MainWindow 0 0 800 700 true DuckStation :/icons/duck.png:/icons/duck.png 0 0 800 22 &System Change Disc .. Cheats .. Load State .. Save State .. S&ettings Theme Language &Help &Debug Switch GPU Renderer Switch CPU Emulation Mode Switch Crop Mode &View &Window Size &Tools toolBar 32 32 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false .. Start &File... .. Start &Disc... .. Start &BIOS .. &Scan For New Games .. &Rescan All Games .. Power &Off .. &Reset true .. &Pause .. &Load State .. &Save State .. E&xit .. B&IOS .. C&onsole .. E&mulation .. &Controllers .. &Hotkeys .. &Display .. &Enhancements .. &Post-Processing .. Fullscreen Resolution Scale :/icons/github.png:/icons/github.png &GitHub Repository... :/icons/IssueTracker.png:/icons/IssueTracker.png &Issue Tracker... :/icons/discord.png:/icons/discord.png &Discord Server... .. Check for &Updates... :/icons/QT.png:/icons/QT.png About &Qt... :/icons/duck_64.png:/icons/duck_64.png &About DuckStation... .. Change Disc... .. Cheats... .. Audio .. Achievements .. Folders .. Game List .. General .. Advanced .. Add Game Directory... .. &Settings... From File... From Device... From Game List... Remove Disc Resume State Global State true Show VRAM true Dump CPU to VRAM Copies true Dump VRAM to CPU Copies true Disable All Enhancements true Disable Interlacing true Force NTSC Timings true Dump Audio Dump RAM... Dump VRAM... Dump SPU RAM... true Show GPU State true Show CD-ROM State true Show SPU State true Show Timers State true Show MDEC State true Show DMA State .. &Screenshot .. &Memory Cards .. Resume Resumes the last save state created. true true &Toolbar true false Lock Toolbar true true &Status Bar .. Game &List false System &Display false Game &Properties Memory &Card Editor C&heat Manager CPU D&ebugger .. Game &Grid true true Show Titles (Grid View) Zoom &In (Grid View) Ctrl++ Zoom &Out (Grid View) Ctrl+- Refresh &Covers (Grid View) Open Memory Card Directory... Open Data Directory... .. Power Off &Without Saving .. Start Big Picture Mode .. Big Picture