You can now map the functions "sortordernext" and "sortorderprevious" to
inputs (in es_input.cfg) and toggle the game list sort order with them.
The order is: "file name, ascending" (default), "file name, descending",
"rating ascending", "rating descending", "user rating ascending", "user
rating descending", "time played ascending", "times played descending",
"last played time ascending", "last played time descending".
Also add a "rating" and "timePlayed" variable to GameData. Some cleanup
in GameData and FolderData. Added sorting functions for rating and
timesPlayed to FolderData. Testing and UI support still tbd.
Folders should now be sorted alphabetically.
Will now fall back to a system font if LinLibertine.ttf is not found.
Added a Menu button.
Began working on a simple menu.