mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:43 +00:00
(slate-es-de) Added support for the Microsoft Windows 9x (windows9x) game system
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
* macintosh: Apple Macintosh - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* macintosh: Apple Macintosh - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* megaduck: Creatronic Mega Duck - consolegame.svg
* megaduck: Creatronic Mega Duck - consolegame.svg
* mess: MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* mess: MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* microsoft: Microsoft Windows - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* model2: Sega Model 2 - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* model2: Sega Model 2 - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* model3: Sega Model 3 - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* model3: Sega Model 3 - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* moto: Thomson MO/TO series - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* moto: Thomson MO/TO series - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
@ -98,6 +97,9 @@
* vpinball: Visual Pinball - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* vpinball: Visual Pinball - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* vsmile: VTech V.Smile - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* vsmile: VTech V.Smile - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* wasm4: WASM-4 Fantasy Console - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* wasm4: WASM-4 Fantasy Console - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* windows: Microsoft Windows - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* windows3x: Microsoft Windows 3.x - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* windows9x: Microsoft Windows 9x - consolegame.svg, controller.svg
* x1: Sharp X1 - consolegame.svg
* x1: Sharp X1 - consolegame.svg
* x68000: Sharp X68000 - consolegame.svg (image of actual console)
* x68000: Sharp X68000 - consolegame.svg (image of actual console)
* zmachine: Infocom Z-machine - consolegame.svg
* zmachine: Infocom Z-machine - consolegame.svg
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<view name="system, gamelist">
<image name="band1">
<image name="band2">
<image name="band3">
<image name="band4">
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
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id="path10" />
d="m 60.078356,6.3896778 h 5.78 v -5.192 h -5.78 z m 0,42.2400002 h 5.78 v -35.143 h -5.78 z"
id="path12" />
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id="path14" />
d="m 111.89936,48.630678 h 5.864 v -17.653 c 0,-8.13 4.827,-13.115 12.307,-13.115 h 0.98 v -5.256 a 18.862,18.862 0 0 0 -2.139,-0.13 c -5.421,0 -9.07,2.92 -11.434,8.854 v -7.845 h -5.578 v 35.145"
id="path16" />
d="m 149.57636,49.579678 c 10.467,0 17.714,-7.252 17.714,-18.523 0,-11.36 -7.245,-18.536 -17.714,-18.536 -10.369,0 -17.562,7.175 -17.562,18.536 0,11.27 7.193,18.523 17.562,18.523 z m 0,-4.363 c -6.694,0 -11.2,-5.215 -11.2,-14.157 0,-9.006 4.425,-14.137 11.2,-14.137 6.803,0 11.291,5.188 11.291,14.137 0,8.894 -4.556,14.157 -11.29,14.157"
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d="m 224.52936,49.579678 c 10.493,0 17.741,-7.252 17.741,-18.523 0,-11.36 -7.245,-18.536 -17.741,-18.536 -10.344,0 -17.547,7.175 -17.547,18.536 0.002,11.27 7.205,18.523 17.547,18.523 z m 0,-4.363 c -6.669,0 -11.187,-5.215 -11.187,-14.157 0,-9.006 4.413,-14.137 11.187,-14.137 6.825,0 11.325,5.188 11.325,14.137 0.002,8.894 -4.582,14.157 -11.325,14.157"
id="path20" />
d="m 257.78636,13.485678 c 0,-0.409 -0.075,-0.881 -0.075,-1.292 0,-4.9720002 2.219,-7.3030002 6.975,-7.3030002 1.095,0 2.696,0.125 4.738,0.466 v -4.366 a 32.256,32.256 0 0 0 -5.794,-0.497 c -7.922,0 -11.661,4.2 -11.661,12.7310002 v 0.259 h -6.953 v 3.854 h 6.953 v 31.874 h 5.817 v -31.874 h 14.768 v 18.208 c 0,4.529 0,7.822 1.61,9.866 2.231,2.905 5.434,4.164 10.072,4.164 1.61,0 3.28,-0.218 4.92,-0.53 v -4.401 c -1.463,0.363 -2.874,0.4 -4.05,0.4 -5.997,0 -6.66,-2.785 -6.66,-9.343 v -18.366 h 9.3 v -3.854 h -9.3 V 4.6036778 l -5.892,0.543 v 8.3340002 h -14.768"
id="path22" />
d="m 171.38636,39.090678 c 1.817,6.27 7.79,9.978 16.388,9.978 8.99,0 14.943,-4.565 14.943,-10.789 0,-5.33 -3.925,-8.088 -12.043,-9.896 -7.509,-1.672 -11.96,-1.776 -11.96,-6.078 0,-3.282 2.972,-5.451 7.94,-5.451 4.695,0 7.75,1.898 8.988,5.45 l 5.408,-1.017 c -1.901,-5.649 -6.962,-8.765 -14.18,-8.765 -8.543,0 -14.012,4.525 -14.012,10.4 0,5.772 3.938,7.996 12.476,9.822 7.166,1.57 11.298,1.962 11.298,6.2 0,3.365 -3.382,5.85 -8.856,5.85 -5.395,0 -9.535,-2.413 -11.116,-6.678 l -5.274,0.974"
id="path24" />
d="m 290.85536,11.075678 c 2.344,0 4.238,1.851 4.238,4.139 0,2.344 -1.849,4.21 -4.184,4.21 a 4.172,4.172 0 0 1 -4.168,-4.185 c 0,-2.272 1.865,-4.164 4.114,-4.164 z m 0.14,-0.69 c -2.743,0 -4.947,2.146 -4.947,4.829 0,2.725 2.16,4.901 4.875,4.901 a 4.86,4.86 0 0 0 4.858,-4.874 c 0.002,-2.642 -2.171,-4.856 -4.786,-4.856 z m 2.215,7.697 -1.17,-2.582 c 0.695,-0.245 1.086,-0.777 1.086,-1.463 0,-0.94 -0.79,-1.608 -1.922,-1.608 h -2.39 v 5.653 h 0.834 v -2.398 h 1.556 l 1.075,2.398 z m -3.562,-3.061 v -1.883 h 1.556 c 0.64,0 1.034,0.336 1.034,0.89 0,0.611 -0.427,0.993 -1.131,0.993 h -1.459"
id="path26" />
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id="path28" />
d="m 287.59736,82.768678 36.122,-0.1 v 14.31 c 5.692,-11.152 16.067,-17.037 29.868,-17.037 24.21,0 33.764,11.75 33.764,37.234002 v 66.326 h -39.408 v -60.838 c 0,-9.397 -3.478,-15.46 -10.212,-15.46 -6.905,0 -11.175,4.886 -11.175,14.283 v 62.017 h -38.96 V 82.768678"
id="path30" />
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id="path32" />
d="m 88.290356,183.42168 h 40.151004 l 18.589,-76.347 19.193,76.347 h 39.344 l 37.982,-133.676002 h -33.682 l -20.23,77.024002 -19.807,-77.524002 h -36.6 l -19.282,78.301002 -19.632004,-78.300002 h -43.848 l 37.822,134.175002"
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d="m 240.23236,74.653678 h 39.452 v -24.883 h -39.451 z m 0,8.015 h 39.452 V 183.42168 h -39.451 z"
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d="m 568.24436,133.23668 c 0,-18.818 -6.34,-27.888 -16.11,-27.888 -9.826,0 -16.113,9.07 -16.113,27.888 0,18.913 6.362,27.962 16.113,27.962 9.848,0 16.11,-9.049 16.11,-27.962 z m -72.84,0 c 0,-32.026 22.775,-53.245002 56.677,-53.245002 34.005,0 56.65,21.220002 56.65,53.245002 0,31.87 -22.647,53.27 -56.65,53.27 -33.9,0 -56.677,-21.4 -56.677,-53.27"
id="path40" />
d="m 843.53736,81.094678 c -1.467,-1.517 -3.134,-2.078 -5.165,-2.078 -2.035,0 -3.88,0.561 -5.337,2.074 a 7.899,7.899 0 0 0 -2.035,5.474 c 0,2.071 0.735,3.777 2.035,5.101 1.462,1.51 3.302,2.08 5.337,2.08 2.033,0 3.682,-0.567 5.165,-2.08 1.302,-1.315 2.036,-3.018 2.036,-5.101 0,-2.272 -0.732,-3.955 -2.036,-5.474 v 0.005 z m -1.103,0.938 c 1.101,1.14 1.658,2.653 1.658,4.53 0,1.69 -0.552,3.025 -1.658,4.347 -1.102,1.136 -2.388,1.703 -4.043,1.703 -1.668,0 -3.135,-0.567 -4.243,-1.703 -1.293,-1.322 -1.856,-2.653 -1.856,-4.347 0,-1.879 0.563,-3.396 1.856,-4.53 1.108,-1.333 2.575,-1.894 4.243,-1.894 1.65,0 2.932,0.561 4.043,1.895 z"
id="path42" />
d="m 841.69536,84.685678 c 0,-1.714 -0.922,-2.464 -2.946,-2.464 h -3.313 v 8.495 h 1.285 v -3.77 h 1.481 l 2.21,3.77 h 1.467 l -2.387,-3.77 c 1.479,-0.194 2.203,-0.95 2.203,-2.26 z m -1.471,-0.2 c 0,0.943 -0.56,1.513 -1.843,1.513 h -1.662 v -2.639 h 1.662 c 1.284,-0.002 1.843,0.372 1.843,1.127 z"
id="path44" />
d="m 803.50705,161.54299 17.54759,-1.6229 q 2.23149,12.3746 8.52022,17.95331 6.28873,5.57871 16.12755,5.57871 8.41879,0 14.70752,-3.85438 6.39016,-3.85438 10.44741,-10.24455 4.05724,-6.49159 6.79588,-17.44615 2.73865,-10.95457 2.73865,-22.31486 0,-1.21717 -0.10144,-3.65152 -5.47728,8.72308 -15.01181,14.20036 -9.43309,5.37585 -20.48909,5.37585 -18.46047,0 -31.24079,-13.38891 -12.78033,-13.38891 -12.78033,-35.298041 0,-22.619147 13.28748,-36.413784 13.38891,-13.794637 33.47228,-13.794637 14.50466,0 26.47353,7.810199 12.07031,7.810199 18.25761,22.314854 6.28873,14.403224 6.28873,41.789639 0,28.50215 -6.1873,45.44115 -6.1873,16.83757 -18.46047,25.66208 -12.17174,8.82452 -28.60358,8.82452 -17.44616,0 -28.50216,-9.63596 -11.05599,-9.7374 -13.28748,-27.28498 z m 74.75476,-65.625961 q 0,-15.721829 -8.41878,-24.952064 -8.31736,-9.230235 -20.08337,-9.230235 -12.17174,0 -21.19911,9.940253 -9.02738,9.940253 -9.02738,25.763513 0,14.200364 8.52022,23.126304 8.62165,8.82451 21.19911,8.82451 12.6789,0 20.79339,-8.82451 8.21592,-8.92594 8.21592,-24.647771 z"
id="path38584" />
d="m 895.34628,195.92815 39.35529,-55.99 -36.41378,-51.729889 h 22.82201 l 16.53328,25.256359 q 4.66583,7.20161 7.5059,12.07031 4.46297,-6.69446 8.21592,-11.86745 l 18.15618,-25.459219 h 21.8077 l -37.22523,50.715579 40.0653,57.00431 h -22.41628 l -22.11199,-33.47228 -5.88301,-9.02738 -28.29929,42.49966 z"
id="path38605" />
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<view name="system">
<text name="info1">
<text>Windows 95 was released by Microsoft in 1995 and</text>
<text name="info2">
<text>while still running on top of MS-DOS it offered a</text>
<text name="info3">
<text>greatly modernized user interface. It introduced the</text>
<text name="info4">
<text>iconic Start menu as well as the taskbar paradigm that</text>
<text name="info5">
<text>is still in use on current Windows releases. Internet</text>
<text name="info6">
<text>connectivity was another major feature for the 9x series</text>
<text name="info7">
<text>with the introduction of the Internet Explorer browser.</text>
Reference in a new issue