// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) #include "settingswindow.h" #include "advancedsettingswidget.h" #include "audiosettingswidget.h" #include "biossettingswidget.h" #include "consolesettingswidget.h" #include "achievementsettingswidget.h" #include "displaysettingswidget.h" #include "emulationsettingswidget.h" #include "enhancementsettingswidget.h" #include "foldersettingswidget.h" #include "gamelistsettingswidget.h" #include "gamesummarywidget.h" #include "generalsettingswidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "memorycardsettingswidget.h" #include "postprocessingsettingswidget.h" #include "qthost.h" #include "core/achievements.h" #include "core/host.h" #include "util/ini_settings_interface.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/error.h" #include "common/file_system.h" #include "common/log.h" #include #include #include #include Log_SetChannel(SettingsWindow); static QList s_open_game_properties_dialogs; SettingsWindow::SettingsWindow() : QWidget() { m_ui.setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); addPages(); } SettingsWindow::SettingsWindow(const std::string& path, const std::string& serial, DiscRegion region, const GameDatabase::Entry* entry, std::unique_ptr sif) : QWidget(), m_sif(std::move(sif)) { m_ui.setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); addWidget(new GameSummaryWidget(path, serial, region, entry, this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Summary"), QStringLiteral("file-list-line"), tr("Summary
This page shows information about the selected game, and allows you to " "validate your disc was dumped correctly.")); addPages(); s_open_game_properties_dialogs.push_back(this); } SettingsWindow::~SettingsWindow() { if (isPerGameSettings()) s_open_game_properties_dialogs.removeOne(this); } void SettingsWindow::addPages() { addWidget( m_general_settings = new GeneralSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("General"), QStringLiteral("settings-3-line"), tr("General Settings
These options control how the emulator looks and " "behaves.

Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); if (!isPerGameSettings()) { addWidget( m_game_list_settings = new GameListSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Game List"), QStringLiteral("folder-open-line"), tr("Game List Settings
The list above shows the directories which will be searched by " "DuckStation to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to " "recursive/non-recursive.")); } addWidget( m_bios_settings = new BIOSSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("BIOS"), QStringLiteral("chip-line"), tr("BIOS Settings
These options control which BIOS is used and how it will be " "patched.

Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); addWidget( m_console_settings = new ConsoleSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Console"), QStringLiteral("chip-2-line"), tr("Console Settings
These options determine the configuration of the simulated " "console.

Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); addWidget( m_emulation_settings = new EmulationSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Emulation"), QStringLiteral("emulation-line"), tr("Emulation Settings
These options determine the speed and runahead behavior of the " "system.

Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); addWidget( m_memory_card_settings = new MemoryCardSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Memory Cards"), QStringLiteral("memcard-line"), tr("Memory Card Settings
This page lets you control what mode the memory card emulation will " "function in, and where the images for these cards will be stored on disk.")); addWidget( m_display_settings = new DisplaySettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Display"), QStringLiteral("image-fill"), tr("Display Settings
These options control the how the frames generated by the console are " "displayed on the screen.")); addWidget( m_enhancement_settings = new EnhancementSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Enhancements"), QStringLiteral("sparkle-fill"), tr("Enhancement Settings
These options control enhancements which can improve visuals compared " "to the original console. Mouse over each option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this " "panel.")); addWidget( m_post_processing_settings = new PostProcessingSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Post-Processing"), QStringLiteral("sun-fill"), tr("Post-Processing Settings
Post processing allows you to alter the appearance of the image " "displayed on the screen with various filters. Shaders will be executed in sequence.")); addWidget( m_audio_settings = new AudioSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Audio"), QStringLiteral("volume-up-line"), tr("Audio Settings
These options control the audio output of the console. Mouse over an option " "for additional information.")); { QString title(tr("Achievements")); QString icon_text(QStringLiteral("trophy-line")); QString help_text(tr("Achievement Settings
These options control RetroAchievements. Mouse over " "an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); if (!Achievements::IsUsingRAIntegration()) { addWidget(m_achievement_settings = new AchievementSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), std::move(title), std::move(icon_text), std::move(help_text)); } else { QLabel* placeholder_label = new QLabel(QStringLiteral("RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled."), m_ui.settingsContainer); placeholder_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); addWidget(placeholder_label, std::move(title), std::move(icon_text), std::move(help_text)); } } if (!isPerGameSettings()) { addWidget( m_folder_settings = new FolderSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Folders"), QStringLiteral("folder-settings-line"), tr("Folder Settings
These options control where DuckStation will save runtime data files.")); } addWidget(m_advanced_settings = new AdvancedSettingsWidget(this, m_ui.settingsContainer), tr("Advanced"), QStringLiteral("tools-line"), tr("Advanced Settings
These options control logging and internal behavior of the " "emulator. Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.")); if (isPerGameSettings()) { m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)->setVisible(false); } m_ui.settingsCategory->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); m_ui.settingsCategory->setCurrentRow(0); m_ui.settingsContainer->setCurrentIndex(0); m_ui.helpText->setText(m_category_help_text[0]); connect(m_ui.settingsCategory, &QListWidget::currentRowChanged, this, &SettingsWindow::onCategoryCurrentRowChanged); connect(m_ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &SettingsWindow::close); connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults), &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &SettingsWindow::onRestoreDefaultsClicked); } void SettingsWindow::addWidget(QWidget* widget, QString title, QString icon, QString help_text) { const int index = m_ui.settingsCategory->count(); QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem(m_ui.settingsCategory); item->setText(title); if (!icon.isEmpty()) item->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(icon)); m_ui.settingsContainer->addWidget(widget); m_category_help_text[index] = std::move(help_text); } void SettingsWindow::setCategory(const char* category) { // the titles in the category list will be translated. const QString translated_category(tr(category)); for (int i = 0; i < m_ui.settingsCategory->count(); i++) { if (translated_category == m_ui.settingsCategory->item(i)->text()) { // will also update the visible widget m_ui.settingsCategory->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } void SettingsWindow::onCategoryCurrentRowChanged(int row) { DebugAssert(row < static_cast(MAX_SETTINGS_WIDGETS)); m_ui.settingsContainer->setCurrentIndex(row); m_ui.helpText->setText(m_category_help_text[row]); } void SettingsWindow::onRestoreDefaultsClicked() { if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm Restore Defaults"), tr("Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost."), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) { return; } g_emu_thread->setDefaultSettings(true, false); } void SettingsWindow::registerWidgetHelp(QObject* object, QString title, QString recommended_value, QString text) { // construct rich text with formatted description QString full_text; full_text += "
"; full_text += title; full_text += ""; full_text += tr("Recommended Value"); full_text += ": "; full_text += recommended_value; full_text += "

"; full_text += text; m_widget_help_text_map[object] = std::move(full_text); object->installEventFilter(this); } bool SettingsWindow::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Enter) { auto iter = m_widget_help_text_map.constFind(object); if (iter != m_widget_help_text_map.end()) { m_current_help_widget = object; m_ui.helpText->setText(iter.value()); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Leave) { if (m_current_help_widget) { m_current_help_widget = nullptr; m_ui.helpText->setText(m_category_help_text[m_ui.settingsCategory->currentRow()]); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { if (handleWheelEvent(static_cast(event))) return true; } return QWidget::eventFilter(object, event); } bool SettingsWindow::handleWheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { if (!(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) return false; const int amount = event->hasPixelDelta() ? event->pixelDelta().y() : (event->angleDelta().y() / 20); QScrollBar* sb = m_ui.helpText->verticalScrollBar(); if (!sb) return false; sb->setSliderPosition(std::max(sb->sliderPosition() - amount, 0)); return true; } void SettingsWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { if (handleWheelEvent(event)) return; QWidget::wheelEvent(event); } bool SettingsWindow::getEffectiveBoolValue(const char* section, const char* key, bool default_value) const { bool value; if (m_sif && m_sif->GetBoolValue(section, key, &value)) return value; else return Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue(section, key, default_value); } int SettingsWindow::getEffectiveIntValue(const char* section, const char* key, int default_value) const { int value; if (m_sif && m_sif->GetIntValue(section, key, &value)) return value; else return Host::GetBaseIntSettingValue(section, key, default_value); } float SettingsWindow::getEffectiveFloatValue(const char* section, const char* key, float default_value) const { float value; if (m_sif && m_sif->GetFloatValue(section, key, &value)) return value; else return Host::GetBaseFloatSettingValue(section, key, default_value); } std::string SettingsWindow::getEffectiveStringValue(const char* section, const char* key, const char* default_value) const { std::string value; if (!m_sif || !m_sif->GetStringValue(section, key, &value)) value = Host::GetBaseStringSettingValue(section, key, default_value); return value; } Qt::CheckState SettingsWindow::getCheckState(const char* section, const char* key, bool default_value) { bool value; if (m_sif) { if (!m_sif->GetBoolValue(section, key, &value)) return Qt::PartiallyChecked; } else { value = Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue(section, key, default_value); } return value ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; } std::optional SettingsWindow::getBoolValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional default_value) const { std::optional value; if (m_sif) { bool bvalue; if (m_sif->GetBoolValue(section, key, &bvalue)) value = bvalue; else value = default_value; } else { value = Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue(section, key, default_value.value_or(false)); } return value; } std::optional SettingsWindow::getIntValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional default_value) const { std::optional value; if (m_sif) { int ivalue; if (m_sif->GetIntValue(section, key, &ivalue)) value = ivalue; else value = default_value; } else { value = Host::GetBaseIntSettingValue(section, key, default_value.value_or(0)); } return value; } std::optional SettingsWindow::getFloatValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional default_value) const { std::optional value; if (m_sif) { float fvalue; if (m_sif->GetFloatValue(section, key, &fvalue)) value = fvalue; else value = default_value; } else { value = Host::GetBaseFloatSettingValue(section, key, default_value.value_or(0.0f)); } return value; } std::optional SettingsWindow::getStringValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional default_value) const { std::optional value; if (m_sif) { std::string svalue; if (m_sif->GetStringValue(section, key, &svalue)) value = std::move(svalue); else if (default_value.has_value()) value = default_value.value(); } else { value = Host::GetBaseStringSettingValue(section, key, default_value.value_or("")); } return value; } void SettingsWindow::setBoolSettingValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional value) { if (m_sif) { value.has_value() ? m_sif->SetBoolValue(section, key, value.value()) : m_sif->DeleteValue(section, key); m_sif->Save(); g_emu_thread->reloadGameSettings(); } else { value.has_value() ? Host::SetBaseBoolSettingValue(section, key, value.value()) : Host::DeleteBaseSettingValue(section, key); Host::CommitBaseSettingChanges(); g_emu_thread->applySettings(); } } void SettingsWindow::setIntSettingValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional value) { if (m_sif) { value.has_value() ? m_sif->SetIntValue(section, key, value.value()) : m_sif->DeleteValue(section, key); m_sif->Save(); g_emu_thread->reloadGameSettings(); } else { value.has_value() ? Host::SetBaseIntSettingValue(section, key, value.value()) : Host::DeleteBaseSettingValue(section, key); Host::CommitBaseSettingChanges(); g_emu_thread->applySettings(); } } void SettingsWindow::setFloatSettingValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional value) { if (m_sif) { value.has_value() ? m_sif->SetFloatValue(section, key, value.value()) : m_sif->DeleteValue(section, key); m_sif->Save(); g_emu_thread->reloadGameSettings(); } else { value.has_value() ? Host::SetBaseFloatSettingValue(section, key, value.value()) : Host::DeleteBaseSettingValue(section, key); Host::CommitBaseSettingChanges(); g_emu_thread->applySettings(); } } void SettingsWindow::setStringSettingValue(const char* section, const char* key, std::optional value) { if (m_sif) { value.has_value() ? m_sif->SetStringValue(section, key, value.value()) : m_sif->DeleteValue(section, key); m_sif->Save(); g_emu_thread->reloadGameSettings(); } else { value.has_value() ? Host::SetBaseStringSettingValue(section, key, value.value()) : Host::DeleteBaseSettingValue(section, key); Host::CommitBaseSettingChanges(); g_emu_thread->applySettings(); } } void SettingsWindow::removeSettingValue(const char* section, const char* key) { if (m_sif) { m_sif->DeleteValue(section, key); m_sif->Save(); g_emu_thread->reloadGameSettings(); } else { Host::DeleteBaseSettingValue(section, key); Host::CommitBaseSettingChanges(); g_emu_thread->applySettings(); } } void SettingsWindow::openGamePropertiesDialog(const std::string& path, const std::string& serial, DiscRegion region) { const GameDatabase::Entry* dentry = nullptr; if (!System::IsExeFileName(path) && !System::IsPsfFileName(path)) { // Need to resolve hash games. Error error; std::unique_ptr image = CDImage::Open(path.c_str(), false, &error); if (image) dentry = GameDatabase::GetEntryForDisc(image.get()); else Log_ErrorFmt("Failed to open '{}' for game properties: {}", path, error.GetDescription()); if (!dentry) { // Use the serial and hope for the best... dentry = GameDatabase::GetEntryForSerial(serial); } } const std::string& real_serial = dentry ? dentry->serial : serial; std::string ini_filename = System::GetGameSettingsPath(real_serial); // check for an existing dialog with this crc for (SettingsWindow* dialog : s_open_game_properties_dialogs) { if (dialog->isPerGameSettings() && static_cast(dialog->getSettingsInterface())->GetFileName() == ini_filename) { dialog->show(); dialog->raise(); dialog->activateWindow(); dialog->setFocus(); return; } } std::unique_ptr sif = std::make_unique(std::move(ini_filename)); if (FileSystem::FileExists(sif->GetFileName().c_str())) sif->Load(); const QString window_title(tr("%1 [%2]") .arg(dentry ? QtUtils::StringViewToQString(dentry->title) : QStringLiteral("")) .arg(QtUtils::StringViewToQString(real_serial))); SettingsWindow* dialog = new SettingsWindow(path, real_serial, region, dentry, std::move(sif)); dialog->setWindowTitle(window_title); dialog->show(); } void SettingsWindow::closeGamePropertiesDialogs() { for (SettingsWindow* dialog : s_open_game_properties_dialogs) { dialog->close(); dialog->deleteLater(); } }