2021-06-14 17:15:22 +00:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// EmulationStation Desktop Edition
// GuiLaunchScreen.cpp
// Screen shown when launching a game.
#include "guis/GuiLaunchScreen.h"
#include "components/ComponentGrid.h"
#include "components/TextComponent.h"
#include "math/Misc.h"
#include "utils/StringUtil.h"
#include "FileData.h"
#include "SystemData.h"
Window* window)
: GuiComponent(window),
mBackground(window, ":/graphics/frame.svg"),
void GuiLaunchScreen::displayLaunchScreen(FileData* game)
mGrid = new ComponentGrid(mWindow, Vector2i(3, 8));
mImagePath = game->getMarqueePath();
// We need to unload the image first as it may be cached at a modified resolution
// which would lead to the wrong size when using the image here.
if (mImagePath != "") {
TextureResource::manualUnload(mImagePath, false);
mMarquee = new ImageComponent(mWindow);
mScaleUp = 0.5f;
const float titleFontSize = 0.060f;
const float gameNameFontSize = 0.073f;
// Spacer row.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(1, 0),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Title.
mTitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, "LAUNCHING GAME",
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Font::get(static_cast<int>(titleFontSize * std::min(Renderer::getScreenHeight(),
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Renderer::getScreenWidth()))), 0x666666FF, ALIGN_CENTER);
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mGrid->setEntry(mTitle, Vector2i(1, 1), false, true, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Spacer row.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(1, 2),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Row for the marquee.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(1, 3),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Spacer row.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(1, 4),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Game name.
mGameName = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, "GAME NAME",
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Font::get(static_cast<int>(gameNameFontSize * std::min(Renderer::getScreenHeight(),
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Renderer::getScreenWidth()))), 0x444444FF, ALIGN_CENTER);
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mGrid->setEntry(mGameName, Vector2i(1, 5), false, true, Vector2i(1, 1));
// System name.
mSystemName = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(mWindow, "SYSTEM NAME",
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mGrid->setEntry(mSystemName, Vector2i(1, 6), false, true, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Spacer row.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(1, 7),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 1));
// Left spacer.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(0, 0),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 8));
// Right spacer.
mGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(mWindow), Vector2i(2, 0),
false, false, Vector2i(1, 8));
// Adjust the width depending on the aspect ratio of the screen, to make the screen look
// somewhat coherent regardless of screen type. The 1.778 aspect ratio value is the 16:9
// reference.
float aspectValue = 1.778f / Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio();
float maxWidthModifier = Math::clamp(0.78f * aspectValue, 0.78f, 0.90f);
float minWidthModifier = Math::clamp(0.40f * aspectValue, 0.40f, 0.56f);
float maxWidth = static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) * maxWidthModifier;
float minWidth = static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) * minWidthModifier;
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float fontWidth = Font::get(static_cast<int>(gameNameFontSize *
std::min(Renderer::getScreenHeight(), Renderer::getScreenWidth())))->
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// Add a bit of width to compensate for the left and right spacers.
fontWidth += static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) * 0.05f;
float width = Math::clamp(fontWidth, minWidth, maxWidth);
if (mImagePath != "")
setSize(width, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenHeight()) * 0.60f);
setSize(width, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenHeight()) * 0.35f);
// Set row heights.
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(0, 0.09f, false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(1, mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() * 1.70f / mSize.y(), false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(2, 0.05f, false);
if (mImagePath != "")
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(3, 0.35f, false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(3, 0.08f, false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(4, 0.05f, false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(5, mGameName->getFont()->getHeight() * 0.80f / mSize.y(), false);
mGrid->setRowHeightPerc(6, mSystemName->getFont()->getHeight() * 0.90f / mSize.y(), false);
// Set left and right spacers column widths.
mGrid->setColWidthPerc(0, 0.025f);
mGrid->setColWidthPerc(2, 0.025f);
float totalRowHeight = 0.0f;
// Hack to adjust the window height to the row boundary.
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
totalRowHeight += mGrid->getRowHeight(i);
setSize(mSize.x(), totalRowHeight);
// For the marquee we strip away any transparent padding around the actual image.
// When doing this, we restrict the scale-up to a certain percentage of the screen
// width so that the sizes look somewhat consistent regardless of the aspect ratio
// of the images.
if (mImagePath != "") {
mMarquee->setImage(game->getMarqueePath(), false);
mMarquee->cropTransparentPadding(static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) *
(0.25f * (1.778f / Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio())), mGrid->getRowHeight(3));
mMarquee->setOrigin(0.5f, 0.5f);
Vector3f currentPos = mMarquee->getPosition();
Vector2f currentSize = mMarquee->getSize();
// Position the image in the middle of row four.
currentPos.x() = mSize.x() / 2.0f;
currentPos.y() = mGrid->getRowHeight(0) + mGrid->getRowHeight(1) +
mGrid->getRowHeight(2) + mGrid->getRowHeight(3) / 2.0f;
mBackground.fitTo(mSize, Vector3f::Zero(), Vector2f(-32, -32));
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void GuiLaunchScreen::closeLaunchScreen()
if (mGrid) {
delete mGrid;
mGrid = nullptr;
if (mMarquee) {
delete mMarquee;
mMarquee = nullptr;
// An extra precaution.
if (mImagePath != "") {
TextureResource::manualUnload(mImagePath, false);
mImagePath = "";
void GuiLaunchScreen::onSizeChanged()
void GuiLaunchScreen::update(int deltaTime)
if (mScaleUp < 1.0f)
mScaleUp = Math::clamp(mScaleUp + 0.07f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void GuiLaunchScreen::render()
// Scale up animation.
if (mScaleUp < 1.0f) {
setOrigin({0.5f, 0.5f});
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// Center on the X axis and keep slightly off-center on the Y axis.
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setPosition(static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) / 2.0f,
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static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenHeight()) / 2.25f);
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Transform4x4f trans = Transform4x4f::Identity() * getTransform();
if (mMarquee)