#ifndef _QUAD_PIXEL_COMMUNICATION_H #define _QUAD_PIXEL_COMMUNICATION_H ///////////////////////////////// MIT LICENSE //////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2014 TroggleMonkey* // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. ///////////////////////////////// DISCLAIMER ///////////////////////////////// // *This code was inspired by "Shader Amortization using Pixel Quad Message // Passing" by Eric Penner, published in GPU Pro 2, Chapter VI.2. My intent // is not to plagiarize his fundamentally similar code and assert my own // copyright, but the algorithmic helper functions require so little code that // implementations can't vary by much except bugfixes and conventions. I just // wanted to license my own particular code here to avoid ambiguity and make it // clear that as far as I'm concerned, people can do as they please with it. ///////////////////////////////// DESCRIPTION //////////////////////////////// // Given screen pixel numbers, derive a "quad vector" describing a fragment's // position in its 2x2 pixel quad. Given that vector, obtain the values of any // variable at neighboring fragments. // Requires: Using this file in general requires: // 1.) ddx() and ddy() are present in the current Cg profile. // 2.) The GPU driver is using fine/high-quality derivatives. // Functions will give incorrect results if this is not true, // so a test function is included. ///////////////////// QUAD-PIXEL COMMUNICATION PRIMITIVES //////////////////// float4 get_quad_vector_naive(float4 output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy) { // Requires: Two measures of the current fragment's output pixel number // in the range ([0, output_size.x), [0, output_size.y)): // 1.) output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy.xy increase with uv coords. // 2.) output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy.zw increase with screen xy. // Returns: Two measures of the fragment's position in its 2x2 quad: // 1.) The .xy components are its 2x2 placement with respect to // uv direction (the origin (0, 0) is at the top-left): // top-left = (-1.0, -1.0) top-right = ( 1.0, -1.0) // bottom-left = (-1.0, 1.0) bottom-right = ( 1.0, 1.0) // You need this to arrange/weight shared texture samples. // 2.) The .zw components are its 2x2 placement with respect to // screen xy direction (position); the origin varies. // quad_gather needs this measure to work correctly. // Note: quad_vector.zw = quad_vector.xy * float2( // ddx(output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy.x), // ddy(output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy.y)); // Caveats: This function assumes the GPU driver always starts 2x2 pixel // quads at even pixel numbers. This assumption can be wrong // for odd output resolutions (nondeterministically so). float4 pixel_odd = frac(output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy * 0.5) * 2.0; float4 quad_vector = pixel_odd * 2.0 - float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); return quad_vector; } float4 get_quad_vector(float4 output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy) { // Requires: Same as get_quad_vector_naive() (see that first). // Returns: Same as get_quad_vector_naive() (see that first), but it's // correct even if the 2x2 pixel quad starts at an odd pixel, // which can occur at odd resolutions. float4 quad_vector_guess = get_quad_vector_naive(output_pixel_num_wrt_uvxy); // If quad_vector_guess.zw doesn't increase with screen xy, we know // the 2x2 pixel quad starts at an odd pixel: float2 odd_start_mirror = 0.5 * float2(ddx(quad_vector_guess.z), ddy(quad_vector_guess.w)); return quad_vector_guess * odd_start_mirror.xyxy; } float4 get_quad_vector(float2 output_pixel_num_wrt_uv) { // Requires: 1.) ddx() and ddy() are present in the current Cg profile. // 2.) output_pixel_num_wrt_uv must increase with uv coords and // measure the current fragment's output pixel number in: // ([0, output_size.x), [0, output_size.y)) // Returns: Same as get_quad_vector_naive() (see that first), but it's // correct even if the 2x2 pixel quad starts at an odd pixel, // which can occur at odd resolutions. // Caveats: This function requires less information than the version // taking a float4, but it's potentially slower. // Do screen coords increase with or against uv? Get the direction // with respect to (uv.x, uv.y) for (screen.x, screen.y) in {-1, 1}. float2 screen_uv_mirror = float2(ddx(output_pixel_num_wrt_uv.x), ddy(output_pixel_num_wrt_uv.y)); float2 pixel_odd_wrt_uv = frac(output_pixel_num_wrt_uv * 0.5) * 2.0; float2 quad_vector_uv_guess = (pixel_odd_wrt_uv - float2(0.5, 0.5)) * 2.0; float2 quad_vector_screen_guess = quad_vector_uv_guess * screen_uv_mirror; // If quad_vector_screen_guess doesn't increase with screen xy, we know // the 2x2 pixel quad starts at an odd pixel: float2 odd_start_mirror = 0.5 * float2(ddx(quad_vector_screen_guess.x), ddy(quad_vector_screen_guess.y)); float4 quad_vector_guess = float4( quad_vector_uv_guess, quad_vector_screen_guess); return quad_vector_guess * odd_start_mirror.xyxy; } void quad_gather(float4 quad_vector, float4 curr, out float4 adjx, out float4 adjy, out float4 diag) { // Requires: 1.) ddx() and ddy() are present in the current Cg profile. // 2.) The GPU driver is using fine/high-quality derivatives. // 3.) quad_vector describes the current fragment's location in // its 2x2 pixel quad using get_quad_vector()'s conventions. // 4.) curr is any vector you wish to get neighboring values of. // Returns: Values of an input vector (curr) at neighboring fragments // adjacent x, adjacent y, and diagonal (via out parameters). adjx = curr - ddx(curr) * quad_vector.z; adjy = curr - ddy(curr) * quad_vector.w; diag = adjx - ddy(adjx) * quad_vector.w; } void quad_gather(float4 quad_vector, float3 curr, out float3 adjx, out float3 adjy, out float3 diag) { // Float3 version adjx = curr - ddx(curr) * quad_vector.z; adjy = curr - ddy(curr) * quad_vector.w; diag = adjx - ddy(adjx) * quad_vector.w; } void quad_gather(float4 quad_vector, float2 curr, out float2 adjx, out float2 adjy, out float2 diag) { // Float2 version adjx = curr - ddx(curr) * quad_vector.z; adjy = curr - ddy(curr) * quad_vector.w; diag = adjx - ddy(adjx) * quad_vector.w; } float4 quad_gather(float4 quad_vector, float curr) { // Float version: // Returns: return.x == current // return.y == adjacent x // return.z == adjacent y // return.w == diagonal float4 all = float4(curr, curr, curr, curr); all.y = all.x - ddx(all.x) * quad_vector.z; all.zw = all.xy - ddy(all.xy) * quad_vector.w; return all; } float4 quad_gather_sum(float4 quad_vector, float4 curr) { // Requires: Same as quad_gather() // Returns: Sum of an input vector (curr) at all fragments in a quad. float4 adjx, adjy, diag; quad_gather(quad_vector, curr, adjx, adjy, diag); return (curr + adjx + adjy + diag); } float3 quad_gather_sum(float4 quad_vector, float3 curr) { // Float3 version: float3 adjx, adjy, diag; quad_gather(quad_vector, curr, adjx, adjy, diag); return (curr + adjx + adjy + diag); } float2 quad_gather_sum(float4 quad_vector, float2 curr) { // Float2 version: float2 adjx, adjy, diag; quad_gather(quad_vector, curr, adjx, adjy, diag); return (curr + adjx + adjy + diag); } float quad_gather_sum(float4 quad_vector, float curr) { // Float version: float4 all_values = quad_gather(quad_vector, curr); return (all_values.x + all_values.y + all_values.z + all_values.w); } bool fine_derivatives_working(float4 quad_vector, float4 curr) { // Requires: 1.) ddx() and ddy() are present in the current Cg profile. // 2.) quad_vector describes the current fragment's location in // its 2x2 pixel quad using get_quad_vector()'s conventions. // 3.) curr must be a test vector with non-constant derivatives // (its value should change nonlinearly across fragments). // Returns: true if fine/hybrid/high-quality derivatives are used, or // false if coarse derivatives are used or inconclusive // Usage: Test whether quad-pixel communication is working! // Method: We can confirm fine derivatives are used if the following // holds (ever, for any value at any fragment): // (ddy(curr) != ddy(adjx)) or (ddx(curr) != ddx(adjy)) // The more values we test (e.g. test a float4 two ways), the // easier it is to demonstrate fine derivatives are working. // TODO: Check for floating point exact comparison issues! float4 ddx_curr = ddx(curr); float4 ddy_curr = ddy(curr); float4 adjx = curr - ddx_curr * quad_vector.z; float4 adjy = curr - ddy_curr * quad_vector.w; bool ddy_different = any(bool4(ddy_curr.x != ddy(adjx).x, ddy_curr.y != ddy(adjx).y, ddy_curr.z != ddy(adjx).z, ddy_curr.w != ddy(adjx).w)); bool ddx_different = any(bool4(ddx_curr.x != ddx(adjy).x, ddx_curr.y != ddx(adjy).y, ddx_curr.z != ddx(adjy).z, ddx_curr.w != ddx(adjy).w)); return any(bool2(ddy_different, ddx_different)); } bool fine_derivatives_working_fast(float4 quad_vector, float curr) { // Requires: Same as fine_derivatives_working() // Returns: Same as fine_derivatives_working() // Usage: This is faster than fine_derivatives_working() but more // likely to return false negatives, so it's less useful for // offline testing/debugging. It's also useless as the basis // for dynamic runtime branching as of May 2014: Derivatives // (and quad-pixel communication) are currently disallowed in // branches. However, future GPU's may allow you to use them // in dynamic branches if you promise the branch condition // evaluates the same for every fragment in the quad (and/or if // the driver enforces that promise by making a single fragment // control branch decisions). If that ever happens, this // version may become a more economical choice. float ddx_curr = ddx(curr); float ddy_curr = ddy(curr); float adjx = curr - ddx_curr * quad_vector.z; return (ddy_curr != ddy(adjx)); } #endif // _QUAD_PIXEL_COMMUNICATION_H