From 52f36c6a2ab2c3792ed932278f5deda29828e59c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leon Styhre <>
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 11:54:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] (rbsimple-DE) Updated the info text for most systems.

 themes/rbsimple-DE/3do/systeminfo.xml         | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/64dd/systeminfo.xml        | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/                 |  1 -
 themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga/systeminfo.xml       | 21 ++++++++++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga1200/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga600/systeminfo.xml    | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/amigacd32/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/amstradcpc/systeminfo.xml  | 15 +++++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2/systeminfo.xml      | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2gs/systeminfo.xml    | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/arcade/systeminfo.xml      |  6 ++---
 themes/rbsimple-DE/astrocade/systeminfo.xml   | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atari2600/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atari5200/systeminfo.xml   | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atari7800/systeminfo.xml   | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atari800/systeminfo.xml    | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguar/systeminfo.xml | 23 ++++++-------------
 .../rbsimple-DE/atarijaguarcd/systeminfo.xml  | 23 ++++++-------------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atarilynx/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atarist/systeminfo.xml     | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atarixe/systeminfo.xml     | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/atomiswave/systeminfo.xml  | 14 +++++------
 .../rbsimple-DE/auto-allgames/systeminfo.xml  |  2 +-
 .../rbsimple-DE/auto-favorites/systeminfo.xml |  3 ---
 themes/rbsimple-DE/bbcmicro/systeminfo.xml    | 21 +++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/c64/systeminfo.xml         | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/cavestory/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/cdimono1/systeminfo.xml    | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/cdtv/systeminfo.xml        | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/channelf/systeminfo.xml    | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/coco/systeminfo.xml        | 19 ++++++++-------
 .../rbsimple-DE/colecovision/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/daphne/systeminfo.xml      | 13 ++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/doom/systeminfo.xml        | 21 ++++++++++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/dragon32/systeminfo.xml    | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/dreamcast/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/famicom/systeminfo.xml     | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/fbneo/systeminfo.xml       |  6 ++---
 themes/rbsimple-DE/fds/systeminfo.xml         | 18 +++++++--------
 .../rbsimple-DE/gameandwatch/systeminfo.xml   | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gamegear/systeminfo.xml    | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gb/systeminfo.xml          | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gba/systeminfo.xml         | 22 +++++++-----------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gbc/systeminfo.xml         | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gc/systeminfo.xml          | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/genesis/systeminfo.xml     | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/gx4000/systeminfo.xml      | 17 ++++++--------
 .../rbsimple-DE/intellivision/systeminfo.xml  | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/macintosh/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 .../rbsimple-DE/mame-advmame/systeminfo.xml   |  8 +++----
 .../rbsimple-DE/mame-mame4all/systeminfo.xml  |  8 +++----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/mame/systeminfo.xml        |  8 +++----
 .../rbsimple-DE/mastersystem/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/megacd/systeminfo.xml      | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/megacdjp/systeminfo.xml    | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/megadrive/systeminfo.xml   | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/mess/systeminfo.xml        |  9 +++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/moonlight/systeminfo.xml   | 12 +++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/moto/systeminfo.xml        | 21 +++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/msx/systeminfo.xml         | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/msx1/systeminfo.xml        | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/msx2/systeminfo.xml        | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/msxturbor/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/multivision/systeminfo.xml | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/n3ds/systeminfo.xml        | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/n64/systeminfo.xml         | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/naomi/systeminfo.xml       | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/naomigd/systeminfo.xml     | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/nds/systeminfo.xml         | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeo/systeminfo.xml      | 22 +++++++-----------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocd/systeminfo.xml    | 20 ++++++----------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocdjp/systeminfo.xml  | 20 ++++++----------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/nes/systeminfo.xml         | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ngp/systeminfo.xml         | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ngpc/systeminfo.xml        | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/odyssey2/systeminfo.xml    | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/openbor/systeminfo.xml     |  8 +++----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/oric/systeminfo.xml        | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/palm/systeminfo.xml        | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pc/systeminfo.xml          | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pc88/systeminfo.xml        | 12 +++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pc98/systeminfo.xml        | 12 +++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pcengine/systeminfo.xml    | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pcenginecd/systeminfo.xml  | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pcfx/systeminfo.xml        | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/pokemini/systeminfo.xml    | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ps2/systeminfo.xml         | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ps3/systeminfo.xml         | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ps4/systeminfo.xml         | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/psp/systeminfo.xml         | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/psvita/systeminfo.xml      | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/psx/systeminfo.xml         | 21 ++++++++---------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/samcoupe/systeminfo.xml    | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/satellaview/systeminfo.xml | 10 ++++----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/saturn/systeminfo.xml      | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/saturnjp/systeminfo.xml    | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/scummvm/systeminfo.xml     |  8 +++----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32x/systeminfo.xml     | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xjp/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xna/systeminfo.xml   | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/segacd/systeminfo.xml      | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/sg-1000/systeminfo.xml     | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/snes/systeminfo.xml        | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/snesna/systeminfo.xml      | 20 ++++++++--------
 .../rbsimple-DE/spectravideo/systeminfo.xml   | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/sufami/systeminfo.xml      |  9 +++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/supergrafx/systeminfo.xml  | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/switch/systeminfo.xml      | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/tanodragon/systeminfo.xml  | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/tg-cd/systeminfo.xml       | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/tg16/systeminfo.xml        | 16 ++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/ti99/systeminfo.xml        | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/tic80/systeminfo.xml       | 14 +++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/to8/systeminfo.xml         | 21 +++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/trs-80/systeminfo.xml      | 12 +++++-----
 themes/rbsimple-DE/uzebox/systeminfo.xml      | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/vectrex/systeminfo.xml     | 17 ++++++++------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/vic20/systeminfo.xml       | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/videopac/systeminfo.xml    | 19 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/virtualboy/systeminfo.xml  | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/wii/systeminfo.xml         | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/wiiu/systeminfo.xml        | 20 ++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswan/systeminfo.xml  | 14 +++++------
 .../wonderswancolor/systeminfo.xml            | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/x1/systeminfo.xml          | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/x68000/systeminfo.xml      | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox/systeminfo.xml        | 19 ++++++++-------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox360/systeminfo.xml     | 18 +++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/zx81/systeminfo.xml        | 21 +++++++++--------
 themes/rbsimple-DE/zxspectrum/systeminfo.xml  | 17 ++++++++------
 130 files changed, 1074 insertions(+), 1145 deletions(-)

diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/3do/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/3do/systeminfo.xml
index 5205a1ed8..e1d158e40 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/3do/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/3do/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Panasonic, Sanyo, GoldStar</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Panasonic, Sanyo, GoldStar</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1993</text>
+            <text>Released:  1993</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Multitasking 32-bit OS</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32-bit RISC (ARM60) @ 12.5 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Custom 32-bit ARM60 @ 12.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB / VRAM : 1 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB / VRAM:  1 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 1 MB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  1 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : 2 Accelerated Video Co-Processors @ 25 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  2 x custom video coprocessors @ 25 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : 16-bit Stereo Sound with 44.1 KHz Sound Sampling Rate</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  640×480 pixels, 16.7 million colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 640x480 pixels, 16.7 million colors</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit stereo @ 44.1 kHz</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/64dd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/64dd/systeminfo.xml
index 2aff009a9..b274196aa 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/64dd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/64dd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1999</text>
+            <text>Released:  1999</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 15.000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  15,000+</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 64-bit NEC VR4300 @ 93.75 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  64-bit NEC VR4300 (MIPS R4300i) @ 93.75 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Co-CPU : 64-bit MIPS RISC "Reality Immersion" RCP @ 62.5 MHz</text>
+            <text>64DD-CPU:  32-bit coprocessor for reading/transferring disk data</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>64DD-CPU : 32-bit co-processor for reading/transferring disk data</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 MB Rambus RDRAM</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 MB RAMBUS RDRAM (expandable up to 8 MB)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  SGI "Reality Coprocessor" @ 62.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound  : Stereo 16-Bit and 48 kHz</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound  : Stereo 16Bit 48 kHz</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit, 48 or 44.1 kHz stereo</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/
index c4b3ad084..116198af8 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ None at the moment.
 * 64dd : Nintendo 64DD - consolegame.svg, console.svg, game.svg
 * ags: Adventure Game Studio - consolegame.svg, console.svg, controller.svg
-* amiga: Amiga - system info (needs improvement)
 * amigacd32: Amiga CD32 - consolegame.svg, console.svg, controller.svg, game.svg
 * android: Google Android - consolegame.svg, console.svg, controller.svg, game.svg
 * apple2gs: Apple IIGS - consolegame.svg, console.svg, controller.svg, game.svg
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga/systeminfo.xml
index 0947f9525..77f3fe22a 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1985</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 7.2 million</text>
+            <text>Models:  A1000, A2000, A500, A3000, A500+, A600, A1200, A4000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : AmigaOS on Kickstart</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  4.85 million</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 680x0 @ ≈7 MHz & higher</text>
+            <text>OS:  AmigaOS, Kickstart firmware</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256 kilobytes and higher, expandable</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16/32-bit Motorola 680x0 @ 7.09 MHz and higher</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info7" extra="true">
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB and higher, expandable</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>Graphics:  Denise (OCS) / HiRes Denise (ECS) / Lisa (AGA)</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info9" extra="true">
+            <text>Sound:  Paula, 4 channels, 8-bit stereo PCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga1200/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga1200/systeminfo.xml
index 0a4b0fa66..94df00d73 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga1200/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga1200/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1992</text>
+            <text>Released:  1992</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : AmigaOS 3.0/3.1</text>
+            <text>OS:  AmigaOS 3.0/3.1</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68EC020 running @ 14.32 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Motorola 68EC020 @ 14.18 MHz (PAL) / 14.32 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 512 KB Kickstart 3.0-3.1 ROM</text>
+            <text>ROM:  512 KB Kickstart 3.0/3.1 ROM</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Advanced Graphics Architecture</text>
+            <text>Chipset:  Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : 4× 8-bit PCM channels</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Lisa, 320×200 to 1504×484 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x200 to 1504x484 (16.8 million colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Paula, 4 channels, 8-bit stereo PCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga600/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga600/systeminfo.xml
index 68f649f0d..4da77a74c 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga600/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amiga600/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1992</text>
+            <text>Released:  1992</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : AmigaOS 2.05</text>
+            <text>OS:  AmigaOS 2.05</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 running @ 7.16 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16/32-bit Motorola 68000 @ 7.09 MHz (PAL) / 7.16 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1 MB (expandable up to 6 MB officially) / VRAM 1024 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 MB (expandable to 6 MB)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 512 KB Kickstart 2.05</text>
+            <text>ROM:  512 KB Kickstart 2.05</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Commodore's Enhanced Chip Set</text>
+            <text>Chipset:  Enhanced Chip Set (ECS)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : 4 DMA-driven 8-bit channels</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  HiRes Denise, 320×200 to 1280×512 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x200 to 1280x512 (4096 colours at lower display resolutions)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Paula, 4 channels, 8-bit stereo PCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amigacd32/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amigacd32/systeminfo.xml
index e438b45ff..6c1a0c2d2 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amigacd32/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amigacd32/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1993</text>
+            <text>Released:  1993</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : AmigaOS 3.1</text>
+            <text>OS:  AmigaOS 3.1</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68EC020 @ 14.32 MHz (NTSC), 14.18 MHz (PAL)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Motorola 68EC020 @ 14.18 MHz (PAL) / 14.32 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 1 MB Kickstart w/ CD32 firmware, 1 KB EEPROM for game saves</text>
+            <text>ROM:  1 MB Kickstart w/ CD32 firmware, 1 KB EEPROM for game saves</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Advanced Graphics Architecture</text>
+            <text>Chipset:  Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : 4 × 8-bit PCM channels</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Lisa, 320×200 to 1280×400i (NTSC), 320×256 to 1280×512i (PAL)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x200 to 1280x400i (NTSC), 320x256 to 1280x512i (PAL)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Paula, 4 channels, 8-bit stereo PCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amstradcpc/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amstradcpc/systeminfo.xml
index 730690f32..ebea33d9f 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/amstradcpc/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/amstradcpc/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Amstrad</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Amstrad</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1984</text>
+            <text>Released:  1984</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : AMSDOS with Locomotive BASIC</text>
+            <text>OS:  AMSDOS with Locomotive BASIC</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound Chip : General Instrument AY-3-8910</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Motorola 6845 or compatible + custom gate array</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info7" extra="true">
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8910</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2/systeminfo.xml
index 0cd6f6b2f..79777b1b8 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1977</text>
+            <text>Released:  1977</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Integer BASIC</text>
+            <text>OS:  Integer BASIC, Apple DOS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502 @ 1 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS Technology 6502 @ 1 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4KB to 64KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 to 64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 8KB (Basic Integer)</text>
+            <text>ROM:  8 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 1-bit speaker (built-in)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  40×48, 16 colors (Lo-res) / 280×192, 6 colors (Hi-res)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : Lo-res (40×48, 16-color) Hi-res (280×192, 6 color)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  1-bit speaker (built-in)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2gs/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2gs/systeminfo.xml
index e4fe9a247..b659aacc9 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2gs/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/apple2gs/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1986</text>
+            <text>Released:  1986</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Apple ProDOS, Apple GS/OS, GNO/ME</text>
+            <text>OS:  Apple ProDOS, Apple GS/OS, GNO/ME</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Western Design Center 65C816 16-bit @ 2.8 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Western Design Center 65C816 @ 2.8 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256 kB or 1 MB (expandable up to 8 MB)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB or 1 MB (expandable to 8 MB)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 128 KB expandable to 1 MB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  128 KB expandable to 1 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Ensoniq ES5503 DOC 8-bit wavetable synthesis sound chip, 32-channels, stereo</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×200 or 640×200 pixels, 4096 color palette</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : VGC 12-bpp palette (4096 colours), 320×200, 640×200</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Ensoniq ES5503 DOC, 32 channels, stereo</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/arcade/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/arcade/systeminfo.xml
index c996cec69..a3d1648c2 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/arcade/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/arcade/systeminfo.xml
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
             <text>machine. Most arcade games are video games, pinball machines,</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>electro-mechanical games, redemption games or merchandisers. While</text>
+            <text>electro-mechanical games, redemption games or merchandisers.</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>exact dates are debated, the golden age of arcade video games is</text>
+            <text>While exact dates are debated, the golden age of arcade video games</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>usually defined as a period beginning sometime in the late 1970s and</text>
+            <text>is usually defined as a period beginning sometime in the late 1970s and</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
             <text>ending sometime in the mid-1980s. Excluding a brief resurgence in the</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/astrocade/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/astrocade/systeminfo.xml
index df1a18bbd..25f8cc487 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/astrocade/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/astrocade/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Bally Manufacturing</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Bally Manufacturing</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1978</text>
+            <text>Released:  1978</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80 @ 1.789 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 1.789 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 KB - 64 KB (with expansion modules)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 to 64 KB (with expansion modules)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 8 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  8 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x102 or 320x204 pixels, 4/8 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×102 or 320×204 pixels, 4 or 8 colors</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 3 x oscillators with noise mixing</text>
+            <text>Sound:  3 x oscillators with noise mixing</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari2600/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari2600/systeminfo.xml
index 7ba19c9fe..7f81755e6 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari2600/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari2600/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1977</text>
+            <text>Released:  1977</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  30 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Pac-Man</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Pac-Man</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit MOS 6507 @ 1.19 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS 6507 @ 1.19 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 128 bytes</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 bytes</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio/Video Processor : TIA</text>
+            <text>Audio/Video Processor:  TIA</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x192 pixels, 4 colors per line (128 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×192 pixels, 4 colors per line (128 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 2 channels of 1-bit monaural sound with 4-bit volume control</text>
+            <text>Sound:  2 channels of 1-bit monaural sound with 4-bit volume control</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 2 KB - 32 KB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  2 to 32 KB</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari5200/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari5200/systeminfo.xml
index 6c96f4b6f..3668d92e9 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari5200/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari5200/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502C 6502C @ 1.79 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS Technology 6502C @ 1.79 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 2 KB on-board BIOS / 32 KB window for standard game cartridges</text>
+            <text>ROM:  2 KB on-board BIOS + 32 KB window for standard game cartridges</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4-channel POKEY chip</text>
+            <text>Display:  320×192 pixels, 256 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 320x192 pixels, 256 colors</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4-channel POKEY chip</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari7800/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari7800/systeminfo.xml
index 56d4612e6..bdf4695bd 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari7800/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari7800/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari, Inc., Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1986</text>
+            <text>Released:  1986</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 3.77 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  3.77 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Atari SALLY 6502 ("6502C") @ 1.19 - 1.79 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Atari SALLY 6502 ("6502C") @ 1.19 to 1.79 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Cartridge ROM : 48 KB</text>
+            <text>Cartridge ROM:  48 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio/Video Processor : TIA/MARIA custom graphics controller</text>
+            <text>Audio/Video processor:  TIA/MARIA custom graphics controller</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Ports : 2 joystick ports, 1 cartridge port, 1 expansion connector, power in, RF output</text>
+            <text>Ports:  2 joystick ports, 1 cartridge port, 1 expansion connector, power in, RF output</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari800/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari800/systeminfo.xml
index fdc9478ed..ecdea956d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari800/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atari800/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari, Inc., Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1979</text>
+            <text>Released:  1979</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Atari OS</text>
+            <text>OS:  Atari OS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502B @ 1.8 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS Technology 6502B @ 1.8 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 KB base, 48 KB max.</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB base, 48 KB max.</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 8KB (Atari Basic)</text>
+            <text>ROM:  8 KB (Atari BASIC)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 x oscillators with noise mixing</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×192 pixels, monochrome / 160×96 pixels, 128 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 320x192 pixels, monochrome / 160x96 pixels, 128 colors</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 x oscillators with noise mixing</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguar/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguar/systeminfo.xml
index b75c4b04f..0ff69bc84 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguar/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguar/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1993</text>
+            <text>Released:  1993</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : Less than 150,000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  Less than 150,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Five Main Processors in three chips</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 68000 @ 13.295 MHz + Tom and Jerry custom chips</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Tom Chip @ 26.59 MHz, Graphics Processor (32-bit RISC),</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Object (64-bit RISC), Blitter (64-bit RISC)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  Max. 800×576 pixels, 24-bit "true" color</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Jerry Chip @ 26.59 MHz, Digital Signal Processor (32-bit)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Motorola 68000 (16-bit @ 13.295 MHz)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : Maximum 800×576 pixels, 24-bit "true" color</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguarcd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguarcd/systeminfo.xml
index e80847865..401a3ca2b 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguarcd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarijaguarcd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1995</text>
+            <text>Released:  1995</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Five Main Processors in three chips</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  Probably around 20,000 (CD-ROM add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Tom Chip @ 26.59 MHz, Graphics Processor (32-bit RISC),</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 68000 @ 13.295 MHz + Tom and Jerry custom chips</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Object (64-bit RISC), Blitter (64-bit RISC)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Jerry Chip @ 26.59 MHz, Digital Signal Processor (32-bit)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  Max. 800×576 pixels, 24-bit "true" color</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Motorola 68000 (16-bit @ 13.295 MHz)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : Maximum 800×576 pixels, 24-bit "true" color</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 790 MB CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  790 MB CD-ROM, cartridge</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarilynx/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarilynx/systeminfo.xml
index ab3d12db1..feb02d379 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarilynx/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarilynx/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Epyx / Atari</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1989</text>
+            <text>Released:  1989</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit with 16-bit address space</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit with 16-bit address space</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Co-Processors : Mikey and Suzy 2 x 16-bit</text>
+            <text>Coprocessors:  Mikey and Suzy 2 x 16-bit</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64K 120 ns DRAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 512 bytes</text>
+            <text>ROM:  512 bytes</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160 x 102 pixels</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×102 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound :  4 channels, 8-bit DAC</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 channels, 8-bit DAC</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarist/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarist/systeminfo.xml
index c3dcaaa28..6708cef0c 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarist/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarist/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1985</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Atari TOS</text>
+            <text>OS:  Atari TOS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 16-/32-bit CPU @ 8 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16/32-bit Motorola 68000 @ 8 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512 KB or 1 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 KB or 1 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Drive : Single-sided 3½" floppy disk drive</text>
+            <text>Low resolution mode:  320×200 pixels, 16 colors, (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound Chip : Yamaha YM2149 3-voice square wave</text>
+            <text>Medium resolution mode:  640×200 pixels, 4 colors, (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Low resolution mode: 320×200 pixels, 16 colors, (512 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2149 3-voice square wave</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Medium resolution mode: 640×200 pixels, 4 colors, (512 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Media:  Single-sided 3½-inch floppy disk</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarixe/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarixe/systeminfo.xml
index af6b1a90c..37185022d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarixe/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atarixe/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Atari Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Atari Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1985</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Atari Basic / XL OS</text>
+            <text>OS:  Atari BASIC, XL OS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502C @ 1.8 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS Technology 6502C @ 1.8 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB (65XE) or 128 KB (130XE)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB (65XE) / 128 KB (130XE)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 24 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  24 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x192 pixels, 256 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×192 pixels, 256 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 channels</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 channels</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atomiswave/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atomiswave/systeminfo.xml
index 18852ac21..23555b0cf 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/atomiswave/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/atomiswave/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sammy Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sammy Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2003</text>
+            <text>Released:  2003</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (@ 200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz (360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : NEC-Videologic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  NEC/VideoLogic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  40 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 40 MB</text>
+            <text>Sound:  ARM7 Yamaha AICA @ 45 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM Board (max. size of 168 MB)</text>
+            <text>Media:  ROM board (max. size of 168 MB)</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-allgames/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-allgames/systeminfo.xml
index d6d9da830..153eac73b 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-allgames/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-allgames/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>See your complete game library in a single list.</text>
+            <text>Find your complete game library in a single list.</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-favorites/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-favorites/systeminfo.xml
index 57cad3bd1..5c03bf3e5 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-favorites/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/auto-favorites/systeminfo.xml
@@ -5,8 +5,5 @@
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
             <text>Find all your favorite games in a single list.</text>
-        <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Every time you mark a game as a favorite for a system, it will show up here.</text>
-        </text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/bbcmicro/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/bbcmicro/systeminfo.xml
index e02a5f1ad..fc729a756 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/bbcmicro/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/bbcmicro/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Acorn Computers</text>
+            <text>Developer:  BBC</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1981</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Acorn Computers</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Acorn MOS</text>
+            <text>Released:  1981</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1.5 million</text>
+            <text>OS:  Acorn MOS</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502/6512 @ 2 MHz</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1.5 million</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16 KB to 128 KB depending on model</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS Technology 6502/6512 @ 2 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Graphics : 640x256 pixels, 8 colours</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 to 128 KB depending on model</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : TI SN76489, 4 channels + TMS5220 speech synthesiser</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  640×256 pixels, 8 colours</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cassette tape, floppy disk</text>
+            <text>Sound:  TI SN76489, 4 channels + TMS5220 speech synthesiser</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info10" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  Cassette, floppy disk</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/c64/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/c64/systeminfo.xml
index f7f69590e..3fb718035 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/c64/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/c64/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore Business Machines</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore Business Machines</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 17 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  17 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Commodore KERNAL / Commodore BASIC 2.0</text>
+            <text>OS:  Commodore KERNAL / Commodore BASIC 2.0</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6510/8500 @ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  MOS 6510/8500 @ 0.985 MHz (PAL) / 1.023 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 20 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  20 KB</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : MOS Technology VIC-II</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  MOS Technology VIC-II</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×200 pixels, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×200 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : MOS Technology 6581/8850 SID</text>
+            <text>Sound:  MOS Technology 6581/8850 SID</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cavestory/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cavestory/systeminfo.xml
index 32a7130d1..0332988f1 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cavestory/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cavestory/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Designer : Daisuke Amaya</text>
+            <text>Designer:  Daisuke Amaya</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : Studio Pixel</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Studio Pixel</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Type : Freeware platform-adventure</text>
+            <text>Type:  Freeware platform-adventure</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Origin : Japan</text>
+            <text>Origin:  Japan</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>English translation : Aeon Genesis Translations</text>
+            <text>English translation:  Aeon Genesis Translations</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of first release : 2004</text>
+            <text>Released:  2004</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>The game focuses on an amnesiac protagonist who awakens in a cave.</text>
+            <text>The game focuses on an amnesiac protagonist who awakens in a cave. Through his</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Through his explorations, he discovers a plot by the Doctor,</text>
+            <text>explorations, he discovers a plot by the Doctor, a megalomaniac who intends to force</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>a megalomaniac who intends to force the inhabitants of the cave to fight for him in his bid to conquer the world.</text>
+            <text>the inhabitants of the cave to fight for him in his bid to conquer the world. The</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>The protagonist is thrust into the position of savior as he endeavors to defeat the Doctor.</text>
+            <text>protagonist is thrust into the position of savior as he endeavors to defeat the Doctor.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdimono1/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdimono1/systeminfo.xml
index 07a7de30f..08b1224dd 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdimono1/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdimono1/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Philips and others</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Philips and others</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Philips SCC68070 (Motorola 68000-based) @ 15.5 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Philips SCC68070 (Motorola 68000-based) @ 15.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : SCC66470, later MCD 212</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1 MB</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  SCC66470, later MCD 212</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio : MCD 221, 16-bit stereo</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  384×280 to 768×560 pixels</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 384×280 to 768×560</text>
+            <text>Sound:  MCD 221, 16-bit stereo</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdtv/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdtv/systeminfo.xml
index 283c67c06..0846e6129 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdtv/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/cdtv/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1991</text>
+            <text>Released:  1991</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : CDTV / AmigaOS 1.3</text>
+            <text>OS:  CDTV / AmigaOS 1.3</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 @ 7.16 MHz (NTSC) or 7.09 (PAL)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16/32-bit Motorola 68000 @ 7.09 MHz (PAL) / 7.16 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1 MB (upgradable)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 MB (upgradable)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 256 KB Kickstart 2.5 and 256 KB CDTV firmware</text>
+            <text>ROM:  256 KB Kickstart 2.5 and 256 KB CDTV firmware</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Commodore's Enhanced Chip Set</text>
+            <text>Chipset:  Enhanced Chip Set (ECS)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Four 8-bit PCM channels (two stereo channels)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×200 pixels, 32 colors / 640×240 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320 x 200 (32 colors) / 640 x 240 (16 colors)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Paula, 4 channels, 8-bit stereo PCM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/channelf/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/channelf/systeminfo.xml
index d83598b07..1d8b21a1a 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/channelf/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/channelf/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Fairchild Semiconductor</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Fairchild Semiconductor</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1976</text>
+            <text>Released:  1976</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 250000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  250,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Fairchild F8 @ 1.79 MHz (PAL 2.22 MHz)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Fairchild F8 @ 1.77 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 bytes</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 bytes / VRAM:  2 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>VRAM : 2 kB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  128×64 pixels, 8 colors</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 128x64, 8 colors</text>
+            <text>Sound:  500 Hz, 1 kHz and 1.5 kHz tones (can be modulated)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio : 500 Hz, 1 kHz and 1.5 kHz tones (can be modulated)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM Cartridge</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/coco/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/coco/systeminfo.xml
index 89437b8f3..646037a5f 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/coco/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/coco/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Motorola</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Tandy Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1980</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Motorola</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Color BASIC 1.0 / 2.0 / OS-9</text>
+            <text>Released:  1980</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : Millions</text>
+            <text>OS:  Color BASIC 1.0/2.0, OS-9</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 6809E @ 0.895 / 1.79 MHz</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  Millions</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 KB to 512 KB depending on model</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 6809E @ 0.895 or 1.79 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Graphics : Motorola 6847 or GIME</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 to 512 KB depending on model</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 6-bit DAC</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Motorola 6847 or GIME</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info9" extra="true">
+            <text>Sound:  6-bit DAC</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/colecovision/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/colecovision/systeminfo.xml
index 153f32c18..dd15e5677 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/colecovision/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/colecovision/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Coleco</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Coleco</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2+ million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2+ million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Donkey Kong</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Donkey Kong</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1 KB / VRAM : 16 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Texas Instruments TMS9928A</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Texas Instruments TMS9928A</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Texas Instruments SN76489A</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Texas Instruments SN76489A</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 8 KB - 32 KB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  8 to 32 KB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/daphne/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/daphne/systeminfo.xml
index feb4c74ff..1b82e0658 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/daphne/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/daphne/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developers : Matt Ownby (Daphne) and Jeffrey Clark (Hypseus)</text>
+            <text>Developers:  Matt Ownby (Daphne) and Jeffrey Clark (Hypseus)</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : 1999</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  1999</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Written in : C++</text>
+            <text>Written in:  C++</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>Daphne is a program that lets one play the original</text>
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
             <text>Hypseus is a fork of Daphne to improve</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>performance (MPEG2 decoder, SDL2 support, ...).</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Best LaserDisc games are: Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, ...</text>
+            <text>performance (e.g. MPEG2 decoder, SDL2 support).</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/doom/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/doom/systeminfo.xml
index c8132c711..4c9f29a66 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/doom/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/doom/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : id Software</text>
+            <text>Developer:  id Software</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1993</text>
+            <text>Released:  1993</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>DOOM is a series of first-person shooter video games developed by id Software.</text>
+            <text>DOOM is a series of first-person shooter video games developed by</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>The series focuses on the exploits of an unnamed space marine operating under the UAC, who fights hordes of demons in order to survive.</text>
+            <text>id Software. The series focuses on the exploits of an unnamed space</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Doom is one of the pioneering FPS games, introducing to IBM-compatible computers features such as 3D graphics,</text>
+            <text>marine operating under the UAC, who fights hordes of demons in order</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>third dimension spatiality, and support for player-created modifications with the Doom WAD format.</text>
+            <text>to survive. Doom is one of the pioneering FPS games, introducing to</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info7" extra="true">
+            <text>IBM-compatible computers features such as 3D graphics, third dimension</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>spatiality and support for player-created modifications with the Doom</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info9" extra="true">
+            <text>WAD format.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/dragon32/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/dragon32/systeminfo.xml
index 5fad13f71..953363438 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/dragon32/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/dragon32/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer :  Dragon Data, Ltd.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Dragon Data</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Microsoft Extended BASIC</text>
+            <text>OS:  Microsoft Extended BASIC</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 6809E @ 0.89 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 6809E @ 0.89 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32/64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 or 64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : max 256 x 192, 8 colours</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  Max. 256×192 pixels, 8 colours</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 1 voice, 5 octaves with the Basic / 4 voices, 7 octaves with machine code</text>
+            <text>Sound:  1 voice, 5 octaves (BASIC) or 4 voices, 7 octaves (machine code)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/dreamcast/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/dreamcast/systeminfo.xml
index 4fba1eeeb..37c4d5a9b 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/dreamcast/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/dreamcast/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1998</text>
+            <text>Released:  1998</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 9.13 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  9.13 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sonic Adventure</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sonic Adventure</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC clocked @ 200 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16 MB / VRAM : 8 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 MB / VRAM:  8 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 100 MHz PowerVR2 (integrated with the system's ASIC)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  NEC/VideoLogic PowerVR2 @ 100 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 640×480</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  640×480 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Yamaha AICA[139] sound processor @ 67 MHz</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha AICA @ 67 MHz</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>VMU size : 128 KB</text>
+            <text>Media:  1 GB GD-ROM, CD-ROM, Mini-CD</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/famicom/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/famicom/systeminfo.xml
index 1da26d267..f07167a4d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/famicom/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/famicom/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 61.79 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  61.91 million (incl. NES)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario Bros.</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario Bros.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit MOS 6502 @ 1.79MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Ricoh 2A03 @ 1.66 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 KB / VRAM : 2 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 KB / VRAM:  2 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 8-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  8-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x240 pixels, 25 colors (64 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×240 pixels, 25 colors (64 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : PSG sound (2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, 1 white noise)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG sound (2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, 1 white noise)</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 8 KB - 1 MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  8 KB to 1 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/fbneo/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/fbneo/systeminfo.xml
index 209406c97..58fb25edb 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/fbneo/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/fbneo/systeminfo.xml
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
             <text>FinalBurn Neo, also known as FBNeo or FBN is an arcade system</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>emulator that is based on FinalBurn Alpha. It's a fork of MAME</text>
+            <text>emulator that is based on FinalBurn Alpha. It's originally a fork</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>and supports boards such as Capcom CPS, Neo Geo MVS and</text>
+            <text>of MAME and supports boards such as Capcom CPS, Neo Geo MVS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>numerous systems from SEGA, Konami, Irem and others.</text>
+            <text>and numerous systems from SEGA, Konami, Irem and others.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/fds/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/fds/systeminfo.xml
index 97592b268..526b95961 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/fds/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/fds/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1986</text>
+            <text>Released:  1986</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 4.44 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  4.44 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario Bros. 2</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario Bros. 2</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Ricoh 2A03 8-bit processor</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Ricoh 2A03 @ 1.66 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Disk space : 112 KB</text>
+            <text>Audio/Video processor:  Uses Famicom hardware</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio/Video processor : Uses Famicom hardware</text>
+            <text>Ports:  Uses Famicom hardware</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Ports : Uses Famicom hardware</text>
+            <text>Media:  Proprietary floppy disk with 112 KB capacity</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gameandwatch/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gameandwatch/systeminfo.xml
index f83cbea92..4782d2fac 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gameandwatch/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gameandwatch/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1980</text>
+            <text>Released:  1980</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 43.4 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  43.4 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Donkey Kong</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Donkey Kong</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Created by game designer Gunpei Yokoi,</text>
+            <text>Created by game designer Gunpei Yokoi, Game & Watch derived</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Game and Watch (GW) features a game in addition to a clock, an alarm, or both.</text>
+            <text>its name from its featuring a single game as well as a clock on an</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>It was the earliest Nintendo product to gamer major succes.</text>
+            <text>LCD screen. It was the earliest Nintendo video game product to</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>59 GW games were released and one only available as a contest prize.</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Mr GW is a character often considered as the mascot of the GW series.</text>
+            <text>gain major worldwide success.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gamegear/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gamegear/systeminfo.xml
index 343c5d171..9508a978d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gamegear/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gamegear/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 11 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  10.62 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-Bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8kB / VRAM : 16kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Sega VDP (custom Texas Instruments TMS9918)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Sega VDP (custom TI TMS9918)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160 x 146 pixels, 32 colors (4096 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Screen:  3.2 inch (81 mm) backlit LCD</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : TI SN76489 PSG</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×146 pixels, 32 colors (4096 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 32kB - 1MB</text>
+            <text>Sound:  TI SN76489 PSG</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen : 8.128cm (3.2 inches), backlit LCD</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  32 KB to 1 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gb/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gb/systeminfo.xml
index 63cf2f689..f193e8f08 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gb/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gb/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1989</text>
+            <text>Released:  1989</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 118.69 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  118.69 million (all models)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Tetris</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Tetris</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 4.194304MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 4.194304 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8kB / VRAM : 8kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  8 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : PPU (embedded in CPU)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  PPU (embedded in CPU)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x144 pixels, 4 shades of "gray"</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×144 pixels, 4 shades of "gray"</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 channels stereo sound</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 channels, stereo</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 32kB - 1MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  32 KB to 1 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gba/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gba/systeminfo.xml
index 9e870b6f9..04c9fe992 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gba/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gba/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2001</text>
+            <text>Released:  2001</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 82 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  81.51 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Pokémon Ruby</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Pokémon Ruby</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16 MHz 32bit RISC-CPU + 8bit CISC-CPU</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit RISC-CPU @ 16 MHz + 8-bit CISC-CPU</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32KB WRAM + 256KB WRAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 KB internal + 256 KB external / VRAM:  96 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen : Reflective TFT Colour LCD</text>
+            <text>Screen:  Reflective TFT color LCD</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 240 x 160 pixels</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 256KB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Display Ability : 32 000 colours</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  240×160 pixels, 32,000 colors</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gbc/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gbc/systeminfo.xml
index 453c4eb23..ea696dcd5 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gbc/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gbc/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1998</text>
+            <text>Released:  1998</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 118.69 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  118.69 million (all models)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Pokemon Gold and Silver</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Pokemon Gold and Silver</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 8.33 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 8.33 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32kB / VRAM : 26kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 KB / VRAM:  26 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : PPU (embedded in CPU)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  PPU (embedded in CPU)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160 x 144 pixels, 56 colors (32768 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×144 pixels, 56 colors (32768 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 channels stereo sound</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 channels, stereo</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 256kB - 8MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  256 KB to 8 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gc/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gc/systeminfo.xml
index 0d3a18526..674beb1d5 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gc/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gc/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2001</text>
+            <text>Released:  2001</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 21.74 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  21.74 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Smash Bros. Melee</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Smash Bros. Melee</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 128-bit IBM Gekko PowerPC @ 485 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit IBM PowerPC "Gekko" @ 486 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 43 MB total non-unified RAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  43 MB total non-unified RAM</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 162 MHz "Flipper" LSI</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  ArtX/ATI "Flipper" @ 162 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 640×480 interlaced (480i) or progressive scan (480p) - 60 Hz</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  480i @ 60 Hz, 480p @ 60 Hz, 576i @ 50 Hz</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 16-bit Dolby Pro Logic II</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit Dolby Pro Logic II</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 1.5 GB miniDVD</text>
+            <text>Media:  1.46 GB GameCube Game Disc</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/genesis/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/genesis/systeminfo.xml
index 023f79468..a421cd829 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/genesis/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/genesis/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1988</text>
+            <text>Released:  1988</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  30.75 million (incl. Mega Drive)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sonic the Hedgehog</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sonic the Hedgehog</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 7.6 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 68000 @ 7.6 MHz + Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU2 : 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 Mhz (sound CPU)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  64 KB / Sound RAM:  8 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB / VRAM : 64 KB / sound RAM : 8 KB</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  16-bit Sega VDP</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 16-bit Sega VDP</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Yamaha YM2612 FM and TI SN76489 PSG</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2612 FM + TI SN76489 PSG</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gx4000/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gx4000/systeminfo.xml
index 39baf3c6e..e85830c0b 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/gx4000/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/gx4000/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Amstrad</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Amstrad</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>VRAM : 16 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  32 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 32 KB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×200 to 640×200 pixels, 32 colours (4096 colour palette)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound Chip : General Instrument AY-3-8912, 3 channel stereo</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x200 to 640x200, 16 sprites, 4096 colour palette - 32 onscreen</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8912, 3 channels, stereo</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/intellivision/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/intellivision/systeminfo.xml
index 41cfbdcb8..e5130e9fd 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/intellivision/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/intellivision/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Mattel Electronics</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Mattel Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1979</text>
+            <text>Released:  1979</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 3+ million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  3+ million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Las Vegas Poker &amp; Blackjack</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : GI CP1610 @ 894.886 kHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit GI CP1610 @ 894.886 kHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : General Instrument AY-3-8900-1</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  General Instrument AY-3-8900-1</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 159x96, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  159×96 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : General Instrument AY-3-8914</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8914</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 8kB - 32kB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  8 to 32 KB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/macintosh/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/macintosh/systeminfo.xml
index 3dc570a37..720f36dbc 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/macintosh/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/macintosh/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Apple Computer, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1984</text>
+            <text>Released:  1984</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : System Software 1.0</text>
+            <text>OS:  System Software 1.0</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 @ 7.8336 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 7.8336 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 128 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 64 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 8 TTL chips implementing a video and sound DMA controller</text>
+            <text>Display:  Built-in 9-inch monochrome CRT</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 9" Monochrome built-in (512×342 pixels)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  512×342 pixels, 65536 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 512x512 (65536 colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  8 TTL chips implementing a video and sound DMA controller</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-advmame/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-advmame/systeminfo.xml
index e768360c2..104295d31 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-advmame/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-advmame/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developers : Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
+            <text>Developers:  Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : February 5, 1997</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  February 5, 1997</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Written in : C++</text>
+            <text>Written in:  C++</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>M.A.M.E is an emulator application designed to recreate</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-mame4all/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-mame4all/systeminfo.xml
index e768360c2..104295d31 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-mame4all/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame-mame4all/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developers : Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
+            <text>Developers:  Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : February 5, 1997</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  February 5, 1997</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Written in : C++</text>
+            <text>Written in:  C++</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>M.A.M.E is an emulator application designed to recreate</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame/systeminfo.xml
index e768360c2..104295d31 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mame/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developers : Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
+            <text>Developers:  Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : February 5, 1997</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  February 5, 1997</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Written in : C++</text>
+            <text>Written in:  C++</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>M.A.M.E is an emulator application designed to recreate</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mastersystem/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mastersystem/systeminfo.xml
index ee7e5447a..f36e4f5f7 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mastersystem/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mastersystem/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1985</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 13 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  18 to 21 million (incl. Tectoy variants)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Alex Kidd in Miracle World</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Alex Kidd in Miracle World</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 KB / VRAM : 16 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Sega VDP (custom Texas Instruments TMS9918)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Sega VDP (custom TI TMS9918)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192 pixels, 32 colors (64 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 32 colors (64 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : TI SN76489 PSG / add-on module YM2413 FM</text>
+            <text>Sound:  TI SN76489 PSG, YM2413 FM add-on module</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 32 KB - 1 MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  32 KB to 1 MB</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacd/systeminfo.xml
index a27cbdd7f..ec8da90f3 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1991</text>
+            <text>Released:  1991</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.24 million (CD-ROM add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sewer Shark</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sewer Shark</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Mega Drive CPUs</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512kB / VRAM : 256kB / sound RAM : 16kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 KB / VRAM:  256 KB / Sound RAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Custom ASIC</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom ASIC</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Ricoh RF5C164 + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Ricoh RF5C164 + Mega Drive sound chips</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 500MB CD-ROM discs</text>
+            <text>Media:  500 MB CD-ROM, CD+G</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacdjp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacdjp/systeminfo.xml
index a27cbdd7f..ec8da90f3 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacdjp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megacdjp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1991</text>
+            <text>Released:  1991</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.24 million (CD-ROM add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sewer Shark</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sewer Shark</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Mega Drive CPUs</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512kB / VRAM : 256kB / sound RAM : 16kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 KB / VRAM:  256 KB / Sound RAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Custom ASIC</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom ASIC</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Ricoh RF5C164 + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Ricoh RF5C164 + Mega Drive sound chips</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 500MB CD-ROM discs</text>
+            <text>Media:  500 MB CD-ROM, CD+G</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megadrive/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megadrive/systeminfo.xml
index 023f79468..93288ee1a 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/megadrive/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/megadrive/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1988</text>
+            <text>Released:  1988</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  30.75 million (incl. Genesis)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sonic the Hedgehog</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sonic the Hedgehog</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 7.6 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 68000 @ 7.6 MHz + Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU2 : 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 Mhz (sound CPU)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  64 KB / Sound RAM:  8 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB / VRAM : 64 KB / sound RAM : 8 KB</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  16-bit Sega VDP</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 16-bit Sega VDP</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Yamaha YM2612 FM and TI SN76489 PSG</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2612 FM + TI SN76489 PSG</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mess/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mess/systeminfo.xml
index d31c8c2de..d7835b74e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/mess/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/mess/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Multi Emulator Super System (or MESS) is an emulator</text>
+            <text>Multi Emulator Super System (or MESS) is an emulator for</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>for various consoles and computer systems that used</text>
+            <text>various consoles and computer systems that used to be a</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>to be a standalone application but that is now a part</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>of MAME.</text>
+            <text>standalone application but is now a part of MAME.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>The version available here is the standalone legacy</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/moonlight/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/moonlight/systeminfo.xml
index b3c165cfd..e95d5bbe4 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/moonlight/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/moonlight/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Created by : Case Western Reserve University students</text>
+            <text>Created by:  Case Western Reserve University students</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Ported on Linux by : irtimmer</text>
+            <text>Ported to Linux by:  irtimmer</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Type : Open Source implementation</text>
+            <text>Type:  Open Source implementation</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of first release : 2013</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  2013</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>PC compatibility : GFA PC with GTX 600/700/900/ ... GPU</text>
+            <text>PC compatibility:  GFA PC with GTX 600/700/900/ ... GPU</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Necessary soft : Nvidia GeForce Experience</text>
+            <text>Necessary soft:  Nvidia GeForce Experience</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
             <text>Moonlight allows you to stream your collection of Steam games</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/moto/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/moto/systeminfo.xml
index afd376832..b1899835d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/moto/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/moto/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Thomson</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Thomson</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1986</text>
+            <text>Released:  1986</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 6809E @ 1 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 6809E @ 1 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256kB, ROM : 80kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>8 Display modes, palette of 4096 colors</text>
+            <text>ROM:  80 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Low resolutions: 160 × 200 (16, 5 or 2 colors)</text>
+            <text>8 Display modes, 4096 color palette</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Medium resolutions: 320 × 200 (16, 4, 3 or 2 colors)</text>
+            <text>Low resolution:  160×200 pixels, 2, 5 or 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>High resolution: 640 × 200 (2 colors)</text>
+            <text>Medium resolution:  320×200 pixels, 2, 3, 4 or 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cartridge, external 3½" floppy disk and tape drives</text>
+            <text>High resolution:  640×200 pixels, 2 colors</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info10" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, cassette, 3½-inch floppy disk</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx/systeminfo.xml
index cc566daeb..be65a169d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Various</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Various</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB)</text>
+            <text>OS:  MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 KB)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80A running @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8KB to 128KB / VRAM 16KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 to 128 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 32KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  32 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Texas Instruments TMS9918 family</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Texas Instruments TMS9918 family</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192 (16 colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx1/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx1/systeminfo.xml
index cc566daeb..be65a169d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx1/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx1/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Various</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Various</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB)</text>
+            <text>OS:  MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 KB)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80A running @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8KB to 128KB / VRAM 16KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 to 128 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 32KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  32 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Texas Instruments TMS9918 family</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Texas Instruments TMS9918 family</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192 (16 colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx2/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx2/systeminfo.xml
index 8b28ecdca..42e1a56b2 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx2/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msx2/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Various</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Various</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1985</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 kB)</text>
+            <text>OS:  MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 KB)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80 compatible @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 compatible @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64KB / VRAM 128KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  128 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 64KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×212 pixels, 19268 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×212 (19268 simultaneous colors)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msxturbor/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msxturbor/systeminfo.xml
index 46531c047..5288db7e4 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/msxturbor/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/msxturbor/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Panasonic</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Panasonic</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : MSX BASIC V4.0 (32 kB)</text>
+            <text>OS:  MSX BASIC V4.0 (32 KB)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : R800 (DAR800-X0G) @ 28.64 MHz and Z80A @ 3.58</text>
+            <text>CPU:  R800 (DAR800-X0G) @ 28.64 MHz + Z80A @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256 KB (FS-A1ST) or 512 KB (FS-A1GT) / VRAM : 128 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB (FS-A1ST) or 512 KB (FS-A1GT) / VRAM:  128 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 96 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  96 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Yamaha V9958</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Yamaha V9958</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : PSG (AY-3-8910 compatible), MSX-MUSIC, PCM, MSX-MIDI</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  512×212 pixels, 4 or 16 colors / 256×212 pixels, 16 to 19268 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 512 x 212 (4 or 16 colors) and 256 x 212 (16 to 19268 colors)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG (AY-3-8910 compatible), MSX-MUSIC, PCM, MSX-MIDI</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/multivision/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/multivision/systeminfo.xml
index 4f2325689..77f903de4 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/multivision/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/multivision/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Tsukuda Original</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Tsukuda Original</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1KB / VRAM : 16KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Texas Instruments TMS9918</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Texas Instruments TMS9918</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192 pixels, 16 colors (21 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors (21 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Texas Instruments SN76489 PSG</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Texas Instruments SN76489 PSG</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/n3ds/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/n3ds/systeminfo.xml
index f6295b669..349cdb63c 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/n3ds/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/n3ds/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo, Foxconn</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2011</text>
+            <text>Released:  2011</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 72.53 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  75.94 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Mario Kart 7</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Mario Kart 7</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 268MHz Dual-Core ARM11 MPCore + single-core ARM9</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Dual-core ARM11 MPCore @ 268 MHz + single-core ARM9</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>FCRAM : 128MB / Video RAM : 6MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 MB FCRAM / VRAM:  6 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen : Reflective TFT Colour LCD</text>
+            <text>Screen:  Reflective TFT color LCD</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 800 x 240 pixels (16.7 million colours)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  800×240 pixels, 16.7 million colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Stereo speakers w/virtual surround, headphones</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Stereo speakers w/virtual surround, headphones</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/n64/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/n64/systeminfo.xml
index 0943d64a1..ab622b07d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/n64/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/n64/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1996</text>
+            <text>Released:  1996</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 32.93 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  32.93 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario 64</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario 64</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MIPS 64Bit RISC CPU @ 93.75MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  64-bit NEC VR4300 (MIPS R4300i) @ 93.75 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : RAMBUS D-RAM 36Mbit</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 MB Rambus RDRAM (8 MB with Expansion Pak)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Transmission speed : 4500Mbit/s</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  SGI "Reality Coprocessor" @ 62.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Co-CPU : RCP - SP/DP @ 62.5MHz</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound  : Stereo 16Bit 48 kHz</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit, 48 or 44.1 kHz stereo</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomi/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomi/systeminfo.xml
index be3733095..c46e9533f 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomi/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomi/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1998</text>
+            <text>Released:  1998</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (@ 200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz (360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : NEC-Videologic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  NEC/VideoLogic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  56 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 56 MB (64 MB with GD-ROM)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  ARM7 Yamaha AICA @ 45 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM Board (max. size of 168 MB) / GD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  ROM board (max. size of 168 MB)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomigd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomigd/systeminfo.xml
index be3733095..4c615949e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomigd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/naomigd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1998</text>
+            <text>Released:  1998</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (@ 200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit Hitachi SH-4 @ 200 MHz (360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : NEC-Videologic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  NEC/VideoLogic PowerVR (PVR2DC/CLX2) @ 100 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 56 MB (64 MB with GD-ROM)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  ARM7 Yamaha AICA @ 45 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM Board (max. size of 168 MB) / GD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  1 GB GD-ROM, ROM board (max. size of 168 MB)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/nds/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/nds/systeminfo.xml
index e2460528f..9ebdad2cf 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/nds/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/nds/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2004</text>
+            <text>Released:  2004</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 153.99 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  154.02 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : New Super Mario Bros.</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  New Super Mario Bros.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 66 MHz ARM9 + 33MHz ARM7</text>
+            <text>CPU:  ARM9 @ 66 MHz + ARM7 @ 33 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4MB / VRAM: 656KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 MB / VRAM:  656 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen : Reflective TFT Colour LCD</text>
+            <text>Screen:  Reflective TFT color LCD</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256 x 192 pixels</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 260,000 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display Ability : 260 000 colours</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Stereo speakers w/virtual surround, headphones</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Stereo speakers w/virtual surround, headphones</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeo/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeo/systeminfo.xml
index bbed29ae4..0f56c3b96 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeo/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeo/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : SNK Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  SNK</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  980,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : The King of Fighters '95</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  The King of Fighters '95</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 @ 12MHz, Zilog Z80A @ 4MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12 MHz + 8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64KB RAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  84 KB / Sound RAM:  2 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio Ram : 2KB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 4096 colors (65,536 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 84KB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 320×224 resolution, 4096 on-screen colors out of a palette of 65536</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Yamaha YM2610</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2610</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocd/systeminfo.xml
index 78c036084..d5a8f85c0 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : SNK Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  SNK</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 570000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  570,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorolla 68000 @ 12MHz, 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 4MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12 MHz + 8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 7 MB RAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  7 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>SRAM : 2 KB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 4096 colors (65536 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 512 KB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Yamaha YM2610 with 13 channels</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 304x224 resolution, 4096 colors out of 65536</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2610</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocdjp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocdjp/systeminfo.xml
index 78c036084..d5a8f85c0 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocdjp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/neogeocdjp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : SNK Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  SNK</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 570000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  570,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorolla 68000 @ 12MHz, 8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 4MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12 MHz + 8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 7 MB RAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  7 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>SRAM : 2 KB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 4096 colors (65536 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 512 KB</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Yamaha YM2610 with 13 channels</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 304x224 resolution, 4096 colors out of 65536</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2610</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/nes/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/nes/systeminfo.xml
index 1da26d267..fd3b4e47e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/nes/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/nes/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1985</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 61.79 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  61.91 million (incl. Famicom)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario Bros.</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario Bros.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-bit MOS 6502 @ 1.79MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Ricoh 2A03 @ 1.66 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 KB / VRAM : 2 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 KB / VRAM:  2 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 8-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  8-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x240 pixels, 25 colors (64 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×240 pixels, 25 colors (64 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : PSG sound (2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, 1 white noise)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG sound (2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, 1 white noise)</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 8 KB - 1 MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  8 KB to 1 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngp/systeminfo.xml
index 71c71cc8a..10fda7bd7 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : SNK</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  SNK</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1999</text>
+            <text>Released:  1999</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million, including color version</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million (incl. color version)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPUs : Toshiba TLCS900H @ 6.144 MHz, Z80 @ 3.072 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Toshiba TLCS900H @ 6.144 MHz + Zilog Z80 @ 3.072 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 12K for 900H, 4K for Z80</text>
+            <text>RAM:  12 KB for 900H + 4 KB for Z80</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 Kbytes</text>
+            <text>ROM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 16-bit</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×152 pixels</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x152 (256×256 virtual screen)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM cartridge 4 MB max</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, 4 MB max.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngpc/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngpc/systeminfo.xml
index 589e7f567..7fac06f40 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngpc/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ngpc/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : SNK</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  SNK</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1999</text>
+            <text>Released:  1999</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million, including no color version</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million (incl. non-color version)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPUs : Toshiba TLCS900H @ 6.144 MHz, Z80 @ 3.072 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Toshiba TLCS900H @ 6.144 MHz + Zilog Z80 @ 3.072 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 12K for 900H, 4K for Z80</text>
+            <text>RAM:  12 KB for 900H + 4 KB for Z80</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 Kbytes</text>
+            <text>ROM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 16-bit</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×152 pixels, 146 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160x152 146 colors (256×256 virtual screen)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM cartridge 4 MB max</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, 4 MB max.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/odyssey2/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/odyssey2/systeminfo.xml
index 536de0706..6b97180b2 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/odyssey2/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/odyssey2/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Magnavox/Philips</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Magnavox, Philips</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1978</text>
+            <text>Released:  1978</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Intel 8048</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Intel 8048 microcontroller</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 bytes</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 bytes</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio/Video RAM : 128 bytes</text>
+            <text>Audio/Video RAM:  128 bytes</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 1024 bytes</text>
+            <text>ROM:  1 KB</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160×200 resolution (NTSC)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 16-color fixed palette; sprites may only use 8 of these colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×200 pixels, 16 color fixed palette</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/openbor/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/openbor/systeminfo.xml
index ee1ce790b..ce0270a9a 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/openbor/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/openbor/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developers : Senile Team, OpenBOR Team and the Community</text>
+            <text>Developers:  Senile Team, OpenBOR Team and the Community</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : 2004</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  2004</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Written in : C, C++</text>
+            <text>Written in:  C, C++</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/oric/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/oric/systeminfo.xml
index 98cc5c91c..30f785d03 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/oric/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/oric/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,29 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : Tangerine Computer Systems</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Tangerine Computer Systems</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Tangerine Computer Systems</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Tangerine/Microsoft Extended Basic v1.0</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  210,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>OS:  Tangerine/Microsoft Extended BASIC v1.0</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 210000</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit MOS 6502 @ 1 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS 6502A @ 1 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 or 48 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Memory : 16 KB / 48 KB</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  40×28 text characters / 240×200 pixels, 8 colours</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Storage : Tape recorder, 300 and 2400 baud</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Graphics : 40×28 text characters/ 240×200 pixels, 8 colours</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cassette recorder, 300 and 2400 baud</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/palm/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/palm/systeminfo.xml
index cfcf818cb..949690f63 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/palm/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/palm/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Palm, Inc.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Palm, Inc.</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2002</text>
+            <text>Released:  2002</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Palm OS version 4.1</text>
+            <text>OS:  Palm OS version 4.1</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola DragonBall VZ MC68VZ328 @ 33 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola DragonBall VZ MC68VZ328 @ 33 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16 MB RAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 4 MB Flash</text>
+            <text>ROM:  4 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 160×160 pixel (65,000+ colors)</text>
+            <text>Display:  160×160 pixel, 65,000+ colors</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc/systeminfo.xml
index 2b1e8c434..655e5264e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer: IBM</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  IBM</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1981</text>
+            <text>Released:  1981</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>The IBM Personal Computer, commonly known as the IBM PC,</text>
+            <text>The IBM Personal Computer, or IBM PC, is the original version and</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>is the original version and progenitor of the IBM PC compatible hardware platform.</text>
+            <text>progenitor of the PC compatible hardware platform.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>It is IBM model number 5150, and was introduced on August 12, 1981.</text>
+            <text>The initial release was on August 12, 1981 with the IBM model 5150.</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>It was created by a team of engineers and designers under the direction of</text>
+            <text>It was created by a team of engineers and designers under the direction</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Don Estridge of the IBM Entry Systems Division in Boca Raton, Florida.</text>
+            <text>of Don Estridge of the IBM Entry Systems Division in Boca Raton, Florida.</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc88/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc88/systeminfo.xml
index 0027d2d21..85a7385e8 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc88/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc88/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1981</text>
+            <text>Released:  1981</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : N88-BASIC, N-BASIC (PC8001 MODE)</text>
+            <text>OS:  N88-BASIC, N-BASIC (PC8001 MODE)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : µPD780c-1 (Z80A-compatible) @ 4 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit µPD780c-1 (Z80A-compatible) @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB (up to 576 KB) / VRAM : 48 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB (expandable to 576 KB) / VRAM:  48 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 3 FM channels + 3 SSG + 6 rhythms + 1 ADPCM</text>
+            <text>Sound:  3 FM channels + 3 SSG + 6 rhythms + 1 ADPCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc98/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc98/systeminfo.xml
index e45b86544..c123acc36 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc98/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pc98/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : CP/M-86, MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows</text>
+            <text>OS:  CP/M-86, MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8086 @ 5 MHz and higher</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit 8086 @ 5 MHz and higher</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 128 KB and higher</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 KB and higher</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound Chip : Internal beeper, FM Sound, PCM</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Internal beeper, FM Sound, PCM</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcengine/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcengine/systeminfo.xml
index db8def0fe..dafe0401c 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcengine/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcengine/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1987</text>
+            <text>Released:  1987</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  6.59 million (incl. TurboGrafx-16)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : HuC6280 8-bit 7,16 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit HuC6280 @ 7.16 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 8-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  HuC6270A Video Display Controller</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 64 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG @ 3.58 MHz, 5 to 10-bit stereo PCM</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : HU-Card, SHU-Card, CD-ROM, Super-CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  HuCard</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcenginecd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcenginecd/systeminfo.xml
index db8def0fe..b7e1d18e9 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcenginecd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcenginecd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1987</text>
+            <text>Released:  1988</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1.92 million (CD-ROM² add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : HuC6280 8-bit 7,16 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit HuC6280 @ 7.16 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 8-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  HuC6270A Video Display Controller</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 64 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG @ 3.58 MHz, 5 to 10-bit stereo PCM</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : HU-Card, SHU-Card, CD-ROM, Super-CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM, HuCard</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcfx/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcfx/systeminfo.xml
index b74375c5f..0b74ee3b1 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcfx/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pcfx/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC Home Electronics</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 400000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  400,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32-bit NEC V810 RISC @ 21.5 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit NEC V810 @ 21.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 MB (32 KB backup)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB (32 KB backup) / VRAM:  1.25 MB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>VRAM : 1.25 MB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  640×480 pixels</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 16-bit stereo with ADPCM</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit stereo with ADPCM</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution: 640x480 pixels</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pokemini/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pokemini/systeminfo.xml
index 75e50ffd1..1d22ce0ce 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/pokemini/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/pokemini/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2001</text>
+            <text>Released:  2001</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Pokémon Party mini</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Pokémon Party mini</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : S1C88 @ 4 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Epson S1C88 @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 kB (shared with video subsystem)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 KB (shared with video subsystem)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 96 x 64 pixels monochrome LCD</text>
+            <text>Display:  96×64 pixels monochrome LCD</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Single channel PWM sound with three volume levels.</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Single channel PWM with three volume levels</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 512 kB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  512 KB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps2/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps2/systeminfo.xml
index e413a8c25..e388c931c 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps2/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps2/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2000</text>
+            <text>Released:  2000</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 158 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  155 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : R5900-based "Emotion Engine" @ 294-299 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  MIPS R5900-based "Emotion Engine" @ 294 to 299 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : "Graphics Synthesizer" @ 149 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 MB RDRAM @ 400 MHz / VRAM:  4 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32 MB PC800 32-bit dual-channel RDRAM @ 400 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Sony "Graphics Synthesizer" @ 149 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 4 MB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×224 to 1920×1080 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x224 to 1920x1080</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : DVD, CD</text>
+            <text>Media:  DVD, CD-ROM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps3/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps3/systeminfo.xml
index a83208cb3..7c59b3672 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps3/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps3/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony, Foxconn, Asus</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics, Foxconn, Asus</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2006</text>
+            <text>Released:  2006</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 83.8 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  87.4 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Grand Theft Auto V</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Grand Theft Auto V</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Cell Broadband Engine @ 3.2 GHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Cell Broadband Engine @ 3.2 GHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : RSX "Reality Synthesizer" @ 500MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 MB XDR @ 3.2 GHz / VRAM:  256 MB GDDR3 @ 700 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256MB XDR @ 3.2 GHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Sony/Nvidia RSX "Reality Synthesizer" @ 500 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 256MB GDDR3 @ 700 MHz</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Blu-ray, DVD, Compact Disc, PlayStation 1 and 2 discs</text>
+            <text>Media:  Blu-ray, DVD, CD-ROM, digital distribution</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps4/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps4/systeminfo.xml
index a024085df..52974d036 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps4/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ps4/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony Electronics, Foxconn</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics, Foxconn</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2013</text>
+            <text>Released:  2013</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 116 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  106 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : God of War</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  God of War</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : AMD x86-64 Jaguar @ 1.6 GHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  AMD Jaguar @ 1.6 GHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : AMD GCN Radeon @ 800 MHz or 911 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 GB GDDR5</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 GB GDDR5</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  AMD GCN Radeon @ 800 MHz or 911 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Blu-ray, DVD, digital distribution</text>
+            <text>Media:  Blu-ray, DVD, digital distribution</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psp/systeminfo.xml
index 7a6cbed09..2a7428bec 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony Computer Entertainment</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2004</text>
+            <text>Released:  2004</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 80.82 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  80+ million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : GTA Liberty City Stories</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  GTA Liberty City Stories</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32-bit MIPS RS4000 @ 333 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit MIPS R4000 @ 333 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 or 64 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>DRAM : 4 MB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  480×272 pixels</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480x272</text>
+            <text>Size:  170×74×23 mm</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Universal Media Disc</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Size : 170x74x23 mm</text>
+            <text>Media:  Universal Media Disc (UMD)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psvita/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psvita/systeminfo.xml
index e4097f873..656b157f5 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psvita/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psvita/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony Electronics</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2011</text>
+            <text>Released:  2011</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 16 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  16 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Uncharted: Golden Abyss</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Uncharted: Golden Abyss</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Quad-core PowerVR SGX543MP4+</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 MB / VRAM:  128 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512 MB</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Quad-core PowerVR SGX543MP4+</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 128 MB</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  960×544 pixels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 960x544</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : PS Vita Card, digital distribution</text>
+            <text>Media:  PS Vita Card, digital distribution</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psx/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psx/systeminfo.xml
index 3e835881c..263abc7cf 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/psx/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/psx/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sony Computer Entertainment</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sony Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 102.48 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  102.49 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Gran Turismo</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Gran Turismo</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32-bit R3000A RISC running at 33.8688 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit MIPS R3000A @ 33.8688 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16 Mbits</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 MB / VRAM:  1 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 32-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom Sony/Toshiba 32-bit GPU</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 8 Mbits</text>
+            <text>Sound:  24 channels, 16-bit stereo @ 44.1 kHz</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio RAM : 4 Mbits</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : GFX processor unit</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/samcoupe/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/samcoupe/systeminfo.xml
index 7208ae9d2..4dfa0aeae 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/samcoupe/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/samcoupe/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : Miles Gordon Technology</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Miles Gordon Technology</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Miles Gordon Technology</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Miles Gordon Technology</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : SAM BASIC</text>
+            <text>OS:  SAM BASIC</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1989</text>
+            <text>Released:  1989</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 12000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  12,000</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80B @ 6 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80B @ 6 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Memory : 256 KB/512 KB (4.5 MB max.)</text>
+            <text>Memory:  256 KB / 512 KB (4.5 MB max.)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Storage : Cassette recorder, 3.5 inch floppy disk</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  4 modes (256×192 / 512×192 pixels), 128 colour palette</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Graphics : 4 Modes (256×192 / 512×192) and 128 colour palette</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cassette, 3½-inch floppy disk</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/satellaview/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/satellaview/systeminfo.xml
index 55fc4a39c..7f0e1457e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/satellaview/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/satellaview/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1995</text>
+            <text>Released:  1995</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : BS-X Application Cartridge + optional 8MB Memory Pak</text>
+            <text>Media:  BS-X Application Cartridge + optional 8 MB Memory Pak</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>The Satellaview is a satellite modem peripheral for Nintendo's</text>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
             <text>came a slotted application cartridge with the title</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>BS-X : The Story of The Town Whose Name Was Stolen.</text>
+            <text>BS-X: The Story of The Town Whose Name Was Stolen.</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturn/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturn/systeminfo.xml
index 27bc24291..2a98a13ee 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturn/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturn/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 9.26 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  9.26 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Virtua Fighter 2</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Virtua Fighter 2</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 2× Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  2 x Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16Mb / VRAM : 12Mb</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 MB / VRAM:  12 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : VDP1 (sprite/texture and polygons), VDP2 (backgrounds)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  VDP1 (sprite/texture and polygons), VDP2 (backgrounds)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x224 to 704x224, 16.77 million colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 to 704×224 pixels, 16.77 million colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Motorola 68EC000, Yamaha FH1 YMF292, 32 channels</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Motorola 68EC000 + Yamaha FH1 YMF292, 32 channels</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturnjp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturnjp/systeminfo.xml
index 27bc24291..2a98a13ee 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturnjp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/saturnjp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 9.26 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  9.26 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Virtua Fighter 2</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Virtua Fighter 2</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 2× Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  2 x Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16Mb / VRAM : 12Mb</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 MB / VRAM:  12 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : VDP1 (sprite/texture and polygons), VDP2 (backgrounds)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  VDP1 (sprite/texture and polygons), VDP2 (backgrounds)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320x224 to 704x224, 16.77 million colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 to 704×224 pixels, 16.77 million colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Motorola 68EC000, Yamaha FH1 YMF292, 32 channels</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Motorola 68EC000 + Yamaha FH1 YMF292, 32 channels</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/scummvm/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/scummvm/systeminfo.xml
index 9106eba64..00cbe5920 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/scummvm/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/scummvm/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Original author : Ludvig Strigeus</text>
+            <text>Original author:  Ludvig Strigeus</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2001</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  2001</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Scummvm is a collection of game engine recreations.</text>
+            <text>ScummVM is a collection of game engine recreations.</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
             <text>Originally designed to play LucasArts adventure games that use</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>the SCUMMM system, it also supports a variety of non-SCUMM</text>
+            <text>the SCUMM system, it also supports a variety of non-SCUMM</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
             <text>games by companies like Revolution Software and Adventure Soft.</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32x/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32x/systeminfo.xml
index 02a91eb15..df1d1af01 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32x/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32x/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 665 000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  665,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Two 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  2 x 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Mega Drive CPUs</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256kB / VRAM : 256kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB / VRAM:  256 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 32X VDP</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  32X VDP</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320 x 224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Q-Sound 10bit Stereo PCM chip + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Q-Sound 10-bit Stereo PCM chip + Mega Drive sound chips</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 2MB - 4MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  2 to 4 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xjp/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xjp/systeminfo.xml
index 02a91eb15..df1d1af01 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xjp/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xjp/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 665 000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  665,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Two 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  2 x 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Mega Drive CPUs</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256kB / VRAM : 256kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB / VRAM:  256 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 32X VDP</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  32X VDP</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320 x 224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Q-Sound 10bit Stereo PCM chip + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Q-Sound 10-bit Stereo PCM chip + Mega Drive sound chips</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 2MB - 4MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  2 to 4 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xna/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xna/systeminfo.xml
index 02a91eb15..ce05b1362 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xna/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sega32xna/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1994</text>
+            <text>Released:  1994</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 665 000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  665,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Two 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  2 x 32-bit Hitachi SH2 @ 23 MHz + Genesis CPUs</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256kB / VRAM : 256kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB / VRAM:  256 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 32X VDP</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  32X VDP</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320 x 224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 32768 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Q-Sound 10bit Stereo PCM chip + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Q-Sound 10-bit Stereo PCM chip + Genesis sound chips</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 2MB - 4MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  2 to 4 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/segacd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/segacd/systeminfo.xml
index a27cbdd7f..5d1cd6d58 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/segacd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/segacd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1991</text>
+            <text>Released:  1991</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 30 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.24 million (CD-ROM add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Sewer Shark</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Sewer Shark</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Megadrive CPUs</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit Motorola 68000 @ 12.5 MHz + Genesis CPUs</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512kB / VRAM : 256kB / sound RAM : 16kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 KB / VRAM:  256 KB / Sound RAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Custom ASIC</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom ASIC</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×224 pixels, 64 colors (512 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Ricoh RF5C164 + Megadrive Sound chips</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Ricoh RF5C164 + Genesis sound chips</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 500MB CD-ROM discs</text>
+            <text>Media:  500 MB CD-ROM, CD+G</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sg-1000/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sg-1000/systeminfo.xml
index 3459bc0b3..640ea3ab1 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sg-1000/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sg-1000/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sega</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sega</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Flicky</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Flicky</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 8-Bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1kB / VRAM : 2kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB / VRAM:  2 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Texas Instruments TMS9918</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  TI TMS9918</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192 pixels, 16 colors (21 colors palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors (21 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Texas Instruments SN76489 PSG</text>
+            <text>Sound:  TI SN76489 PSG</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 8kB - 48kB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  8 to 48 KB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/snes/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/snes/systeminfo.xml
index 5896674f6..6917decee 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/snes/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/snes/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 49.10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  49.10 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario World</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario World</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Custom 65C816 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8/16-bit Ricoh 5A22 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 128 KB / VRAM : 64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 16-bit PPU (Picture Processor Unit)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  16-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x224 pixels, 256 colors (32768 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×224 pixels, 256 colors (32768 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 8-bit Sony SPC700, 8 channels</text>
+            <text>Sound:  8-bit Sony SPC700, 8 channels, stereo</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 256 KB - 6 MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  256 KB to 6 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/snesna/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/snesna/systeminfo.xml
index 5896674f6..6917decee 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/snesna/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/snesna/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1990</text>
+            <text>Released:  1990</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 49.10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  49.10 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Super Mario World</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Super Mario World</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16-bit Custom 65C816 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8/16-bit Ricoh 5A22 @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 128 KB / VRAM : 64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  128 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 16-bit PPU (Picture Processor Unit)</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  16-bit PPU (Picture Processing Unit)</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x224 pixels, 256 colors (32768 color palette)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×224 pixels, 256 colors (32768 color palette)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 8-bit Sony SPC700, 8 channels</text>
+            <text>Sound:  8-bit Sony SPC700, 8 channels, stereo</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Cart Size : 256 KB - 6 MB</text>
+            <text>Cart size:  256 KB to 6 MB</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/spectravideo/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/spectravideo/systeminfo.xml
index 6cac90575..bf8cf0bfc 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/spectravideo/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/spectravideo/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Spectravideo International</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Spectravideo International</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1983</text>
+            <text>Released:  1983</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Microsoft Extended BASIC, CP/M</text>
+            <text>OS:  Microsoft Extended BASIC, CP/M</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM: 32KB (16 KB BIOS / 16 KB BASIC)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16 KB (SV-318) or 64 KB (SV-328) / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 16KB (SV-318) and 64Kb (SV-328) / VRAM : 16KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  32 KB (16 KB BIOS / 16 KB BASIC)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Texas Instruments TMS9918</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  TI TMS9918</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256×192, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : ROM Cartridge, Cassette tape</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, cassette</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sufami/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sufami/systeminfo.xml
index d106dd228..23ac391d0 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/sufami/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/sufami/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Bandai</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Bandai</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1996</text>
+            <text>Released:  1996</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : SuFami Turbo Application Cartridge +  Game Cartridges</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text></text>
+            <text>Media:  SuFami Turbo Application Cartridge +  Game Cartridges</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
             <text>Bandai's SuFami Turbo gave developers cheaper ways to produce and</text>
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/supergrafx/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/supergrafx/systeminfo.xml
index 0b99a4ce9..6afad363f 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/supergrafx/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/supergrafx/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1989</text>
+            <text>Released:  1989</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 7,5 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  7.5 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Ghouls 'n Ghosts</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Ghouls 'n Ghosts</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : HuC6280 8-bit 7,16 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit HuC6280 @ 7.16 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 KB / VRAM:  128 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 16-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  2 x HuC6270A Video Display Controllers</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 64 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG @ 3.58 MHz, 5 to 10-bit stereo PCM</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : HU-Card, SHU-Card, CD-ROM, Super-CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  HuCard, Super HuCard, CD-ROM (with CD-ROM² add-on)</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/switch/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/switch/systeminfo.xml
index 8ca5802be..d3ead962d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/switch/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/switch/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Foxconn, Hosiden</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2017</text>
+            <text>Released:  2017</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 89 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  92.87 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : ARM 4 Cortex-A57 cores @ 1.02 GHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  ARM 4 Cortex-A57 cores @ 1.02 GHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 GB LPDDR4 @ 1331/1600 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 GB LPDDR4 @ 1331/1600 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : 256 Maxwell-based CUDA cores @ 307.2–768 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  256 Maxwell-based CUDA cores @ 307.2 to 768 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen (original version) : 6.2-inch, 1280 × 720 LCD (237 ppi)</text>
+            <text>Screen (original version):  6.2-inch, 1280×720 LCD (237 ppi)</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen (OLED version) : 7-inch, 1280 × 720 OLED (209.8 ppi)</text>
+            <text>Screen (OLED version):  7-inch, 1280×720 OLED (209.8 ppi)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tanodragon/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tanodragon/systeminfo.xml
index 8dc4dd5a6..fcbc2ce52 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tanodragon/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tanodragon/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer :  Dragon Data, Ltd. / Tano Corp.</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Dragon Data, Tano</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Microsoft Extended BASIC</text>
+            <text>OS:  Microsoft Extended BASIC</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 6809E @ 0.89 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 6809E @ 0.89 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 32/64 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  32 or 64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : max 256 x 192, 8 colours</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  Max. 256×192 pixels, 8 colors</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 1 voice, 5 octaves with the Basic / 4 voices, 7 octaves with machine code</text>
+            <text>Sound:  1 voice, 5 octaves (BASIC) or 4 voices, 7 octaves (machine code)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg-cd/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg-cd/systeminfo.xml
index db8def0fe..b7e1d18e9 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg-cd/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg-cd/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1987</text>
+            <text>Released:  1988</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1.92 million (CD-ROM² add-on)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : HuC6280 8-bit 7,16 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit HuC6280 @ 7.16 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 8-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  HuC6270A Video Display Controller</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 64 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG @ 3.58 MHz, 5 to 10-bit stereo PCM</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : HU-Card, SHU-Card, CD-ROM, Super-CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  CD-ROM, HuCard</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg16/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg16/systeminfo.xml
index db8def0fe..4ee9fd443 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg16/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tg16/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : NEC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  NEC Home Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1987</text>
+            <text>Released:  1987</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 10 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  6.59 million (incl. PC Engine)</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : HuC6280 8-bit 7,16 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit HuC6280 @ 7.16 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 8 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>RAM:  8 KB / VRAM:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Picture Processor Unit : 8-bit</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  HuC6270A Video Display Controller</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video RAM : 64 Kbyte</text>
+            <text>Sound:  PSG @ 3.58 MHz, 5 to 10-bit stereo PCM</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : HU-Card, SHU-Card, CD-ROM, Super-CD-ROM</text>
+            <text>Media:  HuCard</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ti99/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ti99/systeminfo.xml
index 42ff8a91b..9aff58ec7 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/ti99/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/ti99/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Texas Instruments</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Texas Instruments</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1979 (TI-99/4), 1981 (TI-99/4A)</text>
+            <text>Released:  1979 (TI-99/4), 1981 (TI-99/4A)</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2.8 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.8 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : TI BASIC (in ROM)</text>
+            <text>OS:  TI BASIC</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : TMS9900 @ 3 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit TMS9900 @ 3 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256 bytes + 16 KB VRAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 bytes / VRAM:  16 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : TMS9918A VDP</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  TMS9918A VDP</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 256x192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  256×192 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : TMS9919 or SN94624, 3 voices + 1 noise channel</text>
+            <text>Sound:  TMS9919 or SN94624, 3 voices + 1 noise channel</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cartridge, cassette, floppy disk</text>
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, cassette, floppy disk</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tic80/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tic80/systeminfo.xml
index 21d25de0d..fce4604db 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/tic80/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/tic80/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Author : Vadim Grigoruk</text>
+            <text>Author:  Vadim Grigoruk</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Initial release : 2017</text>
+            <text>Initial release:  2017</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Website :</text>
+            <text>Website:</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
             <text>TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Built-in features : Code editor, Sprite Editor, Tile Map Editor, SFX Editor.</text>
+            <text>Built-in features:  Code editor, Sprite Editor, Tile Map Editor, SFX Editor</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 240x136 pixels, 16-color palette</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  256 8×8 foreground sprites, 256 8×8 background tiles</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sprites : 256 8x8 foreground sprites, 256 8x8 background tiles</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  240×136 pixels, 16 color palette</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 channels (with editable waveform envelopes)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 channels (with editable waveform envelopes)</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/to8/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/to8/systeminfo.xml
index afd376832..b1899835d 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/to8/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/to8/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Thomson</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Thomson</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1986</text>
+            <text>Released:  1986</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 6809E @ 1 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola 6809E @ 1 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 256kB, ROM : 80kB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  256 KB</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>8 Display modes, palette of 4096 colors</text>
+            <text>ROM:  80 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Low resolutions: 160 × 200 (16, 5 or 2 colors)</text>
+            <text>8 Display modes, 4096 color palette</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Medium resolutions: 320 × 200 (16, 4, 3 or 2 colors)</text>
+            <text>Low resolution:  160×200 pixels, 2, 5 or 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>High resolution: 640 × 200 (2 colors)</text>
+            <text>Medium resolution:  320×200 pixels, 2, 3, 4 or 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cartridge, external 3½" floppy disk and tape drives</text>
+            <text>High resolution:  640×200 pixels, 2 colors</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info10" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, cassette, 3½-inch floppy disk</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/trs-80/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/trs-80/systeminfo.xml
index 52b534b4c..0df31e4fa 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/trs-80/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/trs-80/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Tandy Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Tandy Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1977</text>
+            <text>Released:  1977</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : TRSDOS</text>
+            <text>OS:  TRSDOS</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2.4 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.4 million</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Zilog Z80 @ 1.774 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 1.774 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 KB to 48 KB depending on model</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 to 48 KB depending on model</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/uzebox/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/uzebox/systeminfo.xml
index 07536d1cf..cf2874cfa 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/uzebox/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/uzebox/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : Belogic Software</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Belogic Software</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2008</text>
+            <text>Released:  2008</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Amtel ATmega644 microcontroller @ 28.6 Mhz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Amtel ATmega644 @ 28.6 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 4 K</text>
+            <text>RAM:  4 KB</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Program Memory : 64 K</text>
+            <text>Program Memory:  64 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 5 channels wavetable synthesis , 8-bit mono, mixed at ~15Khz and PWM output</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  Max. 360×224 pixels in tiles-only mode, 256 colors in 3:3:2 color space</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : Various video modes supporting up to 360x224 pixels in tiles-only mode</text>
+            <text>Sound:  5 channels, wavetable synthesis, 8-bit mono</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Colors : 256 simultaneous colors arranged in a 3:3:2 color space</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : SD Memory Card</text>
+            <text>Media:  SD memory card</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/vectrex/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/vectrex/systeminfo.xml
index e7e6f19fe..f04954888 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/vectrex/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/vectrex/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : General Consumer Electronics</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  General Consumer Electronics</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68A09 @ 1.5 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Motorola MC68A09 @ 1.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1KB (two 4-bit 2114 chips)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB (two 4-bit 2114 chips)</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM :  8KB (one 8-bit 2363 chip)</text>
+            <text>ROM:  8 KB (one 8-bit 2363 chip)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cartridge with 32KB ROM</text>
+            <text>Display:  Built-in 9-inch monochrome CRT</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : General Instrument AY-3-8912</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8912</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  32 KB cartridge</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/vic20/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/vic20/systeminfo.xml
index 8b4b782c0..7ae1d89e9 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/vic20/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/vic20/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Commodore Business Machines</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Commodore Business Machines</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1980</text>
+            <text>Released:  1980</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2.5 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2.5 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Commodore KERNAL / Commodore BASIC 2.0</text>
+            <text>OS:  Commodore KERNAL / Commodore BASIC 2.0</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : MOS Technology 6502 @ 1.108 MHz (PAL version)</text>
+            <text>CPU:  MOS 6502 @ 1.108 MHz (PAL) / 1.02 MHz (NTSC)</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 5 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  5 KB (expandable to 32 KB)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 20 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  20 KB</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : MOS Technology VIC</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  MOS Technology VIC</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 176×184 pixels, 16 colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  176×184 pixels, 16 colors</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 3 x pulse wave generators + white noise</text>
+            <text>Sound:  3 x pulse wave generators + white noise</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/videopac/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/videopac/systeminfo.xml
index 536de0706..3c217d1ff 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/videopac/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/videopac/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Magnavox/Philips</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Magnavox/Philips</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1978</text>
+            <text>Released:  1978</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 2 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  2 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Intel 8048</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Intel 8048 microcontroller</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 bytes</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 bytes</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio/Video RAM : 128 bytes</text>
+            <text>Audio/Video RAM:  128 bytes</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 1024 bytes</text>
+            <text>ROM:  1 KB</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 160×200 resolution (NTSC)</text>
-        </text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 16-color fixed palette; sprites may only use 8 of these colors</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  160×200 pixels, 16 color fixed palette</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/virtualboy/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/virtualboy/systeminfo.xml
index 970a46dd4..153b68c95 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/virtualboy/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/virtualboy/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1995</text>
+            <text>Released:  1995</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 800 000</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  770,000</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : VB Wario Land</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  VB Wario Land</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32Bit NEC V810 RISC @ 20MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  32-bit NEC V810 @ 20 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1Mbits DRAM 512kb P-SRAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 MB DRAM + 512 KB P-SRAM</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Colors : 4 colors / 32 intensity levels</text>
+            <text>Screen:  2 RTI light-emitting LEDs</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 384 x 224 pixels</text>
+            <text>Colors:  4 colors / 32 intensity levels</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Screen : 2 RTI light-emitting LEDs</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  384×224 pixels</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 16Bits stereo</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit stereo</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wii/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wii/systeminfo.xml
index 346a53de0..1e952fb2e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wii/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wii/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer / Manufacturer : Nintendo / Foxconn</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Foxconn</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2006</text>
+            <text>Released:  2006</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 101.63 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  101.63 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Wii Sports</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Wii Sports</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : IBM PowerPC "Broadway" @ 729 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  IBM PowerPC "Broadway" @ 729 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 88 MB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  88 MB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : ATI "Hollywood" @ 243 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  ATI "Hollywood" @ 243 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480p (PAL/NTSC), 480i (PAL/NTSC) or 576i (PAL/SECAM)</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  480i @ 60 Hz, 480p @ 60 Hz, 576i @ 50 Hz</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Stereo - Dolby Pro Logic II-capable</text>
+            <text>Sound:  16-bit Dolby Pro Logic II</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 4.7/8.54 GB DVD</text>
+            <text>Media:  4.7/8.54 GB Wii Optical Disc, digital distribution</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wiiu/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wiiu/systeminfo.xml
index 4f49961d6..4d5ef6db4 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wiiu/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wiiu/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Nintendo, Foxconn, Mitsumi</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Nintendo, Foxconn, Mitsumi</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2012</text>
+            <text>Released:  2012</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 13.56 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  13.56 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Best-selling game : Mario Kart 8</text>
+            <text>Best-selling game:  Mario Kart 8</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Tri-Core IBM PowerPC "Espresso" @ 1.24 GHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Tri-core IBM PowerPC "Espresso" @ 1.24 GHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : AMD Radeon-based "Latte" @ 550 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  2 GB DDR3</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 2 GB DDR3</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  AMD Radeon-based "Latte" @ 550 MHz</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Audio : Dedicated 120 MHz audio processor</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Dedicated 120 MHz audio processor</text>
         <text name="info10" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : 25 GB Blu-ray based disc</text>
+            <text>Media:  25 GB Wii U Optical Disc, digital distribution</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswan/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswan/systeminfo.xml
index 9fbb12ca1..135415c45 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswan/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswan/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Bandaï</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Bandai</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1999</text>
+            <text>Released:  1999</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 3.5 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  3.5 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 16Bits NEC V20</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit NEC V30 MZ @ 3.072 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512k video</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB shared WRAM/VRAM</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 224 x 144 pixels</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  224×144 pixels</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : 4 PCM channels, 32 samples 4Bit for each channel</text>
+            <text>Sound:  4 PCM channels, 32 samples 4-bit per channel</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswancolor/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswancolor/systeminfo.xml
index ee04d373e..7dcd6a257 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswancolor/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/wonderswancolor/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Bandaï</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Bandai</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2000</text>
+            <text>Released:  2000</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 740 727</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  740,727</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : SSPGY-1002 @ 3.072 MHz 16-bit NEC V30MZ duplicate</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16-bit NEC V30 MZ @ 3.072 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>Memory : 64 kB shared VRAM/WRAM</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB shared WRAM/VRAM</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 224 x 144 pixels</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  224×144 pixels</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : FSTN reflective LCD, 2.8 in (71 mm), 241 colors</text>
+            <text>Display:  FSTN reflective LCD, 2.8 in (71 mm), 241 colors</text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : One mono speaker, optional headphones (mute, soft, loud settings)</text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>Sound:  One mono speaker, optional headphones</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/x1/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/x1/systeminfo.xml
index ad4fb08eb..b95a158ca 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/x1/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/x1/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sharp Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sharp Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : CP/M</text>
+            <text>OS:  CP/M</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Sharp Z80 A running @ 4 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Sharp Z80A @ 4 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 KB / VRAM : 4 KB (up to 48 KB)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 KB / VRAM:  4 to 48 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 6 KB</text>
+            <text>ROM:  6 KB</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Sharp-Hudson Custom Chipset</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom Sharp/Hudson chipset</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : General Instrument AY-3-8910 or Yamaha YM2149</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  320×200 or 640×200 pixels, 8 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : 320 x 200 / 640 x 200 (8 colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  General Instrument AY-3-8910 or Yamaha YM2149</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/x68000/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/x68000/systeminfo.xml
index 88a0514ea..5f22eed74 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/x68000/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/x68000/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sharp</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Sharp Corporation</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1987</text>
+            <text>Released:  1987</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Human68k</text>
+            <text>OS:  Human68k</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Motorola 68000 running @ 10 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  16/32-bit Motorola 68000 @ 10 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 1-4 MB (expandable up to 12 MB) / VRAM : 1056 KB</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 to 4 MB (expandable to 12 MB) / VRAM:  1056 KB</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>ROM : 1 MB (128 KB BIOS, 768 KB Character Generator)</text>
+            <text>ROM:  1 MB (128 KB BIOS, 768 KB character generator)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : Sharp-Hudson Custom Chipset</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Custom Sharp/Hudson chipset</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound chip : Yamaha YM2151</text>
+            <text>Resolution:  512×512 pixels, 65536 colors</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 512x512 (65536 colours)</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Yamaha YM2151</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox/systeminfo.xml
index d4e58f737..8c7c0e593 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,28 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Microsoft</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Microsoft</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2001</text>
+            <text>Released:  2001</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 24 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  24 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 32-bit custom Intel Pentium III @ 733 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Custom 32-bit Intel Pentium III @ 733 MHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 64 MB of DDR SDRAM @ 200 MHz</text>
+            <text>RAM:  64 MB unified DDR SDRAM @ 200 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Video : Nvidia GeForce 3-based NV2A GPU @ 233 MHz</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  Nvidia GeForce 3-based NV2A GPU @ 233 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480i to 1080i</text>
+            <text>Resolution: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Nvidia MCPX, a.k.a. SoundStorm</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Nvidia MCPX/SoundStorm</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info9" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  DVD, CD-ROM, digital distribution</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox360/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox360/systeminfo.xml
index 1a4abd64e..6bea541d3 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox360/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/xbox360/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Microsoft</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Microsoft</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 2005</text>
+            <text>Released:  2005</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 84 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  84 million</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : 3.2 GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon</text>
+            <text>CPU:  Tri-core PowerPC "Xenon" @ 3.2 GHz</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>RAM : 512MB unified GDDR3 @ 700 MHz + 10MB eDRAM cache</text>
+            <text>RAM:  512 MB unified GDDR3 @ 700 MHz + 10 MB eDRAM cache</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>GPU : 500 MHz ATI/AMD Xenos</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  ATI/AMD "Xenos" @ 500 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Resolution : 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
+            <text>Resolution: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Sound : Stereo LPCM, Dolby Digital 5.1</text>
+            <text>Sound:  Stereo LPCM, Dolby Digital 5.1</text>
         <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : DVD, Compact Disc</text>
+            <text>Media:  DVD, CD-ROM, digital distribution</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/zx81/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/zx81/systeminfo.xml
index 9103d0b77..750159e6e 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/zx81/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/zx81/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,32 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Developer : Sinclair Research</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Sinclair Research</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Timex Corporation</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Timex Corporation</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1981</text>
+            <text>Released:  1981</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 1.5 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  1.5+ million</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Z80 at 3.25 MHz</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 @ 3.25 MHz</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Memory : 1 KB (64 KB max. 56 KB usable)</text>
+            <text>RAM:  1 KB (64 KB max. / 56 KB usable)</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Storage : External cassette tape recorder at 250 baud</text>
+            <text>Graphics:  24 lines x 32 characters or 64×48 pixels graphics mode</text>
         <text name="info8" extra="true">
-            <text>Display : Monochrome display on UHF television</text>
+            <text>Display:  Monochrome on UHF television</text>
-        <text name="info9" extra="true">
-            <text>Graphics : 24 lines x 32 characters or 64 x 48 pixels graphics mode</text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  External cassette recorder at 250 baud</text>
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diff --git a/themes/rbsimple-DE/zxspectrum/systeminfo.xml b/themes/rbsimple-DE/zxspectrum/systeminfo.xml
index 4baea8a9e..7e61a85b0 100644
--- a/themes/rbsimple-DE/zxspectrum/systeminfo.xml
+++ b/themes/rbsimple-DE/zxspectrum/systeminfo.xml
@@ -3,25 +3,28 @@
     <view name="system">
         <text name="info1" extra="true">
-            <text>Manufacturer : Sinclair Research</text>
+            <text>Developer:  Sinclair Research</text>
         <text name="info2" extra="true">
-            <text>OS : Sinclair BASIC</text>
+            <text>Manufacturer:  Timex Corporation</text>
         <text name="info3" extra="true">
-            <text>Year of Release : 1982</text>
+            <text>Released:  1982</text>
         <text name="info4" extra="true">
-            <text>Units sold : 5 million</text>
+            <text>Units sold:  5 million</text>
         <text name="info5" extra="true">
-            <text>CPU : Z80 @ 3.5 MHz and equivalent</text>
+            <text>OS:  Sinclair BASIC</text>
         <text name="info6" extra="true">
-            <text>Memory : 16 KB / 48 KB / 128 KB</text>
+            <text>CPU:  8-bit Zilog Z80 (or equivalent) @ 3.5 MHz</text>
         <text name="info7" extra="true">
-            <text>Media : Cassette tape, 3-inch floppy disk on Spectrum +3</text>
+            <text>RAM:  16, 48 or 128 KB depending on model</text>
+        </text>
+        <text name="info8" extra="true">
+            <text>Media:  Cartridge, cassette, 3-inch floppy disk (on Spectrum +3)</text>
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