
129 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Connor McLaughlin <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-3.0 OR CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)
#pragma once
#include "vulkan_loader.h"
#include "vulkan_texture.h"
#include "window_info.h"
#include "common/types.h"
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
class VulkanSwapChain
// We don't actually need +1 semaphores, or, more than one really.
// But, the validation layer gets cranky if we don't fence wait before the next image acquire.
// So, add an additional semaphore to ensure that we're never acquiring before fence waiting.
static constexpr u32 NUM_SEMAPHORES = 4; // Should be command buffers + 1
// Creates a vulkan-renderable surface for the specified window handle.
static VkSurfaceKHR CreateVulkanSurface(VkInstance instance, VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, WindowInfo* wi);
// Destroys a previously-created surface.
static void DestroyVulkanSurface(VkInstance instance, WindowInfo* wi, VkSurfaceKHR surface);
// Create a new swap chain from a pre-existing surface.
static std::unique_ptr<VulkanSwapChain> Create(const WindowInfo& wi, VkSurfaceKHR surface,
VkPresentModeKHR present_mode,
std::optional<bool> exclusive_fullscreen_control);
// Determines present mode to use.
static bool SelectPresentMode(VkSurfaceKHR surface, GPUVSyncMode* vsync_mode, VkPresentModeKHR* present_mode);
ALWAYS_INLINE VkSurfaceKHR GetSurface() const { return m_surface; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkSwapchainKHR GetSwapChain() const { return m_swap_chain; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const VkSwapchainKHR* GetSwapChainPtr() const { return &m_swap_chain; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const WindowInfo& GetWindowInfo() const { return m_window_info; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetWidth() const { return m_window_info.surface_width; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetHeight() const { return m_window_info.surface_height; }
ALWAYS_INLINE float GetScale() const { return m_window_info.surface_scale; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetCurrentImageIndex() const { return m_current_image; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const u32* GetCurrentImageIndexPtr() const { return &m_current_image; }
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 GetImageCount() const { return static_cast<u32>(m_images.size()); }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkFormat GetImageFormat() const { return m_format; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkImage GetCurrentImage() const { return m_images[m_current_image].image; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkImageView GetCurrentImageView() const { return m_images[m_current_image].view; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkFramebuffer GetCurrentFramebuffer() const { return m_images[m_current_image].framebuffer; }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkSemaphore GetImageAvailableSemaphore() const
return m_semaphores[m_current_semaphore].available_semaphore;
ALWAYS_INLINE const VkSemaphore* GetImageAvailableSemaphorePtr() const
return &m_semaphores[m_current_semaphore].available_semaphore;
ALWAYS_INLINE VkSemaphore GetRenderingFinishedSemaphore() const
return m_semaphores[m_current_semaphore].rendering_finished_semaphore;
ALWAYS_INLINE const VkSemaphore* GetRenderingFinishedSemaphorePtr() const
return &m_semaphores[m_current_semaphore].rendering_finished_semaphore;
// Returns true if the current present mode is synchronizing (adaptive or hard).
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsPresentModeSynchronizing() const { return (m_present_mode == VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR); }
ALWAYS_INLINE VkPresentModeKHR GetPresentMode() const { return m_present_mode; }
VkResult AcquireNextImage();
void ReleaseCurrentImage();
void ResetImageAcquireResult();
bool RecreateSurface(const WindowInfo& new_wi);
bool ResizeSwapChain(u32 new_width = 0, u32 new_height = 0, float new_scale = 1.0f);
// Change vsync enabled state. This may fail as it causes a swapchain recreation.
bool SetPresentMode(VkPresentModeKHR present_mode);
VulkanSwapChain(const WindowInfo& wi, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkPresentModeKHR present_mode,
std::optional<bool> exclusive_fullscreen_control);
static std::optional<VkSurfaceFormatKHR> SelectSurfaceFormat(VkSurfaceKHR surface);
bool CreateSwapChain();
void DestroySwapChain();
void DestroySwapChainImages();
void DestroySurface();
struct Image
VkImage image;
VkImageView view;
VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
struct ImageSemaphores
VkSemaphore available_semaphore;
VkSemaphore rendering_finished_semaphore;
WindowInfo m_window_info;
VkSurfaceKHR m_surface = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkSwapchainKHR m_swap_chain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
std::vector<Image> m_images;
std::array<ImageSemaphores, NUM_SEMAPHORES> m_semaphores = {};
u32 m_current_image = 0;
u32 m_current_semaphore = 0;
VkFormat m_format = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
VkPresentModeKHR m_present_mode = VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR;
std::optional<VkResult> m_image_acquire_result;
std::optional<bool> m_exclusive_fullscreen_control;