#include "gpusettingswidget.h" #include "core/gpu.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "settingwidgetbinder.h" GPUSettingsWidget::GPUSettingsWidget(QtHostInterface* host_interface, QWidget* parent, SettingsDialog* dialog) : QWidget(parent), m_host_interface(host_interface) { m_ui.setupUi(this); setupAdditionalUi(); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToEnumSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.renderer, "GPU/Renderer", &Settings::ParseRendererName, &Settings::GetRendererName); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.useDebugDevice, "GPU/UseDebugDevice"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToEnumSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.displayAspectRatio, "Display/AspectRatio", &Settings::ParseDisplayAspectRatio, &Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioName); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToEnumSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.displayCropMode, "Display/CropMode", &Settings::ParseDisplayCropMode, &Settings::GetDisplayCropModeName); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.displayLinearFiltering, "Display/LinearFiltering"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.vsync, "Display/VSync"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToIntSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.resolutionScale, "GPU/ResolutionScale"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.trueColor, "GPU/TrueColor"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.scaledDithering, "GPU/ScaledDithering"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.disableInterlacing, "GPU/DisableInterlacing"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.forceNTSCTimings, "GPU/ForceNTSCTimings"); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(m_host_interface, m_ui.linearTextureFiltering, "GPU/TextureFiltering"); connect(m_ui.resolutionScale, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &GPUSettingsWidget::updateScaledDitheringEnabled); connect(m_ui.trueColor, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &GPUSettingsWidget::updateScaledDitheringEnabled); updateScaledDitheringEnabled(); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.renderer, "Renderer", Settings::GetRendererDisplayName(Settings::DEFAULT_GPU_RENDERER), "Chooses the backend to use for rendering tasks for the the console GPU. Depending on your system and hardware, " "Direct3D 11 and OpenGL hardware backends may be available. The software renderer offers the best compatibility, " "but is the slowest and does not offer any enhancements."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.useDebugDevice, "Use Debug Device", "Unchecked", "Enables the usage of debug devices and shaders for rendering APIs which support them. " "Should only be used when debugging the emulator."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.displayAspectRatio, "Aspect Ratio", "4:3", "Changes the pixel aspect ratio which is used to display the console's output to the " "screen. The default is 4:3 which matches a typical TV of the era."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.displayCropMode, "Crop Mode", "Only Overscan Area", "Determines how much of the area typically not visible on a consumer TV set to crop/hide. " "Some games display content in the overscan area, or use it for screen effects and may " "not display correctly with the All Borders setting. Only Overscan offers a good " "compromise between stability and hiding black borders."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.disableInterlacing, "Disable Interlacing (force progressive render/scan)", "Checked", "Forces the display of frames to progressive mode. This only affects the displayed image, " "the console will be unaware of the setting. If the game is internally producing " "interlaced frames, this option may not have any effect. Usually safe to enable."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.displayLinearFiltering, "Linear Upscaling", "Checked", "Uses bilinear texture filtering when displaying the console's framebuffer to the screen. Disabling filtering will " "producer a sharper, blockier/pixelated image. Enabling will smooth out the image. The option will be less " "noticable the higher the resolution scale."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vsync, "VSync", "Checked", "Enables synchronization with the host display when possible. Enabling this option will " "provide better frame pacing and smoother motion with fewer duplicated frames. VSync is " "automatically disabled when it is not possible (e.g. running at non-100% speed)."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.resolutionScale, "Resolution Scale", "1x", "Enables the upscaling of 3D objects rendered to the console's framebuffer. Only applies " "to the hardware backends. This option is usually safe, with most games looking fine at " "higher resolutions. Higher resolutions require a more powerful GPU."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.trueColor, "True Color Rendering (24-bit, disables dithering)", "Checked", "Forces the precision of colours output to the console's framebuffer to use the full 8 bits of precision per " "channel. This produces nicer looking gradients at the cost of making some colours look slightly different. " "Disabling the option also enables dithering, which makes the transition between colours less sharp by applying a " "pattern around those pixels. Usually safe to leave enabled, and only applies to the hardware renderers."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.scaledDithering, "Scaled Dithering (scale dither pattern to resolution)", "Checked", "Scales the dither pattern to the resolution scale of the emulated GPU. This makes the dither pattern much less " "obvious at higher resolutions. Usually safe to enable, and only supported by the hardware renderers."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.forceNTSCTimings, "Force NTSC Timings (60hz-on-PAL)", "Unchecked", "Uses NTSC frame timings when the console is in PAL mode, forcing PAL games to run at 60hz. For most games which " "have a speed tied to the framerate, this will result in the game running approximately 17% faster. For variable " "frame rate games, it may not affect the framerate."); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.linearTextureFiltering, "Bilinear Texture Filtering", "Unchecked", "Smooths out the blockyness of magnified textures on 3D object by using bilinear " "filtering. Will have a greater effect on higher resolution scales. Currently this option " "produces artifacts around objects in many games and needs further work. Only applies to the hardware renderers."); } GPUSettingsWidget::~GPUSettingsWidget() = default; void GPUSettingsWidget::updateScaledDitheringEnabled() { const int resolution_scale = m_ui.resolutionScale->currentIndex(); const bool true_color = m_ui.trueColor->isChecked(); const bool allow_scaled_dithering = (resolution_scale != 1 && !true_color); m_ui.scaledDithering->setEnabled(allow_scaled_dithering); } void GPUSettingsWidget::setupAdditionalUi() { for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast(GPURenderer::Count); i++) m_ui.renderer->addItem(QString::fromLocal8Bit(Settings::GetRendererDisplayName(static_cast(i)))); for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast(DisplayAspectRatio::Count); i++) { m_ui.displayAspectRatio->addItem( QString::fromLocal8Bit(Settings::GetDisplayAspectRatioName(static_cast(i)))); } for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast(DisplayCropMode::Count); i++) { m_ui.displayCropMode->addItem( QString::fromLocal8Bit(Settings::GetDisplayCropModeDisplayName(static_cast(i)))); } m_ui.resolutionScale->addItem(tr("Automatic based on window size")); for (u32 i = 1; i <= GPU::MAX_RESOLUTION_SCALE; i++) m_ui.resolutionScale->addItem(tr("%1x (%2x%3)").arg(i).arg(GPU::VRAM_WIDTH * i).arg(GPU::VRAM_HEIGHT * i)); }