mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:43 +00:00
Changed Font::buildTextCache() and Font::renderTextCache() to protected functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ void TextComponent::onTextChanged()
if (mHorizontalScrolling) {
if (lineHeight > mSize.y && mSize.y != 0.0f)
offsetY = (mSize.y - lineHeight) / 2.0f;
mTextCache = std::shared_ptr<TextCache>(
font->buildTextCache(text, 0.0f, offsetY, mColor, mLineSpacing));
mTextCache = std::shared_ptr<TextCache>(font->buildTextCache(
text, glm::vec2 {0.0f, offsetY}, mColor, 0.0f, ALIGN_LEFT, mLineSpacing));
else if (isMultiline && !isScrollable) {
const std::string wrappedText {
@ -171,151 +171,6 @@ int Font::loadGlyphs(const std::string& text)
return mMaxGlyphHeight;
TextCache* Font::buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
float offsetX,
float offsetY,
unsigned int color,
float lineSpacing,
bool noTopMargin)
return buildTextCache(text, glm::vec2 {offsetX, offsetY}, color, 0.0f, ALIGN_LEFT, lineSpacing,
TextCache* Font::buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
glm::vec2 offset,
unsigned int color,
float xLen,
Alignment alignment,
float lineSpacing,
bool noTopMargin)
float x {offset.x + (xLen != 0 ? getNewlineStartOffset(text, 0, xLen, alignment) : 0)};
int yTop {0};
float yBot {0.0f};
if (noTopMargin) {
yTop = 0;
yBot = getHeight(1.5);
else {
yTop = getGlyph('S')->bearing.y;
yBot = getHeight(lineSpacing);
float y {offset.y + ((yBot + yTop) / 2.0f)};
// Vertices by texture.
std::map<FontTexture*, std::vector<Renderer::Vertex>> vertMap;
std::vector<ShapeSegment> segmentsHB;
shapeText(text, segmentsHB);
for (auto& segment : segmentsHB) {
for (size_t cursor {0}; cursor < segment.glyphIndexes.size(); ++cursor) {
const unsigned int character {segment.glyphIndexes[cursor].first};
Glyph* glyph {nullptr};
// Invalid character.
if (!segment.doShape && character == 0)
if (!segment.doShape && character == '\n') {
y += getHeight(lineSpacing);
x = offset[0] +
(xLen != 0 ? getNewlineStartOffset(
text, static_cast<const unsigned int>(segment.startPos + 1),
xLen, alignment) :
if (segment.doShape)
glyph =
getGlyphByIndex(character, segment.fontHB, segment.glyphIndexes[cursor].second);
glyph = getGlyph(character);
if (glyph == nullptr)
std::vector<Renderer::Vertex>& verts {vertMap[glyph->texture]};
size_t oldVertSize {verts.size()};
verts.resize(oldVertSize + 6);
Renderer::Vertex* vertices {verts.data() + oldVertSize};
const float glyphStartX {x + glyph->bearing.x};
const glm::ivec2& textureSize {glyph->texture->textureSize};
vertices[1] = {
{glyphStartX, y - glyph->bearing.y}, {glyph->texPos.x, glyph->texPos.y}, color};
vertices[2] = {{glyphStartX, y - glyph->bearing.y + (glyph->texSize.y * textureSize.y)},
{glyph->texPos.x, glyph->texPos.y + glyph->texSize.y},
vertices[3] = {{glyphStartX + glyph->texSize.x * textureSize.x, y - glyph->bearing.y},
{glyph->texPos.x + glyph->texSize.x, glyph->texPos.y},
vertices[4] = {{glyphStartX + glyph->texSize.x * textureSize.x,
y - glyph->bearing.y + (glyph->texSize.y * textureSize.y)},
{glyph->texPos.x + glyph->texSize.x, glyph->texPos.y + glyph->texSize.y},
// Round vertices.
for (int i {1}; i < 5; ++i)
vertices[i].position = glm::round(vertices[i].position);
// Make duplicates of first and last vertex so this can be rendered as a triangle strip.
vertices[0] = vertices[1];
vertices[5] = vertices[4];
// Advance.
x += glyph->advance.x;
TextCache* cache {new TextCache()};
cache->metrics.size = {sizeText(text, lineSpacing)};
cache->metrics.maxGlyphHeight = mMaxGlyphHeight;
cache->clipRegion = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
size_t i {0};
for (auto it = vertMap.cbegin(); it != vertMap.cend(); ++it) {
TextCache::VertexList& vertList {cache->vertexLists.at(i)};
vertList.textureIdPtr = &it->first->textureId;
vertList.verts = it->second;
return cache;
void Font::renderTextCache(TextCache* cache)
if (cache == nullptr) {
LOG(LogError) << "Attempted to draw nullptr TextCache";
const bool clipRegion {cache->clipRegion != glm::vec4 {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}};
for (auto it = cache->vertexLists.begin(); it != cache->vertexLists.end(); ++it) {
assert(*it->textureIdPtr != 0);
it->verts[0].shaderFlags = Renderer::ShaderFlags::FONT_TEXTURE;
if (clipRegion) {
it->verts[0].shaderFlags |= Renderer::ShaderFlags::CLIPPING;
it->verts[0].clipRegion = cache->clipRegion;
mRenderer->bindTexture(*it->textureIdPtr, 0);
&it->verts[0], static_cast<const unsigned int>(it->verts.size()),
Renderer::BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, Renderer::BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
std::string Font::wrapText(const std::string& text,
const float maxLength,
const float maxHeight,
@ -608,47 +463,138 @@ size_t Font::getTotalMemUsage()
return total;
std::vector<Font::FallbackFontCache> Font::getFallbackFontPaths()
TextCache* Font::buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
glm::vec2 offset,
unsigned int color,
float xLen,
Alignment alignment,
float lineSpacing,
bool noTopMargin)
std::vector<FallbackFontCache> fontPaths;
float x {offset.x + (xLen != 0 ? getNewlineStartOffset(text, 0, xLen, alignment) : 0)};
int yTop {0};
float yBot {0.0f};
// Default application fonts.
const std::vector<std::string> fallbackFonts {
// Ubuntu Condensed.
// Vera sans Unicode.
// GNU FreeFont monospaced.
// Various languages, such as Japanese and Chinese.
// Korean
// Font Awesome icon glyphs, used for various special symbols like stars, folders etc.
// Google Noto Emoji.
for (auto& font : fallbackFonts) {
FallbackFontCache fallbackFont;
const std::string path {ResourceManager::getInstance().getResourcePath(font)};
fallbackFont.path = path;
hb_blob_t* blobHB {hb_blob_create_from_file(path.c_str())};
hb_face_t* faceHB {hb_face_create(blobHB, 0)};
hb_font_t* fontHB {hb_font_create(faceHB)};
fallbackFont.fontHB = fontHB;
ResourceData data {ResourceManager::getInstance().getFileData(path)};
fallbackFont.face = std::make_shared<FontFace>(std::move(data), 10.0f, path, fontHB);
if (noTopMargin) {
yTop = 0;
yBot = getHeight(1.5);
else {
yTop = getGlyph('S')->bearing.y;
yBot = getHeight(lineSpacing);
return fontPaths;
float y {offset.y + ((yBot + yTop) / 2.0f)};
// Vertices by texture.
std::map<FontTexture*, std::vector<Renderer::Vertex>> vertMap;
std::vector<ShapeSegment> segmentsHB;
shapeText(text, segmentsHB);
for (auto& segment : segmentsHB) {
for (size_t cursor {0}; cursor < segment.glyphIndexes.size(); ++cursor) {
const unsigned int character {segment.glyphIndexes[cursor].first};
Glyph* glyph {nullptr};
// Invalid character.
if (!segment.doShape && character == 0)
if (!segment.doShape && character == '\n') {
y += getHeight(lineSpacing);
x = offset[0] +
(xLen != 0 ? getNewlineStartOffset(
text, static_cast<const unsigned int>(segment.startPos + 1),
xLen, alignment) :
if (segment.doShape)
glyph =
getGlyphByIndex(character, segment.fontHB, segment.glyphIndexes[cursor].second);
glyph = getGlyph(character);
if (glyph == nullptr)
std::vector<Renderer::Vertex>& verts {vertMap[glyph->texture]};
size_t oldVertSize {verts.size()};
verts.resize(oldVertSize + 6);
Renderer::Vertex* vertices {verts.data() + oldVertSize};
const float glyphStartX {x + glyph->bearing.x};
const glm::ivec2& textureSize {glyph->texture->textureSize};
vertices[1] = {
{glyphStartX, y - glyph->bearing.y}, {glyph->texPos.x, glyph->texPos.y}, color};
vertices[2] = {{glyphStartX, y - glyph->bearing.y + (glyph->texSize.y * textureSize.y)},
{glyph->texPos.x, glyph->texPos.y + glyph->texSize.y},
vertices[3] = {{glyphStartX + glyph->texSize.x * textureSize.x, y - glyph->bearing.y},
{glyph->texPos.x + glyph->texSize.x, glyph->texPos.y},
vertices[4] = {{glyphStartX + glyph->texSize.x * textureSize.x,
y - glyph->bearing.y + (glyph->texSize.y * textureSize.y)},
{glyph->texPos.x + glyph->texSize.x, glyph->texPos.y + glyph->texSize.y},
// Round vertices.
for (int i {1}; i < 5; ++i)
vertices[i].position = glm::round(vertices[i].position);
// Make duplicates of first and last vertex so this can be rendered as a triangle strip.
vertices[0] = vertices[1];
vertices[5] = vertices[4];
// Advance.
x += glyph->advance.x;
TextCache* cache {new TextCache()};
cache->metrics.size = {sizeText(text, lineSpacing)};
cache->metrics.maxGlyphHeight = mMaxGlyphHeight;
cache->clipRegion = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
size_t i {0};
for (auto it = vertMap.cbegin(); it != vertMap.cend(); ++it) {
TextCache::VertexList& vertList {cache->vertexLists.at(i)};
vertList.textureIdPtr = &it->first->textureId;
vertList.verts = it->second;
return cache;
void Font::renderTextCache(TextCache* cache)
if (cache == nullptr) {
LOG(LogError) << "Attempted to draw nullptr TextCache";
const bool clipRegion {cache->clipRegion != glm::vec4 {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}};
for (auto it = cache->vertexLists.begin(); it != cache->vertexLists.end(); ++it) {
assert(*it->textureIdPtr != 0);
it->verts[0].shaderFlags = Renderer::ShaderFlags::FONT_TEXTURE;
if (clipRegion) {
it->verts[0].shaderFlags |= Renderer::ShaderFlags::CLIPPING;
it->verts[0].clipRegion = cache->clipRegion;
mRenderer->bindTexture(*it->textureIdPtr, 0);
&it->verts[0], static_cast<const unsigned int>(it->verts.size()),
Renderer::BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, Renderer::BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
Font::FontTexture::FontTexture(const int mFontSize)
@ -958,6 +904,49 @@ void Font::getTextureForNewGlyph(const glm::ivec2& glyphSize,
std::vector<Font::FallbackFontCache> Font::getFallbackFontPaths()
std::vector<FallbackFontCache> fontPaths;
// Default application fonts.
const std::vector<std::string> fallbackFonts {
// Ubuntu Condensed.
// Vera sans Unicode.
// GNU FreeFont monospaced.
// Various languages, such as Japanese and Chinese.
// Korean
// Font Awesome icon glyphs, used for various special symbols like stars, folders etc.
// Google Noto Emoji.
for (auto& font : fallbackFonts) {
FallbackFontCache fallbackFont;
const std::string path {ResourceManager::getInstance().getResourcePath(font)};
fallbackFont.path = path;
hb_blob_t* blobHB {hb_blob_create_from_file(path.c_str())};
hb_face_t* faceHB {hb_face_create(blobHB, 0)};
hb_font_t* fontHB {hb_font_create(faceHB)};
fallbackFont.fontHB = fontHB;
ResourceData data {ResourceManager::getInstance().getFileData(path)};
fallbackFont.face = std::make_shared<FontFace>(std::move(data), 10.0f, path, fontHB);
return fontPaths;
FT_Face* Font::getFaceForChar(unsigned int id, hb_font_t** returnedFont)
// Look for the glyph in our current font and then in the fallback fonts if needed.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <vector>
class TextCache;
class TextComponent;
#define FONT_SIZE_MINI Font::getMiniFont()
#define FONT_SIZE_SMALL Font::getSmallFont()
@ -86,23 +87,6 @@ public:
// to the font size is good enough, meaning this somehow expensive operation could be omitted.
int loadGlyphs(const std::string& text);
TextCache* buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
float offsetX,
float offsetY,
unsigned int color,
float lineSpacing = 1.5f,
bool noTopMargin = false);
TextCache* buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
glm::vec2 offset,
unsigned int color,
float xLen,
Alignment alignment = ALIGN_LEFT,
float lineSpacing = 1.5f,
bool noTopMargin = false);
void renderTextCache(TextCache* cache);
// Inserts newlines to make text wrap properly and also abbreviates single-line text.
std::string wrapText(const std::string& text,
const float maxLength,
@ -139,6 +123,19 @@ public:
// Returns an approximation of VRAM used by the glyph atlas textures for all font objects.
static size_t getTotalMemUsage();
TextCache* buildTextCache(const std::string& text,
glm::vec2 offset,
unsigned int color,
float xLen,
Alignment alignment = ALIGN_LEFT,
float lineSpacing = 1.5f,
bool noTopMargin = false);
void renderTextCache(TextCache* cache);
friend TextComponent;
Font(float size, const std::string& path);
static void initLibrary();
Reference in a new issue