// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Connor McLaughlin // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) #include "postprocessing.h" #include "gpu_device.h" #include "host.h" #include "imgui_manager.h" #include "postprocessing_shader.h" #include "postprocessing_shader_fx.h" #include "postprocessing_shader_glsl.h" // TODO: Remove me #include "core/host.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "IconsFontAwesome5.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/error.h" #include "common/file_system.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/path.h" #include "common/small_string.h" #include "common/string_util.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "fmt/format.h" Log_SetChannel(PostProcessing); // TODO: ProgressCallbacks for shader compiling, it can be a bit slow. // TODO: buffer width/height is wrong on resize, need to change it somehow. namespace PostProcessing { template static u32 ParseVector(const std::string_view& line, ShaderOption::ValueVector* values); static TinyString ValueToString(ShaderOption::Type type, u32 vector_size, const ShaderOption::ValueVector& value); static TinyString GetStageConfigSection(u32 index); static void CopyStageConfig(SettingsInterface& si, u32 old_index, u32 new_index); static void SwapStageConfig(SettingsInterface& si, u32 lhs_index, u32 rhs_index); static std::unique_ptr TryLoadingShader(const std::string& shader_name, bool only_config, Error* error); static void ClearStagesWithError(const Error& error); static SettingsInterface& GetLoadSettingsInterface(); static void LoadStages(); static void DestroyTextures(); static std::vector> s_stages; static bool s_enabled = false; static GPUTexture::Format s_target_format = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; static u32 s_target_width = 0; static u32 s_target_height = 0; static Common::Timer s_timer; static std::unique_ptr s_input_texture; static std::unique_ptr s_output_texture; static std::unordered_map> s_samplers; static std::unique_ptr s_dummy_texture; } // namespace PostProcessing template u32 PostProcessing::ParseVector(const std::string_view& line, ShaderOption::ValueVector* values) { u32 index = 0; size_t start = 0; while (index < PostProcessing::ShaderOption::MAX_VECTOR_COMPONENTS) { while (start < line.size() && std::isspace(line[start])) start++; if (start >= line.size()) break; size_t end = line.find(',', start); if (end == std::string_view::npos) end = line.size(); const std::string_view component = line.substr(start, end - start); T value = StringUtil::FromChars(component).value_or(static_cast(0)); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) (*values)[index++].float_value = value; else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) (*values)[index++].int_value = value; start = end + 1; } const u32 size = index; for (; index < PostProcessing::ShaderOption::MAX_VECTOR_COMPONENTS; index++) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) (*values)[index++].float_value = 0.0f; else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) (*values)[index++].int_value = 0; } return size; } u32 PostProcessing::ShaderOption::ParseFloatVector(const std::string_view& line, ValueVector* values) { return ParseVector(line, values); } u32 PostProcessing::ShaderOption::ParseIntVector(const std::string_view& line, ValueVector* values) { return ParseVector(line, values); } TinyString PostProcessing::ValueToString(ShaderOption::Type type, u32 vector_size, const ShaderOption::ValueVector& value) { TinyString ret; for (u32 i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) { if (i > 0) ret.append(','); switch (type) { case ShaderOption::Type::Bool: ret.append((value[i].int_value != 0) ? "true" : "false"); break; case ShaderOption::Type::Int: ret.append_fmt("{}", value[i].int_value); break; case ShaderOption::Type::Float: ret.append_fmt("{}", value[i].float_value); break; default: break; } } return ret; } std::vector> PostProcessing::GetAvailableShaderNames() { std::vector> names; FileSystem::FindResultsArray results; FileSystem::FindFiles(Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Resources, "shaders").c_str(), "*.glsl", FILESYSTEM_FIND_FILES | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RECURSIVE | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RELATIVE_PATHS, &results); FileSystem::FindFiles(EmuFolders::Shaders.c_str(), "*.glsl", FILESYSTEM_FIND_FILES | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RECURSIVE | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RELATIVE_PATHS | FILESYSTEM_FIND_KEEP_ARRAY, &results); std::sort(results.begin(), results.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.FileName < rhs.FileName; }); for (FILESYSTEM_FIND_DATA& fd : results) { size_t pos = fd.FileName.rfind('.'); if (pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0) fd.FileName.erase(pos); // swap any backslashes for forward slashes so the config is cross-platform for (size_t i = 0; i < fd.FileName.size(); i++) { if (fd.FileName[i] == '\\') fd.FileName[i] = '/'; } if (std::none_of(names.begin(), names.end(), [&fd](const auto& other) { return fd.FileName == other.second; })) { std::string display_name = fmt::format(TRANSLATE_FS("PostProcessing", "{} [GLSL]"), fd.FileName); names.emplace_back(std::move(display_name), std::move(fd.FileName)); } } FileSystem::FindFiles(Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Shaders, "reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Shaders").c_str(), "*.fx", FILESYSTEM_FIND_FILES | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RELATIVE_PATHS, &results); FileSystem::FindFiles( Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Resources, "shaders" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Shaders") .c_str(), "*.fx", FILESYSTEM_FIND_FILES | FILESYSTEM_FIND_RELATIVE_PATHS | FILESYSTEM_FIND_KEEP_ARRAY, &results); std::sort(results.begin(), results.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.FileName < rhs.FileName; }); for (FILESYSTEM_FIND_DATA& fd : results) { size_t pos = fd.FileName.rfind('.'); if (pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0) fd.FileName.erase(pos); // swap any backslashes for forward slashes so the config is cross-platform for (size_t i = 0; i < fd.FileName.size(); i++) { if (fd.FileName[i] == '\\') fd.FileName[i] = '/'; } if (std::none_of(names.begin(), names.end(), [&fd](const auto& other) { return fd.FileName == other.second; })) { std::string display_name = fmt::format(TRANSLATE_FS("PostProcessing", "{} [ReShade]"), fd.FileName); names.emplace_back(std::move(display_name), std::move(fd.FileName)); } } return names; } TinyString PostProcessing::GetStageConfigSection(u32 index) { return TinyString::from_fmt("PostProcessing/Stage{}", index + 1); } void PostProcessing::CopyStageConfig(SettingsInterface& si, u32 old_index, u32 new_index) { const TinyString old_section = GetStageConfigSection(old_index); const TinyString new_section = GetStageConfigSection(new_index); si.ClearSection(new_section); for (const auto& [key, value] : si.GetKeyValueList(old_section)) si.SetStringValue(new_section, key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } void PostProcessing::SwapStageConfig(SettingsInterface& si, u32 lhs_index, u32 rhs_index) { const TinyString lhs_section = GetStageConfigSection(lhs_index); const TinyString rhs_section = GetStageConfigSection(rhs_index); const std::vector> lhs_kvs = si.GetKeyValueList(lhs_section); si.ClearSection(lhs_section); const std::vector> rhs_kvs = si.GetKeyValueList(rhs_section); si.ClearSection(rhs_section); for (const auto& [key, value] : rhs_kvs) si.SetStringValue(lhs_section, key.c_str(), value.c_str()); for (const auto& [key, value] : lhs_kvs) si.SetStringValue(rhs_section, key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } u32 PostProcessing::Config::GetStageCount(const SettingsInterface& si) { return si.GetUIntValue("PostProcessing", "StageCount", 0u); } std::string PostProcessing::Config::GetStageShaderName(const SettingsInterface& si, u32 index) { return si.GetStringValue(GetStageConfigSection(index), "ShaderName"); } std::vector PostProcessing::Config::GetStageOptions(const SettingsInterface& si, u32 index) { std::vector ret; const TinyString section = GetStageConfigSection(index); const std::string shader_name = si.GetStringValue(section, "ShaderName"); if (shader_name.empty()) return ret; std::unique_ptr shader = TryLoadingShader(shader_name, true, nullptr); if (!shader) return ret; shader->LoadOptions(si, section); ret = shader->TakeOptions(); return ret; } std::vector PostProcessing::Config::GetShaderOptions(const std::string& shader_name, Error* error) { std::vector ret; std::unique_ptr shader = TryLoadingShader(shader_name, true, error); if (!shader) return ret; ret = shader->TakeOptions(); return ret; } bool PostProcessing::Config::AddStage(SettingsInterface& si, const std::string& shader_name, Error* error) { std::unique_ptr shader = TryLoadingShader(shader_name, true, error); if (!shader) return false; const u32 index = GetStageCount(si); si.SetUIntValue("PostProcessing", "StageCount", index + 1); const TinyString section = GetStageConfigSection(index); si.SetStringValue(section, "ShaderName", shader->GetName().c_str()); #if 0 // Leave options unset for now. for (const ShaderOption& option : shader->GetOptions()) { si.SetStringValue(section, option.name.c_str(), ValueToString(option.type, option.vector_size, option.default_value)); } #endif return true; } void PostProcessing::Config::RemoveStage(SettingsInterface& si, u32 index) { const u32 stage_count = GetStageCount(si); if (index >= stage_count) return; for (u32 i = index; i < (stage_count - 1); i++) CopyStageConfig(si, i + 1, i); si.ClearSection(GetStageConfigSection(stage_count - 1)); si.SetUIntValue("PostProcessing", "StageCount", stage_count - 1); } void PostProcessing::Config::MoveStageUp(SettingsInterface& si, u32 index) { const u32 stage_count = GetStageCount(si); if (index == 0 || index >= stage_count) return; SwapStageConfig(si, index, index - 1); } void PostProcessing::Config::MoveStageDown(SettingsInterface& si, u32 index) { const u32 stage_count = GetStageCount(si); if ((index + 1) >= stage_count) return; SwapStageConfig(si, index, index + 1); } void PostProcessing::Config::SetStageOption(SettingsInterface& si, u32 index, const ShaderOption& option) { const TinyString section = GetStageConfigSection(index); si.SetStringValue(section, option.name.c_str(), ValueToString(option.type, option.vector_size, option.value)); } void PostProcessing::Config::UnsetStageOption(SettingsInterface& si, u32 index, const ShaderOption& option) { const TinyString section = GetStageConfigSection(index); si.DeleteValue(section, option.name.c_str()); } void PostProcessing::Config::ClearStages(SettingsInterface& si) { const u32 count = GetStageCount(si); for (s32 i = static_cast(count - 1); i >= 0; i--) si.ClearSection(GetStageConfigSection(static_cast(i))); si.SetUIntValue("PostProcessing", "StageCount", 0); } bool PostProcessing::IsActive() { return s_enabled && !s_stages.empty(); } bool PostProcessing::IsEnabled() { return s_enabled; } void PostProcessing::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { s_enabled = enabled; } std::unique_ptr PostProcessing::TryLoadingShader(const std::string& shader_name, bool only_config, Error* error) { std::string filename; std::optional resource_str; // Try reshade first. filename = Path::Combine( EmuFolders::Shaders, fmt::format("reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Shaders" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "{}.fx", shader_name)); if (FileSystem::FileExists(filename.c_str())) { std::unique_ptr shader = std::make_unique(); if (shader->LoadFromFile(std::string(shader_name), filename.c_str(), only_config, error)) return shader; } filename = Path::Combine(EmuFolders::Shaders, fmt::format("{}.glsl", shader_name)); if (FileSystem::FileExists(filename.c_str())) { std::unique_ptr shader = std::make_unique(); if (shader->LoadFromFile(std::string(shader_name), filename.c_str(), error)) return shader; } filename = fmt::format("shaders/reshade" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "Shaders" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "{}.fx", shader_name); resource_str = Host::ReadResourceFileToString(filename.c_str()); if (resource_str.has_value()) { std::unique_ptr shader = std::make_unique(); if (shader->LoadFromString(std::string(shader_name), std::move(filename), std::move(resource_str.value()), only_config, error)) { return shader; } } filename = fmt::format("shaders" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "{}.glsl", shader_name); resource_str = Host::ReadResourceFileToString(filename.c_str()); if (resource_str.has_value()) { std::unique_ptr shader = std::make_unique(); if (shader->LoadFromString(std::string(shader_name), std::move(resource_str.value()), error)) return shader; } Log_ErrorFmt("Failed to load shader '{}'", shader_name); return {}; } void PostProcessing::ClearStagesWithError(const Error& error) { std::string msg = error.GetDescription(); Host::AddIconOSDMessage( "PostProcessLoadFail", ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE, fmt::format(TRANSLATE_FS("OSDMessage", "Failed to load post-processing chain: {}"), msg.empty() ? TRANSLATE_SV("PostProcessing", "Unknown Error") : std::string_view(msg)), Host::OSD_ERROR_DURATION); s_stages.clear(); } SettingsInterface& PostProcessing::GetLoadSettingsInterface() { // If PostProcessing/Enable is set in the game settings interface, use that. // Otherwise, use the base settings. SettingsInterface* game_si = Host::Internal::GetGameSettingsLayer(); if (game_si && game_si->ContainsValue("PostProcessing", "Enabled")) return *game_si; else return *Host::Internal::GetBaseSettingsLayer(); } void PostProcessing::Initialize() { LoadStages(); } void PostProcessing::LoadStages() { auto lock = Host::GetSettingsLock(); SettingsInterface& si = GetLoadSettingsInterface(); s_enabled = si.GetBoolValue("PostProcessing", "Enabled", false); const u32 stage_count = Config::GetStageCount(si); if (stage_count == 0) return; Error error; for (u32 i = 0; i < stage_count; i++) { std::string stage_name = Config::GetStageShaderName(si, i); if (stage_name.empty()) { error.SetString(fmt::format("No stage name in stage {}.", i + 1)); ClearStagesWithError(error); return; } lock.unlock(); std::unique_ptr shader = TryLoadingShader(stage_name, false, &error); if (!shader) { ClearStagesWithError(error); return; } lock.lock(); shader->LoadOptions(si, GetStageConfigSection(i)); s_stages.push_back(std::move(shader)); } if (stage_count > 0) { s_timer.Reset(); Log_DevPrintf("Loaded %u post-processing stages.", stage_count); } } void PostProcessing::UpdateSettings() { auto lock = Host::GetSettingsLock(); SettingsInterface& si = GetLoadSettingsInterface(); s_enabled = si.GetBoolValue("PostProcessing", "Enabled", false); const u32 stage_count = Config::GetStageCount(si); if (stage_count == 0) { s_stages.clear(); return; } Error error; s_stages.resize(stage_count); for (u32 i = 0; i < stage_count; i++) { std::string stage_name = Config::GetStageShaderName(si, i); if (stage_name.empty()) { error.SetString(fmt::format("No stage name in stage {}.", i + 1)); ClearStagesWithError(error); return; } if (!s_stages[i] || stage_name != s_stages[i]->GetName()) { if (i < s_stages.size()) s_stages[i].reset(); // Force recompile. s_target_format = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; lock.unlock(); std::unique_ptr shader = TryLoadingShader(stage_name, false, &error); if (!shader) { ClearStagesWithError(error); return; } if (i < s_stages.size()) s_stages[i] = std::move(shader); else s_stages.push_back(std::move(shader)); lock.lock(); } s_stages[i]->LoadOptions(si, GetStageConfigSection(i)); } if (stage_count > 0) { s_timer.Reset(); Log_DevPrintf("Loaded %u post-processing stages.", stage_count); } } void PostProcessing::Toggle() { if (s_stages.empty()) { Host::AddIconOSDMessage("PostProcessing", ICON_FA_PAINT_ROLLER, TRANSLATE_STR("OSDMessage", "No post-processing shaders are selected."), Host::OSD_QUICK_DURATION); return; } const bool new_enabled = !s_enabled; Host::AddIconOSDMessage("PostProcessing", ICON_FA_PAINT_ROLLER, new_enabled ? TRANSLATE_STR("OSDMessage", "Post-processing is now enabled.") : TRANSLATE_STR("OSDMessage", "Post-processing is now disabled."), Host::OSD_QUICK_DURATION); s_enabled = new_enabled; if (s_enabled) s_timer.Reset(); } bool PostProcessing::ReloadShaders() { if (s_stages.empty()) { Host::AddIconOSDMessage("PostProcessing", ICON_FA_PAINT_ROLLER, TRANSLATE_STR("OSDMessage", "No post-processing shaders are selected."), Host::OSD_QUICK_DURATION); return false; } decltype(s_stages)().swap(s_stages); DestroyTextures(); LoadStages(); Host::AddIconOSDMessage("PostProcessing", ICON_FA_PAINT_ROLLER, TRANSLATE_STR("OSDMessage", "Post-processing shaders reloaded."), Host::OSD_QUICK_DURATION); return true; } void PostProcessing::Shutdown() { g_gpu_device->RecycleTexture(std::move(s_dummy_texture)); s_samplers.clear(); s_enabled = false; decltype(s_stages)().swap(s_stages); DestroyTextures(); } GPUTexture* PostProcessing::GetInputTexture() { return s_input_texture.get(); } const Common::Timer& PostProcessing::GetTimer() { return s_timer; } GPUSampler* PostProcessing::GetSampler(const GPUSampler::Config& config) { auto it = s_samplers.find(config.key); if (it != s_samplers.end()) return it->second.get(); std::unique_ptr sampler = g_gpu_device->CreateSampler(config); if (!sampler) Log_ErrorFmt("Failed to create GPU sampler with config={:X}", config.key); it = s_samplers.emplace(config.key, std::move(sampler)).first; return it->second.get(); } GPUTexture* PostProcessing::GetDummyTexture() { if (s_dummy_texture) return s_dummy_texture.get(); const u32 zero = 0; s_dummy_texture = g_gpu_device->FetchTexture(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, GPUTexture::Type::Texture, GPUTexture::Format::RGBA8, &zero, sizeof(zero)); if (!s_dummy_texture) Log_ErrorPrint("Failed to create dummy texture."); return s_dummy_texture.get(); } bool PostProcessing::CheckTargets(GPUTexture::Format target_format, u32 target_width, u32 target_height) { if (s_target_format == target_format && s_target_width == target_width && s_target_height == target_height) return true; // In case any allocs fail. DestroyTextures(); if (!(s_input_texture = g_gpu_device->FetchTexture(target_width, target_height, 1, 1, 1, GPUTexture::Type::RenderTarget, target_format)) || !(s_output_texture = g_gpu_device->FetchTexture(target_width, target_height, 1, 1, 1, GPUTexture::Type::RenderTarget, target_format))) { return false; } for (auto& shader : s_stages) { if (!shader->CompilePipeline(target_format, target_width, target_height) || !shader->ResizeOutput(target_format, target_width, target_height)) { Log_ErrorPrintf("Failed to compile one or more post-processing shaders, disabling."); Host::AddIconOSDMessage( "PostProcessLoadFail", ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE, fmt::format("Failed to compile post-processing shader '{}'. Disabling post-processing.", shader->GetName())); s_enabled = false; return false; } } s_target_format = target_format; s_target_width = target_width; s_target_height = target_height; return true; } void PostProcessing::DestroyTextures() { s_target_format = GPUTexture::Format::Unknown; s_target_width = 0; s_target_height = 0; g_gpu_device->RecycleTexture(std::move(s_output_texture)); g_gpu_device->RecycleTexture(std::move(s_input_texture)); } bool PostProcessing::Apply(GPUTexture* final_target, s32 final_left, s32 final_top, s32 final_width, s32 final_height, s32 orig_width, s32 orig_height) { GL_SCOPE("PostProcessing Apply"); const u32 target_width = final_target ? final_target->GetWidth() : g_gpu_device->GetWindowWidth(); const u32 target_height = final_target ? final_target->GetHeight() : g_gpu_device->GetWindowHeight(); const GPUTexture::Format target_format = final_target ? final_target->GetFormat() : g_gpu_device->GetWindowFormat(); if (!CheckTargets(target_format, target_width, target_height)) return false; GPUTexture* input = s_input_texture.get(); GPUTexture* output = s_output_texture.get(); input->MakeReadyForSampling(); for (const std::unique_ptr& stage : s_stages) { const bool is_final = (stage.get() == s_stages.back().get()); if (!stage->Apply(input, is_final ? final_target : output, final_left, final_top, final_width, final_height, orig_width, orig_height, s_target_width, s_target_height)) { return false; } if (!is_final) { output->MakeReadyForSampling(); std::swap(input, output); } } return true; }