mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:43 +00:00
Changed the variable names in CarouselComponent to use 'item' instead of 'logo'.
This commit is contained in:
@ -575,24 +575,24 @@ void GamelistBase::populateList(const std::vector<FileData*>& files, FileData* f
carouselEntry.name = (*it)->getName();
carouselEntry.object = *it;
if (carouselItemType == "" || carouselItemType == "marquee")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getMarqueePath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getMarqueePath();
else if (carouselItemType == "cover")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getCoverPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getCoverPath();
else if (carouselItemType == "3dbox")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->get3DBoxPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->get3DBoxPath();
else if (carouselItemType == "screenshot")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getScreenshotPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getScreenshotPath();
else if (carouselItemType == "titlescreen")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getTitleScreenPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getTitleScreenPath();
else if (carouselItemType == "backcover")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getBackCoverPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getBackCoverPath();
else if (carouselItemType == "miximage")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getMiximagePath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getMiximagePath();
else if (carouselItemType == "fanart")
carouselEntry.data.logoPath = (*it)->getFanArtPath();
carouselEntry.data.itemPath = (*it)->getFanArtPath();
if (carouselDefaultItem != "")
carouselEntry.data.defaultLogoPath = carouselDefaultItem;
carouselEntry.data.defaultItemPath = carouselDefaultItem;
mCarousel->addEntry(carouselEntry, theme);
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ void SystemView::populate()
for (auto it : SystemData::sSystemVector) {
const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme {it->getTheme()};
std::string logoPath;
std::string defaultLogoPath;
std::string itemPath;
std::string defaultItemPath;
if (mLegacyMode && mViewNeedsReload) {
if (mCarousel == nullptr) {
@ -467,9 +467,9 @@ void SystemView::populate()
if (mCarousel != nullptr) {
if (element.second.has("staticItem"))
logoPath = element.second.get<std::string>("staticItem");
itemPath = element.second.get<std::string>("staticItem");
if (element.second.has("defaultItem"))
defaultLogoPath = element.second.get<std::string>("defaultItem");
defaultItemPath = element.second.get<std::string>("defaultItem");
else if (element.second.type == "image") {
@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ void SystemView::populate()
CarouselComponent<SystemData*>::Entry entry;
entry.name = it->getName();
entry.object = it;
entry.data.logoPath = logoPath;
entry.data.defaultLogoPath = defaultLogoPath;
entry.data.itemPath = itemPath;
entry.data.defaultItemPath = defaultItemPath;
mCarousel->addEntry(entry, theme);
if (mTextList != nullptr) {
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
#include "resources/Font.h"
struct CarouselElement {
std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent> logo;
std::string logoPath;
std::string defaultLogoPath;
std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent> item;
std::string itemPath;
std::string defaultItemPath;
template <typename T>
@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ private:
unsigned int mTextBackgroundColor;
std::string mText;
float mLineSpacing;
Alignment mLogoHorizontalAlignment;
Alignment mLogoVerticalAlignment;
float mMaxLogoCount;
glm::vec2 mLogoSize;
float mLogoScale;
float mLogoRotation;
glm::vec2 mLogoRotationOrigin;
Alignment mItemHorizontalAlignment;
Alignment mItemVerticalAlignment;
float mMaxItemCount;
glm::vec2 mItemSize;
float mItemScale;
float mItemRotation;
glm::vec2 mItemRotationOrigin;
unsigned int mCarouselColor;
unsigned int mCarouselColorEnd;
bool mColorGradientHorizontal;
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ CarouselComponent<T>::CarouselComponent()
, mTextColor {0x000000FF}
, mTextBackgroundColor {0xFFFFFF00}
, mLineSpacing {1.5f}
, mLogoHorizontalAlignment {ALIGN_CENTER}
, mLogoVerticalAlignment {ALIGN_CENTER}
, mMaxLogoCount {3.0f}
, mLogoSize {Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.25f, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.155f}
, mLogoScale {1.2f}
, mLogoRotation {7.5f}
, mLogoRotationOrigin {-3.0f, 0.5f}
, mItemHorizontalAlignment {ALIGN_CENTER}
, mItemVerticalAlignment {ALIGN_CENTER}
, mMaxItemCount {3.0f}
, mItemSize {Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.25f, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.155f}
, mItemScale {1.2f}
, mItemRotation {7.5f}
, mItemRotationOrigin {-3.0f, 0.5f}
, mCarouselColor {0}
, mCarouselColorEnd {0}
, mColorGradientHorizontal {true}
@ -167,56 +167,55 @@ void CarouselComponent<T>::addEntry(Entry& entry, const std::shared_ptr<ThemeDat
bool legacyMode {theme->isLegacyTheme()};
// Make logo.
if (legacyMode) {
const ThemeData::ThemeElement* logoElem {
const ThemeData::ThemeElement* itemElem {
theme->getElement("system", "image_logo", "image")};
if (logoElem) {
if (itemElem) {
std::string path;
if (logoElem->has("path"))
path = logoElem->get<std::string>("path");
if (itemElem->has("path"))
path = itemElem->get<std::string>("path");
std::string defaultPath {
logoElem->has("default") ? logoElem->get<std::string>("default") : ""};
itemElem->has("default") ? itemElem->get<std::string>("default") : ""};
if ((!path.empty() && ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(path)) ||
(!defaultPath.empty() && ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(defaultPath))) {
auto logo = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
logo->setMaxSize(glm::round(mLogoSize * mLogoScale));
logo->applyTheme(theme, "system", "image_logo",
auto item = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
item->setMaxSize(glm::round(mItemSize * mItemScale));
item->applyTheme(theme, "system", "image_logo",
ThemeFlags::PATH | ThemeFlags::COLOR);
entry.data.logo = logo;
entry.data.item = item;
else {
if (entry.data.logoPath != "" &&
ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(entry.data.logoPath)) {
auto logo = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
logo->setMaxSize(glm::round(mLogoSize * mLogoScale));
logo->applyTheme(theme, "system", "", ThemeFlags::ALL);
entry.data.logo = logo;
if (entry.data.itemPath != "" &&
ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(entry.data.itemPath)) {
auto item = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
item->setMaxSize(glm::round(mItemSize * mItemScale));
item->applyTheme(theme, "system", "", ThemeFlags::ALL);
entry.data.item = item;
else if (entry.data.defaultLogoPath != "" &&
ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(entry.data.defaultLogoPath)) {
auto defaultLogo = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
defaultLogo->setMaxSize(glm::round(mLogoSize * mLogoScale));
defaultLogo->applyTheme(theme, "system", "", ThemeFlags::ALL);
entry.data.logo = defaultLogo;
else if (entry.data.defaultItemPath != "" &&
ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(entry.data.defaultItemPath)) {
auto defaultItem = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(false, false);
defaultItem->setMaxSize(glm::round(mItemSize * mItemScale));
defaultItem->applyTheme(theme, "system", "", ThemeFlags::ALL);
entry.data.item = defaultItem;
if (!entry.data.logo) {
// If no logo image is present, add logo text as fallback.
if (!entry.data.item) {
// If no item image is present, add item text as fallback.
auto text = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(entry.name, mFont, 0x000000FF, ALIGN_CENTER);
text->setSize(mLogoSize * mLogoScale);
text->setSize(mItemSize * mItemScale);
if (legacyMode) {
text->applyTheme(theme, "system", "text_logoText",
ThemeFlags::FONT_PATH | ThemeFlags::FONT_SIZE | ThemeFlags::COLOR |
@ -233,29 +232,29 @@ void CarouselComponent<T>::addEntry(Entry& entry, const std::shared_ptr<ThemeDat
entry.data.logo = text;
entry.data.item = text;
// Set origin for the logos based on their alignment so they line up properly.
if (mLogoHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT)
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(0, 0.5);
else if (mLogoHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT)
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(1.0, 0.5);
// Set origin for the items based on their alignment so they line up properly.
if (mItemHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT)
entry.data.item->setOrigin(0.0f, 0.5f);
else if (mItemHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT)
entry.data.item->setOrigin(1.0f, 0.5f);
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(0.5, 0.5);
entry.data.item->setOrigin(0.5f, 0.5f);
if (mLogoVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP)
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(entry.data.logo->getOrigin().x, 0);
else if (mLogoVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM)
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(entry.data.logo->getOrigin().x, 1);
if (mItemVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP)
entry.data.item->setOrigin(entry.data.item->getOrigin().x, 0.0f);
else if (mItemVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM)
entry.data.item->setOrigin(entry.data.item->getOrigin().x, 1.0f);
entry.data.logo->setOrigin(entry.data.logo->getOrigin().x, 0.5);
entry.data.item->setOrigin(entry.data.item->getOrigin().x, 0.5f);
glm::vec2 denormalized {mLogoSize * entry.data.logo->getOrigin()};
entry.data.logo->setPosition(glm::vec3 {denormalized.x, denormalized.y, 0.0f});
glm::vec2 denormalized {mItemSize * entry.data.item->getOrigin()};
entry.data.item->setPosition(glm::vec3 {denormalized.x, denormalized.y, 0.0f});
@ -388,57 +387,57 @@ template <typename T> void CarouselComponent<T>::render(const glm::mat4& parentT
// Background box behind logos.
// Background box behind the items.
mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y, mCarouselColor, mCarouselColorEnd,
// Draw logos.
// logoSpacing will also include the size of the logo itself.
glm::vec2 logoSpacing {};
// Draw the items.
// itemSpacing will also include the size of the item itself.
glm::vec2 itemSpacing {0.0f, 0.0f};
float xOff {0.0f};
float yOff {0.0f};
switch (mType) {
case CarouselType::HORIZONTAL_WHEEL:
case CarouselType::VERTICAL_WHEEL:
xOff = std::round((mSize.x - mLogoSize.x) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * logoSpacing.y));
yOff = (mSize.y - mLogoSize.y) / 2.0f;
xOff = std::round((mSize.x - mItemSize.x) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * itemSpacing.y));
yOff = (mSize.y - mItemSize.y) / 2.0f;
case CarouselType::VERTICAL:
logoSpacing.y =
((mSize.y - (mLogoSize.y * mMaxLogoCount)) / (mMaxLogoCount)) + mLogoSize.y;
yOff = (mSize.y - mLogoSize.y) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * logoSpacing.y);
if (mLogoHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT)
xOff = mLogoSize.x / 10.0f;
else if (mLogoHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT)
xOff = mSize.x - (mLogoSize.x * 1.1f);
itemSpacing.y =
((mSize.y - (mItemSize.y * mMaxItemCount)) / (mMaxItemCount)) + mItemSize.y;
yOff = (mSize.y - mItemSize.y) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * itemSpacing.y);
if (mItemHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT)
xOff = mItemSize.x / 10.0f;
else if (mItemHorizontalAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT)
xOff = mSize.x - (mItemSize.x * 1.1f);
xOff = (mSize.x - mLogoSize.x) / 2.0f;
xOff = (mSize.x - mItemSize.x) / 2.0f;
case CarouselType::HORIZONTAL:
logoSpacing.x =
((mSize.x - (mLogoSize.x * mMaxLogoCount)) / (mMaxLogoCount)) + mLogoSize.x;
xOff = std::round((mSize.x - mLogoSize.x) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * logoSpacing.x));
if (mLogoVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP)
yOff = mLogoSize.y / 10.0f;
else if (mLogoVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM)
yOff = mSize.y - (mLogoSize.y * 1.1f);
itemSpacing.x =
((mSize.x - (mItemSize.x * mMaxItemCount)) / (mMaxItemCount)) + mItemSize.x;
xOff = std::round((mSize.x - mItemSize.x) / 2.0f - (mEntryCamOffset * itemSpacing.x));
if (mItemVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP)
yOff = mItemSize.y / 10.0f;
else if (mItemVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM)
yOff = mSize.y - (mItemSize.y * 1.1f);
yOff = (mSize.y - mLogoSize.y) / 2.0f;
yOff = (mSize.y - mItemSize.y) / 2.0f;
int center {static_cast<int>(mEntryCamOffset)};
int logoInclusion {static_cast<int>(std::ceil(mMaxLogoCount / 2.0f))};
int itemInclusion {static_cast<int>(std::ceil(mMaxItemCount / 2.0f))};
bool singleEntry {mEntries.size() == 1};
for (int i = center - logoInclusion; i < center + logoInclusion + 2; ++i) {
for (int i = center - itemInclusion; i < center + itemInclusion + 2; ++i) {
int index {i};
// If there is only a single system, then only render the logo once (in the center).
// If there is only a single entry, then only render the item once (in the center).
if (singleEntry) {
glm::translate(carouselTrans, glm::vec3 {0 + xOff, 0 + yOff, 0.0f}));
@ -448,41 +447,41 @@ template <typename T> void CarouselComponent<T>::render(const glm::mat4& parentT
while (index >= static_cast<int>(mEntries.size()))
index -= static_cast<int>(mEntries.size());
glm::mat4 logoTrans {carouselTrans};
logoTrans = glm::translate(
logoTrans, glm::vec3 {i * logoSpacing.x + xOff, i * logoSpacing.y + yOff, 0.0f});
glm::mat4 itemTrans {carouselTrans};
itemTrans = glm::translate(
itemTrans, glm::vec3 {i * itemSpacing.x + xOff, i * itemSpacing.y + yOff, 0.0f});
float distance {i - mEntryCamOffset};
float scale {1.0f + ((mLogoScale - 1.0f) * (1.0f - fabsf(distance)))};
scale = std::min(mLogoScale, std::max(1.0f, scale));
scale /= mLogoScale;
float scale {1.0f + ((mItemScale - 1.0f) * (1.0f - fabsf(distance)))};
scale = std::min(mItemScale, std::max(1.0f, scale));
scale /= mItemScale;
int opacity {
static_cast<int>(std::round(0x80 + ((0xFF - 0x80) * (1.0f - fabsf(distance)))))};
opacity = std::max(static_cast<int>(0x80), opacity);
const std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent>& comp {mEntries.at(index).data.logo};
const std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent>& comp {mEntries.at(index).data.item};
if (comp == nullptr)
if (mType == CarouselType::VERTICAL_WHEEL || mType == CarouselType::HORIZONTAL_WHEEL) {
comp->setRotationDegrees(mLogoRotation * distance);
comp->setRotationDegrees(mItemRotation * distance);
// When running at lower resolutions, prevent the scale-down to go all the way to
// the minimum value. This avoids potential single-pixel alignment issues when the
// logo can't be vertically placed exactly in the middle of the carousel. Although
// item can't be vertically placed exactly in the middle of the carousel. Although
// the problem theoretically exists at all resolutions, it's not visble at around
// 1080p and above.
if (std::min(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight()) < 1080.0f)
scale = glm::clamp(scale, 1.0f / mLogoScale + 0.01f, 1.0f);
scale = glm::clamp(scale, 1.0f / mItemScale + 0.01f, 1.0f);
comp->setOpacity(static_cast<float>(opacity) / 255.0f);
@ -555,67 +554,67 @@ void CarouselComponent<T>::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme,
if (!theme->isLegacyTheme()) {
if (elem->has("itemScale"))
mLogoScale = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("itemScale"), 0.5f, 3.0f);
mItemScale = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("itemScale"), 0.5f, 3.0f);
if (elem->has("itemSize")) {
// Keep size within a 0.05 and 1.0 multiple of the screen size.
glm::vec2 logoSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("itemSize")};
if (std::max(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) > 1.0f) {
logoSize /= std::max(logoSize.x, logoSize.y);
glm::vec2 itemSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("itemSize")};
if (std::max(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) > 1.0f) {
itemSize /= std::max(itemSize.x, itemSize.y);
else if (std::min(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) < 0.005f) {
float ratio {std::min(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) / 0.005f};
logoSize /= ratio;
else if (std::min(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) < 0.005f) {
float ratio {std::min(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) / 0.005f};
itemSize /= ratio;
// Just an extra precaution if a crazy ratio was used.
logoSize.x = glm::clamp(logoSize.x, 0.005f, 1.0f);
logoSize.y = glm::clamp(logoSize.y, 0.005f, 1.0f);
itemSize.x = glm::clamp(itemSize.x, 0.005f, 1.0f);
itemSize.y = glm::clamp(itemSize.y, 0.005f, 1.0f);
mLogoSize =
logoSize * glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight());
mItemSize =
itemSize * glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight());
if (elem->has("maxItemCount"))
mMaxLogoCount = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxItemCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f);
mMaxItemCount = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxItemCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f);
if (elem->has("itemRotation"))
mLogoRotation = elem->get<float>("itemRotation");
mItemRotation = elem->get<float>("itemRotation");
if (elem->has("itemRotationOrigin"))
mLogoRotationOrigin = elem->get<glm::vec2>("itemRotationOrigin");
mItemRotationOrigin = elem->get<glm::vec2>("itemRotationOrigin");
if (elem->has("itemHorizontalAlignment")) {
const std::string alignment {elem->get<std::string>("itemHorizontalAlignment")};
if (alignment == "left" && mType != CarouselType::HORIZONTAL) {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
else if (alignment == "right" && mType != CarouselType::HORIZONTAL) {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
else if (alignment == "center") {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else {
LOG(LogWarning) << "CarouselComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property "
"<itemHorizontalAlignment> defined as \""
<< alignment << "\"";
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
if (elem->has("itemVerticalAlignment")) {
const std::string alignment {elem->get<std::string>("itemVerticalAlignment")};
if (alignment == "top" && mType != CarouselType::VERTICAL) {
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_TOP;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_TOP;
else if (alignment == "bottom" && mType != CarouselType::VERTICAL) {
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
else if (alignment == "center") {
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else {
LOG(LogWarning) << "CarouselComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property "
"<itemVerticalAlignment> defined as \""
<< alignment << "\"";
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
@ -623,63 +622,63 @@ void CarouselComponent<T>::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme,
// Start of legacy themes only section.
if (elem->has("logoScale"))
mLogoScale = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("logoScale"), 0.5f, 3.0f);
mItemScale = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("logoScale"), 0.5f, 3.0f);
if (elem->has("logoSize")) {
// Keep size within a 0.05 and 1.0 multiple of the screen size.
glm::vec2 logoSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("logoSize")};
if (std::max(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) > 1.0f) {
logoSize /= std::max(logoSize.x, logoSize.y);
glm::vec2 itemSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("logoSize")};
if (std::max(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) > 1.0f) {
itemSize /= std::max(itemSize.x, itemSize.y);
else if (std::min(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) < 0.005f) {
float ratio {std::min(logoSize.x, logoSize.y) / 0.005f};
logoSize /= ratio;
else if (std::min(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) < 0.005f) {
float ratio {std::min(itemSize.x, itemSize.y) / 0.005f};
itemSize /= ratio;
// Just an extra precaution if a crazy ratio was used.
logoSize.x = glm::clamp(logoSize.x, 0.005f, 1.0f);
logoSize.y = glm::clamp(logoSize.y, 0.005f, 1.0f);
itemSize.x = glm::clamp(itemSize.x, 0.005f, 1.0f);
itemSize.y = glm::clamp(itemSize.y, 0.005f, 1.0f);
mLogoSize = logoSize * glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight());
mItemSize = itemSize * glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight());
if (elem->has("maxLogoCount")) {
if (theme->isLegacyTheme())
mMaxLogoCount = std::ceil(glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxLogoCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f));
mMaxItemCount = std::ceil(glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxLogoCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f));
mMaxLogoCount = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxLogoCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f);
mMaxItemCount = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("maxLogoCount"), 0.5f, 30.0f);
if (elem->has("logoRotation"))
mLogoRotation = elem->get<float>("logoRotation");
mItemRotation = elem->get<float>("logoRotation");
if (elem->has("logoRotationOrigin"))
mLogoRotationOrigin = elem->get<glm::vec2>("logoRotationOrigin");
mItemRotationOrigin = elem->get<glm::vec2>("logoRotationOrigin");
if (elem->has("logoAlignment")) {
const std::string alignment {elem->get<std::string>("logoAlignment")};
if (alignment == "left" && mType != CarouselType::HORIZONTAL) {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else if (alignment == "right" && mType != CarouselType::HORIZONTAL) {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_RIGHT;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else if (alignment == "top" && mType != CarouselType::VERTICAL) {
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_TOP;
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_TOP;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else if (alignment == "bottom" && mType != CarouselType::VERTICAL) {
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else if (alignment == "center") {
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
else {
LOG(LogWarning) << "CarouselComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property "
"<logoAlignment> defined as \""
<< alignment << "\"";
mLogoHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mLogoVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemHorizontalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
mItemVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER;
@ -752,7 +751,7 @@ template <typename T> void CarouselComponent<T>::onCursorChanged(const CursorSta
endPos = target - posMax; // Loop around the start (max - 1 -> -1).
// Make sure there are no reverse jumps between logos.
// Make sure there are no reverse jumps between items.
bool changedDirection {false};
if (mPreviousScrollVelocity != 0 && mPreviousScrollVelocity != mScrollVelocity)
changedDirection = true;
Reference in a new issue