// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin <stenzek@gmail.com> // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) #pragma once #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <optional> #include <string_view> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "common/types.h" #include "input_manager.h" class SettingsInterface; class InputSource { public: InputSource(); virtual ~InputSource(); virtual bool Initialize(SettingsInterface& si, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& settings_lock) = 0; virtual void UpdateSettings(SettingsInterface& si, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& settings_lock) = 0; virtual bool ReloadDevices() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; virtual void PollEvents() = 0; virtual std::optional<InputBindingKey> ParseKeyString(const std::string_view& device, const std::string_view& binding) = 0; virtual std::string ConvertKeyToString(InputBindingKey key) = 0; /// Enumerates available devices. Returns a pair of the prefix (e.g. SDL-0) and the device name. virtual std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> EnumerateDevices() = 0; /// Enumerates available vibration motors at the time of call. virtual std::vector<InputBindingKey> EnumerateMotors() = 0; /// Retrieves bindings that match the generic bindings for the specified device. /// Returns false if it's not one of our devices. virtual bool GetGenericBindingMapping(const std::string_view& device, GenericInputBindingMapping* mapping) = 0; /// Informs the source of a new vibration motor state. Changes may not take effect until the next PollEvents() call. virtual void UpdateMotorState(InputBindingKey key, float intensity) = 0; /// Concurrently update both motors where possible, to avoid redundant packets. virtual void UpdateMotorState(InputBindingKey large_key, InputBindingKey small_key, float large_intensity, float small_intensity); /// Creates a key for a generic controller axis event. static InputBindingKey MakeGenericControllerAxisKey(InputSourceType clazz, u32 controller_index, s32 axis_index); /// Creates a key for a generic controller button event. static InputBindingKey MakeGenericControllerButtonKey(InputSourceType clazz, u32 controller_index, s32 button_index); /// Creates a key for a generic controller hat event. static InputBindingKey MakeGenericControllerHatKey(InputSourceType clazz, u32 controller_index, s32 hat_index, u8 hat_direction, u32 num_directions); /// Creates a key for a generic controller motor event. static InputBindingKey MakeGenericControllerMotorKey(InputSourceType clazz, u32 controller_index, s32 motor_index); /// Parses a generic controller key string. static std::optional<InputBindingKey> ParseGenericControllerKey(InputSourceType clazz, const std::string_view& source, const std::string_view& sub_binding); /// Converts a generic controller key to a string. static std::string ConvertGenericControllerKeyToString(InputBindingKey key); #ifdef _WIN32 static std::unique_ptr<InputSource> CreateDInputSource(); static std::unique_ptr<InputSource> CreateXInputSource(); static std::unique_ptr<InputSource> CreateWin32RawInputSource(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SDL2 static std::unique_ptr<InputSource> CreateSDLSource(); #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ static std::unique_ptr<InputSource> CreateAndroidSource(); #endif };