#ifndef _GEOMETRY_FUNCTIONS_H #define _GEOMETRY_FUNCTIONS_H ///////////////////////////// GPL LICENSE NOTICE ///////////////////////////// // crt-royale: A full-featured CRT shader, with cheese. // Copyright (C) 2014 TroggleMonkey // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ////////////////////////////////// INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////// #include "user-settings.fxh" #include "derived-settings-and-constants.fxh" #include "bind-shader-params.fxh" //////////////////////////// MACROS AND CONSTANTS //////////////////////////// // Curvature-related constants: #define MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE 9 ///////////////////////////// CURVATURE FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////// float2 quadratic_solve(const float a, const float b_over_2, const float c) { // Requires: 1.) a, b, and c are quadratic formula coefficients // 2.) b_over_2 = b/2.0 (simplifies terms to factor 2 out) // 3.) b_over_2 must be guaranteed < 0.0 (avoids a branch) // Returns: Returns float2(first_solution, discriminant), so the caller // can choose how to handle the "no intersection" case. The // Kahan or Citardauq formula is used for numerical robustness. const float discriminant = b_over_2*b_over_2 - a*c; const float solution0 = c/(-b_over_2 + sqrt(discriminant)); return float2(solution0, discriminant); } float2 intersect_sphere(const float3 view_vec, const float3 eye_pos_vec) { // Requires: 1.) view_vec and eye_pos_vec are 3D vectors in the sphere's // local coordinate frame (eye_pos_vec is a position, i.e. // a vector from the origin to the eye/camera) // 2.) geom_radius is a global containing the sphere's radius // Returns: Cast a ray of direction view_vec from eye_pos_vec at a // sphere of radius geom_radius, and return the distance to // the first intersection in units of length(view_vec). // http://wiki.cgsociety.org/index.php/Ray_Sphere_Intersection // Quadratic formula coefficients (b_over_2 is guaranteed negative): const float a = dot(view_vec, view_vec); const float b_over_2 = dot(view_vec, eye_pos_vec); // * 2.0 factored out const float c = dot(eye_pos_vec, eye_pos_vec) - geom_radius*geom_radius; return quadratic_solve(a, b_over_2, c); } float2 intersect_cylinder(const float3 view_vec, const float3 eye_pos_vec) { // Requires: 1.) view_vec and eye_pos_vec are 3D vectors in the sphere's // local coordinate frame (eye_pos_vec is a position, i.e. // a vector from the origin to the eye/camera) // 2.) geom_radius is a global containing the cylinder's radius // Returns: Cast a ray of direction view_vec from eye_pos_vec at a // cylinder of radius geom_radius, and return the distance to // the first intersection in units of length(view_vec). The // derivation of the coefficients is in Christer Ericson's // Real-Time Collision Detection, p. 195-196, and this version // uses LaGrange's identity to reduce operations. // Arbitrary "cylinder top" reference point for an infinite cylinder: const float3 cylinder_top_vec = float3(0.0, geom_radius, 0.0); const float3 cylinder_axis_vec = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);//float3(0.0, 2.0*geom_radius, 0.0); const float3 top_to_eye_vec = eye_pos_vec - cylinder_top_vec; const float3 axis_x_view = cross(cylinder_axis_vec, view_vec); const float3 axis_x_top_to_eye = cross(cylinder_axis_vec, top_to_eye_vec); // Quadratic formula coefficients (b_over_2 is guaranteed negative): const float a = dot(axis_x_view, axis_x_view); const float b_over_2 = dot(axis_x_top_to_eye, axis_x_view); const float c = dot(axis_x_top_to_eye, axis_x_top_to_eye) - geom_radius*geom_radius;//*dot(cylinder_axis_vec, cylinder_axis_vec); return quadratic_solve(a, b_over_2, c); } float2 cylinder_xyz_to_uv(const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: An xyz intersection position on a cylinder. // Returns: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Mapping: Define square_uv.x to be the signed arc length in xz-space, // and define square_uv.y = -intersection_pos_local.y (+v = -y). // Start with a numerically robust arc length calculation. const float angle_from_image_center = atan2(intersection_pos_local.x, intersection_pos_local.z); const float signed_arc_len = angle_from_image_center * geom_radius; // Get a uv-mapping where [-0.5, 0.5] maps to a "square" area, then divide // by the aspect ratio to stretch the mapping appropriately: const float2 square_uv = float2(signed_arc_len, -intersection_pos_local.y); const float2 video_uv = square_uv / geom_aspect; return video_uv; } float3 cylinder_uv_to_xyz(const float2 video_uv, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Returns: An xyz intersection position on a cylinder. This is the // inverse of cylinder_xyz_to_uv(). // Expand video_uv by the aspect ratio to get proportionate x/y lengths, // then calculate an xyz position for the cylindrical mapping above. const float2 square_uv = video_uv * geom_aspect; const float arc_len = square_uv.x; const float angle_from_image_center = arc_len / geom_radius; const float x_pos = sin(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; const float z_pos = cos(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; // Or: z = sqrt(geom_radius**2 - x**2) // Or: z = geom_radius/sqrt(1.0 + tan(angle)**2), x = z * tan(angle) const float3 intersection_pos_local = float3(x_pos, -square_uv.y, z_pos); return intersection_pos_local; } float2 sphere_xyz_to_uv(const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: An xyz intersection position on a sphere. // Returns: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Mapping: First define square_uv.x/square_uv.y == // intersection_pos_local.x/intersection_pos_local.y. Then, // length(square_uv) is the arc length from the image center // at (0.0, 0.0, geom_radius) along the tangent great circle. // Credit for this mapping goes to cgwg: I never managed to // understand his code, but he told me his mapping was based on // great circle distances when I asked him about it, which // informed this very similar (almost identical) mapping. // Start with a numerically robust arc length calculation between the ray- // sphere intersection point and the image center using a method posted by // Roger Stafford on comp.soft-sys.matlab: // https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.soft-sys.matlab/zNbUui3bjcA/c0HV_bHSx9cJ const float3 image_center_pos_local = float3(0.0, 0.0, geom_radius); const float cp_len = length(cross(intersection_pos_local, image_center_pos_local)); const float dp = dot(intersection_pos_local, image_center_pos_local); const float angle_from_image_center = atan2(cp_len, dp); const float arc_len = angle_from_image_center * geom_radius; // Get a uv-mapping where [-0.5, 0.5] maps to a "square" area, then divide // by the aspect ratio to stretch the mapping appropriately: const float2 square_uv_unit = normalize(float2(intersection_pos_local.x, -intersection_pos_local.y)); const float2 square_uv = arc_len * square_uv_unit; const float2 video_uv = square_uv / geom_aspect; return video_uv; } float3 sphere_uv_to_xyz(const float2 video_uv, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Returns: An xyz intersection position on a sphere. This is the // inverse of sphere_xyz_to_uv(). // Expand video_uv by the aspect ratio to get proportionate x/y lengths, // then calculate an xyz position for the spherical mapping above. if (video_uv.x != 0 && video_uv.y != 0) { const float2 square_uv = video_uv * geom_aspect; // Using length or sqrt here butchers the framerate on my 8800GTS if // this function is called too many times, and so does taking the max // component of square_uv/square_uv_unit (program length threshold?). //float arc_len = length(square_uv); const float2 square_uv_unit = normalize(square_uv); const float arc_len = square_uv.y/square_uv_unit.y; const float angle_from_image_center = arc_len / geom_radius; const float xy_dist_from_sphere_center = sin(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; //float2 xy_pos = xy_dist_from_sphere_center * (square_uv/FIX_ZERO(arc_len)); const float2 xy_pos = xy_dist_from_sphere_center * square_uv_unit; const float z_pos = cos(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; const float3 intersection_pos_local = float3(xy_pos.x, -xy_pos.y, z_pos); return intersection_pos_local; } else if (video_uv.x != 0) { const float2 square_uv = video_uv * geom_aspect; // Using length or sqrt here butchers the framerate on my 8800GTS if // this function is called too many times, and so does taking the max // component of square_uv/square_uv_unit (program length threshold?). //float arc_len = length(square_uv); const float2 square_uv_unit = normalize(square_uv); const float angle_from_image_center = 0; const float xy_dist_from_sphere_center = sin(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; const float2 xy_pos = xy_dist_from_sphere_center * square_uv_unit; const float z_pos = cos(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; const float3 intersection_pos_local = float3(xy_pos.x, -xy_pos.y, z_pos); return intersection_pos_local; } else { const float2 xy_pos = float2(0, 0); const float z_pos = geom_radius; const float3 intersection_pos_local = float3(xy_pos.x, -xy_pos.y, z_pos); return intersection_pos_local; } } float2 sphere_alt_xyz_to_uv(const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: An xyz intersection position on a cylinder. // Returns: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Mapping: Define square_uv.x to be the signed arc length in xz-space, // and define square_uv.y == signed arc length in yz-space. // See cylinder_xyz_to_uv() for implementation details (very similar). const float2 angle_from_image_center = atan2( float2(intersection_pos_local.x, -intersection_pos_local.y), intersection_pos_local.zz); const float2 signed_arc_len = angle_from_image_center * geom_radius; const float2 video_uv = signed_arc_len / geom_aspect; return video_uv; } float3 sphere_alt_uv_to_xyz(const float2 video_uv, const float2 geom_aspect) { // Requires: video_uv coords mapped to range [-0.5, 0.5] // Returns: An xyz intersection position on a sphere. This is the // inverse of sphere_alt_xyz_to_uv(). // See cylinder_uv_to_xyz() for implementation details (very similar). const float2 square_uv = video_uv * geom_aspect; const float2 arc_len = square_uv; const float2 angle_from_image_center = arc_len / geom_radius; const float2 xy_pos = sin(angle_from_image_center) * geom_radius; const float z_pos = sqrt(geom_radius*geom_radius - dot(xy_pos, xy_pos)); return float3(xy_pos.x, -xy_pos.y, z_pos); } float2 intersect(const float3 view_vec_local, const float3 eye_pos_local, const float geom_mode) { return geom_mode < 2.5 ? intersect_sphere(view_vec_local, eye_pos_local) : intersect_cylinder(view_vec_local, eye_pos_local); } float2 xyz_to_uv(const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode) { return geom_mode < 1.5 ? sphere_xyz_to_uv(intersection_pos_local, geom_aspect) : geom_mode < 2.5 ? sphere_alt_xyz_to_uv(intersection_pos_local, geom_aspect) : cylinder_xyz_to_uv(intersection_pos_local, geom_aspect); } float3 uv_to_xyz(const float2 uv, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode) { return geom_mode < 1.5 ? sphere_uv_to_xyz(uv, geom_aspect) : geom_mode < 2.5 ? sphere_alt_uv_to_xyz(uv, geom_aspect) : cylinder_uv_to_xyz(uv, geom_aspect); } float2 view_vec_to_uv(const float3 view_vec_local, const float3 eye_pos_local, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode, out float3 intersection_pos) { // Get the intersection point on the primitive, given an eye position // and view vector already in its local coordinate frame: const float2 intersect_dist_and_discriminant = intersect(view_vec_local, eye_pos_local, geom_mode); const float3 intersection_pos_local = eye_pos_local + view_vec_local * intersect_dist_and_discriminant.x; // Save the intersection position to an output parameter: intersection_pos = intersection_pos_local; // Transform into uv coords, but give out-of-range coords if the // view ray doesn't intersect the primitive in the first place: return intersect_dist_and_discriminant.y > 0.005 ? xyz_to_uv(intersection_pos_local, geom_aspect, geom_mode) : float2(1.0, 1.0); } float3 get_ideal_global_eye_pos_for_points(float3 eye_pos, const float2 geom_aspect, const float3 global_coords[MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE], const int num_points) { // Requires: Parameters: // 1.) Starting eye_pos is a global 3D position at which the // camera contains all points in global_coords[] in its FOV // 2.) geom_aspect = get_aspect_vector( // IN.output_size.x / IN.output_size.y); // 3.) global_coords is a point cloud containing global xyz // coords of extreme points on the simulated CRT screen. // Globals: // 1.) geom_view_dist must be > 0.0. It controls the "near // plane" used to interpret flat_video_uv as a view // vector, which controls the field of view (FOV). // Eyespace coordinate frame: +x = right, +y = up, +z = back // Returns: Return an eye position at which the point cloud spans as // much of the screen as possible (given the FOV controlled by // geom_view_dist) without being cropped or sheared. // Algorithm: // 1.) Move the eye laterally to a point which attempts to maximize the // the amount we can move forward without clipping the CRT screen. // 2.) Move forward by as much as possible without clipping the CRT. // Get the allowed movement range by solving for the eye_pos offsets // that result in each point being projected to a screen edge/corner in // pseudo-normalized device coords (where xy ranges from [-0.5, 0.5] // and z = eyespace z): // pndc_coord = float3(float2(eyespace_xyz.x, -eyespace_xyz.y)* // geom_view_dist / (geom_aspect * -eyespace_xyz.z), eyespace_xyz.z); // Notes: // The field of view is controlled by geom_view_dist's magnitude relative to // the view vector's x and y components: // view_vec.xy ranges from [-0.5, 0.5] * geom_aspect // view_vec.z = -geom_view_dist // But for the purposes of perspective divide, it should be considered: // view_vec.xy ranges from [-0.5, 0.5] * geom_aspect / geom_view_dist // view_vec.z = -1.0 static const int max_centering_iters = 1; // Keep for easy testing. for(int iter = 0; iter < max_centering_iters; iter++) { // 0.) Get the eyespace coordinates of our point cloud: float3 eyespace_coords[MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE]; for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { eyespace_coords[i] = global_coords[i] - eye_pos; } // 1a.)For each point, find out how far we can move eye_pos in each // lateral direction without the point clipping the frustum. // Eyespace +y = up, screenspace +y = down, so flip y after // applying the eyespace offset (on the way to "clip space"). // Solve for two offsets per point based on: // (eyespace_xyz.xy - offset_dr) * float2(1.0, -1.0) * // geom_view_dist / (geom_aspect * -eyespace_xyz.z) = float2(-0.5) // (eyespace_xyz.xy - offset_dr) * float2(1.0, -1.0) * // geom_view_dist / (geom_aspect * -eyespace_xyz.z) = float2(0.5) // offset_ul and offset_dr represent the farthest we can move the // eye_pos up-left and down-right. Save the min of all offset_dr's // and the max of all offset_ul's (since it's negative). float abs_radius = abs(geom_radius); // In case anyone gets ideas. ;) float2 offset_dr_min = float2(10.0 * abs_radius, 10.0 * abs_radius); float2 offset_ul_max = float2(-10.0 * abs_radius, -10.0 * abs_radius); for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { static const float2 flipy = float2(1.0, -1.0); float3 eyespace_xyz = eyespace_coords[i]; float2 offset_dr = eyespace_xyz.xy - float2(-0.5, -0.5) * (geom_aspect * -eyespace_xyz.z) / (geom_view_dist * flipy); float2 offset_ul = eyespace_xyz.xy - float2(0.5, 0.5) * (geom_aspect * -eyespace_xyz.z) / (geom_view_dist * flipy); offset_dr_min = min(offset_dr_min, offset_dr); offset_ul_max = max(offset_ul_max, offset_ul); } // 1b.)Update eye_pos: Adding the average of offset_ul_max and // offset_dr_min gives it equal leeway on the top vs. bottom // and left vs. right. Recalculate eyespace_coords accordingly. float2 center_offset = 0.5 * (offset_ul_max + offset_dr_min); eye_pos.xy += center_offset; for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { eyespace_coords[i] = global_coords[i] - eye_pos; } // 2a.)For each point, find out how far we can move eye_pos forward // without the point clipping the frustum. Flip the y // direction in advance (matters for a later step, not here). // Solve for four offsets per point based on: // eyespace_xyz_flipy.x * geom_view_dist / // (geom_aspect.x * (offset_z - eyespace_xyz_flipy.z)) =-0.5 // eyespace_xyz_flipy.y * geom_view_dist / // (geom_aspect.y * (offset_z - eyespace_xyz_flipy.z)) =-0.5 // eyespace_xyz_flipy.x * geom_view_dist / // (geom_aspect.x * (offset_z - eyespace_xyz_flipy.z)) = 0.5 // eyespace_xyz_flipy.y * geom_view_dist / // (geom_aspect.y * (offset_z - eyespace_xyz_flipy.z)) = 0.5 // We'll vectorize the actual computation. Take the maximum of // these four for a single offset, and continue taking the max // for every point (use max because offset.z is negative). float offset_z_max = -10.0 * geom_radius * geom_view_dist; for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { float3 eyespace_xyz_flipy = eyespace_coords[i] * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0); float4 offset_zzzz = eyespace_xyz_flipy.zzzz + (eyespace_xyz_flipy.xyxy * geom_view_dist) / (float4(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * float4(geom_aspect, geom_aspect)); // Ignore offsets that push positive x/y values to opposite // boundaries, and vice versa, and don't let the camera move // past a point in the dead center of the screen: offset_z_max = (eyespace_xyz_flipy.x < 0.0) ? max(offset_z_max, offset_zzzz.x) : offset_z_max; offset_z_max = (eyespace_xyz_flipy.y < 0.0) ? max(offset_z_max, offset_zzzz.y) : offset_z_max; offset_z_max = (eyespace_xyz_flipy.x > 0.0) ? max(offset_z_max, offset_zzzz.z) : offset_z_max; offset_z_max = (eyespace_xyz_flipy.y > 0.0) ? max(offset_z_max, offset_zzzz.w) : offset_z_max; offset_z_max = max(offset_z_max, eyespace_xyz_flipy.z); } // 2b.)Update eye_pos: Add the maximum (smallest negative) z offset. eye_pos.z += offset_z_max; } return eye_pos; } float3 get_ideal_global_eye_pos(const float3x3 local_to_global, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode) { // Start with an initial eye_pos that includes the entire primitive // (sphere or cylinder) in its field-of-view: const float3 high_view = float3(0.0, geom_aspect.y, -geom_view_dist); const float3 low_view = high_view * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0); const float len_sq = dot(high_view, high_view); const float fov = abs(acos(dot(high_view, low_view)/len_sq)); // Trigonometry/similar triangles say distance = geom_radius/sin(fov/2): const float eye_z_spherical = geom_radius/sin(fov*0.5); const float3 eye_pos = geom_mode < 2.5 ? float3(0.0, 0.0, eye_z_spherical) : float3(0.0, 0.0, max(geom_view_dist, eye_z_spherical)); // Get global xyz coords of extreme sample points on the simulated CRT // screen. Start with the center, edge centers, and corners of the // video image. We can't ignore backfacing points: They're occluded // by closer points on the primitive, but they may NOT be occluded by // the convex hull of the remaining samples (i.e. the remaining convex // hull might not envelope points that do occlude a back-facing point.) static const int num_points = MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE; float3 global_coords[MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE]; global_coords[0] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.0, 0.0), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[1] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.0, -0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[2] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.0, 0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[3] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(-0.5, 0.0), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[4] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.5, 0.0), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[5] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(-0.5, -0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[6] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.5, -0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[7] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(-0.5, 0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); global_coords[8] = mul(local_to_global, uv_to_xyz(float2(0.5, 0.5), geom_aspect, geom_mode)); // Adding more inner image points could help in extreme cases, but too many // points will kille the framerate. For safety, default to the initial // eye_pos if any z coords are negative: float num_negative_z_coords = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { num_negative_z_coords += float(global_coords[0].z < 0.0); } // Outsource the optimized eye_pos calculation: return num_negative_z_coords > 0.5 ? eye_pos : get_ideal_global_eye_pos_for_points(eye_pos, geom_aspect, global_coords, num_points); } float3x3 get_pixel_to_object_matrix(const float3x3 global_to_local, const float3 eye_pos_local, const float3 view_vec_global, const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float3 normal, const float2 output_size_inv) { // Requires: See get_curved_video_uv_coords_and_tangent_matrix for // descriptions of each parameter. // Returns: Return a transformation matrix from 2D pixel-space vectors // (where (+1.0, +1.0) is a vector to one pixel down-right, // i.e. same directionality as uv texels) to 3D object-space // vectors in the CRT's local coordinate frame (right-handed) // ***which are tangent to the CRT surface at the intersection // position.*** (Basically, we want to convert pixel-space // vectors to 3D vectors along the CRT's surface, for later // conversion to uv vectors.) // Shorthand inputs: const float3 pos = intersection_pos_local; const float3 eye_pos = eye_pos_local; // Get a piecewise-linear matrix transforming from "pixelspace" offset // vectors (1.0 = one pixel) to object space vectors in the tangent // plane (faster than finding 3 view-object intersections). // 1.) Get the local view vecs for the pixels to the right and down: const float3 view_vec_right_global = view_vec_global + float3(output_size_inv.x, 0.0, 0.0); const float3 view_vec_down_global = view_vec_global + float3(0.0, -output_size_inv.y, 0.0); const float3 view_vec_right_local = mul(global_to_local, view_vec_right_global); const float3 view_vec_down_local = mul(global_to_local, view_vec_down_global); // 2.) Using the true intersection point, intersect the neighboring // view vectors with the tangent plane: const float3 intersection_vec_dot_normal = float3(dot(pos - eye_pos, normal), dot(pos - eye_pos, normal), dot(pos - eye_pos, normal)); const float3 right_pos = eye_pos + (intersection_vec_dot_normal / dot(view_vec_right_local, normal))*view_vec_right_local; const float3 down_pos = eye_pos + (intersection_vec_dot_normal / dot(view_vec_down_local, normal))*view_vec_down_local; // 3.) Subtract the original intersection pos from its neighbors; the // resulting vectors are object-space vectors tangent to the plane. // These vectors are the object-space transformations of (1.0, 0.0) // and (0.0, 1.0) pixel offsets, so they form the first two basis // vectors of a pixelspace to object space transformation. This // transformation is 2D to 3D, so use (0, 0, 0) for the third vector. const float3 object_right_vec = right_pos - pos; const float3 object_down_vec = down_pos - pos; const float3x3 pixel_to_object = float3x3( object_right_vec.x, object_down_vec.x, 0.0, object_right_vec.y, object_down_vec.y, 0.0, object_right_vec.z, object_down_vec.z, 0.0); return pixel_to_object; } float3x3 get_object_to_tangent_matrix(const float3 intersection_pos_local, const float3 normal, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode) { // Requires: See get_curved_video_uv_coords_and_tangent_matrix for // descriptions of each parameter. // Returns: Return a transformation matrix from 3D object-space vectors // in the CRT's local coordinate frame (right-handed, +y = up) // to 2D video_uv vectors (+v = down). // Description: // The TBN matrix formed by the [tangent, bitangent, normal] basis // vectors transforms ordinary vectors from tangent->object space. // The cotangent matrix formed by the [cotangent, cobitangent, normal] // basis vectors transforms normal vectors (covectors) from // tangent->object space. It's the inverse-transpose of the TBN matrix. // We want the inverse of the TBN matrix (transpose of the cotangent // matrix), which transforms ordinary vectors from object->tangent space. // Start by calculating the relevant basis vectors in accordance with // Christian Schüler's blog post "Followup: Normal Mapping Without // Precomputed Tangents": http://www.thetenthplanet.de/archives/1180 // With our particular uv mapping, the scale of the u and v directions // is determined entirely by the aspect ratio for cylindrical and ordinary // spherical mappings, and so tangent and bitangent lengths are also // determined by it (the alternate mapping is more complex). Therefore, we // must ensure appropriate cotangent and cobitangent lengths as well. // Base these off the uv<=>xyz mappings for each primitive. const float3 pos = intersection_pos_local; static const float3 x_vec = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); static const float3 y_vec = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // The tangent and bitangent vectors correspond with increasing u and v, // respectively. Mathematically we'd base the cotangent/cobitangent on // those, but we'll compute the cotangent/cobitangent directly when we can. float3 cotangent_unscaled, cobitangent_unscaled; // geom_mode should be constant-folded without _RUNTIME_GEOMETRY_MODE. if(geom_mode < 1.5) { // Sphere: // tangent = normalize(cross(normal, cross(x_vec, pos))) * geom_aspect.x // bitangent = normalize(cross(cross(y_vec, pos), normal)) * geom_aspect.y // inv_determinant = 1.0/length(cross(bitangent, tangent)) // cotangent = cross(normal, bitangent) * inv_determinant // == normalize(cross(y_vec, pos)) * geom_aspect.y * inv_determinant // cobitangent = cross(tangent, normal) * inv_determinant // == normalize(cross(x_vec, pos)) * geom_aspect.x * inv_determinant // Simplified (scale by inv_determinant below): cotangent_unscaled = normalize(cross(y_vec, pos)) * geom_aspect.y; cobitangent_unscaled = normalize(cross(x_vec, pos)) * geom_aspect.x; } else if(geom_mode < 2.5) { // Sphere, alternate mapping: // This mapping works a bit like the cylindrical mapping in two // directions, which makes the lengths and directions more complex. // Unfortunately, I can't find much of a shortcut: const float3 tangent = normalize( cross(y_vec, float3(pos.x, 0.0, pos.z))) * geom_aspect.x; const float3 bitangent = normalize( cross(x_vec, float3(0.0, pos.yz))) * geom_aspect.y; cotangent_unscaled = cross(normal, bitangent); cobitangent_unscaled = cross(tangent, normal); } else { // Cylinder: // tangent = normalize(cross(y_vec, normal)) * geom_aspect.x; // bitangent = float3(0.0, -geom_aspect.y, 0.0); // inv_determinant = 1.0/length(cross(bitangent, tangent)) // cotangent = cross(normal, bitangent) * inv_determinant // == normalize(cross(y_vec, pos)) * geom_aspect.y * inv_determinant // cobitangent = cross(tangent, normal) * inv_determinant // == float3(0.0, -geom_aspect.x, 0.0) * inv_determinant cotangent_unscaled = cross(y_vec, normal) * geom_aspect.y; cobitangent_unscaled = float3(0.0, -geom_aspect.x, 0.0); } const float3 computed_normal = cross(cobitangent_unscaled, cotangent_unscaled); const float inv_determinant = rsqrt(dot(computed_normal, computed_normal)); const float3 cotangent = cotangent_unscaled * inv_determinant; const float3 cobitangent = cobitangent_unscaled * inv_determinant; // The [cotangent, cobitangent, normal] column vecs form the cotangent // frame, i.e. the inverse-transpose TBN matrix. Get its transpose: const float3x3 object_to_tangent = float3x3(cotangent, cobitangent, normal); return object_to_tangent; } float2 get_curved_video_uv_coords_and_tangent_matrix( const float2 flat_video_uv, const float3 eye_pos_local, const float2 output_size_inv, const float2 geom_aspect, const float geom_mode, const float3x3 global_to_local, out float2x2 pixel_to_tangent_video_uv) { // Requires: Parameters: // 1.) flat_video_uv coords are in range [0.0, 1.0], where // (0.0, 0.0) is the top-left corner of the screen and // (1.0, 1.0) is the bottom-right corner. // 2.) eye_pos_local is the 3D camera position in the simulated // CRT's local coordinate frame. For best results, it must // be computed based on the same geom_view_dist used here. // 3.) output_size_inv = float2(1.0)/IN.output_size // 4.) geom_aspect = get_aspect_vector( // IN.output_size.x / IN.output_size.y); // 5.) geom_mode is a static or runtime mode setting: // 0 = off, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere alt., 3 = cylinder // 6.) global_to_local is a 3x3 matrix transforming (ordinary) // worldspace vectors to the CRT's local coordinate frame // Globals: // 1.) geom_view_dist must be > 0.0. It controls the "near // plane" used to interpret flat_video_uv as a view // vector, which controls the field of view (FOV). // Returns: Return final uv coords in [0.0, 1.0], and return a pixel- // space to video_uv tangent-space matrix in the out parameter. // (This matrix assumes pixel-space +y = down, like +v = down.) // We'll transform flat_video_uv into a view vector, project // the view vector from the camera/eye, intersect with a sphere // or cylinder representing the simulated CRT, and convert the // intersection position into final uv coords and a local // transformation matrix. // First get the 3D view vector (geom_aspect and geom_view_dist are globals): // 1.) Center uv around (0.0, 0.0) and make (-0.5, -0.5) and (0.5, 0.5) // correspond to the top-left/bottom-right output screen corners. // 2.) Multiply by geom_aspect to preemptively "undo" Retroarch's screen- // space 2D aspect correction. We'll reapply it in uv-space. // 3.) (x, y) = (u, -v), because +v is down in 2D screenspace, but +y // is up in 3D worldspace (enforce a right-handed system). // 4.) The view vector z controls the "near plane" distance and FOV. // For the effect of "looking through a window" at a CRT, it should be // set equal to the user's distance from their physical screen, in // units of the viewport's physical diagonal size. const float2 view_uv = (flat_video_uv - float2(0.5, 0.5)) * geom_aspect; const float3 view_vec_global = float3(view_uv.x, -view_uv.y, -geom_view_dist); // Transform the view vector into the CRT's local coordinate frame, convert // to video_uv coords, and get the local 3D intersection position: const float3 view_vec_local = mul(global_to_local, view_vec_global); float3 pos; const float2 centered_uv = view_vec_to_uv( view_vec_local, eye_pos_local, geom_aspect, geom_mode, pos); const float2 video_uv = centered_uv + float2(0.5, 0.5); // Get a pixel-to-tangent-video-uv matrix. The caller could deal with // all but one of these cases, but that would be more complicated. #if _DRIVERS_ALLOW_DERIVATIVES // Derivatives obtain a matrix very fast, but the direction of pixel- // space +y seems to depend on the pass. Enforce the correct direction // on a best-effort basis (but it shouldn't matter for antialiasing). const float2 duv_dx = ddx(video_uv); const float2 duv_dy = ddy(video_uv); #ifdef LAST_PASS pixel_to_tangent_video_uv = float2x2( duv_dx.x, duv_dy.x, -duv_dx.y, -duv_dy.y); #else pixel_to_tangent_video_uv = float2x2( duv_dx.x, duv_dy.x, duv_dx.y, duv_dy.y); #endif #else // Manually define a transformation matrix. We'll assume pixel-space // +y = down, just like +v = down. if(geom_force_correct_tangent_matrix) { // Get the surface normal based on the local intersection position: const float3 normal_base = geom_mode < 2.5 ? pos : float3(pos.x, 0.0, pos.z); const float3 normal = normalize(normal_base); // Get pixel-to-object and object-to-tangent matrices and combine // them into a 2x2 pixel-to-tangent matrix for video_uv offsets: const float3x3 pixel_to_object = get_pixel_to_object_matrix( global_to_local, eye_pos_local, view_vec_global, pos, normal, output_size_inv); const float3x3 object_to_tangent = get_object_to_tangent_matrix( pos, normal, geom_aspect, geom_mode); const float3x3 pixel_to_tangent3x3 = mul(object_to_tangent, pixel_to_object); pixel_to_tangent_video_uv = float2x2( pixel_to_tangent3x3[0][0], pixel_to_tangent3x3[0][1], pixel_to_tangent3x3[1][0], pixel_to_tangent3x3[1][1]);//._m00_m01_m10_m11); } else { // Ignore curvature, and just consider flat scaling. The // difference is only apparent with strong curvature: pixel_to_tangent_video_uv = float2x2( output_size_inv.x, 0.0, 0.0, output_size_inv.y); } #endif return video_uv; } float get_border_dim_factor(const float2 video_uv, const float2 geom_aspect) { // COPYRIGHT NOTE FOR THIS FUNCTION: // Copyright (C) 2010-2012 cgwg, 2014 TroggleMonkey // This function uses an algorithm first coded in several of cgwg's GPL- // licensed lines in crt-geom-curved.cg and its ancestors. The line // between algorithm and code is nearly indistinguishable here, so it's // unclear whether I could even release this project under a non-GPL // license with this function included. // Calculate border_dim_factor from the proximity to uv-space image // borders; geom_aspect/border_size/border/darkness/border_compress are globals: const float2 edge_dists = min(video_uv, float2(1.0, 1.0) - video_uv) * geom_aspect; const float2 border_penetration = max(float2(border_size, border_size) - edge_dists, float2(0.0, 0.0)); const float penetration_ratio = border_size > 0 ? length(border_penetration)/border_size : 0; const float border_escape_ratio = max(1.0 - penetration_ratio, 0.0); const float border_dim_factor = pow(border_escape_ratio, border_darkness) * max(1.0, border_compress); return min(border_dim_factor, 1.0); } #endif // _GEOMETRY_FUNCTIONS_H