Stenzek de1338cbbc
VulkanDevice: Add additional semaphore on swap chain
We don't actually need +1 semaphores, or, more than one really.
But, the validation layer gets cranky if we don't fence wait before the next image acquire.
So, add an additional semaphore to ensure that we're never acquiring before fence waiting.
2024-03-08 14:16:56 +10:00

478 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Connor McLaughlin <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)
#pragma once
#include "gpu_device.h"
#include "gpu_framebuffer_manager.h"
#include "gpu_texture.h"
#include "vulkan_loader.h"
#include "vulkan_stream_buffer.h"
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
class VulkanPipeline;
class VulkanSwapChain;
class VulkanTexture;
class VulkanTextureBuffer;
class VulkanDownloadTexture;
class VulkanDevice final : public GPUDevice
friend VulkanTexture;
friend VulkanDownloadTexture;
enum : u32
struct OptionalExtensions
bool vk_ext_memory_budget : 1;
bool vk_ext_rasterization_order_attachment_access : 1;
bool vk_ext_attachment_feedback_loop_layout : 1;
bool vk_ext_full_screen_exclusive : 1;
bool vk_khr_get_memory_requirements2 : 1;
bool vk_khr_bind_memory2 : 1;
bool vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties2 : 1;
bool vk_khr_dedicated_allocation : 1;
bool vk_khr_driver_properties : 1;
bool vk_khr_dynamic_rendering : 1;
bool vk_khr_push_descriptor : 1;
bool vk_ext_external_memory_host : 1;
static GPUTexture::Format GetFormatForVkFormat(VkFormat format);
static const std::array<VkFormat, static_cast<u32>(GPUTexture::Format::MaxCount)> TEXTURE_FORMAT_MAPPING;
~VulkanDevice() override;
RenderAPI GetRenderAPI() const override;
bool HasSurface() const override;
bool UpdateWindow() override;
void ResizeWindow(s32 new_window_width, s32 new_window_height, float new_window_scale) override;
static AdapterAndModeList StaticGetAdapterAndModeList();
AdapterAndModeList GetAdapterAndModeList() override;
void DestroySurface() override;
std::string GetDriverInfo() const override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> CreateTexture(u32 width, u32 height, u32 layers, u32 levels, u32 samples,
GPUTexture::Type type, GPUTexture::Format format,
const void* data = nullptr, u32 data_stride = 0) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUSampler> CreateSampler(const GPUSampler::Config& config) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTextureBuffer> CreateTextureBuffer(GPUTextureBuffer::Format format, u32 size_in_elements) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUDownloadTexture> CreateDownloadTexture(u32 width, u32 height, GPUTexture::Format format) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUDownloadTexture> CreateDownloadTexture(u32 width, u32 height, GPUTexture::Format format,
void* memory, size_t memory_size,
u32 memory_stride) override;
bool SupportsTextureFormat(GPUTexture::Format format) const override;
void CopyTextureRegion(GPUTexture* dst, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 dst_layer, u32 dst_level, GPUTexture* src,
u32 src_x, u32 src_y, u32 src_layer, u32 src_level, u32 width, u32 height) override;
void ResolveTextureRegion(GPUTexture* dst, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 dst_layer, u32 dst_level, GPUTexture* src,
u32 src_x, u32 src_y, u32 width, u32 height) override;
void ClearRenderTarget(GPUTexture* t, u32 c) override;
void ClearDepth(GPUTexture* t, float d) override;
void InvalidateRenderTarget(GPUTexture* t) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUShader> CreateShaderFromBinary(GPUShaderStage stage, std::span<const u8> data) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUShader> CreateShaderFromSource(GPUShaderStage stage, const std::string_view& source,
const char* entry_point, DynamicHeapArray<u8>* out_binary) override;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> CreatePipeline(const GPUPipeline::GraphicsConfig& config) override;
void PushDebugGroup(const char* name) override;
void PopDebugGroup() override;
void InsertDebugMessage(const char* msg) override;
void MapVertexBuffer(u32 vertex_size, u32 vertex_count, void** map_ptr, u32* map_space,
u32* map_base_vertex) override;
void UnmapVertexBuffer(u32 vertex_size, u32 vertex_count) override;
void MapIndexBuffer(u32 index_count, DrawIndex** map_ptr, u32* map_space, u32* map_base_index) override;
void UnmapIndexBuffer(u32 used_index_count) override;
void PushUniformBuffer(const void* data, u32 data_size) override;
void* MapUniformBuffer(u32 size) override;
void UnmapUniformBuffer(u32 size) override;
void SetRenderTargets(GPUTexture* const* rts, u32 num_rts, GPUTexture* ds) override;
void SetPipeline(GPUPipeline* pipeline) override;
void SetTextureSampler(u32 slot, GPUTexture* texture, GPUSampler* sampler) override;
void SetTextureBuffer(u32 slot, GPUTextureBuffer* buffer) override;
void SetViewport(s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height) override;
void SetScissor(s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height) override;
void Draw(u32 vertex_count, u32 base_vertex) override;
void DrawIndexed(u32 index_count, u32 base_index, u32 base_vertex) override;
bool SetGPUTimingEnabled(bool enabled) override;
float GetAndResetAccumulatedGPUTime() override;
void SetSyncMode(DisplaySyncMode mode) override;
bool BeginPresent(bool skip_present) override;
void EndPresent() override;
// Global state accessors
ALWAYS_INLINE static VulkanDevice& GetInstance() { return *static_cast<VulkanDevice*>(g_gpu_device.get()); }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkInstance GetVulkanInstance() const { return m_instance; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkDevice GetVulkanDevice() const { return m_device; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VmaAllocator GetAllocator() const { return m_allocator; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkPhysicalDevice GetVulkanPhysicalDevice() const { return m_physical_device; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetGraphicsQueueFamilyIndex() const { return m_graphics_queue_family_index; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetPresentQueueFamilyIndex() const { return m_present_queue_family_index; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const OptionalExtensions& GetOptionalExtensions() const { return m_optional_extensions; }
/// Returns true if Vulkan is suitable as a default for the devices in the system.
static bool IsSuitableDefaultRenderer();
// The interaction between raster order attachment access and fbfetch is unclear.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool UseFeedbackLoopLayout() const
return (m_optional_extensions.vk_ext_attachment_feedback_loop_layout &&
// Helpers for getting constants
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetBufferCopyOffsetAlignment() const
return static_cast<u32>(m_device_properties.limits.optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment);
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment() const
return static_cast<u32>(m_device_properties.limits.optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment);
void WaitForGPUIdle();
// Creates a simple render pass.
VkRenderPass GetRenderPass(const GPUPipeline::GraphicsConfig& config);
VkRenderPass GetRenderPass(GPUTexture* const* rts, u32 num_rts, GPUTexture* ds, bool color_feedback_loop = false,
bool depth_sampling = false);
VkRenderPass GetSwapChainRenderPass(GPUTexture::Format format, VkAttachmentLoadOp load_op);
// Gets a non-clearing version of the specified render pass. Slow, don't call in hot path.
VkRenderPass GetRenderPassForRestarting(VkRenderPass pass);
// These command buffers are allocated per-frame. They are valid until the command buffer
// is submitted, after that you should call these functions again.
ALWAYS_INLINE VkCommandBuffer GetCurrentCommandBuffer() const { return m_current_command_buffer; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VulkanStreamBuffer& GetTextureUploadBuffer() { return m_texture_upload_buffer; }
VkCommandBuffer GetCurrentInitCommandBuffer();
/// Allocates a descriptor set from the pool reserved for the current frame.
VkDescriptorSet AllocateDescriptorSet(VkDescriptorSetLayout set_layout);
/// Allocates a descriptor set from the pool reserved for the current frame.
VkDescriptorSet AllocatePersistentDescriptorSet(VkDescriptorSetLayout set_layout);
/// Frees a descriptor set allocated from the global pool.
void FreePersistentDescriptorSet(VkDescriptorSet set);
// Fence "counters" are used to track which commands have been completed by the GPU.
// If the last completed fence counter is greater or equal to N, it means that the work
// associated counter N has been completed by the GPU. The value of N to associate with
// commands can be retreived by calling GetCurrentFenceCounter().
u64 GetCompletedFenceCounter() const { return m_completed_fence_counter; }
// Gets the fence that will be signaled when the currently executing command buffer is
// queued and executed. Do not wait for this fence before the buffer is executed.
// TODO: move out of struct
u64 GetCurrentFenceCounter() const { return m_frame_resources[m_current_frame].fence_counter; }
// Schedule a vulkan resource for destruction later on. This will occur when the command buffer
// is next re-used, and the GPU has finished working with the specified resource.
void DeferBufferDestruction(VkBuffer object, VmaAllocation allocation);
void DeferBufferDestruction(VkBuffer object, VkDeviceMemory memory);
void DeferFramebufferDestruction(VkFramebuffer object);
void DeferImageDestruction(VkImage object, VmaAllocation allocation);
void DeferImageViewDestruction(VkImageView object);
void DeferPipelineDestruction(VkPipeline object);
void DeferBufferViewDestruction(VkBufferView object);
void DeferPersistentDescriptorSetDestruction(VkDescriptorSet object);
// Wait for a fence to be completed.
// Also invokes callbacks for completion.
void WaitForFenceCounter(u64 fence_counter);
/// Ends any render pass, executes the command buffer, and invalidates cached state.
void SubmitCommandBuffer(bool wait_for_completion);
void SubmitCommandBuffer(bool wait_for_completion, const char* reason, ...);
void SubmitCommandBufferAndRestartRenderPass(const char* reason);
void UnbindFramebuffer(VulkanTexture* tex);
void UnbindPipeline(VulkanPipeline* pl);
void UnbindTexture(VulkanTexture* tex);
void UnbindTextureBuffer(VulkanTextureBuffer* buf);
bool CreateDevice(const std::string_view& adapter, bool threaded_presentation,
std::optional<bool> exclusive_fullscreen_control, FeatureMask disabled_features,
Error* error) override;
void DestroyDevice() override;
bool ReadPipelineCache(const std::string& filename) override;
bool GetPipelineCacheData(DynamicHeapArray<u8>* data) override;
enum DIRTY_FLAG : u32
struct RenderPassCacheKey
struct RenderTarget
u8 format : 5;
u8 load_op : 2;
u8 store_op : 1;
RenderTarget color[MAX_RENDER_TARGETS];
u8 depth_format : 5;
u8 depth_load_op : 2;
u8 depth_store_op : 1;
u8 stencil_load_op : 2;
u8 stencil_store_op : 1;
u8 depth_sampling : 1;
u8 color_feedback_loop : 1;
u8 samples;
bool operator==(const RenderPassCacheKey& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const RenderPassCacheKey& rhs) const;
struct RenderPassCacheKeyHash
size_t operator()(const RenderPassCacheKey& rhs) const;
struct CommandBuffer
// [0] - Init (upload) command buffer, [1] - draw command buffer
VkCommandPool command_pool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
std::array<VkCommandBuffer, 2> command_buffers{VK_NULL_HANDLE, VK_NULL_HANDLE};
VkDescriptorPool descriptor_pool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkFence fence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
u64 fence_counter = 0;
bool init_buffer_used = false;
bool needs_fence_wait = false;
bool timestamp_written = false;
using CleanupObjectFunction = void (*)(VulkanDevice& dev, void* obj);
using SamplerMap = std::unordered_map<u64, VkSampler>;
static void GetAdapterAndModeList(AdapterAndModeList* ret, VkInstance instance);
// Helper method to create a Vulkan instance.
static VkInstance CreateVulkanInstance(const WindowInfo& wi, OptionalExtensions* oe, bool enable_debug_utils,
bool enable_validation_layer);
// Returns a list of Vulkan-compatible GPUs.
using GPUList = std::vector<std::pair<VkPhysicalDevice, std::string>>;
static GPUList EnumerateGPUs(VkInstance instance);
bool ValidatePipelineCacheHeader(const VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_HEADER& header);
void FillPipelineCacheHeader(VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_HEADER* header);
// Enable/disable debug message runtime.
bool EnableDebugUtils();
void DisableDebugUtils();
// Vendor queries.
bool IsDeviceAdreno() const;
bool IsDeviceMali() const;
bool IsDeviceImgTec() const;
bool IsBrokenMobileDriver() const;
void SubmitCommandBuffer(VulkanSwapChain* present_swap_chain = nullptr, bool submit_on_thread = false);
void MoveToNextCommandBuffer();
void WaitForPresentComplete();
// Was the last present submitted to the queue a failure? If so, we must recreate our swapchain.
bool CheckLastPresentFail();
bool CheckLastSubmitFail();
using ExtensionList = std::vector<const char*>;
static bool SelectInstanceExtensions(ExtensionList* extension_list, const WindowInfo& wi, OptionalExtensions* oe,
bool enable_debug_utils);
bool SelectDeviceExtensions(ExtensionList* extension_list, bool enable_surface);
bool SelectDeviceFeatures();
bool CreateDevice(VkSurfaceKHR surface, bool enable_validation_layer);
void ProcessDeviceExtensions();
bool CheckFeatures(FeatureMask disabled_features);
bool CreateAllocator();
void DestroyAllocator();
bool CreateCommandBuffers();
void DestroyCommandBuffers();
bool CreatePersistentDescriptorPool();
void DestroyPersistentDescriptorPool();
bool CreateNullTexture();
bool CreateBuffers();
void DestroyBuffers();
bool CreatePipelineLayouts();
void DestroyPipelineLayouts();
bool CreatePersistentDescriptorSets();
void DestroyPersistentDescriptorSets();
VkSampler GetSampler(const GPUSampler::Config& config);
void DestroySamplers();
void RenderBlankFrame();
bool TryImportHostMemory(void* data, size_t data_size, VkBufferUsageFlags buffer_usage, VkDeviceMemory* out_memory,
VkBuffer* out_buffer, VkDeviceSize* out_offset);
/// Set dirty flags on everything to force re-bind at next draw time.
void InvalidateCachedState();
bool IsRenderTargetBound(const GPUTexture* tex) const;
/// Applies any changed state.
VkPipelineLayout GetCurrentVkPipelineLayout() const;
void SetInitialPipelineState();
void PreDrawCheck();
template<GPUPipeline::Layout layout>
bool UpdateDescriptorSetsForLayout(bool new_layout, bool new_dynamic_offsets);
bool UpdateDescriptorSets(u32 dirty);
// Ends a render pass if we're currently in one.
// When Bind() is next called, the pass will be restarted.
void BeginRenderPass();
void BeginSwapChainRenderPass();
void EndRenderPass();
bool InRenderPass();
VkRenderPass CreateCachedRenderPass(RenderPassCacheKey key);
static VkFramebuffer CreateFramebuffer(GPUTexture* const* rts, u32 num_rts, GPUTexture* ds, u32 flags);
static void DestroyFramebuffer(VkFramebuffer fbo);
void BeginCommandBuffer(u32 index);
void WaitForCommandBufferCompletion(u32 index);
void DoSubmitCommandBuffer(u32 index, VulkanSwapChain* present_swap_chain);
void DoPresent(VulkanSwapChain* present_swap_chain);
void WaitForPresentComplete(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
void PresentThread();
void StartPresentThread();
void StopPresentThread();
VkInstance m_instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPhysicalDevice m_physical_device = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDevice m_device = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VmaAllocator m_allocator = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkCommandBuffer m_current_command_buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorPool m_global_descriptor_pool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkQueue m_graphics_queue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkQueue m_present_queue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
u32 m_graphics_queue_family_index = 0;
u32 m_present_queue_family_index = 0;
VkQueryPool m_timestamp_query_pool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
float m_accumulated_gpu_time = 0.0f;
std::array<CommandBuffer, NUM_COMMAND_BUFFERS> m_frame_resources;
std::deque<std::pair<u64, std::function<void()>>> m_cleanup_objects; // [fence_counter, callback]
u64 m_next_fence_counter = 1;
u64 m_completed_fence_counter = 0;
u32 m_current_frame = 0;
std::atomic_bool m_last_submit_failed{false};
std::atomic_bool m_last_present_failed{false};
std::atomic_bool m_present_done{true};
std::mutex m_present_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_present_queued_cv;
std::condition_variable m_present_done_cv;
std::thread m_present_thread;
std::atomic_bool m_present_thread_done{false};
struct QueuedPresent
VulkanSwapChain* swap_chain;
u32 command_buffer_index;
QueuedPresent m_queued_present = {nullptr, 0xFFFFFFFFu};
std::unordered_map<RenderPassCacheKey, VkRenderPass, RenderPassCacheKeyHash> m_render_pass_cache;
GPUFramebufferManager<VkFramebuffer, CreateFramebuffer, DestroyFramebuffer> m_framebuffer_manager;
VkPipelineCache m_pipeline_cache = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// TODO: Move to static?
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT m_debug_messenger_callback = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures m_device_features = {};
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties m_device_properties = {};
VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR m_device_driver_properties = {};
OptionalExtensions m_optional_extensions = {};
std::optional<bool> m_exclusive_fullscreen_control;
std::unique_ptr<VulkanSwapChain> m_swap_chain;
std::unique_ptr<VulkanTexture> m_null_texture;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_ubo_ds_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_single_texture_ds_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_single_texture_buffer_ds_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_multi_texture_ds_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
std::array<VkPipelineLayout, static_cast<u8>(GPUPipeline::Layout::MaxCount)> m_pipeline_layouts = {};
VulkanStreamBuffer m_vertex_buffer;
VulkanStreamBuffer m_index_buffer;
VulkanStreamBuffer m_uniform_buffer;
VulkanStreamBuffer m_texture_upload_buffer;
VkDescriptorSet m_ubo_descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
u32 m_uniform_buffer_position = 0;
SamplerMap m_sampler_map;
// Which bindings/state has to be updated before the next draw.
u32 m_dirty_flags = ALL_DIRTY_STATE;
u32 m_num_current_render_targets = 0;
std::array<GPUTexture*, MAX_RENDER_TARGETS> m_current_render_targets = {};
GPUTexture* m_current_depth_target = nullptr;
VkFramebuffer m_current_framebuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkRenderPass m_current_render_pass = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VulkanPipeline* m_current_pipeline = nullptr;
GPUPipeline::Layout m_current_pipeline_layout = GPUPipeline::Layout::SingleTextureAndPushConstants;
std::array<VulkanTexture*, MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS> m_current_textures = {};
std::array<VkSampler, MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS> m_current_samplers = {};
VulkanTextureBuffer* m_current_texture_buffer = nullptr;
Common::Rectangle<s32> m_current_viewport{0, 0, 1, 1};
Common::Rectangle<s32> m_current_scissor{0, 0, 1, 1};