// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) #include "d3d11_stream_buffer.h" #include "common/align.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/log.h" Log_SetChannel(D3D11Device); D3D11StreamBuffer::D3D11StreamBuffer() : m_size(0), m_position(0) { } D3D11StreamBuffer::D3D11StreamBuffer(ComPtr buffer) : m_buffer(std::move(buffer)), m_position(0) { D3D11_BUFFER_DESC desc; m_buffer->GetDesc(&desc); m_size = desc.ByteWidth; } D3D11StreamBuffer::~D3D11StreamBuffer() { Destroy(); } bool D3D11StreamBuffer::Create(ID3D11Device* device, D3D11_BIND_FLAG bind_flags, u32 size) { CD3D11_BUFFER_DESC desc(size, bind_flags, D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC, D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE, 0, 0); ComPtr buffer; HRESULT hr = device->CreateBuffer(&desc, nullptr, &buffer); if (FAILED(hr)) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Creating buffer failed: 0x%08X", hr); return false; } m_buffer = std::move(buffer); m_size = size; m_position = 0; D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS options = {}; hr = device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D11_FEATURE_D3D11_OPTIONS, &options, sizeof(options)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (bind_flags & D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER) m_use_map_no_overwrite = options.MapNoOverwriteOnDynamicConstantBuffer; else if (bind_flags & D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE) m_use_map_no_overwrite = options.MapNoOverwriteOnDynamicBufferSRV; else m_use_map_no_overwrite = true; if (!m_use_map_no_overwrite) { Log_WarningPrintf("Unable to use MAP_NO_OVERWRITE on buffer with bind flag %u, this may affect performance. " "Update your driver/operating system.", static_cast(bind_flags)); } } else { Log_WarningPrintf("ID3D11Device::CheckFeatureSupport() failed: 0x%08X", hr); m_use_map_no_overwrite = false; } return true; } void D3D11StreamBuffer::Destroy() { m_buffer.Reset(); } D3D11StreamBuffer::MappingResult D3D11StreamBuffer::Map(ID3D11DeviceContext1* context, u32 alignment, u32 min_size) { m_position = Common::AlignUp(m_position, alignment); if ((m_position + min_size) >= m_size || !m_use_map_no_overwrite) { // wrap around m_position = 0; } D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE sr; const D3D11_MAP map_type = (m_position == 0) ? D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD : D3D11_MAP_WRITE_NO_OVERWRITE; const HRESULT hr = context->Map(m_buffer.Get(), 0, map_type, 0, &sr); if (FAILED(hr)) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Map failed: 0x%08X (alignment %u, minsize %u, size %u, position %u, map type %u)", hr, alignment, min_size, m_size, m_position, static_cast(map_type)); Panic("Map failed"); } return MappingResult{static_cast(sr.pData) + m_position, m_position, m_position / alignment, (m_size - m_position) / alignment}; } void D3D11StreamBuffer::Unmap(ID3D11DeviceContext1* context, u32 used_size) { context->Unmap(m_buffer.Get(), 0); m_position += used_size; }