/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Patrick Mours * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "effect_lexer.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <string_view> #include <unordered_map> // Used for static lookup tables using namespace reshadefx; enum token_type { DIGIT = '0', IDENT = 'A', SPACE = ' ', }; // Lookup table which translates a given char to a token type static const unsigned type_lookup[256] = { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, SPACE, '\n', SPACE, SPACE, SPACE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, SPACE, '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, '[', '\\', ']', '^', IDENT, 0x00, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, IDENT, '{', '|', '}', '~', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; // Lookup tables which translate a given string literal to a token and backwards static const std::unordered_map<tokenid, std::string_view> token_lookup = { { tokenid::end_of_file, "end of file" }, { tokenid::exclaim, "!" }, { tokenid::hash, "#" }, { tokenid::dollar, "$" }, { tokenid::percent, "%" }, { tokenid::ampersand, "&" }, { tokenid::parenthesis_open, "(" }, { tokenid::parenthesis_close, ")" }, { tokenid::star, "*" }, { tokenid::plus, "+" }, { tokenid::comma, "," }, { tokenid::minus, "-" }, { tokenid::dot, "." }, { tokenid::slash, "/" }, { tokenid::colon, ":" }, { tokenid::semicolon, ";" }, { tokenid::less, "<" }, { tokenid::equal, "=" }, { tokenid::greater, ">" }, { tokenid::question, "?" }, { tokenid::at, "@" }, { tokenid::bracket_open, "[" }, { tokenid::backslash, "\\" }, { tokenid::bracket_close, "]" }, { tokenid::caret, "^" }, { tokenid::brace_open, "{" }, { tokenid::pipe, "|" }, { tokenid::brace_close, "}" }, { tokenid::tilde, "~" }, { tokenid::exclaim_equal, "!=" }, { tokenid::percent_equal, "%=" }, { tokenid::ampersand_ampersand, "&&" }, { tokenid::ampersand_equal, "&=" }, { tokenid::star_equal, "*=" }, { tokenid::plus_plus, "++" }, { tokenid::plus_equal, "+=" }, { tokenid::minus_minus, "--" }, { tokenid::minus_equal, "-=" }, { tokenid::arrow, "->" }, { tokenid::ellipsis, "..." }, { tokenid::slash_equal, "|=" }, { tokenid::colon_colon, "::" }, { tokenid::less_less_equal, "<<=" }, { tokenid::less_less, "<<" }, { tokenid::less_equal, "<=" }, { tokenid::equal_equal, "==" }, { tokenid::greater_greater_equal, ">>=" }, { tokenid::greater_greater, ">>" }, { tokenid::greater_equal, ">=" }, { tokenid::caret_equal, "^=" }, { tokenid::pipe_equal, "|=" }, { tokenid::pipe_pipe, "||" }, { tokenid::identifier, "identifier" }, { tokenid::reserved, "reserved word" }, { tokenid::true_literal, "true" }, { tokenid::false_literal, "false" }, { tokenid::int_literal, "integral literal" }, { tokenid::uint_literal, "integral literal" }, { tokenid::float_literal, "floating point literal" }, { tokenid::double_literal, "floating point literal" }, { tokenid::string_literal, "string literal" }, { tokenid::namespace_, "namespace" }, { tokenid::struct_, "struct" }, { tokenid::technique, "technique" }, { tokenid::pass, "pass" }, { tokenid::for_, "for" }, { tokenid::while_, "while" }, { tokenid::do_, "do" }, { tokenid::if_, "if" }, { tokenid::else_, "else" }, { tokenid::switch_, "switch" }, { tokenid::case_, "case" }, { tokenid::default_, "default" }, { tokenid::break_, "break" }, { tokenid::continue_, "continue" }, { tokenid::return_, "return" }, { tokenid::discard_, "discard" }, { tokenid::extern_, "extern" }, { tokenid::static_, "static" }, { tokenid::uniform_, "uniform" }, { tokenid::volatile_, "volatile" }, { tokenid::precise, "precise" }, { tokenid::groupshared, "groupshared" }, { tokenid::in, "in" }, { tokenid::out, "out" }, { tokenid::inout, "inout" }, { tokenid::const_, "const" }, { tokenid::linear, "linear" }, { tokenid::noperspective, "noperspective" }, { tokenid::centroid, "centroid" }, { tokenid::nointerpolation, "nointerpolation" }, { tokenid::void_, "void" }, { tokenid::bool_, "bool" }, { tokenid::bool2, "bool2" }, { tokenid::bool3, "bool3" }, { tokenid::bool4, "bool4" }, { tokenid::bool2x2, "bool2x2" }, { tokenid::bool2x3, "bool2x3" }, { tokenid::bool2x4, "bool2x4" }, { tokenid::bool3x2, "bool3x2" }, { tokenid::bool3x3, "bool3x3" }, { tokenid::bool3x4, "bool3x4" }, { tokenid::bool4x2, "bool4x2" }, { tokenid::bool4x3, "bool4x3" }, { tokenid::bool4x4, "bool4x4" }, { tokenid::int_, "int" }, { tokenid::int2, "int2" }, { tokenid::int3, "int3" }, { tokenid::int4, "int4" }, { tokenid::int2x2, "int2x2" }, { tokenid::int2x3, "int2x3" }, { tokenid::int2x4, "int2x4" }, { tokenid::int3x2, "int3x2" }, { tokenid::int3x3, "int3x3" }, { tokenid::int3x4, "int3x4" }, { tokenid::int4x2, "int4x2" }, { tokenid::int4x3, "int4x3" }, { tokenid::int4x4, "int4x4" }, { tokenid::min16int, "min16int" }, { tokenid::min16int2, "min16int2" }, { tokenid::min16int3, "min16int3" }, { tokenid::min16int4, "min16int4" }, { tokenid::uint_, "uint" }, { tokenid::uint2, "uint2" }, { tokenid::uint3, "uint3" }, { tokenid::uint4, "uint4" }, { tokenid::uint2x2, "uint2x2" }, { tokenid::uint2x3, "uint2x3" }, { tokenid::uint2x4, "uint2x4" }, { tokenid::uint3x2, "uint3x2" }, { tokenid::uint3x3, "uint3x3" }, { tokenid::uint3x4, "uint3x4" }, { tokenid::uint4x2, "uint4x2" }, { tokenid::uint4x3, "uint4x3" }, { tokenid::uint4x4, "uint4x4" }, { tokenid::min16uint, "min16uint" }, { tokenid::min16uint2, "min16uint2" }, { tokenid::min16uint3, "min16uint3" }, { tokenid::min16uint4, "min16uint4" }, { tokenid::float_, "float" }, { tokenid::float2, "float2" }, { tokenid::float3, "float3" }, { tokenid::float4, "float4" }, { tokenid::float2x2, "float2x2" }, { tokenid::float2x3, "float2x3" }, { tokenid::float2x4, "float2x4" }, { tokenid::float3x2, "float3x2" }, { tokenid::float3x3, "float3x3" }, { tokenid::float3x4, "float3x4" }, { tokenid::float4x2, "float4x2" }, { tokenid::float4x3, "float4x3" }, { tokenid::float4x4, "float4x4" }, { tokenid::min16float, "min16float" }, { tokenid::min16float2, "min16float2" }, { tokenid::min16float3, "min16float3" }, { tokenid::min16float4, "min16float4" }, { tokenid::vector, "vector" }, { tokenid::matrix, "matrix" }, { tokenid::string_, "string" }, { tokenid::texture1d, "texture1D" }, { tokenid::texture2d, "texture2D" }, { tokenid::texture3d, "texture3D" }, { tokenid::sampler1d, "sampler1D" }, { tokenid::sampler2d, "sampler2D" }, { tokenid::sampler3d, "sampler3D" }, { tokenid::storage1d, "storage1D" }, { tokenid::storage2d, "storage2D" }, { tokenid::storage3d, "storage3D" }, }; static const std::unordered_map<std::string_view, tokenid> keyword_lookup = { { "asm", tokenid::reserved }, { "asm_fragment", tokenid::reserved }, { "auto", tokenid::reserved }, { "bool", tokenid::bool_ }, { "bool2", tokenid::bool2 }, { "bool2x1", tokenid::bool2 }, { "bool2x2", tokenid::bool2x2 }, { "bool2x3", tokenid::bool2x3 }, { "bool2x4", tokenid::bool2x4 }, { "bool3", tokenid::bool3 }, { "bool3x1", tokenid::bool3 }, { "bool3x2", tokenid::bool3x2 }, { "bool3x3", tokenid::bool3x3 }, { "bool3x4", tokenid::bool3x4 }, { "bool4", tokenid::bool4 }, { "bool4x1", tokenid::bool4 }, { "bool4x2", tokenid::bool4x2 }, { "bool4x3", tokenid::bool4x3 }, { "bool4x4", tokenid::bool4x4 }, { "break", tokenid::break_ }, { "case", tokenid::case_ }, { "cast", tokenid::reserved }, { "catch", tokenid::reserved }, { "centroid", tokenid::reserved }, { "char", tokenid::reserved }, { "class", tokenid::reserved }, { "column_major", tokenid::reserved }, { "compile", tokenid::reserved }, { "const", tokenid::const_ }, { "const_cast", tokenid::reserved }, { "continue", tokenid::continue_ }, { "default", tokenid::default_ }, { "delete", tokenid::reserved }, { "discard", tokenid::discard_ }, { "do", tokenid::do_ }, { "double", tokenid::reserved }, { "dword", tokenid::uint_ }, { "dword2", tokenid::uint2 }, { "dword2x1", tokenid::uint2 }, { "dword2x2", tokenid::uint2x2 }, { "dword2x3", tokenid::uint2x3 }, { "dword2x4", tokenid::uint2x4 }, { "dword3", tokenid::uint3, }, { "dword3x1", tokenid::uint3 }, { "dword3x2", tokenid::uint3x2 }, { "dword3x3", tokenid::uint3x3 }, { "dword3x4", tokenid::uint3x4 }, { "dword4", tokenid::uint4 }, { "dword4x1", tokenid::uint4 }, { "dword4x2", tokenid::uint4x2 }, { "dword4x3", tokenid::uint4x3 }, { "dword4x4", tokenid::uint4x4 }, { "dynamic_cast", tokenid::reserved }, { "else", tokenid::else_ }, { "enum", tokenid::reserved }, { "explicit", tokenid::reserved }, { "extern", tokenid::extern_ }, { "external", tokenid::reserved }, { "false", tokenid::false_literal }, { "FALSE", tokenid::false_literal }, { "float", tokenid::float_ }, { "float2", tokenid::float2 }, { "float2x1", tokenid::float2 }, { "float2x2", tokenid::float2x2 }, { "float2x3", tokenid::float2x3 }, { "float2x4", tokenid::float2x4 }, { "float3", tokenid::float3 }, { "float3x1", tokenid::float3 }, { "float3x2", tokenid::float3x2 }, { "float3x3", tokenid::float3x3 }, { "float3x4", tokenid::float3x4 }, { "float4", tokenid::float4 }, { "float4x1", tokenid::float4 }, { "float4x2", tokenid::float4x2 }, { "float4x3", tokenid::float4x3 }, { "float4x4", tokenid::float4x4 }, { "for", tokenid::for_ }, { "foreach", tokenid::reserved }, { "friend", tokenid::reserved }, { "globallycoherent", tokenid::reserved }, { "goto", tokenid::reserved }, { "groupshared", tokenid::groupshared }, { "half", tokenid::reserved }, { "half2", tokenid::reserved }, { "half2x1", tokenid::reserved }, { "half2x2", tokenid::reserved }, { "half2x3", tokenid::reserved }, { "half2x4", tokenid::reserved }, { "half3", tokenid::reserved }, { "half3x1", tokenid::reserved }, { "half3x2", tokenid::reserved }, { "half3x3", tokenid::reserved }, { "half3x4", tokenid::reserved }, { "half4", tokenid::reserved }, { "half4x1", tokenid::reserved }, { "half4x2", tokenid::reserved }, { "half4x3", tokenid::reserved }, { "half4x4", tokenid::reserved }, { "if", tokenid::if_ }, { "in", tokenid::in }, { "inline", tokenid::reserved }, { "inout", tokenid::inout }, { "int", tokenid::int_ }, { "int2", tokenid::int2 }, { "int2x1", tokenid::int2 }, { "int2x2", tokenid::int2x2 }, { "int2x3", tokenid::int2x3 }, { "int2x4", tokenid::int2x4 }, { "int3", tokenid::int3 }, { "int3x1", tokenid::int3 }, { "int3x2", tokenid::int3x2 }, { "int3x3", tokenid::int3x3 }, { "int3x4", tokenid::int3x4 }, { "int4", tokenid::int4 }, { "int4x1", tokenid::int4 }, { "int4x2", tokenid::int4x2 }, { "int4x3", tokenid::int4x3 }, { "int4x4", tokenid::int4x4 }, { "interface", tokenid::reserved }, { "linear", tokenid::linear }, { "long", tokenid::reserved }, { "matrix", tokenid::matrix }, { "min16float", tokenid::min16float }, { "min16float2", tokenid::min16float2 }, { "min16float3", tokenid::min16float3 }, { "min16float4", tokenid::min16float4 }, { "min16int", tokenid::min16int }, { "min16int2", tokenid::min16int2 }, { "min16int3", tokenid::min16int3 }, { "min16int4", tokenid::min16int4 }, { "min16uint", tokenid::min16uint }, { "min16uint2", tokenid::min16uint2 }, { "min16uint3", tokenid::min16uint3 }, { "min16uint4", tokenid::min16uint4 }, { "mutable", tokenid::reserved }, { "namespace", tokenid::namespace_ }, { "new", tokenid::reserved }, { "noinline", tokenid::reserved }, { "nointerpolation", tokenid::nointerpolation }, { "noperspective", tokenid::noperspective }, { "operator", tokenid::reserved }, { "out", tokenid::out }, { "packed", tokenid::reserved }, { "packoffset", tokenid::reserved }, { "pass", tokenid::pass }, { "precise", tokenid::precise }, { "private", tokenid::reserved }, { "protected", tokenid::reserved }, { "public", tokenid::reserved }, { "register", tokenid::reserved }, { "reinterpret_cast", tokenid::reserved }, { "restrict", tokenid::reserved }, { "return", tokenid::return_ }, { "row_major", tokenid::reserved }, { "sample", tokenid::reserved }, { "sampler", tokenid::sampler2d }, { "sampler1D", tokenid::sampler1d }, { "sampler1DArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "sampler2D", tokenid::sampler2d }, { "sampler2DArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "sampler2DMS", tokenid::reserved }, { "sampler2DMSArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "sampler3D", tokenid::sampler3d }, { "sampler_state", tokenid::reserved }, { "samplerCube", tokenid::reserved }, { "samplerCubeArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "samplerCUBE", tokenid::reserved }, { "samplerRect", tokenid::reserved }, { "samplerRECT", tokenid::reserved }, { "SamplerState", tokenid::reserved }, { "storage", tokenid::storage2d }, { "storage1D", tokenid::storage1d }, { "storage2D", tokenid::storage2d }, { "storage3D", tokenid::storage3d }, { "shared", tokenid::reserved }, { "short", tokenid::reserved }, { "signed", tokenid::reserved }, { "sizeof", tokenid::reserved }, { "snorm", tokenid::reserved }, { "static", tokenid::static_ }, { "static_cast", tokenid::reserved }, { "string", tokenid::string_ }, { "struct", tokenid::struct_ }, { "switch", tokenid::switch_ }, { "technique", tokenid::technique }, { "template", tokenid::reserved }, { "texture", tokenid::texture2d }, { "Texture1D", tokenid::reserved }, { "texture1D", tokenid::texture1d }, { "Texture1DArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "Texture2D", tokenid::reserved }, { "texture2D", tokenid::texture2d }, { "Texture2DArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "Texture2DMS", tokenid::reserved }, { "Texture2DMSArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "Texture3D", tokenid::reserved }, { "texture3D", tokenid::texture3d }, { "textureCUBE", tokenid::reserved }, { "TextureCube", tokenid::reserved }, { "TextureCubeArray", tokenid::reserved }, { "textureRECT", tokenid::reserved }, { "this", tokenid::reserved }, { "true", tokenid::true_literal }, { "TRUE", tokenid::true_literal }, { "try", tokenid::reserved }, { "typedef", tokenid::reserved }, { "uint", tokenid::uint_ }, { "uint2", tokenid::uint2 }, { "uint2x1", tokenid::uint2 }, { "uint2x2", tokenid::uint2x2 }, { "uint2x3", tokenid::uint2x3 }, { "uint2x4", tokenid::uint2x4 }, { "uint3", tokenid::uint3 }, { "uint3x1", tokenid::uint3 }, { "uint3x2", tokenid::uint3x2 }, { "uint3x3", tokenid::uint3x3 }, { "uint3x4", tokenid::uint3x4 }, { "uint4", tokenid::uint4 }, { "uint4x1", tokenid::uint4 }, { "uint4x2", tokenid::uint4x2 }, { "uint4x3", tokenid::uint4x3 }, { "uint4x4", tokenid::uint4x4 }, { "uniform", tokenid::uniform_ }, { "union", tokenid::reserved }, { "unorm", tokenid::reserved }, { "unsigned", tokenid::reserved }, { "using", tokenid::reserved }, { "vector", tokenid::vector }, { "virtual", tokenid::reserved }, { "void", tokenid::void_ }, { "volatile", tokenid::volatile_ }, { "while", tokenid::while_ } }; static const std::unordered_map<std::string_view, tokenid> pp_directive_lookup = { { "define", tokenid::hash_def }, { "undef", tokenid::hash_undef }, { "if", tokenid::hash_if }, { "ifdef", tokenid::hash_ifdef }, { "ifndef", tokenid::hash_ifndef }, { "else", tokenid::hash_else }, { "elif", tokenid::hash_elif }, { "endif", tokenid::hash_endif }, { "error", tokenid::hash_error }, { "warning", tokenid::hash_warning }, { "pragma", tokenid::hash_pragma }, { "include", tokenid::hash_include }, }; static inline bool is_octal_digit(char c) { return static_cast<unsigned>(c - '0') < 8; } static inline bool is_decimal_digit(char c) { return static_cast<unsigned>(c - '0') < 10; } static inline bool is_hexadecimal_digit(char c) { return is_decimal_digit(c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'); } static bool is_digit(char c, int radix) { switch (radix) { case 8: return is_octal_digit(c); case 10: return is_decimal_digit(c); case 16: return is_hexadecimal_digit(c); } return false; } static long long octal_to_decimal(long long n) { long long m = 0; while (n != 0) { m *= 8; m += n & 7; n >>= 3; } while (m != 0) { n *= 10; n += m & 7; m >>= 3; } return n; } std::string reshadefx::token::id_to_name(tokenid id) { const auto it = token_lookup.find(id); if (it != token_lookup.end()) return std::string(it->second); return "unknown"; } reshadefx::token reshadefx::lexer::lex() { bool is_at_line_begin = _cur_location.column <= 1; token tok; next_token: // Reset token data tok.location = _cur_location; tok.offset = input_offset(); tok.length = 1; tok.literal_as_double = 0; tok.literal_as_string.clear(); assert(_cur <= _end); // Do a character type lookup for the current character switch (type_lookup[uint8_t(*_cur)]) { case 0xFF: // EOF tok.id = tokenid::end_of_file; return tok; case SPACE: skip_space(); if (_ignore_whitespace || is_at_line_begin || *_cur == '\n') goto next_token; tok.id = tokenid::space; tok.length = input_offset() - tok.offset; return tok; case '\n': _cur++; _cur_location.line++; _cur_location.column = 1; is_at_line_begin = true; if (_ignore_whitespace) goto next_token; tok.id = tokenid::end_of_line; return tok; case DIGIT: parse_numeric_literal(tok); break; case IDENT: parse_identifier(tok); break; case '!': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::exclaim_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::exclaim; break; case '"': parse_string_literal(tok, _escape_string_literals); break; case '#': if (is_at_line_begin) { if (!parse_pp_directive(tok) || _ignore_pp_directives) { skip_to_next_line(); goto next_token; } } // These braces are important so the 'else' is matched to the right 'if' statement else tok.id = tokenid::hash; break; case '$': tok.id = tokenid::dollar; break; case '%': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::percent_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::percent; break; case '&': if (_cur[1] == '&') tok.id = tokenid::ampersand_ampersand, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::ampersand_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::ampersand; break; case '(': tok.id = tokenid::parenthesis_open; break; case ')': tok.id = tokenid::parenthesis_close; break; case '*': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::star_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::star; break; case '+': if (_cur[1] == '+') tok.id = tokenid::plus_plus, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::plus_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::plus; break; case ',': tok.id = tokenid::comma; break; case '-': if (_cur[1] == '-') tok.id = tokenid::minus_minus, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::minus_equal, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '>') tok.id = tokenid::arrow, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::minus; break; case '.': if (type_lookup[uint8_t(_cur[1])] == DIGIT) parse_numeric_literal(tok); else if (_cur[1] == '.' && _cur[2] == '.') tok.id = tokenid::ellipsis, tok.length = 3; else tok.id = tokenid::dot; break; case '/': if (_cur[1] == '/') { skip_to_next_line(); if (_ignore_comments) goto next_token; tok.id = tokenid::single_line_comment; tok.length = input_offset() - tok.offset; return tok; } else if (_cur[1] == '*') { while (_cur < _end) { if (*_cur == '\n') { _cur_location.line++; _cur_location.column = 1; } else if (_cur[0] == '*' && _cur[1] == '/') { skip(2); break; } skip(1); } if (_ignore_comments) goto next_token; tok.id = tokenid::multi_line_comment; tok.length = input_offset() - tok.offset; return tok; } else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::slash_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::slash; break; case ':': if (_cur[1] == ':') tok.id = tokenid::colon_colon, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::colon; break; case ';': tok.id = tokenid::semicolon; break; case '<': if (_cur[1] == '<') if (_cur[2] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::less_less_equal, tok.length = 3; else tok.id = tokenid::less_less, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::less_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::less; break; case '=': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::equal_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::equal; break; case '>': if (_cur[1] == '>') if (_cur[2] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::greater_greater_equal, tok.length = 3; else tok.id = tokenid::greater_greater, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::greater_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::greater; break; case '?': tok.id = tokenid::question; break; case '@': tok.id = tokenid::at; break; case '[': tok.id = tokenid::bracket_open; break; case '\\': if (_cur[1] == '\n' || (_cur[1] == '\r' && _cur[2] == '\n')) { // Skip to next line if current line ends with a backslash skip_space(); if (_ignore_whitespace) goto next_token; tok.id = tokenid::space; tok.length = input_offset() - tok.offset; return tok; } tok.id = tokenid::backslash; break; case ']': tok.id = tokenid::bracket_close; break; case '^': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::caret_equal, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::caret; break; case '{': tok.id = tokenid::brace_open; break; case '|': if (_cur[1] == '=') tok.id = tokenid::pipe_equal, tok.length = 2; else if (_cur[1] == '|') tok.id = tokenid::pipe_pipe, tok.length = 2; else tok.id = tokenid::pipe; break; case '}': tok.id = tokenid::brace_close; break; case '~': tok.id = tokenid::tilde; break; default: tok.id = tokenid::unknown; break; } skip(tok.length); return tok; } void reshadefx::lexer::skip(size_t length) { _cur += length; _cur_location.column += static_cast<unsigned int>(length); } void reshadefx::lexer::skip_space() { // Skip each character until a space is found while (_cur < _end) { if (_cur[0] == '\\' && (_cur[1] == '\n' || (_cur[1] == '\r' && _cur[2] == '\n'))) { skip(_cur[1] == '\r' ? 3 : 2); _cur_location.line++; _cur_location.column = 1; continue; } if (type_lookup[uint8_t(*_cur)] == SPACE) skip(1); else break; } } void reshadefx::lexer::skip_to_next_line() { // Skip each character until a new line feed is found while (*_cur != '\n' && _cur < _end) { #if 0 if (_cur[0] == '\\' && (_cur[1] == '\n' || (_cur[1] == '\r' && _cur[2] == '\n'))) { skip(_cur[1] == '\r' ? 3 : 2); _cur_location.line++; _cur_location.column = 1; continue; } #endif skip(1); } } void reshadefx::lexer::reset_to_offset(size_t offset) { assert(offset < _input.size()); _cur = _input.data() + offset; } void reshadefx::lexer::parse_identifier(token &tok) const { auto *const begin = _cur, *end = begin; // Skip to the end of the identifier sequence while (type_lookup[uint8_t(*end)] == IDENT || type_lookup[uint8_t(*end)] == DIGIT) end++; tok.id = tokenid::identifier; tok.offset = input_offset(); tok.length = end - begin; tok.literal_as_string.assign(begin, end); if (_ignore_keywords) return; if (const auto it = keyword_lookup.find(tok.literal_as_string); it != keyword_lookup.end()) tok.id = it->second; } bool reshadefx::lexer::parse_pp_directive(token &tok) { skip(1); // Skip the '#' skip_space(); // Skip any space between the '#' and directive parse_identifier(tok); if (const auto it = pp_directive_lookup.find(tok.literal_as_string); it != pp_directive_lookup.end()) { tok.id = it->second; return true; } else if (!_ignore_line_directives && tok.literal_as_string == "line") // The #line directive needs special handling { skip(tok.length); // The 'parse_identifier' does not update the pointer to the current character, so do that now skip_space(); parse_numeric_literal(tok); skip(tok.length); _cur_location.line = tok.literal_as_int; // Need to subtract one since the line containing #line does not count into the statistics if (_cur_location.line != 0) _cur_location.line--; skip_space(); // Check if this #line directive has an file name attached to it if (_cur[0] == '"') { token temptok; parse_string_literal(temptok, false); _cur_location.source = std::move(temptok.literal_as_string); } // Do not return the #line directive as token to the caller return false; } tok.id = tokenid::hash_unknown; return true; } void reshadefx::lexer::parse_string_literal(token &tok, bool escape) { auto *const begin = _cur, *end = begin + 1; // Skip first quote character right away for (auto c = *end; c != '"'; c = *++end) { if (c == '\n' || end >= _end) { // Line feed reached, the string literal is done (technically this should be an error, but the lexer does not report errors, so ignore it) end--; if (end[0] == '\r') end--; break; } if (c == '\r') { // Silently ignore carriage return characters continue; } if (unsigned int n = (end[1] == '\r' && end + 2 < _end) ? 2 : 1; c == '\\' && end[n] == '\n') { // Escape character found at end of line, the string literal continues on to the next line end += n; _cur_location.line++; continue; } // Handle escape sequences if (c == '\\' && escape) { unsigned int n = 0; // Any character following the '\' is not parsed as usual, so increment pointer here (this makes sure '\"' does not abort the outer loop as well) switch (c = *++end) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3 && is_octal_digit(*end) && end < _end; i++) { c = *end++; n = (n << 3) | (c - '0'); } // For simplicity the number is limited to what fits in a single character c = n & 0xFF; // The octal parsing loop above incremented one pass the escape sequence, so step back end--; break; case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; case 'x': if (is_hexadecimal_digit(*++end)) { while (is_hexadecimal_digit(*end) && end < _end) { c = *end++; n = (n << 4) | (is_decimal_digit(c) ? (c - '0') : (c - 55 - 32 * (c & 0x20))); } // For simplicity the number is limited to what fits in a single character c = n & 0xFF; } // The hexadecimal parsing loop and check above incremented one pass the escape sequence, so step back end--; break; } } tok.literal_as_string += c; } tok.id = tokenid::string_literal; tok.length = end - begin + 1; } void reshadefx::lexer::parse_numeric_literal(token &tok) const { // This routine handles both integer and floating point numbers auto *const begin = _cur, *end = _cur; int mantissa_size = 0, decimal_location = -1, radix = 10; long long fraction = 0, exponent = 0; // If a literal starts with '0' it is either an octal or hexadecimal ('0x') value if (begin[0] == '0') { if (begin[1] == 'x' || begin[1] == 'X') { end = begin + 2; radix = 16; } else { radix = 8; } } for (; mantissa_size <= 18; mantissa_size++, end++) { auto c = *end; if (is_decimal_digit(c)) { c -= '0'; if (c >= radix) break; } else if (radix == 16) { // Hexadecimal values can contain the letters A to F if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') c -= 'A' - 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') c -= 'a' - 10; else break; } else { if (c != '.' || decimal_location >= 0) break; // Found a decimal character, as such convert current values if (radix == 8) { radix = 10; fraction = octal_to_decimal(fraction); } decimal_location = mantissa_size; continue; } fraction *= radix; fraction += c; } // Ignore additional digits that cannot affect the value while (is_digit(*end, radix)) end++; // If a decimal character was found, this is a floating point value, otherwise an integer one if (decimal_location < 0) { tok.id = tokenid::int_literal; decimal_location = mantissa_size; } else { tok.id = tokenid::float_literal; mantissa_size -= 1; } // Literals can be followed by an exponent if (*end == 'E' || *end == 'e') { auto tmp = end + 1; const bool negative = *tmp == '-'; if (negative || *tmp == '+') tmp++; if (is_decimal_digit(*tmp)) { end = tmp; tok.id = tokenid::float_literal; do { exponent *= 10; exponent += (*end++) - '0'; } while (is_decimal_digit(*end)); if (negative) exponent = -exponent; } } // Various suffixes force specific literal types if (*end == 'F' || *end == 'f') { end++; // Consume the suffix tok.id = tokenid::float_literal; } else if (*end == 'L' || *end == 'l') { end++; // Consume the suffix tok.id = tokenid::double_literal; } else if (tok.id == tokenid::int_literal && (*end == 'U' || *end == 'u')) // The 'u' suffix is only valid on integers and needs to be ignored otherwise { end++; // Consume the suffix tok.id = tokenid::uint_literal; } if (tok.id == tokenid::float_literal || tok.id == tokenid::double_literal) { exponent += decimal_location - mantissa_size; const bool exponent_negative = exponent < 0; if (exponent_negative) exponent = -exponent; // Limit exponent if (exponent > 511) exponent = 511; // Quick exponent calculation double e = 1.0; const double powers_of_10[] = { 10., 100., 1.0e4, 1.0e8, 1.0e16, 1.0e32, 1.0e64, 1.0e128, 1.0e256 }; for (auto d = powers_of_10; exponent != 0; exponent >>= 1, d++) if (exponent & 1) e *= *d; if (tok.id == tokenid::float_literal) tok.literal_as_float = exponent_negative ? fraction / static_cast<float>(e) : fraction * static_cast<float>(e); else tok.literal_as_double = exponent_negative ? fraction / e : fraction * e; } else { // Limit the maximum value to what fits into our token structure tok.literal_as_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(fraction & 0xFFFFFFFF); } tok.length = end - begin; }