// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE // Settings.cpp // // Functions to read from and write to the configuration file es_settings.xml. // The default values for the application settings are defined here as well. // This class is not thread safe. // #include "Settings.h" #include "GuiComponent.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Scripting.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include #include #include namespace { // These settings are not saved to es_settings.xml. Most can be set using command-line // arguments but a couple are debug flags or used for other application-internal purposes. std::vector settingsSkipSaving { // clang-format off // These options can be set using command-line arguments: "ScreenWidth", // Set via --resolution [width] [height] "ScreenHeight", // set via --resolution [width] [height] "ScreenOffsetX", // Set via --screenoffset [horiz.] [vert.] "ScreenOffsetY", // Set via --screenoffset [horiz.] [vert.] "FullscreenPadding", // Set via --fullscreen-padding [1/on or 0/off] "VSync", // --vsync [1/on or 0/off] "IgnoreGamelist", // --ignore-gamelist "SplashScreen", // --no-splash "ForceFull", // --force-full "ForceKiosk", // --force-kiosk "ForceKid", // --force-kid "Debug", // Whether we're in debug mode. "DebugFlag", // Whether the --debug flag was passed. // These options are only used internally during the application session: "PortableMode", "DebugGrid", "DebugText", "DebugImage", "LegacyAppDataDirectory", "ScraperFilter", "TransitionsSystemToSystem", "TransitionsSystemToGamelist", "TransitionsGamelistToGamelist", "TransitionsGamelistToSystem", "TransitionsStartupToSystem", "TransitionsStartupToGamelist" // clang-format on }; template void saveMap(pugi::xml_document& doc, std::map& map, const std::string& type) { for (auto it = map.cbegin(); it != map.cend(); ++it) { // Key is on the "don't save" list, so don't save it. if (std::find(settingsSkipSaving.cbegin(), settingsSkipSaving.cend(), it->first) != settingsSkipSaving.cend()) { continue; } pugi::xml_node node {doc.append_child(type.c_str())}; node.append_attribute("name").set_value(it->first.c_str()); node.append_attribute("value").set_value(it->second.second); } } } // namespace Settings::Settings() { mWasChanged = false; setDefaults(); if (Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory()) == ".emulationstation") mBoolMap["LegacyAppDataDirectory"] = std::make_pair(true, true); loadFile(); } Settings* Settings::getInstance() { static Settings instance; return &instance; } void Settings::setDefaults() { mBoolMap.clear(); mIntMap.clear(); mStringMap.clear(); // All settings are in pairs of default values and current values. // As such, in this function we set these pairs identically. // // Settings configured via the in-program settings menu. // // Scraper. mStringMap["Scraper"] = {"screenscraper", "screenscraper"}; mStringMap["ScraperUsernameScreenScraper"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["ScraperPasswordScreenScraper"] = {"", ""}; mBoolMap["ScraperUseAccountScreenScraper"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeGameNames"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeRatings"] = {true, true}; // ScreenScraper controller scraping is currently broken, it's unclear if they will fix it. // mBoolMap["ScrapeControllers"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeMetadata"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeVideos"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeScreenshots"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeTitleScreens"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeCovers"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeBackCovers"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeMarquees"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["Scrape3DBoxes"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapePhysicalMedia"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeFanArt"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScrapeManuals"] = {true, true}; mStringMap["MiximageResolution"] = {"1280x960", "1280x960"}; mStringMap["MiximageScreenshotHorizontalFit"] = {"crop", "crop"}; mStringMap["MiximageScreenshotVerticalFit"] = {"contain", "contain"}; mStringMap["MiximageScreenshotAspectThreshold"] = {"high", "high"}; mStringMap["MiximageScreenshotBlankAreasColor"] = {"black", "black"}; mStringMap["MiximageScreenshotScaling"] = {"sharp", "sharp"}; mStringMap["MiximageBoxSize"] = {"medium", "medium"}; mStringMap["MiximagePhysicalMediaSize"] = {"medium", "medium"}; mBoolMap["MiximageGenerate"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageOverwrite"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageRemoveLetterboxes"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageRemovePillarboxes"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageRotateHorizontalBoxes"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageIncludeMarquee"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageIncludeBox"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageCoverFallback"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MiximageIncludePhysicalMedia"] = {true, true}; mStringMap["ScraperRegion"] = {"eu", "eu"}; mStringMap["ScraperLanguage"] = {"en", "en"}; mIntMap["ScraperRetryOnErrorCount"] = {3, 3}; mIntMap["ScraperRetryOnErrorTimer"] = {3, 3}; mIntMap["ScraperSearchFileHashMaxSize"] = {384, 384}; mBoolMap["ScraperOverwriteData"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperIgnoreHTTP404Errors"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperSearchFileHash"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperSearchMetadataName"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperIncludeFolders"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperInteractive"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScraperSemiautomatic"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperRespectExclusions"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperExcludeRecursively"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperConvertUnderscores"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperAutomaticRemoveDots"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScraperRegionFallback"] = {true, true}; // UI settings. mStringMap["Theme"] = {"linear-es-de", "linear-es-de"}; mStringMap["ThemeVariant"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["ThemeColorScheme"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["ThemeFontSize"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["ThemeAspectRatio"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["ThemeTransitions"] = {"automatic", "automatic"}; mStringMap["QuickSystemSelect"] = {"leftrightshoulders", "leftrightshoulders"}; mStringMap["StartupSystem"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["SystemsSorting"] = {"default", "default"}; mStringMap["DefaultSortOrder"] = {"name, ascending", "name, ascending"}; mStringMap["MenuColorScheme"] = {"dark", "dark"}; mStringMap["MenuOpeningEffect"] = {"scale-up", "scale-up"}; mStringMap["LaunchScreenDuration"] = {"normal", "normal"}; mStringMap["UIMode"] = {"full", "full"}; mStringMap["RandomEntryButton"] = {"games", "games"}; // UI settings -> media viewer settings. mStringMap["MediaViewerHelpPrompts"] = {"top", "top"}; mBoolMap["MediaViewerShowTypes"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["MediaViewerKeepVideoRunning"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MediaViewerStretchVideos"] = {false, false}; #if defined(RASPBERRY_PI) mBoolMap["MediaViewerVideoScanlines"] = {false, false}; #else mBoolMap["MediaViewerVideoScanlines"] = {true, true}; #endif mBoolMap["MediaViewerVideoBlur"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["MediaViewerScreenshotScanlines"] = {true, true}; // UI settings -> screensaver settings. mIntMap["ScreensaverTimer"] = {5 * 60 * 1000, 5 * 60 * 1000}; // 5 minutes. mStringMap["ScreensaverType"] = {"video", "video"}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverControls"] = {true, true}; // UI settings -> screensaver settings -> slideshow screensaver settings. mIntMap["ScreensaverSwapImageTimeout"] = {10000, 10000}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowOnlyFavorites"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverStretchImages"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowGameInfo"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowScanlines"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowCustomImages"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowRecurse"] = {false, false}; mStringMap["ScreensaverSlideshowCustomDir"] = {"", ""}; // UI settings -> screensaver settings -> video screensaver settings. mIntMap["ScreensaverSwapVideoTimeout"] = {0, 0}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoOnlyFavorites"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverStretchVideos"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoGameInfo"] = {true, true}; #if defined(RASPBERRY_PI) mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoScanlines"] = {false, false}; #else mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoScanlines"] = {true, true}; #endif mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoBlur"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ThemeVariantTriggers"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MenuBlurBackground"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["FoldersOnTop"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["FavoritesFirst"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["FavoritesStar"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ListScrollOverlay"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["VirtualKeyboard"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["FavoritesAddButton"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["GamelistFilters"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ShowHelpPrompts"] = {true, true}; // Sound settings. mIntMap["SoundVolumeNavigation"] = {70, 70}; mIntMap["SoundVolumeVideos"] = {80, 80}; mBoolMap["ViewsVideoAudio"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["MediaViewerVideoAudio"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoAudio"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["NavigationSounds"] = {true, true}; // Input device settings. mStringMap["InputControllerType"] = {"xbox", "xbox"}; #if defined(__ANDROID__) mStringMap["InputTouchOverlaySize"] = {"medium", "medium"}; mStringMap["InputTouchOverlayOpacity"] = {"normal", "normal"}; mIntMap["InputTouchOverlayFadeTime"] = {6, 6}; mBoolMap["InputTouchOverlay"] = {true, true}; #endif mBoolMap["InputOnlyFirstController"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["InputSwapButtons"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["InputIgnoreKeyboard"] = {false, false}; // Game collection settings. mStringMap["CollectionSystemsAuto"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["CollectionSystemsCustom"] = {"", ""}; mStringMap["CollectionCustomGrouping"] = {"unthemed", "unthemed"}; mBoolMap["FavFirstCustom"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["FavStarCustom"] = {false, false}; // Other settings. mStringMap["MediaDirectory"] = {"", ""}; #if defined(STEAM_DECK) || defined(RETRODECK) mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = {512, 512}; #elif defined(RASPBERRY_PI) mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = {192, 192}; #else mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = {512, 512}; #endif #if !defined(USE_OPENGLES) mIntMap["AntiAliasing"] = {0, 0}; #endif mIntMap["DisplayIndex"] = {1, 1}; mIntMap["ScreenRotate"] = {0, 0}; #if defined(__APPLE__) mStringMap["KeyboardQuitShortcut"] = {"CmdQ", "CmdQ"}; #else mStringMap["KeyboardQuitShortcut"] = {"AltF4", "AltF4"}; #endif mStringMap["SaveGamelistsMode"] = {"always", "always"}; mStringMap["ApplicationUpdaterFrequency"] = {"always", "always"}; mStringMap["ApplicationUpdaterDownloadDirectory"] = {"", ""}; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) mBoolMap["ApplicationUpdaterPrereleases"] = {false, false}; #endif #if defined(_WIN64) mBoolMap["HideTaskbar"] = {false, false}; #endif #if !defined(__ANDROID__) mBoolMap["RunInBackground"] = {false, false}; #endif #if defined(VIDEO_HW_DECODING) mBoolMap["VideoHardwareDecoding"] = {false, false}; #endif #if defined(STEAM_DECK) || defined(RETRODECK) mBoolMap["VideoUpscaleFrameRate"] = {true, true}; #else mBoolMap["VideoUpscaleFrameRate"] = {false, false}; #endif mBoolMap["AlternativeEmulatorPerGame"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ShowHiddenFiles"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["ShowHiddenGames"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["CustomEventScripts"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ParseGamelistOnly"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["MAMENameStripExtraInfo"] = {true, true}; #if defined(__unix__) && !defined(__ANDROID__) mBoolMap["DisableComposition"] = {false, false}; #endif #if defined(__ANDROID__) mBoolMap["BackEventAppExit"] = {true, true}; #endif mBoolMap["DebugMode"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DisplayGPUStatistics"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["EnableMenuKidMode"] = {false, false}; // macOS requires root privileges to reboot and power off so it doesn't make much // sense to enable this setting and menu entry for that operating system. #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__ANDROID__) mBoolMap["ShowQuitMenu"] = {false, false}; #endif // // Settings configured via command-line arguments. // // Options listed using --help mBoolMap["Debug"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ForceFull"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ForceKid"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["ForceKiosk"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["IgnoreGamelist"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["SplashScreen"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["VSync"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["FullscreenPadding"] = {false, false}; mIntMap["ScreenWidth"] = {0, 0}; mIntMap["ScreenHeight"] = {0, 0}; mIntMap["ScreenOffsetX"] = {0, 0}; mIntMap["ScreenOffsetY"] = {0, 0}; // // Settings that can be changed in es_settings.xml // but that are not configurable via the GUI. // mBoolMap["DebugSkipInputLogging"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugSkipMissingThemeFiles"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugSkipMissingThemeFilesCustomCollections"] = {true, true}; mBoolMap["LegacyGamelistFileLocation"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["CreatePlaceholderSystemDirectories"] = {false, false}; mStringMap["OpenGLVersion"] = {"", ""}; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) mStringMap["ROMDirectory"] = {"", ""}; #endif mStringMap["UIMode_passkey"] = {"uuddlrlrba", "uuddlrlrba"}; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) mStringMap["UserThemeDirectory"] = {"", ""}; #endif mIntMap["LottieMaxFileCache"] = {150, 150}; mIntMap["LottieMaxTotalCache"] = {1024, 1024}; mIntMap["ScraperConnectionTimeout"] = {30, 30}; mIntMap["ScraperTransferTimeout"] = {120, 120}; // // Hardcoded or program-internal settings. // mIntMap["ApplicationRelease"] = {0, 0}; mStringMap["ApplicationUpdaterLastCheck"] = {"", ""}; mBoolMap["PortableMode"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugFlag"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugGrid"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugText"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["DebugImage"] = {false, false}; mBoolMap["LegacyAppDataDirectory"] = {false, false}; mIntMap["ScraperFilter"] = {0, 0}; mIntMap["TransitionsSystemToSystem"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; mIntMap["TransitionsSystemToGamelist"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; mIntMap["TransitionsGamelistToGamelist"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; mIntMap["TransitionsGamelistToSystem"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; mIntMap["TransitionsStartupToSystem"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; mIntMap["TransitionsStartupToGamelist"] = {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT, ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; } void Settings::saveFile() { std::string path; if (mBoolMap["LegacyAppDataDirectory"].second == true) { path = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_settings.xml"; } else { path = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings/es_settings.xml"; } pugi::xml_document doc; saveMap>(doc, mBoolMap, "bool"); saveMap>(doc, mIntMap, "int"); saveMap>(doc, mFloatMap, "float"); for (auto it = mStringMap.cbegin(); it != mStringMap.cend(); ++it) { if (std::find(settingsSkipSaving.cbegin(), settingsSkipSaving.cend(), it->first) != settingsSkipSaving.cend()) { continue; } pugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child("string"); node.append_attribute("name").set_value(it->first.c_str()); node.append_attribute("value").set_value(it->second.second.c_str()); } #if defined(_WIN64) doc.save_file(Utils::String::stringToWideString(path).c_str()); #else doc.save_file(path.c_str()); #endif Scripting::fireEvent("config-changed"); Scripting::fireEvent("settings-changed"); } void Settings::loadFile() { std::string path; if (mBoolMap["LegacyAppDataDirectory"].second == true) path = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_settings.xml"; else path = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings/es_settings.xml"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) return; pugi::xml_document doc; #if defined(_WIN64) pugi::xml_parse_result result {doc.load_file(Utils::String::stringToWideString(path).c_str())}; #else pugi::xml_parse_result result {doc.load_file(path.c_str())}; #endif if (!result) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't parse the es_settings.xml file: " << result.description(); return; } for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("bool"); node; node = node.next_sibling("bool")) setBool(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_bool()); for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("int"); node; node = node.next_sibling("int")) setInt(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_int()); for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("float"); node; node = node.next_sibling("float")) setFloat(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_float()); for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("string"); node; node = node.next_sibling("string")) setString(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_string()); } // Macro to create the get and set functions for the various data types. #define SETTINGS_GETSET(type, mapName, getFunction, getDefaultFunction, setFunction) \ type Settings::getFunction(const std::string& name) \ { \ if (mapName.find(name) == mapName.cend()) { \ LOG(LogError) << "Tried to use unset setting " << name; \ } \ return mapName[name].second; \ } \ type Settings::getDefaultFunction(const std::string& name) \ { \ if (mapName.find(name) == mapName.cend()) { \ LOG(LogError) << "Tried to use unset setting " << name; \ } \ return mapName[name].first; \ } \ bool Settings::setFunction(const std::string& name, type value) \ { \ if (mapName.count(name) == 0 || mapName[name].second != value) { \ mapName[name].second = value; \ \ if (std::find(settingsSkipSaving.cbegin(), settingsSkipSaving.cend(), name) == \ settingsSkipSaving.cend()) \ mWasChanged = true; \ \ return true; \ } \ return false; \ } // Parameters for the macro defined above. SETTINGS_GETSET(bool, mBoolMap, getBool, getDefaultBool, setBool) SETTINGS_GETSET(int, mIntMap, getInt, getDefaultInt, setInt) SETTINGS_GETSET(float, mFloatMap, getFloat, getDefaultFloat, setFloat) SETTINGS_GETSET(const std::string&, mStringMap, getString, getDefaultString, setString)