Added a Switch Pro controller type.

This commit is contained in:
Leon Styhre 2023-01-21 12:58:16 +01:00
parent 0466232c39
commit 480263160d
19 changed files with 171 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -1090,6 +1090,7 @@ void GuiMenu::openInputDeviceOptions()
inputControllerType->add("PLAYSTATION 3", "ps3", selectedPlayer == "ps3");
inputControllerType->add("PLAYSTATION 4", "ps4", selectedPlayer == "ps4");
inputControllerType->add("PLAYSTATION 5", "ps5", selectedPlayer == "ps5");
inputControllerType->add("SWITCH PRO", "switchpro", selectedPlayer == "switchpro");
inputControllerType->add("SNES", "snes", selectedPlayer == "snes");
// If there are no objects returned, then there must be a manually modified entry in the
// configuration file. Simply set the controller type to "xbox" in this case.

View file

@ -117,6 +117,20 @@ void HelpStyle::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::s
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_start_SNES"))
mCustomButtons.button_start_SNES = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_start_SNES");
// Switch Pro.
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_a_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_a_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_a_switch");
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_b_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_b_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_b_switch");
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_x_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_x_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_x_switch");
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_y_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_y_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_y_switch");
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_back_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_back_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_back_switch");
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_start_switch"))
mCustomButtons.button_start_switch = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_start_switch");
// PlayStation.
if (elem->has(PREFIX "button_a_PS"))
mCustomButtons.button_a_PS = elem->get<std::string>(PREFIX "button_a_PS");

View file

@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ struct HelpStyle {
std::string button_back_SNES;
std::string button_start_SNES;
// Switch Pro
std::string button_a_switch;
std::string button_b_switch;
std::string button_x_switch;
std::string button_y_switch;
std::string button_back_switch;
std::string button_start_switch;
// PlayStation
std::string button_a_PS;
std::string button_b_PS;

View file

@ -81,6 +81,26 @@ void HelpComponent::assignIcons()
":/graphics/help/button_start_SNES.svg" :
else if (controllerType == "switchpro") {
sIconPathMap["a"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_a_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_a_switch.svg" :
sIconPathMap["b"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_b_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_b_switch.svg" :
sIconPathMap["x"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_x_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_x_switch.svg" :
sIconPathMap["y"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_y_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_y_switch.svg" :
sIconPathMap["back"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_back_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_back_switch.svg" :
sIconPathMap["start"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_start_switch.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_start_switch.svg" :
else if (controllerType == "ps3") {
sIconPathMap["a"] = mStyle.mCustomButtons.button_a_PS.empty() ?
":/graphics/help/button_a_PS.svg" :

View file

@ -205,10 +205,18 @@ void GuiInputConfig::populateConfigList()
if (controllerType == "snes") {
sGuiInputConfigList[4] = {"Back", false, "SELECT", ":/graphics/help/button_back_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[5] = {"Start", false, "START", ":/graphics/help/button_start_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[6] = {"A", false, "B", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_a_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[7] = {"B", false, "A", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_b_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[8] = {"X", true, "Y", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_x_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[9] = {"Y", true, "X", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_y_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[6] = {"A", false, "B", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_b_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[7] = {"B", false, "A", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_a_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[8] = {"X", true, "Y", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_y_SNES.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[9] = {"Y", true, "X", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_x_SNES.svg"};
else if (controllerType == "switchpro") {
sGuiInputConfigList[4] = {"Back", false, "MINUS", ":/graphics/help/button_back_switch.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[5] = {"Start", false, "PLUS", ":/graphics/help/button_start_switch.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[7] = {"A", false, "A", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_a_switch.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[6] = {"B", false, "B", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_b_switch.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[9] = {"X", true, "X", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_x_switch.svg"};
sGuiInputConfigList[8] = {"Y", true, "Y", ":/graphics/help/mbuttons_y_switch.svg"};
else if (controllerType == "ps3") {
sGuiInputConfigList[4] = {"Back", false, "SELECT", ":/graphics/help/button_back_PS3.svg"};

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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(image error) Size: 583 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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(image error) Size: 1.2 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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(image error) Size: 999 B

View file

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(image error) Size: 1.1 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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(image error) Size: 557 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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(image error) Size: 531 B

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
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(image error) Size: 1.4 KiB


(image error) Size: 872 B

View file

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(image error) Size: 872 B

View file

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(image error) Size: 872 B


(image error) Size: 1.4 KiB

View file

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(image error) Size: 1.4 KiB

View file

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(image error) Size: 821 B


(image error) Size: 849 B

View file

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(image error) Size: 849 B

View file

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(image error) Size: 849 B


(image error) Size: 821 B

View file

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