#include "gpu_sw_backend.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "gpu_sw_backend.h" #include "host_display.h" #include "system.h" #include Log_SetChannel(GPU_SW_Backend); GPU_SW_Backend::GPU_SW_Backend() : GPUBackend() { std::memset(&m_vram[0], 0, sizeof(u16) * VRAM_WIDTH * VRAM_HEIGHT); m_vram_ptr = &m_vram[0]; } GPU_SW_Backend::~GPU_SW_Backend() = default; bool GPU_SW_Backend::Initialize(bool force_thread) { return GPUBackend::Initialize(force_thread); } void GPU_SW_Backend::Reset(bool clear_vram) { GPUBackend::Reset(clear_vram); if (clear_vram) std::memset(&m_vram[0], 0, sizeof(u16) * VRAM_WIDTH * VRAM_HEIGHT); } void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawPolygon(const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand* cmd) { const GPURenderCommand rc{cmd->rc.bits}; const bool dithering_enable = rc.IsDitheringEnabled() && cmd->draw_mode.dither_enable; const GPUTransparencyMode transparency_mode = rc.transparency_enable ? cmd->draw_mode.transparency_mode : GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled; const GPUTextureMode texture_mode = rc.texture_enable ? (cmd->draw_mode.texture_mode | (rc.raw_texture_enable ? GPUTextureMode::RawTextureBit : static_cast(0))) : GPUTextureMode::Disabled; const DrawTriangleFunction DrawFunction = s_triangle_draw_functions[BoolToUInt8(rc.shading_enable)][static_cast(texture_mode)][static_cast( transparency_mode)][BoolToUInt8(dithering_enable)][BoolToUInt8(cmd->params.check_mask_before_draw)]; (this->*DrawFunction)(cmd, &cmd->vertices[0], &cmd->vertices[1], &cmd->vertices[2]); if (rc.quad_polygon) (this->*DrawFunction)(cmd, &cmd->vertices[2], &cmd->vertices[1], &cmd->vertices[3]); } void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle(const GPUBackendDrawRectangleCommand* cmd) { const GPURenderCommand rc{cmd->rc.bits}; const GPUTransparencyMode transparency_mode = rc.transparency_enable ? cmd->draw_mode.transparency_mode : GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled; const GPUTextureMode texture_mode = rc.texture_enable ? (cmd->draw_mode.texture_mode | (rc.raw_texture_enable ? GPUTextureMode::RawTextureBit : static_cast(0))) : GPUTextureMode::Disabled; const DrawRectangleFunction DrawFunction = s_rectangle_draw_functions[static_cast(texture_mode)][static_cast(transparency_mode)] [BoolToUInt8(cmd->params.check_mask_before_draw)]; (this->*DrawFunction)(cmd); } void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine(const GPUBackendDrawLineCommand* cmd) { const GPUTransparencyMode transparency_mode = cmd->rc.transparency_enable ? cmd->draw_mode.transparency_mode : GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled; const DrawLineFunction DrawFunction = s_line_draw_functions[BoolToUInt8(cmd->rc.shading_enable)][static_cast(transparency_mode)] [BoolToUInt8(cmd->IsDitheringEnabled())][BoolToUInt8(cmd->params.check_mask_before_draw)]; for (u16 i = 1; i < cmd->num_vertices; i++) (this->*DrawFunction)(cmd, &cmd->vertices[i - 1], &cmd->vertices[i]); } constexpr GPU_SW_Backend::DitherLUT GPU_SW_Backend::ComputeDitherLUT() { DitherLUT lut = {}; for (u32 i = 0; i < DITHER_MATRIX_SIZE; i++) { for (u32 j = 0; j < DITHER_MATRIX_SIZE; j++) { for (u32 value = 0; value < DITHER_LUT_SIZE; value++) { const s32 dithered_value = (static_cast(value) + DITHER_MATRIX[i][j]) >> 3; lut[i][j][value] = static_cast((dithered_value < 0) ? 0 : ((dithered_value > 31) ? 31 : dithered_value)); } } } return lut; } static constexpr GPU_SW_Backend::DitherLUT s_dither_lut = GPU_SW_Backend::ComputeDitherLUT(); template void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW_Backend::ShadePixel(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, u32 x, u32 y, u8 color_r, u8 color_g, u8 color_b, u8 texcoord_x, u8 texcoord_y) { VRAMPixel color; if constexpr (texture_mode != GPUTextureMode::Disabled) { // Apply texture window texcoord_x = (texcoord_x & cmd->window.and_x) | cmd->window.or_x; texcoord_y = (texcoord_y & cmd->window.and_y) | cmd->window.or_y; VRAMPixel texture_color; switch (texture_mode & ~GPUTextureMode::RawTextureBit) { case GPUTextureMode::Palette4Bit: { const u16 palette_value = GetPixel((cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseX() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_x / 4)) % VRAM_WIDTH, (cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseY() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_y)) % VRAM_HEIGHT); const u16 palette_index = (palette_value >> ((texcoord_x % 4) * 4)) & 0x0Fu; texture_color.bits = GetPixel((cmd->palette.GetXBase() + ZeroExtend32(palette_index)) % VRAM_WIDTH, cmd->palette.GetYBase()); } break; case GPUTextureMode::Palette8Bit: { const u16 palette_value = GetPixel((cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseX() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_x / 2)) % VRAM_WIDTH, (cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseY() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_y)) % VRAM_HEIGHT); const u16 palette_index = (palette_value >> ((texcoord_x % 2) * 8)) & 0xFFu; texture_color.bits = GetPixel((cmd->palette.GetXBase() + ZeroExtend32(palette_index)) % VRAM_WIDTH, cmd->palette.GetYBase()); } break; default: { texture_color.bits = GetPixel((cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseX() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_x)) % VRAM_WIDTH, (cmd->draw_mode.GetTexturePageBaseY() + ZeroExtend32(texcoord_y)) % VRAM_HEIGHT); } break; } if (texture_color.bits == 0) return; if constexpr ((texture_mode & GPUTextureMode::RawTextureBit) == GPUTextureMode::RawTextureBit) { color.bits = texture_color.bits; } else { const u32 dither_y = (dithering_enable) ? (y & 3u) : 2u; const u32 dither_x = (dithering_enable) ? (x & 3u) : 3u; color.bits = (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][(u16(texture_color.r) * u16(color_r)) >> 4]) << 0) | (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][(u16(texture_color.g) * u16(color_g)) >> 4]) << 5) | (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][(u16(texture_color.b) * u16(color_b)) >> 4]) << 10) | (texture_color.bits & 0x8000u); } } else { const u32 dither_y = (dithering_enable) ? (y & 3u) : 2u; const u32 dither_x = (dithering_enable) ? (x & 3u) : 3u; // Non-textured transparent polygons don't set bit 15, but are treated as transparent. color.bits = (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][color_r]) << 0) | (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][color_g]) << 5) | (ZeroExtend16(s_dither_lut[dither_y][dither_x][color_b]) << 10) | ((transparency_mode != GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled) ? 0x8000u : 0); } VRAMPixel bg_color; if constexpr (transparency_mode != GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled || check_mask) bg_color.bits = GetPixel(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); else bg_color.bits = 0; if constexpr (transparency_mode != GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled) { if (color.bits & 0x8000u || texture_mode == GPUTextureMode::Disabled) { // Based on blargg's efficient 15bpp pixel math. u32 bg_bits = ZeroExtend32(bg_color.bits); u32 fg_bits = ZeroExtend32(color.bits); switch (cmd->draw_mode.transparency_mode) { case GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground: { bg_bits |= 0x8000u; color.bits = Truncate16(((fg_bits + bg_bits) - ((fg_bits ^ bg_bits) & 0x0421u)) >> 1); } break; case GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground: { bg_bits &= ~0x8000u; const u32 sum = fg_bits + bg_bits; const u32 carry = (sum - ((fg_bits ^ bg_bits) & 0x8421u)) & 0x8420u; color.bits = Truncate16((sum - carry) | (carry - (carry >> 5))); } break; case GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground: { bg_bits |= 0x8000u; fg_bits &= ~0x8000u; const u32 diff = bg_bits - fg_bits + 0x108420u; const u32 borrow = (diff - ((bg_bits ^ fg_bits) & 0x108420u)) & 0x108420u; color.bits = Truncate16((diff - borrow) & (borrow - (borrow >> 5))); } break; case GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground: { bg_bits &= ~0x8000u; fg_bits = ((fg_bits >> 2) & 0x1CE7u) | 0x8000u; const u32 sum = fg_bits + bg_bits; const u32 carry = (sum - ((fg_bits ^ bg_bits) & 0x8421u)) & 0x8420u; color.bits = Truncate16((sum - carry) | (carry - (carry >> 5))); } break; } // See above. if constexpr (texture_mode == GPUTextureMode::Disabled) color.bits &= ~0x8000u; } } if constexpr (check_mask) { const u16 mask_and = cmd->params.GetMaskAND(); if ((bg_color.bits & mask_and) != 0) return; } SetPixel(static_cast(x), static_cast(y), color.bits | cmd->params.GetMaskOR()); } template void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle(const GPUBackendDrawRectangleCommand* cmd) { const s32 origin_x = cmd->x; const s32 origin_y = cmd->y; const auto [r, g, b] = UnpackColorRGB24(cmd->color); const auto [origin_texcoord_x, origin_texcoord_y] = UnpackTexcoord(cmd->texcoord); for (u32 offset_y = 0; offset_y < cmd->height; offset_y++) { const s32 y = origin_y + static_cast(offset_y); if (y < static_cast(m_drawing_area.top) || y > static_cast(m_drawing_area.bottom) || (cmd->params.interlaced_rendering && cmd->params.active_line_lsb == (Truncate8(static_cast(y)) & 1u))) { continue; } const u8 texcoord_y = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_y) + offset_y); for (u32 offset_x = 0; offset_x < cmd->width; offset_x++) { const s32 x = origin_x + static_cast(offset_x); if (x < static_cast(m_drawing_area.left) || x > static_cast(m_drawing_area.right)) continue; const u8 texcoord_x = Truncate8(ZeroExtend32(origin_texcoord_x) + offset_x); ShadePixel(cmd, static_cast(x), static_cast(y), r, g, b, texcoord_x, texcoord_y); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Polygon and line rasterization ported from Mednafen ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define COORD_FBS 12 #define COORD_MF_INT(n) ((n) << COORD_FBS) #define COORD_POST_PADDING 12 static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 MakePolyXFP(s32 x) { return ((u64)x << 32) + ((1ULL << 32) - (1 << 11)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 MakePolyXFPStep(s32 dx, s32 dy) { s64 ret; s64 dx_ex = (u64)dx << 32; if (dx_ex < 0) dx_ex -= dy - 1; if (dx_ex > 0) dx_ex += dy - 1; ret = dx_ex / dy; return (ret); } static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s32 GetPolyXFP_Int(s64 xfp) { return (xfp >> 32); } template bool ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW_Backend::CalcIDeltas(i_deltas& idl, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* A, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* B, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* C) { #define CALCIS(x, y) (((B->x - A->x) * (C->y - B->y)) - ((C->x - B->x) * (B->y - A->y))) s32 denom = CALCIS(x, y); if (!denom) return false; if constexpr (shading_enable) { idl.dr_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(r, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.dr_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, r) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.dg_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(g, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.dg_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, g) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.db_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(b, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.db_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, b) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; } if constexpr (texture_enable) { idl.du_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(u, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.du_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, u) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.dv_dx = (u32)(CALCIS(v, y) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; idl.dv_dy = (u32)(CALCIS(x, v) * (1 << COORD_FBS) / denom) << COORD_POST_PADDING; } return true; #undef CALCIS } template void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW_Backend::AddIDeltas_DX(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count /*= 1*/) { if constexpr (shading_enable) { ig.r += idl.dr_dx * count; ig.g += idl.dg_dx * count; ig.b += idl.db_dx * count; } if constexpr (texture_enable) { ig.u += idl.du_dx * count; ig.v += idl.dv_dx * count; } } template void ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE GPU_SW_Backend::AddIDeltas_DY(i_group& ig, const i_deltas& idl, u32 count /*= 1*/) { if constexpr (shading_enable) { ig.r += idl.dr_dy * count; ig.g += idl.dg_dy * count; ig.b += idl.db_dy * count; } if constexpr (texture_enable) { ig.u += idl.du_dy * count; ig.v += idl.dv_dy * count; } } template void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawSpan(const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand* cmd, s32 y, s32 x_start, s32 x_bound, i_group ig, const i_deltas& idl) { if (cmd->params.interlaced_rendering && cmd->params.active_line_lsb == (Truncate8(static_cast(y)) & 1u)) return; s32 x_ig_adjust = x_start; s32 w = x_bound - x_start; s32 x = TruncateGPUVertexPosition(x_start); if (x < static_cast(m_drawing_area.left)) { s32 delta = static_cast(m_drawing_area.left) - x; x_ig_adjust += delta; x += delta; w -= delta; } if ((x + w) > (static_cast(m_drawing_area.right) + 1)) w = static_cast(m_drawing_area.right) + 1 - x; if (w <= 0) return; constexpr bool texture_enable = (texture_mode != GPUTextureMode::Disabled); AddIDeltas_DX(ig, idl, x_ig_adjust); AddIDeltas_DY(ig, idl, y); do { const u32 r = ig.r >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING); const u32 g = ig.g >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING); const u32 b = ig.b >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING); const u32 u = ig.u >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING); const u32 v = ig.v >> (COORD_FBS + COORD_POST_PADDING); ShadePixel( cmd, static_cast(x), static_cast(y), Truncate8(r), Truncate8(g), Truncate8(b), Truncate8(u), Truncate8(v)); x++; AddIDeltas_DX(ig, idl); } while (--w > 0); } template void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle(const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand* cmd, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* v0, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* v1, const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* v2) { constexpr bool texture_enable = (texture_mode != GPUTextureMode::Disabled); u32 core_vertex; { u32 cvtemp = 0; if (v1->x <= v0->x) { if (v2->x <= v1->x) cvtemp = (1 << 2); else cvtemp = (1 << 1); } else if (v2->x < v0->x) cvtemp = (1 << 2); else cvtemp = (1 << 0); if (v2->y < v1->y) { std::swap(v2, v1); cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x2) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x4) | (cvtemp & 0x1); } if (v1->y < v0->y) { std::swap(v1, v0); cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x1) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x2) | (cvtemp & 0x4); } if (v2->y < v1->y) { std::swap(v2, v1); cvtemp = ((cvtemp >> 1) & 0x2) | ((cvtemp << 1) & 0x4) | (cvtemp & 0x1); } core_vertex = cvtemp >> 1; } if (v0->y == v2->y) return; if (static_cast(std::abs(v2->x - v0->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH || static_cast(std::abs(v2->x - v1->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH || static_cast(std::abs(v1->x - v0->x)) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH || static_cast(v2->y - v0->y) >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_HEIGHT) { return; } s64 base_coord = MakePolyXFP(v0->x); s64 base_step = MakePolyXFPStep((v2->x - v0->x), (v2->y - v0->y)); s64 bound_coord_us; s64 bound_coord_ls; bool right_facing; if (v1->y == v0->y) { bound_coord_us = 0; right_facing = (bool)(v1->x > v0->x); } else { bound_coord_us = MakePolyXFPStep((v1->x - v0->x), (v1->y - v0->y)); right_facing = (bool)(bound_coord_us > base_step); } if (v2->y == v1->y) bound_coord_ls = 0; else bound_coord_ls = MakePolyXFPStep((v2->x - v1->x), (v2->y - v1->y)); i_deltas idl; if (!CalcIDeltas(idl, v0, v1, v2)) return; const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand::Vertex* vertices[3] = {v0, v1, v2}; i_group ig; if constexpr (texture_enable) { ig.u = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->u) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING; ig.v = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->v) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING; } ig.r = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->r) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING; ig.g = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->g) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING; ig.b = (COORD_MF_INT(vertices[core_vertex]->b) + (1 << (COORD_FBS - 1))) << COORD_POST_PADDING; AddIDeltas_DX(ig, idl, -vertices[core_vertex]->x); AddIDeltas_DY(ig, idl, -vertices[core_vertex]->y); struct TriangleHalf { u64 x_coord[2]; u64 x_step[2]; s32 y_coord; s32 y_bound; bool dec_mode; } tripart[2]; u32 vo = 0; u32 vp = 0; if (core_vertex != 0) vo = 1; if (core_vertex == 2) vp = 3; { TriangleHalf* tp = &tripart[vo]; tp->y_coord = vertices[0 ^ vo]->y; tp->y_bound = vertices[1 ^ vo]->y; tp->x_coord[right_facing] = MakePolyXFP(vertices[0 ^ vo]->x); tp->x_step[right_facing] = bound_coord_us; tp->x_coord[!right_facing] = base_coord + ((vertices[vo]->y - vertices[0]->y) * base_step); tp->x_step[!right_facing] = base_step; tp->dec_mode = vo; } { TriangleHalf* tp = &tripart[vo ^ 1]; tp->y_coord = vertices[1 ^ vp]->y; tp->y_bound = vertices[2 ^ vp]->y; tp->x_coord[right_facing] = MakePolyXFP(vertices[1 ^ vp]->x); tp->x_step[right_facing] = bound_coord_ls; tp->x_coord[!right_facing] = base_coord + ((vertices[1 ^ vp]->y - vertices[0]->y) * base_step); // base_coord + ((vertices[1].y - vertices[0].y) * base_step); tp->x_step[!right_facing] = base_step; tp->dec_mode = vp; } for (u32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { s32 yi = tripart[i].y_coord; s32 yb = tripart[i].y_bound; u64 lc = tripart[i].x_coord[0]; u64 ls = tripart[i].x_step[0]; u64 rc = tripart[i].x_coord[1]; u64 rs = tripart[i].x_step[1]; if (tripart[i].dec_mode) { while (yi > yb) { yi--; lc -= ls; rc -= rs; s32 y = TruncateGPUVertexPosition(yi); if (y < static_cast(m_drawing_area.top)) break; if (y > static_cast(m_drawing_area.bottom)) continue; DrawSpan( cmd, yi, GetPolyXFP_Int(lc), GetPolyXFP_Int(rc), ig, idl); } } else { while (yi < yb) { s32 y = TruncateGPUVertexPosition(yi); if (y > static_cast(m_drawing_area.bottom)) break; if (y >= static_cast(m_drawing_area.top)) { DrawSpan( cmd, yi, GetPolyXFP_Int(lc), GetPolyXFP_Int(rc), ig, idl); } yi++; lc += ls; rc += rs; } } } } enum { Line_XY_FractBits = 32 }; enum { Line_RGB_FractBits = 12 }; struct line_fxp_coord { u64 x, y; u32 r, g, b; }; struct line_fxp_step { s64 dx_dk, dy_dk; s32 dr_dk, dg_dk, db_dk; }; static ALWAYS_INLINE_RELEASE s64 LineDivide(s64 delta, s32 dk) { delta = (u64)delta << Line_XY_FractBits; if (delta < 0) delta -= dk - 1; if (delta > 0) delta += dk - 1; return (delta / dk); } template void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine(const GPUBackendDrawLineCommand* cmd, const GPUBackendDrawLineCommand::Vertex* p0, const GPUBackendDrawLineCommand::Vertex* p1) { const s32 i_dx = std::abs(p1->x - p0->x); const s32 i_dy = std::abs(p1->y - p0->y); const s32 k = (i_dx > i_dy) ? i_dx : i_dy; if (i_dx >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_WIDTH || i_dy >= MAX_PRIMITIVE_HEIGHT) return; if (p0->x >= p1->x && k > 0) std::swap(p0, p1); line_fxp_step step; if (k == 0) { step.dx_dk = 0; step.dy_dk = 0; if constexpr (shading_enable) { step.dr_dk = 0; step.dg_dk = 0; step.db_dk = 0; } } else { step.dx_dk = LineDivide(p1->x - p0->x, k); step.dy_dk = LineDivide(p1->y - p0->y, k); if constexpr (shading_enable) { step.dr_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->r - p0->r) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k; step.dg_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->g - p0->g) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k; step.db_dk = (s32)((u32)(p1->b - p0->b) << Line_RGB_FractBits) / k; } } line_fxp_coord cur_point; cur_point.x = ((u64)p0->x << Line_XY_FractBits) | (1ULL << (Line_XY_FractBits - 1)); cur_point.y = ((u64)p0->y << Line_XY_FractBits) | (1ULL << (Line_XY_FractBits - 1)); cur_point.x -= 1024; if (step.dy_dk < 0) cur_point.y -= 1024; if constexpr (shading_enable) { cur_point.r = (p0->r << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1)); cur_point.g = (p0->g << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1)); cur_point.b = (p0->b << Line_RGB_FractBits) | (1 << (Line_RGB_FractBits - 1)); } for (s32 i = 0; i <= k; i++) { // Sign extension is not necessary here for x and y, due to the maximum values that ClipX1 and ClipY1 can contain. const s32 x = (cur_point.x >> Line_XY_FractBits) & 2047; const s32 y = (cur_point.y >> Line_XY_FractBits) & 2047; if ((!cmd->params.interlaced_rendering || cmd->params.active_line_lsb != (Truncate8(static_cast(y)) & 1u)) && x >= static_cast(m_drawing_area.left) && x <= static_cast(m_drawing_area.right) && y >= static_cast(m_drawing_area.top) && y <= static_cast(m_drawing_area.bottom)) { const u8 r = shading_enable ? static_cast(cur_point.r >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->r; const u8 g = shading_enable ? static_cast(cur_point.g >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->g; const u8 b = shading_enable ? static_cast(cur_point.b >> Line_RGB_FractBits) : p0->b; ShadePixel( cmd, static_cast(x), static_cast(y), r, g, b, 0, 0); } cur_point.x += step.dx_dk; cur_point.y += step.dy_dk; if constexpr (shading_enable) { cur_point.r += step.dr_dk; cur_point.g += step.dg_dk; cur_point.b += step.db_dk; } } } void GPU_SW_Backend::FillVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, u32 color, GPUBackendCommandParameters params) { const u16 color16 = VRAMRGBA8888ToRGBA5551(color); if ((x + width) <= VRAM_WIDTH && !params.interlaced_rendering) { for (u32 yoffs = 0; yoffs < height; yoffs++) { const u32 row = (y + yoffs) % VRAM_HEIGHT; std::fill_n(&m_vram_ptr[row * VRAM_WIDTH + x], width, color16); } } else if (params.interlaced_rendering) { // Hardware tests show that fills seem to break on the first two lines when the offset matches the displayed field. const u32 active_field = params.active_line_lsb; for (u32 yoffs = 0; yoffs < height; yoffs++) { const u32 row = (y + yoffs) % VRAM_HEIGHT; if ((row & u32(1)) == active_field) continue; u16* row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[row * VRAM_WIDTH]; for (u32 xoffs = 0; xoffs < width; xoffs++) { const u32 col = (x + xoffs) % VRAM_WIDTH; row_ptr[col] = color16; } } } else { for (u32 yoffs = 0; yoffs < height; yoffs++) { const u32 row = (y + yoffs) % VRAM_HEIGHT; u16* row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[row * VRAM_WIDTH]; for (u32 xoffs = 0; xoffs < width; xoffs++) { const u32 col = (x + xoffs) % VRAM_WIDTH; row_ptr[col] = color16; } } } } void GPU_SW_Backend::UpdateVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, const void* data, GPUBackendCommandParameters params) { // Fast path when the copy is not oversized. if ((x + width) <= VRAM_WIDTH && (y + height) <= VRAM_HEIGHT && !params.IsMaskingEnabled()) { const u16* src_ptr = static_cast(data); u16* dst_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[y * VRAM_WIDTH + x]; for (u32 yoffs = 0; yoffs < height; yoffs++) { std::copy_n(src_ptr, width, dst_ptr); src_ptr += width; dst_ptr += VRAM_WIDTH; } } else { // Slow path when we need to handle wrap-around. const u16* src_ptr = static_cast(data); const u16 mask_and = params.GetMaskAND(); const u16 mask_or = params.GetMaskOR(); for (u32 row = 0; row < height;) { u16* dst_row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[((y + row++) % VRAM_HEIGHT) * VRAM_WIDTH]; for (u32 col = 0; col < width;) { // TODO: Handle unaligned reads... u16* pixel_ptr = &dst_row_ptr[(x + col++) % VRAM_WIDTH]; if (((*pixel_ptr) & mask_and) == 0) *pixel_ptr = *(src_ptr++) | mask_or; } } } } void GPU_SW_Backend::CopyVRAM(u32 src_x, u32 src_y, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 width, u32 height, GPUBackendCommandParameters params) { // Break up oversized copies. This behavior has not been verified on console. if ((src_x + width) > VRAM_WIDTH || (dst_x + width) > VRAM_WIDTH) { u32 remaining_rows = height; u32 current_src_y = src_y; u32 current_dst_y = dst_y; while (remaining_rows > 0) { const u32 rows_to_copy = std::min(remaining_rows, std::min(VRAM_HEIGHT - current_src_y, VRAM_HEIGHT - current_dst_y)); u32 remaining_columns = width; u32 current_src_x = src_x; u32 current_dst_x = dst_x; while (remaining_columns > 0) { const u32 columns_to_copy = std::min(remaining_columns, std::min(VRAM_WIDTH - current_src_x, VRAM_WIDTH - current_dst_x)); CopyVRAM(current_src_x, current_src_y, current_dst_x, current_dst_y, columns_to_copy, rows_to_copy, params); current_src_x = (current_src_x + columns_to_copy) % VRAM_WIDTH; current_dst_x = (current_dst_x + columns_to_copy) % VRAM_WIDTH; remaining_columns -= columns_to_copy; } current_src_y = (current_src_y + rows_to_copy) % VRAM_HEIGHT; current_dst_y = (current_dst_y + rows_to_copy) % VRAM_HEIGHT; remaining_rows -= rows_to_copy; } return; } // This doesn't have a fast path, but do we really need one? It's not common. const u16 mask_and = params.GetMaskAND(); const u16 mask_or = params.GetMaskOR(); // Copy in reverse when src_x < dst_x, this is verified on console. if (src_x < dst_x || ((src_x + width - 1) % VRAM_WIDTH) < ((dst_x + width - 1) % VRAM_WIDTH)) { for (u32 row = 0; row < height; row++) { const u16* src_row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[((src_y + row) % VRAM_HEIGHT) * VRAM_WIDTH]; u16* dst_row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[((dst_y + row) % VRAM_HEIGHT) * VRAM_WIDTH]; for (s32 col = static_cast(width - 1); col >= 0; col--) { const u16 src_pixel = src_row_ptr[(src_x + static_cast(col)) % VRAM_WIDTH]; u16* dst_pixel_ptr = &dst_row_ptr[(dst_x + static_cast(col)) % VRAM_WIDTH]; if ((*dst_pixel_ptr & mask_and) == 0) *dst_pixel_ptr = src_pixel | mask_or; } } } else { for (u32 row = 0; row < height; row++) { const u16* src_row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[((src_y + row) % VRAM_HEIGHT) * VRAM_WIDTH]; u16* dst_row_ptr = &m_vram_ptr[((dst_y + row) % VRAM_HEIGHT) * VRAM_WIDTH]; for (u32 col = 0; col < width; col++) { const u16 src_pixel = src_row_ptr[(src_x + col) % VRAM_WIDTH]; u16* dst_pixel_ptr = &dst_row_ptr[(dst_x + col) % VRAM_WIDTH]; if ((*dst_pixel_ptr & mask_and) == 0) *dst_pixel_ptr = src_pixel | mask_or; } } } } void GPU_SW_Backend::FlushRender() {} void GPU_SW_Backend::DrawingAreaChanged() {} const GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangleFunction GPU_SW_Backend::s_rectangle_draw_functions[9][5][2] = { {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}, {{&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}, {&GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawRectangle}}}; const GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangleFunction GPU_SW_Backend::s_triangle_draw_functions[2][9][5][2][2] = { { // shading false { // GPUTextureMode::Palette4Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Palette8Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Direct16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Direct16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawPalette4Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawPalette8Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawDirect16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawDirect16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Disabled { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}}, { // shading true { // GPUTextureMode::Palette4Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Palette8Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Direct16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Direct16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawPalette4Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawPalette8Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawDirect16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::RawDirect16Bit { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}, { // GPUTextureMode::Disabled { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawTriangle}}}}}; const GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLineFunction GPU_SW_Backend::s_line_draw_functions[2][5][2][2] = { { // shading false { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}}, { // shading true { // GPUTransparencyMode::HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundMinusForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}, { // GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled {// dither false &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}, {// dither true &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine, &GPU_SW_Backend::DrawLine}}}};