
2371 lines
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// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "unittest.h"
#include "rapidjson/reader.h"
#include "rapidjson/internal/dtoa.h"
#include "rapidjson/internal/itoa.h"
#include "rapidjson/memorystream.h"
#include <limits>
using namespace rapidjson;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if __GNUC__ >= 7
#endif // __GNUC__
#ifdef __clang__
template<bool expect>
struct ParseBoolHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseBoolHandler<expect> > {
ParseBoolHandler() : step_(0) {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
// gcc 4.8.x generates warning in EXPECT_EQ(bool, bool) on this gtest version.
// Workaround with EXPECT_TRUE().
bool Bool(bool b) { /*EXPECT_EQ(expect, b); */EXPECT_TRUE(expect == b); ++step_; return true; }
unsigned step_;
TEST(Reader, ParseTrue) {
StringStream s("true");
ParseBoolHandler<true> h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseFalse) {
StringStream s("false");
ParseBoolHandler<false> h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_);
struct ParseIntHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseIntHandler> {
ParseIntHandler() : step_(0), actual_() {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Int(int i) { actual_ = i; step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
int actual_;
struct ParseUintHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseUintHandler> {
ParseUintHandler() : step_(0), actual_() {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Uint(unsigned i) { actual_ = i; step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
unsigned actual_;
struct ParseInt64Handler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseInt64Handler> {
ParseInt64Handler() : step_(0), actual_() {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { actual_ = i; step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
int64_t actual_;
struct ParseUint64Handler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseUint64Handler> {
ParseUint64Handler() : step_(0), actual_() {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t i) { actual_ = i; step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
uint64_t actual_;
struct ParseDoubleHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseDoubleHandler> {
ParseDoubleHandler() : step_(0), actual_() {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Double(double d) { actual_ = d; step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
double actual_;
TEST(Reader, ParseNumber_Integer) {
#define TEST_INTEGER(Handler, str, x) \
{ \
StringStream s(str); \
Handler h; \
Reader reader; \
reader.Parse(s, h); \
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_); \
EXPECT_EQ(x, h.actual_); \
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUintHandler, "0", 0u);
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUintHandler, "123", 123u);
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUintHandler, "2147483648", 2147483648u); // 2^31 - 1 (cannot be stored in int)
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUintHandler, "4294967295", 4294967295u);
TEST_INTEGER(ParseIntHandler, "-123", -123);
TEST_INTEGER(ParseIntHandler, "-2147483648", static_cast<int32_t>(0x80000000)); // -2^31 (min of int)
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUint64Handler, "4294967296", RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(1, 0)); // 2^32 (max of unsigned + 1, force to use uint64_t)
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUint64Handler, "18446744073709551615", RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)); // 2^64 - 1 (max of uint64_t)
TEST_INTEGER(ParseInt64Handler, "-2147483649", static_cast<int64_t>(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF))); // -2^31 -1 (min of int - 1, force to use int64_t)
TEST_INTEGER(ParseInt64Handler, "-9223372036854775808", static_cast<int64_t>(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80000000, 0x00000000))); // -2^63 (min of int64_t)
// Random test for uint32_t/int32_t
union {
uint32_t u;
int32_t i;
Random r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
u.u = r();
char buffer[32];
*internal::u32toa(u.u, buffer) = '\0';
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUintHandler, buffer, u.u);
if (u.i < 0) {
*internal::i32toa(u.i, buffer) = '\0';
TEST_INTEGER(ParseIntHandler, buffer, u.i);
// Random test for uint64_t/int64_t
union {
uint64_t u;
int64_t i;
Random r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
u.u = uint64_t(r()) << 32;
u.u |= r();
char buffer[32];
if (u.u > uint64_t(4294967295u)) {
*internal::u64toa(u.u, buffer) = '\0';
TEST_INTEGER(ParseUint64Handler, buffer, u.u);
if (u.i < -int64_t(2147483648u)) {
*internal::i64toa(u.i, buffer) = '\0';
TEST_INTEGER(ParseInt64Handler, buffer, u.i);
template<bool fullPrecision>
static void TestParseDouble() {
#define TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, str, x) \
{ \
StringStream s(str); \
ParseDoubleHandler h; \
Reader reader; \
ASSERT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, reader.Parse<fullPrecision ? kParseFullPrecisionFlag : 0>(s, h).Code()); \
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_); \
internal::Double e(x), a(h.actual_); \
if (fullPrecision) { \
EXPECT_EQ(e.Uint64Value(), a.Uint64Value()); \
if (e.Uint64Value() != a.Uint64Value()) \
printf(" String: %s\n Actual: %.17g\nExpected: %.17g\n", str, h.actual_, x); \
} \
else { \
EXPECT_EQ(e.Sign(), a.Sign()); /* for 0.0 != -0.0 */ \
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(x, h.actual_); \
} \
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.0", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-0.0", -0.0); // For checking issue #289
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e100", 0.0); // For checking issue #1249
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.0", 1.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1.0", -1.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.5", 1.5);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1.5", -1.5);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "3.1416", 3.1416);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1E10", 1E10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e10", 1e10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1E+10", 1E+10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1E-10", 1E-10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1E10", -1E10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1e10", -1e10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1E+10", -1E+10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1E-10", -1E-10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.234E+10", 1.234E+10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.234E-10", 1.234E-10);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.79769e+308", 1.79769e+308);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.22507e-308", 2.22507e-308);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1.79769e+308", -1.79769e+308);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-2.22507e-308", -2.22507e-308);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "4.9406564584124654e-324", 4.9406564584124654e-324); // minimum denormal
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.2250738585072009e-308", 2.2250738585072009e-308); // Max subnormal double
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.2250738585072014e-308", 2.2250738585072014e-308); // Min normal positive double
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.7976931348623157e+308", 1.7976931348623157e+308); // Max double
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-10000", 0.0); // must underflow
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "18446744073709551616", 18446744073709551616.0); // 2^64 (max of uint64_t + 1, force to use double)
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-9223372036854775809", -9223372036854775809.0); // -2^63 - 1(min of int64_t + 1, force to use double)
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.9868011474609375", 0.9868011474609375); //
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "123e34", 123e34); // Fast Path Cases In Disguise
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "45913141877270640000.0", 45913141877270640000.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.2250738585072011e-308", 2.2250738585072011e-308); //
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-00011111111111", 0.0); // Issue #313
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "-1e-00011111111111", -0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-214748363", 0.0); // Maximum supported negative exponent
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-214748364", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-21474836311", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.00000000001e-2147483638", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.017976931348623157e+310", 1.7976931348623157e+308); // Max double in another form
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "128.74836467836484838364836483643636483648e-336", 0.0); // Issue #1251
// Since
// abs((2^-1022 - 2^-1074) - 2.2250738585072012e-308) = 3.109754131239141401123495768877590405345064751974375599... x 10^-324
// abs((2^-1022) - 2.2250738585072012e-308) = 1.830902327173324040642192159804623318305533274168872044... x 10 ^ -324
// So 2.2250738585072012e-308 should round to 2^-1022 = 2.2250738585072014e-308
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.2250738585072012e-308", 2.2250738585072014e-308); //
// More closer to normal/subnormal boundary
// boundary = 2^-1022 - 2^-1075 = 2.225073858507201136057409796709131975934819546351645648... x 10^-308
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.22507385850720113605740979670913197593481954635164564e-308", 2.2250738585072009e-308);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.22507385850720113605740979670913197593481954635164565e-308", 2.2250738585072014e-308);
// 1.0 is in (1.0 - 2^-54, 1.0 + 2^-53)
// 1.0 - 2^-54 = 0.999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984375
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984375", 1.0); // round to even
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984374", 0.99999999999999989); // previous double
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0.999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984376", 1.0); // next double
// 1.0 + 2^-53 = 1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125", 1.0); // round to even
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203124", 1.0); // previous double
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203126", 1.00000000000000022); // next double
// Numbers from
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "72057594037927928.0", 72057594037927928.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "72057594037927936.0", 72057594037927936.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "72057594037927932.0", 72057594037927936.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "7205759403792793199999e-5", 72057594037927928.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "7205759403792793200001e-5", 72057594037927936.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "9223372036854774784.0", 9223372036854774784.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "9223372036854775808.0", 9223372036854775808.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "9223372036854775296.0", 9223372036854775808.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "922337203685477529599999e-5", 9223372036854774784.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "922337203685477529600001e-5", 9223372036854775808.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "10141204801825834086073718800384", 10141204801825834086073718800384.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "10141204801825835211973625643008", 10141204801825835211973625643008.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "10141204801825834649023672221696", 10141204801825835211973625643008.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1014120480182583464902367222169599999e-5", 10141204801825834086073718800384.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1014120480182583464902367222169600001e-5", 10141204801825835211973625643008.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "5708990770823838890407843763683279797179383808", 5708990770823838890407843763683279797179383808.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496", 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "5708990770823839207320493820740630171355185152", 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "5708990770823839207320493820740630171355185151999e-3", 5708990770823838890407843763683279797179383808.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "5708990770823839207320493820740630171355185152001e-3", 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496.0);
char n1e308[310]; // '1' followed by 308 '0'
n1e308[0] = '1';
for (int i = 1; i < 309; i++)
n1e308[i] = '0';
n1e308[309] = '\0';
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, n1e308, 1E308);
// Cover trimming
static const unsigned count = 100; // Tested with 1000000 locally
Random r;
Reader reader; // Reusing reader to prevent heap allocation
// Exhaustively test different exponents with random significant
for (uint64_t exp = 0; exp < 2047; exp++) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Need to call r() in two statements for cross-platform coherent sequence.
uint64_t u = (exp << 52) | uint64_t(r() & 0x000FFFFF) << 32;
u |= uint64_t(r());
internal::Double d = internal::Double(u);
char buffer[32];
*internal::dtoa(d.Value(), buffer) = '\0';
StringStream s(buffer);
ParseDoubleHandler h;
ASSERT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, reader.Parse<fullPrecision ? kParseFullPrecisionFlag : 0>(s, h).Code());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_);
internal::Double a(h.actual_);
if (fullPrecision) {
EXPECT_EQ(d.Uint64Value(), a.Uint64Value());
if (d.Uint64Value() != a.Uint64Value())
printf(" String: %s\n Actual: %.17g\nExpected: %.17g\n", buffer, h.actual_, d.Value());
else {
EXPECT_EQ(d.Sign(), a.Sign()); // for 0.0 != -0.0
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d.Value(), h.actual_);
// Issue #340
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "7.450580596923828e-9", 7.450580596923828e-9);
internal::Double d(1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 324; i++) {
char buffer[32];
*internal::dtoa(d.Value(), buffer) = '\0';
StringStream s(buffer);
ParseDoubleHandler h;
Reader reader;
ASSERT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, reader.Parse<fullPrecision ? kParseFullPrecisionFlag : 0>(s, h).Code());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_);
internal::Double a(h.actual_);
if (fullPrecision) {
EXPECT_EQ(d.Uint64Value(), a.Uint64Value());
if (d.Uint64Value() != a.Uint64Value())
printf(" String: %s\n Actual: %.17g\nExpected: %.17g\n", buffer, h.actual_, d.Value());
else {
EXPECT_EQ(d.Sign(), a.Sign()); // for 0.0 != -0.0
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d.Value(), h.actual_);
d = d.Value() * 0.5;
// Issue 1249
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e100", 0.0);
// Issue 1251
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "128.74836467836484838364836483643636483648e-336", 0.0);
// Issue 1256
#if 0
// Test (length + exponent) overflow
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e+2147483647", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e-2147483648", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-2147483648", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e+9223372036854775807", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "0e-9223372036854775808", 0.0);
if (fullPrecision)
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-325", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1e-324", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2e-324", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.4703282292062327e-324", 0.0);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.4703282292062328e-324", 5e-324);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.48e-324",5e-324);
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "2.5e-324", 5e-324);
// Slightly above max-normal
TEST_DOUBLE(fullPrecision, "1.7976931348623158e+308", 1.7976931348623158e+308);
// 9007199254740991 * 2^971 (max normal)
1.797693134862315708e+308 // 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023
#if 0
// TODO:
// Should work at least in full-precision mode...
// 9007199254740991 * 2^-1074 = (2^53 - 1) * 2^-1074
4.450147717014402272e-308 // 0x1.fffffffffffffp-1022
// 9007199254740990 * 2^-1074
4.450147717014401778e-308 // 0x1.ffffffffffffep-1022
// half way between the two numbers above.
// round to nearest even.
4.450147717014401778e-308 // 0x1.ffffffffffffep-1022
4.450147717014401778e-308 // 0x1.ffffffffffffep-1022
#if 0
// ... round up
// TODO:
// Should work at least in full-precision mode...
4.450147717014402272e-308 // 0x1.fffffffffffffp-1022
// ... round down
4.450147717014401778e-308 // 0x1.ffffffffffffep-1022
// Slightly below half way between max-normal and infinity.
// Should round down.
1.797693134862315708e+308 // 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023
TEST(Reader, ParseNumber_NormalPrecisionDouble) {
TEST(Reader, ParseNumber_FullPrecisionDouble) {
TEST(Reader, ParseNumber_NormalPrecisionError) {
static unsigned count = 1000000;
Random r;
double ulpSum = 0.0;
double ulpMax = 0.0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
internal::Double e, a;
do {
// Need to call r() in two statements for cross-platform coherent sequence.
uint64_t u = uint64_t(r()) << 32;
u |= uint64_t(r());
e = u;
} while (e.IsNan() || e.IsInf() || !e.IsNormal());
char buffer[32];
*internal::dtoa(e.Value(), buffer) = '\0';
StringStream s(buffer);
ParseDoubleHandler h;
Reader reader;
ASSERT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, reader.Parse(s, h).Code());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_);
a = h.actual_;
uint64_t bias1 = e.ToBias();
uint64_t bias2 = a.ToBias();
double ulp = static_cast<double>(bias1 >= bias2 ? bias1 - bias2 : bias2 - bias1);
ulpMax = (std::max)(ulpMax, ulp);
ulpSum += ulp;
printf("ULP Average = %g, Max = %g \n", ulpSum / count, ulpMax);
template<bool fullPrecision>
static void TestParseNumberError() {
#define TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(errorCode, str, errorOffset, streamPos) \
{ \
char buffer[2048]; \
ASSERT_LT(std::strlen(str), 2048u); \
sprintf(buffer, "%s", str); \
InsituStringStream s(buffer); \
BaseReaderHandler<> h; \
Reader reader; \
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<fullPrecision ? kParseFullPrecisionFlag : 0>(s, h)); \
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
EXPECT_EQ(errorOffset, reader.GetErrorOffset());\
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, s.Tell());\
// Number too big to be stored in double.
char n1e309[311]; // '1' followed by 309 '0'
n1e309[0] = '1';
for (int i = 1; i < 310; i++)
n1e309[i] = '0';
n1e309[310] = '\0';
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, n1e309, 0u, 310u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e309", 0u, 5u);
// Miss fraction part in number.
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, "1.", 2u, 2u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, "1.a", 2u, 2u);
// Miss exponent in number.
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, "1e", 2u, 2u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, "1e_", 2u, 2u);
// Issue 849
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1.8e308", 0u, 7u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "5e308", 0u, 5u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e309", 0u, 5u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1.0e310", 0u, 7u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1.00e310", 0u, 8u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "-1.8e308", 0u, 8u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "-1e309", 0u, 6u);
// Issue 1253
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "2e308", 0u, 5u);
// Issue 1259
"7236737247372368772473723683723456789012E66", 0u, 283u);
#if 0
// Test (length + exponent) overflow
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e+2147483647", 0u, 13u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e+9223372036854775807", 0u, 22u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e+10000", 0u, 8u);
TEST_NUMBER_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, "1e+50000", 0u, 8u);
// 9007199254740992 * 2^971 ("infinity")
"0540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216e+308", 0u, 315u);
// TODO:
// These tests (currently) fail in normal-precision mode
if (fullPrecision)
// Half way between max-normal and infinity
// Should round to infinity in nearest-even mode.
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+308", 0u, 1125u);
// ...round up
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e+308", 0u, 1205u);
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 0u, 310u);
TEST(Reader, ParseNumberError_NormalPrecisionDouble) {
TEST(Reader, ParseNumberError_FullPrecisionDouble) {
template <typename Encoding>
struct ParseStringHandler : BaseReaderHandler<Encoding, ParseStringHandler<Encoding> > {
ParseStringHandler() : str_(0), length_(0), copy_() {}
~ParseStringHandler() { EXPECT_TRUE(str_ != 0); if (copy_) free(const_cast<typename Encoding::Ch*>(str_)); }
ParseStringHandler(const ParseStringHandler&);
ParseStringHandler& operator=(const ParseStringHandler&);
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool String(const typename Encoding::Ch* str, size_t length, bool copy) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, str_);
if (copy) {
str_ = static_cast<typename Encoding::Ch*>(malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(typename Encoding::Ch)));
memcpy(const_cast<typename Encoding::Ch*>(str_), str, (length + 1) * sizeof(typename Encoding::Ch));
str_ = str;
length_ = length;
copy_ = copy;
return true;
const typename Encoding::Ch* str_;
size_t length_;
bool copy_;
TEST(Reader, ParseString) {
#define TEST_STRING(Encoding, e, x) \
{ \
Encoding::Ch* buffer = StrDup(x); \
GenericInsituStringStream<Encoding> is(buffer); \
ParseStringHandler<Encoding> h; \
GenericReader<Encoding, Encoding> reader; \
reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(is, h); \
EXPECT_EQ(0, StrCmp<Encoding::Ch>(e, h.str_)); \
EXPECT_EQ(StrLen(e), h.length_); \
free(buffer); \
GenericStringStream<Encoding> s(x); \
ParseStringHandler<Encoding> h2; \
GenericReader<Encoding, Encoding> reader2; \
reader2.Parse(s, h2); \
EXPECT_EQ(0, StrCmp<Encoding::Ch>(e, h2.str_)); \
EXPECT_EQ(StrLen(e), h2.length_); \
// String constant L"\xXX" can only specify character code in bytes, which is not endianness-neutral.
// And old compiler does not support u"" and U"" string literal. So here specify string literal by array of Ch.
// In addition, GCC 4.8 generates -Wnarrowing warnings when character code >= 128 are assigned to signed integer types.
// Therefore, utype is added for declaring unsigned array, and then cast it to Encoding::Ch.
#define ARRAY(...) { __VA_ARGS__ }
#define TEST_STRINGARRAY(Encoding, utype, array, x) \
{ \
static const utype ue[] = array; \
static const Encoding::Ch* e = reinterpret_cast<const Encoding::Ch *>(&ue[0]); \
TEST_STRING(Encoding, e, x); \
#define TEST_STRINGARRAY2(Encoding, utype, earray, xarray) \
{ \
static const utype ue[] = earray; \
static const utype xe[] = xarray; \
static const Encoding::Ch* e = reinterpret_cast<const Encoding::Ch *>(&ue[0]); \
static const Encoding::Ch* x = reinterpret_cast<const Encoding::Ch *>(&xe[0]); \
TEST_STRING(Encoding, e, x); \
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "", "\"\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "Hello", "\"Hello\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "Hello\nWorld", "\"Hello\\nWorld\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t", "\"\\\"\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "\x24", "\"\\u0024\""); // Dollar sign U+0024
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "\xC2\xA2", "\"\\u00A2\""); // Cents sign U+00A2
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "\xE2\x82\xAC", "\"\\u20AC\""); // Euro sign U+20AC
TEST_STRING(UTF8<>, "\xF0\x9D\x84\x9E", "\"\\uD834\\uDD1E\""); // G clef sign U+1D11E
// UTF16
TEST_STRING(UTF16<>, L"", L"\"\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF16<>, L"Hello", L"\"Hello\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF16<>, L"Hello\nWorld", L"\"Hello\\nWorld\"");
TEST_STRING(UTF16<>, L"\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t", L"\"\\\"\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"");
TEST_STRINGARRAY(UTF16<>, wchar_t, ARRAY(0x0024, 0x0000), L"\"\\u0024\"");
TEST_STRINGARRAY(UTF16<>, wchar_t, ARRAY(0x00A2, 0x0000), L"\"\\u00A2\""); // Cents sign U+00A2
TEST_STRINGARRAY(UTF16<>, wchar_t, ARRAY(0x20AC, 0x0000), L"\"\\u20AC\""); // Euro sign U+20AC
TEST_STRINGARRAY(UTF16<>, wchar_t, ARRAY(0xD834, 0xDD1E, 0x0000), L"\"\\uD834\\uDD1E\""); // G clef sign U+1D11E
// UTF32
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY('\0'), ARRAY('\"', '\"', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'), ARRAY('\"', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\"', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\n', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '\0'), ARRAY('\"', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\\', 'n', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '\"', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY('\"', '\\', '/', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\0'), ARRAY('\"', '\\', '\"', '\\', '\\', '/', '\\', 'b', '\\', 'f', '\\', 'n', '\\', 'r', '\\', 't', '\"', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY(0x00024, 0x0000), ARRAY('\"', '\\', 'u', '0', '0', '2', '4', '\"', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY(0x000A2, 0x0000), ARRAY('\"', '\\', 'u', '0', '0', 'A', '2', '\"', '\0')); // Cents sign U+00A2
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY(0x020AC, 0x0000), ARRAY('\"', '\\', 'u', '2', '0', 'A', 'C', '\"', '\0')); // Euro sign U+20AC
TEST_STRINGARRAY2(UTF32<>, unsigned, ARRAY(0x1D11E, 0x0000), ARRAY('\"', '\\', 'u', 'D', '8', '3', '4', '\\', 'u', 'D', 'D', '1', 'E', '\"', '\0')); // G clef sign U+1D11E
#undef ARRAY
// Support of null character in string
StringStream s("\"Hello\\u0000World\"");
const char e[] = "Hello\0World";
ParseStringHandler<UTF8<> > h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(e, h.str_, h.length_ + 1));
EXPECT_EQ(11u, h.length_);
TEST(Reader, ParseString_Transcoding) {
const char* x = "\"Hello\"";
const wchar_t* e = L"Hello";
GenericStringStream<UTF8<> > is(x);
GenericReader<UTF8<>, UTF16<> > reader;
ParseStringHandler<UTF16<> > h;
reader.Parse(is, h);
EXPECT_EQ(0, StrCmp<UTF16<>::Ch>(e, h.str_));
EXPECT_EQ(StrLen(e), h.length_);
TEST(Reader, ParseString_TranscodingWithValidation) {
const char* x = "\"Hello\"";
const wchar_t* e = L"Hello";
GenericStringStream<UTF8<> > is(x);
GenericReader<UTF8<>, UTF16<> > reader;
ParseStringHandler<UTF16<> > h;
reader.Parse<kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(is, h);
EXPECT_EQ(0, StrCmp<UTF16<>::Ch>(e, h.str_));
EXPECT_EQ(StrLen(e), h.length_);
TEST(Reader, ParseString_NonDestructive) {
StringStream s("\"Hello\\nWorld\"");
ParseStringHandler<UTF8<> > h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(0, StrCmp("Hello\nWorld", h.str_));
EXPECT_EQ(11u, h.length_);
template <typename Encoding>
ParseErrorCode TestString(const typename Encoding::Ch* str) {
GenericStringStream<Encoding> s(str);
BaseReaderHandler<Encoding> h;
GenericReader<Encoding, Encoding> reader;
reader.template Parse<kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(s, h);
return reader.GetParseErrorCode();
TEST(Reader, ParseString_Error) {
#define TEST_STRING_ERROR(errorCode, str, errorOffset, streamPos)\
GenericStringStream<UTF8<> > s(str);\
BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> > h;\
GenericReader<UTF8<> , UTF8<> > reader;\
reader.Parse<kParseValidateEncodingFlag>(s, h);\
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
EXPECT_EQ(errorOffset, reader.GetErrorOffset());\
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, s.Tell());\
#define ARRAY(...) { __VA_ARGS__ }
#define TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(Encoding, TargetEncoding, utype, array) \
{ \
static const utype ue[] = array; \
static const Encoding::Ch* e = reinterpret_cast<const Encoding::Ch *>(&ue[0]); \
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, TestString<Encoding>(e));\
/* decode error */\
GenericStringStream<Encoding> s(e);\
BaseReaderHandler<TargetEncoding> h;\
GenericReader<Encoding, TargetEncoding> reader;\
reader.Parse(s, h);\
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
// Invalid escape character in string.
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, "[\"\\a\"]", 2u, 3u);
// Incorrect hex digit after \\u escape in string.
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, "[\"\\uABCG\"]", 2u, 7u);
// Quotation in \\u escape in string (Issue #288)
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, "[\"\\uaaa\"]", 2u, 7u);
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, "[\"\\uD800\\uFFF\"]", 2u, 13u);
// The surrogate pair in string is invalid.
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, "[\"\\uD800X\"]", 2u, 8u);
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, "[\"\\uD800\\uFFFF\"]", 2u, 14u);
// Single low surrogate pair in string is invalid.
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, "[\"\\udc4d\"]", 2u, 8u);
// Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, "[\"Test]", 7u, 7u);
// 3 Malformed sequences
// 3.1 Unexpected continuation bytes
char e[] = { '[', '\"', 0, '\"', ']', '\0' };
for (unsigned char c = 0x80u; c <= 0xBFu; c++) {
e[2] = static_cast<char>(c);
ParseErrorCode error = TestString<UTF8<> >(e);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, error);
if (error != kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding)
std::cout << static_cast<unsigned>(c) << std::endl;
// 3.2 Lonely start characters, 3.5 Impossible bytes
char e[] = { '[', '\"', 0, ' ', '\"', ']', '\0' };
for (unsigned c = 0xC0u; c <= 0xFFu; c++) {
e[2] = static_cast<char>(c);
unsigned streamPos;
if (c <= 0xC1u)
streamPos = 3; // 0xC0 - 0xC1
else if (c <= 0xDFu)
streamPos = 4; // 0xC2 - 0xDF
else if (c <= 0xEFu)
streamPos = 5; // 0xE0 - 0xEF
else if (c <= 0xF4u)
streamPos = 6; // 0xF0 - 0xF4
streamPos = 3; // 0xF5 - 0xFF
TEST_STRING_ERROR(kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, e, 2u, streamPos);
// 4 Overlong sequences
// 4.1 Examples of an overlong ASCII character
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xC0u, 0xAFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xE0u, 0x80u, 0xAFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xF0u, 0x80u, 0x80u, 0xAFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// 4.2 Maximum overlong sequences
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xC1u, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xE0u, 0x9Fu, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xF0u, 0x8Fu, 0xBFu, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// 4.3 Overlong representation of the NUL character
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xC0u, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xE0u, 0x80u, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xF0u, 0x80u, 0x80u, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// 5 Illegal code positions
// 5.1 Single UTF-16 surrogates
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xA0u, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xADu, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xAEu, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xAFu, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xB0u, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xBEu, 0x80u, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF8<>, UTF16<>, unsigned char, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xEDu, 0xBFu, 0xBFu, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// Malform UTF-16 sequences
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF16<>, UTF8<>, wchar_t, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xDC00, 0xDC00, '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF16<>, UTF8<>, wchar_t, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0xD800, 0xD800, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// Malform UTF-32 sequence
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(UTF32<>, UTF8<>, unsigned, ARRAY('[', '\"', 0x110000, '\"', ']', '\0'));
// Malform ASCII sequence
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(ASCII<>, UTF8<>, char, ARRAY('[', '\"', char(0x80u), '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(ASCII<>, UTF8<>, char, ARRAY('[', '\"', char(0x01u), '\"', ']', '\0'));
TEST_STRINGENCODING_ERROR(ASCII<>, UTF8<>, char, ARRAY('[', '\"', char(0x1Cu), '\"', ']', '\0'));
#undef ARRAY
template <unsigned count>
struct ParseArrayHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseArrayHandler<count> > {
ParseArrayHandler() : step_(0) {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Uint(unsigned i) { EXPECT_EQ(step_, i); step_++; return true; }
bool StartArray() { EXPECT_EQ(0u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType) { step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
TEST(Reader, ParseEmptyArray) {
char *json = StrDup("[ ] ");
InsituStringStream s(json);
ParseArrayHandler<0> h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseArray) {
char *json = StrDup("[1, 2, 3, 4]");
InsituStringStream s(json);
ParseArrayHandler<4> h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(6u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseArray_Error) {
#define TEST_ARRAY_ERROR(errorCode, str, errorOffset) \
{ \
unsigned streamPos = errorOffset; \
char buffer[1001]; \
strncpy(buffer, str, 1000); \
InsituStringStream s(buffer); \
BaseReaderHandler<> h; \
GenericReader<UTF8<>, UTF8<>, CrtAllocator> reader; \
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse(s, h)); \
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
EXPECT_EQ(errorOffset, reader.GetErrorOffset());\
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, s.Tell());\
// Missing a comma or ']' after an array element.
TEST_ARRAY_ERROR(kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, "[1", 2u);
TEST_ARRAY_ERROR(kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, "[1}", 2u);
TEST_ARRAY_ERROR(kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, "[1 2]", 3u);
// Array cannot have a trailing comma (without kParseTrailingCommasFlag);
// a value must follow a comma
TEST_ARRAY_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "[1,]", 3u);
struct ParseObjectHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseObjectHandler> {
ParseObjectHandler() : step_(0) {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool Null() { EXPECT_EQ(8u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool Bool(bool b) {
switch(step_) {
case 4: EXPECT_TRUE(b); step_++; return true;
case 6: EXPECT_FALSE(b); step_++; return true;
default: ADD_FAILURE(); return false;
bool Int(int i) {
switch(step_) {
case 10: EXPECT_EQ(123, i); step_++; return true;
case 15: EXPECT_EQ(1, i); step_++; return true;
case 16: EXPECT_EQ(2, i); step_++; return true;
case 17: EXPECT_EQ(3, i); step_++; return true;
default: ADD_FAILURE(); return false;
bool Uint(unsigned i) { return Int(static_cast<int>(i)); }
bool Double(double d) { EXPECT_EQ(12u, step_); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(3.1416, d); step_++; return true; }
bool String(const char* str, size_t, bool) {
switch(step_) {
case 1: EXPECT_STREQ("hello", str); step_++; return true;
case 2: EXPECT_STREQ("world", str); step_++; return true;
case 3: EXPECT_STREQ("t", str); step_++; return true;
case 5: EXPECT_STREQ("f", str); step_++; return true;
case 7: EXPECT_STREQ("n", str); step_++; return true;
case 9: EXPECT_STREQ("i", str); step_++; return true;
case 11: EXPECT_STREQ("pi", str); step_++; return true;
case 13: EXPECT_STREQ("a", str); step_++; return true;
default: ADD_FAILURE(); return false;
bool StartObject() { EXPECT_EQ(0u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { EXPECT_EQ(19u, step_); EXPECT_EQ(7u, memberCount); step_++; return true; }
bool StartArray() { EXPECT_EQ(14u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { EXPECT_EQ(18u, step_); EXPECT_EQ(3u, elementCount); step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
TEST(Reader, ParseObject) {
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] } ";
// Insitu
char* json2 = StrDup(json);
InsituStringStream s(json2);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
// Normal
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
struct ParseEmptyObjectHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseEmptyObjectHandler> {
ParseEmptyObjectHandler() : step_(0) {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool StartObject() { EXPECT_EQ(0u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType) { EXPECT_EQ(1u, step_); step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
TEST(Reader, Parse_EmptyObject) {
StringStream s("{ } ");
ParseEmptyObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, h.step_);
struct ParseMultipleRootHandler : BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<>, ParseMultipleRootHandler> {
ParseMultipleRootHandler() : step_(0) {}
bool Default() { ADD_FAILURE(); return false; }
bool StartObject() { EXPECT_EQ(0u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType) { EXPECT_EQ(1u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool StartArray() { EXPECT_EQ(2u, step_); step_++; return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType) { EXPECT_EQ(3u, step_); step_++; return true; }
unsigned step_;
template <unsigned parseFlags>
void TestMultipleRoot() {
StringStream s("{}[] a");
ParseMultipleRootHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<parseFlags>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, h.step_);
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<parseFlags>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(4u, h.step_);
EXPECT_EQ(' ', s.Take());
EXPECT_EQ('a', s.Take());
TEST(Reader, Parse_MultipleRoot) {
TEST(Reader, ParseIterative_MultipleRoot) {
TestMultipleRoot<kParseIterativeFlag | kParseStopWhenDoneFlag>();
template <unsigned parseFlags>
void TestInsituMultipleRoot() {
char* buffer = strdup("{}[] a");
InsituStringStream s(buffer);
ParseMultipleRootHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | parseFlags>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, h.step_);
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | parseFlags>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(4u, h.step_);
EXPECT_EQ(' ', s.Take());
EXPECT_EQ('a', s.Take());
TEST(Reader, ParseInsitu_MultipleRoot) {
TEST(Reader, ParseInsituIterative_MultipleRoot) {
TestInsituMultipleRoot<kParseIterativeFlag | kParseStopWhenDoneFlag>();
#define TEST_ERROR(errorCode, str, errorOffset) \
{ \
unsigned streamPos = errorOffset; \
char buffer[1001]; \
strncpy(buffer, str, 1000); \
InsituStringStream s(buffer); \
BaseReaderHandler<> h; \
Reader reader; \
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse(s, h)); \
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
EXPECT_EQ(errorOffset, reader.GetErrorOffset());\
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, s.Tell());\
TEST(Reader, ParseDocument_Error) {
// The document is empty.
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, "", 0u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, " ", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, " \n", 2u);
// The document root must not follow by other values.
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, "[] 0", 3u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, "{} 0", 3u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, "null []", 5u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, "0 {}", 2u);
TEST(Reader, ParseValue_Error) {
// Invalid value.
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "nulL", 3u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "truE", 3u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "falsE", 4u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "a]", 0u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, ".1", 0u);
TEST(Reader, ParseObject_Error) {
// Missing a name for object member.
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{null:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{true:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{false:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{1:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{[]:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{{}:1}", 1u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{xyz:1}", 1u);
// Missing a colon after a name of object member.
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissColon, "{\"a\" 1}", 5u);
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissColon, "{\"a\",1}", 4u);
// Must be a comma or '}' after an object member
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, "{\"a\":1]", 6u);
// Object cannot have a trailing comma (without kParseTrailingCommasFlag);
// an object member name must follow a comma
TEST_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, "{\"a\":1,}", 7u);
// This tests that MemoryStream is checking the length in Peek().
MemoryStream ms("{\"a\"", 1);
BaseReaderHandler<> h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseStopWhenDoneFlag>(ms, h));
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorObjectMissName, reader.GetParseErrorCode());
TEST(Reader, SkipWhitespace) {
StringStream ss(" A \t\tB\n \n\nC\r\r \rD \t\n\r E");
const char* expected = "ABCDE";
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected[i], ss.Take());
// Test implementing a stream without copy stream optimization.
// Clone from GenericStringStream except that copy constructor is disabled.
template <typename Encoding>
class CustomStringStream {
typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
CustomStringStream(const Ch *src) : src_(src), head_(src) {}
Ch Peek() const { return *src_; }
Ch Take() { return *src_++; }
size_t Tell() const { return static_cast<size_t>(src_ - head_); }
Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
// Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator.
CustomStringStream(const CustomStringStream&);
CustomStringStream& operator=(const CustomStringStream&);
const Ch* src_; //!< Current read position.
const Ch* head_; //!< Original head of the string.
// If the following code is compiled, it should generate compilation error as predicted.
// Because CustomStringStream<> is not copyable via making copy constructor private.
#if 0
namespace rapidjson {
template <typename Encoding>
struct StreamTraits<CustomStringStream<Encoding> > {
enum { copyOptimization = 1 };
} // namespace rapidjson
TEST(Reader, CustomStringStream) {
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] } ";
CustomStringStream<UTF8<char> > s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
reader.Parse(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
#include <sstream>
class IStreamWrapper {
typedef char Ch;
IStreamWrapper(std::istream& is) : is_(is) {}
Ch Peek() const {
int c = is_.peek();
return c == std::char_traits<char>::eof() ? '\0' : static_cast<Ch>(c);
Ch Take() {
int c = is_.get();
return c == std::char_traits<char>::eof() ? '\0' : static_cast<Ch>(c);
size_t Tell() const { return static_cast<size_t>(is_.tellg()); }
Ch* PutBegin() { assert(false); return 0; }
void Put(Ch) { assert(false); }
void Flush() { assert(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { assert(false); return 0; }
IStreamWrapper(const IStreamWrapper&);
IStreamWrapper& operator=(const IStreamWrapper&);
std::istream& is_;
class WIStreamWrapper {
typedef wchar_t Ch;
WIStreamWrapper(std::wistream& is) : is_(is) {}
Ch Peek() const {
unsigned c = is_.peek();
return c == std::char_traits<wchar_t>::eof() ? Ch('\0') : static_cast<Ch>(c);
Ch Take() {
unsigned c = is_.get();
return c == std::char_traits<wchar_t>::eof() ? Ch('\0') : static_cast<Ch>(c);
size_t Tell() const { return static_cast<size_t>(is_.tellg()); }
Ch* PutBegin() { assert(false); return 0; }
void Put(Ch) { assert(false); }
void Flush() { assert(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { assert(false); return 0; }
WIStreamWrapper(const WIStreamWrapper&);
WIStreamWrapper& operator=(const WIStreamWrapper&);
std::wistream& is_;
TEST(Reader, Parse_IStreamWrapper_StringStream) {
const char* json = "[1,2,3,4]";
std::stringstream ss(json);
IStreamWrapper is(ss);
Reader reader;
ParseArrayHandler<4> h;
reader.Parse(is, h);
// Test iterative parsing.
#define TESTERRORHANDLING(text, errorCode, offset)\
unsigned streamPos = offset; \
StringStream json(text); \
BaseReaderHandler<> handler; \
Reader reader; \
reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(json, handler); \
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.HasParseError()); \
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode()); \
EXPECT_EQ(offset, reader.GetErrorOffset()); \
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, json.Tell()); \
TEST(Reader, IterativeParsing_ErrorHandling) {
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\": a}", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 6u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("", kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, 0u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{}{}", kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, 2u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{1}", kParseErrorObjectMissName, 1u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\", 1}", kParseErrorObjectMissColon, 4u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\"}", kParseErrorObjectMissColon, 4u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\": 1", kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, 7u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[1 2 3]", kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, 3u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a: 1", kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, 6u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\":}", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 5u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\":]", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 5u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[1,2,}", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 5u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[}]", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 1u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[,]", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 1u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[1,,]", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 3u);
// Trailing commas are not allowed without kParseTrailingCommasFlag
TESTERRORHANDLING("{\"a\": 1,}", kParseErrorObjectMissName, 8u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("[1,2,3,]", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 7u);
// Any JSON value can be a valid root element in RFC7159.
TESTERRORHANDLING("\"ab", kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, 3u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("truE", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 3u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("False", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 0u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("true, false", kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, 4u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("false, false", kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, 5u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("nulL", kParseErrorValueInvalid, 3u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("null , null", kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, 5u);
TESTERRORHANDLING("1a", kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, 1u);
template<typename Encoding = UTF8<> >
struct IterativeParsingReaderHandler {
typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
const static uint32_t LOG_NULL = 0x10000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_BOOL = 0x20000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_INT = 0x30000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_UINT = 0x40000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_INT64 = 0x50000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_UINT64 = 0x60000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_DOUBLE = 0x70000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_STRING = 0x80000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_STARTOBJECT = 0x90000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_KEY = 0xA0000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_ENDOBJECT = 0xB0000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_STARTARRAY = 0xC0000000;
const static uint32_t LOG_ENDARRAY = 0xD0000000;
const static size_t LogCapacity = 256;
uint32_t Logs[LogCapacity];
size_t LogCount;
IterativeParsingReaderHandler() : LogCount(0) {
bool Null() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_NULL; return true; }
bool Bool(bool) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_BOOL; return true; }
bool Int(int) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_INT; return true; }
bool Uint(unsigned) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_INT; return true; }
bool Int64(int64_t) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_INT64; return true; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_UINT64; return true; }
bool Double(double) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_DOUBLE; return true; }
bool RawNumber(const Ch*, SizeType, bool) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_STRING; return true; }
bool String(const Ch*, SizeType, bool) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_STRING; return true; }
bool StartObject() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_STARTOBJECT; return true; }
bool Key (const Ch*, SizeType, bool) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_KEY; return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType c) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity);
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT((static_cast<uint32_t>(c) & 0xF0000000) == 0);
Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_ENDOBJECT | static_cast<uint32_t>(c);
return true;
bool StartArray() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity); Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_STARTARRAY; return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType c) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(LogCount < LogCapacity);
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT((static_cast<uint32_t>(c) & 0xF0000000) == 0);
Logs[LogCount++] = LOG_ENDARRAY | static_cast<uint32_t>(c);
return true;
TEST(Reader, IterativeParsing_General) {
StringStream is("[1, {\"k\": [1, 2]}, null, false, true, \"string\", 1.2]");
Reader reader;
IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> handler;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
uint32_t e[] = {
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 2,
handler.LOG_ENDOBJECT | 1,
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 7
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(e) / sizeof(int), handler.LogCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < handler.LogCount; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(e[i], handler.Logs[i]) << "i = " << i;
TEST(Reader, IterativeParsing_Count) {
StringStream is("[{}, {\"k\": 1}, [1], []]");
Reader reader;
IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> handler;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
uint32_t e[] = {
handler.LOG_ENDOBJECT | 0,
handler.LOG_ENDOBJECT | 1,
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 1,
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 0,
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 4
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(e) / sizeof(int), handler.LogCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < handler.LogCount; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(e[i], handler.Logs[i]) << "i = " << i;
TEST(Reader, IterativePullParsing_General) {
IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> handler;
uint32_t e[] = {
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 2,
handler.LOG_ENDOBJECT | 1,
handler.LOG_ENDARRAY | 7
StringStream is("[1, {\"k\": [1, 2]}, null, false, true, \"string\", 1.2]");
Reader reader;
while (!reader.IterativeParseComplete()) {
size_t oldLogCount = handler.LogCount;
EXPECT_TRUE(oldLogCount < sizeof(e) / sizeof(int)) << "overrun";
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.IterativeParseNext<kParseDefaultFlags>(is, handler)) << "parse fail";
EXPECT_EQ(handler.LogCount, oldLogCount + 1) << "handler should be invoked exactly once each time";
EXPECT_EQ(e[oldLogCount], handler.Logs[oldLogCount]) << "wrong event returned";
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(e) / sizeof(int), handler.LogCount) << "handler invoked wrong number of times";
// The handler should not be invoked when the JSON has been fully read, but it should not fail
size_t oldLogCount = handler.LogCount;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.IterativeParseNext<kParseDefaultFlags>(is, handler)) << "parse-next past complete is allowed";
EXPECT_EQ(handler.LogCount, oldLogCount) << "parse-next past complete should not invoke handler";
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.HasParseError()) << "parse-next past complete should not generate parse error";
// Test iterative parsing on kParseErrorTermination.
struct HandlerTerminateAtStartObject : public IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> {
bool StartObject() { return false; }
struct HandlerTerminateAtStartArray : public IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> {
bool StartArray() { return false; }
struct HandlerTerminateAtEndObject : public IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> {
bool EndObject(SizeType) { return false; }
struct HandlerTerminateAtEndArray : public IterativeParsingReaderHandler<> {
bool EndArray(SizeType) { return false; }
TEST(Reader, IterativeParsing_ShortCircuit) {
HandlerTerminateAtStartObject handler;
Reader reader;
StringStream is("[1, {}]");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(4u, r.Offset());
HandlerTerminateAtStartArray handler;
Reader reader;
StringStream is("{\"a\": []}");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(6u, r.Offset());
HandlerTerminateAtEndObject handler;
Reader reader;
StringStream is("[1, {}]");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(5u, r.Offset());
HandlerTerminateAtEndArray handler;
Reader reader;
StringStream is("{\"a\": []}");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseIterativeFlag>(is, handler);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(7u, r.Offset());
// For covering BaseReaderHandler default functions
TEST(Reader, BaseReaderHandler_Default) {
BaseReaderHandler<> h;
Reader reader;
StringStream is("[null, true, -1, 1, -1234567890123456789, 1234567890123456789, 3.14, \"s\", { \"a\" : 1 }]");
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse(is, h));
template <int e>
struct TerminateHandler {
bool Null() { return e != 0; }
bool Bool(bool) { return e != 1; }
bool Int(int) { return e != 2; }
bool Uint(unsigned) { return e != 3; }
bool Int64(int64_t) { return e != 4; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t) { return e != 5; }
bool Double(double) { return e != 6; }
bool RawNumber(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return e != 7; }
bool String(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return e != 8; }
bool StartObject() { return e != 9; }
bool Key(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return e != 10; }
bool EndObject(SizeType) { return e != 11; }
bool StartArray() { return e != 12; }
bool EndArray(SizeType) { return e != 13; }
#define TEST_TERMINATION(e, json)\
Reader reader;\
TerminateHandler<e> h;\
StringStream is(json);\
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse(is, h));\
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
TEST(Reader, ParseTerminationByHandler) {
TEST_TERMINATION(1, "[false");
TEST_TERMINATION(4, "[-1234567890123456789");
TEST_TERMINATION(5, "[1234567890123456789");
// RawNumber() is never called
TEST_TERMINATION(8, "[\"a\"");
TEST_TERMINATION(10, "[{\"a\"");
TEST_TERMINATION(11, "[{\"a\":1}"); // non-empty object
TEST_TERMINATION(12, "{\"a\":[");
TEST_TERMINATION(13, "{\"a\":[]");
TEST_TERMINATION(13, "{\"a\":[1]"); // non-empty array
TEST(Reader, ParseComments) {
const char* json =
"// Here is a one-line comment.\n"
"{// And here's another one\n"
" /*And here's an in-line one.*/\"hello\" : \"world\","
" \"t\" :/* And one with '*' symbol*/true ,"
"/* A multiline comment\n"
" goes here*/"
" \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3]"
"}/*And the last one to be sure */";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseEmptyInlineComment) {
const char* json = "{/**/\"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true, \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseEmptyOnelineComment) {
const char* json = "{//\n\"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true, \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, ParseMultipleCommentsInARow) {
const char* json =
"{/* first comment *//* second */\n"
"/* third */ /*fourth*/// last one\n"
"\"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true, \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, InlineCommentsAreDisabledByDefault) {
const char* json = "{/* Inline comment. */\"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true, \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseDefaultFlags>(s, h));
const char* json =
"{\"hello\" : /* Multiline comment starts here\n"
" continues here\n"
" and ends here */\"world\", \"t\" :true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseDefaultFlags>(s, h));
TEST(Reader, OnelineCommentsAreDisabledByDefault) {
const char* json = "{// One-line comment\n\"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3] }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseDefaultFlags>(s, h));
TEST(Reader, EofAfterOneLineComment) {
const char* json = "{\"hello\" : \"world\" // EOF is here -->\0 \n}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, reader.GetParseErrorCode());
TEST(Reader, IncompleteMultilineComment) {
const char* json = "{\"hello\" : \"world\" /* EOF is here -->\0 */}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError, reader.GetParseErrorCode());
TEST(Reader, IncompleteMultilineComment2) {
const char* json = "{\"hello\" : \"world\" /* *\0 */}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError, reader.GetParseErrorCode());
TEST(Reader, UnrecognizedComment) {
const char* json = "{\"hello\" : \"world\" /! }";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError, reader.GetParseErrorCode());
struct NumbersAsStringsHandler {
bool Null() { return true; }
bool Bool(bool) { return true; }
bool Int(int) { return true; }
bool Uint(unsigned) { return true; }
bool Int64(int64_t) { return true; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t) { return true; }
bool Double(double) { return true; }
// 'str' is not null-terminated
bool RawNumber(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) {
EXPECT_TRUE(str != 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(expected_len_ == length);
EXPECT_TRUE(strncmp(str, expected_, length) == 0);
return true;
bool String(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return true; }
bool StartObject() { return true; }
bool Key(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType) { return true; }
bool StartArray() { return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType) { return true; }
NumbersAsStringsHandler(const char* expected)
: expected_(expected)
, expected_len_(strlen(expected)) {}
const char* expected_;
size_t expected_len_;
TEST(Reader, NumbersAsStrings) {
const char* json = "{ \"pi\": 3.1416 } ";
StringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("3.1416");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
char* json = StrDup("{ \"pi\": 3.1416 } ");
InsituStringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("3.1416");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag|kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const char* json = "{ \"gigabyte\": 1.0e9 } ";
StringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("1.0e9");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
char* json = StrDup("{ \"gigabyte\": 1.0e9 } ");
InsituStringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("1.0e9");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag|kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const char* json = "{ \"pi\": 314.159e-2 } ";
StringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("314.159e-2");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
char* json = StrDup("{ \"gigabyte\": 314.159e-2 } ");
InsituStringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("314.159e-2");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag|kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const char* json = "{ \"negative\": -1.54321 } ";
StringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("-1.54321");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
char* json = StrDup("{ \"negative\": -1.54321 } ");
InsituStringStream s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("-1.54321");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag|kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const char* json = "{ \"pi\": 314.159e-2 } ";
std::stringstream ss(json);
IStreamWrapper s(ss);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h("314.159e-2");
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
char n1e319[321]; // '1' followed by 319 '0'
n1e319[0] = '1';
for (int i = 1; i < 320; i++)
n1e319[i] = '0';
n1e319[320] = '\0';
StringStream s(n1e319);
NumbersAsStringsHandler h(n1e319);
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
struct NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t {
bool Null() { return true; }
bool Bool(bool) { return true; }
bool Int(int) { return true; }
bool Uint(unsigned) { return true; }
bool Int64(int64_t) { return true; }
bool Uint64(uint64_t) { return true; }
bool Double(double) { return true; }
// 'str' is not null-terminated
bool RawNumber(const wchar_t* str, SizeType length, bool) {
EXPECT_TRUE(str != 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(expected_len_ == length);
EXPECT_TRUE(wcsncmp(str, expected_, length) == 0);
return true;
bool String(const wchar_t*, SizeType, bool) { return true; }
bool StartObject() { return true; }
bool Key(const wchar_t*, SizeType, bool) { return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType) { return true; }
bool StartArray() { return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType) { return true; }
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t(const wchar_t* expected)
: expected_(expected)
, expected_len_(wcslen(expected)) {}
const wchar_t* expected_;
size_t expected_len_;
TEST(Reader, NumbersAsStringsWChar_t) {
const wchar_t* json = L"{ \"pi\": 3.1416 } ";
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"3.1416");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
wchar_t* json = StrDup(L"{ \"pi\": 3.1416 } ");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericInsituStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"3.1416");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const wchar_t* json = L"{ \"gigabyte\": 1.0e9 } ";
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"1.0e9");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
wchar_t* json = StrDup(L"{ \"gigabyte\": 1.0e9 } ");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericInsituStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"1.0e9");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const wchar_t* json = L"{ \"pi\": 314.159e-2 } ";
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"314.159e-2");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
wchar_t* json = StrDup(L"{ \"gigabyte\": 314.159e-2 } ");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericInsituStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"314.159e-2");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const wchar_t* json = L"{ \"negative\": -1.54321 } ";
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"-1.54321");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
wchar_t* json = StrDup(L"{ \"negative\": -1.54321 } ");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericInsituStringStream<UTF16<> > s(json);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"-1.54321");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
const wchar_t* json = L"{ \"pi\": 314.159e-2 } ";
std::wstringstream ss(json);
WIStreamWrapper s(ss);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(L"314.159e-2");
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
wchar_t n1e319[321]; // '1' followed by 319 '0'
n1e319[0] = L'1';
for(int i = 1; i < 320; i++)
n1e319[i] = L'0';
n1e319[320] = L'\0';
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericStringStream<UTF16<> > s(n1e319);
NumbersAsStringsHandlerWChar_t h(n1e319);
Squashed 'external/rapidjson/' changes from 2e8f5d897..a95e013b9 a95e013b9 Stringify NaN, Inf as null if needs 973dc9c06 Avoid ptrdiff between pointers to different allocations 2a1f586ba Check for __GNUC__ definition 0e88d5e40 Eliminate missing prototypes warning 949c771b0 Resolve conflict with Windows header about max macro 083f359f5 CMakeLists: fix optflags for ppc 012be8528 Use passed in allocator. 1ce516e50 Suppress uritest 778dc8b03 fix #1 76281ff38 fix a typo in error.h: literial -> literal a98e99992 do not define operator!= in C++20 b08672d46 review comment updates 55eca66f3 code & tests for openapi 2.0 & 3.0 suppprt 80b6d1c83 small corrections for schema.h 97fd83017 attempt to fix SEH 7cad78e23 tidy up after merge from master 794248ee6 fix build break 2d87923e9 remove unnecessary templating from schema tests aa1f22251 correct address.json so tests pass ecb8d9e3a add dump of unexpected schema errors in schematest.cpp 89f6717f0 corrections 338d8defd initial 06d58b9e8 Update dtoa.h 22a62fcc2 Update allocators.h 27c3a8dc0 docs: fix simple typo, perecent -> percent 232389d4f delete unused variable 64faab2e9 gate definition of symmetric equality operators on impl, not lib 719304b11 fixes for natvis dd3f730d7 Make schema dtor robust against exceptions 781a4e667 Try to fix MSVC build. 88f8ddd70 Include conceptual change from PR 2001. 469595356 Avoid exit-time destructors. 0390b1ad5 Avoid exit-time destructors. 2b2c80450 encdedstreamtest: fix use-after-free compile error with gcc-12 1f59c69cd valuetest: fix potential write of terminating nul past the end of the destination fcb23c2db Merge pull request #2008 from agate-pris/access-to-allocator-types bdc49ad80 Merge pull request #2014 from lazydroid/dev/lenik/fix_shadowed_variables 6b500986c fix shadowed variable, take 2 3988c5e25 fix shadowed variable 386d31ab6 Allow access to the template parameter StackAllocator in the GenericDocument 79d7a448e Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_STACK_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 9965ab37f Allow the macro RAPIDJSON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR to be used in any namespace 8261c1ddf Merge pull request #1969 from MalcolmTyrrell/MalcolmTyrrell/sanitizeSchemaCode 0d78b1ce9 Merge pull request #1989 from adamcalhoon/really-fix-placement-new-alignment 1dff2abff Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. e4bde9774 Merge pull request #1988 from Tencent/revert-1987-fix-placement-new-alignment 88bbd87dd Revert "Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue." bf8ca5da8 Merge pull request #1987 from adamcalhoon/fix-placement-new-alignment 5b242b6b2 Fix the alignment of placement new buffer for GenericValue. fd3dc29a5 Merge pull request #1944 from ilelann/patch-1 53602ec6b Sanitize the code in schema.h 0d4517f15 Merge pull request #1961 from jedwardsol/issue1960_arm64ec_intrinsic 060c348ea use softintrin on arm64ec 4d6cb0818 Merge pull request #1949 from ardb-uk/master 033bef3c6 Merge pull request #1 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1 befba39af Merge pull request #2 from ardb-uk/ardb-uk-patch-1-1 4bbaf28ff Add files via upload 14f1e37f8 Resolve issue 1948 e6736d1ba Support CMake none targets git-subtree-dir: external/rapidjson git-subtree-split: a95e013b97ca6523f32da23f5095fcc9dd6067e5
2023-08-05 09:13:29 +00:00
GenericReader<UTF16<>, UTF16<> > reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag>(s, h));
template <unsigned extraFlags>
void TestTrailingCommas() {
StringStream s("[1,2,3,]");
ParseArrayHandler<3> h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(5u, h.step_);
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false,"
"\"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3],}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
// whitespace around trailing commas
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false,"
"\"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3\n,\n]\n,\n} ";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
// comments around trailing commas
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null,"
"\"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3/*test*/,/*test*/]/*test*/,/*test*/}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag|kParseCommentsFlag>(s, h));
EXPECT_EQ(20u, h.step_);
TEST(Reader, TrailingCommas) {
TEST(Reader, TrailingCommasIterative) {
template <unsigned extraFlags>
void TestMultipleTrailingCommaErrors() {
// only a single trailing comma is allowed.
StringStream s("[1,2,3,,]");
ParseArrayHandler<3> h;
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorValueInvalid, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(7u, r.Offset());
const char* json = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false,"
"\"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3,],,}";
StringStream s(json);
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorObjectMissName, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(95u, r.Offset());
TEST(Reader, MultipleTrailingCommaErrors) {
TEST(Reader, MultipleTrailingCommaErrorsIterative) {
template <unsigned extraFlags>
void TestEmptyExceptForCommaErrors() {
// not allowed even with trailing commas enabled; the
// trailing comma must follow a value.
StringStream s("[,]");
ParseArrayHandler<3> h;
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorValueInvalid, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, r.Offset());
StringStream s("{,}");
ParseObjectHandler h;
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorObjectMissName, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, r.Offset());
TEST(Reader, EmptyExceptForCommaErrors) {
TEST(Reader, EmptyExceptForCommaErrorsIterative) {
template <unsigned extraFlags>
void TestTrailingCommaHandlerTermination() {
HandlerTerminateAtEndArray h;
Reader reader;
StringStream s("[1,2,3,]");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(7u, r.Offset());
HandlerTerminateAtEndObject h;
Reader reader;
StringStream s("{\"t\": true, \"f\": false,}");
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<extraFlags|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(23u, r.Offset());
TEST(Reader, TrailingCommaHandlerTermination) {
TEST(Reader, TrailingCommaHandlerTerminationIterative) {
TEST(Reader, ParseNanAndInfinity) {
#define TEST_NAN_INF(str, x) \
{ \
{ \
StringStream s(str); \
ParseDoubleHandler h; \
Reader reader; \
ASSERT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, reader.Parse<kParseNanAndInfFlag>(s, h).Code()); \
EXPECT_EQ(1u, h.step_); \
internal::Double e(x), a(h.actual_); \
EXPECT_EQ(e.IsNan(), a.IsNan()); \
EXPECT_EQ(e.IsInf(), a.IsInf()); \
if (!e.IsNan()) \
EXPECT_EQ(e.Sign(), a.Sign()); \
} \
{ \
const char* json = "{ \"naninfdouble\": " str " } "; \
StringStream s(json); \
NumbersAsStringsHandler h(str); \
Reader reader; \
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag|kParseNanAndInfFlag>(s, h)); \
} \
{ \
char* json = StrDup("{ \"naninfdouble\": " str " } "); \
InsituStringStream s(json); \
NumbersAsStringsHandler h(str); \
Reader reader; \
EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag|kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag|kParseNanAndInfFlag>(s, h)); \
free(json); \
} \
#define TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(errorCode, str, errorOffset) \
{ \
unsigned streamPos = errorOffset; \
char buffer[1001]; \
strncpy(buffer, str, 1000); \
InsituStringStream s(buffer); \
BaseReaderHandler<> h; \
Reader reader; \
EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Parse<kParseNanAndInfFlag>(s, h)); \
EXPECT_EQ(errorCode, reader.GetParseErrorCode());\
EXPECT_EQ(errorOffset, reader.GetErrorOffset());\
EXPECT_EQ(streamPos, s.Tell());\
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
TEST_NAN_INF("NaN", nan);
TEST_NAN_INF("-NaN", nan);
TEST_NAN_INF("Inf", inf);
TEST_NAN_INF("Infinity", inf);
TEST_NAN_INF("-Inf", -inf);
TEST_NAN_INF("-Infinity", -inf);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "NInf", 1u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "NaInf", 2u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "INan", 1u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "InNan", 2u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "nan", 1u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "-nan", 1u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "NAN", 1u);
TEST_NAN_INF_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, "-Infinty", 6u);
TEST(Reader, EscapedApostrophe) {
const char json[] = " { \"foo\": \"bar\\'buzz\" } ";
BaseReaderHandler<> h;
StringStream s(json);
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseNoFlags>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(14u, r.Offset());
StringStream s(json);
Reader reader;
ParseResult r = reader.Parse<kParseEscapedApostropheFlag>(s, h);
EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorNone, r.Code());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, r.Offset());