diff --git a/THEMES-DEV.md b/THEMES-DEV.md index 7359ef622..fc6c82f57 100644 --- a/THEMES-DEV.md +++ b/THEMES-DEV.md @@ -466,6 +466,8 @@ or to specify only a portion of the value of a theme property: - The "genre" metadata. * `text name="md_players"` - ALL - The "players" metadata (number of players the game supports). + * `badges name="md_badges"` - ALL + - The "badges" metadata. Displayed as a group of badges that indicate boolean metadata such as favorite, broken. * `datetime name="md_lastplayed"` - ALL - The "lastplayed" metadata. Displayed as a string representing the time relative to "now" (e.g. "3 hours ago"). * `text name="md_playcount"` - ALL @@ -521,6 +523,8 @@ or to specify only a portion of the value of a theme property: - The "genre" metadata. * `text name="md_players"` - ALL - The "players" metadata (number of players the game supports). + * `badges name="md_badges"` - ALL + - The "badges" metadata. Displayed as a group of badges that indicate boolean metadata such as favorite, broken. * `datetime name="md_lastplayed"` - ALL - The "lastplayed" metadata. Displayed as a string representing the time relative to "now" (e.g. "3 hours ago"). * `text name="md_playcount"` - ALL @@ -576,6 +580,8 @@ or to specify only a portion of the value of a theme property: - The "genre" metadata. * `text name="md_players"` - ALL - The "players" metadata (number of players the game supports). + * `badges name="md_badges"` - ALL + - The "badges" metadata. Displayed as a group of badges that indicate boolean metadata such as favorite, broken. * `datetime name="md_lastplayed"` - ALL - The "lastplayed" metadata. Displayed as a string representing the time relative to "now" (e.g. "3 hours ago"). * `text name="md_playcount"` - ALL @@ -909,6 +915,45 @@ EmulationStation borrows the concept of "nine patches" from Android (or "9-Slice `button_back_XBOX360`, `button_start_XBOX360`. +#### badges + +* `pos` - type: NORMALIZED_PAIR. +* `size` - type: NORMALIZED_PAIR. + - Possible combinations: + - `w h` - Dimensions of the badges container. The badges will be scaled to fit within these dimensions. +* `origin` - type: NORMALIZED_PAIR. + - Where on the component `pos` refers to. For example, an origin of `0.5 0.5` and a `pos` of `0.5 0.5` would place the component exactly in the middle of the screen. If the "POSITION" and "SIZE" attributes are themeable, "ORIGIN" is implied. +* `direction` - type: STRING. + - Valid values are "row" or "column". Controls the primary layout direction (line axis) for the badges. Lines will fill up in the specified direction. +* `align` - type: STRING. + - Valid values are "start", "center", "end", or "stretch". Controls orthogonal alignment to the line axis. "stretch" will stretch the badges to fill-up the line width. +* `itemsPerLine` - type: FLOAT. + - Number of badges that fit on a line. When more badges are available a new line will be started. +* `lines` - type: FLOAT. + - The number of lines available. +* `itemMargin` - type: NORMALIZED_PAIR. + - The margins between badges. Possible combinations: + - `x y` - horizontal and vertical margins. +* `slots` - type: STRING. + - The badge types that should be displayed. Should be specified as a dist of strings separated by spaces. The order will be followed when placing badges on the screen. + - Available badges are: + - "favorite": Will be shown when the game is marked as favorite. + - "completed": Will be shown when the game is marked as completed. + - "kidgame": Will be shown when the game is marked as a kids game. + - "broken": Will be shown when the game is marked as broken. + - "altemulator": Will be shown when an alternative emulator is setup for the game. +* `customBadgeIcon` - type: PATH. + - A badge icon override. Specify the badge type in the attribute `badge`. The available badges are: + `favorite`, + `completed`, + `kidgame`, + `broken`, + `altemulator` +* `visible` - type: BOOLEAN. + - If true, component will be rendered, otherwise rendering will be skipped. Can be used to hide elements from a particular view. +* `zIndex` - type: FLOAT. + - z-index value for component. Components will be rendered in order of z-index value from low to high. + #### carousel * `type` - type: STRING.