2019-10-13 16:48:11 +10:00

361 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common/bitfield.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <array>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
class StateWrapper;
class System;
class DMA;
class InterruptController;
class Timers;
class GPU
static constexpr float DISPLAY_ASPECT_RATIO = 4.0f / 3.0f;
enum : u32
VRAM_WIDTH = 1024,
virtual ~GPU();
virtual bool Initialize(System* system, DMA* dma, InterruptController* interrupt_controller, Timers* timers);
virtual void Reset();
virtual bool DoState(StateWrapper& sw);
// Graphics API state reset/restore - call when drawing the UI etc.
virtual void ResetGraphicsAPIState();
virtual void RestoreGraphicsAPIState();
// Render statistics debug window.
virtual void DrawDebugWindows();
// Manipulating debug options.
virtual void DrawDebugMenu();
// Called when settings change.
virtual void UpdateSettings();
u32 ReadRegister(u32 offset);
void WriteRegister(u32 offset, u32 value);
// DMA access
void DMARead(u32* words, u32 word_count);
void DMAWrite(const u32* words, u32 word_count);
// gpu_hw_opengl.cpp
static std::unique_ptr<GPU> CreateHardwareOpenGLRenderer();
void Execute(TickCount ticks);
// Helper/format conversion functions.
static constexpr u32 RGBA5551ToRGBA8888(u16 color)
u8 r = Truncate8(color & 31);
u8 g = Truncate8((color >> 5) & 31);
u8 b = Truncate8((color >> 10) & 31);
u8 a = Truncate8((color >> 15) & 1);
// 00012345 -> 1234545
b = (b << 3) | (b & 0b111);
g = (g << 3) | (g & 0b111);
r = (r << 3) | (r & 0b111);
a = a ? 255 : 0;
return ZeroExtend32(r) | (ZeroExtend32(g) << 8) | (ZeroExtend32(b) << 16) | (ZeroExtend32(a) << 24);
static constexpr u16 RGBA8888ToRGBA5551(u32 color)
const u16 r = Truncate16((color >> 3) & 0x1Fu);
const u16 g = Truncate16((color >> 11) & 0x1Fu);
const u16 b = Truncate16((color >> 19) & 0x1Fu);
const u16 a = Truncate16((color >> 31) & 0x01u);
return r | (g << 5) | (b << 10) | (a << 15);
static bool DumpVRAMToFile(const char* filename, u32 width, u32 height, u32 stride, const void* buffer,
bool remove_alpha);
enum class DMADirection : u32
Off = 0,
FIFO = 1,
CPUtoGP0 = 2,
enum class Primitive : u8
Reserved = 0,
Polygon = 1,
Line = 2,
Rectangle = 3
enum class DrawRectangleSize : u8
Variable = 0,
R1x1 = 1,
R8x8 = 2,
R16x16 = 3
enum class TextureColorMode : u8
Palette4Bit = 0,
Palette8Bit = 1,
Direct16Bit = 2,
Reserved_Direct16Bit = 3
enum class TransparencyMode : u8
HalfBackgroundPlusHalfForeground = 0,
BackgroundPlusForeground = 1,
BackgroundMinusForeground = 2,
BackgroundPlusQuarterForeground = 3
union RenderCommand
u32 bits;
BitField<u32, u32, 0, 24> color_for_first_vertex;
BitField<u32, bool, 24, 1> texture_blend_disable; // not valid for lines
BitField<u32, bool, 25, 1> transparency_enable;
BitField<u32, bool, 26, 1> texture_enable;
BitField<u32, DrawRectangleSize, 27, 2> rectangle_size; // only for rectangles
BitField<u32, bool, 27, 1> quad_polygon; // only for polygons
BitField<u32, bool, 27, 1> polyline; // only for lines
BitField<u32, bool, 28, 1> shading_enable; // 0 - flat, 1 = gouroud
BitField<u32, Primitive, 29, 21> primitive;
// Helper functions.
bool IsTextureEnabled() const { return (primitive != Primitive::Line && texture_enable); }
bool IsTextureBlendingEnabled() const { return (IsTextureEnabled() && !texture_blend_disable); }
bool IsTransparencyEnabled() const { return transparency_enable; }
// TODO: Use BitField to do sign extending instead
union VertexPosition
u32 bits;
BitField<u32, s32, 0, 12> x;
BitField<u32, s32, 16, 12> y;
struct DebugOptions
bool show_state = false;
bool show_vram = false;
bool dump_cpu_to_vram_copies = false;
bool dump_vram_to_cpu_copies = false;
void SoftReset();
// Sets dots per scanline
void UpdateCRTCConfig();
// Update ticks for this execution slice
void UpdateSliceTicks();
// Updates dynamic bits in GPUSTAT (ready to send VRAM/ready to receive DMA)
void UpdateGPUSTAT();
u32 ReadGPUREAD();
void WriteGP0(u32 value);
void WriteGP1(u32 value);
void HandleGetGPUInfoCommand(u32 value);
// Rendering commands, returns false if not enough data is provided
void HandleGP0Command();
bool HandleRenderCommand();
bool HandleFillRectangleCommand();
bool HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand();
bool HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToCPUCommand();
bool HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToVRAMCommand();
// Rendering in the backend
virtual void UpdateDisplay();
virtual void UpdateDrawingArea();
virtual void ReadVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, void* buffer);
virtual void FillVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, u16 color);
virtual void UpdateVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, const void* data);
virtual void CopyVRAM(u32 src_x, u32 src_y, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 width, u32 height);
virtual void DispatchRenderCommand(RenderCommand rc, u32 num_vertices);
virtual void FlushRender();
// Debugging
void DrawDebugStateWindow();
System* m_system = nullptr;
DMA* m_dma = nullptr;
InterruptController* m_interrupt_controller = nullptr;
Timers* m_timers = nullptr;
u32 bits;
BitField<u32, u8, 0, 4> texture_page_x_base;
BitField<u32, u8, 4, 1> texture_page_y_base;
BitField<u32, TransparencyMode, 5, 2> semi_transparency_mode;
BitField<u32, TextureColorMode, 7, 2> texture_color_mode;
BitField<u32, bool, 9, 1> dither_enable;
BitField<u32, bool, 10, 1> draw_to_display_area;
BitField<u32, bool, 11, 1> draw_set_mask_bit;
BitField<u32, bool, 12, 1> draw_to_masked_pixels;
BitField<u32, bool, 13, 1> interlaced_field;
BitField<u32, bool, 14, 1> reverse_flag;
BitField<u32, bool, 15, 1> texture_disable;
BitField<u32, u8, 16, 1> horizontal_resolution_2;
BitField<u32, u8, 17, 2> horizontal_resolution_1;
BitField<u32, u8, 19, 1> vertical_resolution;
BitField<u32, bool, 20, 1> pal_mode;
BitField<u32, bool, 21, 1> display_area_color_depth_24;
BitField<u32, bool, 22, 1> vertical_interlace;
BitField<u32, bool, 23, 1> display_enable;
BitField<u32, bool, 24, 1> interrupt_request;
BitField<u32, bool, 25, 1> dma_data_request;
BitField<u32, bool, 26, 1> ready_to_recieve_cmd;
BitField<u32, bool, 27, 1> ready_to_send_vram;
BitField<u32, bool, 28, 1> ready_to_recieve_dma;
BitField<u32, DMADirection, 29, 2> dma_direction;
BitField<u32, bool, 31, 1> drawing_even_line;
} m_GPUSTAT = {};
struct RenderState
static constexpr u16 PAGE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_PAGE_MASK = UINT16_C(0b0000000000011111);
static constexpr u16 PAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK = UINT16_C(0b0000000111111111);
static constexpr u16 PALETTE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK = UINT16_C(0b0111111111111111);
static constexpr u32 TEXTURE_WINDOW_MASK = UINT16_C(0b11111111111111111111);
// decoded values
u32 texture_page_x;
u32 texture_page_y;
u32 texture_palette_x;
u32 texture_palette_y;
TextureColorMode texture_color_mode;
TransparencyMode transparency_mode;
u8 texture_window_mask_x; // in 8 pixel steps
u8 texture_window_mask_y; // in 8 pixel steps
u8 texture_window_offset_x; // in 8 pixel steps
u8 texture_window_offset_y; // in 8 pixel steps
bool texture_x_flip;
bool texture_y_flip;
// original values
u16 texpage_attribute; // from register in rectangle modes/vertex in polygon modes
u16 texlut_attribute; // from vertex
u32 texture_window_value;
bool texture_page_changed = false;
bool texture_color_mode_changed = false;
bool transparency_mode_changed = false;
bool texture_window_changed = false;
bool IsChanged() const { return texture_page_changed || texture_color_mode_changed || transparency_mode_changed; }
bool IsTexturePageChanged() const { return texture_page_changed; }
void ClearTexturePageChangedFlag() { texture_page_changed = false; }
bool IsTextureColorModeChanged() const { return texture_color_mode_changed; }
void ClearTextureColorModeChangedFlag() { texture_color_mode_changed = false; }
bool IsTransparencyModeChanged() const { return transparency_mode_changed; }
void ClearTransparencyModeChangedFlag() { transparency_mode_changed = false; }
bool IsTextureWindowChanged() const { return texture_window_changed; }
void ClearTextureWindowChangedFlag() { texture_window_changed = false; }
void SetFromPolygonTexcoord(u32 texcoord0, u32 texcoord1);
void SetFromRectangleTexcoord(u32 texcoord);
void SetFromPageAttribute(u16 value);
void SetFromPaletteAttribute(u16 value);
void SetTextureWindow(u32 value);
} m_render_state = {};
struct DrawingArea
u32 left, top;
u32 right, bottom;
} m_drawing_area = {};
struct DrawingOffset
s32 x;
s32 y;
} m_drawing_offset = {};
struct CRTCState
struct Regs
static constexpr u32 DISPLAY_ADDRESS_START_MASK = 0b111'11111111'11111111;
static constexpr u32 HORIZONTAL_DISPLAY_RANGE_MASK = 0b11111111'11111111'11111111;
static constexpr u32 VERTICAL_DISPLAY_RANGE_MASK = 0b1111'11111111'11111111;
u32 display_address_start;
BitField<u32, u32, 0, 10> X;
BitField<u32, u32, 10, 9> Y;
u32 horizontal_display_range;
BitField<u32, u32, 0, 12> X1;
BitField<u32, u32, 12, 12> X2;
u32 vertical_display_range;
BitField<u32, u32, 0, 10> Y1;
BitField<u32, u32, 10, 10> Y2;
} regs;
u32 horizontal_resolution;
u32 vertical_resolution;
TickCount dot_clock_divider;
u32 visible_horizontal_resolution;
u32 visible_vertical_resolution;
TickCount ticks_per_scanline;
TickCount visible_ticks_per_scanline;
u32 total_scanlines_per_frame;
TickCount fractional_ticks;
TickCount current_tick_in_scanline;
u32 current_scanline;
bool in_hblank;
bool in_vblank;
} m_crtc_state = {};
std::vector<u32> m_GP0_command;
std::deque<u32> m_GPUREAD_buffer;
DebugOptions m_debug_options;