#include "common/assert.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/string_util.h" #include "gpu.h" #include "interrupt_controller.h" #include "system.h" Log_SetChannel(GPU); #define CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(num_words) \ if (command_size < num_words) \ { \ m_command_total_words = num_words; \ m_state = State::WaitingForParameters; \ return false; \ } static u32 s_cpu_to_vram_dump_id = 1; static u32 s_vram_to_cpu_dump_id = 1; static constexpr u32 ReplaceZero(u32 value, u32 value_for_zero) { return value == 0 ? value_for_zero : value; } void GPU::ExecuteCommands() { Assert(m_GP0_buffer.size() < 1048576); const u32* command_ptr = m_GP0_buffer.data(); u32 command_size = static_cast(m_GP0_buffer.size()); while (m_state != State::ReadingVRAM && command_size > 0 && command_size >= m_command_total_words) { const u32 command = command_ptr[0] >> 24; const u32* old_command_ptr = command_ptr; if (!(this->*s_GP0_command_handler_table[command])(command_ptr, command_size)) break; const u32 words_used = static_cast(command_ptr - old_command_ptr); DebugAssert(words_used <= command_size); command_size -= words_used; } if (command_size == 0) m_GP0_buffer.clear(); else if (command_ptr > m_GP0_buffer.data()) m_GP0_buffer.erase(m_GP0_buffer.begin(), m_GP0_buffer.begin() + (command_ptr - m_GP0_buffer.data())); UpdateDMARequest(); } void GPU::EndCommand() { m_state = State::Idle; m_command_total_words = 0; } GPU::GP0CommandHandlerTable GPU::GenerateGP0CommandHandlerTable() { GP0CommandHandlerTable table = {}; for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast(table.size()); i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleUnknownGP0Command; table[0x00] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand; table[0x01] = &GPU::HandleClearCacheCommand; table[0x02] = &GPU::HandleFillRectangleCommand; table[0x03] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand; for (u32 i = 0x04; i <= 0x1E; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand; table[0x1F] = &GPU::HandleInterruptRequestCommand; for (u32 i = 0x20; i <= 0x7F; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleRenderCommand; table[0xE0] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand; table[0xE1] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawModeCommand; table[0xE2] = &GPU::HandleSetTextureWindowCommand; table[0xE3] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaTopLeftCommand; table[0xE4] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaBottomRightCommand; table[0xE5] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingOffsetCommand; table[0xE6] = &GPU::HandleSetMaskBitCommand; for (u32 i = 0xE7; i <= 0xEF; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand; for (u32 i = 0x80; i <= 0x9F; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToVRAMCommand; for (u32 i = 0xA0; i <= 0xBF; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand; for (u32 i = 0xC0; i <= 0xDF; i++) table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToCPUCommand; return table; } bool GPU::HandleUnknownGP0Command(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 command = *(command_ptr++) >> 24; Log_ErrorPrintf("Unimplemented GP0 command 0x%02X", command); EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleNOPCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { command_ptr++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleClearCacheCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { Log_DebugPrintf("GP0 clear cache"); command_ptr++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleInterruptRequestCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { Log_WarningPrintf("GP0 interrupt request"); if (!m_GPUSTAT.interrupt_request) { m_GPUSTAT.interrupt_request = true; m_interrupt_controller->InterruptRequest(InterruptController::IRQ::GPU); } command_ptr++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetDrawModeCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; Log_DebugPrintf("Set draw mode %08X", param); SetDrawMode(Truncate16(param)); EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetTextureWindowCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; m_draw_mode.SetTextureWindow(param); Log_DebugPrintf("Set texture window %02X %02X %02X %02X", m_draw_mode.texture_window_mask_x, m_draw_mode.texture_window_mask_y, m_draw_mode.texture_window_offset_x, m_draw_mode.texture_window_offset_y); EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaTopLeftCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; const u32 left = param & 0x3FF; const u32 top = (param >> 10) & 0x1FF; Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing area top-left: (%u, %u)", left, top); if (m_drawing_area.left != left || m_drawing_area.top != top) { FlushRender(); m_drawing_area.left = left; m_drawing_area.top = top; m_drawing_area_changed = true; } EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaBottomRightCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; const u32 right = param & 0x3FF; const u32 bottom = (param >> 10) & 0x1FF; Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing area bottom-right: (%u, %u)", m_drawing_area.right, m_drawing_area.bottom); if (m_drawing_area.right != right || m_drawing_area.bottom != bottom) { FlushRender(); m_drawing_area.right = right; m_drawing_area.bottom = bottom; m_drawing_area_changed = true; } EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingOffsetCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; const s32 x = SignExtendN<11, s32>(param & 0x7FF); const s32 y = SignExtendN<11, s32>((param >> 11) & 0x7FF); Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing offset (%d, %d)", m_drawing_offset.x, m_drawing_offset.y); if (m_drawing_offset.x != x || m_drawing_offset.y != y) { FlushRender(); m_drawing_offset.x = x; m_drawing_offset.y = y; } EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleSetMaskBitCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & 0x00FFFFFF; constexpr u32 gpustat_mask = (1 << 11) | (1 << 12); const u32 gpustat_bits = (param & 0x03) << 11; if ((m_GPUSTAT.bits & gpustat_mask) != gpustat_bits) { FlushRender(); m_GPUSTAT.bits = (m_GPUSTAT.bits & ~gpustat_mask) | gpustat_bits; } Log_DebugPrintf("Set mask bit %u %u", BoolToUInt32(m_GPUSTAT.set_mask_while_drawing), BoolToUInt32(m_GPUSTAT.check_mask_before_draw)); EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleRenderCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { const RenderCommand rc{command_ptr[0]}; u8 words_per_vertex; u32 num_vertices; u32 total_words; switch (rc.primitive) { case Primitive::Polygon: { // shaded vertices use the colour from the first word for the first vertex words_per_vertex = 1 + BoolToUInt8(rc.texture_enable) + BoolToUInt8(rc.shading_enable); num_vertices = rc.quad_polygon ? 4 : 3; total_words = words_per_vertex * num_vertices + BoolToUInt8(!rc.shading_enable); CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(total_words); // set draw state up if (rc.texture_enable) { const u16 texpage_attribute = Truncate16((rc.shading_enable ? command_ptr[5] : command_ptr[4]) >> 16); SetDrawMode((texpage_attribute & DrawMode::Reg::POLYGON_TEXPAGE_MASK) | (m_draw_mode.mode_reg.bits & ~DrawMode::Reg::POLYGON_TEXPAGE_MASK)); SetTexturePalette(Truncate16(command_ptr[2] >> 16)); } } break; case Primitive::Line: { words_per_vertex = 1 + BoolToUInt8(rc.shading_enable); if (rc.polyline) { // polyline must have at least two vertices, and the terminator is (word & 0xf000f000) == 0x50005000. terminator // is on the first word for the vertex num_vertices = 2; bool found_terminator = false; for (u32 pos = rc.shading_enable ? 4 : 3; pos < command_size; pos += words_per_vertex) { if ((command_ptr[pos] & UINT32_C(0xF000F000)) == UINT32_C(0x50005000)) { found_terminator = true; break; } num_vertices++; } if (!found_terminator) return false; total_words = words_per_vertex * num_vertices + BoolToUInt32(!rc.shading_enable) + 1; } else { num_vertices = 2; total_words = words_per_vertex * num_vertices + BoolToUInt32(!rc.shading_enable); } } break; case Primitive::Rectangle: { words_per_vertex = 2 + BoolToUInt8(rc.texture_enable) + BoolToUInt8(rc.rectangle_size == DrawRectangleSize::Variable); num_vertices = 1; total_words = words_per_vertex; if (rc.texture_enable) SetTexturePalette(Truncate16(command_ptr[2] >> 16)); } break; default: UnreachableCode(); return true; } CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(total_words); static constexpr std::array primitive_names = {{"", "polygon", "line", "rectangle"}}; Log_TracePrintf("Render %s %s %s %s %s (%u verts, %u words per vert)", rc.quad_polygon ? "four-point" : "three-point", rc.transparency_enable ? "semi-transparent" : "opaque", rc.texture_enable ? "textured" : "non-textured", rc.shading_enable ? "shaded" : "monochrome", primitive_names[static_cast(rc.primitive.GetValue())], ZeroExtend32(num_vertices), ZeroExtend32(words_per_vertex)); DispatchRenderCommand(rc, num_vertices, command_ptr); command_ptr += total_words; m_stats.num_vertices += num_vertices; m_stats.num_polygons++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleFillRectangleCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(3); FlushRender(); const u32 color = command_ptr[0] & 0x00FFFFFF; const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[1] & 0x3F0; const u32 dst_y = (command_ptr[1] >> 16) & 0x3FF; const u32 width = ((command_ptr[2] & 0x3FF) + 0xF) & ~0xF; const u32 height = (command_ptr[2] >> 16) & 0x1FF; command_ptr += 3; Log_DebugPrintf("Fill VRAM rectangle offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", dst_x, dst_y, width, height); FillVRAM(dst_x, dst_y, width, height, color); m_stats.num_vram_fills++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(3); const u32 copy_width = ReplaceZero(command_ptr[2] & 0x3FF, 0x400); const u32 copy_height = ReplaceZero((command_ptr[2] >> 16) & 0x1FF, 0x200); const u32 num_pixels = copy_width * copy_height; const u32 num_words = 3 + ((num_pixels + 1) / 2); if (command_size < num_words) { m_command_total_words = num_words; m_state = State::WritingVRAM; return false; } const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[1] & 0x3FF; const u32 dst_y = (command_ptr[1] >> 16) & 0x3FF; Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from CPU to VRAM offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", dst_x, dst_y, copy_width, copy_height); if (m_system->GetSettings().debugging.dump_cpu_to_vram_copies) { DumpVRAMToFile(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("cpu_to_vram_copy_%u.png", s_cpu_to_vram_dump_id++).c_str(), copy_width, copy_height, sizeof(u16) * copy_width, &command_ptr[3], true); } FlushRender(); UpdateVRAM(dst_x, dst_y, copy_width, copy_height, &command_ptr[3]); command_ptr += num_words; m_stats.num_vram_writes++; EndCommand(); return true; } bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToCPUCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(3); m_vram_transfer.width = ((Truncate16(command_ptr[2]) - 1) & 0x3FF) + 1; m_vram_transfer.height = ((Truncate16(command_ptr[2] >> 16) - 1) & 0x1FF) + 1; m_vram_transfer.x = Truncate16(command_ptr[1] & 0x3FF); m_vram_transfer.y = Truncate16((command_ptr[1] >> 16) & 0x3FF); command_ptr += 3; Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from VRAM to CPU offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", m_vram_transfer.x, m_vram_transfer.y, m_vram_transfer.width, m_vram_transfer.height); DebugAssert(m_vram_transfer.col == 0 && m_vram_transfer.row == 0); // all rendering should be done first... FlushRender(); // ensure VRAM shadow is up to date ReadVRAM(m_vram_transfer.x, m_vram_transfer.y, m_vram_transfer.width, m_vram_transfer.height); if (m_system->GetSettings().debugging.dump_vram_to_cpu_copies) { DumpVRAMToFile(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("vram_to_cpu_copy_%u.png", s_vram_to_cpu_dump_id++).c_str(), m_vram_transfer.width, m_vram_transfer.height, sizeof(u16) * VRAM_WIDTH, &m_vram_ptr[m_vram_transfer.y * VRAM_WIDTH + m_vram_transfer.x], true); } // switch to pixel-by-pixel read state m_stats.num_vram_reads++; m_state = State::ReadingVRAM; m_command_total_words = 0; return true; } bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToVRAMCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size) { CHECK_COMMAND_SIZE(4); const u32 src_x = command_ptr[1] & 0x3FF; const u32 src_y = (command_ptr[1] >> 16) & 0x3FF; const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[2] & 0x3FF; const u32 dst_y = (command_ptr[2] >> 16) & 0x3FF; const u32 width = ReplaceZero(command_ptr[3] & 0x3FF, 0x400); const u32 height = ReplaceZero((command_ptr[3] >> 16) & 0x1FF, 0x200); command_ptr += 4; Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from VRAM to VRAM src=(%u,%u), dst=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height); FlushRender(); CopyVRAM(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height); m_stats.num_vram_copies++; EndCommand(); return true; }