// Hyllian's CRT Shader // Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Hyllian - sergiogdb@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. /* [configuration] [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = HIGH RESOLUTION SCANLINES OptionName = SCANLINES_HIRES MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName =VERTICAL SCANLINES OptionName = VSCANLINES MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 0.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = BEAM PROFILE OptionName = BEAM_PROFILE MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 2.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 0.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = HORIZONTAL FILTER PROFILE OptionName = HFILTER_PROFILE MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = COLOR BOOST OptionName = COLOR_BOOST MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 0.05 DefaultValue = 1.40 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = SHARPNESS HACK OptionName = SHARPNESS_HACK MinValue = 1.0 MaxValue = 4.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = PHOSPHOR LAYOUT OptionName = PHOSPHOR_LAYOUT MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 15.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = MASK INTENSITY OptionName = MASK_INTENSITY MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 0.05 DefaultValue = 0.65 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = MIN BEAM WIDTH OptionName = BEAM_MIN_WIDTH MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 0.01 DefaultValue = 0.86 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = MAX BEAM WIDTH OptionName = BEAM_MAX_WIDTH MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 0.01 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = SCANLINES STRENGTH OptionName = SCANLINES_STRENGTH MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 0.01 DefaultValue = 0.58 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = MONITOR SUBPIXELS LAYOUT OptionName = MONITOR_SUBPIXELS MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 0.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = ANTI RINGING OptionName = CRT_ANTI_RINGING MinValue = 0.0 MaxValue = 1.0 StepAmount = 1.0 DefaultValue = 1.0 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = INPUT GAMMA OptionName = CRT_InputGamma MinValue = 1.0 MaxValue = 3.0 StepAmount = 0.05 DefaultValue = 2.4 [OptionRangeFloat] GUIName = OUTPUT GAMMA OptionName = CRT_OutputGamma MinValue = 1.0 MaxValue = 3.0 StepAmount = 0.05 DefaultValue = 2.2 [/configuration] */ #define GAMMA_IN(color) pow(color, vec3(GetOption(CRT_InputGamma), GetOption(CRT_InputGamma), GetOption(CRT_InputGamma))) #define GAMMA_OUT(color) pow(color, vec3(1.0 / GetOption(CRT_OutputGamma), 1.0 / GetOption(CRT_OutputGamma), 1.0 / GetOption(CRT_OutputGamma))) const vec3 Y = vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593); // A collection of CRT mask effects that work with LCD subpixel structures for // small details // author: hunterk // license: public domain // Mask code pasted from subpixel_masks.h. Masks 3 and 4 added. vec3 mask_weights(vec2 coord, float mask_intensity, int phosphor_layout, float monitor_subpixels){ vec3 weights = vec3(1.,1.,1.); float on = 1.; float off = 1.-mask_intensity; vec3 red = monitor_subpixels==1.0 ? vec3(on, off, off) : vec3(off, off, on ); vec3 green = vec3(off, on, off); vec3 blue = monitor_subpixels==1.0 ? vec3(off, off, on ) : vec3(on, off, off); vec3 magenta = vec3(on, off, on ); vec3 yellow = monitor_subpixels==1.0 ? vec3(on, on, off) : vec3(off, on, on ); vec3 cyan = monitor_subpixels==1.0 ? vec3(off, on, on ) : vec3(on, on, off); vec3 black = vec3(off, off, off); vec3 white = vec3(on, on, on ); int w, z = 0; // This pattern is used by a few layouts, so we'll define it here vec3 aperture_weights = mix(magenta, green, floor(mod(coord.x, 2.0))); if(phosphor_layout == 0) return weights; else if(phosphor_layout == 1){ // classic aperture for RGB panels; good for 1080p, too small for 4K+ // aka aperture_1_2_bgr weights = aperture_weights; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 2){ // Classic RGB layout; good for 1080p and lower vec3 bw3[3] = vec3[](red, green, blue); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 3.0))); weights = bw3[z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 3){ // black and white aperture; good for weird subpixel layouts and low brightness; good for 1080p and lower vec3 bw3[3] = vec3[](black, white, black); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 3.0))); weights = bw3[z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 4){ // reduced TVL aperture for RGB panels. Good for 4k. // aperture_2_4_rgb vec3 big_ap_rgb[4] = vec3[](red, yellow, cyan, blue); w = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = big_ap_rgb[w]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 5){ // black and white aperture; good for weird subpixel layouts and low brightness; good for 4k vec3 bw4[4] = vec3[](black, black, white, white); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = bw4[z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 6){ // aperture_1_4_rgb; good for simulating lower vec3 ap4[4] = vec3[](red, green, blue, black); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = ap4[z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 7){ // 2x2 shadow mask for RGB panels; good for 1080p, too small for 4K+ // aka delta_1_2x1_bgr vec3 inverse_aperture = mix(green, magenta, floor(mod(coord.x, 2.0))); weights = mix(aperture_weights, inverse_aperture, floor(mod(coord.y, 2.0))); return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 8){ // delta_2_4x1_rgb vec3 delta[2][4] = { {red, yellow, cyan, blue}, {cyan, blue, red, yellow} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 2.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = delta[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 9){ // delta_1_4x1_rgb; dunno why this is called 4x1 when it's obviously 4x2 /shrug vec3 delta1[2][4] = { {red, green, blue, black}, {blue, black, red, green} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 2.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = delta1[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 10){ // delta_2_4x2_rgb vec3 delta[4][4] = { {red, yellow, cyan, blue}, {red, yellow, cyan, blue}, {cyan, blue, red, yellow}, {cyan, blue, red, yellow} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 4.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 4.0))); weights = delta[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 11){ // slot mask for RGB panels; looks okay at 1080p, looks better at 4K vec3 slotmask[4][6] = { {red, green, blue, red, green, blue,}, {red, green, blue, black, black, black}, {red, green, blue, red, green, blue,}, {black, black, black, red, green, blue,} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 4.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 6.0))); // use the indexes to find which color to apply to the current pixel weights = slotmask[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 12){ // slot mask for RGB panels; looks okay at 1080p, looks better at 4K vec3 slotmask[4][6] = { {black, white, black, black, white, black,}, {black, white, black, black, black, black}, {black, white, black, black, white, black,}, {black, black, black, black, white, black,} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 4.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 6.0))); // use the indexes to find which color to apply to the current pixel weights = slotmask[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 13){ // based on MajorPainInTheCactus' HDR slot mask vec3 slot[4][8] = { {red, green, blue, black, red, green, blue, black}, {red, green, blue, black, black, black, black, black}, {red, green, blue, black, red, green, blue, black}, {black, black, black, black, red, green, blue, black} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 4.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 8.0))); weights = slot[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 14){ // same as above but for RGB panels vec3 slot2[4][10] = { {red, yellow, green, blue, blue, red, yellow, green, blue, blue }, {black, green, green, blue, blue, red, red, black, black, black}, {red, yellow, green, blue, blue, red, yellow, green, blue, blue }, {red, red, black, black, black, black, green, green, blue, blue } }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 4.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 10.0))); weights = slot2[w][z]; return weights; } else if(phosphor_layout == 15){ // slot_3_7x6_rgb vec3 slot[6][14] = { {red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue, red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue}, {red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue, red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue}, {red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue, black, black, black, black, black, black, black}, {red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue, red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue}, {red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue, red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, blue}, {black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue} }; w = int(floor(mod(coord.y, 6.0))); z = int(floor(mod(coord.x, 14.0))); weights = slot[w][z]; return weights; } else return weights; } // Horizontal cubic filter. // Some known filters use these values: // B = 0.5, C = 0.0 => A sharp almost gaussian filter. // B = 0.0, C = 0.0 => Hermite cubic filter. // B = 1.0, C = 0.0 => Cubic B-Spline filter. // B = 0.0, C = 0.5 => Catmull-Rom Spline filter. // B = C = 1.0/3.0 => Mitchell-Netravali cubic filter. // B = 0.3782, C = 0.3109 => Robidoux filter. // B = 0.2620, C = 0.3690 => Robidoux Sharp filter. // For more info, see: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/img_diagrams/cubic_survey.gif mat4x4 get_hfilter_profile() { float bf = 1.0; float cf = 0.0; if (GetOption(HFILTER_PROFILE) == 1) {bf = 1.0/3.0; cf = 1.0/3.0;} return mat4x4( (-bf - 6.0*cf)/6.0, (3.0*bf + 12.0*cf)/6.0, (-3.0*bf - 6.0*cf)/6.0, bf/6.0, (12.0 - 9.0*bf - 6.0*cf)/6.0, (-18.0 + 12.0*bf + 6.0*cf)/6.0, 0.0, (6.0 - 2.0*bf)/6.0, -(12.0 - 9.0*bf - 6.0*cf)/6.0, (18.0 - 15.0*bf - 12.0*cf)/6.0, (3.0*bf + 6.0*cf)/6.0, bf/6.0, (bf + 6.0*cf)/6.0, -cf, 0.0, 0.0); } #define scanlines_strength (4.0*profile.x) #define beam_min_width profile.y #define beam_max_width profile.z #define color_boost profile.w vec4 get_beam_profile() { vec4 bp = vec4(GetOption(SCANLINES_STRENGTH), GetOption(BEAM_MIN_WIDTH), GetOption(BEAM_MAX_WIDTH), GetOption(COLOR_BOOST)); if (BEAM_PROFILE == 1) bp = vec4(0.58, 0.86, 1.00, 1.60); // Catmull-rom if (BEAM_PROFILE == 2) bp = vec4(0.58, 0.72, 1.00, 1.75); // Catmull-rom return bp; } void main() { vec2 vTexCoord = GetCoordinates(); vec2 SourceSize = 1.0 / GetInvNativePixelSize(); // This work with previous build. vec4 profile = get_beam_profile(); vec2 TextureSize = mix(vec2(SourceSize.x * GetOption(SHARPNESS_HACK), SourceSize.y), vec2(SourceSize.x, SourceSize.y * GetOption(SHARPNESS_HACK)), GetOption(VSCANLINES)); vec2 dx = mix(vec2(1.0/TextureSize.x, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0/TextureSize.y), GetOption(VSCANLINES)); vec2 dy = mix(vec2(0.0, 1.0/TextureSize.y), vec2(1.0/TextureSize.x, 0.0), GetOption(VSCANLINES)); vec2 pix_coord = vTexCoord.xy*TextureSize.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5); vec2 tc = ( (SCANLINES_HIRES > 0.5) ? (mix(vec2(floor(pix_coord.x), pix_coord.y), vec2(pix_coord.x, floor(pix_coord.y)), GetOption(VSCANLINES)) + vec2(0.5, 0.5)) : (floor(pix_coord) + vec2(0.5, 0.5)) )/TextureSize; pix_coord = mix(pix_coord, pix_coord.yx, GetOption(VSCANLINES)); vec2 fp = fract(pix_coord); vec3 c00 = GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc - dx ).xyz); vec3 c01 = GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc ).xyz); vec3 c02 = GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc + dx ).xyz); vec3 c03 = GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc + 2.0*dx ).xyz); vec3 c10 = (SCANLINES_HIRES > 0.5) ? c00 : GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc - dx +dy ).xyz); vec3 c11 = (SCANLINES_HIRES > 0.5) ? c01 : GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc +dy ).xyz); vec3 c12 = (SCANLINES_HIRES > 0.5) ? c02 : GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc + dx +dy ).xyz); vec3 c13 = (SCANLINES_HIRES > 0.5) ? c03 : GAMMA_IN(SampleLocation(tc + 2.0*dx +dy ).xyz); mat4x4 invX = get_hfilter_profile(); mat4x3 color_matrix0 = mat4x3(c00, c01, c02, c03); mat4x3 color_matrix1 = mat4x3(c10, c11, c12, c13); vec4 invX_Px = vec4(fp.x*fp.x*fp.x, fp.x*fp.x, fp.x, 1.0) * invX; vec3 color0 = color_matrix0 * invX_Px; vec3 color1 = color_matrix1 * invX_Px; // Get min/max samples vec3 min_sample0 = min(c01,c02); vec3 max_sample0 = max(c01,c02); vec3 min_sample1 = min(c11,c12); vec3 max_sample1 = max(c11,c12); // Anti-ringing vec3 aux = color0; color0 = clamp(color0, min_sample0, max_sample0); color0 = mix(aux, color0, GetOption(CRT_ANTI_RINGING) * step(0.0, (c00-c01)*(c02-c03))); aux = color1; color1 = clamp(color1, min_sample1, max_sample1); color1 = mix(aux, color1, GetOption(CRT_ANTI_RINGING) * step(0.0, (c10-c11)*(c12-c13))); float pos0 = fp.y; float pos1 = 1 - fp.y; vec3 lum0 = mix(vec3(beam_min_width), vec3(beam_max_width), color0); vec3 lum1 = mix(vec3(beam_min_width), vec3(beam_max_width), color1); vec3 d0 = scanlines_strength*pos0/(lum0*lum0+0.0000001); vec3 d1 = scanlines_strength*pos1/(lum1*lum1+0.0000001); d0 = exp(-d0*d0); d1 = exp(-d1*d1); vec3 color = (color0*d0+color1*d1); color = GAMMA_OUT(color); vec2 mask_coords =vTexCoord.xy * GetResolution().xy; mask_coords = mix(mask_coords.xy, mask_coords.yx, GetOption(VSCANLINES)); color.rgb*=GAMMA_OUT(mask_weights(mask_coords, GetOption(MASK_INTENSITY), int(GetOption(PHOSPHOR_LAYOUT)), GetOption(MONITOR_SUBPIXELS))); SetOutput(vec4(color_boost*color, 1.0)); }