// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Connor McLaughlin <stenzek@gmail.com> // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) #include "postprocessing_shader_fx.h" #include "image.h" #include "input_manager.h" #include "shadergen.h" // TODO: Remove me #include "core/host.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/error.h" #include "common/file_system.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/path.h" #include "common/progress_callback.h" #include "common/string_util.h" #include "effect_codegen.hpp" #include "effect_parser.hpp" #include "effect_preprocessor.hpp" #include "fmt/format.h" #include <bitset> #include <cctype> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> Log_SetChannel(ReShadeFXShader); static constexpr s32 DEFAULT_BUFFER_WIDTH = 3840; static constexpr s32 DEFAULT_BUFFER_HEIGHT = 2160; static RenderAPI GetRenderAPI() { return g_gpu_device ? g_gpu_device->GetRenderAPI() : RenderAPI::D3D11; } static bool PreprocessorFileExistsCallback(const std::string& path) { if (Path::IsAbsolute(path)) return FileSystem::FileExists(path.c_str()); return Host::ResourceFileExists(path.c_str(), true); } static bool PreprocessorReadFileCallback(const std::string& path, std::string& data) { std::optional<std::string> rdata; if (Path::IsAbsolute(path)) rdata = FileSystem::ReadFileToString(path.c_str()); else rdata = Host::ReadResourceFileToString(path.c_str(), true); if (!rdata.has_value()) return false; data = std::move(rdata.value()); return true; } static std::unique_ptr<reshadefx::codegen> CreateRFXCodegen() { const bool debug_info = g_gpu_device ? g_gpu_device->IsDebugDevice() : false; const bool uniforms_to_spec_constants = false; const RenderAPI rapi = GetRenderAPI(); switch (rapi) { case RenderAPI::None: case RenderAPI::D3D11: case RenderAPI::D3D12: { return std::unique_ptr<reshadefx::codegen>( reshadefx::create_codegen_hlsl(50, debug_info, uniforms_to_spec_constants)); } case RenderAPI::Vulkan: case RenderAPI::Metal: { return std::unique_ptr<reshadefx::codegen>(reshadefx::create_codegen_glsl( false, true, debug_info, uniforms_to_spec_constants, false, (rapi == RenderAPI::Vulkan))); } case RenderAPI::OpenGL: case RenderAPI::OpenGLES: default: { return std::unique_ptr<reshadefx::codegen>(reshadefx::create_codegen_glsl( (rapi == RenderAPI::OpenGLES), false, debug_info, uniforms_to_spec_constants, false, true)); } } } static GPUTexture::Format MapTextureFormat(reshadefx::texture_format format) { static constexpr GPUTexture::Format s_mapping[] = { GPUTexture::Format::Unknown, // unknown GPUTexture::Format::R8, // r8 GPUTexture::Format::R16, // r16 GPUTexture::Format::R16F, // r16f GPUTexture::Format::R32I, // r32i GPUTexture::Format::R32U, // r32u GPUTexture::Format::R32F, // r32f GPUTexture::Format::RG8, // rg8 GPUTexture::Format::RG16, // rg16 GPUTexture::Format::RG16F, // rg16f GPUTexture::Format::RG32F, // rg32f GPUTexture::Format::RGBA8, // rgba8 GPUTexture::Format::RGBA16, // rgba16 GPUTexture::Format::RGBA16F, // rgba16f GPUTexture::Format::RGBA32F, // rgba32f GPUTexture::Format::RGB10A2, // rgb10a2 }; DebugAssert(static_cast<u32>(format) < std::size(s_mapping)); return s_mapping[static_cast<u32>(format)]; } static GPUSampler::Config MapSampler(const reshadefx::sampler_info& si) { GPUSampler::Config config = GPUSampler::GetNearestConfig(); switch (si.filter) { case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_mag_mip_point: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_mag_point_mip_linear: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_point_mag_linear_mip_point: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_point_mag_mip_linear: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_linear_mag_mip_point: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_linear_mag_point_mip_linear: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_mag_linear_mip_point: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Nearest; break; case reshadefx::filter_mode::min_mag_mip_linear: config.min_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mag_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; config.mip_filter = GPUSampler::Filter::Linear; break; default: break; } static constexpr auto map_address_mode = [](const reshadefx::texture_address_mode m) { switch (m) { case reshadefx::texture_address_mode::wrap: return GPUSampler::AddressMode::Repeat; case reshadefx::texture_address_mode::mirror: return GPUSampler::AddressMode::MirrorRepeat; case reshadefx::texture_address_mode::clamp: return GPUSampler::AddressMode::ClampToEdge; case reshadefx::texture_address_mode::border: default: return GPUSampler::AddressMode::ClampToBorder; } }; config.address_u = map_address_mode(si.address_u); config.address_v = map_address_mode(si.address_v); config.address_w = map_address_mode(si.address_w); return config; } static GPUPipeline::BlendState MapBlendState(const reshadefx::pass_info& pi) { static constexpr auto map_blend_op = [](const reshadefx::pass_blend_op o) { switch (o) { case reshadefx::pass_blend_op::add: return GPUPipeline::BlendOp::Add; case reshadefx::pass_blend_op::subtract: return GPUPipeline::BlendOp::Subtract; case reshadefx::pass_blend_op::reverse_subtract: return GPUPipeline::BlendOp::ReverseSubtract; case reshadefx::pass_blend_op::min: return GPUPipeline::BlendOp::Min; case reshadefx::pass_blend_op::max: default: return GPUPipeline::BlendOp::Max; } }; static constexpr auto map_blend_factor = [](const reshadefx::pass_blend_factor f) { switch (f) { case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::zero: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::Zero; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::one: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::One; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::source_color: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::SrcColor; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::one_minus_source_color: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::InvSrcColor; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::dest_color: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::DstColor; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::one_minus_dest_color: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::InvDstColor; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::source_alpha: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::SrcAlpha; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::one_minus_source_alpha: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::InvSrcAlpha; case reshadefx::pass_blend_factor::dest_alpha: default: return GPUPipeline::BlendFunc::DstAlpha; } }; GPUPipeline::BlendState bs = GPUPipeline::BlendState::GetNoBlendingState(); bs.enable = (pi.blend_enable[0] != 0); bs.blend_op = map_blend_op(pi.blend_op[0]); bs.src_blend = map_blend_factor(pi.src_blend[0]); bs.dst_blend = map_blend_factor(pi.dest_blend[0]); bs.alpha_blend_op = map_blend_op(pi.blend_op_alpha[0]); bs.src_alpha_blend = map_blend_factor(pi.src_blend_alpha[0]); bs.dst_alpha_blend = map_blend_factor(pi.dest_blend_alpha[0]); bs.write_mask = pi.color_write_mask[0]; return bs; } static GPUPipeline::Primitive MapPrimitive(reshadefx::primitive_topology topology) { switch (topology) { case reshadefx::primitive_topology::point_list: return GPUPipeline::Primitive::Points; case reshadefx::primitive_topology::line_list: return GPUPipeline::Primitive::Lines; case reshadefx::primitive_topology::line_strip: Panic("Unhandled line strip"); case reshadefx::primitive_topology::triangle_list: return GPUPipeline::Primitive::Triangles; case reshadefx::primitive_topology::triangle_strip: default: return GPUPipeline::Primitive::TriangleStrips; } } PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::ReShadeFXShader() = default; PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::~ReShadeFXShader() { for (Texture& tex : m_textures) g_gpu_device->RecycleTexture(std::move(tex.texture)); } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::LoadFromFile(std::string name, std::string filename, bool only_config, Error* error) { std::optional<std::string> data = FileSystem::ReadFileToString(filename.c_str(), error); if (!data.has_value()) { Log_ErrorFmt("Failed to read '{}'.", filename); return false; } return LoadFromString(std::move(name), std::move(filename), std::move(data.value()), only_config, error); } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::LoadFromString(std::string name, std::string filename, std::string code, bool only_config, Error* error) { DebugAssert(only_config || g_gpu_device); m_name = std::move(name); m_filename = std::move(filename); // Reshade's preprocessor expects this. if (code.empty() || code.back() != '\n') code.push_back('\n'); reshadefx::module temp_module; if (!CreateModule(only_config ? DEFAULT_BUFFER_WIDTH : g_gpu_device->GetWindowWidth(), only_config ? DEFAULT_BUFFER_HEIGHT : g_gpu_device->GetWindowHeight(), &temp_module, std::move(code), error)) { return false; } if (!CreateOptions(temp_module, error)) return false; // check limits if (!temp_module.techniques.empty()) { bool has_passes = false; for (const reshadefx::technique_info& tech : temp_module.techniques) { for (const reshadefx::pass_info& pi : tech.passes) { has_passes = true; u32 max_rt = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < std::size(pi.render_target_names); i++) { if (pi.render_target_names[i].empty()) break; max_rt = std::max(max_rt, i); } if (max_rt > GPUDevice::MAX_RENDER_TARGETS) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Too many render targets ({}) in pass {}, only {} are supported.", max_rt, pi.name, GPUDevice::MAX_RENDER_TARGETS)); return false; } if (pi.samplers.size() > GPUDevice::MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Too many samplers ({}) in pass {}, only {} are supported.", pi.samplers.size(), pi.name, GPUDevice::MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS)); return false; } } } if (!has_passes) { Error::SetString(error, "No passes defined in file."); return false; } } // Might go invalid when creating pipelines. m_valid = true; return true; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::IsValid() const { return m_valid; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::CreateModule(s32 buffer_width, s32 buffer_height, reshadefx::module* mod, std::string code, Error* error) { reshadefx::preprocessor pp; pp.set_include_callbacks(PreprocessorFileExistsCallback, PreprocessorReadFileCallback); if (Path::IsAbsolute(m_filename)) { // we're a real file, so include that directory pp.add_include_path(std::string(Path::GetDirectory(m_filename))); } else { // we're a resource, include the resource subdirectory, if there is one if (std::string_view resdir = Path::GetDirectory(m_filename); !resdir.empty()) pp.add_include_path(std::string(resdir)); } // root of the user directory, and resources pp.add_include_path(Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Shaders, "reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Shaders")); pp.add_include_path("shaders/reshade/Shaders"); pp.add_macro_definition("__RESHADE__", "50901"); pp.add_macro_definition("BUFFER_WIDTH", std::to_string(buffer_width)); // TODO: can we make these uniforms? pp.add_macro_definition("BUFFER_HEIGHT", std::to_string(buffer_height)); pp.add_macro_definition("BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH", std::to_string(1.0f / static_cast<float>(buffer_width))); pp.add_macro_definition("BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT", std::to_string(1.0f / static_cast<float>(buffer_height))); pp.add_macro_definition("BUFFER_COLOR_BIT_DEPTH", "32"); switch (GetRenderAPI()) { case RenderAPI::D3D11: case RenderAPI::D3D12: pp.add_macro_definition("__RENDERER__", "0x0B000"); break; case RenderAPI::OpenGL: case RenderAPI::OpenGLES: case RenderAPI::Vulkan: case RenderAPI::Metal: pp.add_macro_definition("__RENDERER__", "0x14300"); break; default: UnreachableCode(); break; } if (!pp.append_string(std::move(code), m_filename)) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Failed to preprocess:\n{}", pp.errors())); return false; } std::unique_ptr<reshadefx::codegen> cg = CreateRFXCodegen(); if (!cg) return false; reshadefx::parser parser; if (!parser.parse(pp.output(), cg.get())) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Failed to parse:\n{}", parser.errors())); return false; } cg->write_result(*mod); // FileSystem::WriteBinaryFile("D:\\out.txt", mod->code.data(), mod->code.size()); return true; } static bool HasAnnotationWithName(const reshadefx::uniform_info& uniform, const std::string_view& annotation_name) { for (const reshadefx::annotation& an : uniform.annotations) { if (an.name == annotation_name) return true; } return false; } static std::string_view GetStringAnnotationValue(const std::vector<reshadefx::annotation>& annotations, const std::string_view annotation_name, const std::string_view default_value) { for (const reshadefx::annotation& an : annotations) { if (an.name != annotation_name) continue; if (an.type.base != reshadefx::type::t_string) continue; return an.value.string_data; } return default_value; } static bool GetBooleanAnnotationValue(const std::vector<reshadefx::annotation>& annotations, const std::string_view annotation_name, bool default_value) { for (const reshadefx::annotation& an : annotations) { if (an.name != annotation_name) continue; if (an.type.base != reshadefx::type::t_bool) continue; return (an.value.as_int[0] != 0); } return default_value; } static PostProcessing::ShaderOption::ValueVector GetVectorAnnotationValue(const reshadefx::uniform_info& uniform, const std::string_view annotation_name, const PostProcessing::ShaderOption::ValueVector& default_value) { PostProcessing::ShaderOption::ValueVector vv = default_value; for (const reshadefx::annotation& an : uniform.annotations) { if (an.name != annotation_name) continue; const u32 components = std::min<u32>(an.type.components(), PostProcessing::ShaderOption::MAX_VECTOR_COMPONENTS); if (an.type.base == uniform.type.base || (an.type.is_integral() && uniform.type.is_integral())) // int<->uint { if (components > 0) std::memcpy(&vv[0].float_value, &an.value.as_float[0], sizeof(float) * components); break; } else if (an.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_string) { // Convert from string. if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) { if (an.value.string_data == "BUFFER_WIDTH") vv[0].float_value = DEFAULT_BUFFER_WIDTH; else if (an.value.string_data == "BUFFER_HEIGHT") vv[0].float_value = DEFAULT_BUFFER_HEIGHT; else vv[0].float_value = StringUtil::FromChars<float>(an.value.string_data).value_or(1000.0f); } else if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_int) { if (an.value.string_data == "BUFFER_WIDTH") vv[0].int_value = DEFAULT_BUFFER_WIDTH; else if (an.value.string_data == "BUFFER_HEIGHT") vv[0].int_value = DEFAULT_BUFFER_HEIGHT; else vv[0].int_value = StringUtil::FromChars<s32>(an.value.string_data).value_or(1000); } else { Log_ErrorFmt("Unhandled string value for '{}' (annotation type: {}, uniform type {})", uniform.name, an.type.description(), uniform.type.description()); } break; } else if (an.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_int) { // Convert from int. if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) { for (u32 i = 0; i < components; i++) vv[i].float_value = static_cast<float>(an.value.as_int[i]); } else if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_bool) { for (u32 i = 0; i < components; i++) vv[i].int_value = (an.value.as_int[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0; } } else if (an.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) { // Convert from float. if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_int) { for (u32 i = 0; i < components; i++) vv[i].int_value = static_cast<int>(an.value.as_float[i]); } else if (uniform.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_bool) { for (u32 i = 0; i < components; i++) vv[i].int_value = (an.value.as_float[i] != 0.0f) ? 1 : 0; } } break; } return vv; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::CreateOptions(const reshadefx::module& mod, Error* error) { for (const reshadefx::uniform_info& ui : mod.uniforms) { SourceOptionType so; if (!GetSourceOption(ui, &so, error)) return false; if (so != SourceOptionType::None) { Log_DevFmt("Add source based option {} at offset {} ({})", static_cast<u32>(so), ui.offset, ui.name); SourceOption sopt; sopt.source = so; sopt.offset = ui.offset; const ShaderOption::ValueVector min = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "min", ShaderOption::MakeFloatVector(0, 0, 0, 0)); const ShaderOption::ValueVector max = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "max", ShaderOption::MakeFloatVector(1, 1, 1, 1)); const ShaderOption::ValueVector smoothing = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "smoothing", ShaderOption::MakeFloatVector(0)); const ShaderOption::ValueVector step = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "step", ShaderOption::MakeFloatVector(0, 1, 0, 0)); sopt.min = min[0].float_value; sopt.max = max[0].float_value; sopt.smoothing = smoothing[0].float_value; std::memcpy(&sopt.step[0], &step[0].float_value, sizeof(sopt.value)); std::memcpy(&sopt.value[0], &ui.initializer_value.as_float[0], sizeof(sopt.value)); m_source_options.push_back(std::move(sopt)); continue; } ShaderOption opt; opt.name = ui.name; opt.category = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "ui_category", std::string_view()); opt.tooltip = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "ui_tooltip", std::string_view()); if (!GetBooleanAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "hidden", false)) { opt.ui_name = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "ui_label", std::string_view()); if (opt.ui_name.empty()) opt.ui_name = ui.name; } const std::string_view ui_type = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "ui_type", std::string_view()); switch (ui.type.base) { case reshadefx::type::t_float: opt.type = ShaderOption::Type::Float; break; case reshadefx::type::t_int: case reshadefx::type::t_uint: opt.type = ShaderOption::Type::Int; break; case reshadefx::type::t_bool: opt.type = ShaderOption::Type::Bool; break; default: Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unhandled uniform type {} ({})", static_cast<u32>(ui.type.base), ui.name)); return false; } opt.buffer_offset = ui.offset; opt.buffer_size = ui.size; opt.vector_size = ui.type.components(); if (opt.vector_size == 0 || opt.vector_size > ShaderOption::MAX_VECTOR_COMPONENTS) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unhandled vector size {} ({})", static_cast<u32>(ui.type.components()), ui.name)); return false; } opt.min_value = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "ui_min", opt.default_value); opt.max_value = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "ui_max", opt.default_value); ShaderOption::ValueVector default_step = {}; switch (opt.type) { case ShaderOption::Type::Float: { for (u32 i = 0; i < opt.vector_size; i++) { const float range = opt.max_value[i].float_value - opt.min_value[i].float_value; default_step[i].float_value = range / 100.0f; } } break; case ShaderOption::Type::Int: { for (u32 i = 0; i < opt.vector_size; i++) { const s32 range = opt.max_value[i].int_value - opt.min_value[i].int_value; default_step[i].int_value = std::max(range / 100, 1); } } break; default: break; } opt.step_value = GetVectorAnnotationValue(ui, "ui_step", default_step); // set a default maximum based on step if there isn't one if (!HasAnnotationWithName(ui, "ui_max") && HasAnnotationWithName(ui, "ui_step")) { for (u32 i = 0; i < opt.vector_size; i++) { switch (opt.type) { case ShaderOption::Type::Float: opt.max_value[i].float_value = opt.min_value[i].float_value + (opt.step_value[i].float_value * 100.0f); break; case ShaderOption::Type::Int: opt.max_value[i].int_value = opt.min_value[i].int_value + (opt.step_value[i].int_value * 100); break; default: break; } } } if (ui.has_initializer_value) { std::memcpy(&opt.default_value[0].float_value, &ui.initializer_value.as_float[0], sizeof(float) * opt.vector_size); } else { opt.default_value = {}; } // Assume default if user doesn't set it. opt.value = opt.default_value; if (!ui_type.empty() && opt.vector_size > 1) { Log_WarningFmt("Uniform '{}' has UI type of '{}' but is vector not scalar ({}), ignoring", opt.name, ui_type, opt.vector_size); } else if (!ui_type.empty()) { if ((ui_type == "combo" || ui_type == "radio") && opt.type == ShaderOption::Type::Int) { const std::string_view ui_values = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "ui_items", std::string_view()); size_t start_pos = 0; while (start_pos < ui_values.size()) { size_t end_pos = start_pos; while (end_pos < ui_values.size() && ui_values[end_pos] != '\0') end_pos++; const size_t len = end_pos - start_pos; if (len > 0) opt.choice_options.emplace_back(ui_values.substr(start_pos, len)); start_pos = end_pos + 1; } // update max if it hasn't been specified const size_t num_choices = opt.choice_options.size(); if (num_choices > 0) opt.max_value[0].int_value = std::max(static_cast<s32>(num_choices - 1), opt.max_value[0].int_value); } } m_options.push_back(std::move(opt)); } // sort based on category std::sort(m_options.begin(), m_options.end(), [](const ShaderOption& lhs, const ShaderOption& rhs) { return lhs.category < rhs.category; }); m_uniforms_size = mod.total_uniform_size; Log_DevFmt("{}: {} options", m_filename, m_options.size()); return true; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::GetSourceOption(const reshadefx::uniform_info& ui, SourceOptionType* si, Error* error) { const std::string_view source = GetStringAnnotationValue(ui.annotations, "source", {}); if (!source.empty()) { if (source == "timer") { if (ui.type.base != reshadefx::type::t_float || ui.type.components() > 1) { Error::SetString( error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' for timer source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.name)); return false; } *si = SourceOptionType::Timer; return true; } else if (source == "framecount") { if ((!ui.type.is_integral() && !ui.type.is_floating_point()) || ui.type.components() > 1) { Error::SetString( error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' for timer source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.name)); return false; } *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::FrameCountF : SourceOptionType::FrameCount; return true; } else if (source == "frametime") { if (ui.type.base != reshadefx::type::t_float || ui.type.components() > 1) { Error::SetString( error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' for timer source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.name)); return false; } *si = SourceOptionType::FrameTime; return true; } else if (source == "pingpong") { if (!ui.type.is_floating_point() || ui.type.components() < 2) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' for pingpong source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.name)); return false; } *si = SourceOptionType::PingPong; return true; } else if (source == "mousepoint") { if (!ui.type.is_floating_point() || ui.type.components() < 2) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' for mousepoint source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.name)); return false; } *si = SourceOptionType::MousePoint; return true; } else if (source == "mousebutton") { Log_WarningFmt("Ignoring mousebutton source in uniform '{}', not supported.", ui.name); *si = SourceOptionType::Zero; return true; } else if (source == "random") { if ((!ui.type.is_floating_point() && !ui.type.is_integral()) || ui.type.components() != 1) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unexpected type '{}' ({} components) for random source in uniform '{}'", ui.type.description(), ui.type.components(), ui.name)); return false; } // TODO: This is missing min/max handling. *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::RandomF : SourceOptionType::Random; return true; } else if (source == "overlay_active" || source == "has_depth") { *si = SourceOptionType::Zero; return true; } else if (source == "bufferwidth") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::BufferWidthF : SourceOptionType::BufferWidth; return true; } else if (source == "bufferheight") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::BufferHeightF : SourceOptionType::BufferHeight; return true; } else if (source == "internalwidth") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::InternalWidthF : SourceOptionType::InternalWidth; return true; } else if (source == "internalheight") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::InternalHeightF : SourceOptionType::InternalHeight; return true; } else { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unknown source '{}' in uniform '{}'", source, ui.name)); return false; } } if (ui.has_initializer_value) { if (ui.initializer_value.string_data == "BUFFER_WIDTH") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::BufferWidthF : SourceOptionType::BufferWidth; return true; } else if (ui.initializer_value.string_data == "BUFFER_HEIGHT") { *si = (ui.type.base == reshadefx::type::t_float) ? SourceOptionType::BufferHeightF : SourceOptionType::BufferHeight; return true; } } *si = SourceOptionType::None; return true; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::CreatePasses(GPUTexture::Format backbuffer_format, reshadefx::module& mod, Error* error) { u32 total_passes = 0; for (const reshadefx::technique_info& tech : mod.techniques) total_passes += static_cast<u32>(tech.passes.size()); if (total_passes == 0) { Error::SetString(error, "No passes defined."); return false; } m_passes.reserve(total_passes); // Named render targets. for (const reshadefx::texture_info& ti : mod.textures) { Texture tex; if (!ti.semantic.empty()) { Log_DevFmt("Ignoring semantic {} texture {}", ti.semantic, ti.unique_name); continue; } if (ti.render_target) { tex.rt_scale = 1.0f; tex.format = MapTextureFormat(ti.format); Log_DevFmt("Creating render target '{}' {}", ti.unique_name, GPUTexture::GetFormatName(tex.format)); } else { const std::string_view source = GetStringAnnotationValue(ti.annotations, "source", {}); if (source.empty()) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Non-render target texture '{}' is missing source.", ti.unique_name)); return false; } RGBA8Image image; if (const std::string image_path = Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Shaders, Path::Combine("reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Textures", source)); !image.LoadFromFile(image_path.c_str())) { // Might be a base file/resource instead. const std::string resource_name = Path::Combine("shaders/reshade/Textures", source); if (std::optional<std::vector<u8>> resdata = Host::ReadResourceFile(resource_name.c_str(), true); !resdata.has_value() || !image.LoadFromBuffer(resource_name.c_str(), resdata->data(), resdata->size())) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Failed to load image '{}' (from '{}')", source, image_path).c_str()); return false; } } tex.rt_scale = 0.0f; tex.texture = g_gpu_device->FetchTexture(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 1, 1, 1, GPUTexture::Type::Texture, GPUTexture::Format::RGBA8, image.GetPixels(), image.GetPitch()); if (!tex.texture) { Error::SetString( error, fmt::format("Failed to create {}x{} texture ({})", image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), source)); return false; } Log_DevFmt("Loaded {}x{} texture ({})", image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), source); } tex.reshade_name = ti.unique_name; m_textures.push_back(std::move(tex)); } for (reshadefx::technique_info& tech : mod.techniques) { for (reshadefx::pass_info& pi : tech.passes) { const bool is_final = (&tech == &mod.techniques.back() && &pi == &tech.passes.back()); Pass pass; pass.num_vertices = pi.num_vertices; if (is_final) { pass.render_targets.push_back(OUTPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE); } else if (!pi.render_target_names[0].empty()) { for (const std::string& rtname : pi.render_target_names) { if (rtname.empty()) break; TextureID rt = static_cast<TextureID>(m_textures.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast<u32>(m_textures.size()); i++) { if (m_textures[i].reshade_name == rtname) { rt = static_cast<TextureID>(i); break; } } if (rt == static_cast<TextureID>(m_textures.size())) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unknown texture '{}' used as render target in pass '{}'", rtname, pi.name)); return false; } pass.render_targets.push_back(rt); } } else { Texture new_rt; new_rt.rt_scale = 1.0f; new_rt.format = backbuffer_format; pass.render_targets.push_back(static_cast<TextureID>(m_textures.size())); m_textures.push_back(std::move(new_rt)); } u32 texture_slot = 0; for (const reshadefx::sampler_info& si : pi.samplers) { Sampler sampler; sampler.slot = texture_slot++; sampler.reshade_name = si.unique_name; sampler.texture_id = static_cast<TextureID>(m_textures.size()); for (const reshadefx::texture_info& ti : mod.textures) { if (ti.unique_name == si.texture_name) { // found the texture, now look for our side of it if (ti.semantic == "COLOR") { sampler.texture_id = INPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE; break; } else if (ti.semantic == "DEPTH") { Log_WarningFmt("Shader '{}' uses input depth as '{}' which is not supported.", m_name, si.texture_name); sampler.texture_id = INPUT_DEPTH_TEXTURE; break; } else if (!ti.semantic.empty()) { Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Unknown semantic {} in texture {}", ti.semantic, ti.name)); return false; } // must be a render target, or another texture for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast<u32>(m_textures.size()); i++) { if (m_textures[i].reshade_name == si.texture_name) { // hook it up sampler.texture_id = static_cast<TextureID>(i); break; } } break; } } if (sampler.texture_id == static_cast<TextureID>(m_textures.size())) { Error::SetString( error, fmt::format("Unknown texture {} (sampler {}) in pass {}", si.texture_name, si.name, pi.name)); return false; } Log_DevFmt("Pass {} Texture {} => {}", pi.name, si.texture_name, sampler.texture_id); sampler.sampler = GetSampler(MapSampler(si)); if (!sampler.sampler) { Error::SetString(error, "Failed to create sampler."); return false; } pass.samplers.push_back(std::move(sampler)); } #ifdef _DEBUG pass.name = std::move(pi.name); #endif m_passes.push_back(std::move(pass)); } } return true; } const char* PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::GetTextureNameForID(TextureID id) const { if (id == INPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE) return "Input Color Texture / Backbuffer"; else if (id == INPUT_DEPTH_TEXTURE) return "Input Depth Texture"; else if (id == OUTPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE) return "Output Color Texture"; else if (id < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(id) >= m_textures.size()) return "UNKNOWN"; else return m_textures[static_cast<size_t>(id)].reshade_name.c_str(); } GPUTexture* PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::GetTextureByID(TextureID id, GPUTexture* input, GPUTexture* final_target) const { if (id < 0) { if (id == INPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE) { return input; } else if (id == INPUT_DEPTH_TEXTURE) { return PostProcessing::GetDummyTexture(); } else if (id == OUTPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE) { return final_target; } else { Panic("Unexpected reserved texture ID"); return nullptr; } } if (static_cast<size_t>(id) >= m_textures.size()) Panic("Unexpected texture ID"); return m_textures[static_cast<size_t>(id)].texture.get(); } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::CompilePipeline(GPUTexture::Format format, u32 width, u32 height, ProgressCallback* progress) { const RenderAPI api = g_gpu_device->GetRenderAPI(); const bool needs_main_defn = (api != RenderAPI::D3D11 && api != RenderAPI::D3D12); m_valid = false; m_textures.clear(); m_passes.clear(); std::string fxcode; if (!PreprocessorReadFileCallback(m_filename, fxcode)) { Log_ErrorFmt("Failed to re-read shader for pipeline: '{}'", m_filename); return false; } // Reshade's preprocessor expects this. if (fxcode.empty() || fxcode.back() != '\n') fxcode.push_back('\n'); Error error; reshadefx::module mod; if (!CreateModule(width, height, &mod, std::move(fxcode), &error)) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to create module for '%s': %s", m_name.c_str(), error.GetDescription().c_str()); return false; } DebugAssert(!mod.techniques.empty()); if (!CreatePasses(format, mod, &error)) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to create passes for '%s': %s", m_name.c_str(), error.GetDescription().c_str()); return false; } const std::string_view code(mod.code.data(), mod.code.size()); auto get_shader = [api, needs_main_defn, &code](const std::string& name, const std::span<Sampler> samplers, GPUShaderStage stage) { std::string real_code; if (needs_main_defn) { // dFdx/dFdy are not defined in the vertex shader. const char* defns = (stage == GPUShaderStage::Vertex) ? "#define dFdx(x) x\n#define dFdy(x) x\n" : ""; const char* precision = (api == RenderAPI::OpenGLES) ? "precision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\nprecision highp sampler2D;\n" : ""; real_code = fmt::format("#version {}\n#define ENTRY_POINT_{}\n{}\n{}\n{}", (api == RenderAPI::OpenGLES) ? "320 es" : "460 core", name, defns, precision, code); for (const Sampler& sampler : samplers) { std::string decl = fmt::format("binding = /*SAMPLER:{}*/0", sampler.reshade_name); std::string replacement = fmt::format("binding = {}", sampler.slot); StringUtil::ReplaceAll(&real_code, decl, replacement); } } else { real_code = std::string(code); for (const Sampler& sampler : samplers) { std::string decl = fmt::format("__{}_t : register( t0);", sampler.reshade_name); std::string replacement = fmt::format("__{}_t : register({}t{});", sampler.reshade_name, (sampler.slot < 10) ? " " : "", sampler.slot); StringUtil::ReplaceAll(&real_code, decl, replacement); decl = fmt::format("__{}_s : register( s0);", sampler.reshade_name); replacement = fmt::format("__{}_s : register({}s{});", sampler.reshade_name, (sampler.slot < 10) ? " " : "", sampler.slot); StringUtil::ReplaceAll(&real_code, decl, replacement); } } // FileSystem::WriteStringToFile("D:\\foo.txt", real_code); std::unique_ptr<GPUShader> sshader = g_gpu_device->CreateShader(stage, real_code, needs_main_defn ? "main" : name.c_str()); if (!sshader) Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to compile function '%s'", name.c_str()); return sshader; }; GPUPipeline::GraphicsConfig plconfig; plconfig.layout = GPUPipeline::Layout::MultiTextureAndUBO; plconfig.primitive = GPUPipeline::Primitive::Triangles; plconfig.depth_format = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; plconfig.rasterization = GPUPipeline::RasterizationState::GetNoCullState(); plconfig.depth = GPUPipeline::DepthState::GetNoTestsState(); plconfig.blend = GPUPipeline::BlendState::GetNoBlendingState(); plconfig.samples = 1; plconfig.per_sample_shading = false; progress->PushState(); size_t total_passes = 0; for (const reshadefx::technique_info& tech : mod.techniques) total_passes += tech.passes.size(); progress->SetProgressRange(static_cast<u32>(total_passes)); progress->SetProgressValue(0); u32 passnum = 0; for (const reshadefx::technique_info& tech : mod.techniques) { for (const reshadefx::pass_info& info : tech.passes) { DebugAssert(passnum < m_passes.size()); Pass& pass = m_passes[passnum++]; auto vs = get_shader(info.vs_entry_point, pass.samplers, GPUShaderStage::Vertex); auto fs = get_shader(info.ps_entry_point, pass.samplers, GPUShaderStage::Fragment); if (!vs || !fs) { progress->PopState(); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < pass.render_targets.size(); i++) { plconfig.color_formats[i] = ((pass.render_targets[i] >= 0) ? m_textures[pass.render_targets[i]].format : format); } for (size_t i = pass.render_targets.size(); i < GPUDevice::MAX_RENDER_TARGETS; i++) plconfig.color_formats[i] = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; plconfig.depth_format = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; plconfig.blend = MapBlendState(info); plconfig.primitive = MapPrimitive(info.topology); plconfig.vertex_shader = vs.get(); plconfig.fragment_shader = fs.get(); plconfig.geometry_shader = nullptr; if (!plconfig.vertex_shader || !plconfig.fragment_shader) { progress->PopState(); return false; } pass.pipeline = g_gpu_device->CreatePipeline(plconfig); if (!pass.pipeline) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to create pipeline for pass '%s'", info.name.c_str()); progress->PopState(); return false; } progress->SetProgressValue(passnum); } } progress->PopState(); m_valid = true; return true; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::ResizeOutput(GPUTexture::Format format, u32 width, u32 height) { m_valid = false; for (Texture& tex : m_textures) { if (tex.rt_scale == 0.0f) continue; g_gpu_device->RecycleTexture(std::move(tex.texture)); const u32 t_width = std::max(static_cast<u32>(static_cast<float>(width) * tex.rt_scale), 1u); const u32 t_height = std::max(static_cast<u32>(static_cast<float>(height) * tex.rt_scale), 1u); tex.texture = g_gpu_device->FetchTexture(t_width, t_height, 1, 1, 1, GPUTexture::Type::RenderTarget, tex.format); if (!tex.texture) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to create %ux%u texture", t_width, t_height); return {}; } } m_valid = true; return true; } bool PostProcessing::ReShadeFXShader::Apply(GPUTexture* input, GPUTexture* final_target, s32 final_left, s32 final_top, s32 final_width, s32 final_height, s32 orig_width, s32 orig_height, u32 target_width, u32 target_height) { GL_PUSH_FMT("PostProcessingShaderFX {}", m_name); m_frame_count++; // Reshade always draws at full size. g_gpu_device->SetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, target_width, target_height); if (m_uniforms_size > 0) { GL_SCOPE_FMT("Uniforms: {} bytes", m_uniforms_size); u8* uniforms = static_cast<u8*>(g_gpu_device->MapUniformBuffer(m_uniforms_size)); for (const ShaderOption& opt : m_options) { DebugAssert((opt.buffer_offset + opt.buffer_size) <= m_uniforms_size); std::memcpy(uniforms + opt.buffer_offset, &opt.value[0].float_value, opt.buffer_size); } for (const SourceOption& so : m_source_options) { u8* dst = uniforms + so.offset; switch (so.source) { case SourceOptionType::Zero: { const u32 value = 0; std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::Timer: { const float value = static_cast<float>(PostProcessing::GetTimer().GetTimeMilliseconds()); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::FrameTime: { const float value = static_cast<float>(m_frame_timer.GetTimeMilliseconds()); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::FrameCount: { std::memcpy(dst, &m_frame_count, sizeof(m_frame_count)); } break; case SourceOptionType::FrameCountF: { const float value = static_cast<float>(m_frame_count); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::PingPong: { float increment = so.step[1] == 0 ? so.step[0] : (so.step[0] + std::fmod(static_cast<float>(std::rand()), so.step[1] - so.step[0] + 1)); std::array<float, 2> value = {so.value[0].float_value, so.value[1].float_value}; if (value[1] >= 0) { increment = std::max(increment - std::max(0.0f, so.smoothing - (so.max - value[0])), 0.05f); increment *= static_cast<float>(m_frame_timer.GetTimeMilliseconds() * 1e-9); if ((value[0] += increment) >= so.max) { value[0] = so.max; value[1] = -1; } } else { increment = std::max(increment - std::max(0.0f, so.smoothing - (value[0] - so.min)), 0.05f); increment *= static_cast<float>(m_frame_timer.GetTimeMilliseconds() * 1e-9); if ((value[0] -= increment) <= so.min) { value[0] = so.min; value[1] = +1; } } std::memcpy(dst, value.data(), sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::MousePoint: { const std::pair<float, float> mpos = InputManager::GetPointerAbsolutePosition(0); std::memcpy(dst, &mpos.first, sizeof(float)); std::memcpy(dst + sizeof(float), &mpos.second, sizeof(float)); } break; case SourceOptionType::Random: { const s32 rv = m_random() % 32767; // reshade uses rand(), which on some platforms has a 0x7fff maximum. std::memcpy(dst, &rv, sizeof(rv)); } break; case SourceOptionType::RandomF: { const float rv = (m_random() - m_random.min()) / static_cast<float>(m_random.max() - m_random.min()); std::memcpy(dst, &rv, sizeof(rv)); } break; case SourceOptionType::BufferWidth: case SourceOptionType::BufferHeight: { const s32 value = (so.source == SourceOptionType::BufferWidth) ? static_cast<s32>(target_width) : static_cast<s32>(target_height); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::BufferWidthF: case SourceOptionType::BufferHeightF: { const float value = (so.source == SourceOptionType::BufferWidthF) ? static_cast<float>(target_width) : static_cast<float>(target_height); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::InternalWidth: case SourceOptionType::InternalHeight: { const s32 value = (so.source == SourceOptionType::BufferWidth) ? static_cast<s32>(orig_width) : static_cast<s32>(orig_height); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; case SourceOptionType::InternalWidthF: case SourceOptionType::InternalHeightF: { const float value = (so.source == SourceOptionType::BufferWidthF) ? static_cast<float>(orig_width) : static_cast<float>(orig_height); std::memcpy(dst, &value, sizeof(value)); } break; default: UnreachableCode(); break; } } g_gpu_device->UnmapUniformBuffer(m_uniforms_size); } for (const Pass& pass : m_passes) { GL_SCOPE_FMT("Draw pass {}", pass.name.c_str()); DebugAssert(!pass.render_targets.empty()); // Sucks doing this twice, but we need to set the RT first (for DX11), and transition layouts (for VK). for (const Sampler& sampler : pass.samplers) { GPUTexture* const tex = GetTextureByID(sampler.texture_id, input, final_target); if (tex) tex->MakeReadyForSampling(); } if (pass.render_targets.size() == 1 && pass.render_targets[0] == OUTPUT_COLOR_TEXTURE && !final_target) { // Special case: drawing to final buffer. if (!g_gpu_device->BeginPresent(false)) { GL_POP(); return false; } } else { std::array<GPUTexture*, GPUDevice::MAX_RENDER_TARGETS> render_targets; for (size_t i = 0; i < pass.render_targets.size(); i++) { GL_INS_FMT("Render Target {}: ID {} [{}]", i, pass.render_targets[i], GetTextureNameForID(pass.render_targets[i])); render_targets[i] = GetTextureByID(pass.render_targets[i], input, final_target); DebugAssert(render_targets[i]); } g_gpu_device->SetRenderTargets(render_targets.data(), static_cast<u32>(pass.render_targets.size()), nullptr); } g_gpu_device->SetPipeline(pass.pipeline.get()); // Set all inputs first, before the render pass starts. std::bitset<GPUDevice::MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS> bound_textures = {}; for (const Sampler& sampler : pass.samplers) { GL_INS_FMT("Texture Sampler {}: ID {} [{}]", sampler.slot, sampler.texture_id, GetTextureNameForID(sampler.texture_id)); g_gpu_device->SetTextureSampler(sampler.slot, GetTextureByID(sampler.texture_id, input, final_target), sampler.sampler); bound_textures[sampler.slot] = true; } // Ensure RT wasn't left bound as a previous output, it breaks VK/DX12. // TODO: Maybe move this into the backend? Not sure... for (u32 i = 0; i < GPUDevice::MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS; i++) { if (!bound_textures[i]) g_gpu_device->SetTextureSampler(i, nullptr, nullptr); } g_gpu_device->Draw(pass.num_vertices, 0); } GL_POP(); m_frame_timer.Reset(); return true; }