
403 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common/string.h"
#include "core/controller.h"
#include "core/host_interface.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
class HostDisplayTexture;
class ControllerInterface;
namespace FrontendCommon {
class SaveStateSelectorUI;
class CommonHostInterface : public HostInterface
friend ControllerInterface;
enum : s32
using HostKeyCode = s32;
using HostMouseButton = s32;
using InputButtonHandler = std::function<void(bool)>;
using InputAxisHandler = std::function<void(float)>;
using ControllerRumbleCallback = std::function<void(const float*, u32)>;
struct HotkeyInfo
String category;
String name;
String display_name;
InputButtonHandler handler;
using HotkeyInfoList = std::vector<HotkeyInfo>;
struct SaveStateInfo
std::string path;
u64 timestamp;
s32 slot;
bool global;
struct ExtendedSaveStateInfo
std::string path;
u64 timestamp;
s32 slot;
bool global;
std::string title;
std::string game_code;
u32 screenshot_width;
u32 screenshot_height;
std::vector<u32> screenshot_data;
using HostInterface::LoadState;
using HostInterface::SaveState;
/// Returns the name of the frontend.
virtual const char* GetFrontendName() const = 0;
virtual bool Initialize() override;
virtual void Shutdown() override;
virtual bool BootSystem(const SystemBootParameters& parameters) override;
virtual void PowerOffSystem() override;
virtual void DestroySystem() override;
/// Returns the game list.
ALWAYS_INLINE const GameList* GetGameList() const { return m_game_list.get(); }
/// Returns a list of all available hotkeys.
ALWAYS_INLINE const HotkeyInfoList& GetHotkeyInfoList() const { return m_hotkeys; }
/// Access to current controller interface.
ALWAYS_INLINE ControllerInterface* GetControllerInterface() const { return m_controller_interface.get(); }
/// Returns true if running in batch mode, i.e. exit after emulation.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool InBatchMode() const { return m_batch_mode; }
void PauseSystem(bool paused);
/// Parses command line parameters for all frontends.
bool ParseCommandLineParameters(int argc, char* argv[], std::unique_ptr<SystemBootParameters>* out_boot_params);
/// Loads the current emulation state from file. Specifying a slot of -1 loads the "resume" game state.
bool LoadState(bool global, s32 slot);
/// Saves the current emulation state to a file. Specifying a slot of -1 saves the "resume" save state.
bool SaveState(bool global, s32 slot);
/// Loads the resume save state for the given game. Optionally boots the game anyway if loading fails.
bool ResumeSystemFromState(const char* filename, bool boot_on_failure);
/// Loads the most recent resume save state. This may be global or per-game.
bool ResumeSystemFromMostRecentState();
/// Saves the resume save state, call when shutting down. Not called automatically on DestroySystem() since that can
/// be called as a result of an error.
bool SaveResumeSaveState();
/// Returns a list of save states for the specified game code.
std::vector<SaveStateInfo> GetAvailableSaveStates(const char* game_code) const;
/// Returns save state info if present. If game_code is null or empty, assumes global state.
std::optional<SaveStateInfo> GetSaveStateInfo(const char* game_code, s32 slot);
/// Returns save state info if present. If game_code is null or empty, assumes global state.
std::optional<ExtendedSaveStateInfo> GetExtendedSaveStateInfo(const char* game_code, s32 slot);
/// Deletes save states for the specified game code. If resume is set, the resume state is deleted too.
void DeleteSaveStates(const char* game_code, bool resume);
/// Adds OSD messages, duration is in seconds.
void AddOSDMessage(std::string message, float duration = 2.0f) override;
void ClearOSDMessages();
/// Displays a loading screen with the logo, rendered with ImGui. Use when executing possibly-time-consuming tasks
/// such as compiling shaders when starting up.
void DisplayLoadingScreen(const char* message, int progress_min = -1, int progress_max = -1,
int progress_value = -1) override;
/// Retrieves information about specified game from game list.
void GetGameInfo(const char* path, CDImage* image, std::string* code, std::string* title) override;
/// Returns true if currently dumping audio.
bool IsDumpingAudio() const;
/// Starts dumping audio to a file. If no file name is provided, one will be generated automatically.
bool StartDumpingAudio(const char* filename = nullptr);
/// Stops dumping audio to file if it has been started.
void StopDumpingAudio();
/// Saves a screenshot to the specified file. IF no file name is provided, one will be generated automatically.
bool SaveScreenshot(const char* filename = nullptr, bool full_resolution = true, bool apply_aspect_ratio = true,
bool compress_on_thread = true);
/// Loads the cheat list from the specified file.
bool LoadCheatList(const char* filename);
/// Loads the cheat list for the current game title from the user directory.
bool LoadCheatListFromGameTitle();
/// Loads the cheat list for the current game code from the built-in code database.
bool LoadCheatListFromDatabase();
/// Saves the current cheat list to the game title's file.
bool SaveCheatList();
/// Saves the current cheat list to the specified file.
bool SaveCheatList(const char* filename);
/// Enables/disabled the specified cheat code.
void SetCheatCodeState(u32 index, bool enabled, bool save_to_file);
/// Immediately applies the specified cheat code.
void ApplyCheatCode(u32 index);
/// Temporarily toggles post-processing on/off.
void TogglePostProcessing();
/// Reloads post processing shaders with the current configuration.
void ReloadPostProcessingShaders();
/// Parses a fullscreen mode into its components (width * height @ refresh hz)
static bool ParseFullscreenMode(const std::string_view& mode, u32* width, u32* height, float* refresh_rate);
/// Returns true if fast forwarding is currently active.
bool IsFastForwardEnabled() const { return m_fast_forward_enabled; }
/// Requests the specified size for the render window. Not guaranteed to succeed (e.g. if in fullscreen).
virtual bool RequestRenderWindowSize(s32 new_window_width, s32 new_window_height);
/// Requests a resize to a multiple of the render window size.
bool RequestRenderWindowScale(float scale);
/// Opens a file in the DuckStation "package".
/// This is the APK for Android builds, or the program directory for standalone builds.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ByteStream> OpenPackageFile(const char* path, u32 flags) override;
enum : u32
struct OSDMessage
std::string text;
Common::Timer time;
float duration;
struct InputProfileEntry
std::string name;
std::string path;
using InputProfileList = std::vector<InputProfileEntry>;
/// Request the frontend to exit.
virtual void RequestExit() = 0;
/// Executes per-frame tasks such as controller polling.
virtual void PollAndUpdate();
virtual bool IsFullscreen() const;
virtual bool SetFullscreen(bool enabled);
virtual std::unique_ptr<AudioStream> CreateAudioStream(AudioBackend backend) override;
virtual s32 GetAudioOutputVolume() const override;
virtual void UpdateControllerInterface();
virtual void OnSystemCreated() override;
virtual void OnSystemPaused(bool paused);
virtual void OnSystemDestroyed() override;
virtual void OnRunningGameChanged() override;
virtual void OnControllerTypeChanged(u32 slot) override;
virtual std::optional<HostKeyCode> GetHostKeyCode(const std::string_view key_code) const;
virtual bool AddButtonToInputMap(const std::string& binding, const std::string_view& device,
const std::string_view& button, InputButtonHandler handler);
virtual bool AddAxisToInputMap(const std::string& binding, const std::string_view& device,
const std::string_view& axis, Controller::AxisType axis_type,
InputAxisHandler handler);
virtual bool AddRumbleToInputMap(const std::string& binding, u32 controller_index, u32 num_motors);
/// Reloads the input map from config. Callable from controller interface.
virtual void UpdateInputMap() = 0;
/// Returns a path where an input profile with the specified name would be saved.
std::string GetSavePathForInputProfile(const char* name) const;
/// Returns a list of all input profiles. first - name, second - path
InputProfileList GetInputProfileList() const;
/// Returns the path for an input profile.
std::string GetInputProfilePath(const char* name) const;
/// Applies the specified input profile.
void ApplyInputProfile(const char* profile_path, SettingsInterface& si);
/// Saves the current input configuration to the specified profile name.
bool SaveInputProfile(const char* profile_path, SettingsInterface& si);
void RegisterHotkey(String category, String name, String display_name, InputButtonHandler handler);
bool HandleHostKeyEvent(HostKeyCode code, bool pressed);
bool HandleHostMouseEvent(HostMouseButton button, bool pressed);
void UpdateInputMap(SettingsInterface& si);
void ClearInputMap();
void AddControllerRumble(u32 controller_index, u32 num_motors, ControllerRumbleCallback callback);
void UpdateControllerRumble();
void StopControllerRumble();
/// Returns the path to a save state file. Specifying an index of -1 is the "resume" save state.
std::string GetGameSaveStateFileName(const char* game_code, s32 slot) const;
/// Returns the path to a save state file. Specifying an index of -1 is the "resume" save state.
std::string GetGlobalSaveStateFileName(s32 slot) const;
/// Sets the base path for the user directory. Can be overridden by platform/frontend/command line.
virtual void SetUserDirectory();
/// Updates logging settings.
virtual void UpdateLogSettings(LOGLEVEL level, const char* filter, bool log_to_console, bool log_to_debug,
bool log_to_window, bool log_to_file);
/// Returns the path of the settings file.
std::string GetSettingsFileName() const;
/// Returns the most recent resume save state.
std::string GetMostRecentResumeSaveStatePath() const;
/// Returns the path to the cheat file for the specified game title.
std::string GetCheatFileName() const;
/// Ensures the settings is valid and the correct version. If not, resets to defaults.
bool CheckSettings(SettingsInterface& si);
/// Restores all settings to defaults.
virtual void SetDefaultSettings(SettingsInterface& si) override;
/// Loads settings to m_settings and any frontend-specific parameters.
using HostInterface::LoadSettings;
virtual void LoadSettings(SettingsInterface& si) override;
/// Saves current settings variables to ini.
virtual void SaveSettings(SettingsInterface& si) override;
/// Checks for settings changes, std::move() the old settings away for comparing beforehand.
virtual void CheckForSettingsChanges(const Settings& old_settings) override;
/// Increases timer resolution when supported by the host OS.
void SetTimerResolutionIncreased(bool enabled);
void UpdateSpeedLimiterState();
void RecreateSystem() override;
void ApplyGameSettings(bool display_osd_messages);
bool CreateHostDisplayResources();
void ReleaseHostDisplayResources();
virtual void DrawImGuiWindows();
void DrawFPSWindow();
void DrawOSDMessages();
void DrawDebugWindows();
void DoFrameStep();
void DoToggleCheats();
std::unique_ptr<GameList> m_game_list;
std::unique_ptr<ControllerInterface> m_controller_interface;
std::unique_ptr<HostDisplayTexture> m_logo_texture;
std::deque<OSDMessage> m_osd_messages;
std::mutex m_osd_messages_lock;
bool m_frame_step_request = false;
bool m_fast_forward_enabled = false;
bool m_timer_resolution_increased = false;
bool m_speed_limiter_enabled = true;
void InitializeUserDirectory();
void RegisterGeneralHotkeys();
void RegisterGraphicsHotkeys();
void RegisterSaveStateHotkeys();
void RegisterAudioHotkeys();
void FindInputProfiles(const std::string& base_path, InputProfileList* out_list) const;
void UpdateControllerInputMap(SettingsInterface& si);
bool UpdateControllerInputMapFromGameSettings();
void UpdateHotkeyInputMap(SettingsInterface& si);
void ClearAllControllerBindings(SettingsInterface& si);
void SetDiscordPresenceEnabled(bool enabled);
void InitializeDiscordPresence();
void ShutdownDiscordPresence();
void UpdateDiscordPresence();
void PollDiscordPresence();
HotkeyInfoList m_hotkeys;
std::unique_ptr<FrontendCommon::SaveStateSelectorUI> m_save_state_selector_ui;
// input key maps
std::map<HostKeyCode, InputButtonHandler> m_keyboard_input_handlers;
std::map<HostMouseButton, InputButtonHandler> m_mouse_input_handlers;
// controller vibration motors/rumble
struct ControllerRumbleState
enum : u32
u32 controller_index;
u32 num_motors;
std::array<float, MAX_MOTORS> last_strength;
ControllerRumbleCallback update_callback;
std::vector<ControllerRumbleState> m_controller_vibration_motors;
// running in batch mode? i.e. exit after stopping emulation
bool m_batch_mode = false;
// discord rich presence
bool m_discord_presence_enabled = false;
bool m_discord_presence_active = false;