#include "gpu_hw_shadergen.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/log.h" #include #include Log_SetChannel(GPU_HW_ShaderGen); GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GPU_HW_ShaderGen(HostDisplay::RenderAPI render_api, u32 resolution_scale, bool true_color, bool scaled_dithering, bool texture_filtering, bool supports_dual_source_blend) : m_render_api(render_api), m_resolution_scale(resolution_scale), m_true_color(true_color), m_scaled_dithering(scaled_dithering), m_texture_filering(texture_filtering), m_glsl(render_api != HostDisplay::RenderAPI::D3D11), m_supports_dual_source_blend(supports_dual_source_blend), m_use_glsl_interface_blocks(false) { if (m_glsl) { SetGLSLVersionString(); m_use_glsl_interface_blocks = (GLAD_GL_ES_VERSION_3_2 || GLAD_GL_VERSION_3_2); m_use_glsl_binding_layout = UseGLSLBindingLayout(); } } GPU_HW_ShaderGen::~GPU_HW_ShaderGen() = default; bool GPU_HW_ShaderGen::UseGLSLBindingLayout() { return (GLAD_GL_ES_VERSION_3_1 || GLAD_GL_VERSION_4_2 || (GLAD_GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location && GLAD_GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location && GLAD_GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack)); } static void DefineMacro(std::stringstream& ss, const char* name, bool enabled) { ss << "#define " << name << " " << BoolToUInt32(enabled) << "\n"; } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::SetGLSLVersionString() { const char* glsl_version = reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)); const bool glsl_es = (m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGLES); Assert(glsl_version != nullptr); // Skip any strings in front of the version code. const char* glsl_version_start = glsl_version; while (*glsl_version_start != '\0' && (*glsl_version_start < '0' || *glsl_version_start > '9')) glsl_version_start++; int major_version = 0, minor_version = 0; if (std::sscanf(glsl_version_start, "%d.%d", &major_version, &minor_version) == 2) { // Cap at GLSL 4.3, we're not using anything newer for now. if (!glsl_es && (major_version > 4 || (major_version == 4 && minor_version > 3))) { major_version = 4; minor_version = 30; } else if (glsl_es && (major_version > 3 || (major_version == 3 && minor_version > 20))) { major_version = 3; minor_version = 20; } } else { Log_ErrorPrintf("Invalid GLSL version string: '%s' ('%s')", glsl_version, glsl_version_start); if (glsl_es) { major_version = 3; minor_version = 0; } m_glsl_version_string = glsl_es ? "300" : "130"; } char buf[128]; std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#version %d%02d%s", major_version, minor_version, (glsl_es && major_version >= 3) ? " es" : ""); m_glsl_version_string = buf; } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::WriteHeader(std::stringstream& ss) { if (m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGL || m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGLES) ss << m_glsl_version_string << "\n\n"; // Extension enabling for OpenGL. if (m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGLES) { // Enable EXT_blend_func_extended for dual-source blend on OpenGL ES. if (GLAD_GL_EXT_blend_func_extended) ss << "#extension GL_EXT_blend_func_extended : require\n"; } else if (m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGL) { // Need extensions for binding layout if GL<4.3. if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout && !GLAD_GL_VERSION_4_3) { ss << "#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : require\n"; ss << "#extension GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location : require\n"; ss << "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : require\n"; } } DefineMacro(ss, "API_OPENGL", m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGL); DefineMacro(ss, "API_OPENGL_ES", m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGLES); DefineMacro(ss, "API_D3D11", m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::D3D11); if (m_render_api == HostDisplay::RenderAPI::OpenGLES) { ss << "precision highp float;\n"; ss << "precision highp int;\n"; ss << "precision highp sampler2D;\n"; if (GLAD_GL_ES_VERSION_3_2) ss << "precision highp usamplerBuffer;\n"; ss << "\n"; } if (m_glsl) { ss << "#define GLSL 1\n"; ss << "#define float2 vec2\n"; ss << "#define float3 vec3\n"; ss << "#define float4 vec4\n"; ss << "#define int2 ivec2\n"; ss << "#define int3 ivec3\n"; ss << "#define int4 ivec4\n"; ss << "#define uint2 uvec2\n"; ss << "#define uint3 uvec3\n"; ss << "#define uint4 uvec4\n"; ss << "#define nointerpolation flat\n"; ss << "#define frac fract\n"; ss << "#define lerp mix\n"; ss << "#define CONSTANT const\n"; ss << "#define VECTOR_EQ(a, b) ((a) == (b))\n"; ss << "#define VECTOR_NEQ(a, b) ((a) != (b))\n"; ss << "#define SAMPLE_TEXTURE(name, coords) texture(name, coords)\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE(name, coords, mip) texelFetch(name, coords, mip)\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE_OFFSET(name, coords, mip, offset) texelFetchOffset(name, coords, mip, offset)\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE_BUFFER(name, index) texelFetch(name, index)\n"; } else { ss << "#define HLSL 1\n"; ss << "#define roundEven round\n"; ss << "#define CONSTANT static const\n"; ss << "#define VECTOR_EQ(a, b) (all((a) == (b)))\n"; ss << "#define VECTOR_NEQ(a, b) (any((a) != (b)))\n"; ss << "#define SAMPLE_TEXTURE(name, coords) name.Sample(name##_ss, coords)\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE(name, coords, mip) name.Load(int3(coords, mip))\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE_OFFSET(name, coords, mip, offset) name.Load(int3(coords, mip), offset)\n"; ss << "#define LOAD_TEXTURE_BUFFER(name, index) name.Load(index)\n"; } ss << "\n"; } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::WriteCommonFunctions(std::stringstream& ss) { ss << "CONSTANT uint RESOLUTION_SCALE = " << m_resolution_scale << "u;\n"; ss << "CONSTANT uint2 VRAM_SIZE = uint2(" << GPU::VRAM_WIDTH << ", " << GPU::VRAM_HEIGHT << ") * RESOLUTION_SCALE;\n"; ss << "CONSTANT float2 RCP_VRAM_SIZE = float2(1.0, 1.0) / float2(VRAM_SIZE);\n"; ss << R"( float fixYCoord(float y) { #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES return 1.0 - RCP_VRAM_SIZE.y - y; #else return y; #endif } uint fixYCoord(uint y) { #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES return VRAM_SIZE.y - y - 1u; #else return y; #endif } uint RGBA8ToRGBA5551(float4 v) { uint r = uint(v.r * 255.0) >> 3; uint g = uint(v.g * 255.0) >> 3; uint b = uint(v.b * 255.0) >> 3; uint a = (v.a != 0.0) ? 1u : 0u; return (r) | (g << 5) | (b << 10) | (a << 15); } float4 RGBA5551ToRGBA8(uint v) { uint r = (v & 31u); uint g = ((v >> 5) & 31u); uint b = ((v >> 10) & 31u); uint a = ((v >> 15) & 1u); // repeat lower bits r = (r << 3) | (r & 7u); g = (g << 3) | (g & 7u); b = (b << 3) | (b & 7u); return float4(float(r) / 255.0, float(g) / 255.0, float(b) / 255.0, float(a)); } )"; } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::DeclareUniformBuffer(std::stringstream& ss, const std::initializer_list& members) { if (m_glsl) { if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout) ss << "layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform UBOBlock\n"; else ss << "layout(std140) uniform UBOBlock\n"; } else { ss << "cbuffer UBOBlock : register(b0)\n"; } ss << "{\n"; for (const char* member : members) ss << member << ";\n"; ss << "};\n\n"; } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::DeclareTexture(std::stringstream& ss, const char* name, u32 index) { if (m_glsl) { if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout) ss << "layout(binding = " << index << ") "; ss << "uniform sampler2D " << name << ";\n"; } else { ss << "Texture2D " << name << " : register(t" << index << ");\n"; ss << "SamplerState " << name << "_ss : register(s" << index << ");\n"; } } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::DeclareTextureBuffer(std::stringstream& ss, const char* name, u32 index, bool is_int, bool is_unsigned) { if (m_glsl) { if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout) ss << "layout(binding = " << index << ") "; ss << "uniform " << (is_int ? (is_unsigned ? "u" : "i") : "") << "samplerBuffer " << name << ";\n"; } else { ss << "Buffer<" << (is_int ? (is_unsigned ? "uint4" : "int4") : "float4") << "> " << name << " : register(t" << index << ");\n"; } } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::DeclareVertexEntryPoint( std::stringstream& ss, const std::initializer_list& attributes, u32 num_color_outputs, u32 num_texcoord_outputs, const std::initializer_list>& additional_outputs, bool declare_vertex_id) { if (m_glsl) { if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout) { u32 attribute_counter = 0; for (const char* attribute : attributes) { ss << "layout(location = " << attribute_counter << ") in " << attribute << ";\n"; attribute_counter++; } } else { for (const char* attribute : attributes) ss << "in " << attribute << ";\n"; } if (m_use_glsl_interface_blocks) { ss << "out VertexData {\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++) ss << " float4 v_col" << i << ";\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_outputs; i++) ss << " float2 v_tex" << i << ";\n"; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_outputs) ss << " " << qualifiers << " " << name << ";\n"; ss << "};\n"; } else { for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++) ss << "out float4 v_col" << i << ";\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_outputs; i++) ss << "out float2 v_tex" << i << ";\n"; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_outputs) ss << qualifiers << " out " << name << ";\n"; } ss << "#define v_pos gl_Position\n\n"; if (declare_vertex_id) ss << "#define v_id uint(gl_VertexID)\n"; ss << "\n"; ss << "void main()\n"; } else { ss << "void main(\n"; u32 attribute_counter = 0; for (const char* attribute : attributes) { ss << " in " << attribute << " : ATTR" << attribute_counter << ",\n"; attribute_counter++; } if (declare_vertex_id) ss << " in uint v_id : SV_VertexID,\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++) ss << " out float4 v_col" << i << " : COLOR" << i << ",\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_outputs; i++) ss << " out float2 v_tex" << i << " : TEXCOORD" << i << ",\n"; u32 additional_counter = num_texcoord_outputs; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_outputs) { ss << " " << qualifiers << " out " << name << " : TEXCOORD" << additional_counter << ",\n"; additional_counter++; } ss << " out float4 v_pos : SV_Position)\n"; } } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::DeclareFragmentEntryPoint( std::stringstream& ss, u32 num_color_inputs, u32 num_texcoord_inputs, const std::initializer_list>& additional_inputs, bool declare_fragcoord /* = false */, bool dual_color_output /* = false */) { if (m_glsl) { if (m_use_glsl_interface_blocks) { ss << "in VertexData {\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++) ss << " float4 v_col" << i << ";\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_inputs; i++) ss << " float2 v_tex" << i << ";\n"; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_inputs) ss << " " << qualifiers << " " << name << ";\n"; ss << "};\n"; } else { for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++) ss << "in float4 v_col" << i << ";\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_inputs; i++) ss << "in float2 v_tex" << i << ";\n"; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_inputs) ss << qualifiers << " in " << name << ";\n"; } if (declare_fragcoord) ss << "#define v_pos gl_FragCoord\n"; if (m_use_glsl_binding_layout) { if (dual_color_output) { ss << "layout(location = 0, index = 0) out float4 o_col0;\n"; ss << "layout(location = 0, index = 1) out float4 o_col1;\n"; } else { ss << "layout(location = 0) out float4 o_col0;\n"; } } else { ss << "out float4 o_col0;\n"; if (dual_color_output) ss << "out float4 o_col1;\n"; } ss << "\n"; ss << "void main()\n"; } else { { ss << "void main(\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++) ss << " in float4 v_col" << i << " : COLOR" << i << ",\n"; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texcoord_inputs; i++) ss << " in float2 v_tex" << i << " : TEXCOORD" << i << ",\n"; u32 additional_counter = num_texcoord_inputs; for (const auto [qualifiers, name] : additional_inputs) { ss << " " << qualifiers << " in " << name << " : TEXCOORD" << additional_counter << ",\n"; additional_counter++; } if (declare_fragcoord) ss << " in float4 v_pos : SV_Position,\n"; if (dual_color_output) { ss << " out float4 o_col0 : SV_Target0,\n"; ss << " out float4 o_col1 : SV_Target1)\n"; } else { ss << " out float4 o_col0 : SV_Target)"; } } } } void GPU_HW_ShaderGen::WriteBatchUniformBuffer(std::stringstream& ss) { DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"uint2 u_texture_window_mask", "uint2 u_texture_window_offset", "float u_src_alpha_factor", "float u_dst_alpha_factor", "bool u_set_mask_while_drawing", "uint u_interlaced_displayed_field"}); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateBatchVertexShader(bool textured) { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DefineMacro(ss, "TEXTURED", textured); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); WriteBatchUniformBuffer(ss); ss << "CONSTANT float EPSILON = 0.00001;\n"; if (textured) { DeclareVertexEntryPoint(ss, {"int2 a_pos", "float4 a_col0", "uint a_texcoord", "uint a_texpage"}, 1, 1, {{"nointerpolation", "uint4 v_texpage"}}); } else { DeclareVertexEntryPoint(ss, {"int2 a_pos", "float4 a_col0"}, 1, 0, {}); } ss << R"( { // Offset the vertex position by 0.5 to ensure correct interpolation of texture coordinates // at 1x resolution scale. This doesn't work at >1x, we adjust the texture coordinates before // uploading there instead. float vertex_offset = (RESOLUTION_SCALE == 1u) ? 0.5 : 0.0; // 0..+1023 -> -1..1 float pos_x = ((float(a_pos.x) + vertex_offset) / 512.0) - 1.0; float pos_y = ((float(a_pos.y) + vertex_offset) / -256.0) + 1.0; // OpenGL seems to be off by one pixel in the Y direction due to lower-left origin, but only on // Intel and NVIDIA drivers. AMD is fine... #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES pos_y += EPSILON; #endif v_pos = float4(pos_x, pos_y, 0.0, 1.0); v_col0 = a_col0; #if TEXTURED // Fudge the texture coordinates by half a pixel in screen-space. // This fixes the rounding/interpolation error on NVIDIA GPUs with shared edges between triangles. v_tex0 = float2(float(a_texcoord & 0xFFFFu) + EPSILON, float(a_texcoord >> 16) + EPSILON); // base_x,base_y,palette_x,palette_y v_texpage.x = (a_texpage & 15u) * 64u * RESOLUTION_SCALE; v_texpage.y = ((a_texpage >> 4) & 1u) * 256u * RESOLUTION_SCALE; v_texpage.z = ((a_texpage >> 16) & 63u) * 16u * RESOLUTION_SCALE; v_texpage.w = ((a_texpage >> 22) & 511u) * RESOLUTION_SCALE; #endif } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateBatchFragmentShader(GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode transparency, GPU::TextureMode texture_mode, bool dithering, bool interlacing) { const GPU::TextureMode actual_texture_mode = texture_mode & ~GPU::TextureMode::RawTextureBit; const bool raw_texture = (texture_mode & GPU::TextureMode::RawTextureBit) == GPU::TextureMode::RawTextureBit; const bool textured = (texture_mode != GPU::TextureMode::Disabled); const bool use_dual_source = m_supports_dual_source_blend && ((transparency != GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode::TransparencyDisabled && transparency != GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode::OnlyOpaque) || m_texture_filering); std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DefineMacro(ss, "TRANSPARENCY", transparency != GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode::TransparencyDisabled); DefineMacro(ss, "TRANSPARENCY_ONLY_OPAQUE", transparency == GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode::OnlyOpaque); DefineMacro(ss, "TRANSPARENCY_ONLY_TRANSPARENCY", transparency == GPU_HW::BatchRenderMode::OnlyTransparent); DefineMacro(ss, "TEXTURED", textured); DefineMacro(ss, "PALETTE", actual_texture_mode == GPU::TextureMode::Palette4Bit || actual_texture_mode == GPU::TextureMode::Palette8Bit); DefineMacro(ss, "PALETTE_4_BIT", actual_texture_mode == GPU::TextureMode::Palette4Bit); DefineMacro(ss, "PALETTE_8_BIT", actual_texture_mode == GPU::TextureMode::Palette8Bit); DefineMacro(ss, "RAW_TEXTURE", raw_texture); DefineMacro(ss, "DITHERING", dithering); DefineMacro(ss, "DITHERING_SCALED", m_scaled_dithering); DefineMacro(ss, "INTERLACING", interlacing); DefineMacro(ss, "TRUE_COLOR", m_true_color); DefineMacro(ss, "TEXTURE_FILTERING", m_texture_filering); DefineMacro(ss, "USE_DUAL_SOURCE", use_dual_source); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); WriteBatchUniformBuffer(ss); DeclareTexture(ss, "samp0", 0); if (m_glsl) ss << "CONSTANT int[16] s_dither_values = int[16]( "; else ss << "CONSTANT int s_dither_values[] = {"; for (u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (i > 0) ss << ", "; ss << GPU::DITHER_MATRIX[i / 4][i % 4]; } if (m_glsl) ss << " );\n"; else ss << "};\n"; ss << R"( int3 ApplyDithering(uint2 coord, int3 icol) { uint2 fc = coord & uint2(3u, 3u); int offset = s_dither_values[fc.y * 4u + fc.x]; return icol + int3(offset, offset, offset); } int3 TruncateTo15Bit(int3 icol) { icol = clamp(icol, int3(0, 0, 0), int3(255, 255, 255)); return (icol & int3(~7, ~7, ~7)) | ((icol >> 3) & int3(7, 7, 7)); } #if TEXTURED CONSTANT float4 TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); uint2 ApplyTextureWindow(uint2 coords) { uint x = (uint(coords.x) & ~(u_texture_window_mask.x * 8u)) | ((u_texture_window_offset.x & u_texture_window_mask.x) * 8u); uint y = (uint(coords.y) & ~(u_texture_window_mask.y * 8u)) | ((u_texture_window_offset.y & u_texture_window_mask.y) * 8u); return uint2(x, y); } float4 SampleFromVRAM(uint4 texpage, uint2 icoord) { icoord = ApplyTextureWindow(icoord); // adjust for tightly packed palette formats uint2 index_coord = icoord; #if PALETTE_4_BIT index_coord.x /= 4u; #elif PALETTE_8_BIT index_coord.x /= 2u; #endif // fixup coords uint2 vicoord = uint2(texpage.x + index_coord.x * RESOLUTION_SCALE, fixYCoord(texpage.y + index_coord.y * RESOLUTION_SCALE)); // load colour/palette float4 color = LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(vicoord), 0); // apply palette #if PALETTE #if PALETTE_4_BIT uint subpixel = icoord.x & 3u; uint vram_value = RGBA8ToRGBA5551(color); uint palette_index = (vram_value >> (subpixel * 4u)) & 0x0Fu; #elif PALETTE_8_BIT uint subpixel = icoord.x & 1u; uint vram_value = RGBA8ToRGBA5551(color); uint palette_index = (vram_value >> (subpixel * 8u)) & 0xFFu; #endif uint2 palette_icoord = uint2(texpage.z + (palette_index * RESOLUTION_SCALE), fixYCoord(texpage.w)); color = LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(palette_icoord), 0); #endif return color; } #endif )"; if (textured) { DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 1, 1, {{"nointerpolation", "uint4 v_texpage"}}, true, use_dual_source); } else { DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 1, 0, {}, true, use_dual_source); } ss << R"( { int3 vertcol = int3(v_col0.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)); bool semitransparent; int3 icolor; float ialpha; float oalpha; #if INTERLACING if (((fixYCoord(uint(v_pos.y)) / RESOLUTION_SCALE) & 1u) == u_interlaced_displayed_field) discard; #endif #if TEXTURED #if TEXTURE_FILTERING // Compute the coordinates of the four texels we will be interpolating between. // TODO: Find some way to clamp this to the triangle texture coordinates? float2 texel_top_left = frac(v_tex0) - float2(0.5, 0.5); float2 texel_offset = sign(texel_top_left); float4 fcoords = max(v_tex0.xyxy + float4(0.0, 0.0, texel_offset.x, texel_offset.y), float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); // Load four texels. float4 s00 = SampleFromVRAM(v_texpage, uint2(fcoords.xy)); float4 s10 = SampleFromVRAM(v_texpage, uint2(fcoords.zy)); float4 s01 = SampleFromVRAM(v_texpage, uint2(fcoords.xw)); float4 s11 = SampleFromVRAM(v_texpage, uint2(fcoords.zw)); // Compute alpha from how many texels aren't pixel color 0000h. float a00 = float(VECTOR_NEQ(s00, TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR)); float a10 = float(VECTOR_NEQ(s10, TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR)); float a01 = float(VECTOR_NEQ(s01, TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR)); float a11 = float(VECTOR_NEQ(s11, TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR)); // Bilinearly interpolate. float2 weights = abs(texel_top_left); float4 texcol = lerp(lerp(s00, s10, weights.x), lerp(s01, s11, weights.x), weights.y); ialpha = lerp(lerp(a00, a10, weights.x), lerp(a01, a11, weights.x), weights.y); if (ialpha < 0.5) discard; texcol.rgb /= float3(ialpha, ialpha, ialpha); semitransparent = (texcol.a != 0.0); #else // With the vertex offset applied at 1x resolution scale, we want to round the texture coordinates. // Floor them otherwise, as it currently breaks when upscaling as the vertex offset is not applied. float4 texcol = SampleFromVRAM(v_texpage, uint2((RESOLUTION_SCALE == 1u) ? roundEven(v_tex0) : floor(v_tex0))); if (VECTOR_EQ(texcol, TRANSPARENT_PIXEL_COLOR)) discard; semitransparent = (texcol.a != 0.0); ialpha = 1.0; #endif #if RAW_TEXTURE icolor = int3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)); #else icolor = (vertcol * int3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0))) >> 7; #endif // Compute output alpha (mask bit) oalpha = float(u_set_mask_while_drawing ? 1 : int(semitransparent)); #else // All pixels are semitransparent for untextured polygons. semitransparent = true; icolor = vertcol; ialpha = 1.0; // However, the mask bit is cleared if set mask bit is false. oalpha = float(u_set_mask_while_drawing); #endif // Apply dithering #if DITHERING #if DITHERING_SCALED icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy), icolor); #else icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy) / uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE), icolor); #endif #endif // Premultiply alpha so we don't need to use a colour output for it. float premultiply_alpha = ialpha; #if TRANSPARENCY premultiply_alpha = ialpha * (semitransparent ? u_src_alpha_factor : 1.0); #endif float3 color; #if !TRUE_COLOR // We want to apply the alpha before the truncation to 16-bit, otherwise we'll be passing a 32-bit precision color // into the blend unit, which can cause a small amount of error to accumulate. icolor = int3(((float3(icolor) / float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)) * premultiply_alpha) * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)); color = (float3(icolor >> 3) / float3(31.0, 31.0, 31.0)); #else // True color is actually simpler here since we want to preserve the precision. color = (float3(icolor) / float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)) * premultiply_alpha; #endif #if TRANSPARENCY // Apply semitransparency. If not a semitransparent texel, destination alpha is ignored. if (semitransparent) { #if TRANSPARENCY_ONLY_OPAQUE discard; #endif #if USE_DUAL_SOURCE o_col0 = float4(color, oalpha); o_col1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, u_dst_alpha_factor / ialpha); #else o_col0 = float4(color, u_dst_alpha_factor / ialpha); #endif } else { #if TRANSPARENCY_ONLY_TRANSPARENCY discard; #endif #if TRANSPARENCY_ONLY_OPAQUE // We don't output the second color here because it's not used. o_col0 = float4(color, oalpha); #elif USE_DUAL_SOURCE o_col0 = float4(color, oalpha); o_col1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 - ialpha); #else o_col0 = float4(color, 1.0 - ialpha); #endif } #else // Non-transparency won't enable blending so we can write the mask here regardless. o_col0 = float4(color, oalpha); #if USE_DUAL_SOURCE o_col1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 - ialpha); #endif #endif } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateBatchLineExpandGeometryShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); ss << R"( CONSTANT float2 WIDTH = (1.0 / float2(VRAM_SIZE)) * float2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE); )"; // GS is a pain, too different between HLSL and GLSL... if (m_glsl) { ss << R"( in VertexData { float4 v_col0; } in_data[]; out VertexData { float4 v_col0; } out_data; layout(lines) in; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out; void main() { float2 dir = normalize(gl_in[1].gl_Position.xy - gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy); float2 normal = cross(float3(dir, 0.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).xy * WIDTH; float4 offset = float4(normal, 0.0, 0.0); // top-left out_data.v_col0 = in_data[0].v_col0; gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position - offset; EmitVertex(); // top-right out_data.v_col0 = in_data[0].v_col0; gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + offset; EmitVertex(); // bottom-left out_data.v_col0 = in_data[1].v_col0; gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position - offset; EmitVertex(); // bottom-right out_data.v_col0 = in_data[1].v_col0; gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position + offset; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); } )"; } else { ss << R"( struct Vertex { float4 col0 : COLOR0; float4 pos : SV_Position; }; [maxvertexcount(4)] void main(line Vertex input[2], inout TriangleStream output) { Vertex v; float2 dir = normalize(input[1].pos.xy - input[0].pos.xy); float2 normal = cross(float3(dir, 0.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).xy * WIDTH; float4 offset = float4(normal, 0.0, 0.0); // top-left v.col0 = input[0].col0; v.pos = input[0].pos - offset; output.Append(v); // top-right v.col0 = input[0].col0; v.pos = input[0].pos + offset; output.Append(v); // bottom-left v.col0 = input[1].col0; v.pos = input[1].pos - offset; output.Append(v); // bottom-right v.col0 = input[1].col0; v.pos = input[1].pos + offset; output.Append(v); output.RestartStrip(); } )"; } return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateScreenQuadVertexShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DeclareVertexEntryPoint(ss, {}, 0, 1, {}, true); ss << R"( { v_tex0 = float2(float((v_id << 1) & 2u), float(v_id & 2u)); v_pos = float4(v_tex0 * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f); #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES v_pos.y = -gl_Position.y; #endif } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateFillFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"float4 u_fill_color"}); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, false, false); ss << R"( { o_col0 = u_fill_color; } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateInterlacedFillFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"float4 u_fill_color", "uint u_interlaced_displayed_field"}); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, true, false); ss << R"( { if (((fixYCoord(uint(v_pos.y)) / RESOLUTION_SCALE) & 1u) == u_interlaced_displayed_field) discard; o_col0 = u_fill_color; } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateCopyFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"float4 u_src_rect"}); DeclareTexture(ss, "samp0", 0); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, false, false); ss << R"( { float2 coords = u_src_rect.xy + v_tex0 * u_src_rect.zw; o_col0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(samp0, coords); } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateDisplayFragmentShader(bool depth_24bit, bool interlaced) { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); DefineMacro(ss, "DEPTH_24BIT", depth_24bit); DefineMacro(ss, "INTERLACED", interlaced); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"uint2 u_vram_offset", "uint u_field_offset"}); DeclareTexture(ss, "samp0", 0); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, true, false); ss << R"( { uint2 icoords = uint2(v_pos.xy) + u_vram_offset; #if INTERLACED if (((icoords.y / RESOLUTION_SCALE) & 1u) != u_field_offset) discard; #endif #if DEPTH_24BIT // relative to start of scanout uint relative_x = (icoords.x - u_vram_offset.x) / RESOLUTION_SCALE; icoords.x = u_vram_offset.x + ((relative_x * 3u) / 2u) * RESOLUTION_SCALE; // load adjacent 16-bit texels uint s0 = RGBA8ToRGBA5551(LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(icoords % VRAM_SIZE), 0)); uint s1 = RGBA8ToRGBA5551(LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2((icoords + uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, 0)) % VRAM_SIZE), 0)); // select which part of the combined 16-bit texels we are currently shading uint s1s0 = ((s1 << 16) | s0) >> ((relative_x & 1u) * 8u); // extract components and normalize o_col0 = float4(float(s1s0 & 0xFFu) / 255.0, float((s1s0 >> 8u) & 0xFFu) / 255.0, float((s1s0 >> 16u) & 0xFFu) / 255.0, 1.0); #else // load and return o_col0 = LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(icoords % VRAM_SIZE), 0); #endif } )"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateVRAMReadFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"uint2 u_base_coords", "uint2 u_size"}); DeclareTexture(ss, "samp0", 0); ss << R"( uint SampleVRAM(uint2 coords) { if (RESOLUTION_SCALE == 1u) return RGBA8ToRGBA5551(LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(coords), 0)); // Box filter for downsampling. float4 value = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); uint2 base_coords = coords * uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE); for (uint offset_x = 0u; offset_x < RESOLUTION_SCALE; offset_x++) { for (uint offset_y = 0u; offset_y < RESOLUTION_SCALE; offset_y++) value += LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(base_coords + uint2(offset_x, offset_y)), 0); } value /= float(RESOLUTION_SCALE * RESOLUTION_SCALE); return RGBA8ToRGBA5551(value); } )"; DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, true, false); ss << R"( { uint2 sample_coords = uint2(uint(v_pos.x) * 2u, uint(v_pos.y)); #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES // Lower-left origin flip for OpenGL. // We want to write the image out upside-down so we can read it top-to-bottom. sample_coords.y = u_size.y - sample_coords.y - 1u; #endif sample_coords += u_base_coords; // We're encoding as 32-bit, so the output width is halved and we pack two 16-bit pixels in one 32-bit pixel. uint left = SampleVRAM(sample_coords); uint right = SampleVRAM(uint2(sample_coords.x + 1u, sample_coords.y)); o_col0 = float4(float(left & 0xFFu), float((left >> 8) & 0xFFu), float(right & 0xFFu), float((right >> 8) & 0xFFu)) / float4(255.0, 255.0, 255.0, 255.0); })"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateVRAMWriteFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"uint2 u_base_coords", "uint2 u_size", "uint u_buffer_base_offset"}); DeclareTextureBuffer(ss, "samp0", 0, true, true); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, true, false); ss << R"( { uint2 coords = uint2(v_pos.xy) / uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE); uint2 offset = coords - u_base_coords; #if API_OPENGL || API_OPENGL_ES // Lower-left origin flip for OpenGL offset.y = u_size.y - offset.y - 1u; #endif uint buffer_offset = u_buffer_base_offset + (offset.y * u_size.x) + offset.x; uint value = LOAD_TEXTURE_BUFFER(samp0, int(buffer_offset)).r; o_col0 = RGBA5551ToRGBA8(value); })"; return ss.str(); } std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateVRAMCopyFragmentShader() { std::stringstream ss; WriteHeader(ss); WriteCommonFunctions(ss); DeclareUniformBuffer(ss, {"uint2 u_src_coords", "uint2 u_dst_coords", "uint2 u_size", "bool u_set_mask_bit"}); DeclareTexture(ss, "samp0", 0); DeclareFragmentEntryPoint(ss, 0, 1, {}, true, false); ss << R"( { uint2 dst_coords = uint2(v_pos.xy); // find offset from the start of the row/column uint2 offset; offset.x = (dst_coords.x < u_dst_coords.x) ? ((VRAM_SIZE.x - 1u) - u_dst_coords.x + dst_coords.x) : (dst_coords.x - u_dst_coords.x); offset.y = (dst_coords.y < u_dst_coords.y) ? ((VRAM_SIZE.y - 1u) - u_dst_coords.y + dst_coords.y) : (dst_coords.y - u_dst_coords.y); // find the source coordinates to copy from uint2 src_coords = (u_src_coords + offset) % VRAM_SIZE; // sample and apply mask bit float4 color = LOAD_TEXTURE(samp0, int2(src_coords), 0); o_col0 = float4(color.xyz, u_set_mask_bit ? 1.0 : color.a); })"; return ss.str(); }