#include "cdrom.h" #include "common/cd_image.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/state_wrapper.h" #include "dma.h" #include "interrupt_controller.h" #include "settings.h" #include "spu.h" #include "system.h" #ifdef WITH_IMGUI #include "imgui.h" #endif Log_SetChannel(CDROM); struct CommandInfo { const char* name; u8 expected_parameters; }; static std::array<CommandInfo, 255> s_command_info = {{ {"Sync", 0}, {"Getstat", 0}, {"Setloc", 3}, {"Play", 0}, {"Forward", 0}, {"Backward", 0}, {"ReadN", 0}, {"MotorOn", 0}, {"Stop", 0}, {"Pause", 0}, {"Reset", 0}, {"Mute", 0}, {"Demute", 0}, {"Setfilter", 2}, {"Setmode", 1}, {"Getparam", 0}, {"GetlocL", 0}, {"GetlocP", 0}, {"SetSession", 1}, {"GetTN", 0}, {"GetTD", 1}, {"SeekL", 0}, {"SeekP", 0}, {"SetClock", 0}, {"GetClock", 0}, {"Test", 1}, {"GetID", 0}, {"ReadS", 0}, {"Init", 0}, {"GetQ", 2}, {"ReadTOC", 0}, {"VideoCD", 6}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {"Unknown", 0}, {nullptr, 0} // Unknown }}; CDROM g_cdrom; CDROM::CDROM() = default; CDROM::~CDROM() = default; void CDROM::Initialize() { m_command_event = TimingEvents::CreateTimingEvent("CDROM Command Event", 1, 1, std::bind(&CDROM::ExecuteCommand, this), false); m_drive_event = TimingEvents::CreateTimingEvent("CDROM Drive Event", 1, 1, std::bind(&CDROM::ExecuteDrive, this, std::placeholders::_2), false); if (g_settings.cdrom_read_thread) m_reader.StartThread(); Reset(); } void CDROM::Shutdown() { m_command_event.reset(); m_drive_event.reset(); m_reader.StopThread(); m_reader.RemoveMedia(); } void CDROM::Reset() { SoftReset(); // this should be reading sector 0 m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete(); if (m_reader.GetSectorSubQ().IsCRCValid()) m_last_subq = m_reader.GetSectorSubQ(); } void CDROM::SoftReset() { m_command = Command::None; m_command_event->Deactivate(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_status.bits = 0; m_secondary_status.bits = 0; m_secondary_status.motor_on = CanReadMedia(); m_mode.bits = 0; m_current_double_speed = false; m_interrupt_enable_register = INTERRUPT_REGISTER_MASK; m_interrupt_flag_register = 0; m_pending_async_interrupt = 0; m_setloc_position = {}; m_current_lba = 0; if (m_reader.HasMedia()) m_reader.QueueReadSector(m_current_lba); m_seek_start_lba = 0; m_seek_end_lba = 0; m_setloc_pending = false; m_read_after_seek = false; m_play_after_seek = false; m_muted = false; m_adpcm_muted = false; m_xa_filter_file_number = 0; m_xa_filter_channel_number = 0; m_xa_current_file_number = 0; m_xa_current_channel_number = 0; m_xa_current_set = false; std::memset(&m_last_sector_header, 0, sizeof(m_last_sector_header)); std::memset(&m_last_sector_subheader, 0, sizeof(m_last_sector_subheader)); m_last_sector_header_valid = false; std::memset(&m_last_subq, 0, sizeof(m_last_subq)); m_last_cdda_report_frame_nibble = 0xFF; m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0] = 0x80; m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1] = 0x00; m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0] = 0x00; m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1] = 0x80; m_cd_audio_volume_matrix = m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix; ResetAudioDecoder(); m_param_fifo.Clear(); m_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_data_fifo.Clear(); m_current_read_sector_buffer = 0; m_current_write_sector_buffer = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < NUM_SECTOR_BUFFERS; i++) { m_sector_buffers[i].data.fill(0); m_sector_buffers[i].size = 0; } UpdateStatusRegister(); } bool CDROM::DoState(StateWrapper& sw) { sw.Do(&m_command); sw.Do(&m_drive_state); sw.Do(&m_status.bits); sw.Do(&m_secondary_status.bits); sw.Do(&m_mode.bits); sw.Do(&m_current_double_speed); sw.Do(&m_interrupt_enable_register); sw.Do(&m_interrupt_flag_register); sw.Do(&m_pending_async_interrupt); sw.DoPOD(&m_setloc_position); sw.Do(&m_current_lba); sw.Do(&m_seek_start_lba); sw.Do(&m_seek_end_lba); sw.Do(&m_setloc_pending); sw.Do(&m_read_after_seek); sw.Do(&m_play_after_seek); sw.Do(&m_muted); sw.Do(&m_adpcm_muted); sw.Do(&m_xa_filter_file_number); sw.Do(&m_xa_filter_channel_number); sw.Do(&m_xa_current_file_number); sw.Do(&m_xa_current_channel_number); sw.Do(&m_xa_current_set); sw.DoBytes(&m_last_sector_header, sizeof(m_last_sector_header)); sw.DoBytes(&m_last_sector_subheader, sizeof(m_last_sector_subheader)); sw.Do(&m_last_sector_header_valid); sw.DoBytes(&m_last_subq, sizeof(m_last_subq)); sw.Do(&m_last_cdda_report_frame_nibble); sw.Do(&m_play_track_number_bcd); sw.Do(&m_async_command_parameter); sw.Do(&m_cd_audio_volume_matrix); sw.Do(&m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix); sw.Do(&m_xa_last_samples); sw.Do(&m_xa_resample_ring_buffer); sw.Do(&m_xa_resample_p); sw.Do(&m_xa_resample_sixstep); sw.Do(&m_param_fifo); sw.Do(&m_response_fifo); sw.Do(&m_async_response_fifo); sw.Do(&m_data_fifo); sw.Do(&m_current_read_sector_buffer); sw.Do(&m_current_write_sector_buffer); for (u32 i = 0; i < NUM_SECTOR_BUFFERS; i++) { sw.Do(&m_sector_buffers[i].data); sw.Do(&m_sector_buffers[i].size); } sw.Do(&m_audio_fifo); u32 requested_sector = (sw.IsWriting() ? (m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete(), m_reader.GetLastReadSector()) : 0); sw.Do(&requested_sector); if (sw.IsReading()) { if (m_reader.HasMedia()) m_reader.QueueReadSector(requested_sector); UpdateCommandEvent(); m_drive_event->SetState(!IsDriveIdle()); } return !sw.HasError(); } void CDROM::InsertMedia(std::unique_ptr<CDImage> media) { if (CanReadMedia()) RemoveMedia(); // set the region from the system area of the disc m_disc_region = System::GetRegionForImage(media.get()); Log_InfoPrintf("Inserting new media, disc region: %s, console region: %s", Settings::GetDiscRegionName(m_disc_region), Settings::GetConsoleRegionName(System::GetRegion())); // motor automatically spins up if (m_drive_state != DriveState::ShellOpening) m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; // reading TOC? interestingly this doesn't work for GetlocL though... CDImage::SubChannelQ subq; if (media->Seek(0) && media->ReadSubChannelQ(&subq) && subq.IsCRCValid()) m_last_subq = subq; m_reader.SetMedia(std::move(media)); } std::unique_ptr<CDImage> CDROM::RemoveMedia(bool force /* = false */) { if (!HasMedia() && !force) return nullptr; const TickCount stop_ticks = GetTicksForStop(true); Log_InfoPrintf("Removing CD..."); std::unique_ptr<CDImage> image = m_reader.RemoveMedia(); m_last_sector_header_valid = false; m_secondary_status.motor_on = false; m_secondary_status.shell_open = true; m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_disc_region = DiscRegion::Other; // If the drive was doing anything, we need to abort the command. m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_command = Command::None; m_command_event->Deactivate(); m_drive_event->Deactivate(); // The console sends an interrupt when the shell is opened regardless of whether a command was executing. if (HasPendingAsyncInterrupt()) ClearAsyncInterrupt(); SendAsyncErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x08); // Begin spin-down timer, we can't swap the new disc in immediately for some games (e.g. Metal Gear Solid). if (!force) { m_drive_state = DriveState::ShellOpening; m_drive_event->SetIntervalAndSchedule(stop_ticks); } return image; } void CDROM::SetUseReadThread(bool enabled) { if (enabled == m_reader.IsUsingThread()) return; if (enabled) m_reader.StartThread(); else m_reader.StopThread(); } u8 CDROM::ReadRegister(u32 offset) { switch (offset) { case 0: // status register Log_TracePrintf("CDROM read status register -> 0x%08X", m_status.bits); return m_status.bits; case 1: // always response FIFO { if (m_response_fifo.IsEmpty()) { Log_DebugPrintf("Response FIFO empty on read"); return 0xFF; } const u8 value = m_response_fifo.Pop(); UpdateStatusRegister(); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM read response FIFO -> 0x%08X", ZeroExtend32(value)); return value; } case 2: // always data FIFO { const u8 value = m_data_fifo.Pop(); UpdateStatusRegister(); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM read data FIFO -> 0x%08X", ZeroExtend32(value)); return value; } case 3: { if (m_status.index & 1) { const u8 value = m_interrupt_flag_register | ~INTERRUPT_REGISTER_MASK; Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM read interrupt flag register -> 0x%02X", ZeroExtend32(value)); return value; } else { const u8 value = m_interrupt_enable_register | ~INTERRUPT_REGISTER_MASK; Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM read interrupt enable register -> 0x%02X", ZeroExtend32(value)); return value; } } break; } Log_ErrorPrintf("Unknown CDROM register read: offset=0x%02X, index=%d", offset, ZeroExtend32(m_status.index.GetValue())); Panic("Unknown CDROM register"); return 0; } void CDROM::WriteRegister(u32 offset, u8 value) { if (offset == 0) { Log_TracePrintf("CDROM status register <- 0x%02X", value); m_status.bits = (m_status.bits & static_cast<u8>(~3)) | (value & u8(3)); return; } const u32 reg = (m_status.index * 3u) + (offset - 1); switch (reg) { case 0: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM command register <- 0x%02X (%s)", value, s_command_info[value].name); BeginCommand(static_cast<Command>(value)); return; } case 1: { if (m_param_fifo.IsFull()) { Log_WarningPrintf("Parameter FIFO overflow"); m_param_fifo.RemoveOne(); } m_param_fifo.Push(value); UpdateStatusRegister(); return; } case 2: { Log_DebugPrintf("Request register <- 0x%02X", value); const RequestRegister rr{value}; // Sound map is not currently implemented, haven't found anything which uses it. if (rr.SMEN) Log_ErrorPrintf("Sound map enable set"); if (rr.BFWR) Log_ErrorPrintf("Buffer write enable set"); if (rr.BFRD) { LoadDataFIFO(); } else { Log_DebugPrintf("Clearing data FIFO"); m_data_fifo.Clear(); } UpdateStatusRegister(); return; } case 3: { Log_ErrorPrintf("Sound map data out <- 0x%02X", value); return; } case 4: { Log_DebugPrintf("Interrupt enable register <- 0x%02X", value); m_interrupt_enable_register = value & INTERRUPT_REGISTER_MASK; UpdateInterruptRequest(); return; } case 5: { Log_DebugPrintf("Interrupt flag register <- 0x%02X", value); m_interrupt_flag_register &= ~(value & INTERRUPT_REGISTER_MASK); if (m_interrupt_flag_register == 0) { if (HasPendingAsyncInterrupt()) DeliverAsyncInterrupt(); else UpdateCommandEvent(); } // Bit 6 clears the parameter FIFO. if (value & 0x40) { m_param_fifo.Clear(); UpdateStatusRegister(); } return; } case 6: { Log_ErrorPrintf("Sound map coding info <- 0x%02X", value); return; } case 7: { Log_DebugPrintf("Audio volume for left-to-left output <- 0x%02X", value); m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0] = value; return; } case 8: { Log_DebugPrintf("Audio volume for left-to-right output <- 0x%02X", value); m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1] = value; return; } case 9: { Log_DebugPrintf("Audio volume for right-to-right output <- 0x%02X", value); m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1] = value; return; } case 10: { Log_DebugPrintf("Audio volume for right-to-left output <- 0x%02X", value); m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0] = value; return; } case 11: { Log_DebugPrintf("Audio volume apply changes <- 0x%02X", value); m_adpcm_muted = ConvertToBoolUnchecked(value & u8(0x01)); if (value & 0x20) m_cd_audio_volume_matrix = m_next_cd_audio_volume_matrix; return; } default: { Log_ErrorPrintf("Unknown CDROM register write: offset=0x%02X, index=%d, reg=%u, value=0x%02X", offset, m_status.index.GetValue(), reg, value); return; } } } void CDROM::DMARead(u32* words, u32 word_count) { const u32 words_in_fifo = m_data_fifo.GetSize() / 4; if (words_in_fifo < word_count) { Log_ErrorPrintf("DMA read on empty/near-empty data FIFO"); std::memset(words + words_in_fifo, 0, sizeof(u32) * (word_count - words_in_fifo)); } const u32 bytes_to_read = std::min<u32>(word_count * sizeof(u32), m_data_fifo.GetSize()); m_data_fifo.PopRange(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(words), bytes_to_read); } void CDROM::SetInterrupt(Interrupt interrupt) { m_interrupt_flag_register = static_cast<u8>(interrupt); UpdateInterruptRequest(); } void CDROM::SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt interrupt) { if (m_interrupt_flag_register == static_cast<u8>(interrupt)) { Log_WarningPrintf("Not setting async interrupt %u because there is already one unacknowledged", static_cast<u8>(interrupt)); m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); return; } Assert(m_pending_async_interrupt == 0); m_pending_async_interrupt = static_cast<u8>(interrupt); if (!HasPendingInterrupt()) DeliverAsyncInterrupt(); } void CDROM::ClearAsyncInterrupt() { m_pending_async_interrupt = 0; m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); } void CDROM::DeliverAsyncInterrupt() { Assert(m_pending_async_interrupt != 0 && !HasPendingInterrupt()); Log_DebugPrintf("Delivering async interrupt %u", m_pending_async_interrupt); if (m_pending_async_interrupt == static_cast<u8>(Interrupt::DataReady)) m_current_read_sector_buffer = m_current_write_sector_buffer; m_response_fifo.Clear(); m_response_fifo.PushFromQueue(&m_async_response_fifo); m_interrupt_flag_register = m_pending_async_interrupt; m_pending_async_interrupt = 0; UpdateInterruptRequest(); UpdateStatusRegister(); UpdateCommandEvent(); } void CDROM::SendACKAndStat() { m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); } void CDROM::SendErrorResponse(u8 stat_bits /* = STAT_ERROR */, u8 reason /* = 0x80 */) { m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits | stat_bits); m_response_fifo.Push(reason); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::Error); } void CDROM::SendAsyncErrorResponse(u8 stat_bits /* = STAT_ERROR */, u8 reason /* = 0x80 */) { m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits | stat_bits); m_async_response_fifo.Push(reason); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Error); } void CDROM::UpdateStatusRegister() { m_status.ADPBUSY = false; m_status.PRMEMPTY = m_param_fifo.IsEmpty(); m_status.PRMWRDY = !m_param_fifo.IsFull(); m_status.RSLRRDY = !m_response_fifo.IsEmpty(); m_status.DRQSTS = !m_data_fifo.IsEmpty(); m_status.BUSYSTS = HasPendingCommand(); g_dma.SetRequest(DMA::Channel::CDROM, m_status.DRQSTS); } void CDROM::UpdateInterruptRequest() { if ((m_interrupt_flag_register & m_interrupt_enable_register) == 0) return; g_interrupt_controller.InterruptRequest(InterruptController::IRQ::CDROM); } TickCount CDROM::GetAckDelayForCommand(Command command) { if (command == Command::Init) { // Init takes longer. return 120000; } // Tests show that the average time to acknowledge a command is significantly higher when a disc is in the drive, // presumably because the controller is busy doing discy-things. constexpr u32 default_ack_delay_no_disc = 15000; constexpr u32 default_ack_delay_with_disc = 25000; return CanReadMedia() ? default_ack_delay_with_disc : default_ack_delay_no_disc; } TickCount CDROM::GetTicksForRead() { return m_mode.double_speed ? (MASTER_CLOCK / 150) : (MASTER_CLOCK / 75); } TickCount CDROM::GetTicksForSeek(CDImage::LBA new_lba) { const CDImage::LBA current_lba = m_secondary_status.motor_on ? m_current_lba : 0; const u32 lba_diff = static_cast<u32>((new_lba > current_lba) ? (new_lba - current_lba) : (current_lba - new_lba)); // Formula from Mednafen. TickCount ticks = std::max<TickCount>( 20000, static_cast<u32>( ((static_cast<u64>(lba_diff) * static_cast<u64>(MASTER_CLOCK) * static_cast<u64>(1000)) / (72 * 60 * 75)) / 1000)); if (!m_secondary_status.motor_on) ticks += MASTER_CLOCK; if (lba_diff >= 2550) ticks += static_cast<TickCount>(u64(MASTER_CLOCK) * 300 / 1000); else if (m_drive_state == DriveState::Idle) // paused { // When paused, the CDC seems to keep reading the disc until it hits the position it's set to, then skip 10-15 // sectors back (depending on how far into the disc it is). We'll be generous and use 4 sectors, since on average // it's probably closer. ticks += GetTicksForRead() * 4u; } if (m_mode.double_speed != m_current_double_speed) { Log_DevPrintf("Switched from %s to %s speed", m_current_double_speed ? "double" : "single", m_mode.double_speed ? "double" : "single"); m_current_double_speed = m_mode.double_speed; // Approximate time for the motor to change speed? ticks += static_cast<u32>(static_cast<double>(MASTER_CLOCK) * 0.1); } Log_DevPrintf("Seek time for %u LBAs: %d", lba_diff, ticks); return ticks; } TickCount CDROM::GetTicksForStop(bool motor_was_on) { return motor_was_on ? (m_mode.double_speed ? 25000000 : 13000000) : 7000; } CDImage::LBA CDROM::GetNextSectorToBeRead() { if (!IsReadingOrPlaying()) return m_current_lba; m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete(); return m_reader.GetLastReadSector(); } void CDROM::BeginCommand(Command command) { TickCount ack_delay = GetAckDelayForCommand(command); if (HasPendingCommand()) { // The behavior here is kinda.. interesting. Some commands seem to take precedence over others, for example // sending a Nop command followed by a GetlocP will return the GetlocP response, and the same for the inverse. // However, other combinations result in strange behavior, for example sending a Setloc followed by a ReadN will // fail with ERROR_REASON_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS. This particular example happens in Voice Idol // Collection - Pool Bar Story, and the loading time is lengthened as well as audio slowing down if this // behavior is not correct. So, let's use a heuristic; if the number of parameters of the "old" command is // greater than the "new" command, empty the FIFO, which will return the error when the command executes. // Otherwise, override the command with the new one. if (s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(m_command)].expected_parameters > s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(command)].expected_parameters) { Log_WarningPrintf("Ignoring command 0x%02X (%s) and emptying FIFO as 0x%02x (%s) is still pending", static_cast<u8>(command), s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(command)].name, static_cast<u8>(m_command), s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(m_command)].name); m_param_fifo.Clear(); return; } Log_WarningPrintf("Cancelling pending command 0x%02X (%s) for new command 0x%02X (%s)", static_cast<u8>(m_command), s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(m_command)].name, static_cast<u8>(command), s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(command)].name); // subtract the currently-elapsed ack ticks from the new command const TickCount elapsed_ticks = m_command_event->GetInterval() - m_command_event->GetTicksUntilNextExecution(); ack_delay = std::max(ack_delay - elapsed_ticks, 1); m_command_event->Deactivate(); } m_command = command; m_command_event->SetIntervalAndSchedule(ack_delay); UpdateCommandEvent(); UpdateStatusRegister(); } void CDROM::EndCommand() { m_param_fifo.Clear(); m_command = Command::None; m_command_event->Deactivate(); UpdateStatusRegister(); } void CDROM::AbortCommand() { m_command = Command::None; m_command_event->Deactivate(); UpdateStatusRegister(); } void CDROM::ExecuteCommand() { const CommandInfo& ci = s_command_info[static_cast<u8>(m_command)]; Log_DevPrintf("CDROM executing command 0x%02X (%s)", static_cast<u8>(m_command), ci.name); if (m_param_fifo.GetSize() < ci.expected_parameters) { Log_WarningPrintf("Too few parameters for command 0x%02X (%s), expecting %u got %u", static_cast<u8>(m_command), ci.name, ci.expected_parameters, m_param_fifo.GetSize()); SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, ERROR_REASON_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); EndCommand(); return; } if (!m_response_fifo.IsEmpty()) { Log_DebugPrintf("Response FIFO not empty on command begin"); m_response_fifo.Clear(); } switch (m_command) { case Command::Getstat: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM Getstat command"); // if bit 0 or 2 is set, send an additional byte SendACKAndStat(); // shell open bit is cleared after sending the status if (CanReadMedia()) m_secondary_status.shell_open = false; EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Test: { const u8 subcommand = m_param_fifo.Pop(); ExecuteTestCommand(subcommand); return; } case Command::GetID: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetID command"); SendACKAndStat(); m_drive_state = DriveState::ReadingID; m_drive_event->Schedule(GetTicksForSeek(0) + GetTicksForRead()); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::ReadTOC: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM ReadTOC command"); if (!CanReadMedia()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else { SendACKAndStat(); m_drive_state = DriveState::ReadingTOC; m_drive_event->Schedule(MASTER_CLOCK / 2); // half a second } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Setfilter: { const u8 file = m_param_fifo.Peek(0); const u8 channel = m_param_fifo.Peek(1); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM setfilter command 0x%02X 0x%02X", ZeroExtend32(file), ZeroExtend32(channel)); m_xa_filter_file_number = file; m_xa_filter_channel_number = channel; m_xa_current_set = false; SendACKAndStat(); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Setmode: { const u8 mode = m_param_fifo.Peek(0); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM setmode command 0x%02X", ZeroExtend32(mode)); m_mode.bits = mode; SendACKAndStat(); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Setloc: { m_setloc_position.minute = PackedBCDToBinary(m_param_fifo.Peek(0)); m_setloc_position.second = PackedBCDToBinary(m_param_fifo.Peek(1)); m_setloc_position.frame = PackedBCDToBinary(m_param_fifo.Peek(2)); m_setloc_pending = true; Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM setloc command (%02X, %02X, %02X)", ZeroExtend32(m_param_fifo.Peek(0)), ZeroExtend32(m_param_fifo.Peek(1)), ZeroExtend32(m_param_fifo.Peek(2))); SendACKAndStat(); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::SeekL: case Command::SeekP: { const bool logical = (m_command == Command::SeekL); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM %s command", logical ? "SeekL" : "SeekP"); if (IsSeeking()) UpdatePositionWhileSeeking(); if (!CanReadMedia()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else { SendACKAndStat(); BeginSeeking(logical, false, false); } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::SetSession: { const u8 session = m_param_fifo.Peek(0); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM SetSession command, session=%u", session); if (!CanReadMedia() || m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading || m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else if (session == 0) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x10); } else { SendACKAndStat(); m_async_command_parameter = session; m_drive_state = DriveState::ChangingSession; m_drive_event->Schedule(MASTER_CLOCK / 2); // half a second } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::ReadN: case Command::ReadS: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM read command"); if (!CanReadMedia()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else { SendACKAndStat(); if ((!m_setloc_pending || m_setloc_position.ToLBA() == GetNextSectorToBeRead()) && (m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading || (IsSeeking() && m_read_after_seek))) { Log_DevPrintf("Ignoring read command with no/same setloc, already reading/reading after seek"); } else { if (IsSeeking()) UpdatePositionWhileSeeking(); BeginReading(); } } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Play: { u8 track = m_param_fifo.IsEmpty() ? 0 : m_param_fifo.Peek(0); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM play command, track=%u", track); if (!CanReadMedia()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else { SendACKAndStat(); if (track == 0 && (!m_setloc_pending || m_setloc_position.ToLBA() == GetNextSectorToBeRead()) && (m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing || (IsSeeking() && m_play_after_seek))) { Log_DevPrintf("Ignoring play command with no/same setloc, already playing/playing after seek"); } else { if (IsSeeking()) UpdatePositionWhileSeeking(); BeginPlaying(track); } } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Pause: { if (m_secondary_status.seeking) { Log_WarningPrintf("CDROM Pause command while seeking - sending error response"); SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, ERROR_REASON_NOT_READY); EndCommand(); return; } // TODO: Should return an error if seeking. const bool was_reading = (m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading || m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing); const TickCount pause_time = was_reading ? (m_mode.double_speed ? 2000000 : 1000000) : 7000; Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM pause command"); SendACKAndStat(); // Reset audio buffer here - control room cutscene audio repeats in Dino Crisis otherwise. ResetAudioDecoder(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Pausing; m_drive_event->Schedule(pause_time); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Stop: { const TickCount stop_time = GetTicksForStop(m_secondary_status.motor_on); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM stop command"); SendACKAndStat(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Stopping; m_drive_event->Schedule(stop_time); EndCommand(); return; } case Command::Reset: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM reset command"); SendACKAndStat(); if (IsSeeking()) UpdatePositionWhileSeeking(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Resetting; m_drive_event->SetIntervalAndSchedule(BASE_RESET_TICKS + ((m_current_lba != 0) ? GetTicksForSeek(0) : 0)); m_seek_start_lba = m_current_lba; m_seek_end_lba = 0; EndCommand(); return; } break; case Command::MotorOn: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM motor on command"); if (m_secondary_status.motor_on) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x20); } else { SendACKAndStat(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Resetting; m_drive_event->Schedule(MASTER_CLOCK); } EndCommand(); return; } break; case Command::Mute: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM mute command"); m_muted = true; SendACKAndStat(); EndCommand(); } break; case Command::Demute: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM demute command"); m_muted = false; SendACKAndStat(); EndCommand(); } break; case Command::GetlocL: { if (!m_last_sector_header_valid) { Log_DevPrintf("CDROM GetlocL command - header invalid, status 0x%02X", m_secondary_status.bits); SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, ERROR_REASON_NOT_READY); } else { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetlocL command - [%02X:%02X:%02X]", m_last_sector_header.minute, m_last_sector_header.second, m_last_sector_header.frame); m_response_fifo.PushRange(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&m_last_sector_header), sizeof(m_last_sector_header)); m_response_fifo.PushRange(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&m_last_sector_subheader), sizeof(m_last_sector_subheader)); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::GetlocP: { if (!CanReadMedia()) { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetlocP command - not ready"); SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, ERROR_REASON_NOT_READY); } else { if (IsSeeking()) UpdatePositionWhileSeeking(); Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetlocP command - T%02x I%02x R[%02x:%02x:%02x] A[%02x:%02x:%02x]", m_last_subq.track_number_bcd, m_last_subq.index_number_bcd, m_last_subq.relative_minute_bcd, m_last_subq.relative_second_bcd, m_last_subq.relative_frame_bcd, m_last_subq.absolute_minute_bcd, m_last_subq.absolute_second_bcd, m_last_subq.absolute_frame_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.track_number_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.index_number_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.relative_minute_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.relative_second_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.relative_frame_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.absolute_minute_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.absolute_second_bcd); m_response_fifo.Push(m_last_subq.absolute_frame_bcd); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); } EndCommand(); return; } case Command::GetTN: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetTN command"); if (CanReadMedia()) { m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete(); m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); m_response_fifo.Push(BinaryToBCD(Truncate8(m_reader.GetMedia()->GetFirstTrackNumber()))); m_response_fifo.Push(BinaryToBCD(Truncate8(m_reader.GetMedia()->GetLastTrackNumber()))); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); } else { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } EndCommand(); } break; case Command::GetTD: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM GetTD command"); Assert(m_param_fifo.GetSize() >= 1); const u8 track = PackedBCDToBinary(m_param_fifo.Peek()); if (!CanReadMedia()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x80); } else if (track > m_reader.GetMedia()->GetTrackCount()) { SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x10); } else { CDImage::Position pos; if (track == 0) pos = CDImage::Position::FromLBA(m_reader.GetMedia()->GetLBACount()); else pos = m_reader.GetMedia()->GetTrackStartMSFPosition(track); m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); m_response_fifo.Push(BinaryToBCD(Truncate8(pos.minute))); m_response_fifo.Push(BinaryToBCD(Truncate8(pos.second))); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); } EndCommand(); } break; case Command::Getparam: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM Getparam command"); m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); m_response_fifo.Push(m_mode.bits); m_response_fifo.Push(0); m_response_fifo.Push(m_xa_filter_file_number); m_response_fifo.Push(m_xa_filter_channel_number); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); EndCommand(); } break; case Command::Sync: { Log_DebugPrintf("CDROM sync command"); SendErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x40); EndCommand(); } break; default: { Log_ErrorPrintf("Unknown CDROM command 0x%04X with %u parameters, please report", static_cast<u16>(m_command), m_param_fifo.GetSize()); Panic("Unknown CDROM command"); } break; } } void CDROM::ExecuteTestCommand(u8 subcommand) { switch (subcommand) { case 0x04: // Reset SCEx counters { Log_DebugPrintf("Reset SCEx counters"); m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); EndCommand(); return; } case 0x05: // Read SCEx counters { Log_DebugPrintf("Read SCEx counters"); m_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); m_response_fifo.Push(0); // # of TOC reads? m_response_fifo.Push(0); // # of SCEx strings received SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); EndCommand(); return; } case 0x20: // Get CDROM BIOS Date/Version { Log_DebugPrintf("Get CDROM BIOS Date/Version"); static constexpr u8 response[] = {0x95, 0x05, 0x16, 0xC1}; m_response_fifo.PushRange(response, countof(response)); SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); EndCommand(); return; } case 0x22: { Log_DebugPrintf("Get CDROM region ID string"); switch (System::GetRegion()) { case ConsoleRegion::NTSC_J: { static constexpr u8 response[] = {'f', 'o', 'r', ' ', 'J', 'a', 'p', 'a', 'n'}; m_response_fifo.PushRange(response, countof(response)); } break; case ConsoleRegion::PAL: { static constexpr u8 response[] = {'f', 'o', 'r', ' ', 'E', 'u', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e'}; m_response_fifo.PushRange(response, countof(response)); } break; case ConsoleRegion::NTSC_U: default: { static constexpr u8 response[] = {'f', 'o', 'r', ' ', 'U', '/', 'C'}; m_response_fifo.PushRange(response, countof(response)); } break; } SetInterrupt(Interrupt::ACK); EndCommand(); return; } default: { Log_ErrorPrintf("Unknown test command 0x%02X, %u parameters", subcommand, m_param_fifo.GetSize()); Panic("Unknown test command"); return; } } } void CDROM::UpdateCommandEvent() { // if there's a pending interrupt, we can't execute the command yet // so deactivate it until the interrupt is acknowledged if (!HasPendingCommand() || HasPendingInterrupt()) { m_command_event->Deactivate(); return; } else if (HasPendingCommand()) { m_command_event->Activate(); } } void CDROM::ExecuteDrive(TickCount ticks_late) { switch (m_drive_state) { case DriveState::Resetting: DoResetComplete(ticks_late); break; case DriveState::ShellOpening: DoShellOpenComplete(ticks_late); break; case DriveState::SeekingPhysical: case DriveState::SeekingLogical: DoSeekComplete(ticks_late); break; case DriveState::Pausing: DoPauseComplete(); break; case DriveState::Stopping: DoStopComplete(); break; case DriveState::ReadingID: DoIDRead(); break; case DriveState::ReadingTOC: DoTOCRead(); break; case DriveState::Reading: case DriveState::Playing: DoSectorRead(); break; case DriveState::ChangingSession: DoChangeSessionComplete(); break; case DriveState::Idle: default: break; } } void CDROM::BeginReading(TickCount ticks_late /* = 0 */, bool after_seek /* = false */) { ClearSectorBuffers(); if (!after_seek && m_setloc_pending) { BeginSeeking(true, true, false); return; } // If we were seeking, we want to start reading from the seek target, not the current sector // Fixes crash in Disney's The Lion King - Simba's Mighty Adventure. if (IsSeeking()) { Log_DevPrintf("Read command while seeking, scheduling read after seek %u -> %u finishes in %d ticks", m_seek_start_lba, m_seek_end_lba, m_drive_event->GetTicksUntilNextExecution()); m_read_after_seek = true; m_play_after_seek = false; return; } Log_DebugPrintf("Starting reading @ LBA %u", m_current_lba); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; ResetAudioDecoder(); const TickCount ticks = GetTicksForRead(); const TickCount first_sector_ticks = ticks + (after_seek ? 0 : GetTicksForSeek(m_current_lba)) - ticks_late; m_drive_state = DriveState::Reading; m_drive_event->SetInterval(ticks); m_drive_event->Schedule(first_sector_ticks); m_current_read_sector_buffer = 0; m_current_write_sector_buffer = 0; m_reader.QueueReadSector(m_current_lba); } void CDROM::BeginPlaying(u8 track_bcd, TickCount ticks_late /* = 0 */, bool after_seek /* = false */) { Log_DebugPrintf("Starting playing CDDA track %x", track_bcd); m_last_cdda_report_frame_nibble = 0xFF; m_play_track_number_bcd = track_bcd; // if track zero, start from current position if (track_bcd != 0) { // play specific track? if (track_bcd > m_reader.GetMedia()->GetTrackCount()) { // restart current track track_bcd = BinaryToBCD(Truncate8(m_reader.GetMedia()->GetTrackNumber())); } m_setloc_position = m_reader.GetMedia()->GetTrackStartMSFPosition(PackedBCDToBinary(track_bcd)); m_setloc_pending = true; } if (m_setloc_pending) { BeginSeeking(false, false, true); return; } m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; m_secondary_status.playing_cdda = true; ClearSectorBuffers(); ResetAudioDecoder(); const TickCount ticks = GetTicksForRead(); const TickCount first_sector_ticks = ticks + (after_seek ? 0 : GetTicksForSeek(m_current_lba)) - ticks_late; m_drive_state = DriveState::Playing; m_drive_event->SetInterval(ticks); m_drive_event->Schedule(first_sector_ticks); m_current_read_sector_buffer = 0; m_current_write_sector_buffer = 0; m_reader.QueueReadSector(m_current_lba); } void CDROM::BeginSeeking(bool logical, bool read_after_seek, bool play_after_seek) { if (!m_setloc_pending) Log_WarningPrintf("Seeking without setloc set"); m_read_after_seek = read_after_seek; m_play_after_seek = play_after_seek; m_setloc_pending = false; Log_DebugPrintf("Seeking to [%02u:%02u:%02u] (LBA %u) (%s)", m_setloc_position.minute, m_setloc_position.second, m_setloc_position.frame, m_setloc_position.ToLBA(), logical ? "logical" : "physical"); const CDImage::LBA seek_lba = m_setloc_position.ToLBA(); const TickCount seek_time = GetTicksForSeek(seek_lba); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; m_secondary_status.seeking = true; m_last_sector_header_valid = false; ResetAudioDecoder(); m_drive_state = logical ? DriveState::SeekingLogical : DriveState::SeekingPhysical; m_drive_event->SetIntervalAndSchedule(seek_time); m_seek_start_lba = m_current_lba; m_seek_end_lba = seek_lba; m_reader.QueueReadSector(seek_lba); } void CDROM::UpdatePositionWhileSeeking() { DebugAssert(IsSeeking()); const float completed_frac = 1.0f - (static_cast<float>(m_drive_event->GetTicksUntilNextExecution()) / static_cast<float>(m_drive_event->GetInterval())); CDImage::LBA current_lba; if (m_seek_end_lba > m_seek_start_lba) { current_lba = m_seek_start_lba + std::max<CDImage::LBA>( static_cast<CDImage::LBA>(static_cast<float>(m_seek_end_lba - m_seek_start_lba) * completed_frac), 1); } else if (m_seek_end_lba < m_seek_start_lba) { current_lba = m_seek_start_lba - std::max<CDImage::LBA>( static_cast<CDImage::LBA>(static_cast<float>(m_seek_start_lba - m_seek_end_lba) * completed_frac), 1); } else { // strange seek... return; } Log_DevPrintf("Update position while seeking from %u to %u - %u (%.2f)", m_seek_start_lba, m_seek_end_lba, current_lba, completed_frac); // access the image directly since we want to preserve the cached data for the seek complete CDImage::SubChannelQ subq; if (m_reader.ReadSectorUncached(current_lba, &subq, nullptr) && subq.IsCRCValid()) { m_last_subq = subq; m_current_lba = current_lba; } } void CDROM::DoShellOpenComplete(TickCount ticks_late) { // media is now readable (if any) m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); if (m_reader.HasMedia()) m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; } void CDROM::DoResetComplete(TickCount ticks_late) { m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.bits = 0; m_secondary_status.motor_on = CanReadMedia(); m_mode.bits = 0; m_mode.read_raw_sector = true; if (!CanReadMedia()) { Log_DevPrintf("CDROM reset - no disc"); m_secondary_status.shell_open = true; SendAsyncErrorResponse(STAT_ERROR, 0x08); return; } m_current_lba = 0; m_reader.QueueReadSector(0); m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); if (!CanReadMedia()) { m_secondary_status.motor_on = false; m_secondary_status.shell_open = true; } } void CDROM::DoSeekComplete(TickCount ticks_late) { const bool logical = (m_drive_state == DriveState::SeekingLogical); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); bool seek_okay = m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete(); if (seek_okay) { const CDImage::SubChannelQ& subq = m_reader.GetSectorSubQ(); if (subq.IsCRCValid()) { // seek and update sub-q for ReadP command m_last_subq = subq; const auto [seek_mm, seek_ss, seek_ff] = CDImage::Position::FromLBA(m_reader.GetLastReadSector()).ToBCD(); seek_okay = (subq.IsCRCValid() && subq.absolute_minute_bcd == seek_mm && subq.absolute_second_bcd == seek_ss && subq.absolute_frame_bcd == seek_ff); if (seek_okay) { if (subq.control.data) { if (logical) ProcessDataSectorHeader(m_reader.GetSectorBuffer().data()); } else { if (logical) Log_WarningPrintf("Logical seek to non-data sector [%02x:%02x:%02x]", seek_mm, seek_ss, seek_ff); } if (subq.track_number_bcd == CDImage::LEAD_OUT_TRACK_NUMBER) { Log_WarningPrintf("Invalid seek to lead-out area (LBA %u)", m_reader.GetLastReadSector()); seek_okay = false; } } } } if (seek_okay) { m_current_lba = m_reader.GetLastReadSector(); // seek complete, transition to play/read if requested // INT2 is not sent on play/read if (m_read_after_seek) { BeginReading(ticks_late, true); } else if (m_play_after_seek) { BeginPlaying(0, ticks_late, true); } else { m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); } } else { CDImage::Position pos(CDImage::Position::FromLBA(m_reader.GetLastReadSector())); Log_WarningPrintf("%s seek to [%02u:%02u:%02u] failed", logical ? "Logical" : "Physical", pos.minute, pos.second, pos.frame); SendAsyncErrorResponse(STAT_SEEK_ERROR, 0x04); m_last_sector_header_valid = false; } m_setloc_pending = false; m_read_after_seek = false; m_play_after_seek = false; UpdateStatusRegister(); } void CDROM::DoPauseComplete() { Log_DebugPrintf("Pause complete"); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); } void CDROM::DoStopComplete() { Log_DebugPrintf("Stop complete"); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = false; m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); } void CDROM::DoChangeSessionComplete() { Log_DebugPrintf("Changing session complete"); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = true; m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); if (m_async_command_parameter == 0x01) { m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); } else { // we don't emulate multisession discs.. for now SendAsyncErrorResponse(STAT_SEEK_ERROR, 0x40); } } void CDROM::DoIDRead() { Log_DebugPrintf("ID read complete"); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_secondary_status.motor_on = CanReadMedia(); // TODO: Audio CD. u8 stat_byte = m_secondary_status.bits; u8 flags_byte = 0; if (!CanReadMedia()) { flags_byte |= (1 << 6); // Disc Missing } else { // this is where it would get read from the start of the disc? m_current_lba = 0; m_reader.QueueReadSector(0); if (g_settings.cdrom_region_check && (m_disc_region == DiscRegion::Other || System::GetRegion() != System::GetConsoleRegionForDiscRegion(m_disc_region))) { stat_byte |= STAT_ID_ERROR; flags_byte |= (1 << 7); // Unlicensed } } m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(stat_byte); m_async_response_fifo.Push(flags_byte); m_async_response_fifo.Push(0x20); // TODO: Disc type from TOC m_async_response_fifo.Push(0x00); // TODO: Session info? static constexpr u32 REGION_STRING_LENGTH = 4; static constexpr std::array<std::array<u8, REGION_STRING_LENGTH>, static_cast<size_t>(DiscRegion::Count)> region_strings = {{{'S', 'C', 'E', 'I'}, {'S', 'C', 'E', 'A'}, {'S', 'C', 'E', 'E'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}}; m_async_response_fifo.PushRange(region_strings[static_cast<u8>(m_disc_region)].data(), REGION_STRING_LENGTH); SetAsyncInterrupt((flags_byte != 0) ? Interrupt::Error : Interrupt::Complete); } void CDROM::DoTOCRead() { Log_DebugPrintf("TOC read complete"); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); m_async_response_fifo.Clear(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::Complete); } void CDROM::StopReadingWithDataEnd() { ClearAsyncInterrupt(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::DataEnd); m_secondary_status.ClearActiveBits(); m_drive_state = DriveState::Idle; m_drive_event->Deactivate(); } void CDROM::DoSectorRead() { if (!m_reader.WaitForReadToComplete()) Panic("Sector read failed"); // TODO: Queue the next read here and swap the buffer. m_current_lba = m_reader.GetLastReadSector(); // TODO: Error handling const CDImage::SubChannelQ& subq = m_reader.GetSectorSubQ(); if (subq.IsCRCValid()) { m_last_subq = subq; } else { const CDImage::Position pos(CDImage::Position::FromLBA(m_current_lba)); Log_DevPrintf("Sector %u [%02u:%02u:%02u] has invalid subchannel Q", m_current_lba, pos.minute, pos.second, pos.frame); } if (subq.track_number_bcd == CDImage::LEAD_OUT_TRACK_NUMBER) { Log_DevPrintf("Read reached lead-out area of disc at LBA %u, pausing", m_reader.GetLastReadSector()); StopReadingWithDataEnd(); return; } const bool is_data_sector = subq.control.data; if (!is_data_sector) { if (m_play_track_number_bcd == 0) { // track number was not specified, but we've found the track now m_play_track_number_bcd = subq.track_number_bcd; Log_DebugPrintf("Setting playing track number to %u", m_play_track_number_bcd); } else if (m_mode.auto_pause && subq.track_number_bcd != m_play_track_number_bcd) { // we don't want to update the position if the track changes, so we check it before reading the actual sector. Log_DevPrintf("Auto pause at the end of track %u (LBA %u)", m_play_track_number_bcd, m_reader.GetLastReadSector()); StopReadingWithDataEnd(); return; } } else { ProcessDataSectorHeader(m_reader.GetSectorBuffer().data()); } if (is_data_sector && m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading) { ProcessDataSector(m_reader.GetSectorBuffer().data(), subq); } else if (!is_data_sector && (m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing || (m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading && m_mode.cdda))) { ProcessCDDASector(m_reader.GetSectorBuffer().data(), subq); } else if (m_drive_state != DriveState::Reading && m_drive_state != DriveState::Playing) { Panic("Not reading or playing"); } else { Log_WarningPrintf("Skipping sector %u as it is a %s sector and we're not %s", m_current_lba, is_data_sector ? "data" : "audio", is_data_sector ? "reading" : "playing"); } m_reader.QueueReadSector(m_current_lba + 1u); } void CDROM::ProcessDataSectorHeader(const u8* raw_sector) { std::memcpy(&m_last_sector_header, &raw_sector[SECTOR_SYNC_SIZE], sizeof(m_last_sector_header)); std::memcpy(&m_last_sector_subheader, &raw_sector[SECTOR_SYNC_SIZE + sizeof(m_last_sector_header)], sizeof(m_last_sector_subheader)); m_last_sector_header_valid = true; } void CDROM::ProcessDataSector(const u8* raw_sector, const CDImage::SubChannelQ& subq) { Log_DevPrintf("Read sector %u: mode %u submode 0x%02X into buffer %u", m_current_lba, ZeroExtend32(m_last_sector_header.sector_mode), ZeroExtend32(m_last_sector_subheader.submode.bits), m_current_write_sector_buffer); // The reading bit shouldn't be set until the first sector is processed. m_secondary_status.reading = true; if (m_mode.xa_enable && m_last_sector_header.sector_mode == 2) { if (m_last_sector_subheader.submode.realtime && m_last_sector_subheader.submode.audio) { ProcessXAADPCMSector(raw_sector, subq); // Audio+realtime sectors aren't delivered to the CPU. return; } } // TODO: How does XA relate to this buffering? m_current_write_sector_buffer = (m_current_write_sector_buffer + 1) % NUM_SECTOR_BUFFERS; SectorBuffer* sb = &m_sector_buffers[m_current_write_sector_buffer]; if (sb->size > 0) { Log_DevPrintf("Sector buffer %u was not read, previous sector dropped", (m_current_write_sector_buffer - 1) % NUM_SECTOR_BUFFERS); } if (m_mode.ignore_bit) Log_WarningPrintf("SetMode.4 bit set on read of sector %u", m_current_lba); if (m_mode.read_raw_sector) { std::memcpy(sb->data.data(), raw_sector + SECTOR_SYNC_SIZE, RAW_SECTOR_OUTPUT_SIZE); sb->size = RAW_SECTOR_OUTPUT_SIZE; } else { // TODO: This should actually depend on the mode... Assert(m_last_sector_header.sector_mode == 2); std::memcpy(sb->data.data(), raw_sector + CDImage::SECTOR_SYNC_SIZE + 12, DATA_SECTOR_OUTPUT_SIZE); sb->size = DATA_SECTOR_OUTPUT_SIZE; } // Deliver to CPU if (HasPendingAsyncInterrupt()) { Log_WarningPrintf("Data interrupt was not delivered"); ClearAsyncInterrupt(); } m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::DataReady); } static std::array<std::array<s16, 29>, 7> s_zigzag_table = { {{0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, -0x0002, 0x000A, -0x0022, 0x0041, -0x0054, 0x0034, 0x0009, -0x010A, 0x0400, -0x0A78, 0x234C, 0x6794, -0x1780, 0x0BCD, -0x0623, 0x0350, -0x016D, 0x006B, 0x000A, -0x0010, 0x0011, -0x0008, 0x0003, -0x0001}, {0, 0x0, 0x0, -0x0002, 0x0, 0x0003, -0x0013, 0x003C, -0x004B, 0x00A2, -0x00E3, 0x0132, -0x0043, -0x0267, 0x0C9D, 0x74BB, -0x11B4, 0x09B8, -0x05BF, 0x0372, -0x01A8, 0x00A6, -0x001B, 0x0005, 0x0006, -0x0008, 0x0003, -0x0001, 0x0}, {0, 0x0, -0x0001, 0x0003, -0x0002, -0x0005, 0x001F, -0x004A, 0x00B3, -0x0192, 0x02B1, -0x039E, 0x04F8, -0x05A6, 0x7939, -0x05A6, 0x04F8, -0x039E, 0x02B1, -0x0192, 0x00B3, -0x004A, 0x001F, -0x0005, -0x0002, 0x0003, -0x0001, 0x0, 0x0}, {0, -0x0001, 0x0003, -0x0008, 0x0006, 0x0005, -0x001B, 0x00A6, -0x01A8, 0x0372, -0x05BF, 0x09B8, -0x11B4, 0x74BB, 0x0C9D, -0x0267, -0x0043, 0x0132, -0x00E3, 0x00A2, -0x004B, 0x003C, -0x0013, 0x0003, 0x0, -0x0002, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {-0x0001, 0x0003, -0x0008, 0x0011, -0x0010, 0x000A, 0x006B, -0x016D, 0x0350, -0x0623, 0x0BCD, -0x1780, 0x6794, 0x234C, -0x0A78, 0x0400, -0x010A, 0x0009, 0x0034, -0x0054, 0x0041, -0x0022, 0x000A, -0x0001, 0x0, 0x0001, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0002, -0x0008, 0x0010, -0x0023, 0x002B, 0x001A, -0x00EB, 0x027B, -0x0548, 0x0AFA, -0x16FA, 0x53E0, 0x3C07, -0x1249, 0x080E, -0x0347, 0x015B, -0x0044, -0x0017, 0x0046, -0x0023, 0x0011, -0x0005, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {-0x0005, 0x0011, -0x0023, 0x0046, -0x0017, -0x0044, 0x015B, -0x0347, 0x080E, -0x1249, 0x3C07, 0x53E0, -0x16FA, 0x0AFA, -0x0548, 0x027B, -0x00EB, 0x001A, 0x002B, -0x0023, 0x0010, -0x0008, 0x0002, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}}; static s16 ZigZagInterpolate(const s16* ringbuf, const s16* table, u8 p) { s32 sum = 0; for (u8 i = 0; i < 29; i++) sum += (s32(ringbuf[(p - i) & 0x1F]) * s32(table[i])) / 0x8000; return static_cast<s16>(std::clamp<s32>(sum, -0x8000, 0x7FFF)); } static constexpr s32 ApplyVolume(s16 sample, u8 volume) { return s32(sample) * static_cast<s32>(ZeroExtend32(volume)) >> 7; } static constexpr s16 SaturateVolume(s32 volume) { return static_cast<s16>(std::clamp<s32>(volume, -0x8000, 0x7FFF)); } template<bool STEREO, bool SAMPLE_RATE> void CDROM::ResampleXAADPCM(const s16* frames_in, u32 num_frames_in) { // Since the disc reads and SPU are running at different speeds, we might be _slightly_ behind, which is fine, since // the SPU will over-read in the next batch to catch up. if (m_audio_fifo.GetSize() > AUDIO_FIFO_LOW_WATERMARK) { Log_DevPrintf("Dropping %u XA frames because audio FIFO still has %u frames", num_frames_in, m_audio_fifo.GetSize()); return; } s16* left_ringbuf = m_xa_resample_ring_buffer[0].data(); s16* right_ringbuf = m_xa_resample_ring_buffer[1].data(); u8 p = m_xa_resample_p; u8 sixstep = m_xa_resample_sixstep; for (u32 in_sample_index = 0; in_sample_index < num_frames_in; in_sample_index++) { const s16 left = *(frames_in++); const s16 right = STEREO ? *(frames_in++) : left; if constexpr (!STEREO) { UNREFERENCED_VARIABLE(right); } for (u32 sample_dup = 0; sample_dup < (SAMPLE_RATE ? 2 : 1); sample_dup++) { left_ringbuf[p] = left; if constexpr (STEREO) right_ringbuf[p] = right; p = (p + 1) % 32; sixstep--; if (sixstep == 0) { sixstep = 6; for (u32 j = 0; j < 7; j++) { const s16 left_interp = ZigZagInterpolate(left_ringbuf, s_zigzag_table[j].data(), p); const s16 right_interp = STEREO ? ZigZagInterpolate(right_ringbuf, s_zigzag_table[j].data(), p) : left_interp; const s16 left_out = SaturateVolume(ApplyVolume(left_interp, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0]) + ApplyVolume(right_interp, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0])); const s16 right_out = SaturateVolume(ApplyVolume(left_interp, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1]) + ApplyVolume(right_interp, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1])); AddCDAudioFrame(left_out, right_out); } } } } m_xa_resample_p = p; m_xa_resample_sixstep = sixstep; } void CDROM::ResetCurrentXAFile() { m_xa_current_channel_number = 0; m_xa_current_file_number = 0; m_xa_current_set = false; } void CDROM::ResetAudioDecoder() { ResetCurrentXAFile(); m_xa_last_samples.fill(0); for (u32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_xa_resample_ring_buffer[i].fill(0); m_xa_resample_p = 0; m_xa_resample_sixstep = 6; } m_audio_fifo.Clear(); } void CDROM::ProcessXAADPCMSector(const u8* raw_sector, const CDImage::SubChannelQ& subq) { // Check for automatic ADPCM filter. if (m_mode.xa_filter && (m_last_sector_subheader.file_number != m_xa_filter_file_number || m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number != m_xa_filter_channel_number)) { Log_DebugPrintf("Skipping sector due to filter mismatch (expected %u/%u got %u/%u)", m_xa_filter_file_number, m_xa_filter_channel_number, m_last_sector_subheader.file_number, m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number); return; } // Track the current file being played. If this is not set by the filter, it'll be set by the first file/sector which // is read. Fixes audio in Tomb Raider III menu. if (!m_xa_current_set) { // Some games (Taxi 2 and Blues Blues) have junk audio sectors with a channel number of 255. // We need to skip them otherwise it ends up playing the incorrect file. // TODO: Verify with a hardware test. if (m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number == 255 && (!m_mode.xa_filter || m_xa_filter_channel_number != 255)) { Log_WarningPrintf("Skipping XA file with file number %u and channel number %u (submode 0x%02X coding 0x%02X)", m_last_sector_subheader.file_number, m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number, m_last_sector_subheader.submode.bits, m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.bits); return; } ResetAudioDecoder(); m_xa_current_file_number = m_last_sector_subheader.file_number; m_xa_current_channel_number = m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number; m_xa_current_set = true; } else if (m_last_sector_subheader.file_number != m_xa_current_file_number || m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number != m_xa_current_channel_number) { Log_DebugPrintf("Skipping sector due to current file mismatch (expected %u/%u got %u/%u)", m_xa_current_file_number, m_xa_current_channel_number, m_last_sector_subheader.file_number, m_last_sector_subheader.channel_number); return; } // Reset current file on EOF, and play the file in the next sector. if (m_last_sector_subheader.submode.eof) ResetCurrentXAFile(); std::array<s16, CDXA::XA_ADPCM_SAMPLES_PER_SECTOR_4BIT> sample_buffer; CDXA::DecodeADPCMSector(raw_sector, sample_buffer.data(), m_xa_last_samples.data()); // Only send to SPU if we're not muted. if (m_muted || m_adpcm_muted) return; g_spu.GeneratePendingSamples(); if (m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.IsStereo()) { const u32 num_samples = m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.GetSamplesPerSector() / 2; if (m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.IsHalfSampleRate()) ResampleXAADPCM<true, true>(sample_buffer.data(), num_samples); else ResampleXAADPCM<true, false>(sample_buffer.data(), num_samples); } else { const u32 num_samples = m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.GetSamplesPerSector(); if (m_last_sector_subheader.codinginfo.IsHalfSampleRate()) ResampleXAADPCM<false, true>(sample_buffer.data(), num_samples); else ResampleXAADPCM<false, false>(sample_buffer.data(), num_samples); } } void CDROM::ProcessCDDASector(const u8* raw_sector, const CDImage::SubChannelQ& subq) { // For CDDA sectors, the whole sector contains the audio data. Log_DevPrintf("Read sector %u as CDDA", m_current_lba); // The reporting doesn't happen if we're reading with the CDDA mode bit set. if (m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing && m_mode.report_audio) { const u8 frame_nibble = subq.absolute_frame_bcd >> 4; if (m_last_cdda_report_frame_nibble != frame_nibble) { m_last_cdda_report_frame_nibble = frame_nibble; Log_DebugPrintf("CDDA report at track[%02x] index[%02x] rel[%02x:%02x:%02x]", subq.track_number_bcd, subq.index_number_bcd, subq.relative_minute_bcd, subq.relative_second_bcd, subq.relative_frame_bcd); ClearAsyncInterrupt(); m_async_response_fifo.Push(m_secondary_status.bits); m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.track_number_bcd); m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.index_number_bcd); if (subq.absolute_frame_bcd & 0x10) { m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.relative_minute_bcd); m_async_response_fifo.Push(0x80 | subq.relative_second_bcd); m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.relative_frame_bcd); } else { m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.absolute_minute_bcd); m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.absolute_second_bcd); m_async_response_fifo.Push(subq.absolute_frame_bcd); } m_async_response_fifo.Push(0); // peak low m_async_response_fifo.Push(0); // peak high SetAsyncInterrupt(Interrupt::DataReady); } } // Apply volume when pushing sectors to SPU. if (m_muted) return; g_spu.GeneratePendingSamples(); constexpr bool is_stereo = true; constexpr u32 num_samples = CDImage::RAW_SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(s16) / (is_stereo ? 2 : 1); const u32 remaining_space = m_audio_fifo.GetSpace(); if (remaining_space < num_samples) { Log_WarningPrintf("Dropping %u frames from audio FIFO", num_samples - remaining_space); m_audio_fifo.Remove(num_samples - remaining_space); } const u8* sector_ptr = raw_sector; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) { s16 samp_left, samp_right; std::memcpy(&samp_left, sector_ptr, sizeof(samp_left)); std::memcpy(&samp_right, sector_ptr + sizeof(s16), sizeof(samp_right)); sector_ptr += sizeof(s16) * 2; const s16 left = SaturateVolume(ApplyVolume(samp_left, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0]) + ApplyVolume(samp_right, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0])); const s16 right = SaturateVolume(ApplyVolume(samp_left, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1]) + ApplyVolume(samp_right, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1])); AddCDAudioFrame(left, right); } } void CDROM::LoadDataFIFO() { if (!m_data_fifo.IsEmpty()) { Log_DevPrintf("Load data fifo when not empty"); return; } // any data to load? SectorBuffer& sb = m_sector_buffers[m_current_read_sector_buffer]; if (sb.size == 0) { Log_WarningPrintf("Attempting to load empty sector buffer"); m_data_fifo.PushRange(sb.data.data(), RAW_SECTOR_OUTPUT_SIZE); } else { m_data_fifo.PushRange(sb.data.data(), sb.size); sb.size = 0; } Log_DebugPrintf("Loaded %u bytes to data FIFO from buffer %u", m_data_fifo.GetSize(), m_current_read_sector_buffer); m_current_read_sector_buffer = m_current_write_sector_buffer; } void CDROM::ClearSectorBuffers() { for (u32 i = 0; i < NUM_SECTOR_BUFFERS; i++) m_sector_buffers[i].size = 0; } void CDROM::DrawDebugWindow() { #ifdef WITH_IMGUI static const ImVec4 active_color{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; static const ImVec4 inactive_color{0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f}; const float framebuffer_scale = ImGui::GetIO().DisplayFramebufferScale.x; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(800.0f * framebuffer_scale, 550.0f * framebuffer_scale), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); if (!ImGui::Begin("CDROM State", &g_settings.debugging.show_cdrom_state)) { ImGui::End(); return; } // draw voice states if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Media", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { if (m_reader.HasMedia()) { const CDImage* media = m_reader.GetMedia(); const CDImage::Position disc_position = CDImage::Position::FromLBA(m_current_lba); const CDImage::Position track_position = CDImage::Position::FromLBA( m_current_lba - media->GetTrackStartPosition(static_cast<u8>(media->GetTrackNumber()))); ImGui::Text("Filename: %s", media->GetFileName().c_str()); ImGui::Text("Disc Position: MSF[%02u:%02u:%02u] LBA[%u]", disc_position.minute, disc_position.second, disc_position.frame, disc_position.ToLBA()); ImGui::Text("Track Position: Number[%u] MSF[%02u:%02u:%02u] LBA[%u]", media->GetTrackNumber(), track_position.minute, track_position.second, track_position.frame, track_position.ToLBA()); ImGui::Text("Last Sector: %02X:%02X:%02X (Mode %u)", m_last_sector_header.minute, m_last_sector_header.second, m_last_sector_header.frame, m_last_sector_header.sector_mode); } else { ImGui::Text("No media inserted."); } } if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Status/Mode", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { static constexpr std::array<const char*, 12> drive_state_names = { {"Idle", "Opening Shell", "Resetting", "Seeking (Physical)", "Seeking (Logical)", "Reading ID", "Reading TOC", "Reading", "Playing", "Pausing", "Stopping", "Changing Session"}}; ImGui::Columns(3); ImGui::Text("Status"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Secondary Status"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Mode Status"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.ADPBUSY ? active_color : inactive_color, "ADPBUSY: %s", m_status.ADPBUSY ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.error ? active_color : inactive_color, "Error: %s", m_secondary_status.error ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.cdda ? active_color : inactive_color, "CDDA: %s", m_mode.cdda ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.PRMEMPTY ? active_color : inactive_color, "PRMEMPTY: %s", m_status.PRMEMPTY ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.motor_on ? active_color : inactive_color, "Motor On: %s", m_secondary_status.motor_on ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.auto_pause ? active_color : inactive_color, "Auto Pause: %s", m_mode.auto_pause ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.PRMWRDY ? active_color : inactive_color, "PRMWRDY: %s", m_status.PRMWRDY ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.seek_error ? active_color : inactive_color, "Seek Error: %s", m_secondary_status.seek_error ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.report_audio ? active_color : inactive_color, "Report Audio: %s", m_mode.report_audio ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.RSLRRDY ? active_color : inactive_color, "RSLRRDY: %s", m_status.RSLRRDY ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.id_error ? active_color : inactive_color, "ID Error: %s", m_secondary_status.id_error ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.xa_filter ? active_color : inactive_color, "XA Filter: %s (File %u Channel %u)", m_mode.xa_filter ? "Yes" : "No", m_xa_filter_file_number, m_xa_filter_channel_number); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.DRQSTS ? active_color : inactive_color, "DRQSTS: %s", m_status.DRQSTS ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.shell_open ? active_color : inactive_color, "Shell Open: %s", m_secondary_status.shell_open ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.ignore_bit ? active_color : inactive_color, "Ignore Bit: %s", m_mode.ignore_bit ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_status.BUSYSTS ? active_color : inactive_color, "BUSYSTS: %s", m_status.BUSYSTS ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.reading ? active_color : inactive_color, "Reading: %s", m_secondary_status.reading ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.read_raw_sector ? active_color : inactive_color, "Read Raw Sectors: %s", m_mode.read_raw_sector ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.seeking ? active_color : inactive_color, "Seeking: %s", m_secondary_status.seeking ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.xa_enable ? active_color : inactive_color, "XA Enable: %s", m_mode.xa_enable ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_secondary_status.playing_cdda ? active_color : inactive_color, "Playing CDDA: %s", m_secondary_status.playing_cdda ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextColored(m_mode.double_speed ? active_color : inactive_color, "Double Speed: %s", m_mode.double_speed ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::NewLine(); if (HasPendingCommand()) { ImGui::TextColored(active_color, "Command: 0x%02X (%d ticks remaining)", static_cast<u8>(m_command), m_command_event->IsActive() ? m_command_event->GetTicksUntilNextExecution() : 0); } else { ImGui::TextColored(inactive_color, "Command: None"); } if (IsDriveIdle()) { ImGui::TextColored(inactive_color, "Drive: Idle"); } else { ImGui::TextColored(active_color, "Drive: %s (%d ticks remaining)", drive_state_names[static_cast<u8>(m_drive_state)], m_drive_event->IsActive() ? m_drive_event->GetTicksUntilNextExecution() : 0); } ImGui::Text("Interrupt Enable Register: 0x%02X", m_interrupt_enable_register); ImGui::Text("Interrupt Flag Register: 0x%02X", m_interrupt_flag_register); } if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("CD Audio", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { if (m_drive_state == DriveState::Reading && m_mode.xa_enable) { ImGui::TextColored(active_color, "Playing: XA-ADPCM (File %u / Channel %u)", m_xa_current_file_number, m_xa_current_channel_number); } else if (m_drive_state == DriveState::Playing) { ImGui::TextColored(active_color, "Playing: CDDA (Track %x)", m_last_subq.track_number_bcd); } else { ImGui::TextColored(inactive_color, "Playing: Inactive"); } ImGui::TextColored(m_muted ? inactive_color : active_color, "Muted: %s", m_muted ? "Yes" : "No"); ImGui::Text("Left Output: Left Channel=%02X (%u%%), Right Channel=%02X (%u%%)", m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0], ZeroExtend32(m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][0]) * 100 / 0x80, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0], ZeroExtend32(m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][0]) * 100 / 0x80); ImGui::Text("Right Output: Left Channel=%02X (%u%%), Right Channel=%02X (%u%%)", m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1], ZeroExtend32(m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[0][1]) * 100 / 0x80, m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1], ZeroExtend32(m_cd_audio_volume_matrix[1][1]) * 100 / 0x80); ImGui::Text("Audio FIFO Size: %u frames", m_audio_fifo.GetSize()); } ImGui::End(); #endif }