfschüTzengewehr 800EADD0 002C #Mission 1-Codes\Unendlich Munition ScharfschüTzengewehr 900EADDC 00630063 #Mission 1-Codes\Max Munition ScharfschüTzengewehr 800EADE0 0063 #Mission 1-Codes\Schnellfeuern ScharfschüTzengewehr 800EADF8 0000 #Mission 1-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800EAD6C 0063 #Mission 1-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900EAD78 00630063 #Mission 1-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800EAD7C 0063 #Mission 1-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800EAEA4 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800D1D2C 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800D1D48 0000 #Mission 2-Codes\Habe ScharfschüTzengewehr 800D1DE8 002C #Mission 2-Codes\Unendlich Munition ScharfschüTzengewehr 900D1DF4 00630063 #Mission 2-Codes\Max Munition ScharfschüTzengewehr 800D1DF8 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Schnellfeuern ScharfschüTzengewehr 800D1E10 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800D1D84 002C #Mission 2-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 800D1D92 0063 800D1D94 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800D1D96 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800D1DA8 0000 #Mission 2-Codes\Unendlich Magnethaftminen 800D1E58 0063 800D1E5C 0063 #Mission 2-Codes\Schnell Magnethaftminen Verteilen 800D1E74 0000 #Mission 2-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 300D1EBC 0063 #Mission 3-Codes\Habe Pk7 800EDCA0 EE24 #Mission 3-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800EDCAC 0063 #Mission 3-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800EDCC8 0000 #Mission 3-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800EDE08 002C #Mission 3-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900EDE14 00630063 #Mission 3-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800EDE18 0063 #Mission 3-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800EDE2E 0000 #Mission 3-Codes\Habe Smg45 800EDE6C EE24 #Mission 3-Codes\Unendlich Munition Smg45 900EDE78 00630063 #Mission 3-Codes\Max Munition Smg45 800EDD78 0063 #Mission 3-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800EDEA0 0063 #Mission 4-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800F55A4 0063 #Mission 4-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800F55C0 0000 #Mission 4-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800F55FC 002C #Mission 4-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900F5608 00630063 #Mission 4-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800F560C 0063 #Mission 4-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800F5624 0000 #Mission 4-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800F566C 0063 #Mission 5-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 80100076 0063 80100078 0063 #Mission 5-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 80100094 0000 #Mission 5-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 801000D0 002C #Mission 5-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 901000DC 00630063 #Mission 5-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 801000E0 0063 #Mission 5-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 801000F8 0000 #Mission 5-Codes\Unendlich Gasbomben 80100208 0063 #Mission 5-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 801001A4 0063 #Mission 6-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800E0C44 0063 #Mission 6-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800E0C60 0000 #Mission 6-Codes\Habe Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E0D00 002C #Mission 6-Codes\Unendlich Munition Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 900E0D0C 00630063 #Mission 6-Codes\Max Munition Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E0D10 0063 #Mission 6-Codes\Schnellfeuern Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E0D28 0000 #Mission 6-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800E0C9C 002C #Mission 6-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900E0CA8 00630063 #Mission 6-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800E0CAC 0063 #Mission 6-Codes\Unendlich Bmw-Raketen 800E0E38 0063 #Mission 6-Codes\Schnellfeuern Bmw-Raketen 800E0E54 0000 #Mission 6-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800E0D70 0063 #Mission 7-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800E5124 0063 #Mission 7-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800E5140 0000 #Mission 7-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800E517C 002C #Mission 7-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900E5188 00630063 #Mission 7-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800E518C 0063 #Mission 7-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800E51A4 0000 #Mission 7-Codes\Habe Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E51E0 002C #Mission 7-Codes\Unendlich Munition Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 900E51EC 00630063 #Mission 7-Codes\Max Munition Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E51F0 0063 #Mission 7-Codes\Schnellfeuern Ir-ScharfschüTzengewehr 800E5208 0000 #Mission 7-Codes\Habe Auto 9Mm 800E53D0 EE24 #Mission 7-Codes\Unendlich Munition Auto 9Mm 900E53E0 00630063 #Mission 7-Codes\Max Munition Auto 9Mm 800E53E4 0063 #Mission 7-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800E52B4 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800F9AD4 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800F9AF0 0000 #Mission 8-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800F9B90 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900F9B9C 00630063 #Mission 8-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800F9BA0 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800F9AEA 0000 #Mission 8-Codes\Habe Auto 9Mm 800F9B2C EE24 #Mission 8-Codes\Unendlich Munition Auto 9Mm 900F9B38 00630063 #Mission 8-Codes\Max Munition Auto 9Mm 800F9B3C 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800F9C64 0063 #Mission 8-Codes\Besitze SchlüSsel 800DE328 0001 #Mission 9-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800FFDA4 0063 #Mission 9-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rk7 800FFDCC 0000 #Mission 9-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800FFDFC 002C #Mission 9-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900FFE08 00630063 #Mission 9-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800FFE0C 0063 #Mission 9-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800FFE24 0000 #Mission 9-Codes\Habe Rl 66 800FFEC4 002C #Mission 9-Codes\Unendlich Munition Rl 66 800FFED0 0063 800FFED4 0063 #Mission 9-Codes\Schnellfeuern Rl 66 800FFEEC 0000 #Mission 9-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800FFE6C 0063 #Mission 10-Codes\Unendlich Munition Pk7 800FBC64 0063 #Mission 10-Codes\Habe Angriffswaffe 800FBCBC 002C #Mission 10-Codes\Unendlich Munition Angriffswaffe 900FBCC8 00630063 #Mission 10-Codes\Max Munition Angriffswaffe 800FBCCC 0063 #Mission 10-Codes\Schnellfeuern Angriffswaffe 800FBCE4 0000 #Mission 10-Codes\Habe Smg45 800FBD84 EE24 #Mission 10-Codes\Unendlich Munition Smg45 900FBD90 00630063 #Mission 10-Codes\Max Munition Smg45 800FBD94 0063 #Mission 10-Codes\Habe Gl40 800FBD20 002C #Mission 10-Codes\Unendlich Munition Gl40 900FBD2C 00630063 #Mission 10-Codes\Max Munition Gl40 800FBD30 0063 #Mission 10-Codes\Schnellfeuern Munition Gl40 800FBD48 0000 #Mission 10-Codes\Unendlich Medikits 800FBDF4 0063 ; [ 007: Die Welt Ist Nicht Genug (Germany) {SLES-03136} ] :SLES-03136 #Alle Cheats 8001F1BA 03FF #Alle Missionen freischalten 50000502 0000 8001E284 0101 #Alle Filme freischalten 50000602 0000 8001E0C2 0101 #Jeden Level anwählen (mit Hilfe des Cheats) 3006D5A4 0001 #Unendlich Leben 3001E0DA 0063 #Unverwundbar nach einmal gestorben sein 8002585C 0000 ; [ 007: El Mundo Nunca es Suficiente (Spain) (2 Games (2 juegos)) {SLES-03137} ] :SLES-03137 #Infinite Energy (.Don't use until the game start or it will broke the game) 8016CBC5 0200 #Infinite Ammo PPK 800B66C0 0063 #Infinite Ammo K99 800B69A0 0063 #Infinite Ammo escopeta 800B6A58 0002 #All Cheats Unlocked 8001F1BA 03FF #Unlock All Missions & Movies 50000A01 0000 3001F325 0001 #All FMV of Win the Stages 50000A01 0000 3001F330 0101 #Unlock Secret Win Game Movie 8001F2DE 0002 ; [ 007: Le Monde ne Suffit Pas (France) {SLES-03135} ] ; [ 007: The World Is Not Enough (Europe) {SLES-03134} ] :SLES-03134 #Enable all cheats D0033404 00C3 80033406 2400 #Mission 1 Infinite Health D004C028 0034 8004C02A 2400 #Mission 1 Infinite cell phone stunner 800B647C 0064 #Mission 1Infinite Wolfram p2k 800B6538 0064 #Mission 1 Infinite Ammo D0038EE0 FFFF 80038EE0 0000 D0039358 FFFE 80039358 0000 #Mission 1 Infinite cell phone stunner D007CB34 FFFF 8007CB34 0000 #Mission 1 Infinite satchel charges D0079E54 FFFF 80079E54 0000 #Mission 2 Infinite Health D004C02C 0003 8004C02E 2400 #Mission 2 Infinite Ammo D0039020 FFFF 80039020 0000 #Mission 3 Infinite Health D004B3D8 0034 8004B3DA 2400 #Mission 3 Infinite Ammo D00385CC FFFF 800385CC 0000 #Mission 4 Max infinite money (Black Jack) 9009DCE0 0098967F #Mission 5 Infinite telephone bugs 300B3C9C 0005 #Mission 5 Infinite Ammo D00389F8 FFFF 800389F8 0000 ; [ 007: The World Is Not Enough (Sweden) {SLES-03138} ] ; [ 007: The World Is Not Enough (USA) Beta {SLUS-00978} ] ; [ 007: Tomorrow Never Dies (Europe) {SLES-01324} ] :SLES-01324 #Open All Movies 50000602 0000 8001E0C2 0101 #Unlock All Missions 50000502 0101 8001E284 0101 #Infinite Lives 3001E0DA 0063 #Always Flashing (Invincibility) Once You Have Died (All Levels) 80025866 3C00 #Select Any Level 3006D450 0001 #Infinite Energy Level 1 801F7A2D 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 2 801F6CC5 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 3 801F2835 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 4 801F30DD 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 5 801F484D 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 6 801F4AA5 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 7 801F6575 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 8 801F3705 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 9 801F3355 0249 #Infinite Energy Level 10 801F30DD 0249 #Mission 1 Codes\Invincibility 300C5A7C 0001 #Mission 1 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800EA8D4 0063 #Mission 1 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800EA8F0 0000 #Mission 1 Codes\Have Sniper Rifle 800EA990 002C #Mission 1 Codes\Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 900EA99C 00630063 #Mission 1 Codes\Max Ammo Sniper Rifle 800EA9A0 0063 #Mission 1 Codes\Rapid Fire Sniper Rifle 800EA9B8 0000 #Mission 1 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800EA92C 002C #Mission 1 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900EA938 00630063 #Mission 1 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800EA93C 0063 #Mission 1 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300EAA64 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Invincibility 300B2B38 0001 #Mission 2 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800D198C 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800D19A8 0000 #Mission 2 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800D19E4 002C #Mission 2 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 800D19F2 0063 800D19F4 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800D19F6 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800D1A08 0000 #Mission 2 Codes\Have Sniper Rifle 800D1A48 002C #Mission 2 Codes\Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle 900D1A54 00630063 #Mission 2 Codes\Max Ammo Sniper Rifle 800D1A58 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Rapid Fire Sniper Rifle 800D1A70 0000 #Mission 2 Codes\Infinite Stack Mines 300D1AB8 0063 300D1ABC 0063 #Mission 2 Codes\Rapid Stack Mineing 800D1AD4 0000 #Mission 2 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300D1B1C 0063 #Mission 3 Codes\Invincibility 300BA404 0001 #Mission 3 Codes\Have Pk7 800ED908 EE24 #Mission 3 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800ED914 0063 #Mission 3 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800ED930 0000 #Mission 3 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800ED96C 002C #Mission 3 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900ED978 00630063 #Mission 3 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800ED97C 0063 #Mission 3 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800ED992 0000 #Mission 3 Codes\Have Smg45 800ED9D0 EE24 #Mission 3 Codes\Infinite Ammo Smg45 900ED9DC 00630063 #Mission 3 Codes\Max Ammo Smg45 800ED9E0 0063 #Mission 3 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300EDB08 0063 #Mission 4 Codes\Invincibility 300B1E24 0001 #Mission 4 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800F51EC 0063 #Mission 4 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800F5208 0000 #Mission 4 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800F5244 002C #Mission 4 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900F5250 00630063 #Mission 4 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800F5254 0063 #Mission 4 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800F526C 0000 #Mission 4 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300F52B4 0063 #Mission 5 Codes\Invincibility 300B9B48 0001 #Mission 5 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800FFD26 0063 800FFD28 0063 #Mission 5 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800FFD44 0000 #Mission 5 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800FFD80 002C #Mission 5 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900FFD8C 00630063 #Mission 5 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800FFD90 0063 #Mission 5 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800FFDA8 0000 #Mission 5 Codes\Infinite Gas Bombs 800FFEB8 0063 #Mission 5 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300FFE54 0063 #Mission 6 Codes\Invincibility 300B6408 0001 #Mission 6 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800E08C4 0063 #Mission 6 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800E08E0 0000 #Mission 6 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800E091C 002C #Mission 6 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900E0928 00630063 #Mission 6 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800E092C 0063 #Mission 6 Codes\Have Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E0980 002C #Mission 6 Codes\Infinite Ammo Infrared Sniper Rifle 900E098C 00630063 #Mission 6 Codes\Max Ammo Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E0990 0063 #Mission 6 Codes\Rapid Fire Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E09A8 0000 #Mission 6 Codes\Infinite Bmw Missiles 300E0AB8 0063 #Mission 6 Codes\Rapid Fire Bmw Missiles 800E0AD4 0000 #Mission 6 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300E09F0 0063 #Mission 7 Codes\Invincibility 300C0E78 0001 #Mission 7 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800E4D5C 0063 #Mission 7 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800E4D78 0000 #Mission 7 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800E4DB4 002C #Mission 7 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900E4DC0 00630063 #Mission 7 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800E4DC4 0063 #Mission 7 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800E4DDC 0000 #Mission 7 Codes\Have Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E4E18 002C #Mission 7 Codes\Infinite Ammo Infrared Sniper Rifle 900E4E24 00630063 #Mission 7 Codes\Max Ammo Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E4E28 0063 #Mission 7 Codes\Rapid Fire Infrared Sniper Rifle 800E4E40 0000 #Mission 7 Codes\Have Auto 9Mm 800E500C EE24 #Mission 7 Codes\Infinite Ammo Auto 9Mm 900E5018 00630063 #Mission 7 Codes\Max Ammo Auto 9Mm 800E051C 0063 #Mission 7 Codes\Non-Reloadable Auto 9Mm 800E500E 0000 900E5018 00630063 #Mission 7 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300E4EEC 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Invincibility 300B4CFC 0001 #Mission 8 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800F9794 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800F97B0 0000 #Mission 8 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800F9850 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900F985C 00630063 #Mission 8 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800F9860 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800F97AA 0000 #Mission 8 Codes\Have Auto 9Mm 800F97EC EE24 #Mission 8 Codes\Infinite Ammo Auto 9Mm 900F97F8 00630063 #Mission 8 Codes\Max Ammo Auto 9Mm 800F97FC 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Non Reloadable Auto 9Mm 800F97EE 0000 900F97F8 00630063 #Mission 8 Codes\Infinite Med Kits 300F9924 0063 #Mission 8 Codes\Have Key 300DE210 0001 #Mission 9 Codes\Invincibility 300B69E8 0001 #Mission 9 Codes\No Reload Pk7 800FFA24 0063 #Mission 9 Codes\Rapid Fire Pk7 800FFA4C 0000 #Mission 9 Codes\Have Assault Rifle 800FFA7C 002C #Mission 9 Codes\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900FFA88 00630063 #Mission 9 Codes\Max Ammo Assault Rifle 800FFA8C 0063 #Mission 9 Codes\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800FFAA4 0000 #Mission 9 Codes\Have Rl 66 800FFB44 002C #Mission 9 Codes\Infinite Ammo 800FFB50 0063 800FFB54 0063 #Mission 9 Codes\Rapid Fire Rl66 800FFB6C 0000 #Mission 9 Codes\Infinite Medi Kits 300FFAEC 0063 #Mission 10\Invincibility 300BAEB8 0001 #Mission 10\No Reload Pk9 800FB8A4 0063 #Mission 10\Have Assault Rifle 800FB8FC 002C #Mission 10\Infinite Ammo Assault Rifle 900FB908 00630063 #Mission 10\Max Ammo 800FB90C 0063 #Mission 10\Rapid Fire Assault Rifle 800FB924 0000 #Mission 10\Have Smg 45 800FB9C4 EE24 #Mission 10\Infinite Ammo Smg 45 900FB9D0 00630063 #Mission 10\Max Ammo Smg 45 800FB9D4 0063 #Mission 10\Have Gl 40 800FB960 002C #Mission 10\Infinite Ammo Gl 40 900FB96C 00630063 #Mission 10\Max Ammo Gl 40 800FB970 0063 #Mission 10\Rapid Fire Gl 40 800FB988 0000 #Mission 10\Infinite Medi Kits 300FBA34 0063 ; [ 1 on 1 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80351} ] ; [ 100 Man Yen Quiz Hunter (Japan) {SLPS-01730} ] :SLPS-01730 #P1 has 9999990 money 901D9FBC 0098967F ; [ 100 Star (Europe) {SLES-03784} ] ; [ 100 Star (France) {SLES-03658} ] ; [ 10th Anniversary Memorial Save Data (PlayStation Taiou) (Japan) {SLP-80643} ] ; [ 16 Tales 1 (USA) {LSP-990121} ] ; [ 16 Tales 3 (USA) {LSP-990123} ] ; [ 16 Tales 4 (USA) {LSP-990124} ] ; [ 19 ji 03 pun: Ueno-hatsu Yakou Ressha (Japan) Demo {SLP-80181} ] ; [ 2 Demos in 1: Driver: You Are the Wheelman + V-Rally: Championship Edition 2 (Japan) Demo {SLPS-02466} ] ; [ 20-seiki Striker Retsuden: The 20th Century's Real Strikers (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91416} ] ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup (Europe) {SLES-03830} ] ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup (Spain) {SLES-03834} ] ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup aka Coupe du Monde FIFA 2002 (France) {SLES-03831} ] ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup aka FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03832} ] ; [ 2002 FIFA World Cup aka Mondiali FIFA 2002 (Italy) {SLES-03833} ] ; [ 2Xtreme (Europe) {SCES-00400} ] :SCES-00400 #Infinite Skill Points 801FE13C 0064 801FE148 0064 801FE154 0064 801FE160 0064 80130004 0064 8012F6CC 0064 ; [ 3, 2, 1, Smurf! My First Racing Game (Europe) {SLES-03120} ] :SLES-03120 #Time 00:00:00 8008DFB0 0000 #Always First 8008ED38 0003 #Start At 3rd Lap (Championship) 80094B34 0003 ; [ 360 Three Sixty (Europe) {SLES-02089} ] :SLES-02089 #Infinite Health 801350A4 0900 #Infinite Machine Gun Ammo 801350A2 1000 ; [ 3D Baseball: The Majors (Japan) {SLPS-00693} ] :SLPS-00693 #999 points table Presss select + L2 D00A7322 FEFE 800B6BDA 03E7 #999 points back Presss Select + R2 D00A7322 FDFE 800B6BD8 03E7 #3 balls Presss select + left D00A7322 FF7E 300B6BCF 0003 #Two strikes Presss select + up D00A7322 FFEE 300B6BD0 0002 #2 out Presss select + right D00A7322 FFDE 300B6BD1 0002 #9 innings in the first Presss Select + Down D00A7322 FFBE 300B6BD3 0009 ; [ 3D Kakutou Tkool (Japan) {SLPS-01434} ] :SLPS-01434 #Infinite Timer 80069D98 17AE #P1 Infinite Health 8006A724 0064 #Does not decrease stamina 1P 301E1E71 00C8 #Does not decrease stamina 2P 301E1E75 00C8 ; [ 3D Lemmings (Europe) {SCES-00009} ] :SCES-00009 #Infinite Time 80089FB0 003B #Minimum Rate = 1 801054FE 0001 #Only 1 Lemming 80105502 0001 #Infinite Blockers 3011195C 0001 #Infinite Schalters 3011195D 0001 #Infinite Bombers 3011195E 0001 #Infinite Builders 3011195F 0001 #Infinite Bashers 30111960 0001 #Infinite Miners 30111961 0001 #Infinite Diggers 30111962 0001 #Infinite Climbers 30111963 0001 #Infinite Floaters 30111964 0001 #Infinite All Kind Of Lemmings (Use this code to activate all infinite codes) 50000901 0000 3011195C 0001 ; [ 3D Lemmings (Japan) {SIPS-60002} ] :SIPS-60002 #Infinite Time 80088DB0 0005 ; [ 3D Mission Shooting: Finalist (Japan) {SLPS-00461} ] ; [ 3D Shooting Tkool (Japan) {SLPS-00654} ] ; [ 3D-Kaleidoscope: Baby Universe (Japan) {SCPS-18006} ] ; [ 3Xtreme (USA) Demo {SCUS-94365} ] :SCUS-94365 #Infinite Lives 300100A3 0005 #Max Scare 300974BD 0063 #Infinite Health (Mike) 300E00A0 0005 #Infinite Health (Sulley) 300F510C 0005 #Have All Medals 50000902 0000 800100F2 FFFF ; [ 3x3 Eyes: Kyuusei Koushu (Japan) {SLPS-00071 | SLPS-00072} ] ; [ 3x3 Eyes: Tenrinou Genmu (Japan) {SLPS-01497 | SLPS-01498 | SLPS-01499} ] ; [ 4-4-2 Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00095} ] ; [ 40 Winks (Europe) Demo {SLED-02435} ] ; [ 40 Winks (Spain) {SLES-01941} ] :SLES-01941 #Energia Infinita 800B4BAC 0063 800B4BC2 0063 #Vidas Infinitas 800B4BAE 0063 800B4BC4 0063 #Aire infinito 800955D6 07D0 #Engranajes Infinitos 800B4BAA 0063 #Infinitas Lunas 800B4BA8 0063 #Duendes Rescatados 800B4BB6 0028 800B4BCC 0028 #One hit kill Nightmare Boss D0090F72 0005 30090F72 0001 #One hit kill Underwater Boss D0093352 0006 30093352 0001 #One hit kill Space Boss D0090FD2 0007 30090FD2 0001 #One hit kill Prehistoric Boss D00908CA 0008 300908CA 0001 #One hit kill Castle Boss D00923F2 0009 300923F2 0001 #One hit kill Pirate Boss D00925D2 000A 300925D2 0001 #One hit kill Nitekap Boss D0090F72 000F 30090F72 0001 #Enable Cheat Menu (Pause the game to access the Cheat Menu option. The "Animation Viewer" seems to be broken.) 3007263C 0004 30072660 0003 ; [ 40 Winks aka 40 Winks: Con Ruff e Tumble (Italy) {SLES-01940} ] ; [ 40 Winks aka 40 Winks: Conquer Your Dream (Europe) {SLES-01937} ] :SLES-01937 #Infinite Lives 800B0592 0003 #Infinite Zzz's (Health) 800B0590 0063 #Have 99 Cogs 800B058E 0063 #Have Infinite Moons 800B058C 0063 #Have Infinite Tokens 800B0598 0063 #Have All Dreamkeys For All Levels 50000C02 0000 80090480 FFFF #Have All Levels Open 50000202 0000 8009047A FFFF #Have All Winks 50000302 0000 80090470 FFFF ; [ 4x4 World Trophy (Europe) {SLES-02017} ] :SLES-02017 #All Cheats 8009DDEC FFFF #Infinite Checkpoint Time 900330EC 00000000 #Always First 80023086 0040 ; [ 5 Star Racing (Europe) {SLES-04064} ] ; [ 70's Robot Anime: Geppy-X (Japan) Demo {SLP-80387} ] ; [ A Ressha de Ikou 4: Evolution (Japan) (Hatsubai Kinen Gentei Set) {SLPS-00011} ] ; [ A Ressha de Ikou 4: Evolution (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00004} ] ; [ A Ressha de Ikou 4: Evolution (Japan) {SLPS-00004} ] ; [ A Ressha de Ikou 4: Evolution Global (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91019} ] :SLPS-91019 #Max Money 900AC0E8 77359400 ; [ A Ressha de Ikou 4: Evolution Global (Japan) {SLPS-00125} ] :SLPS-00125 #Max Money 900AC0E8 77359400 ; [ A Sangre Fría (Spain) {SCES-02153 | SCES-12153} ] :SCES-02153 :SCES-12153 #Infinite Medikits 80198B74 0009 #Infinite Ammo 80198B6C 0009 #Infinite Time 8008BB30 270F ; [ A Sangue Freddo (Italy) {SCES-02152 | SCES-12152} ] ; [ A Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Kuro no Shoka no Sho (Japan) {SLP-87040} ] ; [ A.IV: Evolution Global (Europe) {SCES-00290} ] :SCES-00290 #Infinite Money 800A6230 9400 #Increase Money by Pressing Select E01C6955 0001 100A6CD2 000A #Always bright 800A6DBC 0000 #Brightness doesn`t change 8001B02A 3C00 ; [ A2 Racer: Europa Tour aka A2 Racer III: Europa Tour (Netherlands) {SLES-02695} ] :SLES-02695 #Infinite Money 8007F760 270F #Always First Place 80078E08 0001 #9999 Money 8007F81C 270F #99 Points 8007F930 0063 801A8C98 0063 801AB170 0063 801AB180 0063 801C126D 0063 801ED034 0063 ; [ A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5 (Japan) {SLPS-01120} ] :SLPS-01120 #Infinite Money 9008DD20 4E729FFF 8008DD24 0918 #Total population MAX 90082808 A4C67FFF 9008280C 00038D7E #Own shares MAX 50001002 0000 80095FF0 2710 #Stock prices MAX 5000101E 0000 80083DB0 7530 #Unlock hidden Map Press SELECT button D0087470 0100 8006AA80 0001 ; [ AFL 99 (Australia) {SLES-01875} ] ; [ AI Mahjong 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02411} ] ; [ AI Mahjong Selection (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87117} ] ; [ AI Shougi (Japan) {SLPS-00109} ] ; [ AI Shougi 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01159} ] ; [ AI Shougi 2 Deluxe (Japan) {SLPS-02285} ] ; [ AI Shougi Selection (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87068} ] ; [ ASCII Zanmai (Japan) Demo {SLP-80289} ] ; [ ATV Mania (Europe) {SLES-04099} ] ; [ ATV Racers (Europe) {SLES-04059} ] :SLES-04059 #Always lap 5 8006D030 0005 ; [ ATV: Quad Power Racing (Europe) {SLES-02822} ] ; [ ATV: Quad Power Racing (Japan) {SLP-86636} ] ; [ AbalaBurn (Japan) {SLPS-01280} ] :SLPS-01280 #Story Mode\Max Level 301C3EF9 0063 #Story Mode\Hp Max 801C3E7E 270F #Story Mode\Max Defence 301C3EFB 00FF #Story Mode\Max Attack 301C3EFD 00FF 301C3F01 00FF 301C3F03 00FF #Story Mode\Fast Level Up 301C3F07 00FF #Story Mode\Max Other Status 801AC5E0 0090 801AC5F0 0090 801AC5FC 0090 801AC604 0090 801AC60C 0090 801AC614 0090 801AC620 0090 801AC630 0090 #Arcade Mode\1P Hp Max 801C3E7E 270F #Arcade Mode\Infinite MP For Player One 801C3E62 0005 #Arcade Mode\Infinite MP For Player Two 801C3F8A 0005 ; [ Abe '99 (Japan) {SLPS-02095 | SLPS-02096} ] :SLPS-02095 :SLPS-02096 #Invincibility 8007F44E 0001 #I have saved all Madokan 8007F436 012C #With 0 casualties 8007F434 0000 ; [ Abe a GoGo (Japan) Demo {SLP-80175} ] ; [ Absolute Football (France) {SLES-01341} ] ; [ Ace Combat (Japan) {SLPS-00061} ] :SLPS-00061 #Infinite Missiles 800EDF18 0040 #Infinite Guns 300EDF1C 0027 #Infinite Fuel 800EDF0C 8FFF #Infinite Bullet 800EDF1C 0050 #Aircraft recognition number FULL! 80010150 0008 #Airplane hangar in all 80010150 000F 90010158 02030001 9001015C 06070405 90010160 0A0B0809 90010164 0E0F0C0D #All routes 900101AC 01010101 900101B0 01010101 900101B4 01010101 900101B8 01010101 800101BC 0101 #Does not receive damage 800EDE38 010E ; [ Ace Combat 2 (Europe) {SCES-00699} ] :SCES-00699 #Infinite Health 9002C4D4 3241000F 8002C4DA 2400 9002C4DC 1020001A #Infinite Fuel 80039518 2400 #Infinite Money 90010C1C 0098967F #Infinite Missiles 8002CC3A 2400 #Can't die from hitting ground 8002F8D2 1000 #Have all planes 50000902 0000 80010C44 0101 #Rapid fire missiles 9002C478 00000000 #Open free mission & music 80010AB4 0701 50000F02 0000 800108B4 0303 50001802 0000 80010A84 0001 #Level up 80010C20 7530 #Max planes destroyed 90010A7C 05F5E0FF #No hits taken 80010A80 0000 #Best ranking 800B8490 0014 ; [ Ace Combat 2 (France) {SCES-00901} ] ; [ Ace Combat 2 (Germany) {SCES-00902} ] :SCES-00902 #Unendlich Geld 90010C1C 0098967F #Level Up 80010C20 7530 #Unendlich Raketen 9002E140 00000000 #Alle Flugzeuge (Code 1) 90010C44 01010101 90010C48 01010101 90010C4C 01010101 90010C50 01010101 #Alle Flugzeuge (Code 2) .Ersetzt Code 1 50000802 0000 80010C44 0101 #Unendlich Energie 9002D9CC 3241000F 8002D9D2 3C00 9002D9D4 1020001A #Raketenschnellfeuer 9002DAFC 00000000 90034244 00000000 #Bodenkontakt Ohne Schaden 90030DE0 00000000 #Unendlich Treibstoff 9003AA04 82AC2400 ; [ Ace Combat 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00830} ] :SLPS-00830 #Infinite Energy 8002CEEC 0000 #Infinite Missiles For A4 801859EC 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F4 80185604 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For Kfc7 80189954 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F16 8018A22C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For X29 8018A03C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For A10 8018A08C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For Mig29 8018AF8C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F14 8018B064 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F117A 801887F4 00F0 #Infinite Money 90010C1C 0098967F #Level Up 80010C20 7530 #Infinite Missiles All - Break Point Code 9002D634 00000000 #Infinite Fuel All - Break Point Code 90039E1C 00000000 #Unlock All Hidden Aircrafts 90010C44 01010101 90010C48 01010101 90010C4C 01010101 90010C50 01010101 #Mission Swlect (00-20)20 = FIGHTER'S HONOR 30010030 0020 #Hidden element Extra 30010AB5 0001 #Hidden element Extra 30010AB5 0002 #Hidden element FREE MISSION 30010AB5 0002 #Hidden element MUSIC PLAYER 30010AB5 0004 #Hidden element MODEL DISPLAY 30010AB5 0008 ; [ Ace Combat 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00830} ] :SLPS-00830 #Infinite Energy 8002CEEC 0000 #Infinite Missiles For A4 801859EC 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F4 80185604 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For Kfc7 80189954 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F16 8018A22C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For X29 8018A03C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For A10 8018A08C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For Mig29 8018AF8C 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F14 8018B064 00F0 #Infinite Missiles For F117A 801887F4 00F0 #Infinite Money 90010C1C 0098967F #Level Up 80010C20 7530 #Infinite Missiles All - Break Point Code 9002D634 00000000 #Infinite Fuel All - Break Point Code 90039E1C 00000000 #Unlock All Hidden Aircrafts 90010C44 01010101 90010C48 01010101 90010C4C 01010101 90010C50 01010101 #Mission Swlect (00-20)20 = FIGHTER'S HONOR 30010030 0020 #Hidden element Extra 30010AB5 0001 #Hidden element Extra 30010AB5 0002 #Hidden element FREE MISSION 30010AB5 0002 #Hidden element MUSIC PLAYER 30010AB5 0004 #Hidden element MODEL DISPLAY 30010AB5 0008 ; [ Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (Europe) {SCES-02066} ] :SCES-02066 #Infinite Health 80070E12 0000 80070B8E 0000 #Invincibility E0070CFC 0040 30070CFC 0000 E0070D3C 0040 30070D3C 0000 E0072200 0040 30072200 0000 #Infinite Missiles D0070322 2442 80070320 0000 #Rapid Fire Missiles E0070230 0004 30070230 0001 #Infinite Time For Battle E0052D1A 0042 30052D1A 0002 #Infinite Time for battle E0052D1A 0042 30052D1A 0002 #All Aircrafts C1000000 5000 50000A02 0000 800BDB12 0101 ; [ Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (Japan) {SLPS-02020 | SLPS-02021} ] :SLPS-02020 :SLPS-02021 #Infinite Time For Battle D0054332 2442 80054332 2402 #Infinite Time For Landing D0054D6A 2442 80054D68 0000 #Infinite Time For Story D005434A 2442 80054348 0000 D005437A 2442 80054378 0000 D0054526 2442 80054524 0000 #Infinite Missiles 800719A4 0000 #Can Use Missiles Continously D00718B4 0004 800718B4 0001 #Invincibility D0072382 1040 80072382 1000 D00723C2 1040 800723C2 1000 D0073886 1040 80073886 1000 #Infinite HP 90072498 00000000 90072214 00000000 800723F0 0064 #Can Use All Aircrafts (.It will display the same aircraft in selection screen, but you can use left right to change aircrafts...) D00BF32E 0100 800006FC 0000 D00BF32E 0200 800006FC 0024 D00FA174 0037 800FA174 0200 D00FA174 0037 800FA176 0C00 D00FA174 0037 800FA178 0001 D00FA174 0037 800FA17A 2404 D00FA214 000F 800FA214 0200 D00FA214 000F 800FA216 0C00 D00FA214 000F 800FA218 FFFF D00FA214 000F 800FA21A 2404 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5D8 01C0 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DA 0800 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DC 06FC D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DE 8002 90000700 8464038C 90000704 00003021 90000708 0803E978 90000800 8C0206FC 90000808 00441021 90000810 AC0206FC 90000818 03E00008 9000081C 24020000 #Search engine (SEARCH) all selectable 50001F02 0000 800C0018 0202 #History information (ARCHIVE) all selectable 300C0116 0002 50004A02 0000 800C0082 0202 #Mission Select last enemy / m3 # 0 (00-3B) 300BF65C 0039 #Mission electrosphere # 1 / end-b 300BF65C 003A #Infinite Time For Battle D0054332 2442 80054332 2402 #Infinite Time For Landing D0054D6A 2442 80054D68 0000 #Infinite Time For Story D005434A 2442 80054348 0000 D005437A 2442 80054378 0000 D0054526 2442 80054524 0000 #Infinite Missiles 800719A4 0000 #Can Use Missiles Continously D00718B4 0004 800718B4 0001 #Invincibility D0072382 1040 80072382 1000 D00723C2 1040 800723C2 1000 D0073886 1040 80073886 1000 #Infinite HP 90072498 00000000 90072214 00000000 800723F0 0064 #Can Use All Aircrafts (.It will display the same aircraft in selection screen, but you can use left right to change aircrafts...) D00BF32E 0100 800006FC 0000 D00BF32E 0200 800006FC 0024 D00FA174 0037 800FA174 0200 D00FA174 0037 800FA176 0C00 D00FA174 0037 800FA178 0001 D00FA174 0037 800FA17A 2404 D00FA214 000F 800FA214 0200 D00FA214 000F 800FA216 0C00 D00FA214 000F 800FA218 FFFF D00FA214 000F 800FA21A 2404 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5D8 01C0 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DA 0800 D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DC 06FC D00FA5E0 FAB5 800FA5DE 8002 90000700 8464038C 90000704 00003021 90000708 0803E978 90000800 8C0206FC 90000808 00441021 90000810 AC0206FC 90000818 03E00008 9000081C 24020000 #Search engine (SEARCH) all selectable 50001F02 0000 800C0018 0202 #History information (ARCHIVE) all selectable 300C0116 0002 50004A02 0000 800C0082 0202 #Mission Select last enemy / m3 # 0 (00-3B) 300BF65C 0039 #Mission electrosphere # 1 / end-b 300BF65C 003A ; [ Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (Japan, Asia) Rev 1 {SCPS-45397 | SCPS-45398} ] ; [ Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere: Direct Audio with AppenDisc (Japan) (Bundled with Audio CD) {SLP-80453} ] ; [ Acid (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86589} ] ; [ Acid (Japan) Demo {SLP-80430} ] ; [ Action Bass (Europe) {SLES-03105} ] ; [ Action Bass (Japan) (Pokkiri 1400) {SLP-86927} ] ; [ Action Man: Destruction X (Europe) {SLES-03083} ] :SLES-03083 #Infinite Health T-Wrex 9007F048 03E803E8 #Always First Race D00BDB10 0001 300BDB10 0005 #All Cheats Unlocked 3005B180 003F #Fire At Dr Smith Laboratory No Damage 800BB6A1 0000 #Fire At Dr Smith Laboratory No Damage (Press L2 & Select) D006AE2E FBFE 800BB6A0 0000 #Infinite Water D006AE2E BFFF 300BB290 00D9 #Terrorist Bomb Threat Infinite Time 800B94E0 0C00 #Arrest Kidnap Gang No Kidnapper's Escape D00BCE6C 0001 300BCE6C 0000 #Arrest 40 Kidnap Gang 800BCE6E 0028 #Catch The Plane Tension Always Zero D006AE2E 7FFF 800BE804 0000 #Racing School Win Inmediately (Press select) D006AE2E FFFE 300BD9E4 0005 ; [ Action Man: Mission Xtreme (Europe) (EDC Best of Infogrames) {SLES-01761} ] :SLES-01761 #Infinite Health Ice Flow 8013386A 03E0 #Infinite Longbow Ammo 800B5FA6 000F #Infinite Health City Skies 801C01F2 03E0 #Infinite Health Spider Tank 801CA8F8 03E0 #Infinite Health Jet Boss 801C9788 03E0 #Infinite Sniper Ammo 800B5FA8 0008 #Infinite Health City Streets 801164B0 03E8 #Infinite Health Silo 801C98DC 03E0 #Infinite Sniper Ammo 800B5FA8 0008 #Infinite Health Island Base 801C8E40 03E0 #999 Power Points D00B9F44 FCFF 800B5E12 03E7 #Infinite Health Toxic Lab 801C1240 03E0 #Infinite Health Queen Plant 801C9394 03E0 #Infinite Health Desert Base 801C12FC 03E0 #Infinite Sonic Gun Ammo 800B5FAE 00C8 #Infinite Health Hold 801C8E40 03E0 #Infinite Sonic Gun Ammo 800B5FAE 00C8 #Infinite Health Skullbot Factory 801C8A20 03E0 ; [ Action Man: Mission Xtreme (Europe) {SLES-01761} ] :SLES-01761 #Infinite Health Ice Flow 8013386A 03E0 #Infinite Longbow Ammo 800B5FA6 000F #Infinite Health City Skies 801C01F2 03E0 #Infinite Health Spider Tank 801CA8F8 03E0 #Infinite Health Jet Boss 801C9788 03E0 #Infinite Sniper Ammo 800B5FA8 0008 #Infinite Health City Streets 801164B0 03E8 #Infinite Health Silo 801C98DC 03E0 #Infinite Sniper Ammo 800B5FA8 0008 #Infinite Health Island Base 801C8E40 03E0 #999 Power Points D00B9F44 FCFF 800B5E12 03E7 #Infinite Health Toxic Lab 801C1240 03E0 #Infinite Health Queen Plant 801C9394 03E0 #Infinite Health Desert Base 801C12FC 03E0 #Infinite Sonic Gun Ammo 800B5FAE 00C8 #Infinite Health Hold 801C8E40 03E0 #Infinite Sonic Gun Ammo 800B5FAE 00C8 #Infinite Health Skullbot Factory 801C8A20 03E0 ; [ Action Replay (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Action Replay 2 (Disc 2\2\2\2\2) (France) (Unlicensed) {Unlicensed | Unlicensed | Unlicensed | Unlicensed | Unlicensed} ] ; [ Action Replay CDX Version 3.3 (France) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Final Fantasy Compilation Pack (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Action Replay for PSX & PSone (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Actua Golf (Europe) {SLES-00015} ] ; [ Actua Golf (Japan) {SLPS-00298} ] ; [ Actua Golf 2 (Europe) {SLES-00044} ] :SLES-00044 #Always Hole In One 3018E368 0000 ; [ Actua Golf 3 (Europe) {SLES-01042} ] :SLES-01042 #Always Hole In 1 80186994 0001 ; [ Actua Ice Hockey (Europe) {SLES-00188} ] ; [ Actua Ice Hockey (Japan) {SLP-86078} ] ; [ Actua Ice Hockey 2 (Europe) {SLES-01226} ] ; [ Actua Pool (Europe) {SLES-01647} ] :SLES-01647 #Turn Aiming Line On 8015FE1C 0001 #Turn Aiming Line Off 8015FE1C 0000 #Turn Sight Line On 8015FFEA 0001 #Turn Sight Line Off 8015FFEA 0000 ; [ Actua Soccer (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00014} ] ; [ Actua Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00014} ] ; [ Actua Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-00297} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 2 (Europe) {SLES-00021} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 2 (Germany) {SLES-01029} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 2 (Italy) {SLES-01028} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 3 (Europe) {SLES-01210} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 3 (France) {SLES-01644} ] ; [ Actua Soccer 3 (Germany) {SLES-01645} ] :SLES-01645 #P1 Score 9 Goals 800F44FC 0009 #P1 Score 0 Goals 800F44FC 0000 #P2 Score 9 Goals 800F44F8 0009 #P2 Score 0 Goals 800F44F8 0000 ; [ Actua Soccer 3 (Italy) {SLES-01646} ] ; [ Actua Soccer: Club Edition (Europe) {SLES-00190} ] :SLES-00190 #Home team always score 0 8010CEC8 0000 #Home team always score 9 8010CEC8 0009 #Away team always score 0 8010CECC 0000 #Away team always score 9 8010CECC 0009 ; [ Actua Tennis (Europe) {SLES-00265} ] ; [ Actua Tennis (Europe) {SLES-01396} ] ; [ Addie no Okurimono: To Moze from Addie (Japan) (Otameshi-ban) {PAPX-90105} ] ; [ Addie no Okurimono: To Moze from Addie (Japan) {SCPS-10126} ] ; [ Adiboo & Paziral's Secret (Europe) {SLES-04108} ] :SLES-04108 #Infinite Energy Aeroplane 8017C906 0064 801837C1 0C00 801837C2 000C 801E7BA8 0064 #Have 40 feathers in Aeroplane level 8017C9FE 0028 #Have 220 bonus in Roofs level 801C9A4E 00DC #Have 5 robots defeated in Woods Level 801D5ED6 0005 #have 151 Bonus in Woods Level 801D5FC6 0097 ; [ Adibou et L'Ombre Verte (France) {SCES-03558} ] ; [ Adidas Power Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00189} ] :SLES-00189 #Away Team Score 9 800DAC50 0009 #Away Team Score 0 800DAC50 0000 #Home Team Score 9 800DAC4E 0009 #Home Team Score 0 800DAC4E 0000 ; [ Adidas Power Soccer 2 (Europe) {SLES-00857} ] ; [ Adidas Power Soccer 98 (Europe) {SLES-01239} ] ; [ Adidas Power Soccer 98 (France) Demo {SLED-01310} ] ; [ Adidas Power Soccer 98 (Germany) Demo {SLED-01311} ] ; [ Adidas Power Soccer International '97 (Europe) {SLES-00270} ] ; [ Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft (Europe) {SLES-00386} ] ; [ Advanced V.G. (Japan) (Auto Demo (Taikenban)) {SLP-80017} ] ; [ Advanced V.G. 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01318} ] :SLPS-01318 #P1 Infinite HP 800C8E70 00DC #P2 Infinite HP 800C8E78 00DC #P1 Max Power 900C9364 012C012C #P2 Max Power 900C9900 012C012C #2P Health 0 Press Select D0062A62 0100 800C8E78 0000 D0062A62 0100 800C8E7A 0000 ; [ Aeon Flux (USA) (Prototype) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Aerodive (Japan) {SLPS-02367} ] ; [ Affect Taikenban Vol. 1 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80552} ] ; [ Afraid Gear Another (Japan) {SLP-86834} ] ; [ Agent Armstrong (Europe) {SLES-00474} ] :SLES-00474 #Infinite Health 800A5782 2400 #Infinite Grenade 80099A7A 2400 #Infinite Ammo 8009A046 2400 #Infinite Air 800FB876 2400 #Mission Select (Start 1 mission and push select) 800D3D22 0001 ; [ Agile Warrior: F-111X (Europe) {SLES-00124} ] :SLES-00124 #Infinite Armor 800D43DC 0064 #Infinite Sidewinders 80060F26 0020 #Infinite Rockets 80060F28 0020 #Infinite Mavericks 80060F2A 0020 #Infinite Napalm 80060F2C 0020 #Infinite Bunker Busters 80060F2E 0020 #Infinite Cluster Bombs 80060F30 0020 #Infinite Fuel Air Explosives 80060F32 0020 #Infinite B61 Sram 80060F34 0020 #Infinite Amraam 80060F36 0020 #Infinite Weapons (.Use this code or the specified Weapon-codes.) 50000902 0000 80060F26 0020 ; [ Agile Warrior: F-111X (Japan) {SLPS-00179} ] :SLPS-00179 #Infinite Fuel 900D46C4 000586A0 #Infinite Armor 900EB83C 000186A0 #Infinite Missiles 50000902 0000 800611AE 0063 #Special FMV 30060760 0001 ; [ Aging Disk (Japan) {PTPX-97002} ] ; [ Ai to Yuujou no Neko Monogatari.: Jingle Cats: Love Para Daisakusen no Maki (Japan) {SLPS-01409} ] :SLPS-01409 #Unllock all songs 801F569A 01FF #Max All Stats for Binky 801F6320 2710 901F6328 27102710 801F632C 2710 #Max All Stats for Cheesepuff 801F5AC8 2710 901F5AD0 27102710 801F5AD4 2710 #Max All Stats for Clara 801F6B78 2710 901F6B80 27102710 801F6B84 2710 #Max All Stats for Cueball 801F68B0 2710 901F68B8 27102710 801F68BC 2710 #Max All Stats for Graymer 801F65E8 2710 901F65F0 27102710 801F65F4 2710 #Max All Stats for Max 801F5800 2710 901F5808 27102710 801F580C 2710 #Max All Stats for Petunia 801F6E40 2710 901F6E48 27102710 801F6E4C 2710 #Max All Stats for Sprocket 801F6058 2710 901F6060 27102710 801F6064 2710 #Max All Stats for Twizzler 801F5D90 2710 901F5D98 27102710 801F5D9C 2710 ; [ Air Combat (Europe) (EDC Value Series) {SCES-00007} ] :SCES-00007 #Infinite Guns 800EEB44 0027 #Infinite Ammo 800EEB40 0041 #Infinite Fuel 300EEB34 8FFF #No Damage 800EEA60 00C8 #Infinite Cannon Ammo D00EEB44 270E 800EEB44 270F #Infinite Missiles D00EEB40 0040 800EEB40 0041 #Infinite Fuel D10EEB34 8FFF 800EEB34 8FFF #Infinite Armor D10EEA60 00C8 800EEA60 00C8 #Start Mini-Game With 1000 Points D005F300 0001 8005F300 03E8 #Infinite Missiles 800EDF18 0040 #Infinite Ammo 300EDF1C 0027 #Infinite Fuel 800EDF0C 8FFF ; [ Air Combat (Europe) {SCES-00007} ] :SCES-00007 #Infinite Guns 800EEB44 0027 #Infinite Ammo 800EEB40 0041 #Infinite Fuel 300EEB34 8FFF #No Damage 800EEA60 00C8 #Infinite Cannon Ammo D00EEB44 270E 800EEB44 270F #Infinite Missiles D00EEB40 0040 800EEB40 0041 #Infinite Fuel D10EEB34 8FFF 800EEB34 8FFF #Infinite Armor D10EEA60 00C8 800EEA60 00C8 #Start Mini-Game With 1000 Points D005F300 0001 8005F300 03E8 #Infinite Missiles 800EDF18 0040 #Infinite Ammo 300EDF1C 0027 #Infinite Fuel 800EDF0C 8FFF ; [ Air Hockey (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03743} ] ; [ Air Management '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00269} ] :SLPS-00269 #Have 99999999 money 900F8AD8 05F5E0FF ; [ Air Race (Europe) {SLES-00762} ] :SLES-00762 #Always Come In First 801E91E0 0001 #Infinite Checkpoint Time 801DE894 1693 #Lap Time 00:00 801D91DC 0000 801D91E0 0000 801D91E4 0000 #Finished Race When Starting 801E91E6 0003 #Fly Through Walls & No 'Course Out' 801E91A4 0001 #Have F-16 801DE68E 000A #Have Stealth 801DE68E 000B ; [ AirAssault: The Red Mercury Missions (Japan) (Briefing Disc) {PCPX-96041} ] ; [ AirAssault: The Red Mercury Missions (Japan) {SIPS-60005} ] ; [ AirRace Championship (Japan) {SLPS-01879} ] :SLPS-01879 #Infinite Nitros 801EAE00 0300 #One Billion Credits 801176D2 3FFF ; [ Aironauts (Europe) {SLES-02137} ] :SLES-02137 #Infinite Lives 80106554 0009 #Infinite Armor 8010655C 0000 #Infinite Time (Deactivate cheat after complete level) 801160EC 0384 #9999 Wings 80106544 270F #Infinite Secondary Weapons: 801064AC 0009 #Press Select For No Wings In Shop D00AA310 0100 80010044 0000 #Press L2 + R2 + x For No Assignments (Mines, Etc) D00AA310 0043 801160BA 0000 ; [ Aishiau Koto Shika Dekinai (Japan) {SLPS-01096} ] ; [ Aitakute...: Your Smiles in My Heart (Japan) {SLP-86254 | SLP-86255 | SLP-86256 | SLP-86257} ] ; [ Aitakute...: Your Smiles in My Heart: Oroshitate no Diary: Introduction Disc (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80162} ] ; [ Akagawa Jiro: Yasoukyoku (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-01415} ] ; [ Akagawa Jiro: Yasoukyoku (Japan) {SLPS-91503} ] ; [ Akazu no Ma (Japan) {SLPS-00619} ] ; [ Akuji the Heartless (Europe) {SLES-01298} ] :SLES-01298 #Infinite Health 8006E0C2 2400 #Infinite Lifes 800856E2 2400 #Infinite Spells 80097F4A 2400 #Debug Menu 300C516A 000F ; [ Akuji the Heartless (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80715} ] ; [ Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86023} ] ; [ Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Japan) Rev 2 {SLP-86073} ] ; [ Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Japan) {SLP-86023} ] ; [ Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03150} ] :SLES-03150 #Position 1 Scores 10 Goals D0041732 FEFF 800F4CD0 000A #Position 2 Scores 10 Goals D0041732 FDFF 800F4CD2 000A #Managers Rating At 999 80049458 03E7 ; [ Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03775} ] ; [ Alexandra Ledermann 2: Équitation Compétition (France) {SLES-03290} ] ; [ Alfred Chicken (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-12345} ] ; [ Alfred Chicken (Europe) {SCES-03817} ] :SCES-03817 #Infinite Lives 80108F7C 0063 #Max Diamonds 80108F88 0063 #Unlock All Stages 800B4880 000A #Only 1 Balloon Needed To Clear Stage 80108F80 0001 #Have All Watering Cans 50000A04 0000 800B484C 0001 #Press Circle for Max Diamonds E00BFD8D 0020 80108F88 0063 #Press L2/L1 To Turn Star Blocks On/Off E00BFD8D 0001 80108FF0 0001 E00BFD8D 0004 80108FF0 0000 #Press R2/R1 to Turn Diamond Blocks ON/OFF E00BFD8D 0002 80108FF4 0001 E00BFD8D 0008 80108FF4 0000 #Invincibility 8003CD72 1460 ; [ Alien Resurrection (Europe) {SLES-02913} ] :SLES-02913 #Infinite Health D011BE88 FFFF 8010D7D4 1000 #Timer Stopped (Level 2) D005C4C2 ACA2 8005C4C2 0000 #Cheat Menu 30096DF0 0001 ; [ Alien Trilogy (Europe) {SLES-00101} ] :SLES-00101 #Infinite Energy 8009A784 03E7 #Infinite Charge Grenades 8009A5EC 03E7 #Infinite Pulse-Laser 8009A5E4 03E7 #Infinite Gun-Ammo 8009A78A 03E7 #Infinite Rifle-Ammo 8009A78E 03E7 #Infinite Flamethrower 8009A5E6 03E7 #Infinite Pulse-Laser 8009A5E0 03E7 #Infinite Smart Gun 8009A5E8 03E7 #Infinite Batteries 8009A5EE 03E7 #Rifle Equipped 8008F8D2 0001 #Flamethrower Equipped 8008F8DE 0001 #Pulse-Laser Equipped 8008F8D6 0001 #Smart Gun Equipped 8008F8DA 0001 #Rapid Firing 8009A5BA 0001 ; [ Alien Trilogy (France) Demo {SLES-00288} ] ; [ Alien Trilogy (Germany) {SLES-00246} ] :SLES-00246 #Unendlich Energie 8009A854 03E7 #Unendlich Ladungen 8009A86C 03E7 #Unendlich Munition FüR 9Mm Pistole 8009A85A 03E7 #Unendlich Munition FüR Gewehr 8009A85E 03E7 #Unendlich Munition FüR Flammenwerfer 8009A866 03E7 #Unendlich Munition FüR Impulsgewehr 8009A860 03E7 #Unendlich Munition FüR Smart Gun 8009A868 03E7 #Unendlich Batterien 8009A86E 03E7 #Unendlich Stiefel 8009A858 7FFE #Unendlich Panzerung 8009A856 03E7 #Automap 8009A850 00FF #Schneller Feuern 8009A838 0001 #Gewehr VerfüGbar 8008FB52 0029 #Flammenwerfer VerfüGbar 8008FB5E 0029 #Impulsgewehr VerfüGbar 8008FB56 0029 #Smart Gun VerfüGbar 8008FB5A 0029 ; [ Alien Trilogy (Japan) {SLPS-00332} ] :SLPS-00332 #Infinite Health 8009B490 0064 #Infinite Shotgun Shells 8009B49A 0014 #Infinite Armor 8009B492 03E7 #Unlock Extras Unlocks cheat menu 3008DAB4 0080 #All Weapons 50000504 0000 8009014A 0029 #Auto Mapper 8009B48C 03E7 #Infinite Ammo/Items 50000B02 0000 8009B496 03E7 ; [ All Music Dance! (Italy) {SLES-04162} ] ; [ All Star Action (Europe) {SLES-04107 | SLES-14107} ] ; [ All Star Boxing (Europe) {SLES-03958} ] ; [ All Star Racing (Europe) {SLES-03740} ] :SLES-03740 #Start On Lap 2 D01C338C 0000 801C338C 0002 #Freeze Timer 801C351C 0000 ; [ All Star Racing 2 (Europe) {SLES-03933} ] :SLES-03933 #Always First Place 301E8D64 0000 #Turbo Boost (Press Circle For Boost) D015CF8A DFFF 301E8508 00FF ; [ All Star Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00747} ] ; [ All Star Tennis '99 (Europe) Demo {SLED-01560} ] ; [ All Star Tennis '99 (Europe) {SLES-01433} ] :SLES-01433 #P1 Begins With 30 D01D5526 0000 301D5526 0030 #P1 Begins With 40 301D5526 0040 #P2 Can't Win 301D5527 0000 ; [ All Star Tennis '99 (Japan) {SLPS-01962} ] ; [ All Star Tennis (Europe) (Midas Touch) {SLES-03963} ] ; [ All Star Tennis 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02764} ] ; [ All Star Tennis 2000 aka All Star Tennis Yannick Noah 2000 (France) {SLES-02765} ] ; [ All Star Watersports (Europe) {SLES-04060} ] ; [ All-Star Mahjong: Karei naru Shoubushi kara no Chousen (Japan) {SLPS-00993} ] :SLPS-00993 #Player has 999900 points 800FB418 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800FB41C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800FB420 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800FB424 0000 ; [ Alla Ricerca della Valle Incantata: Ritorno alla Grande Vallata (Italy) {SLES-02984} ] :SLES-02984 #Have 98 leaves 50000403 0000 300D7DF3 0062 #Have 99 lives 50000403 0000 300D7DF1 0063 #Infinite Jumps D00992B2 BFFF 800967E4 2440 D00992B2 BFFF 800967E6 0000 D00992B2 BFEF 800967E4 2440 D00992B2 BFEF 800967E6 0000 D00992B2 BFCF 800967E4 2440 D00992B2 BFCF 800967E6 0000 D00992B2 BF6F 800967E4 2440 D00992B2 BF6F 800967E6 0000 ; [ Allied General (Japan) {SLPS-00843} ] ; [ Allied General aka Panzer General II: Allied General (Europe) {SLES-00417} ] :SLES-00417 #Always Prestige 800F5B28 8080 ; [ Alnam no Kiba: Juuzoku Juuni Shinto Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00173} ] :SLPS-00173 #65535 Money 80064630 FFFF #Kusumida Max Brawn 801F0792 270F #Kusumida Max Robust 801F0794 270F #Kusumida Max Knowledge 801F0796 270F #Kusumida Max ?? 801F0798 270F #Kusumida Max Dexterity 801F079A 270F #Kusumida Max Speed 800F079C 270F #Kusumida Max Hp 800897C4 270F #Kusumida Max Mhp 801F0784 270F #Juna Max Brawn 801F0852 270F #Juna Max Robust 801F0854 270F #Juna Max Knowledge 801F0856 270F #Juna Max ?? 801F0858 270F #Juna Max Dexterity 801F085A 270F #Juna Max Speed 801F085C 270F #Karin Max Brawn 801F07D2 270F #Karin Max Robust 801F07D4 270F #Karin Max Knowledge 801F07D6 270F #Karin Max ?? 801F07D8 270F #Karin Max Dexterity 801F07DA 270F #Karin Max Speed 801F07DC 270F #Kugaku Max Brawn 801F0992 270F #Kugaku Max Robust 801F0994 270F #Kugaku Max Knowledge 801F0996 270F #Kugaku Max ?? 801F0998 270F #Kugaku Max Dexterity 801F099A 270F #Kugaku Max Speed 801F099C 270F #Lieu Sui Max Brawn 801F0A52 270F #Lieu Sui Max Robust 801F0A54 270F #Lieu Sui Max Knowledge 801F0A56 270F #Lieu Sui Max ?? 801F0A58 270F #Lieu Sui Max Dexterity 801F0A5A 270F #Lieu Sui Max Speed 801F0A5C 270F #Chatoran Max Brawn 801F0812 270F #Chatoran Max Defense 801F0814 270F #Xchatoran Max Knowledge 801F0816 270F #Chatoran Max ?? 801F0818 270F #Chatoran Max Dexterity 801F081A 270F #Chatoran Max Speed 801F081C 270F ; [ Alnam no Tsubasa: Shoujin no Sora no Kanata e (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80069} ] ; [ Alnam no Tsubasa: Shoujin no Sora no Kanata e (Japan) {SLPS-01187 | SLPS-01188 | SLPS-01189} ] :SLPS-01187 :SLPS-01188 :SLPS-01189 #Infinite Money 80064630 EA60 #99 synthetic Kaiinochi 50001504 0063 801F0F82 0000 #Kusumida Infinite & Max Hp 800897C4 270F 801F0784 270F ; [ Alone in the Dark 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00141} ] :SLPS-00141 #Infinite Health Level 1 8010E098 0032 #Infinite Ammos 90028764 00000000 ; [ Alone in the Dark: Jack Is Back (Europe) {SLES-00037} ] :SLES-00037 #Infinite Energy 80130D40 0063 #Infinite Energy 2 800E47F4 0063 #Infinite Energy 3 8010DA5C 0063 #Infinite Thompson-Ammo 80130D30 0063 8010DA4C 0063 #Infinite Gun-Ammo 8010DA5E 0006 ; [ Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Europe) {SLES-02801 | SLES-12801} ] :SLES-02801 :SLES-12801 #Infinite Health 801450D8 0064 #Invulnerable 8002151E 2400 #Infinite Ammo all weapons 8003EE94 0000 #Infinite Revolver Ammo 801452C8 000C #Infinite Charm Of Saving (on pickup) 8003F32A 0000 ; [ Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (France) {SLES-02802 | SLES-12802} ] ; [ Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Germany) {SLES-02803 | SLES-12803} ] :SLES-02803 :SLES-12803 #Unendlich Lebenskraft 301450DC 0064 #Sudden Death Gegner 8007C63A A480 #Unendlich Munition alle Waffen D003EDF0 0006 8003EDF0 0000 D003EE54 0004 8003EE54 0000 #Zeit Angehalten Carnby & Aline (Press L1 & L2 Pad2) D00D211E FAFF 800356EC 0000 #Starte auf Disc 2 D011370C 0001 3011370C 0002 #Enable Cheat Mode (Press Triangle to access your inventory to use the Cheat Mode option. If you want to save or load your game at any time, press Select. To view the build information for the game, pause and hold L2) 300C34EC 0002 #God Mode 800BA734 0004 #Infinite Ammo 800BA734 0008 #All Items 800BA734 0020 #Infinite Medikits 800BA734 0040 #Weapon Reload Infinite 800BA734 0080 ; [ Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Italy) {SLES-02805 | SLES-12805} ] ; [ Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Spain) {SLES-02804 | SLES-12804} ] :SLES-02804 :SLES-12804 #Infinite Energy 801450DC 0064 #Enable Cheat Mode (Press Triangle to access your inventory to use the Cheat Mode option. If you want to save or load your game at any time, press Select. To view the build information for the game, pause and hold L2) 300C34EC 0002 #God Mode 800BA734 0004 #Infinite Ammo 800BA734 0008 #All Items 800BA734 0020 #Infinite Medikits 800BA734 0040 #Weapon Reload Infinite 800BA734 0080 #Sudden Death Enemy 8007C63A A480 #Infinite Ammo All weaponsd D003EDF0 0006 8003EDF0 0000 D003EE54 0004 8003EE54 0000 #Time Stop Carnby & Aline (Press L1 & L2 Pad2) D00D211E FAFF 800356EC 0000 #Start on Disc 2 D011370C 0001 3011370C 0002 #Infinite Energy 801450DC 0064 #Enable Cheat Mode (Press Triangle to access your inventory to use the Cheat Mode option. If you want to save or load your game at any time, press Select. To view the build information for the game, pause and hold L2) 300C34EC 0002 #God Mode 800BA734 0004 #Infinite Ammo 800BA734 0008 #All Items 800BA734 0020 #Infinite Medikits 800BA734 0040 #Weapon Reload Infinite 800BA734 0080 #Sudden Death Enemy 8007C63A A480 #Infinite Ammo All weaponsd D003EDF0 0006 8003EDF0 0000 D003EE54 0004 8003EE54 0000 #Time Stop Carnby & Aline (Press L1 & L2 Pad2) D00D211E FAFF 800356EC 0000 #Start on Disc 2 D011370C 0001 3011370C 0002 ; [ Alundra (Germany) {SLES-01256} ] :SLES-01256 #Unendlich Health 30127D44 0032 #Max Health 30127D48 0032 #Unendlich Geld 801EB834 270F #Unsichtbar 80127EFC 0002 #Alle SchlüSsel 301EB934 0063 301EB994 0001 301EB99C 0001 #Unendlich Magie 301EB830 0004 #Max Magie 301EB832 0004 #Besitze Weidenbogen 301EB858 0001 #Besitze Zauberstab 301EB85C 0001 #Besitze Legend Schwert 301EB860 0001 #Besitze Eisen-Morgenstern 301EB864 0001 #Besitze Eisstab 301EB868 0001 #Besitze Feuerstab 301EB878 0001 #Besitze 99 Falken 301EB83A 0063 #Besitze Bombe 301EB83A 0001 #HöHer Springen (.Je länger man den X-Knopf gedrückt hält, um so höher wird Alundra springen. Zum steuern die Richtungsknöpfe in der Luft drücken.) D0126F28 0040 80127DEA 0003 #Warp Tore Offen 301EB3F6 00FF #3 TüRen Beim Imp Tempel 901EB3DC 00110400 #Items\HeilkräUter (.Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren.) 301EB8D0 0001 #Items\StäRkungselixier .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8D4 0001 #Items\Zaubertrank .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8D8 0001 #Items\Wunderextrakt .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8DC 0001 #Items\Wasserumhang .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8E0 0001 #Items\Krafttrank .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8E4 0001 #Items\Erdschriftrolle .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8EC 0001 #Items\Erdbuch .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8F0 0001 #Items\Aquaschriftrolle .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8F4 0001 #Items\Wasserbuch .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8F8 0001 #Items\Feuerschriftrolle .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB8FC 0001 #Items\Feuerbuch .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB900 0001 #Items\Windschriftrolle .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB904 0001 #Items\Windbuch .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB908 0001 #Items\Olgas Ring .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB90C 0001 #Items\Oaks Ring .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB910 0001 #Items\Armband Silber .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB914 0001 #Items\Naras Zauber .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB918 0001 #Items\Heil-Ring .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB91C 0001 #Items\Auffrischer .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB920 0001 #Items\Krafthandschuh .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB92C 0001 #Items\AufzugschlüSsel .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB930 0001 #Items\Rubin-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB938 0001 #Items\Saphir-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB93C 0001 #Items\Topas-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB940 0001 #Items\Achat-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB944 0001 #Items\Granat-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB948 0001 #Items\Smaragd-Wappen .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB94C 0001 #Items\Blumenstrauß .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB968 0001 #Items\SchlüSsel Klein .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB96C 0001 #Items\Brief Von Jess .Bei den Item-Codes... Nur die aktivieren, die man auch wirklich braucht. Nicht alle auf einmal. Danach abspeichern und nicht mehr aktivieren. 301EB970 0001 #Items\Passierschein 301EB924 0001 ; [ Alundra (Japan) {SCPS-10035} ] :SCPS-10035 #Infinite Money 800AABB0 0FFF #Infinite HP 801AE43C 0032 #Max Hp 801AE440 0032 #Infinite MP 801DE5A4 0004 #Max Mp 801DE5A6 0004 #Have All Keys 801DE6A8 0063 801DE6A8 0032 801DE6D8 0001 801DE6DC 0001 801DE6E0 0001 #Max Money 801DE5A8 270F #Infinite Gold Bird 801DE5AE 0063 #Invincibility 801AE5F4 0002 #entering the debug map 80010000 FFFF #entering the debug map To switch the screen while holding down the L2 + R2 When the screen blacks out, that you release the button of L2 + R2 other than If the character is stuck, I press L1 + R1 button D01DE7C8 0003 801E9E2C 000B D01DE7C8 000C 801AE530 021C D01DE7C8 000C 801AE542 01D8 #A debug mode Pad 2 Select Debug ON / OFF L1 / L2 option menu To start confirmation 301DE1B7 0080 ; [ Alundra (Spain) {SLES-01258} ] :SLES-01258 #Vida Infinita 80127D44 0032 #Dinero Infinito 800A8D94 270F 801EB834 270F #99 Halcones Dorados 801EB83A 0063 #Tener Siempre Una Llave 800C8D84 0001 801EB934 0001 #Magia Infinita 800A828C 0001 801EB830 0001 ; [ Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins (Europe) {SLES-02600} ] :SLES-02600 #Have 99999 points in bone darts 900661D4 0001869F #Infinite Health 8006645A 03E7 #Max Health 80066458 0E37 #Lots Of Gold 8006644C FFFF #Equipped Rising Sword 300661B4 0024 #Equipped Valar Shield 300661B6 002C #Hypermode D003B23C 003A 3003B23E 0000 #Slowmotion D003B23C 003A 8003B23E 3C00 #Don't Need Supplys To Use Items D0024118 0003 8002411A 3C00 #Infinite Items 80024126 3C00 #Walkthroughwalls D008EF8C 0082 8008EF8E 1000 #Have Infinite\Wonder Orbs 30066187 0009 #Have Infinite\Herbs 30066188 0009 #Have Infinite\Compass 30066189 0009 #Have Infinite\Tonics 3006618A 0009 #Have Infinite\Elixirs 3006618B 0009 #Have Infinite\Panaceas 3006618C 0009 #Have Infinite\Lorien Nuts 3006618D 0009 #Have Infinite\Grapes Of Eru 3006618E 0009 #Have Infinite\Round Keys (Special Item) 3006618F 0009 #Have Infinite\Triangle Keys (Special Item) 30066190 0009 #Have Infinite\Tickets (Special Item) 30066191 0009 #Have Infinite\Bone Darts (Special Item) 30066194 0009 #Have Infinite\Goo Goo Birds (Special Item) 30066195 0009 #Have Infinite\Have Keys 30066197 0009 #Have Infinite\Puzzle Pieces 30066198 0009 #Have Infinite\Elf Rings 3006619A 0009 #Have Infinite\Sp Elf Rings 3006619B 0009 #Have Infinite\Guard Rings 3006619C 0009 #Have Infinite\Sp Guard Rings 3006619D 0009 #Have Infinite\Amulets 3006619E 0009 #Have Infinite\Elemental Rings 300661A0 0009 #Have Infinite\Elemental Charms 300661A1 0009 #Have Infinite\Crimson Capes (Special Item) 300661A2 0009 ; [ Alundra 2: Der Beginn einer neuen Legende (Germany) {SLES-02602} ] :SLES-02602 #Unendlich Geld 9006644C 00045276 #Unendlich TP 900A32B8 00000000 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Schwert 300661B4 001F #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Bronze-Schwert 300661B4 0020 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe breites Schwert 300661B4 0021 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Runen-Schwert 300661B4 0022 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe glänzendes Schwert 300661B4 0023 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe steigendes Schwert 300661B4 0024 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Buckler-Schild 300661B6 0027 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe kleinen Schild 300661B6 0028 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Titan-Schild 300661B6 0029 #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Mithril-Schild 300661B6 002A #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe unnachgiebigen Schild 300661B6 002B #Waffen- und Schildmodifizierer Habe Valar-Schild 300661B6 002C #Habe unendlich Wunderkugel 30066187 0009 #Habe unendlich Kräuter 30066188 0009 #Habe unendlich Kompass 30066189 0009 #Habe unendlich Trank 3006618A 0009 #Habe unendlich Elixier 3006618B 0009 #Habe unendlich Heilmittel 3006618C 0009 #Habe unendlich Lorien-Nüsse 3006618D 0009 #Habe unendlich Eru-Trauben 3006618E 0009 #Habe unendlich Runder Schlüssel 3006618F 0009 #Habe unendlich Dreieckiger Schlüssel 30066190 0009 #Habe unendlich Karte für den Stierkampf 30066191 0009 #Habe unendlich Spiele Darts bei Deadeye Zach! 30066192 0009 #Habe unendlich Gugu-Vogel 30066193 0009 #Habe unendlich Puzzleteil 30066198 0009 #Habe unendlich Elfenring 3006619A 0009 #Habe unendlich SP-Elfring 3006619B 0009 #Habe unendlich Wächterring 3006619C 0009 #Habe unendlich SP-Wächterring 3006619D 0009 #Habe unendlich Amulett 3006619E 0009 #Habe unendlich Element-Ring 300661A0 0009 #Habe unendlich Element-Talisman 300661A1 0009 #Habe unendlich Karmesinroter Umhang 300661A2 0009 ; [ Alundra 2: Mashinka no Nazo (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90097} ] ; [ Alundra 2: Une Légende Est Née (France) {SLES-02601} ] ; [ Alundra aka The Adventures of Alundra (Europe) Demo {SLED-01308} ] ; [ Alundra aka The Adventures of Alundra (Europe) {SLES-01135} ] :SLES-01135 #Infinite Health 3012708C 0032 30127090 0032 #Infinite Money D01EAB7C 00FF 801EAB7C 270F #Infinite Magic 301EAB78 0004 301EAB7A 0004 #Mega Jump (.Hold X button down to gain height and tap D button for direction.) D0126270 0040 80127132 0002 #Have Keys 301EAC7C 0063 301EACB4 0001 301EACAC 0001 #Warp Gates Open 301EA73E 00FF ; [ Alundra aka The Adventures of Alundra (France) {SLES-01198} ] :SLES-01198 #Infinite Health 30127D44 0032 30127D48 0032 #Infinite Money 801EB834 270F # Have 99 Gilded Falcons 301EB83A 0063 #Have Keys 301EB934 0063 301EB96C 0001 301EB964 0001 ; [ Alundra aka The Adventures of Alundra (Italy) {SLES-01257} ] ; [ America Oudan Ultra Quiz (Japan) (PSone Books, Fukkokuban) {SLPS-01802} ] :SLPS-01802 #Time recovery SELECT + L2 button D00BBFD0 0101 8008FA04 0000 #Time 0 SELECT + R2 button D00BBFD0 0102 8008FA04 012C #The Kachinuke a dome 1 answers right in Press SELECT + D-Pad Up button D00BBFD0 1100 801FFBA0 0008 #I Kachinuke if you win once rock-paper-scissors in the SELECT + D-Pad Down button D00BBFD0 4100 801FFEB8 0002 #The flight Kachinuke quiz 8008FEE4 0032 #To reach the Kachinuke Hawaii SELECT + D-Pad Left button D00BBFD0 8100 801FFD08 0002 #To reach the Kachinuke Santa Fe SELECT + Triangle button# D00BBFD0 0110 801FFF38 0001 #New Orleans 10 points acquired in Press the SELECT + × button# D00BBFD0 0140 801FFC50 000A #To reach the Kachinuke Orlando Press SELECT + START button# D00BBFD0 0900 801FFF68 0001 #Lake Powell vote already in the SELECT + right button .Press after setting the 1 remaining votes. D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE70 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE72 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE74 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE76 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE78 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7A 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7C 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7E 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE80 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE82 0001 #Philadelphia 100 points acquired in the SELECT + L1 button D00BBFD0 0104 801FFC20 0064 #I reach in New York won Press SELECT + R1 button D00BBFD0 0108 801FFCF2 0009 ; [ America Oudan Ultra Quiz (Japan) {SLPS-00241} ] :SLPS-00241 #Time recovery SELECT + L2 button D00BBFD0 0101 8008FA04 0000 #Time 0 SELECT + R2 button D00BBFD0 0102 8008FA04 012C #The Kachinuke a dome 1 answers right in Press SELECT + D-Pad Up button D00BBFD0 1100 801FFBA0 0008 #I Kachinuke if you win once rock-paper-scissors in the SELECT + D-Pad Down button D00BBFD0 4100 801FFEB8 0002 #The flight Kachinuke quiz 8008FEE4 0032 #To reach the Kachinuke Hawaii SELECT + D-Pad Left button D00BBFD0 8100 801FFD08 0002 #To reach the Kachinuke Santa Fe SELECT + Triangle button# D00BBFD0 0110 801FFF38 0001 #New Orleans 10 points acquired in Press the SELECT + × button# D00BBFD0 0140 801FFC50 000A #To reach the Kachinuke Orlando Press SELECT + START button# D00BBFD0 0900 801FFF68 0001 #Lake Powell vote already in the SELECT + right button .Press after setting the 1 remaining votes. D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE70 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE72 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE74 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE76 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE78 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7A 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7C 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE7E 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE80 0001 D00BBFD0 2100 801FFE82 0001 #Philadelphia 100 points acquired in the SELECT + L1 button D00BBFD0 0104 801FFC20 0064 #I reach in New York won Press SELECT + R1 button D00BBFD0 0108 801FFCF2 0009 ; [ American Pool (Europe) {SLES-04037} ] ; [ Amerzone: Das Testament des Forschungsreisenden (Germany) {SLES-02348 | SLES-12348} ] ; [ Amerzone: El Legado del Explorador aka Amerzone (Spain) {SLES-02349 | SLES-12349} ] ; [ Amerzone: Il Testamento dell'Esploratore (Italy) {SLES-02350 | SLES-12350} ] ; [ Amerzone: O Testamento do Explorador (Portugal) {SLES-02429 | SLES-12429} ] ; [ Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy (Europe) {SLES-02347 | SLES-12347} ] ; [ Analog Controller Service Disc (Revised) (Europe) {PEPX-94009} ] ; [ Analog Controller Service Disc (Revised) (USA) {PUPX-93010} ] ; [ Analog Controller Service Disc (USA) {PUPX-93008} ] ; [ Anastasia (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02961} ] ; [ Ancient Roman Extra (Japan) Demo {SLP-80141} ] ; [ Andretti Racing (Europe) {SLES-00438} ] ; [ Andretti Racing (France) {SLES-00439} ] ; [ Andretti Racing (Germany) {SLES-00440} ] ; [ Andretti Racing (Japan) {SLPS-00759} ] ; [ Angel Blade: Neo Tokyo Guardians (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86960} ] ; [ Angel Blade: Neo Tokyo Guardians (Japan) Demo {SLP-80094} ] ; [ Angelique Duet (Japan) (Angelique History) {SLP-86509} ] ; [ Angelique Duet (Japan) (Koei the Best) {SLP-86493} ] ; [ Angelique Special (Japan) {SLP-86189} ] ; [ Angelique Special 2 (Japan) (Angelique History) {SLP-86508} ] ; [ Angelique Special 2 (Japan) {SLP-86492} ] ; [ Angelique: Tenkuu no Requiem (Japan) (Angelique History) {SLP-86510} ] ; [ Angelique: Tenkuu no Requiem (Japan) {SLP-86165} ] ; [ Animal Football (Europe) {SLES-04071} ] ; [ Animal Snap: Rescue Them 2 by 2 (Europe) {SLES-04036} ] :SLES-04036 #Infinite Time 8002E241 E900 8002E243 35A4 ; [ Animetic Story Game 1: Card Captor Sakura (Japan) {SLPS-01830 | SLPS-01831} ] :SLPS-01830 :SLPS-01831 #All mini-games can be selected 8008E74E 01FF #All voice data can be selected 9008E7CC FFFFFFFF 9008E7D0 FFFFFFFF 9008E7D4 FFFFFFFF 9008E7D8 FFFFFFFF 9008E7DC FFFFFFFF 9008E7E0 FFFFFFFF 9008E7E4 FFFFFFFF 9008E7E8 FFFFFFFF 9008E80C FFFFFFFF 9008E810 FFFFFFFF 9008E814 FFFFFFFF 9008E818 FFFFFFFF 9008E81C FFFFFFFF 9008E820 FFFFFFFF 9008E824 FFFFFFFF 9008E828 FFFFFFFF #All design data can be selected 9008E7F4 FFFFFFFF 9008E7F8 FFFFFFFF 8008E7FC FFFF 9008E834 FFFFFFFF 9008E838 FFFFFFFF 8008E83C FFFF #All Movie Gallery selectable 8008E7EC FFFF 8008E7EC FFFF 9008E82C FFFFFFFF #Selectable Tamotsu Saku Yannoenikki nowhere 8008E7F0 FFFF 8008E830 FFFF #All sound data can be selected 9008E800 FFFFFFFF 9008E840 FFFFFFFF #Sakura coin MAX (9999) 9008E990 0001116F #All Picture diary 3008E830 00FF 3008E831 003F #Voice data all 50002001 0000 3008E80C 00FF #All movie data 50000301 0000 3008E82C 00FF 3008E82F 000F #Sound data all 3008E840 00FF 3008E841 00FF 3008F842 007F #Design data all 50000901 0000 3008E834 00FF ; [ Ankh: Tutankhamen no Nazo (Japan) {SLPS-01068 | SLPS-01069} ] ; [ Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis (Europe) (Promo) {SCES-01833} ] :SCES-01833 #P1 40 Gamepoints 8007A658 0003 #P2 0 Gamepoints 8007A65C 0000 #P1 Set 1 Won 8015C380 0005 #P1 Set 1 Won (.Press Select+L1+L2) D00D0DC4 0105 8015C380 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 2 8015C384 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 3 8015C388 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 4 8015C38C 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 5 8015C390 0005 #9999 Point In Tournament Mode 8015E448 270F #All Items 50001801 0000 3015E7DF 0001 #P1 All Sets Max Wins 50000504 0000 8015C380 0006 50000504 0000 8015C390 0000 #P2 All Sets Max Wins 50000504 0000 8015C380 0000 50000504 0000 8015C390 0006 ; [ Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis (Europe) Rev 1 {SCES-01833} ] :SCES-01833 #P1 40 Gamepoints 8007A658 0003 #P2 0 Gamepoints 8007A65C 0000 #P1 Set 1 Won 8015C380 0005 #P1 Set 1 Won (.Press Select+L1+L2) D00D0DC4 0105 8015C380 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 2 8015C384 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 3 8015C388 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 4 8015C38C 0005 #P1 5 Points Set 5 8015C390 0005 #9999 Point In Tournament Mode 8015E448 270F #All Items 50001801 0000 3015E7DF 0001 #P1 All Sets Max Wins 50000504 0000 8015C380 0006 50000504 0000 8015C390 0000 #P2 All Sets Max Wins 50000504 0000 8015C380 0000 50000504 0000 8015C390 0006 ; [ Ano Ko Doko no Ko (Japan) {SLPS-01522} ] :SLPS-01522 #Have all stats at 999 9002D1B4 1F381F38 9002D1B8 1F381F38 ; [ Another Mind (Japan) (Square's Preview Extra) {SLP-80321} ] ; [ Another Mind (Japan) {SLPS-01655} ] :SLPS-01655 #Debug menu 80061FEE 0001 #Debug mode Debug mode (-During game playing, when the START button which pushes the SELECT button is pushed, letter on the picture goes out. During game playing, when the START button which pushes the SELECT button is pushed, letter on the picture goes out.) D0061FD0 0100 80061FBA 0001 D0061FD0 0800 80061FBA 0000 ; [ Anstoss: Premier Manager (Germany) {SLES-02563} ] ; [ Ape Escape (Europe) Demo {SCED-02133} ] ; [ Ape Escape (Europe) {SCES-01564} ] :SCES-01564 #Infinite Health 800EC388 0005 #Infinite Oxygen 800F4E88 0255 #All Weapons 800F5284 00FF #Infinite Missiles 800F5282 010A #Infinite Bombs 300F5281 0009 #Infinite Lives 800F442C 0005 #Infinite Health 800EC268 0005 #Lots Of Gold Triangles 800F4456 FFFF #Infinite Oxygen 800F4D68 0258 #Get One Monkey To Finish Level 800F4454 00FF ; [ Ape Escape (France) {SCES-02028} ] :SCES-02028 #Infinite Energy 800EC3A8 0005 #Infinite Lives 800F4574 0002 ; [ Ape Escape (Germany) (Platinum) {SCES-02029} ] :SCES-02029 #Unangreifbar 80062CC8 0000 #Unendlich Kekse 800EC2E8 0005 #Unendlich Leben 800F44B4 0064 #Unendlich Luft 800F4DE8 0258 #99 Energie-Chips D00F44E0 0000 800F44E0 0063 #Ein Affe reicht, um Level zu beenden 800F44DE 00CE #Besitze alle Geräte D00F51E4 0003 300F51E4 00FF #Alle Spectar-Müzen D00F51E4 0003 300F51E4 00FF #Alle Level geschafft/anwählbar 50000602 0202 800DFC90 0000 800DFCA4 0202 300DFCA6 0002 300DFCA8 0002 300DFCAE 0002 ; [ Ape Escape (Italy) {SCES-02030} ] ; [ Ape Escape (USA) (EDC Toys R Us) {SCUS-94470} ] ; [ Ape Escape (USA) Demo {SCUS-94489} ] ; [ Ape Escape: La Invasión de los Monos (Spain) {SCES-02031} ] :SCES-02031 #Energia Infinita 800EC398 0005 #Oxigeno Infinito 800F4E98 0255 ; [ Apocalypse (Europe) Demo {SLED-01610} ] ; [ Apocalypse (Europe) {SLES-00460} ] :SLES-00460 #Infinite Health - White House 8012739E 2400 #Infinite Health - Final Stage 80113556 0064 #Infinite Lives 800FFEFC 0006 #Invincibility 800FF9A4 0001 #Have All Weapons 300FF9A0 0001 #Open All Re-Start Points In The Level 800FF9C0 0001 #Open A Debug Window During Game 800FF9C4 0001 ; [ Apocalypse (France) {SLES-00834} ] :SLES-00834 #Infinite Smart Bombs 8012A608 000F #Infinite Energy 8012A4CE 0064 #Infinite Gun Energy 8012A9B4 03FF #Infinite Lives 801000F4 0064 ; [ Apocalypse (Germany) {SLES-00835} ] :SLES-00835 #Unendlich Leben 800FF7A8 000F #Unverwundbar(.benutzt eingebauten Cheat, also Vorsicht) 800FF250 0001 #Alle Waffen AnwäHlbar 800FF24C 0001 #Alle Level AnwäHlbar 800FF264 0001 #Alle Checkpoints AnwäHlbar 800FF26C 0001 #Unendlich Smartbombs 8005D008 0000 #Unendlich Gesundheit 8005DAB2 3C00 #Unendlich Munition 80022C5E 3C00 ; [ Apocalypse (Italy) {SLES-01463} ] ; [ Apocalypse (Japan) (SuperLite 1500) {SLP-86879} ] ; [ Aqua GT (Europe) {SLES-03390} ] :SLES-03390 #Time 00:00:00 / Always Pole D0058D22 AE02 80058D22 0000 #Get 15 Points For Each Race / Always First In Rankings D0058218 00A0 80058214 000F D0058218 00A0 80058216 2442 #Drive In Lap 3 / Always First 300A8B90 0003 #Drive In Lap 3 / Always First (Press Select) D00BE9A2 FFFE 300A8B90 0003 #Freeze Race Time 800B6DAC 4CE1 #Start On Lap 2 D00A5A8C 0000 800A5A8C 0002 #Max Points 80089B04 0378 ; [ Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu (Japan) {SLPS-00060} ] ; [ Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu 2 (Japan) (Promotion Disc) {SLP-80449} ] ; [ Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu: Memories of Summer 1996 (Japan) (Artdink Best Choice) {SLPS-02023} ] ; [ Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu: Memories of Summer 1996 (Japan) {SLPS-00406} ] ; [ Aquanaut's Holiday (Europe) {SCES-00241} ] ; [ Arc the Lad (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10008} ] :SCPS-10008 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Tosh 90119D0C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Rai-Jin 9011A00C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Poco 90119D6C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Odon 9011A06C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Mofly 90119F4C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Kukuru 90119CAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Keleck 90119EEC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Iga 90119E2C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Hemo-Ji 9011A0CC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Gogen 90119DCC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Fu-Jin 90119FAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Chongara 90119E8C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Choko 9011A12C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Arc 90119C4C 03E703E7 #Infinite Energy/Lifes 801A89FA 000F #Blue Orbs/Power 801A89FE 0006 #Max Level And Max Status 801A89FA 000F 80119C40 EFFF 80119D00 FEFF 80119CA0 FFEE 80119CA0 FFEF 8011A120 EFFF 80119E20 FFEF 80119DC0 FEEE 8011A0C0 EFFF 80119F40 FEFE 80119EE0 FEFF 80119E80 FFEE 8011A000 EFFE 8011A060 FEFF 80119FA0 FEFF #All Items 99 50003002 0000 80119810 6363 #Monster Guide fully opened 90119978 FFFFFFFF 9011997C FFFFFFFF 80119980 FFFF 30119982 00FF 8011998A FFC0 ; [ Arc the Lad (Japan) {SCPS-10008} ] :SCPS-10008 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Tosh 90119D0C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Rai-Jin 9011A00C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Poco 90119D6C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Odon 9011A06C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Mofly 90119F4C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Kukuru 90119CAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Keleck 90119EEC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Iga 90119E2C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Hemo-Ji 9011A0CC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Gogen 90119DCC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Fu-Jin 90119FAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Chongara 90119E8C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Choko 9011A12C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Arc 90119C4C 03E703E7 #Infinite Energy/Lifes 801A89FA 000F #Blue Orbs/Power 801A89FE 0006 #Max Level And Max Status 801A89FA 000F 80119C40 EFFF 80119D00 FEFF 80119CA0 FFEE 80119CA0 FFEF 8011A120 EFFF 80119E20 FFEF 80119DC0 FEEE 8011A0C0 EFFF 80119F40 FEFE 80119EE0 FEFF 80119E80 FFEE 8011A000 EFFE 8011A060 FEFF 80119FA0 FEFF #All Items 99 50003002 0000 80119810 6363 #Monster Guide fully opened 90119978 FFFFFFFF 9011997C FFFFFFFF 80119980 FFFF 30119982 00FF 8011998A FFC0 ; [ Arc the Lad Collection: Arc the Lad (USA) {SLUS-01224} ] :SLUS-01224 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Tosh 90119D0C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Rai-Jin 9011A00C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Poco 90119D6C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Odon 9011A06C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Mofly 90119F4C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Kukuru 90119CAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Keleck 90119EEC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Iga 90119E2C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Hemo-Ji 9011A0CC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Gogen 90119DCC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Fu-Jin 90119FAC 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Chongara 90119E8C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Choko 9011A12C 03E703E7 #Arc The Lad 1 Infinite HP Arc 90119C4C 03E703E7 #Blue Orbs/Power 801A89FE 0006 #Max Level And Max Status 801A89FA 000F 80119C40 EFFF 80119D00 FEFF 80119CA0 FFEE 80119CA0 FFEF 8011A120 EFFF 80119E20 FFEF 80119DC0 FEEE 8011A0C0 EFFF 80119F40 FEFE 80119EE0 FEFF 80119E80 FFEE 8011A000 EFFE 8011A060 FEFF 80119FA0 FEFF #All Items 99 50003002 0000 80119810 6363 #Monster Guide fully opened 90119978 FFFFFFFF 9011997C FFFFFFFF 80119980 FFFF 30119982 00FF 8011998A FFC0 ; [ Arc the Lad II (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91071} ] :SCPS-91071 #Arc Infinite & Max HP 90119C4C 03E703E7 #Infinite Energy/Lifes 801A89FA 000F #Blue Orbs/Power 801A89FE 0006 #Max Level And Max Status 801A89FA 000F 80119C40 EFFF 80119D00 FEFF 80119CA0 FFEE 80119CA0 FFEF 8011A120 EFFF 80119E20 FFEF 80119DC0 FEEE 8011A0C0 EFFF 80119F40 FEFE 80119EE0 FEFF 80119E80 FFEE 8011A000 EFFE 8011A060 FEFF 80119FA0 FEFF #All Items 99 50003002 0000 80119810 6363 #Monster Guide fully opened 90119978 FFFFFFFF 9011997C FFFFFFFF 80119980 FFFF 30119982 00FF 8011998A FFC0 ; [ Arc the Lad II (Japan) {SCPS-10026} ] :SCPS-10026 #Infinite Money 900BD3EC 000F423F #Infinite SP 900BD3F0 000F423F #Infinite GP 800BD070 7FFF #Infinite Currency 800BD0CC 7FFF #All Art Gallary 900D96BC 3442FFFF #Fast Level Up Main Character (Elc) 900BD94C 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Blonde Girl (Lieza) 900BDA50 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Wolf 900BE888 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Blue-Haired Boy (Shu) 900BDC58 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Shante 900BDB54 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Gruga 900BDF64 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Sania 900BDE60 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Arc 900BD438 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Poco 900BD53C 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Kukuru 900BE680 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Tosh 900BD640 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Gogen 900BD848 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Iga 900BD744 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up ??Char 5 900BDD5C 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 1 900BE068 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 2 900BE16C 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 3 900BE270 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 4 900BE57C 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 5 900BE478 25F5E0FF #Fast Level Up Beast 6 900BE374 25F5E0FF #1st Character\Level(999) 800BD938 03E7 #1st Character\Max Hp 800BD93A 7FFF #1st Character\Infinite HP 800BD93C 7FFF #1st Character\Max Mp 800BD93E 7FFF #1st Character\Infinite MP 800BD940 7FFF #1st Character\Max Attack Ability 800BD942 09C0 #1st Character\Max Magic Ability 800BD944 09C0 #1st Character\Max Defence Ability 800BD946 09C0 #2nd Character\Level(999) 800BDA3C 03E7 #2nd Character\Max Hp 800BDA3E 7FFF #2nd Character\Infinite HP 800BDA40 7FFF #2nd Character\Max Mp 800BDA42 7FFF #2nd Character\Infinite MP 800BDA44 7FFF #2nd Character\Max Attack Ability 800BDA46 09C0 #2nd Character\Max Magic Ability 800BDA48 09C0 #2nd Character\Max Defence Ability 800BDA4A 09C0 #3rd Character\Level(999) 800BDC44 03E7 #3rd Character\Max Hp 800BDC46 7FFF #3rd Character\Infinite HP 800BDC48 7FFF #3rd Character\Max Mp 800BDC4A 7FFF #3rd Character\Infinite MP 800BDC4C 7FFF #3rd Character\Max Attack Ability 800BDC4E 09C0 #3rd Character\Max Magic Ability 800BDC50 09C0 #3rd Character\Max Defence Ability 800BDC52 09C0 #4th Character\Level(999) 800BDB40 03E7 #4th Character\Max Hp 800BDB42 7FFF #4th Character\Infinite HP 800BDB44 7FFF #4th Character\Max Mp 800BDB46 7FFF #4th Character\Infinite MP 800BDB48 7FFF #4th Character\Max Attack Ability 800BDB4A 09C0 #4th Character\Max Magic Ability 800BDB4C 09C0 #4th Character\Max Defence Ability 800BDB4E 09C0 #4th Character\Exp Max 900BDB54 7FFFFFFF #5th Character\Level(999) 800BDE4C 03E7 #5th Character\Max Hp 800BDE4E 7FFF #5th Character\Infinite HP 800BDE50 7FFF #5th Character\Max Mp 800BDE52 7FFF #5th Character\Infinite MP 800BDE54 7FFF #5th Character\Max Attack Ability 800BDE56 09C0 #5th Character\Max Magic Ability 800BDE58 09C0 #5th Character\Max Defence Ability 800BDE5A 09C0 #6th Character\Level(999) 800BE874 03E7 #6th Character\Max Hp 800BE876 7FFF #6th Character\Infinite HP 800BE878 7FFF #6th Character\Max Mp 800BE87A 7FFF #6th Character\Infinite MP 800BE87C 7FFF #6th Character\Max Attack Ability 800BE87E 09C0 #6th Character\Max Magic Ability 800BE880 09C0 #6th Character\Max Defence Ability 800BE882 09C0 #7th Character\Level(999) 800BD424 03E7 #7th Character\Max Hp 800BD426 7FFF #7th Character\Infinite HP 800BD428 7FFF #7th Character\Max Mp 800BD42A 7FFF #7th Character\Infinite MP 800BD42C 7FFF #7th Character\Max Attack Ability 800BD42E 09C0 #7th Character\Max Magic Ability 800BD430 09C0 #7th Character\Max Defence Ability 800BD432 09C0 #8th Character\Level(999) 800BD528 03E7 #8th Character\Max Hp 800BD52A 7FFF #8th Character\Infinite HP 800BD52C 7FFF #8th Character\Max Mp 800BD52E 7FFF #8th Character\Infinite MP 800BD530 7FFF #8th Character\Max Attack Ability 800BD532 09C0 #8th Character\Max Magic Ability 800BD534 09C0 #8th Character\Max Defence Ability 800BD536 09C0 #8th Character\Max Speed 800BD538 02FF #8th Character\Max Special Attack 800BD57A 0007 #8th Character\Max Response 800BD57E 0FFF #8th Character\Max Exp 900BD53C 7FFFFFFF ; [ Arc the Lad III (Japan) (Muryou Rental-ban) {PAPX-90099} ] ; [ Arc the Lad III (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96176} ] ; [ Arc the Lad III (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91228 | SCPS-91229} ] ; [ Arc the Lad III (Japan) {SCPS-10106 | SCPS-10107} ] :SCPS-10106 :SCPS-10107 #Infinite Money 9009D368 000F423F #Infinite GP 9009DE34 0098967F #Now Hp 8007E49C FFFF #Max Hp 8007E49E FFFF #Now Mp 8007E4A2 03E8 #Max Mp 8007E4A4 03E8 #HP / Status max 8007E76A 0063 9007E76C 03E703E7 8007E772 03E7 8007E774 03E7 8007E78C FF00 8007E78A 00FF 9007E784 FF0000FF 8007E780 FF00 8007E71A 0063 9007E71C 03E703E7 #Theo (physical strength and maximum values) 9007E9F4 03E703E7 #Russo (physical strength and maximum values) 9007E9A4 03E703E7 #Alec (physical strength and maximum values) 9007E954 03E703E7 ; [ Arc the Lad: Monster Game with Casino Game (Monster Game) (Japan) {SCPS-10040 | SCPS-10041} ] :SCPS-10040 :SCPS-10041 #Max Gold 90010014 0098967F #Time MAX 80010010 FFFF #All trophy 80010094 FFFF ; [ Arcade Gears: Pu·Li·Ru·La (Japan) {SLPS-00928} ] :SLPS-00928 #P1 Infinite Lives 800BF03A 0004 #P2 Infinite Lives 800BF0B6 0004 #P1 Infinite HP 800BF038 000C #P2 Infinite HP 800BF0B4 000C #P1 Infinite Magic 800BF03C 0005 #P2 Infinite Magic 800BF0B8 0005 ; [ Arcade Hits: Crazy Climber (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87067} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Frisky Tom (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87118} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Magical Drop (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87173} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Moon Cresta (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87082} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Raiden (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86613} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Shienryuu (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87228} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Sonic Wings Special (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87137} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Soukyuu Gurentai (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87255} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Suiko Enbu: Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87145} ] ; [ Arcade Hits: Wolf Fang: Kuuga 2001 (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87270} ] ; [ Arcade Party Pak (Europe, Australia) {SLES-02339} ] ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1 aka Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1 (Europe) {SLES-00466} ] ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 2 aka Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 2 (Europe) {SLES-00712} ] :SLES-00712 #Crystal Castles\Infinite Lifes 800F1006 0003 #Gauntlet\Infinite Lifes 801D7E00 07CC #Marble Madness\Infinite Time 8013023C 003D #Paperboy\Infinite Lifes 801E01B8 0004 #Paperboy\Infinite Papers 801E0370 000A ; [ Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection 2 aka Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection 2 (Europe) {SLES-00739} ] ; [ Archer Maclean's 3D Pool (Europe) {SLES-04096} ] ; [ Are!Mo Kore?Mo Momotarou (Japan) {SLPS-00428} ] ; [ Area 51 (Europe) (Midway Classics) {SLES-03783} ] ; [ Area 51 (Europe) {SLES-00578} ] :SLES-00578 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006D970 0005 #P2 Infinite Energy 8006DA1C 0005 ; [ Area 51 (Japan) (Special Pack) {SLPS-00725} ] ; [ Area 51 (Japan) {SLPS-00726} ] ; [ Ark of Time (Europe) {SLES-00748} ] ; [ Arkanoid R 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86262} ] ; [ Arkanoid Returns (Japan) {SLPS-00948} ] :SLPS-00948 #P1 Infinite Ball 800DA360 0004 #P2 Infinite Ball 800DA3C4 0004 #Infinite Credits 800DA36C 0002 ; [ Armored Core (Europe) {SCES-00842} ] :SCES-00842 #Infinite Energy 80041626 6D60 #Infinite Weapon 1 800418F2 00C8 #Infinite Weapon 2 D004192E 0020 8004192E 00C8 #Infinite Armor 801A2EE0 7000 #Infinite Time 8019FBF4 FFFF #Change View To Far View 80198EB4 F3E7 #Change View To Left View 80198EBC F3E7 #Have All Head Parts 90032058 01010101 9003205C 01010101 80032060 0101 #Have All Core Parts 80032062 0101 80032064 0101 #Have All Arm Parts 80032066 0101 90032068 01010101 9003206C 01010101 90032070 01010101 80032074 0101 #Have All Leg Parts (Set 1) 80032076 0101 90032078 01010101 9003207C 01010101 90032080 01010101 90032084 01010101 80032088 0101 #Have All Leg Parts (Set 2) 8003208A 0101 9003208C 01010101 90032090 01010101 80032094 0101 #Have All Generator Parts 80032096 0101 90032098 01010101 #Have All Fcs Parts 9003209C 01010101 900320A0 01010101 #Have All Optional Parts 900320A4 01010101 900320A8 01010101 900320AC 01010101 #Have All Booster Parts 900320B0 01010101 800320B4 0101 #Have All Left & Right Back Weapons (Set 1) 800320B6 0101 900320B8 01010101 900320BC 01010101 900320C0 01010101 900320C4 01010101 800320C8 0101 #Have All Left & Right Back Weapons (Set 2) 800320CA 0101 900320CC 01010101 900320D0 01010101 900320D4 01010101 #Have All Right Arm Weapons 900320D8 01010101 900320DC 01010101 900320E0 01010101 900320E4 01010101 #Have All Left Arm Weapons 900320E8 01010101 #Infinite Money 8003A2D6 00FF #Infinite Weapon 3 8004196A 00C8 ; [ Armored Core (Japan) (Highlight Disc) {SLP-80118} ] ; [ Armored Core (Japan) (Test Operation Disc) {SLP-80111} ] ; [ Armored Core (Japan) (Tsuushin Taisen Taikenban) {SLP-80119} ] ; [ Armored Core (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03581} ] ; [ Armored Core (Japan) {SLPS-00900} ] ; [ Armored Core: Master of Arena (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91444 | SLPS-91445} ] ; [ Armored Core: Master of Arena (Japan) (The Preview Movie) {SLP-80371} ] ; [ Armored Core: Master of Arena (Japan) {SLPS-01855 | SLPS-01856} ] :SLPS-01855 :SLPS-01856 #Max Credits 9003EA98 05F5E0FF #Scenario Ap Max D007B006 1040 801E6BB8 9C3B #Scenario Time D0052726 2462 800A0DCC 5000 #Arena Ap Max D007B3E2 1040 801D8590 9C3B #Arena Enemy Ap 0 D007B3E2 1040 801D8708 0000 #Booster Max 800451CE EA60 #Bullet 1000 8004549E 03E8 800454A0 03E8 900454DC 03E803E8 8004551A 03E8 8004551C 03E8 #All Options D0084708 002A 8003EA94 FFFF ; [ Armored Core: Project Phantasma (Japan) (PlayStation the Best, PSone Books) {SLPS-91110} ] ; [ Armored Core: Project Phantasma (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01130} ] :SLPS-01130 #Infinite Mission Timer 801A1694 0F80 #Infinite Energy 801A4980 8300 #Infinite Jet Packs 80041A26 6D60 #Infinite Rifle 80041CF8 00C8 #Infinite Small Missiles 80041D36 0028 #Infinite Money 9003A634 50F5E0FF ; [ Armored Core: Project Phantasma (Japan) {SLPS-01130} ] :SLPS-01130 #Infinite Mission Timer 801A1694 0F80 #Infinite Energy 801A4980 8300 #Infinite Jet Packs 80041A26 6D60 #Infinite Rifle 80041CF8 00C8 #Infinite Small Missiles 80041D36 0028 #Infinite Money 9003A634 50F5E0FF ; [ Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (Europe) {SLES-02617} ] :SLES-02617 #Infinite Armor 90047960 00000000 #Infinite Ammo (After Pick-Up) 90047CD8 00000000 #P1-Codes\Infinite Armor 3006164D 0064 #P1-Codes\Infinite Ammo Shot Blaster 8006166A 03E7 #P1-Codes\Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher 80061660 03E7 #P1-Codes\Have Timed Mine 8006165C 03E7 #P1-Codes\Have Thumper Attract 8006165E 03E7 #P1-Codes\Have Smart Bomb Beacons 80061662 03E7 #P2-Codes\Infinite Armor 30061CA5 0064 #P2-Codes\Infinite Ammo Lightbringer 80061CC0 03E7 #P2-Codes\Infinite Ammo Grenade-Launcher 80061CC4 03E7 #P2-Codes\Have Timed Mines 80061CB4 03E7 #P2-Codes\Have Thumper Attract 80061CB6 03E7 #P2-Codes\Have Smart Bomb Beacons 80061CBA 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1\Suddendeath D006164C 6400 3006164D 0001 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1\Infinite Unknown Weapon (After Pick-Up) 8006166E 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1\Infinite Shaft Of The Pharaoh (After Pick-Up) 80061674 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Suddendeath D0061CA4 6400 30061CA5 0001 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Infinite Unknown Weapon (After Pick-Up) 80061CC6 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Infinite Shaft Of The Pharaoh (After Pick-Up) 80061CCC 03E7 ; [ Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (Germany) {SLES-02726} ] :SLES-02726 #Ue Panzerung (P1 & P2) 90046D6C 00000000 #Ue Mu (Nach Aufnahme) (P1 & P2) 800470E0 0000 800470E0 0000 #P1-Codes\Ue Panzerung 30060B51 0064 #P1-Codes\Kein Nachladen Shot Blaster 80060B6E 03E7 #P1-Codes\Ue Mu Raketenwerfer 80060B64 03E7 #P1-Codes\Habe Tretminen 80060B60 03E7 #P1-Codes\Habe Thumper 80060B62 03E7 #P1-Codes\Habe Zielsender 80060B66 03E7 #P2-Codes\Ue Panzerung 300611A9 0064 #P2-Codes\Kein Nachladen Lightbringer 800611C4 03E7 #P2-Codes\Ue Mu Granatwerfer 800611C8 03E7 #P2-Codes\Habe Tretminen 800611B8 03E7 #P2-Codes\Habe Thumper 800611BA 03E7 #P2-Codes\Habe Zielsender 800611BE 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1\Ue Geheimwaffe (Nach Aufnahme) 80060B72 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1\Ue Stab Des Pharaos (Nach Aufnahme) 80060B78 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Suddendeath D00611A8 6400 300611A9 0001 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Ue Geheimwaffe (Nach Aufnahme) 800611CA 03E7 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2\Ue Stab Des Pharaos (Nach Aufnahme) 800611D0 03E7 ; [ Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (Japan) {SLP-86502} ] ; [ Army Men 3D (Europe) {SLES-02378} ] :SLES-02378 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons/Items 800576A6 3C00 80058512 3C00 #Infinite Health 80042206 2402 80062204 0080 ; [ Army Men: Air Attack (Europe) {SLES-02498} ] :SLES-02498 #All Missions Enabled E00D9FEA 0001 300D9FEA 0010 #All Helicopters Enabled E00D9FEB 0001 300D9FEB 0004 #All Co-Pilots Enabled E00D9FEC 0003 300D9FEC 0005 #P1+P2 Invincibility 8003BDEE 3C00 #Only P1 Invincibility 9003BDDC 32210100 9003BDE8 10200002 #Only P2 Invincibility 9003BDDC 32210100 9003BDE8 14200002 #Infinite Ammo 800509B6 3C00 ; [ Army Men: Air Attack (Europe) {SLES-02620} ] :SLES-02620 #P1 Infinite Energy mission 1 801BF259 0190 #P1 Infinite Energy mission 2 801BE069 0190 #P1 Infinite Energy mission 3 801C1CA1 0190 ; [ Army Men: Air Attack 2 (Europe) {SLES-03226} ] ; [ Army Men: Air Attack 2 (France) {SLES-03227} ] ; [ Army Men: Air Attack 2 (Germany) {SLES-03228} ] :SLES-03228 #Unendlich Munition Heli D00803C0 FFFF 800803C0 9000 #Unendlich Munition Copilot D007FB64 1023 3007FB64 0020 #Unendlich Panzerung Plastik ist Macht D01C676C 9000 301C6752 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Auf Achse D01CB5A0 9000 301CB586 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Wo ist Woodstock ? D01CC074 9000 301CC05A 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Kinderspiel D01CB46C 9000 301CB452 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Hundstage / Das Fort ist fort D01CC678 9000 301CC65E 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Schaben-Paradies D01CCC7C 9000 301CCC62 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Baustelle D01CC1A8 9000 301CC18E 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Bulldozer-Tango D01D4C04 9000 301D4BEA 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Die Schöne und das Biest D01D1D18 9000 301D1CFE 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Der beige Bomber D01CDD54 9000 301CDD3A 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand D01D1848 9000 301D182E 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Full Plastic Jacket D01D1AB0 9000 301D1A96 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Hinter Gittern D01D3B2C 9000 301D3B12 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Schnitzeljagd D01C74A8 9000 301C748E 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Homerun D01C4E28 9000 301C4E0E 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun High Heat D01D4C04 9000 301D4BEA 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Vermisst D01C9EC4 9000 301C9EAA 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Schmutzarbeit D01CB6D4 9000 301CB6BA 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Der strahlende Rächer D01D1714 9000 301D16FA 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Lt. Bombshells Rettung D01C40EC 9000 301C40D2 0011 #Unendlich Panzerun Es kann nur einen geben D01C1BA0 9000 301C1B86 0011 ; [ Army Men: Air Attack 2 (Italy) {SLES-03229} ] ; [ Army Men: Air Attack 2 (Spain) {SLES-03230} ] ; [ Army Men: Land, Sea, Air (Europe) {SLES-03231} ] :SLES-03231 #All Weapons & Items 300D852D 00FF 50000402 0000 800D852E FFFF #Infinite Medipaks 300D8534 0002 #Grenades 300D852D 0005 #Mortar 300D852E 0006 #Bazooka 300D852F 0007 #Flame thrower 300D8530 005A #Automatic machinegun 300D8531 00F5 #Explosives 300D8532 0002 #Land mines 300D8533 0002 #Mine detectors 300D8535 0002 ; [ Army Men: Lock 'n' Load (Europe) {SLES-03414} ] :SLES-03414 #Infinite Health Mission 1 80197FDC 0210 ; [ Army Men: Omega Soldier (Europe) {SLES-03431} ] :SLES-03431 #Infinite Energy level 1 801952A0 12D0 #Infinite Lives 800EDF44 0063 ; [ Army Men: Operation Meltdown (Europe) {SLES-02855} ] :SLES-02855 #Level 2 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0001 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0001 #Level 3 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0002 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0002 #Level 4 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0003 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0003 #Level 5 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0004 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0004 #Level 6 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0005 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0005 #Level 7 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0006 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0006 #Level 8 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0007 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0007 #Level 9 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0008 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0008 #Level 10 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 0009 D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 0009 #Level 11 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000A D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000A #Level 12 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000B D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000B #Level 13 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000C D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000C #Level 14 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000D D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000D #Level 15 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000E D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000E #Level 16 (New Game) D00F5BD8 0000 300F5BD8 000F D00F5BDC 0000 300F5BDC 000F #Invulnerable 800FD0D4 0310 #Have Infinite Grenades 300F6C39 00FF #Have Mortar & Infinite Ammo 300F6C3A 00FF #Have Flamethrower & Infinite Fuel 300F6C3C 00FF #Have Auto Rifle & Infinite Ammo 300F6C3D 00FF #Have Infinite Explosives 300F6C3E 00FF #Have Infinite Mines 300F6C3F 00FF #Have Infinite Medipacks 300F6C40 00FF #Have Mine Detector 300F6C41 0001 #Pt Boat Indestructible 800FD1F8 1750 #Jeep Indestructible 800FDD60 1650 #Tank Indestructible 800FDFA8 EBD0 #Train Indestructible 800FF1E8 1FF0 ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Europe) {SLES-02626} ] :SLES-02626 #Infinite Health 80105928 012C #Infinite Health partner (1st mission) 8010AFC8 00C8 #Infinite Ammo (Boot Camp) 80142FD6 03E7 80142E76 03E7 80143086 03E7 80142F26 03E7 80143136 03E7 80153296 270F #Infinite Ammo (All weapons) D0075032 00A3 80075036 2400 D007756A 0082 8007756E 2400 #Hyper Mode (Boot Camp) 80137130 0000 ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (France) {SLES-02627} ] ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Germany) {SLES-02628} ] :SLES-02628 #P1 Unendlich Gesundheit D006D61A 0062 80105A30 012C #P2 Unendlich Gesundheit D006D61A 0062 80105B64 012C #Unendlich Zeit (Feldlager) D00DD8D4 1338 800DD8D4 1111 #Unendlich Munition D0075114 0002 80075112 3C00 D007764C 0002 8007764A 3C00 ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Italy) {SLES-02630} ] ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Spain) {SLES-02629} ] :SLES-02629 #Infinite Health 80102A18 012C ; [ Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 (Europe) {SLES-03316} ] :SLES-03316 #Infinite Health Mission 1 800E89D4 0064 #Invincibility 8012C08C 0001 #Always have Crossbow 3013C854 0001 D013C82C FFFF 3013C82C 00FF #Always have Machine gun 3013C858 0001 D013C82E 0000 3013C82E 00FF #Always have Sniper rifle 3013C85C 0001 D013C830 0000 3013C830 00FF #Always have Flame thrower 3013C860 0001 D013C832 0000 3013C832 00FF #Always have Whip n' pop 3013C864 0001 D013C834 0000 3013C834 00FF #Always have Bazooka 3013C868 0001 D013C836 0000 3013C836 00FF #Always have Swarmer 3013C86C 0001 3013C838 0000 3013C838 00FF #Always have Pierce launcher 3013C870 0001 D013C83A 0000 3013C83A 00FF #Always have Grenade 3013C874 0001 D013C83C 0000 3013C83C 00FF #Always have Mortar 3013C878 0001 D013C83E 0000 3013C83E 00FF #Always have Dynamite 3013C87C 0001 D013C840 0000 3013C840 00FF #Always have Firecracker 3013C880 0001 D013C842 0000 3013C842 00FF #Always have Mine sweeper 3013C888 0001 D013C846 0000 3013C846 00FF #Always have Binoculars 3013C88C 0001 D013C848 0000 3013C848 00FF #Nuke Enemies (Press Select) D014455A FFFE 8012EA90 0001 #All levels unlocked 8012C0E8 0002 8012D0EC 0004 #Infinite Ammo D0062C7A A4A2 80062C78 0000 ; [ Army Men: Team Assault (Europe) {SLES-03633} ] :SLES-03633 #Infinite Energy Character 1 Mission 1 8019F9B4 0190 #Infinite Energy Character 2 Mission 1 8019FB2C 0150 #Infinite Energy Character 1 Mission 2 801A283C 0150 #All levels unlocked (load a save game) 30110BF0 000F #No damage (all) 80073320 0000 #No damage (all) On (Press L1 & Up) D012E9D6 FBEF 80073320 0000 #Items Infinite D002D7E8 FFFF 8002D7EC 0000 #Inventory Have All items (Press L1 & L2) D012E9D6 FAFF 50000702 4040 801111A8 0000 ; [ Art Camion: Sugorokuden (Japan) {SLPS-02710} ] :SLPS-02710 #Have 99.999.999 money 901EE05C 05F5E0FF ; [ Artdink Preview (Japan) Demo {SLP-80144} ] ; [ Asciiware Training CD (USA) (Bundled with ASCII Sphere 360° Controller) {SLUS-90027} ] ; [ Asonde AIUEO (Japan) {SLPS-03540} ] ; [ Asonde Chinou Up (Japan) {SLPS-03542} ] ; [ Asonde Kazu Suuji (Japan) {SLPS-03541} ] ; [ Assault (Europe) {SLES-01244} ] :SLES-01244 #P1 Infinite Energy 8008E2BD 0640 #P2 Infinite Energy 80090A5D 0640 #P1 Infinite Lives 8008E634 0009 #P2 Infinite Lives 80090DD4 0009 ; [ Assault Rigs (Europe) {SLES-00093} ] :SLES-00093 #Infinite Energy 801C3FC0 00A0 801C3FC4 00A0 801C3FC8 00A0 801C3FCC 00A0 ; [ Assault Rigs (Japan) {SLPS-00512} ] ; [ Assault Suits Valken 2 (Japan) (Promotion CD-ROM) {SLP-80452} ] ; [ Assault Suits Valken 2 (Japan) {SLP-86872} ] ; [ Asterix & Obelix contro Cesare (Italy) {SLES-02474} ] ; [ Asteroids (Europe) {SLES-01418} ] ; [ Asteroids (France) {SLES-01468} ] ; [ Asteroids (Germany) {SLES-01469} ] :SLES-01469 #P1 Unendlich Leben 80113C34 0063 #P2 Unendlich Leben 80113C38 0063 #P1 Unendlich Sonderwaffen 80113C6C FFFF #P1 Unendlich Continues 80113A40 0003 #UnzerstöRbar 80113EBC 0000 #Classic Asteroids\Klassisches Asteroids Freigeschaltet 80113F04 0001 #Classic Asteroids\P1 Unendlich Leben 80115348 0005 #Classic Asteroids\P1 UnzerstöRbar 90114468 00000000 #Classic Asteroids\P2 Unendlich Leben 8011534C 0005 #Classic Asteroids\P2 UnzerstöRbar 9011446C 00000000 ; [ Asteroids (Italy) {SLES-01470} ] ; [ Astro Trooper Vanark (Japan) {SLPS-01862} ] :SLPS-01862 #Infinite Time 80015C22 00B3 #Randall release device (shock frustrated bar) clear 30015C25 0003 #Infinite Continues 30015C5F 0009 #Infinite Health Training Mission D01F5FFA 22B8 801F6016 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 1 D01F2552 22B8 801F256E 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 2 D01F2552 22B8 801F256E 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 3 D01F2E0A 22B8 801F2E26 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 4 D01EF432 22B8 801EF44E 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 5 D00F5E0A 22B8 800F5E26 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 6 D00E21FA 22B8 800E2216 00C8 #Infinite Health Stage 7 D00E6C5A 22B8 800E6C76 00C8 #Stage Select Mode 30015C4D 0001 ; [ Astronoka (Japan) (Taikenban (Demo Movie)) {SLP-80278} ] ; [ Astronoka (Japan) Demo {SLP-86107} ] ; [ Astronoka (Japan) {SLP-86088} ] ; [ Astérix & Obélix Take On Caesar (Europe) {SLES-02092} ] ; [ Astérix & Obélix Take On Caesar (Europe) {SLES-02473} ] :SLES-02473 #Complete all the minigameS (.Deactivate after complete the minigame or you complete all the games without playing) 800F01DA 003C ; [ Astérix & Obélix Take On Caesar (Europe) {SLES-02475} ] :SLES-02475 #Press L2 To Clear Current Scene E0098A3E 0001 800F01DA 0063 ; [ Astérix (Europe) {SLES-01416} ] :SLES-01416 #Infinite Potions Distribution D011F966 0008 8018B4A6 2400 D0120E1E 0008 8018C95E 2400 D011E4AE 0008 80189FEE 2400 #Infinite Health 800832BC 0050 #Always have roman thrown meter full (Throw the roman stage) 801BCD28 FFFF #Invincibility (Action Scenes) Character Flash 800832B0 000F #Invincibility (Roman attacks) Character Flash D00341F0 0095 800341F2 1000 #Endless Wing Power 8007F69C 0063 #Unlock Cheat Mode 8007EAA8 0001 ; [ Astérix (Europe) {SLES-01748} ] :SLES-01748 #Infinite Energy 80089DAC 005A #Infinite Potions Distribution 8011E7C6 000A ; [ Astérix (Europe) {SLES-01748} ] :SLES-01748 #Infinite Energy 80089DAC 005A #Infinite Potions Distribution 8011E7C6 000A ; [ Astérix: Mega Madness (Europe) Demo {SLED-03446} ] ; [ Astérix: Mega Madness (Europe) {SLES-03324} ] :SLES-03324 #Unlock All Stages 301FE8A0 0004 #Unlock All Stages (.Press/Hold L1,L2,R1,R2 at the main menu.) D0075E4A F0FF 301FE8A0 0004 #Maximum score in Crossbow mini game 80086658 270F #Maximum score in Recipes mini game 8008D438 270F #Maximum score in Eating mini game 80081B7C 270F #Maximum score catching jabali mini game 800896E4 270F #Maximum score carrier racing mini game 800868D0 270F #Maximum score destructing roman camp mini game 80097BEC 270F #Maximum score catapult race mini game 801A7540 270F #Maximum score collecting roman helmets mini game 8008D670 270F #Maximum score rowing race mini game 801CADB8 270F #Infinite Energy in fighting on shield mini game 8008CDBC 0064 #Maximum score fighting on shield mini game 8018D648 270F #Maximum score hide & seek mini game 8008DCE4 270F #Maximum score galley crash mini game 801C95F0 270F #Maximum score obstacle race mini game 80083ED0 270F #Maximum score shoot or die mini game 80086658 270F ; [ Asuka 120 Burning Fest. Special (Japan) {SLPS-00231} ] :SLPS-00231 #P1 Infinite HP 800C271C 00C0 801E07F4 00C0 #P1 Meter Always At 120 801E053C 0063 #P1 Meter Always At 100 801E053E 0044 ; [ Asuncia: Majou no Jubaku (Japan) {SLPS-01097} ] :SLPS-01097 #Infinite HP 900BE1C0 270F270F #Infinite MP 900BE1C4 270F270F #Infinite Str 800BE25C 03E7 #Infinite Agi 800BE25E 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 2 800BE1CE 270F 800BE1D0 270F #Infinite Money 900C573C 05F5E0FF #Score 99999999 900C5738 05F5E0FF #Stage Clear 800C572C 0000 ; [ Atari Anniversary Edition Redux (Europe) {SLES-03808} ] ; [ Atari Demo Disk (Europe) Demo {SLED-02251} ] ; [ Atelier Elie: Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 2 (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91180} ] ; [ Atelier Elie: Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01751} ] :SLPS-01751 #Infinite Money 9010D7E8 0001869F #Infinite HP in battle Elie (.activate the code only during battles) 901B2A74 03E703E7 #Infinite MP in battle Elie (.activate the code only during battles) 901B2A78 03E703E7 #Fundage 9010F5E0 0001869F #Recipes And Fill All 99 Items D004BB2E 1440 8004BB2C 0001 #Looking At The Completed Book Items Items D004BB2E 1440 8004BB2C 0001 #Workshop Will Clean Up 800E3F5C 0000 #Max Popular Status Other Than Companionship 800CC52E 0000 D00335FE 1040 800335FC 0001 #Elie Popularity Overnight 100 D003340E 1040 8002240C 0001 #Bonus appearance 901FFB64 00000000 #Center theater appearance 301FF8EF 0001 #Character set appearance 301FFFFF 0001 #Word message appearance 301FF9FF 0001 ; [ Athena no Kateiban: Family Games (Japan) {SLPS-02751} ] ; [ Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80413} ] ; [ Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life (Japan) {SLP-86185 | SLP-86186 | SLP-86187} ] ; [ Atlantis: Das sagenhafte Abenteuer (Germany) {SLES-01603 | SLES-11603 | SLES-21603} ] ; [ Atlantis: Secrets d'un Monde Oublié (France) {SLES-01602 | SLES-11602 | SLES-21602} ] ; [ Atlantis: Segreti d'un Mondo Perduto (Italy) {SLES-01604 | SLES-11604 | SLES-21604} ] ; [ Atlantis: The Lost Continent (Europe) {SLES-04066} ] ; [ Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Europe) {SLES-01291 | SLES-11291 | SLES-21291} ] ; [ Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Europe) {SLES-01605 | SLES-11605 | SLES-21605} ] ; [ Atlus Shinsaku Title Demo CD-ROM (Japan) Demo {SLP-80224} ] ; [ Attack of the Saucerman (Europe) {SLES-01718} ] :SLES-01718 #Infinite Lives 80055F74 000F #Infinite Energy 80055F7A 0009 #No. Of Neds To Capture ?00-FF 80055FBA 00?? #No. Of Neds Captured ?00-FF 80055FBE 00?? #Infinite Blaster-Ammo 80055FFC 03E7 #Finish Bonus-Levels Successfully D0055FBA 0064 80055FBA 0001 D0055FBE 0000 80055FBE 0063 #Select Level\Alien Containment Facility D0056020 0001 80056020 0001 #Select Level\Security Level D0056020 0001 80056020 0002 #Select Level\Airfield Under Attack D0056020 0001 80056020 0003 #Select Level\Airforce Assault D0056020 0001 80056020 0004 #Select Level\This Space Intentionally Blank D0056020 0001 80056020 0005 #Select Level\Chiswick Park Ned Farm D0056020 0001 80056020 0006 #Select Level\Big Ben Time Machine D0056020 0001 80056020 0007 #Select Level\Body Snatchers D0056020 0001 80056020 0008 #Select Level\The Tower Of London D0056020 0001 80056020 0009 #Select Level\Stonehenge Time Gate D0056020 0001 80056020 000A #Select Level\Mexican Jungle D0056020 0001 80056020 000B #Select Level\Aztec City Limits D0056020 0001 80056020 000C #Select Level\Aztec Suburbia D0056020 0001 80056020 000D #Select Level\Aztec Airport D0056020 0001 80056020 000E #Select Level\Shamanic Temple D0056020 0001 80056020 000F #Select Level\Stoneage Starport D0056020 0001 80056020 0010 #Select Level\Pterydactyl Terror D0056020 0001 80056020 0011 #Select Level\Inside The Volcano D0056020 0001 80056020 0012 #Select Level\Grimloid Magma Plant D0056020 0001 80056020 0013 #Select Level\The Reactor Core D0056020 0001 80056020 0014 #Select Level\Grimloid Starport D0056020 0001 80056020 0015 #Select Level\Baggage Handling D0056020 0001 80056020 0016 #Select Level\Downtown Homeworld D0056020 0001 80056020 0017 #Select Level\NEDCO's Flagship D0056020 0001 80056020 0018 #Select Level\Big Bubba's Bridge D0056020 0001 80056020 0019 #Select Level\Intro D0056020 0001 80056020 001A #Select Level\Outro D0056020 0001 80056020 001B #Select Level\Bonus Level 1 D0056020 0001 80056020 001C #Select Level\Bonus Level 2 D0056020 0001 80056020 001D #Select Level\Bonus Level 3 D0056020 0001 80056020 001E #Select Level\Bonus Level 4 D0056020 0001 80056020 001F #Select Level\Demo Level 1 D0056020 0001 80056020 0024 #Select Level\Demo Level 2 D0056020 0001 80056020 0025 #P.O.D.-Codes (On Pickup)\Infinite Explosives,Smart Bombs S, Bubble Bombs,Impact Scatter Grenades, Skinner Missiles 80056000 03E7 #P.O.D.-Codes (On Pickup)\Infinite Bubble-Bombs 80056004 03E7 #P.O.D.-Codes (On Pickup)\Infinite Love Bombs 80056008 03E7 #P.O.D.-Codes (On Pickup)\Infinite Hoverned-Traps 8005600C 03E7 ; [ Aubirdforce (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-00533} ] :SLPS-00533 #Infinite HP main unit 801ED96E 0348 ; [ Aubirdforce (Japan) Demo {SLP-80053} ] ; [ Aubirdforce (Japan) {SLPS-00546} ] ; [ Aubirdforce: After (Japan) {SLPS-01606} ] :SLPS-01606 #Infinite HP Main unit 801DE3F8 270F 801DE400 270f #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta total current HPMAX 80078E3C 270F #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta No.1 machine currently HPMAX 80078E3E 0005 #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta No.2 machine currently HPMAX 80078E40 0D05 #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta No.3 machine currently HPMAX 80078E42 0D05 #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta total maximum HPMAX 80078E44 270F #Carrier-based aircraft original data Vu~aresuta each machine maximum HPMAX 80078E46 0D05 ; [ Austin Powers Pinball (Europe) {SLES-03945} ] ; [ Australian Summer Special (Australia) {SCED-01570} ] ; [ Auto Destruct (Europe) {SLES-00909} ] :SLES-00909 #Infinite Money 800A7CB4 270F #Infinite Machine gun ammo 800A5F90 0064 #Infinite Rockets 800A5F7E 0064 #Infinite Fuel 800A7E58 0064 #Inifinite Damage 800A86E8 0800 ; [ Autobahn Raser II (Germany) {SLES-02341} ] :SLES-02341 #Ne Menge Geld 800DA4E6 0098 #0 Schaden 80048422 0000 #Erster Sein 80076F8C 0000 #Starte In Letzter Runde 80076EC0 0002 #Unendlich Turbo 80048848 0000 #0 Verwarnungen 8004D670 0000 ; [ Autorennen Spezial '98 (Germany) {SCED-01306} ] ; [ Autumn/Christmas Releases '96 (Europe) {SCED-00273} ] ; [ Ayrton Senna Kart Duel (Europe) {SLES-00493} ] ; [ Ayrton Senna Kart Duel (Japan) {SLPS-00380} ] :SLPS-00380 #Always Come In First 80094828 0000 ; [ Ayrton Senna Kart Duel 2 (Europe) {SLES-01024} ] ; [ Ayrton Senna Kart Duel Special (Japan) {SLPS-01659} ] :SLPS-01659 #Always 1st When Finished 80076B4A 0001 ; [ Ayrton Senna KartDuel 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01072} ] :SLPS-01072 #Enable all classes 800DA9E8 0003 #Unlock Hidden models 800DA9E6 0006 #Always first place 800D9192 0001 #Start in lap 3 8001C85C 0001 8001C860 0003 #IncreaseTime remaining 8001C86C 8CA0 ; [ Azito (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87284} ] ; [ Azito 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01526} ] :SLPS-01526 #Clear map 300225F3 0001 #MAX Money 9002264C 1017DF7E ; [ Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold (Europe) {SLES-03109} ] ; [ Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold aka Aztec (Europe) {SLES-03052} ] :SLES-03052 #Habe 99 Kakaobohnen 80078030 0063 ; [ Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold aka Aztec (Europe) {SLES-03053} ] ; [ Azure Dreams (Europe) {SLES-01219} ] :SLES-01219 #Infinite Money English 900814B4 05F5E0FF #Infinite Health in battle English 800813E0 FFFF #Level 99 English 800813C8 6300 #Quick level up English 800813D0 FFFF #Total time 00:00:00 English 8003CBC2 AE20 #Infinite Money French 80082545 E0FF 80082547 05F5 #Infinite Health in battle French 80082470 03E7 80082471 03E7 #Level 99 French 80082459 0063 #unbegrentz gesundheit im kampf German 80081B70 FFFF #level 99 German 80081B58 6300 #unbegrenzt geld German 90081C44 05F5E0FF ; [ B Senjou no Alice: Alice on Borderlines (Japan) (Test Operation Disc) {SLP-80138} ] ; [ B Senjou no Alice: Alice on Borderlines (Japan) {SLPS-01003 | SLPS-01004 | SLPS-01005} ] ; [ B-Movie (Europe) {SLES-01260} ] ; [ B-Movie (Germany) {SLES-01550} ] :SLES-01550 #Unendlich Komponenten 8008558C 0066 80085590 0066 80085594 0066 #Unendlich Forscher 80085588 0066 #Infinite Shields 80015F30 2400 #Unendlich Zeit 80032400 E942 #Missionsanwahl(01-12) 800711D4 0012 ; [ B. L. U. E.: Legend of Water (Japan) (Taikenban, Taikenban (Girl Meets PlayStation)) {PAPX-90050} ] ; [ BDFL Manager 2001 (Germany) {SLES-02977} ] ; [ BDFL Manager 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03605} ] ; [ BFS: Blue Forest Story: Kaze no Fuuin (Japan) {SLPS-00566} ] :SLPS-00566 #Infinite Energy In Battle 999 Char1 801A2B90 03E7 #Infinite Energy In Battle 999 Char2 801A2B94 03E7 #Infinite Energy In Battle Char1 801A2B90 001B #Infinite Energy In Battle Char2 801A2B94 001C #Experience Max 901E1378 FFFFFFFF #Level 99 301E1376 0063 #Enemy appearance rate decrease 90009010 FFFFFFFF #Infinite Money 8009F9E4 423F 3009F9E6 000F ; [ BMG Demos (France) Demo {SLED-01054} ] ; [ Baby Felix Tennis (Europe) {SLES-03991} ] :SLES-03991 #Opponent score = 0 80026210 0000 ; [ Baby Universe (Europe) (Promo) {SCES-00982} ] ; [ Back Guiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha Tachi: Kakusei Hen 'Guiner Tensei' (Japan) {SLPS-01217 | SLPS-01218} ] :SLPS-01217 :SLPS-01218 #Infinite HP Main character 800927E6 03E7 #Infinite HP Second character 8009286A 03E7 #Infinite HP Third character 8009283E 03E7 #Infinite HP Fourth character 80092812 03E7 ; [ Back Guiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha Tachi: Service Disc (Japan) {SLPS-01448} ] :SLPS-01448 #Infinite HP First character 800950CE 024E #Infinite HP Second character 800950FA 01FE #Infinite HP Third character 80095126 0212 #Infinite HP Fourth character 8009517E 023A #Infinite HP Fifth character 800951AA 01E0 #Infinite HP Sixth character 800951D6 01F4 #Infinite HP Seventh character 80095202 01E0 #Infinite HP Eighth character 8009522E 0226 #Main Character Max Exp 800950D4 0063 #Main Character Max Weapon 800CED5C 03E7 800CED60 1001 #2nd Character Max Exp 80095100 0063 #2ND Character Max Weapon 800CED9C 03E7 800CEDA0 1001 #3rd Character Max Exp 80095158 0063 #3RD Character Max Weapon 800CEDDC 03E7 800CEDE0 1001 #4th Character Max Exp 80095184 0063 #4Rd Character Max Weapon 800CED7C 03E7 800CED80 1001 #5th Character Max Exp 800951B0 0063 #5TH Character Max Weapon 800CEDBC 03E7 800CEDC0 1001 #6th Character Max Exp 80095208 0063 #6TH Character Max Weapon 800CEDFC 03E7 800CEE00 1001 #7th Character Max Exp 800951DC 0063 #7TH Character Max Weapon 800CF21C 03E7 800CF220 1001 #8th Character Max Exp 80095234 0063 #8TH Character Max Weapon 800CF23C 03E7 800CF240 1001 #9th Character Max Exp 8009512C 0063 #9TH Character Max Weapon 800CF1FC 03E7 800CF200 1001 ; [ Backgammon (Japan) {SLPS-01782} ] ; [ Backgammon 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02729} ] ; [ Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi (Japan) {SLP-86118} ] ; [ Bakuretsu Hunter: Sorezore no Omoi ... Nowaanchatte (Japan) {SLPS-00718} ] :SLPS-00718 #Infinite Energy Carrot (.Deactivate after being hit and enable it again after that.) 80080CC8 0064 #Infinite Energy Marron (.Deactivate after being hit and enable it again after that.) 80080CC9 0064 #Infinite Energy Tira (.Deactivate after being hit and enable it again after that.) 80080CCA 0064 ; [ Bakuretsu Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-03437} ] ; [ Bakuryuu (Japan) {SLPS-02429} ] :SLPS-02429 #Time: 00.00.000 / 1st Place 90067E0C 00000000 #character PEROKUN 900102A0 BE7C3F04 ; [ Bakushou!! All Yoshimoto Quiz-ou Kettei-sen DX (Japan) {SLPS-00158} ] :SLPS-00158 #Infinite HP in Comical Quest 8012355A 0006 #Infinite Time in Comical Quest 90123548 00030D40 #Have 999 points in Yoshimoto Club Quiz mode 801097E8 03E7 ; [ Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2: Otoko Jinsei Yume Ichiro (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80506} ] ; [ Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2: Otoko Jinsei Yume Ichiro (Japan) {SLPS-02465} ] :SLPS-02465 #Lots Of Money 900B06A0 054C5638 #Attention 300% 800B06BC 012C #Legend degree 300% 800B1908 012C #Max Speed 800FA124 00F4 ; [ Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu: Otoko Ippiki Yume Kaidou (Japan) {SLPS-01441} ] :SLPS-01441 #Infinite Money 8008AA78 4CE0 #No Damage & Max Speed 800C5334 0041 D00EC51A EF7F 800C5344 0041 800C6176 003A 800C8FAA 0E9E D00EC51A EFDF 8010EEAA 7F7F 800C6176 003A D00EC51A EFEF 800C6176 003A D00EC51A EFFF 800C6176 003A ; [ Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! Eternal Wings (Japan) {SLPS-01489} ] :SLPS-01489 #Infinite Money 90082F88 0001869F #Infinite Battery 800FE5B0 00BA #Don't Decrease Battery D00BF0A4 FFFF 800BF0A4 0000 #Secret Mode & Option 90089DE8 FFFFFFFF ; [ Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002: Bey Battle Tournament 2 (Japan) (Gentei Box) {SLP-87130} ] ; [ Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Bey Battle Tournament (Japan) {SLP-86980} ] ; [ Baldies (Europe) {SLES-04091} ] ; [ Baldy Land (Japan) {SLPS-01074} ] ; [ BallBlazer Champions (Europe) {SLES-00651} ] ; [ BallBlazer Champions (Germany) {SLES-00592} ] ; [ BallBlazer Champions (Italy) {SLES-00641} ] ; [ BallBlazer Champions (Japan) {SLPS-00796} ] ; [ BallBlazer Champions (Spain) {SLES-00647} ] ; [ Ballerburg (Europe) {SLES-04017} ] :SLES-04017 #Player Who Goes First Has 9,999,999 Gold (.For one player mode use player goes first code. For the missions which it does not work, use the player who goes second's code.) 900E6C88 0098967F #Player Who Goes Second Has 9,999,999 Gold 900EAEAC 0098967F ; [ Ballerburg (Germany) {SLES-04018} ] ; [ Ballistic (Europe) {SLES-02701} ] ; [ Baphomets Fluch (Germany) {SCES-00348} ] ; [ Baphomets Fluch II: Die Spiegel der Finsternis (Germany) {SCES-00800} ] ; [ Barbie: Aventure Equestre (France) {SCES-02366} ] ; [ Barbie: Aventuriere (France) {SLES-03693} ] ; [ Barbie: Esploratrice (Italy) {SLES-03695} ] ; [ Barbie: Explorer (Europe) {SLES-03692} ] ; [ Barbie: Explorer (Germany) {SLES-03694} ] :SLES-03694 #Leben gehen nie aus 3008FC32 000F #Beginne jeden Abschnitt mit vielen Edelsteinen 3008EDE8 0064 ; [ Barbie: Explorer (Spain) {SLES-03696} ] :SLES-03696 #Infinite Gems 8008ED98 03E7 #Infinite Lives 8008ED90 0063 8008FBE2 0063 #Infinite Hearts 8008EC0C 0009 ; [ Barbie: Race & Ride (Europe) {SCES-02365} ] ; [ Barbie: Race & Ride (Germany) {SCES-02367} ] ; [ Barbie: Race & Ride (Italy) {SCES-02368} ] ; [ Barbie: Race & Ride (Spain) {SCES-02369} ] ; [ Barbie: Sports Extrême (France) {SCES-02488} ] ; [ Barbie: Super Sport (Germany) {SCES-02489} ] ; [ Barbie: Super Sports (Europe) {SCES-02487} ] ; [ Barbie: Super Sports (Italy) {SCES-02490} ] ; [ Barbie: Super Sports (Spain) {SCES-02491} ] ; [ Baroque Syndrome (Japan) {SLP-86540} ] ; [ Baroque: Yuganda Mousou (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLP-86328} ] ; [ Baroque: Yuganda Mousou (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86759} ] ; [ Barça Manager 2000 (Spain) {SLES-02615} ] ; [ Baseball Navigator (Japan) {SLPS-00687} ] ; [ Baseball Simulation: ID Pro Yakyuu (Japan) {SLP-86650} ] ; [ Baseball: Pro-nami Kusayakyuu! (Japan) {SLPS-03055} ] ; [ Bass Landing (Japan) Demo {SLP-80354} ] ; [ Bass Landing (Japan) {SLPS-01765} ] :SLPS-01765 #Catch Fish 1 300AE8E0 0000 300B97E0 0000 #Catch Fish 2 300AE8E0 0001 300B97E0 0001 #Catch Fish 3 300AE8E0 0002 300B97E0 0002 #Catch Fish 4 300AE8E0 0003 300B97E0 0003 #Catch Fish 5 300AE8E0 0004 300B97E0 0004 #Catch Fish 6 300AE8E0 0005 300B97E0 0005 #Catch Fish 7 300AE8E0 0006 300B97E0 0006 #Catch Fish 8 300AE8E0 0007 300B97E0 0007 #Catch Fish 9 300AE8E0 0008 300B97E0 0008 #Catch Fish 10 300AE8E0 0009 300B97E0 0009 #Catch Fish 11 300AE8E0 000A 300B97E0 000A #Catch Fish 12 300AE8E0 000B 300B97E0 000B #Catch Fish 13 300AE8E0 000C 300B97E0 000C #Catch Fish 14 300AE8E0 000D 300B97E0 000D #Maximum Fish Length 800AE8F0 270F 800B97EC 270F #Maximum Fish Weight 800B0734 FFFF 800B97E6 FFFF #Scenario 1 300AE8B0 0001 #Scenario 2 300AE8B0 0002 #Scenario 3 300AE8B0 0003 #Scenario 4 300AE8B0 0004 #Scenario 5 300AE8B0 0005 #Scenario 6 300AE8B0 0006 ; [ Bass Landing 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02647} ] ; [ Bass Tsuri ni Ikou! (Japan) {SLPS-01914} ] :SLPS-01914 #Infinite Money 99999 9006DAA4 0001869F ; [ Bassing Beat 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02859} ] #Have 99999999 money 9005A3A0 05F5E0FF ; [ Bastard!! Utsuronaru Kamigami no Utsuwa (Japan) Demo {SLP-80051} ] ; [ Bastard!! Utsuronaru Kamigami no Utsuwa (Japan) {SLPS-00542} ] :SLPS-00542 #1st Character Max Experience 9014E9C8 003D967F #1st Character Level 99 3014E9C5 0063 #2nd Character Max Experience 8014EEB4 FFFF #Health / Magic max Character 1 8014E9FA 00FF 8014E9F6 00FF 8014E9F2 00FF 8014E9EE 00FF #VIE H 999 /999 9014EED8 003E7000 9014EEDC 003E7000 #JORG H 999 / M 999 9014EF8C 003E7000 9014EF90 003E7000 9014EF94 003E7000 9014EF98 003E7000 #ANGUS H 999 / M 999 9014F040 003E7000 9014F044 003E7000 9014F048 0020A000 9014F04C 0020A000 #KAI H 999 / M 999 9014F0F4 003E7000 9014F0F8 003E7000 9014F0FC 003E7000 9014F100 003E7000 #SEAN H 999 / M 999 9014F1A8 003E7000 9014F1AC 003E7000 9014F1B0 003E7000 #Infinite HP Blad in battle 80106C3C 03E7 80106C5C 03E7 ; [ Batman & Robin (Europe) {SLES-00102} ] :SLES-00102 #Invincibility 80069F4C 0001 #First Person view 80069F4C 0001 #Give clues 80069F4C 0004 #Level Select (Pause game for it; X and Triangle to toggle it; press Start to load level; L1 to increase milliseconds; L2 to increase seconds) 80069F4C 0008 #Infinite Batteries 300D2913 0064 #Infinite Coins 300D2912 0064 #Infinite Health For Batman, Batgirl & Robin 8009AB74 0000 #Infinite Health For Vehicles 801E312E 00FA #Robin Codes Have All Weapons 800CF5C8 FFFF #Robin Codes Have Infinite Boost 800CF5C2 0606 #Robin Codes Have Max Speed 800CF5C0 9632 #Batman Codes Have All Tools 800CF50A 0F0F 800CF50C FFFF #Batman Codes Have All Weapons 800CF508 FFFF #Batman Codes Have Infinite Boost 800CF502 0606 #Batman Codes Have Max Speed 800CF500 9632 #Batgirl Codes Have All Tools 800CF56A 0F0F 800CF56C FFFF #Batgirl Codes Have All Weapons 800CF568 FFFF #Batgirl Codes Have Infinite Boost 800CF562 0606 #Batgirl Codes Have Max Speed 800CF560 9632 ; [ Batman & Robin (Italy) {SLES-01220} ] ; [ Batman Forever: The Arcade Game (Europe) {SLES-00525} ] ; [ Batman Forever: The Arcade Game (Japan) {SLPS-00698} ] ; [ Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker (Europe) {SLES-02902} ] :SLES-02902 #Infinite Health D001B3FA A622 8001B3F8 0000 D0038426 A482 80038424 0000 #Sudden Death enemies D001AFE4 0018 8001AFE0 0000 D001AFE4 0018 8001AFE2 3402 #Infinite Dark knight discus D0029FBE A462 80029FBC 0000 #Infinite Lives D001E756 A062 8001E754 0000 ; [ Batman: Gotham City Racer (Europe) {SLES-02874} ] :SLES-02874 #Increasing Time D0042B40 FFFF 30042B40 0001 ; [ Battle Arena Nitoushinden (Japan) {SLPS-00485} ] :SLPS-00485 #P1 Infinite Energy 80097F48 007A #P2 Infinite HP 80098148 007A #P2 No HP 80098148 0000 #Access All Characters 80056C4C 1686 80097F48 007A ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden (Europe) {SCES-00002} ] :SCES-00002 #P1 Infinite Health 801BC2BC 0000 ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (Europe) {SCES-00232} ] :SCES-00232 #P1 Infinite Health (Only P1!) 9016140C 32010008 90161414 10200002 #P2 Infinite Health (Only P2!) 9016140C 32010008 90161414 14200002 #P1+P2 Infinite Health 8016141E 3C00 ; [ Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (Europe) {SCES-00700} ] :SCES-00700 #Enable Zola 3017D29C 0001 #Enable Adam 3017D29E 0001 #Enable Cuiling 3017D2A0 0001 #Enable Toujin 3017D2A2 0001 #Enable Balga 3017D2A4 0001 #Enable Atahua 3017D2A6 0001 #Enable Tau 3017D2A8 0001 #Enable Rachael 3017D2AA 0001 #Enable Schultz 3017D2AC 0001 #Enable Judgement 3017D2AE 0001 #Enable Vermilion 3017D2B0 0001 #Enable Miss Til 3017D2B2 0001 #Enable Sho 3017D2B4 0001 #Enable Abel 3017D2B6 0001 #Enable Veil 3017D2B8 0001 #Enable Naru 3017D2BA 0001 #Enable Leon 3017D298 0001 #Enable Ten Count 3017D29A 0001 #All Characters Enabled 50001202 0000 8017D298 0001 ; [ Battle Arena Toushinden 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00200} ] :SLPS-00200 #P1 Infinite Health 1F800214 0000 #Unlock All Extras Uranus & Master in roulette panel, Verm & Sho in roulette panel, and easy supers using R1+R2 1F80004C 0003 #P1 Max Gauge 1F800225 000F #P2 Max Gauge 1F80030D 000F #P1 Play As Master 1F800177 000C #P1 Play As Sho 1F800177 000E #P1 Play As Uranus 1F800177 000B #P1 Play As Verm 1F800177 000D ; [ Battle Arena Toushinden 2 Plus (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91006} ] ; [ Battle Arena Toushinden 2: Gyouten Kyougaku no Shishoku-ban (Japan) Demo {SLP-80028} ] ; [ Battle Arena Toushinden 3 (Japan) {SLPS-00650} ] :SLPS-00650 #P1 Infinite Energy 801F95D6 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 801F972E 0000 #P1 Infinite Ammo 1F80023A 0006 1F80023C 0002 #P2 Infinite Ammo 1F80036E 0006 1F800370 0002 #P1 Infinite Bombs 1F800274 0002 #P2 Infinite Bombs 1F8003A8 0002 #P1 Infinite HP 1F8001F0 0000 #P2 Infinite HP 1F800324 0000 #P1 Max Gauge 1F800201 000F #P2 Max Gauge 1F800335 000F #P1 Air Mode 801F95CC 0001 #P2 Air Mode 801F9724 0001 #Select All Characters 9017EF6C 00010001 9017EF70 00010001 8017EF74 0001 #Unlock Extras 110000F4 0003 50001202 0000 8017EF6C 0001 8017EF76 0001 9017EF78 00010001 9017EF7C 00010001 9017EF80 00010001 9017EF84 00010001 9017EF88 00010001 9017EF8C 00010001 ; [ Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai Alternative (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86525} ] ; [ Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai Alternative (Japan) {SLPS-01133} ] :SLPS-01133 #Max energy: 800E001E 03E7 800E0020 03E7 #Minimum fatigue 800E0022 0001 #Arm 999 800E0016 03E7 #Legs 999 800E001A 03E7 #Body 999 800E0018 03E7 #Guts 999 800E0024 03E7 ; [ Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai GTO (Grand Trial Onnanoco) (Japan) (Major Wave, Major Wave (Sample)) {SLP-86526} ] ; [ Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai GTO (Grand Trial Onnanoco) (Japan) {SLPS-01548} ] :SLPS-01548 #Infinite Stamina in Ling Pa racing 8018E3FC 00FF #Enemy has no stamina in Ling Pa racing 8018D6FC 0000 #Infinite Stamina in Aika racing 8018E5FC 00FF #Enemy has no stamina in Aika racing 8018E2FC 0000 ; [ Battle Bombee (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80361} ] ; [ Battle Bombee 2: Sukkiri Momoaji (Japan) {SLPS-02457} ] :SLPS-02457 #P1 Infinite money 999999 800C02B8 270F #Money 0 2P 800C0474 0000 #Money 0 3P 800C0630 0000 #Money 0 4P 800C07EC 0000 ; [ Battle Bugs (Japan) {SLPS-00991} ] ; [ Battle Formation (Japan) {SLPS-00968} ] :SLPS-00968 #P1 Infinite Money 8004F862 270F #P2 Infinite Money 8004F8C0 240F ; [ Battle Konchuuden (Japan) {SLPS-01779} ] :SLPS-01779 #Infinite Money 999999 900EAE5C 000F4237 #Infinite Energy Insect 1 800F5FAC 0BB8 ; [ Battle Master (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86519} ] ; [ Battle Master (Japan) {SLPS-01064} ] :SLPS-01064 #1P stamina 80159A38 0000 #2P stamina 80159A3C 0001 ; [ Battle Stations (Europe) {SLES-00662} ] :SLES-00662 #1P Infinity Life 800C368C 0064 ; [ BattleRound USA (Japan) {SLPS-01127} ] ; [ BattleSport (Europe) {SLES-00628} ] ; [ BattleTanx: Global Assault (Europe) {SLES-02773} ] :SLES-02773 #Infinite Tank bucks 800E278C 0063 #P1 Infinite Health (BattleLord, Hold-Em, Tank Wars & Campaign) 800DD4B0 007D #P1 Infinite Health (Deathmatch) 800DCF18 007D #P1 Infinite Health (Frenzy & Family) 800DCF18 007D #Infinite Ammo (normal weapons) D00433A0 FFFF 800433A0 0000 #Infinite Ammo (all special weapons) D004345C FFFF 8004345C 0000 ; [ BattleTanx: Global Assault (Europe) {SLES-02774} ] :SLES-02774 #Infinite Energy MIA tank level 1 800DCF14 00A2 #Infinite Ammo normal weapon MIA tank level 1 800DCF32 0064 #Infinite Ammo special weapon MIA tank level 1 800DCF34 0064 #Infinite Tank bucks 800E2788 0063 #Infinite Ammo normal weapon motorcycle 800DEB2A 03E7 #Infinite Energy motorcycle 800DEB0C 0026 #Infinite Special weapon motorcycle 800DEB3C 0063 #Infinite Energy Inferno tank 800DDA44 005A ; [ Beach Volleyball (Europe) {SLES-02808} ] ; [ Beast Wars: Transformers (Europe) Demo {SLED-01339} ] ; [ Beast Wars: Transformers (Europe) {SLES-00709} ] :SLES-00709 #Infinite Health 800DCB2C 1518 #Infinite Energon 800DCCCA 0000 #Score Always At Max 800DCCBC FFFF ; [ Beat Mania (Arcade) (Japan) {SLP-86126 | SLP-86127} ] ; [ Beat Mania 3rd Mix Mini (Japan) (Bundled with Audio CD) {SLP-86156} ] ; [ Beat Mania Append 3rdMix (Japan) {SLP-86184} ] ; [ Beat Mania Append GottaMix (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45403} ] ; [ Beat Mania Append GottaMix 2: Going Global (Japan) {SLP-86574} ] ; [ Beat Mania: The Sound of Tokyo (Japan) {SLP-86769} ] ; [ Beat-Em-Up Special (Europe) {SCED-01991} ] ; [ Beat-Em-Up Speziale (Germany) {SCED-01643} ] ; [ Beatmania (Europe) {SLES-02096} ] :SLES-02096 #P1 Max Gauge 800A5178 0039 800A5248 0039 #P2 Max Gauge 800A517A 0039 800A524A 0039 #P1 Max Stage Score 900A5360 000F423F #P2 Max Stage Score 900A5364 000F423F #P1 Perfect Results 800A525C 03E7 800A5368 03E7 50000302 0000 800A536A 0000 #P2 Perfect Results 800A525E 03E7 800A5370 03E7 50000302 0000 800A5372 0000 #Unlock Extras 9009A764 00000000 #P1-Codes\Start With High Total Score D00A51D0 0000 800A51D0 86A0 D00A51D0 0000 300A51D2 0001 #P1-Codes\Always Get 'A'-Ranking D00A5360 0000 800A5360 86A0 D00A5360 0000 300A5362 0001 #P1-Codes\The Public is Always Pleased 800A51E8 0640 #P1-Codes\The Public is Never Pleased 800A51E8 0000 #P1-Codes\Max Combo 800A525C 03E7 #P1-Codes\No Combos 800A525C 0000 #P1-Codes\Great = 300 800A5368 012C #P1-Codes\Great = 0 300A5368 0000 #P1-Codes\Good, Bad & Poor = 0 50000302 0000 800A536A 0000 #P2-Codes\Start With High Total Score D00A51D4 0000 800A51D4 86A0 D00A51D4 0000 300A51D6 0001 #P2-Codes\Always Get 'A'-Ranking D00A5364 0000 800A5364 86A0 D00A5364 0000 300A5366 0001 #P2-Codes\The Public is Always Pleased 800A51EA 0640 #P2-Codes\The Public is Never Pleased 800A51EA 0000 #P2-Codes\Max Combo 800A525E 03E7 #P2-Codes\No Combos 800A525E 0000 #P2-Codes\Great = 300 800A5370 012C #P2-Codes\Great = 0 300A5370 0000 #P2-Codes\Good, Bad & Poor = 0 50000302 0000 800A5372 0000 ; [ Beatmania 6thMix + Core Remix (Japan) {SLP-87012} ] ; [ Beatmania Append 4thMix: The Beat Goes On (Japan) {SLP-86266} ] ; [ Beatmania Append 5thMix: Time to Get Down (Japan) {SLP-86322} ] ; [ Beatmania Append Club Mix (Japan) {SLP-86692} ] ; [ Beatmania Best Hits (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86596} ] ; [ Beatmania Best Hits (Japan) {SLP-86596} ] ; [ Beatmania featuring Dreams Come True (Japan) {SLP-86597} ] ; [ Bedlam (Europe) {SLES-00334} ] :SLES-00334 #No Damage 80107E68 2710 #No Overheating 30107E1E 0000 #Infinite Money 800AF8FC 9876 #Infinite Ammo (Use this or the Infinite Ammo Codes) 50000708 0000 80107E26 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\First Weapon Slot 80107E26 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Second Weapon Slot 80107E2E 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Third Weapon Slot 80107E36 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Fourth Weapon Slot 80107E3E 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Fifth Weapon Slot 80107E46 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Sixth Weapon Slot 80107E4E 0064 #Infinite Ammo Codes\Seventh Weapon Slot 80107E56 0064 ; [ Beltlogger 9 (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-00581} ] :SLPS-00581 #Infinite Health 9005CC90 00000000 #Infinite Ammos 900610F0 00000000 900610CC 00000000 9006111C 00000000 #Infinite Items 900608D8 00000000 #Infinite Wpas 90060ACC 00000000 #Infinite Energy 9005D2A4 00000000 #Freeze Timer 800EAB34 0000 #No Overheat 800EA846 0000 #Infinite Energy 800EAAE2 04B0 #Infinite Rifle 800EAA2C 03E8 #Infinite Missile 800EAA30 0032 #Infinite Bomb 800EAA34 0003 #Launcher 800EAA32 0064 #Infinite Laser 800EAAE2 04B0 #Infinite Durability 900EAA1C 05B005B0 #Invincibility state 8005C8DE 1400 ; [ Beltlogger 9 (Japan) {SLPS-00582} ] :SLPS-00582 #Infinite Health 9005CC90 00000000 #Infinite Ammos 900610F0 00000000 900610CC 00000000 9006111C 00000000 #Infinite Items 900608D8 00000000 #Infinite Wpas 90060ACC 00000000 #Infinite Energy 9005D2A4 00000000 #Freeze Timer 800EAB34 0000 #No Overheat 800EA846 0000 #Infinite Energy 800EAAE2 04B0 #Infinite Rifle 800EAA2C 03E8 #Infinite Missile 800EAA30 0032 #Infinite Bomb 800EAA34 0003 #Launcher 800EAA32 0064 #Infinite Laser 800EAAE2 04B0 #Infinite Durability 900EAA1C 05B005B0 #Invincibility state 8005C8DE 1400 ; [ Best Buy Greatest Hits Demo Disc: Volume One (USA) {SCUS-94668} ] ; [ Best Horror Games Ever Demo (Europe, Australia) Demo {SCED-02420} ] ; [ Best Sports Games Ever (Europe, Australia) {SCED-02421} ] ; [ Best Sports Games Ever 2000 (Europe, Australia) Demo {SCED-03167} ] ; [ Beyblade (Europe) {SLES-04093} ] ; [ Beyond the Beyond (Japan) (Tentou-you Special) {PAPX-90005} ] ; [ Beyond the Beyond: Harukanaru Kanaan he (Japan) {SCPS-10014} ] :SCPS-10014 #Infinite Money 80102744 FFFF #Fast Level up 80114978 FFFF #No Random Battles 801023C4 2000 #Fin Infinite And Max LP 90114954 03E703E7 #Fin Infinite And Max VP 9011495C 03E703E7 #Fin Infinite And Max MP 90114958 03E703E7 #Annie Infinite And Max LP 901149D4 03E703E7 #Annie Infinite And Max VP 901149DC 03E703E7 #Annie Infinite And Max MP 901149D8 03E703E7 #Samson Infinite And Max LP 90114AC4 03E703E7 #Samson Infinite And Max VP 90114ACC 03E703E7 #Samson Infinite And Max MP 90114AC8 03E703E7 #Edward Infinite And Max LP 90114B54 03E703E7 #Edward Infinite And Max VP 90114B5C 03E703E7 #Edward Infinite And Max MP 90114B58 03E703E7 #Tonto Infinite And Max LP 90114BC4 03E703E7 #Tonto Infinite And Max VP 90114BCC 03E703E7 #Tonto Infinite And Max MP 90114BC8 03E703E7 #Domino Infinite And Max LP 90114C54 03E703E7 #Domino Infinite And Max VP 90114C5C 03E703E7 #Domino Infinite And Max MP 90114C58 03E703E7 #Lorelei Infinite And Max LP 90114CC4 03E703E7 #Lorelei Infinite And Max VP 90114CCC 03E703E7 #Lorelei Infinite And Max MP 90114CC8 03E703E7 #Belushi Infinite And Max LP 90114A54 03E703E7 #Belushi Infinite And Max VP 90114A5C 03E703E7 #Belushi Infinite And Max MP 90114A58 03E703E7 #None Encounter 301FFDFB 0000 ; [ Big Air (Europe) {SLES-01531} ] :SLES-01531 #Timer Always 0 8006AC24 0000 #Max Score 8007BCAC FFFF #Always Finish First 3006BA60 0000 ; [ Big Bass Fishing (Europe) {SLES-03847} ] ; [ Big Bass World Championship (USA) {SLUS-00228} ] :SLUS-00228 #Infinite Time 800977B8 0000 #No Tension On Line 9007B9D0 00000000 #Infinite Bright Lures 9004D278 00000000 #Infinite Natural Lures 9004D264 00000000 ; [ Big Challenge Golf: Tokyo Yomiuri Country Club-hen (Japan) {SLPS-00459} ] :SLPS-00459 #Always Hole in 1 800CB4AC 0000 ; [ Big Strike Bowling (Europe) {SLES-04025} ] ; [ Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (Europe) {SLES-01316} ] ; [ Bio Hazard (Japan) Beta {SLPS-00222} ] :SLPS-00222 #Infinite Energy 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 +Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Infinite Ammo 80041C4C 0000 #Play Rebecca mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Bio Hazard (Japan) Demo {SLP-80027} ] ; [ Bio Hazard (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86770} ] ; [ Bio Hazard (Japan) {SLPS-00222} ] :SLPS-00222 #Infinite Energy 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 +Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Infinite Ammo 80041C4C 0000 #Play Rebecca mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Bio Hazard: Complete Disc (Japan) {SLPS-01513} ] :SLPS-01513 #Infinie HP 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Ammo infinite 80041C4C 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Play Rebecca Mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Bio Hazard: Director's Cut (Japan) {SLPS-00998} ] :SLPS-00998 #Energie infinie 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Ammo infinite 80041C4C 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Play Rebecca Mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Bio Hazard: Director's Cut: Dual Shock Ver. (Japan) {SLPS-01512} ] :SLPS-01512 #Energie infinie 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Ammo infinite 80041C4C 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Play Rebecca Mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Trial Edition) {SLPS-00999} ] :SLPS-00999 #Energie infinie 300C51AC 004C #Time 00/Save 00 800C8684 0000 800C8688 0000 #Ammo infinite 80041C4C 0000 #Save anytime (Press L2 + R2 + Circle) D00CF844 0023 800C8456 0003 #Play Rebecca Mission 800C8667 0300 #Colt python/Rocket Infinite+ radio 800C870C 0033 #Rebecca and the colt python 900C8790 01420105 800C8794 010A #All doors open 900C86B4 0D7EBFDC 800C86BA 0E74 900C8704 08000E00 800C870A 4E00 #All events 800C86AE 00E8 800C86A2 8000 800C8696 B400 800C86AA E00C 800C869E C5FF 900C8700 FF40081C 800C8704 FF0F 800C870E 4000 ; [ Biohazard 2 (Japan) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Biohazard 2 (Leon-hen) (Japan) {SLPS-01222 | SLPS-01223} ] :SLPS-01222 :SLPS-01223 #Infinite HP Leon Kennedy 800D06BE 00C8 #Ending Game 800D04E6 4022 #Extreme Battle Mode / Unlock 3 Level and Chris & Ada charactere D00D04E6 0000 800D04E6 0100 900D0508 00020200 #One Hit To Kill Leon Kennedy 90041D70 2402FFFF #Total Time 00.00.00 Leon Kennedy 900D5014 00000000 #Final Stop Timer Leon Kennedy 800D51A2 0126 #Infinite Time for escaping at the last boss Leon Kennedy 8002D35C 0000 #10 item slots Bag Leon Kennedy 300D5230 0001 #Save Everywhere (L1 + R1) Leon Kennedy D00CEC6C 000C 800D4E0C 1F9C D00CEC6C 000C 800D4E0E 8005 #LEON B D00D054A 0000 800D054A 4000 #The 4 Survivor HUNK 300D04E4 0008 #The 4 Survivor TOFU 300D04E4 0009 #Infinite HP Claire Redfield 800D0766 00C8 #One Attack Kill Enemy Claire Redfield 90041D48 2402FFFF #Number of Save Zero Claire Redfield 800D50DC 0000 #Total Time 00.00.00 Claire Redfield 900D50BC 00000000 #Infinite Time for escaping at the last boss Claire Redfield 8002D404 0000 #10 Item slot Bag Claire Redfield 300D52D8 0001 #Ink use count Claire Redfield 300D53D4 0000 #Save anywhere by pressing L2 Claire Redfield D00CED14 0001 800D4EB4 1F74 D00CED14 0001 800D4EB6 8005 #Infinite Bullet Claire Redfield D00697CA 00C1 800697CA 00C6 #Infinite Ink ribbon Claire Redfield D01C0AB2 2442 801C0AB0 0000 ; [ Biohazard 2: Dual Shock Ver. (Leon-hen) (Japan) {SLPS-01510 | SLPS-01511} ] :SLPS-01510 :SLPS-01511 #Infinite HP Leon Kennedy 800D06BE 00C8 #Ending Game 800D04E6 4022 #Extreme Battle Mode / Unlock 3 Level and Chris & Ada charactere D00D04E6 0000 800D04E6 0100 900D0508 00020200 #One Hit To Kill Leon Kennedy 90041D70 2402FFFF #Total Time 00.00.00 Leon Kennedy 900D5014 00000000 #Final Stop Timer Leon Kennedy 800D51A2 0126 #Infinite Time for escaping at the last boss Leon Kennedy 8002D35C 0000 #10 item slots Bag Leon Kennedy 300D5230 0001 #Save Everywhere (L1 + R1) Leon Kennedy D00CEC6C 000C 800D4E0C 1F9C D00CEC6C 000C 800D4E0E 8005 #LEON B D00D054A 0000 800D054A 4000 #The 4 Survivor HUNK 300D04E4 0008 #The 4 Survivor TOFU 300D04E4 0009 #Infinite HP Claire Redfield 800D0766 00C8 #One Attack Kill Enemy Claire Redfield 90041D48 2402FFFF #Number of Save Zero Claire Redfield 800D50DC 0000 #Total Time 00.00.00 Claire Redfield 900D50BC 00000000 #Infinite Time for escaping at the last boss Claire Redfield 8002D404 0000 #10 Item slot Bag Claire Redfield 300D52D8 0001 #Ink use count Claire Redfield 300D53D4 0000 #Save anywhere by pressing L2 Claire Redfield D00CED14 0001 800D4EB4 1F74 D00CED14 0001 800D4EB6 8005 #Infinite Bullet Claire Redfield D00697CA 00C1 800697CA 00C6 #Infinite Ink ribbon Claire Redfield D01C0AB2 2442 801C0AB0 0000 ; [ Biohazard 3: Last Escape (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80485} ] ; [ Biohazard 3: Last Escape (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-87224} ] ; [ Biohazard 3: Last Escape (Japan) {SLPS-02300} ] :SLPS-02300 #Infinite HP All 8003E6AA 0060 #Infinite HP 800CC338 00C8 #Status Fine 300CC33F 0004 #Turbo Shooting (.L2+R1+Square) E00CBED8 0089 E10CBED9 0001 E10CBED9 0008 D00CC270 0501 800CC272 0102 #Infinite Ammo D006D974 FFFF 8006D974 0000 D006D994 FFFF 8006D994 0000 #One Hit Dead D0045720 0006 80045720 0001 #Save Anywhere (.L1+Square) E00CBED8 0084 800D13C0 1D00 E00CBED8 0084 800D13C2 8005 #Item Box Anytime (.L2 + Square) D00CBED8 0081 800D13C0 1E24 D00CBED8 0081 800D13C2 8005 D00CBED8 0081 800DF874 0002 #Save = 0 D01C35BA 2662 801C35B8 0000 #No Ink To Save (.You can save even NEVER having any INK, MUST use w/ #SV INK# code.) D0051D44 0008 80051D44 0000 #Infinite Sv Ink (.When save, don't decrease INK number) D006D68C 7C7C 8006D60E 0040 #Have 10 Slots 300D1906 000A #Invisible (.Start Code = L2+R2 .Stop Code = L1+R1) D00CBED8 0003 301E4358 0000 D00CBED8 000C 301E4358 0001 #All Files 900D17D4 FFFFFFFF #All Maps 300D17CF 00FE 300D17D3 00FE #Total Time(Get Grade S) 900D15D0 00000000 #All Pic In Epilogue 300D15E6 0008 #Omake .Start New Game Have All Secret 800D15DA FFE0 #Rapid Fire D003FC54 0003 8003FC54 0000 #New Game To Make Item Stock = 10 In Heavy Mode, Just Like Getting The Backpack From Start. D006DA60 0008 8006DA60 000A #Tofu Skin Code 300D162E 000F #Quick Ending (.L1+L2+R1+R2) E00CBED8 000F 800CBF00 C000 E00CBED8 000F 300CBF02 0001 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 1st Dress (.Up+L1) D00CBED8 1004 800D162E 0000 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 2nd Dress (.Up+L2) D00CBED8 1001 800D162E 0001 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 3Th Dress (.Up+R1) D00CBED8 1008 800D162E 0002 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 4th Dress (.Up+R2) D00CBED8 1002 800D162E 0003 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 5th Dress (.Up+L1+L2) D00CBED8 1005 800D162E 0004 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Jill 6th Dress (.Up+R1+R2) D00CBED8 100A 800D162E 0005 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Regina From Dino Crisis (.Up+L1+R1) D00CBED8 100C 800D162E 0006 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Carlos (.Up+L2+R2) D00CBED8 1003 800D162E 0008 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Mikhail (.Up+L1+R2) D00CBED8 1006 800D162E 0009 #Select Characters Anywhere Codes\Nicholai (.Up+L2+R1) D00CBED8 1009 800D162E 000A #The Mercenaries Mode\Get Reward 800CBEFA FFFF #The Mercenaries Mode\Reward Total 900D1C94 0098967F #The Mercenaries Mode\Infinite Time 800D1640 0078 ; [ Biohazard: Gun Survivor (Japan) {SLP-86749} ] ; [ Bishi Bashi Special (Europe) {SLES-02537} ] :SLES-02537 #P1 Infinite Lives 800727C0 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 800728F4 0003 #Hyper Bishi Bashi - Infinite Tries 80062908 0002 #Super Bishi Bashi - Infinite Tries 800727C0 0002 ; [ Bishi Bashi Special (Japan) {SLP-86123} ] ; [ Bishi Bashi Special 2 (Japan) {SLP-86267} ] ; [ Bishi Bashi Special 3: Step Champ (Japan) {SLP-86539} ] ; [ Bishoujo Ren'ai Mahjong Series 2nd: Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: 1-nen Jun'ai-gumi (Japan) {SLP-86680} ] ; [ Bishoujo Ren'ai Mahjong Series 2nd: Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: 2-nen Junjou-gumi (Japan) {SLP-86716} ] ; [ Bishoujo Ren'ai Mahjong Series: Karan Koron Gakuen: Doki Doki-hen (Japan) {SLP-86414} ] ; [ Bishoujo Ren'ai Mahjong Series: Karan Koron Gakuen: Munekyun-hen (Japan) {SLP-86468} ] ; [ Bishoujo Ren'ai Mahjong Series: Karan Koron Gakuen: Pure Love-hen (Japan) {SLP-86474} ] ; [ Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen (Japan) {SLPS-00262} ] ; [ Black Dawn (Europe) {SLES-00407} ] :SLES-00407 #Armour 8006048C 0064 #Fuel 8006048A 0575 #Missiles 80060554 0063 3006055E 0005 #Rockets 80060556 0063 3006055F 0005 #Napalm 80060558 0063 30060560 0005 #Nuclearbombs 8006055A 0063 30060561 0005 #Secret 8006055C 0063 #Weapon 30060562 0005 ; [ Black Dawn (Japan) {SLPS-00663} ] ; [ Black/Matrix + (Japan) (Best-ban) {SLPS-03415 | SLPS-03416} ] ; [ Black/Matrix 00 (Japan) {SLPS-03573 | SLPS-03574} ] :SLPS-03573 :SLPS-03574 #Infinite HP Cain (main character) Stage 1 8006FC50 03E7 8006FC46 03E7 #Infinite PP Cain (main character) Stage 1 8006FC52 03E7 8006FC48 03E7 #Infinite HP character 2 Stage 1 8006FCCC 03E7 8006FCC2 03E7 #Infinite PP character 2 Stage 1 8006FCCE 03E7 8006FCC4 03E7 #Infinite HP Main Character Stage 2 8006F490 03E7 8006F486 03E7 #Infinite PP Main Character Stage 2 8006F488 03E7 8006F492 03E7 #Money 999999 901C05D4 0001869F #Item 99 50000B02 0000 8006F3B0 6363 50001302 0000 8006F448 6363 50001B02 0000 8006F2A8 6363 #Infinite Action possible D016F578 005B 8016F560 001A D016F578 005B 8016F562 849A D016F578 005B 8016F570 F090 D016F578 005B 8016F572 375A D016F578 005B 8016F574 001A D016F578 005B 8016F576 A49A #Save possible before the battle menu, even save command no lit D01588F0 0048 8015892A 1000 #Circus mini-games 99 pieces game, at one time success distribute leaflets D016F1FC 0FB4 8016F204 0063 D016F1FC 0FB4 8016F206 2402 #Circus mini-games 50 times achieved game, once success throwing knife D0172C0C 0B86 80172C04 0032 D0172C0C 0B86 80172C06 2402 #Circus mini-games Success juggler game, on the command button ? roll D01751EC 0056 80175226 A600 D01751EC 0056 8017522E 2404 #Circus mini-games Tightrope game, not collapse balance D01785F8 0063 80178A56 A600 #Circus mini-games 99 performance tightrope game, once success D01785F8 0063 80178600 0063 #Circus mini-games Lion game, Invincibility D017CA20 0028 8017CA22 1000 #Circus mini-games Spotlight game, once 40 points D01801A8 053A 80180198 0028 D01801A8 053A 8018019A 2403 #Circus mini-games Trapeze game, once 40 points D018297C 053A 80182978 0028 D018297C 053A 8018297A 2402 ; [ Blade (Europe) {SLES-03213} ] :SLES-03213 #Infinite Health 800C7490 05DC #Infinite Money 800C3B00 03E7 #All keys & keycards 800CEA70 FFFF #All glyph 800B7174 FFFF #All items 800C3A6A 0F0F 800B7176 F000 ; [ Blade (France) {SLES-03214} ] ; [ Blade (Germany) {SLES-03215} ] :SLES-03215 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800C7330 0600 #Maximale Stärke 800C391C 45E2 #Beginne mit viel Geld D00C39A0 0000 800C39A0 03E7 #Cheat Men freigeschaltet 800BB77A 7000 #Habe alle Laserteile 300C390A 000F #Habe alle Schlüsselkarten & Schlüssel 300C3910 00FF #Habe Serum gross D00C38FE 0000 300C38FE 0003 ; [ Blade Arts: Tasogare no Miyako R'lyeh (Japan) {SLP-86602} ] ; [ Blam! Machinehead (Europe) {SLES-00349} ] :SLES-00349 #Infinite Energy 800BF3A8 00FF #Infinite Rockets 800C1EC0 0063 #Infinite Homing Missiles 800C1EBC 0063 #Infinite Flamethrower 800C1EB8 00FA ; [ Blam! Machinehead (France) {SLES-00350} ] ; [ Blam! Machinehead (Germany) {SLES-00351} ] :SLES-00351 #Infinite Energy 800BF5C4 00FF #Infinite Flamethrower 800C20D4 00FF #Infinite Rockets 800C20D8 00FF #Infinite Homing Missiles 800C20DC 00FF #Infinite Laser 800C20E0 00FF #Infinite Little Bombs 800C20E4 00FF #Infinite Big Bombs 800C20E8 00FF #Infinite Flashbombs 800C20EC 00FF ; [ Blast Chamber (Europe) {SLES-00476} ] :SLES-00476 #Infinite Lives 800B7540 0009 #P1 Infinite Time 800B753E 003C #P2 Infinite Time 800B76AA 003C ; [ Blast Radius (Europe) Demo {SLED-01272} ] ; [ Blast Radius (Europe) {SLES-01169} ] :SLES-01169 #Preparation Codes (Must Be On!) D0024C26 1451 80024C24 84F6 D0024C26 1451 80024C26 0C00 #Infinite Shield 300EEEE0 0042 #Infinite Energy 300EEEE2 0046 #Infinite Fuel 300ED7F6 0040 #100000 Credits 900ED7A0 000186A0 #Infinite Ammo 300EEEEA 0063 #No Overheating 800AAEB6 0000 ; [ Blast Radius (France) {SLES-01192} ] ; [ Blaster Master (Japan) {SLPS-02617} ] ; [ Blaster Master: Blasting Again (Europe) {SLES-02273} ] :SLES-02273 #Infinite HP 800F83A5 1000 #Infinite HP Alt 1 300F83A5 00FF ; [ Blasto (Europe) {SCES-01224} ] :SCES-01224 #Infinite Lives 801F145E 0005 #Infinite Energy 801EFFC8 1770 ; [ Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest (Europe) {SLES-00845} ] :SLES-00845 #Infinite Money 900F026C 0001869F #P1 Infinite TP 800F014C 270F #P1 Infinite MP 800F014E 270F #P2 Infinite TP 800F214C 270F #P2 Infinite MP 800F214E 270F ; [ Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest (Germany) {SLES-01274} ] ; [ Blazing Dragons (Europe) {SLES-00247} ] ; [ Blazing Dragons (France) {SLES-00305} ] ; [ Blazing Dragons (Germany) {SLES-00306} ] ; [ Block Buster (Europe) {SLES-04067} ] :SLES-04067 #Have always 5 balls 801DA3E0 0005 ; [ Block Kuzushi (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87236} ] ; [ Block Kuzushi: Deden no Gyakushuu (Japan) {SLPS-00353} ] :SLPS-00353 #Score is 9999999 901C8B58 0098967F #Infinite Lives (99) 301C8B83 0063 ; [ Block Wars (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80619} ] ; [ Block Wars (Japan) {SLPS-03219} ] :SLPS-03219 #Opponent has always 0 wins 80154E4C 0000 #Player has always 2 wins 80154E48 0002 ; [ Blockbuster Playstation Challenge (Europe) Demo {SCED-00877} ] ; [ Blockbuster Presents: GameShark Top 50: Summer Fall 2001 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Blockids (Europe) {SLES-04003} ] ; [ Blockids (Japan) (Deluxe Pack) {SLPS-00206} ] ; [ Blockids (Japan) {SLPS-00205} ] ; [ Blood Lines (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Blood Lines (Europe) {SCES-01443} ] :SCES-01443 #Infinite Time 800EA90C 0000 #P1 Infinite Health 80139126 00C8 #All Extras 50001202 0000 800DEE90 0000 #P1 has always control 80138E28 0001 801392E4 0001 8013958C 0000 80139A48 0000 ; [ Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Europe) {SLES-00075} ] :SLES-00075 #Infinite Blood 901CAB44 01900190 #Infinite Magic 801CAB4A 0190 801CAB4C 0190 #nfinite Item Usage 8004316E 3C00 ; [ Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (France) {SLES-00522} ] :SLES-00522 #Infinite Blood Line 901CA99C 01900190 #Infinite Magic Line 801CA9A2 0190 801CA9A4 0190 ; [ Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Germany) {SLES-00523} ] :SLES-00523 #Infinite Blood 901CAB44 01900190 #Infinite Magic 801CAB4A 0190 801CAB4C 0190 ; [ Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age (Europe) Demo {SLED-01928} ] ; [ Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age (Europe) {SLES-01722} ] :SLES-01722 #P1 Infinite Health 90178CB4 32210100 90178CCC 1020000D #Infinite Health 80178CF2 3C00 #Start With Full Beastmeters 80175964 3A00 #Have All Movies 801C1228 FFFF #Have All Pictures 50000502 0000 801C1254 FFFF #Have All Characters 801C124C FFFF #Have All Custom 801C1242 FFFF 801C1244 FFFF #Infinite Time To Chose Character 801FFE1C 1760 ; [ Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age (Japan) Demo {SLP-80373} ] ; [ Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45374} ] ; [ Bloody Roar: Hyper Beast Duel (Europe) Demo {SLED-00108} ] ; [ Bloody Roar: Hyper Beast Duel (Europe) {SLES-01010} ] :SLES-01010 #Open Bonus Options & Art Gallery 801B40A0 FFFF #P1 Codes\Infinite Health 301B4088 0002 #P1 Codes\Infinite Health, Beast & Rave 301B4088 0003 #P1 Codes\Big Arm Mode 301B4088 0010 #P1 Codes\Infinite Health & Big Arm Mode 301B4088 0012 #P1 Codes\Infinite Health, Big Arm Mode, Beast & Rave 301B4088 0013 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health 301B4089 0002 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health, Beast & Rave 301B4089 0003 #P2 Codes\Big Arm Mode 301B4089 0010 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health & Big Arm Mode 301B4089 0012 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health, Big Arm Mode, Beast & Rave 301B4089 0013 ; [ Bloody Roar: Hyper Beast Duel (Japan) Demo {SLP-80155} ] ; [ Bloody Roar: Hyper Beast Duel (Japan) {SLPS-91157} ] ; [ Blue Breaker Burst: Egao no Asu ni (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86648} ] ; [ Blue Breaker Burst: Hohoemi o Anata to (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86647} ] ; [ Blue Breaker Burst: Hohoemi o Anata to (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-01469} ] :SLPS-01469 #P1 Infinite HP 800E597A 0140 #P1 Infinite MP 800E597C 0005 #P2 Infinite HP 800E665E 0140 #P2 Infinite MP 800E6660 0005 ; [ Blue Breaker: Egao no Yakusoku (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86646} ] ; [ Blue Breaker: Egao no Yakusoku (Japan) {SLPS-01122} ] :SLPS-01122 #Infinite Money 901FBED8 000F869F #Infinite HP Character 1 901E9380 03E703E7 #Infinite EP Character 1 901E9384 03E703E7 #LV 99 Character 1 301E938C 0063 #Infinite HP Character 2 901E93B8 03E703E7 #Infinite EP Character 2 901E93BC 03E703E7 #Infinite HP Character 3 (Guardian girl 2) 901E93F0 03E703E7 #Infinite EP Character 3 (Guardian girl 2) 901E93F4 03E703E7 #None encounter 301E8F59 0007 #Guardian of light 301E9394 0000 #Guardian of fire 301E9394 0001 #Guardian of water 301E9394 0002 #Guardian of wind 301E9394 0003 #Guardian of earth 301E9394 0004 #Guardian of darkness 301E9394 0005 #Favorability Max Asha 801E9790 7FFF #Favorability Max The Karumi 801E97A0 7FFF #Favorability Max Sage 801E97B0 7FFF #Favorability Max Turner 801E97C0 7FFF #Favorability Max The Naruta 801E97D0 7FFF #Favorability Max The Hamyun 801E97E0 7FFF #Favorability Max Maya 801E97F0 7FFF #Favorability Max Yamu 801E9800 7FFF #Favorability Max The Ramiyu 801E9810 7FFF #Favorability Max Wise 801E9820 7FFF #Favorability Max Degradation 801E9830 7FFF #Favorability Max The Inaru 801E9840 7FFF ; [ Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Musical (Australia) {SLES-03570} ] ; [ Bob Aggiustatutto (Italy) {SLES-03674} ] ; [ Bob le Bricoleur: Réparer C'est Gagné! (France) {SLES-03798} ] ; [ Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? (Europe) {SLES-02856} ] ; [ Body Hazard (Japan) {SLPS-00865} ] :SLPS-00865 #Infinite Health 801163E0 1000 ; [ Boku no Choro Q (Japan) {SLP-87024} ] ; [ Boku no Natsuyasumi: Summer Holiday 20th Century (Japan) {SCPS-10088} ] :SCPS-10088 #You can drop Honeycomb in one shot 30035EE2 0300 #Do not get tired waving an ax 30035E71 0000 #Worms collected already collecting box to ? 60 50003C0C 0001 80046F28 FF00 50003C0C 0000 80046F2C 0101 #Insect sumo stamina wins D00837B8 0018 8008F030 032A D00837B8 0018 8008F0A0 0000 #Flying kites Max Level D007DEE4 0BC0 80080BC4 7D00 #MAX size of fish caught 9003E0B0 03E76302 8003E0B4 03E7 #MAX size of rainbow trout fish caught 8003E0B6 6302 9003E0B8 03E703E7 #MAX size of trout fish caught 9003E0BC 03E76303 8003E0C0 03E7 ; [ Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91218} ] ; [ Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon (Japan) {SLPS-02489} ] :SLPS-02489 #Infinite Money 90071DE4 0098967F #Infinite Physical strength 80071D9A 0064 #Materials MAX 800710C4 03E7 #Fodder MAX 800710C6 03E7 #MAX bait fish 800710CA 03E7 #MAX bait bird 800710CC 03E7 #99 pieces in refrigerator, Cabinet, and tool box D00FD5FA 1440 800FD5F8 0001 D00FD668 0004 800FD55A 2403 D00FD668 0004 800FD668 0063 #Favorability MAX of dog 30075D06 00FF #Favorability MAX horse 30075DF2 00FF #Favorability MAX of Karen 80076A84 FFFF #Favorability MAX of Ran 800771D4 FFFF #Favorability MAX of Eryi 8007757C FFFF #Favorability MAX of Marie 80077EA0 FFFF #Favorability MAX of Potpourri 80078998 FFFF #Ranch total number of shipments MAX 50001502 0000 80071550 03E7 ; [ Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon for Girl (Japan) {SLPS-03087} ] :SLPS-03087 #Max Cash 90072818 0098967F #Degree of affection Max 300750D6 00FF #Sai 300750DA 0063 #Not get sick 3007516E 0000 #Won the festival 300750F4 0040 #Degree of affection Alt 300757B6 00FF #Sai Alt 300757BA 0063 #won the festival Alt 300757D4 0040 #Not get sick Alt 3007584E 0000 #Degree of friendship 3007712A 00FF #Degree of affection alt 2 3007712C 00FF #Degree of friendship Max 3007B37E 00FF #Harvesting capacity Max 3007B416 00FF #Watering capacity MAx 3007B418 00FF #Care ability Max 3007B41A 00FF #Physical fitness Max 300727D0 006E #No fatigue 300727D2 0000 #Number of medals 9007281C 0098967F #The presence of horse 80076830 016D #Local horse race / time 900BC588 0001A5DF #Local horse race / stamina 300BE846 00FF #Weather Rain 3007BA1A 0001 #Weather Snow 3007BA1A 0002 #Weather typhoon 3007BA1A 0003 #Weather heavy snow 3007BA1A 0004 ; [ Bomberman (Europe) {SLES-01893} ] :SLES-01893 #Infinite Lifes 8005EB7A 2400 #Infinite Time 80061F2E 2400 #P1 Max Bomb Power D0083A9E 0001 801D8C08 0009 D0083A9E 0009 801DFC38 0009 #P1 Infinite Bombs D0083A9E 0001 801D8C0A 0001 D0083A9E 0009 801DFC3A 0009 #L2=Timer Bomb D0093B76 0401 801D8C14 0001 #R2=Power Bomb D0093B76 0402 801D8C14 0002 #L1=Slime Bomb D0093B76 0404 801D8C14 0003 #R1=Heavy Bomb D0093B76 0408 801D8C14 0004 ; [ Bomberman (Japan) {SLP-86844} ] ; [ Bomberman Fantasy Race (Europe) {SLES-01712} ] :SLES-01712 #Max Gb 90147C84 0098967F #Infinite Stamina 800100EA 08FF #Lap Time = 0:00:01 8014AB20 0001 8014AB24 0001 8014AB28 0001 #All Characters Available 80147C7E FFFF ; [ Bomberman Fantasy Race (Japan) {SLP-87102} ] ; [ Bomberman Land (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03002} ] :SLPS-03002 #Have 700 points in telephone mini game 801724EC 02BC #Have lots of money 9008A068 05F5E0FF #Have 999 points in bomb factory mini game 80173374 03E7 #Have 999 points in Pang mini game 80172F28 03E7 #Have 9 Lives in Pang Mini game 80172F30 000A #Have 150 points in hammer mini game 80174670 0096 ; [ Bomberman Land (Japan) Rev 2 {SLP-87080} ] ; [ Bomberman Land (Japan) {SLPS-03002} ] :SLPS-03002 #Have 700 points in telephone mini game 801724EC 02BC #Have lots of money 9008A068 05F5E0FF #Have 999 points in bomb factory mini game 80173374 03E7 #Have 999 points in Pang mini game 80172F28 03E7 #Have 9 Lives in Pang Mini game 80172F30 000A #Have 150 points in hammer mini game 80174670 0096 ; [ Bomberman Wars (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45225} ] ; [ Bomberman World (Europe, Australia) {SCES-01078} ] :SCES-01078 #Normal mode Indestructable Bomberman (.The last boss in each world can kill you if you're not careful.) D00CCAE2 0000 800CCAE2 2000 #Infinite Lives 800CCB50 0009 #Have all needed Crystals D0077BD2 0004 80077BD0 0004 D0077BD2 0006 80077BD0 0006 D0077BD2 0005 80077BD0 0005 #Maximum Bombs 800CC804 000A #Maximum Fire 800CCB52 000A #Infinite Time (.When bombs are exploding hold down the X button and circle button together to give you constant explosions!) 80077BD8 37A0 #All Areas Open 80077A5A 0004 #All Worlds Complete 80077A5E 0004 #Invincibility In Spark Bomber Game: 800F7F48 04D6 #Infinite Time: 80077BD8 13AF ; [ Bomberman World (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91149} ] ; [ Bomberman World (Japan) {SLPS-01155} ] :SLPS-01155 #Infinite Lives 300CE1D0 0009 #Infinite Time 300731E0 0063 300731E2 0063 #Have all Crystal 90073090 00010001 #Max number of bomb 300CE184 000A 300CE186 000A #Invincibility 800CE192 0200 #Enemy sleep paralysis 800CE190 0003 ; [ Bottom of the 9th: Major League Heroes (Japan) {SLP-86004} ] ; [ Bounty Hunter Sara: Holy Mountain no Teiou (Japan) {SLP-86735} ] ; [ Bounty Sword First (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86614} ] ; [ Bounty Sword First (Japan) Demo {SLP-80101} ] ; [ Bounty Sword First (Japan) {SLPS-00757} ] :SLPS-00757 #Infinite & Max HP Sword (Main character) 800F1318 03E7 800F13FC 03E7 #Infinite Money 800BE840 FFFF #Master Exp 800F134A FFFF #P1 Exp 800F14FA FFFF #P2 Exp 800F16AA FFFF #P3 Exp 800F185A FFFF ; [ Bounty Sword: Double Edge (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86625} ] ; [ Bounty Sword: Double Edge (Japan) {SLPS-01479} ] :SLPS-01479 #Infinite HP And Sp For Main Character 800D74EA 0063 800D74EC 0063 #Max Status For Main Character 900D74F0 00FF00FF 900D74F4 00FF00FF 800D74F8 1414 #Infinite HP And Sp For 2nd Character 800D76B6 0063 800D76B8 0063 #Max Status For 2nd Character 900D76BC 00FF00FF 900D76C0 00FF00FF 800D76C4 1414 #Infinite HP And Sp For 3rd Character 800D7882 0063 800D7884 0063 #Max Status For 3rd Character 900D7888 00FF00FF 900D788C 00FF00FF 800D7890 1414 #Infinite HP And Sp For 4th Character 800D7A48 0063 800D7A50 0063 #Max Status For 4th Character 900D7A54 00FF00FF 900D7A58 00FF00FF 800D7A5C 1414 #Infinite Money 800BD26C FFFF ; [ Box Champions 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02324} ] ; [ Box Champions 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03123} ] ; [ Box-Champions aka Knockout Kings (Germany) {SLES-01451} ] :SLES-01451 #P1 Unendlich Ausdauer 801DA716 0063 801DA73E 0063 #P1 Keine Ausdauer 801DA716 0000 801DA73E 0000 #P1 Maximale StäRke 801DA744 1500 #P1 Keine StäRke 801DA744 0000 #P2 Unendlich Ausdauer 801DB0D2 0063 801DB0FA 0063 #P2 Keine Ausdauer 801DB0D2 0000 801DB0FA 0000 #P2 Maximale StäRke 801DB100 1500 #P2 Keine StäRke 801DB100 0000 #Unendlich Zeit In Der 1. Runde + Unendlich Lang Klammern 801FE730 16BC ; [ Boxer's Road (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91007} ] :SLPS-91007 #Life Max 90010274 FFFFFFFF #Endurance Max 80010280 FFFF 8001028C FFFF #Punch Speed Max 80010178 FFFF 80010184 FFFF 80010190 FFFF ; [ Boxer's Road (Japan) {SLPS-00033} ] :SLPS-00033 #Life Max 90010274 FFFFFFFF #Endurance Max 80010280 FFFF 8001028C FFFF #Punch Speed Max 80010178 FFFF 80010184 FFFF 80010190 FFFF ; [ Boys Be... (Japan) {SLPS-00779} ] :SLPS-00779 #Unlock Bonus 80182360 07FF ; [ Boys Be... 2nd Season (Japan) {SLPS-01705} ] :SLPS-01705 #(And reflected in the sleep later) date 800DD3D5 000C 800DD3D6 001F #Academic achievement Max 800DD42C 0063 800DD423 0063 800DD430 0063 800DD427 0063 800DD428 0063 800DD434 0063 800DD43A 0063 800DD43C 0063 #Favorability-all character worth love to fulfillment, but it hardens you look at the parent density of data in Pokesute 800DDD5E 0063 800DDD78 0063 #Easy Win Puzzle Game 301014E4 00FF 301014E7 0063 301014E9 0000 #Max Points Song Game 80100328 270F ; [ Brahma Force (Europe) {SLES-00754} ] :SLES-00754 #Infinite Durability 800E353C 03E8 #Max Durability 800E353E 03E8 #Max Shield Rifle 800E3542 0064 #Max Shield Laser 800E3544 0064 #Max Shield Missiles 800E3546 0064 #Max Shield Physical 800E3548 0064 #Infinite Rifle Ammo 800E354C 03E8 #Infinite Missiles 800E3550 03E8 #Infinite Launchers 800E3552 03E8 #Infinite Bombs 800E3554 0063 #Infinite Rp200 300E3556 0063 #Infinite Rp500 300E3557 0063 #Infinite Ec200 300E3558 0063 #Infinite Ec500 300E3559 0063 #Infinite Repair Modules 300E355A 0063 #Infinite High Repair Modules 300E355B 0063 #Infinite Max Repair Modules 300E355C 0063 #Infinite Energy Modules 300E355D 0063 #Infinite High Energy Modules 300E355E 0063 #Infinite Max Energy Modules 300E355F 0063 #Infinite Full Recovery Modules 300E3560 0063 #Infinite Star Shells 300E3561 0063 #Infinite Bangers 300E3562 0063 #Infinite System Packs 300E3563 0063 #Infinite Beacons 300E3564 0063 #Infinite Shield Bits 300E3565 0063 #Infinite Sapu's 300E3566 0063 #Infinite Upr's 300E3567 0063 #Have Stinger Rifle At Max 300E356F 00FF #Have Gh-1000 Rifle At Max 300E3570 00FF #Have Gh-3000 Rifle At Max 300E3571 00FF #Triple Barrel Rifle At Max 300E3572 00FF #Hensolt Shooter Rifle At Max 300E3573 00FF #Have Rapid Fire Rifle At Max 300E3574 00FF #Have Quarker Laser At Max 300E3575 00FF #Have Prokion Laser At Max 300E3576 00FF #Have Hadron Laser At Max 300E3577 00FF #Have Syn Wave Laser At Max 300E3578 00FF #Have Polar Ray Laser At Max 300E3579 00FF #Have Hydra Laser At Max 300E357A 00FF #Have Detector Missile At Max 300E357B 00FF #Dual Buster Missiles At Max 300E357C 00FF #Have Mobs Missiles At Max 300E357D 00FF #Trench Mortal Launcher At Max 300E357E 00FF #Have Breaker Launcher At Max 300E357F 00FF #Have Miu Launcher At Max 300E3580 00FF #Have Enemy Analizer 300E3589 000B #Have Pivot Stabilizer 300E358B 0006 #Have Middle Range Unit 300E358D 0007 #Have Long Range Unit 300E358E 0003 #Have Quick Charger 300E358F 0008 #Have We-Thyristor 300E3590 0004 #Have Power Thyristor 300E3591 0009 #Have Solid Gear 300E3592 0005 #Have Dash Booster 300E3593 000A #Infinite Energy & Laser Shots 800E3602 03E8 #Never Overheat 800E3346 0000 #Infinite Armor 8005F1F0 0064 ; [ BrainDead 13 (Japan) {SLPS-00514 | SLPS-00515} ] ; [ Bratz: Dress Up, Get Down and Be a Bratz Superstar! (Europe) {SLES-03992} ] ; [ Brave Fencer Musashiden (Japan) Demo {SLP-80262} ] ; [ Brave Fencer Musashiden (Japan) {SLPS-01490} ] :SLPS-01490 #Infinite and Max Hp 80078012 01F4 80078014 01F4 #Infinite and Max Mp 80078016 01F4 80078018 01F4 #Infinite Money 90077FEC 000F423F #Invincibility (Blink) 30127670 000F #Fast Attack 8007801E 8000 #Turbo Attack 80077F2A 0008 #Max Attack Bar 8014A8D4 0001 80164300 0001 #Max Status 80078044 001D 8007804C 001D 80078054 001D 8007805C 001D #Can Stay In Air (press X button) D0077F22 0040 801275FE FFF9 #All Recover Items 300B9347 0001 900B9348 05040302 900B934C 09080706 800B9350 0B0A 300B9352 000C #All Weapons (Set 1) 300B9353 000D 900B9354 11100F0E 900B9358 15141312 900B935C 19181716 900B9360 1D1C1B1A 900B9364 21201F1E 800B9368 2322 #All Weapons (Set 2) 800B936A 2524 900B936C 29282726 900B9370 2D2C2B2A 900B9374 31302F2E 900B9378 35343332 900B937C 39383736 800B9380 3B3A 300B9382 003C #All Weapons (Set 3) 300B9383 0047 900B9384 4B4A4948 900B9388 4F4E4D4C 900B938C 53525150 900B9390 57565554 900B9394 5B5A5958 900B9398 5F5E5D5C #All Weapons (Set 4) 900B939C 63626160 900B93A0 67666564 900B93A4 6B6A6968 800B93A8 6D6C 300B93AA 006E 300B93AB 0071 900B93AC 75747372 800B93B0 7776 #Never Tired 80078004 FFFF #Shock Code - Small Sword (.Square) D0077F22 0080 80073950 8080 #Shock Code - Big Sword (.Triangle) D0077F22 0010 80073950 FFFF #Tireness 0% 80078006 009F #Weapon Level Up 80078068 FFFF #MAX gauge bar in an instant D014A8D6 1440 8014A8D4 0001 #Armor fully open the Olympics of calligraphy & legend 800AD7AA EFC0 300AD7AC 0003 #I remember all of the learning skills 800AD7B8 02ED #Ability absorption without barrage 80127750 0080 ; [ Break Point (Europe) {SLES-00258} ] ; [ Break Point (Japan) {SLP-86044} ] ; [ Break Thru! (Japan) {SLPS-00129} ] ; [ Breaker Pro Version 1.1 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Breaker Pro Version 1.1 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Breakout: A Story of Bat Meets Ball...! (Europe) {SLES-02854} ] :SLES-02854 #Infinite Balls D01F4790 0002 301F4790 0003 #Open continue & challenge mode (Single Player) D00F50F8 0001 300F50F8 0003 #Overall ranking - Superstar 301EA4A0 0000 #Unlock all areas 301EA494 0006 ; [ Breath of Fire III (Europe) {SLES-01304} ] :SLES-01304 #P1 Infinite Health 80145F18 03E7 #P2 Infinite Health 80146058 03E7 #P3 Infinite Health 80146198 03E7 #P1 Infinite magic 80145F1A 03E7 #P2 Infinite magic 8014619A 03E7 #P3 Infinite magic 8014619A 03E7 #Infinite Money 80144F50 FFFF #Rei-Codes\100 Health Points 80144C0C 0064 80144C14 0064 #Rei-Codes\Infinite Attack Points 8014619A 0064 80144C16 0064 #Teepo-Codes\100 Health Points 80144B68 0064 80144B70 0064 #Teepo-Codes\Infinite Attack Points 8014605A 0064 80144B72 0064 #Ryu-Codes\Infinite Attack Points 80145F1A 0064 80144986 0064 #Ryu-Codes\Full Power 80144988 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Full Defence 8014498A 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Full Agility 8014498C 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Full Intelligence 8014498E 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Infinite Health 8014497C 03E7 80144984 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Infinite Magic 8014497E 03E7 80144986 03E7 #Ryu-Codes\Max Level 99 8014496E 0063 #Ryu-Codes\Max Experience 80144972 03E7 ; [ Breath of Fire III (France) {SLES-01319} ] :SLES-01319 #Max Health Ryu 8014497C 03E7 #Max Health Rei 80144C0C 03E7 ; [ Breath of Fire III (Germany) {SLES-01320} ] :SLES-01320 #Im Kampf Charakter 1 Unendlich HP 80145F18 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 1 Unendlich MP 80145F1A 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 1 Immun gegen Status-Wechsel 80145F10 0000 #Im Kampf Charakter 2 Unendlich HP 80146058 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 2 Unendlich MP 8014605A 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 2 Immun gegen Status-Wechsel 80146050 0000 #Im Kampf Charakter 3 Unendlich HP 80146198 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 3 Unendlich MP 8014619A 03E7 #Im Kampf Charakter 3 Immun gegen Status-Wechsel 80146190 0000 #Eine Menge Zennies 90144F50 00A84450 #Zeit bleibt bei 00:00 80144FC0 0000 #Habe alle Drachen-Gene 90145548 FFFFFFFF #Max Wurf-Kraft 801440BC 0100 #Verwandle Ausruhen-Button zu Gehe zu letztem gespeicherten Punkt 8014504A 0001 #Habe Holzstab 801451DE 2E0E #Habe Bambusstab 801451F0 2F0E #Habe Deluxe-Stab 801451F2 300E #Habe Angel-Stab 801451F4 310E #Habe Schraubenschlüssel 801451F6 320E #Habe Stab des Meisters 801451F8 330E #Keine Zufallskämpfe 80143F22 0000 ; [ Breath of Fire III (Japan) Demo {SLP-80115} ] ; [ Breath of Fire IV (Europe) {SLES-03552} ] :SLES-03552 #Infinite & max health All characters D01B2EC8 F809 801B2ED0 270F D01B2EC8 F809 801B2ED2 3403 D01B2EC8 F809 801B2ED6 AE03 D01B2EC8 F809 801B2EDA AE03 D01B2EC8 F809 801B2ED8 00D4 D01B2EC8 F809 801B2EE2 1000 #No Random Battles D0114538 1001 801D0C49 BF75 ; [ Breath of Fire IV (USA) (E3 2000 Build) {SLPS-02728} ] :SLPS-02728 #Infinite Money 90112D80 00989671 #Quick Level Up 90115F48 7FFFFFFF #HP largest piece of life D01AACEA 2442 801AACE8 270F #AP largest piece of magic D01AAD1E 2462 801AAD1C 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Ryu 80112960 270F 801129B8 270F #Infinite & Max AP Ryu 80112964 03E7 801129BC 03E7 #Infinite AP When Ryu Transforms To A Dragon D01D8FEE 8CC2 801D8FEE 8CC0 #I filled all skill list 901135C8 FFFFFFFF 901135CC FFFFFFFF 801135D0 FFFF #Get All Dragon Liu 801138D8 0001 801138DE 0001 801138E4 0001 801138EA 0001 801138F0 0001 801138F6 0001 #Infinite & Max HP dragon Aura 801138DA 270F 801138DC 270F #Infinite & Max HP dragon Kaiser 901138E0 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP dragon Wyburn 801138E6 270F 801138E8 270F #Infinite & Max HP dragon Warrior 901138EC 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP dragon Behemosu 801138F2 270F 801138F4 270F #Infinite & Max HP dragon Hen'na 901138F8 270F270F #No Random Battles D01D734A 2483 801D7348 0000 #Maximum level after the end of combat D01CD026 1040 801CD024 0001 #Save at any time D01AA422 1462 801AA422 1000 #Save anywhere Item is still gray, but I can save D01AA420 0005 801AA422 1000 #HP all recovery When you open the menu screen D01B19C8 001B 801B19D0 0014 D01B19C8 001B 801B19D2 AE43 #AP all recovery When you open the menu screen D01B19C8 001B 801B1A1C 0018 D01B19C8 001B 801B1A1E AE43 ; [ Breath of Fire IV: Utsurowazaru Mono (Japan) {SLP-87159} ] ; [ Breed Master (Japan) {SLP-87054} ] ; [ Breeding Stud 2 (Japan) {SLP-86087} ] ; [ Breeding Stud: Bokujou de Aimashou (Japan) {SLP-86012} ] ; [ Brian Lara Cricket (Europe) {SLES-00759} ] :SLES-00759 #99 Runs, 1st Bat 800DA5A0 0063 #99 Runs, 2nd Bat 800DA5A2 0063 #Classic Match 2 80099E98 0002 #Classic Match 3 80099E98 0003 #Classic Match 4 80099E98 0004 #Classic Match 5 80099E98 0005 #Classic Match 6 80099E98 0006 #Classic Match 7 80099E98 0007 #Classic Match 8 80099E98 0008 #Classic Match 9 80099E98 0009 #Classic Match 10 80099E98 0010 ; [ Brigandine: Gensou Tairiku Senki (Japan) {SLPS-01107} ] :SLPS-01107 #Infinite Special Magic Point 800A5428 270F #Infinite Money Set 1 900A5428 0001869F #Infinite Money Set 2 900A54B0 0001869F #Infinite Money Set 3 900A5538 0001869F #Infinite Money Set 4 900A55C0 0001869F #Infinite Money Set 5 900A5648 0001869F #Infinite Money Set 6 900A56D0 0001869F #Hero Max Status 80087A8E FFFF 90087A90 03E703E7 80087A94 FFFF 30087A96 00FF 30087A98 03E7 #Max Exp In Battle (R2) D00995DC 0002 80099510 FFFF #Western Country\All Weapons 900A5438 63636363 900A543C 63636363 900A5440 63636363 900A5444 63636363 900A5448 63636363 900A544C 63636363 900A5450 63636363 900A5454 63636363 900A5458 63636363 900A545C 63636363 900A5460 63636363 900A5464 63636363 900A5468 63636363 900A546C 63636363 900A5470 63636363 900A5474 63636363 900A5478 63636363 900A547C 63636363 900A5480 63636363 900A5484 63636363 900A5488 63636363 900A548C 63636363 900A5490 63636363 900A5494 63636363 900A5498 63636363 900A549C 63636363 900A54A0 63636363 900A54A4 63636363 900A54A8 63636363 #Western Country\All Items 900A542C 63636363 800A5430 6363 #Original Green Country\All Weapons 900A55E0 63636363 900A55E4 63636363 900A55E8 63636363 900A55EC 63636363 900A55F0 63636363 900A55F4 63636363 900A55F8 63636363 900A55FC 63636363 900A5600 63636363 900A5604 63636363 900A5608 63636363 900A560C 63636363 900A5610 63636363 900A5614 63636363 900A5618 63636363 900A561C 63636363 900A5620 63636363 900A5624 63636363 900A5628 63636363 900A562C 63636363 900A5630 63636363 900A5634 63636363 900A5638 63636363 900A563C 63636363 900A5640 63636363 #Original Green Country\All Items 900A55C4 63636363 900A55C8 63636363 900A55CC 63636363 ; [ Brigandine: Grand Edition (Japan) {SLPS-02661 | SLPS-02662} ] :SLPS-02661 :SLPS-02662 #HP/MP 999 in battle 800B0590 03E7 800B0592 03E7 900B0594 03E703E7 900B04D0 03E703E7 900B04D4 03E703E7 900B02F0 03E703E7 900B02F4 03E703E7 900B01D0 03E703E7 900B01D4 03E703E7 900B0470 03E703E7 900B0474 03E703E7 900AFF90 03E703E7 900AFF94 03E703E7 #65535 EXP 800A6B2C FFFF ; [ Brightis (Japan) {SCPS-10105} ] :SCPS-10105 #Hp 999 8011DC4C 03E7 8011DC4A 03E7 #Mp 999 800AEC5A 03E7 800AEB3E 03E7 #Gold 9999 800AEAD8 270F #Skill 999 800AEA84 03E7 #Exp. 9999999 900AEB9C 0001869F #Level 99 8011DC64 6300 #Stats 999 8011DC4E 03E7 9011DC50 03E703E7 8011DC54 03E7 #Light Gauge Max 800AEC24 2000 #All items 99 50005402 0000 800C0060 6363 #Number of key elements 300AEBD6 007F #possible learning technique Sword emergence 301142BF 0040 #possible learning technique Sword dance 301142BF 0080 #possible learning technique Sword attack 301142BF 0100 #Blacksmith appearance 801142D5 0041 ; [ Broken Helix (Europe) {SLES-00873} ] ; [ Broken Helix (Germany) {SLES-00962} ] :SLES-00962 #Unendlich Energie 8005D44C 0032 #Unendlich Munition 8005D43C 0190 #Unendlich Zeit 8005D48C 04B0 #Unendlich Item 1 30070A73 0009 #Unendlich Item 2 30070A75 0009 ; [ Broken Helix (Japan) {SLP-86065} ] ; [ Broken Sword II: La Profezia dei Maya (Italy) {SCES-00801} ] ; [ Broken Sword II: Las Fuerzas del Mal (Spain) {SCES-00802} ] ; [ Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (Europe) {SCES-00798} ] ; [ Broken Sword: La Leyenda de los Templarios (Spain) {SCES-00414} ] ; [ Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Europe) {SCES-00346} ] ; [ Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Italy) {SCES-00468} ] ; [ Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (Europe) {SLES-01376} ] ; [ Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 (Europe) {SLES-02618} ] ; [ Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (Europe) {SLES-00448} ] :SLES-00448 #P1 Infinite Lives 80176B18 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 80176AE8 0003 #P1 - Unbeatable 80176B1C 0100 30176B30 0000 #P2 - Unbeatable 80176AEC 0100 30176800 0000 #Infinite Credits 80176B80 0009 #P1 - Fireballs 80176B1E 011F #P2 - Fireballs 80176AEE 011F #Rainbow Islands\Infinite Lives 8005DB7C 0015 8005DC3A 0003 #Rainbow Islands\Endless Lives 800DA334 0608 #Rainbow Islands\Islands Does Not Sink 8005D2E4 00D8 #Rainbow Islands\Do Not Reset Specials 90024D74 00000000 90024D84 00000000 90024D90 00000000 #Rainbow Islands\All Specials 3005DA4F 0032 #Rainbow Islands\Less Fruit Cakes Etc. 3005DA51 0032 #Rainbow Islands\Always Fast Rainbows 3005DA36 000E #Rainbow Islands\Always Wings 3005DA36 0010 #Rainbow Islands\Always Fairy 3005DA36 0020 #Rainbow Islands\Invincibility 3005DA36 0040 #Rainbow Islands\Wings, Fairy, Invincibility, Faster 3005DA36 007F #Rainbow Islands\Wings And Fast Rainbows 3005DA36 001E #Rainbow Islands\Secret Door 3005DA37 0008 #Rainbow Islands\Hidden Money 3005DA37 0002 #Rainbow Islands\Secret Door And Money 3005DA37 000A ; [ Bubblegun Kid (Japan) {SLPS-01710} ] :SLPS-01710 #Infinite Lives 8009AEB4 0003 #Infinite Health 8009AC3C 001F #Invincibility 8011CD1E 0047 ; [ Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-00122} ] :SLES-00122 #Infinite Lives 801D9378 0063 #Infinite Shields 801D937C 0063 ; [ Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet (Europe) {SLES-00122} ] :SLES-00122 #Infinite Lives 801D9378 0063 #Infinite Shields 801D937C 0063 ; [ Buggy (Europe) (EDC ZOO Classics) {SLES-00174} ] :SLES-00174 #Open All Tracks And Modes 8002DE27 0001 #Activate End Sequence 8002DE2B 0001 #Always 1st Place 8007C986 0000 80079EA2 0000 8007EA26 0000 #Add All Camera Views (Press T) 8002DE2F 0001 ; [ Buggy (Europe) {SLES-00174} ] :SLES-00174 #Open All Tracks And Modes 8002DE27 0001 #Activate End Sequence 8002DE2B 0001 #Always 1st Place 8007C986 0000 80079EA2 0000 8007EA26 0000 #Add All Camera Views (Press T) 8002DE2F 0001 ; [ Bugi (Japan) {SLP-86133} ] ; [ Bugriders: The Race of Kings (Europe) {SLES-00875} ] :SLES-00875 #Infinite Time In 2 Player-Mode 800C2DCA 01FA #Bugspeedmodifikation (Full Speed) 800C2950 157C #Exterminate Game Codes\Bug Stress 800C2950 0BA9 800CAEDA 0038 #Exterminate Game Codes\Bugs Killed 800C2E08 0063 #Time Trial Game Codes\Rings (After you activate this code turn it off. When you get to the race turn it on and off before you start racing. You should come in first right away) 800C2DE2 0049 #Campaign Codes\Quick Win (After you activate this code turn it off. When you get to the race turn it on and off before you start racing. You should come in first right away) 800C2DC4 0003 #Campaign Codes\Infinite Time 800C2DE8 0202 ; [ Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters (Europe) {SLES-02896} ] :SLES-02896 #Have all gears in level 1 80010086 0064 #Infinite Energy Bugs Bunny Aztec level 800DCF63 0600 #Infinite Energy Taz Aztec level 800DD113 0606 #Infinite Energy Bugs Bunny monkey level 800E3EAB 0600 #Infinite Energy Tags monkey level 800100A5 0606 #Infinite Carrots 30010058 0064 #Have all Gears collected 50000202 01F4 8001005C 0000 30010060 00C8 80010062 012C 90010064 012C01F4 30010068 00C8 50000202 01F4 8001006A 0000 8001006E 0190 50000202 012C 80010070 0000 50000202 01F4 80010074 0000 80010078 012C 3001007A 00C8 #Have all Boss tokens found 50000502 0101 800100D2 0000 #Have allACME boxes found 50000801 0505 800100BE 0000 #Have all Characters found 800100E6 0202 900100E8 01020201 900100EC 02010202 #GRANWICH Collect one gear to finish level D0010086 0000 30010086 0009 #AZTEC ERA Golden City Have all gears collected 8001005C 01F4 #AZTEC ERA Golden City Have boss token found 300100D2 0001 #AZTEC ERA Golden City Have all ACME boxes found 300100BE 0005 #AZTEC ERA Golden City Have all characters found 300100E6 0002 #AZTEC ERA Baboon Realm Have all gears collected 8001005E 01F4 #AZTEC ERA Baboon Realm Have boss token found 300100D3 0001 #AZTEC ERA Baboon Realm Have all ACME boxes found 300100BF 0005 #AZTEC ERA Baboon Realm Have all characters found 300100E7 0002 #AZTEC ERA Sacred Ride Have all gears collected 30010060 00C8 #AZTEC ERA Sacred Ride Have boss token found 300100D4 0001 #AZTEC ERA Sacred Ride Have all ACME boxes found 300100C0 0005 #AZTEC ERA Sam's Temple Have all gears collected 80010062 012C #AZTEC ERA Sam's Temple Have all ACME boxes found 300100C1 0005 #AZTEC ERA Sam's Temple Have all characters found 300100E8 0001 #VIKING ERA Shore Village Have all gears collected 80010064 01F4 #VIKING ERA Shore Village Have boss token found 300100D5 0001 #VIKING ERA Shore Village Have all ACME boxes found 300100C2 0005 #VIKING ERA Shore Village Have all characters found 300100E9 0002 #VIKING ERA Moon Valley Have all gears collected 80010066 012C #VIKING ERA Moon Valley Have boss token found 300100D6 0001 #VIKING ERA Moon Valley Have all ACME boxes found 300100C3 0005 #VIKING ERA Moon Valley Have all characters found 300100EA 0002 #VIKING ERA Shield Race Have all gears collected 30010068 00C8 #VIKING ERA Shield Race Have boss token found 300100D7 0001 #VIKING ERA Shield Race Have all ACME boxes found 300100C4 0005 #VIKING ERA Elmer's Domain Have all gears collected 8001006A 01F4 #VIKING ERA Elmer's Domain Have all ACME boxes found 300100C5 0005 #VIKING ERA Elmer's Domain Have all characters found 300100EB 0001 #ARABIAN ERA Sunset Alleys Have all gears collected 8001006C 01F4 #ARABIAN ERA Sunset Alleys Have boss token found 300100D8 0001 #ARABIAN ERA Sunset Alleys Have all ACME boxes found 300100C6 0005 #ARABIAN ERA Sunset Alleys Have all characters found 300100EC 0002 #ARABIAN ERA Royal Gardens Have all gears collected 8001006E 0190 #ARABIAN ERA Royal Gardens Have boss token found 300100D9 0001 #ARABIAN ERA Royal Gardens Have all ACME boxes found 300100C7 0005 #ARABIAN ERA Royal Gardens Have all characters found 300100ED 0002 #ARABIAN ERA Carpet Chase Have all gears collected 80010070 012C #ARABIAN ERA Carpet Chase Have boss token found 300100DA 0001 #ARABIAN ERA Carpet Chase Have all ACME boxes found 300100C8 0005 #ARABIAN ERA Babba's Cave Have all gears collected 80010072 012C #ARABIAN ERA Babba's Cave Have all ACME boxes found 300100C9 0005 #ARABIAN ERA Babba's Cave Have all characters found 300100EE 0001 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Ghost Town Have all gears collected 80010074 01F4 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Ghost Town Have boss token found 300100DB 0001 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Ghost Town Have all ACME boxes found 300100CA 0005 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Ghost Town Have all characters found 300100EF 0002 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Zoovania Have all gears collected 80010076 01F4 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Zoovania Have boss token found 300100DC 0001 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Zoovania Have all ACME boxes found 300100CB 0005 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Zoovania Have all characters found 300100F0 0002 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Haunted River Have all gears collected 80010078 012C #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Haunted River Have boss token found 300100DD 0001 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Haunted River Have all ACME boxes found 300100CC 0005 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Count's Castle Have all gears collected 3001007A 00C8 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Count's Castle Have all ACME boxes found 300100CD 0005 #TRANSYLVANIAN ERA Count's Castle Have all characters found 300100F1 0001 ; [ Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time (Europe) Demo {SLED-02125} ] ; [ Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time (Europe) {SLES-01726} ] :SLES-01726 #Infinite Energy 30010041 0006 #Much Golden Carots (Use #Much golden carots# & #Much clocks# together, go to #The Stone Age# and enter the first rabbit hole. Exit the level and this will open all the levels in the game. Walk over the covered rabbit holes to open the secret games - one in each time zone) 30010047 00DD #Much Clocks (All Levels Selectable)(Use #Much golden carots# & #Much clocks# together, go to #The Stone Age# and enter the first rabbit hole. Exit the level and this will open all the levels in the game. Walk over the covered rabbit holes to open the secret games - one in each time zone) 30010045 00DD #99 Carots 30010043 0063 ; [ Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time (USA) Demo {SLUS-90058} ] ; [ Building Crush! (Japan) {SLPS-00497} ] ; [ Bundesliga 2000: Der Fussball-Manager (Germany) {SLES-02564} ] ; [ Bundesliga Stars 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02143} ] :SLES-02143 #Heimmannschaft Hat 99 Tore D0030BD8 0000 30030BD8 0063 #Gastmannschaft Hat 0 Tore D0030BDC 0001 30030BDC 0000 #Heimmannschaft Hat 0 Tore D0030BD8 0001 30030BD8 0000 #Gastmannschaft Hat 99 Tore D0030BDC 0000 30030BDC 0063 ; [ Bundesliga Stars 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03065} ] ; [ Burger Burger 2 (Japan) {SLP-86246} ] ; [ Burger Burger: Hamburger Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-00888} ] :SLPS-00888 #Infinite Money 800ACA6A 7777 ; [ Burning Road (Europe) {SLES-00345} ] :SLES-00345 #Infinite Time 8005A6F0 0032 #Always Place 1st 8005A60C 0001 8005A610 0001 800CDB6A 0001 #Speed is Always Max 801A93DC 02B4 800CDB52 0FFF #Lap Time = 0 8005A754 0000 8005A8E0 0000 ; [ BursTrick: Wake Boarding!! (Europe) {SLES-03338} ] :SLES-03338 #Stop Timer 30066758 0DA1 #Infinite Bt 80012DFC 0009 #Trick mode Get 50.000 points for each trick D006367E 0044 8006367C 61A8 D006367E 0044 8006367E 2442 D00636AE 0044 800636AC 61A8 D00636AE 0044 800636AE 2442 #Unlocked Ten 30110677 0001 #Unlock All Boards 30110679 0101 ; [ BursTrick: Wake Boarding!! (Japan) {SLPS-02792} ] ; [ Bushido Blade (Europe) {SCES-00899} ] :SCES-00899 #Enable All Moves (Do not use in POV mode or story mode) 800A14D0 FFFF #Stop Continue Timer 800A14B4 011F #Extra Character 80030BE6 1062 #Instant Win 800A10D8 FFFF 8013D636 0001 8013D524 0005 #Stop Continue Timer 800A14B4 011F #Extra Character 80030BE6 1062 #Unlock Katze in vs mode 800A1004 0001 #Enemies can`t move (This works in all modes except 2 Player-mode. Try to change the last digits for the enemy-moves. For instance with 3 the enemy starts only attacks to the torsO) 8013D87C 0001 #Level 10 & 90 Kills in Slash-mode (You have to produce 10 more kills with that code without using the continue-function - this results in getting Katze in Vs-Mode) 800A15EC 0009 ; [ Bushido Blade (Japan) {SLP-86020} ] ; [ Bushido Blade 2 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45187} ] ; [ Bust A Move (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-01232 | SLPS-01233} ] :SLPS-01232 :SLPS-01233 #All Clear 9004E068 01010107 #Dance View 50000702 0000 8004E06C 0101 #P1-One Dance With 65535 Points 80075F08 FFFF #P2-One Dance With 65535 Points 80075F0C FFFF #P1 Max Str. 80075D28 7000 #P2 Max Str. 80075D2C 7000 #Can Play Till To Chapter 12 3006ECC1 000B ; [ Bust A Move (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PAPX-90028} ] ; [ Bust A Move (Japan) {SLPS-01237} ] :SLPS-01237 #All Clear 9004E068 01010107 #Dance View 50000702 0000 8004E06C 0101 #P1-One Dance With 65535 Points 80075F08 FFFF #P2-One Dance With 65535 Points 80075F0C FFFF #P1 Max Str. 80075D28 7000 #P2 Max Str. 80075D2C 7000 #Can Play Till To Chapter 12 3006ECC1 000B ; [ Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix (Japan) Demo {SLP-80410} ] ; [ Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix (Japan) {SLP-86219} ] ; [ Bust-A-Groove (Europe) (Review) {SCES-01313} ] :SCES-01313 #P1 Max Enthusiasm 80068790 7530 ; [ Bust-A-Groove (Europe) {SCES-01313} ] :SCES-01313 #P1 Max Enthusiasm 80068790 7530 ; [ Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition (Europe) {SLES-00278} ] ; [ Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition (Italy) (2 Games) {SLES-04153} ] ; [ Bust-A-Move 3 DX aka Bust-A-Move 3DX (Europe) {SLES-00991} ] :SLES-00991 #Pointer Always Active D0056FA0 0002 80056FA0 0082 #Reset P2 Score To 0 (Press L2) D0056C8C 0001 8009D9C0 0000 D0056C8C 0001 8009D9C2 0000 #Always Have Guide Line On 80056CCC 0082 ; [ Bust-A-Move 3 DX aka Bust-A-Move 3DX (Italy) (2 Games) {SLES-14153} ] ; [ Bust-A-Move 4 (Europe) {SLES-01389} ] :SLES-01389 #P1 Always have guide D00DA344 0000 800DA344 00A0 #Elapsed time always 0 800AF438 0000 #P1 Infinite time while playing 800DA324 0000 ; [ Buttsubushi (Europe, Australia) {SLES-04104} ] ; [ Byggare Bob: Kan Vi Fixa Det? (Sweden) {SLES-03562} ] ; [ Byggemand Bob: Kan Vi Klare Det? (Denmark) {SLES-03564} ] ; [ Byggmester Bob: Kan Det Fikses? (Norway) {SLES-03563} ] ; [ C-12: Final Resistance (Europe) Demo {SCED-03516} ] ; [ C-12: Final Resistance (Europe) {SCES-03364} ] :SCES-03364 #Infinite Health 80032746 2400 #Infinite Bullets on pickup 800734F2 2400 #Infinite Grenades on pickup 80073862 2400 #Infinite Time 800F2B68 0073 #Sudden Death all enemies D00329C0 000E 300329B6 0024 #Have All Weapons and items (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D0102826 F0FF 5000FF02 0001 800F30B4 0000 #Have All Weapons and items Alt 5000FF02 0001 800F30B4 0000 ; [ C-12: Final Resistance (Europe) {SCES-03365} ] :SCES-03365 #Unendlich Schild D00F3600 0000 800F3600 03E8 D00326D4 0010 300326D4 0000 #Unendlich Gesundheit D0032744 0004 30032744 0000 #Sudden Death Gegner D00329C0 000E 300329B6 00FB ; [ C-12: Final Resistance (Europe) {SCES-03366} ] :SCES-03366 #Infinite Energy 800F361C 03E8 #Infinite Ammo 800F3630 0190 #Infinite Grenades 800F3632 001E ; [ C-12: Final Resistance (Russia) {SCES-03426} ] ; [ C3 Racing: Car Constructors Championship (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01363} ] :SLES-01363 #Always First Place 801B99F8 0001 #Arcade Mode All countries and levels unlocked 50000A02 0003 80025526 0000 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Africa 80025538 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Monaco 80025528 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Roma 80025526 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Norway 8002552A 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Great Britain 8002552C 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: China 80025530 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Usa 80025532 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Indonesia 80025534 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Brasilia 80025536 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Peru 8002552E 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable (Use this or the specified codes) 50000A02 0000 80025526 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Cars 9002595C 00FF00FF #Championship Mode Codes\Access All Seasons 80025950 0300 #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Cars (Gti) 80025964 FFFF #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Cars (High Performance) 80025966 FFFF ; [ C3 Racing: Car Constructors Championship (Europe) {SLES-01363} ] :SLES-01363 #Always First Place 801B99F8 0001 #Arcade Mode All countries and levels unlocked 50000A02 0003 80025526 0000 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Africa 80025538 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Monaco 80025528 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Roma 80025526 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Norway 8002552A 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Great Britain 8002552C 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: China 80025530 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Usa 80025532 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Indonesia 80025534 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Brasilia 80025536 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable: Peru 8002552E 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Stages Selectable (Use this or the specified codes) 50000A02 0000 80025526 0003 #Arcade Mode Codes\All Cars 9002595C 00FF00FF #Championship Mode Codes\Access All Seasons 80025950 0300 #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Cars (Gti) 80025964 FFFF #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Cars (High Performance) 80025966 FFFF ; [ CBZ: CyBall Zone (Germany) {SLES-01216} ] :SLES-01216 #P1 Unendlich Lasergewehre 800B01C0 000F #P1 Unendlich Blendgranaten 800B01C4 000F #P1 Unendlich TitaniumsäGen 800B01C8 000F #P1 Anzahl Tore (?00-FF) 800B0168 00FF #P2 Unendlich Lasergewehre 800B01CC 000F #P2 Unendlich Blendgranaten 800B01D0 000F #P2 Unendlich TitaniumsäGen 800B01D4 000F #P2 Anzahl Tore ?00-FF 800B016C 00?? #Max Zeit 800B0170 FFFF #Spielviertel-Modifizierer (?0-3) 800B0174 0003 ; [ CG Mukashi Banashi: Jiisan 2-do Bikkuri!! (Japan) {SLPS-00230} ] ; [ CT Special Forces (Europe) {SLES-03986} ] :SLES-03986 #Infinite Energy PL 1 8009D8F0 0064 #Infinite Energy PL 2 8009DA2C 0064 #Infinite Lives 8004D318 0000 #Extra Lives 8004D318 0001 #P1 Infinite Handgrenades 8009DA0C 0005 #P2 Infinite Handgranades 8009db48 0005 #Infinite Time in sniper level 80078674 1770 ; [ CT Special Forces 3: Bioterror (Europe) {SLES-04155} ] :SLES-04155 #Lives 800A274C 0009 #Health 800A276C 0064 #Machinegun Ammo And Grenades 800A2776 0063 800A277E 0063 ; [ CT Special Forces: Back to Hell aka Elite Squad (Europe) {SLES-04123} ] :SLES-04123 #Button Command D00AC54A 0000 #Infinite Lives 80162914 0005 #Infinite Lives (Sniper Mode Stages) 801628DE 0009 #Saved Hostages Modilfier (Sniper Mode Stages) 801628DC ???? #Energy (Men And Heli) 800AC66C 0064 #Energy (Tank) 80163EC0 0064 80162D2C 0064 #Upgrade Heli To 2 Shoots (Push Select) (.Note: If codes freeze game than use button command from #Upgrade Heli to 2 shoots#: D00AC54A FFFE for every code - working with SELECT button.) D00AC54A FFFE 80178F1E 0001 #Ammo (Grenades Included) 800AC674 0063 800AC678 0063 800AC67E 0063 #Infinite Time (C4 Stage) 801628FC 0005 #Have All C4's (C4 Stage) 801628F4 0004 ; [ CTR: Crash Team Racing (Europe) (EDC Platinum) {SCES-02105} ] :SCES-02105 #Infinite Time 80035416 3C00 #Complete Adventure Mode Quickly After Visiting One Race 50000D02 0000 8008FF58 FFFF #One Lap Race/Finish First\Crash Cove 801F0D3C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Roo's Tubes 801D4638 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Sewer Speedway 801DD5AC 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Mystery Caves 801F4E1C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Ripper Roo 801BEA20 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Coco Park 801BF908 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Tiger Temple 801F3328 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Papu's Pyramid 801EC2A8 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Dingo Canyon 801C2148 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Papu Papu's Challenge 801D6744 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Blizzard Bluff 801EC374 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Dragon Mines 801E8BD8 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Tiny Arena 801F0094 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Komodo Joe's Challenge 801D472C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\N.Gin's Labs 801F3BE0 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Cortex Castle 801F4520 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Hot Air Skyway 801F3CA0 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Oxide Station 801F3D20 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Pinstripe's Challenge 801DEEC4 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\N. Oxides Challenge 801D8E48 0003 #Battle Mode\P1 Max Apples 801863BC 0064 #Battle Mode\Voodoo-Mask Lasts Forever 8018245A 0200 #Battle Mode\P2 Max Apples 80186A2C 0064 #Battle Mode\Fruit Worth Modifier (All Players) ?00-FF D00AC39C 0030 800AC394 00?? D00AC39C 0030 800AC396 2402 D00AC39C 0030 800AC39A 3C00 #Battle Mode MaxPoints 300AC030 00FF ; [ CTR: Crash Team Racing (Europe) {SCES-02105} ] :SCES-02105 #Infinite Time 80035416 3C00 #Complete Adventure Mode Quickly After Visiting One Race 50000D02 0000 8008FF58 FFFF #One Lap Race/Finish First\Crash Cove 801F0D3C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Roo's Tubes 801D4638 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Sewer Speedway 801DD5AC 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Mystery Caves 801F4E1C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Ripper Roo 801BEA20 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Coco Park 801BF908 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Tiger Temple 801F3328 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Papu's Pyramid 801EC2A8 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Dingo Canyon 801C2148 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Papu Papu's Challenge 801D6744 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Blizzard Bluff 801EC374 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Dragon Mines 801E8BD8 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Tiny Arena 801F0094 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Komodo Joe's Challenge 801D472C 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\N.Gin's Labs 801F3BE0 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Cortex Castle 801F4520 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Hot Air Skyway 801F3CA0 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Oxide Station 801F3D20 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\Pinstripe's Challenge 801DEEC4 0003 #One Lap Race/Finish First\N. Oxides Challenge 801D8E48 0003 #Battle Mode\P1 Max Apples 801863BC 0064 #Battle Mode\Voodoo-Mask Lasts Forever 8018245A 0200 #Battle Mode\P2 Max Apples 80186A2C 0064 #Battle Mode\Fruit Worth Modifier (All Players) ?00-FF D00AC39C 0030 800AC394 00?? D00AC39C 0030 800AC396 2402 D00AC39C 0030 800AC39A 3C00 #Battle Mode MaxPoints 300AC030 00FF ; [ CTR: Crash Team Racing (USA) (Review) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ CTR: Crash Team Racing (USA) Demo {SCUS-94459} ] ; [ Cadillac (Japan) (Honkakuha de 1300, Honkakuha de 1300 Twin Pack) {SLPS-02079} ] ; [ Caesars Palace (Europe) {SLES-01008} ] :SLES-01008 #P1 Infinite Money 800BBB98 FFFF ; [ Caesars Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition (Europe) {SLES-02476} ] ; [ Caesars Palace II (Europe) {SLES-01486} ] :SLES-01486 #P1 Infinite Money 801D5CB6 0090 #P2 Infinite Money 801D600A 0090 ; [ Calcio Manager 2000 (Italy) {SLES-02614} ] ; [ Calcolo! (Japan) Demo {SLP-80147} ] ; [ California Surfing (Europe) {SLES-03921} ] :SLES-03921 #Infinite Session Time 80085F5C 021C #Infinite Wave Time 80086770 021C ; [ California Watersports (Europe) {SLES-02950} ] ; [ Canal+ Premier Manager aka Tele+ Premier Manager (Europe) {SLES-02293} ] ; [ Capcom Generation: Dai-1-shuu Gekitsuiou no Jidai (Japan) {SLP-86748} ] ; [ Capcom Generation: Dai-2-shuu Makai to Kishi (Japan) {SLP-86778} ] ; [ Capcom Generation: Dai-3-shuu Koko ni Rekishi Hajimaru (Japan) {SLPS-01649} ] :SLPS-01649 #Vulgus\P1 Infinite Lifes 800A9BA0 0005 #Vulgus\P2 Infinite Lifes 800A9B80 0005 #Vulgus\Infinite Missiles 800A9B86 1505 #Higemaru\Infinite Lifes 800A4708 0005 #Son Son\Infinite Lifes 80113F08 0606 #Exed Eyes\Invincibility 8010F010 AD00 #Exed Eyes\Infinite Bombs 8010E040 0006 ; [ Capcom Generation: Dai-4-shuu Kokou no Eiyuu (Japan) {SLP-86814} ] ; [ Capcom Generation: Dai-5-shuu Kakutouka-tachi (Japan) {SLPS-01725} ] :SLPS-01725 #P1 Infinite HP 9016BD80 00900090 8016BE98 008F #Open All Secrets 80148176 0020 801481AA 0020 801481DE 0020 #Open Sound Remix Mode 80148142 0020 #Open Club Battle Mode 80148144 0020 ; [ Capcom Generations (Wings of Destiny) (Europe) {SLES-01881 | SLES-11881 | SLES-21881 | SLES-31881} ] :SLES-01881 :SLES-11881 :SLES-21881 :SLES-31881 #1942\Infinite Lives 30069EA1 0005 #1943\P1 Infinite Health 8008D67E 0144 #1943\P2 Infinite Health 8008D6FE 0144 #1943\Infinite Time For Special Weapon 8008D6CE EE00 #1943 Kai\P1 Infinite Health 8008FAFE 0144 #1943 Kai\P2 Infinite Health 8008FB7E 0144 #1943 Kai\Infinite Time For Special Weapon 8008FB4E EE00 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Time 301D00AB 0055 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Lives 301D0060 0005 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Shields 301D00AC 0000 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Invincibility 301D00AD 00FF #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Time 801C06D2 0222 #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Lives 301A07AD 0005 #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Invincibility 301C0931 00FF #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Get All Special Weapons 801C07AA 0201 301C07AC 0003 301C095E 0001 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Time 301902A7 0005 301902A8 0001 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Lives 301902A4 0005 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Invincibility (.Press Select to be vulnerable for a short time) 80190276 0002 D010772C 0100 80190276 0000 #Vulgus\P1 Infinite Lives 800AAD04 0005 #Vulgus\P2 Infinite Lives 800AACE4 0005 #Vulgus\Infinite Missiles 800AACEA 1505 #Son Son\P1 Infinite Lives 3011AAE4 0005 #Son Son\P2 Infinite Lives 3011AAE5 0005 #Higemaru\Infinite Lives 800A5768 0005 #Exed Eyes\Infinite Energy 8010F010 AD00 #Exed Eyes\Infinite Bombs D010E040 0002 8010E040 0003 #Commando\Infinite Lives 800B8B78 0003 #Commando\Infinite Grenades 800B8B80 0006 #Mercs\P1 Infinite Energy 801EB427 0024 #Mercs\P2 Infinite Energy 801E84DF 0024 #Mercs\P1 Infinite Bombs 801E842E 0003 #Mercs\P2 Infinite Bombs 801E84E6 0003 #Gunsmoke\Infinite Lives 800C5420 0003 ; [ Capcom Generations (Wings of Destiny) (Germany) {SLES-02098 | SLES-12098 | SLES-22098} ] :SLES-02098 :SLES-12098 :SLES-22098 #1942\Infinite Lives 30069EA1 0005 #1943\P1 Infinite Health 8008D67E 0144 #1943\P2 Infinite Health 8008D6FE 0144 #1943\Infinite Time For Special Weapon 8008D6CE EE00 #1943 Kai\P1 Infinite Health 8008FAFE 0144 #1943 Kai\P2 Infinite Health 8008FB7E 0144 #1943 Kai\Infinite Time For Special Weapon 8008FB4E EE00 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Time 301D00AB 0055 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Lives 301D0060 0005 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Infinite Shields 301D00AC 0000 #Ghosts'n Goblins\Invincibility 301D00AD 00FF #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Time 801C06D2 0222 #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Lives 301A07AD 0005 #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Invincibility 301C0931 00FF #Ghouls'n Ghosts\Get All Special Weapons 801C07AA 0201 301C07AC 0003 301C095E 0001 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Time 301902A7 0005 301902A8 0001 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Infinite Lives 301902A4 0005 #Super Ghouls'n Ghosts\Invincibility (.Press Select to be vulnerable for a short time) 80190276 0002 D010772C 0100 80190276 0000 #Vulgus\P1 Infinite Lives 800AAD04 0005 #Vulgus\P2 Infinite Lives 800AACE4 0005 #Vulgus\Infinite Missiles 800AACEA 1505 #Son Son\P1 Infinite Lives 3011AAE4 0005 #Son Son\P2 Infinite Lives 3011AAE5 0005 #Higemaru\Infinite Lives 800A5768 0005 #Exed Eyes\Infinite Energy 8010F010 AD00 #Exed Eyes\Infinite Bombs D010E040 0002 8010E040 0003 ; [ Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Europe) {SLES-03889} ] :SLES-03889 #P1 Infinity Energy 8006E709 0063 8006E70B 0063 8006B2C7 0063 8006B61F 0063 #9999 vs points 8008B71E 270F ; [ Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Japan) Demo {SLP-80632} ] ; [ Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Japan) {SLP-87053} ] ; [ Captain Love (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86767} ] ; [ Captain Love (Japan) {SLP-86216} ] ; [ Captain Tsubasa: Aratanaru Densetsu Joshou (Japan) {SLP-87060} ] ; [ Card Captor Sakura: Clowcard Magic (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-02560} ] :SLPS-02560 #Bonus Gallery 800CD0E8 FFFF 300CD0EA 00FF #Sakura 100000 coin 9008E990 00011176 #Voice data discovery flag (all 256 types) 9008E7CC FFFFFFFF 9008E7D0 FFFFFFFF 9008E7D4 FFFFFFFF 9008E7D8 FFFFFFFF 9008E7DC FFFFFFFF 9008E7E0 FFFFFFFF 9008E7E4 FFFFFFFF 9008E7E8 FFFFFFFF ; [ Card Captor Sakura: Clowcard Magic (Japan) {SLPS-02561} ] :SLPS-02561 #Bonus Gallery 800CD0E8 FFFF 300CD0EA 00FF ; [ Card Shark (Europe) {SLES-03206} ] ; [ Cardinal Syn (Europe) {SCES-01043} ] :SCES-01043 #Unlock All Characters 50000A04 0000 801E7E0A 0100 #P1 Infinite Health 1 90194698 32010008 901946A0 10200002 #P2 Automatically Looses 801EE9B8 0000 #P1 1 Round won 801EE97C 0001 ; [ Cardinal Syn (France) (Promo) {SCES-01077} ] ; [ Cardinal Syn (Italy) {SCES-01205} ] ; [ Cardinal Syn (Spain) {SCES-01206} ] :SCES-01206 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Plague 8001EBB0 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Finkster & Mckrieg 8001E930 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Hecklar & Nephira 8001ECF0 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Mongwan 8001F330 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Vanguard & Orion 8001F1F0 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Mongoro 8001EE30 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Syn 8001EF70 0190 #P1 Infinite HP Stage vs Kronn 8001B1F0 0190 #Kronn HP 0 8001AE30 0000 ; [ Cardinal Syn (USA) Demo {SCUS-94265} ] ; [ Cardinal Syn (USA) {SCUS-94156} ] :SCUS-94156 #Infinite Health All Stages 901946E4 32010008 901946EC 14200002 #Extra Characters 50000D02 0000 801E7B2A 0100 ; [ Carmageddon (Europe) {SLES-01960} ] :SLES-01960 #P1 Invincibility 300D41FA 0000 #Infinite Time 80076DE8 1A5E #P1 Infinite Money D0076DEC 2710 80076DEC D02C D0076DEE 0000 80076DEE 0160 D0078480 2710 80078480 D02C D0078482 0000 80078482 0160 #Press L2 & R2 For All Cars D4000000 0003 50000F02 0000 80078484 0101 #Unlock All Cars 50000F02 0000 80078484 0101 #One Lap Race/Finish First (3 Lap Race) 801BE282 0003 #Choose Track Slaughter City D007844C 0000 8007844C 0000 #Choose Track Sands of Crime D007844C 0000 8007844C 0001 #Choose Track World Of Carnage D007844C 0000 8007844C 0002 #Choose Track Figure of Hate D007844C 0000 8007844C 0003 #Choose Track Sad and Insane D007844C 0000 8007844C 0004 #Choose Track China Krisis (Mission 1) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0005 #Choose Track Fridge Racer D007844C 0000 8007844C 0100 #Choose Track Night of the Living Zombie D007844C 0000 8007844C 0101 #Choose Track Chopping Centre D007844C 0000 8007844C 0102 #Choose Track Twin Shrieks D007844C 0000 8007844C 0103 #Choose Track Carma McRay D007844C 0000 8007844C 0104 #Choose Track Checkpoint Stampede (Mission 2) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0105 #Choose Track Dragon Slayer D007844C 0000 8007844C 0200 #Choose Track Maim Street D007844C 0000 8007844C 0201 #Choose Track Just Deserts D007844C 0000 8007844C 0202 #Choose Track The Pits D007844C 0000 8007844C 0203 #Choose Track Avenue of Atrocities D007844C 0000 8007844C 0204 #Choose Track Car Crusher (Mission 3) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0205 #Choose Track Chiller D007844C 0000 8007844C 0300 #Choose Track Evil Zombie D007844C 0000 8007844C 0301 #Choose Track Slaying the Field D007844C 0000 8007844C 0302 #Choose Track Town Raider D007844C 0000 8007844C 0303 #Choose Track Pub Cruel D007844C 0000 8007844C 0304 #Choose Track Snow Way Out (Mission 4) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0305 #Choose Track Medieval Massacre D007844C 0000 8007844C 0400 #Choose Track Downtown Devastation D007844C 0000 8007844C 0401 #Choose Track Tutan Carnage D007844C 0000 8007844C 0402 #Choose Track Top gear Thrash D007844C 0000 8007844C 0403 #Choose Track Terror on the Trails D007844C 0000 8007844C 0404 #Choose Track Pick-Me-Up (Mission 5) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0405 #Choose Track Slalom Slayfest D007844C 0000 8007844C 0500 #Choose Track Rocky Horror D007844C 0000 8007844C 0501 #Choose Track Halfway to Hell D007844C 0000 8007844C 0502 #Choose Track Death Valley D007844C 0000 8007844C 0503 #Choose Track Country Killer D007844C 0000 8007844C 0504 #Choose Track Desert Storm (Mission 6) D007844C 0000 8007844C 0505 ; [ Carmageddon (Germany) {SLES-01961} ] #P1 Unzerstörbar 300D424E 0000 #Unendlich Geld P1 (Einzelspieler) D0076E40 2710 80076E40 D02C D0076E42 0000 80076E42 0160 D007847C 2710 8007847C D02C D007847E 0000 8007847E 0160 #L2+R2 schaltet alle Autos E00BBE6D 0003 50000F02 0000 80078480 0101 #Nur noch ein Zombie übrig (Drücke L1+L2) D00BBE6C 0500 8006C0BC 0001 #Unendlich kostenlose Bergung 30076E4B 0005 #Streckenanwahl Desert Storm (Mission 6) D0078448 0000 80078448 0505 ; [ Carnage Heart (Europe) {SCES-00441} ] :SCES-00441 #Have 9999999 money 900DF9FC 05F5E0FF #Unit 1 Ammo 99 8010CB54 0063 ; [ Carnage Heart (Japan) {SLPS-00151} ] :SLPS-00151 #Max Gold 900DC210 0098967F ; [ Carnage Heart (USA) {SCUS-94604} ] :SCUS-94604 #Infinite Funds 800DF38C 86A0 #Always On Turn 1 800DF37C 0001 800DF380 0001 #Unit 1 Ammo Modifier 80134B7E 0063 #Unit 1 Fuel Modifier 80134B80 009B ; [ Carnage Heart Extra (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80015} ] ; [ Carom Shot (Japan) {SLPS-00837} ] :SLPS-00837 #Infinite Money in Story Mode 900B3EA4 000F423F #All Secret Characters Unlocked 800B38C2 0003 #Not increase time 80038160 0000 80038164 0000 ; [ Carom Shot 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80267} ] ; [ Carton-kun (Japan) Demo {SLP-80572} ] ; [ Casper (Europe) {SLES-00045} ] :SLES-00045 #Infinite Health 801FBD84 01F4 #Infinite Brass Key 8007EB44 0001 #Infinite Iron Keys 8007EB48 0001 #Infinite Fools Gold 8007EB4C 00FF ; [ Casper: Friends Around the World (Europe) {SLES-03113} ] :SLES-03113 #All levels unlocked 800DE44D 000A #Infinite Health 800DE480 000A #Infinite Floating power 80098E6C 0078 #Infinite Continues 800DE47E 0003 #Infinite Lives 800DE452 0009 #Have 255 crystals 800DE452 00FF ; [ Castlevania Chronicle: Akumajou Dracula (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86754} ] ; [ Castlevania Chronicle: Akumajou Dracula (Japan) {SLP-86754} ] ; [ Castlevania Chronicles (Europe) {SLES-03532} ] :SLES-03532 #Invincibility 8001DA6A 1000 #Infinite HP 8005A98A 0010 #Infinite Lives 80059402 0063 #Start game at level 1 - Castle Entrance 80059434 0000 #Start game at level 2 - Cave 80059434 0001 #Start game at level 3 - Courtyard 80059434 0002 #Start game at level 4 - Royal Chapel 80059434 0003 #Start game at level 5 - Clock Tower 80059434 0004 #Start game at level 6 - Floating Corridor 80059434 0005 #Start game at level 7 - Prison 80059434 0006 #Start game at level 8 - Final Level - Chronicles 80059434 0007 #Watch endings / FMVs in Original & Arranged Modes 801057BC 001B #Unlocked Sound engine selection menu D0107BE0 0007 80107BE0 0004 D0107C20 000A 80107C20 0004 #Unlocked Time attack & ranking (Arrange mode) 3006E5CC 0001 D006E602 0000 3006E602 0053 #Unlocked Gallery & pictures in options menu 3006E5C9 001A #Unlocked Extra option menu On D005E4E4 000F 80107C5E 001C #Enable Arranged Music 3005946D 0003 #Final Stage (All Slots) 50000610 0000 3006E5DC 0017 #Invincibility 8001DA6A 1000 #Max Level Sub-Weapon (Triple Shot) 3005A997 0003 #Max Level Weapon (Morning Star Whip) 3005A99E 0002 #Press X For Moon Jump Hold X to continue floating E005E4C3 00BF 8005A99C 0008 ; [ Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Asia) {SCPS-45196} ] ; [ Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Europe) {SLES-00524} ] :SLES-00524 #Infinite Money 90097C00 000F423F #Level Up Booster 90097BFC 000F423F #Max Attack 800F4C06 1400 #Max Guard 800F505E 1400 #Max Strength 80097BC8 03E7 #Max Condition 80097BCC 03E7 #Max Intelligence 80097BD0 03E7 #Max Luck 80097BD4 03E7 #All Relics 50000E02 0000 80097974 0303 #Infinite HP For Richter 80087BB0 003C 80136C14 003C #Quick Level Gain 80097BEC FFFF #Infinite HP 80097BA0 03E7 #Infinite MP 80097BB0 03E7 #Infinite Hearts 80097BA8 0063 #999 Attack 800F4BF6 1400 #All Familiars At Level 99 80097C54 0063 80097C60 0063 80097C6C 0063 80097C78 0063 80097C84 0063 #Sudden Death Dracula i (.Press L1+L2) E0072EF0 0005 80076EDE 0000 #Sudden Death Dracula II (.Press R1+R2) E0072EF0 000A 8007728A 0000 #Amount Of Visited Rooms 3003C768 00FF #Amount Of Killed Enemies 30097C04 0FFF #Have Superjump 30097458 0090 #Playing Time 00:00:00 80097C48 0000 #All Have Exp 99 5000050C 0000 30097C58 0063 #Japanese Demon-Level 99 30097C9C 0063 #Japanese Demon-Exp 99 30097CA0 0063 #Menu At Maximum 800F505E 03E7 800F4C06 03E7 50000404 0000 80097BC8 03E7 #X-Code i 50000504 0000 30097BB0 00FF #X-Code II 50000204 0000 80097BFC 2710 #Have All Spells 50000402 0202 80097992 8081 #Inventory\Have Knight Shield 300979A0 00FF #Inventory\Have Iron Shield 300979A1 00FF #Inventory\Have Axelord 300979A2 00FF #Inventory\Have Herald Shield 300979A3 00FF #Inventory\Have Dark Shield 300979A4 00FF #Inventory\Have Goddess Shield 300979A5 00FF #Inventory\Have Shaman Shield 300979A6 00FF #Inventory\Have Medusa Shield 300979A7 00FF #Inventory\Have Skull Shield 300979A8 00FF #Inventory\Have Fire Shield 300979A9 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucard Shield 300979AA 00FF #Inventory\Have Sword Of Dawn 300979AB 00FF #Inventory\Have Basilard 300979AC 00FF #Inventory\Have Short Sword 300979AD 00FF #Inventory\Have Combat Knife 300979AE 00FF #Inventory\Have Nunchaku 300979AF 00FF #Inventory\Have Were Bane 300979B0 00FF #Inventory\Have Rapier 300979B1 00FF #Inventory\Have Karma Coin 300979B2 00FF #Inventory\Have Magic Missile 300979B3 00FF #Inventory\Have Red Dust 300979B4 00FF #Inventory\Have Takemitsu 300979B5 00FF #Inventory\Have Shotel 300979B6 00FF #Inventory\Have Orange 300979B7 00FF #Inventory\Have Apple 300979B8 00FF #Inventory\Have Banana 300979B9 00FF #Inventory\Have Grapes 300979BA 00FF #Inventory\Have Strawberry 300979BB 00FF #Inventory\Have Pineapple 300979BC 00FF #Inventory\Have Peanuts 300979BD 00FF #Inventory\Have Toadstool 300979BE 00FF #Inventory\Have Shiltake 300979BF 00FF #Inventory\Have Cheese Cake 300979C0 00FF #Inventory\Have Short Cake 300979C1 00FF #Inventory\Have Tart 300979C2 00FF #Inventory\Have Parfait 300979C3 00FF #Inventory\Have Pudding 300979C4 00FF #Inventory\Have Ice Ceam 300979C5 00FF #Inventory\Have Frankfurter 300979C6 00FF #Inventory\Have Hamburger 300979C7 00FF #Inventory\Have Pizza 300979C8 00FF #Inventory\Have Cheese 300979C9 00FF #Inventory\Have Ham And Eggs 300979CA 00FF #Inventory\Have Omelette 300979CB 00FF #Inventory\Have Morning Set 300979CC 00FF #Inventory\Have Lunch A 300979CD 00FF #Inventory\Have Lunch B 300979CE 00FF #Inventory\Have Curry Rice 300979CF 00FF #Inventory\Have Gyros Plate 300979D0 00FF #Inventory\Have Spaghetti 300979D1 00FF #Inventory\Have Grape Juice 300979D2 00FF #Inventory\Have Barley Tea 300979D3 00FF #Inventory\Have Green Tea 300979D4 00FF #Inventory\Have Natou 300979D5 00FF #Inventory\Have Ramen 300979D6 00FF #Inventory\Have Miso Soup 300979D7 00FF #Inventory\Have Sushi 300979D8 00FF #Inventory\Have Pork Bun 300979D9 00FF #Inventory\Have Red Bean Bun 300979DA 00FF #Inventory\Have Chinese Bun 300979DB 00FF #Inventory\Have Dim Sum Set 300979DC 00FF #Inventory\Have Pot Roast 300979DD 00FF #Inventory\Have Sirloin 300979DE 00FF #Inventory\Have Turkey 300979DF 00FF #Inventory\Have Meal Ticket 300979E0 00FF #Inventory\Have Neutron Bomb 300979E1 00FF #Inventory\Have Power Of Sire 300979E2 00FF #Inventory\Have Pentagram 300979E3 00FF #Inventory\Have Bat Pentagram 300979E4 00FF #Inventory\Have Shuriken 300979E5 00FF #Inventory\Have Cross Shuriken 300979E6 00FF #Inventory\Have Buffalo Star 300979E7 00FF #Inventory\Have Flame Star 300979E8 00FF #Inventory\Have Tnt 300979E9 00FF #Inventory\Have Bwaka Knife 300979EA 00FF #Inventory\Have Boomerang 300979EB 00FF #Inventory\Have Javelin 300979EC 00FF #Inventory\Have Tyrfing 300979ED 00FF #Inventory\Have Namakura 300979EE 00FF #Inventory\Have Knuckle Buster 300979EF 00FF #Inventory\Have Gladius 300979F0 00FF #Inventory\Have Scimitar 300979F1 00FF #Inventory\Have Cutlass 300979F2 00FF #Inventory\Have Saber 300979F3 00FF #Inventory\Have Palomion 300979F4 00FF #Inventory\Have Broadsword 300979F5 00FF #Inventory\Have Bekatowa 300979F6 00FF #Inventory\Have Damascus Sword 300979F7 00FF #Inventory\Have Hunter Sword 300979F8 00FF #Inventory\Have Estoc 300979F9 00FF #Inventory\Have Bastard Sword 300979FA 00FF #Inventory\Have Jewel Knuckles 300979FB 00FF #Inventory\Have Claymore 300979FC 00FF #Inventory\Have Talwar 300979FD 00FF #Inventory\Have Katana 300979FE 00FF #Inventory\Have Flamberge 300979FF 00FF #Inventory\Have Iron Fistke 30097A00 00FF #Inventory\Have Zweihander 30097A01 00FF #Inventory\Have Sword Of Hador 30097A02 00FF #Inventory\Have Luminus 30097A03 00FF #Inventory\Have Harper 30097A04 00FF #Inventory\Have Obsidian Sword 30097A05 00FF #Inventory\Have Gram 30097A06 00FF #Inventory\Have Jewel Sword 30097A07 00FF #Inventory\Have Mormegil 30097A08 00FF #Inventory\Have Firebrand 30097A09 00FF #Inventory\Have Thunderbrand 30097A0A 00FF #Inventory\Have Kebrand 30097A0B 00FF #Inventory\Have Stone Sword 30097A0C 00FF #Inventory\Have Holy Sword 30097A0D 00FF #Inventory\Have Terminus Est 30097A0E 00FF #Inventory\Have Marsil 30097A0F 00FF #Inventory\Have Dark Blade 30097A10 00FF #Inventory\Have Heaven Sword 30097A11 00FF #Inventory\Have Fist Of Tulkas 30097A12 00FF #Inventory\Have Gurthang 30097A13 00FF #Inventory\Have Mourne Blade 30097A14 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucard Sword 30097A15 00FF #Inventory\Have Mablune Sword 30097A16 00FF #Inventory\Have Badelaire 30097A17 00FF #Inventory\Have Sword Familiar 30097A18 00FF #Inventory\Have Great Sword 30097A19 00FF #Inventory\Have Mace 30097A1A 00FF #Inventory\Have Morning Star 30097A1B 00FF #Inventory\Have Holy Rod 30097A1C 00FF #Inventory\Have Star Flail 30097A1D 00FF #Inventory\Have Moon Rod 30097A1E 00FF #Inventory\Have Chakram 30097A1F 00FF #Inventory\Have Fire Boomerang 30097A20 00FF #Inventory\Have Iron Ball 30097A21 00FF #Inventory\Have Holbein Dagger 30097A22 00FF #Inventory\Have Blinfinite Knuckles 30097A23 00FF #Inventory\Have Dynamite 30097A24 00FF #Inventory\Have Osafune Katana 30097A25 00FF #Inventory\Have Masamune 30097A26 00FF #Inventory\Have Muramasa 30097A27 00FF #Inventory\Have Heart Refresh 30097A28 00FF #Inventory\Have Rune Sword 30097A29 00FF #Inventory\Have Antivenom 30097A2A 00FF #Inventory\Have Uncurse 30097A2B 00FF #Inventory\Have Life Apple 30097A2C 00FF #Inventory\Have Hammer 30097A2D 00FF #Inventory\Have Strength.Potion 30097A2E 00FF #Inventory\Have Luck Potion 30097A2F 00FF #Inventory\Have Smart Potion 30097A30 00FF #Inventory\Have Attack Potion 30097A31 00FF #Inventory\Have Shield Potion 30097A32 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Fire 30097A33 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Thunder 30097A34 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Ice 30097A35 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Stone 30097A36 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Holy 30097A37 00FF #Inventory\Have Resist Dark 30097A38 00FF #Inventory\Have High Potion 30097A3A 00FF #Inventory\Have Elixir 30097A3B 00FF #Inventory\Have Manna Prism 30097A3C 00FF #Inventory\Have Vorpal Blade 30097A3D 00FF #Inventory\Have Crissaegrim 30097A3E 00FF #Inventory\Have Yasutsuna 30097A3F 00FF #Inventory\Have Library Card 30097A40 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucard Shield 30097A41 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucard Sword 30097A42 00FF #Inventory\Have Cloth Cape 30097A74 00FF #Inventory\Have Reverse Cloak 30097A75 00FF #Inventory\Have Elven Cloak 30097A76 00FF #Inventory\Have Crystal Cloak 30097A77 00FF #Inventory\Have Royal Cloak 30097A78 00FF #Inventory\Have Blood Cloak 30097A79 00FF #Inventory\Have Joseph's Cloak 30097A7A 00FF #Inventory\Have Twilight Cloak 30097A7B 00FF #Inventory\Have Moonstone 30097A7D 00FF #Inventory\Have Sunstone 30097A7E 00FF #Inventory\Have Bloodstone 30097A7F 00FF #Inventory\Have Staurolite 30097A80 00FF #Inventory\Have Ring Of Pales 30097A81 00FF #Inventory\Have Zircon 30097A82 00FF #Inventory\Have Aquamarine 30097A83 00FF #Inventory\Have Turquoise 30097A84 00FF #Inventory\Have Onyx 30097A85 00FF #Inventory\Have Garnet 30097A86 00FF #Inventory\Have Opal 30097A87 00FF #Inventory\Have Diamond 30097A88 00FF #Inventory\Have Lapislazuli 30097A89 00FF #Inventory\Have Ring Of Ares 30097A8A 00FF #Inventory\Have Gold Ring 30097A8B 00FF #Inventory\Have Silver Ring 30097A8C 00FF #Inventory\Have Ring Of Varda 30097A8D 00FF #Inventory\Have Ring Of Arcana 30097A8E 00FF #Inventory\Have Mystic Pendant 30097A8F 00FF #Inventory\Have Heart Broach 30097A90 00FF #Inventory\Have Necklace Of J 30097A91 00FF #Inventory\Have Gauntlet 30097A92 00FF #Inventory\Have Ankh Of Life 30097A93 00FF #Inventory\Have Ring Of Feanor 30097A94 00FF #Inventory\Have Medal 30097A95 00FF #Inventory\Have Talisman 30097A96 00FF #Inventory\Have Duplicator 30097A97 00FF #Inventory\Have King's Stone 30097A98 00FF #Inventory\Have Convenant Stone 30097A99 00FF #Inventory\Have Nauglamir 30097A9A 00FF #Inventory\Have Secret Boots 30097A9B 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucart Mail 30097A9C 00FF #Inventory\Have Ballroom Mask 30097A5F 00FF #Inventory\Have Bandana 30097A60 00FF #Inventory\Have Felt Hat 30097A61 00FF #Inventory\Have Velvet Hat 30097A62 00FF #Inventory\Have Goggles 30097A63 00FF #Inventory\Have Leather Hat 30097A64 00FF #Inventory\Have Holy Glasses 30097A65 00FF #Inventory\Have Steel Helmet 30097A66 00FF #Inventory\Have Stone Mask 30097A67 00FF #Inventory\Have Fire Mail 30097A4D 00FF #Inventory\Have Lightning Mail 30097A4E 00FF #Inventory\Have Ice Mail 30097A4F 00FF #Inventory\Have Mirror Cuirass 30097A50 00FF #Inventory\Have Spikebreaker 30097A51 00FF #Inventory\Have Alucard Mail 30097A52 00FF #Inventory\Have Dark Armor 30097A53 00FF #Inventory\Have Healing Mail 30097A54 00FF #Inventory\Have Holy Mail 30097A55 00FF #Inventory\Have Walk Armor 30097A56 00FF #Inventory\Have Brilliant Mail 30097A57 00FF #Inventory\Have Moso Mail 30097A58 00FF #Inventory\Have Fury Plate 30097A59 00FF #Inventory\Have Dracula Tunic 30097A5A 00FF #Inventory\Have God's Garb 30097A5B 00FF #Inventory\Have Axelord Armor 30097A5C 00FF ; [ Castrol Honda Superbike Racing (Europe) {SLES-01182} ] :SLES-01182 #Always Finish In First Place 8018CB04 0001 #Disable Other Racers 80055138 ED50 ; [ Castrol Honda VTR aka Castrol Honda World Superbike Team VTR (Europe) {SLES-02942} ] :SLES-02942 #Enabled Everything (This code will enable all tracks in single race and championship mode....instantly passed the skilled test. You need to turn off the gameshark if you enable it in the championship mode then scroll to the left or right to select the tracks) 50002202 0000 800A5438 0101 #Time Frozen Championship Finish one lap, then retire to be always on pole D00253FE AE22 300253FC 0000 #Time Frozen Skill Test D002539A AE22 30025398 0000 #Start with 100 points in championship D00A546C 0000 300A546C 0064 #Always good grip & accelaration D011BF16 A483 3011BF14 0000 ; [ Cat the Ripper: 13Ninme no Tanteishi (Japan) {SLPS-00908} ] ; [ Catan: Die erste Insel (Germany) {SLES-02825} ] ; [ Cellophanes (Japan) {SLPS-01081} ] :SLPS-01081 #Have 99 balls in Breakout in the zoo 801147A8 0063 #Have 4 balls in delta 800C2BEC 0004 #Have 9 ships in Mystery Planet 800C4FAA 0009 #Have 1000 fuel in Mystery Planet 800C4F9E 03E8 #Have infinite oxygen in Sea Fighter 8012A2E6 0064 #Have always 8 bullets in Carnival Hunt 800A470C 0008 ; [ Center Shiken Trial: Eigo no Tetsujin (Japan) {SCPS-10013} ] ; [ Centipede (Europe) {SLES-01664} ] ; [ Centipede (Europe) {SLES-01900} ] :SLES-01900 #Adventure Mode\Infinite Lives 800BA5AC 0005 #Adventure Mode\Enable All Level (.Press Select in main-men The game will do some weird things if the enable codes are on. To prevent this, just load the game, press Select in main-menu, verify that all levels are selectable and save this to memory card. From now never activate this code again.) D0051490 0100 50001E3C 0000 80058054 0001 #Arcade Mode\P1 Infinite Lives 80096A40 0005 #Arcade Mode\P2 Infinite Lives 80096A44 0005 ; [ Cha Cha Special 04/99 Demo aka cha cha special 04/99 demo (Belgium, Netherlands) {SCED-01992} ] ; [ Chakushin Melody Damon (Japan) {SLPS-02422} ] ; [ Chakushin Melody Damon Gold (Japan) {SLPS-02847} ] ; [ Chakushin Melody Damon Volume.2 (Japan) {SLPS-02556} ] ; [ Chakushin Melody Damon Volume.3 (Japan) {SLPS-02601} ] ; [ Chakushin Melody Damon Volume.4 (Japan) {SLPS-02707} ] ; [ Champion Wrestler: Jikkyou Live (Japan) {SLP-86617} ] ; [ Championship Bass (Europe) {SLES-02775} ] ; [ Championship Bass (Japan) {SLPS-02674} ] ; [ Championship Manager Quiz (Europe) {SLES-03634} ] ; [ Championship Motocross 2001 featuring Ricky Carmichael (Europe) {SLES-03252} ] ; [ Championship Motocross featuring Ricky Carmichael (Europe) Demo {SLED-02385} ] ; [ Championship Motocross featuring Ricky Carmichael (Europe) {SLES-02200} ] :SLES-02200 #Unlock all classes 800873E0 000F #Unlock all tracks 800873E4 0FFF #Unlock Mirror Mode 800873E8 0001 #Unlock View Fox Movie 800873F4 0001 #Big Head Mode 800873AC 0001 ; [ Championship Surfer (Europe) {SLES-03427} ] ; [ Chaos Break (Europe) {SLES-03107} ] :SLES-03107 #Infinite Health D00E524E 012C 800E5250 012C D00E524E 015E 800E5250 015E #Infinite HP 800E524E 012C #Infinite Ammo - Rick 800E5278 0032 #Have in inventory Data disk 300E5296 0001 #Have in inventory Resistance sample 300E529B 0001 #Have in inventory Repair kit 300E529D 0001 #Have in inventory Electromagnetic key (canteen) 300E529F 0001 #Have in inventory Writing paper 300E52A3 0001 #Have in inventory System disk 300E52A7 0001 #Have in inventory Mayers notebook 300E52A9 0001 #Have in inventory Code chart 300E52AA 0001 #Have in inventory Lifeform sample 300E52AB 0001 #Have in inventory Photograph 300E52AC 0001 #Have in inventory Electromagnetic key (constant temp room) 300E52AD 0001 #Have in inventory Electromagnetic key (research lab) 300E52AE 0001 #Have in inventory Electromagnetic key (breeding room) 300E52AF 0001 #Infinite Ammo 900E5274 00079F00 800E5278 01F0 50000602 0000 800E527A 0CC3 #All Weapons 50000601 0001 300E5289 0003 #All Items .the game won't display all the items, but they are there. 50000302 0000 800E5292 6363 300E5299 0063 800E529A 6363 300E529D 0063 300E529F 0063 800E52A2 6363 300E52A4 0063 50000502 0000 800E52A6 6363 ; [ Chaos Break (Japan) {SLP-86363} ] ; [ Charumera (Japan) {SLPS-02415} ] :SLPS-02415 #Infinite Money 801E1280 423F 301E1282 000F #Max Item 50009D01 0000 301E1A71 0001 ; [ Chase the Express (Europe) {SCES-02812 | SCES-12812} ] :SCES-02812 :SCES-12812 #Timer Stopped 8001CE8E 0000 #Infinite Health 80010402 1000 #Infinite Ammo & Items 8007D6DE 0000 #All Maps Complete 50000704 0000 80010A80 0080 50000804 0000 80010AA0 0080 50000404 0000 80010AD0 0080 50000204 0000 80010AE4 0080 50000704 0000 80010B14 0080 #Have All Data 50002702 0202 8001088C 0201 #Have All Weapons In Crate (Press Up & L1) D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 80010470 0200 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0200 80010474 3000 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 80010478 3800 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 8001047C 3D00 #Have All Keys In Crate (Press Up & L2) D00D8E8E FEEF 50000E02 0100 80010470 0A00 #Have All Items In Crate (Press Up & R1) D00D8E8E F7EF 50000502 0100 80010470 0500 D00D8E8E F7EF 50001202 0100 8001047A 1800 #Max Item\Slot 1 3001045C 00FF #Max Item\Slot 2 3001045E 00FF #Max Item\Slot 3 30010460 00FF #Max Item\Slot 4 30010462 00FF #Max Item\Slot 5 30010464 00FF #Max Item\Slot 6 30010466 00FF #Max Item\Slot 7 30010468 00FF #Max Item\Slot 8 3001046A 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 1 30010470 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 2 30010472 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 3 30010474 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 4 30010476 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 5 30010478 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 6 3001047A 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 7 3001047C 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 8 3001047E 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 9 30010480 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 10 30010482 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 11 30010484 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 12 30010486 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 13 30010488 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 14 3001048A 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 15 3001048C 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 16 3001048E 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 17 30010490 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 18 30010492 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 19 30010494 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 20 30010496 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 21 30010498 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 22 3001049A 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 23 3001049C 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 24 3001049E 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 25 300104A0 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 26 300104A2 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 27 300104A4 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 28 300104A6 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 29 300104A8 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 30 300104AA 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 31 300104AC 00FF #Max Item In Crate\Slot 32 300104AE 00FF ; [ Chase the Express (France) {SCES-02813 | SCES-12813} ] ; [ Chase the Express (Germany) {SCES-02814 | SCES-12814} ] :SCES-02814 :SCES-12814 #Zeit 0:00:05 8001CE8E 0000 #Unendlich Gesundheit 80010402 1000 #Unendlich Munition & GegenstäNde 8007D6DE 0000 #Alle Karten Komplett 50000704 0000 80010A80 0080 50000804 0000 80010AA0 0080 50000404 0000 80010AD0 0080 50000204 0000 80010AE4 0080 50000704 0000 80010B14 0080 #Habe Alle Daten 50002702 0202 8001088C 0201 #Habe Alle Waffen In Der Kiste (.Drücke Oben & L1) D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 80010470 0200 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0200 80010474 3000 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 80010478 3800 D00D8E8E FBEF 50000202 0100 8001047C 3D00 #Habe Alle SchlüSsel In Der Kiste (.Drücke Oben & L2) D00D8E8E FEEF 50000E02 0100 80010470 0A00 #Habe Alle GegenstäNde In Der Kiste (Drücke Oben & R1) D00D8E8E F7EF 50000502 0100 80010470 0500 D00D8E8E F7EF 50001202 0100 8001047A 1800 #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 1 3001045C 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 2 3001045E 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 3 30010460 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 4 30010462 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 5 30010464 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 6 30010466 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 7 30010468 00FF #Max Anzahl GegenstäNde\Platz 8 3001046A 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 1 30010470 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 2 30010472 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 3 30010474 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 4 30010476 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 5 30010478 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 6 3001047A 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 7 3001047C 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 8 3001047E 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 9 30010480 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 10 30010482 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 11 30010484 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 12 30010486 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 13 30010488 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 14 3001048A 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 15 3001048C 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 16 3001048E 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 17 30010490 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 18 30010492 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 19 30010494 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 20 30010496 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 21 30010498 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 22 3001049A 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 23 3001049C 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 24 3001049E 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 25 300104A0 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 26 300104A2 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 27 300104A4 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 28 300104A6 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 29 300104A8 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 30 300104AA 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 31 300104AC 00FF #Max Anzahl Der GegenstäNde In Der Kiste\Platz 32 300104AE 00FF ; [ Chase the Express (Italy) {SCES-02815 | SCES-12815} ] ; [ Chase the Express (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90107} ] ; [ Chase the Express (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96189} ] ; [ Chase the Express (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-10109 | SCPS-10110} ] :SCPS-10109 :SCPS-10110 #Unlock Protect D00EA6DE 1040 800EA6DE 1000 #Infinite HP 80010402 1000 #Start Game Have Special Gun 3001045D 0033 3001045F 0036 30010461 0002 30010463 002E #Infinite Health Pack 80010464 00FF #Infinite Number of bullets Please re-start after you save, once you have loaded data, infinite bullets! 900103D4 FFFFFFF0 #All Files 50001C02 0101 8001088C 1D01 #Christina Use to save on 30010405 0001 #Special MOVIE TEST / SOUND TEST (L1 + L2) D00DDFDA FAFF 301B21DC 0003 #Special MOVIE TEST / SOUND TEST 301B21DC 0003 ; [ Chase the Express: El Expreso de la Muerte (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-02816 | SCES-12816} ] :SCES-02816 :SCES-12816 #Infinite Health 80010402 1000 #Infinite Ammo (Si se usa corrompe el objeto y pasa a ser botiquin) 80010460 0064 ; [ Cheat Factory for Final Fantasy IX (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheat Master Volume 1: Fighting Master (Europe) (Cheat Master 3 in 1 Combo Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheat Master Volume 2: Sports Master (Europe) (Cheat Master 3 in 1 Combo Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheat Master Volume 3: Race Master (Europe) (Cheat Master 3 in 1 Combo Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheat Master Volume 4: Strategy Master (Europe) (Cheat Master 3 in 1 Combo Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheatcode S (France) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cheats 'N Codes Volume 1 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Checkmate (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02917} ] ; [ Checkmate (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-03136} ] ; [ Checkmate II (Europe) {SLES-04053} ] ; [ Cheesy (Europe) {SLES-00053} ] :SLES-00053 #Infinite Lifes 80091BBC 0005 #Infinite Hearts 80091C00 0005 #99 Cheese Pieces 80091C78 0063 #Level skip menu / all levels unlocked (Will be invisible until you move cursor below "fire button" option.) 80091CF0 FFFF ; [ Cheesy (Japan) {SLPS-00893} ] :SLPS-00893 #Infinite Hearts 80091180 0005 #99 Cheese 800911F8 0063 #Infinite Lives 8009110C 0004 ; [ Chess 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02624} ] ; [ Chessmaster II (Europe) {SLES-02117} ] ; [ Chi Vuol Essere Miliardario (Italy) {SLES-03582} ] ; [ Chi Vuol Essere Milionario: Seconda Edizione (Italy) {SLES-03917} ] ; [ Chibi Chara Game: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Go! Go! Casino) (Japan) (Shokai Tokuten Reinhart Genteiban) {SLPS-01834 | SLPS-01835} ] ; [ Chibi Chara Game: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Go! Go! Casino) (Japan) (Shokai Tokuten Yan Genteiban) {SLPS-02025 | SLPS-02026} ] :SLPS-02025 :SLPS-02026 #Infinite Hearts Board Quiz Game 80185884 000A ; [ Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Enikki World (Japan) {SLPS-00166} ] ; [ Chicken Run (Europe) {SLES-03188} ] ; [ Chicken Run (Europe) {SLES-03285} ] :SLES-03285 #Enable All Levels 50000C01 0000 300ADC66 0001 #99 Eggs (Press L1 & L2) D00B94EA FAFF 300D25E0 0063 #Have all movies 50000B01 0000 300ADC50 0001 #Have All Map Pieces 900AA128 01010101 900AA12C 01010101 900AA130 01010101 900AA134 01010101 #Have all Gold Medals 50000601 0000 300ADC72 0003 #Have all pictures 50000A01 0000 300ADC5B 0001 #Infinite Sprouts D0069BF0 FFFF 80069BF0 0001 ; [ Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race: Wacky Races (Japan) {SLP-86845} ] ; [ Chill (Europe) Demo {SLED-01194} ] ; [ Chill (Europe) {SLES-00711} ] :SLES-00711 #1.111.111 Points 901131F4 0010F447 #Race Time = 1:45:08 90099148 001008B0 #Unlock Yeti 30089C3E 0001 #Unlock & Qualified All Tracks 30089C3F 003F 30089C40 0003 ; [ China: The Forbidden City (Europe) {SLES-02297} ] ; [ Chine: Intrigue dans la Cité Interdite (France) {SLES-02090} ] ; [ Chinmoku no Kantai: The Silent Service (Japan) {SLPS-02788} ] ; [ Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken: The Adventure of Little Ralph (Japan) Demo {SLP-80433} ] ; [ Chocobo Racing (Europe) {SLES-02079} ] :SLES-02079 #Time is 0:00:00 80030336 3C00 #99 Points In Gp-Mode 8008BEB0 0063 #Enable All Characters & Tracks In Gp-Mode 801E929C FFFF #Enable All Movies 801E9298 FFFF #Enable All Music 901E9294 FFFFFFFF #Have All Crowns & Classes 901E9290 FFFFFFFF ; [ Chocobo Racing: Genkai e no Road (Japan) {SLPS-01951} ] :SLPS-01951 #All Crowns - Grand Prix 801E9290 FFFF #All Class 801E9292 FFFF #Unlock Sound Room Bgm 901E9294 FFFFFFFF #Unlock Movie 801E9298 FFFF #Unlock Hidden Characters & Courses 801E929C 037F 80078166 0FFF #Cheat Starting Line Up (P1 press Select & Square) D0024EDA 2442 80024ED8 0001 #Furiwake Max Points (Press L2+R2) D00781F0 0003 3008A721 0064 #Fastest 3008A722 0063 #Accelerated Max 3008A723 0063 #Grip Max 3008A724 0063 #Drift Max 3008A725 0063 #AGS Max 3008A726 0063 #Story mode stage selection 1 301E929F 0001 #Story mode stage selection 2 301E929F 0002 #Story mode stage selection 3 301E929F 0003 #Story mode stage selection 4 301E929F 0004 #Story mode stage selection 5 301E929F 0005 #Story mode stage selection 6 301E929F 0006 #Story mode stage selection 7 301E929F 0007 #Story mode stage selection 8 301E929F 0008 #Story mode points 99 301E929E 0063 ; [ Chocobo Stallion (Japan) {SLPS-02520} ] :SLPS-02520 #Infinite Cash 80079082 0090 #Funds 9999999 90079080 0098967F #Hp Infinite In Training 800192FE A083 #Not Decrease Next Month When Funds 8001AF52 0060 80019034 0000 #G? · G? · G? all content unlocked D0087318 38C8 80087374 0001 #It does not take a year breeding a Chocobo 8001B1B8 0000 #do not get sick 80019BCA 1000 80019BE8 0000 #Always best condition 90019390 340200A3 #Many times trainable 8001941E 2000 ; [ Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon (Japan) {SLPS-01234} ] :SLPS-01234 #Infinite HP 90000B40 3C08800B 90000B44 950AFB3C 90000B4C A50AFB3E 90000BC0 240A00B0 90000BC4 01400008 80076470 0B40 #Level Up 90000B50 A500FB5C #Infinite Money 90000BB0 3C088015 90000BB4 3C0A05F5 90000BB8 354AE0FF 90000BBC AD0A85AC #Infinite & Max Hp 900AFB3C 03E703E7 #Money in hand Max 901485AC 05F5E0FF #Invincibility D015B8B0 0002 8015B8AC 0000 ; [ Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon 2 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45371} ] ; [ Choro Q 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00710} ] :SLPS-00710 #Money Up To $65535 801EB0D8 FFFF #Lap Time 801EB0C8 0000 #Max Speed 801EBA98 3800 #aLWAYS No. 1 8017DE6A A220 ; [ Choro Q 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01244} ] :SLPS-01244 #Infinite Money 901D42FC 0098967F #Max Speed 801E0BD4 3030 #Max All Parts 801CCD3C 0200 801CCD4C 0200 801CCF00 0200 801CCF10 0200 801CCD64 0200 801CCD74 0200 801CCF28 0200 801CCF38 0200 801CCD8C 0200 801CCD9C 0200 801CCF50 0200 801CCF60 0200 801CCDB4 0200 801CCDC4 0200 801CCF78 0200 801CCD88 0200 801CCDDC 0200 801CCDEC 0200 801CCFA0 0200 801CCFB0 0200 #All Course Select 901D43B0 FFFFFFFF #Use Ghost Tire And Engine 801D4334 0003 801D4338 0800 #All Part In Store 901D4330 FFFFFFFF 801D4334 0001 801D4338 0FFF 801D4340 01FF 801D4348 0007 801D4350 000F 801D4358 03FF 801D4360 0007 801D4368 3F7F 801D4370 03FF 801D4378 003F #Open Day & Night 801D4380 0003 #All Memo Secret 901D43B4 FFFFFFFF 901D43B8 FFFFFFFF 901D43BC FFFFFFFF 801D43C0 07FF ; [ Choro Q Jet: Rainbow Wings (Japan) {SLPS-01140} ] :SLPS-01140 #P1 Infinite HP 8010B444 0046 #P1 Infinite Missiles 8010B440 001C #Secret Character 1 (Press L1+R1) D0108E08 000C 8013EEC8 0008 #Secret Character 2 (Press L2+R2) D0108E08 0003 8013EEC8 0009 #Secret Character 3 (Press L1+L2+R1+R2) D0108E08 000F 8013EEC8 000A #P2 Infinite HP 8010B594 0046 #P2 Infinite Missiles 8010B590 001C #Top Speed 801E0BD4 FFFF ; [ Choro Q Marine: Q-Boat (Japan) Demo {SLP-80227} ] ; [ Choro Q Marine: Q-Boat (Japan) {SLPS-01436} ] :SLPS-01436 #Have All 143 Boats 90079CC8 FFFFFFFF 90079CCC FFFFFFFF 90079CD0 FFFFFFFF 90079CD4 FFFFFFFF 90079CD8 FFFFFFFF ; [ Choro Q Ver. 1.02 (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91015} ] ; [ Choro Q Wonderful! (Japan) {SLP-86902} ] ; [ Chou Aniki: Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (Japan) {SLP-86873} ] ; [ Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan: Hirameki Wonderland (Japan) {SLP-86299} ] ; [ Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross: Ai Oboete Imasu ka (Japan) {SLPS-02005 | SLPS-02006} ] :SLPS-02005 :SLPS-02006 #Infinite Bombs 1ST Cd D00A4060 0001 800A4060 0004 #Infinite Shield 1ST Cd 800A4612 0065 800AA8D6 0065 #SDF 1ST Cd 800A0B64 0064 #Open Extra Options 1ST Cd 800A0B64 0064 900FE188 00010001 #Infinite Bombs 2ND Cd D00ACC60 0001 800ACC60 0004 #Infinite Shield 2ND Cd 800AD392 0065 800B34DE 0065 #SDF 2ND CD 800A97A4 0064 #Open Extra Options 2ND Cd 800A97A4 0064 900F7BF8 00010001 ; [ Chou Jiryoku Senshi Microman: Generation 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02490} ] :SLPS-02490 #Infinite Energy deactivate when you finish the level 800876CA 270F 8012DD08 270F 801317A8 270F 801349FC 270F 8018C4EC 270F ; [ Chou Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Another Step (Japan) {SLPS-01368} ] :SLPS-01368 #Infinite HP character 1 900BF924 03E703E7 #Infinite MP character 1 901015B4 03E703E7 #Infinite HP character 2 900BF990 03E703E7 #Infinite HP character 3 900BF9FC 03E703E7 #Infinite Energy robot 900BEBA4 03E703E7 #HP Robot Battle / enemy 0 800BEF04 0000 #Gold-999999 9009C8B4 000F423F #The Genie Battle added IQ and Battle in configuration 3009C681 0001 #It is not the battle even hit the enemy 3009C8B2 0001 #Story number 2 3009C90C 0002 #Story number 3 3009C90C 0003 #Story number 4 3009C90C 0004 #Story number 5 3009C90C 0005 #Story number 6 3009C90C 0006 #Story number 7 3009C90C 0007 #Story number 8 3009C90C 0008 #Story number 9 3009C90C 0009 ; [ Chou Nazoou (Japan) {SLPS-02123} ] :SLPS-02123 #Have always 1 right answers 800C07F0 0001 #Have always 2 right answers 800C07F0 0002 #Have always 3 right answers 800C07F0 0003 #Have always 4 right answers 800C07F0 0004 #Have always 5 right answers 800C07F0 0005 #Have always 6 right answers 800C07F0 0006 #Have always 7 right answers 800C07F0 0007 #Have always 8 right answers 800C07F0 0008 #Have always 9 right answers 800C07F0 0009 #Infinite Energy 800C1054 0064 #Have 9 green cards 800A72AA 0009 #Have 9 reds cards 800A72AC 0009 #Have 9 blue cards 800A72AE 0009 ; [ Chou Sentou Kyuugi Vanborg (Japan) {SLPS-01871} ] :SLPS-01871 #Infinite Money 800B4B20 FFFF #P1 Maximum Power Bar 8007D884 00A0 #P1 Score Modifier 80077CB0 00?? #P2 Maximum Power Bar 80083714 00A0 #P2 Score Modifier 80077CB2 0000 ; [ Chou-Kousoku Gran Doll (Japan) (Premium Edition (Piki! Piki! Special Hikaru-bako Genteiban)) {SLPS-00869 | SLPS-00870} ] :SLPS-00869 :SLPS-00870 #Infinite Health 800B4D64 0060 #All 5 Change Roll 300B4D6A 0005 #Infinite Keys 800A282C 0101 #Infinite Bombs 800B4D66 0101 #Transparent 300A266C 0001 ; [ Chouzetsu Daigirin '99-nen Natsu-ban (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80396} ] ; [ Chouzetsu Daigirin 2000-nen Fuyu-ban (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80519} ] ; [ Chris Kamara's Street Soccer (Europe) {SLES-02948} ] ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (Europe) {SLES-00165 | SLES-10165} ] ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (France) {SLES-00166 | SLES-10166} ] ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (Germany) {SLES-00167 | SLES-10167} ] ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (Italy) {SLES-00192 | SLES-10192} ] ; [ Chronicles of the Sword (Spain) {SLES-00191 | SLES-10191} ] ; [ Chrono Cross (Japan) {SLP-87395 | SLP-87396} ] ; [ Chrono Trigger (Japan) {SLP-87374} ] ; [ Cina: Crimini nella Città Proibita (Italy) {SLES-02296} ] ; [ Cindy's Caribbean Holiday (Europe) {SLES-04148} ] :SLES-04148 #Infinite Time 8005F9B4 003B ; [ Cindy's Fashion World (Europe) {SLES-04147} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-1-dan: Tengoku ni Ikenai Papa (Joukan) (Japan) {SLP-86565 | SLP-86566 | SLP-86567} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-2-dan: Interceptor (Joukan) (Japan) {SLP-86554 | SLP-86555 | SLP-86556} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-3-dan: Arashigaoka (Joukan) (Japan) {SLP-86551 | SLP-86552 | SLP-86553} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-4-dan: Boy's Life (Japan) {SLP-86568 | SLP-86569 | SLP-86570 | SLP-86571} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-5-dan: Zombie (Japan) {SLP-86557 | SLP-86558 | SLP-86559 | SLP-86560} ] ; [ Cinema Eikaiwa Series Dai-6-dan: Ai no Hate ni (Japan) {SLP-86241 | SLP-86242 | SLP-86243 | SLP-86564} ] ; [ Circadia (Japan) (Taikenban, Juchuu-you Taikenban) {PCPX-96138} ] ; [ Circadia (Japan) {SCPS-10077 | SCPS-10078} ] :SCPS-10077 :SCPS-10078 #Infinite Energy 800EF378 006E ; [ Circuit Breakers (Demo/Add-On Disc) (Europe) Demo {SLED-01403} ] ; [ Circuit Breakers (Europe) {SLES-00753} ] :SLES-00753 #Always Place 1st (In route menu, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to drive in the dark and/or press L2 + R2 + down + X to drive ahead) 801F8CF8 0001 #Infinite Fireballs 801F8DB8 0004 #Infinite Little Cars 801F8D70 0001 #Infinite Car Jumps 801F8DC8 0001 #Infinite Oil 801F8D80 0001 #Infinite Smoke 801F8D88 0001 #Infinite Big Cars 801F8D78 0001 #Infinite Acid 801F8DB0 0001 #Infinite Raised Car 801F8DC0 0001 #Infinite Turbo 801F8D90 0001 #Infinite Sonic Car 801F8D98 0001 ; [ City Bravo! (Japan) {SLPS-00361} ] :SLPS-00361 #Have 900 millions money 900EC55C 35A4E900 ; [ City Bravo! Business Hen (Japan) {SLPS-02421} ] :SLPS-02421 #Have 9999 millions money 800BEF9A 270F ; [ Civilization II (Europe) {SLES-01794} ] ; [ Civilization II (France) {SLES-01795} ] ; [ Civilization II (Germany) {SLES-01796} ] :SLES-01796 #Unendlich Geld\RöMer, Russen, Kelten 80118A40 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\Babylonier, Zulus, Japaner 80118FB8 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\Deutsche, Franzosen, Wikinger 80119530 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\ÄGypter, Azteken, Spanier 80119AA8 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\Amerikaner, Chinesen, Perser 8011A020 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\Griechen, EngläNder, Karthager 8011A598 FFFF #Unendlich Geld\Inder, Mongolen, Sioux 8011AB10 FFFF ; [ Civilization II (Italy) {SLES-01797} ] ; [ Civilization II (Japan) {SLPS-01735} ] :SLPS-01735 #Japan's largest national budget 8011A0F4 7530 #Dramatic advances in science and technology in Japan 8011A0FA 4FFF ; [ Civilization II (Spain) {SLES-01798} ] :SLES-01798 #Infinite Gold English 9011A4F0 0001869F #Infinite Gold Spanish,Egyptians and Aztecs 80119A00 7530 ; [ Civizard: Majutsu no Keifu (Japan) {SLPS-00618} ] :SLPS-00618 #Infinite 99999 Gp 9019C514 0001869F #Infinite MP (60000) 8019C41A EA60 ; [ Classic Road (Japan) {SLPS-00160} ] ; [ Classic Road 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02039} ] :SLPS-02039 #Have lots of money 901C9D1C 000F423F ; [ Classic Road: Yuushun 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01325} ] :SLPS-01325 #Have 65535 money 80124286 FFFF ; [ Cleopatra Fortune (Europe) {SLES-03935} ] ; [ Click Manga (Japan) Demo {SLP-80482} ] ; [ Click Manga: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 1: Eien no Yoru no Naka de (Japan) {SLPS-02128} ] ; [ Click Manga: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 2: Iserlohn Kouryaku (Japan) {SLPS-02353} ] ; [ Click Manga: Opera-za no Kaijin (Japan) {SLPS-02130} ] ; [ Click Medic (Japan) {SLPS-01838} ] :SLPS-01838 #Energy always 100 80093382 0064 #Patient life always full 80092C9D 0F42 ; [ Clock Tower (Europe) {SLES-00870} ] ; [ Clock Tower (France) {SLES-00871} ] ; [ Clock Tower (Germany) {SLES-00872} ] ; [ Clock Tower 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80062} ] ; [ Clock Tower 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80063} ] ; [ Clock Tower 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00657} ] :SLPS-00657 #Invincibility 8001CAAE 1000 #Have All Endings 50000A01 0000 30095C81 0001 #Have All Hints 50000A01 0000 30095C77 0001 #Unlock BUYOBUYO in Pause Menu 80095B46 0001 #Unlock Extra Mode in Pamphlet 80095B40 0001 #Unlock Message Type in Pause Menu 80095B44 0001 ; [ Clock Tower: Ghost Head (Japan) Demo {SLP-80219} ] ; [ Clock Tower: The First Fear (Japan) {SLPS-00917} ] :SLPS-00917 #Infinite HP 80198D68 02E6 ; [ ClockWerx (Japan) {SLPS-00387} ] :SLPS-00387 #Infinite Time 8006B8AA B180 8006B8AC 0149 #Infinite Lives 8006B792 0009 ; [ Club Solaris: Miss goda aka Клуб Солярис: Мисс года (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Cocktail Harmony (Japan) {SLPS-01569} ] ; [ Code Breaker (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Code Breaker Version 2 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Code Breaker Version 3 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Codebreaker D.J. (USA) (Unlicensed) {PL-646} ] ; [ Codemasters Demo CD (USA) {SLUS-90091} ] ; [ Codemasters Demo Disk (Europe) Demo {SLED-02809} ] ; [ Codemasters Q3 2000 Demo (Europe) Demo {SLED-03094} ] ; [ Cold Blood (Germany) {SCES-02151 | SCES-12151} ] :SCES-02151 :SCES-12151 #Unendlich Munition MP 90020F4C 00000000 #Unendlich Gesundheit 900490E0 00000000 #Unendlich Medizin 90020FB4 00000000 #Stoppuhr anhalten 8008BD48 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Europe) Demo {SLED-01380} ] ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00477} ] :SLES-00477 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Europe) Rev 2 {SLES-00477} ] :SLES-00477 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Europe) Rev 3 {SLES-00477} ] :SLES-00477 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Europe) {SLES-00477} ] :SLES-00477 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Germany) Demo {SLED-01381} ] ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Italy) Demo {SLED-01388} ] ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Italy) Rev 1 {SLES-01204} ] :SLES-01204 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Italy) Rev 2 {SLES-01204} ] :SLES-01204 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally (Italy) {SLES-01204} ] :SLES-01204 #Freeze Race Timer D00C607E 000F 800C607E 000A #Infinite Time 800C5FD8 003C #Always Pass The Rally School 80010358 FFFF #All Tracks & Cars In Expert Mode 80010098 FFFF #To End Race And Always Be In First Place (.This cheat reqiures that you press the R1 button by itself once during each race. This will make the game believe that the race is finished. When you decide to end the race is up to you. If you want to drive through most of the course you can or you can finish as youstart.) 9007BDF0 00000000 D00CE0E4 0800 800C6C38 02F0 #Infinite Time In Setup At Rally School 800CF160 003C #Stop Timer In Rally School 800CF206 0001 #Difficulty Modifier Novice 801E5534 0000 #Difficulty Intermediate 801E5534 0001 #Difficulty Expert 801E5534 0002 #Press R1 + x For Nitrous Boost E00CE0E5 0048 800D537A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D537E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5382 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D5386 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB912 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB916 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91A 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800DB91E 000C E00CE0E5 0048 800D54D6 0006 #Elektricity 300101D2 0000 300101D4 0064 #Behaviour 300101D5 0000 300101D7 0064 #Brakes 300101D8 0000 300101DA 0064 #Engine 300101DB 0000 300101DD 0064 #Gearbox 300101DE 0000 300101E0 0064 #Championship qualification 300C6C18 0001 #Have Infinite Repair- & Setup-Time 800C5D0C 003C 800C5C98 003C #Freeze Timer In Time Trial Mode 800C5D3C 0000 800C6900 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02605} ] :SLES-02605 #99 Laps Selectable D10A39BE 0091 300A39BE 0063 #All Unlocked 8004D9D4 FFFF #Rally-Mode\Infinite Setup- & Repair-Time D006765E AC85 8006765C 0000 D006765E AC85 8006765E 0000 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped / Always 1st D006F768 0004 8006F768 0000 D006F768 0004 8006F76A 0000 #Rally-Mode\Always 1st (Display) D006F142 A222 3006F142 0020 D00E89B2 A043 300E89B2 0040 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped (Alternate) D006F764 D0A3 50000402 0000 8006F764 0000 #Rally-Mode\Have 136 Points (Championship Won) 3005068E 0088 #Arcade-Mode\Have 20 Points (Championship Won) 30050712 0014 #Arcade-Mode\Cpu-Cars Make No Points 50000504 0000 80050716 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Europe) Rev 2 {SLES-02605} ] :SLES-02605 #99 Laps Selectable D10A39BE 0091 300A39BE 0063 #All Unlocked 8004D9D4 FFFF #Rally-Mode\Infinite Setup- & Repair-Time D006765E AC85 8006765C 0000 D006765E AC85 8006765E 0000 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped / Always 1st D006F768 0004 8006F768 0000 D006F768 0004 8006F76A 0000 #Rally-Mode\Always 1st (Display) D006F142 A222 3006F142 0020 D00E89B2 A043 300E89B2 0040 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped (Alternate) D006F764 D0A3 50000402 0000 8006F764 0000 #Rally-Mode\Have 136 Points (Championship Won) 3005068E 0088 #Arcade-Mode\Have 20 Points (Championship Won) 30050712 0014 #Arcade-Mode\Cpu-Cars Make No Points 50000504 0000 80050716 0000 ; [ Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Europe) {SLES-02605} ] :SLES-02605 #99 Laps Selectable D10A39BE 0091 300A39BE 0063 #All Unlocked 8004D9D4 FFFF #Rally-Mode\Infinite Setup- & Repair-Time D006765E AC85 8006765C 0000 D006765E AC85 8006765E 0000 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped / Always 1st D006F768 0004 8006F768 0000 D006F768 0004 8006F76A 0000 #Rally-Mode\Always 1st (Display) D006F142 A222 3006F142 0020 D00E89B2 A043 300E89B2 0040 #Rally-Mode\Timer Stopped (Alternate) D006F764 D0A3 50000402 0000 8006F764 0000 #Rally-Mode\Have 136 Points (Championship Won) 3005068E 0088 #Arcade-Mode\Have 20 Points (Championship Won) 30050712 0014 #Arcade-Mode\Cpu-Cars Make No Points 50000504 0000 80050716 0000 ; [ Colin McRae: The Rally (Japan) Demo {SLP-80380} ] ; [ Colin McRae: The Rally (Japan) {SLPS-01938} ] :SLPS-01938 #Stop timer 800C5F4C 0000 #The end of the race when you press the SELECT button during the race It becomes the first place D00CF89C 0001 800C6B10 0FFF ; [ Colin McRae: The Rally 02 (Japan) {SLPS-02878} ] ; [ Colony Wars (Europe) Demo {SLED-00091} ] ; [ Colony Wars (Europe) {SLES-00860 | SLES-10860} ] :SLES-00860 :SLES-10860 #Access All Levels 80011934 0100 #Infinite Shield 800463C4 00C8 #Infinite Weapons Shield 80119C24 0000 #Infinite Stun Missiles 80119C98 0006 #Infinite A.S. Missiles 80119D00 0006 #Infinite Tracker Missiles 80119CCC 0006 #Fast Fire A.S. Laser 80119C28 0000 #Fast Fire Laser 80119C5C 0000 #Fast Fire Emp Gun 80119C90 0000 #Fast Fire Scatter Gun 80119CC4 0000 ; [ Colony Wars (France) {SLES-00861 | SLES-10861} ] ; [ Colony Wars (Germany) {SLES-00862 | SLES-10862} ] :SLES-00862 :SLES-10862 #Unendlich Schilde 8004607C 00C8 #Unendlich Raketen 1 80119F20 000A #Unendlich Raketen 2 80119F54 000A #Unendlich Raketen 3 80119F88 000A #Unendlich Raketen 4 80119FBC 000A #Laser ÜBerhitzt Nicht (Oder Emp-GeschüTz) .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119EE0 0000 #A.S.-Laser ÜBerhitzt Nicht (Oder Plasma-Kanone) .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119EAC 0000 #Streu-Laser ÜBerhitzt Nicht (Oder Emp-GeschüTz) .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119F48 0000 #Emp-GeschüTze ÜBerhitzen Nicht .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119F14 0000 #Dauerfeuer Laser & Emp-GeschüTze .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119EE4 0000 #Dauerfeuer As-Laser & Plasma-Kanone .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119EB0 0000 #Dauerfeuer Streulaser & Emp-GeschüTze .Der richtige EMP-Geschð´º­Code h寧t vom Schiffstyp ab. 80119F18 0000 80119F4C 0000 ; [ Colony Wars (Italy) {SLES-00863 | SLES-10863} ] ; [ Colony Wars (Japan) Demo {SLP-80304} ] ; [ Colony Wars (Japan) {SLPS-01403 | SLPS-01404} ] :SLPS-01403 :SLPS-01404 #Own machine shield 30045564 00C8 #Own machine durability 30045568 00C8 #Heat Gauge 0 8011773C 0000 80117770 0000 801177A4 0000 801177D8 0000 #Infinite Laser Attack 8011776C 0000 80117774 0000 #Infinite L.A. Laser Attack 8011773C 0000 80117740 0000 #Infinite Electric Attack 801177B0 0006 #Level Select 30011215 0001 #Invincibility shield 30011214 0001 #Invincibility weapon 80011216 0101 #Restart Game / Pilot Stat 3001120B 0001 ; [ Colony Wars (Spain) {SLES-00864 | SLES-10864} ] :SLES-00864 :SLES-10864 #Infinite Shield 8004607C 00C8 ; [ Colony Wars: El Sol Rojo (Spain) {SCES-02624} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Red Sun (Europe) {SCES-01924} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Red Sun (France) {SCES-02621} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Red Sun (Germany) {SCES-02622} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Red Sun (Italy) {SCES-02623} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (Europe) Demo {SLED-01471} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (Europe) {SLES-01392} ] :SLES-01392 #Anti Shield Laser 8012E4DC 0000 #Standard Laser 8012E534 0000 #Seismic Lance 8012E58C 0000 #Infinite Shields 80045FB4 0063 #Infinite Ships Hull 80045FB8 0063 #Infinite Plasma Missiles 8012E648 0005 #Infinite Anti Shield Missiles 8012E5F0 0005 #Infinite Afterburners 8011A5A0 0000 #Infinite Defence Pods 8012E6A0 0005 #Infinite Upgrade Tokens 800C4D14 0001 ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (France) {SLES-01405} ] :SLES-01405 #Lance Sismique No Overheat 8012F4CC 0000 #Laser Anti-Bouc. No Overheat 8012F41C 0000 #Laser No Overheat 8012F474 0000 #Infinite Plasma Missiles 3012F588 0002 #Infinite Anti-Bouc. Missiles 3012F530 0002 ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (Germany) {SLES-01406} ] :SLES-01406 #Unendlich Schilde 8004647C 0064 #As Laser ÜBerhitzt Nicht 8012F31C 0000 #Laser ÜBerhitzt Nicht 8012F374 0000 #Seismische Lanze ÜBerhitzt Nicht 8012F3CC 0000 8012F424 0000 #Unendlich As Raketen 8012F430 0005 #Unendlich Plasma Raketen 8012F488 0005 #Unendlich Verteidigungskapseln 8012F4E0 0005 #Unendlich As Torpedos 8012F538 0005 #Unendlich Angriffskapseln 8012F590 0005 #Unendlich Zyx-Einheiten D00C57CC 0000 800C57CC 0001 #Unendlich Zeit 8011EDA8 FFFF #Feuere Laser Schneller 8012F378 0001 #Feuere As Laser Schneller 8012F320 0001 #Alle Schiffe VerfüGbar 300343C0 0001 #Alle Waffen VerfüGbar 300343BF 0001 #Unendlich Nachbrenner 300343BD 0001 #Unendlich SekundäRe Waffen 300343B8 0001 #Missionen/Filme AnwäHlbar 300343B9 0001 ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (Italy) {SLES-01407} ] ; [ Colony Wars: Vengeance (Spain) {SLES-01408} ] :SLES-01408 #Infinite Shields 8004647C 0064 ; [ Colorful Logic (Japan) {SLPS-02794} ] ; [ Colorful Logic 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03115} ] ; [ Combat Choro Q (Japan) {SLPS-01904} ] :SLPS-01904 #Infinite Money 80083378 FFFF #Money Max 90083378 0001869F #Infinite HP 80142248 0384 #Infinite Bullets 80142528 0020 #Invincibility 800A8888 00BD #All parts possession 30085838 00FF 30085839 00FF 3008583A 00FF 3008583B 00FF 3008583C 00FF 3008583D 00FF 3008583E 00FF 3008583F 00FF 30085840 00FF 30085841 00FF 30085842 00FF 30085843 00FF 30085844 00FF 30085845 00FF 30085846 00FF ; [ Combi Mahjong Awase uchi with Maboroshi Tsukiyo Characters (Japan) {SLP-86515} ] ; [ Combination Pro Soccer: J.League no Kantoku ni Natte Sekai o Mezase! (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01429} ] ; [ Combination Pro Soccer: J.League no Kantoku ni Natte Sekai o Mezase! (Japan) {SLPS-01429} ] ; [ Comic Bom Bom: DigimonWorld Premium Disc (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80402} ] ; [ Comic Bom Bom: Special Movie Disc (Japan) {SLP-80536} ] ; [ Command & Conquer (Europe) Demo {SLED-00652} ] ; [ Command & Conquer (GDI) (Europe) {SLES-00530 | SLES-10530} ] :SLES-00530 :SLES-10530 #Infinite Credits And Gdi-Missions 8011BA10 2000 #Infinite Credits 8011C0F8 FFFF #Infiniye Money 801100DF B99A #Infinite Power 801100DD B99A #Infinite Credits 8011C120 FFFF #Infiniye Money 801100DF B99A #Infinite Power 80110769 AD64 ; [ Command & Conquer (GDI) (France) {SLES-00531 | SLES-10531} ] :SLES-00531 :SLES-10531 #Infinite Credits GDI 8011C0F8 FFFF #Infinite Credits NOD 8011BA10 FFFF ; [ Command & Conquer Complete (GDI) (Japan) {SLPS-00976 | SLPS-00977} ] :SLPS-00976 :SLPS-00977 #Infinite Money For Gdi 8011C564 270F #Infinite Power For Gdi 8011C584 0600 #Infinite Money For Nod 8011CC4C 270F #Infinite Power For Nod 8011CC6C 0600 ; [ Command & Conquer Complete (Japan) Demo {SLP-80222} ] ; [ Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot & Bloody Roar (Germany) Demo {SLED-01270} ] ; [ Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot (Germany) (Platinum, EA Classics, EA Classics: Value Series) {SLES-01007 | SLES-11007} ] :SLES-01007 :SLES-11007 #Schneller bauen Select drücken während der Bauphase D01BD298 0100 80029850 0000 #Alliierte Max Geld D01BD298 0002 8002A3D4 FFFF #Alliierte Max Energie D01BD298 0002 8002A3F0 03E7 #Alliierte Alle Spezialwaffen 50000618 0000 8002A29A 000F #Soviets Max Geld D01BB48C 0002 8002A798 FFFF #Soviets Max Energie D01BB48C 0002 8002A7B4 03E7 #Soviets Alle Spezialwaffen 50000618 0000 8002A658 000F #Geplänkel Max Geld D01BD298 0002 8002CD40 FFFF #Geplänkel Max Energie D01BD298 0002 8002CD5C 03E7 #Geplänkel Alle Spezialwaffen 50000618 0000 8002CC00 000F ; [ Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot: Gegenschlag (Die Alliierten) (Germany) (Software Pyramide) {SLES-01345 | SLES-11345} ] :SLES-01345 :SLES-11345 #Schnell Bauen D001008A 0004 8002984C 0000 #Alles Kostenlos D001008A 0004 8002985C 0000 #ÜBerall Bauen KöNnen .SELECT dr𣫥n D01B5530 0100 801A9616 01FF #Eiserner Vorhang Immer Bereit 8002CC78 000F 801B4902 0015 801B490A 0001 801B490C 0015 801B4914 0046 801B4924 0007 801B4934 0001 #Die Alliierten-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002A3D4 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A3D6 03FF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002A3F0 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A3F2 00FF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002A3F4 FFFF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002A3D0 0000 #Die Alliierten-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002A294 000F #Die Sowjets-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002A798 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A79A 03FF #Die Sowjets-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002A7B4 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A7B6 00FF #Die Sowjets-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002A7B8 0000 #Die Sowjets-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002A794 0000 #Die Sowjets-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002A658 000F #GepläNkel-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002CD40 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002CD42 03FF #GepläNkel-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002CD5C FFFF D001008A 0004 8002CD5E 00FF #GepläNkel-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002CD60 0000 #GepläNkel-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002CD3C 0000 #GepläNkel-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002CC00 000F #Schnell Bauen D001008A 0004 8002984C 0000 #Alles Kostenlos D001008A 0004 8002985C 0000 #ÜBerall Bauen KöNnen .SELECT dr𣫥n D01B5530 0100 801A9616 01FF #Eiserner Vorhang Immer Bereit 8002CC78 000F 801B4902 0015 801B490A 0001 801B490C 0015 801B4914 0046 801B4924 0007 801B4934 0001 #Die Alliierten-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002A3D4 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A3D6 03FF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002A3F0 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A3F2 00FF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002A3F4 FFFF #Die Alliierten-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002A3D0 0000 #Die Alliierten-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002A294 000F #Die Sowjets-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002A798 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A79A 03FF #Die Sowjets-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002A7B4 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002A7B6 00FF #Die Sowjets-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002A7B8 0000 #Die Sowjets-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002A794 0000 #Die Sowjets-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002A658 000F #GepläNkel-Codes\Unendlich Geld D001008A 0004 8002CD40 FFFF D001008A 0004 8002CD42 03FF #GepläNkel-Codes\Unendlich Energie D001008A 0004 8002CD5C FFFF D001008A 0004 8002CD5E 00FF #GepläNkel-Codes\Kein Energieverbrauch D001008A 0004 8002CD60 0000 #GepläNkel-Codes\Keine Silos NöTig D001008A 0004 8002CD3C 0000 #GepläNkel-Codes\Habe Immer Jede Spezialwaffe 50000618 0000 8002CC00 000F ; [ Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge (Alliés) (France) {SLES-01006 | SLES-11006} ] :SLES-01006 :SLES-11006 #Allies - Infinite Money 8002A3D4 FFFF #Allies - R2 Infinite Power D01BBC58 0002 8002A3F0 FFFF #Soviets - Infinite Money 8002A798 FFFF #Soviets - R2 Infinite Power D01BBC58 0002 8002A7B4 FFFF ; [ Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge (France) Demo {SLED-01067} ] ; [ Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge: Mission Tesla (Alliés) (France) {SLES-01344 | SLES-11344} ] :SLES-01344 :SLES-11344 #Argent infini Alliés 8002A3D4 FFFF #Tout le terrain et le plan visible 801B48EC 0001 #Argent infini Soviétiques 8002A789 FFFF ; [ Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Allies) (Europe) {SLES-00949 | SLES-10949} ] :SLES-00949 :SLES-10949 #Instant build 900F2CB4 24020036 #Max power 90102978 240206FF #Infinite Health 9011E950 0C07C000 901F0000 9201007C 801F0006 2400 901F0008 2421FF4C 901F000C 14200002 801F0012 2400 901F0014 27FF0004 901F0018 03E00008 801F001E 2400 #Infinite Money 8002A3D4 FFFF ; [ Command & Conquer: Red Alert / Bloody Roar (Europe) Demo {SLED-01255} ] ; [ Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Retaliation (Allies) (Europe) {SLES-01343 | SLES-11343} ] :SLES-01343 :SLES-11343 #Have 50 Units To Start 801AA20C 0032 #Infinite Money 801AA274 FFFF #Open Map And Shroud 801B48EC 0001 #Make Vehicles Invulnerable (.To make a vehicle invulnerable use the cursor to highlight the symbol that has the word #READY# on the sidebar, then press the #X# button to activate a different cursor which you then place over the vehicle and press #X# again to make the vehicle invulnerable for a limited period.) 8002CC78 000F 801B4902 0015 801B490A 0001 801B490C 0015 801B4914 0046 801B4902 0015 801B4924 0001 801B4934 0001 ; [ Command & Conquer: Teil 1: Der Tiberiumkonflikt (GDI) (Germany) (Platinum) {SLES-00532 | SLES-10532} ] ; [ Command & Conquer: Teil 1: Der Tiberiumkonflikt (Germany) Demo {SLED-00695} ] ; [ Compilation 01 (Australia) {SLED-02310} ] ; [ Compilation 03 (Australia) {SLED-02439} ] ; [ Compilation 04 (Australia) {SLED-02440} ] ; [ Complete Soccer Onside (Japan) {SLPS-01062} ] :SLPS-01062 #P1 Home Team Scores 9 800B0BF4 0009 #P1 Home Team Scores 0 800B0BF4 0000 #P2 Team Scores 9 800B0BF8 0009 #P2 Team Scores 0 800B0BF8 0000 ; [ Constructor (Europe) {SLES-00927} ] :SLES-00927 #Infinite Money 800FAA18 FFFF #Lots of Money 800FAA1A 00FF #Infinite Wood 800FAA30 0064 #Infinite Cement 800FAA34 0064 #Infinite Brick 800FAA38 0064 #Infinite Steel 800FAA3C 0064 ; [ Constructor (Italy) {SLES-01428} ] ; [ Contra: Legacy of War (Europe) {SLES-00608} ] :SLES-00608 #P1 Infinite Lives 800DD25C 0009 #Infinite Continues 800DF7B2 0009 #P1 Invincibility 8008D458 0001 #P1 Start With Highscore D00DD260 0000 800DD260 FFFF #P1 Has Flame Thrower E008C6DB 0000 3008C6DB 0004 #P1 Has Straight Laser (Red) .Press L1+Left D008D488 8004 3008C6DC 0009 #P1 Has Spread Grenade .Press L1+Left D008D488 2004 3008C6DC 0008 #P1 Has Spread Gun .Press L1+Up D008D488 1004 3008C6DC 0003 #P1 Has Sparkling Laser (Blue) .Press L1+Down D008D488 4004 3008C6DC 0000 #P1 Has Homing Missiles .Press R1+Left D008D488 8008 3008C6DD 0007 #P1 Has Homing Bullets .Press R1+Right D008D488 2008 3008C6DD 0006 #P1 Has Seeking Bullets .Press R1+Up D008D488 1008 3008C6DD 0005 #P1 Has Homing Laser .Press R1+Down D008D488 4008 3008C6DD 0001 #P2 Infinite Lives 800DD284 0009 #P2 Invincibility 8008D520 0001 #P2 Start With Highscore D00DD288 0000 800DD288 FFFF #P2 Has Flame Thrower E008C6DF 0000 3008C6DF 0004 #P2 Has Straight Laser (Red) .Press L1+Left D008D550 8004 3008C6E0 0009 #P2 Has Spread Grenade .Press L1+Right D008D550 2004 3008C6E0 0008 #P2 Has Spread Gun .Press L1+Up D008D550 1004 3008C6E0 0003 #P2 Has Sparkling Laser (Blue) .Press L1+Down D008D488 4004 3008C6E0 0000 #P2 Has Homing Missiles .Press R1+Left D008D488 8008 3008C6E1 0007 #P2 Has Homing Bullets .Press R1+Right D008D488 4008 3008C6E1 0006 #P2 Has Seeking Bullets .Press R1+Up D008D488 1008 3008C6E1 0005 #P2 Has Homing Laser .Press R1+Down D008D488 4008 3008C6E1 0001 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P1 Infinite Ships/Tanks D008D408 0001 8008D408 0005 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P1 Infinite Ammo (Ship) D008D440 0000 8008D440 0001 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P1 Infinite Ammo (Tank) D008D490 0000 8008D490 0005 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P1 Max Score D008C4A8 0000 8008C4A8 FFFF #Bamboo Arcade Game\P2 Infinite Ships/Tanks D008D4D0 0001 8008D4D0 0005 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P2 Infinite Ammo (Ship) D008D508 0000 8008D508 0001 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P2 Infinite Ammo (Tank) D008D558 0000 8008D558 0005 #Bamboo Arcade Game\P2 Max Score D008C4AC 0000 8008C4AC FFFF ; [ Cool Boarders (Europe) {SCES-00568} ] :SCES-00568 #Infinite Time 300163B8 0000 ; [ Cool Boarders (Japan) {SLPS-00456} ] :SLPS-00456 #Infinite Time 80015388 0000 ; [ Cool Boarders 2 (Europe) {SCES-00992} ] :SCES-00992 #Extra Tracks 8005743C 000A #Extra Boards 80057442 0007 #Enable Extra Characters 80057440 FFFF #Mirror Mode 80057444 0001 #Competition Codes\Always First D005FAFE 8CC2 80130654 0001 #Competition Codes\Stopwatch 00:00:00 & Infinite Checkpoint Time D005CF5E AC22 3005CF5E 0020 #Competition Codes\Infinite Checkpoint Time Only (Use this or the above one) D005D424 A823 8005D424 0000 D005D424 A823 8005D426 0000 #Competition Codes\No Ladybirds D0073ECE A682 30073ECE 0080 D0073E0E A682 30073E0E 0080 D006962E A602 3006962E 0000 #Freestyle Codes\Stopwatch 00:00:00 & Infinite Checkpoint Time D005CC56 AC22 3005CC56 0020 #Freestyle Codes\Infinite Checkpoint Time Only D005D0C8 A823 8005D0C8 0000 D005D0C8 A823 8005D0CA 0000 #Freestyle Codes\A Lot Of Trick Points D0068B70 3800 50000402 0000 80068B70 0000 #Freestyle Codes\No Ladybirds D0073C2E A682 30073C2E 0080 D00694B6 A602 300694B6 0000 D00685E6 A602 300685E6 0000 ; [ Cool Boarders 2: Killing Session (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80143} ] ; [ Cool Boarders 2: Killing Session (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45103} ] ; [ Cool Boarders 3 (Europe) {SCES-01615} ] :SCES-01615 #Mega Points 8009AEE4 FFFF #No Time Penalties For Missed Gates 8009AFFA 0000 #Stop Timer For First Place 8009C7DC 0000 #Open All Courses 8006903C 0005 #Select Extra Character\Eddie 800690B0 010D #Select Extra Character\Mars 800690B0 010E #Select Extra Character\Kimber 800690B0 010F #Select Extra Character\Irving 800690B0 0110 #Select Extra Character\Bob 800690B0 0111 #Select Extra Character\Joshua 800690B0 0112 #Select Extra Character\Cool 800690B0 0113 #Select Extra Character\Burg 800690B0 0114 #Have Extra Characters 800BDB9C 0015 #Have Extra Free Ride Boards 800BE1B0 000A #Have Extra Free Style Boards 800BE2C8 000A #Have Extra Alpine Boards 800BE3E0 0003 ; [ Cool Boarders 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01698} ] :SLPS-01698 #Total trick point MAX 9009AFDC 000F423F #Elapsed time 0:00:00 (0:00:03 displayed) 8009C8D4 0000 #Penalty 0:00:00 3009B0F2 0000 #All course selection possible 30069228 0005 #All Characters Available 300BDAF8 0015 #All board can be selected by pressing the SELECT button on the board when selecting D006AA30 0100 300BE10C 000A D006AA30 0100 300BE224 000A D006AA30 0100 300BE33C 0003 ; [ Cool Boarders 3 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94374} ] ; [ Cool Boarders 4 (Europe) {SCES-02283} ] :SCES-02283 #Have 10000 Points 800A24AC 2710 #No Penalties For Missing Gates 800A26BA 6300 #Unlock All Mountains, Boards And Riders 800679F4 0005 #Each trick is worth 4000 points 9002F2FC 24070FA0 ; [ Cool Boarders 4 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80539} ] ; [ Cool Boarders 4 (Japan) {SLPS-02527} ] ; [ Cooly Skunk (Japan) {SLPS-00499} ] :SLPS-00499 #Infinite Lives 80184500 0063 #Invincibility 801844E0 000F #Max Stars 801844E4 0063 #Infinite Health 8018457C 0003 #Press L2 for Max HP E0184548 0001 8018457C 0003 ; [ Copa del Mundo: Francia '98 (Spain) {SLES-01269} ] ; [ Cosmowarrior Zero (Japan) {SLP-86484} ] ; [ Countdown Vampires (Japan) {SLPS-02504 | SLPS-02505} ] :SLPS-02504 :SLPS-02505 #Infinite HP 800B2F86 0064 #Infinite Ammo 800B2FAA 000C #Infinite Cash 800B2F90 270F #Weapon In Slot 1 800B2F9A 006A #Weapon In Slot 2 800B2FA0 006B #Weapon In Slot 3 800B2FA6 006D #All maps 800B3800 FFFF #All Files 900B3808 FFFFFFFF 900B380C FFFFFFFF #All Mail 900B3848 FFFFFFFF #Free mode 800B2F4C 0002 #Vampire mode 800B35EE 5250 900B35F0 45434E49 800B3602 4400 900B3604 4E4B5241 900B3608 00535345 #Selection Stage 00-63 Enabled the Last 800B2F4A 0063 #Save 00 800B2F52 0000 ; [ Coupe du Monde 98 (France) {SLES-01266} ] ; [ Courier Crisis: The Saga of the Modern Fatalist (Europe) {SLES-00326} ] ; [ Courier Crisis: The Saga of the Modern Fatalist (Japan) {SLPS-01128} ] ; [ Cowboy Bebop (Japan) {SLPS-01126} ] :SLPS-01126 #Infinite HP 8007866C 0200 #Infinite Laser 800784B8 0100 #Have 999999 points 900783AC 000F423F ; [ Crash Bandicoot (Europe) (EDC Platinum) {SCES-00344} ] :SCES-00344 #All Levels Selectable 30061628 0040 #Reset To 2nd Mask At Map 800615D0 0200 #Infinite Lives-Codes\N. Sanity Beach D00B078C 0000 8009E218 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Jungle Rollers D00B078C 0001 8009E27C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Great Gate D00B078C 0002 8009E430 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Boulders D00B078C 0003 8009E264 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Upstream D00B078C 0004 8009E2BC 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Papu Papu D00B078C 0005 8009DDB0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Rolling Stones D00B078C 0006 8009E2F0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Hog Wild D00B078C 0007 8009E32C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Native Fortress D00B078C 0008 8009E480 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Up The Creek D00B078C 0009 8009E380 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Ripper Roo D00B078C 000A 8009DDC0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Lost City D00B078C 000B 8009E384 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Temple Ruins D00B078C 000C 8009E32C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Road To Nowhere D00B078C 000D 8009E300 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Boulder Dash D00B078C 000E 8009E4E8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Sunset Vista D00B078C 000F 8009E4F8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Koala Kong D00B078C 0010 8009DE78 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Heavy Machinery D00B078C 0011 8009E508 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Cortex Power D00B078C 0012 8009E45C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Generator Room D00B078C 0013 8009E22C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Toxic Waste D00B078C 0014 8009E1AC 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Pinstripe D00B078C 0015 8009DE70 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The High Road D00B078C 0016 8009E2A0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Slippery Climb D00B078C 0017 8009E2D0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Lights Out D00B078C 0018 8009E1E8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Fumbling In The Dark 8009E28C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Jaws Of Darkness D00B078C 0019 8009E458 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Castle Machinery D00B078C 001A 8009E56C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Nitrus Brio D00B078C 001B 8009DE80 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Lab D00B078C 001C 8009E20C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Great Hall D00B078C 001D 8009E048 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Dr. Neo Cortex D00B078C 001E 8009DDD8 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\N. Sanity Beach D00B078C 0000 8009E214 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Jungle Rollers D00B078C 0001 8009E278 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Great Gate D00B078C 0002 8009E42C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Boulders D00B078C 0003 8009E260 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Upstream D00B078C 0004 8009E2BC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Papu Papu D00B078C 0005 8009DDAC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Rolling Stones D00B078C 0006 8009E2EC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Hog Wild D00B078C 0007 8009E328 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Native Fortress D00B078C 0008 8009E4AC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Up The Creek D00B078C 0009 8009E37C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Ripp Roo D00B078C 000A 8009DDBC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Lost City D00B078C 000B 8009E380 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Temple Ruins D00B078C 000C 8009E328 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Road To Nowhere D00B078C 000D 8009E2FC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Boulder Dash D00B078C 000E 8009E4E4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Sunset Vista D00B078C 000F 8009E4F4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Koala Kong D00B078C 0010 8009DE74 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Heavy Machinery D00B078C 0011 8009E504 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Cortex Power D00B078C 0012 8009E458 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Generator Room D00B078C 0013 8009E228 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Toxic Waste D00B078C 0014 8009E1A8 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Pinstripe D00B078C 0015 8009DE6C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The High Road D00B078C 0016 8009E29C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Slippery Climb D00B078C 0017 8009E2CC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Lights Out D00B078C 0018 8009E1E4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Fumbling In The Dark 8009E288 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Jaws Of Darkness D00B078C 0019 8009E454 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Castle Machinery D00B078C 001A 8009E568 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Nitrus Brio D00B078C 001B 8009DE7C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Lab D00B078C 001C 8009E208 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Great Hall D00B078C 001D 8009E044 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Dr. Neo Cortex D00B078C 001E 8009DDD4 6300 ; [ Crash Bandicoot (Europe) {SCES-00344} ] :SCES-00344 #All Levels Selectable 30061628 0040 #Reset To 2nd Mask At Map 800615D0 0200 #Infinite Lives-Codes\N. Sanity Beach D00B078C 0000 8009E218 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Jungle Rollers D00B078C 0001 8009E27C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Great Gate D00B078C 0002 8009E430 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Boulders D00B078C 0003 8009E264 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Upstream D00B078C 0004 8009E2BC 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Papu Papu D00B078C 0005 8009DDB0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Rolling Stones D00B078C 0006 8009E2F0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Hog Wild D00B078C 0007 8009E32C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Native Fortress D00B078C 0008 8009E480 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Up The Creek D00B078C 0009 8009E380 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Ripper Roo D00B078C 000A 8009DDC0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Lost City D00B078C 000B 8009E384 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Temple Ruins D00B078C 000C 8009E32C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Road To Nowhere D00B078C 000D 8009E300 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Boulder Dash D00B078C 000E 8009E4E8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Sunset Vista D00B078C 000F 8009E4F8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Koala Kong D00B078C 0010 8009DE78 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Heavy Machinery D00B078C 0011 8009E508 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Cortex Power D00B078C 0012 8009E45C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Generator Room D00B078C 0013 8009E22C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Toxic Waste D00B078C 0014 8009E1AC 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Pinstripe D00B078C 0015 8009DE70 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The High Road D00B078C 0016 8009E2A0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Slippery Climb D00B078C 0017 8009E2D0 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Lights Out D00B078C 0018 8009E1E8 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Fumbling In The Dark 8009E28C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Jaws Of Darkness D00B078C 0019 8009E458 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Castle Machinery D00B078C 001A 8009E56C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Nitrus Brio D00B078C 001B 8009DE80 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Lab D00B078C 001C 8009E20C 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\The Great Hall D00B078C 001D 8009E048 6300 #Infinite Lives-Codes\Dr. Neo Cortex D00B078C 001E 8009DDD8 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\N. Sanity Beach D00B078C 0000 8009E214 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Jungle Rollers D00B078C 0001 8009E278 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Great Gate D00B078C 0002 8009E42C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Boulders D00B078C 0003 8009E260 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Upstream D00B078C 0004 8009E2BC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Papu Papu D00B078C 0005 8009DDAC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Rolling Stones D00B078C 0006 8009E2EC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Hog Wild D00B078C 0007 8009E328 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Native Fortress D00B078C 0008 8009E4AC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Up The Creek D00B078C 0009 8009E37C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Ripp Roo D00B078C 000A 8009DDBC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Lost City D00B078C 000B 8009E380 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Temple Ruins D00B078C 000C 8009E328 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Road To Nowhere D00B078C 000D 8009E2FC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Boulder Dash D00B078C 000E 8009E4E4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Sunset Vista D00B078C 000F 8009E4F4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Koala Kong D00B078C 0010 8009DE74 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Heavy Machinery D00B078C 0011 8009E504 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Cortex Power D00B078C 0012 8009E458 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Generator Room D00B078C 0013 8009E228 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Toxic Waste D00B078C 0014 8009E1A8 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Pinstripe D00B078C 0015 8009DE6C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The High Road D00B078C 0016 8009E29C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Slippery Climb D00B078C 0017 8009E2CC 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Lights Out D00B078C 0018 8009E1E4 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Fumbling In The Dark 8009E288 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Jaws Of Darkness D00B078C 0019 8009E454 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Castle Machinery D00B078C 001A 8009E568 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Nitrus Brio D00B078C 001B 8009DE7C 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Lab D00B078C 001C 8009E208 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\The Great Hall D00B078C 001D 8009E044 6300 #99 Wumpa Fruits For Crash\Dr. Neo Cortex D00B078C 001E 8009DDD4 6300 ; [ Crash Bandicoot (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PAPX-90010} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-10031} ] :SCPS-10031 #All Levels Selectable 80061930 001F #Crash 99 Lives 800618D4 6300 #Akuaku 2 possession 800618D8 0200 #Invincibility 9002471C 24030004 #Jump infinite ON: L1 Press OFF: R1 Press D005E714 0004 8001E018 0000 D005E714 0008 8001E018 00C8 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Europe) (EDC Platinum) {SCES-00967} ] :SCES-00967 #100 Lives (To restore your lives to 100 you must enter the Warp Room) 8006CE68 6400 #All Crystals 9006D03C FFFFFFFF 8006D040 FFFF #All Gems 9006CEC0 FFFFFFFF 9006CEC4 FFFFFFFF #Open All Levels (This code must be used with all crystals and gems turned on) 80008006 CE74 800043C8 0000 #Always have Aku Aku mask 8006CE6C 0200 9003A204 08001D80 90007600 3C088007 90007604 8D08CE48 90007608 15100007 9000760C 34090300 90007610 85080174 90007614 11090004 90007618 3C088007 9000761C 8D08CE48 90007620 34090200 90007624 A5090174 90007628 03E00008 #Always have the gray gem 3006CF01 0000 3006D059 0000 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Europe) (Preview) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Europe) {SCES-00967} ] :SCES-00967 #100 Lives (To restore your lives to 100 you must enter the Warp Room) 8006CE68 6400 #All Crystals 9006D03C FFFFFFFF 8006D040 FFFF #All Gems 9006CEC0 FFFFFFFF 9006CEC4 FFFFFFFF #Open All Levels (This code must be used with all crystals and gems turned on) 80008006 CE74 800043C8 0000 #Always have Aku Aku mask 8006CE6C 0200 9003A204 08001D80 90007600 3C088007 90007604 8D08CE48 90007608 15100007 9000760C 34090300 90007610 85080174 90007614 11090004 90007618 3C088007 9000761C 8D08CE48 90007620 34090200 90007624 A5090174 90007628 03E00008 #Always have the gray gem 3006CF01 0000 3006D059 0000 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96098} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (Japan) {SCPS-10047} ] :SCPS-10047 #Infinite Lives 99 8006D9CC 63FF #All Stages open 8006DA26 0AFF 9006DA28 FFFFFFFF 9006DBA0 FFFFFF01 8006D9D8 43C8 #Jump infinite Select + Left press: ON Select + Right Press: OFF D006BD92 FF7E 8001E9F4 0000 D006BD92 FFDE 8001E9F4 00A8 #Invincibility 9001D264 24030004 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (Japan) (Tentou You Taikenban) {PCPX-96145} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (Japan) {SCPS-10073} ] :SCPS-10073 #99 Lives 9001DD04 24056300 9001DD0C AE050144 #Get All power-ups 800695C8 001F #Crash Invincibility valid in stage 3 and 10 8001DFFC 0001 #MAX number of remaining 300AD89D 0063 #Remaining 99 crash 800693A8 6300 #All power-up 800695C8 001F #Two Akuaku stage at the time of entering 800693AC 0200 #All Crystal 90069400 FFFFFFFF 90069404 FF00FFFF 90069604 FFFFFFFF 80069608 FFFF 9006957C FFFFFFFF 80069600 FFFF #All Stages 800693B4 00F8 9006957C FFFFFFFF 9006963C 08FFFFFF #Jump infinite Select + Left press: ON Select + Right Press: OFF D0065FCE FF7E 8001FE74 0000 D0065FCE FFDE 8001FE74 00A8 ; [ Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (Europe) {SCES-01420} ] :SCES-01420 #Infinite Lifes (Press Select to restore) D0065D54 0100 800AD3DC 6300 D0065D54 0100 800AD42C 6300 D0065D54 0100 800AD0A4 6300 D0065D54 0100 800BCD48 6300 #Enable All Powers 80069328 003F #Have All Gems 90069160 FFFFFFFF 90069164 FF00FFFF #Have All Sapphires 90069364 FFFFFFFF 80069368 FFFF #Have All Crystals 900692DC FFFFFFFF 800692E0 FFFF #Modifies Time Trials Timer Push Select E0065D55 0001 8006909C BBBB #Zone 1\Toad Village\Infinite Lives 300AD3DD 0004 #Zone 1\Toad Village\99 Fruits 300AD3D9 0063 #Zone 1\Toad Village\42 Crates Opened 300AD401 0029 #Zone 1\Toad Village\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 3009FFED 0002 #Zone 1\Under Pressure\Infinite Lives 800AD1D0 0400 #Zone 1\Under Pressure\99 Fruits 800AD1CC 6300 #Zone 1\Under Pressure\92 Crates Opened 800AD1F4 5B00 #Zone 1\Under Pressure\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A0494 0200 #Zone 1\Orient Express\Infinite Lives 800AD42C 0400 #Zone 1\Orient Express\99 Fruits 800AD428 6300 #Zone 1\Orient Express\51 Crates Opened 800AD450 3200 #Zone 1\Bone Yard\Infinite Lives 800AD658 0400 #Zone 1\Bone Yard\99 Fruits 800AD654 6300 #Zone 1\Bone Yard\66 Crates Opened 800AD67C 4100 #Zone 1\Bone Yard\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1448 0200 #Zone 1\Makin' Waves\Infinite Lives 800AD0A4 0400 #Zone 1\Makin' Waves\99 Fruits 800AD0A0 6300 #Zone 1\Makin' Waves\37 Crates Opened 800AD0C8 2400 #Zone 1\Tiny Tiger\Infinite Lives 800BCD48 0400 #Zone 1\Ski Crazed (Bonuslevel 26)\Infinite Lives 800ACFBC 0400 #Zone 1\Ski Crazed (Bonuslevel 26)\99 Fruits 800ACFB8 6300 #Zone 1\Ski Crazed (Bonuslevel 26)\100 Crates Opened 800ACFE0 6300 #Zone 1\Ski Crazed (Bonuslevel 26)\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A0DAC 0200 #Zone 2\Gee Wiz\Infinite Lives 800AD5CC 0400 #Zone 2\Gee Wiz\99 Fruits 800AD5C8 6300 #Zone 2\Gee Wiz\100 Crates Opened 800AD5F0 6300 #Zone 2\Gee Wiz\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1CAC 0200 #Zone 2\Gee Wiz\Time Trial 800A1EE8 0200 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High\Infinite Lives 800AD4B0 0400 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High\99 Fruits 800AD4AC 6300 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High\96 Crates Opened 800AD4D4 5F00 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A2B34 0200 #Zone 2\Hog Ride\Infinite Lives 800AD724 0400 #Zone 2\Hog Ride\99 Fruits 800AD720 6300 #Zone 2\Hog Ride\13 Crates Opened 800AD748 0C00 #Zone 2\Hog Ride\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A2B34 0200 #Zone 2\Hog Ride\Place 1st 800A2F88 0001 800A43E8 0001 800A43FC 0001 #Zone 2\Tomb Time\Infinite Lives 800AD5D8 0400 #Zone 2\Tomb Time\99 Fruits 800AD5D4 6300 #Zone 2\Tomb Time\95 Crates Openend 800AD5FC 5E00 #Zone 2\Tomb Time\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1840 0200 #Zone 2\Midnight Run\Infinite Lives 800AD45C 0400 #Zone 2\Midnight Run\99 Fruits 800AD458 6300 #Zone 2\Midnight Run\35 Crates Opened 800AD480 2200 #Zone 2\Midnight Run\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1900 0200 #Zone 2\Dingodile\Infinite Lives 800BD0A4 0400 #Zone 2\Dingodile\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800B0E94 0200 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High Revisited (Bonuslevel 27)\Infinite Lives 800AD4B0 0400 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High Revisited (Bonuslevel 27)\99 Fruits 800AD4AC 6300 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High Revisited (Bonuslevel 27)\96 Crates Opened 800AD4D4 5F00 #Zone 2\Hang 'Em High Revisited (Bonuslevel 27)\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1954 0200 #Zone 3\Dino Might !\Infinite Lives 800AD798 0400 #Zone 3\Dino Might !\99 Fruits 800AD794 6300 #Zone 3\Dino Might !\112 Crates Opened 800AD7BC 6F00 #Zone 3\Dino Might !\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A3FFC 0200 #Zone 3\Deep Trouble\Infinite Lives 800AD370 0400 #Zone 3\Deep Trouble\99 Fruits 800AD36C 6300 #Zone 3\Deep Trouble\83 Crates Opened 800AD394 5200 #Zone 3\Deep Trouble\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A0CE8 0200 #Zone 3\High Time\Infinite Lives 800AD454 0400 #Zone 3\High Time\99 Fruits 800AD450 6300 #Zone 3\High Time\85 Crates Opened 800AD478 5400 #Zone 3\High Time\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A3CB8 0200 #Zone 3\Road Crash\Infinite Lives 800AD900 0400 #Zone 3\Road Crash\99 Fruits 800AD8FC 6300 #Zone 3\Road Crash\25 Crates Opened 800AD924 1800 #Zone 3\Road Crash\Place 1st 800A092C 0001 800A3CD4 0001 800A3CE8 0001 #Zone 3\Double Header\Infinite Lives 800AD470 0400 #Zone 3\Double Header\99 Fruits 800AD46C 6300 #Zone 3\Double Header\91 Crates Opened 800AD494 5A00 #Zone 3\Double Header\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A4800 0200 #Zone 3\N.Tropy\Infinite Lives 800AD024 0400 #Zone 3\N.Tropy\99 Fruits 800AD020 6300 #Zone 3\N.Tropy\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1B7C 0200 #Zone 3\Area 51? (Bonuslevel 28)\Infinite Lives 800ADAC4 0400 #Zone 3\Area 51? (Bonuslevel 28)\99 Fruits 800ADAC0 6300 #Zone 3\Area 51? (Bonuslevel 28)\24 Crates Opened 800ADAE8 1700 #Zone 3\Area 51? (Bonuslevel 28)\Place 1st 800A1A94 0001 800A2EF4 0001 800A2F08 0001 #Zone 4\Sphynxinator\Infinite Lives 800AD900 0400 #Zone 4\Sphynxinator\Fruits 800AD8FC 6300 #Zone 4\Sphynxinator\105 Crates Opened 800AD924 6800 #Zone 4\Sphynxinator\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A1B68 0200 #Zone 4\Bye Bye Blimps\Infinite Lives 800BCD24 0400 #Zone 4\Bye Bye Blimps\99 Fruits 800BCD20 6300 #Zone 4\Bye Bye Blimps\11 Crates Opened 800BCD48 0A00 #Zone 4\Bye Bye Blimps\Bulletproof Plane 800BCCC4 6400 #Zone 4\Tell No Tales\Infinite Lives 800AD0F0 0400 #Zone 4\Tell No Tales\99 Fruits 800AD0EC 6300 #Zone 4\Tell No Tales\61 Crates Opened 800AD114 3C00 #Zone 4\Tell No Tales\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A2538 0200 #Zone 4\Tell No Tales\Time Trial 800A17D0 0200 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy\Infinite Lives 800AD5E4 0400 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy\99 Fruits 800AD5E0 6300 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy\133 Crates Opened 800AD608 8400 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A184C 0200 #Zone 4\Tomb Wader\Infinite Lives 800AD7B0 0400 #Zone 4\Tomb Wader\99 Fruits 800AD7AC 6300 #Zone 4\Tomb Wader\88 Crates Opened 800AD7D4 5700 #Zone 4\Tomb Wader\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A20CC 0200 #Zone 4\N. Gin\Infinite Lives 800BCFD4 0400 #Zone 4\N. Gin\Indestructible Spacecraft 800BCF74 6400 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy Revisited (Bonuslevel 29)\Infinite Lives 800AD5E4 0400 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy Revisited (Bonuslevel 29)\99 Fruits 800AD5E0 6300 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy Revisited (Bonuslevel 29)\133 Crates Opened 800AD608 8400 #Zone 4\Future Frenzy Revisited (Bonuslevel 29)\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A42C0 0200 #Zone 5\Gone Tomorrow\Infinite Lives 800AD554 0400 #Zone 5\Gone Tomorrow\99 Fruits 800AD550 6300 #Zone 5\Gone Tomorrow\87 Crates Opened 800AD578 5600 #Zone 5\Gone Tomorrow\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A2760 0200 #Zone 5\Gone Tomorrow\Time Trial 800A299C 0200 #Zone 5\Orange Asphalt\Infinite Lives 800ADC38 0400 #Zone 5\Orange Asphalt\99 Fruits 800ADC34 6300 #Zone 5\Orange Asphalt\20 Crates Opened 800ADC5C 1300 #Zone 5\Orange Asphalt\Place 1st 800A3260 0001 800A46C0 0001 800A46D4 0001 #Zone 5\Flaming Passion\Infinite Lives 800AD51C 0400 #Zone 5\Flaming Passion\99 Fruits 800AD518 6300 #Zone 5\Flaming Passion\75 Crates Opened 800AD540 4A00 #Zone 5\Flaming Passion\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A2DDC 0200 #Zone 5\Mad Bombers\Infinite Lives 800BCDAC 0400 #Zone 5\Mad Bombers\11 Crates Opened 800BCDD0 0A00 #Zone 5\Mad Bombers\Bulletproof Plane 800BCD4C 6400 #Zone 5\Bug Lite\Infinite Lives 800AD744 0400 #Zone 5\Bug Lite\99 Fruits 800AD740 6300 #Zone 5\Bug Lite\120 Crates Opened 800AD768 7700 #Zone 5\Bug Lite\Infinite Masks (On Pickup)(.When using the Infinite Masks Code, be sure to have picked up one before, then activate the code. After having died you must de-activate the code, pick up a mask, activate the code and so on...) 800A24D8 0200 #Zone 5\N.Cortex\Infinite Lives 800AD034 0400 #Zone 5\Rings Of Power (Bonuslevel 30)\Infinite Lives 800BCDF8 0400 #Zone 5\Rings Of Power (Bonuslevel 30)\99 Fruits 800BCDF4 6300 #Zone 5\Rings Of Power (Bonuslevel 30)\33 Crates Opened 800BCE1C 2000 #Zone 5\Rings Of Power (Bonuslevel 30)\Place 1st D00B45E4 0001 800B45E4 001E D00B45E4 001E 800B2430 1000 #Zone 5\Hot Coco (Bonuslevel 31)\Infinite Lives 800ACFD4 0400 #Zone 5\Hot Coco (Bonuslevel 31)\99 Fruits 800ACFD0 6300 #Zone 5\Hot Coco (Bonuslevel 31)\70 Crates Opened 800ACFF8 4500 #Always have Aku Aku mask 8006910C 0200 90038EE4 08001D80 90007600 3C088007 90007604 8D0890E8 90007608 15100007 9000760C 34090300 90007610 8508019C 90007614 11090004 90007618 3C088007 9000761C 8D0890E8 90007620 34090200 90007624 A509019C 90007628 03E00008 #Always have the gray gem 300691A1 0000 300692F9 0000 ; [ Crash Bandicoot Carnival (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96202} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot Carnival (Japan) {SCPS-10140} ] :SCPS-10140 #All Levels Open in the warp room 3005BA3C 0001 3005BA4E 0001 3005BA41 0001 3005BA57 0001 #All Cups 50001002 0000 8005B9B4 0101 3005B9D4 0001 #All Color diamonds 50001002 0000 8005B9F6 0101 3005BA16 0001 #All Power Stones 3005BA17 0001 50001002 0000 8005BA18 0101 #All Trophies 3005B9D5 0002 50001002 0000 8005B9D6 0202 ; [ Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96183} ] ; [ Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan) {SCPS-10118} ] :SCPS-10118 #Always 1st Place 801F5ACA 0000 #Infinite Items 801F5674 000A #Unlock All Extras 50000702 0000 80091B98 FFFF 50000F01 0000 30093058 00FF #Open all stages 90093058 FFFFFFFF 9009305C FFFFFFFF 90093060 FFFFFFFF 80093064 FFFF 30093066 00FF #All character appearance 90091B98 FFFFFFFF 90091B9C FFFFFFFF #Play time 80036ECE 2400 ; [ Crash Bandicoot: Warped (USA) Demo {SCUS-94289} ] ; [ Crash Bash (Europe) {SCES-02834} ] :SCES-02834 #999 Points pogo painter 800A20EC 03E7 #Infinite Health Jungle bash event y papu event 800A20D2 0014 #Infinite Health crash ball 800A20EC 000F #InfInite health D009BAAA 0014 3009BA9E 0014 #Infinite Points (Press R1) D0070B7A F7FF 8009BAB8 000F #Infinite Points 8009BAB8 000F #Unlock Warp room 2 3005C564 0001 #Unlock Warp room 3 3005C576 0001 #Unlock Warp room 4 3005C569 0001 #Unlock Warp room 5 3005C57F 0001 #P1 only needs 1 trophy to win D005C4BC 0000 3005C4BC 0002 ; [ Crash Bash (USA) Demo {SCUS-94616} ] ; [ Creatures (Europe) {SLES-03690} ] ; [ Creatures: Raised in Space aka Creatures 3 (Europe) {SLES-04111} ] ; [ Cricket 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02495} ] ; [ Crime Crackers (Japan) {SCPS-10003} ] :SCPS-10003 #Infinite & Max Health Character 1 (Brown Hair Girl) 90010264 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max Health Character 2 (Bull) 8001027A 03E7 8001027C 03E7 #Infinite & Max Health Character 3 (Blonde Girl) 90010290 03E703E7 #Infinite Gun Bullets 8001002C 012C #Infinite Bombs 80010030 0003 #Infinite Gold 80010040 270F ; [ Crime Killer (Europe) Demo {SLED-01085} ] ; [ Crime Killer (Europe) {SLES-00954} ] :SLES-00954 #Level Modifier Code (16 Levels 0-F) D0130D74 0100 80130A9C 000F #Hitting The Streets More Time 80159D62 0000 80159D64 0000 #Hitting The Streets Infinite Ammo 8015AB0C 00FF #Hitting The Streets Infinite Shields 8015AB10 00FF #Hitting The Streets Weapon Upgrade Modifier 8015AB14 0000 #Suburbia More Time 8017B4D2 0000 8017B4D4 0000 #Suburbia Infinite Ammo 8017C284 00FF #Suburbia Infinite Shields 8017C288 00FF #The Break In More Time 801A991A 0000 801A991C 0000 #The Break In Infinite Ammo 801AA784 00FF #The Break In Infinite Shields 801AA788 00FF #Rapid Responce More Time 8019C06A 0000 8019C06C 0000 #Rapid Responce Infinite Ammo 8019CE4C 00FF #Rapid Responce Infinite Shields 8019CE50 00FF #Cult Moves More Time 8019F702 0000 8019F704 0000 #Cult Moves Infinite Ammo 801A053C 00FF #Cult Moves Infinite Shields 801A0540 00FF #The Kidnap More Time 801AB0AA 0000 801AB0AC 0000 #The Kidnap Infinite Ammo 801ABED4 00FF #The Kidnap Infinite Shields 801ABED8 00FF #Family More Time 801A80DC 0000 801A80E0 0000 #Family Infinite Ammo 801A8EFC 00FF #Family Infinite Shields 801A8F00 00FF #Police Hijack More Time 8019CCFE 0000 8019CD00 0000 #Police Hijack Infinite Ammo 8019DAEC 00FF #Police Hijack Infinite Shields 8019DAF0 00FF #The Rescue More Time 801994EE 0000 801994F0 0000 #The Rescue Infinite Ammo 8019A33C 00FF #The Rescue Infinite Shields 8019A340 00FF #Static More Time 801A6B8A 0000 801A6B8C 0000 #Static Infinite Ammo 801A7A3C 00FF #Static Infinite Shields 801A7A40 00FF #Use Of Force Infinite Health 801A4A20 00FF #The Deadline Infinite Health 801A6368 00FF #M.E. Infinite Health 801AF5C8 00FF #Freeway Racers Infinite Health 80158B50 00FF #Revelation Infinite Health 801A8390 00FF ; [ Crime Killer (Germany) Demo {SLED-01305} ] ; [ Crisis Beat (Europe) {SLES-02793} ] :SLES-02793 #P1 Infinite Health 800AEF4E 0064 #P2 Infinite Health 800AF08E 0064 #Stop time Only Enable In Game 800AAAC2 0800 #SuddenDeath all enemies D00852A6 0043 800852A4 0000 D00852A6 0043 800852A6 3402 ; [ Crisis Beat (Japan) {SLPS-01430} ] :SLPS-01430 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B12AC 0060 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B13EC 0060 #Infinite Lives 800585A0 0909 #Infinite Time 900ACE20 09090909 #Unlock All Extras 80058586 FFFF ; [ Crisis City (Japan) {SLPS-01269} ] :SLPS-01269 #Infinite Time 8009A930 0B50 #P1 Infinite HP 801B0194 0064 #P1 Infinite Bombs 801B019C 0063 #P1 Infinite Gun 801B0198 0063 #P2 Infinite HP 801D8194 0064 #P2 Infinite Bombs 801D819C 0063 #P2 Infinite Gun 801D8198 0063 #Extra Mode 8005A9F4 0001 #Secret Characters (Press L1+R1+O or Press L2+R2+O on character select screen) D008080C 0023 800951E2 0007 D008080C 002C 800951E2 0008 ; [ Critical Blow (Japan) {SLPS-01044} ] :SLPS-01044 #P1 Infinite HP 8011A0C8 008C #P2 Infinite HP 8011B420 008C #P1 Infinite Special Attack 3010FBC0 0004 #P2 Infinite Special Attack 3010FBC1 0004 #Secret Character 80068C54 0FF7 ; [ Critical Depth (Europe) {SLES-00136} ] ; [ Criticom aka Criticom: Critical Combat (Europe) {SLES-00196} ] :SLES-00196 #P1 Unbeatable 80059DE8 0300 80059F58 0320 8005A0C8 0320 #P2 Unbeatable 80059C78 0320 80059B08 0320 80059DE8 0300 ; [ Criticom: The Critical Combat (Japan) {SLPS-00229} ] ; [ Croc 2 (Europe) Demo {SLED-02119} ] ; [ Croc 2 (Europe) {SLES-02088} ] :SLES-02088 #Infinite Lifes 8007A16C 0063 8007A168 0063 #Max Crystals D007A1F8 0000 8007A1F8 0064 #All Puzzle Pieces 8007A1F4 0004 #99 Gold-Gobbos 8007A1EC 0063 #Max Swap Meet Pete Card 8007A170 270F #Always Have Key (I'm not sure if the code to have always the key is the right one) 8007A1D8 0001 #Max Inventory (After Pickup) D007A1FC 0001 8007A1FC 0009 D007A200 0001 8007A200 0009 D007A204 0001 8007A204 0009 D007A208 0001 8007A208 0009 D007A20C 0001 8007A20C 0009 D007A210 0001 8007A210 0009 #Press L1 For Invincibility D0075840 0400 8003B6FA 8CC2 #Press R1 To Disable Invincibility D0075840 0800 8003B6F2 ACC2 ; [ Croc Adventure (Japan) Demo {SLP-80473} ] ; [ Croc Adventure (Japan) {SLP-86310} ] ; [ Croc! Pau-Pau Island (Japan) (Highlight-ban) {SLP-80173} ] ; [ Croc! Pau-Pau Island (Japan) {SLPS-01055} ] :SLPS-01055 #Always Have 100 Crystals 80074964 0064 #Always Have Saved 6 Gobbos 8007496C 0006 #Infinite Lives 80074FDC 0003 #Have All 5 Colored Crystals 80074AC8 001F #Always Have Gold Key 80074AC0 0001 #Always Have Silver Key 80074AC4 0001 #Have All 8 Jigsaw Pieces 80074E6C 0008 ; [ Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (Europe) Demo {SLED-00038} ] ; [ Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (Europe) {SLES-00593} ] :SLES-00593 #100 Diamonds 80074BC0 0064 #Infinite Lives 80075234 00FF #Six Gobbos Found 80074BC8 0006 #Five Coloured Crystals Found 80074D24 001F #Invincibility 8007C486 FFF1 #Invisible Croc 8007C486 0002 #Level Select (.?00-FF Insert the levelnumber in hex. For instance 00 warps you to Level 1, 01 to Level 2, 0A to Level 11 and so on) 8007542C 0001 ; [ Croket! Kindan no Kinka Box! (Japan) {SLP-87235} ] ; [ Cross Romance: Koi to Mahjong to Hanafuda to (Japan) {SLPS-00713} ] :SLPS-00713 #Infinite Points 99900 801DD284 03E7 ; [ Cross Tantei Monogatari (Japan) Demo {SLP-80461} ] ; [ Cross Tantei Monogatari (Japan) {SLP-86280 | SLP-86281} ] ; [ Cross Tantei Monogatari 1: Kouhen (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86639} ] ; [ Cross Tantei Monogatari 1: Zenpen (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86638} ] ; [ Crusader: No Remorse (Europe) {SLES-00587} ] ; [ Crusader: No Remorse (France) {SLES-00588} ] ; [ Crusader: No Remorse (Germany) {SLES-00589} ] :SLES-00589 #Infinite Energy 8014612E 2880 #Infinite Health 8014612C 0078 #Infinite Spider Bombs 801460CA 0063 #Infinite Mines 801460C6 0063 #Infinite Medikit 801460CE 0063 #Infinite Det-Pak 801460BE 0063 #Infinite Batteries 801460D2 0063 ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (Europe) {SLES-02582} ] :SLES-02582 #Infinite Health 800F1D80 0064 #Infinite Mana 80105438 0064 #Infinite Gold 80105428 0064 #Have infinite healing potions 8010542A 0063 #Have infinite mana potions 8010542C 0063 #Have infinite Vanish Dusts 80105430 0063 #Have infinite Throwing Axes 801053B4 0063 #Have infinite Exploding Gems 801053B8 0063 #Have Battle Axe 80105394 0001 #Have Long Sword 80105396 0001 #Have Mace 80105398 0001 #Have War Hammer 8010539A 0001 #Have Spiked Shield 801053CA 0001 #Have Kite Shield 801053CC 0001 #Have Tower Shield 801053CE 0001 #Have Thunder Maker-Talisman 801053F4 0001 #Have Bonemender-Talisman 801053F6 0001 #Have Nightbringer-Talisman 801053F8 0001 #Have Oakheart-Talisman 801053FA 0001 #Have Flamefang-Talisman 801053FC 0001 #Have Star of Erathia-Talisman 801053FE 0001 #Have Razors Edge-Talisman 80105400 0001 #Have Soul Bastion-Talisman 80105402 0001 #Have Ice Claw-Talisman 80105404 0001 ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (France) {SLES-02583} ] ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (Germany) {SLES-02584} ] :SLES-02584 #Unendlich Manna 80105438 03E7 #Max Manna 8010543C 03E7 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800F1D80 03E7 #Max Gesundheit 800F4E9C 03E7 #Unendlich Gold 80105428 FFFF #Max Punkte 80105486 7FFF #Max StäRke 80101D82 FFFF #Max Genauigkeit 80101D84 FFFF #NäChster Level Mit 1 8010538C 0001 #Exp-Modifizierer ?0000-FFFF 80105388 ???? #Besitze Streitaxt 80105394 0001 #Besitze Langschwert 80105396 0001 #Besitze Streitkolben 80105398 0001 #Besitze Kriegshammer 8010539A 0001 #Besitze Wurfaxt 801053B4 0001 #Besitze Dornschild 801053CA 0001 #Besitze Drachenschild 801053CC 0001 #Besitze Turmschild 801053CE 0001 #Besitze Explosiver Edelstein 801053B8 0001 #Besitze Feuerstein 80105406 03E7 #Besitze Erdstein 80105408 03E7 #Besitze Luftstein 8010540A 03E7 #Besitze Wasserstein 8010540C 03E7 #Besitze Stein Des Geistes 8010540E 03E7 #Besitze KöRperstein 80105410 03E7 #Besitze Stein Des Verstandes 80105412 03E7 #Besitze Lichtstein 80105414 03E7 #Besitze Stein Der Finsternis 80105416 03E7 #Besitze Szepter Der Herrschaft 80105434 03E7 #Besitze Donnerer - Waffe Der Luft 801053F4 0001 #Besitze Knochenheiler - Waffe Des KöRpers 801053F6 0001 #Besitze Umnachter - Waffe Der Finsternis 801053F8 0001 #Besitze Eichenherz - Waffe Der Erde 801053FA 0001 #Besitze Flammenkralle - Waffe Des Feuers 801053FC 0001 #Besitze Stern Von Erathia - Waffe Des Lichts 801053FE 0001 #Besitze Rasierklinge - Waffe Des Verstandes 80105400 0001 #Besitze SeelenstäRke - Waffe Des Geistes 80105402 0001 #Besitze Eisklaue - Waffe Des Wassers 80105404 0001 #Besitze Heilende TräNke 8010542A 03E7 #Besitze Manna-TräNke 8010542C 03E7 #Besitze Wiederbelebende TräNke 8010542E 03E7 #Besitze Tarnnebel 80105430 03E7 #Besitze Dasher-Nuss 80105432 03E7 ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (Italy) {SLES-02692} ] ; [ Crusaders of Might and Magic (Spain) {SLES-02691} ] :SLES-02691 #Infinite Magic 80105664 0064 #Infinite Energy 800F1FAC 0096 ; [ Crypt Killer (Europe) {SLES-00292} ] :SLES-00292 #P1 Infinite Lives 800FC02C 0003 #P1 Infinite Bombs 800FC032 0003 #P1 Infinite Ammo 300FC03D 0006 #P1 Weapon Automatic 800FC030 0004 #P2 Infinite Lives 800FC088 0005 #P2 Infinite Smart Bombs 800FC08E 0009 #P2 Weapon Automatic 800FC08C 0004 #P2 Infinite Ammo 300FC099 0006 #Infinite Credits 80022646 0601 ; [ Cu-On-Pa (Japan) (Sakidori! Taikenban) {SLP-80142} ] ; [ Cubix Robots for Everyone: Race 'n Robots (Europe) {SLES-03729} ] ; [ Culdcept: Cepter's Guild Vol. 1 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80451} ] ; [ Culdcept: Cepter's Guild Vol. 2 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80477} ] ; [ Culdcept: Expansion (Japan) {SLP-86223} ] ; [ Culdcept: Expansion Plus (Japan) {SLP-86658} ] ; [ Curiosity Kills the Cat? Koukishin wa Neko o Korosu ka (Japan) {SLPS-01711} ] ; [ Cyber Daisenryaku: Shutsugeki! Haruka Tai (Japan) {SLPS-01864} ] :SLPS-01864 #Infinite HP First Unit (Tank) In battle 800E5F96 00C8 #Infinite HP Second Unit (Plane) In battle 800E5F8A 0064 ; [ Cyber Egg: Battle Champion (Japan) {SLPS-01048} ] :SLPS-01048 #Infinite Points 80158BD0 001F #Infinite Lifes 8014892E 1900 800FC780 0064 ; [ Cyber Org (Japan) {SLPS-01910} ] :SLPS-01910 #Infinite EP - TJ 801174E8 0096 #Infinite LP - TJ 801174E4 0064 #Infinite AP (50000) - TJ 8011C504 C350 #Always have 9 medicine gauges 8011EA60 0009 #Infinite EP D017D16E 0043 8017D16E 0040 D01810D8 FFFF 801810D8 0000 D017CB6A 0062 8017CB6A 0060 D017BFEE 0046 8017BFEE 0040 #Character T.J. Attack 100% 80117590 0064 #Character T.J. Defense 100% 80117592 0064 #Character T.J. Extra Ap (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011C504 00FF #Character T.J. Extra Lp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 801174E4 03E7 D0053DDA 0003 801174E6 03E7 #Character T.J. Extra Ep (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 801174E8 03E7 D0053DDA 0003 801174EA 03E7 #Character T.J. Extra Gp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 80117574 03E7 D0053DDA 0003 80117576 03E7 #Second Character Extra Ap (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 801172DE 0064 #Second Character Extra Lp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011724C 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 8011724E 01F4 #Second Character Extra Ep (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 80117250 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 80117252 01F4 #Second Character Extra Gp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011C504 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 801172DC 0064 #3rd Character Extra Ap (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011742A 0064 #3rd Character Extra Lp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 80117398 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 8011739A 01F4 #3rd Character Extra Ep (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011739C 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 8011739E 01F4 #3rd Character Extra Gp (Press L2 + R2) D0053DDA 0003 8011C504 01F4 D0053DDA 0003 80117428 0064 ; [ CyberSled (Europe) {SCES-00006} ] :SCES-00006 #Infinite Missiles 8014A724 0005 #Infinite Shields 8014A73E 1000 ; [ CyberSled (Japan) {SLPS-00023} ] :SLPS-00023 #Infinite HP For Player One 8014CE86 1000 #Infinite HP For Player Two 8014CF36 1000 #Infinite Overheat Bar For Player One 8014CE76 0104 #Infinite Overheat Bar For Player Two 8014CF26 0104 #Infinite Missiles For Player One 8014CE6C 0008 #Infinite Missiles For Player Two 8014CF1C 0008 ; [ CyberSpeed (Europe) {SLES-00114} ] ; [ CyberSpeed (Japan) {SLPS-00396} ] :SLPS-00396 #Infinite Homing Missiles 8009884C 0004 #Infinite Mines 80098850 0008 #Infinite Turbos 80098844 0004 ; [ CyberTiger (Australia) {SLES-02371} ] ; [ CyberTiger (Europe) {SLES-02370} ] ; [ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan) {SLPS-01011} ] :SLPS-01011 #P1 Infinite Health 8004C508 0098 #P2 Infinite Health 8004C814 0098 #P1 Infinite Power 8004C7B8 3F00 #P2 Infinite Power 8004CAC4 3F00 #P1 No Health 8004C508 0000 #P2 No Health 8004C814 0000 #P1 No Power 8004C7B8 0000 #P2 No Power 8004CAC4 0000 #Unlock All Characters 50000501 0000 300510F2 0001 ; [ Cyberia (Europe) {SLES-00233} ] ; [ Cyberia (Europe) {SLES-00272} ] ; [ Cyberia (Japan) {SLPS-00218} ] :SLPS-00218 #All missions 30053759 0001 3005375A 0001 3005375B 0001 3005375C 0001 3005375D 0001 30053765 0001 30053766 0001 30053767 0001 30053768 0001 30053769 0001 3005376C 0001 3005376D 0001 3005376E 0001 3005376F 0001 30053770 0001 30053771 0001 30053772 0001 30053777 0001 30053778 0001 30053779 0001 3005377A 0001 3005377B 0001 3005377C 0001 30053780 0001 30053781 0001 30053782 0001 30053783 0001 30053784 0001 ; [ D (Europe) {SLES-00065 | SLES-10065 | SLES-20065} ] ; [ D (France) {SLES-00161 | SLES-10161 | SLES-20161} ] :SLES-00161 :SLES-10161 :SLES-20161 #Unendlich Spiegelhinweise 80008427 C0BE 80001CCE 0000 #Kein nerviges Spiegelblinken 80008424 49E1 8000B9E9 0000 #Back timr to 15 clock Press L2 & r2 Buttons 80007425 8F91 800009F4 5424 8000A86C D020 80000425 F9F7 8000209E 0000 ; [ D (Germany) {SLES-00160 | SLES-10160 | SLES-20160} ] ; [ D no Shokutaku: Complete Graphics (Japan) {SLPS-00133 | SLPS-00134 | SLPS-00135} ] :SLPS-00133 :SLPS-00134 :SLPS-00135 #Infinite Time 9012B4C4 00000000 #Infinite Mirror Hints 801514F4 0000 ; [ D-1 Grand Prix (Japan) Demo {SLP-80558} ] ; [ DBZ: Dead Ball Zone (Europe) {SLES-01040} ] ; [ DSF Fußball Manager 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03402} ] ; [ DSF Fußball Manager 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03864} ] ; [ DSP Music Revelation (USA, Europe) (Unlicensed, Twin CD Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ DX Hyakunin Isshu (Japan) {SLP-86908} ] ; [ DX Nippon Tokkyuu Ryokou Game: Let's Travel in Japan (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91054} ] ; [ DX Nippon Tokkyuu Ryokou Game: Let's Travel in Japan (Japan) {SLPS-00570} ] ; [ DX Okuman Chouja Game: The Money Battle (Japan) {SLPS-00623} ] ; [ Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) {SLPS-02406} ] :SLPS-02406 #Strengthening parts MAX 9019BAA0 09090900 #Strengthening parts MAX 2 H 9019BAB4 00090909 #9999999 money 8019B9D6 967F 8019B9D8 0098 #Not decrease bullet (HBP) D00799B8 FFFF 800799B8 0000 #Not decrease spirit (HBP) D008147A 0043 8008147A 0040 D0081486 0064 80081486 0060 #Not decrease EN (HBP) D009230A 0044 8009230A 0040 D009545E 0043 8009545E 0040 ; [ Dai-2-kai! Quiz Darake no Jinsei Game (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLP-87346} ] ; [ Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan) {SLPS-02530} ] ; [ Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen S (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91014} ] :SLPS-91014 #MAX money 901048C4 0098967F #Nine possession strengthening parts all types 90104804 99999999 90104808 99999999 8010480C 0099 #Select all demo fully open 80104822 FFFF 80104824 00FF #100% robot Encyclopedia May need a save 901061CC FFFFFFFF 901061D0 FFFFFFFF 901061D4 FFFFFFFF 901061D8 FFFFFFFF 901061DC FFFFFFFF 901061E0 FFFFFFFF 901061E4 FFFFFFFF 901061E8 FFFFFFFF 901061EC FFFFFFFF 801061F0 FFFF ; [ Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen S (Japan) {SLPS-00196} ] :SLPS-00196 #Infinite HP Main character unit in level 1 80102F80 0C1C #Infinite HP Main character unit in level 2 80102FF8 0C1C #Infinite HP 2nd character unit in level 1 80102FBC 0FA0 #Infinite HP Mazinger Z unit in level 2 80102F80 0C1C #Infinite HP 2nd character unit in level 2 (Aphrodite A) 80102FBC 0AF0 #Max Money 801047A8 FFFF #All Improved Weapon 901046E0 99990099 901046E4 99999999 801046E8 9999 #Infinite Money 901047A8 0098967F #Select all demo fully open 80104706 FFFF 80104708 00FF #100% robot Encyclopedia May need to save 90106090 FFFFFFFF 90106094 FFFFFFFF 90106098 FFFFFFFF 9010609C FFFFFFFF 901060A0 FFFFFFFF 901060A4 FFFFFFFF 901060A8 FFFFFFFF 901060AC FFFFFFFF 901060B0 FFFFFFFF 801060B4 FFFF #The damage MAX by rage and weapons map 8010516C FFFF #does not decrease EN D01255C4 1023 801255C6 0040 #Mental command can be used any number of times (modified) 80105290 FFFF #Experience Gained 32767 after combat 8010527E FFFF 30105284 007F #A debug mode 80104812 FFFF ; [ Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86309} ] ; [ Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan) {SLP-86203} ] ; [ Daikoukai Jidai IV: Porto Estado (Japan) (Koei the Best) {SLP-86996} ] ; [ Daikoukai Jidai IV: Porto Estado (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLP-86431} ] ; [ Daikoukai Jidai IV: Porto Estado (Japan) {SLP-86382} ] ; [ Daiobake Yashiki: Hamamura Jun no Jitsuwa Kaidan (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-02160} ] ; [ Daiobake Yashiki: Hamamura Jun no Jitsuwa Kaidan (Japan) Demo {SLP-80259} ] ; [ Daisenryaku: Master Combat (Japan) {SLPS-01699} ] ; [ Daisenryaku: Player's Spirit (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91178} ] ; [ Daisenryaku: Player's Spirit (Japan) {SLPS-00299} ] :SLPS-00299 #Have 999999 money 90146D20 000F423F ; [ Dalmatians 2 (Europe) {SLES-04061} ] ; [ DamDam Stompland (Japan) Demo {SLP-80170} ] ; [ DamDam Stompland (Japan) {SLPS-01135} ] :SLPS-01135 #P1 Infinite Heart 800F0C3A 0003 #P2 Infinite Heart 800F0D82 0003 #Infinite Time 800EFFDC 06F7 ; [ Dance Dance Revolution (Japan) {SLP-86222} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix (Japan) {SLP-86252} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix: Append Club Version Vol. 1 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45456} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix: Append Club Version Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLP-86399} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix (Japan) {SLP-86503} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix (Japan) {SLP-86752} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix (Japan) {SLP-86897} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution: Best Hits (Japan) {SLP-86693} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution: Disney's Rave (Japan) {SLP-86667} ] ; [ Dance Dance Revolution: Extra Mix (Japan) {SLP-86831} ] ; [ Dance Europe (Europe) {SLES-04129} ] ; [ Dance! Dance! Dance! (Japan) Demo {SLP-80348} ] ; [ Dance! Dance! Dance! (Japan) {SLP-86150} ] ; [ Dance:UK (UK) {SLES-04121} ] ; [ Dance:UK eXtra Trax (UK) {SLES-04161} ] ; [ Dancing Blade Katte ni Momotenshi II: Tears of Eden (Japan) {SLP-86210 | SLP-86211 | SLP-86212} ] ; [ Dancing Blade Katte ni Momotenshi! (Japan) {SLP-86100 | SLP-86101 | SLP-86102} ] ; [ Dancing Stage Fever (Europe) {SLES-04097} ] :SLES-04097 #P1 Max Total Score 900BC3F4 3B9AC9FF #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800BC3EA 03E8 #P1 Perfect Play Results 800BC440 270F 50000404 0000 800BC444 0000 800BC45C 270F #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800E02D8 0202 #Unlock All Extras 300DDF00 00FF 300DDF12 0008 300DEDBC 0004 ; [ Dancing Stage Fusion (Europe) {SLES-04163} ] :SLES-04163 #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800BA33A 03E8 #P1 Max Total Score 900BA344 3B9AC9FF #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800DAF28 0202 ; [ Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (Japan) {SLP-86505} ] ; [ Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination (Japan) {SLP-86411} ] ; [ Dancing Stage: Disney Mix (Europe) {SLES-03384} ] :SLES-03384 #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 80010E5C 0101 #Dance Magic Mode\P1 Max Power Gauge 900E433C 00FF0002 #Dance Magic Mode\P2 Max Power Gauge 900E4348 00FF0002 #P1 Max Dance Gauge 8008132C 03E8 #P2 Max Dance Gauge 80082E84 03E8 #Unlock All Extras 80010E5A 1000 ; [ Dancing Stage: Euromix (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-02941} ] :SLES-02941 #P1 Max Total Score 900BD60C 3B9AC9FF #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800BD602 03E8 #P1 Perfect Play Results 800BD654 270F 50000404 0000 800BD658 0000 800BD670 270F #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800D9274 0202 #Unlock All Extras (Unlocks event mode and lost DDR: 3rd Mix gallery (select EXIT on options) 800D7E88 027F 800D7E90 0FFF 800D7E98 003F E010DA50 0008 3010DA50 0007 ; [ Dancing Stage: Euromix (Europe) {SLES-02941} ] :SLES-02941 #P1 Max Total Score 900BD60C 3B9AC9FF #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800BD602 03E8 #P1 Perfect Play Results 800BD654 270F 50000404 0000 800BD658 0000 800BD670 270F #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800D9274 0202 #Unlock All Extras (Unlocks event mode and lost DDR: 3rd Mix gallery (select EXIT on options) 800D7E88 027F 800D7E90 0FFF 800D7E98 003F E010DA50 0008 3010DA50 0007 ; [ Dancing Stage: Party Edition (Europe) {SLES-03882} ] :SLES-03882 #P1 Max Total Score 900C1864 3B9AC9FF #P1 Max Dance Gauge 800C1862 03E8 #P1 Perfect Play Results 800C18B8 270F 50000404 0000 800C18BC 0000 800C18D4 270F #All Lessons Clear 50000C02 0000 800E5898 0202 #Unlock All Extras 900E4378 FFFFFFFF ; [ Danger Girl (Europe) {SLES-03198} ] :SLES-03198 #All Levels & Cheats Unlocked 800E8CA4 0FFF ; [ Dare Devil Derby 3D (Japan) {SLPS-01025} ] :SLPS-01025 #Always 1st 801FCE94 0001 ; [ Darius Gaiden (Japan) {SLPS-00574} ] :SLPS-00574 #P1 Infinite Lives 801051CC 0009 #P2 Infinite Lives 80105244 0009 #P1 Infinite Bombs 801051BE 0003 #P2 Infinite Bombs 80105236 0003 #P1 Invincibility 801051A8 007F #P2 Invincibility 80105220 007F ; [ Dark Hunter Jou: Ijigen Gakuen (Japan) {SLPS-00773} ] ; [ Dark Messiah (Japan) {SLPS-01422} ] :SLPS-01422 #Never get tired 800B7F78 0000 #Infinite Ammo 300B848C 0001 #Specifying a partner Naomi Sugiura (You can specify only person specified partner has ever met) 300B8488 0001 300B8490 0000 #Specifying a partner Kamiya two (You can specify only person specified partner has ever met) 300B8488 0002 300B8490 0000 #Specifying a partner Leroy Ivanov (You can specify only person specified partner has ever met) 300B8488 0003 300B8490 0000 #Specifying a partne Rene Lorraine (You can specify only person specified partner has ever met) 300B8488 0004 300B8490 0000 #Specifying a partner Who wander (You can specify only person specified partner has ever met) 300B8488 0005 300B8490 0000 ; [ Darklight Conflict (Europe) {SLES-00663} ] :SLES-00663 #Infinite Energy 80086F90 1F00 #Level Select (00-31) enabled Last Level D0195F34 0000 30195F34 0031 #Cheat & Level Select Menu 30088910 0001 #Invincibility\On (Press L1 & L2) D0088520 0500 30069CEC 9B4C #Invincibility\Off (Press R1 & R2) D0088520 0A00 30069CEC 9B08 ; [ Darkseed (Japan) {SLPS-00108} ] ; [ Darkstalkers 3 (Europe) {SLES-01719} ] :SLES-01719 #P1 Infinite Energy 901C13AC 01200120 ; [ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Europe) {SLES-00251} ] :SLES-00251 #P1 Infinite Energy 800BDB00 0090 #P2 Infinite Energy 800BDB04 0090 #P1 Powerboost 900CD36C 005100FF #P2 Powerboost 800CD6E0 0051 800CD602 00FF #Infinite Time 800CD85A 0063 ; [ Darkstone (Australia) {SLES-03447} ] ; [ Darkstone aka Darkstone: Evil Reigns (Europe) {SLES-00612} ] :SLES-00612 #Armor Equiped is Def 255 +127 Stats 800EC45E 7FFF 800EC460 7F7F #Max Strength Stat 800EBEA0 0FFF #Pots Of Cash 900EBE78 13881388 #100% Magic Resistance 800EBEE4 0064 #Max Vitality Stat 800EBEA6 0FFF #Max Dexterity Stat 800EBEA4 0FFF #Max Magic Stat 800EBEA2 0FFF #Primary Weapon Does 255 Damage 800EC5C4 FFFF #100% Fire/Poison Resistance 800EBEE6 6464 #Maximum Strength 800EBEA0 03E7 800EBEB8 03E7 #Maximum Magic 800EBEA2 03E7 800EBEBA 03E7 #Maximum Dexterity 800EBEA4 03E7 800EBEBC 03E7 #Maximum Vitality 800EBEA6 03E7 800EBEBE 03E7 #Maximum Health 800EBEC0 03E7 800EBEC4 03E7 #Maximum Mana 800EBEC2 03E7 800EBEC6 03E7 #Maximum Armor class 800EBECC 03E7 #Maximum Hit % 300EBEE2 0064 #Maximum Magic resistance 300EBEE4 0063 #Fire resistance 300EBEE5 0063 #Poison resistance 300EBEE6 0063 ; [ Das Dschungelbuch: Groove Party (Germany) Demo {SCED-03358} ] ; [ Das Grab des Pharao (Germany) {SLES-01598} ] ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Europe) Demo {SLED-03115} ] ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Europe) {SLES-02740} ] :SLES-02740 #Timer Frozen (Press L1 & L2) D00BB2BA FAFF 800D1D70 0000 #Each trick is worth 10.000 points D00D5FFE 0043 800D5FFC 2710 D00D5FFE 0043 800D5FFE 2442 #All cheats unlocked 300B5C00 00FF #All characters unlocked 300B5C07 000C #Get high ratings at medal-tracks (Press Select) D00BB2BA FFFE 8008AA50 0C02 ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Japan) {SLP-86682} ] ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-81026} ] ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA) Rev 1 {SLUS-01026} ] :SLUS-01026 #Timer Frozen 8009567C 0DFE #Enable All Locations .Press Select D00C6016 FFFE 800945CC 000C #Enable All Bikes .Press Select D00C6016 FFFE 800945BE 0004 #Enable All Styles (Press Select) D00C6016 FFFE 800945DC 0005 #Unlock All Outfits 300B601D 0005 300B6121 0005 300B6225 0005 300B6329 0005 300B642D 0005 300B6531 0005 300B6635 0005 300B6739 0005 300B683D 0005 300B6941 0005 300B6A45 0005 300B6B49 0005 ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA) {SLUS-01026} ] :SLUS-01026 #Timer Frozen 8009567C 0DFE #Enable All Locations .Press Select D00C6016 FFFE 800945CC 000C #Enable All Bikes .Press Select D00C6016 FFFE 800945BE 0004 #Enable All Styles (Press Select) D00C6016 FFFE 800945DC 0005 #Unlock All Outfits 300B601D 0005 300B6121 0005 300B6225 0005 300B6329 0005 300B642D 0005 300B6531 0005 300B6635 0005 300B6739 0005 300B683D 0005 300B6941 0005 300B6A45 0005 300B6B49 0005 ; [ Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX: Maximum Remix (Europe) {SLES-03371} ] :SLES-03371 #Unlock All cheats 300832A0 00FF #Unlock All characters 300832A7 000E #Timer Stopped (Press L1 & L2) D00BD6F2 FAFF 800D4FBC 0000 D00BD6F2 FAFF 800D4FB0 FFFF ; [ David Beckham Soccer (Europe) {SLES-03488} ] ; [ David Beckham Soccer (Europe) {SLES-03682} ] ; [ Davis Cup Complete Tennis (Europe) {SLES-00096} ] :SLES-00096 #P1 40 Points Advantage D00C2000 0000 800C2000 0028 #P2 Can't Win 800C2002 0000 ; [ De Sang Froid (France) {SCES-02150 | SCES-12150} ] ; [ Dead or Alive (Europe) (Review) {SCES-01259} ] :SCES-01259 #P1 Infinite Health 80095DF0 00A0 #P1 No Health 80095DF0 0000 #P1 1 Hit Death 80095DF0 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 80095E48 00A0 #P2 No Health 80095E48 0000 #P2 1 Hit Death 80095E48 0001 #Total Run Time 99:59:59 80095108 FFFF #Enable Extra Config 80094E92 7F40 #Enable Raidou 30094E80 0001 #Enable Ayane 30094E81 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Zack 80095148 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Tina 8009514A 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Jann-Lee 8009514C 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Hayabusa 8009514E 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Kasumi 80095150 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Gen-Fu 80095152 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Bayman 80095154 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Lei-Fang 80095156 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Raidou 80095158 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Ayane 8009515A 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Bass 8009515C 0001 #Enable Extra Costumes\Zack 3009513C 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Tina 3009513D 000E #Enable Extra Costumes\Jann-Lee 3009513E 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Hayabusa 3009513F 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Kasumi 30095140 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Gen-Fu 30095141 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Bayman 30095142 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Lei-Fang 30095143 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Raidou 30095144 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Ayane 30095145 000E #Enable Extra Costumes\Bass 80095146 000E ; [ Dead or Alive (Europe) {SCES-01259} ] :SCES-01259 #P1 Infinite Health 80095DF0 00A0 #P1 No Health 80095DF0 0000 #P1 1 Hit Death 80095DF0 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 80095E48 00A0 #P2 No Health 80095E48 0000 #P2 1 Hit Death 80095E48 0001 #Total Run Time 99:59:59 80095108 FFFF #Enable Extra Config 80094E92 7F40 #Enable Raidou 30094E80 0001 #Enable Ayane 30094E81 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Zack 80095148 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Tina 8009514A 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Jann-Lee 8009514C 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Hayabusa 8009514E 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Kasumi 80095150 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Gen-Fu 80095152 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Bayman 80095154 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Lei-Fang 80095156 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Raidou 80095158 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Ayane 8009515A 0001 #Enable Extra Voice\Bass 8009515C 0001 #Enable Extra Costumes\Zack 3009513C 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Tina 3009513D 000E #Enable Extra Costumes\Jann-Lee 3009513E 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Hayabusa 3009513F 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Kasumi 30095140 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Gen-Fu 30095141 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Bayman 30095142 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Lei-Fang 30095143 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Raidou 30095144 0005 #Enable Extra Costumes\Ayane 30095145 000E #Enable Extra Costumes\Bass 80095146 000E ; [ Dead or Alive (Japan) {SLPS-01289} ] :SLPS-01289 #P1 Infinite Life 80093860 00C8 #P2 Infinite Life 800938B8 00C8 #Life 0 of 2P side in the SELECT button D008E010 0100 800938B8 0000 #Time 00.00.00 80092B88 0000 #Extra Config 80092912 7F40 #Last Stage 80085A9A 000A #Motion Mode 300938F8 0001 #Unlock Raidou 30192900 0001 #Unlock Ayane 30192901 0001 #Unlock Extra Voices 90092BC8 00010001 90092BCC 00010001 90092BD0 00010001 90092BD4 00010001 90092BD8 00010001 80092BDC 0001 #Unlock Extra Costumes 30092BBC 0005 30092BBD 000E 30092BBE 0005 30092BBF 0005 30092BC0 000E 30092BC1 0005 30092BC2 0005 30092BC3 000E 30092BC4 0005 30092BC5 000E 80092BC6 000E ; [ Dead or Alive (UK) Demo {SCED-01372} ] ; [ Dead or Alive (USA) (News Version) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Dead or Alive (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80606} ] ; [ Dead or Alive (USA) {SLUS-00606} ] :SLUS-00606 #P1 Infinite Health 80093C30 00A0 #Enable Raidou & Ayane 80092CC8 0101 #Enable Extra Config 80092CDA 7F40 #Enable Extra Config alt 80092CE2 7F40 #Enable extra voices 80092FAC 0001 90092FA8 00010001 90092FA4 00010001 90092FA0 00010001 80092F9E 0001 90092F98 00010001 #Enable extra costumes 30092F8E 000F 30092F8D 000F 30092F8C 000F 30092F8B 000F 30092F8A 000F 30092F89 000F 30092F88 000F 30092F87 000F 30092F86 000F 30092F85 000F 30092F84 000F ; [ Deadheat Road (Japan) {SLPS-00267} ] :SLPS-00267 #Finish First 8019B58C 0001 ; [ DeathMask (Japan) {SLPS-00225 | SLPS-00226 | SLPS-00227} ] ; [ Debut 21 (Japan) {SLPS-01229} ] :SLPS-01229 #Infinite Energy 801640CE 0063 #Infinite Money 901602F8 05F5E0FF #Singer 801640A6 0032 #Dancer 801640A8 0032 #Actor 801640AA 0032 #Teller 801640AC 0032 #Model 801640AE 0032 #Song 801640BA 0056 #Dance 801640BC 0056 #Act 801640BE 0056 #Talk 801640BE 0056 #Charm 801640C0 0056 #Wisdom 801640C4 0056 ; [ Deco Pre 2 '99 Taikenban (Japan) Demo {SLP-80478} ] ; [ Deco Pre 97-98: Data East Taikenban Special (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {SLP-80174} ] ; [ Deep Freeze (Japan) {SLPS-01817} ] :SLPS-01817 #Infinite HP 900A202C 03E703E7 #Infinite Ammo 800A2032 1010 #Infinite Item 900A2038 09090909 #Infinite HP Partner 900A341C 03E703E7 #Infinite Item Partner 800A3428 0909 300A342A 0009 #Infinite Time 80074B2C 1940 #Changing Partner to Harry (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0000 #Changing Partner to Sicily (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0000 #Changing Partner to Maria (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0000 #Changing Partner to Bagel (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0000 #Changing Partner to Sniper (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0004 #Changing Partner to Nay (Select Screen)(This native can be used from one stage) 8000E2FC 0005 #Main Character Invincibility D00A2082 0000 300A2082 00FF #Partner Invincibility D00A3472 0000 300A3472 00FF #Open Expert & Training Mode 8009BE98 0300 ; [ Deep Sea Adventure: Kaitei-kyuu Pantarassa no Nazo (Japan) {SLPS-00660 | SLPS-00661} ] :SLPS-00660 :SLPS-00661 #Infinite Money 9007B93C 0098967F #Infinite Ammo 800D53AC 0014 #Infinite Health 800E7C30 0064 ; [ Defcon 5 (Europe) {SLES-00081} ] :SLES-00081 #Infinite Ammo 800D01F8 0019 #Infinite Energy 800E2B14 0064 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 1 800F05E0 00C8 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 2 800F05FC 00C8 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 3 800F0618 00C8 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 4 800F0634 00C8 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 5 800F0650 00C8 #Infinite Ammo In Turret 6 800F066C 00C8 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 1 800F05DC 0000 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 2 800F05F8 0000 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 3 800F0614 0000 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 4 800F0630 0000 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 5 800F064C 0000 #Gun Always Cool In Turret 6 800F0668 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 1 800E80D8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 2 800E80E0 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 3 800E80E8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 4 800E80F0 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 5 800E80F8 0000 #Infinite Energy In Turret 6 800E8100 0000 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 1 800F05E4 0005 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 2 800F0600 0005 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 3 800F062C 0005 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 4 800F0638 0005 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 5 800F0654 0005 #Infinite Missiles In Turret 6 800F0670 0005 ; [ Defcon 5 (France) {SLES-00149} ] ; [ Defcon 5 (Germany) {SLES-00148} ] :SLES-00148 #Unendlich Munition 800D0750 0019 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800E3074 0064 #Unendlich Munition Turm 1 800EBA24 00C8 #Unendlich Munition Turm 2 800EBA40 00C8 #Unendlich Munition Turm 3 800EBA5C 00C8 #Unendlich Munition Turm 4 800EBA78 00C8 #Unendlich Munition Turm 5 800EBA94 00C8 #Unendlich Munition Turm 6 800EBAB0 00C8 #Turm 1 Bleibt Kalt 800EBA20 0000 #Turm 2 Bleibt Kalt 800EBA3C 0000 #Turm 3 Bleibt Kalt 800EBA58 0000 #Turm 4 Bleibt Kalt 800EBA74 0000 #Turm 5 Bleibt Kalt 800EBA90 0000 #Turm 6 Bleibt Kalt 800EBAAC 0000 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 1 800EBA28 0005 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 2 800EBA44 0005 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 3 800EBA60 0005 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 4 800EBA7C 0005 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 5 800EBA98 0005 #Unendlich Raketen Turm 6 800EBAB4 0005 #Unendlich Energie Turm 1 800E351C 0000 #Unendlich Energie Turm 2 800E3524 0000 #Unendlich Energie Turm 3 800E352C 0000 #Unendlich Energie Turm 4 800E3534 0000 #Unendlich Energie Turm 5 800E353C 0000 #Unendlich Energie Turm 6 800E3544 0000 #Patronen 800D0752 0007 ; [ Defcon 5 (Italy) {SLES-00146} ] ; [ Defcon 5 (Japan) {SLPS-00275} ] ; [ Defcon 5 (Spain) {SLES-00147} ] ; [ Defi au Tetris Magique (France) {SCES-02174} ] ; [ Deka Yonku: Tough the Truck (Japan) {SLPS-00864} ] ; [ Dekiru! Game Center (Japan) {SLPS-01810} ] :SLPS-01810 #Infinite Money and lots of money 900AE46C 000F423F ; [ Delta Force Urban Warfare (Europe) {SLES-03890} ] ; [ Delta Force Urban Warfare (France) {SLES-03952} ] ; [ Delta Force Urban Warfare (Germany) {SLES-03919} ] ; [ Demo Codemasters aka Démo Codemasters (France) {SLED-01725} ] ; [ Demo Codemasters aka Démo Codemasters (France) {SLED-02246} ] ; [ Demo Disc (Europe) {SCED-02417} ] ; [ Demo One (Germany) {SCES-00064} ] ; [ Demo One (Germany) {SCES-00121} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 1) (Europe) {SCES-00048} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 2) (Europe, Australia) {SCES-00120} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 3) (Europe, Australia) {SCES-00238} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 4) (Europe) {SCED-00456} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 4) (Germany) {SCED-00457} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 5) (Europe) {PBPX-95001} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 6) (Europe) {PBPX-95007} ] ; [ Demo One (Version 7) (Europe) {PBPX-95008} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Soukan-gou Vol. 1 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96003} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 10 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96014} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 11 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96016} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 12 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96018} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 13 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96019} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 14 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96021} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 15 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96022} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 16 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96025} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 17 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96026} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 18 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96027} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 19 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96032} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 2 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96005} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 20 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96036} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 21 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96038} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 22 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96042} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 3 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96006} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 4 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96007} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 5 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96008} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 6 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96009} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 7 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96010} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 8 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96011} ] ; [ DemoDemo PlayStation Vol. 9 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96013} ] ; [ Demolition Racer (Europe) {SLES-02018} ] :SLES-02018 #P1 Can't Die 80061114 0000 #P1 Max Points D0061158 0000 80061158 0FFF #P1's Car Jumps 80061052 0000 #P2 Can't Die 800614CC 0000 #P2 Max Points D0061510 0000 80061510 0FFF #Enable All 50001802 0000 80053894 0000 50000304 0000 8005ED58 0000 #P1 Turbo Boost 80060FE0 9160 #P2 Turbo Boost 80061398 9160 #Damagecount On 99 P1 (Press Select. In some modes it's better to be able to get damaged. Use this one be stay in the game) D005F790 0001 30061115 0000 #Damagecount On 99 P2 (Press Select. In some modes it's better to be able to get damaged. Use this one be stay in the game) D005F794 0001 300614CD 0000 ; [ Dengeki Construction: Ochigee Yarou ze! (Japan) {SLPS-01215} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D (Japan) {SLP-80071} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D10 (Japan) {SLP-80281} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D11 (Japan) {SLP-80327} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D11: Yarudora Series Vol. 3: Sampaguita (Japan) (Bundled with Magazine) {PAPX-90060} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D12 (Japan) {SLP-80343} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D13 (Japan) {SLP-80362} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D14 (Japan) {SLP-80331} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D15 (Japan) {SLP-80388} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D16 (Japan) {SLP-80399} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D17 (Japan) {SLP-80418} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D18 (Japan) {SLP-80412} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D19 (Japan) {SLP-80425} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D2 (Japan) {SLP-80109} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D20 (Japan) {SLP-80438} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D21 (Japan) {SLP-80457} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D21 SCE Special (Japan) {PCPX-96159} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D22 (Japan) {SLP-80471} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D23 (Japan) {SLP-80481} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D24 (Japan) {SLP-80496} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D25 (Japan) {SLP-80497} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D26 (Japan) {SLP-80505} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D27 (Japan) {SLP-80516} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D28 (Japan) {SLP-80526} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D29 (Japan) {SLP-80545} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D3 (Japan) {SLP-80130} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D30 (Japan) {SLP-80547} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D31 (Japan) {SLP-80555} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D32 (Japan) {SLP-80557} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D33 (Japan) {SLP-80562} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D34 (Japan) {SLP-80569} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D35 (Japan) {SLP-80574} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D36 (Japan) {SLP-80578} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D37 (Japan) {SLP-80582} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D38 (Japan) {SLP-80589} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D39 (Japan) {SLP-80603} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D4 (Japan) {SLP-80157} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D41 (Japan) {SLP-80607} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D42 (Japan) {SLP-80611} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D43 (Japan) {SLP-80612} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D44 (Japan) {SLP-80615} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D45 (Japan) {SLP-80618} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D5 (Japan) {SLP-80186} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D6 (Japan) {SLP-80214} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D7 (Japan) {SLP-80309} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D8 (Japan) {SLP-80257} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D8: Yarudora Series Vol. 1: Double Cast (Japan) (Bundled with Magazine) {PCPX-96116} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D9 (Japan) {SLP-80266} ] ; [ Dengeki PlayStation D: Konami Fanbook (Japan) {SLP-80513} ] ; [ Denkousekka Micro Runner: Maniac Hakase no Hisaku (Japan) {SLPS-02851} ] ; [ Densetsu no Ogre Battle (Japan) {SLPS-00481} ] :SLPS-00481 #Infinite Money 90143CA4 00FFFFFF #Infinite & Maximum HP Main Character 801CC24C 03E7 801CDF68 03E7 #Level 99 301CC148 0063 #Chaos frame 30143C98 0064 #Stage 1 Clear 301CD401 0001 #Stage 2 Clear 301CD402 0001 #Stage 3 Appear 301CD401 0000 #Infinite Life 901CDF68 00FF00FF 901CDF6C 00FF00FF 901CDF70 00FF00FF 901CDF74 00FF00FF 901CDF78 00FF00FF 901CDF7C 00FF00FF 901CDF80 00FF00FF 901CDF84 00FF00FF 901CDF88 00FF00FF 901CDF8C 00FF00FF 901CDF90 00FF00FF 901CDF94 00FF00FF 901CDF98 00FF00FF 901CDF9C 00FF00FF 901CDFA0 00FF00FF 901CDFA4 00FF00FF 901CDFA8 00FF00FF 901CDFAC 00FF00FF 901CDFB0 00FF00FF 901CDFB4 00FF00FF 901CDFB8 00FF00FF 901CDFBC 00FF00FF 901CDFC0 00FF00FF 901CDFC4 00FF00FF 801CDFC8 00FF ; [ Densha de Go! (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLP-86263} ] ; [ Densha de Go! (Japan) Demo {SLP-80166} ] ; [ Densha de Go! (Japan) {SLPS-01150} ] :SLPS-01150 #Max People 800535D0 03E7 #Time Always 999 800535D0 03E7 #Will Not Reduce The Time When You Stop Not Regularly 800276BA 8C22 #Will Not Reduce The Time When You Can't Get To Stop At The Station 8001E9DE 8C22 #Total Point 100 801F4CC0 0064 #Move Very Fast (Press R1) D0053250 0008 800692A6 42FF #Super Brake (Press R2) D0053250 0002 800692A6 0000 #74 Km/H (Press L1) D0053250 0004 800692A6 41A5 #44 Km/H (Press L2) D0053250 0001 800692A6 4145 #Autostop On Stopping Point D00531D8 0000 800692A6 0000 ; [ Densha de Go! 2 (Japan) (Tentou-you Taikenban) {SLP-80346} ] ; [ Densha de Go! 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80406} ] ; [ Densha de Go! 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86615} ] ; [ Densha de Go! 2 (Japan) {SLP-86142} ] ; [ Densha de Go! Nagoya Tetsudou-hen (Japan) Demo {SLP-80521} ] ; [ Densha de Go! Nagoya Tetsudou-hen (Japan) {SLP-86424} ] ; [ Densha de Go! Professional Shiyou (Japan) Demo {SLP-80511} ] ; [ Densha de Go! Professional Shiyou (Japan) {SLP-86378} ] ; [ Depth (Japan) {SCPS-18003} ] ; [ Derby Jockey R (Japan) {SLPS-00616} ] :SLPS-00616 #Infinite Stamina 80106770 44A0 #Infinite Power 80106776 0786 #Infinite Spirit 8010677C 7000 ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine 2000 (Japan) {SLP-80538} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine 2000 Vol. 2 (Japan) (Bundled with Magazine) {SLP-80559} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Soushuu-hen (Japan) {SLP-80378} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80177} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 10 (Japan) {SLP-80288} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 11 (Japan) {SLP-80315} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 12 (Japan) {SLP-80334} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80198} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 3 (Japan) {SLP-80211} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 4 (Japan) {SLP-80221} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 5 (Japan) {SLP-80307} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 6 (Japan) {SLP-80235} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 7 (Japan) {SLP-80249} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 8 (Japan) {SLP-80261} ] ; [ Derby Stallion Magazine Furoku CD-ROM Vol. 9 (Japan) {SLP-80280} ] ; [ Deroon Dero Dero (Japan) {SLPS-00180} ] :SLPS-00180 #P1 Max Score 90074A28 05F5E0FF ; [ Descent (Europe) {SLES-00055} ] :SLES-00055 #Infinite Energy 800D1816 0064 #Infinite Shields 800D181A 0064 #All Keys & 4X Laser 800D1810 06FF #Max. Laser-End-Value 800D181E 0006 #All Primary-Weapons Active 800D1822 FFFF #Concussion-Missiles 800D182E 000F #Homing-Missiles 800D1830 000F #Proximity-Bombs 800D1832 000F #Smart Missiles 800D1834 000F #Mega Missiles 800D1836 000F #Infinite Vulcano Ammo 800D1826 9684 ; [ Descent II aka Descent 2 (Europe) {SLES-00558} ] :SLES-00558 #Infinite Energy (.This code provides you with an amount of about 100000 extra points on the scoreboard at the end of each level!) 800E80C6 2710 #Infinite Shields 800380CA 0064 #Infinite Lifes 300E80CC 000A #Invincibility 300E80C0 0001 ; [ Deserted Island (Japan) {SLPS-00602} ] :SLPS-00602 #All Stats At Maximum Main Character 801AE58E 03E7 901AE590 03E703E7 901AE594 03E703E7 901AE588 03E703E7 801AE58C 03E7 #Infinite HP All Members Of The Group 80161DC2 0064 80161DFE 0064 80161E3A 0064 80161E76 0064 80161EB2 0064 #HP in combat enemy 0 80158C20 0000 #Achievement Points Max 301AE54E 00FF #Number of days elapsed 801AE56A 03E8 #All discovery rate Max 301AE570 0064 #Slaughter animals Max 801AE572 03E8 #Museum magazine + 01h 30161F00 00FF 80161F9E 00FF #Map All + 01h 301674FC 0000 3016812B 0000 ; [ Destrega (Europe) {SCES-01768} ] :SCES-01768 #P1 Infinite Health 800C923C 00C8 #No Health P1 (Instant Win P2) 800C923C 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 800C9414 00C8 #No Health P2 (Instant Win P1) 800C9414 0000 #P1 Infinite Special Powers 800C923E 0708 #P1 No Special Powers 800C923E 0000 #P2 Infinite Special Powers 800C9416 0708 #P2 No Special Powers 800C9416 0000 ; [ Destrega (France) {SCES-01769} ] ; [ Destrega (Germany) {SCES-01770} ] :SCES-01770 #P1 Unendlich Energie 800C8D34 00C8 #P1 75% Energie D00C8D34 00C8 800C8D34 0096 #P1 50% Energie D00C8D34 00C8 800C8D34 0064 #P1 25% Energie D00C8D34 00C8 800C8D34 0032 #P1 1-Hit Death D00C8D34 00C8 800C8D34 0002 #P1 Keine Energie 800C8D34 0000 #P2 Unendlich Energie 800C8F0C 00C8 #P2 75% Energie D00C8F0C 00C8 800C8F0C 0096 #P2 50% Energie D00C8F0C 00C8 800C8F0C 0064 #P2 25% Energie D00C8F0C 00C8 800C8F0C 0032 #P1 1-Hit Death D00C8F0C 00C8 800C8F0C 0002 #P1 Keine Energie 800C8F0C 0000 #P1+P2 Unendlich Energie 8003D346 3C00 #P1 Unendlich Magie 800C8D36 0708 #P2 Unendlich Magie 800C8D36 0000 #P1 Keine Magie 800C8F0E 0708 #P2 Keine Magie 800C8F0E 0000 #Magie FüLlt Sich Nicht Mehr Auf 80030C32 3C00 #P1 Hat 1 Gewinn Vorteil E00E2AF0 0000 300E2AF0 0001 #P1 Starte In Letzter Runde D01FEFBC 0000 801FEFBC 0008 #Zeit VerläNgert .L2 dr𣫥n D008F594 0001 800E2B04 0000 #Zeit VerküRzt .R2 dr𣫥n D008F594 0002 800E2B04 1304 #Alle Charactere AnwäHlbar .Wenn man bei der Figurenauswahl mit L/R eine ausw婬t und dann Start oder R2 dr𣫴, bekommt man einen Kå®°fer aus Dynasty Warriors. 50000C04 0000 300E2854 0001 ; [ Destrega (Italy) {SCES-01771} ] ; [ Destrega (Japan) Demo {SLP-80310} ] ; [ Destrega (Japan) {SLPS-01591} ] :SLPS-01591 #P1 Infinite Life 800C8EEC 00C8 #P1 Infinite Magic 800C8EEE 0708 #2P Health 0 Press L2 Button D00BF862 0001 800C8EEC 0000 #Get Special Costumes (Press Triangle & Start) D00BF860 0040 800C8F9C 00FF D00BF862 0040 800C9178 00FF ; [ Destrega (Spain) {SCES-01772} ] :SCES-01772 #P1 Infinite Health 800C912C 00C8 ; [ Destruction Derby (Europe) {SCES-00008} ] :SCES-00008 #Maximum Race Points 801E6462 6300 ; [ Destruction Derby (Japan) {SIPS-60001} ] :SIPS-60001 #Invincibility 801E6FC6 0000 901E6FC8 00000000 901E6FCC 00000000 801E6FD0 0000 #Score 99 points 301E6FEF 0063 ; [ Destruction Derby 2 (Europe) {SLES-00299} ] :SLES-00299 #Have 500 Race Points 800947DE 01F4 #Always First 800947DA 0001 #Freeze Lap Time 8009DD30 0000 8009DDDC 0000 #No Damage Left Door 800894B4 0000 #No Damage Left Rear 800894AC 0000 #No Damage Left Front 80089490 0000 #No Damage Right Door 800894A0 0000 #No Damage Right Rear 800894A4 0000 #No Damage Right Front 80089498 0000 #Select Speed/Thrust SSC 300894CD 0030 #Select Speed/normal (0F) 300894CD 000F #Select Speed/normal (10) 300894CD 0010 #Select Speed/normal (11) 300894CD 0011 #Select Speed/Trabant 601S 300894CD 0007 #All Circuits 8007A2C8 0007 8007A2CC 0004 ; [ Destruction Derby Raw (Europe) {SCES-02060} ] :SCES-02060 #Singleplayer-Codes\Start With Lots Of Money D0066860 05DC 80066860 4E10 #Singleplayer-Codes\Have 5000 Crash-Points (Press L2 & R2) D00A0BEC FCFF 800BDCC4 1388 #Singleplayer-Codes\Have 5000 Race-Points (Press L2 & R2) D00A0BEC FCFF 800BDCC2 1388 #Singleplayer-Codes\Indestructible (All Cars)(.Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2)(.Use only one of the codes. (P1 only + All cars)) D00A0BEC F0FF 800291B4 0000 D00A0BEC F0FF 800291B6 0000 D00A0BEC F0FF 80029B2C 0000 D00A0BEC F0FF 80029B2E 0000 #Singleplayer-Codes\Turbo Increases D002E1C4 FFFF 8002E1C4 0001 #Singleplayer-Codes\Indestructible (P1 Only)(Use only one of the codes. (P1 only + All cars) D00A9A82 0096 800A9A80 0000 D00A9A82 0096 50000302 0000 800DF310 0000 #Singleplayer-Codes\Infinite Turbo (P1 Only) (Press L2) D00A0BEC FEFF 800A9A7C 0190 #Multiplayer-Codes\Infinite Turbo All Players D002DD70 FFFF 8002DD74 0000 D002DD70 FFFF 8002DD76 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\Indestructible All Players D0028D3E 0022 80028D40 0000 D0028D3E 0022 80028D42 0000 D0029A94 0001 80028D90 0000 D0029A94 0001 80028D92 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1-Codes\Infinite Turbo D00A7272 0096 800A726C 0190 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1-Codes\Indestructible D00A7272 0096 800A7270 0000 D00A7272 0096 50000302 0000 800DD50C 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\P1-Codes\9999 Crash-Points (Press Select) D009E40C FFFE 800BBE64 270F #Multiplayer-Codes\P2-Codes\Infinite Turbo D00A7C32 0096 800A7C2C 0190 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2-Codes\Indestructible D00A7C32 0096 800A7C30 0000 D00A7C32 0096 50000302 0000 800DD53C 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\P2-Codes\9999 Crash-Points .Press Select D009E40E FFFE 800BBF40 270F #Multiplayer-Codes\P3-Codes\Infinite Turbo D00A85F2 0096 800A85EC 0190 #Multiplayer-Codes\P3-Codes\Indestructible D00A85F2 0096 800A85F0 0000 D00A85F2 0096 50000302 0000 800DD56C 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\P3-Codes\9999 Crash-Points (Press Select) D009E410 FFFE 800BC01C 270F #Multiplayer-Codes\P4-Codes\Infinite Turbo D00A8FB2 0096 800A8FAC 0190 #Multiplayer-Codes\P4-Codes\Indestructible D00A8FB2 0096 800A8FB0 0000 D00A8FB2 0096 50000302 0000 800DD59C 0000 #Multiplayer-Codes\P4-Codes\9999 Crash-Points .Press Select D009E412 FFFE 800BC0F8 270F #Upgrades At Max\Acceleration 300C0E8D 0064 300C0E8E 0064 #Upgrades At Max\Rev/Power 300C0E8F 0064 300C0E90 0064 #Upgrades At Max\Grip/Traction 300C0E91 0064 300C0E92 0064 #Upgrades At Max\Brakes 300C0E93 0064 300C0E94 0064 #Upgrades At Max\Durability 300C0E95 0064 300C0E96 0064 #Upgrades At Max\All 50000602 0000 800C0E8C 6464 ; [ Destruction Derby Raw (USA) Demo {SLUS-90092} ] ; [ Destructo 2 (Europe) {SLES-04073} ] :SLES-04073 #99999999 Points 9005617C 009B967F ; [ Detana Twinbee Yahoo! Deluxe Pack (Japan) {SLP-86054} ] ; [ Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise (Europe) {SLES-03803} ] ; [ Detective Mouse (Europe) {SLES-04130} ] ; [ Deuce (USA) (Prototype) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Devil Dice (Europe) {SCES-01312} ] :SCES-01312 #Infinite Steps in puzzle mode 8017C678 0009 #P1 Infinite Energy - War Mode 8017C580 0063 #Have Gallery Picture 1 801357E8 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 2 801357EC 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 3 801357F0 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 4 801357F4 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 5 801357F8 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 6 801357FC 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 7 80135800 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 8 80135804 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 9 80135808 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 10 8013580C 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 11 80135810 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 12 80135814 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 13 80135818 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 14 8013581C 0001 #Have Gallery Picture 15 80135820 0001 ; [ Devil Man (Japan) {SLPS-02275} ] :SLPS-02275 #Infinite HP 80118E9C 0100 #Extra game Press L2 D00A004A FEFF 80118294 0003 #Akira Chapter 1 Life 8010E8B4 0100 #Akira Chapter 1 ST 8010E8CA 0800 #Door is opened without the key Item 99 9009AD78 FFFFFFFF 9009AD7C FFFFFFFF 9009AD80 FFFFFFFF 9009ADD8 63636363 #Chapter Clear 8009AD52 0001 #Devilman Chapter 2 Life 8010C110 4B00 #Devilman Chapter 2 ST 8010C118 2000 #Silene Chapter 3Life 8010CEB8 4B00 #Silene Chapter 3 ST 8010CEC0 2000 #Not increase / save number of times does not increase time 8009AEB8 0000 9009ADCC 00000000 #Select Chapter 1 Akira (SAVE DATA) 8009ADF0 0001 #Select Chapter 2 Devilman (SAVE DATA) 8009ADF0 0002 #Select Chapter 3 Silene (SAVE DATA) 8009ADF0 0003 #Select Chapter 4 Akira (SAVE DATA) 8009ADF0 0004 #Select Chapter 5 Devilman (SAVE DATA) 8009ADF0 0005 ; [ Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (Japan) {SLP-87184 | SLP-87185} ] ; [ Devil's Deception (Europe) {SLES-00848} ] :SLES-00848 #Infinite HP 800A0242 6464 #Infinite Gold 800A02C0 FFFF #Max Defense 800A0244 FF00 #Max Vsmagic & Heal 800A0246 FFFF #Max Skill & Speed 800A0248 FFFF #Always Have Antidotes & Savepoints 8009C0A0 0101 #Always Have Iron Key 8009C0A2 0001 #Always Have Speed & Armor Gems 8009C0A4 0101 #Always Have Skill Gem & Necklace 8009C0A6 0101 #Always Have Mp Gain & Sanity 8009C0A8 0101 #Always Have Herbs 8009C0AA 0001 #Always Have Boots 8009C0AC 0001 #Always Have Cure 8009C0B4 0001 #Always Have Evil Jewel & Sword 8009C0B6 0101 #Always Have Contract & Last Key 8009C0BA 0101 #Always Have Tiara 8009C0BC 0001 #Always Have Earring & Mantle 8009C0BE 0101 #Always Have Letter & Dardstone 8009C0C0 0101 #Always Have Amulet & Evil Crown 8009C0C2 0101 #Always Have Mask & Hourglass 8009C0C4 0101 #Always Have Skull Key & Old Book 8009C0C6 0101 #Always Have Black Orb & Map 8009C0C8 0101 #All Prisoners 8009C084 0973 8009C088 0973 8009C08C 1111 9009C090 10960668 9009C094 31000973 9009C098 09050600 8009C09C 0006 ; [ DewPrism (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45436} ] ; [ Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab? (Europe) {SLES-03627} ] :SLES-03627 #have 9999 points in Dance mini game stage 3 80194810 270F #Have 12000 points in Dance mini game final stage 80194814 2EE0 #Infinite Spray 801310F5 0100 ; [ Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab? (Europe) {SLES-03829} ] ; [ Dezaemon Plus Select 100 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01504} ] :SLPS-01504 #Invincibility Disc Two Games D002FE2A 2442 30112A55 0001 #Infinite Lives Disc Two Games D002FE2A 2442 8002FE28 0000 #Bomb MAX Disc Two Games D002FE2A 2442 80112B12 0009 ; [ Diablo (Europe) {SLES-01156} ] :SLES-01156 #P1 Infinite HP 900D939C 0001FFFF #P2 Infinite HP 900DAD84 0001FFFF #P1 Infinite Mana 900D93B0 0001FFFF #Infinite Gold 900D93D0 02FFFFFF #P1 Active & Max Levels for all spells 800D92F2 0F0F 900D92F4 0F0F0F0F 900D92F8 0F0F0F0F 900D92FC 0F0F0F0F 900D9300 0F0F0F0F 900D9304 0F0F0F0F 900D9308 0F0F0F0F 900D930C 0F0F0F0F #P2 Active & max Levels for all spells 800DACDA 0F0F 900DACDC 0F0F0F0F 900DACE0 0F0F0F0F 900DACE4 0F0F0F0F 900DACE8 0F0F0F0F 900DACEC 0F0F0F0F 900DACF0 0F0F0F0F 900DACF4 0F0F0F0F ; [ Diablo (Japan) {SLPS-01416} ] :SLPS-01416 #P1 Infinite HP 900DA64C 00010000 900DA650 00010000 900DA654 00010000 900DA658 00010000 #P2 Infinite HP 900DC034 00010000 900DC038 00010000 900DC03C 00010000 900DC040 00010000 #Gold 800DA68A 3B9A #Not mana consumption 800DA5A0 0000 ; [ Dice de Chocobo (Japan) (Chocobo Collection: Happy 10th Anniversary!) {SLPS-02523} ] :SLPS-02523 #Infinite Money 80131F40 270F #Address Key D0131EA8 0000 #Speeding 90033A94 24040001 #Get To The Finish Line And Win D0131EA8 0900 80041344 0001 D0131EA8 0000 80041344 00A9 #All Friends D00C7900 1E48 800C7960 0001 ; [ Die Flintstones: Bedrock Bowling (Germany) {SLES-03320} ] :SLES-03320 #Versuche nehmen zu (alle Spieler) D004780C FFFF 8004780C FFFF #Spielbahn Modifizierer Gravel Factory / Kiesfabrik 3007BF90 0000 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Quarry / Steinbruch 3007BF90 0001 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Flooded Quarry / Überfluteter Steinbruch 3007BF90 0002 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Tar Pits / Teergruben 3007BF90 0003 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Bonus - The Rubbles Backyard Pool / Geröllheimers Hinterhof 3007BF90 0004 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Bedrock Freeway / Bedrock-Autobahn 3007BF90 0005 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Crystal Mine / Kristallmine 3007BF90 0006 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Lava 3007BF90 0007 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Rockzilla 3007BF90 0008 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Bonus - Water Buffalo Lodge / Wasserbüffel-Lodge 3007BF90 0009 #Spielbahn Modifiziere Zetox 3007BF90 000A #Spielbahn Modifiziere Hidden - Gazoo's Asteroid / Versteckt - Der Asteroid von Gazoo 3007BF90 000B #P1 Bonus = 50.000 D307B8A0 0000 8007B8A0 C350 #P1 Beginne mit hoher Punktzahl D007B8A8 0000 8007B8A8 8760 D007B8AA 0000 3007B8AA 0003 #P1 Unendlich Versuche D007B8C0 0000 3007B8C0 0001 #P1 Alle Pins getroffen D307B8C2 0000 3007B8C2 000A #P1 Alle Dodo Vögel getroffen E307B8C3 0000 3007B8C3 0003 #P1 Alle Juwelen gesammelt D307B8C4 0000 3007B8C4 0064 D109ADF4 0064 3009ADF4 0064 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy (Europe) {SLES-00445} ] :SLES-00445 #Die Hard\Infinite Energy 801CEB46 000C 801CE9DE 000C #Die Hard\Infinite Bullets 801CEB4A 000F 801CE9E2 000F #Die Hard\Infinite Smoke Grenades 801CEB4C 000F 801CE9E4 000F #Die Hard\Infinite Lives 801D5930 0009 #Die Hard\Infinite Flash Bang Grenades 801CEB4E 000F 801CE9E6 000F #Die Hard\Infinite Grenades 801CEB50 000F 801CE9E8 000F #Die Hard\Infinite Time Set 1 D01CFB36 028C 801CFB36 0300 D01CFC9E 028C 801CFC9E 0300 D01D00D6 028C 801D00D6 0300 D01CFE06 028C 801CFE06 0300 D01D023E 028C 801D023E 0300 D01D0946 028C 801D0946 0300 D01CFF6E 028C 801CFF6E 0300 #Die Hard\Infinite Time Set 2 D01D03A6 028C 801D03A6 0300 #Die Hard\Weapon Modifier M60 Machine Gun (0-6) D11CEB48 000? 801CEB48 0006 #Die Hard\#The Saint#-Mode On (.Press L1 & L2) D00A6BD0 0005 801C5794 0001 #Die Hard\#Hit-And-Fly#-Mode On (Press L1 & R1) D00A6BD0 000C 801C5788 0001 #Die Hard\#Weightwatchers#-Mode On (Press L1 & R2) D00A6BD0 0006 801C5786 0001 #Die Hard\Start With High Score D01D58FC 0000 801D58FC FFFF D01D58FE 0000 801D58FE FFFF #Die Hard\Last Level Select (00-16) D00A6B60 0000 800A6B60 0016 #Die Hard\Bonus-Level Select (.Use Together With Level Select Code.) D00A6B60 0019 800A6D3C 0019 ;$03 Bonuslevel 4 ;$08 Bonuslevel 8 ;$0D Bonuslevel 12 ;$12 Bonuslevel 16 ;$16 Bonuslevel 19 #Die Hard\Reverse Mode 801C5792 0001 #Die Hard\Hold Select To Levitate E00A6BE5 0001 801CEA82 0081 #Die Hard\Invincibility 801CEBA6 0051 #Die Hard\Rapid Fire (Pistol) 8005C93E 3C00 #Die Hard\Faster Grenade Throwing 8005DAF2 3C00 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Infinite Rockets 800B95C0 000F #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Infinite Grenades 800B9758 000F #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Infinite Lives D00B95B0 0004 800B95B0 0005 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Infinite Ammo 801FA0F6 000E #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Skeleton-Mode On (Press Select & L1) D00B9660 0104 800112BE 0001 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Dwarfs & Giants-Mode On (Press Select & L2) D00B9660 0101 800112BC 0001 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Map-Editor On (Press Select Select & Start) D00B9660 0900 800112B0 0001 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\All Innocents Saved 800B96F8 0000 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Start With High Score D00B9364 FFFF 800B9364 FFFF D00B9364 FFFF 800B9366 FFFF #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Stop Timer 801D41A0 0ABE #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Stop Timer (Press L1 & L2) D00B9660 0005 801D41A0 0ABE #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\Weapon Modifier AK-47 (0-7) 801FA114 0007 #Die Hard 2 - Die Harder\ Last Level Select (0-7) D00B9660 000A 800B9B60 0007 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Infinite Turbos 800B83B4 0009 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Infinite Time 801D86FC 61E0 801D87FC 61E0 801D88FC 61E0 801D89FC 61E0 801D8AFC 61E0 801D8BFC 61E0 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Infinite Lives 800B8154 0009 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\All Bomb Cars Dies Faster D01D1E70 0004 801D1E70 0000 D01D2A70 0004 801D2A70 0000 D01D3270 0004 801D3270 0000 D01D3670 0004 801D3670 0000 D01D3A70 0004 801D3A70 0000 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Full Safety Margin 801D9598 0000 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\No Damage At 100 % 800B85C4 0000 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Start With High Score D00B7ED0 0000 800B7ED0 FFFF D00B7ED2 0000 800B7ED2 FFFF #Die Hard With A Vengeance\#Goliath#-Mode On (Press L1) D01D3E26 0004 800112DA 0001 #Die Hard With A Vengeance Last Level (0-F) D00B8614 0000 800B8614 000F #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Debug Mode (Press Select to open the Debug Mode, L2+R2 to deactivate) D00B81CC 0100 800B78FE 0001 D00B81CC 0003 800B78FE 0000 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Press Circle For Jump Boost 9002B9C8 3C003C00 #Die Hard With A Vengeance\Infinite Time (All Levels) 800511FC 3C00 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy (Japan) {SLPS-00585} ] :SLPS-00585 #Die Hard\Infinite HP 801CC96E 000C 801CCAD6 000C 801CCC3E 000C 801CCDA6 000C #Die Hard\Infinite Lives 801D38C0 0009 #Die Hard\Invincibility 801CCACE 00FF 801CCB36 00FF 801CCC9E 00FF 801CCE06 00FF #Die Hard\Infinite Ammo 801CC972 0063 801CCADA 0063 801CCC42 0063 801CCDAA 0063 #Die Hard\Infinite Armor 801CC97C 0005 801CCAE4 0005 801CCC4C 0005 801CCDB4 0005 #Die Hard\Infinite Bombs/Grenades 50000302 0000 801CC974 0063 50000302 0000 801CCADC 0063 50000302 0000 801CCC44 0063 50000302 0000 801CCDAC 0063 #Die Hard 2\Infinite Lives D20B6DAC 0005 800B6DAC 0005 #Die Hard 2\Infinite Missiles 800B6DBC 0063 #Die Hard 2\Infinite Ammo 801F90E2 000F #Die Hard 2\Infinite Bombs 800B6F54 0063 #Die Hard III\Infinite LiVeS 300B8B50 0003 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas (Europe) {SLES-02746} ] :SLES-02746 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Infinite Health 80102714 01F4 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have All Weapons (Need Ammo To Use Them) 801027F0 00FF #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Shotgun Ammo 80102734 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Mp5 Ammo 80102738 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 8010273C 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Jack Hammer Ammo 80102740 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Shock Rifle Ammo 80102744 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Flame Thrower Ammo 80102748 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Smoke Grenades 80102780 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Flash Bangs 80102784 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Frag Grenades 80102788 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Incendiary Grenades 8010278C 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Have Infinite Proximity Mines 80102790 0063 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Bad Guys Lose Head When Killed 80103058 0001 #3rd Person Action/Adventure-Mode-Codes\Bad Guys Have Big Heads 80103060 0001 #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Health 800EE35C 01F4 #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Pistol Ammo 800EE374 000A #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Shotgun Ammo 800EE378 000A #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo 800EE380 000A #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Jack Hammer Ammo 800EE384 000A #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Shock Rifle Ammo 800EE388 000A #Sharpshooter Mode-Codes\Infinite Flame Thrower Ammo 800EE38C 000A #Extreme Driving Mode-Codes\Infinite Health 800FAD3C 01F4 #Extreme Driving Mode-Codes\Infinite Nitro's 800FAD48 1388 #Extreme Driving Mode-Codes\Infinite Time 800FCAF0 647C ; [ Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas (France) {SLES-02747} ] ; [ Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas (Germany) {SLES-02748} ] :SLES-02748 #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Gesundheit E008CD7D 0001 80102734 01F4 #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe Alle Waffen E008CD7D 0001 80102810 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe Rauchgranate E008CD7D 0001 801027A0 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe Leuchtgranate E008CD7D 0001 801027A4 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe Splittergranate E008CD7D 0001 801027A8 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe Flammengranate E008CD7D 0001 801027AC 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Habe AnnäHerungsgranate E008CD7D 0001 801027B0 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Schrotgewehr E008CD7D 0001 80102754 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Mp5 E008CD7D 0001 80102758 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Law 80-Raketenwerfer E008CD7D 0001 8010275C 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Jackhammer E008CD7D 0001 80102760 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Shock Rifle E008CD7D 0001 80102764 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Unendlich Munition Flammenwerfer E008CD7D 0001 80102768 00FF #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Waffen-Modifizierer Flammenwerfer (1-7) E008CD7D 0001 80102740 0007 #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\Leute Haben Grosse KöPfe E008CD7D 0001 80103080 0001 #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\KöPfe Fliegen Weg Wenn Getroffen E008CD7D 0001 80103078 0001 #3. Person-Action/Adventure-Codes\First Person-Modus Aktivierbar E008CD7D 0001 80102652 000C E008CD7D 0001 8010268E 000C #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Gesundheit E008CD7D 0002 800EE37C 01F4 #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Habe Alle Waffen E008CD7D 0002 800EE38C 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Pistole E008CD7D 0002 800EE394 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Schrotgewehr E008CD7D 0002 800EE398 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Mp5 E008CD7D 0002 800EE39C 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Law 80-Raketenwerfer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3A0 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Jackhammer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3A4 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Shock Rifle E008CD7D 0002 800EE3A8 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Kein Nachladen Flammenwerfer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3AC 000F #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Schrotgewehr E008CD7D 0002 800EE3CC 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Mp5 E008CD7D 0002 800EE3D0 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Law 80-Raketenwerfer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3D4 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Jackhammer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3D8 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Shock Rifle E008CD7D 0002 800EE3DC 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Munition Flammenwerfer E008CD7D 0002 800EE3E0 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Unendlich Splittergranaten E008CD7D 0002 800EE3EC 00FF #ScharfschüTzenmodus-Codes\Waffenmodifizierer Flamenwerfer (1-7) E008CD7D 0002 800EE400 0007 #Action-Fahr-Modus-Codes\Unendlich Gesundheit E008CD7D 0003 800FAD5C 01F4 #Action-Fahr-Modus-Codes\Unendlich Nitro E008CD7D 0003 800FAD68 1388 #Action-Fahr-Modus-Codes\Unendlich Zeit E008CD7D 0003 800FCB10 F000 ; [ Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas (Italy) {SLES-02749} ] ; [ Die Millionen Show (Austria) {SLES-03588} ] ; [ Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (Germany) {SLES-00574} ] ; [ DigiCro: Digital Number Crossword (Japan) {SLPS-00549} ] :SLPS-00549 #Infinite Time 800AD278 0000 ; [ Digical League (Japan) {SLP-86038} ] ; [ Digimon Digital Card Battle (Europe) {SLES-03900} ] ; [ Digimon Rumble Arena (Europe) {SLES-03841} ] ; [ Digimon World (Europe) {SLES-02914} ] :SLES-02914 #Infinite HP 8016C840 270F 8016C844 270F #Infinite MP 8016C842 03E7 8016C846 03E7 #Have All Attacks 50000402 FFFF 8016C850 0000 #Infinite Lives 8016C874 0003 #Max happiness 8013FA52 0064 #Max discipline 8013FA50 0064 #No virus 3013FA46 0000 #Access All Cards (Card List) 800BEAF6 2400 #Access All Digimon (Chart) 800BE626 2400 #Sudden Death most opponents 50000568 0000 8016C8C4 0000 ; [ Digimon World (France) {SLES-03435} ] ; [ Digimon World (Germany) {SLES-03434} ] :SLES-03434 #Max Bits 9013C21C 05F5E0FF #Habe alle Spezialgeräte 30158BE2 00F0 30158BE3 0001 #Habe alle Medaillen 80158C0A FFFF 30158C0C 0007 #Habe alle Digimon in der Tabelle / alle entwickelt 30158C1D 00FF 50000302 FFFF 80158C1E 0000 30158C24 00FF #Zustand Unendlich Leben 8016CA04 0003 #Zustand Max Glück 3013FBE2 0064 #Zustand Max Disziplin 3013FBE0 0064 #Zustand Virus (Flch) immer auf 0 3013FBD6 0000 #Parameter Max Lebensenergie 8016C9D0 270F #Parameter Unendlich Lebensenergie 8016C9D4 270F #Parameter Max Magiepunkte 8016C9D2 270F #Parameter Unendlich Magiepunkte 8016C9D6 270F #Techniken erlernt Alle 50000402 FFFF 8016C9E0 0000 ; [ Digimon World (Italy) {SLES-03437} ] ; [ Digimon World (Spain) {SLES-03436} ] :SLES-03436 #Infinite Energy 8016D3E4 270F 8016D3E0 270F #Infinite Magic 8016D3E6 270F 8016D3E2 270F #Digimon Always Happy 801405F2 0064 #Digimon Best Discipline 801405F0 0000 #Infinite Money (60000) 8013CC2C EA60 #No Virus 801405EC 0000 #Access All Cards (Card List) 800BF696 2400 #Access All Digimon (Chart) 800BF1C6 2400 ; [ Digimon World 2003 (Europe) {SLES-03936} ] :SLES-03936 #Infinite & Max HP in battle 800A4478 03E7 800A4476 03E7 #Infinite & Max PM in battle 800A447A 03E7 800A447C 03E7 #9999 damage to all Digimon and always evade D009E1D0 0005 8009E1D2 1220 D009E234 0028 8009E230 270F D009E234 0028 8009E232 2402 #Max/Infinite Bit 90048DA0 05F5E0FF #All items and important items 50002902 0000 80048DB0 6363 50003102 0000 80048DDA 6363 # All weapon, armor, and accessory 50007902 0000 80048E0C 6363 50004D02 0000 80048E86 6363 50006402 0000 80048ED4 6363 #Max HP Kotemon 800A4476 270F 800A4478 270F #Max HP Renamon 800A4496 270F 800A4498 270F #Max HP Patamon 800A44B6 270F 800A44B8 270F #Max HP Kumamon 800A4852 270F 800A4854 270F #Max MP Kotemon 800A447A 270F 800A447C 270F #Max MP Renamon 800A449A 270F 800A449C 270F #Max MP Patamon 800A44BA 270F 800A44BC 270F #Max MP Kumamon 800A4856 270F 800A4858 270F #Max Level Kotemon: 800494B8 0063 #Max Level Renamon 8004ABE0 0063 #Max Level Patamon 8004AFBC 0063 #Max Level Kumamon 80049894 0063 #Max EXP Kotemon 900494B4 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Renamon 9004ABDC 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Patamon 9004AFB8 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Kumamon 90049890 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Guilmon 9004A800 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Veemon 9004A424 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Augumon 9004A048 05F5E0FF #Max EXP Monmon 90049C6C 05F5E0FF #Max Stats Kotemon 50000D02 0000 800494C4 03E7 #Max Stats Patamon 50000D02 0000 8004ABEC 03E7 #Max Stats Renamon 50000D02 0000 8004AFC8 03E7 #Max Stats Kumamon 50000D02 0000 800498A0 03E7 #Infinite TP Kotemon 800494BA 0063 #Infinite TP Renamon 8004ABE2 0063 #Infinite TP Patamon 8004AFBE 0063 #Infinite TP Kumamon 80049896 0063 #Infinite TP Guilmon 8004A806 0063 #Infinite TP Veemon 8004A42A 0063 #Infinite TP Augumon 8004A04E 0063 #Infinite TP Monmon 80049C72 0063 ; [ DigimonTamers: PocketCulumon (Japan) {SLPS-03211} ] ; [ DigimonWorld (Japan) {SLPS-01797} ] :SLPS-01797 #Infinite Money 9013E294 0098967F #Max Power 90141D40 00640064 9016B0BC 03E703E7 9016B0C0 03E703E7 #Infiite & max HP 8016C900 270F 8016C904 270F #Infiite & max MP 8016C902 270F 8016C906 270F #Infinite Energy 80141130 0008 #All sales of bytes 8013E174 FFFF #Digimon / Maximum HP 8016B0CC 270F 8016B0D0 270F #Digimon / Maximum MP 8016B0CE 270F 8016B0D2 270F #Possible to sleep at any time 3012FE3E 0000 #Get gold 9013E26C 000F423F ; [ DigimonWorld 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02844} ] :SLPS-02844 #Max BIT 90050A88 0098967F #Infinite HP 999 80050B78 03E7 #Infinite MP 999 80050B7C 03E7 #MAX HP (DIGIBEATTLE) 90050AA4 270F270F #MAX EP (DIGIBEATTLE) 90050AA8 270F270F ; [ DigimonWorld 3: Aratanaru Bouken no Tobira (Japan) {SLPS-03446} ] ; [ DigimonWorld: Digital Card Arena (Japan) {SLPS-03101} ] ; [ DigimonWorld: Digital Card Battle (Japan) {SLPS-02506} ] :SLPS-02506 #Have 9999 blit 800D11F0 270F ; [ Digital Ehon Vol. 1: Imadoki no Momotarou (Japan) {SLP-87103} ] ; [ Digital Ehon Vol. 2: Imadoki no Kaguya-hime (Japan) {SLP-87104} ] ; [ Digital Ehon Vol. 3: Imadoki no Saru Kani (Japan) {SLP-87105} ] ; [ Digital Ehon Vol. 4: Imadoki no Hanasaka Jiisan (Japan) {SLP-87106} ] ; [ Digital Ehon Vol. 5: Imadoki no Urashima-tarou (Japan) {SLP-87107} ] ; [ Digital Figure Iina (Japan) {SLPS-01481} ] :SLPS-01481 #Max Iina stats. 901DC49C 03E703E7 801DC4B0 03E7 901DC4A8 03E703E7 901DC4AC 03E703E7 801DC4A0 00C8 801DC4B2 00C8 ; [ Digital Glider Airman (Japan) {SLPS-02276} ] :SLPS-02276 #Distance Max (0-9999) 800FE19E 1250 #Have 50:00:00 minutes of flight time 80082B84 EA60 ; [ Dino Crisis (Europe) (Preview) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Dino Crisis (Europe) {SLES-02207} ] :SLES-02207 #Infinite Health 800B9A1C 083C #All Weapons 800C1A50 FFFF #Save Anywhere (Press L1 + L2) D00B18C0 0005 800B7EF0 0007 ; [ Dino Crisis (France) {SLES-02208} ] :SLES-02208 #Energie infinie 800B208C 0958 #Toutes les armes à customisées 800BA0C0 FFFF #Toutes les armes customisées 800BA0C0 07FE #Sauver n'importe où Appuyez sur L1 + L2 D00BB068 0005 800B0560 0007 #Balles de pistolet infinies D00665B8 0000 800665B8 2821 #Armes + munitions B0053EB2 0000 800BEDAE 0008 #Tir à répétition D004D0B8 0007 8004D0B8 0001 #Stats de fin - Temps = 0 900B9FDC 00000000 #Stats de fin - Continus = 0 300B9FE2 001E #Stats de fin - Sauvegarde = 0 300B9FDB 0000 ; [ Dino Crisis (Germany) {SLES-02209} ] :SLES-02209 #Max Stecker 800BA460 03E7 #Munition nimmt zu 30063024 0023 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800B1ED4 2312 #Habe alle Waffen (Regina) 800B9F08 FFFF #Habe alle Objekte (Regina) 50000402 FFFF 800B9F0E 0000 #Habe alle Karten 50000302 FFFF 800B9F30 0000 #Jederzeit speichern Drücke L1 & L2 D00AE1F8 0005 300B03A8 0007 #Kleiderwechsel freigeschaltet D00BA654 0001 300BA654 000F D00C05A2 0003 800C05A2 0503 #Extra Missionen freigeschaltet Drücke R1 & R2 im Hauptmenü D00AE232 F5FF 800C05A2 0403 #Alle Missionen 300B9E22 0003 #Nie gespeichert 300B9E23 0000 #Spielzeit bleibt 0:00:00 900B9E24 00000000 #Keine Continues verbraucht 300B9E2A 0005 #Schnellfeuer ohne Nachladen D00B1DFA 0102 300B1DFA 0001 50000302 0063 800B2000 0000 #Betrachte Endsequenz Erste (Mahlzeit !) Drücke Select & L1 D00AE1F8 0104 300B03A8 000A D00AE1F8 0104 300B03BB 0000 #Betrachte Endsequenz Zweite (Sonnenaufgang) Drücke Select & L2 D00AE1F8 0101 300B03A8 000A D00AE1F8 0101 300B03BB 0001 #Betrachte Endsequenz Dritte (Hubschrauber)Drücke Select & R1 D00AE1F8 0108 300B03A8 000A D00AE1F8 0108 300B03BB 0002 #WIPE OUT-MODUS Unendlich Zeit Mission 1 800BA664 2330 #WIPE OUT-MODUS Unendlich Zeit Mission 2 800BA668 1C2C #WIPE OUT-MODUS Unendlich Zeit Mission 3 800BA66C 1520 ; [ Dino Crisis (Italy) {SLES-02210} ] :SLES-02210 #Energia Infinita 800B152C 04B0 900B9588 FFFFFFFF #Abilita missione Extra (premere R1+R2) D00A93D0 000A 800BFBFA 0403 #Abilita cambio costume 800B9CAC 000F D00BFBFA 0003 800BFBFA 0503 #Munizioni ed oggetti infiniti D00B9CAC 0001 8006303E 3C00 #Salvare ovunque (premere L1+L2) D00A93D0 0005 800AFA00 0007 #Tempo infinito nella missione Wipe Out 80040348 3C00 #Tutte le Armi (Regina) 800B9560 FFFF 900B955C FFFFFFFF 900B9564 FFFFFFFF 800B9568 FFFF #Tutte le mappe 900B958C FFFFFFFF 900B9590 FFFFFFFF #Tutti gli oggetti (Regina) 800B956A FFFF 900B956C FFFFFFFF 900B9570 FFFFFFFF 800B9574 FFFF #Vedere il primo Finale (premere Select) D00A93D0 0100 800AFA0D 000A D00A93D0 0100 300AFA13 0000 D00A93D0 0100 #Vedere il secondo Finale (premere Select) D00A93D0 0100 800AFA0D 000A D00A93D0 0100 300AFA13 0001 D00A93D0 0100 #Vedere il terzo Finale (premere Select) D00A93D0 0100 800AFA0D 000A D00A93D0 0100 300AFA13 0002 ; [ Dino Crisis (Japan) {CPCS-00701} ] ; [ Dino Crisis (Spain) {SLES-02211} ] :SLES-02211 #Salud Infinita 800B1F2C 03E8 #Tiempo Ilimitado 800BA6BC 2330 #Misiones Extra 800BA6B8 00FF #Balas Infinitas para la pistola 9mm 800BEC5C 0009 ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Europe) {SLES-03221} ] :SLES-03221 #Infinite Health D00224A6 8642 800224A6 8645 D00224BA 8643 800224BA A645 #Infinite Ammo all weapons D00524CC 0C60 800524CE 2400 #Rapid fire D00488C8 0006 800488CA 2400 #Have all key items 900AEEE8 03FFFFFF #Have all files 900AEEF0 FFF3FFFF #Infinite EXP-points 900AEE20 0098967F #Most doors open 800C1A48 FFFF #No laser bars(Press L2) D00ABAB2 FFB9 50000C02 FEFF 800C1500 0000 #Shop and save anywhere:Press Triangle & R2 D00ABAB2 EDFF 800AE74E 0002 #View ending FMV (select new game) D00AECBC 0101 800AECBC 0504 #Extra crisis mode Unlocked From the main menu, go into options, exit again and a new menu will appear. 800AECB8 0100 800AECBA 0101 800AECBC 0101 #Extra crisis mode All characters unlocked 800AECBE 0FFF ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (France) {SLES-03222} ] ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Germany) {SLES-03223} ] :SLES-03223 #Unendlich Gesundheit Version 1 D0038C9C 0108 80038C9C 0000 D0039568 0108 80039568 0000 D0039718 0108 80039718 0000 D0049198 0108 80049198 0000 D00D181C 0108 800D181C 0000 D00D2234 0108 800D2234 0000 D00D2348 0108 800D2348 0000 D00D24EC 0108 800D24EC 0000 D00D38BC 0108 800D38BC 0000 #Unendlich Gesundheit Version 2 D00224A4 010A 800224A6 8645 D00224B8 0108 800224BA A645 #INVENTAR Unendlich alle Objekte D0056094 FFFF D10F3420 0515 D0056094 FFFF 8005609A 0000 #STORY MODUS Habe alle Objekte 900AEAA0 03FFFFFF #STORY MODUS Habe alle Dateien 900AEAA8 FFF3FD77 #STORY MODUS Jederzeit Zugriff auf Terminal (Drücke L1 & Viereck) D00AB66A 7BFF 800AE306 0002 #STORY MODUS Betrachte Endsequenz / schnelles Ende (Wähle *Neues Spiel* im Hauptmenü) D00AE874 0101 800AE874 0504 #EXTRA CRISIS MODUS Anwählbar Im Startmenü Tastenkombination drücken, Optionen aufrufen, dann wieder zurück und der Modus ist anwählbar.(Drücke L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00AB66A F0FF 300AE871 0001 #EXTRA CRISIS MODUS Alle Charaktere & Dino Duel freigeschaltet (Drücke Select) D00AB66A FFFE 800AE876 0FFF #EXTRA CRISIS MODUS Unendlich Zeit D0022210 FFFF 80022214 0000 ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Italy) {SLES-03224} ] ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80573} ] ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Japan) {CPCS-00701} ] ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (Spain) {SLES-03225} ] :SLES-03225 #Botiquin Mediano Infinitos 800AE52C 270F #Municion De Rifle Infinita 800AE430 270F #Municion De CañOn Laser Infinita 800AE484 270F #Botiquin Grande Infinitos 800AE538 270F #Municion De Pistola Infinita 800AE43C 270F #Municion De Subfusil Infinita 800AE448 270F #Puntos de extinción 900AE560 0098967F ; [ Dino Crisis 2 (USA) Demo {SLUS-90087} ] ; [ Dinomaster Party (Europe) {SLES-03989} ] :SLES-03989 #P1 has 999 points 8006D0EC 03E7 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006D0E8 0005 ; [ Dinosaurs (Europe) {SLES-04063} ] ; [ Dioramos (Japan) Demo {SLP-80587} ] ; [ Dioramos (Japan) {SLPS-02797} ] :SLPS-02797 #P1 Infinite HP 800C5848 270F #Money in 999,999 901CEB58 000F423F #All characters can be selected 801CEB64 FFFF #All weapons possession 901CEB68 FFFFFFFF #All Items possession 901CEB6C FFFFFFFF #All map possession 801CEB70 FFFF #All weapons can be selected D0079816 15E0 80079816 1000 #Mortal blow /Invincibility mortal blow SEL + R2 D00C585C 0101 80051CAE 0000 D00C585C 0102 80051CAE 0060 D00C585C 0103 80051CAE 0062 #Select Level\1 301CEB63 0001 #Select Level\2 301CEB63 0002 #Select Level\3 301CEB63 0003 #Select Level\4 301CEB63 0004 #Select Level\5 301CEB63 0005 #Select Level\6 301CEB63 0006 #Select Level\7 301CEB63 0007 #Select Level\8 301CEB63 0008 #Select Level\9 301CEB63 0009 #Select Level\10 301CEB63 000A ; [ Dirt Champ Motocross No. 1 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80501} ] ; [ Dirt Champ Motocross No. 1 (Japan) {SLPS-02146} ] ; [ Disc Derby: Meiba o Tsukurou!! (Japan) {SLPS-02428} ] :SLPS-02428 #Have 9999999 Money 9008FBDC 0098967F ; [ Disc Station Bessatsu: I Miss You. Tanaka Katsumi (Japan) {SLP-80169} ] ; [ Discworld (Japan) {SLPS-00251} ] ; [ Discworld II (France) Demo {SLED-01109} ] ; [ Discworld II: Missing Presumed...!? (Europe) {SLES-00793} ] ; [ Discworld II: Mortellement Votre (France) {SLES-00794} ] ; [ Discworld II: Vermutlich vermisst...!? (Germany) {SLES-00795} ] ; [ Discworld Noir (Europe) Demo {SLED-02604} ] ; [ Discworld Noir (Europe) {SLES-01549} ] ; [ Discworld Noir (France) {SLES-02063} ] ; [ Discworld Noir (Germany) {SLES-02064} ] ; [ Disney Action Game Disney Presenta Hercules (Italy) {SCES-00894} ] :SCES-00894 #One hit kill boss Centaur, Minotaur, Black Hawks press Select button D00382C2 FFFE 3007468E 0000 #One hit kill boss Hades press Select button D00382C2 FFFE 301E08FE 0000 #One hit kill boss Hydra press Select button D00382C2 FFFE 3007E948 0000 #One hit kill boss Medusa press Select button D00382C2 FFFE 3007AA2C 0000 #Have all jars per level 30035059 000F #Have all letters per level 30035064 00FF #Have fire sword max charged 80035070 7FFF #Have helmet max charged 80035074 7FFF #Have lightning sword max charged 8003506E 7FFF #Have thunder sword max charged 80035072 7FFF #Instant super punch D00382C2 EFFF 30074930 00FF #Max coins 8003505C 7FFF 80035060 7FFF #Max health (GodMode) 8003506C 7FFF #Max length of the life's bar 30035066 00FF #Max lives 80035054 0009 ; [ Disney Aladdin: La Revanche de Nasira (France) {SCES-03004} ] ; [ Disney Aladdin: La Vendetta di Nasira (Italy) {SCES-03006} ] ; [ Disney Aladdin: La Venganza de Nasira (Spain) {SCES-03008} ] :SCES-03008 #Energia Infinita 80085CB9 0800 ; [ Disney Atlantide: L'Empire Perdu (France) Demo {SCED-03637} ] ; [ Disney Atlantide: L'Empire Perdu (France) {SCES-03537} ] ; [ Disney Atlantis: El Imperio Perdido (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-03541} ] :SCES-03541 #Vidas Infinitas 80096AD8 0063 #Energia Infinita 80096ADA 0063 #Oxigeno Infinito 80096AE0 0063 #Oxigeno Infinito Alt 80096AF6 0063 #Unlock All Levels (Must Load A Saved Game) 900992B4 FFFFFFFF #All Movies 800992B6 FFFF 50000702 0000 800992D4 FFFF ; [ Disney Atlantis: L'Impero Perduto (Italy) {SCES-03539} ] ; [ Disney Atlântida: O Continente Perdido (Portugal) {SCES-03543} ] ; [ Disney Aventuras de Peter Pan en el País de Nunca Jamás (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-03715} ] :SCES-03715 #Infinite Energy 800F358A 0005 #Infinite Feathers 800F358E 270F #Infinite Pixie Dust 800F358C 0006 #Max Hearts 800F3590 000A #Have All Skills 800F3592 000F #All Movies Open 800F35A6 001F #All Levels Open 900F357C FFFFFFFF ; [ Disney Dingo Une Journée de Dingue! (France) {SLES-03638} ] ; [ Disney Dinosaure (France) {SLES-02891} ] ; [ Disney Dinosauri (Italy) {SLES-02893} ] ; [ Disney Dinosaurio (Spain) {SLES-02894} ] :SLES-02894 #Infinite Energy Flia 800E2B4C 03E7 800619E8 03E7 #Infinite Energy Zini 80061970 03E7 800DD850 03E7 #Infinite Energy Aladar (Don't use this cheat until you can control Aladar or the game won't continue) 800619AC 03E7 800E2D10 03E7 800619A8 03E7 #Infinite Fruits 80061440 03E7 ; [ Disney El Emperador y sus Locuras (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-03018} ] :SCES-03018 #Infinite Lives 8006FF44 0040 #Infinite Run 80072FC5 05A0 #Infinite Health 80076760 5000 #Unlock All Levels 80076908 0808 ; [ Disney El planeta del tesoro (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-03941} ] :SCES-03941 #Energia Infinita 800C765E 0003 #Infinitos Diodos 800B63C0 0063 #999 Monedas 800C4970 03E7 #Todas las peliculas,escenarios y personajes (Necesita una partida guardada para funcionar) 300C49C9 001D #6 Piezas Del Diario 800C49cA 0006 #99 Atomos Piratas 800C4998 0063 ; [ Disney Fais Ton Histoire! Mulan (France) {SCES-02004} ] ; [ Disney Il Pianeta del Tesoro (Italy) {SCES-03940} ] ; [ Disney Il Re Leone: La Grande Avventura di Simba (Italy) {SLES-03271} ] :SLES-03271 #One fruit == 999 fruits 900212C8 344203E7 #Infinite Lives 80075650 03E7 #Always have 100 coins 90021300 34020064 90021320 34020064 9002A5B4 34020064 #Always have all SIMBA's letters 30094DB6 009F #GodMode 8001A73A 1000 #All Levels Unlocked (Untested) 50000901 0000 8007A00A 0001 #Have All Movies (Untested) 50000901 0000 3007A076 0001 #All Minigames Unlocked 99 pumpkins (Untested) 800EB654 0063 #Unlock Trucchi and Thanks in the options menu D00A99C2 FEFF 80073EF8 8000 30073EFC 0000 D00A99C2 FFFF 80073EF8 0080 #Activate\Deactivate debug menu Tasto R2 attiva | Tasto R1 disattiva D00A99C2 FDFF 30094188 0001 D00A99C2 F7FF 30094188 0000 ; [ Disney Jeu d'Action Disney Présente Hercule (France) {SCES-00892} ] ; [ Disney Juego de Acción Disney Presenta Hercules (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-00895} ] :SCES-00895 #Energia Infinita 8003506A 0080 8003506C 0080 #Vidas Infinitas 80035054 0003 ; [ Disney Keisarin Uudet Kuviot (Finland) (Platinum) {SCES-03013} ] ; [ Disney Kuzco: L'Empereur Mégalo (France) (Platinum) {SCES-03014} ] ; [ Disney La Petite Sirène 2 (France) {SCES-03033} ] ; [ Disney La Planète au Trésor (France) {SCES-03938} ] ; [ Disney La Sirenetta II (Italy) {SCES-03035} ] :SCES-03035 #One coin == 50 coins 9004FB18 24020032 #One perl == 5 perls 900509E4 24020005 #Ariel\Melody's life always full 800E769C 0064 #Erik's health at 255 8015E2D0 00FF #Morgana's life at 0 80177AC8 0000 #Ursula's life at 0 801CD5F4 0000 ; [ Disney La Sirenita 2 (Spain) {SCES-03036} ] :SCES-03036 #Infinite Energy / Air 800E7854 0064 #Have 50 coins 800E786C 0032 #Have 5 pearls 800E7891 0005 #Unlock All Levels & Movies 800E82D4 270F #Unlock all minigames 800E82E4 0003 ; [ Disney La Super-Diver Casa de Goofy (Spain) {SLES-03641} ] :SLES-03641 #All Cams 801F44C0 0032 #Have 99 Films, all mini-games 801F44C0 0505 #Infinite Time - Car Race (Disconnect before enter gym) 801EBDF8 0784 #Infinite Time - Slalom Game 801F0F4C 0784 #Autowin - Worm Challenge 801ECA50 000A #Only Catch one worm to win - Worm Challenge 801ECA50 0009 #Infinite Time - Worm Game Level Hard 801EF2CC 1800 #Fish Challenge (only need 1 fish to advance) 800A0028 0009 #Infinite Time - Tug-o-war 801F2C80 049F #Infinite Time - Blue Ribbon Race 800AE01C 0381 ; [ Disney Le Follie dell'Imperatore (Italy) (Platinum) {SCES-03016} ] ; [ Disney Learning: Mickey aka Disney's Get Ready for School with Mickey (Europe) {SLES-03965} ] ; [ Disney Learning: Winnie the Pooh (Europe) {SLES-03983} ] ; [ Disney Libro Animato Creativo: Mulan (Italy) {SCES-02006} ] ; [ Disney Lilo & Stitch en Problemas en el Paraíso (Spain) {SCES-03875} ] :SCES-03875 #Infinite Energy 800CCF50 0003 #Max flowers 800CCF52 0064 #Infinite Lives 800CCF56 0063 #Have all pictures 800CCF58 0004 ; [ Disney Lilo & Stitch: Grossi Guai alle Hawaii (Italy) (Platinum) {SCES-03874} ] :SCES-03874 #Always have 4 out of 4 figurines 900CCE34 000F0004 #No damage (God mode) 900615EC 03E00008 800615F2 2400 #Stitch can roll without taking coffee cups 300CCD7E 0001 80025924 0000 80025936 1000 #Take one object to have 100 out of 100 80030812 2400 #Get objects anywhere 8002FE0A 2400 8002FE1A 2400 8002FE22 2400 8002FE4E 2400 #MoonJump 80027634 0003 80023604 0003 ; [ Disney Lilo & Stitch: Ouragan sur Hawaï (France) (Platinum) {SCES-03872} ] ; [ Disney Lilo & Stitch: Sarilhos no Paraíso (Portugal) {SCES-03877} ] ; [ Disney Pato Donald: Cuac Attack (Spain) {SLES-03099} ] :SLES-03099 #99 Stars 800AA88E 0063 #99 Lives 800AA88C 0063 #Forest Edge Infinite Lives 800AA88C 0009 #Dangerous Cliffs Infinite Lives 800A7284 0009 #Hueys Track Infinite Lives 800A2CB8 0009 #The Gorge Infinite Lives 800A2D5C 0009 #Bernadettes Peak Infinite Lives 8009AC40 0009 #First Avenue Infinite Lives 800A6D64 0009 #The Roofs Infinite Lives 800A33FC 0009 #Deweys Rooftops Infinite Lives 800A093C 0009 #Urban High Rises Infinite Lives 800A4370 0009 ; [ Disney Peter Pan: Aventuras na Terra do Nunca (Portugal) (Promo) {SCES-03717} ] ; [ Disney Peter Pan: Aventures au Pays Imaginaire (France) {SCES-03711} ] ; [ Disney Peter Pan: L'Avventura nell'Isola che non c'è (Italy) (Platinum) {SCES-03713} ] ; [ Disney Pippo Giochi Pazzi (Italy) {SLES-03640} ] :SLES-03640 #Infinite Time car minigame 801EDF20 FFFF #Infinite Time dog minigame 800AD7AC 270F #Have all of the objects to put in the paintings L1+R1 to activate or L1 to deactivate if you want to watch the movie bonus 90079664 00000000 90079668 14470007 D01CBC5A F3FF 80079664 0003 D01CBC5A F3FF 80079666 3402 D01CBC5A F3FF 80079668 0078 D01CBC5A F3FF 8007966A A4A2 D01CBC5A FBFF 80079664 0000 D01CBC5A FBFF 80079666 3402 D01CBC5A FBFF 80079668 0078 D01CBC5A FBFF 8007966A A4A2 #Start with 99 films taken 80078C1A 2400 #Stop timer level take the mole 80067BC8 0000 ; [ Disney Pooh e Tigro! È Qui la Festa (Italy) {SCES-03749} ] :SCES-03749 #Have 999 total honey jars 800CCC84 03E7 #Infinite Time during the decisions 800CDF56 270F #Place always 3 bombs 300D09E0 0003 #Tigger's number of laps and lives\objects on mini-games Press Select button for 1 lap to win the race & press L1 button to have a lot of lives\objects on mini-games D00C90F6 FFFE 800CCC88 0001 D00C90F6 FBFF 800CCC88 03E7 ; [ Disney Tarzan (France) {SCES-01516} ] ; [ Disney Tarzan (Italy) {SCES-01518} ] :SCES-01518 #Vite Infinite 80094CD2 2400 #Salute al massimo 9008E86C 24050160 #Salute Infinita 9008F79C 24020160 #Tutti i livelli 100% completi 50000D02 0000 3005B8A4 0064 #Tutti i livelli e filmati 50000D02 0000 3005B8A3 00FF #The Trucchi menu (the one hidden in the main menu) and the "Menu Trucchi" (at the pause menu during levels) are always activated D008CEAE 1040 8008CEAE 2400 D008CEB6 1445 8008CEB6 2400 D008CD88 8000 8008CD88 8001 #Tempo infinito nel bonus level 800A4A2C 1910 #Seleziona livello 00-?? enabled 09 3005B89B 0009 ; [ Disney Tarzan (Spain) (Platinum, Review) {SCES-01519} ] :SCES-01519 #Vidas Infinitas 8005B86E 0005 #Energia Infinita 800A675A 0120 #999 Tokens 8005B870 03E7 #Have All Levels/Movies Necesita un save de memory card para funcionar 50000D02 0000 3005B877 00FF ; [ Disney Tigger tras un Bote de Miel (Spain) {SLES-03259} ] :SLES-03259 #Have 999 Honey Pots 800C774C 03E7 #Infinite Energy 800C7748 0003 #All levels unlocked 900C74A0 01080040 ; [ Disney Tigro e la Caccia al Miele (Italy) (Platinum) {SLES-03258} ] :SLES-03258 #One honey pot == 999 honey pots 90070CD4 344203E7 #All levels unlocked 900C74A0 01080040 #Always have 3 Ro's figures per level 800C773C 0003 #Always have objects to search and give to friends 80082D8C 0000 30082D8F 0000 #Infinite Jumps (Hold X) D00B33DE BFFF 80085E98 0000 D00B33DE BFFF 80085E9A 0000 D00B33DE FFFF 80085E98 56CE D00B33DE FFFF 80085E9A 0C02 #Level select at map Mettere al posto un numero da 1 a 8 per scegliere da che livello iniziare 800C74A6 0008 #Tigger walks through enemies (GodMode) 800722E2 1000 ; [ Disney Winnie l'Ourson: La Chasse au Miel de Tigrou (France) {SLES-03256} ] ; [ Disney le Roi Lion: La Formidable Aventure de Simba (France) {SLES-03269} ] ; [ Disney ¡Ven a la Fiesta! con Winnie the Pooh (Spain) {SCES-03748} ] ; [ Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-03189} ] ; [ Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Europe) {SLES-03189} ] ; [ Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Europe) {SLES-03191} ] :SLES-03191 #Infinite Energy level 1 8007DD8E 0004 8012E89C 0004 #Infinite Energy level 2 80148A4C 0004 #Infinite Energy level 3 80140AFC 0004 #Infinite Energy level 4 80143398 0004 #Infinite Energy level 5 800EC74C 0004 #Infinite Lives 8007DD6C 0003 8007DD90 0003 8012E99A 0003 #Have All Puppies Found 8007F41C 0006 800E2D78 0006 #Unlock All Levels & Mini-Games Start the last level and save in memory card 8007F420 001F ; [ Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Scandinavia) {SLES-03190} ] ; [ Disney's Action Game featuring Hercules (Europe) {SCES-00891} ] :SCES-00891 #Infinite Energy 80034DBC 0080 ; [ Disney's Action Game met Hercules (Netherlands) {SCES-00896} ] ; [ Disney's Action spel med Herkules (Sweden) {SCES-00898} ] ; [ Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge (Europe) {SCES-03000} ] :SCES-03000 #999 Tokens 8007D9D0 03E8 #Infinite Health 80085A32 0008 #Infinite Lives 80085A2C 9000 ; [ Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Wraak (Netherlands) {SCES-03002} ] ; [ Disney's Atlantis: De Verzonken Stad (Netherlands) {SCES-03535} ] ; [ Disney's Atlantis: En försvunnen värld (Sweden) {SCES-03542} ] ; [ Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Australia) Demo {SCED-03636} ] ; [ Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Europe) {SCES-03533} ] ; [ Disney's Aventura Interactiva: Mulan aka Disney's Aventura Interactiva: Conviértete en Protagonista de esta apasionante Aventura (Spain) {SCES-02007} ] ; [ Disney's De Kleine Zeemeermin II (Netherlands) {SCES-03235} ] ; [ Disney's De Leeuwenkoning: Simba's Machtige Avontuur (Netherlands) {SLES-03268} ] ; [ Disney's Dinosaur (Europe) {SLES-02864} ] ; [ Disney's Dinosaurier (Germany) {SLES-02892} ] :SLES-02892 #Aladar Unendlich & Max Gesundheit .Don't use this cheat until you can control Aladar or the game won't continue 800619E4 03E7 800619E8 03E7 #Aladar Max Erfahrungsstufe 300619E0 0009 #Aladar Max Erfahrungs-Prozentsatz 800619E0 9C3F #Flia Unendlich & Max Gesundheit 800619A8 03E7 800619AC 03E7 #Flia Max Erfahrungsstufe 300619A0 0009 #Flia Max Erfahrungs-Prozentsatz 800619A4 9C3F #Zini Unendlich & Max Gesundheit 8006196C 03E7 80061970 03E7 #Zini Max Erfahrungsstufe 30061964 0009 #Zini Max Erfahrungs-Prozentsatz 80061968 9C3F #Habe max Beeren 8006143C 03E7 #Habe max Früchte 80061440 03E7 #Habe max Steine 80061444 03E7 #Habe max Kristalle 8006144C 03E7 #Habe max Blitze 80061450 03E7 ; [ Disney's Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers aka 도날드덕 고인 퀘커스 (Korea) {SLP-88502} ] ; [ Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack (Europe) {SLES-03095} ] :SLES-03095 #Forest Edge Infinite Lives 300A7DF8 0009 #Forest Edge Infinite time to rescue toys 301505D0 000F #The Gorge Infinite Lives 300A02FC 0009 #The Gorge Infinite time to rescue toys 3013EE10 000F #Bear Path Infinite Lives 300A2084 0009 #Hueys Track Infinite Lives 300A0258 0009 #Hueys Track Infinite time to rescue toys 30142A74 000F #Dangerous Cliffs Infinite Lives 300A4824 0009 #Dangerous Cliffs Infinite time to rescue toys 3015380C 000F #Bernadettes Peak Infinite Lives 3009ACA0 0009 #First Avenue Infinite Lives 300A4304 0009 #The Roofs Infinite Lives 300A3670 0009 #Main Street Infinite Lives 300A1328 0009 #Deweys Rooftops Infinite Lives 300A099C 0009 #Urban High Rises Infinite Lives 300A1914 0009 #Beagle Boys Tower Infinite Lives 3009955C 0009 #Haunted Hall Infinite Lives 300A2A98 0009 #Earie Alley Infinite Lives 300A17FC 0009 #Ghost Hand Infinite Lives 3009E104 0009 #Louies Creepy Corridor Infinite Lives 300A31B8 0009 #Ghostly Path Infinite Lives 300A35F0 0009 #Magicas Devilish Dome Infinite Lives 3009CBC4 0009 #Temples Entrance Infinite Lives 300A3008 0009 #Artifact Way Infinite Lives 300A23E8 0009 #The Nephews Murky Way Infinite Lives 300A1C80 0009 #Ancient Fate Infinite Lives 300A3B20 0009 #Ceremonial Room Infinite Lives 300A12A4 0009 #Get stars anywhere - All levels D0073CC6 1020 80073CC6 2400 D0079A3A 1020 80079A3A 2400 D007D18A 1020 8007D18A 2400 D0074A5A 1020 80074A5A 2400 D007D082 1020 8007D082 2400 D00743E6 1020 800743E6 2400 D0081906 1020 80081906 2400 D0084586 1020 80084586 2400 D0080C26 1020 80080C26 2400 D0077E1A 1020 80077E1A 2400 D0077156 1020 80077156 2400 D0072B66 1020 80072B66 2400 D0073A12 1020 80073A12 2400 D0074BBE 1020 80074BBE 2400 D007CD8A 1020 8007CD8A 2400 D00779C6 1020 800779C6 2400 D007AF12 1020 8007AF12 2400 D007E92A 1020 8007E92A 2400 D007B436 1020 8007B436 2400 D0080AEE 1020 80080AEE 2400 D0073BCA 1020 80073BCA 2400 D007D33E 1020 8007D33E 2400 D00751DE 1020 800751DE 2400 D007F19E 1020 8007F19E 2400 D00761EA 1020 800761EA 2400 D0083DB6 1020 80083DB6 2400 D0083026 1020 80083026 2400 D007CFFE 1020 8007CFFE 2400 D007FB36 1020 8007FB36 2400 D0075E86 1020 80075E86 2400 D007C212 1020 8007C212 2400 D007DE1E 1020 8007DE1E 2400 D0078DCA 1020 80078DCA 2400 D007D062 1020 8007D062 2400 ; [ Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SLES-03098} ] ; [ Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack (Scandinavia) {SLES-03097} ] ; [ Disney's El Rey Leon: Las Aventuras del Poderoso Simba (Spain) {SLES-03272} ] :SLES-03272 #Energia Infinita 8007565C 03FC #Vidas Infinitas 80075660 03FC #All Levels Unlocked 50000901 0000 8007A00A 0001 #Have All Movies 50000901 0000 3007A076 0001 #All Minigames Unlocked 99 pumpkins 800EB654 0063 ; [ Disney's Goofy's Fun House (Europe) {SLES-03178} ] ; [ Disney's Goofy's Fun House (Germany) {SLES-03639} ] #Habe 99 Filme & Bonus D0078CD0 0004 80078CD0 0505 #Habe alle Gegenstände D0072C40 0005 80072C40 0000 #Fang den grossen Fisch Guter Fang (Drücke L1 & L2) D01ECDA2 FAFF 50000304 0009 8009FF8C 0000 #Gegen die Zeit Unbegrenzt Zeit (Drücke L1 & L2) D01EDFB2 FAFF 800AD774 0700 #Hol die Sporttasche Unbegrenzt Zeit (Drücke L1 & L2) D01C64B2 FAFF 801EE030 0800 ; [ Disney's Keizer Kuzco (Netherlands) {SCES-03012} ] ; [ Disney's Lilo & Stitch: Heisa op Hawaï (Netherlands) {SCES-03876} ] ; [ Disney's Lilo & Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (Europe) {SCES-03871} ] ; [ Disney's Mulan: Story Studio aka Disney's Mulan: Animated Storybook (Europe) {SCES-01695} ] :SCES-01695 #Infinite Rope D0033FC6 8FB1 301AA970 0019 #P1 Majhong Score 99 3003756C 0063 ; [ Disney's Party Time with Winnie the Pooh (Europe) {SCES-03705} ] ; [ Disney's Party mit Winnie Puuh (Germany) {SCES-03745} ] ; [ Disney's Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land (Europe) Demo {SCED-03883} ] ; [ Disney's Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land (Europe) {SCES-03707} ] ; [ Disney's Peter Pan: Avonturen in Nooitgedachtland (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SCES-03709} ] ; [ Disney's Piratenplaneet: De Schat van Kapitein Flint (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SCES-03942} ] ; [ Disney's Skattkammarplaneten (Sweden) {SCES-03943} ] ; [ Disney's Spelen met Winnie de Poeh en zijn Vriendjes! (Netherlands) {SCES-03746} ] ; [ Disney's Tarzan (Europe) {SCES-01431} ] :SCES-01431 #Infinite Health 8008E5C0 0120 #Infinite Lives 80093AF6 0005 #Infinite Fruits D00A5A3A 0000 800A5A3A 0005 D00A5A3C 0000 800A5A3C 0005 D00A5A3E 0000 800A5A3E 0005 #Letters & pic pieces found D005A5A8 0000 8005A5A8 3F0F #Timer frozen (Bonus areas) 8008B1D0 1910 #Moon Jump (Hold X) D00796E6 BFFF 800920C0 0000 D10796E6 BFFF 800920C0 0020 ; [ Disney's Tarzan (Japan) {SLP-86383} ] ; [ Disney's Tarzan (Netherlands) {SCES-02185} ] ; [ Disney's Teigetjes Honingjacht (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SLES-03260} ] ; [ Disney's The Emperor's New Groove (Europe) {SCES-03010} ] ; [ Disney's The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure (Europe) {SLES-03267} ] :SLES-03267 #Infinite Lives D0075180 0001 30075180 0003 #Infinite Energy 8007517C 03E8 #Refill energy (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D007AD52 F0FF 8007517C 03E8 ; [ Disney's The Little Mermaid II (Europe) {SCES-03032} ] ; [ Disney's Tigger's Honey Hunt (Europe) (Platinum) {SLES-03179} ] :SLES-03179 #Infinite Health 300C7668 0003 #Have 99 honey pots 300C766C 0063 ; [ Disney's Treasure Planet (Europe) (Prototype) {SCES-03937} ] :SCES-03937 #Infinite Health 800C765E 0003 #All Movies,Backgrounds & Characters (Needs a asave game to work) 300C49C9 001D #6 Diary Pieces 800C49CA 0006 #99 Pirate Atoms 800C49B8 00FF #Max Drubloons 800C4970 07D0 ; [ Disney's Treasure Planet (Europe) {SCES-03937} ] :SCES-03937 #Infinite Health 800C765E 0003 #All Movies,Backgrounds & Characters (Needs a asave game to work) 300C49C9 001D #6 Diary Pieces 800C49CA 0006 #99 Pirate Atoms 800C49B8 00FF #Max Drubloons 800C4970 07D0 ; [ Disney's Verhalenstudio: Mulan (Netherlands) {SCES-02264} ] ; [ Disney's Winnie L'Ourson: C' Est La Recre! (France) {SCES-03706} ] ; [ Disney-Pixar's Buzz Lightyear: Guardianes del Espacio (Spain) {SLES-03315} ] :SLES-03315 #Infinite Energy 800B5C3E 0195 #Infinite Time 800B5430 1200 #Triangulos Infinitos 800B5C46 0063 #All Levels & Missions Unlocked 50000D01 0000 300D4D02 007F #Infinite Ammo-All Weapons 50000802 0000 800B8E74 0640 #Infinite Fuel 800AA940 0900 #Have All Green People 800AA334 0005 800AA398 0005 ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life (Europe) {SCES-01489} ] :SCES-01489 #Infinite Health 800A6634 0004 800B0232 0004 #Infinite Lives 800B022A 0009 #Always spell FLIK 800A6642 000F #Always have 50 grains of corn 800A6640 3200 ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life (France) {SCES-01520} ] :SCES-01520 #Vie infinie et grains à fond 900A91B0 000F3209 ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life (Japan) {SLP-86330} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Atelier de Jeux (France) {SCES-02459} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Disney's Activity Centre (Europe) {SCES-02014} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Disneys Malen und Spielen (Germany) {SCES-02460} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Megaminimondo (Italy) Rev 1 {SCES-01522} ] :SCES-01522 #GodMode 90048CB4 00000000 90048CBC 34627FFF #All letters always taken 300A8CA2 000F #All levels unlocked 30082404 000F #Always have 50 grains 300A8CA1 0032 #Always have killed all insects with the gold berry 800A8C8E 0000 #Always have purple berry 800A8C96 0403 #Always have super jump power + machine collect beans L1 button activate Circle button to deactivate D00891BA FBFF 300A8C90 00A0 D00891BA DFFF 300A8C90 0000 ; [ Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Megaminimondo (Italy) {SCES-01522} ] :SCES-01522 #GodMode 90048CB4 00000000 90048CBC 34627FFF #All letters always taken 300A8CA2 000F #All levels unlocked 30082404 000F #Always have 50 grains 300A8CA1 0032 #Always have killed all insects with the gold berry 800A8C8E 0000 #Always have purple berry 800A8C96 0403 #Always have super jump power + machine collect beans L1 button activate Circle button to deactivate D00891BA FBFF 300A8C90 00A0 D00891BA DFFF 300A8C90 0000 ; [ Disney/Pixar Bichos Una Aventura en Miniatura (Spain) (Platinum) {SCES-01523} ] :SCES-01523 #Energia Infinita 800A8C94 0004 #Infinite Lives 800B288A 0009 #Have All Levels Unlocked 80082404 000F ; [ Disney/Pixar Bottega dei Giochi: A Bug's Life Megaminimondo (Italy) {SCES-02461} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear da Commando Stellare (Italy) {SLES-03314} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command aka Disney/Pixar's Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Europe) {SLES-03310} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Captain Buzz Lightyear: Star Command (Germany) {SLES-03313} ] :SLES-03313 #Unendlich Energie 800B8E6A 3E70 #Habe Waffe 300B4D28 0018 #Alle Level & Missionen freigeschaltet & bestanden 50000D01 0000 300D4CEA 007F #Stoppuhr Angehalten (Drücke L2) D00E6702 FEFF 800872C8 0000 #Stoppuhr Läuft weiter (Drücke R2) D00E6702 FDFF 800872C8 0D08 #Habe alle kleinen, grünen Männchen 800AA31C 0005 800AA380 0005 #Max Chips 800B5C2E 03E7 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800B5C26 0188 #Unendlich Jetpack-Treibstoff 800AA928 0900 ; [ Disney/Pixar Das grosse Krabbeln (Germany) {SCES-01521} ] :SCES-01521 #Unendlich Leben 800A91B0 0005 #Unendlich Energie 800A91A4 0004 #50 Samen 300A91B1 0032 #Flik 800A91B2 000F #Alle Level AnwäHlbar 80082914 000F #Unverwundbar 800A91A2 0021 #Unendlich Springen .Kreis-Taste D0082974 2000 300A9141 00F9 #Starte Mit Blauer Beere (Immer nur einen Beerencode aktivieren) 800A6596 0100 #Starte Mit GrüNer Beere (Immer nur einen Beerencode aktivieren) 800A6596 0200 #Starte Mit Goldener Beere (Immer nur einen Beerencode aktivieren) 800A6596 0300 #Alle Widersacher Erledigt 800A658E 0000 #22 Filmclips 80084E94 000F 50000C02 0000 8009E488 0707 ; [ Disney/Pixar Die Monster AG: Schreckens-Insel (Germany) {SCES-03764} ] :SCES-03764 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Een Luizenleven (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SCES-01525} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Ett smÃ¥kryps liv (Sweden) (Platinum) {SCES-01526} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Græs-Rødderne (Denmark) (Platinum) {SCES-01524} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Les Aventures de Buzz L'Éclair (France) {SLES-03312} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Monster & Co.: L'Isola dello Spavento (Italy) {SCES-03765} ] :SCES-03765 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsterbedriften: Skrekkøya (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-03766} ] :SCES-03766 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsterit Oy: Säikkysaari (Finland) (Promo) {SCES-03762} ] :SCES-03762 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters en Co.: Schrik Eiland (Netherlands) (Platinum) {SCES-03761} ] :SCES-03761 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Monstros e Companhia: Ilha Assustadora (Portugal) {SCES-03769} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Scare Island (Europe) Demo {SCED-03811} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Scare Island (Europe) {SCES-03759} ] :SCES-03759 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Infinite Health (Mike) Level 1 800F4EC0 0005 #Infinite Health (Sulley) Level 1 800E50AC 0005 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Skrämmarön (Sweden) (Promo) {SCES-03768} ] :SCES-03768 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc.: Skræmmeøen (Denmark) (Platinum) {SCES-03760} ] :SCES-03760 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monstres & Cie: L'ile de l'Épouvante (France) (Platinum) {SCES-03763} ] :SCES-03763 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar Monstruos, S.A.: Isla de los Sustos (Spain) (Promo) {SCES-03767} ] :SCES-03767 #Asustometro A 100% 800976B5 0064 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 1 Parque 800F53F4 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 1 Parque 800F5644 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 2 Centro 800E5534 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 2 Centro 800E55DC 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 3 Muelles 800E6860 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 3 Muelles 800E6C74 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 4 Mercado 800E7974 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 4 Mercado 800E7A20 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 5 Esfinge 800E6830 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 5 Esfinge 800E6C14 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 6 Oasis 800F28D8 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 6 Oasis 800F2EC4 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 7 Tumba 800E4410 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 7 Tumba 800E4804 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 8 Piramide 800E992C 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 8 Piramide 800E9B8C 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 9 Choza 800EF59C 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 9 Choza 800EF9BC 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 10 Telesqui 800E0420 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 10 Telesqui 800E0690 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 11 Iceberg 800E2FE0 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 11 Iceberg 800E341C 0005 #Energia Infinita Mike Level 12 Fuentes 800E5AC4 0005 #Energia Infinita Sulley Level 12 Fuentes 800E5D54 0005 #Vidas Infinitas 800100A3 0063 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Disney/Pixar SmÃ¥-kryp (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-01738} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear eilt zur Hilfe! (Germany) {SLES-02406} ] :SLES-02406 #Unendlich Superlaser 800A19C8 04B0 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800B2606 000E #9 Leben 800B260A 0009 #99 Coins 800B260E 0063 #Unverwundbar 800B25B0 0001 800B2604 0040 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! aka Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (Europe) Demo {SLED-02416} ] ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! aka Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (Europe) {SLES-02067} ] :SLES-02067 #Infinite Health 800B22BE 000E #Infinite Lives 800B22C2 0005 #Always have Super Charge Laser 800A1290 0064 #Always have Super Spin Attack 800A143C 0060 #Have 99 Coins 800B22C6 0063 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz l'Eclair à la Rescousse! (France) {SLES-02405} ] :SLES-02405 #Infinite Lives 800B2612 0004 #Invincibility 800B260E 0010 #Have 99 coins 800B2616 0063 #Infinite Disk launcher ammo 800A19B4 0008 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Woody e Buzz alla riscossa! (Italy) {SLES-02407} ] :SLES-02407 #One disc == 99 discs 800770AA 2400 800770B2 2400 #One hit kill bosses D00C3302 0014 800C3302 0009 D00C3302 001D 800C3302 0009 D00C3302 0063 800C3302 0009 D00C339A 001D 800C339A 0009 D00C3432 001D 800C3432 0009 #One hit kill mini-bosses D00C37C2 0014 800C37C2 0009 D00C37C2 001E 800C37C2 0009 D00C4272 000A 800C4272 0009 D00C4142 001E 800C4142 0009 D00C34CA 0014 800C34CA 0009 D00C4AC2 001D 800C4AC2 0009 D00C398A 001D 800C398A 0009 D00C4602 001D 800C4602 0009 D00C4E52 001D 800C4E52 0009 #Have 5 of 5 items to find 300A1608 0005 #Have 50 coins 300B2636 0032 #Have 9 lives 300B2632 0009 #All levels unlocked\All tokens taken 900C1A00 1F801F1F 900C1A04 1F1F801F 900C1A08 801F1F80 900C1A0C 00801F1F #Always have 99 discs 300A19D4 0063 #Always have piece of Mr. Potato 300A17CB 00F0 D00A17C8 0000 300A17CB 0000 #Buzz go through the enemies (invulnerable) Select to activate | Triangle + select to deactivate D00A41EA FFFE 800B262E FFFF D00A41EA EFFE 800B262E 000E #Green laser always full l 800A19F0 04B0 #Instant turnaround 9004B01C 3402003C #Instant yellow laser 9004A8F8 34040040 #Stop timer 800D3CA0 0000 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: ¡Buzz Lightyear al Rescate! (Spain) {SLES-02408} ] :SLES-02408 #Infinite HP Buzz 800B265E 000E #Infinite Lives 800B2662 0009 #99 Coins 800B2666 0063 #All Pizza Planet Tokens Start a new game get back to menu and continue game All Levels Completed and unlocked 900C1A30 1F1F1F1F 900C1A34 1F1F1F1F 900C1A38 1F1F1F1F 800C1A3C 1F1F #All Movies Unlocked 800C1A40 0101 800C1A41 0101 800C1A42 0101 800C1A43 0101 800C1A44 0101 800C1A45 0101 800C1A46 0101 800C1A47 0101 800C1A48 0101 800C1A49 0101 800C1A4A 0101 800C1A4B 0101 800C1A4C 0101 800C1A4D 0101 800C1A4E 0101 800C1A4F 0101 800C1A50 0101 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer aka Disney/Pixar's Toy Story Racer (Europe) {SLES-03396} ] :SLES-03396 #Have 200 Soldiers / All Levels Unlocked 300D747C 00C8 #All Characters Unlocked 50000C08 0000 300D741C 0001 ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer aka Disney/Pixar's Toy Story Racer (Europe) {SLES-03397} ] :SLES-03397 #Alle Charakter freigeschaltet 50000C08 0000 300D82EC 0001 #Habe 200 Soldaten / alle Level freigeschaltet 800D0834 000C ; [ Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer aka Disney/Pixar's Toy Story Racer (Europe) {SLES-03398} ] :SLES-03398 #Always Have 8 Points After Race 800BE108 0008 800C16D4 0008 #Start On Lap 3 800C178B 0002 #Have 200 Soldiers All levels Unlocked 800D8454 00C8 ; [ Disney/Pixar Ötökän elämää (Finland) {SCES-01737} ] ; [ Disneyn Aladdin: Nasiran Kosto (Finland) {SCES-03003} ] ; [ Disneyn Atlantis: Kadonnut Kaupunki (Finland) (Platinum) {SCES-03536} ] ; [ Disneyn Peter Pan: Seikkailu Mika-Mika-Maassa aka Disneyn Peter Pan: Seikkailu Mikä-Mikä-Maassa (Finland) {SCES-03710} ] ; [ Disneyn Tarzan (Finland) {SCES-02184} ] ; [ Disneys Action Spil med Herkules (Denmark) (Platinum) {SCES-00897} ] ; [ Disneys Aladdin: Nasiras Hevn (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-03007} ] ; [ Disneys Aladdin: Nasiras Hævn (Denmark) (Platinum) {SCES-03001} ] ; [ Disneys Aladdin: Nasiras Rache (Germany) {SCES-03005} ] ; [ Disneys Aladdin: Nasiras hämnd (Sweden) {SCES-03009} ] ; [ Disneys Arielle 2 (Germany) {SCES-03034} ] ; [ Disneys Atlantis: Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt (Germany) {SCES-03538} ] :SCES-03538 #Max Gesundheit D0096ADC 0032 80096ADC 03E7 #Unendlich Gesundheit 80013E64 0063 #Unendlich Luft 8005AC58 0063 #Leben Unendlich 80013EEC 0063 #Alle Level freigeschaltet Herrenhaus-Level muss vorher bestanden werden. 900992B4 FFFFFFFF #Alle Film 800992B6 FFFF 50000702 0000 800992D4 FFFF ; [ Disneys Atlantis: Det Forsvundne Rige (Denmark) {SCES-03534} ] ; [ Disneys Atlantis: En Forsvunnet Verden (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-03540} ] ; [ Disneys Der König der Löwen: Simbas großes Abenteuer (Germany) {SLES-03270} ] :SLES-03270 #Unendlich Gesundheit 3001A750 03E7 #Unendlich Leben 3001A8BC 0003 #Eine Münze gesammelt = 500 Münzen gesammelt D10755F4 0000 800755E8 01F4 #Habe viele Kürbisse D00755EC 0001 300755EC 00FF #Alle Level Freigeschaltet 50000402 0101 80079F8A 0000 30079F92 0001 #Alle Level 100% gefunden 50000402 6464 80079FC0 0000 30079FC8 0064 #Alle Level Alle Münzpunkte 50000902 01F4 80079F54 0000 #Alle Level Habe SIMBA 50000402 1F1F 80079FDA 0000 30079FE3 001F #Alle Level Habe Outros 50000402 0101 80079FF6 0000 30079FFE 0001 #Minispiele Alle freigeschaltet 80079F94 0101 30079F96 0001 ; [ Disneys Der Schatzplanet (Germany) (Platinum) {SCES-03939} ] ; [ Disneys Ein Königreich für ein Lama (Germany) {SCES-03015} ] ; [ Disneys Et Kongerike for en Lama (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-03017} ] ; [ Disneys Hercules Action-Spiel (Germany) (Platinum) {SCES-00893} ] :SCES-00893 #Unendlich Energie 8003506C 0080 #Unendlich Feuerschwert-Energie 80035070 00C8 #Alle Buchstaben 80035064 00FF #Alle Münzen 8003505C 00FF ; [ Disneys Interaktive Abenteuer: Mulan aka Disneys Interaktive Abenteuer: Kreativität, Spielen und Lernen mit einer spannenden Geschichte (Germany) {SCES-02005} ] ; [ Disneys Kejsarens Nya Stil (Sweden) {SCES-03019} ] ; [ Disneys Kejserens Nye Flip (Denmark) (Platinum) {SCES-03011} ] ; [ Disneys Lilo & Stitch: Ballade pÃ¥ Hawaii! (Denmark) {SCES-03879} ] ; [ Disneys Lilo & Stitch: Hula Baluba! (Norway) {SCES-03880} ] ; [ Disneys Lilo & Stitch: Trubbel i Paradiset (Sweden) (Platinum) {SCES-03878} ] ; [ Disneys Lilo & Stitch: Zoff auf Hawaii (Germany) (Platinum) {SCES-03873} ] ; [ Disneys Peter Pan: Eventyr i Drømmeland (Norway) (Platinum) {SCES-03714} ] ; [ Disneys Peter Pan: Eventyr pÃ¥ Ønskeøen (Denmark) {SCES-03708} ] ; [ Disneys Peter Pan: Rückkehr nach Nimmerland (Germany) {SCES-03712} ] ; [ Disneys Peter Pan: Äventyr i landet Ingenstans (Sweden) (Platinum, Promo) {SCES-03716} ] ; [ Disneys Plys' Spil-og-Leg-Sted (Denmark) {SCES-03747} ] ; [ Disneys Skatteplaneten (Denmark) {SCES-03944} ] ; [ Disneys Tarzan (Denmark) {SCES-02181} ] ; [ Disneys Tarzan (Germany) {SCES-01517} ] :SCES-01517 #Unendlich MüNzen 8005B840 03E7 #Max Energie 9008E810 24050160 #Unendlich Energie 8008F51E 3C00 #Unendlich Leben 80094C76 3C00 #Habe Alle Kartenteile/Tarzan 8005B810 FFFF #Habe Immer Waffe 800A6778 0010 #Unendlich Zeit Im Bonus-Level 800A49D0 3C00 #Alle Level/Filme 50000D02 0000 3005B847 00FF #Alle Level Zu 100% Fertig 50000D02 0000 3005B848 0064 #Unendlich Violette FrüChte D20A6BDA 0063 800A6BDA 0063 #Unendlich Rote FrüChte D20A6BD8 0063 800A6BD8 0063 #Unendlich Blaue FrüChte D20A6BD6 0063 800A6BD6 0063 ; [ Disneys Tarzan (Norway) {SCES-02183} ] ; [ Disneys Tarzan (Sweden) {SCES-02182} ] ; [ Disneys Tigerdyrets honningjagt (Denmark) {SLES-03261} ] ; [ Disneys Tiggers Honigjagd (Germany) {SLES-03257} ] ; [ Disruptor (Europe) {SLES-00535} ] :SLES-00535 #Invincibility 80077988 01F4 #Infinite Psionic 80077990 0028 #Infinite Ammo 18Mm Guns 80056D5C 0014 #Infinite Ammo Phase Guns 80056D60 0014 #Infinite Hifreq Ammo Phase Guns 800567D4 0014 #Infinite Ammo Am Blaster Guns 80056D70 0014 #Infinite Ammo Lock On Gun 80056D68 0014 #Enable 18Mm Automatic 80077424 0001 #Enable Phase Rifle 8007742A 0001 #Enable Phase Repeator 8007742C 0001 #Enable Lock On Gun 80077430 0001 #Enable Am Blaster 80077434 0001 #Enable Am Cyclone 80077438 0001 #Enable Zodiac 8007743C 0001 #Enable Plasma Lance 80077440 0001 #Rapid Fire 800779A8 0000 ; [ Disruptor (France) {SLES-00564} ] :SLES-00564 #Invincibility 8007815C 03E7 #Infinite Psionic 80078164 03E7 #Infinite Ammo 18MM Guns 80057490 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Phase Guns 80057494 03E7 #Infinite HiFreq Ammo P. Guns 80057498 03E7 #Infinite Ammo AM Blaster Guns 8005749C 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Lock On Gun 800574A0 03E7 #Infinite Ammo Cyclone 800574A4 03E7 #Enable 18mm Automatic 80077BF8 0001 #Enable Fusil Laser 80077BFC 0001 #Enable Mitrailleuse Laser 80077C00 0001 #Enable Canon Traceur 80077C04 0001 #Enable Fusil Antimatier 80077C08 0001 #Enable Cyclone Antimatier 80077C0C 0001 #Enable Zodiaque 80077C10 0001 #Enable Lance A Plasma 80077C14 0001 ; [ Disruptor (Germany) {SLES-00565} ] :SLES-00565 #Unsichtbar 80077BA8 00C8 #Unendlich Psionic 80077BB0 00C8 #Hifreq Munition Phase Guns 80056F70 0032 #Munition Lock On Gun 80056F78 000A #Besitze Zodiac 80077660 007D #Besitze Plasma Lance 8007765C 0001 #Unendlich Ammo 18Mm Gun 80056F68 0014 #Unendlich Ammo Phase Guns 80056F74 0014 #Unendlich Ammo Am Blaster Guns 80056F7C 0014 #Besitze 18Mm Automatic 80077644 0001 #Besitze Phase Rifle 80077648 0001 #Besitze Phase Repeator 80017650 0001 #Besitze Lock On Gun 8001764E 0001 #Besitze Am Blaster 80077654 0001 #Besitze Am Cyclone 80077658 0001 #Schnellfeuer 80077BCC 0000 ; [ Disruptor (Japan) {SLPS-00804} ] :SLPS-00804 #Infinite Energy 80074B5C 00FF #Infinite Gun Ammo 80053EB8 00FF #Infinite Electric Shock 80074B64 00FF #Infinite Weapon's Ammo 80053EBC 00FF 80053EC4 00FF 80053ECC 00FF #Invincibility 80074B2C 0100 #Stage Clear (SELECT) D006ED14 FEFF 80074B32 2200 #Infinite Life 80074B5C 00C8 80074B64 00C8 #It does not decrease reload 80074B7C 0000 ; [ Disruptor (UK) Demo {SLED-00594} ] ; [ Diver's Dream (Europe) {SLES-01535} ] :SLES-01535 #Infinite HP 800C04DA 0384 #Infinite Health 800C04DA 0376 #Infinite Spears 800C04E4 0004 #Infinite Air 800C04D4 1C08 #Max LP 900C04DC 000F423E #All treasures 50000A02 0000 800C0460 FFFF #FRENCH - Infinite Air 800C139C 1C20 #FRENCH - Max $ 900C13A4 000F423F #FRENCH - Infinite Ammo 50000602 0000 800C13AC 03E7 #FRENCH - All Equipment 900C13A8 FFFFFFFF #FRENCH - All Treasures 50000A02 0000 800C1328 FFFF #GERMAN - Infinite HP 800C101A 0384 #GERMAN - Infinite Air 800C1014 1C20 #GERMAN - Max $ 900C101C 000F423F #GERMAN - Infinite Ammo 50000602 0000 800C1624 03E7 #GERMAN - All Equipment 900C1620 FFFFFFFF #GERMAN - All Treasures 50000A02 0000 800C0FA0 FFFF ; [ DoDonPachi (Japan) Demo {SLP-80286} ] ; [ DoDonPachi (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01364} ] :SLPS-01364 #(1P) 99 aircrafts 8007F2DE 0063 #(2P) 99 Aircrafts 8007F350 0063 #P1 Invincibility 301B7F07 00F0 #P2 Invincibility 301B7F47 00F0 ; [ Dodgem Arena (Europe) {SLES-01082} ] :SLES-01082 #Cpu 1 Never Scores 8008664C 0000 80086D34 0000 #Cpu 2 Never Scores 80086650 0000 80086D38 0000 #Cpu 3 Never Scores 80086654 0000 80086D3C 0000 #P1 Score Always At 20.000 80086648 4E20 80086D30 4E20 #P2 Score Always At 20.000 8008664C 4E20 80086D34 4E20 #P1 - Osaka\Battery 800AA0CC 0005 #P1 - Osaka\Triple Laser 800AA0DC 07DA #P1 - Osaka\Rockets 800AA0E0 0003 #P1 - Osaka\Grappler 800AA0E4 0064 #P1 - Osaka\Boost 800AA0E8 0005 #P1 - Osaka\Autopilot 800AA0EC 0096 #P1 - New York\Battery 800AA51C 0005 #P1 - New York\Grappler 800AA53C 0064 #P1 - New York\Boost 800AA538 0005 #P1 - Los Angeles\Battery 800AA668 0005 #P1 - Los Angeles\Boost 800AA684 0005 #P1 - Los Angeles\Rockets 800AA67C 0003 #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Triple Laser 800AA2A0 07DA #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Rockets 800AA2A4 0003 #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Battery 800AA290 0005 #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Grappler 800AA2A8 0064 #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Boost 800AA2AC 0005 #P1 - Jungle & Kala Pathar\Autopilot 800AA3B0 0096 #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Battery 800AA190 0005 #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Triple Laser 800AA1A0 07DA #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Rockets 800AA1A4 0003 #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Grappler 800AA1A8 0064 #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Boost 800AA1AC 0005 #P1 - Dark Side Resort\Autopilot 800AA2B0 0096 #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Battery 800AA2E4 0005 #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Triple Laser 800AA2F4 07DA #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Rockets 800AA2F8 0003 #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Grappler 800AA2FC 0064 #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Boost 800AA300 0005 #P1 - Tharsis Ring\Autopilot 800AA304 0096 #P1 - Outpost\Battery 800AA400 0005 #P1 - Outpost\Triple Laser 800AA410 07DA #P1 - Outpost\Rockets 800AA414 0003 #P1 - Outpost\Grapple 800AA418 0064 #P1 - Outpost\Boost 800AA41C 0005 #P1 - Outpost\Autopilot 800AA420 0096 #P2 - Osaka\Battery 800AA12C 0005 #P2 - Osaka\Triple Laser 800AA13C 07DA #P2 - Osaka\Rockets 800AA140 0003 #P2 - Osaka\Grappler 800AA144 0064 #P2 - Osaka\Boost 800AA148 0005 #P2 - Osaka\Autopilot 800AA14C 0096 #P2 - New York\Battery 800AA57C 0005 #P2 - New York\Grappler 800AA59C 0064 #P2 - New York\Boost 800AA598 0005 #P2 - Los Angeles\Battery 800AA6C8 0005 #P2 - Los Angeles\Boost 800AA6E4 0005 #P2 - Los Angeles\Rockets 800AA6DC 0003 #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Battery 800AA2F0 0005 #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Laser 800AA300 07DA #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Rockets 800AA304 0003 #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Grappler 800AA308 0064 #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Boost 800AA30C 0005 #P2 - Jungle/ Kala Pathar\Autopilot 800AA310 0096 #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Battery 800AA1F0 0005 #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Triple Laser 800AA200 07DA #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Rockets 800AA204 0003 #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Grappler 800AA208 0064 #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Boost 800AA20C 0005 #P2 - Dark Side Resort\Autopilot 800AA210 0096 #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Battery 800AA344 0005 #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Triple Laser 800AA354 07DA #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Rockets 800AA358 0003 #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Grappler 800AA35C 0064 #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Boost 800AA360 0005 #P2 - Tharsis Ring\Autopilot 800AA364 0096 #P2 - Outpost\Battery 800AA460 0005 #P2 - Outpost\ Triple Laser 800AA470 07DA #P2 - Outpost\Rockets 800AA474 0003 #P2 - Outpost\Grappler 800AA478 0064 #P2 - Outpost\Boost 800AA47C 0005 #P2 - Outpost\Autopilot 800AA480 0096 ; [ Dokapon! Ikari no Tekken (Japan) Demo {SLP-80294} ] ; [ Dokapon! Ikari no Tekken (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91190} ] ; [ Dokapon! Ikari no Tekken (Japan) Rev 2 {SLPS-91190} ] ; [ Dokapon! Ikari no Tekken (Japan) {SLPS-01559} ] :SLPS-01559 #P1 Infinite Energy 900B336C 03E703E7 #P1 Infinite Money 900B31B8 05F5E0FF #P2 Infinite Money 900B3368 05F5E0FF #P3 Infinite Money 900B3518 05F5E0FF #P4 Infinite Money 900B36C8 05F5E0FF #Infinite Bonus Point (Press Select) D00B1304 0100 800F16A4 0006 #Infinite Bonus Point (Press Start) D00B1304 0800 8000E2F8 0005 ; [ Doki Doki On Air (Japan) {SLPS-01454} ] :SLPS-01454 #Have 100 points 801F026E 0064 ; [ Doki Doki On Air 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01942} ] ; [ Doki Doki Poyatchio!! (Japan) Demo {SLP-80285} ] ; [ Doki Doki Poyatchio!! (Japan) {SLPS-01573} ] :SLPS-01573 #Infinite Energy 80082B71 007D #Infinite Money (60000) 80082B76 EA60 ; [ Doki Doki Pretty League (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-00513} ] ; [ Doki Doki Pretty League (Japan) {SLPS-00756} ] ; [ Doki Doki Pretty League: Lovely Star (Japan) {SLPS-02673} ] ; [ Doki Doki Pretty League: Nekketsu Otome Seishunki (Japan) {SLPS-01507 | SLPS-01508 | SLPS-01509} ] :SLPS-01507 :SLPS-01508 :SLPS-01509 #Top Status After Training 9003C75C 340400C8 #Tried Level 0 8002515A A220 8003C826 A020 #Max Love Level 800324AA 1400 #Infinite Intensity Level 800656DE 0040 #Unlock bonus 3014ABE3 0080 #Happy Ending Nonomura Chiaki Hara 8014AC58 0000 #Happy Ending Makino Izumi 8014ACC8 0000 #Happy Ending Kaoru Takizawa 8014AD38 0000 #Happy Ending Reiko Nakayama 8014ADA8 0000 #Happy Ending Shallow Mayumi 8014AE18 0000 #Happy Ending Sunaga Tomomi 8014AE88 0000 #Happy Ending Kimura Yuka 8014AEF8 0000 #Happy Ending Hiroko Kawai 8014AF68 0000 #Happy Ending HayashiKyoko 8014AFD8 0000 #Happy Ending Minazuki Aoi 8014B048 0000 #Happy Ending Minako Kudo 8014B0B8 0000 #Happy Ending Sendo Alisa 8014B128 0000 #Happy Ending Kandasha Yuri 8014B198 0000 #Happy Ending KusunokiSeri incense 3014ABD8 00FF 3014ABDB 0000 #Max Stats Nonomura Chiaki Hara 50000902 0000 8014AC02 03E7 #Max Stats Makino Izumi 50000902 0000 8014AC72 03E7 #Max Stats Kaoru Takizawa 50000902 0000 8014ACE2 03E7 #Max Stats Reiko Nakayama 50000902 0000 8014AD52 03E7 #Max Stats Shallow Mayumi 50000902 0000 8014ADC2 03E7 #Max Stats Sunaga Tomomi 50000902 0000 8014AE32 03E7 #Max Stats Kimura Yuka 50000902 0000 8014AEA2 03E7 #Max Stats Hiroko Kawai 50000902 0000 8014AF12 03E7 #Max Stats HayashiKyoko 50000902 0000 8014AF82 03E7 #Max Stats Minazuki Aoi 50000902 0000 8014AFF2 03E7 #Max Stats Minako Kudo 50000902 0000 8014B062 03E7 #Max Stats Sendo Alisa 50000902 0000 8014B0D2 03E7 #Max Stats Kandasha Yuri 50000902 0000 8014B142 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Nonomura Chiaki Hara 50000B02 0000 8014AC16 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Makino Izumi 50000B02 0000 8014AC86 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Kaoru Takizawa 50000B02 0000 8014ACF6 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Reiko Nakayama 50000B02 0000 8014AD66 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Shallow Mayumi 50000B02 0000 8014ADD6 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Sunaga Tomomi 50000B02 0000 8014AE46 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Kimura Yuka 50000B02 0000 8014AEB6 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Hiroko Kawai 50000B02 0000 8014AF26 03E7 #Max Sutatasu HayashiKyoko 50000B02 0000 8014AF96 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Minazuki Aoi 50000B02 0000 8014B006 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Minako Kudo 50000B02 0000 8014B076 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Sendo Alisa 50000B02 0000 8014B0E6 03E7 #Max Sutatasu Kandasha Yuri 50000B02 0000 8014B156 03E7 #All Skills Nonomura Chiaki Hara 50000501 0000 3014AC41 0002 #All Skills Makino Izumi 50000501 0000 3014ACB1 0002 #All Skills Kaoru Takizawa 50000501 0000 3014AD21 0002 #All Skills Reiko Nakayama 50000501 0000 3014AD91 0002 #All Skills Shallow Mayumi 50000501 0000 3014AE01 0002 #All Skills Sunaga Tomomi 50000501 0000 3014AE71 0002 #All Skills Kimura Yuka 50000501 0000 3014AEE1 0002 #All Skills Hiroko Kawai 50000501 0000 3014AF51 0002 #All Skills HayashiKyoko 50000501 0000 3014AFC1 0002 #All Skills Minazuki Aoi 50000501 0000 3014B031 0002 #All Skills Minako Kudo 50000501 0000 3014B0A1 0002 #All Skills Sendo Alisa 50000501 0000 3014B111 0002 #All Skills Kandasha Yuri 50000501 0000 3014B181 0002 ; [ Doki Doki Shutter Chance: Koi no Puzzle o Kumitatete (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86988} ] ; [ Dokiou Ki (Japan) {SLPS-00130} ] ; [ Doko Demo Hamster 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02819} ] ; [ Doko Demo Hamster 4: Doki Doki Sugoroku Daibouken! (Japan) {SLPS-03250} ] :SLPS-03250 #P1 Infinite Hearts 80083B34 000A ; [ Doko Demo Hamster: Bi! Click Tanken-tai (Japan) {SLPS-03356} ] :SLPS-03356 #Infinite Lives In Dinosaur Mini Game 8012298C 0003 #Infinite Energy Boat Mini Game 80122974 0080 ; [ Doko Demo Issho (Japan) (Calpis Water Version) {SCPM-85006} ] ; [ Doko Demo Issho (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96152} ] ; [ Doko Demo Issho (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10142} ] ; [ Doko Demo Issho (Japan) {SCPS-10092} ] ; [ Dolphin's Dream (Japan) {SLP-86122} ] ; [ Dome no Yabou 2: The Race of Champions (Japan) {SLPS-01478} ] ; [ DonPachi (Japan) (Cyclone's Best) {SLP-86855} ] ; [ Doom (Europe) (EDC Best of Infogrames, Best of Infogrames: Value Series) {SLES-00132} ] :SLES-00132 #Invincibility 800A8888 0001 800A8880 00C7 800A887C 0064 #Mega Rapid Fire! 800A894C 0001 #Infinite Bullets 800A88F0 0064 #Infinite Shotgun Shells 800A88F4 0064 #Infinite Rockets 800A88FC 0064 #Infinite Plasma 800A88F8 0064 #Have Shotgun 800A88D4 0001 #Have Double-Barrel Shotgun 800A88D8 0001 #Have Chaingun 800A88DC 0001 #Have Rocket Launcher 800A88E0 0001 #Have Plasma Rifle 800A88E4 0001 #Have Bfg 800A88E8 0001 #Have Chainsaw 800A88EC 0001 #Have Red Key 800A88A0 0001 #Have Blue Key 800A88A4 0001 #Have Yellow Key 800A88A8 0001 #Night Vision On 800A889C 0001 #Turn On Level Map 800A8898 0001 #God Mode 800A8918 0002 #X-Ray Vision 800A8918 0080 #X-Ray Vision And God Mode 800A8918 0082 #More Light 800A889E 0001 #Have All Guns (Use this code or the specified gun codes) 50000704 0000 800A88D4 0001 #Infinite Ammo (Use this code or the specified gun codes) 50000404 0000 800A8664 0064 ; [ Doom (Europe) {SLES-00132} ] :SLES-00132 #Invincibility 800A8888 0001 800A8880 00C7 800A887C 0064 #Mega Rapid Fire! 800A894C 0001 #Infinite Bullets 800A88F0 0064 #Infinite Shotgun Shells 800A88F4 0064 #Infinite Rockets 800A88FC 0064 #Infinite Plasma 800A88F8 0064 #Have Shotgun 800A88D4 0001 #Have Double-Barrel Shotgun 800A88D8 0001 #Have Chaingun 800A88DC 0001 #Have Rocket Launcher 800A88E0 0001 #Have Plasma Rifle 800A88E4 0001 #Have Bfg 800A88E8 0001 #Have Chainsaw 800A88EC 0001 #Have Red Key 800A88A0 0001 #Have Blue Key 800A88A4 0001 #Have Yellow Key 800A88A8 0001 #Night Vision On 800A889C 0001 #Turn On Level Map 800A8898 0001 #God Mode 800A8918 0002 #X-Ray Vision 800A8918 0080 #X-Ray Vision And God Mode 800A8918 0082 #More Light 800A889E 0001 #Have All Guns (Use this code or the specified gun codes) 50000704 0000 800A88D4 0001 #Infinite Ammo (Use this code or the specified gun codes) 50000404 0000 800A8664 0064 ; [ Doom (Japan) {SLPS-00308} ] :SLPS-00308 #Invincibility / Armor 800A8810 0064 800A8814 00C7 800A881C 0001 #Rapid Fire 800A88E0 0001 #(PAUSE games, Press L1 + L2) stage selection D009778A FAFF 800A88AC 0020 #Infinite Bullets (HBP) D0020B24 FFFF 80020B24 0000 D0020BF8 FFFF 80020BF8 0000 D0020B88 FFD8 80020B88 0000 D0020E50 FFFF 80020E50 0000 D0020FE4 FFFF 80020FE4 0000 D002119C FFFE 8002119C 0000 D00213DC FFFF 800213DC 0000 #All weapons D00A8860 0000 800A8860 0001 D00A8864 0000 800A8864 0001 D00A8868 0000 800A8868 0001 D00A886C 0000 800A886C 0001 D00A8870 0000 800A8870 0001 D00A8874 0000 800A8874 0001 D00A8878 0000 800A8878 0001 D00A887C 0000 800A887C 0001 D00A8884 0000 800A8884 0001 D00A8888 0000 800A8888 0002 D00A888C 0000 800A888C 0028 D00A8890 0000 800A8890 0001 ; [ Doom (One Level Demo Disc) (Europe) Demo {SLES-00157} ] ; [ Doom (USA) {SLUS-00077} ] :SLUS-00077 #Invincibility v.1.0 800A85FC 0001 800A85F4 00C7 800A85F0 0064 #Invincibility v.1.1 800A881C 0001 800A8814 0001 800A8810 0064 #God Mode 800A868C 0002 #Infinite Ammo 50000404 0000 800A8664 0064 ; [ Doraemon 3: Makai no Dungeon (Japan) {SLPS-03076} ] :SLPS-03076 #Infinite Energy Nobita 80114FEC 03E7 80120214 03E7 80120215 03E7 #Level 99 Nobita 80120210 0062 901206F0 00620062 801206F4 0062 801206F5 0062 801206F9 0062 #Money MAX 90114B38 0001869F #All buried secret tools Illustrated 50000E02 0000 80114DC4 FFFF #MAX Total number of characters MAX Adventure 50000502 0000 80114DF8 03E7 #Door without opening the advent of 30113A25 0055 #Character Doraemon 30114E24 0000 #Character Nobita 30114E24 0001 #Character quiet 30114E24 0002 #Character Gian 30114E24 0003 #Character Suneo 30114E24 0004 #PocketStation game Score MAX 801139E6 03E7 ; [ Doraemon: Nobita to Fukkatsu no Hoshi (Japan) (Fukkokuban) {SLPS-01726} ] ; [ Dosukoi Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-01984} ] :SLPS-01984 #Infinite Money (60000) 801CA920 EA60 #Infinite Strength 80035E2C 0000 #Parameter MAX judgment after practice once 80034D98 0001 #Parameter MAX concentration in lessons after once 80034EB0 0001 #Parameter MAX sustainability after practice once 80034FC8 0001 #Parameter MAX flexibility after practice once 800350E0 0001 #Parameter MAX instantaneous power after practice once 800351F8 0001 #Parameter MAX lower part of the body after practice once 80035310 0001 #Parameter MAX upper body after training once 80035428 0001 #Master parameter MAX# 801CA912 03E7 801CA916 03E7 801CA91A 03E7 #Support group persons MAX# 901CA91C 3B9AC9FF ; [ Dotsubo-chan (Japan) {SLPS-02891} ] ; [ Double Life (Europe) Demo {SCED-02257} ] ; [ Doubutsu Chara Navi Uranai 2: Kosei Shinrigaku + Ren'ai Uranai Puzzle (Japan) {SLPS-03526} ] ; [ Douga de Puzzle da! Puppukupuu (Japan) {SLPS-00077} ] :SLPS-00077 #Infinite Time 801B8B64 0062 ; [ Doukyuu re-mix: Billiards Multiple (Japan) {SLPS-02011} ] :SLPS-02011 #Collection fully open 30082065 00FF 80082066 FFFF 80082068 FFFF #All characters 8008203C 0007 ; [ Doukyuu: Billiard Master (Japan) {SLPS-01385} ] :SLPS-01385 #Infinite Cash 99999 900BC084 0001869F ; [ Doukyuusei 2 (Japan) (Extra Box) {SLPS-00690} ] :SLPS-00690 #Infinite Money 801BDE6A EA60 #All Gallery Unlocked 900A87C4 11101110 900A87C8 11111111 300A89F3 0010 300A8A25 0010 #All Menu Select possible 800A83E4 1111 ; [ Doukyuusei Mahjong (Japan) (Best Wing 2800) {SLP-86469} ] ; [ Downhill Snow (Japan) {SLPS-01391} ] :SLPS-01391 #Freeze Elapse Timer 8009DA5C 0000 #Infinite Time 8009DA64 D500 ; [ Dr. Rin ni Kiite Mite! Koi no Happy Four Seasons (Japan) {SLP-87171} ] ; [ Dracula 2: Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte aka Dracula 2: Das letzte Heiligtum (Germany) {SLES-03350 | SLES-13350} ] ; [ Dracula 2: El Último Santuario (Spain) {SLES-03352 | SLES-13352} ] :SLES-03352 :SLES-13352 #Infinite HP 800490A5 0096 #Infinite HP 800490A5 0096 ; [ Dracula 2: L'Ultimo Santuario (Italy) {SLES-03351 | SLES-13351} ] ; [ Dracula 2: Le Dernier Sanctuaire (France) {SLES-03349 | SLES-13349} ] ; [ Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary (Europe) {SLES-03348 | SLES-13348} ] ; [ Dracula: La Risurrezione (Italy) {SLES-02761 | SLES-12761} ] ; [ Dracula: Resurrección (Spain) {SLES-02760 | SLES-12760} ] ; [ Dracula: Resurrection (Germany) {SLES-02759 | SLES-12759} ] :SLES-02759 :SLES-12759 #Stoppuhr 00:00:00 3001F176 0020 #Habe Kerze 300A5158 0001 #Habe Zwille 300A515C 0001 #Habe Schlangenring 300A5160 0001 #Habe PanflöTe 300A5164 0001 #Habe Eispickel 300A5168 0001 #Habe HolzknüPpel 300A516C 0001 #Habe Laterne 300A51A8 0001 #Habe Messer 300A5170 0001 #Habe TüRknauf 300A5174 0001 #Habe Messing(Fern?)Rohr 300A5178 0001 #Habe Rostigen SchlüSsel 1 300A517C 0001 #Habe Rostigen SchlüSsel 2 300A5180 0001 #Habe Messingzylinder 300A5184 0001 #Habe Enterhaken 300A5188 0001 #Habe LeierschlüSsel 300A518C 0001 #Habe GlobusschlüSsel 300A5190 0001 #Habe Brecheisen 300A5194 0001 #Habe Brett 300A5198 0001 #Habe Skelettierten Arm 300A519C 0001 #Habe Stange Mit Zwei ÖSen 300A51A0 0001 #Habe S-FöRmiges Eisen 300A51A4 0001 #Stoppuhr 00:00:00 3001F176 0020 #Habe Kerze 300A5158 0001 #Habe Zwille 300A515C 0001 #Habe Schlangenring 300A5160 0001 #Habe PanflöTe 300A5164 0001 #Habe Eispickel 300A5168 0001 #Habe HolzknüPpel 300A516C 0001 #Habe Laterne 300A51A8 0001 #Habe Messer 300A5170 0001 #Habe TüRknauf 300A5174 0001 #Habe Messing(Fern?)Rohr 300A5178 0001 #Habe Rostigen SchlüSsel 1 300A517C 0001 #Habe Rostigen SchlüSsel 2 300A5180 0001 #Habe Messingzylinder 300A5184 0001 #Habe Enterhaken 300A5188 0001 #Habe LeierschlüSsel 300A518C 0001 #Habe GlobusschlüSsel 300A5190 0001 #Habe Brecheisen 300A5194 0001 #Habe Brett 300A5198 0001 #Habe Skelettierten Arm 300A519C 0001 #Habe Stange Mit Zwei ÖSen 300A51A0 0001 #Habe S-FöRmiges Eisen 300A51A4 0001 ; [ Dracula: Résurrection (France) {SLES-02758 | SLES-12758} ] ; [ Dracula: The Resurrection (Europe) {SLES-02757 | SLES-12757} ] ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00355} ] :SLPS-00355 #Unlock SP Mode 801FF018 0007 #Start on Saga Modifier - Saiyan Saga 801FF002 0000 #Start on Saga Modifier - Ginyu Saga 801FF002 0001 #Start on Saga Modifier - Freeza Saga 801FF002 0002 #Start on Saga Modifier - Android Saga 801FF002 0003 #Start on Saga Modifier - Cell Saga 801FF002 0004 #Start on Saga Modifier - Buu Saga (Dabura/Majin Buu) 801FF002 0005 #Start on Saga Modifier - Buu Saga (Majin Buu/Super Buu) 801FF002 0006 #Start on Saga Modifier - Buu Saga (Super Buu/Kid Buu) 801FF002 0007 #Press Select to Unlock All Characters [Title Screen] D0055B6C 0100 801FF002 0007 #P1 Infinite super power 80019498 3E80 #P1 No Powerbar 80017FC2 0009 #Power Balance full blue 8001AF10 7FFF #Power Balance, Balanced 8001AF10 0000 #Power Balance full red 8001AF10 8AD0 #All Attacks Hurt P2 (Game Mode) D00566F4 0023 300566F4 0021 #All Attacks Hurt P2 (SP Mode) D00565BC 0023 300565BC 0021 #All Attacks Hurt P2 (VS Mode) D0056250 0023 30056250 0021 ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (Europe) {SLES-03736} ] ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (France) (EDC) {SLES-00291} ] :SLES-00291 #Invincibility 800A6D54 0190 800BB2F8 0190 #Full Energy 800A80F4 0200 800BB2FA 0200 #P1 Infinite Energy 80072678 0188 #P2 Infinite Energy 800726F4 0188 #P2 No Energy 800726F4 0000 #Have all characters 8003BC14 FFFF #Have all characters Alternate 8004C63E 2800 9004A6F8 FFFF2403 ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (France) {SLES-00291} ] :SLES-00291 #Invincibility 800A6D54 0190 800BB2F8 0190 #Full Energy 800A80F4 0200 800BB2FA 0200 #P1 Infinite Energy 80072678 0188 #P2 Infinite Energy 800726F4 0188 #P2 No Energy 800726F4 0000 #Have all characters 8003BC14 FFFF #Have all characters Alternate 8004C63E 2800 9004A6F8 FFFF2403 ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (Germany) {SLES-03737} ] :SLES-03737 #Infinite Health 800BB2F8 0190 #Infinite Power 800BB2FA 0200 ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (Italy) {SLES-03738} ] ; [ Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (Spain) {SLES-03739} ] :SLES-03739 #P1 Infinite HP 800AA118 0190 #Infinite Power 800AA11A 0200 ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Europe) {SLES-03735} ] ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (France) {SLES-00964} ] ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Germany) {SLES-03683} ] ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Italy) {SLES-03684} ] ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Japan) Demo {SLP-80112} ] ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91079} ] :SLPS-91079 #P1 Infinite Energy 80072350 0188 80072D7C 0188 #P1 Infinite Power 80072352 00C4 80072D80 00C4 #P1 No Power Bar 80072352 0000 #P1 No Energy 80072350 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800723CC 0188 80072D7E 0188 #P2 Infinite Power 800723CE 00C4 80072D82 00C4 #P2 No Power Bar 800723CE 0000 #P2 No Energy 800723CC 0000 #P1 Battle Mode Full Lv 8003B710 03E7 8003BAE4 03E7 #P1 Battle Mode Full Bp 8003B714 FFFF 8003BAF4 FFFF 80066978 FFFF #Select Hidden Characters 8003BB04 0005 8003BB04 000C 8003BB04 0010 8003BB04 000E 8003BB04 0011 #7 Hidden Characters 9003BB24 FFFFFFFF #All characters availableS 9003BB24 0001FFFF #Built-up all BLOCK Available 8003BADC 0306 ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Japan) {SLPS-00949} ] :SLPS-00949 #P1 Infinite Energy 80072350 0188 80072D7C 0188 #P1 Infinite Power 80072352 00C4 80072D80 00C4 #P1 No Power Bar 80072352 0000 #P1 No Energy 80072350 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800723CC 0188 80072D7E 0188 #P2 Infinite Power 800723CE 00C4 80072D82 00C4 #P2 No Power Bar 800723CE 0000 #P2 No Energy 800723CC 0000 #P1 Battle Mode Full Lv 8003B710 03E7 8003BAE4 03E7 #P1 Battle Mode Full Bp 8003B714 FFFF 8003BAF4 FFFF 80066978 FFFF #Select Hidden Characters 8003BB04 0005 8003BB04 000C 8003BB04 0010 8003BB04 000E 8003BB04 0011 #7 Hidden Characters 9003BB24 FFFFFFFF #All characters availableS 9003BB24 0001FFFF #Built-up all BLOCK Available 8003BADC 0306 ; [ Dragon Ball: Final Bout (Spain) {SLES-03685} ] :SLES-03685 #P1 Infinite Energy 80072678 00C4 ; [ Dragon Quest Characters: Torneko no Daibouken 2: Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) (Tentou-you Movie Disc) {SLP-80479} ] ; [ Dragon Quest Characters: Torneko no Daibouken 2: Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) {SLP-86293} ] ; [ Dragon Quest IV: Michibikareshi Mono-tachi (Japan) {SLP-86916} ] ; [ Dragon Quest Monsters 1 & 2: Hoshifuri no Yuusha to Bokujou no Nakama-tachi (Japan) {SLP-87050} ] ; [ Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-87352 | SLP-87353} ] ; [ Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi (Japan) {SLP-86500 | SLP-86501} ] ; [ Dragon Seeds: Saishuu Shinka Keitai (Japan) {SLPS-01514} ] :SLPS-01514 #nfinite HP 8008F93A 03E7 #Infinite Money 8008F814 FFFF #Max Power 8008F942 03E7 #Special Ability 8008F946 03E7 ; [ Dragon Tales: Dragonseek aka Dragon Tales: Dragon Seek (Europe) {SLES-03183} ] ; [ Dragon Valor (Europe) {SCES-01705 | SCES-11705} ] ; [ Dragon Valor (France) {SCES-02565 | SCES-12565} ] ; [ Dragon Valor (Germany) {SCES-02566 | SCES-12566} ] :SCES-02566 :SCES-12566 #Unendlich Gp 8008A8CE 0064 8008A8D0 0064 #Unendlich Mp 90029C10 00000000 #Max Str 8008A8D6 03E7 #Max Abw 8008A8D8 03E7 #Max Val D00A30F0 0001 800A30F0 270F #Unendlich Gp 8008A8CE 0064 8008A8D0 0064 #Unendlich Mp 90029C10 00000000 #Max Str 8008A8D6 03E7 #Max Abw 8008A8D8 03E7 #Max Val D00A30F0 0001 800A30F0 270F ; [ Dragon Valor (Italy) {SCES-02567 | SCES-12567} ] ; [ Dragon Valor (Spain) {SCES-02568 | SCES-12568} ] :SCES-02568 :SCES-12568 #Hp Infinito 999 8008A8D0 03E7 8008A8CE 03E7 #Mp Infinito 999 8008A8D4 03E7 8008A8D2 03E7 #Dinero Infinito 9999 800A30F0 270F #Hp Infinito 999 8008A8D0 03E7 8008A8CE 03E7 #Mp Infinito 999 8008A8D4 03E7 8008A8D2 03E7 #Dinero Infinito 9999 800A30F0 270F ; [ DragonHeart: Fire & Steel (Europe) {SLES-00300} ] :SLES-00300 #Infinite Energy 800225DA 3400 #Infinite Lives 30085D54 0900 #Infinite Arrows 30085D57 0009 #Infinte Dragon Attacks When You Have It 30085DA8 0063 ; [ Dragonbeat: Legend of Pinball (Japan) {SLPS-01067} ] :SLPS-01067 #Infinite Balls 8009CBDC 0009 ; [ Dragstars (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03525} ] ; [ Dream Circus (Japan) {SLPS-01836} ] :SLPS-01836 #Infinite Money 99999 900B9898 0001869F ; [ Dream Generation: Koi ka? Shigoto ka!?... (Japan) (Mou Ichido Kimi ni Aitai Loved.1) {SLPS-02270} ] ; [ Dream Story: Les Aventures de Tim et Lola (France) {SLES-01938} ] ; [ Dreams (Europe) {SLES-00714} ] :SLES-00714 #Infinite Health And Mana 800A5A86 3FFF #Cheat Mode Enabled 300AA479 0001 50000702 0000 800AA48C 0101 50000602 0000 800AA49C 0101 ; [ Drift King Shutokou Battle: Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (Japan) (Highlight-ban) {SLP-80037} ] ; [ Drift King Shutokou Battle: Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (Japan) {SLPS-00250} ] :SLPS-00250 #Infinite Money 8006DF56 0098 ; [ Driver (Europe) Demo {SLED-01817} ] ; [ Driver (Europe) {SLES-01816} ] :SLES-01816 #No Damage 8009AC5C 0000 8009D308 0000 #No Damage In Car Park Test 801E35B8 0000 #Stop Clock 801E4278 0018 800C6BD2 0001 #Felony Meter Always At 0 80097144 0000 #All Tracks 80096234 0004 #Enable Invincibility Cheat 80096270 0001 #Enable No Police/Immunity Cheat 80096274 0001 #Lowered Suspension 50000404 0000 3009AB58 0040 #Dune Buggy Suspension 9009A980 FF3F00FF 8009A984 015E 9009A988 FF0000FF 8009A98C FEDE 9009A990 FF3FFF00 8009A994 015E 9009A998 FF00FF00 8009A99C FEDE #Tornado Mode 8009AA4C 2BBA 8009AA54 F2AA 8009AA5C 4DA7 8009AA64 D1EE 8009AAAC 2BBA 8009AAB4 F2AA 8009AABC 4DA7 8009AAC4 D1EE #Max Score 801E4018 FFFF #Training Mode-Have 0 Penalties 80096E98 0000 #Press R1 + R2 To Lose Cops E0096F80 000A 800C4FF0 0000 #Dirt Track 1 Start On Final Lap D00C6A14 0000 800C6A14 0005 #Dirt Track 2 Start On Final Lap D00C6A14 0000 800C6A14 0004 #Dirt Track 3 Start On Final Lap D00C6A14 0000 800C6A14 0003 #Dirt Track 4 Start On Final Lap D00C6A14 0000 800C6A14 0002 #Have Burnout Complete 301E35A0 003C #Have Hand Brake Complete 301E35A1 003C #Have Slalom Complete 301E35A2 003C #Have 180° Complete 301E35A3 003C #Have 360° Complete 301E35A4 003C #Have Reverse 180° Complete 301E35A5 003C #Have Speed Complete 301E35A6 003C #Have Brake Complete 301E35A7 003C #Have Lap Complete 301E35A8 003C #Have All Tests Complete 50000901 0000 301E35A0 003C #Unlock Invincibility Cheat 900861A8 FFFFFFFE #Unlock Immune Cheat 900861E0 FFFFFFFE #Unlock Rear Wheel Cheat 90086218 FFFFFFFE #Unlock Stilts Cheat 90086288 FFFFFFFE #Unlock Mini Cars Cheat 90086250 FFFEFFFE #Unlock Antipodean Cheat 900862F8 FFFFFFFE #Unlock View Credits Cheat 90086170 FFFFFFFE #Drive Thru Walls 8004B7E2 1000 #No Engine Noise 8009AC60 0000 #Level Modifier (Survival Etc) Up For La & Right For Ny 801CDF30 0003 #Level Modifier - Pursuit Etc (0-F) 801CE264 000F #Always Play Mission Modifier (00-2C) 8009625C 002C #Rear Wheel Cheat On 8009D320 0001 #Rear Wheel Cheat Off 8009D320 0000 #Minis Cheat On 8009D318 0001 #Minis Cheat Off 8009D318 0000 #Stilts Cheat On 8009D320 0001 #Stilts Cheat Off 8009D320 0000 #Antipodean Cheat On 8009D328 0001 #Antipodean Cheat Off 8009D328 0000 #Music Volume Max 800966E4 0000 #Music Volume Zero 800966E4 D8F0 #Enemy Cars Are Dead 8009CFF0 3DAB #Drive Thru Walls-Works Alot Better! 8004AD02 1000 #No Surface Damage 50000D02 0000 8009ABF4 0000 #No Traffic 800961FC 0000 #60 Frames Per Second 80096378 0000 #Schizophrenic Police 80097144 7F00 #Turbo Boost (L1+X) E0096B38 0044 8009ABD0 FFFF ; [ Driver (France) {SLES-01976} ] :SLES-01976 #Finish All Manouver In Park Test 901E35B8 0F0F0F0F 901E35BC 0F0F0F0F 801E35C0 0F0F #Infinite Time In Park Test 801E4290 0001 #No Damage In Car Test 801E35D0 0000 #No Damage 8009ACB0 0973 #No Cops 80097198 0000 800970C4 0000 ; [ Driver (Germany) {SLES-01975} ] :SLES-01975 #Kein Schaden (Einstellungstest) 801E3588 0000 #Schadens-Anzeige Auf 0 8009AC10 0000 #Gesucht-Anzeige Auf 0 800970F8 0000 #Starte In Der 3Ten Runde Dirt Track D00C69C8 0000 800C69C8 0002 #Alle ManöVer Gefahren (Einstellungstest) D01E3570 0000 801E3570 503C D01E3572 0000 801E3572 3C3C D01E3574 0000 801E3574 503C D01E3576 0000 801E3576 503C D01E3578 0000 301E3578 0050 #Unendlich Zeit (Einstellungstest) D01E356E 0000 801E4248 0001 #Zeituhr Stoppen Teil 1 .Bei manchen Missionen sollte man die Uhr wieder einschalten kò®®¥n, um das Missionsziel erreichen zu kò®®¥n. Teil 1 und Teil 2 des Codes getrennt, aber aufeinanderfolgend eingeben. .Zum Einschalten L1+L2+R1+R2 gedr𣫴 halten, dann O dr𣫥n. .Zum Ausschalten L1+L2+R1+R2 gedr𣫴 halten, dann X dr𣫥n. D0096AEC 002F 80000002 4D43 D0096AEC 004F 80000002 0000 #Zeituhr Stoppen Teil 2 D0000002 4D43 800C6B82 0FFF D0000002 4D43 800C6B84 00FF D0000002 4D43 800C6B86 000F #Alle 4 StäDte Freischalten 800961F4 0004 8009620C 0046 80096228 0001 #Keine Anderen Autos 800961BC 0000 800961C0 0001 #Keine FussgäNger 900961B4 00010000 #Auto Raucht Andauernd 8009ABAC FFFF #HinterräDer Rauchen 8009ABA0 FFFF #Lichter Immer An 80096AE0 0001 #Nitro Boost + Kaum Anziehungskraft 8009AB86 0000 #WasserläUfer-Reifen 8009A934 01C0 8009A938 02F0 8009A93C 01C0 8009A940 FD0E 8009A944 FE32 8009A948 02F0 8009A9AC FE32 8009A950 FD0E ; [ Driver (Italy) {SLES-01977} ] :SLES-01977 #No Damage 8009ACD8 0000 ; [ Driver (Spain) {SLES-01978} ] :SLES-01978 #Infinite Time Park Test 801E42C8 0000 #No Damage Park Test 801E3608 0000 #Have All Park Test Mode Passed 801E35F0 003C 801E35F1 003C 801E35F2 003C 801E35F3 003C 801E35F4 003C 801E35F5 003C 801E35F6 003C 801E35F7 003C 801E35F8 003C #No Damage Regular Game 8009AD09 0000 #No Felony Regular Game 800971F1 0000 #Infinite Time Regular Game 800C6C7D 13F5 ; [ Driver 2 (USA) Demo {SLUS-90093} ] ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02993 | SLES-12993} ] :SLES-02993 :SLES-12993 #Invincibility : on 800AA678 0001 #Immunity : on 800AA67C 0001 #Unlock everything 800AA5B0 0028 #Unlock all cities D01C1308 F809 801C130C 0000 #Infinite Damage D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 #Infinite Damage & Sudden Death for other cars D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 D001CDCC 0003 8001CDCE 1000 #Invincibility : on v1.1 800AA428 0001 #Immunity : on v1.1 800AA428 0001 #No felony v1.1 D004C31C 9568 8004C326 A4A0 D004C934 9568 8004C93E A4A0 #Unlock everything v1.1 800AA360 0028 #Unlock all cities v1.1 D01C1308 F809 801C130C 0000 #Infinite Damage v1.1 D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 #Infinite Damage & Sudden Death for other cars v1.1 D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 D001CDCC 0003 8001CDCE 1000 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Europe) {SLES-02993 | SLES-12993} ] :SLES-02993 :SLES-12993 #Invincibility : on 800AA678 0001 #Immunity : on 800AA67C 0001 #Unlock everything 800AA5B0 0028 #Unlock all cities D01C1308 F809 801C130C 0000 #Infinite Damage D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 #Infinite Damage & Sudden Death for other cars D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 D001CDCC 0003 8001CDCE 1000 #Invincibility : on v1.1 800AA428 0001 #Immunity : on v1.1 800AA428 0001 #No felony v1.1 D004C31C 9568 8004C326 A4A0 D004C934 9568 8004C93E A4A0 #Unlock everything v1.1 800AA360 0028 #Unlock all cities v1.1 D01C1308 F809 801C130C 0000 #Infinite Damage v1.1 D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 #Infinite Damage & Sudden Death for other cars v1.1 D001CDB8 0009 8001CDBA 1043 D001CDCC 0003 8001CDCE 1000 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (France) Rev 1 {SLES-02994 | SLES-12994} ] ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (France) {SLES-02994 | SLES-12994} ] ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Germany) Rev 1 {SLES-02995 | SLES-12995} ] :SLES-02995 :SLES-12995 #Alle Städte und Missionen freigeschaltet D01C138A 2404 301C1388 0000 #Alle Geheimnisse freigeschaltet 300AA4F4 0028 #Kann weiterspielen, wenn Auto Schrott ist D0063BDA 1040 30063BDA 0000 #Verbrechensanzeige auf Null D004C4DE 0044 8004C4E0 0000 D004C4DE 0044 8004C4E2 0000 #Verkehr angehalten D0053FB4 0018 80053FB0 0000 D0053FB4 0018 80053FB2 0000 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Germany) {SLES-02995 | SLES-12995} ] :SLES-02995 :SLES-12995 #Alle Städte und Missionen freigeschaltet D01C138A 2404 301C1388 0000 #Alle Geheimnisse freigeschaltet 300AA4F4 0028 #Kann weiterspielen, wenn Auto Schrott ist D0063BDA 1040 30063BDA 0000 #Verbrechensanzeige auf Null D004C4DE 0044 8004C4E0 0000 D004C4DE 0044 8004C4E2 0000 #Verkehr angehalten D0053FB4 0018 80053FB0 0000 D0053FB4 0018 80053FB2 0000 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Italy) Rev 1 {SLES-02996 | SLES-12996} ] ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Italy) {SLES-02996 | SLES-12996} ] ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Spain) Rev 1 {SLES-02997 | SLES-12997} ] :SLES-02997 :SLES-12997 #Infinite Time 800D7CA5 0812 800DA981 0812 #Infinite Damage 800AB8AD 0000 800D1AAF 0000 #Unlock All Cities D01C1308 F809 801C1310 0000 #Unlock everything 800AA5B4 0028 #Infinite Time 800D7CA5 0812 800DA981 0812 #Infinite Damage 800AB8AD 0000 800D1AAF 0000 #Unlock All Cities D01C1308 F809 801C1310 0000 #Unlock everything 800AA5B4 0028 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Spain) {SLES-02997 | SLES-12997} ] :SLES-02997 :SLES-12997 #Infinite Time 800D7CA5 0812 800DA981 0812 #Infinite Damage 800AB8AD 0000 800D1AAF 0000 #Unlock All Cities D01C1308 F809 801C1310 0000 #Unlock everything 800AA5B4 0028 #Infinite Time 800D7CA5 0812 800DA981 0812 #Infinite Damage 800AB8AD 0000 800D1AAF 0000 #Unlock All Cities D01C1308 F809 801C1310 0000 #Unlock everything 800AA5B4 0028 ; [ Driver 2: Back on the Streets (UK) Demo {SLED-03110} ] ; [ Driver: Sennyuu! Car Chase Daisakusen (Japan) {SLPS-02613} ] :SLPS-02613 #All Driving Game & Take a ride 30096924 0004 #Damage 0 8009B364 0000 #Criminal 0 8009784C 0000 #UNDERCOVER (parking) 901E35A0 0F0F0F0F 901E35A4 0F0F0F0F 801E35A8 0F0F #Chace Enemy Car damage MAX 8009D6F8 4000 #I fly in the sky in the R1 button Press and hold D0097238 0008 8009B22C FE00 D0097238 0008 8009B22E 0000 #Cheats Mode 90086834 FFFFFFFE 9008686C FFFFFFFE 900868A4 FFFFFFFE 900868DC FFFFFFFE 90086914 FFFFFFFE 9008694C FFFFFFFE 900869BC FFFFFFFE #New Castle stage 8009694C 0081 #Not break through and lose ON the L1 button OFF by R1 button D00C9526 FBFF 8004BCFA 1000 D00C9526 F7FF 8004BCFA 1840 ; [ Driver: You Are the Wheelman (USA) {SLUS-00842} ] :SLUS-00842 #Car Park Test Codes\No Damage .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E35B8 0000 #Car Park Test Codes\Infinite Time .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 801E4278 0000 #Car Park Test Codes\Have Burnout Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A0 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Handbrake Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A1 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Slalom Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A2 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have 180 Degree Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A3 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have 360 Degree Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A4 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Reverse 180 Degree Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A5 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Speed Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A6 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Brake Test Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A7 003C #Car Park Test Codes\Have Lap Complete .Only use this code in Park Test Mode. Save, then turn them off. 301E35A8 003C #Regular Game Codes\No Damage 8009AEE0 0000 #Regular Game Codes\Felony Bar Is Empty 800973C8 0000 #Regular Game Codes\Stop Timer 800C6E62 D600 800C6E64 0F28 #Regular Game Codes\Enemy Cars Are Dead 8009D274 5050 #Regular Game Codes\Nitro Boost (With this code, hold down L1 + X for the Nitro Boost) D0096DB4 0044 8009AE54 FFFF #Regular Game Codes\Scare Meter Maxed 800C6EA0 06A4 #Regular Game Codes\Bomb Never Blows Up 80097428 0000 #Regular Game Codes\Flip Mode (With this code, press L1 + R1 to flip your car in the air till you land back on all four wheels) D0096DB4 000C 8009AD96 012C #Misc. Codes\Have All Flags 800C6C94 0064 #Misc. Codes\Enable All Tracks 800964A0 0004 #Misc. Codes\Enable View Credits Cheat 800863DC FFFE #Misc. Codes\Dirt Track - Start On Last Lap D00C6CA8 0000 800C6CA8 0002 #Misc. Codes\Cross Town Checkpoint - Only Need 1 Checkpoint D00C6C94 0000 800C6C94 0004 #Misc. Codes\Invincibility Cheat On 800964DC 0001 #Misc. Codes\Immunity Cheat On 800964E0 0001 #Misc. Codes\Rear Wheel Cheat On 8009D59C 0001 #Misc. Codes\Mini Cheat On 8009D5A0 0001 #Misc. Codes\Stilts Cheat On 8009D5A4 0001 #Misc. Codes\Low Gravity Mode On 8009D5A8 0001 #Misc. Codes\Upside Down Cheat On 8009D5AC 0001 #Misc. Codes\Skeleton Mode/Opposite Steer On 8009D5B0 0001 #Misc. Codes\Low-Rider Mode 8009ADAA FFFF #No Damage (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 8009B220 0000 #Stop Timer (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 800C6E62 D600 800C71A4 0F28 #All Tracks Beat (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 301E38E0 003C 301E38E1 003C 301E38E2 003C #Enable All Tracks (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 800967E0 0004 #Enable Invincibility Cheat (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 90086754 FFFFFFFE #Enable No Police/Immunity Cheat (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 9008678C FFFFFFFE #Have All Flags (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 800C6FD4 0064 #Immunity Cheat On (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 80096820 0001 #Low Felony Meter (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 80097708 0000 #Unlock All 4 Cities (V.1.1 - Greatest Hits) 800967E0 0004 800967F8 0046 80096814 0001 ; [ Drácula: A Ressurreição (Portugal) {SLES-02762 | SLES-12762} ] ; [ Dual Shock Demo (Australia) {SCED-01386} ] ; [ Ducati World (Europe) {SLES-02821} ] :SLES-02821 #Infinite Money D01B7184 4E20 801B7184 E100 D01B7186 0000 801B7186 05F5 ; [ Ducati World (Europe) {SLES-03377} ] ; [ Duke Nukem (Europe) {SLES-00703} ] :SLES-00703 #God mode 800B53C0 00FF #Enable debug menu 800B54EA 0200 #Infinite Health All levels (After pressing several buttons on the Joypad Duke`s health will be filled up. Try it!) D00EC988 0001 800EC95A FF00 D00EC988 0000 800EC95A 0000 #Finish level successful (Press L1 & L2) D00B6172 0005 300EC952 0001 #Weapon-in-hand-modifier (0-8) 300EC91C 0008 ; [ Duke Nukem (France) Demo {SLED-01027} ] ; [ Duke Nukem (France) {SLES-00987} ] ; [ Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (Europe) {SLES-03405} ] :SLES-03405 #Enable all cheats 8006F150 FFFF ; [ Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (France) {SLES-03440} ] :SLES-03440 #All cheats unlocked 8006FBAB 681B #Have infinite energy 800EF295 7B27 ; [ Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (Europe) (Take 2 Rerelease) {SLES-03517} ] ; [ Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (Europe) {SLES-01515} ] :SLES-01515 #Infinite Health 800D720A 4E20 #Infinite Air 800D740E 2EC0 #Infinite Armor 800D740C 4E20 #Invulnerable 300C3D06 0001 #Select levels at main menu 800BDEE6 0001 ; [ Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (France) (Take 2 Rerelease) {SLES-03518} ] ; [ Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (France) {SLES-01619} ] :SLES-01619 #Infinite Health 800D79BA 4DE0 #Infinite Armor 800D7BBC 1120 #Infinite Jet Pac D00D7CE0 0000 900D7CE0 77770001 #Have Biomask 800D7CE4 0001 #Infini Biomask 800D7CE6 7FFF #Have Medikits 800D7CF0 0001 #Infini Medikits 800D7CF2 7FFF #Have Goggle 800D7CE8 0001 #Infini Goggle 800D7CEA 7FFF #Have A Transport Room Id 800D7CF8 0001 ; [ Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80583} ] ; [ Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown (Japan) {SLPS-01557} ] :SLPS-01557 #Have All Keys 800EBCBC 000F #Have All Weapons 50000701 0000 300EBD5A 0001 300EBD62 0001 #Infinite Ammo 50000902 0000 800EBC7C 00C8 #Infinite Armor 800EBD12 00C8 #Infinite Boots Power 800EBD22 00C8 #Infinite Boots PowerAlt 800EBCDA 04B0 #Infinite Holo-Duke 800EBCA2 0960 #Infinite Jet-Pack Fuel 800EBD0E 0640 #Infinite Medi-Kits 800EBCC0 0064 #Infinite Scuba Power 800EBD0C FF50 #Infinite Steroids 800EBD10 0640 #Invincibility 800B47A4 00FF #Press L1+L2 to Skip Level E00B4723 00FA 800EBCCE 0001 ; [ Dune (Spain) {SLES-02250} ] :SLES-02250 #Have 9999 money Atreides 800E090C 270F ; [ Dune 2000 (France) {SLES-02248} ] ; [ Dune 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02249} ] :SLES-02249 #Unendlich Spice 800E090E 0098 #GebäUde Bauen Kostet Nichts 800E0622 5A00 #Sofortiges Bauen Von GebäUden 800E061C FFFF #Einheiten Bauen Kostet Nichts 800E062C FFFF #Sofortiges Bauen Von Einheiten 800E0632 5A00 #Sofortiges AufrüSten 800E06D2 59FF ; [ Dune 2000 aka Dune (Europe) {SLES-02247} ] :SLES-02247 #Atreides\Infinite Spice 800E090E 0098 #Atreides\Structures Are Free 800E061C FFFF #Atreides\Units Are Free 800E062C FFFF #Atreides\Instant Build Structures 800E0622 5A00 #Atreides\Instant Build Units 800E0632 5A00 #Atreides\Instant Upgrade 800E06D2 59FF #Harkonnenn\Infinite Spice 800E15BA 0098 #Harkonnenn\Structures Are Free 800E12C8 FFFF #Harkonnenn\Units Are Free 800E12D8 FFFF #Harkonnenn\Instant Build Structures 800E12CE 5A00 #Harkonnenn\Instant Build Units 800E12DE 5A00 #Harkonnenn\Instant Upgrade 800E137E 59FF #Ordos\Infinite Spice 800E2266 0098 #Ordos\Structures Are Free 800E1F74 FFFF #Ordos\Units Are Free 800E1F84 FFFF #Ordos\Instant Build Structures 800E1F7A 5A00 #Ordos\Instant Build Units 800E1F8A 5A00 #Ordos\Instant Upgrade 800E202A 59FF #Infinite Spice in practice mode (All houses) 800E090C 6980 ; [ Dungeon Creator (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-00370 | SLPS-00371} ] :SLPS-00370 :SLPS-00371 #Infinite Energy 801A6BC8 0032 #Infinite MP 801A6BCA 0022 #Have 99999 money 901A6BD0 0001869F ; [ Dungeon Creator (Japan) {SLPS-00349} ] :SLPS-00349 #Infinite Energy 801A6BC8 0032 #Infinite MP 801A6BCA 0022 #Have 99999 money 901A6BD0 0001869F ; [ Dungeon Shoutenkai: Densetsu no Ken Hajime mashita (Japan) {SLPS-01650} ] :SLPS-01650 #Infinite HP Witch (Main character) 800AD0D4 001F #99999 G 900AD0F8 0001869F #Infinite & MAx HP 900AD0D4 03E703E7 #Dungeon rank Max 300BB930 0022 ; [ Dynamite Boxing (Japan) Demo {SLP-80234} ] ; [ Dynamite Soccer 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02554} ] ; [ Dynamite Soccer 98 (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90043} ] ; [ Dynamite Soccer 98 (Japan) {SLPS-01414} ] :SLPS-01414 #P2 Scores Zero 800747A4 0000 ; [ Dynasty Warriors (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-00885} ] :SLES-00885 #Stop Round-Timer 800B7EC0 0BB8 #Stop Stage-Timer 800B7EC4 0000 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B2920 00C8 #P1 25% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0032 #P1 50% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0064 #P1 75% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0096 #P1 No Energy 800B2920 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0001 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B3290 00C8 #P2 25% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0032 #P2 50% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0064 #P2 75% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0096 #P2 No Energy 800B3290 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0001 ; [ Dynasty Warriors (Europe) {SLES-00885} ] :SLES-00885 #Stop Round-Timer 800B7EC0 0BB8 #Stop Stage-Timer 800B7EC4 0000 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B2920 00C8 #P1 25% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0032 #P1 50% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0064 #P1 75% Energy D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0096 #P1 No Energy 800B2920 0000 #P1 1-Hit Death D00B2920 00C8 800B2920 0001 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B3290 00C8 #P2 25% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0032 #P2 50% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0064 #P2 75% Energy D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0096 #P2 No Energy 800B3290 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D00B3290 00C8 800B3290 0001 ; [ E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Interplanetary Mission (Europe) {SLES-03805} ] #Infinite Energy 8007846C 0063 #Have 99 Flowers 80078770 0063 #9 Lives 80078470 0009 ; [ E3 Demo 2002 (Europe) {SCED-03914} ] ; [ EA Sports Superbike 2000 aka Superbike 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02538} ] :SLES-02538 #Start in round 3 E004ECEC 0001 3004ECEC 0003 #Liliput-racers D0048D48 0001 80016C1C 0005 D0048D48 0001 80016C1E 2411 #Disables all other riders 80055138 ED50 #Time frozen/always pole Before crossing the line press L1 & R1; timer will freeze. Press L2 & R2 at next menu-screen to have race started. D00AD9A6 F3FF 900772B0 00000000 D00AD9A6 FCFF 800772B0 0001 D00AD9A6 FCFF 800772B2 2442 #Quick win Starting from pole you will end first after crossing the line. 300AD6CA 0005 #Akira Yanawaga Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD816 0000 300AD816 00C8 #Akira Yanawaga No points 300AD816 0000 #Carl Fogarty Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD80A 0000 300AD80A 00C8 #Carl Fogarty No points 300AD80A 0000 #Troy Corser Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD810 0000 300AD810 00C8 #Troy Corser No points 300AD810 0000 #Frederic Protat Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD882 0000 300AD882 00C8 #Frederic Protat No points 300AD882 0000 #Noriyuki Haga Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD82E 0000 300AD82E 00C8 #Noriyuki Haga No points 300AD82E 0000 #Katsuaki Fujiwara Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD840 0000 300AD840 00C8 #Katsuaki Fujiwara No points 300AD840 0000 #Peter Goddard Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD846 0000 300AD846 00C8 #Peter Goddard No points 300AD846 0000 #Akira Yaganawa Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD824 0000 300AD824 00C8 #Akira Yaganawa No points 300AD824 0000 #Aaron Slight Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD81C 0000 300AD81C 00C8 #Aaron Slight No points 300AD81C 0000 #Gregorio Lavilla Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD828 0000 300AD828 00C8 #Gregorio Lavilla No points 300AD80A 0000 #Vittoriano Guareschi Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD834 0000 300AD834 00C8 #Vittoriano Guareschi No points 300AD834 0000 #Pierfrancesco Chili Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD83A 0000 300AD83A 00C8 #Pierfrancesco Chili No points 300AD83A 0000 #Igor Jerman Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD84C 0000 300AD84C 00C8 #Igor Jerman No points 300AD84C 0000 #Robert Ulm Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD852 0000 300AD852 00C8 #Robert Ulm No points 300AD852 0000 #Carlos Macias Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD858 0000 300AD858 00C8 #Carlos Macias No points 300AD858 0000 #Andreas Meklau Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD85E 0000 300AD85E 00C8 #Andreas Meklau No points 300AD85E 0000 #Lucio Pedercini Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD864 0000 300AD864 00C8 #Lucio Pedercini No points 300AD864 0000 #Doriano Romboni Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD86A 0000 300AD86A 00C8 #Doriano Romboni No points 300AD86A 0000 #Jiri Mrkyvka Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD870 0000 300AD870 00C8 #Jiri Mrkyvka No points 300AD870 0000 #Vladimir Karban Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD876 0000 300AD876 00C8 #Vladimir Karban No points 300AD876 0000 #Jean-Pierre Jeandat Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD87C 0000 300AD87C 00C8 #Jean-Pierre Jeandat No points 300AD87C 0000 #Lance Isaacs Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD888 0000 300AD888 00C8 #Lance Isaacs No points 300AD888 0000 #Guiliano Sartoni Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD88E 0000 300AD88E 00C8 #Guiliano Sartoni No points 300AD88E 0000 #Alessandro Gramigini Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD894 0000 300AD894 00C8 #Alessandro Gramigini No points 300AD894 0000 #Mauro Lucchiari Start with 200 points (Championship) D00AD89A 0000 300AD89A 00C8 #Mauro Lucchiari No points 300AD89A 0000 ; [ EA Sports Supercross (Europe) {SLES-03399} ] :SLES-03399 #Have 999 points in series 800C2470 03E7 #Unlock All series 50000501 0000 300C327A 0001 #Unlock All Characters 50000302 0000 800C329A 0101 300C32A5 0001 50001A02 0000 800C32A6 0101 #Freestyle Get lots of points per trick D003DE3A AC62 8003DE34 7530 D003DE3A AC62 8003DE36 2442 ; [ EA Sports Supercross 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02373} ] :SLES-02373 #Start On Last Lap/Finish 1st E00A22FA 0000 300A22FA 0004 #Max Season Points 800FCDF4 FFFF #Max Speed 300A1D7E 00FF #Competition Speed Max 300A1D7D 00FD #Timer Milliseconds 8009E2E4 0000 #Timer Seconds 8009E2E6 0000 #Number Of Laps 4 300A1D75 0004 300A1E01 0004 #Advance To 5th Lap With L1+R1 .Use at beginning of the race; value must be 1 less than No. of laps. D00427FE F3FF 300A22FA 0004 #Start At Last Season Race With L2+R2 .Try to use while in SEASON/OPTION menu D00427FE FCFF 300A1D72 000F #Vs Mode Codes\P1 Score Max 800A2510 FFFF #Vs Mode Codes\P2 Score Max 800A2544 FFFF #Vs Mode Codes\P1 L2/R2 To Increase/Decrease Score E00A1D38 0002 100A2510 0001 E00A1D38 0001 110A2510 0001 #Vs Mode Codes\P2 L2/R2 To Increase/Decrease Score E00A1D60 0002 100A2544 0001 E00A1D60 0001 110A2544 0001 #Vs Mode Codes\Infinite Time 8009E2E6 0000 ; [ ECW Anarchy Rulz (Europe) {SLES-02823} ] :SLES-02823 #Move Set = 0% 8007F3C4 0000 #Everything Unlocked 900B805C FFFFFFFF #Quick Ending (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 to end fight immediately, press Select before fight starts) D00CD2F2 F0FF 300CA06A 000F D00CD2F2 FFFE 300CA06A 0000 #Infinite Health All Players (Still can be pinned) D0067F94 0652 80067F94 0000 D0067F94 0652 80067FB0 0000 ; [ ECW Anarchy Rulz (Germany) {SLES-03069} ] ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02535} ] ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (Europe) {SLES-02535} ] ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (Germany) Rev 1 {SLES-02536} ] ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (Germany) {SLES-02536} ] ; [ ECW Hardcore Revolution (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-81045} ] ; [ EGWord Ver 2.00 (Japan) (WoPro Set) {SLP-80159} ] ; [ EPS Series Vol. 1: Because I Love You: Yukiko Morikawa (Japan) {SCPS-40001} ] ; [ EPS Series Vol. 2: Moonlight to Daybreak: Yukie Nakama (Japan) {SCPS-40002} ] ; [ EPS Series Vol. 3: Come and Kiss Me: Tomomi Tsunoda (Japan) {SCPS-40003} ] ; [ EPS Series Vol. 4: Noise Reduction: Tomoa Yamamoto (Japan) {SCPS-40004} ] ; [ EPS Series Vol. 5: Believer Dreamer: Junko Mizutani (Japan) {SCPS-40005} ] ; [ ESPN Extreme Games (Europe) {SCES-00063} ] :SCES-00063 #Infinite Energy 8007A270 0500 8007AB50 0500 #Infinite Money 801E9014 09D8 #Always 60 Mph 8007B1A2 0050 #All Cars Gets 100 Mph 8007AB6A 0086 #All Cars With Higher Accelerations 8007AB4C 0250 #Mega-Acceleration 8007AB4C 0100 ; [ ESPN Street Games (Japan) {SIPS-60004} ] ; [ Eagle One: Harrier Attack (Europe) {SLES-01715} ] :SLES-01715 #Infinite Armour 801B8DCA 0260 #Infinite Fuel 801B8E66 0100 #No Damage For Own Units 301B0673 0047 #Infinite Sidewinders 800393C8 0000 #Infinite Vultures 80033B3C 0000 #Infinite Mavericks 80039524 0000 #All missions unlocked 30112130 0005 ; [ Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe) {SLES-00343} ] :SLES-00343 #Infinite Lives 900CF2C8 00050005 #Infinite Energy Level 1 800BCAC0 0064 #Infinite Energy Level 2 80094354 0064 #Infinite Time Level 2 8009437C 0063 #Infinite Shots 800AEE4C 03E8 ; [ East End x Yuri: Eexy Life (Japan) {SLPS-00525} ] ; [ Eberouge (Japan) {SLPS-00844 | SLPS-00845} ] ; [ Eberouge 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01905} ] :SLPS-01905 #All character stats 999 801F8014 03E7 801F801C 03E7 801F8024 03E7 801F802C 03E7 801F8034 03E7 801F803C 03E7 801F8044 03E7 801F804C 03E7 #Dora favorability MAX 801CA1B4 01F4 #Mar favorability MAX 801CA1B8 01F4 #Mel favorability MAX 801CA1BC 01F4 #Fels favorability MAX 801CA1C0 01F4 #Altena favorability MAX 801CA1C4 01F4 #All itemss 50003704 0000 301C7A54 0001 ; [ Eberouge Special: Koi to Mahou no Gakuen Seikatsu (Japan) {SLPS-01412} ] ; [ Ebisu Yoshikazu no Ooana Kyoutei (Japan) {SLPS-00366} ] ; [ Echo Night #2: Nemuri no Shihaisha (Japan) Demo {SLP-80468} ] ; [ Echo Night #2: Nemuri no Shihaisha (Japan) {SLPS-02167} ] :SLPS-02167 #Infinite Stamina D002F73A 0064 8002F73A 0060 #Physical condition 301B090C 0008 #State Normal 301B0A9A 0000 #All Maps 301B0AA0 00FF 301B0ABF 00FF ; [ Echo Night (Japan) {SLPS-01518} ] :SLPS-01518 #Always best condition 801A4628 0005 #Infinite Money 800A0788 03E7 #Map appearance 301A462E 0001 #Note emergence 301A462F 0001 ; [ Econo Kids: Ta ga Tame ni Kane wa Naru (Japan) {SLPS-00648} ] :SLPS-00648 #Have 999999 money 901B0980 000F423F ; [ Ecsaform (Japan) {SLPS-01791 | SLPS-01792} ] :SLPS-01791 :SLPS-01792 #Infinite HP girl 8013284C 0025 #Infinite HP long white hair man 801327D8 0040 #Infinite Money 90065CC8 3B9AC9FF #Mortal blow Press Select + L1 D01033F8 0104 800C91E6 A420 D01033F8 0104 800C9226 A420 #All weapons 255 30064199 00FF 50001F02 0000 8006418A FFFF #All Armor 255 300641D1 00FF 50000802 0000 800641D2 FFFF 300641E2 00FF #All items 255 300641E9 00FF 50000D02 0000 800641EA FFFF 30064204 00FF #All Rem 255 30064061 00FF 50002102 0000 80064062 FFFF ; [ Efficus: Kono Omoi wo Kimi ni... (Japan) {SLPS-01549} ] :SLPS-01549 #Have 999,999 money 900ABC4C 000F423F ; [ Egg (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86543} ] ; [ Egg (Japan) {SLPS-01121} ] ; [ Egipto II: La Profecía de Heliópolis (Spain) {SLES-03491} ] ; [ Egypt 1156 A.C.: L'Enigma della Tomba Reale (Italy) {SLES-01599} ] ; [ Egypt 1156 B.C.: Tomb of the Pharaoh (Europe) {SLES-01600} ] ; [ Egypt II: Die Prophezeiung von Helipolis (Germany) {SLES-03374} ] ; [ Egypt II: La Profezia di Heliopolis (Italy) {SLES-03490} ] ; [ Egypt II: La Prophétie d'Heliopolis (France) {SLES-03372} ] ; [ Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy (Europe) {SLES-03373} ] ; [ Egypte 1156 AV. J.-C.: L'Énigme de la Tombe Royale (France) {SLES-01597} ] ; [ Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (Europe) {SLES-02111} ] :SLES-02111 #Quest Mode Infinite Health 301E8910 0080 #Quest Mode Infinite Energy 50000202 0000 801F3A7E 0080 ; [ Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (Japan) Demo {SLP-80332} ] ; [ Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (Japan) Demo {SLP-80333} ] ; [ Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (Japan) {SLPS-01750} ] :SLPS-01750 #P1 Infinite Health 8011E70E 00B8 #P2 Life 0 Press Select D0121662 0100 80122522 0000 #Enable All Characters 901F162C FFFFFFFF #Enable All Endings 801F1630 FFFF #RPG Mode Infinite Health 801E7B90 0080 #RPG Mode Max Power Bar 801F2CFE 0080 #RPG Mode Max Magic/Fireballs 801F2E68 FFFF #RPG Mode Infinite Money 801F2E90 FFFF #RPG Mode Max Bomb 801F2E68 270F #RPG Mode Max HP 301F2D06 00FF 301F2D14 00FF #RPG Mode Max Status 301F2D04 00FF 301F2D1E 00FF 301F2D06 00FF 301F2D0C 00FF 301F2D1E 00FF 301F2D2C 00FF 301F2D0E 00FF #RPG Mode Use Special Character 801F162C FFFF 301F162E 00FF ; [ Eidos Demo CD (USA) {SLUS-90040} ] ; [ Eidos Demo Disc Volume 5 (USA) {SLUS-90065} ] ; [ Eidos Demo Disc Volume 7 (USA) {SLUS-90076} ] ; [ Eidos aka M6 Tomb Raider (France) {SLED-02411} ] ; [ Eikou no Fairway: Virtual Golf Simulation (Japan) {SLP-86003} ] ; [ Einhänder (Japan) Demo {SLP-80164} ] ; [ Einhänder (Japan) {SLPS-01008} ] :SLPS-01008 #Infinite Lives 8008109C 0003 #Invincibility 800853F0 001D #Infinite Special Weapon Ammo 8008450A 000F 8008450C 000F #Infinite Top Pod Ammo 2 8008465A 000F #Have Unknown Fighter Type I D0083B04 0010 8008110C 0003 #Have Unknown Fighter Type II D0083B04 0010 8008110C 0004 #Enable Level Select With All Levels Availible 800AC5CE 0001 80085638 FFFF #Invincibility Alternate 800853A4 0000 800AAAE4 0000 800AAAE5 0000 #All aircraft available 801FD524 1183 #All weapons can be selected at the start 801FD526 0FFF #GALLERY fully open 800ABDF0 0001 801FEC98 007F 901FEC9C 001F0FFF ; [ Eisei Meijin II (Japan) {SLP-86014} ] ; [ Eisei Meijin III: Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou (Japan) {SLP-86199} ] ; [ Eithéa (Japan) (Deluxe Pack) {SLPS-03058 | SLPS-03059} ] ; [ Eithéa (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-87091 | SLP-87092} ] ; [ Eko Eko Azarak: Wizard of Darkness (Japan) {SLPS-00181} ] ; [ El Tetris Un Mágico Desafío (Spain) {SCES-02177} ] :SCES-02177 #P1 Maximum Score 901E01FC 3B9AC9FF #P1 Max Gauge (use it with the other gauge code and deactivate this one after use it) 801E015A 9800 #P1 Max Gauge - Press L2 E01E1154 0001 801E015A 9800 #P1 Max Gauge Alt 1 - Press L2 E01E1140 0001 801E072A 9800 ; [ Elder Gate (Japan) Demo {SLP-80560} ] ; [ Elder Gate (Japan) {SLP-86494} ] ; [ Elemental Pinball (Europe) {SLES-04038} ] :SLES-04038 #Infinite Balls 8006E188 0009 ; [ Elf Masters présente Formula Karts: Special Edition (France) {SLES-00960} ] ; [ Elf o Karu Monotachi: Hanafuda-hen (Japan) {SLPS-00904} ] :SLPS-00904 #Infinite Money in hanafuda mode 99999 90110018 0001869F #Have 9999 points in story mode level 1 8011001E 270F #Opponent have 0 points in story mode 80110020 0000 #Have 9999 points in story mode level 2 801118DE 270F ; [ Elf o Karu Monotachi: Kanzenban (Japan) {SLPS-00973 | SLPS-00974} ] ; [ Elfin Paradise (Japan) {SLPS-00778} ] :SLPS-00778 #Have 999900 money 800AF184 270F ; [ Eliminator (Europe) {SLES-01364} ] :SLES-01364 #Infinite Time 800F3BBC 3FFF #Infinite Lifes 300F3B91 0063 #Infinite Health 80113A7A 0190 #Invincibility 300F3B94 0063 #Infinite Dual Missiles 300F484F 0063 #Infinite Rockets 300F4850 0063 #Infinite Stinger 300F4853 0063 #Infinite Smart 300F4854 0063 #Infinite Doomsday 300F4855 0063 ; [ Emit Value Pack (Vol. 1: Toki no Maigo) (Japan) {SLPS-00117 | SLPS-00118 | SLPS-00119} ] ; [ En Busca del Valle Encantado: El Retorno al Gran Valle (Spain) {SLES-02985} ] :SLES-02985 #Infinite Four Leaves Clovers 800D7DC3 0063 #Infinite Lives 800D7DC1 0063 ; [ Enen Angel (Japan) {SLP-86537} ] ; [ Entertainment Jansou: That's Pon! (Japan) {SLPS-00051} ] :SLPS-00051 #Player has 99999 points 900879A8 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 80087EB0 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 80088134 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 80087C2C 0000 ; [ Epidemic (Europe) {SCES-00393} ] :SCES-00393 #Infinite Life Energy 800A65FA 03E8 #Infinite Energy 800A65FC 00C8 #Infinite Shields 800A65FE 03E8 #Infinite Mg Ammo 800A664E 01F4 #Infinite Rockets 800A6654 0028 #Infinite Laser Energy 800A663C 03E7 #Infinite Splasher Arrows 800A6656 03E7 #Infinite Napalm 800A6658 03E7 #Infinite Erosion Missiles 800A665A 03E7 #Infinite Brain Destructors 800A665C 03E7 #Infinite Floating Mines 800A665E 03E7 #All Items 1 (Press L2+Select) D00B0100 0101 800A661A 0000 D00B0100 0101 800A661C 0002 D00B0100 0101 800A661E 0003 D00B0100 0101 800A6620 0004 D00B0100 0101 800A6622 0005 D00B0100 0101 800A6624 0006 D00B0100 0101 800A6626 0007 D00B0100 0101 800A6628 0008 #All Items 2 (Press R2+Select) D00B0100 0102 800A661A 0009 D00B0100 0102 800A661C 000B D00B0100 0102 800A661E 000C D00B0100 0102 800A6620 000D D00B0100 0102 800A6622 000E D00B0100 0102 800A6624 000F D00B0100 0102 800A6626 0010 D00B0100 0102 800A6628 0011 D00B0100 0102 800A662A 001B #All Items 3 (Press L1+Select) D00B0100 0104 800A661A 0013 D00B0100 0104 800A661C 0014 D00B0100 0104 800A661E 0015 D00B0100 0104 800A6620 0016 D00B0100 0104 800A6622 0017 D00B0100 0104 800A6624 0018 D00B0100 0104 800A6626 0019 D00B0100 0104 800A6628 001A D00B0100 0104 800A662A 0001 ; [ Equalizer CDX Version 3.4 aka Equalizer CDX (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer CDX Version 3.6 aka Equalizer CDX (France) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Game Wizard for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Xtreme Ver 1.1 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Xtreme Ver 4.0 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Xtreme Ver 4.1 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Xtreme Ver 4.2 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equalizer Xtreme Ver 4.2 (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Equestriad 2001 (Europe) {SLES-02943} ] :SLES-02943 #No refusals 801FB7E4 0000 ; [ Essential PlayStation 1 (Europe) {SCED-00502} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 10 aka Essential PlayStation X (Europe) {SCED-01141} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 11 (Europe) {SCED-01142} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 12 (Europe) {SCED-01143} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 2 (Europe) {SCED-00572} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 3 (Europe) {SCED-00636} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 4 (Europe) {SCED-00938} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 5 (Europe) {SCED-01004} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 6 (Europe) {SCED-00751} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 7 (Europe) {SCED-01110} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 8 aka Essential PlayStation VIII (Europe) {SCED-01139} ] ; [ Essential PlayStation 9 aka PlayStation: 1999 Yearbook: Demo CD (Europe, Australia) {SCED-01140} ] ; [ Esto Es Futbol (Spain) {SCES-01704} ] ; [ Esto Es Futbol 2 (Spain) Demo {SCED-03205} ] ; [ Esto Es Futbol 2 (Spain) {SCES-03076} ] ; [ Eternal Eyes (Europe) {SLES-02270} ] :SLES-02270 #Infinite Health Luke 8009038E 03E7 #Tons of Maica 8008DD08 0FFF #Infinite HP Magic Puppet 1 800903CA 03E7 #Infinite Health Magic Puppet 2 80090406 03E7 ; [ Eternal Melody (Japan) {SLPS-00584} ] :SLPS-00584 #Infinite Money 900A4BD8 0001869F #Main character 999 MP 800CFB2A 03E7 #Main character 999 HP 800CFB28 03E7 #First girl 999 HP 800CFBB8 03E7 #First girl 999 MP 800CFBBA 03E7 #Second girl 999 HP 800CFB4C 03E7 #Second girl 999 MP 800CFB4E 03E7 #Third girl 999 HP 800CFB70 03E7 #Third girl 999 MP 800CFB72 03E7 #Main character infinite HP in battle (deactivate before finishing defeating the last enemy) 800A49DC 03E7 #First girl infinite HP in battle (deactivate before finishing defeating the last enemy) 800A4A00 03E7 #Second girl infinite HP in battle (deactivate before finishing defeating the last enemy) 800A4A24 03E7 #Third girl infinite HP in battle (deactivate before finishing defeating the last enemy) 800A4A48 03E7 ; [ Eurasia Express Satsujin Jiken (Japan) Demo {SLP-80336} ] ; [ Eurasia Express Satsujin Jiken (Japan) {SLP-86135 | SLP-86136 | SLP-86137 | SLP-86138} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 100 (Europe) {SCED-04079} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 101 (Europe) {SCED-04080} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 102 (Europe) {SCED-04081} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 103 (Europe) {SCED-04082} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 104 (Europe) {SCED-04083} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 105 (Europe) {SCED-04084} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 106 (Europe) {SCED-04085} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 107 (Europe) {SCED-04133} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 108 (Europe) {SCED-04134} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 94 (Europe) {SCED-04056} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 95 (Europe) {SCED-04074} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 96 (Europe) {SCED-04075} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 97 (Europe) {SCED-04076} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 98 (Europe) {SCED-04077} ] ; [ Euro Demo (Future) 99 (Europe) {SCED-04078} ] ; [ Euro Demo 01 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 1 (Europe) {SLES-00107} ] :SLES-00107 #Level Completed (Presss L2 & R2 & Start) D008C602 FCF7 30089E88 0001 #Infinite Oxygen 8008C66E 0708 #Infinite Small & large medi-pack 90088C74 03E703E7 #Have all levels when loading a saved game D006DFD8 0821 8006DFD8 0013 D006DFDA 0033 8006DFDA 2402 #Infinite Ammo (on pickup) 80040B66 2400 80046456 2400 80046AA6 2400 #Infinite Auto-gun ammo 8008C71C 0028 #nfinite Flares 80088C72 03E7 #Have All 3 secrets 800DE7F2 000F #Have All special items 80088CF8 0009 #Have All weapons 80088C64 000B #Stop timer 800DE7E0 0000 ; [ Euro Demo 01/00 (Germany) {SCED-01844} ] ; [ Euro Demo 01/01 (Germany) {SCED-02666} ] ; [ Euro Demo 01/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 01/02 (Germany) {SCED-03476} ] ; [ Euro Demo 01/03 aka Euro Demo Germany 01/03 (Germany) {SCED-03903} ] ; [ Euro Demo 02 aka Euro Demo Two (Germany) {SCED-00583} ] ; [ Euro Demo 02 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 2 (Europe) {SLES-00150} ] ; [ Euro Demo 02/00 (Germany) {SCED-01845} ] ; [ Euro Demo 02/01 (Germany) {SCED-02667} ] ; [ Euro Demo 02/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 02/02 (Germany) {SCED-03477} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03 aka Euro Demo Three (Germany) {SCED-00622} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 3 (Europe) {SLES-00181} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03/00 (Germany) {SCED-01846} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03/01 (Germany) {SCED-02668} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 03/02 (Germany) {SCED-03478} ] ; [ Euro Demo 03/04-2003 aka Euro Demo Germany 03/04-2003 (Germany) {SCED-03905} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04 aka Euro Demo Four (Germany) {SCED-00669} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 4 (Europe) {SCES-00182} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04/00 (Germany) {SCED-01847} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04/01 (Germany) {SCED-02669} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 04/02 (Germany) {SCED-03479} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04/99 'Action Special' (Germany) {SCED-01995} ] ; [ Euro Demo 04/99 (Germany) {SCED-01835} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05 aka Euro Demo Five (Germany) {SCED-00670} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 5 (Europe) {SCES-00183} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05/00 (Germany) {SCED-01848} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 05/01 (Germany) {SCED-03468} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 05/02 (Germany) {SCED-03887} ] ; [ Euro Demo 05/99 (Germany) {SCED-01836} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06 (France) {SCED-00610} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06 aka Euro Demo Six (Germany) {SCED-00671} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 6 (Europe) {SCES-00184} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06/00 (Germany) {SCED-02659} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 06/01 (Germany) {SCED-03469} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 06/02 (Germany) {SCED-03892} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06/99 'Special' (Germany) {SCED-02050} ] ; [ Euro Demo 06/99 (Germany) {SCED-01837} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07 aka Euro Demo Seven (France) {SCED-00668} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07 aka Euro Demo Seven (Germany) {SCED-00672} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 7 (Europe) {SCES-00185} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07/00 (Germany) {SCED-02660} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 07/01 (Germany) {SCED-03470} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 07/02 (Germany) {SCED-03893} ] ; [ Euro Demo 07/99 (Germany) {SCED-01838} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08 aka Das Offizielle PlayStation Magazin Nr. 9/96 (Europe) {SCED-00360} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08 aka Euro Demo 8 (Germany) {SCED-00673} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 8 (Europe) {SCES-00186} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08/00 (Germany) {SCED-02661} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 08/01 (Germany) {SCED-03471} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 08/02 (Germany) {SCED-03894} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08/99 (Germany) {SCED-01839} ] ; [ Euro Demo 08b (Germany) {SCED-00890} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09 (France) {SCED-00772} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09 (Germany) {SCED-00674} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 9 (Europe) {SCED-00361} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09/00 (Germany) {SCED-02662} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 09/01 (Germany) {SCED-03472} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 09/02 (Germany) {SCED-03895} ] ; [ Euro Demo 09/99 (Germany) {SCED-01840} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10 (France) {SCED-00773} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10 (Germany) {SCED-00675} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 10 (Europe) {SCED-00362} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10/00 (Germany) {SCED-02663} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 10/01 (Germany) {SCED-03473} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 10/02 (Germany) {SCED-03896} ] ; [ Euro Demo 10/99 (Germany) {SCED-01841} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11 (France) {SCED-00774} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11 (Germany) {SCED-00676} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 11 (Europe) {SCED-00363} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11/00 (Germany) {SCED-02664} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 11/01 (Germany) {SCED-03474} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11/02 aka Euro Demo Germany 11/02 (Germany) {SCED-03897} ] ; [ Euro Demo 11/99 (Germany) {SCED-01842} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12 (France) {SCED-00775} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12 (Germany) {SCED-00677} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 12 (Europe) {SCED-00364} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12/00 (Germany) {SCED-02665} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12/01 aka Euro Demo Germany 12/01 (Germany) {SCED-03475} ] ; [ Euro Demo 12/99 (Germany) {SCED-01843} ] ; [ Euro Demo 13 (France) {SCED-00776} ] ; [ Euro Demo 13 (Germany) {SCED-00678} ] ; [ Euro Demo 13 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 13 (Europe) {SCED-00365} ] ; [ Euro Demo 14 (France) {SCED-00777} ] ; [ Euro Demo 14 (Germany) {SCED-00679} ] ; [ Euro Demo 14 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 14 (Europe) {SCED-00366} ] ; [ Euro Demo 15 (France) {SCED-00778} ] ; [ Euro Demo 15 (Germany) {SCED-00680} ] ; [ Euro Demo 15 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 15 (Europe) {SCED-00367} ] ; [ Euro Demo 16 (France) {SCED-00779} ] ; [ Euro Demo 16 aka Euro Demo 04/98 (Germany) {SCED-01121} ] ; [ Euro Demo 16 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 16 (Europe) {SCED-00368} ] ; [ Euro Demo 17 (France) {SCED-00780} ] ; [ Euro Demo 17 aka Euro Demo 05/98 (Germany) {SCED-01122} ] ; [ Euro Demo 17 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 17 (Europe) {SCED-00369} ] ; [ Euro Demo 18 (France) {SCED-00781} ] ; [ Euro Demo 18 aka Euro Demo 06/98 (Germany) {SCED-01123} ] ; [ Euro Demo 18 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 01 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00370} ] ; [ Euro Demo 19 aka Euro Demo 07/98 (Germany) {SCED-01124} ] ; [ Euro Demo 19 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 02 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00371} ] ; [ Euro Demo 20 (France) {SCED-00782} ] ; [ Euro Demo 20 aka Euro Demo 08/98 (Germany) {SCED-01125} ] ; [ Euro Demo 20 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 03 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00372} ] ; [ Euro Demo 21 (France) {SCED-01114} ] ; [ Euro Demo 21 aka Euro Demo 09/98 (Germany) {SCED-01126} ] ; [ Euro Demo 21 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 04 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00817} ] ; [ Euro Demo 22 (France) {SCED-01115} ] ; [ Euro Demo 22 aka Euro Demo 10/98 (Germany) {SCED-01127} ] ; [ Euro Demo 22 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 05 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00818} ] ; [ Euro Demo 23 (France) {SCED-01116} ] ; [ Euro Demo 23 aka Euro Demo 11/98 (Germany) {SCED-01128} ] ; [ Euro Demo 23 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 06 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00819} ] ; [ Euro Demo 24 (France) {SCED-01117} ] ; [ Euro Demo 24 aka Euro Demo 12/98 (Germany) {SCED-01129} ] ; [ Euro Demo 24 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 07 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00820} ] ; [ Euro Demo 25 (France) {SCED-01118} ] ; [ Euro Demo 25 aka Euro Demo 01/99 (Germany) {SCED-01130} ] ; [ Euro Demo 25 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 08 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00821} ] ; [ Euro Demo 26 (France) {SCED-01119} ] ; [ Euro Demo 26 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 09 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00822} ] ; [ Euro Demo 27 (France) {SCED-01120} ] ; [ Euro Demo 27 aka Euro Demo 02/99 (Germany) {SCED-01777} ] ; [ Euro Demo 27 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 10 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00823} ] ; [ Euro Demo 28 (France) {SCED-01785} ] ; [ Euro Demo 28 aka Euro Demo 02/99 Rennspiele (Germany) {SCED-01786} ] ; [ Euro Demo 28 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 11 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00824} ] ; [ Euro Demo 29 (France) {SCED-01849} ] ; [ Euro Demo 29 aka Euro Demo 03/99 (Germany) {SCED-01834} ] ; [ Euro Demo 29 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 12 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00825} ] ; [ Euro Demo 30 (France) {SCED-01850} ] ; [ Euro Demo 30 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 13 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00826} ] ; [ Euro Demo 31 (France) {SCED-01851} ] ; [ Euro Demo 31 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 14 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00827} ] ; [ Euro Demo 32 (France) {SCED-01852} ] ; [ Euro Demo 32 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 15 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00828} ] ; [ Euro Demo 33 (France) {SCED-01853} ] ; [ Euro Demo 33 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 16 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-00829} ] ; [ Euro Demo 34 (France) {SCED-01854} ] ; [ Euro Demo 34 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 17 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-01144} ] ; [ Euro Demo 35 (France) {SCED-01855} ] ; [ Euro Demo 35 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 18 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-01145} ] ; [ Euro Demo 36 (France) {SCED-01856} ] ; [ Euro Demo 37 (France) {SCED-01857} ] ; [ Euro Demo 37 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 19 Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCED-01147} ] ; [ Euro Demo 38 (France) {SCED-01858} ] ; [ Euro Demo 38 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 38 (Europe) {SCED-01148} ] ; [ Euro Demo 39 (France) {SCED-01859} ] ; [ Euro Demo 39 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 39 (Europe) {SCED-01149} ] ; [ Euro Demo 40 (France) {SCED-01860} ] ; [ Euro Demo 40 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 40 (Europe) {SCED-01150} ] ; [ Euro Demo 41 (France) {SCED-01861} ] ; [ Euro Demo 41 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 41 (Europe) {SCED-01151} ] ; [ Euro Demo 42 (France) {SCED-01862} ] ; [ Euro Demo 42 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 42 (Europe) {SCED-01152} ] ; [ Euro Demo 43 (France) {SCED-02647} ] ; [ Euro Demo 43 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 43 (Europe) {SCED-01153} ] ; [ Euro Demo 44 (France) {SCED-02648} ] ; [ Euro Demo 44 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 44 (Europe) {SCED-01818} ] ; [ Euro Demo 45 (France) {SCED-02649} ] ; [ Euro Demo 45 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 45 (Europe) {SCED-01819} ] ; [ Euro Demo 46 (France) {SCED-02650} ] ; [ Euro Demo 46 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 46 (Europe) {SCED-01820} ] ; [ Euro Demo 47 (France) {SCED-02651} ] ; [ Euro Demo 47 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 47 (Europe) {SCED-01821} ] ; [ Euro Demo 48 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 48 (Europe) {SCED-01822} ] ; [ Euro Demo 48 aka PSOne Magazine Disc 01 (France) {SCED-02652} ] ; [ Euro Demo 49 (France) {SCED-02653} ] ; [ Euro Demo 49 (Italy) {SCED-02229} ] ; [ Euro Demo 49 (Spain) {SCED-02230} ] ; [ Euro Demo 49 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 49 (Europe) {SCED-01823} ] ; [ Euro Demo 50 (France) {SCED-02654} ] ; [ Euro Demo 50 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 50 (Europe) {SCED-01824} ] ; [ Euro Demo 51 (France) {SCED-02655} ] ; [ Euro Demo 51 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 51 (Europe) {SCED-01825} ] ; [ Euro Demo 52 (France) {SCED-02656} ] ; [ Euro Demo 52 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 52 (Europe) {SCED-01826} ] ; [ Euro Demo 53 (France) {SCED-02657} ] ; [ Euro Demo 53 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 53 (Europe) {SCED-01827} ] ; [ Euro Demo 54 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 54 (Europe) {SCED-01828} ] ; [ Euro Demo 55 aka Euro Demo France 55 (France) {SCED-03461} ] ; [ Euro Demo 55 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 55 (Europe) {SCED-01829} ] ; [ Euro Demo 56 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 56 (Europe) {SCED-01830} ] ; [ Euro Demo 57 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 57 (Europe) {SCED-01831} ] ; [ Euro Demo 58 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 58 (Europe) {SCED-02632} ] ; [ Euro Demo 59 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 59 (Europe) {SCED-02633} ] ; [ Euro Demo 60 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 60 (Europe) {SCED-02634} ] ; [ Euro Demo 61 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 61 (Europe) (EDC) {SCED-02635} ] ; [ Euro Demo 61 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 61 (Europe) {SCED-02635} ] ; [ Euro Demo 62 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 62 (Europe) (EDC) {SCED-02636} ] ; [ Euro Demo 62 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 62 (Europe) {SCED-02636} ] ; [ Euro Demo 63 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 63 (Europe) {SCED-02637} ] ; [ Euro Demo 64 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 64 (Europe) {SCED-02638} ] ; [ Euro Demo 65 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 65 (Europe) {SCED-02639} ] ; [ Euro Demo 66 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 66 (Europe) {SCED-02640} ] ; [ Euro Demo 67 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 67 (Europe) {SCED-02641} ] ; [ Euro Demo 68 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 68 (Europe) {SCED-02642} ] ; [ Euro Demo 69 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 69 (Europe) {SCED-02643} ] ; [ Euro Demo 70 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 70 (Europe) {SCED-02644} ] ; [ Euro Demo 71 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 71 (Europe) {SCED-02645} ] ; [ Euro Demo 72 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 72 (Europe) {SCED-02646} ] ; [ Euro Demo 73 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 73 (Europe) {SCED-03450} ] ; [ Euro Demo 74 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 74 (Europe) {SCED-03451} ] ; [ Euro Demo 75 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 75 (Europe, Australia) {SCED-03452} ] ; [ Euro Demo 76 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 76 (Europe) {SCED-03453} ] ; [ Euro Demo 77 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 77 (Europe) {SCED-03454} ] ; [ Euro Demo 78 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 78 (Europe) {SCED-03455} ] ; [ Euro Demo 79 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 79 (Europe) {SCED-03456} ] ; [ Euro Demo 80 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 80 (Europe) {SCED-03457} ] ; [ Euro Demo 81 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 81 (Europe) {SCED-03458} ] ; [ Euro Demo 82 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 82 (Europe) {SCED-03785} ] ; [ Euro Demo 83 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 83 (Europe) {SCED-03786} ] ; [ Euro Demo 84 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 84 (Europe) {SCED-03787} ] ; [ Euro Demo 85 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 85 (Europe) {SCED-03788} ] ; [ Euro Demo 86 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 86 (Europe) {SCED-03789} ] ; [ Euro Demo 87 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 87 (Europe) {SCED-03790} ] ; [ Euro Demo 88 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 88 (Europe) {SCED-03791} ] ; [ Euro Demo 89 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 89 (Europe) {SCED-03792} ] ; [ Euro Demo 90 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 90 (Europe) {SCED-03793} ] ; [ Euro Demo 91 aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine 91 (Europe) {SCED-03794} ] ; [ Euro Demo 92 (Europe) {SCED-04016} ] ; [ Euro Demo Classics Special (Germany) {SCED-00994} ] ; [ Euro Demo Future 93 (Europe) {SCED-04035} ] ; [ Europe Racer (Europe) {SLES-03415} ] :SLES-03415 #Lots Of Euros ( $ ) 90033A40 054C5638 #Reset Time - Time Trial Mode - Press L1 D01FF41A FBFF 80072510 0B6D #End Game Immediately - Press x & Up (.Wait till you're first only then press and hold X & Up for about 5 seconds until the word #race finished# appears on the screen) D01FF41A BFEF 801C7A50 000A ; [ European Super League (Europe) {SLES-03082} ] ; [ Eve Zero (Japan) (Premium Box, GameVillage the Best) {SLP-86475 | SLP-86476 | SLP-86477} ] ; [ Eve Zero (Japan) {SLP-86478 | SLP-86479 | SLP-86480} ] ; [ Eve: The Fatal Attraction (Japan) (Premium Box) {SLP-86821 | SLP-86822 | SLP-86823} ] ; [ Eve: The Fatal Attraction (Japan) {SLP-86826 | SLP-86827 | SLP-86828} ] ; [ Eve: The Lost One (Kyoko Disc) (Japan) (GameVillage The Best) {SLP-87246 | SLP-87247 | SLP-87248} ] ; [ Eve: The Lost One (Kyoko Disc) (Japan) {SLPS-01805 | SLPS-01806 | SLPS-01807 | SLPS-01808} ] ; [ Every Child Can Succeed 6 (USA) {LSP-990196} ] ; [ Everybody's Golf (Europe) {SCES-00983} ] :SCES-00983 #Enable course 2 801045F4 0002 #Enable course 3 801045F4 0003 #Enable course 4 801045F4 0004 #Enable course 5 801045F4 0005 #Always hole in two hole 1 80104668 0002 #Always hole in two hole 2 8010466A 0002 #Always hole in two hole 3 8010466C 0002 #Always hole in two hole 4 8010466E 0002 #Always hole in two hole 5 80104670 0002 #Always hole in two hole 6 80104672 0002 #Always hole in two hole 7 80104674 0002 #Always hole in two hole 8 80104676 0002 #Always hole in two hole 9 80104678 0002 #Always hole in two hole 10 8010467A 0002 #Always hole in two hole 11 8010467C 0002 #Always hole in two hole 12 8010467E 0002 #Always hole in two hole 13 80104680 0002 #Always hole in two hole 14 80104682 0002 #Always hole in two hole 15 80104684 0002 #Always hole in two hole 16 80104686 0002 #Always hole in two hole 17 80104688 0002 #Always hole in two hole 18 8010468A 0002 #Have Extra Characters D0104784 0000 80104784 0009 ; [ Everybody's Golf 2 (Europe) {SCES-02146} ] :SCES-02146 #Enable All Characters D0046EB0 0007 80046EB0 1FFF #Enable All Stages 80047894 00FF #P1 Always Win 50001202 0000 80046D7E 0002 #P1 Max Status 90046EB8 00FDFFFF 30046E8C 0063 80046EC2 0005 #Hole In One Every Shot 800FA75C 0001 #20 Under Par 80046E76 FFEC #Hole In One All Courses (Press L2) D004B020 0001 50001202 0000 80046D7E 0001 ; [ Evil Dead: Hail to the King (Europe) {SLES-03428 | SLES-13428} ] :SLES-03428 :SLES-13428 #Invincibility Disc 1 8007720C 0064 #Invincibility Disc 2 80077354 0064 ; [ Evil Zone (Europe) {SLES-01903} ] :SLES-01903 #P1 Infinite Health ONLY 9004698C 10800002 #Unlock Everything 800A84DA FFFF 900A84DC FFFFFFFF 800A84E0 FFFF ; [ Evo's Space Adventures (Europe) {SLES-01871} ] :SLES-01871 #Play Level 1 8005FF70 0000 #Play Level 2 8005FF70 0001 #Play Level 3 8005FF70 0002 #Play Level 4 8005FF70 0003 #Play Level 5 8005FF70 0004 #Play Level 6 8005FF70 0005 #Play Level 7 8005FF70 0006 #Play Level 8 8005FF70 0007 #Play Level 9 8005FF70 0008 #Play Level 10 8005FF70 0009 #Play Level 11 8005FF70 000A #Play Level 12 8005FF70 000B #Play Level 13 8005FF70 000C #Play Level 14 8005FF70 000D #Play Level 15 8005FF70 000E #Play Level 16 8005FF70 000F #Play Level 17 8005FF70 0010 #Play Level 18 8005FF70 0011 #Play Level 19 8005FF70 0012 #Play Level 20 8005FF70 0013 #Play Level 21 8005FF70 0014 #Play Level 22 8005FF70 0015 #Play Level 23 8005FF70 0016 #Play Level 24 8005FF70 0017 #Play Level 25 8005FF70 0018 #Play Level 26 8005FF70 0019 #Play Level 27 8005FF70 001A #Play Level 28 8005FF70 001B #Play Level 29 8005FF70 001C #Play Level 30 8005FF70 001D #Play Level 31 8005FF70 001E #Play Level 32 8005FF70 001F #Play Level 33 8005FF70 0020 #Play Level 34 8005FF70 0021 #Play Level 35 8005FF70 0022 #Play Level 36 8005FF70 0023 #Play Level 37 8005FF70 0024 #Infinite Health : dog D003B9FC 014C 8003B9FC 0000 D003B9FC 014C 8003B9FE 0000 #Infinite Health : chip D001D448 FFFF 8001D448 0000 ; [ Exalegiuse (Japan) {SLPS-01117} ] :SLPS-01117 #Infinite Money 800E6234 FFFF ; [ Excalibur 2555 A.D. (Europe) Demo {SLED-00797} ] ; [ Excalibur 2555 A.D. (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00478} ] :SLES-00478 #Invulnerable 8002853A 2400 800286DA 2400 800289FA 2400 80030F16 2400 #Select Stage\2 8008C2F8 0002 #Select Stage\3 8008C2F8 0003 #Select Stage\4 8008C2F8 0004 #Select Stage\5 8008C2F8 0005 #Select Stage\6 8008C2F8 0006 #Select Stage\7 8008C2F8 0007 #Select Stage\8 8008C2F8 0008 #Select Stage\9 8008C2F8 0009 #Select Stage\10 8008C2F8 000A #Select Stage\11 8008C2F8 000B #Select Stage\12 8008C2F8 000C #Select Stage\13 8008C2F8 000D ; [ Excalibur 2555 A.D. (Europe) {SLES-00478} ] :SLES-00478 #Invulnerable 8002853A 2400 800286DA 2400 800289FA 2400 80030F16 2400 #Select Stage\2 8008C2F8 0002 #Select Stage\3 8008C2F8 0003 #Select Stage\4 8008C2F8 0004 #Select Stage\5 8008C2F8 0005 #Select Stage\6 8008C2F8 0006 #Select Stage\7 8008C2F8 0007 #Select Stage\8 8008C2F8 0008 #Select Stage\9 8008C2F8 0009 #Select Stage\10 8008C2F8 000A #Select Stage\11 8008C2F8 000B #Select Stage\12 8008C2F8 000C #Select Stage\13 8008C2F8 000D ; [ Excalibur 2555 A.D. (Italy) {SLES-00693} ] ; [ Exciting Bass (Japan) {SLP-86124} ] ; [ Exciting Bass 2 (Japan) {SLP-86295} ] ; [ Exciting Bass 3 (Japan) {SLP-86729} ] ; [ Exciting Pro Wres (Japan) {SLPS-02885} ] ; [ Exciting Pro Wres 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80601} ] ; [ Exciting Pro Wres 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03122} ] ; [ Exclusive PlayStation Racing Demos (Europe) {SCED-02043} ] ; [ Exector (Japan) {SLPS-00091} ] :SLPS-00091 #Infinite Infinite Health (Green) 801E434E 0440 #Laser Doesn't Overheat 80134844 0001 ; [ Exhumed (Europe) {SLES-00097} ] :SLES-00097 #Infinite Life Energy 800791BC 00C8 #Infinite Lifes 800830A2 00C8 #No Problems With Air 800830AC 0040 #All Levels Selectables 9007D1F0 1A161F11 9007D1F4 1415171C 9007D1F8 1A131515 9007D1FC 1115151C 9007D200 1A1A1219 8007D204 0018 #Chains Of Power 800830C2 0007 #Gun Equipped 800830C6 0040 #Infinite Gun-Power 800830C6 003C #M60 Equipped 800830C8 0040 #Infinite M60-Power 800830C8 0032 #Amun-Bombs Equipped 800830CA 0040 #Infinite Amun-Bomb-Power 800830CA 0014 #Flamethrower Equipped 800830CC 0040 #Infinite Flamethrower 800830CC 003C #Cobra Staff 800830CE 0032 #Infinite Cobra Staff 800830CE 0014 #Ring Of Ra 800830D0 0100 #Energy For Chains Of Power 800830D2 00FF #Manacle 800830D2 013C #All Four Keys 800830EA 000F #Have All Artifacts 300830E8 00FF #Have All Maps 800830F4 0606 #Have All Symbols 300830EA 000F #Have All Transmiter Pieces 300830EE 00FF #Have All Weapons & Infinite AMMMO 50000702 0040 800830C6 0000 ; [ Exodus Guilty (Japan) {SLPS-01707} ] :SLPS-01707 #Movie Mode 90091544 000A0101 ; [ Experience the Magic of Disney on PlayStation aka disney interactive / playstation demo disc (Europe) {SCED-03923} ] ; [ Explosive Racing (Europe) {SLES-00716} ] :SLES-00716 #Total race time always 00:00:00 80072A9F 0000 #Infinite Time 8007285C 0063 #Always be 1st 800EA3D0 0001 #All Vehicles Unlocked 80072A30 FFFF #Hidden 'Very Easy' Difficulty 30072A34 0003 ; [ Explosive Racing (France) Demo {SLED-00956} ] ; [ Extreme 500 (Europe) {SLES-02220} ] :SLES-02220 #All courses and classes enabled D00DE228 0003 80010072 FFFF D00DE228 0003 80010074 FFFF D00DE228 0003 80010076 FFFF D00DE228 0003 80010078 FFFF D00DE228 0003 8001007A FFFF D00DE228 0003 8001007C FFFF D00DE228 0003 8001007E FFFF D00DE228 0003 80010080 FFFF D00DE228 0003 80010082 FFFF #Infinite Nitro D0022EE6 1040 80022EC0 0000 ; [ Extreme Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Invasion (Europe) {SLES-03990} ] :SLES-03990 #Extreme Ghostbuster\P2 Infinite Lives 80067734 0063 #Extreme Ghostbuster\P1 Infinite Lives 800676A0 0063 #Extreme Ghostbuster\Infinite Time 8006788E 00B4 #Extreme Ghostbuster\P2 Infinite HP 80067724 0057 #Extreme Ghostbuster\P1 Infinite HP 80067690 0057 #P1 Have lots of points 800676A8 FFFF #Adventure Game\Infinite Time 8006788E 00B4 #P1 Infinite Lives 800676A0 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 80067734 0063 #P1 No Reload 80067698 0064 #P2 No Reload 8006772C 0064 #P1 Perfect Results 800676B0 0063 800676B4 0000 800676B8 0063 800676BC 0000 #P2 Perfect Results 80067744 0063 80067748 0000 8006774C 0063 80067750 0000 ; [ Extreme Pinball (Europe) {SLES-00206} ] ; [ Extreme Power (Japan) {SLPS-00329} ] :SLPS-00329 #Infinite Energy 800D22F0 2A30 #Infinite Shield 800D22F2 0258 #Infinite Money 90010298 FFFFFFFF ; [ Extreme Snow Break (Europe) Demo {SLED-01193} ] ; [ Extreme Snow Break (Europe) {SLES-00501} ] :SLES-00501 #Have 999 points in championship mode 8001001C 03E7 ; [ F-1 Grand Prix 1996: Team Un'ei Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-00677} ] :SLPS-00677 #Max Money 80010004 270F #High performance machine engine 80010090 00FF #High performance machine Aerodynamic 800100A0 00FF #High performance machine Suspension 800100A8 00FF #High performance machineTransmission 800100B8 00FF #High performance machine Electrical system 800100B0 00FF #Durability machine engine 80010098 00FF #Durability machine Aerodynamic 800100A4 00FF #Durability machine Suspension 800100AC 00FF #Durability machine Transmission 800100BC 00FF #Durability machine Electrical system 800100B4 00FF ; [ F.A. Manager (Europe) {SLES-00416} ] ; [ F1 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02722} ] :SLES-02722 #Stop Timer 80034E14 0000 #Start At Lap 4 D0034E20 0101 80034E20 0304 #Always First (Display) D0088BA4 0001 80088BA6 3402 #Team Has 999 Points 8003C3AA 03E7 #Timer At 0:00:00 (Always Pole)(.Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 D0038FA6 F0FF 80034E14 0000 #Other Drivers Can't Score (Press L1 & R1) D0038FA6 F3FF 50001502 0000 8003C380 0000 #Team Has 288 Points (Press L2 & R2) D0038FA6 FCFF 8003C3AA 0120 #Other Teams Can't Score (Press L2 & R2) D0038FA6 FCFF 5000B002 0000 8003C3AC 0000 #Slow Motion\On (Press Select & R2 D0038FA6 FDFE 3001C340 0000 ; [ F1 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02723} ] ; [ F1 2000 (Italy) {SLES-02724} ] ; [ F1 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02758} ] ; [ F1 Championship Season 2000 (Europe) {SLES-03117} ] ; [ F1 Championship Season 2000 (Europe) {SLES-03119} ] ; [ F1 Championship Season 2000 (Italy) {SLES-03118} ] ; [ F1 GP Nippon no Chousen: Dome no Yabou (Japan) {SLPS-00519} ] ; [ F1 Racing Championship (Europe) {SLES-02501} ] :SLES-02501 #Championship-Drive Off Road 300C8A8C 0000 300C8B04 0000 300C8B7C 0000 300C8BF4 0000 #Max Race Pts. Championship 800ADB8C 270F #Quick Win 800C8994 000F #Start in Lap 4 800C8994 0404 ; [ F1 World Grand Prix aka F1 World Grand Prix 2000 (Europe) {SLES-03102} ] ; [ F1 World Grand Prix aka F1 World Grand Prix 2000 (Germany) {SLES-03346} ] :SLES-03346 #Arcade-Mode Infinite Tries in Arcade Mode D00BFCCE AC43 800BFCCD 0000 #Much Money D00293F0 0000 800293F0 D02C D00293F2 0000 800293F2 0160 #Much Money Minardi D00293F4 0000 800293F4 D02C D00293F6 0000 800293F6 0160 #Much Money Arrows D00293F8 0000 800293F8 D02C D00293FA 0000 800293FA 0160 #Much Money Sauber D00293FC 0000 800293FC D02C D00293FE 0000 800293FE 0160 #Much Points Bar D0029332 0000 80029332 00AA #Much Points Minardi D0029334 0000 80029334 00AA #Much Points Arrows D0029336 0000 80029336 00AA #Much Points Arrows D0029338 0000 80029338 00AA #Other Drivers do not Score D3029332 0001 50001502 0000 80029334 0000 #Other Drivers do not Score Minardi D3029334 0001 50001502 0000 80029336 0000 #Other Drivers do not Score Arrows D3029336 0001 50001502 0000 80029338 0000 #Other Drivers do not Score Arrows D3029338 0001 50001502 0000 8002933A 0000 #Superlicense 100% Starting Field 300294B4 0064 #Superlicense 100% Win Duell 300294B6 0064 #Superlicense 100% Breaks 300294B8 0064 #Superlicense 100% Breaks in Curves 300294BA 0064 #Superlicense 100% Complete Lap 300294BC 0064 #Superlicense 100% All 50000502 0000 300294B4 0064 ; [ F1 World Grand Prix aka F1 World Grand Prix 2000 (Italy) {SLES-03347} ] ; [ F1 World Grand Prix: 1999 Season (Europe) {SLES-00887} ] :SLES-00887 #Grand Prix mode Always first D302988A 0005 3002988A 0005 D00327D2 FAFF 30068264 0005 #Arcade-Mode Infinite Tries in Arcade Mode D00BFCCE AC43 800BFCCD 0000 #Arcade-Mode Much Money D00293F0 0000 800293F0 D02C D00293F2 0000 800293F2 0160 #Arcade-Mode Much Money Minardi D00293F4 0000 800293F4 D02C D00293F6 0000 800293F6 0160 #Arcade-Mode Much Money Arrows D00293F8 0000 800293F8 D02C D00293FA 0000 800293FA 0160 #Arcade-Mode Much Money Sauber D00293FC 0000 800293FC D02C D00293FE 0000 800293FE 0160 #Arcade-Mode Much Points Bar D0029332 0000 80029332 00AA #Arcade-Mode Much Points Minardi D0029334 0000 80029334 00AA #Arcade-Mode Much Points Arrows D0029336 0000 80029336 00AA #Arcade-Mode Much Points Arrows D0029338 0000 80029338 00AA #Arcade-Mode Other Drivers do not Score D3029332 0001 50001502 0000 80029334 0000 #Arcade-Mode Other Drivers do not Score Minardi D3029334 0001 50001502 0000 80029336 0000 #Other Drivers do not Score Arrows D3029336 0001 50001502 0000 80029338 0000 #Arcade-Mode Other Drivers do not Score Arrows D3029338 0001 50001502 0000 8002933A 0000 #Superlicense 100% Starting Field 300294B4 0064 #Superlicense 100% Win Duell 300294B6 0064 #Superlicense 100% Breaks 300294B8 0064 #Superlicense 100% Breaks in Curves 300294BA 0064 #Superlicense 100% Complete Lap 300294BC 0064 #Superlicense 100% All 50000502 0000 300294B4 0064 ; [ F1 World Grand Prix: Saison 2000 (France) {SLES-03345} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02315} ] :SLES-02315 #Home Team Scores 20 Goals 80032514 0014 #Home Team Scores 0 Goals 80032514 0000 #Away Team Scores 20 Goals 80032518 0014 #Away Team Scores 0 Goals 80032518 0000 ; [ FIFA 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02315} ] :SLES-02315 #Home Team Scores 20 Goals 80032514 0014 #Home Team Scores 0 Goals 80032514 0000 #Away Team Scores 20 Goals 80032518 0014 #Away Team Scores 0 Goals 80032518 0000 ; [ FIFA 2000 (France) {SLES-02316} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02317} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Greece) {SLES-02320} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Israel) {SLES-02321} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Italy) {SLES-02319} ] ; [ FIFA 2000 (Spain) {SLES-02318} ] ; [ FIFA 2000: Europe League Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-02675} ] ; [ FIFA 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03140} ] :SLES-03140 #Away Team Score 9 goals 80037EE0 0009 #Away Team Score 0 goals 80037EE0 0000 #Home Team score 9 goals 80037EDC 0009 #Home Team score 0 goals 80037EDC 0000 ; [ FIFA 2001 (France) {SLES-03141} ] :SLES-03141 #P1 Beginne mit letzter Frage D006FED4 0000 3006FED4 000F #P1 Unendlich Joker alle Spieler 50 : 50 D001E3C2 03E0 8001E3C4 0000 #P1 Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Publikumsbefragung D001E3D2 03E0 8001E3D4 0000 #P1 Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Telefonate D001E3E2 03E0 8001E3E4 0000 ; [ FIFA 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03142} ] ; [ FIFA 2001 (Greece) {SLES-03143} ] ; [ FIFA 2001 (Israel) {SLES-03144} ] ; [ FIFA 2001 (Italy) {SLES-03145} ] ; [ FIFA 2001 (Spain) {SLES-03146} ] ; [ FIFA 97 (Europe) {SLES-00504} ] ; [ FIFA 97 (France) {SLES-00505} ] ; [ FIFA 97 (Germany) {SLES-00506} ] ; [ FIFA 99 (Europe) {SLES-01584} ] :SLES-01584 #Amount Of Goals P1 9 gOALS 30034D40 0009 #Amount Of Goals P2 0 goals 30034D44 0000 #Infinite Transfers 8009C61A 3C00 #Infinite Match Time 80123778 0000 ; [ FIFA 99 (France) {SLES-01585} ] ; [ FIFA 99 (Germany) {SLES-01586} ] :SLES-01586 #Amount Of Goals P1 9 gOALS 30034D40 0009 #Amount Of Goals P2 0 goals 30034D44 0000 #Infinite Transfers 8009C61A 3C00 #Infinite Match Time 80123778 0000 ; [ FIFA 99 (Italy) {SLES-01587} ] ; [ FIFA 99 (Spain) {SLES-01588} ] ; [ FIFA 99: Europe League Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-02309} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03666} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2002 (France) {SLES-03668} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03669} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2002 (Italy) {SLES-03671} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2002 (Spain) {SLES-03672} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2003 (Europe) {SLES-03977} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2003 (France) {SLES-03978} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2003 (Germany) {SLES-03979} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2003 (Italy) {SLES-03980} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2003 (Spain) {SLES-03981} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2004 (Europe) {SLES-04115} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2004 (France) {SLES-04116} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2004 (Germany) {SLES-04117} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2004 (Italy) {SLES-04119} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2004 (Spain) {SLES-04118} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2005 (Europe) {SLES-04165} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2005 (France) {SLES-04166} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2005 (Germany) {SLES-04168} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2005 (Italy) {SLES-04167} ] ; [ FIFA Football 2005 (Spain) {SLES-04169} ] ; [ FIFA Soccer 96 (Europe) {SLES-00116} ] :SLES-00116 #P2 Goals Always 0 80016CD4 0000 #P1 Goals Always 1 80016CD2 000A #Infinite Time 80016CC0 0000 ; [ FIFA Soccer 97 (Japan) {SLPS-00878} ] ; [ FIFA World Cup 98: France 98 Soushuuhen (Japan) {SLPS-01719} ] :SLPS-01719 #P1 Score 9 801F7F50 0009 #P1 Score 0 801F7F50 0000 #P2 Score 9 801F7F54 0009 #P2 Score 0 801F7F54 0000 ; [ FIFA: Die WM-Qualifikation 98 (Germany) {SLES-00916} ] ; [ FIFA: En Route pour la Coupe du Monde 98 (France) {SLES-00915} ] ; [ FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 (Europe) {SLES-00914} ] :SLES-00914 #Away Team scores 0 Goals 8004F7B4 0000 #Away Team Scores 9 Goals 8004F7B4 0009 #Home Team scores 0 Goals 8004F7B0 0000 #Home Team Scores 9 Goals 8004F7B0 0009 ; [ FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 (Italy) {SLES-00917} ] ; [ FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80236} ] ; [ FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 (Japan) {SLPS-01383} ] :SLPS-01383 #Infinite Player Edit Points 900B1940 00000000 #1P Score 9 goals 8004F128 0009 #1P Score 0 goals 8004F128 0000 #2P Score 9 goals 8004F12C 0009 #2P Score 0 goals 8004F12C 0000 ; [ FIFA: Rumbo al Mundial 98 (Spain) {SLES-00918} ] :SLES-00918 #Away Team scores 0 Goals 8004F7B4 0000 #Away Team Scores 9 Goals 8004F7B4 0009 #Home Team scores 0 Goals 8004F7B0 0000 #Home Team Scores 9 Goals 8004F7B0 0009 ; [ Fade to Black (Europe) {SLES-00209} ] :SLES-00209 #Infinite Shield 801C0348 07D0 #Infinite Shots 801CF800 0009 #Infinite Bouncing Mines On Pickup 801CE8D0 0003 #Infinite Explosive Shots On Pickup 801CF620 0009 #Infinite Energy 801C1944 07D0 #Invincibility 80010028 0083 #Infinite Ammo all weapons 8005DCFE 2400 ; [ Fade to Black (Europe) {SLES-00339} ] ; [ Fade to Black (Japan) Demo {SLP-80092} ] ; [ Fade to Black (Japan) {SLPS-00812} ] :SLPS-00812 #Infinite Time 800AF9A4 0000 #Infinite Ammo 801CF7E8 0009 #Infinite Bombs 801C0330 07D0 ; [ Falcata: Astran Pardma no Monshou (Japan) {SLPS-00010} ] :SLPS-00010 #Infinite Energy main character 801F97F2 0064 ; [ Family 1500 Series: Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-03487} ] ; [ Family Bowling (Japan) {SLPS-01523} ] ; [ Family Chess (Japan) {SLPS-03392} ] ; [ Family Connection: A Guide to Lightspan (USA) {LSP-150200} ] ; [ Family Games Compendium (Europe) {SLES-03485 | SLES-13485 | SLES-23485} ] ; [ Family Gunjin Shougi (Japan) {SLPS-03379} ] ; [ Family Igo 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03488} ] ; [ Family Igo: Super Strong (Japan) {SLPS-03378} ] ; [ Family Shougi 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03489} ] ; [ Family Shougi: Super Strong (Japan) {SLPS-03377} ] ; [ Famires e Youkoso! (Japan) {SLPS-01665} ] :SLPS-01665 #Max Money 900BB020 423F423F ; [ Famitsuu Wave 10gatsu-gou Vol. 15 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80483} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 11gatsu-gou Vol. 16 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80498} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 11gatsu-gou Vol. 4 (Japan) {SLP-80312} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 12gatsu-gou Vol. 17 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80502} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 12gatsu-gou Vol. 5 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80339} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 1gatsu-gou Vol. 18 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80518} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 1gatsu-gou Vol. 6 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80352} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 2gatsu-gou Vol. 19 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80530} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 2gatsu-gou Vol. 7 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80366} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 3gatsu-gou Vol. 20 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80543} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 3gatsu-gou Vol. 8 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80383} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 4gatsu-gou Vol. 9 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80394} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 5gatsu-gou Vol. 10 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80411} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 6gatsu-gou Vol. 11 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80423} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 7gatsu-gou Vol. 12 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80434} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 8gatsu-gou Vol. 13 (Japan) {SLP-80450} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave 9gatsu-gou Vol. 14 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80465} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave Soukangou Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80256} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave Soukangou Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80277} ] ; [ Famitsuu Wave Soukangou Vol. 3 (Japan) {SLP-80290} ] ; [ Fantastic Fortune (Japan) {SLPS-03214} ] :SLPS-03214 #Have all stats at maximum 800CAF45 00FA 800CAF46 00FA 800CAF47 00FA 800CAF48 00FA ; [ Fantastic Four (Europe) {SLES-00548} ] :SLES-00548 #P1 Infinite Health 800E03EE 0040 #P2 Infinite Health 800E05EE 0040 #P3 Infinite Health 800E07EE 0040 #P4 Infinite Health 800E09EE 0040 #Level Skip ((Press L1+L2+R1+R2 while in game to go to the Level Skip screen. Press X to skip a level or Triangle to go back a level) 800910D2 0001 ; [ Fantastic Four (Japan) {SLPS-01034} ] :SLPS-01034 #Infinite Credits 800B9E98 0005 #P1 Infinite Energy 800E038E 0040 #P2 Infinite Energy 800E058E 0040 #P3 Infinite Energy 800E078E 0040 #P4 Infinite Energy 800E098E 0040 #Invincibility 80091070 0001 #Level Skip (Press L1+L2+R1+R2 while in game to go to the Level Skip screen. Press X to skip a level or Triangle to go back a level) 80091072 0001 ; [ Fantastic Night Dreams: Cotton Original (Japan) {SLPS-02034} ] :SLPS-02034 #Infinite Lives 800E0890 0004 #Invinvible 801E4338 0031 #Infinite Weapons 900E08A4 03040102 800E08A8 0500 ; [ Fantasy Tap (Japan) {SLPS-00781} ] ; [ Favorite Dear (Japan) {SLPS-01759} ] :SLPS-01759 #Have 999 AP 8001F5E4 03E7 #First warrior infinite HP 9001F6F4 03E703E7 #Second warrior infinite HP 9001F760 03E703E7 #Third warrior infinite HP 9001F7CC 03E703E7 #Fourth warrior infinite HP 9001F8A4 03E703E7 #Fifth warrior infinite HP 9001F9E8 03E703E7 ; [ Fear Effect (Europe) {SLES-02166 | SLES-12166 | SLES-22166 | SLES-32166} ] :SLES-02166 :SLES-12166 :SLES-22166 :SLES-32166 #Infinite Health (No Fear) 801D8577 7F00 801D8578 007F #Time is 0:00:00 80077958 0000 #Hana-Codes\Have 2 Pistols And Infinite Ammo 9008E050 63630002 #Hana-Codes\Have Machine Pistol + Infinite Ammo 9008E054 63630002 #Hana-Codes\Have Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E05C 00630001 #Hana-Codes\Have Shotgun + Infinite Ammo 9008E064 00630001 #Hana-Codes\Have Hk v Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E068 00630001 #Royce-Codes\Have 2 Pistols And Infinite Ammo 9008E0D4 63630002 #Royce-Codes\Have Machine Pistol + Infinite Ammo 9008E0D8 63630002 #Royce-Codes\Have Shot Pistol + Infinite Ammo 9008E0DC 63630002 #Royce-Codes\Have Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E0E0 00630001 #Royce-Codes\Have Shotgun + Infinite Ammo 9008E0E8 00630001 #Royce-Codes\Have Hk v Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E0EC 00630001 #Deke-Codes\Have 2 Pistols And Infinite Ammo 9008E158 63630002 #Deke-Codes\Have Shot Pistol + Infinite Ammo 9008E160 63630002 #Deke-Codes\Have Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E164 00630001 #Deke-Codes\Have Shotgun + Infinite Ammo 9008E16C 00630001 #Deke-Codes\Have Hk v Assault Rifle + Infinite Ammo 9008E170 00630001 ; [ Fear Effect (France) {SLES-02167 | SLES-12167 | SLES-22167 | SLES-32167} ] ; [ Fear Effect (Germany) {SLES-02168 | SLES-12168 | SLES-22168 | SLES-32168} ] :SLES-02168 :SLES-12168 :SLES-22168 :SLES-32168 #Y-Fix 8005B234 0000 #Unendlich Munition D003DE74 0002 8003DE76 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit D0028368 0008 80028366 3C00 #Keine Angst D0047F54 0068 80047F56 3C00 #Hana-Alle GegenstäNde D008E112 0000 8008E112 0101 E008E114 0000 3008E114 0001 D008E11C 0000 8008E11C 0101 D008E11E 0000 8008E11E 0101 D008E120 0000 8008E120 0101 D008E122 0000 8008E122 0101 D008E124 0000 8008E124 0101 D008E126 0000 8008E126 0101 D008E128 0000 8008E128 0101 D008E12A 0000 8008E12A 0101 D008E12C 0000 8008E12C 0101 D008E12E 0000 8008E12E 0101 #Royce-Alle GegenstäNde D008E196 0000 8008E196 0101 E008E198 0000 3008E198 0001 D008E1A0 0000 8008E1A0 0101 D008E1A2 0000 8008E1A2 0101 D008E1A4 0000 8008E1A4 0101 D008E1A6 0000 8008E1A6 0101 D008E1A8 0000 8008E1A8 0101 D008E1AA 0000 8008E1AA 0101 D008E1AC 0000 8008E1AC 0101 D008E1AE 0000 8008E1AE 0101 D008E1A0 0000 8008E1A0 0101 E008E1A2 0000 3008E1A2 0001 #Deke-Alle GegenstäNde D008E21A 0000 8008E21A 0101 E008E21C 0000 3008E21C 0001 D008E224 0000 8008E224 0101 D008E226 0000 8008E226 0101 D008E228 0000 8008E228 0101 D008E22A 0000 8008E22A 0101 D008E22C 0000 8008E22C 0101 D008E22E 0000 8008E22E 0101 D008E230 0000 8008E230 0101 D008E232 0000 8008E232 0101 D008E234 0000 8008E234 0101 E008E236 0000 3008E236 0001 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone x2 9008E0C8 63630002 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Smg 9008E0CC 63630002 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone 9008E0D0 63630002 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Sturmgewehr 9008E0D4 00630001 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Schrotflinte 9008E0DC 00630001 #Hana-Waffen-Codes\Habe Mk v Sturm 9008E0E0 00630001 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone x2 9008E14C 63630002 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Smg 9008E150 63630002 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone 9008E154 63630002 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Sturmgewehr 9008E158 00630001 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Schrotflinte 9008E160 00630001 #Royce-Waffen-Codes\Habe Mk v Sturm 9008E164 00630001 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone x2 9008E1D0 63630002 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Smg 9008E1D4 63630002 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Handkanone 9008E1D8 63630002 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Sturmgewehr 9008E1DC 00630001 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Schrotflinte 9008E1E4 00630001 #Deke-Waffen-Codes\Habe Mk v Sturm 9008E1E8 00630001 ; [ Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (Europe) {SLES-03386 | SLES-13386 | SLES-23386 | SLES-33386} ] :SLES-03386 :SLES-13386 :SLES-23386 :SLES-33386 #No fear 80047EC2 0000 #Infinite Ammo D003FFC0 0004 3003FFC0 0000 #Infinite Rounds D0040A8C 00F0 30040A8C 0000 #No Fear Infinite Health 30049560 0000 #No fear / infinite health On (Press Select) D00862D2 FFFE 30049560 0000 #Timer frozen Computer desk D00B3B1C 0004 300B3B1C 0000 #Time Frozen Bombsearch D00B9018 FFFF 800B9018 0001 ; [ Feeding Frenzy Screensaver (Europe) (Cheat Master 3 in 1 Combo Pack) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Felony 11-79 (Europe) {SLES-00940} ] :SLES-00940 #No Damage 8009CB98 0000 #Infinite Time 800B7232 012C #Elapsed Time is 00:00:00 800A36CA 0000 900A36CC 00000000 #Infinite Money 9009CB38 00FFFFFF #Infinite Fuel 800B5456 0019 ; [ Fever 2: Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-02760} ] ; [ Fever 3: Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-02994} ] ; [ Fever 4: Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-03166} ] ; [ Fever 5: Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-03277} ] ; [ Fever: Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-02371} ] ; [ Fighter Maker (Europe) {SLES-02515} ] ; [ Fighting Eyes (Japan) {SLPS-01313} ] :SLPS-01313 #P1 Infinite Energy 8005E0B8 0080 #P2 Infinite Energy 8005E0BC 0080 #freeze 2P Press (SELECT) D006063A FFFE 3005E0EC 0000 ; [ Fighting Force & Tomb Raider II (Europe) Demo {SLED-01098} ] ; [ Fighting Force (Europe) (EDC Original) {SLES-00731} ] :SLES-00731 #P1 Infinite Health 800B42F2 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B43E6 017C #Red Blood With German Menus 3005C3F4 0000 #Enables level select & invulnerability cheat D0093D00 0000 30093D00 0003 #Finish level (Press L2 & R2 & Circle) D00946E2 DCFF 800B42B0 B800 ; [ Fighting Force (Europe) Demo {SLED-00881} ] ; [ Fighting Force (Europe) {SLES-00731} ] :SLES-00731 #P1 Infinite Health 800B42F2 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B43E6 017C #Red Blood With German Menus 3005C3F4 0000 #Enables level select & invulnerability cheat D0093D00 0000 30093D00 0003 #Finish level (Press L2 & R2 & Circle) D00946E2 DCFF 800B42B0 B800 ; [ Fighting Force (USA) {SLUS-00433} ] :SLUS-00433 #Lot Of Special Attacks D0093A16 FFFF 90024F3C 00000000 #P1 Infinite Health 800B435A 017C #P2 Infinite Health 800B444E 017C #Infinite Credits 80093D50 0009 #Infinite Missile (Stage1) 8009A56A 0009 #1 Hit Death All Enemies 800B4542 0001 800B4636 0001 800B472A 0001 800B481E 0001 800B4912 0001 #Cheat Mode 80093D63 0002 #Stage Skip and More X+L1 When In Game D0093A10 4400 800B4318 CC6C ; [ Fighting Force 2 (Europe) Demo {SLED-02314} ] ; [ Fighting Force 2 (Europe) {SLES-02233} ] :SLES-02233 #Infinite Health D00CDD5E FEFF 80000004 0001 D00CDD5E FDFF 80000004 0000 D0000004 0001 80117338 03FC ; [ Fighting Force 2 (Europe) {SLES-02237} ] :SLES-02237 #Energia Infinita 801173C8 03FC #Level Steel Mill 801FFF5C 0001 #Level Research Lab 801FFF5C 0006 #Level Tank Factory 801FFF5C 000A #Level Polar Research Base 801FFF5C 000F #Level Jungle Temple 801FFF5C 0012 #Level Chemical Plant 801FFF5C 0016 #Level Prison Island 801FFF5C 001A #Level Undersea Base 801FFF5C 001f #Level Skyscraper HQ 801FFF5C 0023 #Level Credits 801FFF5C 0028 ; [ Fighting Force 2 (Germany) {SLES-02235} ] :SLES-02235 #Unendlich Energie D0070CCC 0044 8011642C 03FC #Unendlich Geld D0070CCC 0044 800CCE2A 003C #Unendlich Continues D0070CCC 0044 800CCE24 000A #Habe Alle Karten 900CD46C 01010101 #Wut Sinkt Nicht 80070D72 3C00 #Unendlich Munition 80073A0A 3C00 #Developer Cheat Menu 300CB078 0002 ; [ Fighting Illusion V: K-1 Grand Prix '99 (Japan) {SLPS-02304} ] :SLPS-02304 #P1 Never K.o 8010202E 0000 #P1 Have Infinite Rush Power 80102024 013F #P1 Always Have Maximum Spirit & Power 50000204 0000 80102018 E19C ; [ Fighting Illusion: K-1 GP 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02985} ] :SLPS-02985 #HP currently 8010B608 0063 3010B60A 0063 #Maximum HP 8010B60C 0063 3010B60E 0063 #Currently stamina 8010B614 0063 3010B616 0063 #Maximum stamina 8010B618 0063 3010B61A 0063 #K-1 challenge for all skill mastered 900A3650 FFFFFFFC 900A3654 FFFFFFFF 900A3658 FFFFFFFF 900A365C FFFFFFFF 900A3660 FFFFFFFF 900A3664 FFFFFFFF 900A3668 FFFFFFFF 800A366C FFFF 300A366E 000F ; [ Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix '98 (Japan) (Tentou Demo-ban) {SLP-80341} ] ; [ Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix (Japan) {SLPS-00340} ] :SLPS-00340 #P1 Infinite Energy 800B1F3C 03E8 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B1F40 03E8 ; [ Fighting Illusion: K-1 Revenge (Japan) {SLPS-00978} ] :SLPS-00978 #P1 Codes\Infinite Health 800B82C4 03FF #P1 Codes\Low Health 800B82C4 0001 #P1 Codes\No Health 800B82C4 0000 #P1 Codes\Infinite Power Bar 800B82BC 01FF #P1 Codes\No Power Bar 800B82BC 0000 #P1 Press Square buton and win for KO D00B8900 0080 800B82E8 0003 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health 800B82C8 03FF #P2 Codes\Low Health 800B82C8 0001 #P2 Codes\No Health 800B82C8 0000 #P2 Codes\Infinite Power Bar 800B82C0 01FF #P2 Codes\No Power Bar 800B82C0 0000 ; [ Fighting Network Rings (Japan) {SLPS-00631} ] ; [ Final Doom (Europe) {SLES-00487} ] :SLES-00487 #Infinite Health 800AB410 0064 800AB41C 0001 8012734C 0064 #Infinite Armor 800AB414 0064 #Always Have Map 800AB42C 0001 #Mega Rapid Fire E0099132 0010 800AB4D8 0001 #Infinite Ammo 50000404 0000 800AB484 0064 #All Weapons 50000704 0000 800AB468 0001 #All Keys 50000304 0000 800AB440 0001 #Level Select (Pause menu) (Press Select & X Pad 2) D0099156 BFFE 800AB4AC 0020 ; [ Final Fantasy (Japan) (Final Fantasy I+II Premium Package) {SLPS-03500} ] ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology: European Edition: Final Fantasy IV (Europe, Australia) {SCES-03840} ] ; [ Final Fantasy Anthology: European Edition: Final Fantasy V (Europe, Australia) {SCES-13840} ] ; [ Final Fantasy Extra Collection (Japan) {SLP-80073} ] ; [ Final Fantasy II (Japan) (Final Fantasy I+II Premium Package) {SLPS-03501} ] :SLPS-03501 #Max money 900AFA7C 0001869F #999 HP 800AF892 03E7 800AF894 03E7 #Save Anywhere D013EC60 0024 8013EC7E 1000 #100% Monster Encyclopedia D0141F08 1040 80141F14 83E7 D0141F08 1040 80141F16 2402 D0141F08 1040 80141F1A A462 #100% item collection rate does not go out and see the effect once 800149CE A060 800149DC 0000 #Complementary Art Gallery 300AFB2B 00FF ; [ Final Fantasy IV (Japan) {SLP-86028} ] ; [ Final Fantasy IX (Europe) {SLES-02965 | SLES-12965 | SLES-22965 | SLES-32965} ] :SLES-02965 :SLES-12965 :SLES-22965 :SLES-32965 # Hit Puts You Into Trance D00B834C 0003 800B834E 1000 #Always Max Ats Meter Upon Fill Up D00B2A14 CF9D 800B2A2A 2400 D00B2A14 CF9D 800BEF12 2400 #Infinite Trance D00B2A14 CF9D 800B2B62 2400 #Infinite MP in battle D00B959C 1021 800B95A2 2400 ; [ Final Fantasy IX (France) {SLES-02966 | SLES-12966 | SLES-22966 | SLES-32966} ] ; [ Final Fantasy IX (Germany) {SLES-02967 | SLES-12967 | SLES-22967 | SLES-32967} ] #Diverse\Charaktere Sind Unsichtbar 900AB8B0 00000000 #Diverse\Charaktere Haben Keinen Schatten 900AB92C 00000000 #Diverse\Habe 9.999.999 Gil 50000202 6A19 8008B7B0 967F #Diverse\Uhr 00:00:00 8002487A AC60 #Diverse\Zeit LäUft RüCkwäRts D0024874 1021 30024874 0023 #Diverse\Unendlich Magische Steine Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B2A3 0063 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Nicht Ab D01F0098 0017 301F0098 0000 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Zu D01F0088 1023 301F0098 0021 #Diverse\Alle Abilities Sichtbar Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B296 00FF #Diverse\Kann Jederzeit Auf 'Anlegen'-Menü Zugreifen D01FE0D0 0001 301FED01 0001 #Diverse\Keine ZufäLligen KäMpfe D003952C 0079 8003952E 1000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Alle Sichtbar 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6300 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Nicht Ab %NOTE1 D002853A A0C2 8002853A 0000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Zu D0028534 1023 30028534 0021 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Hp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00BDBE0 0028 800BDBE0 0000 D00BDBE0 0000 800BDBE2 0000 D00F3478 0004 800F347A 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Mp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00B95D0 002A 800B95D2 0000 D00BD8FC 0002 800BD8FE 0000 D00BDA44 002A 800BDA46 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Ats-Anzeige Bleibt Voll D00B2A58 002C 800B2A58 0000 D00B2A5A A600 800B2A5A 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80108F74 21FF #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F36 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F24 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098668 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F26 270F D00740FA FDEF 8009866E 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F28 1720 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109044 21FF #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109006 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B10 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B16 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF8 19A0 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (DrüCke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109114 21FF #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FB8 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FBE 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C8 0190 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 801091E4 021F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109194 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099460 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109196 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099466 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109198 1720 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109264 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109266 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 801092AE FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109334 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109336 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010937E FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109386 00?? #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109404 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Keine Mp %NOTEA2 D0105708 0100 80109406 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010944E FFFF #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109456 00?? #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\999 Ap D01F0C4C C317 801F0C60 03E7 D01F0C4C C317 801F0C62 3403 #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\65535 Exp D01F0C4C C317 801F0C48 FFFF D01F0C4C C317 801F0C4A 3404 #Diverse\Charaktere Sind Unsichtbar 900AB8B0 00000000 #Diverse\Charaktere Haben Keinen Schatten 900AB92C 00000000 #Diverse\Habe 9.999.999 Gil 50000202 6A19 8008B7B0 967F #Diverse\Uhr 00:00:00 8002487A AC60 #Diverse\Zeit LäUft RüCkwäRts D0024874 1021 30024874 0023 #Diverse\Unendlich Magische Steine Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B2A3 0063 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Nicht Ab D01F0098 0017 301F0098 0000 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Zu D01F0088 1023 301F0098 0021 #Diverse\Alle Abilities Sichtbar Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B296 00FF #Diverse\Kann Jederzeit Auf 'Anlegen'-Menü Zugreifen D01FE0D0 0001 301FED01 0001 #Diverse\Keine ZufäLligen KäMpfe D003952C 0079 8003952E 1000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Alle Sichtbar 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6300 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Nicht Ab %NOTE1 D002853A A0C2 8002853A 0000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Zu D0028534 1023 30028534 0021 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Hp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00BDBE0 0028 800BDBE0 0000 D00BDBE0 0000 800BDBE2 0000 D00F3478 0004 800F347A 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Mp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00B95D0 002A 800B95D2 0000 D00BD8FC 0002 800BD8FE 0000 D00BDA44 002A 800BDA46 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Ats-Anzeige Bleibt Voll D00B2A58 002C 800B2A58 0000 D00B2A5A A600 800B2A5A 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80108F74 21FF #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F36 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F24 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098668 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F26 270F D00740FA FDEF 8009866E 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F28 1720 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109044 21FF #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109006 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B10 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B16 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF8 19A0 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (DrüCke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109114 21FF #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FB8 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FBE 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C8 0190 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 801091E4 021F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109194 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099460 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109196 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099466 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109198 1720 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109264 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109266 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 801092AE FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109334 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109336 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010937E FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109386 00?? #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109404 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Keine Mp %NOTEA2 D0105708 0100 80109406 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010944E FFFF #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109456 00?? #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\999 Ap D01F0C4C C317 801F0C60 03E7 D01F0C4C C317 801F0C62 3403 #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\65535 Exp D01F0C4C C317 801F0C48 FFFF D01F0C4C C317 801F0C4A 3404 #Diverse\Charaktere Sind Unsichtbar 900AB8B0 00000000 #Diverse\Charaktere Haben Keinen Schatten 900AB92C 00000000 #Diverse\Habe 9.999.999 Gil 50000202 6A19 8008B7B0 967F #Diverse\Uhr 00:00:00 8002487A AC60 #Diverse\Zeit LäUft RüCkwäRts D0024874 1021 30024874 0023 #Diverse\Unendlich Magische Steine Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B2A3 0063 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Nicht Ab D01F0098 0017 301F0098 0000 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Zu D01F0088 1023 301F0098 0021 #Diverse\Alle Abilities Sichtbar Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B296 00FF #Diverse\Kann Jederzeit Auf 'Anlegen'-Menü Zugreifen D01FE0D0 0001 301FED01 0001 #Diverse\Keine ZufäLligen KäMpfe D003952C 0079 8003952E 1000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Alle Sichtbar 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6300 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Nicht Ab %NOTE1 D002853A A0C2 8002853A 0000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Zu D0028534 1023 30028534 0021 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Hp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00BDBE0 0028 800BDBE0 0000 D00BDBE0 0000 800BDBE2 0000 D00F3478 0004 800F347A 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Mp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00B95D0 002A 800B95D2 0000 D00BD8FC 0002 800BD8FE 0000 D00BDA44 002A 800BDA46 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Ats-Anzeige Bleibt Voll D00B2A58 002C 800B2A58 0000 D00B2A5A A600 800B2A5A 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80108F74 21FF #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F36 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F24 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098668 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F26 270F D00740FA FDEF 8009866E 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F28 1720 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109044 21FF #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109006 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B10 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B16 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF8 19A0 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (DrüCke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109114 21FF #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FB8 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FBE 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C8 0190 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 801091E4 021F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109194 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099460 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109196 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099466 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109198 1720 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109264 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109266 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 801092AE FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109334 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109336 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010937E FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109386 00?? #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109404 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Keine Mp %NOTEA2 D0105708 0100 80109406 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010944E FFFF #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109456 00?? #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\999 Ap D01F0C4C C317 801F0C60 03E7 D01F0C4C C317 801F0C62 3403 #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\65535 Exp D01F0C4C C317 801F0C48 FFFF D01F0C4C C317 801F0C4A 3404 #Diverse\Charaktere Sind Unsichtbar 900AB8B0 00000000 #Diverse\Charaktere Haben Keinen Schatten 900AB92C 00000000 #Diverse\Habe 9.999.999 Gil 50000202 6A19 8008B7B0 967F #Diverse\Uhr 00:00:00 8002487A AC60 #Diverse\Zeit LäUft RüCkwäRts D0024874 1021 30024874 0023 #Diverse\Unendlich Magische Steine Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B2A3 0063 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Nicht Ab D01F0098 0017 301F0098 0000 #Diverse\Magische Steine Nehmen Zu D01F0088 1023 301F0098 0021 #Diverse\Alle Abilities Sichtbar Alle Charaktere 50000990 0000 3008B296 00FF #Diverse\Kann Jederzeit Auf 'Anlegen'-Menü Zugreifen D01FE0D0 0001 301FED01 0001 #Diverse\Keine ZufäLligen KäMpfe D003952C 0079 8003952E 1000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Alle Sichtbar 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6300 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Nicht Ab %NOTE1 D002853A A0C2 8002853A 0000 #Diverse\GegenstäNde\Nehmen Zu D0028534 1023 30028534 0021 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Hp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00BDBE0 0028 800BDBE0 0000 D00BDBE0 0000 800BDBE2 0000 D00F3478 0004 800F347A 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Mp Nimmt Nicht Ab D00B95D0 002A 800B95D2 0000 D00BD8FC 0002 800BD8FE 0000 D00BDA44 002A 800BDA46 0000 #Im Kampf\Alle Charaktere\Ats-Anzeige Bleibt Voll D00B2A58 002C 800B2A58 0000 D00B2A5A A600 800B2A5A 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80108F74 21FF #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F36 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80108F38 4000 #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F24 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098668 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F26 270F D00740FA FDEF 8009866E 270F #Im Kampf\1. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108F28 1720 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109044 21FF #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109006 20EC D00740FA FDEF 80109008 4000 #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B10 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098B16 270F #Im Kampf\2. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80108FF8 19A0 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (DrüCke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 80109114 21FF #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090D6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801090D8 4000 #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C4 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FB8 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C6 270F D00740FA FDEF 80098FBE 270F #Im Kampf\3. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801090C8 0190 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Immer Im Trancemodus (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 D00740FA FDEF 801091E4 021F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Super Status (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 801091A6 20EC D00740FA FDEF 801091A8 4000 #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Hp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109194 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099460 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Unendlich Mp (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109196 270F D00740FA FDEF 80099466 270F #Im Kampf\4. Charakter\Ats-Anzeige Voll (Drücke R2 & Oben) D00740FA FDEF 80109198 1720 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109264 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109266 0000 #Im Kampf\1. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 801092AE FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109334 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Keine Mp D0105708 0100 80109336 0000 #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010937E FFFF #Im Kampf\2. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109386 00?? #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Sudden Death (Drücke Select Pad 2) D007411E FFFE 80109404 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Keine Mp %NOTEA2 D0105708 0100 80109406 0000 #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\AnfäLlig FüR Alle Elemente D0105708 0100 8010944E FFFF #Im Kampf\3. Gegner\Levelmodifizierer ?00-FF D0105708 0100 30109456 00?? #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\999 Ap D01F0C4C C317 801F0C60 03E7 D01F0C4C C317 801F0C62 3403 #Nach Dem Kampf\Bekomme Nach Jedem Kampf\65535 Exp D01F0C4C C317 801F0C48 FFFF D01F0C4C C317 801F0C4A 3404 ; [ Final Fantasy IX (Italy) {SLES-02968 | SLES-12968 | SLES-22968 | SLES-32968} ] ; [ Final Fantasy IX (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45500 | SCPS-45501 | SCPS-45502 | SCPS-45503} ] ; [ Final Fantasy IX (Spain) {SLES-02969 | SLES-12969 | SLES-22969 | SLES-32969} ] :SLES-02969 :SLES-12969 :SLES-22969 :SLES-32969 #Infinite HP Character 1 In Battle 80108F24 270F #Infinite HP Character 2 In Battle 80108FF4 270F #Infinite HP Character 3 In Battle 801090C4 270F #Infinite Gold 9008B7B0 3B9AC9FF #Todos los objetos a 99 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6301 #FFIX - Yitan out of battle codes 8008B2A4 270F 8008B29C 270F 8008B2A6 03E7 8008B29E 03E7 3008B297 0063 3008B2A3 0063 3008B2AB 0063 #FFIX - Freya out of battle codes 8008B4DC 270F 9008B4E4 03E7270F 8008B4DE 03E7 3008B4D7 0063 3008B4E3 0063 3008B4EB 0063 #FFIX - Vivi out of battle codes 8008B32C 270F 8008B334 270F 8008B32E 03E7 8008B336 03E7 3008B327 0063 3008B333 0063 3008B33B 0063 #FFIX - Quina out of battle codes 8008b564 270F 9008b574 03E7270F 8008b56e 03E7 3008b567 0063 3008b573 0063 3008b57b 0063 #FFIX - Amarant out of battle codes 8008B694 270F 8008B68C 270F 8008B696 03E7 8008B68E 03E7 3008B687 0063 3008B693 0063 3008B69B 0063 #FFIX - Eiko out of battle codes 8008B604 270F 8008B5FC 270F 8008B606 03E7 8008B5FE 03E7 3008B5F7 0063 3008B603 0063 3008B60B 0063 #FFIX - Daga/Garnet out of battle codes 3008B3D0 0063 3008B3D1 0063 3008B3B7 0063 3008B3C3 0063 3008B3CB 0063 8008B3C4 270F 8008B3BC 270F 8008B3C6 03E7 8008B3BE 03E7 ; [ Final Fantasy Origins: Final Fantasy (Europe) {SLES-04034} ] :SLES-04034 #Infinite HP in battle character 1 800BDDEC 0063 #Infinite HP in battle character 2 800BDE3C 0063 #Infinite HP in battle character 3 800BDE8C 0063 #Infinite HP in battle character 4 800BDEDC 0063 #All Actors 800BEF5E 00FF #Fewer Random Battles 300BDFEC 0001 #Infinite Gil 800F4CB8 270F ; [ Final Fantasy Origins: Final Fantasy II (Europe) {SLES-14034} ] :SLES-14034 #Infinite HP Character 1 801F6ACA 270F #Max Hp Character 1 801F6ACE 270F #Infinite MP Characer 1 801F6ACC 03E7 #Max Mp Character 1 801F6AD0 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 2 801F6C96 270F #Max Hp Character 2 801F6C9A 270F #Infinite MP Character 2 801F6C98 03E7 #Max Mp Character 2 801F6C9C 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 3 801F6E62 270F #Max Hp Character 3 801F6E66 270F #Infinite MP Character 3 801F6E64 03E7 #Max Mp Character 3 801F6E68 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 4 801F702E 270F ; [ Final Fantasy Tactics (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-87392} ] ; [ Final Fantasy Tactics (Japan) {SLPS-00770} ] :SLPS-00770 #Infinite Money 9005483C 05F5E0FF #Level Up 801904B8 63FF 80190678 63FF 80190838 63FF 801909F8 63FF 80190BB8 63FF #First Character Codes\Level Up 801904B8 63FF #First Character Codes\Max Hp 801904C2 03E7 #First Character Codes\Max Mp 801904C6 03E7 #Second Character Codes\Level Up 80190678 63FF #Second Character Codes\Max Hp 80190682 03E7 #Second Character Codes\Max Mp 80190686 03E7 #Third Character Codes\Level Up 80190838 63FF #Third Character Codes\Max Hp 80190842 03E7 #Third Character Codes\Max Mp 80190846 03E7 #Fourth Character Codes\Level Up 801909F8 63FF #Fourth Character Codes\Max Hp 801909FC 03E7 #Fourth Character Codes\Max Mp 80191000 03E7 #Complete Occupation\Character 1 - Set One 801C2B46 270F 901C2B48 270F270F 901C2B4C 270F270F 901C2B50 270F270F 901C2B54 270F270F 901C2B58 270F270F 901C2B5C 270F270F 901C2B60 270F270F #Complete Occupation\Character 1 - Set Two 901C2B64 270F270F 901C2B68 270F270F 901C2B6C 270F270F 901C2B70 270F270F 901C2B74 270F270F 901C2B78 270F270F 901C2B7C 270F270F 801C2B80 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 1 - Set Three 801C2B82 270F 901C2B84 270F270F 901C2B88 270F270F 901C2B8C 270F270F 901C2B90 270F270F 801C2B94 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 2 - Set One 801C2C6E 270F 901C2C70 270F270F 901C2C74 270F270F 901C2C78 270F270F 901C2C7C 270F270F 901C2C80 270F270F 901C2C84 270F270F 901C2C88 270F270F #Complete Occupation\Character 2 - Set Two 901C2C8C 270F270F 901C2C90 270F270F 901C2C94 270F270F 901C2C98 270F270F 901C2C9C 270F270F 901C2CA0 270F270F 901C2CA4 270F270F 801C2CA8 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 2 - Set Three 801C2CAA 270F 901C2CAC 270F270F 901C2CB0 270F270F 901C2CB4 270F270F 901C2CB8 270F270F 801C2CBC 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 3 - Set One 801C2D96 270F 901C2D98 270F270F 901C2D9C 270F270F 901C2DA0 270F270F 901C2DA4 270F270F 901C2DA8 270F270F 901C2DAC 270F270F 901C2DB0 270F270F #Complete Occupation\Character 3 - Set Two 901C2DB4 270F270F 901C2DB8 270F270F 901C2DBC 270F270F 901C2DC0 270F270F 901C2DC4 270F270F 901C2DC8 270F270F 901C2DCC 270F270F 801C2DD0 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 3 - Set Three 801C2DD2 270F 901C2DD4 270F270F 901C2DD8 270F270F 901C2DDC 270F270F 901C2DE0 270F270F 801C2DE4 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 4 - Set One 801C2E5E 270F 901C2E60 270F270F 901C2E64 270F270F 901C2E68 270F270F 901C2E6C 270F270F 901C2E70 270F270F 901C2E74 270F270F 901C2E78 270F270F #Complete Occupation\Character 4 - Set Two 901C2E7C 270F270F 901C2E80 270F270F 901C2E84 270F270F 901C2E88 270F270F 901C2E8C 270F270F 901C2E90 270F270F 901C2E94 270F270F 801C2E98 270F #Complete Occupation\Character 4 - Set Three 801C2E9A 270F 901C2E9C 270F270F 901C2EA0 270F270F 901C2EA4 270F270F 901C2EA8 270F270F 801C2EAC 270F #All Items MAX 5000C901 0000 30056731 0063 50002801 0000 30056800 0063 ; [ Final Fantasy V (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45214} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VI (Europe, Australia) {SCES-03828} ] :SCES-03828 #No Random Battle (On=Select/Off=L2+R2) D0007572 FFFE 80007F00 0001 D0007F00 0001 8002FF6E 0000 D0007572 FCFF 80007F00 0000 #Infinite Battle HP/One hit kill D016D134 0005 8016D130 0007 D016D134 0005 8016D132 2E2F D016D134 0005 8016D136 15E0 D016D160 0003 8016D15C 270F D016D160 0003 8016D15E 2402 D016D160 0003 8016D166 A602 #Battle Magic Cost 0 MP D018340C 990C 3018345E 0040 D018340C 990C 3018346E 0060 D018340C 990C 3018347E 0040 D018340C 990C 3018348E 0060 #Save Anywhere D0007572 EFFF 8002E200 8000 #Minimum 50,000 Cash 8002F860 C350 #All Items Max 80008000 4021 90008004 34090063 9000800C 2421F869 80008012 A028 90008014 A0290100 9000801C 25080001 90008020 290200FF 90008024 1440FFFA 90008028 24210001 9000802C 03E00008 D0007572 EFFF 3002F869 0000 D01135B0 E029 801135B4 2000 D01135B0 E029 801135B6 0800 ; [ Final Fantasy VI (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45387} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Europe) {SCES-00867 | SCES-10867 | SCES-20867} ] :SCES-00867 :SCES-10867 :SCES-20867 #Save Anywhere 8009D172 0000 #Max Money 9009D12C 00FFFFFF #Exp. After Battle 9009D6A4 00FFFFFF #AP After Battle 9009D6A8 0000C350 #Cloud - All Limit Breaks 8009C626 0FFF #Cloud - Infinite HP 8009C630 270F #Cloud - Max HP 8009C632 270F #Cloud - Infinite MP 8009C634 03E7 #Cloud - Max MP 8009C636 03E7 #Barret - All Limit Breaks 8009C6AA 0FFF #Barret - Infinite HP 8009C6B4 270F #Barret - Max HP 8009C6B6 270F #Barret - Infinite MP 8009C6B8 03E7 #Barret - Max MP 8009C6BA 03E7 #Tifa - All Limit Breaks 8009C72E 0FFF #Tifa - Infinite HP 8009C738 270F #Tifa - Max HP 8009C73A 270F #Tifa - Infinite MP 8009C73C 03E7 #Tifa - Max MP 8009C73E 03E7 #Aeris - All Limit Breaks 8009C7B2 0FFF #Aeris - Infinite HP 8009C7BC 270F #Aeris - Max HP 8009C7BE 270F #Aeris - Infinite MP 8009C7C0 03E7 #Aeris - Max MP 8009C7C2 03E7 #Red XIII - All Limit Breaks 8009C834 0FFF #Red XIII - Infinite HP 8009C840 270F #Red XIII - Max HP 8009C842 270F #Red XIII - Infinite MP 8009C844 03E7 #Red XIII - Max MP 8009C846 03E7 #Yuffie - All Limit Breaks 8009C8BA 0FFF #Yuffie - Infinite HP 8009C8C4 270F #Yuffie - Max HP 8009C8C6 270F #Yuffie - Infinite MP 8009C8C8 03E7 #Yuffie - Max MP 8009C8CA 03E7 #Cait Sith - All Limit Breaks 8009C93E 0FFF #Cait Sith - Infinite HP 8009C948 270F #Cait Sith - Max HP 8009C94A 270F #Cait Sith - Infinite MP 8009C94C 03E7 #Cait Sith - Max MP 8009C94E 03E7 #Vincent - All Limit Breaks 8009C9C2 0FFF #Vincent - Infinite HP 8009C9CC 270F #Vincent - Max HP 8009C9CE 270F #Vincent - Infinite MP 8009C9D0 03E7 #Vincent - Max MP 8009C9D2 03E7 #Cid - All Limit Breaks 8009CA46 0FFF #Cid - Infinite HP 8009CA50 270F #Cid - Max HP 8009CA52 270F #Cid - Infinite MP 8009CA54 03E7 #Cid - Max MP 8009CA56 03E7 ; [ Final Fantasy VII (France) {SCES-00868 | SCES-10868 | SCES-20868} ] :SCES-00868 :SCES-10868 :SCES-20868 #Clad Hp 8009D970 03E7 #Clad Hp Range Max 8009D972 03E7 #Clad Mp 8009D974 03E7 #Clad Mp Range Max 8009D976 03E7 #Barret Hp 8009DDB0 03E7 #Barret Hp Rang Max 8009DDB2 03E7 #Barret Mp 8009DDB4 03E7 #Barret Mp Range Max 8009DDB6 03E7 #Max Exp 9009D8EC 000186A0 #Max Ap 9009D8F0 000186A0 #Max Gold 9009D8F4 000186A0 #Infinite Items D00E146A FFFF 800E146A 0000 #All Characters 901D3424 03020100 901D3428 07060504 801D342C FF08 ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Germany) {SCES-00869 | SCES-10869 | SCES-20869} ] :SCES-00869 :SCES-10869 :SCES-20869 #Viel AP nach dem Kampf 8009D8B0 AFFF #Viele GP nach dem Kampf 8009D4A6 598F #Viel Gil nach dem kampf 8009D8B4 FFFF #Alle Items (drücke Oben auf Pad 1) D00697C6 FFEF 50006902 0001 8009CCB4 C600 #Character 1 9999 HP 8009D932 270F #Character 2 9999 HP 8009DD72 270F #Character 3 9999 HP 8009E1B2 270F #Character 1 9999 MP 8009D936 270F #Character 2 MP 9999 8009DD76 270F #Character 3 9999 MP 8009E1B6 270F #Holden Chocobo stables 1 Place 8009D58A 0004 #Holden Chocobo stables 2 Place 8009D59A 0004 ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Japan) {SLPS-00700 | SLPS-00701 | SLPS-00702} ] :SLPS-00700 :SLPS-00701 :SLPS-00702 #Infinite HP - Aerith Gainsborough 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Barett Wallace 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Cloud 800F84A4 7000 #Infinite HP - Tifa 800F8574 7000 #Infinite Money 8009B9F8 FFFF #No Ramdom Battles 800706F4 0000 #Save Everywhere 8009BA3E 0000 #The 99 possession of all items D01D0800 2403 801D0890 C600 D01D0800 2403 801D0892 2408 D01D0800 2403 801D0898 2025 D01D0800 2403 801D089A 0112 D01D0800 2403 801D089E A444 #Master all materia you have possession Conditions: Open the materia list, scroll to the bottom. D01D4700 0821 801D4754 FF00 D01D4700 0821 801D4756 2408 D01D4700 0821 801D4758 2025 D01D4700 0821 801D475A 0088 D01D4700 0821 801D475E AC44 #Auto Battle Mode Will continue to strike until annihilate the enemy, during which the enemy will be incapacitated. D00A2994 001E 800A2994 0001 #HP recovery ally character is attacked D00AD734 0001 800AD72C 0208 D00AD734 0001 800AD72E 8C88 D00AD734 0001 800AD736 2D12 D00AD734 0001 800AD734 0003 #(Only damage the enemy side suffer) damage value 9999 D00AC638 0214 800AC638 0208 D00AC640 102A 800AC646 1440 D00AC640 102A 800AC642 2C42 D00AC640 102A 800AC640 0003 #Debug Room World map other than, I simultaneously press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 D00993F4 000F 3009938D 0001 D00993F4 000F 8009938E 0041 #Infinite HP - Aerith Gainsborough 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Barett Wallace 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Cloud 800F84A4 7000 #Infinite HP - Tifa 800F8574 7000 #Infinite Money 8009B9F8 FFFF #No Ramdom Battles 800706F4 0000 #Save Everywhere 8009BA3E 0000 #The 99 possession of all items D01D0800 2403 801D0890 C600 D01D0800 2403 801D0892 2408 D01D0800 2403 801D0898 2025 D01D0800 2403 801D089A 0112 D01D0800 2403 801D089E A444 #Master all materia you have possession Conditions: Open the materia list, scroll to the bottom. D01D4700 0821 801D4754 FF00 D01D4700 0821 801D4756 2408 D01D4700 0821 801D4758 2025 D01D4700 0821 801D475A 0088 D01D4700 0821 801D475E AC44 #Auto Battle Mode Will continue to strike until annihilate the enemy, during which the enemy will be incapacitated. D00A2994 001E 800A2994 0001 #HP recovery ally character is attacked D00AD734 0001 800AD72C 0208 D00AD734 0001 800AD72E 8C88 D00AD734 0001 800AD736 2D12 D00AD734 0001 800AD734 0003 #(Only damage the enemy side suffer) damage value 9999 D00AC638 0214 800AC638 0208 D00AC640 102A 800AC646 1440 D00AC640 102A 800AC642 2C42 D00AC640 102A 800AC640 0003 #Debug Room World map other than, I simultaneously press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 D00993F4 000F 3009938D 0001 D00993F4 000F 8009938E 0041 #Infinite HP - Aerith Gainsborough 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Barett Wallace 800F850C 7000 #Infinite HP - Cloud 800F84A4 7000 #Infinite HP - Tifa 800F8574 7000 #Infinite Money 8009B9F8 FFFF #No Ramdom Battles 800706F4 0000 #Save Everywhere 8009BA3E 0000 #The 99 possession of all items D01D0800 2403 801D0890 C600 D01D0800 2403 801D0892 2408 D01D0800 2403 801D0898 2025 D01D0800 2403 801D089A 0112 D01D0800 2403 801D089E A444 #Master all materia you have possession Conditions: Open the materia list, scroll to the bottom. D01D4700 0821 801D4754 FF00 D01D4700 0821 801D4756 2408 D01D4700 0821 801D4758 2025 D01D4700 0821 801D475A 0088 D01D4700 0821 801D475E AC44 #Auto Battle Mode Will continue to strike until annihilate the enemy, during which the enemy will be incapacitated. D00A2994 001E 800A2994 0001 #HP recovery ally character is attacked D00AD734 0001 800AD72C 0208 D00AD734 0001 800AD72E 8C88 D00AD734 0001 800AD736 2D12 D00AD734 0001 800AD734 0003 #(Only damage the enemy side suffer) damage value 9999 D00AC638 0214 800AC638 0208 D00AC640 102A 800AC646 1440 D00AC640 102A 800AC642 2C42 D00AC640 102A 800AC640 0003 #Debug Room World map other than, I simultaneously press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 D00993F4 000F 3009938D 0001 D00993F4 000F 8009938E 0041 ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Spain) Rev 1 {SCES-00900 | SCES-10900 | SCES-20900} ] :SCES-00900 :SCES-10900 :SCES-20900 #Cloud infinite & Max HP 9009D924 03E703E7 #Cloud infinite HP in battle 800F8504 03E7 #Barret infinite & Max HP 9009DD64 03E703E7 #Barret infinite HP in battle 800F8968 03E7 #Tifa infinite & Max HP 9009C934 03E703E7 #Cloud infinite MP in battle 800F5CEE 0063 #Tifa infinite MP in battle 800F5D76 0063 #Aeris infinite MP in battle 800F5D32 0063 #Have 999999 gold 9009D328 000F423F ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Spain) {SCES-00900 | SCES-10900 | SCES-20900} ] :SCES-00900 :SCES-10900 :SCES-20900 #Cloud infinite & Max HP 9009D924 03E703E7 #Cloud infinite HP in battle 800F8504 03E7 #Barret infinite & Max HP 9009DD64 03E703E7 #Barret infinite HP in battle 800F8968 03E7 #Tifa infinite & Max HP 9009C934 03E703E7 #Cloud infinite MP in battle 800F5CEE 0063 #Tifa infinite MP in battle 800F5D76 0063 #Aeris infinite MP in battle 800F5D32 0063 #Have 999999 gold 9009D328 000F423F ; [ Final Fantasy VII (Square Soft on PlayStation Previews) (USA) {SCUS-94179} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VII International (Japan) {SLP-84020 | SLP-84021 | SLP-84022 | SLP-87383} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Europe) Demo {SCED-02062} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Europe) Demo {SLED-02258} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Europe, Australia) {SCES-02080 | SCES-12080 | SCES-22080 | SCES-32080} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (France) Demo {SLED-02259} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (France) {SLES-02081 | SLES-12081 | SLES-22081 | SLES-32081} ] :SLES-02081 :SLES-12081 :SLES-22081 :SLES-32081 #No Enemy 80079290 0008 #Save Anywhere 30078641 0003 #Infinite Money 9007831C 05F5E0FF #Always Use Limits 30078BD9 0004 30078DA9 0004 30078F79 0004 #Use Gf Fast 80078BCC 0000 80078D9C 0000 80078F6C 0000 #Unlock All Gf 50001044 0000 30077871 0001 #All Items 5000C602 0001 30078354 0001 #Infinite Items 5000C602 0000 30078355 0063 #All Cards 50003701 0000 30078AF0 00E3 50001601 0000 30078B27 00E3 50002101 0000 30078B3D 00F0 50000501 0000 30078B5E 00FF #Always Time = 00:00 900784E0 00000000 #Infinite HP In Battle 80078D2A 270F 80078EFA 270F 800790CA 270F ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Germany) {SLES-02082 | SLES-12082 | SLES-22082 | SLES-32082} ] :SLES-02082 :SLES-12082 :SLES-22082 :SLES-32082 #Infinite HP in battle 1 Position 80078DA2 270F #Infinite HP in battle 2 Position 80078F72 270F #Infinite HP in battle 3 Position 80079142 270F #Infinite HP in battle G.F. 1 Position 80078C48 270F #Infinite HP in battle G.F. 2 Position 80078E18 270F #Infinite HP in battle G.F. 3 Position 80078FE8 270F #Infinite Money 90078394 0160D02C #No random battles 80079308 000C ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Italy) {SLES-02083 | SLES-12083 | SLES-22083 | SLES-32083} ] :SLES-02083 :SLES-12083 :SLES-22083 :SLES-32083 #Squall HP infinito 80077CDA 270F #Rhinoa HP infinito 80077F3A 270F #Ricarica immediata barra energia durante il combattimento 80078D74 2EE0 80078F44 2EE0 80079114 2EE0 #Nessun combattimento casuale 800792C8 000C #Soldi infiniti 80078354 0FFF 80068356 5F5E #Salva ovunque 80070B22 0100 #Tutte le carte 50002602 0000 80078B28 E4E4 30078B74 00E4 50001002 0000 80078B76 F0F0 30078B75 00F0 80078B96 FFFF 80078B98 FFFF 30078B9A 00FF #Super Chocobo 9009B548 04010000 #Tutte le acquisizioni di Ifrid e Shiva 900778AC FFFFFFFF 50000502 0000 800778B0 FFFF 800778BA 00FF 50000702 0000 800778F0 FFFF 800778FE 00FF #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 1. personaggio (L1 & L2) D00832BE 0005 80078C10 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 2. personaggio (R1 & R2) D00832BE 000A 80078DE0 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 3. personaggio (L1 & R1) D00832BE 000C 80078FB0 0400 #Squall HP infinito 80077CDA 270F #Rhinoa HP infinito 80077F3A 270F #Ricarica immediata barra energia durante il combattimento 80078D74 2EE0 80078F44 2EE0 80079114 2EE0 #Nessun combattimento casuale 800792C8 000C #Soldi infiniti 80078354 0FFF 80068356 5F5E #Salva ovunque 80070B22 0100 #Tutte le carte 50002602 0000 80078B28 E4E4 30078B74 00E4 50001002 0000 80078B76 F0F0 30078B75 00F0 80078B96 FFFF 80078B98 FFFF 30078B9A 00FF #Super Chocobo 9009B548 04010000 #Tutte le acquisizioni di Ifrid e Shiva 900778AC FFFFFFFF 50000502 0000 800778B0 FFFF 800778BA 00FF 50000702 0000 800778F0 FFFF 800778FE 00FF #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 1. personaggio (L1 & L2) D00832BE 0005 80078C10 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 2. personaggio (R1 & R2) D00832BE 000A 80078DE0 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 3. personaggio (L1 & R1) D00832BE 000C 80078FB0 0400 #Squall HP infinito 80077CDA 270F #Rhinoa HP infinito 80077F3A 270F #Ricarica immediata barra energia durante il combattimento 80078D74 2EE0 80078F44 2EE0 80079114 2EE0 #Nessun combattimento casuale 800792C8 000C #Soldi infiniti 80078354 0FFF 80068356 5F5E #Salva ovunque 80070B22 0100 #Tutte le carte 50002602 0000 80078B28 E4E4 30078B74 00E4 50001002 0000 80078B76 F0F0 30078B75 00F0 80078B96 FFFF 80078B98 FFFF 30078B9A 00FF #Super Chocobo 9009B548 04010000 #Tutte le acquisizioni di Ifrid e Shiva 900778AC FFFFFFFF 50000502 0000 800778B0 FFFF 800778BA 00FF 50000702 0000 800778F0 FFFF 800778FE 00FF #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 1. personaggio (L1 & L2) D00832BE 0005 80078C10 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 2. personaggio (R1 & R2) D00832BE 000A 80078DE0 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 3. personaggio (L1 & R1) D00832BE 000C 80078FB0 0400 #Squall HP infinito 80077CDA 270F #Rhinoa HP infinito 80077F3A 270F #Ricarica immediata barra energia durante il combattimento 80078D74 2EE0 80078F44 2EE0 80079114 2EE0 #Nessun combattimento casuale 800792C8 000C #Soldi infiniti 80078354 0FFF 80068356 5F5E #Salva ovunque 80070B22 0100 #Tutte le carte 50002602 0000 80078B28 E4E4 30078B74 00E4 50001002 0000 80078B76 F0F0 30078B75 00F0 80078B96 FFFF 80078B98 FFFF 30078B9A 00FF #Super Chocobo 9009B548 04010000 #Tutte le acquisizioni di Ifrid e Shiva 900778AC FFFFFFFF 50000502 0000 800778B0 FFFF 800778BA 00FF 50000702 0000 800778F0 FFFF 800778FE 00FF #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 1. personaggio (L1 & L2) D00832BE 0005 80078C10 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 2. personaggio (R1 & R2) D00832BE 000A 80078DE0 0400 #Usare attacchi speciali durante la battaglia 3. personaggio (L1 & R1) D00832BE 000C 80078FB0 0400 ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Japan) {SLP-87384 | SLP-87385 | SLP-87386 | SLP-87387} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Spain) Demo {SLED-02262} ] ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Spain) {SLES-02084 | SLES-12084 | SLES-22084 | SLES-32084} ] :SLES-02084 :SLES-12084 :SLES-22084 :SLES-32084 #Infinite HP In Battle 80078F62 270F 80078D92 270F 80079132 270F #Squall infinite hp 80077D0A 270F #Rinoa Infinite hp 80077F6A 270F #Quitis Infinite hp 80077ED2 270F #Irvine Infinite hp 80077E3A 270F #Selphie Infinite hp 80078002 270F #Zell Infinite hp 80077DA2 270F #Seifer Infinite hp 8007809A 270F #Edea Infinite hp 80078132 270F #Infinte objects - Objetos infinitos D01E459E A0A3 801E459E 2400 D01E45AA A0A0 801E45AA 2400 #All cards 50005201 0000 30078B58 00FF 50002601 0000 30078BA5 00F0 80078BC6 FFFF 80078BC8 FFFF 30078BCA 0001 #Always limit 80078C41 0001 80078E11 0001 80078FE1 0001 #Save everywhere 80070B52 0100 #Infinite Money 90078384 5F5E0FFF ; [ Final Fantasy VIII (Square's Preview Extra) (Japan) Demo {SLP-80269} ] ; [ Finger Flashing (Japan) {SLPS-02158} ] :SLPS-02158 #Max Power Gauge 800ED88C 0780 #Max Score 900ED84C 05F5E0FF ; [ Fire Panic: Mack no Rescue Daisakusen (Japan) {SCPS-10055} ] :SCPS-10055 #Infinite Water (Press L1) D003044C 0400 80030C1C 0820 #Infinite HP (Press L1) D003044C 0400 80030B98 0064 #Temp Will Not Increase (Press L1) D003044C 0400 80030FC0 0000 ; [ Fire Pro Wrestling G (Japan) (Spike Library #001) {SLPS-02817} ] ; [ Fire Pro Wrestling G (Japan) {SLPS-02065} ] :SLPS-02065 #All Characters 800BBD36 0101 800BBD38 0101 #Title Match Available & Staff Credit also will appear in the options 800AB378 0001 #P1 Infinite Endurance 900AFF18 FFFFFFFF #P1 Infinite Stamina 900AFF14 FFFFFFFF #P2 No Endurance 900B02B0 00000000 #P2 No Stamina 900B02AC 00000000 #All Techniques Can Be Used From Beginning Of Fighting Road Mode D0193A74 4445 30193A96 0002 #1999 Edit Points .R1+R2+SELECT D0048C28 010A D0193A74 4445 80193C22 07CF D0048C28 010A D0192A90 4445 80192C3E 07CF D0048C28 010A D01EA9BC 4445 801EAB6A 07CF #Max Attribute Parameters .L1+L2+SELECT D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 30193AFF 0065 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B00 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B02 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B04 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B06 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 30193B08 0065 D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 30193B09 000C D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B0A 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B0C 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B0E 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 80193B10 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0193A74 4445 30193B12 000C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 30192B1B 0065 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B1C 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B1E 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B20 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B22 6565 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 30192B24 0065 D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 30192B25 000C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B26 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B28 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B2A 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 80192B2C 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D0192A90 4445 30192B2E 000C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 301EAA47 0065 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA48 6565 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA4A 6565 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA4C 6565 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA4E 6565 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 301EAA50 0065 D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 301EAA51 000C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA52 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA54 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA56 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA58 0C0C D0048C28 0105 D01EA9BC 4445 301EAA5A 000C #All Moves Set As Finisher .L1+R1+L2+R2+SELECT D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B14 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B16 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B18 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B1A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B1C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B1E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B20 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B22 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B24 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B26 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B28 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B2A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B2C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B2E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B32 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B34 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B36 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B38 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B3A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B3C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B3E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B40 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B42 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B44 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B46 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B48 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B4A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B4C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B4E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B50 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B52 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B54 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B56 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B58 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B5A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B5E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B60 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B62 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B64 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B66 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B68 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B6A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B6C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B6E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B70 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B72 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B74 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B76 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B78 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B7A 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B7C 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B7E 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B80 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B82 2000 D0048C28 010F D0193A74 4445 80193B84 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D0192A90 4445 80192B30 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 D0048C28 010F D01EA9BC 4445 801EAA5C 2000 ; [ Fire Pro Wrestling: Iron Slam '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00277} ] :SLPS-00277 #P1 Rush Mode-On 80082D7C 0012 #P2 Rush Mode-On 80083300 001A ; [ Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 (Europe) {SLES-00145} ] :SLES-00145 #Infinite Weapons 8007362A 0063 9007362C 00630063 #Infinite Energy 800734B8 00D5 #Mission Complete 80073694 0000 #Negative View 800736AE 0140 ; [ Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 (Germany) (Platinum, Eidos Ricochet) {SLES-00144} ] :SLES-00144 #Unendlich Waffen 8007344E 0063 90073450 00630063 #Unendlich Energie 800732DC 00DF ; [ Firo & Klawd (Europe) {SLES-00094} ] :SLES-00094 #P1 Infinite Energy 800D928C 0050 800D9324 0050 #P2 Infinite Energy 800BE24C 0050 800BE2E4 0050 #P1 Infinite Lives 800B6724 0009 #P2 Infinite Lives 800B6748 0009 #Cheat (Password) Mode open in options 300B273C 0004 ; [ Firo & Klawd (France) {SLES-00252} ] ; [ Firo & Klawd (Germany) {SLES-00253} ] :SLES-00253 #Infinite Health 9003EEC0 00000000 #Time frozen 800B203C 2900 #Infinite Lives 300B6760 0003 #Firo All weapons 50000402 0000 800D9316 3232 #Klawd All weapons 50000402 0000 800BE2D8 3232 #Firo Bulletproof waistcoat 300D9364 0001 #Klawd Bulletproof waistcoat 300BE324 0001 ; [ Firo & Klawd (Japan) {SLPS-00803} ] ; [ Firo & Klawd (Spain) {SLES-00254} ] ; [ Fish Eyes (Japan) {SLPS-00463} ] ; [ Fish Eyes II (Japan) Demo {SLP-80523} ] ; [ Fish On! Bass (Japan) {SLPS-02288} ] ; [ Fisherman's Bait 2: Big Ol' Bass (Europe) {SLES-02596} ] :SLES-02596 #Every Fish Caught Will Weigh 9999G 80124BE2 270F 8012C542 270F #Infinite Time 999 800C0D4D 03E7 #Y-Screen-Fix 800744DC 0000 #Infinite Time For Mode Select 800C10B0 3C00 #Adjust Text-Scroll-Speed In Mode Select-Menu With Left And Right E0120571 0010 200578D0 0001 E0120571 0040 210578D0 0001 #Freeze Timer With L2 D0120570 0001 800677B8 0000 #Activate Timer With L1 D0120570 0004 800677B8 FFFF #Infinite Credits 800C0B90 0009 ; [ Fisherman's Bait 3 (Europe) {SLES-03295} ] :SLES-03295 #Every Fish Caught Will Weigh 9999G in Tournament mode 80198F68 270F ; [ Fisherman's Bait: Bass Challenge aka Fisherman's Bait: A Bass Challenge (Europe) {SLES-02085} ] :SLES-02085 #Infinite Continues 800B034C 0009 #Time Frozen With Square/Time Goes On With Triangle D01C58CC 0080 8007C516 3C00 D01C58CC 0010 8007C516 0044 #Largest = 65535G 801C603C FFFF #Every Fish Caught Will Weigh 9999G 801CDEA2 270F #Line don't break 8018D2C8 001A #Max attraction 8018D53E 0FFF ; [ Fishing Freaks: BassRise (Japan) (Doukon Pack) {SLPS-01930} ] :SLPS-01930 #All Lure 50002102 0000 8007666C FFFF #All Stages 80076794 FFFF #Fish Length 999.9 cm Can be Caught D0073F2C 0080 8009A81A 270F D0073F2C 0180 8009A81A 0000 #Fish Weight 9999 g Can be Caught D0073F2C 0080 8009A81C 270F #No Tension on Line Mode D0073F2C 0080 800773B8 0000 ; [ Fishing Freaks: BassRise (Japan) Demo {SLP-80374} ] ; [ Fishing Freaks: BassRise Plus (Japan) {SLPS-02572} ] ; [ Fishing Koshien II (Japan) {SLPS-00749} ] ; [ Flamberge no Seirei (Japan) {SLPS-02719} ] :SLPS-02719 #All CG Gallerie Open 30105B56 00FF 30105B57 00FF 30105B5A 00FF 30105B5B 00FF 30105B5E 00FF 30105B5F 00FF 30105B62 00FF 30105B66 00FF 30105B6A 00FF 30105B6E 00FF 30105B72 00FF 30105B76 00FF #Town development 30105AE6 0063 #Max Intimacy Spirit 30105AD4 00FF #Max Intimacy Charlotte 30105AD6 00FF #Max Intimacy Shifone 30105AD8 00FF #Max Intimacy Tear 30105ADA 00FF #Max Intimacy Camellia 30105ADC 00FF #Max Intimacy Ririru 30105ADe 00FF #Max Intimacy Rose 30105AE0 00FF #Max Intimacy Anne 30105AE2 00FF #Max Intimacy Sandra 30105AE4 00FF ; [ Floating Runner aka Floating Runner: Quest for the 7 Crystals (Europe) {SLES-00453} ] :SLES-00453 #Infinite Time 901081C8 00000000 #Infinite Lives 80158594 0008 #500 gems 80146B74 01F4 #Walk on water 8010AD1E 1000 #Survive deep fall 8010AF0C 0000 #Play as Cress (Press Select & R1) D0007572 F7FE 30146B7C 0001 #Play as Lay (Press Select & L1) D0007572 FBFE 30146B7C 0000 ; [ Floating Runner: 7-tsu no Suishou no Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-00147} ] :SLPS-00147 #Infinite Lives 80151880 0008 #Infinite Time 801430DC 0001 #Hold Down Square To Make 1st Shot Fly Straight D0143090 0080 80152DCC 4000 ; [ Fluid (Europe) {SCES-00985} ] ; [ Fluid (Germany) Demo {SCED-01572} ] ; [ Flying Squadron (Europe) {SLES-04156} ] :SLES-04156 #Infinite Missles 80088A34 0063 #Infinite Bullets 80088A30 03E7 #Infinite Fuel 80088A00 0E10 #Infinite Lives 80088A1A 0009 #Lots Of Pts 90079B50 00FFFFFF ; [ Folles Poursuites (France) {SLES-03546} ] ; [ Football Madness (Europe) {SLES-04047} ] ; [ Football Manager Campionato 2001 (Italy) {SLES-02978} ] ; [ Football Manager Campionato 2002 (Italy) {SLES-03606} ] ; [ Football Midseason Update for Madden NFL 2001 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Football Special aka Official UK PlayStation Football Special (Europe) Demo {SCED-01387} ] ; [ Ford Racing (Europe) {SLES-03276} ] :SLES-03276 #Turbo (Note 1) D3080B7C 0000 80080B7C FFFF D3080C0C 0000 80080C0C FFFF #Stop Round Timer / Always Pole D0037A0A AC62 80037A0A 0000 #Start In Lap 2 / Always 1St(Press R2) D00E4C92 FDFF 300815A8 0001 #Start In Lap 3 / Always 1St(Press L2) D00E4C92 FEFF 300815A8 0002 #Start In Lap 4 / Always 1St(Press L2 & Up) D00E4C92 FEEF 300815A8 0003 #Start In Lap 5 / Always 1St(Press L2 & Down) D00E4C92 FEBF 300815A8 0004 #Start In Lap 6 / Always 1St(Press L2 & R2) D00E4C92 FCFF 300815A8 0005 #All Tracks Unlocked 30017013 0066 #All Cars Unlocked 30017014 0009 #Always Good Grip D0030F62 3042 80030F62 3402 #Money Doesn't Decrease Career Mode(Note 2) 90048298 00000000 #Money Increases Career Mode(Note 2) D0048290 1023 30048290 0021 #Start With 200 Points Career Mode D00170E8 0000 300170E8 0064 #Other Drivers Get No Points Career Mode(Rom-Version 2.2 or Higher Required) D30170E8 0000 50000502 0000 300170EA 0000 ; [ Ford Truck Mania (Europe) {SLES-04109} ] ; [ Formation Soccer '97: The Road to France (Japan) {SLPS-00762} ] ; [ Formation Soccer '98 (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86640} ] ; [ Formation Soccer '98: Ganbare Nippon in France (Japan) {SLPS-01419} ] :SLPS-01419 #1P Score 9 800CFF8C 0009 #1P Score 0 800CFF8C 0000 #2P Score 9 800CFF90 0009 #2P Score 0 800CFF90 0000 ; [ Formula 1 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00298} ] :SLES-00298 #Infinite Laptime 800CEB2C 0E74 #Lava Mode 3009DAF0 0001 #Gibberish Mode 3009DAF1 0001 #Bonus Track (To enable this code, it may be necessary to start a race/practice on another track and then abandon it) 3009DAF2 0001 #Buggy Mode 8009DAEE 0001 #Bike Mode 8009DAEE 0100 #English Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF3 0001 #French Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF4 0001 #German Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF5 0001 #Spanish Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF6 0001 #Italian Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF7 0001 #Roving Camera (This code is one of the special options, but currently we have no idea what it actually does) 3009DAF8 0001 #Arcade Mode Freeze Timer 800CEB2C 1350 ; [ Formula 1 (Japan) {SIPS-60011} ] ; [ Formula 1 97 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00859} ] :SLES-00859 #Arcade Mode Only Always First Place 800CB998 0101 900552C0 00000000 900552C4 00000000 #Arcade Mode Only Infinite Time 800B3838 FFFF #Arcade Mode Only Only One Lap to Race 800C7266 0005 #Grand Prix Mode Only Always First Place 800D5D40 0101 9005EEC8 00000000 9005EECC 00000000 #Grand Prix Mode Only Only One Lap to Race 800C12F6 0005 ; [ Formula 1 97 (Europe) {SLES-00859} ] :SLES-00859 #Arcade Mode Only Always First Place 800CB998 0101 900552C0 00000000 900552C4 00000000 #Arcade Mode Only Infinite Time 800B3838 FFFF #Arcade Mode Only Only One Lap to Race 800C7266 0005 #Grand Prix Mode Only Always First Place 800D5D40 0101 9005EEC8 00000000 9005EECC 00000000 #Grand Prix Mode Only Only One Lap to Race 800C12F6 0005 ; [ Formula 1 97 (Japan) Rev 1 {SIPS-60023} ] :SIPS-60023 #Infinite Time in arcade mode D0038E2E 3C01 80038E32 8C22 #MAX speed on the button + X button when pressed Arcade mode D00BD140 6000 800C71E8 FFFF #MAX speed on the button + X button when pressed Time Attack mode D00BD140 6000 800C1A4C FFFF ; [ Formula 1 97 (Japan) {SIPS-60023} ] :SIPS-60023 #Infinite Time in arcade mode D0038E2E 3C01 80038E32 8C22 #MAX speed on the button + X button when pressed Arcade mode D00BD140 6000 800C71E8 FFFF #MAX speed on the button + X button when pressed Time Attack mode D00BD140 6000 800C1A4C FFFF ; [ Formula 1 98 (Europe) (Rental) {SLES-01421} ] :SLES-01421 #Infinite Time arcade mode 801C27C0 EA60 #Have Extra Tracks 80010B78 0060 #Infinite Time 8003BE88 0000 #No time limit 801C24B4 EFFE #Timer 00:00:00 D00AB822 AF82 800AB822 AF80 #Infinite Checkpoint time D003BE88 0124 9003BE88 00000000 #Advanced grip D009C49E A223 8009C49E A220 D00AEE80 0002 800AEE80 0000 ; [ Formula 1 98 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01421} ] :SLES-01421 #Infinite Time arcade mode 801C27C0 EA60 #Have Extra Tracks 80010B78 0060 #Infinite Time 8003BE88 0000 #No time limit 801C24B4 EFFE #Timer 00:00:00 D00AB822 AF82 800AB822 AF80 #Infinite Checkpoint time D003BE88 0124 9003BE88 00000000 #Advanced grip D009C49E A223 8009C49E A220 D00AEE80 0002 800AEE80 0000 ; [ Formula 1 aka Formula One (Europe) {SLES-00298} ] :SLES-00298 #Infinite Laptime 800CEB2C 0E74 #Lava Mode 3009DAF0 0001 #Gibberish Mode 3009DAF1 0001 #Bonus Track (To enable this code, it may be necessary to start a race/practice on another track and then abandon it) 3009DAF2 0001 #Buggy Mode 8009DAEE 0001 #Bike Mode 8009DAEE 0100 #English Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF3 0001 #French Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF4 0001 #German Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF5 0001 #Spanish Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF6 0001 #Italian Mode (Only enable one language option at one time) 3009DAF7 0001 #Roving Camera (This code is one of the special options, but currently we have no idea what it actually does) 3009DAF8 0001 #Arcade Mode Freeze Timer 800CEB2C 1350 ; [ Formula GP (Europe) {SLES-03994} ] :SLES-03994 #Start on lap 3 801E8318 0003 ; [ Formula Karts: Special Edition (Europe) Demo {SLED-00447} ] ; [ Formula Karts: Special Edition (Europe) {SLES-00726} ] :SLES-00726 #999 Points With Team Karting 8008525C 03E7 ; [ Formula Nippon (Europe) {SLES-02526} ] :SLES-02526 #Start On Lap 3 D0106E14 0000 80106E14 0003 #Time 00:00:00 800F60E8 0000 #Enable All Scenario Mode D001F7B6 0000 8001F7B6 0004 ; [ Formula Nippon (Europe) {SLES-02527} ] :SLES-02527 #Time is 0:00:00 D006B230 0001 3006B230 0000 #Enable All Scenario Mode D001F7B6 0000 3001F7B6 0003 #Always First (Press Select + L2 Button) D00A2A02 FEFE 30106F84 0008 ; [ Formula One '99 (Europe) Beta {SCED-01979} ] ; [ Formula One (Europe) Demo {SLED-00491} ] ; [ Formula One 2000 (Europe) {SCES-02777} ] ; [ Formula One 2000 (Europe) {SCES-02779} ] ; [ Formula One 2000 aka Formel Eins 2000 (Europe) {SCES-02778} ] ; [ Formula One 2001 (Europe) {SCES-03404} ] :SCES-03404 #Have 999999 points 90019684 000F423F ; [ Formula One 2001 (Europe) {SCES-03423} ] ; [ Formula One 2001 (Europe) {SCES-03424} ] :SCES-03424 #Have 999999 points 90019684 000F423F ; [ Formula One 2001 (Russia) {SCES-03524} ] ; [ Formula One 99 (Europe) {SCES-01979} ] :SCES-01979 #Have 160 points in championship mode - Hakkinen 80010E5E 00A0 #Racetime 00:00:00 D0050492 AC22 30050492 0020 #No time wasted pole & pitstop D006D176 A622 8006D176 A620 #Always good grip D00AA966 A646 800AA966 A640 #Start with last race D0010700 00FF 30010701 000F #View outro D0010700 00FF 80010700 1010 #Championship won Team McLaren Mika Häkkinen D00A3C5E 0001 30010E5C 0096 #Championship Won Team Ferrari Michael Schumacher D00A3C5E 0001 30010E60 0096 ; [ Formula One 99 (Europe) {SCES-02222} ] ; [ Formula One 99 (Japan) {SCPS-10101} ] :SCPS-10101 #Only 1 Round To Race In Champ. Mode 80010700 0FFF #Reset Time In Qualifying Round (Press Select) D00CBB8C 0001 800CCC00 0000 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Mika Hakinen 80010E5E 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\David Coulthard 80010E60 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Michael Schumacher 80010E62 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Eddie Ervine 80010E64 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Ralf Schumacher 80010E68 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Damon Hill 80010E6A 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\H.H. Frentzen 80010E6C 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Jean Alesi 80010E72 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\R. Barrichello 80010E7A 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Johnny Herbert 80010E7C 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Jacques Villeneuve 80010E86 00A0 #Max Points With Your Fav Racer\Mika Salo 800A0E8E 00A0 ; [ Formula One Arcade (Europe) {SCES-03886} ] :SCES-03886 #Extra Time - Press x & Up D00B800A BFEF 300B6E19 0017 #Unlock Pro Mode (Choose championship mode, if it doesn't appear on the screen quit and re enter championship mode) 80010D08 0001 ; [ Forsaken (Europe) Demo {SLED-01263} ] ; [ Forsaken (Europe) {SLES-00745} ] :SLES-00745 #Primary Weapons\Trojax 30086742 0001 800866FC 8000 #Primary Weapons\Pyrolite 30086743 0001 800866FE 8000 #Primary Weapons\Beamlaser 30086744 0001 80086602 8000 #Primary Weapons\Orbit Pulsar 8008672E 0001 #Primary Weapons\Transpulse 30086741 0001 #Primary Weapons\Suss Gun 30086745 0001 80086700 8000 #Primary Weapons\Pulsar 800866FC 8000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Mug 80086746 0507 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Solaris 80086748 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Gravgon 8008674C 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Scatter 3008674A 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Purge 8008674E 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Pine 30086750 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Mfrl 3008674D 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Quantum 30086751 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Titan 3008674B 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Shield 800866F4 1000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Hull 800866F6 1000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Bikes 300CCEB0 00FF #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Crystals 300CCEB1 00FF #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Powerpods 80086720 00FF ; [ Forsaken (France) {SLES-01086} ] :SLES-01086 #Primary Weapons\Trojax 30086A12 0001 800869CC 8000 #Primary Weapons\Pyrolite 30086A13 0001 800869CE 8000 #Primary Weapons\Beamlaser 30086A14 0001 800869D2 0000 #Primary Weapons\Orbit Pulsar 3008672E 0001 #Primary Weapons\Transpulse 30086A11 0001 #Primary Weapons\Suss Gun 30086A15 0001 800869D0 8000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Mug 80086A16 0507 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Solaris 80086A18 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Scatter 30086A1A 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Titan 30086A1B 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Gravgon 30086A1C 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Mfrl 30086A1D 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Purge 80086A1E 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Pine 30086A20 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Quantum 30086A21 000F #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Boucl 800869C4 1000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Coque 800869C6 1000 #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Motos 300CD180 00FF #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Cristaux 300CD181 00FF #Secondary Weapons\Infinite Power Pods 800869F0 00FF ; [ Forsaken (Germany) {SLES-01087} ] :SLES-01087 #Unendlich Bikes 300CD140 0009 #Unendlich Nitro 80086994 0800 #Unendlich Panzerung 80086986 1000 #Unendlich Schilde 80086984 1000 #Unendlich Zeit 800CB4D8 EA00 #Volle Powerpacks 800869B0 0003 ; [ Forsaken (Italy) {SLES-01088} ] ; [ Forsaken (Japan) {SLP-86307} ] ; [ Forsaken (Spain) {SLES-01089} ] #Infinite Shield 80086A04 1000 #Infinite Lives 800CD1C0 0009 ; [ Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Europe) {SLES-00100} ] ; [ Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Japan) {SLPS-00453} ] ; [ Frankreich 98: Die Fußball-WM (Germany) {SLES-01267} ] :SLES-01267 #Heim-Mannschaft Hat 9 Tore 801F7F50 0009 #AuswäRtige Mannschaft Hat 9 Tore 801F7F54 0009 ; [ Free Spin Demo Disc! (Europe) (Press Kit) {SCED-04009} ] ; [ Free Talk Studio: Mari no Kimamana Oshaberi (Japan) {SLPS-00985} ] :SLPS-00985 #Always perfect bar 8007C524 0068 ; [ Freestyle Motocross: McGrath vs. Pastrana (Europe) {SLES-02820} ] :SLES-02820 #Start On Last Lap E008B45D 0000 3008B45D 0002 #Start With Lots Of Points D008B58C 0000 8008B58C 8760 D008B58C 0000 3008B58C 0003 #250Cc Class 300BC3A2 0001 #250Cc Custom Class 300BC3A3 0001 #Open Class 300BC3A4 0001 #Mirror Mode 300BC390 0001 #All Tracks 50000402 0000 800BC388 0101 #Arctic 300BC389 0001 #Desert 300BC38B 0001 #Inca 300BC38C 0001 #Japanese Garden 300BC388 0001 #Mars 300BC38F 0001 #Vegas 300BC38E 0001 ; [ Freestyle Scooter (Europe) {SLES-03363} ] :SLES-03363 #Start with extreme score D0097A8C 0000 80097A8C 8760 D0097A8E 0000 30097A8E 0003 #Get 20.000 points for each trick 9003DEF4 24424E20 #Start with 1000 feet grinded D0097ECA 0000 30097ECA 0015 #Max combo D0097ED0 0000 80097ED0 2710 #Have 40 wheels collected 30097F28 0028 #Time Stopped (Press L1 & L2) D00AE60A FAFF 800375C0 0000 #Challenge level 1 clear, Daryl unlocked 300954C8 0001 #Challenge level 2 clear, Hector unlocked 30095508 0001 #Challenge level 3 clear, Brittany unlocked 30095548 0001 #Challenge level 4 clear, Tito Ortiz unlocked 30095588 0001 #Challenge level 5 clear, Chippie unlocked 300955C8 0001 #Challenge level 6 clear, Tikiman unlocked 30095608 0001 #Norton unlocked 30095648 0001 #All Levels and challenges Unlocked 300954BC 0001 300954C0 0001 300954C4 0001 30095504 0001 30095544 0001 30095584 0001 300955C4 0001 30095604 0001 #All Characters Unlocked 300954C8 0001 30095508 0001 30095548 0001 30095588 0001 300955C8 0001 30095608 0001 30095648 0001 ; [ Frenzy! (Europe) {SLES-00784} ] :SLES-00784 #Infinite Energy 800C3784 007D #Infinite Lives 800C37DF 2803 ; [ Frogger (Europe) {SLES-00704} ] :SLES-00704 #Infinite Lifes 300B6BE8 0063 #Infinite Time 800B3D90 0900 ; [ Frogger (Japan) {SLPS-01399} ] ; [ Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (Europe) {SLES-02853} ] :SLES-02853 #Infinite Lives 800909F4 0063 #Have 25 coins 800909F2 0019 #Quick level win (5 frogs rescued) 8007C630 0005 #All Levels Unlocked 80083954 0009 ; [ From Software 1998 Summer Preview Movies (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80268} ] ; [ From TV Animation One Piece: Grand Battle! (Japan) {SLPS-03164} ] :SLPS-03164 #P1 Infinite Health & Special Moves MAX level D0079940 0C74 80194F64 00A0 D0079940 0C74 80194F52 0030 #1P multistage can jump D0079940 0C74 30196AC8 0000 #2P instant death press 1P SELECT button D00C8648 0100 80194FAC 0000 #Unlock everything 901B2F90 FFFFFFFF 901B2F94 FFFFFFFF 801B2FB4 FFFF #Infinite Time D0079940 0C74 800AE960 0000 ; [ From TV Animation One Piece: Grand Battle! 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03408} ] :SLPS-03408 #Infinite Time 80198CD4 22A9 #P1 Infinite Health 80198D0A 00B6 #Infinite Continues 801B6910 0005 #2P Life = 0 301A4EEA 0000 #Grand Battle 9999 801B6FE8 270F #Bingo Card 9999 8019B760 270F #Secret Sound 901B6960 0FFEFFE0 #Max Card 8019B760 FFFF #1P Special Moves level 3 30198D1C 0003 #P1 Invincibility D0198CEA 0000 30198D0A 00FF D0198CEA 0000 30198EE0 00FF D0198CEA 0000 30199434 00FF D0198CEA 0000 301A422E 00FF #1P deathblow all-you-can-eat D0198CEA 0000 30198D1C 0003 #2P HP 0 30198D56 0000 #All characters selectables and treasures 801B6964 FFFF 301B6966 00FF #The system adds voice and fully open to options 801B6958 FFFF 301B695A 00FF #Voice of treasure fully open mode character 801B6950 FFFF 301B6952 00FF #Treasure Theater mode fully open 801B695C FFFF 301B695E 00FF #Treasure Gallery fully open mode 901B6960 FFFFFFFF #Visual adventure full open 301B6FE8 00AB ; [ From TV Animation One Piece: Oceans of Dreams! (Japan) {SLPS-03550} ] :SLPS-03550 #Infinite HP in battle Lufi 801DC454 0190 #Infinite Attack power 801DC424 0004 #Have 999999999 money 90146700 05F5E0FF #Infinite HP Ship (Going Mary) 801981BA 0145 ; [ From TV Animation One Piece: Tobidase Kaizokudan! (Japan) (PocketStation Doukon) {SLPS-03251} ] :SLPS-03251 #Have 999999999 money 901CD3E4 3B9AC9FF #Fame MAX 901CD3E8 05F5E0FF #Pirate level MAX 301CD3ED 00FF #Infinite Cannon balls 801CD7FC 03E7 #Infinite Ship HP in naval battles 8018A7DC 00FA #Food not decrease 801CD7B8 0096 #Hull HP current value MAX 801CD7F6 270F #Hull HP maximum value MAX 801CD7F8 270F #Attack MAX# 301CD7F4 00FF #Steering force MAX# 801CD804 270F #Hero Physical fitness MAX 801CD3FC 03E7 #Hero Attack MAX# 801CD400 270F #Hero Defense MAX# 801CD402 270F #Hero MAX rapidity# 801CD404 270F #Second Character Physical fitness MAX 801CD454 03E7 #Second Character Attack MAX# 801CD458 270F #Second Character Defense MAX 801CD45A 270F #Second Character MAX rapidity 801CD45C 270F #Third Character Physical fitness MAX 801CD4AC 03E7 #Third CharacterAttack MAX 801CD4B0 270F #Third Character Defense MAX 801CD4B2 270F #Third Character MAX rapidity 801CD4B4 270F ; [ From TV Animation One Piece: Tobidase Kaizokudan! (Japan) {SLPS-03252} ] :SLPS-03252 #Have 999999999 money 901CD3E4 3B9AC9FF #Fame MAX 901CD3E8 05F5E0FF #Pirate level MAX 301CD3ED 00FF #Infinite Cannon balls 801CD7FC 03E7 #Infinite Ship HP in naval battles 8018A7DC 00FA #Food not decrease 801CD7B8 0096 #Hull HP current value MAX 801CD7F6 270F #Hull HP maximum value MAX 801CD7F8 270F #Attack MAX# 301CD7F4 00FF #Steering force MAX# 801CD804 270F #Hero Physical fitness MAX 801CD3FC 03E7 #Hero Attack MAX# 801CD400 270F #Hero Defense MAX# 801CD402 270F #Hero MAX rapidity# 801CD404 270F #Second Character Physical fitness MAX 801CD454 03E7 #Second Character Attack MAX# 801CD458 270F #Second Character Defense MAX 801CD45A 270F #Second Character MAX rapidity 801CD45C 270F #Third Character Physical fitness MAX 801CD4AC 03E7 #Third CharacterAttack MAX 801CD4B0 270F #Third Character Defense MAX 801CD4B2 270F #Third Character MAX rapidity 801CD4B4 270F ; [ Front Action Replay (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Front Mission 1st (Japan) (Front Mission History) {SLP-87330} ] ; [ Front Mission 1st (Japan) {SLP-87317} ] ; [ Front Mission 2 (Japan) (Ultimate Hits) {SLP-87397} ] ; [ Front Mission 2 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45116} ] ; [ Front Mission 3 (Europe) (Review) {SLES-02423} ] ; [ Front Mission 3 (Europe) {SLES-02423} ] ; [ Front Mission 3 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80467} ] ; [ Front Mission 3 (Japan) {SLP-87399} ] ; [ Front Mission Alternative (Japan) {SLP-87398} ] ; [ Frontschweine (Germany) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-02767} ] :SLES-02767 #Suddendeath (.L1 & L2 drücken, wenn das eigene Team am Zug ist, R1 & R2 drücken, wenn der Gegner dran ist) 800A205C 0000 D002C922 FAFF 800A205E 3403 D002C922 F5FF 800A205E 0000 #Mehr Zeit Drücke L1 & R1 D002C922 F3FF 80029180 0F00 #Weniger Zeit Drücke L2 & R2 Damit ist sofort die andere Mannschaft am Zug D002C922 FCFF 80029180 FF00 #Ue Mu & Gegenstaende 900A4144 00000000 #Max BeföRderungspunkte 8002B5CE 03E7 #Rangmodifizierer\1. Sau %RANGMODIFIZIERER 3002B5ED 000? #Rangmodifizierer\2. Sau %RANGMODIFIZIERER 3002B62D 000? #Rangmodifizierer\3. Sau %RANGMODIFIZIERER 3002B66D 000? #Rangmodifizierer\4. Sau %RANGMODIFIZIERER 3002B6AD 000? #Rangmodifizierer\5. Sau 3002B6ED 000? ; [ Fun + Learning (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Fun + Learning (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Fun + Learning 2 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Fun! Fun! Pingu: Youkoso! Nankyoku e (Japan) Demo {SLP-80486} ] ; [ Fun! Fun! Pingu: Youkoso! Nankyoku e (Japan) {SLPS-02307} ] :SLPS-02307 #Infinite Lure For The Fishing Mini Game 800EBC49 0009 ; [ Funky Boxers (Japan) {SLPS-03496} ] :SLPS-03496 #Infinite Energy Gabrielle 8012CC6C 006E #Infinite Energy Sergio 80124950 006E ; [ Furimukeba Tonari ni (Japan) {SLP-86808} ] ; [ Fushigi Deka (Japan) {SLP-86642} ] ; [ Fushigi na Data Disc (Disc 2) (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45372} ] ; [ Fushigi na Data Disc (Japan) {SLPS-01235} ] ; [ Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique (Japan) {SLP-86507} ] ; [ Fussball Live (Germany) {SCES-01702} ] ; [ Fussball Live 2 (Germany) Demo {SCED-03203} ] ; [ Fussball Live 2 aka This Is Football 2 (Germany) {SCES-03074} ] ; [ Fussball Manager 2001 aka Fussball Manager: Bundesliga 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03062} ] ; [ Fussball Spezial 01 (Germany) {SCED-01307} ] ; [ Future Cop: L.A.P.D. (Europe) Demo {SLED-01509} ] ; [ Future Cop: L.A.P.D. (Europe) {SLES-01449} ] :SLES-01449 #Infinite Ammo .The Infinite Ammo codes will not work with the bonus weapon (Riot Shield). 8006C35C 0000 #Infinite Power Up Ammo .The Infinite Ammo codes will not work with the bonus weapon (Riot Shield). 8006C354 0000 #Have All Weapons 8009CE8E 0004 8009CEA2 0004 8009CEB6 0004 #Infinite Energy 8005891C 2400 #Bonus Weapons 8009CE8C 0005 8009CEA0 0005 8009CEB4 0005 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Griffith Park .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801D7EBE 05C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Zuma Beach .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801C39A6 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\La Brea Tar Pits .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801ED73A 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Vernice Beach .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801E39D2 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Hells Gate Prison .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801D7132 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Studio City .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801CC632 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Lax Spaceport .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801DA04E 01C2 #Shields & Max Gun Power\Long Beach .These codes only work in one player mode (Crime War). 801EB95A 01C2 ; [ Future Cop: L.A.P.D. (Germany) {SLES-01482} ] :SLES-01482 #Unendlich Munition 8006BF98 0000 #Unendlich Munition FüR Updates 8006BF90 0000 #Alle Zonen AnwäHlbar .Diesen Code nicht im Revierkampf-Modus aktivieren. 8009FBAA 0007 #Alle Zonen Abgeschlossen .Diesen Code nicht im Revierkampf-Modus aktivieren. 8009F7A4 0008 #Alle 4 Leichten Waffen 8009C3FE 0004 #Alle 4 Schweren Waffen 8009C412 0004 #Alle 4 Spezial-Waffen 8009C426 0004 #Unendlich Panzerung 80058558 2400 #Revierkampf Codes\P1 Unendlich Punkte Drücke L2 + R2 D009FD5A 0030 801FBF60 00FF #Revierkampf Codes\P2 Unendlich Punkte Drücke L2 + R2 D009FD5E 0030 801FBF64 00FF ; [ Future Racer (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03508} ] :SLES-03508 #Infinite Time 800D6F50 2329 #Infinite Roost 80047C00 0000 #Have 9999 points in race 800D6FC8 270F ; [ Fuujin Ryouiki Eretzvaju (Japan) Demo {SLP-80364} ] ; [ G Darius (Japan) (Tentou Demo-ban) {SLP-80205} ] ; [ G Darius (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45202} ] ; [ G-Police (Europe) {SLES-00082 | SLES-10082} ] :SLES-00082 :SLES-10082 #Infinite Energy 801EEEB4 1389 #Infinite Cannon 800F60D4 0063 #Infinite Infra-Red Missiles 800F60D8 0063 #Infinite Hyper Missiles 800F60DC 0063 #Infinite Fire Missiles 800F60E0 0063 #Infinite Star Missiles 800F60E4 0063 #Infinite Mantr Rockets 800F60E8 0063 #Infinite Bomblets 800F60EC 0063 #Infinite 1000Lb Bombs 800F60F4 0063 #Infinite 500Lb Bombs 800F60F8 0063 #Infinite Beacons 800F60FC 0063 #Infinite Plasma 800F6100 0063 #Infinite Laser 800F6104 0063 #Infinite Epp 800F6108 0063 #Level modifier 00-23 30093B1C 0022 ; [ G-Police (France) Demo {SLED-01034} ] ; [ G-Police (France) {SLES-00853 | SLES-10853} ] :SLES-00853 :SLES-10853 #Infinite Cannon 800F5D0C 0063 #Infinte Mis-Ir 800F5D10 0063 #Infinite Mis-Hyper 800F5D14 0063 #Infinite Mis-Fire 800F5D18 0063 #Infinite Mis-Star 800F5D1C 0063 #Infinite Mantr Rockets 800F5D20 0063 #Infinite Bomblets 800F5D24 0063 #Infinite 1000lb Bombs 800F5D2C 0063 #Infinite 500lb Bombs 800F5D30 0063 #Infinite Beacons 800F5D34 0063 #Infinite Plasma 800F5D38 0063 #Infinite Laser 800F5D3C 0063 #Infinite E.P.P. 800F5D40 0063 ; [ G-Police (Germany) {SLES-00854 | SLES-10854} ] :SLES-00854 :SLES-10854 #Unendlich Cannon 800F5D10 0031 #Unendlich Missiles 800F5D14 000A #Unendlich Hyper Missiles 800F5D18 0031 #Unendlich Firestreak Missiles 800F5D1C 0031 #Unendlich Starburst Missiles 800F5D20 0031 #Unendlich Rockets 800F5D24 0031 #Unendlich 6000 Rockets 800F5D28 0031 #Unendlich Cluster Bombs 800F5D2A 0031 #Unendlich Plasma 800F5D2E 0031 #Unendlich Laser 800F5D30 0031 #Unendlich Epp 800F5D34 0031 #Unendlich 6000 Epp 800F5D36 0031 #Unendlich Drop Bombs 800F5D3E 0031 #Unendlich Supplies 800F5D40 0031 #Unendlich Energie (Wenn dieser Code auch aktiviert werden soll (wird wohl...), dann bitte den Code direkt nach dem booten ausschalten und nur waehrend des eigentlichen Spiels wieder einschalten, sonst geht gar nichts) 801EEEB8 1389 #Unendlich Cannon 800F5D10 0031 #Unendlich Missiles 800F5D14 000A #Unendlich Hyper Missiles 800F5D18 0031 #Unendlich Firestreak Missiles 800F5D1C 0031 #Unendlich Starburst Missiles 800F5D20 0031 #Unendlich Rockets 800F5D24 0031 #Unendlich 6000 Rockets 800F5D28 0031 #Unendlich Cluster Bombs 800F5D2A 0031 #Unendlich Plasma 800F5D2E 0031 #Unendlich Laser 800F5D30 0031 #Unendlich Epp 800F5D34 0031 #Unendlich 6000 Epp 800F5D36 0031 #Unendlich Drop Bombs 800F5D3E 0031 #Unendlich Supplies 800F5D40 0031 #Unendlich Energie (Wenn dieser Code auch aktiviert werden soll (wird wohl...), dann bitte den Code direkt nach dem booten ausschalten und nur waehrend des eigentlichen Spiels wieder einschalten, sonst geht gar nichts) 801EEEB8 1389 ; [ G-Police (Italy) {SLES-00855 | SLES-10855} ] ; [ G-Police (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96125} ] ; [ G-Police (Spain) (Platinum) {SLES-00856 | SLES-10856} ] :SLES-00856 :SLES-10856 #Infinite Energy (Activate only during missions) 801EEE90 1389 #Select Level\1 30093B48 0000 #Select Level\2 30093B48 0001 #Select Level\3 30093B48 0002 #Select Level\4 30093B48 0003 #Select Level\5 30093B48 0004 #Select Level\6 30093B48 0005 #Select Level\7 30093B48 0006 #Select Level\8 30093B48 0007 #Select Level\9 30093B48 0008 #Select Level\10 30093B48 0009 #Select Level\11 30093B48 000A #Select Level\12 30093B48 000B #Select Level\13 30093B48 000C #Select Level\14 30093B48 000D #Select Level\15 30093B48 000E #Select Level\16 30093B48 000F #Select Level\17 30093B48 0010 #Select Level\18 30093B48 0011 #Select Level\19 30093B48 0012 #Select Level\20 30093B48 0013 #Select Level\21 30093B48 0014 #Select Level\22 30093B48 0015 #Select Level\23 30093B48 0016 #Select Level\24 30093B48 0017 #Select Level\25 30093B48 0018 #Select Level\26 30093B48 0019 #Select Level\27 30093B48 001A #Select Level\28 30093B48 001B #Select Level\29 30093B48 001C #Select Level\30 30093B48 001D #Select Level\31 30093B48 001E #Select Level\32 30093B48 001F #Select Level\33 30093B48 0020 #Select Level\34 30093B48 0021 #Select Level\35 30093B48 0022 #Select Level\36 credits 30093B48 0023 ; [ G-Police: Weapons of Justice (Europe) {SCES-01625} ] :SCES-01625 #All 30 missions & difficulties open 300401B8 001F 300401B9 001F 300401BA 001F #Open all database 80040174 03FF 8004017C 00FF 80040184 7FFF 9004018C 0003FFFF 90040194 0003FFFF 9004019C 0003FFFF 900401A4 0003FFFF 900401AC 0003FFFF #Infinite Shield Raptor 801EF5E0 36B1 #Infinite Shield Venom Gunship 801E3214 1D4D #Infinite Shield Tunnel Rat .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 801EF724 2711 #Infinite Cannon .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51C0 0063 #Infinite Seekers .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51C8 000A #Infinite Laser 1 .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51D4 0063 #Infinite Laser 2 .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51D8 0063 #Infinite Siren .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51E8 000F #Infinite Vanguamo .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51CC 0021 #Infinite Bb9 Bombs .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51EC 0022 #Infinite Cluster Bombs .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51F0 0031 #Infinite Epps .These codes crash (probably the infinite shield-code). So turn off the Codes at the GP Logo and turn it back on when playing. 800B51D0 0063 ; [ G-Police: Weapons of Justice (France) {SCES-01917} ] ; [ G-Police: Weapons of Justice (Germany) {SCES-01918} ] :SCES-01918 #Unendlich Schutzschild\Havoc, Venom, Rhino (Nach Beginn der Mission L1 & L2 & Links drücken um den Code zu aktivieren und vor Ende der Mission durch drücken von R1 & R2 & Rechts wieder deaktivieren) D0063186 FA7F 80000002 6464 D0063186 F5DF 80000002 0000 D0000002 6464 801EF7B4 1D4D #Unendlich Schutzschild\Raptor-Codes (Nach Beginn der Mission L2 & R2 & Unten drücken um den Code zu aktivieren und vor Ende der Mission durch drücken von L2 & R2 & Kreuz wieder deaktivieren) D0063186 FCBF 80000002 1212 D0063186 BCFF 80000002 0000 D0000002 1212 801EF670 36B1 #Unendlich Schutzschild\Corsair-Codes (Nach Beginn der Mission L1 & R1 & Oben drücken um den Code zu aktivieren und vor Ende der Mission durch drücken von L1 & R1 & Dreieck wieder deaktivieren) D0063186 F3EF 80000002 2323 D0063186 E3FF 80000002 0000 D0000002 2323 801E32A4 1D4D #Unendlich Munitionscodes\1 - Wieder Auf Patrouille\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0000 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\1 - Wieder Auf Patrouille\Gsh45-80 D0057D50 0000 300C0AA8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\2 - Bandenkrieg\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0001 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\2 - Bandenkrieg\Gsh45-80 D0057D50 0001 300C0AA8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\3 - Fernsteuerung\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0002 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\3 - Fernsteuerung\Gsh45-80 D0057D50 0002 300C0AA8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\3 - Fernsteuerung\Epp Mk II D0057D50 0002 300C0AB8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\3 - Fernsteuerung\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0002 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\4 - Verzweifelte Massnahmen\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0003 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\4 - Verzweifelte Massnahmen\Gsh45-80 D0057D50 0003 300C0AA8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\4 - Verzweifelte Massnahmen\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0003 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\5 - Operationen Des Syndikats\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0004 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\5 - Operationen Des Syndikats\Gsh45-80 D0057D50 0004 300C0AA8 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\5 - Operationen Des Syndikats\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0004 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\5 - Operationen Des Syndikats\Vindicator-Raketen D0057D50 0004 300C0AC8 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\6 - Lebende Fracht\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0005 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\6 - Lebende Fracht\Siren D0057D50 0005 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\6 - Lebende Fracht\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0005 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\7 - Der Rhino\Aag-53E D0057D50 0006 300C0AAC 0063 #Gemini D0057D50 0006 300C0AC4 000A #Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0006 300C0AB4 000F #Ouc20 D0057D50 0006 3011BCB8 0063 #Mbl02 D0057D50 0006 3011BCC0 0032 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\8 - Geiselnahme\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0007 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\8 - Geiselnahme\Siren D0057D50 0007 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\8 - Geiselnahme\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0007 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Cn101-120Gw D0057D50 0008 300C0AC0 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0008 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0008 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 0008 300C0AD4 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Cb05 D0057D50 0008 300C0AD8 0032 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\9 - Geheime Operation\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0009 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\10 - Ruhe Vor Dem Sturm\Starburst D0057D50 0009 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\10 - Ruhe Vor Dem Sturm\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0009 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\10 - Ruhe Vor Dem Sturm\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0009 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\11 - Notruf\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 000A 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\11 - Notruf\Siren D0057D50 000A 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\11 - Notruf\Soul Seeker D0057D50 000A 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 000B 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 000B 300C0AD4 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Siren D0057D50 000B 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Vindicator-Raketen D0057D50 000B 300C0AC8 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Soul Seeker D0057D50 000B 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\12 - Nachhut\Starburst D0057D50 000B 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\13 - Dasa Kamon\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 000C 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\13 - Dasa Kamon\Siren D0057D50 000C 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\13 - Dasa Kamon\Vindicator-Raketen D0057D50 000C 300C0AC8 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\13 - Dasa Kamon\Soul Seeker D0057D50 000C 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\13 - Dasa Kamon\Starburst D0057D50 000C 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\14 - TestgeläNde\Rc35-Er D0057D50 000D 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\15 - Letzte Bastion\Rc35-Er D0057D50 000E 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\15 - Letzte Bastion\Harbinger D0057D50 000E 30129E5C 0014 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\15 - Letzte Bastion\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 000E 30129E58 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\16 - ÜBerfalltaktik\Rc35-Er D0057D50 000F 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\16 - ÜBerfalltaktik\Hkr D0057D50 000F 30129E60 0009 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\16 - ÜBerfalltaktik\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 000F 30129E58 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\17 - Der ÜBerläUfer\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0010 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\17 - Der ÜBerläUfer\Siren D0057D50 0010 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\17 - Der ÜBerläUfer\Starburst D0057D50 0010 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\17 - Der ÜBerläUfer\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 0010 300C0AD4 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\18 - Der Erste Angriff\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0011 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\18 - Der Erste Angriff\Siren D0057D50 0011 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\18 - Der Erste Angriff\Starburst D0057D50 0011 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\18 - Der Erste Angriff\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0011 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\19 - Abwehrsysteme Des Planeten\Bw26M-80Gw D0057D50 0012 300C0ABC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\19 - Abwehrsysteme Des Planeten\Siren D0057D50 0012 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\19 - Abwehrsysteme Des Planeten\Starburst D0057D50 0012 300C0ACC 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\19 - Abwehrsysteme Des Planeten\Soul Seeker D0057D50 0012 300C0AB0 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\19 - Abwehrsysteme Des Planeten\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0012 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\20 - Nachschubversorgung\Rc35-Er D0057D50 0013 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\20 - Nachschubversorgung\Hkr D0057D50 0013 30129E60 0009 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\20 - Nachschubversorgung\Banshee D0057D50 0013 30129E54 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\20 - Nachschubversorgung\Harbinger D0057D50 0013 30129E5C 0014 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\20 - Nachschubversorgung\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 0013 30129E58 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\21 - Sendeanlage Der Kolonie\Oul60 D0057D50 0014 3011BCBC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\21 - Sendeanlage Der Kolonie\Aag-53E D0057D50 0014 300C0AAC 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\21 - Sendeanlage Der Kolonie\Vanguard Mk II D0057D50 0014 300C0AB4 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\21 - Sendeanlage Der Kolonie\Siren D0057D50 0014 300C0AD0 0005 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\22 - Ein Kritischer Punkt\Rc35-Er D0057D50 0015 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\22 - Ein Kritischer Punkt\Hkr D0057D50 0015 30129E60 0009 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\22 - Ein Kritischer Punkt\Banshee D0057D50 0015 30129E54 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\23 - ZurüCk Im Hauptquartier\Rc35-Er D0057D50 0016 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\23 - ZurüCk Im Hauptquartier\Hkr D0057D50 0016 30129E60 0009 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\23 - ZurüCk Im Hauptquartier\Banshee D0057D50 0016 30129E54 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\23 - ZurüCk Im Hauptquartier\Harbinger D0057D50 0016 30129E5C 0014 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\23 - ZurüCk Im Hauptquartier\Bbq Mk III D0057D50 0016 30129E58 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\24 - Fluchtversuch\Rc35-Er D0057D50 0017 30129E50 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\24 - Fluchtversuch\Banshee D0057D50 0017 30129E54 0023 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\24 - Fluchtversuch\Epp Mk II D0057D50 0017 30129E68 0063 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\24 - Fluchtversuch\Harbinger D0057D50 0017 30129E5C 0014 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\25 - Der Weltraum\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 0018 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\25 - Der Weltraum\Helix D0057D50 0018 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\25 - Der Weltraum\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 0018 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\25 - Der Weltraum\Efu-19 D0057D50 0018 300F0568 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\25 - Der Weltraum\Epp Mk II D0057D50 0018 300F056C 000A #Unendlich Munitionscodes\26 - Die Barrosa\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 0019 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\26 - Die Barrosa\Helix D0057D50 0019 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\26 - Die Barrosa\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 0019 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\26 - Die Barrosa\Efu-19 D0057D50 0019 300F0568 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\27 - Asteroide\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 001A 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\27 - Asteroide\Helix D0057D50 001A 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\27 - Asteroide\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 001A 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\27 - Asteroide\Efu-19 D0057D50 001A 300F0568 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\27 - Asteroide\Clearwater Mk IV D0057D50 001A 300F0564 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\28 - Minenplattform\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 001B 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\28 - Minenplattform\Helix D0057D50 001B 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\28 - Minenplattform\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 001B 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\28 - Minenplattform\Efu-19 D0057D50 001B 300F0568 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\29 - Schliessung\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 001C 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\29 - Schliessung\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 001C 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\29 - Schliessung\Helix D0057D50 001C 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Hellfire Mk II D0057D50 001D 300F0558 0064 #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Clearwater Mk IV D0057D50 001D 300F0564 000F #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Helix D0057D50 001D 300F055C 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Super Starburst Mk II D0057D50 001D 300F0560 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Efu-19 D0057D50 001D 300F0568 001E #Unendlich Munitionscodes\30 - Der Letzte Angriff\Epp Mk II D0057D50 001D 300F056C 000A ; [ G-Police: Weapons of Justice (Italy) {SCES-01920} ] ; [ G-Police: Weapons of Justice (Spain) {SCES-01919} ] :SCES-01919 #All 30 missions & difficulties open 30043DF8 001F 30043DF9 001F 30043DFA 001F #Open all database 80043DB4 03FF 80043DBc 00FF 80043DC4 7FFF 90043DCC 0003FFFF 90043DD4 0003FFFF 90043DDC 0003FFFF 90043DE4 0003FFFF 90043DEC 0003FFFF #Infinite Shield Raptor .Only use in missions 801EF4EC 36B1 #Infinite Shield Havoc .Only use in missions 801EF631 001D #Infinite Shield Venom Gunship .Only use in missions 801EF630 1D4D ; [ G. Darius (Europe) Demo {SLED-01439} ] ; [ G. Darius (Europe) {SLES-01314} ] :SLES-01314 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Invincibility 800BA8C2 0400 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Infinite Shield 800BAE4A 0303 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Infinite Lives 800BA8BE 0006 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Red Weapon Higher Level (Missiles) 300BADF9 0006 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Green Weapon Higher Level (Bombs) 300BAE29 0003 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Infinite Capture Balls 300BAE4B 0006 #Sameluck Raida Codes (Blue Ship)\Special Laser 800DC8B6 01FF #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Invincibility 800BAFCE 0400 #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Infinite Shield 800BB556 0303 #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Infinite Lives 800BAFCA 0006 #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Red Weapon Higher Level (Missiles) 300BB505 0005 #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Green Weapon Higher Level (Bombs) 300BB535 0003 #Lutia Feen Codes (Red Ship)\Infinite Capture Balls 300BB557 0006 ; [ G. Darius (USA) {SLUS-00690} ] :SLUS-00690 #Infinite Credits 800ABD80 0003 #P1 Infinite Lives 800BA69E 0003 #P1 Invincibility 800BA6A2 00E2 #P2 Infinite Lives 800BADAA 0003 #P2 Invincibility 800BADAE 00E2 #Have All Movies (Movie Option) 800D5D18 001F ; [ G. Darius + Devil Dice + Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80690} ] ; [ G.O.D pure (Japan) {SLPS-00944} ] :SLPS-00944 #Infinite Money 900E31E0 00999999 #Infinite Hero HP Y MP in battle 801082F6 270F 801082F8 270F #Infinite Character 2 HP Y MP in battle 8010833E 270F #Max Lv 80116290 03E7 #Max Exp 901162D4 05F5E0FF #Hero Infinite & Max Hp 9999 8011627A 270F 80116280 270F #Hero Infinite & Max Mp 9999 8011627C 270F 80116282 270F #No random battles 300E30FE 0000 #Acquisition Cosmo Stone Max 800E3102 03E7 #All items 3010D24f 00ff ; [ G.T.A: Grand Theft Auto (Japan) {SLP-87007} ] ; [ GI Jockey (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLP-86213} ] ; [ GI Jockey (Japan) Demo {SLP-80409} ] ; [ GI Jockey (Japan) {SLP-86195} ] ; [ GI Jockey 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86413} ] ; [ GP Challenge (Europe) {SLES-03207} ] ; [ GRV 2000 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-84010} ] ; [ GZSZ Quiz (Germany) {SLES-02693} ] ; [ GZSZ Vol. 2 (Germany) {SLES-02441 | SLES-12441} ] ; [ GZSZ Vol. 3 (Germany) {SLES-02980} ] ; [ Gadget: Past as Future (Japan) {SLPS-01082 | SLPS-01083 | SLPS-01084 | SLPS-01085} ] ; [ GaiaMaster: Kamigami no Board Game (Japan) (Ryuutsuu Hyouka-you Taikenban) {SLP-80524} ] ; [ GaiaMaster: Kamigami no Board Game (Japan) {SLPS-02075} ] :SLPS-02075 #P1 Hp 100 800866F4 0064 #P2 Hp 00 800868D0 0000 #P1 Money 9999 800866CC 270F #P2 Money 0 800868A8 0000 #Story mode all weapon skill level 5 50001C02 0000 800888C8 0505 30088900 0005 ; [ Gakkou o Tsukurou!! Let's Make a School!! (Japan) {SLPS-01103} ] :SLPS-01103 #Infinite Money 999999 9014171C 000F423F #All Scenarios 301CF792 FFFF #All items" 901CF798 FFFFFFFF #Construction for free D006C76A 0044 8006C76A 0040 #Do not reduce the direct movement D006CCFE 0064 8006CCFE 0060 #Teacher skills acquired freedom D007B9BA 1440 8007B9BA 1400 D007B9F2 1440 8007B9F2 1400 D007BA2A 1440 8007BA2A 1400 D007BA62 1440 8007BA62 1400 D007BAF2 0071 8007BAF2 0060 #Staff skills acquired freedom D008E4EE 1040 8008E4EE 1000 D008EFFA 0062 8008EFFA 0060 #Favorability Max 801CF78C 0064 #Principal power Max 801CF78E 0064 #Garbage collection amount 801CF790 0000 ; [ Galaga: Destination Earth (Europe) {SLES-02212} ] :SLES-02212 #Infinite Lives 3008CBBC 000A #Infinite Time D0024F2C FFFF 80024F32 0000 #Infinite Shield 3008CBE6 0011 #Max shield 3008CBE4 0011 #Shield never decreases D003ACD8 007E 3003ACD8 0000 #Lives increase D003B57C FFFF 8003B57C 0001 #Start with max waves D008CBE2 0001 3008CBE2 0064 #Start with max merits D008CBF8 0001 3008CBF8 0096 #Nuke never decreases D003AF4C FFFF 8003AF50 0000 D003AF4C FFFF 8003AF52 0000 ; [ Galaxian³ (Europe) {SCES-00269} ] :SCES-00269 #Project Dragoon - Infinite Shield 800ACB04 2710 #The Rising Of Gourb - Infinite Shield 800B99FC 2710 ; [ Galaxian³ (Japan) {SLPS-00270} ] :SLPS-00270 #The Rising Of Gourb Infinite Shield 800B9090 0064 800B91E8 2710 #Project Dragoon Infinite Shield 800AC15C 0064 800AC2B4 2710 ; [ Galaxy Fight (Europe) {SLES-00197} ] :SLES-00197 #P1 Infinite Energy 8017880D 00FF 8019F723 00FF #Time = 0 8018D5AD 0000 ; [ Gale Gunner (Japan) {SLPS-02596} ] :SLPS-02596 #Infinite Energy 800D3B19 0100 #Gun Does Not Overheat 800E0ABC 0009 ; [ Galerians (Europe) {SLES-02328 | SLES-12328 | SLES-22328} ] :SLES-02328 :SLES-12328 :SLES-22328 #Infinite HP 801BF824 00C8 #Have D-Felon ability 801AF0E6 FFFF #Infinite D-Felon 801AF0B8 00C8 #Infinite Green 801AF0B0 00C8 #Infinite Red 801AF0B4 00C8 #No AP 801AF0A4 0000 #No timer 801AF524 0000 #Psychic power level maxed 301AF0CC 0000 ; [ Galerians (France) {SLES-02329 | SLES-12329 | SLES-22329} ] ; [ Galerians (Germany) {SLES-02330 | SLES-12330 | SLES-22330} ] :SLES-02330 :SLES-12330 :SLES-22330 #Unendlich Hp 801C324C 00C8 #Ap Immer 0 801B2ACC 0000 #Unendlich Nalcon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AD8 00C8 #Unendlich Red Ppec-Anzeige 801B2ADC 00C8 #Unendlich D-Felon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AE0 00C8 #Max Mentale Energiestufe 801B2AF4 00C8 #Habe D-Felon-Faehigkeit 801B2B0E FFFF #Gesamtzeit Immer 0:00:00 801B2F4C 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 1 : Nalcon 801B2C60 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 2 : Red 801B2C62 0001 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 3 : D-Felon 801B2C64 0002 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 4 : Erholungskapsel 801B2C66 0003 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 5 : Delmetor 801B2C68 0004 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 6 : Appolinar 801B2C6A 0005 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 7 : Skip 801B2C6C 0006 #Unendlich Hp 801C324C 00C8 #Ap Immer 0 801B2ACC 0000 #Unendlich Nalcon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AD8 00C8 #Unendlich Red Ppec-Anzeige 801B2ADC 00C8 #Unendlich D-Felon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AE0 00C8 #Max Mentale Energiestufe 801B2AF4 00C8 #Habe D-Felon-Faehigkeit 801B2B0E FFFF #Gesamtzeit Immer 0:00:00 801B2F4C 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 1 : Nalcon 801B2C60 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 2 : Red 801B2C62 0001 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 3 : D-Felon 801B2C64 0002 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 4 : Erholungskapsel 801B2C66 0003 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 5 : Delmetor 801B2C68 0004 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 6 : Appolinar 801B2C6A 0005 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 7 : Skip 801B2C6C 0006 #Unendlich Hp 801C324C 00C8 #Ap Immer 0 801B2ACC 0000 #Unendlich Nalcon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AD8 00C8 #Unendlich Red Ppec-Anzeige 801B2ADC 00C8 #Unendlich D-Felon Ppec-Anzeige 801B2AE0 00C8 #Max Mentale Energiestufe 801B2AF4 00C8 #Habe D-Felon-Faehigkeit 801B2B0E FFFF #Gesamtzeit Immer 0:00:00 801B2F4C 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 1 : Nalcon 801B2C60 0000 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 2 : Red 801B2C62 0001 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 3 : D-Felon 801B2C64 0002 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 4 : Erholungskapsel 801B2C66 0003 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 5 : Delmetor 801B2C68 0004 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 6 : Appolinar 801B2C6A 0005 #Unendlich Medizin\Platz 7 : Skip 801B2C6C 0006 ; [ Galerians (Japan) (Prototype) {SLPS-02192 | SLPS-02193} ] :SLPS-02192 :SLPS-02193 #Infinite HP 801C1B14 00C8 #Always empty AP 801AFF6C 0000 #Infinite NALCON 801AFF78 00C8 #Infinite RED 801AFF7C 00C8 #Infinite D-FELON 801AFF80 00C8 #Infinite ESP D01473BE 0062 801473BE 0060 D014747E 0051 8014747E 0040 #Movie Fully Open 901FE3E4 FFFFFFFF 301FE3E8 000F #Elapsed time 801B03EC 0000 #Mortal blow D0145106 0045 80145106 0000 #Nimble short in R2 D01AD0C8 0002 801B03A4 0001 D01AD0C8 0002 801AFF70 0001 #Infinite HP 801C1B14 00C8 #Always empty AP 801AFF6C 0000 #Infinite NALCON 801AFF78 00C8 #Infinite RED 801AFF7C 00C8 #Infinite D-FELON 801AFF80 00C8 #Infinite ESP D01473BE 0062 801473BE 0060 D014747E 0051 8014747E 0040 #Movie Fully Open 901FE3E4 FFFFFFFF 301FE3E8 000F #Elapsed time 801B03EC 0000 #Mortal blow D0145106 0045 80145106 0000 #Nimble short in R2 D01AD0C8 0002 801B03A4 0001 D01AD0C8 0002 801AFF70 0001 ; [ Galerians (Japan) {SLPS-02192 | SLPS-02193 | SLPS-02194} ] :SLPS-02192 :SLPS-02193 :SLPS-02194 #Infinite HP 801C1B14 00C8 #Always empty AP 801AFF6C 0000 #Infinite NALCON 801AFF78 00C8 #Infinite RED 801AFF7C 00C8 #Infinite D-FELON 801AFF80 00C8 #Infinite ESP D01473BE 0062 801473BE 0060 D014747E 0051 8014747E 0040 #Movie Fully Open 901FE3E4 FFFFFFFF 301FE3E8 000F #Elapsed time 801B03EC 0000 #Mortal blow D0145106 0045 80145106 0000 #Nimble short in R2 D01AD0C8 0002 801B03A4 0001 D01AD0C8 0002 801AFF70 0001 #Infinite HP 801C1B14 00C8 #Always empty AP 801AFF6C 0000 #Infinite NALCON 801AFF78 00C8 #Infinite RED 801AFF7C 00C8 #Infinite D-FELON 801AFF80 00C8 #Infinite ESP D01473BE 0062 801473BE 0060 D014747E 0051 8014747E 0040 #Movie Fully Open 901FE3E4 FFFFFFFF 301FE3E8 000F #Elapsed time 801B03EC 0000 #Mortal blow D0145106 0045 80145106 0000 #Nimble short in R2 D01AD0C8 0002 801B03A4 0001 D01AD0C8 0002 801AFF70 0001 #Infinite HP 801C1B14 00C8 #Always empty AP 801AFF6C 0000 #Infinite NALCON 801AFF78 00C8 #Infinite RED 801AFF7C 00C8 #Infinite D-FELON 801AFF80 00C8 #Infinite ESP D01473BE 0062 801473BE 0060 D014747E 0051 8014747E 0040 #Movie Fully Open 901FE3E4 FFFFFFFF 301FE3E8 000F #Elapsed time 801B03EC 0000 #Mortal blow D0145106 0045 80145106 0000 #Nimble short in R2 D01AD0C8 0002 801B03A4 0001 D01AD0C8 0002 801AFF70 0001 ; [ Galerians (UK) Demo {SLED-02869} ] ; [ Galerians (USA) Demo {SLUS-90077} ] ; [ Gallop Racer (Japan) {SLPS-00507} ] :SLPS-00507 #99999 Jockey Points 801FAFA8 0001 801FAFA8 869F ; [ Gallop Racer 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01077} ] :SLPS-01077 #Infinite Stamina 8007A5D6 0032 #Infinite Money 901FA208 000CFFFF #Max Three Horse Can Enter The Race 801FA420 005A 801FA8D4 005A 801FAD88 005A #Secret Horse (54 horses for japanese class, 16 horses for world class) 301FE228 00FF 801FE23A FFFF 901FE23C FFFFFFFF 901FE240 FFFFFFFF 901FE244 FFFFFFFF 901FE248 FFFFFFFF 901FE24C FFFFFFFF ; [ Gallop Racer 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01981} ] :SLPS-01981 #Gr-Rank 901FA50C 270F270F #Infinite Energy For Your Horse 900B5DB4 00000000 #Infinite Money 901FA288 0098967F #Infinite Stamina (Incremented by 40h) 800EADEE 001F ; [ Game Guru 3 (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Game Guru 6 (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Game Guru 7 (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Game Guru 9 (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Game Nihonshi: Kakumeiji Oda Nobunaga (Japan) {SLPS-00774} ] ; [ Game Wizard Plus aka 游戲霸主 (China) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Game de Hajimeru TOEIC Test: Mazu wa Nyuumon-hen 1500 (Japan) {SLPS-03549} ] ; [ Game no Tatsujin (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02052} ] ; [ Game no Tatsujin (Japan) {SLPS-00030} ] ; [ Game no Tatsujin 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00213} ] ; [ Game no Tetsujin: The Shanghai (Japan) {SLPS-00096} ] ; [ GameGenius Ver. 5.0 (Taiwan) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GamePro Action Disc 1 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GamePro Action Disc 2 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark 2 Version 1 Code Archive Disc With Bonus Engine (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark 2 Version 2 Code Archive Disc Version 1 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 3.3 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 3.4 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 3.41 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 3.51 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 4.0A (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 4.11A (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark CDX Version 4.11B (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark Lite (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark Sampler (Sample GameShark and Bonus Savegames) (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark Video Game Enhancer Version 5 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ GameShark: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Disc 2) (Strategy in Action) (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Gamera 2000 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80093} ] ; [ Ganbare Goemon: Kuru nara Koi! Ayashige Ikka no Kuroi Kage (Japan) {SLP-86155} ] ; [ Ganbare Goemon: Ooedo Daikaiten (Japan) {SLP-86774} ] ; [ Ganbare Goemon: Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86030} ] ; [ Ganbare Morikawa-kun 2-gou (Japan) (Genteiban) {SCPS-10033} ] :SCPS-10033 #Max All Status 800C3076 270F 900C3078 270F6400 900C307C 270F270F 900C3080 270F270F #Infinite Money 900C3468 000F423F ; [ Ganbare Morikawa-kun 2-gou (Japan) {SCPS-10036} ] :SCPS-10036 #Max All Status 800C3076 270F 900C3078 270F6400 900C307C 270F270F 900C3080 270F270F #Infinite Money 900C3468 000F423F ; [ Ganbare! Nippon! Olympic 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86482} ] ; [ Ganso Family Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-01373} ] :SLPS-01373 #Player has 99990 points 8003D5D0 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8003D598 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8003D5A8 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8003D5B8 0000 ; [ Ganso Family Mahjong 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02094} ] ; [ Garou Densetsu: Wild Ambition (Japan) Demo {SLP-80446} ] ; [ Garou Densetsu: Wild Ambition (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45409} ] :SCPS-45409 #P1 Infinite Health 800AD7EE 0170 #P1 Infinite Health (Special Status) 800AD7EE 0070 #P2 Infinite Health 800AF00E 0170 #P2 Infinite Health (Special Status) 800AF00E 0070 #Unlock Team Battle Mode & All Data Mode 900ACA84 007FFFFF 800ACA88 FFFF #Use Secret Character 300ACA7E 0003 ; [ Gauntlet Legends (Europe) (Midway Classics) {SLES-02791} ] :SLES-02791 #P1 Infinite Energy 80096D20 03E7 #P2 Infinite Energy 8009759C 03E7 ; [ Gauntlet Legends (France) {SLES-02931} ] ; [ Gauntlet Legends (Germany) {SLES-02932} ] :SLES-02932 #P1 Infinite Health 80096CC4 270F #Infinite KeyS 30096D00 0063 #Falcon unlocked 30096EF8 0001 #Jackal unlocked 30096F00 0001 #Minotaur unlocked 30096F80 0001 #Tigress unlocked 30097000 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 80097540 270F #P2 Infinite keys 3009757C 0063 #Falconn unlocked 30097774 0001 #Jackal unlocked 3009777C 0001 #Minotaur unlocked 30097784 0001 #Tigress unlocked 3009778C 0001 ; [ Gauntlet Legends (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80624} ] ; [ GeGeGe no Kitarou: Gyakushuu! Youma Daikessen (Japan) {SLP-87286} ] ; [ Gekido: Urban Fighters (Europe) (Best of Infogrames, ZOO Classics) {SLES-01241} ] :SLES-01241 #Infinite Credits 800B41DA 0009 #Enable Code (Must Be On) D0099354 0008 8009934C E080 #Infinite Time 8001C9F4 0000 8001C9F8 0000 #P1 Infinite Health 800BB4DE 0666 800BB4E0 0666 #P2 Infinite Health 800BB67E 0666 800BB680 0666 #Unlock All Features 300B46A0 0001 300B46AC 0001 300B46B8 0001 300B46C4 0001 #Unlock All Areas 800B45FC FFFF #Unlock All Characters 800B45F0 FFFF ; [ Gekioh: Shooting King (Europe) {SLES-04004} ] ; [ Gekiretsu Pachinkers (Japan) {SLPS-00696} ] ; [ Gekisou Tomarunner (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96164} ] ; [ Gekisou!! Grand Racing: Total Drivin' (Japan) {SLPS-01346} ] ; [ Gekitotsu! Yonku Battle 4WD (Japan) {SLPS-00926} ] ; [ Gekitou! Crush Gear Turbo (Japan) {SLPS-03453} ] ; [ Gekka no Kishi: Ouryuu-sen (Japan) {SLPS-00421} ] :SLPS-00421 #Gold and silver rook angle Keika step fell on the other select button piece of initial placement only falls D008D8A4 0100 800A00A0 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00A2 0000 D008D8A4 0100 300A00A5 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00A6 0000 D008D8A4 0100 300A00A8 0000 D008D8A4 0100 300A00AA 0000 D008D8A4 0100 300A00B0 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00B2 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00B4 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00B6 0000 D008D8A4 0100 800A00B8 0000 D008D8A4 0100 300A00BA 0000 ; [ Genghis Khan: Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika IV (Japan) {SLP-86175} ] ; [ Gensei Kyokou Seirei Kidoudan: Elemental Gearbolt (Japan) {SCPS-10038} ] :SCPS-10038 #P1 Infinite Energy 8009473A 0190 #P2 Infinite Energy 8009474C 0190 #P1 No Need to Reload E0095ACC 00EA 30095ACC 00FF #P2 No Need to Reload E0095ADC 00EA 30095ADC 00FF #Press L2+R2 on Options for Debug Menu E0051A00 0003 3000E2E0 0003 ; [ Gensou Maden Saiyuuki: Haruka naru Nishi e (Japan) {SLP-86986} ] ; [ Gensou Suiko Gaiden Vol. 1: Harmonia no Kenshi (Japan) {SLP-86637} ] ; [ Gensou Suiko Gaiden Vol. 2: Crystal Valley no Kettou (Japan) {SLP-86663} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLP-86017} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden (Japan) {SLP-87099} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden II (Japan) Demo {SLP-86116} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden II (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86389} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden II (Japan) {SLP-86168} ] ; [ Gensou Suikoden II aka 幻想水滸伝Ⅱ (Asia) (Metal Gear Solid Premium Package) {SCPS-45319} ] ; [ Geom Cube (Japan) {SLPS-00007} ] ; [ Geometry Duel (Japan) {SLPS-01575} ] :SLPS-01575 #Infinite Energy 800BDB0E 03E7 800BDB18 03E7 #Infinite Gold 800BF0AC FFFF ; [ Germany Speziale 11/99 (Germany) {SCED-02383} ] ; [ Germs: Nerawareta Machi (Japan) {SLPS-02107} ] :SLPS-02107 #Infinite Energy 801E0710 00C8 ; [ GetBackers: Dakkan'ya (Japan) {SLP-86848} ] ; [ Getter Robo Daikessen! (Japan) {SLPS-02232} ] :SLPS-02232 #Infinite Energy Main unit 800FF830 270F 800FF834 270F #Infinite Energy 2nd unit 800FF930 270F 800FF934 270F #Infinite Energy 3rd unit 800FFA30 270F 800FFA34 270F #Infinite Energy 4th unit 800FFAB0 270F 800FFAB4 270F #Infinite Energy 5th unit 800FF9B0 270F 800FF9B4 270F #Scenario can be selected Press Triangle + L2/R2. D008538A 0011 E31AB6E4 0000 211AB6E4 0001 D008538A 0012 E21AB6E4 0014 201AB6E4 0001 #1 Fight For 1000 Exp:Push Select+L1+R1 In Finish Battle D00A14AC 1021 800A14AC 03E8 D00A14AE 0062 800A14AE 2402 #Infinite Ge & En D009EE5C 1023 8009EE5E 0060 D009E6AC 1023 8009E6AE 0040 D009E930 1023 8009E932 0040 #Level Up 99 D005D384 0001 8005D384 0063 D005D386 24C6 8005D386 2406 ; [ Gex (Europe) {SLES-00133} ] :SLES-00133 #Infinite Lives 80097B2C 0064 #Unbeatable 80097B1C 0003 ; [ Gex (Japan) {SLPS-00244} ] ; [ Gex (USA) {SLUS-00042} ] :SLUS-00042 #Infinite Lives 80097B2C 0064 #Invincibility 80097B1C 0003 #Infinite Gold Flies 80097AF8 0063 #Infinite Energy 80097B1C 0003 ; [ Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko (Europe) Demo {SLED-01112} ] ; [ Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko aka Gex 3D: Return of the Gecko (Europe) {SLES-00596} ] :SLES-00596 #Invincibility 800A3B1C 001D #Have All Collectables 80098A98 0063 80098A9C 0062 80098AA0 0062 #Infinite Lives 80098A90 0009 #Infinite Health 80098A94 0005 ; [ Gex: Deep Cover Gecko (Europe) Demo {SLED-01954} ] ; [ Gex: Deep Cover Gecko (Europe) {SLES-01299} ] :SLES-01299 #99 Flies 800A2D8A 0063 #Infinite Energy 800A2DEA 0004 #99 Hands 800A2DB8 0063 #Infinite Lives 99 800A2D7A 0063 #99 Golden Coins 800A2D9A 0063 #99 Coffins 800A2DAA 0063 #Have 24 Paw coins 800AB0B8 0018 #Have 99 Bonus coins 800AB0BC 0063 #Have 99 Fly coins 800AB0B4 0063 #Have 99 TV remotes 800AB0C0 0063 #Press select to make Gex speak 800AB194 2000 #Unbeatable 80097B1C 0003 ; [ Gex: Deep Cover Gecko (Europe) {SLES-01908} ] :SLES-01908 #Infinite Health 80073E52 2400 #Infinite Lifes 800AB88C 0063 #Infinite Air 8007C096 2400 #99 Flies 800AB894 0063 #99 Paws 800AB898 0063 #99 Bonus-Coins 800AB89C 0063 #99 Remotes 800AB8A0 0063 #Have All Remotes 50000B01 0000 300AB86C 000F 300AB883 000A 50000301 0000 300AB884 0002 #Have All Gold Coins 50000B02 0000 800AB8E8 000E 50000402 0000 800AB916 000E ; [ Gex: Enter the Gecko (USA) {SLUS-00598} ] :SLUS-00598 #Infinite Lives 80095310 0009 #Infinite Health 80095314 0004 #Invincibility 800A039C 001D #Infinite Time 80140C88 1388 #Have All Collectables 80095318 0063 8009531C 0062 80095320 0062 #MEGA CHEAT! 800975DC 00FF ; [ Ghost in the Shell (Europe) {SCES-01050} ] :SCES-01050 #Infinite HP level 1 80120500 00C8 #Infinite HP level 2 8011F63C 00C8 #Infinite HP level 3 80120EDC 00C8 #Infinite HP level 4 80122A50 00C8 #Infinite HP level 5 8011FFF4 00C8 #Infinite HP level 6 80127990 00C8 #Infinite HP level 7 80125FB0 00C8 #Infinite HP level 8 80120750 00C8 #Infinite HP level 9 80124C80 00C8 #Infinite HP level 10 8012532C 00C8 #Infinite HP level 11 8012322C 00C8 #Infinite HP level 12 8012BFFC 00C8 ; [ Ghost in the Shell (France) {SCES-01074} ] ; [ Ghost in the Shell (Germany) {SCES-01075} ] :SCES-01075 #Access All Levels 801127B6 000B #Level 1 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80120500 00C8 #Level 1 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80120504 0001 #Level 2 Codes\Unendlich Energie 8011F63C 00C8 #Level 2 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 8011F640 0001 #Level 3 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80120EDC 00C8 #Level 3 Codes\Unendlich Zeit 80120ED0 0DF7 #Level 3 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80120EE0 0001 #Level 4 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80122A50 00C8 #Level 4 Codes\Unendlich Zeit 80122A44 0DF7 #Level 4 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80122A54 0001 #Level 5 Codes\Unendlich Energie 8011FFF4 00C8 #Level 5 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 8011FFF8 0001 #Level 6 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80127990 00C8 #Level 6 Codes\Unendlich Zeit 80127984 0DF7 #Level 6 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80127994 0001 #Level 7 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80125FB0 00C8 #Level 7 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80125FB4 0001 #Level 8 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80120750 00C8 #Level 8 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80120754 0001 #Level 9 Codes\Unendlich Energie 80124C80 00C8 #Level 9 Codes\Unendlich Zeit 80124C74 0DF7 #Level 9 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80124C84 0001 #Level 10 Codes\Unendlich Energie 8012532C 00C8 #Level 10 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80125330 0001 #Level 11 Codes\Unendlich Energie 8012322C 00C8 #Level 11 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80123230 0001 #Level 12 Codes\Unendlich Energie 8012BFFC 00C8 #Level 12 Codes\Unendlich Granaten 8012C000 0001 #Training Mission Codes\Unendlich Energie 80117F74 00C8 #Training Mission Codes\Unendlich Zeit 80117F68 0DF7 #Training Mission Codes\Unendlich Granaten 80117F78 0001 ; [ Ghoul Panic (Europe) {SCES-02543} ] ; [ Gioca con i Teletubbies (Italy) {SLES-03170} ] ; [ Gionbana (Japan) {SLPS-00132} ] ; [ Gionbana 2: Kanazawa Bunko-hen (Japan) {SLPS-01858} ] :SLPS-01858 #Enemy has 0 points 80095BA0 0000 800E5F5C 0000 #player has 20 points 80095B6C 0014 800E5F28 0014 ; [ Glay: Complete Works (Japan) {SLP-86226 | SLP-86227} ] ; [ Glint Glitters (Japan) {SLP-86200} ] ; [ Global Domination (Europe) {SLES-01419} ] :SLES-01419 #Have always 100 missiles in mission 1 801403A6 0063 ; [ Global Domination (France) {SLES-01422} ] ; [ Global Domination (Germany) {SLES-01423} ] ; [ Global Domination (Italy) {SLES-01424} ] ; [ Global Domination (Spain) {SLES-01425} ] ; [ Global Domination (USA) Beta {SLUS-00721} ] ; [ Global Domination (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Global Force: Shin Sentou Kokka (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96146} ] ; [ Global Force: Shin Sentou Kokka (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10082} ] :SCPS-10082 #Money Credit 999999 800982F8 423F 300982FA 000F #Turn Number 1 80095754 0001 ; [ Global Force: Shin Sentou Kokka (Japan) {SCPS-10082} ] :SCPS-10082 #Money Credit 999999 800982F8 423F 300982FA 000F #Turn Number 1 80095754 0001 ; [ Glocal Hexcite (Japan) {SLPS-02425} ] ; [ Glover (Europe) {SLES-02213} ] :SLES-02213 #Infinite Lives 300D2E7D 0003 #Infinite Health 8004B736 3C00 #Invincibility 800D2E84 3C00 #Moon Jump (Press L2 right after the jump) E00C2801 0001 800C2A14 C300 #Max Score 800C2B82 0098 #Have all cards C20C2C94 0001 300C2C70 0000 ; [ Go Go I Land (Japan) {SLPS-03061 | SLPS-03062} ] ; [ Go II Professional: Taikyoku Igo (Japan) {SLPS-00528} ] ; [ Goal Storm '97 (Asia) {SCPS-45165} ] ; [ Goal Storm (Europe) {SLES-00069} ] :SLES-00069 #Team 1 is Pointing 30161730 0009 #Team 2 is Pointing 30161731 0000 #Team 1 Has 9 Goals 80160EB4 0009 #Team 2 Gets No Points 30160EB5 0000 ; [ Godzilla: Trading Battle (Japan) {SLPS-01470} ] ; [ Goemon: Shin Sedai Shuumei (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLP-87196} ] ; [ Gokujou Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack (Japan) {SLP-86031} ] ; [ Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado (Europe) {SLES-02934} ] ; [ Gold und Ruhm: Der Weg nach El Dorado (Germany) {SLES-03185} ] ; [ Golden Goal 98 aka Golden Goal (Europe) {SLES-01222} ] ; [ Goldie (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02952} ] ; [ Golgo 13 Vol. 2: Mienai Guntai (Japan) {SLPS-01713} ] ; [ Goo! Goo! Soundy (Japan) {SLP-86250} ] ; [ Goo-Cho de Park: Theme Park Monogatari (Japan) (Chotto dake Asoberu Disc) {SLP-80061} ] ; [ Goo-Cho de Park: Theme Park Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-00626} ] :SLPS-00626 #P1 has 99999 money 800A4DBC 270F 800A3890 270F ; [ Goryuujin Electro (Japan) {SLPS-01620} ] :SLPS-01620 #Opponent always has 0 points 8012CE94 0000 #Player has always 99 points 8012B010 0063 ; [ Gotha II: Tenkuu no Kishi (Japan) {SLPS-00422} ] :SLPS-00422 #Level 99 800FACE0 03E7 ; [ Gotouchi Hello Kitty Sugoroku Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-03552} ] :SLPS-03552 #Have 999 apples 800A6A52 03E7 ; [ Goujin Senki (Japan) {SLPS-01471} ] :SLPS-01471 #Infinite Money 90178D48 0098967F #Main character HP 999/999 / Stats 99 90177F04 03E703E7 80177F08 6363 80177F18 6363 80177F16 6363 8017888E 6363 #Level 99-12 Character 8017888E 6363 801788AC 6363 801788CA 6363 801788E8 6363 80178906 6363 80178924 6363 80178942 6363 80178960 6363 8017897E 6363 8017899C 6363 801789BA 6363 801789D8 6363 #Infinite Hp-12 Character 80177F04 03E7 80177F30 03E7 80177F5C 03E7 80177F88 03E7 80177FB4 03E7 80177FE0 03E7 8017800C 03E7 80178038 03E7 80178064 03E7 80178090 03E7 801780BC 03E7 801780E8 03E7 #Max Hp-12 Character 80177F06 03E7 80177F32 03E7 80177F5E 03E7 80177F8A 03E7 80177FB6 03E7 80177FE2 03E7 8017800E 03E7 8017803A 03E7 80178066 03E7 80178092 03E7 801780BE 03E7 801780EA 03E7 #Infinite MP 50000C2C 0000 80177F18 6363 #Money 99999999 90178D48 05F5E0FF #Blow deadly attack D00C72F0 0101 80030930 0004 D00C72F0 0101 80030932 A440 D00C72F0 0102 80030930 0000 D00C72F0 0102 80030932 0000 D00C72F0 0103 80030930 0004 D00C72F0 0103 80030932 A451 ; [ Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2: Chotto dake Saikyou Densetsu (Japan) (Chotto dake Otameshi Disc) {SLP-80009} ] ; [ Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2: Chotto dake Saikyou Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00104} ] :SLPS-00104 #Enemy has no energy (just hit him once to win) 801F0B90 0000 #Second player lost After pressing the SELECT button D00870EC FEFF 801F0B90 0000 #Infinite HP 1P 801F0790 00E0 ; [ Gourmet Action Game: Manpuku!! Nabe Kazoku (Japan) {SLPS-03381} ] :SLPS-03381 #P1 Quick Win 800FFE9A 0300 800FFEDA 0300 #P1 Max Scoer 80098E18 FFFF #Infinite Time 80098894 1747 #Stage 1 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0001 #Stage 2 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0002 #Stage 3 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0003 #Stage 4 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0004 #Stage 5 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0005 #Stage 6 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0006 #Stage 7 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0007 #Stage 8 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0008 #Stage 9 D0098E12 0000 80098E12 0009 ; [ Gradius Deluxe Pack (Japan) {SLPS-00303} ] :SLPS-00303 #Gradius 1\P1 Infinite Lives 800C20A2 000A #Gradius 1\P2 Infinite Lives 800C20A4 000A #Gradius 1\Always 4 Options 800AAC3C 0001 800AACB4 0001 800AAD2C 0001 800AADA4 0001 800C1FF8 0004 900C2134 00020001 900C2138 00040003 #Gradius 1\Always Have Missiles 800AABE8 0001 800AAC50 0001 800AACC8 0001 800AAD40 0001 800AADB8 0001 #Gradius 1\Invincibility 8002FBE6 1000 #Gradius 2\P1+P2 Infinite Lives D0091238 0000 8009DE70 0606 #Gradius 2\Invincibility 80037202 1000 8003725C 0000 ; [ Gradius Gaiden (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86103} ] ; [ Gradius Gaiden (Japan) {SLP-86042} ] ; [ Gran Turismo (Europe) (EDC Platinum, 2 Games) {SCES-00984} ] :SCES-00984 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Highspeed Ring A 30081B48 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Higspeed Ring B 30081B49 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Highspeed Ring c 30081B4A 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain A 30081B4C 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain B 30081B4D 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain c 30081B4E 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East A 30081B50 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East B 30081B51 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East c 30081B52 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 A 30081B54 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 B 30081B55 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 c 30081B56 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring A 30081B58 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring B 30081B59 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring c 30081B5A 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest A 30081B5C 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest B 30081B5D 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest c 30081B5E 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 A 30081B60 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 B 30081B61 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 c 30081B62 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway A 30081B64 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway B 30081B65 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway c 30081B66 0004 #Gran Turismo Codes\100 Million Credits 9009B874 05F5E100 #Gran Turismo Codes\100 Million Credits (Press Select in the Start-Area to get the money) D009AADE 0001 8009B874 E100 D009AADE 0001 8009B876 05F5 #Gran Turismo Codes\B-License 9009E3C4 03030303 9009E3C8 03030303 #Gran Turismo Codes\A-License 9009E3CC 03030303 9009E3D0 03030303 #Gran Turismo Codes\A-International License 9009E3D4 03030303 9009E3D8 03030303 #Gt League\Have All Gold Cups And Open Gt Hifi-Mode 9009F8DC 01010101 #Special Event\Have Gold Cups 9009F8E0 01010101 8009F8E4 0101 8009F8EA 0101 9009F8EC 01010101 8009F8F0 0101 #Special Event\Always Be First D01B3A7E 001B 80093BC8 0000 #Special Event\Only One Lap To Race (This code will finish the race as you pass the startline on all two lap races. If you try to race a three lap race you will have only one lap to finish) D00B6700 0000 800B6700 0002 #Special Event\Speed Boost-Code. Press R3 D00BC016 0002 800B6DBE 0005 D00BC016 0002 800B6D92 0005 ; [ Gran Turismo (France) Demo {SCED-01279} ] ; [ Gran Turismo (Japan) (Test Drive Disc) {PCPX-96085} ] ; [ Gran Turismo (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90026} ] ; [ Gran Turismo (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-10045} ] :SCPS-10045 #Gran Turismo mode/Have Infinite Money 8008DD06 00FF #Gran Turismo mode/Have B License 90090854 03030303 90090858 03030303 #Gran Turismo mode/Have A License 9009085C 03030303 90090860 03030303 #Gran Turismo mode/Have A International License 90090864 03030303 90090868 03030303 #High Racing Points 9008DD04 05F5E100 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Arcade Mode) (Europe) {SCES-02380 | SCES-12380} ] :SCES-02380 :SCES-12380 #Gran Turismo Disc - Auto Pilot P1 (Press R1 & R2 & Triangle Pad 2 before race starts) D01F0CEC E5FF 801D5976 0001 #Gran Turismo Disc - Auto Pilot P1 alternate (Press R1 & R2 & Triangle Pad 2 before race starts) 801D5976 0001 #Infinite Money 901D1598 05F5E0FF #Have Gold B Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CCD31 0004 #Have Gold A Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CC6C9 0004 #Have Gold International c Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CC061 0004 #Have Gold International B Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CB9F9 0004 #Have Gold International A Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CB391 0004 #Have Special Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CAD29 0004 #Unlock Extra Tracks And Cars In Arcade Mode 50000A02 0000 801C99C8 0505 301C99DC 0005 #Hold L2 To Drive Through Scenery E00A95E4 0080 800A96CC 0006 E00A95E4 0080 800A9CE4 0006 #Stop Race Timer 8002F894 0000 80046F44 0000 #Start On Lap 4 E00A9CEC 0000 300A9CEC 0004 #Begin The Game With A Lot Of Money 900107A0 3C0205F5 #Unlock All Tracks 1P/2P Any Road, Time Trial Etc, More Than 130... 800F3992 0083 800F3996 0017 800F399A 0027 900F399C 00060015 #Turbo Arcade Disc Press R3 D00A956C 4000 800A9D1E 0020 D00A956C 4000 800A9D22 0020 #Ending Unlocked (Push Select in the Play Movie Screen) D01C97DA FFFE 80052714 0001 #Unlock One Half Of The Reverse Track (use the Quick won race-codes for the other half) 50000A20 0000 80050B8C 0001 #Unlock All Licences In 1 Code 8005DE8A A270 #Unlock All Tracks (112% Complete) 50004402 0000 801C9A28 1111 #Play Any Race With Any Car In Simulation Mode D0014908 000C 8001490A 1000 #Gran Turismo Disc - Auto Pilot P1 (Press R1 & R2 & Triangle Pad 2 before race starts) D01F0CEC E5FF 801D5976 0001 #Gran Turismo Disc - Auto Pilot P1 alternate (Press R1 & R2 & Triangle Pad 2 before race starts) 801D5976 0001 #Infinite Money 901D1598 05F5E0FF #Have Gold B Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CCD31 0004 #Have Gold A Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CC6C9 0004 #Have Gold International c Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CC061 0004 #Have Gold International B Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CB9F9 0004 #Have Gold International A Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CB391 0004 #Have Special Licence 50000AA4 0000 301CAD29 0004 #Unlock Extra Tracks And Cars In Arcade Mode 50000A02 0000 801C99C8 0505 301C99DC 0005 #Hold L2 To Drive Through Scenery E00A95E4 0080 800A96CC 0006 E00A95E4 0080 800A9CE4 0006 #Stop Race Timer 8002F894 0000 80046F44 0000 #Start On Lap 4 E00A9CEC 0000 300A9CEC 0004 #Begin The Game With A Lot Of Money 900107A0 3C0205F5 #Unlock All Tracks 1P/2P Any Road, Time Trial Etc, More Than 130... 800F3992 0083 800F3996 0017 800F399A 0027 900F399C 00060015 #Turbo Arcade Disc Press R3 D00A956C 4000 800A9D1E 0020 D00A956C 4000 800A9D22 0020 #Ending Unlocked (Push Select in the Play Movie Screen) D01C97DA FFFE 80052714 0001 #Unlock One Half Of The Reverse Track (use the Quick won race-codes for the other half) 50000A20 0000 80050B8C 0001 #Unlock All Licences In 1 Code 8005DE8A A270 #Unlock All Tracks (112% Complete) 50004402 0000 801C9A28 1111 #Play Any Race With Any Car In Simulation Mode D0014908 000C 8001490A 1000 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Arcade) (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-10116 | SCPS-10117} ] :SCPS-10116 :SCPS-10117 #Simulation Mode Codes\A Ton Of Cash 901D0FC8 05F5E0FF #Simulation Mode Codes\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit With this code, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example: You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League. D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Mode Codes\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Misc. Codes\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc Codes\Unlock Ending Credits (Select At Credit Screen) D01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 D01F068A FFFE 80052594 0001 #Arcade Disc Goodies fully open 50000B02 0000 801C9DE8 FFFF 301C9F45 0001 #Simulation Mode Codes\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Mode Codes\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Mode Codes\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Misc. Codes\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Misc. Codes\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc Codes\Unlock Ending Credits (Select At Credit Screen) D01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 D01F068A FFFE 80052594 0001 #Arcade Disc Goodies fully open 50000B02 0000 801C9DE8 FFFF 301C9F45 0001 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Disc 2) (Gran Turismo) (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91327} ] ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Japan) (Test Drive Disc) {PAPX-90054} ] ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Simulation Mode) (USA) Rev 2 {SCUS-94488} ] :SCUS-94488 #Simulation Disc\A Ton Of Cash 901D0FC8 05F5E0FF #Simulation Disc\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Disc\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit (With this code, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example: You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League) D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Disc\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Disc\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Disc\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Simulation Disc\Start With $99,000,000+ 900107A0 3C0205F5 #Simulation Disc\Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) 8005DDBA A270 #Simulation Disc\All Races Completed/Sim Credits Unlocked (With this code, go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc) 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 #Arcade Disc\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc\Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen) D01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 D01F068A FFFE 80052594 0001 #Both Discs\Quick Win D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 #Both Discs\P1 Nitrous Boost D00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 D00A9228 4000 800A99DA 0020 #Both Discs\P1 Auto-Pilot Press L1+R1/L2+R2 D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 #Both Discs\P2 Auto-Pilot Press R1+R2/L1+L2 D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 #Both Discs\2-Player View Toggle D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 #Both Discs\Solid Ghost In Rally D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 #More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc) D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 #More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc) D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Simulation Mode) (USA) {SCUS-94488} ] :SCUS-94488 #Simulation Disc\A Ton Of Cash 901D0FC8 05F5E0FF #Simulation Disc\Stop Race Timer (Really Helpful In License Tests) 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses B 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses A 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-C 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-B 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Licenses I-A 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 #Simulation Disc\Gold Super License 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 #Simulation Disc\Any Car Can Play Any Circuit (With this code, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example: You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League) D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 #Simulation Disc\Have All Gold Licenses 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 #Simulation Disc\Max Cash After One Race 8005E6DA 2400 #Simulation Disc\Money Never Decreases 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 #Simulation Disc\Start With $99,000,000+ 900107A0 3C0205F5 #Simulation Disc\Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) 8005DDBA A270 #Simulation Disc\All Races Completed/Sim Credits Unlocked (With this code, go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc) 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 #Arcade Disc\Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-1P Mode 800F364E 0083 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-1P Mode 800F3656 0027 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Road Tracks-2P Mode 800F3658 0015 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Rally Tracks-2P Mode 800F365A 0006 #Arcade Disc\Unlock All Tracks-Time Trial 800F3652 0017 #Arcade Disc\Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen) D01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 D01F068A FFFE 80052594 0001 #Both Discs\Quick Win D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 #Both Discs\P1 Nitrous Boost D00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 D00A9228 4000 800A99DA 0020 #Both Discs\P1 Auto-Pilot Press L1+R1/L2+R2 D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 #Both Discs\P2 Auto-Pilot Press R1+R2/L1+L2 D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 #Both Discs\2-Player View Toggle D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 #Both Discs\Solid Ghost In Rally D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 #More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc) D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 #More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc) D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 ; [ Gran Turismo 2 (Un CD Bonus) (France) {SCED-02904} ] ; [ Gran Turismo aka Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator (Europe) {SCES-00984} ] :SCES-00984 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Highspeed Ring A 30081B48 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Higspeed Ring B 30081B49 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Highspeed Ring c 30081B4A 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain A 30081B4C 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain B 30081B4D 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Trial Mountain c 30081B4E 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East A 30081B50 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East B 30081B51 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley East c 30081B52 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 A 30081B54 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 B 30081B55 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Clubman Stage 5 c 30081B56 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring A 30081B58 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring B 30081B59 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Autumn Ring c 30081B5A 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest A 30081B5C 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest B 30081B5D 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Deep Forest c 30081B5E 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 A 30081B60 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 B 30081B61 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Ss R5 c 30081B62 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway A 30081B64 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway B 30081B65 0004 #Quick Arcade-Mode Codes\Grand Valley Speedway c 30081B66 0004 #Gran Turismo Codes\100 Million Credits 9009B874 05F5E100 #Gran Turismo Codes\100 Million Credits (Press Select in the Start-Area to get the money) D009AADE 0001 8009B874 E100 D009AADE 0001 8009B876 05F5 #Gran Turismo Codes\B-License 9009E3C4 03030303 9009E3C8 03030303 #Gran Turismo Codes\A-License 9009E3CC 03030303 9009E3D0 03030303 #Gran Turismo Codes\A-International License 9009E3D4 03030303 9009E3D8 03030303 #Gt League\Have All Gold Cups And Open Gt Hifi-Mode 9009F8DC 01010101 #Special Event\Have Gold Cups 9009F8E0 01010101 8009F8E4 0101 8009F8EA 0101 9009F8EC 01010101 8009F8F0 0101 #Special Event\Always Be First D01B3A7E 001B 80093BC8 0000 #Special Event\Only One Lap To Race (This code will finish the race as you pass the startline on all two lap races. If you try to race a three lap race you will have only one lap to finish) D00B6700 0000 800B6700 0002 #Special Event\Speed Boost-Code. Press R3 D00BC016 0002 800B6DBE 0005 D00BC016 0002 800B6D92 0005 ; [ Grand Theft Auto (Europe) (EDC Platinum, Collector's Edition) {SLES-00032} ] :SLES-00032 #Infinite Weapons, Ammo, 99 Lives & Coordinates 80025F90 00FF #Open All Cities 80025F2C 0001 80025F30 0001 80025F34 0001 80025F38 0001 80025F3C 0001 #Maximum Armour This code gives you maximum armour but you must pick up the armour first 800A92F0 7FFF #No Police Activity 8002B488 0000 #Infinite Lives 8002B5F2 0063 #Infinite Pistol And Ammo 8002B5FC FF00 #Infinite Machine Gun And Missile Launcher 8002B5FE FFFF #Infinite Flamethrower 8002B600 00FF #Get Out Of Jail Free Key 8002B606 1000 #Auto Walk And Drive 8002B5F4 0300 #Points Multiplier x 20 8002B5EE 0014 #9 Million Points 8002B49E 0090 #Music : Off 30153F1C 0000 #Slow Motion\On Press Select & Up D0047942 FFEE 3011E3E0 0000 #Slow Motion\Off Press Select & Down D0047942 FFBE 3011E3E0 0001 ; [ Grand Theft Auto (Europe) {SLES-00032} ] :SLES-00032 #Infinite Weapons, Ammo, 99 Lives & Coordinates 80025F90 00FF #Open All Cities 80025F2C 0001 80025F30 0001 80025F34 0001 80025F38 0001 80025F3C 0001 #Maximum Armour This code gives you maximum armour but you must pick up the armour first 800A92F0 7FFF #No Police Activity 8002B488 0000 #Infinite Lives 8002B5F2 0063 #Infinite Pistol And Ammo 8002B5FC FF00 #Infinite Machine Gun And Missile Launcher 8002B5FE FFFF #Infinite Flamethrower 8002B600 00FF #Get Out Of Jail Free Key 8002B606 1000 #Auto Walk And Drive 8002B5F4 0300 #Points Multiplier x 20 8002B5EE 0014 #9 Million Points 8002B49E 0090 #Music : Off 30153F1C 0000 #Slow Motion\On Press Select & Up D0047942 FFEE 3011E3E0 0000 #Slow Motion\Off Press Select & Down D0047942 FFBE 3011E3E0 0001 ; [ Grand Theft Auto 2 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01404} ] :SLES-01404 #Stop Kill Frenzy Time 801683F0 0C97 #Infinite Lives 80120004 0009 #Infinite Health 80145A96 0064 #Have Pistol + Infinite Ammo 80164D68 0122 #Have Machine Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164D90 0122 #Have Rocket Launcher + Infinite Ammo 80164DB8 0122 #Have Electric Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164DE0 0122 #Have Petrol Bombs + Infinite Ammo 80164E08 0122 #Have Grenades + Infinite Ammo 80164E30 0122 #Have Shotgun + Infinite Ammo 80164E58 0122 #Have Stun Rod + Infinite Ammo 80164E80 0122 #Have Flame Thrower + Infinite Ammo 80164EA8 0122 #Have Silenced Machine Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164ED0 0122 #Have 2 Way Firing Pistol + Infinite Ammo 80164EF8 0122 #Other Weapons And Infinite Ammo 80164FC0 0122 80164FE8 0122 80165038 0122 80165150 0122 80165178 0122 801651C8 0122 801651F0 0122 80165268 0122 801652B8 0122 801652E0 0122 #Lots Of Cash! 8011FD0A 0098 #Number Of Kills 0 8012A86C 0000 #No Cops 80145A8A 0000 #All Cops 80145A8A 2EE0 #Have Police And Swat After You .Use only 1 code at a time. 80145A8A 8813 #21 Have Police, Swat And Spy's After You 80145A8A 401F #Have Police, Swat, Spy's And The Army After You 80145A8A E02E #Infinite Ammo After Pickup 800FD452 3C00 #All Weapons 50000B28 0000 80164D68 FFFF #Infinite Bonus & Kill Frenzy Time 800A40C8 3C00 #Max Points 8011FD08 FFFF ; [ Grand Theft Auto 2 (France) {SLES-02453} ] ; [ Grand Theft Auto 2 aka GTA2 (Europe) {SLES-01404} ] :SLES-01404 #Stop Kill Frenzy Time 801683F0 0C97 #Infinite Lives 80120004 0009 #Infinite Health 80145A96 0064 #Have Pistol + Infinite Ammo 80164D68 0122 #Have Machine Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164D90 0122 #Have Rocket Launcher + Infinite Ammo 80164DB8 0122 #Have Electric Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164DE0 0122 #Have Petrol Bombs + Infinite Ammo 80164E08 0122 #Have Grenades + Infinite Ammo 80164E30 0122 #Have Shotgun + Infinite Ammo 80164E58 0122 #Have Stun Rod + Infinite Ammo 80164E80 0122 #Have Flame Thrower + Infinite Ammo 80164EA8 0122 #Have Silenced Machine Gun + Infinite Ammo 80164ED0 0122 #Have 2 Way Firing Pistol + Infinite Ammo 80164EF8 0122 #Other Weapons And Infinite Ammo 80164FC0 0122 80164FE8 0122 80165038 0122 80165150 0122 80165178 0122 801651C8 0122 801651F0 0122 80165268 0122 801652B8 0122 801652E0 0122 #Lots Of Cash! 8011FD0A 0098 #Number Of Kills 0 8012A86C 0000 #No Cops 80145A8A 0000 #All Cops 80145A8A 2EE0 #Have Police And Swat After You .Use only 1 code at a time. 80145A8A 8813 #21 Have Police, Swat And Spy's After You 80145A8A 401F #Have Police, Swat, Spy's And The Army After You 80145A8A E02E #Infinite Ammo After Pickup 800FD452 3C00 #All Weapons 50000B28 0000 80164D68 FFFF #Infinite Bonus & Kill Frenzy Time 800A40C8 3C00 #Max Points 8011FD08 FFFF ; [ Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 aka Grand Theft Auto: London (Europe) {SLES-03389} ] ; [ Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1: London 1969 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01714} ] :SLES-01714 #5 Million Points Score D002BF1C 0000 8002BF1C 4FFF D002BF1E 0000 8002BF1E 004C #Infinite Lives 8002C072 0004 #Infinite Pistol Ammo 3002C07D 0063 #Infinite Machine Gun Ammo 3002C07E 0063 #Infinite Rocket Ammo 3002C07F 0063 #Infinite Flame Thrower Fuel 3002C080 0063 #Unlock Mods & Sods Level 80026848 0001 #Unlock Chelsea Smile Level 8002684C 0001 #Unlock Dead Certainty Level 80026850 0001 #Max Bonus Multiplier 8002C06E 0063 #Have Get Out Of Jail Free Card 8002C08A 0001 #No Cops 8002BF08 0000 ; [ Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1: London 1969 (Europe) {SLES-01714} ] :SLES-01714 #5 Million Points Score D002BF1C 0000 8002BF1C 4FFF D002BF1E 0000 8002BF1E 004C #Infinite Lives 8002C072 0004 #Infinite Pistol Ammo 3002C07D 0063 #Infinite Machine Gun Ammo 3002C07E 0063 #Infinite Rocket Ammo 3002C07F 0063 #Infinite Flame Thrower Fuel 3002C080 0063 #Unlock Mods & Sods Level 80026848 0001 #Unlock Chelsea Smile Level 8002684C 0001 #Unlock Dead Certainty Level 80026850 0001 #Max Bonus Multiplier 8002C06E 0063 #Have Get Out Of Jail Free Card 8002C08A 0001 #No Cops 8002BF08 0000 ; [ Grande Fratello: Il Gioco (Italy) {SCES-04090} ] ; [ Grandia (Europe) {SLES-02397 | SLES-12397} ] ; [ Grandia (France) (Ubisoft eXclusive) {SLES-02398 | SLES-12398} ] :SLES-02398 :SLES-12398 #Max Hp Justin 800C0980 03E7 #Max Hp Feena 800C0B6C 03E7 #Max Hp Rap 800C0D58 03E7 #Max Hp Liete 800C0F44 03E7 ; [ Grandia (Germany) {SLES-02399 | SLES-12399} ] :SLES-02399 :SLES-12399 #Unendlich HP Justin 80010278 03E7 #Max HP Justin 80010276 03E7 #Unendlich SP Justin 80010284 03E7 #Unendlich HP Feena 800102F8 03E7 #Max HP Feena 800102F6 03E7 #Unendlich SP Feena 80010304 03E7 #Unendlich Goldstücke 80010166 0098 #Besitze alle Zauber alle Charaktere 50003201 0000 3001066C 00FF 800106CE FFFF ; [ Grandia (Japan) {SLPS-02124 | SLPS-02125} ] :SLPS-02124 :SLPS-02125 #Infinite Money 90010164 0098967F #Infinite & Max SP 1st character 800C09EE 03E7 800C09F0 03E7 #Infinite Magic Point 1st Character 900102A8 63636363 800102AC 6363 #Infinite & Max SP 2nd Character 800C0BDA 03E7 800C0BDC 03E7 #Infinite Magic Point 2nd Character 900103A8 63636363 800103AC 6363 #Infinite & Max HP in combat 1st Character 900C0980 03E703E7 #No Random Battle 80011EBE 0400 #Alt. No Random Battle 80041CA4 000E #Not encounter 300A9F20 00FF #After 1 Battle level 99/9999999 gold D009C670 8000 8009C688 FFFF D009C670 8000 8009C68A 1300 D009C670 8000 8009C68C FFFF D009C670 8000 8009C68E 1300 #All items 50002601 0000 300121A9 0063 50001201 0000 300121DE 0063 50000B01 0000 300121F1 0063 5000B501 0000 300121FD 0063 50002801 0000 300122B3 0063 5000A401 0000 300122DC 0063 #The Debug menu Laissez votre doigt sur L2 et press START pour activer ou desactiver ce debug. 30011EBC 0080 #Infinite Money 90010164 0098967F #Infinite & Max SP 1st character 800C09EE 03E7 800C09F0 03E7 #Infinite Magic Point 1st Character 900102A8 63636363 800102AC 6363 #Infinite & Max SP 2nd Character 800C0BDA 03E7 800C0BDC 03E7 #Infinite Magic Point 2nd Character 900103A8 63636363 800103AC 6363 #Infinite & Max HP in combat 1st Character 900C0980 03E703E7 #No Random Battle 80011EBE 0400 #Alt. No Random Battle 80041CA4 000E #Not encounter 300A9F20 00FF #After 1 Battle level 99/9999999 gold D009C670 8000 8009C688 FFFF D009C670 8000 8009C68A 1300 D009C670 8000 8009C68C FFFF D009C670 8000 8009C68E 1300 #All items 50002601 0000 300121A9 0063 50001201 0000 300121DE 0063 50000B01 0000 300121F1 0063 5000B501 0000 300121FD 0063 50002801 0000 300122B3 0063 5000A401 0000 300122DC 0063 #The Debug menu Laissez votre doigt sur L2 et press START pour activer ou desactiver ce debug. 30011EBC 0080 ; [ Grandia: Prologue (Japan) Demo {SLP-80297} ] ; [ Granew-tou! Daibouken (Japan) {SLPS-01624} ] :SLPS-01624 #Infinite Timw 800F6638 0000 ; [ Granstream Denki: The Granstream Saga (Japan) {SCPS-10046} ] :SCPS-10046 #Infinite & Max Hp 801C981C 03E7 800949A4 03E7 #Level 99 801C9820 0063 #Infinite & Max Mp 801C981E 03E7 800949A6 03E7 #Infinite & Max Lp 801C981C 0063 300949A2 0011 #Infinite Money 801C915C FFFF #Infinite Energy in battle 800C042C 03E7 #Infinite Magic in battle 800C042E 03E7 #Infinite LP in battle 300C042A 0011 #All Item / equipment / magic 50001E02 0000 801C9100 0101 901C913C 01010101 801C9140 FFFF 801C9144 FFFF 801C9148 FFFF 901C914C FFFFFFFF 801C9150 FFFF 901C9154 FFFFFFFF #All Scepter 301C915F 00FF #Debug menu (SELECT) NEW GAME, DATALOAD time, the Debug menu is first displayed To the normal mode When you select the EXIT If you press the SELECT button during the game, the Debug menu is displayed 8009E2F0 0001 ; [ Great Hits (Japan) Demo {SLP-80313} ] ; [ Great Hits: Get Down with the Beat (Japan) {SLP-86125} ] ; [ Great Rugby Jikkyou '98: World Cup e no Michi (Japan) {SLPS-01268} ] ; [ Grid Run (Europe) {SLES-00381} ] :SLES-00381 #Have all flags 5 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 0005 #Have all flags 10 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 000A #Have all flags 20 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 0014 #Have all flags 30 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 001E #Have all flags 40 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 0028 #Have all flags 50 Put always a number less than the flags needed in that level disconnect the code before get a flag and you win the level 8009C7F3 0032 #Enemy = 0 flags 8009C82B 0000 ; [ Grid Runner (Japan) {SLPS-00659} ] :SLPS-00659 #Infinite Life 8009C46A 0000 #Infinite Magic 8009C426 000F ; [ Grille Logic (Japan) {SLPS-00211} ] ; [ Grind Session (Europe, Australia) {SCES-02885} ] :SCES-02885 #Max points 99999 900A3F18 0001869F #*All tricks inserted (Press Select & L1) D00B1EE6 FBFE 3008F08C 0004 #Training mode boards & Master Ao unlocked 3009ED84 0076 #Da Banks 5 Have key (East mansion accessable) 3009F738 0001 #S.F. Mission Have key 3009F73C 0001 #Burnside Have key 3009F740 0001 #Slam City Jam Have key 3009F744 0001 #Atlanta Have key (West mansion accessable) 3009F748 0001 #London Have key 3009F74c 0001 #Detrioit Have key 3009F750 0001 #Huntington Have Key 3009F754 0001 ; [ Grind Session (Scandinavia) {SCES-03114} ] ; [ Groove Adventure Rave: Mikan no Hiseki (Japan) {SLP-87138} ] ; [ Groove Adventure Rave: Yuukyuu no Kizuna (Japan) {SLP-87011} ] ; [ Ground Stroke: Advanced Tennis Game (Japan) {SLPS-00088} ] :SLPS-00088 #Computer Player Scores Zero 8009A520 0000 8009CEF8 0000 ; [ Growlanser (Japan) {SLP-87333 | SLP-87334} ] ; [ Grudge Warriors (Europe) {SLES-02223} ] :SLES-02223 #Infinite Shield 800E3EDC 0800 #Infinite Health 800B9F2A 0800 #Infinite Power+Weapons 8002CED2 3C00 #Always 50 pick-ups collected (Press L1 & L2) D00C0FCA FAFF 300B32EC 0032 #All pick-ups collected (Press R1 & R2) D00C0FCA F5FF 300B32E4 0000 #All generators destroyed (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00C0FCA F0FF 300B32E8 0000 ; [ Guardian Recall: Shugojuu Shoukan (Japan) {SLPS-01297 | SLPS-01298} ] :SLPS-01297 :SLPS-01298 #Infinite SP (Health) First Character 800C30C4 03E7 #Infinite SP (Health) Second Character 800C3060 03E7 #Infinite SP (Health) Third Character 800C31F0 03E7 #Fast Level Up (Press Select Button) D00B6560 0100 800B65FE 270F #Enemy Hp=0 (Press Start Button) D00B6560 0800 800B5ED6 0000 #Infinite MP & Ap 300328E3 0086 30060CBB 0084 30050A33 0086 300509EB 0086 8001FD68 0000 #Options fully open mode 50001B02 0000 80141398 0101 ; [ Guardian's Crusade (Europe) {SLES-01793} ] ; [ Guardian's Crusade (France) {SLES-01799} ] ; [ Guardian's Crusade (Germany) {SLES-01800} ] :SLES-01800 #Max Rubine 901B595C 0098967F #Unendlich Tp 801CDC1C FFFF #Unendlich Pp 801CDC1E FFFF #Max Tp 801CDC20 FFFF #Max Pp 801CDC22 FFFF #HöChster Level 801CDC24 FFFF #Max Fitness 801CDC26 FFFF #Max StäRke 801CDC28 FFFF #Max Energie 801CDC2A FFFF #GlüCk = Super 801CDC2E FFFF #Max Erfahrung 901CDC34 0098CA00 #Besitze StäRkstes Schwert 301B5851 0042 #Besitze StäRkste RüStung 301B5853 0078 #Besitze StäRksten Helm 301B5855 007C #Besitze StäRkstes Schild 301B5857 00A3 #Besitze Gesamten Plunder 50001E02 0001 301B585D 00B8 #Besitze Gesamtes Inventar 50000E02 0001 301B5835 0004 #Baby-Codes\Unendlich Tp 801CDC44 FFFF #Baby-Codes\Max Tp 801CDC48 FFFF #Baby-Codes\HöChster Level 801CDC4C FFFF #Baby-Codes\Max Fitness 801CDC4E FFFF #Baby-Codes\Max StäRke 801CDC50 FFFF #Baby-Codes\Max Energie 801CDC52 FFFF #Baby-Codes\GlüCk = Super 801CDC56 FFFF #Baby-Codes\Max Erfahrung 901CDC5C 0098CA00 #Baby-Codes\Besitze Gesamtes Inventory Drücke L1+R2 D0147EC0 011C 5000BA01 0000 301B5441 00FF ; [ Guardian's Crusade (Italy) {SLES-01801} ] ; [ Gubble (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03208} ] :SLES-03208 #Time is always 0 800772A7 0000 #Infinite Energy 8007D200 0064 ; [ Gubble (Japan) {SLPS-01537} ] ; [ Guilty Gear (Europe) {SLES-02494} ] :SLES-02494 #P1 Infinite Energy 30076CE8 00BC #P1 Only one fight to win round D0076F62 0000 30076F62 0002 #P2 Infinite Energy 30076FB8 00BC #P2 Sudden Death D0076FB8 00BC 30076FB8 0001 ; [ Guilty Gear (Japan) Demo {SLP-80302} ] ; [ Guilty Gear (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02273} ] :SLPS-02273 #Infinite HP 800422EC 0040 8004236E 0040 #Infinite Time 800421A0 0000 ; [ Guitar Freaks (Japan) {SLP-86265} ] ; [ Guitar Freaks Append 2nd Mix (Japan) {SLP-86446} ] ; [ GunBullet (Japan) (GunBullet + GunCon) {SLPS-00929} ] :SLPS-00929 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Bullets 800AC9C8 0063 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite bullets 800AC9CA 0063 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Lives 800B6B4C 0008 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite Lives 800B6B4E 0008 #Arcade Mode Infinite Time 800AC9E4 0016 800A2E06 FFFF #RPG Mode All Status Are Available 800AC9EC 03E7 800A2DF8 03E7 800A2E00 03E7 800C1E2C 03E7 #RPG Mode Infinite Money 900A3684 000F423F #RPG Mode Max EXP 900B6ED0 0009FFF6 ; [ GunBullet (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00930} ] :SLPS-00930 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Bullets 800AC9C8 0063 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite bullets 800AC9CA 0063 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Lives 800B6B4C 0008 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite Lives 800B6B4E 0008 #Arcade Mode Infinite Time 800AC9E4 0016 800A2E06 FFFF #RPG Mode All Status Are Available 800AC9EC 03E7 800A2DF8 03E7 800A2E00 03E7 800C1E2C 03E7 #RPG Mode Infinite Money 900A3684 000F423F #RPG Mode Max EXP 900B6ED0 0009FFF6 ; [ GunBullet (Japan) {SLPS-00930} ] :SLPS-00930 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Bullets 800AC9C8 0063 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite bullets 800AC9CA 0063 #Arcade Mode P1 Infinite Lives 800B6B4C 0008 #Arcade Mode P2 Infinite Lives 800B6B4E 0008 #Arcade Mode Infinite Time 800AC9E4 0016 800A2E06 FFFF #RPG Mode All Status Are Available 800AC9EC 03E7 800A2DF8 03E7 800A2E00 03E7 800C1E2C 03E7 #RPG Mode Infinite Money 900A3684 000F423F #RPG Mode Max EXP 900B6ED0 0009FFF6 ; [ Gunbalina (Japan) {SLPS-03100} ] :SLPS-03100 #P1 Infinite Lives 800A5640 0003 #P2 Infinite Lives 800A5642 0003 #P1 Infinite Ammo 800955EC 7FFF #P2 Infinite Ammo 800955EE 7FFF ; [ Gunbare! Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80303} ] ; [ Gunbarl (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45299} ] ; [ Gundam 0079: The War for Earth (Japan) {SLPS-00815 | SLPS-00816} ] ; [ Gundam Battle Assault (Europe) {SLES-03650} ] :SLES-03650 #P1 Infinite Energy 8015F922 0200 8015F924 0000 #P1 Infinite Energy Alt 8015F925 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 8018D8BE 0200 8018D8C0 0000 #P2 Sudden Death D018D8BE 0200 8018D8BE 0000 D018D8C0 0000 8018D8C0 7000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Big Zam 300E13DC 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Neue Ziel 300E13E4 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) V-Gundam 300E13E8 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Psycho Mk-III 300E13EC 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Gundam 300E13F0 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Hydra 300E140C 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Ball 300E1410 0000 #Unlock (Vs. mode) Char's Zaku 300E1414 0000 ; [ Gundam Battle Assault (Japan) {SLP-86746} ] ; [ Gundam Battle Assault 2 (Europe) {SLES-03934} ] :SLES-03934 #P1 Infinite HP don't enable it until you're in battle 8017B554 6000 #P2 No Health 80180B6C 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 80180B6C 6000 ; [ Gundam: The Battle Master (Japan) Demo {SLP-80098} ] ; [ Gundam: The Battle Master (Japan) {SLPS-00883} ] :SLPS-00883 #P1 Infinite Armor 80153950 0003 #P2 Infinite Armor 80195710 0003 #P1 Infinite Temperature 80153948 0000 #P2 Infinite Temperature 80195708 0000 ; [ Gundam: The Battle Master 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01286} ] :SLPS-01286 #Infinite Armor gauge 1p 80175ABE 6000 #P1 Infinite Energy cap 80175ACE 03E7 #P1 Infinite Mega Special Stock 80175ADA 0003 #Air move 80175ACA 0000 #P2 No Health 801A3A5A 0000 #All aircraft 800FD754 0000 800FD75C 0000 800FD760 0000 800FD764 0000 800FD768 0000 800FD784 0000 800FD788 0000 800FD78C 0000 ; [ Gundress (Japan) {SLPS-02512} ] :SLPS-02512 #Infinite Energy Alissa 800616C4 03E7 #Infinite Energy Kay 800616E0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Marcia 800616FC 03E7 #Infinite Energy Silvia 80061718 03E7 #Infinite Energy Michael 80061734 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 1 8010DD28 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 2 8010DCC8 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 3 8010DCF8 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 4 8010DD58 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 5 8010DD88 03E7 ; [ Gundress Data-shuu (Japan) {SLPS-02513} ] :SLPS-02513 #Infinite Energy Alissa 800616C4 03E7 #Infinite Energy Kay 800616E0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Marcia 800616FC 03E7 #Infinite Energy Silvia 80061718 03E7 #Infinite Energy Michael 80061734 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 1 8010DD28 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 2 8010DCC8 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 3 8010DCF8 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 4 8010DD58 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle character 5 8010DD88 03E7 ; [ Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James (Europe) {SLES-03689} ] :SLES-03689 #Infinite Time 8007D7DE 003B #Infinite Health Level 1 800E5F13 0400 800E5F14 0004 #Infinite Health Level 2 800B84C3 0400 800B84C4 0004 #Infinite Health Level 3 80117FA3 0400 80117FA4 0004 #Infinite Health Level 4 800EE8B3 0400 800EE8B4 0004 #Infinite Health Level 5 800B23D3 0400 800B23D4 0004 ; [ Gungage (Europe) {SLES-02069} ] :SLES-02069 #Infinite Health 800EE5F6 3C00 #Infinite Lives 800E0A9E 3C00 #Infinite Gun Power 800499C2 00AA #Infinite Magic Shield 8004AB7C 270F #All Characters Enabled 300498E8 0001 30049914 0001 30049940 0001 #Can Float In Air 8004A320 00DC 8004A324 000A #Kill Last Boss in One Hit 800525A2 0000 800528F2 0000 #Have All Flowers Collected 8004989A FFFF 8004989B FFFF 8004989C FFFF 8004989D FFFF 8004989E FFFF 8004989F FFFF 800498A0 FFFF 800498A1 FFFF 800498A2 FFFF 800498A3 FFFF 800498A4 FFFF 800498A5 FFF0 #Mode 60 HZ 8003186A 3C00 ; [ Gungage (Japan) {SLP-86233} ] ; [ Gungho Brigade (Japan) Demo {SLP-80324} ] ; [ Gunners Heaven (Japan) {SCPS-10006} ] :SCPS-10006 #Infinite HP 801E50CC 0068 801E2C58 0068 801E0194 0068 801E9DBC 0068 801DB920 0068 801DCAC4 0068 ; [ Gunnm: Kasei no Kioku (Japan) {SLPS-01408} ] :SLPS-01408 #Infinite Money 90011244 3B9AC9FF #Infinite HP 90011250 270F270F 8001125A 270F 8001125C 270F #Infinite MP 80011262 270F 900112A4 270F270F #Max Attack 80011254 270F 8001125E 270F #Max Defense 80011256 270F 80011260 270F #Shot Attack D0110870 0144 8011086C 0000 D01108EC 0144 801108E8 0000 #Infinite Plasma D00B737C 0001 800112A6 0063 #Infinte Endurance D010793A 0043 8010793A 0040 #Chip MAX 90011244 7FFFFFFF #Mortal blow D0107086 0062 80107086 0000 ; [ Gunpey (Japan) {SLPS-02485} ] :SLPS-02485 #Enemy always 0 wins in vs mode 800CFCFB 0000 #Enemy always 2 wins in vs mode 800CFCF8 0002 #Always Score 9,999,999 900CFBE8 000F423F ; [ Gunship (Europe) {SLES-00027} ] :SLES-00027 #Infinite Cannon 800A2C00 0700 #Infinite Inner Stores 800A2C02 0014 #Infinite Outer Stores 800A2C04 0014 #Infinite Wing Stores 800A2C06 0014 #Infinite Fuel 800A2CE2 0064 800A2CE4 0064 #Infinite Chaff 800A2CE4 001E #Infinite Flares 800A2CE6 001E ; [ Gunship (Japan) {SLPS-00495} ] ; [ Guntu: Western Front June, 1944: Tetsu no Kioku (Japan) {SLPS-01106} ] :SLPS-01106 #Infinite Energy / Time 8009E34C 0999 #Infinite Bombs 8009E300 0009 ; [ Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) {SLPS-00041} ] ; [ Gussun Paradise (Japan) {SLPS-00588} ] :SLPS-00588 #Infinite Credits 80031C5E 0063 #Infinite Lives 80031C5C 0063 #Invincibility D0073628 0007 8007362A 1400 D006F810 0007 8006F812 1400 D00713D0 0007 800713D2 1400 D008339C 0007 8008339E 1400 D008A420 0007 8008A422 1400 D00642C8 0007 800642CA 1400 D00A3758 0007 800A375A 1400 ; [ Guuguuthropus (Japan) Demo {SLP-80365} ] ; [ Guuguuthropus (Japan) {SLP-86148} ] ; [ Guy Roux Football Manager Saison 97/98 (France) {SLES-01360} ] ; [ Guy Roux Manager '99 (France) {SLES-01934} ] ; [ Guy Roux Manager 2000 (France) {SLES-02612} ] ; [ Guy Roux Manager 2001 (France) {SLES-03403} ] ; [ HBO Boxing (Europe) {SLES-02738} ] :SLES-02738 #P1 Infinite Health D308DA1A 0001 8008DA1A 03E7 D208DA1C FFFF 8008DA1C FFFF #P1 Sudden Death D308DA1A 0000 8008DA1A 0000 D308DA1C 0000 8008DA1C 0000 #P2 Infinite Health D308DC6E 0001 8008DC6E 03E7 D208DC70 FFFF 8008DC70 FFFF #P2 Sudden Death D308DC6E 0000 8008DC6E 0000 D308DC70 0000 8008DC70 0000 #Create a fighter Infinite promoter points D006182E AC83 8006182C 0000 D0061456 AC86 80061454 0000 D0061D46 AE43 80061D44 0000 ; [ Hacha Mecha Pon! (Japan) {SLP-80196} ] ; [ Hai-Shin 2 (Japan) (DigiCube Best Selection) {SLPS-02432} ] ; [ Hai-Shin 2 (Japan) {SLP-86066} ] ; [ Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! (Japan) {SLPS-00945} ] :SLPS-00945 #Max Stats 900564B8 76007600 900564BC 76007600 900564C0 76007600 900564C4 76007600 900564C8 76007600 900564CC 76007600 900564D0 76007600 800564D4 0000 #Never Tired 800564D4 0000 ; [ Haluatko Miljonaariksi? aka Haluatko Miljonääriksi? (Finland) {SLES-03584} ] ; [ Hamster Club-i (Japan) {SLPS-03266} ] :SLPS-03266 #P1 Infinite Energy in vs fighting 80102808 03E8 #P1 Infinite Energy in Pipe throwing fight 800F5E9C 000F ; [ Hamster Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-02724} ] #Have 99990 money 80135B58 270F ; [ Hamster no Odekake (Japan) {SLPS-03103} ] ; [ Hamunaptra: Ushinawareta Sabaku no Miyako (Japan) {SLP-86662} ] ; [ Hana to Ryuu (Japan) {SLPS-01532} ] :SLPS-01532 #P1 have 99999 points in mahjong game 900C487C 0001869F #Opponent 1 has always 0 points 800C4878 0000 #Opponent 2 has always 0 points 800C4874 0000 #Opponent 3 has always 0 points 800C4870 0000 #Have 9999999 money in story mode 900B2F2C 0098967F #Player has 99 points in hanafuda game 800C8088 0063 #Opponent has 0 points in hanafuda game 800C8110 0000 ; [ Hana to Ryuu: Hanafuda, Mahjong (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87062} ] ; [ Hanabi: Fantast (Japan) (Taikenban, Taikenban (Girl meets PlayStation)) {PAPX-90048} ] ; [ Hanafuda Graffiti: Koi Koi Monogatari (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87083} ] ; [ Hanafuda Graffiti: Koi Koi Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-00367} ] :SLPS-00367 #Have 999 points in hanafuda game 800D001E 03E7 #Enemy has always 0 points 800D0020 0000 ; [ Hanafuda Real 3D (Japan) {SLPS-01747} ] ; [ Happy Diet (Japan) {SLPS-03182} ] ; [ Happy Jogging in Hawaii (Japan) {SLPS-03306} ] ; [ Happy Salvage: Otakara Disc (Japan) {SLPS-02822} ] :SLPS-02822 #Infinity Air 800F2D12 03E7 #Infinite Money 900DCDC8 0098967F ; [ Hard Blow (Japan) {SLP-86043} ] ; [ Hard Boiled (Europe) {SLES-00033} ] :SLES-00033 #Infinite HP 8005EF88 0014 ; [ Hard Boiled (France) {SLES-00851} ] ; [ Hard Boiled (Germany) {SLES-00852} ] :SLES-00852 #Unverwundbar 3005F860 001B #Unendlich Schildenergie 3005F8E8 0014 #Unendlich Stinger-Raketen 3005F8F8 0064 #Unendlich SäGeteller .Dreieck+L1 D005FB74 1400 3005FD48 0001 D005FB74 1400 3005FC78 0014 #Unendlich Megablast .Dreieck+L2 D005FB74 1100 3005FD58 002A D005FB74 1100 3005FC80 0014 #Alle Nukes Gesammelt Level 1 .Select+Links D005FB74 0081 3005FB64 0032 #Alle Nukes Gesammelt Level 2 .Select+Rechts D005FB74 0021 3005FB64 0082 #Alle Nukes Gesammelt Level 4 Select+Oben D005FB74 0011 3005FB64 0064 ; [ Hard Edge (Europe) {SLES-01539} ] :SLES-01539 #Max Hp Michelle 90098500 03E703E7 #Max Hp Alex 90098504 03E703E7 #Max Hp Rachel 90098508 03E703E7 #Max Hp Burns 9009850C 03E703E7 #Max Ae Bullets 8009811C 03E7 #Max He Bullets 8009811E 03E7 #Infinite Elements 50000A04 0000 8013A3A8 7F7F #All Weapons 8013A3D4 0101 8013A3D8 0101 8013A3DC 0101 #Infinite Energy All Characters 3011AD58 00FA #Have Accident Report 300B9A9F 0002 #Have Admin. Log 300B9AA3 0002 #Have B 300B9A95 0002 #Have Byford Bomb 300B9A85 0002 #Have Device 1 300B9A92 0002 #Have Device 2 300B9A93 0002 #Have Device 3 300B9A94 0002 #Have Disengagment 300B9AA2 0002 #Have Internal Report 1 300B9AA9 0002 #Have Internal Report 2 300B9AAA 0002 #Have Internal Report 3 300B9AAB 0002 #Have Internet E-Mail 300B9A9C 0002 #Have Journal 300B9A9E 0002 #Have Keycard A 300B9A91 0002 #Have Keycard B 300B9A81 0002 #Have Letter 300B9A9D 0002 #Have Locker Key 300B9A83 0002 #Have News Cutting 1 300B9A9A 0002 #Have News Cutting 2 300B9A9B 0002 #Have Medal 1 300B9A8F 0002 #Have Medal 2 300B9A96 0002 #Have Pass Card 300B9A90 0002 #Have Power Handle 300B9A8B 0002 #Have Roulette Ball 300B9A8C 0002 #Have Secret Code Card 300B9A8E 0002 #Have System Disk 300B9A8D 0002 #Have Steel Wire 300B9A82 0002 #Have Unknow Data 1 300B9AA0 0002 #Have Unknow Data 2 300B9AA5 0002 #Have Unknow Data 3 300B9AA6 0002 #Have Unknow Data 4 300B9AA7 0002 #Have Unknow Data 5 300B9AA8 0002 #Have Vault Key 300B9A84 0002 ; [ Hard Edge (Japan) {SLPS-01733} ] :SLPS-01733 #Hp 999 80117008 03E7 #Alex Infinite & Max HP 999 90094434 03E703E7 #Michelle Infinite & Max HP 999 90094430 03E703E7 #Rachel Infinite & Max HP 999 90094438 03E703E7 #Burns Hp Max 999 8009443E 03E7 #999 Ap Bullets 80094094 03E7 #999 He Bullets 80094096 03E7 #Infinite Bullet D0144DA4 FFFF 80144DA4 0000 #Mortal blow D00222F2 0068 800222F2 0000 D0021876 AE02 80021876 AE00 #Item all species 900B5D30 02020202 900B5D34 02020202 900B5D38 02020202 900B5D3C 02020202 900B5D40 02020202 300B5D44 0002 800B5D46 0202 800B5D48 0202 #Information all species 800B5D4A 0202 900B5D4C 02020202 300B5D50 0002 800B5D52 0202 300B5D55 0002 800B5D56 0202 900B5D58 02020202 #I filled all map 900B5C30 FFFFFFFF 900B5C34 FFFFFFFF 900B5C38 FFFFFFFF 900B5C3C FFFFFFFF ; [ Hard Rock Cab (Japan) {SLPS-00224} ] :SLPS-00224 #Full Shield 800A9F0C 0199 #Have 9999 money 800A9DE4 270F ; [ HardBall 5 (Japan) {SLPS-00571} ] ; [ Hardcore 4x4 (Europe) {SLES-00261} ] :SLES-00261 #Have Secret Car 800848EA 0006 801F83A4 0003 #Infinite Turbos 301F5250 0003 ; [ Harlem Beat: You're the One (Japan) {SLP-86329} ] ; [ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Europe) {SLES-03972} ] ; [ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Europe) {SLES-03973} ] :SLES-03973 #Infinite Energy 80084A85 0080 ; [ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Europe) {SLES-03974} ] :SLES-03974 #Infinite Health 80084A7C 8000 ; [ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Scandinavia) {SLES-03975} ] ; [ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Canada) {SLUS-01417} ] ; [ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Europe) {SLES-03662} ] :SLES-03662 #Infinite Energy 80082980 8000 ; [ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Europe) {SLES-03663} ] :SLES-03663 #Infinite Energy 80082938 8000 #All Cheats Unlocked 801223C8 FFFF ; [ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Europe) {SLES-03665} ] ; [ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Scandinavia) {SLES-03664} ] ; [ Harry Potter ja Salaisuuksien Kammio (Finland) {SLES-03976} ] ; [ Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya (Japan) {SLPS-03492} ] :SLPS-03492 #Infinite HP 30083D65 0080 ; [ Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi (Japan) (Coca-Cola Kenshouhin) {SLP-84013} ] ; [ Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi (Japan) {SLPS-03355} ] :SLPS-03355 #Infinite HP 300817BD 0080 #All Bean Challenges Complete 300814E3 00FF 300814E4 00FF #All Beans 30081645 0020 30081647 0060 30081649 0000 3008164B 0040 50000404 0001 30081646 0003 #All Cards 800814E6 FFFF 300814E8 00FF #All Spells 300814DD 00F0 #Invincibility 3007B851 00FF #Max House Points 30081635 0070 30081636 003E #Press L1 For Invisibility E0077B67 00FB 3007B7AA 00FF #Total Time = 00:00 900817C8 00000000 ; [ Haru no BuruBuru (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96110} ] ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (Japan) (Premium Box) {SLP-86465} ] ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (Japan) {SLP-86466} ] ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Banjou Yuugi (Japan) (History Box, Premium Box) {SLP-87241} ] ; [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Banjou Yuugi (Japan) {SLP-87242} ] ; [ Harukaze Sentai V-Force (Japan) {SLPS-00578 | SLPS-00579 | SLPS-00580} ] :SLPS-00578 :SLPS-00579 :SLPS-00580 #Infinite Energy character 1 mission 1 800819E8 0012 #Infinite Energy character 1 mission 2 80081A60 0014 #Infinite Energy character 2 mission 2 80081A24 0014 #Infinite Energy character 3 mission 2 80081AD8 0014 #Max level after the battle 90033D00 34020064 #Infinite Moves 8002F2A6 9264 #Infinite Attack 8002F56C 0000 #Infinite Options 8002F6A0 0000 #Infinte bullets 80033786 0060 #It is not attacked by enemy 8003865A 1400 ; [ Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02781} ] ; [ Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (Europe) {SLES-02781} ] ; [ Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-81115} ] ; [ Hatsukoi Valentine Special (Japan) {SLPS-01452} ] :SLPS-01452 #Max stats (999) 800AEDBC 03E7 800AEDC0 03E7 800AEDC4 03E7 800AEDC8 03E7 #Max money 800AEDCC 270F ; [ Head to Toe 1 (USA) {LSP-990131} ] ; [ Head to Toe 2 (USA) {LSP-990132} ] ; [ Head to Toe 3 (USA) {LSP-990133} ] ; [ Head to Toe 4 (USA) {LSP-990134} ] ; [ Heart of Darkness (Europe) {SLES-00461 | SLES-10461} ] :SLES-00461 :SLES-10461 #Enable all Levels 80088650 0007 #Protect From Most Enemies - Press R1 D00767F0 0800 8008858A C000 #Turn Off Protect Code - Press L1 D00767F0 0400 8008858A 0000 #Almost Invulnerable 800885CA C000 #Open All Movies 900A02BC FFFFFFFF #Protect From Most Enemies - Press R1 If you need to use a rope to swing across anywhere this code must be turned off by pressing the L1 button D00767F0 0800 8008858A C000 #Enable all Levels 80088650 0007 #Protect From Most Enemies - Press R1 D00767F0 0800 8008858A C000 #Turn Off Protect Code - Press L1 D00767F0 0400 8008858A 0000 #Almost Invulnerable 800885CA C000 #Open All Movies 900A02BC FFFFFFFF #Protect From Most Enemies - Press R1 If you need to use a rope to swing across anywhere this code must be turned off by pressing the L1 button D00767F0 0800 8008858A C000 ; [ Heart of Darkness (France) Demo {SLED-01351} ] ; [ Heart of Darkness (France) {SLES-00462 | SLES-10462} ] ; [ Heart of Darkness (Germany) {SLES-00463 | SLES-10463 | SLES-10463} ] :SLES-00463 :SLES-10463 :SLES-10463 #Unverwundbar Drücke R1 D00882CC 0800 8008858A FF00 #Wieder verwundbar Drücke L1 D00882CC 0400 8008858A 0000 ; [ Heart of Darkness (Italy) {SLES-00464 | SLES-10464} ] ; [ Heart of Darkness (Spain) {SLES-00465 | SLES-10465} ] :SLES-00465 :SLES-10465 #Enable all levels 800886D8 0007 #Open All Movies 80088668 0016 #Enable all levels 800886D8 0007 #Open All Movies 80088668 0016 ; [ Hebereke Station Popoitto (Japan) {SLPS-00044} ] ; [ Hebereke's Popoitto (Europe) {SLES-00156} ] ; [ Heisa Byouin (Japan) {SLPS-02714} ] ; [ Heiwa Pachinko Daisuki (Japan) {SLPS-00413} ] ; [ Heiwa Pachinko Graffiti Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02495} ] ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro: BunDori King SP (Japan) {SLPS-03373} ] ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro: Fujiko ni O-Ma-Ka-Se Special (Japan) {SLPS-03105} ] ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro: Inakappe Taishou Special (Japan) {SLPS-02870} ] ; [ Heiwa Parlor! Pro: Western Special (Japan) {SLPS-02574} ] ; [ Helix: Fear Effect (Japan) {SLPS-03340 | SLPS-03341 | SLPS-03342 | SLPS-03343} ] ; [ Hellnight (Europe) {SLES-01562} ] :SLES-01562 #OK Status 800AD840 0000 #Infinite Ammo 800ADD54 0001 #NPC is Naomi 800ADD50 0001 800ADD58 0000 #NPC is Kamiya 800ADD50 0002 800ADD58 0000 #NPC is Ivanoff 800ADD50 0003 800ADD58 0000 #NPC is Rene 800ADD50 0004 800ADD58 0000 #NPC is The Monster 800ADD50 0005 800ADD58 0000 ; [ Hello Charlie!! (Japan) {SLP-86083} ] ; [ Henry Explorers (Japan) {SLP-86021} ] ; [ Herc's Adventures (Europe) {SLES-00653} ] :SLES-00653 #Infinite Power 800C5238 0046 #Infinite Energy 800C5234 0032 ; [ Herc's Adventures (France) {SLES-00655} ] ; [ Herc's Adventures (Germany) {SLES-00586} ] :SLES-00586 #Waffen 999 fach (nach Aufnahme) 50000A02 0000 800971FC 0000 #UE Waffen 80097474 0000 #Gegenstaende 99 fach (nach Aufnahme) 50000A02 0000 80097298 0000 #UE Gegenstaende 8009738C 0000 #99 Schluessel 300C528E 0063 #99 Goldstuecke 300C523C 0063 #Max. Gesundheit & Staerke 50000402 03E7 800C5234 0000 ; [ Herc's Adventures (Italy) {SLES-00642} ] ; [ Herc's Adventures (Spain) {SLES-00645} ] :SLES-00645 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C525C 0032 #P2 Infinite Energy 800C52C6 0032 #Infinite Running (Hercules) 800C5260 0046 #Infinite Running (Jason) 800C52CA 0032 #P2 Infinite Spears 800C52DC 03E7 #P1 Infinite Coins 800C5264 270F ; [ Herc's Adventures: Hercules no Daibouken (Japan) {SLPS-01061} ] ; [ Herkules (Europe) {SLES-04124} ] ; [ Hermie Hopperhead: Scrap Panic (Japan) {SCPS-10012} ] ; [ Herohero-kun to Ralph no Daibouken (Japan) (Comic Bom Bom Tokubetsu Version) {SLP-80431} ] ; [ Heroine Dream (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-00470} ] :SLPS-00470 #All Stat at Max 999 Main Character 800DC986 03E7 900DC988 03E703E7 900DC98C 03E703E7 900DC990 03E703E7 800DC994 03E7 800DC984 0000 800DC996 03E7 #Kagura Himeko All Stats at Max 900DC94C 03E70000 900DC950 03E703E7 900DC954 03E703E7 900DC958 03E703E7 800DC95C 03E7 #Nemu All Stat at Max 999 800E992E 03E7 900E9930 03E703E7 900E9934 03E703E7 900E9938 03E703E7 800E993C 03E7 #Miwa Li All Stats at Max 999 800E5D96 03E7 900E5D98 03E703E7 900E5D9C 03E703E7 900E5DA0 03E703E7 800E5DA4 03E7 #MAX relationship with Mogi static 800DC99C 0064 #MAX relationship with Nemu 800DC99E 0064 #Relationship MAX source of dance Yuki 800DC9A0 0064 #MAX relationship with Miwa Li 800DC9A2 0064 #MAX relationship with Kagura Himeko 800DC9A4 0064 #Specialist recruitment command appearance 30094814 001F #The number of UFO catcher 301FFF3E 0003 ; [ Heroine Dream 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01376} ] ; [ Hexamoon Guardians (Japan) {SLPS-02641 | SLPS-02642} ] :SLPS-02641 :SLPS-02642 #Main character infinite HP 800736D4 01F4 #Main character infinite voltage (Special attacks) 8006A5D2 0064 #Main character infinite HP 800736D4 01F4 #Main character infinite voltage (Special attacks) 8006A5D2 0064 ; [ Hexen (Europe) {SLES-00555} ] :SLES-00555 #Infinite Armor 800E8076 0064 #Infinite Shield 800E807A 0064 #Infinite Helmet 800E807E 0064 #Infinite Health 800C838C 0064 800E8070 0064 8015DDA4 0064 ; [ Hexen: Beyond Heretic (Japan) {SLPS-00972} ] :SLPS-00972 #Infinite Life 800C838C 0064 800E8070 0064 8015DDA4 0064 #Infinite Armor 800E8076 0064 #Infinite Shield 800E807A 0064 #Infinite Helmet 800E807E 0064 #Life 800C7F90 0064 800C7F9C 0001 #Cheat menu 300CDECC 0001 ; [ Hi-Hou-Ou: Mou Omae to wa Kuchi Kikan!! (Japan) {SLPS-00821} ] :SLPS-00821 #P1 has 999990000 money 900AF0D0 05F5B9F0 #P2 has 0 money 800AF1AC 0000 #P3 has 0 money 800AF288 0000 #P4 has 0 money 800AF364 0000 ; [ Hi-Octane (Europe) {SLES-00115} ] :SLES-00115 #Infinite Fuel 80160EEA 27FF 801614BA 27FF 801616AA 27FF 801610DA 27FF 80160CFA 27FF #Infinite Armor 80160EEE 27FF 801614BE 27FF 801616AE 27FF 801610DE 27FF 80160CFE 27FF #Infinite Ammo 80160EEC 27FF 801614BC 27FF 801616AC 27FF 801610DC 27FF 80160CFC 27FF #Minigun Equipped 8015CDCE 0003 80158FB2 0003 8015958E 0003 8015719E 0003 8015790A 0003 80158B02 0003 801596BA 0003 80159142 0003 #Missiles Equipped 8015CD6A 0003 80158F4E 0003 8015713A 0003 801578A6 0003 80158A9E 0003 80159656 0003 801590DE 0003 #Boost Full Power 8015CD06 0003 80158EEA 0003 801594C6 0003 801570D6 0003 80157842 0003 80158A3A 0003 801595F2 0003 8015907A 0003 ; [ Hi-Octane (Japan) {SLPS-00171} ] ; [ Hi-Octane + Ridge Racer + Mortal Kombat 3 + Evolva (France) {SCES-00231} ] ; [ Hidden & Dangerous (Europe) {SLES-03602} ] :SLES-03602 #Infinite Energy 800797A4 00C8 #Infinite Ammo pistol 8006EF64 0009 #Infinite Grenades 8006EF6E 0009 #Infinite Ammo machine gun 8006EF7C 03E7 #Infinite Ammo sniper rifle 8006EF94 0064 #Infinite Dinamite 8006EF5C 0009 #Open All Missions when loading a saved game 8006EEC8 001F 3006EECB 000F 9006EECC 031F0F0F 8006EED8 0200 #Sudden Death All Enemies D0035B22 0004 80035B24 0000 D0035B22 0004 80035B26 3403 ; [ Hikaru no Go: Heian Gensou Ibunroku (Japan) {SLP-87059} ] ; [ Hikaru no Go: Insei Choujou Kessen (Japan) {SLP-87199} ] ; [ Himiko-den: Renge (Japan) Demo {SLP-80390} ] ; [ Himitsu Kessha Q (Japan) {SLPS-01334} ] :SLPS-01334 #Infinite Energy main character 801DA756 03E7 801DA758 03E7 801DA748 03E7 #Infinite Energy second character 800B6A78 03E7 ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 3 (Japan) {SLPS-02683} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station Special 2: The Tetra (Japan) {SLPS-02948} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station: Jikki Simulation (Japan) {SLPS-01551} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station (Japan) {SLPS-00112} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 10: EX Jack 2000 & Super Dragon (Japan) {SLPS-02990} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01185} ] :SLPS-01185 #Have 9999999 Cr in story mode 9001000C 0098967F #Jackpot picture 1 80071552 0000 #Jackpot picture 2 80071552 0001 #Jackpot picture 3 80071552 0002 #Jackpot picture 4 80071552 0003 #Jackpot picture 5 80071552 0004 #Jackpot picture 6 80071552 0005 #Jackpot picture 7 80071552 0006 #Jackpot picture 8 80071552 0007 #Jackpot picture 9 80071552 0008 ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01185} ] :SLPS-01185 #Have 9999999 Cr in story mode 9001000C 0098967F #Jackpot picture 1 80071552 0000 #Jackpot picture 2 80071552 0001 #Jackpot picture 3 80071552 0002 #Jackpot picture 4 80071552 0003 #Jackpot picture 5 80071552 0004 #Jackpot picture 6 80071552 0005 #Jackpot picture 7 80071552 0006 #Jackpot picture 8 80071552 0007 #Jackpot picture 9 80071552 0008 ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 3: Genshijin ga Ippai (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-01702} ] :SLPS-01702 #Have 9999999 Cr in story mode 900FD88C 0098967F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 3: Genshijin ga Ippai (Japan) {SLPS-01741} ] :SLPS-01741 #Have 9999999 Cr in story mode 900FD88C 0098967F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 4: Hero Tachi no Chousen (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03077} ] :SLPS-03077 #Have 999999 credits in story mode 90010010 000F423F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 4: Hero Tachi no Chousen (Japan) {SLPS-01907} ] :SLPS-01907 #Have 999999 credits in story mode 90010010 000F423F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 5: Deramaitta & Irete Nanbo (Japan) {SLPS-02097} ] :SLPS-02097 #Have 99999 credits in story mode 9015D9A4 0001869F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 6: Gakideka & Jamaica (Japan) {SLPS-02144} ] :SLPS-02144 #Have 99999 credits in story mode 900FD88C 0001869F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 7: CR Chumy House XL & CR Battle Hero V & Fine Play (Japan) {SLPS-02408} ] :SLPS-02408 #Have 99999 credits in story mode 900FD88C 0001869F ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 8: Kamashi no Kin-chan & Soreyuke Hama-chan (Japan) {SLPS-02677} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station 9: Ushiwaka to Lemi (Japan) {SLPS-02765} ] :SLPS-02765 #Have 9000000 gold in story mode 9012308C 00895440 ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Classic 2: Tsui ni yomigaeru!! Bakuretsu Meiki Fukkatsu (Japan) {SLPS-02678} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Classic: Fukkatsu! Natsukashi no Meiki-tachi (Japan) {SLPS-01963} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 2: Yattaze Ippatsu Tsumo Tsumo Tengoku (Japan) {SLPS-02511} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 3: Youkai Engei (Japan) {SLPS-02558} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 4: Ore wa Nekketsu Bouken Ou da!! (Japan) {SLPS-02721} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 5: GeGeGe no Kitarou (Japan) {SLPS-02856} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 6: Shinsei!! Areddin 21 (Japan) {SLPS-02999} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 7: Magical Circus (Japan) {SLPS-03107} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 8: Jarinko Chie (Japan) {SLPS-03129} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now 9: Dirty Pair (Japan) {SLPS-03365} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now: Kore ga Ichiban!! Shin Pikaichi Tengoku (Japan) {SLPS-02284} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Puchi 2: Areddin tte Great!? (Japan) {SLPS-02493} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station Puchi: Nanasy tte Nani?? (Japan) {SLPS-02283} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station SP3 (Japan) {SLPS-03339} ] ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station: Monster House Special (Japan) {SLPS-01577} ] :SLPS-01577 #Have 99999999 money in story mode 90010010 E5F5E0FF ; [ Hissatsu Pachinko Station: Toyomaru Special (Japan) {SLPS-02984} ] ; [ History of Kita Denshi (Japan) {SLPS-03126} ] ; [ Hogs of War (Europe) (Best of Infogrames, ZOO Classics) {SLES-01041} ] :SLES-01041 #Suddendeath .Press L1 & L2 when own team battles, press R1 & R2 when enemies' team battles. 800A205C 0000 D002C922 FAFF 800A205E 3403 D002C922 F5FF 800A205E 0000 #More Time .Press L1 & R1 D002C922 F3FF 80029180 0F00 #Less Time .Press L2 & R2 The battling team instantly changes. D002C922 FCFF 80029180 FF00 #Infinite Ammo & Items 900A4144 00000000 #Max Promotionpoints 8002B5CE 03E7 ; [ Hogs of War (Europe) Demo {SLED-03054} ] ; [ Hogs of War: Nati per Soffritto (Italy) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-02769} ] ; [ Hokuto no Ken: Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-02993} ] :SLPS-02993 #P1 Infinite Energy 80172FFC 0800 #P1 Infinite Guard Bar 801730F4 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 8017341C 0800 #P2 Infinite Guard Bar 80173514 0000 #Special Mode 8008FD8C 0001 #Hit button Any input success! D00E8DE2 1443 800E8DE2 1400 D00F617E 14A2 800F617E 1400 #2 Players Mode 8008FD90 0001 #The Abeshi Mode 8008FD8E 0001 #Stop Timer (Abeshi Mode) 8017355C 0708 #Killed People Modifier 8007734C 03E7 #Use Century theater 8008FD8A 0008 8008FD8C 0001 #All of the century theater unllocked 8008FC78 0001 8008FD5A 0001 #All of the century theater unllocked and fillesd 50007202 0000 8008FC78 0101 #All Characters (2P Mode) 50000E02 0000 8008FDAE 0001 #All Stages (2P Mode) 50000E02 0000 8008FDD0 0001 #Select Level\Chapter I - Messianic advent 8008FD8A 0000 #Select Level\Chapter II - The devil incarnate 8008FD8A 0001 #Select Level\Chapter III - Nanto Man 8008FD8A 0002 #Select Level\Chapter IV - Resume tragedy 8008FD8A 0003 #Select Level\Chapter V - Century Champion 8008FD8A 0004 #Select Level\Chapter VI - Souther 8008FD8A 0005 #Select Level\Chapter VII - Last Nanto Future 8008FD8A 0006 #Select Level\Chapter VIII - Farewell to the Final 8008FD8A 0008 ; [ Holiday Special (Japan) (PlayStation Demo Disc) {PBPX-95005} ] ; [ Home Doctor (Japan) {SLPS-01075} ] ; [ Honkaku 4-nin Uchi: Geinoujin Taikyoku Mahjong: The Wareme de Pon (Japan) {SLPS-00434} ] ; [ Honkaku Hanafuda (Japan) {SLPS-01656} ] :SLPS-01656 #Have 9999 points vs 1 opponent 800F001E 270F #Have 9999 points vs 2 opponents 800F18DA 270F ; [ Honkaku Igo (Japan) {SLPS-00986} ] ; [ Honkaku Mahjong: Tetsuman Special (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00238} ] :SLPS-00238 #Player has 999900 points 800789CC 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800789D8 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800789D4 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800789D0 0000 ; [ Honkaku Mahjong: Tetsuman Special (Japan) {SLPS-00238} ] :SLPS-00238 #Player has 999900 points 800789CC 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800789D8 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800789D4 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800789D0 0000 ; [ Honkaku Shougi: Shougi-ou (Japan) {SLPS-01594} ] ; [ Honkaku Yonin Uchi Pro Mahjong: Mahjong Ou (Japan) {SLPS-02741} ] ; [ Honkakuha Yonin Uchi: Mahjong Club (Japan) (Honkakuha de 1300, Honkakuha de 1300 Twin Pack) {SLPS-02080} ] :SLPS-02080 #Player has 99900 points 800C59EC 03E7 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800C5B18 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800C5C44 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800C5D70 0000 ; [ Honkakuha Yonin Uchi: Mahjong Club (Japan) {SLP-86082} ] ; [ Honoo no 15 Shumoku: Atlanta Olympics (Japan) {SLPS-00465} ] :SLPS-00465 #P1 Each Game Point At 99999 90109758 0001869F #P2 Each Game Point At 99999 9010975C 0001869F ; [ Horned Owl (Japan) {SCPS-10016} ] :SCPS-10016 #P1 Infinite Credits 800B9CA4 0003 #P2 Infinite Credits 800B9CD5 0003 #P1 Infinite Shield 800B8806 0064 #P2 Infinite Shield 800B8816 0064 #P1 Infinite Bomb 800B880E 0518 800B6018 0518 #P2 Infinite Bomb 800B881E 0018 #P1 Never Needs to Reload 300B8805 0072 ; [ Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi (Japan) {SLPS-01250} ] :SLPS-01250 #Room design 3010A7AD 0007 #Growth Baby 3010A7B5 0000 #Growth Baby 2 3010A7B5 0001 #Growth Baby 3 3010A7B5 0002 #Growth Children 3010A7B5 0003 #Growth Adult 3010A7B5 0004 #Growth Adult 2 3010A7B5 0005 #Age 99 3010A7B6 0063 #Physical fitness Max 3010A7BC 0063 #Intelligence Max 3010A7BD 0063 #Sex Male 3010A7C6 0001 #Sex Female 3010A7C6 0002 #Relay / war 3011A327 00FF #Relay / wins 3011A328 00FF #Raising an army / war 3011A329 00FF #Raising an army / wins 3011A32A 00FF #Contest / war 3011A32B 00FF #Contest / wins 3011A32C 00FF #Shuffle game / per 300D64AC 0005 #Shuffle game / off 300D64B0 0005 #Timing hammer / stamina + 300D64DC 0005 #Timing hammer / intelligence + 300D64E0 0005 #Timing hammer / physical fitness 300D64E4 0005 #Timing hammer / intelligence 300D64E8 0005 #Timing hammer / Ska 300D64EC 0005 #Balloons balloons catch / red 300D6594 0014 #Balloons balloons catch / green 300D6598 0014 #Balloons balloons catch / yellow 300D659C 0014 #Tamagotchi race / participation 3010A390 00FF #Tamagotchi will Yusho race 3010A391 00FF #Tamagotchi relay / participation 3010A392 00FF #Yusho Tamagotchi will relay 3010A393 00FF #Red and white raising an army battle / participation 3010A394 00FF #Let Yusho raising an army battle red and white 3010A395 00FF #Beauty Contest / Participation 3010A396 00FF #Let Yusho Beauty Contest 3010A397 00FF #The number of graves of Memorial Centre 3011A314 00F3 #Blue stone 3011A5DC 00FF #Film 3011A5DD 00FF ; [ Hoshi no Mahoroba (Japan) {SLPS-03267} ] ; [ Hot Shot (Europe) {SLES-04050} ] :SLES-04050 #Infinite Lives 800845F8 0009 #Only One Hit To Complet Level 1 800747D8 0001 #Only One Hit to Destroy Tank 8003D4AC 0001 ; [ Hot Shots Golf (USA) Demo {SCUS-94253} ] ; [ Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing (Europe) {SLES-03595} ] :SLES-03595 #Infinite Energy 800E6464 1000 #Have 99 points after race deactivate after sending 800C5FE0 0063 #Instant Win (Note) D00E6824 FFFF 800E6824 0002 #Only One Lap To Race D00E6824 0000 800E6824 0002 #Start With Loads Of Money D00E65EC 0000 800E65EC D02C D00E65EE 0000 800E65EE 0160 #All Cups & Tracks 800B2FFC 0006 #All Vehicles 800B3000 0008 ; [ Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing (Europe) {SLES-02198} ] :SLES-02198 #Max score (Cup-mode) 3013C270 00FF #Unlock All Tracks 3013C269 000F #Infinite Turbos 3012B36C 0009 #All Cars 50000302 FFFF 8013C260 0000 #Unlock All Cars 50000302 FFFF 8013C320 0000 #Indestructible D011CDD4 FFFE 3012BD4E 0001 #Start in lap 4 (Press L1 & R1) D011CDD4 F3FF 3012BA08 0003 #Start in lap 4 3012BA08 0003 ; [ Houma Hunter Lime Special Collection Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00085} ] ; [ Houshin Engi (Japan) {SLP-86377} ] ; [ Houshin Engi: Aizouban (Japan) {SLP-86209} ] ; [ Hudson Spring Collection '98 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80216} ] ; [ Hugo (Europe) {SLES-01591} ] ; [ Hugo (Europe) {SLES-01666} ] :SLES-01666 #Infinite Lives 800EA0E4 0003 ; [ Hugo (France) {SLES-01590} ] ; [ Hugo (Germany) {SLES-01164} ] ; [ Hugo (Italy) {SLES-01667} ] ; [ Hugo (Scandinavia) {SLES-01592} ] ; [ Hugo (Scandinavia) {SLES-01593} ] ; [ Hugo (Spain) {SLES-01668} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Denmark) {SLES-01810} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Europe) {SLES-01805} ] :SLES-01805 #Infinite Lives 8010CC14 0003 #All The Films Unlockeds 8019A112 0004 ; [ Hugo 2 (Finland) {SLES-02163} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (France) {SLES-01806} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Germany) {SLES-01807} ] :SLES-01807 #Unendlich Leben 80038E42 2400 #Alle Filme 800C6340 0004 ; [ Hugo 2 (Italy) {SLES-01808} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Netherlands) {SLES-01815} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Norway) {SLES-01812} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Portugal) {SLES-01813} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Spain) {SLES-01809} ] ; [ Hugo 2 (Sweden) {SLES-01811} ] ; [ Hugo: Black Diamond Fever (Europe) {SLES-03487} ] :SLES-03487 #Have 99 Diamonds Level 1 80151AC0 0063 #Infinite Energy Level 1 80151AB8 000B #Infinite Energy Level 2 80152D8C 000C #Have All Hostages Rescued Level 1 80151ACC 0003 #Have all hostages rescued level 2 80152DA0 0004 #Have 76 diamonds level 2 80152D94 004C #Infinite Energy level 3 801455E0 000C #Have all hostages rescued level 3 801455F4 0005 #Have 85 diamonds level 3 801455E8 0055 ; [ Hugo: Black Diamond Fever (Europe) {SLES-03513} ] :SLES-03513 #Unlock All Levels 5000080C 0000 80161E04 0001 #Refill Health Lv 1 - Palm Beach - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 80151F18 000B #99 Lives Lv 1 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 80151F14 0064 #Refill Health Lv 2 - Der Old Kiku Pfad - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 801531EC 000B #99 Lives Lv 2 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 801531E8 0064 #Refill Health Lv 3 - Die Diamanten Hohle - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 80145A40 000B #99 Lives - Lv3 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 80145A3C 0064 #Refill Health Lv 4 - Am Laufenden Band -Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 80152574 000B #99 Lives - Lv 4 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 80152570 0064 #Refill Health Lv 5 - Die Olbohr Insel - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 80151748 000B #99 Lives - Lv 5 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 80151744 0064 #Refill Health - Lv 6 - Die Diamanten Fabrik - Press L1 .Pay special attention to Lv 6 codes - L2 is the button instead of Select. When you fall of a cliff or something and about to die do not not activate the refill health codes as this will freeze the game. D008C8B6 FBFF 80145A7C 000B #99 Lives - Lv 6 - Press L2 .Pay special attention to Lv 6 codes - L2 is the button instead of Select. When you fall of a cliff or something and about to die do not not activate the refill health codes as this will freeze the game. D008C8B6 FEFF 80145A78 0064 #Refill Health - Lv 7 - Vollig Uberlastet - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 8014FA88 000B #99 Lives - Lv 7 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 8014FA84 0064 #Refill Health - Lv 8 - Die Flucht - Press L1 D008C8B6 FBFF 80145078 000B #99 Lives - Lv 8 - Press Select D008C8B6 FFFE 80145074 0064 ; [ Hugo: Black Diamond Fever (Europe) {SLES-03514} ] ; [ Hugo: Black Diamond Fever (Scandinavia) {SLES-03512} ] ; [ Hugo: Frog Fighter (Europe) {SLES-03686} ] :SLES-03686 #Infinite Lives 80170E8C 03E8 #Swamp - Lv 1 Completed 801645A8 0001 #Swamp - Lv 2 Completed 8015FA68 0001 #Swamp - Lv 3 Completed 8015A28C 0001 #Swamp - Lv 4 Completed 8015F010 0001 #Jungle - Lv 1 Completed 80158C14 0001 #Jungle - Lv 2 Completed 80158520 0001 #Jungle - Lv 3 Completed 80157AF0 0001 #Jungle - Lv 4 Completed 8015E6C8 0001 #Crystal Grotto - Lv 1 Completed 8015BCD4 0001 #Crystal Grotto - Lv 2 Completed 8015E4C8 0001 #Crystal Grotto - Lv 3 Completed 8015CCD0 0001 #Crystal Grotto - Lv 4 Completed 8015EAB0 0001 #Factory - Lv 1 Completed 8015840C 0001 #Factory - Lv 2 Completed 8015BADC 0001 #Factory - Lv 3 Completed 8015FA00 0001 #Factory - Invincibility - Press x D008FDFA BFFF 80157B94 0000 D008FDFA BFFF 8015A8A4 0000 D008FDFA BFFF 8015B6C8 0000 ; [ Hugo: Frog Fighter (France) {SLES-03744} ] ; [ Hugo: The Evil Mirror (Europe) {SLES-03836} ] ; [ Hugo: The Evil Mirror (Europe) {SLES-03838} ] ; [ Hugo: The Evil Mirror (Europe) {SLES-03839} ] ; [ Hugo: The Evil Mirror (Scandinavia) {SLES-03837} ] ; [ Hugo: The Quest for the Sunstones (Europe) {SLES-02590} ] :SLES-02590 #Have 99 diamonds 80180A4A 0063 #Have 99 lives 80180A48 0063 #Infinite Energy level 1 80180A4C 0064 801F4AFC 0064 #Infinite Energy level 2 80180488 0064 #Infinite Energy level 3 8018041C 0064 801EC204 0064 #Infinite Energy level 4 8017FF9C 0064 #Infinite Energy level 5 80180ADC 0064 #Infinite Energy level 6 80179618 0064 #Infinite Energy level 7 8017F890 0064 801F0700 0064 #Infinite Energy level 8 8017E750 0064 801EC2D4 0064 #Infinite Energy level 9 8017E750 0064 801F4FBC 0064 #Infinite Energy level 10 8017EA38 0064 801F4AFC 0064 #Infinite Energy level 11 80180660 0064 801ec15C 0064 #Infinite Energy level 12 80180230 0064 801F3458 0064 ; [ Hugo: The Quest for the Sunstones (Europe) {SLES-03573} ] ; [ Hunchback of Notredame (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02958} ] ; [ Hunter x Hunter: Maboroshi no Greed Island (Japan) {SLP-86651} ] ; [ Hunter x Hunter: Ubawareta Aura Stone (Japan) {SLP-86895} ] ; [ Hvem Vil Være Millionaer (Denmark) {SLES-03482} ] ; [ Hybrid (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03531} ] :SLES-03531 #Infinite Health 800F5830 006E #Infinite Ammos 8008FFAC 0F28 8008FFD8 0F1B 80090004 123C 80090030 1222 #Debug Info Showing 300F4610 0001 #Load, Pause And Sound Menu's Fully Unlocked 300A5CF4 0001 300A5D00 0001 300F4628 0001 ; [ Hybrid (Japan) {SLPS-01102} ] :SLPS-01102 #Health Cheat 800EE318 0078 #Mine Cheat 800DB644 0009 #Gun Cheat 80089770 1A1B #Ammo 2 Cheat 800897F4 270E #Fully open map 800ED0E6 0001 #The number of credits 800ED10C 0001 #Does not decrease ammunition 800ED0EC 0001 300DB644 0063 #You can teleport to the location of all (WARP) in the game load 800ED112 0001 800ED0EA 0001 #All Sound Test & Pick level in the game PAUSED 8009E7E0 0001 ; [ Hydro Thunder (Europe) {SLES-02337} ] :SLES-02337 #Always place first 8009EBC0 0001 #Max cash 800974C8 FFFF #Unlock all tracks & boats 50000602 0000 800A30A4 0000 300A30B0 0000 ; [ Hyouryuuki: The Reportage Beyond the Sea (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87229} ] ; [ Hyper 3D Pinball (Japan) {SLPS-00395} ] ; [ Hyper Final Match Tennis (Japan) {SLPS-00278} ] ; [ Hyper Formation Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-00062} ] ; [ Hyper Olympic in Atlanta (Japan) {SLP-86002} ] ; [ Hyper Olympic in Nagano (Japan) {SLP-86056} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80183} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 10 (Japan) {SLP-80292} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 11 (Japan) {SLP-80317 | PAPX-90059} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 12 (Japan) {SLP-80337} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80199} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 3 (Japan) {SLP-80217} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 4 (Japan) {SLP-80228} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 5 (Japan) {SLP-80308} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 6 (Japan) {SLP-80237} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 7 (Japan) {SLP-80248 | PCPX-96115} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 8 (Japan) {SLP-80264} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1998 No. 9 (Japan) {SLP-80279} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80357} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 10 (Japan) {SLP-80480} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 11 (Japan) {SLP-80495} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 12 (Japan) {SLP-80504} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80369} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 3 (Japan) {SLP-80384} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 4 (Japan) {SLP-80400} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 5 (Japan) {SLP-80416} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 6 (Japan) {SLP-80424} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 7 (Japan) {SLP-80439} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 8 (Japan) {SLP-80456} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 1999 No. 9 (Japan) {SLP-80470 | PCPX-96170} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 2000 No. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80514} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix 2000 No. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80525} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80050} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 10 (Japan) {SLP-80146} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 11 (Japan) {SLP-80152} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 12 (Japan) {SLP-80167} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 2 (Japan) {SLP-80058} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 3 (Japan) {SLP-80072} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 4 (Japan) {SLP-80090} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 5 (Japan) {SLP-80099} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 6 (Japan) {SLP-80106} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 7 (Japan) {SLP-80113 | SLP-80114} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 8 (Japan) {SLP-80122} ] ; [ Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 9 (Japan) {SLP-80134} ] ; [ Hyper Tennis: Final Match (Europe) {SLES-00309} ] :SLES-00309 #Enemy always score 0 8018CFB8 0000 ; [ Hyper Value 2800: Hanafuda (Japan) {SLP-86417} ] ; [ Hyper Value 2800: Hyper Pachinko (Japan) {SLP-86418} ] ; [ Hyper Value 2800: Mahjong (Japan) {SLP-86292} ] ; [ I'Max Shougi II (Japan) {SLPS-01029} ] ; [ I.Q Final (Japan) (Muryou Rental-ban) {PAPX-90063} ] ; [ I.Q Final (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96137} ] ; [ I.Q Final (Japan) {SCPS-10071} ] :SCPS-10071 #Fraction Is 0/99 800C45A6 0000 800C45A8 0063 #Level Modifier (0-F) 300BD41C 0009 #Quick Score Gain 800BD464 FFFF #Start at the last segment of each level 300BD41D 0002 ; [ I.Q: Intelligent Qube (Japan) (Otameshi-ban) {PCPX-96058} ] ; [ I.Q: Intelligent Qube (Japan) {SCPS-10029} ] :SCPS-10029 #Auto delete all cubes 80045A60 0001 90045A68 24021002 80045A6E AD82 #Does not decrease block meter 8004256A 0040 #Not increase the number of steps 80076F10 0000 #Four bi du cube down destruction Allowed 80048650 6CB0 8004867E 0060 #The stage does not collapse even if it is trampled 80042546 0060 #Perfect if it fails 8004255C 6CB0 #All stages can be selected 300F944D 000A #Block Meter 80076BF8 0000 #All characters available ORIGINAL MODE 30076BE8 0007 #Player selection (dog) 80076F38 0002 ; [ I.Q: Intelligent Qube (USA) Demo {SCUS-94196} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution (Asia) {SCPS-45497} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution (Europe) (EDC Platinum) {SLES-02095} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution (Europe) {SLES-02095} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution (Europe) {SLES-02424} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution 2 (Europe) {SLES-03321} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution 2 (Europe) {SLES-03321} ] ; [ ISS Pro Evolution 2 (Europe) {SLES-03322} ] ; [ Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon (Europe) {SLES-00746} ] :SLES-00746 #Level Select Remove left memory card from PlayStation to use this code. All levels may now be selected on the #Load Game# screen D1055766 AFB7 30055764 0008 #Infinite Firefly 800C6D00 FFFF #Infinite Starspell 800C6D04 FFFF #Infinite Fireballs 800C6D08 FFFF #Infinite Razorblade Magic 800C6D0C FFFF #Infinite Jetspell 800C6D10 FFFF #Infinite Greater Razorspell 800C6D14 FFFF #Infinite Arc Of Power 800C6D18 FFFF #Infinite War Pig 800C6D1C FFFF #Have Gold Key 800C6D54 018E #Have Silver Key 800C6D58 018E #Have Red Key 800C6D5C 018E #Infinite Health Potion 800C6D2C FFFF #Infinite Antidote 800C6D30 FFFF #Infinite Strength 800C6D34 FFFF #Infinite Speed 800C6D38 FFFF #Infinite Charm Of Icy Cool 800C6D3C FFFF #Infinite Warding 800C6D40 FFFF #Infinite Magic Charm 800C6D44 FFFF #Infinite Invisibility 800C6D48 FFFF #Infinite Flame Lance 800C6CE4 FFFF #Infinite Bombs 800C6CE8 FFFF #Infinite Firethrower 800C6CE0 FFFF #Infinite Grenade Launcher 800C6CEC FFFF #Infinite Bunderbuss 800C6CF0 FFFF #Infinite Infernal Device 800C6CF4 FFFF #Infinite Chalk 800C6CF8 FFFF #Have Magic Warhammer 800C6CD0 0106 #Have Venom Sword 800C6CCC 0106 #Have Silver Sword 800C6CC8 0106 #Have Black Spirit Sword 800C6CC4 0106 #Have Red Sword 800C6CC0 0106 #Have Warhammer 800C6CB8 0106 #All Enemies Killed All Stages C20C3E98 0001 800EFA42 0000 #All Secrets Found All Stages C20C3A80 0001 800C3DEC 0000 #All Pickups Collected All Stages C20C3B48 0001 800C2488 0000 #Have All Keys Press L2 & R2 D00C2492 FCFF 50000304 0000 800C6D54 018E #Have All Spells Press L2 & R2 D00C2492 FCFF 50000804 0000 800C6D00 00FF #Infinite Spells D00635D2 0062 800635D6 0000 #Have All Potions And Charms Press L2 & R2 D00C2492 FCFF 50000804 0000 800C6D2C 00FF #Infinite Potions And Charms D002DA2A 0062 8002DA2E 0000 #Have All Weapons Press L2 & R2 D00C2492 FCFF 50000304 0000 800C6CB8 0106 D00C2492 FCFF 50000C04 0000 800C6CC0 0106 D00C2492 FCFF 50000704 0000 800C6CE0 00FF #Infinite Ammo D0063092 0043 80063096 0000 D007E404 0030 3007E404 0000 #Invulnerable D0061726 0050 80061728 0000 #Hypermode 150%\On Press Select & R1 Pad 2 D00C24BA F7FE 300955FC 0002 ; [ Iblard: Laputa no Kaeru Machi (Japan) {SLPS-01027} ] :SLPS-01027 #Infinite Energy 801ED2AD 000F ; [ Iceman: Digital PlayStage (Japan) {ESPM-70001} ] ; [ Ide Yousuke Meijin no Shin Jissen Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-00328} ] :SLPS-00328 #Player has 99999 points (Story mode) 900B7C98 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points (Story mode) 800B7C8C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points (Story mode) 800B7C90 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points (Story mode) 800B7C94 0000 ; [ Ide Yousuke no Mahjong Kazoku (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00058} ] :SLPS-00058 #Player has 99999 points 900CE224 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800CE180 0000 #Opponent 2 (girl) has 0 points 800CE0DC 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800CE2C8 0000 ; [ Ide Yousuke no Mahjong Kazoku (Japan) {SLPS-00058} ] :SLPS-00058 #Player has 99999 points 900CE224 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800CE180 0000 #Opponent 2 (girl) has 0 points 800CE0DC 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800CE2C8 0000 ; [ Idol Promotion: Suzuki Yumie (Japan) {SLPS-00343} ] :SLPS-00343 #Infinite Money (9999999) 90078DC8 0098967F #Infinite Fans 90078D98 FFFFFFFF ; [ Idol Promotion: Suzuki Yumie (Yumie Island) (Japan) {SLPS-00344} ] :SLPS-00344 #Infinite Money (9999999) 90078DC8 0098967F #Infinite Fans 90078D98 FFFFFFFF ; [ Ikasama Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-02606} ] :SLPS-02606 #Player always has 99900 points 80148838 03E7 #Upper opponent always have 0 points 8014A5C0 0000 #Left opponent always have 0 points 8014B484 0000 #Right opponent always have 0 points 801496FC 0000 #All 100% success rate of cheating 9014D9E0 64646464 8014D9E4 6464 8014D9EA 6464 8014D9EC 6464 3014D9EE 0064 8014D9F4 6464 ; [ Imadoki no Vampire: Bloody Bride (Japan) {SLPS-00526} ] :SLPS-00526 #Infinite Soul 800F9D40 270F 801123E0 270F 8013ECC8 270F #Infinite HP 800F9BC4 03E7 801123F6 03E7 #250 Ghost 8011241E 00FA #Have 250 Intelligence 80112406 00FA #Have 5 Desire 8013ED02 0005 #Have 300 Sense 80112412 012C #Have 300 Power 801123FE 012C #Have 300 App 8011240A 012C #Have 300 Appearance 8011240A 012C #Max Flame 80103B36 03E7 #Max Refrigeration 80103B3A 03E7 #Max Electric shock 80103B3E 03E7 #Max Recovery 80103B42 03E7 #Max Information 80103B46 03E7 #Bonus mode appearance 300F9B88 0002 #Bonus mode All movies 300FA058 00FF #Bonus mode All events 30104FFF 00FF #No random battles 300F9D39 0000 #Favorability of HijiriRyo Max 300FA0E0 0064 #Favorability of Erika Max 300FA0E8 0064 #Favorability of Anna Max 300FA0EC 0064 #Favorability of Lylica Max 300FA0F0 0064 #Favorability of Karen Max 300FA0F8 0064 ; [ Impact Racing (Europe) {SLES-00235} ] ; [ Impact Racing (Japan) {SLPS-00836} ] ; [ In Cold Blood (Europe) {SCES-02149 | SCES-12149} ] :SCES-02149 :SCES-12149 #Infinite Ammo MP 90020F4C 00000000 #Infinite Medicine 90020FB4 00000000 #Infinite Health 900490E0 00000000 #Freeze timer 8008BD48 0000 ; [ In einem Land vor unserer Zeit: Die Rückkehr ins Große Tal (Germany) {SLES-02983} ] :SLES-02983 #Infinite Lives everyone D0037B98 FFFF 80037B9E 0000 #Cera Infinite Lives 300D7DD7 0009 #Cera Have 98 leaves D0099292 F3FF 300D7DD9 0062 #Ducky Infinite Lives 300D7DD4 0009 #Ducky Have 98 leaves 300D7DD6 0062 #Little Foot Infinite Lives 300D7DD1 0009 #Little Foot Have 98 leaves 300D7DD3 0062 #Spike Infinite Lives 300D7DDA 0009 #Spike Have 98 leaves 300D7DDC 0062 ; [ In the Hunt (Europe) {SLES-00342} ] :SLES-00342 #P2 Stop Timer P1 & 8007BD2A 0063 #P2 Never Frozen P1 & D007BE74 0001 8007BE74 0000 #P1 Infinite Lives 800DB6C0 0003 #P1 Infinite Continues 8007BE9C 0005 #P1 Start With High Score D0131C00 0064 80131C00 EA60 #P1 Have 99 Treasure Balls Push Select D007BE48 0100 800DB6C2 0063 #P1 Invincibility 800959C2 0101 #P2 Infinite Lives 800DB6F2 0005 #P2 Infinite Continues 8007BE9E 0005 #P2 Have 99 Treasure Balls Push Select D007BE4A 0100 800DB6F4 0063 #P2 Invincibility 8009587E 0201 #P2 Start With High Score D0131C14 0064 80131C14 EA60 ; [ Inagawa Junji: Mayonaka no Taxi (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-03244} ] ; [ Incredible Crisis (Europe) Demo {SLED-03212} ] ; [ Incredible Crisis (Europe) {SLES-02933} ] :SLES-02933 #All Mini Games Open 801D3654 0000 801D3658 0000 801D365C 0000 801D3660 0000 801D3664 0000 801D3668 0000 801D366C 0000 801D3670 0000 801D3674 0000 801D3678 0000 801D367C 0000 801D3680 0000 801D3684 0000 801D3688 0000 801D368C 0000 801D3690 0000 801D3694 0000 801D3698 0000 801D369C 0000 801D36A0 0000 801D36A4 0000 801D36A8 0000 801D36AC 0000 801D36B0 0000 801D36B4 0000 #Perfect Dance D01D5762 FFFF 801D5738 0014 D01D5762 FFFF 801D573A 0064 D01D5762 FFFF 801D573C 0000 #Bowling Inferno Perfect Run D01D6918 000C 801D6922 1000 D01D6620 000C 801D6624 0000 D01D6620 000C 801D6626 FFFF #Elevator Of Doom Stop Elevator Quickly D01D82B4 FFFF 801D8236 0013 #Nerd On A Wire Stop Timer D01BC640 0003 801BC618 0B00 #Paramedics The A Team Only Need 1 Correct Answer D01D3514 0000 301D3514 000A #Let's Go by Stretcher Quick Win D01D601C 07D0 801D601C 0001 #Love, Fireworks & Ferris Wheel Quick Win D01D4C5A 0001 801D4C5A 0014 #Independence Bay Quick Win D01D5DD0 0A68 801D5DD0 0004 #Titanic Away Quick Win D01D999C 0000 801D9A14 A600 D01D999E 0000 801D9A16 000E #Infinite Lives 801AFD6C 0000 801AFD70 0005 ; [ Independence Day: The Game (Europe) {SLES-00607} ] :SLES-00607 #Infinite Time 800BDB1C 003B #Mission Select (Press L1 & L2 At Recon Mission Screen) D00D5F0C 0005 800BA758 0000 #Grand Canyon No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D1754 015C #Grand Cannyon Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800D1772 0014 #Washington D.C. No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CC380 015C #Washington Dc Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CC39E 0014 #New York No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CEC7C 015C #New York Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CEC9A 0014 #Cape Canaveral No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D183C 015C #Cape Canaveral Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800D185A 0014 #Paris No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CC364 015C #Paris Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CC382 0063 #Moscow No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800C4FB0 015C #Moscow Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800C4FCE 0014 #Nakhoda No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D0E80 015C #Nakhoda Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800D0E9E 0014 #Tokyo No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CF0B8 015C #Tokio Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CF0D6 0014 #Oahu No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CC524 015C #Oahu Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CC542 0014 #Antarctic No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D0F68 015C #Antartic Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800D0F86 0014 #Las Vegas No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800CE88C 015C #Las Vegas Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800CE8AA 0014 #Area 51 No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D0044 015C #Area 51 Infinite Missiles D00D5F0C 0040 800D0062 0014 #Mothership No Damage D00D5F0C 0040 800D1E14 01C5 ; [ Indy 500 (Europe) {SLES-00135} ] :SLES-00135 #Infinite Fuel 800E6376 0041 #Only Race one lap to win D01B89F0 0003 D00E6394 0001 800E6394 0003 D01B89F0 0006 D00E6394 0001 800E6394 0006 800EE990 0006 D01B89F0 0008 D00E6394 0001 800E6394 0008 800EE990 0008 D01B89F0 0004 D00E6394 0001 800E6394 0004 800EE990 0004 800E6390 0000 800ECEC0 0000 #Freeze Total Lap Time 800E63AE 0002 ; [ Indy 500 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80103} ] ; [ Infestation (Europe) {SLES-01870} ] :SLES-01870 #Infinite Energy 801739E8 5000 #Infinite Grenages 801740BC 0009 #Level Select Cheat 8010F54C 0001 #Invincibility 8010F54C 0002 #All Cheats 8010F54C 0067 ; [ Infinity (Japan) {SLPS-02669} ] :SLPS-02669 #Clear flag everyone cheats already · Add field of ETC in the title screen Added a bonus CG in the CG gallery and Added a character introduced to the Start menu 3007DCAC 003F #All Cg Gallery Filled Bonus 90158110 FFFFFFFF 90158114 FFFFFFFF 80158118 FFFF #Izumi 80157300 0004 ; [ Initial D (Japan) {SLPS-01793} ] :SLPS-01793 #Speed Boost Code .Press Select D00585B8 0100 80193F52 0120 #Always finish first 80193B48 0001 80193E68 0000 #Infinite Time 80193E6C 0000 #Opponent Car Damage Press circle-button D00585B8 0020 80193C0A FFDE #Infinite Points 8008544C 0000 #Free-run mode all cars available 90010AEC FFFFFFFF 90010AF0 FFFFFFFF 90010AF4 FFFFFFFF 90010AF8 FFFFFFFF 80010AFC FFFF #Free-run mode all courses can be selected 90010B2C FFFFFFFF 80010B30 FFFF #Enemy vehicles get stuck 80193C32 0000 ; [ Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze (Europe) {SLES-03084} ] :SLES-03084 #All Levels Unlocked 30064A84 0019 #Infinite Lives 801A3E74 0063 #Character Inspector Gadget 301A4468 0000 #Character Penny 301A4468 0001 #Character Brain 301A4468 0002 #Character Chief Quimby 301A4468 0003 #Character MAD Agent 301A4468 0004 #Character Spy 301A4468 0005 #Character ClOwn 301A4468 0006 #Character Cat 301A4468 0007 ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 4 (USA) {PBPX-95002} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disc Volume 7 (USA) {PBPX-95006} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disk Volume 5 (USA) Rev 1 {SCUS-94222} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disk Volume 5 (USA) {PBPX-95003} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Disk Volume 5 (USA) {SCUS-94224} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 3.5 aka Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume Three (Version 3.5) (USA) {SCUS-94966} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume 3.5 aka Interactive CD Sampler Pack Volume Three (Version 3.5) (USA) {SCUS-94966} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Volume 1 (USA) {SCUS-94955} ] ; [ Interactive CD Sampler Volume 1 (USA) {SCUS-94956} ] ; [ Interactive Preview Plus: PS2 Launch Guide & Playable GameShark Sampler (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ International Cricket Captain 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02404} ] ; [ International Cricket Captain 2001: Ashes Edition (Europe) {SLES-03596} ] ; [ International Cricket Captain 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03881} ] ; [ International Karate + aka IK+: The Ultimate Martial Arts Simulation (Europe) {SLES-04040} ] :SLES-04040 #Infinite Time 800412A4 0019 #P1 Have always 6 points 800416F0 0006 #Press L2 White has 6 pts. E0040FC4 0001 300416F0 0006 #P2 Have always 0 points 800416F1 0000 #P3 Have always 0 points 800416F2 0000 ; [ International Moto X (Europe) {SLES-00099} ] :SLES-00099 #Have 9999 money 800D853C 270F #Have 999 points in Championship mode 800D8540 03E7 ; [ International Moto-X (Japan) {SLPS-00433} ] :SLPS-00433 #Infinite Money 800D6B80 FFFF ; [ International Soccer: Excite Stage 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02868} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (Europe) (Konami XXL Sports Series) {SLES-00511} ] :SLES-00511 #P1 Score 9 Goals 801C7BBE 0009 #P1 Score 0 Goals 801C7BBE 0000 #P2 Score 9 Goals 801C7C56 0009 #P2 Score 0 Goals 801C7C56 0000 #Infinite Time 8017FC64 03E7 ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (Asia) {SCPS-45294} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (Europe) Demo {SLED-01401} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (Europe) {SLES-01218} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (France) Demo {SLED-01513} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 (Italy) {SLES-01264} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro (Europe) Demo {SLED-00796} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00559} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer Pro (Europe) {SLES-00559} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer aka International Superstar Soccer 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02550} ] ; [ International Superstar Soccer aka International Superstar Soccer 2000 (Europe) {SLES-03149} ] ; [ International Track & Field (Europe) {SLES-00333} ] :SLES-00333 #P1 Max Points 801092A4 FFFF #P2 Max Points 801092A8 FFFF #Javelin\P1 Full Power 800B1912 417F #Javelin\P2 Full Power 800B31F2 417F #Javelin\Perfect Angle 80104530 002D #Pole Vault, 100 m Sprint, 100 m Freestyle, 110 m Hurdles\P1 Full Speed Presss L2 D00B1628 0001 80101E72 417F #100 m Sprint, 100 m Freestyle, 110 m Hurdles\P1 Time Modifier 80101E82 0000 #Pole Vault, 100 m Sprint, 100 m Freestyle, 110 m Hurdles\P2 Full Speed Press L2 D00B1860 0001 80102ACE 417F #100 m Sprint, 100 m Freestyle, 110 m Hurdles\P2 Time Modifier 80102ADE 0000 #Discus, Hammer Throw, Shot Put\P1 Full Energy Press R2 D00B1628 0002 80101F36 42A0 #Discus, Hammer Throw, Shot Put\P2 Full Energy Press R2 D00B1860 0004 80102B92 42A0 #Discus, Hammer Throw, Shot Put\Perfect Angle 800B18D4 0200 #Long Jump, Triple Jump\P1 Full Speed Press L1 D00B1628 0004 800B154A 417F #Long Jump, Triple Jump\P2 Full Speed Press L1 D00B1860 0004 800B21A6 417F #Long Jump, Triple Jump\Perfect Angle 80104530 002D #High Jump\P1 Full Speed Press R2 D00B1628 0002 80101F36 42A0 #High Jump\P2 Full Speed Press R2 D00B1860 0004 80102B92 42A0 ; [ International Track & Field 2 (Europe) {SLES-02448} ] :SLES-02448 #Arcade Mode P1 Max Score 800A809C FFFF #Arcade Mode Events always selectable 800A84F4 0000 #Sprint P1 Lightspeed 800CB096 0002 #1km Time Trial P1 Lightspeed 800CB096 0002 #100m Freestyle P1 Lightspeed 800C770A 4200 #Canoeing P1 Super Timing 900C4CAC 000FFFFF #Canoeing Leave Canoe behind in race 800AC8B0 6906 #Canoeing P1 Press L1 for Canoe turbo D00A7E3A FBFF 800C4B84 FFFF #Long Jump P1 Infinite Time 800C2050 0200 #Long Jump P1 Always 1st attempt D00A7F28 0001 800A7F28 0000 #Hammer Throw P1 Infinite Time 800CA738 0200 #Hammer Throw P1 always 1st attempt D00CA71C 0001 800CA71C 0000 #Hammer Throw P1 Always throw max distance 800CA76A 0098 800CA784 0001 #Hammer Throw P1 press L2 for full power D00A7E3A FEFF 800CABB0 FFFF #Weight Lifting P1 always 1st attempt D00C6F2C 0001 800C6F2C 0000 #Weight Lifting P1 max weight on 1st attempt 800C669E 0098 #Weight Lifting P1 max weight on 2nd attempt 800C66A2 0098 #Weight Lifting P1 max weight on 3rd attempt 800C66A6 0098 #100m P1 Hold L1 when going over finish to reset the timer D00A7E3A FBFF 800C3EDC 000D ; [ Interplay Sports Baseball 2000 (Europe) {SLES-01935} ] ; [ Inuyasha (Japan) (Shokai Seisanban) {SLPS-03361} ] :SLPS-03361 #Infinite & Max Health Inuyasha 998 800D0426 03E7 800D0446 03E7 #Infinite Magic Inuyasha 999 800D0428 03E7 800D0448 03E7 #Infinite HP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF4 03E7 800CCF14 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Kagome in battle 800CCFF0 03E7 800CD010 03E7 #Infinite MP Kagome in battle 800CCFF2 0063 #Infinite & Max MP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF6 0063 800CCF16 0063 #Fragments of Four Souls 800B64E4 006c #Enemy does not come out 300B65D0 0000 #Homeless anywhere 300B660C 0001 #Mica possible at any time 300D2750 00C2 ; [ Inuyasha (Japan) {SLPS-03374} ] :SLPS-03374 #Infinite & Max Health Inuyasha 998 800D0426 03E7 800D0446 03E7 #Infinite Magic Inuyasha 999 800D0428 03E7 800D0448 03E7 #Infinite HP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF4 03E7 800CCF14 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Kagome in battle 800CCFF0 03E7 800CD010 03E7 #Infinite MP Kagome in battle 800CCFF2 0063 #Infinite & Max MP Inuyasha in battle 800CCEF6 0063 800CCF16 0063 #Fragments of Four Souls 800B64E4 006c #Enemy does not come out 300B65D0 0000 #Homeless anywhere 300B660C 0001 #Mica possible at any time 300D2750 00C2 ; [ Inuyasha: Sengoku Otogi Gassen (Japan) (Special Pack) {SLPS-03503} ] :SLPS-03503 #P1 Infinite HP 800AC3C6 03E7 #Unlock All Character, Stages & Picture Galleries 800ABEC0 FFFF 800ABEC6 FFFF 50000C04 0000 800ABEF0 0001 50000D10 0000 800ABF40 FFFF 50000D10 0000 800ABF42 FFFF 300ABF84 00FF 800BFB32 FFFF 800BFB34 FFFF ; [ Invasion (Europe) {SLES-00443} ] :SLES-00443 #Infinite Energy all levels 8009178C 0064 #Level 1 8001F064 0001 #Level 2 8001F064 0002 #Level 3 8001F064 0003 #Level 4 8001F064 0004 #Level 5 8001F064 0005 #Level 6 8001F064 0006 #Level 7 8001F064 0007 #Level 8 8001F064 0008 #Level 9 8001F064 0009 #Level 10 8001F064 000A #Level 11 8001F064 000B #Level 12 8001F064 000C #Infinite Continues 8001F068 0003 #Slow Timer Down 80092200 0000 80092240 0000 #Mission Accomplished working only in last level 800921E4 0064 #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 801553D4 0A0A #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Special Weapon 3 801553D6 0A0A #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Special Weapon 5 801553D8 0A0A #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 801553DA 1E0A #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Special Weapon 9 801553DC 000A #Battle 01 Retaliation\Infinite Energy 801552FC 03E8 801553B8 0064 #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 801351FC 0A0A #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 801351FE 0A0A #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 80135220 0A0A #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 80135222 1E0A #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 80135224 000A #Battle 02 Communications (328 134)\Infinite Energy 80135124 03E8 801351E0 0064 #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 801100DC 0A0A #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 801100DE 0A0A #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 801100E0 0A0A #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 801100E2 1E0A #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 801100E4 000A #Battle 03 Secret Base (387 568)\Infinite Energy 80110004 03E8 801100C0 0064 #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 80143198 0A0A #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 8014319A 0A0A #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 8014319C 0A0A #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 8014319E 1E0A #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 80145224 000A #Battle 04 Commando (424 539)\Infinite Energy 801430C0 03E8 8014317C 0064 #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 8014CA98 0A0A #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 8014CA9A 0A0A #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 8014CA9C 0A0A #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 8014CA9E 1E0A #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 8014CAA0 000A #Battle 05 Laboratory (576 708)\Infinite Energy 8014C9C0 03E8 8014CA7C 0064 #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 8010C8A4 0A0A #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 8010C8A6 0A0A #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 8010C8A8 0A0A #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 8010C8AA 1E0A #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 8010C8AC 000A #Battle 06 Resources (702 505)\Infinite Energy 8010C7CC 03E8 8010C888 0064 #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 80113364 0A0A #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 80113366 0A0A #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 80113368 0A0A #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 8011336A 1E0A #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 8011336C 000A #Battle 07 Jungle (924 508)\Infinite Energy 8011328C 03E8 80113348 0064 #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 8013D6D8 0A0A #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 8013D6DA 0A0A #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 8013D6DC 0A0A #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 8013D6DE 1E0A #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 8013D6E0 000A #Battle 08 Blizzard Of Fire (846 819)\Infinite Energy 8013D600 03E8 8013D6BC 0064 #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 800E8164 0A0A #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 800E8166 0A0A #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 800E8168 0A0A #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 800E816A 1E0A #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 800E816C 000A #Battle 09 The First Victory (580 334)\Infinite Energy 800E808C 03E8 800E8148 0064 #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 801418B0 0A0A #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 801418B2 0A0A #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 801418B4 0A0A #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 801418B6 1E0A #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 801418B8 000A #Battle 10 Blockade (602 154)\Infinite Energy 801417D8 03E8 80141894 0064 #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 800FD39C 0A0A #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Special Weapon 3 800FD39E 0A0A #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Special Weapon 5 800FD3A0 0A0A #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 800FD3A2 1E0A #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Special Weapon 9 800FD3A4 000A #Battle 11 Near Mygra\Infinite Energy 800FD2C4 03E8 800FD380 0064 #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Special Weapons 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 800F385C 0A0A #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Special Weapon 3 800F385E 0A0A #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Special Weapon 5 800F3860 0A0A #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Special Weapon 7 & 8 800F3862 1E0A #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Special Weapon 9 800F3864 000A #Battle 12 Guardian (525 080)\Infinite Energy 800F3784 03E8 800F3840 0064 ; [ Ippatsu Gyakuten: Gamble King Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00551} ] ; [ Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (Europe) {SLES-00281} ] :SLES-00281 #Infinite Uni-Ray 800AC8B0 0010 #Invincibility 80098178 0020 #All Weapons, Infinite Lives, Last Level 800984C8 00FF 800AC12C 00FF 800AC134 00FF 800AC146 007F 800ACDE4 00FF 800ACE20 007F ; [ Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (Japan) {SLPS-00455} ] :SLPS-00455 #Infinitef credits 800A695C 0003 ; [ Iron Soldier 3 (Europe) {SLES-03250} ] :SLES-03250 #No damage D005C132 0071 8005C136 0000 #Timer stopped D0046352 1080 80046354 0000 #Rapid fire D00AB2E4 0000 300AB2E4 0002 #All weapons (Press L1 & L2) D00BDD46 FAFF 80032E2C FFFF ; [ Ishin no Arashi (Japan) {SLPS-01158} ] :SLPS-01158 #In negotiations player always 240 800CC992 00F0 #In negotiations player bar always full 800B7F2C 00FA 800B7F3C 00FA #Opponent in fights energy =0 800CC54D 0000 #Player in fights energy =0 800CC125 00C8 ; [ Ishin no Arashi: Bakumatsu Shishiden (Japan) {SLP-86144} ] ; [ Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (Disc 2) (Japan) Demo {SLP-86089} ] ; [ Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (Japan) (Taikenban + Demo Movie) {SLP-80287} ] ; [ Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86120} ] ; [ Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (Japan) {SLP-86120} ] ; [ Itsuka, Kasanariau Ashita e: Sayuri Hen (Japan) {SLPS-01982} ] ; [ Itsuka, Kasanariau Ashita e: Shirou Hen (Japan) {SLPS-01957} ] ; [ Iwatobi Penguin Rocky x Hopper (Japan) Demo {SLP-80105} ] ; [ Iwatobi Penguin Rocky x Hopper (Japan) {SLPS-00832} ] :SLPS-00832 #Infinite Time in Catch shell mini game 800CC1E0 003C #Have 99 shells in Catch shell mini game 800CC1CC 0063 #Have 0 shells left (win the mini game) 800CC1B4 0000 #P1 1 in TOTAL always 80090F38 0001 #Reward · SHOW TIME · Penguin House added to the OPTION · FREE GAME 80053D50 0001 ; [ Iwatobi Penguin Rocky x Hopper 2: Tantei Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-01283} ] :SLPS-01283 #Time will be returned in minigame press L2 + R2 button D0075BF8 0000 800B0558 0000 #Do not miss more games to match sound D00C1B20 6C54 800C1B24 0000 #Bomubomugemu minigame Invincibility D00C1BAC 0040 800C1BAE 1000 #Infinite Popcorn in popcorn minigame D00C382C 0001 800C382C 0000 ; [ Iznogoud aka Saban's Iznogoud (Europe) {SLES-00480} ] :SLES-00480 #Infinite Time 8008CADC 00FF #Infinite Health 8008CAC8 0006 #Infinite Lives 8008CAC4 000F #Infinite Bombs 8008CABC 000F #Infinite Dynamite 8008CAB8 000F ; [ J's Racin' (Japan) {SLPS-01007} ] :SLPS-01007 #Infinite Time 800BA70C 0000 #No Lap Time 800BA710 0000 #Always Place First 800BA772 0000 #Max Speed 800BAFC6 01F4 ; [ J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Japan) {SLPS-00144 | SLPS-00145} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven '97 (Japan) {SLP-86010} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven '98-'99 (Japan) {SLP-86154} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00068} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven (Japan) {SLPS-00068} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86538} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000 2nd (Japan) {SLP-86668} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2001 (Japan) {SLP-86835} ] ; [ J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3 (Japan) {SLP-86055} ] ; [ J.League Soccer: Jikkyou Survival League (Japan) {SLPS-02436} ] ; [ J.League Soccer: Prime Goal EX (Japan) (Lawson Station) {SLPS-00079} ] ; [ J.League Soccer: Prime Goal EX (Japan) {SLPS-00079} ] ; [ J.League Virtual Stadium '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00301} ] ; [ JGTC: All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (Japan) {SLPS-01428} ] :SLPS-01428 #Maximum Speed 800E23CE 000C ; [ Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (Europe) {SCES-01444} ] :SCES-01444 #Infinite Lifes D0129664 0003 30129664 000A #Infinite Health D01293EA 00C8 301293E8 00C8 #Have All Red & Gold Dragons 50000F10 0000 800E7514 0A03 #Unlock All Paths 50000E10 0000 800E7528 FFFF #Enable Level Select Cheat 800500FE 2400 #Enable Level + Dragon Unlock Cheat 80050132 2400 #Enable Bonus Movie Cheat 800500DA 2400 ; [ Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (Europe) {SCES-01444} ] :SCES-01444 #Infinite Lifes D0129664 0003 30129664 000A #Infinite Health D01293EA 00C8 301293E8 00C8 #Have All Red & Gold Dragons 50000F10 0000 800E7514 0A03 #Unlock All Paths 50000E10 0000 800E7528 FFFF #Enable Level Select Cheat 800500FE 2400 #Enable Level + Dragon Unlock Cheat 80050132 2400 #Enable Bonus Movie Cheat 800500DA 2400 ; [ Jade Cocoon: Die Tamamayu Legende (Germany) {SLES-02203} ] :SLES-02203 #Max Yan 8008B66E 0098 #Kokonmeister-Codes\Max Leer 8008B8F2 0001 #Kokonmeister-Codes\Habe Alles Wertvolle 50000302 0000 8008B81C FFFF #Kokonmeister-Codes\Max Exp 8008BE16 FFFF #Kokonmeister-Codes\Max Hp 9008BE18 03E703E7 #Kokonmeister-Codes\Max Stats 50000501 0000 3008BE3C 00FF #Kokonmeister-Codes\Max Fangen Stufe 3008BE54 00FF #Kokonmeister-Codes\Volle Liste/Viel Gefangen 50000E02 0000 8008BE5C FFFF #Infinite Money 8008B524 FFFF #Infinite Usage All Items 800AD542 2400 #SuddenDeath enemies 800B14E4 0000 800B156C 0000 #50 empties 8008B7A8 0032 ; [ Jade Cocoon: La Leggenda del Tamamayu (Italy) {SLES-02206} ] ; [ Jade Cocoon: La Leyenda de Tamamayu (Spain) {SLES-02205} ] :SLES-02205 #Have 999999 money 9008B8D4 000F423F #Levant Maximum Health (999) 9008C080 03E703E7 #Levant Capture Level 255 3008C0BC 00FF #Levant Attack,Defense,Magic Attack,Magic Defense And Speed All 99 9008C0A4 63636363 3008C0A8 0063 ; [ Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu (Europe) {SLES-02201} ] :SLES-02201 #Money 8008B524 FFFF #50 Empties 8008B7A8 0032 #Levant - Infinite HP 9008BCD0 03E703E7 #1st Minion - Infinite Hp&Mp 9008BF14 03E703E7 9008BF18 03E703E7 #2nd Minion - Infinite Hp&Mp 9008C00C 03E703E7 9008C010 03E703E7 #3rd Minion - Infinite Hp&Mp 9008C104 03E703E7 9008C108 03E703E7 #Infinite Items all positions 900AD378 24020063 800AD37E A042 #Infinite Usage All Items 800AD3FA 2400 ; [ Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu (France) (Ubisoft eXclusive) {SLES-02202} ] ; [ Jaleco Taikenban Special (Japan) Demo {SLP-80276} ] ; [ Jan Jan Koi Shimasho: Lovely Pop 2 in 1 (Japan) {SLPS-01134} ] :SLPS-01134 #Enemy has always 0 points 8013718C 0000 #Player has always 9999 points 8013711C 270F #Have 999000 points 90137170 000F3E58 #Enemy has 0 points in hanafuda 801F9B64 0000 #Player has 99 points in hanafuda 801F9B4C 0063 #four large-hidden treasure Omake Made 3011FAB0 0031 3011FAB4 0031 3011FAB8 0031 3011FABC 0032 3011FAC0 0032 3011FAC4 0032 3011FAC8 0033 3011FACC 0033 3011FAD0 0033 3011FAD4 0034 3011FAD8 0034 3011FADC 0034 3011FAE0 0037 3011FAE4 0037 ; [ Jang Jang Koi Shimashow Separate 1: Jang Jang Shimashow (Japan) {SLPS-02708} ] :SLPS-02708 #Points 9018C5E8 00989298 #Item pi exchange 3018F268 0001 #Jar Manet scan 3018F26C 0001 #Hyper-Reach bar 3018F274 0001 #Transfer canceller 3018F27C 0001 #The · Lv1 crowded sins of silver 3018F270 0001 #The · Lv2 crowded sins of gold 3018F278 0001 #The · Lv3 crowded sins of illusion 3018F280 0001 #All Memorial Open 900C21F8 0F0F0F0F 800C21FC 0303 #Can race against the conservative free competition 300C20F2 0001 ; [ Jang Jang Koi Shimashow Separate 2: Koi Koi Shimashow (Japan) {SLPS-02709} ] :SLPS-02709 #Enemy has always 0 points 8019545C 0000 #Player has always 99 points 80195444 0063 #All Memorial oPEN 900C23D8 1F1F1F1F 300C23DC 0003 #Can race against the conservative free competition 300C23BA 0001 ; [ Janhai Yuugi '99: Tanuki no Kawazanyou (Japan) {SLPS-01760} ] :SLPS-01760 #Player has always 99999 points 901CEB28 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 801CEB30 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 801CEB2C 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 801CEB34 0000 ; [ Jeff Wayne's La Guerre des Mondes (France) {SLES-01983} ] ; [ Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Europe) {SLES-00230} ] ; [ Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Germany) {SLES-01984} ] :SLES-01984 #Unendlich Zeit in Ausbildung D0057CA8 0134 80057CA6 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 1 D003F0AE 0043 8003F0B2 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 2 D003C436 0043 8003C43A 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 3 D003D906 0043 8003D90A 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 4 D003D142 0043 8003D146 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 5 D003CEF6 0043 8003CEFA 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 6 D003CAA2 0043 8003CAA6 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene EinheitenLevel 7 D003AC96 0043 8003AC9A 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 8 D003CB8E 0043 8003CB92 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 9 D003C152 0043 8003C156 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 10 D003CB36 0043 8003CB3A 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 11 D003AEB6 0043 8003AEBA 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 12 D003A8AA 0043 8003A8AE 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 13 D003BD22 0043 8003BD26 3C00 #Unendlich Energie eigene Einheiten Level 14 D003A37E 0043 8003A382 3C00 ; [ Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Italy) {SLES-01985} ] ; [ Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Spain) {SLES-01986} ] ; [ Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (Europe) {SLES-01981} ] :SLES-01981 #Set Timer Back .Press L2 & R2 D009A176 FCFF 8009444C 0000 #P1 Always 1st 800928BC 0000 #P1 Max Points 80093D68 03E7 #P2 Max Points 80093D6C 03E7 #Cpu-Bikers Can't Score 50000504 0000 80093D6C 0000 #Start On Last Lap D0093FE0 0003 300928C4 0003 D0093FE0 0004 300928C4 0004 #Only One Lap To Go 80093FE0 0000 #Crazy Cpu-Bikers Press L1 & R1 D009A176 F3FF 300B5BB4 0008 D009A176 F3FF 300B5F10 0008 D009A176 F3FF 300B626C 0008 D009A176 F3FF 300B65C8 0008 D009A176 F3FF 300B6924 0008 #Unlock All Series 30094420 0005 #Unlock Table Top 800943F4 0001 #Unlock Chasm 800943F8 0001 #Unlock Jim Jam 800943FC 0001 #Unlock Moon 80094400 0001 #Unlock All Stunt Tracks 50000404 0000 800943F4 0001 #Max Stunt Points 300942BE 0073 #Start On Last Race Of Series\Normal D0093B60 0000 30093B60 0007 #Start On Last Race Of Series\Combined D0093B60 0000 30093B60 000F ; [ Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98 (Europe) {SLES-01281} ] :SLES-01281 #Always Place 1st 30094F79 0001 30094F7A 0001 ; [ Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98 (Japan) {SLP-86306} ] ; [ Jersey Devil (Europe) {SLES-00598} ] :SLES-00598 #Infinite Health 30010044 0050 #Amount Of Pumpkins ?00-FF 30010040 00?? 3005C2CE 00?? #Infinite Lifes 30010043 0063 #All 5 Letters Press Select D001000E 0100 800639C8 0020 ; [ Jersey Devil no Daibouken (Japan) {SLP-86075} ] ; [ Jet Ace (Europe) {SLES-04125} ] :SLES-04125 #Infinite Lives 80088A42 0063 #Infinite Missiles 80088A5C 0063 #Infinite Fuel 80088A28 0E0A ; [ Jet Copter X (Japan) {SLP-86894} ] ; [ Jet Moto '98 (Japan) {SCPS-10063} ] ; [ Jet Rider (Europe) {SCES-00566} ] :SCES-00566 #Infinite Turbo 80101340 0000 #Start on lap 2 D017CE4C 0000 8017CE4C 0002 #Start on lap 3 D017CE4C 0000 8017CE4C 0003 ; [ Jet Rider 2 (Europe) {SCES-01045} ] :SCES-01045 #Infinite Turbo For All Characters 80152190 0000 #Infinite Grapple Li'l Dave 8016C4FE 0006 #Infinite Grapple Wild Ride 8016D466 0006 #Infinite Grapple Blade 8016E3CE 0006 #Infinite Grapple The Technician 8016F336 0006 #Infinite Grapple The Max 8017029E 0006 #Infinite Grapple Vampeera 80171206 0006 #Infinite Grapple Gadget 8017216E 0006 #Infinite Grapple Steele 801730D6 0006 #Infinite Grapple The Hun 8017403E 0006 #Infinite Grapple Bomber 8017AFA6 0006 #Infinite Grapple Enigma 80175F0E 0006 #Race In Wireframe-Mode 8016B4F8 0101 #Always Come In 1st 8017DB14 0001 8017008C 0003 ; [ Jet de Go! Let's Go by Airliner (Japan) (JAL Kinai Hanbai Gentei) {SLP-86324} ] ; [ Jet de Go! Let's Go by Airliner (Japan) Demo {SLP-80515} ] ; [ Jet de Go! Let's Go by Airliner (Japan) {SLP-86323} ] ; [ JetMoto (Japan) {PCPX-96080} ] ; [ Jetracer (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03328} ] ; [ Jewel Bem Hunter Lime with Paint Maker (Japan) {SLPS-00589} ] ; [ Jigoku Sensei Nube (Japan) {SLPS-00802} ] ; [ Jigsaw Island: Japan Graffiti (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86918} ] ; [ Jigsaw Island: Japan Graffiti (Japan) {SLPS-00473} ] :SLPS-00473 #Have 2 Out Of 3 Puzzles Completed In Story Mode 800E6BE0 0002 #Enable Debug Menu 30086AA8 0000 D0086FF8 0100 30086FBC 0000 ; [ Jigsaw Madness (Europe) {SLES-04089} ] ; [ Jigsaw World (Japan) {SLPS-00028} ] ; [ Jikki Pachi-Slot Tettei Kouryaku: Speed-CR Kinkakuji 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01538} ] ; [ Jikki Pachi-Slot Tettei Kouryaku: Yamasa Collection (Japan) {SLPS-01339} ] ; [ Jikkyou American Baseball (Japan) {SLP-86046} ] ; [ Jikkyou American Baseball 2 (Japan) {SLP-86119} ] ; [ Jikkyou Golf Master 2000 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86736} ] ; [ Jikkyou Golf Master 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86464} ] ; [ Jikkyou J.League 1999: Perfect Striker (Japan) {SLP-86317} ] ; [ Jikkyou Kyousouba Ikusei Simulation Game: Breeding Stud '99 (Japan) {SLP-86316} ] ; [ Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius: Forever with Me (Japan) {SLP-86008} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00016} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 (Japan) {SLPS-00016} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLPS-00067} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '97: Kaimakuban (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86024} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '97: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLP-86024} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98: Kaimakuban (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86097} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLP-86097} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLP-86149} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLP-86253} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLP-86433} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLP-86578} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLP-86694} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001 (Japan) {SLP-86807} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLP-86990} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2002: Haru (Japan) {SLP-87033} ] ; [ Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Premium-ban (Japan) {SLP-87216} ] ; [ Jikuu Tantei DD 2: Hangyaku no Apusararu (Japan) {SLPS-01533 | SLPS-01534} ] ; [ Jikuu Tantei DD: Maboroshi no Lorelei (Japan) (Pilot Disc) {SLP-80039} ] ; [ Jikuu Tantei DD: Maboroshi no Lorelei (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00397 | SLPS-00398} ] ; [ Jikuu Tantei DD: Maboroshi no Lorelei (Japan) {SLPS-00397 | SLPS-00398} ] ; [ Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House (Europe) {SLES-03598} ] ; [ Jim Henson's The Hoobs (Europe) {SCES-03755} ] ; [ Jim Henson's The Hoobs (France) {SCES-03756} ] ; [ Jim Henson's The Hoobs (Germany) {SCES-03757} ] ; [ Jim Henson's The Hoobs (Spain) (Playtime Gift Pack) {SCES-03758} ] ; [ Jimmy White's 2: Cueball (Europe) {SLES-01334} ] ; [ Jingle Cats: Love-Para Daisakusen no Maki (Japan) (Taikenban (Girl meets PlayStation)) {PAPX-90049} ] ; [ Jinx (Europe) {SCES-03908} ] :SCES-03908 #Lives 800A038E 0063 800C794A 0063 #Health 800BF0C8 001E #99 Stars 800C79A6 0063 #Infinite Cherry bombs (on pickup) 800C794E 0009 #Infinite Air (underwater) 800C7947 0047 ; [ Jishaku de Tonjau!? Phix no Daibouken (Japan) {SLPS-02648} ] :SLPS-02648 #Number of credits 900E73B4 00030005 #99 Crystals 800E73B0 0063 #Infinite Shield 800E80B4 0074 #Infinite Time 800E73A8 07D0 ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! 5 (Japan) {SLPS-00794} ] :SLPS-00794 #Infinite Money (999999) 90041B88 000F423F ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Disc Up (Japan) {SLPS-03171} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy Revolution (Japan) {SLPS-01437} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy Revolution 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01936} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Epsilon R (Japan) {SLP-86333} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kamen Rider & Gallop (Kamen Rider) (Japan) {SLP-86342 | SLP-86343} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kamen Rider V3 (Japan) {SLP-86335} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kung-Fu Lady (Japan) {SLP-86434} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Sea Master X (Japan) {SLP-86349} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Super Star Dust 2 (Japan) {SLP-86420} ] ; [ Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: The Kongdom (Japan) {SLP-86444} ] ; [ Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba: Dream Classic (Japan) {SLPS-02727} ] :SLPS-02727 #Have 99990 money 8003F224 270F ; [ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-02599} ] :SLES-02599 #Everythings Unlocked 50000502 0000 80066A40 FFFF #P1 Codes\Infinite Health D00CDEBC 0090 800CDEBA 0090 #P1 Codes\Sudden Death D00CDEBA 0090 800CDEBA 0001 #P1 Codes\Infinite Stand D00CD3D4 0050 800CD3D2 0050 #P1 Codes\No Stand D00CD3D4 0050 800CD3D2 0000 #P1 Codes\Max Super Combo Level 300D08A2 0009 #P1 Codes\Infinite Super Combo Gauge 300D08A1 0068 #P1 Codes\Never Loses 300D08E7 0000 #P1 Codes\Starts With 1 Round Won D00D08A2 0001 300D08A3 0001 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health D00CE24C 0090 800CE24A 0090 #P2 Codes\Sudden Death D00CE24A 0090 800CE24A 0001 #P2 Codes\Infinite Stand D00CD764 0050 800CD762 0050 #P2 Codes\No Stand D00CD764 0050 800CD762 0000 #P2 Codes\Max Super Combo Level 300D08E6 0009 #P2 Codes\Infinite Super Combo Gauge 300D08E5 0068 #P2 Codes\Never Loses 300D08A3 0000 #P2 Codes\Starts With 1 Round Won D00D08E6 0001 300D08E7 0001 ; [ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Europe) {SLES-02599} ] :SLES-02599 #Everythings Unlocked 50000502 0000 80066A40 FFFF #P1 Codes\Infinite Health D00CDEBC 0090 800CDEBA 0090 #P1 Codes\Sudden Death D00CDEBA 0090 800CDEBA 0001 #P1 Codes\Infinite Stand D00CD3D4 0050 800CD3D2 0050 #P1 Codes\No Stand D00CD3D4 0050 800CD3D2 0000 #P1 Codes\Max Super Combo Level 300D08A2 0009 #P1 Codes\Infinite Super Combo Gauge 300D08A1 0068 #P1 Codes\Never Loses 300D08E7 0000 #P1 Codes\Starts With 1 Round Won D00D08A2 0001 300D08A3 0001 #P2 Codes\Infinite Health D00CE24C 0090 800CE24A 0090 #P2 Codes\Sudden Death D00CE24A 0090 800CE24A 0001 #P2 Codes\Infinite Stand D00CD764 0050 800CD762 0050 #P2 Codes\No Stand D00CD764 0050 800CD762 0000 #P2 Codes\Max Super Combo Level 300D08E6 0009 #P2 Codes\Infinite Super Combo Gauge 300D08E5 0068 #P2 Codes\Never Loses 300D08A3 0000 #P2 Codes\Starts With 1 Round Won D00D08E6 0001 300D08E7 0001 ; [ Jockey Zero (Japan) {SLPS-00429} ] :SLPS-00429 #Infinite Horse stamina first race 8006D80D 0056 ; [ Johnny Bazooka (Japan) {SLPS-00339} ] ; [ Johnny Bazookatone (Europe) {SLES-00112} ] :SLES-00112 #Infinite Energy 800B5A08 0003 #Infinite Lives 800B5A04 0003 #Invincibility 80094AA4 003C ; [ Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan) {SLP-86721} ] ; [ Jonah Lomu Rugby (Europe) {SLES-00377} ] ; [ Jonah Lomu Rugby (France) {SLES-00611} ] ; [ Joue avec les Teletubbies (France) {SLES-02772} ] ; [ Jouki Kikansha Unten Simulation: SL de Ikou! (Japan) {SLPS-01739} ] :SLPS-01739 #Infinite Time 80049E70 2328 #Infinite Time 80049E70 270F #Infinite Penality Pts 80049E7C 03E7 #Left Counter Always 130 80049E08 0082 #Right Counter Always 130 80049E76 07C6 #Driving Sidewards Only activate one of this two 80049C80 F1A7 #Driving Backwards Only activate one of this two 80049C50 D61A #Beginner mode cleared SL photo mode appears in OPTION 8006E0A8 0001 #Normal mode cleared SL photo mode appears in OPTION 8006E0AC 0001 #Professional mode cleared SL photo mode appears in OPTION 8006E0B0 0001 #Expert Mode cleared SL photo mode appears in OPTION 8006E0B4 0001 #Water MAX 80049E76 3B90 #Coal amount MAX 80049E08 03E7 #Points MAX 80049E7C 03E7 ; [ Jouki Kikansha Unten Simulation: SL de Ikou! II (Japan) {SLPS-02478} ] :SLPS-02478 #Have always 999 points 8005E702 03E7 #Infinite Time 8005E8A4 0001 ; [ Joypad Demo 01 (France) {SCED-01138} ] ; [ Judge Dredd (Europe) {SLES-00755} ] :SLES-00755 #Infinite Credits 801E222E 0A00 #P1 Infinite Health 800DFFFE 03E8 #P1 Infinite Lawgiver Ammo 300E000D 0008 #P1 Infinite Lives 300E000C 0005 #P1 Start With Max Points D00DFFE0 0000 800DFFE0 FFFF #P1 Infinite High Explosive Weapon 800E000E 0900 #P1 Infinite Armour Piercing Ammo D10DFFF4 0000 800DFFF4 00B8 #P1 Infinite Scatter D10DFFFA 0000 800DFFFA 0123 #P1 Rapid Fire Automatic Gun D10DFFF8 0000 800DFFF8 0064 #P2 Infinite Health 800E0046 03E8 #P2 Infinite Lawgiver Ammo 300E0055 0008 #P2 Infinite Lives 300E0054 0005 #P2 Start With Max Points D00E0028 0000 800E0028 FFFF #P2 Infinite High Explosive Weapon 800E0056 0900 #P2 Infinite Armour Piercing Ammo D10E003C 0000 800E003C 00B8 #P2 Infinite Scatter D10E0042 0000 800E0042 0123 #P2 Rapid Fire Automatic Gun D10E0040 0000 800E0040 0064 ; [ Juega con los Teletubbies (Spain) {SLES-03171} ] ; [ Juggernaut: Senritsu no Tobira (Japan) {SLPS-01671 | SLPS-01672 | SLPS-01673} ] ; [ Jumping Flash! (Europe) {SCES-00003} ] :SCES-00003 #Infinite Time D00B0000 0D18 80102830 8C80 D00B0000 1658 80102C4C 8C80 D00B0000 0DEC 800FF380 8C80 D00B0000 0DF0 80101820 8C80 D00B0000 1664 80107AF4 8C80 D00B0000 1504 800FCA88 8C80 #Infinite Lives D00B0000 0D18 80102EF4 0003 D00B0000 1658 80103308 0003 D00B0000 0DEC 800FFA0C 0003 D00B0000 0DF0 80101EEC 0003 D00B0000 1664 80108210 0003 D00B0000 1504 800FD144 0003 #Infinite Energy D00B0000 0D18 80138114 00C8 D00B0000 1658 80139840 00C8 D00B0000 0DEC 8013495C 00C8 D00B0000 0DF0 8013AF44 00C8 D00B0000 1664 8013D328 00C8 D00B0000 1504 801321FC 00C8 ; [ Jumping Flash! (Japan) (Europe-ban) {SCPS-10022} ] ; [ Jumping Flash! (Japan) Demo {SCPM-85001} ] ; [ Jumping Flash! 2 aka Jumping Flash! 2: Big Trouble in Little Muu (Europe) {SCES-00111} ] :SCES-00111 #Start on Level 1-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0000 #Start on Level 1-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0001 #Start on Level 1-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0002 #Start on Level 2-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0003 #Start on Level 2-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0004 #Start on Level 2-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0005 #Start on Level 3-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0006 #Start on Level 3-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0007 #Start on Level 3-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0008 #Start on Level 4-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0009 #Start on Level 4-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000A #Start on Level 4-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000B #Start on Level 5-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000C #Start on Level 5-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000D #Start on Level 5-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000E #Start on Level 6-1 D001534C 0000 8001534C 000F #Start on Level 6-2 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0010 #Start on Level 6-3 D001534C 0000 8001534C 0011 #Level 1 Infinite Time 80104094 6E4F #Level 1 Infinite Lives 80105098 0003 #Level 1 Stop Time 801050A0 0001 #Level 1 Infinite Energy 80136DE4 0085 #Level 1 Jumping Bar Full 8010520C 1000 80105210 1000 #Level 1 Jump Infinitely 801051C0 0001 #Level 1 Have all Muus 8010505C 000F #Level 2 Infinite Time 801060A8 8C4D #Level 2 Infinite Lives 801070A0 0005 #Level 2 Stop Time 801070A8 0001 #Level 2 Infinite Energy 80138E48 0085 #Level 2 Jumping Bar Full 80107214 1000 80107218 1000 #Level 2 Jump Infinitely 801071C8 0001 #Level 2 Have all Muus 80107064 000F #Level 3 Infinite Time 8010B5D0 8C8C #Level 3 Infinite Lives 8010C604 0005 #Level 3 Stop Time 8010C60C 0001 #Level 3 Infinite Energy 8013D9CC 0085 #Level 3 Jumping Bar Full 8010C778 1000 8010C77C 1000 #Level 3 Jump Infinitely 8010C72C 0001 #Level 3 Have all Muus 8010C5C8 000F #Level 4 Infinite Time 8010BE04 8C8C #Level 4 Infinite Lives 8010CE00 0005 #Level 4 Stop Time 8010CE08 0001 #Level 4 Infinite Energy 8013FE30 0085 #Level 4 Jumping Bar Full 8010CF74 1000 8010CF78 1000 #Level 4 Jump Infinitely 8010CF28 0001 #Level 4 Have all Muus 8010CDC4 000F #Level 5 Infinite Time 801145AC 8C8C #Level 5 Infinite Lives 801155B8 0005 #Level 5 Stop Time 801155C0 0001 #Level 5 Infinite Energy 80147870 0085 #Level 5 Jumping Bar Full 8011572C 1000 80115730 1000 #Level 5 Jump Infinitely 801156E0 0001 #Level 5 Have all Muus 8011557C 000F #Level 6 Infinite Time 80114CFC 8C8C #Level 6 Infinite Lives 80115D34 0005 #Level 6 Stop Time 80115D3C 0001 #Level 6 Infinite Energy 80149FCC 0085 #Level 6 Jumping Bar Full 80115EA8 1000 80115EAC 1000 #Level 6 Jump Infinitely 80115E5C 0001 #Level 6 Have all Muus 80115CF8 000F ; [ Jumping Flash! 2: Aloha Danshaku Ooyowari no Maki (Japan) {SCPS-10021} ] :SCPS-10021 #Infinite Lives 80102EF4 0005 #SUPPORT AI (Select) D004BAC6 FFFE 3016FE48 0002 #Unlock All Extras all stages, bonuses, and medals. C1000000 0000 80014498 FFFF 800144A6 FFFF 800144C2 FFFF 800144C6 0100 ; [ Jumping Flash! Aloha Danshaku Funky Daisakusen no Maki (Japan) {SCPS-10007} ] :SCPS-10007 #All Stages Open 30014519 0001 #Infinite Lives 80102EF4 0005 #Unlock All Extras all stages and bonus modes C1000000 0000 300140E2 0024 300140E9 0003 ; [ Junclassic C.C. & Rope Club (Japan) {SLP-86080} ] ; [ Jungla de Cristal Trilogia 2: Viva Las Vegas (Spain) {SLES-02750} ] :SLES-02750 #Energia Infinita En Las Fases De 3ª Persona 8010273C 01F4 #Tiempo Infinito En Fases De Coche 800FCB19 647C #Energia Infinita En Fases De Coche 800FAD64 01F4 #Energia Infinita En Las Fases De 1ª Persona 800EE384 01F4 ; [ Junior Sports Football (Europe) {SLES-03579} ] ; [ Junior Sports Football (France) {SLES-03580} ] ; [ Junior Sports Fussball (Germany) {SLES-03581} ] ; [ Junjou de Karen: Meymay Kishidan: Spectral Force Seishoujo Gaiden (Japan) {SLPS-02431} ] :SLPS-02431 #Infinite Army (999) in battle main unit 801CE44C 03E7 ; [ Jupiter Strike (Europe) {SLES-00130} ] ; [ Jurassic Park: The Lost World (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80515} ] ; [ K-1 Grand Prix (Europe) {SLES-02753} ] :SLES-02753 #P1 Infinite HP 50000302 0000 800E5E28 0C80 #P1 Down gauge at zero D10E5E38 0000 800E5E38 0000 #P2 Sudden Death 50000302 0000 800E6104 0000 ; [ K-1 Ouja ni Narou! King of Kings (Japan) {SLPS-02602} ] :SLPS-02602 #Enemy Energy is =0 801064B0 0000 801072A4 0000 ; [ K-1 The Arena Fighters (Europe) {SLES-00767} ] :SLES-00767 #P1 Infinite Energy 8008E958 03E8 #P1 Infinite Stamina 8008E950 01F4 #P2 no Energy 8008E95C 0000 #P2 1-Hit Death D008E95C 03E8 8008E95C 0001 D008E95C 03E8 8008E964 0001 ; [ K-1 World Grand Prix 2001: Kaimakuban (Japan) {SLP-86763} ] ; [ K.O.: The Live Boxing (Japan) {SLPS-01413} ] :SLPS-01413 #All Max Power Codes 900AAA40 28202820 900AAA44 28202820 800AAA4A 2820 900AAA4C 28202820 ; [ KISS Pinball (Europe) {SLES-03211} ] :SLES-03211 #Infinite Balls (NetherwOrl On Press Up & R2 D00BA3BA FDEF 30043A38 0000 D00BA3BA FDEF 80043A3A 0000 #Infinite Balls (Oblivion) On Press Up & L2 D00BA3BA FEEF 300450E0 0000 D00BA3BA FEEF 800450E2 0000 ; [ KKND Krossfire (Europe) {SLES-01246} ] ; [ KKND Krossfire (France) {SLES-01616} ] ; [ KKND Krossfire (Germany) {SLES-01617} ] ; [ Kaeru no Ehon: Nakushita Kioku o Motomete (Japan) Demo {SLP-80460} ] ; [ Kaette Kita Cyborg Kuro-chan (Japan) {SLP-87174} ] ; [ Kaette Kita Pachio-kun: Dream Collection (Japan) {SLPS-01384} ] :SLPS-01384 #Max Money 900CB1EC 0001FFFF ; [ Kagayaku Kisetsu e (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-01972 | SLPS-01973} ] :SLPS-01972 :SLPS-01973 #CG all Nagamori MizuhoKei 800E85B0 3FFF #CG all Nanase Rumi 800E85B2 0FFF #CG all Shiina cocoon 800E85B4 07FF #CG all Shimizu Natsuki 800E85B6 03FF #CG all Kozuki Mio 800E85B8 7FFF #CG all Kawana Misaki 800E85BA 7FFF #CG all Satomura Akane 800E85BC 3FFF ; [ Kagero: Deception II aka Kagero: Deception 2 (Europe) {SLES-01967} ] :SLES-01967 #Infinite Health 800E82AE 0196 #Ark 800E82BC 2710 ; [ Kagerou: Kokumeikan Shinshou (Japan) Demo {SLP-80273} ] ; [ Kagerou: Kokumeikan Shinshou (Japan) {SLPS-01421} ] :SLPS-01421 #Infinite HP 800E6B52 0190 #Max Ark 900E6B60 068E6FFF #Activate always possible trap D012835A 1440 8012835A 1400 #All trap already developed 50001B02 0000 800E6C98 4040 300E6CCE 0040 #No Wait Time for All Traps 50001B7C 0000 800E4EF2 0000 #OK Status 800E6AE4 0000 #Perfect Stage Results 800E72C8 270F 900E72D0 270F270F 800E72D4 03E7 300E72D6 0063 300E7391 0000 800E7392 0000 #Press L1+L2 to Kill Left Enemy E00E4DE0 0005 300DC221 0000 #Press R1+R2 to Kill Right Enemy E00E4DE0 000A 300DC2CD 0000 #Story number 01-1A (Level 1 - 26) Selected Last 300DA608 001A ; [ Kaijuu Senki (Japan) {SLPS-00529} ] :SLPS-00529 #Infinite Energy gorilla - Stage 800D434A 0014 #Infinite Energy gorilla - Stage 3 800D494A 0014 #Infinite Energy troll - Stage 3 800D4B4A 0014 #Infinite Energy third character - Stage 3 800D4A4A 0014 #Infinite Energy gorilla - Stage 4 800D414A 0014 #Infinite Energy troll - Stage 4 800D424A 0014 #Infinite Energy third character - Stage 4 800D434A 0014 #Infinite Energy gorilla - Stage 5 800D464A 0014 #Infinite Energy troll - Stage 5 800D464A 0014 #Infinite Energy gorilla - Stage 6 800D424A 0014 ; [ Kaikan Phrase: Datenshi Kourin (Japan) {SLP-86438} ] ; [ Kaishin!! Derby Analyst (Japan) {SLPS-03079} ] ; [ Kaitei Daisensou: In the Hunt (Japan) {SLPS-00086} ] :SLPS-00086 #Infinite LiVes 800DC9C4 0004 ; [ Kaitou Apricot (Japan) {SLPS-03532} ] :SLPS-03532 #Have 50 peaches in peaches mini game 801C6E78 0032 #Infinite Time in board mini game 80066F9F C350 #Broadcast section Games / remaining time 800657F0 0063 300657F2 0063 #Number of times that took a nervous breakdown game / card Clear at once 30066F30 000E #Mini-games and bonus / event scene Not advent 30100000 0000 #Mini-games and bonus / event scene emergence 30100A0A 000A #Album appearance 301081E4 0001 #Album / CG All + 01h 301082D8 00FF 301082F6 00FF #Nervous breakdown Games / Otetsuki number 301C70B0 0007 #Kaito degree Max 300A4418 0064 #Date / month Ending Proceeding in place of the date night 300A430C 0008 #Date / day Ending Proceeding in place of the date night 300A4310 001B ; [ Kaitou Ranma Miyabi (Japan) {SLPS-01824} ] :SLPS-01824 #Infinite Money (9999) 9009EA64 000F4204 ; [ Kakinoki Shougi (Japan) {SLPS-00019} ] ; [ Kakinoki Shougi II (Japan) (ASCII Casual Collection) {SLPS-02986} ] ; [ Kakuge Yarou: Fighting Game Creator (Japan) {SLPS-02595} ] :SLPS-02595 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006A724 0062 #2P Energy 0 3006A83C 0000 ; [ Kamen Rider (Japan) Demo {SLP-80326} ] ; [ Kamen Rider Agito + Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger (Japan) (2 Big Hero Special Disc Taikenban) {SLP-80629} ] ; [ Kamen Rider V3 (Japan) (Bandai the Best) {SLPS-03443} ] ; [ Kanazawa Shougi '95 (Japan) {SLPS-00052} ] ; [ Kanazawa Shougi: Tsuki (Japan) {SLPS-02059} ] ; [ Karat PS PS2-you Pro Action Replay CDX2 (Japan) (Unlicensed) {KRTCDX2} ] ; [ Karat PS/PS2-you Catalog & Taikenban (Japan) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Karat PS1-you Pro Action Replay CDX3 (Japan) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Kart Challenge (Europe) {SLES-03209} ] ; [ Kart Race: Kimete wa Drift! (Japan) {SLPS-03041} ] ; [ Karyuujou (Ryuu Hangan Hen) (Japan) {SLPS-00563 | SLPS-00564} ] ; [ Kasei Monogatari (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-01629} ] :SLPS-01629 #Infinite HP Phobos in battle (main character) 800BDB6A 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Phobos (main character) 80010762 03E7 80010764 03E7 #Infinite Money (9999999) 9001001C 0098967F #Infinite MP D00BA77C 1023 800BA77E 0040 #Infinite Item D00B5B5A 2442 800B5B58 0000 #Infinite MP In Battle D002AF8A A466 8002AF88 0000 D002AF8A A466 8002AF8A 0000 #Infinite Combat D002AF62 A066 8002AF60 0000 D002AF62 A066 8002AF62 0000 #Items Not Decrease During Combat You have to have two units D0025EE0 1023 80025EE2 0060 ; [ Kasei Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-01630} ] :SLPS-01630 #Infinite HP Phobos in battle (main character) 800BDB6A 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Phobos (main character) 80010762 03E7 80010764 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Phobos (main character) 80010766 270F 80010768 270F #Infinite Money (9999999) 9001001C 0098967F #Infinite MP D00BA77C 1023 800BA77E 0040 #Infinite Item D00B5B5A 2442 800B5B58 0000 #Infinite MP In Battle D002AF8A A466 8002AF88 0000 D002AF8A A466 8002AF8A 0000 #Infinite ??????????Combat D002AF62 A066 8002AF60 0000 D002AF62 A066 8002AF62 0000 #Items Not Decrease During Combat You have to have two units D0025EE0 1023 80025EE2 0060 #All Items possession D00B6C3A 1440 800B6C2C 00FF D00B6C3A 1440 800B6C2E 2402 D00B6C3A 1440 800B6C32 A062 D00B6C3A 1440 800B6C42 A464 D00B6C3A 1440 800B6C38 0001 #The number of planets 8001074C FFFF #Hyper Athletic / clear time / 1st 3004FE70 0039 3004FE71 0039 3004FE73 0039 3004FE74 0039 3004FE76 0039 3004FE77 0039 #Hyper Athletic / elapsed time 9005771C 0000D2EB #Runaway bus / SCORE Max 90064F2C 7FFFFFFF #Playtime 9006F0FC 01498900 #Ards attacker / SCORE Max 90073274 7FFFFFFF #Sugoroku mode / movement number 30085868 00FF #Interlude views It also affects the mini-games and Shop 300EAD4C 001D ; [ Katalog Spezial Demo (Germany) {SCED-01739} ] ; [ Kattobi Tune (Japan) Demo {SLP-80223} ] ; [ Kawa no Nushi Tsuri: Hikyou wo Motomete (Japan) {SLPS-01536} ] :SLPS-01536 #Infinite Energy 801773D6 03E7 #Infinite Money 801773DA 03E7 #Unexplored region emergence of fishing notes 3017655A 00FF ; [ KazMania 2: Chaos in KazMania (USA) {LSP-905130} ] ; [ Kaze no Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91169} ] ; [ Kaze no Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Japan) {SLPS-01010} ] :SLPS-01010 #Infinite Health 8010DAE0 0007 #Infinite Lives 3010DADA 0063 #Flying Code 30075DE8 0064 3006E5E0 0000 #Invincibility 800BE584 00FF #Number six people who helped the dream of the inhabitants 8010DADE 0006 #I can many times jump in the air 9006E49C 00000000 ; [ Kaze no Notam: Notam of Wind (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45111} ] ; [ Kaze no Oka Kouen Nite (Japan) {SLPS-01565} ] ; [ Keiba Eight '99 Haru Natsu (Japan) {SLPS-01929} ] ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '96 Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLPS-00146} ] ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '96 Vol. 2: GI-Road (Japan) {SLPS-00605} ] ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '97 Vol. 1: Nerae! Manbaken! (Japan) {SLPS-00808} ] ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '97 Vol. II: To Hit (Japan) {SLPS-01032} ] ; [ Keiba Saishou no Housoku '99 Aki Fuyu (Japan) {SLPS-02339} ] ; [ Keitai Eddy (Japan) {SLPS-02717} ] ; [ Keitai Henshuu (Japan) {PBPX-95013} ] ; [ Kekkon: Marriage (Japan) {SLPS-00496} ] :SLPS-00496 #Character All Stats At Max 800A0722 012C 900A0724 012C012C 900A0728 012C012C 900A072C 012C012C 900A0730 012C012C 800A0734 012C #Infinite Money 900A0738 0098967F #Marriage budget Max 90097D30 0098967F #Title allowance Max 9006F168 0098967F #Contact number 300A06F1 0005 #Taichou 300A06F8 003C #Card borrowing Max 900A073C 0098967F #Dating number / Kiyomi Arai Ending When once Dating 300A076F 001A #The number of post / letter 300A0C7C 0014 ; [ Kellogg Original Waku Waku Doki Doki Ninki Game Chara Daishuugou! (Japan) (Doki Doki-shou) {SLP-84002} ] ; [ Kenkaku Ibunroku: Yomigaerishi Souku no Yaiba: Samurai Spirits Shinshou (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80512} ] ; [ Kenkaku Ibunroku: Yomigaerishi Souku no Yaiba: Samurai Spirits Shinshou (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45466} ] ; [ Kenki Ippatsu! Crane Master ni Narou! (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87150} ] ; [ Kenki Ippatsu! Shovel Master ni Narou! (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02830} ] ; [ Kenki Ippatsu! Shovel Master ni Narou! (Japan) {SLPS-02830} ] ; [ Kensei: Sacred Fist (Europe) {SLES-01081} ] :SLES-01081 #P1 Infinite Health 800C4D4A 0090 800CE23C 00C0 #P2 Infinite Health 800C4D60 0090 800CF5D8 00C0 #All characters available 90010588 003FFFFF #Enable extra mode 80010090 0007 #P1 Infinite Health alt 900485D8 10400004 #P1 1 round to win 3001020C 0002 ; [ Kensei: The King of Boxing (Japan) {SLPS-00502} ] :SLPS-00502 #P1 Infinite Damage Gauge 8007DB9C FFFF #P1 Infinite Power Gauge 8007DBA4 FFFF #P1 Infinite Overall Gauge 8007DBAC FFFF #P2 No Damage Gauge 8007DE8C 0000 #P2 No Power Gauge 8007DE94 0000 #P2 No Overall Gauge 8007DE9C 0000 #Freeze Timer 8007EA7A 00B3 ; [ Kensetsu Kikai Simulator: Kenki Ippai! (Japan) {SLPS-02605} ] :SLPS-02605 #Infinite Time 80015B08 0000 #License acquisition hydraulic excavator 801A4B40 0064 801A4B44 0064 801A4B48 0064 801A4B4C 0064 #License acquisition dump truck 801A4B50 0064 801A4B54 0064 801A4B58 0064 #License acquisition wheel loader 801A4B60 0064 801A4B64 0064 801A4B68 0064 #License acquisition bulldozer 801A4B70 0064 801A4B74 0064 801A4B78 0064 #License acquisition rough terrain crane Len 801A4B80 0064 801A4B84 0064 801A4B88 0064 801A4B8C 0064 #The whole process is complete 801A4B94 0008 ; [ Kenshou Akou Jiken: Chuushingura: Rekishi Adventure (Japan) {SLPS-01186} ] ; [ Kero Kero King (Japan) (Let's Taikenban) {SLP-80583} ] ; [ Kero Kero King (Japan) {SLP-86621} ] ; [ Kessen: Demo Video CD-ROM (Japan) Demo {SLP-86432} ] ; [ Kick Off World (Europe) {SLES-01327} ] ; [ Kick Off World (Europe, Australia) {SLES-01061} ] ; [ Kick Off World (Germany) {SLES-01062} ] ; [ Kick Off World (Greece) {SLES-01328} ] ; [ Kick Off World Manager (Italy) {SLES-01063} ] ; [ Kickboxing Knockout (Europe) {SLES-03959} ] :SLES-03959 #P1 Infinite Energy 801FEBD0 0AF0 801FEBD4 0AF0 #Enemy Energy is Always 0 801FEC10 0000 801FEC14 0000 ; [ Kid Clown no Crazy Chase 2: Love Love Honey Soudatsusen (Japan) {SLPS-00454} ] :SLPS-00454 #Infinite Life 800D6EDC 0064 #Infinite Time 8009F004 00B8 800B5CE4 0060 ; [ Kid Mix Section: Character Collection (Japan) {SLPS-03236} ] :SLPS-03236 #Have 999 Points In Mahjong 80106A30 03E7 #Enemy has 0 and you win 80106A34 0000 #Open all of the puzzle image other than items of survival bonus 901082C0 FFFFFFFF 901082C4 FFFFFFFF 801082C8 FFFF #Memories Off completed puzzle image 901082A0 01000100 801082A4 0100 #Infinity completed puzzle image 801082A6 0100 801082A8 0100 #Tsubasa puzzle image completion of a dream 801082AA 0100 801082AC 0100 #Ten balls puzzle image completion 801082AE 0100 901082B0 01000100 #Aine completed puzzle image 801082B4 0100 ; [ Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gihren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu (Earth Federation Disc) (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02570 | SLPS-02571} ] :SLPS-02570 :SLPS-02571 #Maximum funds 901ED174 0098967F #Maximum resource 901ED178 0098967F #Intelligence capacity 100% 301ED162 0064 #Largest trade and production 901ED190 0001869F #Production period one turn D009F028 0043 8009F026 A058 #Development period one turn D00D44F0 536F 800D44E6 A258 #Infinite Movement D006B682 A0A2 8006B682 A0A0 #Victory in the base one place conquered D006EFEE 1447 8006EFEE 1400 #All personnel information can be viewed D009915A 1440 8009915A 1400 #Mechanic picture book fully open 50009302 0000 801FD2D6 0101 #Picture book character fully open 50004D02 0000 801FD3FC 0101 301FD496 0001 #Movie theater fully open 50001602 0000 801FD2A8 0101 301FD2D4 0001 #Mechanic picture book all federal Disc D00734B0 02D6 800734BC 02D6 D00734B0 02D6 800734BE A0A3 D00734B0 02D6 800734B2 2403 D00734B0 02D6 800734B0 0001 #Picture book character all federal Disc D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FC 03FC D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FE A082 D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FA 2402 D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5F8 0001 #Movie replay all federal Disc D006A634 02A6 8006A630 1821 D006A634 02A6 8006A638 02A6 D006A634 02A6 8006A63A A062 D006A634 02A6 8006A636 2402 D006A634 02A6 8006A634 0001 #Mechanic picture book all dione Disc for D00734E4 02D6 800734F0 02D6 D00734E4 02D6 800734F2 A0A3 D00734E4 02D6 800734E6 2403 D00734E4 02D6 800734E4 0001 #Picture book character all dione Disc for D006A628 03FC 8006A62C 03FC D006A628 03FC 8006A62E A082 D006A628 03FC 8006A62A 2402 D006A628 03FC 8006A628 0001 #Movie replay all dione Disc for D006A664 02A6 8006A660 1821 D006A664 02A6 8006A668 02A6 D006A664 02A6 8006A66A A062 D006A664 02A6 8006A666 2402 D006A664 02A6 8006A664 0001 ; [ Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gihren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu (Earth Federation Disc) (Japan) {SLPS-02570 | SLPS-02571} ] :SLPS-02570 :SLPS-02571 #Maximum funds 901ED174 0098967F #Maximum resource 901ED178 0098967F #Intelligence capacity 100% 301ED162 0064 #Largest trade and production 901ED190 0001869F #Production period one turn D009F028 0043 8009F026 A058 #Development period one turn D00D44F0 536F 800D44E6 A258 #Infinite Movement D006B682 A0A2 8006B682 A0A0 #Victory in the base one place conquered D006EFEE 1447 8006EFEE 1400 #All personnel information can be viewed D009915A 1440 8009915A 1400 #Mechanic picture book fully open 50009302 0000 801FD2D6 0101 #Picture book character fully open 50004D02 0000 801FD3FC 0101 301FD496 0001 #Movie theater fully open 50001602 0000 801FD2A8 0101 301FD2D4 0001 #Mechanic picture book all federal Disc D00734B0 02D6 800734BC 02D6 D00734B0 02D6 800734BE A0A3 D00734B0 02D6 800734B2 2403 D00734B0 02D6 800734B0 0001 #Picture book character all federal Disc D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FC 03FC D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FE A082 D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5FA 2402 D006A5F8 03FC 8006A5F8 0001 #Movie replay all federal Disc D006A634 02A6 8006A630 1821 D006A634 02A6 8006A638 02A6 D006A634 02A6 8006A63A A062 D006A634 02A6 8006A636 2402 D006A634 02A6 8006A634 0001 #Mechanic picture book all dione Disc for D00734E4 02D6 800734F0 02D6 D00734E4 02D6 800734F2 A0A3 D00734E4 02D6 800734E6 2403 D00734E4 02D6 800734E4 0001 #Picture book character all dione Disc for D006A628 03FC 8006A62C 03FC D006A628 03FC 8006A62E A082 D006A628 03FC 8006A62A 2402 D006A628 03FC 8006A628 0001 #Movie replay all dione Disc for D006A664 02A6 8006A660 1821 D006A664 02A6 8006A668 02A6 D006A664 02A6 8006A66A A062 D006A664 02A6 8006A666 2402 D006A664 02A6 8006A664 0001 ; [ Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gihren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu: Kimitsu Eizou Disc Tokubetsu-hen (Japan) {SLPS-02202} ] :SLPS-02202 #Infinite Money 90180360 00989676 #Ship 1 Codes\Now Hp 65535 801365C8 FFFF #Ship 1 Codes\Max Hp 65535 800D6E30 FFFF #Ship 1 Codes\Now En 999 801365CA 07CE #Ship 1 Codes\Max En 999 800D6E2E 07CE #Ship 1 Codes\Max Act 300D6E34 0063 #Ship 1 Codes\Max Def 300D6E35 0031 #Ship 2 Codes\Now Hp 65535 801365D0 FFFF #Ship 2 Codes\Max Hp 65535 800D6DB0 FFFF #Ship 2 Codes\Now En 999 801365D2 07CE #Ship 2 Codes\Max En 999 800D6EAE 07CE #Ship 2 Codes\Max Act 300D6EB4 0063 #Ship 2 Codes\Max Def 300D6EB5 0031 ; [ Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gihren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu: Kouryaku Shireisho (Japan) {SLPS-02820} ] :SLPS-02820 #Max total funds 901ED174 0098967F #Max total resources 901ED178 0098967F #Do not reduce response time D0062C8A 0062 80062C8A 0060 #Problem 1 game# D0062DD2 1440 80062DD2 1400 #100% accuracy rate in question 1 correct answer D0062C08 0001 80062C08 0014 #Endurance 99# 80069194 0063 #Select Stage 1 300691BE 0000 #Select Stage 2 300691BE 0001 #Select Stage 3 300691BE 0002 #Select Stage 4 300691BE 0003 #Select Stage 5 300691BE 0004 #Select Stage 6 300691BE 0005 #Select Stage 7 300691BE 0006 #Select Stage 8 300691BE 0007 #Select Stage 9 300691BE 0008 #All clear in one side D006302E 1462 8006302E 1400 D0062A7A 1462 80062A7A 1400 #Hidden element fully open D0062ABE 1462 80062ABE 1400 #Back Gundam puzzle 301FA494 0001 ; [ Kids Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-02542} ] ; [ Kids Station: Asobou! Hanasou! Guru Guru Town Hanamaru-kun (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03057} ] ; [ Kids Station: Asobou! Hanasou! Guru Guru Town Hanamaru-kun (Japan) (Soft Tanpinban) {SLP-86907} ] ; [ Kids Station: Barbapapa (Japan) {SLPS-03302} ] :SLPS-03302 #Infinite Hearts apple minigame (yellow charcter) 8019AF74 0003 ; [ Kids Station: Basic Soft (Japan) {SLP-84017} ] ; [ Kids Station: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon World: Chibiusa to Tanoshii Mainichi (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03317} ] ; [ Kids Station: Bokura to Asobou! Ultraman TV (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-02872} ] ; [ Kids Station: Bokura to Asobou! Ultraman TV (Japan) {SLPS-02873} ] ; [ Kids Station: Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Omoide Tsukuru zo! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03319} ] ; [ Kids Station: Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Omoide Tsukuru zo! (Japan) {SLPS-03320} ] ; [ Kids Station: Digimon Park (Japan) {SLPS-03249} ] ; [ Kids Station: Doraemon: Himitsu no Yojigen Pocket (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03323} ] ; [ Kids Station: Doraemon: Himitsu no Yojigen Pocket (Japan) Demo {SLP-80624} ] ; [ Kids Station: Gomdoli Pooh Hakseup Series: Gomdoli Pooh Sinnaneun Yuagyosil aka KIDS STATION 곰돌이 푸 학습 시리즈 곰돌이 푸 신나는 유아교실 (Korea) {SLP-88511} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Oshaberi ABC (Japan) {SLP-86905} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Oshaberi Town (Japan) (Soft Tanpinban) {SLP-86906} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Oshaberi Town (Japan) (Taiwa-shiki Controller Set) {SLPS-03060} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Ouchi e Oide yo! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03447} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Ouchi e Oide yo! (Japan) {SLPS-03448} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty to Album Nikki o Tsukurimasho! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03543} ] :SLPS-03543 #Infinite Health 800B9906 0003 #Infinite TP 800B990A 0004 #Infinite Bt 800B990E 0001 #Infinite Health PRESS SELECT TO ACTIVATE D01B8D72 FFFE 800B9906 0003 #Infinite TP PRESS SELECT TO ACTIVATE D01B8D72 FFFE 800B990A 0004 #Infinite Bt PRESS SELECT TO ACTIVATE D01B8D72 FFFE 800B990E 0001 ; [ Kids Station: Hello Kitty to Album Nikki o Tsukurimasho! (Japan) {SLPS-03544} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hitori de Dekiru mon! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03169} ] ; [ Kids Station: Hitori de Dekiru mon! (Japan) {SLPS-03185} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kamen Rider Heroes (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03402} ] :SLPS-03402 #Infinite Lives Destroy Objects 8003E7C6 0003 #Infinite Health 8003E768 03E8 #Infinite Lives obstacle race 8003E7C2 0003 ; [ Kids Station: Kikansha Thomas to Nakama-tachi (Japan) {SLPS-02874} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Kyoushitsu (Japan) (Mouse Controller Set) {SLP-87000} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Kyoushitsu (Japan) {SLP-87001} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Nakama to 1, 2, 3 (Japan) (Mouse Controller Set) {SLP-86932} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Nakama to 1, 2, 3 (Japan) {SLP-86933} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Tomodachi (Japan) (Mouse Controller Set) {SLP-86979} ] ; [ Kids Station: Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Tomodachi (Japan) {SLP-86999} ] ; [ Kids Station: LEGO no Sekai (Japan) {SLPS-03322} ] ; [ Kids Station: Magical Music Eigo de One: Two: Three! (Japan) {SLPS-02876} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mickey & Minnie no Magical Kitchen (Japan) (Mouse Controller Set) {SLP-87002} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mickey & Minnie no Magical Kitchen (Japan) {SLP-87003} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mickey to Nakama-tachi: Kazu Asobi Iro Iro (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLP-86930} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mickey to Nakama-tachi: Kazu Asobi Iro Iro (Japan) {SLP-86931} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mini-Moni. ni Naru no da Pyon! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03462} ] ; [ Kids Station: Mini-Moni. ni Naru no da Pyon! (Japan) {SLPS-03463} ] ; [ Kids Station: Motto! Oja Majo DoReMi: Maho-dou Smile Party (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03246} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oja Majo DoReMi Dokkan! Maho-dou Eigo Festival (Japan) {SLPS-03407} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oja Majo DoReMi: Maho-dou Dance Carnival! (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-02718} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oja Majo DoReMi: Maho-dou Dance Carnival! (Japan) {SLPS-02875} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oshaberi Oekaki Kikansha Thomas to Nakamatachi (Japan) {SLPS-03515} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oshaberi Oekaki: Soreike! Anpanman (Japan) (Kids Station Controller Set) {SLPS-03512} ] ; [ Kids Station: Oshaberi Oekaki: Soreike! Anpanman (Japan) {SLPS-03513} ] ; [ Kids Station: Plarail: Tetsudou Monoshiri Hyakka (Japan) {SLP-87166} ] ; [ Kids Station: Ponkickies 21: Game no Omocha-bako (Japan) {SLPS-03359} ] ; [ Kids Station: Soreike! Anpanman (Japan) {SLPS-02848} ] ; [ Kids Station: Soreike! Anpanman 3: Sugoroku Anpanman (Japan) {SLPS-03405} ] ; [ Kids Station: Ugoku Tomika Zukan (Japan) {SLP-87169} ] ; [ Kids Station: Ultraman Cosmos (Japan) {SLPS-03316} ] ; [ Kids Station: Unten Daisuki: Doki Doki * Norimono Daibouken (Japan) {SLPS-03337} ] :SLPS-03337 #Infinite Hearts 800D71AC 0003 ; [ Kids Station: Yancharu Moncha (Japan) {SLPS-03173} ] ; [ Kiganjou (Japan) {SLPS-02370} ] :SLPS-02370 #Infinite Energy 80164F44 00C8 ; [ Kikuni Masahiko Jirushi: Warau Fukei-san Pachi-Slot Hunter (Japan) {SLPS-00021} ] ; [ Kileak, The Blood (Japan) {SLPS-00027} ] :SLPS-00027 #Energy 100% 800B1390 03E8 #Radar 100% 800B1420 0064 #Shield 100% ' 800B1394 03E8 #Weapon 100% 800B4570 0064 #999 Bullet Eritorokuruon 800B13CC 03E7 #999 Bullet Eroshion 800B13DC 03E7 #999 Bullet Be~eda 800B13E0 03E7 #999 BulletS Wallace cancer 800B13C4 03E7 #999 BulletS of Sachs 800B13D0 03E7 #Not Increase time 800BB708 0000 ; [ Kileak, The Blood 2: Reason in Madness (Japan) {SLPS-00170} ] :SLPS-00170 #Infinite Laser 800AB490 00C8 #Infinite Ammo 800AB4A2 01F4 #Infinite Rockets 800AB4A8 0028 #Infinite Speed 800AB450 00C6 #Infinite Power 800AB452 03E8 #Infinite Missiles 900AB4A8 08050028 900AB4AC 08050973 900AB4B0 08050973 #Infinite Health 800AB44E 0366 ; [ Kileak: The Blood (Europe) {SCES-00035} ] :SCES-00035 #Infinite Energy 800B47A4 03E8 #Infinite Ammo 800B47D4 01F4 #Infinite Armor 800B47A0 03E8 ; [ Killer Loop (Europe) {SLES-01878} ] :SLES-01878 #Have All Killer Loop Modes D0010116 6C68 8006417A FFFF #Unlock All Ships & Tracks D0010116 6C68 50000602 0000 80064810 0101 #Never Lose Energy D0016F92 8CE2 8001273E 2402 D0016F92 8CE2 8001273C FFFF #Infinite Magnet Energy D0016F92 8CE2 800133AA 3C00 #Time Stays At 0:00:00 D00167B4 1021 80016822 3C00 D00167B4 1021 800167BA 3C00 #Quick Win Press Select before start of race 8008836A 0300 D0081712 FFFE 80190F78 0301 D0081712 FFFE 80191624 0301 D0081712 FFFE 801DCA8C 0301 D0081712 FFFE 801A9EB0 0301 D0081712 FFFE 800CC088 0301 D0081712 FFFE 801D7ED4 0301 D0081712 FFFE 800CF394 0301 D0081712 FFFE 801C7BAC 0301 #Have 25% Fast Modes D0010116 6C68 80064178 FFFF ; [ Killing Time (USA) (Prototype) {SLUS-00390} ] ; [ Killing Zone (Europe) {SLES-00446} ] ; [ Killing Zone (Japan) {SLPS-00296} ] :SLPS-00296 #P1 Infinite Energy 8008B9B0 0100 #P1 No Energy 8008B9B0 0000 #P2 Infinite Energy 800C85C4 0100 #P2 No Energy 800C85C4 0000 #Infinite Time 8008B800 0063 ; [ Kimagure My Baby: Musume no Sugoroku Seichouki (Japan) {SLPS-01177} ] :SLPS-01177 #Have lots of money 901FC0D8 0098961C ; [ Kimero!! Hero Gakuen: Eiyuu ni Kotae Nashi (Japan) {SLPS-02545} ] :SLPS-02545 #First character max stats 8007754A 03E7 8007754E 03E7 80077550 03E7 8007754C 03E7 80077552 03E7 90077554 03E703E7 90077558 03E703E7 #Second character max stats 800775FC 03E7 90077600 03E703E7 800775FE 03E7 90077604 03E703E7 90077608 03E703E7 8007760C 03E7 #Third character max stats 800776AE 03E7 800776B2 03E7 800776B4 03E7 800776B0 03E7 800776B6 03E7 900776B8 03E703E7 900776BC 03E703E7 #Fourth character max stats 90077760 03E703E7 90077764 03E703E7 90077768 03E703E7 9007776C 03E703E7 80077770 03E7 #Fifth character max stats 80077812 03E7 90077814 03E703E7 90077818 03E703E7 9007781C 03E703E7 90077820 03E703E7 ; [ Kimi ni Steady (Japan) {SLPS-02965} ] :SLPS-02965 #All Unlock CG & Mini-games Maybe need to save 8008AC9C 01FF D01B87C0 10B4 801B8820 FFFF D01B87C0 10B4 801B8822 2404 ; [ Kimi no Kimochi, Boku no Kokoro: I've Posessed Your Body! (Japan) (The Best Takaramono) {SLPS-03072} ] ; [ Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo: Hihoutou Aratanaru Sangeki (Japan) {SLPS-00601} ] :SLPS-00601 #Item (Use To Find Kutsuhimo) 801002BE 000B 901002C0 06050301 901002C4 0A090807 801002C8 0C0B #Add Character Data 801002CE 0101 901002D0 01010101 901002D4 01010101 901002D8 01010101 901002DC 01010101 ; [ Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo: Jigoku Yuuen Satsujin Jiken (Japan) {SLPS-01340 | SLPS-01341} ] ; [ King of Bowling (Japan) {SLPS-00092} ] ; [ King of Bowling 2 (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02916} ] ; [ King of Bowling 3 (Europe) {SLES-04049} ] ; [ King of Parlor (Japan) {SLPS-00524} ] :SLPS-00524 #Have 999999 money 9010F8D8 00989676 ; [ King of Parlor 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01423} ] :SLPS-01423 #Have 999999 money 900E70C8 00989676 ; [ King of Producer (Japan) {SLPS-01124} ] :SLPS-01124 #Have 99999 money 901815D4 0001869F ; [ King of Stallion (Japan) {SLPS-00247} ] :SLPS-00247 #Infinite Money 9009E474 000F423F ; [ King's Field (Europe) {SCES-00510} ] :SCES-00510 #Infinite Energy 8019B4D8 03E7 #Infinite Energy Refresh 8019B4DE 1388 #Infinite Magic Points 8019B4DC 03E7 #Infinite Magic Points Refresh 8019B4E2 1388 #Infinite Gold 8019B4F0 7530 #High Strength 80199438 0064 #Rapid Weapon Use 8019B4EE 1388 #High Magic Powers 8019B4CE 0064 #Infinite Hitpoints 80199426 00FA 80199428 00FA #Infinite Magicpoints 8019942A 00FA 8019942C 00FA #Quick Gun-Using 8019942E 1388 #Quick Magic-Using 80199432 1388 #Much Gold 80199440 C350 #High Str-Value 80199438 0064 #High Mag-Value 8019943E 0064 #Mega-Offensive 90199444 00640064 90199448 00640064 9019944C 00640064 90199450 00640064 #Mega-Defensive 80199456 0064 90199458 00640064 9019945C 00640064 90199460 00640064 90199464 00640064 ; [ King's Field (Japan) {SLPS-00017} ] :SLPS-00017 #Infinite HP (ENG TRANLATION) 900A0790 03E703E7 #Infinite MP (ENG TRANLATION) 900A0794 03E703E7 #Have 999999 Gold (ENG TRANLATION) 900A07AC 000F423F #Infinite HP 90016664 00000000 8002358A 0000 #Infinite MP 800193B2 0000 800156AA 0000 #Infinite Money 900A07AC 000F423F #Max Exp 80016090 0000 #Exp 999999 900A0780 0098967F #Level 99 800A0788 0063 #Magic / Power 255 800A07A6 00FF 800A07A8 00FF #Stats 255 50000C02 0000 800A07B0 00FF ; [ King's Field II (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91003} ] ; [ King's Field II (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03579} ] ; [ King's Field II (Japan) {SLPS-00069} ] :SLPS-00069 #Max Gold 901984FC 0098967F #Infinite HP 800244E6 0040 #Infinite MP 80027362 0040 800273EA 0040 #ITEMS 99x 50001702 0000 8009A632 0063 #EXP 999999 901984D0 0098967F #LV 99 801984D8 0063 #STATUS 255 901984F8 00FF00FF 50000802 0000 80198500 270F 50000902 0000 80198512 270F ; [ King's Field III (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03580} ] ; [ King's Field III (Japan) {SLPS-00377} ] :SLPS-00377 #MAX Gold 901B1E34 0098967F #Infinite HP 8002A18A 0040 #Infinite MP 8002DAB2 0040 8002DBE4 0040 #Experience value MAX After defeat the enemy 80029DB6 1400 #POWER gauge MAX 8002D8D6 1400 8002D8F2 A020 #MAGIC gauge MAX 8002FC96 1400 #Physical strength, intelligence MAX 801B1E24 03E7 801B1E30 0004 ; [ King's Field III: Pilot Style (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80029} ] ; [ Kingsley's Adventure (Europe) {SCES-01659} ] :SCES-01659 #Infinite Health 800E856A 000C #Have Dagger 800D1B72 0001 #Have Crossbow 800D1BEA 0001 #Infinite Arrows 800E85CA 0063 #Infinite Ammo After Pickup 80047502 3C00 #Infinite Coins 800E85C4 0031 #Have All Keys 50000D02 0000 800E85E0 0001 #Infinite Lives 800E8600 0063 #Playing Time 800E7798 0000 ; [ Kinniku Banzuke Vol. 1: Ore ga Saikyou no Otoko da! (Japan) {SLP-86381} ] ; [ Kinniku Banzuke Vol. 2: Arata naru Genkai e no Chousen! (Japan) {SLP-86457} ] ; [ Kinniku Banzuke Vol. 3: Saikyou no Challenger Tanjou! (Japan) {SLP-86950} ] ; [ Kinniku Banzuke: Road to Sasuke (Japan) {SLP-86490} ] ; [ Kirikou aka Kirikou: The Game (Europe) {SLES-03676} ] :SLES-03676 #Invincibility 800644E8 0000 #999 Bubbles 800644B2 03E7 #Have Weapon - First Level - Press Select D0062242 FFFE 8015AC8C 0001 #Infinite Lives 800644D6 6301 #Infinite Energy 800644E0 00C8 #All Teachings Mastered 800644B0 FFFF #Infinite Jump D0062242 BFFF 800644C8 0001 D0062242 BFDF 800644C8 0001 #Level 1 The Savannah 8006443C 0001 #Level 2 The Marshlands 8006443C 0002 #Level 3 The Forest 8006443C 0003 #Level 4 The Large Embankment 8006443C 0004 #Level 5 The Cave 8006443C 0005 #Level 6 The Rocky Plateau 8006443C 0006 #Level 7 Karaba's Cabin 8006443C 0007 #Level 8 Bonus 8006443C 0008 ; [ Kirikou aka Kirikù (Europe) {SLES-03677} ] :SLES-03677 #Have 99 Lives 80064587 0063 #Infinite Energy 80064590 00C8 #Have 999 bubbles 80064562 03E7 #Invinicble 80064598 0000 #All Teaching Mastered 80064560 FFFF #Level 1 The Savannah 800644EC 0001 #Level 2 The Marshlands 800644EC 0002 #Level 3 The Forest 800644EC 0003 #Level 4 The Large Embankment 800644EC 0004 #Level 5 The Cave 800644EC 0005 #Level 6 The Rocky Plateau 800644EC 0006 #Level 7 Karaba's Cabin 800644EC 0007 #Level 8 Bonus 800644EC 0008 ; [ Kisha de Go! (Japan) {SLP-86449} ] ; [ Kita Denshi: Virtua Pachi-Slot (Japan) {SLPS-01821} ] ; [ Kita Denshi: Virtua Pachi-Slot 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02746} ] ; [ Kitty the Kool! Kabuki de Tanoshiku Odotte Ne!! (Japan) {SLPS-01566} ] :SLPS-01566 #No Faults/Mistakes 80077F58 0005 #Stage2 80077F4E 0001 #Stage3 80077F4E 0002 #Final Stage 80077F4E 0003 #All Levels at Normal Speed D0077F4E 0000 80077EA0 0078 D0077F4E 0001 80077EA0 0084 D0077F4E 0002 80077EA0 007E D0077F4E 0003 80077EA0 0090 #Fixed Speed 80077EB6 0006 #Perfect Stage Results 50000302 0000 80077F90 0000 80077F96 0030 ; [ Kiwame Daidougi (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87019} ] ; [ Kiwame Daidougi: Tsumuya Tsumazaruya (Japan) {SLPS-00379} ] ; [ Kizuna toyuu Na no Pendant with Toybox Stories (Japan) {SLPS-02681 | SLPS-02682} ] :SLPS-02681 :SLPS-02682 #Special selectable 8008AD98 2401 #Special selectable + CG Open 8008AD98 3C01 #Special selectable + CG Open + Toybox 1 8008AD98 7c01 #Special selectable + CG Open + Toybox 1 + 2 8008AD98 FC01 #TOYBOX 3 Open 3008AD9A 0001 #All CG open 3008AD9B 00FE 9008AD9C FFFEFFFF 9008ADA0 FBFBFDDA 9008ADA4 FFFF7FFF 9008ADA8 4607FFFF 3008ADAC 00D1 ; [ Klaymen Gun-Hockey (Japan) {SLPS-02424} ] :SLPS-02424 #P1 score = 99 801D53B0 0063 #Enemy score = 0 801D53CC 0000 ; [ Klaymen Klaymen 2: Skullmonkey no Gyakushuu (Japan) {SLPS-01501} ] :SLPS-01501 #Infinite HP 300A4AE7 0063 #Infinite Bullets 300A4AE3 0063 #Infinite Points 300A4AE2 0063 #Infinite Lifes 300A4AE1 0063 #Infinite All Weapons 800A4AE4 6363 300A4AE6 0063 800A4AEC 0063 ; [ Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo (Japan) {SLPS-01365} ] ; [ Klaymen Series (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90053} ] ; [ Klonoa Beach Volley: Saikyou Team Kettei-sen! (Japan) {SLPS-03433} ] :SLPS-03433 #All Characters 50001F02 0000 800CED60 0001 #Score 801C6300 0005 801C62FC 0005 #Instant Win 800CDEC0 000A ; [ Klonoa Beach Volleyball (Europe) {SCES-03922} ] :SCES-03922 #Player team has 10 points 800D0220 000A 800D0224 000A #Unlocks all extras characters, balls, modes, and courts 50000D04 0000 800D10B8 0003 ; [ Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Europe) {SCES-00942} ] ; [ Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (France) {SCES-01185} ] :SCES-01185 #Infinite Energy 8010E478 0004 #Infinite Lifes 8010E472 0006 ; [ Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Germany) {SCES-01186} ] #Alle Level zugänglich 800CAAD6 0001 #Alle 6 Blöcke Drücke R2 D00BECA2 0200 8010E476 0006 #Anzahl Kristalle 8010E474 03E7 #Hoch springen Drücke Dreieck D00BECA2 1000 80106604 2DC9 #Kann unendlich lange fliegen Halte R1 D00BECA2 0800 800BEEF2 0000 #Unendlich Herzen Drücke L2 D00BECA2 0100 8010E478 0006 #Unendlich Leben Drücke Select+L2 D00BECA2 0101 8010E472 0009 #Unsichtbar Halte L1 D00BECA2 0400 800BEEF4 000F ; [ Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Italy) {SCES-01187} ] #GodMode 8006667E 1000 800667AE 1000 #Have 6 pieces of puzzle 3010E46E 0006 #One gem gives 1 life 800739B0 0064 #MoonJump 800615B6 AC82 D00C629A BFFF 800615B6 8C82 D00C629A BFDF 800615B6 8C82 D00C629A BF7F 800615B6 8C82 #Have objects Press Select button to have key, L1 button to have red orb,L2 button green orb, R1 button to have blue orb, R2 button to have yellow orb D00C629A FFFE 300BE1AC 0001 D00C629A FBFF 300BE1AC 0002 D00C629A FEFF 300BE1AC 0003 D00C629A F7FF 300BE1AC 0004 D00C629A FDFF 300BE1AC 0005 #Start new game with 99 lives 8001E6A4 0063 8001EB08 0063 ; [ Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Spain) {SCES-01188} ] :SCES-01188 #Energia Infinita 8010E428 0006 #Tener Todas Las Piezas Del Puzzle 8010E426 0006 #Invencible 800BF21C 000F ; [ Knockout Kings 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02322} ] :SLES-02322 #Maximum career points 800C5BB8 0096 #P1 Infinite Health 9001DABC 0277082B 8001DAC6 1420 #P1 Infinite stamina 9002184C 32211000 80021852 1020 ; [ Knockout Kings 2000 (France) {SLES-02323} ] ; [ Knockout Kings 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03121} ] :SLES-03121 #Infinite Creation Points 800ED066 0096 ; [ Knockout Kings 2001 (France) {SLES-03122} ] ; [ Knockout Kings 99 (Europe) {SLES-01448} ] :SLES-01448 #P1 Invincibility 801DA626 0050 #P1 No Energy 801DA626 0000 #P1 Maximum Power 801DA654 1388 #P2 Invincibility 801DAFDA 0050 #P2 No Energy 801DAFDA 0000 ; [ Knockout Kings 99 (France) {SLES-01450} ] ; [ Kogepan: Pan mo Game o Yarurashii... (Japan) {SLPS-03499} ] :SLPS-03499 #Infinite Time puzzle mode 8019129C 0DAC #Only 1 second in running mini game mode 800BE61A 0001 ; [ Koguma-chan no Daibouken (Japan) {SLP-80195} ] ; [ Koiyohou (Japan) {SLP-86847} ] ; [ Kojima Takeo: Mahjong Teiou (Japan) {SLPS-00362} ] ; [ Kojin Kyouju: La Lecon Particuliere (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {SLP-80204} ] ; [ Koko Hore! Pukka (Japan) {SCPS-10133} ] :SCPS-10133 #Have 999999 z 900C6BA8 0098967F ; [ Kokumeikan (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91033} ] #Infinite HP / Maximum Hp Level 800A4ABA 6464 #No Poison/Confused Status 300A4B36 0000 #Infinite MP 900A4B38 0098967F #Infinite Warl 900A4B40 0098967F ; [ Kokumeikan (Japan) {SLPS-00249} ] :SLPS-00249 #P1 Infinite Energy 8007F8FE 0078 #P2 No Health 8007F99A 0000 ; [ Kon'ya mo Dorubako!! (Japan) {SLPS-01894} ] ; [ Kon'ya mo Dorubako!! 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02547} ] ; [ Kon'ya mo Dorubako!! 2001 (Japan) {SLPS-03328} ] ; [ Konami 80's Arcade Gallery (Japan) {SLP-86228} ] ; [ Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLP-86052} ] ; [ Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLP-86062} ] ; [ Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 3 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45205} ] ; [ Konami Best Collection: '96 Fuyu-'97 Haru-ban (Japan) Demo {SLP-80081} ] ; [ Konami Open Golf (Europe) {SLES-00337} ] :SLES-00337 #Only one shot 801FFE44 0001 ; [ Koneko mo Issho (Japan) {SCPS-10127} ] ; [ Konohana: TrueReport (Japan) {SLP-86791} ] ; [ Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00970} ] :SLPS-00970 #P1 Infinite Hearts 800818D2 0003 #P2 Infinite Hearts 800818EE 0003 #P1 Infinite Money Bar 8007810A 0140 #Child support MAX 90081B38 3B9AC9FE #Quota remaining one question 3008193C 0001 3008193E 0001 #Wedding suddenly 80081B2E 0001 ; [ Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan) {SLPS-00970} ] :SLPS-00970 #P1 Infinite Hearts 800818D2 0003 #P2 Infinite Hearts 800818EE 0003 #P1 Infinite Money Bar 8007810A 0140 #Child support MAX 90081B38 3B9AC9FE #Quota remaining one question 3008193C 0001 3008193E 0001 #Wedding suddenly 80081B2E 0001 ; [ Koten Tsumego Shuu: Shijin no Maki (Japan) (VAP Best Thanks 1800) {SLPS-02593} ] ; [ Kotobuki Grand Prix (Europe) {SLES-04007} ] :SLES-04007 #Always 1st Place 3007C0AC 0001 #Max $ 3007BD34 000A #Unlock All Characters 3007BD30 000F #P1 All Weapons 50000F01 0001 300DF558 0000 #P2 All Weapons 50000F01 0000 300DF568 0000 #Max All Stats D00DDA0E 0000 50000502 0000 800DDA10 0005 ; [ Kotobuki Grand Prix: Mezase! Genchari King (Japan) {SLP-86926} ] ; [ Koudelka (Europe) {SLES-02897 | SLES-12897 | SLES-22897 | SLES-32897} ] :SLES-02897 :SLES-12897 :SLES-22897 :SLES-32897 #No random battles On (Press L2) D00B712A FBFF 80073072 2442 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons D008B2E0 1823 8008B2E2 0060 #Infinite HP Koudelka 801D13C4 270F #Max Hp Koudelka 801D13C6 270F #Infinite MP Koudelka 801D13D4 270F #Infinite HP James 801CDFC4 270F #Max Hp James 801CDFC6 270F #Infinite MP James 801CDFD4 270F #Max Mp James 801CDFD6 270F #Infinite HP Edward 801CF9C4 270F #Max Hp Edward 801CF9C6 270F #Infinite MP Edward 801CF9D4 270F #Max Mp Edward 801CF9D6 270F ; [ Koudelka (France) {SLES-02898 | SLES-12898 | SLES-22898 | SLES-32898} ] :SLES-02898 :SLES-12898 :SLES-22898 :SLES-32898 #Infinite Ammo All Weapons D008B312 A083 8008B312 2A00 #Infinite MP All Characters D008AC0A A602 8008AC0A 2A00 #No random battles On (Press L1) D00B709A FDFF 80072FF2 2442 ; [ Koudelka (Germany) {SLES-02899 | SLES-12899 | SLES-22899 | SLES-32899} ] :SLES-02899 :SLES-12899 :SLES-22899 :SLES-32899 #Koudelka Unendlich GP 801D13C0 270F #Koudelka Unendlich MP 801D13D0 270F #Edward Unendlich GP 801CF9C0 270F #Edward Unendlich MP 801CF9D0 270F #James Unendlich GP 801CDFC0 270F #James Unendlich MP 801CDFD0 270F #Unendlich Gegenstände / Munition D008B3EE AE00 8008B3F0 0000 D008B3EE AE00 8008B3F2 0000 ; [ Koudelka (Italy) {SLES-02900 | SLES-12900 | SLES-22900 | SLES-32900} ] ; [ Koudelka (Japan) (Promotion-ban) {SLP-80489} ] ; [ Koudelka (Japan) Demo {SLP-80490} ] ; [ Koudelka (Japan) {SLPS-02460 | SLPS-02461 | SLPS-02462 | SLPS-02463} ] :SLPS-02460 :SLPS-02461 :SLPS-02462 :SLPS-02463 #Fast Max Hp 801FC504 03E6 #Fast Max Mp 801FC52C 03E6 #Koudelka Infinite & Max HP 901D141C 270F270F #Koudelka Infinite & Max MP 901D142C 02E702E7 #Koudelka Level 99 801D1476 6301 #All character appearance 801D94C2 0300 #Door is opened without the key:Press Select D00B594A FFFE 801D93FE 2000 D00B594A FFFE 801D93F8 0800 D00B594A FFFE 801D93FC 4280 D00B594A FFFE 801D9400 0288 D00B594A FFFE 801D9402 0021 #1 Fight For Max Level D0089968 0540 8008996A 8C80 D0089968 0540 80089964 FFFF D0089968 0540 80089966 2403 #No Random Battles D00715F2 2442 800715F0 0000 #MAX proficiency in the use of a single weapon , Magic D008A022 3042 8008A020 0BE7 D008A022 3042 8008A022 2402 #Including bullet gun that does not decrease even if I use the item D0089ACC 008C 80089ACE 1400 #Does not decrease bow Crossbow D0089A28 008C 80089A2A 1400 ; [ Koudelka (Spain) {SLES-02901 | SLES-12901 | SLES-22901 | SLES-32901} ] :SLES-02901 :SLES-12901 :SLES-22901 :SLES-32901 #Infinite Energy Koudelka 801D13C0 270F #Infinite MP Koudelka 801D13D0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Edward 801CF9C0 270F #Infinite MP Edward 801CF9D0 03E7 #Infinite Energy James 801CDFC0 270F #Infinite MP James 801CDFD0 03E7 #No random battles 801D11C8 0821 ; [ Kougien CD-ROM 2000-nen Natsu-ban (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80567} ] ; [ Koukai Sarenakatta Shuki (Japan) {SLPS-00684} ] :SLPS-00684 #9999900 money 801FA948 4E1F #Infinite Energy 801FA964 0022 #Oil 99 times 801FA94A 0063 #99 this match 801FA94C 0063 #99 rounds of ammunition 801FA94E 0063 ; [ Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PAPX-90020} ] ; [ Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell (Japan) (Taiken Movie CD-ROM) {PCPX-96068} ] ; [ Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell (Japan) {SCPS-10043} ] :SCPS-10043 #Mission 1 Infinite Energy 80120258 00C8 #Mission 2 Infinite Energy 8011F390 00C8 #Mission 3 Infinite Energy 80120C30 00C8 #Mission 3 Freeze Timer 80120C24 0DF7 #Mission 4 Infinite Energy 801227A4 00C8 #Mission 4 Freeze Timer 80122798 0DF7 #Mission 5 Infinite Energy 8011FD4C 00C8 #Mission 6 Infinite Energy 801276E4 00C8 #Mission 6 Freeze Timer 801276D8 0DF7 #Mission 7 Infinite Energy 80125D04 00C8 #Mission 8 Infinite Energy 801204A8 00C8 #Mission 9 Infinite Energy 801253E4 00C8 #Mission 9 Freeze Timer 801253D8 0DF7 #Mission 10 Infinite Energy 80125084 00C8 #Mission 11 Infinite Energy 80122F84 00C8 #Mission 12 Infinite Energy 8012BD50 00C8 #MOVIE REPLAY fully open 50000802 0000 800140A4 0101 300140B4 0001 #All selection stage (L1 + L2) D003E356 FAFF 300140B8 000D ; [ Kouklotheatro: Yuukyuu no Hitomi (Japan) (Value 1500) {SLPS-03283} ] ; [ Koukyaku Kikou Shidan: Bein Panzer (Japan) {SCPS-10137} ] ; [ Kouryuu Sangoku Engi (Japan) {SLPS-00577} ] ; [ Koushien V (Japan) {SLPS-00729} ] ; [ Kouyasai: A Sherd of Youthful Memories (Japan) (Promotion-you Special Disc) {SLP-80420} ] ; [ Kowai Shashin: Shinrei Shashin Kitan (Japan) {SLPS-03454} ] :SLPS-03454 #Infinite Spiritual energy 800FFA7F 012C #Max Spiritual Energy 800FFA7E 2710 #Do not reduce exorcism mark timer 300FFC3A 0059 #0 endurance of the spirit 800FFA90 0000 #Lap four clear count - Unlocked ghost photo mode,Portrait woven scarlet mode & secret photo album woven Scarlet Mode 3009FE2A 0003 ; [ Kowloon's Gate (Japan) (Special Disc) {SLP-80080} ] ; [ Kowloon's Gate: Kowloon Fuusuiden (Byakko) (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45014 | SCPS-45015 | SCPS-45016 | SCPS-45017} ] ; [ Krazy Ivan (Europe) {SLES-00084} ] :SLES-00084 #Infinite Armor 800C4CD0 0064 800C4CD4 0064 800C4CD8 0032 800C4CDC 0032 800C4CE0 0032 800C4CE4 0032 800C4CE8 0032 800C4CEC 0064 #Infinite Ammo 8008D1A4 012C 8008D1A8 00FA 8008D1AC 003C 8008D1B0 0046 #Infinite Missiles 8008D1D4 000A 8008D1D8 000A 8008D1DC 000A 8008D1E0 000A 8008D1E4 000A 8008D1E8 000A #Infinite Specials 8008D1B4 0005 8008D1B8 0003 8008D1BC 0001 8008D1C0 0001 8008D1C4 0001 8008D1C8 0001 #Max Energy-Cores 80089670 00D0 #Cannon-Cooler 800D1C6C 0000 #Stops Timer 800C4CF2 0009 ; [ Krazy Ivan (France) {SLES-00128} ] ; [ Krazy Ivan (Germany) {SLES-00127} ] :SLES-00127 #Unendlich Schilde 800C4D9C 0064 800C4DA0 0064 800C4DA4 0032 800C4DA8 0032 800C4DAC 0032 800C4DB0 0032 800C4DB4 0032 800C4DB8 0064 #Unendlich Munition 8008D270 012C 8008D274 00FA 8008D278 003C 8008D27C 0046 #Unendlich Raketen 8008D2A0 000A 8008D2A4 000A 8008D2A8 000A 8008D2AC 000A 8008D2B0 000A 8008D2B4 000A #Unendlich Specials 8008D280 0005 8008D284 0003 8008D288 0001 8008D28C 0001 8008D290 0001 8008D294 0001 #Max. Energy-Cores 8008973C 00D0 #LaserküHler 800D1D38 0000 #HäLt Zeit An 800C4DBE 0009 ; [ Krazy Ivan (Italy) {SLES-00125} ] ; [ Krazy Ivan (Japan) {SLPS-00492} ] :SLPS-00492 #All stages 800815D0 0000 800815D4 0000 800815D8 0000 800815DC 0000 800815E0 0000 #Infinie Armor 800BD1A4 0064 800BD1A8 0064 800BD1AC 0032 800BD1B0 0032 800BD1B4 0032 800BD1B8 0032 800BD1BC 0032 800BD1C0 0064 #Infinite Weapons 80085478 012C 80085454 03E7 800854A8 0009 80085488 0005 8008547C 012C 8008549C 0009 800854BC 0009 80085480 012C #Infinite Time 800BD1C6 0009 #MaxCORE energy 8009A890 0000 ; [ Krazy Ivan (Spain) {SLES-00126} ] ; [ Kula World (Europe) {SCES-01000} ] :SCES-01000 #Infinite Time 800A2E90 12A0 800A52C8 12A0 #Infinite Points = Infinite Retries 800A4F74 FFFF 800A59A0 FFFF #Stop Timer 800A52C8 0BD4 #Invincibility 800B9DEA 0000 #Press Select To Finish Level D00A50BC 0001 800A47A8 0001 ; [ KulaQuest (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96121} ] ; [ KulaQuest (Japan) {SCPS-10064} ] :SCPS-10064 #Bonus Stage (Press Start At Config Mode) 80093FF8 0002 #Max Score 90093E88 FF00FFFF #Timer Without Restrictive Time 800932BC 1B00 ; [ Kuma no Pooh-tarou: Sora wa Pink da! Zen'in Shuugou!! (Japan) {SLPS-00115} ] :SLPS-00115 #P1 Infinite Energy 80068850 0064 #P1 Have 9 bombs 8009DFD8 0009 #P1 Have 9 Hammers 8009DFE4 0009 #P1 Have 9 Blocks 8009DFE0 0009 #P1 Have 9 Toges 8009DFDC 0009 #P1 Have 9 Drinks 8009DFE8 0009 #P1 Have 9 Jets 8009DFEC 0009 ; [ Kumitate Battle Kuttu Ketto (Japan) {SLPS-01208} ] :SLPS-01208 #Infinite HP Character 1 801BE87C 0100 #Infinite HP Character 2 801BE5FC 0100 #Infinite HP Character 3 801BE73C 0100 ; [ Kuon no Kizuna (Japan) {SLPS-01676} ] :SLPS-01676 #Open CG mode (You need save data) 300538BA 0001 #CG Mode Unlock all galleries (You need save data) 900DECC0 FFFFFFFF 900DECC4 FFFFFFFF 900DECC8 FFFFFFFF 800DECCC FFFF 300DECCE 0007 #Physical fitness of the law surgery combat / hero Max 30050EFB 000A #Physical fitness of the law surgery battle / enemy is 0 300538C2 0000 #Storage of Kuon + 01h 300DEF80 0001 300DEFF2 0001 #Law surgery combat / time limit 800DEFE8 FFFF ; [ Kurashi Iki! Iki! PlayStation Welcome Disc (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90045} ] ; [ Kuro no Juusan (Japan) {SLPS-00505} ] ; [ Kuru Kuru Cube (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86634} ] ; [ Kuru Kuru Maru Maru (Japan) {SLP-86785} ] ; [ Kuru Kuru Panic (Japan) {SLPS-00651} ] ; [ Kuru Kuru Twinkle: Onegai Ohoshi-sama (Japan) {SLPS-00432} ] ; [ Kurushi (Europe) {SCES-00866} ] :SCES-00866 #Start At Last Part Of Stage 3006D588 0303 #Select Stage\1 8006D648 0001 #Select Stage\2 8006D648 0002 #Select Stage\3 8006D648 0003 #Select Stage\4 8006D648 0004 #Select Stage\5 8006D648 0005 #Select Stage\6 8006D648 0006 #Select Stage\7 8006D648 0007 #Select Stage\8 8006D648 0008 ; [ Kurushi Final aka Kurushi Final: Das Ultimative Puzzle (Germany) {SCES-02011} ] ; [ Kurushi Final aka Kurushi Final: El Rompecabezas Elevado al Cubo (Spain) {SCES-02013} ] ; [ Kurushi Final aka Kurushi Final: Il Puzzle Game in 3D (Italy) {SCES-02012} ] ; [ Kurushi Final aka Kurushi Final: Mental Blocks (Europe) {SCES-02009} ] ; [ Kurushi Final aka Kurushi Final: Musclez Votre Cerveau (France) {SCES-02010} ] ; [ Kyaiin no Tanoshi Mail: PS. I Love You (Japan) {SLP-86447} ] ; [ Kyoto Maiko Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-03193} ] ; [ Kyoufu Shinbun (Japan) {SLPS-00503} ] ; [ Kyousouba Ikusei Simulation: Derby Stallion (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00777} ] :SLPS-00777 #First Horse Status 800EAAEC FFFF 800EAAEA FFFF 800EAAF0 FFFF 800EAAEE FFFF #Second Horse Status 800EAB5A FFFF 900EAB5C FFFFFFFF 800EAB60 FFFF #Infinite Money 99999 900E7D30 000F423F #Money 9.9 billion yen 900E7D18 05E69EC0 #Hidden foreign stallions all unlocked 800E7FAA FFFF 900E7FAC FFFFFFFF 900E7FB0 FFFFFFFF 900E7FB4 FFFFFFFF 900E7FB8 FFFFFFFF 900E7FBC FFFFFFFF 900E7FC0 FFFFFFFF 900E7FC4 FFFFFFFF 900E7FC8 FFFFFFFF 900E7FCC FFFFFFFF 800E7FD0 FFFF ; [ Kyousouba Ikusei Simulation: Derby Stallion (Japan) {SLPS-00777} ] :SLPS-00777 #First Horse Status 800EAAEC FFFF 800EAAEA FFFF 800EAAF0 FFFF 800EAAEE FFFF #Second Horse Status 800EAB5A FFFF 900EAB5C FFFFFFFF 800EAB60 FFFF #Infinite Money 99999 900E7D30 000F423F #Money 9.9 billion yen 900E7D18 05E69EC0 #Hidden foreign stallions all unlocked 800E7FAA FFFF 900E7FAC FFFFFFFF 900E7FB0 FFFFFFFF 900E7FB4 FFFFFFFF 900E7FB8 FFFFFFFF 900E7FBC FFFFFFFF 900E7FC0 FFFFFFFF 900E7FC4 FFFFFFFF 900E7FC8 FFFFFFFF 900E7FCC FFFFFFFF 800E7FD0 FFFF ; [ Kyousouba Ikusei Simulation: Derby Stallion 99 (Japan) {SLPS-02299} ] :SLPS-02299 #Infinite Money (99999) 900EE8E4 000F4236 ; [ Kyoutei Wars Makuru 6 (Japan) {SLPS-03451} ] :SLPS-03451 #First piece prop stats max 900DC5BC 00640064 900DC5C0 00640064 #Handsome prop stats max 800DC5E0 0064 900DC5E4 00640064 800DC5E8 0064 #Prop comedian stats max 900DC604 00640064 900DC608 00640064 ; [ Kyuu Bakukku (Japan) {SLPS-00622} ] ; [ Kyuukyoku no Soukoban (Japan) {SLPS-00475} ] :SLPS-00475 #Infinite Steps 80067F70 0000 ; [ Kyuutenkai (Japan) {SLPS-00031} ] :SLPS-00031 #Infinite MP 900397E4 00000000 #Infinite Opm 800ADE38 03E8 #Fatal Strike 800391FA 0063 ; [ L no Kisetsu: A Piece of Memories (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-02203} ] :SLPS-02203 #All options to choose from 50004102 0000 8012C3F6 FFFF #100% CG achievement rate 50001701 0000 3012B174 00FF #100% root achievement rate 50006C01 0000 3012B18C 00FF #All character appearance Reality world 3012B000 007F #All character appearance Fantasy world 3012B001 007F #Emotional value and the impression good Tianyu Midori 3012B004 0022 3012B002 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Yumikura Sayaka 3012B018 0022 3012B016 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good ingyuan lily 3012B02C 0022 3012B02A 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Higashiyuri drum 3012B040 0022 3012B03E 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Kusakabe Minato 3012B054 0022 3012B052 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Yumikura Akiko 3012B068 0022 3012B066 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Suzuka 3012B090 0022 3012B08C 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good MizuumiJun Lilith 3012B0A4 0022 3012B0A2 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Kiri-jo Nanakoromo 3012B0B8 0022 3012B0B6 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Korikari snowstorm 3012B0CC 0022 3012B0CA 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Eliza Nointeta 3012B0E0 0022 3012B0DE 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good MaiNami Yuki 3012B0F4 0022 3012B0F2 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Uno Du Shiina 3012B07C 0022 #Emotional value and the impression good Li Sa 3012B108 0022 ; [ L no Kisetsu: A Piece of Memories (Japan) {SLPS-02204} ] :SLPS-02204 #All options to choose from 50004102 0000 8012C3F6 FFFF #100% CG achievement rate 50001701 0000 3012B174 00FF #100% root achievement rate 50006C01 0000 3012B18C 00FF #All character appearance Reality world 3012B000 007F #All character appearance Fantasy world 3012B001 007F #Emotional value and the impression good Tianyu Midori 3012B004 0022 3012B002 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Yumikura Sayaka 3012B018 0022 3012B016 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good ingyuan lily 3012B02C 0022 3012B02A 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Higashiyuri drum 3012B040 0022 3012B03E 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Kusakabe Minato 3012B054 0022 3012B052 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Yumikura Akiko 3012B068 0022 3012B066 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Suzuka 3012B090 0022 3012B08C 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good MizuumiJun Lilith 3012B0A4 0022 3012B0A2 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Kiri-jo Nanakoromo 3012B0B8 0022 3012B0B6 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Korikari snowstorm 3012B0CC 0022 3012B0CA 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Eliza Nointeta 3012B0E0 0022 3012B0DE 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good MaiNami Yuki 3012B0F4 0022 3012B0F2 0002 #Emotional value and the impression good Uno Du Shiina 3012B07C 0022 #Emotional value and the impression good Li Sa 3012B108 0022 ; [ L'Amerzone (France) {SLES-02346 | SLES-12346} ] ; [ L'Arc-en-Ciel: Light my Fire (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80299} ] ; [ L'Invasion Vient de l'Espace (France) {SLES-01573} ] ; [ L'ile LEGO 2: La Revanche de Cassbrik (France) {SLES-03303} ] ; [ LEGO Eiland 2: De Wraak van Dondersteen (Netherlands) {SLES-03301} ] ; [ LEGO Insel 2: Der Steinbrecher kehrt zurück (Germany) {SLES-03304} ] ; [ LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Europe) {SLES-03299} ] ; [ LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Norway) {SLES-03306} ] ; [ LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Portugal) {SLES-03309} ] ; [ LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Spain) {SLES-03307} ] ; [ LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Sweden) {SLES-03308} ] ; [ LEGO Isola 2: La Rivincita del Briccone (Italy) {SLES-03305} ] ; [ LEGO Racers (Europe) {SLES-01207} ] ; [ LEGO Rock Raiders (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01690} ] :SLES-01690 #Ammo 801E6CA0 61A8 #Timer 8009E6EC 0000 #Lego-Ore 800AE218 FFFF #Red Crystal 800AE21C FFFF #Green Crystal 800AE220 FFFF #Saved Rock Raiders 800AE228 FFFF ; [ LEGO Rock Raiders (Europe) {SLES-01690} ] :SLES-01690 #Ammo 801E6CA0 61A8 #Timer 8009E6EC 0000 #Lego-Ore 800AE218 FFFF #Red Crystal 800AE21C FFFF #Green Crystal 800AE220 FFFF #Saved Rock Raiders 800AE228 FFFF ; [ LEGO Øen 2: Kim Cool's Hævn (Denmark) {SLES-03300} ] ; [ LMA Manager (Europe) {SLES-01016} ] :SLES-01016 #Infinite Money\Wimbledon 8018FF14 E100 8018FF12 05F5 #Infinite Money\Manchester United 9018F41C 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Arsenal 9018E7EC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Aston Villa 9018E924 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\West Ham Utd 9018FDDC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Tottenham Hotspur 9018FB6C 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Leicester City 9018F1AC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Newcastle Utd 9018F68C 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Derby County 9018EE04 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Watford 9018FCA4 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Bradford City 9018EA5C 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Chelsea 9018EB94 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Everton 9018EF3C 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Coventry City 9018ECCC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Southampton 9018F8FC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Leeds Utd 9018F074 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Liverpool 9018F2E4 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Middlesbrough 901935EC 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Sheffield Wednesday 9018F554 05F5E100 #Infinite Money\Sunderland 9018FA34 05F5E100 ; [ LMA Manager 2001 (Europe) {SLES-02975} ] :SLES-02975 #£500 million 800CA5DC 4000 ; [ LMA Manager 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03603} ] ; [ LNF Stars 2001 (France) {SLES-03064} ] ; [ La Cité des Enfants Perdus (France) Demo {SLED-00734} ] ; [ La Cité des Enfants Perdus (France) {SLES-00573} ] ; [ La Ciudad de los niños perdidos (Spain) {SLES-00638} ] ; [ Lady Maid (Japan) {SLP-87157} ] ; [ Lagnacure (Japan) (Artdink Best Choice) {SLPS-02833} ] ; [ Lagnacure (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45120} ] ; [ Lake Masters (Japan) {SLPS-00408} ] ; [ Lake Masters 2: Bass Fishing in Japan (Japan) (Fukkokuban) {SLPS-02069} ] ; [ Lake Masters 2: Bass Fishing in Japan (Japan) {SLPS-01342} ] ; [ Land Maker (Japan) {SLP-86394} ] ; [ Land Maker aka Landmaker (Europe) {SLES-02682} ] :SLES-02682 #P1 Arcade mode Lots of points D0068C8A FFFE 801DBF54 FFFF #Puzzle mode always zero retries D0039DC8 0001 800396DC 0000 #Population A+-Rating (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D0068C8A F0FF 801FBF0C A300 D0068C8A F0FF 801FBF0E 11E1 #Area unlocked Riverfront 30068DBE 007F #Area unlocked Shach 30068DBE 00FF #Area unlocked Bang-Ceng 80068DBE 11FF #Area unlocked Blackwood 80068DBE 13FF #Area unlocked Shing-Shee 80068DBE 17FF #Area unlocked Le Hikat 80068DBE 1FFF ; [ Langrisser I & II (Japan) (Shokai Gentei Special Package) {SLPS-00896} ] :SLPS-00896 #Langrisser 1 Have Large Power 800B81EA 1463 800B8242 1463 800B82F2 1463 800B828A 1463 800B834A 1463 800B83A2 1463 800B83FA 1463 #Langrisser 1 Infinite Money 800A8EDE 2700 #Langrisser 1 Infinite MP 8002B106 A983 #Langrisser 1 Max EXP 800B81EA 03FF #Langrisser 1 Max Status 800B81E2 6300 900B81E4 63636363 800B81E8 0163 #Langrisser 1 Redin HP MAX 300B81A3 000A #Langrisser 1 Redin MAX level 300B81E9 0063 #Langrisser 2 - Infinite HP main character 800B393B 000A #Langrisser 2 - Infinite HP second character 800B3993 000A #Langrisser 2 - Have Large Power 800B3982 1463 800B39DA 1463 800B3A32 1463 800B3A8A 1463 800B3AE2 1463 800B3B3A 1463 800B3B92 1463 800B3BEA 1463 #Langrisser 2 - Infinite Money 800A47CE 7FFF #Langrisser 2 - Infinite MP 80029C26 A983 ; [ Langrisser I & II (Japan) {SLP-86798} ] ; [ Largo Winch: Commando SAR aka Largo Winch .//Commando SAR (Europe) {SLES-03688} ] :SLES-03688 #Infinite Energy 800DF6CE 0063 ; [ Largo Winch: Commando SAR aka Largo Winch .//Commando SAR (France) {SLES-03687} ] ; [ Las Vegas Dream 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00732} ] :SLPS-00732 #Have 9999999 money 9011BCD8 0098967F ; [ Laser Clean (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Laser Clean (USA) (Unlicensed) {PSXCDCLEAN} ] ; [ Lattice: 200EC7 (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86491} ] ; [ Le Concert: ff: Fortissimo (Japan) {SLPS-02344} ] ; [ Le Concert: pp: Pianissimo (Japan) {SLPS-02343} ] ; [ Le Mans 24 Hours (Europe) {SLES-01362} ] :SLES-01362 #No Fuel Consution And Overheating 8008B4C2 3C00 8007FA36 3C00 8008B4C6 3C00 #Unlock all 50000B02 0000 80026FA0 0101 ; [ Le Monde Des Bleus 2 (France) Demo {SCED-03202} ] ; [ Le Monde des Bleus 2 aka Le Monde des Bleus 2: Le Jeu Officiel de Équipe de France (France) {SCES-03073} ] ; [ Le Monde des Bleus: Le Jeu Officiel de l'Équipe de France (France) {SCES-01701} ] ; [ Le Petit Dinosaure: Retour vers la Grande Vallée (France) {SLES-02982} ] ; [ Leading Jockey '99 (Japan) {SLPS-01886} ] ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Europe) Demo {SLED-02252} ] ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Europe) {SLES-01301} ] :SLES-01301 #All Abilities 800D5D0C 0020 #Infinite Glyph Power 900D5DBC 00630063 #Infinite Life Energy Material World D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DA8 A120 D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DAA 0007 #Infinite Life Spectral World D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DA8 86A0 D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DAA 0001 #All parts of emblem 800D505E 0005 #All portals open (In-Game) 800D20BE 0009 800D213E 0009 800D217E 0009 #Have all glyphs 800D5DB6 03FF ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (France) {SLES-02024} ] :SLES-02024 #Jauge d'energie max D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DA8 86A0 D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DAA 0001 D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DA8 A120 D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DAA 0007 #Energie max 800D5DA4 0004 #Toutes les Capacités 800D5DB4 FFBF #Pouvoirs Glyph 900D5DBC 00630063 ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Germany) {SLES-02025} ] :SLES-02025 #Alle Portale offen 50000640 0009 800D20BE 0000 #Unendlich Glyph-Energie 300D5DBC 0063 300D5DBE 0063 #Habe Alle Glyphen 300D5DB6 00FC #Unendlich Lebensenergie Materielle Welt D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DA8 A120 D00D5DE4 0001 800D5DAA 0007 #Unendlich Lebensenergie Spektrale Welt D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DA8 86A0 D00D5DE4 0002 800D5DAA 0001 ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Italy) {SLES-02027} ] ; [ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Spain) {SLES-02026} ] :SLES-02026 #Energia Infinita Mundo Alma Desactivar cheat antes de pasaral Mundo Material 800D5DAA 0186 #Energia Infinita Mundo Material Desactivar cheat antes de pasaral Mundo del Alma 800D5DAA 0499 #Infinite Glyph Power 800D5DBC 0063 #All Abilities (Including Shift-at-Will) ALT 800D04DA FFFF #All Forged and Special Abilities ALT 800D5DB6 FFBF ; [ Legaia Densetsu (Japan) {SCPS-10059} ] :SCPS-10059 #MAX money 901CAC0C 0098967F #99 and more items 80043338 0001 #Infinite & Max HP 901CAE7C 270F270F #Infinite & Max MP 901CAE80 270F270F #MAX level after one battle 90050B44 24027FFF 90050B4C 00221280 #AP MAX at the start of battle D01F2E28 1021 801F2E28 0064 D01F2E2A 0044 801F2E2A 2402 #No random battles D01DC7F6 0062 801DC7F6 0060 #Save anywhere Status menu The ---> ON and press the L1 button The ---> OFF and press the L2 button D0081332 FBFF 3007D458 0001 D0081332 FEFF 3007D458 0000 #MAX level in the battle of once 90050B44 24027FFF 90050B4C 00221280 #All Items 50008002 0000 801CBFC8 6301 #COIN of Wild declaration 901D61DC 0001869F #The Debug menu SELECT + ?. With SELECT + START, it enters into DEBUG MODE 3007D51F 0001 #Debug menu (R2) D007D7D8 0002 D007D8E4 0003 8007D8E4 0000 #Mini-games Simple fighting Bokosukan player HP to maximum recovery press the L2 button. D01C8F70 0001 801DE608 0C80 #Mini-games Dancing Queen Contest 999 points press the L2 button. D01C8F70 0001 801D73D4 03E7 #Mini-games Angling Hit after fished at once by pressing the R2 + square button. D01C8F70 0082 801DB818 0000 D01C8F70 0082 801DB6F0 0000 #Mini-games None Encounter 8007D3D0 00FF #Mini-games Fishing / POINT 901CAABC 000F423F #Mini-games Fishing / HISCORE 901CAAC8 0001869F #Mini-games TIME 801CABE1 9700 801CABE3 0149 #Mini-games Possession G 901CAC0C 05F5E0FF #Mini-games Time limit of the sky Castle of Zola 901CAC10 7FFFFFFF ; [ Legend (Europe) {SLES-00730} ] :SLES-00730 #P1 Infinite Energy 800AFF92 0048 #P2 Infinite Energy 800B00B2 0048 #P1 Infinite Lives 800AFF90 0009 #P2 Infinite Lives 800B00B0 0009 #P1 Infinite Magic 800AFFD8 0009 #P2 Infinite Magic 800B00F8 0009 #Infinite Time 30071940 0063 #Bosses Have No Energy 8013BD2C 0000 801493F4 0000 80150FFC 0000 80153538 0000 80132154 0000 8013145C 0000 #P1 Invincibility 800AFFD6 0001 ; [ Legend of Foresia: La Contrée Interdite (France) {SLES-01273} ] ; [ Legend of Kartia (Europe) {SLES-01710} ] :SLES-01710 #Select Chapter\1 30160BAD 0100 #Select Chapter\2 30160BAD 0101 #Select Chapter\3 30160BAD 0102 #Select Chapter\4 30160BAD 0103 #Select Chapter\5 30160BAD 0104 #Select Chapter\6 30160BAD 0105 #Select Chapter\7 30160BAD 0106 #Select Chapter\8 30160BAD 0107 #Select Chapter\9 30160BAD 0108 #Select Chapter\10 30160BAD 0109 #P1 set enemies' HP on zero (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D0081100 000F 50001E4C 0000 8005D08E 0000 #Infinite HP 1st Character 3005CB82 0064 #Infinite HP 2nd Character 3005CBCE 0064 #Infinite HP 3rd Character 3005CC1A 0064 #Infinite HP 4th Character 3005CC66 0064 #Infinite HP 5th Character 3005CCB2 0064 ; [ Legend of Legaia (Europe) {SCES-01752} ] :SCES-01752 #Gaia Max In-Battle HP 80084F1E 270F 800ECFC4 270F 800ECFEA 270F #Gaia Max In-Battle MP 80084F22 03E7 800ECFC8 03E7 800ECFEC 03E7 #Noa Max In-Battle HP 80084B0A 270F 800ECCF0 270F 800ECD16 270F #Noa Max In-Battle MP 80084B0E 03E7 800ECCF4 03E7 800ECD18 03E7 #Vahn Max In-Battle HP 800846F6 270F 800ECA1C 270F 800ECA42 270F #Vahn Max In-Battle MP 800846FA 03E7 800ECA20 03E7 800ECA44 03E7 #Infinite Gold 90084484 0015FFFF #No random battles 8007A5A4 0200 8007B4E4 0200 #Save anywhere D007B6A8 0108 8007B590 0001 D007B6A8 0102 8007B590 0000 ; [ Legend of Legaia (France) {SCES-01944} ] ; [ Legend of Legaia (Germany) {SCES-01945} ] :SCES-01945 #Infinite Gold 90085584 05F5E0FF #Gaia Max GP 9008601C 03E703E7 80086034 03E7 #Gaia Max MP 8008601E 03E7 80086020 03E7 80086036 03E7 #Noa Max GP 90085C08 03E703E7 80085C20 03E7 #Noa Max MP 90085C0C 03E703E7 80085C22 03E7 #Vahn Max GP 900857F4 03E703E7 8008580C 03E7 #Vahn Max MP 900857F8 03E703E7 8008580E 03E7 ; [ Legend of Legaia (Italy) (Promo) {SCES-01946} ] ; [ Legend of Legaia (Spain) {SCES-01947} ] :SCES-01947 #Infinite HP Vahn 900855DC 270F270F #Infinite HP Gala 90085E04 270F270F #Infinite HP Noa 900859F0 270F270F #Infinite Money 99000000 9008536C 3B023380 ; [ Legend of Legaia (USA) (Prototype) {SCPS-10059} ] :SCPS-10059 #MAX money 901CAC0C 0098967F #99 and more items 80043338 0001 #Infinite & Max HP 901CAE7C 270F270F #Infinite & Max MP 901CAE80 270F270F #MAX level after one battle 90050B44 24027FFF 90050B4C 00221280 #AP MAX at the start of battle D01F2E28 1021 801F2E28 0064 D01F2E2A 0044 801F2E2A 2402 #No random battles D01DC7F6 0062 801DC7F6 0060 #Save anywhere Status menu The ---> ON and press the L1 button The ---> OFF and press the L2 button D0081332 FBFF 3007D458 0001 D0081332 FEFF 3007D458 0000 #MAX level in the battle of once 90050B44 24027FFF 90050B4C 00221280 #All Items 50008002 0000 801CBFC8 6301 #COIN of Wild declaration 901D61DC 0001869F #The Debug menu SELECT + ?. With SELECT + START, it enters into DEBUG MODE 3007D51F 0001 #Debug menu (R2) D007D7D8 0002 D007D8E4 0003 8007D8E4 0000 #Mini-games Simple fighting Bokosukan player HP to maximum recovery press the L2 button. D01C8F70 0001 801DE608 0C80 #Mini-games Dancing Queen Contest 999 points press the L2 button. D01C8F70 0001 801D73D4 03E7 #Mini-games Angling Hit after fished at once by pressing the R2 + square button. D01C8F70 0082 801DB818 0000 D01C8F70 0082 801DB6F0 0000 #Mini-games None Encounter 8007D3D0 00FF #Mini-games Fishing / POINT 901CAABC 000F423F #Mini-games Fishing / HISCORE 901CAAC8 0001869F #Mini-games TIME 801CABE1 9700 801CABE3 0149 #Mini-games Possession G 901CAC0C 05F5E0FF #Mini-games Time limit of the sky Castle of Zola 901CAC10 7FFFFFFF ; [ Legend of Mulan (Europe) {SLES-04145} ] ; [ Legend of Pocahontas (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02955} ] ; [ Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings (Europe) {SLES-01461} ] :SLES-01461 #Enable all Stages 50006C02 0001 8004C280 0101 #Infinite Time 80084EF0 003B #Minimum Release Rate = 1 80057DEC 0001 #Only 1 Lemming To Rescue 8005CE84 0001 #Infinite Climbers 8005CEB0 0063 #Infinite Floaters 8005CEB4 0063 #Infinite Bombers 8005CEB8 0063 #Infinite Blockers 8005CEBC 0063 #Infinite Builders 8005CEC0 0063 #Infinite Bashers 8005CEC4 0063 #Infinite Miners 8005CEC8 0063 #Infinite Diggers 8005CECC 0063 #Enable All Stages 50006C02 0001 8004C280 0101 #Infinite Item Use 8002487A 3C00 #Saved Lemmings Worth Modifier 00-FF 80014880 0001 ; [ Les Boucliers de Quetzalcoatl: Les Chevaliers de Baphomet II (France) {SCES-00799} ] ; [ Les Chevaliers de Baphomet (France) {SCES-00347} ] ; [ Les Cochons de Guerre (France) {SLES-02766} ] ; [ Les Pierrafeu: Bedrock Bowling (France) {SLES-03319} ] ; [ Les Visiteurs: La Relique de Sainte Rolande (France) {SLES-02837} ] :SLES-02837 #Infinite Health 801196D4 0064 ; [ Lethal Enforcers Deluxe Pack (Japan) {SLP-86025} ] ; [ Lethal Enforcers aka Lethal Enforcers I & II (Europe) {SLES-00542} ] :SLES-00542 #Infinite Credits 80078390 0021 #P1 Infinite Health 8007835C 0009 #P1 Infinite Bullets 80078358 0016 #P2 Infinite Health 80078390 0009 #P2 Infinite Bullets 8007838C 0016 ; [ LiberoGrande (Europe) Demo {SCED-01491} ] ; [ LiberoGrande (Europe) {SCES-01430} ] :SCES-01430 #Goals Home Team 9 801287A0 0009 #Goals Home Team 0 801287A0 0000 #Goal Away Team 9 801287A4 0009 #Goal Away Team 0 801287A4 0000 #Unlock Extra Players 50000502 0000 800E4B08 0101 #Unlock All Challenges 5000031A 0000 800C4850 03FF ; [ LiberoGrande (Japan) (Preview) {SLP-80340} ] ; [ LiberoGrande (Japan) {SLPS-01681} ] :SLPS-01681 #All Hidden Players 900E9C18 01010101 900E9C1C 01010101 900E9C20 01010101 #Speed 801377B6 0080 801377BC 0080 #Short Pow 801377B8 0080 801377BE 0080 #Skill 801377BA 0080 801377C0 0080 #Our Team Score 80129200 0009 #Opponent's Team Scores 0 80129200 0000 80129204 0000 #Our Country Record\Shots 301290F6 0063 #Our Country Record\Corner Kicks 301290F7 0063 #Our Country Record\Free Kicks 301290F9 0063 #Our Country Record\P.K 301290FA 0063 #Our Country Record\Possession 901290FC 00640064 #Other Country Record\Shots 30129106 0000 #Other Country Record\Corner Kicks 30129107 0000 #Other Country Record\Free Kicks 30129109 0000 #Other Country Record\P.K 3012910A 0000 #Other Country Record\Offside 3012910B 0000 #Other Country Record\Possession 9012910C 00000000 #Other Country Record\Over Time 301290CC 0000 ; [ Liberogrande International (Europe) {SCES-03254} ] :SCES-03254 #P1 Scores 9 goals 800BAA18 0009 800BA9F8 0009 #P1 Scores no goals 800BAA18 0000 800BA9F8 0000 #P2 Scores 9 goals 800BAA60 0009 800BAA40 0009 #P2 Scores no goals 800BAA60 0000 800BAA40 0000 ; [ LifeScape 2: Body Bionics: Kyoui no Shouuchuu Jintai (Japan) {SLPS-00629} ] :SLPS-00629 #Infinite Energy 80074518 004E ; [ LifeScape: Seimei 40-okunen Haruka na Tabi (Aquasphere) (Japan) {SLPS-00185 | SLPS-00186} ] ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (Europe) Demo {SLED-00690} ] ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (Europe) {SLES-00613} ] ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (France) {SLES-00614} ] ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (Germany) {SLES-00615} ] :SLES-00615 #Infinite Ammo 80059A64 0063 #Infinite Armour 80019DD2 00C8 #Infinite Energy 80019DD0 0064 #Heartbeat High 80019DD4 00FF #Heartbeat Low 80019DD4 0001 #Have Red Key 800519C0 0001 #Have Green Key 800519C2 0001 #Have Blue Key 800519C4 0001 #Have Yellow Key 800519C6 0001 #Have Purple Key 800519C8 0001 #Have Light Blue Key 800519CA 0001 #All weapons 800662C6 0001 #All levels 800662C8 0001 ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (Italy) {SLES-00616} ] ; [ Lifeforce Tenka (Spain) {SLES-00617} ] ; [ Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken (Japan) {SLP-86015} ] ; [ Linda³ Again (Japan) {SCPS-10039} ] :SCPS-10039 #Have 99999 gold 900B9374 0001869F #Infinite HP Ken 800BC5C0 03E7 #Infinite BP Ken 800BC54C 03E7 #Infinite HP Linda 800BC5C2 03E7 #Infinite BP Linda 800BC54E 03E7 #Infinite HP Sachiko 800BC5C4 03E7 #Infinite HP Dog 800BC5C6 03E7 #I do not go through a seasonal 800B9210 0000 #All Combat available 901EBDA0 0F0F0F0F 901EBDA4 0F0F0F0F 901EBDA8 0F0F0F0F 901EBDAC 3F0F0F0F 801E9EF6 7FC3 #All Ability to move available 901FBEFC 01030301 901FBF00 02020303 901FBF04 02010201 801FBF08 0201 300B9030 003F #Defense 999 80196FDC 03E7 #Fast Level Up 800C20E0 FFFF #Offense 999 800C213C 03E7 ; [ Lion and the King (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02953} ] ; [ Lion and the King 2 (Europe) {SLES-04065} ] ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 3: Far-Fetched Frontier Tales (USA) {LSP-010350} ] ; [ Liquid Books Adventure 4: The Adventures of Adelita and Bo (USA) {LSP-010355} ] ; [ Little Big Adventure (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-XXXXX} ] ; [ Little Big Adventure (Europe) {SLES-00698} ] :SLES-00698 #Infinite Energy 800B5B00 0032 #Infinite Money 300A61A8 00FF #Infinite Keys 800A7AB4 0001 #Infinite Magic 800E388C 0014 ; [ Little Big Adventure (Japan) {SLPS-00376} ] :SLPS-00376 #Infinite Energy 800D93D6 0032 ; [ Little Lovers: She So Game (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86757 | SLP-86758} ] ; [ Live Wire! (Europe) Demo {SLED-01561} ] ; [ Live Wire! (Europe) {SLES-01332} ] :SLES-01332 #Infinite Energy 8014A926 0064 #Infinite Time 8013A1F4 000C #All levels selectable D0179570 122B 801E9194 0001 ; [ Loaded (Europe) (Platinum) {SLES-00013} ] :SLES-00013 #P1 Infinite Lives 800CDF42 001E #P1 Infinite Ammo 800CDF3E 03E8 #P1 Infinite Guns 800CDF40 0003 #P1 Max Power-Up 800CDF3C 7FFF #P2 Infinite Ammo D004B138 0002 800CDFC6 03E8 #P2 Infinite Guns D004B138 0002 800CDFC8 0003 #P2 Max Power-Up D004B138 0002 800CDFC4 7FFF #All Keys 80107AC4 000F ; [ Lode Runner: The Legend Returns (Japan) {SLPS-00182} ] :SLPS-00182 #P1 Infinite Lives 800C5CE8 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800CB398 0005 ; [ Logic Mahjong Souryuu: Yonin Uchi, Sannin Uchi (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-02880} ] ; [ Logic Pro Adventure (Japan) {SLPS-03011} ] :SLPS-03011 #P1 Have score 999999 90071424 000F423F ; [ Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town (Japan) {SLPS-00268} ] ; [ Lomax (Europe) Demo {SLED-00516} ] ; [ Lomax (Europe) {SLES-00451} ] :SLES-00451 #Infinite Money 8006D4A0 00C7 #Infinite Bridgebuilder 8006D2C0 0014 #Infinite Grabhelmet 8006D488 0014 #Infinite Lifes 8006D4B4 0009 ; [ Lomax (Japan) {SLPS-00987} ] :SLPS-00987 #Number of credits 8006E318 0005 #Lemmings rescue 8006E204 0063 #Level selection Level selection L1 + select & Start level L1 + Start 8006E140 FFFF ; [ London Racer (Europe) {SLES-02694} ] :SLES-02694 #No Damage 80074958 0000 #Infinite Warning 80074A30 0000 #No Repair Required 800D634C 0000 #Always 1st 80074978 0000 #Max Money 800D633E 00FF #Start on lap 2 800748AC 0001 ; [ London Racer II (Europe) {SLES-03822} ] :SLES-03822 #Tournament Mode Unlock Int 3007F9F4 0001 #Tournament Mode Unlock Uk 3007F9D0 0001 #Single Mode Unlock All Cars 8007F96A FFFF #Single Mode Unlock All Tracks 8007F96C FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Rholly 8007F988 FFFF 8007FC48 FFFF 8007FF08 FFFF 800801C8 FFFF 80080488 FFFF 80080748 FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Gullburgh 8007F98C FFFF 8007FC4C FFFF 8007FF0C FFFF 800801CC FFFF 8008048C FFFF 8008074C FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Richy 8007F990 FFFF 8007FC50 FFFF 8007FF10 FFFF 800801D0 FFFF 80080490 FFFF 80080750 FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Jill Valentine 8007F994 FFFF 8007FC54 FFFF 8007FF14 FFFF 800801D4 FFFF 80080494 FFFF 80080754 FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Rajit 8007F998 FFFF 8007FC58 FFFF 8007FF18 FFFF 800801D8 FFFF 80080498 FFFF 80080798 FFFF #65535 Infinite Money In Tournament Mode For Bryon 8007F99C FFFF 8007FC5C FFFF 8007FF1C FFFF 800801DC FFFF 8008049C FFFF 8008075C FFFF ; [ London Seirei Tanteidan (Japan) {SLPS-01787} ] :SLPS-01787 #No Enemies 30032584 0021 #Infinite SP During Battle 8001B246 0040 #Fast Level Up 80022782 2400 #One Fight For Level-Up 800D1254 03E7 #Max Money 900B83E8 05F5E0FF #Max Refund Points 800B83F0 C350 #1st Character\Max Hp 800B5ADE 03E7 800B5AE0 03E7 #1st Character\Max Mp 800B5AE2 03E7 800B5AE4 03E7 #1st Character\Max Status 800AB372 FFFF 900AB374 FFFFFFFF #2nd Character\Max Hp 800B5BA6 03E7 800B5BA8 03E7 #2nd Character\Max Mp 800B5BAA 03E7 800B5BAC 03E7 #2nd Character\Max Status 800AB3B6 FFFF 900AB3B8 FFFFFFFF #All Attack Items 50002401 0000 300B8424 0063 #All Items 50003001 0000 300B83F4 0063 #All Other 50001201 0000 300B850C 0063 #All Sub Items 50001001 0000 300B8448 0063 #All Weapon & Guard 5000AA01 0000 300B8458 0063 #Infinite & Max HP in battle 900CF3F0 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max SP in battle 900CF3F4 03E703E7 #None Encounter 900AA768 00000000 900AA98C 80000000 ; [ Lone Soldier (Europe) {SLES-00131} ] :SLES-00131 #Infinite Energy 800B7EB4 017F #Infinite Grenades 801F1BA8 0004 ; [ Lone Soldier (Germany) {SLES-00142} ] :SLES-00142 #Unendlich Energie 800B7FD0 0190 #Unendlich Plasma-Burst 80084314 0096 #Unendlich Photon-Geschosse 80084312 0003 #Unendlich Laserkanone 80084316 0096 ; [ Lone Soldier + Actua Soccer + Total NBA '96 + Mickey's Wild Adventure + Thunderhawk 2 + Assault Rigs (France) {SCES-00277} ] ; [ Looney Tunes Racing (Europe) {SLES-03127} ] ; [ Lord Monarch: Shin Gaia Oukokuki (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86524} ] ; [ Lord Monarch: Shin Gaia Oukokuki (Japan) {SLPS-01728} ] :SLPS-01728 #Infinite Special Value For Sun 9008028C 0001869F #Infinite Money 901DFEE0 0001869F 901DFF18 0001869F #Character Have Max King 's Value 901E0430 0001869F ; [ Lord of Monsters (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90081} ] ; [ Lord of Monsters (Japan) {SCPS-10086} ] :SCPS-10086 #Infinite Energy 8007EC80 012C ; [ Lord of the Jungle (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02951} ] ; [ Lost Children: The City of Lost Children (Japan) {SLPS-00971} ] ; [ Lost Sword: Ushinawareta Seiken (Japan) {SLPS-01307} ] :SLPS-01307 #Select Stage\2 30073B2C 0002 #Select Stage\3 30073B2C 0003 #Select Stage\4 30073B2C 0004 #Select Stage\5 30073B2C 0005 #Select Stage\6 30073B2C 0006 #Select Stage\7 30073B2C 0007 #Select Stage\8 30073B2C 0008 #Select Stage\9 30073B2C 0009 #Select Stage\10 30073B2C 000A #Select Stage\11 30073B2C 000B #Select Stage\12 30073B2C 000C #Select Stage\13 30073B2C 000D #Map display 30057438 0001 ; [ Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest aka The Lost Vikings II (Europe) {SLES-00057} ] :SLES-00057 #Erik Code Infinite Energy 800B8234 0003 #Baleog Codes Infinite Energy 800B8250 0003 #Olaf Codes Infinite Energy 800B826C 0003 #Invincibility 30096160 0001 #Infinite Flying 30096160 0002 #Invincibility + Infinite Flying 30096160 0003 #Skip Level (X+Square+Triangle) 30096160 0004 ; [ Louvre: A Maldição (Portugal) {SLES-03159 | SLES-13159} ] ; [ Louvre: L'Ultime Malédiction (France) {SLES-03174 | SLES-13174} ] ; [ Louvre: La Maledizione Finale (Italy) {SLES-03160 | SLES-13160} ] ; [ Louvre: La maldición final (Spain) {SLES-03161 | SLES-13161} ] ; [ Louvre: The Final Curse (Europe) {SLES-03158 | SLES-13158} ] ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86541} ] ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis (Japan) (Service Price-ban) {SLPS-01647} ] ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90014} ] ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis 2 (Japan) (Value 1500) {SLPS-02983} ] :SLPS-02983 #Enemy score is always 0 8006931E 0000 ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02510} ] ; [ Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis Plus (Japan) {SLP-86899} ] ; [ Love Hina 2: Kotoba wa Konayuki no You ni (Japan) {SLP-86677} ] ; [ Love Hina: Ai wa Kotoba no Naka ni (Japan) {SLP-86652} ] ; [ Love Para: Lovely Tokyo Para-Para Musume (Japan) (Fukyuuban 1500) {SLPS-03097} ] :SLPS-03097 #Max Chips 901DBF38 3B9AC9FF #All Stages Open 50000802 0000 801C24D8 2222 ; [ Love Therapy (Japan) {SLPS-01370} ] :SLPS-01370 #Have 999999 money 9009B580 000F423F ; [ Love² Torokko (Japan) Demo {SLP-80414} ] ; [ LuLu: Un Conte Interactif de Romain Victor-Pujebet (Japan) {SLPS-00560} ] ; [ Luciferd (Japan) {SLPS-00811} ] ; [ Lucky Luke (Europe) {SLES-00943} ] :SLES-00943 #Infinite Lives 8009FE70 00FF #Infinite B's 8009FE78 00FF #Infinite Dynamite 8009FE76 00FF #Infinite Money 8009FE74 00FF #Infinite Energy 8009FE72 0003 ; [ Lucky Luke (Japan) {SLPS-01674} ] :SLPS-01674 #Infinite Life 900A6DB0 00030005 #Infinite Dynamite 800A6DB6 0009 #Infinite Funds 800A6DB4 03E7 ; [ Lucky Luke: Western Fever (Europe) {SLES-03530} ] :SLES-03530 #Infinite Health Level 1 8018F010 000B #Infinite Health Level 2 80190968 000B #Infinite Health Level 3 8018FA38 000B #Infinite Health Level 4 80190850 000B #Infinite Health Level 5 80190898 000B #No Reload 800B7F20 0006 #Infinite Four Leaves Clover 800B7A54 0063 ; [ Luftwaffe: Deutsch Kuugun o Shiki seyo (Japan) {SLPS-01832} ] ; [ Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete (The Making of) (USA) (Collector's Edition) {SLUS-01257} ] ; [ Lunar Wing: Toki o Koeta Seisen (Japan) {SLP-86777} ] ; [ Lunar: Silver Star Story (Japan) (Tentou Taikenban Disc) {SLP-80250} ] ; [ Lunar: Silver Star Story (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45249 | SCPS-45250} ] ; [ Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (The Making of) (USA) (Collector's Edition) {SLUS-00921} ] ; [ Lupin 3sei (Japan) {SLPS-01402} ] ; [ Lupin 3sei: Cagliostro no Shiro: Saikai (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91060 | SLPS-91061 | SLPS-91062} ] ; [ Lussan Nathhorst Presenterar Riding Star (Sweden) {SLES-02720} ] ; [ Lyapis Trubetskoy aka Ляпис Трубецкой (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ M&M's: Shell Shocked (Europe) {SLES-03999} ] ; [ M&M's: Shell Shocked (France) {SLES-04001} ] ; [ M&M's: Shell Shocked (Germany) {SLES-04002} ] ; [ M-6 PlayStation Demo (France) {SCED-01713} ] ; [ M6 PlayStation: Best of '99 Vol. 1 (France) {SCED-02121} ] ; [ M6 PlayStation: Best of '99 Vol. 2 (France) {SCED-02419} ] ; [ M6 PlayStation: Special Kids (France) {SCED-02570} ] ; [ M6 Turbo Racing (France) {SLES-00980} ] ; [ MDK (Europe) Demo {SLED-00912} ] ; [ MDK (Europe) {SLES-00599} ] :SLES-00599 #Infinite Energy 800CB498 0064 #Infinite Chaingun 800CB564 00C8 #Infinite Sniper 2 800CB568 0063 #Infinite Sniper Grenades 800CB56C 0063 #Infinite Sniper 4 800CB570 0063 #Infinite Motar-Shots 800CB574 0063 #Infinite Sniper 6 800CB578 0063 #Level select 800BACA4 0005 ; [ MDK (Japan) {SCPS-10052} ] :SCPS-10052 #Infinite Health 800C4FC0 0064 #Invincibility 300BDB78 0001 #Infinite Ammo 800C508C 00C8 800C5090 00C8 800C5094 00C8 800C5098 00C8 800C509C 00C8 800C50A0 00C8 800C50A4 00C8 ; [ MDK (PlayMag Demo) (France) {SLED-01069} ] ; [ MGG: Manic Game Girl (Korea) {SLP-88501} ] ; [ MIP Club Demo 01 (Germany) {SCED-01189} ] ; [ MIP Club Demo 02 (Germany) {SCED-01190} ] ; [ MLB 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94364} ] ; [ MLB 2003 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94672} ] ; [ MLB Pennant Race (Japan) (Special Movie Disc) {PAPX-90008} ] ; [ MTB Dirt Cross (Japan) {SLPS-01467} ] :SLPS-01467 #Always 7 Points 800333F8 0007 8003EAEC 0007 80091DF8 0007 ; [ MTV Celebrity Deathmatch (Europe) {SLES-03967} ] :SLES-03967 #P1 Infinite Energy 80067570 01F4 ; [ MTV Sports: Pure Ride (Europe) {SLES-03162} ] :SLES-03162 #Unlock All boards D00D8300 F0FF 301D76EA 001F D00D8300 F0FF 3014CD9E 001F #All characters & videos D00D8300 F0FF 801D76E8 FFFF D00D8300 F0FF 8014CD9C FFFF #Nate All trophies 800D3DF8 3E3F #Nate Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6A68 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6A68 0003 #Miko All trophies 800D3F7C 3E3F #Miko Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6AD0 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6AD2 0003 #Damian All trophies 800D4100 3E3F #Damian Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6A10 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6A12 0003 #Shayla All trophies 800D4284 3E3F #Shayla Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6B6C 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6B6E 0003 #J.P. All trophies 800D4408 3E3F #J.P. Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6B04 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6B06 0003 #Brad Scheuffele All trophies 800D458C 3E3F #Brad Scheuffele Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6A34 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6A36 0003 #Marc Montoya All trophies 800D4710 3E3F #Marc Montoya Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6A9C 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6A9E 0003 #Blaise Rosenthal All trophies 800D4894 3E3F #Blase RosenthalPlace first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6B38 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6B3A 0003 #Michele Taggart All trophies 800D4A18 3E3F #Michele Taggart Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D6BA0 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D6BA2 0003 #Bones All trophies 800D4B9C 3E3F #Bones Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D7288 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D728A 0003 #Pecker All trophies 800D4D20 3E3F #Pecker Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D7344 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D7346 0003 #Oakey All trophies 800D4EA4 3E3F #Oakey Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D72BC 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D72BE 0003 #Summer All trophies 800D5028 3E3F #Summer Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D7220 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D7222 0003 #Invisible Man All trophies 800D51AC 3E3F #Invisible Man Place first (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D8300 F0FF 800D72F0 8760 D00D8300 F0FF 300D72F2 0003 ; [ MTV Sports: Pure Ride (UK) Demo {SLED-03277} ] ; [ MTV Sports: Pure Ride (USA) Demo {SLUS-90089} ] ; [ MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy Macdonald (Europe) {SLES-03133} ] :SLES-03133 #All Characters 50000302 0000 8008D32A 0101 #All Locations 50001E01 0000 3008D2B8 000A #All Boards 50002301 0000 3008D2DB 0001 #LIFESTYLE MODE Have 4 icons (Press L1 & L2) D00A8B52 FAFF 300A0528 0004 #LIFESTYLE MODE Have 8 icons (Press R1 & R2) D00A8B52 F5FF 300A0528 0008 #LIFESTYLE MODE Get 10.0-ranking (Press Select) D00A8B52 FFFE 50000524 0000 80099C18 0064 #MTV HUNT Gain 1 icon to end level D00A02A8 0001 300A02A8 000A #Each Trick is Worth 50.000 Points D10A02B8 C350 800A02B8 C350 #Max Stats (All Characters) 3004DCE4 000A 8004DCE6 3406 30051FFB 00A0 30052027 00A0 30052053 00A0 3005207F 00A2 #Start With Highscore D00A02A8 0000 800A02A8 8760 D00A02AA 0000 300A02AA 0003 #Each Trick is Worth 50.000 Points D10A02B8 C350 800A02B8 C350 #Max Stats (All Characters) 3004DCE4 000A 8004DCE6 3406 30051FFB 00A0 30052027 00A0 30052053 00A0 3005207F 00A2 #Start With Highscore D00A02A8 0000 800A02A8 8760 D00A02AA 0000 300A02AA 0003 #Always perfect balance 80024CEA 2400 80024462 1000 #Put any name in any mode to unlock everything 8005658A 2400 ; [ MTV Sports: Snowboarding (Europe) Demo {SLED-02412} ] ; [ MTV Sports: Snowboarding (Europe) {SLES-02353} ] :SLES-02353 #All qualified for challenge 50000714 0000 80082AE4 4E20 #Max overall challenge points 8007E3A0 FFFF #Start countdown with -10 30011974 00F5 #Start immediately 800121AA 3C00 #Alaska mountain unlocked 8007E440 0001 #Tsering unlocked 8007E444 0000 ; [ MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX (Europe) {SLES-03430} ] :SLES-03430 #Multiplicator at max D01856A4 1000 801856A4 C600 D01856A6 0000 801856A6 0AD9 #Timer Frozen (Press L1 & L2) D00EE22E FAFF 80052B70 0000 #Timer Default (Press Select) D00EE22E FFFE 80052B70 28DC D00EE22E FFFE 30052B6C 0020 #Timer Increase (Press R1 & R2) D00EE22E F5FF 30052B6C 0023 #Run stats Total score D01856A0 0000 801856A0 D11C D01856A2 0000 301856A2 0043 #Run stats No crashes D0185A58 0001 30185A58 0000 #Run stats Max air time D0185A5C 0000 80185A5C C700 D0185A5E 0000 30185A5E 0002 #Run stats Best trick D0185A64 0000 80185A64 AD9C #T.J. Lavin All tracks unlocked 300AC403 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC404 FFFF #T.J. Lavin Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC410 070A 50000502 0000 800AC412 0707 #T.J. Lavin Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC41C 0303 #Fuzzy Hall All tracks unlocked 300AC457 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC458 FFFF #Fuzzy Hall Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC464 070A 50000502 0000 800AC466 0707 #Fuzzy Hall Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC470 0303 #Chris Doyle All tracks unlocked 300AC4AB 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC4AC FFFF #Chris Doyle Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC4B8 070A 50000502 0000 800AC4BA 0707 #Chris Doyle Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC4C4 0303 #Matt Beringer All tracks unlocked 300AC4FF 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC500 FFFF #Matt Beringer Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC50C 070A 50000502 0000 800AC50E 0707 #Matt Beringer Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC518 0303 #Colin Winkelmann All tracks unlocked 300AC533 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC534 FFFF #Colin Winkelmann Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC560 070A 50000502 0000 800AC562 0707 #Colin Winkelmann Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC56C 0303 #Mike Ardelean All tracks unlocked 300AC5A7 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC5A8 FFFF #Mike Ardelean Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC5B4 070A 50000502 0000 800AC5B6 0707 #Mike Ardelean Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC5C0 0303 #Chris Duncan All tracks unlocked 300AC5FB 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC5FC FFFF #Chris Duncan Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC608 070A 50000502 0000 800AC60A 0707 #Chris Duncan Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC614 0303 #Brian Foster All tracks unlocked 300AC64F 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC650 FFFF #Brian Foster Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC65C 070A 50000502 0000 800AC65E 0707 #Brian Foster Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC668 0303 #Dave Freimuth All tracks unlocked 300AC6A3 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC6A4 FFFF #Dave Freimuth Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC6B0 070A 50000502 0000 800AC6B2 0707 #Dave Freimuth Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC6BC 0303 #Jamie Bestwick All tracks unlocked 300AC6F7 00FF 50000302 0000 800AC6F8 FFFF #Jamie Bestwick Have all sprockets & max stats 800AC704 070A 50000502 0000 800AC706 0707 #Jamie Bestwick Have all gold-medals & trophy 50000202 0000 800AC710 0303 ; [ Maboroshi Tsukiyo: Tsukiyono Kitan (Japan) {SLPS-02705 | SLPS-02706} ] ; [ Mach GoGoGo (Japan) {SLPS-00295} ] :SLPS-00295 #Always Place First 801049EC 0001 #Unlock All Cars 800A338C 000C ; [ Machine Hunter (Europe) {SLES-00630} ] ; [ Machine Hunter (France) {SLES-00830} ] ; [ Machine Hunter (Germany) {SLES-00831} ] :SLES-00831 #P1 Infinite Energy 800BE510 005F #P2 Infinite Energy 800BE728 005F #P1 Invincibility 800BE50C 00AA #P2 Invincibility 800BE724 00AA #P1 Infinite power 8011FF0C 1000 8011FF10 1000 #P2 Infinite power 8011FF74 1000 8011FF78 1000 #Infinite Land mines 8011FF2C 0063 #Infinite Proximity bombs 8011FF28 0063 #Infinite Continues 8011FF50 0005 ; [ Machine Hunter (Italy) {SLES-00832} ] ; [ Machine Hunter (Spain) {SLES-00833} ] ; [ Macross Digital Mission VF-X (Japan) (Tentou-you Taikenban) {SLP-80083} ] ; [ Macross Digital Mission VF-X (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91058} ] :SLPS-91058 #Damage (Stage 1) 80111DC8 04B0 #Damage (Stage 2) 80112BFC 04B0 ; [ Macross Digital Mission VF-X (Japan) {SLPS-00386} ] :SLPS-00386 #Infinity Hp 8013045C 05B0 #Infinity Sp 8009BDDC 0010 #Infinity Missiles 8017E308 0144 #Invincibility 80017E2E 1000 #Airframe select D009C040 0090 80130122 0000 D009C040 0030 80130122 0001 D009C040 0028 80130122 0002 D009C040 0022 80130122 0003 D009C040 0024 80130122 0004 D009C040 0021 80130122 0005 ; [ Macross Plus: Game Edition (Japan) {SLPS-02791} ] :SLPS-02791 #Infinite Armor Activate after starting a mission and deactivate after finish 801297DC 4132 80129824 4132 8012986C 4132 801298B4 4132 801298FC 4132 80129944 4132 8012998C 4132 801299D4 4132 80129A1C 4132 80129A64 4132 80129AAC 4132 80129AF4 4132 80129B3C 4132 801A2844 4132 #Does not decrease vernier gauge D01571D2 004A 801571D2 0040 #Does not decrease bullet D015B67C 0001 8015B67C 0000 #It does not increase TIME D0152D1C 0001 80152D1C 0000 #Enemy destroyed Press Select Button D01A1458 0100 801A28FC 0000 #Does not decrease HP D0152CE2 0046 80152CE2 0040 D0150E22 0050 80150E22 0040 #All aircraft selectable 301F3B0D 0002 #MOVIE fully open 301F3B25 0010 ; [ Macross VF-X2 (Japan) {SLPS-02237} ] :SLPS-02237 #Infinite Shield/Power 800858A0 270F #0 Mission Time 800844FC 0000 #Infinite Ammo 800840C8 270F 80084088 270F 80084048 270F 800833CC 0064 80084188 0005 80084108 03E8 80084148 03E8 800841C8 03E8 8008468C 000A 800A6310 0064 #Infinite Gun Pod 80083288 270F #Score 800844D8 FFFF #Infinite Chaff 8008374C 270F #Unlock all fighters / gallery / BGV 90084448 00010001 #Infinite Time D001A01C 0001 8001A01C 0000 #Level ON THE TOWN 800759C0 000E 80085908 000A #Fast Battle 800785A0 0000 ; [ Macross VF-X2, Patlabor: The Game (Japan) Demo {SLPS-02007} ] ; [ Madden NFL 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02192} ] :SLES-02192 #Heimmannschaft Hat 9 3007203A 0009 #Heimmannschaft Hat 0 3007203A 0000 #Gastmannschaft Hat 9 30074E3A 0009 #Gastmannschaft Hat 0 30074E3A 0000 #Heimmannschaft Hat Unendlich Auszeiten 3007203C 0003 #Heimmannschaft Hat Keine Auszeiten 3007203C 0000 #Gastmannschaft Hat Unendlich Auszeiten 30074E3C 0003 #Gastmannschaft Hat Keine Auszeiten 30074E3C 0000 #Timer ZurüCksetzen Select drücken D006DFA6 0001 30077782 0018 ; [ Madden NFL 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03067} ] ; [ Madden NFL 97 (Europe) {SLES-00436} ] ; [ Madden NFL 98 (Europe) {SLES-00904} ] ; [ Madden NFL 99 (Europe) {SLES-01427} ] :SLES-01427 #Home Team scores 9 8006A3BE 0009 #Home Team scores 0 8006A3BE 0000 #Away Team scores 9 8006CE7E 0009 #Away Team scores 0 8006CE7E 0000 ; [ Magic Carpet (Europe) {SLES-00211} ] :SLES-00211 #Infinite Health level 1 8014E138 2710 #Infinite Health level 2 8013E5A8 2710 ; [ Magic Carpet (Japan) {SLPS-00587} ] :SLPS-00587 #Level Select (optional) 3009ADB4 0001 ; [ Magic Johnson to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar no Slam 'n Jam '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00426} ] :SLPS-00426 #Home team score 99 800ED9A0 0063 #Home team score 0 800ED9A0 0000 #Away team score 99 800EDB84 0063 #Away team score 0 800EDB84 0000 ; [ Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage (Europe) {SLES-00282} ] ; [ Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage (France) {SLES-00787} ] ; [ Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage (Germany) {SLES-00788} ] ; [ Magical Date: Doki Doki Kokuhaku Daisakusen (Japan) {SLP-86619} ] ; [ Magical Dice Kids (Japan) {SCPS-10135} ] :SCPS-10135 #Infinite Hearts (Number Of Dice To Roll) 8007E5CD 0005 #Infinite Money (60000) 8007E5C4 EA60 ; [ Magical Drop (Japan) {SLPS-00201} ] :SLPS-00201 #Infinite Moves in 3rd game mode (Challenge Mode) 801FFCC8 0063 ; [ Magical Drop F: Daibouken mo Rakujanai! (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86805} ] ; [ Magical Drop III (Magical Drop III) aka Magical Drop III: Special Edition (Europe) {SLES-02964 | SLES-12964} ] :SLES-02964 :SLES-12964 #Set debit at 0/quick win P1 (Press L1 & L2) D0007572 FAFF 800DBDB0 0000 #Story Mode - Begin With A Lot Of Talern D00D9704 0000 800D9704 03E8 #Story Mode - Set Target To Zero Quick Win P1(Press L1 & L2) D0007572 FAFF 800DBDB0 0001 #Story Mode More Time(Press R1) D0007572 F7FF 800DDBE0 1111 #Magical Drop Plus 1 Start With LOt of Points D008E460 0000 8008E460 5A56 #Magical Drop Plus 1! Single Player Mode Infinite Time D007823C 00C8 8007823C 0190 #Magical Drop Plus 1! Single Player Mode Infinite Time (Alternate) D00249F0 8009 800249F4 0000 #Magical Drop Plus 1! Single Player Mode Start at level 100 D00780CC 0001 300780CC 0064 #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE Infinite draws D00349F0 FFFF 800349F0 0000 #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Beginner 9006CE14 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Very easy 9006CE18 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Easy 9006CE1C 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Normal 9006CE20 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Hard 9006CE24 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Very hard 9006CE28 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1! PUZZLE MODE All Puzzles Solved Expert 9006CE2C 3FFFFFFF #Magical Drop Plus 1 2 PLAYER MODE Only 1 row to clear D008E464 00C8 3008E464 0001 ; [ Magical Drop III: Yokubari Tokudai-gou! (Japan) {SLP-86051 | SLPS-01918} ] :SLP-86051 :SLPS-01918 #Win With One Point 80086514 0001 ; [ Magical Hoppers (Japan) {SLPS-00737} ] :SLPS-00737 #Infinite Health 800934EE 0002 #All stages 30097766 0014 #Invincibility 8003B80A 1000 8003B86E 1000 800416FA 1000 ; [ Magical Medical (Japan) {SLP-86099} ] ; [ Magical Tetris Challenge (Europe) {SCES-02154} ] :SCES-02154 #P1 Max Score 901E04E4 3B9AC9FF #P2 Max Score 901E0624 3B9AC9FF #Press L2 For P1 Max Gauge E01E1140 0001 801E0442 9800 #Press L2 For P2 Max Gauge E01E1154 0001 801E0582 9800 ; [ Magical Tetris Challenge (Germany) {SCES-02175} ] ; [ Magical Zunou Power!! Party Selection (Japan) {SLPS-01173} ] ; [ Magische Tetris Uitdaging (Netherlands) {SCES-02178} ] :SCES-02178 #P1 Max Score 901E04E4 3B9AC9FF #P2 Max Score 901E0624 3B9AC9FF #Press L2 For P1 Max Gauge E01E1140 0001 801E0442 9800 #Press L2 For P2 Max Gauge E01E1154 0001 801E0582 9800 ; [ Mahjong Ganryuujima (Japan) {SLPS-00043} ] ; [ Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku (Japan) {SLPS-00014} ] ; [ Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku 99 (Japan) {SLPS-02098} ] :SLPS-02098 #Player has 99900 points 8008A03C 03E7 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8008A0AC 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8008A11C 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8008A18C 0000 ; [ Mahjong Senjutsu: Andou Mitsuru Pro no Akuukan Sappou (Japan) {SLPS-00364} ] ; [ Mahjong Station Mazin (Japan) {SLPS-00005} ] :SLPS-00005 #Player has 99900 points 8009C58C 2706 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8009C538 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8009C4E4 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8009C490 0000 ; [ Mahjong Station Mazin (Japan) {SLPS-00005} ] :SLPS-00005 #Player has 99900 points 8009C58C 2706 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8009C538 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8009C4E4 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8009C490 0000 ; [ Mahjong Taikai II Special (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86993} ] ; [ Mahjong Taikai II Special (Japan) {SLPS-00603} ] :SLPS-00603 #Player has always 99900 points 800D77A6 03E7 #Enemy 1 has 0 points 800D7896 0000 #Enemy 2 has 0 points 800D77F6 0000 #Enemy 3 has 0 points 800D7846 0000 ; [ Mahjong Toriatama Kikou (Japan) (Fukyuuban 1500) {SLPS-03064} ] ; [ Mahjong Uranai Fortuna: Tsuki no Megami-tachi (Japan) {SLPS-03123} ] :SLPS-03123 #Player has 99999 points 901D8A40 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 801D8AC4 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 801D8A98 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 801D8A6C 0000 ; [ Mahjong Yarou ze! (Japan) {SLP-86173} ] ; [ Mahjong Youchien Tamago Gumi 2: Taikai e Ikou! (Japan) {SLPS-02956} ] :SLPS-02956 #Player has 99999 points 90177C18 0001869F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 80177CB4 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 80177C80 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 80177C4C 0000 ; [ Mahjong de Asobo (Japan) {SLPS-02995} ] :SLPS-02995 #Player has 99999 points 90089CBC 0001869F #Rina has 0 points 80089CC0 0000 #Akiko has 0 points 80089CC4 0000 #Manami has 0 points 80089CC8 0000 ; [ Mahou Shoujo Fancy CoCo (Japan) {SLPS-00460} ] :SLPS-00460 #Have all stats at maximum 90115510 03E703E7 90115514 03E703E7 90115518 03E703E7 9011551C 03E703E7 90115520 03E703E7 90115524 03E703E7 90115528 03E703E7 9011552C 03E703E7 90115530 03E703E7 90115534 03E703E7 #Have other stats at maximum 80115502 0063 90115504 03E70063 90115508 00630063 8011550C 0063 #Have 60000 money 80115538 EA60 ; [ Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 1: In the Earth (Episode 23) (Japan) {SLPS-00645 | SLPS-00646} ] ; [ Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 2: In the Julyhelm (Episode 25) (Japan) {SLPS-00760 | SLPS-00761} ] ; [ Mainichi Nekoyoubi (Japan) {SLPS-01249} ] :SLPS-01249 #Gender Male 00 300DC2A4 0000 #Gender Female 01 300DC2A4 0001 #Cat Type 00-6F 300DC2A5 006F #999kg weight 800DC2A8 270F #99cm Height 800DC2AA 270F #Max discipline 800DC2B0 03E8 #Max familiar 800DC2B4 03E8 #Max stomach 800DC2B8 03E8 #Max Genki 800DC2BA 03E8 #Stress 0 800DC2BC 0000 #Looks Max 800DC2C0 03E8 #Mon xx months 0-12 300DC2AE 000C #Old 00-64 300DC2AF 0003 #End the day in L1R2 D00B6B1C 000C 800DA74C 3200 D00B6B1C 000C 800DA74E 0002 #Instantaneous examination SELECT + START ( Supplemental examination moment, please press only when the red bar is displayed during the examination. Potential non-stop and push it ) D00B6B1C 0900 800F0988 0300 ; [ Manager de Liga 2001 (Spain) {SLES-02979} ] ; [ Manager de Liga 2002 (Spain) {SLES-03607} ] ; [ Marby Baby Story (Japan) {SLPS-01738} ] :SLPS-01738 #Infinite Lives 800562C8 000A #Infinite Bottoles 80055FC0 000A #Infinite Bombs 80055FBC 000A #Infinite Coins 80055FC8 000A #Score Modifier 80056064 00?? #Walk Through Enemies (Press L1 + L2) D00562D0 0005 80056078 0001 ; [ Marcel Desailly Pro Football (France) {SLES-03868} ] ; [ Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Japan) {SLPS-02240 | SLPS-02241 | SLPS-02242} ] ; [ Maria: Kimitachi ga Umareta Wake (Japan) Demo {SLP-80185} ] ; [ Maria: Kimitachi ga Umareta Wake (Japan) {SLPS-01136 | SLPS-01137 | SLPS-01138} ] ; [ Marie no Atelier Plus: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi (Japan) {SLPS-01418} ] :SLPS-01418 #Max Status Marie 901C133C 03E703E7 901C1340 03E703E7 901C1340 00630063 901C1344 00630063 901C1348 00630063 801C134C 0063 #Infinite Money 801BFAE0 FFFF #Infinite & Max HP in battle Marie 901BF99C 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max SP in battle Marie 901BF9A0 03E703E7 #LV 8017CF60 0032 #Fatigue / friendship level 8017CF62 0064 #Bonus appearance / center theater 301FD730 0001 #Bonus appearance /'s play area 301FD731 0001 #Bonus appearance / Museum 301FD7FF 0001 ; [ Marie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi (Japan) {SLPS-00856} ] :SLPS-00856 #Infinite Money 901BCC8C 0001869F #Infinite & Max HP Marie 901BE4E0 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max MP Marie 901BE4E4 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max HP in combat 1 person 901BCB50 03E703E7 #Infinite & Max MP in combat 1 person 901BCB54 03E703E7 #LV Max 8017A3A0 0032 #Fatigue / friendship level 8017A3A2 0064 #Bonus appearance / center theater 301FEBB0 0001 #Bonus appearance /'s play area 301FEBB1 0001 #Bonus appearance / Museum 301FEBFF 0001 ; [ Mario Mushano no Chou Shougi Juku (Japan) {SLPS-00964} ] ; [ Marionette Company (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86810} ] ; [ Marionette Company 2 Chu! (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87004} ] ; [ Marl Jong!! (Japan) {SLPS-03538} ] :SLPS-03538 #Infinite Ic (60000) 801E7A34 EA60 ; [ Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91415} ] ; [ Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess (Japan) Demo {SLP-80319} ] ; [ Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess (Japan) {SLPS-01734} ] :SLPS-01734 #Money 9999999 90044220 0098967F #99 All Items 50002302 0000 80044224 6363 3004426A 0063 #First character EXP 9004462C 05F5E0FF #Second character EXP 90044650 05F5E0FF #The third character EXP 90044674 05F5E0FF #Infinite & Max HP 80044634 270F 80044638 270F #Infinite & Max MP 80044636 270F 8004463A 270F #Infinite & Max HP in combat Character 1 800DFE48 270F #Infinite & Max HP in combat Character 2 800DFE6C 270F #Infinite & Max HP in combat Character 3 800DFE90 270F #Infinite & Max HP in combat Character 4 800DFEB4 270F #Infinite & Max MP in combat Character 1 800DFE4A 270F #Infinite & Max MP in combat Character 1 800DFE6E 270F #Infinite & Max MP in combat Character 1 800DFE92 270F #Infinite & Max MP in combat Character 1 800DFEB6 270F #No random battles 300DFFDA 0000 ; [ Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess (Omake Disc) (Japan) (+1 Tasu Ichi (Disc 2)) {SLPS-02287} ] ; [ Marranos en Guerra (Spain) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-02768} ] :SLES-02768 #Great Britain Team - Smith Infinite HP - Mission 2 801099E5 0019 #Great Britain Team - Percy Infinite HP - Mission 2 80108885 0019 #Great Britain Team - Monty Infinite HP - Mission 2 80107725 0019 #Great Britain Team - Billy Infinite HP - Mission 2 801065C5 0019 #Great Britain Team - Basil Infinite HP - Mission 2 801044E5 0019 #Infinite PP Points 8002B5CE 0063 #Infinite Player turn time 80029181 0005 #Mission Boot Camp 8002B5D1 0000 #Mission The War Foundation 8002B5D1 0001 #Mission Routine Patrol 8002B5D1 0002 #Mission Trench Warfare 8002B5D1 0003 #Mission Morning Glory 8002B5D1 0004 #Mission Island Invasion 8002B5D1 0005 #Mission Under Siege 8002B5D1 0006 #Mission Communication Breakdown 8002B5D1 0007 #Mission The Spying Game 8002B5D1 0008 #Mission The Village People 8002B5D1 0009 #Mission Bangers 'N' Mash 8002B5D1 000A #Mission Saving Private Rind 8002B5D1 000B #Mission Just Deserts 8002B5D1 000C #Mission Glacial Guns 8002B5D1 000D #Mission Battle Stations 8002B5D1 000E #Mission Fortified Swine 8002B5D1 000F #Mission Over The Top 8002B5D1 0010 #Mission Geneva Convention 8002B5D1 0011 #Mission I Spy..... 8002B5D1 0012 #Mission Chemical Compound 8002B5D1 0013 #Mission Achilles Heal 8002B5D1 0014 #Mission High And Dry 8002B5D1 0015 #Mission Assassination 8002B5D1 0016 #Mission Hero Warship 8002B5D1 0017 #Mission Hamburger Hill 8002B5D1 0018 #Mission Well, Well, Well! 8002B5D1 0019 ; [ Mars Moose Stay and Play 1: In the Clubhouse (USA) {LSP-010160} ] ; [ Mars Moose Stay and Play 2: In Mars' Bedroom (USA) {LSP-010260} ] ; [ Martialbeat (Japan) {SLP-87014} ] ; [ Martialbeat 2 (Disc-B) (Japan) (Controller Doukon Set) {SLP-87146 | SLP-87147} ] ; [ Martialbeat 2 (Disc-B) (Japan) {SLP-87148 | SLP-87149} ] ; [ Martian Gothic: Unification (Europe) {SLES-01350} ] :SLES-01350 #Infinite Health Kenzo 8010E6D4 0064 #Infinite Health Karne 8010E7DC 0064 #Infinite Health Matlock 8010E5CC 0064 ; [ Martian Gothic: Unification (Germany) {SLES-02998} ] :SLES-02998 #Unendlich Gesundheit D0096826 0044 80096828 0000 D0096AA6 0083 80096AAC 0000 #Inventar Unendlich (Drücke L1 & L2) Bei Waffen erst mal durchladen, dann Code einschalten. D0168016 FAFF 800B3340 0000 D0168016 FAFF 800B3318 0000 #Inventar Nimmt zu (Drücke L2 & R2) D0168016 FCFF 300B3338 0023 D0168016 FCFF 300B3214 0021 #Inventar Standard (Drücke R1 & R2) D0168016 F5FF 800B3340 0048 D0168016 F5FF 800B3342 A482 D0168016 F5FF 300B3338 0021 D0168016 F5FF 800B3218 0048 D0168016 F5FF 800B321A A4C2 D0168016 F5FF 300B3214 0023 #Zeit Angehalten Bei Waffen erst mal durchladen, dann Code einschalten. D00AD8E6 2442 800AD8E8 0000 #Zeit Läuft langsamer D00AD8E4 0001 800AD8E4 FFFF ; [ Marvel Super Heroes (Europe) Demo {SLED-00499} ] ; [ Marvel Super Heroes (Europe) {SLES-00932} ] :SLES-00932 #P1 Infinite Energy 90091BFC 00800080 800923FC 0090 ; [ Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (Europe) {SLES-01792} ] :SLES-01792 #P1 Infinite Energy 8007060C 0090 #P1 Infinite Combo Gauge 80070610 0603 #P2 No health 800709CC 0000 800709D6 0000 #Unlock All Endings & Illustrations 90025020 FFFFFFFF ; [ Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter: EX Edition (Japan) Demo {SLP-80376} ] ; [ Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Europe) {SLES-02305} ] :SLES-02305 #P1 Infinite Health 8007C2BC 0090 #P1 1 Hit-Kill D007C2BC 0090 8007C2BC 0001 #Unlock Hidden Characters & Gallery 9007B8C4 FFFFFFFF 8007B8C8 FFFF ; [ Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes: EX Edition (Japan) Demo {SLP-80508} ] ; [ Mary King's Riding Star (Europe) {SLES-02379} ] :SLES-02379 #Points always 0 in show jumping 80182D94 0000 #Points always 0 in cross country 80137668 0000 #0 errors in dressage 8019F0B8 0000 ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course (Europe) {SLES-03421} ] ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall (Europe, Australia) {SLES-03422} ] ; [ Mary-Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle (Europe) {SLES-03378} ] ; [ Mass Destruction (Europe) {SLES-00098} ] :SLES-00098 #Timer Freezes 8001A8EC 0000 #Infinite Ammo For All Weapons 8003EE3C 0000 #Infinite Energy 8003C86C 0000 ; [ Master of Monsters: Akatsuki no Kenja-tachi (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86542} ] ; [ Master of Monsters: Akatsuki no Kenja-tachi (Japan) {SLPS-00916} ] ; [ Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia (Europe) {SLES-00244} ] :SLES-00244 #Infinite & Max HP Fist Character 800BC956 03E7 800BC958 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Fist Character 800BC95A 0063 800BC95C 0063 ; [ Masters: Shin Harukanaru Augusta (Japan) {SLPS-00373} ] :SLPS-00373 #Always hole in one 801012FC 0000 801012FD 0000 801012FE 0000 801012FF 0000 80101300 0000 80101301 0000 80101302 0000 80101303 0000 80101304 0000 80101305 0000 80101306 0000 80101307 0000 80101308 0000 80101309 0000 8010130A 0000 8010130B 0000 8010130C 0000 8010130D 0000 ; [ Masumon Kids: The Another World of the Master of Monsters (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86520} ] ; [ Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (Europe) {SLES-03217} ] :SLES-03217 #Mat Hoffman All covers 8005F834 001C ; [ Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (France) {SLES-03218} ] ; [ Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (Germany) {SLES-03219} ] :SLES-03219 #Unendlich Zeit D002D4D2 0003 8002D4D4 0000 #MAT HOFFMAN Alle Cover D005FDA4 1F40 3005FDB4 001C #MAT HOFFMAN Alle Bikes freigeschaltet D005FDA4 1F40 3005FDE2 000F #Alle Ziele erledigt D005FDA4 1F40 50000502 3F3F 8005FDB8 0000 ; [ Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (Japan) {SLP-87119} ] ; [ Matsukata Hiroki no World Fishing (Japan) {SLPS-00198} ] ; [ Mawatte Mucho! (Japan) (Taikenban Campaign-tsuki) {SLP-80232} ] ; [ Mawatte Mucho! (Japan) {SLPS-01359} ] ; [ Max Power Racing (Europe) Beta {SLES-01694} ] :SLES-01694 #All Seasons (Championship) 80025950 0300 #All Cars (Gti Pro/Am Champ) 80025964 FFFF #All Cars (High Perf Pro/Am) 80025966 FFFF #All Standard Cars (Arcade) 8002595C 00FF #All Tracks (Arcade) 80025526 0001 90025528 00010001 9002552C 00010001 90025530 00010001 90025534 00010001 #All Advanced Cars (Arcade) 8002595E 00FF ; [ Max Power Racing (Europe) {SLES-01694} ] :SLES-01694 #All Seasons (Championship) 80025950 0300 #All Cars (Gti Pro/Am Champ) 80025964 FFFF #All Cars (High Perf Pro/Am) 80025966 FFFF #All Standard Cars (Arcade) 8002595C 00FF #All Tracks (Arcade) 80025526 0001 90025528 00010001 9002552C 00010001 90025530 00010001 90025534 00010001 #All Advanced Cars (Arcade) 8002595E 00FF ; [ Max Surfing 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02398} ] ; [ Max Surfing 2nd (Japan) {SLPS-02871} ] :SLPS-02871 #Restore Time To 30 Sec (Push R2) D0087C7A FDFF 800D5F88 001E ; [ Maximum Force (Europe) {SLES-01001} ] :SLES-01001 #P1 Infinite Lifes 8006FBB0 0007 #P1 Infinite Ammo 8006FC04 0008 #P2 Infinite Lifes 8006FC40 0007 #P2 Infinite Ammo 8006FC94 0008 #P1 Infinite Credits 8006B4F0 0009 #P2 Infinite Credits 8006B4F4 0009 #P1 Always Machine Gun Ammo D006FC00 0000 8006FC00 0001 #P2 Always Machine Gun Ammo D006FC90 0000 8006FC90 0001 #P1 Always Shot Gun Ammo D006FC00 0000 8006FC00 0002 #P2 Always Shot Gun Ammo D006FC90 0000 8006FC90 0002 ; [ McDonald's: Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-03909} ] ; [ McDonald's: Demo 02 (Europe) {SCED-03910} ] ; [ McDonald's: Demo 03 (Europe) {SCED-03911} ] ; [ McDonald's: Demo 04 (Europe) {SCED-03912} ] ; [ MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat: Arcade Combat Edition (Europe) {SLES-00340} ] :SLES-00340 #Infinite Energy 900D1BB0 00000000 800D1BB4 0000 #Infinite Weapon 1 800D1C26 0064 #Infinite Weapon 2 800D1C42 0064 #Infinite Weapon 3 800D1C5E 0064 #Infinite Weapon 4 800D1C7A 0064 #Infinite Weapon 5 800D1C96 0064 #Infinite Weapon 6 800D1CB2 0064 #Infinite Weapon 7 800D1CCE 0064 #Infinite Weapon 8 800D1CEA 0064 #Rapid Fire All Weapons 300D1C24 000A 300D1C40 000A 300D1C5C 000A 300D1C78 000A 300D1C94 000A 300D1CB0 000A 300D1CCC 000A 300D1CE8 000A ; [ MechWarrior 2: Arcade Combat Edition (Japan) {SLPS-00937} ] ; [ MechWarrior 2: Combat au 31ième Siècle (France) {SLES-00374} ] ; [ MechWarrior 2: Kampfspiel des 31. Jahrhunderts: Arcade Combat Edition (Germany) {SLES-00375} ] :SLES-00375 #Unendlich Jump Jets 800D1F94 000A #Schneller sein 800D1F84 0343 #Kein überhitzen der Waffen 900D1BB0 00000000 800D1BB4 0000 ; [ Medal of Honor (Europe) {SLES-02470} ] :SLES-02470 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Ammo All Levels 8007E216 3C00 80046362 3C00 #Single Player Codes\Rapid Fire All Levels 8007E2FE 3C00 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 1: Level 1 800EE956 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 1: Level 2 800E3936 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 1: Level 3 800E3086 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 2: Level 1 800F7F76 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 2: Level 2 800E07E6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 2: Level 3 800E4B16 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 2: Level 4 800EF116 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 3: Level 1 800E6366 0080 #Single Player Codes\Mission 3: Level 1: Have Id 800E6290 0380 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 3: Level 2 800E7DA6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 3: Level 3 800EC0B6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 3: Level 4 800EEF26 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 4: Level 1 800E2CC6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 4: Level 2 800E4736 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 4: Level 3 800E6676 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 5: Level 1 800E6916 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 5: Level 2 800EF4E6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 5: Level 3 800E9366 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 5: Level 4 800EB446 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 6: Level 1 800F3CB6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 6: Level 2 800E8196 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 6: Level 3 800EB236 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 7: Level 1 800EF9D6 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 7: Level 2 800EC666 0080 #Single Player Codes\Infinite Health Mission 7: Level 3 800EAC86 0080 #Multi Player Codes\Infinite Ammo Multi-Player (Both Players, All Guns, All Levels) 8007ADD6 3C00 #Multi Player Codes\Rapid Fire (Both Players, All Levels) 8007AE86 3C00 #'Follow Your Nose' Codes\P1 Infinite Health 80124AA6 0020 #'Follow Your Nose' Codes\P2 Infinite Health 8011FFB6 0020 #'Follow Your Nose' Codes\P1 Moon Jump E0090484 0010 80126FBE FFF6 #'Follow Your Nose' Codes\P2 Moon Jump E0090488 0010 801224CE FFF6 #'The Short Line' Codes\P1 Infinite Health 8014D936 0020 #'The Short Line' Codes\P1 Moon Jump E0090484 0010 8014DA5E FFF4 #'The Short Line' Codes\P2 Infinite Health 80148E46 0020 #'The Short Line' Codes\P2 Moon Jump E0090488 0010 80148F6E FFF4 #'Tail Of 2 Cities' Codes\P1 Infinite Health 8012E126 0020 #'Tail Of 2 Cities' Codes\P1 Moon Jump E0090484 0010 8012E24E FFF6 #'Tail Of 2 Cities' Codes\P2 Infinite Health 80129636 0020 #'Tail Of 2 Cities' Codes\P2 Moon Jump E0090488 0010 8012975E FFF6 #'Trouble Shooting' Codes\P1 Infinite Health 8013BC86 0020 #'Trouble Shooting' Codes\P1 Moon Jump E0090484 0010 8013BDAE FFF6 #'Trouble Shooting' Codes\P2 Infinite Health 80137196 0020 #'Trouble Shooting' Codes\P2 Moon Jump E0090488 0010 801372BE FFF6 #'Castle Von Trapped' Codes\P1 Infinite Health 80159706 0020 #'Castle Von Trapped' Codes\P1 Moon Jump E0090484 0010 8015982E FFF6 #'Castle Von Trapped' Codes\P2 Infinite Health 80154C16 0020 #'Castle Von Trapped' Codes\P2 Moon Jump E0090488 0010 80154D3E FFF6 ; [ Medal of Honor (France) (Platinum) {SLES-02471} ] ; [ Medal of Honor (Germany) {SLES-02472} ] :SLES-02472 #Überlebe Explosionen D007CFD0 3239 8007CFD2 2400 #Überlebe Schüsse D007D00C 3239 8007D00E 2400 #Überlebe alles (Unverwundbar) D007CFD0 3239 5000023C 2400 8007CFD2 0000 #Unverwundbar & Sudden Death Gegner D004B3F0 00F4 8004B3F2 AE00 D007CFD0 3239 5000023C 2400 8007CFD2 0000 #Schnellfeuer D007E86C 0048 3007E86C 0000 #Abenteuer in der Stadt Freigeschaltet 30038934 0001 #Jagd in den Kanälen Freigeschaltet 30038958 0001 #Abenteuer Eisenbahn Freigeschaltet 300389A8 0001 #Ein kleines Geschenk Freigeschaltet 300389CC 0001 #Durch das Nadelöhr Freigeschaltet 300389F0 0001 #Ein Treffen mit Greta Freigeschaltet 30038A14 0001 #Flucht von der Wolfram Freigeschaltet 30038A40 0001 #Über den Dächern von Dachsmag Freigeschaltet 30038A64 0001 #In der Höhle des Löwen Freigeschaltet 30038A88 0001 #Tauchen ! Freigeschaltet 30038AAC 0001 #Der Siegfriedshain Freigeschaltet 30038AD8 0001 #Quartier der Offiziersquartiere Freigeschaltet 30038AFC 0001 #Senfgasproduktion Freigeschaltet 30038B20 0001 #Das Lied der Turbinen Freigeschaltet 30038B70 0001 #Generatoren der Zerstörung Freigeschaltet 30038B94 0001 #Verrat im Lande des Telemarks Freigeschaltet 30038BB8 0001 #Schweres Wasser Freigeschaltet 30038BDC 0001 #Der Gebirgspass Freigeschaltet 30038CA0 0001 #Merkers Mine Freigeschaltet 30038CC4 0001 #Die Schatzhöhlen Freigeschaltet 30038CE8 0001 #V-Waffen-Montage Freigeschaltet 30038DD0 0001 #Vergeltungsmassnahmen Freigeschaltet 30038DF4 0001 #Götterdämmerung Freigeschaltet 30038E18 0001 ; [ Medal of Honor: Resistance (France) {SLES-03125} ] ; [ Medal of Honor: Underground (Europe) {SLES-03124} ] :SLES-03124 #Infinite Health all levels D004E166 AE02 8004E166 2400 D005B14A 8C82 8005B14A 2400 #Invincibility all levels D004E15C 1023 8004E15C 2400 D005B14A 8C82 8005B14A 2400 #Open all cheats 80039D24 FFFF ; [ Medal of Honor: Underground (Germany) (Platinum) {SLES-03126} ] :SLES-03126 #Alle Cheats 80039D24 01FF #Alle Medaillen 80039D20 0FFF ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {SCES-00311} ] :SCES-00311 #Infinite Energy 800F81AC 012C #Infinite Money 800EDA58 0064 800F82C4 0064 #Whole map visible 800F81DC FFFF 300F81DE 00FF ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (Europe) {SCES-00311} ] :SCES-00311 #Infinite Energy 800F81AC 012C #Infinite Money 800EDA58 0064 800F82C4 0064 #Whole map visible 800F81DC FFFF 300F81DE 00FF ; [ MediEvil (France) {SCES-01492} ] :SCES-01492 #Infinite Energy D00F0D4C 000B 800F8514 012C #Infinite Club 800F85A0 0FF0 #Infinite Knives 800F85A8 0063 #Infinite Money D00F0D4C 000B 800F862C 7FFF #Have All Weapons D00F0D4C 000B 50000F04 0000 800F8594 1000 #Have All Five Runes D00F0D4C 000B 50000504 0000 800F85D0 1000 #Have All Shields D00F0D4C 000B 800F861C 1000 D00F0D4C 000B 800F8620 1000 D00F0D4C 000B 800F82CC 1000 #100% Souls Energy D00F0D4C 000B 800F8634 1000 #Have Dragon Shield D00F0D4C 000B 800F8638 0000 ; [ MediEvil (Germany) {SCES-01493} ] :SCES-01493 #Unendlich Energie 800F834C 012C #Unendlich Geld 800F8464 270F #Unendlich Lebensflaschen 800F8350 0960 800F8354 0960 #Breites Schwert 100% 800F83D0 1000 #Keule 100% 800F83D8 1000 ; [ MediEvil (Italy) {SCES-01494} ] ; [ MediEvil (Spain) {SCES-01495} ] :SCES-01495 #Infinite Energy 800F8450 012C #Start With Chalice At 100 800EEC58 0064 #Extended Cheat Mode Pause the game to have access to View FMV, Sound Test, Camera, Cheats and Debug. 300EF11A 0003 #Unlock All Levels 300F84A3 0001 50001401 0000 300F84BA 0001 ; [ MediEvil (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil (USA) Beta {Unlicensed} ] ; [ MediEvil 2 (Europe) Demo {SCED-02818} ] ; [ MediEvil 2 (Europe) {SCES-02544} ] :SCES-02544 #Infinite Energy 800F04B0 012C #Infinite Energy boxing stage 800F2914 00C8 801C933A 00C8 #Infinite Energy (Alternate) 800F11C0 012C #Max Money 800F1248 270F #Infinite Potions 300F11C9 000D 800F11C4 0834 #Full 'Chalice Of Souls' 800EFB1C 0064 #Full Inventory (With Full Ammo) 50001404 0000 800F11F0 1000 #Infinite Health (Boxing Level Alt) 801C9966 00C8 #Infinite Health Kiya 801B02FC 00C8 #Infinite Time 800F3668 003C #Infinite Time For Bringing 1 Limb Back At A Time 800F35E8 001E #Infinite Super-Armour 800F1240 01F4 #All 12 Enchanted Spirits 800F1288 000C #Infinite Antidote 800F12DC 1004 #Unlock Everything 800D2DD8 0004 #Sudden Death-Codes\Triceratops 800F3604 0000 #Sudden Death-Codes\Pterodactyl 801B5D62 0000 #Sudden Death-Codes\Demon 801E8CC6 0000 #Sudden Death-Codes\Iron Slugger 801DF456 0000 #Sudden Death-Codes\The Count 801C5DC2 0000 #Sudden Death-Codes\The Ripper 801B1492 0000 ; [ MediEvil 2 (Europe) {SCES-02545} ] :SCES-02545 #Infinite Energy 800F1124 012C #Unlock Cheat Menu (Enable All Levels,Invencibility) 800D2D3C 0004 ; [ MediEvil 2 (Russia) {SCES-02546} ] ; [ MediEvil Collector's Edition (UK) Demo {SCED-01527} ] ; [ MediEvil Special (France) Demo {SCED-01571} ] ; [ MediEvil: Yomigaetta Gallowmere no Yuusha (Japan) {SCPS-10081} ] :SCPS-10081 #Infinite Life 800F8174 012C 800F8178 012C #Infinite Money D00F1654 012C 800F828C 270F ; [ Mega Man 8 (Europe) {SLES-01064} ] :SLES-01064 #Infinite Energy For All Weapons 801B2512 2800 801B2516 2800 801B251A 2800 801B251E 2800 801B2522 2800 801B2526 2800 801B252A 2800 801B252E 2800 801B2532 2800 #Infinite Bolts 8016D950 0023 #Infinite Energy 8015E8E2 2800 ; [ Mega Man Legends (Europe) {SLES-01485} ] :SLES-01485 #Infinite Zenny 900C1B94 000F423F #Infinite Life 800B5286 00C4 #Time 00:00 900C1B84 00000000 #Have all Normal Items 900BE488 FFFFFFFF 900BE48C FFFFFFFF #Have all Special Items 900BE484 FFFFFFFF #Have all Special Weapons 800BE478 FFFF #Invincibility 300B5328 0001 ; [ Mega Man Legends 2 (Europe) {SLES-03556} ] :SLES-03556 #Infinite Health 3008C110 00A0 #Max health 3008C112 00A0 #Water pressure at max 8008C23A 0100 #Time 00:00:00 8009C808 0000 #Have all items 800985B8 7F1F 800985BA FFF0 800985BC FFFF 800985BE F03F 800985C0 FFFF #Have all key items 800985B2 07FF 800985B4 FFF2 800985B6 0F8F #Moon Jump (Press X, then L2) D009BEC2 BEFF 8008C0DA FF20 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Lifter 3008C22E 0000 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Kick 3008C22E 0001 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Mega Buster 3008C22E 0002 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Crusher 3008C22E 0003 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Buster Cannon 3008C22E 0004 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Hyper Shell 3008C22E 0005 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Homing Missile 3008C22E 0006 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Ground Crawler 3008C22E 0007 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Vacuum Arm 3008C22E 0008 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Reflector Arm 3008C22E 0009 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Shield Arm 3008C22E 000A #Select Weapon Slot 1\Blade Arm 3008C22E 000B #Select Weapon Slot 1\Shining Laser 3008C22E 000C #Select Weapon Slot 1\Machine Gun Arm 3008C22E 000D #Select Weapon Slot 1\Spread Buster 3008C22E 000E #Select Weapon Slot 1\Aqua Blaster 3008C22E 000F #Select Weapon Slot 1\Hunter Seeker 3008C22E 0010 #Select Weapon Slot 1\Drill Arm 3008C22E 0011 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Lifter 3008C22F 0000 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Kick 3008C22F 0001 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Mega Buster 3008C22F 0002 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Crusher 3008C22F 0003 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Buster Cannon 3008C22F 0004 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Hyper Shell 3008C22F 0005 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Homing Missile 3008C22F 0006 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Ground Crawler 3008C22F 0007 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Vacuum Arm 3008C22F 0008 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Reflector Arm 3008C22F 0009 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Shield Arm 3008C22F 000A #Select Weapon Slot 2\Blade Arm 3008C22F 000B #Select Weapon Slot 2\Shining Laser 3008C22F 000C #Select Weapon Slot 2\Machine Gun Arm 3008C22F 000D #Select Weapon Slot 2\Spread Buster 3008C22F 000E #Select Weapon Slot 2\Aqua Blaster 3008C22F 000F #Select Weapon Slot 2\Hunter Seeker 3008C22F 0010 #Select Weapon Slot 2\Drill Arm 3008C22F 0011 ; [ Mega Man X3 (Europe) {SLES-00503} ] :SLES-00503 #Infinite Health 800D9090 9000 #Bug Hole 800D8754 5C00 #Acid Rush 800D874A 5C00 #Parasitic Bomb 800D874C 5C00 #Ray Splasher 800D8752 5C00 #Triad Thunder 800D874E 5C00 #Frost Shield 800D8756 5C00 #Tornado Fang 800D8758 5C00 #Spinning Blade 800D8750 5C00 #Invincibility 8003B2F2 1000 #Infinite HP / Max HP 300D8761 0020 300D9091 00A0 #Infinite Lives 300D8743 0009 #Have All Hearts 300D8763 00FF #Have All Tanks & Armour 800D8746 8F8F 800D8748 8F8F 300D8760 00FF #Have All Chips & Ride Armour 800D8766 00FF #All Bosses Defeated & Have All Weapons 50000902 0000 300D874B 00DC #All Bosses Defeated 2nd Time (Sigma Stages) 300D8769 00FF #All Mid-Bosses Defeated 300D8762 00FF #Infinite Air Dashes 300D90BB 0001 #Endless Dash E0135194 0020 300D90AE 000F #Moon Jumps E0135194 0040 800D9084 0293 #X has Beam-Sabre 300D8741 0080 #Zero has Beam-Sabre E00D9115 0002 300D9116 0001 ; [ Mega Man X4 (Europe) {SLES-01176} ] :SLES-01176 #Infinite Energy 801301EC 2020 #Infinite Lifes 8016008C 0009 #Infinite Leg Jets 80130214 0C00 #Have All Weapons 80130248 FF01 #Infinite Ammo 90130238 30303030 9013023C 30303030 90130240 30303030 90130244 30303030 #Kill Most Bosses With One Shot D0155464 0080 8012AE84 0000 #Best Shot 80130236 0404 ; [ Mega Man X5 (Europe) {SLES-03557} ] :SLES-03557 #Infinite Health On (Press Select & Up) D00D51FA FFEE 80035360 0004 ; [ Mega Man X6 (Europe) {SLES-03778} ] ; [ Megaman: Battle & Chase (Europe) {SLES-00766} ] :SLES-00766 #Start On Lap 4 D0163B82 0000 80163B82 0003 #Infinite Time 800D030E 0000 #Max Speed 801352C2 0155 #Se-Bar Always Full 8013532A 7800 #Have All Parts 50000602 0000 80131AF8 0F0F #Press L1 at Character Select for Dr. Wily E013F771 0004 3013F914 000E #Press L2 at Character Select for Duo E013F771 0001 3013F914 000F #Unlock All Characters & Tracks 801619C4 00FF ; [ Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91029} ] :SLPS-91029 #Hero HP now 901F1BCC 000003E7 #Hero Max HP 901F1BD0 000003E7 #HP MAX associates 1th 901F1C2C 000003E7 901F1C30 000003E7 #HP MAX associates second 901F1C8C 000003E7 901F1C90 000003E7 #HP MAXassociates third 901F1CEC 000003E7 901F1CF0 000003E7 #HP MAX associates fourth 901F1D4C 000003E7 901F1D50 000003E7 #All filled ANALYS 50000B02 0000 801F2A48 FFFF #Infinite Money 901F2674 3B9AC9FF #MAX Coin 901F2678 3B9AC9FF #Level Up 4 Main Game Characters 8005D6EC FFFF 8005D7D8 FFFF 8005D8C4 FFFF 8005D9B0 FFFF #No random battles on the field" 800B9C4C 0000 #No random battles in the dungeon 801F15B0 FFFF #Devil May analyze fully open 901F2A48 FFFFFFFF 901F2A4C FFFFFFFF 901F2A50 FFFFFFFF 901F2A54 FFFFFFFF 901F2A58 FFFFFFFF 801F2A5C FFFF ; [ Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind (Japan) {SLPS-00500} ] :SLPS-00500 #Infinite & Max HP Hero 801F1BCC 03E7 801F1BD0 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP associates 1th 801F1C2C 03E7 801F1C30 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP associates second 801F1C8C 03E7 801F1C90 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP associates third 801F1CEC 03E7 801F1CF0 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP associates fourth 801F1D4C 03E7 801F1D50 03E7 #All filled ANALYS 50000B02 0000 801F2A48 FFFF #Infinite Money 901F2674 3B9AC9FF #MAX Coin 901F2678 3B9AC9FF #Level Up 4 Main Game Characters 8005D6EC FFFF 8005D7D8 FFFF 8005D8C4 FFFF 8005D9B0 FFFF #No random battles on the field 800B9C4C 0000 #No random battles in the dungeon 801F15B0 FFFF #None Encounter 90009010 FFFFFFFF #Devil May analyze fully open 901F2A48 FFFFFFFF 901F2A4C FFFFFFFF 901F2A50 FFFFFFFF 901F2A54 FFFFFFFF 901F2A58 FFFFFFFF 801F2A5C FFFF ; [ Meguri Aishite (Japan) {SLPS-01714} ] :SLPS-01714 #All stats at 99 80021DE6 0063 80021DF6 0063 80021DFA 0063 80021DFE 0063 80021E02 0063 ; [ Meisha Retsuden: Greatest 70's (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02159} ] ; [ Meitantei Conan (Japan) {SLPS-01690} ] ; [ Meitantei Conan: 3-nin no Meisuiri (Japan) (Sunday Premium Disc) {SLP-80568} ] ; [ Meitantei Conan: 3-nin no Meisuiri (Japan) {SLPS-02804} ] ; [ Meitantei Conan: Trick Trick Vol. 0: Meikyuu no Crossroad Special Disc (Japan) Demo {SLP-80640} ] ; [ Meka Pokeler (Japan) {SLPS-02649} ] ; [ MeltyLancer: Ginga Shoujo Keisatsu 2086 (Japan) {SLPS-00282} ] :SLPS-00282 #Infinite HP Sylvie 801D06C0 03E7 801D06C4 03E7 #Infinite HP Angela 801D0820 03E7 801D0824 03E7 #Infinite HP Sakuya 801D0980 03E7 801D0984 03E7 #Score evaluation 9999 80086280 270F #Ren physical number of times Minimum (emergency appointment raw condition) 300862BC 0000 #Ren physical number of times Maximum (emergency appointment raw condition) 300862BC 0064 ; [ MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Japan) Demo {SLP-80161} ] ; [ MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Japan) {SLPS-01147 | SLPS-01148} ] :SLPS-01147 :SLPS-01148 #Knowledge=999 900D7090 0001869F #Response=999 900D7094 0001869F #Judgement=999 900D7098 0001869F #Health=999 900D709C 0001869F #Mp=999 900D70A0 0001869F #Cmmon=999 900D70A4 0001869F #Attack=999 900D70A8 0001869F #Defense=999 900D70AC 0001869F #Speed=999 900D70B0 0001869F #Hp=999 900D70C0 0001869F #Pp=999 900D70C4 0001869F #The Hp In The Battle=999 9009E8CC 03E703E7 #The Pp In The Battle=999 9009E8D0 03E703E7 #In battle turn 0 80093C10 0000 #Knowledge=999 900D7090 0001869F #Response=999 900D7094 0001869F #Judgement=999 900D7098 0001869F #Health=999 900D709C 0001869F #Mp=999 900D70A0 0001869F #Cmmon=999 900D70A4 0001869F #Attack=999 900D70A8 0001869F #Defense=999 900D70AC 0001869F #Speed=999 900D70B0 0001869F #Hp=999 900D70C0 0001869F #Pp=999 900D70C4 0001869F #The Hp In The Battle=999 9009E8CC 03E703E7 #The Pp In The Battle=999 9009E8D0 03E703E7 #In battle turn 0 80093C10 0000 ; [ MeltyLancer: The 3rd Planet (Japan) {SLP-86231 | SLP-86232} ] ; [ Memories Off (Japan) {SLPS-02296} ] :SLPS-02296 #Max Favorability Ya Ima-zaka smile 300F2A54 0064 #Max Favorability Kaoru Otowa 300F2A55 0064 #Max Favorability Ibuki water 300F2A56 0064 #Max Favorability Shion Futami 300F2A57 0064 #Max Favorability Kirishima Sayomi 300F2A58 0064 #Max Favorability Other Girl 300F2A59 0064 #Unlock all Music & Voice 300F2A88 0001 300F2A89 0001 300F2A8A 0001 300F2A8B 0001 300F2A8C 0001 300F2A8D 0001 #Unlock all Album galleries 900DC600 03FF00FF 900DC604 00FF03FF 900DC608 03FF01FF #All Cgs Hinokitsuki Ayaka 800DD380 00FF #All Cgs Ibuki water 800DD382 03FF #All Cgs Kaoru Otowa 800DD384 03FF #All Cgs Kirishima Sayomi 800DD386 00FF #All Cgs Shion Futami 800DD388 01FF #All Cgs Ima-zaka YuiEmi 800DD38A 03FF #Item occurrence of VOICE (all worth + clear flag) 300F3809 0001 800F380A 0101 900F380C 01010101 #Item occurrence of MUSIC 300F3808 0001 ; [ Memories Off 2nd (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-03289 | SLPS-03290} ] :SLPS-03289 :SLPS-03290 #SPECIAL fully open D0034642 1440 80034642 1000 #Shortcut fully open D003FB86 1060 8003FB86 1400 #Album fully open D003DD6E 1480 8003DD6E 1000 D003E29E 1460 8003E29E 1000 #Save reflection SPECIAL fully open 800BEEA0 FFFF #Save reflection Shortcut fully open 800BEEA2 FFFF #Save reflection Album fully open 900BEEA8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEAC FFFFFFFF 900BEEB0 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB4 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEBC FFFFFFFF 900BEEC0 FFFFFFFF #SPECIAL fully open D0034642 1440 80034642 1000 #Shortcut fully open D003FB86 1060 8003FB86 1400 #Album fully open D003DD6E 1480 8003DD6E 1000 D003E29E 1460 8003E29E 1000 #Save reflection SPECIAL fully open 800BEEA0 FFFF #Save reflection Shortcut fully open 800BEEA2 FFFF #Save reflection Album fully open 900BEEA8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEAC FFFFFFFF 900BEEB0 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB4 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEBC FFFFFFFF 900BEEC0 FFFFFFFF ; [ Memories Off 2nd (Japan) {SLPS-03292 | SLPS-03293 | SLPS-03291} ] :SLPS-03292 :SLPS-03293 :SLPS-03291 #SPECIAL fully open D0034642 1440 80034642 1000 #Shortcut fully open D003FB86 1060 8003FB86 1400 #Album fully open D003DD6E 1480 8003DD6E 1000 D003E29E 1460 8003E29E 1000 #Save reflection SPECIAL fully open 800BEEA0 FFFF #Save reflection Shortcut fully open 800BEEA2 FFFF #Save reflection Album fully open 900BEEA8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEAC FFFFFFFF 900BEEB0 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB4 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEBC FFFFFFFF 900BEEC0 FFFFFFFF #SPECIAL fully open D0034642 1440 80034642 1000 #Shortcut fully open D003FB86 1060 8003FB86 1400 #Album fully open D003DD6E 1480 8003DD6E 1000 D003E29E 1460 8003E29E 1000 #Save reflection SPECIAL fully open 800BEEA0 FFFF #Save reflection Shortcut fully open 800BEEA2 FFFF #Save reflection Album fully open 900BEEA8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEAC FFFFFFFF 900BEEB0 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB4 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEBC FFFFFFFF 900BEEC0 FFFFFFFF #SPECIAL fully open D0034642 1440 80034642 1000 #Shortcut fully open D003FB86 1060 8003FB86 1400 #Album fully open D003DD6E 1480 8003DD6E 1000 D003E29E 1460 8003E29E 1000 #Save reflection SPECIAL fully open 800BEEA0 FFFF #Save reflection Shortcut fully open 800BEEA2 FFFF #Save reflection Album fully open 900BEEA8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEAC FFFFFFFF 900BEEB0 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB4 FFFFFFFF 900BEEB8 FFFFFFFF 900BEEBC FFFFFFFF 900BEEC0 FFFFFFFF ; [ Memory Card Data Book Vol. 1 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80153} ] ; [ Memory Card Data Book Vol. 2 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80251} ] ; [ Memory Card Data Book Vol. 3 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80395} ] ; [ Memory Card Data Book Vol. 4 (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80520} ] ; [ Men in Black: The Game (Europe) {SLES-01047} ] :SLES-01047 #Infinite Energy Jay 800DFA7C 0064 #Infinite Energy Elle 800DEE68 0064 #Infinite Energy Kay 800E5DA8 0064 #Infinite Ammo 80085514 0000 #Infinite Health Packs 80059CA0 0000 #Infinite Small Med Kits 80059CD4 0000 #MIB Mission Archive 30037BE0 0004 ; [ Men in Black: The Game (France) {SLES-01199} ] :SLES-01199 #Infinite Ammo 80085A2C 0000 #Infinite Health Packs 8005A0E4 0000 #Infinite Small Med Kits 8005A118 0000 ; [ Men in Black: The Game (Germany) {SLES-01200} ] :SLES-01200 #Unendlich Energie 8002E0A0 0000 #Unendlich große Medipacks 8005A77C 0000 #Unendlich kleine Medipacks 8005A7B0 0000 #Unendlich Pistolen-Munition 8008619C 0000 ; [ Men in Black: The Game (Italy) {SLES-01201} ] ; [ Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown (Europe) {SLES-03519} ] ; [ Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown (France) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-03520} ] ; [ Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown (Germany) {SLES-03521} ] :SLES-03521 #Unendlich Gesundheit D10EFFCC 0064 300EFFCC 0064 #Unendlich Munition D10A5CD0 0008 300A5CD0 0008 D10A5CD4 0008 300A5CD4 0008 #Have All Levels D00A5B0C 0000 300A5B0C 0002 ; [ Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown (Italy) {SLES-03522} ] ; [ Men in Black: The Series: Crashdown (Spain) {SLES-03523} ] :SLES-03523 #Infinite Energy 800EFFCC 0064 #Infinite Ammo 801F7C28 0050 #Have All Levels D00A5B0C 0000 800A5B0C 0002 ; [ Mental Wealth: ECTS '99 Demo Disc (Europe) {SCED-02256} ] ; [ Meremanoid (Japan) Demo {SLP-80440} ] ; [ Mermaid no Kisetsu (Japan) {SLP-86934 | SLP-86935 | SLP-86936} ] ; [ Mermaid no Kisetsu: Curtain Call (Japan) {SLP-87108 | SLP-87109} ] ; [ Merriment Carrying Caravan (Japan) {SLPS-01493} ] :SLPS-01493 #Money 999999999 900F7604 3B9AC9FF #Claire Max stats 300F7544 0064 300F7545 0064 800F7546 03E7 900F7548 03E703E7 900F754C 03E703E7 #Janet Max stats 300F7572 0064 300F7573 0064 900F7574 03E703E7 900F7578 03E703E7 800F757C 03E7 #Becky Max stats 300F75A0 0064 300F75A1 0064 800F75A2 03E7 900F75A4 03E703E7 900F75A8 03E703E7 #Connie Max stats 300F75CE 0064 300F75CF 0064 900F75D0 03E703E7 900F75D4 03E703E7 800F75D8 03E7 #Presents 99 800F762C 6363 900F762C 63636363 900F7630 63636363 900F7634 63636363 800F7638 6363 300F763A 0063 #Item 99 fighter 300F7643 0063 900F7644 63636363 300F7648 0063 #Rares 99 300F7649 0063 800F764A 6363 900F764C 63636363 800F7650 6363 900F7654 63636363 #Sudden combat victory D00AC528 0051 800AC528 0000 #Does not decrease during movement strength D001C0CC 02ED 8001C0CC 0000 D001C0CE A062 8001C0CE 0000 ; [ Meru Purana (Japan) {SLPS-00359} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Europe) Demo {SLED-01400} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Europe) Demo {SLED-01775} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Europe) {SLES-01370 | SLES-11370} ] :SLES-01370 :SLES-11370 #Infinite Health 800B5E06 0600 #Infinite Oxygen 800ACA8C 0400 #Infinite Medicine 800B5E56 0002 #Infinite Rations 800B5E54 0002 #Infinite Diazepam 800B5E58 0001 #Socom Pistol + Infinite Ammo 800B5E12 00FF #Famas Rifle + Infinite Ammo 800B5E14 00FF #Psg1 Rifle + Infinite Ammo 800B5E24 00FF #Nikita + Infinite Ammo 800B5E18 00FF #Stinger + Infinite Ammo 800B5E1A 00FF #Infinite Stun Grenades 800B5E20 00FF #Infinite Chaff Grenades 800B5E22 00FF #Infinite Grenades 800B5E16 00FF #Infinite Claymores 800B5E1C 00FF #Infinite C4 Explosive 800B5E1E 00FF #Cardboard Box A - Heliport 800B5E3E 0001 #Cardboard Box B - Nuke Store 800B5E40 0001 #Cardboard Box c - Snow Field 800B5E42 0001 #Night-Vision Goggles 800B5E44 0001 #Thermal Goggles 800B5E46 0001 #Gasmask 800B5E48 0001 #Body Armour 800B5E4A 0001 #Ketchup 800B5E4C 0001 #Stealth 800B5E4E 0001 #Bandanna 800B5E50 0001 #Camera 800B5E52 0001 #Pal Keys 800B5E5A 0001 #Mine Detector 800B5E60 0001 #Mo Disk 800B5E62 0001 #Rope 800B5E64 0001 #Handkerchief 800B5E66 0001 #Have Level 100 Key Card 800B5E5C 0064 #All Modes In Vr-Training 300B500B 0020 #Max Ammo Socom 800B5E26 0063 #Max Ammo Fa-Mas 800B5E28 0063 #Max Ammo Grenades 800B5E2A 0063 #Max Ammo Nikita 800B5E2C 0063 #Max Ammo Stinger 800B5E2E 0063 #Max Ammo Claymore 800B5E30 0063 #Max Ammo C4 800B5E32 0063 #Max Ammo Stun Grenade 800B5E34 0063 #Max Ammo Chaff Grenades 800B5E36 0063 #Max Ammo Psg1 Sniper Rifle 800B5E38 0063 #Have Cigs 800B5E3A 0001 #Have Scope 800B5E3C 0001 #Have Time Bomb 800B5E5E 0001 #Never Have Time Bomb 800B5E5E 0000 #Have Supressor 800B5E68 0001 #Have Supressor Active 800B5E68 0000 #Have All Weapons 50000A02 0000 800B5E12 0063 #Have All Items 50001902 0000 800B5E3A 0001 #Start With Extended Life Bar 800B5E08 0600 #Max Life 800B76FE 05EA #Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800ACA58 0000 #Quick Vr Training This code gives you the end triangular thing that you need to touch to pass the level 800E2188 0000 #Ocelot Has 0 Bullets 80167CD8 0000 80167B98 0000 #Invincibility (Must Get Hit First) 800ACAAA 0010 #Automatic Socom 800B161C FFFF #Easy Fight With Liquid 8017997C 0001 #Play In 1st Person Perspective just press Triangle 800AC4AC 0020 #Ghost Mode 900ACA68 00000000 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (France) {SLES-01506 | SLES-11506} ] :SLES-01506 :SLES-11506 #Vie Infinie 800B6396 0600 800B6398 0600 #Munitions Infinies 90067D70 00000000 #Vr Training Termine 300B559B 0020 #Toutes Les Armes 800B63A2 03E7 900B63A4 006303E7 900B63A8 00630063 900B63AC 00630063 900B63B0 00630063 800B63B4 0063 #Tous Les Objets 800B63CE 0001 900B63D0 00010001 900B63D4 00010001 900B63D8 00010001 900B63DC 00010001 900B63E0 00010001 900B63E4 00010005 900B63E8 00010001 900B63EC 03E70007 900B63F0 00010001 900B63F4 00010001 800B63F8 0001 #Vie Infinie 800B6396 0600 800B6398 0600 #Munitions Infinies 90067D70 00000000 #Vr Training Termine 300B559B 0020 #Toutes Les Armes 800B63A2 03E7 900B63A4 006303E7 900B63A8 00630063 900B63AC 00630063 900B63B0 00630063 800B63B4 0063 #Tous Les Objets 800B63CE 0001 900B63D0 00010001 900B63D4 00010001 900B63D8 00010001 900B63DC 00010001 900B63E0 00010001 900B63E4 00010005 900B63E8 00010001 900B63EC 03E70007 900B63F0 00010001 900B63F4 00010001 800B63F8 0001 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Germany) {SLES-01507 | SLES-11507} ] :SLES-01507 :SLES-11507 #Unendlich Leben 800B61A6 0600 #Max Leben 800B61A8 0600 #Unendlich Luft 800ACE2C 0400 #Bekomme Keinen Schnupfen 800B61AA 0000 #Geister-Modus (Kann Nichts Aufnehmen...) 900ACE08 00000000 #Radar Nicht GestöRt Wenn Entdeckt 800ACDF8 0000 #Alle Modi Im Vr Training 300B53AB 0020 #Besitze Socom (Pistole) 800B61B2 03E7 800B61C6 03E7 #Besitze Fa-Mas (Sturmgewehr) 800B61B4 03E7 800B61C8 03E7 #Besitze Grenades (Splittergranate) 800B61B6 03E7 800B61CA 03E7 #Besitze Nikita (Lenkrakete) 800B61B8 03E7 800B61CC 03E7 #Besitze Stinger (Stinger-Rakete) 800B61BA 03E7 800B61CE 03E7 #Besitze Claymore (Minen) 800B61BC 03E7 800B61D0 03E7 #Besitze C4 (Plastiksprengstoff) 800B61BE 03E7 800B61D2 03E7 #Besitze Stun Grenades (Blendgranate) 800B61C0 03E7 800B61D4 03E7 #Besitze Chaff (DüPpel) 800B61C2 03E7 800B61D6 03E7 #Besitze Psg1 (ScharfschüTzengewehr) 800B61C4 03E7 800B61D8 03E7 #Besitze Cigs (Zigaretten) 800B61DA 0001 #Besitze Scope (Fernglas) 800B61DC 0001 #Besitze C. Box A (Karton A) 800B61DE 0001 #Besitze C. Box B (Karton B) 800B61E0 0001 #Besitze C. Box c (Karton C) 800B61E2 0001 #Besitze N.V.G. (NachtsichtgeräT) 800B61E4 0001 #Besitze Therm. G (InfratorsichtgeräT) 800B61E6 0001 #Besitze Gas Mask (Gasmaske) 800B61E8 0001 #Besitze B. Armor (Schutzweste) 800B61EA 0001 #Besitze Ketchup 800B61EC 0001 #Besitze Stealth 800B61EE 0001 #Besitze Bandana 800B61F0 0001 #Besitze Camera 800B61F2 0001 #Besitze 255 Rationen 800B61F4 03E7 800B620A 03E7 #Besitze 255 Medicine (Medizin) 800B61F6 03E7 800B620C 03E7 #Besitze 255 Diazepam 800B61F8 03E7 800B620E 03E7 #Besitze Pal Key (Pal SchlüSsel) 800B61FA 0001 #Besitze Id-Karte 800B61FC 0064 #Besitze Nie Zeitbombe 800B61FE 0000 #Besitze Minendetektor 800B6200 0001 #Besitze Mo Disc 800B6202 0001 #Besitze Rope (Seil) 800B6204 0001 #Besitze Handker (Taschentuch) 800B6206 0001 #Besitze Suppressor (SchalldäMpfer) 800B6208 0000 #Besitze #Cold# (Blauer) Pal Key Drücke Dreieck+O Diese Codes sind nur für ungefähr eine Sekunde aktiv! D00ACD48 0030 800B6212 0002 #Besitze #Hot# (Roter) Pal Key Drücke O+X Diese Codes sind nur für ungefähr eine Sekunde aktiv! D00ACD48 0060 800B6212 0001 #Besitze Alle Waffen Benutzen Sie entweder die Waffencodes einzeln oder diesen Code 50001402 0000 800B61B2 03E7 #Besitze Die Meisten GegenstäNde Benutzen Sie entweder die Codes für die Gegenstände einzeln oder diesen Code. 50000D02 0000 800B61DA 0001 #Psycho Mantis 0 Energie Drücke L2+Dreieck+Quadrat D00ACD48 0091 800B7936 0000 #Sniper Wolf 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80173188 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8017318C 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80172E44 0001 #Hind d 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80154CD4 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80154E74 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80154AB4 0000 #Sniper Wolf II 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+HocH D00ACD48 1010 801701BC 0000 D00ACD48 1010 801701C0 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8016FE78 0001 #Vulcan Raven 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80157408 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8015740C 0000 #Metal Gear Rex i & II 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 800B7B76 0000 #0 Schuss FüR Revolver Ocelot Oben+Dreieck D00ACD48 1010 800B7936 0000 #Ninja Besiegen Oben+Dreieck D00ACD48 1010 8015B59C 0000 #Radar Funktioniert Bei Jedem Schwierigkeitsgrad 800B6194 2410 #Radar Immer Aus 800B6194 2C10 #Spiele Im First Person Viewmode Um diesen Code zu aktivieren einfach L1+L2+R1+R2 drücken und danach den Dreieck-Knopf. Zum deaktivieren einfach Dreieck nochmal drücken. D00ACD48 001F 300ACE48 0000 #Besitze Normalen Pal Key Drücke O+X+L2 D00ACD48 0061 800B6212 0000 #Durch WäNde Gehen 90026580 08009990 #Unendlich Leben 800B61A6 0600 #Max Leben 800B61A8 0600 #Unendlich Luft 800ACE2C 0400 #Bekomme Keinen Schnupfen 800B61AA 0000 #Geister-Modus (Kann Nichts Aufnehmen...) 900ACE08 00000000 #Radar Nicht GestöRt Wenn Entdeckt 800ACDF8 0000 #Alle Modi Im Vr Training 300B53AB 0020 #Besitze Socom (Pistole) 800B61B2 03E7 800B61C6 03E7 #Besitze Fa-Mas (Sturmgewehr) 800B61B4 03E7 800B61C8 03E7 #Besitze Grenades (Splittergranate) 800B61B6 03E7 800B61CA 03E7 #Besitze Nikita (Lenkrakete) 800B61B8 03E7 800B61CC 03E7 #Besitze Stinger (Stinger-Rakete) 800B61BA 03E7 800B61CE 03E7 #Besitze Claymore (Minen) 800B61BC 03E7 800B61D0 03E7 #Besitze C4 (Plastiksprengstoff) 800B61BE 03E7 800B61D2 03E7 #Besitze Stun Grenades (Blendgranate) 800B61C0 03E7 800B61D4 03E7 #Besitze Chaff (DüPpel) 800B61C2 03E7 800B61D6 03E7 #Besitze Psg1 (ScharfschüTzengewehr) 800B61C4 03E7 800B61D8 03E7 #Besitze Cigs (Zigaretten) 800B61DA 0001 #Besitze Scope (Fernglas) 800B61DC 0001 #Besitze C. Box A (Karton A) 800B61DE 0001 #Besitze C. Box B (Karton B) 800B61E0 0001 #Besitze C. Box c (Karton C) 800B61E2 0001 #Besitze N.V.G. (NachtsichtgeräT) 800B61E4 0001 #Besitze Therm. G (InfratorsichtgeräT) 800B61E6 0001 #Besitze Gas Mask (Gasmaske) 800B61E8 0001 #Besitze B. Armor (Schutzweste) 800B61EA 0001 #Besitze Ketchup 800B61EC 0001 #Besitze Stealth 800B61EE 0001 #Besitze Bandana 800B61F0 0001 #Besitze Camera 800B61F2 0001 #Besitze 255 Rationen 800B61F4 03E7 800B620A 03E7 #Besitze 255 Medicine (Medizin) 800B61F6 03E7 800B620C 03E7 #Besitze 255 Diazepam 800B61F8 03E7 800B620E 03E7 #Besitze Pal Key (Pal SchlüSsel) 800B61FA 0001 #Besitze Id-Karte 800B61FC 0064 #Besitze Nie Zeitbombe 800B61FE 0000 #Besitze Minendetektor 800B6200 0001 #Besitze Mo Disc 800B6202 0001 #Besitze Rope (Seil) 800B6204 0001 #Besitze Handker (Taschentuch) 800B6206 0001 #Besitze Suppressor (SchalldäMpfer) 800B6208 0000 #Besitze #Cold# (Blauer) Pal Key Drücke Dreieck+O Diese Codes sind nur für ungefähr eine Sekunde aktiv! D00ACD48 0030 800B6212 0002 #Besitze #Hot# (Roter) Pal Key Drücke O+X Diese Codes sind nur für ungefähr eine Sekunde aktiv! D00ACD48 0060 800B6212 0001 #Besitze Alle Waffen Benutzen Sie entweder die Waffencodes einzeln oder diesen Code 50001402 0000 800B61B2 03E7 #Besitze Die Meisten GegenstäNde Benutzen Sie entweder die Codes für die Gegenstände einzeln oder diesen Code. 50000D02 0000 800B61DA 0001 #Psycho Mantis 0 Energie Drücke L2+Dreieck+Quadrat D00ACD48 0091 800B7936 0000 #Sniper Wolf 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80173188 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8017318C 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80172E44 0001 #Hind d 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80154CD4 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80154E74 0000 D00ACD48 1010 80154AB4 0000 #Sniper Wolf II 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+HocH D00ACD48 1010 801701BC 0000 D00ACD48 1010 801701C0 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8016FE78 0001 #Vulcan Raven 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 80157408 0000 D00ACD48 1010 8015740C 0000 #Metal Gear Rex i & II 0 Energie Drücke Dreieck+Hoch D00ACD48 1010 800B7B76 0000 #0 Schuss FüR Revolver Ocelot Oben+Dreieck D00ACD48 1010 800B7936 0000 #Ninja Besiegen Oben+Dreieck D00ACD48 1010 8015B59C 0000 #Radar Funktioniert Bei Jedem Schwierigkeitsgrad 800B6194 2410 #Radar Immer Aus 800B6194 2C10 #Spiele Im First Person Viewmode Um diesen Code zu aktivieren einfach L1+L2+R1+R2 drücken und danach den Dreieck-Knopf. Zum deaktivieren einfach Dreieck nochmal drücken. D00ACD48 001F 300ACE48 0000 #Besitze Normalen Pal Key Drücke O+X+L2 D00ACD48 0061 800B6212 0000 #Durch WäNde Gehen 90026580 08009990 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Ichi) (Japan) {SLP-86114 | SLP-86115} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Italy) {SLES-01508 | SLES-11508} ] :SLES-01508 :SLES-11508 #Razioni Infinite 800B5EBC 0063 #Socom Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E7A 03E7 #Famas Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E7C 03E7 #Granate Infinite 800B5E7E 03E7 #Granate Stun Infinite 800B5E88 03E7 #Granate Chaff Infinite 800B5E8A 03E7 #C4 Infinito 800B5E86 03E7 #Nikita Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E80 03E7 #Psg 1 Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E8C 03E7 #Stinger Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E82 0063 #Diazepam Infiniti 800B5EC0 0063 #Razioni Infinite 800B5EBC 0063 #Socom Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E7A 03E7 #Famas Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E7C 03E7 #Granate Infinite 800B5E7E 03E7 #Granate Stun Infinite 800B5E88 03E7 #Granate Chaff Infinite 800B5E8A 03E7 #C4 Infinito 800B5E86 03E7 #Nikita Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E80 03E7 #Psg 1 Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E8C 03E7 #Stinger Con Munizioni Infinite 800B5E82 0063 #Diazepam Infiniti 800B5EC0 0063 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Japan) Demo {SLP-86098} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Spain) Rev 1 {SLES-01734 | SLES-11734} ] :SLES-01734 :SLES-11734 #Infinite Vida 800B5F3E 00FA #Maxima vida 800B5F40 0600 #Infinite Ammo SOCOM 800B5F4A 0063 #Infinite C4 ammo 800B5F56 0063 #Infinite Stun grenades 800B5F58 0063 #Infinite Chaff grenades 800B5F5A 0063 #Infinite Assault rifle ammo 800B5F4C 0064 #Infinite Aire 800ACBC4 03E7 #Sin Acatarrarse 800B5F42 0000 #Todos Los Modos Vr Training 800B5143 0020 #Sin Recargar Nunca 800ACB7C 000D #No salta el radr 800ACB90 0000 #Nunca terner frio 800B731A 0000 #Pistola Socom 800B5F4A 03E7 800B5F5E 03E7 #Rifle Famas 800B5F4C 03E7 800B5F60 03E7 #Nikita 800B5F50 03E7 800B5F64 03E7 #Stinger 800B5F52 03E7 800B5F66 03E7 #Rifle Psg1 800B5F5C 03E7 800B5F70 03E7 #Granadas 800B5F4E 03E7 800B5F62 03E7 #Minas Claymore 800B5F54 03E7 800B5F68 03E7 #255 DIAZEPAMS 800B5F90 03E7 800B5FA6 03E7 #Llave Pal 800B5F92 0001 #Tarjeta llave nivel 100 800B5F94 0064 #No tener nunca la bomba de relojeria 800B5F96 0000 #Detector de minas 800B5F98 0001 #Disco MO 800B5F9A 0001 #Cuerda 800B5F9C 0001 #Pañuelo de Sniper Worf 800B5F9E 0001 #Activar Silenciador 800B5FA0 0000 #Prismaticos 800B5F74 0001 #Caja de carton A 800B5F76 0001 #Caja de carton B 800B5F78 0001 #Caja de carton C 800B5F7A 0001 #Lentes de vision nocturna 800B5F7C 0001 #Lentes Termicas 800B5F7E 0001 #Mascara Anti-Gas 800B5F80 0001 #Body Armor 800B5F82 0001 #Kepchup 800B5F84 0001 #Stealth Camuflaje Optico 800B5F86 0001 #Bandana 800B5F88 0001 #Cmara 800B5F8A 0001 ; [ Metal Gear Solid (Spain) {SLES-01734 | SLES-11734} ] :SLES-01734 :SLES-11734 #Infinite Vida 800B5F3E 00FA #Maxima vida 800B5F40 0600 #Infinite Ammo SOCOM 800B5F4A 0063 #Infinite C4 ammo 800B5F56 0063 #Infinite Stun grenades 800B5F58 0063 #Infinite Chaff grenades 800B5F5A 0063 #Infinite Assault rifle ammo 800B5F4C 0064 #Infinite Aire 800ACBC4 03E7 #Sin Acatarrarse 800B5F42 0000 #Todos Los Modos Vr Training 800B5143 0020 #Sin Recargar Nunca 800ACB7C 000D #No salta el radr 800ACB90 0000 #Nunca terner frio 800B731A 0000 #Pistola Socom 800B5F4A 03E7 800B5F5E 03E7 #Rifle Famas 800B5F4C 03E7 800B5F60 03E7 #Nikita 800B5F50 03E7 800B5F64 03E7 #Stinger 800B5F52 03E7 800B5F66 03E7 #Rifle Psg1 800B5F5C 03E7 800B5F70 03E7 #Granadas 800B5F4E 03E7 800B5F62 03E7 #Minas Claymore 800B5F54 03E7 800B5F68 03E7 #255 DIAZEPAMS 800B5F90 03E7 800B5FA6 03E7 #Llave Pal 800B5F92 0001 #Tarjeta llave nivel 100 800B5F94 0064 #No tener nunca la bomba de relojeria 800B5F96 0000 #Detector de minas 800B5F98 0001 #Disco MO 800B5F9A 0001 #Cuerda 800B5F9C 0001 #Pañuelo de Sniper Worf 800B5F9E 0001 #Activar Silenciador 800B5FA0 0000 #Prismaticos 800B5F74 0001 #Caja de carton A 800B5F76 0001 #Caja de carton B 800B5F78 0001 #Caja de carton C 800B5F7A 0001 #Lentes de vision nocturna 800B5F7C 0001 #Lentes Termicas 800B5F7E 0001 #Mascara Anti-Gas 800B5F80 0001 #Body Armor 800B5F82 0001 #Kepchup 800B5F84 0001 #Stealth Camuflaje Optico 800B5F86 0001 #Bandana 800B5F88 0001 #Cmara 800B5F8A 0001 ; [ Metal Gear Solid aka メタルギア ソリッド (Asia) (Premium Package) {SCPS-45317 | SCPS-45318} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid aka メタル・ギア・ソリッド (Asia) (Pilot Disc) {PAPX-90044} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid: Integral (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45412 | SCPS-45413 | SCPS-45414} ] ; [ Metal Gear Solid: Special Missions (Europe) {SLES-02136} ] :SLES-02136 #Infinite Health 800B757E 0600 800B7580 0600 #Never Get A Cold 800B7582 0000 #Infinite Air 800ACAAC 03E7 #Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800ACA78 0000 #Never Reload 800ACA64 0019 #Never Have Time Bomb In Pocket 800B5E7E 0000 #Ghost Mode 900ACA88 00000000 #Have Cigs 800B5E5A 0001 #Have Scope 800B5E5C 0001 #Have C. Box A 800B5E5E 0001 #Have C. Box B 800B5E60 0001 #Have C. Box c 800B5E62 0001 #Have Night Vision Goggles 800B5E64 0001 #Have Thermal Goggles 800B5E66 0001 #Have Gas Mask 800B5E68 0001 #Have Body Armor 800B5E6A 0001 #Have Ketchup 800B5E6C 0001 #Have Stealth 800B5E6E 0001 #Have Bandana 800B5E70 0001 #Have Camera 800B5E72 0001 #Have 255 Rations 800B5E74 03E7 800B5E8A 03E7 #Have 255 Medicine 800B5E76 03E7 800B5E8C 03E7 #Have 255 Diazepam 800B5E78 03E7 800B5E8E 03E7 #Have Pal-Key 800B5E7A 0001 #Have Level 100 Key Card 800B5E7C 0064 #Have Mine Detector 800B5E80 0001 #Have Mo-Disc 800B5E82 0001 #Have Rope 800B5E84 0001 #Have Handker 800B5E86 0001 #Have Suppressor Active 800B5E88 0000 #Have All Items (Replaces Above Item-Codes)Press L2 D00AC9CC 0001 50001202 0000 800B5E5A 0001 D00AC9CC 0001 50000502 0000 800B5E80 0001 #Have Socom Pistol 800B5E32 03E7 800B5E46 03E7 #Have Famas 800B5E34 03E7 800B5E48 03E7 #Have Grenades 800B5E36 03E7 800B5E4A 03E7 #Have Nikita 800B5E38 03E7 800B5E4C 03E7 #Have Stinger 800B5E3A 03E7 800B5E4E 03E7 #Have Claymore Mines 800B5E3C 03E7 800B5E50 03E7 #Have C4 800B5E3E 03E7 800B5E52 03E7 #Have Stun-Grenades 800B5E40 03E7 800B5E54 03E7 #Have Chaff Grenades 800B5E42 03E7 800B5E56 03E7 #Have Sniper Rifle 800B5E44 03E7 800B5E58 03E7 #Have Alle Weapons & Ammo Press R2 Use this code or the specified weapon/ammo codes. D00AC9CC 0002 50001402 0000 800B5E32 03E7 #Special Mode Codes\All Missions Open 800E58FC FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Vs. 12 Battle All Levels Open & Complete 800E58FE FFFF 800E5900 FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Ninja All Levels Open & Complete 900E589C FFFFFFFF #Special Mode Codes\Ng Selection All Levels Open & Complete 800E587E FFFF 800E5880 FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Variety All Levels Open & Complete 800E591A FFFF 800E591C FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Puzzle All Levels Open & Complete 800E593A FFFF 800E593C FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Mystery All Levels Open & Complete 800E594E FFFF 800E5950 FFFF #Special Mode Codes\Vr Mission Complete 800E5930 1000 #1 Min. Battle Codes\Vs. Target All Levels Open & Complete 900E5884 FFFFFFFF #1 Min. Battle Codes\Vs. Enemy All Levels Open & Complete 900E586C FFFFFFFF #Sneak Mode - No Weapons\Practice All Levels Opened 800E5830 FFFE #Sneak Mode - No Weapons\Time Attack All Levels Opened 800E5848 FFFE #Sneak Mode - Socom\Practice All Levels Opened 800E5800 FFFE #Sneak Mode - Socom\Time Attack All Levels Opened 800E5818 FFFE #Weapon Mode - Time Attack\All Weapons, All Levels Opened 800E581A 8FE0 900E581C F0F83E0F 900E5820 F83E0F8F #Weapon Mode - Practice\All Weapons, All Levels Opened 800E5802 8FE0 900E5804 F0F83E0F 900E5808 F83E0F8F #Advanced Mode - Time Attack\All Weapons, All Levels Opened 800E584A 8FE0 900E584C F0F83E0F 900E5850 F83E0F8F #Advanced Mode - Practice\All Weapons, All Levels Opened 800E5832 8FE0 900E5834 F0F83E0F 900E5838 F83E0F8F ; [ Metal Jacket (Japan) {SLPS-00008} ] #Infinite Jump Fly Jets 8007A16C 03E8 #Infinite Machine Gun 8007A15C 006E #Infinite Scatter Bomb 8007A160 00FF #Infinite Shield 8007A164 03E8 #Infinite Weapon 8007A158 00FF ; [ Metal Slug X (Europe) {SLES-03575} ] ; [ Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 (Japan) {SLP-86456} ] ; [ Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45097} ] ; [ Metamor Panic: Doki Doki Youma Busters!! (Japan) {SLPS-00039} ] :SLPS-00039 #Infinite Energy Short Hair Girl 800C2A60 03E7 #Infinite Energy Long Hair Girl 800C2BF0 03E7 #Infinite Energy Boy 800C28D0 03E7 #Infinite Special attack long hair girl 800C2BF8 03E7 #Infinite Special attack short hair girl 800C2A68 03E7 #Infinite Special attack boy 800C28D8 03E7 ; [ Mezase! Meimon Yakyuubu (Japan) {SLPS-01911} ] ; [ Mezase! Skymark: Challenge Airline Pilot (Japan) {SLPS-02198} ] ; [ Michael Owen's World League Soccer '99 (Europe) {SLES-01594} ] ; [ Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03931} ] :SLES-03931 #Start From 3rd Lap 8012ECC6 0002 #Championship Mode - Unlock Ica 8007F112 03E7 #Championship Mode - Unlock Fsa 8007F11E 03E7 #999 Points For Fun Stage 8007F10C 03E7 #999 Points For Jpn Mitzuma 8007F10C 03E7 #999 Points For Fra Lecombe 8007F10E 03E7 #999 Points For Nl Erasmuspark 8007F110 03E7 #Ica Stage - Gb Isle Of Man 8007F114 03E7 #Ica Stage - Aut Salzachbahn 8007F116 03E7 #Ica Stage - Nl Erasmuspark 8007F118 03E7 #Ica Stage - Fra Lecombe 8007F11A 03E7 #Ica Stage - Usa Desert View 8007F11C 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Ger Grune Meile 8007F120 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Ita Bagnaria Aba 8007F122 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Gb Isle Of Man 8007F124 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Aut Salzachbahn 8007F126 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Usa Desert View 8007F128 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Ger Grune Meile Rn 8007F12A 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Ita Bagnaria Aba Rn 8007F12C 03E7 #Fsa Stage - Hun Sasad Airport 8007F12E 03E7 #Duel Mode - Unlock Ica 8007F138 03E7 #Duel Mode - Unlock Fsa 8007F144 03E7 #Training Mode - Unlock Ica 8007F0C6 0001 #Training Mode - Unlock Fsa 8007F0D2 0001 #Trial Time Mode - Unlock Ica Change the 0001 to FFFF to be given the ticks. 8007F0EC 0001 #Trial Time Mode - Unlock Fsa Change the 0001 to FFFF to be given the ticks. 8007F0F8 0001 ; [ Michelin Rally Masters: Race of Champions (Europe) {SLES-01545} ] :SLES-01545 #Infinite Repair-Time (Trophy) Press Select & Start D00AD462 FFF6 800D1850 0000 #10 Race-Points Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 D00AD462 F0FF 3009E31B 000A #Maximum Score D009D90C 0000 8009D90C 03E7 E009D913 0000 3009D913 00FF ; [ Michelin Rally Masters: Race of Champions (Europe) {SLES-02395} ] ; [ Mickey's Wild Adventure (Europe) (Platinum) {SCES-00163} ] :SCES-00163 #Infinite Lives 800B037C 0003 #Infinite Marbles 800AFFC4 000A #Invincibility 800AFBF0 0033 #Level Select 300AFF34 0001 ; [ Micro Machines (Japan) {SLPS-01111} ] :SLPS-01111 #Always Come In First 8013A93E 0000 8013ABC2 0000 8013AE46 0000 8013B0CA 0000 #Does not decrease LIFE 800129DA 00FF #Infinite Items 1P 80136EE4 00FF ; [ Micro Machines V3 (Europe) (EDC Value Series) {SLES-00016} ] :SLES-00016 #P1 Infinite Lives 800129DA 0003 #Only one lap to race 8013AB3E 0003 #Lap time 0:00:00 800BB5CC 0000 ; [ Micro Machines V3 (Europe) {SLES-00016} ] :SLES-00016 #P1 Infinite Lives 800129DA 0003 #Only one lap to race 8013AB3E 0003 #Lap time 0:00:00 800BB5CC 0000 ; [ Micro Maniacs (Europe) {SLES-01921} ] :SLES-01921 #P1 Infinite Lives 30065A22 0009 #All Secret Options Selectable 80065DA0 FFFF ; [ Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 (Japan) {SLP-86022} ] ; [ Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 aka Midnight Run (Europe) {SLES-00590} ] :SLES-00590 #Infinite Time To Choose D013357A 023D 8013357A 02FF D0133562 023D 80133562 02FF #Infinite Time 80133414 0675 #Laptime = 0 80132C54 0000 #Passed Cars = 32 80133594 0020 #Turbo Boost Press R2 to activate D0132C08 0002 80133376 02FF ; [ Midnight in Vegas (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-02499} ] :SLES-02499 #P1 Infinite Money 8008E9CA 0098 #P2 Infinite Money 8008EB72 0098 #P3 Infinite Money 8008ED1A 0098 #P4 Infinite Money 8008EEC2 0098 ; [ Midnight in Vegas (Europe) {SLES-02499} ] :SLES-02499 #P1 Infinite Money 8008E9CA 0098 #P2 Infinite Money 8008EB72 0098 #P3 Infinite Money 8008ED1A 0098 #P4 Infinite Money 8008EEC2 0098 ; [ Midori no Makibao: Kuroi Inazuma Shiroi Kiseki (Japan) {SLPS-01312} ] ; [ Mighty Hits (Japan) {SLPS-00583} ] :SLPS-00583 #Infinite Life 800A8510 000C #Time 98 when youe press select D008D976 FFFE 300D01CD 0016 ; [ Mighty Hits Special (Europe) {SLES-02244} ] :SLES-02244 #P1 Infinite Lives 800F0600 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800F0604 0005 ; [ Mighty Hits Special (Japan) (Pop Collection 1280 Yen) {SLPS-02165} ] :SLPS-02165 #P1 Infinite Lives 800F0600 0005 #Infinite Times (Press R2) D00E2BF8 0002 800E4768 0007 ; [ Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan (Honpen Disc Ichi) (Japan) {SLPS-01611 | SLPS-01612 | SLPS-01613 | SLPS-01614} ] :SLPS-01611 :SLPS-01612 :SLPS-01613 :SLPS-01614 #Have always 5 trigger points 80074FC6 0005 #Have always 5 trigger points 80074FC6 0005 #Have always 5 trigger points 80074FC6 0005 #Have always 5 trigger points 80074FC6 0005 ; [ Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan + Neko Zamurai (Japan) (Taikenban CD-ROM) {SLP-80283} ] ; [ Mike Tyson Boxing (Europe) {SLES-02839} ] :SLES-02839 #P1 Set K.O.-timer on zero (Press Select & Down) D012B52E FFBE 30118D64 0000 #P1 Set K.O.-timer on 10 (Press Select & Up) D012B52E FFEE 30118D64 000A #Gym have max Rest 30144CC4 0064 #Gym have max Skipping 30144CAC 0018 #Gym have max Speedball 30144CB0 0018 #Gym have max Circuits 30144CB4 0018 #Gym have max Punchbag 30144CB8 0018 #Gym have max Weights 30144CBC 0018 #Gym have max Sparring 30144CC0 0018 #Gym have max Food Intake 30144CC8 000A #Gym have max Earnings D0144D50 0000 80144D50 8760 D0144D52 0000 80144D52 0003 #Single Player K.O.-lamps always off D017BD68 0001 3017BD68 0000 #Single Player Give P2 3 K.O.-lamps (Press Select & Right) D012B52E FFDE 301A0C5C 0003 #World Mode 1st set Point bar completely red (Press Select & Right) D012B52E FFDE 8017E360 0A28 #World Mode 1st set K.O.-lamps always off D017E35C 0001 3017E35C 0000 #World Mode 1st set Give P2 3 K.O.-lamps (Press Select & Right) D012B52E FFDE 301A31C4 0003 #Unlocked Tao Zhu 300FFA68 0001 #Unlocked Samuel Jefferson 300FFA6C 0001 #Unlocked Fabian Van Hilten 300FFA70 0001 #Unlocked Patrice Demanger 300FFA74 0001 #Unlocked Frankie Zamboni 300FFA88 0001 #Unlocked Johnny Roberts 300FFA8C 0001 #Unlocked Mick Oshea 300FFA90 0001 #Unlocked Jimmy Silk 300FFA94 0001 ; [ Milky Season (Japan) {SLPS-03367} ] :SLPS-03367 #CG Gallery 100% 50000502 0000 80064CC8 FFFF 80064CD2 03FF #Girl by favorability rating Ayase Miki 30064DE8 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Nonomura Hanashao 30064DE9 00FF #Girl by favorability rating SenUra Shin-rin 30064DEA 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Hoshi-ha Chihaya 30064DEB 00FF #Girl by favorability rating RanSaki Reika 30064DEC 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Yun Usami 30064DED 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Toyama Sachie 30064DEE 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Shindo haze 30064DEF 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Mio Ayase 30064DF0 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Fujiwara tree 30064DF1 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Tachibana white 30064DF2 00FF #Girl by favorability rating Morishita Junmi 30064DF3 00FF ; [ Mille Miglia (Europe) {SLES-02826} ] :SLES-02826 #Only One Lap To Race / Always First 3-Laps-race D01F4DFC 0001 301F4DFC 0003 #Only One Lap To Race / Always First 5-Laps-race D01F4DFC 0001 301F4DFC 0005 #Only One Lap To Race / Always First 7-Laps-race D01F4DFC 0001 301F4DFC 0007 #Supercharger-Boost (Press X & Up) D01F4CB8 1040 801F4598 0190 D01F4CB8 1040 801F4E28 09CA ; [ Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Europe) {SLES-01716} ] :SLES-01716 #P1 Infinite Life 800A62FE 0063 #P2 Infinite Life 800A6956 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 800A6924 0009 #Infinite Time 800A079C 03E7 #Infinite Credits 800A0588 0009 #All cards 50000401 0000 300B6AEB 0001 ; [ Million Classic (Honpen Game Sen'you) (Japan) (Nescafe-ban) {SLP-80397 | SLP-80398} ] ; [ Million Classic (Honpen Game Sen'you) (Japan) {SLPS-01609 | SLPS-01610} ] :SLPS-01609 :SLPS-01610 #MAX Funds 900C1E64 000F423F #MAX Funds 900C1E64 000F423F ; [ Minakata Hakudou Toujou (Japan) {SLPS-00951 | SLPS-00952} ] ; [ Mini-Moni. Dice de Pyon! (Japan) {SLP-87015} ] ; [ Mini-Moni. Shakatto Tambourine! da Pyon! (Japan) (Ascii Tambourine Controller Doukonban) {SLP-87079} ] ; [ Mini-Moni. Shakatto Tambourine! da Pyon! (Japan) {SLP-87132} ] ; [ Mini-Moni. Step Pyon Pyon Pyon (Japan) {SLP-87195} ] ; [ Minna no Golf (Japan) (Taikenban, PrePre Vol. 7 Disc 2, Tameshi-uchi Disc) {PAPX-90018} ] ; [ Minna no Golf (Japan) {SCPS-10042} ] :SCPS-10042 #Character level 5 and all courses can be selected 80103C88 0007 #All available characters 90103C30 01010101 90103C34 01010101 80103C38 0101 #Infinite Power Shots 80103AD8 0C0A #Always recorded one shot 50002402 0000 801039D8 0002 ; [ Minna no Golf 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91197} ] ; [ Minna no Golf 2 (Japan) {SCPS-10093} ] :SCPS-10093 #All Characters D0046E70 0007 80046E70 1FFF #All Courses 80046E82 0005 #All Items 90046E78 00FDFFFF 30046E7C 0063 #All items can be viewed Homepage 80047854 00FF #Get all the trophies 50000A02 0000 80046E8C 0000 #Always Hole In One D0046D3E 0002 80046D3E 0001 D0046D40 0002 80046D40 0001 D0046D42 0002 80046D42 0001 D0046D44 0002 80046D44 0001 D0046D46 0002 80046D46 0001 D0046D48 0002 80046D48 0001 D0046D4A 0002 80046D4A 0001 D0046D4C 0002 80046D4C 0001 D0046D4E 0002 80046D4E 0001 D0046D50 0002 80046D50 0001 D0046D52 0002 80046D52 0001 D0046D54 0002 80046D54 0001 D0046D56 0002 80046D56 0001 D0046D58 0002 80046D58 0001 D0046D5A 0002 80046D5A 0001 D0046D5C 0002 80046D5C 0001 D0046D5E 0002 80046D5E 0001 D0046D60 0002 80046D60 0001 ; [ Minna no Kanji Kyoushitsu: Chousen! Kanji Kentei (Japan) {SLPS-03186} ] :SLPS-03186 #Infinite Lives Route 16 turbo 8008291B 0002 #Infinite Lives Atantis no nazo 8009A784 0007 ; [ Minna no Shiiku Kyoushitsu: Kuwagata-hen (Japan) {SLPS-03279} ] ; [ Minna no Takaramono: Watashi no Licca-chan: Otetsudai o Shiyou (Japan) {SLP-87025} ] ; [ Minnya de Ghost Hunter (Japan) {SLPS-03491} ] ; [ Minton Keibu no Sousa File: Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken (Japan) {SLPS-01132} ] ; [ Miracle Jim no Bassing Beat (Japan) {SLPS-01227} ] ; [ Miracle Jumpers (Japan) {SLPS-01224} ] :SLPS-01224 #Infinite Lives 800B3D1C 0803 #Invincibility 800B3D1E 0008 ; [ Miracle Space Race (Europe) {SLES-04057} ] ; [ Miracle World: Fushigi no Kuni no IQ Meiro (Japan) {SLPS-00110} ] ; [ Mirano no Arbeit Collection (Japan) {SLPS-02143} ] :SLPS-02143 #Money Credits = 999991 900773A8 000F4237 #Milking Cows Job completed 800861C4 0000 #Job Adventure Timer Codes - Cooking Job 800CC334 0005 800CC684 0155 800CC92C 0005 #Job Adventure Timer Codes - Milking Cows Job 800861D4 FCF0 800861C0 0005 800CCC2C 0005 #Job Adventure Timer Codes - Washing Dishes Job 800CC32C 0005 800CC92C 0005 800CC67C 0151 #Job Adventure Timer Codes - Cashier At Burger Shop 8008CC9C 0001 800CF12C 0001 800D4568 0221 #Property 999,999 P 900773BC 000F423F #Genki 99 3007739D 0063 #Knowledge 99 3007739E 0063 #Mind 99 3007739F 0063 #Height 999cm 800773A0 270F #Weight 99kg 800773A2 03E7 #Catalog shopping all free D00885BE AD42 800885BE AD40 #255 kinds of items 5000FF10 0001 80077484 0000 ; [ MiruMiru PlayStation Vol. 28 (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PCPX-96132} ] ; [ MiruMiru PlayStation Vol. 29 (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PCPX-96139} ] ; [ MiruMiru PlayStation Vol. 31 (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PCPX-96144} ] ; [ MiruMiru PlayStation Vol. 43 (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PCPX-96196} ] ; [ Misa no Mahou Monogatari (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-01274 | SLPS-01275} ] :SLPS-01274 :SLPS-01275 #All stats 999 (except the first one that is fatigue) 80093F78 0000 80093F60 03E7 80093ED0 03E7 80093EF0 03E7 80093F28 03E7 80093ED8 03E7 80093F10 03E7 80093F50 03E7 80093EE8 03E7 #Infinite HP in combat 80093B90 03E7 #Infinite MP in combat 80093BA8 03E7 #Gold Max 90093F68 80000000 #Favorability of positive 80093E60 03E7 #Favorability of Kentaro 80093E68 03E7 #Favorability of Aoi 80093E70 03E7 #Clear Count Bonus mmode 30093F80 00FF #All Albums 300AF1B8 00FF 300AF1B9 00FF 300AF1BA 00FF 300AF1BB 00FF 300AF1BC 00FF 300AF1BD 00FF 300AF1BE 00FF 300AF1BF 00FF 300AF1C0 00FF 300AF1C1 00FF 300AF1C2 00FF 300AF1C3 00FF 300AF1C4 00FF 300AF1C5 00FF 300AF1C6 00FF ; [ Misa no Mahou Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-01276 | SLPS-01277} ] :SLPS-01276 :SLPS-01277 #All stats 999 (except the first one that is fatigue) 80093F78 0000 80093F60 03E7 80093ED0 03E7 80093EF0 03E7 80093F28 03E7 80093ED8 03E7 80093F10 03E7 80093F50 03E7 80093EE8 03E7 #Infinite HP in combat 80093B90 03E7 #Infinite MP in combat 80093BA8 03E7 #Gold Max 90093F68 80000000 #Favorability of positive 80093E60 03E7 #Favorability of Kentaro 80093E68 03E7 #Favorability of Aoi 80093E70 03E7 #Clear Count Bonus mmode 30093F80 00FF #All Albums 300AF1B8 00FF 300AF1B9 00FF 300AF1BA 00FF 300AF1BB 00FF 300AF1BC 00FF 300AF1BD 00FF 300AF1BE 00FF 300AF1BF 00FF 300AF1C0 00FF 300AF1C1 00FF 300AF1C2 00FF 300AF1C3 00FF 300AF1C4 00FF 300AF1C5 00FF 300AF1C6 00FF ; [ Missile Command (Europe) {SLES-02245} ] ; [ Missile Command (Europe) {SLES-02482} ] :SLES-02482 #Classic Mode\Infinite Missiles 8003263C 0000 #Classic Mode\P1 Max Points 8009C95A 3C00 #Classic Mode\P2 Max Points 8009C95E 3C00 #Ultimate Mode\Infinite Missiles 80059D4C 0000 8004B734 0000 80079B58 0000 #Ultimate Mode\Max Score 800C2482 3C00 #Ultimate Mode\Max Money 800C248E 3C00 #Ultimate Mode\Infinite Specials 80059F94 0000 8005A128 0000 8005A03C 0000 8005A1E8 0000 ; [ Mission: Impossible (Europe) {SLES-01906} ] :SLES-01906 #Infinite Health 8008FC0C 0196 8008FC1C 00FF #Infinite Ammo 301F5812 0063 #Infinite Fire Extinguisher 301F5820 00FF #Infinite Teaser 301F5832 0064 #Infinite Blue Spray 301F5852 0064 #Infinite Time 8008FD7C 00FF #Infinite Masks 301F5822 0063 #Infinite Ammo After Pickup 80045446 3C00 #Select Level\Lundkwist-Base D008F894 0000 3008F894 0000 #Select Level\Submarine Harbor D008F894 0000 3008F894 0001 #Select Level\The Embassy D008F894 0000 3008F894 0002 #Select Level\The Camp D008F894 0000 3008F894 0003 #Select Level\KGB-HQ D008F894 0000 3008F894 0004 #Select Level\Security corridor D008F894 0000 3008F894 0005 #Select Level\Sewer D008F894 0000 3008F894 0006 #Select Level\On the Run D008F894 0000 3008F894 0007 #Select Level\On the Run II D008F894 0000 3008F894 0008 #Select Level\Fire Alarm D008F894 0000 3008F894 0009 #Select Level\The Interrogation D008F894 0000 3008F894 000A #Select Level\Serum D008F894 0000 3008F894 000B #Select Level\Medical Room D008F894 0000 3008F894 000c #Select Level\Rooftops D008F894 0000 3008F894 000D #Select Level\Terminal Room D008F894 0000 3008F894 000E #Select Level\Escape the Roof D008F894 0000 3008F894 000F #Select Level\Waterloo Station D008F894 0000 3008F894 0010 #Select Level\IGV D008F894 0000 3008F894 0011 #Select Level\IGV II D008F894 0000 3008F894 0012 #Select Level\On the Roof D008F894 0000 3008F894 0013 #Select Level\Submarine Harbor D008F894 0000 3008F894 0014 #Select Level\Tunnel D008F894 0000 3008F894 0015 #Select Level\The Base D008F894 0000 3008F894 0016 #Select Level\Gunboat D008F894 0000 3008F894 0017 ; [ Missland (Japan) {SLPS-00047} ] :SLPS-00047 #Infinite Time 800A8399 0046 ; [ Missland 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01715} ] :SLPS-01715 #Infinite Time Press Select D0075100 0100 80054CC0 4636 #Infinite Life 800547B2 0042 ; [ Mitsumete Knight (Japan) {SLP-86068} ] ; [ Mitsumete Knight R: Daibouken-hen (Japan) {SLP-86134} ] ; [ Miyake Yuji Produce: Kiseki no Maya Uranai (Japan) {SLPS-02215} ] ; [ Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Butouden (Japan) {SLPS-00806} ] :SLPS-00806 #P1 Infinite Energy 8007D938 0000 ; [ MoHo (Europe) {SLES-02830} ] :SLES-02830 #Infinite Health D0102FE2 F7FE 30020631 0000 #Phantom Mode On (Press Select & L1) D0102FE2 FBFE 30057B53 0034 #Freeze Stopwatch On (Press Select & Up) D0102FE2 FFEE 30033FF4 0000 #The Doctor' selectable 300E58C0 0001 #All bonus-levels selectable 300E58BC 0001 #All prisons selectable 300E58B4 0001 ; [ Mobil 1 Rally Championship (Europe) {SLES-02574} ] :SLES-02574 #All open Press Select & Up D006AA76 FFEE 3006AB00 0005 #Championship Mode Time frozen Press L1 & L2 with time at 00:00:00 to freeze timer, press R1 & R2 before race is over to avoid game freezing D00A6750 0001 800F700C 03E8 #Championship Mode Finish 1st D00A6750 0001 800D4B02 0001 #Championship Mode Start at last race Press L1 & L2 D006AA76 FAFF 3006AB04 0023 D006AA76 FAFF 3006AB0A 0024 #Championship Mode A8-Championship & all cars unlocked (Press L1 & R1) D006AA76 F3FF 3006AB00 0001 #Championship Mode Start at last race A8 Press R1 & R2 D006AA76 F5FF 3006AB04 0023 D006AA76 F5FF 3006AB0B 0024 #Arcade Mode Start at last race Press L2 & R2 D006AA76 FCFF 3006AB06 0023 #Arcade Mode 144 Points Press L2 & R2 D006AA76 FCFF 3001B205 0090 #Arcade Mode Always first 30090458 0001 900904A8 34050001 ; [ Mobile Light Force (Europe) {SLES-04087} ] ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam (Japan) {SLPS-00035} ] :SLPS-00035 #Infinite HP 800F560C 0320 #Maximum weapon 800F93A0 0500 ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counter Attack (Japan) Demo {SLP-80291} ] ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (Japan) {SLPS-01724} ] :SLPS-01724 #Amuro Char Story Mode Unlock All Levels 80060750 0B03 #Amuro Char Story Mode Infinite Health 80123828 03E8 801237CC 03E8 #Amuro Char Story Mode Infinite Rifle 8012382E 0063 801237D2 0063 #Infinite Health Battle Mode 801237CC 03E8 #1P Power Battle mode 801237D0 2710 #More Gundam To Choose Battle Mode 80060752 0003 #Infinite Normal Weapons Battle mode 801237D2 0063 801237D6 0063 901237D8 00630063 #Infinite Short Range Weapons Battle mode 901237DC 00630063 801237E0 0063 #Victory Press Select D0060528 0100 801267E8 0000 ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack aka 機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア (Asia) {SCPS-45362} ] ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Perfect One Year War (Japan) {SLPS-00920} ] :SLPS-00920 #Infinite HP main character 801EA602 044C #Infinite Energy 801EA604 FFFF #Max Action 301EA607 0064 #Full Value Parameter 901EBAA4 FFFF6364 301EBAA9 0063 #Skill 801EBAAA FFFF 801EBAAC FFFF 901EBAB0 FFFFFFFF #Have Full Weapon 901EA608 02030001 901EA60C 06070405 #Level 99 - Main Character 801EB02C FFFF 801EBAB6 FFFF 801EBB2E FFFF 801EBC96 FFFF 801EBE3A FFFF ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Version 2.0 (Japan) {SLPS-00280} ] :SLPS-00280 #Infinite HP 80110302 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 1 I do not receive damage 80110302 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 1 It does not decrease beam rifle 800BDEBC 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 I do not receive damage 80117F62 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C5B54 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C6A48 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 I do not receive damage 80119F02 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C7B30 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C7A14 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 I do not receive damage 8011AEFE 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C8BB4 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C8A98 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 I do not receive damage 8012E7B6 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 It does not decrease beam rifle 800DB73C 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800DB620 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 I do not receive damage 8011591A 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C3628 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C3508 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 7 I do not receive damage 8011C006 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 7 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C9C30 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 I do not receive damage 8012DC8E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 It does not decrease beam rifle 800DB910 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800DB7F4 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 I do not receive damage 80111DCE 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 It does not decrease beam rifle 800BF9DC 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800BF8D0 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 I do not receive damage 8011741E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C5048 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C4F3C 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 I do not receive damage 8011670A 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C4434 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C4318 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 I do not receive damage 8011294E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C05E8 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C04D8 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 I do not receive damage 80115F46 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 It does not decrease beam rifle0 800C43B4 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C42A4 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 I do not receive damage 80119C46 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C8080 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C7F70 0005 #VS federal troops mode MS-06S Zaku ? I do not receive damage 80107346 07D0 #VS federal troops mode MS-06S Zaku ? It does not decrease bazooka 800B5634 0005 #VS federal troops mode MS-14S Gelgoog I do not receive damage 8010E13A 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode MS-14S Gelgoog It does not decrease beam rifle 800BC614 000A #VS federal troops mode MAN-02 MSN-02 Zeong I do not receive damage 8010BD0A 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode MAN-02 MSN-02 Zeong Does not decrease mega particle cannon 800BA088 00C8 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam I do not receive damage 800F6D0E 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam It does not decrease beam rifle 800A51B0 0010 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800A50A4 0005 ; [ Mobile Suit Gundam: Version 2.0 (Japan) {SLPS-00280} ] :SLPS-00280 #Infinite HP 80110302 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 1 I do not receive damage 80110302 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 1 It does not decrease beam rifle 800BDEBC 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 I do not receive damage 80117F62 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C5B54 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 2 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C6A48 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 I do not receive damage 80119F02 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C7B30 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 3 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C7A14 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 I do not receive damage 8011AEFE 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C8BB4 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 4 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C8A98 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 I do not receive damage 8012E7B6 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 It does not decrease beam rifle 800DB73C 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 5 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800DB620 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 I do not receive damage 8011591A 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C3628 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 6 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C3508 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 7 I do not receive damage 8011C006 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 7 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C9C30 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 I do not receive damage 8012DC8E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 It does not decrease beam rifle 800DB910 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 8 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800DB7F4 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 I do not receive damage 80111DCE 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 It does not decrease beam rifle 800BF9DC 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 9 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800BF8D0 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 I do not receive damage 8011741E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C5048 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 10 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C4F3C 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 I do not receive damage 8011670A 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C4434 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 11 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C4318 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 I do not receive damage 8011294E 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C05E8 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 12 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C04D8 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 I do not receive damage 80115F46 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 It does not decrease beam rifle0 800C43B4 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 13 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C42A4 0005 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 I do not receive damage 80119C46 0BB8 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 It does not decrease beam rifle 800C8080 0010 #Story Mode Time Attack Mode Stage 14 I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800C7F70 0005 #VS federal troops mode MS-06S Zaku ? I do not receive damage 80107346 07D0 #VS federal troops mode MS-06S Zaku ? It does not decrease bazooka 800B5634 0005 #VS federal troops mode MS-14S Gelgoog I do not receive damage 8010E13A 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode MS-14S Gelgoog It does not decrease beam rifle 800BC614 000A #VS federal troops mode MAN-02 MSN-02 Zeong I do not receive damage 8010BD0A 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode MAN-02 MSN-02 Zeong Does not decrease mega particle cannon 800BA088 00C8 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam I do not receive damage 800F6D0E 0BB8 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam It does not decrease beam rifle 800A51B0 0010 #VS federal troops mode RX78-2 Gundam I do not reduce hyper bazooka 800A50A4 0005 ; [ Mobile Suit Z-Gundam (Japan) (Bandai the Best) {SLPS-03232 | SLPS-03233} ] ; [ Mobile Suit Z-Gundam (Japan) (First Attack Sample CD-ROM) {SLP-80139} ] ; [ Mobile Suit Z-Gundam (Japan) {SLPS-01142 | SLPS-01143} ] :SLPS-01142 :SLPS-01143 #Infinite Health DIsc 1 800C25E6 03E8 #Infinite Bullets Disc 1 800C82F4 0063 #Infinite Time 800C4FC4 0000 #Infinite Health DIsc 2 800BE436 03E8 #Infinite Bullets Disc 2 800BE424 0063 #All Stage And All MS 801FE040 02DE #Infinite Health disc 1 VS Mode 800C8306 03E8 #Infinite Gun disc 1 VS Mode 800C3494 0063 #yOU can play all the VS CPU FREE & BATTLE Disc 2 80063628 FFFF 9006362C 001FFFFF #You can choose all in MOVIE VIEWER Disc 1 30063634 000E 30063640 0008 ; [ Mobile Tomodachi (Japan) {SLP-87151} ] ; [ Moero!! Pro Yakyuu '95: Double Header (Japan) {SLPS-00099} ] ; [ Momotarou Dentetsu 7 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01156} ] :SLPS-01156 #P1 Infinite money 999999 800D76C4 270F #P2 Money 0 800D7840 0000 #P3 Money 0 800D79BC 0000 #P4 Money 0 800D7B38 0000 #Kintarou Infinite Strenght In Mini Game 8013D920 0005 ; [ Momotarou Dentetsu 7 (Japan) {SLPS-01156} ] :SLPS-01156 #P1 Infinite money 999999 800D76C4 270F #P2 Money 0 800D7840 0000 #P3 Money 0 800D79BC 0000 #P4 Money 0 800D7B38 0000 #Kintarou Infinite Strenght In Mini Game 8013D920 0005 ; [ Momotarou Dentetsu V (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-02456} ] :SLPS-02456 #P1 Infinite money 999999 800C02B8 270F #Money 0 2P 800C0474 0000 #Money 0 3P 800C0630 0000 #Money 0 4P 800C07EC 0000 ; [ Momotarou Dentetsu V (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02458} ] :SLPS-02458 #Infinite Money 999999 800C02B8 270F ; [ Momotarou Dentetsu V (Japan) Rev 2 {SLP-87032} ] ; [ Momotarou Matsuri: Ishikawa Rokuemon no Maki (Japan) {SLP-86888} ] ; [ Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02106} ] ; [ Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 aka Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix (Europe) Demo {SLED-01901} ] ; [ Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 aka Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix (Europe) {SLES-01691} ] ; [ Money Idol Exchanger (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02644} ] ; [ Monkey Hero (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80765} ] ; [ Monkey Hero aka The Adventures of Monkey Hero (Europe) {SLES-00979} ] ; [ Monkey Magic (Japan) {SLPS-02583} ] :SLPS-02583 #Infinite Lives 8006F188 0009 #Infinite MP 8006F180 0064 ; [ Monopoly (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00945} ] :SLES-00945 #P1 Infinite Money 800DA60C FFFF #P2 Infinite Money 800DA63C FFFF #P3 Infinite Money 800DA66C FFFF #P4 Infinite Money 800DA69C FFFF #P1 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA60E 3B98 #P2 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA63E 3B98 #P3 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA66E 3B98 #P4 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA69C 3B98 ; [ Monopoly (Europe) {SLES-00945} ] :SLES-00945 #P1 Infinite Money 800DA60C FFFF #P2 Infinite Money 800DA63C FFFF #P3 Infinite Money 800DA66C FFFF #P4 Infinite Money 800DA69C FFFF #P1 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA60E 3B98 #P2 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA63E 3B98 #P3 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA66E 3B98 #P4 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA69C 3B98 ; [ Monopoly (Japan) {SLPS-00741} ] ; [ Monopoly (USA) {SLUS-00507} ] :SLUS-00507 #P1 Infinite Money 800DA694 FFFF #P2 Infinite Money 800DA6C4 FFFF #P3 Infinite Money 800DA6F4 FFFF #P4 Infinite Money 800DB724 FFFF #P1 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA696 3B9B #P2 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA6C6 3B9B #P3 1 Trillion Dollars 800DA6F6 3B9B #P4 1 Trillion Dollars 800DB726 3B9B ; [ Monster Complete World (Japan) (Idea Factory Collection) {SLPS-02783} ] ; [ Monster Farm (Japan) Demo {SLP-80096} ] ; [ Monster Farm (Japan) {SLPS-00910} ] :SLPS-00910 #Infinite Money 800E8AC4 FFFF #All Max Status 800E7D82 03E7 800E7D86 03E7 900E7D88 03E703E7 900E7D8C 03E703E7 800E7D90 03E7 #Max Loyality 800EC156 6463 #All Spacial Attack 800B8618 0FFF #Always 00 Year's Old 800B8634 0000 800B8600 0001 #Won four major tournaments 300E0D6C 0001 300E0D6C 0002 300E0D6C 0004 300E0D6C 0008 #Won four major tournaments alt 300B8614 0001 300B8614 0002 300B8614 0004 300B8614 0008 #Combat life max 800DDCF2 03E7 #Life in combat enemy 0 800DDD16 0000 ; [ Monster Farm 2 (Japan) (Tentou Houei-you Demonstration CD-ROM) {SLP-80379} ] ; [ Monster Farm 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01906} ] :SLPS-01906 #Money Max 90096F6C 05F5E0FF #Combat playerr Infinite Energy 801FFCDC 03E7 #Combat player Guts Infinite 801FFCFC 00FF #Combat enemy energy 0 801FFC5C 0000 #Combat enemy energy 0 R2 + SELECT D009185E 0102 801FFC5C 0000 #Enemy Guts Zero R2 + SELECT D009185E 0102 801FFC7C 0000 #All Monster Cards 50009802 0000 8009703C 0101 #All Emblem S 80097010 0001 80097014 0001 80097018 0001 8009701C 0001 80097020 0001 #Alway's Rank S 30095B42 0005 #Max Status 900959D0 03E703E7 900959D4 03E703E7 900959D8 03E703E7 800959E0 03E7 800959E8 03E7 #Max Loyalty 300959EC 00C8 300959ED 00C8 ; [ Monster Farm 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01906} ] :SLPS-01906 #Money Max 90096F6C 05F5E0FF #Combat playerr Infinite Energy 801FFCDC 03E7 #Combat player Guts Infinite 801FFCFC 00FF #Combat enemy energy 0 801FFC5C 0000 #Combat enemy energy 0 R2 + SELECT D009185E 0102 801FFC5C 0000 #Enemy Guts Zero R2 + SELECT D009185E 0102 801FFC7C 0000 #All Monster Cards 50009802 0000 8009703C 0101 #All Emblem S 80097010 0001 80097014 0001 80097018 0001 8009701C 0001 80097020 0001 #Alway's Rank S 30095B42 0005 #Max Status 900959D0 03E703E7 900959D4 03E703E7 900959D8 03E703E7 800959E0 03E7 800959E8 03E7 #Max Loyalty 300959EC 00C8 300959ED 00C8 ; [ Monster Farm Jump (Japan) {SLPS-03160} ] :SLPS-03160 #The number of stages Last (01-59) 3008FFB9 0059 #Infinite TIME 8015C372 0A8C #Infinite LIFE 3015C3F9 0003 #Rucksack avaliable 30165490 0001 #Mode appeared thoroughly 301654C2 005A #COMBO Max 801654CC 967F 301654CE 0098 ; [ Monster Punish (Japan) {SLPS-02491} ] :SLPS-02491 #P1 Infinite HP main character 800BE254 0064 #Player has 999999 points 900C95AC 000F423F ; [ Monster Race (Japan) {SLP-86143} ] ; [ Monster Racer (Europe) (White Label) {SLES-03246} ] :SLES-03246 #Always first place 800F1EB0 0001 #Start on lap 5 800F1EA6 0005 ; [ Monster Rancher (Europe) (Promo) {SCES-02872} ] :SCES-02872 #Max fame 80097C10 0064 #Money = 9999 80099194 270F #Infinite Stamina 30097C0F 0000 #Infinite Life 80097BF8 03E7 ; [ Monster Rancher (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80568} ] ; [ Monster Trucks (Europe) Demo {SLED-00692} ] ; [ Monster Trucks (Europe) {SLES-00314} ] :SLES-00314 #Always Finish First E11EA1AC 00FF 301EA1AC 0000 #No Damage 800CA640 0000 #Infinte Turbo D01DC054 00FF 801DC056 3000 #Mega jumps D01DC050 0000 801DC04C 0000 #Car Crushing Start with 500 points D00BB354 0000 800BB354 01F4 ; [ MonsterSeed (Europe) {SLES-01540} ] :SLES-01540 #Infinite Money 801AD7EE 7FFF #Max Items 801AD8F2 6262 901AD8F4 62626262 901AD8F8 62626262 901AD8FC 62626262 901AD900 62626262 901AD904 62626262 901AD908 62626262 901AD90C 62626262 #Max Status Monster 1 801ACB42 6464 901ACB44 64646464 801ACB48 6464 301ACB35 0063 801ACB36 6363 901ACB38 63636363 301ACB3C 0063 #Max Status Main Char 801ACA96 6464 901ACA98 64646464 801ACA9C 6464 301ACA89 0063 801ACA8A 6363 901ACA8C 63636363 301ACA90 0063 ; [ MonsterSeed (Japan) {SLPS-01572} ] :SLPS-01572 #Infinite Money 801ACCDE 7FFF #Monster One All Max Status 301AB951 0063 301AB952 0063 301AB953 0063 301AB954 0063 301AB955 0063 301AB956 0063 301AB957 0063 301AB958 0063 301AB95E 0064 301AB95F 0064 301AB960 0064 301AB961 0064 301AB962 0064 301AB963 0064 301AB964 0064 301AB965 0064 #Main Character All Max Status 301AB849 0063 301AB84A 0063 301AB84B 0063 301AB84C 0063 301AB84D 0063 301AB84E 0063 301AB84F 0063 301AB850 0063 301AB856 0064 301AB857 0064 301AB858 0064 301AB859 0064 301AB85A 0064 301AB85B 0064 301AB85C 0064 301AB85D 0064 #Party people 301ACCDC 0014 ; [ Monsters, Inc.: Monsters Academy (Japan) {SLPS-03396} ] :SLPS-03396 #Infinite Lives 800100A3 0063 #Infinite Health (Sulley) Level 1 800F29A4 0005 #Movie theater Fully Open 90010118 FFFFFFFF #All Medals 900100C8 63636363 900100CC 63636363 800100D0 6363 300100D2 0063 300100C7 0063 900100D4 FFFFFFFF 900100D8 FFFFFFFF 900100DC FFFFFFFF #All stages 800100EE FFFF 800100F0 FFFF 900100F8 FFFFFFFF 800100FC FFFF 900100F4 FFFFFFFF 300100F3 00FF ; [ Monte Carlo Games Compendium (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-03813 | SLES-13813} ] #Have 99.000.000 money 901638F4 05E69EC0 #Have 99.000.000 money 901638F4 05E69EC0 ; [ Monte Carlo Games Compendium (Europe) {SLES-03813 | SLES-13813} ] #Have 99.000.000 money 901638F4 05E69EC0 #Have 99.000.000 money 901638F4 05E69EC0 ; [ Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91112} ] ; [ Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (Japan) {SLPS-01031} ] :SLPS-01031 #Infinite Hearts 90111990 0621FE90 #Infinite Money 801119A4 7530 #All Monster helped 301118C8 00FF 301118C9 00FF 301118CA 00FF 301118CB 00FF 301118CC 00FF 301118CD 00FF 301118CE 00FF #All Map of the world 3011193F 00FF #Clock 80111980 013F #Love level Max 3011198C 001E #Action limit 80111992 08FF #All Moon DiskS 30111B9F 00FF #Debug Room use the code before the Love-de-lic logo vanishes at the beginning and you'll end up in a mini-debug room. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that there's an earlier version of the player's sprite at the top of the room. Talking to anyone in the room will give you the option of starting the game at different areas, although it barely covers the full game and is only some select areas. 80111610 0065 ; [ Moonlight Syndrome (Japan) Demo {SLP-80150} ] ; [ Moonlight Syndrome (Japan) {SLPS-01001 | SLPS-01002} ] ; [ Moorhen 3: Chicken Chase (Europe) {SLES-03846} ] ; [ Moorhen 3: Chicken Chase (Europe) {SLES-03898} ] ; [ Moorhuhn 2: Die Jagd Geht Weiter (Germany) {SLES-03278} ] ; [ Moorhuhn Kart (Germany) {SLES-04122} ] ; [ Moorhuhn X (Germany) {SLES-04174} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Chess (Japan) {SLPS-02488} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Gomoku Narabe to Renju (Japan) {SLPS-02487} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Hanafuda (Japan) {SLPS-02486} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-02588} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Reversi (Japan) {SLPS-02278} ] ; [ Morita Kazurou no Shougi Doujou (Japan) {SLPS-02277} ] ; [ Morita Shougi (Japan) {SLPS-01119} ] ; [ Moritaka Chisato: Safari Tokyo (Japan) {SLP-86130 | SLP-86131} ] ; [ Mort the Chicken (Europe) {SLES-02712} ] :SLES-02712 #Infinite Health 800B40D0 0064 #All levels unlocked D0099086 0001 30099086 0012 #Save one chicken to have saved all D004DAF2 2442 3004DAF0 0006 #All coins on pickup D30B3DE8 0000 300B39BE 0064 ; [ Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) {SCES-00060} ] :SCES-00060 #P1 Infinite Health 801CBE6C 00A6 #P1 Infinite Combo Energy 801EEE60 0030 #P2 No Health 801CBEC4 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 801CBEC4 00A6 #Two Dragon Symbols 801FB79C 0002 ; [ Mortal Kombat 3 (Japan) {SIPS-60006} ] :SIPS-60006 #P1 Infinite HP 301CC1C0 00A6 #P1 Infinite Run 801EF1B8 C350 #P2 One Hit Death D01CC218 00A6 801CC218 0001 #P2 Can't Run 801EF1BC 0000 ; [ Mortal Kombat 4 (Europe) {SLES-01349} ] :SLES-01349 #P1 Infinite Health 800AAEC0 FFFF #Unlock all movies 50000F01 0000 300D9B7C 0001 #P1 Play as Meat 800AAF54 0001 #1 round to win 800D8BBC 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat II (Japan) {SLPS-00444} ] :SLPS-00444 #P1 Infinite Energy 800C9D24 00A1 #After pressing the L1 button perfect Victory D00B5570 0020 800C9EBC 0000 #Slow Motion 300B4B6C 000A #Infinite Time 800B5DC8 0007 #Infinite Fatality Time 800B6170 0041 #P1 Can Use Secret/Boss Characters C00B5858 0013 8002CADA 2400 8002CAF6 2400 8002CB06 2400 8002CB16 2400 8002CB26 2400 #Enable Cheat Menus 800B5A10 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (Europe) {SLES-01020} ] :SLES-01020 #Infinite Lives 800D9BA8 0009 #Infinite Credits 800D9FE4 0009 #Exp Modifier 800D9C24 FFFF #Have All Spells 800AF060 0F00 800D9C24 0F00 #Total Experience Points 800D9C24 9999 #1 Hit Death Opponents 800AF998 0F00 800DA55C 0F00 ; [ Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Europe) (Midway Classics) {SLES-02509} ] ; [ Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Europe) {SLES-00528} ] :SLES-00528 #P1 Infinite Health 80032146 00A6 #P1 Always has Full Aggressor 80032646 00CC #? in Options is Available 80032638 0001 #P2 No Health 800322BE 0000 ; [ Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Japan) {SLPS-00791} ] :SLPS-00791 #P1 Infinite HP 800321FA 00A6 #1P Always Has Full Aggressor 800321FC 0030 #1P death blow D00321FA 00A6 800321FA 0001 #P2 Infinite HP 80032372 00A6 #(Press SELECT button) 2P life 0 D00B964C 0100 80032372 0000 #2P Always Has Full Aggressor 80032374 0030 #2P death blow D0032372 00A6 80032372 0001 #? in Options is Available 800326EC 0001 #Unlock All Extras 800326EC 0001 8003CA30 0001 ; [ Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (Europe) {SLES-02338} ] :SLES-02338 #Cheat Menu 300B8136 0001 #Infinite Lives 800B9044 000A #Infinite Special 8006148C 00A3 #Survive Bashes & Phantommode 30041680 0000 #Survive Shots 80067E14 0000 #Survive Detonations 80068DC6 1000 #Survive Level Boss 90040EF0 00000000 #Max Experience 50000202 8000 800B8FF8 FFFF 50000202 8000 800B9004 FFFF #All Combos 300B9000 000A #9999 Small Medipaks 800B8F48 270F #9999 Medium Medipaks 800B8F4A 270F #9999 Large Medipaks 800B8F4C 270F #Infinite Medipaks 80066644 0000 #Medipaks Increase 80066644 0001 #9999 Detonators 80016E2A 270F #Infinite Detonators 80066DA8 0023 #Detonators Increase 80066DA8 1023 #9999 Ammo 80016E20 270F #Infinite Ammo 800680E8 0023 ; [ Moses: Prince of Egypt (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas, Pocket Price Midas: Value Series) {SLES-02954} ] ; [ Moto Racer (Europe) (EDC Value Series) {SLES-00469} ] :SLES-00469 #1-PLAYER-MODE Infinite checkpoint time On (Press Select & Up) D00BCE92 FFEE 8003B09C 0023 #Infinite Time 8008F4D0 D852 #Extra speed 800A538E 42A0 #Select course Fun Fair 30110440 0006 #Select course Sea of Sands 30110440 0007 #Select course Red City 30110440 0008 #Select course Snow Ride 30110440 0009 ; [ Moto Racer (Europe) {SLES-00469} ] :SLES-00469 #1-PLAYER-MODE Infinite checkpoint time On (Press Select & Up) D00BCE92 FFEE 8003B09C 0023 #Infinite Time 8008F4D0 D852 #Extra speed 800A538E 42A0 #Select course Fun Fair 30110440 0006 #Select course Sea of Sands 30110440 0007 #Select course Red City 30110440 0008 #Select course Snow Ride 30110440 0009 ; [ Moto Racer (France) Demo {SLED-01005} ] ; [ Moto Racer (Japan) {SLPS-01163} ] ; [ Moto Racer 2 (Europe) Demo {SLED-01552} ] ; [ Moto Racer 2 (Europe) {SLES-01184} ] :SLES-01184 #All Courses & Modes Unlocked 80010040 FFFF #Nitro Boost D009B9BA BFFF 800D245E 7FFF #Checkpoint Time Increases D0047710 1023 30047710 0021 #Start On Last Race - Super Bike Championship 80012398 0007 #Moto x Championship 80013068 0007 #Dual Sport Championship 80013D38 0007 #Custom Championship 8001011C 0007 #Ultimate Championship 80014A08 0007 #Have Gold Cup - Super Bike Championship 300123A4 0001 #Moto x Championship 30013074 0001 #Dual Sport Championship 30013D44 0001 #Custom Championship 30010118 0001 #Ultimate Championship 30014A14 0001 ; [ Moto Racer 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02040} ] :SLPS-02040 #Enable All Courses And Modes 80010040 FFFF #Start On 2nd Lap D00CF826 0700 800CF826 0701 ; [ Moto Racer World Tour (Europe) {SCES-03037} ] :SCES-03037 #Unlock Everything Enter a menu in world tour first, then go back and everything will be open. Save on MC and deactivate the code 50002204 0000 80159040 0001 50002204 0000 80159042 0000 #Opponents Frozen Press select while the race is loading D00DE2FA FFFE 80057C1A 2A00 #Infinite Boost D00281FE 00E5 80028200 0000 D00281FE 00E5 80028202 0000 D002826A 0002 8002826C 0000 D002826A 0002 8002826E 0000 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Sachsenring\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010E7F4 FF00 3010E7F4 0002 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Sachsenring\Always Good Grip D017D456 0100 8017D456 0000 D017D456 0200 8017D456 0000 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Sachsenring\300 Points D010E7F4 FF00 8010E7C0 012C #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Suzuka\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0111D48 FF00 30111D48 0002 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Suzuka\Always Good Grip D01949BE 0100 801949BE 0000 D01949BE 0200 801949BE 0000 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Suzuka\600 Points D0111D48 FF00 80111D14 0258 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Isle Of Man Road\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010DDB8 FF00 3010DDB8 0003 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Isle Of Man Road\900 Points D010DDB8 FF00 8010DD84 0384 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Eastern Creek\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010EED0 FF00 3010EED0 0002 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Eastern Creek\Always Good Grip D018471E 0100 8018471E 0000 D018471E 0200 8018471E 0000 #Speed Championship\250Ccm\Eastern Creek\1200 Points D010EED0 FF00 8010EE9C 04B0 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Sachsenring\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010E7C0 FF00 3010E7C0 0002 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Sachsenring\Always Good Grip D017D43E 0100 8017D43E 0000 D017D43E 0200 8017D43E 0000 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Sachsenring\300 Points D010E7C0 FF00 8010E78C 012C #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Suzuka\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0111D14 FF00 30111D14 0002 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Suzuka\Always Good Grip D01949A6 0100 801949A6 0000 D01949A6 0200 801949A6 0000 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Suzuka\600 Points D0111D14 FF00 80111CE0 0258 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Isle Of Man Road\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010DD70 FF00 3010DD70 0003 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Isle Of Man Road\900 Points D010DD70 FF00 8010DD3C 0384 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Eastern Creek\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010EE98 FF00 3010EE98 0002 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Eastern Creek\Always Good Grip D0184706 0100 80184706 0000 D0184706 0200 80184706 0000 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Eastern Creek\1200 Points D010EE98 FF00 8010EE64 04B0 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Isle Of Man Hills\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010C098 FF00 3010C098 0002 #Speed Championship\500Ccm\Isle Of Man Hills\1500 Points D010C098 FF00 8010C064 05DC #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Barcelona\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0107C58 FF00 30107C58 0005 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Barcelona\300 Points D0107C58 FF00 80107C24 012C #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Usa Park\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0114068 FF00 30114068 0002 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Usa Park\600 Points D0114068 FF00 80104034 0258 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Stade De France\Start At Last Lap/Always First D01089E0 FF00 301089E0 0003 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Stade De France\900 Points D01089E0 FF00 801089AC 0384 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Reygades\Start At Last Lap/Always First D01115B8 FF00 301115B8 0001 #Cross Championship\125Ccm\Reygades\1200 Points D01115B8 FF00 80111584 04B0 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Barcelona\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0107A30 FF00 30107A30 0005 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Barcelona\300 Points D0107A30 FF00 801079FC 012C #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Usa Park\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0114008 FF00 30114008 0002 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Usa Park\600 Points D0114008 FF00 80103FD4 0258 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Stade De France\Start At Last Lap/Always First D01087CC FF00 301087CC 0003 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Stade De France\900 Points D01087CC FF00 80108798 0384 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Reygades\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0111570 FF00 30111570 0001 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Reygades\1200 Points D0111570 FF00 8011153C 04B0 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Belo Horizonte\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0107058 FF00 30107058 0004 #Cross Championship\250Ccm\Belo Horizonte\1500 Points D0107058 FF00 80107024 05DC #World Tour Championship\Isle Of Man Town\Start At Last Lap/Always First %NOTE D010D414 FF00 3010D414 0003 #World Tour Championship\Isle Of Man Town\1200 Points %NOTE D010D414 FF00 8010D3E0 04B0 #Dragster Race\1st Track\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010AA04 FF00 3010AA04 0006 #Dragster Race\1st Track\Always Good Grip D0160076 0200 80160076 0000 #Dragster Race\2nd Track\Start At Last Lap/Always First D0110F7C FF00 30110F7C 0001 #Dragster Race\2nd Track\Always Good Grip D017C02E 0200 8017C02E 0000 #Freestyle/ Trial\Timer Stopped D005697A 0050 8005697C 0000 #Freestyle/ Trial\Hide Stopwatch D00526BA 0C01 800526BA 3400 #Traffic\Start At Last Lap/Always First D010E864 FF00 8010E864 0001 #Hide Map D00525E8 00A8 800525E8 FFFF #Good Grip On Sand D00304BA A222 800304BA A220 #Good Grip On Grass D00304EA A222 800304EA A220 ; [ Motocross Mania (Europe) {SLES-03325} ] :SLES-03325 #Unlock All Tracks in single event 800AE2E4 FFFF #Buy one upgrade for max stats in single event D0039BAC 0001 30079BAC 0009 #Only ONe Lap TO Race (Use only one of these codes) 3007A69C 0004 D00A99C4 0000 300A99C4 0003 #Instant Win (Use only one of these codes) 3007A69C 0004 D00A99C4 0000 300A99C4 0004 #Start On The Final Round - Championship Mode 800AE4E8 000B #Start with loads of race points - Championship Mode D00AE4E8 0000 300AE4E9 009C #Freeze Lap Time 800A99E8 0000 #One Lap Race (1St) - Press Select D0089CFC 0100 800A99CE 0014 #Lots Of Cash 9007AA98 34FB5E38 #Max Stunt Points - In Game 900A995C 34FB5E38 #Max Stunt Points - Profile 900AE2E8 34FB5E38 ; [ Motocross Mania 2 (Europe) {SLES-04098} ] :SLES-04098 #Have 9999 Points In Career Mode 80050BD4 270F ; [ Motor Mash (Europe) {SLES-00310} ] :SLES-00310 #P1 Infinite Credit 800E27FC 0009 #P2 Infinite Credit 800E2804 0009 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10001} ] :SCPS-10001 #Grand Prix - Always Get 1st Place 800B59BC 0001 #Grand prix - Time = 00:00 D01FFE54 2400 801FFE58 0000 D01FFE54 2400 801FFE5A 0000 #1P Mode - Start on 3rd Lap E00B59C0 0001 300B59C0 0003 #1P Modes - Always Super Toon 300B59C1 0001 #All Modes: #Press L2 for P1 Select Zako E01FFC30 0001 80057534 0005 #Time Trial - Time = 00:00 D01FFD28 6363 801FFD30 0000 D01FFD28 6363 801FFD32 0000 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix (Japan) {SCPS-10001} ] :SCPS-10001 #Grand Prix - Always Get 1st Place 800B59BC 0001 #Grand prix - Time = 00:00 D01FFE54 2400 801FFE58 0000 D01FFE54 2400 801FFE5A 0000 #1P Mode - Start on 3rd Lap E00B59C0 0001 300B59C0 0003 #1P Modes - Always Super Toon 300B59C1 0001 #All Modes: #Press L2 for P1 Select Zako E01FFC30 0001 80057534 0005 #Time Trial - Time = 00:00 D01FFD28 6363 801FFD30 0000 D01FFD28 6363 801FFD32 0000 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (Europe) (EDC 2 Games) {SCES-00245} ] :SCES-00245 #Infinite Coins 800DC296 0600 #All Goodies 900E4444 01010A01 300E4448 0001 #Infinite Continues 800DD0EC 0002 #Always First 300DC0EE 0001 #Infinite Time 800DD60A 0006 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (Europe) {SCES-00245} ] :SCES-00245 #Infinite Coins 800DC296 0600 #All Goodies 900E4444 01010A01 300E4448 0001 #Infinite Continues 800DD0EC 0002 #Always First 300DC0EE 0001 #Infinite Time 800DD60A 0006 ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (Japan) {SCPS-10018 | SCPS-10019} ] :SCPS-10018 :SCPS-10019 #Infinite Coins 800DB976 0300 #Infinite Continues 800DC7CC 0003 #Infinite Super Shield 800DB988 011E #Repeat Use Same Item 800E2E9C 0007 #Select Any Vehicle (Wait on Selection Screen) 8008BB5C 0105 8008BB68 0106 8008BB74 0107 #Always Have Fire Bomb 800E2E80 0001 #Always Have Pandora's Box 800E2E80 000A #Always Have Super Shield 800E2E80 000C #Always Have Wonder Clock 800E2E80 000E ; [ Motor Toon Grand Prix: USA Edition (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SCPS-91027} ] ; [ Motorhead (Europe) {SLES-00556} ] :SLES-00556 #Difficulty is Always Easy 801A8388 0000 #Finish 1st and unlock all cars and tracks 800CAB48 0001 800CBC88 0001 800C5588 0001 800DAC68 0001 800C3DD0 0001 800D94B0 0001 800D0CA8 0001 800C5FC0 0001 8013C650 0001 ; [ Motteke Tamago with Ganbare! Kamonohashi (Japan) {SLPS-01242} ] ; [ Motto Trump Shiyou yo! i-Mode de Grand Prix (Japan) {SLPS-03321} ] ; [ Motto! Nyan to Wonderful 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01796} ] ; [ Mouja (Japan) (Honkakuha de 1300) {SLPS-02252} ] ; [ Mouja (Japan) {SLPS-00674} ] ; [ Mr. Driller (Europe) {SCES-02771} ] :SCES-02771 #Infinite Air 801F3819 0249 #Infinite Air ALT D00CD260 0080 800CD260 0000 D00CD260 0080 800CD262 0000 D00CD210 FFFF 800CD210 0001 #Infinite Lives D00CCAEC D870 800CCAEC 0000 D00CCAEC D870 800CCAEE 0000 #Invincibility D01F3998 0001 301F3998 0000 #Time 00:00:00 D119B818 0000 8019B818 0000 #Time Attack Mode Timer stopped 800D421C 0000 #Time Attack Mode All levels unlocked 8019B6B8 03FF #Time Attack Mode All levels complete 8019B730 03FF ; [ Mr. Driller (Japan) {SLPS-02600} ] :SLPS-02600 #Infinite Air 901F0190 00024B00 #X block blow destruction D00C17C4 0003 800C17C6 1000 #I do not crushed in rock D00CC1C6 1462 800CC1C4 0001 #Infinite Credits 3019A028 000A #Max Score 801F0158 FFFF #Add staff roles to OPTION" 3018FF96 0001 ; [ Mr. Prospector: Horiate-kun (Japan) {SLPS-02226} ] :SLPS-02226 #Infinite Oxygen 800CB808 0034 800CB810 0034 800CBB78 0034 800CBB80 0034 800E3278 0034 800E3280 0034 800FB88A 0034 80118191 0074 #Have 9999999 G 90117B1C 0098967F #Max Guard 80117B38 03E7 #Max Cleverness 80117B3A 03E7 #Max Vital capacity 80117B3C 03E7 #Max Speed 80117B36 03E7 #max Strength 80117B3E 03E7 ; [ Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (Europe) {SCES-03085} ] :SCES-03085 #Infinite Health QUEST MODE 80043E1C 0000 #Max Pac-Dots QUEST MODE 801F7B7A 0FFF #Time Frozen in time trials QUEST MODE D00478D2 0043 800478D4 0000 #All Keys QUEST MODE 50000502 0000 3010D18E 0001 #Have All Stars(Levels Unlocked) QUEST MODE 50001510 0000 801FF3A8 0101 50001510 0000 801FF3AA 0101 #Infinite Lives both players CLASSIC MODE D003620C FFFF 80036212 0000 ; [ Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (Japan) {SLPS-03000} ] ; [ Mundial 2002 Challenge (Portugal) {SLES-03870} ] ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (Europe) {SCES-02403} ] :SCES-02403 #Infinite Health 800B86DC 0403 #Infinite Time 800B899C 003C #Have chicken (Press Triangle) D00C001A EFFF 800B7CD8 019D #998 Muppet monster tokens 800B86DA 03E6 #9998 Gems 800B86D2 270E #Have WereBear You still need to pickup 1 of each token 800CA19C 0003 #Have MuckMonster You still need to pickup 1 of each token 800CA1A4 0003 #Have Bat You still need to pickup 1 of each token 800CA198 0003 #Have Ghoulfrend You still need to pickup 1 of each token 800CA1A8 0003 #Have Ker-Monster You still need to pickup 1 of each token 800CA1A0 0003 ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (France) {SCES-03090} ] ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (Germany) {SCES-03091} ] :SCES-03091 #Unendlich Sub-Leben 300B8685 000F 300B8686 000F #Sub-Leben nehmen nicht ab 30037054 0000 #Unendlich Leben 300B8684 0005 #Unbesiegbar D00689BC FFFF 800689C0 0000 #Starte mit viel Böser Energie D00B867A 0000 800B867A 2328 ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (Italy) (Promo) {SCES-03092} ] ; [ Muppet Monster Adventure (Spain) {SCES-03093} ] :SCES-03093 #Infinite Stars 800B867A 270F #Infinite Energy 300B8685 0063 #Infinite Lives 800B8684 0063 #Have All Bonus Pieces 800B7E5C 0005 #Unlock All Levels 800B8B82 270F 300B8B8A 00FF 300B8B88 0005 ; [ Muppet RaceMania (Europe) {SCES-02008} ] ; [ Muppet RaceMania (France) {SCES-02483} ] ; [ Muppet RaceMania (Germany) {SCES-02484} ] :SCES-02484 #Immer Mega-Boost MöGlich D00C302A 0000 800C302A 015E #Immer Normaler Boost D00C302A 0000 800C302A 005E #P1 Volle Punktzahl 300C18D8 00FF #P2 0 Punkte 300C18D9 0000 #P3 0 Punkte 300C18DA 0000 #P4 0 Punkte 300C18DB 0000 #P5 0 Punkte 300C18DC 0000 #P6 0 Punkte 300C18DD 0000 ; [ Muppet RaceMania (Italy) {SCES-02485} ] ; [ Muppet RaceMania aka Teleñecos RaceMania (Spain) {SCES-02486} ] ; [ Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou Nihon Rettou (Japan) (TsuriCon Taiouban) {SLPS-02279} ] ; [ Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou Nihon Rettou (Japan) Demo {SLP-80253} ] ; [ Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou Nihon Rettou (Japan) {SLPS-01392} ] :SLPS-01392 #Have 999999 money 9008374C 000F423F #999cm fish caught 800BDDAA 03E7 #999kg fish caught 800BDDAE 03E7 #No burden on the Line 800BDD42 0000 #Without burdock Press L2 + R2 D007BD9A 0003 800BDD2E 0000 D007BD9A 0003 800BDDEA 0000 ; [ Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou Nihon Rettou 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02890} ] :SLPS-02890 #Have 999999 money 90090BFC 000F423F #Without tension Press Select + Square D008A02C 0180 800F2A92 0000 #Without tension 800F2A92 0000 #Have All Lures 50006E02 0000 80090C00 FFFF #Quiz limit release D0016100 0001 80016100 0000 ; [ Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou SeaBass Fishing (Japan) {SLPS-01988 | SLPS-01989} ] ; [ Mushi no Idokoro (Japan) {SLPS-00375} ] :SLPS-00375 #P1 have 0 insects in vs mode 800B7D78 0000 #P1 have 0 insects in story mode 800B7D78 0000 ; [ Mushitarou (Japan) {SLPS-02816} ] :SLPS-02816 #Infinite Time D0054624 FFFF 80054624 0000 #Hut fully open D00AA1C0 00A5 800AC940 0064 D005B136 8C62 8005B136 AC72 D005B13E 1840 8005B13E 1400 #Cleared by one animal D0057716 AC67 80057716 AC60 #Clear in one day D0057A8E 1462 80057A8E 1400 #Expansion limit release D0056056 1040 80056056 1400 ; [ Music 2000 (Europe) Demo {SLED-02539} ] ; [ Music 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02224} ] ; [ Music: Music Creation for the PlayStation (Europe) {SLES-01356} ] ; [ Mutekiou Tri-Zenon (Japan) {SLP-86790} ] ; [ My Dream: On Air ga Matenakute (Japan) {SLPS-00996 | SLPS-00997} ] :SLPS-00996 :SLPS-00997 #Reika Max physical strength 801E8D68 270F #Izumi Max physical strength 801E8D38 270F #Nao Max physical strength 801E8D08 270F #Haruka Max physical strength 801E8CD8 270F #Aya Max physical strength 801E8DC8 270F #Rumi Max physical strength 801E8DF8 270F #Elina Max physical strength 801E8E28 270F #Miyuki Max physical strength 801E8D98 270F #Max Enthusiasm all girls 801E8D9A 270F #Max Insight all girls 801E8D9C 270F #Max Sense all girls 801E8D9E 270F #Max flexible all girls 801E8DA0 270F #Max confidence all girls 801E8DA2 270F #Max generation all girls 801E8DA4 270F #Max representation all girls 801E8DA6 270F #Max Rhythm all girls 801E8DA8 270F #Max Coverage amount all girls 801E8DAA 03E7 #Max Name recognition all girls 801E8DAC 270F #No Stress all girls 801E8DAE 0000 #Max Stress all girls 801E8DAE 270F #Best Condition all girls 801E8DB0 0001 ; [ My Garden (Japan) {SLPS-02213} ] :SLPS-02213 #Infinite Money (60000) 80046770 EA60 #Infinite Energy 800418F5 1600 #Life now 300418F6 006C #Maximum Life 300418F7 006C #The amount of water in the watering 300418FD 0008 #Handicrafts that can make out all 300418FE 000F #Friendship gauge 80147C88 0802 #Bazaar / gold sales 801C1DE8 FFFF #I stop the time of choice 301D69E4 0000 ; [ My Home Dream (Japan) (PlayStation the Best, PSone Books) {SLPS-91085} ] ; [ Myaon o Sagase (Japan) {SLP-80194} ] ; [ Myst (Europe) {SLES-00218} ] ; [ Myst (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00024} ] ; [ Myst (Japan) Rev 2 {SLPS-00024} ] ; [ Myst (Japan) {SLPS-00024} ] ; [ Mystic Ark: Maboroshi Gekijou (Japan) Demo {SLP-80392} ] ; [ Mystic Ark: Maboroshi Gekijou (Japan) {SLP-86147} ] ; [ Mystic Mind: Yureru Omoi (Japan) {SLPS-01562 | SLPS-01563} ] :SLPS-01562 :SLPS-01563 #Have 999900 money 8007A456 270F #Have all stats at maximum (except latest one that is tired) 9007A444 03E703E7 9007A448 03E703E7 9007A44C 03E703E7 9007A450 03E703E7 8007A454 0000 #friendship max 8007A462 0063 #affinity max 8007A464 0063 #Favorability rating max 3007A466 0063 #Number of times it has been preaching to Ayako teacher 8007A3F4 270F #Ending flag kei 3007A766 0001 #Ending flag grace 3007A766 0002 #Have 999900 money 8007A456 270F #Have all stats at maximum (except latest one that is tired) 9007A444 03E703E7 9007A448 03E703E7 9007A44C 03E703E7 9007A450 03E703E7 8007A454 0000 #friendship max 8007A462 0063 #affinity max 8007A464 0063 #Favorability rating max 3007A466 0063 #Number of times it has been preaching to Ayako teacher 8007A3F4 270F #Ending flag kei 3007A766 0001 #Ending flag grace 3007A766 0002 ; [ Mánager de Liga (Spain) (Preview) {SLES-02402} ] ; [ Mánager de Liga (Spain) {SLES-02402} ] ; [ Möbius Link 3D (Japan) {SLPS-01281} ] ; [ N Gauge Unten Kibun Game: Gatan Goton (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86766} ] ; [ N Gauge Unten Kibun Game: Gatan Goton (Japan) {SLP-86217} ] ; [ N-Gen Racing (Europe) {SLES-02086} ] :SLES-02086 #Infinite Money 90074BA8 3B9AC9FF #Time Frozen D00DEB30 0001 800DEB30 0000 D00DEB30 0001 800DEB32 0000 #Infinite Afterburner 800C021C 0032 #Infinite Armour 300BCF70 0021 #255 Racing-points/always win class 30086BF4 00FF ; [ N2O (Europe) {SLES-00809} ] :SLES-00809 #P1 Infinite Lives 8011AB54 0003 #Infinite Smartbombs 3011AA12 0009 3011C958 0009 #Infinite Special weapons 3011AA13 0009 3011C885 0009 ; [ NASCAR 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02191} ] :SLES-02191 #Always First 800F3046 000B #Montana Unlocked Press Start D00C1E46 FFF7 8010E790 0000 ; [ NASCAR 98 (Europe) {SLES-00905} ] ; [ NASCAR 98 (France) {SLES-00765} ] ; [ NASCAR 98 (Germany) {SLES-00880} ] ; [ NASCAR 98 (Japan) {SLPS-01295} ] ; [ NASCAR 99 (Europe) {SLES-01447} ] ; [ NASCAR 99 (France) {SLES-01452} ] ; [ NASCAR 99 (Germany) {SLES-01453} ] ; [ NASCAR Racing: Season 96 (Japan) {SLPS-00884} ] ; [ NBA 2Ball (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80473} ] ; [ NBA Basketball 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02299} ] ; [ NBA Fastbreak '98 (Europe) {SLES-01003} ] ; [ NBA Hoopz (Europe) {SLES-03362} ] :SLES-03362 #Home Team Score 100 Points 800A0214 0064 #Home Team Score 0 Points 800A0214 0000 #Away Team Score 100 Points 800A0234 0064 #Away Team Score 0 Points 800A0234 0000 ; [ NBA Jam Extreme (Europe) {SLES-00529} ] :SLES-00529 #Other Team Gets No Points 8007D09C 0000 ; [ NBA Jam Extreme (Japan) {SLPS-00699} ] ; [ NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (Japan) {SLPS-00199} ] ; [ NBA Jam: Tournament Edition aka NBA Jam T.E.: Tournament Edition (Europe) {SLES-00068} ] :SLES-00068 #Home Team Score 100 8007D4D4 0064 #Home Team Score 0 8007D4D4 0000 #Away Team Score 100 8007D4D8 0064 #Away Team Score 0 8007D4D8 0000 #Infinite Time 8007D484 3000 #Infinite Shot Clock Time 8007D470 0012 #P1 Infinite Turbo 80084944 002F #P2 Infinite Turbo 80084C4C 002F #P1 Always Wins 800A22B0 0000 ; [ NBA Live 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02358} ] ; [ NBA Live 2000 (France) {SLES-02359} ] ; [ NBA Live 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02360} ] :SLES-02360 #100 Punkte Heimmannschaft 300AE118 0064 #0 Punkte Heimmannschaft 300AE118 0000 #100 Punkte Gastmannschaft 300AE768 0064 #0 Punkte Gastmannschaft 300AE768 0000 #Heimmannschaft Unendlich Timeouts 800AE120 0007 #Heimmannschaft Keine Timeouts 800AE120 0000 #Gastmannschaft Unendlich Timeouts 800AE770 0007 #Gastmannschaft Keine Timeouts 800AE770 0000 #Max Stats L1+R1 drücken D00B8698 0C00 801FFD84 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD86 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD88 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD8A 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD8C 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD8E 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD90 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD92 6464 D00B8698 0C00 801FFD94 6464 #TorzäHler Bleibt Erhalten Zu Jedem Neuen Spiel D00E2328 0088 800E232A 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit Zum Werfen 800B5930 3C00 800B9FF2 3C00 800BA006 3C00 8013874E 3C00 #Habe Alle Legenden 50000402 0000 8008267C FFFF ; [ NBA Live 2000 (Italy) {SLES-02361} ] ; [ NBA Live 2000 (Japan) {SLPS-02603} ] ; [ NBA Live 2000 (Spain) {SLES-02362} ] ; [ NBA Live 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03128} ] ; [ NBA Live 2001 (France) {SLES-03129} ] ; [ NBA Live 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03130} ] ; [ NBA Live 2001 (Italy) {SLES-03131} ] ; [ NBA Live 2001 (Spain) {SLES-03132} ] ; [ NBA Live 2002 (Europe) {SLES-03718} ] ; [ NBA Live 2002 (France) {SLES-03719} ] ; [ NBA Live 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03720} ] ; [ NBA Live 2002 (Italy) {SLES-03721} ] ; [ NBA Live 2002 (Spain) {SLES-03722} ] :SLES-03722 #Away Team Score 100 800A8B40 0064 #Away Team Score 0 800A8B40 0000 #Home Team Score 100 800A9194 0064 #Home Team Score 0 800A9194 0000 ; [ NBA Live 2003 (Europe) {SLES-03982} ] ; [ NBA Live 2003 (France) {SLES-03969} ] ; [ NBA Live 2003 (Germany) {SLES-03968} ] ; [ NBA Live 2003 (Italy) {SLES-03970} ] ; [ NBA Live 2003 (Spain) {SLES-03971} ] ; [ NBA Live 96 (Europe) {SLES-00225} ] ; [ NBA Live 96 (Japan) {SLPS-00389} ] ; [ NBA Live 97 (Europe) {SLES-00517} ] ; [ NBA Live 97 (Japan) {SLPS-00736} ] ; [ NBA Live 98 (Europe) {SLES-00906} ] :SLES-00906 #Home Team SCORE 100 3007E284 0064 #Home Team Scorer 0 3007E284 0000 #Away Team Score 100 8007F6E8 0064 #Away Team Score 0 8007F6E8 0000 ; [ NBA Live 98 (France) {SLES-00951} ] ; [ NBA Live 98 (Germany) {SLES-00952} ] ; [ NBA Live 98 (Japan) {SLPS-01296} ] ; [ NBA Live 99 (Europe) {SLES-01446} ] ; [ NBA Live 99 (France) {SLES-01454} ] ; [ NBA Live 99 (Germany) {SLES-01455} ] :SLES-01455 #100 Punkte Heimmannschaft 800911BC 0064 #0 Punkte Heimmannschaft 800911BC 0000 #100 Punkte Gastmannschaft 8009FD5C 0064 #0 Punkte Gastmannschaft 8009FD5C 0000 ; [ NBA Live 99 (Italy) {SLES-01456} ] ; [ NBA Live 99 (Japan) {SLPS-02033} ] ; [ NBA Live 99 (Spain) {SLES-01457} ] ; [ NBA Power Dunkers (Japan) {SLPS-00188} ] :SLPS-00188 #Home Team Score 100 800DEA00 0064 #Home Team Scores 0 800DEA00 0000 #Away Team Score 100 800DEA94 0064 #Away Team Scores 0 800DEA94 0000 ; [ NBA Power Dunkers 2 (Japan) {SLP-86011} ] ; [ NBA Power Dunkers 3 (Japan) {SLP-86060} ] ; [ NBA Power Dunkers 4 (Japan) {SLP-86176} ] ; [ NBA Power Dunkers 5 (Japan) {SLP-86397} ] ; [ NBA Pro 98 (Europe) {SLES-00882} ] :SLES-00882 #Infinite Time To Shoot 8006BC3E 04B0 8006BC46 04B0 #Home Team Scores 99 80065378 0063 #Away Team Score 99 800653BC 0063 #Home Team Scores 00 80065378 0000 #Away Team Score 00 800653BC 0000 ; [ NBA Pro 99 (Europe) {SLES-01970} ] :SLES-01970 #P1 Number Of Points 100 30091BFC 0064 #P1 Number Of Points 0 30091BFC 0000 #P2 Number Of Points 100 300919C8 0064 #P2 Number Of Points 0 300919C8 0000 #Infinite Shot Clock 80091812 04BC #Infinite Rest Points Select+L1 D00917EE 0104 80101510 0063 ; [ NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (Europe) {SLES-02336} ] :SLES-02336 #Team 1 score 100 800B5B60 0064 #Team 1 score 0 800B5B60 0000 #Team 2 score 100 800B5B7C 0000 #Team 2 score 0 800B5B7C 0000 ; [ NBA in the Zone (Europe) {SLES-00171} ] ; [ NBA in the Zone 2 (Europe) {SLES-00560} ] :SLES-00560 #Home Team score 100 8006EF64 0064 #Home Team score 0 8006EF64 0000 #Away Team score 100 8006F0F8 0064 #Away Team score 0 8006F0F8 0000 ; [ NBA in the Zone 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02513} ] ; [ NCAA Final Four 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94391} ] ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94386} ] ; [ NCAA GameBreaker 99 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94375} ] ; [ NFL Blitz 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02335} ] ; [ NFL GameDay (Europe) {SCES-00219} ] ; [ NFL GameDay 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94385} ] ; [ NFL GameDay 2001 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94576} ] ; [ NFL Quarterback Club 97 (Europe) {SLES-00449} ] ; [ NFL Xtreme (Europe) {SCES-01490} ] ; [ NFL Xtreme 2 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94383} ] ; [ NHL 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02225} ] ; [ NHL 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02226} ] ; [ NHL 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02227} ] :SLES-02227 #Anzahl Tore Linke Mannschaft 9 80047E62 0009 #Anzahl Tore Linke Mannschaft 0 80047E62 0000 #Anzahl Tore Rechte Mannschaft 9 80047E06 0009 #Anzahl Tore Rechte Mannschaft 0 80047E06 0000 #Riesenspieler (Lustig!) 80047E00 0005 #Unendlich Creation-Punkte 8009535A 3C00 ; [ NHL 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03139} ] ; [ NHL 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03155} ] ; [ NHL 2001 (Germany) {SLES-03154} ] ; [ NHL 97 (Europe) {SLES-00492} ] ; [ NHL 97 (Germany) {SLES-00533} ] ; [ NHL 97 (Japan) {SLPS-00861} ] ; [ NHL 98 (Europe) {SLES-00907} ] ; [ NHL 98 (Germany) {SLES-00512} ] :SLES-00512 #Heim-Mannschaft Hat 9 Punkte 800475EC 0009 #Heim-Mannschaft Hat 0 Punkte 800475EC 0000 #AuswäRtige Mannschaft Hat 9 Punkte 800475B2 0009 #AuswäRtige Mannschaft Hat 0 Punkte 800475B2 0000 ; [ NHL 99 (Europe) {SLES-01445} ] :SLES-01445 #Home Team Score 9 800426B6 0009 #Home Team Score 0 800426B6 0000 #Away Team Score 9 800426F0 0009 #Away Team Score 0 800426F0 0000 ; [ NHL 99 (Germany) {SLES-01458} ] ; [ NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02514} ] :SLES-02514 #Amount Of Goals Home Team 9 801343D4 0009 #Amount Of Goals Home Team 0 801343D4 0000 #Amount Of Goals Away Team 9 801343FC 0009 #Amount Of Goals Away Team 0 801343FC 0000 #Infinite Powerplay Time D0135516 10CB 80135516 1106 #Faster Powerplay-Counter 8008D3A0 FFFE #Max Character Stats 50000602 0000 8015AC9C 6464 ; [ NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86193} ] ; [ NHL Breakaway 98 (Europe) {SLES-00624} ] ; [ NHL Championship 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02298} ] :SLES-02298 #Max Stats With Select, Then Down E00C58E6 00FE 300D99BD 0063 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99BE 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99C0 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99C2 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99C4 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99C6 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99C8 6363 E00C58E6 00FE 800D99CA 6363 ; [ NHL Face Off '97 (Europe) {SCES-00392} ] ; [ NHL Face Off (Europe) {SCES-00220} ] ; [ NHL FaceOff 2000 (Europe) {SCES-02451} ] :SCES-02451 #Home Team Score 9 800CD31E 0009 #Home Team Score 0 800CD31E 0000 #Away Team Score 9 800CD320 0009 #Away Team Score 0 800CD320 0000 #Max Stats at Character Creation 50000B04 0000 8015C31C 0063 ; [ NHL FaceOff 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94387} ] ; [ NHL FaceOff 98 (Europe) {SCES-01022} ] ; [ NHL FaceOff 99 (Europe) {SCES-01736} ] :SCES-01736 #Home Team Score 0 800D4BE0 0009 #Home Team Score 0 800D4BE0 0000 #Away Team Score 9 800D4BDE 0009 #Away Team Score 0 800D4BDE 0000 #Character Creation Codes\Max Skating Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2121EA4 0063 80121EA4 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Speed Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2121F40 0063 80121F40 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Slapshot Power Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2121FDC 0063 80121FDC 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Shooting Accuracy Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2122078 0063 80122078 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Passing Ability Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2122114 0063 80122114 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Puck Handling Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D21221B0 0063 801221B0 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Endurance Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D212224C 0063 8012224C 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Mac Aggression Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D21222E8 0063 801222E8 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Checking Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2122384 0063 80122384 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Wrist Shot Power Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D2122420 0063 80122420 0063 #Character Creation Codes\Max Fighting Press Right+L2+R2+O to activate D00DAB20 2023 D21224BC 0063 801224BC 0063 ; [ NHL PowerRink '97 (Japan) {SIPS-60018} ] ; [ NHL Powerplay '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00595} ] ; [ NHL Powerplay (Europe) {SLES-00313} ] ; [ NHL Powerplay 98 (Europe) {SLES-00418} ] ; [ NHL Rock the Rink (Europe) {SLES-02794} ] :SLES-02794 #1 goal counts 5 goals 300116A4 0005 #Red player Needs one goal to win D0090014 0000 30090014 0004 #Red player Never wins D0090014 0001 30090014 0000 #Blue player Needs one goal to win D0090060 0000 30090060 0004 #Blue player Never wins D0090060 0001 30090060 0000 #World Unlocked 300915A0 0001 #NHL Elite Unlocked 300915B0 0001 ; [ NOëL 3: Mission on the Line (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86609 | SLP-86610 | SLP-86611} ] ; [ NOëL: La Neige (Japan) (Special Edition) {SLPS-01190 | SLPS-01191 | SLPS-01192} ] ; [ NOëL: La Neige (Japan) {SLPS-01193 | SLPS-01194 | SLPS-01195} ] ; [ NOëL: La Neige Special (Japan) {SLPS-01515} ] ; [ NOëL: Not Digital (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00316} ] :SLPS-00316 #Account Maximum 800BA97A 03E7 ; [ NOëL: Not Digital (Japan) {SLPS-00304 | SLPS-00305} ] :SLPS-00304 :SLPS-00305 #Account Maximum 800BA97A 03E7 #Account Maximum 800BA97A 03E7 ; [ Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (Europe) {SLES-00999} ] :SLES-00999 #All Skating Events\Super Speed 800A02CE 4280 #All Skiing Events\No Disqualification 800B2D28 0000 #All Skiing Events\Freeze Timer 8008D640 0000 ; [ Nainai no Meitantei (Japan) {SLPS-02500} ] :SLPS-02500 #Infinite Money 900BAF88 0098967F #Money 32768 Yoshimoto circle 800D6B24 8000 #COIN 9999 sheets 800BB0C4 270F ; [ Najavu no Daibouken: My Favorite Namjatown (Japan) {SLP-86601} ] ; [ Nakajima Miyuki: Namiromu (Japan) {SLPS-01625} ] ; [ Namco Anthology 1 (Japan) {SLPS-01220} ] :SLPS-01220 #Babel - Infinite Power 800782EC 0014 #Babel (Classic version) - Infinite Power 80100091 0014 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Infinite Food 801C1F8A 270F #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Infinite Item 301C1F92 0063 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Infinite Money 801C1F88 270F #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Infinite Round 801B0AA0 0063 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Max Government 301C1F93 0063 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Max Land 801C1F8C 03E7 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Max Market 801C1F8E 03E7 #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Max People 801C1F90 270F #Conqueror's Continent (Haou no Tairiku) Max Weather 301C1F94 0063 #Star Luster - Photon torpedo 99 301F509C 0063 #Star Luster - Photon torpedo deadly blow D0147774 FFFF 80147774 0000 D0147776 2442 80147776 2402 #Star Luster - I do not go DATE 8018C558 0000 #Star Luster - Infinite shield 801F50A0 0600 #Star Luster - Aircraft repair press L2 D018C538 0001 801F50AC 0000 D018C538 0001 801F50B0 0000 D018C538 0001 801F50B4 0000 ; [ Namco Anthology 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01221} ] :SLPS-01221 #King Of Kings\Infinite Money 90166488 0133FFFF #Legend Of Valkyrie\Gold 999999 80120DCC 423F 30120DCE 000F #Legend Of Valkyrie\Life 80176C32 01E0 #Legend Of Valkyrie\Life Max 80176C34 01E0 #Legend Of Valkyrie\Magic 801209F2 01E0 #Legend Of Valkyrie\Magic Max 801209C4 01E0 #Legend Of Valkyrie\Invincibility 80176C4C 0019 #Legend Of Valkyrie Original\Energy 999 801000C0 03E7 801000C4 03E7 #Legend Of Valkyrie Original\Intellect 999 801000C2 03E7 801000C6 03E7 #Legend Of Valkyrie Original\Enemy HP 0# 8010051E 0000 8010052E 0000 8010053E 0000 8010054E 0000 #Legend Of Valkyrie Original\Gold 99999 301000D0 0009 301000D1 0009 301000D2 0009 301000D3 0009 301000D4 0009 ; [ Namco Demo (Europe) Demo {SCED-00789} ] ; [ Namco Museum Encore (Japan) (Shokai Gentei Special Box) {SLPS-00765} ] :SLPS-00765 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Time 8017B3B6 0999 #Rolling Thunder P1 Infinite Lives 80171C5C 4003 #Rolling Thunder P2 Infinite Lives 80171C7C 4003 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Health 8017B47A 0040 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Credits 8016E94C 0063 #Motos Infinite Lives 801A3D25 0003 #Dragon Saber P1 Infinite Lives 801412B8 0003 #Dragon Saber P2 Infinite Lives 801413BC 0003 #Dragon Saber Infinite Credits 801A3D06 9900 #Sky Kid Infinite Credits 800C76B4 0063 #Sky Kid P1 Infinite Lives 800C7054 0003 #Sky Kid P2 Infinite Lives 800C7058 0003 #Rompers Infinite Lives 800BE248 0003 #Rompers Infinite Time To make this code work, you must skip the intro 800BE12A 0558 #Rompers Infinite Credits 8012CD5E 0063 #King & Balloon Infinite Credits 8004D968 9900 #King & Balloon Infinite Kings 8004D65E 0404 #Wonder Momo Infinite Credits 8012459C 0063 #Wonder Momo Infinite Vital 80124404 007F #Wonder Momo Infinite Wonder 801245F0 007F ; [ Namco Museum Encore (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91163} ] ; [ Namco Museum Encore (Japan) {SLPS-01050} ] :SLPS-01050 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Time 8017B3B6 0999 #Rolling Thunder P1 Infinite Lives 80171C5C 4003 #Rolling Thunder P2 Infinite Lives 80171C7C 4003 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Health 8017B47A 0040 #Rolling Thunder Infinite Credits 8016E94C 0063 #Motos Infinite Lives 801A3D25 0003 #Dragon Saber P1 Infinite Lives 801412B8 0003 #Dragon Saber P2 Infinite Lives 801413BC 0003 #Dragon Saber Infinite Credits 801A3D06 9900 #Sky Kid Infinite Credits 800C76B4 0063 #Sky Kid P1 Infinite Lives 800C7054 0003 #Sky Kid P2 Infinite Lives 800C7058 0003 #Rompers Infinite Lives 800BE248 0003 #Rompers Infinite Time To make this code work, you must skip the intro 800BE12A 0558 #Rompers Infinite Credits 8012CD5E 0063 #King & Balloon Infinite Credits 8004D968 9900 #King & Balloon Infinite Kings 8004D65E 0404 #Wonder Momo Infinite Credits 8012459C 0063 #Wonder Momo Infinite Vital 80124404 007F #Wonder Momo Infinite Wonder 801245F0 007F ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 1 (Europe) {SCES-00243} ] :SCES-00243 #Bosconian\Infinite Lives 80157514 0003 #Galaga\Infinite Lives 801A4144 0103 #New Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BEF60 0003 #New Rally X\Infinite Fuel You must turn off to finish the level 800BEF98 3C00 #Pacman\Infinite Lives 80117A88 0003 #Pole Position\Infinite Time 8013196E 5A00 #Rally X\Infinite Lives 800BDED8 0003 #Rally X\Infinite Time You must turn off to finish the level 800BDF14 3C00 #Toypop\Infinite Lives 800FD518 0003 #Toypop\Infinite Time 800C5DE8 001A ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLPS-00107} ] :SLPS-00107 #Bosconian Infinite Lives 8015728C 0003 #Galaga Infinite Lives 801A3E1C 0103 #New Rally X Infinite Fuels 800E4FC8 3BB0 #New Rally X Infinite Lives 800E4900 0003 #Pacman Infinite Lives 801178E0 0003 #Pole Position Stop Timer 80131946 4600 #Toy Pop Infinite Lives 800FD270 0003 #Toy Pop Infinite Time 800C5CD8 000A ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 2 (Europe) {SCES-00267} ] :SCES-00267 #Super Pacman\Infinite Lives 801E1006 0300 #Dragon Buster\Infinite Vitality You must turn off before you kill the dragon, then re-enable it 800C9A04 0080 #Dragon Buster\Infinite Smart Bombs 800C99A4 0003 #Gaplus\Infinite Lives 80151104 0003 #Grobda\Infinite Lives 800CAFA8 0003 #Mappy\Infinite Lives 801E4274 0300 #Xevious\Infinite Lives 8019C760 0003 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 2 (Japan) (Gentei Box) {SLPS-00209} ] :SLPS-00209 #Dragon Buster Infinite Credits 800C9850 0005 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Fireballs 800C9990 0002 801437B0 0101 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Vitality 800C99F0 0080 #Dragon BusterP2 Infinite Fireballs 800C9994 0002 801438B0 0101 #Dragon Buster P2 Infinite Vitality 800C99F4 0080 #Gaplus Infinite Credits 80102BEC 0005 #Gaplus P1 Infinite Lives 30151104 0004 #Gaplus P2 Infinite Lives 30151105 0004 #Grabda Infinite Credits 800E9CAC 0005 #Grabda Infinite Shield (Both Players) 80100564 2800 #Grabda P1 Infinite Lives 800CAB64 0002 #Grabda P2 Infinite Lives 800CAB68 0002 #Mappy Infinite Credits 8017ADF4 0005 #Mappy Infinite Lives (Both Players) 801E38C4 0500 #Xevious Infinite Lives (Both Players) 80180654 0003 #Xevious Infinite Credits 801798B0 0005 #Super Pac-man Infinite Balls (Both Players) 8016C4CC 0005 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00210} ] :SLPS-00210 #Dragon Buster Infinite Credits 800C9850 0005 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Fireballs 800C9990 0002 801437B0 0101 #Dragon Buster P1 Infinite Vitality 800C99F0 0080 #Dragon Buster P2 Infinite Fireballs 800C9994 0002 801438B0 0101 #Dragon Buster P2 Infinite Vitality 800C99F4 0080 #Gaplus Infinite Credits 80102BEC 0005 #Gaplus P1 Infinite Lives 30151104 0004 #Gaplus P2 Infinite Lives 30151105 0004 #Grabda Infinite Credits 800E9CAC 0005 #Grabda Infinite Shield (Both Players) 80100564 2800 #Grabda P1 Infinite Lives 800CAB64 0002 #Grabda P2 Infinite Lives 800CAB68 0002 #Mappy Infinite Credits 8017ADF4 0005 #Mappy Infinite Lives (Both Players) 801E38C4 0500 #Xevious Infinite Lives (Both Players) 80180654 0003 #Xevious Infinite Credits 801798B0 0005 #Super Pac-man Infinite Balls (Both Players) 8016C4CC 0005 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 3 (Europe) {SCES-00268} ] :SCES-00268 #Dig Dug\Infinite Lives 8012544C 0003 #Phozon\Infinite Lives 80168D90 0302 #Galaxian\Infinite Lives 8010EC5C 0003 #Ms. Pacman\Infinite Lives 801359A8 0003 #Pole Position 2\Infinite Time 80135548 7800 #The Tower Of Druaga\Infinite Lives 8016664A 0003 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 3 (Japan) {SLPS-00390} ] :SLPS-00390 #Dig Dug\P1 Infinite Lives 801309D0 0004 #Dig Dug\P2 Infinite Lives 80130A34 0004 #Dig Dug\Infinite Credits 8012D600 0009 #Galaxian\Infinite Credits 8010E86C 0009 #Galaxian\Infinite Lives 8010E864 0005 #Ms. Pac-Man\P1 Infinite Lives 80141A18 0004 #Ms. Pac-Man\P2 Infinite Lives 80141A1C 0004 #Ms. Pac-Man\Infinite Credits 801418EC 0009 #Ms. Pac-Man\Eat All Ghosts All The Time 80193FD4 0000 80193FD6 0000 #Phozon\P1 Infinite Lives 30167480 0005 #Phozon\P2 Infinite Lives 30167481 0005 #Phozon\Infinite Credits 80167218 0009 #Pole Position 2\Infinite Time 80134646 7000 #Pole Position 2\Lap Time Always Below 0.01 90134658 00000000 90134654 00000000 #Pole Position 2\Max Speed 30131FB5 00FF #Pole Position 2\Infinite Credits 80131FEE 0900 #Tower of Druaga\Infinite Credits 8015E4D4 0009 #Tower of Druaga\Infinite Time 8015E4B8 4E20 #Tower of Druaga\Infinite Keys 8015E584 0001 #Tower of Druaga\P1 Infinite Lives 8016569E 0004 #Tower of Druaga\P2 Infinite Lives 801656EA 0004 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 4 (Europe) {SCES-00701} ] ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 4 (Japan) {SLPS-00540} ] :SLPS-00540 #Assault Infinite Lives 801E2956 000F #Assault Infinite Money 801E2976 00A0 #Ordyne Infinite Money 800C45E0 0063 #The Return of Ishtar Infinite HP 8015A3CC 03E7 #Pacland Infinite Lives 80057FD5 0003 #Pacland Infinite Time 8005803C 0909 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 5 (Europe) {SCES-00702} ] :SCES-00702 #Pacmania\Infinite Lifes activate codes when you are in the game itself 301E0621 0005 #Dragon Spirit\Infinite Lifes activate codes when you are in the game itself 301E9007 0005 #Metro Cross\Infinite Time activate codes when you are in the game itself and deactivate at level end! 801E1442 0010 #Baraduke\Infinite Lifes activate codes when you are in the game itself 801600C0 0005 ; [ Namco Museum Vol. 5 (Japan) {SLPS-00705} ] :SLPS-00705 #Metro Cross\Master Code D0020F40 0005 #Metro Cross\Infinite Time 80020F46 2000 #Baraduke\Master code D00513E0 00C0 #Baraduke\Infinite Lives 800513DC 0000 #Baraduke\Infinite Shield 8002C108 0000 #Dragon Spirit\Master Code D003CA80 0010 #Dragon Spirit\Infinite Lives 80020D50 0000 #Dragon Spirit\Infinite Health 8003CA82 9044 #Dragon Spirit\Invincibility 301E91C8 0001 #Pacmania\Master Code D0025C34 007B #Pacmania\Infinite Lives 80020578 0000 #Pacmania\Invincibility 80025C36 A060 #Legend Of Valkryie\Master Code D0025544 0050 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Max Gold 8018F4C6 FFFF #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Max Gold 8018F5CA FFFF #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Infinite HP 8018F4C4 00C0 #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Infinite HP 8018F5C8 00C0 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Infinite MP 8018F4C2 00C0 #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Infinite MP 8018F5C6 00C0 #Legend Of Valkryie\P1 Invincibility 8018F4B6 0024 #Legend Of Valkryie\P2 Invincibility 8018F5BA 0024 ; [ Namco Soccer Prime Goal (Europe) {SCES-00266} ] :SCES-00266 #Enemy team score 0 800BEACD 0000 ; [ Namco Tennis Smash Court (Europe) {SCES-00263} ] :SCES-00263 #Rival Score Always 0 80099D1C 0000 ; [ Nanatsu no Hikan (Japan) {SLP-86179 | SLP-86180 | SLP-86181} ] ; [ Naniwa Kinyuudou: Aoki Yuji no Seken Munazanyou (Japan) {SLPS-03049} ] :SLPS-03049 #P1 has 99999999 money 901E5E58 05F5E0FF ; [ Naniwa Wangan Battle: Tarzan Yamada & AutoSelect Sawa Kyoudai (Japan) {SLPS-01206} ] :SLPS-01206 #Infinite Money D00AB418 2021 800AB406 0080 #Infinite Time 800679FC 0000 ; [ NanoTek Warrior (Europe) {SLES-00329} ] :SLES-00329 #Infinite Lifes 800CA500 0003 #Infinite Energy/Shield 800CA504 1000 ; [ NanoTek Warrior (Japan) {SLPS-00835} ] :SLPS-00835 #Infinite Lives 800CACD4 0003 #Infinitem energy 800CACD8 1000 #Score 9999999 D00CACE8 0000 800CACE8 E0FF D00CACEA 0000 800CACEA 05F5 #Bonus levels COLLECTED 999 8009AC58 03E7 #SHIELD bonus 65535 8009AC60 FFFF ; [ Naruto: Shinobi no Sato no Jintori Gassen (Japan) {SLPS-03553} ] :SLPS-03553 #Character 1 - 9999 80070EB8 270F #All Characters/All Stages/All Box 90070770 FFFFFFFF 90070774 FFFFFFFF 90070778 FFFFFFFF 9007077C FFFFFFFF 90070780 FFFFFFFF #Bingo book all display 30070778 00FE 30070779 003F 30070782 0010 #Treasure BOX all display 90070770 FFFFFFFF 80070774 FFFF 30070776 00FF #Hidden mode appearance In the main menu Ninjutsu mentor Form mini-game appearance. In story mode re not Ki-hen" Kinohamaru Edition appearance. 3007077B 00FF 3007077C 00FF #Naruto Hen whole story appearance 30070738 0009 #Zabuza whole story appearance 30070739 0002 #KOnohamaru ed all talk emergence 3007073A 0005 ; [ Nazoou (Japan) {SLPS-00447} ] :SLPS-00447 #Have 99 points in story mode (always pass the level) 8018AF8C 0063 ; [ Necronomicon: Das Mysterium der Dämmerung aka Necronomicon: Die Dämmerung der Dunkelheit (Germany) {SLES-03495 | SLES-13495} ] ; [ Necronomicon: El Alba de las Tinieblas (Spain) {SLES-03497 | SLES-13497} ] ; [ Necronomicon: Ispirato alle opere di H.P. Lovecraft (Italy) {SLES-03496 | SLES-13496} ] ; [ Necronomicon: L'Aube des Ténèbres (France) {SLES-03494 | SLES-13494} ] ; [ Necronomicon: O Despertar das Trevas (Portugal) {SLES-03498 | SLES-13498} ] ; [ Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness (Europe) {SLES-03493 | SLES-13493} ] ; [ Nectaris (Japan) {SLPS-01245} ] ; [ Need for Speed II (Europe) {SLES-00658} ] :SLES-00658 #All cars upgraded 300360A0 0001 #Bonuslap Hollywood 800E2C90 0006 ; [ Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (Europe) {SLES-01154} ] :SLES-01154 #Enable Clk-Gtr And Xjr-15 80043F0A 0101 #Enable Ferrari 550 And Diablo Sv 80043F08 0101 #Enable Nazca C2 80043F06 0101 #Afterburner D311DFEA 001F 8011DFEA 005D #All Tracks & Cars 80125FC0 03F8 #Start On Lap 2 D011DDE0 0000 3011DDE0 0001 #Start On Lap 3 D011DDE0 0000 3011DDE0 0002 #Start On Lap 4 D011DDE0 0000 3011DDE0 0003 #Fourth Lap Press X & L2 & R2 D012E3A2 BCFF 3011DDE0 0003 #Stopwatch 00:00:00 Press X & L1 & R1 D012E3A2 B3FF 80108468 0000 D012E3A2 B3FF 8010846A 0000 #Camera Modifier\Micromachines-Style Press Select & X D012E3A2 BFFE 800F7B40 0010 D012E3A2 BFFE 800F7B42 0010 ; [ Need for Speed: High Stakes (Australia) {SLES-01876} ] ; [ Need for Speed: Porsche 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02689} ] :SLES-02689 #Stopwatch 00:00:00 3007A526 0020 #Timer frozen (Time trials) D0011EE8 FFFF 80011EE8 0000 #French Lanuage mode 300BD524 0001 #Spanish Lanuage mode 300BD524 0003 #Italian Lanuage mode 300BD524 0004 #Always good grip D002F03A 2463 8002F03A 2403 #Infinite/Max Cash 900BDB80 0FFFFFFF #No Repair-Costs 9001D850 00000000 #No Penalties (Factory Driver) D00104CA 0083 800104CC 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104CE 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104E4 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104E6 0000 #Instant Win (Chase Mode) .Press L1 & R1 D00C4862 F3FF 800C1BD4 FFFF #99 Points (Tournament Mode) 300BDB86 0063 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 3 300BDED6 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 2 300BDED5 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 1 300BDED4 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 3 300BDED9 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 2 300BDED8 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 1 300BDED7 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 3 300BDEDC 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 2 300BDEDB 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 1 300BDEDA 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\All Tournament Trophies (Gold) 50000402 0000 800BDED4 0101 300BDEDC 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\356 300BE044 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\914 300BE045 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\924 300BE046 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\944 300BE047 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\928 300BE048 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\959 300BE049 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\968 300BE04A 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\993 300BE04B 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\Boxster 300BE04C 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\995 300BE04D 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\All Weekend Trophies (Gold) 50000502 0000 800BE044 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\550 Spyder 300BE228 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\917 300BE229 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 3 300BE22A 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 2 300BE22B 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 1 300BE22C 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\All Racing Trophies (Gold) 50000202 0000 800BE228 0001 300BE22C 0001 #Nitroboost\On Press R3 & Cross D00C4862 BFFB 30031380 0000 ; [ Need for Speed: Porsche 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02700} ] :SLES-02700 #Stopwatch 00:00:00 3007A526 0020 #Timer frozen (Time trials) D0011EE8 FFFF 80011EE8 0000 #English Lanuage mode 300BD524 0000 #German Lanuage mode 300BD524 0002 #Always good grip D002F03A 2463 8002F03A 2403 #Infinite/Max Cash 900BDB80 0FFFFFFF #No Repair-Costs 9001D850 00000000 #No Penalties (Factory Driver) D00104CA 0083 800104CC 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104CE 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104E4 0000 D00104CA 0083 800104E6 0000 #Instant Win (Chase Mode) .Press L1 & R1 D00C4862 F3FF 800C1BD4 FFFF #99 Points (Tournament Mode) 300BDB86 0063 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 3 300BDED6 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 2 300BDED5 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Classic-Class 1 300BDED4 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 3 300BDED9 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 2 300BDED8 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Golden-Class 1 300BDED7 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 3 300BDEDC 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 2 300BDEDB 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\Modern-Class 1 300BDEDA 0001 #Have Tournament Trophies (Gold)\All Tournament Trophies (Gold) 50000402 0000 800BDED4 0101 300BDEDC 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\356 300BE044 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\914 300BE045 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\924 300BE046 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\944 300BE047 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\928 300BE048 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\959 300BE049 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\968 300BE04A 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\993 300BE04B 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\Boxster 300BE04C 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\995 300BE04D 0001 #Have Weekend Trophies (Gold)\All Weekend Trophies (Gold) 50000502 0000 800BE044 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\550 Spyder 300BE228 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\917 300BE229 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 3 300BE22A 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 2 300BE22B 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\Gt 1 300BE22C 0001 #Have Racing Trophies (Gold)\All Racing Trophies (Gold) 50000202 0000 800BE228 0001 300BE22C 0001 #Nitroboost\On Press R3 & Cross D00C4862 BFFB 30031380 0000 ; [ Need for Speed: Road Challenge (Europe) {SLES-01788} ] :SLES-01788 #99999999 Credits 90115DD0 05F5E0FF #Infinite Time In Pursuit Mode Change view to activate D011060C 0006 8005E1EE 2400 #Turbo Acceleration Mode 801C1AD6 0001 #Unlock Mercedes Clk-Gtr & Mclaren F1 Gtr 8011576E 0101 #Have Porsche 911 (Racer) 30115770 0001 301157A0 0001 #Have Corvette (Racer) 30115772 0001 301157A2 0001 #Have Corvette (Cop Car) 80115778 0101 801157A8 0101 #Have Phantom Car 30115773 0001 301157A3 0001 #Have Titan Car 30115774 0001 301157A4 0001 #Have Porsche 911 Copcar 3011577A 0001 301157AA 0001 #Lamborghini Diablo Copcar 3011577B 0001 301157AB 0001 #Have Helicopter 3011577C 0001 301157AC 0001 #Have Access To Kindiak Park Track Canada 80115D4C 0001 #Have Access To Celtic Ruins Track Great Britain 80115D50 0001 #Have Access To Dolphin Cove Track Usa 80115D44 0001 #Have Access To Snowy Ridgetrack Usa 80115D3C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway Track Italy 80115D60 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 2 Track Usa 80115D5C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 3 Track Spain 80115D64 0001 #No Entrance-Stake Weekend Road Racing Classics 80150E7C 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Twilight Open Series 80150ED0 0000 #No Entrance-Stake International Open Road Tour 80150F24 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Knockout Challenge 80150F78 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Corvette Pro Cup 80150FCC 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Porsche Pro Cup 80151020 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Open Road Knockout Challenge 80151074 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Endurance Racing Competition 901510C8 00000000 #Racing Clockwise 8017F340 0003 #Racing Counter-Clockwise 8017F340 0103 #Mirrored Mode On 8017F342 0001 #Mirrored Mode Off 8017F342 0000 #1.000.000 Credits For Driving Safely 9017FB58 000F4240 #1.000.000 Credits Reward 90180A14 000F4240 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P1 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592C 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P2 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592D 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Get 100 Racing Points 80115EE0 0064 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Place 1st 80110EB8 0001 80113A68 0001 80115EE2 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Opponents 8011489C 0001 80115DCC 0001 8011881C 0001 8013DB1C 0001 8013DB24 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Repair Costs 80180A18 0000 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Worldwide Roadster Classic 30115FAD 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Regional Club Circuit 30115FAE 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Super Sedan Challenge 30115FAF 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Grand Touring Competition 30115FB0 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Supercar Series 30115FB1 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Gt Racing Championship 30115FB2 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Weekend Road Racing Classic 30115FB3 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Twilight Open Series 30115FB4 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Open Road Tour 30115FB5 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Knockout Challenge 30115FB6 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Corvette Pro Cup 30115FB7 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Porsche Pro Cup 30115FB8 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Endurance Racing Competition 30115FB9 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Open Road Knockout Challenge 30115FBB 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Have All Gold Trophies (Replaces The Other Codes) 50000D01 0000 30115FAD 0001 30115FBB 0001 #Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 002F #Really, Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 001F #Dashboard View 80114948 0001 #Heavy Car 801144B0 0002 #Light Car 801144B0 0004 ; [ Need for Speed: Road Challenge (Europe) {SLES-01789} ] :SLES-01789 #99999999 Credits 90115DD0 05F5E0FF #Infinite Time In Pursuit Mode Change view to activate D011060C 0006 8005E1EE 2400 #Turbo Acceleration Mode 801C1AD6 0001 #Unlock Mercedes Clk-Gtr & Mclaren F1 Gtr 8011576E 0101 #Have Porsche 911 (Racer) 30115770 0001 301157A0 0001 #Have Corvette (Racer) 30115772 0001 301157A2 0001 #Have Corvette (Cop Car) 80115778 0101 801157A8 0101 #Have Phantom Car 30115773 0001 301157A3 0001 #Have Titan Car 30115774 0001 301157A4 0001 #Have Porsche 911 Copcar 3011577A 0001 301157AA 0001 #Lamborghini Diablo Copcar 3011577B 0001 301157AB 0001 #Have Helicopter 3011577C 0001 301157AC 0001 #Have Access To Kindiak Park Track Canada 80115D4C 0001 #Have Access To Celtic Ruins Track Great Britain 80115D50 0001 #Have Access To Dolphin Cove Track Usa 80115D44 0001 #Have Access To Snowy Ridgetrack Usa 80115D3C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway Track Italy 80115D60 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 2 Track Usa 80115D5C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 3 Track Spain 80115D64 0001 #No Entrance-Stake Weekend Road Racing Classics 80150E7C 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Twilight Open Series 80150ED0 0000 #No Entrance-Stake International Open Road Tour 80150F24 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Knockout Challenge 80150F78 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Corvette Pro Cup 80150FCC 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Porsche Pro Cup 80151020 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Open Road Knockout Challenge 80151074 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Endurance Racing Competition 901510C8 00000000 #Racing Clockwise 8017F340 0003 #Racing Counter-Clockwise 8017F340 0103 #Mirrored Mode On 8017F342 0001 #Mirrored Mode Off 8017F342 0000 #1.000.000 Credits For Driving Safely 9017FB58 000F4240 #1.000.000 Credits Reward 90180A14 000F4240 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P1 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592C 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P2 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592D 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Get 100 Racing Points 80115EE0 0064 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Place 1st 80110EB8 0001 80113A68 0001 80115EE2 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Opponents 8011489C 0001 80115DCC 0001 8011881C 0001 8013DB1C 0001 8013DB24 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Repair Costs 80180A18 0000 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Worldwide Roadster Classic 30115FAD 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Regional Club Circuit 30115FAE 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Super Sedan Challenge 30115FAF 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Grand Touring Competition 30115FB0 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Supercar Series 30115FB1 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Gt Racing Championship 30115FB2 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Weekend Road Racing Classic 30115FB3 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Twilight Open Series 30115FB4 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Open Road Tour 30115FB5 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Knockout Challenge 30115FB6 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Corvette Pro Cup 30115FB7 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Porsche Pro Cup 30115FB8 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Endurance Racing Competition 30115FB9 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Open Road Knockout Challenge 30115FBB 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Have All Gold Trophies (Replaces The Other Codes) 50000D01 0000 30115FAD 0001 30115FBB 0001 #Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 002F #Really, Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 001F #Dashboard View 80114948 0001 #Heavy Car 801144B0 0002 #Light Car 801144B0 0004 ; [ Need for Speed: Road Challenge (Europe) {SLES-01790} ] :SLES-01790 #Maximum money 90115DD0 3B9AC9FF #99999999 Credits 90115DD0 05F5E0FF #Infinite Time In Pursuit Mode Change view to activate D011060C 0006 8005E1EE 2400 #Turbo Acceleration Mode 801C1AD6 0001 #Unlock Mercedes Clk-Gtr & Mclaren F1 Gtr 8011576E 0101 #Have Porsche 911 (Racer) 30115770 0001 301157A0 0001 #Have Corvette (Racer) 30115772 0001 301157A2 0001 #Have Corvette (Cop Car) 80115778 0101 801157A8 0101 #Have Phantom Car 30115773 0001 301157A3 0001 #Have Titan Car 30115774 0001 301157A4 0001 #Have Porsche 911 Copcar 3011577A 0001 301157AA 0001 #Lamborghini Diablo Copcar 3011577B 0001 301157AB 0001 #Have Helicopter 3011577C 0001 301157AC 0001 #Have Access To Kindiak Park Track Canada 80115D4C 0001 #Have Access To Celtic Ruins Track Great Britain 80115D50 0001 #Have Access To Dolphin Cove Track Usa 80115D44 0001 #Have Access To Snowy Ridgetrack Usa 80115D3C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway Track Italy 80115D60 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 2 Track Usa 80115D5C 0001 #Have Access To Raceway 3 Track Spain 80115D64 0001 #No Entrance-Stake Weekend Road Racing Classics 80150E7C 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Twilight Open Series 80150ED0 0000 #No Entrance-Stake International Open Road Tour 80150F24 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Knockout Challenge 80150F78 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Corvette Pro Cup 80150FCC 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Porsche Pro Cup 80151020 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Open Road Knockout Challenge 80151074 0000 #No Entrance-Stake Endurance Racing Competition 901510C8 00000000 #Racing Clockwise 8017F340 0003 #Racing Counter-Clockwise 8017F340 0103 #Mirrored Mode On 8017F342 0001 #Mirrored Mode Off 8017F342 0000 #1.000.000 Credits For Driving Safely 9017FB58 000F4240 #1.000.000 Credits Reward 90180A14 000F4240 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P1 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592C 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\P2 Always Max Wins (High Stakes) 3011592D 000F #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Get 100 Racing Points 80115EE0 0064 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\Place 1st 80110EB8 0001 80113A68 0001 80115EE2 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Opponents 8011489C 0001 80115DCC 0001 8011881C 0001 8013DB1C 0001 8013DB24 0001 #Solo, Tournament & Special Races\No Repair Costs 80180A18 0000 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Worldwide Roadster Classic 30115FAD 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Regional Club Circuit 30115FAE 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Super Sedan Challenge 30115FAF 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Grand Touring Competition 30115FB0 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Supercar Series 30115FB1 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Gt Racing Championship 30115FB2 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Weekend Road Racing Classic 30115FB3 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Twilight Open Series 30115FB4 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\International Open Road Tour 30115FB5 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Knockout Challenge 30115FB6 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Corvette Pro Cup 30115FB7 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Porsche Pro Cup 30115FB8 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Endurance Racing Competition 30115FB9 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Open Road Knockout Challenge 30115FBB 0001 #Trophy Room - Have Gold Trophies\Have All Gold Trophies (Replaces The Other Codes) 50000D01 0000 30115FAD 0001 30115FBB 0001 #Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 002F #Really, Don't Drive Drunk-Mode 8013E6D8 001F #Dashboard View 80114948 0001 #Heavy Car 801144B0 0002 #Light Car 801144B0 0004 #Oppents don't move (Races) 800B7668 0000 #Oppents move slowly\easy to catch (Hot Pursuit) D013FBD6 FFEF 800B76BC 0000 D013FBD6 FFBF 800B76BC 0001 ; [ Nekketsu Oyako (Japan) {SLPS-00006} ] :SLPS-00006 #P1 Infinite Energy 801DA072 0068 #P2 Infinite Energy 801DA176 0068 #P1 Invincibility 801DA0D6 000F #P2 Invincibility 801DA1DA 000F #P1 Infinite Lives 801DA070 0009 #P2 Infinite Lives 801DA174 0009 ; [ Neko Zamurai (Japan) {SLPS-01543 | SLPS-01544 | SLPS-01545} ] :SLPS-01543 :SLPS-01544 :SLPS-01545 #No Fatigue 8006D0F8 00FF #Do not tired D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0000 #Heal D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0001 #All memories and mini-games fully open 50000E02 0000 8006D040 FFFF #All memories and mini-games fully open Alternate 9006D040 FFFFFFFF 9006D044 FFFFFFFF 9006D048 FFFFFFFF 9006D04C FFFFFFFF 9006D050 FFFFFFFF 9006D054 FFFFFFFF 9006D058 FFFFFFFF #No Fatigue 8006D0F8 00FF #Do not tired D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0000 #Heal D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0001 #All memories and mini-games fully open 50000E02 0000 8006D040 FFFF #All memories and mini-games fully open Alternate 9006D040 FFFFFFFF 9006D044 FFFFFFFF 9006D048 FFFFFFFF 9006D04C FFFFFFFF 9006D050 FFFFFFFF 9006D054 FFFFFFFF 9006D058 FFFFFFFF #No Fatigue 8006D0F8 00FF #Do not tired D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0000 #Heal D002A680 FFFF 8002A680 0001 #All memories and mini-games fully open 50000E02 0000 8006D040 FFFF #All memories and mini-games fully open Alternate 9006D040 FFFFFFFF 9006D044 FFFFFFFF 9006D048 FFFFFFFF 9006D04C FFFFFFFF 9006D050 FFFFFFFF 9006D054 FFFFFFFF 9006D058 FFFFFFFF ; [ Neko na Ka-N-Ke-I (Japan) {SLPS-01616} ] ; [ Neo Atlas (Japan) Demo {SLP-80230} ] ; [ Neo Atlas (Japan) {SLPS-01212} ] ; [ Neo Atlas II (Japan) (Artdink Best Choice) {SLPS-02974} ] ; [ Neo Atlas: Famitsuu no Nazo (Japan) (Famitsuu Fun Disk) {SLP-80282} ] ; [ Neo Planet (Japan) {SLPS-00323} ] :SLPS-00323 #Have 9999999 900D3D10 0098967F ; [ Neon Genesis Evangelion: Original Screen Saver (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PAPX-90051} ] ; [ Neorude: Kizamareta Monshou (Japan) {SLPS-02417} ] :SLPS-02417 #Infinite HP Character 1 801B3D08 03E7 801B8638 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 2 801B3D48 03E7 801B8E7C 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 3 801B3D88 03E7 801B96C0 03E7 ; [ Nessa no Hoshi (Japan) {SLPS-00913 | SLPS-00914} ] :SLPS-00913 :SLPS-00914 #Infinite Energy 8008E664 00C8 8008E668 00C8 #Infinite Energy 8008E664 00C8 8008E668 00C8 ; [ Net Yarou ze Kidou Disc: Version 1.0 (Japan) {DTL-S3030} ] ; [ Net Yaroze (Europe) Demo {SLED-01340} ] ; [ Net Yaroze Boot Disc (USA, Europe) {DTL-S3035} ] ; [ Netz Magazine: Altezza (Japan) {SLP-86163} ] ; [ Netz Magazine: Vitz (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80377} ] ; [ Neues (Japan) {SLPS-02559} ] :SLPS-02559 #All stats max 9004ED48 03E703E7 9004ED44 03E703E7 9004ED40 03E703E7 ; [ Newcomer: Be a Popstar (Germany) {SLES-03659} ] ; [ Newman Haas Racing (Europe) Demo {SLED-01196} ] ; [ Newman Haas Racing (Europe) {SLES-00933} ] ; [ Next Demo 4 (Italy) {SLED-02022} ] ; [ Next Demo 5 (Italy) {SLED-02076} ] ; [ Next Demo 6 (Italy) {SLED-02041} ] ; [ Next Demo 7 (Italy) {SLED-02156} ] ; [ Next Demo 9 (Italy) {SLED-02157} ] ; [ Next King: Koi no Sennen Oukoku (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-00858} ] ; [ Next Station 1 (Italy) {SLED-01750} ] ; [ Next Station 2 (Italy) {SLED-01873} ] ; [ Next Station 3 (Italy) {SLED-01953} ] ; [ Next Wave Herbst '98 (Germany) {SLED-01512} ] ; [ Nibiiro no Koubou: 32 Nin no Senshachou (Japan) {SLPS-00721} ] :SLPS-00721 #PAK & FLAK of self-propelled 800881CE 001E 8008823E 001E 800882AE 001E 8008831E 001E #Raiden armor strengthening 80087C84 0035 80087C8C 0012 #Target, Behemoth! Code 90094D5C 14141414 90094D60 14141414 80094D64 1414 90094D9C 14141414 90094DA0 14141414 80094DA4 1414 #Marshmallows 85 code 3008749D 0001 8008749E 00FF 900874A0 00FA00F5 900874A4 00F500FF 800874A8 00FA 800874AC 0096 900874C4 00000000 900874C8 00000000 900874CC 00000000 900874D0 00000000 900874D4 00000000 900874D8 00000000 800874DC 0000 #Rosina prototype strengthening 80087110 8A8E 3008711D 0001 8008711E 00FF 90087120 00F500FA 90087124 00F500FA 80087128 00F0 9008712C 07FF0095 90087144 00FA00FF 90087148 00F000F5 9008714C 00E600EB 90087150 00DC00E1 90087154 00D200D7 #Space Runaway soldier code 80087342 8A8E 3008734D 0001 8008734E 03E7 90087350 03E703E7 90087354 03E703E7 80087358 03E7 9008735C 00320257 90087374 00F500FF 90087378 00E100EB 9008737C 00CD00D7 80087380 00C3 #What ... Na,! That guy code 8008662E 00FF 80086634 00FA 9008663C 0FFF0039 90094D5C 01010101 90094D60 01010101 80094D64 0101 90094D9C 01010101 90094DA0 01010101 80094DA4 0101 #Code in order to challenge the tanker excellent 90088494 07FF07FF 90094D3C 5B817083 90094D40 58835683 80094D44 6C97 90094D5C 23232323 90094D60 23232323 80094D64 2323 90094D9C 23232323 90094DA0 23232323 80094DA4 2323 ; [ Nice Cats (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-02960} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 01: Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Honkaku Pro Mahjong (Japan) {SLPS-03351} ] :SLPS-03351 #Player has 999900 points 80074D70 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 80074D7C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 80074D78 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 80074D74 0000 ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 02: Honkaku Shougi Shinan (Japan) {SLPS-03352} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 03: Hanafuda & Card Game (Japan) {SLPS-03369} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 04: Billiard King (Japan) {SLPS-03368} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 05: Chess & Reversi (Japan) {SLPS-03383} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 06: Quiz de Battle (Japan) {SLPS-03384} ] :SLPS-03384 #P1 has 9999 points 8005BF50 270F #P2 has 0 points 8005C0F0 0000 #P3 has 0 points 8005C290 0000 #P4 has 0 points 8005C430 0000 ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 07: World Tournament Bowling (Japan) {SLPS-03398} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 08: Elemental Pinball (Japan) {SLPS-03399} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 09: Paradise Casino (Japan) {SLPS-03409} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 10: Igo wo Utou! (Japan) {SLPS-03410} ] ; [ Nice Price Series Vol. 11: Nikakudori Deluxe (Japan) {SLPS-03431} ] :SLPS-03431 #Infinite Swaps 3004E0A1 0003 #Infinite Time 800B397A 000A #Infinite Finds 8004E0A2 0003 #Infinite Bomb 3004E0A0 0003 #Infinite Bonus stage CHANCE 300B3B81 000A ; [ Nichibutsu Mahjong: Joshikou Meijinsen (Japan) {SLPS-00038} ] :SLPS-00038 #Player has 99900 points 80188B08 03E7 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 80186D70 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 80186D50 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 80186D60 0000 ; [ Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer: Barnyard Buddies (Europe) {SLES-04173} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Les Razmoket à Paris: Le Film aka Les Razmoket à Paris: Le Film (France) (Platinum) {SLES-03343} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Les Razmoket: 100 100 Angelica (France) {SLES-03545} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Les Razmoket: A la Recherche de Reptar aka Les Razmoket: A la Recherche de Reptar (France) {SLES-01669} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Les Razmoket: Font leur Cinéma aka Les Razmoket: Font leur Cinéma (France) {SLES-02524} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rocket Power: Sauvetage Extrême (France) {SLES-03732} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue (Europe) {SLES-03702} ] :SLES-03702 #Infinite Time 800A02D0 3A98 #Have 99999 points 900A45EC 0001869F #Unlock Stage 2 8007B564 0000 #Unlock Stage 3 8007AE0C 0000 #Unlock Stage 4 8007AA60 0000 #Special Bar Max 800A4BCC 3EFF #Tito's challenge Collect one shell to finish Challenge 1 D007E660 0001 3007E660 0006 #Tito's challenge Collect one shell to finish Challenge 2 D007E6C0 0001 3007E6C0 0006 #Tito's challenge Collect one shell to finish Challenge 3 D007E720 0001 3007E720 0006 #Tito's challenge Collect one shell to finish Challenge 4 D007E780 0001 3007E780 0006 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats en París: La película aka Rugrats en París: La película (Spain) {SLES-03344} ] :SLES-03344 #999 tickets rojos 8008899A 03E7 #999 tickets dorados 8008899C 03E7 #Consigue todos los premios 80088990 03E7 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats in Paris: The Movie aka Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Europe) {SLES-03342} ] :SLES-03342 #One red ticket gives 999 red tickets and 999 gold tickets 80018EC2 2400 80018ECA 2400 80018ED2 2400 90018EDC 240203E7 #Shots hit\Bowling points 999 80087AA0 03E7 #Items costs zero 80087A50 0000 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Alla Ricerca di Reptar aka Rugrats: Alla Ricerca di Reptar (Italy) {SLES-01671} ] :SLES-01671 #One ballon == complete 1 box 80052E2E 2400 #One biscuit == complete mini-game 80058C1A 2400 #One coin == complete mini-game 300E3BC8 0001 #One egg == complete mini-game 300E3BCC 0001 #Clear the timer Press L2 button D00CF03A FEFF 800C5924 0001 #GodMode 80078C0E 2400 #Have all pieces of the puzzle 800C6B44 0FFF #Infinite Flashlight's charge 300F61DA 0000 #Infinite Remote control's charge 300EF0E6 0000 #Infinite Tries at Angelica's circus 8008111E 1000 #Max time Press R1 button | Activate ONLY on levels with timer D00CF03A F7FF 800C5924 FFFF ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Auf der Suche nach Reptar aka Rugrats: Auf der Suche nach Reptar (Germany) {SLES-01670} ] :SLES-01670 #Quengel-Anzeige Max. 800E447C 0130 #Unendlich Zeit 800C5BF8 FFFF #Habe 11 Puzzleteile 900C6E4C 0EFF0EFF #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 1 300E448E 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 2 300E448F 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 3 300E4490 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 4 300E4491 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 5 300E4492 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 6 300E4493 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 7 300E4494 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 8 300E4495 0001 #Immer Nur 1 Schlag Loch 9 300E4496 0001 #Der Zirkus Angelicus Spike Hat 12 Knochen Gesammelt 800E4480 0C00 #Und Es Werde Licht Unendlich Batterie 800F64AC 7800 #Besucher Aus Dem Weltraum Unendlich Batterie 800EF3B8 7800 #Goldrausch Alle Münzen 800E4480 3D00 #Keine Kekse Mehr/Tommys Touchdown Nur Noch Einmal Essen/Trinken 800C6366 0001 #Spiegelland Immer 25 Ballons Gesammelt 300E4481 0018 #Die Sieben Reisen Der Cynthia Spikes Knochen Max. 800E447C 00FF ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: De Speurtocht naar Reptar aka Rugrats: De Speurtocht naar Reptar (Netherlands) {SLES-01672} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Excursión al estudio aka Rugrats: Excursión al estudio (Spain) {SLES-02911} ] :SLES-02911 #Espacio esterior - Solo un alien para acabar nivel 800C9BB2 0001 #Mina de oro - solo 1 pepita para acabar nivel 300E7E5B 0001 #99 Reptars 800C9BAE 0063 #99 Llaves 800C9BA8 0063 #4 llaves fantasmagoricas 800E7E5E 0004 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: La Búsqueda de Reptar aka Rugrats: La Búsqueda de Reptar (Spain) {SLES-02049} ] :SLES-02049 #Have 12 puzzle pieces 800C6BCC 0FFF #50 Reptar Bars 800C6BD8 0127 #Infinite Energy 800E41FC 00FF #Infinite Time 300C5979 0069 #25 Globos Recogidos espejo al coger uno 300E4201 0018 #El Circo Angelicus Spike ha reunido 12 huesos 800E4200 0C00 #Infinite Battery 800F622C 5800 #La Carrera de las galletas / Tommy's Touchdown Once again only eat / drink 800C60E6 0001 #Los viajes de Cynthia Bone spikes Max 800E41FC 00FF #La Montaña del helado Hole 1 Always hole in one 300E420E 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 2 Always hole in one 300E420F 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 3 Always hole in one 300E4210 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 4 Always hole in one 300E4211 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 5 Always hole in one 300E4212 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 6 Always hole in one 300E4213 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 7 Always hole in one 300E4214 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 8 Always hole in one 300E4215 0001 #La Montaña del helado Hole 9 Always hole in one 300E4216 0001 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Search for Reptar aka Rugrats: Search for Reptar (Europe) {SLES-01538} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Search for Reptar aka Rugrats: Search for Reptar (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80650} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Studio Tour aka Rugrats: Studio Tour (Europe) {SLES-02525} ] ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Studio Tour aka Rugrats: Studio Tour (Germany) {SLES-02523} ] :SLES-02523 #Max Raptor-Riegel 800C99F6 00FF #Max SchlüSsel 800C99F0 00FF #Unendlich Zeit mit Select ein/mit Select+Hoch aus D00D106A FFFE 80090392 0000 D00D106A FFEE 80090392 0062 #Unendlich Batterien 80090BF2 3C00 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Studio Tour aka Rugrats: Studio Tour (Italy) {SLES-02912} ] :SLES-02912 #One coin == finish the round 300C9B12 0001 #One gold nugget == finish the round 300E7DBB 0001 #One target == finish the round 300C8694 0001 #Have 255 keys 300C9B08 00FF #Have 255 rockets 300E7DC3 00FF #Have 4 blue\green keys 300E7DBE 0004 #NoTimer 800904DC 1000 #Opponents don't move 300E83D9 0006 300E87B1 0006 300E8B89 0006 300E8F61 0006 300E9339 0006 ; [ Nickelodeon Rugrats: Totally Angelica aka Rugrats: Totally Angelica (Europe) {SLES-03544} ] :SLES-03544 #Infinite Time In Fluffy's Maze 8013BBE0 3AA2 #9999 Points after winning a minigame & go to fashing show 801DC5C6 270F #Unlock All Floors (Go To 5th Floor To See Ending) Activate after go to fashion show 801062B0 0005 ; [ Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge (Europe) {SLES-03704} ] :SLES-03704 #Infinite Lives 800A2671 0009 #Have 99 Tokens Level 1 80192500 0063 #Infinite Oxygen Level 2 80191A18 2328 #Have 99 Tokens Level 2 80191A10 0063 ; [ Nicktoons Racing (Europe) {SLES-03153} ] ; [ Night Head: The Labyrinth (Japan) {SLPS-00111} ] :SLPS-00111 #Debug menu Start the game, press Start Button 30072034 0001 ; [ Night Raid (Japan) {SLP-87048} ] ; [ Night Striker (Japan) {SLPS-00050} ] :SLPS-00050 #Infinite Shield 80104180 0005 ; [ Nightmare Creatures (Europe) {SCES-00582} ] :SCES-00582 #Infinite Adrenaline 80057176 2400 #Infinite Lives 800CDCE6 0063 #Infinite Health 8004FAE4 2400 #Enable all cheats D01FFF84 0000 801FFF84 2000 D01FFF86 0800 801FFF86 0C01 D01FFFA2 0000 801FFFA2 00FF #All weapons and infinite ammo 800CDD3A 0009 900CDD3C 00090009 900CDD40 00090009 900CDD44 00090009 900CDD48 00090009 900CDD4C 00090009 900CDD50 00090009 #Have all items 50000D20 0000 800CDD3A 0001 800CDCE6 0004 800CDCF2 0100 ; [ Nightmare Creatures (Germany) {SCES-00684} ] :SCES-00684 #Sudden Death All (Press L3) D00909FE FFFD 8004FAF6 A620 #Infinite Energy (Press R3) D00909FE FFFB 8004FAF6 3400 #Unendlich Leben 800CD7DA 0009 #Unendlich SchäDel 800CD844 0009 #Unendlich SäGebläTter 800CD83E 0009 #Unendlich Minen 800CD830 0009 #Unendlich Rauchzauber 800CD832 0009 #Unendlich Eiszauber 800CD834 0009 #Unendlich Blitze 800CD838 0009 #Unendlich Dynamit 800CD836 0009 #Unendlich Feuer 800CD83A 0009 #Unendlich Gewehr 800CD846 0009 #Unendlich MehrläUfiges Gewehr 800CD83C 0009 #Unendlich Berserker 800CD82E 0009 #Unendlich Rote Energiekugeln 800CD840 0009 #Unendlich Goldene Energiekugeln 800CD842 0009 #Unendlich Adrenalin 80057188 0000 #Spiele Als Monster 801FFF84 3000 #Monster Level Codes\Levelgrundcode .Die Levels #Sewer Snake#, #Snowman#, #Jose Manuel# und #The Roofs# kann man leider nicht als Monster spielen. Muss eingeschaltet sein Codes nach Beginn des Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+O einschalten und vor dem Laden des nächsten Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+X wieder ausschalten. D0090700 2F00 80000000 3333 D0090700 4F00 80000000 0000 #Chelsea\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801B127E 07D0 #Chelsea\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801B1280 1000 #Spitalfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D658E 07D0 #Spitalfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D6590 1000 #Thames Tunnel\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801E064A 0C0C #Thames Tunnel\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801E064C 0C0C #India Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D48AE 1000 #India Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D48B0 1000 #Highgate Cemetery\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801DF092 1000 #Highgate Cemetery\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801DF094 1000 #Hampstead Heath\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801DCB2E 0640 #Hampstead Heath\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801DCB30 0640 #Queenhite Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D9AE4 07D0 #Queenhite Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D9AE6 07D0 #City\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801DF85E 0C0C #City\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801DF860 0C0C #Smithfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801CC1BE 1000 #Smithfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801CC1C0 1000 #Regent's Canal\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D4CBE 0CCC #Regent's Canal\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D4CC0 0CCC #London Zoo\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801DB2EE 1000 #London Zoo\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801DB2F0 1000 #Marylebone\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D59EA 1000 #Marylebone\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D59EC 1000 #Bloomsbury\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801DEF24 0CCC #Bloomsbury\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801DEF26 1000 #Pimlico\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801D326A 0828 #Pimlico\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801D326C 1000 #Westminster\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801BC70A 0787 #Westminster\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801BC70C 1000 #Westminster Ii\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000000 3333 801B2626 1000 #Westminster Ii\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000000 3333 801B2628 1000 #Level Codes Ignatius\Levelgrundcode Muss eingeschaltet sein Codes nach Beginn des Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+O einschalten und vor dem Laden des nächsten Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+X wieder ausschalten. D0090700 2F00 80000002 1111 D0090700 4F00 80000002 0000 #Chelsea\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801C35C6 1000 #Chelsea\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801C35C8 1000 #Spitalfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801EA55E 1000 #Spitalfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801EA560 1000 #Sewer Snake\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 8016AB22 1000 #Thames Tunnel\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801F1C7A 1000 #Thames Tunnel\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801F1C7C 1000 #India Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801EDEFE 1000 #India Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801EDF00 1000 #Highgate Cemetery\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801ECA0E 1000 #Highgate Cemetery\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801ECA10 1000 #Hampstead Heath\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801F16D6 1000 #Hampstead Heath\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801F16D8 1000 #Queenhite Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801EDA1E 1000 #Queenhite Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801EDA20 1000 #City\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801F22FE 1000 #City\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801F2300 1000 #Smithfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801DE266 1000 #Smithfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801DE268 1000 #Snowman\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801609BA 1000 #Regent's Canal\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801E713E 1000 #Regent's Canal\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801E7140 1000 #London Zoo\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801F2626 1000 #London Zoo\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801F2628 1000 #St. Marilebone\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801E79F6 1000 #St. Marilebone\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801E79F8 1000 #Bloomsbury\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801F32A6 1000 #Bloomsbury\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801F32A8 1000 #Pimlico\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801E55B2 1000 #Pimlico\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801E55B4 1000 #Jose Manuel\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801675E2 1000 #Jose Manuel\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801675E4 1000 #Westminister\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801D06DA 1000 #Westminister\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801C06DC 1000 #Westminister Ii\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 801BFFA2 1000 #Westminister Ii\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 801BFFA4 1000 #The Roofs\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000002 1111 80177F72 1000 #The Roofs\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000002 1111 80177F74 1000 #Level Codes Nadia\Levelgrundcode Muss eingeschaltet sein Codes nach Beginn des Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+O einschalten und vor dem Laden des nächsten Levels durch drücken von L1+L2+R1+R2+X wieder ausschalten. D0090700 2F00 80000004 2222 D0090700 4F00 80000004 0000 #Chelsea\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801C2D9A 0C0C #Chelsea\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801C2D9C 1000 #Spitalfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801E9D32 0C0C #Spitalfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801E9D34 1000 #Sewer Snake\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 8016A2F6 0C0C #Thames Tunnel\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801F1036 0C0C #Thames Tunnel\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801F1038 1000 #India Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801EDAC6 0C0C #India Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801EDAC8 1000 #Highgate Cemetary\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801EC902 0C0C #Highgate Cemetary\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801EC904 1000 #Hampstead Heath\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801F0EAA 0C0C #Hampstead Heath\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801F0EAC 1000 #Queenhite Docks\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801ED5E6 0C0C #Queenhite Docks\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801ED5E8 1000 #City\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801F04FA 0C0C #City\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801F04FC 1000 #Smithfield\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801DDA3A 0C0C #Smithfield\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801DDA3C 1000 #Snowman\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 80160186 0C0C #Regent's Canal\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801E6912 0C0C #Regent's Canal\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801E6914 1000 #London Zoo\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801F24CE 0C0C #London Zoo\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801F24D0 1000 #Marylebone\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801E5D72 0C0C #Marylebone\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801E5D74 1000 #Bloomsbury\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801F2BF6 0C0C #Bloomsbury\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801F2BF8 1000 #Pimlico\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801E4D86 0C0C #Pimlico\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801E4D88 1000 #Jose Manuel\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 80166DB6 0C0C #Jose Manuel\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 80166DB8 1000 #Westminister\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801CFA62 0C0C #Westminister\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801CFA64 1000 #Westminister Ii\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 801BF776 0C0C #Westminister Ii\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 801BF778 1000 #The Roofs\Unendlich Lebensleiste D0000004 2222 80177746 0C0C #The Roofs\Durch WäNde Gehen D0000004 2222 80177748 1000 ; [ Nightmare Creatures (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96101} ] ; [ Nightmare Creatures (Japan) {SIPS-60027} ] :SIPS-60027 #Infinite Lives 300CD936 0063 #Infinite Adrenaline 80057232 2400 #Infinite Health 8004FC40 2400 #Cheat menu Enable 801FFFA2 00FF 301FFF85 0030 301FFF86 0001 #99 Mine 300CD990 0063 #99 Medicine bottle 300CD992 0063 #99 Snowflake 300CD994 0063 #99 Dynamite 300CD996 0063 #99 Thunder 300CD998 0063 #99 Torch 300CD99A 0063 #99 Big gun 300CD99C 0063 #99 Cutter 300CD99E 0063 #99 Ball of light (large) 300CD9A0 0063 #99 Ball of light (small) 300CD9A2 0063 #99 Skull 300CD9A4 0063 #99 Small gun 300CD9A6 0063 #Development staff room 301FFF85 0040 #Last Boss HP=0 D017A1A2 001E 8017A192 0000 D0178B52 001E 80178B42 0000 ; [ Nightmare Creatures (USA) Demo {SLUS-90011} ] ; [ Nightmare Creatures II (Europe) {SLES-02751} ] :SLES-02751 #Level select 300BA034 0001 #Enable cheatmenu (Press Select) D00AB4FE FFFE 800AC300 0209 D00AB4FE FFFE 300B9FB4 001F D00AB4FE FFFE 50000510 0000 800AC148 0001 #Infinite Health D0072A10 0148 80072A10 0000 #Infinite Oxygen D0066328 04EC 80066328 0000 #Have pistol 300AB55C 0001 #Have Hellfire 300AB562 0001 #Have Bloodstarving Ghost 300AB564 0001 #Have poison 300AB565 0001 #Have Crown of pricks 300AB566 0001 #Have small silver key 300AB56A 0001 #Have silver key 300AB568 0001 #Have silver key 2 300AB569 0001 #Have silver key 3 300AB56E 0001 #Have bunch of keys 300AB56B 0001 #Have dynamite 300AB56C 0001 #Have clippers 300AB56D 0001 ; [ Nightmare Project: Yakata (Japan) {SLPS-01045 | SLPS-01046 | SLPS-01047} ] :SLPS-01045 :SLPS-01046 :SLPS-01047 #Infinite & Max Hp 801ED382 270f 801ED384 270F #Level 99 301ED381 0063 #999 999 Fragments of a nightmare 9008A654 000F423F #Main Charactet Yukiyar Max Status 801ED382 03E7 901ED384 03E703E7 901ED388 03E703E7 901ED38C 03E703E7 #Soichi MAX 801ED3A6 270F 901ED3A8 270F270F 901ED3AC 03E7270F 901ED3B0 03E703E7 901ED3BC 000F423F 901ED3C0 00000000 901ED548 03E703E7 #Mirko MAX 801ED3CA 270F 901ED3CC 270F270F 901ED3D0 03E7270F 901ED3D4 03E703E7 901ED3E0 000F423F 901ED3E4 00000000 801ED556 03E7 801ED558 03E7 #Mizuki MAX 801ED3EE 270F 901ED3F0 270F270F 901ED3F4 03E7270F 901ED3F8 03E703E7 901ED404 000F423F 901ED408 00000000 901ED564 03E703E7 #Ranco MAX 801ED412 270F 901ED414 270F270F 901ED418 03E7270F 901ED41C 03E703E7 901ED428 000F423F 901ED42C 00000000 801ED572 03E7 801ED574 03E7 #Thunder T MAX 801ED436 270F 901ED438 270F270F 901ED43C 03E7270F 901ED440 03E703E7 901ED44C 000F423F 901ED450 00000000 901ED580 03E703E7 #Starting point in triangle + open door D00B134C 0030 8008AB04 0001 ; [ Nightruth: Explanation of the Paranormal: 'Yami no Tobira' (Japan) {SLPS-00561} ] ; [ Nihon Pro Golf Kyoukai Kanshuu: Double Eagle (Japan) (SunColle Best, Value 1500) {SLPS-01667} ] ; [ Nihon Pro Golf Kyoukai Kanshuu: Double Eagle (Japan) Demo {SLP-80086} ] ; [ Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Doujou Yaburi (Japan) {SLPS-00793} ] :SLPS-00793 #Player has 999900 points 8008DC70 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8008DC7C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8008DC78 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8008DC74 0000 ; [ Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Doujou Yaburi 2 (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-03128} ] ; [ Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Honkaku Pro Mahjong: Shin Tetsuman (Japan) {SLPS-01653} ] :SLPS-01653 #Player has 999900 points 8007A328 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 8007A334 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8007A330 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 8007A32C 0000 ; [ Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Tehodoki Mahjong Nyuumon-hen (Japan) {SLPS-01826} ] ; [ Nihon Sumou Kyoukai Kounin: Nihon Oozumou (Japan) {SLP-86575} ] ; [ Nijiiro Dodgeball: Otome-tachi no Seishun (Japan) {SLP-87039} ] ; [ Nijiiro Twinkle: Guru Guru Daisakusen (Japan) {SLPS-01506} ] ; [ Ninja: L'Ombre des Ténèbres (France) {SLES-00757} ] :SLES-00757 #Infinite Health 8006D0C2 0050 #Infinite Money 8006D068 FFFF #Infinite Lives 8006D054 0009 #Infinite Smoke Bombs 8006D0A0 0009 #Infinite Magic 8006D0C4 0009 #Large Mode 8006A342 0001 #Skeleton Mode 8006A346 0001 #Blood Mode 8006A33E 0001 #Level Select 8006BAC2 0001 #Super Ninja 8006A34A 0001 ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Europe) Beta {SLES-00076} ] :SLES-00076 #P1 Score 99 800EB520 0063 #P1 Score 0 800EB520 0000 #P2 Score 99 800EB704 0063 #P2 Score 0 800EB704 0000 ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Europe) Demo {SLED-01413} ] ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Europe) Demo {SLED-01414} ] ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Europe) {SLES-00756} ] :SLES-00756 #Infinite Energy 8006D16E 0050 8006D1AE 0050 #Infinite Special 8006D1B0 0009 8006DB5D 0009 #Infinite Smoke Bombs 8006D18C 0009 #Level Select 8006BBAE 0001 ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Europe) {SLES-01554} ] :SLES-01554 #Infinite Energy 80071FB2 0050 #Infinite Smart Bomb 80071FA8 0009 #Infinite Money 90071F64 05F5E0FF #Infinite Mystery Item 90071F84 05F5E0FF #Have Silver Key 80071F94 0001 #Infinite Extra Lives 80071F8C 0009 #Power Up 80071F90 0004 #Have Gold Key 80071F88 0001 #Level select D006D5B6 FFFE 801331B4 0001 #Sudden Death boss D006C2AA 0080 8006C2AA 000A ; [ Ninja: Shadow of Darkness (Germany) {SLES-00758} ] :SLES-00758 #Unendlich Power Ups 8006D024 0004 #Besitze SilberschlüSsel 8006D028 0001 #Unendlich Leben 8006D03C 0009 #Besitze GoldschlüSsel 8006D040 0001 #Unendlich Geld 8006D050 270F #Unendlich Bomben 8006D088 0009 #Unendlich Energie 8006D0AA 0050 #Unendlich Heiltrank 8006D0AC 0009 #Level Select 3006BAAA 0001 ; [ Ninteiou: Zen Nihon Tsume Shougi Renmei Kaichou Okada Toshi no Tsume Shougi Kyoushitsu (Japan) {SLPS-01757} ] ; [ Nippon Ichi Mahjong: Souryuu (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86917} ] ; [ Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku EX (Japan) {SLPS-02175} ] ; [ Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLPS-00614} ] ; [ Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00886} ] :SLPS-00886 #Have 9999999 Gold 900CDA8C 0098967F ; [ Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01761} ] :SLPS-01761 #Have 9999999 Gold 9008E990 0098967F ; [ Nishijin Pachinko Tettei Kouryaku: CR Hanaman Sokuhou & CR Obake Land (Japan) {SLPS-03268} ] ; [ Nissan Presents: Over Drivin': Skyline Memorial (Japan) (Digest-ban) {SLP-80160} ] ; [ Nissan Presents: Over Drivin': Skyline Memorial (Japan) {SLPS-01024} ] :SLPS-01024 #Max Speed 801198EE 0045 ; [ No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking (Europe) Demo {SLED-02450} ] ; [ No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking (Europe) {SLES-00849} ] :SLES-00849 #Infinite Energy D00D3C3A BFFF 800D772C EBBF #Time 000 1ST 800CC644 0000 #Energy Bar Always Full 800D772C EBBF #Have All Extra Bike Parts 50000402 0000 800D15AA 0303 #Trick Mode 9999 Points 800CC648 270F #Trick Trail Mode Freeze Time 800CC644 6000 ; [ No One Can Stop Mr. Domino (Europe) {SLES-01354} ] :SLES-01354 #Infinite Continues 800B65D4 0005 #Infinite Time 800B277C 096C #Infinite Health 8008C62C 0015 800B70DE 7BDE #Select Perm Level\Phat Tony's Casino 800B27C0 0001 #Select Perm Level\Shop Til' You Drop 800B27C0 0002 #Select Perm Level\Grandpa's In The House 800B27C0 0003 #Select Perm Level\Tripping In The Park 800B27C0 0004 #Select Perm Level\Fun Park Massive 800B27C0 0005 #Select Perm Level\No One Can Stop Mr.Domino 800B27C0 0006 ; [ No One Can Stop Mr. Domino (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80804} ] ; [ No-appointment Gals Olympos: Apo Nashi Gals Olympos (Japan) (Shokai Gentei Cell-Ga Package) {SLPS-00493} ] :SLPS-00493 #Infinite Energy 800F3EE4 0096 #Infinite Power 800A33CA 0031 ; [ Nobunaga Hiroku: Geten no Yume (Japan) {SLPS-00862} ] ; [ Nobunaga Shippuuki: Kirameki (Japan) {SLPS-00337} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku (Japan) (Koei Teiban Series) {SLP-86604} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden (Japan) {SLP-86992} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden (Japan) {SLP-86300} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden with Power-Up Kit (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86483} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Returns (Japan) {SLPS-00423} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Sengoku Gunyuuden (Japan) {SLPS-01247} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86376} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku (Japan) {SLPS-01115} ] :SLPS-01115 #Money does not decrease even doing construction, agriculture, commercial 8002C5B4 0060 #Infinite Hyoro 8002C6F2 0060 #It does not reduce supplies of all, even doing the army, transportation, diplomatic and between persons and trafficking 8001B21E 0040 #During the war Does not decrease morale 801BCD8E 0060 #During the war Does not decrease soldier 801BB7E6 0060 #During the war Deadly blow 801BB7ED 0000 #All characters common Not reduce combat 80084FBE 0060 #All characters common Does not decrease political 80084E82 0060 #All characters common It does not decrease Chibo 800850FA 0060 ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki (Japan) {SLPS-00319} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki with Power-Up Kit (Japan) {SLPS-00980} ] ; [ Nobunaga no Yabou: Zenkokuban (Japan) (Koei Teiban Series) {SLP-86605} ] ; [ Noddy's Magic Adventure (Europe) (Promo) {SLES-02878} ] ; [ Noddy: Una Aventura Mágica (Spain) {SLES-03529} ] ; [ Noon (Japan) {SLP-86063} ] ; [ Novastorm (Europe) {SCES-00011 | SCES-10011} ] :SCES-00011 :SCES-10011 #Infinite Health 800DE4B6 0104 #Infinite Health 800DE4B6 0104 ; [ Novels: Game Center Arashi R (Japan) {SLPS-02009} ] ; [ NuPa: Numeric Paint Puzzle (Japan) {SLPS-00294} ] :SLPS-00294 #Infinite Time 901E82A4 000186A0 #Always 0 mistakes 801E82F0 0000 ; [ Nuclear Strike (Europe) {SLES-00919} ] :SLES-00919 #Infinite Lives 90039D30 00000000 #Infinite Weapons 9005A984 00000000 #Infinite Fuel 90039998 00000000 #SUPER APACHE\Infinite Armour 800F5978 5FFF #HOVERCRAFT\Infinite Armour 800F57D8 5FFF #HUEY\Infinite Armour 800F5B68 5FFF ; [ Nuclear Strike (France) {SLES-00920} ] ; [ Nuclear Strike (Germany) {SLES-00921} ] :SLES-00921 #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Fuel 800F5B52 63EA #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Armour 800F5AD0 05DC #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Mg 800EF5D0 049A #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Rockets 800EF5EC 0026 #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Special Rockets 800EF608 0008 #Delta Apache Codes\Unendlich Wingtips 800EF624 0008 #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Fuel 800F5D42 9600 #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Armour 800FFCC0 04B0 800820A0 04B0 80086CDC 04B0 #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Mg 800EF560 05DC #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Rockets 800EF57C 0026 #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Grenades 800EF598 012C #Delta Huey Codes\Unendlich Wingtips 8008ABC4 0008 800EF5B4 0008 #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Fuel 800F3F9A 48A4 #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Armour 800F3F18 05DC #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Mg 800EF2B8 049A #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Rockets 800EF2D4 0026 #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Special Rockets 800EF2F0 000C #Island Apache Codes\Unendlich Wingtips 800EF30C 0004 #Peace Chopper Codes\Unendlich Fuel 800F3072 6190 #Peace Chopper Codes\Unendlich Mg 800EE254 04B0 #Peace Chopper Codes\Unendlich Smoke 800EE270 0018 #Peace Chopper Codes\Unendlich T-Gas 800EE28C 0008 #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Fuel 800F3262 6400 #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Armour 800F31E0 05DC #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Mg 800EE1E4 04B0 #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Rockets 800EE200 004C #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Wingtips 800EE238 0008 #Peace Cobra Codes\Unendlich Special Rockets 800EE21C 0008 ; [ Nuclear Strike (USA) (Demo, The Lost Missions (Collector's Demo CD)) {SLUS-80518} ] ; [ Nukumori no Naka de: In the Warmth (Japan) {SLP-86880} ] ; [ Nurse Story (Japan) {SLPS-01939} ] :SLPS-01939 #Infinite Money (99999) 90095D84 0001869F #Infinite Hearts 80095D81 3B06 80095D82 003B ; [ Nyan to Wonderful (Japan) {SLPS-00442} ] ; [ O.D.T. (Europe) {SLES-01391} ] :SLES-01391 #Infinite Health 800A9D70 0068 #Infinite Mana 800A9F4E 0065 #Select Level\1 300A94EC 0000 #Select Level\2 300A94EC 0001 #Select Level\3 300A94EC 0002 #Select Level\4 300A94EC 0003 #Select Level\5 300A94EC 0004 #Select Level\6 300A94EC 0005 #Select Level\7 300A94EC 0006 #Select Level\8 300A94EC 0007 #Infinite Lives 800A9F48 0064 #Infinite Light ammo 800A9EFA 0065 #Infinite Fire ammo 800A9F02 0065 #Infinite Ionic ammo 800A9F0A 0065 #Infinite Fusion ammo 800A9F12 0065 #Infinite Experience to distribute 800A9F4C 6000 #Infinite Grenade (on pickup) 800AC6DC FF05 800AC62C FF05 #Infinite Mine (on pickup) 800AC78C EE06 #Infinite Gas (on pickup) 800AC4CC FF1B 800ACBAC FF1B #Max weapons powerup Light 800A9EFC 0009 #Max weapons powerup Fire 800A9F04 0009 #Max weapons powerup Ionic 800A9F0C 0019 #Max weapons powerup Fusion 800A9F14 0009 #All container (1st pickup) 800AC4D2 00FF 800AC582 00FF #All Psy key (1st pickup) 800AC9A2 01FF #All spirit 900A9F2C 0003FF6F #Max spirit powerup 900A9F30 FFFF3CFF 800A9F34 00FF ; [ O.D.T. (France) Demo {SLED-01574} ] ; [ O.D.T. (France) {SLES-01409} ] :SLES-01409 #Infinite Health 800AA06A 0020 #Infinite Lives 800AA138 00FF #Infinite Blue Phaser Ammo 800AA0EA 00FF #Infinite Flame Thrower 800AA0F2 00FF #Grenades infinies pour Ike Hawkins 800AC8CC FF05 ; [ O.D.T. (Germany) Demo {SLED-01575} ] ; [ O.D.T. (Germany) {SLES-01410} ] :SLES-01410 #Unendlich Leben/Energie 800A9F68 0063 #Unendlich Munition Blau 800AA0F2 0063 #Unendlich Munition Gelb 800AA0FA 0063 #Unendlich Munition Grau 800AA10A 0063 #Unendlich Munition GrüN 800AA102 0063 ; [ O.D.T. (Italy) {SLES-01411} ] ; [ O.D.T. (Spain) {SLES-01412} ] :SLES-01412 #Infinite Energy 800A9F78 0063 #Infinite Blue Ammo 800AA102 0063 #Infinite Yellow Ammo 800AA10A 0063 #Infinite Grey Ammo 800AA112 0063 #Infinite Green Ammo 800AA11A 0063 #Have 99 gas bottles 800ABD1E 0063 #Level 1 800A96F4 0000 #Level 2 800A96F4 0001 #Level 3 800A96F4 0002 #Level 4 800A96F4 0003 #Level 5 800A96F4 0004 #Level 6 800A96F4 0005 #Level 7 800A96F4 0006 #Level 8 800A96F4 0007 ; [ OPSM Best Ever Ever Games Demo (Europe) Demo {SCED-02851} ] ; [ OPSM Best PS One Games Ever aka Official Australian PlayStation Magazine Demo 44 (Europe, Australia) {SCED-03239} ] ; [ OPSM Best Racing Game Ever (Europe) {SCED-02492} ] ; [ Ocha no Ma Battle (Japan) (Bundled with Controller) {SLP-86681} ] ; [ Oda Nobunaga Den (Japan) {SLP-86337} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (Europe) {SLES-01480 | SLES-11480} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (Germany) {SLES-01503 | SLES-11503} ] :SLES-01503 :SLES-11503 #300 Mudokuns Befreit 8007E5EA 012C #Sofortige ÜBernahme Press L1+L2 D007E660 0005 8007E5A8 FFFF #Unendlich Wurfsteine D01F389E 0008 801F389E 0009 #Keine Opfer 8007E5E8 0000 #300 Mudokuns Befreit 8007E5EA 012C #Sofortige ÜBernahme Press L1+L2 D007E660 0005 8007E5A8 FFFF #Unendlich Wurfsteine D01F389E 0008 801F389E 0009 #Keine Opfer 8007E5E8 0000 ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (Italy) {SLES-01504 | SLES-11504} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (Spain) {SLES-01505 | SLES-11505} ] #No Casualties 800821FE 0000 #All 300 Modokons Saved 80082200 012c #Invincibility 3007E4AA 0001 ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus + Duke Nukem: Time To Kill + B-Movie (Europe) Demo {SLED-01608} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus + Duke Nukem: Time to Kill + Duke Nukem: 3D (France) {SLED-01655} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Europe) Demo {SLED-00725} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Europe) {SLES-00664} ] :SLES-00664 #Zero Casualties 800B3D50 0000 #Invincibility 30082286 0001 ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Germany) (Platinum) {SLES-00839} ] :SLES-00839 #Der Entkommenen Mudokons 200 80082270 012C #Opfer = 0 8008226E 0000 #Sofortige ÜBernahme 8008213C FFFF ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Italy) {SLES-00840} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Spain) {SLES-00841} ] ; [ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (USA) {SLUS-00190} ] :SLUS-00190 #Have 99 Escapes 80082170 0063 #Zero Casualties 8008216E 0000 #Instant Takeover 8008213C FFFF #Bullet Proof Abe This code allows you to take over a guards body the instant you start chanting, no delay. Also with this code turn the game shark off when you come to a bird portal. After you send you escapees through the portal turn the shark back on. D0028868 00F4 80028868 0000 #Invincibility 80082186 0001 #Have 99 Escapes version 1.1 80082240 0063 #Zero Casualties version 1.1 8008223E 0000 #Instant Takeover version 1.1 8008220C FFFF #Invincibility version 1.1 80082256 0001 #Press L1+Triangle to Save Mudokons On The Spot 9004DED8 0C001D80 90007600 80A20000 90007604 3403004B 90007608 14430007 9000760C 80A200F4 90007610 34030004 90007614 14430004 90007618 34030001 9000761C ACA300AC 90007620 3403002C 90007624 A0A300F4 90007628 8CA2000C 9000762C 8C420014 90007630 03E00008 ; [ Oddworld: L'Exode d'Abe (France) {SLES-01502 | SLES-11502} ] :SLES-01502 :SLES-11502 #Avoir les 300 Mudokons sauvés 8007E53E 012C #Envoûtement immédiat D107E4FC 0000 8007E4FC FFFF ; [ Oddworld: L'Odyssée d'Abe (France) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-00838} ] :SLES-00838 #Have 200 Mudokons 8007E53E 012C #Invincibility 8007E556 0001 ; [ Off-World Interceptor Extreme (Europe) {SLES-00047} ] :SLES-00047 #Infinite Money 900CD8C8 0098967F #Infinite Clones 800CD8C6 0009 #Infinite Nitros 800CD8C1 0009 #Infinite Missiles 800CD8C3 0009 ; [ Off-World Interceptor Extreme (Japan) {SLPS-00122} ] ; [ Official Fan Book: Circadia: Special CD-ROM (Japan) {SCZS-94106} ] ; [ Official PlayStation Magazine Best Games Ever 2000 (Europe) {SCED-03375} ] ; [ Official PlayStation Magazine Platinum Special Demo aka Official UK PlayStation Magazine Platinum Special (Europe) {SCED-02122} ] ; [ Official UK PlayStation Best Games Ever! (UK) {SCED-03408} ] ; [ Official Yarudora Fan Book: Double Cast: CD-ROM Special Data-shuu (Japan) {SCZS-94101} ] ; [ Official Yarudora Fan Book: Kisetsu o Dakishimete (Japan) {SCZS-94102} ] ; [ Official Yarudora Fan Book: Sampaguita (Japan) {SCZS-94103} ] ; [ Official Yarudora Fan Book: Yukiwari no Hana: CD-ROM Special Data-shuu (Japan) {SCZS-94104} ] ; [ Oh No! (Japan) {SLPS-02764} ] :SLPS-02764 #Infinite Energy 80095B79 0053 80095BBD 0053 80095BCF 0253 ; [ Oh! Bakyuuun (Japan) {SLPS-02680} ] ; [ Oh-chan no Oekaki Logic (Japan) {SLPS-00093} ] ; [ Oh-chan no Oekaki Logic 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02145} ] ; [ Oh-chan no Oekaki Logic 3 (Japan) (Value 1500) {SLPS-03134} ] ; [ Oha-Studio Dance Dance Revolution (Japan) {SLP-86603} ] ; [ Ojousama Express (Japan) Demo {SLP-80255} ] ; [ Okappari-ou (Japan) {SLPS-01524} ] ; [ Olympia, Takasago: Virtua Pachi-Slot III (Japan) {SLPS-01386} ] ; [ Olympic Games aka Olympic Games: Atlanta 1996 (Europe) {SLES-00110} ] ; [ Olympic Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00113} ] ; [ Olympic Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-00523} ] ; [ Omega Assault (Europe) {SLES-04051} ] :SLES-04051 #Infinite Energy 8008B8CC 0040 ; [ Omega Boost (Europe) {SCES-02120} ] :SCES-02120 #Infinite Energy 800A81A8 04B0 800A81AC 04B0 #Full Viper Boost D009C882 0100 800A81B4 1000 #Timer Freezed Zone 8 D00A7F20 000A 80146C7C 09C4 #Viper Boost Activated 300A81CC 0001 #Machinelevel At E 300A81B8 0003 300A81D0 000D #Timer Freezed D00A8180 001F 300A8180 000F #Begin With Highscore D009C348 0000 8009C348 4240 D009C348 4240 3009C34A 000F #All Zones Enabled 50000A02 0000 800A8110 0101 #All Levels Open 50000702 0000 800A8124 0101 ; [ Omega Boost (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90080} ] ; [ Omega Boost (Japan) {SCPS-10020} ] :SCPS-10020 #Infinite Time (1) Select only one Infinite Time code 80146BBC 1770 #Infinite Time (2)Select only one Infinite Time code D00299D8 0001 800299D8 0000 #Infinite Power Boost 800A34B4 1000 #Infinite Energy 800A34A8 03E8 800A34AC 03E8 #Infinite Continues D0053F3A FFFF 80053F3A 0000 #No Damage D002ED42 0050 8002ED42 0040 #Vb Gauge 1 D00364EC 0004 800364EC 1000 D0062264 0001 80062264 1000 #Vb Gauge Always Max D005F43C FFF4 8005F43C 0000 D005FE30 FC00 8005FE30 0000 #Rk Maximum 800A34C0 0010 800A34C8 0010 800A34D0 000D #Stage 1 - 1 D012B01A AE63 8012B01A AE60 #Stage 1 - 2 D0125786 AE43 80125786 AE40 #Stage 2 - 1 D0126146 AEA3 80126146 AEA0 #Stage 2 - 2 D0129A2E AE42 80129A2E AE40 #Stage 3 - 1 D012627A AE43 8012627A AE40 #Stage 3 - 2 D012D01A AE63 8012D01A AE60 #Stage 4 - 1 D0129846 AE43 80129846 AE40 #Stage 4 - 2 D012B4CE AE42 8012B4CE AE40 #Stage 4 - 3 D0133626 AE62 80133626 AE60 #All Stage Selectable 9009703C 454B4F4A 30097040 0052 50001102 0000 800A3410 0101 ; [ Omiai Commando: Ba-Couple ni Tsukkomi o (Japan) {SLP-86439} ] ; [ Omizu no Hanamichi (Japan) {SLPS-02815} ] :SLPS-02815 #Have 99 points each day 801BCB38 0063 #Have 999 points (Money) 801D9616 03E7 ; [ One (Europe) Demo {SLED-01170} ] ; [ One (Europe) {SLES-00944} ] :SLES-00944 #Infinite Lives 801140CC 0009 #Infinite Rage Meter 80113CC8 00C0 #Mid Air Jumps Press the X-button repeatedly and quickly to do the mid air jump 80113CF8 0002 #Infinite Special Weapon Energy 80113D10 FFFF #Have Missile Launcher 80113D0C 0001 #Have Homing Missiles 80113D0C 0002 #Have Flame Thrower 80113D0C 0003 #Have Pulse Laser 80113D0C 0004 #Have Grenade Launcher 80113D0C 0005 #Have All Weapons 80113CEC 0001 #Invincibility 80113CE8 0001 #Weapon Select Push Select + Up for Missile Launcher Push Select + Left for Homing Missile Push Select + Right for Flame Thrower Push Select + Down for Pulse Laser Push Select + L1 for Grenade Launcher D0119710 0011 80113D0C 0001 D0119710 0081 80113D0C 0002 D0119710 0021 80113D0C 0003 D0119710 0041 80113D0C 0004 D0119710 0401 80113D0C 0005 #Sole-View 90039884 00000000 #Frog-View 900398B8 00000000 #Far-View 90039970 00000000 #No Camerapan 900399F8 00000000 #Pan Up/Down 90039A18 00000000 #Very Near-View 90039B48 00000000 #Upside-Down! 9003A1C4 00000000 9003A1C8 00000000 ; [ One Piece Mansion (Europe) {SLES-03723} ] :SLES-03723 #Infinite Money (60000) 8012FEE8 EA60 #Have 1 Tenant 8012FEFF 0001 #Have Puitica 30114F75 0001 #Stop clock 8012FEF2 01C8 ; [ One Piece Mansion (Japan) Demo {SLP-80617} ] ; [ One Piece Mansion (Japan) {SLP-86837} ] ; [ Online Connection CD: For the PlayStation Game Console (USA) (Beta Trial Version 1.0) {LSP-150500} ] ; [ Onside Complete Soccer (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-00079} ] :SLES-00079 #P1 (Left Side) Score 9 Goals 800B0BF4 0009 #P1 (Left Side) Score 0 Goals 800B0BF4 0000 #P2 (Right Side) Score 9 Goals 800B0BF8 0009 #P2 (Right Side) Score 0 Goals 800B0BF8 0000 ; [ Onside Complete Soccer (Europe) {SLES-00079} ] :SLES-00079 #P1 (Left Side) Score 9 Goals 800B0BF4 0009 #P1 (Left Side) Score 0 Goals 800B0BF4 0000 #P2 (Right Side) Score 9 Goals 800B0BF8 0009 #P2 (Right Side) Score 0 Goals 800B0BF8 0000 ; [ Ooedo Huusui Ingaritsu: Hanabi 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02814} ] :SLPS-02814 #P1 Have 250 in all stats 800B8EC4 00FA 800B8EC5 00FA 800B8EC6 00FA 800B8EC7 00FA 800B8EC8 00FA #Have 9999 of the other stat 800B8EC2 270F ; [ Ooumi Nobunaga Den: Geten II (Japan) {SLPS-00874} ] ; [ Option: Tuning Car Battle (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91037} ] ; [ Option: Tuning Car Battle (Japan) {SLPS-01207} ] :SLPS-01207 #Infinite Money 900A5318 3B9AC0FF ; [ Option: Tuning Car Battle 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01857} ] :SLPS-01857 #Infinite Tuning Money Coupon 800A62B0 5FFF #No Gear Boost Mode 50000702 0000 801FF07E 01B6 #Lap Timer = 0 8017E48C 0000 #Total Timer = 0 8017E490 0000 ; [ Oracle no Houseki: Jewels of the Oracle (Japan) {SLPS-00240} ] ; [ Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke (Japan) {SCPS-10074} ] :SCPS-10074 #Infinite Money 90065F0C 0098967F #Max Exp 90065F10 0098967F 80065F14 FFFF #Fast Level Up 8011E3A4 FFFF #Enemy Display 80061B90 00FF #Map display 80061B98 00FF #Repel enemy 80061BA6 00FF #Stop enemy 80061BB8 00FF #God release 30066EDF 00FF #Win / victory point dedication point 9011E3A4 0098967F #Health Max 80062267 0080 #Chushin 8006226B 0080 #Victory 9006226C 05F5E0FF #All Arts 3006227F 00FF #All Mystery 3006228B 00F0 ; [ Ore no Yotto: Ganbare! Nippon Challenge (Japan) {SLPS-02132} ] ; [ Ore! Tomba (Japan) Demo {SLP-80165} ] ; [ Oro e Gloria: La Strada per El Dorado (Italy) {SLES-03186} ] ; [ Oro y Gloria: La Ruta hacia El Dorado (Spain) {SLES-03187} ] ; [ Osaka Naniwa Matenrou (Japan) {SLPS-02013} ] ; [ Oshigoto-shiki Jinsei Game: Mezase Shokugyou King (Japan) {SLP-87316} ] ; [ Otenki Kororin (Japan) {SLP-87047} ] ; [ Othello World II: Yume to Michi e no Chousen (Japan) {SLPS-00136} ] :SLPS-00136 #Opponent has 0 points 8018FA5C 0000 ; [ Other Life Azure Dreams (Japan) {SLP-86047} ] ; [ Otona no Asobi (Japan) (Nichibutsu Collection 2000) {SLPS-02459} ] :SLPS-02459 #Have lots of money deactivate after sending it 9017B9CC 000F423F ; [ Oujisama Lv1.5: Oujisama no Tamago (Japan) {SLPS-03534} ] :SLPS-03534 #Infinite HP Canaan 800B895A 0009 #Infinite HP Celest 800B8958 0009 #Infinite HP Girl 800B895C 0009 #Infinite HP Priest 800B895E 0009 #Cg & Mode Full Bookmarker 300B8417 0000 300B842B 0000 300B842F 0000 300B8433 0000 90007820 3C02800C 90007824 24428376 90007828 240A0011 9000782C 24030101 80007832 A443 90007834 24420002 90007838 1480FFFD 9000783C 2484FFFF 90007840 24420072 90007844 30440008 90007848 1480FFF9 9000784C 2404001B 90007850 0800DE6D 8001FB8C 1E08 #Prince 1 / 16 Infinite Item 80066074 0001 #Prince 1/16 Infinite Food 80066838 0001 800668F6 3000 #Prince 1/16 9999 Money 800B8CC0 270F #Cg All Unlock 900B9000 017F7FFF 90007800 3C02800C 90007804 24428F40 80007808 2021 9000780C 24020001 90007810 03E00008 80007816 A082 9006A458 0C001E00 #Hakuho's Blaming His Henchmen All Modes Selectable 800B852E 0101 900B8530 01010101 800B8534 0101 #Hakuho Infinite Time Presss Select 80054CD4 0000 30054CD6 0042 D00A0DF8 0100 30054CD6 0002 #Hakuko Cg All Unlock 900B84D4 02020202 900B84D8 02020202 900B84DC 02020202 300B84E0 0002 #Quiz! i Sero Sabora 7 Life 300B87CC 0007 #Quiz Max Time 300B87D0 0095 #Quiz All Stages Avaliable 300B87A8 0006 #No. 1 is Always The Right Answer 80041D1E 3000 #Quiz Cg All Unlock 900B83A8 01010101 800B83AC 0101 #Battle Jigsaw All Stages Avaliables 3009C660 0005 #Jigsaw Get Incapacitated Partner 8002C28A 1000 #Jigsaw Cg All Unlock 800B856A 0101 ; [ Oumagatoki (Japan) (Premium Fan Disc) {SLP-80623} ] ; [ Oumagatoki 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03272} ] ; [ Our Graduation: Mahjong de Pon! Hanafuda de Koi! (Mahjong de Pon!) (Japan) {SLPS-02576 | SLPS-02577} ] :SLPS-02576 :SLPS-02577 #Player has 999900 points 80161324 270F #Opponent 1 has 0 points 80161528 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 8016147C 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 801613D0 0000 #Player has 99 points in hanafuda game 80063F4C 0063 ; [ Over Drivin' DX (Japan) {SLPS-00327} ] :SLPS-00327 #Sudden stop at a very high speed / Circle button and the SELECT button" D00D9424 0100 8011AB4A 0055 D011AED8 0001 8011AB4A 0000 ; [ Over Drivin' DX: Rally Edition (Japan) (Hibaihin) {SLP-80032} ] ; [ Over Drivin' II (Japan) {SLPS-00895} ] :SLPS-00895 #All courses avaliable D00E2972 0000 800E2972 0803 ; [ Over Drivin' III: Hot Pursuit (Japan) Demo {SLP-80298} ] ; [ Over Drivin' III: Hot Pursuit (Japan) {SLPS-01593} ] :SLPS-01593 #Top Speed 8011DEDE 006F ; [ Over Drivin' IV (Japan) (Taikenban Disc) {SLP-80437} ] ; [ Over Drivin' IV (Japan) {SLPS-02099} ] ; [ OverBlood (Europe) {SLES-00768} ] :SLES-00768 #Infinite Health 800CFB18 0063 ; [ OverBlood (France) {SLES-00769} ] ; [ OverBlood (Germany) {SLES-00770} ] :SLES-00770 #Unendlich Lebensenergie 800CFB48 0064 #Daunen-Weste 800EF800 0001 #Gehirnbaustein 800EF804 0001 #Silberne Codekarte 800EF808 0001 #Memo 800EF80C 0001 #Lasermesser 800EF810 0001 #Anti-Gravitations-Modul 800EF814 0001 #Molotow-Cocktail 800EF818 0001 #ÖL-Kanister 800EF81C 0001 #Defekter Thermostat 800EF820 0001 #Chemikalienflasche 800EF824 0001 #Kapsel Mit Arna-Virus 800EF828 0001 #9Mm-Handwaffe 800EF82C 0001 #Silberner SchlüSsel 800EF830 0001 #Recorder 800EF834 0001 #Eisenstangen 800EF838 0001 #Elektroschocker 800EF83C 0001 #Metallgitter 800EF840 0001 #Schneidbrenner 800EF844 0001 #9Mm-Magazin 800EF848 0001 #Rote Codekarte 800EF84C 0001 #Cd 800EF850 0001 #Goldene Codekarte 800EF854 0001 #Wundspray 800EF858 0001 #SchraubenschlüSsel 800EF85C 0001 #Kabel 800EF860 0001 #Blankes Kabel 800EF864 0001 #Leere Batterie 800EF868 0001 #Aufgeladene Batterie 800EF86C 0001 #Identifikationskarte 800EF870 0001 #KüHlbox 800EF874 0001 #Kleine Bombe 800EF878 0001 #Molotow-Cocktail 800EF87C 0001 ; [ OverBlood (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86641} ] ; [ OverBlood (Japan) {SLPS-00392} ] :SLPS-00392 #Infinite HP 800CF62C 0064 #Infinite Bullet 800EC4E4 0009 #Enemy Hp=0 800CF634 0000 #All Items possession 50002104 0000 800ED9CC 0001 ; [ OverBlood 2 (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-01879 | SLES-11879} ] :SLES-01879 :SLES-11879 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Infinite Money 901BF20C 0001869F #InfinIte antique gun ammo 801BF22A 0009 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Infinite Money 901BF20C 0001869F #InfinIte antique gun ammo 801BF22A 0009 ; [ OverBlood 2 (Europe) {SLES-01879 | SLES-11879} ] :SLES-01879 :SLES-11879 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Infinite Money 901BF20C 0001869F #Infinite Antique gun ammo 801BF22A 0009 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Infinite Money 901BF20C 0001869F #InfinIte antique gun ammo 801BF22A 0009 ; [ OverBlood 2 (Germany) Rev 1 {SLES-02187 | SLES-12187} ] :SLES-02187 :SLES-12187 #Unendlich Geld 901BF16C 00038760 #Unendlich Gesundheit 801BEFFC 0B40 #Unendlich Munition Pistole 801BF17E 0009 ; [ OverBlood 2 (Italy) {SLES-01880 | SLES-11880} ] ; [ OverBlood 2 (Japan) (Special Movie-ban) {PAPX-90046} ] ; [ OverBlood 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01261 | SLPS-01262} ] :SLPS-01261 :SLPS-01262 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Kill Enemy Fast 80044FAE 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 #Infinite HP 801BF49C 0B40 8004AFE2 0040 #Infinite CP 801BF4A0 04B0 80056CBC 0000 #Gun 801BF61E 0009 #All Recovery Items 801BF638 000B 801BF644 000C 801BF650 000D 801BF63A 0001 801BF646 0001 801BF652 0001 801BF63C 0063 801BF648 0063 801BF654 0063 #Kill Enemy Fast 80044FAE 0000 #Infinite Bullets 8006F3F6 8482 ; [ Overboard! (Europe) {SLES-00865} ] :SLES-00865 #Infinite Lives 801EFF60 0002 #Infinite Ammo (BPC) 800B7B84 0000 #Infinite Health (BPC) 800A54FC 0000 #Infinite Energy Level 1-1 800CD2A6 003F #Infinite Energy Level 1-2 800CFE1E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 1-3 800CFFBE 003F #Infinite Energy Level 1-4 800CC1FE 003F #Infinite Energy Level 2-1 800D1C2E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 2-2 800D167E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 2-3 800D015E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 2-4 800CC816 003F #Infinite Energy Level 3-1 800CF5FE 003F #Infinite Energy Level 3-2 800CDE06 003F #Infinite Energy Level 3-3 800D08AE 003F #Infinite Energy Level 3-4 800CCCF6 003F #Infinite Energy Level 4-1 800D126E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 4-2 800D015E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 4-3 800D2C06 003F #Infinite Energy Level 4-4 800CC816 003F #Infinite Energy Level 5-1 800CFF56 003F #Infinite Energy Level 5-2 800D17B6 003F #Infinite Energy Level 5-3 800D0A4E 003F #Infinite Energy Level 5-4 800CC816 003F ; [ Oyaji no Jikan: Nee-chan Hanafuda de Shoubu ya! (Japan) {SLPS-02591} ] ; [ Oyaji no Jikan: Nee-chan Mahjong de Shoubu ya! (Japan) (Renkaban) {SLPS-03262} ] ; [ Oyaji no Jikan: Nee-chan Tsuri Iku de! (Japan) {SLPS-02590} ] ; [ Oyako Entertainment Series: TV Kamishibai Vol. 1 (Japan) {SLP-86393} ] ; [ Oz no Mahoutsukai: Another World: Rung Rung (Japan) {SLPS-02335} ] :SLPS-02335 #Infinite Search Power Use 800A5B52 001E #Tool Encyclopedia 300A5C33 0002 #Display 1 material tools and picture book / input and place 300A5D5F 0001 #Display 2 material tools and picture book / input and place 300A5DF5 0001 #Display 3 material tools and picture book / input and place 300A5E8B 0001 #Display 4 material tools and picture book / input and place 300A5F21 0001 #Picard picture storage Max 300A5FB7 0063 #No Abnormal status sleep 300A5B40 0000 #No Round and round abnormal status 300A5B41 0000 #No Abnormal status poison 300A5B42 0000 #Belongings number 300A5B68 0014 #Fellow Toto 300A5B7D 0002 #Fellow Scarecrow 300A5B7D 0003 #Fellow Tin Man 300A5B7D 0004 #Fellow Lion 300A5B7D 0005 #Chapter of the story 1 Introduction Kansas 300A5B7F 0000 #Chapter of the story 2 To the city of Emerald 300A5B7F 0001 #Chapter of the story 3 The Wizard of Oz 300A5B7F 0002 #Chapter of the story 4 Forest of Illusion 300A5B7F 0003 #Chapter of the story 5 Desert of death 300A5B7F 0004 #Chapter of the story 6 Family of Nome 300A5B7F 0005 #Chapter of the story 7 Princess Ozma 300A5B7F 0006 #Chapter of the story 8 Earth undulate 300A5B7F 0007 #Chapter of the story 9 Memories of Oz 300A5B7F 0008 ; [ P.K.'s Place 2: Hoopo at Sea! (USA) Rev 1 {Part #9053} ] ; [ PAQA (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90092} ] ; [ PAQA (Japan) {SCPS-10097} ] ; [ PGA European Tour Golf (Europe) (Best of Infogrames) {SLES-02396} ] ; [ PGA European Tour Golf (Europe) {SLES-02061} ] :SLES-02061 #P1 always hole in one 8008329C 0000 ; [ PGA European Tour Golf (Europe) {SLES-02396} ] ; [ PGA Tour 96 (Europe) {SLES-00073} ] ; [ PGA Tour 96 (Japan) {SLPS-00245} ] ; [ PGA Tour 97 (Europe) {SLES-00437} ] ; [ PGA Tour 97 (Japan) {SLPS-00758} ] ; [ PGA Tour 98 (Europe) {SLES-00908} ] ; [ PO'ed (Europe) {SLES-00168} ] :SLES-00168 #Infinite Health 8008D370 0066 #Have Jetpack 8008D378 0032 8008D440 0100 #Have Butcher Knife 8008D388 0101 #Have Drill 8008D38A 0101 #Have Missile-Cam 8008D392 0001 #Have Pulsegun 3008D390 0001 #Have Bfd 90 3008D38C 0001 #Infinite Ammo Pulse/Bfd 90 8008D374 0064 #Have Flamethrower 3008D38D 0001 #Infinite Flamer Ammo 8008D378 03E7 #Have Meatseeker 3008D391 0001 #Infinite Meatseeker Meat 8008D380 03E7 #Have Wailer 3008D38E 0001 #Infinite Wailer Ammo 8008D37C 03E7 #Have Rocket Launcher 3008D38F 0001 #Infinite Rockets 8008D384 03E7 ; [ PO'ed (Japan) {SLPS-00437} ] :SLPS-00437 #Infinite HP 8008CED8 0064 #All Weapons 50000602 0000 8008CEF0 0101 #Infinite Ammo 50000604 0000 8008CEDC 03E7 #Jet pack possession 3008CFA9 0001 #Weapon possession All 8008CEF0 0101 3008CEF3 0001 9008CEF4 01010101 8008CEF8 0101 3008CEFA 0001 ; [ PS One Demo Disc 02 (Europe) {SCED-03675} ] ; [ PS One Demo Disc 2002 (Europe) {SCED-03920} ] ; [ PS One Kids Autumn 2000 (Europe) {SCED-03238} ] ; [ PS One Kids Autumn 2000 (France) {SCED-03340} ] ; [ PS One Special Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-03175} ] ; [ PS One Winter 03 Kiosk Version 1.21 (USA) {SCUS-94696} ] ; [ PS-X-Change Version 1.0 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PS-X-Change Version 1.0 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PS-X-Change Version 2.0 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PS-X-Change Version 2.0 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSY-Q Debugging Station Boot Disk V2-00 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi-2 Magazine 8/2001 Power Cheats (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi2 Disc Five (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi2 Disc Three (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi2 Disc Twelve (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi2 Disc Two (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi: PlayStation Interactive Magazine: Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSi: PlayStation Interactive Magazine: WWF SmackDown! (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PSone Xmas Special aka Le Magazine Officiel PSone Disque OPS1 (France) {SCED-04019} ] ; [ PaRappa the Rapper (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96049} ] ; [ PaRappa the Rapper (Japan) {SCPS-18002} ] :SCPS-18002 #Always Be Rapping ...GOOD! first time 801CC046 0001 90031244 00000000 #Always Be Rapping ...COOL second time 801CC046 0000 90031244 00000000 ; [ PaRappa the Rapper (USA) Demo {SCUS-94195} ] ; [ PaRappa the Rapper: The Hip Hop Hero (Europe) {SCES-00743} ] :SCES-00743 #Always Be Rapping Cool 801C8916 0000 #Always Score 999 Points 801C88F8 03E7 #KT & The Sunny Funny Band Unlocked 3008CE1A 0001 #All Stages Unlocked 3008CE1A 0001 50000602 0000 3008CE0E 0003 ; [ Pac-Man World (USA) Rev 1 {SLUS-90057} ] ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (Europe) {SCES-00934} ] :SCES-00934 #Infinite Energy 30154210 0004 #Infinite Pac-Dots 30154220 0063 #Infinite Lives 3015421C 0063 #Infinite Lives (Classic Mode) 301A9A98 0003 #Invincibility 80154210 0004 #Have PACMAN D0147EC2 0001 50000602 0000 80154410 0001 #Have All Mazes Completed & Gallery Open 50000802 0000 801542DE 00FF 50001C02 0000 8015435A 00FF #Unlock Factory L1 801542CC 00FF #Unlock Factory L2 801542D0 00FF #Unlock Factory L3 801542D4 00FF #Unlock Factory L4 801542D8 00FF #Unlock Funhouse L1 801542B0 00FF #Unlock Funhouse L2 801542B4 00FF #Unlock Funhouse L3 801542B8 00FF #Unlock Funhouse L4 801542BC 00FF #Unlock Mansion L1 801542C0 00FF #Unlock Mansion L2 801542C4 00FF #Unlock Mansion L3 801542C8 00FF #Unlock Pirate L1 8015443C 00FF #Unlock Pirate L2 80154430 00FF #Unlock Pirate L3 80154434 00FF #Unlock Pirate L4 80154438 00FF #Unlock Ruins L1 80154420 00FF #Unlock Ruins L2 80154424 00FF #Unlock Ruins L3 8015442C 00FF #Unlock Space L1 801542A0 00FF #Unlock Space L2 801542A4 00FF #Unlock Space L3 801542A8 00FF #Unlock Space L4 801542AC 00FF ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (France) {SCES-02277} ] ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (Germany) {SCES-02278} ] :SCES-02278 #Max Punkte Missions- Und Irrgarten-Modus D0153C62 0000 80153C62 0098 #Original-Modus\Max Punkte 801BDE22 0098 #Original-Modus\Unendlich Leben 801A9C10 003C #Original-Modus\Weniger Krach D01F53F0 0002 801F53F0 0003 #Missions-Modus\Unendlich Leben 80154394 003C #Missions-Modus\Unendlich Energie 80154388 0003 #Missions-Modus\Max Pac-Punkte 80154398 00FF #Missions-Modus\Habe Pacman Select drücken E014D223 0001 30154588 0001 E014D223 0001 3015458A 0001 E014D223 0001 3015458C 0001 E014D223 0001 3015458E 0001 E014D223 0001 30154590 0001 E014D223 0001 30154592 0001 #Missions-Modus\100 Kirschen Nach Aufnahme 80154546 0063 #Missions-Modus\100 Erdbeeren Nach Aufnahme 80154548 0063 #Missions-Modus\100 Orangen Nach Aufnahme 8015454A 0063 #Missions-Modus\100 ÄPfel Nach Aufnahme 8015454E 0063 #Missions-Modus\100 Bananen Nach Aufnahme 80154550 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\Alle IrrgäRten Komplett Und Gallerie Offen 50000802 0000 80154456 00FF 50001C02 0000 801544D2 00FF #Irrgarten-Modus\Alle Level Freigeschaltet 50000804 0000 80154598 00FF 50000F04 0000 80154418 00FF #Irrgarten-Modus\100 Melonen Nach Aufnahme 80154552 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\100 Zitronen Nach Aufnahme 80154554 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\100 Pfirsiche Nach Aufnahme 8015454C 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\100 Glocken Nach Aufnahme 80154558 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\100 Galaxien Nach Aufnahme 80154556 0063 #Irrgarten-Modus\100 SchlüSsel Nach Aufnahme 8015455E 0063 ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (Italy) {SCES-02279} ] ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (Japan) {SLPS-02345} ] :SLPS-02345 #QUEST & MAZE MODE The gallery in bonus and maize in the title 3015B2C9 0003 #QUEST & MAZE MODE 999 employees Pac-Man 8015B084 03E7 #QUEST & MAZE MODE No Energy Enemies 8015B078 0004 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Pac-Man Invincibility 8015BBA8 1000 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Key acquisition of prison 8015B24C 0001 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Key acquisition of magic 8015B24E 0001 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Airborne by Press R1 button D014ED22 0800 800F670C F500 D014ED22 0800 800F670E FFFF #QUEST & MAZE MODE It is not a spatula even shoot dot D0080800 0010 80080802 1400 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Dokkan! It is not a spatula dot Grand Prix D00AB42E 2442 800AB42C 0000 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Clear in one MAZE MODE dot D0065EC6 2463 80065EC4 0000 D0065EC6 2463 80065EC6 2403 #QUEST & MAZE MODE When you enter stage score score MAX D00968BE 1040 800968BC 0001 #QUEST & MAZE MODE Rolled eating ghost in one co-dot power (see 2) D00693E4 1023 800693E6 1400 D00B83F8 009C 800B83FA 1400 D00B848C 0058 800B848E 1400 #QUEST & MAZE MODE (Between release is pressed SELECT button) Bonus Stage Stop time D00C5044 1A60 800C5046 1400 D014ED22 0001 800C5046 AF82 #ORIGINAL MODE It is not a spatula Pac-Man D016267E 2442 801B0888 0006 #ORIGINAL MODE Rolled eating ghost in one power dot D0169596 2402 80169594 0000 D0169596 2402 801655A6 1400 ; [ Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (Spain) {SCES-02280} ] :SCES-02280 #Infinite Energy In Quest Mode 801543A0 0004 #Infinite Lives In Quest Mode 801543AC 0063 #Infinite Pac-Dots 801543B0 0063 #Infinite Lives (Classic Mode) 801A9C28 0003 ; [ Paca Paca Passion Special (Japan) {SLPS-03420} ] ; [ Pachi Slot Teiou W: Arabesque R, Hot Rod Queen (Japan) {SLPS-02782} ] ; [ Pachi Slot Teiou: Big Wave, Pika Gorou, BB Junky 7 (Japan) {SLPS-01848} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku (Japan) {SLPS-01968} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 2 (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91493} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02416} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 3 (Japan) {SLPS-02846} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 4 (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91499} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 4 (Japan) {SLPS-03089} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 4 Deluxe Pack (Japan) {SLPS-03088} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 7 (Disc 2) (4th Reel Disc) (Japan) {SLPS-03440} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kaiseki: Wai Wai Pulsar 2 & 77 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01308} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Aruze Koushiki Guide Volume 4 (Japan) {SLPS-02127} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Cranky Pro (Japan) {SLPS-01023} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Takasago Super Project (Japan) {SLPS-03110} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Takasago Super Project 2 (Japan) {SLP-86962} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Universal Koushiki Guide Volume 1 (Japan) {SLPS-00752} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Universal Koushiki Guide Volume 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00943} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Universal Koushiki Guide Volume 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01550} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Master: Sammy SP (Japan) {SLPS-01927} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 4: Oicho Kaba X, Magical Pops, LequiO-30 (Japan) (Best of the Best) {SLPS-02888} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 4: Oicho Kaba X, Magical Pops, LequiO-30 (Japan) {SLPS-02564} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 5: Kongdom, Super Star Dust 2, Flying Momonga (Japan) (Best of the Best) {SLPS-03149} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou 5: Kongdom, Super Star Dust 2, Flying Momonga (Japan) {SLPS-02627} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Beat the Dragon 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03029} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Bunny Girl SP (Japan) {SLPS-03265} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Dateline Pegasus (Japan) {SLPS-03455} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Golgo 13: Las Vegas (Japan) {SLPS-03441} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Maker Suishou Manual Vol. 2: Ice Story (Japan) {SLPS-03158} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Maker Suishou Manual Vol. 4: Exhaust, Ooedo Sakura Fubuki 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03217} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Naniwa Sakura Fubuki (Japan) {SLPS-03423} ] ; [ Pachi-Slot Teiou: Yamasa Remix (Japan) {SLPS-02905} ] ; [ Pachinko & Pachi-Slot: Parlor! Pro EX: CR Inakappe Taishou A & Pachi-Slot Lupin Sansei (Japan) {SLPS-02860} ] ; [ Pachinko Dream (Japan) {SLP-86006} ] ; [ Pachinko Hall: Shinsou Daikaiten (Japan) {SLPS-01089} ] ; [ Pachinko Teiou: CR Sore Ute Hama-chan 2 & CR Sore Yuke Matchan S (Japan) {SLPS-03254} ] ; [ Pachio-kun: Pachinko Land Adventure (Japan) {SLPS-00037} ] :SLPS-00037 #Have 99000000 money 900B08D4 05E69EC0 #Have 9999 in gambling machine 800ECD20 270F ; [ Pachitte Chonmage 2: Kyoraku Kounin Tanukichi 2000 & Jungle P (Japan) {SLPS-02575} ] ; [ Pachitte Chonmage 3: Kyoraku Kounin Gladiator & Tama-chan (Japan) {SLPS-03422} ] ; [ Pachitte Chonmage: Ouendan & C. C. Girls (Japan) {SLPS-02419} ] ; [ Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet (Europe) {SLES-03576} ] ; [ Pal: Shinken Densetsu (Japan) Demo {SLP-80079} ] ; [ Pal: Shinken Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00346} ] :SLPS-00346 #Infinite Energy dog 8008B1F8 03E7 #Infinite Money 901AF018 0098967F #Infinite Herb 800D7448 0003 #Infinite Life Main Character 80098728 00FA #Infinite Life Second Character 80098B54 0064 #Infinite Swords Magic 8009872C FA00 #Double Magic Sword Slash (Press R2) D00BB2F8 0002 800BCAC8 0028 #No random battles 900B71F8 FFFFFFFF #Maximum HP 8008B1EC 270F #Maximum MP 8008B1EE 270F #HP currently 8008B1F8 270F #MP now 8008B1FA 270F #Possession ¥ 800B7870 967F 300B7872 0098 ; [ Palm Town (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-87018} ] ; [ Pandemonium 2 (Europe) {SLES-00965} ] :SLES-00965 #Infinite Energy 800ACB3E 0004 #Infinite Lives 800ACB3C 0403 #Any password unlocks all levels 8006BFAA 2400 #GodMode 80050FF2 1000 #GodMode level 14 800BA70E 0000 ; [ Pandemonium 2 (France) Demo {SLED-01015} ] ; [ Pandemonium 2 (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80578} ] ; [ Pandemonium! (Europe) Demo {SLED-00570} ] ; [ Pandemonium! (Europe) {SLES-00526} ] :SLES-00526 #Infinite Lifes 300940DC 0003 #Max Heart-Points 300940DD 0008 300940DE 0008 #Amount Of Diamonds=255 800940E0 00FF #Infinite Shots 800940E4 0001 #Each coin gives the fireball power and the shield power 800410D6 2400 800410FE 2400 80041196 2400 8004119E 2400 ; [ Pandemonium! (USA) {SLUS-00232} ] :SLUS-00232 #Have Access To All Levels (Except Bonus Levels) 8007202C 0014 #Infinite Energy 8009311A 0010 30093119 0010 #1 Coin To Get An Extra Life 8009311C 012B #Infinite Lives 30093118 0005 #Once Hit Become Invincibility 8009313E 0020 #Always Invincibility 8009313E 0020 801AE60A 0208 #Fireball Always On 80093120 0100 ; [ Pandora Max Series Vol. 2: Shisha no Yobu Yakata (Japan) {SLPS-02551} ] ; [ Pandora Max Series Vol. 3: Rubbish Blazon (Japan) {SLPS-02637} ] :SLPS-02637 #Infinite & Max HP Character 1 out of battle 8009EF09 03E7 8009EF0B 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Character 1 out of battle 8009EF0D 03E7 8009EF0F 03E7 #Max Money 8009E4EA 967F 8009E4EC 0098 #Alfred Infinite & Max HP 3009EF09 00E7 3009EF0A 0003 3009EF0B 00E7 3009EF0C 0003 #Alfred Infinite & Max EP 3009EF0D 00E7 3009EF0E 0003 3009EF0F 00E7 3009EF10 0003 #Irisha Infinite & Max HP 9009EF24 03E703E7 #Irisha Infinite & Max EP 9009EF28 03E703E7 #Forukyuasu Infinite & Max HP 3009EF3F 00E7 3009EF40 0003 3009EF41 00E7 3009EF42 0003 #Forukyuasu Infinite & Max EP 3009EF43 00E7 3009EF44 0003 3009EF45 00E7 3009EF46 0003 #Stein Infinite & Max HP 8009EF5A 03E7 8009EF5C 03E7 #Stein Infinite & Max EP 8009EF5E 03E7 8009EF60 03E7 #None Encounter 80086548 0000 #No random Battles encounter with the enemy above + L1 80086548 0000 D0089108 0410 80086548 7000 #Have 99 od all items D0019E1A 2402 80019E18 0063 D0019E34 0002 80019E36 A102 #Bonus fully open 8009E972 FFFF 9009E974 FFFFFFFF 8009E98A FFFF 9009E98C FFFFFFFF 8009E990 FFFF D009E9F0 0000 3009E9F1 0070 #Mini-game score of MAX bonus 3009EB65 009F 8009EB66 0186 #Skill list of fully open dictionary use with bonus fully open code 3009EA71 00FF 8009EA72 FFFF 8009EA74 FFFF 9009EA7C FFFFFFFF 8009EA8A FFFF 8009EA96 FFFF #Magic list of fully open dictionary use with bonus fully open code 3009EA7D 00FF 3009EA7E 00FF 3009EAA3 00FF 3009EAAF 00FF 3009EABC 00FF 3009EAC8 00FF 3009EAD5 00FF 3009EAE1 00FF 3009EAE2 00FF 8009EAEE FFFF #Monster list of fully open dictionary use with bonus fully open code 3009EAF1 00FF 8009EAF2 FFFF 9009EAF4 FFFFFFFF 9009EAF8 FFFFFFFF 3009EB11 00FF 8009EB12 FFFF 9009EB14 FFFFFFFF 9009EB18 FFFFFFFF #Fully open item list of dictionary use with bonus fully open code 9009E9F4 FFFFFFFF 9009E9F8 FFFFFFFF 9009E9FC FFFFFFFF 9009EA00 FFFFFFFF 9009EA0C FFFFFFFF 8009EA10 FFFF 9009EA18 FFFFFFFF 9009EA1C FFFFFFFF 8009EA26 FFFF 8009EA32 FFFF 8009EA3E FFFF 8009EA40 FFFF 8009EA4A FFFF 8009EA4C FFFF 9009EA64 FFFFFFFF 9009EA68 FFFFFFFF ; [ Pandora Max Series Vol. 4: Catch! Kimochi Sensation (Japan) {SLPS-02712} ] :SLPS-02712 #Scenario cleared (bonus fully open) 801A74C8 0001 801A74DE 0014 #100% fully open and mini-games Graphtec appreciation 801B4F50 FF70 301B4F52 0001 301B4F75 006E 801B4F76 81E0 801B4F82 FFFF 901B4F84 FFFFFFFF 901B4F88 FFFFFFFF 901B4F8C FFFFFFFF 801B4F90 FFFF #All Mini Games Can Be Selected 300533CC 0001 801B4F76 01E0 300533CE 0001 301B4F82 0007 300533D0 0001 301B4F85 00FF 300533D4 0001 801B4F86 FFFF 8018F792 FF80 801B4F88 FFFF 8018F794 0043 801B4F8A FFFF 301A74C8 0001 801B4F8C FFFF 801B4F50 7E70 801B4F8E FFFF 301B4F75 006E 801B4F90 FFFF #Rainbow Peak Minigame Lock The Opponent's Racket 301A7BD4 00A1 #Foresight Minigame Player 99 Points 301A7AD0 0063 #Foresight Minigame Rival 0 Points 301A7AD2 0000 #Cleared looking GAL'S ROOM mistake Mini-Game 8018F792 FFFF 3018F794 0003 #Quiz Minigame START + L1 button, 5 points, 4 own hearts Player D018F750 0804 801A7BBC 0004 D018F750 0804 801A7BBE 0005 #Quiz Minigame START + R1 button, point 0 Heart 0 Rival D018F750 0808 801A7BBC 0000 D018F750 0808 801A7BE2 0000 #Bonus / GAL's ROOM selectable 300533CC 0001 #Bonus / Gaiden selectable 300533CE 0001 #Bonus / Photo Gallery can be selected 300533D0 0001 #Bonus / MINI GAMES selectable 300533D2 0001 #Bonus / Graphic Watch selectable 300533D4 0001 #Bonus / Sound Test selectable 300533D6 0001 #Bonus / Information can be selected 300533D8 0001 #Bonus / notice selectable 300533DA 0001 #Bonus / Gochachiru selectable 300533DC 0001 #Bonus / GAL's ROOM PLAY possible 301A74C8 0001 #Favorability Max Ayuri 801A74A6 03E7 #Favorability Max DropletS 801A74A8 03E7 #Favorability Max Erica 801A74AA 03E7 #Favorability Max Hinata 801A74AC 03E7 #Favorability Max Bookmarks 801A74AE 03E7 #Favorability Max Chizuru 801A74B0 03E7 #Favorability Max Makoto 801A74B2 03E7 #Favorability Max Yayoi 801A74B4 03E7 #Favorability Max Takizawa 801A74B6 03E7 ; [ Pandora Max Series Vol. 5: Gochachiru (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-02944} ] #Have 999 money 801A2038 03E7 ; [ Pandora Max Series Vol. 6: Oni Zero: Fukkatsu (Japan) {SLPS-03106} ] :SLPS-03106 #Infinite Energy Boy With Brown Hair 801C5970 03E7 801C596C 03E7 #Infinite Energy Boy With Green Hair 801C59A0 03E7 801C599C 03E7 #Infinite Energy Girl 801C59D0 03E7 801C59CC 03E7 #Money 801B3C30 7530 #Infinite & Max HP - Man 801C5A00 03E7 801C59FC 03E7 #Infinite Energy in battle all party 801B2FDC 03E7 #All God open 801B3A10 FFFF #I do not reduce Oni-shin D016FA52 0043 8016FA52 0040 #Divine power does not decrease D016FA12 0043 8016FA12 0040 #Maximum strength 801C596C 270F #Maximum divine power 801C596E 270F #Current physical fitness 801C5970 270F #Now God force 801C5972 270F #Demon heart 801C5974 270F #Ending is from the beginning 801B4C34 0003 #Status MAX When God negotiations in villages and towns 801B4E6E 270F 901B4E70 03E7270F 901B4E74 03E703E7 901B4E78 03E703E7 901B4E7C 03E703E7 #Status MAX When God negotiations in the dungeon 801B4EEE 270F 901B4EF0 03E7270F 901B4EF4 03E703E7 901B4EF8 03E703E7 901B4EFC 03E703E7 #All tools 50000B04 0000 801B3E34 0014 801B3EF0 0014 50000704 0000 801B403C 0014 ; [ Pandora Project: The Logic Master (Japan) {SLPS-00347} ] ; [ Panekit: Infinitive Crafting Toy Case (Japan) {SCPS-10096} ] :SCPS-10096 #POWER 100% D00CB188 0046 300CB188 00E6 300CB189 0000 #Preset model is fully open 50000702 0000 800B55FC FFFF #Map fully open 50002A02 0000 800B5618 FFFF #Total time 0:00:00 900B5740 00000000 #COMPLETE 300B5675 00FF #Panel 800CB1D0 0000 #Tire 800CB1D2 0000 #Joint 900CB1D4 00000000 ; [ Panel Quiz Attack 25 (Japan) {SLPS-01162} ] :SLPS-01162 #Player has 25 points 801EBC2A 0019 ; [ Panzer Bandit (Japan) Demo {SLP-80124} ] ; [ Panzer Front (Europe) {SLES-03339} ] :SLES-03339 #Infinite Ammo D0090A28 006C 30090A28 0000 #Mission always completed D0083D48 73D4 80083D48 0000 ; [ Panzer Front (Japan) Demo {SLP-80499} ] ; [ Panzer Front (Japan) {SLPS-02503} ] :SLPS-02503 #9th Field Artillery support 300D4FD8 0009 #Field gun support continue 300D4FD0 0000 #255 rounds ammunition vehicle 900D8AF0 FFFFFFFF 800D8AF4 FFFF #Artillery support continue 300D4FD0 0000 ; [ Panzer Front bis. (Europe) Beta {SLES-03750} ] ; [ Panzer General (Europe) {SLES-00041} ] :SLES-00041 #Prestige Points 800EDE18 2000 #Turn Counter 80089C98 0A0B ; [ Panzer General (Japan) {SLPS-00552} ] ; [ Pao Leeming Kanshuu: Fuusui Nyuumon (Japan) {SLP-86695} ] ; [ Paradise Casino (Europe) {SLES-04048} ] :SLES-04048 #Infinite Money Roulette (Always Win) 80056870 270F #Infinite Money Black Jack (Always Win) 80053B98 270F #Infinite Money Slot Machines (Always Win) 80052708 270F #Infinite Money Super Poker (Always Win) 8005781C 270F ; [ Parasite Eve (Japan) {SLPS-01230 | SLPS-01231} ] :SLPS-01230 :SLPS-01231 #Current Hp 800B84EC 270F #Max Hp 800B84FC 270F #Current P.E. 800B84EA 270F #Max P.E. 800B850A 270F #All Special Ability 900C08E4 000C1FFF #Infinite Bullet Box 900514B8 340203E7 #Max Bonus Point 900C08D0 0001869F #Fast Level Up - One Fight For Level 99 8009CDC6 7FFF #Level 99 800C08CA 0062 #Max At (Active Time) In The Battle 800B84F0 2328 #Total Time = 00'00'00 900A717C 00000000 #Max Offence 800C08EA 0630 #Max Defence 800C08EC 0630 #Max P.Energy 800C08EE 0630 #Max Status Recover 800C08F0 0630 #Max Active Time 800C08F2 0630 #Max Item Capacity 800C08F4 0630 #Key For 70 Floor Building This code allows you to have a key for the 70 floor building 900C0908 00390038 900C090C 003B003A 900C0910 003D003C 800C0914 003E #Special Code\Walk Faster 80070BF0 000A #Special Code\Run Faster 80070E70 002C #Battle immediately completed 800A73F2 FFFF #Debug Room 8009CD3C 6048 3009CD3E 0006 ; [ Parasite Eve II (Europe) {SLES-02558 | SLES-12558} ] :SLES-02558 :SLES-12558 #Infinite HP 80073BA0 03E7 #Max Hp 80073BA2 03E7 #Infinite MP 80073BA4 03E7 #Max Mp 80073BA6 03E7 #Infinite BP 80073B94 FFFF #Max Bp 90073B94 0098967F #Max Exp 90073B90 0098967F #All Key Items 90072714 FFFFFFFF 90072718 0001FFFF #All Key Items 50000302 0000 80072714 FFFF 8007271A 0001 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Pyrokinesis 300729B8 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Combustion 300729B9 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Inferno 300729BA 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Necrosis 300729BB 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Plasma 300729BC 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Apobiosis 300729BD 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Metabolism 300729BE 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Healing 300729BF 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Lifedrain 300729C0 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Antibody 300729C1 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Energyshot 300729C2 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Energyball 300729C3 0003 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Max Parasite Energy Levels 50000602 0000 800729B8 0303 #Max Parasite Energy Level Codes\Max Item Slots 30072725 0084 #Max Items All Slots 50008404 0000 80072316 03E7 ; [ Parasite Eve II (France) {SLES-02559 | SLES-12559} ] ; [ Parasite Eve II (Germany) {SLES-02560 | SLES-12560} ] :SLES-02560 :SLES-12560 #Max Hp 30074E5A 00FF #Unendlich Hp 30074E58 00FF #Max Mp 30074E5E 00FF #Unendlich Mp 30074E5C 00FF #Zeit Nimmt Zu (Schiessstand) D01850BC FFFF 801850BC 0001 #Unendlich Munition %NOTE D00B738C 0001 300B738C 0000 #Munition Nimmt Zu D00B738C 0001 800B7384 0001 #Hp & Mp Nehmen Nicht Ab 3010AEB4 0000 #Viel Bp 80074E4C 8760 30074E4E 0003 #Bp Nimmt Nicht Ab 301802D4 0000 #Viel Exp 80074E48 8760 30074E4A 0003 #Exp Nimmt Nicht Ab 300D3B00 0000 #Max Pe-Level\Feuer 50000301 0000 30073C70 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Wind 50000301 0000 30073C73 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Wasser 50000301 0000 30073C76 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Erde 50000301 0000 30073C79 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Alle Pes 50000C01 0000 30073C70 0003 #Max Hp 30074E5A 00FF #Unendlich Hp 30074E58 00FF #Max Mp 30074E5E 00FF #Unendlich Mp 30074E5C 00FF #Zeit Nimmt Zu (Schiessstand) D01850BC FFFF 801850BC 0001 #Unendlich Munition %NOTE D00B738C 0001 300B738C 0000 #Munition Nimmt Zu D00B738C 0001 800B7384 0001 #Hp & Mp Nehmen Nicht Ab 3010AEB4 0000 #Viel Bp 80074E4C 8760 30074E4E 0003 #Bp Nimmt Nicht Ab 301802D4 0000 #Viel Exp 80074E48 8760 30074E4A 0003 #Exp Nimmt Nicht Ab 300D3B00 0000 #Max Pe-Level\Feuer 50000301 0000 30073C70 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Wind 50000301 0000 30073C73 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Wasser 50000301 0000 30073C76 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Erde 50000301 0000 30073C79 0003 #Max Pe-Level\Alle Pes 50000C01 0000 30073C70 0003 ; [ Parasite Eve II (Italy) {SLES-02562 | SLES-12562} ] :SLES-02562 :SLES-12562 #Infinite & Max HP 90074E60 00FF00FF #Infinite & Max MP 90074E64 00FF00FF #Infinite BP 90074E54 000F423F #Infinite Ammo 5.56 30073A69 0063 #Infinite Ammo 9mm P.B. 300739F9 0063 #Infinite Ammo Buckshot 30073A51 0063 #Have all PE skills at level 3 50000602 0000 80073C78 0303 ; [ Parasite Eve II (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45467 | SCPS-45468} ] ; [ Parasite Eve II (Spain) {SLES-02561 | SLES-12561} ] :SLES-02561 :SLES-12561 #Infinite HP 80074F70 270F #Infinite MP 80074EF4 0064 #Infinite 9mm Ammo CD1 80073BE9 0063 #Infinite Granadas Ammo 80073B51 0063 #Infinite 5'56 mm Rifle Ammo CD1 80073B79 0063 #Infinite 9mm Hydra Ammo CD1 80073B09 0063 #Infinite 5'56 mm Rifle Ammo CD2 80073BA1 0063 #Infinite 9mm Hydra Ammo CD2 80073B11 0063 #Exp 80074EE0 1770 #Bp 80074F64 FFFF ; [ Parasite Eve: Special CD-ROM (Japan) (Bundled with Magazine) {SLP-80300} ] ; [ Paris-Marseille Racing (France) {SLES-03108} ] :SLES-03108 #Have 99999 money 900D5C20 0001869F ; [ Paris-Marseille Racing II (France) {SLES-03918} ] :SLES-03918 #Have 99999 money 900831CC 0001869F ; [ Parlor Station (Japan) (Reprint) {SLPS-02732} ] ; [ Parlor Station (Japan) {SLPS-01539} ] :SLPS-01539 #Have lots of money 901D9738 000F423F ; [ Parlor! Pro (Japan) {SLPS-00838} ] :SLPS-00838 #Always four pending ball CR Daikunogensan 8007A8F0 0004 #Always a big hit CR Daikunogensan 80048AAE 1400 #Always four pending ball CR Gingira Paradise 800802A8 0004   #Always a big hit CR Gingira Paradise 8002CB52 1400 ; [ Parlor! Pro 2 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01043} ] :SLPS-01043 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 9004BB54 000F423F #Infinite HP in story mode 8004BA5E 0064 ; [ Parlor! Pro 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01043} ] :SLPS-01043 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 9004BB54 000F423F #Infinite HP in story mode 8004BA5E 0064 ; [ Parlor! Pro 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01453} ] :SLPS-01453 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 900534E0 000F423F #Have always 999 steps in story mode 900534A0 03E703E7 #Have always 999 hearts in story mode 900534A4 03E703E7 ; [ Parlor! Pro 4 (Japan) {SLPS-01646} ] :SLPS-01646 #Have 999999 money in the story mode (Always win) 90083EE8 000F423F ; [ Parlor! Pro 5 (Japan) {SLPS-01828} ] :SLPS-01828 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 90082514 000F423F ; [ Parlor! Pro 6 (Japan) {SLPS-01859} ] :SLPS-01859 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 901D923C 000F423F #Infinite Energy in story mode 801933A9 0100 #Infinite Bombs in story mode 801933C8 0005 ; [ Parlor! Pro 7 (Japan) {SLPS-01971} ] :SLPS-01971 #Have 999999 money in the story mode 9004BCE4 000F423F ; [ Parlor! Pro 8 (Japan) {SLPS-02483} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Collection (Japan) {SLPS-02949} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 1: CR Dera Maitta J-3 (Japan) {SLPS-02092} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 2: CR Lupin Sansei K (Japan) {SLPS-02357} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 3: CR Shin Pikaichi Tengoku T (Japan) {SLPS-02426} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 4: Thunder Skeleton X (Japan) {SLPS-02519} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 5: CR Fruit World X (Japan) {SLPS-02562} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 6: CR Tsumo Tsumo Tengoku Nan 2-kyoku (Japan) {SLPS-02690} ] ; [ Parlor! Pro Special: CR Harenchi Gakuen & CR Toukon (Japan) {SLPS-02996} ] ; [ Paro Wars (Japan) {SLP-86016} ] ; [ Parodius (Europe) {SLES-00036} ] :SLES-00036 #Parodius\P1 Infinite Lives 800FBC46 0002 #Parodius\P2 Infinite Lives 800FBC48 0002 #Fantastic Journey\P1 Infinite Lives 8016C348 0002 #Fantastic Journey\P2 Infinite Lives 8016C374 0002 #Fantastic Journey\Infinite Credits 80190F22 0004 #Fantastic Journey\P1 Invincibility 8017031C 00FF #Fantastic Journey\P2 Invincibility 8017242C 00FF ; [ Pastel Muses (Japan) Demo {SLP-80131} ] ; [ Pastel Muses (Japan) {SLPS-00959} ] ; [ Patlabor: The Game: Taikenban Ver. 1.0 (Japan) Demo {SLPS-01804} ] :SLPS-01804 #Katsumi Infinite HP In Battle 801EBA9C 00B4 801BF5E0 00B4 #Kiddy Infinite HP In Battle 801EBBF4 00C8 801BF738 00C8 #Nami Infinite HP In Battle 801EBD4C 0096 801BF890 0096 ; [ Patriotic Pinball (Europe) {SLES-04092} ] ; [ Pax Corpus (Europe) {SLES-00953} ] :SLES-00953 #Infinite Energy-Capsules 80123F1C 0001 8012440C 0001 #Infinite Plasma 8012397E 0005 #Infinite Rockets 80123AE6 0005 #Infinite Mega Blast 80123DB6 0001 #Infinite Health 800AD13A 0000 #No Blue Energy (Radiation) 800AD146 0000 #Have all keys 30123F1C 0001 30124628 0001 #Have Clones 301238C0 0001 #Invulnerable 800AD1FE 0100 #Select Level\Hangar Press X at Password-Screen D00AD70E 0000 300AD70E 0004 #Select Level\Jail Press X at Password-Screen D00AD70E 0000 300AD70E 0001 #Select Level\Laboratory Press X at Password-Screen D00AD70E 0000 300AD70E 0003 #Select Level\Temple Press X at Password-Screen D00AD70E 0000 300AD70E 0002 ; [ Peak Performance (Europe) {SLES-00727} ] :SLES-00727 #Always Be 1st 8009D5C8 0000 ; [ Pebble Beach no Hatou Plus (Japan) {SLPS-00632} ] ; [ Penny Racers (Europe) {SCES-00391} ] :SCES-00391 #Infinite Money 801EC5BC FFFF ; [ Pequeños Guerreros (Spain) {SLES-01583} ] :SLES-01583 #Infinite Energy Level 1 800E09B2 0064 #Infinite Energy Level 2 800F6E92 0064 ; [ Perfect Assassin (Europe) {SLES-00805} ] :SLES-00805 #Infinite Speed ammo 800695C4 0063 ; [ Perfect Fishing: Bass Tsuri (Japan) {SLPS-02409} ] ; [ Perfect Golf 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01394} ] ; [ Perfect Performer: The Yellow Monkey (Japan) {SLPS-02135} ] ; [ Perfect Weapon (Europe) {SLES-00581} ] ; [ Perfect Weapon (France) {SLES-00685} ] ; [ Perfect Weapon (Germany) {SLES-00686} ] ; [ Persona 2: Batsu: Eternal Punishment (Japan) (Deluxe Pack) {SLPS-02785 | SLPS-02786} ] :SLPS-02785 :SLPS-02786 #Money 99999999 90081C88 05F5E0FF #Infinite HP in combat 900BCDE0 08002800 9000A000 00401021 9000A004 0C02F379 #All items in possession D00A273A 0C01 800A2734 0063 D00A273A 0C01 800A2736 2406 #All cards MAX 50008702 0000 80081EC4 03E7 #LV99 When you battle once D00DAACA 1440 800DAACA 1040 #Rank up to use once Persona D00B95AE 2463 800B95AC 00FF #Tarot all 50001602 0000 80081EC6 03E7 #Materials all 50002002 0000 80081EF4 03E7 #Magic all 50004902 0000 80081F36 03E7 #In'nosensu all 50000502 0000 80081FC8 03E7 #Accessories? All 50003701 0000 30081D0F 0063 #Armor all 50001B01 0000 30081E6A 0063 #Hat all 50001301 0000 30081E3D 0063 #All weapons 50000E01 0000 30081E15 0063 #Boots all 50001301 0000 30081E97 0063 #Map fully open effect appears by looking at the map D00AF000 5F98 800AF018 00FF D00AF000 5F98 800AF01A 2403 D00AF000 5F98 800AF026 A083 #EXTRA DUNGEON appearance , use the Code, make a save. When launching the game with the saved data, the option "EXTRA DUNGEON" appears in the title menu. 30082135 000F #EXTRA DUNGEON clear benefits all 30082163 00FB 30082164 00FF ; [ Persona 2: Batsu: Eternal Punishment (Japan) {SLP-86967 | SLPS-02826} ] ; [ Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (Bonus Disc) (USA) {SLUS-01339} ] ; [ Persona 2: Tsumi: Innocent Sin (Japan) Demo {SLPS-01923} ] :SLPS-01923 #Infinite Money 901E2F80 000F423F #Infinite Magnetic 901E2F84 000F423F #Max Magnetic After Battle 80106AB4 FFFF #Max Level After Battle 80106AA8 270F 80106AA0 270F 80106AA4 270F #Infinite Level up Point 8009119E 0602 #Main character EXE 801E409E 0098 801E40A0 967F #Main character HP 801E40A4 03E7 801E40A8 03E7 #Main character MP 801E40AC 03E7 801E40B0 03E7 #Female character EXP 801E404E 0098 801E4050 967F #Female character HP 801E4054 03E7 801E4058 03E7 #Female character MP 801E405C 03E7 801E4060 03E7 #All items possession Please select a ITEM-USE. D0084AE8 2E00 80084AEA 2402 D0084AE8 2E00 80084AF0 2E00 D0084AE8 2E00 80084AF2 A082 D0084AE8 2E00 80084AE8 00FF #Debug Menu 301E3000 0001 ; [ Persona 2: Tsumi: Innocent Sin (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-91211} ] ; [ Persona 2: Tsumi: Innocent Sin (Japan) {SLPS-02100} ] :SLPS-02100 #Character 1 in battle 999 HP 801492B2 03E7 #Character 1 in battle 999 SP 801492B8 03E7 #Character 2 in battle 999 HP 80149362 03E7 #Character 2 in battle 999 SP 80149368 03E7 #Character 3 in battle 999 HP 80149412 03E7 #Character 3 in battle 999 SP 80149418 03E7 #Character 4 in battle 999 HP 801494C2 03E7 #Character 4 in battle 999 SP 801494C8 03E7 #Character 5 in battle 999 HP 80149572 03E7 #Character 5 in battle 999 SP 80149578 03E7 #Max money 9007F428 05F5E0FF #999 all Tarot cards, except fool. 50001502 0000 8007F7B6 03E7 8007F7E2 03E7 #All material/incense/spell cards 50006B02 0000 3007F7E2 0063 #Analyze all persona 50000902 0000 8007F9D0 FFFF 3007F9E2 00FF #Analyze devil all 30080949 00FF 50003E02 0000 8008094A FFFF 300809D6 00FF #HP all recovery When you open the menu screen D009DF68 39B8 8009DF6A 39BA #SP full recovery When you open the menu screen D009DFBC 39BC 8009DFBC 39BE #Level 99 in combat once D00D248E 1440 800D248E 1040 #Analyze all persona (NON PAR 2) 9007F9D0 FFFFFFFF 9007F9D4 FFFFFFFF 9007F9D8 FFFFFFFF 9007F9DC FFFFFFFF 8007F9E0 FFFF 3007F9E2 00FF #Analyze devil all (Non Pae 2) 30080949 00FF 8008094A FFFF 9008094C FFFFFFFF 90080950 FFFFFFFF 90080954 FFFFFFFF 90080958 FFFFFFFF 9008095C FFFFFFFF 90080960 FFFFFFFF 90080964 FFFFFFFF 90080968 FFFFFFFF 9008096C FFFFFFFF 90080970 FFFFFFFF 90080974 FFFFFFFF 90080978 FFFFFFFF 9008097C FFFFFFFF 90080980 FFFFFFFF 90080984 FFFFFFFF 90080988 FFFFFFFF 9008098C FFFFFFFF 90080990 FFFFFFFF 90080994 FFFFFFFF 90080998 FFFFFFFF 9008099C FFFFFFFF 900809A0 FFFFFFFF 900809A4 FFFFFFFF 900809A8 FFFFFFFF 900809AC FFFFFFFF 900809B0 FFFFFFFF 900809B4 FFFFFFFF 900809B8 FFFFFFFF 900809BC FFFFFFFF 900809C0 FFFFFFFF 900809C4 FFFFFFFF 900809C8 FFFFFFFF 900809CC FFFFFFFF 900809D0 FFFFFFFF 800809D4 FFFF 300809D6 00FF #No Random Battles (SELECT + R2 button not appear and SELECT + L2 button appear enemies) D007B2B8 0101 8001765C 003A D007B2B8 0201 8001765C 0001 #Debug DEBUG, DBG magic added to the battle menu You can not see the menu Magic DBG is disabled D0102900 0004 80102900 0006 ; [ Pesni iz Kino aka Песни из кино (Russia) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Pet Pet Pet (Japan) (Magical 1500) {SLPS-03082} ] ; [ Pet in TV (Europe) {SCES-00981} ] ; [ Pet in TV (Germany) {SCES-01358} ] ; [ Pet in TV: Ton Nouveau Meilleur Ami! (France) {SCES-01357} ] ; [ Pet in TV: With My Dear Dog (Japan) {SCPS-10111} ] :SCPS-10111 #Have 9999999 money 901A384C 0098967F ; [ Phat Air: Extreme Snowboarding (Europe) {SLES-01178} ] :SLES-01178 #Stopwatch 00:00:00 / Always First 800470D2 AC80 #Start with 50.000 points / Always first D0114370 0000 80114370 C350 ; [ Philosoma (Europe) {SCES-00059} ] :SCES-00059 #Infinite Shield 800F0EB0 0004 #Invincibility Use only one of these codes at a time. D00F890E 0000 800F890E 0001 #Invisible Use only one of these codes at a time. D00F890E 0000 800F890E 0002 #Select Level\PHASE 1, Section 1 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0000 #Select Level\PHASE 1, Section 2 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0001 #Select Level\PHASE 1, Section 3 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0002 #Select Level\PHASE 1, Section 4 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0003 #Select Level\PHASE 1, Section 5 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0004 #Select Level\PHASE 2, Section 1 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0005 #Select Level\PHASE 2, Section 2 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0006 #Select Level\PHASE 2, Section 3 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0007 #Select Level\PHASE 2, Section 4 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0008 #Select Level\PHASE 2, Section 5 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0009 #Select Level\PHASE 3, Section 1 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000A #Select Level\PHASE 3, Section 2 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000B #Select Level\PHASE 3, Section 3 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000C #Select Level\PHASE 4, Section 1 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000D #Select Level\PHASE 4, Section 2 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000E #Select Level\PHASE 4, Section 3 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 000F #Select Level\PHASE 4, Section 4 D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0010 #Select Level\PHASE 4, Final Section D00F0D5C 0000 800F0D5C 0011 #Start With High-Score D00F0B68 0000 800F0B68 86A0 D00F0B68 0000 800F0B6A 0001 #Infinite Stregas D00F0B78 0002 800F0B78 000A #Infinite Credits D00F0C20 0002 800F0C20 0009 #Infinite Lancer-Missiles Press L2 D00F0B78 0001 800F0F74 0001 #Infinite Woodpecker-Missiles Press L1 D00F0B78 0004 800F0F74 0002 #Vulcan At Level 3 D00F0BFC 0000 800F0BFC 0002 #Laser At Level 3 D00F0BFC 0000 800F0BFE 0002 #A-Break At Level 3 D00F0C00 0000 800F0C00 0002 #Ray-B At Level 3 D00F0C02 0000 800F0C02 0002 #Infinite Burster-Grenades D00F0EAC 0002 800F0EAC 000A ; [ Philosoma (Japan) {SCPS-10009} ] :SCPS-10009 #Infinite Shields 800FAB18 0002 #Max. Vulcan Weapon Power 800F12A0 0002 #Max. Laser Weapon Power 800F12A2 0002 #Max. A-Break Weapon Power 800F12A4 0002 #Max. Ray-B Weapon Power 800F12A6 0002 #Infinite BgrïS 800FAB10 0005 #Infinite Ships 800F0F20 00FF #Invincibility 800F58BE 0003 ; [ Philosoma Art Book Movie CD-ROM (Japan) Demo {SCPM-85002} ] ; [ Philosoma Ver. 0: Movie CD-ROM (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PCPX-96012} ] ; [ Photo Genic (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-01092} ] :SLPS-01092 #Infinite TP 8009CCFE 03E7 9009CCF8 03E703E7 #Infinite Money 8009CCF2 03E7 8009CD5E 03E7 #Max Sensitive Ability 8009CD60 03E7 #Max Photo Ability 8009CD68 03E7 ; [ Photo Genic (Japan) {SLPS-01116} ] :SLPS-01116 #Infinite TP 8009CCFE 03E7 9009CCF8 03E703E7 #Infinite Money 8009CCF2 03E7 8009CD5E 03E7 #Max Sensitive Ability 8009CD60 03E7 #Max Photo Ability 8009CD68 03E7 ; [ Pi to Mail (Japan) {SLPS-01866} ] ; [ Pikupiku Sentaro: Puzzle de Gohan! (Japan) {SLPS-01847} ] ; [ Pilot ni Narou! (Japan) Demo {SLP-80293} ] ; [ Pilot ni Narou! (Japan) {SLPS-01600} ] :SLPS-01600 #9999999 pocket# 901A8A68 0098967F #Part-time job 1 300C48D0 0000 #Part-time job 2 300C48D0 0001 #Part-time job 3 300C48D0 0002 #Part-time job 4 300C48D0 0003 #Part-time job 5 300C48D0 0004 #Part-time job 6 300C48D0 0005 #Part-time job 7 300C48D0 0006 #Part-time job 8 300C48D0 0007 #Part-time job 9 300C48D0 0008 #Part-time job 10 300C48D0 0009 #Part-time job 11 300C48D0 000A #Part-time job 12 300C48D0 000B #Part-time job 13 300C48D0 000C #Part-time job 14 300C48D0 000D #Part-time job 15 300C48D0 000E #Part-time job 16 300C48D0 000F #Select aircraft ULTRA LIGHT PLANE 300C4738 0000 #Select aircraft CESSNA C172RG 300C4738 0001 #Select aircraft EMB312 TUCANO 300C4738 0002 #Select aircraft F4U4 CORSAIR 300C4738 0003 #Select aircraft A1H SKYRAIDER 300C4738 0004 #Select aircraft J2M3 RAIDEN 300C4738 0005 #Select aircraft MOSQUITO FB.MK6 300C4738 0006 #Select aircraft XF2R-1 DARK SHARK 300C4738 0007 #Select aircraft CESSNA T37 TWEET 300C4738 0008 #Select aircraft KAWASAKI T4 300C4738 0009 #Select aircraft F16B FIGHTING FALCON 300C4738 000A #Select aircraft A-10 THUNDERBOLT II 300C4738 000B #Select aircraft F/A18 HORNET 300C4738 000C #Select aircraft MIG-29 FULCRUM 300C4738 000D #Select aircraft EFA EUROFIGHTER2000 300C4738 000E #Select aircraft SPITFIRE MK5 300C4738 000F #Select aircraft MESSERSCHM ITT BF109E 300C4738 0010 #Select aircraft OV-10A BRONCO 300C4738 0011 #Select aircraft F5E TIGER II 300C4738 0012 #Select aircraft F4E PHANTOM 300C4738 0013 #Select aircraft JAS39 GRIPEN 300C4738 0014 #Select aircraft SU-35 FLANKER 300C4738 0015 #Select aircraft C130 HERCULES 300C4738 0016 #Select aircraft AN72 COALER 300C4738 0017 #Select aircraft B17 300C4738 0018 #Select aircraft E4B 300C4738 0019 #Select aircraft C130 HERCULES 300C4738 001A #Select aircraft E4B? 300C4738 001B #Select aircraft SUPER SHIMADA 3C 300C4738 001C #Reciprocating supplemental training 1-1 100 points 301A8A76 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 1-2 100 points 301A8A77 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 1-3 100 points 301A8A78 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 1-4 100 points 301A8A79 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 1-5 100 points 301A8A7A 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 2-1 100 points 301A8A7C 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 2-2 100 points 301A8A7D 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 2-3 100 points 301A8A7E 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 2-4 100 points 301A8A7F 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 3-1 100 points 301A8A82 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 3-2 100 points 301A8A83 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 3-3 100 points 301A8A84 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 3-4 100 points 301A8A85 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 4-1 100 points 301A8A88 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 4-2 100 points 301A8A89 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 4-3 100 points 301A8A8A 0064 #Reciprocating supplemental training 4-4 100 points 301A8A8B 0064 #JeT Training 1-1 100 points 301A8A8E 0064 #JeT Training 1-2 100 points 301A8A8F 0064 #JeT Training 1-3 100 points 301A8A90 0064 #JeT Training 1-4 100 points 301A8A91 0064 #JeT Training 1-5 100 points 301A8A92 0064 #JeT Training 2-1 100 points 301A8A94 0064 #JeT Training 2-2 100 points 301A8A95 0064 #JeT Training 2-3 100 points 301A8A96 0064 #JeT Training 2-4 100 points 301A8A97 0064 #JeT Training 3-1 100 points 301A8A9A 0064 #JeT Training 3-2 100 points 301A8A9B 0064 #JeT Training 3-3 100 points 301A8A9C 0064 #JeT Training 3-4100 points 301A8A9D 0064 #JeT Training 4-1 100 points 301A8AA0 0064 #JeT Training 4-2 100 points 301A8AA1 0064 #JeT Training 4-3 100 points 301A8AA2 0064 #JeT Training 4-4 100 points 301A8AA3 0064 ; [ Pinball Power (Europe) {SLES-02922} ] ; [ Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit (Europe) {SLES-03932} ] :SLES-03932 #65535 Coins 80070B76 FFFF #99 Keys 30070B7B 0063 #Infinite Health 30070B7E 0008 ; [ Pinobee (Europe) {SLES-04014} ] :SLES-04014 #Infinite Health 801E7E67 4000 ; [ Pinobee no Daibouken (Japan) (Hudson the Best) {SLP-87110} ] ; [ Pinocchia no Miru Yume (Japan) {SLPS-01587} ] :SLPS-01587 #Events Gallery Fully Open 301C1CD0 00FF 301C1CD1 00FF 301C1CD2 00FF 301C1CD3 00FF 301C1CD4 00FF 301C1CD5 00FF 301C1CD6 00FF 301C1CD7 00FF 301C1CD8 00FF 301C1CD9 00FF 301C1CDA 00FF 301C1CDB 00FF 301C1CDC 00FF #Ending gallery Fully OPen 301C1CE1 00FF 301C1CE2 00FF 301C1CEF 00FF #All Stats Max 901C1D00 03E703E7 901C1D04 03E703E7 901C1D08 03E703E7 901C1D0C 03E703E7 901C1D10 03E703E7 901C1D14 03E703E7 #All Stats Now Max 901C1D54 03E703E7 901C1D58 03E703E7 901C1D5C 03E703E7 901C1D60 03E703E7 901C1D64 03E703E7 901C1D68 03E703E7 #Mini-game fire / physical fitness 30181A82 0003 #mini-game fire /Jump always 30181A84 0001 #mini-game fire / It does not hit fire 30181A86 0001 #Mini-game fire / time limit 90s 3018224C 0009 #Mini-game Harvest Festival / Invincibility 30181B8E 0001 30181B92 0040 #Sex of the hero Man 301C1D1A 0000 #Sex of the hero Women 301C1D1A 0001 #Infinite Money 801C1D20 270F #Date Ending 801C1D22 0166 ; [ Pipe Mania 3D (Europe) {SLES-03400} ] :SLES-03400 #Infinite Lives 8010BB0C 0009 ; [ Pitball (Europe) {SLES-00201} ] :SLES-00201 #Team 1 Score 9 800980CC 0009 #Team 1 Score 0 800980CC 0000 #Team 2 Score 9 800980D0 0009 #Team 2 Score 0 800980D0 0000 ; [ Pitball (Japan) {SLPS-00607} ] ; [ Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle (Europe) {SLES-00481} ] ; [ Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle (France) Demo {SLED-01243} ] ; [ Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle (France) {SLES-00836} ] ; [ Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle (Germany) {SLES-00837} ] :SLES-00837 #Level 1 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007B258 00FF #Level 1 Codes Unendlich Leben 80021D58 0000 #Level 1 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007B31C 00FF #Level 2 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007D740 00FF #Level 2 Codes Unendlich Leben 8002351C 0000 #Level 2 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007D7C0 00FF #Level 2 Codes Unendlich Bomben 800DD8EC 0009 #Level 3 Codes Unendlich Leben 800259D4 0000 #Level 3 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007FE98 00FF #Level 3 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007FF24 00FF #Level 3 CodesUnendlich "Schild" 800DD4BC 0009 #Level 4 Codes Unendlich Leben 800270F0 0000 #Level 4 Codes Unendlich Energie 80081794 00FF #Level 4 Codes 255 Kristalle 800816D8 00FF #Level 4 Codes Unendlich Bomben 800F1AB8 0009 #Level 5 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007F42C 00FF #Level 5 Codes Unendlich Leben 80024C4C 0000 #Level 5 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007F4DC 00FF #Level 5 Codes Unendlich Schild 800DBE24 0009 #Level 6 Codes Unendlich Energie 80080514 00FF #Level 6 Codes Unendlich Leben 800266C0 0000 #Level 6 Codes 255 Kristalle 800805CC 00FF #Level 6 Codes Unendlich Schild 800DC7FC 0009 #Level 7 Codes Unendlich Energie 80085030 00FF #Level 7 Codes Unendlich Leben 80026B14 0000 #Level 7 Codes 255 Kristalle 800850E8 00FF #Level 8 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007E640 00FF #Level 8 Codes Unendlich Leben 800255A0 0000 #Level 8 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007E700 00FF #Level 9 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007EF84 00FF #Level 9 Codes Unendlich Leben 80022450 0000 #Level 9 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007F03C 00FF #Level 10 Codes Unendlich Energie 8007A5A4 00FF #Level 10 Codes Unendlich Leben 80024CC8 0000 #Level 10 Codes 255 Kristalle 8007A664 00FF #Level 11 Codes Unendlich Energie 80077FBC 00FF #Level 11 Codes Unendlich Leben 80021E40 0000 #Level 11 Codes 255 Kristalle 80078078 00FF #Boss 1 Codes Unendlich Energie 80059C18 0040 #Boss 1 Codes Unendlich Leben 800290C8 0000 #Boss 2 Codes Unendlich Energie 8005ABC8 0040 #Boss 2 Codes Unendlich Leben 8001CDC4 0000 #Boss 3 Codes Unendlich Energie 8005CBD4 0040 #Boss 3 Codes Unendlich Leben 8001CD94 0000 #Atari 2600 Pitfall Codes Unendlich Health 80036330 07D0 #Atari 2600 Pitfall Codes Unendlich Leben 8003632C 0002 #Atari 2600 Pitfall Codes Unendlich Time 80036338 00FF ; [ Pixygarden (Game Disc) (Japan) {SLPS-02290 | SLPS-02291} ] ; [ Pizza Hut Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-02520} ] ; [ Pizza Hut Demo 01 (France) {SCED-02833} ] ; [ Pizza Hut Demo 02 (Europe) {SCED-02521} ] ; [ Pizza Hut Disc 2 (USA) {SCUS-94481} ] ; [ Planet Dob (Japan) Demo {SLP-80442} ] ; [ Planet Laika (Japan) {SLP-86264} ] ; [ Planet PSX Volume 1 aka Planet PSX Cheats Volume 1 (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Planet PSX Volume 2 aka Planet PSX Cheats Volume 2 (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Planet PSX Volume 3 aka Planet PSX Cheats Volume 3 (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Planet of the Apes (Europe) {SLES-03844} ] :SLES-03844 #Infinite Health Level 1 801E5FF4 0100 #Infinite Health Level 2 801E602C 0100 #Infinite Health Level 3 801E607C 0100 #Infinite Medikits 801E74B8 0009 #Level Modifier Mediacal Center Part 2 801F6A4C 0006 #Level Modifier Mediacal Center Part 3 801F6A4C 0007 #Level Modifier Mediacal Center Part End Sequence 801F6A4C 0008 #Level Modifier Monastery Part 1 801F6A4C 0009 #Level Modifier Monastery Part 2 801F6A4C 000A #Level Modifier Monastery Part 3 801F6A4C 000B #Level Modifier Monastery Part 4 801F6A4C 000C #Level Modifier Monastery End Sequence 801F6A4C 000D #Level Modifier Mines Part 1 801F6A4C 000E #Level Modifier Mines Part 2 801F6A4C 000F #Level Modifier Mines Part 3 801F6A4C 0010 #Level Modifier Mines End Sequence 801F6A4C 0011 #Level Modifier Entering Ruined City 801F6A4C 0012 #Level Modifier Ruined City 2 801F6A4C 0013 #Level Modifier Ruined City 3 801F6A4C 0014 #Level Modifier Ruined City End Seququenxe 801F6A4C 0015 #Level Modifier Human Village Part 1 801F6A4C 0016 #Level Modifier Human Village Part 2 801F6A4C 0017 #Level Modifier Human Village Part 3 801F6A4C 0018 #Level Modifier The Canyo Sequence 801F6A4C 0019 #Level Modifier Human Village End Sequence 801F6A4C 001A #Level Modifier University Part 1 801F6A4C 001B #Level Modifier University Part 2 801F6A4C 001C #Level Modifier Meeting Mathias 1 Sequence 801F6A4C 001D #Level Modifier Entering Prison Sequence 801F6A4C 001E #Level Modifier Prison 4 801F6A4C 001F #Level Modifier Prison End Sequence 801F6A4C 0020 #Level Modifier Military Base 801F6A4C 0021 #Level Modifier Meeting Mathias 2 Sequence 801F6A4C 0022 #Level Modifier Factory Underground 801F6A4C 0023 #Level Modifier Factory Underground End Cutscene 801F6A4C 0024 #Level Modifier Archives Part 1 801F6A4C 0025 #Level Modifier Archives Part 2 801F6A4C 0026 #Level Modifier Archives Part 3 801F6A4C 0027 #Level Modifier Archives End Sequence 801F6A4C 0028 #Level Modifier Meeting Mathias 3 Sequence 801F6A4C 0029 #Level Modifier The Statue 801F6A4C 002A #Level Modifier The Statue Sequence 2 801F6A4C 002B #Level Modifier The Statue or Pentagon 1 801F6A4C 002C #Level Modifier Pentagon Part 2 801F6A4C 002D #Level Modifier Pentagon Part 3 801F6A4C 002E #Level Modifier The Encounter Sequence 801F6A4C 002F #Level Modifier Monastery 5 Sequence 801F6A4C 0030 #Level Modifier Ape Palace Sequence 801F6A4C 0031 #Level Modifier Ape Palace 801F6A4C 0032 #Level Modifier Ape Palace End Sequence 801F6A4C 0033 ; [ Play Fun 01/00 (Germany) {SLED-02519} ] ; [ Play Fun 02/00 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 2/00 (Germany) {SLED-02309} ] ; [ Play Fun 04/00 (Germany) {SLED-02594} ] ; [ Play Fun 06/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 6/99 (Germany) {SLED-02065} ] ; [ Play Fun 07/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 7/99 (Germany) {SLED-02110} ] ; [ Play Fun 09/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 9/99 (Germany) {SLED-02188} ] ; [ Play Fun 10/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 10/99 (Germany) {SLED-02291} ] ; [ Play Fun 11/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 11/99 (Germany) {SLED-02311} ] ; [ Play Fun 12/99 aka Playstation: Das Fun-Magazin 12/99 (Germany) {SLED-02414} ] ; [ Play Fun 3/00 (Germany) {SLED-02593} ] ; [ Play Fun 8/99 (Germany) {SLED-02155} ] ; [ Play It (Europe) {SLES-00221} ] ; [ Play Power 4 (Spain) Demo {SLED-02097} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 18 (Germany) {SLED-02721} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 19 (Germany) {SLED-02832} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 20 (Germany) {SLED-02880} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 21 (Germany) {SLED-02987} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 22 (Germany) {SLED-03049} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 23 (Germany) {SLED-03106} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 24 (Germany) {SLED-03165} ] ; [ Play Zone Vol. 25 (Germany) {SLED-03255} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Chuugaku Eitango Deruderu 1200 (Japan) (Shotenban) {SLP-89004} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Chuugaku Eitango Deruderu 1200 (Japan) {SLPS-02543} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Eijukugo Deruderu 750 (Japan) (Shotenban) {SLP-89008} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Eijukugo Deruderu 750 (Japan) {SLPS-02907} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Eitango Deruderu 1700: Center Shiken Level Taiou (Japan) (Rerelease) {SLPS-02544} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Eitango Deruderu 1700: Center Shiken Level Taiou (Japan) (Shotenban) {SLP-89002} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Eitango Deruderu 1700: Center Shiken Level Taiou (Japan) {SLP-89001} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series 6: Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100 (Japan) (Shotenban) {SLP-89009} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series 6: Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-03099} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series 6: Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100 (Japan) {SLPS-03099} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series 7: Play de Oboeru TOEIC Test: Goku Deruderu 1700 (Japan) {SLPS-03168} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series: Nihonshi Keyword Deruderu 1800 (Japan) (Reprint) {SLPS-02697} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series: Nihonshi Keyword Deruderu 1800 (Japan) (Shotenban) {SLP-89006} ] ; [ Play de Oboeru Series: Sekaishi Keyword Deruderu 1800 (Japan) {SLPS-02696} ] :SLPS-02696 #P1 999 points 800EE9D8 03E7 #Computer has 0 points 800EE9F8 0000 ; [ Play with the Teletubbies (Europe) {SLES-02374} ] ; [ Play! '98 Fuyu Taikenban (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90061} ] ; [ Play! '98 Fuyu Taikenban (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90062} ] ; [ PlayStadium (Japan) {SLPS-00239} ] ; [ PlayStadium 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00807} ] ; [ PlayStadium 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01369} ] :SLPS-01369 #Max Money For Created Items 801CA2CE FFFF ; [ PlayStadium 4: Fumetsu no Dai League Ball (Japan) {SLPS-02121} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: 2999-nen no Game Kids (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90057} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: 2999-nen no Game Kids (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90076} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: 2999-nen no Game Kids (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96135} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: 2999-nen no Game Kids (Japan) {SCPS-19004} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Buzzer Beater: Kouhen (Japan) {SCPS-19007} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Buzzer Beater: Zenpen (Japan) {SCPS-19006} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Carol the DarkAngel (Japan) {SCPS-19003} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Space Adventure Cobra: Galaxy Nights (Japan) {SCPS-19005} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Space Adventure Cobra: The Psychogun Vol. 1 (Japan) {SCPS-19001} ] ; [ PlayStation Comic: Space Adventure Cobra: The Psychogun Vol. 2 (Japan) {SCPS-19002} ] ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc Ver. 1.15 (USA) {SCUS-94619} ] ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc Winter 1999: Shock Your System! (USA) {SCUS-94497} ] ; [ PlayStation Demo Disc: Spring 2000 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94594} ] ; [ PlayStation Kids (Europe) {SCED-01229} ] ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc 2004-2005 (USA) {SCUS-94705} ] ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc Version 1.19 (USA) {SCUS-94675} ] ; [ PlayStation Kiosk Demo Disc Version 1.20 (USA) {SCUS-94678} ] ; [ PlayStation Official Catalog CD-ROM (Japan) {PCPX-96095} ] ; [ PlayStation Planet: Hackerz CD (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ PlayStation Power (Spain) (Activision) {SLED-02040} ] ; [ PlayStation Power (Spain) (GT Interactive) {SLED-01933} ] ; [ PlayStation Power (Spain) (Virgin Interactive) {SLED-01989} ] ; [ PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 2.6 (Japan) {DTL-S2170} ] ; [ PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 3.0 (Japan) {DTL-S2180} ] ; [ PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 3.3 (Japan) {DTL-S2190} ] ; [ PlayStation Sampler (Europe) {SCED-01049} ] ; [ PlayStation Speziale Italia (Italy) Demo {SCED-03103} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 1 (Germany) {SLED-01633} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 10 (Germany) {SLED-02190} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 11 (Germany) {SLED-02275} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 12 (Germany) {SLED-02312} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 13 (Germany) {SLED-02381} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 14 (Germany) {SLED-02436} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 15 (Germany) {SLED-02518} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 16 (Germany) {SLED-02592} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 17 (Germany) {SLED-02683} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 2 (Germany) {SLED-01724} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 3 (Germany) {SLED-01773} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 4 (Germany) {SLED-01783} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 5 (Germany) {SLED-01898} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 6 (Germany) {SLED-01968} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 7 (Germany) {SLED-02042} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 8 (Germany) {SLED-02078} ] ; [ PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 9 (Germany) {SLED-02139} ] ; [ PlayStation/Pepsi Sampler Disc (USA) {SCUS-94193} ] ; [ Player Manager (Europe) {SLES-00319} ] ; [ Player Manager 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02325} ] :SLES-02325 #Start with 32 Million 800419C6 01F4 ; [ Player Manager 2000 (Germany) {SLES-02613} ] ; [ Player Manager 2000 (Portugal) {SLES-02844} ] ; [ Player Manager Ninety Nine (Europe) {SLES-01346} ] ; [ Player Manager Ninety Nine (Germany) {SLES-01766} ] :SLES-01766 #Unendlich Geld 80049BFA 3ABC #Managerwertung = 100 80049AB2 0064 ; [ Player Manager Ninety Nine (UK) {SLES-02132} ] ; [ Player Manager Novanta Nove (Italy) {SLES-01767} ] ; [ Player Manager: Época 98-99 (Portugal) {SLES-02015} ] ; [ Plue no Daibouken from Groove Adventure Rave (Japan) {SLP-87121} ] ; [ PoPoLoCrois Monogatari (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10023} ] :SCPS-10023 #Infinite & Max Hp Pietoro 800E40A0 03E7 800F42DE 03E7 #Infinite & Max Mp Pietoro 800F42E4 03E7 800F42E2 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Don 800F4588 03E7 800F4586 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Don 800F458C 03E7 800F458A 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Gon 800F4500 03E7 800F44FE 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Gon 800F4504 03E7 800F4502 03E7 #Level Up All Characters 800E4DEC FFFF #Maximum Experience Takes effect after you kill any enemy 80045220 0000 #Maximum Gold 900F2A64 05F5E0FF #Maximum Magic Experience Takes effect after you kill any enemy 800453D4 0000 #Enemy death blow D00E908C 0800 8006A8E6 0005 D00E908C 0100 8006A8E6 0045 #No Random Battles 300F2C9C 0001 #Monster Encyclopedia + 5h 300DE504 00FF 300DE7EC 00FF ; [ PoPoLoCrois Monogatari (Japan) {SCPS-10023} ] :SCPS-10023 #Infinite & Max Hp Pietoro 800E40A0 03E7 800F42DE 03E7 #Infinite & Max Mp Pietoro 800F42E4 03E7 800F42E2 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Don 800F4588 03E7 800F4586 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Don 800F458C 03E7 800F458A 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Gon 800F4500 03E7 800F44FE 03E7 #Infinite & Max MP Gon 800F4504 03E7 800F4502 03E7 #Level Up All Characters 800E4DEC FFFF #Maximum Experience Takes effect after you kill any enemy 80045220 0000 #Maximum Gold 900F2A64 05F5E0FF #Maximum Magic Experience Takes effect after you kill any enemy 800453D4 0000 #Enemy death blow D00E908C 0800 8006A8E6 0005 D00E908C 0100 8006A8E6 0045 #No Random Battles 300F2C9C 0001 #Monster Encyclopedia + 5h 300DE504 00FF 300DE7EC 00FF ; [ PoPoLoCrois Monogatari II (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96195} ] ; [ PoPoLoCrois Monogatari II (Japan) {SCPS-10112 | SCPS-10113 | SCPS-10114} ] :SCPS-10112 :SCPS-10113 :SCPS-10114 #Max 999 Energy 8011DADE 03E7 #Infinite MP And 999 800D1518 03E7 8011DAFE 03E7 #Fast Max Exp 800D92F0 270F #Fast Max Sp 800D92F4 270F #Max Money 90114BE8 0098967F #LV 800D1515 3180 #HP currently 800D1516 F9C0 #Monster Encyclopedia 3011B3FF 00FF #Almost All weapons possession D003FBA4 000C 8003FBC8 0063 D003FBA4 000C 8003FBCA 2402 D003FBA4 000C 8003FBB4 0000 D003FBA4 000C 8003FBB6 2683 #Enemy death blow D0047328 0018 8004732A ACC0 ; [ PoPoLoCrois Monogatari Official Fan Book: PoPoRoGue no Daizukan: Chotto Ureshii CD-ROM Data-shuu (Japan) {SCZS-94105} ] ; [ PoPoRoGue (Japan) (Yokokuban) {PAPX-90056} ] ; [ PoPoRoGue (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91312} ] ; [ PoPoRoGue (Japan) {SCPS-10050} ] :SCPS-10050 #Infinite HP Pietoro 800AA81A 03E7 800E22AA 03E7 #Infinite MP Pietoro 800AA81C 03E7 800E22AC 03E7 #Infinite TP Pietoro 800AA81E 03E7 800E22AE 03E7 #Infinite Money 900E58B0 0098967F #All Level Information D00B8644 0100 80018FCC D476 D00B8644 0100 80018FCE 0C03 D00B8644 0000 80018FCC F22A D00B8644 0000 80018FCE 0C00 #All Item Information D00B8644 0100 8002FED4 D5E9 D00B8644 0100 8002FED6 0C03 D00B8644 0000 8002FED4 BF3B D00B8644 0000 8002FED6 0C00 #Running No Enemy D00E6318 0001 800F2A5C 0050 ; [ Pocke-Kano: Aida Yumi (Japan) {SLPS-02497} ] :SLPS-02497 #Max Possession of gold 90010100 0001869F #Max Homely 80010104 0064 #Max Physical fitness 80010108 0064 #Max Knowledge 8001010C 0064 #Max Entertainment 80010110 0064 #Stress 0# 80010114 0000 #Max Favorability rating 80010118 FFFF #Bonus appearance 80010384 0001 #CG fully open 90010284 FFFFFFFF 30010288 00FF #Event achievement rate all 100% 9001028C FFFFFFFF 90010294 FFFFFFFF 9001029C FFFFFFFF 900102A4 FFFFFFFF 900102AC FFFFFFFF 900102B4 FFFFFFFF 800102BE FFFF 300102C4 00FF 300102C6 00FF ; [ Pocke-Kano: Hojoin Shizuka (Japan) {SLPS-02499} ] ; [ Pocke-Kano: Ueno Fumio (Japan) {SLPS-02498} ] ; [ Pocket Dungeon (Japan) {SCPS-10075} ] :SCPS-10075 #Master code 8013D618 0100 #EXP 99999 90010310 0001869F #HP 999 8001031C 03E7 #GOLD 9999 8001031E 270F #LV 99 80010324 0063 #99 animals all monsters 30010281 0063 50001C02 0000 80010282 6363 300102BA 0063 #Number of steps 99999999 90010318 05F5E0FF #9 times medicine 30010300 0009 #All nine items 50000802 0000 80010300 0909 ; [ Pocket Family: Happy Family Plan (Japan) {SLPS-02134} ] :SLPS-02134 #Infinite Time in throw paper to basket mini game the first time you play it 800F8A20 0320 #Family Garden No Grass 800D9AE4 0000 #No Rubbish 800D9BE0 0000 #Infinite Moves In The Mini Game 8015BA28 02FF #Infinite HP In The Mini Game 80097AE6 03E7 ; [ Pocket Fighter (Europe) {SLES-01378} ] :SLES-01378 #P1 Infinite Health 301E19C8 0096 #P2 Infinite Health 301E1CB0 0096 #P2 No Health 301E1CB0 0000 ; [ Pocket Jiman (Japan) {SCPS-10104} ] ; [ Pocket PowerStation PlayStation Cheats CD (UK) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Pocket Tuner (Japan) {SLPS-02218} ] ; [ Pocket Zanmai: 3 Title Iri Taikenban (PAQA, PokeTan, Pocket Jiman) (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90094} ] ; [ Point Blank (Europe) Demo {SCED-00287} ] ; [ Point Blank (Europe) Rev 1 {SCES-00886} ] :SCES-00886 #Infinite Bullets 800B7418 0010 800B7434 0010 #Infinite Hits 800B4318 00FF #Arcade Mode Codes\P1 Infinite Lifes 800C159C 0005 #Arcade Mode Codes\P2 Infinite Lifes 800C159E 0005 #Arcade Mode Codes\P1 Infinite Bullets 800B7418 0063 #Arcade Mode Codes\P2 Infinite Bullets 800B741A 0063 #Arcade Mode Codes\Always Max Hits 800BE588 00FF #Arcade Mode Codes\Infinite Time Press L1 & R1 & Select (On) Press L2 & R2 & Select (Off) 800B7434 0016 800AD856 FFFF #Quest Mode Codes\Infinite Money 800AE0D4 FFFF #Quest Mode Codes\P1 Quick Level Gain 800C1918 FFFF ; [ Point Blank (Europe) {SCES-00886} ] :SCES-00886 #Infinite Bullets 800B7418 0010 800B7434 0010 #Infinite Hits 800B4318 00FF #Arcade Mode Codes\P1 Infinite Lifes 800C159C 0005 #Arcade Mode Codes\P2 Infinite Lifes 800C159E 0005 #Arcade Mode Codes\P1 Infinite Bullets 800B7418 0063 #Arcade Mode Codes\P2 Infinite Bullets 800B741A 0063 #Arcade Mode Codes\Always Max Hits 800BE588 00FF #Arcade Mode Codes\Infinite Time Press L1 & R1 & Select (On) Press L2 & R2 & Select (Off) 800B7434 0016 800AD856 FFFF #Quest Mode Codes\Infinite Money 800AE0D4 FFFF #Quest Mode Codes\P1 Quick Level Gain 800C1918 FFFF ; [ Point Blank 2 (Europe, Australia) {SCES-02180} ] :SCES-02180 #Point Blank Castle Mode-Codes\P1 Infinite Lives 800BF328 0009 #Point Blank Castle Mode-Codes\P2 Infinite Lives 800BF32A 0009 #Theme Park Mode Codes\Infinite Lives 800AAB88 0009 #Theme Park Mode Codes\Haunted House - Infinite Time 800B447C 012C #Theme Park Mode Codes\Abyss Tours - Max Targets Hits D00AAD52 0000 800AAD52 0063 #Theme Park Mode Codes\Cosmic Drive - Max Targets Hit D00B5088 0000 800B5088 0063 #Theme Park Mode Codes\Superbullet Train - Max Targets Hit D00B4EFC 0000 800B4EFC 0FFF ; [ Point Blank 3 (Europe) {SCES-03383} ] :SCES-03383 #Start with 100 hits D00A53B8 0000 800A53B8 0064 #Infinite Hearts D0032B78 E3C8 80032B78 0000 #Infinite Ammo D0024146 A4A3 80024146 0000 ; [ Poitter's Point 2: Sodom no Inbou (Japan) {SLP-86061} ] ; [ Poitters' Point (Japan) {SLP-86034} ] ; [ PokeTan (Japan) {SCPS-10102} ] :SCPS-10102 #Always Score 100% on Tests 8016D288 03E8 ; [ Pokeler (Japan) {SLPS-02185} ] ; [ Pokeler DX: Black (Japan) {SLPS-02651} ] ; [ Pokeler DX: Pink (Japan) {SLPS-02664} ] ; [ Policenauts (Japan) {SLP-86048 | SLP-86049} ] ; [ Pong (Europe) {SLES-02020} ] :SLES-02020 #Zone-Modifier 1 80112874 0000 #Zone-Modifier 2 80112874 0001 #Zone-Modifier 3 80112874 0002 #Zone-Modifier 4 80112874 0003 #Zone-Modifier 5 80112874 0004 #Zone-Modifier 6 80112874 0005 #Zone-Modifier 7 80112874 0006 #Zone-Modifier 8 80112874 0007 #Have All Gold Beams 801F1DDC 0063 #P1 All Powerups 50000E02 0001 301F5178 0001 #P2 No Points 801F2E54 0000 #Points To Win-Modifier 1(0-F) 80112744 0001 #Rotate Playground L2 and R2 E0111DC0 0001 11112870 0004 E0111DC0 0002 10112870 0004 #P1 Quick win C2112744 0001 801F2CE4 0000 ; [ Pooh-san no Minna de Mori no Daikyousou! (Japan) {SLPS-03460} ] ; [ Pool Academy (Europe) {SLES-02697} ] ; [ Pool Hustler (Europe) {SLES-01688} ] :SLES-01688 #Have 99999 Money 900BE06C 0001869F #Max Cash Press L1 to activate D0078E60 0004 800BE06E FFFF #Unlock Stages Press L1 to activate D0078E60 0004 800A4B80 FFFF #Always Ball In Hand 80078E68 0000 #Have All Cue Sticks Press L1 to activate D0078E60 0004 800A4B68 000F #All Trick Shots Completed (Set 1) 300A4B93 001F 900A4B94 1F1F1F1F 900A4B98 1F1F1F1F 900A4B9C 1F1F1F1F 900A4BA0 1F1F1F1F 900A4BA4 1F1F1F1F 900A4BA8 1F1F1F1F 800A4BAC 1F1F #All Trick Shots Completed (Set 2) 800A4BAE 1F1F 800A4BB0 1F1F 300A4BB2 001F #All Trick Shots Completed (Code 2) 50002001 0000 300A3F63 001F ; [ Pool Shark aka Actua Pool (Europe) {SLES-01537} ] ; [ Pop n' Pop (Europe) (White Label) {SLES-01971} ] :SLES-01971 #Cloud remains on one height 800F96F6 0001 #Cloud doesn't move 300F96F2 0040 #Start with loads of points D00F9550 0000 800F9550 8760 D00F9550 8760 300F9552 0003 #Extra counter at max (Press L1 & L2) D015E9B2 FAFF 300F95F8 001F #Quick win over P2 (Press R1 & R2) D015E9B2 F5FF 300F987E 007B #Needs only one win D00F9642 0000 300F9642 0001 #Unlock All Characters 80157414 0101 30157416 0001 ; [ Pop'n Music (Japan) {SLP-86183} ] ; [ Pop'n Music 2 (Japan) {SLP-86294} ] ; [ Pop'n Music 3: Append Disc (Japan) {SLP-86415} ] ; [ Pop'n Music 4: Append Disc (Japan) {SLP-86649} ] ; [ Pop'n Music 5 (Japan) {SLP-86937} ] ; [ Pop'n Music 6 (Japan) {SLP-87089} ] ; [ Pop'n Music: Animation Melody (Japan) {SLP-86592} ] ; [ Pop'n Music: Disney Tunes (Japan) {SLP-86670} ] ; [ Pop'n Tanks! (Japan) {SLP-86146} ] ; [ Popstar Maker (Europe) {SLES-03657} ] :SLES-03657 #Extra money 90021DB0 00FFFFFF ; [ Populous: The Beginning (Europe) {SLES-01760} ] :SLES-01760 #All Spells 301DC2E3 0004 901DC2E4 03040403 301DC2E8 0002 801DC2EA 0302 901DC2EC 03010174 901DC2F0 04040401 301DC2F4 0044 #All Levels Selectable 800D850C 0019 #Max Spell Charge Rate 801DC2CC 0000 #Have All Build Options 801DC2D0 FFFF ; [ Populous: The Beginning (Japan) {SLPS-02085} ] ; [ Porsche Challenge (Europe) {SCES-00409} ] :SCES-00409 #Infinite Time 800DA334 0608 #Always First 800DA31E 0001 ; [ Porsche Challenge (Japan) {SIPS-60016} ] :SIPS-60016 #Infinite Time 800DA334 0608 #Always Place 1st 800DA31E 0001 ; [ Posit (Japan) {SLPS-00439} ] ; [ Pour l'Or et la Gloire: La Route d'Eldorado (France) {SLES-03184} ] ; [ Power Diggerz (Europe) {SLES-03388} ] :SLES-03388 #Infinite Time 300F734C 0022 ; [ Power DoLLS 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01033} ] ; [ Power League (Japan) {SLPS-01517} ] ; [ Power Move Pro Wrestling (Europe) {SLES-00202} ] ; [ Power Rangers Pinball (Japan) {SLPS-00490} ] :SLPS-00490 #Infinite Balls 8008549C 0005 ; [ Power Rangers: La Force du Temps (France) {SLES-03731} ] ; [ Power Serve (Europe) {SLES-00118} ] :SLES-00118 #Always 1st Service 8009C660 0000 #Computer Player Can't Win 8009C658 0000 ; [ Power Shovel ni Norou!! (Japan) {SLP-86629} ] ; [ Power Source (Europe) {SCES-00667} ] ; [ Power Stakes (Japan) {SLP-86032} ] ; [ Power Stakes 2 (Japan) {SLP-86079} ] ; [ Power Stakes Grade 1 (Japan) {SLP-86050} ] ; [ Poy Poy (Europe) {SLES-00785} ] :SLES-00785 #Infinie Energy 900DD1CC 00960096 #Infinite Time 800DB73C 0BA9 ; [ Poy Poy 2 (Europe) {SLES-01536} ] :SLES-01536 #2 Sec Gametime 800A9C08 0028 #65.535.000 Money 800A9970 FFFF #P1 Infinite Energy 800AC890 00FF #P2 Infinite Energy 800AC8AA 00CD #P1 Always Win 800ACA50 00C7 #P1 Infinite Psycho Power 800AC89A 6666 #Always Get 12 Points 80142D54 000C #Able To Upgrade Your Gloves 50002C02 0000 800ACA6C 03E7 ; [ PrePre PlayStation Vol. 0 (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPD-99501} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 001: 1999 October (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96173 | PCPX-96174} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 002: 1999 December (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96186 | PCPX-96187} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 003: 2000 February (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96190} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 004: 2000 June (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96198} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 005: 2000 August (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96199} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 006: 2000 October (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96201} ] ; [ PrePre Plus 007: 2000 December (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96203} ] ; [ PrePre Soukan Junbi-gou: DemoDemo PlayStation Special (Japan) (Otameshi Disc) {PCPX-96015} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 1 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96017} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 10 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96103 | PCPX-96104} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 11 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96108} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 12 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96114} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 13 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96118 | PCPX-96119} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 14 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96126 | PCPX-96127} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 15 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96133 | PCPX-96134} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 16 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96142 | PCPX-96143} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 17 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96148 | PCPX-96149} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 18 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96156 | PCPX-96157} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 19 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96167 | PCPX-96168} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 2 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96023} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 3 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96028} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 4 (Japan) {PCPX-96039} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 5 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96054 | PCPX-96055} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 6 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96063 | PCPX-96064} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 7 (Japan) {PCPX-96075} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 8 (Japan) (Club Disc) {PCPX-96084} ] ; [ PrePre Vol. 9 (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96093 | PCPX-96094} ] ; [ Premier Manager 2000 (Europe) {SLES-02292} ] :SLES-02292 #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Barnet 90110008 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Chester 80110FFA E3FF 80110FFC 540B #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Exeter 901117F0 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Halifax 90111BEC 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Hull 901123E4 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Lincoln 90112BDC 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Mansfield 901133D4 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Northampton 901137D0 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Rotherham 901147C0 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Southend 801137D2 E3FF 801137D4 540B #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\Torquay 901157B0 540BE3FF #Have Over 1 Billion Cash\York 90115BAC 540BE3FF ; [ Premier Manager 98 (Europe) {SLES-00738} ] :SLES-00738 #Always Free Transfer D000E044 0009 80088FF8 0000 D000E044 0009 80088FFA 0000 #Always Free Wage Bill D000E044 0009 80079D38 0000 D000E044 0009 80079D3A 0000 #Infinite Money 900F352C 3B9AC9FF ; [ Premier Manager 98 (Italy) {SLES-01284} ] ; [ Premier Manager Ninety Nine (Europe) {SLES-01544} ] :SLES-01544 #Wages = 0 (England) 900E7EC0 00000000 #Infinite Money (England) 900E7EB0 1FFFFFFF #Only 1 Day To Upgrade Facilities Press L2 to do it D0102BE0 0100 801223DE 0001 #Only 1 Day To Upgrade Capacity Press L1 to do it D0102BE0 0400 801223E2 0001 #Wages = 0 (Italy) 900DBE24 00000000 #Infinite Money (Italy) 900DBE14 1FFFFFFF #Premier League\Arsenal 900E48E0 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Aston Villa 900E4984 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Blackburn Rovers 900E4B70 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Charlton Athletic 900E579C 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Chelsea 900E4C14 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Coventry City 900E4CB8 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Derby County 900E4E00 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Everton 900E4EA4 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Leeds United 900E4F48 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Leicester City 900E4FEC 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Liverpool 900E5090 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Manchester United 900E5134 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Middlesbrough 900E5AD0 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\New Castle United 900E51D8 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Nottingham Forest 900E5C18 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Sheffield Wed 900E527C 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Southampton 900E5320 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Tottenham Hotspur 900E53C4 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\West Ham United 900E5468 3B9AC9FF #Premier League\Wimbledon 900E550C 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Barnsley 900E4A28 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Birmingham City 900E55B0 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Bolton Wanderers 900E4ACC 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Bradford City 900E5654 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Bristol City 900E66FC 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Bury 900E56F8 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Crewe Alexandra 900E5840 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Crystal Palace 900E4D5C 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Grimsby Town 900E6B78 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Huddersfield Town 900E58E4 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Ipswich Town 900E5988 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Norwich City 900E5B74 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Oxford United 900E5CBC 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Port Vale 900E5D60 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Portsmouth 900E5E04 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Qpr 900E5EA8 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Sheffield United 900E5FF0 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Stockport County 900E6094 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Sunderland 900E61DC 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Swindon Town 900E6280 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Tranmere Rovers 900E6324 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Watford 900E713C 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\West Brom 900E63C8 3B9AC9FF #Division 1\Wolves 900E646C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Blackpool 900E6510 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Bournemouth 900E65B4 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Bristol Rovers 900E67A0 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Burnley 900E6844 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Chester Field 900E698C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Colchester Utd 900E77A4 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Fulham 900E6A30 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Gilingham 900E6AD4 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Lincoln City 900E7C20 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Luton Town 900E6C1C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Macclesfield 900E7CC4 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Manchester City 900E5A2C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Millwall 900E6CC0 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Northampton Town 900E6D64 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Notts County 900E7E0C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Oldham Athletic 900E6E08 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Perston North End 900E6F50 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Reading 900E5F4C 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Stoke City 900E6138 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Walsall 900E7098 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Wigan Athletic 900E71E0 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Wrexham 900E7284 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\Wycombe Wndrs 900E7328 3B9AC9FF #Division 2\York City 900E73CC 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Barnet 900E7470 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Breatford 900E6658 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Brighton 900E7514 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Cambridge United 900E75B8 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Cardiff City 900E765C 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Carlisle United 900E68E8 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Chester City 900E7700 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Darlington 900E7848 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Exeter City 900E78EC 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Halifax Town 900E7990 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Hartlepool United 900E7A34 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Hull City 900E7AD8 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Leyton Orient 900E7B7C 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Mansfield Town 900E7D68 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Peterborough Utd. 900E7EB0 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Phymouth Argyle 900E6EAC 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Rochdale 900E7F54 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Rotherham United 900E7FF8 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Scarborough 900E809C 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Scunthorpe Utd. 900E8140 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Shrewsbury Town 900E81E4 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Southend United 900E6FF4 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Swansea City 900E8288 3B9AC9FF #Division 3\Torquay United 900E832C 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\A.C.Milan 900DB0A0 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Bari 900DB1E8 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Bologna 900DB28C 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Cagliari 900DB3D4 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Empoli 900DB708 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Fiorentina 900DB850 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Inter Milan 900DB998 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Juventus 900DBA3C 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Lazio 900DBAE0 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Parma 900DBE14 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Perugia 900DBEB8 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Piacenza 900DC000 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Roma 900DC290 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Salernitana 900DC334 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Sampdoria 900DC3D8 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Udinese 900DC668 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Venezia 900DC70C 3B9AC9FF #Serie A\Vicenza 900DC854 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Atalanta 900DB144 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Brescia 900DB330 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Cesena 900DB478 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Chievo 900DB51C 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Cosenza 900DB5C0 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Cremonese 900DB664 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Fidelis Andria 900DB7AC 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Gonoa 900DB8F4 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Lecce 900DBB84 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Lucchese 900DBC28 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Monza 900DBCCC 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Napoli 900DBD70 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Pescara 900DBF5C 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Ravenna 900DC0A4 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Reggiana 900DC148 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Reggina 900DC1EC 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Ternana 900DC47C 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Torino 900DC520 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Treviso 900DC5C4 3B9AC9FF #Serie B\Verona 900DC7B0 3B9AC9FF ; [ Premier Manager Novanta Nove (Italy) {SLES-01864} ] ; [ Primal Rage (Europe) {SLES-00140} ] :SLES-00140 #P1 Infinite Health 8009A804 0000 800A739E 0000 ; [ Primal Rage (Japan) {SLPS-00543} ] ; [ Primera División Stars (Spain) {SLES-02702} ] ; [ Prince Naseem Boxing (Europe) {SLES-00017} ] :SLES-00017 #Character Unlocked Tao Zhu 30100DB8 0001 #Character Unlocked Samuel Jefferson 30100DBC 0001 #Character Unlocked Fabian Van Hilten 30100DC0 0001 #Character Unlocked Patrice Demanger 30100DC4 0001 #Character Unlocked Frankie Zamboni 30100DD8 0001 #Character Unlocked Johnny Roberts 30100DDC 0001 #Character Unlocked Mick Oshea 30100DE0 0001 #Character Unlocked Jimmy Silk 30100DE4 0001 #Freeze round timer 301036E8 003C ; [ Princess Maker: Go! Go! Princess (Japan) (Best Wing 2800) {SLP-86590} ] ; [ Princess Maker: Pocket Daisakusen (Japan) (Best Wing 2800) {SLP-86591} ] ; [ Princess Maker: Pocket Daisakusen (Japan) {SLPS-01477} ] ; [ Princess Maker: Yumemiru Yousei (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90013} ] ; [ Princess Maker: Yumemiru Yousei (Japan) {SCPS-10032} ] :SCPS-10032 #Infinite Money (60000) 80163818 EA60 #Getting all clothes 800F81E0 0FFF #Ability of daughter Stamina Max 80179078 270F #Ability of daughter Intelligence Max 8017907C 270F #Ability of daughter Pep Max 80179084 270F #Ability of daughter Pride Max 80179088 270F #Ability of daughter Moral Max 8017908C 270F #Ability of daughter Dignity Max 80179090 270F #Ability of daughter Cast of mind Max 80179094 270F #Ability of daughter Sense Max 80179098 270F #Ability of daughter Attractive Max 8017909C 270F #Ability of daughter Stress Max 801790A0 270F #Ability of daughter Valor Max 801790A4 270F #Ability of daughter Reliability Max 801790A8 03E8 ; [ Prism Land Story (Japan) {SLPS-01252} ] :SLPS-01252 #Infinite Live 801CBDD4 0103 #Infinite MP 801CBDD6 012C ; [ Prism Land Story aka Prism Land (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03284} ] :SLES-03284 #Infinite Lives 801C26EC 0009 #Infinite MP 999 801C26EE 03E7 #Automatically Beat Levels 8011322E 0000 ; [ Prismaticallization (Japan) {SLPS-02360} ] ; [ Prisoner of Ice: Jashin Kourin (Japan) {SLPS-01129} ] ; [ Private Collection: Tokimeki Memorial (Japan) {SLP-86001} ] ; [ Pro 18: World Tour Golf (Europe) {SLES-01559} ] :SLES-01559 #P1 Only One Shot Per Hole 8006358C 0001 ; [ Pro Action Replay CDX2 Demo (Version 2) (Japan) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Pro Action Replay CDX2 Sampler (Japan) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Pro Backgammon (Europe) {SLES-04052} ] ; [ Pro Body Boarding aka Pro Bodyboarding (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03327} ] ; [ Pro Evolution Soccer (Europe) {SLES-03795} ] ; [ Pro Evolution Soccer (Europe) {SLES-03796} ] ; [ Pro Evolution Soccer 2 (Europe) {SLES-03946} ] :SLES-03946 #Unlock All Secret Teams 8006F7BC FFFF ; [ Pro Evolution Soccer 2 (Europe) {SLES-03957} ] ; [ Pro Foot Contest '98 + Grand Theft Auto + Courier Crisis (France) {SLED-01295} ] ; [ Pro Logic Mahjong Hai-Shin (Japan) {SLP-86018} ] ; [ Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus II (Japan) {SLPS-01605} ] :SLPS-01605 #Player has 99999 points 901F5B28 0001869F #Opponent 3 has 0 points 801F5C74 0000 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 801F5F0C 0000 #Opponent 2 has 9 points 801F5DC0 0000 ; [ Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 2 (Japan) (BPV (Best Price Version)) {SLPS-03065} ] ; [ Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01987} ] ; [ Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 3 (Japan) (EPV (Excellent Price Version)) {SLPS-03464} ] ; [ Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono Series: Joryuu Janshi ni Chousen: Watashi-tachi ni Chousen Shite ne! (Japan) (BPV (Best Price Version)) {SLPS-03218} ] ; [ Pro Pinball: Big Race USA (Europe) {SLES-01211} ] :SLES-01211 #P1 Infinite Balls D00AABE0 0002 800AABE0 0001 #Ballsaver always active 800AC004 0800 #Airbag always active 800AC010 0800 ; [ Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey (Europe) {SLES-02466} ] :SLES-02466 #P1 Infinite Balls 8008FC28 0001 #P2 Infinite Balls 8008FCEC 0001 #P3 Infinite Balls 8008FDB0 0001 #P4 Infinite Balls 8008FE74 0001 ; [ Pro Pinball: The Web (Europe) {SLES-00259} ] :SLES-00259 #P1 Infinite Ball 80063DD4 0001 #Infinite Ball Saver 8005EBC6 0007 ; [ Pro Pinball: Timeshock! (USA) Demo {SLUS-90039} ] ; [ Pro Pinball: Timeshock! aka Timeshock! (Europe) {SLES-00606} ] :SLES-00606 #P1 Infinite Balls 800B03DC 0098 800BD1CC 0001 ; [ Pro Racer (Europe) Rev 1 {SLES-03962} ] ; [ Pro Racer (Europe) {SLES-03962} ] ; [ Pro Wrestling Sengokuden 2: Kakutou Emaki (Japan) {SLPS-01388} ] ; [ Pro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium (Japan) {SLPS-01371} ] ; [ Pro Yakyuu Simulation Dugout '99 (Japan) {SLPS-02333} ] :SLPS-02333 #Score of 99 post-attack 8003AB98 0063 800468A4 0063 8013B02A 0063 801C620E 0063 ; [ Project Gaiaray (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45136} ] ; [ Project Overkill (Europe) {SLES-00500} ] :SLES-00500 #Infinite Health 801EE2C6 0164 #Infinite Ammo Weapon 1 801EE2EA 0063 #Infinite Ammo Weapon 2 + 3 801EE2EC 0963 #Infinite Ammo Weapon 4 301EE2EE 0063 #Scanner Eye 801B0830 0101 #Digiprint Hand 301B0838 0001 #Green Key 301B0832 0001 #Red Key 301B0833 0001 #Data Chip 301B0837 0001 #Orange Key 301B0836 0001 #Blue Key 301B0835 0001 #Yellow Key 301B0834 0001 #Hermetic Container 301B083C 0001 #???-Item 301B083D 0001 ; [ Project V6 (Japan) {SLPS-01260} ] :SLPS-01260 #Infinite Energy in battle 80144578 005C #All Trading Cards 900FF770 000F000F #All Trading Cards Alternate 900FF770 00050005 #Max dance 801C504C 270F #Max Acting 801C504E 270F #Max Sing 801C5050 270F #Max Talent 801C5052 270F #Max Physical fitness 801C5054 270F #Max Degree of reliability 801C5056 270F #No Fatigue 801C5058 0000 #No Stress 801C505A 0000 ; [ Proof Club (Japan) {SLPS-00531} ] ; [ Psalm 69 (Japan) (Alpha Test Version 2.1) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Psybadek (Europe) Demo {SLED-01488} ] ; [ Psybadek (Europe) {SLES-00929} ] :SLES-00929 #Infinite Lifes 800AA648 6300 #Have 99 Stars 800B0594 0063 #Have 60 Penguins In Level 2 80092080 003C ; [ Psychic Detective (Europe) {SLES-00070 | SLES-10070 | SLES-20070} ] ; [ Psychic Force (Europe) {SLES-00629} ] :SLES-00629 #Infinite Time 800D6A10 0063 #P1 Infinite Energy 80101F9C 03E8 #P2 Infinite Energy 801020E0 03E8 #P1 Infinite Psv 80101F9E 0190 #P1 No Psv 80101F9E 0000 #P2 Infinite Psv 801020E2 0190 #P2 No Psv 801020E2 0000 #P1 Never Wins 80101FB6 0001 #P2 Never Wins 801020FA 0001 #P1 1 Hit Death D0101F9C 03E8 80101F9C 0001 #P2 1 Hit Death D01020E0 03E8 801020E0 0001 #Infinite Time To Select Character 8011F484 0320 ; [ Psychic Force (Japan) (Tentou Demo-ban) {SLP-80049} ] ; [ Psychic Force (Japan) {SLP-86616} ] ; [ Psychic Force 2 (Europe) {SLES-02557} ] :SLES-02557 #P1 Infinite Energy 800CDE68 03E8 #All characters 8007559E FFFF #Start on last stage D0075532 0000 30075532 0007 #P2 Sudden Death 800CDE7A 0000 #Unlock All Album 50001004 0000 30074E4A 007F #Unlock All Player Colors 50000802 0000 300755A0 0303 #Unlock All Skills in Psy-Expand Mode 50004302 0000 80075488 FFFF ; [ Psychic Force 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80463} ] ; [ Psychic Force 2 (Japan) {SLP-86273} ] ; [ Psychic Force: Puzzle Taisen (Game Disc) (Japan) {SLPS-01018 | SLPS-01019} ] :SLPS-01018 :SLPS-01019 #All Gallery Unlocked 900E3F34 FFFFFFFF 900E3F38 FFFFFFFF 900E3F3C FFFFFFFF 900E3F40 FFFFFFFF 800E3F44 FFFF #All Gallery Unlocked 900E3F34 FFFFFFFF 900E3F38 FFFFFFFF 900E3F3C FFFFFFFF 900E3F40 FFFFFFFF 800E3F44 FFFF ; [ Psychometrer Eiji (Japan) {SLPS-01869} ] :SLPS-01869 #Infinite Energy 801DA008 012C #Infinite Time 801DF9B1 270F ; [ Psygnosis '98 Interactive Demos (USA) Demo {SLUS-90037} ] ; [ Pub Demo 03 (Europe) {SCED-02784} ] ; [ Pub Demo 04 (Europe) {SCED-02785} ] ; [ Puchi Carat (Europe) {SLES-02070} ] :SLES-02070 #All Stages Open 800690D8 0202 300690DA 0002 ; [ Puchi Carat (Japan) {SLP-86545} ] ; [ Puffy no P.S. I Love You (Japan) {ESPM-70003} ] :ESPM-70003 #Have 999 cans shot 800BA494 03E7 #All Photos 50005101 0000 30047070 0001 ; [ Puma Street Soccer (Europe) {SLES-01203} ] :SLES-01203 #P1 Score 9 Goals 8006FFCC 0009 #P1 Score 0 Goals 8006FFCC 0000 #P2 Score 9 Goals 800707FC 0009 #P2 Score 0 Goals 800707FC 0000 ; [ Punch the Monkey! Game Edition (Japan) {SLPS-02805} ] :SLPS-02805 #Max Points 900798D8 00FF9678 #Unlock All Stages 80079886 0700 #Good Performance Chart 900798B4 00640064 900798B8 00000000 800798D4 FFFF #Watch Fmv Without Shooting Press L1 it will be game over the moment you lift your finger off L1 and you have to start again. D00D407A FBFF 8007D4EC 13F1 #Watch Fmv Without Shooting 8007D4EC 13F1 #Bonus Game\Infinite Bullets 800745E8 0006 #Bonus Game\Max Hits 800898EA 03E7 #Bonus Game\Never Miss (Perfect) 800898EE 0000 ; [ Puppet Zoo Pilomy (Japan) {SLPS-00149} ] :SLPS-00149 #99999 Hearts 900DB6A4 0001869F ; [ Purumui Purumui (Japan) {SLPS-02163} ] :SLPS-02163 #Infinite & Max HP in battle 8006EA24 03E7 8006EA28 03E7 #Max Money 9006EA30 0098967F #Max Key 3006EA14 0009 #Infinite & Max SP in battle 8006EA18 03E7 8006EA1C 03E7 #Number Of Items Have Max (16 Pieces) 3006EA3E 0010 #All Items In The Kitchen 3006EA51 0063 8006EA52 6363 9006EA54 63636363 9006EA58 63636363 9006EA5C 63636363 9006EA60 63636300 9006EA64 63636363 8006EA68 6363 3006EA6A 0063 3006EA6F 0063 #All Cooking Materials Inspiration 3006EA97 0063 9006EA98 63636363 9006EA9C 63636363 9006EAA0 63636363 8006EAA4 6363 3006EAA6 0063 #All Recipes List 3006EA79 0000 8006EA7A 0201 9006EA7C 06050403 9006EA80 0A090807 9006EA84 0E0D0C0B 9006EA88 13121110 9006EA8C 17161514 8006EA90 1918 #Pocket kitchen mini-games all clear 900A026C 01010101 900A0270 01010101 900A0274 01010101 900A0278 01010101 900A027C 01010101 #It does not increase fishing game Tension D009FC06 2442 8009FBF2 1400 D009FC06 2442 8009FC0A 1400 #Pocket kitchen mini-games all clear (PAR2 for) 50000A02 0000 800A026C 0101 ; [ Pururun! with Shape Up Girls (Japan) {SLPS-00679} ] :SLPS-00679 #Infinite Lives 800E393E 0009 #Total Time = 00:00 900949FC 00000000 #Unlock All Photos 90094490 FFFFFFFF ; [ Puuha Pete: Korjataanko? (Finland) {SLES-03565} ] ; [ Puyo Puyo Sun: Ketteiban (Japan) (Rerelease) {SLP-87213} ] ; [ Puyo Puyo Sun: Ketteiban (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01080} ] :SLPS-01080 #P1 Max No. Of Win 801CDD28 0063 #P2 Max No. Of Win 801CDD2C 0063 #All Gallery Unlock 901CDD1C 0003FFFF #The large fall 2P 9003D370 30821000 8003D376 1440 8003D378 004E 8003D386 AC80 #Easy Difficulty level 801CDD3C 0000 #1P Mode\Arle Starts @ Extra Stage vs. Carbuncle D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 000E #1P Mode\Arle Starts @ Final Stage vs. Satan D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 000D #1P Mode\Schezo Starts @ Extra Stage vs. Carbuncle D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 0009 #1P Mode\Schezo Starts @ Final Stage vs. Satan D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 0008 #Endless Mode\P1 Max Level 801CDDFC 0063 #P1 Get 1 Sun Puyo per Turn 80120DE0 0001 #P2 Get 1 Sun Puyo per Turn 80121210 0001 #P1 Massive Ojama Puyos 80120D94 001E #P2 Massive Ojama Puyos 801211C8 001E #P1 Max Score 901CDDE4 05F5E0FF #P2 Max Score 901CDDE8 05F5E0FF #Nazo Puyo Mode\All Clear 50000D01 0000 301D42A0 00FF #P1 No Ojama Puyos 80120D94 0000 #P2 No Ojama Puyos 801211C8 0000 #P1 No Sun Puyos 80120DE0 0000 #P2 No Sun Puyos 80121210 0000 #P1 No Warning Puyos 801060C8 0000 #P2 No Warning Puyos 801060CC 0000 #Unlock All Extras 901CDD1C 0003FFFF 901CDD24 07FFFFFF 801CDD98 0079 ; [ Puyo Puyo Sun: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLPS-01080} ] :SLPS-01080 #P1 Max No. Of Win For 801CDD28 0063 #P2 Max No. Of Win For 801CDD2C 0063 #All Gallery Unlock 901CDD1C 0003FFFF #The large fall 2P 9003D370 30821000 8003D376 1440 8003D378 004E 8003D386 AC80 #Easy Difficulty level 801CDD3C 0000 #1P Mode\Arle Starts @ Extra Stage vs. Carbuncle D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 000E #1P Mode\Arle Starts @ Final Stage vs. Satan D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 000D #1P Mode\Schezo Starts @ Extra Stage vs. Carbuncle D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 0009 #1P Mode\Schezo Starts @ Final Stage vs. Satan D01CDB00 0001 801CDB00 0008 #Endless Mode\P1 Max Level 801CDDFC 0063 #P1 Get 1 Sun Puyo per Turn 80120DE0 0001 #P2 Get 1 Sun Puyo per Turn 80121210 0001 #P1 Massive Ojama Puyos 80120D94 001E #P2 Massive Ojama Puyos 801211C8 001E #P1 Max Score 901CDDE4 05F5E0FF #P2 Max Score 901CDDE8 05F5E0FF #Nazo Puyo Mode\All Clear 50000D01 0000 301D42A0 00FF #P1 No Ojama Puyos 80120D94 0000 #P2 No Ojama Puyos 801211C8 0000 #P1 No Sun Puyos 80120DE0 0000 #P2 No Sun Puyos 80121210 0000 #P1 No Warning Puyos 801060C8 0000 #P2 No Warning Puyos 801060CC 0000 #Unlock All Extras 901CDD1C 0003FFFF 901CDD24 07FFFFFF 801CDD98 0079 ; [ Puyo Puyo Tsuu: Ketteiban (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00530} ] :SLPS-00530 #Endless Mode\P1 Max Points 800B3F92 270F #Endless Mode\P2 Max Points 800B4012 270F #Endless Mode\P1 Slow Speed 800B3FC8 0000 #Endless Mode\P2 Slow Speed 800B4048 0000 #P1 Get Zen-Keshi Bonus Each Turn 800B3F92 0010 #P2 Get Zen-Keshi Bonus Each Turn 800B4012 0010 #Main Game\Stage select 1 800B0D7C 0001 #Main Game\Stage select 2 800B0D7C 0002 #Main Game\Stage select 3 800B0D7C 0003 #Main Game\Stage select 4 800B0D7C 0004 #Main Game\Stage select 5 800B0D7C 0005 #Main Game\Stage select 6 800B0D7C 0006 #Main Game\Final Stage 7 800B0D7C 0007 #Main Game\P1 Slow Speed 300B3F82 0000 #Main Game\P2 Slow Speed 300B4002 0000 #P1 Massive Ojama Puyos 800B3F8C 001E #P2 Massive Ojama Puyos 800B400C 001E #P1 Max Combo 300B3F83 0007 #P2 Max Combo 800B4003 0007 #Max Exp.Always fight Masked Satan as the final boss. 900B0AD0 000F423F #P1 Max Score 900B3F84 0098967F #P2 Max Score 900B4004 0098967F #P1 No Ojama Puyos 800B3F8C 0000 #P2 No Ojama Puyos 800B400C 0000 #P1 No Zen-Keshi Bonus 800B3F92 0000 #P2 No Zen-Keshi Bonus 800B4012 0000 #Total Time = 00:00 800B0AC4 0000 800B0E28 0000 #Tsuu Mode\All Clear 800B0B70 0024 #Tsuu Mode\P1 Final Stage (Press L1 to activate) E00B0C7C 0004 800B413E 0023 #Tsuu Mode\P2 Final Stage (Press L1 to activate) E00B0C84 0004 800B413E 0023 ; [ Puyo Puyo Tsuu: Ketteiban (Japan) {SLPS-00530} ] :SLPS-00530 #Endless Mode\P1 Max Points 800B3F92 270F #Endless Mode\P2 Max Points 800B4012 270F #Endless Mode\P1 Slow Speed 800B3FC8 0000 #Endless Mode\P2 Slow Speed 800B4048 0000 #P1 Get Zen-Keshi Bonus Each Turn 800B3F92 0010 #P2 Get Zen-Keshi Bonus Each Turn 800B4012 0010 #Main Game\Stage select 1 800B0D7C 0001 #Main Game\Stage select 2 800B0D7C 0002 #Main Game\Stage select 3 800B0D7C 0003 #Main Game\Stage select 4 800B0D7C 0004 #Main Game\Stage select 5 800B0D7C 0005 #Main Game\Stage select 6 800B0D7C 0006 #Main Game\Final Stage 7 800B0D7C 0007 #Main Game\P1 Slow Speed 300B3F82 0000 #Main Game\P2 Slow Speed 300B4002 0000 #P1 Massive Ojama Puyos 800B3F8C 001E #P2 Massive Ojama Puyos 800B400C 001E #P1 Max Combo 300B3F83 0007 #P2 Max Combo 800B4003 0007 #Max Exp.Always fight Masked Satan as the final boss. 900B0AD0 000F423F #P1 Max Score 900B3F84 0098967F #P2 Max Score 900B4004 0098967F #P1 No Ojama Puyos 800B3F8C 0000 #P2 No Ojama Puyos 800B400C 0000 #P1 No Zen-Keshi Bonus 800B3F92 0000 #P2 No Zen-Keshi Bonus 800B4012 0000 #Total Time = 00:00 800B0AC4 0000 800B0E28 0000 #Tsuu Mode\All Clear 800B0B70 0024 #Tsuu Mode\P1 Final Stage (Press L1 to activate) E00B0C7C 0004 800B413E 0023 #Tsuu Mode\P2 Final Stage (Press L1 to activate) E00B0C84 0004 800B413E 0023 ; [ Puzz Loop (Japan) Demo {SLP-80548} ] ; [ Puzz Loop (Japan) {SLPS-02663} ] :SLPS-02663 #Max Score 900CB148 0098423F #Fast Max Score 900CF7FC 000F423F ; [ Puzzle Bobble 2 (Japan) {SLP-86618} ] ; [ Puzzle Mania (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86653} ] ; [ Puzzle Mania (Japan) {SLPS-01778} ] ; [ Puzzle Mania 2 (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86674} ] ; [ Puzznic (Europe) {SLES-03915} ] :SLES-03915 #Time Always 00:00 8009AD30 0000 #Score = 99999 9009AD20 0001869F #Infinite Continues 8009AD28 0003 ; [ Puzznic (Japan) {SLPS-03163} ] ; [ Pyjama Sam: Héros du Goûter (France) {SLES-03577} ] ; [ Pyjama Sam: Süssigkeiten kriegen Saures aka Pyjama Sam: Süßigkeiten kriegen Saures (Germany) {SLES-03578} ] ; [ Q*bert (Europe) {SLES-02214} ] :SLES-02214 #Adventure Mode\Infinite Lives 30142D65 0003 #Adventure Mode\Max Score 80142D5A 0001 #Adventure Mode\Unlock All Levels & Max Score 50003504 0000 801420CC FFFF #Classic Mode\Infinite Lives E010F5F0 0002 3010F5F0 0003 ; [ Quake II (Europe) {SLES-01534} ] :SLES-01534 #Infinite Health All 800583FA 3C00 #Infinite Ammo 8004C23E 3C00 8004C4FE 3C00 8004C7BE 3C00 8004A7CE 3C00 8004CB1A 3C00 8004D2C6 3C00 #Moon Jump E00D6501 0080 8004602A 3C00 E10D6501 0080 8004602A A603 #Infinite Armor 300C7CAE 00FF #Infinite Continues 300B335D 0003 #All secrets found C20B29F8 0001 800B29FC 0000 #P1-Codes\Infinite Health 300CBB30 00FF #P1-Codes\Death Match Max Points 300B3498 000F #P1-Codes\Have Super Shotgun Press L2+Left D00C7B60 0180 300C7CC6 0003 #P1-Codes\Have Machine Gun Press L2+Right D00C7B60 0120 300C7CC6 0004 #P1-Codes\Have Chain Gun Press L2+up D00C7B60 0110 300C7CC6 0005 #P1-Codes\Have Grenade Press L2+down D00C7B60 0140 300C7CC6 0006 #P1-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher Press R2+Left D00C7B60 0280 300C7CC6 0007 #P1-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher Press R2+Right D00C7B60 0220 300C7CC6 0008 #P1-Codes\Have Hyper Blaster .Press R2+up D00C7B60 0210 300C7CC6 0009 #P1-Codes\Have Rail Gun Press R2+down D00C7B60 0240 300C7CC6 000A #P1-Codes\Have Bfg10K Press L2+R2 D00C7B60 0300 300C7CC6 000B #P2-Codes\Infinite Health 300CC130 00FF #P2-Codes\Death Match Max Points 300B349A 000F #P2-Codes\Have Super Shotgun Press L2+Left D00C7B72 0180 300C7DA6 0003 #P2-Codes\Have Machine Gun Press L2+Right D00C7B72 0120 300C7DA6 0004 #P2-Codes\Have Chain Gun Press L2+up D00C7B72 0110 300C7DA6 0005 #P2-Codes\Have Grenade Press L2+down D00C7B72 0140 300C7DA6 0006 #P2-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher Press R2+Left D00C7B72 0280 300C7DA6 0007 #P2-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher .Press R2+Right D00C7B72 0220 300C7DA6 0008 #P2-Codes\Have Hyper Blaster Press R2+up D00C7B72 0210 300C7DA6 0009 #P2-Codes\Have Rail Gun Press R2+down D00C7B72 0240 300C7DA6 000A #P2-Codes\Have Bfg10K Press L2+R2 D00C7B72 0300 300C7DA6 000B #P3-Codes\Infinite Health 300CC730 00FF #P3-Codes\Death Match Max Points 300B349C 000F #P3-Codes\Have Super Shotgun Press L2+Left D00C7B84 0180 300C7E86 0003 #P3-Codes\Have Machine Gun Press L2+Right D00C7B84 0120 300C7E86 0004 #P3-Codes\Have Chain Gun Press L2+up D00C7B84 0110 300C7E86 0005 #P3-Codes\Have Grenade Press L2+down D00C7B84 0140 300C7E86 0006 #P3-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher Press R2+Left D00C7B84 0280 300C7E86 0007 #P3-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher Press R2+Right D00C7B84 0220 300C7E86 0008 #P3-Codes\Have Hyper Blaster Press R2+up D00C7B84 0210 300C7E86 0009 #P3-Codes\Have Rail Gun Press R2+down D00C7B84 0240 300C7E86 000A #P3-Codes\Have Bfg10K Press L2+R2 D00C7B84 0300 300C7E86 000B #P4-Codes\Infinite Health 300CCD30 00FF #P4-Codes\Death Match Max Points 300B349E 000F #P4-Codes\Have Super Shotgun Press L2+Left D00C7B96 0180 300C7DA6 0003 #P4-Codes\Have Machine Gun Press L2+Right D00C7B96 0120 300C7DA6 0004 #P4-Codes\Have Chain Gun Press L2+up D00C7B96 0110 300C7DA6 0005 #P4-Codes\Have Grenade Press L2+down D00C7B96 0140 300C7DA6 0006 #P4-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher Press R2+Left D00C7B96 0280 300C7DA6 0007 #P4-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher Press R2+Right D00C7B96 0220 300C7DA6 0008 #P4-Codes\Have Hyper Blaster Press R2+up D00C7B96 0210 300C7DA6 0009 #P4-Codes\Have Rail Gun .Press R2+down D00C7B96 0240 300C7DA6 000A #P4-Codes\Have Bfg10K Press L2+R2 D00C7B96 0300 300C7DA6 000B ; [ Queen's Road (Japan) {SLPS-00711} ] :SLPS-00711 #After training all the parameters MAX 800402FE 1000 #Interval Scale MAX 801E978A 0048 #Always 0 interval gauge of enemy 801E978E 0000 #Max Status Arsea Country Maverick 80089370 0063 8008935A 03E7 80089366 0063 8008935E 03E7 80089362 0063 80089364 0063 80089360 0063 #Max Status Arsea Minerva 8008939C 0063 80089386 03E7 80089392 0063 8008938A 03E7 8008938E 0063 80089390 0063 8008938C 0063 #Max Status Arsea Kassim 800893C8 0063 800893B2 03E7 800893BE 0063 800893B6 03E7 800893BA 0063 800893BC 0063 800893B8 0063 #Max Status Arsea Cordoba 800893F4 0063 800893DE 03E7 800893EA 0063 800893E2 03E7 800893E6 0063 800893E8 0063 800893E4 0063 #Max Status Arsea Haren 80089420 0063 8008940A 03E7 80089416 0063 8008940C 03E7 80089412 0063 80089414 0063 80089410 0063 #Max Status Arsea Saibari 8008944C 0063 80089436 03E7 80089442 0063 8008943A 03E7 8008943E 0063 80089440 0063 8008943C 0063 #Max Status Arsea Halsey 800894A4 0063 8008948E 03E7 8008949A 0063 80089492 03E7 80089496 0063 80089498 0063 80089494 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Emilia 8008A0A0 0063 8008A08A 03E7 8008A096 0063 8008A08E 03E7 8008A092 0063 8008A094 0063 8008A090 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Near card 8008A0CC 0063 8008A0B6 03E7 8008A0C2 0063 8008A0BA 03E7 8008A0BE 0063 8008A0C0 0063 8008A0BC 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Cornelian 8008A0F8 0063 8008A0E2 03E7 8008A0EE 0063 8008A0E6 03E7 8008A0EA 0063 8008A0EC 0063 8008A0E8 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Sadler 8008A124 0063 8008A10E 03E7 8008A11A 0063 8008A112 03E7 8008A116 0063 8008A118 0063 8008A114 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Jean-Jacques 8008A150 0063 8008A13A 03E7 8008A146 0063 8008A13E 03E7 8008A142 0063 8008A144 0063 8008A140 0063 #Max Status Caerleon Country Hedin 8008A17C 0063 8008A166 03E7 8008A172 0063 8008A16A 03E7 8008A16E 0063 8008A170 0063 8008A16C 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Ludwig 800897E4 0063 800897CE 03E7 800897DA 0063 800897D2 03E7 800897D6 0063 800897D8 0063 800897D4 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Ramses 80089810 0063 800897FA 03E7 80089806 0063 800897FE 03E7 80089802 0063 80089804 0063 80089800 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Jose fan 80089868 0063 80089852 03E7 8008985E 0063 80089856 03E7 8008985A 0063 8008985C 0063 80089858 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Nevada 80089894 0063 8008987E 03E7 8008988A 0063 80089882 03E7 80089886 0063 80089888 0063 80089884 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Bellman 80089918 0063 80089902 03E7 8008990E 0063 80089906 03E7 8008990A 0063 8008990C 0063 80089908 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Ryan 80089944 0063 8008992E 03E7 8008993A 0063 80089932 03E7 80089936 0063 80089938 0063 80089934 0063 #Max Status Dynaress Country Sirius 80089970 0063 8008995A 03E7 80089966 0063 8008995E 03E7 80089962 0063 80089964 0063 80089960 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country Wales 80088EA4 0063 80088E8E 03E7 80088E9A 0063 80088E92 03E7 80088E96 0063 80088E98 0063 80088E94 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country Leave 80088ED0 0063 80088EBA 03E7 80088EC6 0063 80088EBE 03E7 80088EC2 0063 80088EC4 0063 80088EC0 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country Martinez 80088EFC 0063 80088EE6 03E7 80088EF2 0063 80088EEA 03E7 80088EEE 0063 80088EF0 0063 80088EEC 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country Albert 80088F28 0063 80088F12 03E7 80088F1E 0063 80088F16 03E7 80088F1A 0063 80088F1C 0063 80088F18 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country Rex 80088F80 0063 80088F6A 03E7 80088F76 0063 80088F6E 03E7 80088F72 0063 80088F74 0063 80088F70 0063 #Max Status Drasion Country De la 80089004 0063 80088FEE 03E7 80088FFA 0063 80088FF2 03E7 80088FF6 0063 80088FF8 0063 80088FF4 0063 #Max Status Drasion country Garnet 80089030 0063 8008901A 03E7 80089026 0063 8008901E 03E7 80089022 0063 80089024 0063 80089020 0063 #Max Status Zol country Bahamut 80089C58 0063 80089C42 03E7 80089C4E 0063 80089C46 03E7 80089C4A 0063 80089C4C 0063 80089C48 0063 #Max Status Zol country Galleria 80089CB0 0063 80089C9A 03E7 80089CA6 0063 80089C9E 03E7 80089CA2 0063 80089CA4 0063 80089CA0 0063 #Max Status Zol country Oldenburg 80089CDC 0063 80089CC6 03E7 80089CD2 0063 80089CCA 03E7 80089CCE 0063 80089CD0 0063 80089CCC 0063 #Max Status Zol country Puroshido 80089D08 0063 80089CF2 03E7 80089CFE 0063 80089CF6 03E7 80089CFA 0063 80089CFC 0063 80089CF8 0063 #Max Status Zol country Suvu~arogu 80089D34 0063 80089D1E 03E7 80089D2A 0063 80089D22 03E7 80089D26 0063 80089D28 0063 80089D24 0063 #Max Status Zol country Pamela 80089D60 0063 80089D4A 03E7 80089D56 0063 80089D4E 03E7 80089D52 0063 80089D54 0063 80089D50 0063 #Max Status sol country Flare 80089D8C 0063 80089D76 03E7 80089D82 0063 80089D7A 03E7 80089D7E 0063 80089D80 0063 80089D7C 0063 ; [ Quest for Fame: Be a Virtual Rock Legend (Japan) {SCPS-18004 | SCPS-18005} ] ; [ Qui Veut Gagner des Millions: Junior (France) {SLES-03593} ] ; [ Qui Veut Gagner des Millions: Seconde Edition (France) {SLES-03590} ] ; [ Qui Veut Gagner des Millions? (France) {SLES-03480} ] ; [ Quiere ser millonario aka ¿Quiere Ser Millonario? 50 por 15 (Spain) {SLES-03481} ] ; [ Quiz Chara-Oke Don! Toei Tokusatsu Hero Part 1 (Japan) {SLPS-02189} ] ; [ Quiz Darake no Jinsei Game: Un to Atama de Daifugou!? (Japan) {SLP-87097} ] ; [ Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan) {SLPS-00875} ] :SLPS-00875 #Infinite Live cards 800F33FF 0003 #Achieve 100% 800F343A 0064 #Infinite Life Cards D0088EEA 2442 80088EE8 0000 #Decreasing Timer D005D666 2442 8005D664 0000 #After Achieving The Quota, Max Good Sensitivity D007EC6C 2821 8007EC7C 03E7 D007EC6C 2821 8007EC7E 2402 #100% Accuracy Rate D0086F94 1821 80086FA0 0000 #The Number Of Remaining Quota 0 300F09F6 0000 #Quota cleared by one question correct answer D0088CC2 0441 80088CC0 0001 ; [ Quiz Show (CD Gioco) (Italy) {SLES-03752 | SLES-13752} ] ; [ Quiz$Millionaire (Japan) (PSone Books) {SLPS-91515} ] ; [ Quiz$Millionaire: Waku Waku Party (Japan) {SLPS-03494} ] ; [ R (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-02045 | SLPS-02046} ] :SLPS-02045 :SLPS-02046 #Have All 5 Group Members 80066AB1 0010 #Max Score 80066AB0 270F ; [ R (Japan) {SLPS-02047} ] :SLPS-02047 #Have All 5 Group Members 80066AB1 0010 #Max Score 80066AB0 270F ; [ R-Type Delta (Europe) {SCES-01762} ] :SCES-01762 #R9 Full Beam D0010142 0001 80172360 00EB D0010142 0004 80151DFC 00EB #R9 Invincibility D0010142 0001 80172364 0040 D0010142 0004 80151E00 0040 #R9 Full Dose D0010142 0001 801723C0 1F40 D0010142 0004 80151DF0 1F40 #Rx Full Beam D0010142 0001 801747A8 00EB D0010142 0004 80153C9C 00EB #Rx Invincibility D0010142 0001 801747AC 0040 D0010142 0004 80153CA0 0040 #Rx Full Dose D0010142 0001 80174808 1F40 D0010142 0004 80153C90 1F40 #R13 Full Beam D0010142 0001 801755B0 00EB D0010142 0004 80153C24 00EB #R13 Invincibility D0010142 0001 801755B4 0040 D0010142 0004 80153C28 0040 #R13 Full Dose D0010142 0001 801755A4 1F40 D0010142 0004 80153C14 1F40 #Pow Full Beam D0010142 0001 801760B8 00EB D0010142 0004 8015465C 00EB #Pow Invincibility D0010142 0001 801760BC 0040 D0010142 0004 80154660 0040 #Pow Full Dose D0010142 0001 801760AC 1F40 D0010142 0004 80154650 1F40 #Full Beam All Ships D0010142 0002 801528D8 00EB D0010142 0003 8013B520 00EB D0010142 0005 8014CD34 00EB D0010142 0006 8016D404 00EB D0010142 0007 801543F4 00EB #Invincibility All Ships D0010142 0002 801528DC 0040 D0010142 0003 8013B524 0040 D0010142 0005 8014CD38 0040 D0010142 0006 8016D408 0040 D0010142 0007 801543F8 0040 #Full Dose All Ships D0010142 0002 801528CC 1F40 D0010142 0003 8013B514 1F40 D0010142 0005 8014CD28 1F40 D0010142 0006 8015D3F8 1F40 D0010142 0007 801543E8 1F40 #Infinite Lifes 8001014E 0009 #Have Secret Aircraft And Choose Chapter 90013A4C 00FFFFFF #Have Gallery 80013A44 FFFF #Infinite Credits 8001014C 0009 ; [ R-Type Delta (Japan) {SLPS-01688} ] :SLPS-01688 #Infinite Lifes 8001014E 0009 #Max Beam Energy For R-13 80175498 0068 #Max Beam Energy For R-X 801746B0 0060 #Invincibility For R-13 8017549C 0061 #Invincibility For R-X 801746B4 005D #Have Secret Aircraft And Choose Chapter 90013A4C 00FFFFFF #Have Gallery 80013A44 FFFF #Stage 1\Max Delta Attack 3008CD4C 0000 #Stage 1\Infinite Aircraft 3008C156 0040 #Stage 1\Max Power Attack 300D34D0 0040 #Stage 1\Invincibility For R-9 80172274 0083 #Stage 2\Max Delta Attack 3007545C 0000 #Stage 2\Infinite Aircraft 30074866 0040 #Stage 2\Max Power Attack 300BAECC 0040 #Stage 2\Invincibility For R-9 8015256C 007B #Stage 3\Max Delta Attack 3004C1D8 0000 #Stage 3\Infinite Aircraft 3004B5E2 0040 #Stage 3\Max Power Attack 30092B9C 0040 #Stage 3\Invincibility For R-9 8013B1AC 0083 #Stage 4\Max Delta Attack 30076AE0 0000 #Stage 4\Infinite Aircraft 30075F12 0040 #Stage 4\Max Power Attack 300BE010 0040 #Stage 4\Invincibility For R-9 80151A88 0083 #Stage 5\Max Delta Attack 30063DD0 0000 #Stage 5\Infinite Aircraft 300631DA 0040 #Stage 5\Max Power Attack 300A815C 0040 #Stage 5\Invincibility For R-9 8014C9C8 0083 #Stage 6\Max Delta Attack 3005EE88 0000 #Stage 6\Infinite Aircraft 3005E292 0040 #Stage 6\Max Power Attack 300A440C 0040 #Stage 6\Invincibility For R-9 8016D0A8 0083 #Stage 7\Max Delta Attack 3006D014 0000 #Stage 7\Infinite Aircraft 3006C42A 0040 #Stage 7\Max Power Attack 300B9990 0040 #Stage 7\Invincibility For R-9 801540B8 0083 ; [ R-Types (Europe) {SLES-01355} ] :SLES-01355 #R-Type 1\Invincibility 80138324 0001 #R-Type 1\P1 Infinite Lives 80138290 0005 #R-Type 1\P2 Infinite Lifes 80138298 0005 #R-Type 1\Credits 80138262 0099 #R-Type 2 Codes\P1 Infinite Lifes 800FB996 0500 #R-Type 2 Codes\Have Missiles 800F8190 0001 #R-Type 2 Codes\Have Always 2 Bits 800F818E 0200 #R-Type 2 Codes\Have Always Force 800F8192 0100 #R-Type 2 Codes\Auto-Fire #Little Beam# 800F8194 0400 #R-Type 2 Codes\Invincibility 300FBA3A 0001 #R-Type 2 Codes\Infinite Credits 800FB96A 0063 ; [ R-Types (Japan) {SLPS-01236} ] :SLPS-01236 #R-Type 1\Invincibility 80135A70 0001 #R-Type 1\P1 Infinite Lifes 801359DC 0005 #R-Type 1\P2 Infinite Lifes 801359E4 0005 #R-Type 1\Max Speed And Laser Attack 80132ADE 0A0A #R-Type 1\Have Shield 80132ADA 0303 #R-Type 1\Have Missiles 80132ADC 0314 #R-Type 1\Max Weapons 80132AE6 0303 #R-Type 1\Full Beam 80132AE4 8000 #R-Type 1\Credits 801359AE 0099 #R-Type 2\P1 Infinite Lifes 800FA352 0300 #R-Type 2\P2 Infinite Lifes 800FA35A 0300 #R-Type 2\Invincibility D00975F8 0040 800975F8 0000 #R-Type 2\Full Beam 800F6B7A 00A0 #R-Type 2\Max Speed 800F6B6E 0002 #R-Type 2\Have Shield 800F6B6A 0303 #R-Type 2\Have Missiles 800F6B6C 0314 #R-Type 2\Max Weapons 800F6B76 0303 #R-Type 2\Credits 800FA326 0099 ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (Europe) Demo {SLED-01501} ] ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (Europe) {SLES-01459} ] :SLES-01459 #Unlock all levels 800CD5CC FFFF #All gold medals (Training) 50000502 0000 800CD5A4 0303 #Max score 900CD5EC 4FFFFFFF #Infinite Time D0186D18 969C 80186D1A 2400 ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (France) Demo {SLED-02231} ] ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (France) {SLES-02141} ] ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (Germany) {SLES-02140} ] :SLES-02140 #Unendlich Zeit im Training 8009F144 22B7 #Alle Trainingsübungen bestanden 50000A02 0000 800C3BAC FFFF #Einzelspielermodus und alle Hubschrauber freigeschaltet 50000502 0000 800C3B94 0303 #Amateur Unendlich Treibstoff Schweben 1 D217CB7E 0100 8017CB7E 0100 #Amateur Unendlich Treibstoff Landung 1 D217FDA2 0100 8017FDA2 0100 #Amateur Unendlich Treibstoff Schiessen 1 D217EEEA 0100 8017EEEA 0100 #Niedrige Rundenzeit E117D480 0000 3017D480 0001 #Zeit verlängert Drücke Select D00BA74A FFFE 801800E0 1264 #Unendlich Treibstoff Ziel 1 D2180C26 0100 80180C26 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Schweben 2 D217CB32 0100 8017CB32 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Landung 2 D218125A 0100 8018125A 0100 #Zeit verlängert Slalom 2 Drücke Select+Links D00BA74A FF7E 8018012C 1264 #Unendlich Treibstoff Ziel 2 D2183396 0100 80183396 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Schweben 3 D21869F2 0100 801869F2 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Landung 3 D21820CA 0100 801820CA 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Slalom 3 D217D8E6 0100 8017D8E6 0100 #Zeit verlängert Schiessen 3 Drücke Select+Rechts D00BA74A FFCE 80190D1C 1264 #Unendlich Treibstoff Ziel 3 D218337E 0100 8018337E 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Schweben 4 D2186E9E 0100 80186E9E 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Landung 4 D2183FEA 0100 80183FEA 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Slalom 4 D217EBE2 0100 8017EBE2 0100 #Zeit verlängert Schiessen 4 Drücke Select+Unten D00BA74A FFBE 8017ECC0 1264 #Unendlich Treibstoff Ziel 4 D2182462 0100 80182462 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Schweben 5 D217C4AA 0100 8017C4AA 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Landung 5 D217CC0E 0100 8017CC0E 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Slalom 5 D217EC2E 0100 8017EC2E 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Schiessen 3 D01835B2 0100 801835B2 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Ziel 5 D2184D3A 0100 80184D3A 0100 #Unendlich Treibstoff Bonus-Level D219CA36 0100 8019CA36 0100 ; [ R/C Stunt Copter (Japan) {SLP-86407} ] ; [ R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 (Japan) (R4 + JogCon) {SLPS-01798} ] :SLPS-01798 #Instant win Press X & Select On the last race shooting hoops you still need to race for a short distance. D00F381A 0140 800ABE66 000C #Unlock All Team Drt - Cars 900F3710 FFFFFFFF 900F3714 FFFFFFFF 900F3718 FFFFFFFF 900F371C FFFFFFFF #Unlock All Team Mmm - Cars 900F3720 FFFFFFFF 900F3724 FFFFFFFF 900F3728 FFFFFFFF 900F372C FFFFFFFF #Unlock All Team Prc - Cars 900F3730 FFFFFFFF 900F3734 FFFFFFFF 900F3738 FFFFFFFF 900F373C FFFFFFFF #Unlock All Team Solvalou - Cars 900F3740 FFFFFFFF 900F3744 FFFFFFFF 900F3748 FFFFFFFF 900F374C FFFFFFFF #All Cars 900F3710 FFFFFFFF 900F3714 FFFFFFFF 900F3718 FFFFFFFF 900F371C FFFFFFFF 900F3720 FFFFFFFF 900F3724 FFFFFFFF 900F3728 FFFFFFFF 900F372C FFFFFFFF 900F3730 FFFFFFFF 900F3734 FFFFFFFF 900F3738 FFFFFFFF 900F373C FFFFFFFF 900F3740 FFFFFFFF 900F3744 FFFFFFFF 900F3748 FFFFFFFF 900F374C FFFFFFFF #Unlock All Courses 800F370C FFFF 300F3754 0001 900F3758 01010101 #Unlock Extra Trial 800F3754 0001 #Complete Extra Trial 900F375C 01010101 #Max Speed D00F381A 0101 800ABEB8 0E47 #Shift Picture .with L2, L1 E00F381A 0001 20093590 0001 E00F381A 0004 21093590 0001 ; [ R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45356} ] ; [ R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital (What's Going On) (Japan) {SLPS-01087 | SLPS-01088} ] ; [ R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital: Second Attack Sample CD-ROM (Japan) Demo {SLP-80172} ] ; [ RC Revenge (Europe) Demo {SLED-03100} ] ; [ RC Revenge (Europe) {SLES-02824} ] :SLES-02824 #Max Points To Win Championships D00BD000 000C 300BD002 0040 D10BD000 000C 300BD002 0000 #Quick Finish/Best Lap Time The race will be over as soon as you cross the line, but you will not be first. So use the max points codes to win the championships. In time-trials cross the line, then quit to have best time. D00194DC 0001 300194DC 0004 #Unlocked\Silver Cup D01A0190 0060 301A0190 0000 #Unlocked\Gold Cup D01A0130 0060 301A0130 0000 #Unlocked\Platinum Cup D01A00D8 0060 301A00D8 0000 #Unlocked\Bronze Reverse Cup D01A0074 0060 301A0074 0000 #Unlocked\Silver Reverse Cup D019FFF4 0060 3019FFF4 0000 #Unlocked\Gold Reverse Cup D019FF74 0060 3019FF74 0000 #Unlocked\Platinum Reverse Cup D019FEF8 0060 3019FEF8 0000 #Unlocked\Jungle Ranger 300BD634 0001 #Unlocked\Sarge 300BD6C4 0001 #Unlocked\Yella 300BD70C 0001 #Unlocked\Skull Duggery 300BD6E8 0001 #Unlocked\Ufo 300BD730 0001 #Unlocked\Concept 3000 300BD5A4 0001 #Unlocked\Bronze Won, Silver Unlocked 300BD950 0001 #Unlocked\Silver Won, Gold & Jungle Ranger Unlocked 300BD950 0002 #Unlocked\Gold Won, Platin Unlocked 300BD950 0003 #Unlocked\Platin Won, Bronze (R) & Yella Unlocked 300BD950 0004 #Unlocked\Bronze (R) Won, Silver (R) Unlocked 300BD950 0005 #Unlocked\Silver (R) Won, Gold (R) & Sarge Unlocked 300BD950 0006 #Unlocked\Gold (R) Won, Platin (R) Unlocked 300BD950 0007 #Track Codes\All Tracks Unlocked 50001501 0000 300BDFFF 000F #Horror World\Trials From The Crypt\Reverse Mode 300BDFFF 0003 #Horror World\Trials From The Crypt\Mirror Mode 300BDFFF 0007 #Horror World\I Know What You Drove Last Summer\Unlocked 300BE004 0001 #Horror World\I Know What You Drove Last Summer\Reverse Mode 300BE004 0003 #Horror World\I Know What You Drove Last Summer\Mirror Mode 300BE004 0007 #Horror World\Trials From The Crypt - The Director's Cut\Unlocked 300BE009 0001 #Horror World\Trials From The Crypt - The Director's Cut\Reverse Mode 300BE009 0003 #Horror World\Trials From The Crypt - The Director's Cut\Mirror Mode 300BE009 0007 #Horror World\I Still Know What You Drove Last Summer\Unlocked 300BE00E 0001 #Horror World\I Still Know What You Drove Last Summer\Reverse Mode 300BE00E 0003 #Horror World\I Still Know What You Drove Last Summer\Mirror Mode 300BE00E 0007 #Planet Adventure\Cars Attacks!\Reverse Mode 300BE000 0003 #Planet Adventure\Cars Attacks!\Mirror Mode 300BE000 0007 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc\Unlocked 300BE005 0001 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc\Reverse Mode 300BE005 0003 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc\Mirror Mode 300BE005 0007 #Planet Adventure\Cars Attacks! Again!\Unlocked 300BE00A 0001 #Planet Adventure\Cars Attacks! Again!\Reverse Mode 300BE00A 0003 #Planet Adventure\Cars Attacks! Again!\Mirror Mode 300BE00A 0007 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc - Digitally Remastered\Unlocked 300BE00F 0001 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc - Digitally Remastered\Reverse Mode 300BE00F 0003 #Planet Adventure\20:01 A Space Odd Rc - Digitally Remastered\Mirror Mode 300BE00F 0007 #Jungle World\Tempel Of Vroom\Reverse Mode 300BE001 0003 #Jungle World\Tempel Of Vroom\Mirror Mode 300BE001 0007 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park\Unlocked 300BE006 0001 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park\Reverse Mode 300BE006 0003 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park\Mirror Mode 300BE006 0007 #Jungle World\Tempel Of Vroom - The Awakening\Unlocked 300BE00B 0001 #Jungle World\Tempel Of Vroom - The Awakening\Reverse Mode 300BE00B 0003 #Jungle World\Tempel Of Vroom - The Awakening\Mirror Mode 300BE00B 0007 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park - Collector's Edition\Unlocked 300BE010 0001 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park - Collector's Edition\Reverse Mode 300BE010 0003 #Jungle World\Racers Of The Lost Park - Collector's Edition\Mirror Mode 300BE010 0007 #Aklm Studios\Hilltop Hairpins\Reverse Mode 300BE002 0003 #Aklm Studios\Hilltop Hairpins\Mirror Mode 300BE002 0007 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon\Unlocked 300BE007 0001 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon\Reverse Mode 300BE007 0003 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon\Mirror Mode 300BE007 0007 #Aklm Studios\Hilltop Hairpins - The Special Edition\Unlocked 300BE00A 0001 #Aklm Studios\Hilltop Hairpins - The Special Edition\Reverse Mode 300BE00C 0003 #Aklm Studios\Hilltop Hairpins - The Special Edition\Mirror Mode 300BE00C 0007 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon - Live And Dangerous\Unlocked 300BE011 0001 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon - Live And Dangerous\Reverse Mode 300BE011 0003 #Aklm Studios\Calamity Canyon - Live And Dangerous\Mirror Mode 300BE011 0007 #Monster World\It Came To Have A Race\Reverse Mode 300BE003 0003 #Monster World\It Came To Have A Race\Mirror Mode 300BE003 0007 #Monster World\Attack Of The Killer Toy Motors\Unlocked 300BE008 0001 #Monster World\Attack Of The Killer Toy Motors\Reverse Mode 300BE008 0003 #Monster World\Attack Of The Killer Toy Motors\Mirror Mode 300BE008 0007 #Monster World\It Returned To Have Another Race\Unlocked 300BE00D 0001 #Monster World\It Returned To Have Another Race\Reverse Mode 300BE00D 0003 #Monster World\It Returned To Have Another Race\Mirror Mode 300BE00D 0007 #Monster World\Return Of The Killer Toy Motors\Unlocked 300BE012 0001 #Monster World\Return Of The Killer Toy Motors\Reverse Mode 300BE012 0003 #Monster World\Return Of The Killer Toy Motors\Mirror Mode 300BE012 0007 #Track Codes\Time Trials - Best Times\All Normal Tracks 50001404 0000 800BD8B0 1000 #Track Codes\Time Trials - Best Times\All Reverse Tracks 50001404 0000 800BD900 1000 #Track Codes\Trials From The Crypt\Normal 800BD8B0 1000 #Track Codes\Trials From The Crypt\Reverse 800BD900 1000 #Track Codes\Cars Attacks!\Normal 800BD8B4 1000 #Track Codes\Cars Attacks!\Reverse 800BD904 1000 #Track Codes\Tempel Of Vroom\Normal 800BD8B8 1000 #Track Codes\Tempel Of Vroom\Reverse 800BD908 1000 #Track Codes\Hilltop Hairpins\Normal 800BD8BC 1000 #Track Codes\Hilltop Hairpins\Reverse 800BD90C 1000 #Track Codes\It Came To Have A Race\Normal 800BD8C0 1000 #Track Codes\It Came To Have A Race\Reverse 800BD910 1000 #Track Codes\I Know What You Drove Last Summer\Normal 800BD8C4 1000 #Track Codes\I Know What You Drove Last Summer\Reverse 800BD914 1000 #Track Codes\20:01 A Space Odd Rc\Normal 800BD8C8 1000 #Track Codes\20:01 A Space Odd Rc\Reverse 800BD918 1000 #Track Codes\Racers Of The Lost Park\Normal 800BD8CC 1000 #Track Codes\Racers Of The Lost Park\Reverse 800BD91C 1000 #Track Codes\Calamity Canyon\Normal 800BD8D0 1000 #Track Codes\Calamity Canyon\Reverse 800BD920 1000 #Track Codes\Attack Of The Killer Toy Motors\Normal 800BD8D4 1000 #Track Codes\Attack Of The Killer Toy Motors\Reverse 800BD924 1000 #Track Codes\Trials From The Crypt - The Director's Cut\Normal 800BD8D8 1000 #Track Codes\Trials From The Crypt - The Director's Cut\Reverse 800BD928 1000 #Track Codes\Cars Attacks! - Again!\Normal 800BD8DC 1000 #Track Codes\Cars Attacks! - Again!\Reverse 800BD92C 1000 #Track Codes\Tempel Of Vroom - The Awakening\Normal 800BD8E0 1000 #Track Codes\Tempel Of Vroom - The Awakening\Reverse 800BD930 1000 #Track Codes\Hilltop Hairpins - The Special Edition\Normal 800BD8E4 1000 #Track Codes\Hilltop Hairpins - The Special Edition\Reverse 800BD934 1000 #Track Codes\It Returned To Have Another Race\Normal 800BD8E8 1000 #Track Codes\It Returned To Have Another Race\Reverse 800BD938 1000 #Track Codes\I Still Know What You Drove Last Summer\Normal 800BD8EC 1000 #Track Codes\I Still Know What You Drove Last Summer\Reverse 800BD93C 1000 #Track Codes\20:01 A Space Odd Rc - Digitally Remastered\Normal 800BD8F0 1000 #Track Codes\20:01 A Space Odd Rc - Digitally Remastered\Reverse 800BD940 1000 #Track Codes\Racers Of The Lost Park - Collector's Edition\Normal 800BD8F4 1000 #Track Codes\Racers Of The Lost Park - Collector's Edition\Reverse 800BD944 1000 #Track Codes\Calamity Canyon - Live And Dangerous\Normal 800BD8F8 1000 #Track Codes\Calamity Canyon - Live And Dangerous\Reverse 800BD948 1000 #Track Codes\Return Of The Killer Toy Motors\Normal 800BD8FC 1000 #Track Codes\Return Of The Killer Toy Motors\Reverse 800BD94C 1000 ; [ RC Revenge (Japan) {SLP-86635} ] ; [ RC de Go! (Europe) {SLES-03068} ] :SLES-03068 #Infinite Points (Money) 800B9DDC FFFF #Always First (Press L2 & X):Press Buttons When Crossing The Line At Final Lap. D00C5E3A BEFF 800ABBD6 1001 ; [ RC de Go! (Japan) {SLP-86546} ] ; [ RPG Tkool 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01093} ] ; [ RPG Tkool 4 (Japan) {SLPS-02861 | SLPS-02862} ] :SLPS-02861 :SLPS-02862 #Infinite HP Main character 801C2D0C 03E7 801C2D10 03E7 #Infinite HP 2nd character 801C30A8 03E7 801C30AC 03E7 #Max money 900EC400 000F423F ; [ RTL Skispringen 2002 (Germany) {SLES-03772} ] :SLES-03772 #Button Command D00644FA 0000 #1st Created Jumper Codes 99999999 Cash 9005FDD0 05F5E0FF #1st Created Jumper Codes 999 Points In Ranking List 8005DC4C 03E7 ; [ Raamen-bashi (Japan) {SLPS-02293} ] :SLPS-02293 #Have 99999 money 90162D20 0001869F #Max Ramen Sell 901E1280 000F423F #All Items 50004F02 0000 801E1A70 0101 #Charged tasting number 9999 soup 8008A6B8 270F #Charged in the number of tasting 9999 fixture 8008A6BA 270F #If you raise the noodles while pressing the SELECT button, so the best boiled D008A368 0100 8008A4B4 008E ; [ Race Drivin' a Go! Go! (Japan) {SLPS-00167} ] :SLPS-00167 #Infinite Time And Fuel 801CD520 0A8C #Infinite Off-Road Time 8012FF68 013E ; [ Racing Lagoon (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45404} ] ; [ Racing Simulation 2 (Germany) {SLES-01665} ] ; [ Racing Special aka Official UK PlayStation Racing Special (Europe) {SCED-01640} ] ; [ Racingroovy VS (Japan) {SLPS-00417} ] :SLPS-00417 #Max Speed 800F47D0 0160 ; [ Radikal Bikers (Europe) {SLES-01943} ] :SLES-01943 #Always have perfect pizza 800CC2D0 0010 #Infinite Money 800CC2A8 423F 300CC2AA 000F #Infinite Time 900AC4DC 00000000 #Opponent and vehicles don't move 8009DEA2 1000 ; [ Rage Racer (Europe) {SCES-00650} ] ; [ Rage Racer (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00600} ] :SLPS-00600 #Max Speed 8009DECE 03E7 #Infinite Money 9019BFB0 00FFFFFF #Always Place first 8009DEDC 0001 #Loads of Race Credits 901E371C 00984236 #Loads of Race Credits (Extra GP) 901E6500 00989676 #Infinite Chances 801E396A 0003 #Unlock Extra GP 8019C168 0001 #Infinite Chances (Extra GP) 8009DF22 0003 #Extra GP Race victory MYTHICAL COAST 3009DF1C 0001 #Extra GP Race victory OVER PASS CITY 3009DF1D 0001 #Extra GP Race victory LAKESIDE GATE 3009DF1E 0001 #Extra GP Race victory THE EXTREAM OVAL 3009DF1F 0001 ; [ Rage Racer (Japan) {SLPS-00600} ] :SLPS-00600 #Max Speed 8009DECE 03E7 #Infinite Money 9019BFB0 00FFFFFF #Always Place first 8009DEDC 0001 #Loads of Race Credits 901E371C 00984236 #Loads of Race Credits (Extra GP) 901E6500 00989676 #Infinite Chances 801E396A 0003 #Unlock Extra GP 8019C168 0001 #Infinite Chances (Extra GP) 8009DF22 0003 #Extra GP Race victory MYTHICAL COAST 3009DF1C 0001 #Extra GP Race victory OVER PASS CITY 3009DF1D 0001 #Extra GP Race victory LAKESIDE GATE 3009DF1E 0001 #Extra GP Race victory THE EXTREAM OVAL 3009DF1F 0001 ; [ Rageball (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03511} ] :SLES-03511 #Infinite Credits 9999 800F0BA4 270F #P1 always score 0 800E4420 0000 #P1 always score 99 800E4420 0063 #P2 always score 0 800E4422 0000 #P2 always score 99 800E4422 0063 ; [ Raging Skies (Europe) {SCES-00222} ] :SCES-00222 #Infinite Time 80083E74 0255 #Infinite Fuel 801C5D40 0255 #Infinite Aim-9S 800BF9D4 0020 #Infinite Aim-120S 800BF9D6 0010 #Infinite Agm-88S 800BF9D8 0008 #Infinite Agm-65S 800BF9DA 0016 ; [ Raiden DX (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86656} ] ; [ Railroad Tycoon II (Europe) {SLES-02426} ] :SLES-02426 #English Codes Infinite Money The Iron Seed 8015C6D6 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Handle On The Breadbasket 8018144A 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Bridging A Nation 80181082 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Silver Boons & The Market Busts 8017CE32 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Crossing The Great Divide 801952C2 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Birth On The Iron Horse 80181472 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Excess On The Orient Express 8018FA3A 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Knitting With Iron 801872CA 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Next Stop The 20th Century 80196B3E 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money The Brenner Pass 801718E2 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money When Walls Come Down 80199E32 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Croissants or Crumpets 801979EA 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money The Samurai Rides An Iron Horse 8016B2F6 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Which Way To The Coast? 8018566E 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money The People's Train 80189446 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Dilemma Down Under 801791EA 7FFF #English Codes Infinite Money Cape To Cairo 8019306A 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Die StäHlerne Faust 8015DAB2 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Ein StüCke Vom Kuchen 80182826 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Eine Nation WäChst Zusammen 8018245E 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Silberboom Und Marktzusammenbruch 8017E20E 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Stippvisiten Und Versprechungen 8019669E 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Eine Kluft Wird Geschlossen 8018284E 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Exzess Im Orient Express 80190E16 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Netz Aus Eisen 801886A6 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Auf Dem Weg Ins 20. Jahrhundert 80197F1A 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Der Brenner-Pass 80172CBE 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Wenn Mauern Fallen 8019B20E 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Baguette Oder Porridge 80198DC6 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Samurai's Reiten Hoch Zu Dampfross 8016C6D2 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Welchen Weg Zur KüSte? 80186A4A 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Die Volkseisenbahn 8018A822 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Dilemma In Australien 8017A5C6 7FFF #Deutsche Codes Unendlich Geld Von Kapstadt Nach Cairo 80194446 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money La Graine De Fer 8015D8DE 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money ContrôLe Sur Le Grenier 80182652 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money La TraverséE D'Une Nation 8018228A 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money ApogéEs Et Debacles 8017E03A 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money TraverséE Du Grand Fosse 801964CA 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Naissance Du Cheval D'Acier 8018267A 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money DéSorientation Sur L'Orient Express 80190C42 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Nailles De Fer 801884D2 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Prochaine ArrêT! Le 20E Siecle 80197D46 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Le Col Du Brenner 80172AEA 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Franchissement De Obstacles 8019B03A 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money CrêPes Au Croissants? 80198BF2 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money L' Histoire De Japon 8016C4FE 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money La Mer S' Il Vous Plait? - La Quelle? 80186876 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Le Train Du Peuple 8018A64E 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Dilemme Ici Bas 8017A3F2 7FFF #French Codes Infinite Money Du Cape Au Caire 80194272 7FFF ; [ Rakugaki Showtime (Japan) {SLP-86272} ] ; [ Rally Cross (Europe) {SCES-00408} ] :SCES-00408 #Open All Tracks Do Not Use in Pro Mode! 80057AEE 0114 #Always First Place 800670B0 0000 800670B4 0000 90040870 00000000 #Extra Cars 80056910 0014 ; [ Rally Cross (Japan) {SIPS-60022} ] :SIPS-60022 #Freeze time 1P 80066EA4 0000 #CPU does not increase the current number of laps 30066F0E 0000 30066F7E 0000 30066FEE 0000 ; [ Rally Cross 2 (Europe) {SCES-01631} ] :SCES-01631 #Always Place First 80071F80 0001 #One Lap To Race 8006047E 0104 #All Cars & Tracks 800597CE 0003 ; [ Rally Cross 2 (USA) Demo {SCUS-94377} ] ; [ Rally de Africa (Japan) Demo {SLP-80296} ] ; [ Rampage 2: Universal Tour (Europe) {SLES-02021} ] :SLES-02021 #Infinite Health Curtis 801E1632 0044 #Infinite Lives Curtis 801E162C 0009 #Infinite Health Boris 801E1852 0044 #Infinite Lives Boris 801E184C 0009 #Infinite Health Ruby 801E1A72 0044 #Infinite Lives Ruby 801E1A6C 0009 #Infinite Health George 801E1C92 0044 #Infinite Lives George 801E1C8C 0005 #Infinite Health Lizzie 801E1EB2 0044 #Infinite Lives Lizzie 801E1EAC 0005 #Infinite Health Ralph 801E20D2 0044 #Infinite Lives Ralph 801E20CC 0005 #Infinite Health Myukus & Neebus 801E22F2 0044 #Infinite Lives Myukus & Neebus 801E22EC 0005 #Enable George 801FA2DA 0000 #Enable Lizzie 801FA2DC 0000 #Enable Ralph 801FA2DE 0000 #Enable Myukus 801FA2E0 0000 ; [ Rampage: Through Time (Europe) {SLES-02849} ] :SLES-02849 #Infinite Health Lizzie 801FA196 0044 #Infinite Health Curtis 801F9B86 0044 #Infinite Health Ralph 801FA31A 0044 #Infinite Health Ruby 801F9E8E 0044 #Infinite Health Boris 801F9D0A 0044 #Infinite Health George 801FA012 0044 #Infinite Health Myukus 801FA49E 0044 #Infinite Health Harley 801FA622 0044 ; [ Rampage: World Tour (Europe) {SLES-01011} ] :SLES-01011 #George-Codes\Infinite Health 800D6F86 0064 #George-Codes\Invincibility 800D706E 0239 #George-Codes\High Score 900D6FA4 00CF0FFF #George-Codes\More Power-Mode 800D7070 0181 800D70B8 0000 #George-Codes\Damage Always 100% 800DC474 0064 #Scoring Screen\Property Damage 800BB960 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max People 800D6F9A 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Food 800D6F9C 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Vehicles 800D6F9E 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Buddy Bashing 800D6FAC 00FF #Lizzy-Codes\Infinite Health 800D7152 0064 #Lizzy-Codes\High Score 900D7170 00CF0FFF #Lizzy-Codes\Invincibility 800D723A 0239 #Lizzy-Codes\Super Strength 800D723C 0181 800D7284 0000 #Lizzy-Codes\Damage Always 100% 800DC640 0064 #Scoring Screen\Max Property Damage 800BBB2C 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max People 800D7166 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Food 800D7168 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Vehicles 800D716A 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Buddy Bashing 800D716E 00FF #Ralph-Codes\Infinite Health 800D731E 0063 #Ralph-Codes\High Score 900D733C 00CF0FFF #Ralph-Codes\Invinciblity 800D7406 0239 #Ralph-Codes\More Power-Mode 800D7408 0181 800D7450 0000 #Ralph-Codes\Damage Always 100% 800DC80C 0064 #Scoring Screen\Max Property Damage 800BBCF8 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max People 800D7332 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Food 800D7334 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Vehicles 800D7336 00FF #Scoring Screen\Max Buddy Bashing 800D733A 00FF ; [ Ran Soccer (Germany) {SLES-00214} ] ; [ Randevu s Neznakomkoy 2 aka Рандеву с незнакомкой 2 (Russia) (Unlicensed (Pinachet)) {Unlicensed | Unlicensed} ] ; [ Randevu s Neznakomkoy aka Рандеву с незнакомкой (Russia) (Unlicensed (Pinachet)) {Unlicensed | Unlicensed} ] ; [ Rap-la-MuuMuu from JumpingFlash! 2 (Japan) (Hibaihin) {PAPX-90007} ] ; [ Rapid Racer (Europe) {SCES-00394} ] :SCES-00394 #P1 Infinite Turbos 800F64F8 0003 800F64EE 0005 #P1 No Damage 800F64E4 0000 #Night & Mirror Mode Open 300E05DB 0003 #Unlock All Boats - EASY 50000402 0000 800E0628 0101 #Unlock All Boats - HARD 50000402 0000 800E084C 0101 #Unlock All Boats - MEDIUM 50000402 0000 800E073A 0101 #Unlock All Day Tracks - EASY 50000202 0000 800E0610 0606 #Unlock All Day Tracks - HARD 50000302 0000 800E0832 0606 #Unlock All Day Tracks - MEDIUM 50000302 0000 800E0720 0606 #Unlock All Night Tracks - EASY 50000302 0000 800E0614 0606 #Unlock All Night Tracks - HARD 50000302 0000 800E0838 0606 #Unlock All Night Tracks - MEDIUM 50000302 0000 800E0726 0606 ; [ Rapid Racer (Japan) {SCPS-10060} ] :SCPS-10060 #P1 Infinite Jets And No Damage 8010172C 0000 80101736 0003 80101740 0003 #P2 Infinite Jets And No Damage 8010207C 0000 80102086 0003 80102090 0003 #The end of the race in one week 301014F0 0002 #Always first Place 30101501 0001 #All boat available 300EB151 0001 800EB152 0101 800EB154 0101 #Duck Mode ON Player's boat looks like a rubber ducky. 800EB0B0 0004 #Unlock All Extras 300EB103 0003 50000902 0000 800EB136 0606 50000501 0000 300EB151 0001 ; [ Rapid Reload (Europe) {SCES-00004} ] :SCES-00004 #Infinite Continues 801A82DC 0009 #Infinite Bombs 801E2EF4 0001 #Infinite Health Level 1 801E3660 0068 #Infinite Health Level 2 801E2E9C 0068 #Infinite Health Level 3 801DE5B4 0068 #Infinite Health Level 4 801E8300 0068 #Infinite Health Level 5 801DBAE4 0068 #Infinite Health Level 6 801DAFE8 0068 ; [ Rascal (Europe) Demo {SLED-01065} ] ; [ Rascal (Europe) {SLES-00858} ] :SLES-00858 #Infinite Lifes 8009AF3C 0003 #Infinite Ammo 8009AF96 0040 #Infinite Health 8009B1EA 0020 ; [ Rascal Racers (Europe) {SLES-04058} ] ; [ Rat Attack (Europe) {SLES-01103} ] :SLES-01103 #Infinite Lives+Health 80112CB8 000F #Have All Collected To Finish 8010F800 0032 #Max Score D010F6D0 0000 8010F6D0 FFFF #Unlock Banubis 800CFDAC 00FF #Unlock Pearl 800CFDBC 00FF #Unlock Garden 800CFE5C 00FF #Unlock Funhouse 800CFE6C 00FF #Unlock Haunted House 800CFE7C 00FF #Unlock Museum 800CFE8C 00FF #Unlock Art Gallery 800CFE9C 00FF #Unlock Factory 800CFEAC 00FF #Unlock Space 800CFEBC 00FF ; [ Ray Tracers (Europe) {SCES-00741} ] :SCES-00741 #Infinite Time 80058378 05DC #Infinite Nitro 80057F3C 03B6 ; [ Ray-Ray CD-ROM (Japan) (Promotion Ban) {SLP-80078} ] ; [ RayCrisis (Europe) {SLES-02882} ] :SLES-02882 #Infinite Ships D00D97F6 0100 300D97F7 0009 #Max lock-ons (Press L1) D00D4AA2 FBFF 300D9800 0019 #ORIGINAL MODE Erosion rate = 100% (Quick boss fight) Press everytime erasion rate comes to a halt works not immediately (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00D4AA2 F0FF 800D504C 0000 D00D4AA2 F0FF 800D504E 0064 ; [ RayCrisis (Japan) {SLP-86450} ] ; [ RayStorm (Europe) {SCES-00742} ] :SCES-00742 #P1 Infinite Lives 800D4D2C 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D7194 0005 #Infinite Credits 800D4950 0009 #Select Level\1 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0000 #Select Level\2 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0001 #Select Level\3 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0002 #Select Level\4 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0003 #Select Level\5 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0004 #Select Level\6 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0005 #Select Level\7 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0006 #Select Level\8 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0007 #Select Level\9 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0008 #Select Level\10 D00BABD4 0001 800BABD4 0009 ; [ RayStorm (Japan) (Tentou Demo-ban) {SLP-80066} ] ; [ RayStorm (Japan) {SLPS-00678} ] :SLPS-00678 #P1 & 2 Infinite Life 800D5E90 000F #P1 Infinite Lives 800D3A24 0005 #P2 Infinite Lives 800D5E88 0005 #Infinite Credit 800D3644 0009 #Infinite Bomb 800D3A52 1000 #Powerful Weapon 800D3A26 0006 #Infinite Life 800D3A24 0005 #P1 Max Laser 800D3A30 0010 #P1 Max Shot Power 800D3A26 000F #P1 Infinite Lock 800D3A3A 0008 #P2 Infinite Special Attack 800D5EB6 1000 #P2 Max Shot Power 800D5E8A 0006 #P2 Infinite Lock 800D5E9E 0008 ; [ Rayman (Europe) (EDC Original) {SLES-00049} ] :SLES-00049 #Infinite Health 801F8EB0 0002 #Infinite Lives 801E4230 0003 #Infinite Continues 801E6068 0005 #1-Hit Death Bosses/Enemies 9014E4CC 24020001 9019F5BC 24030000 9017AF34 24020000 90182DA4 24020000 90152890 24020000 901971F0 24020000 #All Levels Unlocked/Electoons Freed 301C2825 0006 50001014 0000 801C2838 0601 50000714 0000 301C2878 0001 #Invincibility 301F8E92 004D D01FAB92 FFFE 301F8E92 00FF #Pause For Max Health & Lives 8013A362 2400 #Press Select For 99 Tings 301E4236 0063 #Skip Level (Triangle+Circle) D01FAB92 CFFF 301FA6E8 0001 #Power Codes Press Select+Circle For All Powers (Reverse Mode/O is Run) D01FAB92 DFFE 801F5F70 028F #Power Codes Press Select+Left For All Powers (Super Helicopter/O is Run) D01FAB92 FF7E 801F5F70 018F #Power Codes Press Select+Right For All Powers (Helicopter/O is Magic Seed) D01FAB92 FFDE 801F5F70 01C7 ; [ Rayman (Europe) {SLES-00049} ] :SLES-00049 #Infinite Health 801F8EB0 0002 #Infinite Lives 801E4230 0003 #Infinite Continues 801E6068 0005 #1-Hit Death Bosses/Enemies 9014E4CC 24020001 9019F5BC 24030000 9017AF34 24020000 90182DA4 24020000 90152890 24020000 901971F0 24020000 #All Levels Unlocked/Electoons Freed 301C2825 0006 50001014 0000 801C2838 0601 50000714 0000 301C2878 0001 #Invincibility 301F8E92 004D D01FAB92 FFFE 301F8E92 00FF #Pause For Max Health & Lives 8013A362 2400 #Press Select For 99 Tings 301E4236 0063 #Skip Level (Triangle+Circle) D01FAB92 CFFF 301FA6E8 0001 #Power Codes Press Select+Circle For All Powers (Reverse Mode/O is Run) D01FAB92 DFFE 801F5F70 028F #Power Codes Press Select+Left For All Powers (Super Helicopter/O is Run) D01FAB92 FF7E 801F5F70 018F #Power Codes Press Select+Right For All Powers (Helicopter/O is Magic Seed) D01FAB92 FFDE 801F5F70 01C7 ; [ Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Europe) {SLES-02905} ] :SLES-02905 #Infinite Air D00669CA 1000 800669CC 0000 #Have level complete The Clearing D00100D4 4465 300A6BAC 000A #Have level complete The Fairy Glade D00100D4 4465 300A6BAD 003C D00100D4 4465 300A6BE9 0004 D00100D4 4465 300A6C01 0002 #Have level complete The Marshes Of Awakening D00100D4 4465 300A6BAF 0023 D00100D4 4465 300A6C1B 0002 #Have level complete The Bayou D00100D4 4465 300A6BB0 002D D00100D4 4465 300A6C1C 0004 #Have level complete The Walk Of Life D00100D4 4465 300A6BB1 001E #Have Level Complete Whale Bay D00100D4 4465 300A6BB2 0023 D00100D4 4465 300A6C06 0002 #Have level complete The Menhir Hills D00100D4 4465 300A6BB4 0037 D00100D4 4465 300A6BF0 0002 D00100D4 4465 300A6C08 0003 #Have level complete The Cave Of Bad Dreams D00100D4 4465 300A6BB5 0041 #Have level complete The Canopy D00100D4 4465 300A6BB6 0041 D00100D4 4465 300A6BF2 0002 D00100D4 4465 300A6C22 0004 #Have level complete The Sanctuary Of Stone & Fire D00100D4 4465 300A6BB7 0055 D00100D4 4465 300A6C0B 0006 #Have levels complete The Echoing Caves D00100D4 4465 300A6BB9 003C D00100D4 4465 300A6BF5 0002 D00100D4 4465 300A6C25 0005 #Have levels complete The Precipice D00100D4 4465 300A6BBB 0041 D00100D4 4465 300A6C0F 0004 D00100D4 4465 300A6C27 0001 #Have levels complete The Sanctuary Of Rock & Lava D00100D4 4465 300A6BBC 002D D00100D4 4465 300A6C28 0005 #Have levels complete The Walk Of Power D00100D4 4465 300A6BBD 0028 #Have levels complete Beneath The Sanctuary Of Rock & Lava D00100D4 4465 300A6BBE 0032 D00100D4 4465 300A6C2A 0004 #Have levels complete Tomb Of The Ancients D00100D4 4465 300A6BC0 0014 D00100D4 4465 300A6C14 0004 #Have levels complete The Gloomy Island D00100D4 4465 300A6BC1 0023 D00100D4 4465 300A6BFC 0002 D00100D4 4465 300A6C15 0002 ; [ Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Europe) {SLES-02906} ] :SLES-02906 #Have level complete The Clearing D0010004 0001 300A6BD8 000A #Have level complete The Fairy Glade D0010004 0001 300A6BD9 003C D0010004 0001 300A6C15 0004 D0010004 0001 300A6C2D 0002 #Have level complete The Marshes Of Awakening D0010004 0001 300A6BDB 0023 #Have level complete The Bayou D0010004 0001 300A6BDC 002D D0010004 0001 300A6C47 0004 #Have level complete The Walk Of Life D0010004 0001 300A6BDD 002D #Have Level Complete Whale Bay D0010004 0001 300A6BDE 0023 D0010004 0001 300A6C42 0002 #Have level complete The Menhir Hills D0010004 0001 300A6BE0 0037 D0010004 0001 300A6C1C 0002 D0010004 0001 300A6C34 0003 #Have level complete The Cave Of Bad Dreams D0010004 0001 300A6BE1 0041 #Have level completeThe Canopy D0010004 0001 300A6BE2 0041 D0010004 0001 300A6C1E 0002 D0010004 0001 300A6C4E 0004 #Have level complete The Sanctuary Of Stone & Fire D0010004 0001 300A6BE3 0055 D0010004 0001 300A6C37 0006 #Have level complete The Echoing Caves D0010004 0001 300A6BE5 003C D0010004 0001 300A6C21 0002 D0010004 0001 300A6C51 0005 #Have level complete The Precipice D0010004 0001 300A6BE7 0041 D0010004 0001 300A6C3B 0004 D0010004 0001 300A6C53 0002 #Have level complete The Sanctuary Of Rock & Lava D0010004 0001 300A6BE8 002D D0010004 0001 300A6C54 0005 #Have level complete The Walk Of Power D0010004 0001 300A6BE9 0028 #Have level complete Beneath The Sanctuary Of Rock & Lava D0010004 0001 300A6BEA 0032 D0010004 0001 300AC65C 0004 #Have level complete Tomb Of The Ancients D0010004 0001 300A6BEC 0014 D0010004 0001 300A6C40 0004 #Have level complete The Gloomy Island D0010004 0001 300A6C41 0023 D0010004 0001 300A6C28 0002 D0010004 0001 300A6C1B 0002 ; [ Rayman 2: The Great Escape (USA) Demo {SLUS-90095} ] ; [ Rayman Junior (Europe) {SLES-02797} ] ; [ Rayman Junior: Level 1 (Europe) {SLES-02798} ] :SLES-02798 #Infinite Lives 800951E4 0063 ; [ Rayman Junior: Level 2 (Europe) {SLES-02799} ] ; [ Rayman Junior: Level 3 (Europe) {SLES-02800} ] ; [ Rayman Rush (Europe) {SLES-03812} ] ; [ Rayman Rush aka 레이맨러쉬 (Korea) {SLP-88503} ] ; [ Re-Loaded (Europe) {SLES-00537} ] :SLES-00537 #Infinite Continues D00EEBD4 0004 800EEBD4 0005 #P1 Infinite Lives D00ADDEA 0014 800ADDEA 001E #P2 Infinite Lives D00ADEAA 001E 800ADEAA 0028 #P1 Infinite Ammo D00ADDE2 0000 800ADDE6 03E7 #P2 Infinite Ammo D00ADE6E 0000 800ADE72 03E7 #P1 Infinite Special Attacks D00ADDE2 0000 800ADDE8 0005 #P2 Infinite Special Attacks D00ADE6E 0000 800ADE74 0005 #Select Perm Level\Gettin' Started D0056580 0001 80056580 0001 #Select Perm Level\Smashing Pacifists D0056580 0001 80056580 0002 #Select Perm Level\Goin' Underground D0056580 0001 80056580 0003 #Select Perm Level\Keep Cool D0056580 0001 80056580 0004 #Select Perm Level\Gettin' Hot D0056580 0001 80056580 0005 #Select Perm Level\Make Some Noize D0056580 0001 80056580 0006 #Select Perm Level\Hear No Evil D0056580 0001 80056580 0007 #Select Perm Level\Saving Clones D0056580 0001 80056580 0008 #Select Perm Level\Cheb's Island D0056580 0001 80056580 0009 #Select Perm Level\The House On The Hill D0056580 0001 80056580 000A #Select Perm Level\Bunsen And The Labs D0056580 0001 80056580 000B #Select Perm Level\Kickin' Some Ass D0056580 0001 80056580 000C #Select Perm Level\Happy?End D0056580 0001 80056580 000D #Unlock All Extras Unlocks all pause menu cheats and replaces Sister Magpie with Fwank. 300565E4 00FF ; [ Re-Volt (Europe) {SLES-01973} ] :SLES-01973 #Start On Lap 3 800B9578 0002 #Max Points in Championship Mode 800BE5DC 03E7 ; [ Re-Volt (Japan) {SLP-86332} ] ; [ ReBoot (Europe) {SLES-00922} ] ; [ ReBoot (France) {SLES-00923} ] ; [ ReBoot (Germany) {SLES-00924} ] :SLES-00924 #Section 1+3 Unendlich Gesundheit 80108C1E 03E8 #Section 1+3 Unendlich Leben 80114CC8 0005 #Section 1+3 Unendlich Waffenenergie 80114AF4 0064 80114F14 0064 #Section 1+3 Unendlich Zeit 80114F50 1518 #Section 2 + 4 Unendlich Gesundheit 80107F2A 03E8 #Section 2 + 4 Unendlich Leben 80113E00 0005 #Section 2 + 4 Unendlich Waffenenergie 8011404C 0064 80113CCC 0F0F #Section 2 + 4 Unendlich Zeit 80114088 1518 ; [ ReBoot (Spain) {SLES-00925} ] ; [ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (Europe) {SLES-02333} ] :SLES-02333 #Infinite Time 8002CDB2 3C00 #Infinite Tries (Training Mode) 801FAE64 0003 #P1 Infinite Health 90031850 10800004 #P1 1-Hit Ko! 80095EA8 0000 #P1 Low Stamina 80095EAC 0028 #P1 Infinite Rumble Power 80095EB8 00B4 #P1 Short Rumble Power 80095EB8 0000 #P1 Always Have Rumble Power 80095EBC 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 90031850 14800004 #P2 1-Hit Ko! 800966C4 0000 #P2 Low Stamina 800966C8 0028 #P2 Infinite Rumble Power 800966D4 00B4 #P2 Short Rumble Power 800966D4 0000 #P2 Always Have Rumble Power 800966D8 0001 #Infinite Continue Time 80045216 3C00 #Infinite Continues 80033DEA 3C00 #Championship Mode Codes\Infinite Money Save the game and then uncheck the code 80097DA8 FFFF #Championship Mode Codes\Max Money Save the game and then uncheck the code 80097DA8 967F 80097DAA 0098 #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Class Champ/Unlock All Characters Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DAE 0003 #Championship Mode Codes\Have Rank Champ (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DB0 0000 #Championship Mode Codes\Have No Fights Left (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DB2 0000 #Championship Mode Codes\Have All Wins (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DB4 001E #Championship Mode Codes\Have No Losses (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DB6 0000 #Championship Mode Codes\Have 100% Strength (Everyone)Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DBC 7FFB 5000114C 0000 80097DBE 003E #Championship Mode Codes\Have 100% Stamina (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DC0 7FFB 5000114C 0000 80097DC2 003E #Championship Mode Codes\Have 100% Dexterity (Everyone)Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DC4 7FFB 5000114C 0000 80097DC6 003E #Championship Mode Codes\Have 100% Experience (Everyone) Save the game and then uncheck the code 5000114C 0000 80097DC8 7FFB 5000114C 0000 80097DCA 003E #Boris Knokimov Codes\Class Champ 80097DAE 0003 #Boris Knokimov Codes\Rank Champ 80097DB0 0000 #Boris Knokimov Codes\100% Strength 90097DBC 003E7FFB #Boris Knokimov Codes\100% Stamina 90097DC0 003E7FFB #Boris Knokimov Codes\100% Dexterity 90097DC4 003E7FFB #Boris Knokimov Codes\100% Experience 90097DC8 003E7FFB #Butcher Brown Codes\Class Champ 80097DFA 0003 #Butcher Brown Codes\Rank Champ 80097DFC 0000 #Butcher Brown Codes\100% Strength 90097E08 003E7FFB #Butcher Brown Codes\100% Stamina 90097E0C 003E7FFB #Butcher Brown Codes\100% Dexterity 90097E10 003E7FFB #Butcher Brown Codes\100% Experience 90097E14 003E7FFB #Afro Thunder Codes\Class Champ 80097E46 0003 #Afro Thunder Codes\Rank Champ 80097E48 0000 #Afro Thunder Codes\100% Strength 90097E54 003E7FFB #Afro Thunder Codes\100% Stamina 90097E58 003E7FFB #Afro Thunder Codes\100% Dexterity 90097E5C 003E7FFB #Afro Thunder Codes\100% Experience 90097E60 003E7FFB ; [ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 (Europe) {SLES-02850} ] :SLES-02850 #P1 Infinite Health D20B100C 0064 300B100C 0064 #Infinite Power D20B1010 0064 300B1010 0064 #Arcade mode Start at final fight D00A1238 0000 300A1238 000B #Infinite Continues 300A126C 0008 #Secret character Michael Jackson 301F13E8 000C #Secret character G.C. Thunder 301F13E8 000D #Secret character Shaquille O'Neal 301F13E8 000E #Secret character Rocket Samchav 301F13E8 000F #Secret character Robox Rese4 301F13E8 0010 #Secret character First Lady 301F13E8 0011 #Secret character Mr President 301F13E8 0012 #Secret character The Boss Rumble 301F13E8 0013 ; [ Real Bout Fatal Fury (Europe) {SCES-00561} ] :SCES-00561 #Infinite Health player one 80195328 C000 #Computer has 0 of energy 80195454 0000 ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Japan) Demo {SLP-80070} ] ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Japan) {SLPS-00640} ] :SLPS-00640 #P1 Max Power 80197652 FF3F 80197666 D100 #P1 Infinite HP 80197620 C000 #Infinite HP 2P 8019774C C000 #No HP 2P 8019774C 0000 #No HP 2P If you press the SELECT button D008A11C FEFF 8019774C 0000 ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special: Dominated Mind (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLP-86090} ] ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special: Dominated Mind (Japan) Demo {SLP-80246} ] ; [ Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special: Dominated Mind (Japan) {SLP-86085} ] ; [ Real Robot Sensen (Japan) {SLPS-02139} ] :SLPS-02139 #Infinite Money 8005501C 270F #Fast Level Up Press Select During The Battle D007D008 0100 8006C450 270F #nfinite HP D00B4B3E 0043 800B4B3E 0040 D00C6216 0043 800C6216 0040 #Infinite SP D00B3858 0004 800B3858 0000 #Always Move D00B5940 0003 800B5940 0000 D00B5942 1040 800B5942 0000 #After the battle, Experience Gained 9999 D00B36EC 1821 800B36EC 270F D00B36EE 0055 800B36EE 2403 #Main Character Max Power Weapons @1 80061BAA 270F #Main Character Max Power Weapons @2 80061BAC 270F #All aircraft picture book 50003C02 0000 800784D0 0101 #All characters picture book 50004502 0000 800785A0 0101 #Unlocking D00AAFFA 1462 800AAFFA 1463 D00AB02C 0006 800AB02C 00FF #Scenario 00-85 last stage maybe 80 or 82 selected 80 30078739 0080 #Scenario 00-85 last stage maybe 80 or 82 selected 82 3007873A 0082 ; [ Rebus (Japan) {SLPS-01343} ] :SLPS-01343 #Infinite HP 1st Character 80064282 0064 #Infinite HP 2nd Character 800642CE 0064 #Infinite HP 3th Character 8006431A 0064 #Infinite HP 4th Character 80064366 0064 #Infinite HP 5th Character 800643B2 0064 #Infinite HP 6th Character 800643FE 0064 #Infinite HP 7th Character 8006444A 0064 #Level up Every Battle 1st Character 800642AE 3263 #Level up Every Battle 2nd Character 800642FA 3263 #Level up Every Battle 3rd Character 80064346 3263 #Level up Every Battle 4th Character 80064392 3263 #Infinite Silk 801AE648 0032 #Infinite Mithril 801AE64A 0032 #Infinite World Tree 801AE64C 0032 #All Character text 80065F7E FFFF 90065F80 FFFFFFFF 90065F84 FFFFFFFF 90065F88 FFFFFFFF 90065F8C FFFFFFFF 80065F90 FFFF 30065F92 0001 #All Grammar text 30065F9C 00FF #Archives whole record next viewable 800544AC 1313 #All Items 80065A3E 6363 90065A40 63636363 90065A44 63636363 90065A48 63636363 90065A4C 63636363 90065A50 63636363 90065A54 63636363 90065A58 63636363 90065A5C 63636363 90065A60 63636363 90065A64 63636363 90065A68 63636363 90065A6C 63636363 90065A70 63636363 90065A74 63636363 90065A78 63636363 90065A7C 63636363 90065A80 63636363 90065A84 63636363 90065A88 63636363 90065A8C 63636363 90065A90 63636363 90065A94 63636363 90065A98 63636363 90065A9C 63636363 90065AA0 63636363 90065AA4 63636363 90065AA8 63636363 90065AAC 63636363 90065AB0 63636363 90065AB4 63636363 90065AB8 63636363 90065ABC 63636363 90065AC0 63636363 90065AC4 63636363 90065AC8 63636363 90065ACC 63636363 90065AD0 63636363 90065AD4 63636363 90065AD8 63636363 90065ADC 63636363 90065AE0 63636363 90065AE4 63636363 90065AE8 63636363 90065AEC 63636363 90065AF0 63636363 90065AF4 63636363 90065AF8 63636363 90065AFC 63636363 90065B00 63636363 90065B04 63636363 90065B08 63636363 90065B0C 63636363 90065B10 63636363 90065B14 63636363 90065B18 63636363 90065B1C 63636363 90065B20 63636363 90065B24 63636363 90065B28 63636363 90065B2C 63636363 90065B30 63636363 90065B34 63636363 90065B38 63636363 90065B3C 63636363 90065B40 63636363 90065B44 63636363 90065B48 63636363 90065B4C 63636363 90065B50 63636363 90065B54 63636363 90065B58 63636363 90065B5C 63636363 90065B60 63636363 90065B64 63636363 90065B68 63636363 90065B6C 63636363 90065B70 63636363 90065B74 63636363 90065B78 63636363 90065B7C 63636363 90065B80 63636363 90065B84 63636363 90065B88 63636363 90065B8C 63636363 90065B90 63636363 90065B94 63636363 90065B98 63636363 90065B9C 63636363 90065BA0 63636363 90065BA4 63636363 90065BA8 63636363 90065BAC 63636363 90065BB0 63636363 90065BB4 63636363 90065BB8 63636363 90065BBC 63636363 90065BC0 63636363 90065BC4 63636363 90065BC8 63636363 90065BCC 63636363 90065BD0 63636363 90065BD4 63636363 90065BD8 63636363 90065BDC 63636363 90065BE0 63636363 90065BE4 63636363 90065BE8 63636363 90065BEC 63636363 90065BF0 63636363 90065BF4 63636363 90065BF8 63636363 90065BFC 63636363 90065C00 63636363 90065C04 63636363 90065C08 63636363 90065C0C 63636363 90065C10 63636363 90065C14 63636363 90065C18 63636363 90065C1C 63636363 90065C20 63636363 ; [ Recipro Heat 5000 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45089} ] ; [ Reel Fishing (Europe) {SLES-01727} ] ; [ Reel Fishing II (Europe) {SLES-02780} ] ; [ Refrain Love 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01840 | SLPS-01841} ] :SLPS-01840 :SLPS-01841 #Enable graphics, music, and movie mode press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0004 #Enable debug mode press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0005 #Enable ending (This is the ending heroine setting and latter part (DISK2) Start ? "Kaoru" of (hidden character)) press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0006 #Enable game modes press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0007 #heroine setting & Part (DISK2) Start It is ending Kaoru of (hidden character) press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0008 #Enable graphics, music, and movie mode press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0004 #Enable debug mode press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0005 #Enable ending (This is the ending heroine setting and latter part (DISK2) Start ? "Kaoru" of (hidden character)) press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0006 #Enable game modes press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0007 #heroine setting & Part (DISK2) Start It is ending Kaoru of (hidden character) press the ENTER button after pressing the SELECT button on the start menu screen D007B670 0100 8007B4E4 0008 ; [ Refrain Love: Anata ni Aitai (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86654} ] ; [ Refrain Love: Anata ni Aitai (Japan) {SLPS-00753} ] :SLPS-00753 #Character All Stats Max 80197696 0063 8019769A 0063 9019769C 00630063 801976A0 0063 #Max Love 80066213 9C40 #Max Money 80066218 09C4 #Max Luck 80066217 9C40 ; [ Registered Users Demo (Europe) {SCED-01385} ] ; [ Registered Users Demo 02 (Europe) {SCED-00936} ] ; [ Registered Users Demo 03 (Europe) {SCED-01230} ] ; [ Registered Users Demo 05 (Europe) {SCED-01636} ] ; [ Registered Users Demo 06 (Europe) {SCED-01988} ] ; [ Registered Users Demo 08 (Europe) {SCED-02676} ] ; [ Registration Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-00637} ] ; [ Reikoku: Ikeda Kizoku Shinrei Kenkyuujo (Japan) {SLP-86274} ] ; [ Remote Control Dandy (Japan) (Premium Taikenban) {SLP-80445} ] ; [ Remote Control Dandy (Japan) {SLPS-02243} ] :SLPS-02243 #Pilot Energy D009511C 000D 80095118 000D D009511C 0013 80095118 0013 D009511C 0019 80095118 0019 #Max Money 90059054 0098967F #The Reputation Of The Current 100% 80059058 0064 #The Amount Of Damage 0 90059060 00000000 #Max Energy In One Step D0073E4A 1440 80073E48 0000 #All Game Modes Stage D006BA9A 2402 8007441C 03F7 #All Game Modes Robot D006BA9A 2402 80074418 FFFF D006BA9A 2402 8007441A 001F #Vu~odan,Gareth,Lionel & Berusuvu~aru availables 80059098 0001 800590D0 0001 800590B4 0001 800590EC 0001 #Energy gauge MAX in one step D0073E4A 1440 80073E48 0000 #Vu~odan Armor MAX 800590B0 270F #Vu~odan All Special Moves 9005909C 01010101 900590A0 01010101 900590A4 01010101 800590A8 0101 #Gareth Armor MAX 800590CC 270F #Gareth All Special Moves 900590B8 01010101 900590BC 01010101 800590C0 0101 #Lionel Armor MAX 800590E8 270F #Lionel All Special Moves 900590D4 01010101 900590D8 01010101 800590DC 0101 #Bell swell Armor MAX 80059104 270F #Bell swell All Special Moves 900590F0 01010101 900590F4 01010101 ; [ Ren'ai Kouza: Real Age (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLPS-01588 | SLPS-01589} ] ; [ Renegade Racers (Europe) {SLES-02274} ] :SLES-02274 #Unlock All Characters deactivate acter using it and save the game load that gamesave, go to the difficulty-modifier and press so often left, that the words easy, medium or hard are appearing. Then save again and all will be right. 80091286 0024 #Finish 1st 300AAD17 0000 300AAD18 0000 #Infinite Health 800235FE 3C00 #Don't Reset Laps After One Race play the first race and since the lap number remain you will finish next races after just a few seconds as a winner! D00492AA 0064 80013248 3C00 D00492AA 0064 8001324C 3C00 D00492AA 0064 80013250 3C00 D00492AA 0064 80013254 3C00 #Jumps Finished 800AAFC6 7FFF 800AAFCA 7FFF #All Items Found 800AAFF8 7FFF #Max Points 800AAFD8 7FFF ; [ Rescue 24 Hours (Japan) {SLPS-00572} ] :SLPS-00572 #Infinite Money 801FD2F0 FFFF #Reputation value of 255 801FD2F4 00FF #Infinite Energy 801FD340 140A #Evaluation 801FD2F4 FFFF #Infinite Damage Meters 801FD340 3232 #Urban area all unit arrangement 301FD390 00FF #All area passable 301FD397 0008 #0 seconds rescue time L1 button D01FFC80 0004 801FD3B0 0000 #999 seconds in the rescue time R1 button D01FFC80 0008 801FD3B0 03E8 #0km / h in L2 button D01FFC80 0001 801FD3A8 0000 ; [ Rescue Heroes: Helden in Gefahr (Germany) {SLES-03726} ] ; [ Rescue Heroes: Molten Menace (Europe) {SLES-03724} ] ; [ Rescue Shot (Europe) {SCES-02569} ] :SCES-02569 #Acorn-Bullets Increase D0045B3C FFFF 80045B3C 0001 #Infinite Life-Bar D00421C6 0062 800421C8 0000 D00421C6 0062 800421CA 0000 D0043586 0801 80043584 0000 D0043586 0801 80043586 0000 #Max Life-Bar D0034D30 0606 80034D30 1414 #P1 Infinite $ 80034DC8 0063 #P2 Infinite $ 80034DD8 0063 #P1 Infinite Ammo 30052AB5 0063 #P2 Infinite Ammo 30052AC5 0063 ; [ Rescue Shot Bubibo & Biohazard: Gun Survivor: GunCon Taiou Shooting Taikenban (Japan) Demo {SLP-80522} ] ; [ Rescue Shot Bubibo (Japan) {SLPS-02555} ] :SLPS-02555 #Infinite Lives (Hbp) 80040E78 0003 #Max A Glass Ball 800332C0 0063 #P1 Infinite Bomb(Select) D0032C70 0001 80050E2C 6301 #Infinite Power 8014726C 0006 #P2 Infinite Bomb(Select) D0032C90 0001 80050E3C 6301 #Infinite Life In Stage 1 D014726C 0005 8014726C 0006 #Infinite Life In Stage 2 D0157C38 0005 80157C38 0006 ; [ Resident Evil (Europe) (EDC White Label) {SLES-00200} ] :SLES-00200 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 00C8 #L1 + X Button For Save Anywhere (May need 1 ink ribbon to save) D00Cf844 0044 800C8456 0002 800343F2 2400 8003446E 2400 #Infinite Ammo Gun 800C8786 0F02 #Have All Maps and Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ink ribbons when you get one 800345FA 2402 ; [ Resident Evil (Europe) {SLES-00200} ] :SLES-00200 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 00C8 #L1 + X Button For Save Anywhere (May need 1 ink ribbon to save) D00Cf844 0044 800C8456 0002 800343F2 2400 8003446E 2400 #Infinite Ammo Gun 800C8786 0F02 #Have All Maps and Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ink ribbons when you get one 800345FA 2402 ; [ Resident Evil (Europe, Australia) Demo {SLES-00335} ] ; [ Resident Evil (France) (EDC White Label) {SLES-00227} ] :SLES-00227 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 0060 #Have All Files 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ammo gun 800C9787 0063 #Have All Maps And Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF ; [ Resident Evil (France) {SLES-00227} ] :SLES-00227 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 0060 #Have All Files 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ammo gun 800C9787 0063 #Have All Maps And Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF ; [ Resident Evil (Germany) Demo {SLES-00355} ] ; [ Resident Evil (Germany) {SLES-00228} ] :SLES-00228 #Chris & Jill Infinite Health D00C8668 0000 300C51AC 008C #Chris & Jill Save anywhere (Press L1 & Select Pad 2) D00B8F3A FBFF 300C8456 0002 D00B8F3A FBFF 800C878E 022F #Rebecca Infinite Health D00C8668 0300 300C51AC 0058 #Rebecca Save anywhere (Press L1 & Select Pad 2) D00B8F3A FBFF 300C8456 0002 D00B8F3A FBFF 800C879A 022F #Change character to Chris (Press Square Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A 7FFF 300C8669 0000 #Change character to Jill (Press Circle Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A DFFF 300C8669 0001 #Change character to Rebecca (Press Triangle Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A EFFF 300C8669 0003 #Save anywhere (Press L1 & Triangle) D00B8F12 EBFF 300C8456 0002 800189F2 2400 #Flammenwerfer 800C8784 FF06 #Raketenwerfer D00C8784 0001 800C8784 FF0A #Uendlich Gesundheit 300C51AC 004C #Alle Items (Set 1) 900C8724 FF41FF3D 900C8728 FF07FF06 900C872C FF09FF08 900C8730 FF13FF3E 900C8734 FF15FF14 900C8738 FF17FF16 900C873C FF19FF18 800C8740 FF1A #Alle Items (Set 2) 800C8742 FF1B 900C8744 FF1DFF1C 900C8748 FF1FFF1E 900C874C FF21FF20 900C8750 FF23FF22 900C8754 FF25FF24 900C8758 FF27FF26 900C875C FF29FF28 #Alle Items (Set 3) 900C8760 FF2BFF2A 900C8764 FF2DFF2C 900C8768 FF2FFF2E 900C876C FF31FF30 900C8770 FF34FF33 900C8774 FF36FF35 900C8778 FF38FF37 800C877C FF39 #Alle Items (Set 4) 800C877E FF3A 900C8780 FF3CFF3B #Unendlich Munition FüR Aktuelle Waffe 800C878A 0F02 #Uendlich FarbbäNder 800C8788 042F #Besitze Colt Python 800C8786 6404 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (Europe) {SLES-00972 | SLES-10972} ] :SLES-00972 :SLES-10972 #Leon-Codes\Infinite Health 800C794A 00FF #Leon-Codes\Have Shot Gun L1 + Square D00C5F3C 0084 800CC638 FF07 #Leon-Codes\Have Custom Shotgun L2 + Triangle D00C5F3C 0011 800CC638 FF08 #Leon-Codes\Have Magnum L1 + Triangle D00C5F3C 0014 800CC638 FF05 #Leon-Codes\Have Custom Magnum L1 + X D00C5F3C 0044 800CC638 FF06 #Leon-Codes\Have Gatling Gun R2 + Square D00C5F3C 0082 800CC638 FF12 #Leon-Codes\Have Flame Thrower R2 + Triangle D00C5F3C 0012 800CC638 FF10 #Leon-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher R2 + X D00C5F3C 0042 800CC638 FF11 #Leon-Codes\Bishop Plug In Crate 800CC748 013B #Leon-Codes\Cabin Key In Crate 800CC720 0158 #Leon-Codes\Colt S.A.A. In Crate 800CC678 FF0D #Leon-Codes\Cord In Crate 800CC750 0156 #Leon-Codes\Custom Hand Gun In Crate 800CC664 FF04 #Leon-Codes\Custom Magnum In Crate 800CC66C FF06 #Leon-Codes\Custom Shot Gun In Crate 800CC674 FF08 #Leon-Codes\Eagle Medal In Crate 800CC730 0148 #Leon-Codes\Flamethrower In Crate 800CC680 FF10 #Leon-Codes\Fuse Case In Crate 800CC74C 041D #Leon-Codes\G Virus In Crate 800CC728 0152 #Leon-Codes\Gatling Gun In Crate 800CC688 FF12 #Leon-Codes\Ink Ribbons In Crate 800CC760 FF1E #Leon-Codes\King Plug In Crate 800CC73C 013E #Leon-Codes\Knight Plug In Crate 800CC740 013D #Leon-Codes\Lab Card Key In Crate 800CC714 0161 #Leon-Codes\Lock Pick In Crate 800CC718 0130 #Leon-Codes\Magnum In Crate 800CC668 FF05 #Leon-Codes\Master Key In Crate 800CC710 0162 #Leon-Codes\Platform Key In Crate 800CC758 0163 #Leon-Codes\Precinct Key In Crate 800CC71C 0159 #Leon-Codes\Red Jewel In Crate 800CC758 0133 #Leon-Codes\Rocket Launcher In Crate 800CC684 FF11 #Leon-Codes\Rook Plug In Crate 800CC744 013C #Leon-Codes\Shotgun In Crate 800CC670 FF07 #Leon-Codes\Small Key In Crate 800CC75C 031F #Leon-Codes\Special Key In Crate 800CC724 0153 #Leon-Codes\Submachine Gun In Crate 800CC67C FF0F #Leon-Codes\Unicorn Medal In Crate 800CC734 0147 #Leon-Codes\Wolf Medal In Crate 800CC72C 0149 #Leon-Codes\Infinite Items & Ammo 80064A1E 3C00 #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Leon And Side Pack 800CC428 0002 #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Bandaged Leon 800CC428 0004 #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Bandaged Leon And Side Pack 800CC428 0006 #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Rpd Cap Leon (Secret Costume 1) 800CC428 0008 #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Leather Clad Leon (Secret Costume 2) 800CC428 000A #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Hunk 800CC428 000C #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Tofu 800CC428 000D #Use One Code At A Time And Do Not Equip With Any Other Weapons or Game May Hang\Ada 800CC428 000E #Claire-Codes\Infinite Health 800C78E2 00FF #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher L1 + Triangle D00C5EDC 0014 800CC5D0 FF09 #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade (Fire) L1 + X D00C5EDC 0044 800CC5D0 FF0A #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher (Acid) L1 + Square D00C5EDC 0084 800CC5D0 FF0B #Claire-Codes\Have Blow Gun L2 + Triangle D00C5EDC 0011 800CC5D0 FF0C #Claire-Codes\Have Colt S.A.A. L2 + X D00C5EDC 0041 800CC5D0 FF0D #Claire-Codes\Have Spark Shot L2 + Square D00C5EDC 0081 800CC5D0 FF0E #Claire-Codes\Have Sub Machine Gun R2 + Triangle D00C5EDC 0012 800CC5D0 FF0F #Claire-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher R2 + X D00C5EDC 0042 800CC5D0 FF11 #Claire-Codes\Have Gatling Gun R2 + Square D00C5EDC 0082 800CC5D0 FF12 #Claire-Codes\Ink Ribbons In Crate 800CC6F8 FF1E #Claire-Codes\Small Key In Crate 800CC6F4 031F #Claire-Codes\Red Jewel In Crate 800CC6F0 0133 #Claire-Codes\Cord In Crate 800CC6EC 0156 #Claire-Codes\Fuse Case In Crate 800CC6E8 041D #Claire-Codes\Serpent Stone In Crate 800CC6E4 0136 #Claire-Codes\Jaguar Stone In Crate 800CC6E0 0137 #Claire-Codes\Eagle Stone In Crate 800CC6DC 013A #Claire-Codes\Bomb Detonator In Crate 800CC6D8 0142 #Claire-Codes\Unicorn Medal In Crate 800CC6D4 0147 #Claire-Codes\Eagle Medal In Crate 800CC6D0 0148 #Claire-Codes\Wolf Medal In Crate 800CC6CC 0149 #Claire-Codes\G Virus In Crate 800CC6C8 0152 #Claire-Codes\Special Key In Crate 800CC6C4 0153 #Claire-Codes\Cabin Key In Crate 800CC6C0 0158 #Claire-Codes\Precinct Key In Crate 800CC6BC 0159 #Claire-Codes\Lock Pick In Crate 800CC6B8 0130 #Claire-Codes\Lab Card Key In Crate 800CC6B4 0161 #Claire-Codes\Master Key In Crate 800CC6B0 0162 #Claire-Codes\Platform Key In Crate 800CC6AC 0163 #Claire-Codes\Grenade Launcher In Crate 800CC5FC FF09 #Claire-Codes\Grenade Launcher (Fire) In Crate 800CC600 FF0A #Claire-Codes\Grenade Launcher (Acid) In Crate 800CC604 FF0B #Claire-Codes\Bowgun In Crate 800CC608 FF0C #Claire-Codes\Colt S.A.A. In Crate 800CC60C FF0D #Claire-Codes\Spark Shot In Crate 800CC610 FF0E #Claire-Codes\Submachine Gun In Crate 800CC614 FF0F #Claire-Codes\Rocket Launcher In Crate 800CC618 FF11 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (France) {SLES-00973 | SLES-10973} ] :SLES-00973 :SLES-10973 #Leon-Codes\Infinite Health 800C6B52 00FF #Leon-Codes\Have Shot Gun L1 + Square D00C5144 0084 800CB840 FF07 #Leon-Codes\Have Custom Shotgun L2 + Triangle D00C5144 0011 800CB840 FF08 #Leon-Codes\Have Magnum L1 + Triangle D00C5144 0014 800CB840 FF05 #Leon-Codes\Have Custom Magnum L1 + X D00C5144 0044 800CB840 FF06 #Leon-Codes\Have Gatling Gun R2 + Square D00C5144 0082 800CB840 FF12 #Leon-Codes\Have Flame Thrower R2 + Triangle D00C5144 0012 800CB840 FF10 #Leon-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher R2 + X D00C5144 0042 800CB840 FF11 #Leon-Codes\Have The Bag 800CB6C4 0001 #Claire-Codes\Infinite Health 800C6AEA 00FF #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher L1 + Triangle D00C50E4 0014 800CB7D8 FF09 #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher (Fire).L1 + X D00C50E4 0044 800CB7D8 FF0A #Claire-Codes\Have Grenade Launcher (Acid) L1 + Square D00C50E4 0084 800CB7D8 FF0B #Claire-Codes\Have Bow Gun L2 + Triangle D00C50E4 0011 800CB7D8 FF0C #Claire-Codes\Have Colt S.A.A. L2 + X D00C50E4 0041 800CB7D8 FF0D #Claire-Codes\Have Spark Shot L2 + Square D00C50E4 0081 800CB7D8 FF0E #Claire-Codes\Have Submachine Gun R2 + Triangle D00C50E4 0012 800CB7D8 FF0F #Claire-Codes\Have Rocket Launcher R2 + X D00C50E4 0042 800CB7D8 FF11 #Claire-Codes\Have Gatling Gun R2 + Square D00C50E4 0082 800CB7D8 FF12 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (Germany) {SLES-00974 | SLES-10974} ] :SLES-00974 :SLES-10974 #Unendlich Lebenskraft 800C6F12 00C8 #Schrotgewehr L1 + Quadrat D00C5504 0084 800CBC00 FF07 #Spezialgewehr L2 + Dreieck D00C5504 0011 800CBC00 FF08 #Magnum L1 + Dreieck D00C5504 0014 800CBC00 FF05 #Spezial-Magnum L1 + X D00C5504 0044 800CBC00 FF06 #Gatling-Gun R2 + Quadrat D00C5504 0082 800CBC00 FF12 #Flammenwerfer R2 + Dreieck D00C5504 0012 800CBC00 FF10 #Raketenwerfer R2 + X D00C5504 0042 800CBC00 FF11 #Durch WäNde Gehen L1 aktivieren/L2 deaktivieren D00C5504 0004 800C6EC2 0C0F D00C5504 0001 800C6EC2 1500 #Kisteninhalt\Handfeuerwaffe 800CBC2C FF04 #Kisteninhalt\Magnum 800CBC30 FF05 #Kisteninhalt\Spezial-Magnum 800CBC34 FF06 #Kisteninhalt\Schrotgewehr 800CBC38 FF07 #Kisteninhalt\Spezialgewehr 800CBC3C FF08 #Kisteninhalt\Colt S.A.A. 800CBC40 FF0D #Kisteninhalt\Mg 800CBC44 FF0F #Kisteninhalt\Flammenwerfer 800CBC48 FF10 #Kisteninhalt\Raketenwerfer 800CBC4C FF11 #Kisteninhalt\Gatling-Gun 800CBC50 FF12 #Kisteninhalt\HauptschlüSsel 800CBCD8 0162 #Kisteninhalt\Labor-SchlüSsel 800CBCDC 0161 #Kisteninhalt\Dietrich 800CBCE0 0130 #Kisteninhalt\RevierschlüSsel 800CBCE4 0159 #Kisteninhalt\KabinenschlüSsel 800CBCE8 0158 #Kisteninhalt\SonderschlüSsel 800CBCEC 0153 #Kisteninhalt\G-Virus 800CBCF0 0152 #Kisteninhalt\Wolfmedaille 800CBCF4 0149 #Kisteninhalt\Adlermedaille 800CBCF8 0148 #Kisteninhalt\Einhornmedaille 800CBCFC 0147 #Kisteninhalt\Roter Edelstein 800CBD00 0133 #Kisteninhalt\KöNigsstecker 800CBD04 013E #Kisteninhalt\Springerstecker 800CBD08 013D #Kisteninhalt\Turmstecker 800CBC0C 013C #Kisteninhalt\LäUferstecker 800CBC10 013B #Kisteninhalt\Armbrustbolzen 800CBD14 041D #Kisteninhalt\Kabel 800CBD18 0156 #Kisteninhalt\PlattformschlüSsel 800CBD20 0163 #Kisteninhalt\SchlüSsel 800CBD24 031F #Kisteninhalt\FarbbäNder 800CBD28 FF1E #Kleidung\Mit Tasche Am GüRtel 800CB9F0 0002 #Kleidung\Bandagiert 800CB9F0 0004 #Kleidung\Bandagiert Und Tasche 800CB9F0 0006 #Kleidung\Rpd (Geheime Kleidung 1) 800CB9F0 0008 #Kleidung\Lederanzug (Geheime Kleidung 2) 800CB9F0 000A #Kleidung\Hunk. 800CB9F0 000C #Kleidung\Tofu Block 800CB9F0 000D #Kleidung\Ada (Frau) 800CB9F0 000E #Unendliche Lebenskraft 800C6EAA 00C8 #Granatwerfer L1 + Dreieck D00C54A4 0014 800CBB98 FF09 #Granatwerfer (Feuer) L1 + X D00C54A4 0044 800CBB98 FF0A #Granatwerfer (SäUre) L1 + Viereck D00C54A4 0084 800CBB98 FF0B #Armbrust L2 + Dreieck D00C54A4 0011 800CBB98 FF0C #Colt S.A.A..L2 + X D00C54A4 0041 800CBB98 FF0D #Blitzwaffe L2 + Viereck D00C54A4 0081 800CBB98 FF0E #Mg R2 + Dreieck D00C54A4 0012 800CBB98 FF0F #Raketenwerfer R2 + X D00C54A4 0042 800CBB98 FF11 #Gatling Gun R2 + Viereck D00C54A4 0082 800CBB98 FF12 #Durch WäNde Gehen L1 aktivieren/L2 deaktivieren D00C54A4 0004 800C6E5A 0C0F D00C54A4 0001 800C6E5A 1500 #Kisteninhalt\FarbbäNder 800CBCC0 FF1E #Kisteninhalt\SchlüSsel 800CBCBC 031F #Kisteninhalt\Roter Edelstein 800CBCB8 0133 #Kisteninhalt\Kabel 800CBCB4 0156 #Kisteninhalt\Armbrustbolzen 800CBCB0 041D #Kisteninhalt\Schlangenstein 800CBCAC 0136 #Kisteninhalt\Jaguarstein 800CBCA8 0137 #Kisteninhalt\Adlerstein 800CBCA4 013A #Kisteninhalt\Bombe + ZüNder 800CBCA0 0142 #Kisteninhalt\Einhornmedaille 800CBC9C 0147 #Kisteninhalt\Adlermedaille 800CBC98 0148 #Kisteninhalt\Wolfmedaille 800CBC94 0149 #Kisteninhalt\G-Virus 800CBC90 0152 #Kisteninhalt\SonderschlüSsel 800CBC8C 0153 #Kisteninhalt\KabinenschlüSsel 800CBC88 0158 #Kisteninhalt\RevierschlüSsel 800CBC84 0159 #Kisteninhalt\Dietrich 800CBC80 0130 #Kisteninhalt\LaborschlüSsel 800CBC7C 0161 #Kisteninhalt\HauptschlüSsel 800CBC78 0162 #Kisteninhalt\PlattformschlüSsel 800CBC74 0163 #Kisteninhalt\Granatwerfer 800CBBC4 FF09 #Kisteninhalt\Granatwerfer (Feuer) 800CBBC8 FF0A #Kisteninhalt\Granatwerfer (SäUre) 800CBBCC FF0B #Kisteninhalt\Armbrust 800CBBD0 FF0C #Kisteninhalt\Colt S.A.A. 800CBBD4 FF0D #Kisteninhalt\Blitzwaffe 800CBBD8 FF0E #Kisteninhalt\Mg 800CBBDC FF0F #Kisteninhalt\Raketenwerfer 800CBBE0 FF11 #Kisteninhalt\Gattling Gun 800CBBE4 FF12 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (Italy) {SLES-00975 | SLES-10975} ] :SLES-00975 :SLES-10975 #Leon-Codes\Energia Infinita 800C6F4A 00C8 #Leon-Codes\Salvataggi Infiniti 800CBC40 051E #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Magnum %NOTE 800CBC38 0505 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Magnum Modificata %NOTE 800CBC38 0506 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Fucile %NOTE 800CBC38 0507 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Fucile Modificato %NOTE 800CBC38 0508 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciafiamme %NOTE 800CBC38 6410 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciarazzi %NOTE 800CBC38 0511 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Rotellone %NOTE 800CBC38 0512 #Claire Energia infinita 800C6EF2 00C8 #Claire Salvataggi infiniti 800CBBE8 071E #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Balestra 800CBBE0 FF0C #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Colt S.A.A. 800CBBE0 FF0D #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciagranate (Esplosive) 800CBBE0 FF09 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciagranate (Incendiarie) 800CBBE0 FF0A #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciagranate (Acide) 800CBBE0 FF0B #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Taser 800CBBE0 FF0E #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Mitra 800CBBE0 FF0F #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Lanciarazzi 800CBBE0 FF11 #Tutte Le Armi Hanno Munizioni Infinite\Rotellone 800CBBE0 FF12 ; [ Resident Evil 2 (Spain) {SLES-00976 | SLES-10976} ] :SLES-00976 :SLES-10976 #Leon Energia Infinita 800C6F22 008C #Claire Energia Infinita 800C6EBA 008C ; [ Resident Evil 2 (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80421} ] ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Europe) {SLES-02529} ] :SLES-02529 #Infinite Health 800CEA48 00C8 #Always 1 First Aid Pack 300D3EFD 0001 #Machinegun 100% This code can crash the game while loading 300D3EED 0064 #Condition Fine 300CEA4F 0004 #Save Anywhere Press L1+Triangle D0082AD2 0014 800D3AD0 169C D0082AD2 0014 800D3AD2 8005 #Infinite Rocket Launcher 900D3F58 0001990A #Infinite Gatling Gun 900D3F58 0001990B #Infinite Western Custom 900D3F58 00019910 #Infinite Benelli M3S 900D3F58 00019913 #Infinite M97F Eagle 900D3F58 00019912 #Infinite Mine Thrower 900D3F58 00019914 #Infinite Eagle 6.0 900D3F58 0001990D #Infinite Magnum 900D3F58 00019914 #Infinite Merc's Handgun 900D3F58 00019902 #Infinite Hanggun 900D3F58 00019903 #Infinite Grenade Launcher (Explocive Rounds) 900D3F58 00019906 #Infinite Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) 900D3F58 00019909 #Infinite Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) 900D3F58 00019907 #Hyper Mode 800D6304 0002 #Quick Ending Press L1+L2+R1+R2 D00CE5E8 000F 800CEA10 C000 D00CE5E8 000F 800CEA12 0001 #Rapid Fire Press R1+R2+X D00CE5E8 004A 300CEA45 001E #Total Time 0:00 .Get Grade S 900D3CE0 00000000 #Secret Mode With this code, it starts a new game with new weapons in chest and all weapons and infinite ink ribbons and a key to Boutique with all costumes! 800D3CEA FFE0 #Enhanced/Extra Ammo 900D4018 01F401F4 800D401E 01F4 900D4020 01F401F4 800D4024 01F4 #Makes Game Think You Never Saved 800D3CF8 0000 #Character Modifier Carlos 800D3D3E 0008 #Character Modifier Mikhall 800D3D3E 0009 #Character Modifier Nichotai 800D3D3E 000A #Character Modifier Tofu 800D3D3E 000F #Sudden Death Enemies D004502C 0006 8004502C 0001 #Almost All Doors Open D0082AD2 0014 800D3AD0 169C D0082AD2 0014 800D3AD2 8005 50000502 0000 800D3E84 FFFF #Walk Thru Walls Activate with L1+R2, deactivate with L2+R2 D0082AD2 0003 80033CD6 1040 D0082AD2 0003 8004B576 12A0 D0082AD2 0005 80033CD6 1000 D0082AD2 0005 8004B576 1000 #Mercenaries Always get Reward 800CE60A FFFF #Mercenaries Infinite Money 900D43A4 0098967F #Mercenaries Infinite Time D00D3D50 0077 300D3D50 0078 ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (France) {SLES-02530} ] :SLES-02530 #Infinite Health 800CEA50 00C8 #All Maps 300D3EE7 00FE 300D3EEB 00FE #Machine Gun 100% 800D3EF4 640F #Have 10 Slots In Hard Mode 800D4016 000A #Rapid Fire Press R1+R2+X D00CE5E8 004A 800CEA44 1E02 #Hyper Mode 800D6304 0002 #The Real Have All Files 900D3EE4 FFFFFFFF #Start With All Secrets 800D3CEA FFE0 ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Germany) {SLES-02531} ] :SLES-02531 #Unendlich Gesundheit 800CF2E0 00C8 #Gesundheit Immer Gut 300CF2E7 0004 #Immer 10 Einheiten In Tasche 800D48AE 000A #Habe Alle Karten 300D4777 00FE 300D477B 00FE #Habe Alle Files 900D477C FFFFFFFF #Geheimmodus Mit diesem Code ein neues Spiel starten und es gibt alle und neue Waffen in der Truhe mit unendlich Farbbändern und dem Schlüssel zu der Boutique mit allen Kostümen. 800D4582 FFE0 #Immer Zugang Zu Truhen L1+Quadrat D00CEE80 0084 800D457C 0200 D00CEE80 0084 800E2814 0002 #Gesamtzeit 0 (Erhalte Stufe S) 900D4578 00000000 #Schnelles Ende L1+L2+R1+R2 D00CEE80 000F 800CEEA8 C000 D00CEE80 000F 800CEEAA 0001 #Schnellfeuer R1+R2+X D00CEE80 004A 800CF2DC 1E02 #ÜBerall Speichern L1+Dreieck D00CEE80 0014 800D4368 13CC D00CEE80 0014 800D436A 8005 #Habe Alle Bilder Im Epilog 800D458E 0008 #Spiel Denkt Du Hast Nie Gespeichert 800D4590 0000 #Fast Alle TüRen Sind Offen 50000502 0000 800D471C FFFF #Erweiterte/Extra Munition 900D48B0 01F401F4 800D48B6 01F4 900D48B8 01F401F4 800D48BC 01F4 #Unendlich GegenstäNde In Tasche 50000A04 0000 800D4786 0017 #Unendlich GegenstäNde In Truhe 50004004 0000 800D47AE 0017 #Unendlich Gegenstandsbenutzung 8006D65E 3C00 #One-Hit-Death D0045478 0006 80045478 0001 #Durch WäNde Gehen Einschalten mit L2+R2 Ausschalten mit L2+R2 D00CEE80 0005 30034116 0000 D00CEE80 0005 3004B9CA 0000 D00CEE80 0003 30034116 0040 D00CEE80 0003 3004B9CA 0040 ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Ireland) {SLES-02698} ] ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Italy) {SLES-02533} ] ; [ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Spain) {SLES-02532} ] :SLES-02532 #Energia Infinita 800CEE28 00C8 #Municion infinita rifle de asalto 800D42DD 0063 #Tiempo infinito 800D4130 00C8 #Municion Infinita pistola 800D42CD 0063 #Municion infinita escopeta 800D42E5 0063 #Infinitas cintas de maquina 800D42E1 0063 #Municion Arma Infinita (Carlos) 800D440D 000C #Todos los pics en el epilogo 800D40D6 0008 ; [ Resident Evil: Director's Cut (Europe) {SLES-00969} ] :SLES-00969 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 00C8 #L1 + X Button For Save Anywhere (Maybe needs 1 Ink Ribbon) D00Cf844 0044 800C8456 0002 800343F2 2400 8003446E 2400 #Infinite Ammo Gun 800C8786 0F02 #Have All Maps and Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ink ribbons when you get one 800345FA 2402 ; [ Resident Evil: Director's Cut (France) {SLES-00970} ] :SLES-00970 #Infinite Health 800C51AC 0060 #Have All Files 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF #Infinite Ammo gun 800C9787 0063 #Have All Maps And Files 300C8714 003F 900C871C FFFF0FFF 300C8721 00CF 800C8722 FFFF ; [ Resident Evil: Director's Cut (Germany) {SLES-00971} ] :SLES-00971 #Chris & Jill Infinite Health D00C8668 0000 300C51AC 008C #Chris & Jill Save anywhere (Press L1 & Select Pad 2) D00B8F3A FBFF 300C8456 0002 D00B8F3A FBFF 800C878E 022F #Rebecca Infinite Health D00C8668 0300 300C51AC 0058 #Rebecca Save anywhere (Press L1 & Select Pad 2) D00B8F3A FBFF 300C8456 0002 D00B8F3A FBFF 800C879A 022F #Change character to Chris (Press Square Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A 7FFF 300C8669 0000 #Change character to Jill (Press Circle Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A DFFF 300C8669 0001 #Change character to Rebecca (Press Triangle Pad 2) You have to go through any door before change is showing up D00B8F3A EFFF 300C8669 0003 #Save anywhere (Press L1 & Triangle) D00B8F12 EBFF 300C8456 0002 800189F2 2400 #Flammenwerfer 800C8784 FF06 #Raketenwerfer D00C8784 0001 800C8784 FF0A #Uendlich Gesundheit 300C51AC 004C #Alle Items (Set 1) 900C8724 FF41FF3D 900C8728 FF07FF06 900C872C FF09FF08 900C8730 FF13FF3E 900C8734 FF15FF14 900C8738 FF17FF16 900C873C FF19FF18 800C8740 FF1A #Alle Items (Set 2) 800C8742 FF1B 900C8744 FF1DFF1C 900C8748 FF1FFF1E 900C874C FF21FF20 900C8750 FF23FF22 900C8754 FF25FF24 900C8758 FF27FF26 900C875C FF29FF28 #Alle Items (Set 3) 900C8760 FF2BFF2A 900C8764 FF2DFF2C 900C8768 FF2FFF2E 900C876C FF31FF30 900C8770 FF34FF33 900C8774 FF36FF35 900C8778 FF38FF37 800C877C FF39 #Alle Items (Set 4) 800C877E FF3A 900C8780 FF3CFF3B #Unendlich Munition FüR Aktuelle Waffe 800C878A 0F02 #Uendlich FarbbäNder 800C8788 042F #Besitze Colt Python 800C8786 6404 ; [ Resident Evil: Survivor (Europe) {SLES-02732} ] :SLES-02732 #Infinite Health 800A8734 00C8 #Ammo Won't Decrease D006FD9C 0002 8006FD98 0000 #OK Status 800A8736 0000 ; [ Resident Evil: Survivor (France) {SLES-02744} ] ; [ Restaurant Dream (Japan) {SLPS-01974} ] :SLPS-01974 #Have 999999 money 3008F1FC 423F 3008F1FE 000F ; [ Retro Force (Europe) {SLES-01661} ] :SLES-01661 #P1 Infinite lives Deactivate after complete level 801F7E20 0009 #P1 Infinite bombs Deactivate after complete level 1 801F7EC4 0009 #P2 Infinite lives Deactivate after complete level 1 801F7FD4 0009 #P2 Infinite bombs Deactivate after complete level 1 801F8078 0009 #P1 Infinite lives - Rest of the Levels 801EAB0C 0063 #P2 Infinite lives - Rest of the Levels 801EACC0 0063 ; [ Retrouve la Magie Disney sur PlayStation aka disney interactive / playstation demo disc (France) {SCED-03924} ] ; [ Return Fire (Europe) {SLES-00177} ] :SLES-00177 #Infinite Fuel 800F1E8E 0019 #Infinite Ammo 800F1EAA 0028 #Infinite Energy 80082196 0016 ; [ Reverthion (Japan) {SLPS-00143} ] :SLPS-00143 #Infinite Energy Mysara in story mode Only use these codes with Mysara character selected 80155428 0DAC 80155708 0DAC 80155FA8 0DAC 801552B8 0DAC 80157AF8 0DAC 8015B198 0DAC ; [ Revolution X: Music Is the Weapon (Japan) {SLPS-00258} ] ; [ Revolution X: Music Is the Weapon aka Revolution X featuring Aerosmith (Europe) {SLES-00129} ] :SLES-00129 #Invincibility 8010AD2C 00C0 8010AD3C 00C0 8010D12C 00C0 8010D13C 00C0 ; [ Revolution X: Music Is the Weapon aka Revolution X featuring Aerosmith (Germany) {SLES-00151} ] ; [ Rhythm 'N' Face (Japan) {SLPS-02634} ] ; [ Rhythm Beat (Europe) {SLES-04146} ] ; [ Ridegear Guybrave (Japan) Demo {SLP-80127} ] ; [ Ridegear Guybrave (Japan) {SLPS-00905} ] :SLPS-00905 #P1 Infinite Energy 80102CD4 03E7 #P2 Infinite Energy 801027A8 03E7 #P1 Infinite Bombs 800D406C 0009 #P2 Infinite Bombs 800D40A0 0009 #Infinite Money 800D3F50 FFFF #Maximum Experience 800D400C FFFF 800D4044 FFFF #1P MEC 99999 900D3F50 0001869F #2P MEC 99999 900D4000 0001869F ; [ Ridge Racer (Europe) {SCES-00001} ] :SCES-00001 #Black Car 800856D2 000C #Infinite Time 80136198 099F #More Speed 80085770 07FF #Enable Extra Tracks 8017C91C 00FF #Start On Last Lap/Quick Finish E20857A4 0002 800857A4 0003 #Beginner Levelselect extra 80085684 0005 #Mid-level select extra 80085684 0006 #High-level select extra 80085684 0007 #TT level select extra 80085684 0008 ; [ Ridge Racer (Japan) {SLPS-00001} ] :SLPS-00001 #Select Black Car 8007C25A 000C #Have All Cars 80173300 000D #Have All Courses 801E90A8 0008 #Infinite Time 8012CD20 0BB9 #Speed MAX (AT) 801D7F48 4FFF #Speed MAX (MT) 801D7F40 0688 ; [ Ridge Racer Bonus Turbo Mode Disc (USA) {SLUS-90049} ] ; [ Ridge Racer Hi-Spec Demo (Europe) {SCED-01832} ] :SCED-01832 #Ridge Racer Enhanced Original Mode\Infinite Time 80067560 09AF #Hi-Spec Demo Disc\Ridge Racer Original Mode\V/Max At 400 800678A0 0B6F #Ridge Racer Enhanced Original Mode\Improved Acceleration 800678B2 00FF #Ridge Racer Enhanced Original Mode\Improved Handling 80067898 08FF #Ridge Racer Enhanced Original Mode\Improved Traction 80067896 08FF #Ridge Racer Enhanced Turbo Mode\Infinite Time 80085D84 09AF ; [ Ridge Racer Revolution (Europe) (EDC Original) {SCES-00242} ] :SCES-00242 #Always First 8007C750 0001 #Infinite Checkpoint time 80194BAC 05DC #Course select 801DCC14 0707 #12 cars 801DE564 0028 #Buggies 801E65DC 0028 ; [ Ridge Racer Revolution (Europe) {SCES-00242} ] :SCES-00242 #Always First 8007C750 0001 #Infinite Checkpoint time 80194BAC 05DC #Course select 801DCC14 0707 #12 cars 801DE564 0028 #Buggies 801E65DC 0028 ; [ Ridge Racer Revolution (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00150} ] :SLPS-00150 #Have All Cars 801DD380 0001 801DD920 0001 801DD9B4 0001 8019513C 0001 #Miniature Cars 801DE490 0028 801E6508 0028 #During the race other cars stop 801DE470 0028 ; [ Ridge Racer Revolution (Japan) {SLPS-00150} ] :SLPS-00150 #Have All Cars 801DD380 0001 801DD920 0001 801DD9B4 0001 8019513C 0001 #Miniature Cars 801DE490 0028 801E6508 0028 #During the race other cars stop 801DE470 0028 ; [ Ridge Racer Type 4 (Europe) {SCES-01706} ] :SCES-01706 #Infinite Chances 800AD4E4 0303 #Unlock All Cars (Look At Garage) 50002002 0000 800F3930 FFFF #Unlock All Courses 800F392C FFFF 300F3974 0001 900F3978 01010101 #Complete Extra Trial 900F397C 01010101 #Finish Each Lap With A Time Less Than One Second 800F4BA8 0001 800F4BAC 0001 800F4BB0 0001 #No Time Limit On Tracks 800AC5A4 3AAA #V/Max Always At 400 Km/H 800AC0D0 0B6F #Accelerator Stuck On Full 800AC18E 00FF #Super Accelerator Stuck On Full 800AC18E 0FFF #Turbo Charge Mode 800AC17A FFFF ; [ Ridge Racer Type 4 Collectors Demo (Europe, Australia) Demo {SCED-01982} ] ; [ Ridge Racer: High Spec Ver. & Namco Catalogue '98 (Japan) (R4 + JogCon) {SLPS-01799} ] ; [ Ridge Racer: High Spec Ver. & Namco Catalogue '98 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45357} ] ; [ Riichi Mahjong: Ohitorisama demo Utemasu! (Japan) {SLPS-03023} ] ; [ Rikujou Boueitai Mao-chan (Japan) (DX Pack) {SLP-87198} ] ; [ Rikujou Boueitai Mao-chan (Japan) {SLP-87210} ] ; [ Ring of Sias (Japan) {SLPS-00207} ] ; [ Riot (Europe) Demo {SLED-00639} ] ; [ Riot (Europe) {SLES-00472} ] :SLES-00472 #Enemy always score 0 800BD724 0000 ; [ Riot Stars (Japan) (Sample) {SLP-80102} ] ; [ Rise 2: Resurrection (Europe) {SLES-00164} ] :SLES-00164 #P1 Infinite Energy 8007D3C6 0078 #P2 No Energy 8007D462 0000 #Infinite Time 800672EC 0D00 #P2 Infinite Energy 8007D462 0078 ; [ Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman (Europe) {SLES-01779} ] :SLES-01779 #Max Hero Meter D20918B4 0059 800918B4 0058 #Enable All Impacts (Normal) D209173E 00FF 8009173E 00FF #Enable All Impacts (Hard) D2091740 00FF 80091740 00FF #Enable All Impacts (Expert) D2091742 00FF 80091742 00FF #Max Hero Badges E20918B8 0003 300918B8 0003 #Infinite Time Impact 2 D00D0BA4 0002 800D0BA4 0001 #Infinite Time Impact 4 D00EEE84 0002 800EEE84 0001 #Enable Hard + Sapphire E009184D 0000 3009184D 0001 #Enable Expert + Serious Mode E009184E 0000 3009184E 0001 #Enable Hustle Time Mode E009184F 0000 3009184F 0001 #Infinite Health\Impact 1 D20F45E8 0050 800F45E8 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 2 D2117398 0050 80117398 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 3 D20F2878 0050 800F2878 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 4 D20F27D8 0050 800F27D8 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 5 D20FE678 0050 800FE678 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 6 D20F5928 0050 800F5928 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 7 D20FAE78 0050 800FAE78 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact 8 D20F9E18 0050 800F9E18 0064 #Infinite Health\Impact Finish D20EB3B8 0050 800EB3B8 0064 ; [ Risk (Europe) {SLES-00707} ] :SLES-00707 #Have 255 Men (Press Triangle) D00BD6B0 0010 8009BBEC 00FF #100 Men 3009C45C 0064 ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90029} ] ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-01272} ] :SLPS-01272 #Scenario all selectable Rikimaru 30010003 0008 #Scenario all selectable Ayame 30010004 0008 #It does not shut beneficial to use the art of change 90037858 00000000 #Do not reduce items in the game 8003B49C 0000 8003B94E 0000 #Ninja tools all infinite warehouse 90010010 FFFFFFFF 90010014 FFFFFFFF 90010018 FFFFFFFF 9001001C FFFFFFFF 80010020 FFFF #Heal in Press the Square button D00C5008 0080 300EA73C 0064 D00C5008 0080 300EA73E 0064 #Heal in press Square button in fourth story Voodoo swastika Professor D00C5008 0080 3011995C 0064 D00C5008 0080 3011995E 0064 ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu (Japan) {SLPS-01272} ] :SLPS-01272 #Scenario all selectable Rikimaru 30010003 0008 #Scenario all selectable Ayame 30010004 0008 #It does not shut beneficial to use the art of change 90037858 00000000 #Do not reduce items in the game 8003B49C 0000 8003B94E 0000 #Ninja tools all infinite warehouse 90010010 FFFFFFFF 90010014 FFFFFFFF 90010018 FFFFFFFF 9001001C FFFFFFFF 80010020 FFFF #Heal in Press the Square button D00C5008 0080 300EA73C 0064 D00C5008 0080 300EA73E 0064 #Heal in press Square button in fourth story Voodoo swastika Professor D00C5008 0080 3011995C 0064 D00C5008 0080 3011995E 0064 ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03040} ] :SLPS-03040 #Dragon circle available 30010008 000F D010F928 10F0 8010F950 0001 #99 of each of the items in ninja tools D00D17A4 6450 800D1788 0063 D00D17A4 6450 800D178A 2403 D00D17A4 6450 800D178C 0018 D00D17A4 6450 800D178E A043 #Dragon circle and all mission Available D0110438 017C 8011046C 0001 D01104D4 001B 801104D4 0001 #0 time required D001740C 0640 8001740E AF80 D0063E4C 5BD4 80063E04 0001 D0063E4C 5BD4 80063E06 3402 #255 of all ninja tools D0051640 0C31 8005167C 00FF D0051640 0C31 8005167E 2402 D0051640 0C31 80051680 0150 D0051640 0C31 80051682 A062 D0051640 0C31 80051784 0001 #Infinite Physical strength .It is not valid for the death blow D006586C 0560 80065878 0064 D006586C 0560 8006587A 3411 D006586C 0560 80065894 0008 D006586C 0560 80065896 A491 D006586C 0560 80065898 0006 D006586C 0560 8006589A 1040 #Time by 32 cloak of invisibility effect D00584E0 0385 800584E0 7700 #Cloak of invisibility effect is available in the ninja tools D0023634 0678 8002365E 1000 #Infinite Oxygen D001F02C 5555 8001F012 1400 #Infinite Time Cheat Sheet D00179BC 07D0 800179BE AF80 D004C00C 3DB6 8004C000 0001 D004C00C 3DB6 8004C01C 0001 #All Mission Cheat Sheet D00CC8E4 079C 800CC8E6 A044 D00CC8E4 079C 800CC8EC 0001 #Infinite Physical strength Cheat Sheet .It is not valid for the death blow. D004A1AC 3E58 8004A1B0 0064 D004A1AC 3E58 8004A1B2 3403 D004A1AC 3E58 8004A1D4 0008 D004A1AC 3E58 8004A1D6 A4A3 #Infinite Oxygen Cheat Sheet D001F46C 4220 8001F466 1400 #Infinite Ninja tools Cheat Sheet D0039FD4 0150 80039FD0 0000 ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen (Japan) {SLPS-01901} ] :SLPS-01901 #Invincibility 8006D09E 0050 #Infinite Magic 8006D018 0004 #Silver Key 8006D01C 0001 #Gold Key 8006D034 0001 ; [ Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu: Shinobi Hyakusen (Japan) {SLPS-02400} ] :SLPS-02400 #Infinite HP D001D828 000B 8001D826 2411 D001E248 000C 8001E246 2411 #Infinite Weapon Use D003C8FE 24A2 8003C8FC 0000 #Invisible to Enemies D00168EE 2442 800168EC 0000 #Perfect Play Results 80010084 270F 80010088 0000 8001008C 0000 90010090 00A4CB80 90010094 00A4CB80 50000A04 0000 80010098 FFFF #Press L1+R1 to Defeat All Enemies in 'Kill All' Missions E00C81E8 0003 8009BD7A 0000 #Have Bow D004113A 2402 8004113C 00C9 #Have Gun D004112E 2402 80041130 00C8 #Unlock All Extras 8001001E FFFF 50003202 0000 80010020 0202 #Infinite Physical strength 80168A38 0064 #Infinite Ninja Tools Rikimaru 30168AE5 00FF 30168AE6 00FF 30168AE7 00FF #I seen initiation into the secrets record all 8001001E FFFF #All missions can be selected & Achieved 90010020 02020202 90010024 02020202 90010028 02020202 9001002C 02020202 90010030 02020202 90010034 02020202 90010038 02020202 9001003C 02020202 90010040 02020202 90010044 02020202 90010048 02020202 9001004C 02020202 90010050 02020202 90010054 02020202 90010058 02020202 9001005C 02020202 90010060 02020202 90010064 02020202 90010068 02020202 9001006C 02020202 90010070 02020202 90010074 02020202 90010078 02020202 9001007C 02020202 90010080 02020202 ; [ Rival Schools + Resident Evil 2 + Bloody Roar + Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha + Mr Domino + Victory Boxing 2 (France) {SLED-01756} ] ; [ Rival Schools: United by Fate (Evolution Disc) (Europe) {SLES-01436 | SLES-11436} ] :SLES-01436 :SLES-11436 #P1 Infinite Health 801EFA02 00CF #P1 1 Hit To Knock Out 801EFA02 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 801EFE02 00CF #P2 1 Hit To Knock Out 801EFE02 0001 #P1 Win 1 Round To Win Fight 80095482 0002 #P1 Cant Win Any Rounds 80095482 0000 #P2 Win 1 Round To Win Fight 80095484 0002 #P2 Cant Win Any Rounds 80095484 0000 #P1 Full Burning Vigor Gauge 801C7BAC 0050 801C7BCC 0050 #P1 Empty Burning Vigor Gauge 801C7BAC 0000 801C7BCC 0000 #P2 1 Hit Kill 801EFE02 0000 #P1 1 Round Win 800953BA 0002 800953BC 0404 #Unlock all 50000802 0000 801F65D0 FFFF #P1 Infinite Health 801EFA02 00CF #P1 1 Hit To Knock Out 801EFA02 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 801EFE02 00CF #P2 1 Hit To Knock Out 801EFE02 0001 #P1 Win 1 Round To Win Fight 80095482 0002 #P1 Cant Win Any Rounds 80095482 0000 #P2 Win 1 Round To Win Fight 80095484 0002 #P2 Cant Win Any Rounds 80095484 0000 #P1 Full Burning Vigor Gauge 801C7BAC 0050 801C7BCC 0050 #P1 Empty Burning Vigor Gauge 801C7BAC 0000 801C7BCC 0000 #P2 1 Hit Kill 801EFE02 0000 #P1 1 Round Win 800953BA 0002 800953BC 0404 #Unlock all 50000802 0000 801F65D0 FFFF #Lesson Mode Only 1 move to complete lesson 801F1F14 0A00 #Lesson Mode 100 Energy 801F1F1C 0064 #Lesson Mode 100 Accuracy 801F1F1E 0064 #Lesson Mode 100 Agility 801F1F20 0064 #Lesson Mode Total = S 801F1F22 012F #All lessons completed 50001102 0000 801F5B04 0606 #Home Run Mode 999 Hi-Score 801F1F3C 03E7 #Service Mode 99999 Hi-Score 901F1F1C 0001869F #Target Mode 9999 Hi-Score 801F1F66 270F ; [ Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Europe) {SLES-00963 | SLES-10963 | SLES-20963 | SLES-30963 | SLES-40963} ] ; [ Riven: The Sequel to Myst (France) {SLES-01099 | SLES-11099 | SLES-21099 | SLES-31099 | SLES-41099} ] ; [ Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Germany) {SLES-01100 | SLES-11100 | SLES-21100 | SLES-31100 | SLES-41100} ] ; [ Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Japan) {SLPS-01180 | SLPS-01181 | SLPS-01182 | SLPS-01183 | SLPS-01184} ] ; [ RoX: 6 = Six (Japan) (Pop Collection 1280 Yen) {SLPS-02388} ] ; [ Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (Europe) {SLES-00223} ] :SLES-00223 #Lap 4 (Press Select & Circle) D00F7C5E DFFE 3011A45C 0004 #Lap 6 (Press Select & X) D00F7C5E BFFE 3011A45C 0006 #Lap 8 (Press Select & Square) D00F7C5E BFFE 3011A45C 0008 ; [ Road Rage aka Neo Kobe 2045: Road Rage (Europe) {SLES-00543} ] ; [ Road Rash (Europe) {SLES-00158} ] :SLES-00158 #Infinite Money 800DAD40 FFFF #Max. Cash 900DCE04 7FFFFFFF ; [ Road Rash (Japan) {SLPS-00243} ] :SLPS-00243 #Finish The Race 1st 800D577E 0102 #Infinite Bike Durability 800D577E 4040 #Infinite Biker's Health 800D5766 5A5A #Max Tko 800D81F0 FF00 #Quit Race & Have All Weapons (Press L1+L2) D00D6DE4 0005 800D5782 FFFF D00D6DE4 0005 800D5784 FFFF #Start Racing Before The Cpu Racers 8005B2A8 006A #Use Super Weapon (Press Up) D00D6DE4 1000 800D5786 FFFF #Infinite Turbo 800837EC 0000 ; [ Road Rash 3D (Europe) {SLES-00910} ] :SLES-00910 #Infinite Money 900B7178 3B9AFFFF #Slow Down Timer In Time Trials 800C1BBC 0747 800C1F60 7FBC #Infinite Bike Durability 8010F0AA 7F7F #Infinite Biker Health 8010F072 8080 ; [ Road Rash 3D (France) {SLES-01157} ] :SLES-01157 #Infinite Money 900B71E4 0973FFF6 ; [ Road Rash 3D (Germany) {SLES-01158} ] :SLES-01158 #Unendlich Geld 800B71E2 0098 #Biker Durability 300C2218 0080 #Unendlich Gesundheit 300C2214 007D #Platz 9 Modify 3010F123 0000 #Zeit Vorspulen 800C2528 3DE6 #1st Place 800C21F4 0001 ; [ Road Rash: Jailbreak (Europe) {SLES-02552} ] :SLES-02552 #Infinite Health 800D5846 5A5A #Infinite Bike Damage 800D585C 4040 #Finish 1st 300D585F 0001 #Use Super-Weapon Press L1+L2 E00D6EC4 0005 800D5866 FFFF #Have All Weapons 900D82C4 FFFFFFFF #Infinite Nitro 300D82CC 000A #Max Steals 300D82D0 00FF #Max Tko 300D82D1 00FF #Max Hits 300D82D2 00FF #Only 1 Race To Complete In Grunt Stage D00D82A8 0000 800D82A8 03F6 #Only 1 Race To Complete In Captain Stage D00D82AA 0000 800D82AA 37FF ; [ Roadsters (Europe) {SLES-02326} ] :SLES-02326 #Have 999999 money 900101E0 000F423F #Always start in lap 6 80160168 0006 #Unlock Category 'A' 30010204 0001 #Unlock Category 'B' 30010206 0001 ; [ Robbit mon Dieu (Japan) {SCPS-10103} ] :SCPS-10103 #Start Game With 65535 Kiwi's 80010808 FFFF #Infinite Time 801B4E3C 1388 #Have 13 Ghost killed 800DCA74 000D #Unlock All Extras 80010EE4 0030 30010F4D 00FF 80010F60 0005 80010F64 FFFF 80010F68 FFFF ; [ Robin Hood: The Siege (Europe) {SLES-04110} ] :SLES-04110 #Infinite Energy 800DC5A8 0025 ; [ Robo Pit (Europe) {SLES-00452} ] ; [ Robo Pit (Japan) {SLPS-00165} ] :SLPS-00165 #Infinite Power 800A5610 0096 ; [ Robo Pit 2 (Europe) {SLES-04054} ] :SLES-04054 #Infinite HP 800C6F54 03E7 ; [ Robocod: James Pond II aka James Pond: Codename Robocod (Europe) {SLES-04112} ] :SLES-04112 #Infinite Health 80129F3E 0003 #Have all elves rescued to complete level 80129FBA 0000 ; [ Robotron X (Europe) Demo {SLED-00515} ] ; [ Robotron X (Europe) {SLES-00539} ] :SLES-00539 #Infinite Lives 8002658E 3C00 ; [ Robotron X (Japan) {SLPS-00790} ] ; [ Robots: Video Alchemy (Japan) {ESPM-70002} ] ; [ Robo·Pit 2 (Japan) Demo {SLPS-00975} ] ; [ Robo·Pit 2 (Japan, Asia) (Pop Collection 1280 Yen, Sample) {SCPS-45082} ] ; [ Rock & Roll Racing 2: Red Asphalt (Europe) {SLES-00056} ] ; [ Rockman (Japan) {SLP-87250} ] ; [ Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo (Japan) {SLP-87249} ] ; [ Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? (Japan) {SLPS-02262} ] :SLPS-02262 #Infinite Energy navy mode 8010AE7B 3200 8010AE7C 0032 #All Boss Stages Defeated 1F800298 0012 1F800299 00FF #BGM is Arranged-Type 30055DEC 0001 #Boss Attack Time = 00:00 80055D90 0000 80055DCC 0000 #Have All Weapons & Infinite Ammo 1F8002DB 009C 1F8002DC 009C 1F8002DD 009C 1F8002DE 009C 1F8002DF 009C 1F8002E0 009C 1F8002E1 009C 1F8002E2 009C 1F8002E3 009C 1F8002E4 009C 1F8002E5 009C #Infinite E-Tanks 1F8002E7 0009 #Infinite HP 1F8002DA 009C #Infinite Lives 1F8002E6 0009 #One-Hit Kills for Most Enemies 50000B01 0000 3005CE5D 0000 #Press L2+CIRCLE for Boss HP=0 E0055C04 0021 3005CE67 0000 #Invincibility + Super Jump 1F8002D0 0002 #Invincibility 1F800271 0002 #Zero change 800D8AC8 1111 #Air Dash Infinite 800D8A6E 0178 #Unlock All Extras 50000302 0000 8005C654 0001 50008602 0000 8005C754 FFFF ; [ Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!! (Japan) {SLP-87259} ] ; [ Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? (Japan) {SLP-87268} ] ; [ Rockman 6: Shijou Saidai no Tatakai!! (Japan) {SLP-87269} ] ; [ Rockman 8: Metal Heroes (Japan) (Sample) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Rockman 8: Metal Heroes (Japan) {SLPS-00630} ] :SLPS-00630 #Infinite Lives 801C27C4 000A #Infinite Energy 8015D6D6 6400 #Infinite Balls 801B1306 2800 #Invincibility 3015D6FF 0011 #Does not decrease the screw 3016C744 0063 #Infinite Special weapons energy 301B1307 0028 301B130B 0028 301B130F 0028 301B1313 0028 301B1317 0028 301B131B 0028 301B131F 0028 301B1323 0028 301B1327 0028 ; [ Rockman Dash 2: Episode 1: 'Roll-chan Kiki Ippatsu!' no Maki (Japan) Demo {SLPS-02109} ] ; [ Rockman Dash 2: Episode 2: Ooinaru Isan (Japan) {SLP-86813} ] ; [ Rockman Dash: Hagane no Boukenshin (Japan) (Digest-ban) {SLPS-91094} ] ; [ Rockman Dash: Hagane no Boukenshin (Japan) Demo {SLP-80158} ] ; [ Rockman Dash: Hagane no Boukenshin (Japan) {SLPS-01141} ] :SLPS-01141 #Infinite Health 800B555E 0050 800B55A2 0050 #Infinite HP / Max HP 800B555E 00C0 800B55A0 00C0 #Moon Jump Press and hold X to float endlessly upward. E00B560D 0040 800B5536 FF20 #Infinite Special Weapon Energy 800B5A42 0018 #Time is 0:00:00 900C1E6C 00000000 #Infinite Weapon Power 50000C08 0000 800B59FA 0020 #Infinite Money 900C1E7C 0098967F #Invincibility 800B5600 FF01 #(Same water warfare, both dogfight) durability of the ship 800C1EBC 1800 #Max $ 900C1E7C 000F423F #Max All Stats 900B59EC 07070707 #In one day Maximum Buster (strongest weapon) 300B5944 0011 #All special weapons possession 900BE760 FFFFFFFF #all key items 900BE76C FFFFFFFF #all regular items 900BE770 FFFFFFFF 900BE774 FFFFFFFF #Rock-Buster Always Active 300B5661 0001 #Total Time = 00:00 900C1E6C 00000000 #Unlock All Extras 900C1E78 00010001 ; [ Rockman X3 (Japan) {SLPS-00283} ] :SLPS-00283 #Infinite Energy 800D8A44 9600 #Infinite Bug Hole 800D8108 5C00 #Infinite Acid Rush 800D80FE 5C00 #Infinite Parasitic Bomb 800D8100 5C00 #Infinite Ray Splasher 800D8106 5C00 #Infinite Triad Thunder 800D8102 5C00 #Infinite Frost Shield 800D810A 5C00 #Infinite Tornado Fang 800D810C 5C00 #Infinite Spinning Blade 800D8104 5C00 #Invincibility 8003B3BA 0100 #Have All Weapons 90141A60 FF03FF00 #Have Gold Armor & All Robot-Ride Armor 300D811A 00FF #Have Nova Strike 80141A4E FF00 801722BE 1F29 #Infinite Aiming Laser & Double Cyclone 80141A56 3030 #Infinite Air Slides [providing you have the boots] 300D8A6F 0001 #Infinite Frost Tower & Soul Body 80141A52 3030 #Infinite Rising Fire & Ground Hunter 80141A54 3030 #Play as Zero 800D8AC8 1111 #Realtime Character Switch![Select+L1=Megaman,Select+R1=Zero] D0134B48 0104 800D8AC9 0000 D0134B48 0108 800D8AC9 0002 ; [ Rockman X4 (Japan) (Special Limited Pack) {SLPS-00901} ] ; [ Rockman X4 (Japan) {SLP-87315} ] ; [ Rockman X4, Rockman 8: Metal Heroes, Rockman: Battle & Chase (Japan) Demo {SLP-80121} ] ; [ Rockman X5 (Japan) {SLP-86666} ] ; [ Rockman X6 (Japan) Beta {SLP-86959} ] ; [ Rockman X6 (Japan) {SLP-86959} ] ; [ Rockman: Battle & Chase (Japan) (PlayStation the Best) {SLPS-91093} ] :SLPS-91093 #Maximum Speed 8013A4A2 0200 #Infinite Time 800B63D6 012C #No Lap 8016635E 0004 ; [ Rockman: Battle & Chase (Japan) {SLPS-00764} ] :SLPS-00764 #Maximum Speed 8013A4A2 0200 #Infinite Time 800B63D6 012C #No Lap 8016635E 0004 ; [ Roger Lemerre: La Sélection des Champions (France) {SLES-02976} ] ; [ Roger Lemerre: La Sélection des Champions 2002 (France) {SLES-03604} ] ; [ Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 (Europe) {SLES-01417} ] :SLES-01417 #P1 Infinite Armor 801D7EE4 014A #P1 Infinite Cash 801D85B4 FFFF #Enable Goliath 301B37D8 0001 #Enable Nightshade 301B37D9 0001 #Enable Alien Saucer 301B37DB 0001 #Enable Helicopter 301B37DC 0001 #P1 Have Infinite Stingers 301D8080 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Blasters 301D8081 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Stalkers 301D8082 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Scorches 301D8083 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Meteors 301D8084 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Ejects 301D8085 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Rlbs 301D8086 0063 #P1 Have Infinite Prowlers 301D8087 0063 #P1 Upgraded Specials 301D8088 0005 #P1 Upgraded Stalkers 301D808B 0005 #P1 Upgraded Stingers 301D8089 0005 #P1 Upgraded Ejects 301D808E 0005 #P1 Upgraded Scorchs 301D808C 0005 #P1 Upgraded Blasters 301D808A 0005 #P1 Upgraded Meteors 301D808D 0005 #P1 Upgraded Prowlers 301D8090 0005 #P1 Upgraded Rlbs 301D808F 0005 #P2 Infinite Armor 801D879C 00B4 #P2 Infinite Cash 801D8E6C FFFF #P2 Have Infinite Specials 301D8937 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Stingers 301D8938 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Blasters 301D8939 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Stalkers 301D893A 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Scorches 301D893B 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Meteors 301D893C 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Ejects 301D893D 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Rlbs 301D893E 0063 #P2 Have Infinite Prowlers 301D893F 0063 #P2 Upgraded Specials 301D9400 0063 #P2 Upgraded Stingers 301D8941 0063 #P2 Upgraded Blasters 301D8942 0063 #P2 Upgraded Stalkers 301D8943 0063 #P2 Upgraded Scorches 301D8944 0063 #P2 Upgraded Meteors 301D8945 0063 #P2 Upgraded Ejects 301D8946 0063 #P2 Upgraded Rlbs 301D8947 0063 #P2 Upgraded Prowlers 301D8948 0063 ; [ Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-80643} ] ; [ Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 (USA) Demo {SLUS-90044} ] ; [ Roland Garros French Open 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03449} ] :SLES-03449 #P1 has 5 games 800964A0 0005 #P1 Always 40-0 80096480 0028 #P2 has 5 games 8009649C 0005 #P2 Can't score 80096484 0000 ; [ Rollcage (Europe) Demo {SLED-01732} ] ; [ Rollcage (Europe) {SLES-01660} ] :SLES-01660 #0 Laps To Race 8009CBBC 0000 #Always Place 1st D009CBBC 0001 3009CBB9 0001 #Start On Last Lap Easy 3009CBB8 0003 #Start On Last Lap Hard 3009CBB8 0004 #Start On Last Lap Expert 3009CBB8 0005 #Enable Scorpio, Taurus, Yuri & mirror mode 80010D30 FFFF #Enable Scorpio, Taurus, Yuri & mirror mode (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D01F5BE4 000F 80010D30 FFFF #Press R2 And x For Super Turbo Mode. E01F5BE4 0042 8015957E 6300 E01F5BE4 0042 801596FE 6300 E01F5BE4 0042 8015963E 6300 E01F5BE4 0042 801597BE 6300 #Seasick Camera 8009C068 0100 #Corkscrew Camera 9009C064 00000000 #Invisible Car 80159B40 FFFF ; [ Rollcage Stage II (Europe) (Review) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Rollcage Stage II (Europe) {SCES-01922} ] :SCES-01922 #Quick Win Press Select D00C2A4C FFFE 300D2274 0004 #Unlock Everything 80019DEC 0300 30019DEE 0019 90019DF0 000000FF 80019DF4 0000 #60Fps-Mode L2 to activate D00C2A4C FEFF 80019CAC 0100 D00C2A4C FDFF 80019CAC 0000 #Another Hyper-Mode 800B2B84 0000 #Turbo Powerups Never Decrease 8008BB96 2A00 ; [ Rollcage aka Rollcage Competition Demo (Europe) Demo {SLED-01896} ] ; [ Romance wa Tsurugi no Kagayaki II: Gin no Niji o Sagashite (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLP-87111 | SLP-87112} ] ; [ Ronaldo V-Football (Europe) {SLES-00995} ] ; [ Ronaldo V-Football (Europe) {SLES-02681} ] ; [ Ronin Blade (Europe) {SLES-02094} ] :SLES-02094 #English Codes\Infinite HP 30098338 00FA #English Codes\Infinite MP 3009833D 00FA #English Codes\Infinite Exp 300BD290 00FF #English Codes\Infinite Items/Ammo (After Pick Up) 50000E02 0000 3009987F 00FF #Deutsche Codes\Unendlich Hp 30098300 00FA #Deutsche Codes\Unendlich Mp 30098305 00FA #Deutsche Codes\Unendlich Exp 300BD258 00FF #Deutsche Codes\Unendlich GegenstäNde/Munition (Nach Aufnahme) 50000E02 0000 30099847 00FF #FrançAis Codes\Infinite HP 300982E0 00FA #FrançAis Codes\Infinite MP 300982E5 00FA #FrançAis Codes\Infinite Exp 300BD238 00FF #FrançAis Codes\Infinite Items/Ammo (After Pick Up) 50000E02 0000 30099827 00FF ; [ Rosco McQueen (Europe) {SCES-00257} ] :SCES-00257 #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Water 80030CC4 0600 8003127C 0600 #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Health 80030C44 0064 80031274 0064 #Laundry 1 Codes\Temperature Don't Raises 800310A4 0000 #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Waterbombs 80030E68 00FF #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Throwing Axes 80030E64 00FF #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Super Axes 80030E60 00FF #Laundry 1 Codes\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80030E20 00FF #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Water 80030E6C 0600 8003A528 0600 #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Health 80030DEC 0064 80031520 0064 #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Temperature Don't Raises 80031350 0000 #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Waterbombs 80030CC0 00FF #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80030CBC 00FF #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Super Axes 80030CB8 00FF #Laundry 2 Codes (Password: Fluffy)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80030C78 00FF #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Water 8003102C 0600 8003162C 0600 #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Health 80030FAC 0064 80031624 0064 #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Temperature Don't Raises 80031454 0000 #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Waterbombs 80031028 00FF #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80031024 00FF #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Super Axes 80031020 00FF #Laundry 3 Codes (Password: Sweaty)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80030FE0 00FF #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Water 80030E10 0600 800313DC 0600 #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Health 80030D90 0064 800313D4 0064 #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Temperature Don't Raises 80031200 0000 #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Waterbombs 80030E0C 00FF #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80030E08 00FF #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Super Axes 80030E04 00FF #Auto 1 Codes (Password: Hotrod)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80030DC4 00FF #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Water 80030F54 0600 80031480 0600 #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Health 80030ED4 0064 80031478 0064 #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Temperature Don't Raises 800312A4 0000 #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Waterbombs 80030F50 00FF #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80030F4C 00FF #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Super Axes 80030F48 00FF #Auto 2 Codes (Password: Grease)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80030F08 00FF #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Water 800311C0 0600 800317B0 0600 #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Health 80031140 0064 800317A8 0064 #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Temperature Don't Raises 800315D4 0000 800315D8 0000 #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Waterbombs 800311BC 00FF #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800311B8 00FF #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Super Axes 800311B4 00FF #Auto 3 Codes (Password: Bigend)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80031174 00FF #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Water 800351C4 0600 80035810 0600 #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Health 80035144 0064 80035808 0064 #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Temperature Don't Raises 80035634 0000 80035638 0000 #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Time 800355CC 3828 80100E80 3828 #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Waterbombs 800351C0 00FF #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800351BC 00FF #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Super Axes 800351B8 00FF #Harold's 1 Codes (Password: Smelly)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80035178 00FF #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Water 80034F20 0600 80035594 0600 #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Health 80034EA0 0064 8003558C 0064 #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Temperature Don't Raises 800353BC 0000 800353C0 0000 #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Time 80035354 3828 800F71E4 3828 800F7764 3828 800F7974 3828 #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Waterbombs 80034F1C 00FF #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80034F18 00FF #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Super Axes 80034F14 00FF #Harold's 2 Codes (Password: Widetv)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80034ED4 00FF #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Water 8003502C 0600 80035668 0600 #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Health 80034FAC 0064 80035660 0064 #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Temperature Don't Raises 80035490 0000 80035494 0000 80035808 0000 80035840 0000 80035844 0000 #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80035024 00FF #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80034FE0 00FF #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Time 80035424 3828 800F622C 3828 800F6CD4 3828 800F6D00 3828 #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Waterbombs 80035028 00FF #Harold's 3 Codes (Password: Pillow)\Infinite Super Axes 80035020 00FF #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Water 800347C8 0600 80034F88 0600 #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Health 80034748 0064 80034F80 0064 #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Temperature Don't Raises 80034DB0 0000 80034F5C 0000 80035128 0000 80035160 0000 80035164 0000 #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Time 80034D44 3828 800F6C80 3828 800F6F98 3828 #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800347C0 00FF #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Waterbombs 800347C4 00FF #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Super Axes 800347BC 00FF #Leisure 1 Codes (Password: Tricep)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 8003477C 00FF #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Water 800320BC 0600 800325AC 0600 #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Health 8003203C 0064 800325A4 0064 #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Temperature Don't Raises 800323D4 0000 #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Time 80032368 3828 800F0634 3828 800F0660 3828 800F2918 3828 #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800320B4 00FF #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Waterbombs 800320B8 00FF #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Super Axes 800320B0 00FF #Leisure 2 Codes (Password: Motion)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80032070 00FF #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Water 800315AC 0600 80031CB8 0600 #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Health 8003152C 0064 80031CB0 0064 #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Temperature Don't Raises 80030B2A 0000 #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Time 80031A64 0CFF 800F77EA 0CFF 800F7810 0CFF 800F783C 0CFF #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800315A4 00FF #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Waterbombs 800315A8 00FF #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Super Axes 800315A0 00FF #Leisure 3 Codes (Password: Hiphop)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 80031560 00FF #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Water 80033108 0600 8003371C 0600 #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Health 80033088 0064 80033714 0064 #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Temperature Don't Raises 800334AC 0000 #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Time 80033440 3828 800F4B40 3828 #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Throwing Axes 80033100 00FF #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Waterbombs 80033104 00FF #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Super Axes 800330FC 00FF #Residential 1 Codes (Password: Kennel)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 800330BC 00FF #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Water 80033204 0600 8003370C 0600 #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Health 80033184 0064 80033704 0064 #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Temperature Don't Raises 80033534 0000 80033538 0000 #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Time 800EEF84 36EF 800EF0E4 36EF 800F0660 36EF 800F0D6C 36EF #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Throwing Axes 800331FC 00FF #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Waterbombs 80033200 00FF #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Super Axes 800331F8 00FF #Residential 2 Codes (Password: Barrel)\Infinite Fire Extinguisher 800331B8 00FF #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash)\Infinite Water 80049848 0600 80049E6C 0600 #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash)\Infinite Health 800497C8 0064 80049E64 0064 #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Time 80049C28 4636 80049C2C 4636 #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Air 80049582 1000 #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Throwing Axes 80049840 00FF #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Waterbombs 80049844 00FF #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Super Axes 8004983C 00FF #Runaround Codes (Password: Splash) Infinite Fire Extinguisher 800497FC 00FF ; [ Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends (Europe) {SLES-02591} ] :SLES-02591 #Unlock all levels (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 at main screen) D006F49E F0FF 3009EA50 0010 #Infinite Health The Beginning 800EA5BA 0064 #Infinite Health The Dye Factory 800E14BA 0064 #Infinite Health Underground Resistance 300E4BDA 0064 #Infinite Health Ruck 300D9D4E 0064 #Infinite Health The Beach 800F28A2 0064 #Infinite Health Precious Elements 800E62C6 0064 #Infinite Health Crystal Chambers 800E28FA 0064 #Infinite Health Khan Mort 800DF45A 0064 #Infinite Health The Bay 800F07AA 0064 #Infinite Health The Rock 800E01B6 0064 #Infinite Health Baron Samedi 800DCDAA 0064 #Infinite Health Crash Site 800E7D22 0064 #Infinite Health Powerup 800E62C6 0064 #Infinite Health Descent 800E9D0E 0064 #Infinite Health The Shadoen 800D9D76 0064 ; [ Rox (Europe) {SLES-04069} ] :SLES-04069 #P1 Max Score 900777BC 0098967F #P2 Max Score 90077940 0098967F #Press L2 for P1 Fire Ball E00699F0 0001 80077748 0050 #Press L2 for P2 Fire Ball E00699F4 0001 800778CC 0050 #1P Mode\Press R2 for Full Power E00699F0 0002 800777A8 00FF #1P Mode Full Power 800777A8 00FF ; [ Ruff & Tumble (Germany) {SLES-01939} ] :SLES-01939 #Unendlich Leben 80013352 3C00 #Unendlich Energie 8001326E 3C00 #Unendlich Monde 8003280E 3C00 #Unendlich Luft 8002B8CE 3C00 #Unendlich KostüMzeit 8002C452 3C00 #99 ZahnräDer 800B4DD6 0063 #Unendlich Zeichen 800B4DE0 0063 #Alle TraumschlüSsel 50000C02 0000 80094CC8 FFFF #Alle Level GeöFfnet 50000202 0000 80093CC2 FFFF #Alle Winks 50000302 0000 80094CB8 FFFF ; [ Ruff & Tumble aka Ruff & Tumble: De Droomkrijgers (Netherlands) {SLES-02384} ] :SLES-02384 #Cheat Menu .Druk op L2 in het huis terwijl het spel op pauze staat en je cursor verdwijnt. Druk dan op X en je komt in het Cheat-Menu WAARSCHUWING : Het Cheat-Menu is onstabiel en kan het spel laten vastlopen. D0092D88 0100 30092ABC 0002 #Oneindige Zzz's 800B4F4C 03E7 #Oneindige Manen 800B4F48 03E7 #Oneindige Tandwielen 800B4F4A 03E7 #Oneindige Levens 800B4F4E 03E7 #Oneindige Kostuum Tijd 80097944 047D #RT's 800B4F54 03E7 #Normaal Hoofd 80092B7E 0000 #Groot Hoofd 80092B7E 0100 #Groter Hoofd 80092B7E 02BC #Gigantisch Hoofd 80092B7E 03E7 #Vreemde Sprong Als je R2 en X tegelijkertijd indrukt spring je naar een onwillekeurige plaats. D0092D88 4200 3009587A 00FF #Beweeg voeten niet 30095820 00FF #Laserkaars Deze is stom - de kaars schiet kleine straaltje die er uitzien als lasers 3009331A 00FF ; [ Runabout (Japan) Demo {SLP-80104} ] ; [ Runabout (Japan) {SLPS-00857} ] :SLPS-00857 #No Time Limit 800B63D6 012C #No Damage 8009A1A0 0000 #Total Time is 00:00:00 800A2772 0000 #Infinite Fuel 800B45FA 0019 #Have All Hidden Vehicles - Set One 80070300 0001 80070314 0001 8007031C 0001 80070320 0001 80070328 0001 8007032C 0001 80070334 0001 80070338 0001 80070344 0001 80070348 0001 8007034C 0001 80070350 0001 80070354 0001 80070358 0001 #Have All Hidden Vehicles - Set Two 8007035C 0001 80070360 0001 80070364 0001 80070368 0001 8007036C 0001 80070370 0001 80070374 0001 80070378 0001 80070380 0001 80070384 0001 8007038C 0001 80070390 0001 8007039C 0001 #Have All Hidden Vehicles - Set Three 800703A0 0001 800703A4 0001 800703A8 0001 800703AC 0001 800703B0 0001 800703B4 0001 800703B8 0001 800703BC 0001 800703C0 0001 800703C4 0001 800703C8 0001 ; [ Runabout 2 (Europe) {SLES-04015} ] ; [ Runabout 2 (Japan) (Fukyuuban 1500) {SLPS-03033} ] ; [ Runabout 2 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80510} ] ; [ Runabout 2 (Japan) {SLPS-02403} ] :SLPS-02403 #Total Damage Amt - Nil 8008AE58 0000 #Freeze Time 80093990 7B0C 80093994 0000 #No Damage 80127638 0000 #2nd Inter Change Vehicle No Damage 80127F7C 0000 #All Cars 50001E0C 0000 30046394 0001 #All Mails D00460AA 0000 50001801 0000 300460A8 0007 #All Goodies D00460AA 0000 50006801 0000 300460C0 0007 ; [ Running High (Japan) (Sample Mihon) {SLP-80095} ] ; [ Running Wild (Europe) {SCES-01630} ] :SCES-01630 #Have All Secrets 800CE7F8 FFFF #Always Play Medium Difficulty 800CE7F4 0001 #Always Play Hard Difficulty 800CE7F4 0004 #Always Play Expert Difficulty 800CE7F4 000F #Extra Tracks (Play Expert) 800CB07C 0004 #Always Finish 1St! 80028B36 2402 ; [ Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Ishin Gekitou-hen (Japan) {SCPS-10030} ] :SCPS-10030 #P1 Infinite Health 8008FA1A 00EC #Have All Characters 800A9CA0 03FF #P2 1-Hit Kills 8008FDDE 0001 ; [ Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou-hen (Japan) (Special Movie Disc, Special Movie Disc (Student Price)) {PAPX-90021} ] ; [ Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou-hen (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-10048} ] :SCPS-10048 #Infinite HP in battle 801E9F3A 008C #Infinite & Max HP Hero 90029214 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Heroine 9002922C 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Kenshin 90029244 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Kaoru 9002925C 270F270F #Infinite Gold 901AF018 0001869F #All Items 50003002 0001 801AED50 6301 #LEVEL UP D01B4CD4 0005 801B4CD4 0001 #None Encounter 9019BE98 000000D0 #During combat deathblow gauge 801E9F3C 0064 #Physical strength in combat enemy 0 801E9F46 0000 ; [ Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou-hen (Japan) {SCPS-10048} ] :SCPS-10048 #Infinite HP in battle 801E9F3A 008C #Infinite & Max HP Hero 90029214 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Heroine 9002922C 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Kenshin 90029244 270F270F #Infinite & Max HP Kaoru 9002925C 270F270F #Infinite Gold 901AF018 0001869F #All Items 50003002 0001 801AED50 6301 #LEVEL UP D01B4CD4 0005 801B4CD4 0001 #None Encounter 9019BE98 000000D0 #During combat deathblow gauge 801E9F3C 0064 #Physical strength in combat enemy 0 801E9F46 0000 ; [ Rushdown aka Rushdown: To the Extreme (Europe) {SLES-01080} ] ; [ Ryuuki Denshou: Dragoon (Japan) {SLPS-01035} ] :SLPS-01035 #Infinite HP Character 1 (Sedon) 8007A76B 03E7 #Infinite AP Character 1 (Sedon) 8007A76C 03E7 #Money 9999 80131574 270F #Infinite HP Character 2 (May) 8007A7B7 03E7 #Infinite AP Character 2 (May) 8007A7B8 03E7 #Infinite HP Character 3 (Sedon's Sister) 8007A803 03E7 #Infinite AP Character 3 (Sedon's Sister) 8007A804 03E7 #Gain Max 8013173A FFFF 800A21DC FFFF ; [ S.C.A.R.S. (Europe) Demo {SLED-01415} ] ; [ S.C.A.R.S. (Europe) {SLES-01286} ] :SLES-01286 #Infinite Weapons of your choice Turn on when you have picked up a weapon you want. Turn off when you finish each race 801D9616 0104 #Infinite Credits 80122F84 0003 #Racing Points = 100 You have to place 1st, 2nd or 3rd to get the points 801B0400 0064 #Enable Crystal Cup & Ski, Rally + Canyon Tracks 500 D008E840 0001 8008E840 01F4 #Story-Modus Geh zum Militär ! Freigeschaltet 30056871 0002 #Story-Modus Geh zum Militär Punkte D008EE0C 0000 8008EE0C C350 #Story-Modus Geh zum Militär Unendlich Fallen D008E468 0002 3008E468 0004 #Story-Modus Geh zum Militär Längste Combo = 100 D308F1E8 0001 3008F1E8 0064 #Story-Modus Geh zum Militär Volltreffer > 500 D008F1F8 0001 8008F1F8 01F4 #Story-Modus Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit Freigeschaltet 30056871 0003 #Story-Modus Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit Punkte D008E15C 0000 8008E15C C350 #Story-Modus Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit Unendlich Fallen D008E1B8 0002 3008E1B8 0004 #Story-Modus Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit Längste Combo = 100 D308E538 0001 3008E538 0064 #Story-Modus Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit Volltreffer > 500 D008E548 0001 8008E548 01F4 #Story-Modus Bananen in der Kokospalme Freigeschaltet 30056871 0004 #Story-Modus Bananen in der Kokospalme Punkte D008E57C 0000 8008E57C C350 #Story-Modus Bananen in der Kokospalme Unendlich Fallen D008E5D8 0002 3008E5D8 0004 #Story-Modus Bananen in der Kokospalme Längste Combo = 100 D308E958 0001 3008E958 0064 #Story-Modus Bananen in der Kokospalme Volltreffer > 500 D008E968 0001 8008E968 01F4 #Story-Modus Ich wär gern wie du Freigeschaltet 30056871 0005 #Story-Modus Ich wär gern wie du Punkte D008DFD8 0000 8008DFD8 C350 #Story-Modus Ich wär gern wie du Unendlich Fallen D008E034 0002 3008E034 0004 #Story-Modus Ich wär gern wie du Längste Combo = 100 D308E3B4 0001 3008E3B4 0064 #Story-Modus Ich wär gern wie du Volltreffer > 500 D008E3C4 0001 8008E3C4 01F4 #Story-Modus Lust auf einen Imbiss Freigeschaltet 30056871 0006 #Story-Modus Lust auf einen Imbiss Punkte D008DD9C 0000 8008DD9C C350 #Story-Modus Lust auf einen Imbiss Unendlich Fallen D008DDF8 0002 3008DDF8 0004 #Story-Modus Lust auf einen Imbiss Längste Combo = 100 D308E178 0001 3008E178 0064 #Story-Modus Lust auf einen Imbiss Volltreffer > 500 D008E188 0001 8008E188 01F4 #Story-Modus Wir sind die Geier Freigeschaltet 30056871 0007 #Story-Modus Wir sind die Geier Punkte D008DEC0 0000 8008DEC0 C350 #Story-Modus Wir sind die Geier Unendlich Fallen D008DF1C 0002 3008DF1C 0004 #Story-Modus Wir sind die Geier Längste Combo = 100 D308E29C 0001 3008E29C 0064 #Story-Modus Wir sind die Geier Volltreffer > 500 D008E2AC 0001 8008E2AC 01F4 #Story-Modus Lauf ! Freigeschaltet 30056871 0008 #Story-Modus Lauf ! Punkte D008E4EC 0000 8008E4EC C350 #Story-Modus Lauf ! Unendlich Fallen D008E548 0002 3008E548 0004 #Story-Modus Lauf ! Längste Combo = 100 D308E8C8 0001 3008E8C8 0064 #Story-Modus Lauf ! Volltreffer > 500 D008E8D8 0001 8008E8D8 01F4 #Story-Modus Ein neuer Tag Freigeschaltet 30056871 0009 #Story-Modus Ein neuer Tag Punkte D0092148 0000 80092148 C350 #Story-Modus Ein neuer Tag Unendlich Fallen D00921A4 0002 300921A4 0004 #Story-Modus Ein neuer Tag Längste Combo = 100 D3092524 0001 30092524 0064 #Story-Modus Ein neuer Tag Volltreffer > 500 D0092534 0001 80092534 01F4 ; [ Walt Disneys Djungelboken: Groove Party (Sweden) {SCES-03030} ] ; [ Walt Disneys Jungelboken: Groove Party (Norway) {SCES-03027} ] ; [ Walt Disneys Junglebogen: Groove Party (Denmark) {SCES-03021} ] ; [ Wanted (Europe) {SLES-04158} ] :SLES-04158 #Infinite LIves 80084848 0009 #Only One Hit To Complet Level 1 80054A28 0001 #Only One Hit To Complet Other Levels 80074A28 0001 ; [ War Gods (Europe) {SLES-00538} ] :SLES-00538 #P1 Infinite Health 80099350 0001 #P1 No Health 80099350 0000 #P2 Infinite Health 80099354 0001 #P2 No Health 80099354 0000 #Stop Timer 8009E1EC 0064 #Infinite Credits 80098658 0009 #P1 X-Tra Damage 80099358 0001 #P2 X-Tra Damage 8009935C 0001 #Continues No Limit 800986C4 000A ; [ WarCraft II: The Dark Saga (Europe) {SLES-00878} ] :SLES-00878 #Max Gold In Mine 8011EC86 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Orcs .The Tides of darkness codes for the ORCISH horde gives infinite credits while in scenarios for both races - Humans & Orcish. 800101C4 FFFF 80010184 FFFF 80010204 FFFF #Tides Of Darkness\Humans 80010188 FFFF 800101C8 FFFF 80010208 FFFF #Beyond The Dark Portal\Orcs 800101D4 FFFF 80010184 FFFF 80010214 FFFF #Beyond The Dark Portal\Humans 800101D8 FFFF 80010198 FFFF 80010218 FFFF ; [ WarCraft II: The Dark Saga (Japan) {SLPS-01098} ] :SLPS-01098 #Infinite Money 800101C8 FFFF #Infinite Wood 80010188 FFFF ; [ WarGames: Defcon 1 (Europe) {SLES-00978} ] :SLES-00978 #Always DEFCON 5 800A92DC 2F30 #Infinite Ammo 800EF5C4 0064 800EF674 0064 800EF724 0064 800EF7D4 0064 800EF884 0064 800EF514 0064 800EF934 0064 800EF9E4 0064 #All Levels (NORAD) 900AA370 01010101 900AA374 01010101 900AA378 01010101 800AA37C 0101 #All Levels (W.O.P.R.) 900AA3A0 01010101 900AA3A4 01010101 900AA3A8 01010101 800AA3AC 0101 #Infinite Energy 800EF4AC 1500 800EF55C 1500 800EF6BC 1500 800EF60C 1500 800EF76C 1500 800EF81C 1500 800EF8CC 1500 #Infinite Energy Jeep (Multi-5) version 800F0A04 0500 #Infinite Energy Dragoon Tank (Multi-5) version 800F0AB4 1180 ; [ WarGames: Defcon 1 (Europe) {SLES-00978} ] :SLES-00978 #Always DEFCON 5 800A92DC 2F30 #Infinite Ammo 800EF5C4 0064 800EF674 0064 800EF724 0064 800EF7D4 0064 800EF884 0064 800EF514 0064 800EF934 0064 800EF9E4 0064 #All Levels (NORAD) 900AA370 01010101 900AA374 01010101 900AA378 01010101 800AA37C 0101 #All Levels (W.O.P.R.) 900AA3A0 01010101 900AA3A4 01010101 900AA3A8 01010101 800AA3AC 0101 #Infinite Energy 800EF4AC 1500 800EF55C 1500 800EF6BC 1500 800EF60C 1500 800EF76C 1500 800EF81C 1500 800EF8CC 1500 #Infinite Energy Jeep (Multi-5) version 800F0A04 0500 #Infinite Energy Dragoon Tank (Multi-5) version 800F0AB4 1180 ; [ WarGames: Defcon 1 (Europe, Australia) Demo {SLED-01366} ] ; [ Wares 1092: Souheiden (Japan) {SLPS-00596} ] :SLPS-00596 #Infinite Energy Robot 8009573C 0DAC 800C0388 0DAC 800F0E34 0DAC #Infinite Money 9999999 900B3410 0098967F #Experience value MAX 900B3424 05F5E0FF #Brawn MAX 800F0E16 03E7 #Wisdom MAX 800F0E18 03E7 #Mental strength MAX 800F0E1A 03E7 #Endurance MAX 800F0E1C 03E7 #Dexterity MAX 800F0E1E 03E7 #Strength MAX 800F0E28 03E7 #Sensitive force MAX 800F0E2A 03E7 #Armor thickness MAX 800F0E2C 03E7 #Instantaneous force MAX 800F0E2E 03E7 #Ego MAX 800F0E30 03E7 #Blood volume MAX 800B31F4 FFFF #Water MAX 800B3220 FFFF ; [ Warhammer: Dark Omen (Europe) {SLES-01159} ] :SLES-01159 #Infinite Money 800C4A0C FFFF ; [ Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (Europe) {SLES-00028} ] :SLES-00028 #Infinite Money 800DB934 034A #Infinite Reserves 800E0CB0 0007 #BLACK AVENGERS Max troops 800DBDA0 2000 ; [ Warhawk: The Red Mercury Missions (Europe) {SCES-00062} ] :SCES-00062 #Infinite Front Shield 801A2D50 0190 #Infinite Left Shield 801A2D52 012C #Infinite Right Shield 801A2D54 012C #Infinite Rear Shield 801A2D56 012C #Infinite Rockets 801B8C56 0064 #Infinite Lock-On-Rockets 801B8C58 000A #Infinite Screamer-Rocket 801B8C5A 0018 #Infinite Plasma 801B8C5C 0320 #Infinite Doomsday Bombs 801B8C60 0001 #Infinite Blitzbombs 801B8C62 0001 #Mg-Cooler 801B8C54 0000 ; [ Warm Up! aka Warm-Up! GP 2001 (Europe) {SLES-03247} ] :SLES-03247 #Always First Place Arcade Mode 800B131C 0014 #Current lap 3 300AE3FA 0003 #Current lap 4 300AE3FA 0003 #Current lap 5 300AE3FA 0005 ; [ Warpath: Jurassic Park (Europe) {SLES-02253} ] :SLES-02253 #P1 Quick win 9006144C 14800003 8006145A 3C00 #Start on final Stage 800313B6 0008 #Unlock all characters 50000601 0000 300313CD 0001 #Unlock all levels 50000401 0000 300313F9 0001 #Unlock all Extra Modes 3003143F 0001 #P1 only needs 1 win E00313A7 0000 300313A7 0001 ; [ Warriors of Might and Magic (Europe) {SLES-03263} ] :SLES-03263 #Infinite Health 801ADAA8 270F #Maximum Health 801ADB4C 270F #Infinite Mana 801B5814 270F #Maximum Mana 801B580C 270F #Mana Never Decreases D00637AC 0148 800637AE 0000 #Items\Never Decrease D0015C66 AC51 80015C66 0000 #Items\Start With Loads Of\Keys on pick-up D01B5870 0001 801B5870 03E7 #Items\Start With Loads Of\Gems on pick-up D01B5874 0001 801B5874 03E7 #Items\Start With Loads Of\Orbs on pick-up D01B5878 0001 801B5878 03E7 #Spells\Have Crossbow At Max 301B5750 0004 #Spells\Have Firestorm At Max 301B5738 0004 #Spells\Have Lightning At Max 301B573A 0004 #Spells\Have Rage At Max 301B573C 0004 #Spells\Hace Icy Lightning At Max 301B573E 0004 #Spells\Have Magic Shield At Max 301B5740 0004 #Spells\Have Healing At Max 301B5742 0004 #Spells\Have All At Max 301B5750 0004 50000602 0000 301B5738 0004 #Weapons\Axe At Max 301B575A 0004 #Weapons\Sword At Max 301B5762 0004 #Weapons\Hammer At Max 301B5768 0004 #Weapons\Shield At Max D01B56D0 0008 301B56D0 000F ; [ Warriors of Might and Magic (Europe) {SLES-03330} ] :SLES-03330 #Infinite Energy 801ADAA8 0032 #Infinite Mana 801B5814 0019 #Have 99 gems 801B5878 0063 #Have 99 keys 801B5870 0063 #Level Modifier EXODUS You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0005 #Level Modifier CANYON You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 000A #Level Modifier STRONGHOLD You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 000F #Level Modifier ENROTHS You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0014 #Level Modifier BURIED CITY You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0019 #Level Modifier FORGOTTEN WAY You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 001E #Level Modifier WESTERN DISTRICT You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0023 #Level Modifier EASTERN DISTRICT You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0028 #Level Modifier THE MONASTERY You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 002D #Level Modifier DAGLATHOR You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0032 #Level Modifier LAST FIGHT WITH THE BOSS You need to have at least 1 save game on your memory card then choose load game 800DCD84 0036 ; [ Warzone 2100 (Europe) {SLES-00937} ] :SLES-00937 #All Tanks Blink 800DDABC 6E6E #Cheat Activator 800DAA40 0001 #Instant Research 800DBB4C 0040 #Make Everything Visible On Radar 800D9764 0001 #Super Units All Campaigns 800DCB38 F000 #True Infinite Power 800DC7A0 0000 #Campaign 1 800DAD04 0001 #Campaign 2 800DAD04 0002 #Campaign 3 800DAD04 0003 #Campaign 4 800DAD04 0004 #Campaign 5 800DAD04 0005 #Campaign 6 800DAD04 0006 #Campaign 7 800DAD04 0007 #Have Almost All Un-Researched Base Tech 50008101 0000 3012F4A0 0080 #Infinite Build Units 800DC350 0000 #Infinite Power 9014CE94 0098967F #Power Never Decreases 8006FE0E 2400 ; [ Warzone 2100 (France) {SLES-01742} ] ; [ Warzone 2100 (Germany) {SLES-01743} ] :SLES-01743 #Fahrzeugproduktion ohne Limit 800DB6D0 0000 #Fahrzeuge (auch des Gegners!) unverwundbar Select+L2 drücken D00DAEC8 0101 8002B62A 2400 #Fahrzeuge (auch des Gegners!) verwundbar Select+R2 drücken D00DAEC8 0102 8002B62A AE42 #Unendlich Geld 8014CE90 C350 #Alle Forschungsobjekte zugänglich Select+Quadrat+Hoch drücken und nie wieder aktivieren D00DAEC8 8011 50001402 0000 8012F4C0 FFFF ; [ Warzone 2100 (UK) Demo {SLED-01787} ] ; [ Water Summer (Japan) (Shokai Genteiban) {SLP-87085} ] ; [ Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 (Europe) {SLES-01160} ] :SLES-01160 #P1 amount of goals 9 800D82F4 0009 #P1 amount of goals 0 800D82F4 0000 #P2 amount of goalS 9 800D8398 0009 #P2 amount of goals 0 800D8398 0000 ; [ Weekly the PlayStation Limited No. 1 (Japan) {SLP-80187} ] ; [ Welcome House 2: Keaton and His Uncle (Japan) {SLPS-00633} ] :SLPS-00633 #All Items In Inventory 90084A7C FFFFFFFF #Complete Map 50001802 0000 80084A88 0101 #Unlock All Doors 80084A84 FFFF ; [ Wer wird Millionär (Germany) {SLES-03341} ] ; [ Wer wird Millionär: 2. Edition (Germany) {SLES-03591} ] :SLES-03591 #P1 Beginne mit letzter Frage D007EA38 0000 3007EA38 000F #P1 Nur 2 Fragen zu beantworten D007EA18 0000 3007EA18 0001 #P1 Telefontipp D007EA1C 0000 3007EA1C 0001 #Unendlich Joker alle Spieler 50 : 50 D0021AC6 03E0 80021AC8 0000 #Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Publikumsbefragung D0021AD6 03E0 80021AD8 0000 #Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Telefonate D0021AE6 03E0 80021AE8 0000 ; [ Wer wird Millionär: Dritte Edition (Germany) {SLES-03916} ] ; [ Wer wird Millionär: Junior (Germany) {SLES-03594} ] :SLES-03594 #P1 Beginne mit letzter Frage D0073F70 0000 30073F70 000F #P1 Nur 2 Fragen zu beantworten D0073F50 0000 30073F50 0001 #P1 Telefontipp D0073F54 0000 30073F54 0001 #Unendlich Joker alle Spieler 50 : 50 D001EE4E 03E0 8001EE50 0000 #Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Publikumsbefragung D001EE5E 03E0 8001EE60 0000 #Unendlich Joker alle Spiele Telefonate D000EE76 03E0 8001EE78 0000 ; [ Westlife: Fan-O-Mania (Europe) {SLES-03779} ] ; [ Westlife: Fan-O-Mania (Europe) {SLES-03806} ] :SLES-03806 #Have 9999 points 8004AA68 270F ; [ Whistle: Fuki Nukeru Kaze (Japan) {SLP-87214} ] ; [ Whizz (Europe) {SLES-00141} ] :SLES-00141 #Infinite Energy 8006D038 0038 #Infinite Time 8006d528 0063 #Infinite Lives 80012D28 0000 #One Flag Counts As Ten 300226F4 000A #MoonJump On (Press Select & L1) D00B121E FBFE 80007F00 1234 D0007F00 1234 8006D3A8 0000 #Moonjump Off (Press Select & L2) D00B121E FEFE 80007F00 0000 ; [ Whizz (Japan) {SLPS-00939} ] ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Europe) {SLES-02988} ] :SLES-02988 #Infinite 50 / 50 D007208C 0001 3007208C 0000 #Infinite Ask the audience D0072094 0001 30072094 0000 #Infinite Phone a friend D0072090 0001 30072090 0000 #Start with million pound question V1 D00720F0 0000 800720F0 000F #Start with million pound question V2 D00720A0 0000 800720A0 000F ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: 2nd Edition (Europe) {SLES-03589} ] :SLES-03589 #P1 Only 2 answers left D007EA14 0000 3007EA14 0001 #P1 Start with last question D007EA34 0000 3007EA34 000F #P1 Telephone hint given D007EA18 0000 3007EA18 0001 #Infinite Lifelines 50 : 50 D007EA20 0001 3007EA20 0000 #Infinite Lifelines Ask the audience D007EA88 0001 3007EA88 0000 #Infinite Lifelines Phone a friend D007EA24 0001 3007EA24 0000 ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Australian Edition (Australia) {SLES-03585} ] ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Irish Edition (Ireland) {SLES-03583} ] ; [ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Junior (Europe) {SLES-03592} ] ; [ Wild 9 (Europe) Demo {SLED-01496} ] ; [ Wild 9 (Europe) {SLES-01333} ] :SLES-01333 #Infinite Health 800846A6 03E7 #Infinite Health Drench Level 800849C6 03E7 #Infinite Lifes 8007B5AC 0009 #All Levels Selectable 8007B5B8 000E #Have 99 Cogs 8007B6A0 0063 #Infinite Rockets 3007B698 0000 3007B694 000A #Infinite Rig-Power 8007B880 03FF #Infinite Grenades 3007B694 0000 3007B698 000A ; [ Wild 9 (USA) {SLUS-00425} ] :SLUS-00425 #Infinite Lives D007B35C 0002 8007B35C 0003 #Infinite Health D0084466 000F 80084466 0010 #Infinite Missiles On Pick-Up D007B444 0002 8007B444 0003 #Moon Jump D007C788 0040 80084492 FFF0 #Infinite Health Drench Level Codes D0084786 0010 80084786 0011 #Moon Jump Drench Level Codes D007C788 0040 800847B2 FFF0 #All Levels Selectables 80085404 000E ; [ Wild 9 / MDK / Crime Killer (France) Demo {SLED-01689} ] ; [ Wild Arms (Europe) {SCES-00321} ] :SCES-00321 #Max / infinite gella 900DE394 0098967F #Rudy Infinite & Max HP 900DDFA8 270F270F #Rudy Infinite & Max HP 900DDFAC 270F270F #Jack Infinite & Max HP 900DDFDC 270F270F #Jack Infinite & Max MP 900DDFE0 270F270F #Cecilia 900DE010 270F270F #Cecilia Infinite & Max MP 900DE014 270F270F #Infinite HP In Battle Rudy (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 80165E8C 270F #Infinite HP In Battle Jack (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 80166064 270F #Infinite HP In Battle Cecilia (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 8016623C 270F #Infinite MP In Battle All Characters (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 8009CBDE 2400 8006ED3E 2400 80047162 2400 #No random battles 90064678 00000000 #Infinite Items ( All slots) D0046254 0274 80046256 2400 D0050350 0274 80050352 2400 #Map select debug menu 90056D9C 26B50001 #Infinite / Max Items All slots 50008002 0000 800DE204 6363 ; [ Wild Arms (France) {SCES-01171} ] :SCES-01171 #Money 99,999 900DEBBC 0001869F #Rudy HP 9999 900DE7D0 270F270F #Rudy MP 999 900DE7D4 03E703E7 #Jack HP 9999 900DE804 270F270F #Jack MP 999 900DE808 03E703E7 #Cecilia HP 9999 900DE838 270F270F #Cecilia MP 999 900DE83C 03E703E7 ; [ Wild Arms (Germany) {SCES-01172} ] :SCES-01172 #Unendlich Geld 800DE8A6 0098 #Unendlich Inventar 8004656C 2400 #Rudy Codes\Unendlich Hp 800DE4B8 270F #Rudy Codes\Max Hp 800DE4BA 270F #Rudy Codes\Unendlich Mp 800DE4BC 270F #Rudy Codes\Max Mp 800DE4BE 270F #Rudy Codes\Sofort Auf Level 99 800DE4D6 0FFF #Rudy Codes\Str & Atf Ist Voll 800DE4C0 03E7 #Rudy Codes\Vit & Def Ist Voll 800DE4C2 03E7 #Rudy Codes\Sor & Mgr Ist Voll 800DE4C4 03E7 #Rudy Codes\Res & Fry Ist Voll 800DE4C6 03E7 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 1 Max Atf 300DE815 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 1 Max Hit 300DE816 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 1 Max Anzahl 300DE817 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 1 Unendlich Munition 800DE818 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 2 Max Atf 300DE81B 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 2 Max Hit 300DE81C 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 2 Max Anzahl 300DE81D 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 2 Unendlich Munition 800DE81E 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 3 Max Atf 300DE821 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 3 Max Hit 300DE822 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 3 Max Anzahl 300DE823 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 3 Unendlich Munition 800DE824 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 4 Max Atf 300DE827 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 4 Max Hit 300DE828 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 4 Max Anzahl 300DE829 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 4 Unendlich Munition 800DE82A 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 5 Max Atf 300DE82D 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 5 Max Hit 300DE82E 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 5 Max Anzahl 300DE82F 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 5 Unendlich Munition 800DE830 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 6 Max Atf 300DE833 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 6 Max Hit 300DE834 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 6 Max Anzahl 300DE835 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 6 Unendlich Munition 800DE836 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 7 Max Atf 300DE839 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 7 Max Hit 300DE83A 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 7 Max Anzahl 300DE83B 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 7 Unendlich Munition 800DE83C 0063 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 8 Max Atf 300DE83F 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 8 Max Hit 300DE840 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 8 Max Anzahl 300DE841 0007 #Rudy Codes\Waffe 8 Unendlich Munition 800DE842 0063 #Jack Codes\Unendlich Hp 800DE4EC 270F #Jack Codes\Max Hp 800DE4EE 270F #Jack Codes\Unendlich Mp 800DE4F0 270F #Jack Codes\Max Mp 800DE4F2 270F #Jack Codes\Sofort Auf Level 99 800DE50A 0FFF #Jack Codes\Str & Atf Ist Voll 800DE4F4 03E7 #Jack Codes\Vit & Def Ist Voll 800DE4F6 03E7 #Jack Codes\Sor & Mgr Ist Voll 800DE4F8 03E7 #Jack Codes\Res & Fry Ist Voll 800DE4FA 03E7 #Cecilia Codes\Unendlich Hp 800DE520 270F #Cecilia Codes\Max Hp 800DE522 270F #Cecilia Codes\Unendlich Mp 800DE524 270F #Cecilia Codes\Max Mp 800DE526 270F #Cecilia Codes\Sofort Auf Level 99 800DE53E 0FFF #Cecilia Codes\Str & Atf Ist Voll 800DE528 03E7 #Cecilia Codes\Vit & Def Ist Voll 800DE52A 03E7 #Cecilia Codes\Sor & Mgr Ist Voll 800DE52C 03E7 #Cecilia Codes\Res & Fry Ist Voll 800DE52E 03E7 ; [ Wild Arms (Italy) {SCES-01173} ] ; [ Wild Arms (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96034} ] ; [ Wild Arms (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91038} ] :SCPS-91038 #1st Character Max Experience 8013DB24 FFFF #1st Character Max HP 8013DB08 270F #2nd Character Max Experience 8013DB58 FFFF #2nd Character Max HP 8013DB3C 270F #3rd Character Max Experience 8013DB8C FFFF #3rd Character Max HP 8013DB70 270F #Level up to 65535 8016403C FFFF #MAX Gellas 9013DEF4 0098967F #Infinite HP 90073C88 00000000 #Infinite MP 8004A176 0000 800A2C3E 0000 #Maximum Experience 800488F0 0000 #Maximum Money 80078FEC 0000 #More Money 8013DEF4 FFFF #HP all recovery After open the menu 9005DAAC A6450004 #MP full recovery After open the menu 9005DAEC A6450008 #The 99 possession of all items 80047DA8 0001 80047DDA A025 90047DE4 24020063 #The possession of all the goods 3013DB87 0000 8013DB88 0201 3013DB8A 0003 3013DBBB 0004 8013DBBC 0605 3013DBBE 0007 3013DBEF 0008 8013DBF0 0A09 3013DBF2 000B #No random battles while pushing L2 D00DCD78 0001 300DC738 0000 #No random battles 300DC738 0000 #Rudy all arms 800479AA 24C2 800479AE A022 #Jack Master all shoot 80047A26 24C2 80047A2A A022 #Cecilia learn all Magic 80047A96 24C2 80047A9A A022 #Not reduce the remaining number of bullets of the arm 800A2490 0000 #You can do with free modification of the arm 800B1ADA AC20 800B1C9A 1000 800B1D12 0040 ; [ Wild Arms (Japan) {SCPS-10028} ] :SCPS-10028 #1st Character Max Experience 8013DB24 FFFF #1st Character Max HP 8013DB08 270F #2nd Character Max Experience 8013DB58 FFFF #2nd Character Max HP 8013DB3C 270F #3rd Character Max Experience 8013DB8C FFFF #3rd Character Max HP 8013DB70 270F #Level up to 65535 8016403C FFFF #MAX Gellas 9013DEF4 0098967F #Infinite HP 90073C88 00000000 #Infinite MP 8004A176 0000 800A2C3E 0000 #Maximum Experience 800488F0 0000 #Maximum Money 80078FEC 0000 #More Money 8013DEF4 FFFF #DEBUG Debugging ON in SELECT + L2 Debugging OFF in SELECT + R2 D00DCD20 0101 800DC618 00EF D00DCD20 0102 800DC618 00C8 #HP all recovery After open the menu 9005DAAC A6450004 #MP full recovery After open the menu 9005DAEC A6450008 #The 99 possession of all items 80047DA8 0001 80047DDA A025 90047DE4 24020063 #The possession of all the goods 3013DB87 0000 8013DB88 0201 3013DB8A 0003 3013DBBB 0004 8013DBBC 0605 3013DBBE 0007 3013DBEF 0008 8013DBF0 0A09 3013DBF2 000B #No random battles while pushing L2 D00DCD78 0001 300DC738 0000 #No random battles 300DC738 0000 #Rudy all arms 800479AA 24C2 800479AE A022 #Jack Master all shoot 80047A26 24C2 80047A2A A022 #Cecilia learn all Magic 80047A96 24C2 80047A9A A022 #Not reduce the remaining number of bullets of the arm 800A2490 0000 #You can do with free modification of the arm 800B1ADA AC20 800B1C9A 1000 800B1D12 0040 #None Encounter 900EAFC4 00000000 900EAFC8 00000000 ; [ Wild Arms (Spain) {SCES-01174} ] :SCES-01174 #Rudy Infinite HP In Battle (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 80165E8C 270F #Jack Infinite HP In Battle (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 80166064 270F #Cecilia Infinite HP In Battle (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 8016623C 270F #Rudy\Infinite HP 800DE0F0 270F #Rudy\Infinite MP 800DE0F4 270F #Jack\Infinite HP 800DE124 270F #Jack\Infinite MP 800DE128 270F #Cecilia\Infinite HP 800DE158 270F #Cecilia\Infinite MP 800DE15C 270F #Misc\Infinite Gellas 800DE4DC FFFF #Misc\Freeze Time 800DDF58 4612 #Infinite MP In Battle All Characters (Only use agains final enemies and deactivate after defeat the enemy or the game will crash) 8009CBDE 2400 8006ED3E 2400 80047162 2400 #Max / infinite gella 900DE394 0098967F #No random battles 90064678 00000000 ; [ Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition (Japan) (Tentou-you Movie Disc) {PCPX-96171} ] ; [ Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96161} ] ; [ Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91208 | SCPS-91209} ] ; [ Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition (Japan) {SCPS-10089 | SCPS-10090} ] :SCPS-10089 :SCPS-10090 #Gold 99999 9011AF5C 0098967F #Exp 99999 9011A810 0001869F #All Items 99 9003457C 24E3C5FF 90034580 A4C304F8 #No Random Battle 8011E084 0000 #1st Character Infinite & Max HP 8011A79C 270F 8011A7A0 270F #1st Character Infinite & Max FP 8011A7AA 03F0 8011A7AC 03F0 #2nd Character Character Infinite & Max HP 8011A818 270F 8011A81C 270F #2nd Character Character Infinite & Max FP 8011A826 03F0 8011A828 03F0 #3rd Character Character Infinite & Max HP 8011A894 270F 8011A898 270F #3rd Character Character Infinite & Max FP 8011A8A2 03F0 8011A8A4 03F0 #Have All Albums 50001D02 0000 800F6260 FFFF #Fp Max In Battle D00A31EE 0C02 800A31EC 03F0 D00A31EE 0C02 800A31EE 2402 #Ashley Level 98 3011A7A8 0062 #Not decrease ally character HP 900A3220 3C028012 900A3228 0242102B 900A322C 10400002 800A3334 AE46 #Enemies death blow 800A31FC 8012 900A3200 0206302B 900A3204 24020001 900A3208 10C00002 #FP MAX in battle 800A31F6 A646 #Always activate critical advanced guard counter 80072E1A 1000 #I can teleport to all locations 800899C8 0001 #Maximum HPMAX & full recovery · When you open the status screen 8008174C 1E00 90007800 2405270F 90007804 AE850008 90007808 0800D78D 9000780C AE850004 #EXP MAX 90081D90 08001E04 90007810 3C020098 90007814 3442967F 90007818 08020766 9000781C AE220078 #MAX level of the arm 8009A55A A070 8009A57E A070 #Number 99 rounds remaining bullets of the arm 9009A84C 240F0063 8009A852 A04F 8009A85A 01E0 #Special abilities all learn all characters Please use the code below only Guardian Lore 80034E9E A0A7 80034EA4 0001 #Guardian lower all learning 80034D1A A127 80034D20 0001 80034D78 A100 80034D82 3004 #Debug Press Select (With Controller 2) No Fight Press select + start All Monsters Book 100% Walk to wall Press X 80011018 FFFF D00F5CA6 0100 300F5C1A 00F7 D00F5CA6 0100 300F5C40 0001 D00F5CA6 0800 300F5C1A 00D0 D00F5CA6 0800 300F5C40 0000 #Attack disable security robot 8011DEC6 FFFF #None Encounter 3011E080 0000 ; [ Wild Boater (Japan) {SLPS-02174} ] :SLPS-02174 #Infinite Time 80057C48 0000 ; [ Wild Rapids (Europe) {SLES-02631} ] :SLES-02631 #Have 3 Turbos 30069270 0003 #Turbos Never Decrease 80018658 0000 #Timer Stopped 0:00:00/Always First D00259A0 0178 800259A0 0000 D00259A0 0178 800259A2 0000 #Everythings Unlocked 800102A0 FFFF #Timer Stopped 9:59:59/Always First D00259A0 0178 8002599C FFFF D00259A0 0178 8002599E 3402 ; [ Wildroid 9 (Japan) {SCPS-10080} ] ; [ Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (Europe) {SLES-00323} ] :SLES-00323 #Sinistar\Infinite Sinibombs 801BA012 0900 ; [ Windsurfers Paradise (Europe) (Pocket Price Midas) {SLES-03329} ] ; [ Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Europe) {SLES-00074 | SLES-10074 | SLES-20074 | SLES-30074} ] ; [ Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (France) {SLES-00104 | SLES-10104 | SLES-20104 | SLES-30104} ] :SLES-00104 :SLES-10104 :SLES-20104 :SLES-30104 #Infinite Lasers 801DE548 02A8 #Infinite Energy 801DF02C 00A4 801DF030 00A4 801DF034 00A4 801DF038 00A4 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801DE6C0 0003 801DE6F0 0003 #Infinite Decoys 801DE558 0018 #Infinite Lasers 801DE548 02A8 #Infinite Energy 801DF02C 00A4 801DF030 00A4 801DF034 00A4 801DF038 00A4 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801DE6C0 0003 801DE6F0 0003 #Infinite Decoys 801DE558 0018 #Infinite Lasers 801DE548 02A8 #Infinite Energy 801DF02C 00A4 801DF030 00A4 801DF034 00A4 801DF038 00A4 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801DE6C0 0003 801DE6F0 0003 #Infinite Decoys 801DE558 0018 #Infinite Lasers 801DE548 02A8 #Infinite Energy 801DF02C 00A4 801DF030 00A4 801DF034 00A4 801DF038 00A4 #Infinite Imrec Missiles 801DE6C0 0003 801DE6F0 0003 #Infinite Decoys 801DE558 0018 ; [ Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Germany) {SLES-00105 | SLES-10105 | SLES-20105 | SLES-30105} ] :SLES-00105 :SLES-10105 :SLES-20105 :SLES-30105 #Unendlich Energie 801DF084 00A4 801DF088 00A4 801DF08C 00A4 801DF090 00A4 #Unendlich Dummies 801DE5B0 0018 #Unendlich IMREC 801DE718 0003 801DE748 0003 #Unendlich Laser 801DE5A0 02A8 ; [ Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Japan) {SLPS-00477 | SLPS-00478 | SLPS-00479 | SLPS-00480} ] ; [ Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Europe) {SLES-00659 | SLES-10659 | SLES-20659 | SLES-30659} ] :SLES-00659 :SLES-10659 :SLES-20659 :SLES-30659 #Infinite Energy 801DD6B0 03FC 801E6A8C 03FC ; [ Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (France) {SLES-00660 | SLES-10660 | SLES-20660 | SLES-30660} ] ; [ Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Germany) {SLES-00661 | SLES-10661 | SLES-20661 | SLES-30661} ] :SLES-00661 :SLES-10661 :SLES-20661 :SLES-30661 #Unendlich Geschosse 80110B4E 3C00 #Laser überhitzen nicht E009365C 0080 801E6A70 04B0 #Laser überhitzen nicht (Analog-Steuerung) D009365C 0008 801E6A70 04B0 ; [ Wing Over (Europe) {SLES-00540} ] :SLES-00540 #Infinite Rockets 8009ED26 03E7 #Infinite Weapons 8009ED24 03E7 #Damage = 0 8009ED30 0000 #Infinite Money 900939E4 FFFFFFFF #Unlock All Planes 3009BC72 0001 #Survival mode 99 Kills 8009ED6E 0063 #Debug ModE On the main menu, press L1+R1 and then press Circle to enter Debug 1 On the main menu, press L2+R2 and then press Circle to enter Debug 2 D00F3DF4 000C 3000E254 0003 D00F3DF4 0003 3000E254 0004 ; [ Wing Over 2 (Europe) {SLES-01375} ] :SLES-01375 #Infinite Time 8008BD42 2400 #Infinite Money 901A8910 0098967F #All Training Missions Selectable 801A8916 3F40 #All Training Missions Selectable .Press Select+Start D011D420 0009 801A8916 3F40 #Max Points 801A8936 6464 901A8938 64646464 901A893C 64646464 901A8940 64646464 901A8944 64646464 901A8948 64646464 801A894C 6464 #Have Access To Hangar 801A8956 8200 #Infinite Mg Ammo 80088F9A 2400 #Infinite Rockets 8008942A 2400 #Airplane Modifier (00-1D) M61A1 800C19B0 001D ; [ Winky the Little Bear (Europe) {SLES-04070} ] ; [ Winning Lure (Japan) {SLP-86548} ] ; [ Winning Post 2 (Japan) {SLPS-00293} ] :SLPS-00293 #Have 999999 money 90065E64 000F423F ; [ Winning Post 2: Final '97 (Japan) {SLPS-01020} ] :SLPS-01020 #Have 999999 money 90068B90 000F423F ; [ Winning Post 2: Program '96 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00509} ] :SLPS-00509 #Have 999999 money 90066224 000F423F ; [ Winning Post 2: Program '96 (Japan) {SLPS-00509} ] :SLPS-00509 #Have 999999 money 90066224 000F423F ; [ Winning Post 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01263} ] :SLPS-01263 #Infinite Money 901BF6B8 05F5E0FF ; [ Winning Post 3: Program '98 (Japan) {SLP-86128} ] ; [ Winning Post 4 (Japan) {SLP-86302} ] ; [ Winning Post 4: Program 2000 (Japan) {SLP-86445} ] ; [ Winning Post EX (Japan) {SLPS-00189} ] :SLPS-00189 #Have 999999 money 900EBFC0 000F423F ; [ Winter Releases '98 (Europe) Rev 1 {SCED-01441} ] ; [ Winter Releases '98 (Europe) {SCED-01441} ] ; [ Winter Releases aka Summer Releases '99 (Europe, Australia) {SCED-02306} ] ; [ Winter Releases: '97 Demo 01 (Europe) {SCED-00986} ] ; [ Wip3out (Europe) Demo {SCED-02197} ] ; [ Wip3out (Europe) {SCES-01909} ] :SCES-01909 #Have A Total Of 99 Points In Tournament Mode E01879C8 0000 301879C8 0063 #Venom Class Tournament Open 30187839 0001 #Rapier Class Tournament Open 30187842 0001 #Phantom Class Tournament Open 3018784B 0001 #Have All Challenges Completed C1000000 6000 50001002 0000 801876EC 0303 #Have Autopilot (Press Left+Square) D018E092 8080 301F611E 0001 D018E092 8080 301F611F 0001 D018E092 8080 301F6120 0001 #Have Invisibility (Press Up+Square) D018E092 8010 301F611E 0001 D018E092 8010 301F611F 0002 D018E092 8010 301F6120 0002 #Have Multiplerockets (Press L1+Left) D018E092 0480 301F611E 0001 D018E092 0480 301F611F 0007 D018E092 0480 301F6120 0007 #Have Reflector (Press L1+Right) D018E092 0420 301F611E 0001 D018E092 0420 301F611F 000B D018E092 0420 301F6120 000B #Have Energy Withdraw (Press R1+Left) D018E092 0880 301F611E 0001 D018E092 0880 301F611F 0003 D018E092 0880 301F6120 0003 #Have Powerwall (Press R1+Right) D018E092 0820 301F611E 0001 D018E092 0820 301F611F 0004 D018E092 0820 301F6120 0004 #P1 Infinite Auto-Pilot 801F611E 0101 #P1 Infinite Cloak 801F611E 0201 #P1 Infinite Energy Drain 801F611E 0301 #P1 Infinite Force Wall 801F611E 0401 #P1 Infinite Gravity Shield 801F611E 0501 #P1 Infinite Mines 801F611E 0601 #P1 Infinite Multi-Missiles 801F611E 0701 #P1 Infinite Plasma Bolt 801F611E 0801 #P1 Infinite Quake Disrupter 801F611E 0A01 #P1 Infinite Reflector 801F611E 0B01 #P1 Infinite Rocket 801F611E 0C01 #P1 Always Have Full Shield Energy 801E5B94 0000 #P2 Infinite Auto-Pilot 801F628A 0101 #P2Infinite Cloak 801F628A 0201 #P2 Infinite Energy Drain 801F628A 0301 #P2 Infinite Force Wall 801F628A 0401 #P2 Infinite Gravity Shield 801F628A 0501 #P2 Infinite Mines 801F628A 0601 #P2 Infinite Multi-Missiles 801F628A 0701 #P2 Infinite Plasma Bolt 801F628A 0801 #P2 Infinite Quake Disrupter 801F628A 0A01 #P2 Infinite Reflector 801F628A 0B01 #P2 Infinite Rockets 801F628A 0C01 #P2 Always Have Full Shield Energy 801E5B98 0000 ; [ WipEout (Europe) Rev 1 {SCES-00010} ] :SCES-00010 #Only one lap to race & always first (Press L1 & L2) D007F43E FAFF 30036734 0003 D007F43E FAFF 3003671C 0003 #Instant win (Press R1 & R2) D007F43E F5FF 30036734 0004 D007F43E F5FF 3003671C 0004 #Rapier-Mode On D01F7018 0000 801F7018 0001 #Rapier-Level On This code enables you to play the extra levels in rapier mode D01F7018 0001 801F7042 0101 #Infinite Retries (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D01F7014 0802 801F7014 0803 #Infinite Turbo Level 1 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D013CB42 FF00 8013CB42 FF09 #Infinite Turbo Level 2 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D0124096 FF00 80124096 FF09 #Infinite Turbo Level 3 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D011ED3A FF00 8011ED3A FF09 ; [ WipEout (Europe) {SCES-00010} ] :SCES-00010 #Only one lap to race & always first (Press L1 & L2) D007F43E FAFF 30036734 0003 D007F43E FAFF 3003671C 0003 #Instant win (Press R1 & R2) D007F43E F5FF 30036734 0004 D007F43E F5FF 3003671C 0004 #Rapier-Mode On D01F7018 0000 801F7018 0001 #Rapier-Level On This code enables you to play the extra levels in rapier mode D01F7018 0001 801F7042 0101 #Infinite Retries (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D01F7014 0802 801F7014 0803 #Infinite Turbo Level 1 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D013CB42 FF00 8013CB42 FF09 #Infinite Turbo Level 2 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D0124096 FF00 80124096 FF09 #Infinite Turbo Level 3 (Only for One Player Weapon ClassChampionship# AB SystemsJohn Dekka) D011ED3A FF00 8011ED3A FF09 ; [ WipEout (Japan) {SIPS-60003} ] :SIPS-60003 #Pickup Over Pickup 8002D614 0000 #Repeat Use Item 80028E68 0000 #Repeat Use Red Missile 80028E1C 0000 #Repeat Use Mine 80028ED0 0000 #Repeat Use Turbo 8002908C 0000 #Repeat Use Shield 80028FB0 0000 #Rapier mode D01F701A 0001 801F701A 0101 #Rapier level D01F701A 0101 801F7046 0101 #Race start infinite D01F7014 0802 801F7014 0803 #Infinite Turbo 8002908C 0000 ; [ WipEout 2097 (Europe) Demo {SLED-00498} ] ; [ WipEout 2097 (Europe) {SLES-00327} ] :SLES-00327 #Checkpoint Time Infinite 80095814 05DC #Infinite Energy 8003747C 0000 80037490 0000 800374EC 0000 80037584 0000 #Vector-mode Only one lap to race / always first 30039B64 0002 #Vector-mod Instant win 30039B64 0003 #Rapier-mode Only one lap to race / always first 30039B64 0004 #Rapier-mode Instant win 30039B64 0005 #Phantom- & Piranha-mode Only one lap to race / always first 30039B64 0005 #Phantom- & Piranha-mode Instant win 30039B64 0006 ; [ WipEout 3 (Japan) {SCPS-10098} ] :SCPS-10098 #Phantom class appearance 3018CDB3 0001 #Prototype mode appearance 3018D150 0001 #Tournament mode appearance 3018D152 0001 3018CF2B 0001 #Challenge Mode 3018D153 0001 3018CE07 0001 #All tracks appearance VECTOR (Beginner) 9018CD6C 01010101 8018CD70 0101 9018CD78 01010101 9018CD7C 01010101 8018CD80 0101 #All tracks appearance RAPIER (Advanced) 9018CDA0 01010101 8018CD9E 0101 9018CDB0 01010101 8018CDAE 0101 #All tracks appearance VENOM (Intermediate) 8018CD82 0101 9018CD84 01010101 8018CD88 0101 8018CD96 0101 8018CD98 0101 #All tracks appearance PHANTOM 9018CDB8 01010101 9018CDC8 01010101 ; [ WipEout 3: Special Edition (Europe) {SCES-02845} ] :SCES-02845 #Infinite Checkpoint time 801934E8 5000 #P1 Max Points in tournament 8018AD90 00FF #P1 Always first Race Finish After Activate 801931FC 0101 #P1 Infinite Energy turbo 801EA7BD 0000 #Laptime 0:00:00 D010DF36 AC83 3010DF36 0000 #Prototype-mode (Vector) unlocked 3018A85A 0001 #SINGLE RACES & TIME RACES & ELIMINATOR MODE Phantom-class unlocked 3018A8C9 0001 ; [ Wipeout XL (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45078} ] ; [ Wizard's Harmony (Japan) {SLPS-00194} ] :SLPS-00194 #Max Stats Rufus 8016EBBE 03E7 9016EBC0 03E703E7 9016EBC4 03E703E7 9016EBC8 03E703E7 8016EBCC 03E7 #Max Stats Chester 9016EC08 03E703E7 9016EC0C 03E703E7 9016EC10 03E703E7 9016EC14 03E703E7 #Max Stats Maxx 8016EC52 03E7 9016EC54 03E703E7 9016EC58 03E703E7 9016EC5C 03E703E7 8016EC60 03E7 #Max Stats Sonia 9016EC9C 03E703E7 9016ECA0 03E703E7 9016ECA4 03E703E7 9016ECA8 03E703E7 #Max Stats Melissa 8016ECE6 03E7 9016ECE8 03E703E7 9016ECEC 03E703E7 9016ECF0 03E703E7 8016ECF4 03E7 #Max Stats Arisia 9016ED30 03E703E7 9016ED34 03E703E7 9016ED38 03E703E7 9016ED3C 03E703E7 #Max Affinity for the first person 8017C716 03E7 #Max Affinity for the second person 8017C718 03E7 #Max Affinity for the third person 8017C71A 03E7 #Max Affinity for the fourth person 8017C71C 03E7 #Max Affinity for the 5 person 8017C71E 03E7 #Max Affinity for 6 person 8017C720 03E7 ; [ Wizard's Harmony 2 (Japan, Asia) {SCPS-45135} ] ; [ Wizardry Empire II: Oujo no Isan (Japan) (Good Price) {SLP-87297} ] ; [ Wizardry Empire: Inishie no Oujo (Japan) {SLP-86689} ] ; [ Wizardry VII: Guardia no Houju (Japan) {SCPS-10010} ] :SCPS-10010 #Have infinite character creation points Deactivate after completing creating the character 800D0374 0063 ; [ Wizardry: Dimguil (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02691} ] :SLPS-02691 #HP (current) 8007DA1E 03E7 #HP (Max) 8007DA22 03E7 #MAX value of experience After one battle D00C515C 102B 800C5162 1000 #Gold MAX After one battle D00C8290 102B 800C8296 1000 #Not reduced MP (combat) D00AC734 005C 800AC73C 0000 #Infinite Gold 9007D9F4 0098967F #No key items necessary D00B73FC 01FF 800B7400 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC47C 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC494 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC4A4 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC4B4 0001 #Speeding up 80032D22 1000 ; [ Wizardry: Dimguil (Japan) {SLPS-02691} ] :SLPS-02691 #HP (current) 8007DA1E 03E7 #HP (Max) 8007DA22 03E7 #MAX value of experience After one battle D00C515C 102B 800C5162 1000 #Gold MAX After one battle D00C8290 102B 800C8296 1000 #Not reduced MP (combat) D00AC734 005C 800AC73C 0000 #Infinite Gold 9007D9F4 0098967F #No key items necessary D00B73FC 01FF 800B7400 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC47C 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC494 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC4A4 0001 D00BC478 0008 800BC4B4 0001 #Speeding up 80032D22 1000 ; [ Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga (Japan) {SLPS-01279} ] :SLPS-01279 #Have 9999 money 800C13FC 270F #Have infinite HP First character 800C1F04 001E ; [ Wizardry: New Age of Llylgamyn (Japan) {SLPS-02349} ] :SLPS-02349 #LV 9999 800D0534 270F #HP 9999 800D0536 270F #Max HP 9999 800D0538 270F #Swimming 999 800D05AE 2700 #Invincibility D006B6B6 0074 8006B6B6 0060 D006C516 0054 8006C516 0040 #Map fully open D0071736 1040 80071736 1400 #Products fully open D00304FE 1060 800304FE 1400 #All magic learn 300D0515 00FF 800D0516 FFFF 900D0518 FFFFFFFF 300D051C 00FF #INfinite Gold 800D0552 270F 900D0554 270F270F #Mortal blow D006BDCA AE22 8006BDCA AE20 #Combat unconditional victory D0051D6A AC43 80051D6A AC40 #Does not decrease the number of spell use D001826C FFFF 8001826C 0000 D0018B64 FFFF 80018B64 0000 D005E8DC FFFF 8005E8DC 0000 D005E928 FFFF 8005E928 0000 #You are here: X 800C3F70 0081 #You are here: Y 800C3F74 0081 #You are here: Z 800C3F7C 0001 ; [ Wolkenkratzer: Shinpan no Tou (Japan) {SLPS-00197} ] :SLPS-00197 #Infinite & Maximum Hp In Game 801200D4 03E7 801235E4 03E7 #Infinite & Maximum Mp 80120314 0009 8012B604 0009 #Bonus Point 301CCCA0 0063 ; [ Woody Woodpecker Racing (Europe) {SLES-02972} ] :SLES-02972 #P1 Always 1st In Circuit 1 8017A754 0000 #P1 Always 1st In Circuit 2 80155DDC 0000 #P1 Always 1st In Circuit 3 8017F01C 0000 #Only one lap to race 30026640 0003 #Only one lap to race Alt D0026640 0001 30026640 0003 #Hot dogs don't decrease 3004A7F8 0000 #Hot dogs don't decrease Alt D004A7FA A0A2 3004A7F8 0000 #Championship points Max 90084BE0 00000064 80084BE4 0000 #Everythings unlocked 80084BF2 FFFF ; [ Woody Woodpecker no Go! Go! Racing (Japan) {SLP-86730} ] ; [ World Championship Snooker (Europe) {SLES-02196} ] :SLES-02196 #P1 Enable Easy Win D013597E 0000 8013597E 00C8 #P1 Can't Score 8013597E 0000 #P2 Can't Score 80135980 0000 ; [ World Cup 98 (Europe) {SLES-01265} ] ; [ World Cup 98: Coppa del Mondo (Italy) {SLES-01268} ] ; [ World Cup Golf: In Hyatt Dorado Beach (Japan) {SLPS-00256} ] ; [ World Cup Golf: Professional Edition (Europe) {SLES-00088} ] ; [ World Cup Golf: Professional Edition (France) {SLES-00138} ] :SLES-00138 #Infinite Lives 800C2918 0003 #Infinite Lock-On Laser Energy 800BA9C4 0064 #Infinite Shield 800BA88C 0062 ; [ World Cup Golf: Professional Edition (Germany) {SLES-00137} ] ; [ World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks (Europe) {SLES-03232} ] :SLES-03232 #Infinite Health 800DE768 0200 ; [ World Destruction League: WarJetz (Europe) {SLES-03359} ] ; [ World Greatest Hits Series Vol. 1: Pro Pinball: Big Race USA (Japan) {SLP-87058} ] ; [ World Greatest Hits Series Vol. 2: Pipe Dreams 3D (Japan) {SLP-87045} ] ; [ World Greatest Hits Series Vol. 3: Speedball 2100 (Japan) {SLP-87061} ] ; [ World Greatest Hits Series Vol. 4: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (Japan) {SLP-87084} ] ; [ World Greatest Hits Series Vol. 5: Tyco R/C: Assault with a Battery (Japan) {SLP-87078} ] ; [ World League Basketball (Europe) {SLES-00626} ] ; [ World League Soccer '98 (Europe) {SLES-00717} ] :SLES-00717 #Team 1 Has 9 Goals 800ED5A4 0009 #Team 1 Has 0 Goals 800ED5A4 0000 #Team 2 Has 9 Goals 800ED5A6 0009 #Team 2 Has 0 Goals 800ED5A6 0000 ; [ World League Soccer '98 (France) Demo {SLED-01367} ] ; [ World League Soccer '98 (France) {SLES-01166} ] ; [ World League Soccer '98 (Germany) {SLES-01167} ] ; [ World League Soccer (Japan) {SLPS-01389} ] :SLPS-01389 #Away Team Score 9 800EF874 0009 #Away Team Score 0 800EF874 0000 #Home Team Score 9 800EF878 0009 #Home Team Score 0 800EF878 0000 ; [ World Never Island (Japan) {SLPS-02639} ] :SLPS-02639 #Max Money 60000 801ADBC8 EA60 ; [ World Neverland 2: Pluto Kyouwakoku Monogatari (Japan) {SLPS-01884} ] :SLPS-01884 #Indispensable Code Please Input 800383C4 02D0 90000BF0 0800ADE2 #Money Largest 90000B40 3403869F 90000B44 A6C30008 90000B48 34030001 90000B4C A2C3000A #No Tiredness & Stress 90000B50 A6C0000E #Every Experience Price Largest .speed, stamina, spiritus 90000B60 3403270F 90000B64 A6C30064 90000B68 A6C30066 90000B6C A6C30068 #Job Point Largest 90000B80 3403FFFF 90000B84 A6C30034 90000B88 A6C30036 #War Record Maximum 90000B90 34030009 90000B94 A2C30070 80000B98 0071 80000B5A A2C0 90000B9C A2C30072 90000BA0 340300FF 90000BA4 A2C30073 90000BA8 A2C00074 90000BAC A2C30075 90000BB0 A2C30076 90000BB4 A2C30077 #Number Largest On Warehouse Item 8003A178 FFFF 8003A118 0002 D01D0CD0 0010 8003A178 0000 D01D0CD0 0010 8003A118 0001 ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000: U-23 Medal e no Chousen (Japan) {SLP-86600} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: Final Ver. (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86162} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: Final Ver. (Japan) {SLP-86162} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 (Japan) Demo {SLP-80240} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86086} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 (Japan) {SLP-86086} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 4 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86291} ] ; [ World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 4 (Japan) {SLP-86291} ] ; [ World Soccer Winning Eleven '97 (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86035} ] ; [ World Soccer Winning Eleven '97 (Japan) {SLP-86035} ] ; [ World Soccer Winning Eleven (Japan) {SLPS-00272} ] ; [ World Soccer Winning Eleven 2002 (Japan) {SLP-87056} ] ; [ World Stadium 2 (Japan) {SLPS-01335} ] :SLPS-01335 #Out count 0 and press R1 D006C674 0008 3006AAA8 0000 #When you press L1-out count 3 (Change) D006C674 0004 3006AAA8 0003 #Ball count 3 Press R2 D006C674 0002 3006AAA4 0003 #Strike count 2 Press L2 D006C674 0001 3006AAA0 0002 #Xevious Stadium 300F4E5A 000E 300F4E5C 000E #Sengoku stadium 300F4E5A 000D 300F4E5C 000D #1Km per hour in slow ball 8006E9BC 0001 #999Km per hour at a speed ball 8006E9BE 03E7 #999Km per hour throwing normally 8006E9C0 03E7 #Throw after pressing L1, 999km per hour D006C674 0004 8006E9C0 03E7 #Throw after pressing R1, 20km per hour D006C674 0008 8006E9C0 0014 #Home run competition First place distance 999m 8014E014 03E7 #Home run competition Second place distance 999m 8014E016 03E7 #Home run competition 3rd place distance 999m 8014E018 03E7 #Home run competition 4th distance 999m 8014E01A 03E7 #Home run competition 5th distance 999m 8014E01C 03E7 #Home run competition Number to 99 Hits 3014E008 0063 ; [ World Stadium 3 (Japan) {SLPS-01970} ] :SLPS-01970 #Story Mode Infinite Credits 8010031E 0000 #999Km per hour at a speed ball 80067976 03E7 #999Km per hour throwing normally 80067978 03E7 #1Km per hour with a fork ball 80067974 0001 #Strike count 3 80064470 0003 #Ball count 3 80064474 0003 #Count out 3 80064478 0003 #Bat first total score 9 800643D4 0009 ; [ World Stadium 4 (Japan) {SLPS-02660} ] :SLPS-02660 #Game bat first team 99 points 80065C44 03E7 #After the game Ghost in the team gets 99 points 80065C6A 03E7 #Out account 0 R1 button D0067284 0008 80065CE8 0000 #Out account 2 L1 button D0067284 0004 80065CE8 0002 #Ball account 3 press R2 button D0067284 0002 80065CE4 0003 #Strike two account press L2 button D0067284 0001 80065CE0 0002 #pitching basic training press L1 Button and get 1 point D0069034 0004 8010AB0C 000F D0069034 0004 8010AB12 000F D0069034 0004 8010AB18 000F D0069034 0004 8010AB1E 000F #slugging training press SELECT + L2 button and get 1 point D0069034 0101 8014E014 03E7 D0069034 0101 8014E016 03E7 D0069034 0101 8014E018 03E7 D0069034 0101 8014E01E 0063 #blow comprehensive training press SELECT + L1 buttons and get 1 Point D0069034 0104 80065C20 0063 D0069034 0104 8014E004 0063 #Defensive training press L1 + L2 buttons and get 1 point D0069034 0005 8014E014 03E7 D0069034 0005 8014E016 03E7 #Score 98 th in the pitching comprehensive training press L2 Button D0069034 0001 8014E016 0063 #blow basic training press R1 Button and get 1 point D0069034 0008 8014E00C 6300 #Batting training press R2 Button and get 1 point D0069034 0002 8014E004 0063 #Base running training time 0 Press R1+R2 Buttons D0069034 000A 8010AB78 0000 #Reflexes training press L1+R1 Butons and get 1 point D0069034 000C 8014E008 0063 #Learning courses training press L2+R2 Buttons and get 1 point D0069034 0003 8014E020 000A ; [ World Stadium 5 (Japan) {SLPS-03180} ] ; [ World Stadium EX (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-00075} ] ; [ World Stadium EX (Japan) {SLPS-00075} ] ; [ World Tennis Stars (Europe) {SLES-04039} ] ; [ World Tour Conductor: Sekai Yume Kikou (Japan) {SLPS-02231} ] :SLPS-02231 #Does not decrease the time limit D00C5000 FFFF 800C5000 0000 #Correct answer anything Press Select+L1 D01FBD7E 0104 800C59B6 A040 D01FBD7E 0108 800C59B6 A045 #Album fully opened 50002402 0000 80010200 0101 ; [ World's Scariest Police Chases (Europe) {SLES-03425} ] :SLES-03425 #Infinite Ammo 8006B45C 2400 #Timer Stopped 800465D4 2400 #Unlocked All missions pursuit mode 300FC0C6 0014 #Unlock All missions single mission mode 300FC34E 0014 #Unlock All locations free patrol mode 800FC34C FFFF #Unlock All bonus items 800FC350 FFFF #Unlock All weapons 800FC352 FFFF #Mission 2 - Police Academy Basic Pursuit Health bar at max 8016C9FE 0000 #Mission 2 - Police Academy Basic Pursuit Stop chased car (Press L1 Pad 2) D00EE516 FBFF 3016CB7E 00FF #Mission 3 - Police Academy Advanced Pursuit Health bar at max 3016CB7E 0000 #Mission 3 - Police Academy Advanced Pursuit Stop chased car Wait until the evidence has been thrown out of the chased car before pushing buttons.(Press L2 Pad 2) D00EE516 FEFF 3016D362 00FF #Mission 4 - Police Academy Expert Pursuit Health bar at max 80175346 0000 #Mission 5 - Dui Dummy Health bar at max D00FC508 0007 8017050A 0000 #Mission 5 - Dui Dummy Health bar at max Stop chased car (Press R1 Pad 2) D00EE516 F7FF 3017068A 00FF #Mission 6 - The Crazed Car Thief Health bar at max 801721FE 0000 #Mission 6 - The Crazed Car Thief Stop chased car (Press R2 Pad 2) D00EE516 FDFF 3017237E 00FF #Mission 7 - Gangbanger Deathmatch Health bar at max 801718DA 0000 #Mission 7 - Gangbanger Deathmatch Stop chased car (Press Triangle Pad 2) D00EE516 EFFF 30171A5A 00FE #Mission 8 - Bus Driver Gone Bad Health bar at max 80172D5E 0000 #Mission 8 - Bus Driver Gone Bad Health bar at max bus 30172EDE 0000 #Mission 8 - Bus Driver Gone Bad Mission will be ended successfully (Press Circle Pad 2) D00EE516 DFFF 800F22C4 7F3D #Mission 9 - Drug Smuggling Scum Health bar at max 8017409A 0000 #Mission 9 - Drug Smuggling Scum Stop chased car (Press X Pad 2) D00EE516 BFFF 30173F1A 00FF #Mission 10 - Race Against Death Health bar at max 80172B3A 0000 #Mission 11 - Sentence Of Fire Health bar at max 80173DDE 0000 #Mission 12 - Nosey News Van Health bar at max 801736CA 0000 #Mission 12 - Nosey News Van Getting rid of van & stop chased car (Press Square Pad 2) D00EE516 7FFF 3017384A 00FF #Mission 13 - The Stool Pigeon Health bar at max 80171912 0000 #Mission 13 - The Stool Pigeon Stop first chased car (orange) (Press Select & L1 Pad 2) D00EE516 FBFE 30171C12 00FF #Mission 13 - The Stool Pigeon Stop second chased car (red) (Press Select & L2 Pad 2) D00EE516 FEFE 30171A92 00FF #Mission 14 - Tank Rush Health bar at max 801720F2 0000 #Mission 14 - Tank Rush Stop first tank (Press Select & R1 Pad 2) D00EE516 F7FE 30172272 00FF #Mission 14 - Tank Rush Stop second tank (Press Select & R2 Pad 2) D00EE516 FDFE 30172572 00FF #Mission 15 - Nothing Is Ever Routine Health bar at max 80173316 0000 #Mission 15 - Nothing Is Ever Routine Stop first chased car (orange) (Press Select & Triangle Pad 2) D00EE516 EFFE 30173196 00FF #Mission 15 - Nothing Is Ever Routine Stop second chased car (red) (Press Select & Circle Pad 2) D00EE516 DFFE 30173016 00FF #Mission 16 - Jacked Up Jailbird Health bar at max 801722F6 0000 #Mission 16 - Jacked Up Jailbird Stop chased car (Press Select & X Pad 2) D00EE516 BFFE 301725F6 00FF #Mission 17 - Lou Ferris Returns Health bar at max 80174936 0000 #Mission 18 - Brazen Bank Bandits Health bar at max 80175452 0000 #Mission 18 - Brazen Bank Bandits Stop red sportscar Wait until the evidence has been thrown out of the chased car (Press Select & Up Pad 2) D00EE516 FFEE 30175752 00FE #Mission 18 - Brazen Bank Bandits Stop blue van (Wait until the evidence has been thrown out of the chased car)(Press Select & Down Pad 2) D00EE516 FFBE 301755D2 00FE #Mission 19 - 30 Minutes Or Less Health bar at max 8017240E 0000 #Mission 19 - 30 Minutes Or Less Stop chased car (Press Select & Left Pad 2) D00EE516 FF7E 3017258E 00FF #Mission 20 - Final Showdown Health bar at max 80172BD6 0000 #Mission 20 - Final Showdown Stop limousine (Press Select & Right Pad 2) D00EE516 FFDE 30172ED6 00FF ; [ Worms (Europe) {SLES-00119} ] :SLES-00119 #Stops Timer 801454AC 0B89 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 1 (No in water) 801441FC 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 2 (No in water) 801442A8 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 3 (No in water) 80144354 0064 #P1 Infinite Energy Worm 4 (No in water) 80144400 0064 #P2 Sudden Death Worm 1 D01444AC 0064 801444AC 0001 #P2 Sudden Death Worm 2 D0144558 0064 80144558 0001 #P2 Sudden Death Worm 3 D0144604 0064 80144604 0001 #P2 Sudden Death Worm 4 D0144680 0064 80144680 0001 #Infinite Weapons for all worms 8003A40A 3C00 ; [ Worms (Japan) {SLPS-00547} ] ; [ Worms Armageddon (Europe) {SLES-02217} ] :SLES-02217 #Infinite Time 8019B444 FFFF 8019B448 FFFF #Infinite Time In Training Mode 8019AA0C B234 #Moon Gravity 80148DF0 0000 #Infinite Health-Codes\P1 - Worm 1 8014AAA8 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P1 - Worm 2 8014AB44 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P1 - Worm 3 8014ABE0 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P1 - Worm 4 8014AC7C 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P2 - Worm 1 8014AF28 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P2 - Worm 2 8014AD54 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P2 - Worm 3 8014ADF0 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P2 - Worm 4 8014AE8C 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P3 - Worm 1 8014B000 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P3 - Worm 2 8014B09C 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P3 - Worm 3 8014B138 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P3 - Worm 4 8014B1D4 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P4 - Worm 1 8014B2AC 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P4 - Worm 2 8014B348 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P4 - Worm 3 8014B3E4 0064 #Infinite Health-Codes\P4 - Worm 4 8014B480 0064 ; [ Worms Armageddon (Europe) {SLES-02332} ] :SLES-02332 #P1 All the Worms invulnerables 80020034 00C8 8014B360 00C8 801A0DD6 00C8 8014B3FC 00C8 801A27EA 00C8 801A27EE 00C8 8014B534 00C8 801A5C32 00C8 801A5C36 00C8 8014B498 00C8 801A46A6 00C8 801A46AA 00C8 #Pluie de caisses 8014BEA8 FFFF ; [ Worms Armageddon (Germany) (Best of Infogrames: Value Series) {SLES-02331} ] :SLES-02331 #Unendlich Zeit Pro Zug 1P+2P-Modi 8019B940 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit Pro Zug Trainings-Modus 8019AF04 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit Pro Zug Deathmodus 8019CC98 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit Pro Zug 3P-Modus 8019CDB8 3C00 #Unendlich Zeit Pro Zug 4P-Modus 8019C37C 3C00 #Zeit Pro Zug Anhalten Mit L2 D01E5DA6 FEFF 80086E52 3C00 #Zeit Pro Zug Weiterlaufen Lassen Mit L1 D01E5DA6 FBFF 80086E52 AE42 #Kein Kasten Um Timer... 80182B70 0000 #Keine HintergrundgeräUsche 801E5D94 0000 #P1 Unendlich Alle Waffen 50004004 0001 8014B9EC 0002 #P2 Unendlich Alle Waffen 50004004 0001 8014BC04 0002 #P3 Unendlich Alle Waffen 50004004 0001 8014BE1C 0002 #P4 Unendlich Alle Waffen 50004004 0001 8014C034 0002 #Alle Waffen Unendlich Benutzbar 8004C85A 3C00 #P1 Unendlich Energie Wurm 1 3014AFA0 0064 #P1 Unendlich Energie Wurm 2 3014B03C 0064 #P1 Unendlich Energie Wurm 3 3014B0D8 0064 #P1 Unendlich Energie Wurm 4 3014B174 0064 #P2 Unendlich Energie Wurm 1 3014B24C 0064 #P2 Unendlich Energie Wurm 2 3014B2E8 0064 #P2 Unendlich Energie Wurm 3 3014B384 0064 #P2 Unendlich Energie Wurm 4 3014B420 0064 #P3 Unendlich Energie Wurm 1 3014B4F8 0064 #P3 Unendlich Energie Wurm 2 3014B594 0064 #P3 Unendlich Energie Wurm 3 3014B630 0064 #P3 Unendlich Energie Wurm 4 3014B6CC 0064 #P4 Unendlich Energie Wurm 1 3014B7A4 0064 #P4 Unendlich Energie Wurm 2 3014B840 0064 #P4 Unendlich Energie Wurm 3 3014B8DC 0064 #P4 Unendlich Energie Wurm 4 3014B978 0064 #P1 Sudden Death Wurm 1 .Select+L1 D0041ABC FBFE 3014AFA0 0000 #P1 Sudden Death Wurm 2 .Select+L1 D0041ABC FBFE 3014B03C 0000 #P1 Sudden Death Wurm 3 .Select+L1 D0041ABC FBFE 3014B0D8 0000 #P1 Sudden Death Wurm 4 .Select+L1 D0041ABC FBFE 3014B174 0000 #P2 Sudden Death Wurm 1 .Select+L2 D0041ABC FEFE 3014B24C 0000 #P2 Sudden Death Wurm 2 .Select+L2 D0041ABC FEFE 3014B2E8 0000 #P2 Sudden Death Wurm 3 .Select+L2 D0041ABC FEFE 3014B384 0000 #P2 Sudden Death Wurm 4 .Select+L2 D0041ABC FEFE 3014B420 0000 #P3 Sudden Death Wurm 1 .Select+R1 D0041ABC F7FE 3014B4F8 0000 #P3 Sudden Death Wurm 2 .Select+R1 D0041ABC F7FE 3014B594 0000 #P3 Sudden Death Wurm 3 .Select+R1 D0041ABC F7FE 3014B630 0000 #P3 Sudden Death Wurm 4 .Select+R1 D0041ABC F7FE 3014B6CC 0000 #P4 Sudden Death Wurm 1 .Select+R2 D0041ABC FDFE 3014B7A4 0000 #P4 Sudden Death Wurm 2 .Select+R2 D0041ABC FDFE 3014B840 0000 #P4 Sudden Death Wurm 3 .Select+R2 D0041ABC FDFE 3014B8DC 0000 #P4 Sudden Death Wurm 4 .Select+R2 D0041ABC FDFE 3014B978 0000 ; [ Worms Pinball (Europe) {SLES-00483} ] :SLES-00483 #Worms table\P1 Infinite balls 801DE588 0003 #World Rally Fever\P1 Infinite balls 801DE718 0003 ; [ Worms World Party (Europe) {SLES-03804} ] :SLES-03804 #Infinite Baseball bat 8014E99C 000F #Infinite Jetpack 8014EA00 000F #Infinite Ninja rope 8014E9A4 000F #Invincibility Team 1 8014DDF8 02EE 8014DEA0 02EE 8014DF48 02EE 8014DFF0 02EE #Invincibility (Press L3) Team 1 D00432C2 FFFD 8014DDF8 02EE 8014DEA0 02EE 8014DF48 02EE 8014DFF0 02EE ; [ Wreckin Crew: Drive Dangerously (Europe) {SLES-00489} ] :SLES-00489 #Infinite Nitros 90048E30 00000000 #Infinite Time 50000404 0000 80045F1C 0000 #Max Stars\P1 3010E13A 0063 #Max Stars\P2 3010E63E 0063 #Unlocked\All Tracks At Day 300A66A2 0001 #Unlocked\All Tracks At Night 300A66A2 0002 #Unlocked\All Reverse Tracks At Day 300A66A2 0003 #Unlocked\All Reverse Tracks At Night 300A66A2 0004 #Unlocked\'The Gimp' 300A66A0 0009 #Unlocked\'Bizley' 300A66A0 000A #P1 Unlock All Secret Characters 800A68EC 000A ; [ Write Away 8 (USA) {LSP-990117} ] ; [ Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (France) {SLES-02171} ] ; [ Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (Germany) {SLES-02172} ] :SLES-02172 #P1 Unendlich Gesundheit 800A5BB0 A000 #P2 Unendlich Gesundheit 800A5F20 A000 #P3 Unendlich Gesundheit 800A6290 A000 #P4 Unendlich Gesundheit 800A6600 A000 #Heiligtum, Videoplayer, Artwork & Spielmodi freigeschaltet D01EB1C2 0001 301EB1C2 00FF #Alle Charaktere freischalten 301EAD64 00FF ; [ Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (Japan) (SuperLite 1500) {SLP-86944} ] ; [ Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain (Europe) {SLES-02170} ] :SLES-02170 #P1 Infinite Lives 800A57C8 0303 #P2 Infinite Lives 800A5B38 0404 #P3 Infinite Lives 800A5EA8 0404 #P4 Infinite Lives 800A6218 0404 #Registers A 16 Hit Combo 800A57E4 0010 #Always Have Special Power Ability 800A57C6 A000 #P1 Infinite Health 800A57C4 A000 #P2 Infinite Health 800A5B34 A000 #P3 Infinite Health 800A5EA4 A000 #P4 Infinite Health 800A6214 A000 #Sanctuary , Videoplayer, Artwork & Gamemodes unlocked D01EA61A 0001 301EA61A 00FF #Unlock All characters 901EA1BC 001FFFFF #Unlock All Extras 801EA1BC FFFF 301EA1BE 001F 801EA1C0 FFFF 50002D01 0000 301EA438 00FF 301EA4A4 00FF ; [ Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain (Italy) {SLES-02173} ] ; [ X Games Pro Boarder (Europe) Rev 1 {SCES-01556} ] ; [ X Games Pro Boarder (Europe) {SCES-01556} ] ; [ X Games Pro Boarder (Japan) Demo {SLP-80393} ] ; [ X Games Pro Boarder (Japan) {SLPS-01944} ] ; [ X'treme Roller (Europe) {SLES-03433} ] :SLES-03433 #Instant win all stages (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) D00995FA F0FF 3008B3E4 0027 #Only 1 lap to skate / always first D003CD44 0001 3003CD44 0009 #One long trick for max points, VU & wheels D005B728 0004 3005B728 00C8 #Infinite Flaming Wheel 8008B3B0 0009 #Pots Of Cash D008C46E FBFF 8008601C FFFF #Monster Score 8008B3A8 FFFF #One arrow to win stage Extreme Cup D00408E8 0001 300408E8 0009 #Infinite Time Extreme Cup 8008B3BC 9C40 #9 Silver Cups 80085F3C 0009 #9 Gold Cups 80085F3E 0009 ; [ X-360: Surrounding Your World with Sound (USA) Demo {SLUS-90021} ] ; [ X-Bladez: Inline Skater (Europe) {SLES-03815} ] ; [ X-COM: Enemy Unknown (Europe) {SLES-00054} ] :SLES-00054 #Infinite Money 900D0F34 05F5E0FF #Infinite Moves Soldier 1 80019A12 2850 #Infinite Moves Soldier 2 80019A8E 2450 #Infinite Moves Soldier 3 80019B0A 2850 #Infinite Moves Soldier 4 80019B86 1C50 #Infinite Shoots Soldier 1 8001466C 0020 #Infinite Shoots Soldier 2 8001467C 0020 #Infinite Shoots Soldier 3 8001468C 0020 #Infinite Shoots Soldier 4 8001469C 0020 #Infinite Energy Soldier 1 80019A14 5000 #Infinite Energy Soldier 2 80019A90 5000 #Infinite Energy Soldier 3 80019B88 5000 #Infinite Energy Soldier 4 80019B0C 5000 ; [ X-COM: Michinaru Shinryakusha (Japan) {SLPS-00257} ] :SLPS-00257 #Money 9999999 900CBC0C 0098967F ; [ X-COM: Terror from the Deep (Europe) {SLES-00077} ] :SLES-00077 #Infinite Energy Soldier 1 8001AE42 03E7 #Infinite Energy Soldier 2 8001AF4A 03E7 #Infinite Energy Soldier 3 8001AEC6 03E7 #Infinite Energy Soldier 4 8001AFCE 03E7 #Infinite Moves Soldier 1 8001AE44 5500 #Infinite Moves Soldier 2 8001AF4C 5500 #Infinite Moves Soldier 3 8001AEC8 5500 #Infinite Moves Soldier 4 8001AFD0 5500 #Infinite Money .Don`t activate this code while in battle otherwise the game crashes. To prevent this start the game with this code (immediately 30 mill. Credits), save the game to Memory Card and start the game now 800DF30E 03E7 ; [ X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Europe) {SLES-01247} ] :SLES-01247 #Open Ex Menu In Main Menu (Press Select) D004414C 0100 80042948 0107 #P1 Infinite Energy 800433FC 0090 #P1 Max Power Bar 80043400 0203 #P1 Play As Apocalypse 8004322C 0010 #P2 Infinite Energy 80043744 0090 #P2 No Energy 80043744 0000 #P2 Play as Apocalypse 80043574 0010 ; [ X-Men vs. Street Fighter: EX Edition (Japan) {SLPS-01284} ] :SLPS-01284 #P1 Infinite Energy 80042B6C 0090 #P1 Level 3 Power Bar 30042B70 0003 #P1 Play As Apocalypse 8004299C 0010 #P2 Infinite Energy 80042EB4 0090 #P2 No Energy 80042EB4 0000 #Enable Ex Option .Push Select+R1+R2 D0042008 010A 800420B8 0107 #Secret Character .Start + Up Position to access Last Boss Apocalypse D0042008 1800 8004299C 0010 D0042008 1100 8004299C 0024 D0042008 1800 80043104 0010 D0042008 1100 80043104 0024 D004200A 1800 80042CE4 0010 D004200A 1100 80042CE4 0024 ; [ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Europe) {SLES-00198} ] :SLES-00198 #P1 Infinite HP 8003B6E8 008F #P2 Infinite HP 8003BAE8 008F #P1 Max Power Gauge 8003B6EC 008E #P2 Max Power Gauge 8003BAEC 008E #P1 Max Score 9003B6DC 09999999 #P2 Max Score 9003BADC 09999999 #P1 Play as Juggernaut 3003BE58 000A #P2 Play as Juggernaut 3003BE5A 000A #P1 Play as Magneto 3003BE58 000B #P2 Play as Magneto 3003BE5A 000B #P1 Play as Gouki 3003BE58 000C #P2 Play as Gouki 3003BE5A 000C #Infinite Match Time 8003BD60 FF99 #Unlock All Extras 3003D534 0008 ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy & Spider-Man (Japan) (Promotion Taikenban) {SLP-80609} ] ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy (Europe) {SLES-02865} ] :SLES-02865 #P1 Infinite Health 8009FDD4 BB80 #P1 Infinite counter-attacks 3009FEB8 0000 #Only needs 1 win D009FEA0 0000 3009FEA0 0001 #P2 Infinite Heakth 800A03A8 BB80 #P2 Sudden Dewath D10A03A8 B400 800A03A8 0000 #Unlock Everything At Cerebro All training 100 % and ranking A 50000A62 0000 800BCD58 0064 ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy (Germany) {SLES-02866} ] :SLES-02866 #P1 Unendlich Energie 8009FDF4 BB80 #P1 Unendlich Konter 8009FED8 0000 #P1 Keine Konter 8009FED8 0003 #Unendlich Energie 800A03C8 BB80 #P2 SuddenDeath D10A03C8 B400 800A03C8 0000 #Unendlich Zeit Akademie D002F478 FFFF 3002F480 0000 #Alles freigeschaltet 50000302 0000 800BCD04 FFFF #Unendlich Zeit D002F2E0 FFFF 3002F2E8 0000 #1 Runde gewinnen, um Abspann zu sehen D009DFEC 0000 3009DFEC 0009 ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy (Japan) {SLP-86765} ] ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy (USA) (Trade Demo) {SLUS-81223} ] ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (Europe) {SLES-03630} ] :SLES-03630 #P1 Infinite Health 900AD85C B400B400 #Needs one win to suceed D00AD928 0000 800AD928 0001 #P2 Infinite Health 900ADEB0 B400B400 #P2 No health 900ADEB0 00000000 #All characters Highlight Cyclops and press L1 to get Spider-Man, highlight Magneto and press L1 to get Xavier. D01F7A76 8011 50000A02 0000 801F7A48 0000 #All characters - alternate Highlight Cyclops and press L1 to get Spider-Man, highlight Magneto and press L1 to get Xavier. D01CFE92 A262 801CFE92 A260 ; [ X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (Japan) {SLP-87077} ] ; [ X2: No Relief (Europe) {SLES-00455} ] :SLES-00455 #Infinite Credits 8009F1AC 0002 #P1 infinite lives 801E93A0 0005 #P1 infinite Mega-bombs 801EB6BC 0005 #P1 Invincibility 801E93AE 008C #P2 Infinite Lives 801E9540 0005 #P2 infinite Mega-bombs 801EBD5C 0005 #P2 Invincibility 801E954A 008C #Select Level\2 Command Tower D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0001 #Select Level\3 The Belt D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0002 #Select Level\4 Worlds Of Ice D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0003 #Select Level\5 The Stronghold D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0004 #Select Level\6 Red Planet Approach D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0005 #Select Level\7 Crimson Dusk D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0006 #Select Level\8 Subterranea D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0007 #Select Level\9 Final Challenge D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0008 #Select Level\10 Criticus D0015F8C 0000 30015F8C 0009 ; [ XI [sái] (Japan) (Demo Disc) {PAPX-90037} ] ; [ XI [sái] (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90032} ] ; [ XI [sái] (Japan) {SCPS-10051} ] :SCPS-10051 #Infinite Steps Puzzle Mode 800E8654 0000 #P1 Infinite Energy Wars mode 1P 801776E0 0063 #All Gallery 8013223C 0001 80132240 0001 80132244 0001 80132248 0001 8013224C 0001 80132250 0001 80132254 0001 80132258 0001 8013225C 0001 80132260 0001 80132264 0001 80132268 0001 8013226C 0001 80132270 0001 80132274 0001 ; [ XI [sái] Jumbo (Japan) {SCPS-10123} ] :SCPS-10123 #P1 dice always turn Adventure and battle mode 801D5E10 0000 #2P dice hail Adventure and battle mode 801D5EC4 0010 801D5ECC 0010 #Puzzle mode infinite times 80174CBC 0003 #Pùzzle Mode Infinite jump count 80174CC4 0003 #Puzzle Mode Infinite steps 80174CB8 0000 #Puzzle mode completely cleared 30185D35 000C 30185DFC 000C 50006302 0000 80185D36 0C0C #Quota attack mode Infinite Time D00D9C7A 2442 800D9C78 0000 #Time Limited mode Time loop D018A4F4 0500 8018A4F4 0100 #Decoration of the room MAX number of butterfly 801F5AC0 000A #Decoration of the room Max number of Curious 801F5AC4 000A #Decoration of the room MAX number of figurines of dice 801F5ACC 000A #Decoration of the room MAX number of sculpture 801F5AD4 0007 #Decoration of the room MAX mysterious 801F5AE0 000A #Decoration of the room Growth of the Flower 801F5AC8 0000 #Decoration of the room All possession MAX stuffed 50000904 0000 801F5BD0 001E #Replay theater fully open 801F5ADC 0006 #Editing surface element added bonus 801E7150 0003 #Wallpaper all possession and puzzle all frame display 80185E6C 0064 80185E70 0064 50001704 0000 801F5B10 0001 ; [ XI [sái] Super Play Collection: XI wa Futatabi Nagerareta: Special CD-ROM (Japan) (Bundled with Book) {SLP-80350} ] ; [ XS Airboat Racing (Europe) {SLES-04101} ] ; [ XS Junior League Soccer (Europe) {SLES-04120} ] ; [ XS Moto (Europe) {SLES-04095} ] :SLES-04095 #Lap modifier circuit one (1-A) 801BF0DA 000A #Lap modifier circuit two (1-A) 801BB222 000A #Lap modifier circuit three (1-A) 801C6A26 000A #999 Points in championship 8009E3E8 03E7 ; [ Xena: Warrior Princess (Europe) (Prototype) {SLES-02265} ] ; [ Xena: Warrior Princess (Europe) {SLES-02265} ] ; [ Xena: Warrior Princess (France) {SLES-02266} ] ; [ Xena: Warrior Princess (Germany) {SLES-02267} ] :SLES-02267 #Besitze Gesundheitsampullen 800FBD18 0001 #Besitze Homing Chakram 800FBD60 0001 #Besitze Feuerwaffe 800FBD84 0001 #Besitze Unverwundbarkeit 800FBDA8 0001 #Besitze Eiswaffe 800FBDCC 0001 #Besitze Harfe 800FBDF0 0001 #Besitze Auferstehung 300F23A4 0001 #Besitze SchlüSsel 300F23A5 0001 #Max Gesundheitsampullen 300F23A6 00FF #Max Blitzwaffe 300F23A7 00FF #Max Homing Chakram 300F23A8 00FF #Max Feuerwaffe 300F23A9 00FF #Max Unverwundbarkeit 300F23AA 00FF #Max Eiwswaffe 300F23AB 00FF #Max Harfe 300F23AC 00FF #Max RüStungs-Upgrade 300F23AD 0063 #Max Schwert-Upgrade 300F23AE 0063 #Max Scrolls 300F23A2 0063 #Max Chakram 300F0D7D 0064 #Super Xena 800F0D7E 02F5 #Keine Feinde 300F239C 00FF #Alle Geiseln Befreit 300F239E 00FF #255 Kills 300F239D 00FF #255 Geiseln Befreit 300F239F 00FF #255 GegenstäNde 800F23A0 FFFF #42 Scrolls 300F23A3 002A ; [ Xena: Warrior Princess (Spain) {SLES-02268} ] :SLES-02268 #Infinite Energy Level 1 El Camino a Oebalus Activate only in level 8014E130 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 2 Problemas en Oebalus Activate only in level 80150D10 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 3 El Rey Pirataa Pactolus Activate only in level 80152810 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 4 La Isla de Kronos Activate only in level 8014DA70 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 5 Tras la Pista de Gabrielle Activate only in level 8014E7F0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 6 El Castillo de Valarian Activate only in level 80150800 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 7 El Secreto de Valarian Activate only in level 80150EC0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 8 El Laberinto Activate only in level 8014FF90 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 9 El Pueblo de las Amazonas Renegadas Activate only in level 8014ED00 01F4 #Infinite Energy Gabrielle Level 9 El Pueblo de las Amazonas Renegadas Activate only in level 800FC344 0042 #Infinite Energy Level 10 Rios de Sangre Activate only in level 80150140 01F4 #Infinite Energy Gabrielle Level 10 Rios de Sangre Activate only in level 800FC344 0042 #Infinite Energy Level 11 El Templo Perdido de los Titanes Activate only in level 8014E2E0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 12 La Guarida de Dyzan Activate only in level 8014E490 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 13 El Camino a Hades Activate only in level 80153AA0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 14 Las Trampas de Caronte Activate only in level 80152660 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 15 El Castillo de Hades Activate only in level 801533E0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 16 El Pueblo de T'ir Na Activate only in level 801502F0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 17 Rescata al Vidente, Fei Activate only in level 8014FF90 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 18 La Lira de Orfeo Activate only in level 8014E7F0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 19 Las Tres Hermanas Activate only in level 801504A0 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 20 El reto Activate only in level 8014ED00 01F4 #Infinite Energy Level 21 El Templo de los Pinaculos Activate only in level 8014FC30 01F4 #Unlock All Level You Need a save game to unlock all the levels, load then enable the cheat and disable the cheat 800F0D4C 000D ; [ Xenocracy: The Ultimate Solar War (Europe) {SLES-00811} ] :SLES-00811 #Infinite Le550 8013D8B4 0F64 #Infinite Leurre Passive 8013D8CC 0003 80141EAC 0003 #Infinite Armac 801410A4 0187 80141B30 0387 #Infinite Mantis 80141F88 0004 ; [ Xenocracy: The Ultimate Solar War (France) {SLES-00812} ] :SLES-00812 #Infinite Le550 8013D8B4 0F64 #Infinite Leurre Passive 8013D8CC 0003 80141EAC 0003 #Infinite Armac 801410A4 0187 80141B30 0387 #Infinite Mantis 80141F88 0004 ; [ Xenocracy: The Ultimate Solar War (Germany) {SLES-00813} ] ; [ Xenocracy: The Ultimate Solar War (Italy) {SLES-00814} ] ; [ Xenocracy: The Ultimate Solar War (Spain) {SLES-00815} ] ; [ Xenogears (Japan) {SLPS-01160 | SLPS-01161} ] :SLPS-01160 :SLPS-01161 #Can Get Level 99 After One Battle (For All Characters) .If you use this code, you need to press R1 & R2 together for once in the battle. D0058A10 000A 800CC9A6 01C9 #Save Anywhere 800B1840 0001 #Infinite Money 9006E5E8 FF00FFFF #Infinite No. Of Item Of First Box 8006EC54 6363 #Total Time Of The Game = 00:00 80058B24 0000 #Max Combo D0058A10 0002 300DDAE0 0003 D0058A10 0012 300DDAE0 0003 D0058A10 0022 300DDAE0 0003 D0058A10 0082 300DDAE0 0003 #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Level 255 8006CF92 00FF #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Now Hp 8006CF7C FFFF #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Max. Hp 8006CF7E FFFF #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Now Mp 8006CF80 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Max. Mp 8006CF82 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Weight = 0 8006CFA6 0000 #Character Status-Codes\First Character\Max Ap In The Battle 800D29C0 001E #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Level 255 8006D036 00FF #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Now Hp 8006D020 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Max Hp 8006D022 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Now Mp 8006D024 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Max Mp 8006D026 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\2nd Character\Weight = 0 8006D04A 0000 #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Level 255 8006D0DA 00FF #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Now Hp 8006D0C4 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Max Hp 8006D0C6 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Now Mp 8006D0C8 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Max Mp 8006D0CA FFFF #Character Status-Codes\3rd Character\Weight = 0 8006D0EE 0000 #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Level 255 8006D17E 00FF #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Now Hp 8006D168 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Max Hp 8006D16A FFFF #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Now Mp 8006D16C FFFF #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Max Mp 8006D16E FFFF #Character Status-Codes\4th Character\Weight = 0 8006D192 0000 #Character Status-Codes\5th Character\Level 255 8006D222 00FF #Character Status-Codes\5th Character\Now Hp 8006D20C FFFF #Character Status-Codes\5th Character\Max Hp 8006D20E FFFF #Character Status-Codes\5th Character\Now Mp 8006D210 FFFF #Character Status-Codes\5th Character\Max Mp 8006D212 FFFF #Gear Status-Codes\Max Hp\1st Gear [Waltall] 9006D69C 000F1869 9006D6A0 000F1869 #Gear Status-Codes\Max Hp\2nd Gear [Brigander] 9006D7E4 000F1869 9006D7E8 000F1869 #Gear Status-Codes\Max Hp\3rd Gear [Vierge] 9006D740 000F1869 9006D744 000F1869 #Gear Status-Codes\Max Hp\4th Gear [Heimdal] 9006D888 000F1869 9006D88C 000F1869 #Gear Status-Codes\Max Hp\5th Gear [Renmazuo] 9006D92C 000F1869 9006D930 000F1869 #Gear Status-Codes\Max Fuel\1st Gear [Waltall] 9006D674 270F270F #Gear Status-Codes\Max Fuel\2nd Gear [Brigander] 9006D7BC 270F270F #Gear Status-Codes\Max Fuel\3rd Gear [Vierge] 9006D718 270F270F #Gear Status-Codes\Max Fuel\4th Gear [Heimdal] 9006D860 270F270F #Gear Status-Codes\Max Fuel\5th Gear [Renmazuo] 9006D904 270F270F #Gear Status-Codes\Max All Status\1st Gear [Waltall] 3006D678 00FF 3006D6B0 0026 9006D6AC 26102610 3006D6DA 00FF 3006D6DB 00F0 3006D6D4 00FF #Gear Status-Codes\Max All Status\2nd Gear [Brigander] 3006D7C0 00FF 3006D7F8 0026 9006D7F4 26102610 3006D822 00FF 3006D823 00FF 3006D81C 00FF #Gear Status-Codes\Max All Status\3rd Gear [Vierge] 3006D71C 00FF 3006D754 0026 9006D750 26102610 3006D77E 00FF 3006D77F 00FF 3006D778 00FF #Gear Status-Codes\Max All Status\4th Gear [Heimdal] 3006D864 00FF 3006D89C 0026 9006D898 26102610 3006D8C6 00FF 3006D8C7 00FF 3006D8C0 00FF #Gear Status-Codes\Max All Status\5th Gear [Renmazuo] 3006D908 00FF 3006D940 0026 9006D93C 26102610 3006D96A 00FF 3006D96B 00FF 3006D964 00FF #Gear Status-Codes\Weight = 0 Kg\1st Gear [Waltall] 8006D6A4 0000 #Gear Status-Codes\Weight = 0 Kg\2nd Gear [Brigander] 8006D748 0000 #Gear Status-Codes\Weight = 0 Kg\3rd Gear [Vierge] 8006D7EC 0000 #Gear Status-Codes\Weight = 0 Kg\4th Gear [Heimdal] 8006D890 0000 #Gear Status-Codes\Weight = 0 Kg\5th Gear [Renmazuo] 8006D934 0000 #No Random Baattles D0074A38 1400 80074A3E 1000 D00788F0 0094 800788F2 1000 ; [ Xevious 3D/G+ (Europe) {SCES-00736} ] :SCES-00736 #Xevious/Super Xevious/Xevious Arrange Infinite Solvalous 8012DD58 0005 #Xevious/Super Xevious/Xevious Arrange Weapon Upgrade 80131EA4 0002 #Xevious 3D/G\P1 Infinite Solvalous 3012DD58 0005 #Xevious 3D/G\P1 Infinite Solvalous 3012DD5C 0005 #Xevious 3D/G\P1 Invincibility 30146A18 00C7 #Xevious 3D/G\P2 Invincibility 30146A1C 00C7 #Xevious 3D/G\Infinite Continues 30131EA0 0003 ; [ Xevious 3D/G+ (Japan) {SLPS-00750} ] :SLPS-00750 #Xevious\Invincibility 80025E82 1000 #Xevious 3D\P1 Infinite Life 8012DC90 0003 #Xevious 3D\P1 Full Gun Power 8012DC28 0003 #Xevious 3D\P2 Infinite Life 8012DC94 0003 #Xevious 3D\P2 Full Gun Power 8012DC2C 0003 #Xevious 3D\Invincibility 8006E272 1000 ; [ Xploder CD9000 (Germany) Demo {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Directors Cut (Germany) (Limited Edition) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 1 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 1 (USA) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 2.0 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 2.0 (Germany) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 3.0 (Europe) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Xploder CD9000 Version 4.0 (Europe)(Unlicensed, Bundled with CD Laser Cleaner) {Unlicensed} ] ; [ Yakitori Musume: Sugoude Hanjouki (Japan) (Tentou-you Taikenban) {SLP-80634} ] ; [ Yaku Tsuu: Noroi no Game (Japan) {SLPS-00689} ] ; [ Yaku: Yuujou Dangi (Japan) {SLPS-00152} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Guide: Faust (Japan) {SLPS-03120} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Guide: Hyper Rush (Japan) {SLPS-02989} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Guide: M771 (Japan) {SLPS-03038} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Guide: New Pulsar R (Japan) {SLPS-02980} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Guide: Umekagetsu R (Japan) {SLPS-03096} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Selection (Japan) (DX) {SLPS-03428} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Selection (Japan) {SLPS-03429} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi Selection 2 (Japan) {SLPS-03484} ] ; [ Yamasa Digi World: Tetra Master (Japan) {SLPS-03212} ] ; [ Yamifuku Natsu: Teito Monogatari Futatabi (Japan) {SLPS-01878} ] :SLPS-01878 #Infinite Energy 800938E8 00F0 ; [ Yaoi Junichi Gokuhi Project: UFO o Oe!! (Japan) {SLPS-00054} ] ; [ Yarudora (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90058} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 1: Double Cast (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90033} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 1: Double Cast (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90035} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 1: Double Cast (Japan) {SCPS-10053 | SCPS-10054} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 2: Kisetsu o Dakishimete (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90036} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 2: Kisetsu o Dakishimete (Japan) {SCPS-10056 | SCPS-10057} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 3: Sampaguita (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90042} ] ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 3: Sampaguita (Japan) {SCPS-10067 | SCPS-10068} ] :SCPS-10067 :SCPS-10068 #Tips Mark If you go to choose a place that hint mark is displayed, you will get Good ending one in the letter 801208F4 0001 #Extra scenario generation flag When you select a person who tips mark does not appear to be selected in the first scene, you can go to extra scenario. it is possible to go to the Good ending 2 8011F884 0001 #Good ending three generation flag you can go from extra scenario. 8011F90C 0001 #Achievement rate Display 80094DA4 0001 #Benefits Available 80120DC6 00DF #Title CG Chages 0-3 8011F42C 0003 #It will be seen all good ending 80120904 0007 #It will be seen all normal ending# 80120944 001F #It will be seen all bad ending 9012090C 000FFFFF #100% achievement rate 50001808 0000 80120B0C FFFF 50001808 0000 80120B0E FFFF 80120BCE 8000 ; [ Yarudora Series Vol. 4: Yukiwari no Hana (Japan) {SCPS-10069 | SCPS-10070} ] ; [ Yarudora: Yukiwari no Hana & Sampaguita (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96128} ] ; [ Yeh Yeh Tennis (Europe) {SLES-02272} ] ; [ Yellow Brick Road (Japan) {SLPS-00443} ] ; [ Yetisports Deluxe (Europe) {SLES-04164} ] ; [ Yetisports World Tour (Europe) {SLES-04170} ] ; [ YoYo's Puzzle Park (Europe) {SLES-01784} ] :SLES-01784 #Infinite Puzzle Cards 80036C20 FFFF #Infinite Lives 30036BD4 0063 #Infinite Time - Musical World 80129B74 FFFF #Infinite Time - Sea World 801433E4 FFFF #Infinite Time - Nanado World 8012756C 196A #Infinite Time - Lounge World 80131DB4 FFFF #Infinite Time - Jungle World 8013DC84 FFFF #Infinite Time - Castle World 80146A94 16F2 ; [ Yoi Ko to Yoi Otona no. PlayStation Taikenban Vol. 1 (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90022} ] ; [ Yoi Ko to Yoi Otona no. PlayStation Taikenban Vol. 2 (Japan) Demo {PAPX-90023} ] ; [ Yoshimoto Mahjong Club Deluxe (Japan) {SLPS-01758} ] :SLPS-01758 #Maximum money 9002D39C 000F423F #Experience maximum value 8002D398 03E7 #Player has 99900 points 800F86A8 03E7 #Enemy 1 has 0 points 800F86B0 0000 #Enemy 2 has 0 points 800F86B4 0000 #Enemy 3 has 0 points 800F86AC 0000 ; [ Yoshimura Shougi (Japan) {SLP-86076} ] ; [ You Don't Know Jack (Germany) {SLES-03499} ] :SLES-03499 #P1 Unendlich Nägel D008C004 0000 3008C004 0001 #P1 Zeit Angehalten (Drücke L1 & L2) D00ACBBE FAFF 300ACBBE 0000 #Starte mit letzte Runde D008A57C 0000 3008A57C 0016 ; [ Youchien Gaiden: Karei naru Casino Club: Double Draw (Japan) {SLPS-03098} ] :SLPS-03098 #Player has 9999999 Money in story mode 900E9F70 0098967F #1P Max money 900EA494 0098967F #2p has 0 money 900EA498 00000000 #3p has 0 Money 900EA49C 00000000 #4p has 0 money 900EA4A0 00000000 ; [ Youkai Hana Asobi (Japan) {SLP-86857} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (Europe) {SLES-03947} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (France) {SLES-03948} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (Germany) {SLES-03949} ] :SLES-03949 #P1 9999 Lebenspunkte 800EB28C 270F #P2 keine Lebenspunkte 800EB2AC 0000 ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (Italy) {SLES-03950} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (Spain) {SLES-03951} ] :SLES-03951 #Infinite LP Player 800EB28C 270F #Opponent has no energy 800EB2AC 0000 ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule Breed & Battle (Japan) {SLP-86096} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters: Fuuin Sareshi Kioku (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLP-86396} ] ; [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters: Fuuin Sareshi Kioku (Japan) {SLP-86398} ] ; [ Yukinko Burning (Japan) {SLP-87013} ] ; [ Yusha: Heaven's Gate (Europe) {SLES-00713} ] :SLES-00713 #P1 Infinite Energy 801053EE 00FA #P2 Infinite Sol Power Gauge 80107A98 00FA #P2 Infinite Energy 801083FE 00FA #Freeze Total Time 801053EE 00FA #P1 Infinite Sol Power Gauge 801053F0 00FA #Unlock All Characters 300F7EF8 0001 800F7F00 0101 800F7F08 0101 ; [ Yutona Eiyuu Senki: TearRingSaga (Japan) {SLPS-03177} ] :SLPS-03177 #Infinite Money 90183058 0098967F #Level Up D00FD91C 0010 800FD91C 0001 #Infinite Moves D01639E8 0524 801639D8 0000 #Infinite Funds D002A9C4 1023 8002A9C6 0040 #Max And Sell Some Funds D002A9A2 1040 8002A9A2 1440 #Not Decrease The Number Of Times A Weapon Use D010DC24 FFFF 8010DC24 0000 #Not Wasting Shields D010B9D0 FFFF 8010B9D0 0000 #Mortal blow Press SEL + L2: mortal blow Press SEL + R2: Invincibility or Press SEL + L2 + R2: Normal D00CD048 0101 8010D666 0000 D00CD048 0102 8010D666 0080 D00CD048 0103 8010D666 0091 ; [ Yutona Eiyuu Senki: TearRingSaga: Prelude (Japan) Demo {SLP-80610} ] ; [ Yuugen Gaisha Chikyuu Boueitai (Japan) (Fukyuuban 1500) {SLPS-02722} ] ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku (Japan) (Genteiban) {SLPS-00955} ] :SLPS-00955 #Infinite Money (60000) 800A08E4 EA60 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Battle 800F04C2 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Battle 800F04C4 03E7 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Menu 800DD90A 03E7 800DD90E 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Menu 800DD90C 03E7 800DD910 03E7 #Second Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD972 03E7 800DD974 03E7 #Second Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD976 03E7 800DD978 03E7 #Third Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD9DA 03E7 800DD9DC 03E7 #Third Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD9DE 03E7 800DD9E0 03E7 #Fourth Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD942 03E7 800DD944 03E7 #Fourth Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD946 03E7 800DD948 03E7 #Max intimacy Second Charcter and hero 800DD95E 005A #Max intimacy Third Charcter and hero 800DD960 005A #Max intimacy Fourth Charcter and hero 800DD962 005A #Deathblow 300DD96F 00FF ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku (Japan) {SLPS-00956} ] :SLPS-00956 #Infinite Money (60000) 800A08E4 EA60 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Battle 800F04C2 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Battle 800F04C4 03E7 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Menu 800DD90A 03E7 800DD90E 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Menu 800DD90C 03E7 800DD910 03E7 #Second Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD972 03E7 800DD974 03E7 #Second Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD976 03E7 800DD978 03E7 #Third Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD9DA 03E7 800DD9DC 03E7 #Third Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD9DE 03E7 800DD9E0 03E7 #Fourth Character Infinite & Max HP 800DD942 03E7 800DD944 03E7 #Fourth Character Infinite & Max MP 800DD946 03E7 800DD948 03E7 #Max intimacy Second Charcter and hero 800DD95E 005A #Max intimacy Third Charcter and hero 800DD960 005A #Max intimacy Fourth Charcter and hero 800DD962 005A ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku 2nd Album (Japan) {SLPS-01258} ] :SLPS-01258 #Infinite Money (60000) 8009B4EC EA60 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Battle 800CE842 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Battle 800CE844 03E7 #Infinite Energy Players Character In Menu 800CDFA2 03E7 800CDFA6 03E7 #Infinite MP Players Character In Menu 800CDFA4 03E7 800CDFA8 03E7 #Reliability Max 1 Person 300CDFB0 0063 #Reliability Max 2 Person 300CDFB1 0063 #Reliability Max 3 person 300CDFB2 0063 #Reliability Max 4 person 300CDFB3 0063 #Heroic gauge 8009B4E8 03E7 #Possession GOLD 9009B4EC 0001869F #Number of roulette 3009B5A8 0006 #Damage caused during combat Max 800AEC32 03E7 #All Profiles 800CD4FF FFFF #All Event 300CDFFF 00FF ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku 3: Perpetual Blue (Japan) {SLPS-02517} ] :SLPS-02517 #Lucid Hp/Mp 999 (Battle Only) 900BB560 03E703E7 900BB564 03E703E7 #Stats 255 900BB568 00FF00FF 900BB56C 00FF00FF #Bisette Hp/Mp 999 (Battle Only) 900BB6F8 03E703E7 900BB6FC 03E703E7 #Stats 255 900BB700 00FF00FF 900BB704 00FF00FF #Vircia Hp/Mp 999 (Battle Only) 900BB890 03E703E7 900BB894 03E703E7 #Stats 255 900BB898 00FF00FF 900BB89C 00FF00FF #Ruety Hp/Mp 999 (Battle Only) 900BB7C4 03E703E7 900BB7C8 03E703E7 #Stats 255 900BB7CC 00FF00FF 900BB7D0 00FF00FF #Favorability rating Max 8005416D 869F 3005416F 0001 #Favorability / calico-Cher Liese Max 800550FD 869F 300550FF 0001 #Left Enemy HP 0 in combat 800BB960 0000 #Right Enemy HP 0 in combat 800BBA2C 0000 #Center Enemy HP 0 in combat 800BBAF8 0000 ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku 3: Perpetual Blue: Visual Collection (Japan) (Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku Hozonban Perpetual Collection (Disc 5)) {SLPS-02329} ] ; [ Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku Ensemble (Japan) {SLPS-01742 | SLPS-01875} ] :SLPS-01742 :SLPS-01875 #Infinite Energy Colosseum Mode 800A2E72 012C #Infinite Magic Colosseum Mode 800A2E74 012C #Infinite Money 999999 900705A0 000F423F #HP enemy in combat 0 800A2FF2 0000 #All Gallery Unlocked 90081600 FFFFFFFF 90081604 FFFFFFFF 30081608 00FF #Purchased items 300705A4 0048 #HP battle now 800A2E72 03E7 #MP during combat currently 800A2E74 03E7 #During combat Maximum HP 800A2E76 03E7 #During combat Maximum MP 800A2E78 03E7 #Gallery 3008160F 00FF #Infinite Energy colosseum mode 800C2CAA 028A #Infinite Magic colosseum mode 800C2CAC 0190 #Infinite Money 999999 9008EC20 000F423F #HP currently 800C2CAA 03E7 #MP now 800C2CAC 03E7 #Maximum HP 800C2CAE 03E7 #Maximum MP 800C2CB0 03E7 #All Gallery 300A084F 00FF #Damage caused during combat Max 800A2FCA 03E7 ; [ Yuukyuu Kumikyoku: All Star Project (Japan) {SLPS-02911} ] :SLPS-02911 #All characters intimacy MAX 50002602 0000 80056300 270F #Missions fully open 50000D02 0000 80056298 FFFF 300562B2 0007 #Album fully open 50000C02 0000 800562B8 FFFF #Food and Drink MAX 50001E02 0000 8005634C 6363 #Booklet MAX" 50001A02 0000 80056388 6363 300563BC 0063 #Medical and cosmetic MAX 50001C02 0000 800563C4 6363 300563FC 0063 #Hazardous materials specified MAX 50001A02 0000 80056400 6363 #School equipment MAX 50001E02 0000 8005643C 6363 #Sporting Goods MAX 50001A02 0000 80056478 6363 300564AC 0063 #Goods MAX hobby 50001E02 0000 800564B4 6363 #Rare thing MAX 50001502 0000 800564F0 6363 ; [ Yuukyuu no Eden: The Eternal Eden (Japan) Rev 1 {SLPS-02987} ] :SLPS-02987 #Infinite Energy boy 80085874 03E7 #Infinite Energy cat girl 800859BC 03E7 ; [ Yuuwaku Office Ren'ai-ka (Japan) {SLPS-01460} ] :SLPS-01460 #Infinite HP 8018370C 03E7 #Knowledge Max 801D30DC 03E7 #Physical fitness Max 801D30E0 03E7 #Social Max 801D30E4 03E7 #Appearance Max 801D30EC 03E7 #Sense Max 801D30F0 03E7 #Infinite Money (99999) 8018375C 0001 8018375C 869F ; [ Yuuyami Doori Tankentai (Japan) Demo {SLP-80444} ] ; [ Z (Europe) {SCES-00600} ] ; [ Z (France) {SCES-00601} ] ; [ Z (Germany) {SCES-00602} ] ; [ Z (Italy) {SCES-00603} ] ; [ Z (Spain) {SCES-00604} ] ; [ Zanac x Zanac (Japan) Demo {SLP-80626} ] ; [ Zanac x Zanac (Japan) {SLPS-03354} ] :SLPS-03354 #Infinite Lives 800BA748 0002 #Best Firepower 800BA724 0006 #Max Super Charge 800BA71C 0BB8 #Max Wp Power 800BA760 0007 #Invincibility 800BA730 0002 #Original Zanac Infinite Lives 8007B3E8 0002 #Original Zanac Invincibility 8007B3D2 0001 ; [ Zap! Snowboarding Trix (Japan) (Fukyuuban 1500) {SLPS-03034} ] ; [ Zen Nihon GT Senshuken Kai (Japan) {SLPS-00219} ] :SLPS-00219 #Maximum Speed 800E23CE 000C ; [ Zen Nihon GT Senshuken Max Rev. (Japan) {SLPS-00715 | SLPS-00716} ] :SLPS-00715 :SLPS-00716 #Boost Code (Press L1 Button For Boost Mode) D00828F0 0004 800E23CE 000F ; [ Zen Nihon Pro Wres: Ouja no Tamashii (Japan) (Spike Library, PSone Books) {SLPS-02934} ] ; [ Zen Super Robot Taisen Denshi Daihyakka (Japan) {SLPS-01657 | SLPS-01658} ] ; [ Zen'yasai: Kouyasai Special Preview Disc (Japan) Demo {SLPS-01811} ] :SLPS-01811 #Infinite Money and lots of money 900AE46C 000F423F ; [ Zera-chan Puzzle: Pitatto Pair (Japan) {SLPS-03167} ] :SLPS-03167 #Infinite Time In Vs Mode 1st Game Mode 800A0C7D 0032 #Infinite Dead Time In 2nd Game Mode 800CE994 1C84 #Infinite Time In 2nd Game Mode 800CE9BC 0514 ; [ Zero Divide (Europe) {SLES-00159} ] :SLES-00159 #P1 Invulnerable 80110D64 00D0 #P2 Invulnerable 80111AE8 00D0 #Timer Frozen At 59Sec 800E8B90 0700 ; [ Zero Divide (Japan) {SLPS-00083} ] :SLPS-00083 #P1 Infinite Energy 80110764 00D0 #P2 Infinite Energy 801114E8 00D0 80111544 00D0 #P2 No energy 801114E8 0000 80111544 0000 #Use all characters 800E7D62 00FF #Pal-Mode 800C44A4 0001 #Infinite Time 800E85B0 06F5 ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Europe) (Preview) {SLPS-00891} ] :SLPS-00891 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006D336 00C8 #P2 Infinite Energy 8006DE9E 00C8 ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Europe) {SCES-01094} ] :SCES-01094 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006E176 00C8 #P2 Infinite Health 8006EDDE 00C8 ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (France) {SCES-01287} ] ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Germany) {SCES-01288} ] :SCES-01288 #P1 Infinite Health 8006E176 00C8 #P2 Infinite Health 8006EDDE 00C8 ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Italy) {SCES-01289} ] ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Japan) Demo {PCPX-96081} ] ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Japan) {SLPS-00891} ] :SLPS-00891 #P1 Infinite Energy 8006D336 00C8 #P2 Infinite Energy 8006DE9E 00C8 ; [ Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish (Spain) {SCES-01290} ] :SCES-01290 #P1 Infinite Health 8006F1B6 00C8 ; [ Zero Pilot: Gin'yoku no Senshi (Japan) Rev 1 {SCPS-91127} ] ; [ Zero Pilot: Gin'yoku no Senshi (Japan) {SCPS-10049} ] :SCPS-10049 #Infinite Time 80061868 FFFF #Infinite Ammo 8019CDDC 03E7 ; [ Zeus II: Carnage Heart (Japan) {SLPS-02318} ] :SLPS-02318 #Main unit infinite AP 800C835C 23F0 ; [ Zeus: Carnage Heart Second (Japan) Demo {SLP-80335} ] ; [ Zeus: Carnage Heart Second (Japan) {SLPS-01666} ] :SLPS-01666 #Have 20000 VP 800B443E 4E20 #Infinite HP main unit 8012E054 0348 #Infinite Fuel main unit 8012E095 0070 ; [ Zill O'll (Japan) Rev 1 {SLP-86703} ] ; [ Zill O'll (Japan) {SLP-86311} ] ; [ Zipangu-jima: Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru!? (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86643} ] ; [ Zipangu-jima: Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru!? (Japan) Demo {SLP-80488} ] ; [ Zipangu: Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru!? (Japan) Demo {SLPS-02244} ] :SLPS-02244 #Pilot Energy D009511C 000D 80095118 000D D009511C 0013 80095118 0013 D009511C 0019 80095118 0019 #Max Money 90059054 0098967F #The Reputation Of The Current 100% 80059058 0064 #The Amount Of Damage 0 90059060 00000000 #Max Energy In One Step D0073E4A 1440 80073E48 0000 #All Game Modes Stage D006BA9A 2402 8007441C 03F7 #All Game Modes Robot D006BA9A 2402 80074418 FFFF D006BA9A 2402 8007441A 001F #Vu~odan,Gareth,Lionel & Berusuvu~aru availables 80059098 0001 800590D0 0001 800590B4 0001 800590EC 0001 #Energy gauge MAX in one step D0073E4A 1440 80073E48 0000 #Vu~odan Armor MAX 800590B0 270F #Vu~odan All Special Moves 9005909C 01010101 900590A0 01010101 900590A4 01010101 800590A8 0101 #Gareth Armor MAX 800590CC 270F #Gareth All Special Moves 900590B8 01010101 900590BC 01010101 800590C0 0101 #Lionel Armor MAX 800590E8 270F #Lionel All Special Moves 900590D4 01010101 900590D8 01010101 800590DC 0101 #Bell swell Armor MAX 80059104 270F #Bell swell All Special Moves 900590F0 01010101 900590F4 01010101 ; [ Zoku Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) {SLPS-00488} ] :SLPS-00488 #P1 Infinite Lives 300A76E8 0063 #P2 Infinite Lives 300A76E9 0063 ; [ Zoku Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan: Kanketsuhen (Japan) {SLPS-02266 | SLPS-02267 | SLPS-02268 | SLPS-02269} ] :SLPS-02266 :SLPS-02267 :SLPS-02268 :SLPS-02269 #Have always 20 trigger points 8007327A 0014 #Trigger automatic calculation D003404E 1040 8003404E 1400 D00340DA 1040 800340DA 1400 #Time does not decrease maze D0026550 FFFF 80026550 0000 #Pong remaining number of times at the same time 8007A692 0002 #Game overs 80073288 0000 #Reasoning misses 8007328A 0000 #Resolution misses 8007328C 0000 #Do not reasoning miscount D0034190 0001 80034190 0000 D00352A2 0064 800352A2 0060 #Elapsed time 0 90073208 00000000 9007320C 00000000 #Not increase the elapsed time D00174EC 0001 800174EC 0000 #Progress 80073214 0005 #100 points all results 90073218 00640064 9007321C 00640064 80073220 0064 #Menu fully open D0087A2E 1040 80087A2E 1400 D0087EF2 1040 80087EF2 1400 ; [ Zoop (Japan) {SLPS-00534} ] ; [ Zutto Issho: With Me Everytime... (Japan) (Major Wave) {SLP-86523} ] ; [ Zutto Issho: With Me Everytime... (Japan) (Sample) {SLPS-01238} ] :SLPS-01238 #Max stats 800CC584 000A 800CC588 000A 800CC58C 000A 800CC590 000A 800CC594 0014 #Have 99000 money 800CC3AC 0063 #Infinite HP 800CC604 000A #All women Max favorability 8013D5B8 0007 8013D5BC 0007 8013D5C0 0007 8013D5C4 0007 8013D5C8 0007 8013D5CC 0007 8013D5D0 0007 8013D5D4 0007 8013D5D8 0007 8013D5DC 0007 8013D5E0 0007 8013D5E4 0007 #Men favorability Max 8013D5E8 0002 8013D5EC 0002 8013D5F0 0002 ; [ e-Jump (Japan) {PCPX-96178 | PCPX-96179} ] ; [ i-mode mo Issho: Doko Demo Issho Tsuika Disc (Japan) {SCPS-10141} ] ; [ iS: Internal Section (Japan) {SLPS-01868} ] :SLPS-01868 #Infinite Life 30138044 0063 #Infinite Eraser 3010AF53 0003 #Full Auto 3013808C 0008 #Muteki!! 30138048 0001 #Select Stage\1 30138045 0001 #Select Stage\2 30138045 0002 #Select Stage\3 30138045 0003 #Select Stage\4 30138045 0004 #Select Stage\5 30138045 0005 #Select Stage\6 30138045 0006 #Select Stage\7 30138045 0007 #Select Stage\8 30138045 0008 #Start at Debug Screen After Reset D003D708 0007 8003D708 000C ; [ m [emu]: Kimi o Tsutaete (Japan) {SLPS-00393} ] :SLPS-00393 #Have 99999 money 900C2FF8 0001869F ; [ radicalgames@psygnosis (Europe) {SLED-00966} ] ; [ radicalgames@psygnosis v.2 (Europe) {SLED-00990} ] ; [ Airgrave {SLPS-00559} ] :SLPS-00559 #Invincibility 800B4F9C 0006 #Shield Has A Comeback 8002F692 8C23 #Infinite Credit 80027BC2 8022 #Infinite Overdrive 800B52E4 0100 ; [ Fox Hunt {SLUS-00101 | SLUS-00175 | SLUS-00176} ] :SLUS-00101 :SLUS-00175 :SLUS-00176 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Vidbook 801EDA24 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Kitchen Knife 801EEE24 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Taco 801EE564 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Cia Card 801EF004 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Knife 801EF1E4 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Bullet 801EEC44 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Skis 801EC544 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Feather 801EE294 0001 #Disc One Codes\Always Have Medal 801EEB54 0001