2023-09-02 21:44:07 +10:00

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: PIXEventsCommon.h
* Content: PIX include file
* Don't include this file directly - use pix3.h
#pragma once
#ifndef _PIXEventsCommon_H_
#define _PIXEventsCommon_H_
#if defined(XBOX) || defined(_XBOX_ONE) || defined(_DURANGO) || defined(_GAMING_XBOX) || defined(_GAMING_XBOX_SCARLETT)
#define PIX_XBOX
#include <cstdint>
#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)
#include <emmintrin.h>
// The PIXBeginEvent and PIXSetMarker functions have an optimized path for
// copying strings that work by copying 128-bit or 64-bits at a time. In some
// circumstances this may result in PIX logging the remaining memory after the
// null terminator.
// By default this optimization is enabled unless Address Sanitizer is enabled,
// since this optimization can trigger a global-buffer-overflow when copying
// string literals.
// The PIX_ENABLE_BLOCK_ARGUMENT_COPY controls whether or not this optimization
// is enabled. Applications may also explicitly set this macro to 0 to disable
// the optimization if necessary.
// Check for Address Sanitizer on either Clang or MSVC
#if defined(__has_feature)
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#elif defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
// Previously set values override everything
#elif defined(PIX_ASAN_ENABLED)
// Disable block argument copy when address sanitizer is enabled
// Default to enabled.
struct PIXEventsBlockInfo;
struct PIXEventsThreadInfo
PIXEventsBlockInfo* block;
UINT64* biasedLimit;
UINT64* destination;
#ifdef PIX_XBOX
extern "C" UINT64 WINAPI PIXEventsReplaceBlock(bool getEarliestTime) noexcept;
extern "C" UINT64 WINAPI PIXEventsReplaceBlock(PIXEventsThreadInfo * threadInfo, bool getEarliestTime) noexcept;
enum PIXEventType
PIXEvent_EndEvent = 0x000,
PIXEvent_BeginEvent_VarArgs = 0x001,
PIXEvent_BeginEvent_NoArgs = 0x002,
PIXEvent_SetMarker_VarArgs = 0x007,
PIXEvent_SetMarker_NoArgs = 0x008,
PIXEvent_EndEvent_OnContext = 0x010,
PIXEvent_BeginEvent_OnContext_VarArgs = 0x011,
PIXEvent_BeginEvent_OnContext_NoArgs = 0x012,
PIXEvent_SetMarker_OnContext_VarArgs = 0x017,
PIXEvent_SetMarker_OnContext_NoArgs = 0x018,
static const UINT64 PIXEventsReservedRecordSpaceQwords = 64;
//this is used to make sure SSE string copy always will end 16-byte write in the current block
//this way only a check if destination < limit can be performed, instead of destination < limit - 1
//since both these are UINT64* and SSE writes in 16 byte chunks, 8 bytes are kept in reserve
//so even if SSE overwrites 8 extra bytes, those will still belong to the correct block
//on next iteration check destination will be greater than limit
//this is used as well for fixed size UMD events and PIXEndEvent since these require less space
//than other variable length user events and do not need big reserved space
static const UINT64 PIXEventsReservedTailSpaceQwords = 2;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsSafeFastCopySpaceQwords = PIXEventsReservedRecordSpaceQwords - PIXEventsReservedTailSpaceQwords;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsGraphicsRecordSpaceQwords = 64;
//Bits 7-19 (13 bits)
static const UINT64 PIXEventsBlockEndMarker = 0x00000000000FFF80;
//Bits 10-19 (10 bits)
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTypeReadMask = 0x00000000000FFC00;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTypeWriteMask = 0x00000000000003FF;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTypeBitShift = 10;
//Bits 20-63 (44 bits)
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTimestampReadMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFF00000;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTimestampWriteMask = 0x00000FFFFFFFFFFF;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsTimestampBitShift = 20;
inline UINT64 PIXEncodeEventInfo(UINT64 timestamp, PIXEventType eventType)
return ((timestamp & PIXEventsTimestampWriteMask) << PIXEventsTimestampBitShift) |
(((UINT64)eventType & PIXEventsTypeWriteMask) << PIXEventsTypeBitShift);
//Bits 60-63 (4)
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringAlignmentWriteMask = 0x000000000000000F;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringAlignmentReadMask = 0xF000000000000000;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringAlignmentBitShift = 60;
//Bits 55-59 (5)
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringCopyChunkSizeWriteMask = 0x000000000000001F;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringCopyChunkSizeReadMask = 0x0F80000000000000;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringCopyChunkSizeBitShift = 55;
//Bit 54
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsANSIWriteMask = 0x0000000000000001;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsANSIReadMask = 0x0040000000000000;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsANSIBitShift = 54;
//Bit 53
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsShortcutWriteMask = 0x0000000000000001;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsShortcutReadMask = 0x0020000000000000;
static const UINT64 PIXEventsStringIsShortcutBitShift = 53;
inline UINT64 PIXEncodeStringInfo(UINT64 alignment, UINT64 copyChunkSize, BOOL isANSI, BOOL isShortcut)
return ((alignment & PIXEventsStringAlignmentWriteMask) << PIXEventsStringAlignmentBitShift) |
((copyChunkSize & PIXEventsStringCopyChunkSizeWriteMask) << PIXEventsStringCopyChunkSizeBitShift) |
(((UINT64)isANSI & PIXEventsStringIsANSIWriteMask) << PIXEventsStringIsANSIBitShift) |
(((UINT64)isShortcut & PIXEventsStringIsShortcutWriteMask) << PIXEventsStringIsShortcutBitShift);
template<UINT alignment, class T>
inline bool PIXIsPointerAligned(T* pointer)
return !(((UINT64)pointer) & (alignment - 1));
// Generic template version slower because of the additional clear write
template<class T>
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, T argument)
if (destination < limit)
*destination = 0ull;
*((T*)destination) = argument;
// int32 specialization to avoid slower double memory writes
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<INT32>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, INT32 argument)
if (destination < limit)
*reinterpret_cast<INT64*>(destination) = static_cast<INT64>(argument);
// unsigned int32 specialization to avoid slower double memory writes
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<UINT32>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, UINT32 argument)
if (destination < limit)
*destination = static_cast<UINT64>(argument);
// int64 specialization to avoid slower double memory writes
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<INT64>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, INT64 argument)
if (destination < limit)
*reinterpret_cast<INT64*>(destination) = argument;
// unsigned int64 specialization to avoid slower double memory writes
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<UINT64>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, UINT64 argument)
if (destination < limit)
*destination = argument;
//floats must be cast to double during writing the data to be properly printed later when reading the data
//this is needed because when float is passed to varargs function it's cast to double
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<float>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, float argument)
if (destination < limit)
*reinterpret_cast<double*>(destination) = static_cast<double>(argument);
//char has to be cast to a longer signed integer type
//this is due to printf not ignoring correctly the upper bits of unsigned long long for a char format specifier
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<char>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, char argument)
if (destination < limit)
*reinterpret_cast<INT64*>(destination) = static_cast<INT64>(argument);
//unsigned char has to be cast to a longer unsigned integer type
//this is due to printf not ignoring correctly the upper bits of unsigned long long for a char format specifier
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<unsigned char>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, unsigned char argument)
if (destination < limit)
*destination = static_cast<UINT64>(argument);
//bool has to be cast to an integer since it's not explicitly supported by string format routines
//there's no format specifier for bool type, but it should work with integer format specifiers
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<bool>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, bool argument)
if (destination < limit)
*destination = static_cast<UINT64>(argument);
inline void PIXCopyEventArgumentSlowest(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCSTR argument)
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 8, TRUE, FALSE);
while (destination < limit)
UINT64 c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[0]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = 0;
UINT64 x = c;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[1]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 8;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[2]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 16;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[3]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 24;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[4]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 32;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[5]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 40;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[6]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 48;
c = static_cast<uint8_t>(argument[7]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 56;
*destination++ = x;
argument += 8;
inline void PIXCopyEventArgumentSlow(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCSTR argument)
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<8>(argument))
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 8, TRUE, FALSE);
UINT64* source = (UINT64*)argument;
while (destination < limit)
UINT64 qword = *source++;
*destination++ = qword;
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
if (!((qword & 0xFF00000000000000) &&
(qword & 0xFF000000000000) &&
(qword & 0xFF0000000000) &&
(qword & 0xFF00000000) &&
(qword & 0xFF000000) &&
(qword & 0xFF0000) &&
(qword & 0xFF00) &&
(qword & 0xFF)))
PIXCopyEventArgumentSlowest(destination, limit, argument);
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<PCSTR>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCSTR argument)
if (destination < limit)
if (argument != nullptr)
#if (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)) && PIX_ENABLE_BLOCK_ARGUMENT_COPY
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<16>(argument))
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 16, TRUE, FALSE);
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<16>(destination))
while (destination < limit)
__m128i mem = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)argument);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)destination, mem);
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
__m128i res = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(mem, zero);
destination += 2;
if (_mm_movemask_epi8(res))
argument += 16;
while (destination < limit)
__m128i mem = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)argument);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)destination, mem);
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
__m128i res = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(mem, zero);
destination += 2;
if (_mm_movemask_epi8(res))
argument += 16;
#endif // (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)) && PIX_ENABLE_BLOCK_ARGUMENT_COPY
PIXCopyEventArgumentSlow(destination, limit, argument);
*destination++ = 0ull;
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<PSTR>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PSTR argument)
PIXCopyEventArgument(destination, limit, (PCSTR)argument);
inline void PIXCopyEventArgumentSlowest(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCWSTR argument)
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 8, FALSE, FALSE);
while (destination < limit)
UINT64 c = static_cast<uint16_t>(argument[0]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = 0;
UINT64 x = c;
c = static_cast<uint16_t>(argument[1]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 16;
c = static_cast<uint16_t>(argument[2]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 32;
c = static_cast<uint16_t>(argument[3]);
if (!c)
*destination++ = x;
x |= c << 48;
*destination++ = x;
argument += 4;
inline void PIXCopyEventArgumentSlow(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCWSTR argument)
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<8>(argument))
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 8, FALSE, FALSE);
UINT64* source = (UINT64*)argument;
while (destination < limit)
UINT64 qword = *source++;
*destination++ = qword;
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
//TODO: check if reversed condition is faster
if (!((qword & 0xFFFF000000000000) &&
(qword & 0xFFFF00000000) &&
(qword & 0xFFFF0000) &&
(qword & 0xFFFF)))
PIXCopyEventArgumentSlowest(destination, limit, argument);
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<PCWSTR>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PCWSTR argument)
if (destination < limit)
if (argument != nullptr)
#if (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)) && PIX_ENABLE_BLOCK_ARGUMENT_COPY
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<16>(argument))
*destination++ = PIXEncodeStringInfo(0, 16, FALSE, FALSE);
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
if (PIXIsPointerAligned<16>(destination))
while (destination < limit)
__m128i mem = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)argument);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)destination, mem);
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
__m128i res = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(mem, zero);
destination += 2;
if (_mm_movemask_epi8(res))
argument += 8;
while (destination < limit)
__m128i mem = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)argument);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)destination, mem);
//check if any of the characters is a terminating zero
__m128i res = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(mem, zero);
destination += 2;
if (_mm_movemask_epi8(res))
argument += 8;
#endif // (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)) && PIX_ENABLE_BLOCK_ARGUMENT_COPY
PIXCopyEventArgumentSlow(destination, limit, argument);
*destination++ = 0ull;
inline void PIXCopyEventArgument<PWSTR>(_Out_writes_to_ptr_(limit) UINT64*& destination, _In_ const UINT64* limit, _In_ PWSTR argument)
PIXCopyEventArgument(destination, limit, (PCWSTR)argument);
#if defined(__d3d12_x_h__) || defined(__d3d12_xs_h__) || defined(__d3d12_h__)
inline void PIXSetGPUMarkerOnContext(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, _In_reads_bytes_(size) void* data, UINT size)
commandList->SetMarker(D3D12_EVENT_METADATA, data, size);
inline void PIXSetGPUMarkerOnContext(_In_ ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue, _In_reads_bytes_(size) void* data, UINT size)
commandQueue->SetMarker(D3D12_EVENT_METADATA, data, size);
inline void PIXBeginGPUEventOnContext(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, _In_reads_bytes_(size) void* data, UINT size)
commandList->BeginEvent(D3D12_EVENT_METADATA, data, size);
inline void PIXBeginGPUEventOnContext(_In_ ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue, _In_reads_bytes_(size) void* data, UINT size)
commandQueue->BeginEvent(D3D12_EVENT_METADATA, data, size);
inline void PIXEndGPUEventOnContext(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList)
inline void PIXEndGPUEventOnContext(_In_ ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue)
#endif //__d3d12_h__
template<class T> struct PIXInferScopedEventType { typedef T Type; };
template<class T> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<const T> { typedef T Type; };
template<class T> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<T*> { typedef T Type; };
template<class T> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<T* const> { typedef T Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<UINT64> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<const UINT64> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<INT64> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<const INT64> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<UINT> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<const UINT> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<INT> { typedef void Type; };
template<> struct PIXInferScopedEventType<const INT> { typedef void Type; };
#endif //_PIXEventsCommon_H_