#include "ReShade.fxh"

   Lanczos3 - Multipass code by Hyllian 2022.


   Copyright (C) 2010 Team XBMC
   Copyright (C) 2011 Stefanos A.

This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XBMC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

uniform bool LANCZOS3_ANTI_RINGING <
	ui_type = "radio";
	ui_label = "Lanczos3 Anti-Ringing";
> = true;

uniform float2 NormalizedNativePixelSize < source = "normalized_native_pixel_size"; >;
uniform float2 BufferToViewportRatio < source = "buffer_to_viewport_ratio"; >;
uniform float2 ViewportSize < source = "viewportsize"; >;

texture2D tLanczos3_P0{Width=BUFFER_WIDTH;Height=BUFFER_HEIGHT;Format=RGBA8;};
sampler2D sLanczos3_P0{Texture=tLanczos3_P0;AddressU=CLAMP;AddressV=CLAMP;AddressW=CLAMP;MagFilter=POINT;MinFilter=POINT;};

#define AR_STRENGTH 1.0
#define FIX(c) (max(abs(c),1e-5))
#define PI     3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define radius 3.0

float3 weight3(float x)
   float3 Sample = FIX(2.0 * PI * float3(x - 1.5, x - 0.5, x + 0.5));

   // Lanczos3. Note: we normalize outside this function, so no point in multiplying by radius.
   return sin(Sample) * sin(Sample / radius) / (Sample * Sample);

float3 lanczos3ar(float fp, float3 C0, float3 C1, float3 C2, float3 C3, float3 C4, float3 C5)
    float3 w1 = weight3(0.5 - fp * 0.5);
    float3 w2 = weight3(1.0 - fp * 0.5);

    float sum   = dot(  w1, float3(1.,1.,1.)) + dot(  w2, float3(1.,1.,1.));
    w1   /= sum;
    w2   /= sum;

    float3 color = mul(w1, float3x3( C0, C2, C4 )) + mul(w2, float3x3( C1, C3, C5));

    // Anti-ringing
    if (LANCZOS3_ANTI_RINGING == true)
        float3 aux = color;
        float3 min_sample = min(min(C1, C2), min(C3, C4));
        float3 max_sample = max(max(C1, C2), max(C3, C4));
        color = clamp(color, min_sample, max_sample);
        color = lerp(aux, color, AR_STRENGTH*step(0.0, (C1-C2)*(C3-C4)));

    return color;

float4 PS_Lanczos3_X(float4 pos: SV_Position, float2 uv_tx : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    // Both dimensions are unfiltered, so it looks for lores pixels.
    float2 ps = NormalizedNativePixelSize;
    float2 posi = uv_tx.xy + ps * float2(0.5, 0.0);
    float2 fp = frac(posi / ps);

    float2 xystart = posi - (fp + 0.5) * ps;

    float ypos = xystart.y + ps.y;

    float3 C0 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x - ps.x * 2.0, ypos)).rgb;
    float3 C1 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x - ps.x * 1.0, ypos)).rgb;
    float3 C2 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x             , ypos)).rgb;
    float3 C3 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x + ps.x * 1.0, ypos)).rgb;
    float3 C4 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x + ps.x * 2.0, ypos)).rgb;
    float3 C5 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(xystart.x + ps.x * 3.0, ypos)).rgb; 

    float3 color = lanczos3ar(fp.x, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5);

    return float4(color, 1.0);

float4 PS_Lanczos3_Y(float4 pos: SV_Position, float2 uv_tx : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    // One must be careful here. Horizontal dimension is already filtered, so it looks for x in hires.
    float2 ps = float2(1.0/(ViewportSize.x*BufferToViewportRatio.x), NormalizedNativePixelSize.y);
    float2 posi = uv_tx.xy + ps * float2(0.5, 0.5);
    float2 fp = frac(posi / ps);

    float2 xystart = posi - (fp + 0.5) * ps;

    float xpos = xystart.x  + ps.x;

    float3 C0 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y - ps.y * 2.0)).rgb;
    float3 C1 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y - ps.y * 1.0)).rgb;
    float3 C2 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y             )).rgb;
    float3 C3 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y + ps.y * 1.0)).rgb;
    float3 C4 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y + ps.y * 2.0)).rgb;
    float3 C5 = tex2D(sLanczos3_P0, float2(xpos, xystart.y + ps.y * 3.0)).rgb; 

    float3 color = lanczos3ar(fp.y, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5);

    return float4(color, 1.0);

technique Lanczos3

		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader  = PS_Lanczos3_X;
		RenderTarget = tLanczos3_P0;
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader  = PS_Lanczos3_Y;
